No.1443 人文・社会 科学 新 刊 在 庫 2016 年 12 月号 今月のトピックス …………… 1 新 刊・近 刊 51 Encyclopedia of Chinese History 本百科事典は、中国の全歴史を網羅しています。中国史 に重要な役割を果たした満州やモンゴル、新疆、チベッ トの歴史や、台湾人や中国人ディアスポラについての資料 も掲載しています。 総 記 ……………… 10 哲学・思想 ……………… 10 宗 教 学 ……………… 19 民族学・民俗学・人類学 … 29 歴 史 学 ……………… 31 人文地理学 ……………… 58 芸 術 ……………… 59 文 学 ……………… 71 言 語 学 ……………… 83 認 知 科 学 ……………… 97 心 理 学 ……………… 98 経 済 学 ……………… 106 金 融 ……………… 120 会 計 学 ……………… 122 経 営 学 ……………… 123 環 境 学 ……………… 138 法 学 ……………… 144 政 治 学 ……………… 159 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ………………………… 179 社 会 学 ……………… 184 ジェンダー ……………… 196 教 育 学 ……………… 199 スポーツ・健康科学 …… 210 生 活 科 学 ……………… 212 163 都市シリーズ 地域研究 Index ………… 213 172 Routledge版 南アジア研究の発展シリーズ 85 Pronunciation 発音は言語学や言語教育、応用言語学において中心分野 の一つです。この 4 巻構成のコレクションは、発音に関 する重要な歴史的論文や現代の研究を収集しています。 110 Handbook of Commercial Policy, Vol. 1 本書は North-Holland 社定番のハンドブックです。商業 政策のパターンや進展から現代のグローバル経済におけ る主要な問題まで幅広いテーマを取り上げています。 127 The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd ed. 好評を博した初版からおよそ 10 年。第 2 版となる本書は 4 巻構成となり、産業・組織心理学において最新の研究 テーマを取り入れ、グローバルな視点を提供しています。 特 集 90 言語の多様性と言語権コレクション 第 1-10 巻 哲学・思想 0001* ★再 Cambridge 版 哲学的方法論必携 D'Oro, Giuseppina/Overgaard, Søren The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) 2016:12. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-54736-0 ........Paper USD 36.99 通常価 ¥5,815 / 特価 ¥4,652 + 税 *9781107547360* 0002* 再 Routledge 版 16 世紀哲学必携 Lagerlund, Henrik/Hill, Benjamin (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century Philosophy (Routledge Philosophy Companions) 2016:12. 700 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-65860-7 ........Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥25,784 / 特価 ¥20,627 + 税 *9780415658607* 0003* ★再 Routledge 版 社会科学の哲学必携 McIntyre, Lee/Rosenberg, Alex (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Social Science (Routledge Philosophy Companions) 2016:12. 478 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82575-8 ........Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥25,784 / 特価 ¥20,627 + 税 *9781138825758* 宗教学 0004* 再 0005* 禅の歴史 ★再 イスラム教とキリスト教の遭遇 全 4 巻 Ku, Yu-hisu History of Zen (China Academic Library) 2016:12. 221 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-1129-0 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 Siddiqui, Mona (ed.) Muslim-Christian Encounters (Critical Concepts in Religious Studies) 2016:12. 4 Vols., 1,312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93791-8 ....................................Hard STP 900.00 通常価 ¥178,510 / 特価 ¥142,808 + 税 *9789811011290* *9781138937918* 歴史学 0006* ★再 小アジア東部:ローマの隠された国境地帯 全2巻 Mitford, Timothy Bruce East of Asia Minor: Rome’s Hidden Frontier 2016:12. 2 Vols., 736 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-0-19-872517-6 ........Hard STP 225.00 通常価 ¥44,627 / 特価 ¥35,702 + 税 *9780198725176* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 1 歴史学 0007* ★ Brill 版 中世百科事典 全 2 巻 Staub, Martial/Melville, Gert (eds.) Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages 2016:12. 2 Vols. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-29315-1...........Hard (until 2016/12/16) EUR 299.00 通常価 ¥51,990 / 特価 ¥41,592 + 税 (thereafter) EUR 350.00 通常価 ¥60,858 / 特価 ¥48,686 + 税 *9789004293151* 0008* 再 British Cultural Identities, 5th ed. 2016:11. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95112-9 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138951129* 0009* 再 第一次大戦と大英帝国 Walsh, Michael J. K./Varnava, Andrekos (eds.) The Great War and the British Empire: Culture and Society (Routledge Studies in First World War History) 2016:12. 310 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6227-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472462275* イギリスの今:文化的アイデンティティ 第 5 版 Storry, Mike/Childs, Peter (eds.) 文 学 0010* 再 0012* 文学理論と文化理論用語集 第 3 版 Brooker, Peter A Glossary of Literary and Cultural Theory, 3rd ed. 2016:12. 342 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95548-6 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138955486* 0011* 再 Cambridge 版 文学とポストヒューマン必携 Rossini, Manuela/Clarke, Bruce (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2016:12. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-45061-5 ........Paper USD 27.99 通常価 ¥4,400 / 特価 ¥3,520 + 税 ★ New Oxford 版 シェイクスピア全集: 全巻セット Shakespeare, William Taylor, Gary/Jowett, John/Bourus, Terri/ Egan, Gabriel (eds.) The New Oxford Shakespeare: Complete Set: Modern Critical Edition, Critical Reference Edition, Authorship Companion (New Oxford Shakespeare) 2016:12. 4 Vols., 7,755 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879132-4 ........Hard STP 295.00 通常価 ¥58,511 / 特価 ¥46,809 + 税 *9780198791324* *9781107450615* 言語学 0013* ★再 ★再 積極的言語政策と実践 抑揚と韻律の構造 Davis, Kathryn A./Phyak, Prem Engaged Language Policy and Practices 2016:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90695-2 ..................................... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 Fery, Caroline Intonation and Prosodic Structure (Key Topics in Phonology) 2016:12. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-00806-9 ....................................Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥19,651 / 特価 ¥15,721 + 税 *9781138906952* 2 0014* *9781107008069* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 0015* ★ 言語習得:文法の成長 第 2 版 Guasti, Maria Teresa Language Acquisition: The Growth of Grammar, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 672 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-52938-9 ........Paper USD 50.00 通常価 ¥7,860 / 特価 ¥6,288 + 税 *9780262529389* 0016* ★再 第二言語教育・学習研究ハンドブック 第3巻 Hinkel, Eli (ed.) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning: Vol. 3 (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series) 2016:11. 514 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85981-4 ........Hard STP 195.00 通常価 ¥38,677 / 特価 ¥30,941 + 税 *9781138859814* ISBN 978-1-138-85982-1 ......... Paper STP 78.99 通常価 ¥15,667 / 特価 ¥12,533 + 税 *9781138859821* 0017* ★再 スピーキングの教育と研究 第 3 版 Hughes, Rebecca/Reed, Beatrice Szczepek Teaching and Researching Speaking, 3rd ed. (Applied Linguistics in Action) 2016:12. 239 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91175-8 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138911758* 0018* 再 第二言語の発音評価 Second Language Pronunciation Assessment: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 107) 2016:12. 296 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78309-684-8 ........Hard STP 109.95 通常価 ¥21,808 / 特価 ¥17,446 + 税 *9781783096848* ISBN 978-1-78309-683-1 ......... Paper STP 34.95 通常価 ¥6,932 / 特価 ¥5,545 + 税 *9781783096831* 0019* 危機言語の綴り字の創作 Jones, Mari C./Mooney, Damien (eds.) Creating Orthographies for Endangered Languages 2016:12. 358 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル 再 ISBN 978-1-107-14835-2 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107148352* 0020* ★ 世界英語と文化戦争 Kachru, Braj World Englishes and Culture Wars (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact) 2016:12. 344 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-521-82571-9 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9780521825719* ISBN 978-0-521-53278-5 .... Paper USD 価格未定 *9780521532785* 0021* ★ 限局性学習障害を持つ生徒の第二言語 学習過程 Kormos, Judit The Second Language Learning (Second Language Acquisition Research Series) 2016:12. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91179-6 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138911796* 0022* ★再 シナ・チベット語族 第 2 版 LaPolla, Randy J./Thurgood, Graham (eds.) The Sino-Tibetan Languages, 2nd ed. (Routledge Language Family Series) 2016:12. 1,018 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78332-4 ........Hard STP 290.00 通常価 ¥57,520 / 特価 ¥46,016 + 税 *9781138783324* 0023* 再 教育の国際化と学習の地域化: 中国における英語教育改革と英語使用に関する調査 McPherron, Paul Internationalizing Teaching, Localizing Learning: An Examination of English Language Teaching Reforms and English Use in China (Language and Globalization) 2016:12. 266 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-51953-5 .......Hard EUR 124.99 通常価 ¥21,733 / 特価 ¥17,386 + 税 *9781137519535* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 3 言語学 0024* ★ 0025* 言語学習ストラテジーにおける教育と研究 第2版 ★再 Oxford版 普遍文法ハンドブック Roberts, Ian (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:12. 704 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-957377-6 ..................................... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 Oxford, Rebecca L. Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies: Self-Regulation in Context, 2nd ed. (Applied Linguistics in Action) 2016:12. 351 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85680-6 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9780199573776* *9781138856806* 認知科学 0026* 再 0028* 認知神経科学 第 4 版 Banich, Marie T./Compton, Rebecca J. Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th ed. 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-316-50790-2 ............. Paper 価格未定 *9781316507902* 0027* ★再 不可能な人称 Harbour, Daniel Impossible Persons (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs, Vol. 74) 2016:11. 336 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03473-9 ...................................... Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 / 特価 ¥11,948 + 税 *9780262034739* ISBN 978-0-262-52929-7 ........Paper USD 37.00 通常価 ¥5,816 / 特価 ¥4,653 + 税 ★ Oxford 版 認知神経科学ハンドブック 全2巻 Ochsner, Kevin/Kosslyn, Stephen M. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2016:12. 2 Vols., 1,152 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062988-5 ..... Paper USD 165.00 通常価 ¥25,940 / 特価 ¥20,752 + 税 *9780190629885* 0029* 再 言語と認知入門 Sharwood Smith, Mike Introducing Language and Cognition: A Map of the Mind 2016:12. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60670-4 ........Paper USD 39.99 通常価 ¥6,287 / 特価 ¥5,029 + 税 *9781316606704* *9780262529297* 心理学 0030* ★ Cambridge 版 精神心理学ハンドブック 第4版 Cacioppo, John T./Berntson, Gary G./ Tassinary, Louis G. (eds.) Handbook of Psychophysiology, 4th ed. (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology) 2016:12. 752 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-05852-1 .......Hard USD 250.00 通常価 ¥39,303 / 特価 ¥31,443 + 税 *9781107058521* 4 0031 ★ アンドゥーイング・プロジェクト: 我々の心を変えた友情 Lewis, Michael The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed Our Minds 2016:12. 368 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-25459-4 ......... Hard USD 28.95 通常価 ¥4,551 / 特価 ¥3,641 + 税 *9780393254594* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 経済学 0032* ★★★ 再 商業政策ハンドブック 第 1 巻 全 2 巻 Bagwell, Kyle/Staiger, Robert W. (eds.) Handbook of Commercial Policy: Vol. 1A & 1B (Handbooks in Economics) 2017:1. 2 Vols., 1,156 p. (NorthHolland, NLD) ISBN 978-0-444-63921-9 ..............................Hard 特価 ¥35,000 + 税 0034* 商業政策ハンドブック 第 1B 巻 Bagwell, Kyle/Staiger, Robert W. (eds.) Handbook of Commercial Policy: Vol. 1B (Handbooks in Economics) 2017:1. 598 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ISBN 978-0-444-63922-6 ..............................Hard 特価 ¥35,000 + 税 *9780444639226* *9780444639219* 0033* ★★★ 再 商業政策ハンドブック 第 1A 巻 Bagwell, Kyle/Staiger, Robert W. (eds.) Handbook of Commercial Policy: Vol. 1A (Handbooks in Economics) 2017:1. 558 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ISBN 978-0-444-63280-7 ..............................Hard 特価 ¥35,000 + 税 *9780444632807* ★★★ 再 0035* ★再 世界貿易体制 Bhagwati, Jagdish N./Krishna, Pravin/ Panagariya, Arvind The World Trade System: Trends and Challenges 2016:12. 400 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03523-1 ......... Hard USD 80.00 通常価 ¥12,577 / 特価 ¥10,061 + 税 *9780262035231* 金 融 ISBN 978-981-4749-93-0 ........Paper USD 38.00 通常価 ¥5,974 / 特価 ¥4,779 + 税 0036* 国際経済における金融危機と不況 第 4 版 Allen, Roy E. Financial Crises and Recession in the Global Economy, 4th ed. 2016:12. 224 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-110-4 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781785361104* ISBN 978-1-78536-112-8 ......... Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781785361128* 0037* 再 *9789814749930* 0038* ★再 シャドー・バンキング Nesvetailova, Anastasia (ed.) Shadow Banking: Scope, Origins and Theories (Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability) 2016:12. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-20153-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138201538* ポートフォリオ理論と金融の意思決定基盤:問題点 MacLean, Leonard C./Ziemba, William T./Vickson, Raymond G. Problems in Portfolio Theory and the Fundamentals of Financial Decision Making (World Scien !"#$ % ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 5 経営学 経営学 0039* ★ ★再 マーケティングの倫理 第 2 版 平岡秀福 / 浜田和樹編 日本企業におけるイノベーション経営 Hiraoka, Shufuku/Hamada, Kazuki (eds.) Management of Innovation Strategy in Japanese Companies (Japanese Management and International Studies, *!"+#$ % ISBN 978-981-4759-62-5 .......Hard USD 128.00 通常価 ¥20,123 / 特価 ¥16,098 + 税 *9789814759625* 0040* 0041* Murphy, Patrick E./Laczniak, Gene R./Harris, Fiona Ethics in Marketing: International Cases and Perspectives, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64808-1 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138648081* ISBN 978-1-138-64809-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138648098* ★再 組織効果 Holbeche, Linda ness: A Critical Take on the HR Contribution 2016:12. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-74009-8 .................................... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415740098* 0042* ★再 経営思想の歴史 第 2 版 Witzel, Morgen A History of Management Thought, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91162-8 .......... Hard STP 99.50 通常価 ¥19,735 / 特価 ¥15,788 + 税 *9781138911628* ISBN 978-1-138-91163-5 ......... Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥7,931 / 特価 ¥6,345 + 税 *9781138911635* 環境学 0043* 再 0045* サステナビリティの原則 第 2 版 Bosselmann, Klaus The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 274 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8128-3 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472481283* ISBN 978-1-4724-8131-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 亀山康子著 日本の気候変動政策: 1980 年 - 2015 年 Kameyama, Yasuko Climate Change Policy in Japan: From the 1980’s to 2015 (Routledge Studies in Asia and the Environment) 2016:12. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83859-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138838598* *9781472481313* 0044* ★再 世界の環境の経済学 Chichilnisky, Graciela/Rezai, Armon (eds.) The Economics of the Global Environment: Catastrophic Risks in Theory and Policy (Studies in Economic Theory, Vol. 29) 2016:12. 450 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31941-4 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9783319319414* 6 ★再 0046* 再 アジア・ユーラシアにおけるエネルギー安全保障 Mochizuki, Mike M./Ollapally, Deepa M. (eds.) Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67792-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138677920* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 法 学 0047* ★再 犯罪学 第 2 版 ISBN 978-1-138-88869-2 ......... Paper STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781138888692* Chambliss, William J./Moloney, Chris/ Hass, Aida Y. Criminology: Connecting Theory, Research and Practice, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 728 p. (Routledge, GBR) 政治学 0048* ★★ 中国共産党―文献集成 全 4 巻 Brodsgaard, Kjeld (ed.) Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China (Critical Readings) 2016:12. 4 Vols., 1,400 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30216-7 .......Hard EUR 844.00 通常価 ¥146,754 / 特価 ¥117,403 + 税 ISBN 978-981-4656-46-7 ........Paper USD 38.00 通常価 ¥5,974 / 特価 ¥4,779 + 税 *9789814656467* 0050* デニス T. ヤマモト著 日本の民軍外交 Yasutomo, Dennis T. Japan’s Civil-Military Diplomacy: The Banks of the Rubicon (Politics in Asia) 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-62923-3 ..................................... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9789004302167* 0049* ★ 再 *9781138629233* シンガポールにおける都市計画の 50 年 Heng, Chye Kiang (ed.) 50 Years of Urban Planning in Singapore (World ;<=> ?@Q X !"*[+#$ % 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 0051* ★再 ヘルスプロモーション・プログラム 第 2 版 Fertman, Carl I./Allensworth, Diane D. Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice, 2nd ed. (Jossey-Bass Public Health) 2016:12. 496 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-16333-6 ........Paper USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9781119163336* 0052* ★再 障害者研究:学際的入門 第 2 版 ISBN 978-1-4462-8068-3 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 *9781446280683* 0053* 再 公衆衛生・コミュニティヘルスのプログラム 第 2 版 Harris, Muriel J. Evaluating Public and Community Health Programs, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 408 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-15105-0 ........Paper USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9781119151050* Goodley, Dan Disability Studies: An Interdisciplinary Introduction, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 296 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 7 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 0054* ★再 健康と医療における費用効果分析 第 2 版 Neumann, Peter J./Ganiats, Theodore G./ Russell, Louise B./Sanders, Gillian D./ Siegel, Joanna E. (eds.) Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 536 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049293-9 ......... Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 / 特価 ¥5,659 + 税 *9780190492939* 社会学 0055* 0058* Routledge 版 福祉国家システム:国際ハンドブック オンラインのヘイトと有害なコンテント:多国間の視点 Aspalter, Christian (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook to Welfare State Systems (Routledge International Handbooks) 2016:12. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4930-6 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 Keipi, Teo/Näsi, Matti/Oksanen, Atte/Räsänen, Pekka Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64506-6 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 0056* 0059* *9781472449306* ★ 東南アジアの高齢化―文献集成 全 2 巻 Harper, Sarah (ed.) Critical Readings on Ageing in Southeast Asia (Critical Readings) 2016:11. 2 Vols. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30295-2 ...................................Hard EUR 470.00 通常価 ¥81,723 / 特価 ¥65,378 + 税 *9789004302952* 0057* *9781138645066* Hidaka, Katsuyuki Japanese Media at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Consuming the Past (Routledge Contemporary Japan Series) 2016:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67222-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 再 都市と移民の権利運動: アメリカ・フランス・オランダの事例 1970 年 - 2015年 Nicholls, Walter J./Uitermark, Justus Cities and Social Movements: Immigrant Rights Activism in the US, France, and the Netherlands, 1970-2015 (Studies in Urban and Social Change) 2016:12. 280 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-118-75065-0 ......... Hard USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9781118750650* ★再 日高勝之著 21 世紀初頭の日本のメディア:過去を消費 再 ISBN 978-1-118-75066-7 ........Paper USD 32.50 通常価 ¥5,109 / 特価 ¥4,087 + 税 *9781118750667* *9781138672222* 教育学 0060* ★再 SAGE 版 オンライン教育百科事典 全3巻 Danver, Steven L. (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Online Education 2016:12. 3 Vols., 1,408 p. (Sage Pub., USA) 8 ISBN 978-1-4833-1835-6 ..............................Hard (until 2016/12/17) STP 280.00 通常価 ¥55,536 / 特価 ¥44,429 + 税 (thereafter) STP 365.00 ¥ , 通常価 72 395 / 特価 ¥57,916 + 税 *9781483318356* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 0061* ★★ 再 0062* ★再 多言語教育 第 3 版 Garcia, Ofelia/Lin, Angel M.Y./May, Stephen (eds.) Bilingual and Multilingual Education, 3rd ed. (Encyclopedia of Language and Education) 2016:12. 462 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-02257-4 .......Hard EUR 259.00 通常価 ¥45,034 / 特価 ¥36,027 + 税 *9783319022574* 教育インクルージョンとソーシャル・ インクルージョンへのアプローチ Verma, Gajendra/Kalekin Fishman, Devorah (eds.) Approaches to Educational and Social Inclusion: International Perspectives on Theory, Policy and Key Challenges 2016:12. 236 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67263-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138672635* ISBN 978-1-138-67264-2 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138672642* スポーツ・健康科学 0063* 再 国際オリンピック委員会、法律、責任 Gauthier, Ryan The International Olympic Committee, Law, and Accountability (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67639-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138676398* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0064* ★再 SAGE 版 スポーツマネジメント ハンドブック Parent, Milena M./Hoye, Russell (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Sport Management 2016:12. 576 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-0243-5 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781473902435* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 9 総 記 0067* 図書館情報学 公文書館、図書館や博物館における災害管理 0065* 図書館と主要業績評価指標 Appleton, Leo Libraries and Key Performance Indicators: A Framework for Practitioners 2017:3. 208 p. (Chandos Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-0-08-100227-8 ........Paper USD 78.95 通常価 ¥12,412 / 特価 ¥9,929 + 税 Matthews, Graham/Smith, Yvonne Disaster Management in Archives, Libraries and Museums 2016:9. 244 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27035-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270350* *9780081002278* 人名辞典・人名情報源 0066* Dilworth, Kathryn/Henzl, Laura Sloop Successful Fundraising for the Academic Library: Philanthropy in Higher Education 2016:10. 198 p. (Chandos Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-0-08-101130-0 ........Paper USD 78.95 通常価 ¥12,412 / 特価 ¥9,929 + 税 *9780081011300* 0068* Brill 版 国際年鑑・政治家一覧 2017 年版 International Year Book & Statesmen's Who's Who 2017 (The International Year Book and Statesmen’s Who’s Who, Vol. 64) 2016:9. 1,592 p. (Brill, NLD) ISBN 978-0-9954972-0-7 .......Hard EUR 725.00 通常価 ¥126,063 / 特価 ¥100,850 + 税 *9780995497207* 哲学・思想 哲学・思想一般 0069 Engel, Michael Sgarbi, Marco (ed.) Elijah del Medigo and Paduan Aristotelianism: Investigating the Human Intellect (Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition) 2016:11. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-6849-3 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9781474268493* 0070* イブン・スィーナーの哲学と宇宙論のアラビア語、 ヘブライ語、ラテン語解説 Hasse, Dag Nikolaus/Bertolacci, Amos (eds.) 10 The Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin Reception of Avicenna’s Physics and Cosmology (Scientia GraecoArabica) 2016:11. 400 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-1-61451-774-0 .......Hard EUR 119.95 通常価 ¥20,856 / 特価 ¥16,685 + 税 *9781614517740* 0071* アフリカ哲学の解釈学 Serequeberhan, Tsenay The Hermeneutics of African Philosophy: Horizon and Discourse 2016:9. 176 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17486-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138174863* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 倫理学・道徳哲学 0072 専制政治:利己主義という発明 Ashford, David Autarchies" =\"; 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-9769-1 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9781474297691* ISBN 978-1-4742-9770-7 ......... Paper STP 17.00 通常価 ¥3,371 / 特価 ¥2,697 + 税 *9781474297707* 0077* Davson-Galle, Peter Reason and Professional Ethics 2016:9. 308 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27436-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274365* 0078* 自由の美徳:カント選集 Guyer, Paul The Virtues of Freedom: Selected Essays on Kant 2016:12. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875564-7 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780198755647* 0073* 食品、倫理、そして社会 Barnhill, Anne/Budolfson, Mark/Doggett, Tyler Food, Ethics, and Society: An Introductory Text with Readings 2016:10. 672 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-932174-2 ........Paper USD 59.95 通常価 ¥9,425 / 特価 ¥7,540 + 税 *9780199321742* 0074* 功利主義 Barrow, Robin Utilitarianism: A Contemporary Statement (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 204 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92580-9 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138925809* 0075* Brewer, Talbot The Bounds of Choice: Unchosen Virtues, Unchosen Commitments (Studies in Ethics) 2016:9. 252 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96495-2 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138964952* 0076* ISBN 978-0-19-875565-4 ......... Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9780198755654* 0079* Jeffery, Renée Reason and Emotion in International Ethics 2016:10. 264 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-63304-5 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316633045* 0080* 錯誤理論:歴史、批評、防御 Olson, Jonas Moral Error Theory: History, Critique, Defence 2017:1. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876997-2 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9780198769972* 0081* Shiffrin, Seana Valentine Speech Matters: On Lying, Morality, and the Law (Carl G. Hempel Lecture Series) 2016:11. 248 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-17361-0 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥2,820 + 税 *9780691173610* 政治学における倫理 Crookston, Emily/Killoren, David/Trerise, Jonathan (eds.) Ethics in Politics: The Rights and Obligations of Individual Political Agents 2016:12. 366 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85803-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138858039* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0082* Oxford 版 規範的倫理研究 Timmons, Mark (ed.) Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics (Oxford Studies In Normative Ethics, Vol. 6) 2016:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 11 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 ISBN 978-0-19-879058-7 .......... Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥10,908 / 特価 ¥8,727 + 税 *9780198790587* ISBN 978-0-19-879059-4 ......... Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9780198790594* 0083* Wallace, R. Jay The View from Here"]^= ^ and the Limits of Regret 2017:2. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-066075-8 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780190660758* 0084* 模範的道徳理論 Zagzebski, Linda Exemplarist Moral Theory 2017:4. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065584-6 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9780190655846* 0085 美 学 0087 Gordon, Paul Art as the Absolute: Art’s Relation to Metaphysics in Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Schopenhauer 2017:3. 216 p., New in Paperback (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ISBN 978-1-5013-3055-1 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781501330551* 0088* Griffero, Tonino Atmospheres: Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces 2016:9. 180 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24771-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247710* 0089* Hilgers, Thomas Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) 2017:1. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90500-9 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138905009* 大陸哲学とパレスチナ問題 Zalloua, Zahi Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak/Stone, Lucian (eds.) Continental Philosophy and the Palestinian Question: Beyond the Jew and the Greek (Suspensions: Contemporary Middle Eastern and Islamicate Thought) 2017:2. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-9920-6 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781474299206* 0090* 比較美学の追及:東西の境界 Hussain, Mazhar Wilkinson, Robert (ed.) The Pursuit of Comparative Aesthetics: An Interface Between the East and West 2016:9. 280 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25002-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250024* 応用倫理学 0091* 0086* 始まり:スタンリー・ハワーワスへの質問 Hauerwas, Stanley/Brock, Brian Hargaden, Kevin (ed.) Beginnings: Interrogating Hauerwas (T&T Clark Enquiries in Theological Ethics, Vol. 2) 2017:2. 368 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66995-7 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9780567669957* See also... Franks, Benjamin, Environmental Ethics and Behavioural Change, Routledge .............p138 , 1161 12 Levinson, Jerrold Aesthetic Pursuits: Essays in Philosophy of Art 2016:11. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876721-3 .......... Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥6,942 / 特価 ¥5,553 + 税 *9780198767213* 0092* 斎藤百合子著 日常生活の美学 Saito, Yuriko Aesthetics of the Familiar: Everyday Life and World-Making 2017:3. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967210-3 .......... Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥6,942 / 特価 ¥5,553 + 税 *9780199672103* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》美 学 0093* 0098* 18 世紀イギリスの美学 美的判断の意味論 Townsend, Dabney Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetics 2016:12. 496 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-77233-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Young, James O. (ed.) The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgements 2017:2. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871459-0 .......... Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥8,925 / 特価 ¥7,140 + 税 言語哲学 論理学 *9780415772334* *9780198714590* 0094* 0099* 言語の実験哲学における進歩 Haukioja, Jussi (eds.) Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Language (Advances in Experimental Philosophy) 2016:11. 204 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-350-01441-1 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 Park, Woosuk Abduction in Context: The Conjectural Dynamics of _ XQ ^## #` Epistemology and Rational Ethics, Vol. 32) 2017:1. 300 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48955-1 .......Hard EUR 129.99 通常価 ¥22,602 / 特価 ¥18,082 + 税 0095* 0100* Lasersohn, Peter Subjectivity and Perspective in Truth-Theoretic Semantics (Oxford Studies in Semantics and Pragmatics, Vol. 8) 2017:1. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-957367-7 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 自然演繹必携 *9783319489551* *9781350014411* *9780199573677* ISBN 978-0-19-957368-4 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9780199573684* Pereira, Luiz Carlos/Haeusler, Edward/de Paiva, Valeria (eds.) Advances in Natural Deduction: A Celebration of Dag Prawitz’s Work (Trends in Logic, Vol. 39) 2016:9. 279 p., First published in 2014 (Springer Netherland, NLD) ISBN 978-94-024-0687-0 ..... Paper EUR 134.99 通常価 ¥23,472 / 特価 ¥18,777 + 税 *9789402406870* 0101* 0096* アリストテレスからカルナップへの論理的法 Loar, Brian Balog, Katalin/Beardman, Stephanie (eds.) Consciousness and Meaning: Selected Essays 2017:1. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967335-3 .......... Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 Rini, Adriane/Cresswell, Max/Mares, Edwin (eds.) Logical Modalities from Aristotle to Carnap: The Story of Necessity 2016:9. 366 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-07788-1 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9780199673353* *9781107077881* 0097* 認識論・知識論 語用論と法:実用的・理論的観点 Poggi, Francesca/Capone, Alessandro (eds.) Pragmatics and Law: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 10) 2016:12. 491 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44599-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319445991* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0102* Brun, Georg/Doguoglu, Ulvi Epistemology and Emotions 2016:9. 220 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24580-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245808* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 13 哲学・思想 》認識論・知識論 ISBN 978-0-19-046292-5 ......... Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥11,633 / 特価 ¥9,307 + 税 0103 正当化の批判的紹介 Dougherty, Trent/Matheson, Jonathan/McCain, Kevin !" (Bloomsbury Critical Introductions to Contemporary Epistemolo) 2017:4. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-7472-2 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781474274722* ISBN 978-1-4742-7470-8 ......... Paper STP 23.00 通常価 ¥4,561 / 特価 ¥3,649 + 税 *9781474274708* 0104* Fairweather, Abrol/Alfano, Mark (eds.) Epistemic Situationism 2017:3. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-968823-4 .......... Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 *9780190462925* 0109* 知覚の合理性 Siegel, Susanna The Rationality of Perception 2017:1. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879708-1 .......... Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥6,942 / 特価 ¥5,553 + 税 *9780198797081* 0110* Snedegar, Justin Contrastive Reasons 2017:3. 160 p. 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(Oxford U.P., New York, USA) 14 0111* 物質世界のアクィナスの存在論 Brower, Jeffrey E. Aquinas’s Ontology of the Material World: Change, Hylomorphism, and Material Objects 2017:3. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877659-8 ......... Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9780198776598* 0112* Clarke, Randolph Omissions: Agency, Metaphysics, and Responsibility 2017:5. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-066867-9 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780190668679* 0113* 抽象的存在 Cowling, Sam Abstract Entities (New Problems of Philosophy) 2017:2. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82758-5 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 *9781138827585* ISBN 978-1-138-82759-2 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138827592* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》存在論・形而上学 0114* Howell, Robert J. Consciousness and the Limits of Objectivity: The Case for Subjective Physicalism 2017:2. 208 p. 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Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9781350009462* 0127* Pearson, Giles Aristotle on Desire (Cambridge Classical Studies) 2016:9. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62882-9 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316628829* 0128* Rosen, Stanley The Quarrel Between Philosophy and Poetry: Studies in Ancient Thought 2016:9. 238 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15637-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156371* 0129* Wardy, Robert The Birth of Rhetoric: Gorgias, Plato and their Successors (Issues in Ancient Philosophy) 2016:9. 16 0132* 中世の哲学的探求における天使:その機能と意義 Lenz, Martin Iribarren, Isabel (ed.) Angels in Medieval Philosophical Inquiry: Their Q X !"{;!#, First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25144-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251441* 0133* Lewis, Neil (ed.) Robert Grosseteste: On Free Decision (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, Vol. 29) 2016:12. 450 p. 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(Wiley, USA) 18 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ISBN 978-0-470-67367-6 ......... Hard USD 99.95 通常価 ¥15,713 / 特価 ¥12,570 + 税 *9780470673676* phy and Method in the Social Sciences) 2016:9. 248 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24647-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246478* ISBN 978-0-470-67385-0 ........Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 *9780470673850* 東洋哲学 0156 Musto, Marcello Another Marx: An Essay in Intellectual Biography 2017:1. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-6732-8 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9781474267328* ISBN 978-1-4742-7339-8 ......... Paper STP 22.00 通常価 ¥4,363 / 特価 ¥3,490 + 税 *9781474273398* 0159* ★ Cambridge 版 中国哲学入門 第 2 版 Lai, Karyn An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy, 2nd ed. (Cambridge Introductions to Philosophy) 2016:11. 350 p. 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Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248915* 0169* 宗教研究批判的入門 第 2 版 Martin, Craig 20 宗教社会学 0174* Berg-Sørensen, Anders Contesting Secularism: Comparative Perspectives (Ashgate AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series) 2016:9. 262 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27408-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274082* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》宗教社会学 0175* 0180 Corbett, Rosemary R. Making Moderate Islam"Q Ground Zero Mosque Controversy (Racereligion) 2016:11. 304 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-8047-9128-1 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 + 税 暴力の教科書 *9780804791281* 0176* Thobro, Suzanne Anett (ed.) Textbook Violence 2017:3. 256 p. (Equinox Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78179-258-2 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781781792582* ISBN 978-1-78179-259-9 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 + 税 *9781781792599* Oxford 版 合衆国の教会と国家ハンドブック Davis, Derek H. (ed.) 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Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247482* 0178* Müller, Olaf Pollack, Detlef (ed.) # (larged Europe: Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization 2016:9. 278 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24646-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246461* 0179* Oxford 版 宗教とアメリカ政治ハンドブック Smidt, Corwin E./Kellstedt, Lyman A./Guth, James L. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Religion and American Politics (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:3. 600 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065787-1 ........Paper USD 50.00 通常価 ¥7,860 / 特価 ¥6,288 + 税 *9780190657871* ★印はお薦めタイトル 仏 教 0183* 上座部仏教の『ジャータカ』 Appleton, Naomi Jataka Stories in Theravada Buddhism: Narrating the Bodhisatta Path 2016:9. 186 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27365-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273658* 0184* 仏教の後:現代におけるダーマの再考 Batchelor, Stephen After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age 2017:2. 400 p. 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781107155695* ヒンズー教 0191* Gupta, Ravi M. (ed.) Caitanya Vaisnava Philosophy: Tradition, Reason and Devotion 2016:9. 256 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24885-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248854* ユダヤ教 0192* 古代ユダ王国の王権と記憶 Wilson, Ian Kingship and Memory in Ancient Judah 2017:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049990-7 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9780190499907* *9781138148833* イスラム教 0188* 0193* 仏教より生じる:苦しむ胎児と女性の自由 Langenberg, Amy Paris Birth in Buddhism: The Suffering Fetus and Female Freedom (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism) 2017:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-20123-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Dessing, Nathal M./Jeldtoft, Nadia/Woodhead, Linda Everyday Lived Islam in Europe (Ashgate AHRC/ ESRC Religion and Society Series) 2016:9. 196 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27001-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 0189* 0194* Tsybikov, Gombozhab T. A Buddhist Pilgrim at the Shrines of Tibet (Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library, Vol. 42) 2017:1. 275 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33576-9 .......Hard EUR 115.00 通常価 ¥19,996 / 特価 ¥15,996 + 税 Ellethy, Yaser Islam, Context, Pluralism and Democracy: Classical and Modern Interpretations 2016:12. 354 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-79075-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 0190* 0195* ミャンマーの仏教、政治と政治思想 Ghobadzadeh, Naser Religious Secularity: A Theological Challenge to the Islamic State (Religion and Global Politics) 2017:2. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) *9781138201231* *9789004335769* Walton, Matthew J. Buddhism, Politics and Political Thought in Myanmar 2016:11. 260 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) 22 *9781138270015* *9780415790758* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》イスラム教 ISBN 978-0-19-066489-3 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780190664893* 0196* ホスピタリティとイスラム Siddiqui, Mona Hospitality and Islam: Welcoming in God’s Name 2016:10. 288 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-22362-0 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9780300223620* キリスト教 0197* Bernier, Jonathan The Quest for the Historical Jesus After the Demise of Authenticity: Toward a Critical Realist Philosophy of History in Jesus Studies (Library of New Testament Studies, Vol. 540) 2016:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66286-6 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9780567662866* キリスト教神学・キリスト教史 0200* Arnold, Brian " !) 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Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253025* 0224* Sudduth, Michael The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology (Ashgate Philosophy of Religion Series) 2016:9. 250 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27004-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270046* 0225* 21 世紀のためのペンテコステ派神学 Tan-Chow, May Ling Pentecostal Theology for the Twenty-First Century: Engaging with Multi-Faith Singapore (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies) 2016:9. 224 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27386-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273863* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 25 宗教学 》キリスト教 0226 Tieszen, Charles Cross Veneration in the Medieval Islamic World: Christian Identity and Practice Under Muslim Rule 2017:5. 224 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-662-6 .......... Hard STP 59.00 通常価 ¥11,702 + 税 *9781784536626* 0227* Tovey, Phillip !4: 1662-1820 (Liturgy, Worship and Society Series) 2016:9. 214 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24951-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-24800-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248007* 聖書・聖書研究 0232* 民族・帝国・神: マタイの福音書における民話的キリスト誕生譚 Angami, Zhodi Tribals, Empire and God: A Tribal Reading of the Birth of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel 2016:12. 176 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67131-8 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780567671318* *9781138249516* 0233* 0228* アビラの聖テレサ: カルメル会の伝統における神秘神学と精神性 Tyler, Peter/Howells, Edward Teresa of Avila: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition 2016:12. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7884-9 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781472478849* 0229* Wannenmacher, Julia Eva (ed.) "43: Essays in Memory of Marjorie E. 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A Spiritual Economy: Gift Exchange in the Letters of Paul of Tarsus (Synkrisis) 2017:3. 240 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22040-7 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 / 特価 ¥10,690 + 税 *9780300220407* 0235* Bruni, Luigino In the Beginning: An Economist Reads the Book of Genesis 2017:2. 145 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-49207-0 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319492070* 0236* 聖書の恐怖:なぜ聖書の法と修復は恐怖に依存するか Cataldo, Jeremiah W. Biblical Terror: Why Law and Restoration in the Bible Depend Upon Fear 2016:12. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67081-6 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780567670816* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 0237* エレミヤ書研究入門 Crouch, Carly L. An Introduction to the Study of Jeremiah (T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies) 2017:2. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66573-7 .......... Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 *9780567665737* ISBN 978-0-567-66572-0 ......... Paper STP 17.00 通常価 ¥3,371 / 特価 ¥2,697 + 税 *9780567665720* ISBN 978-0-567-65639-1 ......... Paper STP 15.00 通常価 ¥2,975 / 特価 ¥2,380 + 税 *9780567656391* 0242* 私たちは男ではない?: ヘブライ語の預言者の書における不安定な男性性 Graybill, Rhiannon Are We Not Men?: Unstable Masculinity in the Hebrew Prophets 2017:1. 200 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-022736-4 ......... Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥11,633 / 特価 ¥9,307 + 税 *9780190227364* 0238* 建国の父と聖書 0243* Dreisbach, Daniel L. Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers 2017:1. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-998793-1 ......... Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 後期ヘブライ語聖書用語語彙目録 *9780199987931* 0239* DuSek, Jan/Roskovec, Jan (eds.) The Process of Authority: The Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts (Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies, Vol. 27) 2016:9. 376 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-037694-4 .......Hard EUR 100.00 通常価 ¥17,388 / 特価 ¥13,910 + 税 *9783110376944* Hurvitz, Avi A Concise Lexicon of Late Biblical Hebrew: Linguistic Innovations in the Writings of the Second Temple Period 2016:11. 270 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33744-2 ........Paper EUR 41.00 通常価 ¥7,129 / 特価 ¥5,703 + 税 *9789004337442* 0244 最期の日:世界の宗教における終末百科事典 Johnson, Wendell G. End of Days: An Encyclopedia of the Apocalypse in World Religions 2017:3. 392 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-3940-5 ......... Hard USD 89.00 通常価 ¥13,992 + 税 *9781440839405* 0240* Garton, Roy E. Mirages in the Desert: The Tradition-historical Developments of the Story of Massah-Meribah (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. 492) 2016:10. 340 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-046153-4 ......... Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥17,379 / 特価 ¥13,903 + 税 *9783110461534* 0245* Jorgensen, David W. Treasure Hidden in a Field: Early Christian Reception of the Gospel of Matthew (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception, Vol. 6) 2016:9. 336 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-047655-2 .......Hard EUR 100.00 通常価 ¥17,388 / 特価 ¥13,910 + 税 *9783110476552* 0241* モーセ五書研究概説 第 2 版 0246* Gooder, Paula/Anderson, Bradford A. An Introduction to the Study of the Pentateuch, 2nd ed. (T&T Clark Approaches to Biblical Studies) 2017:2. 208 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-65638-4 .......... Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥8,925 / 特価 ¥7,140 + 税 Lee, Archie C. C./Brenner-Idan, Athalya (eds.) Samuel, Kings and Chronicles: Vol. 1 (Texts and Contexts) 2016:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67115-8 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780567656384* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780567671158* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 27 宗教学 》キリスト教 0247* 0252* Martens, Peter W. (ed.) Adrian’s Introduction to the Divine Scriptures: An Antiochene Handbook for Scriptural Interpretation (Oxford Early Christian Texts) 2017:6. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870362-4 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 Reece, Steve Paul’s Large Letters: Paul’s Autographic Subscription in the Light of Ancient Epistolary Conventions (Library of New Testament Studies, Vol. 561) 2016:12. 256 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66906-3 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 0248* 0253* Martin, Dale B. Biblical Truths: The Meaning of Scripture in the Twenty-First Century 2017:4. 416 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22283-8 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 West, Jim/Crossley, James G./Mein, Andrew (eds.) History, Politics and the Bible from the Iron Age to the Media Age (Library of Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Studies, Vol. 651) 2016:11. 192 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67059-5 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780198703624* *9780300222838* *9780567669063* *9780567670595* 0249* ヘブライ語聖書文法 第 2 版 0254* Naude, Jackie/Van Der Merwe, Christo H. A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar, 2nd ed. (Biblical Languages: Hebrew) 2017:3. 416 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66332-0 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 Wiarda, Timothy Spirit and Word: Dual Testimony in Paul, John and Luke (Library of New Testament Studies, Vol. 565) 2016:12. 272 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67009-0 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 ISBN 978-0-567-66333-7 ......... Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 0255* *9780567670090* *9780567663320* *9780567663337* 0250* Pajunen, Mika S./Penner, Jeremy (eds.) Functions of Psalms and Prayers in the Late Second Temple Period (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Vol. 486) 2017:4. 500 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-044774-3 .......Hard EUR 129.95 通常価 ¥22,595 / 特価 ¥18,076 + 税 *9783110447743* 0251* 墓石の碑文:ヨハネの福音書におけるイエスの身体 Petterson, Christina From Tomb to Text: The Body of Jesus in the Book of John 2016:12. 160 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67055-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 モーセ:その生涯 Zornberg, Avivah Gottlieb Moses: A Human Life 2017:3. 224 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-20962-4 ......... Hard USD 25.00 通常価 ¥3,930 / 特価 ¥3,144 + 税 *9780300209624* その他の宗教 0256* 太陽寺院:死の寺院 Lewis, James R. (ed.) The Order of the Solar Temple: The Temple of Death (Ashgate New Religions) 2016:9. 242 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25333-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253339* *9780567670557* 28 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 民族学・民俗学・人類学 民族学・人類学 0262* 人類学と教育 / 教育としての人類学 0257* Beek, Jan Producing Stateness: Police Work in Ghana (African Social Studies Series, Vol. 36) 2016:11. 237 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33217-1 ........Paper EUR 70.00 通常価 ¥12,171 / 特価 ¥9,737 + 税 *9789004332171* 0258* Conover, Ted Immersion"^$ %Q % X# cago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) 2016:11. 192 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-41616-8 ..............................Hard 通常価 ¥6,220 + 税 *9780226416168* 0259* 民族霊長類学 Dore, Kerry M. Ethnoprimatology: A Practical Guide to Research at the Human-Nonhuman Interface (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Vol. 76) 2016:12. 330 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10996-4 ......... Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥14,147 / 特価 ¥11,318 + 税 *9781107109964* Ingold, Tim Anthropology and/as Education: Anthropology, Art, Architecture and Design 2016:12. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78654-6 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9780415786546* ISBN 978-0-415-78655-3 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9780415786553* 0263* アボリジニ女性の神聖さと不敬さ 第 2 版 Kaberry, Phyllis Aboriginal Woman Sacred and Profane, 2nd ed. (Routledge Classic Ethnographies) 2016:9. 352 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15190-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151901* 0264* Laudine, Catherine Aboriginal Environmental Knowledge: Rational Reverence (Vitality of Indigenous Religions) 2016:9. 200 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24983-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249837* 0260* グローバルビジネスの文化的側面 第 8 版 Ferraro, Gary P./Briody, Elizabeth K. The Cultural Dimension of Global Business, 8th ed. 2017:3. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-20229-0 ......... Paper STP 51.99 通常価 ¥10,311 / 特価 ¥8,249 + 税 *9781138202290* 0265* Manoukian, Madeline Akan and Ga-Adangme Peoples: Western Africa, Part 1 (Ethnographic Survey of Africa) 2017:1. 110 p., First published in 1950 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23742-1 .......... Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥15,867 / 特価 ¥12,694 + 税 *9781138237421* 0261* Holman Jones, Stacy/Pruyn, Marc (eds.) Critical Autoethnography, Performance, and Pedagogy: Creative Selves / Creative Cultures (Creativity, Education and the Arts) 2017:4. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47526-4 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319475264* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0266* McCulloch, Merran Peoples of Sierra Leone: Western Africa, Part II (Ethnographic Survey of Africa) 2017:1. 121 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23830-5 .......... 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Hard USD 50.00 通常価 ¥7,860 / 特価 ¥6,288 + 税 *9780231169127* *9781780763958* 30 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》歴史学一般 歴史学 歴史学一般 0275* バーチャル歴史遺産の パラデータとトランスペアレンシー Bentkowska-Kafel, Anna/Denard, Hugh (eds.) Paradata and Transparency in Virtual Heritage (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities) 2016:9. 336 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24565-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245655* 0276* 経済小史 Kishtainy, Niall Little History of Economics 2017:3. 288 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-20636-4 ......... Hard USD 25.00 通常価 ¥3,930 / 特価 ¥3,144 + 税 *9780300206364* 考古学・古代史 0277* Allon, Niv/Navratilova, Hana Ancient Egyptian Scribes: A Cultural Exploration (Bloomsbury Egyptology) 2017:6. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4725-8395-6 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781472583956* 0278* 古代イスラエルの倫理学 Barton, John Ethics in Ancient Israel 2017:3. 336 p. 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Cremation and the Archaeology of Death 2017:4. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879811-8 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9780198798118* 0283* ★ 初期オルメカとメソアメリカ記録資料集 Cheetham, David (ed.) The Early Olmec and Mesoamerica: The Material Record 2016:12. 382 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10767-0 .......Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥19,651 / 特価 ¥15,721 + 税 *9781107107670* 0284* 古代マヤの芸術と伝説 Chinchilla Maza, Oswaldo Art and Myth of the Ancient Maya 2017:5. 304 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-20717-0 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9780300207170* *9781138177956* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 31 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 ISBN 978-0-300-17882-1 ......... Hard USD 33.00 通常価 ¥5,188 / 特価 ¥4,150 + 税 0285* 新千年紀の考古学理論 Cipolla, Craig N./Harris, Oliver J. T. Archaeological Theory in the New Millennium: An Introduction 2017:4. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88870-8 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138888708* 0286* 近代世界における考古学的歴史遺産管理 Cleere, Henry (ed.) Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World (One World Archaeology) 2016:9. 348 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15128-4 .......... Hard STP 41.99 通常価 ¥8,328 / 特価 ¥6,662 + 税 *9781138151284* 0287* ローマ・シリアにおける死の考古学 de Jong, Lidewijde The Archaeology of Death in Roman Syria: Commemoration, Empire, and Community 2017:4. 355 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13141-5 .......Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥18,865 / 特価 ¥15,092 + 税 *9781107131415* 0288* Doyle, James Architecture and the Origins of Preclassic Maya Politics 2017:3. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14537-5 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107145375* 0289* ★ *9780300178821* 0291* Gori, Maja/Ivanova, Maria (eds.) Balkan Dialogues: Negotiating Identity between Prehistory and the Present (Routledge Studies in Archaeology) 2017:1. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94113-7 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138941137* 0292* 古代イスラエル Grabbe, Lester L. Ancient Israel: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It? 2017:4. 352 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-67043-4 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9780567670434* 0293* 民主主義の奴隷:古代ギリシア政治史 Ismard, Paulin/Todd, Jane Marie Democracy’s Slaves: A Political History of Ancient Greece 2017:1. 186 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-66007-6 ......... Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780674660076* 0294* Jaffe, Seth N. Thucydides on the Outbreak of War: Character and Contest 2017:3. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871628-0 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198716280* Blackwell 版 アッシリア史必携 Frahm, Eckart (ed.) A Companion to Assyria (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World) 2017:5. 664 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4443-3593-4 ..................................Hard USD 180.00 通常価 ¥28,298 / 特価 ¥22,638 + 税 *9781444335934* 0290* パクス・ロマーナ:ローマ世界の戦争と平和、征服 Goldsworthy, Adrian Keith Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World 2016:9. 528 p. (Yale U.P., USA) 32 0295* 戦時の女性と子供の生物考古学:アメリカの事例研究 Martin, Debra L./Tegtmeyer, Caryn (eds.) Bioarchaeology of Women and Children in Times of War: Case Studies from the Americas (Bioarchaeology and Social Theory) 2017:1. 204 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48395-5 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319483955* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 0296* 古代北西ヨーロッパの船: 1500 年までの水上輸送の考古学 Mcgrail, Sean Ancient Boats in North-West Europe: The Archaeology of Water Transport to AD 1500 (Longman Archaeology Series) 2016:9. 354 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17480-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138174801* 0297 古代エジプトの遺物 Mendoza, Barbara Artifacts from Ancient Egypt (Daily Life Through Artifacts) 2017:4. 320 p. (Greenwood, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4400-3 .......Hard USD 100.00 通常価 ¥15,721 + 税 *9781440844003* 0298* バンダル人、ローマ人、ベルベル人: 古代後期アフリカの新しい視点 Merrills, Andrew (ed.) Vandals, Romans and Berbers: New Perspectives on Late Antique North Africa 2016:9. 368 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25268-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252684* 0299* Norena, Carlos F. Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power 2016:9. 480 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62896-6 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9781316628966* 0300* The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:3. 992 p. 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Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781611321951* 古代の図書館 Oikonomopoulou, Katerina/Woolf, Greg/Konig, Jason (eds.) Ancient Libraries 2016:9. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62884-3 ........Paper USD 37.99 通常価 ¥5,972 / 特価 ¥4,778 + 税 *9781316628843* 0301* Oxford 版 古代イランハンドブック 0306* Schug, Gwen Robbins/Walimbe, Subhash R. A Companion to South Asia in the Past (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Anthropology) 2017:5. 512 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-05521-1 ........Paper USD 54.95 通常価 ¥8,638 / 特価 ¥6,911 + 税 *9781119055211* Potts, Daniel T. (ed.) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 33 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 0307* アッティカ十大雄弁家とパフォーマンス ^ Attic Oratory and Performance (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies) 2017:1. 182 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82835-3 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 Archaeological Theory in Practice, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-20271-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138202719* ISBN 978-1-138-20280-1 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138202801* *9781138828353* 0313* 0308* Shapland, Andrew/Stefani, Evangelia Archaeology Behind the Battle Lines: The Macedonian Campaign (1915-19) and its Legacy (British School at Athens - Modern Greek and Byzantine Studies) 2017:4. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28525-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138285255* 0309* Stow, Kenneth Bradley, Mark (ed.) Rome, Pollution and Propriety: Dirt, Disease and Hygiene in the Eternal City from Antiquity to Modernity (British School at Rome Studies) 2016:9. 342 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62659-7 ........Paper USD 31.99 通常価 ¥5,029 / 特価 ¥4,023 + 税 *9781316626597* 0310* 最後の異教徒皇帝:背教者ユリアヌスとキリスト教に 対する戦い Teitler, H. C. The Last Pagan Emperor: Julian the Apostate and the War against Christianity 2017:4. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062650-1 ......... Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780190626501* 0311* Torrance, Isabelle (ed.) Aeschylus and War: Comparative Perspectives on Seven Against Thebes (Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies) 2017:2. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67700-5 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138677005* 0312* 実践的考古学理論 第 2 版 Urban, Patricia A/Schortman, Edward 34 Vout, Caroline The Hills of Rome: Signature of an Eternal City 2016:9. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-67871-2 ........Paper USD 31.99 通常価 ¥5,029 / 特価 ¥4,023 + 税 *9781107678712* 0314* 満潮に乗って:ローマのギリシア征服 $_ Taken at the Flood: The Roman Conquest of Greece 2016:11. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876747-3 ......... Paper STP 10.99 通常価 ¥2,179 / 特価 ¥1,743 + 税 *9780198767473* 0315* Wells, Eric A Social and Religious Analysis of New Kingdom Votive Stelae: Display and Devotion (Zeitschrift Fur Agyptische Sprache Und Altertumskunde Beihef) 2017:3. 498 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-046653-9 .......Hard EUR 129.95 通常価 ¥22,595 / 特価 ¥18,076 + 税 *9783110466539* 0316 ポンペイ:考古学ガイド Wilkinson, Paul Pompeii: An Archaeological Guide 2017:1. 352 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-928-3 ......... Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥2,973 + 税 *9781784539283* 中世史 0317* Clark, Linda/Danbury, Elizabeth ;)<: Essays presented to Carole Rawcliffe 2017:4. 224 p. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》中世史 ISBN 978-1-78327-180-1 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9781783271801* 0318* 中世ヨーロッパの犯罪 1200 年 - 1500 年 Dean, Trevor Crime in Medieval Europe: 1200-1550 (The Medieval World) 2016:9. 206 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14895-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138148956* 0319* 後期中世の都市:1300 年 - 1500 年 Nicholas, David The Later Medieval City: 1300-1500 (A History of Urban Society in Europe) 2016:9. 444 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15717-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138157170* 0320* Venning, Timothy A Chronology of Early Medieval Western Europe: 450-1066 2017:5. 560 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18973-7 ........Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥29,751 / 特価 ¥23,801 + 税 *9781138189737* 初期近代史 0321* ジェレミー・ブラック著 近世世界の戦争 1450 年 - 1815 年 Black, Jeremy (ed.) War In The Early Modern World, 1450-1815 (Warfare and History) 2016:9. 268 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15116-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151161* 0322* 近世におけるローマの異端審問事業 Maifreda, Germano The Business of the Roman Inquisition in the Early Modern Era (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) 2016:11. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8013-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472480132* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0323* Onnekink, David (ed.) War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648-1713 2016:9. 290 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24976-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249769* 0324 コロンブスと最初の航海:史料から読む歴史 Wadsworth, James E. (ed.) Columbus and His First Voyage: A History in Documents 2016:10. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-7683-2 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9781474276832* 近代史 0325* Gestrich, Andreas/Pogge von Strandmann, Hartmut (eds.) Bid for World Power?: New Research on the Outbreak of the First World War (Studies of the German Historical Institute, London) 2017:5. 476 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879241-3 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9780198792413* 0326* Hooton, Edward. R. War Over the Steppes: The Air Campaigns on the Eastern Front 1941-45 (General Aviation) 2016:10. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4728-1562-0 .......... Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781472815620* 現代史 0327* 冷戦のフロイト:大惨事時代の精神分析 Herzog, Dagmar Cold War Freud: Psychoanalysis in an Age of Catastrophes 2016:11. 318 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-07239-8 ......... Hard USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9781107072398* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 35 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0333* ヨーロッパ史 東方問題 1774 年 - 1923 年 第 2 版 0328* 労働者とナショナリズム:ハプスブルグ君主国における チェコとドイツの社会民主主義 1890 年 - 1918 年 Beneš, Jakub S. Workers and Nationalism: Czech and German Social Democracy in Habsburg Austria, 1890-1918 2016:12. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878929-1 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198789291* 0329* ~^ ` The Eastern Question 1774-1923, 2nd ed. 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138177949* 0332* Firges, Pascal French Revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire: Diplomacy, Political Culture, and the Limiting of Universal Revolution, 1792-1798 2017:1. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875996-6 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 Mikhail, Alan The Animal in Ottoman Egypt 2017:2. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065522-8 ........Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 / 特価 ¥3,138 + 税 *9780190655228* 0335 Sedivy, Miroslav Crisis Among the Great Powers: The Concert of Europe and the Eastern Question 2017:1. 544 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-509-4 .......... Hard STP 68.00 通常価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781784535094* イギリス・アイルランド史 0336* イングランド政界の司教 1213 年 - 1272 年: 調停者であり党員 Ambler, Sophie. T. Bishops in the Political Community of England, 1213-1272: Peacemakers and Partisans 2017:1. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875402-2 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198754022* 0337* クロムウェルの保護下における金融および商業政策 Ashley, Maurice Financial and Commercial Policy Under the Cromwellian Protectorate 2016:9. 208 p., First published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96980-3 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138969803* *9780198759966* 36 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0338* 産業革命時代の家族と仕事 Barker, Hannah Family and Business During the Industrial Revolution 2017:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878602-3 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198786023* ISBN 978-1-4742-1667-8 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9781474216678* ISBN 978-1-4742-1668-5 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9781474216685* 0344* 0339* 英国軍と第一次世界大戦 Barker, T. C./Harris, J. R. A Merseyside Town in the Industrial Revolution: St Helens 1750-1900 2016:9. 548 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15617-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Connelly, Mark The British Army and the First World War (Armies of the Great War) 2017:1. 496 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-00577-8 ......... Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥14,147 / 特価 ¥11,318 + 税 0340* ISBN 978-0-521-18374-1 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781107005778* *9781138156173* チャーチルとダーダネルス海峡 Bell, Christopher M. Churchill and the Dardanelles: Myth, Memory, and Reputation 2017:3. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870254-2 .......... Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9780198702542* 0341* チャーチルの軍隊: 男性、機械、組織 1939 年 - 1945 年 Bull, Stephen Churchill’s Army: 1939-1945 the Men, Machines and Organisation 2017:1. 368 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84486-400-3 .......... Hard STP 40.00 通常価 ¥7,933 / 特価 ¥6,347 + 税 *9781844864003* 0342 *9780521183741* 0345* Davison, Robert L. The Challenges of Command: The Royal Navy’s Q @]=++?{{tre for Maritime Policy Studies Series) 2016:9. 304 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27082-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270824* 0346* ローマン・ブリテンの実生活 De La Bédoyère, Guy The Real Lives of Roman Britain 2016:9. 264 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-22349-1 ........Paper USD 25.00 通常価 ¥3,930 / 特価 ¥3,144 + 税 *9780300223491* ヴィクトリア女王の帝国入門 Burton, Antoinette An ABC of Queen Victoria’s Empire: Or a Primer of Conquest, Dissent and Disruption 2017:1. 184 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-3015-5 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9781474230155* 0343 ブリテン諸島の歴史:先史時代から現在まで Campbell, Kenneth L. A History of the British Isles: Prehistory to the Present 2017:1. 480 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 0347* トマス・クロムウェルの台頭: ヘンリー 8 世時代の権力と政治 1485 年 - 1534 年 Everett, Michael The Rise of Thomas Cromwell: Power and Politics in the Reign of Henry VIII, 1485-1534 2016:9. 376 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-22351-4 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9780300223514* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 37 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0348* アフリカ行のイギリス郵便船 1851年 - 1965 年 Forrester, Robert E. British Mail Steamers to South America, 18511965: A History of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company and Royal Mail Lines 2016:9. 268 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-26970-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138269705* 0349* 中世後期のイギリス貴族:14 世紀の政治コミュニティ Given-Wilson, Chris The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages: The Fourteenth-Century Political Community 2016:9. 248 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15686-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156869* 0350* ジョーン・オブ・ケント: 14 世紀のプリンセスとその世界 Goodman, Anthony Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent: A Fourteenth-Century Princess and Her World 2017:3. 232 p. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78327-176-4 ......... Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 / 特価 ¥5,659 + 税 *9781783271764* 0351* イギリスのバラッドとブロードサイド 1500 年 - 1800 年 Guerrini, Anita Fumerton, Patricia (ed.) Ballads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500-1800 2016:9. 374 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24776-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247765* The Single Homemaker and Material Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century 2016:9. 252 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25275-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252752* 0354* アダム・イーストン: 修道士、学者、神学者、外交官、枢機卿 Jackson, Deirdre Adam Easton: Monk, Scholar, Theologian, Diplomat, and Cardinal (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West) 2017:3. 238 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8378-2 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781472483782* 0355* Jones, Emily Edmund Burke and the Invention of Modern Conservatism, 1830-1914: A British Intellectual History (Oxford Historical Monographs) 2017:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879942-9 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198799429* 0356* Marsden, Gordon Victorian Values: Personalities and Perspectives in Nineteenth Century Society, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 304 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15713-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138157132* 0357* Mayhew, Augustus Paved with Gold: The Romance and Reality of the London Street 2016:9. 480 p., First published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97803-4 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138978034* 0352* ジャコバイトの物質文化 Guthrie, Neil The Material Culture of the Jacobites 2016:9. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62623-8 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316626238* 0353* 長い 18 世紀における独身家庭と物質文化 Hussey, David/Ponsonby, Margaret 38 0358* イギリスの奴隷所有の遺産:植民地時代の奴隷制と ヴィクトリア朝イギリスの形成 McClelland, Keith/Draper, Nick/Hall, Catherine Legacies of British Slave-Ownership: Colonial Slavery and the Formation of Victorian Britain 2016:9. 338 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-63526-1 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316635261* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0359* 0364 王政復古とチャールズ 2 世のイングランド 第 2 版 18 世紀イギリスの日常生活 第 2 版 Miller, John The Restoration and the England of Charles II, 2nd ed. (Seminar Studies) 2016:9. 144 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14965-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Olsen, Kirstin Daily Life in 18th-Century England, 2nd ed. (Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History) 2017:3. 288 p. (Greenwood, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-5503-0 ......... Hard USD 61.00 通常価 ¥9,590 + 税 0360* 0365* *9781138149656* ★ Oxford 版 ローマン・ブリテンハンドブック Millett, Martin/Revell, Louise/Moore, Alison (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:9. 944 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-969773-1 ........Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥21,817 / 特価 ¥17,454 + 税 *9780199697731* *9781440855030* 多くの共通点: 近世イギリスの病気、医療従事者と都市部の貧困層 Pelling, Margaret The Common Lot: Sickness, Medical Occupations and the Urban Poor in Early Modern England 2016:9. 284 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15597-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155978* 0361* 0366* 中世後期イングランドの寝台と部屋 アングロ・サクソンとアキテーヌ Morgan, Hollie L. S. Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities 2017:3. 224 p. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-903153-71-0 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 Pepin, Guilhem Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine: Problems and Perspectives 2017:6. 256 p. 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(Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78327-178-8 ........Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 *9781783271788* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0368* バーナード・ショー、ウィリアム・トーマス・ステッド、 新しいジャーナリズム Ritschel, Nelson O'Ceallaigh Bernard Shaw, W. T. Stead, and the New Journalism: Whitechapel, Parnell, Titanic, and the Great War (Bernard Shaw and His Contemporaries) 2017:4. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-49006-9 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319490069* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 39 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0369* 0374* Robbins, Simon British Generalship during the Great War: The Military Career of Sir Henry Horne (1861-1929) (Routledge Studies in First World War History) 2016:9. 352 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25337-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 砂糖とスパイス:イングランドの食品と食料品店 1650 年 - 1830 年 *9781138253377* Stobart, Jon Sugar and Spice: Grocers and Groceries in Provincial England, 1650-1830 2016:11. 320 p. 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Educating the Child in Enlightenment Britain: Beliefs, Cultures, Practices (Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present) 2016:9. 254 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25066-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250666* 0373 英国海軍史:女性と英国海軍 Stanley, Jo A History of the Royal Navy: Women and the Royal Navy 2017:3. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78076-756-7 .......... Hard STP 20.00 通常価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781138156166* 0376* イングランド内戦軍事史 1642 年 - 1649 年 Wanklyn, Malcolm/Jones, Frank A Military History of the English Civil War: 1642-1649 2016:9. 328 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17630-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176300* 0377* 華麗なる伯爵:レスター伯ロバート・ダドリーの衣裳 Wedge, Tracey %: The Wardrobe of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (1532/3- 1588) in Context 2017:1. 258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69757-7 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138697577* 0378* Weisser, Olivia Ill Composed: Sickness, Gender, and Belief in Early Modern England, Sickness, Gender, and Belief in Early Modern England 2016:10. 296 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22430-6 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780300224306* *9781780767567* 40 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0379* 0384* 19 世紀イギリスの犯罪、ジェンダー、消費者文化 ヒトラーの妥協:ナチスドイツの強制と合意 Whitlock, Tammy C. Crime, Gender and Consumer Culture in Nineteenth-Century England (The History of Retailing and Consumption) 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25142-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Stoltzfus, Nathan Hitler’s Compromises: Coercion and Consensus in Nazi Germany 2016:9. 416 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-21750-6 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 *9780300217506* *9781138251427* フランス史 0380* イングランド内戦軍事史 1642 年 - 1649 年 0385* Wilson, Evan [)\]$^__`{ 1815 2017:2. 304 p. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78327-174-0 .......Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥18,865 / 特価 ¥15,092 + 税 Atkin, Nicholas The French at War, 1934-1944 (Seminar Studies) 2016:9. 208 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17673-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781783271740* *9781138176737* 0381* イギリス労働党の基盤: アイデンティティ、文化、展望 1900 年 - 1939 年 0386* Worley, Matthew (ed.) The Foundations of the British Labour Party: Identities, Cultures and Perspectives, 1900-39 (Studies in Labour History) 2016:9. 274 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24948-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Blanchard, Jean-Vincent At the Edge of the World: The Heroic Century of the French Foreign Legion 2017:2. 320 p. 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Hard USD 27.50 通常価 ¥4,323 / 特価 ¥3,458 + 税 *9780300208276* 0388* フランス革命戦争 1792 年 - 1815 年 Esdaile, Charles The French Wars 1792-1815 (Lancaster Pamphlets) 2016:9. 112 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15586-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155862* *9781350029736* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 41 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0389* 0394* Gale, Tim The French Army’s Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War: The Artillerie Spéciale (Routledge Studies in First World War History) 2016:9. 280 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24720-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 12 世紀イタリア社会史 *9781138247208* Dunnage, Jonathan Twentieth Century Italy: A Social History (Social History of Europe) 2016:9. 284 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17668-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176683* 0390* 0395* フランス女性:1945 年から現代 Stow, Kenneth Anna and Tranquillo: Catholic Anxiety and Jewish Protest in the Age of Revolutions 2017:1. 312 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-21904-3 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 Laubier, Claire The Condition of Women in France: 1945 to the Present - A Documentary Anthology (Twentieth Century Texts) 2016:9. 210 p., First Published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14936-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780300219043* *9781138149366* 北欧史 0391* 第 3 代フランス国王ルイ14 世 1682 年 - 1715 年 Prest, Julia/Rowlands, Guy (eds.) The Third Reign of Louis XIV, c.1682-1715 (Politics and Culture in Europe, 1650-1750) 2016:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7500-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472475008* 0396* スカンジナビア諸国の黒死病とペストの蔓延 Benedictow, Ole Jørgen The Black Death and Later Plague Epidemics in the Scandinavian Countries: Perspectives and Controversies 2016:11. 400 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-83-7656-046-5 .......Hard EUR 159.95 通常価 ¥27,812 / 特価 ¥22,249 + 税 *9788376560465* 0392* 追放、投獄、または死:ブルボン朝フランスにおける 恥辱の政治 1610 年 - 1789 年 Swann, Julian Exile, Imprisonment, or Death: The Politics of Disgrace in Bourbon France, 1610-1789 2017:1. 560 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878869-0 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9780198788690* 0397* Pihlajamaki, Heikki Conquest and the Law in Swedish Livonia (ca. 1630-1710): A Case of Legal Pluralism in Early Modern Europe (The Northern World, Vol. 77) 2017:1. 288 p. 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Neville, Leonora Heroes and Romans in Twelfth-Century Byzantium: The Material for History of Nikephoros Bryennios 2016:9. 258 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62893-5 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316628935* 0403* Russell, Thomas Byzantium and the Bosporus: A Historical Study, from the Seventh Century BC until the Foundation of Constantinople (Oxford Classical Monographs) 2016:11. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879052-5 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780198790525* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138149090* 0408* 新しいロシア革命 1905 年 - 1921年 Steinberg, Mark D. The Russian Revolution, 1905-1921 (Oxford Histories) 2016:12. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-922762-4 .......... Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥10,908 / 特価 ¥8,727 + 税 *9780199227624* ISBN 978-0-19-922763-1 ......... Paper STP 18.99 通常価 ¥3,766 / 特価 ¥3,013 + 税 *9780199227631* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 43 歴史学 》ロシア史 ᮾிᏛᏛ㝔ἲᏛᨻᏛ◊✲⛉ᩍᤵ ᯇ㔛බᏕ ⦅⧩ 㯞⏣㞞ᩥ䠄ᒾᡭᏛ䠅䚸㯄ៅ୍䠄᪂₲Ꮫ䠅䚸 ụ⏣㑻䠄ᮾிᏛ䠅䚸⏕⏣⨾ᬛᏊ䠄㜰Ꮫ䠅㻌 ඹⴭ 䝻䝅䜰䛸ᮾ䜰䝆䜰䛾㏆㞄ㅖᅜ ᪥ᮏ䚸୰ᅜ䚸ᮅ㩭㻌 1858ᖺ - 1945ᖺ Russia and Its Northeast Asian Neighbors China, Japan, and Korea, 1858-1945 Edited by Kimitaka Matsuzato, University of Tokyo, JPN 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 230 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4985-3704-9.................................................. USD 85.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥13,363 + ⛯ *9781498537049* 1858 ᖺࡢࢢࣥ᮲⣙ 1860 ᖺࡢி᮲⣙ࡢ⤖ᯝࠊࣟࢩࡣᮾࢪࡢᅜ㝿 㛵ಀཧຍࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢṔྐᏛ࡛ࡣᮾࢪ࠾ࡅࡿࣟ ࢩ࣭ࢯࣅ࢚ࢺ㐃㑥ࡢᏑᅾࡀ㐣ᑠホ౯ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ᫂ึᮇࡢ᪥ᮏ ࡼࡿ㡑ᅜ࠾ࡼࡧᚋᮇΎᖇᅜࡢ‶ᕞᨵ㠉ྥࡅࡓᨻ⟇ᑐࡋࠊࣟࢩࡢᣑࡀࡢࡼ ࠺࡞ᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡓࡢࢆゎ᫂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࣟࢩࡣ⳹ࡢ㏻㍺㏦࠾ࡼࡧ⛯㛵ไᚚ ࡞ࡢᖇᅜⓗࢩࢫࢸ࣒ཧຍࡋࠊᮾΎ㕲㐨ࣁࣝࣅࣥᕷࡢ࿘ࡾᅜቃࢆ㉺࠼ࡓࢥ ࣑ࣗࢽࢸࢆᙧᡂࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࣁࣝࣅࣥᕷ⛣ఫࡋࡓࣟࢩேࡢࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸ ࠾ࡅࡿ᪥ᖖ⏕άࢆ㩭ࡸᥥࡁฟࡋࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ᪥ᮏࡢⓚᐊࡘ࠸࡚ゎㄝࡋࡓࣟ ࢩࡢ᪂⪺グࡸࠊ᪥㟢ᡓத୰࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣᡓᚋࣟࢩேᤕࡼࡗ࡚ࢀࡓᡭ グࠊᡓ୰ࡢᡓதࢪ࣮ࣕࢼࣜࢬ࣒࡞ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࣟࢩ᪥ᮏࡢ㛫࠶ࡿ┦ࡢ࣓ ࣮ࢪࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᪥ᮏ࡛᭱ึࡢࢯ㐃࡞ࡗࡓࣦࢡࢺ࣭ࣝࢥࢵࣉࡣᖇᨻࣟࢩ௦ࡢ᪥ᮏ࣭ࣟ ࢩ㛫࠾ࡅࡿ㡿ᅵศࢆάࡉࡏࡿࡇࢆᥦࡋࠊእົேẸጤဨ㆟ࡸࢤ࢜ࣝࢠ ࣮࣭ࢳࢳ࢙࣮ࣜࣥࠊிࡢࢯ㐃ࣞࣇ࣭࢝ࣛࣁࣥࠊࢫࢱ࣮ࣜࣥࡽᑐ❧ࡋࡲࡋ ࡓࠋᚋ⪅ࡢࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࡀ୰ᅜࡢẸ᪘ゎᨺࡢ㈶ᡂὴ࡛࠶ࡗࡓࡓࡵ࡛ࡍࠋ⦅ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊ ᮏ᭩ࡣࣟࢩ࠸࠺せᅉࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆࡎᮾࢪࡢ㏆௦ྐࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡇࡣᅔ㞴 ࡛࠶ࡿᙇࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Lexington Books, USA) 44 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ロシア史 0409* Stockdale, Melissa Kirschke Mobilizing the Russian Nation: Patriotism and Citizenship in the First World War (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, Vol. 45) 2016:10. 315 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-09386-7 ......... 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USD 39.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,131 + ⛯ *9781442274174* Comfort Woman: A Filipina's Story of Prostitution and Slavery under the Japanese Military, 2nd ed. By Maria Rosa Henson 2016 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜, 148 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4422-7354-2........................ USD 75.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥11,79 ⛯ *9781442273542* 2016 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜, 148 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-4422-7355-9...................... USD 27.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥4,244 + ⛯ *9781442273559* 48 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 Women in Imperial China By Bret Hinsch 2016 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜, 272 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4422-7164-7.................... USD 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥14,935 + ⛯ *9781442274167* 2016 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜, 272 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-4422-7165-4...................... USD 39.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,131 + ⛯ *9781442271654* ᪥ᮏࡢປാ⪅ࡢኌ The Stories Clothes Tell: Voices of Working-Class Japan By Tatsuichi Horikiri 2016 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 206 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4422-6509-7.................... USD 79.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥12,419 + ⛯ *9781442265097* 2016 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 206 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-4422-6510-3...................... 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Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781137535702* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 49 歴史学 》アジア史 ᪂᪥ᮏ㏆௦◊✲䝅䝸䞊䝈 New Studies in Modern Japan 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022885974(Hard) / 1022885977(Paper)䛇 Edited by Slaymaker Doug, University of Kentucky, USA and Tsutsui William M., Hendrix College, USA ࠗ᪂᪥ᮏ㏆௦◊✲࠘ࡣ 19 ୡ⣖༙ࡤ௨㝆ࡽࡢ᪥ᮏࢆࢸ࣮࣐ᗈ⠊࡞◊✲ࢆᥖ㍕ࡋࡓࠊ ᭱ึࡢᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࡛ࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ⌧௦ࡢ᪥ᮏ᪂ࡓ࡞ගࢆᙜ࡚ࡿྂ ⓗྡⴭࢆ้ࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᩥᏛࡸ⩻ヂࠊᫎ⏬࡞ࡢ࢝ࣝࢳ࣭ࣗࣛࣝ ࢫࢱࢹ࣮ࢬࢆࡣࡌࡵࠊṔྐࠊ♫⛉Ꮫࢆᑓᨷࡍࡿㄞ⪅ࢆᑐ㇟ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᪥ᮏ᪥ ᮏேࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᡃࠎࡢ⌮ゎࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡣ㐪ࡗࡓពྜ࠸ࢆឤࡌࡉࡏࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࠊᮏศ㔝 ࠾ࡅࡿᖜᗈ࠸◊✲㡿ᇦࡢ◊✲⪅ࡸⱝᡭ◊✲⪅ࡼࡿᏛ⾡ⓗ㨩ຊࡢ࠶ࡿ◊✲ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Lexington Books, USA) Creating Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force, 1945-2015: A Sword Well Made By David Hunter-Chester 2016 ᖺ 11 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 338 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4985-3789-6 ................. USD 100.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,721 + ⛯ *9781498537896* Japan's Multilayered Democracy Edited by Nissim Otmazgin, Alon Levkowitz and Sigal Ben-Rafael Galanti 2014 ᖺ 12 ᭶ห⾜, 272 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4985-0222-1 ................... USD 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥14,935 + ⛯ *9781498502221* 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜, 264 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-4985-0224-5 ..................... USD 47.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥7,544 + ⛯ *9781498502245* Single Mothers in Contemporary Japan: Motherhood, Class, and Reproductive Practice By Aya Ezawa 2016 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜, 156 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4985-2996-9 ................... USD 80.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥12,577 + ⛯ *9781498529969* Japan Viewed from Interdisciplinary Perspectives By Yoneyuki Sugita 2016 ᖺ 2 ᭶ห⾜, 314 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4985-0022-7 ................. USD 100.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,721 + ⛯ *9781498500227* 50 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 0442* 0443* インド大都市の形成:ボンベイにおける植民地統治と 公共文化 1890 年 -1920 年 Nayar, Pramod K. (ed.) English Siege and Prison Writings: From the ‘Black Hole’ to the ‘Mutiny’ 2016:11. 378 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23268-6 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 Kidambi, Prashant The Making of an Indian Metropolis: Colonial Governance and Public Culture in Bombay, 18901920 (Historical Urban Studies Series) 2016:9. 290 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24599-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138232686* *9781138245990* ୰ᅜྐⓒ⛉ Encyclopedia of Chinese History Edited by Michael Dillon, Durham University, UK 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 862 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-415-42699-2....................... STP 250.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥49,586 / ≉౯ ¥39,669 + ⛯ *9780415426992* ୰ᅜࡣࡇࡢ 20 ᖺ㛫࡛ࠊࡑࢀ௨๓ࡢ 30 ᖺ㛫࡛ࡣྍ⬟࡛࠶ࡗࡓすὒ ࡢࢡࢭࢫࡀᐜ᫆࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋຮᙉࡸࠊ᪑⾜ࡢࡓࡵ୰ᅜ㉱ࡃ すὒேࡢᩘࡣⓗቑ࠼ࠊࡑࢀᛂࡌ࡚୰ᅜᩥࡸ♫ࠊ⤒῭ࡢ㛵ᚰ ࡀ㧗ࡲࡾࠊ⌧௦ࡢ୰ᅜ㛵ࡍࡿ࣓ࢹࡢሗ㐨ࡶቑຍࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᡃࠎࡢ୰ᅜࡢṔྐᑐࡍࡿ⌮ゎࡶⓎᒎࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋẟἑᮾ௦ࡢ୰⳹ ேẸඹᅜ࡛ࡣࠊṔྐࡢ◊✲ࡣཝࡋࡃつไࡉࢀࠊ୍ḟྐᩱࡀすὒேබ 㛤ࡉࢀࡿࡇࡣ⁛ከ࡞ࡃࠊ୰ᅜࡢṔྐᐙ࡛ࡉ࠼ࡶࢇධᡭࡍࡿࡇࡣ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇ ࡛ࡋࡓࠋ࡛ࡣࠊ୰ᅜࡢබᩥ᭩㤋ࡣᗈࡃ◊✲⪅㛤ࢀࠊすὒࡢྐⓗศᯒࡸ᪉ἲㄽࢆྲྀ ࡾධࢀࡓ୰ᅜ࡛ࡣࠊṔྐࡢᏛ⾡ⓗᑓ㛛▱㆑ࡀᛴᡂ㛗ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡣከࡃࡢⅬ࡛୰ᅜ ࡢṔྐ᪉ἲㄽࢆኚ࠼ࠊࡾࢃࡅ㏆௦ྐኚࢆࡶࡓࡽࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࠗ୰ᅜྐⓒ⛉࠘ࡣࠊ⪃ྂᏛࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚▱ࡽࢀࡿ௦ࡽ⌧ᅾࡲ࡛ࠊ୰ᅜࡢṔ ྐࢆ⥙⨶ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱ࡶᗈ⩏୰ᅜྐࢆゎ㔘ࡍࡿᮏⓒ⛉ࡣࠊ୰ᅜᮏᅵࡢṔྐ㔜 せ࡞ᙺࢆᯝࡓࡋࡓ‶ᕞࡸࣔࣥࢦࣝࠊ᪂ࠊࢳ࣋ࢵࢺ࠸ࡗࡓᅜቃᆅᖏࡢṔྐࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ ࡋࠊࡉࡽྎ‴ேࡸ୰ᅜேࢹࢫ࣏ࣛࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ㈨ᩱࡶᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ୰ᅜྐࡢᑓ㛛ᐙࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓ㡯┠ࢆࣝࣇ࣋ࢵࢺ㡰ᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ୰ᅜࡢṔ ྐ࣭ᨻ࣭ᩥࢆᏛࡪᏛ⏕ࡢࡓࡵࡢᚲᦠࡢ㈗㔜࡞ࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫࡋ࡚࠾⸀ࡵ࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 51 歴史学 》中東史 ISBN 978-0-19-877940-7 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 中東史 *9780198779407* 0444* 近代イランの形成:レザー・パフラヴィー治世下の 国家と社会 1921年 - 1941年 Cronin, Dr Stephanie (ed.) The Making of Modern Iran: State and Society under Riza Shah, 1921-1941 (Routledge/BIPS Persian Studies Series) 2016:9. 308 p., First Published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14967-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149670* 各種テーマ史 0449 Hayes, Chris A Colony in a Nation 2017:5. 256 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-25422-8 ......... Hard USD 26.95 通常価 ¥4,236 / 特価 ¥3,389 + 税 *9780393254228* 0445* 0450* オスマン帝国史 新しいアメリカのユダヤ人の歴史 Howard, Douglas A. A History of the Ottoman Empire 2016:12. 450 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-521-89867-6 ......... Hard USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9780521898676* *9781316632628* ISBN 978-0-521-72730-3 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9780521727303* 0446 Lansford, Tom Afghanistan at War: From the 18th-Century Durrani Dynasty to the 21st Century 2017:2. 541 p. 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Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 古代占星術 *9783319488653* Barton, Tamysn Ancient Astrology (Sciences of Antiquity Series) 2016:9. 272 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14960-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149601* 0455* Shternshis, Anna When Sonia Met Boris: An Oral History of Jewish Life under Stalin (Oxford Oral History Series) 2017:6. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-022310-6 ......... Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780190223106* 0460* 脱植民地のカリブにおけるバースコントロール Bourbonnais, Nicole Birth Control in the Decolonizing Caribbean: Reproductive Politics and Practice on Four Islands, 1930-1970 2016:12. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-11865-2 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107118652* 0456* 戦時下の人道主義者たち:ホロコーストの影の赤十字 Steinacher, Gerald Humanitarians at War: The Red Cross in the Shadow of the Holocaust 2017:2. 368 p. 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Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247857* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0462* 解剖学者の解剖: 啓蒙主義ヨーロッパにおける実験的規律 Cunningham, Andrew The Anatomist Anatomis’d: An Experimental Discipline in Enlightenment Europe (The History of Medicine in Context) 2016:9. 468 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24642-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246423* 0463* チャールズ・ダーウィンの往復書簡 Darwin, Charles Correspondence of Charles Darwin (The Correspondence of Charles Darwin, Vol. 24) 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-18057-4 .......Hard USD 140.00 通常価 ¥22,010 / 特価 ¥17,608 + 税 *9781107180574* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 53 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 0464* 0469* Cambridge 版 科学の歴史 第 3 巻: 近代初期の科学 技術の歴史 第 12 巻 Daston, Lorraine/Park, Katharine (eds.) The Cambridge History of Science: Vol. 3, Early Modern Science (The Cambridge History of Science) 2016:9. 894 p. 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(Cambridge U.P., USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 ISBN 978-1-107-55973-8 ........Paper USD 41.99 通常価 ¥6,601 / 特価 ¥5,281 + 税 *9781107559738* War History) 2016:9. 606 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24822-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248229* 0475* 古代から啓蒙主義までの錬金術と医学 Rampling, Jennifer/Jones, Peter M. (eds.) Alchemy and Medicine from Antiquity to the Enlightenment (The History of Medicine in Context) 2017:2. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28636-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138286368* 軍事史 0480* Roberts, Geoffrey Victory at Stalingrad: The Battle That Changed History 2016:9. 282 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15075-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138150751* 0481* 軍事史人名事典:1453 年から現在まで 第 3 版 0476* ゴールド・ビーチ上陸の D- デイ:1944 年 6月 Holborn, Andrew D-Day Landing on Gold Beach: 6 June 1944 (Bloomsbury Studies in Military History) 2017:3. 264 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-350-02782-4 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781350027824* 0477* Krause, Jonathan Early Trench Tactics in the French Army: The Second Battle of Artois, May-June 1915 (Routledge Studies in First World War History) 2016:9. 198 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24950-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249509* 0478* 第一次世界大戦西部戦線におけるイギリス砲兵隊 Marble, Sanders British Artillery on the Western Front in the First World War: The Infantry cannot do with a gun less (Routledge Studies in First World War History) 2016:9. 304 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27046-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270466* 0479* 戦争と平和の中の歴史家: ハロルド・テンパーリーの日記 Otte, Thomas. G. (ed.) An Historian in Peace and War: The Diaries of Harold Temperley (Routledge Studies in First World ★印はお薦めタイトル Wheatcroft, Andrew/Keegan, John Who’s Who in Military History: From 1453 to the Present Day, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 350 p., First Published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17495-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138174955* 0482* White, Monica Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200 2016:9. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62935-2 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316629352* 文化・社会史 0483* Agren, Maria (ed.) Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society 2017:2. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-024062-2 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780190240622* 0484* レジスタンスの人生:アーダ・ゴベッティ Alano, Jomarie A Life of Resistance: Ada Prospero Marchesini Gobetti (1902-1968) 2017:1. 312 p. (University of Rochester Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-58046-572-4 ......... Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 *9781580465724* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 55 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 0485* 大西洋の幼稚園: ドイツと米国における教育と女性運動 Allen, Ann Taylor The Transatlantic Kindergarten: Education and Women’s Movements in Germany and the United States 2017:2. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-027441-2 ......... Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥11,633 / 特価 ¥9,307 + 税 *9780190274412* ISBN 978-1-138-24898-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248984* 0491* Fishman, Sarah From Vichy to the Sexual Revolution: Gender and Family Life in Postwar France 2017:2. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-024862-8 ......... Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780190248628* 0486* Brewer, John/Bermingham, Ann (eds.) The Consumption of Culture 1600-1800: Image, Object, Text 2016:9. 664 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14914-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149144* 0487* Clemitson, Suze A History of Cycling in 100 Objects 2017:5. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4729-1888-8 .......... Hard STP 20.00 通常価 ¥3,966 / 特価 ¥3,173 + 税 *9781472918888* 0488* Oxford 版 船と海必携 Dear, I. C. B/Kemp, Peter (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Ships and the Sea (The Oxford Reference Collection) 2016:9. 688 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-880050-7 .......... Hard STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9780198800507* 0489* Doniger, Wendy The Ring of Truth: And Other Myths of Sex and Jewelry 2017:5. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-026711-7 ......... Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 *9780190267117* 0490* 19・20 世紀ヨーロッパの食品産業 Drouard, Alain Oddy, Derek J. (ed.) The Food Industries of Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 2016:9. 284 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) 56 0492* グランドツアーを越えて:北の大都市と近世の旅行 Goldsmith, Sarah/Sweet, Rosemary/Verhoeven, Gerrit (eds.) Beyond the Grand Tour: Northern Metropolises and Early Modern Travel Behaviour 2017:3. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8580-9 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781472485809* 0493* 大海:キャプテンクックからゴールドラッシュへに至る 太平洋の世界 Igler, David The Great Ocean" $=# Cook to the Gold Rush 2017:3. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049875-7 ........Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 / 特価 ¥3,138 + 税 *9780190498757* 0494* 客船ルシタニア:大惨事の文化史 Jasper, Willi/Spencer, Stewart Lusitania: The Cultural History of a Catastrophe 2016:9. 288 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22138-1 ......... Hard USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9780300221381* 0495 大航海時代: 新しいルネサンス時代におけるリスクと利益の航海術 Kutarna, Chris Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance 2017:5. 336 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4729-4352-1 ......... Paper STP 10.99 通常価 ¥2,179 / 特価 ¥1,743 + 税 *9781472943521* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 0496* 0501* 政治と社会におけるファッションの力 Oddy, Derek J. Atkins, Peter J. (ed.) The Rise of Obesity in Europe: A Twentieth Century Food History 2016:9. 262 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25110-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Lemire, Beverly (ed.) The Force of Fashion in Politics and Society: Global Perspectives from Early Modern to Contemporary Times (The History of Retailing and Consumption) 2016:9. 298 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27422-8 ......... 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Clothing Culture, 1350-1650 (The History of Retailing and Consumption) 2016:9. 312 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27354-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 0499* 0504* Matsumoto, Valerie J. City Girls: The Nisei Social World in Los Angeles, 1920-1950 2017:2. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065520-4 ........Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 / 特価 ¥3,138 + 税 ?Q Black Collegians’ Experiences in US Northern Private Colleges: A Narrative History, 1945-1965 2017:4. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-59076-3 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 0500 0505* 戦前アメリカにおける労働者階級の女性と文学文化 海洋戦略の理論家: ジュリアン・コーベットの軍事および海軍思想への貢献 *9781119029274* *9781138150867* *9780190655204* Merish, Lori Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States 2017:4. 344 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-8223-6299-9 .......... Hard STP 79.00 通常価 ¥15,669 + 税 *9780822362999* ISBN 978-0-8223-6322-4 ......... Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥4,361 + 税 *9780822363224* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780190276706* *9781138273542* *9781137590763* Widen, J. J. Theorist of Maritime Strategy: Sir Julian Corbett and his Contribution to Military and Naval Thought (Corbett Centre for Maritime Policy Studies Series) 2016:9. 190 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24804-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248045* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 57 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 See also... イスラーム史 Armiero, Marco, Environmental History of Modern Migrations, Routledge ..............p138 , 1158 0506* 楽園のための戦い:十字軍のイスラム史 Cobb, Paul M. The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades 2016:10. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878799-0 ......... Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥2,576 / 特価 ¥2,061 + 税 *9780198787990* 人文地理学 人文地理学一般 ISBN 978-1-138-27410-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274105* 0507* Bastian, Michelle/Jones, Owain/Moore, Niamh/Roe, Emma (eds.) Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds (Routledge Studies in Human Geography) 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95735-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138957350* 0511* イギリスの変化する地理 第 3 版 Matthews, Hugh/Gardiner, Vince (eds.) The Changing Geography of the UK, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 528 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15660-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156609* 0508* Hoskins, Gareth/Saville, Samantha (eds.) Locating Value: Theory, Application and Critique (Routledge Studies in Human Geography) 2016:10. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85223-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138852235* 0509* 0512* ウォーターワールド:海の人文地理学 Peters, Kimberley Anderson, Jon (ed.) 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Towards World Heritage: International Origins of the Preservation Movement 1870-1930 (Heritage, Culture, and Identity) 2016:9. 304 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27499-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274990* Samers, Michael/Collyer, Michael Migration, 2nd ed. (Key Ideas in Geography) 2016:12. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92446-8 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138924468* ISBN 978-1-138-92447-5 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781138924475* 0519* 0515* 人種と食糧の地理学 Jackson, Peter Maps of Meaning 2016:9. 232 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15087-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Slocum, Rachel/Saldanha, Arun (eds.) Geographies of Race and Food: Fields, Bodies, Markets (Critical Food Studies) 2016:9. 360 p., First published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25067-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138150874* *9781138250673* 0516* Ren, Julie/Luger, Jason (eds.) Art in the City: Worlding the Discussion through a Critical Artscape (Routledge Critical Studies in Urbanism and the City) 2017:3. 276 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23621-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138236219* 0517* スウィンギン・シティ: ロンドンの文化地理 1950 年 - 1974 年 Rycroft, Simon Swinging City: A Cultural Geography of London 1950-1974 (Re-Materialising Cultural Geography) 2016:9. 200 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25315-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253155* 経済地理学 0520* Aamoucke, Ronney Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital: The Role of Regional Knowledge (Contributions to Economics) 2016:9. 162 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44461-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319444611* 0521* 地理経済学の進歩 Munoz, J. Mark (ed.) Advances in Geoeconomics (Europa Economic Perspectives) 2017:2. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-85743-830-7 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781857438307* 芸 術 芸術一般 0522* Francis, Philip S. When Art Disrupts Religion: Aesthetic Experience and the Evangelical Mind 2017:4. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-0-19-027976-9 ......... Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780190279769* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 59 芸 術 》芸術一般 0523* 0528* Hopps, Gavin Hart, Trevor (ed.) Art, Imagination and Christian Hope: Patterns of Promise (Ashgate Studies in Theology, Imagination and the Arts) 2016:9. 206 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25068-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 食と博物館 Mihalache, Irina D./Levent, Nina (eds.) Food and Museums 2016:11. 384 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-6224-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781474262248* *9781138250680* 美術史・美術理論 0524* Jones, Pamela M. Altarpieces and Their Viewers in the Churches of Rome from Caravaggio to Guido Reni (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:10. 390 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24673-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246737* 0525* Walker, Alicia/Luyster, Amanda (eds.) Negotiating Secular and Sacred in Medieval Art: Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist 2016:10. 242 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27498-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274983* 美術館学・博物館学 0529* 18 世紀の磁器における文化的美学 Cavanaugh, Alden Yonan, Michael E. (ed.) The Cultural Aesthetics of Eighteenth-Century Porcelain 2016:10. 244 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24857-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248571* 0530* 美術と科学の再構成 Hediger, Irene/Scott, Jill (eds.) Recomposing Art and Science: Artists-In-Labs (Birkhauser Generalstandingorder) 2016:9. 268 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-047308-7 ........Paper EUR 44.95 通常価 ¥7,815 / 特価 ¥6,252 + 税 *9783110473087* 0526* 学芸員:自然史博物館の裏側 0531* Grande, Lance Curators: Behind the Scenes of Natural History Museums 2017:3. 432 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-19275-8 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥3,960 + 税 グローバル世界における美学、芸術、政治 *9780226192758* 0527* *9781474299664* 0532* 現代美術センターの歴史 Lentini, Damian A. The History of the Contemporary Art Centre (Routledge Studies in Modern History) 2017:4. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2269-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472422699* 60 Herwitz, Daniel Aesthetics, Arts, and Politics in a Global World 2017:1. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-9966-4 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 Roy, Ashok (ed.) National Gallery Technical Bulletin: Vol. 37 2017:2. 104 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-85709-610-1 ........Paper USD 70.00 通常価 ¥11,005 / 特価 ¥8,804 + 税 *9781857096101* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 0533* 0538* Voorhies, James Beyond Objecthood: The Exhibition as a Critical Form since 1968 2017:1. 288 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03552-1 ......... Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 中世イギリスの刺繍 *9780262035521* 西洋美術 0534* Areford, David S. The Viewer and the Printed Image in Late Medieval Europe (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:10. 346 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25233-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252332* 0535* ベルリンの画家とその世界: 紀元前 5 世紀初頭のアテナイの花瓶、絵画 Arrington, Nathan Berlin Painter and His World: Athenian VasePainting in the Early Fifth Century B.C. 2017:3. 496 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22593-8 ......... Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥11,791 / 特価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9780300225938* 0536* Browne, Clare/Davies, Glyn/Michael, M. A. English Medieval Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum 2016:11. 336 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-22200-5 ......... Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥11,791 / 特価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9780300222005* 0539* Cusack, Tricia (ed.) Art and Identity at the Water’s Edge 2016:9. 270 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24989-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249899* 0540* Finkelstein, Haim The Screen in Surrealist Art and Thought 2016:9. 340 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27508-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138275089* 0541* ウィンスロー・ホーマーとジョン・シンガー・サージェ ントの時代におけるアメリカの水彩画 Foster, Kathleen A. American Watercolor in the Age of Homer and Sargent 2017:3. 432 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-22589-1 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9780300225891* アルブレヒト・デューラー Ashcroft, Jeffrey Albrecht Dürer: Documentary Biography 2017:1. 1,216 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21084-2 .......Hard USD 100.00 通常価 ¥15,721 / 特価 ¥12,577 + 税 *9780300210842* 0537* ヤン・ファン・エイクから レンブラント・ファン・レインまでの景観と宗教 Bakker, Boudewijn Landscape and Religion from Van Eyck to Rembrandt 2016:10. 396 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24784-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247840* 0542* ヴァザーリとルネサンス期の絵画 Gregory, Sharon Vasari and the Renaissance Print (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:10. 460 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27033-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270336* 0543* ジュリアン・オンダードンク:カタログレゾネ Halff, Harry A./Halff, Elizabeth Julian Onderdonk: A Catalogue Raisonné 2016:10. 384 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-14815-2 .......Hard USD 100.00 通常価 ¥15,721 / 特価 ¥12,577 + 税 *9780300148152* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 61 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 0544* James, Susan E. The Feminine Dynamic in English Art, 14851603: Women as Consumers, Patrons and Painters 2016:9. 376 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25301-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253018* 0545* Leppanen-Guerra, Analisa Children’s Stories and ‘Child-Time’ in the Works of Joseph Cornell and the Transatlantic AvantGarde (Studies in Surrealism) 2016:9. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27010-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270107* 0546* ISBN 978-1-138-24658-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246584* 0550* Monteyne, Joseph The Printed Image in Early Modern London: Urban Space, Visual Representation, and Social Exchange 2016:9. 302 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24714-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247147* 0551* 中世における芸術と自然 Myers, Nicole R. (ed.) Art and Nature in the Middle Ages 2017:2. 136 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22705-5 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780300227055* ビザンツ美術とルネサンス期ヨーロッパ Lymberopoulou, Angeliki/Duits, Rembrandt (eds.) Byzantine Art and Renaissance Europe 2016:9. 236 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27387-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273870* 0547* Mainardi, Patricia Another World: Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Print Culture 2017:3. 304 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21906-7 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9780300219067* 0548* Martindale, Charles/Evangelista, Stefano/Prettejohn, Elizabeth (eds.) Pater the Classicist: Classical Scholarship, Reception, and Aestheticism (Classical Presences) 2017:3. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872341-7 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9780198723417* 0549* McGowan, Margaret M. (ed.) Dynastic Marriages 1612/1615: A Celebration of the Habsburg and Bourbon Unions (European Festival Studies: 1450-1700) 2016:9. 328 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) 62 0552* 19 世紀の写真における建築 Nilsen, Micheline Architecture in Nineteenth-Century Photographs: Essays on Reading a Collection 2016:9. 216 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25115-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251151* 0553* コート・ダジュールにおける芸術と視覚文化 1956 年 - 1971 年 O'Neill, Rosemary Art and Visual Culture on the French Riviera, 1956-1971: The Ecole de Nice 2016:10. 284 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-26980-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138269804* 0554* Papanikolas, Theresa Anarchism and the Advent of Paris Dada: Art and Criticism, 1914-1924 2016:9. 206 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27440-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274402* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 0555* カラヴァッジオ Pericolo, Lorenzo/Stone, David M. (eds.) Caravaggio"_ _= Q Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:9. 392 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24745-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247451* 0556* ロンドンにおけるオーストラリアの芸術と芸術家 1950 年 - 1965 年 Pierse, Simon Australian Art and Artists in London, 1950-1965: An Antipodean Summer 2016:10. 316 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24639-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246393* 0557* rial Culture and Collecting, 1700-1950) 2016:9. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24540-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245402* 0561* Trentin, Lisa The Hunchback in Hellenistic and Roman Art 2016:12. 192 p., New in Paperback (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-350-01914-0 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781350019140* 0562* Waller, Susan The Invention of the Model: Artists and Models in Paris, 1830-1870 2016:9. 186 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25265-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252653* 古代ギリシアにおける芸術家と芸術の創作 Schultz, Peter/Seaman, Kristin (eds.) Artists and Artistic Production in Ancient Greece 2017:6. 278 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-07446-0 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107074460* 0558* 初期近代美術におけるパロディーと祭典 Smith, David R. (ed.) Parody and Festivity in Early Modern Art: Essays on Comedy as Social Vision 2016:10. 220 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24920-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249202* 0559* 中世後期とルネサンス期シエーナにおける 政治としての美術 Smith, Timothy B./Steinhoff, Judith B. (eds.) Art as Politics in Late Medieval and Renaissance Siena 2016:9. 248 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24871-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248717* 0560* Stara, Alexandra The Museum of French Monuments 1795-1816: Killing art to make history’ (The Histories of Mate★印はお薦めタイトル 0563* ジョン・ラファージ 自伝的・批判的研究 Yarnall, James L. John La Farge, A Biographical and Critical Study 2016:10. 384 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24606-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246065* 世界の美術 0564* 1950 年代キューバにおける芸術と論争 McEwen, Abigail Revolutionary Horizons: Art and Polemics in 1950s Cuba 2016:11. 272 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21681-3 ......... Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥11,791 / 特価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9780300216813* 0565* オーストラリアの印象派画家たち Riopelle, Christopher (ed.) Australia’s Impressionists 2017:2. 128 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-85709-612-5 ......... Hard USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9781857096125* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 63 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 0566* Visonà, Monica Blackmun Constructing African Art Histories for the Lagoons of Côte d’Ivoire 2016:10. 216 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24974-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249745* 現代美術 0567* マシュー・バーニー Barney, Matthew Matthew Barney: OTTO Trilogy 2016:10. 200 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22369-9 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9780300223699* 0568* Magrini, Boris Confronting the Machine: An Enquiry into the Subversive Drivers of Computer-Generated Art 2017:3. 360 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-052144-3 ......... Hard EUR 49.95 通常価 ¥8,685 / 特価 ¥6,948 + 税 *9783110521443* 0569* カルメン・ヘレラ Miller, Dana Carmen Herrera: Lines of Sight 2016:10. 232 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-22186-2 ......... 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The Early Modern Italian Domestic Interior, 1400-1700: Objects, Spaces, Domesticities (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:11. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-26961-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138269613* 0578* アレキサンダー・マックイーン Fairer, Robert Alexander McQueen: Unseen 2016:11. 352 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22267-8 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9780300222678* 0579* Kirtley, Alexandra Alevizatos/Olley, Peggy A. Classical Splendor: Painted Furniture for a Grand Philadelphia House 2016:9. 160 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-22171-8 ......... Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780300221718* 音 楽 0580* ヴォーン・ウィリアムズ論評 Adams, Byron/Wells, Robin (eds.) Vaughan Williams Essays 2016:9. 312 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27373-3 ......... 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Berio’s Sequenzas: Essays on Performance, Composition and Analysis 2016:10. 332 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24799-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247994* 0595* Hartenberger, Russell Performance Practice in the Music of Steve Reich (Music since 1900) 2016:11. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15150-5 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107151505* 0596* Hicks, Andrew Composing the World: Harmony in the Medieval Platonic Cosmos (Critical Conjunctures in Music and Sound) 2017:1. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065820-5 ......... Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 / 特価 ¥5,659 + 税 *9780190658205* 0597* アントン・ヴェーベルン:研究・情報ガイド Hoskisson, Darin Anton Webern: A Research and Information Guide (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2017:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78069-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138780699* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》音 楽 0598* Ingalls, Monique/Landau, Carolyn Christian Congregational Music: Performance, Identity and Experience (Congregational Music Studies Series) 2016:9. 242 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27018-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270183* 0599* Jasen, David A./Jones, Gene Spreadin’ Rhythm Around: Black Popular Songwriters, 1880-1930 2016:11. 464 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15675-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156753* 0600* Jones, Carys Wyn The Rock Canon: Canonical Values in the Reception of Rock Albums (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series) 2016:10. 182 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24789-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247895* 0601* Kassler, Michael (ed.) 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Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274815* 0605* ブラジルの大衆音楽: カエターノ・ヴェローゾと伝統の復活 Leu, Lorraine Brazilian Popular Music: Caetano Veloso and the Regeneration of Tradition (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series) 2016:9. 192 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27507-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138275072* 0606* Mawer, Deborah French Music and Jazz in Conversation: From Debussy to Brubeck (Music since 1900) 2016:10. 322 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-63387-8 ........Paper USD 31.99 通常価 ¥5,029 / 特価 ¥4,023 + 税 *9781316633878* 0607* McNeill, Rhoderick The Australian Symphony from Federation to 1960 2016:10. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25325-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253254* 0608* モートン・フェルドマンの初期音楽 Noble, Alistair Composing Ambiguity: The Early Music of Morton Feldman 2016:9. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27053-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270534* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 67 芸 術 》音 楽 0609* 0614* 18 世紀後期イギリスにおける音楽と社会 アメリカの大衆音楽における人種、改革、 アイデンティティ 1812 年 - 1925 年 Olleson, Philip The Journals and Letters of Susan Burney: Music and Society in Late Eighteenth-Century England 2016:9. 356 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24869-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Roberts, Brian Blackface Nation: Race, Reform, and Identity in American Popular Music, 1812-1925 2017:4. 384 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-45150-3 ..............................Hard *9781138248694* 0610* Osborn, Brad Everything in its Right Place: Analyzing Radiohead 2017:1. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062922-9 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9780190629229* ISBN 978-0-19-062923-6 ........Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 / 特価 ¥3,138 + 税 *9780190629236* *9780226451503* ISBN 978-0-226-45164-0 .............................Paper *9780226451640* 0615* Robertson, Michael The Courtly Consort Suite in German-Speaking Europe, 1650-1706 2016:9. 298 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25148-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251489* 0611* Rehding, Alexander Music and Monumentality: Commemoration and Wonderment in Nineteenth-Century Germany 2017:3. 320 p., First published in 2009 (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065613-3 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780190656133* 0616* Schmalfeldt, Janet In the Process of Becoming: Analytic and Philosophical Perspectives on Form in Early NineteenthCentury Music (Oxford Studies in Music Theory) 2017:4. 344 p. 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Gothic Topographies: Language, Nation Building and ‘Race’ 2016:9. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27483-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251496* *9781138274839* 0650* プセルロスの手紙 Jeffreys, Michael/Lauxtermann, Marc D. (eds.) The Letters of Psellos: Cultural Networks and Historical Realities (Oxford Studies in Byzantium) 2016:12. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878722-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780198787228* 0651* ミカエル・プセルロス: ビザンツ帝国におけるレトリックと著者 Papaioannou, Stratis Michael Psellos: Rhetoric and Authorship in Byzantium 2016:9. 364 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62941-3 ........Paper USD 32.99 通常価 ¥5,186 / 特価 ¥4,149 + 税 *9781316629413* 19 世紀 0655* Marshall, Bridget M. The Transatlantic Gothic Novel and the Law, 1790-1860 2016:10. 214 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25004-8 ......... 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Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250550* *9781107169654* 20 世紀・現代 18 世紀 0658* 0653* Jarvis, Robin Romantic Readers and Transatlantic Travel: Expeditions and Tours in North America, 1760-1840 2016:9. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25053-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250536* 72 雑誌における冒険小説 1899年 - 1919年 Belk, Patrick Scott Empires of Print: Adventure Fiction in the Magazines 1899-1919 2017:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4114-0 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 *9781472441140* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文学史 0659* ボルヘスとカフカ Roger, Sarah Borges and Kafka: Sons and Writers (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs) 2017:1. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874615-7 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198746157* 0660* Zwerdling, Alex The Rise of the Memoir 2016:12. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875578-4 .......... 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149724* 0662* Falke, Cassandra The Phenomenology of Love and Reading 2016:11. 192 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ISBN 978-1-62892-648-4 .......... Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥15,867 / 特価 ¥12,694 + 税 *9781628926484* 0663* 認知詩学の経緯:新古典主義と小説 Kukkonen, Karin A Prehistory of Cognitive Poetics: Neoclassicism and the Novel (Cognition and Poetics) 2017:5. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-063476-6 ......... Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥11,633 / 特価 ¥9,307 + 税 *9780190634766* 0664* 悲劇 Leech, Clifford Tragedy 2016:11. 102 p., First published in 1969 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 0667* Pettersson, Bo How Literary Worlds Are Shaped: A Comparative Poetics of Literary Imagination (Narratologia, Vol. 54) 2016:9. 334 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-048347-5 ......... Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥17,379 / 特価 ¥13,903 + 税 *9783110483475* 0668* Rushworth, Jennifer Discourses of Mourning in Dante, Petrarch, and Proust (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs) 2016:12. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879087-7 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198790877* 0669* 現代文学理論リーダーズガイド 第 6 版 Selden, Raman/Widdowson, Peter/Brooker, Peter A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory, 6th ed. 2016:12. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91743-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138917439* ISBN 978-1-138-91746-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138917460* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 73 文 学 ඖᗈᓥዪᏛ㝔Ꮫᩍᤵ㻌 䝻䝘䝹䝗䞉䜽䝷䜲䞁 ⴭ ⱥᩥ᭩ㄅ㻌 すὒேዪᛶ䛾᫂᪥ᮏグ㻌 1 ᕳ Meiji Japan as Western Women Saw It A Bibliographic Companion (Series: Victorian Lady Travellers in Asia) Edited by Ronald D. Klein 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 345 p., Hard. ISBN 978-4-902454-93-2.......................................................................㏻ᖖ౯ ¥34,800 + ⛯ *9784902454932* ᫂᪥ᮏࢆⴭࡋࡓすὒேዪᛶ⣙ 200 ྡࡢヲࡋ࠸ே≀ሗⴭ 600 Ⅼࡢゎ㢟ࠊࡉࡽ㞧 ㄅグࡸḟᩥ⊩ࡶྵࡵࡓ 1,200 ௳㏆࠸᭩ㄅሗࢆࡲࡵࡓึࡢᮏ᱁ⓗⱥᩥ᭩ㄅ࡛ࡍࠋ ⴭ⪅ࢆձ᪑⾜⪅ࠊղ࢟ࣜࢫࢺᩍᐉᩍᖌࠊճ᪥ᮏᅾ⪅ࠊմᑠㄝᐙࡢ 4 㡯┠ศ㢮ࡋࠊྛ 㡯┠ࡣࡑࡢศ㔝࡛ࡢすὒ᪥ᮏࡢ᥋ゐ࣭㛵ಀྐࢆヲㄝࡍࡿᗎᩥࡀ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽཎ᭩ࣦ࣮࢝ࡸᤄ⤮ࡢ࣮࢝ࣛᅗ∧ࡸⴭ⪅ࡢ⫝̸ീ┿࡞どぬ㈨ᩱࡶᥖ ㍕ࡋࡲࡋࡓ ࢨ࣭࣋ࣛࣂ࣮ࢻࠊ࣐ࣜࣥࢾ࣭ࣀ࣮ࢫࡢࡼ࠺࡞᪑⾜ᐙࠊእᐁኵேࡋ࡚᪥ࡋࡓ ࣇࣞࢨ࣮ኵேࠊ᪥ᮏ࢞ࢻࢆྵࡵከᩘࡢⴭసࢆṧࡋࡓ࢚ࣜࢨ࣭ࢫ࢟ࢵࢻࣔࠊ࣐ࣜ ࣮࣭ࢫࢺ࢘ࣉࢫࡢࡼ࠺࡞⛉Ꮫ⪅ࡸ࣋ࢺࣜࢫ࣭࢙࢘ࣈࡢࡼ࠺࡞♫άືᐙࠊ᪥ᮏࡢ᫇ ヰࢆᩘከࡃⱥヂ⤂ࡋࡓⱥᏊࢭ࢜ࢻࣛᑿᓮࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࢪ࣏ࣕࢽࢫ࣒ᑠㄝ࡛ὶ⾜సᐙ࡞ ࡗࡓ࢜ࣀࢺ࣭࣡ࢱࣥࢼࡸ࣓࣭ࣜࣇ࢙ࣀࣟࢧ࡞ⴭྡస⪅ࢆጞࡵࠊࢇྡ๓ࡶ▱ ࡽࢀ࡚࠸࡞ࡗࡓዪᛶⴭ㏙ᐙࡶ⥙⨶ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ዪᛶᐉᩍᖌࡢ❶ࡣࠊⱥ⡿ᐉᩍᅋయࡢグ㘓᫂ᮇࡸ❧ࡉࢀࡓ࣑ࢵࢩࣙࣥ⣔ዪᏛᰯ ࡢࣜࢫࢺࡶ㘓ࠊࡲࡓὠ⏣ᱵᏊࠊἙྜ㐨ࡽⱥ⡿ዪᛶᐉᩍᖌ༠ຊࡋࡓ᪥ᮏேዪᛶᩍ⫱ ⪅ࡢሗࡶከᩘྵࡳࡲࡍࠋ ᩥ⊩ࢹ࣮ࢱ㞟ࢆ㉸࠼ࡓṔྐ࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᫂᪥ᮏ◊✲ࡢࡳ࡞ࡽࡎࠊ㏆௦᪥ᮏዪ ᛶྐ࣭ዪᛶᩍ⫱ྐࠊẚ㍑ᩥᏛ࣭ዪᛶᩥᏛྐࠊ࢟ࣜࢫࢺᩍᐉᩍྐࠊ᪑⾜࣭ほගྐ➼ࠊே ᩥ⣔ࡢ◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱ࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫࡋ࡚ᖜᗈࡃά⏝ྍ⬟࡛ࡍࠋ (Eureka Press, JPN) 74 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 0670* Semino, Elena Language and World Creation in Poems and Other Texts (Textual Explorations) 2016:9. 288 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15156-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151567* 0671* ディアスポラ、法律と文学 Stierstorfer, Klaus/Carpi, Daniela (eds.) Diaspora, Law and Literature (Law & Literature, Vol. 12) 2016:11. 367 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-048541-7 ......... Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥17,379 / 特価 ¥13,903 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-061005-0 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9780190610050* ISBN 978-0-19-061006-7 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780190610067* 0675* Young, Timothy (ed.) Story Time: Essays on the Betsy Beinecke Shirley Collection of American Children’s Literature 2017:1. 248 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21845-9 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9780300218459* *9783110485417* 文学のジャンル 民話・神話・伝説 0672* おとぎ話、神話、精神分析理論: フェミニズムと物語のリテリング Schanoes, Veronica L. Fairy Tales, Myth, and Psychoanalytic Theory: Feminism and Retelling the Tale 2016:9. 170 p., New in paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24807-6 ......... 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Epic Visions: Visuality in Greek and Latin Epic and its Reception 2016:9. 346 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-62954-3 ........Paper USD 31.99 通常価 ¥5,029 / 特価 ¥4,023 + 税 *9780199664115* 76 *9781316629543* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 イギリス・アイルランド文学 ISBN 978-1-138-24879-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248793* 中世・ルネサンス期 0689* 0694* Anderson, Thomas P. Performing Early Modern Trauma from Shakespeare to Milton 2016:9. 248 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27485-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Korda, Natasha Dowd, Michelle M. (ed.) Working Subjects in Early Modern English Drama 2016:9. 310 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24925-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 0690* 0695* 近代初期イギリスの急進的喜劇 中世後期イギリス文学における声 *9781138249257* *9781138274853* Bowers, Rick Radical Comedy in Early Modern England: Contexts, Cultures, Performances 2016:9. 132 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25270-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252707* Lawton, David Voice in Later Medieval English Literature: Public Interiorities 2017:1. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879240-6 .......... Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 *9780198792406* 0696* ガウェイン詩人概論 0691* 『トロイルスとクリセイデ』 Chaucer, Geoffrey Windeatt, B. A. (ed.) Troilus and Criseyde: The Book of Troilus’ by Geoffrey Chaucer 2016:11. 600 p., First published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17650-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176508* 0692* 『白い悪魔』:批判的読本 Frazer, Paul/Hansen, Adam (eds.) The White Devil: A Critical Reader (Arden Early Modern Drama Guides) 2016:11. 312 p. 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English Drama: Restoration and Eighteenth Century 1660-1789 (Longman Literature In English Series) 2016:9. 356 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14955-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781107649842* 0705* イギリス文学史 第 3 巻:王政復古と18 世紀 1660年 - 1789年 第 2 版 Sherburn, G./Bond, Donald F. (eds.) The Literary History of England: Vol. 3, The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1789), 2nd ed. 2016:9. 488 p., First published in 1959 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17774-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138177741* 18 世紀 *9781138149557* 0701* 0706* 近代初期イギリス文学におけるアナモルフォーシス ダニエル・デフォーからヘンリー・ジェイムズまでの 時代と小説 Boyle, Jen E. Anamorphosis in Early Modern Literature: Me ^== ` QQ of Early Modernity) 2016:11. 176 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24929-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249295* Michals, Teresa Books for Children, Books for Adults: Age and the Novel from Defoe to James 2016:9. 290 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-64926-2 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9781107649262* 0702* 0707* イギリス文学における代表的な場所 1660年 - 1830年 Gottlieb, Evan/Shields, Juliet (eds.) Representing Place in British Literature and Culture, 1660-1830: From Local to Global 2016:9. 234 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24850-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Parisot, Eric Graveyard Poetry: Religion, Aesthetics and the Mid-Eighteenth-Century Poetic Condition (British Literature in Context in the Long Eighteenth Century) 2016:10. 194 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25127-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 0703* 0708* ミルトンやマーヴェルの時代における詩とエコロジー アレキサンダー・ポープ:詩・散文選集 McColley, Diane Kelsey Poetry and Ecology in the Age of Milton and Marvell ` QQ=` Modernity) 2016:10. 276 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25274-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Pope, Alexander Sowerby, Robin (ed.) Alexander Pope: Selected Poetry and Prose (Routledge English Texts) 2016:11. 320 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17681-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138248502* *9781138252745* 78 *9781138251274* *9781138176812* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 0709* ★ ジェーン・オースティンの小説原稿 全 5 巻 Sutherland, Kathryn (ed.) Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts 2016:12. 5 Vols., 2,464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-968091-7 ........Hard STP 495.00 通常価 ¥98,180 / 特価 ¥78,544 + 税 *9780199680917* 0714* Gilmore, Dehn The Victorian Novel and the Space of Art: Fictional Form on Display (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Vol. 89) 2016:9. 260 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-62126-8 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9781107621268* 0710* Wenner, Barbara Britton Prospect and Refuge in the Landscape of Jane Austen 2016:9. 144 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27361-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273610* 19 世紀 0711* Armstrong, Isobel Novel Politics: Democratic Imaginations in Nineteenth-Century Fiction 2016:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879372-4 .......... Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥6,942 / 特価 ¥5,553 + 税 0715* Harrison, Jen Shears, Jonathon (ed.) Literary Bric-à-Brac and the Victorians: From Commodities to Oddities (The Nineteenth Century Series) 2016:10. 226 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25295-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252950* 0716* Hensley, Nathan K. Forms of Empire: The Poetics of Victorian Sovereignty 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879245-1 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198792451* *9780198793724* 0717* 0712* Fraser, Hilary Women Writing Art History in the Nineteenth Century: Looking Like a Woman (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Vol. 95) 2016:9. 254 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-42874-4 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9781107428744* シャーロット・ブロンテ、ジョージ・エリオット、トーマス・ ハーディの小説における景観とジェンダー Henson, Eithne Landscape and Gender in the Novels of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy: The Body of Nature (The Nineteenth Century Series) 2016:10. 260 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25058-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250581* 0713* 0718* 近代世界の貧困と平等の上のバーナード・ショウと ベアトリス・ウェッブ 1905年 - 1914 年 ロマン主義時代:イギリス文学における 知的・文化的背景 1789 年 - 1830年 Gahan, Peter Bernard Shaw and Beatrice Webb on Poverty and Equality in the Modern World, 1905-1914 (Bernard Shaw and His Contemporaries) 2017:2. 225 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48441-9 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 Jarvis, Robin The Romantic Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature 1789-1830 (Longman Literature in English Series) 2016:9. 232 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15209-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9783319484419* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138152090* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 79 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 0719* 0724* イギリスとアイルランド小説におけるモダニズムと ナチュラリズム 1880年 - 1930年 DeVault, Christopher Joyce’s Love Stories 2016:10. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25046-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Joyce, Simon Modernism and Naturalism in British and Irish Fiction, 1880-1930 2016:9. 226 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-44574-1 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781107445741* 0720* Ofek, Galia Representations of Hair in Victorian Literature and Culture 2016:9. 284 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24564-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245648* 0721* ジェーン・オースティンと摂政時代イギリスの描写 Sales, Roger Jane Austen and Representations of Regency England 2016:9. 306 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15153-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151536* *9781138250468* 0725* 『第十のミューズ:批評の芸術』 Read, Herbert The Tenth Muse: Essays in Criticism (Routledge Revivals) 2016:10. 332 p., First published in 1957 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91398-1 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781138913981* 0726* バリー・マックスウィーニーと戦後イギリスにおける 詩の政治学 Roberts, Luke Barry MacSweeney and the Politics of Post-War British Poetry: Seditious Things (Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics) 2017:1. 246 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45957-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319459578* 0722* 0727* Wunder, Jennifer N. Keats, Hermeticism, and the Secret Societies 2016:9. 214 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27438-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 イギリス小説の歴史 1895 年 - 1920年 *9781138274389* Trotter, David The English Novel in History, 1895-1920 2016:9. 344 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15150-5 .......... 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176577* 言語学 参考図書 0753* ガーナの言語 0750* 西英ビジネス用語集 Gorman, Michael/Henson, Maria-Luisa Spanish/English Business Glossary 2016:11. 128 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15606-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156067* Kropp Dakubu, Mary E. (ed.) The Languages of Ghana (Routledge Revivals) 2016:12. 182 p., First published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92621-9 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138926219* 0754* 応用言語学研究法 言語学一般 0751* 現代フランス語研究 Ayres-Bennett, Wendy/Temple, Rosalind/Carruthers, Janice Problems and Perspectives: Studies in the Modern French Language (Longman Linguistics Library) 2016:9. 426 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14912-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 McKinley, Jim/Rose, Heath (eds.) Doing Research in Applied Linguistics: Realities, Dilemmas and Solutions 2016:12. 262 p. 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138174948* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 83 言語学 ୰ᅜ䛾ゝㄒ䛸ゝㄒᏛⓒ⛉㻌 5 ᕳ Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics Edited by Rint Sybesma, University of Leiden, NLD 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜, 5 Vols., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-90-04-18643-9 ண⣙౯ (2016/12/16 ࡲ࡛) ......... 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Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 音声学・音韻論 *9783319473031* 0756* テキストと談話におけるイントネーション Wichmann, Anne Intonation in Text and Discourse: Beginnings, Middles and Ends (Studies in Language and Linguistics) 2016:11. 172 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15070-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 0758* 英語における複合語 Adams, Valerie Complex Words in English 2016:11. 184 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15656-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156562* *9781138150706* 0759* 統語論・形態論 0757* フランス語における選択体系機能文法入門 ★ Abe, Jun %4 )(ing, Topicalization and Focus Movement: A Search and Float Approach for Internal Merge (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Vol. 93) 2016:11. 248 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) Banks, David A Systemic Functional Grammar of French: A Simple Introduction 2017:1. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78514-3 .......... Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥8,925 / 特価 ¥7,140 + 税 *9780415785143* Ⓨ㡢㻌 4 ᕳ Pronunciation (Series: Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04097S0248䛇 Edited by John Levis, Iowa State University, USA and Murray Munro, Simon Fraser University, CAN 2017ᖺ 4᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-90197-1...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥178,510 / ≉౯ ¥142,808 + ⛯ *9781138901971* Ⓨ㡢ࡣゝㄒᏛࡸゝㄒᩍ⫱ࠊᛂ⏝ゝㄒᏛ࠾࠸࡚୰ᚰศ㔝ࡢ୍ࡘ࡛ࡍࠋⓎ㡢ࡣヰࡋゝⴥ ࡢ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ഃ㠃࡛࠶ࡾࠊヰࡋゝⴥ㛵ࢃࡿၥ㢟ࢆ▱ࡿᶵࢆ࠼࡚ࡃࢀࡿࡇࡽࠊ ◊✲⪅ࡸࠊࡲࡓࠊᤵᴗ࠸࠺┠๓ࡢၥ㢟┤᥋㛵㐃ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡓࡵࠊᩍᖌࡽᗈࡃ㛵ᚰࢆ ᣢࡓࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊᏛ⏕ࡸᏛ⪅ࡢ᪉ࠎ࣡ࣥࢫࢺ ࢵࣉࡢ◊✲㈨ᩱࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊⓎ㡢㛵ࡍࡿ㔜せ࡞Ṕྐⓗㄽᩥࡸ⌧௦ࡢ◊✲ࢆ㞟ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 85 言語学 》理論言語学 Equinox ♫ゝㄒᏛ䛾᪂䝅䝸䞊䝈!! 㡢ኌᏛ䞉㡢㡩ㄽ◊✲䝅䝸䞊䝈 Studies in Phonetics and Phonology 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022881758䛇 ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ┠ⓗࡣゝㄒᏛࠊ㡢ኌᏛࠊ㡢ኌ⛉ᏛࡢᏛ⏕ࡗ࡚ศࡾࡸࡍࡃ࡞࠾ ࡘ㔜せ࡞ࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊࡼࡾ㧗ᗘ࡞ࢸ࢟ࢫࢺㄽᩥ㞟ࢆฟ∧ ࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡣ๓㏙ࡢㄞ⪅㛵㐃ࡢ࠶ࡿከ✀ከᵝ࡞㢟ࢆ ᢅ࠺ࡇࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊᏛ⏕ࡀᵝࠎ࡞ศᯒᡭἲྲྀࡾࢀࡿࡼ࠺ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊࡇࢀ ࡽࡢ㢟ࢆᐇ㊶ⓗ࡞᪉ἲ࡛⤂ࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡼࡾ㧗ᗘ࡞᭩⡠࡛ ࡣࠊྛࢸ࣮࣐࠾ࡅࡿ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿணᐃ࡛ࡍࠋ ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊ㡢ኌᏛ㡢㡩ㄽ࠾ࡅࡿᵝࠎ࡞㢟ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆࡿࡘࡶࡾ࡛ࡍࡀࠊ ༑ศ࡞ሗ࿌ࡀࡉࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ゝㄒ㛵ࡍࡿ㡢ኌᏛ◊✲ࡸࠊ㡢ኌᏛⓗ≉ᚩࢆ᥈✲ࡍࡿࡓ ࡵࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞ࢹ࣮ࢱࡢᥦ♧ࢆ୍᪉࡛ࡣ㔜どࡋࠊ᪉࡛ࡣࠊࡼࡾᚰ⌮ゝㄒᏛⓗࠊㄆ▱ ⓗࠊᶵ⬟ⓗ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆ᥇⏝ࡍࡿ㡢㡩ㄽⓗ◊✲㸦ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊࡶࡕࢁࢇࠊ㡢ኌᏛ㡢 㡩ㄽࡢ┦ᙳ㡪㸧㔜ࡁࢆ⨨ࡃࡇ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ᭱㏆ࡢᐇ㦂㡢㡩 ㄽࡢ㛵ᚰࡢ㧗ࡲࡾࢆ≉Ḽ㏄ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ᭩⡠ࡣࠊᮏศ㔝ࡢ⌮ㄽⓗၥ㢟ᐇ㝿 ⓗせồࡢ୧᪉ࢆ⌮ゎࡋࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ᐇ㊶ࡢ᭱๓⥺❧ࡘࠊᮏศ㔝ࡢ➨୍ே⪅ࡓࡕ ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࢀࡿணᐃ࡛ࡍࠋ (Equinox Publishing Limited, GBR) Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Edited by Mehmet Yavas, Margaret M. Kehoe and Walcir C. Cardoso 2017 ᖺ 3 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 288 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78179-282-7 ...............................................STP 70.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥13,884+ ⛯ *9781781792827* Challenging Sonority: Cross-Linguistic Evidence Edited by Martin J. Ball and Nicole Müller 2016 ᖺ 10 ᭶ห⾜, 462 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78179-227-8 ...............................................STP 70.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥13,884+ ⛯ *9781781792278* 86 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》理論言語学 0760* 0765* 談話辞:統語論と意味論へのフォーマルアプローチ Miyagawa, Shigeru Agreement Beyond Phi (Linguistic Inquiry Monographs, Vol. 75) 2017:3. 240 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03588-0 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 / 特価 ¥10,690 + 税 Bayer, Josef/Struckmeier, Volker (eds.) Discourse Particles: Formal Approaches to their Syntax and Semantics (Linguistische Arbeiten, Vol. 564) 2017:1. 300 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ISBN 978-3-11-048882-1 ......... Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥17,379 / 特価 ¥13,903 + 税 *9783110488821* *9780262035880* ISBN 978-0-262-53332-4 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780262533324* 0761* 英文法の応用:コーパス、機能的アプローチ = X^] Applying English Grammar: Corpus and Functional Approaches 2016:11. 336 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15663-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156630* ★ 0766* Widmer, Manuel A Grammar of Bunan (Mouton Grammar Library [MGL], Vol. 71) 2017:2. 900 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ISBN 978-3-11-047525-8 .......Hard EUR 199.95 通常価 ¥34,767 / 特価 ¥27,813 + 税 *9783110475258* 0762* Egbokhare, Francis O./Schaefer, Ronald P. A Grammar of Emai (Mouton Grammar Library [MGL], Vol. 72) 2017:1. 650 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ISBN 978-3-11-048966-8 .......Hard EUR 169.95 通常価 ¥29,550 / 特価 ¥23,640 + 税 *9783110489668* 0763* 隠れ疑問文 意味論・語用論 0767* Lehrer, Adrienne/Kittay, Eva Feder/Lehrer, Richard (eds.) Frames, Fields, and Contrasts: New Essays in Semantic and Lexical Organization 2016:11. 472 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15638-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156388* Frana, Ilaria Concealed Questions (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 65) 2017:3. 176 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967092-5 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780199670925* ISBN 978-0-19-967093-2 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9780199670932* 0764* 口語アラビア語におけるモダリティ、ムード、アスペクト Mitchell, T. F./Shahir, El-Hassan Modality, Mood and Aspect in Spoken Arabic: With Special Reference to Egypt and the Levant 2016:9. 166 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97622-1 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138976221* ★印はお薦めタイトル 記述言語学 歴史言語学・比較言語学 0768 対照言語学と文体論研究 El-Zawawy, Amr M. Studies in Contrastive Linguistics and Stylistics 2016:9. 260 p. 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Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138845015* Routledge ྡⴭ้ྀ᭩䠖ᢈホⓗ⾲⌧ἲ㻌 37 ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: The Critical Idiom 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022024690䛇 2017ᖺ 3᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 37 Vols., 3,690 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-21971-7................STP 2,475.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥490,903 / ≉౯ ¥392,723 + ⛯ *9781138219717* 37 ᕳࡽ࡞ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣࠗᢈホⓗ⾲⌧ἲ࠘ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ้∧࡛ࡍࠋ1969 ᖺࡽ 1979 ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᩥᏛ◊✲ࡢ㘽࡞ࡿ㔜せ࡞⾲⌧ࡢᩘࠎࢆ⡆ ₩ࡘ࠸ࡸࡍ࠸ゎㄝᩥ࡛ᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊ」㞧࡞ᩥᏛࡢᑓ㛛⏝ㄒࢆ ᢅ࠺Ꮫ⏕ࡗ࡚㈗㔜࡞㈨ᩱ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 88 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》記述言語学 ゝㄒᶒ㻌 4 ᕳ Language Rights (Series: Critical Concepts in Language Studies) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1020699743䛇 Edited by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, University of Roskilde, DNK and Robert Phillipson, Copenhagen Business School, DNK 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 1617 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-415-74082-1.............. STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥178,510 / ≉౯ ¥142,808 + ⛯ *9780415740821* ゝㄒᶒ㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡣ⭾࡞㸦ᡭ㈇࠼࡞࠸ࡢ㸧ᩥ⊩ࡢ㞟✚ࢆ⏕ࡳฟࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࡉࡽࠊࡑࡢࡼ࠺࡞◊✲ࡀࡋࡤࡋࡤ≀㆟ࢆ㔊ࡋࠊㄽத࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡢࡣࠊ1 ࡘࡣࠊ ᵝࠎ࡞Ꮫၥศ㔝ࡢఏ⤫ࢆᣢࡗࡓᏛ⪅ࡀࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ㛵ᚰࢆㄪᩚࡋࠊ┦ࡍࡿࣃࣛࢲ࣒ࢆ ⤫ྜࡍࡿᚲせᛶࡀ࠶ࡿࡓࡵ࡛ࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ⭾࡞ᩥ⊩ࡸࠊ┦ࡍࡿᏛ⾡ⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ㝔⏕ࡀ⌮ゎ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ ࠺ࠊRoutledge ࡣ Critical Concepts in Language Studies ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ 1 స┠ࠗゝㄒᶒ 4 ᕳ࠘ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡲࡍࠋ4 ᕳ⤌ࡢᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣ♫ゝㄒᏛࠊἲᏛࠊᩥே㢮Ꮫࠊᩍ⫱Ꮫࠊ♫ Ꮫࠊᨻ⛉Ꮫࠊ⤒῭Ꮫ࡞ࡢᖜᗈ࠸Ꮫၥศ㔝ࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ༤Ꮫ࡞⦅㞟⪅ࡀᵝࠎ࡞ ධࡸゎ㔘ࡣࡶࡕࢁࢇࠊつ⠊ⓗࢸ࢟ࢫࢺཬࡧࡑࡢᐇ㊶ⓗᛂ⏝◊✲ࢆࡲࡵࡲࡋࡓࠋ ➨ 1 ᕳࠕゝㄒᶒࠊ㐣ཤ⌧ᅾ̿ᑡᩘ⪅ࡢᶒࡽゝㄒᶒࡲ࡛࡛ࠖࡣࠊゝㄒᶒࡢᇶᮏᴫ ᛕࢆ࠸ࡃࡘ⤂ࡋࠊ᮲⣙ࡸ᠇ἲࡽேᶒཎ๎ࡸゝㄒ⥔ᣢࡢ᮲௳ࡲ࡛ࡢⓎᒎࢆ㎺ࡗ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋ୍᪉ࠊ➨ 2 ᕳࠕㄆࡵࡽࢀࡓ/ྰᐃࡉࢀࡓከゝㄒ⩏ࠊᩍ⫱ࠊゝㄒᶒ̿ᨻ⟇ᨻࠖ ࡛ࡣࠊᅜẸᅜᐙࡢᆒ㉁ᩍ⫱࠾ࡅࡿඛఫẸᑡᩘ⪅ࡢゝㄒࡢᆅࡢ㛫ࡢ⥭ᙇࢆ᥈ ✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ➨ 3 ᕳࠕゝㄒᶒ༴ᶵゝㄒ࡛ࠖࡣࠊࡾࢃࡅᩍ⫱࠾ࡅࡿࠊゝㄒᶒࢆࡵ ࡄࡿᆅᇦືဨࡼࡿゝㄒᩥࡢ⯆࠾ࡅࡿ᭱㏆ࡢⓎᒎࡸࠊࡑࡢᡂຌࡢ๓ᥦ᮲௳ࡸࠊ ᅵᆅᶒࡸ⮬ᕫỴᐃᶒࡢ㛵ಀࠊゝㄒᶒࡢせồᑐࡍࡿᅜᐙࡢ㏉⟅ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ᭱Ⰻࡢ⪃ᐹ ࢆ㞟ࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 4 ᕳࠕゝㄒᶒ̿ୡ⏺ⓗ࣭ᆅᇦⓗ⤫ྜከᵝᛶࡢ⥔ᣢ࡛ࠖࡣࠊᆅᇦཬ ࡧୡ⏺ⓗ࡞⤫ྜ࠸ࡗࡓ⌧ᅾࡢഴྥࢆホ౯ࡋࠊ⤒῭ⓗ࣭ᩥⓗไ⣙ࡢほⅬࡽୡ⏺ࡢゝ ㄒࡢᒎᮃࡘ࠸࡚⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᪂ࡓ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓࠊྛᕳཬࡧࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥయࡘ࠸࡚ࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞ᗎᩥࡀࡘࡁࠊ ࠗゝㄒᶒ 4 ᕳ࠘ࡣྍḞ࡞◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱ࣜࢯ࣮ࢫࡋ࡚Ḽ㏄ࡉࢀࡿࡇ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 89 言語学 》記述言語学 ゝㄒ䛾ከᵝᛶ䛸ゝㄒᶒ䝁䝺䜽䝅䝵䞁㻌 ➨ 1 - 10 ᕳ Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights Collection (Series: Multilingual Matters Multivolume Sets) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1019745212䛇 Edited by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, University of Roskilde, DNK 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜, 10 Vols., 3,072 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-78309-747-0................... STP 699.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥138,643 / ≉౯ ¥110,914 + ⛯ *9781783097470* ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ⌮ㄽⓗ࣭ᐇドⓗ◊✲ࡢᬑཬࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊୡ⏺୰ࡢゝㄒከᵝᛶࡢ⥔ᣢࡸゝㄒ ⓗேᶒࡢⓎᒎᑛ㔜ࡢᡭẁࡋ࡚ࠊከゝㄒ⩏ࢆ᥎㐍ࡋࡼ࠺ດࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜ ࢬࡣ♫ゝㄒᏛࠊᩍ⫱ࠊ♫Ꮫࠊ⤒῭ᏛࠊேᶒἲࠊᨻᏛཬࡧே㢮Ꮫࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊᛂ⏝ゝ ㄒᏛ◊✲ࢆά⏝ࡋࠊゝㄒᨻ⟇ࡢᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆዡບࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛᕳࡣࠊゝㄒ ࡢከᵝᛶࡸࠊゝㄒᨻ⟇࠾ࡅࡿᴫᛕཬࡧᨵ㠉ࡢᐇ⾜࠾ࡅࡿ௦᭰ࣃࣛࢲ࣒ࡢ⌮ㄽศ ᯒࡢಁ㐍ᡂຌࡋࡓヨࡳࢆศᯒࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᭱ึࡢ 10 ᕳࡀ ྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ྛᕳሗ ͤ 9RO௨እࡣ 3DSHUEDFN∧࡛ࡶ࠾㈙࠸ồࡵ࠸ࡓࡔࡅࡲࡍࠋ Ẹ᪘ᩍ䛾ゝㄒ䛸ಙ௮㻌 㻌 Medium or Message?: Language and Faith in Ethnic Churches (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 1) By Anya Woods Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2004 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 232 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-85359-723-7.........................STP 69.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥13,874 + ⛯ *9781853597237* ከゝㄒ⏝ᩍ⫱䜢䜲䝯䞊䝆䛩䜛㻌 㻌 Imagining Multilingual Schools: Language in Education and Glocalization (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 2) Edited by Ofelia Garcia, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Maria E. Torres-Guzman Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2006 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜, 344 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-85359-895-1... STP 89.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,841 / ≉౯ ¥14,272+ ⛯ *9781853597237* 90 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》記述言語学 䝶䞊䝻䝑䝟䛻䛚䛡䜛䝬䜲䝜䝸䝔䜱ゝㄒ䛸ᩥⓗከᵝᛶ㻌 㻌 Minority Languages and Cultural Diversity in Europe: Gaelic and Sorbian Perspectives (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights , Vol. 3) By Konstanze Glaser Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2007 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜, 416 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-85359-932-3 ......STP 59.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥11,890 / ≉౯ ¥9,512+ ⛯ *9781853599323* ゝㄒ䚸ᩍ⫱䚸Ⓨ㐩䛻䛚䛡䜛ᅜ㝿ⓗၥ㢟㻌 㻌 Global Issues in Language, Education and Development: Perspectives from Postcolonial Countries (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 4) By Naz Rassool Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2007 ᖺ 3 ᭶ห⾜, 304 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-85359-952-1 ... STP 79.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,857 / ≉౯ ¥12,686+ ⛯ *9781853599521* 䝇䝨䜲䞁䛻䛚䛡䜛ᆅᇦ䝘䝅䝵䝘䝸䝈䝮䠖䜺䝸䝅䜰ᆅ᪉䛾ゝㄒ⏝䛸Ẹ䜰䜲䝕䞁䝔 䜱䝔䜱㻌 㻌 Regional Nationalism in Spain: Language Use and Ethnic Identity in Galicia (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 5) By Jaine E. Beswick Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2007 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜, 336 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-85359-980-4 ... STP 89.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,841 / ≉౯ ¥14,272+ ⛯ *9781853599804* 䜰䝯䝸䜹䛻䛚䛡䜛ゝㄒⓗᛅㄔ䛸䝞䜲䝸䞁䜺䝸䝈䝮㻌 㻌 Language Allegiances and Bilingualism in the US (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 6) Edited by M. Rafael Salaberry Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2009 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜, 224 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-84769-178-1 ... STP 79.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,857 / ≉౯ ¥12,686+ ⛯ *9781847691781* 䝬䝹䝏䝸䞁䜺䝹ᩍ⫱䜢㏻䛨䛯♫ṇ⩏㻌 㻌 Social Justice through Multilingual Education (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 7) Edited by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, Robert Phillipson and Ajit K. Mohanty Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2009 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜, 408 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-84769-190-3 ... STP 89.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,841 / ≉౯ ¥14,272+ ⛯ *9781847691903* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 91 言語学 》記述言語学 䜾䝻䞊䝞䝹䛺ⱥㄒᩍ⫱㻌 㻌 Illegitimate Practices: Global English Language Education (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 8) By Jacqueline Widin Multilingual Matters (GBR) 2010 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜, 232 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-84769-307-5 ... 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Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138993037* 言語習得 0784* Breen, Michael Learner Contributions to Language Learning: New Directions in Research (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2016:11. 240 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17649-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176492* 0785* バイリンガリズム、多文化主義、第二言語学習 Reynolds, Allan G. (ed.) Bilingualism, Multiculturalism, and Second Language Learning: The Mcgill Conference in Honour of Wallace E. Lambert 2016:9. 282 p., First published in 1991 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96468-6 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138964686* 言語教育・教授法 0786* Barkhuizen, Gary (ed.) (#)(search 2016:11. 278 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18697-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138186972* ISBN 978-1-138-18698-9 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138186989* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 93 言語学 》応用言語学 0787* 0791* Goh, Hock Huan Mandarin Competence of Chinese-English Bilingual Preschoolers: A Corpus-based Analysis of Singaporean Children’s Bilingual Speech 2016:12. 276 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2223-4 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811022234* 言語学習ストラテジーにおける教育と研究 第2版 Oxford, Rebecca L. Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies: Self-Regulation in Context, 2nd ed. (Applied Linguistics in Action) 2016:12. 351 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85679-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138856790* 0788* ライトハウススクールの英語教育と福音宣教 Johnston, Bill English Teaching and Evangelical Mission: The Case of Lighthouse School (Critical Language and Literacy Studies, Vol. 21) 2017:1. 192 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78309-707-4 .......... Hard STP 99.95 通常価 ¥19,824 / 特価 ¥15,859 + 税 *9781783097074* ISBN 978-1-78309-706-7 ......... Paper STP 29.95 通常価 ¥5,940 / 特価 ¥4,752 + 税 *9781783097067* ISBN 978-1-138-85680-6 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138856806* 0792* バイリンガル教育:理論、研究、実践 Swain, Merrill/Cummins, Jim Bilingualism in Education: Aspects of theory, research and practice (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2016:9. 254 p., First published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15180-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151802* 0789* 第二言語としての英語の主流: 教育、学習、アイデンティティ Leung, Constant/Mohan, Bernard/Davison, Chris English as a Second Language in the Mainstream: Teaching, Learning and Identity (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2016:9. 264 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15206-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138152069* 0793* 中国語研究と言語教育・学習の統合 Tao, Hongyin (ed.) Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research and Language Teaching and Learning (Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, Vol. 7) 2016:10. 257 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ISBN 978-90-272-0187-4 ......... Hard EUR 99.00 通常価 ¥17,214 / 特価 ¥13,771 + 税 *9789027201874* 0790* 言語学習とテストのためのワードリスト作成と使用 Nation, I. S. P. Making and Using Word Lists for Language Learning and Testing 2016:9. 224 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ISBN 978-90-272-1244-3 ......... Hard EUR 95.00 通常価 ¥16,518 / 特価 ¥13,214 + 税 *9789027212443* ISBN 978-90-272-1245-0 ........Paper EUR 33.00 通常価 ¥5,738 / 特価 ¥4,590 + 税 *9789027212450* 94 ★ 翻訳論・通訳論 0794* Chan, Leo Tak-Hung Readers, Reading and Reception of Translated Fiction in Chinese: Novel Encounters 2016:11. 248 p., Originally published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14034-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138140349* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 0795* 0801* De Sutter, Gert/Lefer, Marie-Aude/Delaere, Isabelle (eds.) Empirical Translation Studies: New Methodological and Theoretical Traditions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM], Vol. 300) 2017:5. 350 p. (De Gruyter Mouton, NLD) ISBN 978-3-11-045684-4 ......... Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥17,379 / 特価 ¥13,903 + 税 Tymoczko, Maria Translation in a Postcolonial Context: Early Irish Literature in English Translation 2016:9. 336 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14886-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9783110456844* 0796* Delabastita, Dirk (ed.) Traductio: Essays on Punning and Translation 2016:9. 296 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14934-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149342* *9781138148864* 0802* 翻訳とジェンダー von Flotow, Luise Translation and Gender: Translating in the ‘Era of Feminism’ (Translation Theories Explored) 2016:9. 118 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15189-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151895* 0797* テクスト言語学・談話分析 ダイアログ通訳研究 Mason, Ian (ed.) Triadic Exchanges: Studies in Dialogue Interpreting 2016:9. 208 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15141-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151413* 0803* Bednarek, Monika/Caple, Helen The Discourse of News Values: How News Organizations Create Newsworthiness 2017:4. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065393-4 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9780190653934* 0798* Moore, James M./Ritchie, R. L. Graeme Supplement to a Manual of French Composition 2016:9. 146 p., Originally published in 1922 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-61994-0 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316619940* 0799* 翻訳における科学的メタファー研究 Shuttleworth, Mark ) %# (Routledge Advances in Translation Studies) 2017:3. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93431-3 ........Hard STP 149.95 通常価 ¥29,741 / 特価 ¥23,793 + 税 *9781138934313* 0800* Susam-Sarajeva, Sebnem/Pérez-González, Luis (eds.) Non-Professional Translating and Interpreting 2016:11. 245 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17844-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138178441* ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-0-19-065394-1 ........Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,280 / 特価 ¥5,024 + 税 *9780190653941* 0804* アカデミック・ディスコース Flowerdew, John Academic Discourse (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2016:9. 352 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14947-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149472* 0805 Facebook 上のディスコースとアイデンティティ Georgalou, Mariza Discourse and Identity on Facebook: How We Use Language and Multimodal Texts to Present Identity Online (Bloomsbury Discourse) 2017:6. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-8912-2 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781474289122* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 95 言語学 》応用言語学 0806* 0811* テクスト言語学と古典研究 Wang, Ying #4^: A Contrastive Learner-Corpus Study of Delexical Verb + Noun Collocations (Studies in Corpus Linguistics, Vol. 77) 2016:10. 261 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ISBN 978-90-272-1074-6 ......... Hard EUR 95.00 通常価 ¥16,518 / 特価 ¥13,214 + 税 Giuffrè, Mauro Text Linguistics and Classical Studies: Dressler and De Beaugrande’s Procedural Approach (UNIPA Springer Series) 2016:12. 130 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47930-9 ......... Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥13,908 / 特価 ¥11,126 + 税 *9789027210746* *9783319479309* 0807* 進化言語学・生物言語学 ★ Routledge 版 マルチモーダル分析ハンド ブック 第 2 版 Jewitt, Carey (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 528 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24519-8 ......... Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥7,931 / 特価 ¥6,345 + 税 *9781138245198* 0808* テキストに基づいた研究と教育: 言語使用における社会記号論的観点 Mickan, Peter/Lopez, Elise (eds.) Text-Based Research and Teaching: A Social Semiotic Perspective on Language in Use 2017:2. 377 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-59848-6 ......... Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 *9781137598486* 文体論 0809* Leech, Geoffrey N. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14905-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 0812* 生物言語学 全 4 巻 Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.) Biolinguistics (Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 2017:5. 4 Vols., 1,600 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85915-9 ........Hard STP 900.00 通常価 ¥178,510 / 特価 ¥142,808 + 税 *9781138859159* 0813* Pennisi, Antonino/Falzone, Alessandra Darwinian Biolinguistics: Theory and History of a Naturalistic Philosophy of Language and Pragmatics (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology, Vol. 12) 2016:12. 309 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47686-5 ......... Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 *9783319476865* 0814* 言語進化における認知とコミュニケーション Reboul, Anne Cognition and Communication in the Evolution of Language (Oxford Studies in Biolinguistics, Vol. 5) 2017:5. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874731-4 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198747314* *9781138149052* 数理言語学・コンピュータ言語学 0810* Leech, Geoffrey/Wilson, Andrew/Rayson, Paul Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English: based on the British National Corpus 2016:9. 320 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15131-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151314* 96 ★ その他言語学 0815* バイリンガリズムと難聴 Plaza-Pust, Carolina Bilingualism and Deafness: On Language Contact in the Bilingual Acquisition of Sign Language and Written Language (Sign Languages and Deaf Communities [SLDC], Vol. 7) 2016:12. 522 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ISBN 978-1-5015-1396-1 ......... Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥17,379 / 特価 ¥13,903 + 税 *9781501513961* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 認知科学 》認知哲学 認知科学 認知哲学 ISBN 978-90-04-33621-6 ......... Hard EUR 85.00 通常価 ¥14,779 / 特価 ¥11,823 + 税 *9789004336216* 0816* 自己の理解:言語と思考 Bermúdez, José Luis Understanding “I”: Language and Thought (Lines of Thought) 2017:1. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879621-3 .......... Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9780198796213* 0817* Neander, Karen A Mark of the Mental: In Defense of Informational Teleosemantics 2017:5. 296 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03614-6 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 *9780262036146* 0818* 哲学史における能動知覚 Silva, José Filipe/Yrjönsuuri, Mikko (eds.) Active Perception in the History of Philosophy: From Plato to Modern Philosophy (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, Vol. 14) 2016:9. 302 p., New in Paperback (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-35347-0 ..... Paper EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319353470* 認知言語学 認知心理学 0821* 心とそのメカニズム @Q$_@QQ The Mind and its Mechanism (Psychology Revivals) 2016:9. 234 p., First published in 1927 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90590-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138905900* 0822* Oxford 版 数の認知ハンドブック Cohen Kadosh, Roi/Dowker, Ann (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition 2016:11. 1,216 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879575-9 ......... Paper STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 *9780198795759* 0823* 直感的統計学としての認知 Gigerenzer, Gerd/Murray, David J. Cognition as Intuitive Statistics (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 214 p., Originally published in 1987 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95030-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138950306* 0819* 0824* Cienki, Alan Ten Lectures on Spoken Language and Gesture from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics: Issues of Dynamicity and Multimodality (Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics, Vol. 17) 2016:12. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33209-6 ......... Hard EUR 85.00 通常価 ¥14,779 / 特価 ¥11,823 + 税 Koch, Christof Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist 2017:2. 200 p., New in Paperback (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-53350-8 ........Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,664 / 特価 ¥2,131 + 税 *9789004332096* 0820* Gries, Stefan Th. Ten Lectures on Quantitative Approaches in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-Linguistic, Experimental, and Statistical Applications (Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics, Vol. 16) 2016:12. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780262533508* 0825* 認知のエイジング入門 Park, Denise/Schwartz, Norbert (eds.) Cognitive Aging: A Primer 2016:9. 312 p., First published in 1999 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15055-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138150553* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 97 認知科学 》認知心理学 0826* 0827* Taft, Marcus Reading and the Mental Lexicon (Essays in Cognitive Psychology) 2016:11. 164 p., First published in 1993 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15657-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 状況認識への認知アプローチ:理論と応用 *9781138156579* Tremblay, Sébastien Banbury, Simon (ed.) A Cognitive Approach to Situation Awareness: Theory and Application 2016:9. 384 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24777-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247772* 心理学 心理学一般 0828* Akita, Iwao A Japanese Jungian Perspective on Mental Health and Culture: Wandering Madness (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) 2017:2. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80569-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138805699* 0829* アフリカ系アメリカ人とユング心理学 Brewster, Fanny African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows 2017:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95272-0 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781138952720* ISBN 978-1-138-95276-8 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138952768* A Lexicon of Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 472 p., Originally published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93602-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138936027* 0832* 心理学史 第 8 版 Leahey, Thomas A History of Psychology: From Antiquity to Modernity, 8th ed. 2017:4. 557 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65242-2 ........Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥21,817 / 特価 ¥17,454 + 税 *9781138652422* 0833* カール・グスタフ・ユングと ハンス・ウルス・フォン・バルタサル Oglesby, Les C. G. Jung and Hans Urs von Balthasar: God and Evil - A Critical Comparison (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) 2016:12. 218 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-79178-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415791786* 0830* Jung, C. G. Schwar-Salant, Nathan (ed.) Jung on Alchemy 2016:9. 240 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14888-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138148888* 0831* 心理学、精神病学、精神分析学の語彙集 Kuper, Jessica (ed.) 98 0834* 許しの意味と概念の心理学的研究 Sandoval, Jennifer M. A Psychological Inquiry into the Meaning and Concept of Forgiveness (Researching Social Psychology) 2017:3. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67135-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138671355* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》心理学一般 0835* 発達心理学 心理学教育の実証と活動ハンドブック 第 3 巻 性格、異常、臨床カウンセリング、社会心理学 第2版 0839* Ware, Mark E./Johnson, David E. (eds.) Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology: Vol. 3, Personality, Abnormal, Clinical-Counseling, and Social, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 342 p., First published in 2000 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14962-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Baltes, Paul B./Featherman, David L./Lerner, Richard M. (eds.) Life-Span Devevelopment and Behavior: Vol. 10 2016:9. 388 p., First published in 1990 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97984-0 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138149625* 生涯発達と行動 第 10 巻 *9781138979840* 0840* 0836* 児童の発達と行動の進歩 第 52 巻 心理学史 第 6 版 Benson, Janette B. Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Vol. 52 2017:3. 300 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-812122-1 .......Hard USD 114.00 通常価 ¥17,922 / 特価 ¥14,338 + 税 Woody, William Douglas/Viney, Wayne A History of Psychology: The Emergence of Science and Applications, 6th ed. 2017:3. 594 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68371-6 .......... Hard STP 99.95 通常価 ¥19,824 / 特価 ¥15,859 + 税 *9781138683716* 心理学研究法 0837* 心理学研究法 Davies, Warren How to Study Psychology 2016:10. 176 p., First published in 2012 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14711-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138147119* 基礎心理学 実験心理学 *9780128121221* 0841* 例外的状況における言語発達 Bishop, Dorothy/Mogford, Kay (eds.) Language Development in Exceptional Circumstances 2016:9. 280 p., First published in 1993 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15018-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138150188* 0842* 児童言語への発達機能的アプローチ Budwig, Nancy A Developmental-Functionalist Approach to Child Language 2016:9. 236 p., First published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96543-0 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138965430* 0838* 学習と動機の心理学 第 66 巻 Ross, Brian H. Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Vol. 66 2017:1. 310 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-812118-4 .......Hard USD 142.00 通常価 ¥22,324 / 特価 ¥17,859 + 税 *9780128121184* 0843* 児童の能力の概念化と評価 Chandler, Michael/Chapman, Michael (eds.) Criteria for Competence: Controversies in the Conceptualization and Assessment of Children’s Abilities 2016:9. 286 p., First published in 1991 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96699-4 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138966994* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 99 心理学 》基礎心理学 0844* 0848* 発達科学の進歩:哲学、理論、方法論 愛着と児童の感情・社会文化・脳の発達 第 2 版 Dick, Anthony S./Müller, Ulrich (eds.) Advancing Developmental Science: Philosophy, Theory, and Method 2017:3. 368 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96003-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 Music, Graham Nurturing Natures: Attachment and Children’s Emotional, Sociocultural and Brain Development, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 364 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-10143-2 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-96004-6 ......... Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥7,535 / 特価 ¥6,028 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-10144-9 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 0845* 0849* 青年期の妊娠と子育て 社会・経済変化という世界的状況における ポジティブな青年発達 *9781138101432* *9781138960039* *9781138101449* *9781138960046* East, Patricia L./Felice, Marianne E. Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting: Findings from A Racially Diverse Sample (Research Monographs in Adolescence Series) 2016:9. 166 p., First published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96596-6 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138965966* 0846* 発達精神病理学と非定型発達への構成主義的視点 Keating, Daniel P./Rosen, Hugh (eds.) Constructivist Perspectives on Developmental Psychopathology and Atypical Development (Jean Piaget Symposia Series) 2016:9. 268 p., First published in 1990 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99167-5 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138991675* Petersen, Anne C./Motti, Frosso/Koller, Silvia H./ Verma, Suman (eds.) Positive Youth Development in Global Contexts of Social and Economic Change 2016:12. 322 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67080-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138670808* ISBN 978-1-138-67081-5 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138670815* 0850* Richard, Roche/Commins, Sean/Farina, Francesca Art, Science and the Brain: Developing a Complete Mind 2017:4. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95922-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138959224* 0847* 児童の反抗挑戦性障害と行為障害 第 2 版 0851* Matthys, Walter/Lochman, John E. ! Disorder in Childhood 2017:1. 344 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-118-97256-4 .......Hard USD 124.95 通常価 ¥19,644 / 特価 ¥15,715 + 税 異常児と青年心理学 第 2 版 *9781118972564* ISBN 978-1-118-97255-7 ........Paper USD 59.95 通常価 ¥9,425 / 特価 ¥7,540 + 税 *9781118972557* 100 Wilmshurst, Linda Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology: A Developmental Perspective, 2nd ed. 2017:3. 736 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96051-0 ........Hard STP 185.00 通常価 ¥36,693 / 特価 ¥29,355 + 税 *9781138960510* ISBN 978-1-138-96050-3 ......... Paper STP 55.00 通常価 ¥10,908 / 特価 ¥8,727 + 税 *9781138960503* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》基礎心理学 社会心理学 ISBN 978-0-19-061425-6 ......... Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥11,791 / 特価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9780190614256* 0852* Bond, Michael Harris (ed.) Working at the Interface of Cultures: Eighteen Lives in Social Science (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 224 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93945-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138939455* 0858* ステレオタイプと集団間行動における認知過程 Hamilton, David L. (ed.) Cognitive Processes in Stereotyping and Intergroup Behavior (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 366 p., Originally published in 1981 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95035-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138950351* 0853* Choi, Precilla Y. L. Femininity and the Physically Active Woman (Women and Psychology) 2016:11. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15593-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155930* 0854* Edwards, Anne (ed.) Working Relationally in and across Practices: A Cultural-Historical Approach to Collaboration 2016:11. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-11037-3 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107110373* 0859* 対人コミュニケーションの認知的基盤 Hewes, Dean E. (ed.) The Cognitive Bases of Interpersonal Communication (Routledge Communication Series) 2016:9. 270 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98892-7 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138988927* 0860* Nicolson, Paula Genealogy, Psychology, and Identity: Tales from a Family Tree 2016:11. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99866-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138998667* 0855* 非言語行動理論と研究の応用 Feldman, Robert S. (ed.) Applications of Nonverbal Behavioral Theories and Research 2016:9. 288 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96368-9 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138963689* 0856* 親密関係における認知 Fletcher, Garth J. O./Fincham, Frank D. (eds.) Cognition in Close Relationships 2016:11. 374 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97096-0 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138970960* 0857* Grabe, Shelly Narrating a Psychology of Resistance: Voices of the Compañeras in Nicaragua 2016:11. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-1-138-99867-4 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138998674* 0861* 実験社会心理学の進歩 第 55 巻 Olson, James Advances in Experimental Social Psychology: Vol. 55 2017:1. 354 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-812115-3 .......Hard USD 119.00 通常価 ¥18,708 / 特価 ¥14,966 + 税 *9780128121153* 0862* シャーデンフロイデ:他人の不幸の喜びを理解する Ouwerkerk, Jaap W./van Dijk, Wilco W. (eds.) Schadenfreude: Understanding Pleasure at the Misfortune of Others 2016:9. 334 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-61796-0 ........Paper USD 42.00 通常価 ¥6,603 / 特価 ¥5,282 + 税 *9781316617960* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 101 心理学 》基礎心理学 ᪂䝅䝸䞊䝈䟿 Cambridge∧㻌 ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䛻䛚䛡䜛⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ䛾ᇶ♏䝅䝸䞊䝈 Cambridge Fundamentals of Neuroscience in Psychology 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022881942(Hard䠅 / 1022881945(Paper)䛇 Ꮫ⏕ࡸࡑࡢࡢ㠀ᑓ㛛ᐙࡢㄞ⪅ࡗ࡚⚄⤒⛉Ꮫࢆぶࡋࡳࡸࡍ࠸ࡶࡢࡍࡿᚲせ ᛶࡢ㧗ࡲࡾᛂࡌ࡚⏕ࡲࢀࡓࠗCambridge ∧ ᚰ⌮Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿ⚄⤒⛉Ꮫࡢᇶ♏࠘ࢩࣜ ࣮ࢬࡣࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢせ㡿ᇦࡲࡓࡀࡿ㔜せ࡞⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ◊✲ࡢ⡆₩࡞ᡭᘬࡁࢆᥦ౪ ࡋࡲࡍࠋㄆ▱࣭♫࣭ឤ࣭Ⓨ㐩࣭⮫ᗋ࣭ᛂ⏝⚄⤒⛉Ꮫࡢᑓ㛛ᐙࡓࡕࡼࡗ࡚᭩ ࢀࡓᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᭩⡠ࡣࠊ⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ࠸࠺ᣮᡓⓗ࡞ୡ⏺ࡢ⌮ⓗ࡞ධ㛛᭩ࡋ࡚ ᙺ❧ࡘ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Cambridge U.P., GBR) The Neuroscience of Expertise By Niall Kishtainy 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-08459-9 ......................................USD 109.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,292 / ≉౯ ¥13,833+ ⛯ *9781107084599* 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Paper. ISBN 978-1-107-44651-9 ....USD 39.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,287 / ≉౯ ¥5,029+ ⛯ *9781107446519* ▱⬟䛾⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ㻌 㻌 The Neuroscience of Intelligence By Richard J. Haier 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 240 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-08977-8 ........................................USD 99.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,564 / ≉౯ ¥12,451+ ⛯ *9781107089778* 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 240 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-107-46143-7 ....USD 39.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,287 / ≉౯ ¥5,029+ ⛯ *9781107461437* 102 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》基礎心理学 0863* 0869* Cambridge 版 社会的表象ハンドブック 作曲という行動:創造過程の研究 Sammut, Gordon/Andreouli, Eleni/Gaskell, George/ Valsiner, Jaan (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Social Representations (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology) 2017:1. 498 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-63568-1 ........Paper USD 79.99 通常価 ¥12,575 / 特価 ¥10,060 + 税 Collins, Dave (ed.) The Act of Musical Composition: Studies in the Creative Process (SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music) 2016:10. 312 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25239-4 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781316635681* 0864* Wagoner, Brady The Constructive Mind: Bartlett’s Psychology in Reconstruction 2017:3. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-00888-5 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107008885* 異常心理学 *9781138252394* 0870* Perlovsky, Leonid Music, Passion, and Cognitive Function 2017:2. 200 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-809461-7 ........Paper USD 64.95 通常価 ¥10,211 / 特価 ¥8,168 + 税 *9780128094617* 0871* ジェンダーと健康の心理学 0865* 異常心理学概論 McDougall, William An Outline of Abnormal Psychology (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 572 p., Originally published in 1926 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94145-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138941458* 0866* 異常心理学 第 2 版 Ray, William J. Abnormal Psychology 2017:4. 712 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-3335-9 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 Sánchez-López, M. Pilar/Limiñana-Gras, Rosa M. (eds.) The Psychology of Gender and Health: Conceptual and Applied Global Concerns 2017:1. 430 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-803864-2 ......... Hard USD 74.95 通常価 ¥11,783 / 特価 ¥9,426 + 税 *9780128038642* See also... Clancy, Ann L., Pivoting, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p127 , 1060 Williams, Antony J., Critical Educational Psychology, Wiley-Blackwell .................. p200 , 1662 *9781506333359* ISBN 978-1-107-46143-7 ........Paper USD 39.99 通常価 ¥6,287 / 特価 ¥5,029 + 税 *9781107461437* 応用心理学 0868* Burland, Karen/Pitts, Stephanie (eds.) Coughing and Clapping: Investigating Audience Experience (SEMPRE Studies in The Psychology of Music) 2016:11. 226 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28458-6 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138284586* ★印はお薦めタイトル 臨床心理・精神療法 0872* 精神力動的対人関係療法 Barkham, Michael/Guthrie, Else/Hardy, Gillian E./ Margison, Frank Psychodynamic-Interpersonal Therapy: A Conversational Model 2016:12. 208 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-0-7619-5662-4 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9780761956624* ISBN 978-0-7619-5663-1 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9780761956631* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 103 心理学 》応用心理学 0873* 0878 HIV カウンセリングの理論と実践 Greenberg, Leslie S./Tomescu, Liliana Ramona Supervision Essentials for Emotion-Focused Therapy (Clinical Supervision Essentials) 2016:10. 184 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ISBN 978-1-4338-2358-9 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 + 税 Bor, Robert/Miller, Riva/Goldman, Eleanor Theory and Practice of HIV Counselling: A Systemic Approach 2016:11., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15704-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138157040* *9781433823589* 0879 0874* 感情焦点化療法 改訂版 幸福とウェルビーイングを高める101の物語: ポジティブ心理学と療法におけるメタファーの使用 Greenberg, Leslie S. Emotion-Focused Therapy (Theories of Psychotherapy) 2016:11. 224 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ISBN 978-1-4338-2630-6 ........Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 + 税 Burns, George W. 101 Stories for Enhancing Happiness and WellBeing: Using Metaphors in Positive Psychology and Therapy 2017:2. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93582-2 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 *9781138935822* ISBN 978-1-138-93583-9 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138935839* 0875* Butler, Jason A. Archetypal Psychotherapy: The Clinical Legacy of James Hillman (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) 2016:12. 138 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-79170-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415791700* 0876 Carney, Kelly O'Shea/Norris, Margaret P. Transforming Long-Term Care: Expanded Roles for Mental Health Professionals 2016:11. 264 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ISBN 978-1-4338-2366-4 ......... Hard USD 69.95 通常価 ¥10,997 + 税 *9781433823664* 0877* カウンセリングにおける動物介在療法 第 3 版 Chandler, Cynthia K. Animal Assisted Therapy in Counseling, 3rd ed. 2017:2. 408 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93590-7 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 *9781138935907* ISBN 978-1-138-93591-4 ......... Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥7,931 / 特価 ¥6,345 + 税 *9781138935914* 104 *9781433826306* 0880* 児童のトラウマハンドブック Greenwald, Ricky Child Trauma Handbook: A Guide for Helping Trauma-Exposed Children and Adolescents (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 342 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93392-7 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781138933927* 0881* ドラマセラピーの理論と実践 第 3 巻 Jennings, Sue (ed.) Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice, Vol. 3 2016:9. 368 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17505-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138175051* 0882* 自殺探究 Meyer, Cheryl L./Irani, Taronish/Hermes, Katherine A./Yung, Betty Explaining Suicide: Patterns, Motivations, and What Notes Reveal 2017:1. 284 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-809289-7 ......... Hard USD 59.95 通常価 ¥9,425 / 特価 ¥7,540 + 税 *9780128092897* 0883* Noonan, Ellen/Spurling, Laurence (eds.) The Making of a Counsellor 2016:11. 224 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17645-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176454* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 0884 Park, Crystal L./Currier, Joseph M./Harris, J. Irene/ Slattery, Jeanne M. Trauma, Meaning, and Spirituality: Translating Research Into Clinical Practice 2016:10. 312 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ISBN 978-1-4338-2325-1 ......... Hard USD 59.95 通常価 ¥9,425 + 税 *9781433823251* 0885 Popple, Leah M./Norcross, John C. Supervision Essentials for Integrative Psychotherapy (Clinical Supervision Essentials) 2016:10. 184 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ISBN 978-1-4338-2628-3 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 + 税 *9781433826283* 0886 Prenn, Natasha C. N./Fosha, Diana Supervision Essentials for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (Clinical Supervision Essentials) 2016:12. 192 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ISBN 978-1-4338-2640-5 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 + 税 *9781433826405* 0887* Prince, Laura Breaking the Silence 2016:12. 139 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78445-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415784450* 0888* 重度の精神障害を持つ成人のための集団療法 Semmelhack, Diana/Ende, Larry/Hazell, Clive Group Therapy for Adults with Severe Mental Illness: Adapting the Tavistock Method (Advances in Mental Health Research) 2016:12. 148 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63184-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138631847* 0889* Sharpless, Brian A. (ed.) Unusual and Rare Psychological Disorders: A Handbook for Clinical Practice and Research 2016:12. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-0-19-024586-3 ........Paper USD 59.95 通常価 ¥9,425 / 特価 ¥7,540 + 税 *9780190245863* 0890* Zarb, Janet M. Developmental Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Adults 2016:9. 216 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17552-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138175525* 精神分析 0891* トラウマの精神分析的研究 Brothers, Doris/Ulman, Richard B. The Shattered Self: A Psychoanalytic Study of Trauma 2016:9. 344 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14877-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138148772* 0892* Flanders, Sara The Dream Discourse Today (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) 2016:9. 248 p., First published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17802-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138178021* 0893* Grand, Sue The Reproduction of Evil: A Clinical and Cultural Perspective (Relational Perspectives Book Series) 2016:9. 216 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15115-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151154* 0894* 精神分析の理論と実践における否定的要素 Henderson, David Apophatic Elements in the Theory and Practice of Psychoanalysis: Pseudo-Dionysius and C. G. Jung (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) 2016:12. 184 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-79175-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415791755* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 105 心理学 》応用心理学 0895* 0897* 文学、精神分析と心の新科学 Levine, David P. Psychoanalysis, Society, and the Inner World: ~ X 2017:2. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-21736-2 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 Jackson, Leonard Literature, Psychoanalysis and the New Sciences of Mind 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17653-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176539* *9781138217362* ISBN 978-1-138-21822-2 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 0896* Kirshner, Lewis A. Having a Life: Self Pathology after Lacan 2016:11. 158 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15683-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156838* *9781138218222* 0898* Westerink, Herman The Heart of Man’s Destiny: Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Early Reformation Thought (Psychoanalytic Explorations Series) 2016:12. 168 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63181-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138631816* 経済学 経済学一般 0899* 初心者のための経済学 Buer, M. C. Economics for Beginners (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 230 p., Originally published in 1921 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28354-1 .......... Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥19,636 / 特価 ¥15,708 + 税 *9781138283541* 経済学説・経済思想 0900* Sraffa and Modern Economics, Volume II (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:12. 384 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24354-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243545* 0902* 経済学の史学史 Coats, A. W. Bob Backhouse, Roger E./Caldwell, Bruce (eds.) The Historiography of Economics (British and American Economic Essays, Vol. 3) 2016:12. 544 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24376-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243767* グンナー・ミュルダールの政治経済 Appelqvist, Örjan The Political Economy of Gunnar Myrdal: Transcending Dilemmas Post-2008 (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:12. 168 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24380-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243804* 0901* スラッファと近代経済学 第 2 巻 0903* チェコの経済思想史 Dolezalova, Antonie A History of Czech Economic Thought (The Routledge History of Economic Thought) 2017:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91416-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138914162* Ciccone, Roberto/Gehrke, Christian/Mongiovi, Gary 106 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 0904* 0909* 現代の社会的費用 経済学における改革 Elsner, Wolfram/Frigato, Pietro/Ramazzotti, Paolo (eds.) Social Costs Today: Institutional Analyses of the Present Crises (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:12., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24347-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Pilkington, Philip The Reformation in Economics: A Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Economic Theory 2016:11. 335 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-40756-2 ........Paper EUR 39.99 通常価 ¥6,953 / 特価 ¥5,562 + 税 *9781138243477* *9783319407562* 0910* 経済分析、道徳哲学と公共政策 第 3 版 0905* Frey, Bruno/Iselin, David (eds.) Economic Ideas You Should Forget 2017:1. 200 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47457-1 ........Paper EUR 29.99 通常価 ¥5,214 / 特価 ¥4,171 + 税 *9783319474571* Satz, Debra/Hausman, Daniel Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy, and Public Policy, 3rd ed. 2016:12. 410 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15831-3 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107158313* ISBN 978-1-316-61088-6 ........Paper USD 44.99 通常価 ¥7,073 / 特価 ¥5,658 + 税 0906* *9781316610886* 経済における価値と分布の理論 Garegnani, Pierangelo/Samuelson, Paul Kurz, Heinz D. (ed.) The Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics: Discussions between Pierangelo Garegnani and Paul Samuelson 2016:12. 160 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24390-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243903* 0907* 0911* Spread, Patrick Support-Bargaining, Economics and Society: A Social Species (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:12. 320 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24358-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243583* ★ 労働者自主管理企業とポスト資本主義 Jossa, Bruno Labour Managed Firms and PostCapitalism (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:12. 255 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23756-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 0912* Widmaier, Wesley W. Economic Ideas in Political Time: The Rise and Fall of Economic Orders from the Progressive Era to the Global Financial Crisis 2016:12. 274 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60457-1 ........Paper USD 44.99 通常価 ¥7,073 / 特価 ¥5,658 + 税 *9781316604571* *9781138237568* 0908* 経済理論 オーストレーシアの経済思想史 Millmow, Alex A History of Australasian Economic Thought (The Routledge History of Economic Thought) 2017:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-86100-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138861008* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0913* Estola, Matti Newtonian Microeconomics: A Dynamic Extension to Neoclassical Micro Theory 2017:1. 460 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46878-5 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319468785* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 107 経済学 》経済理論 0914* Garoupa, Nuno/Gómez Ligüerre, Carlos/Mélon, Lela )44 (The Economics of Legal Relationships) 2016:12. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23287-7 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138232877* 0915* See also... Suzuki, Motoshi, *4! Cooperation in Asia, Springer Tokyo.....p174 , 1460 経済政策 0919* ★ 雇用、成長と発展 Nayyar, Deepak Employment, Growth and Development: Essays on a Changing World Economy 2016:11. 288 p. (Routledge India, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-23134-4 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 経済政策と金融危機 ~ Q Q Economic Policy and the Financial Crisis 2017:1. 294 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78722-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415787222* *9781138231344* 厚生経済・財政・公共経済 0916* 0920* 経済成長 第 2 版 公共圏の経済学 Novales, Alfonso/Fernández, Esther/Ruíz, Jesús Economic Growth: Theory and Numerical Solution Methods, 2nd ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:9. 558 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-51870-0 ........Paper EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 Hall, Joshua (ed.) Explorations in Public Sector Economics: Essays by Prominent Economists 2016:12. 210 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47826-5 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783662518700* *9783319478265* 0921* 数理経済・計量経済・統計学 0917* 効率性と生産性 Aparicio, Juan/Lovell, C. A. Knox/Pastor, Jesus T. (eds.) )) (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 249) 2016:12. 506 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48459-4 .......Hard EUR 199.99 通常価 ¥34,774 / 特価 ¥27,819 + 税 *9783319484594* 0918* ★ > Mathematical Methods in Economics and Social Choice, 2nd ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:9. 262 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-49972-6 ....................................Paper EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥12,169 / 特価 ¥9,735 + 税 *9783662499726* 108 Heim, John J. Crowding Out Fiscal Stimulus: Testing the Effectiveness of US Government Stimulus Programs 2016:11. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45966-0 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319459660* 0922* 税制の設計 Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) (ed.) Dimensions of Tax Design: The Mirrlees Review 2017:1. 1,360 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879519-3 ......... Paper STP 40.00 通常価 ¥7,933 / 特価 ¥6,347 + 税 *9780198795193* 0923* ★ Kolb, Robert W. (ed.) The Economics of Sovereign Debt (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series) 2016:12. 3 Vols., 2,544 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》厚生経済・財政・公共経済 ISBN 978-1-78536-057-2 ........Hard STP 865.00 通常価 ¥171,568 / 特価 ¥137,254 + 税 *9781785360572* See also... Roll, Eric, An Early Experiment in Industrial Organization, Routledge ........................ p120 , 0996 0924* Stirling, Wynn C. Theory of Social Choice on Networks: Preference, Aggregation, and Coordination 2016:9. 228 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-16516-8 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107165168* 0925* 政府内部者がどのように公益を阻害するか Zupan, Mark A. Inside Job: How Government Insiders Subvert the Public Interest 2017:1. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15373-8 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9781107153738* ISBN 978-1-316-60777-0 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316607770* See also... Witte, John F., The Politics of Loopholes, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ............................................ p164 , 1392 国際経済 0928* 中国とアフリカ Kim, Young-Chan (ed.) China and Africa: A New Paradigm of Global Business (The Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series) 2016:12. 300 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47029-0 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319470290* 0929* 南北貿易関係におけるパターナリズムと集合的行動 Singh, J. P. Sweet Talk: Paternalism and Collective Action in North-South Trade Relations (Emerging Frontiers in the Global Economy) 2016:12. 264 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-8047-9412-1 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 + 税 *9780804794121* ISBN 978-1-5036-0104-8 ........Paper USD 25.95 通常価 ¥4,079 + 税 *9781503601048* 産業経済 0930 0926* Bhatt, Swati How Digital Communication Technology Shapes Markets"_ X# @Q X#eration (Palgrave Advances in the Economics of Innovation and Technology) 2016:12. 164 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47249-2 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 Webb, Julian (ed.) ##{3#ments: Negotiation Issues & Congressional Considerations 2016:12. 160 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-916-5 .......Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥23,582 + 税 *9781634859165* *9783319472492* 0927* 開発経済 ★ Cabral, Luis M. B. Introduction to Industrial Organization, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 448 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03594-1 .................................... Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 / 特価 ¥11,948 + 税 *9780262035941* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0931* 批判的キャパシティ・ディベロップメント Analoui, Farhad/Danquah, Joseph Kwadwo Critical Capacity Development 2017:1. 145 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47415-1 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319474151* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 109 経済学 North-Holland∧㻌 ⤒῭Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䞉䝅䝸䞊䝈 Handbooks in Economics Edited by Kenneth Arrow, Stanford University, and Michael Inrilligator, University of California 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04084S1638䛇 ၟᴗᨻ⟇䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨ 1 ᕳ㻌 2 ᕳ Handbook of Commercial Policy 1A-1B SET (Series: Handbook of Commercial Policy) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1023358056䛇 Edited by Kyle Bagwell, Stanford University, USA and Robert W. Staiger, Dartmouth College, USA 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 2 Vols., 1,156 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-444-63921-9........................................................................... ≉౯ ¥35,000 + ⛯ *9780444639219* ᮏ᭩ࡣၟᴗᨻ⟇ࡢ◊✲࠾࠸࡚ᗈࡃ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ 3 ࡘࡢ せ࡞ࢺࣆࢵࢡࢫࢆ᳨ウࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱ึࡢࢭࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡣၟ ᴗᨻ⟇ࡢࣃࢱ࣮ࣥ㐍ᒎ㛵ࡍࡿᇶᮏⓗ࡛ᗈ⠊࡞⤒㦂ⓗᐇ ࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋḟࡢࢭࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡣࠊ༠ᐃࡢ┠ⓗᵓᡂ 㛵㐃ࡍࡿ」ᩘࡢἲⓗၥ㢟ࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᭱ᚋࡢࢭࢡࢩࣙ ࡛ࣥࡣࠊ⌧௦ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞⤒῭࠾ࡅࡿၟᴗᨻ⟇㛵ࡍࡿ せ࡞ၥ㢟ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ྛ❶࡛ࡣከᅜ㛫ࡢどⅬ࡛ࠊࡲࡓᚲせᛂࡌ࡚ࠊ≉ᜨ㈠᫆༠ᐃࡘ࠸࡚ࡢෆᐜࢆ࢝ࣂ ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡢࢇࡢ᭩⡠ࡀᨻ⟇ࢆ୰ᚰᤊ࠼࡚࠸ࡿ୍᪉ࠊࡇࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞࢞ ࢻࡣ▱ⓗ࡞ᛮ⪃ࡸཝᐦࡉᇶ࡙ࡁ◊✲ࢆ⾜࠸ࠊ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ࡢ⤫ྜࠊࡲࡓࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ ⌮ㄽⓗ࣭ᐇドⓗ◊✲ࢆࡍ࡚ࡢㄞ⪅ධᡭࡋࡸࡍࡃࡍࡿ᪉ἲࢆ᥈ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙せ࡞≉ᚩࠚ ࣭ၟᴗᨻ⟇ࡢୡ⏺ࡀ㸦≉㐣ཤ ᖺ㛫࡛㸧ࡢࡼ࠺ኚࡋࡓࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡁ ྍḞ࡞◊✲ศ㔝ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ྲྀᘬࡸἲⓗၥ㢟㛵ࡍࡿ⤒῭ࣔࢹࣝࢆ⢭ᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (North-Holland, NLD / ᪥ᮏ⥲௦⌮ᗑ) 110 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 Table of Contents Volume IA: Part I. Commercial Policy: Empirical Facts, Determinants and Effects Chapter 1: The Empirical Landscape of Trade Policy - C.P. Bown and M.A. Crowley Chapter 2: The Political Economy of Commercial Policy - J. McLaren Chapter 3: The Effects of Trade Policy - P. K. Goldberg and N. Pavcnik Chapter 4: Quantitative Models of Commercial Policy (programs) - R. Ossa Part II. Trade Agreements: Legal Background, Purpose and Design Chapter 5: Legal Aspects of Commercial Policy Rules - A. O. Sykes Chapter 6: Dispute Settlement in the WTO: Mind over Matter - P. C. Mavroidis Chapter 7: The Purpose of Trade Agreements - G. M. Grossman Chapter 8:The Design of Trade Agreements (Online Appendix) - K. Bagwell and R.W. Staiger Volume IB: Part III. Trade Agreements: Issue Areas Chapter 9: Enforcement and Dispute Settlement - J.-H. Park Chapter 10: The Escape Clause in Trade Agreements - M. Beshkar and E. W. Bond Chapter 11: Dumping and Antidumping Duties - B. A. Blonigen and T. J. Prusa Chapter 12: Subsidies and Countervailing Duties - G. M. Lee Chapter 13: Non-Tariff Measures and the World Trading System - J. Ederington and M. Ruta Chapter 14: Preferential Trade Agreements - N. Limão Chapter 15: Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries - E. Ornelas Chapter 16: Trade, Intellectual Property Rights, and the World Trade Organization - K. Saggi Chapter 17: Issue Linkage - G. Maggi 䈜 ྛᕳศྍ⬟䛷䛩䚹㻌 ၟᴗᨻ⟇䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨ 㻝㻭 ᕳ㻌 㻌 Handbook of Commercial Policy Vol. 1A Edited by Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 558 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-444-63280-7 .......................................... ≉౯ ¥18,000+ ⛯ *9780444632807* ၟᴗᨻ⟇䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨ 㻝㻮 ᕳ㻌 㻌 Handbook of Commercial Policy Vol. 1B Edited by Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 598 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-444-63922-6 ............................................ ≉౯ ¥18,000+ ⛯ *9780444639226* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 111 経済学 》開発経済 0932* 0937* Guo, Rongxing An Economic Inquiry into the Nonlinear Behaviors of Nations: Dynamic Developments and the Origins of Civilizations 2017:1. 276 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48771-7 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 Okereke, Chukwumerije/Agupusi, Patricia Homegrown Development in Africa: Reality or Illusion? (Routledge Studies in African Politics and International Relations) 2016:11. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-29199-7 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9783319487717* *9781138291997* 0933* 0938* Helmsing, A. H. J./Vellema, Sietze (eds.) Value Chains, Social Inclusion and Economic Development: Contrasting Theories and Realities 2016:12. 312 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24400-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad/Vangchhia, Lalrinpuia A Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction: An Empirical Analysis of Mizoram, the Eastern Extension of the Himalaya (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) 2017:1. 120 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45622-5 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781138244009* *9783319456225* 0934* 経済的発展と政治的発展の組み合わせ:MENA の経験 Luciani, Giacomo (ed.) Combining Economic and Political Development: The Experience of MENA (International Development Policy, Vol. 7) 2017:2. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33644-5 ........Paper EUR 80.00 通常価 ¥13,910 / 特価 ¥11,128 + 税 *9789004336445* 0935* Mathur, B. P. An Alternative Philosophy of Development: From Economism to Human Well-being 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge India, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-69312-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138693128* 0939* Wang, Yan/Lin, Justin Yifu Going Beyond Aid: Development Cooperation for Structural Transformation 2017:2. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15329-5 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107153295* ISBN 978-1-316-60715-2 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316607152* See also... Asplund, André, Japanese Development Cooperation, Routledge...........................p171 , 1450 0936* 農業・食糧経済 人々のための経済発展 Miller, Mark Economic Development for Everyone: Creating Jobs, Growing Businesses, and Building Resilience in Low-Income Communities 2017:4. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64709-1 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138647091* ISBN 978-1-138-64710-7 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 0940* Jambor, Attila/Babu, Suresh Competitiveness of Global Agriculture: Policy Lessons for Food Security 2016:11. 202 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44874-9 .......Hard EUR 134.99 通常価 ¥23,472 / 特価 ¥18,777 + 税 *9783319448749* *9781138647107* 112 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》農業・食糧経済 0941* ★ 地域・都市経済 食糧安全保障の経済学 Jha, Raghbendra/Gaiha, Raghav (eds.) The Economics of Food Security (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series, Vol. 326) 2016:11. 1,472 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78100-917-8 ........Hard STP 495.00 通常価 ¥98,180 / 特価 ¥78,544 + 税 *9781781009178* 0946* Perlik, Manfred The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions: Landscapes as Commodities (Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy) 2017:3. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78408-6 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781138784086* 0942 アフリカのための環境保全型農業 Mkomwa, Saidi/Friedrich, Theodor/Kassam, Amir H. (eds.) Conservation Agriculture for Africa: Building Resilient Farming Systems in a Changing Climate 2016:12. 450 p. (C.A.B. International, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78064-568-1 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 + 税 *9781780645681* See also... Aamoucke, Ronney, Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital, Springer International Publishing ........................... p59 , 0520 Munoz, J. Mark, Advances in Geoeconomics, Routledge.................................................... p59 , 0521 運輸・交通経済 0943* 熱帯農業の競争性 Norton, Roger D. The Competitiveness of Tropical Agriculture: A Guide to Competitive Potential with Case Studies 2017:3. 370 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-805312-6 ........Paper USD 74.95 通常価 ¥11,783 / 特価 ¥9,426 + 税 *9780128053126* 0944* ★ 農業のためのグローバリゼーションハンド ブック Robinson, Guy M. (ed.) Handbook on the Globalisation of Agriculture (Handbooks on Globalisation Series) 2016:12. 528 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-653-5 ......... Paper STP 45.00 通常価 ¥8,925 / 特価 ¥7,140 + 税 *9781786436535* 0945* Singh, Harikesh Bahadur/Sarma, Birinchi/Keswani, Chetan (eds.) Agriculturally Important Microorganisms: Commercialization and Regulatory Requirements in Asia 2016:12. 336 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2575-4 .......Hard EUR 156.99 通常価 ¥27,297 / 特価 ¥21,837 + 税 0947* Burghouwt, Guillaume Airline Network Development in Europe and its Implications for Airport Planning 2016:9. 304 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24573-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245730* 0948* ★ Routledge 版 交通経済学ハンドブック Cowie, Jonathan/Ison, Stephen (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Transport Economics 2017:5. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84749-1 ........Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥24,793 / 特価 ¥19,834 + 税 *9781138847491* 0949* Tabacco, Giovanni Alberto Airline Economics: An Empirical Analysis of Market Structure and Competition in the US Airline Industry 2016:11. 68 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46728-3 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319467283* *9789811025754* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 113 経済学 》人口・労働経済 人口・労働経済 0955* ★ 人口の高齢化、出生率と社会保障 0950* Hamermesh, Daniel S. Giulietti, Corrado/Zimmermann, Klaus F. (eds.) Demand for Labor: The Neglected Side of the Market (IZA Prize in Labor Economics) 2017:2. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879137-9 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 Yakita, Akira Population Aging, Fertility and Social Security (Population Economics) 2017:1. 250 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47643-8 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319476438* *9780198791379* 0951* グローバリゼーション、経済的インクルージョンと アフリカの労働者 Meagher, Kate/Mann, Laura/Bolt, Maxim (eds.) Globalisation, Economic Inclusion and African Workers: Making the Right Connections 2016:12. 130 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-21894-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138218949* 文化・社会経済 0956* 青山裕子著 ハイブリットドメインの台頭: 社会革新のための協力的なガバナンス Aoyama, Yuko The Rise of the Hybrid Domain: Collaborative Governance for Social Innovation 2016:12. 240 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-042-8 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781785360428* 0952* 就職保障と現代の貨幣理論 0957* Murray, Michael J./Forstater, Mathew (eds.) The Job Guarantee and Modern Money Theory: Realizing Keynes’s Labor Standard (Binzagr Institute for Sustainable Prosperity) 2016:12. 244 p. (Springer International Publishing, DEU) ISBN 978-3-319-46441-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 貧困と社会的排除 0953 0958* *9783319464411* ★ Poutsma, Erik/Kaarsemaker, Eric/Kato, Takao (eds.) Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms: Determinants, Processes and Outcomes of Employee Participation (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms, Vol. 17) 2017:2. 320 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78560-966-4 .......Hard USD 134.95 通常価 ¥21,216 + 税 *9781785609664* 0954* Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel (ed.) Europe’s Disappearing Middle Class?: Evidence from the World of Work 2016:10. 672 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-059-5 ........Hard STP 135.00 通常価 ¥26,776 / 特価 ¥21,421 + 税 *9781786430595* 114 Betti, Gianni/Lemmi, Achille (eds.) Poverty and Social Exclusion: New Methods of Analysis (Routledge Advances in Social Economics) 2016:12. 344 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24134-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138241343* 高等教育政策の経済的観点:アイルランド Cullinan, John/Flannery, Darragh (eds.) Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Evidence from a Public System 2017:1. 225 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48552-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319485522* 0959* Logan, Trevon D. Economics, Sexuality, and Male Sex Work 2017:2. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12873-6 ......... Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥14,147 / 特価 ¥11,318 + 税 *9781107128736* ISBN 978-1-107-56957-7 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781107569577* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》文化・社会経済 0960* 0963* 営利大学 知識における構造変化の経済学 McMillan Cottom, Tressie/Darity, William A. (eds.) 3{: The Shifting Landscape of Marketized Higher Education 2017:1. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47186-0 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 Quatraro, Francesco The Economics of Structural Change in Knowledge (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24369-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 0961* 0964* 芸術、科学と経済学 第 2 版 創造的破壊と共有経済 Puu, Tönu Arts, Sciences, and Economics: A Historical Safari, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 189 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-50096-5 ........Paper EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 Schneider, Henrique Creative Destruction and the Sharing Economy: Uber as Disruptive Innovation (New Thinking in Political Economy Series) 2017:1. 160 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-342-8 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9783319471860* *9783662500965* *9781138243699* *9781786433428* See also... Shiach, Morag, Cultural Policy, Innovation and the Creative Economy, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p164 , 1387 Felder, Stefan, Medical Decision Making, Springer Verlag ........................................................p181 , 1522 Joshua, John, The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume I, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p181 , 1527 Laugesen, Miriam J., Fixing Medical Prices, Harvard U.P..............................................p181 , 1528 経済システム・比較経済 0965* Aligica, Paul Dragos/Tarko, Vlad Capitalist Alternatives: Models, Taxonomies, Scenarios (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28790-7 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287907* Sloan, Frank A., Health Economics, The MIT Press ...................................................................p183 , 1539 Nalbantis, Georgios, The Demand for International Football Telecasts in the United States, Palgrave Macmillan .....................p211 , 1754 科学技術の経済学 0962* Maurer, Stephen M. (ed.) On the Shoulders of Giants: Colleagues Remember Suzanne Scotchmer’s Contributions to Economics (Econometric Society Monographs, Vol. 57) 2017:5. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13116-3 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107131163* アジア太平洋 0966* アジアにおけるマイクロファイナンス Nartea, Gilbert/Gan, Christopher % 2016:12. 300 p. (World Scien % ISBN 978-981-3147-94-2 ......... Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 / 特価 ¥11,948 + 税 *9789813147942* See also... Lenssen, Gilbert, The Role of Corporate Sustainability in Asian Development, Springer International Publishing ..........................p131 , 1095 ISBN 978-1-107-57896-8 ........Paper USD 39.99 通常価 ¥6,287 / 特価 ¥5,029 + 税 *9781107578968* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 115 経済学 》アジア太平洋 東アジア 南アジア 0967* 0971* 1997 年経済危機後の韓国の労働市場 ブータンの開発と課題 Cho, Joonmo/Freeman, Richard B./Keum, Jaeho/ Kim, Sunwoong (eds.) The Korean Labour Market after the 1997 Economic Crisis (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy) 2016:12. 248 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24378-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Schmidt, Johannes Dragsbæk (ed.) Development Challenges in Bhutan: Perspectives on Inequality and Gross National Happiness (Contemporary South Asian Studies) 2017:1. 290 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47924-8 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319479248* *9781138243781* 中 東 0968* Lui, Hon-Kwong Widening Income Distribution in Post-Handover Hong Kong 2016:12. 160 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91036-2 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138910362* 0969* ★ 0972* UAE の労働市場における労働力の自国民化政策 Daleure, Georgia Emiratization in the UAE Labor Market: Opportunities and Challenges 2016:10. 122 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2764-2 ......... Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥13,908 / 特価 ¥11,126 + 税 *9789811027642* 現代中国における新興資本市場と移行 Morita, Ken Emerging Capital Markets and Transition in Contemporary China 2017:2. 300 p. (World Scien % ISBN 978-981-3147-89-8 .......Hard USD 105.00 通常価 ¥16,507 / 特価 ¥13,206 + 税 *9789813147898* See also... 0973* トルコにおける経済開発 Kolars, John F./Rustow, Dankwart A./Shorter, Frederic C./Yenai, Oktay Four Studies on the Economic Development of Turkey 2016:9. 160 p., First published in 1967 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97460-9 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138974609* Latham, A. J. H., The Evolving Structure of the East Asian Economic System since 1700, Routledge.................................................. p119 , 0992 Sheldon, Peter, Business and Labour in Korea, Routledge...................................................p131 , 1097 ロシア・東欧 0974* ロシアの都市の交通システム 東南アジア 0970* ベトナムにおける経済成長と雇用 Lim, David Economic Growth and Employment in Vietnam (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) 2016:12. 184 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78798-7 ......... Paper STP 30.99 通常価 ¥6,146 / 特価 ¥4,917 + 税 Blinkin, Mikhail/Koncheva, Elena (eds.) Transport Systems of Russian Cities: Ongoing Transformations (Transportation Research, Economics and Policy) 2016:11. 257 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47799-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319477992* *9780415787987* 116 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ラテンアメリカ ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 0975 0980 Adam, Frane (ed.) Slovenia: Social, Economic & Environmental Issues 2016:12. 253 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-919-6 .......Hard USD 210.00 通常価 ¥33,015 + 税 Knight, Gregory L. (ed.) Venezuela: Social, Economic & Environmental Issues 2016:12. 170 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-923-3 .......Hard USD 160.00 通常価 ¥25,154 + 税 *9781634859196* 0976* *9781634859233* ★ ユーロとその失敗 Jespersen, Jesper The Euro: Why it Failed 2016:11. 152 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46387-2 ..................................... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319463872* 0977* Marelli, Enrico/Signorelli, Marcello Europe and the Euro: Integration, Crisis and Policies 2016:12. 175 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45728-4 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319457284* アフリカ 0978* Ajakaiye, David Olusanya/Oyejide, T. Ademola (eds.) Trade Infrastructure and Economic Development (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2016:12., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24398-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243989* See also... Okereke, Chukwumerije, Homegrown Development in Africa, Routledge .........p112 , 0937 南北アメリカ 北 米 0979 Holloway, Nelson (ed.) Federal Income from Crude Oil & Natural Gas: Issues & Options 2016:12. 112 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-869-4 ........Paper USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 + 税 *9781634858694* ★印はお薦めタイトル 経済史・経営史 0981* 1880 年以降の世界経済における英国 Alford, Bernard W.E. Britain in the World Economy since 1880 (Social and Economic History of England) 2016:9. 374 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15726-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138157262* 0982* 市場と都市 Calabi, Donatella The Market and the City: Square, Street and Architecture in Early Modern Europe (Historical Urban Studies Series) 2016:9. 248 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25103-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251038* 0983* アントレプレナーシップの歴史 Carlen, Joe A Brief History of Entrepreneurship: The Pio_$#]Q World 2016:10. 256 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17304-9 ......... Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780231173049* 0984* 産業革命前のヨーロッパと経済:1000年 - 1700年 第3版 Cipolla, Carlo M. Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy 1000-1700, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 352 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15678-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156784* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 117 経済学 䝷䝔䞁䜰䝯䝸䜹⤒῭㻌 4 ᕳ Latin American Economics (Series: Critical Concepts in Economics) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04007S0265䛇 Edited by W. Charles Sawyer, Texas Christian University, USA 2017ᖺ 3᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,489 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-90160-5...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥178,510 / ≉౯ ¥142,808 + ⛯ *9781138901605* ࡈࡃ᭱㏆ࡲ࡛ከࡃࡢ⤒῭Ꮫ⪅ࡣࣛࢸ࣓ࣥࣜ࢝ࢆᏳどࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋ㈇മᇙ ࡶࢀࠊࣁࣃ࣮ࣥࣇࣞኻᴗࡼࡗ࡚Ⲩᗫࡋࡓࡇࡢᆅᇦࡣࠊࡋࡤࡋࡤ㔠⼥ࡢ⅏ᐖ ከⓎᆅᖏㄝ᫂ࡅࡽࢀ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ㏆ᖺ࡛ࡶࠊከࡃࡢゎㄝ⪅ࡣࠊࡇࡢ㈨※㇏ᐩ࡞ ᆅᇦࢆࡢ᪂⯆ᅜẚ㍑ࡋ࡚ᡂ㛗ࡀⰾࡋࡃ࡞࠸⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊࡇࡢᆅᇦ ෆ࠾ࡅࡿ᫂☜࡞ᕪࠊ࠼ࡤࠊ࣋ࢿࢬ࢚ࣛࡸࣈࣛࢪࣝࠊࣝࢮࣥࢳࣥ࠸ࡗࡓす ὒ㠃ࡋࡓᅜࠎࢆኴᖹὒྠ┕ẚ㍑ࡋࡓ㝿ࡢప࠸ᡂ㛗⋡ࢆࡢࡼ࠺ㄝ᫂ࡍࡿࡢ ࠋࡼࡾṇ☜ࡣࠊከᵝ࡞ࣛࢸ࣓ࣥࣜ࢝ࡢ⤒῭ࡀࡢࡼ࠺ᶵ⬟ࡍࡿࡢࠋࡲ ࡓࠊࡇࡢᆅᇦࡢᑗ᮶ᒎᮃࡣ࠺࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡢࠊ࠸ࡗࡓၥࡀᾋୖࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ࣛࢸ࣓ࣥࣜ࢝ࡸࡑࡢ࿘㎶ࡢ⤒῭㛵ࡍࡿᮏ᱁ⓗ࡞◊✲ࡀቑ࠼⥆ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿ୰ࠊ Routledge ࡢ Critical Concepts in Economics ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᪂ห࡛࠶ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ๓㏙ࡢ㉁ ၥࢆྵࡵᵝࠎ࡞ၥྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ 4 ᕳᵓᡂ࡛ࠊᇶ♏ⓗ ࡞⌮ㄽ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡘ࠸࡚㠀ᖖồࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿᴫㄽࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ࡞⣴ᘬࡶࠊ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓࠊᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࢆṔྐⓗ࣭ ▱ⓗᩥ⬦࡛ゎㄝࡍࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ᑟධᩥࡀ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣᚲ㡲ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟࡛࠶ ࡾࠊ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࡽ㔜せ࡞ࡇࢀ୍ࡘ࡛⏝ࡢ㊊ࡾࡿ◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ホ౯ࡉࢀࡿ ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 118 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済史・経営史 0985* Cohen, Martin The Eclipse of ‘Elegant Economy’: The Impact of the Second World War on Attitudes to Personal Finance in Britain 2016:9. 262 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24990-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249905* 0986* 世界貿易の力 Coppolaro, Lucia The Making of a World Trading Power: The European Economic Community (EEC) in the GATT Kennedy Round Negotiations (1963-67) 2016:9. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24944-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249448* 0987* Enciso, A. González War, Power and the Economy: Mercantilism and State Formation in 18th-century Europe (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2016:10. 302 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85569-4 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-15173-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151734* 0991* 経済危機:1929 年 ∼ 現代まで 第 2 版 Hsu, Sara Financial Crises, 1929 to the Present, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 272 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-516-4 .......... Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥15,867 / 特価 ¥12,694 + 税 *9781785365164* 0992* 変容する東アジアの経済システム:1700 年以降 Latham, A. J. H./Kawakatsu, Heita (eds.) The Evolving Structure of the East Asian Economic System since 1700: A Comparative Analysis (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2016:12. 160 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24375-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138243750* 0993* 現代経済の起源 Mokyr, Joel A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy 2016:11. 400 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-16888-3 ..........Hard 通常価 ¥3,960 + 税 *9781138855694* 0988* 階級闘争と産業革命 Foster, John Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution: Early Industrial Capitalism in Three English Towns 2016:9. 368 p., Originally published in 1977 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15639-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156395* 0989* 歴史と経営:論集 Hole, James Essay on History and Management 2016:9. 200 p., First published in 1970 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99351-8 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138993518* 0990* 西アフリカの経済史 Hopkins, A. G. An Economic History of West Africa 2016:9. 352 p., Originally published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ *9780691168883* 0994* 経済と社会:1750 年以降の英国 第 2 版 More, Charles The Industrial Age: Economy and Society in Britain since 1750, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 456 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17773-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138177734* 0995* Niosi, Jorge (ed.) New Technology Policy and Social Innovations in the Firm 2016:9. 272 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97714-3 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138977143* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 119 経済学 》経済史・経営史 0996* Roll, Eric An Early Experiment in Industrial Organization: History of the Firm of Boulton and Watt 1775-1805 2016:8. 348 p., First published in 1968 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96811-0 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 See also... Davis, Judy Foster, Pioneering African-American Women in the Advertising Business, Routledge ...................................................................p135 , 1128 *9781138968110* 金 融 金融理論 0997* ★ 金融・経済危機の解説 Hein, Eckhard/Detzer, Daniel/Dodig, Nina (eds.) The Demise of Finance-Dominated Capitalism: Explaining the Financial and Economic Crises (New Directions in Modern Economics Series) 2016:10. 384 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-496-3 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781784714963* 0998* Heinsohn, Gunnar/Steiger, Otto Decker, Frank (ed.) Ownership Economics: On the Foundations of Interest, Money, Markets, Business Cycles and Economic Development (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24128-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138241282* ★ マルクス信用論 Lapavitsas, Costas Marxist Monetary Theory: Collected Papers (Historical Materialism Book, Vol. 134) 2016:11. 320 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-27270-5 .......Hard EUR 138.00 通常価 ¥23,995 / 特価 ¥19,196 + 税 *9789004272705* 1000* 金融市場における戦略的分析 全 2 巻 ~= 120 *9789813142770* 金融市場 1001* 島国・小国家における銀行業と金融 ★ 0999* The Strategic Analysis of Financial Markets $ \"; {;#$ % ISBN 978-981-3142-77-0 ..............................Hard (until 2017/07/16) USD 455.00 通常価 ¥71,532 / 特価 ¥57,226 + 税 (thereafter) USD 495.00 通常価 ¥77,821 / 特価 ¥62,257 + 税 Bowe, Michael/Briguglio, Lino/Dean, James W. (eds.) Banking and Finance in Islands and Small States 2016:10. 314 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96435-8 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138964358* 1002* ノルウェーの金融史:1816 年 - 2016 年 Eitrheim, Oyvind/Klovland, Jan Tore/Oksendal, Lars Fredrik A Monetary History of Norway, 1816-2016 (Studies in Macroeconomic History) 2017:2. 638 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15040-9 .......Hard USD 155.00 通常価 ¥24,368 / 特価 ¥19,494 + 税 *9781107150409* 1003* Gkanoutas-Leventis, Angelos Spikes and Shocks: The Financialisation of the Oil Market from 1980 to the Present Day 2016:12. 123 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-59460-0 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781137594600* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》金融市場 1004* ★ 国際金融 金融市場における構造的転換 Kaufman, Henry Tectonic Shifts in Financial Markets: People, Policies, and Institutions 2016:12. 139 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48386-3 ......... Hard EUR 19.99 通常価 ¥3,475 / 特価 ¥2,780 + 税 *9783319483863* 1009* イスラム金融 ^>_ `^Q_ Islamic Banking: Growth, Stability and Inclusion (Palgrave CIBFR Studies in Islamic Finance) 2016:11. 151 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45909-7 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319459097* ファイナンス 1010* 1005* Matias Gama, Ana Paula/Segura, Liliane Cristina/ Milani Filho, Marco Antonio Figueiredo Equity Valuation and Negative Earnings: The Case of the Bubble (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application) 2017:1. 200 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-3007-9 ......... Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 *9789811030079* 1006* Mihaljevic, John The Manual of Ideas: The Proven Framework for Finding the Best Value Investments, 2nd ed. 2017:5. 336 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-05241-8 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 イスラム経済 ^>_ `^Q_ Islamic Economies: Stability, Markets and Endowments (Palgrave CIBFR Studies in Islamic Finance) 2016:12. 95 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47936-1 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319479361* 1011* イスラム諸国における株式市場 Arshad, Shaista Stock Markets in Islamic Countries: An Inquiry `= `X X CIBFR Studies in Islamic Finance) 2016:12. 125 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47802-9 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319478029* *9781119052418* 1012* 1007 スモールビジネスの投資会社 Nichols, Kelly E. (ed.) Small Business Investment Companies: Overview, Performance, & Analyses of the SBA Program 2016:12. 124 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-871-7 ........Paper USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 + 税 *9781634858717* 1008* 個人的投資のための意思決定 Rodgers, Waymond/McFarlin, Timothy Decision Making for Personal Investment: Real Estate Financing, Foreclosures and Other Issues 2016:12. 72 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47848-7 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319478487* ★印はお薦めタイトル Chesnais, Francois Finance Capital Today: Corporations and Banks in the Lasting Global Slump (Historical Materialism Book, Vol. 131) 2016:9. 312 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-25547-0 .......Hard EUR 127.00 通常価 ¥22,082 / 特価 ¥17,666 + 税 *9789004255470* 1013* ★ 国際金融:論集 Lothian, James R. Essays in International Money and Finance: Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, Prices And The Supply Of Money Within And Across Countries (Essays in International Money and Finance) 2017:1. 450 p. $ % ISBN 978-981-3148-31-4 .......Hard USD 148.00 通常価 ¥23,267 / 特価 ¥18,614 + 税 *9789813148314* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 121 金 融 》国際金融 1014* 1016* 社会的責任とイスラム金融 Salin, Pascal The International Monetary System and the Theory of Monetary Systems (New Thinking in Political Economy Series) 2017:1. 296 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-029-8 .......... Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥15,867 / 特価 ¥12,694 + 税 Moghul, Umar F. A Socially Responsible Islamic Finance: Character and the Common Good (Palgrave Studies in Islamic Banking, Finance, and Economics) 2017:1. 308 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48840-0 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9781786430298* *9783319488400* 金融工学 1015* Oshodi, Basheer A. An Integral Approach to Development Economics: Islamic Finance in an African Context (Transformation and Innovation) 2016:10. 282 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24709-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 1017* ★ 信用リスク Zastawniak, Tomasz Credit Risk (Mastering Mathematical Finance) 2017:1. 190 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-00276-0 ..................................... Hard USD 80.00 通常価 ¥12,577 / 特価 ¥10,061 + 税 *9781138247093* *9781107002760* 会計学 会計学一般 1018* Götze, Uwe/Northcott, Deryl/Schuster, Peter Investment Appraisal: Methods and Models, 2nd ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:10. 366 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-50098-9 ..... Paper EUR 129.99 通常価 ¥22,602 / 特価 ¥18,082 + 税 *9783662500989* 1019* Routledge 版 会計の質的研究法必携 Hoque, Zahirul/Parker, Lee/Covaleski, Mark/ Haynes, Kathryn (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2017:4. 608 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93967-7 ........Hard STP 165.00 通常価 ¥32,726 / 特価 ¥26,181 + 税 *9781138939677* 1020* 会計の実態 第 5 版 Leung, David Inside Accounting: The Sociology of Financial 122 Reporting and Auditing 2016:10. 158 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25117-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251175* 企業会計 1021* Collings, Steve Accounts and Audit of Limited Liability Partnerships, 5th ed. 2017:3. 312 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78451-752-6 .......Paper STP 110.00 通常価 ¥21,817 / 特価 ¥17,454 + 税 *9781784517526* 1022 ★ 管理会計:応用 第 27 巻 Epstein, Marc J./Malina, Mary M. (eds.) Advances in Management Accounting, Vol. 27 2016:12. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78560-972-5 ...................................Hard USD 124.95 通常価 ¥19,644 + 税 *9781785609725* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 会計学 》政府・非営利組織の会計 政府・非営利組織の会計 国際会計 1023* 1024* 公共圏における会計の変容 International GAAP 2017: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles under International Financial Reporting Standards 2016:12. 512 p. (Wiley, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-34448-3 ..... Paper USD 225.00 通常価 ¥35,373 / 特価 ¥28,298 + 税 Katsikas, Epameinondas/Manes Rossi, Francesca/ Orelli, Rebecca L. Towards Integrated Reporting: Accounting Change in the Public Sector (SpringerBriefs in Accounting) 2016:10. 125 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47234-8 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781119344483* *9783319472348* 経営学 ビジネス一般 1028* 経営学教育 ビジネススキル 1025* Faroult, Stephane Getting the Message Across: Using Slideware Effectively in Technical Presentations 2016:12. 194 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-1-4842-2294-2 ........Paper EUR 29.99 通常価 ¥5,214 / 特価 ¥4,171 + 税 *9781484222942* 1026* Holmes, Janet Power and Politeness in the Workplace: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Talk at Work 2016:9. 208 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17493-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Klikauer, Thomas Management Education: Fragments of an Emancipatory Theory 2016:12. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-40777-7 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319407777* See also... Carlen, Joe, A Brief History of Entrepreneurship, Columbia U.P. .......................................... p117 , 0983 Hole, James, Essay on History and Management, Routledge.................................................. p119 , 0989 Niosi, Jorge, New Technology Policy and Social Innovations in the Firm, Routledge ...... p119 , 0995 *9781138174931* 経営理論・経営思想 1027* マネジメントにおけるゲーム理論 ~ Game Theory in Management: Modelling Business Decisions and their Consequences 2016:9. 214 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25258-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 経営経済・経営数学 1029* D'Anselmi, Paolo/Chymis, Athanasios/Di Bitetto, Massimiliano Unknown Values and Stakeholders: The ProBusiness Outcome and the Role of Competition, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 211 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-32590-3 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319325903* *9781138252585* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 123 経営学 》経営経済・経営数学 1030* ★ 経営の意思決定:ダイナミックな視点 Dawid, Herbert/Doerner, Karl F./Feichtinger, Gustav/Kort, Peter M./Seidl, Andrea (eds.) Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making: Essays in Honor of Richard F. Hartl (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, Vol. 22) 2016:9. 527 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-39118-2 .......Hard EUR 199.99 通常価 ¥34,774 / 特価 ¥27,819 + 税 *9783319391182* ISBN 978-1-138-27063-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270633* 1035* プロジェクト・マネジメント、プランニングと管理 第7版 Lester, Albert Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards, 7th ed. 2017:2. 600 p. (Butterworth-Heinemann, GBR) ISBN 978-0-08-102020-3 ........Paper USD 85.95 通常価 ¥13,512 / 特価 ¥10,810 + 税 *9780081020203* 1031* De Toni, Alberto F./Siagri, Roberto/Battistella, Cinzia (eds.) Corporate Foresight: Anticipating the Future 2017:3. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-22098-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138220980* 1036* IT プロジェクトのためのビジネス・リーダーシップ Lloyd, Gary Business Leadership for IT Projects 2016:9. 188 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24640-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246409* 知識経営 1037* 1032* データ・サイエンス オープン・イノベーション Mention, Anne-Laure/Salampasis, Dimitrios G. (eds.) Open Innovation: Unveiling the Power of the Human Element (Open Innovation: Bridging Theory \";[#$ % ISBN 978-981-3140-84-4 .......Hard USD 135.00 通常価 ¥21,224 / 特価 ¥16,979 + 税 Rose, Doug Data Science: Create Teams That Ask the Right Questions and Deliver Real Value 2016:12. 236 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-1-4842-2252-2 ........Paper EUR 26.99 通常価 ¥4,693 / 特価 ¥3,754 + 税 プロジェクト・マネジメント コーポレートガバナンス・CSR *9781484222522* *9789813140844* 1038* 1033* プロジェクト・リスクガバナンス Fink, Dieter Project Risk Governance: Managing Uncertainty and Creating Organisational Value 2016:9. 270 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-26955-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 責任あるロビー活動:EU の事例 Bauer, Theresa Responsible Lobbying: Conceptual Foundations and Empirical Findings in the EU 2016:9. 391 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-15538-4 ........Paper EUR 74.76 通常価 ¥12,999 / 特価 ¥10,399 + 税 *9783658155384* *9781138269552* 1039* 1034* プロジェクト・マネジメント:応用 第 4 版 Harrison, Frederick/Lock, Dennis Advanced Project Management: A Structured Approach, 4th ed. 2016:9. 336 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) 124 シェアホルダー理論 Bonnafous-Boucher, Maria/Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl Stakeholder Theory: A Model for Strategic Management (SpringerBriefs in Ethics) 2016:11. 88 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》コーポレートガバナンス・CSR ISBN 978-3-319-44355-3 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319443553* 1040* ★ 責任ある企業のイノベーション Cronin, Mary J./Dearing, Tiziana C. (eds.) Managing for Social Impact: Innovations in Responsible Enterprise (Management for Professionals) 2016:12. 230 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46020-8 ......... Hard EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥12,169 / 特価 ¥9,735 + 税 *9783319460208* 1041* 1045* Q^ % X%X Q Alin (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility in the PostFinancial Crisis Era: CSR Conceptualisations and International Practices in Times of Uncertainty (Palgrave Studies in Governance, Leadership and Responsibility) 2016:11. 220 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-40095-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319400952* 1046* 世界における企業の社会的責任 ★ 企業の社会的責任:アイディアと影響 Idowu, Samuel O./Vertigans, Stephen (eds.) Stages of Corporate Social Responsibility: From Ideas to Impacts (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2016:11. 281 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43535-0 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319435350* 1042* 経営:倫理と哲学 Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl (ed.) Perspectives on Philosophy of Management and Business Ethics: Including a Special Section on Business and Human Rights (Ethical Economy, Vol. 51) 2017:1. 357 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46972-0 ......... Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 *9783319469720* 1043* Robinson-Easley, Christopher Leadership for Global Systemic Change: Beyond Ethics and Social Responsibility 2016:12. 301 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-38948-6 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319389486* 1044* Shacklock, Arthur/Galtung, Fredrik Sampford, Charles (ed.) Measuring Corruption 2016:9. 318 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24945-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Tsutsui, Kiyoteru/Lim, Alwyn (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World (Business and Public Policy) 2017:3. 512 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-49116-8 ........Paper USD 44.99 通常価 ¥7,073 / 特価 ¥5,658 + 税 *9781107491168* 1047* サステナビリティ:複雑性のアプローチ 第 2 版 Walker, Jon/Espinosa, Angela A Complexity Approach to Sustainability: Theory And Applications, 2nd ed. (Series on Complexity ;\"*[{!#$ SGP) ISBN 978-1-78634-203-4 .......Hard USD 145.00 通常価 ¥22,796 / 特価 ¥18,236 + 税 *9781786342034* 1048* コーポレートリスクとガバナンス Waring, Alan Corporate Risk and Governance: An End to Mismanagement, Tunnel Vision and Quackery 2016:9. 244 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27476-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274761* 1049* Wieland, Josef (ed.) Creating Shared Value - Concepts, Experience, Criticism (Ethical Economy, Vol. 52) 2017:1. 297 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48801-1 ......... Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 *9783319488011* *9781138249455* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 125 経営学 》コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 1053* See also... Daddi, Tiberio, 4! Organisations and Products, Routledge ...................................................................p140 , 1171 Burgelman, Robert A./McKinney, Webb/Meza, Philip E. Becoming Hewlett Packard: Why Strategic Leadership Matters 2017:1. 408 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-064044-6 ......... Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,280 / 特価 ¥5,024 + 税 Herbes, Carsten, Marketing Renewable Energy, Springer International Publishing ...........p140 , 1172 1054* Luo, Jian Ming, Corporate Social Responsibility & Responsible Gambling in Gaming Destination, Nova Science ............................................. p137 , 1151 Kirk, David, Environmental Management for Hotels, Routledge .....................................p140 , 1173 Mintu-Wimsatt, Alma T., Green Marketing in a $Routledge ......................p140 , 1174 Sadgrove, Kit, A-Z of Corporate Environmental Management, Routledge..........................p140 , 1175 *9780190640446* Millstein, Ira M. The Activist Director: Lessons from the Boardroom and the Future of the Corporation 2016:12. 224 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-18134-1 ......... Hard USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,394 / 特価 ¥3,515 + 税 *9780231181341* 1055* 企業形態 1050* 第三セクターのパフォーマンス Greatbanks, Richard Manville, Graham (ed.) Third Sector Performance: Management and >?=?# # 2016:10. 266 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25119-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138251199* 1051* Olberding, Julie (ed.) Social Enterprise and Special Events (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation) 2016:11. 176 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94230-1 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138942301* 経営戦略・経営計画 1052* Akhilesh, K. B. Co-Creation and Learning: Concepts and Cases (SpringerBriefs in Business) 2016:11. 120 p. (Springer India, IND) ISBN 978-81-322-3677-1 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 ビジスネ・アーキテクチャ Whelan, Jonathan/Meaden, Graham Business Architecture: A Practical Guide 2016:10. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24731-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247314* 経営組織 1056* 組織開発:フィールドガイド Alsop, Mike/Smith, Grahame % = A Field Guide for Organisation Development: Taking Theory into Practice 2016:10. 322 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24788-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247888* 1057* 組織開発 第 4 版 Anderson, Donald L. Organization Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change, 4th ed. 2017:1. 512 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-1657-4 ......... Paper STP 86.00 通常価 ¥17,057 / 特価 ¥13,646 + 税 *9781506316574* *9788132236771* 126 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営組織 1058* 転換、創造性とイノベーション 第 3 版 Andriopoulos, Costas Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation, 3rd ed. 2017:3. 752 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-6427-3 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781473964273* 1059* *9781784717049* 1060* ISBN 978-1-4739-6428-0 ......... Paper STP 43.99 通常価 ¥8,725 / 特価 ¥6,980 + 税 *9781473964280* Elgar Introduction to Organizational Discourse Analysis (Elgar Introductions to Management and Organization Theory Series) 2017:1. 232 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-704-9 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 Clancy, Ann L./Binkert, Jacqueline Pivoting: A Coach’s Guide to Igniting Substantial Change 2016:12. 206 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-60262-6 ......... Hard EUR 32.99 通常価 ¥5,736 / 特価 ¥4,589 + 税 *9781137602626* Elgar 版 組織ディスコース分析入門 Berti, Marco SAGE∧㻌 ⏘ᴗ䞉⤌⧊ᚰ⌮Ꮫⓒ⛉㻌 ➨ 2 ∧㻌 4 ᕳ The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2nd ed. By Steven G. Rogelberg, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 2,008 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4833-8689-8 ண⣙౯ (2017/02/13 ࡲ࡛) STP 365.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥72,395 / ≉౯ ¥57,916 + ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 515.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥102,147 / ≉౯ ¥81,718 + ⛯ *9781483386898* ዲホࢆ༤ࡋࡓࠗ⏘ᴗ࣭⤌⧊ᚰ⌮Ꮫⓒ⛉࠘ࡢึ∧㸦2007 ᖺࠊ 2 ᕳ㸧ࡣࠊࡇࡢᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ศ㔝㛵ࡍࡿヲ⣽࡞ᴫほࢆᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊࣅ ࢪࢿࢫࠊ࣐ࢿ࣮ࢪ࣓ࣥࢺࠊேⓗ㈨※ศ㔝ࡢᏛ⏕ࠊ◊✲⪅ࠊᑓ㛛ᐙ ᥦ౪ࡍࡿ㔜せ࡞ཧ⪃ᅗ᭩ࡋ࡚ࡢᆅࢆᏛᅗ᭩㤋ᕷሙ࠾࠸ ࡚☜❧ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࢀࡽ࠾ࡼࡑ 10 ᖺᚋࠊ⣙ 200 ௳ࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸グ ࢆ㏣ຍࡋࠊ2 ᕳࡽ 4 ᕳᣑࡋ࡚ࠊSAGE ฟ∧♫ࡣ᭱᪂ࡢ㡯┠ࢆ ྲྀࡾධࢀࠊయⓗ⠊ᅖࢆᗈࡆࡓᚭᗏᨵゞ∧ࢆᥦ౪࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋືⓗ࡛ᣑࡋࡘࡘ࠶ࡿ ᚰ⌮Ꮫศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿ㔜せ࡞ࢸ࣮࣐ࡸࢺࣆࢵࢡࢆ⪃ᐹࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ┿ẚ㍑ᩥⓗ ࡘࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞どⅬࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Sage Pub., USA / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 127 経営学 》経営組織 1061* ★ Egelhoff, William G./Wolf, Joachim Understanding Matrix Structures and their Alternatives: The Key to Designing and Managing Large, Complex Organizations 2016:12. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-57974-4 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9781137579744* 1066* 複雑な世界における組織理論 Qiu, Jane/Luo, Ben Nanfeng/Jackson, Chris/Sanders, Karin (eds.) Advancing Organizational Theory in a Complex World (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) 2016:10. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93557-0 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138935570* 1062* Morris, Scott B./Dunleavy, Eric M. (eds.) Adverse Impact Analysis: Understanding Data, Statistics and Risk 2016:12. 404 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85584-7 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 1067* ISBN 978-1-138-85585-4 ......... Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥7,535 / 特価 ¥6,028 + 税 *9781138855854* *9781138947955* 1063* 現代のキャリアディベロップメントの問題 Morrison, Robert F./Adams, Jerome (eds.) Contemporary Career Development Issues (Applied Psychology Series) 2016:9. 196 p., First published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97169-1 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138971691* 1064* コミュニケーションの変容: リーダーシップとチームワーク Motschnig, Renate/Ryback, David Transforming Communication in Leadership and Teamwork: Person-Centered Innovations 2016:11. 250 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45485-6 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319454856* ★ 組織研究:理論・リサーチ・実践 Ortenblad, Anders/Trehan, Kiran/ Putnam, Linda L. (eds.) Exploring Morgan’s Metaphors: Theory, Research, and Practice in Organizational Studies 2016:9. 304 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-1877-6 ......... Paper STP 43.99 通常価 ¥8,725 / 特価 ¥6,980 + 税 *9781506318776* 128 ★ Werr, Andreas/Furusten, Staffan (eds.) The Organization of the Expert Society (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society) 2016:12. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94795-5 ...................................... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138855847* 1065* ★ 人事管理 1068* サービス組織における雇用者と従業員 Birdie, Arvind K. (ed.) Employees and Employers in Service Organizations: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities (21st Century Business Management) 2016:12. 375 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-77188-473-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 + 税 *9781771884730* 1069* Bollen, Katalien/Euwema, Martin/Munduate, Lourdes (eds.) Advancing Workplace Mediation Through Integration of Theory and Practice (Industrial _ ~X!"!\# (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-42841-3 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319428413* 1070* コーチングとメンタリングのための効果的な手法 David, Susan Clutterbuck, David (ed.) Beyond Goals: Effective Strategies for Coaching and Mentoring 2016:9. 384 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》人事管理 ISBN 978-1-138-24729-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247291* 1071* de Vos, Ans/Dujardin, Jean-Marie/Gielens, Tim/ Meyers, Caroline Developing Sustainable Careers Across the Lifespan: European Social Fund Network on ‘Career and AGE (Age, Generations, Experience) 2016:12. 112 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47740-4 ......... Hard EUR 66.99 通常価 ¥11,648 / 特価 ¥9,318 + 税 *9783319477404* 1072* 国際企業の職場 Hodulak, Martin Global Corporate Workplaces: Implementing New Global Workplace Standards in a Local Context 2016:11. 177 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-53391-8 ........Paper EUR 86.99 通常価 ¥15,125 / 特価 ¥12,100 + 税 *9783662533918* 1073* 人的資源か人的資本か? Mayo, Andrew Human Resources or Human Capital?: Managing People as Assets 2016:10. 356 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25354-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253544* 1074 仕事の価値・倫理:世代間の違い Sharabi, Moshe (ed.) Generational Differences in Work Values & Ethics: An International Perspective (Business Issues, Competition and Entrepreneurship) 2016:12. 247 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-824-3 .......Hard USD 210.00 通常価 ¥33,015 + 税 *9781634858243* 1075* Simpson, Anna The Innovation-Friendly Organization: How to Cultivate New Ideas and Embrace the Change they Bring 2017:1. 242 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-48300-3 ......... Hard EUR 39.99 通常価 ¥6,953 / 特価 ¥5,562 + 税 *9781137483003* ★印はお薦めタイトル 1076* 才能と成功 Woodward, Clive, Sir Talent Alone is Not Enough: A Blueprint for Creating and Sustaining Success 2017:4. 256 p. (Wiley, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-23381-7 ......... Hard USD 30.58 通常価 ¥4,807 / 特価 ¥3,846 + 税 *9781119233817* ISBN 978-1-119-23383-1 ........Paper USD 22.50 通常価 ¥3,537 / 特価 ¥2,829 + 税 *9781119233831* See also... Riley, Michael, Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Routledge ...................................................................p138 , 1154 リーダーシップ 1077* Abdulwahed, Mahmoud/Hasna, Mazen Omer O. A. Engineering and Technology Talent for Knowledge-Based Economies: Competencies, Leadership, and a Roadmap for Implementation 2016:11. 242 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46438-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319464381* 1078* 女性とアントレプレナーシップ Alecchi, Beatrice E. Avolio/Radovi-Markovi, Mirjana Women and Entrepreneurship: Female Durability, Persistence and Intuition at Work 2016:9. 182 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24744-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247444* 1079* ★ Alvesson, Mats/Blom, Martin/Sveningsson, Stefan (: Organising in an Imperfect World 2016:12. 256 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4129-6158-5 ..................................... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781412961585* ISBN 978-1-4129-6159-2 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781412961592* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 129 経営学 》リーダーシップ 1080* 1085* 新興市場におけるリーダーシップ開発 Lee, Robert The Social Capital of Entrepreneurial Newcomers: Bridging, Status-power and Cognition 2016:12. 150 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-59819-6 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 Ardichvili, Alexandre/Dirani, Khalil (eds.) Leadership Development in Emerging Market Economies (Palgrave Studies of Internationalization in Emerging Markets) 2016:12. 346 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-58002-3 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9781137580023* 1081* 政府、中小企業とアントレプレナーシップ開発 Blackburn, Robert A. Schaper, Michael T. (ed.) Government, SMEs and Entrepreneurship Development: Policy, Practice and Challenges 2016:10. 340 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24825-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248250* 1082* アントレプレナーシップ:批判的視点 Essers, Caroline/Dey, Pascal/Tedmanson, Deirdre/ Verduyn, Karen (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Challenging Dominant Discourses (Routledge Rethinking Entrepreneurship Research) 2017:1. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93887-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138938878* 1083* Routledge 版 世界の女性起業家必携 Henry, Colette/Nelson, Teresa/Lewis, Kate V. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) 2017:4. 504 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-01518-0 ........Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥29,751 / 特価 ¥23,801 + 税 *9781138015180* 1084* Johnson, Craig E. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow 2017:3. 488 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-2163-9 ......... Paper STP 61.00 通常価 ¥12,099 / 特価 ¥9,679 + 税 *9781506321639* 130 *9781137598196* 1086* Maas, Gideon/Jones, Paul (eds.) Entrepreneurship Centres: Global Perspectives on their Contributions to Higher Education Institutions 2016:12. 150 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47891-3 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319478913* 1087* 起業家大学 Peris-Ortiz, Marta/Gómez, Jaime Alonso/MerigóLindahl, José M./Rueda-Armengot, Carlos (eds.) Entrepreneurial Universities: Exploring the Academic and Innovative Dimensions of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management) 2016:12. 331 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47948-4 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319479484* 1088* アントレプレナーシップ、イノベーションと ビジネス・クラスター Piperopoulos, Panos G. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Business Clusters 2016:10. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27034-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270343* 1089* Remington, Kaye Leading Complex Projects 2016:10. 364 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27047-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270473* 1090* Tirmizi, S. Aqeel/Vogelsang, John D. (eds.) Leading and Managing in the Social Sector: Strategies for Advancing Human Dignity and Social Justice (Management for Professionals) 2016:11. Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》リーダーシップ 400 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47044-3 ......... Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥13,908 / 特価 ¥11,126 + 税 *9783319470443* See also... Bruenger, David, Making Money, Making Music, University of California Press .................p136 , 1138 国際ビジネス・各国経営 1095* アジアの発展における コーポレートサステナビリティの役割 Lenssen, Gilbert/Rhee, Jay Hyuk/Martinez, Fabien (eds.) The Role of Corporate Sustainability in Asian Development: A Case Study Handbook in the Automotive and ICT industries. (Advances in Business Ethics Research, Vol. 7) 2016:12. 180 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45158-9 ......... Hard EUR 86.99 通常価 ¥15,125 / 特価 ¥12,100 + 税 *9783319451589* 1091* ヨーロッパのビジネス文化 第 2 版 1096* Brierley, William/Gordon, Colin/Bruton, Kevin/ King, Peter Business Cultures in Europe, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 392 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15624-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156241* 1092* ★ 中国のイノベーションへの道 Fu, Xiaolan China’s Path to Innovation 2016:10. 454 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-62523-5 ....................................Paper USD 48.00 通常価 ¥7,546 / 特価 ¥6,037 + 税 *9781107625235* 多文化マネジメント 第 4 版 Peterson, Mark F./Thomas, David C. Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts, 4th ed. 2017:3. 288 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-4070-8 ......... Paper STP 59.00 通常価 ¥11,702 / 特価 ¥9,361 + 税 *9781506340708* 1097* *9783319463902* 1094* ★ 職場における 言語と異文化コミュニケーション Ladegaard, Hans J./Jenks, Christopher J. (eds.) Language and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace: Critical Approaches to Theory and Practice 2016:12. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-20492-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138204928* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 韓国におけるビジネスと労働 Sheldon, Peter/Jun, In/Kwon, Seung-Ho Business and Labour in Korea: Chaebols, Their Association and Industrial Relations (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) 2017:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84755-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138847552* 1093* Herstatt, Cornelius/Tiwari, Rajnish (eds.) Lead Market India: Key Elements and Corporate Perspectives for Frugal Innovations (India Studies in Business and Economics) 2017:1. 288 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46390-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 ★ 1098* Shulzhenko, Elena Reforming the Russian Industrial Workplace: International Management Standards meet the Soviet Legacy (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) 2017:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69202-2 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 *9781138692022* 1099* ★ Thangavelu, Shandre M./Toh, Mun Heng Productivity in Singapore’s Retail and Food Services Sectors: Contemporary Issues 2017:1. 250 #$ % ISBN 978-981-3142-40-4 ......... Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 / 特価 ¥5,659 + 税 *9789813142404* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 131 経営学 》リーダーシップ 1100* ★ Routledge 名著復刻叢書 多国籍企業 全8巻 Various Routledge Library Editions: Multinationals 2017:1. 8 Vols., 2,176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28116-5 ........Hard STP 665.00 通常価 ¥131,899 / 特価 ¥105,519 + 税 *9781138281165* See also... Kim, Young-Chan, China and Africa, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p109 , 0928 Bauer, Theresa, Responsible Lobbying, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p124 , 1038 経営情報 1101* Czarnecki, Christian/Dietze, Christian Reference Architecture for the Telecommunications Industry: Transformation of Strategy, Organization, Processes, Data, and Applications (Progress in IS) 2016:11. 300 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46755-9 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319467559* in Business Model Transformation 2016:11. 254 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44467-3 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319444673* 1105* 開発のためのビッグデータと クラウド・コンピューティング Kshetri, Nir/Fredriksson, Torbjorn/Rojas-Torres, Diana Big Data and Cloud Computing for Development: Lessons from Key Industries and Economies in the Global South 2017:3. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68904-6 ........Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥22,809 / 特価 ¥18,247 + 税 *9781138689046* ISBN 978-1-138-68905-3 ......... Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥7,931 / 特価 ¥6,345 + 税 *9781138689053* 1106* バーチャル組織のための e ビジネス戦略 Marshall, Peter/Burn, Janice/Barnett, Martin e-Business Strategies for Virtual Organizations 2016:9. 272 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15181-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151819* 1102* 1107* 情報技術における企業ガバナンス 第 2 版 情報マーケティング 第 2 版 De Haes, Steven/Van Grembergen, Wim Enterprise Governance of Information Technology: Achieving Alignment and Value, Featuring COBIT 5, 2nd ed. (Management for Professionals) 2016:10. 167 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-37447-5 ........Paper EUR 59.99 通常価 ¥10,431 / 特価 ¥8,344 + 税 Rowley, Jennifer Information Marketing, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 244 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27433-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9783319374475* 1103* Kadry, Seifedine/El Hami, Abdelkhalak (eds.) Innovations in E-Systems for Business and Commerce 2016:11. 395 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-77188-564-5 .......... Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥19,636 + 税 *9781771885645* 1104* Khare, Anshuman/Stewart, Brian/Schatz, Rod (eds.) Phantom Ex Machina: Digital Disruption’s Role 132 *9781138274334* 1108* ★ ビジネス・プロセス・マネジメント 第 2 版 第 1 巻 vom Brocke, Jan/Rosemann, Michael (eds.) Handbook on Business Process Management 1: Introduction, Methods, and Information Systems, 2nd ed. (International Handbooks on Information Systems) 2016:9. 727 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-50550-2 ..... Paper EUR 169.99 通常価 ¥29,557 / 特価 ¥23,646 + 税 *9783662505502* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》e コマース e コマース 1114* オペレーション・マネジメント 1109* 電子商取引(e コマース) 第 8 版 Turban, Efraim/King, David/Lee, Jae Kyu/Liang, Ting-Peng/Turban, Deborrah C. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective, 8th ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:10. 791 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-36270-0 ..... Paper EUR 119.99 通常価 ¥20,863 / 特価 ¥16,691 + 税 *9783319362700* 生産管理・物流管理 Pinto, Jeffrey K./Venkataraman, Ray R. Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains 2017:3. 1,048 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-0293-5 ........Hard STP 111.00 通常価 ¥22,016 / 特価 ¥17,613 + 税 *9781506302935* 1115* Richter, Klaus/Walther, Johannes (eds.) Supply Chain Integration Challenges in Commercial Aerospace: A Comprehensive Perspective on the Aviation Value Chain 2016:12. 550 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46154-0 ......... Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥13,908 / 特価 ¥11,126 + 税 *9783319461540* 1110* Clark, Paul Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, 3rd ed. 2017:4. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5873-5 .......... Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥6,942 / 特価 ¥5,553 + 税 See also... Folinas, Dimitris, Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Routledge..........................p135 , 1129 *9781472458735* 研究開発・技術戦略 1111* 全社的品質管理 Kiran, D. R. Total Quality Management 2016:11. 580 p. (Butterworth-Heinemann, USA) ISBN 978-0-12-811035-5 ........Paper USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9780128110355* 1116* ★ Carayannis, Elias G./Sindakis, Stavros (eds.) Analytics, Innovation, and Excellence-Driven Enterprise Sustainability (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth) 2016:12. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-39301-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9781137393012* 1112* Liang, Xiaoying/Ma, Lijun/Wang, Haifeng/Yan, Houmin Inventory Management with Alternative Delivery Times 2017:1. 103 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48633-8 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319486338* 1117* O'Connell, Donal Harvesting External Innovation: Managing External Relationships and Intellectual Property 2016:10. 208 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25244-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252448* 1113* 企業リスクマネジメントモデル 第 2 版 1118 Olson, David L./Dash Wu, Desheng Enterprise Risk Management Models, 2nd ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2017:1. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-53784-8 ......... Hard EUR 76.99 通常価 ¥13,387 / 特価 ¥10,709 + 税 Rooksby, Jacob H. The Branding of the American Mind: How Universities Capture, Manage, and Monetize Intellectual Property and Why It Matters 2016:9. 392 p. (The Johns Hopkins U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-4214-2080-6 ......... Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9783662537848* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781421420806* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 133 経営学 》研究開発・技術戦略 1119* Russo-Spena, Tiziana/Mele, Cristina/Nuutinen, Maaria (eds.) Innovating in Practice: Perspectives and Experiences 2016:12. 490 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43378-3 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-19072-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138190726* 1124* ビジネス・アナリティクス Sanz, Jorge L. C. (ed.) Business Analytics: Progress On Ap# ^ !"++[# $ % ISBN 978-981-3149-29-8 ..................................Hard USD 198.00 通常価 ¥31,128 / 特価 ¥24,902 + 税 *9783319433783* 1120* ★ World Scientific 版 イノベーション: レファレンス 全 4 巻 Siegel, Donald S. (ed.) #+ (novation 2017:4. 4 Vols., 2,000 p. (World % ISBN 978-981-3147-02-7 ..............................Hard (until 2017/06/15) USD 990.00 通常価 ¥155,642 / 特価 ¥124,514 + 税 (thereafter) USD 1,380.00 ¥ , 通常価 216 956 / 特価 ¥173,565 + 税 *9789813147027* 1121* クリエイティビティのグローバル・マネジメント Wagner, Marcus/Valls-Pasola, Jaume/Burger-Helmchen, Thierry (eds.) The Global Management of Creativity (Routledge Studies in Global Competition) 2016:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91016-4 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138910164* 1122* Wulfen, Gijs van Creating Innovative Products and Services: The FORTH Innovation Method 2016:10. 292 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-26964-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138269644* 経営科学 1123* マネジメントのためのビジュアル分析 Bendoly, Elliot/Clark, Sacha Visual Analytics for Management: Translational Science and Applications in Practice 2016:12. 198 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19071-9 ........Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥22,809 / 特価 ¥18,247 + 税 *9781138190719* 134 ★ *9789813149298* ISBN 978-981-3149-30-4 ........Paper USD 98.00 通常価 ¥15,407 / 特価 ¥12,325 + 税 *9789813149304* 1125* Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung/Shen, Kao-Yi New Concepts and Trends of Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making 2017:2. 320 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-7708-7 .......Paper STP 125.00 通常価 ¥24,793 / 特価 ¥19,834 + 税 *9781498777087* 1126* Wyatt, Ray Plan Prediction: Which Policy is Preferred by Which People? 2016:11. 222 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46429-9 ......... Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 *9783319464299* マーケティング 1127* コーポレート・コミュニケーション 第 5 版 Cornelissen, Joep P. Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice, 5th ed. 2017:1. 328 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-5369-7 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781473953697* ISBN 978-1-4739-5370-3 ......... Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥7,931 / 特価 ¥6,345 + 税 *9781473953703* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》マーケティング 1128* 1133* Davis, Judy Foster Pioneering African-American Women in the Advertising Business: Biographies of MAD Black WOMEN (Routledge Studies in the History of Marketing) 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91831-3 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 Saunders, Ruth Marketing in the Boardroom: Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Board 2017:3. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28179-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138918313* *9781138281790* ISBN 978-1-138-28181-3 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138281813* 1129* マーケティングとサプライチェーンマネジメント Folinas, Dimitris/Fotiadis, Thomas Marketing and Supply Chain Management: A Systemic Approach 2017:2. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18164-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 1134* PR 開発:北米諸国の視点 ISBN 978-1-138-18165-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Watson, Tom (ed.) North American Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices (National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations) 2016:11. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-349-95043-0 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 1130* 1135* Mahajan, Vijay Rise of Rural Consumers in Developing Countries: Harvesting 3 Billion Aspirations 2016:10. 212 p. (Sage Pub. India, IND) ISBN 978-93-86042-32-3 .......... Hard STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 Weitzl, Wolfgang Measuring Electronic Word-of-Mouth Effectiveness: Developing and Applying the eWOM Trust Scale 2016:10. 375 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-15888-0 ........Paper EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥12,169 / 特価 ¥9,735 + 税 1131* 1136 市場におけるマーケティング Woodside, Arch G. (ed.) Improving the Marriage of Modelling and Theory for Accurate/Consistent Forecasts of Outcomes (Advances in Business Marketing & Purchasing, Vol. 25) 2017:3. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-122-7 .......Hard USD 164.95 通常価 ¥25,932 + 税 *9781138181649* *9781138181656* *9789386042323* Plume, Cherniece J./Dwivedi, Yogesh K./Slade, Emma L. Social Media in the Marketing Context: A State of the Art Analysis and Future Directions 2016:9. 182 p. (Chandos Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-0-08-101754-8 ........Paper USD 78.95 通常価 ¥12,412 / 特価 ¥9,929 + 税 *9781349950430* *9783658158880* *9781786351227* *9780081017548* 特定産業 1132* 市場研究ガイド 第 2 版 Sarstedt, Marko/Mooi, Erik A Concise Guide to Market Research: The Process, Data, and Methods Using IBM SPSS Statistics, 2nd ed. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:9. 347 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-51981-3 ........Paper EUR 59.99 通常価 ¥10,431 / 特価 ¥8,344 + 税 *9783662519813* ★印はお薦めタイトル 1137* 医学産業のためのプロジェクトマネジメント Brown, Laura/Grundy, Tony Project Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry 2016:10. 298 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24742-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247420* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 135 経営学 》特定産業 1138* See also... 音楽産業 Bruenger, David Making Money, Making Music: History and Core Concepts 2016:10. 260 p. (University of California Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-520-29258-1 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 / 特価 ¥10,690 + 税 *9780520292581* ISBN 978-0-520-29259-8 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780520292598* 1139* 建設業のためのプロジェクト・ファイナンス Clark, Paul, Buying the Big Jets, Routledge ................................................................... p133 , 1110 Kondev, Dimitar H., Multi-Party and MultiContract Arbitration in the Construction Industry, Wiley-Blackwell .......................p153 , 1296 Fitzgerald, Louise, Challenging Perspectives on Organizational Change in Health Care, Psychology Pr. ..........................................p181 , 1523 McLoughlin, Ian P., The Digitalization of Healthcare, Oxford U.P. ..........................p183 , 1531 Ozcan, Yasar A., Health Care Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation, Springer-Verlag New York............................................................p183 , 1534 Higham, Anthony/Bridge, Carl/Farrell, Peter Project Finance for Construction 2016:12. 408 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94129-8 ........Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥21,817 / 特価 ¥17,454 + 税 Pfannstiel, Mario A., Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p183 , 1536 ISBN 978-1-138-94130-4 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 Williams, Sharon J., Improving Healthcare Operations, Palgrave Macmillan ............p184 , 1542 1140* Dholakia, Ruby Roy, New infotainment Technologies in the Home, Routledge ... p189 , 1584 *9781138941298* *9781138941304* Mathur, Shishir Innovation in Public Transport Finance: Property Value Capture (Transport and Mobility) 2016:9. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25013-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250130* 1141* 航空貨物産業 第 2 版 Sales, Michael Air Cargo Management: Air Freight and the Global Supply Chain, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65953-7 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138659537* ISBN 978-1-138-65954-4 ......... Paper STP 38.99 通常価 ¥7,733 / 特価 ¥6,186 + 税 *9781138659544* Weimann, Edda, High Performance in Hospital Management, Springer Verlag ............... p184 , 1540 Zhang, James J., Contemporary Sport Marketing, Routledge................................................... p211 , 1757 ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム 1142 ツーリズム:モデリングと新たな傾向 Antonio, Jose/Rontos, Kostas/Tsartas, Paris (eds.) Modeling & New Trends in Tourism: A Contribution to Social & Economic Development 2016:12. 370 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-920-2 .......Hard USD 230.00 通常価 ¥36,159 + 税 *9781634859202* 1143 Burchi, Barbara/Celi, Marco Tourism Competitiveness in the Italy-France Cross-Border Area: The Role of Knowledge & Innovation Transfer 2016:12. 130 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-028-5 ........Paper USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 + 税 *9781634850285* 136 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム 1144* 1149* 旅行・ツーリズム・ホスピタリティとソーシャルメディア 女性と旅行 Christou, Evangelos Sigala, Marianna (ed.) Social Media in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality: Theory, Practice and Cases (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) 2016:9. 338 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24759-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Khoo-Lattimore, Catheryn/Wilson, Erica (eds.) Women and Travel: Historical & Contemporary Perspectives (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism) 2016:11. 250 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-77188-468-6 .......... Hard STP 89.00 通常価 ¥17,652 + 税 *9781138247598* *9781771884686* 1150* ★ Routledge 版 ホスピタリティ研究ハンド ブック 1145* Routledge 版 ホスピタリティとツーリズムにおける 消費者行動 Dixit, Saurabh Kumar (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviour in Hospitality and Tourism 2017:4. 445 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96167-8 ........Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥29,751 / 特価 ¥23,801 + 税 Lashley, Conrad (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Studies: Theoretical Perspectives and Debates 2016:11. 480 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93112-1 ........Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥29,751 / 特価 ¥23,801 + 税 *9781138931121* *9781138961678* 1151 1146* 芸術・エンターテインメントとツーリズム Hughes, Howard Arts, Entertainment and Tourism 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15068-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Luo, Jian Ming/Lam, Chi Fung (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility & Responsible Gambling in Gaming Destination 2016:12. 130 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-975-2 ......... Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 + 税 *9781634859752* *9781138150683* 1152* 1147* ホスピタリティ・マーケティングと消費者行動 Jauhari, Vinnie (ed.) Hospitality Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Creating Memorable Experiences (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism) 2016:12. 325 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-77188-378-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 + 税 *9781771883788* 1148* Mostafanezhad, Mary/Hannam, Kevin Moral Encounters in Tourism 2016:9. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27037-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270374* 1153* ツーリズム・マーケティング ★ Jolliffe, Lee/Conlin, Michael V. (eds.) Automobile Heritage and Tourism (Routledge Advances in Tourism) 2016:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-21910-6 ...................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Ray, Nilanjan/Kumar, Raj/Das, Dilip Kumar (eds.) Tourism Marketing: A Strategic Approach 2016:11. 300 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-77188-470-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 + 税 *9781771884709* *9781138219106* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 137 経営学 》ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム 1154* 1156* ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム産業における人的資源管理 第2版 Viken, Arvid/Granås, Brynhild (eds.) Tourism Destination Development: Turns and Tactics (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) 2016:9. 292 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24746-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Riley, Michael Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 224 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15612-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156128* *9781138247468* 1157* 1155* Seedhouse, Erik Spaceports Around the World, A Global Growth Industry (SpringerBriefs in Space Development) 2016:12. 125 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46845-7 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319468457* Waller, Keith Improving Food and Beverage Performance 2016:9. 400 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15101-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151017* See also... DeMicco, Frederick J., Medical Tourism and Wellness, Apple Academic Press .............p181 , 1521 環境学 環境思想・環境文明 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138781887* 1158* 現代のマイグレーションにおける環境史 Armiero, Marco/Tucker, Richard (eds.) Environmental History of Modern Migrations (Routledge Environmental Humanities) 2017:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84317-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138843172* 1161* 環境倫理と行動変化 Franks, Benjamin/Hanscomb, Stuart/Johnston, Sean Environmental Ethics and Behavioural Change 2017:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92404-8 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138924048* 1159* エコクリティシズムと文化のアイディア Feder, Helena Ecocriticism and the Idea of Culture: Biology and the Bildungsroman 2016:10. 192 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24985-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249851* 1160* 138 ★ Fitzpatrick, Tony A Green History of the Welfare State (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2017:3. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78188-7 .. Hard STP ISBN 978-1-138-92405-5 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138924055* 1162* Hartman, Steven (ed.) Contesting Environmental Imaginaries: Nature and Counternature in a Time of Global Change (Studies in Environmental Humanities, Vol. 4) 2016:12. (Editions Rodopi BV, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33507-3 .......Hard EUR 110.00 通常価 ¥19,126 / 特価 ¥15,301 + 税 *9789004335073* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境思想・環境文明 1163* 1168* Klaus, H. Gustav/Cunningham, Valentine Rignall, John (ed.) Ecology and the Literature of the British Left: The Red and the Green 2016:9. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24930-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 中国:革新的グリーン開発 第 2 版 *9781138249301* 1164 Caldwell, Alfred (ed.) Water Utilities Use of Asset Management Practices: Assessments & Opportunities 2016:12. 111 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-937-0 ........Paper USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 + 税 *9781634859370* Kowarsch, Martin A Pragmatist Orientation for the Social Sciences in Climate Policy: How to Make Integrated Economic Assessments Serve Society, Vol. 323 (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Vol. 323) 2016:9. 326 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43279-3 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9783319432793* 1170* ★ 非在来型ガス:リスク、報奨と規制 Cronshaw, Ian G./Moore, Michal C./ Grafton, R. Quentin (eds.) Risks, Rewards and Regulation of Unconventional Gas: A Global Perspective 2017:2. 650 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12008-2 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107120082* 1166* *9789811028052* 1169* 環境経済 1165* Hu, Angang China: Innovative Green Development, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 239 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2805-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 ★ 水力の経済学 第 2 版 Forsund, Finn R. Hydropower Economics, 2nd ed. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 217) 2016:10. 326 p. (Springer-Verlag New York, USA) ISBN 978-1-4899-7907-0 ..... Paper EUR 129.99 通常価 ¥22,602 / 特価 ¥18,082 + 税 *9781489979070* 1167* Hansjürgens, Bernd/Antes, Ralf/Strunz, Marianne (eds.) Permit Trading in Different Applications 2016:12. 360 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24131-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 ★ エネルギー経済学 Zweifel, Peter/Praktiknjo, Aaron/Erdmann, Georg Energy Economics: Theory and Applications (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2017:4. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-53020-7 ......... Hard EUR 59.99 通常価 ¥10,431 / 特価 ¥8,344 + 税 *9783662530207* See also... Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad, A Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction, Springer International Publishing .......... p112 , 0938 Jambor, Attila, Competitiveness of Global Agriculture, Springer International Publishing .................................................................. p112 , 0940 Norton, Roger D., The Competitiveness of Tropical Agriculture, Academic Pr. ......................p113 , 0943 Robinson, Guy M., Handbook on the Globalisation of Agriculture, Edward Elgar ................ p113 , 0944 Singh, Harikesh Bahadur, Agriculturally Important Microorganisms, Springer Singapore ...................................................................p113 , 0945 *9781138241312* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 139 環境学 》環境経営 環境経営 環境政治 1171* 1176* Daddi, Tiberio/Iraldo, Fabio/Testa, Francesco 4! and Products: Management Approaches and Operational Tools 2016:10. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28360-2 ......... Paper STP 34.00 通常価 ¥6,743 / 特価 ¥5,394 + 税 Armitage, Derek/Charles, Anthony/Berkes, Fikret (eds.) Governing the Coastal Commons: Communities, Resilience and Transformation 2017:4. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91577-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 1172* ISBN 978-1-138-91843-6 ......... Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥6,543 / 特価 ¥5,234 + 税 *9781138283602* 再生可能エネルギーのマーケティング Herbes, Carsten/Friege, Christian (eds.) Marketing Renewable Energy: Concepts, Business Models and Cases (Management for Professionals) 2016:12. 340 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46426-8 ......... Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥13,908 / 特価 ¥11,126 + 税 *9783319464268* 1173* ホテル事業のための環境マネジメント: 学生向けテキスト Kirk, David Environmental Management for Hotels 2016:9. 142 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14958-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138149588* 1174* 統一ヨーロッパにおけるグリーン・マーケティング Mintu-Wimsatt, Alma T./Lozada, Hector R. *%< 2016:9. 94 p., First published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99206-1 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138915770* *9781138918436* 1177* 環境政治と外交政策の意思決定:ラテンアメリカ Below, Amy Environmental Politics and Foreign Policy Decision Making in Latin America: Ratifying the Kyoto Protocol 2016:11. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28737-2 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138287372* 1178* 環境市場の仕組み Benney, Tabitha M. Making Environmental Markets Work: The Varieties of Capitalism in Emerging Economies (Environmental Politics) 2016:11. 156 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28729-7 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138287297* 1179* 地球環境機関 第 2 版 DeSombre, Elizabeth R. Global Environmental Institutions, 2nd ed. (Global Institutions) 2017:2. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94386-5 ...................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138992061* 1175* 企業の環境マネジメント:A-Z Sadgrove, Kit A-Z of Corporate Environmental Management 2016:9. 384 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96426-6 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138964266* 140 ★ *9781138943865* 1180* 再 水政治 Feldman, David L. Water Politics: Governing Our Most Precious Resource 2017:2. 288 p. (Polity Press, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境政治 ISBN 978-1-5095-0461-9 ......... Hard USD 69.95 通常価 ¥10,997 / 特価 ¥8,797 + 税 *9781509504619* ISBN 978-1-5095-0462-6 ........Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 / 特価 ¥3,138 + 税 *9781509504626* 1186* Williams, Aled (ed.) Corruption, Natural Resources and Development: From Resource Curse to Political Ecology 2017:1. 200 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-119-7 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781785361197* 1181* Kröger, Markus Contentious Agency and Natural Resource Politics (Rethinking Globalizations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28792-1 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287921* 1182* See also... Dietl, Gulshan, India and the Global Game of Gas Pipelines, Routledge ................................p169 , 1429 環境法 1187* ★ Lorrain, Dominique/Poupeau, Franck (eds.) Water Regimes: Beyond the Public and Private Sector Debate (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66820-1 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138668201* E モビリティと法律:ドイツの事例 Adam, Markus Accelerating E-Mobility in Germany: A Case for Regulation (SpringerBriefs in Law) 2016:9. 98 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44883-1 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319448831* 1188* ★ 水資源の規制と未来 1183* Røe, Per Gunnar Luccarelli, Mark (ed.) Green Oslo: Visions, Planning and Discourse 2016:9. 308 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24677-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Chaisse, Julien (ed.) Charting the Water Regulatory Future: Issues, Challenges and Directions (New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law Series) 2017:1. 456 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-671-0 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 1184* 1189* *9781785366710* *9781138246775* ★ Routledge 版 中国の環境政策ハンドブック Sternfeld, Eva (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China (Routledge International Handbooks) 2017:4. 392 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83111-7 ........Hard STP 165.00 通常価 ¥32,726 / 特価 ¥26,181 + 税 *9781138831117* 1185* クリーンパワー政治 Tomain, Joseph P. Clean Power Politics: The Democratization of Energy 2017:4. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-03917-9 .......Hard USD 115.00 通常価 ¥18,079 / 特価 ¥14,463 + 税 *9781107039179* ★印はお薦めタイトル Head, John W. International Law and Agroecological Husbandry: Building Legal Foundations for a New Agriculture (Earthscan Food and Agriculture) 2016:11. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-21392-0 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781138213920* 1190* 国際法における国際水路の環境保護 McIntyre, Owen Environmental Protection of International Watercourses under International Law 2016:10. 448 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27382-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273825* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 141 環境学 》環境法 1191* 1196* Nurse, Angus Animal Harm: Perspectives on Why People Harm and Kill Animals 2016:10. 306 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24991-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 子どもと持続可能な開発 *9781138249912* Battro, Antonio M./Léna, Pierre/Sanchez Sorondo, Marcelo/von Braun, Joachim (eds.) Children and Sustainable Development: Ecological Education in a Globalized World 2016:11. 491 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47129-7 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319471297* 1192* 気候変動と国際海運事業 1197* Shi, Yubing Climate Change and International Shipping: The Regulatory Framework for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development, Vol. 23) 2016:12. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-32930-0 .......Hard EUR 138.00 通常価 ¥23,995 / 特価 ¥19,196 + 税 *9789004329300* 気候変動の教育 Chew Hung, Chang Climate Change Education: Knowing, doing and being 2016:12. 172 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78734-5 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9780415787345* 1198* 1193* ジャーナリズムと気候危機 エコグローバル犯罪 Hackett, Robert/Forde, Susan/Foxwell-Norton, Kerrie/ Gunster, Shane Journalism and Climate Crisis: Public Engagement, Media Alternatives 2017:2. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95038-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 Sollund, Ragnhild Ellefsen, Rune (ed.) Eco-global Crimes: Contemporary Problems and Future Challenges 2016:10. 332 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27154-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138271548* 環境社会・環境教育 1194* 環境教育 Adsit-Morris, Chessa Restorying Environmental Education: Figurations, Fictions, and Feral Subjectivities (Curriculum Studies Worldwide) 2017:2. 160 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48795-3 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319487953* 1195* Barr, Stewart/Prillwitz, Jan/Shaw, Gareth Geographies of Transport and Mobility: Prospects and Challenges in an Age of Climate Change (Transport and Mobility) 2017:4. 211 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-4703-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781409447030* 142 *9781138950382* ISBN 978-1-138-95039-9 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138950399* 1199* Lee Dunn, Mary Kriebel, David L (ed.) Barry Commoner’s Contribution to the Environmental Movement: Science and Social Action (Work, Health and Environment Series) 2016:12. 92 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78565-5 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 *9780415785655* 1200* 東アジアにおけるメディアと環境サステナビリティ Lester, Libby/Ji, Meng/Hook, Glenn/van der DoesIshikawa, Luli Media and Environmental Sustainability in East Asia: An Empirical Comparative Study of Environmental Media Reporting in Japan and China (Routledge-WIAS Interdisciplinary Studies) 2017:2. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-71031-2 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 *9780415710312* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境社会・環境教育 1201* ★ フクシマ後の惑星大気と都市社会 Thouny, Christophe/Yoshimoto, Mitsuhiro (eds.) Planetary Atmospheres and Urban Society After Fukushima 2016:12. 205 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2006-3 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811020063* See also... Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Schooling for Sustainable Development in Africa, Springer International Publishing ................................................ p203 , 1679 都市と環境 Al-Amin, Abul Quasem (eds.) Sustainable Economic Development: Green Economy and Green Growth (World Sustainability Series) 2016:10. 269 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45079-7 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9783319450797* 1206* Nunan, Fiona (ed.) Making Climate Compatible Development Happen 2017:3. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65701-4 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138657014* ISBN 978-1-138-65702-1 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781138657021* 1202* Nilsson, Måns/Hillman, Karl/Rickne, Annika/ Magnusson, Thomas (eds.) Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and Innovation in Low-Carbon Vehicles 2016:12. 328 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24130-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138241305* 1207* Özerdem, Alpaslan/Roberts, Rebecca !{4: Sustainable Agriculture (Global Security in a Changing World) 2016:9. 294 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27400-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274006* 1203* 新興経済における都市交通危機 Pojani, Dorina/Stead, Dominic (eds.) The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies (The Urban Book Series) 2016:11. 408 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43849-8 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9783319438498* 1208* ★ 労働力と土地管理 Shimizu, Hiroyuki/Takatori, Chika/ Kawaguchi, Nobuko (eds.) Labor Forces and Landscape Management: Japanese Case Studies 2016:11. 360 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2277-7 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9789811022777* 環境問題 各国・各地域の環境問題 1204* Davidov, Veronica/Buscher, Bram (eds.) The Ecotourism-Extraction Nexus: Political Economies and Rural Realities of (Un)Comfortable Bedfellows 2016:12. 284 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24370-5 ......... Paper STP 35.00 通常価 ¥6,942 / 特価 ¥5,553 + 税 *9781138243705* 1205* 持続可能な経済開発 Leal Filho, Walter/Pociovalisteanu, Diana-Mihaela/ ★印はお薦めタイトル 1209* ★ 南極大陸の政治ハンドブック Dodds, Klaus/Hemmings, Alan D./Roberts, Peder (eds.) Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica 2017:1. 592 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-767-4... Hard STP 195.00 通常価 ¥38,677 / 特価 ¥30,941 + 税 *9781784717674* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 143 環境学 》各国・各地域の環境問題 1210 1212* 中国:地域発展とサステナビリティの環境的視点 気候変動におけるグリーンランドと北極の再考察 Jiang, Yanqing China: Regional Growth & Sustainability from an Environmental Perspective (China in Transition) 2016:9. 170 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-404-7 .......Hard USD 160.00 通常価 ¥25,154 + 税 Sejersen, Frank Rethinking Greenland and the Arctic in the Era of Climate Change: New Northern Horizons 2016:10. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28359-6 ......... Paper STP 34.00 通常価 ¥6,743 / 特価 ¥5,394 + 税 *9781634854047* *9781138283596* 1211* Nauditt, Alexandra/Ribbe, Lars (eds.) Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam: LUCCi (Water Resources Development and Management) 2017:1. 300 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2623-2 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 See also... Sternfeld, Eva, Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1184 *9789811026232* 法 学 基礎法 1216* 女性、法と文化 法哲学・法思想・法社会学 1213* ジジェクと法 de Sutter, Laurent (ed.) Zizek and Law (Nomikoi Critical Legal Thinkers) 2016:10. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24156-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138241565* 1214* Flogaitis, Spyridon The Evolution of Law and the State in Europe: Seven Lessons 2017:2. 122 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-1299-5 ......... Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥2,973 / 特価 ¥2,378 + 税 *9781509912995* 1215* 法の限界 Gunnarsson, Åsa/Svensson, Eva-Maria Exploiting the Limits of Law: Swedish Feminism and the Challenge to Pessimism 2016:9. 244 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25090-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250901* 144 Scutt, Jocelynne A. (ed.) Women, Law and Culture: Conformity, Contradic !"+#X~ lan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44937-1 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319449371* 1217* Tessuto, Girolamo Williams, Christopher (ed.) Language in the Negotiation of Justice: Contexts, Issues and Applications 2016:9. 326 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25085-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250857* 1218* Turnipseed, Terry L. Diamond, Michael (ed.) Community, Home, and Identity (Law, Property and Society) 2016:9. 252 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25021-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250215* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 1219* ★ 法律上の理由 第 2 版 Weinreb, Lloyd L. Legal Reason: The Use of Analogy in Legal Argument, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 122 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15346-2 ...................................... Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥14,147 / 特価 ¥11,318 + 税 *9781107153462* ISBN 978-1-316-60732-9 ........Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 *9781316607329* 法制史 1220* Benda-Beckmann, Franz Von/Benda-Beckmann, Keebet Von Political and Legal Transformations of an Indonesian Polity: The Nagari from Colonisation to Decentralisation (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2017:3. 528 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-61853-0 ........Paper USD 49.99 通常価 ¥7,859 / 特価 ¥6,287 + 税 1221* アイディアと法:アメリカ知的財産の歴史: 1790 年 - 1909年 Bracha, Oren Owning Ideas: The Intellectual Origins of American Intellectual Property, 1790-1909 (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society) 2017:3. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-521-87766-4 ......... Hard USD 49.99 通常価 ¥7,859 / 特価 ¥6,287 + 税 *9780521877664* 1222* Kessler, Amalia D. Inventing American Exceptionalism: The Origins of American Adversarial Legal Culture, 1800-1877 2017:1. 448 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-19807-2 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 / 特価 ¥10,690 + 税 *9780300198072* ISBN 978-0-300-22225-8 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780300222258* *9781316618530* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 145 法 学 》基礎法 1223* 1228* 法とアイデンティティ:植民地時代の南アジア 連邦裁判所と法 ~ Law and Identity in Colonial South Asia: Parsi Legal Culture, 1772-1947 (Studies in Legal History) 2016:9. 368 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-66188-2 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 Scalia, Antonin/Gutmann, Amy A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law 2017:2. 176 p. (Princeton U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-691-17404-4 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥2,140 + 税 *9781107661882* 比較法 1224* 比較租税法 第 2 版 Brooks, Kim/Kolozs, Borbala/Thuronyi, Victor Comparative Tax Law, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 360 p. (Kluwer Law International, NLD) ISBN 978-90-411-6719-4 .......Hard EUR 157.00 通常価 ¥27,299 / 特価 ¥21,839 + 税 *9789041167194* 公 法 司法制度 *9780691174044* 1229* 選挙法と民主主義論 Schultz, David Election Law and Democratic Theory 2016:9. 294 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24872-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248724* 1230* タイ私法の一般原則 Stasi, Alessandro General Principles of Thai Private Law 2016:9. 289 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2190-9 .......Hard EUR 119.59 通常価 ¥20,794 / 特価 ¥16,635 + 税 *9789811021909* 1225* Cooper, Sarah Lucy Controversies in Innocence Cases in America (Controversies in American Constitutional Law) 2016:9. 246 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24911-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249110* 1226 ★ Greenberg, Daniel Craies on Legislation, 11th ed. 2016:11. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05720-3 .....................................Hard STP 299.00 通常価 ¥55,351 + 税 *9780414057203* 1227* 自由と立法 Hoggart, Richard Liberty and Legislation 2016:9. 238 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97977-2 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138979772* 146 1231 Weber, Collin (ed.) Judge Merrick Garland: Judicial Opinions & Potential Implications for the Supreme Court (American Political, Economic, and Security Issues) 2016:12. 233 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-991-2 .......Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥23,582 + 税 *9781634859912* 人 権 1232* ★ Askola, Heli The Demographic Transformations of Citizenship (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2016:9. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14079-0 ....................................Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107140790* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》公 法 1233* 行政法 人権と法の原則:戦後のボスニア・ヘルツェゴヴィナ Haynes, Dina Francesca (ed.) Deconstructing the Reconstruction: Human Rights and Rule of Law in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016:9. 338 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25254-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252547* 1238* Abeyratne, Ruwantissa Rulemaking in Air Transport: A Deconstructive Analysis 2016:10. 210 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44656-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319446561* 1234* Murray, Rachel/De Beco, Gauthier A Commentary on the Paris Principles on National Human Rights Institutions 2017:2. 214 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-63349-6 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9781316633496* 1235* スーダンの憲法制定と人権 Oette, Lutz/Babiker, Mohamed Abdelsalam (eds.) Constitution-making and Human Rights in the Sudans (Routledge Research in Constitutional Law) 2017:2. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65261-3 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138652613* 1236* 人権の行使 Redhead, Robin Exercising Human Rights: Gender, Agency and Practice (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2016:11. 186 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28623-8 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138286238* 1237* 1239* 移民法の実態 Eule, Tobias G. Inside Immigration Law: Migration Management and Policy Application in Germany 2016:10. 172 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24578-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245785* 1240* 亡命 - 否定された権利: ヨーロッパ亡命政策の批判的分析 O'Nions, Helen Asylum - A Right Denied: A Critical Analysis of European Asylum Policy 2016:11. 270 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24810-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248106* See also... Davidson, Nestor M., Affordable Housing and Public-Private Partnerships, Routledge ...................................................................p161 , 1373 ★ 難民の投票権 Ziegler, Ruvi Voting Rights of Refugees 2017:2. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15931-0 ..................................Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107159310* See also... Song, Jiyoung, The History of Human Rights Society in Singapore, Routledge.............p174 , 1462 財政法 1241* e コマース租税法:グローバルな視点 Basu, Subhajit Global Perspectives on E-Commerce Taxation Law 2016:9. 344 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24707-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247079* McStay, Andrew, Privacy and the Media, Sage Pub.............................................................p190 , 1591 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 147 法 学 》公 法 1242* ★ 1247* 租税法:哲学的基盤 ホワイトカラー犯罪の解説 Bhandari, Monica (ed.) Philosophical Foundations of Tax Law (Philosophical Foundations of Law) 2017:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879843-9 ..................................... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 Gottschalk, Petter Explaining White-Collar Crime: The Concept of Convenience in Financial Crime Investigations 2016:11. 139 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44985-2 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9780198798439* 刑事法 1243* Bonner, David Executive Measures, Terrorism and National Security: Have the Rules of the Game Changed? 2016:9. 388 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27077-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270770* 1244* Duker, Marius Malsch, Marijke (ed.) Incapacitation: Trends and New Perspectives 2016:10. 274 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25064-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250642* *9783319449852* 1248* Jiang, Jue Criminal Reconciliation in Contemporary China: An Empirical and Analytical Enquiry 2016:10. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-310-8 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781785363108* 少年法・刑事学・犯罪学 1249* Armstrong, Ruth/Durnescu, Ioan (eds.) Parole and Beyond: International Experiences of Life After Prison (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology) 2016:12. 366 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-349-95117-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781349951178* 1250* 1245* 少年司法組織の道徳的基盤 刑事司法:世界の視点 Arthur, Raymond The Moral Foundations of the Youth Justice System: Understanding the Principles of the Youth Justice System 2016:12. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78166-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Vogler, Richard A World View of Criminal Justice (International and Comparative Criminal Justice) 2016:9. 344 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24894-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248946* 刑法・刑事訴訟法 *9781138781665* ISBN 978-1-138-78167-2 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138781672* 1246* 1251* 刑事訴訟 第 4 版 Birch, Philip Why Men Buy Sex: Examining Sex Worker Clients (Routledge Studies in Crime and Society) 2016:11. 198 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28852-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Butler, Maura (ed.) Criminal Litigation, 4th ed. (Law Society of Ireland Manuals) 2016:9. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967866-2 ......... Paper STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 *9780199678662* 148 *9781138288522* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 1252* カジノ・ゲーミングリゾート捜査 Boss, Derk J./Zajic, Alan W. Casino and Gaming Resort Investigations 2017:2. 320 p., First published in 2013 (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-4636-0 .......... Hard STP 49.99 通常価 ¥9,915 / 特価 ¥7,932 + 税 *9781482246360* 1253* Brown, Graeme Criminal Sentencing as Practical Wisdom 2017:5. 256 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0261-3 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 ISBN 978-1-4724-6631-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472466310* 1258* 警察機関研究:応用 Cockbain, Ella/Knutsson, Johannes (eds.) Applied Police Research: Challenges and Opportunities (Crime Science Series) 2016:11. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83811-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138838116* 1259* 現代のポリシング:国際的な課題 *9781509902613* Eterno, John A./Das, Aiedeo Mintie/Das, Dilip K./Verma, Arvind (eds.) Global Issues in Contemporary Policing 2016:12. 260 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-4852-4 ...................................... Hard STP 89.00 通常価 ¥17,652 / 特価 ¥14,122 + 税 1254* 性犯罪・性犯罪者の科学捜査 Burkey, Chris Rush/ten Bensel, Tusty/Walker, Jeffery T. Forensic Investigation of Sex Crimes and Sexual Offenders 2016:10. 108 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17672-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176720* 1255* インターネット詐欺と被害者たち Button, Mark/Cross, Cassandra Cyber Frauds, Scams and their Victims 2017:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93119-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781482248524* 1260* *9781138931206* 1256* 警察法 第 15 版 Card, Richard/English, Jack Police Law, 15th ed. 2017:1. 1,008 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878680-1 ......... Paper STP 59.99 通常価 ¥11,898 / 特価 ¥9,518 + 税 *9780198786801* 1257* Cheliotis, Leonidas K. Women and Captivity in Greece: Historical, Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives 2017:5. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ コミュニティ犯罪:ミズーリ州ファーガソン Fisher-McLean, Kandace L. Perceptions of Community Crime in Ferguson, MO: A Qualitative Study Prior to the Death of Michael Brown (SpringerBriefs in Criminology) 2016:11. 135 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46785-6 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319467856* *9781138931190* ISBN 978-1-138-93120-6 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 ★ 1261* Foley, Tony Developing Restorative Justice Jurisprudence: Rethinking Responses to Criminal Wrongdoing (International and Comparative Criminal Justice) 2016:9. 262 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25042-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250420* 1262* Hall, Maggie The Lived Sentence: Rethinking Sentencing, Risk and Rehabilitation (Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology) 2016:11. 256 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45037-7 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319450377* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 149 法 学 》刑事法 1263* 家庭内暴力の修復的アプローチ Hayden, Anne/Gelsthorpe, Loraine/Morris, Allison A Restorative Approach to Family Violence: Changing Tack 2016:10. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24823-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248236* 1264* 刑事司法における正義 Holsinger, Kristi/Sexton, Lori Doing Justice in Criminal Justice 2017:2. 552 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18473-2 ........Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥25,784 / 特価 ¥20,627 + 税 *9781138184732* ISBN 978-1-138-18474-9 ......... Paper STP 36.99 通常価 ¥7,336 / 特価 ¥5,869 + 税 *9781138184749* 1265* Criminal and Terrorist Assets 2016:9. 372 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24755-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138247550* 1269* Loeber, Rolf/Jennings, Wesley G./Ahonen, Lia/Piquero, Alex R/Farrington, David P. Girls’ Offending from Childhood to Young Adulthood: Recent Results from the Pittsburgh Girls Study (SpringerBriefs in Criminology) 2016:12. 82 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48029-9 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319480299* 1270* Marin, Norman/Buszka, Jeffrey Alternate Light Source Imaging: Forensic Photography Techniques 2016:9. 82 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17320-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138173200* 刑務所内における教育 Hughes, Emma Education in Prison: Studying Through Distance Learning 2016:9. 206 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24696-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246966* 1266* 1271* 規律、処罰と更生の新たな観点 Miller, Vivien/Campbell, James (eds.) Transnational Penal Cultures: New Perspectives on Discipline, Punishment and Desistance 2016:11. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28842-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138288423* ホワイトカラー犯罪者と犯罪からの立ち直り Hunter, Ben White-Collar Offenders and Desistance from Crime: Future selves and the constancy of change 2016:11. 226 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28855-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138288553* 1272* Napier, Michael R. Behavior, Truth and Deception"^##` Xing and Analysis to the Interview Process, 2nd ed. 2017:1. 310 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-4529-1 .......... Hard STP 63.99 通常価 ¥12,692 / 特価 ¥10,153 + 税 *9781498745291* 1267* Ireland, Richard Land of White Gloves?: A History of Crime and Punishment in Wales 2016:11. 148 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28857-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138288577* 1268* King, Colin/Walker, Clive Dirty Assets: Emerging Issues in the Regulation of 150 1273* ★ 青少年犯罪者と保護観察 Pettersson, Tove Young Offenders and Open Custody (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:11. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12092-1 ...................................... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138120921* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 1274* ★ 1280* Pollock, Joycelyn Crime and Criminal Justice in America, 3rd ed. 2017:2. 370 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-323-29069-2 ......... Paper STP 59.99 通常価 ¥11,898 / 特価 ¥9,518 + 税 Van Camp, Tinneke Victims of Violence and Restorative Practices: Finding a Voice (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:11. 206 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66608-5 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 1275* 1281* Ronel, Natti/Segev, Dana (eds.) Positive Criminology (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:11. 404 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28845-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 マルクス主義と犯罪学 アメリカの犯罪と刑事司法 第 3 版 *9781138666085* *9780323290692* *9781138288454* 1276* Rosenblatt, Fernanda Fonseca The Role of Community in Restorative Justice (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:11. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28870-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138288706* 1277* Vegh Weis, Valeria Marxism and Criminology: A History of Criminal Selectivity (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Vol. 104) 2017:1. 340 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31955-4 .......Hard EUR 138.00 通常価 ¥23,995 / 特価 ¥19,196 + 税 *9789004319554* 1282* Viano, Emilio C. (ed.) Cybercrime, Organized Crime, and Societal Responses: International Approaches 2016:12. 360 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44499-4 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319444994* イギリスの警察長 Roycroft, Mark Police Chiefs in the UK: Politicians, HR Managers or Cops? 2016:11. 214 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44104-7 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319441047* 1283* Walker, Robert E. Forensic Aspects of Handguns and Pistols 2017:5. 500 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-0506-6 .......... Hard STP 69.99 通常価 ¥13,882 / 特価 ¥11,105 + 税 *9781498705066* 1278* 犯罪と暴力の抑止 Teasdale, Brent/Bradley, Mindy (eds.) Preventing Crime and Violence (Advances in Prevention Science) 2016:12. 688 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44122-1 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319441221* 1279* ★ サイバー犯罪、組織犯罪と社会の反応 1284* 犯罪学と戦争 Walklate, Sandra/McGarry, Ross (eds.) Criminology and War: Transgressing the Borders 2016:11. 248 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28865-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138288652* 1285* 刑事司法研究の議論 Tewksbury, Richard/Ehrhardt Mustaine, Elizabeth Controversies in Criminal Justice Research 2016:10. 213 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15609-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156098* ★印はお薦めタイトル Warr, Jason An Introduction to Criminological Theory and the Problem of Causation 2016:12. 102 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47445-8 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319474458* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 151 法 学 》刑事法 1286* ★ 犯罪学研究 第 2 版 1290* 情報経済の時代における消費者保護 Wincup, Emma Criminological Research: Understanding Qualitative Methods, 2nd ed. (Introducing Qualitative Methods) 2017:4. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4462-0913-4 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 Winn, Jane K. (ed.) Consumer Protection in the Age of the ‘Information Economy’ 2016:9. 472 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25353-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 ISBN 978-1-4462-0914-1 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 商 法 *9781138253537* *9781446209134* *9781446209141* 1291* 民事法 1287* 私法:入門 Smits, Jan M. Advanced Introduction to Private Law (Elgar Advanced Introductions Series) 2016:12. 160 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-512-0 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781784715120* ISBN 978-1-78471-514-4 ......... 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Hard STP 32.99 通常価 ¥6,543 / 特価 ¥5,234 + 税 *9781509912971* 152 ★ Meeson, Nigel/Kimbell, John Admiralty Jurisdiction and Practice, 5th ed. (Lloyd’s Shipping Law Library) 2017:4. 752 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91667-8 .. Hard STP 395.00 通常価 ¥78,346 / 特価 ¥62,677 + 税 会社法 1293* ★ 会社法 第 3 版 Kraakman, Reinier/Armour, John/Davies, Paul/Enriques, Luca/Hansmann, Henry/Hertig, Gerard/Hopt, Klaus/ Kanda, Hideki/Pargendler, Mariana/ Ringe, Wolf-Georg/Rock, Edward The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach, 3rd ed. 2017:1. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873963-0 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9780198739630* ISBN 978-0-19-872431-5 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9780198724315* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》民事法 1294* 1299* Mortimore, Simon (ed.) Company Directors: Duties, Liabilities, and Remedies, 3rd ed. 2017:2. 1,392 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875439-8 ........Hard STP 225.00 通常価 ¥44,627 / 特価 ¥35,702 + 税 Gabilondo, Jose Bank Funding, Liquidity, and Capital Adequacy: A Law and Finance Approach (Elgar Financial Law Series) 2016:10. 192 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-916-0 .......... Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 *9780198754398* *9781783479160* 民事手続法 1300* 1295* Kajkowska, Ewelina Enforceability of Multi-Tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses 2017:4. 240 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-1041-0 .......... Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781509910410* 1296* Kondev, Dimitar H. Multi-Party and Multi-Contract Arbitration in the Construction Industry 2017:2. 408 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-25172-9 .......Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥18,865 / 特価 ¥15,092 + 税 *9781119251729* *9783631676219* 1301* Paha, Johannes (ed.) Competition Law Compliance Programmes: An Interdisciplinary Approach 2016:11. 254 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44632-5 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319446325* 1302* アフリカの金融規制 経済法 1297* Lieven, Petra Rating Agencies and the Fallout of the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis 2016:10. 298 p. (Peter Lang, DEU) ISBN 978-3-631-67621-9 ..........Hard SFR 86.00 通常価 ¥13,684 + 税 ★ 銀行と金融犯罪 第 2 版 Blair, William/Brent, Richard/Grant, Tom (eds.) Banks and Financial Crime: The International Law of Tainted Money, 2nd ed. 2017:1. 624 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871658-7 ........Hard STP 185.00 通常価 ¥36,693 / 特価 ¥29,355 + 税 *9780198716587* 1298* Dombret, Andreas/Kenadjian, Patrick S. (eds.) Getting the Culture and the Ethics Right: Towards a New Age of Responsibility in Banking and Finance (Institute for Law and Finance, Vol. 20) 2016:10. 179 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-049658-1 ......... Hard EUR 69.95 通常価 ¥12,162 / 特価 ¥9,730 + 税 Salami, Iwa Financial Regulation in Africa: An Assessment of Financial Integration Arrangements in African Emerging and Frontier Markets 2016:9. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27359-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273597* 1303 銀行規制 Schmidt, Miranda (ed.) Bank Regulation: Proposed Relief Legislation & Burden on Small Banks 2016:9. 209 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-520-4 .......Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥23,582 + 税 *9781634855204* *9783110496581* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 153 法 学 》知的財産法 知的財産法 1309* 現代の雇用法 第 3 版 1304* Larsson, Stefan Conceptions in the Code: How Metaphors Explain Legal Challenges in Digital Times (Oxford Studies in Language and Law) 2017:2. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-065038-4 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 / 特価 ¥10,690 + 税 *9780190650384* 1305* Mills, Oliver Biotechnological Inventions: Moral Restraints and Patent Law 2016:9. 246 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25005-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250055* Cheeseman, Henry R./Fields, C. Kerry Contemporary Employment Law, 3rd ed. (Aspen College) 2016:9. 804 p. (Aspen Law & Business, USA) ISBN 978-1-4548-7343-3 ..... Paper USD 191.95 通常価 ¥30,177 / 特価 ¥24,141 + 税 *9781454873433* 1310* Green, Tristin K. Discrimination Laundering: The Rise of Organizational Innocence and the Crisis of Equal Opportunity Law 2017:1. 212 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14200-8 .......Hard USD 115.00 通常価 ¥18,079 / 特価 ¥14,463 + 税 *9781107142008* ISBN 978-1-316-50699-8 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9781316506998* 1306 著作権とインターネットポリシー Stanley, Kayla (ed.) Intersection of Copyright Law & Internet Policy: Select Issues & Perspectives (Intellectual Property in the 21st Century) 2016:12. 198 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-914-1 .......Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥23,582 + 税 *9781634859141* See also... Blanck, Peter, eQuality, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p179 , 1510 O'Leary, Leanne, Employment and Labour Relations Law in the Premier League, NBA and International Rugby Union, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p211 , 1756 医事法 労働法・社会法 1307* 1311* オバマケア、宗教の自由と執行権 中絶の議論 Blackman, Josh Unraveled: Obamacare, Religious Liberty, and Executive Power 2016:9. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-16901-2 ......... Hard USD 29.99 通常価 ¥4,714 / 特価 ¥3,771 + 税 Greasley, Kate Arguments about Abortion: Personhood, Morality, and Law 2017:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876678-0 .......... Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥9,917 / 特価 ¥7,933 + 税 1308* 1312* Buckley, John F. %*\ 2016:9. 1,232 p. (Aspen Law & Business, USA) ISBN 978-1-4548-7172-9 ..... Paper USD 599.00 通常価 ¥94,171 / 特価 ¥75,337 + 税 Hemphill, Jean C./Pinheiro, Brian M./Calpas, Jonathan M. Employers Guide to Health Care Reform, 2017 ed. 2016:9. 460 p. (Aspen Law & Business, USA) ISBN 978-1-4548-7268-9 ..... Paper USD 379.00 通常価 ¥59,584 / 特価 ¥47,667 + 税 *9780198766780* *9781107169012* *9781454871729* 154 *9781454872689* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》医事法 1313* 1317* Short, Stephanie D. McDonald, Fiona (ed.) Health Workforce Governance: Improved Access, Good Regulatory Practice, Safer Patients 2016:9. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27370-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 国際人権法とイスラム法 第 2 版 *9781138273702* Baderin, Mashood International Human Rights and Islamic Law, 2nd ed. (Oxford Monographs in International Law) 2017:6. 410 p. 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(Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-16164-1 ...................................Hard USD 240.00 通常価 ¥37,731 / 特価 ¥30,185 + 税 *9781107161641* ISBN 978-1-316-61401-3 ........Paper USD 79.99 通常価 ¥12,575 / 特価 ¥10,060 + 税 *9781316614013* de Weger, Frans The Jurisprudence of the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber, 2nd ed. (ASSER International Sports Law Series) 2016:10. 493 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-94-6265-125-8 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9789462651258* 1320* Della Fina, Valentina/Cera, Rachele/Palmisano, Giuseppe (eds.) The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Commentary 2016:12. 759 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43788-0 .......Hard EUR 159.99 通常価 ¥27,819 / 特価 ¥22,255 + 税 *9783319437880* 1316* 国際経済法 1321* ^ % @` Lupone, Angela/Micara, Anna (eds.) International Economic Law: Contemporary Issues 2016:12. 350 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44644-8 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 原則、政治と国際刑事裁判所 *9783319446448* ★印はお薦めタイトル Dutton, Yvonne Rules, Politics, and the International Criminal Court: Committing to the Court (Global Institutions) 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28956-7 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289567* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 155 法 学 》国際法 1322* 1327* 国際法における人身保護 貿易救済法における損害と因果関係: W TO 法と国家実践の研究 Farrell, Brian F. Habeas Corpus in International Law 2016:11. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15177-2 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107151772* Nedumpara, James J. Injury and Causation in Trade Remedy Law: A Study of WTO Law and Country Practices 2016:11. 258 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2196-1 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9789811021961* 1323* 政府調達規制の国際化 Georgopulos, Aris C./Hoekman, Bernard/Mavroidis, Petros C. (eds.) The Internationalization of Government Procurement Regulation 2017:2. 656 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879674-9 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9780198796749* *9780198796756* 1324* Jaeckel, Aline L. The International Seabed Authority and the Precautionary Principle: Balancing Deep Seabed Mineral Mining and Marine Environmental Protection (Publications on Ocean Development, Vol. 83) 2017:2. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33227-0 .......Hard EUR 160.00 通常価 ¥27,820 / 特価 ¥22,256 + 税 *9789004332270* ★ 犯罪意思と国際刑事裁判所 Knoops, Geert-Jan Alexander Mens Rea at the International Criminal Court (International Criminal Law, Vol. 10) 2016:12. 250 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30787-2 .......Hard EUR 110.00 通常価 ¥19,126 / 特価 ¥15,301 + 税 *9789004307872* 1326* Miles, Cameron A. Provisional Measures Before International Courts and Tribunals (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, No. 128) 2017:2. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12559-9 .......Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥19,651 / 特価 ¥15,721 + 税 *9781107125599* 156 Paterson, Sarah/Zakrzewski, Rafal (eds.) McKnight, Paterson, & Zakrzewski on the Law of International Finance, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 1,312 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872525-1 ........Hard STP 295.00 通常価 ¥58,511 / 特価 ¥46,809 + 税 *9780198725251* ISBN 978-0-19-879675-6 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 1325* 1328* 1329* Rovine, Arthur W. (ed.) Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers 2015 (Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediati, Vol. 9) 2016:12. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-33454-0 .......Hard EUR 149.00 通常価 ¥25,908 / 特価 ¥20,726 + 税 *9789004334540* 1330* 司法と国際手配の逃亡者 Sadoff, David A. Bringing International Fugitives to Justice: Extradition and Its Alternatives 2016:10. 670 p. 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(Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-94-6265-143-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9789462651432* 1341* 犯罪の被害者のための正義 Dearing, Albin Justice for Victims of Crime: Human Dignity as the Foundation of Criminal Justice in Europe 2016:12. 340 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45046-9 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319450469* 1342* Delgado Casteleiro, Andres The International Responsibility of the European Union: From Competence to Normative Control (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy) 2016:9. 278 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-09054-5 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107090545* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 157 法 学 》国際法 ISBN 978-1-78643-330-5 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 1343* EUにおける国家主権 Q] National Sovereignty in the European Union: View from the Czech Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Law) 2016:9. 135 p. 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(Springer Singapore, SGP) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 ISBN 978-981-10-2358-3 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 ISBN 978-3-319-46468-8 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 1354* 1356* *9789811023583* 国際法における規範的多元性: 適用可能な規則の決定理論 Fuentes, Carlos Iván Normative Plurality in International Law: A Theory of the Determination of Applicable Rules (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, Vol. 57) 2016:9. 240 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43927-3 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319439273* *9783319464688* ★ Papastavridis, Efthymios/Moreno-Lax, Violeta (eds.) ‘Boat Refugees’ and Migrants at Sea: A Comprehensive Approach: Integrating Maritime Security with Human Rights (International Refugee Law, Vol. 7) 2016:12. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30074-3 .......Hard EUR 170.00 通常価 ¥29,559 / 特価 ¥23,647 + 税 *9789004300743* 1357* 1355* ★ Kozuka, Souichirou (ed.) Implementing the Cape Town Convention and the Domestic Laws on Secured Transactions (Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, Vol. 22) 2016:12. 340 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) 国際商事仲裁 Tevendale, Craig International Arbitration Rules: A Comparative Guide (Lloyd’s Arbitration Law Library) 2017:2. 496 p. (Informa Law, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80284-1 ........Hard STP 230.00 通常価 ¥45,619 / 特価 ¥36,495 + 税 *9781138802841* 政治学 ISBN 978-1-316-63250-5 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 政治学一般 *9781316632505* 1358* 分析・政策・ガバナンス Bachner, Jennifer/Ginsberg, Benjamin/Hill, Kathy Wagner Analytics, Policy, and Governance 2017:1. 272 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-20839-9 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780300208399* 1359* 1360* 政治学研究方法と応用ハンドブック Keman, Hans (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science (Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications Series) 2016:12. 592 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-081-1 ........Hard STP 160.00 通常価 ¥31,735 / 特価 ¥25,388 + 税 *9781784710811* ★ ケーススタディ研究:原則と実践 第 2 版 Gerring, John Case Study Research: Principles and Practices, 2nd ed. (Strategies for Social Inquiry) 2017:2. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-18126-7 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107181267* ★印はお薦めタイトル 政治思想・政治理論 1361* Bernini, Lorenzo Queer Apocalypses: Elements of Antisocial Theory 2016:11. 220 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43360-8 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319433608* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 159 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 1362* 1367* Coakley, John (ed.) Non-territorial Autonomy in Divided Societies: Comparative Perspectives (Association for the Study of Nationalities) 2017:2. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95395-6 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 " 自由に使える時間 " という富への不平等さ *9781138953956* 1363* Rose, Julie L. Free Time 2016:11. 184 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-16345-1 ..............................Hard 通常価 ¥3,960 + 税 *9780691163451* 1368* ナショナリズムへの上級入門 ヨーロッパにおけるジェンダーとコスモポリタニズム: フェミニストの視点から Greenfeld, Leah Advanced Introduction to Nationalism (Elgar Advanced Introductions Series) 2016:10. 192 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-254-5 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 Vieten, Ulrike M. Gender and Cosmopolitanism in Europe: A Feminist Perspective 2016:10. 196 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25073-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781785362545* ISBN 978-1-78536-256-9 ......... Paper STP 15.95 通常価 ¥3,163 / 特価 ¥2,530 + 税 *9781785362569* 1364* *9781138250734* See also... Schultz, David, Election Law and Democratic Theory, Routledge ....................................p146 , 1229 障害者と政治理論 Hirschmann, Nancy/Arneil, Barbara (eds.) Disability and Political Theory 2016:12. 334 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-16569-4 ......... 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Paper STP 28.00 通常価 ¥5,553 / 特価 ¥4,442 + 税 *9781138243262* 1366* 平等認識:マイノリティーの権利の道徳的基盤 1371* Patten, Alan Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Rights 2016:11. 344 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-17355-9 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥3,380 + 税 Bennett, W. Lance News: The Politics of Illusion, 10th ed. 2016:9. 304 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-34486-7 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥3,960 + 税 *9780691173559* 160 *9780226344867* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 1372* ★ 公的サービス機関での変化のマネジメントと革新 第2版 Brown, Kerry/Osborne, Stephen P. Managing Change and Innovation in Public Service Organizations, 2nd ed. (Routledge Masters in Public Management) 2017:4. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-86083-4 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138860834* ISBN 978-1-138-86084-1 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138860841* 1373* Davidson, Nestor M. Malloy, Robin Paul (ed.) Affordable Housing and Public-Private Partnerships (Law, Property and Society) 2016:9. 302 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25317-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253179* 1374* 政治的暴力のダイナミクス Demetriou, Chares Bosi, Lorenzo (ed.) Dynamics of Political Violence: A Process-Oriented Perspective on Radicalization and the Escalation of !"{*#, New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24670-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246706* ⅏ᐖᚋ䛾㒔ᕷィ⏬㻌 4 ᕳ Urban Planning After Disasters (Series: Critical Concepts in Built Environment) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1012477618䛇 Edited by Robert Olshansky, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2016 ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 1,830 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-77653-1...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥178,510 / ≉౯ ¥142,808 + ⛯ *9781138776531* 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ⅏ᐖᚋࡢ㒔ᕷィ⏬㛵ࡋ࡚᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞つ⠊ⓗ࣭᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝ ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡇ࡛㑅ࡤࢀࡓㄽᩥࡣࠊࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸࡢᵓ⠏⯆ࡸ⯆ィ⏬ࢆᡂຌࡉࡏࡿࡓࡵࡢ ᨻ⟇ࠊ㒔ᕷィ⏬ࡢࣉࣟࢭࢫࠊ⯆ࡢࣉࣟࢭࢫࠊࡇࢀࡽ࡚ࡢ⤖ᯝࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ▱ぢࢆᙉㄪ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ⌧ᅾᛴ㏿ቑ࠼ࡘࡘ࠶ࡿࠊୡ⏺୰ࡢ⯆ࢆゎㄝࡋࡓㄽᩥࢆᘬ⏝ࡋ ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ⯆ࡢࡓࡵࡢ⤫ࡸ⟶⌮ࠊィ⏬ࢆᙉㄪࡍࡿࡶࠊ⯆ࡢ⤖ᯝࢆゎㄝ࣭ホ౯ ࡋࡓㄽᩥࡶྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㑅ᐃࡉࢀࡓㄽᩥࡣࠊ≀⌮ⓗ࡞⯆ࢆᙉㄪࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡀࠊ ⅏ᐖᚋࡢ㒔ᕷࡢ⤒῭⯆㛵ࡍࡿ㔜せ࡞ᩥ⊩ࡶ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊ⦅㞟 ⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓࠊᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࢆ⫼ᬒࡈศ㢮ࡋㄢ㢟ࢆ᥈ồࡋ࡚࠸ࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ᗎㄝ ࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 161 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 1375* ★ 1380* 地方政府:政策と管理 第 3 版 ★ モラル政治:リベラルと保守主義は どのように考えているか 第 3 版 Elcock, Howard Local Government: Policy and Management in Local Authorities, 3rd ed. 2016:10. 368 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15071-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 Lakoff, George Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 512 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-41129-3 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥2,940 + 税 1376* 1381* アメリカのジャーナリズムにおける政治的な事実 Lazzarato, Maurizi Gilbert, Jeremy (ed.) Experimental Politics: Work, Welfare, and Creativity in the Neoliberal Age (Technologies of Lived Abstraction) 2016:11. 280 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03486-9 ......... Hard USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9781138150713* Graves, Lucas Deciding What’s True: The Rise of Political FactChecking in American Journalism 2016:9. 320 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17506-7 ......... Hard USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9780231175067* ISBN 978-0-231-17507-4 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9780231175074* 1377* 文化・アーバニズム・計画 Guardia, Manuel Monclus, Javier (ed.) Culture, Urbanism and Planning 2016:9. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25357-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253575* 1378* 都市計画と住宅市場 Gurran, Nicole/Bramley, Glen Urban Planning and the Housing Market: International Perspectives for Policy and Practice 2016:11. 397 p (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-46402-6 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781137464026* 1379* 危機管理入門 第 6 版 Haddow, George/Bullock, Jane/Coppola, Damon P. Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th ed. 2017:1. 450 p. (Butterworth-Heinemann, USA) ISBN 978-0-12-803064-6 ........Paper USD 99.95 通常価 ¥15,713 / 特価 ¥12,570 + 税 *9780128030646* 162 *9780226411293* *9780262034869* 1382 Liddle, Joyce/Ahmad, Yusuf/Diamond, John (eds.) Developing Public Managers for a Changing World (Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management, Vol. 5) 2016:12. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-080-0 .......Hard USD 124.95 通常価 ¥19,644 + 税 *9781786350800* 1383* ヨーロッパにおける若者の投票行動:比較的視点 Maggini, Nicola Young People’s Voting Behaviour in Europe: A Comparative Perspective 2016:11. 164 p (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-59242-2 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781137592422* 1384 危機時のコミュニケーションセンターのためのハンド ブック Olaniran, Bolanie/Scholl, Juliann C. Handbook for the Crisis Communication Center 2016:10. (Peter Lang, CHE) ISBN 978-1-4331-2434-1 ..........Hard SFR 98.00 通常価 ¥15,593 + 税 *9781433124341* ISBN 978-1-4331-2433-4 .........Paper SFR 55.00 通常価 ¥8,751 + 税 *9781433124334* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 㒔ᕷ䝅䝸䞊䝈 Cities Series 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1023026427䛇 Edited by John Rennie Short, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA ♫ࡢࡉࡽ࡞ࡿ㒔ᕷࡶࠊ㒔ᕷࡣ♫ࡢኚࡸ⤒῭ࡢኚᐜࠊᨻㄢ㢟ࠊ⏕ ែᏛⓗᠱᛕࡀ⏕ࡌ࡚࠸ࡿ࡞ᆅᇦ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ≺࠸ࡣࠊ㒔ᕷࡢ⌮ ゎక࠺ᵝࠎ࡞⯆ዧࡸྲྀࡾ⤌ࡴࡁㄢ㢟ࢆᤊ࠼ࡿࡇ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞▱ぢࢆ῝ࡵ ࡿウㄽࡢሙࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᅜ㝿ⓗどⅬࡽࠊᐇド◊✲࣭⌮ㄽ◊ ✲ࡶࠊẚ㍑◊✲࣭◊✲ࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ㒔ᕷ◊✲ࡢ᪂㡿ᇦ࠾࠸ ࡚㠉᪂ⓗ࡛㧗ရ㉁࡞༢ⴭ࣭ඹⴭ࣭⦅ⴭࢆฟ∧ࡍࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ࡢࡓ ࡵࡢ㆟ㄽࡢሙ⌮ㄽⓗ᰿ᣐࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 䜘䜚Ⰻ䛔㒔ᕷ䛾ᙧᡂ䠖ே䚻䚸ᅵᆅ⏝䛸㏻ᶵ㛵䛾⤫ྜ㻌 㻌 How Great Cities Happen: Integrating People, Land Use and Transport By Janet Stanley, John Stanley and Roslynne Hansen 2017 ᖺ 2 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 296 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78471-838-1 ......................... STP 85.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥16,859 / ≉౯ ¥13,487+ ⛯ *9781784718381* ᣢ⥆ྍ⬟䛺Ỉ㈨※䛸㒔ᕷ䠖⛉Ꮫ䚸ᨻ⟇䛸ᐇ㊶㻌 㻌 The Water Sustainable City: Science, Policy and Practice By David Lewis Feldman 2017 ᖺ 1 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 224 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78347-855-2 ..........................STP 75.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥14,875 / ≉౯ ¥11,900+ ⛯ *9781783478552* ᨻⓗ┠ᶆ䛸䛧䛶䛾㒔ᕷ䠖Ṕྐⓗ䛺㐍Ṍ䜔ศᯒⓗ䛺䜹䝔䝂䝸䞊䚸㒔ᕷ䜈䛾ไᗘⓗㄢ㢟㻌 㻌 Cities as Political Objects: Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation Edited by Alistair Cole and Renaud Payre 2016 ᖺ 12 ᭶ห⾜, 352 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78471-989-0 ......................... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,851 / ≉౯ ¥14,280+ ⛯ *9781784719890* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 163 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 *9781107130982* 1385* Rajaram, Prem Kumar Ruling the Margins: Colonial Power and Administrative Rule in the Past and Present (Interventions) 2016:11. 162 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28622-1 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138286221* 1391* Walby, Kevin/Lippert, Randy K. Municipal Corporate Security in International Context (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:11. 206 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28867-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138288676* 1386 ソーシャルメディアと政治 全 2 巻 Richardson, Glenn W., Jr. (ed.) Social Media and Politics: A New Way to Participate in the Political Process 2016:11. 2 Vols., 550 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-3950-4 .......Hard USD 164.00 通常価 ¥25,783 + 税 *9781440839504* 1392 Witte, John F. The Politics of Loopholes: The Improbable Prospects for U.S. Tax Reform 2016:11. 175 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4341-9 ......... Hard USD 60.00 通常価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9781440843419* 1387* 文化政策、イノヴェーション、創造的経済 Shiach, Morag/Virani, Tarek (eds.) Cultural Policy, Innovation and the Creative Economy: Creative Collaborations in Arts and Humanities Research 2016:11. 253 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-349-95111-6 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 See also... Giugni, Marco, Jobless Citizens, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p189 , 1580 Andreescu, Florentina C., Genre and the (Post-) Communist Woman, Routledge............. p196 , 1630 *9781349951116* 災害研究 1388* 1393 Shoshkes, Ellen Jaqueline Tyrwhitt: A Transnational Life in Urban Planning and Design 2016:9. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24954-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 災害リスク減少における土地利用のマネジメント *9781138249547* Banba, Michiko/Shaw, Rajib (eds.) Land Use Management in Disaster Risk Reduction: Practice and Cases from a Global Perspective (Disaster Risk Reduction) 2016:12. 300 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ISBN 978-4-431-56440-9 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9784431564409* 1389* Six, Frédérique/Verhoest, Koen (eds.) Trust in Regulatory Regimes 2017:1. 288 p. 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Asia in International Relations: Unlearning Imperial Power Relations (Rethinking Asia and International Relations) 2017:1. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6904-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472469045* ISBN 978-1-4724-6907-6 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781472469076* 2011ᖺ䛾ᮾ᪥ᮏ㟈⅏䛾వἼ The Aftermath of the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Living among the Rubble By Shoichiro Takezawa, National Museum of Ethnology of Japan, JPN 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 230 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4985-4251-7.................................................. USD 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥14,149 + ⛯ *9781498542517* Ὕᐹ‶ࡕࡓ⅏ᐖே㢮Ꮫ◊✲࡛࠶ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ2011 ᖺࡢᕧὠἼࡼࡾ ⏒࡞⿕ᐖࢆཷࡅࡓᆅᇦࡢ୍ࡘ࡛࠶ࡿᒾᡭ┴ࡢ⁺ᴗࡢ⏫ࠊᵔ⏫ࢆ୰ᚰ ྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᵔ⏫࡛ࡣὠἼ๓ࡢேཱྀ 15,000 ேࡢ࠺ࡕ 1,281 ྡ ࡀஸࡃ࡞ࡾࠊ60%ࡢᐙᒇࡀቯࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡉࡽ᭱ᝏ࡞ࡇࠊ⏫ࡢ⾜ ᨻᶵ⬟ࡣኻࢃࢀࠊ3 ᪥㛫ࢃࡓࡗ࡚ⅆࡀ⏫ࡢ୰ᚰ㒊ࢆ◚ቯࡋእ 㒊ࡽࡢᩆฟάືࢆ㜼ࡳࡲࡋࡓࠋ ⏕ࠎࡋࡃヲ⣽࡞┠ᧁ⪅ࡢドゝࢆ㘓ࡋࠊᮏ᭩ࡣᩘࣨ᭶ࢃࡓࡿ㑊㞴ᡤ࡛ࡢඹྠ⏕ά ࡽࠊ⯆ィ⏬ࡢ❧࠾ࡅࡿఫẸᆅ᪉⮬యࡢ㛫ࡢዧ㜚ࡲ࡛ࠊ㟈⅏ࡢ᪥ࡽ 18 ࣨ᭶㛫 ࡢṌࡳࢆࡓࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ㟈⅏ᚋࡢᩥ⬦࠾ࡅࡿࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢸࡢ┦㛵ಀࢆヲ⣽ ᢅ࠸ࠊ⎰♟ࡢ㝖ཤࡸ㣗ᩱࡢ☜ಖࠊ⇞ᩱࡢධᡭ➼ࡢㄢ㢟ྲྀࡾ⤌ࡴࡓࡵࡢ⥭ᛴᑐ⟇ጤဨࡢ タ❧࠾ࡅࡿྛᆅᇦࡢࡉࡲࡊࡲ࡞ᡂຌࡢᗘྜࢆホ౯ࡋࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ㐪࠸ࢆ≉ᚩ࡙ࡅࡿ♫ Ꮫⓗ࡞せᅉࢆ᥈ồࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ㟈⅏࠾ࡅࡿ≛≅⪅ࢆⴭࡋࡃቑࡉࡏࡓࠊ ࡲࡓࠊᆅᇦఫẸࡢせᮃࡋࠊᕧ࡞㜵Ἴሐࢆ୰ᚰ⨨ࡃ⯆ࣉࣛࣥᅛᇳࡍࡿࡇࡼ ࡾࡉࡽ࡞ࡿ⿕ᐖࢆࡶࡓࡽࡍᜍࢀࡢ࠶ࡿ⾜ᨻࡢኻᩋ᪂ࡓ࡞ගࢆᢞࡌ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Lexington Books, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 165 政治学 》国際関係論 1397* 1402* フランスの国際関係論 国際的内戦:ギリシャ 1943年 - 1949 年 Breitenbauch, Henrik International Relations in France: Writing between Discipline and State (Worlding Beyond the West) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28944-4 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 Gerolymatos, André An International Civil War: Greece, 1943-1949 2017:1. 432 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-18060-2 ........Paper USD 25.00 通常価 ¥3,930 / 特価 ¥3,144 + 税 *9781138289444* 1398* 移民・倫理・権力 Bulley, Dan Migration, Ethics and Power: Spaces of Hospitality in International Politics (Society and Space) 2016:11. 200 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-8502-5 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781473985025* 1399* Davison, Andrew Border Thinking on the Edges of the West: Crossing over the Hellespont (Worlding Beyond the West) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28786-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287860* 1400* de Carvalho, Benjamin/Neumann, Iver B. (eds.) Small State Status Seeking: Norway’s Quest for International Standing (New International Relations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28959-8 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289598* 1401* 発展する世界での中国の戦略 Eisemann, Joshua/Heginbotham, Eric (eds.) China’s Strategy in the Developing World: Objectives, Methods, and Implications 2017:5. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69232-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138692329* ISBN 978-1-138-20293-1 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138202931* 166 *9780300180602* 1403* Herzog, Marc/Robins, Philip (eds.) The Role, Position and Agency of Cusp States in International Relations (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28794-5 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287945* 1404* 中国政治と国際関係論:革新と干渉 Horsburgh, Nicola/Nordin, Astrid/Breslin, Shaun (eds.) Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention (Routledge Studies in Globalisation) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28788-4 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287884* 1405* Johnson, Tana Organizational Progeny: Why Governments are Losing Control over the Proliferating Structures of Global Governance 2017:2. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-879868-2 ......... Paper STP 18.99 通常価 ¥3,766 / 特価 ¥3,013 + 税 *9780198798682* 1406* 国際関係における記憶とトラウマ:理論・事例・議論 Resende, Erica/Budryte, Dovile (eds.) Memory and Trauma in International Relations: Theories, Cases and Debates (Interventions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28949-9 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289499* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 1407* 1412* 解放論者的な国際関係論:国際関係への批判的思考 グローバル安全保障解釈 Spegele, Roger D. Emancipatory International Relations: Critical Thinking in International Relations (New International Relations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28796-9 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 Bevir, Mark/Daddow, Oliver/Hall, Ian (eds.) Interpreting Global Security (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28945-1 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287969* 1408* 国際秩序:西欧諸国の台頭以前の近代世界 Suzuki, Shogo/Zhang, Yongjin/Quirk, Joel (eds.) International Orders in the Early Modern World: Before the Rise of the West (New International Relations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28939-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289451* 1413* 不平等と暴力 Beyer, Anna Cornelia Inequality and Violence: A Re-appraisal of Man, the State and War 2016:10. 170 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24959-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249592* *9781138289390* 1414* 1409 アラブの春へのアメリカのアプローチ: 国際関係と民主主義の向上 Wahlrab, Amentahru (ed.) U.S. Approaches to the Arab Uprisings: International Relations and Democracy Promotion 2017:2. 320 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-607-7 .......... Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥13,685 + 税 *9781784536077* 1410* 中国と日本の関係:起源と誤解 Zhang, Yun Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context: Origins of Misperception 2016:11. 342 p (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-50334-3 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9781137503343* 安全保障 1411* 安全保障の国際政治社会学:理論と実施再考 Berling, Trine Villumsen The International Political Sociology of Security: Rethinking Theory and Practice (New International Relations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28942-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 グローバルな混沌とガバナンスの未来 Burke, Anthony/Parker, Rita (eds.) Global Insecurity: Futures of Global Chaos and Governance 2016:12. 305 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-349-95144-4 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9781349951444* 1415* C. H. Liu, Joyce/Vaughan-Williams, Nick (eds.) European-East Asian Borders in Translation (Interventions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28797-6 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287976* 1416* サイバー戦争:学際的分析 Green, James A. (ed.) Cyber Warfare: A Multidisciplinary Analysis _QXQ Q `nology) 2016:11. 196 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78707-9 ......... Paper STP 28.00 通常価 ¥5,553 / 特価 ¥4,442 + 税 *9780415787079* *9781138289420* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 167 政治学 》国際関係論 1417* Gross, Michael L. Carrick, Don (ed.) Military Medical Ethics for the 21st Century (Military and Defence Ethics) 2016:10. 320 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27357-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273573* 1418* 暴力の政治:戦闘、国際政治、大義のもとでの殺人 Heath-Kelly, Charlotte Politics of Violence: Militancy, International Politics, Killing in the Name (Interventions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28950-5 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289505* 1419* 倫理と力の利用:歴史的視点からの正義の戦争 Johnson, James Turner Ethics and the Use of Force: Just War in Historical Perspective (Justice, International Law and Global Security) 2016:9. 182 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24875-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248755* 1420* Lowenthal, Mark M. (ed.) Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, 7th ed. 2016:10. 624 p. (CQ Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-4256-6 ......... Paper STP 68.00 通常価 ¥13,487 / 特価 ¥10,789 + 税 *9781506342566* 1421* ジェンダー、平和、安全保障: 国連安保理決議第1325 号の実行 Olsson, Louise/Gizelis, Theodora-Ismene (eds.) Gender, Peace and Security: Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (Routledge Stud _Q !";!#, New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78708-6 ......... Paper STP 28.00 通常価 ¥5,553 / 特価 ¥4,442 + 税 *9780415787086* 1422* Globalization, Difference, and Human Security (Interventions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28801-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138288010* 1423* 世界の立法者としての安全保障理事会 Popovski, Vesselin/Fraser, Trudy (eds.) The Security Council as Global Legislator (Global Institutions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28957-4 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289574* 1424 新たな中露協力: アメリカ安全保障に対する批判的挑戦 Weitz, Richard The New China-Russia Alignment: Critical Challenges to U.S. Security (Praeger Security International) 2017:2. 298 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4736-3 ......... Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥11,791 + 税 *9781440847363* 1425* Wrage, Stephen D./Cooper, Scott A. No Fly Zones and International Security: Seizing the Airspace (Military Strategy and Operational Art) 2017:4. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5231-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781472452313* See also... Ring, Annie, After the Stasi, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................................... p41 , 0383 Krause, Jonathan, Early Trench Tactics in the French Army, Routledge .......................... p55 , 0477 Otte, Thomas. G., An Historian in Peace and War, Routledge.................................................... p55 , 0479 Roberts, Geoffrey, Victory at Stalingrad, Routledge.................................................... p55 , 0480 Wheatcroft, Andrew, Who's Who in Military History, Routledge .................................... p55 , 0481 White, Monica, Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200, Cambridge U.P................ p55 , 0482 グローバリゼーション、違い、人間の安全保障 Pasha, Mustapha Kamal (ed.) 168 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 国際政治経済 1431* 地域的統合と民主的条件付け 1426* アルゼンチンとチリの貿易自由化交渉: 政策が政治を作るとき Bianculli, Andrea C. Negotiating Trade Liberalization in Argentina and Chile: When Policy Creates Politics (Routledge Studies in Latin American Politics) 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94926-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138949263* Genna, Gaspare M./Hiroi, Taeko Regional Integration and Democratic Conditionality: How Democracy Clauses Help Democratic Consolidation and Deepening (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2016:11. 204 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28721-1 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138287211* 1432* 1427* 未来国家:国際的からグローバルな政治秩序 Brennan, Kate (ed.) Making Global Institutions Work (Global Institutions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28947-5 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 Haigh, Stephen Paul Future States: From International to Global Political Order 2016:9. 272 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27367-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138289475* 1428* Bunker, Robert J./Bunker, Pamela Ligouri (eds.) Global Criminal and Sovereign Free Economies and the Demise of the Western Democracies: Dark Renaissance (Routledge Advances in International Political Economy) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28799-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138273672* 1433* Moran, Michael Private Foundations and Development Partnerships: American Philanthropy and Global Development Agendas (Global Institutions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28953-6 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289536* *9781138287990* 1429* 1434* インドとガス供給パイプラインのグローバルゲーム インド - ブラジル - 北アフリカの対話フォーラム: グローバルサウスの台頭 Dietl, Gulshan India and the Global Game of Gas Pipelines 2016:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23546-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138235465* 1430* グローバリゼーション発展とソーシャルジャスティス: 命題的政治アプローチ El Khoury, Ann Globalization Development and Social Justice: A Propositional Political Approach (Rethinking Globalizations) 2016:12., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63135-9 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138631359* ★印はお薦めタイトル Stuenkel, Oliver India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA): The Rise of the Global South (Global Institutions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28803-4 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138288034* 1435* ネオリベラルなグローバリゼーション時代における発展 Veltmeyer, Henry (ed.) Development in an Era of Neoliberal Globalization (Rethinking Globalizations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28795-2 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287952* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 169 政治学 》国際関係論 国際関係の諸問題 1441* 平和構築を超えて:モザンビーク 1436* Boulding, J. Russell (ed.) Elise Boulding: Autobiographical Writings and Selections from Unpublished Journals and Letters (Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice, Vol. 9) 2016:11. 210 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46537-1 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319465371* 1437* Holanda Maschietto, Roberta Beyond Peacebuilding: The Challenges of Empowerment Promotion in Mozambique (Rethinking Q !"{#X Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-349-94950-2 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9781349949502* 1442* 国家の失敗の比較分析: テロリズムと政治的暴力の根本的原因 Choi, Shine Re-Imagining North Korea in International Politics: Problems and Alternatives (Interventions) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28955-0 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 =` Failed States and the Origins of Violence: A Comparative Analysis of State Failure as a Root Cause of Terrorism and Political Violence 2016:10. 216 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24939-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 1438* 1443* ファイナンシングテロリズム:事例研究 テロリズムファイナンスの理解と対策 Freeman, Michael (ed.) Financing Terrorism: Case Studies 2016:10. 266 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24992-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Kumar, Amit/Lormel, Dennis M. (eds.) Understanding and Combating Terrorist Financing (Public Administration and Public Policy) 2017:1. 264 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4665-6188-5 .......... Hard STP 49.99 通常価 ¥9,915 / 特価 ¥7,932 + 税 再考:国際政治における北朝鮮 *9781138289550* *9781138249929* *9781138249394* *9781466561885* 1439* アルカイダ理解:テロリズムの認識論 1444* Hellmich, Christina Behnke, Andreas (ed.) Knowing Al-Qaeda: The Epistemology of Terrorism (Rethinking Political and International Theory) 2016:9. 192 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25081-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 国際紛争解決と平和構築戦略: スーダンでの戦争と平和の複雑性 *9781138250819* Nascimento, Daniela !(building Strategies: The Complexities of War and Peace in the Sudans 2017:3. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8751-3 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472487513* 1440* 人道的危機、介入、安全保障 1445* Heyse, Liesbet/Zwitter, Andrej/Wittek, Rafael/Herman, Joost (eds.) Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-Based Programming (Routledge Studies in Intervention and Statebuilding) 2016:10. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23662-2 ......... Paper STP 28.00 通常価 ¥5,553 / 特価 ¥4,442 + 税 暴力ののちに:移行期正義・平和・民主主義 *9781138236622* 170 Skaar, Elin/Gianella Malca, Camila/Eide, Trine After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy (Transitional Justice) 2016:10. 218 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24172-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138241725* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》比較政治 比較政治 1446* アジア太平洋 日 本 ★ 政府比較入門 第 2 版 Blondel, Jean Comparative Government Introduction, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 432 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15653-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156531* 1447* Mecham, R. Quinn Institutional Origins of Islamist Political Mobilization 2017:4. 282 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-04191-2 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9781107041912* ISBN 978-1-107-61510-6 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9781107615106* 1448* 自由な表現と民主主義:比較分析 Saunders, Kevin W. Free Expression and Democracy: A Comparative Analysis 2017:5. 420 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-17197-8 .......Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥17,293 / 特価 ¥13,834 + 税 *9781107171978* ISBN 978-1-316-62308-4 ........Paper USD 39.99 通常価 ¥6,287 / 特価 ¥5,029 + 税 *9781316623084* 1450* Asplund, André/Marie Soderberg, (eds.) Japanese Development Cooperation: The Making of an Aid Architecture Pivoting to Asia (European Institute of Japanese Studies East Asian Economics and Business Series) 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-22241-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138222410* 1451* 井上雅道著 沖縄と米軍: グローバリゼーション時代でのアイデンティティの形成 Inoue, Masamichi S. Okinawa and the U.S. Military: Identity Making in the Age of Globalization, Identity Making in the Age of Globalization 2017:3. 352 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-13891-8 ........Paper USD 26.00 通常価 ¥4,087 / 特価 ¥3,270 + 税 *9780231138918* 1452* 日本の戦略的安全保障パートナーシップの探求 Khandekar, Gauri/Gaens, Bart (eds.) Japan’s Search for Strategic Security Partnerships_QXQ ` ^ 2017:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94359-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138943599* 1449* Simmons, Joel W. The Politics of Technological Progress: Parties, Time Horizons and Long-Term Economic Development 2016:12. 220 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14577-1 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107145771* See also... Luciani, Giacomo, Combining Economic and Political Development, M. Nijhoff ..........p112 , 0934 ★印はお薦めタイトル 1453* ★ 日本の不安定さのガバナンス Vosse, Wilhelm/Drifte, Reinhard/Blechinger-Talcott, Verena (eds.) Governing Insecurity in Japan: The Domestic Discourse and Policy Response 2016:12. 180 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-62912-7 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138629127* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 171 政治学 》アジア太平洋 Routledge∧㻌 ༡䜰䝆䜰◊✲䛾Ⓨᒎ䝅䝸䞊䝈 Routledge Advances in South Asian Studies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1023026596(hard)/1023026601(paper)䛇 Edited by Subrata K. Mitra ேཱྀࡀᛴቑࡋே✀ࡢከᵝ࡞ఫẸࠊᛴᡂ㛗ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ⤒῭ࠊࡑࡋ࡚᰾රჾࡼࡾࠊ༡ ࢪࡣࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞ほⅬࡽ㔜せᗘࡀቑࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᆅᇦ࡛ࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ」㞧࡛ࢲ ࢼ࣑ࢵࢡࠊࡉࡽᏳᐃ࡞ࡇࡢᆅᇦࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ༡ࢪࢆᆅᇦయࡑࢀࡒࢀ ࡢᅜࡘ࠸࡚◊✲ࡋࡓࠊ㠉᪂ⓗ࡛⊂ⓗ࡞◊✲ᡂᯝࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ◊✲⠊ᅖࡣࠊ ಶࠎࡢᅜࠎ࠾ࡅࡿṔྐᏛࡸᨻᏛࠊ㛤Ⓨ◊✲ࠊ♫Ꮫࠊ⤒῭Ꮫࡶࠊᆅᇦయ ࡢᏛ㝿ⓗ࣭ẚ㍑ㄽⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆྲྀࡿ◊✲ࡸࡇࡢᆅᇦࡢ 2 ࢝ᅜ㛫ࠊከᅜ㛫ࡢẚ㍑◊✲ ࡲ࡛ரࡾࡲࡍࠋ⌮ㄽ᪉ἲㄽ㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ༢୍ࡢ◊✲ᡭἲࡽࢃࢀࡿࡢ࡛ࡣ࡞ ࡃࠊᆅᇦㄽᐦ᥋㛵㐃ࡍࡿὝᐹࢆᖜᗈࡃ⏝ࡋࠊ♫⛉Ꮫ୍⯡ࡢ᪉ἲㄽࢆ⏝࠸ࡿࡇ ࡛ࠊẚ㍑ࠊᵓ㐀㐣⛬ࡢศᯒࠊ㉁ⓗ᪉ἲㄽ࣭㔞ⓗ᪉ἲㄽࡢ㐺⏝ࡀᙉㄪࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊࡇࡢศ㔝࡛ࡍ࡛ㄆࡵࡽࢀࡓ◊✲⪅ࡼࡿᢞ✏ࡶࠊ༤ኈㄽ ᩥࢆ⤊ࡋࡓࡤࡾࡢⱝ࠸◊✲⪅ࡼࡿᢞ✏ࡶḼ㏄ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ༡䜰䝆䜰ඛఫẸ᪘䛾䜰䜲䝕䞁䝔䜱䝔䜱㻌 㻌 Indigenous Identity in South Asia: Making Claims in the Colonial Chittagong Hill Tracts By Tamina M. Chowdhury 2016 ᖺ 11 ᭶ห⾜, 198 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-67343-4 ... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,851 / ≉౯ ¥14,280+ ⛯ *9780300206364* 䜲䞁䝗䛸୰ᅜ䛾㛵ಀ㻌 㻌 India-China Relations: Politics of Resources, Identity and Authority in a Multipolar World Order By Jagannath P. Panda 2016 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜, 268 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-83359-3 ... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,851 / ≉౯ ¥14,280+ ⛯ *9781138833593* 172 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ༡䜰䝆䜰䛻䛚䛡䜛䜲䝇䝷䝮䚸䝇䞊䝣䜱䝈䝮䛸᪥䚻䛾ᖐᒓ䛾ᨻᏛ㻌 㻌 Islam, Sufism and Everyday Politics of Belonging in South Asia Edited by Deepra Dandekar and Torsten Tschacher 2016 ᖺ 9 ᭶ห⾜, 366 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-91068-3 ... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥18,842 / ≉౯ ¥15,074+ ⛯ *9781138910683* ⌧௦䛾୰ᅜ䞉䜲䞁䝗䛾እ㛵ಀ㻌 㻌 China-India Relations in the Contemporary World: Dynamics of National Identity and Interest By Yang Lu 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜, 142 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-12020-4 ... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,851 / ≉౯ ¥14,280+ ⛯ *9781138120204* 㛤Ⓨ㏵ୖᅜ䛾Ẹ⩏䛸ᨻඪไᗘ㻌 㻌 Democracy and Party Systems in Developing Countries: A Comparative Study of India and South Africa By Clemens Spiess 2016 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜, 242 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-138-96733-5 ....... STP 30.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥5,950 / ≉౯ ¥4,760+ ⛯ *9781138967335* 東アジア ISBN 978-1-138-64417-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138644175* 1454* Guo, Changgang/Debin, Liu/Nederveen Pieterse, Jan (eds.) China’s Contingencies and Globalization (ThirdWorlds) 2017:1. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-29305-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138293052* 1455 1457* Huang, Chiung-Chiu/Shih, Chih-Yu Harmonious Intervention: China’s Quest for Relational Security (Rethinking Asia and International Relations) 2016:9. 210 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24552-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245525* 北朝鮮:政治的・経済的・社会的問題 Harrison, Marvin (ed.) North Korea: Political, Economic and Social Issues 2016:12. 180 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-969-1 .......Hard USD 160.00 通常価 ¥25,154 + 税 *9781634859691* 1456* 習金平政権の外交政策 Hoo, Tiang Boon (ed.) Chinese Foreign Policy under Xi (Politics in Asia) 2017:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 1458* 意思決定における科学者の影響:中国の事例 Peng, Ru Scientists’ Impact on Decision-making: A Case Study of the China Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (China Perspectives) 2016:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90016-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138900165* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 173 政治学 》アジア太平洋 1459* 東南アジア Peng, Zongchao/Ma, Ben/Liu, Taoxiong Chinese Cooperative-Harmonious Democracy (China Perspectives) 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90017-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138900172* 1461* Koh, Gillian (ed.) Singapore at 50: What Lies ahead? 2017:5. 200 p. $ % ISBN 978-981-3142-36-7 ......... Hard USD 52.00 通常価 ¥8,175 / 特価 ¥6,540 + 税 *9789813142367* 1460 Suzuki, Motoshi/Okada, Akira (eds.) *4!! (The `=^ \"+# (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ISBN 978-4-431-56464-5 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9784431564645* ISBN 978-981-3142-37-4 ........Paper USD 32.00 通常価 ¥5,030 / 特価 ¥4,024 + 税 *9789813142374* 1462* シンガポールにおける人権社会の歴史: 1965 年 - 2015年 Song, Jiyoung (ed.) The History of Human Rights Society in Singapore: 1965-2015 (Politics in Asia) 2017:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69472-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138694729* ୰ᅜඹ⏘ඪ䇷ᩥ⊩㞟ᡂ㻌 䠐ᕳ Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China (Series: Critical Readings) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1011558609䛇 Edited by Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 1,400 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-90-04-30216-7................. 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(Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21592-2 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 *9780300215922* 1465* Vaishnav, Milan When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics 2017:1. 440 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21620-2 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 *9780300216202* 中 東 1466 カジャール朝下のイランにおける政治経済:社会・政 治・経済・外交関係 1796 年 -1926 年 Amirahmadi, Hooshang The Political Economy of Iran under the Qajars: Society, Politics, Economics and Foreign Relations 1796-1926 2016:9. 344 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-738-8 ......... Paper STP 15.99 通常価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9781784537388* 1467* トルコでの反ユダヤ主義と反シオニズム Aviv, Efrat Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism in Turkey: From ★印はお薦めタイトル Ottoman Rule to AKP (Israeli History, Politics and Society) 2017:2. 262 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23179-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138231795* 1468 Cicek, Cuma The Kurds of Turkey: National, Religious and Economic Identities 2016:10. 336 p. (I.B. 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138283749* 1476* イギリス政治における主となる論争 Benyon, John/Denver, David/Fisher, Justin Central Debates in British Politics 2016:10. 458 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15590-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155909* 1477* フランス政治と社会 第 2 版 Cole, Alistair French Politics and Society, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 320 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15573-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155732* 1478* 新しいメディアが市民をより欧州懐疑主義にしたので はないか Conti, Nicolò/Memoli, Vincenzo 176 1482* なぜイギリスは離脱に投票したのか: キャメロン首相の誤算 Glencross, Andrew Why the UK Voted for Brexit: David Cameron’s Great Miscalculation (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics) 2016:11. 90 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-59000-8 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781137590008* 1483* Glinski, Carola/Joerges, Christian (eds.) The European Crisis and the Transformation of Transnational Governance: Authoritarian Managerialism versus Democratic Governance 2017:2. 436 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-1300-8 ......... Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥7,535 / 特価 ¥6,028 + 税 *9781509913008* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 1484* アフリカ Korkea-aho, Emilia Adjudicating New Governance: Deliberative Democracy in the European Union 2016:10. 266 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24151-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138241510* 1485 アリス・ベーコン Reeves, Rachel Alice in Westminster 2016:11. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-768-5 .......... Hard STP 20.00 通常価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781784537685* 1486* ★ 1945 年からの西欧の政治的歴史 第 5 版 Urwin, Derek W. A Political History of Western Europe since 1945, 5th ed. 2016:10. 374 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17853-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138178533* 1487* スカンディナビアにおける過激右翼政党 Widfeldt, Anders Extreme Right Parties in Scandinavia (Extremism and Democracy) 2016:12. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-79331-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9780415793315* 1488* Zaun, Natascha EU Asylum Policies: The Power of Strong Regulating States (Transformations of the State) 2016:12. 290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-39828-0 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319398280* 1489 紛争の国際的危機管理: ダルフールへの第三者の介入 Hamed, Ashraf Ali International Crisis Management in Civil War: Third-Party Intervention in Darfur 2017:2. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-537-7 .......... Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥13,685 + 税 *9781784535377* 1490* アフリカの権威主義国家の再建 Kieh, George Klay, Jr./Agbese, Pita Ogaba (eds.) Reconstructing the Authoritarian State in Africa (Routledge Studies in African Politics and International Relations) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28954-3 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138289543* 1491* Koechlin, Lucy/Förster, Till (eds.) The Politics of Governance: Actors and Articulations in Africa and Beyond (Conceptualising Comparative Politics) 2016:11. 226 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28719-8 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138287198* 1492* Nathan, Laurie Community of Insecurity: SADC’s Struggle for Peace and Security in Southern Africa (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2016:9. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25075-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138250758* 南北アメリカ See... Lind, Amy, Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America, Routledge .................................................................. p198 , 1648 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 177 政治学 》アフリカ 1498* 北 米 ★ トランプ現象とアメリカ外交政策の将来 1493* _~ ¢Q The Trump Phenomenon and the Future of US Foreign Policy 2016:9. 212 p. $ % ISBN 978-981-3200-87-6 ..................................... Hard USD 49.00 通常価 ¥7,703 / 特価 ¥6,162 + 税 再 オバマ政権と変化の政治 Ashbee, Edward/Dumbrell, John (eds.) The Obama Presidency and the Politics of Change (Studies of the Americas) 2016:11. 255 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-319-41032-6 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319410326* 1494 *9789813200876* ISBN 978-981-3200-99-9 ........Paper USD 24.90 通常価 ¥3,914 / 特価 ¥3,131 + 税 *9789813200999* 再 今日のアメリカ政治 第 5 版 Canon, David T./Bianco, William T. American Politics Today, 5th ed. 2016:12. 650 p. (W.W. Norton, USA) ISBN 978-0-393-28359-4 .......Hard USD 142.50 通常価 ¥22,403 / 特価 ¥17,922 + 税 *9780393283594* ISBN 978-0-393-28360-0 ..... Paper USD 122.50 通常価 ¥19,258 / 特価 ¥15,407 + 税 *9780393283600* 1499 アメリカ・メキシコの国境戦争: 薬物、移民、安全保障 第 2 版 Payan, Tony The Three U.S.-Mexico Border Wars: Drugs, Immigration, and Homeland Security, 2nd ed. (Praeger Security International) 2016:10. 255 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-3541-4 ......... Hard USD 52.00 通常価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9781440835414* 1495* Denton, Robert E., Jr./Voth, Ben Social Fragmentation and the Decline of American Democracy: The End of the Social Contract 2016:12. 210 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43921-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9783319439211* 1496* 大統領選挙での候補者の性格特性 Holian, David B./Prysby, Charles L. Candidate Character Traits in Presidential Elections 2016:11. 220 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28617-7 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138286177* Rolfe, Mark The Reinvention of Populist Rhetoric in The Digital Age: Insiders & Outsiders in Democratic Politics (Rhetoric, Politics and Society) 2016:12. 250 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2160-2 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811021602* ★再 Korostelina, Karina V. Trump Effect 2016:10. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28146-2 ...................................... Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥8,925 / 特価 ¥7,140 + 税 *9781138281462* 1501* Rossinow, Doug The Reagan Era: A History of the 1980s 2016:12. 392 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-16989-9 ........Paper USD 27.00 通常価 ¥4,244 / 特価 ¥3,395 + 税 *9780231169899* ドナルド・トランプの影響 178 1500* ★再 1497* 再 1502* クリントン大統領と J. ブッシュ大統領の外交および 安全保障政策 Smith, Martin A. Clinton and Bush’s Foreign and Security Policies: Clear Blue Water? (Routledge Studies in US Foreign Policy) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-43773-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780415437738* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アフリカ ラテンアメリカ 1503* Betances, Emelio/Figueroa Ibarra, Carlos (eds.) Popular Sovereignty and Constituent Power in Latin America: Democracy from Below 2016:11. 224 p (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-54824-5 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9781137548245* 1504* ブラジルの文化と防衛 Operational Art) 2017:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7183-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781472471833* 1505* Vivares, Ernesto Exploring the New South American Regionalism (NSAR) (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2016:9. 270 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27049-7 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270497* Ricco, Maria Filomena Fontes Culture and Defence in Brazil: An Inside Look at Brazil’s Aerospace Strategies (Military Strategy and 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会政策 1506* Keune, Maarten/Serrano, Amparo (eds.) Deconstructing Flexicurity and Developing Alternative Approaches: Towards New Concepts and Approaches for Employment and Social Policy 2016:11. 216 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-29134-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138291348* 1507* 病気の国家:政治的環境と人間の健康 King, Brian States of Disease: Political Environments and Human Health 2017:1. 248 p. (University of California Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-520-27820-2 ......... Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥13,363 / 特価 ¥10,690 + 税 *9780520278202* ISBN 978-0-520-27821-9 ........Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥4,708 / 特価 ¥3,766 + 税 *9780520278219* 1508 オバマケアを妨げる議会の行動 McBride, Justin (ed.) Congressional Actions Interfering with the Affordable Care Act 2016:12. 104 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-934-9 ........Paper USD 95.00 通常価 ¥14,935 + 税 *9781634859349* ★印はお薦めタイトル See also... Yakita, Akira, Population Aging, Fertility and Social Security, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p114 , 0955 社会福祉 1509* 障害を持つ人の生きた経験:ヨーロッパの事例 第2巻 Beadle Brown, Julie/Biggeri, Mario/Halvorsen, Rune/Hvinden, Bjørn/Tøssebro, Jan/Waldschmidt, Anne (eds.) Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe, Vol. 2 (Routledge Advances in Disability Studies) 2017:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65292-7 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781138652927* 1510* e クオリティ: 認知障害者のウェブへのアクセスに関する苦悩 Blanck, Peter eQuality: The Struggle for Web Accessibility by Persons with Cognitive Disabilities (Cambridge Disability Law and Policy) 2016:9. 502 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-316-63813-2 ........Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,500 / 特価 ¥4,400 + 税 *9781316638132* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 179 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 1511* 1516* 社会政策と効果的な実施 第 4 版 障害者、社会、支援技術 Chapin, Rosemary Social Policy for Effective Practice: A Strengths Approach, 4th ed. 2017:3. 624 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-21091-2 ........Hard STP 140.00 通常価 ¥27,768 / 特価 ¥22,214 + 税 Ravneberg, Bodil/Söderström, Sylvia Disability, Society and Assistive Technology (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies) 2017:4. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4718-0 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 *9781138210912* ISBN 978-1-138-22622-7 ......... Paper STP 59.99 通常価 ¥11,898 / 特価 ¥9,518 + 税 *9781138226227* 1512* Chatwin, John/Ackers, Louise/Tyler, Natasha/Ackers-Johnson, James Healthcare, Frugal Innovation, and Professional Voluntarism"^?@^` \"*;# (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48365-8 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319483658* *9781472447180* 1517* メンタルヘルス研究ハンドブック 第 3 版 Scheid, Teresa L./Wright, Eric R. (eds.) A Handbook for the Study of Mental Health: Social Contexts, Theories, and Systems, 3rd ed. 2017:3. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13487-4 .......Hard USD 109.99 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781107134874* ISBN 978-1-316-50096-5 ........Paper USD 64.99 通常価 ¥10,217 / 特価 ¥8,173 + 税 *9781316500965* 1513 アメリカの退役軍人の生活:課題とアイデンティティー 全2巻 Hicks, Louis Weiss, Eugenia L. (ed.) The Civilian Lives of U.S. Veterans: Issues and Identities 2016:12. 2 Vols., 710 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4278-8 .......Hard USD 164.00 通常価 ¥25,783 + 税 *9781440842788* 1514* ホスピスの変化:社会的リアリズム理論の応用 Lipscomb, Martin A Hospice in Change: Applied Social Realist Theory (Critical Realism: Interventions (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2016:10. 198 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23328-7 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781138233287* See also... Hirschmann, Nancy, Disability and Political Theory, Cambridge U.P. ......................... p160 , 1364 保健・医療 1518* 喫煙の地理学 Barnett, Ross/Moon, Graham/Pearce, Jamie/ Thompson, Lee/Twigg, Liz Smoking Geographies: Space, Place and Tobacco (RGS-IBG Book Series) 2016:12. 312 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4443-6192-6 ......... Hard USD 94.95 通常価 ¥14,927 / 特価 ¥11,942 + 税 *9781444361926* ISBN 978-1-4443-6191-9 ........Paper USD 37.50 通常価 ¥5,895 / 特価 ¥4,716 + 税 *9781444361919* 1515* 1519 Nelson-Becker, Holly Spirituality, Religion, and Aging: Illuminations for Therapeutic Practice 2017:3. 600 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4129-8136-1 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 Cohen, I. Glenn/Fernandez Lynch, Holly/Robertson, Christopher T./Sunstein, Cass R. Nudging Health: Health Law and Behavioral Economics 2016:10. 392 p. (The Johns Hopkins U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-4214-2100-1 ......... Hard USD 90.00 通常価 ¥14,149 / 特価 ¥11,319 + 税 *9781412981361* 180 *9781421421001* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 ISBN 978-1-4214-2101-8 ........Paper USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 / 特価 ¥5,659 + 税 *9781421421018* 1520* Daar, Judith The New Eugenics: Selective Breeding in an Era of Reproductive Technologies 2017:2. 288 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-13715-6 ......... Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,288 / 特価 ¥5,030 + 税 *9780300137156* 1521* 医療ツーリズムとウェルネス DeMicco, Frederick J. (ed.) Medical Tourism and Wellness: Hospitality Bridging Healthcare (H2H) 2016:12. 480 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-77188-505-8 ........Hard STP 146.00 通常価 ¥28,958 + 税 *9781771885058* 1522* 1525* 美容整形 Heyes, Cressida J. Jones, Meredith (ed.) Cosmetic Surgery: A Feminist Primer 2016:9. 276 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25309-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253094* 1526* リスク社会における出生率コントロール: インドの都市部にすむエリートの選択分析 Husain, Zakir/Dutta, Mousumi Fertility Control in a Risk Society: Analysing Contraception Choice of Urban Elites in India (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies) 2016:11. 134 p. (Springer India, IND) ISBN 978-81-322-3683-2 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9788132236832* 1527* メディカル意思決定:健康経済学入門 第 2 版 中毒行動のエコノミクス 第 1 巻: 民間と社会が負担する喫煙とその治療コスト Felder, Stefan/Mayrhofer, Thomas Medical Decision Making: A Health Economic Primer, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-53431-1 ......... Hard EUR 76.99 通常価 ¥13,387 / 特価 ¥10,709 + 税 Joshua, John The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume I: The Private and Social Costs of Smoking and Their Remedies 2016:12. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46959-1 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 1523* 1528* 医療における組織的変化への挑戦的視点 Laugesen, Miriam J. Fixing Medical Prices: How Physicians Are Paid 2016:11. 238 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-54516-8 ......... Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9783662534311* Fitzgerald, Louise/McDermott, Aoife Challenging Perspectives on Organizational Change in Health Care (Routledge Studies in Health Management) 2017:4. 256 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91449-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138914490* 1524 カリブ海の青年たち:アルコールの誤用と乱用 Hegamin-Younger, Cecilia/Merrick, Joav (eds.) Caribbean Adolescents: Misuse & Abuse of Alcohol 2016:12. 140 p. (Nova Science, USA) ISBN 978-1-63485-880-9 .......Hard USD 160.00 通常価 ¥25,154 + 税 *9781634858809* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783319469591* *9780674545168* 1529* デジタル世界における若者の飲酒文化: アルコール、ソーシャルメディア、文化、中毒 Lyons, Antonia C./McCreanor, Tim/Goodwin, Ian/ Moewaka Barnes, Helen (eds.) Youth Drinking Cultures in a Digital World: Alcohol, Social Media and Cultures of Intoxication 2017:2. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95904-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138959040* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 181 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 ╧╀㻌 4 ᕳ Sleep (Series: Critical Concepts in Sociology) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04093S0147䛇 Edited by Eric L. Hsu, University of South Australia, AUS 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 1,724 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-84821-4...................STP 800.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥158,675 / ≉౯ ¥126,940 + ⛯ *9781138848214* ࡘ࡚ࡣࢇ◊✲ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋࡓࡀࠊ╧╀㛵ࡍࡿ ♫Ꮫⓗ◊✲ࡣ㏆ᖺάⓎ࡞◊✲ศ㔝࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡇ࡛ࡣࠊ╧ ╀ࡀ♫࡛ࡢࡼ࠺ᢅࢃࢀࠊᙳ㡪ࡉࢀࠊࡲࡓ⣔⤫❧࡚ࡽࢀࡿ ࡘ࠸࡚⊂⮬ࡢㄽⅬࡀ⏕ࡳฟࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊRoutledge ࡼࡿ Critical Concepts in Sociology ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ ࡢ᪂หࡋ࡚ࠊ㔜せ࡛㠉᪂ⓗ࡞♫Ꮫࡢㄽᩥࢆࡦࡘࡢᩥ⊩ࡲ ࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊ╧╀㛵ࡍࡿ♫Ꮫࡣࠊே㢮ᏛࡸṔྐᏛࠊᆅ⌮Ꮫ࠸ࡗࡓ ࡢᏛ⾡ศ㔝ᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡿ୍᪉ࠊࡑࢀࡽࡽᙳ㡪ࢆཷࡅ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡋࡓࡀࡗ ࡚ࠊ╧╀㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡣ⥲ྜⓗ࡛Ꮫ㝿ⓗ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᮏ᭩࠾࠸࡚ࡑࡢࡇࡣࠊᏛ㆑ࡢ ࠶ࡿ⦅㞟⪅ࡢ㑅ᐃ༑ศᫎࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢࡓࡵࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ♫⛉Ꮫ⯡ࡸࡑࢀ ௨እࡢ╧╀Ꮫࡢ◊✲⪅ࡽḼ㏄ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ➨ 1 ᕳࡣࠊ╧╀ࡢ♫Ꮫࡢ」㞧࡞⌮ㄽⓗᇶ┙ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 2 ᕳ࡛ࡣࠊ ࡼࡾ୍⯡ⓗ࡞♫⛉Ꮫᇶ࡙ࡃ╧╀ࡢඛ㥑ⓗ◊✲↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 3 ᕳ ࡣࠊ⌧௦ࡢすὒ♫࠾࠸࡚Ꮡᅾࡍࡿᵝࠎ࡞╧╀ᩥࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ㠉᪂ⓗ࡞◊✲ᡂᯝ ࢆྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱ᚋࠊ➨ 4 ᕳ࡛ࡣࠊすὒ♫ࢆ㉸࠼࡚ࠊ✀ࠎࡢ௦ࡸ♫ ⫼ᬒ࠾࠸࡚Ꮡᅾࡍࡿ╧╀Ꮫ◊✲ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ⌮ゎࢆヨࡳ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᫂ⓑࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ ࡞どⅬࡢᥦ౪ࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࡞⣴ᘬ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡿ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥ࡛⿵ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ⤒㦂 ㇏࡞◊✲⪅ࡶᏛ㝔⏕ࡗ࡚ࡶᚲ㡲ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟࡛ࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 182 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 1530* 1535* Marsh, Kevin/Goetghebeur, Mireille/Thokala, Praveen/Baltussen, Rob (eds.) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to Support Healthcare Decisions 2016:12. 361 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47538-7 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 Persson, Asha/Hughes, Shana D. (eds.) Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Couples with Mixed HIV Status: Beyond Positive/Negative (Social Aspects of HIV, Vol. 2) 2016:11. 302 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-42723-2 .......Hard EUR 134.99 通常価 ¥23,472 / 特価 ¥18,777 + 税 1531* 1536* 医療のデジタル化:電子記録とモラル秩序の分断 医療と病院経営でのサービスビジネスモデルの革新: モデル、戦略、ツール *9783319475387* McLoughlin, Ian P./Garrety, Karin/Wilson, Rob The Digitalization of Healthcare: Electronic Records and the Disruption of Moral Orders 2017:2. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874413-9 .......... Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥10,908 / 特価 ¥8,727 + 税 *9780198744139* *9783319427232* Pfannstiel, Mario A./Rasche, Christoph (eds.) Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management: Models, Strategies, Tools 2017:1. 411 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46411-4 .......Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥26,080 / 特価 ¥20,864 + 税 *9783319464114* 1532* 医療:基礎と最先端 Mullner, Ross M./Rafalski, Edward M. Healthcare Analytics: Foundations and Frontiers 2017:6. 208 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5507-8 ........Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥19,834 / 特価 ¥15,867 + 税 *9781498755078* 1533* ★再 1537* 親の義務と生命倫理:創造者の義務 Prusak, Bernard G. Parental Obligations and Bioethics: The Duties of a Creator (Routledge Annals of Bioethics) 2016:10., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24530-3 ......... Paper STP 38.00 通常価 ¥7,537 / 特価 ¥6,029 + 税 *9781138245303* 公衆衛生 全 4 巻 Newbigging, Karen/Heginbotham, Chris Public Health (Sage Library of Health and Social Welfare Series) 2016:12. 4 Vols., 1,424 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-2504-5 ..........Hard (until 2016/12/16) STP 600.00 ¥ , / ¥ , 通常価 119 007 特価 95 205 + 税 (thereafter) STP 645.00 通常価 ¥127,932 / 特価 ¥102,346 + 税 1538* Sax, Harry C. (ed.) Measurement and Analysis in Transforming Healthcare Delivery: Vol. 2, Practical Applications to Engage and Align Providers and Consumers 2016:12. 207 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46220-2 ......... Hard EUR 66.99 通常価 ¥11,648 / 特価 ¥9,318 + 税 *9783319462202* *9781473925045* 1534* 1539* Ozcan, Yasar A. Health Care Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation: An Assessment Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), 2nd ed. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 210) 2016:9. 329 p. (Springer-Verlag New York, USA) ISBN 978-1-4899-7758-8 ........Paper EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥17,386 / 特価 ¥13,909 + 税 健康経済学 第 2 版 Sloan, Frank A./Hsieh, Chee-Ruey Health Economics, 2nd ed. 2017:1. 824 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03511-8 .......Hard USD 100.00 通常価 ¥15,721 / 特価 ¥12,577 + 税 *9780262035118* *9781489977588* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 183 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 1540* 病院経営におけるハイパフォーマンス Weimann, Edda/Weimann, Peter High Performance in Hospital Management: A Guideline for Developing and Developed Countries 2017:1. 225 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-49658-9 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783662496589* Improving Healthcare Operations: The Application of Lean, Agile and Leagility in Care Pathway Design 2016:11. 89 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46912-6 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319469126* 1543* 健康の社会学理解:入門 1541* 健康と病気の社会学入門 第 3 版 White, Kevin An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness, 3rd ed. 2016:12. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-8207-9 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781473982079* ISBN 978-1-4739-8208-6 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 *9781473982086* 1542* Yuill, Chris/Barry, Anne-Marie Understanding the Sociology of Health: An Introduction 2016:9. 352 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-2944-9 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781473929449* See also... Greasley, Kate, Arguments about Abortion, Oxford U.P. ............................................... p154 , 1311 Hemphill, Jean C., Employers Guide to Health Care Reform, Aspen Law & Business.....p154 , 1312 Short, Stephanie D., Health Workforce Governance, Routledge ........................... p155 , 1313 医療オペレーションの改善 Williams, Sharon J. 社会学 社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 1544* ネオリベラリズムの先へ:1989 年以降の社会分析 Burchardt, Marian/Kirn, Gal (eds.) Beyond Neoliberalism: Social Analysis after 1989 (Approaches to Social Inequality and Difference) 2017:1. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45589-1 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319455891* 1545* Chacon, Richard/Mendoza, Rubén G. (eds.) Feast, Famine or Fighting?: Multiple Pathways to Social Complexity (Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation, Vol. 8) 2017:1. 400 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48401-3 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9783319484013* 1546* Górnicka, Barbara Nakedness, Shame, and Embarrassment: 184 A Long-Term Sociological Perspective (Figurationen. Schriften zur Zivilisations- und Prozesstheorie, Vol. 12) 2016:11. 195 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-15983-2 ........Paper EUR 46.72 通常価 ¥8,123 / 特価 ¥6,498 + 税 *9783658159832* 1547* マックス・ウェーバーとカール・マルクス Lowith, Karl Max Weber and Karl Marx (Routledge Classics in Sociology) 2016:10. 144 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17680-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176805* 1548* QQ Marx and Weber on Oriental Societies: In the Shadow of Western Modernity (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory) 2016:9. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27394-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273948* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 1549* 1552* 社会学理論の発展 子供とのリサーチ:視点と実施 第 3 版 Trevino, A. Javier (ed.) The Development of Sociological Theory: Readings from the Enlightenment to the Present 2017:2. 768 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-0406-9 ......... Paper STP 65.00 通常価 ¥12,892 / 特価 ¥10,313 + 税 Christensen, Pia/James, Allison (eds.) Research with Children: Perspectives and Practices, 3rd ed. 2017:1. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-10088-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 1550* ISBN 978-1-138-10089-3 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781506304069* Wilkie, Alex/Savransky, Martin/Rosengarten, Marsha (eds.) Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures (CRESC) 2017:2. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68836-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138688360* See also... Berg-Sørensen, Anders, Contesting Secularism, Routledge.....................................................p20 , 0174 Corbett, Rosemary, Making Moderate Islam, Stanford U.P. ...............................................p21 , 0175 Davis, Derek H., The Oxford Handbook of Church and State in the United States, Oxford U.P., New York..............................................................p21 , 0176 Harding, Christopher, Religion and Psychotherapy in Modern Japan, Routledge ....................p21 , 0177 Müller, Olaf, # ( in the Enlarged Europe, Routledge .........p21 , 0178 Smidt, Corwin E., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and American Politics, Oxford U.P., New York..............................................................p21 , 0179 Thobro, Suzanne Anett, Textbook Violence, Equinox Pub. .............................................. p21 , 0180 社会学研究法・社会調査法 1551* Bryant, Antony Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing: Pragmatism in Research Practice 2017:1. 424 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-992260-4 ......... Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥11,791 / 特価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9781138100886* *9781138100893* 1553* 多様化する社会の社会的統計 第 8 版 Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava/Leon-Guerrero, Anna Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, 8th ed. 2017:3. 544 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-4720-2 ......... Paper STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781506347202* 1554* O'Leary, Zina Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project, 3rd ed. 2017:3. 376 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-5207-2 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781473952072* ISBN 978-1-4739-5208-9 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781473952089* 1555* ケーススタディ研究の理解 Tight, Malcolm Understanding Case Study Research: Small-scale Research with Meaning 2017:1. 224 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4462-7391-3 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781446273913* ISBN 978-1-4462-7392-0 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 *9781446273920* *9780199922604* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 185 社会学 》社会構造・社会変動 社会構造・社会変動 1556* 人口と社会:人口学入門 第 2 版 Bouvier, Leon F./Poston, Dudley L., Jr. Population and Society: An Introduction to Demography, 2nd ed. 2017:4. 506 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-04267-4 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9781107042674* ISBN 978-1-107-64593-6 ........Paper USD 64.99 通常価 ¥10,217 / 特価 ¥8,173 + 税 *9781107645936* 社会組織・社会集団 1557* 組織の理論と哲学 Hassard, John/Pym, Denis (eds.) The Theory and Philosophy of Organizations: Critical Issues and New Perspectives 2016:9. 288 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15595-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155954* 階級・社会階層・社会移動 1558* Cresswell, Tim Uteng, Tanu Priya (ed.) Gendered Mobilities 2016:10. 288 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25282-0 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252820* 1559* 懐疑的な世界へのマルクス主義クラス理論 Das, Raju J. Marxist Class Theory for a Skeptical World (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Vol. 103) 2017:1. 700 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-29709-8 .......Hard EUR 220.00 通常価 ¥38,253 / 特価 ¥30,602 + 税 *9789004297098* 1560* Gillespie, Brian Joseph Household Mobility in America: Patterns, Processes, 186 and Outcomes 2017:1. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-43076-2 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781137430762* 社会問題・社会運動 1561* パートナーによる暴力への革新的介入 Augusta-Scott, Tod/Scott, Katreena/Tutty, Leslie (eds.) Innovations in Interventions to Address Intimate Partner Violence: Research and Practice 2017:4. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69226-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138692268* ISBN 978-1-138-69227-5 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138692275* 1562* 韓国のいじめと暴力:家庭から学校そしてその先まで Bax, Trent Bullying and Violence in South Korea: From Home to School and Beyond (Palgrave Advances in Criminology and Criminal Justice in Asia) 2016:11. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44611-0 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319446110* 1563 キャンパス内の性的暴行:参考ハンドブック Hatch, Alison E. Campus Sexual Assault: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues) 2017:6. 350 p. (ABCClio, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4139-2 ......... Hard USD 61.00 通常価 ¥9,590 + 税 *9781440841392* 1564* ウガンダにおける児童虐待と育児放棄 ?~X $ ` Child Abuse and Neglect in Uganda (Child Maltreatment, Vol. 6) 2017:1. 290 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48534-8 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319485348* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会問題・社会運動 Demetriou, Chares, Dynamics of Political Violence, Routledge .................................p161 , 1374 1565* ラテンアメリカの先住民女性の運動: ペルー・メキシコ・ボリビア Rousseau, Stéphanie/Morales Hudon, Anahi Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America: Gender and Ethnicity in Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia (Crossing Boundaries of Gender and Politics in the Global South) 2016:12. 225 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-349-95062-1 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9781349950621* 1566* Scalia, Vincenzo Crime, Networks and Power: Transformation of Sicilian Cosa Nostra 2016:11. 145 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46235-6 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319462356* See also... Rivers-moore, Megan, Gringo Gulch, University of Chicago Press ............................................p30 , 0268 Vahabzadeh, Peyman, Iran's Struggles for Social Justice, Palgrave Macmillan ................... p175 , 1471 家族・世代 1567* 家族の社会学:変化・継続性・多様性 Ciabattari, Teresa Sociology of Families: Change, Continuity, and Diversity 2016:10. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-7902-9 ......... Paper STP 59.00 通常価 ¥11,702 / 特価 ¥9,361 + 税 *9781483379029* 1568* 子供時代の社会学 Corsaro, William A. The Sociology of Childhood (Sociology for a New Century) 2017:1. 456 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-3990-0 ......... Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥7,931 / 特価 ¥6,345 + 税 *9781506339900* ᮾ༡䜰䝆䜰䛾㧗㱋䇷ᩥ⊩㞟ᡂ㻌 2 ᕳ Critical Readings on Ageing in Southeast Asia (Series: Critical Readings) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1011558609䛇 Edited by Sarah Harper, University of Oxford, UK 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 2 Vols., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-90-04-30295-2.......................EUR 470.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥81,723 / ≉౯ ¥65,378 + ⛯ *9789004302952* ୡ⣖ࠊᮾ༡ࢪࡣேཱྀࡢ㧗㱋┤㠃ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㐣ཤᩘ༑ᖺ࡛ࠊฟ⏕⋡Ṛஸ⋡ࡢ୧ ᪉ࡀῶᑡࡋࠊ࡚ࡢᮾ༡ࢪㅖᅜ࠾࠸࡚ேཱྀ⨨Ỉ‽ࢆୗᅇࡾࠊᅜẸࡣࡼࡾ㛗⏕ࡁࢆࡍࡿ ࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ ⤖ᯝࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࡢᆅᇦࡢ࡚ࡢᅜࡀᖺ㔠ไᗘ㛗ᮇㆤไᗘࢆᑟධࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢥࣞࢡ ࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊ ᖺ௨㝆ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࠊ࣐࣮ࣞࢩࡸࢩ࣏࣮ࣥ࢞ࣝࠊࢱࠊ࢝ࣥ࣎ࢪࠊࣥࢻࢿ ࢩࠊࣇࣜࣆࣥࠊ࣋ࢺࢼ࣒ࡢ㧗㱋ࢆ⪃ᐹࡋࡓせ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 187 社会学 》家族・世代 1569* 1574* BRICs 諸国の若者の社会学ハンドブック スコットランドの新しい社会学 Dwyer, Tom/Modi, Ishwar/Gorshkov, Mikhail K. (eds.) Handbook of the Sociology of Youth in BRICs Countries\";#$ % ISBN 978-981-3148-38-3 .......Hard USD 298.00 通常価 ¥46,850 / 特価 ¥37,480 + 税 McCrone, David New Sociology of Scotland 2017:3. 776 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-0388-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 1570* ISBN 978-1-4739-0389-0 ......... Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥6,543 / 特価 ¥5,234 + 税 *9789813148383* Macvarish, Jan Neuroparenting: The Expert Invasion of Family Life 2016:10. 116 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-54732-3 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781137547323* 1571* 子供のインターネット上での振る舞いと安全 Phippen, Andy Children’s Online Behaviour and Safety: Policy and Rights Challenges 2016:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-57094-9 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781137570949* See also... Arthur-Banning, Skye, Youth Sports in America, ABC-Clio ...................................................p210 , 1749 都市・地域・農村 1572* 自転車アーバニズム:自転車に優しい都市の再考 Berney, Rachel Bicycle Urbanism: Reimagining Bicycle Friendly Cities 2017:5. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5663-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472456632* 1573* 車に頼る社会:ヨーロッパの視点 Jeekel, Hans The Car-dependent Society: A European Perspective (Transport and Society) 2016:10. 292 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24852-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138248526* 188 *9781473903883* *9781473903890* 1575* 文化の形成 Möystad, Ole Building Culture (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design) 2017:4. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18836-5 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138188365* 1576* Netto, Vinicius M. The Social Fabric of Cities (Design and the Built Environment) 2016:9. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7066-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472470669* 1577* Philipsen, Klaus Baltimore: Reinventing an Industrial Legacy City (Built Environment City Studies) 2017:2. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23036-1 .......... Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥8,925 / 特価 ¥7,140 + 税 *9781138230361* 1578* ジェイン・ジェイコブスに対する現代の見方 Schubert, Dirk Contemporary Perspectives on Jane Jacobs: Reassessing the Impacts of an Urban Visionary 2016:10. 274 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25312-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253124* See also... Slocum, Rachel, Geographies of Race and Food, Routledge.................................................... p59 , 0519 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》産業・労働 メディア・ジャーナリズム 産業・労働 1579* Armano, Emiliana/Bove, Arianna/Murgia, Annalisa (eds.) Mapping Precariousness, Labour Insecurity and Uncertain Livelihoods: Subjectivities and Resistance 2017:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7156-7 ........Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥20,826 / 特価 ¥16,660 + 税 *9781472471567* 1580* 職のない市民:失業している若者の政治への参加 Giugni, Marco/Lorenzini, Jasmine Jobless Citizens: Political Engagement of the Young Unemployed 2016:12. 104 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-349-95141-3 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781349951413* メディア・情報 1581* メディア・文化・社会:入門 Hodkinson, Paul Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction 2016:12. 336 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-0235-0 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781473902350* 1582 アラブ世界の子供たちのテレビとデジタルメディア Sakr, Naomi/Steemers, Jeanette Children’s TV and Digital Media in the Arab World: Childhood, Screen Culture and Education 2017:3. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-504-9 .......... Hard STP 64.00 通常価 ¥12,694 + 税 *9781784535049* ISBN 978-1-78453-505-6 ......... Paper STP 17.99 通常価 ¥3,568 + 税 *9781784535056* See... Bennett, Daniel, Digital Media and Reporting !$Routledge ..................................p160 , 1370 Bennett, W. Lance, News, University of Chicago Press ..........................................................p160 , 1371 Graves, Lucas, Deciding What's True, Columbia U.P. ............................................................p162 , 1376 Olaniran, Bolanie, Handbook for the Crisis Communication Center, Peter Lang ..... p162 , 1384 Richardson, Glenn W., Jr., Social Media and Politics, F.A. Praeger, Inc....................... p164 , 1386 Conti, Nicolò, Citizens, Europe and the Media, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p176 , 1478 インターネット・情報社会学 1583* グローバルジャスティスと情報のポリティクス: 知識に関する苦悩 Croeser, Sky Global Justice and the Politics of Information: The Struggle over Knowledge (Rethinking Globalizations) 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28800-3 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138288003* 1584* Dholakia, Ruby Roy/Mundorf, Norbert/Dholakia, Nikhilesh (eds.) New infotainment Technologies in the Home: Demand-side Perspectives (Routledge Communication Series) 2016:9. 300 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97708-2 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138977082* 1585* バーチャルでの第二の日常: 仮想のコミュニティ・アイデンティティ・空間性 Ensslin, Astrid/Muse, Eben (eds.) Creating Second Lives: Community, Identity and Spatiality as Constructions of the Virtual 2016:10. 230 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24321-7 ......... Paper STP 28.00 通常価 ¥5,553 / 特価 ¥4,442 + 税 *9781138243217* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 189 社会学 》メディア・情報 1586* 1591* ソーシャルメディア:批判的入門 第 2 版 プライバシーとメディア Fuchs, Christian Social Media: A Critical Introduction, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 400 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-6683-3 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 McStay, Andrew Privacy and the Media 2017:3. 224 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-2492-5 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781473966833* 1587* *9781473924925* ISBN 978-1-4739-2493-2 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781473924932* 新たなメディアの世代的な利用 Haddon, Leslie/Mante-Meijer, Enid Loos, Eugène (ed.) Generational Use of New Media 2016:9. 236 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24577-8 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138245778* 1588* デジタルメディアスポーツ: ネットワーク社会での技術・パワー・文化 Hutchins, Brett/Rowe, David (eds.) Digital Media Sport: Technology, Power and Culture in the Network Society (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2016:10. 274 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24329-3 ......... Paper STP 28.00 通常価 ¥5,553 / 特価 ¥4,442 + 税 *9781138243293* 1589* グローバルな若者とデジタルの軌跡 Kontopodis, Michalis/Varvantakis, Christos/Wulf, Christoph (eds.) Global Youth in Digital Trajectories (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society) 2017:4. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23603-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138236035* 1590* デジタルでのパートナー選択の構造 Schmitz, Andreas The Structure of Digital Partner Choice: A Bourdieusian Perspective 2016:11. 320 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43529-9 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319435299* 1593 ★ Schulz, Jeremy/Dunn, Hopeton S./Robinson, Laura (eds.) Communication and Information Technologies Annual: Digital Empowerment: Opportunities and Challenges of Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean (Studies in Media and Communications, Vol. 12) 2016:12. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-482-2 .......Hard USD 124.95 通常価 ¥19,644 + 税 *9781786354822* 1594* プラグイン: メディアはどのように若者を誘惑し影響を与えるか Valkenburg, Patti M./Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor Plugged in: How Media Attract and Affect Youth 2017:4. 344 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-300-21887-9 ......... Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780300218879* セルフィー市民 Kuntsman, Adi (ed.) ! 2016:12. 150 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45269-2 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319452692* 190 1592* See also... Georgalou, Mariza, Discourse and Identity on Facebook, Bloomsbury Academic ............p95 , 0805 Lyons, Antonia C., Youth Drinking Cultures in a Digital World, Routledge ........................p181 , 1529 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》コミュニケーション論 䝁䝭䝳䝙䜿䞊䝅䝵䞁⌮ㄽ䛸ཎ⌮㻌 ᅜ㝿ⓒ⛉㻌 4 ᕳ The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (Series: Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1018375835䛇 Editor-in-Chief: Klaus Bruhn Jensen, University of Copenhagen, DNK and Robert T. Craig, University of Colorado, USA Associate Editor: Jefferson D. Pooley and Eric W. Rothenbuhler 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 2,368 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-118-29073-6 .................... USD 640.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥100,617 / ≉౯ ¥80,494 + ⛯ *9781118290736* ᮏ᭩ࡣࡇࡢศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿỴᐃⓗ࡞༢୍ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟࡛ࠊࡇࡢศ㔝 ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿୡ⏺ⓗ࡞ᑓ㛛ᐙࡼࡿ᭱ඛ➃࡛ヲ⣽࡞Ꮫ⾡ⓗ⪃ᐹࢆ ᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ᭩⡠ࡣࠊ㟁Ꮚ∧᭩⡠∧ࡢ୧᪉ࡀᥦ౪ࡉ ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ᮏ᭩ࡢ≉ᚩࠚ ࣭ࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥࡼࡗ࡚ᘬࡁฟࡉࢀࡿせ࡞ㄢ㢟ᑐࡍࡿ᭱ඛ➃࡛ヲ⣽࡞Ꮫ⾡ⓗ ⪃ᐹࢆࢥ࣑ࣗࢽࢣ࣮ࢩࣙࣥ⌮ㄽࡢṔྐࡸయ⣔ࠊᐇ㝿ⓗ࡞ྍ⬟ᛶࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡍࡿᙧ࡛ᥦ౪ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿᑓ㛛ᐙࡼࡿㄽᩥࡼࡾࠊࡘ࡚࡞࠸ṇ☜࡛ࣂࣛࣥࢫࡢࢀ ࡓෆᐜࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ᮏ㉁ⓗከᅜ⡠࡛Ꮫ㝿ⓗ࡞ࠊໟᣓⓗࡘ᫂░࡞ㄽᩥࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ࡇࡢⓒ⛉ࡣⴭ⪅ࡸࡑࡢᡤᒓࡀ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡸ⡿ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࣛࢸ࣓ࣥࣜ࢝ࡸࢪ ࢆ௦⾲ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢព࡛┿ᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞どⅬࡀᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭:LOH\%ODFNZHOO,&$,QWHUQDWLRQDO(QF\FORSHGLDVRI&RPPXQLFDWLRQ ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ㸯 ᕳ࡛ࠊ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ ඹฟ∧ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 191 社会学 》コミュニケーション論 コミュニケーション論 1595 ヘゲモニー・マスメディア・文化研究:文化の生成 Andrews, Sean Johnson Hegemony, Mass Media and Cultural Studies: Properties of Meaning, Power, and Value in Cultural Production (Cultural Studies and Marxism) 2016:9. ;#_ ^ ISBN 978-1-78348-555-0 .......Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥18,865 + 税 *9781783485550* ISBN 978-1-78348-556-7 ........Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,280 + 税 *9781783485567* 1596* 日々のコミュニケーションの調査 Duck, Steve/McMahan, David T. Communication in Everyday Life: A Survey of Communication 2017:1. 480 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-1516-4 ......... Paper STP 70.00 通常価 ¥13,884 / 特価 ¥11,107 + 税 *9781506315164* カルチュラル・スタディーズ Bad Girls and Transgressive Women in Popular Television, Fiction, and Film 2017:4. 305 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47258-4 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319472584* 1600* ダマスカスでのダンス:創造性・回復力・シリア革命 Cooke, Miriam Dancing in Damascus: Creativity, Resilience, and the Syrian Revolution 2016:11. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69216-9 .......... Hard STP 94.00 通常価 ¥18,644 / 特価 ¥14,915 + 税 *9781138692169* ISBN 978-1-138-69217-6 ......... Paper STP 22.99 通常価 ¥4,559 / 特価 ¥3,647 + 税 *9781138692176* 1601 Erenrich, Susan J./Wergin, Jon F. (eds.) Grassroots Leadership and the Arts for Social Change 2017:3. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-688-8 ......... Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 + 税 *9781786356888* 1597* Berger, Arthur Asa Applied Discourse Analysis: Popular Culture, Media, and Everyday Life 2016:12. 175 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-47180-8 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319471808* 1602* Hawkes, Martine Loss and Genocide in the Archives (Memory Studies: Global Constellations) 2017:4. 210 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4992-4 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472449924* 1598* 表面:美学、物質性、媒体 1603* Bruno, Giuliana Surface: Matters of Aesthetics, Materiality, and Media 2016:12. 288 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-43463-6 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥4,520 + 税 ベースボールグローブに関する文化 *9780226434636* 1599* テレビ、フィクション、映画における バッドガールと過激的な女性 Chappell, Julie A./Young, Mallory (eds.) 192 Jenemann, David Baseball Glove: From Flesh to Gold (Routledge Series for Creative Teaching and Learning in Anthropology) 2017:2. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68203-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138682030* ISBN 978-1-138-68204-7 ......... Paper STP 13.99 通常価 ¥2,774 / 特価 ¥2,219 + 税 *9781138682047* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ 1604* Routledge 版 韓国の文化と社会 Kim, Youna (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Korean Culture and Society 2016:12. 322 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95996-5 ........Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥29,751 / 特価 ¥23,801 + 税 *9781138959965* 1605* フランスとイギリスの大衆音楽の社会学的研究: 比較的視点 Le Guern, Philippe Dauncey, Hugh (ed.) Stereo: Comparative Perspectives on the Sociological Study of Popular Music in France and Britain 2016:9. 298 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27497-6 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138274976* 1606* 東アジアにおけるビデオゲーム Lee, Seungcheol Austin/Pulos, Alexis (eds.) Transnational Contexts of Development History, Sociality, and Society of Play: Video Games in East Asia (East Asian Popular Culture) 2017:1. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43819-1 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319438191* 1607* Maddison, Sarah/Clark, Tom/de Costa, Ravi (eds.) The Limits of Settler Colonial Reconciliation: Non-indigenous People and the Responsibility to Engage 2016:12. 540 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2653-9 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811026539* China and the Chinese in Popular Film: From fu Manchu to Charlie Chan 2016:10. 352 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-720-3 .......... Hard STP 62.00 通常価 ¥12,297 + 税 *9781784537203* 1610* ビデオゲームのエスノグラフィー Thornham, Helen Ethnographies of the Videogame: Gender, Narrative and Praxis 2016:9. 224 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25338-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253384* See also... Hall, Melanie, Towards World Heritage, Routledge .....................................................................p59 , 0514 Jackson, Peter, Maps of Meaning, Routledge .....................................................................p59 , 0515 Rycroft, Simon, Swinging City, Routledge .....................................................................p59 , 0517 消費・レジャー 1611* 消費者社会:神話と構造 Baudrillard, Jean The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures (Published in Association with Theory, Culture & Society) 2016:12. 224 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-8237-6 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781473982376* ISBN 978-1-4739-8238-3 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781473982383* 1608* 大衆的なイメージの中の悪い子供 Renner, Karen Evil Children in the Popular Imagination 2016:11. 272 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-60321-0 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781137603210* 1609 ポピュラーフィルムにおける中国と中国人: フー・マンチュー博士からチャーリー・チャン警部まで 1612* 消費者の文化と社会 Murphy, Wendy Wiedenhoft Consumer Culture and Society 2016:10. 272 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-5815-4 ......... Paper STP 46.99 通常価 ¥9,320 / 特価 ¥7,456 + 税 *9781483358154* Richards, Jeffrey ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 193 社会学 》消費・レジャー 1616* See also... 移民と都市 Atwood, Gretchen, Lost Champions, Bloomsbury Academic ...................................................p211 , 1750 Benson, Angela M., International Sports Volunteering, Routledge .......................... p211 , 1751 Gibbons, Tom, Sport and English National Identity in a ‘Disunited Kingdom’, Routledge ................................................................... p211 , 1752 Kilvington, Daniel, Sport and Discrimination, Routledge................................................... p211 , 1753 Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce, Sports MegaEvents and Urban Legacies, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................................... p211 , 1755 国際社会学 1613* グローバリゼーションから世界的社会へ Holzer, Boris/Kastner, Fatima/Werron, Tobias (eds.) From Globalization to World Society: NeoInstitutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives 2016:11. 348 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-29140-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138291409* 人種・エスニシティ Fong, Eric/Berry, Brent Immigration and the City (Immigration and Society) 2017:4. 200 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7456-9001-8 ......... Hard USD 64.95 通常価 ¥10,211 / 特価 ¥8,168 + 税 *9780745690018* ISBN 978-0-7456-9002-5 ........Paper USD 22.95 通常価 ¥3,608 / 特価 ¥2,886 + 税 *9780745690025* 1617* 批判的リアリズム・ソマリア・ ディアスポラコミュニティー Haji-Abdi, Abdullahi Critical Realism, Somalia and the Diaspora Community (Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2016:10. 136 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-23332-4 ......... Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥5,750 / 特価 ¥4,600 + 税 *9781138233324* 1618* Holmes, Colin A Tolerant Country?: Immigrants, Refugees and Minorities 2016:9. 128 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94045-1 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 *9781138940451* 1614* Baker, Houston A./Simmons, K. Merinda The Trouble with Post-Blackness 2017:3. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-16935-6 ........Paper USD 26.00 通常価 ¥4,087 / 特価 ¥3,270 + 税 *9780231169356* 1619* イギリスの社会における移民とマイノリティー Holmes, Colin Immigrants and Minorities in British Society 2016:9. 196 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93770-3 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 *9781138937703* 1615 反ユダヤ主義:リファレンスハンドブック 第 2 版 Chanes, Jerome A. Antisemitism: A Reference Handbook, 2nd ed. (Contemporary World Issues (Hardcover)) 2017:6. 300 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4246-7 ......... Hard USD 60.00 通常価 ¥9,432 + 税 *9781440842467* 1620* オーストラリアの新たな移民 Indelicato, Maria Elena Australia’s New Migrants: International Students’ Affective Encounters with the Border (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) 2017:4. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8048-4 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781472480484* 194 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ 1621* 1626* グローバル都市でのディアスポラの形成 インドの移民レポート 2016 Kim, Helen Making Diaspora in a Global City: South Asian Youth Cultures in London (Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity) 2016:12. 136 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-79304-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 Rajan, S. Irudaya (ed.) India Migration Report 2016: Gulf Migration 2016:10. 318 p. (Routledge India, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-21570-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9780415793049* 1622* 科学者はレイシストか Marks, Jonathan Is Science Racist? (Debating Race) 2017:3. 140 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7456-8921-0 ......... Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,074 / 特価 ¥5,659 + 税 *9780745689210* ISBN 978-0-7456-8922-7 ........Paper USD 12.95 通常価 ¥2,035 / 特価 ¥1,628 + 税 *9780745689227* 1623* Nayel, Amina Alrasheed Alternative Performativity of Muslimness: The Intersection of Race, Gender, Religion, and Migration 2017:2. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44050-7 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319440507* 1624* Oso, Laura/Grosfoguel, Ramon/Christou, Anastasia (eds.) Interrogating Intersectionalities, Gendering Mobilities, Racializing Transnationalism 2017:3. 134 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78697-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780415786973* *9781138215702* 1627* Schinkel, Willem Imagined Societies 2017:3. 277 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12973-3 ......... Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥15,719 / 特価 ¥12,575 + 税 *9781107129733* 1628 イスタンブールの都市部のムスリム移民 Trix, Frances Urban Muslim Migrants in Istanbul: Identity and Trauma among Balkan Immigrants 2016:10. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-609-1 .......... Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥13,685 + 税 *9781784536091* 1629* Voloder, Lejla/Kirpitchenko, Liudmila Insider Research on Migration and Mobility: International Perspectives on Researcher Positioning 2016:9. 220 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24664-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246645* See also... Samers, Michael, Migration, Routledge .................................................................... p59 , 0518 Zaun, Natascha, EU Asylum Policies, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p177 , 1488 1625* アフリカ系アメリカ人男性の危機: 若者のための先を見越した戦略 Pullman, Wesley E. African American Men in Crisis: Proactive Strategies for Urban Youth (Children of Poverty) 2016:9. 294 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96623-9 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138966239* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 195 ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 ジェンダー ジェンダー一般 1630* Andreescu, Florentina C./Shapiro, Michael J. (eds.) Genre and the (Post-)Communist Woman: Analyzing Transformations of the Central and Eastern European Female Ideal (Interventions) 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28798-3 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 *9781138287983* 1631* 初等学校におけるジェンダーと子供のセクシュアリティ Bhana, Deevia Gender and Childhood Sexuality in Primary School (Perspectives on Children and Young People, Vol. 3) 2016:10. 229 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2238-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811022388* 1632* 太平洋における男性性の出現 Biersack, Aletta/Macintyre, Martha (eds.) 4% 2017:2. 174 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78694-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780415786942* 1633* 異文化の視点から見るジェンダー 第 7 版 Brettell, Caroline B./Sargent, Carolyn F. (eds.) Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 7th ed. 2017:2. 680 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78386-6 ........Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥21,817 / 特価 ¥17,454 + 税 *9780415783866* 1634* Burns, Kellie/Davies, Cristyn Mediating Sexual Citizenship: Producing Neoliberal Subjects in Visual Culture (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2017:4. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-72092-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780415720922* 196 1635* Dickinson, Jen Cameron, Angus (ed.) Body/State (Gender in a Global/Local World) 2016:9. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25351-3 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138253513* 1636* 男性のファッション、男性性と消費者社会 Edwards, Tim Men in the Mirror (Culture Studies: Bloomsbury Academic Collections) 2016:10. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-8734-0 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781474287340* 1637* Hughes, Elizabeth Adopted Women and Biological Fathers: Reimagining Stories of Origin and Trauma (Women and Psychology) 2017:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69101-8 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138691018* 1638* Lamb, Sharon/Roberts, Tangela/Plocha, Aleksandra Girls of Color, Sexuality, and Sex Education 2016:11. 102 p (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-60153-7 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9781137601537* 1639 Lopresti, Robert When Women Didn’t Count: The Chronic Mismeasure and Marginalization of American Women in Federal Statistics 2017:6. 315 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4368-6 ......... Hard USD 58.00 通常価 ¥9,118 + 税 *9781440843686* 1640* グローバルな視点でのジェンダーの平等 Ortenblad, Anders/Marling, Raili/Vasiljevic, Snjezana (eds.) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 Gender Equality in a Global Perspective (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies, Vol. 68) 2016:12. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19324-6 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138193246* 1641* ビジネスにおける女性たち 第 2 版 Reeves, Martha Women in Business: Theory and Cases, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 396 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94924-9 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781138949249* ISBN 978-1-138-94925-6 ......... Paper STP 44.99 通常価 ¥8,923 / 特価 ¥7,138 + 税 *9781138949256* 1642* STEM における女性研究者 Rosser, Sue V. Academic Women in STEM Faculty: Views beyond a Decade after POWRE 2017:1. 180 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48792-2 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 See also... Litosseliti, Lia, Gender and Language, Routledge .................................................................... p92 , 0775 Sánchez-López, M. Pilar, The Psychology of Gender and Health, Academic Pr. ........ p103 , 0871 Alecchi, Beatrice E. Avolio, Women and Entrepreneurship, Routledge ................ p129 , 1078 Henry, Colette, The Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship, Routledge .................................................................. p130 , 1083 Scutt, Jocelynne A., Women, Law and Culture, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p144 , 1216 Olsson, Louise, Gender, Peace and Security, Routledge...................................................p168 , 1421 Cresswell, Tim, Gendered Mobilities, Routledge ...................................................................p186 , 1558 Rousseau, Stéphanie, Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p187 , 1565 Chappell, Julie A., Bad Girls and Transgressive Women in Popular Television, Fiction, and Film, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p192 , 1599 *9783319487922* 1643* フェミニズム 1645* Toronto, Ellen/Ponder, Joann/Davisson, Kristin/ Kelber Kelly, Maurine (eds.) A Womb of Her Own: Women’s Struggle for Sexual and Reproductive Autonomy 2017:2. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19496-0 ........Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥23,801 / 特価 ¥19,041 + 税 *9781138194960* ISBN 978-1-138-19497-7 ......... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥6,345 / 特価 ¥5,076 + 税 *9781138194977* 1644 Wade, Lisa/Hartmann, Douglas/Uggen, Christopher (eds.) Assigned: Life with Gender (Society Pages) 2017:1. 272 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-28445-4 ........Paper USD 15.00 通常価 ¥2,358 / 特価 ¥1,886 + 税 *9780393284454* フェミニズム・ジェンダー・大学: ポリティクス・情熱・教育学 David, Miriam E. Feminism, Gender and Universities: Politics, Passion and Pedagogies 2016:9. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27043-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138270435* 1646 Criminalizing the Client: Institutional Change, Gendered Ideas and Feminist Strategies (Feminist Institutionalist Perspectives) 2016:12. 208 p. (Row ^ ISBN 978-1-78660-005-9 .......Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥18,865 + 税 *9781786600059* ISBN 978-1-78660-006-6 ........Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,280 + 税 *9781786600066* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 197 ジェンダー 》フェミニズム 1647* フェミニストの視点から見る障害 Fawcett, Barbara Feminist Perspectives on Disability (Feminist Perspectives) 2016:10. 186 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15734-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138157347* 1648* Lind, Amy/Marchand, Marianne H. Runyan, Anne Sisson (ed.) Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America: Rights, Citizenships, and Identities in Transnational Perspective (Gender in a Global/Local World) 2016:9. 278 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24918-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138249189* 1649* 女性ぬきのフェミニズム: ポストフェミニズム時代の文化および批判 Modleski, Tania Feminism without Women: Culture and Criticism in a Postfeminist Age 2016:10. 416 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17854-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138178540* 䝣䜵䝭䝙䝈䝮㻌 4 ᕳ Feminism (Series: SAGE Benchmarks in Culture and Society) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04009S0342䛇 Edited by Mary Evans, London School of Economics & Political Science 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 1,215 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-1598-5...................STP 645.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥127,932 / ≉౯ ¥102,346 + ⛯ *9781473915985* ࡇࡇ 40 ᖺ㛫ࡣࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮ࡸࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮㛵ಀࡘ࠸࡚ࡢㄢ㢟㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊᏛ⾡⏺ࡑࡢ ▱ⓗ࡞⏕άࢆ㏦ࡿᏛ⾡ᶵ㛵ࡣ㛵ࢃࡾࡢᑡ࡞࠸ேࠎࡢ୰࡛ὀ┠ࡍࡁࠊᣢ⥆ⓗ࡞ㄪᰝࡀ ⾜ࢃࢀ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋዪᛶᏛࡸࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢫࢺ◊✲ࠊࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮◊✲㛵ࡍࡿᏛ㒊࣭◊✲⛉ ࡣඛ㐍ᅜ୰ࡢᏛᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࢀࡽࡢ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛࡣ࡞ࡾࡢ㒊ศ࡛㔜࡞ࡾྜ ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࡀࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡀ㐪ࡗࡓどⅬ࡛ࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢᨻᏛࠊࡍ࡞ࢃࡕබඹࡢሙࡢᨻ Ꮫࡀ⏕ࡳฟࡋࡓ㐪࠸ࢆ◊✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࡑࡢ᰿ᖿ࡛ࠊබඹࡢሙࡢᨻᏛࡋ࡚ ࡢࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࡀẸⓗ࡞♫࠾ࡅࡿᚲ㡲せ⣲ࡔ࠸࠺୰ᚰⓗ࡞⪃࠼᪉ࢆ᳨ウࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋ 4 ᕳࡢᮏ᭩ࡣࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒࠾࠸࡚ࡉࢀࡿࢸ࣮࣐ࠊࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࡀ㆟ㄽ ࡉࢀࡿ㸦ᆅ⌮ⓗࡘ▱ⓗ࡞㸧✵㛫࠾࠸࡚ᕪࡍࡿ㒊ศࢆ⪃ᐹࡋᙉㄪࡍࡿࡼ࠺ᵓᡂࡉࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸ࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࢆീࡍࡿ ➨ ᕳ㸸ࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢⓎᒎ㸸ᐇ㊶ᨻ⟇ ➨ ᕳ㸸ࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢᡤᅾ ➨ ᕳ㸸ࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢫࢺࡢᑗ᮶ (Sage Pub., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 198 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》フェミニズム 1651* See also... von Flotow, Luise, Translation and Gender, Routledge....................................................p95 , 0802 Vieten, Ulrike M., Gender and Cosmopolitanism in Europe, Routledge .............................. p160 , 1368 Stein, Edward (ed.) Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Controversy 2016:10. 366 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15693-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156937* Heyes, Cressida J., Cosmetic Surgery, Routledge ...................................................................p181 , 1525 See also... セクシュアリティ Logan, Trevon D., Economics, Sexuality, and Male Sex Work, Cambridge U.P. .....................p114 , 0959 1650* トランスジェンダー、クィア、フェミニスト理論における 論争 Bernini, Lorenzo, Queer Apocalypses, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p159 , 1361 Elliot, Patricia Debates in Transgender, Queer, and Feminist Theory: Contested Sites 2016:9. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24629-4 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138246294* 教育学 教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 1654* ★★ 比較教育研究:アプローチと方法 第 2 版 1652* 教育における研究方法と方法論 第 2 版 Arthur, James/Coe, Robert/Waring, Michael/Hedges, Larry V. (eds.) Research Methods and Methodologies in Education, 2nd ed. 2017:3. 456 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-6979-7 .......... Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥16,859 / 特価 ¥13,487 + 税 *9781473969797* ISBN 978-1-4739-6980-3 ......... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥5,551 / 特価 ¥4,441 + 税 *9781473969803* 1653* Routledge 復刻版 言語、知性、思想 Barrow, Robin Language, Intelligence, and Thought (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 132 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92584-7 ......... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥5,353 / 特価 ¥4,282 + 税 Bray, Mark/Adamson, Bob/Mason, Mark (eds.) Comparative Education Research: Approaches and Methods, 2nd ed. (CERC Studies in Comparative Education, Vol. 19) 2016:9. 453 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-37445-1 ..... Paper EUR 154.99 通常価 ¥26,949 / 特価 ¥21,559 + 税 *9783319374451* 1655* 教育研究における哲学 Bridges, David Philosophy in Educational Research: Epistemology, Ethics, Politics and Quality 2017:1. 365 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-49210-0 .......Hard EUR 124.99 通常価 ¥21,733 / 特価 ¥17,386 + 税 *9783319492100* *9781138925847* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 199 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 1656* 1661* Ellerton, Nerida/Clements, McKenzie A. Ken Samuel Pepys, Isaac Newton, James Hodgson and the Beginnings of Secondary School Mathematics: A History of the Royal Mathematical School Within Christ’s Hospital, London 1673-1868 (History of Mathematics Education) 2016:12. 300 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46656-9 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 Robinson, Wendy/Freathy, Rob/Doney, Jonathan (eds.) Politics, Professionals and Practitioners 2017:2. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-30637-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780415306379* 教育心理学 *9783319466569* 1662* 1657* Ergas, Oren Reconstructing ‘Education’ through Mindful Attention: Positioning the Mind at the Center of Curriculum and Pedagogy 2016:12. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-58781-7 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9781137587817* 批判的教育心理学 Williams, Antony J./Billington, Tom/Goodley, Dan/ Corcoran, Tim Critical Educational Psychology (BPS Textbooks in Psychology) 2016:12. 256 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-118-97594-7 ........Paper USD 54.95 通常価 ¥8,638 / 特価 ¥6,911 + 税 *9781118975947* 1658* Lynch, Julianne/Rowlands, Julie/Gale, Trevor/ Skourdoumbis, Andrew (eds.) Practice Theory and Education: Diffractive Readings in Professional Practice 2016:12. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19139-6 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138191396* 教育社会学 1663* Busch, Lawrence Knowledge for Sale: The Neoliberal Takeover of Higher Education 2017:1. 184 p., Originally published in 1990 (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03607-8 ......... Hard USD 24.95 通常価 ¥3,922 / 特価 ¥3,138 + 税 *9780262036078* 1659* Magrini, James M. Reconceptualizing Plato’s Socrates at the Limit of Education: A Socratic Curriculum Grounded in Finite Human Transcendence (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) 2016:12. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69046-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138690462* 1664* 人種とエスニシティと教育:多民族学校での指導と学習 Gillborn, David Race, Ethnicity and Education: Teaching and Learning in Multi-Ethnic Schools (Key Issues in Education) 2016:9. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15621-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156210* 1660* 教育哲学と理論の百科事典 Peters, Michael (ed.) Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory 2017:2. 1,801 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-287-587-7 .......Hard EUR 529.00 通常価 ¥91,982 / 特価 ¥73,586 + 税 *9789812875877* 200 1665* Malone, Karen/Truong, Son/Gray, Tonia (eds.) Reimagining Sustainability in Precarious Times 2016:12. 84 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2548-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811025488* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育社会学 1666* Nugent, Gwen C./Kunz, Gina M./Sheridan, Susan M./Glover, Todd A./Knoche, Lisa L. (eds.) Rural Education Research in the United States: State of the Science and Emerging Directions 2016:11. 358 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-42938-0 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319429380* 1667* ★再 教育の社会学 全 4 巻 Ozga, Jenny (ed.) Sociology of Education (SAGE Library of Educational Thought & Practice) 2016:11. 4 Vols., 1,392 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-4452-7 ........Hard STP 645.00 通常価 ¥127,932 / 特価 ¥102,346 + 税 *9781473944527* 1668* Pirbhai-Illich, Fatima/Pete, Shauneen/Martin, Fran (eds.) Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Working towards Decolonization, Indigeneity and Interculturalism 2017:1. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46327-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319463278* ᩍ⫱♫Ꮫ㻌 ➨ 2 ᕳ㻌 4 ᕳ Sociology of Education 㻵㻵 (Series: Major Themes in Education) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04001S0309䛇 Edited by Stephen J. Ball, University of London, UK 2017ᖺ 3᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,473 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-82788-2...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥178,510 / ≉౯ ¥142,808 + ⛯ *9781138827882* Routledge Ⓨหࡢ Major Themes in Education ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᪂ห࡛࠶ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣ᭱Ⰻࡢ◊ ✲ᡂᯝࢆࡲࡵࡓ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢㄽ㞟࡛࠶ࡾࠊ2000 ᖺࡇࡕࡽࡶ Stephen J. Ball ࡼࡗ ࡚⦅㞟ࡉࢀࡓ Sociology of Education ࡢᚲ㡲ࡢᚋ⥅᭩࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 2000 ᖺⓎ⾜ࡢ๓ᕳࡣࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢᶆ‽ⓗ࣭᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝ㛵ࡍࡿ᭱ึࡢໟᣓⓗ ࡞ᴫㄽ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡇࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࡑࢀ௨㝆⏕ࡌࡓᩘࠎࡢ㔜せ࡞㐍ᒎࢆྲྀ ࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ๓ᕳ࡛ࡣ⠊ᅖእ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡓከࡃࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ศ㔝ࡸ 㢟┠ࡶྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࡞⣴ᘬࡶࠊ༤㆑࡞⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓࠊᥖ㍕ㄽᩥ ࢆṔྐⓗ࣭▱ⓗᩥ⬦࡛ゎㄝࡍࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ᑟධᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᚲせྍḞ࡞㈨ᩱ 㞟࡛ࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 201 教育学 》教育社会学 1669* 1673* 都市を学ぶ:都市での市民教育への文化的アプローチ 多文化教育の革新:文化的多様性の再考のための 形而上学的なマニフェスト Sacré, Hari/de Visscher, Sven (eds.) Learning the City: Cultural Approaches to Civic Learning in Urban Spaces (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2016:11. 98 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46229-5 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319462295* Dreamson, Neal Reinventing Intercultural Education: A Metaphysical Manifest for Rethinking Cultural Diversity (Routledge International Studies in the Philosophy of Education) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-21776-8 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138217768* 1670* 労働のための学習: 労働者階級の子供はどのように労働者階級となるか Willis, Paul Learning to Labor: How Working-Class Kids Get Working-Class Jobs (Legacy Editions) 2017:2. 304 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17895-2 ........Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥4,716 / 特価 ¥3,773 + 税 *9780231178952* 1671* 1674* Kerfoot, Caroline/Simon-Vandenbergen, AnneMarie (eds.) Language in Epistemic Access: Mobilising Multilingualism and Literacy Development 2017:2. 124 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-31552-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9780415315524* 1675* キャンパスポリティクス Zimmerman, Jonathan Campus Politics (What Everyone Needs To Know) 2016:9. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062739-3 ......... Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥11,633 / 特価 ¥9,307 + 税 *9780190627393* ISBN 978-0-19-062740-9 ........Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,664 / 特価 ¥2,131 + 税 中国の移民家族の文化交流的就学経験 Xu, Shijing Cross-Cultural Schooling Experiences of Chinese Immigrant Families: In Search of Home in Times of Transition (Intercultural Reciprocal Learning in Chinese and Western Education) 2017:5. 290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46102-1 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319461021* *9780190627409* 多言語教育 See also... Hatch, Alison E., Campus Sexual Assault, ABCClio ........................................................... p186 , 1563 Bhana, Deevia, Gender and Childhood Sexuality in Primary School, Springer Singapore ...................................................................p196 , 1631 国際教育・多文化教育 1672* グローカルな視点からの多文化教育 Cha, Yun-Kyung/Gundara, Jagdish/Ham, SeungHwan/Lee, Moosung (eds.) Multicultural Education in Glocal Perspectives: Policy and Institutionalization 2016:11. 272 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2220-3 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811022203* 202 1676* Prats Porcar, Elena Education Policy for the Promotion of Trilingual Education at Primary Level: A Comparative Analysis of Ireland and Catalonia (Routledge Research in Language Education) 2017:4. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96294-1 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138962941* See also... Breen, Michael, Learner Contributions to Language Learning, Routledge ............... p93 , 0784 Leung, Constant, English as a Second Language in the Mainstream, Routledge...................... p94 , 0789 Reynolds, Allan G., Bilingualism, Multiculturalism, and Second Language Learning, Psychology Pr. ......................... p93 , 0785 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》国際教育・多文化教育 Goh, Hock Huan, Mandarin Competence of Chinese-English Bilingual Preschoolers, Springer Singapore ................................................... p94 , 0787 1680* 中国の社会における就学前教育 Nation, I. S. P., Making and Using Word Lists for Language Learning and Testing, John Benjamins ....................................................................p94 , 0790 Rao, Nirmala/Zhou, Jing/Sun, Jin (eds.) Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, Vol. 19) 2017:1. 210 p. (Springer Netherland, NLD) ISBN 978-94-024-1003-7 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 Oxford, Rebecca L., Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies, Routledge .................................................................... p94 , 0791 教育制度・教育行政 Johnston, Bill, English Teaching and Evangelical Mission, Multilingual Matters .................. p94 , 0788 *9789402410037* Swain, Merrill, Bilingualism in Education, Routledge.................................................... p94 , 0792 1681* Tao, Hongyin, Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research and Language Teaching and Learning, John Benjamins .......................................... p94 , 0793 Bernhardt, Victoria L./Hebert, Connie L. Response to Intervention and Continuous School Improvement: How to Design, Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate a Schoolwide Prevention System, 2nd ed. 2017:3. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-28569-9 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 比較教育・各国教育事情 介入と継続的な学校の改善への反応 第 2 版 *9781138285699* 1677* @ Q Collaborative Learner Autonomy: A Mode of Learner Autonomy Development 2016:9. 231 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2046-9 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811020469* 1678* 中東と北アフリカでの外国語教育評価 Hidri, Sahbi/Coombe, Christine (eds.) Evaluation in Foreign Language Education in the Middle East and North Africa (Second Language Learning and Teaching) 2016:10. 421 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43233-5 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319432335* 1679* 持続可能な開発のための教育:アフリカの事例 Lotz-Sisitka, Heila/Shumba, Overson/Lupele, Justin/Wilmot, Di (eds.) Schooling for Sustainable Development in Africa (Schooling for Sustainable Development, Vol. 8) 2016:11. 300 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45987-5 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319459875* ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-1-138-28571-2 ......... Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥4,361 / 特価 ¥3,489 + 税 *9781138285712* 1682* Corso, Michael J./Fox Quaglia, Kristine/Quaglia, Russell J./Dykes, Gavin Aspire High: Imagining Tomorrow’s School Today 2017:1. 232 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-1137-1 ......... Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥5,154 / 特価 ¥4,123 + 税 *9781506311371* 1683* 学校での複雑な変化の管理 Garcia, Alejandro Salcedo/Morrison, Keith/Tsoi, Ah Chung/He, Jinming Managing Complex Change in School: Engaging Pedagogy, Technology, Learning and Leadership 2016:12. 254 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-78732-1 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9780415787321* 1684* Gunter, Helen M./Mills, Colin Consultants and Consultancy: The Case of Education (Educational Governance Research, Vol. 4) 2017:4. 160 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48877-6 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319488776* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 203 教育学 》教育制度・教育行政 1685* Jacobs, Jacqueline/O'Gorman, Kevin The Learning Leader"_ X~ X Sharing 2016:10. 128 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15099-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138150997* ISBN 978-1-138-68058-6 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781138680586* ISBN 978-1-138-68059-3 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9781138680593* 1691 未来のための問題に基づく学習 教育現場のメンタリング、コーチング: スタッフマネジメントとリーダシップの向上 Kek, Megan Yih Chyn A./Huijser, Henk Problem-based Learning into the Future: Imagining an Agile PBL Ecology for Learning 2016:11. 195 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2452-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 McCarthy, Marcella Bloomsbury CPD Library: Mentoring and Coaching (Bloomsbury CPD Library) 2017:4. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4729-3710-0 ......... Paper STP 22.99 通常価 ¥4,559 / 特価 ¥3,647 + 税 1686* *9789811024528* 1687* 学校や大学における安全と災害対策: トレーニングマニュアル Kibble, David G. Safety and Disaster Management in Schools and Colleges: A Training Manual 2016:10. 127 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15636-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781472937100* See also... Cullinan, John, Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p114 , 0958 McMillan Cottom, Tressie, 3{$ Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p115 , 0960 *9781138156364* 教科教育学 1688* 1692* Krownapple, John Guiding Teams to Excellence with Equity: Cultur` \"*!# Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4833-8698-0 ......... Paper STP 23.99 通常価 ¥4,758 / 特価 ¥3,806 + 税 性教育に関するビジュアルリサーチ *9781483386980* Allen, Louisa Schooling Sexual Cultures: Visual Research in Sexuality Education (Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality in Education) 2017:5. 184 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85998-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138859982* 1689* 教育的組織の新たな方向性 Lakomski, Gabriele/Eacott, Scott/Evers, Colin W. (eds.) Questioning Leadership: New Directions for Educational Organisations (Foundations and Futures of Education) 2016:12. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18316-2 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138183162* 1690* Mazza, Joe/McCoy, Derek Becoming a Lead Learner: 5 Way Educators Can Inspire, Challenge, and Empower Others 2017:4. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) 204 1693* 音楽教育:男児の歌う事・声への意識 Ashley, Martin How High Should Boys Sing?: Gender, Authenticity and Credibility in the Young Male Voice 2016:9. 194 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-25263-9 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138252639* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 1694* Carter, James Page to Stage: Developing Writing, Speaking and Listening Skills in Primary Schools 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 2004 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14723-2 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138147232* 1695* Crovitz, Darren/Devereaux, Michelle D. Grammar to Get Things Done: A Practical Guide for Teachers Anchored in Real-World Usage A Co-publication of Routledge and the National Council of Teachers of English 2016:11. 236 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68369-3 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781138683693* ISBN 978-1-138-68370-9 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9781138683709* ISBN 978-1-138-15731-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138157316* 1699* Routledge版 音楽・テクノロジー・教育必携 King, Andrew/Himonides, Evangelos/Ruthmann, S. Alex (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Music, Technology, and Education 2017:1. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92138-2 ........Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥29,751 / 特価 ¥23,801 + 税 *9781138921382* 1700* 国際言語としての英語教育のための教員教育 Matsuda, Aya (ed.) Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language (New Perspectives on Language and Education, Vol. 53) 2017:1. 258 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78309-702-9 .......... Hard STP 99.95 通常価 ¥19,824 / 特価 ¥15,859 + 税 *9781783097029* 1696* Fein, Michael Teaching Music Improvisation with Technology 2017:5. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062825-3 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9780190628253* ISBN 978-0-19-062826-0 ........Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,502 / 特価 ¥4,402 + 税 *9780190628260* 1697* 3 ∼ 7 歳の児童のための数学理解:教員ガイド 第5版 Haylock, Derek/Cockburn, Anne D. Understanding Mathematics for Young Children: A Guide for Teachers of Children 3-7, 5th ed. 2017:2. 360 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-5350-5 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781473953505* ISBN 978-1-4739-5351-2 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781473953512* 1698* Hennessy, Sarah Music 7-11: Developing Primary Teaching Skills 2016:10. 96 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-1-78309-701-2 ......... Paper STP 29.95 通常価 ¥5,940 / 特価 ¥4,752 + 税 *9781783097012* 1701* 就学前教育のリテラシー: 国際研究および実施への反映 McLachlan, Claire J./Arrow, Alison W. (eds.) Literacy in the Early Years"_ International Research and Practice (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, Vol. 17) 2016:12. 279 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2073-5 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9789811020735* 1702* Phillipson, Sivanes/Gervasoni, Ann/Sullivan, Peter (eds.) Engaging Families as Children’s First Mathematics Educators: International Perspectives (Early Mathematics Learning and Development) 2016:11. 398 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2551-8 .......Hard EUR 124.99 通常価 ¥21,733 / 特価 ¥17,386 + 税 *9789811025518* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 205 教育学 》教科教育学 1703* Schmidt, Patrick/Colwell, Richard Policy and the Political Life of Music Education 2017:5. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-024614-3 ......... Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥15,564 / 特価 ¥12,451 + 税 *9780190246143* ISBN 978-0-19-024615-0 ........Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,280 / 特価 ¥5,024 + 税 *9780190246150* 1704* 数学教育:批判的入門 Wolfmeyer, Mark Mathematics Education: A Critical Introduction (Critical Introductions in Education) 2017:1. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-24327-9 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138243279* ISBN 978-1-138-24328-6 ......... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥4,956 / 特価 ¥3,965 + 税 *9781138243286* 教育方法・教育評価 Mentors and Mentoring: A Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education 2016:9. 130 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98095-2 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138980952* 1708* Cambridge 版 サービスラーニングとコミュニティ参加のハンドブック Eatman, Timothy K./Dolgon, Corey/Mitchell, Tania D. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Service Learning and Community Engagement (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology) 2017:3. 552 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15378-3 .......Hard USD 175.00 通常価 ¥27,512 / 特価 ¥22,010 + 税 *9781107153783* 1709* Franck, Olof/Osbeck, Christina (eds.) Ethical Literacies and Education for Sustainable Development: Young People, Subjectivity and Democratic Participation 2017:4. 195 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-49009-0 ......... Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥14,778 / 特価 ¥11,822 + 税 *9783319490090* 1705* 指導のための学習 1710* Bennett, Neville/Carre, Clive (eds.) Learning to Teach 2016:10. 256 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15708-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 教育政策分析:香港のリベラルな研究とナショナル教育 *9781138157088* Fung, Dennis Chun-Lok/Lui, Wai-mei Education Policy Analysis: Liberal Studies and National Education in Hong Kong (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2016:9. 95 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2608-9 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9789811026089* 1706* 中等教育における中核カリキュラムの調整 Bunn, James Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education: Composing Archimedes’ Lever, the Equation, and the Sentence as an Interdisciplinary Unity 2017:1. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46105-2 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319461052* 1707* 冒険を通しての個人の成長 Hopkins, David/Putnam, Roger Personal Growth through Adventure 2016:10. 241 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17839-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138178397* 1712* 教室での振る舞いの管理 メンターとメンタリング Cienkus, Robert C./Haworth, Jennifer Grant/Kavanagh, Jack A. (eds.) 206 1711* Jeffery, David/Newell, Sandra Behaviour Management in the Classroom: A Transactional Analysis Approach 2016:9. 160 p., Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 First published in 2002 (David Fulton Publishers, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15208-3 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138152083* 1713* カレッジや大学における学生の学習とサポート研究 Jones, Margaret/Siraj-Blatchford, John Researching into Student Learning and Support in Colleges and Universities 2016:10. 160 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15564-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138155640* 1714* Keeley-Browne, Liz/Price, Anne Numeracy for QTLS: Achieving the Minimum Core 2016:10. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17667-6 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176676* 1715* Lanning, Lois A./French, Rachel/Erickson, H. Lynn Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction for the Thinking Classroom, 2nd Rev. ed. (ConceptBased Curriculum and Instruction) 2017:4. 240 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-5539-9 ......... Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥5,154 / 特価 ¥4,123 + 税 *9781506355399* 1718* Ng-a-Fook, Nicholas/Ibrahim, Awad/Reis, Giuliano (eds.) Provoking Curriculum Studies: Strong Poetry and Arts of the Possible in Education (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) 2016:9. 284 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82775-2 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138827752* 1719* 多様な空間の教育学: ローカルやグローバルな環境での教育 Renshaw, Peter/Tooth, Ron (eds.) Diverse Pedagogies of Place: Educating Students in and for Local/Global Environments (Routledge Research in Education) 2017:4. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90669-3 .......... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥18,842 / 特価 ¥15,074 + 税 *9781138906693* 1720* Resnick, L. B./Weaver, P. A. (eds.) Theory and Practice of Early Reading: Vol. 1 2016:10. 416 p., Originally published in 1979 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17663-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138176638* 1721* Wiley 版 認知と評価のハンドブック Light, Debbie Bloomsbury CPD Library: Stretch and Challenge 2017:1. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4729-2840-5 ......... Paper STP 22.99 通常価 ¥4,559 / 特価 ¥3,647 + 税 Rupp, Andre/Leighton, Jacqueline (eds.) The Wiley Handbook of Cognition and Assessment: Frameworks, Methodologies, and Applications 2016:11. 648 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-95657-1 .......Hard USD 195.00 通常価 ¥30,656 / 特価 ¥24,525 + 税 1717* 1722* Mahon, Kathleen/Francisco, Susanne/Kemmis, Stephen (eds.) Exploring Education and Professional Practice: Through the Lens of Practice Architectures 2016:12. 326 p (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2217-3 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 学習する機会、カリキュラム調整、試験準備: 研究レビュー 1716 *9781118956571* *9781472928405* *9789811022173* ★印はお薦めタイトル Scheerens, Jaap (ed.) Opportunity to Learn, Curriculum Alignment and Test Preparation: A Research Review (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2016:9. 135 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-43109-3 ........Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319431093* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 207 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 1723* 教育制度と学習者:知識と知る事 Scott, David Education Systems and Learners: Knowledge and Knowing 2017:1. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-59883-7 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781137598837* 1724* ジェンダーと適正な評価 Willingham, Warren W./Cole, Nancy S. Willingham, Warren W./Cole, Nancy S. (eds.) Gender and Fair Assessment 2016:10. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97494-4 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138974944* 1725* Zuber-Skerritt, Ortrun Professional Development in Higher Education: A Theoretical Framework for Action Research 2016:10. 298 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15692-0 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138156920* See also... Barkhuizen, Gary, ( Teacher Identity Research, Routledge .................................................................... p93 , 0786 Hope and Other Choices 2016:10. 258 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-27379-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138273795* 1728* なせカレッジは生徒に職業について話す必要があるか Clydesdale, Tim Purposeful Graduate: Why Colleges Must Talk to Students about Vocation 2016:9. 320 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-41888-9 .............................Paper 通常価 ¥2,030 + 税 *9780226418889* 1729* Coates, Hamish The Market for Learning: Leading Transparent Higher Education 2016:11. 169 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2871-7 ......... Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥14,778 / 特価 ¥11,822 + 税 *9789811028717* 1730* Edgington, Ursula Emotional Labour and Lesson Observation: A Study of England’s Further Education 2016:12. 200 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2989-9 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9789811029899* 1731* 教育工学 1726 Jumba, Jennifer/Alman, Susan (eds.) MOOCs Now: Everything You Need to Know to Design, Set Up, and Run a Massive Open Online Course 2017:2. 138 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4457-7 ........Paper USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 + 税 *9781440844577* 就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 1727* 新たな大学でのアカデミックの生活と労働: 希望と他の選択肢 Barcan, Ruth Academic Life and Labour in the New University: 208 統合的学習:国際的研究と実践 Higgs, Bettie/Cronin, James/Blackshields, Daniel (eds.) Integrative Learning: International Research and Practice 2016:11. 336 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-29106-5 ......... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥6,940 / 特価 ¥5,552 + 税 *9781138291065* 1732* 大学教育の未来 ~ £~ ¤ ~ £ The Future of University Education (Palgrave Critical University Studies) 2017:1. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-46893-8 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9783319468938* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 1733* 1738* Leite, Denise/Pinho, Isabel Evaluating Collaboration Networks in Higher Education Research: Drivers of Excellence 2016:10. 129 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45224-1 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 Narey, Marilyn J. (ed.) Multimodal Perspectives of Language, Literacy, and Learning in Early Childhood: The Creative and Critical “Art” of Making Meaning (Educating the Young Child, Vol. 12) 2016:11. 568 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44295-2 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9783319452241* *9783319442952* 1734* 誕生からの遊びに関する学際的視点 Lynch, Sandra/Pike, Deborah/à Beckett, Cynthia (eds.) Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Play from Birth and Beyond (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, Vol. 18) 2017:1. 353 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2641-6 .......Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥19,125 / 特価 ¥15,300 + 税 *9789811026416* 1735* 現代の子供時代 MacBlain, Sean/Dunn, Jill/Luke, Ian Contemporary Childhood 2017:2. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-5199-0 .......... Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781473951990* ISBN 978-1-4739-5200-3 ......... Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥4,361 / 特価 ¥3,489 + 税 *9781473952003* 1739* Ross-Gordon, Jovita M./Rose, Amy D./Kasworm, Carol E. Foundations of Adult and Continuing Education 2016:12. 432 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-95509-3 ......... Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥10,218 / 特価 ¥8,175 + 税 *9781118955093* 1740* キャリアと労働力開発のハンドブック: 研究・実践・政策 Solberg, V. Scott H./Ali, Saba Rasheed (eds.) The Handbook of Career and Workforce Development: Research, Practice, and Policy 2017:3. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88656-8 ........Hard STP 140.00 通常価 ¥27,768 / 特価 ¥22,214 + 税 *9781138886568* ISBN 978-1-138-88655-1 ......... Paper STP 75.00 通常価 ¥14,875 / 特価 ¥11,900 + 税 *9781138886551* 1736* Machado-Taylor, Maria/Soares, Virgilio Meira/Teichler, Ulrich (eds.) Challenges and Options: The Academic Profession in Europe (The Changing Academy - The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective, Vol. 18) 2017:1. 300 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-45843-4 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 1741* Tobolowsky, Barbara/Reynolds, Pauline J. (eds.) Anti-Intellectual Representations of American Colleges and Universities: Fictional Higher Education (Higher Education and Society) 2016:12. 197 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-57003-1 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 *9781137570031* *9783319458434* 1737* 1742* 高等教育における社会学習の促進 Zavattaro, Staci M./Orr, Shannon K. (eds.) (4: Identities, Struggles, and Triumphs in Graduate School and Beyond 2017:1. 208 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-60008-0 ......... Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥15,647 / 特価 ¥12,517 + 税 McDonald, Jacquie/Cater-Steel, Aileen (eds.) Communities of Practice: Facilitating Social Learning in Higher Education 2016:12. 625 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-2877-9 .......Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥24,341 / 特価 ¥19,473 + 税 *9789811028779* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781137600080* Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 209 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 1743* 高等教育での競争性:高等教育政策と実態における 挑戦へのアプローチ Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga/Pant, Hans Anand/ Lautenbach, Corinna/Molerov, Dimitar/Toepper, Miriam/Brückner, Sebastian Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education: Approaches to Challenges in Higher Education Policy and Practice 2016:11. 128 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-15485-1 ........Paper EUR 39.99 通常価 ¥6,953 / 特価 ¥5,562 + 税 *9783658154851* See also... Maas, Gideon, Entrepreneurship Centres, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p130 , 1086 Peris-Ortiz, Marta, Entrepreneurial Universities, Springer International Publishing .......... p130 , 1087 特別支援教育 1744* ISBN 978-1-4739-7973-4 .......... Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥11,900 / 特価 ¥9,520 + 税 *9781473979734* ISBN 978-1-4739-7974-1 ......... Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥3,964 / 特価 ¥3,171 + 税 *9781473979741* 1745* Swanson, H. Lee/Keogh, Barbara K. (eds.) Learning Disabilities: Theoretical and Research Issues 2016:9. 384 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97960-4 ......... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥5,950 / 特価 ¥4,760 + 税 *9781138979604* 1746 Praeger 版 特別支援教育の国際ハンドブック 全 3 巻 Wehmeyer, Michael L./Patton, James R. The Praeger International Handbook of Special Education 2017:6. 3 Vols., 760 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-3113-3 .......Hard USD 163.00 通常価 ¥25,626 + 税 *9781440831133* 特別支援教育と障害者に関するクイックガイド Bates, Bob A Quick Guide to Special Needs and Disabilities 2016:11. 256 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 ISBN 978-1-138-82048-7 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138820487* 1747* 身体教育への政治、政策、実践 Evans, John/Penney, Dawn Politics, Policy and Practice in Physical Education 2016:10. 172 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-15104-8 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138151048* スポーツと社会 1748* 国際スポーツ組織理解:原則・パワー・可能性 Allison, Lincoln/Tomlinson, Alan Understanding International Sport Organisations: Principles, Power and Possibilities 2017:3. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) 210 ISBN 978-1-138-82049-4 ......... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥5,948 / 特価 ¥4,758 + 税 *9781138820494* 1749 今日のアメリカの若者のスポーツ: 最も重要な50の課題 Arthur-Banning, Skye (ed.) Youth Sports in America: The 50 Most Important Issues in Youth Sports Today 2017:4. 423 p. (ABCClio, USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4301-3 ......... Hard USD 89.00 通常価 ¥13,992 + 税 *9781440843013* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 1750* 1755* Atwood, Gretchen Lost Champions: Four Men, Two Teams, and the Breaking of Pro Football’s Color Line 2016:11. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ISBN 978-1-62040-600-7 .......... Hard STP 18.99 通常価 ¥3,766 / 特価 ¥3,013 + 税 スポーツ・メガイベントと都市レガシー: 2014 年 FIFA ワールドカップ ブラジル大会 *9781620406007* Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce (ed.) Sports Mega-Events and Urban Legacies: The 2014 FIFA World Cup, Brazil (Mega Event Planning) 2016:11. 194 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-44011-8 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319440118* 1751* 国際スポーツボランティア Benson, Angela M./Wise, Nicholas (eds.) International Sports Volunteering (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2017:4. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69777-5 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138697775* 1756* O'Leary, Leanne Employment and Labour Relations Law in the Premier League, NBA and International Rugby Union (ASSER International Sports Law Series) 2016:12. 269 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-94-6265-158-6 .......Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥19,994 / 特価 ¥15,995 + 税 *9789462651586* 1752* 分断されたイギリスにおけるスポーツと ナショナルアイデンティー Gibbons, Tom/Malcolm, Dominic (eds.) Sport and English National Identity in a ‘Disunited Kingdom’ (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2017:2. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12059-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138120594* 1753* スポーツと差別 Kilvington, Daniel/Price, John (eds.) Sport and Discrimination (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2017:1. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19457-1 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138194571* 1754* 再 1757* 現代のスポーツマーケティング:グローバルな視点 Zhang, James J./Pitts, Brenda G. (eds.) Contemporary Sport Marketing: Global Perspectives (World Association for Sport Management) 2017:2. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-29132-4 .......... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥17,851 / 特価 ¥14,280 + 税 *9781138291324* See also... de Weger, Frans, The Jurisprudence of the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber, Springer Verlag ................................................................... p155 , 1319 Hutchins, Brett, Digital Media Sport, Routledge .................................................................. p190 , 1588 Jenemann, David, Baseball Glove, Routledge .................................................................. p192 , 1603 Nalbantis, Georgios/Pawlowski, Tim The Demand for International Football Telecasts in the United States (Palgrave Pivots in Sports Economics) 2016:12. 140 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-48074-9 ......... Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥8,692 / 特価 ¥6,953 + 税 *9783319480749* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 211 生活科学 》食生活 生活科学 食生活 1758* アメリカンローヌ:どのようにワイン製造者達はアメリ カ人の飲み方を変えたか Comiskey, Patrick J. American Rhone: How Maverick Winemakers Changed the Way Americans Drink 2016:10. 352 p. (University of California Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-520-25666-8 ......... Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,494 / 特価 ¥4,395 + 税 *9780520256668* 1759 コカ・コーラキャピタリズムの形成:コーラ市民 Elmore, Bartow J. Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism 2017:1. 432 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-35334-1 ........Paper USD 17.95 通常価 ¥2,822 / 特価 ¥2,257 + 税 *9780393353341* 212 1760* Gray, Louise The Ethical Carnivore: My Year Killing to Eat 2016:9. 320 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4729-3839-8 .......... Hard STP 16.99 通常価 ¥3,369 / 特価 ¥2,695 + 税 *9781472938398* 1761* エッセンシャルオイスター:牡蠣について Jacobsen, Rowan The Essential Oyster: A Salty Appreciation of Taste and Temptation 2016:12. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ISBN 978-1-63286-256-3 .......... Hard STP 10.99 通常価 ¥2,179 / 特価 ¥1,743 + 税 *9781632862563* See also... Barnhill, Anne, Food, Ethics, and Society, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p11 , 0073 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア Mochizuki, Mike M., Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia, Routledge ......................................p6 , 0046 Suzuki, Masanobu, Ancient Japanese Clans, Routledge.................................................... p47 , 0435 Singh, Harikesh Bahadur, Agriculturally Important Microorganisms, Springer Singapore ...................................................................p113 , 0945 Williams, David, The Philosophy of Japanese Wartime Resistance, Routledge .............. p47 , 0436 Nartea, Gilbert, %$World ................................................... p115 , 0966 Lester, Libby, Media and Environmental Sustainability in East Asia, Routledge .................................................................. p142 , 1200 Lenssen, Gilbert, The Role of Corporate Sustainability in Asian Development, Springer International Publishing ..........................p131 , 1095 Thouny, Christophe, Planetary Atmospheres and Urban Society After Fukushima, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p143 , 1201 Bilgin, Pinar, Asia in International Relations, Routledge.................................................. p165 , 1396 Zhang, Yun, Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p167 , 1410 Suzuki, Motoshi, *4! Cooperation in Asia, Springer Tokyo.....p174 , 1460 Asplund, André, Japanese Development Cooperation, Routledge...........................p171 , 1450 東アジア Inoue, Masamichi S., Okinawa and the U.S. Military, Columbia U.P. .......................... p171 , 1451 Latham, A. J. H., The Evolving Structure of the East Asian Economic System since 1700, Routledge.................................................. p119 , 0992 Khandekar, Gauri, Japan's Search for Strategic Security Partnerships, Routledge ..........p171 , 1452 C. H. Liu, Joyce, European-East Asian Borders in Translation, Routledge ............................p167 , 1415 Lee, Seungcheol Austin, Transnational Contexts of Development History, Sociality, and Society of Play, Palgrave Macmillan ....................... p193 , 1606 日 本 Hiraoka, Shufuku, Management of Innovation Strategy in Japanese Companies, ......................................................................p6 , 0039 Kameyama, Yasuko, Climate Change Policy in Japan, Routledge .........................................p6 , 0045 Yasutomo, Dennis T., Japan's Civil-Military Diplomacy, Routledge .................................p7 , 0050 Hidaka, Katsuyuki, Japanese Media at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Routledge ......................................................................p8 , 0057 Bowring, Richard, In Search of the Way, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p47 , 0434 ★印はお薦めタイトル Vosse, Wilhelm, Governing Insecurity in Japan, Routledge...................................................p171 , 1453 Suzuki, Motoshi, *4! Cooperation in Asia, Springer Tokyo.....p174 , 1460 中華人民共和国 Brodsgaard, Kjeld, Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China, Brill Academic Publishers.....................................................p7 , 0048 Gescher, Jeanne-Marie, All Under Heaven, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p47 , 0437 Li, Guotong, Migrating Fujianese, Brill Academic Publishers................................................... p47 , 0438 Kim, Young-Chan, China and Africa, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p109 , 0928 Morita, Ken, Emerging Capital Markets and Transition in Contemporary China, World ................................................... p116 , 0969 Fu, Xiaolan, China's Path to Innovation, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p131 , 1092 Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 213 アジア 》東アジア Hu, Angang, China, Springer Singapore ...................................................................p139 , 1168 大韓民国 Sternfeld, Eva, Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1184 Cho, Joonmo, The Korean Labour Market after the 1997 Economic Crisis, Routledge ... p116 , 0967 Lester, Libby, Media and Environmental Sustainability in East Asia, Routledge .................................................................. p142 , 1200 Jiang, Yanqing, China, Nova Science .....p144 , 1210 Jiang, Jue, Criminal Reconciliation in Contemporary China, Edward Elgar ... p148 , 1248 Eisemann, Joshua, China's Strategy in the Developing World, Routledge ................ p166 , 1401 Horsburgh, Nicola, Chinese Politics and International Relations, Routledge....... p166 , 1404 Zhang, Yun, Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p167 , 1410 Weitz, Richard, The New China-Russia Alignment, F.A. Praeger, Inc.......................................p168 , 1424 Guo, Changgang, China's Contingencies and Globalization, Routledge ........................p173 , 1454 Hoo, Tiang Boon, Chinese Foreign Policy under Xi, Routledge ............................................p173 , 1456 Huang, Chiung-Chiu, Harmonious Intervention, Routledge...................................................p173 , 1457 Peng, Ru, Scientists' Impact on Decision-making, Routledge...................................................p173 , 1458 Peng, Zongchao, Chinese CooperativeHarmonious Democracy, Routledge ......p174 , 1459 Richards, Jeffrey, China and the Chinese in Popular Film, I.B. Tauris ....................... p193 , 1609 Xu, Shijing, Cross-Cultural Schooling Experiences of Chinese Immigrant Families, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p202 , 1675 Rao, Nirmala, Early Childhood Education in Chinese Societies, Springer Netherland .................................................................. p203 , 1680 香港 Lui, Hon-Kwong, Widening Income Distribution in Post-Handover Hong Kong, Routledge .................................................................. p116 , 0968 Fung, Dennis Chun-Lok, Education Policy Analysis, Springer Singapore ................. p206 , 1710 214 Sheldon, Peter, Business and Labour in Korea, Routledge...................................................p131 , 1097 Bax, Trent, Bullying and Violence in South Korea, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p186 , 1562 Kim, Youna, Routledge Handbook of Korean Culture and Society, Routledge ............. p193 , 1604 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Choi, Shine, Re-Imagining North Korea in International Politics, Routledge ...........p170 , 1437 Harrison, Marvin, North Korea, Nova Science ...................................................................p173 , 1455 東南アジア Church, Peter, A Short History of South-East Asia, Wiley .................................................p49 , 0440 ベトナム Lim, David, Economic Growth and Employment in Vietnam, Routledge ............................ p116 , 0970 Nauditt, Alexandra, Land Use and Climate Change Interactions in Central Vietnam, Springer Singapore ..................................................p144 , 1211 Vu, Tuong, Vietnam's Communist Revolution, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p175 , 1463 タ イ Stasi, Alessandro, General Principles of Thai Private Law, Springer Singapore............p146 , 1230 シンガポール Heng, Chye Kiang, 50 Years of Urban Planning in Singapore, ........................p7 , 0049 Thangavelu, Shandre M., Productivity in Singapore's Retail and Food Services Sectors, ........................................ p131 , 1099 Koh, Gillian, Singapore at 50, ...................................................................p174 , 1461 Song, Jiyoung, The History of Human Rights Society in Singapore, Routledge.............p174 , 1462 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東南アジア インドネシア Herstatt, Cornelius, Lead Market India, Springer International Publishing ..........................p131 , 1093 Benda-Beckmann, Franz Von, Political and Legal Transformations of an Indonesian Polity, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p145 , 1220 Dietl, Gulshan, India and the Global Game of Gas Pipelines, Routledge ................................p169 , 1429 Stuenkel, Oliver, India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA), Routledge .......p169 , 1434 南アジア Schug, Gwen Robbins, A Companion to South Asia in the Past, Wiley ...................................... p33 , 0306 Law and Identity in Colonial South Asia, Cambridge U.P................................p146 , 1223 インド Thobani, Sitara, Indian Classical Dance and the Making of Postcolonial National Identities, Routledge.................................................... p30 , 0273 Datta, Surja, A History of the Indian University System, Palgrave Macmillan .................... p49 , 0441 Kidambi, Prashant, The Making of an Indian Metropolis, Routledge .............................. p51 , 0442 Ganguly, Sumit, Ascending India and Its State Capacity, Yale U.P. ..................................p175 , 1464 Vaishnav, Milan, When Crime Pays, Yale U.P. ...................................................................p175 , 1465 Husain, Zakir, Fertility Control in a Risk Society, Springer India ...........................................p181 , 1526 Rajan, S. Irudaya, India Migration Report 2016, Routledge India .........................................p195 , 1626 ブータン Schmidt, Johannes Dragsbæk, Development Challenges in Bhutan, Springer International Publishing .................................................p116 , 0971 Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad, A Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction, Springer International Publishing .......... p112 , 0938 ロシア Baberowski, Jörg, Scorched Earth, Yale U.P. ....................................................................p43 , 0404 Hamburg, Gary M., Russia's Path Toward Enlightenment, Yale U.P..........................p43 , 0405 Mccauley, Martin, The Soviet Union 1917-1991, Routledge....................................................p43 , 0406 Moon, David, The Russian Peasantry 1600-1930, Routledge....................................................p43 , 0407 Steinberg, Mark D., The Russian Revolution, 19051921, Oxford U.P. ......................................p43 , 0408 Stockdale, Melissa Kirschke, Mobilizing the Russian Nation, Cambridge U.P. .............p45 , 0409 Roberts, Geoffrey, Victory at Stalingrad, Routledge.................................................... p55 , 0480 ★印はお薦めタイトル Blinkin, Mikhail, Transport Systems of Russian Cities, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p116 , 0974 Shulzhenko, Elena, Reforming the Russian Industrial Workplace, Routledge.......... p131 , 1098 Weitz, Richard, The New China-Russia Alignment, F.A. Praeger, Inc.......................................p168 , 1424 Anderson, Richard D., Discourse, Dictators and Democrats, Routledge..............................p175 , 1472 Makarychev, Andrey, Russia’s Changing Economic and Political Regimes, Routledge ..........p176 , 1473 Smith, Nicholas Ross, EU-Russian Relations and the Ukraine Crisis, Edward Elgar .........p176 , 1475 Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 215 中 東 中 東 Potts, Daniel T., The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Iran, Oxford U.P., New York ..................... p33 , 0301 イラン Howard, Douglas A., A History of the Ottoman Empire, Cambridge U.P. .......................... p52 , 0445 Cronin, Dr Stephanie, The Making of Modern Iran, Routledge .......................................... p52 , 0444 Luciani, Giacomo, Combining Economic and Political Development, M. Nijhoff ..........p112 , 0934 Amirahmadi, Hooshang, The Political Economy of Iran under the Qajars, I.B. Tauris .........p175 , 1466 Wahlrab, Amentahru, U.S. Approaches to the Arab Uprisings, I.B. Tauris.............................. p167 , 1409 Vahabzadeh, Peyman, Iran's Struggles for Social Justice, Palgrave Macmillan ................... p175 , 1471 Sakr, Naomi, Children's TV and Digital Media in the Arab World, I.B. Tauris ................... p189 , 1582 シリア Rajan, S. Irudaya, India Migration Report 2016, Routledge India .........................................p195 , 1626 Wrage, Stephen D., No Fly Zones and International Security, Routledge ..................................p168 , 1425 Collaborative Learner Autonomy, Springer Singapore .................................. p203 , 1677 Sorenson, David, Syria in Ruins, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ...................................................................p175 , 1470 Hidri, Sahbi, Evaluation in Foreign Language Education in the Middle East and North Africa, Springer International Publishing .......... p203 , 1678 Cooke, Miriam, Dancing in Damascus, Routledge .................................................................. p192 , 1600 レバノン トルコ Kolars, John F., Four Studies on the Economic Development of Turkey, Routledge ........p116 , 0973 Aviv, Efrat, Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism in Turkey, Routledge ....................................p175 , 1467 Cicek, Cuma, The Kurds of Turkey, I.B. Tauris ...................................................................p175 , 1468 Di Peri, Rosita, Lebanon Facing the Arab Uprisings, Palgrave Macmillan ..............p175 , 1469 イスラエル Barton, John, Ethics in Ancient Israel, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p31 , 0278 アラブ首長国連邦 アフガニスタン Sultanova, Razia, Popular Culture in Afghanistan, I.B. Tauris................................................... p30 , 0270 Lansford, Tom, Afghanistan at War, ABC-Clio .................................................................... p52 , 0446 Daleure, Georgia, Emiratization in the UAE Labor Market, Springer Singapore ........p116 , 0972 オマーン Collaborative Learner Autonomy, Springer Singapore .................................. p203 , 1677 ヨーロッパ Staub, Martial, Brill's Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, Brill Academic Publishers ................p2 , 0007 Dean, Trevor, Crime in Medieval Europe, Routledge.................................................... p35 , 0318 Gori, Maja, Balkan Dialogues, Routledge .................................................................... p32 , 0291 Nicholas, David, The Later Medieval City, Routledge.................................................... p35 , 0319 Mcgrail, Sean, Ancient Boats in North-West Europe, Routledge..................................... p33 , 0296 Venning, Timothy, A Chronology of Early Medieval Western Europe, Routledge .................................................................... p35 , 0320 216 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ Onnekink, David, War and Religion after Westphalia, 1648-1713, Routledge .......... p35 , 0323 Gestrich, Andreas, Bid for World Power?, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p35 , 0325 Hooton, Edward. R., War Over the Steppes, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p35 , 0326 Beneš, Jakub S., Workers and Nationalism, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p36 , 0328 Cohen, Julia Phillips, Becoming Ottomans, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p36 , 0330 The Eastern Question 1774-1923, Routledge ................................ p36 , 0333 Mikhail, Alan, The Animal in Ottoman Egypt, Oxford U.P., New York............................... p36 , 0334 Sedivy, Miroslav, Crisis Among the Great Powers, I.B. Tauris................................................... p36 , 0335 Cunningham, Andrew, The Anatomist Anatomis'd, Routledge.................................................... p53 , 0462 Daston, Lorraine, Early Modern Science, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p54 , 0464 Rampling, Jennifer, Alchemy and Medicine from Antiquity to the Enlightenment, Routledge .................................................................... p55 , 0475 Holborn, Andrew, D-Day Landing on Gold Beach, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p55 , 0476 Roberts, Geoffrey, Victory at Stalingrad, Routledge.................................................... p55 , 0480 Agren, Maria, Making a Living, Making a Difference, Oxford U.P., New York .......... p55 , 0483 Fishman, Sarah, From Vichy to the Sexual Revolution, Oxford U.P., New York ......... p56 , 0491 Goldsmith, Sarah, Beyond the Grand Tour, Routledge.................................................... p56 , 0492 Kutarna, Chris, Age of Discovery, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................... p56 , 0495 Marland, Hilary, The Art of Midwifery, Routledge .................................................................... p57 , 0498 Richardson, Catherine, Clothing Culture, 13501650, Routledge ......................................... p57 , 0503 Perlik, Manfred, The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions, Routledge .................................................................. p113 , 0946 Burghouwt, Guillaume, Airline Network Development in Europe and its Implications for Airport Planning, Routledge ..................p113 , 0947 ★印はお薦めタイトル Vaughan-Whitehead, Daniel, Europe's Disappearing Middle Class?, Edward Elgar ...................................................................p114 , 0954 Cipolla, Carlo M., Before the Industrial Revolution, Routledge ............................ p117 , 0984 Coppolaro, Lucia, The Making of a World Trading Power, Routledge...................... p119 , 0986 Mokyr, Joel, A Culture of Growth, Princeton U.P. .................................................................. p119 , 0993 de Vos, Ans, Developing Sustainable Careers Across the Lifespan, Springer International Publishing .................................................p129 , 1071 Brierley, William, Business Cultures in Europe, Routledge...................................................p131 , 1091 Mintu-Wimsatt, Alma T., Green Marketing in a $Routledge ......................p140 , 1174 O'Nions, Helen, Asylum - A Right Denied, Routledge...................................................p147 , 1240 de Zwaan, Jaap W., Governance and Security Issues of the European Union, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p157 , 1340 Dearing, Albin, Justice for Victims of Crime, Springer International Publishing ...........p157 , 1341 Oster, Jan, European and International Media Law, Cambridge U.P. ...............................p158 , 1350 Pisillo Mazzeschi, Riccardo, Conciliation in International Law, M. Nijhoff.................p158 , 1351 Vieten, Ulrike M., Gender and Cosmopolitanism in Europe, Routledge .............................. p160 , 1368 Maggini, Nicola, Young People's Voting Behaviour in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan ..............p162 , 1383 C. H. Liu, Joyce, European-East Asian Borders in Translation, Routledge ............................p167 , 1415 Smith, Nicholas Ross, EU-Russian Relations and the Ukraine Crisis, Edward Elgar .........p176 , 1475 Doyle, Natalie J., (Il)liberal Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p176 , 1480 Falkner, Gerda, EU Policies in Times of Crisis, Routledge...................................................p176 , 1481 Glinski, Carola, The European Crisis and the Transformation of Transnational Governance, Hart Publishing Ltd. .................................p176 , 1483 Urwin, Derek W., A Political History of Western Europe since 1945, Routledge .................p177 , 1486 Machado-Taylor, Maria, Challenges and Options, Springer International Publishing .......... p209 , 1736 Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 217 ヨーロッパ E U Webb, Julian, ##{3 Trade Agreements, Nova Science ......... p109 , 0930 Jespersen, Jesper, The Euro, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p117 , 0976 Marelli, Enrico, Europe and the Euro, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p117 , 0977 Thobani, Sitara, Indian Classical Dance and the Making of Postcolonial National Identities, Routledge.................................................... p30 , 0273 Emsley, Clive, Britain and the French Revolution, Routledge.................................................... p36 , 0331 Ambler, Sophie. T., Bishops in the Political Community of England, 1213-1272, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p36 , 0336 Alemanno, Alberto, Foundations of EU Food Law and Policy, Routledge ..............................p157 , 1335 Ashley, Maurice, Financial and Commercial Policy Under the Cromwellian Protectorate, Routledge .................................................................... p36 , 0337 The Consistent Application of EU Competition Law, Springer International Publishing .................................................p157 , 1336 Barker, Hannah, Family and Business During the Industrial Revolution, Oxford U.P. ........ p37 , 0338 Carnevale, Stefania, (!4$ Hart Publishing Ltd. .................................p157 , 1337 Coster Van Voorhout, Jill E. B., Ineffective Legal Assistance, M. Nijhoff ..............................p157 , 1339 !"National Sovereignty in the European Union, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p158 , 1343 Klimek, Libor, Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions in European Criminal Law, Springer International Publishing ..........................p158 , 1344 Kochenov, Dimitry, EU Citizenship and Federalism, Cambridge U.P. ...................p158 , 1345 #$%(Brussels Ibis Regulation, Springer Verlag ........................................................p158 , 1346 McCormack, Gerard, European Insolvency Law, Edward Elgar ............................................p158 , 1348 Olykke, Grith Skovgaard, Reformation or Deformation of the EU Public Procurement Rules, Edward Elgar ................................p158 , 1349 Conti, Nicolò, Citizens, Europe and the Media, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p176 , 1478 Korkea-aho, Emilia, Adjudicating New Governance, Routledge ...........................p177 , 1484 西ヨーロッパ Barker, T. C., A Merseyside Town in the Industrial Revolution, Routledge .............................. p37 , 0339 Bell, Christopher M., Churchill and the Dardanelles, Oxford U.P. ......................... p37 , 0340 Bull, Stephen, Churchill's Army, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................... p37 , 0341 Burton, Antoinette, An ABC of Queen Victoria's Empire, Bloomsbury Academic ................ p37 , 0342 Campbell, Kenneth L., A History of the British Isles, Bloomsbury Academic ..................... p37 , 0343 Connelly, Mark, The British Army and the First World War, Cambridge U.P. .................... p37 , 0344 Davison, Robert L., The Challenges of Command, Routledge.................................................... p37 , 0345 De La Bédoyère, Guy, The Real Lives of Roman Britain, Yale U.P. ...................................... p37 , 0346 Everett, Michael, The Rise of Thomas Cromwell, Yale U.P. ..................................................... p37 , 0347 Forrester, Robert E., British Mail Steamers to South America, 1851-1965, Routledge .................................................................... p38 , 0348 Given-Wilson, Chris, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, Routledge................... p38 , 0349 Goodman, Anthony, Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, Boydell & Brewer Ltd. ............................... p38 , 0350 イギリス Guerrini, Anita, Ballads and Broadsides in Britain, 1500-1800, Routledge ................. p38 , 0351 Storry, Mike, British Cultural Identities, Routledge ......................................................................p2 , 0008 Hussey, David, The Single Homemaker and Material Culture in the Long Eighteenth Century, Routledge ................................... p38 , 0353 Walsh, Michael J. K., The Great War and the British Empire, Routledge .........................p2 , 0009 Marsden, Gordon, Victorian Values, Routledge .................................................................... p38 , 0356 218 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Mayhew, Augustus, Paved with Gold, Routledge .................................................................... p38 , 0357 McClelland, Keith, Legacies of British SlaveOwnership, Cambridge U.P. .................... p38 , 0358 Miller, John, The Restoration and the England of Charles II, Routledge................................ p39 , 0359 Millett, Martin, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain, Oxford U.P. ................................. p39 , 0360 Morgan, Hollie L. S., Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England, Boydell & Brewer Ltd. .................................................................... p39 , 0361 Whitlock, Tammy C., Crime, Gender and Consumer Culture in Nineteenth-Century England, Routledge................................... p41 , 0379 Wilson, Evan, A Social History of British Naval $^__`{^^`$Boydell & Brewer Ltd. ....................................................................p41 , 0380 Worley, Matthew, The Foundations of the British Labour Party, Routledge.......................... p41 , 0381 Bickham, Troy, The Weight of Vengeance, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p45 , 0410 Mullett, Michael, James II and English Politics 1678-1688, Routledge ................................ p39 , 0362 Lester, Alan, Colonization and the Origins of Humanitarian Governance, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p52 , 0451 Nicholls, Angela, Almshouses in Early Modern England, Boydell & Brewer Ltd. .............. p39 , 0363 Baggott, Sally, Matthew Boulton, Routledge .................................................................... p53 , 0458 Olsen, Kirstin, Daily Life in 18th-Century England, Greenwood ................................ p39 , 0364 Marble, Sanders, British Artillery on the Western Front in the First World War, Routledge .................................................................... p55 , 0478 Pelling, Margaret, The Common Lot, Routledge .................................................................... p39 , 0365 Pepin, Guilhem, Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine, Boydell & Brewer Ltd. ............................................ p39 , 0366 Reed, Peter, Acid Rain and the Rise of the Environmental Chemist in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Routledge ..................................... p39 , 0367 Ritschel, Nelson O'Ceallaigh, Bernard Shaw, W. T. Stead, and the New Journalism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p39 , 0368 Robbins, Simon, British Generalship during the Great War, Routledge ...............................p40 , 0369 Seaman, L. C. B., Victorian England, Routledge .................................................................... p40 , 0371 Shefrin, Jill, Educating the Child in Enlightenment Britain, Routledge.......... p40 , 0372 Stanley, Jo, A History of the Royal Navy, I.B. Tauris.......................................................... p40 , 0373 Stobart, Jon, Sugar and Spice, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p40 , 0374 Thomson, J.A.F., The Transformation of Medieval England 1370-1529, Routledge ................ p40 , 0375 Wanklyn, Malcolm, A Military History of the English Civil War, Routledge .................. p40 , 0376 Wedge, Tracey, %$Routledge .................................................................... p40 , 0377 Weisser, Olivia, Ill Composed, Yale U.P. .................................................................... p40 , 0378 ★印はお薦めタイトル Matthews, Hugh, The Changing Geography of the UK, Routledge ............................................p58 , 0511 Coats, A. W. Bob, The Historiography of Economics, Routledge.............................p106 , 0902 Alford, Bernard W.E., Britain in the World Economy since 1880, Routledge .............p117 , 0981 Cohen, Martin, The Eclipse of 'Elegant Economy', Routledge.................................................. p119 , 0985 Enciso, A. González, War, Power and the Economy, Routledge ............................... p119 , 0987 Foster, John, Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution, Routledge ............................ p119 , 0988 More, Charles, The Industrial Age, Routledge .................................................................. p119 , 0994 Roll, Eric, An Early Experiment in Industrial Organization, Routledge ........................ p120 , 0996 Bonner, David, Executive Measures, Terrorism and National Security, Routledge ..........p148 , 1243 Ireland, Richard, Land of White Gloves?, Routledge...................................................p150 , 1267 Elcock, Howard, Local Government, Routledge ...................................................................p162 , 1375 Thompson, Debra, The Schematic State, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p164 , 1390 Benyon, John, Central Debates in British Politics, Routledge...................................................p176 , 1476 Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 219 ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Dennison, James, The Greens in British Politics, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p176 , 1479 Blanchard, Jean-Vincent, At the Edge of the World, Bloomsbury Academic .................. p41 , 0386 Glencross, Andrew, Why the UK Voted for Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p176 , 1482 Cabanes, Bruno, August 1914, Yale U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0387 Reeves, Rachel, Alice in Westminster, I.B. Tauris ...................................................................p177 , 1485 Esdaile, Charles, The French Wars 1792-1815, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0388 Chatwin, John, Healthcare, Frugal Innovation, and Professional Voluntarism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p180 , 1512 Gale, Tim, The French Army's Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War, Routledge ....................................................................p42 , 0389 McCrone, David, New Sociology of Scotland, Sage Pub.............................................................p188 , 1574 Prest, Julia, The Third Reign of Louis XIV, c.1682-1715, Routledge ............................. p42 , 0391 Le Guern, Philippe, Stereo, Routledge... p193 , 1605 Enciso, A. González, War, Power and the Economy, Routledge ............................... p119 , 0987 Holmes, Colin, A Tolerant Country?, Routledge ...................................................................p194 , 1618 Holmes, Colin, Immigrants and Minorities in British Society, Routledge .......................p194 , 1619 Burchi, Barbara, Tourism Competitiveness in the Italy-France Cross-Border Area, Nova Science ...................................................................p136 , 1143 Kim, Helen, Making Diaspora in a Global City, Routledge...................................................p195 , 1621 Breitenbauch, Henrik, International Relations in France, Routledge ................................... p166 , 1397 Willis, Paul, Learning to Labor, Columbia U.P. .................................................................. p202 , 1670 Cole, Alistair, French Politics and Society, Routledge...................................................p176 , 1477 Edgington, Ursula, Emotional Labour and Lesson Observation, Springer Singapore .......... p208 , 1730 Le Guern, Philippe, Stereo, Routledge... p193 , 1605 Evans, John, Politics, Policy and Practice in Physical Education, Routledge ...............p210 , 1747 Gibbons, Tom, Sport and English National Identity in a ‘Disunited Kingdom’, Routledge ................................................................... p211 , 1752 アイルランド Cullinan, John, Economic Insights on Higher Education Policy in Ireland, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p114 , 0958 Prats Porcar, Elena, Education Policy for the Promotion of Trilingual Education at Primary Level, Routledge ...................................... p202 , 1676 フランス Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ...........................................p8 , 0059 Emsley, Clive, Britain and the French Revolution, Routledge.................................................... p36 , 0331 Pepin, Guilhem, Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine, Boydell & Brewer Ltd. ............................................ p39 , 0366 Atkin, Nicholas, The French at War, 1934-1944, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0385 220 オランダ Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ...........................................p8 , 0059 Coster Van Voorhout, Jill E. B., Ineffective Legal Assistance, M. Nijhoff ..............................p157 , 1339 中央ヨーロッパ ドイツ Hewitson, Mark, Absolute War, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0382 Ring, Annie, After the Stasi, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................................... p41 , 0383 Stoltzfus, Nathan, Hitler's Compromises, Yale U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0384 Aamoucke, Ronney, Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital, Springer International Publishing ........................... p59 , 0520 Zweifel, Peter, Energy Economics, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p139 , 1170 Adam, Markus, Accelerating E-Mobility in Germany, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p141 , 1187 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》中央ヨーロッパ Eule, Tobias G., Inside Immigration Law, Routledge...................................................p147 , 1239 ポルトガル Corkin, Nicola Ch., Europeanization of Judicial Review, Routledge ....................................p157 , 1338 Campos, Angela, An Oral History of the Portuguese Colonial War, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p42 , 0393 オーストリア Corkin, Nicola Ch., Europeanization of Judicial Review, Routledge ....................................p157 , 1338 ポーランド Lukowski, Jerzy, The Partitions of Poland 1772, 1793, 1795, Routledge................................p43 , 0401 スペイン Enciso, A. González, War, Power and the Economy, Routledge ............................... p119 , 0987 Prats Porcar, Elena, Education Policy for the Promotion of Trilingual Education at Primary Level, Routledge ...................................... p202 , 1676 ギリシャ チェコ Dolezalova, Antonie, A History of Czech Economic Thought, Routledge ................................ p106 , 0903 !"National Sovereignty in the European Union, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p158 , 1343 南ヨーロッパ Rahe, Paul Anthony, The Spartan Regime, Yale U.P. ............................................................. p33 , 0302 (Attic Oratory and Performance, Routledge.................................................... p34 , 0307 ) *Taken at the Flood, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p34 , 0314 Gerolymatos, André, An International Civil War, Yale U.P. ................................................... p166 , 1402 イタリア Mitford, Timothy Bruce, East of Asia Minor, Oxford U.P. ..................................................p1 , 0006 ) *Taken at the Flood, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p34 , 0314 Wilkinson, Paul, Pompeii, I.B. Tauris ...... p34 , 0316 Dunnage, Jonathan, Twentieth Century Italy, Routledge.................................................... p42 , 0394 Stow, Kenneth, Anna and Tranquillo, Yale U.P. .................................................................... p42 , 0395 Alano, Jomarie, A Life of Resistance, University of Rochester Press ......................................... p55 , 0484 Burchi, Barbara, Tourism Competitiveness in the Italy-France Cross-Border Area, Nova Science ...................................................................p136 , 1143 北ヨーロッパ Benedictow, Ole Jørgen, The Black Death and Later Plague Epidemics in the Scandinavian Countries, Walter de Gruyter & Co. ........ p42 , 0396 Pihlajamaki, Heikki, Conquest and the Law in Swedish Livonia (ca. 1630-1710), Brill Academic Publishers................................................... p42 , 0397 ノルウェー Eitrheim, Oyvind, A Monetary History of Norway, 1816-2016, Cambridge U.P. .................... p120 , 1002 Røe, Per Gunnar, Green Oslo, Routledge ...................................................................p141 , 1183 de Carvalho, Benjamin, Small State Status Seeking, Routledge.................................. p166 , 1400 Corkin, Nicola Ch., Europeanization of Judicial Review, Routledge ....................................p157 , 1338 Widfeldt, Anders, Extreme Right Parties in Scandinavia, Routledge ...........................p177 , 1487 Scalia, Vincenzo, Crime, Networks and Power, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p187 , 1566 スウェーデン Widfeldt, Anders, Extreme Right Parties in Scandinavia, Routledge ...........................p177 , 1487 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 221 ヨーロッパ 》北ヨーロッパ Giugni, Marco, Jobless Citizens, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p189 , 1580 ウクライナ +( / (Criminalizing the Client, ) :; ............................... p197 , 1646 Smith, Nicholas Ross, EU-Russian Relations and the Ukraine Crisis, Edward Elgar .........p176 , 1475 デンマーク ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ Widfeldt, Anders, Extreme Right Parties in Scandinavia, Routledge ...........................p177 , 1487 Haynes, Dina Francesca, Deconstructing the Reconstruction, Routledge......................p147 , 1233 東ヨーロッパ スロベニア Jacolin, Henry, Eastern European Railways in Transition, Routledge ...............................p43 , 0400 Adam, Frane, Slovenia, Nova Science ....p117 , 0975 Rama, Shinasi A., Nation Failure, Ethnic Elites, and Balance of Power, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p176 , 1474 アフリカ Beek, Jan, Producing Stateness, Brill Academic Publishers................................................... p29 , 0257 Oshodi, Basheer A., An Integral Approach to Development Economics, Routledge ......p122 , 1015 Manoukian, Madeline, Akan and Ga-Adangme Peoples, Routledge .................................... p29 , 0265 Salami, Iwa, Financial Regulation in Africa, Routledge...................................................p153 , 1302 McCulloch, Merran, Peoples of Sierra Leone, Routledge.................................................... p29 , 0266 Makulilo, Alex B., African Data Privacy Laws, Springer International Publishing ........... p155 , 1314 Tew, Mary, Peoples of the Lake Nyasa Region, Psychology Pr. ........................................... p30 , 0271 Werle, Gerhard, The African Criminal Court, Springer Verlag .........................................p157 , 1334 Whiteley, Wilfred, Bemba and Related Peoples of Northern Rhodesia bound with Peoples of the Lower Luapul Valley, Routledge ............. p30 , 0272 Kieh, George Klay, Jr., Reconstructing the Authoritarian State in Africa, Routledge ...................................................................p177 , 1490 Merrills, Andrew, Vandals, Romans and Berbers, Routledge.................................................... p33 , 0298 Koechlin, Lucy, The Politics of Governance, Routledge...................................................p177 , 1491 Parker, John, The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History, Oxford U.P. .................. p52 , 0448 Kim, Young-Chan, China and Africa, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p109 , 0928 Okereke, Chukwumerije, Homegrown Development in Africa, Routledge .........p112 , 0937 Meagher, Kate, Globalisation, Economic Inclusion and African Workers, Routledge ...........p114 , 0951 Ajakaiye, David Olusanya, Trade Infrastructure and Economic Development, Routledge ...................................................................p117 , 0978 Hopkins, A. G., An Economic History of West Africa, Routledge .................................... p119 , 0990 222 Chatwin, John, Healthcare, Frugal Innovation, and Professional Voluntarism, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p180 , 1512 Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Schooling for Sustainable Development in Africa, Springer International Publishing ................................................ p203 , 1679 北アフリカ Luciani, Giacomo, Combining Economic and Political Development, M. Nijhoff ..........p112 , 0934 Wahlrab, Amentahru, U.S. Approaches to the Arab Uprisings, I.B. Tauris.............................. p167 , 1409 Collaborative Learner Autonomy, Springer Singapore .................................. p203 , 1677 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アフリカ 》北アフリカ Hidri, Sahbi, Evaluation in Foreign Language Education in the Middle East and North Africa, Springer International Publishing .......... p203 , 1678 エジプト Stuenkel, Oliver, India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA), Routledge .......p169 , 1434 Nathan, Laurie, Community of Insecurity, Routledge...................................................p177 , 1492 Mendoza, Barbara, Artifacts from Ancient Egypt, Greenwood ................................................. p33 , 0297 Bhana, Deevia, Gender and Childhood Sexuality in Primary School, Springer Singapore ...................................................................p196 , 1631 スーダン Kerfoot, Caroline, Language in Epistemic Access, Routledge.................................................. p202 , 1674 Oette, Lutz, Constitution-making and Human Rights in the Sudans, Routledge ............p147 , 1235 ソマリア Nascimento, Daniela, ! Resolution and Peacebuilding Strategies, Routledge...................................................p170 , 1444 Haji-Abdi, Abdullahi, Critical Realism, Somalia and the Diaspora Community, Routledge ...................................................................p194 , 1617 Hamed, Ashraf Ali, International Crisis Management in Civil War, I.B. Tauris ...................................................................p177 , 1489 サハラ以南アフリカ ウガンダ <:=>?@Child Abuse and Neglect in Uganda, Springer International Publishing .................................................................. p186 , 1564 Ong, Jade Munslow, Olive Schreiner and African Modernism, Routledge ............................. p52 , 0447 南北アメリカ 北 米 Kosek, Joseph Kip, American Religion, American Politics, Yale U.P. ...................................... p45 , 0416 Watson, Tom, North American Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p135 , 1134 Larkin, Edward, The American School of Empire, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p45 , 0417 アメリカ合衆国 Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ...........................................p8 , 0059 Bickham, Troy, The Weight of Vengeance, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p45 , 0410 Cohen, Patricia Cline, A Calculating People, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0411 Connell, William J., The Routledge History of Italian Americans, Routledge .................. p45 , 0412 Gin Lum, Kathryn, Damned Nation, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p45 , 0413 Hirota, Hidetaka, Expelling the Poor, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p45 , 0414 Hodson, Christopher, The Acadian Diaspora, Oxford U.P., New York............................... p45 , 0415 ★印はお薦めタイトル Little, Ann M., The Many Captivities of Esther Wheelwright, Yale U.P. ............................ p45 , 0418 Pach, Chester, A Companion to Dwight D. Eisenhower, Wiley ..................................... p45 , 0419 Roberts, Brian Russell, Archipelagic American Studies, Duke U.P. ....................................p46 , 0420 Sargent, Daniel J., A Superpower Transformed, Oxford U.P., New York............................... p46 , 0422 Smyth Iversen, Joan, The Antipolygamy Controversy in U.S. Women's Movements, 18801925, Routledge ......................................... p46 , 0423 Stevens, Rosemary, A Time of Scandal, The Johns Hopkins U.P. ..............................................p46 , 0424 Townsend, Camilla, Annals of Native America, Oxford U.P., New York...............................p46 , 0426 Westerkamp, Marilyn J., Women in Early American Religion, 1600-1850, Routledge ....................................................................p46 , 0428 Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 223 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Wright, Donald R., African Americans in the Colonial Era, Wiley ..................................p46 , 0429 Hayes, Chris, A Colony in a Nation, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. .................................................. p52 , 0449 Lederhendler, Eli, American Jewry, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p52 , 0450 Bristow, Nancy, American Pandemic, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p53 , 0461 Dubow, Sara, Ourselves Unborn, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................. p54 , 0465 Irwin, Julia F., Making the World Safe, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p54 , 0470 Loeber, Rolf, Girls' Offending from Childhood to Young Adulthood, Springer International Publishing ................................................ p150 , 1269 Pollock, Joycelyn, Crime and Criminal Justice in America, Routledge ................................. p151 , 1274 Gabilondo, Jose, Bank Funding, Liquidity, and Capital Adequacy, Edward Elgar ...........p153 , 1299 Schmidt, Miranda, Bank Regulation, Nova Science ...................................................................p153 , 1303 Blackman, Josh, Unraveled, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p154 , 1307 Matsumoto, Valerie J., City Girls, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................. p57 , 0499 Haddow, George, Introduction to Emergency Management, Butterworth-Heinemann ...................................................................p162 , 1379 Merish, Lori, Archives of Labor, Duke U.P. .................................................................... p57 , 0500 Richardson, Glenn W., Jr., Social Media and Politics, F.A. Praeger, Inc....................... p164 , 1386 :?=#(Black Collegians’ Experiences in US Northern Private Colleges, Palgrave Macmillan .................................. p57 , 0504 Thompson, Debra, The Schematic State, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p164 , 1390 Coats, A. W. Bob, The Historiography of Economics, Routledge.............................p106 , 0902 Heim, John J., Crowding Out Fiscal Stimulus, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p108 , 0921 Webb, Julian, ##{3 Trade Agreements, Nova Science ......... p109 , 0930 Witte, John F., The Politics of Loopholes, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ............................................ p164 , 1392 Roberts, Patrick S., Disasters and the American State, Cambridge U.P. .............................p165 , 1395 Wahlrab, Amentahru, U.S. Approaches to the Arab Uprisings, I.B. Tauris.............................. p167 , 1409 Tabacco, Giovanni Alberto, Airline Economics, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p113 , 0949 Zhang, Yun, Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p167 , 1410 Holloway, Nelson, Federal Income from Crude Oil & Natural Gas, Nova Science .................p117 , 0979 Weitz, Richard, The New China-Russia Alignment, F.A. Praeger, Inc.......................................p168 , 1424 Davis, Judy Foster, Pioneering African-American Women in the Advertising Business, Routledge ...................................................................p135 , 1128 Moran, Michael, Private Foundations and Development Partnerships, Routledge ...................................................................p169 , 1433 Caldwell, Alfred, Water Utilities Use of Asset Management Practices, Nova Science ...................................................................p139 , 1164 Inoue, Masamichi S., Okinawa and the U.S. Military, Columbia U.P. .......................... p171 , 1451 Bracha, Oren, Owning Ideas, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p145 , 1221 Kessler, Amalia D., Inventing American Exceptionalism, Yale U.P. .......................p145 , 1222 Ashbee, Edward, The Obama Presidency and the Politics of Change, Springer Verlag .......p178 , 1493 Canon, David T., American Politics Today, W.W. Norton .......................................................p178 , 1494 Cooper, Sarah Lucy, Controversies in Innocence Cases in America, Routledge ..................p146 , 1225 Denton, Robert E., Jr., Social Fragmentation and the Decline of American Democracy, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p178 , 1495 Weber, Collin, Judge Merrick Garland, Nova Science ......................................................p146 , 1231 Holian, David B., Candidate Character Traits in Presidential Elections, Routledge ..........p178 , 1496 Fisher-McLean, Kandace L., Perceptions of Community Crime in Ferguson, MO, Springer International Publishing ......................... p149 , 1260 Korostelina, Karina V., Trump Effect, Routledge ...................................................................p178 , 1497 224 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》北 米 ) (@The Trump Phenomenon and the Future of US Foreign Policy, ...................................................................p178 , 1498 Payan, Tony, The Three U.S.-Mexico Border Wars, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ..........................p178 , 1499 Rolfe, Mark, The Reinvention of Populist Rhetoric in The Digital Age, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p178 , 1500 Rossinow, Doug, The Reagan Era, Columbia U.P. ...................................................................p178 , 1501 Smith, Martin A., Clinton and Bush's Foreign and Security Policies, Routledge ...................p178 , 1502 McBride, Justin, Congressional Actions Interfering with the Affordable Care Act, Nova Science ..................................................... p179 , 1508 Hicks, Louis, The Civilian Lives of U.S. Veterans, F.A. Praeger, Inc.......................................p180 , 1513 Atwood, Gretchen, Lost Champions, Bloomsbury Academic ...................................................p211 , 1750 Nalbantis, Georgios, The Demand for International Football Telecasts in the United States, Palgrave Macmillan .....................p211 , 1754 Comiskey, Patrick J., American Rhone, University of California Press ....................................p212 , 1758 カナダ Thompson, Debra, The Schematic State, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p164 , 1390 Lind, Amy, Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America, Routledge .................................................................. p198 , 1648 中南米 Gillespie, Brian Joseph, Household Mobility in America, Palgrave Macmillan ............... p186 , 1560 Forrester, Robert E., British Mail Steamers to South America, 1851-1965, Routledge .................................................................... p38 , 0348 Andrews, Sean Johnson, Hegemony, Mass Media and Cultural Studies, ) :; ...................................................................p192 , 1595 Below, Amy, Environmental Politics and Foreign Policy Decision Making in Latin America, Routledge...................................................p140 , 1177 Richards, Jeffrey, China and the Chinese in Popular Film, I.B. Tauris ....................... p193 , 1609 Betances, Emelio, Popular Sovereignty and Constituent Power in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p179 , 1503 Baker, Houston A., The Trouble with PostBlackness, Columbia U.P. .......................p194 , 1614 Pullman, Wesley E., African American Men in Crisis, Routledge ......................................p195 , 1625 Lopresti, Robert, When Women Didn't Count, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ............................................ p196 , 1639 Lind, Amy, Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America, Routledge .................................................................. p198 , 1648 Nugent, Gwen C., Rural Education Research in the United States, Springer International Publishing .................................................................. p201 , 1666 Willis, Paul, Learning to Labor, Columbia U.P. .................................................................. p202 , 1670 Bunn, James, Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p206 , 1706 Tobolowsky, Barbara, Anti-Intellectual Representations of American Colleges and Universities, Palgrave Macmillan...........p209 , 1741 Arthur-Banning, Skye, Youth Sports in America, ABC-Clio ...................................................p210 , 1749 ★印はお薦めタイトル Vivares, Ernesto, Exploring the New South American Regionalism (NSAR), Routledge ...................................................................p179 , 1505 Hegamin-Younger, Cecilia, Caribbean Adolescents, Nova Science .............................................p181 , 1524 Schulz, Jeremy, Communication and Information Technologies Annual, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd............................................................. p190 , 1593 メキシコ・中米 Paxman, Andrew, Jenkins of Mexico, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p47 , 0433 メキシコ Payan, Tony, The Three U.S.-Mexico Border Wars, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ..........................p178 , 1499 Rousseau, Stéphanie, Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p187 , 1565 Lind, Amy, Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America, Routledge .................................................................. p198 , 1648 Announcement of New Books ◇ December, 2016 225 南北アメリカ 》中南米 コスタリカ ボリビア Rivers-moore, Megan, Gringo Gulch, University of Chicago Press ............................................p30 , 0268 Rousseau, Stéphanie, Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p187 , 1565 カリブ諸国 ブラジル Bourbonnais, Nicole, Birth Control in the Decolonizing Caribbean, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p53 , 0460 Stuenkel, Oliver, India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA), Routledge .......p169 , 1434 キューバ Ricco, Maria Filomena Fontes, Culture and Defence in Brazil, Routledge ..................p179 , 1504 Casey, Matthew, Empire’s Guest Workers, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p47 , 0430 Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce, Sports MegaEvents and Urban Legacies, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................................... p211 , 1755 ベネズエラ チ リ Knight, Gregory L., Venezuela, Nova Science .................................................................. p117 , 0980 ペルー Bianculli, Andrea C., Negotiating Trade Liberalization in Argentina and Chile, Routledge ...................................................................p169 , 1426 アルゼンチン McKinley, Michelle A., Fractional Freedoms, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p47 , 0432 Rousseau, Stéphanie, Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p187 , 1565 Bianculli, Andrea C., Negotiating Trade Liberalization in Argentina and Chile, Routledge ...................................................................p169 , 1426 オセアニア Biersack, Aletta, Emergent Masculinities in the $Routledge .....................................p196 , 1632 Mills, Oliver, Biotechnological Inventions, Routledge...................................................p154 , 1305 オーストラリア Maddison, Sarah, The Limits of Settler Colonial Reconciliation, Springer Singapore ...... p193 , 1607 Kaberry, Phyllis, Aboriginal Woman Sacred and Profane, Routledge.................................... p29 , 0263 Indelicato, Maria Elena, Australia's New Migrants, Routledge ............................... p194 , 1620 極 地 南 極 Dodds, Klaus, Handbook on the Politics of Antarctica, Edward Elgar ...................... p143 , 1209 226 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 㻌 㻌 ᒣṇ᫂ ⦅㻌 Ꮫ⾡ㄽᩥ㞟ᡂ 㻌 㻌 ㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ㻌 䠑ᕳ 㻌 㻌 &RJQLWLYH/LQJXLVWLFV 㻌 㻌 SAGE Benchmarks in Language and Linguistics 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖1009981482䛇 (PHULWXV3URIHVVRURI.\RWR8QLYHUVLW\-31 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜, 5 Vols., 1,520 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4462-9873-2 ........ STP 875.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥173,551 / ≉౯ +⛯ ࠕㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࠖࡣ ᖺ௦ࡑࡢⴌⱆⓗ࡞◊✲ࡀ㛤ጞࡉࢀࠊ ᖺ௦௨㝆ࠊࣟࢼࣝࢻ࣭ ࣛࢿ࣮࢝ࠊࢪ࣮ࣙࢪ࣭ࣞࢥࣇࠊࢳ࣮ࣕࣝࢬ࣭ࣇࣝࣔࠊ➼ࢆ୰ᚰᛴ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ࡁ ࡓ᪂ࡋ࠸ゝㄒᏛࡢࣃࣛࢲ࣒࡛ࡍࠋ⮬ᚊⓗ࡞グྕ⣔ࢆ๓ᥦࡍࡿࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢᙧᘧⓗ࡞ゝㄒ ◊✲ࡣ␗࡞ࡾࠊࠕㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࠖࡣࠊゝⴥࢆ㌟యࡉࢀࡓே㛫ࡢ୍⯡ⓗ࡞ㄆ▱⬟ຊ㐠⏝ ⬟ຊࡢࢲࢼ࣑ࢵࢡ࡞Ⓨ⌧⣔ࡋ࡚ᤊ࠼࡚࠸ࡃ᪂ࡋ࠸ゝㄒᏛࡢࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡋ࡚ὀ┠ࡉࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ◊✲ࡣࠊゝⴥࡢ࣓࢝ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢ⫼ᚋᏑᅾࡍࡿᚰ⬻ࡢᶵ⬟ࡢゎ᫂ ࢆヨࡳࡿㄆ▱⛉Ꮫࠊゝⴥࡢ㐀ᛶࡢ࣓࢝ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢゎ᫂㛵ࢃࡿேᩥ⛉Ꮫࡢศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ࡶ 㔜せ࡞ᙺࢆᢸࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊ᪥ᮏࡢㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ᣦᑟⓗᙺࢆᯝࡓࡋ࡚ࡇࡽࢀࡓᒣṇ᫂ ᩍᤵ㸦᪥ᮏㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ๓㛗ࠊி㒔Ꮫྡᩍᤵ㸧ࡢ⦅⧩ࡼࡿࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ㛵㐃ศ 㔝ࡢ᭱ඛ➃ࡢᇶᮏᩥ⊩ࢆ㘓ࡋࡓ㈗㔜࡞ㄽᩥ㞟࡛ࡍࠋࡑࡢෆᐜࡣ㡿ᇦᶓ᩿ⓗከᒱࢃࡓ ࡾࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ⌮ㄽ᪉ἲㄽࠊ㡢㡩࣭ᙧែㄽࠊᩥἲㄽࠊពㄽࠊㄒ⏝ㄽࠊࢥ࣮ࣃࢫゝㄒ Ꮫࠊゝㄒ⩦ᚓࠊゝㄒᩍ⫱ࢆࡣࡌࡵࠊ⛉ᏛဴᏛࡸ⬻⛉Ꮫࠊᚰ⌮ᏛࠊリᏛࠊಟ㎡ᏛࠊᩥᏛ◊✲ ࡞ࡢ㛵㐃㡿ᇦ⮳ࡿࡲ࡛ࠊ⢭㑅ࡉࢀࡓ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ㔜せᩥ⊩ࢆ ᕳ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡓࠊᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊ⦅⪅ࡼࡿㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ◊✲ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢ㐍ᒎࠊㄆ▱⛉Ꮫ࠾ࡼࡧ ேᩥ⛉Ꮫࡢ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࡢ㈉⊩ࠊᚋࡢ◊✲ࡢᒎᮃ㛵ࡍࡿヲࡋ࠸ゎㄝࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡉࡽ㘓ࡋ࡚ࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࢆࡣࡌࡵࡍࡿࠊྂⓗ࡞ㄽᩥࠊⴭ᭩ࠊㄽᩥ 㞟ࠊ➼ࡢ⥙⨶ⓗ࡞ᩥ⊩ࣜࢫࢺࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᑗ᮶ⓗࡶ㛗ࡃཧ↷ࡍࡁᩥ⊩ࡋ ࡚ࠊᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࢆ࠾⸀ࡵ࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ &RQWHQWV sŽů͘ϭdŚĞŽƌLJĂŶĚDĞƚŚŽĚ 1. Newman, J.㸸The Quiet Revolution - Ron Langacker’s Fall Quarter 1977 Lectures. 2. Evans, V., B. K. Bergen and J. Zinken㸸The Cognitive Linguistics Enterprise - An Overview. 3. Lakoff, G. : Cognitive versus Generative Linguistics - How Commitments Influence Results. 4. Fauconnier, G.㸸Cognitive Linguistics. 5. Langacker, R. W. : An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar. 6. Gibbs, R. W. : Why Cognitive Linguists Should Care More About Empirical Methods. 7. Johnson, M. and G. Lakoff : Why Cognitive Linguistics Requires Embodied Realism. 8. Rohrer, T. : Embodiment and Experientialism. 9. Fillmore, C. : Some Thoughts on the Boundaries and Components of Linguistics. 10. Talmy, L. : The Relation of Grammar to Cognition. sŽů͘ϮŽŐŶŝƚŝǀĞWŚŽŶŽůŽŐLJĂŶĚDŽƌƉŚŽůŽŐLJ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Lakoff, G. : Cognitive Phonology. Välimaa-Blum, R. : Phonotactic Constraints in Cognitive Phonology. Kristiansen, G. : Towards a Usage-Based Cognitive Phonology. Bybee, J. L. : Word Frequency and Context of Use in the Lexical Diffusion of Phonetically Conditioned Sound Change. Sosa, A.V. and J. L. Bybee : A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Phonology. Hopper, P. J. : Phonogenesis. Wheeler, D., and D. S. Touretzky : A Connectionist Implementation of Cognitive Phonology. Bertinetto, P. M. : Phonological Representation of Morphological Complexity - Alternative Models (Neuro- and Psycholinguistic Evidence). Besedina, N. : Evaluation through Morphology - A Cognitive Perspective. Rhodes, R. A. : What is a Morpheme? - A View from Construction Grammar. Janda, L. A. : Metonymy in Word-Formation. sŽů͘ϯŽŐŶŝƚŝǀĞ'ƌĂŵŵĂƌĂŶĚ^LJŶƚĂdž 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Fillmore, C. J. : The Mechanisms of Construction Grammar. Langacker, R. W. : Constructions in Cognitive Grammar. Goldberg, A. E. : Constructionist Approaches to Language. Croft, W. : Logical and Typological Arguments for Radical Construction Grammar. Lakoff, G. : Linguistic Gestalts. Lakoff, G. : Syntactic Amalgams. Hopper, P. J. : Emergent Grammar. Langacker, R. W. : Metonymic Grammar. Gries, S. Th. : Towards a Corpus-based Identification of Prototypical Instances of Constructions. Stefanowitsch, A. and S. Th. Gries. : Collostructions: Investigating the Interaction between Words and Constructions. sŽů͘ϰŽŐŶŝƚŝǀĞ^ĞŵĂŶƚŝĐƐ 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Fillmore, C. J. : An Alternative to Checklist Theories of Meaning. Langacker, R. W. ͗Context, Cognition, and Semantics: A Unified Dynamic Approach. Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson : Conceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language. Goossens, L. : Metaphtonymy - The Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Expressions for Linguistic Action. Talmy, Leonard. : Force Dynamics in Language and Thought. Fauconnier, G. and M. Turner : Conceptual Integration Networks. Coulson, S. and T. Oakley : Blending and Coded Meaning - Literal and Figurative Meaning in Cognitive Semantics. Clausner, T. C. and W. Croft, W. : Domains and Image Schemas. Dodge, E. and G. Lakoff : Image schemas - From linguistic Analysis to Neural Grounding. Gallese, V. and G. Lakoff : The Brain’s Concepts - The Role of the Sensory-Motor System in Conceptual Knowledge. sŽů͘ϱŽŐŶŝƚŝǀĞ>ŝŶŐƵŝƐƚŝĐƐĂŶĚZĞůĂƚĞĚ&ŝĞůĚƐ 42. Tomasello, M. : First Steps toward a Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. 43. Dabrowska, E.㸸The LAD Goes to School - A Cautionary Tale for Nativists. 44. De Rycker, A. and S. De Knop : Integrating Cognitive Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Historical Background and New Developments. 45. Croft, W.㸸Linguistic Selection - An Utterance-Based Evolutionary Theory of Language. 46. Freeman, M. H. : Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Literary Studies - State of the Art in Cognitive Poetics. 47. Lakoff, G. : The Neuroscience of Form in Art. 48. Sweetser, E. : What Does It Mean to Compare Language and Gesture? - Modalities and Constrasts. 49. Nñez, R. E. : Conceptual Metaphor and the Cognitive Foundations of Mathematics. 50. Deane, P.㸸Neurological Evidence for a Cognitive Theory of Syntax - Agrammatic Aphasia and the Spatialization of Form Hypothesis. 51. Feldman, J. and S. Narayanan : Embodied Meaning in a Neural Theory of Language. 52. Kravchenko, A. : Cognitive Linguistics, Biology of Cognition and Biosemiotics - Bridging the Gaps. 53. Zlatev, J. : Cognitive Semiotics - An Emerging Field for the Transdisciplinary Study of Meaning. 3UR4XHVW'LVVHUWDWLRQ䢢 ⡿ᅜᏛㄽᩥ䛾䛤ෆ ពㄽ Semantics 䠖 ᐃ ౯ 㸦 ࢱࢺࣝ㸧 ! "#㸦ᮍ〇ᮏ㸧$ %&'(! 㸦 ᖺ ᭶⌧ᅾ㸧 1. Harner, Hillary Jane Focus and the semantics of desire predicates and directive verbs Georgetown University,2016, 351p.Ph.D., Pub No:10158114 6. Chung, Han-Byul On the syntax/semantics of Korean nominal particles City University of New York,2016, 225p.Ph.D., Pub No:10111415 2. Fowler, Timothy Alexander Dalton Lambek Categorial Grammars for Practical Parsing University of Toronto (Canada),2016, 228p.Ph.D., Pub No:10138328 7. Jin, Dawei The Semantic-Pragmatics Interface and Island Constraints in Chinese State University of New York at Buffalo,2016, 246p.Ph.D., Pub No:10013555 3. Bauder, Rachel Anna Naming Particulars: A ThirteenthCentury Debate on Whether Individuals Have Proper Names University of Toronto (Canada),2016, 177p.Ph.D., Pub No:10137802 4. Nowak, Ethan Paul Two dogmas about demonstratives University of California, Berkeley,2016, 93p.Ph.D., Pub No:10150972 5. Tellings, Jos Leonard Counterfactuality in Discourse University of California, Los Angeles,2016, 260p.Ph.D., Pub No:10128005 8. Boylan, Christine Features and functions: Decomposing the neural and cognitive bases of semantic composition University of Pennsylvania,2015, 175p.Ph.D., Pub No:10003682 9. Kuhn, Jeremy Cross-categorial singular and plural reference in sign language New York University,2015, 257p.Ph.D., Pub No:3740833 10. Leffel, Timothy James The semantics of modification: Adjectives, nouns, and order New York University, 2014. 224p. Ph.D., Pub No:3665171 㻌 䛭䛾䚸ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䝍䜲䝖䝹䛜ከᩘ䛤䛦䛔䜎䛩䚹䛚Ẽ㍍䛻ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫ୗ䛥䛔䚹㻌 䖂⾲♧౯᱁䛿ㄽᩥ 㻝 Ⅼᙜ䜚䛾ᾘ㈝⛯ 㻤㻑㎸䜏౯᱁䛷䛩䚹ᅜෆ㏦ᩱ䜢ྵ䜏䜎䛩䚹㻌 䖂㻯㼘㼛㼠㼔 䛿⣙ 㻤㻙㻝㻜 㐌㛫䚸㻌 㻼㼍㼜㼑㼞 䛿 㻢㻙㻤 㐌㛫䚸㻰㼂㻰 䛿⣙ 㻟㻙㻠 㐌㛫䚸㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟 䛿⣙ 㻞 㐌㛫䛷䛚ᒆ䛡䛔䛯䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 䖂ⴭ⪅䛾ពྥ䛺䛹䛻䜘䜚ㄽᩥ䛜ධᡭ䛷䛝䛺䛔ሙྜ䚸䜎䛯ㄽᩥ୰䛾ᅗ∧➼䛜㩭᫂䛺ሙྜ䛜䛤䛦䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ၿ㞝ᯇᇽᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫㄽᩥࢭࣥࢱ࣮ 㸺Ⴀᴗ㒊㸼 㤳㒔ᅪᏛᢸᙜ ࠛ ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵖᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵏᵖᵓᴾ 㤳㒔ᅪႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ᇌ߷ࠊ᭗ထ ᵑᵋᵏᵋᵓᴾ ૼᇌ߷ἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵓᵏᵐᵋᵖᵓᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵓᵏᵐᵋᵗᵔᵑᵎ ⚄ዉᕝ㟼ᒸႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ್ාࠊৎشғ߷ɥထ ᵖᵕᵋᵒᴾ ᵬᵄᵤ ἥἽᾀᴾ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵗ ⟃ἼႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ếẪịࠊټʁ̬ ᵒᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵔᵎᵎᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵒᵑᵏᵎ ᮐᖠႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ࠤࠊฌဋғ҅ ᵔ வ ᵏᵋᵒᵋᵔᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵓᵎ ྎႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɟဪထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵕᴾ ˅ӨɟဪထἥἽ ᵑ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵐᵐᵋᵏᵏᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵓᵋᵕᵓᵏᵔ ┒ᒸႠᴗᡤ ࠛ Ⴎࠊޢஜထᡫ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵨᵲ ஜထἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵎᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵑᵓᵗ ྡྂᒇႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵏᵋᵐᵒᵋᵏᵓᴾᵨᵮᵰ ӸӞᙸ˜ދἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵎᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵏᵒᴾ 㔠ἑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ එࠊᙱࣞ ᵏᵋᵏᵋᵑᴾ ἅὅἧỵἙὅἋඑ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵏᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵐᵗᵗ 㜰Ⴀᴗ㒊 ࠛ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖᴾ ி㒔Ⴀᴗ㒊 ࠛ ʮᣃࠊӫʮғٽᆁɥДᢿထᵏᵎᴾ ٻଐஜҮТίఇὸᴾʮᣃئϋ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵐᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵓᵐ ⚄ᡞႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ᅕৎࠊғދޥҤထ ᵒᵋᵑᵔᴾ ދޥἥἽᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵐᴾ ᒸᒣႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵑᵋᵓᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵐᵐᵔᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵒᵑᵕᵎ ᯇᒣႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ࠊޛዯထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵤᵳᵰᵳᵫᵭᵲᵭ ἥἽ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵒᵏᵋᵓᵐᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵑᵑᵋᵕᵕᵓᵒ ᗈᓥႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ࠼ࠊɶғɶထ ᵕᵋᵐᵑᴾ ˰ဃԧٻᡫụᇹ ᵐ ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵐᵐᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵏᵓᵕᵔ ⚟ᒸႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҤғฌ൦ ᵐᵋᵏᵓᵋᵏᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵑᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵓᵒᴾ 㛗ᓮႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ᧈ߃ࠊקஜ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵑᵑ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵑᵑ ⇃ᮏႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ༇ஜࠊɶځғᠲထ ᵖᵋᵐᵑ ఞἥἽᠲထ ᵑ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵏᵐᵋᵎᵓᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵐᵒᵏᵋᵖᵖᵎᵏ Ἀ⦖Ⴀᴗᡤ ࠛ ᙵࠊඡ߃ ᵏᵋᵏᵐᵋᵕᴾ ɧѣင˟ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵏᵋᵒᵖᵑᵕ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵎᵎᵗᵎ 㸺ᾏእົᡤ㸼 )*:;<ᴾ ᵏᵏᵎᵠᴾᵫᶃᵿᶂᶍᶕᶊᵿᶌᶂᶑᴾᵮᵿᶐᶉᶕᵿᶗᵊᴾᵱᶓᶇᶒᶃᴾᵐᵎᵓᵊᴾᵱᶃᶁᵿᶓᶁᶓᶑᵊᴾᵬᵨᴾᵎᵕᵎᵗᵒᵊᴾᵳᵱᵟᴾ 㸺ᗑ⯒㸼 ࡢෆᮏᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃҘˊဋғɺỉϋ ᵏᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ɺỉϋỼỴἐ ᵏ῍ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵖᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵗᵐᴾ ᪥ ᮏ ᶫ ᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃɶځғଐஜ ᵐᵋᵑᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵐ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᮐᖠᗑ ࠛ ࠤࠊɶځғҤɟவᙱ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵐᴾ ɺʟʻʟҤᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵎᵎᴾ ྎ࢚ࣝᗑ ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɶ ځᵏᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ᵟᵣᵰᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵏᵐ ྡྂᒇᮏᗑ ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵑᵋᵖᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵎᵑᵐᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵎᵕᵑᵎᴾ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᱵ⏣ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊ᧵ٻғᒧދထ ᵕᵋᵐᵎᴾ ᶁᶆᵿᶑᶉᵿ ᒧދထ ᵠᵏ῍ᵕ ᨞ᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵓᴾ ி 㒔 ᮏ ᗑ ࠛ ʮᣃࠊɶʮғඕҾထᡫɤவɦἽ ߃ޛᵐᵓᵏᴾ ʮᣃ ᵠᵟᵪ עɦᾀ᨞Ὁᾁ᨞ᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵐᵓᵑᵋᵏᵓᵗᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵐᵓᵑᵋᵏᵒᵗᵗᴾ ᒸᒣ㺚㺻㺪㺉㺤㺎㺩㺼㺷ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵓᵋᵏᴾ ޛޢῩ ΌῘῳ῝Ὸ עɦ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵗᴾ ༤ ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҦٶғҦٶᬜɶځᘑ ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ᵨᵰ ҦٶῩᴾ ᵖ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵐ ከ ᗑ ࠾یၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࠊࡈὀᩥࡣ᭱ᐤࡾࡢᘢ♫ྛႠᴗ㒊ࡲ࡛࠾㢪࠸ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ၿ㞝ᯇᇽᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫ⾡ሗࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥᴗ㒊 ὒ᭩ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ࠛ ᮾி㒔᪂ᐟ༊ᅄ㇂ᆏ⏫ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᴾᵒᵑᵑᵓᵋᵗᵑᵏᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵒᵑᵑᵓᵋᵗᵑᵔᵒᴾ ᶃᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶋᵿᶐᶉᶃᶒᶇᶌᶅᵞᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶉᶕᵌᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ Announcement of New Books 2016 年 12 月号 2016 年 12 月 1 日発行 年間購読料 2,000 円(税別)
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