Usefulness o of the Corrsair Micro ocatheter for Treatm ment of Co omplex Ch hronic Tottal Occlus sion Yoritak ka Otsuka, MD, Keita Nakamurra, MD, Taro Sa aito, MD ABSTRACT: Percuttaneous corona ary intervention (PCI) ( for the tre eatment of chron nic total occlusio on (CTO) is onee of the most tec chnically challen nging areas s of intervention nal cardiology. When W CTO is co ombined with an ngulation and to ortuosity of the coronary c artery, the technical complexity of PC CI for CTO is magnified. In n this report, we describe a case e of successful revascularizatio on of a CTO lesion in the compllex circumflex anatomy using a novel micro ocatheter (the C Corsair catheter)) along with an antegrade a apprroach to facilitate guidewire pas ssage through a proximal steep p angulation and d to cross s the circumflexx CTO lesion tha at was unrespon nsive with conve entional microca atheters. J INVASIVE C CARDIOL 2012;;24(2):E35-E38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Percutaneous coron nary intervention n (PCI) for chron nic total occlusio on (CTO) of corronary arteries is one of the moost technically challenging area as for the in nterventional ca ardiologist with lo ower procedura al success rates and higher com mplication rates compared with those for the no on-occluded corronary arteries or acutely-occluded arteriess. In addition, clinical and angio ographic resteno osis or re-occlusion occurs withh greater freque ency after PCI of o 1 CTOs compared with non-occluded d lesion. Howev ver, it has been reported that su uccessful revascularization of a CTO leads to a significantly impro oved survival ra ate and a reducttion in major carrdiac adverse evvent in patients in the long term m. 2-4 Drug-eluting stents ((DES) have bee en demonstrated d to markedly re educe in-stent restenosis for on n-label and off-laabel lesions lesions. 7,8 5,6 in ncluding CTO Long-term m patency and frreedom from res stenosis after su uccessful recan nalization of CTO Os with DES greeatly reduce the e rate of mortalitty and cardiac events. Furth hermore, severa al procedural te echniques such as retrograde approach a and va arious devices fo for CTO lesions have been rece ently deve eloped and subssequently succe ess rates of CTO O recanalization n have increased d. 9-14 The complexity c of PC CI for CTO is magnified m when CTO C lesion is co ombined with angulation and to ortuosity of the ccoronary artery. Proximal steep p angu ulation quite likely contributes to o the reduced su uccess rate of in nterventions on chronically occ cluded circumfleex arteries observed in some serie es. 15,16 In this report, we desscribe a case off successful com mplex circumfle ex PCI using a novel n microcathe eter (the Corsai r catheter) ante egradelly to facilitate guide e wire advancem ment through a proximal angula ated circumflex CTO lesion tha at was unrespon nsive with conveentional microca atheters. Case e Report. A 40-yyear-old male patient p with multtiple coronary ris isk factors of hyp ypertension, hyp perlipidemia, diaabetes mellitus and a hyperuricem mia was admitted a to our hospital becausse of angina pectoris. He had e established end d-stage renal dis sease and had aalready been on n hemodialysis before b admiission. Coronaryy angiography showed s a CTO of o the proximal lleft circumflex (L LCx) artery com mbined with steep ep angulation (F Figures 1a and b). b PCI was performed p using g an antegrade approach. A 6 Fr F BL 4.0 Heartr trail guiding cath heter (Terumo) or o a 7 Fr BLH B Brite tip guiding catheter c (Cordiss) was used d via the right fem moral artery. We W tried to proceed the Finecrosss microcatheterr, (Terumo) to th he completely ooccluded LCx arrtery using a Rin nato guide ewire (Asahi Inte ecc), but multiple attempts to deliver d the micro o-catheter to the e LCx occlu usion were unsu uccessful due to o the prolapse of o microcatheterr into the patent left anterrior descending (LAD) artery (F Figures 1c and d). d The extreme ely steep angle of o LCx artery ry in its take-off ffrom the very la arge left main tru unk seemed to tthe cause of the e difficulty to advance the microcathe eter. To take mo ore co-axial direcction to the LCx x artery, the guiding g catheterr was changed to t a 6 Fr Amplattz 3.0 Heartrail g guiding catheterr. Then, an X-treme Xguidewirre (Asahi Intecc) c) was used to select the atrial b branch for a Fin necross micro o-catheter delive ery (Figure 1e) and the Finecro oss micro-cathe eter could succe essfully cross s the steep anglle of LCx arteryy (Figure 1f). Sub bsequently, an X X-treme guidew wire and the Finecross F micro--catheter were further f advance ed toward the prroximal part of th he CTO lesion n. A Wizard 3 (JJapan Lifeline), a Miracle 6, and a Conquest P Pro guidewire (A Asahi Intec cc) were used to o cross this CTO O lesion but werre unsuccessfull because of insufficient back kup guidewire su upport (Figures 2a and b). Therrefore, we chan nged the micro-c catheter to a Corsair C micro-ca atheter. A Corsa air micro-cathetter was easily ad dvanced toward d the just proxim mal part of the C CTO lesion using g a similar meth hod. Finallly, the Conquesst Pro guidewire e (Asahi Intecc) was able to cro oss this CTO les sion (Figure 2c). Although a Coorsair micro-cath heter was not ab ble to cross s this CTO lesio on, a 1.25-mm x 10-mm Tazuna a balloon (Terum mo) was able to o cross and succ cessfully dilatedd the CTO lesion n. A 2.5-mm x 15-mm Signe et Pro balloon (S (St. Jude Medica al) was then use ed to open this C CTO lesion furth her. Stent impla antation was succcessfully perforrmed using a 3.5-mm x 23--mm Xience V sstent (Abbott). Final F coronary an ngiogram showe wed a satisfactorry result without any complicatioons (Figures 2d d and 2e). Discussion. Microcatheter techniqu ue provides sup pport to adva ance the guidew wire and is usefu ul in the PCI of complex c anato omy. However, this technique is occasionally insufficient for the trreatment of CTO O combined with angulation, to ortuousity and severe calcification o of the coronary artery. In the tre eatment of the lesion in the LCx artery with a steep p angle in its tak ke-off from left main trunk, a prolapse of the distal wire and the support catheter such as the over-the e-wire balloon or microcatheter frequently occurs and the proce edure fails. If a sufficient length h of wire could n not be placed diistally from the proximal p angulaation, an advanc cement of the micro ocatheter would d be impossible and could not give g enough sup pport to cross a CTO lesion with h wire, and vicee versa. Recentlly, it has been 17 18 reporrted that the utility of the deflecctable tip Venturre Catheter or Twin-Pass cath heter, or doublle catheter techhnique using a 5 Fr VERT cathe eter 19 facilittated guidewire crossing during g PCI for comple ex proximal circcumflex lesions. However, these devices are uuncommonly ava ailable for daily practtice. 20 The Corsair C microca atheter (Asahi In ntecc) was origin nally developed as a collateral channel c dilator to t facilitate retroograde approaches for PCI of CTO. C This is an over-the-w wire hybrid catheter that has features of a micrrocatheter and a support catheter. The shaft coonsists of 8 thin n wires wound with w 2 large er wires.20 On th he other hand, the t shaft of the Tornus microca atheter (Asahi In ntecc), which wa as useful for callcified lesion, co onsists of 8 larger wires s wound. 21,22 The spiral structurre of Corsair mic crocatheter allo ows the bidirectio onal rotation giv ves crossing cappability in small tortuous collate eral channels (Figure 3). The braided po ortion of the catheter is covered d with polyamide elastomer, an nd the inner lum men of the shaft is lined with a fluoro opolymer layer tthat enables tip injections and facilitates f the gu uidewire movem ment. The table demonstrates tthe details of the e 4 microcathete ers: 2.1 Fr F Tornus, 2.6 Fr Tornus, Corsa air and Finecros ss microcatheterrs. The characte eristic features of o the Corsair m microcatheter arre as follows: the e smallest outer and in nner diameter fo or the distal tip, the smallest inn ner diameter an nd the larger outter diameter for the distal part, the smallest inn ner diameter and the larrger outer diame eter for the prox ximal part, which h gives better crrossability of the e distal tip and bbetter backup guidewire support comp pared with convventional micro-ccatheter. It has s been reported d that PCI for CT TO lesions with the Corsair miccro-catheter in th he retrograde approach had a hhigh success ra ate and this wass 20 attrib buted to the enhanced crossabiility in the collate eral channel an d better backup p guidewire supp port. Althoughh this catheter was w developed fo or 20 retrog grade approach h PCI of CTO, these characteristics are also useful for anteg grade approach PCI of the CTO O lesion whenev ver angulation and a tortuo ousity of the corronary artery is encountered as s in the case we e describe here that was initially y unresponsive with a conventiional micro-cath heter (Figu ure 3). Therefore e, the Corsair micro-catheter m co ould be the first choice for the CTO-PCI C with se evere or compleex lesion morpho ology, not only after a a failed d attempt of the retrograde app proach, but also when making a an initial attemptt using an anteg grade approachh. References 1. Stone GW, Kandzari DE, Mehran R, et al. Percutaneous recanalization of chronically occluded coronary arteries: a consensus document: part I. Circulation. 2005;112:2364-2372. 2. Aziz S, Stables RH, Grayson AD, et al. 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Address for correspondence: Yoritaka Otsuka, MD, FACC, FESC, Department of Cardiology, Fukuoka Wajiro Hospital, 2-2-75, Wajirogaoka, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 811-0213, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] 206 Usefulness of Corair Microcatheter for Treatment of Complex Chronic Total Occlusion 複雑な CTO 症例の治療における Corsair microcatheter の実用性 Yoritaka Otsuka, MD, Keita Nakamura, MD, Taro Saito, MD J INVASIVE CARDIOL 2012;24(2):E35-E38 CTO 治療の PCI はインターベンショナルカーディオロジーにおいて最も技術的にチャレンジングな領域であると言える。更 に CTO が冠動脈の曲りや蛇行を伴う場合には、CTO-PCI の複雑さは拡大する。我々は複雑な形態をした回旋枝の CTO 病変に対し、従来のマイクロカテーテルでは効果が無かったのに対し新しいマイクロカテーテル(Corsair カテーテル)を使 いアンテグレードから病変部手前の急峻な屈曲部を越え、更に回旋枝の CTO 病変部までワイヤーを通過させることに成功 し、血行再建にし得たケースを紹介する。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------症例報告: 40 歳男性、高血圧、高脂血症、糖尿病、高尿酸血症あり。 CAG にて急峻な屈曲を伴う LCx近位部に CTO を確認した(Figure1:a,b)。アンテグレードアプローチにて PCI を開始した。 右大腿骨動脈アプローチにて 6F BL4.0 Heartrail または 7F BLH Britetip を使用した。Rinato を使い Finecross の病変部 までのアプローチを試みるが、何度トライしても LAD 方向に Finecross が向かおうとする為、デリバリーすることができなか った(Fig1: c,d)。非常に強い屈曲を伴う LCx がかなり大きな LMT から派生していることが、マイクロカテーテルの通過を阻 害している原因と思われ、LCx に対してコアキシャルにガイディングカテーテルを向ける為、6F Amplatz 3.0Heartrail に変 更した。また、X-treme で心房枝(atrial)を選択したことで(Fig1;e)、Finecross は LCx の急峻な角度を通過することに成功 (Fig.1:f)。その後、X-treme と Finecross を CTO 近位部まで進めた。Wizard3、Miracle6、Conquest Pro を使って CTO ク ロスを試みたがワイヤーのサポートが弱く通過しなかった(Fig.2a,b)。そこでマイクロカテーテルを Corsair に交換すると、 Corsair は CTO 手前まで容易に進み、Conquest Pro で CTO のクロスに成功した(Fig.2c)。Corsair 自身は病変を通過し なかったが、1.25x10mm Tazuna が通過し病変部の拡張に成功した。最終的には 2.5x15mm Signet Pro で拡張した後に Xience V を留置し良好な結果を得た。 ディスカッション: マイクロカテーテルを使うことによってガイドワイヤーがサポートされ、複雑なアナトミーの PCI には有効だが、屈曲や血管 の蛇行、高度石灰化を伴う CTO 病変の場合にはしばしば不十分であることが多い。LMT から派生する起始部に急峻な角 度を伴う LCx の病変を治療する際には、ワイヤー先端や OTW バルーン・マイクロカテーテルなどのサポートカテーテルが プロラプスし、手技の不成功に繋がりやすい。手前の屈曲部から十分にワイヤーを進められないとマイクロカテーテルを追 従させることは不可能で、CTO をワイヤークロスさせる十分なサポートが得られない。 近年では、複雑な LCx 近位部の病変に対して、Venture カテーテルや Twin-Pass カテーテル、5Fr.VERT カテーテルを用 いた W カテーテルテクニックを使ったワイヤー通過成功例が報告されているが、こうしたデバイスを日常的に使うことは困 難である。 Corsair は CTO-PCI においてレトログレードアプローチを容易にする為の collateral channel dilator として開発された製品 であり、マイクロカーテルとサポートカテーテルの両面の機能を有している。 Corsair をレトログレードアプローチに使用した CTO-PCI において高い成功率を得たということが報告されており、それはコ ラテラルチャンネルの高い通過性とガイドワイヤーの良好なバックアップサポートに起因している。Corsair はレトログレード アプローチ用として開発されたデバイスであるが、こうした特性は我々が今回経験したように、通常のマイクロカテーテルで は上手くいかないような、角度や蛇行を伴った CTO 病変に対するアンテグレードアプローチにも有用である。 よって、Corsair はレトログレードアプローチで成功しなかった後に使用するというだけではなく、アンテグレードアプローチで 最初からトライする場合でも、高度もしくは複雑な病変形態の CTO に対しては第一選択となり得る。
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