「エンジニア」 と 「経営管理者」 の人材紹介 We search for Excellent Engineers and Executives http://www.cdac.jp 「サーチ」 「スカウト」 「ヘッドハンティング」 に定評 Search, Scouting, Headhunting for Excellent Talent Electronics Mechatoronics Software Semiconductor IT Mechanical 若手 中堅 SONY 出身 エンジニア人材 Engineer Talent ご紹介 Introduction コンサルティング Consulting 管理職 Others 経験 豊富 ソニーグループ出身のエ ンジニアを中心に、各種 エレクトロニクス企業の 技術畑で、開発・設計・工 場管理・経営・海外進出 企業の立ち上げ支援な どの豊富な経験を有して います。 Many of the consultants at CDA are ex Sony engineers in the recruiting business. Other consultants also have a wide experience in the field of Marketing and IT Industries and other fields. RoHS 指令コンサルティングも展開中! ●エレクトロニクス、メカトロニクス業界を中心とした技術系人材紹 介に強く、特に回路設計、ソフトウエア、半導体、通信技術、機構設計 エンジニアの紹介を得意とします。 ●若手から中堅、管理職までの幅広い人材をご紹介しています。 ●サーチ、スカウト、ヘッドハンティングをとくに得意としています。 ●グローバル企業様向けの外資系幹部、社長候補のご紹介にも定評。 ●経理・総務・人事・法務・IR 等の管理部門にも注力。 ● Electronics and Mechanical fields: Hardware, software, semiconductor, telecommunication and mechatoronics engineers. ● From younger people to middle management and executive management. ● Executive Search, Scouting and Headhunting in all areas. ● Local managers, company managers for foreign firms. ● Search for CFO, Accounting, General Affairs, Personnel, Legal and IR. 厚生労働大臣許可:13- ユ -300777 キャリア・デベロプメント・アソシエイツ株式会社 〒141-0032 東京都品川区大崎 3‒6‒30 大崎紋新 301 Tel: 03-3493-7228 Fax: 03-6421-7234 担当コンサルタント Company Overview Company Name Career Development Associates Corporation (CDA) Date of Foundation 1 July, 2005 Line of Business Consulting Services for human resources and recruiting professionals st (Endorsed by Minister of Welfare & Labour, License No. 13-yu-300777) Address 301 OsakiMonshin 3-6-30 Osaki Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0032 Japan Tel:+81-(0)3-3493-7228 Fax: +81-(0)3-6421-7234 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.cdac.jp President Akira Tanabe Executive Consultant Hiroshi Tanaka, Mitsuo Eguchi, Masataka Hotta, Koji Komori, Takeshi Sunada, Kenjiro Seki, Koichi Nohara Shinji Motohara, Akio Nitta, Osamu Okano, Katsuro Fujisaki, Toshiaki Kawane, Shigeru Kinoshita, Tadashi Higuchi, Takashi Yamamura, Keiji Miyawaki, Kazuya Okazaki, Masanobu Shinoda, Toshiyasu Nagae, Kazuaki Fuchimoto, Shinji Hiruta, Patrick Lauer Origin and its development May 1974 Sony established a Career Development International (CDI) and started recruiting services. Jan 2001 CDI was merged with Sony Human Capital Corporation. July 2005 Sony Human Capital Corporation closed its recruiting business and Career Development Associates (CDA) has been established to succeed the business. Sept 2005 CDA was granted license for consulting services for human resources and recruiting professionals by the Minister of Welfare & Labor. Outline of Business Most of the consultants at CDA are former Sony engineers with 10-20 year experience in the recruiting business. Other consultants also have a wide experience in the field of Marketing and IT Industries. ● Electronics and Mechanical field: Circuit design, software, semiconductor and telecommunication engineers. From younger people to middle managements and senior/top managements. ● IT: Software design for Portable phone and Electric household appliances, Hardware design, Test and Quality control. ● Car and Transport machine: Highly skilled engineers. ● Executives and Top management: Executive Search, Scout and Headhunting in all areas including CFO, Accounting, General Affairs, Personnel, Legal and IR. ● Foreign Firms: Branch manager, company manager for foreign firms. Career Development Associates Corporation (CDA) 3F Osaki Monshin Bldg, 3-6-30 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032 Japan Tel: +81-(0)3-3493-7228 Fax: +81-(0)3-6421-7234 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.cdac.jp
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