クリムゾンインタラクティブ・学術翻訳サービス 翻訳サンプル(日英・医薬系分野-1) ■依頼原稿 患者は 81 歳、女性。既往歴、生活歴に特記すべきことはなく、動物の飼育や肉類の生食歴はなかった。 XXXX 年 4 月 13 日頃より、右下肢の違和感を自覚していた。16 日に転倒し、後頭部を打撲し、当院脳神経 外科を受診した。頭部 MRI で左頭頂部に T2 強調画像で高信号病変を指摘された。5 月中旬より、記銘力 障害が出現、5 月 29 日の頭部 MRI で左頭頂部の病変は拡大し、対側にも新たな病変を認めた。 6 月 1 日より、左下肢のジスキネジア、右下肢の筋力低下、ミオクローヌスが出現し、翌日、入院となった。 意味不明な自発的な言語を認め、口頭指示による従命は不完全であった。髄膜刺激徴候はなく、四肢の 不随意運動を認めた。血液検査は軽度の貧血を認めたが、一般生化学検査では異常を認めなかった。 諸感染症の検索を行ったところ、トキソプラズマ抗体が IgM で陰性であったが、PHA 法で IgG は 2560 倍と 高値であった。 ■翻訳者のみによる翻訳 ※本サービスではこの時点での翻訳結果の提供は⾏っておりません。 The patient, an 81-year-old female, had no medical or personal lifestyle history of note, had never kept a pet and had no history of eating did not eat raw meat. She began to experience a subjective sense of discomfort in her right lower extremity from around April 13, XXXX and presented at the department of neurosurgery of this hospital on April 16 after falling over and suffering bruising at the back of head. Cranial MRI T2-weighted images revealed a high signalling lesion in the left parietal. From around mid-May, the patient developed a memory disturbance. A cranial MRI scan performed on May 29 showed the lesion in the left parietal to have increased in size and also revealed a new contralateral lesion. Left lower extremity dyskinesia, right lower extremity muscle weakness and myoclonus became apparent from June 1 and the patient was admitted to hospital subsequently. Incoherent spontaneous speech and incomplete response to verbal command were noted and although there were no signs of meninge irritation, extremities appeared to move involuntarily. A blood test indicated that the patient had mild anemia but no anomalies were revealed by a general biochemical examination and the patient was then examined for various infectious diseases. Although she was found to be negative for toxoplasma IgM antibodies, passive hemagglutination (PHA) revealed a high level of IgG antibodies – 2560 times higher than normal levels. ■翻訳者+クロスチェッカーによる翻訳結果 (スピード翻訳) The patient, an 81-year-old female, had no medical or personal lifestyle history of note, had never kept a pet and had no history of eating raw meat. She began to experience a subjective sense of discomfort in her right lower extremity from April 13, XXXX and presented at the department of neurosurgery of this hospital on April 16 after falling over and suffering occipital bruising. Cranial MRI T2-weighted images revealed a high signal lesion in the left parietal region. From around mid-May, the patient developed a memory disturbance. A cranial MRI scan performed on May 29 showed the lesion in the left parietal region to have increased in size and also revealed a new contralateral lesion. Left lower extremity dyskinesia, right lower extremity muscle weakness and myoclonus became apparent from June 1 and the patient was admitted to the hospital the following day. Incoherent spontaneous speech and incomplete response to verbal command were noted and although there were no signs of meningeal irritation, involuntary movement of the extremities was observed. A blood test indicated that the patient had mild anemia but no anomalies were revealed by a general biochemical examination and the patient was then examined for various infectious diseases. Although she was found to be negative for toxoplasma IgM antibodies, passive hemagglutination (PHA) revealed a high level of IgG antibodies – 2560 times higher than normal levels. ※ご参考 - 修正ポイント クロスチェッカーが加えた修正・変更を分かりやすくご紹介します。 なお、お客様への納品の際には、修正・変更履歴は残しておりません。 ❶ The patient, an 81-year-old female, had no medical or personal lifestyle history of note, had never kept a pet and had no history of eating did not eat raw meat. She began to experience a subjective sense of discomfort in her right lower extremity ❷ from around April 13, XXXX and presented at the Ddepartment of Nneurosurgery of this hospital on April 16 after falling ❸ ❹ over and suffering occipital bruising at the back of head. Cranial MRI T2-weighted images revealed a high signalling lesion ❺ in the left parietal region. From around mid-May, the patient developed a memory disturbance. A cranial MRI scan ❻ performed on May 29 showed the lesion in the left parietal region to have increased in size and also revealed a new contralateral lesion. Left lower extremity dyskinesia, right lower extremity muscle weakness and myoclonus became ❼ apparent from June 1 and the patient was admitted to the hospital subsequentlythe following day. Incoherent spontaneous ❽ speech and incomplete response to verbal command were noted and although there were no signs of meningealmeninge ❾ irritation, involuntary movement of the extremities was observedappeared to move involuntarily. A blood test indicated that the patient had mild anemia but no anomalies were revealed by a general biochemical examination and the patient was then examined for various infectious diseases. Although she was found to be negative for toxoplasma IgM antibodies, passive hemagglutination (PHA) revealed a high level of IgG antibodies – 2560 times higher than normal levels. クロスチェッカーが赤部分を修正しています。 ❶翻訳の精度をあげるため、専門分野に特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❷クロスチェッカーがフレーズ単位での訳抜けを修正しました。 ❸クロスチェッカーが日本語の元原稿に基づいて専門用語を修正しました。 ❹翻訳の精度をあげるため、専門分野特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❺クロスチェッカーが単語レベルでの訳抜けを修正しました。 ❻クロスチェッカーが単語レベルでの訳抜けを修正しました。 ❼間違って翻訳されたフレーズを正しく修正しました。 ❽翻訳の精度をあげるため、専門分野特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❾適切なインパクトを考慮して、専門分野特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ■翻訳者+クロスチェッカー+ネイティブチェッカーによる翻訳結果 (クオリティ翻訳) An 81-year-old female patient, with no notable medical or personal lifestyle history and no history of having pets and eating raw meat, began to experience discomfort in her right lower extremity on April 13, XXXX. Three days later, she visited our neurosurgery department after falling and suffering occipital bruising. Cranial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a high signal lesion in the left parietal region. At around mid-May, the patient developed a memory disturbance. Cranial MRI performed on May 29 revealed enlargement of the left parietal region and a new contralateral lesion. Left lower extremity dyskinesia, right lower extremity muscle weakness, and myoclonus became apparent on June 1 and the patient was admitted to the hospital the following day. Incoherent spontaneous speech and incomplete responses to verbal commands were noted. Further, although there were no signs of meningeal irritation, involuntary movement of the extremities was observed. A blood test indicated mild anemia, but no anomalies were revealed on biochemical examination. When examined for infectious diseases, the findings were negative for toxoplasma immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibodies. However, passive hemagglutination (PHA) revealed a high level of IgG antibodies - 2560 times higher than the normal level. ※ご参考 - 修正ポイント クロスチェッカーとネイティブチェッカーが加えた修正・変更を分かりやすくご紹介します。 なお、お客様への納品の際には、修正・変更履歴は残しておりません。 ❶ The patient, aAn 81-year-old female patient, had nowith no notable medical or personal lifestyle history of note, had never ❶ kept a and no history of having pets and had no history of eating did not eat raw meat. , She began to experience a subjective ❷ ❸ sense of discomfort in her right lower extremity from around on April 13, XXXX. and Three days later, she presented at the ❷ ❸ Ddepartment ofvisited our Nneurosurgery department of this hospital on April 16 after falling over and suffering occipital ❹ ❺ bruising at the back of head. Cranial T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T2-weighted images revealed a high ❹ ❺ signalling lesion in the left parietal region. From At around mid-May, the patient developed a memory disturbance. A ❻ ❻ cCranial MRI scan performed on May 29 revealed enlargement of the showed the lesion in the left parietal region to have increased in size and also revealed a new contralateral lesion. Left lower extremity dyskinesia, right lower extremity muscle ❼ ❼ weakness, and myoclonus became apparent from on June 1 and the patient was admitted to the hospital subsequentlythe following day. Incoherent spontaneous speech and incomplete responses to verbal commands were noted and . Further, ❽ ❾ although there were no signs of meningealmeninge irritation, involuntary movement of the extremities was ❽ observedappeared to move involuntarily. A blood test indicated that the patient had mild anemia, but no anomalies were ❾ ❿ revealed by a general on biochemical examination. and the patient was thenWhen examined for various infectious diseases. , ⓫ Although she was found to bethe findings were negative for toxoplasma immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibodies, . However, passive hemagglutination (PHA) revealed a high level of IgG antibodies—– 2560 times higher than the normal levels. クロスチェッカーが赤部分を修正、更に、ネイティブチェッカーが⻘部分を修正しています。 ❶翻訳の精度をあげるため、専門分野に特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❷クロスチェッカーがフレーズ単位での訳抜けを修正しました。 ❸クロスチェッカーが日本語の元原稿に基づいて専門用語を修正しました。 ❹翻訳の精度をあげるため、専門分野特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❺クロスチェッカーが単語レベルでの訳抜けを修正しました。 ❻クロスチェッカーが単語レベルでの訳抜けを修正しました。 ❼間違って翻訳されたフレーズを正しく修正しました。 ❽翻訳の精度をあげるため、専門分野特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❾適切なインパクトを考慮して、専門分野特有のフレーズに修正しました。 ❶適切な情報の流れのため修正を加えました。 ❷より適切な前置詞に修正しました。 ❸読みやすさや明瞭さを考慮して文章構成を修正しました。 ❹専門の正確性を考慮して用語の位置を変更しました。 ❺略語を統⼀するため括弧を追加しました。 ❻読みやすさを考慮して文章構成を修正しました。 ❼アメリカ英語の形式にあわせて、コンマを追加しました。 ❽冗⻑な表現を削除しました。 ❾簡潔な表現に修正しました。 ❿冗⻑な表現を削除しました。 ⓫情報を対比するため、転換語を追加しました。
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