ῌ*2& º 2006 81 ῌ῎ ῐ῍ 1)1), 2)1)1)2)1) 1) 2)!"3)4) #4)$4) 5) %&5)' ()!'1), 2) 1) "#$*%& '+ 2) "#$*(,-./$0)1*23% 3) "4*5$& 4) "#$*%6785 5) +,$9*:;,-./ <-= 18 . 2 > 8 /? -= 18 . 4 > 19 @ Nocardia AB'+CDEFG0HIJ? K12AELELM3 HIN? *2OPQRFB4STFR+5U6V7WUXYZT[ \] '+8(A? 9^? V>_]`FabSTcdZ? K =:AG0HI[ :;HA? *2; Nocardia 26 ef8gh< i =jkf>lU? m?B]fE][ *2;ST] 26 eAh< i < i3? @n? AB=Cop@ qN N. asteroides 12 e? N. nova 8 e? N. farcinica 6 eST][ = EFA? r.DsSTFR 16S rDNA fER] restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) fERFE]ct? iH N. asteroides ST] 12 e uv 4 eJ N. asteroides, 4 eJ N. farcinica, 4 eJ N. transvalensis Rujko`][ =? h< iqN N. nova ST] 8 euv 2 eJ N. nova, 1 eJ N. farcinica, wN 5 eAFGo`][ iH N. farcinica ST] 6 eA =QRFUxF N. farcinica HST][ cTZ Nocardia fE]ct? mqNIyz{JBZTU? |}~ -? ~|? |-? -? ST ? HQQRJ ST][ :;dZ? Nocardia 16S rDNA fER] RFLP JEJ ST][ Key words: Nocardia, RFLP, conventional identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing ῏ ῑ 78ST¡¢£'+CDEFG0HI Nocardia AKLM 1), 2)[ Nocardia A¤¥¦U1Vop^ HIN? NopO7WEFR[ 123H§EST1VU@nJ? KW¨ q'+APFQ BZT? R6 AX? B4STFR+5U6V7WUX \³]^_´ (µ143῍8540) "4`$¶$0· 5῍21῍16 "#$*%& '+¸¹ TEL: 03῍3762῍4151 FAX: 03῍5493῍5415 E-mail: [email protected] YZT[ \]? Nocardia J12STF©FU Y3ªHmAM3HIN? cTJ '+88«3ESo`FR[ ¬ ro`F? 16S rDNA fER] restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) opZ® H Nocardia JRdDsST FR3)¯7)[ Conville ZA? °±²[ HinP1I, DpnII, *2& »¼ Vol. 16 No. 2 2006. 21 ¼NL 82 SphI, BstEII Nocardia RFLP mox-14 Solution (TaKaRa) 100 ml !_ ` N. asteroides, N. nova, N. farci- 10 .ab 12,000 rpm 5 .`! nica, N. transvalensis c V OP lm 12,000 rpm 2 . 8) cde ! Nocardia N. farcinica " de fg!hijk 300 ml U fg!hk 10 ml n #$%&' o rgTTdp DNA q< (! %" PCR r ) * Nocardia !!" "+ 2) #$%&') , '-( p DNA q< 0.5 ml PCR r< 50 ml AdNTP !./0()+#*+,1&' Mixture 23-4 56"./ Bu#er 2I primer setsB m Primer " 2.5 U 10 Conville ! 1 primer Upstream Nocardia 26 7!0!123894 +.:35946+ 12.5 nmol Taq porymerase 7;%, [5ῌ-CGA-ACG-CTG-GCG-GCG-TGC-TTA-AC-3ῌ] 50 ! 89<=:++#; pmol < CCA-CAA-GGG-GG-3ῌ] 50 pmol Downstream 2 * >?@='- ./ Nocardia A3894 + Downstream 1 [5ῌ-CCT-GTA-CAC-CGA- [5ῌ-ACC-TGT-ACA-CCA-ACC-ACA-AGG-GGG-3ῌ] " N. asteroidesB .:35946+!2 N. 50 pmol 8) farcinica > 94 1 . 65 45 s 72 1 . 40 ~uZQ ?CD ? E@CFGH% 94 5 .rc 72 10 .t PCR ,1 1e tPr Q 1 kb DNA marker (BioLabs) 1. u_¡v` wx sOdM \un Nocardia K! PCR ]5Sy(P 5 6 " Nocardia A B C D E 7 6 7 3) RFLP N. nova, IFM 0284 N. farcinica, IFM ¢ PCR ]5" z£¤U (HinP1I, DpnII, SphI, Bst- 0319 N. asteroides, IFM 0239 N. otitidiscaviarum, EII) (BioLabs) !{8 NuSieve 3 : 1 aga- (IFM 0290 IFM 0236 N. brasiliensis, IFM 0333 N. transvalen- rose 2 Q (FMC Cprporation) u_¡v sis) 2I./7 26 7 AABC92IFGC `|}]5¥Tn¦[PT7; 9HI7 : 1998J2002 J!./B !0 2. 4. +#" eQ§{vT (ABK), Wf~uZiT KLMKNOPQRQSTK!UV WXPQ (MINO), uWRM (IPM), r¦l~vT (SPFX), Y2I b-LZ[\PS]3!2L^_M ¨©l~vT (LVFX), ª[ddM (CAZ), eW N` abcdeWfghiTYj {vT (AMK), iR«in (LZD), rQ¬hpl~ hklfT.O!2m Nocardia ) «PQ/pihpiM (ST) ® 9 ~ (P #¯;°D"±@²DE³´µ (NCCLS) ! Q Y]3R AenopP Q eLqfPr siripPQ tLZpPr %DE+!E¶ WPLPN|TpT< KQXPr ufvpPQ \QpPr \TfPr [\ (Difco) 89<=:+! MIC < LMfPr wQqpPQB j Sx5.yR Ae 11) zoT {SuT |}l~TOT OvT l~ <¨Pp¢·Q! 5 ml 48 ] TOT TUB 45!V ZsTYWR 2I 72 ]! MIC > @= !UV uWRM (IPM), p L\ " S. aureus (ATCC 29213), E. faecalis (ATCC uvT (TOB), {k\uvT (KM), 5-QLv 29212), E. coli (ATCC 25922), P. aeruginosa (ATCC @ 35 3 [^ 107 cfu/ml ¸DE7 Q (5-FU) !!%;!!1 27853) ¹ .E!)(P `m9), 10) 3. PCR 1) YXY <Z[\ 48J72 ][^ Catri22 8359º» Vol. 16 No. 2 2006. #¯!" z| 1qr*pHI78 1) 83 '()*+ 1 kb ,-*./$%01 23 (Fig. 1). 4* 26 56* 26 Nocardia )789: ";<+ 1 kb , 12 N. asteroides, 8 -*$%0123 (data not shown) = N. nova, 6 N. farcinica >?@ @ 26 Nocardia #A 2) 26 16S rDNA Nocardia (N. asteroides, N. brasili- ensis, N. farcinica, N. nova, N. otitidiscaviarum, N. transvalensis) !"# 16S rDNA $%& 16S rDNA BCDE DpnII, HinP1I, SphI, BstEII FGHI<* '(*J" RFLP KL9: 3) 16S rDNA RFLP 6 MN 16S rDNA DpnII, HinP1I, Bst- EII, SphI 4 MNBCDEFG Fig. 2 *O@IPQ RFLP RSTUVW Table 1 * 16S rDNA $%01BCDEXYYZ [\]^_#` N. asteroides 12 Qa 4 N. asteroides, 4 N. farcinica, 4 N. transvalensis RFLP RSTU/b /c * Pd N. nova 8 Qa 2 N. nova, 1 N. farcinica RFLP RSTU/b ? ed 5 *f"#g RFLP RSTUgHh #/i< jkl! m/ bHI<gO@? ^ N. farcinica #" 6 g RFLP KL Fig. 1. PCR uv=> w1 kb Ladder, 1x|} ~Tyz{ M: 1 kb TT Lane 1: N. asteroides, Lane 2: N. brasiliensis, Lane 3: N. farcinica, Lane 4: N. nova, Lane 5: N. otitidiscaviarum, Lane 6: N. transvalensis Fig. 2. *f"#<Hh# N. farcinica /RSTU ` Table 2 **fnI= > RFLP KL*PI=>op` 4) !"#$ Fig. 3 * RFLP KL N. asteroides 4 N. farcinica 11 N. transvalensis 4 qr BCDEs!tuv=> w100 bp Ladder, 2x Nusieve yz{ 1: DpnII, 2: HinP1, 3: BstEII, 4; SphI 1 Vol. 16 No. 2 2006. 23 tuvwxy 84 PQRSTUVWXYYZ RFLP [\<@ Table 1. Restriction enzymes used Species DpnII N. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. asteroides type strain brasiliensis farcinica nova nova variant otitidiscaviarum transvalensis pseudobrasiliensis Unclassified 700, 700, 705, 640, 700, 455, 705, 525, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 250, 200, 200, HinP1I 95 95 95 95, 60 95 200, 95 95 175, 95 420, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420, 645, 420, 455, 250, 200, 95 350, 350, 225, 350, 350, 350, 350 350, 225 225 175, 125, 55 225 225 150, 75 BstEII SphI Uncut 730, 270 Uncut 835, 165 730, 270 Uncut Uncut Uncut 225 420, 225, 175, 125, 55 ]^_`abcLde RFLP dcLfghi Table 2. Identification from RFLP pattern Conventional identification N. nova (8 strains) N. asteroides (12 strains) N. farcinica (6 strains) N. farcinica (11 strains) N. asteroides (4 strains) 1 4 6ῌ 4ῌ N. nova (2 strains) N. transvalensis (4 strains) Unclassified (5 strains) 2ῌ 5 4 ῌ_`abcLde RFLP d(fgj Fig. 3. Nocardia kl (N. farcinica, N. asteroides, N. transvalensis) 5 MINO N. transva- ()* +, - 3 ./01234 lensis N. asteroides 4 5 CAZ 64 mg/ml 678 3 N. farcinica 11 7 % MIC 9 IPM !"#:;<=>?@4 !"# 5( SPFX A,$B CD 26 $% N. farcinica 1 &' EFGHIG@JKLM,%N%O N. 24 mCnop_qars Vol. 16 No. 2 2006. ¸¹º=»ZN !" Y¼"I 85 farcinica12 8 1 mg/ml MIC (r ()]alB8 J9 CT AMK MIC 2 mg/ml zNi/aaOvfAk ABK Pk Nocardia 6F U,V 37 WZQ?QR+ LS;O ST $ U T,V UD# 6 % & '()*+,( UVWV , 6 , 1X/7 - ."/0,1(2345-67 UV YZ 6 89:-;< UPk~RSV LZD Nocardia =" MIC 1>4 mg/ Pk~ J9 CT Iva ml .? @ABCD" <J[f\w [89: "# Q?U]6"89:^ !"# 5) E 6F % _`IvQ? Nocardia =_` N. farcinica ῌ῍῎ῒΐῑ GHIJK Nocardia = LMN 0Z 6 !" N. asteroidesO RFLP P#Q? N. farcinica ! D# E XQ" 8H }~ ST $Q IPM 67Y"Q? a $RST% (Fig. 4). ῏ U $V 42 W UX 'V () *YZ[\D & ῐ G7 b=Iv" Nocardia = U]+,V 2 ^_Q? 38`-./a0b1 c|6 2 34c56Fa 4 ^ 15 7&d8 e$ ¡wf¢gh£¤ 8Z e9 X :fCT ; g<=9>hi " j?@7AklB8 ¨a©ª«=e$ 6F #m nC !d.? = !¥i ¦a§." bIv DE/a6EF e9 CT ; gop&F" Nocardia =¦# 1Gq>hi/aarstuIvwY" +Jj:." Streptomyces, Actinomyces, Rho- x yz{a|!8HI6EF } dococcus, Gordonia 67 ~ JK " lm ®)«n¯ b-9°±*²³ *YZ[\D] 6 ^ 4 7LM Fig. 4. 6" }l ¬kd. N. farcinica Q"$J9 CT Q[89:´µ 7X@oZN¶· Vol. 16 No. 2 2006. 25 »q¼r 86 Nocardia _ N. transvalensis 0 H7 II'5J0@70v-39-:;_7 sV 45 !"# $% & J:I'7 N. asteroides 39-:;_m &'()*+ ,-."# K)*LME+[9-:hR>)*#7 &/*&012)*,3 IPM, U*2), 12), 13)+ !4'&)*56 $% TOB, KM, 5-FU 3)*7%89-:;*9), 10)+ 4'56 '(&<)*=> 3: ? 4'56 " ) Nocardia 5J&)*4'N0 IO I75JP8_&}-*,3 E QR 3\6 3w&0 1 S&@_J: @ 9-*,3EU*+ I'5J&:0 ST = *+ Nocardia D'0E 7TbUV3:9-*,37O;7 '] 3E34'&)* "FG7HI B1 '(34'56 ; I&/*W ; '73 B 'AB3C73 7 M &! J:;*3;KL&0 ; N%O*34'56 PQ ; /RS !E -'XI '& )*4'56 )*,37Yv;+ '(T")*# efa00 N. asteroides, N. farcinica, N. trans- V PCR ;: No- valensis .3: TbUV3: ST = cardia D' DNA $%& 'WX()$ 0 b-y (IPM, CAZ), y Y'()* RFLP * 7; (MINO), (AMK, ABK), IZ+[9-:;*3)\7)+ Conville 0 28 ], ¡¡ (LVFX, SPFX), ¢£ ^-].&"#&/*3 16S 4' (LZD) &Z;:4'56 _+ 7U*+ ,/K rDNA ;_ RFLP /`a0 25 ]12 efa0_]&h;:0 NCCLS Aq¤ ST PQ7b3 3 ]c = IPM, AMK, MINO &h;: ]0}- *PQ3 J_,3+ [:;*8)+ , 3 ]0."# N. J_7 CAZ MIC &h;:0)¥:]7 64 asteroides, N. otitidiscaviarum, Nocardia D'3 mg/ml S3;K ;Z~_+ b2 ¡ 9-:;_EU*7 RFLP 0-d- ¡&h;:0 LVFX &:[\S]7 N. farcinica, N. asteroides, 43;KPQ& J:;_+ ef5ga00 "# &/*3 RFLP PQ7b3_]0 N. ~_& ¦ciprofloxacin q¤ MIC 4 mg/ml S§ SPFX &h;:0 19 ] 9] 7 MIC 1 mg/ml 56 ~:;_+ ,F asteroides 12 ] 4 ] N. nova 8 ] 2 ] N. G3/Ib3)*/K& Nocardia 5J&: farcinica 0 6 ] 6 ]3;KPQUJ_+ 6& SPFX 7*¨UJ_]75g+[©;I "# N. nova 39-_]&hi*b Zª}9-*14), 15)+ ef 4 MRSA 4« 3778I j3k!7 RFLP &h;: ¬ ^' (VRE) 3:-d-_m9 4&99-_+ ,&l:0 ,-4 -:;* ABK, LZD &Z;:E56 ]7 N. vova variant U*m E%O-*, _7 ABK 0 1 mg/ml, LZD 0 4 mg/ml )¥ 3 Bn 16S rRNA m:o (146\156) :]7`®9-:hR ,-,^ pq;<rst * 7~¯9-_PQUJ_+ LZD Nocardia '(uJ:;*+ efa00 "# N. asteroides D' ¦140 ]§ h/x N. brasiliensis ¦25 ]§ & 39-_ 12 ]K 4 ]7 N. asteroides, 4 ] )*4'° a0_FG&h;:E MIC90 7 7 N. farcinica, 4 ]7 N. transvalensis RFLP Y -d- 1\4 mg/ml, 2 mg/ml 3+[9-:hR 5 3b3_+ ,-v&+[:w_/K& g56 PQ0,-&V;FGUJ_16), 17)+ N. asteroides 3 N. farcinica, N. transvalensis . "#&0 =g0 TOB 56 h/xy Nocardia D'&/*5J3:0±²³ a z{> |g0C?h bcdef /x@$%&A_9), 10)+ ,-'(&h -:;*+ 6&3´ ;:"#3 RFLP B-7}-_ µ¶3:0 N. asteroides complex (N. asteroides C04DU*7 '(&4'56 PQ sensu stricto type VI, N. farcinica, N. nova, N. ab- ;*,3E9~_FG3E%O-*+ v scessus) · N. farcinica 7¸U*,37+[9- 26 nI,^op#¹º Vol. 16 No. 2 2006. gh?5JiH7 ;,37j 5Jµ¶3 *klm ZKLCWEG0HIºC»¼Q>? 1), 12), 18)20) Kageyama 19922001 Nocardia 303 2) Nocardia !"#$%& N. asteroides %'()* 10 7 N. farci- 5) nica 14 9 N. brasiliensis 4 4 )* +,-* ./ 0-$'1)23 N. transvalensis % 45'(67)89 6) :%;21) <=>?64 5%@ A B'(CDEFG 0HI N. asteroides HI;% RFLP N. farcinica )% J-* Nocardia KLC N. asteroides M N. farcinica 8 !"#NOPQC 7) R6SJ6 RFLP -T UVWXYZ[\]^-HI%QQ 7-*_6`a bc>?J Nocardia KLCHI d 8) 16S rDNA RFLP ef%P; gh Nocardia KLC N. asteroides, N. farcinica, N. nova, N. brasiliensis, N. otitidiscaviarum, N. transvalensis -T 10 CRij%klm$ 'PQ%S A nopqrs t*CQQ7-*_6 `a1), 2), 12) bu; Nocar- 9) 10) 11) dia KLCHI[0 vBwx[ >yz{|}-T~L>? _%)23 ῍ 1) 12) ῌ Beaman, B.L., L. 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Usefulness of RFLP Method for Identification of Recent Isolates of Nocardia spp. and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Rie Shibuya,1) Kazuhiro Tateda,1), 2), Soichiro Kimura,1) Yoshikazu Ishii,1) Hinako Murakami,2) Reiko Shimatsu,1) Fusako Kashitani,1) Morihiro Iwata,2) Tetsuya Matsumoto,3) Kazuhiro Kimura,4) Koh Uchida,4) Koichiro Nakata,4) Setsuko Kubo,5) Yuzuru Mikami,5) Keizo Yamaguchi1), 2) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Toho University School of Medicine; Corresponding author Clinical Laboratory, Toho University Omori Medical Center Department of Microbiology, Tokyo Medical University Respiratory Medicine, Internal Medicine, Toho Unviversity School of Medicine Research Center for Pathogenic Fungi and Microbial Toxicoses, Chiba University, Chuo-ku, Chiba 260ῌ8673, Japan. In this study, we examined usefulness of RFLP method for identification of clinical isolates of Nocardia spp. (standard strains and clinical isolates), comparing to conventional biochemical assays. Twenty-six strains of clinical isolates were conventionally identified as N. asteroides (n12), N. nova (n8), N. farcinica (n6). In contrast, RFLP method using bacterial 16S rDNA demonstrated N. asteroides (n4), N. farcinica (n4), N. transvalensis (n4) in 12 strains of N. asteroides conventionally identified. Also RFLP results showed N. nova (n2), N. farcinica (n1), unclassified (n5) in 8 strains of N. nova conventionally identified, whereas all 6 strains N. farcinica indicated identical results. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed that the first-line antibiotics, such as minocycline, amikacin, imipenem and ST, in addition to newer antimicrobials (linezolid, arbekacin), were generally active against clinical isolates of Nocardia spp., although a small variation was observed among strains and species. These data suggest that RFLP method for identification of Nocardia organisms may be a useful technique in the clinical microbiological laboratory setting. 28 Vol. 16 No. 2 2006.
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