
╙11࿁㧔1998ᐕ㧕ᔕ൐✚ᢙ 4,352✬
What I’m Thinking Most About
What Impressed Me Most
What I Like Best
前田 振一郎
奥 紘子
帝塚山学院泉ヶ丘(大阪府)井上 章子
須f 智子
伊藤 淳子
丸山 貴代
大船 由理
蘆田 まり子
今任 大成
豊福 直希
What Impressed Me Most
ᵡᤊ㜞ᩞ㧔੩ㇺᐭ㧕 ೨↰‫ޓ‬ᝄ৻㇢
“Volunteers Needed. ”said the headline of a newspaper article. It requested people to join the volunteers who would clear
the coast of oil from the wrecked Russian tanker. I suggested to many friends that we should join them, but everyone except
Yuki Yamamoto answered, “No, that won’t be fun.” So only Yuki and I decided to go to Kaga in Ishikawa prefecture.
On reaching Kaga on the twentieth of March, we met Yuichi Kakeya, the leader of the group at Jisshoin Temple, where
Yuki and I stayed. His nickname was Take. Take was a student at a medical school in Hiroshima. He was kind to us two. He
often said to us, “Enjoy your school life. When you become an adult, you’ll have little time to enjoy yourself. So, do what you
want to do now” Although he himself was busy studying medicine, he was quite willing to do the volunteer work.
The next morning, we began working. As the oil and the sand were mixed, the first thing to do was to sift the oil from the
sand. Second, we stuffed the sifted oil into bags, and threw those bags into drums. Finally, we had to help to load these
drums onto trucks. Sifting the oil needed a lot of time, the bags were heavy enough to make us tired, and loading the drums
onto trucks needed care and attention. Moreover, huge was the quantity of oil. When we arrived at Kaga, there were already
no less than four thousand drums full of oil, but there were still much oil left along the coast. As you can imagine, it was a
hard work. However, Take was happy to do the work. Doesn’t it seem to you just a waste of time and energy to work hard
for nothing? Why was Take happy to do the work?
I found the reason while I was staying at Kaga.
First, it is fun to be helpful to others. The local people were so serious about their sea that they asked for our help. When
you are helpful to such people, aren’t you happy? I was happy to find myself being helpful to the local people. I heard many
refreshing thank-you there. Take must have been proud of himself, being helpful to the local people.
Also, we had chances to make friends with the local people and with other volunteers. Take is now a good friend of mine.
We worked together, ate together, and talked together. It was an ideal opportunity to make friends. Little did I expected to
get acquainted with such nice people as Take before I went to Kaga. When Take and other friends gave me their autographs
on my raincoat, I was delighted. I simply intended to work with Yuki, but I found the joy to come into contact with people.
And yet, I was sad when I saw people quarreling, for I was proud that these people including me were working together for
one and the same purpose.
I remember how astonished and shocked I was when I first saw a heated argument. It was between two leaders, Tsuchiya
and Sasajima. Sasajima said to Tsuchiya furiously, “Why did you decide without permission to stop the trucks which had
been transporting the drums of oil? That meant we would have to pay much more money. You should’ve consulted with
me.” Tsuchiya said back, “That transportation was illegal. It was dangerous. What would you do if somebody got hurt?” “But
you ought to have conferred on it with me. Get out of here.” I could do nothing but look at them. Eventually, those who
were around them calmed them down.
This story doesn’t stand alone. I saw a woman weeping, scolded by Tsuchiya. I saw volunteers and officials hotly disputing.
We all wanted to clean the coast, but sometimes, the people’s eagerness caused disagreements.
In such cases, Tsuchiya, Sasajima, and other people might well feel like giving up their volunteer work, but they did not.
Even though they split up, they still had the desire to be helpful. It was this desire that overcame these difficulties. It was
this desire of each one that saved the coast.
“Save the Coast” was our slogan. To save the coast, we gathered. To save the coast, we worked. To save the coast, we
helped each other. However, for me, Kaga was more than that. I realized that we are relying on each other and so we have
to support each other. In other words, I learned volunteerism. I hope this volunteerism will prevail little by little among
people to the point where there will be no volunteerism. It means all the people have the volunteerism of their own, and
they take their volunteerism for granted. If people lose their spirit to be helpful, what do you think the world would be like?
My answer is “empty.”
浪費に思えるのではないだろうか? なぜタケは喜んで作業をしていたのだろう?
怒って言った――「どうして油の入ったドラム缶を積んだトラックを止めたんだ? 余分に費用がかかることになる。なぜわたしに相談し
中はどうなるだろか? わたしの答えは「空虚」だ。
What Impressed Me Most
ᏢႦጊቇ㒮ᴰࡩਐ㜞ᩞ㧔ᄢ㒋ᐭ㧕 ੗਄‫┨ޓ‬ሶ
Are you an international-minded person? I thought I was. My family had been a host family of a Thai student for about a
year. She was a very spirited and active girl and we talked about many things late into the night many times.
At first, she couldn’t speak Japanese at all, so we talked mostly in English. We taught her many Japanese words, about
Japanese culture and about many things necessary for daily life. She was so glad to learn them. And she, in turn, told us a
lot about her country. We spent many happy days together. I was very happy to have her in my family. Soon she learned to
speak Japanese well. And she could communicate only in Japanese. I felt as if we were a real family. I thought that we could
really understand each other.
But one day, she got angry because our opinion on marriage clashed. After that, she shut herself in her room. I called her,
“Chutima, dinner is ready. Let’s eat together.” She didn’t come out. She didn’t even answer. “Why don’t you take a bath?”
But no answer came. She seemed to take a bath after we had gone to bed. What was all this time we spent together for her
and for us? I wished I hadn’t been her host family. I was very shocked. My wonderful time with her turned out to be a
burden to me. How many times I wanted our relationship to return to what it used to be. I thought she made my life
unbearable. And I couldn’t forgive her. I didn’t talk with her until her last day in Japan.
Just before she got on the Shinkansen, she suddenly held me in her arms. Her eyes were filled with tears, and she said,
“I’m sorry for getting angry in spite of your kindness.” Then I realized. I have been with my family, while she came to Japan
alone to study, away from her family. How lonely she must have been! She must have missed her family very much. I should
have taken that into consideration and treated her differently. The difference in our opinions on marriage was based on the
culture and customs of the two countries. I should have known more about Thailand. Then we wouldn’t have had an
It is easy to say that international understanding is very important, but real international understanding is quite difficult.
Just to be able to communicate is far from real international understanding. It is when we have adequate knowledge about
other countries and can see things from different angles that it is established. I’m glad to have been given the opportunity to
realize it.
This summer, I was invited to Thailand by her and her family. While I was staying in her country I was in close contact
with her family and those around her. I came to understand her much better than before. I was accepted into her family,
visited various places and felt that I could build a bridge between Thailand and Japan. Thanks to her, I was able to have a
bitter but most valuable experience, and because of that experience I have become a more international-minded person.
あなたは国際人だろうか? わたしは自分はそうだと思っていた。わが家は1年間、タイ人の学生のホストファミリーをした。彼
たちが寝た後で入浴しているようだった。彼女とわたしにとって、今まで一緒に過ごした日々はなんだったのか? ホストファミリ
ていた。どんなに孤独だったろうか! どんなにか家族に会いたかっただろうか。そのことを念頭に置いて、彼女に接するべきだっ
What I’m Thinking Most About
ᘮᙥ⟵Ⴖḕධ⮮ᴛ㜞╬ㇱ㧔␹ᄹᎹ⋵㧕 ਣጊ‫⾆ޓ‬ઍ
“Japanese houses are made of wood and paper”. This is the shocking statement I heard from my classmate when I lived
England. There are many misunderstandings in foreign countries about Japanese culture and lifestyle. This is an episode
that occurred during a geography lesson. We were watching a video on the Kobe Earthquake of 17th January, 1995. I was
actually nervous because I did not know what the English children’s reaction would be to earthquakes. England has neither
volcanoes nor earthquakes so this would be their first experience of the power of earthquakes.
I sat in the front row and watched the video tape as it was inserted into the player. The screen showed the BBC logo. I felt
a sudden foreboding. What I was going to see would be from the British point of view. Scenes of mass devastation after the
disaster came into focus. People still wearing their pajamas, wrapped up in blankets, were hurried into ambulances. Houses
burned, without any sign of firemen. Suddenly one girl named Olivia spoke out, “Why are Japanese houses made of wood?
Why aren’t they built of bricks like English ones?” My blood froze. I knew that this kind of thing might happen. It was a
complete misunderstanding. While I was thinking of what to say, another classmate opened her mouth. “Why? Oh that’s
easy. It’s only because Japan is a poor country. They can only afford trees. They don’t have enough money to build brick
houses like us! And I also heard they use paper windows.” This mocking speech brought a burst of laughter from the class.
I was incensed. I felt my blood boiling. A misunderstanding mixed with racism. But I could not think of how to fight back,
for I did not know why Japanese built their houses using wood. Feeling ashamed, I made up my mind to research Japanese
culture and to be able to teach foreign people correct information about my home country.
Japan has many natural hazards, including earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, and floods. The power of nature is
unimaginably strong and can easily destroy human communities in an instant. What would happen if I were in a house with
brick walls and they crashed down on me? Hard sharp material will instantly kill a fragile human. But what if the walls were
made of wood? Wood is not so heavy and will not hurt as much. It is therefore much safer. Also, forests are abundant in
Japan and provide excellent materials for building.
Japanese have paper sliding doors for comfortable ventilation. Summers are humid and before air conditioners were
invented, paper shielding were cooler than glass windows.
Wooden buildings and paper windows have been a part of Japanese lifestyle for uncountable number of years. They are a
wisdom that was passed on from previous generations. Why did my classmates not understand? But I realized that I myself
could not tell them about my culture at that time. This is because I had never thought about my culture before.
Nowadays, Japanese goods, especially electronics and automobiles, are exported throughout the world, but Japan seems
to be forgetting to spread its own culture and be understood. On the other hand Japan tries very hard to import foreign
customs and thoughts.
We know much about America and Europe through TV programs and magazines. If I switch on the TV, at least one
channel is showing something foreign. But is there a country where they focus on Japan? On the BBC, there are many
French cooking series, Chinese cuisine specials, and Italian recipes. But I have never seen Japanese cooking programs.
This is where returnees like me, and exchange students take part. We have firsthand knowledge of our culture, while most
foreign people have only secondhand information. We must learn more about Japan so that we can tell others.
て日本の家は木でできているの? なぜ英国みたいにれんが造りじゃないの?」
「なぜって? 簡単さ。日本は貧しい国だから木しか使え
ないんだ。ぼくたちみたいにれんが造りの家を建てる金がない! 窓には紙を使うってうわさもある」
で、壁が崩れてきたらわたしはどうなるだろう? 硬いとがった建材は瞬時にか弱い人間を殺してしまうだろう。でも壁が木製だったら
どうか? 木ならあまり重くはないからそれほど被害も受けないだろう。だからより安全だ。また、日本には豊かな森林があり、優れた
のだ。英国のクラスメートたちはなぜそれがわからなかったのだろう? しかしわたし自身、自分の国の文化を説明できなかったことに
している。しかし日本の文化に特に注目してくれている国はあるだろうか? BBCではフランス料理のシリーズや中華料理特集、イタ
What I Like Best.
I like reading books very much. Last summer, I read more books than ever. Here’s the reason. I have a friend who likes to
read books very much. She actually has read a lot and knows about books and writers very well. She reads all kinds of
books, and most importantly, she tells me her unique and thoughtful response to each book she has just read soon
afterwards. I got to know her earlier in the last year and I have been greatly influenced by her, and I was most, last summer.
During the summer vacation, I was always reading the books she had recommended, because she recommended me to
read one book after another. Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Osamu Dazai, Yukio Mishima, and Kobo Abe were among them. All of
the books she recommended were very interesting. Her favorite writer was Osamu Dazai. I also liked his works, though I
liked Soseki Natsume better than him. Unfortunately, she didn’t like Soseki Natsume so much. When I found out that, I
stopped reading Soseki’s novels.
Now, I wonder why I stopped reading my favorite books. At that time, I may have thought that her opinions were always
right. I was certainly overwhelmed by her vast knowledge about literature, and I wanted to be like her. I might have thought
that my opinions were not as good as hers, just nothing. If she thinks something is good, it must be so, and if she says
Soseki is boring, it might be so, I thought. Anyway, I pretended that I felt just as she felt about everything.
Toward the end of the summer vacation, I was getting irritated with a great deal of homework. One of them was reading
response paper. I had to describe my impression about a book I read during the summer. However, I thought this
assignment was the easy part of the homework because I read a lot of books that summer. I was sure that I would be able to
finish it without any difficulty, which turned out to be completely the opposite. Why? Because all that came to my mind then
was my friends’ words. Nothing was mine. I was miserable, feeling I couldn’t write a single word.
After some distressing time, I suddenly decided to write about my favorite writer’s book, Kokoro, or the heart by Soseki
Natsume, which I had read a long time ago. I read it again, now impressed differently. I was moved to tears. I was pleased
because I found that I had such feeling. Just then, I realized Soseki Natsume is truly my favorite. I noticed each person
should have his own opinion. Maybe, the knowledge of my friend’s is above mine. Maybe, she knows better than I and has
deeper understanding. But so what? I will continue to read books, and someday I will be a better reader and have deeper
views. I should have confidence in what I think.
My reading response paper was selected as the best one in my school. I felt embarrassed because everyone would know
what I thought about the book. At the same time, I thought, “This is a chance to gain a confidence in my thoughts.” I don’t
know if my friend has read that on the school bulletin. Well, if she has, has it convinced of her that Soseki Natsume is
attractive, too?
対だった。なぜか? 思い浮かぶのは友達の言葉ばかりだったからだ。わたし自身の感想が全然浮かばない。ひと言も書けそうになく、
上だ。彼女のほうがよく知っていて、理解も深いかもしれない。だからどうなのだ? それでもわたしは本を読み続けよう。いつかもっ
What Impressed Me Most
Do you understand the change from 110 to 80? Maybe you do not. The answer is the change of my weight. Can’t you
believe it? I have made a great effort to lose weight during these months. This was a struggle for me. When I succeeded in
going on a diet, I was impressed by my endeavor. Now, I’ll tell you my funny story.
One day I took a bath as usual and weighed myself on the bathroom scales. I saw the scale stopped around 10kg. at first I
thought something was wrong with the scales. Maybe it was out or order. Then I realized what was happening. “Wow, this
scale is not out of order. The scale turned around once and then stopped here!” The truth was that my weight was 110kg. I
was very, very shocked. Certainly, I like sweets and juice. I always eat much every meal. But little did I dream that I
weighed over 100kg. I decided strongly. “I’m going on a diet!”, I shouted in my mind.
First, I cut down the amount of every meal. The first week was very hard for me. I always felt hungry. After a month, my
weight was 103kg. Then I began to jog 5km with my friend. Due to the effect of the jogging, I weighed 99kg. “I did it!”, I
shouted in my mind again. I became willing to check my weight every day because my diet seemed to go so smoothly. But
my happiness could not go on. After that, my weight did not change.
After a while, I felt uneasiness and another problem. It was dizziness. Although I did not know the cause of the dizziness, I
continued to eat less and jog. Sometimes I wanted to talk about my diet and dizziness to my parents. But if I did that, I was
afraid of giving up my diet. Anyway, I struggled for myself.
This summer was very hot. Many times I had the temptation of drinking juice and ice cream. As a matter of fact, I drank
juice some times. Every time I could not overcome the temptation. I felt a sense of guilt. I had nightmares during my sleep.
The devil with blubber comes up in front of me and says, “Hello, Naoki. You have done enough diet. You don’t have to do
any more. Come on with me. I have prepared for special dishes for you.” Although I had such bad dreams, I got the better of
them. I’ve learned that strong will was essential.
My diet started in March. Six months had passed. In September, my weight was 88kg. in October, it became 85kg. In
November, 82kg. Finally, my weight was 80kg. The size of my clothes changed to smaller ones. I haven’t put on jeans for a
long time. When I wore them, they fitted closely. I realized that my diet had succeeded. That made me comfortable and
gave me some confidence.
Through making every effort to lose my weight, I have learned many important things. That is to say, “Where there is a
will, there is a way.” If we do our best and never give up, we will surely reach the goal. Of course, we face difficulties on the
way. We are given trials whether we have strength or not. If you have an interest in something, you should do your best.
You should make every effort. If you take the first step toward your goal, success will be brought to you without fail just like
me. Everybody, if you can try, you can make your goal come true. Go for your goal!
110から80へ。何の数値かわかるだろうか? わからないと思う。答えはわたしの体重だ。信じられないって? この数カ月、たいへ
ある日、いつものように風呂に入り、風呂場の体重計に乗った。目盛りを見ると10䇭 とある。初めは体重計の調子が悪いか、壊れてい
くさん食べる。しかし体重が100䇭 を超えているとは夢にも思わなかった。そこでわたしは固く決意し、
まず、毎食の量を減らした。最初の週はひどくつらく、常に空腹だった。1カ月後、体重は103䇭 になった。それから友達と5䇭 のジ
ョギングを始めた。そのおかげでやがて体重は99䇭 になった。
ダイエットを始めたのが3月。その6カ月後。9月には体重が88䇭 になった。10月には85䇭 。11月に82䇭 。そしてついに80䇭 になった。
What I Like Best
⡛ᔃᅚሶቇ㒮㜞╬⑼㧔᧲੩ㇺ㧕 ᅏ‫⚔ޓ‬ሶ
It’s been almost six years since I entered the English Dramatic club. I am totally absorbed in drama and I learned so much
from drama that I couldn’t learn in classes.
Since I was a young child, my parents took me to theaters to see plays very often. “Les Miserables” which I saw on
Broadway attracted me strongly and this musical was why I entered the English Dramatic Club with no doubt in my mind.
However, when I was fresh from entering it, our work was to sit on the floor and sew costumes for the seniors. I was
disappointed with this large gap between my ideal and the reality. That’s why I was incredibly delighted when I was chosen
to be on the cast for the first time. I had no lines, and all I had to do was to dance with a great big smile. I was so called “an
extra”. And five years later now, I have served as Director for this past year and when I saw people who got parts for the first
time in acting, I often recalled the fresh and pure feeling I myself had experienced a couple of years ago.
I am not good at expressing myself in writing or in speaking. I also sink into depressions and feel an inferiority complex
very easily. But I found out that I can express myself on the stage a hundred percent. By acting as a different person and
seeing the world from another character’s point of vies, I became much better at understanding other people’s feelings. By
speaking in voices which I don’t usually use, by moving in different movements and by expressing feelings with different
facial expressions, I have come to learn that there are other possibilities inside of me. And this new discovery led me to
have great confidence.
We also have to move with exaggeration and speak very loud using our abdominal muscle. If we move or speak in exactly
the same way as we do on the stage in our daily life, people would treat us as eccentrics or lunatics for sure. However, as we
often withhold our honest feelings inside ourselves and hesitate to let them out, acting can be a good chance to let the true
and natural feelings out of us without being embarrassed.
Some people ask me if I am embarrassed when I act on the stage. But I believe acting with embarrassment is rather more
embarrassing. Even if we don’t look good to the audience, acting with all our might is a lot better. A person who is truly
confident can show everything even the part which can’t be called beautiful. I think it is very important not to decorate
ourselves but to be plain and honest.
Being on the cast and staff in the drama club was a very valuable experience for me. But being the director was the most
precious experience. However, I realized that the experience of being the cast and staff had a profound effect on my
experience of being the director. It was not easy to look at the play objectively from the audience’s side and at the same time
subjectively form the actor’s side. I couldn’t care if the club members hated me. I always wanted them to know my passion
for the play and I also wanted to be a reliable leader with a strong persuasive power. When some of my friends said. “Thank
you” when my term as Director was over, I was terribly delighted. It was my first time to realize that the word “Thank you”
can mean the way it should and it can actually move my heart. And at the same time, I also knew that a happy ending
actually exists outside of a Disney movie. You may think that our club is just a school activity but our club was a
irreplaceable place to train my heart and spirit.
What I’m Thinking Most About
หᔒ␠࿖㓙㜞ᩞ㧔੩ㇺᐭ㧕 㗇r ᥓሶ
Nowadays with the advance of environmental pollutions, every nation is facing a crisis of global warming. Last December,
the International Conference was held in Kyoto to confer carbon dioxide reduction. In this paper, I would like to focus on
garbage problem in Japan.
Central to this issue is the problem of a people. Few people are fully aware of their responsibility to think seriously about
how to cooperate in reducing garbage in Japan. Having spent two years in Germany, a country with a fame of
thoroughgoing garbage expedients, I realized that Japan is not an advanced country at all. Today Japan plays an important
role in the world’s economy and technology, but she has no knowledge of environmental problems. Francis Bacon says,
“Knowledge itself is power,” but Japan has no power in this field. Germany and Japan are as different as day and night.
First of all, to take a simple example of one of garbage measures in Germany, Germans do not “make” garbage. They are
obliged to pay for their garbage. Paying DM200, approximately ¥15000, a year is too heavy a burden for them. Therefore,
they refuse to get things of no use, such as paper and nylon bags, wrapping paper and cartons at the time they buy things.
They bring their own basket when going shopping downtown. In supermarkets, products are not wrapped like in Japan.
Vegetables and fruits can be bought by weight. Goods that need not be wrapped, cucumbers, for example, are piled and put
price tags directly on them. German people endeavor to minimize wrapping lest they should increase garbage. On the
contrary, vegetables and fruits are neatly packed in a tray in Japan. Moreover, at the checkout counter a cashier gives a
good many nylon bags. There remains a question. What do Japanese do with that tray When they get home? The majority
of them may take it as a trash and throw it away. I think that discarding used trays is one of the causes of environmental
pollutions. My mother washes and brings the trays to the collecting container set up in the nearby supermarket. When she
goes next time, she finds there is no trace of someone having brought their trays. I can not bear wondering why Japanese
are assuming an air of total indifference to the issue.
Antique shops are often seen when driving in Germany. From their point of view, prices are high for Germans and things
are always made much of. Unneeded things are given to friends, relatives or neighbors, and are taken over from generation
to generation. This is the reason why antique shops and flea markets exist in Germany. However, Japanese throw things
away easily without considering what they night do to the environment. In most cases, they are tossed away just because
they are behind the times. Japanese tend to be easily influenced by a vogue and dress in the latest fashion. After come back
to Japan, I am apt to care about my looks and so I should respect my individuality from now on.
Viewed in this light, I personally ought to do quite a few things to prevent the earth from getting dirty. For instance, I
should refuse to get wrapping paper, cooperate in recycling pet bottles and cans, hold a bazaar or a flea market, and wear
clothes that are out-dated at home. I should also turn off the water frequently in a bath, shut off the power supply of TV
when not in use, wear layers of clothing before heating the room, and make the most of the sunlight during the day.
Reclaimed land and natural resources do not abound. Thus, every person has to be aware of today’s issue of global warming
and take some measures in the immediate future.
ではビニール袋を必要以上にくれる。家に帰ったらこのトレーはどうするのだろう? 大半の人はゴミとして捨ててしまうだろう。トレ
What I’m Thinking Most About
It is a wonder that we sometimes make friends with someone who has the opposite personality. Emi and I were just like
that. She is careful in doing things. I am reckless in doing things. Maybe we felt something we didn’t have in each other and
became best friends. We go to different high schools now, but we are still best friends, so we often go out together, have a
chat on the phone or visit each other. We sometimes argue too.
I was very worried when I heard the news that Emi had a horrible backache and that she couldn’t stand up. According to
what she said, the ache came to her neck next. About one week later, she suddenly came to my house in the evening. I was
surprised, of course. So I asked her if she was fine. She said, “I’m O.K.”I was glad to hear that and we had a good time as
I was very surprised to be asked by another friend, “Is Emi still so sick? She hasn’t come to school for three weeks.” It was
one week after she suddenly visited me and she was fine on that day. As I couldn’t understand the reason, I called Emi up
and asked, “I heard that you haven’t gone to school recently, but what’s the matter with you?” She just answered, “Nothing.”
I thought it wouldn’t be good to keep on asking things, so I hung up after a chat saying, “please talk to me anytime when
you need me.”
If this was a life in a comic or novel, my life could be easier to think of friends all the time, as high school heroines in those
things don’t seem to have a real life, but I have a life. So after the phone call I didn’t have much time to think of Emi. I was
busy at my school and I almost forgot her problem. That was when Emi came to my house again and she looked different.
She was not what she had been even though we were talking about similar topics we usually had. When I asked what was
the matter with her, she explained what was going on this time.
It was true that she was sick at first, but when she went to school after recovering, she felt lonely. Her classmates asked if
she was fine when they saw her, but they were merry, and active while Emi couldn’t move herself very well. Then she felt
everything was toilsome, even the caring words to her. Thus she started to skip school. She had a quarrel with her parents
next. She confessed that she wanted to disobey a bit.
What would you do if you were me? I couldn’t do anything. I just said “do your best” or “it’s not good to quit school.” Just
that, while I offered for her to say anything to me. I was sad. I noticed that she wanted to ask advice when she visited me
suddenly the first time.
After that day, I wondered what I should do again and again. I had to think about the case when she took my words to the
extreme. By the time I met her again, however, I had decided to say how I felt for her. While I was saying that I wanted her
to keep going to school and to be what she used to be, I couldn’t stop shedding tears. I can’t remember what I said to her
clearly nor how long I was talking, but I do remember her words. She said, “I understood how you feel for me.”
She gradually started going to school again. Can you imagine how happy I am?
ある友人から「エミはまだ具合悪いの? 3週間も学校を休んでいるけど」と言われてびっくりした。突然エミが訪ねて来た晩から1
わたしの立場だったら、皆さんはどうするだろうか? わたしは何もできなかった。ただ「がんばって」とか「学校をやめるのはよく
What I’m Thinking Most About
APPLE---If you hear this word, what do you associate with first? You may think it’s red, round, one of the most popular
fruits that tastes sweet and juicy. But I have a bitter memory of an apple I never forget. It was four years ago, one summer
The train ran towards the suburb of New York slowly. Full of sunshine and comfortable wind came in from the windows,
and I saw the beautiful country scenery happily. Then I was a member of the international exchange program by YMCA
from Japan, and I was going to the camping place with six Japanese girls, with a lot of excitement to meet my new American
While I was getting on the train, I sat across the old lady. Wearing grey salliy with only one rag aged paper bag in her
arms, she crouched on the seat. She had eaten a shriveled whole orange before the train started, but I wasn’t interested in
her at all on account of my pleasure that I could travel America and Canada for a month. On the way, I took some snack
from my bag and began to eat them. I felt her eyes fixed on them. As a result of my wondering, I managed to talk to her in
my un complete English, “Would you like some?” Then she took some without a word, ate them little by little. After that,
when I had biscuit and juice for lunch, she asked me how much it was. After a while, she said to me, “Where did you come
from?” “How old are you?” “How is your family?” “How many students are there in your school?” “Where will you go from
now on?”---etc. I answered pleasantly as well as possible. So I said to her, “Where did you come from?” Just a word,
“Somalia.” Yes, she was a refugee. I was at a loss for words. I couldn’t asked her where she would go. I thought I should not
asked about her situation. I felt a shock at this encounter because it was the first time for me to meet a person like her. I
continued to think about what to do for a person in this circumstance. During that time, she was eating some snack which I
had given to her deliciously. When our eyes met, she said with a little smile, “Thank you.” I supposed that the line on her
face was depth of her labor.
The train approached the station where to get off. I looked vacantly up the blue sky without saying nothing. All of sudden,
the old lady offered me a small apple. I wondered what to do. After my hesitation, I said, “No, thank you. I’m sorry.” She put
it back into her paper bag with a lonesome look. There remained only silence.
At that time I regretted my action very much. If I had received the apple frankly, I might have communicated with her
more, known her disastrous grief, and understood her thought. But I was still timid, inexperienced. I thought that my
receiving the apple was to take away her precious food. At the same time, I thought it unclean. I was selfish, to tell the truth,
I doubted her.
Now I’m ashamed of myself more than before. I have still regretted what I did. I easily turned down her whole heart in the
apple to express her thanks to me. Four years later, I’ve gradually been aware of various things in society. I learned from
the experience with the old lady in America. If the color of skin, hair, and national character, languages are different, we
could communicate with each other from heart, share mutual agony. Of course, it’s the matter among not only different
races and nationalities but also people near myself, as the Bible says, “Love your neighbors.”
APPLE --- when it comes to, I remember APPLE is the symbol of New York. I heard it meant peace and love which join
hands with people all over the world. I saw the symbol of it everywhere and in many things as T-shirts in New York. I was
an only Japanese girl who didn’t make out the value four years ago though I had visited the United Nations.
Nowadays it’s called for national understanding, while there are still unsolved serious problems a lot. I future I want to be a
person who can catch other’s pain, based on my experiences, and contribute to the world --- without forgetting the true
meaning of peace and love.
「リンゴ」と聞いて、何を思い浮かべるだろう? 赤くて、丸くて、甘くて果汁たっぷりの人気の果物。そう思うかもしれない。でも
What I’m Thinking Most About
Three months have passed since my father died of cancer. I still cannot believe his death, but it is a fact and I begin to
accept it, so do my family.
Before my father died, he didn’t know that his illness was cancer. He had believed that he would get well soon. At least he
acted like that when he was with us. Now, I wonder if he might have been aware that his disease was fatal, but we didn’t tell
him the truth. Also he never asked us about what really made his conditions worse and worse every day. To keep lying was
hard work for our family, but there seemed no other better way at that time.
When the doctor said that my father would die in three months at most, I considered what I could do for the rest of his life.
I did spent more of my time with him, going home earlier from school. I did anything he wanted me to do. However, when I
look back, I realize he must have had much many things he wanted to do than we did for him for that limited period, had we
notified him of his illness. In a sense we betrayed his trust, which makes me very repentant now.
Notification of cancer is an important problem both for the patient who has the incurable illness and his or her family. Until
recently it was a virtue not to tell the patient the truth. Today things have been changing. Do you know L.M.D.? We learned
and discussed this new idea in ethics class. It stands for “Let Me Decide.”, an approach to death in which we can decide the
way in which we are treated. “Informed consent” is another idea to represent new trends in medicine in which the patient
should be notified of the treatment or operation the doctors give.
If I had known these concepts before my father died, I might have told him the truth, no matter how hard it might have
been for him and his family. Please place yourself in his place. Suppose you were told that you would die in three months
and there were two options. One is to survive with more painful operations or lots more medicine. The other is to accept
your death, do anything you want to do and die satisfied with what you have done in your life. I would choose the latter idea
and that surely needs notification beforehand, which I didn’t do for my father.
The progress of medical treatment is splendid. I saw many state-of-the-art machines and equipments in the hospital where
my father spent his last five years. I saw the doctors, nurses, and medical experts working so hard day and night to help
suffering patients survive another day. Still my true feeling now is why don’t they let the patient die if it’s God’s will,
although I don’t believe in God. Maybe I am not right. Life is more important than anything else, but I can’t stop feeling like
asking my father in Heaven, “Are you satisfied with your life? Do you forgive us who didn’t tell you the truth?” Of course
there is no answer. I will find out the answer through my own course through life.
いた。今では事情が変わってきた。LMDという言葉をご存じだろうか? 倫理学の授業でも学び、議論したが、"Let Me Decide"(わた
は何よりも大切なものかもしれない。それでもわたしは天国の父にこう聞いてみたい――「人生に満足でしたか? 事実を告げなかった