Morning Listening Program Vol.2 April 16, 2013 Let’s know about Australia with Jaydn 1.Please listen to Jayde’s story about Australia which is also printed in your text book. (Jaydn reads 2 times) 2. Please write correct English words 1) / 10). - Dictation 3. Please read story with Jaydn. Australia consists of Australian continent, the island of Tasmania which is also an Australian state and numerous smaller islands. It is the world’s sixth-largest 1) by total area. It is 20 times larger than Japan. You can find 6 stars on the flag of Australia. These 6 stars represent each state such as New south Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA), Tasmania(TAS), Victoria (VIC), and Western Australia (WA). You can also find the British flag in the Australian flag. It means Australia is a member of Commonwealth. The capital 2) of Australia is Canberra. Although, the biggest city in Australia is Sydney where the 3) shell shaped Opera house is very famous. I am from Warrnambool located in the Victoria state. In Victoria, the city of Melbourne is the 4) . In Australia, we are known for sports, for example, AFL (Australian Football League), Rugby and Crickets. These sports are a large part of our 5) and a lot of people follow these sports. Indigenous Australians, known as Aboriginals, have lived in Australia for over 40,000 6) . They live differently to Japanese and most Australian people, because they live in their own communities with 7) . Some of them still 8) for their own food using very 9) tools such as boomerang. They also play very 10) instrument named Didjeridu. Answer 1. country, 2 city, 3 beautiful, 4 biggest, 5 culture, 6 years, 7 nature, 8 hunt, 9 simple, 10 traditional 和訳 オーストラリアは、オーストラリア大陸、オーストラリアの州でもあるタス マニア島と無数の島々から成り立っています。オーストラリアは、面積で世界 第 6 位の広さを持っています。日本の面積の 20 倍です。オーストラリアの国旗 には 6 つの星があります。これらは、ニューサウスウェールズ、クイーンズラ ンド、ビクトリア、ウエスタンオーストラリアの 6 つの州を表しています。オ ーストラリアの国旗の中に英国国旗を見ることができます。オーストラリアが コモンウェルス(英連邦)であることを意味しています。 オーストラリアの首都はキャンベラです。しかし、最大の都市は美しい貝の 形のオペラハウスで有名なシドニーです。 私は、ビクトリア州にあるウォーナンブール出身です。ビクトリア州では、 メルボルンが最大の都市です。 オーストラリアは、スポーツでも知られています。例えば、AFL やラグビー、 クリケットなどです。これらのスポーツは私たちの文化の大きな部分となって います。や多くの人々がこれらのスポーツをフォローしています。 アボリジニーはオーストラリアの先住民として知られ、彼らは 4 万年以上オ ーストラリアに住んでいます。彼らは、日本人や大部分のオーストラリア人と 異なった生活をしています。というのも、彼らは自然とともに彼ら自身のコミ ュニティーの中で暮らしています。かれらの中には、食べ物を得るためにブー メランのようなとても単純な道具を用い、いまだ狩りを行っています。彼らは またディジェリドゥーという伝統的な楽器を演奏します。 Morning Listening Program Vol.2 April 16, 2013 Let’s know about Australia with Jaydn 1.Please listen to Jaydn’s story about Australia which is also printed in your text book. (Jaydn reads 2 times) 2. Please write correct English words 1/10. 3. Please read story with Jaydn. Australia consists of Australian continent, the island of Tasmania which is also an Australian state and numerous smaller islands. It is the world’s sixth-largest country by total area. It is 20 times larger than Japan. You can find 6 stars on the flag of Australia. These 6 stars represent each state such as New south Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA), Tasmania(TAS), Victoria (VIC), and Western Australia (WA). You can also find the British flag in the Australian flag. It means Australia is a member of Commonwealth. The capital city of Australia is Canberra. Although, the biggest city in Australia is Sydney where the beautiful shell shaped Opera house is very famous. I am from Warrnambool located in the Victoria state. In Victoria, the city of Melbourne is the biggest. In Australia, we are known for sports, for example, AFL (Australian Football League), Rugby and Crickets. These sports are a large part of our culture and a lot of people follow these sports. Indigenous Australians, known as Aboriginals, have lived in Australia for over 40,000 years. They live differently to Japanese and most Australian people, because they live in their own communities with nature. Some of them still hunt for their own food using very simple tools such as boomerang. They also play very traditional instrument named Didjeridu.
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