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Cover Design: Gustav Spiess and Sebastian Dobson
Date 日時
4 – 5 December 2010 2010 年 12 月 4・5 日
Venue 会場
German Cultural Center/OAG-Haus
7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku, 107-0052 Tokyo-to
Location: http://www.oag.jp/kontakt/
〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂 7-5-56
OAG ハウス
Simultaneous translation (English/Japanese) provided
◆ 日英同時通訳付 ◆
Organized by 主催
Sophia University, Faculty of Liberal Arts 上智大学国際教養学部
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (OAG) OAG-ドイツ
Supported by 後援
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research,
Research Project no. 20320116) 日本学術振興会(科学研究費補助金 課題番号
Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) フリードリヒ・エーベルト財団(FES)
Goethe-Institut Tokyo Goethe-Institut 東京ドイツ文化センター
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Japan 在日ドイツ大使館
Sophia University, 7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554
上智大学 102-8554 東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1
Organization 企画担当: Sven Saaler
2010 年 12 月 4(土)
13:00 – 13:30 開会挨拶
Karin Yamaguchi (OAG - ドイツ東洋文化研究協会)
Sven Saaler (上智大学)
Volker Stanzel ( 駐日ドイツ連邦共和国大使): 「『維新』とは復古か革命
か― 幕末思想における政治的将来構想」
13:30 – 15:30 パネル I: 国家建設の初期段階における日独相互イメージ
司会:Sven Saaler (上智大学)
1. 福岡万里子(東京大学):プロイセンか北ドイツか? 幕末のドイツ知識
2. Sebastian Dobson: 梅花屋での「日本画策」:プロイセン東アジア遠征団
3. 鈴木楠緒子(神奈川大学): 19 世紀第三四半期に於ける日独相互イメー
4. 箱石大(東京大学):戊辰戦争期の日本におけるプロイセンのイメージ
15:30 – 15:45 休憩
15:45 – 18:15 パネル II: 明治期は日独関係の「黄金時代」か?
5. 加藤陽子(東京大学): 明治期における日本陸軍のドイツ観
6. Heinrich Menkhaus(明治大学):明治期におけるドイツ法律家の日本観
7. Rolf-Harald-Wippich(上智大学):風刺画家から観た日本:帝政ドイツに
8. Peter Pantzer (ボン大学名誉教授): ドイツとオーストリアの絵葉書に観
9. 工藤章(東京大学名誉教授):第1次世界大戦と日本における「総力戦」
18:30 – 20:30 レセプション
13:00 – 13:30 Opening of the Conference
Karin Yamaguchi (OAG)
Sven Saaler (Sophia University)
Volker Stanzel (Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Japan): Nippon,
Old or New? Political Visions of Bakumatsu Japan
13:30 – 15:30 Panel I: Japanese-German Images During the Early Stages of
Nation-Building, 1860-1880 (Chair: Sven Saaler, Sophia University)
1. Fukuoka Mariko (The University of Tokyo): Prussia or North-Germany?
Germany-related Knowledge and the Prussian-Japanese Treaty-Negotiations in
2. Sebastian Dobson (Independent Researcher): Staging Japan at the Plum Blossom
Mansion: A Photographic Episode from the Prussian East Asian Expedition of
3. Suzuki Naoko (Kanagawa University): Japanese-German Perceptions in the 3rd
quarter of the 19th century. With special reference to the experiences of the
Eulenburg Mission and the Japanese missions to the West
4. Hakoishi Hiroshi (The University of Tokyo): The Image of Prussia in Japanese
Media during the Boshin Civil War, 1868/69
15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 – 18:15 Panel II: The Meiji Era as a “Golden Era” in Japanese-German
Relations? (Chair: Takii Kazuhiro, International Research Center for Japanese
5. Katō Yōko (The University of Tokyo): The Japanese Imperial Army’s Image of
Germany during the Meiji Period
6. Heinrich Menkhaus (Meiji University): Japan Images of German Law Experts in
Meiji Japan
7. Rolf-Harald-Wippich (Sophia University): The Japanese in the Cartoonist’s
View: Kladderadatsch and Simplicissimus in Imperial Germany
8. Peter Pantzer (Prof. emer. Bonn University): Japan in German and Austrian
Collectors’ Postcards, 1880-1914
9. Kudō Akira (Prof. emer. The University of Tokyo): The First World War and
Perceptions of “Total War” in Japan
18:30 – 20:30 Reception
2010 年 12 月 5 日(日)
10:00 – 12.00 パネル III: 1930 年代における「精神的近似性」の再確認
10. 田嶋信雄(成城大学):ナチズム期ドイツ高官の日本イメージ
11. 田野大輔(甲南大学)日本における歓喜力行団
12. 中村綾乃(お茶の水女子大学): 日本の警察が見たドイツ人コミュニテ
13. Hans-Joachim Bieber(カッセル大学名誉教授): ナチスドイツにおける日
12:00 – 13:00 昼食
13:00 – 15:00 パネル IV: 戦時プロパガンダと日独関係の美化
司会:Christian W. Spang(筑波大学)
14. Gerhard Krebs (Independent Researcher): ナチスドイツの言論における日本
15. Danny Orbach(ハーバード大学): ナチスドイツにおける親衛隊(SS)
16. Michael Baskett(カンザス大学): 確実な啓蒙?日独映画における表象
15:00 – 15:30 休憩
15:30 – 17:30 パネル V: 戦後における日独相互認識:過去の克服か過去の再
17. 川喜田敦子(大阪大学): 「過去」をめぐる自己他者イメージから考え
18. 佐藤卓己(京都大学):戦後日本のサブカルチャーにおけるナチ・イメ
19. Matthew Penney (コンコルディア大学): タンクトレドからガータベル
20. 岩佐托朗 (大阪経済大):1970 年代以降のドイツ及びヨーロッパの日本
17:30-18:00 閉会の挨拶
Sven Saaler (上智大学)
Wolfgang Thierse (ドイツ連邦議会副議長)
10:00 – 12:00 Panel III: The 1930s: Re-Affirmation of a “Spiritual Bond”? (Chair:
Ishida Yûji, The University of Tokyo)
1. Tajima Nobuo (Seijō University): The Japan Image of the Elites in Nazi
2. Tano Daisuke (Kōnan University): The “Strength through Joy” (KdF) in Japan
3. Nakamura Ayano (Ochanomizu University): Multiple images of the German
Community in Japan seen through the Japanese Police Records -- From Mentor
to Spy, from Ally to Enemy
4. Hans-Joachim Bieber (Prof. emer. Kassel University): Images of GermanJapanese similarities and affinities in National-Socialist Germany
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:00 Panel IV: War Propaganda and Beautification of Japanese-German
Relationship(s) (Chair: Christian W. Spang, The University of Tsukuba)
5. Gerhard Krebs: Japanese Heroism in German Perspective during the Nazi Era
6. Danny Orbach (Harvard University): Colonialism through the mirror: Japan in
the eyes of the SS and the National-Conservative German Resistance
7. Michael Baskett (University of Kansas): Guaranteed Enlightenment? Charting
Japanese/German Cinematic Representations
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:30 Panel V: Postwar Japanese-German Perceptions: Overcoming or ReAffirming the Past? (Chair: Ishida Yûji, The University of Tokyo)
8. Kawakita Atsuko (Osaka University): Postwar Japanese-German Relations:
Reconsidering Images of the "Self" and the "Other" in Discussions about the
9. Satō Takumi (Kyōto University): Consumption of Nazi-Images in Postwar
Japanese Subculture
10. Matthew Penney (Concordia University): From Tank Treads to Garter Belts -Nazi Pop, Media Forms, and Critical Moments in Japan
11. Iwasa Takurō (Osaka University of Economics): German and European
Academic Images of Japan since the 1970s
17:30 – 18:00 Closing Remarks
Sven Saaler (Sophia University)
Nakai Akio (Professor emeritus, Sophia University)
Wolfgang Thierse (Vice-President of the German Bundestag)
日本とドイツの二国間関係がまもなく 150 周年を迎えようとしている。その中
いて、その関係が始まる 1860・1861 年のオイレンブルグ使節団から現在にい
本シンポジウムは、日本学術振興会(JSPS)より平成 20~22 年度の科学研究
費補助金の助成を受け(課題番号 20320116、2008-2011 年、詳細は
http://japanesehistory.de/wordpress/?page_id=152 を参照)、また日独交流 150 周年
Aims of the Conference
This conference aims at exploring the development of mutual perceptions in JapaneseGerman relations and analyzing the influence of the visual imagery on the bilateral
relationship between the two countries. Japanese-German relations had their beginnings
in the Eulenburg mission to Japan in 1860/61 and will soon be able to look back on a
history spanning 150 years. The history of the relationship between these two major
countries has been receiving increasing attention in academic research as well as in the
public arena. This conference proposes studying the relationship from the perspective of
“mutual images” – analyzing Japanese-German relations from the angle of mutual
perceptions, with emphasis on the investigation of visual sources, the processes
underlying the visualization of mutual images; and the changes such images have
undergone, as well as key determining factors in the national and international
This conference is part of a three-year research project funded by the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research
Project no. 20320116 (2008-2011; see
http://japanesehistory.de/wordpress/?page_id=152 for details) and an event in the 150th
anniversary year of Japanese-German relations (http://www.dj150.jp/).
Outlines of Presentations
Introduction of Presenters
2010 年 12 月 4 日
4 December 2010
Volker Stanzel : 「『維新』とは復古か革命か ー 幕末思想における政治的将来構
日本学、中国学、政治学)。1979 年ドイツ連邦共和国外務省に入省後、ローマ、
派外交担当(1995~98 年)、ジャーマン・マーシャル・ファンド(GMF、本部
ワシントン)フェロー(1998~99 年)。本省政務局長代理(アジア政策担当、
2001 年 8 月~2002 年 6 月)、政務局長(2002 年 7 月~2004 年 7 月)の各ポスト
を経て、駐中国大使(2004~07 年)。本省政務総局長として勤務後、現在まで
World of Warring States: China’s Perception and Possibilities of its International Role」
(1997 年)、「NATO after Enlargement」(1998 年)、「Dealing with the Backwoods:
New Problems in Transatlantic Relations」(1999 年)、「Remembering and Forgetting:
But Will the Past Forget about us?」(2001 年)がある。またドイツ語による著書に
は「Japan, Haupt der Erde」(1982 年)、「Im Wind des Wandels. Ostasiens neue
Revolution 」( 1997 年 )、「 Chinas Außenpolitik 」( 2001 年 )、「 Deutschlands
Verteidigung am Hindukusch: Das Experiment Afghanistan」(2005 年)などがある。
Volker Stanzel : Nippon, Old or New? Political Visions of Bakumatsu Japan
Japan’s answer to the challenge of colonialism was of a singular character, also when
compared to that of other countries which managed to keep their independence such as
Siam or Ethiopia. It also was, into the 1930s, singular in the adaptation of an
expansionist foreign policy based on military strength. Therefore an examination is of
considerable interest, whether the decision in favour of such a radical breach with
Japan’s previous policy of seclusion evolved only in the course of the bakufu’s early
negotiations with the Western powers, or whether it had been prepared in advance in
some way among the political elite of the country. And furthermore: Was the objective
envisaged a strategy for the protection of the country, or was it, at least in certain
elements, already something like an idea for a comprehensive overhaul of Japan? If the
former was true, then indeed a “restoration” in a sense yet to be defined would have the
purpose. In the case of the latter there would have been necessary at the very least some
inkling of what a true modernisation would mean for Japan, or there would have had to
be grave misunderstandings as for as the consequences of such a modernisation. The
author of the lecture has tried to gather a number of indications so as to aid an answer
that question at least for the first half of the 19th century.
Dr. Volker Stanzel
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Japan. Volker Stanzel took Japanese
and Chinese Studies and Political Science at the universities of Frankfurt, Kyoto and
Cologne and received his PhD from Cologne University. He joined the German Foreign
Service in 1979 and has worked at the German Embassies in Rome, Tokyo, Aden and
Peking. From 1995 to 1998 he served as Foreign Policy Advisor to the Social
Democratic Party of Germany in the German Bundestag; in 1998/1999 he was a Visiting
Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington. Further posts
in the German Federal Foreign Office included Director for Asian & Pacific Affairs
(August 2001 to June 2002) and Director-General for Political Affairs (July 2002 to July
2004). After having served as German Ambassador to China from 2004 to 2007 Volker
Stanzel was appointed Political Director of the Federal Foreign Office before assuming
his current position as German Ambassador to Japan in 2009.
Volker Stanzel occasionally publishes on political and East Asian affairs. His
publications in English include: “A World of Warring States: China’s Perception and
Possibilities of its International Role,” 1997, “NATO after Enlargement,”1998,
“Dealing with the Backwoods: New Problems in Transatlantic Relations,” 1999,
“Remembering and Forgetting: But Will the Past Forget about us?,”2001. Books
published in German include Japan: Head of the Earth, 1982; Winds of Change: East
Asia's New Revolution, 1997; China's Foreign Policy, 2001; The Defence of Germany at
the Hindukush: The Afghanistan Experiment, 2005.
パネル I: 国家建設の初期段階における日独相互イメージ(1860-1880)
司会:Sven Saaler
ン大学で日本学、歴史学、政治学を学び、計 4 年間金沢大学で留学を経て、
1999 年ボン大学文学部日本研究科博士号取得。マールブルグ大学日本研究セン
ター講師、ドイツ-日本研究所人文科学研究部部長、東京大学 大学院総合文化研
究科・教養学部准教授を経て、2008 年 10 月より現職。
主著には『大正デモクラシーと陸軍』(独文、1999 年)、『日本における歴史記
憶、歴史認識と政治』(英文、2005 年)、共編著に『近現代日本史に於けるアジ
使の写真帖より』(和独文、2007 年)、『近現代日本における歴史記憶の諸相』
(英文、2008)、『史料でみる汎アジア主義』(英文、2011 年)など論文多数があ
る。現在、セバスチャン・ドブソン氏との共著で、1860~61 年の日本へのプロ
Panel I: Japanese-German Images During the Early Stages of Nation-Building,
1860-1880 (Chair: Sven Saaler)
Sven Saaler
Associate Professor of Modern Japanese History at Sophia University in Tōkyō. He was
formerly Head of the Humanities Section of the German Institute for Japanese Studies
(DIJ) and Associate Professor at The University of Tokyo. He has written a monograph
on recent history debates in Japan (Politics, Memory and Public Opinion, 2005) and
articles on the history textbook controversy, the Yasukuni question and the historical
development and significance of Pan-Asianism. Together with J. Victor Koschmann, he
has edited Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History (Routledge, 2007), with Wolfgang
Schwentker The Power of Memory in Modern Japan (Global Oriental, 2008) and with
Christopher W. A. Szpilman Pan-Asianism: A Documentary History (Rowman &
Littlefield, 2011). He also is co-author of Impressions of an Imperial Envoy. Karl von
Eisendecher in Meiji Japan (in German and Japanese, 2007). In collaboration with
Sebastian Dobson he is currently completing a book on the artistic legacy of the Prussian
Expedition to Japan during 1860-61.
Prusso-Japanese Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation (1861)
日普修好通商条約 (1861 年)
福岡万里子:プロイセンか北ドイツか? 幕末のドイツ知識と日本=プロイセン
日独間の外交関係の発足は、約 150 年前の 1861 年 1 月 24 日、日本とプロイセ
遠征の実施背景について」(洋学史学会研究年報『洋学』第 17 号、2009 年)、
第 741 号、2010 年)、「幕末開国史と日蘭追加条約-幕府の〈開国宣言〉流布
の過程」(日蘭学会編集『日蘭学会会誌』第 34 巻第 1 号、2010 年)、「幕末の
対プロイセン条約交渉と開港延期問題」(史学会編集『史学雑誌』119-06 号、
2010 年)などがある。
Fukuoka Mariko: Prussia or North-Germany? Germany-related Knowledge and
the Prussian-Japanese Treaty-Negotiations in 1860-61
Japanese-German diplomatic relations date back to the end of the Edo Period, about 150
years ago: On 24 January 1861, the Prusso-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and
Navigation was concluded between Japan and Prussia. However, the intention of the
mission was originally to conclude the treaty between Japan and more than two dozen
of German states, including those belonging to the German Customs Union. During the
period of this treaty-negotiation, a mysterious incident occurred: Suicide, or Harakiri, of
the Japanese plenipotentiary, Gaikoku Bugyō (Governor of foreign affairs) Hori
Toshihiro. It is very probable that this suicide was related to the treaty negotiations,
which was at that time in the midst of confusion due to the question how many German
states would be included in the treaty. In this sense, he could be called the first “victim”
of Japanese-German relations. This paper will first clarify the Germany-related
knowledge at that time, especially knowledge of the political situation in Germany.
Then I will analyze the background, before the incident occurred, by examining the
process of the treaty negotiations and the state of affairs in the interior of Japan at that
Fukuoka Mariko
Ph.D. candidate at The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Department of Language and Information Sciences. She specializes in the history of
international relations concerning Japan in 1850s and 1860s. At present, her doctoral
dissertation on the Prussian Expedition to East-Asia (1860-62) and its negotiations with
Japan is under final examination. Her recent articles are: “Influences of the SituationChanges in East-Asia during the 1850s on German States, esp. Hanseatic cities and
Prussia: Examination of the Background of the Prussian East Asian Expedition” (The
Yōgaku: Annals of the Society for the History of Western Learning in Japan, vol.17,
2009); “The Formation of Shogunate-Diplomacy on Treaty-Conclusion after 1858”
(Nihon Rekishi, vol. 741, 2010); “A Reexamination of the Significance of the DutchJapanese Supplementary Treaty of 1857: The Circulation of the ‘Opening-Declaration’
of the Shogunate” (Nichiran Gakkai Kaishi: The Bulletin of the Japanese-Netherlands
Institute, vol. 34, no.1, 2010); “Negotiations over the Prussian-Japanese Treaty of 1861
in Relation to the Postponement of Port-Openings” (Shigaku Zasshi, vol. CXIX, 2010)
(all in Japanese).
Sebastian Dobson: 梅花屋での「日本画策」:プロイセン東アジア遠征団(186061)からの写真史上のエピソード
感じのよい給仕の少女たちで有名な大森の梅屋敷が、1860 年秋、プロイセン東
訓 練 生 た ち に 偶 然 遭 遇 し た こ と か ら 幸 運 に も 「 若 い ド イ ツ 」 (“JungDeutschland“)と「若い日本」(“Jung-Nippon“)のコンビネーションの寓話的イメ
ってドイツ語圏ヨーロッパ諸国へと即座に広まり、その後およそ 20 年にわた
政策に関して、また 19 世紀半ばの写真と伝統的メディアとの関係が時として
ボストン美術館より出版された「芸術と技巧 明治時代の日本写真」(2004 年)
および「明確に記録された戦争:歴史と想像における日露戦争」 (2005 年)が
あり、また「19 世紀の写真百科事典」(2007 年)において日本の項目に参加。
2008 年には、その卓越した研究成果について日本写真芸術学会奨励賞を受賞。
現在、スヴェン・サーラ氏との共著で、1860~61 年の日本へのプロイセン艦隊
Sebastian Dobson: Staging Japan at the Plum Blossom Mansion: A Photographic
Episode from the Prussian East Asian Expedition of 1860-61
Famed as much for its scenic location on the edge of Edo as for its welcoming teahouses
and friendly serving girls, the Umeyashiki (Plum Blossom Mansion) in Ōmori was the
unlikely stage in the autumn of 1860 for an encounter between the artists and
photographers of the Prussian East Asian Expedition on one hand and ordinary Japanese
on the other. Following the Prussians’ visit to Ōmori, the artist Wilhelm Heine proudly
reported how, under his direction, “shadow pictures [were] brought home on the glass
plate” (“Schattenrisse [wurden] auf
der Glasplatte heimgetragen”) depicting
representative groups of Japanese passers-by, and even, thanks to the fortuitous arrival
on the scene of a group of Prussian naval cadets on shore leave, an allegorical image of
“Jung-Deutschland” (Young Germany) and “Jung-Niphon” (Young Japan) in happy
combination. This photographic portfolio quickly reached a mass audience in Germanspeaking Europe through the contemporary medium of the illustrated magazine, and
enjoyed an afterlife in other media for almost twenty years. As this paper will show, this
episode raises interesting questions about the element of stage-management employed
by early photographers in creating an authentic image of Japan and its inhabitants, as
well as the often uneasy relationship that existed between photography and more
traditional media in the mid-nineteenth century
Sebastian Dobson
Independent scholar of the history of photography based in Antwerp, Belgium. His
recent publications include Art and Artifice: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era
(2004) and A Well-Recorded War: The Russo-Japanese War in History and Imagery
(2005), both published by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, as well as the entry on
Japan in the Encyclopedia of Nineteenth Century Photography (2007). In 2008 he was
awarded the annual prize for research excellence by the Nihon Shashin Geijutsu Gakkai
(Japan Society for Arts and History of Photography). In collaboration with Sven Saaler
he is currently completing a book on the artistic legacy of the Prussian Expedition to
Japan during 1860-61.
鈴木楠緒子: 19 世紀第三四半期に於ける日独相互イメージの形成―オイレンブ
近代日独関係は 1860 年にプロイセン政府が初めて「小ドイツ」を代表して派
あった幕府も、1860 年代にはと遣米使節団と遣欧使節団を立て続けに派遣する。
鈴木 楠緒子
神奈川大学外国語学部非常勤講師(ドイツ近代史)。1972 年日本生まれ。上智
博士前期課程修了、2004 年名古屋大学大学院文学研究科西洋史学博士後期課程
修了、博士(歴史学)取得。名古屋大学大学院文学研究科 COE 研究員、日本
名城大学理工学部、山梨県立大学国際政策学部非常勤講師などを経て、2009 年
4 月より現職。主な業績は、「ドイツ帝国創建と在華ドイツ人管理・管轄問題
2010 年掲載決定)、「アジア探訪者ケンペルの顕彰史」(和文、『歴史の場―
史蹟・記念碑・記憶―』、2010 年)、「オイレンブルク使節団とプロイセン自
112-1、2003 年)など
Suzuki Naoko: Japanese-German Perceptions in the 3rd quarter of the 19th
century. With special reference to the experiences of the Eulenburg Mission and
the Japanese missions to the West
Modern Japanese-German relationship started with the Eulenburg Mission's visit to
Japan in 1860, sent by the Prussian government on behalf of "Lesser Germany."
Although the final treaty was concluded only with Prussia and Japan, it is well-known
that the mission’s reports on Japan became the origin of the ‘Japan’ image in Germany
at that time.
The Tokugawa Shogunate, on the other hand, which had only received Western missions
demanding treaties from it, sent in the 1860s its own missions to the western countries
in relative succession. As a result, various Japanese reports on the West appeared too.
However, such interactive moments have not been considered enough by former studies
dealing with the Japanese-German perception history of this era. This paper, therefore,
first, reconsiders the experiences before and after the establishment of diplomatic
relations between the countries. Then, the Germany images in the reports by the
members of the Japanese missions to the West as well as the Japan images by Germans
will be discussed. Finally, by comparing the images above with the ones in the early
Meiji period, a conclusion and an outlook for the next period will be given.
Suzuki Naoko
Part-time lecturer of modern German history at Kanagawa University in Yokohama.
She was formerly a postdoctoral fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science at the University of Konstanz in Germany, and lectured part-time at many
universities in Japan. Her most recent academic articles are: “The founding of the
German Empire and the issue of jurisdiction over German residents of China: The case
of the Oppert Adventure” (in Japanese, Shigaku Zasshi, no. 119-12, 2010); “The History
of honoring Engelbert Kaempfer, a Traveler to Asia” (in Japanese, Places of histories:
historical sites, monuments, and memories, 2010 ); “The Eulenburg Mission and
Prussian Liberals in Relation to the Foundation of a United Lesser Germany” (in
Japanese, Shigaku Zasshi, no. 112-1, 2003) .
箱石 大
東京大学史料編纂所准教授(日本近世史・幕末維新史)。1993 年、国学院大学
教授を経て、2007 年 4 月より現職。主要論文は、「公武合体による朝幕関係の
再編」(『新しい近世史 1・国家と秩序』新人物往来社、1996、のち『幕末維
新論集 3・幕政改革』吉川弘文館、2001、に再録)、「幕末・維新期における
Hakoishi Hiroshi: The Image of Prussia in Japanese Media during the Boshin Civil
War, 1868/69
The Boshin War began in January 1868 with the Battle of Toba and Fushimi (near
Kyoto), and it ended the following year in May with the Battle of Hakodate. For
modern Japan this was a critical turning point. The end of the Edo period (bakumatsu)
in Japan also holds the special distinction of having witnessed a tremendous surge in the
printing of foreign media materials such as newspapers and magazines. At that time, the
foreign concession in Yokohama printed a satirical picture magazine entitled “Japan
Punch.” It quickly surfaced in this publication that in place of French minister Roche
(backing the bakufu in opposition to British minister Parkes, who supported the antiShogunate forces), the head of the Prussian legation, Maximilian von Brandt, was
expected to enter into an alliance with the old Shogunate and its allies. At the same time,
the secret maneuverings of the German Schnell brothers appeared frequently in “Japan
Punch” and other Japanese media as well. The degree to which Japanese read “Japan
Punch” is hard to determine, but the images of Prussia that these kinds of magazines and
newspapers helped convey, concerning the inner workings of politics and diplomacy,
were highly important. For the new Meiji government it acted as a source of
information and premise for intervention.
Hakoishi Hiroshi
Associate professor at The University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute (since 2007).
He completed his doctoral studies in Japanese history at the Kokugakuin University
Graduate School of Humanities.in 1993. He then worked as an assistant professor at The
University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute before he took up his current position.
His major works include: “The reorganization of Bakufu-Chōson relations according to
Kōbugattai (Union of Court and Camp)” (“Kōbugattai ni yoru chōbaku kankei no
saihen”) (in Japanese, Atarashii kinseishi 1, kokka to chitsujo), Bakumatsu Ishin
Collection 3, Reformation of the Bakufu (in Japanese, Bakumatsu ishin ronshū 3 bakusei
kaikaku), “Transformation of the warrior class during the Bakumatsu/Ishin periods”
(“Bakumatsu, Ishin ni okeru buke kani no henshitsu”) (in Japanese, Kinsei buke kani no
kenkyū), “The establishment of the Ishin historiographical association” (“Ishin shiryō
hensankai no seiritsu katei”) (in Japanese, Tochigi shigaku), “Modern Japanese historical
record studies and the Korean historiographical project of the Korean government
general” (“Kindai Nihon shiryōgaku to Chōsen sōtokufu no Chōsen”) (in Japanese,
Zenkindai no nihon rettō to chōsen hantō), “The Boshin War document collection”
(“Boshin sensō shiryōhen”) (in Japanese, Meiji ishin no shiryōgaku).
パネル II: 明治期は日独関係の「黄金時代」か?
などを経て、2007 年より現職。博士(法学)。主著に Lorenz von Steins Arbeiten
für Japan (Peter Lang, 1998 年)、『文明史のなかの明治憲法』(講談社、2003
年)、『伊藤博文』(中央公論新社、2010 年)など。
Panel II: The Meiji Era as a “Golden Era” in Japanese-German Relations? (Chair:
Takii Kazuhiro)
Takii Kazuhiro
Associate Professor at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto.
He studied law at the University of Kyoto. Important publications include: Lorenz von
Steins Arbeiten für Japan, (Peter Lang, 1998); The Meiji Constitution; The Japanese
experience of the West and the shaping of the modern state (translated by David Noble,
International House of Japan, 2007) and Itō Hirobumi (Chūō Kōron Shinsha, 2010).
Together with Wilhelm Brauneder, he has edited Die österreichischen Einflüsse auf die
Modernisierung des japanischen Rechts (Peter Lang, 2007).
加藤陽子: 明治期における日本陸軍のドイツ観
4年4月から現職。著書に、『模索する1930年代 日米関係と陸軍中堅層』
(東京:山川出版社、1993年)、『徴兵制と近代日本 1868-194
談社、2002年)、『戦争の論理: 日露戦争から太平洋戦争まで』(勁草書
房、2005 年)、『それでも、日本人は「戦争」を選んだ』(朝日出版社、2009
Katō Yōko: The Japanese Imperial Army’s Image of Germany during the Meiji
This paper deals with Katsura Tarō’s (1848-1913) consciousness of Germany during the
early Meiji Period. Katsura served under the Meiji Constitutional system as Prime
Minister for a long period. As the Prime Minister of three cabinets, he led the
government for eight years. Under the founder of the modern Japanese military,
Yamagata Aritomo, Katsura also served for a lengthy period as Army Minister,
becoming well-known as a representative of the Chōshū faction. However, recent
research has revealed that during his waning years, after the end of his period as prime
minister, Katsura was active in trying to bring an end to the elder statesmen’s (genrō)
domination of politics and engaged in restructuring diplomacy and the economy. In
order to reach that aim, he worked for the founding of a new political organization.
Although Katsura was a faithful follower of Yamagata, he sensed the need for change
and contributed to bring about the new currents of the Taishō Period. In this paper, I
will introduce the reasons which brought about the new course of Katsura: 1) During the
early years of the Meiji Period, Katsura, under the patronage of Kido Takayoshi (18331877), matured through associating with people from the Kido faction; 2) during his
stay in Germany, Katsura came to accept that the military system could not easily be
separated from the system of local administration.
Katō (Nojima) Yōko
Professor of modern Japanese history at the Department of Japanese History, Graduate
School of Humanities and Sociology, Faculty of Letters of the University of Tōkyō. She
received her Ph.D. in 1989 in Japanese History from the Graduate School of Humanities,
University of Tōkyō and later taught at Yamanashi University. Her major publications
include: Mosaku suru 1930nendai. Nichibei kankei to rikugun chūkensō (Yamakawa
Shuppansha, 1993); Chōheisei to kindai Nihon, 1868−1945 (Yoshikawa Kōbunkan,
1996); Sensō no Nihon kingendaishi (Kōdansha, 2002); Sensō no ronri (Keisō Shobō,
2005); Sore de mo Nihonjin wa ‘sensō’ o eranda (Asahi Shuppansha, 2009). She also has
translated Louise Young’s Japan’s Total Empire into Japanese (Iwanami Shoten, 2001).
Heinrich Menkhaus:明治期におけるドイツ法律家の日本観
1858 以降、日本はいわゆる「不平等条約」をプロイセンを含む西洋の大国と締
が、1871 年に普仏戦争が勃発しドイツ第二帝制が確立すると、ドイツ自身が新
家として最も著名な Hermann Roesler と Albert Mosse の日本観を紹介する。
法学を専攻(1974~1979 年)。1980 年に第一次、1986 に第二次司法国家試験に
合格。ミュンスター大学法学部にて博士号取得(1984 年)、で弁護士として登
録(1986 年)。中央大学にて法学専攻(1987~1989 年)。ドイツ日本研究所
(DIJ)研究員(1989~1993 年)。オランダ、ライデン市のヨーロッパ日本研究
協会常任事務総長(1994~1995 年)。在日ドイツ商工会議所法務部長(1995~
2001 年)。ドイツ、マールブルク大学法学部教授(日本法)(2002~2008 年)。
2008 年より現職。複数の名誉職を兼任。ドイツ連邦共和国ドイツ連邦共和国功
労勲章 を受 賞(2001 年 )。 主な著書に Vom Jagatarabumi zum Japayukisan Japanische Staatsangehörigkeit von Kindern aus Beziehungen zwischen Japanern und
子供の日本国籍](Meiji Law Journal 16, 2009)、ギュンター・ディステルラー
ト 編 Referate des 13. deutschsprachigen Japanologentages, Band II: Sozial-,
Geschichts- und Rechtswissenschaft[第 13 回社会学、史学、法学に関するドイツ
語圏日本学研究者による研究発表 第2巻](EB 出版、2009 年)における
Deregulierung in Japan - Eine Einführung[序論-日本における規制緩和]、論文
Das Japanische im japanischen Recht [ 日 本 法 に お け る 日 本 的 な る も の ]
(Iudicium、1994 年)などがある。
Heinrich Menkhaus : Japan Images of German Law Experts in Meiji Japan
Starting in 1858 Japan was forced to conclude a number of so-called “unequal treaties”
with western powers, among them Prussia. The conventions were called unequal
because they denied Japan full sovereignty over its territory. To get rid of the “unequal
treaties” Japan had to adopt a “modern” legal system, meaning a legal system of one the
signatory powers. Due to the nature of common law this could not easily be introduced.
Japan therefore opted for a continental legal system. At first France was used as a model
but after the German French War of 1871 and the respective foundation of the Second
German Empire, Germany itself had to create a new legal system and soon started to be
regarded in Japan as the most advanced in Europe. The Japanese mainly took two
measures to study the German law: they send their students to legal faculties in
Germany and invited German lawyers to teach at their respective institutions. This is
how German law experts, who initially did not know too much about the Japanese
culture, ended up in Japan. They wrote letters to their kinship at home or published
articles in German newspapers reflecting their views on Japan. It is this material that
enables us to study their images of this country. The viewpoints of two of the foremost
representatives of the German law experts of this time Hermann Roesler und Albert
Mosse will be presented.
Heinrich Menkhaus
Chair of German Law, Faculty of Law, Meiji University. 1974-1979 legal studies,
Faculty of Law, University of Münster, Germany; 1980 first, 1986 second state exam in
law. 1984 Doctoral Degree, Faculty of Law, University of Münster; 1986 admitted to
the German Bar. 1987-1989 legal studies at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan; 1989-1993
Researcher, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ), Tokyo, Japan; 1994-1995
Director of the Permanent Office, European Association for Japanese Studies, Leiden,
The Netherlands; 1995-2001 Director, Law Department, German Chamber of
Commerce, Tokyo, Japan; 2002-2008 Professor of Japanese Law, Faculty of Law,
University of Marburg, Germany. Several Honorary Positions, 2001 awarded Cross of
Honor, Federal Republic of Germany. Among his numerous publications are “Vom
Jagatarabumi zum Japayukisan - Japanische Staatsangehörigkeit von Kindern aus
Beziehungen zwischen Japanern und Ausländern“ (Meiji Law Journal 16, 2009),
“Deregulierung in Japan - Eine Einführung,“ Distelrath, Günther (ed.), Referate des 13.
deutschsprachigen Japanologentages, Band II: Sozial-, Geschichts- und
Rechtswissenschaft (EB-Verlag, 2009) and the monography Das Japanische im
japanischen Recht (Iudicium, 1994).
『クラッデラダッチュ』(1848 年創刊“Kladderadatsch”)や『シンプリチッシム
ス』(1896 年創刊“Simplicissimus”)といった風刺画雑誌によって、日本及び日
竹内使節団)を派遣した 1862 年のことだった。しかしながら、日本が一連の東
なったのは、1894~95 年の日清戦争の頃である。ここでは軍人の姿が近代日本
および日本人の典型的かつ主流な視覚的イメージとなった。1904~05 年の日露
上智大学国際教養学部教授(歴史学)。19~20 世紀のヨーロッパ・東アジア間
の関係および独日関係を主要研究分野とする。1890~1945 年の戦争、外交、世
文(Routledge、2006 年)がある。Encyclopedia of Overseas History(Harrassowitz、
び 19 世紀の中国領海における海賊の脅威に対するドイツの反応に関する研究に
Rolf-Harald-Wippich: The Japanese in the Cartoonist’s View: Kladderadatsch and
Simplicissimus in Imperial Germany
The question of when and how the Japan and the Japanese became objects of caricature
can easily be studied in the volumes of satirical journals such as Kladderadatsch (since
1848) or Simplicissimus (since 1896). Both journals were the foremost satirical journals
in the German Empire with print-runs similar to daily papers. The continued success of
these satirical journals attested to the popularity of this kind of media. They provide an
invaluable source of cultural history when it comes to creating or spreading images and
ideas. In particular, they allow us to catch a glimpse of popular taste of all things
Japanese in Imperial Germany.
The first authentic representations of cartooned Japanese appeared in 1862 at the time of
the Shogunate mission to Prussia. However, it was not until the war against China 189495 that Japan began to stand out against the East Asian colossus and gained
individuality in caricature as well. It was the soldier who was to epitomize modern
Japan and the Japanese as the prevailing visual representation. In the years after the
Russo-Japanese war 1904-05, however, the Japan image became more disparate when
various animal representations, traditional figures, such as the Samurai or the Geisha,
and the Tennō himself appeared. The modern soldier, however, remained as the most
identifiable and eye-catching Japan metaphor for both the beloved wonderland as well
as the criticized aggressor.
Professor of history at Sophia University in Tokyo (since 1991). His primary field of
research covers both European-East Asian contacts as well as German-Japanese
relations in the 19th and 20th centuries. He co-authored (with Christian W. Spang) a
monograph on German-Japan relations focusing on War, Diplomacy, and Public
Opinion, 1890-1945 (Routledge, 2006) and was a collaborator on the Encyclopedia of
Overseas History (Harrassowitz, forthcoming). Apart from preparing the Japanese
correspondence of the German architect Hermann Muthesius for publication, he is also
involved in a research project concerning the history of the German Asiatic Society in
Tokyo (OAG) and a study on 19th century German reactions to the piratical threat in the
China Seas.
Peter Pantzer : ドイツとオーストリアの絵葉書に観る日本
がりがより開かれたものとなった。19 世紀には、情報交換が迅速になったこと
絵葉書は 1870 年に発明された葉書に由来する。そのわずか 10 年後には、視覚
京大学法学部において外交史に関する研究活動(1968~1971 年)の後、ウィー
ン大学にて助手および講師を経て準教授。ボン大学日本学正教授(1988 年)、
日本資料専門家欧州協会会長(1998~2002 年、2008 年に退任)。「日本オース
トリア関係史(創造社、1984 年)、ユリア・クレイサ氏との共著「ウィーンの
日本-欧州に根付く異文化の軌跡」(1990 年)、H.ヴィーニンガー氏との共
著 Hidden Impressions. Japonisme in Vienna 1870-1930(1990 年)、The IwakuraMission. Kume Kunitake’s True Account of the Ambassador Extraordinary &
Plenipotentiary’s Journey of Observation Through Germany, Austria and Switzerland
(2002 年)、スヴェン・サーラ氏との共著「明治初期の日本-ドイツ外交官ア
イゼンデッヒャー公使の写真帖より」(2007 年)。
Peter Pantzer: Japan in German and Austrian Collectors’ Postcards, 1880-1914
At any time and place there is need for information. Up-to-date news is a necessity; it
always exerts influence on individuals and societies, far beyond satisfying mere
curiosity. The invention of the letterpress helped to open doors both near and far. In the
19th the obtaining of information was further developed by the appearance of new
means of fast exchange, offering access to all kinds of occurrence, both pleasing and not.
Picture postcards derived from postal cards invented in the 1870s. It only took a decade
before they turned out to be one of the most popular media - attractive due to their
visual nature, not in the least their creative power. Printers realized their value
economically and their ability to reach a vast audience; consumers benefitted from low
prices and the brilliant idea of writing a brief message as opposed to a “novel”…
Postcards depicting Japan were of no exception, with the topics chosen for illustration
being limitless. It is part of an exceptional story in the history of the conception of Japan
in the Western mind. The subject featured prominently and spread with an astonishing
speed as a result of the popularity of the postcard. Japan was depicted both as a rising
power, catching up impressively with the West, as well as a cultural revelation - at least
in circles of art. Later, postcards were even used to portray Japan’s political alliances
with the West or, as in the case of World War I Germany, an enemy.
Picture postcards were fast to react to the events of the day - they fulfilled dreams of
visiting paradise, childhood days, beauties, personifying geishas of course, glorifying or
denouncing of war heroes, and all too often they were used or rather misused as
effective propaganda in the world of politics. The core of this paper serves to provide an
idea of how and why such minor paraphernalia played their part in creating a positive or
negative image of ‘meeting with’ Japan.
Peter Pantzer
Professor emeritus at Bonn University. He received his Ph.D. in 1968 at Vienna
University in Modern History and Japanese Studies. After research in Japan, University
of Tokyo, Law Faculty, Diplomatic History (1968/1971), assigned as assistant and
lecturer, thereafter assistant professor to Vienna University. Appointed full professor for
Japanese Studies at Bonn University in 1988, 1998-2002 Chairman of the European
Association of Japanese Resource Specialists; retired 2008, author of numerous books
covering the history, art and culture of Japan, among others Nihon Ōsutoria kankei shi
(Sōzōsha, 1984); Uiin no Nihon. Ōshû ni nezuku ibunka no kiseki, jointly with J. Krejsa
(The Simul Press, 1990); Hidden Impressions. Japonisme in Vienna 1870-1930, jointly
with H. Wieninger (Vienna, Museum for Applied Art, 1990); The Iwakura-Mission.
Kume Kunitake’s True Account of the Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary’s
Journey of Observation Through Germany, Austria and Switzerland (Munic, Iudicium,
2002: in German); Meiji shoki no Nihon - Doitsu gaikōkan Aizendechâ kōshi no
shashinchō yori, jointly with S. Saaler (Munich, Iudicium, 2007); forthcoming
Bedbugdiary. Saitō Mokichi’s European Essays (Freiburg, Knecht Verlag, 2011: in
第 1 次世界大戦で「総力戦」を戦うことのなかった日本の軍部、とくに陸軍は、
東京大学名誉教授(ドイツ経済史・経営史、日独経済関係史)。1969 年東京大
学経済学部卒業、1975 年東京大学大学院経済学研究科博士課程単位取得退学。
教授、東京大学社会科学研究所助教授を経て、1992 年同教授、2010 年退職。こ
ク大学などで客員教授・研究員。主著として『日独企業関係史』(1992 年)、
『 イー ・ゲー・ファルベンの対日戦略』1992 年、Japanese-German Business
Relations(1998 年)、『現代ドイツ化学企業史』(1999 年)、『20 世紀ドイツ
資本主義』(1999 年)、共編著として『日独関係史 1890-1945』全 3 巻(田
嶋信雄と共編、2008 年)Japan and Germany: Two Latecomers on the World Stage,
1890-1945, 3 vols. (田嶋信雄、Erich Pauer と共編、2009 年)など。
Kudō Akira: The First World War and Perceptions of “Total War” in Japan
The Japanese army, untouched by ‘total’ war that was sweeping Europe, began the
study World War I on the European continent during the period in which fighting was
still going on. At the time, Germany was the main object of study. Even after the war
ended in defeat for Germany, it remained the object of study. ‘German studies’ greatly
influenced the army’s understanding of the concept of ‘total war.’ This understanding
intensified “views concerning the total mobilization of the nation.” Rathenau’s
Industrial Mobilization and Ludendorff’s National Mobilization were symbolic of those
men and were unified in the idea of Total Mobilization of the Nation as previous
research has already shown.
In this paper I would like to clarify the changes that occurred prior to the transition to
German army studies in “views concerning the total mobilization of the nation,” by
analyzing a collection of manuscripts known as “the special military investigation
committee member report” drafted during the war and the post-World War I army
journal “Kaikosha Kiji”. Along with this, I shall also discuss the post war release of
Nagata Tetsuzan’s writings and the change that occurred in the army’s understanding of
the concept of ‘total war.’
Tentatively, the conclusion is as follows: 1) “the special military investigation
committee member report” contains Rathenau and Ludendorff-esque thought,
synthesized under the words “the total mobilization of the nation.” However contents
wise paralleling was stopped. 2) In the “Kaikosha Kiji“, Rathenau-esque thought dies
out, while only that of Ludendorff remains. 3) ‘Total war’ preparation per Nagata
Tetsuzan does not take into account these two principles and the split becomes apparent.
In terms of implications, I would like to point out the split that occurred within the ‘total
war’ became the basis for the post-Manchurian Incident system.
Kudō Akira
Professor emeritus at The University of Tokyo, specializing in German economic and
business history as well as in the history of Japanese-German economic relations. He
studied at the Faculty of Economics and the Graduate School of Economics at The
University of Tokyo. He was assistant professor at the Institute of Social Science at The
University of Tokyo, associate professor at the Faculty of Economics at Shinshu University,
at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, as well as at the Institute
of Social Science, University of Tokyo, and professor at the same institute. He retired from
the University of Tokyo in 2010. He was visiting professor or fellow at the Free University
of Berlin, University of Reading, University of Sheffield, University of Marburg and others.
His main works include: Nichidoku Kigyō Kankei-shi (History of Japan-German Business
Relations), 1992, IG Farben no Tainichi Senryaku (IG Farben's Japan Strategy), 1992,
Japanese-German Business Relations, 1998, Gendai Doitsu Kagaku Kigyō-shi (A History
of the Modern German Chemical Company), 1999, 20-seiki Doitsu Shihonshugi (The 20th
Century German Capitalism), 1999, Nichi-doku Kankeishi (History of Japanese-German
Relations), 3 Vols, (co-edited with Nobuo Tajima), 2008, and Japan and Germany: Two
Latecomers on the World Stage, 1890-1945, 3 vols. (co-edited with Nobuo Tajima and
Erich Pauer), 2009.
2010 年 12 月 5 日
5 December 2010
パネル III: 1930 年代における「精神的近似性」の再確認
Jungkonservative in der Weimarer Republik. Der Ring-Kreis 1928-1933, Frankfurt am
Main 1988、『過去の克服―ヒトラー後のドイツ』(白水社、2002年)
Panel III: The 1930s: Re-Affirmation of a “Spiritual Bond”? (Chair: Ishida Yûji
Ishida Yûji
Professor of modern German history and genocide studies at the Department of Area
Studies, Graduate School of Art and Sciences, the University of Tokyo; Executive
Director of the Center for German and European Studies (DESK) at the University of
Tokyo (since 2005). He received his Ph.D. in 1987 in Social Sciences from the PhilippsUniversity of Marburg. His major publications include: Jungkonservative in der
Weimarer Republik. Der Ring-Kreis 1928-1933, Frankfurt am Main 1988; Kako no
Kokufuku (Hakusuisha 2002); 20 Seiki Doitsushi (Hakusuisha 2005); “Jenosaido to
Sensō” (in 20 Seiki no naka no Ajia-Taiheiyo-Sensō, Iwanami Shoten 2006). He also has
edited the Japanese translation of the diaries of John Rabe under the title Doitsu
Gaikōkan no mita Nankin-Jiken (Ōtsuki Shoten, 2001).
ク大学客員研究員。主著に『ナチズム外交と「満洲国」』(1992 年)、『ナチ
ズム極東戦略』(1997 年)、『日独関係史 一八九〇-一九四五』(工藤章と
共編、2008 年)、Japan and Germany. Two Latecomers to the World Stage, 18901945 (工藤章、E.パウアーと共編、2009) など。
Tajima Nobuo: The Japan Image of the Elites in Nazi Germany
On the 30th of January 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of the German Reich, ushering
in the period of Nazi political power. At the onset of his regime, its main members
lacked a concrete image of East Asia. The reasons for why this may have been will be
laid out in the following paragraphs.
Firstly, the administration, Nazi Party members and the traditional Prussian bureaucracy,
started as on the same footing, so to speak, but during this time the Nazis devoted most
of their energies to street fighting, and lacking any international experience, they were
basically indifferent to East Asia.
Secondly, as a result of the loss of German colonies in East Asia (Tsingtao), during the
Weimar Period, the traditional Prussian bureaucracy and military placed most of their
energies into domestic and European problems. As a result of this they held little
interest in East Asia politically.
This presentation will seek to analyze images of East Asia and Japan through the eyes
of early Nazi period politicians, bureaucrats and the military, by using the above
hypotheses. The subjects if this study will be Hitler, Goering, Rosenberg, von
Ribbentrop, Minister of War von Blomberg, Head of the Military Office in the Ministry
of War von Reichenau, Head of the Office for Weapons and Armament in the Ministry
of War Riese, Head of the Military Intelligence Service Canaris, Foreign Minister von
von Neurath and Vice Foreign Minister von Bülow.
Tajima Nobuo
Professor of international history at Seijō University in Tokyo. He studied political
science and modern history at the universities of Hokkaido, Trier and Bonn. Important
publications include: Nachizumu Gaikō to Manshūkoku (National Socialist’s Foreign
Policy and ‘Manchuria’, 1992) and Nachizumu Kyokutō Senryaku (National Socialist’s
Strategy in the Far East, 1997). Together with Kudō Akira, he has edited Nichidoku
Kankei-shi 1890-1945 (A History of Japanese-German Relations 1890-1945), 3 vols,
2008 and with Kudō Akira and Erich Pauer he has edited Japan and Germany: Two
Latecomers on the World Stage, 1890-1945, 3 vols., 2009
ナチ・ドイツの余暇組織「歓喜力行団」(Kraft durch Freude, KdF)は、1930 年
代後半から 40 年代初めにかけての日本の厚生運動の展開に決定的な影響を与
刺激を与えた。1938 年の日本厚生協会結成後、日本の厚生運動は急速な発展を
とげ、40 年には大阪で「興亜厚生大会」を開催するにいたるが、ドイツの代表
甲南大学文学部准教授(歴史社会学)。1998 年京都大学大学院文学研究科博士
興会特別研究員、大阪経済大学講師・准教授を経て、2009 年 4 月より現職。京
古屋大学出版会、2007 年)、論文に「性生活の効用——精神療法とナチズムの
関係をめぐって」 『思想』1013 号(2008 年)、「余暇の枢軸——世界厚生会議と
日 独 文 化 交 流 」『 ゲ シ ヒ テ 』 第 2 号 ( 2009 年 )、 “Achse der Freizeit”: Der
“Weltkongress für Freizeit und Erholung” 1936 und Japans Blick auf Deutschland“, in:
Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 58, H.9(2010 年)など。
Tano Daisuke: The “Strength through Joy” (KdF) in Japan
The National Socialist leisure organization ‘Strength through Joy’ (Kraft durch Freude,
or KdF) gave a crucial impulse to the development of the Japanese leisure movement
(Kōsei-undō) from the late 1930s to the 1940s, and contributed remarkably to
strengthening the ties of both countries. After the ‘World Recreation Congress’ in
Hamburg 1936, the activities of the KdF, which strove to regenerate the ‘strength’ of
workers through ‘joy’ in leisure, awakened great interest in Japan and decided the
course of its leisure movement, although Japan originally had little interest in the theme
of leisure. Especially with the foundation of the Japan Recreation Association in 1938,
the Japanese leisure movement developed rapidly on the model of the KdF, and finally
held the ‘Pan-Asian Recreation Congress’ in Osaka 1940. This congress, in which also
several representatives from Germany were invited, resolved to express its goal with the
motto ‘Strength through Joy’, declaring the Japanese-German cooperation with regard
to social policy. However, both countries didn't deeply discuss the theme of leisure in
the congress, and the Japanese-German mutual perception was filled with problems in
many aspects. This report compares the mutual images of Japan and Germany with
regard to leisure movement, in order to clarify their features and meanings with
attention to mutual relationships and conflicts.
Tano Daisuke
Associate professor of sociology at Kōnan University in Kōbe. After he studied at
Kyōto University and Munich University, he received his Ph.D. from Kyōto University
in 2005. He was formerly Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
and associate professor at Ōsaka University of Economics. He has written a book on the
aesthetics of National Socialism (The Fascinating Reich: The Aesthetisation of Politics
in National Socialism, 2007 in Japanese) and articles on the sexuality in the Third Reich
(“Utility of Sex Life: On the Relationship between Psychotherapy and National
Socialism,” 2008 in Japanese) and the impact of the German leisure organization
“Strength through Joy” (KdF) on the Japanese leisure movement (“The Axis of Leisure:
The World Recreation Congress of 1936 and Japanese-German Cultural Exchange,”
2009 in Japanese and 2010 in German).
Hans-Joachim Bieber : ナチスドイツにおける日独類似性・親近性のイメージ
の継承に対する敬意(Ahnenerbe)」(Corazza、1935 年)において見られる。 さ
付けされるに過ぎなかった。驚くべきことに、1933~45 年にかけてドイツに滞
(戦争及び革命における労働組合。1914~1920 年のドイツにおける労働運動、
セル大学開発計画局長(1977~1990 年)、ドイツ学術審議会委員(1990~1994
~2005 年)。研究分野:ドイツ系ユダヤ人を含むドイツ社会の歴史、グローバ
Hans-Joachim Bieber: Images of German-Japanese similarities and affinities in
National-Socialist Germany
When the National Socialist regime in Germany began to show political interest in
Japan, German publications commenced to construct a new image of Japan: an image of
alleged political, social, and cultural similarities and analogies with Germany. Political
analogies for example in the exclusion of both countries from the league of great
powers, in their “national rebirth” and claim for greater Lebensraum, social and cultural
similarities in the priority of the community (Gemeinschaft) over the individual, in
authoritarian political systems centered around the Führer and the Tenno respectively,
in the “same heroic philosophy of leader and allegiance, undaunted by death, of
maintaining purity of race (Reinhaltung der Rasse), and respect for the heritage of
ancestry (Ahnenerbe)” [Corazza 1935]. Moreover, both countries were depicted as
rejecting democracy, capitalism and bolshevism and as protecting cultural traditions
against the mass culture of the West. The propagation of such comparisons reached its
climax during the war. As long as the Axis powers believed to win, German media
emphasized analogies in their plans for a new world order, later mainly alleged common
military virtues: Now they presented the samurai and the modern Japanese soldier as
model fighters.
These comparisons, however, failed to produce the desired effects. Even less did the
National Socialist image of Japan take root in Germany. In the history of mutual images
of Germany and Japan, it remained only an episode. It is surprising to note that Japanese
living in Germany between 1933 and 1945 were largely uninvolved in disseminating
this image. I assume, therefore, that Japanese media of the time contained far fewer
German-Japanese analogies than did the corresponding German media. It would be
interesting to learn more about this from our Japanese colleagues.
Hans-Joachim Bieber
Prof. emeritus of the University of Kassel. Received his Ph.D. in history from the
University of Hamburg with a dissertation on the German labor unions during World
War I (Gewerkschaften in Krieg und Revolution. Arbeiterbewegung, Industrie, Staat
und Militär in Deutschland 1914 - 1920). 1977-1990 Head of the planning department
of the University of Kassel. 1990-1994 Member of the German Science Council
(Wissenschaftsrat) in Cologne and 1994-2005 Professor for modern history and head of
the Interdisciplinary Center for Cultural Studies of the University of Kassel. Fields of
research: German social history including the history of German Jews; history of
globalization; history of the ‘nuclear age’, history of German-Japanese relations.
パネル IV: 戦時プロパガンダと日独関係の美化
司会:Christian W. Spang
クリスティアン W. シュパング
ルク大学にて、現代史、中世史と英文学を学び、1993 年~1994 年にトリニティ
ー・カレッジ・ダブリンで留学を経て、2009 年フライブルク大学文学部現代史
究科(日独関係史・地政学)博士号取得。1998 年~2000 年文部省の奨学生とし
て東京大学に留学し、2001 年~2002 年ドイツ日本研究所(DIJ)の奨学生を経
て、2006 年まで国際基督教大学(ICU)のアジア文化研究所の准研究員。法政
慶應大学兼任、2009 年 4 月より現職。2003 からドイツ東洋文化研究協会(OAG)
の「OAG 歴史研究会」の会長。著書(共編)『Japanese-German Relations 18951945; War, Diplomacy and Public Opinion』(英文、Routlege: 2006 年)、2011 年
『 Karl Haushofer und Japan. Die Rezeption seiner Theorien in der deutschen und
japanischen (Geo-) Politik』(カール・ハウスホーファーと日本―日本とドイツに
東洋文化研究協会の 100 年史』(独文、Iudicium)を出版予定。
Panel IV: War Propaganda and Beautification
Relationship(s) (Chair: Christian W. Spang)
Christian W. Spang
Associate Professor at the University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Humanities and
Social Sciences. His research focuses on German-Japanese relations and geopolitics. He
received his Ph.D. from Freiburg University (Germany, 2008) and was awarded the
university’s “Gerhard-Ritter-Preis” (2009) for the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of history.
He has been teaching at Hōsei, Sophia, Dokkyō, Waseda, Tōkyō and Keiō universities
since 1998. His Ph.D. thesis Karl Haushofer und Japan. Die Rezeption seiner Theorien
in der deutschen und japanischen (Geo-) Politik will be published in 2011. He is also the
co-editor (with Rolf-Harald Wippich) of Japanese-German Relations 1895-1945; War,
Diplomacy and Public Opinion (Routledge, 2006). Together with Rolf-Harald Wippich
and Sven Saaler, he is currently working on a history of the German East Asiatic Society
(OAG), which is forthcoming in 2011.
Gerhard Krebs : ナチスドイツの言論における日本の英雄主義
想敵国に対して脅威を 与えることができるのか、自国ドイツ国民の闘争心をか
1941 年末から 42 年初めにかけて日本軍は予想を上回る戦果を挙げ、ドイツ人
の大学、東京およびポツダムの研究所にて 研究および教鞭をとる。著書に
(Japans Deutschlandpolitik 1935-1941, 1984; Das moderne Japan, 2009; Japan im
Pazifischen Krieg, 2010)、編集・共同編集に Formierung und Fall der Achse BerlinTōkyō (1994); 1945 in Europe and Asia (1997); Japan und Preußen (2002 ) がある。
Gerhard Krebs: Japanese Heroism in German Perspective during the Nazi Era
The heroism of Japanese soldiers and the Japanese people played an important role in
German publications of the Nazi period. It was not only a phenomenon used to serve the
interests of the nation in foreign countries and its population, but it also had political
aims. In case of Japan, it was a way of answering the question whether Japan was fit to
become a partner in the alliance. But was it useful to frighten potential enemies? And
could it serve as a model for the aggressiveness and warfare of its own population,
perhaps up to Kamikaze attacks?
Much consideration in German publications on Japan was given to the defiance of death,
willingness for self-sacrifice and suicide-attacks of the Japanese and parallels were
sought in the behavior of the Germans. Nazi propaganda, however, faced difficulties
with its own ideology claiming that only Aryans were people of the highest racial class,
to which the Japanese certainly did not belong. Hence propagandists struggled to
demonstrate the high qualities of the Japanese race, or even their relationship with
dispersed Aryans. Myths were created to show the similar origins of the German and
Japanese peoples. Bushido gained much praise – as did Shintoism - which was closely
connected with patriotism. According to Hitler, Shintoism was a religion which, unlike
Christianity, preached heroism instead of weakness.
When the Japanese military achieved surprising victories in late 1941 and early 1942
the German public developed an inferiority complex considering them a kind of “super
Germans”. There was therefore the danger of a reappearance of the “yellow peril” fear,
which had to be suppressed in the publications. Instead, publications stressed the
Japanese right to liberate Asia and to become the leader of its continent.
Gerhard Krebs
Taught at universities in Tokyo, Freiburg/Br., Trier and Berlin and has worked in
research institutes in Tokyo and Potsdam. He now works as a free historian in Berlin. He
is the author of Japans Deutschlandpolitik 1935-1941 (1984); Das moderne Japan
(2009); and Japan im Pazifischen Krieg (2010) and editor of Formierung und Fall der
Achse Berlin-Tōkyō (1994); 1945 in Europe and Asia (1997) and Japan und Preußen
Danny Orbach: ナチスドイツにおける親衛隊(SS)と抵抗運動の日本観
スについて考える。すなわち、ナチス親衛隊遺産研究所(SS Ahnenerbe)のヴ
して 植民地関係の基本的性質に関する極めて重要な論点に言及するものである。
動をテーマとした単行本 Valkyrie - German Resistance to Hitler(2009 年、Hebrew)
Danny Orbach : Colonialism through the mirror: Japan in the eyes of the SS and
the National-Conservative German Resistance
This presentation will examine the interaction and mutual play between two competing,
antagonistic views of Japan and the Far Eastern Conflict in National-Socialist Germany:
These of the SS on the one hand, and the German National-Conservative Resistance on
the other. It will focus on three cases: Walther Wüst, the director of the SS Institute for
Ancestral Heritage (SS Ahnenerbe), the popular SS Japanologist Heinz Corazza, and the
leader of the civilian conservative resistance, Dr. Carl Friedrich Goerdeler.
The views of Wüst, Corazza and Goerdeler were not only different interpretations of Far
Eastern reality, but also reflected a major debate among Third Reich elites, which
touched crucial questions regarding the identity of Germany, the interaction between
morality and politics, and most importantly – the basic nature of colonial relations. And
some of the participants in this debate, as we shall see, unconsciously developed notions
bearing a striking resemblance to contemporary post-colonialist thought.
Danny Orbach
Ph.D. candidate in the history department, Harvard University. He is interested in
German and Japanese mutual images, as well as in comparative study of military revolts,
coups d'état and the ideological structure of officers’ disobedience in Germany, Japan,
China and the Middle East. He has recently published a monograph on the German
resistance to Hitler (Valkyrie - German Resistance to Hitler, 2009, in Hebrew), and
articles on the Japan image of SS intellectuals, rhetorical manipulations in the
historiography of the German resistance and the Taiping Rebellion in Qing Dynasty
Michael Baskett: 確実な啓蒙?日独映画における表象
本報告では、1930 年~40 年代にかけて日本の映画ジャーナリズムによってドイ
が、1936 年の日独共同制作による「The New Earth (新しき土)」(またの名
を「Die Tochter des Samurai 」)の制作およびその受け入れに関する様々な美
号 取 得 。 著 書 に “The Attractive Empire: Transnational Film Culture in Imperial
Japan”(University of Hawaii Press、2008 年)、“The East Asian Olympiads 19342008: Building Bodies and Nations in Japan, Korea, and China”(William 筒井との
共編著、近刊)、「All Beautiful Fascists? Axis Film Culture in Imperial Japan」
(Alan Tansman 編)、“The Culture of Japanese Fascis”(Duke University Press、
2009 年 ) 、 “Goodwill Hunting: Rediscovering and Remembering Manchukuo in
Japanese ‘Goodwill Films’”(玉野井麻利子編)、“Crossed Histories: Manchuria in
the Age of Empire”(University of Hawaii Press、2005 年)
Michael Baskett: Guaranteed Enlightenment? Charting Japanese/German
Cinematic Representations
This paper examines the ways in which Japanese film journalism reported and
understood German film relations during the 1930s and 1940s. With the rise of the Nazi
party, German cinema increasingly became a useful model for various sectors within the
Japanese film industry against which to oppose the totalizing influence of Hollywood's
cultural imperialism. On the one hand, the Japanese-run Manchurian Film Company
(Man’ei) consciously modeled its business structure on UFA focusing on the production
of entertainment films rather than overt propaganda in an effort to appeal to its Chinesespeaking audience. The Nazi cinema in particular became a significant model in the
structuring of ideology as entertainment. Conversely, in the home islands of Japan, film
personnel and government ideologues focused on film's ideological potential for suasion
of its imperial subjects. Historians regularly dismiss Japan-German film relations as
ineffectual or essentially non-existent but I argue that the significance of Japan-German
film exchange cannot be understood by degree alone.
Although the alliance produced few films and no established “classics,” I argue that
examining the various aesthetic and ideological conflicts surrounding the production
and reception of the 1936 Japan-German co-production of The New Earth (Atarashiki
Tsuchi aka Die Tochter des Samurai [The Daughter of the Samurai]) underscores how
long held mutual images of both sides motivated fundamentally irreconcilable
representations of bilateral relations. Looking at why the film "failed" ultimately
resulting in the production of two separate versions, not only questions the amorphous
boundaries of “propaganda” and “entertainment” but also reveals that contemporary
Japanese film personnel understood Nazi cinema as being more than simply monolithic.
The variety and fluidity of Japanese appropriations of the Nazi film industry signifies
the importance that artists and politicians placed on the German model as a powerful
form of cultural resistance against Hollywood.
Michael Baskett
Associate Professor of Film Studies at the University of Kansas. He received his Ph.D.
from the University of California, Los Angeles. Among his publications are The
Attractive Empire: Transnational Film Culture in Imperial Japan (University of Hawaii
Press, 2008, The East Asian Olympiads, 1934-2008: Building Bodies and Nations in
Japan, Korea, and China (edited volume, with William Tsutsui, forthcoming), “All
Beautiful Fascists? Axis Film Culture in Imperial Japan” in Alan Tansman Ed., The
Culture of Japanese Fascism (Duke University Press, 2009), “Goodwill Hunting:
Rediscovering and Remembering Manchukuo in Japanese ‘Goodwill Films’” in Mariko
Tamanoi, ed., Crossed Histories: Manchuria in the Age of Empire (University of
Hawaii Press, 2005).
パネル V: 戦後における日独相互認識:過去の克服か過去の再燃か?
Jungkonservative in der Weimarer Republik. Der Ring-Kreis 1928-1933, Frankfurt am
Main 1988、『過去の克服―ヒトラー後のドイツ』(白水社、2002年)
Panel V: Postwar Japanese-German Perceptions: Overcoming or Re-Affirming the
Past? (Chair: Ishida Yūji )
Ishida Yûji
Professor of modern German history and genocide studies at the Department of Area
Studies, Graduate School of Art and Sciences, the University of Tokyo; Executive
Director of the Center for German and European Studies (DESK) at the University of
Tokyo (since 2005). He received his Ph.D. in 1987 in Social Sciences from the PhilippsUniversity of Marburg. His major publications include: Jungkonservative in der
Weimarer Republik. Der Ring-Kreis 1928-1933, Frankfurt am Main 1988; Kako no
Kokufuku (Hakusuisha 2002); 20 Seiki Doitsushi (Hakusuisha 2005); “Jenosaido to
Sensō” (in 20 Seiki no naka no Ajia-Taiheiyo-Sensō, Iwanami Shoten 2006). He also has
edited the Japanese translation of the diaries of John Rabe under the title Doitsu
Gaikōkan no mita Nankin-Jiken (Ōtsuki Shoten, 2001).
川喜田敦子: 「過去」をめぐる自己他者イメージから考える戦後の日独関係
は、1947 年の発刊から現在にいたるまでのデア・シュピーゲル(Der Spiegel)
ージの転換期となる 1970~80 年代について重点的に取り上げ、ドイツにおけ
を経て、2010 年 4 月より現職。主著『ドイツの歴史教育』、共著『図説ドイツ
の歴史』、主要論文に“German Reparation and Wiedergutmachung after World War
II – A Special Focus on the Issue of German External Assets –“、「20 世紀ヨーロッ
Kawakita Atsuko: Postwar Japanese-German Relations: Reconsidering Images of
the "Self" and the "Other" in Discussions about the Past
In contrast with the pre-war years, during the post-war years there was a marked decline
in the importance of Japan-Germany relations, particularly in interest concerning
Germany from the Japanese side. In the post-war years however, in dealing with the
fall-out of the war and the historical problems etc., in facing the 'the past', there was to
be found a mutuality in the addressing of these issues. This report will in particular
analyze articles about Japan in the German magazine Der Spiegel (founded in 1947),
dealing with the problem of the war and 'the past,' focusing on the transformation of the
image(s) Germans held of Japan from a Japanese perspective. Focus will be placed on
the years immediately after the war, expanding to include the 1980s when there was a
marked change in the preception of Japan by Germany. I would also like to analyze the
reasons behind these transformations.
Kawakita Atsuko
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University
(German History). She received her Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo, Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences. 2004 to 2010 Assistant Professor and Associate Professor
at the Center for German and European Studies of The University of Tokyo. Her
publications include Illustrated German History (Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 2007, coauthor, in Japanese), History Education in Federal Republic of German (Hakusuisha,
2005, in Japanese), “Population Transfers in the History of 20th Century Europe,”
Rekishi Hyōron 2005-9.
に影響を与えてきた。拙編著『ヒトラーの呪縛』(飛鳥新社,2000 年)では、
し、21 世紀に入って注目すべき変化も生まれている。「マンガ」などJポップ
で西洋史を学び、1987-89 年までミュンヘン大学留学を経て、1994 年京都大学
志社大学文学部助教授、国際日本文化研究センター助教授など経て、2004 年 4
月より現職。主著には『大衆宣伝の神話』(日文、1992 年)、『現代メディア
史』(日文、1998 年)、『「キング」の時代』(日文、2002 年、日本出版学会
賞受賞、サントリー学芸賞受賞)、『言論統制』(日文、2004 年、吉田茂賞受
賞)、『8 月 15 日の神話』(日文、2005 年)、『テレビ的教養』(日文、2008
年)、編著に『ヒトラーの呪縛』(日文、2000 年)など。
Satō Takumi: Consumption of Nazi-Images in Postwar Japanese Subculture
After the Second World War Nazi symbolism came to play a prominent role in Japanese
popular culture and has come to influence how the Japanese perceive Germany. In
Hitora no Jubaku (Hitler’s Spell) I dealt with Nazism in novels, movies, manga,
military fantasy, plastic models, rock music, conspiracy theories, the limitless
possibilities of the Internet as a source of information etc., Japanese right-wingers and
Neo-Nazism and uniform-mania. I have also taken a shot at interviewing an occult
novelist. Here I came across the cultural conflict of 'Hitler as victor.' In our current postGod is Dead (Nietzsche) society, Hitler as absolute evil has created various valuable
points of focus. In Japan Nazism is also used as a means of gauging the 'society’s
badness' (Inoue Shigeko). However, with the onset of the 21st century a change occured,
one that demands attention. With the appearance of Japanese manga and J-Pop on the
international market, the Nazi phenomenon in products of mass communication had to
be suppressed, causing an ongoing otaku-ization of the phenomenon. Through the
progression of time, Nazism as a memory has faded, but even so its imagery remains
very powerful.
Satō Takumi
Associate professor at the Kyoto University Graduate School of Education (media
culture, since 2004). He did his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Kyoto University
in Western history. After studying in Munich from 1987 to 1989, he pursued a Ph.D. at
the Kyoto University Faculty of Letters, graduating in 1994. He worked as an assistant
at The Tokyo University Newspaper Research Institute/Multi-media and Socioinformation Studies Archive, and as an assistant professor at Dōshisha University in
Kyōto. He also worked as an assistant professor at the International Research Center for
Japanese Studies before taking up his present position. His main works include: Taishū
senden no Shinwa (1992), Gendai Mediashi (1998), “Kingu” no Jidai (2002) (awarded
the Japan Society of Publishing Studies Prize and the Suntory Gakugei Prize), Genron
Tōsei (2004) (awarded the Yoshida Shigeru Prize), Hachigatsu Jūgonichi no Shinwa
(2005) and Terebiteki Kyōyō (2008). He also edited Hitora no Jubaku (2000).
Matthew Penney : タンクトレドからガータベルトまで:日本のナチ・ポップ、
および戦時中のドイツのイメージを紹介する。2000 年前後を境に、軍事技術か
界史を学び、その後 2 年間金沢大学で留学を経て、2007 年オークランド大学で
博士号取得。2007 年より現職。主著には“Right Angles: Examining Accounts of
Japanese Neo-Nationalism”[日本の日本のネオナショナリズム傾向を考える] (coauthored with Bryce Wakefield) in Pacific Affairs (Winter 2008/2009: Vol. 81, No. 4),
“Far from Oblivion: The Nanking Massacre in Japanese Historical Writing for Children
and Young Adults” [ 日 本 の 子 供 及 び 若 者 向 け 歴 史 書 に お け る 南 京 虐 殺 ] in
Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Spring 2008: Vol. 22, No. 1).
Matthew Penney: From Tank Treads to Garter Belts -- Nazi Pop, Media Forms,
and Critical Moments in Japan
This presentation will place images of Nazis and the wartime Germany military in the
context of "military fandom" in Japan. It will discuss a shift from around the year 2000
away from a focus on military technology toward uniforms, fashion, and sex as "moe"
subcultures have become an important facet of the Japanese youth culture scene. New
styles of representation in anime, manga, and video games have often removed context,
effectively commercializing Nazi images while skirting discussion of the difficult past.
The presentation will also assert, however, that the same trends have opened up critical
moments - combining subcultural expression with historiographical interjections that
confront audiences not only with unsettling and disturbing views of Germany's past, but
Japan's as well.
Matthew Penney
Assistant professor of History at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. His area of
research is postwar Japanese cultural history, specifically the representation of the AsiaPacific War in non-fiction and popular media. He is the author of a variety of articles
including “Right Angles: Examining Accounts of Japanese Neo-Nationalism” (coauthored by Bryce Wakefield) in Pacific Affairs (Winter 2008/2009: Vol. 81, No. 4), and
“Far from Oblivion: The Nanking Massacre in Japanese Historical Writing for Children
and Young Adults” in Holocaust and Genocide Studies (Spring 2008: Vol. 22, No. 1).
He is currently preparing a manuscript on representations of war in Japanese popular
岩佐托朗 :1970 年代以降のドイツ及びヨーロッパの日本に関する学術イメー
報告は 1970 年代以降のドイツ・ヨーロッパの学術研究における日本イメージ
へと変化した。1970、80 年代の肯定的、賞賛的イメージは、かなりの理想化、
他方、90 年代以降の否定的、不確信的イメージは、日本の経済・経営・社会の
岩佐 托朗
大阪経済大学経営情報学部講師(日欧比較文明・比較文化)。1989‐90 年デンマ
ークコペンハーゲン大学留学。1992 年大阪外国語大学卒業(北欧地域研究)。
1992‐2001 年松下電器産業(株)欧州市場担当(1993-95 ベルギー赴任)。
2002 年フランス I E H E I(国際高等研究 欧州研究大学院 修士号取得(欧州・国
際関係学)。2007 年イタリア EUI(ヨーロッパ大学院大学)博士号取得(歴
及び現代日本への意義」(修士論文・英文・2002)、「1970 年代以降の日本に
Iwasa Takurō: German and European Academic Images of Japan since the 1970s
This presentation analyzes the changes of the German and European academic images
of Japan since the 1970s, and looks at how Japan has been produced and constructed for
Germany and Europe in economics, business management studies, sociology and
anthropology. The analytical approach of this research concentrates on images. Images
constitute an important part of reality, even though they are often misunderstood,
contested, or stereotyped. Images involve a high degree of generalisation, simplification,
stereotypisation and evaluation.
German and European images and stereotypes of Japan across the disciplines have
perceptibly transformed from the simplified and monolithic to the plural and diversified
over the decades. On the one hand, European affirmative and admiring images in the
1970s and 1980s were to a large extent perceived as being over-idealised and overestimated with European illusions and stereotypes through processes of simplification
and symbolisation. On the other hand, the European negative and unconvincing images
in the 1990s were produced through diversification and globalization processes of
Japanese economy, business management and society.
Academic images will be largely determined by which image European researchers will
‘see’ in the analysed information surrounding them. The prevailing intellectual climate
influences the academic construction and development of particular images.
Iwasa Takuro
Assistant professor at Osaka University of Economics. From 1992-2001 he was in
charge of the European market at Panasonic Co. Ltd. In 2002, he obtained an M.A. in
Advanced European and International Studies at Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes
Internatinales in France. In 2007, he obtained a Ph.D. in History and Civilization at the
European University Institute in Italy. He has written comparative studies on the
civilizations and cultures of Japan and Europe: The Influence of Europe on Japan's
Modernization Process during the Meiji Era and the Consequences to Today's Japan
(M.A. Paper, English, 2002). West European Academic Images and Stereotypes of
Japan since the 1970s (Ph.D. Thesis, English, 2007).
Closing Remarks
上智大学名誉教授。1949-1953 上智大学文学部史学科在学。1953-1956 同学大学
院修士課程。1962 年 10 月-1965 年 2 月スイス連邦政府給費生 Bundesstipendiat と
して Bern 大学留学。同大学より Ph.D.学位取得。1965 年 4 月上智大学史学科講
師、1967 年 10 月同大学助教授、1973 年 4 月同大学教授。主な著書には、Das
Verhältnis zwischen der Schweiz und Japan. Vom Beginn der diplomatischen Bezieungen
1859 bis 1868, 1967; 『初期日本=スイス関係史 ― スイス連邦文書館の幕末日
本貿易資料』、風間書房、1971 年;『ヒトラー時代の抵抗運動』、毎日新聞社、
1982 年 ;『 ド イ ツ 人 と ス イ ス 人 の 戦 争 と 平 和 』、 南 窓 社 、 1995 年 ;「 Das
japanische Preußen-Bild in historischer Perspektive」、in Gerhard Krebs 編『Japan und
Preußen』, München 2002;訳書には『オイレンブルク日本遠征記』上下、雄松
堂、1969 年;『シーボリト日本 巻1』、雄松堂、1977 年;『ハイネ世界周航日
本への旅』、雄松堂、1983 年等。
Nakai Akio
Professor emeritus, Sophia University. He studied history at Sophia University from
1949-1953 and in Sophia University’s graduate school from 1953-1956. From 1962 to
1965 he studied at Berne University on a scholarship from the Swiss government and
received a Ph.D. in 1965. In the same year he became a lecturer at Sophia University, in
1967 Assistant Professor and in 1973 Professor. His major publications include The
Relations between Switzerland and Japan (in German, 1967), Early Swiss-Japan
Relations (in Japanese, 1971), The Resistance Movement against the Hitler Regime (in
Japanese, 1982), War and Peace in Germany and Japan (in Japanese, 1995). He also
translated the report of the Eulenburg mission of 1859-1862 to East Asia into Japanese
as well as Siebold’s “Japan” and the recollections of Wilhelm Heine’s around the world
with the fleet of Commodore Perry (1853-54).
(1975~76 年 )。 東独 科学 アカデミ・文学史中央研究所研究員として勤務
(1977~90 年)。1989 年 10 月、反体制改革派市民グループ「新フォーラム」に
参加。1990 年 1 月に東独ドイツ社会民主党に入党し、6 月に党首となる。東西
のドイツ社会民主党統合後、2005 年まで同党副党首を務める。連邦議会議長
(1998 年~2005 年 10 月)を務めた後、副議長となる(現在に至る)。東ドイツ
Wolfgang Thierse
Studied German language and literature at Humboldt University in Berlin. He later
became a research assistant in the university’s Department of Cultural Theory and
Aesthetics. In 1975/1976 he was employed by the Ministry of Culture of the German
Democratic Republic. From 1977 to 1990 Thierse worked as a research assistant at the
Central Institute of the History of Literature in the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the
GDR. In October 1989 Wolfgang Thierse joined the opposition group “New Forum” and
in January 1990 the Social Democratic Party in the GDR, whose leader he became in
June. When the East German SPD merged with the West German SPD, Thierse became
vice chairman of that party, an office he held until 2005. In 1998, Thierse was elected
President of the German Bundestag, an office he held until October 2005. Thierse was
subsequently elected vice president of the Bundestag. Thierse has published several
books on the situation in East Germany.