Environmental Impact Evaluation for Infrastructures Made of Concrete Environmental Material Engineering Lab. Division of Built Environment Hokkaido University Sugiyama, Takafumi Design for concrete structures Structural design + Durability design Use of industrial by products + Reduction of wastes Environmental design Save energy ・・・・・・・ Recommendation of Environmental Performance Verification for Concrete Structures (draft) By Concrete committee of JSCE (2006) When conducting material design, construction, execution, maintenance/management, dismantling, disposal and reuse after dismantling of a concrete structure, Environmentality shall be considered. Environmentality Influence of the activities from construction to disposal of concrete structures on the environment Outline of the Life-cycle Assessment Method based on Endpoint Modeling (LIME) LCA Nation Project 2003 Inventory Benzene TCDD Lead HCFCs CO2 SOx NOx Total N Total P NMVOC Land Wastes Copper ore Oil Concentration in environment Impact category Toxic substance concentration in the air Urban air pollution Toxic substance concentration in water Hazardous substances Toxic substance concentration in soil ODS concentration in the stratosphere Green house gas concentration Destruction of the ozone layer Global warming Category endpoints Cancer excluding skin cancer Respiratory diseases Heat/cold stress Human society Human health DALY Infectious diseases Shortage of nourishment Disaster damage Public assets YEN Cataract Ecotoxicity Skin cancer Concentration and precipitation of acidification substances Acidification Eutrophication Agricultural products Consumption of dissolved oxide Photochemical oxidants Land loss Wood products Fishery products Density level of oxidants Objects of protection Land use Energy consumption Waste material User cost Resource consumption Ecosystem in land Ecosystem in water Ecosystem Biodiversity EINES Primary production capacity NPP Environmental aspects in JSCE Draft Code Environmental aspects of a concrete structure shall be considered concerning following items as necessary: (a)Greenhouse gases, air contaminants, resources/energy, waste (b) Water/ soil contaminants (c) Noise/vibration (d) Others Evaluation of Environmental Impact for concrete structure construction by JSCE 317 (2001-04) Calculation of the amount of emission gases using the Process analysis ・Inventory data for materials, construction works, Demolition works and Disposal and recycling Emission gases under consideration CO2: Carbon Dioxide → Green house effect SOx: Sulfur Oxide NOx: Nitrogen Oxide Particulate matter Air Pollution Necessary data for Process analysis Amount of materials use Distance of transportation for materials Running Time for machinery and equipments etc. Inventory data for; Manufacturing z Cement,Aggregate,Admixtures, Steel, etc. Fuel consumption Light oil, Gasoline,Heavy oil, Electricity, etc. (Occasional needs) z Concrete structure construction related data in practice z Mileage of vehicles for transportation z z Investigation Fuel consumption for machinery and equipments z z Truck, Train,Ship etc. Concrete mixer,Pump゚, Vibrator, Diesel generator, Breakers, etc. Data for 2001 2001 data Data collection Range of data inclusion Paper, reports etc. which has been published in 1998 and later Hearing form related organizations Materials: Supply from mining site to service station Construction stage and later stages: Running time of machinery and equipment Production of machinery, equipments and so on is neglected. Reports, papers, etc. for LCA data of RC 1) 土木学会地球環境委員会環境負荷評価(LCA)研究小委員会編:土木建設業における環境負荷評価(LCA)研究小委員会講演要旨集(1997) 2) 日本建築学会:建物のLCA指針(案)~地球温暖化防止のためのLCCO2を中心として~(1999) 3) 国土交通省:平成12年度 建設副産物実態調査結果(2001) 4) 建設副産物リサイクル広報推進会議:総合的建設副産物対策-現場での実行ある対策の推進のために-(1999) 5) 環境省:産業廃棄物の不法投棄の状況(平成11年度)について(2001) 6) 土木学会:平成11年版コンクリート標準示方書-耐久性照査型-[施工編](2000) 7) 土木学会:コンクリートライブラリー93,高流動コンクリート施工指針(1998) 8) (財)建設物価調査会発行 建設工事標準歩掛 建設機械等損料算定表記載値(1998) 9) 島裕和,立屋敷久志,橋本光一,西村祐介:加熱すりもみ法によるコンクリート魂からの高品質骨材回収のLCA評価,コンクリート工学年次論文集 Vol.23, No.2 pp. 67-72(2001) 10) (財)石油産業活性化センター:輸送段階を含めた石油製品のライフサイクルインベントリーの作成に関する調査報告書,石油製品油別LCI作成と石 油製品環境影響評価調査報告書(2000) 11) (社)プラスチック処理促進協会:プラスチック廃棄物の処理・処分に関するLCA調査研究報告書(2001) 12) 電力事業連合会から公表されている2000年度電力全社平均(http://www.fepc.or.jp/) 13) 化学便覧基礎編II(1993) 14) (社)プラスチック処理促進協会:プラスチック製品の使用量増加が地球環境に及ぼす影響評価,(1993) 15) JR貨物ホームページ:http://www.jrfreight.co.jp/kankyo/index.html 16) (財)シップアンドオーシャン財団:船舶排ガスの地球環境への影響と防止技術の調査報告書(1999) 17) 佐野奨,市川牧彦,辰市祐久,四阿秀雄:都市ごみ焼却灰処理に伴う環境負荷の定量化,資源環境対策2000.8,pp. 58-64(2000) 18) (社)日本建設機械化協会:骨材の採取と生産(1975) 19) 北海道大学工学研究科廃棄物処分工学分野:都市ごみの総合管理を支援する評価システムの開発に関する研究(1988) 20) 宇智田俊一郎:高炉セメントの製造と用途,小野田研究報告,124,pp. 56-79(1991) 21) 玉重宇幹,近藤昭夫,中村誠一,高山明彦,河野功:フライアッシュ分級設備の操業実績,セメント製造技術シンポジウム報告集,49,pp. 5257(1992) 22) 佐野奨,松野路雄,市川牧彦:フィラーセメントおよびそれを用いたコンクリートのエコバランス,太平洋セメント研究報告,138,pp. 16-23(2000) 23) (株)サイエンスフォーラム:実践LCA-ISO14040対応(1999) 24) 通商産業省大臣官房調査統計部:平成11年鉄鋼統計年報(2000) 25)(株)鉄鋼新聞社:鉄鋼年鑑,平成12年度版(2001) 26)(社)日本鉄鋼連盟:鉄鋼統計要覧2000年度版(2001) 27) 平成11年工業統計表品目編(2000) 28) 成田暢彦,稲葉敦:統計データにもとづく鉄鋼製品のライフサイクルインベントリ分析,日本エネルギー学会誌,77 12,pp. 1148-1161(1998) 29) 積算資料 平成12年12月度版(2000) 30) エンロンJAPANホームページ:http://www.enron.co.jp 31) 太平洋セメント(株):CEM’S 1998.8 32) 日本コンクリート工学協会:生コンプラント-装置と保守-(1980) 33) Portland cement association(PCA) R&D Serial No.2137 Environmental Life Cycle Inventory of Portland Cement Concrete(2000) 34) 土木学会:コンクリートライブラリー96 資源有効利用の現状と課題(1999) 35) 建設省土木研究所:コンクリート副産物の高度処理・利用技術の開発に関する共同研究報告書「コンクリート副産物の土木事業における利用ガイドブ ック」(1997) By survey, collection and examination 91 items in total were obtained. (1)Kawai, Sugiyama, Kobayashi and Sano: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol.3, 2005 (2) JSCE Guideline for concrete,No.7, 2006 Inventory data for CO2 emission reported by JSCE Environmental Impact Evaluation on Civil Construction (LCA) (1997) Materials manufacturing to construction Fuel Materials •Cement(OPC, BB) •Aggregate(Gravel, Crushed stone) •Ready Mixed Concrete •Steel(Basic Oxygen furnace, Electric furnace) •Aluminum •Wood(Timber,plywood) •Glass •Plastic goods •Asphalt •Rubber(Tire) •Paint 20 goods in 25 kinds •Light oil •LNG •LPG •Electricity Others •Machinery •Equipments in wide use •Temporal equipments •Transportation Added/up-dated data (JSCE 317, 2001-04) Materials •Cement •Aggregate •Mineral addmixtures •Steel Execution •Ready mixed concrete •Concreting •Foundation •Curing •Etc. Demolition Wastes Recycling •Within the site •Outside Transport Fuel Attention to the life cycle of Concrete structures Calculation of emission gas amount ⎛ EGACO 2 ⎞ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ EGASOx ⎟ ⎜ EGA ⎟ NOx ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ EGA ⎟ PM ⎠ ⎝ = ∑ Material + ∑ Execution + ∑ Dimolition + ∑ Transportation + ∑ Waste / recycling EGA = InventoryData × Amount Where EGA: Emission Gas Amount (kg) Inventory data for materials Materials Ordinary Portland cement Coarse Aggr. (Natural crashed) Fine Aggr. (Natural crashed) Electric furnace steel Unit t t t t CO2 emission (kg-CO2/t) SOx NOx emission emission (kg-SOx/t) (kg-NOx/t) Particulate matter emission (kg-P.M./t) 766.0 0.122 1.55 0.0358 2.9 0.00607 0.00415 0.00141 3.7 0.00860 0.00586 0.00199 767.4 0.134 0.124 0.0101 Inventory data for construction works SOx NOx emission emission (kg-SOx/*) (kg-NOx/*) Particulate matter emission (kg-P.M./*) Items Unit (*) CO2 emission (kg-CO2/*) Concrete Plant t 7.7 0.00342 0.0651 0.00331 Agitator truck (4.4-4.5m3) h 33.8 0.0260 0.253 0.0212 0.6 0.000475 0.00924 0.000468 0.2 0.0000772 0.0000950 0.0000178 0.0 0 0 0 16.5 0.0127 0.124 0.0104 19.2 0.0148 0.201 0.0146 Boom Pump (40-45m3/h) Flexible shaft vibrator (Electric, 60-70mm) Normal curing m3 h h Truck crane (16t capacity) h Diesel generator 45kVA h Inventory data for transport Items Unit(*) Truck (10t) km・t Agitator km・m3 truck (4.5m3) CO2 emission (kg-CO2/*) SOx emission (kg-SOx/*) NOx emission (kg-NOx/*) Particulate matter emission (kg-P.M./*) 0.122 0.0000941 0.000914 0.0000768 0.253 0.000195 0.00379 0.000192 Percentage of EGA for each stage 4.9 5.3 1.2 3.6 CO CO22 SO SOxx 10.5 1.9 14.9 9.5 63.2 84.9 Materials Execution Demolition Waste Transportation Materials Execution Demolition Waste Transportation 1.6 13.1 NO NOxx P.M. P.M. 19.4 40.6 27.9 2.1 28.7 31.4 16 19.2 Results of Inventory Analysis CO2 emission (kg-CO2) SOx emission (kg- SOx) NOx emission (kg- NOx) Scenario1 Landfill 43692 10.92 110.40 4.75 Scenario2 Recycling 43840 10.87 106.72 4.59 Particulate emission (kg-PM) Scenario 1: Waste treatment in Leachate-controlled type Scenario 2: Recycling as Type III aggregate (outside with 30t/h) Inventory data for disposal and recycling Items Leachatecontrolled type Type III Treated outside site (30t/h) Unit (*) t t CO2 emission (kg-CO2/*) SOx emission (kg-SOx/*) NOx emission (kg-NOx/*) Particulate matter emission (kg-P.M./*) 3.3 0.00447 0.0255 0.00198 2.3 0.00101 0.00866 0.000524 Evaluation of Environmental Impact for Concrete Structure construction (1) Absolute evaluation and Comparative evaluation (2) Similar method to current structural performance and durability. Verification of environmental impact Performance Standard construction method Alternative method considering the reduction of environmental NO Is the reduction requirement of environmental impact YES Constructio Environmental impact evaluation in construction planning stage Reduction requirement of environmental impact (xx%) ≤ Reduction of environmental impact by alternative method (yy% reduction compared with standard method) ・Carbon dioxide emission ・Energy consumption ・Resource-saving, wastes reduction ・Uses of recycling materials ・Influence to surroundings ・Influence to ecology ・Landscape Conclusions 1.Current evaluation methodology for the environmental impact concrete structure constructions is introduced. 2.Collection, filing and up-date of inventory data are of great significance. 3. Verification method needs to be developed in accordance to current design methodology for structural performance and durability. Thank you for your attention
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