研究の詳細はこちら - 心理システム科学講座

安達 真由美(あだち まゆみ)
〒060-0810 札幌市北区北 10 条西 7 丁目
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel/Fax: 011-706-4168(直通)
【執筆物】 “R” は「査読付き」;下線は指導学生
Adachi, M. (1996). Tracking the nature of melodic expectancy development in musical
children (Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington, 1995). Dissertation Abstract
International, 57(02), 500.
R Adachi, M. (in press). Musically rich but creatively poor: A cautionary tale of music
nurturing in Japanese preschools. In P. S. Campbell & T. Wiggins (Eds.), The Oxford
handbook of children’s musical cultures. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
R Adachi, M. (in press). Incorporating formal lesson materials into spontaneous musical play:
A window for how young children learn music. In C. H. Lum & P. Whiteman (Eds.),
Musical Childhoods of the Asia-Pacific. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
R Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (in press). Musical lives of infants. In G. McPherson & G.
Welch (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of music education. New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
安達真由美・小川容子(監訳)(2011). 演奏を支える心と科学.東京:誠信書房.
R., & McPherson, G. (Eds.), The science and psychology of music performance. New
York, NY: Oxford University Press. Original work published in 2002)
安達真由美 (2011). “Happy” と “sad”—子どもはどう歌に託すのか? 千葉恵(編),人
文学でワッハッハ (pp. 91-122).札幌:北海道大学出版会.
R Adachi, M. (2010). Music and well-being: Paradox between “wellness” and “illness” in
western art music. In W. L. Lai, Y. Sakurai, & H. Wada (Eds.), A study of healthy being:
From interdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 104-116). Matsudo, Japan: Azusa Syuppan.
R 安達真由美・吉本有 (2009). 大学生の日常生活における選択的音楽聴取の検討. 日
本音楽教育学会(編)音楽教育学の未来 (pp. 84-97).東京:音楽之友社.
R 安達真由美(2006)音楽の意味を科学する.大津由起雄・波多野誼余夫・三宅ほな
み(編著)認知科学への招待2ー心の研究の多様性を探る (pp. 148-166).東京:
R 安達真由美(2005)認知機能の発達.菱谷晋介・田山忠行(編著)心を測る(pp. 161-179).
R Adachi, M., & Chino, Y. (2004). Inspiring creativity through music. In S. Lau, A. N. N. Hui,
& G. Y. C. Ng (Eds.), Creativity: When east meets west (pp. 305-340). Singapore:
World Scientific.
R 安達真由美・サンドラ E.トレハブ (2000). 情動概念によって引き出される子ども
の創造性̶創造的音楽づくりへの提言̶. 音楽教育学会(編), 音楽教育学研究
(1)音楽教育の理論研究 (pp. 46-57). 東京:音楽之友社.
R Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (1999). Children’s communication of emotion in song. In S. W.
Yi (Ed.), Music, Mind and Science (pp. 454-465). Seoul, Korea: Seoul National
University Press.
R Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (in press). Canadian and Japanese preschoolers’ creation of
happy and sad songs. Psychomusicology.
R Shoda, H., & Adachi, M. (in press). The role of a pianist’s affective and structural
interpretations in his expressive body movement: A case study. Music Perception.
R Shoda, H., & Adachi, M. (2010). Effects of the musical period on the pianist’s body
movement: Its time-series relationships with temporal expressions. In S. Demorest, S. J.
Morrison, & P. S. Campbell, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music
Perception and Cognition (pp. 843-848) [1/1 (CD-ROM)]. Adelaide, Australia: Causal
安達真由美・安藤太一 (2010).日常的な話しかけと歌いかけの文脈における乳児の発声
の特徴:事例研究.日本音楽知覚認知学会平成 22 年度春季研究発表会資料 (pp.
松田久美・安達真由美 (2010). 母親の「信念・価値観」の規程因子に関する探索的研
究 (Technical Report No. 60). 札幌市: 北海道大学大学院文学研究科心理システ
Shoda, H., & Adachi, M. (2010). A case study of acoustical and movement variations in a
piano performance (Technical Report No. 59). Sapporo, Japan: Department of
Psychology, Hokkaido University.
R Shoda, H., & Adachi, M. (2009). Time-series analysis of relationships between the pianist’s
body movement and the temporal expression for Romantic pieces. In C. Stevens, E.
Schubert, B. Kruithof, K. Buckley, & S. Fazio (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Music Communication Science (pp. 137-140). Sydney,
Australia: HCSNet and University of Western Sydney.
R 正田悠・中村敏枝・安達真由美 (2008). ピアニストの意図した演奏表現の伝達: 演
奏音の音響特性ならびに演奏者の身体動作の分析. ヒューマンインタフェース
シンポジウム 2008 発表論文集 (pp. 29-36). 京都:ヒューマンインタフェース
R Akasaka, A., Adachi, M., & Chino, H. (2008). The role of musical environment at home in
the infant’s development (Part 1): Japanese mother’s understanding and practice of
taikyo and its effects on the mother’s labor and the infant’s development. In K. Miyazaki,
et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and
Cognition (pp. 752-757). [1/1 (CD-ROM)] Sapporo, Japan: ICMPC10.
R Kida, I., & Adachi, M. (2008). The role of musical environment at home in the infant’s
development (Part 2): Exploring effects of early musical experiences on the infant’s
physical and motor development during the first 2 years. In K. Miyazaki, et al. (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition
(pp. 722-728). [1/1 (CD-ROM)] Sapporo, Japan: ICMPC10.
R Matsuda, K., & Adachi, M. (2008). The role of musical environment at home in the infant’s
development (Part 4): Japanese mothers’ involvement in music and its effects on
parenting. In K. Miyazaki, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference
on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 729-733). [1/1 (CD-ROM)] Sapporo, Japan:
R Iwai, K., & Adachi, M. (2008). Japanese college students’ emotional responses to
J-POP-like songs on physiological and psychological measures. . In K. Miyazaki, et al.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Music Perception and
Cognition (pp. 490-495). [1/1 (CD-ROM)] Sapporo, Japan: ICMPC10.
R Shoda, H., Nakamura, T., Draguna, R. M., Kawase, S., Katahira, K., Yasuda, S., & Adachi,
M. (2008e). Emotional communication of a pianist's intended expression via acoustical
and visual information. In K. Miyazaki, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 517-520). [1/1
(CD-ROM)] Sapporo, Japan: ICMPC10.
尾山和之・安達真由美 (2006).日本人大学生の拍子知覚における学校音楽教育と学校
外音楽学習の影響. 日本音楽知覚認知学会 2006 年度春季研究発表会資料集
岩井香織・安達真由美 (2006). 歌に対する感情反応における歌詞と曲の効果.日本音
楽知覚認知学会 2006 年度秋季研究発表会資料集(pp. 57-62). 金沢:金沢工業
R Adachi, M., Trehub, S. E., & Abe, J. (2004). Perceiving emotion in children's songs across
age and culture. Japanese Psychological Research, 46(4), 322-336.
R 安達真由美・サンドラ・E・トレハブ(2003)幼児の自作歌に見られる情動表現.音
安達真由美 (2002). 音楽聴取と視覚的イメージ. 日本心理学会第 66 回大会発表論文
集, 591.
安達真由美・高須一・水戸博道・中田隆行 (2002). 音楽教育研究における「質的」
的」融合への道̶データ分析上の落とし穴に注目してー. 音楽教育学, 31(4), 3-6.
R Adachi, M., & Honda, A. (2002). Children’s imagination in music. In T. Kato (Ed.).
Proceedings of the 17th Congress of International Association of Empirical Aesthetics
(pp. 457-462). Osaka, Japan: Organizing Committee of the 17th Congress of
International Association of Empirical Aesthetics.
R Adachi, M., Nakata, T., & Kotani, Y. (2002). Infants encountering music: An exploration of
musical affordances. In C. Stevens, D. Burnham, G. McPherson, E. Schubert, & J.
Renwick (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Music Perception
and Cognition (pp. 454-456). Adelaide, Australia: Causal Productions.
R Schellenberg, E. G., Adachi, M., Purdy, K. T., & McKinnon, M. C. (2002). Expectancy in
melody: Tests of children and adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,
131(4), 511-537.
R Adachi, M. (2001). Why can’t Japanese elementary school children make up songs? In Y.
Minami & M. Shinzanoh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Symposium on
Music Education Research, Vol. II (pp. 49-50). Nagoya, Japan: Aichi University of
R Nakajima, M., & Adachi, M. (2001). Knowledge- and skill-transfer into preschool children’s
song making activities. In Y. Minami & M. Shinzanoh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third
Asia-Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, Vol. I (pp. 33-36). Nagoya,
Japan: Aichi University of Education.
R Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (2000). Decoding the expressive intentions in children’s songs.
Music Perception, 18(2), 213-224.
R 安達真由美 (2000). 日本人児童の情動表現̶ 物語と歌詞の内容から̶. 日本音楽知
覚認知学会平成 12 年度秋季研究発表会資料集 (pp. 65-68).
R 安達真由美 (2000). ヴィゴツキーの理論と音楽的発達. 音楽心理学音楽療法研究
年報, 29, 13-19.
R 安達真由美・茅野紫 (2000). 全員参加の音楽づくりをめざして. 教育実践学研究,
6, 25-35.
安達真由美 (2000). James C. Carlsen: The Need to Know に何を学ぶか. 音楽教育
研究ジャーナル, 13, 15-16.
小川容子・安達真由美・高須一他 (2000).
音楽教育学, 29(3),
安達真由美 (1999).
5(1), 56-59.
Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (1999). Musical emotion in the songs of Canadian children.
Proceedings of the Fall Meeting of the Japanese Society for Music Perception and
Cognition (pp. 69-74). Kyoto, Japan: JSMPC.
R Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (1998). Children’s expression of emotion in song. Psychology
of Music, 26(2), 133-153.
Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (1998).
Canadian children.
Perception of emotional qualities in the songs of
日本音楽知覚認知学会平成 10 年度秋季研究発表会資料集
(pp. 55-62).
R Adachi, M., Fallon, M., & Trehub, S. E. (1998). Perception of emotional qualities in
children’s singing: Cross-cultural perspectives. In H. Lee (Ed.), Searching for a New
Paradigm of Music Education Research: An International Perspective (pp. 55-63).
Seoul, Korea: Korean Music Educational Society.
R 安達真由美(1997). リズム描写における日米児童の記号使用と概念表象について.
音楽教育学, 27(1), 25-36.
R Adachi, M. (1996). Japanese children’s use of linguistic symbols in depicting rhythm
patterns. In B. Pennycook & E. Costa-Giomi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 413-418). Montreal,
Canada: McGill University.
R Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (1996). Children’s expressive devices in singing. In B.
Pennycook & E. Costa-Giomi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference for Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 275-280). Montreal, Canada:
McGill University.
R Adachi, M., & Carlsen, J. C. (1995). Measuring melodic expectancies with children. Council
for Research in Music Education, 127, 1-7.
R Adachi, M. (1994). The role of the adult in the child's early musical socialization: a
Vygotskian perspective. Quarterly: Journal of Music Teaching & Learning, 5(3), 26-35.
R Adachi, M., & Carlsen, J. C. (1994). Melodic expectancy development in musical children.
In I. Deliege (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference for Music
Perception and Cognition (pp. 143-144). Liege, Belgium: ESCOM.
R Adachi, M. (1992). Development of young children's music reading via instruction.
Proceedings of the Fifth Early Childhood Music Education Seminar (pp. 83-107).
Tokyo: Kunitachi College of Music.
安達真由美・小泉恭子(編著)(2005). 特集:実践と研究をつなぐ. 音楽教育実践ジャ
I は依頼原稿)
I 安達真由美(2010)ペース先生へ書きたかった手紙.ペース・メソッド研究会ジャー
ナル, 44, 15-16.
I 安達真由美・中田隆行(2006)ICMPC 10 に向けて APSCOM 2 & ICMPC 9 から学ぶこと:
「アジア太平洋音楽認知科学学会連合第 2 回大会」および「第 9 回音楽知覚認
知国際会議」の報告.音楽知覚認知研究,12, 57-69.
I 安達真由美(2004)音楽で自己表現する「芽」をもって生まれる子どもたち.初等教
育資料, 779, 56-59.
I 安達真由美 (2002). モペットの秘密 . ペース・メソッド研究会ジャーナル, 23, 28-34.
I 安達真由美 (2002). 「第3回アジア太平洋音楽教育シンポジウム」に関わって. ペー
ス・メソッド研究会ジャーナル, 23, 3-4.
I 安達真由美 (2000). コミュニティー・コンサートのすすめ [第5回「育の会」コン
Le Concert Grandissant
安達真由美 (2000). 英国シェフィールド大学音楽学部における学術と芸術の融合.
日本音楽知覚認知学会平成 12 年度春季研究発表会資料集 (pp. 57-58). 広島:
I 安達真由美 (1999). ペース・メソッドと発達・教育心理学 (Part II). ペース・メ
ソッド研究会ジャーナル, 12, 2-7.
I 安達真由美 (1999). ペース・メソッドと発達・教育心理学 (Part I). ペース・メ
ソッド研究会ジャーナル, 11, 4-9.
I 安達真由美 (1998). 平成 10 年度教大協全国大会報告. CMC:音楽文化の創造, 10,
安達真由美(2010)槙原音楽の本質 (3):適度に期待が裏切られ、適度に覚醒し、期待
が満たされる音楽.別冊カドカワ, 339, 62-65.
安達真由美 (2009). 家庭の音楽環境が乳児をどう育てるのか:縦断的研究 (科学研究費
補助金基盤研究 (C) No. 18530581, 日本学術振興会). [CDROM]
小川容子・安達真由美・高須一 (2005).子どもの創作活動における音楽的発達研究:幼
年期・義務教育期間の縦断的横断的研究 (基盤研究 (B)(1) No. 14310124, 日本学術
振興会). 鳥取, Japan: 鳥取大学地域学部.
『認知科学辞典』(2003 年出版・共立出版):「音楽発達」「音楽能力」「音楽適正・能力
(2004 年出版・音楽之友社)
楽の認知:旋律への期待(共著者:J. C. カールセン)」「音の記憶:リズムの記憶と
「音楽教育学の方法:数量的分析法と質的分析法(共著者:J. C. カールセン)」
Carlsen, J. C. (2000). 知識への探求: The Need to Know [The Need to know: 1994 Senior
Researcher Award Acceptance Address]. 音楽教育研究ジャーナル, 13, 16-28.
『音楽教育事典』(2004 年出版・音楽之友社)における J. C. Carlsen 氏執筆項目:「音
Ishiko, J. (1996). Why is the lullaby sad? The maternal image in modern Japan. (Original book
published in 1976 in Japan. Summary translation for Centre for Research in Human
Development, University of Toronto).
Matsunaga, G. (1996). Caregiving songs in Japan: An ethnological approach. (Original book
published in 1964 in Japan. Summary translation for Centre for Research in Human
Development, University of Toronto).
Migita, I. (1996). Caregiving and caregiving songs: Their folk customs and music. (Original
book published in 1991 in Japan. Summary translation for Centre for Research in Human
Development, University of Toronto).
Usuda, J. (1996). Visiting the homelands of caregiving songs. (Original book published in 1978
in Japan. Summary translation for Centre for Research in Human Development, University
of Toronto).
Watanabe, T. & Matsuzawa, S. (1996). Basic research on caregiving songs. (Original book
published in 1979 in Japan. Summary translation for Centre for Research in Human
Development, University of Toronto).
TV Program (1996). Lullaby is a cultural asset of our region.
(Original program aired by
Ibara Broadcasting Co., Japan, in 1994. Full translation for Centre for Research in Human
Development, University of Toronto)
Video Program (1996). Japanese Lullaby Festival in Ibara -- Nov. 3, 1994. (Summary
translation for Centre for Research in Human Development, University of Toronto)
Abe, J., & Hoshino, E. (1990).
Schema Driven Properties in Melody Cognition: Experiments
on Final Tone Extrapolation by Music Experts.
Psychomusicology, 9 (2), 161-172.
(Original article published in the Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 1985, 4(1), 1-9.
Translation requested by the Editor.)
I 2009 年 12 月 15 日:乳児のひとり遊びに見られる音楽との潜在的・顕在的相互作用
I 2007 年 12 月 10 日:音楽は乳児に何を提供するのか̶音楽のアフォーダンス-(日本
2007 年8月6日:音楽発達心理学̶おいしいところのつまみぐい̶(北海道大学文学部
I Mar. 29, 2007: Effects of Language Culture and Educational Method in Children’s Depiction
of Rhythm Patterns, The 3rd Baby Forum: Development of Music Cognition and
Concepts, Tamagawa University, Japan.
I Mar. 28, 2007: How do Canadian and Japanese Chidlren Express Happiness and Sadness via
Their Songs?, The 3rd Baby Forum: Development of Music Cognition and Concepts,
Tamagawa University, Japan.
I 2001 年4月:日常的学習と音楽的発達(北海道大学認知過程研究会)
I 2000 年 12 月: 音楽的発達とインターベンション. 第 32 回音楽心理学音楽療法懇話
I 2000 年6月: 子どもにとって音楽的発達とは?(広島大学教育学部高須研究室)
Mar., 1996: Children’s Creative Music Making through Peer Collaborations, University of
Leicester, UK
I 2008 年 12 月 11 日:音楽と感情の認知科学 ̶音楽は何を伝達するのか̶(北海道大学
2008 年7月 16 日:Happy versus Sad ̶ 子どもはどう歌に託すのか? -(北海道大学大
学院文学研究科平成 20 年公開講座)
I 2008 年3月8日:子どもの音楽行動にみる言語・教育の影響̶カナダ人と日本人の比
I July 3, 2006: Toward Fostering Creativity through a Music-making Mind, Hong Kong
Baptist University, China.
2000 年1月: 音楽づくりのレシピ(山梨大学附属小学校)
I 1999 年3月: 記号の中に文化が見える(富士宮市立大富士小学校)
Feb., 1995: Child Folk Songs from Japan, University of Washington, USA
1991: Western Influences in Japanese Pop Music, University of Washington, USA
I Adachi, M. (2004, August). Developmental and cross-cultural perspectives on singing. Paper
presented as a part of Trehub et al. (2004)—Invited Symposium: Music across the
life-span—at the 28th International Conress of Psychology, Beijing, China.
R Adachi, M., Ohgushi, K., Deutsch, D., Nakata, T., Davidson, J. W., & Burland, K. (2004,
August). Memorial symposium for Takao Umemoto. Symposium at the 8th International
Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Evanston, IL, USA.
R Adachi, M., Chino, Y., & Fukazawa, K. (2001, June). Creative music making for everyone:
“Making music is easy!” Creativity: A Moment of Aha! (The Second International
Symposium on Child Development), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
中島祥好・星野悦子・安達真由美・大浦容子他 (1999 年9月). ワークショップ:音
楽知覚認知研究を巡る状況. 日本心理学会第 63 回大会.
R Adachi, M. (2011, August). Effects of interactions with young children on Japanese
women’s interpretation of musical babblings. Paper presented at the 2011 Meeting of the
Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Rochester, NY, USA.
R Adachi, M. (2010a, August). How do mothers differentiate between a toddler’s musical and
linguistic babblings? Paper to be presented at the 29th ISME World Conference 2010,
Beijing, China.
R Adachi, M. (2010b, August). Can prospective parents differentiate between an infant’s
musical and linguistic babblings? Paper to be presented at the 11th International
Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Seattle, WA, USA.
安達真由美・松田久美・岩井香織・寺田良紀 (2009, 10 月).1歳児向け音楽レッスン
の期待について.日本音楽教育学会第 40 回大会口頭発表,広島大学,10 月 7-8
正田悠・安達真由美(2009, 9 月). ピアニストの身体動作と演奏音の時間的表現の時系
列 分 析 : ロ マ ン 派 楽 曲 の 演 奏 か ら . 第 37 回 Young Perceptionists' Seminar
(YPS2009), 軽井沢文化山荘, 9 月 4 日∼6 日.
Adachi, M., & Ando, T. (2009, June). A Japanese infant’s vocal features n daily contexts of
infant-directed speech and song: A case study. Paper presented at the 1st Annual
Conference AIRS Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Singing, UPEI, Charlottetown,
R Adachi, M. (2006, August). Japanese home environments and infants’ spontaneous
responses to music: Initial reports. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference
on Music Perception and Cognition, Bologna, Italy. [English]
R Adachi, M., & Ozaki, C. (2005, August). Effects of Specialist Musical Training on Melodic
Expectancy Profiles. Paper to be presented at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on
Cognitive Science of Music, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea.
安達真由美・小川容子 (2004, 11 月). グループ活動にみる作曲プロセスの発達̶小
1・小4・中1におけるフィールド実験を通して̶.日本音楽教育学会第 35 回大
R Adachi, M., & Ise, A. (2004, August). Non-musician’s expression of emotion in music: How
do Japanese manipulate a familiar song? Paper presented at the 8th International
Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Evanston, IL, USA.
Adachi, M. (2001, May). Children:s melodic expectancies: A cross-cultural perspective. Paper
presented at the International Workshop of the Japanese Society for Music Perception
and Cognition, Kyushu Institute of Design, Fukuoka, Japan.
R Adachi, M. (1996, March). Characteristics and the origin of melodic expectancies during
early childhood. Perspectives of Music, the Mind, and Education (Society for Research
in Psychology of Music and Music Education), Cambridge, UK.
R Adachi, M., & Carlsen, J. C. (1993, June). Effects of scale step upon the listener's
expectancy for reversal structures. The Annual Conference of the Society for Music
Perception and Cognition, Philadelphia, USA.
R Adachi, M. (1992, February). The transferential mode of music reading: evidence of the
efficacy of a spiral learning curriculum for the development of preschool children's
music reading. Washington Music Educators Association, Tacoma, WA, USA.
R Adachi, M. (1990, October). Knowledge organization and problem solving strategies in
piano instruction. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the College Music Society, Washington
D. C., USA.
R Adachi, M., & Ding, X. (2011, March). How do Japanese mothers and fathers
differentiate between a toddler’s musical and linguistic babblings? Poster to
be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Montreal, Canada.
R Ding, X., & Adachi, M. (2011, July). How do Chinese college students
differentiate between a toddler’s musical and linguistic babblings? Poster
presented at the 4th Conference of Asia-Pacific Society for Cognitive Sciences
of Music, Beijing, China.
R Adachi, M., Matsuda, K., Iwai, K., & Terada, Y. (2010, August). Investigations of Japanese
mothers’ musical involvement at home, feeling toward childrearing, and expectations
toward 1-year-olds’ music programs. Poster to be presented at the 11th International
Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Seattle, WA, USA.
R Shoda, H., & Adachi, M. (2010, March). Time-series analysis of the pianit’s body movement
and the dynamic expression for Romantic pieces. Poster presented at the Biennial
International Meeting of the Society for Education, Psychology and Music Research,
Leeds, UK.
正田悠・安達真由美 (2009, August). ピアノ演奏者の表現意図の違いによる演奏音の音
響特性ならびに演奏者の身体動作の変化: 事例研究. 日本心理学会第 73 回大会
ポスター発表,京都:立命館大学, 8 月 26 日∼28 日.
松田久美・安達真由美 (2008, October). 養育者の sensitivity の構造についての探索的
研究5−自己統制機能との関連性の検討から−.日本教育心理学会第 51 回大会ポ
スター発表,9 月 20 日
22 日,静岡大学.
正田悠・中村敏枝・安田晶子・森数馬・安達真由美 (2008, September). ピアノ演奏者の
表現意図と聴取者の好悪判断の関係: 視覚情報の有無に関連して. 日本心理学
会第 72 回大会ポスター発表,札幌:北海道大学,9 月 19 日∼21 日.
R Adachi, M., Akasaka, A., & Kon-no, S. (2008, August). The role of musical environment at
home in the infant’s development (Part 3): 3-Month-Olds’ Responses to Music and Their
Subsequent Motor Development. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on
Music Perception and Cognition, Sapporo, Japan.
正田悠・中村敏枝・安田晶子・森数馬・安達真由美 (2008, May). ピアノ演奏者の表現
の違いによる聴取者の印象評定の変化(2): 聴取者の楽器演奏経験の影響.日本認
知心理学会第 6 回大会ポスター発表,千葉大学,5 月 31 日∼6 月 1 日.
R Adachi, M., Akasaka, A., & Kon-no, S. (2008, March). Does music elicit or reduce body
movements of 3- to 4-month-old infants? Poster presented at the16th Biennial
International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
R Kida, I., & Adachi, M. (2008, March). Exploring effects of early musical experiences on the
infant's physical and motor development during the first year. Poster presented at the16th
Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
岩井香織・安達真由美(2007, October). J ポップ風の歌における情動的印象:曲と歌
詞についての検討. 北海道心理学会第 54 回大会ポスター発表, 北海道教育大学
Adachi, M., & Trehub, S. E. (2000, April). Preschoolers’ expression of emotion through
invented songs. The Annual Meeting of the Society for Research in Psychology of
Music and Music Education, Leicester, UK.
Schellenberg, G., & Adachi, M. (1999, April). Children’s melodic expectancies. The Biennial
Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, USA.
Adachi, M. (1997, April).
How do children make a song happy or sad? The Biennial
Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C., USA.
Adachi, M. & Bradshaw, D. H. (1995, March). Children’s symbolic representation of rhythm
patterns across tasks. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Adachi, M. & Carlsen, J. C. (1995, April). Identification of developmental traces in melodic
expectancy. The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development,
Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Adachi, M. & Carlsen, J. C. (1994, July). Toward a melodic expectancy measure for children.
The 15th International Research Seminar (ISME), University of Miami, Florida, & the
21st ISME World Conference, Tampa, FL, USA.
Adachi, M. (1994, February). A sung continuation procedure for an empirical investigation of
children's melodic expectancy. The Biennial Meeting of the Southwestern Society of
Research in Human Development, Austin, TX, USA.