No.1437 人文・社会 科学 新 刊 在 庫 2016 年 5 月号 今月のトピックス …………… 1 新 刊・近 刊 総 記 ……………… 14 哲学・思想 ……………… 15 宗 教 学 ……………… 24 民族学・民俗学・人類学 … 30 歴 史 学 ……………… 32 人文地理学 ……………… 56 芸 術 ……………… 58 文 学 ……………… 65 言 語 学 ……………… 74 認 知 科 学 ……………… 78 心 理 学 ……………… 82 経 済 学 ……………… 92 金 融 ……………… 105 会 計 学 ……………… 106 経 営 学 ……………… 107 環 境 学 ……………… 124 法 学 ……………… 128 政 治 学 ……………… 146 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ………………………… 163 社 会 学 ……………… 168 ジェンダー ……………… 180 教 育 学 ……………… 182 スポーツ・健康科学 …… 195 生 活 科 学 ……………… 198 地域研究Index ………… 199 16 Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics 現代のグローバル・バイオエシックスに関連する問題や 主題を初めて包括的かつ体系的に取り扱っています。グ ローバル的且つ比較文化的観点から、従来扱われてこな かった問題にも触れています。 37 Encyclopedia of Early Modern History 本百科事典は、ヨーロッパの視点から 400 年間におよぶ 近世史を考察し、ヨーロッパやその他の文化の多面的な 相互関係を広範囲に精査しています。 79 Cognitive Linguistics 日本の認知言語学の分野において指導的役割を果たし てこられた山梨正明教授の編纂による、認知言語学と 関連分野の最先端の基本文献を収録した論文集です。 109 Action Research in Business and Management 本書は 1950 年代以降のビジネスと経営学におけるアク ションリサーチの重要論文が整理されています。 196 Sports History 今日スポーツは数十億人に影響を与える重要な文化活 動であり、注目すべき分野であると認識されています。 本書は 4 巻構成でスポーツの歴史に関連する地域、 議論、 方法論、時代を網羅しています。 特 集 18 言語学と哲学シリーズ 25 Blackwell 版 宗教必携シリーズ 哲学・思想 0001* ★再 0005* 自然法とは何か Armstrong, D. M. What is a Law of Nature? (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 180 p., First published in 1985 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50709-4................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 Gale, Richard M. On the Nature and Existence of God (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 376 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50710-0 ......................................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 *9781316507094* 0002* ★再 自然と神の存在 ★再 *9781316507100* 0006* ★再 カントの分析 統計的推論の論理学 Bennett, Jonathan Kant’s Analytic (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 285 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50605-9 ......................................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 Hacking, Ian Logic of Statistical Inference (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 229 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50814-5 ......................................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 *9781316506059* 0003* *9781316508145* ★再 カントの弁証法 0007* Bennett, Jonathan Kant’s Dialectic (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 315 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50607-3 ......................................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 ウルハイム、ウィトゲンシュタイン、絵画の視覚表現 *9781316506073* 0004* ★再 再 Kemp, Gary/Mras, Gabriele M. (eds.) Wollheim, Wittgenstein, and Pictorial Representation: Seeing-as and Seeing-in 2016:5. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12346-5.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138123465* 0008* ★ 倫理学と社会サバイバル プラグマティズムの哲学的探究 Fisk, Milton Ethics and Social Survival (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory) 2016:5. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64655-1 ........................................ Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 Rescher, Nicholas Pragmatism in Philosophical Inquiry: Theoretical Considerations and Case Studies (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy) 2016:5. 150 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30902-6................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9781138646551* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783319309026* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 1 哲学・思想 0009* ★再 0011* 解釈学と人間科学 Ricoeur, Paul Thompson, John B. (ed.) Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 316 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-14497-2.................Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥15,390 / 特価 ¥12,312 + 税 *9781107144972* Silk, M. S./Stern, J. P. Nietzsche on Tragedy (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 520 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50793-3 ......................................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 *9781316507933* 0012* ISBN 978-1-316-50820-6................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 *9781316508206* 0010* ★再 ニーチェの悲劇 ★ Oxford 版 ヒュームハンドブック Russell, Paul (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Hume (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:5. 832 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-974284-4 ....................................Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥25,654 / 特価 ¥20,523 + 税 ★再 伝統的な分析哲学 Tugendhat, Ernst Traditional and Analytical Philosophy: Lectures on the Philosophy of Language (Cambridge Philosophy Classics) 2016:6. 463 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50889-3................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 *9781316508893* *9780199742844* 宗教学 0013* 再 アメリカにおける福音主義の未来 Brown, Candy Gunther/Silk, Mark (eds.) The Future of Evangelicalism in America (The Future of Religion in America) 2016:5. 272 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17611-8 ................Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780231176118* 0014* 再 アメリカにおける 仏教とサイケデリック・スピリチュアリティ 0015* ★再 Wiley-Blackwell 版 世界のキリスト教必携 Sanneh, Lamin/McClymond, Michael (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to World Christianity (Blackwell Companions to Religion) 2016:5. 784 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4051-5376-8...............Hard USD 224.95 通常価 ¥38,473 / 特価 ¥30,778 + 税 *9781405153768* Osto, Douglas Altered States: Buddhism and Psychedelic Spirituality in America 2016:5. 328 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17730-6.................Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780231177306* 2 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 歴史学 0016* ★再 0019* 近代中国の条約港 ★再 南スーダンの歴史:奴隷制からの独立 Bickers, Robert/Jackson, Isabella (eds.) Treaty Ports in Modern China: Law, Land and Power (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2016:5. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-65875-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Rolandsen, Oystein H./Daly, M. W. A History of South Sudan: From Slavery to Independence 2016:6. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-521-13325-8 ......................................Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥5,129 / 特価 ¥4,103 + 税 *9780415658751* 0017* ★ *9780521133258* 0020 Oxford 版 ヨーロッパ史ハンドブック 1914 年 - 1945 年 ★ 第一次世界大戦: エッセンシャルレファレンスガイド Doumanis, Nicholas (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of European History, 1914-1945 (Oxford Handbooks in History) 2016:5. 672 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-969566-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Tucker, Spencer C. (ed.) World War I: The Essential Reference Guide 2016:5. 414 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4121-7.................Hard USD 89.00 通常価 ¥15,221 + 税 0018* 0021* *9780199695669* ★ *9781440841217* 古代世界における平和:概念と理論 ★ 科学における未来への教訓 5DDÀDXE.XUW$HG Peace in the Ancient World: Concepts and Theories (Ancient World: Comparative Histories) 2016:5. 200 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-64512-3 .................Hard USD 89.95 通常価 ¥15,384 / 特価 ¥12,307 + 税 *9781118645123* Zichichi, Antonino A Lesson for the Future of Our Science: My Testimony on Lord Patrick M. S. Blackett 2016:5. 280 p. (World 6FLHQWL¿F6*3 ISBN 978-981-4719-41-4................Paper USD 28.00 通常価 ¥4,788 / 特価 ¥3,831 + 税 *9789814719414* 人文地理学 0022* 再 移住の地理学 Wright, Richard (ed.) Geographies of Migration 2016:5. 206 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66714-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138667143* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 3 芸 術 芸 術 0023* ★再 江戸初期・明治期の京都の ビジュアルカルチャー 0024* 再 日本演劇史 Pitelka, Morgan/Tseng, Alice Y. (eds.) Kyoto Visual Culture in the Early Edo and Meiji Periods: The Arts of Reinvention (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2016:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18661-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Salz, Jonah (ed.) A History of Japanese Theatre 2016:6. 600 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-03424-2...............Hard USD 155.00 通常価 ¥26,509 / 特価 ¥21,207 + 税 *9781107034242* *9781138186613* 文 学 0025* ★再 Brown, John Russell/Di Benedetto, Stephen (eds.) Designers’ Shakespeare 2016:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-52507-7................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-877834-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198778349* 0029* *9780415525077* 0026* ★ Callaghan, Dympna (ed.) A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare, 2nd ed. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture) 2016:5. 584 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-118-50126-9 ....................................Hard USD 195.00 通常価 ¥33,350 / 特価 ¥26,680 + 税 *9780674737204* 0030* Kastan, David Scott A Will to Believe: Shakespeare and Religion 2016:5. 176 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874469-6 ....................................... Paper STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 ★ ドイツ詩入門 Gray, Ronald An Introduction to German Poetry 2016:5. 158 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-61198-2 ......................................Paper USD 26.99 通常価 ¥4,616 / 特価 ¥3,692 + 税 *9781316611982* 0028* ★再 Oxford 版 イギリス散文史ハンドブック 1500 年 - 1640 年 +DG¿HOG$QGUHZHG The Oxford Handbook of English Prose 1500-1640 2016:5. 768 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) 4 ★再 シェイクスピアと宗教 *9781118501269* 0027* ★再 Hu, Ying Burying Autumn : Poetry, Friendship, and Loss (Harvard East Asian Monographs, Vol. 391) 2016:4. 400 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-73720-4 .......................................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9780198744696* 0031* ★再 Oxford 版 シェイクスピアの詩ハンドブック Post, Jonathan (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare’s Poetry 2016:5. 784 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877801-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198778011* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 言語学 0032* ★ 0036* 第二言語学習と言語教育 第5版 Cook, Vivian Second Language Learning and Language Teaching, 5th ed. 2016:5. 334 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-71377-1 ........................................ Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9780415713771* ISBN 978-0-415-71380-1................. Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥6,914 / 特価 ¥5,531 + 税 *9780415713801* 0033* ★再 Oxford 版 ロマンス諸語ガイド 再 アメリカ大陸における先住民言語の再活性化 Coronel-Molina, Serafín M./McCarty, Teresa L. (eds.) Indigenous Language Revitalization in the Americas 2016:5. 326 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-81081-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9780415810814* Ledgeway, Adam/Maiden, Martin (eds.) The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages (Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages, Vol. 1) 2016:6. 1360 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967710-8................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9780199677108* 0037* ★再 言語生態学と言語接触 Ludwig, Ralph/Pagel, Steve/M. Hlh Usler, Peter (eds.) Linguistic Ecology and Language Contact (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact) 2016:5. 410 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-04135-6...............Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥21,378 / 特価 ¥17,103 + 税 *9781107041356* 0038* 0034* ★再 翻訳と対照研究のためのコーパス言語学 Hayden, Deborah/Russell, Paul (eds.) Grammatica, Gramadach and Gramadeg: Vernacular Grammar and Grammarians in Medieval Ireland and Wales (Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, Vol. 125) 2016:3. 242 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ISBN 978-90-272-4616-5...............Hard EUR 105.00 通常価 ¥20,010 / 特価 ¥16,008 + 税 *9789027246165* 0035* Kessler, Jorg-U./Lenzing, Anke/Liebner, Mathias (eds.) Developing, Modelling and Assessing Second Languages (Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, Vol. 5) 2016:5. 257 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ISBN 978-90-272-0305-2.................Hard EUR 99.00 通常価 ¥18,866 / 特価 ¥15,093 + 税 *9789027203052* ★印はお薦めタイトル Mikhailov, Mikhail/Cooper, Robert Corpus Linguistics for Translation and Contrastive Studies: A Guide for Research (Routledge Corpus Linguistics Guides) 2016:5. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94404-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138944046* 0039* ★ 言語の多様性と社会正義: 応用社会言語学入門 Piller, Ingrid Linguistic Diversity and Social Justice: An Introduction to Applied Sociolinguistics 2016:5. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-993726-4................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199937264* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 5 言語学 0040* ★再 0042* 能格性の新たな構造解析: 2種類の能格言語とそれらの特徴 Tanaka, Lidia Japanese Questions: Discourse, Context and Language 2016:5. 264 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-8808-8 ....................................... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 Polinsky, Maria Deconstructing Ergativity: Two Types of Ergative Languages and Their Features (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax) 2016:5. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-025658-6...............Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥21,378 / 特価 ¥17,103 + 税 *9780190256586* *9781474288088* 0043* ISBN 978-0-19-025659-3................Paper USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9780190256593* 0041* ★再 日本語の疑問文 再 インド・アーリア語派における 文法化と階層構造の起こり Reinöhl, Uta *UDPPDWLFDOL]DWLRQDQGWKH5LVHRI&RQ¿JXrationality in Indo-Aryan (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics) 2016:5. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873666-0.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 ★再 Oxford 版 様相性と法ハンドブック van der Auwera, Johan/Nuyts, Jan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood (Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics) 2016:8. 688 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-959143-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199591435* *9780198736660* 認知科学 0044* ★ 応用構文文法 ★再 オープン・マインド 全2巻 Gilquin, Gaetanelle/Knop, Sabine (eds.) Applied Construction Grammar (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [ACL], Vol. 32) 2016:4. 371 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-045421-5 .................Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥19,047 / 特価 ¥15,238 + 税 *9783110454215* 6 0045* Metzinger, Thomas/Windt, Jennifer M. (eds.) Open MIND: Philosophy and the Mind Sciences in the 21st Century 2016:5. 2 Vols., 1864 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03460-9...............Hard USD 285.00 通常価 ¥48,743 / 特価 ¥38,994 + 税 *9780262034609* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 心理学 0046* ★ Routledge 版 自殺の臨床研究国際ハンドブック 自閉症スペクトラムの児童への早期介入 Cutcliffe, John R./Santos, José/Links, Paul S./Zaheer, Juveria/Harder, Henry G./Campbell, Frank/McCormick, Rod/ Harder, Kari/Bergmans, Yvonne/Eynan, Rahel (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Suicide Research 2016:5. 456 p., Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69043-1................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9781138690431* 0047* ★ 児童発達と教育の進化心理学的観点 Geary, David C./Berch, Daniel B. (eds.) Evolutionary Perspectives on Child Development and Education (Evolutionary Psychology) 2016:5. 400 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29984-6...............Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥26,678 / 特価 ¥21,342 + 税 *9783319299846* 0048* ★ Routledge 版 ドラマセラピー国際ハンドブック Jennings, Sue/Holmwood, Clive (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Dramatherapy (Routledge International Handbooks) 2016:5. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82972-5................ Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥32,114 / 特価 ¥25,691 + 税 *9781138829725* 0049* ★ 分析と行動主義: ユング心理学の社会的、政治的貢献 Kiehl, Emilija/Saban, Mark/Samuels, Andrew (eds.) Analysis and Activism: Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology 2016:5. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94810-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138948105* 0050* Lang, Russell/Hancock, Terry B./Singh, Nirbhay N. (eds.) Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Evidence-Based Practices in Behavioral Health) 2016:5. 340 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30923-1...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319309231* 0051* ★ Li, Ming/Spaulding, William D. (eds.) The Neuropsychopathology of Schizophrenia: Molecules, Brain Systems, Motivation, and Cognition (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol. 63) 2016:5. 277 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30594-3.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319305943* 0052* ★再 心的外傷後ストレス障害総合ガイド 全2巻 Martin, Colin R./Preedy, Victor R./Patel, Vinood B. (eds.) Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders 2016:5. 2 Vols., 2,450 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-08358-2...............Hard EUR 949.00 通常価 ¥180,855 / 特価 ¥144,684 + 税 *9783319083582* 0053* Naguib, Marc/Mitani, John/Simmons, Leigh/Barrett, Louise/Healy, Sue/Zuk, Marlene (eds.) Advances in the Study of Behavior (Advances in the Study of Behavior, Vol. 48) 2016:5. 362 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-804787-3...............Hard USD 153.00 通常価 ¥26,167 / 特価 ¥20,934 + 税 *9780128047873* 0054* 再 Warburton, Katherine D./Stahl, Stephen M. (eds.) Violence in Psychiatry 2016:5. 360 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-09219-8.................Hard USD 84.99 通常価 ¥14,535 / 特価 ¥11,628 + 税 *9781107092198* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 7 経済学 経済学 0055* ★再 マクロ経済政策 再 空港財政マネジメント Blanchard, Olivier/Rajan, Raghuram/ Rogoff, Kenneth/Summers, Lawrence H. Progress and Confusion: The State of Macroeconomic Policy 2016:4. 312 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03462-3.................Hard USD 31.95 通常価 ¥5,464 / 特価 ¥4,371 + 税 *9780262034623* 0056* 0057* Mew, Keith A./Rodriguez, Mario Airport Financial Management 2016:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7546-7701-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780754677017* 0058* 再 アフリカの金融の力 Bracking, Sarah The Financialisation of Power: How Financiers Rule Africa (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2016:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-53851-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 再 Mitra, Devashish The Political Economy of Trade Policy: Theory, (YLGHQFHDQG$SSOLFDWLRQV:RUOG6FLHQWL¿F6WXGLHV in International Economics) 2016:5. 350 p. (World 6FLHQWL¿F6*3 ISBN 978-981-4569-14-9...............Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥20,523 / 特価 ¥16,418 + 税 *9789814569149* *9780415538510* 金 融 0059* ★再 F.J. ファボッツィ他著 ポートフォリオの構築とアナリティクス ★再 金融危機後のマクロ経済学 Fabozzi, Frank J./Pachamanova, Dessislava Portfolio Construction and Analytics (Frank J. Fabozzi Series) 2016:4. 624 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-44559-4 ...............Hard USD 124.95 通常価 ¥21,370 / 特価 ¥17,096 + 税 *9781118445594* 0060 0061* Madsen, Mogens Ove/Olesen, Finn (eds.) Macroeconomics After the Financial Crisis: A Post-Keynesian Perspective (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:5. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12448-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138124486* ★再 喜多一 / 谷口和久 / 中島義裕著 エージェント · ベース · モデルと金融市場 シミュレーション Kita, Hajime/Taniguchi, Kazuhisa/Nakajima, Yoshihiro (eds.) Realistic Simulation of Financial Markets: Analyzing Market Behaviors by the Third Mode of Science (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science, Vol. 4) 2016:5. 140 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ISBN 978-4-431-55056-3............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9784431550563* 8 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 経営学 0062* 再 0063* ★再 マーケティング・マネジメント:歴史的研究 PR ハンドブック 第5版 Tadajewski, Mark/Jones, D. G. Brian (eds.) Historical Research in Marketing Management (Key Issues in Marketing Management) 2016:5. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-72463-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Theaker, Alison The Public Relations Handbook, 5th ed. (Media Practice) 2016:5. 570 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-89096-1 ...................................... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9780415724630* *9781138890961* 環境学 0064* 再 気候変動の経済学と政策:入門 第2版 ISBN 978-1-138-78222-8................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9781138782228* FitzRoy, Felix R./Papyrakis, Elissaios An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy, 2nd ed. (Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics) 2016:5. 254 p. (Routledge, GBR) 法 学 0065* ★再 0067* ジェンダーと犯罪 第2版 Crowther-Dowey, Chris/Silvestri, Marisa Gender and Crime: A Human Rights Approach, 2nd ed. (Key Approaches to Criminology) 2016:4. 368 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-0219-0................. Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥6,914 / 特価 ¥5,531 + 税 *9781473902190* 0066* 安全保障と国際法 Footer, Mary E./Schmidt, Julia/White, Nigel D. (eds.) Security and International Law (Studies in International Law) 2016:5. 436 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-84946-634-9.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル Kneebone, Susan/Stevens, Dallal/Baldassar, Loretta (eds.) Refugee Protection and the Role of Law&RQÀLFWLQJ,GHQWLWLHVS, New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69762-1................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138697621* 0068* 再 *9781849466349* ★ 難民保護と法の役割 ★再 国際貿易の規制 第2巻 Mavroidis, Petros C. The Regulation of International Trade, Volume 2: The WTO Agreements on Trade in Goods 2016:4. 888 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-02999-5.................Hard USD 92.00 通常価 ¥15,734 / 特価 ¥12,587 + 税 *9780262029995* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 9 法 学 0069* ★再 国際投資法 第3版 ISBN 978-1-5099-0301-6................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9781509903016* Subedi, Surya P. International Investment Law: Reconciling Policy and Principle, 3rd ed. 2016:5. 288 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) 政治学 0070* 再 0074* ★再 緊急事態管理:国際的な事例 汚職と政府 第2版 Farazmand, Ali (ed.) Global Cases in Best and Worst Practice in Crisis and Emergency Management 2016:5. 306 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4665-7936-1.................. Hard STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 Rose-Ackerman, Susan/Palifka, Bonnie Corruption and Government: Causes, Consequences, and Reform, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 637 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-44109-5 ......................................Paper USD 39.99 通常価 ¥6,839 / 特価 ¥5,471 + 税 *9781466579361* 0071* *9781107441095* ★再 Honjo, Yuki Allyson Japan’s Early Experience of Contract Management in the Treaty Ports 2016:5. 264 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97355-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138973558* 0072* 0075* 再 中国の新しい時代 Wang, Jisi (ed.) Dreams and Reality: New Era of China’s Reform S:RUOG6FLHQWL¿F6*3 ISBN 978-981-4651-96-7.................Hard USD 98.00 通常価 ¥16,760 / 特価 ¥13,408 + 税 *9789814651967* 再 0076 再 戦争、統治、市民権 広大な中東地域における安全保障上の問題 Kaspersen, Lars Bo War, Sovereignty and Citizenship: The Evolution of Western European State Forms 2016:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7546-4952-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Yambert, Karl (ed.) Security Issues in the Greater Middle East (Praeger Security International) 2016:5. 340 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-3540-7................Paper USD 44.00 通常価 ¥7,525 + 税 0073* 0077* *9780754649526* *9781440835407* 再 再 社会民主主義 中国の民主主義 Keman, Hans Social Democracy: A Comparative Account of the Left Wing Party Family 2016:5. 208 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-57407-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 Yu, Keping Democracy in China: Challenge or Opportunity S:RUOG6FLHQWL¿F6*3 ISBN 978-981-4641-52-4.................Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥16,247 / 特価 ¥12,998 + 税 *9780415574075* 10 *9789814641524* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 0078* 0079* Routledge 版 社会正義:国際ハンドブック ★ 日本の若者政策 Reisch, Michael (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Social Justice 2016:5. 560 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69045-5................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9781138690455* Toivonen, Tuukka Japan’s Emerging Youth Policy: Getting Young Adults Back to Work (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2016:5. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69458-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138694583* 社会学 0080 再 0081* ★再 ネイティブ・アメリカンのアイデンティティ イギリスのポピュラー・カルチャーの形成 Miller, Robert J./Edmo, Se-Ah-Dom/Young, Jessie American Indian Identity: Citizenship, Membership, and Blood 2016:5. 184 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-3146-1.................Hard USD 48.00 通常価 ¥8,209 + 税 Storey, John (ed.) The Making of English Popular Culture (Directions in Cultural History) 2016:5. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85491-8 ....................................... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781440831461* *9781138854918* ジェンダー 0082* ★再 新しいセクシュアリティ研究:入門 第3版 Fischer, Nancy (ed.) Introducing the New Sexuality Studies, 3rd ed. 2016:5. 640 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90294-7 ...................................... Paper STP 36.99 通常価 ¥9,137 / 特価 ¥7,310 + 税 *9781138902947* 0083* ★★ 再 Wiley Blackwell 版 ジェンダーとセクシュアリティ研究百科事典 全5巻 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies (Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Sciences) 2016:4. 5 Vols., 2,880 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4051-9694-9....................................Hard (until 2016/08/16) USD 795.00 通常価 ¥135,968 / 特価 ¥108,775 + 税 (thereafter) USD 995.00 通常価 ¥170,174 / 特価 ¥136,139 + 税 *9781405196949* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 11 教育学 教育学 0084* 0087* ★再 複雑な歴史教育:アジア地域の事例 カリキュラムの理論 第2版 Baildon, Mark/Loh, Kah Seng/Lim, Ivy Maria/ øQDQo*O-DIIDU-XQDLGDKHGV Controversial History Education in Asian Contexts 2016:5. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69605-1................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138696051* 0085* Reynolds, William M./Webber, Julie A. (eds.) Expanding Curriculum Theory: Dis/ positions and Lines of Flight, 2nd ed. (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) 2016:5. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-71505-8................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9780415715058* ★ 日本の教員評価制度と実践 Katsuno, Masaaki Teacher Evaluation Policies and Practices in Japan: How Performativity Works in Schools (Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia) 2016:5. 164 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85313-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 0088* Smidt, Sandra Multilingualism in the Early Years: Extending the Limits of Our World 2016:4. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94245-5 ...................................... Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138853133* 0086* *9781138942455* 再 教育と評価:ゲームとシミュレーション使用 O'Neil, Harold F./Baker, Eva L./Perez, Ray S. (eds.) Using Games and Simulations for Teaching and Assessment: Key Issues 2016:4. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-73788-3................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9780415737883* ★再 幼児教育の多言語教育 0089 ★再 Yamada, Shoko (ed.) Post-Education-For-All and Sustainable Development Paradigm: Structural Changes with Diversifying Actors and Norms (International Perspectives on Education and Society, Vol. 29) 2016:5. 370 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78441-271-5...............Hard USD 144.95 通常価 ¥24,790 + 税 *9781784412715* スポーツ・健康科学 0090* 0091* 健康とエリート・スポーツ スポーツの社会問題 Baker, Joe/Safai, Parissa/Fraser-Thomas, Jessica (eds.) Health and Elite Sport: Is High Performance Sport a Healthy Pursuit? 2016:5. 222 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69527-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 0DJXLUH-RVHSK0DQV¿HOG/RXLVH3LNH(OL]DEHWK Smith Maguire, Jennifer Bodies, Sports and Social Problems 2016:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-24431-2................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138695276* 12 再 *9780415244312* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 0092* 再 Reilly, Thomas (ed.) Advances in Sport, Leisure and Ergonomics 2016:5. 400 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96609-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966093* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 13 総 記 図書館情報学 ISBN 978-3-319-30147-1............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319301471* 0093* Ballard, Terry 50 Specialty Libraries of New York City: From Botany to Magic 2016:2. 192 p. (Chandos Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-0-08-100554-5................Paper USD 33.95 通常価 ¥5,806 / 特価 ¥4,645 + 税 *9780081005545* 0094* Bradley, Carol June American Music Librarianship: A Research and Information Guide 2016:2. 400 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99037-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138990371* 0095 Clark, Rhonda L./Miller, Nicole Wedemeyer Fostering Family History Services: A Guide for Librarians, Archivists, and Volunteers 2016:4. 269 p. (Libraries Unlimited, USA) ISBN 978-1-61069-541-1................Paper USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 + 税 *9781610695411* 0097* Netton, Ian Richard Middle East Sources: A MELCOM Guide to Middle Eastern and Islamic Books and Materials in the United Kingdom and Irish Libraries 2016:2. 228 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98104-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138981041* 0098* Szostak, Rick/Gnoli, Claudio/López-Huertas, María Interdisciplinary Knowledge Organization 2016:4. 230 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) 14 知識・学問・学術 0099* Crawford, Christopher B./Carlson, Gordon S. Argument in Practice: Understanding and Applying Argumentation Strategies 2016:6. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7656-4448-0................. Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥7,161 / 特価 ¥5,729 + 税 *9780765644480* 0100* Turk, Christopher Effective Speaking: Communicating in Speech 2016:3. 288 p., Originally published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14185-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141858* 百科事典・辞典 0101* Europa Publications (ed.) The Territories and States of India 2016, 3rd ed. 2016:3. 450 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-85743-812-3................ Hard STP 170.00 通常価 ¥41,995 / 特価 ¥33,596 + 税 *9781857438123* 0102* Europa Publications (ed.) The Territories of the Russian Federation 2016, 17th ed. 2016:2. 348 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-85743-836-9................ Hard STP 240.00 通常価 ¥59,288 / 特価 ¥47,430 + 税 *9781857438369* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 総 記 》百科事典・辞典 0103 辞 書 世界の伝記百科事典 第 2 版 Gale (ed.) Encyclopedia of World Biography: 2016 Supplement, 2nd ed. (Encyclopedia of World Biography) 2016:7. (Gale, USA) ISBN 978-1-57302-956-8...............Hard USD 312.75 通常価 ¥53,489 / 特価 ¥42,791 + 税 *9781573029568* 0104* $NVDQ<HúLP$NVDQ0XVWDID0HUVLQOLhPLW Demirhan, Umut Ufuk A Frequency Dictionary of Turkish (Routledge Frequency Dictionaries) 2016:9. 450 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83965-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138839656* 哲学・思想 哲学・思想一般 0108* 倫理の考え方: 資本主義経済、ビジネス、および社会における倫理 0105* Kearney, Richard The Wake of Imagination 2016:2. 480 p., Originally published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13537-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135376* Betta, Michela Ethicmentality: Ethics in Capitalist Economy, Business, and Society (Issues in Business Ethics, Vol. 45) 2016:5. 165 p. (Springer Netherlands, NLD) ISBN 978-94-017-7588-5.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9789401775885* 0106* Stroumsa, Sarah Freethinkers of Medieval Islam,EQDO5ƗZDQGƯ$Enj %DNUDO5Ɨ]ƯDQG7KHLU,PSDFWRQ,VODPLF7KRXJKW 2016:2. 262 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31547-1................Paper EUR 49.00 通常価 ¥9,338 / 特価 ¥7,470 + 税 0109* Brennan, Geoffrey/Eriksson, Lina/Goodin, Robert E./ Southwood, Nicholas Explaining Norms 2016:3. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874820-5................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9780198748205* *9789004315471* See also... King, Preston, Friendship in Politics, Routledge ...................................................................p146 , 1256 Simmons, A. John, Boundaries of Authority, Oxford U.P., New York............................. p147 , 1264 0110* 結束の道徳論 Kolers, Avery A Moral Theory of Solidarity 2016:7. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876978-1.................. Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥12,351 / 特価 ¥9,881 + 税 *9780198769781* 倫理学・道徳哲学 0111* 0107* Bauman, Zygmunt/Donskis, Leonidas Liquid Evil 2016:3. 192 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-1-5095-0812-9................Paper USD 22.95 通常価 ¥3,925 / 特価 ¥3,140 + 税 *9781509508129* Lestel, Dominique/Steiner, Gary Eat This Book: A Carnivore’s Manifesto 2016:3. 144 p. (Columbia U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-231-17296-7.................Hard USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9780231172967* ISBN 978-0-231-17297-4................Paper USD 17.95 通常価 ¥3,069 / 特価 ¥2,455 + 税 *9780231172974* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 15 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 䜾䝻䞊䝞䝹ほⅬ䛻ຍ䛘䚸ẚ㍑ᩥⓗ䛺䜰䝥䝻䞊䝏䜢᥇⏝ 䛣䜜䜎䛷ᢅ䜟䜜䛶䛣䛺䛛䛳䛯ၥ㢟䜒㘓 䜾䝻䞊䝞䝹䞉䝞䜲䜸䜶䝅䝑䜽䝇ⓒ⛉㻌 䠐ᕳ Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics Edited by Henk ten Have, Duquesne University, USA 2016 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 3,000 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-3-319-09482-3.... EUR 1,450.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥276,333 / ≉౯ ¥221,067ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9783319094823* ᮏⓒ⛉ࡣࠊ⌧௦ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝࣂ࢚࢜ࢩࢵࢡࢫ㛵㐃ࡍ ࡿ࠶ࡽࡺࡿၥ㢟ࡸ㢟ࢆึࡵ࡚ໟᣓⓗࡘయ⣔ⓗྲྀࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋࡸ⏕⌮ࡣ᪂ࡓ࡞ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞ᒁ㠃ࢆ㏄࠼ࡓࡓࡵࠊࡼ ࡾᖜᗈ࠸ㄽⅬࡸၥ㢟ࡸཎ๎ࡀࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝࡸᅜ㝿㛵ಀࢆ⫼ᬒᾋ ୖࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⏕⌮࠾ࡅࡿࡇࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞ࢫࢸ࣮ࢪࡣࠊ2015 ᖺ ᥇ᢥࡉࢀࡓࠕ⏕⌮ேᶒ㛵ࡍࡿࣘࢿࢫࢥୡ⏺ᐉゝࠖࡢ୰ ࡛ᥦ♧ࡉࢀࡓ⌮ⓗᯟ⤌ࡳࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚ࡉࡽ㐍ᒎࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢୡ⏺ᐉゝࡣࠊࣘࢿ ࢫࢥຍ┕ᅜࡼࡾ୍⮴࡛᥇ᢥࡉࢀࡓࠊ⏕⌮ศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿึࡵ࡚ࡢᨻኌ᫂ ࡛ࡍࠋࡢᅜ㝿ᩥ᭩ࡣᑐ↷ⓗࠊࡇࡢୡ⏺ᐉゝࡣᨻᗓࡢ㈐௵ࢆ᫂☜㏙࡚࠾ ࡾࠊࡲࡓࡇࢀࡣ㸦᮲⣙ࡋ࡚⥾⤖ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࡀ㸧ᅜ㝿ἲࡢ୍㒊࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋࡇࡢᐉゝࡣࠊୡ⏺࡛ࣞ࣋ࣝࡢ⏕⌮ࡢࡉࡽ࡞ࡿⓎᒎࡢࡓࡵ⌮ཎ๎ࡢᬑ㐢 ⓗ࡞ᯟ⤌ࡳࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࠗࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝࣂ࢚࢜ࢩࢵࢡࢫⓒ⛉ 㸲 ᕳ࠘ࡣ᪂ࡓ⏕ࡌࡓࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ࣭ࣝࣂ࢚࢜ࢩࢵࢡࢫࡢ㆟ㄽ࠾ࡅࡿ㛵㐃ࡍࡿࢸ࣮࣐ ࡸㄽⅬࡍ࡚ࢆໟᣓⓗᴫほࡋࠊయ⣔ⓗㄽࡌ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏⓒ⛉ࡣ┿ࢢ࣮ࣟ ࣂࣝ࡞ほⅬࡽࠊࡲࡓẚ㍑ᩥⓗ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ㠀ᖖᖜᗈ࠸᪂ࡓ࡞㔜せ ࡞ၥ㢟ࢆㄝ᫂ࡋࠊศᯒࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏⓒ⛉ࡼࡗ࡚᪂ࡓྲྀࡾୖࡆࡽࢀࠊ࡞࠾ ࡘ⏕⌮㛵ࡍࡿᚑ᮶ࡢసရ࡛ࡣ↓どࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓၥ㢟ࡣࠊ◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱ࡢᚋ ࠊ◊✲ṇ◊✲බṇࠊ㈨※ࡢஈࡋ࠸⎔ቃ࠶ࡿ◊✲ཧຍ⪅ࡢᦢྲྀࠊ㢌⬻ὶฟࡸ ་⒪ᚑ⪅ࡢ⛣ఫࠊ⮚ჾ㈙⛣᳜ࢶ࣮ࣜࢬ࣒ࠊఏ⤫་⒪ࠊ⏕≀ከᵝᛶࠊࣄࢺ⤌⧊ ࡢၟရࠊ┈㓄ศࠊࣂ࢜⏘ᴗ㣗ရࠊᰤ㣴ኻㄪ㣚㣹ࠊேᶒࠊẼೃኚືࡀྵࡲ ࢀࡲࡍ㸦ࡀࠊࡇࢀࡽ㝈ᐃࡉࢀࡿࡶࡢ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇ㸧 ࠋ (Springer Basel AG, CHE) 16 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 0112* 美 学 Shaw, William H. Utilitarianism and the Ethics of War (War, ConÀLFWDQG(WKLFVS5RXWOHGJH*%5 ISBN 978-1-138-99896-4................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138998964* 応用倫理学 0113* Moyer, Michael C./Crews, Charles Applied Ethics and Decision Making in Mental Health 2016:10. 416 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-4975-6................. Paper STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 0117* フーコーとカーマスートラ: インドの劇場におけるアルス・エロチカの誕生 Gautam, Sanjay Foucault and the Kamasutra: The Courtesan, the Dandy, and the Birth of Ars Erotica as Theater in India 2016:5. 312 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-34830-8....................................Hard 通常価 ¥15,000 + 税 *9780226348308* ISBN 978-0-226-34844-5...................................Paper 通常価 ¥5,000 + 税 *9780226348445* *9781483349756* 0114* 言語哲学 ★ Routledge 版 食の倫理ハンドブック Rawlinson, Mary/Ward, Caleb (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Ethics) 2016:7. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80913-0................ Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9781138809130* 社会哲学 0115* Farrelly, Colin %LRORJLFDOO\0RGL¿HG-XVWLFH 2016:5. 287 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-12953-5.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107129535* 0116* Thalos, Mariam A Social Theory of Freedom (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) 2016:4. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93158-9.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138931589* See also... Tusseau, Guillaume, The Legal Philosophy and ,QÀXHQFHRI-HUHP\%HQWKDPRoutledge .................................................................. p130 , 1092 ★印はお薦めタイトル 0118* Calzada-Pérez, Maria Apropos of Ideology: Translation Studies on Ideology-ideologies in Translation Studies 2016:3. 238 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14308-1.................. 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Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 0122* 思考と言語 Moravcsik, J. M. Thought and Language 2016:8. 292 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69655-6.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138696556* 0123* Pulman, S.G. Word Meaning and Belief (RLE: Semantics and Semiology, Vol. 35) 2016:9. 181 p., Originally published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) *9781138690486* 認識論・知識論 0124* Gendler, Tamar Szabo Thought Experiment: On the Powers and Limits of Imaginary Cases 2016:2. 280 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99033-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138990333* ゝㄒᏛ䛸ဴᏛ䝅䝸䞊䝈 Linguistics & Philosophy 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖1020241785(Hard)/1020241788(Paper)䛇 Edited by Günther Grewendorf, Goethe University, DEU, Wolfram Hinzen, Durham University, UK, Hans Kamp, The University of Texas at Austin, USA and Helmut Weiß, Goethe University, DEU ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᚑ᮶ࡢဴᏛࡢၥ࠸㛵㐃ࡍࡿゝㄒ⛉Ꮫࡢ⌮ㄽⓗㄢ㢟ྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋලయⓗࡣࠊ⛉Ꮫࠊ⤫ㄒ⌮ㄽࠊ⤫ㄒㄽពㄽࡢࣥࢱ࣮ࣇ࢙࣮ࢫࠊពㄽㄒ⏝ ㄽ㡢ኌᏛ࠾ࡅࡿ⌮ㄽⓗㄢ㢟࡞ࡢゝㄒᏛࡢᇶ♏ࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) 䈜2014ᖺห⾜௨㝆䛾䜏ᥖ㍕ Synonymy and Substitutivity: From Attitude Ascriptions to the Paradoxes of Analysis (Linguistics & Philosophy, Vol. 7) %\0DLN6KU 2016 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 211 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-044076-8 ............EUR 79.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,236 / ≉౯ ¥12,189ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9783110440768* Topic Drop and Null Subjects in German (Linguistics & Philosophy, Vol. 6) By Ewa Trutkowski 2016 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 170 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-044413-1 ............EUR 79.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,236 / ≉౯ ¥12,189ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9783110444131* The Value of Vagueness (Linguistics & Philosophy, Vol. 5) By Nora Kluck 2014 ᖺ 2 ᭶ห⾜, 218 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-034028-0 ........ 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142985* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 0144* 恐ろしい水晶:キルケゴールと現代キリスト教の研究 Chaning-Pearce, Melville The Terrible Crystal: Studies in Kierkegaard and Modern Christianity (Routledge Library Editions: Philosophy of Religion) 2016:2. 256 p., Originally published in 1940 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99011-1 ................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138990111* 0145* Husserl, Edmund Moran, Dermot (ed.) The Shorter Logical Investigations (International Library of Philosophy) 2016:3. 508 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14189-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141896* 0146* Jensen, Anthony K. An Interpretation of Nietzsche’s on the Uses and Disadvantage of History for Life (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy) 2016:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81646-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138816466* 0147* Lea, F. A. Carlyle: Prophet of To-day (Routledge Library Editions: Social and Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 2) 2016:7. 190 p., Originally published in 1943 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68008-1.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9781138680081* Library Editions: Social and Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 5) 2016:7. 384 p., Originally published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68034-0.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138680340* 0150* Ryle, Gilbert Collected Essays 1929 - 1968: Collected Papers, Vol. 2 2016:3. 560 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14162-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141629* 現代思想 0151* Barthold, Lauren Swayne A Hermeneutic Approach to Gender and Other Social Identities 2016:6. 168 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-58896-8.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9781137588968* 0152* Bernstein, Richard J. Ironic Life 2016:5. 184 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-1-5095-0572-2.................Hard USD 64.95 通常価 ¥11,108 / 特価 ¥8,886 + 税 *9781509505722* 0153* Caygill, Howard Walter Benjamin: The Colour of Experience 2016:3. 184 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14235-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142350* 0148* Macleod, Christopher/Miller, Dale E. A Companion to Mill (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, Vol. 67) 2016:9. 608 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-73652-4 ...............Hard USD 195.00 通常価 ¥33,350 / 特価 ¥26,680 + 税 *9781118736524* 0149* 19 世紀イギリスにおけるリバタリアン思想 McKercher, William R. Libertarian Thought in Nineteenth Century Britain: Freedom, Equality and Authority (Routledge ★印はお薦めタイトル 0154* ブルーノ・ラトゥール de Vries, Gerard Bruno Latour (Key Contemporary Thinkers) 2016:9. 224 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7456-5062-3.................Hard USD 69.95 通常価 ¥11,963 / 特価 ¥9,570 + 税 *9780745650623* ISBN 978-0-7456-5063-0................Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 *9780745650630* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 21 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 䜶䝸䝄䝧䝇䞉䜰䞁䝇䝁䝮㻌 䠐ᕳ Elizabeth Anscombe Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖04086S0715䛇 Edited by Roger Teichmann, St Hildas College, UK 2016 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,560 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-0-415-70857-9....STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥222,331 / ≉౯ ¥177,865ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9780415708579* ࢚ࣜࢨ࣋ࢫ࣭ࣥࢫࢥ࣒㸦1919 ᖺ-2001 ᖺ㸧ࡣࠊ20 ୡ⣖ᚋ༙ࡢ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ဴᏛ⪅ࡢ㸯 ே࡛࠶ࡾࠊᚰࡸ⌮Ꮫࡸᙧ⪋ୖᏛࡢဴᏛከ࡞㈉⊩ࢆࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࣥࢫࢥ࣒ࡣࡾࢃ ࡅពᅗࡸ⾜Ⅽ㛵ࡍࡿసရ࡛ࡼࡃ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᙼዪ⮬㌟⫹࡛⊂ⓗ࡞ᛮᐙ࡛࠶ ࡾ࡞ࡀࡽࠊ࣮ࣝࢺࣦࣄ࣭࢘ࢺࢤࣥࢩࣗࢱࣥࡢᘵᏊ࡛࠶ࡾே࡛࠶ࡿᙼዪࡣࠊ࢘ ࢺࢤࣥࢩࣗࢱࣥࡢពᅗࡸ᪉ἲ῝࠸⌮ゎࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࣥࢫࢥ࣒ࡣࡑࡢ⏕ᾭ ࡛㸰ࡘࡢࣔࣀࢢࣛࣇᩘከࡃࡢㄽᩥࢆฟ∧ࡋࠊࡑࡋ࡚㔜せ࡞㑇✏㞟ࢆṧࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࣔࣀ ࢢࣛࣇࠗពᅗ࠘(1957)ࡣࠊࠗ⌧௦ࡢ㐨ᚨဴᏛ୍࠘ࠗே⛠࠘ࡢࡼ࠺࡞ㄽᩥࡀࡑ࠺ࡔࡗࡓࡼ ࠺ࠊ࠸ᙳ㡪ࢆཬࡰࡋࠊከࡃࡢ㆟ㄽࢆ⏕ࡳฟࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ㸦ᐇ㝿ࠗ⌧௦ࡢ㐨ᚨဴ Ꮫ࠘ࡣࠊ⨾ᚨࡸᛶ᱁ࡢ㛵ᚰࡢάࢆࡶࡓࡽࡋࡓゝࢃࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࠕᚨ⌮ㄽࠖࡼࡃ ࡤࢀࡿᏛὴయ࠾࠸࡚ࡑࡢ㛵ᚰࡀලయࡉࢀࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ㸧῝㐲࡛ࡋࡤࡋࡤ Ẽ㞴ࡋࡃࠊᢡᣮⓎⓗ࡞ᙼዪࡢసရࡣࠊ⌧௦ဴᏛ࠾࠸࡚ࠊࡑࡢᖜᗈࡉ῝ࡉ࡛ࡣ࠾ࡑ ࡽࡃ㢮ࢆぢ࡞࠸࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ࣥࢫࢥ࣒ࡸᙼዪࡢ࡞సရࡸࡑࡢసရࡀಁࡋ࡚ࡁࡓ Ⓨᒎࢆ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࡀࡼࡾࡼࡃ⌮ゎ࡛ࡁࡿࡼ࠺ࠊࣛ࢘ࢺࣞࢵࢪࡣ㧗࠸ホ౯ࢆᚓࡓ Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࡚ࠊࡇࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞㸲ᕳࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡲࡍࠋᚋࣥࢫࢥ࣒ࢆ◊✲ࡍࡿᏛ⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࡣࠊ᭱Ⰻࡘ᭱ࡶᙳ㡪ຊࡢ࠶ࡿᢈุ ⓗ◊✲㸦ᮏࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡀ࡞ࡅࢀࡤࡋࡤࡋࡤධᡭᅔ㞴ࠊ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣᵝࠎ࡞ᑓ㛛᭩ࡸᑓ㛛ㄅ ᩓᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ◊✲㸧ࢆẼ㍍⣲᪩ࡃ᥈ࡋฟࡍࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ࠸ࡸࡍ࠸࣡ࣥࢭ ࢵࢺ㈨ᩱࡀࡲࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡓࡵࠊ◊✲⪅Ꮫ⏕ࡣࠊ㛫ࡢࡿ㸦ࡑࡋ࡚ᡂᯝࡢ ࡞࠸㸧㈨ᩱ᳨⣴ࡼࡾࡶࠊ㔜せ࡞Ꮫ⾡ㄽᩥࡸࣈࢵࢡࢳࣕࣉࢱ࣮ࡸࡑࡢࡢグࢆㄞࡴࡢࡼ ࡾከࡃࡢ㛫ࢆ㈝ࡸࡍࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ ᮏࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ༑ศ࡞⣴ᘬࡀࡁࠊ࣋ࢸࣛ ࣥࡢ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᪂ࡓ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓໟᣓⓗ࡞ᗎᩥ࡛ࡣࠊ㘓ㄽᩥࡀṔྐⓗ࣭▱ⓗᩥ ⬦ࡢ୰⨨࡙ࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ࢚ࠗࣜࢨ࣋ࢫ࣭ࣥࢫࢥ࣒ 㸲ᕳ࠘ࡣྍḞ࡞ཧ⪃ᅗ ᭩࡛࠶ࡾࠊᴟࡵ࡚㔜せ࡞◊✲ࣜࢯ࣮ࢫࡋ࡚ホ౯ࡉࢀࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 22 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 0155* Denicolo, Pam/Long, Trevor/Bradley-Cole, Kim Constructivist Approaches and Research Methods: A Practical Guide to Exploring Personal Meanings 2016:9. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-3029-2................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781473930292* ISBN 978-1-4739-3030-8................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9781473930308* ISBN 978-0-231-14015-7................Paper USD 19.95 通常価 ¥3,412 / 特価 ¥2,729 + 税 *9780231140157* 0161* Russell, Bertrand Blackwell, Kenneth/Eames, Elizabeth Ramsden (eds.) Theory of Knowledge: The 1913 Manuscript 2016:2. 248 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13617-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136175* 0156* Easthope, Antony British Post-Structuralism: Since 1968 (Routledge Library Editions: Literary Theory, Vol. 7) 2016:8. 272 p., Originally published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68535-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138685352* 0162* 実存療法の明確化と促進 Schulenberg, Stefan E. (ed.) Clarifying and Furthering Existential Psychotherapy: Theories, Methods, and Practices 2016:7. 150 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31085-5................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319310855* 0157* 知識論 Lehrer, Keith Theory of Knowledge 2016:2. 224 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13917-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139176* 0163* Schulte, Joachim Wittgenstein on Certainty and Doubt (Wittgenstein’s Thought and Legacy) 2016:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84465-828-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781844658282* 0158* パルメニデスの世界:ソクラテス以前の叙述 Popper, Karl Sir The World of Parmenides: Essays on the Presocratic Enlightenment (Routledge Classics) 2016:3. 384 p., Originally published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14300-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143005* 0164* Sethness Castro, Javier Eros and Revolution: The Critical Philosophy of Herbert Marcuse (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Vol. 86) 2016:6. 416 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30869-5...............Hard EUR 150.00 通常価 ¥28,586 / 特価 ¥22,869 + 税 *9789004308695* 0159* Reider, Patrick (ed.) Wilfrid Sellars, Idealism and Realism: Understanding Psychological Nominalism 2016:11. 192 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-3893-9.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781474238939* 0160* Rorty, Richard/Engel, Pascal/Mccuaig, William What`s the Use of Truth? 2016:8. 96 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル 0165* ドゥルーズ以降のフェミニズム論 Stark, Hannah Buchanan, Ian (ed.) Feminist Theory After Deleuze (Deleuze Encounters) 2016:11. 160 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4725-2685-4.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9781472526854* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 23 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ISBN 978-1-4725-2922-0................. Paper STP 17.99 通常価 ¥4,444 / 特価 ¥3,555 + 税 *9781472529220* Wisdom and Philosophy: Contemporary and Comparative Approaches 2016:2. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-4869-3.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781474248693* 東洋哲学 0166* 0168* Lin, Xiaoqing Diana Feng Youlan and Twentieth Century China: An Intellectual Biography (Modern Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 9) 2016:2. 244 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30129-0...............Hard EUR 104.00 通常価 ¥19,819 / 特価 ¥15,855 + 税 *9789004301290* 0167* サーンキーヤ学派とヴェーダーンタ学派における清弁: 『中観心論頌』と『思択炎論』より Qvarnström, Olle %KƗYLYHNDRQ6ƗPNK\DDQG9HGƗQWD7KH6ƗPNK\D DQG9HGƗQWDFKDSWHUVRIWKH0DGK\DPDNDKUGD\DNƗULNƗ DQG7DUNDMYƗOƗ+DUYDUG2ULHQWDO6HULHV9RO 2016:3. 290 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-08849-8.................Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,696 / 特価 ¥6,157 + 税 *9780674088498* 知恵と哲学:現代と比較アプローチ Moeller, Hans-Georg/Whitehead, Andrew/Richter, Gerhard (eds.) 宗教学 宗教学一般 宗教哲学 0169* 0172* Bulkeley, Kelly Big Dreams: The Science of Dreaming and the Origins of Religion 2016:5. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-935153-4.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 英訳 寂天『シクシャー・サムッチャヤ』 *9780199351534* Asaantideva Goodman, Charles (ed.) The Training Anthology of Santideva: A Translation of the Siksa-samuccaya 2016:7. 520 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-939134-9.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780199391349* 0170 Hintze, Almut (ed.) Zoroastrian Flame: Exploring Religion, History and Tradition 2016:2. 384 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-633-6.................. Hard STP 68.00 通常価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781784536336* 0171* ★ Routledge 版 神と女神、悪魔と悪霊の辞典 Lurker, Manfred The Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons (Routledge Dictionaries) 2016:3. 272 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14209-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-939135-6................Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 *9780199391356* 0173* $WW¿HOG5RELQ Wonder, Value and God: The Philosophy and Theology of Creation, Inspiration and Creativity (Transcending Boundaries in Philosophy and Theology) 2016:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5718-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472457189* *9781138142091* 24 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 Blackwell∧ ᐀ᩍᚲᦠ䝅䝸䞊䝈 Blackwell Companions to Religion 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖1020223891(Hard)/ 1020223892(Paper)䛇 ࠗBlackwell ∧ ᐀ᩍᚲᦠ࠘ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊୡ⏺ࡢ᐀ᩍ㛵ࡍࡿ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲▱㆑ࡢࢥࣞ ࢡࢩࣙࣥࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡍࠋྛᕳࡣࠊⴭྡ࡞సᐙࡼࡿ᪂ࡓ࡞౫㢗࢚ࢵࢭࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠾ ࡾࠊᏛ⪅ࡸ㛵ᚰࡢ࠶ࡿ୍⯡ㄞ⪅ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊᏛ㒊⏕ࡶ⌮ゎࡋࡸࡍ࠸ᩥయ࡛᭩ࢀ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᭩⡠ࡣࠊ⊂ⓗࡘ㐍Ṍⓗ࡞ᙧ࡛㢟ྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠾ࡾࠊࡲࡓࠊ ᮏศ㔝࡛ࡶ᭷ᩘࡢᏛ⪅ࡀᙼࡽࡢ⪃࠼ࡸ◊✲ࢆࡼࡾᖜᗈ࠸ㄞ⪅ᒆࡅࡽࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࣇ࢛࣮ ࣒ࣛࡢሙࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) 䈜2015 ᖺ 12 ᭶ห⾜௨㝆䛾䜏ᥖ㍕ 㼃㼕㼘㼑㼥㻙㻮㼘㼍㼏㼗㼣㼑㼘㼘 ∧㻌 䜰䝯䝸䜹䛻䛚䛡䜛᐀ᩍ䛸ᨻᏛᚲᦠ㻌 The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Politics in the U.S. By Barbara A. McGraw 2016 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 616 p., Hard ISBN 978-0-470-65733-1 USD 195.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥33,350 / ≉౯ ¥26,680ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9780470657331* 㼃㼕㼘㼑㼥㻙㻮㼘㼍㼏㼗㼣㼑㼘㼘 ∧㻌 ୡ⏺䛾䜻䝸䝇䝖ᩍᚲᦠ㻌 The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to World Christianity Edited by Lamin Sanneh and Michael McClymond 2016 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 784 p., Hard USD 224.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥38,472 / ≉౯ ¥30,778ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781405153768* 㼃㼕㼘㼑㼥㻙㻮㼘㼍㼏㼗㼣㼑㼘㼘 ∧㻌 ྂ௦䜲䝇䝷䜶䝹ᚲᦠ㻌 The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel Edited by Susan Niditch 2015 ᖺ 12 ᭶ห⾜, 568 p., Hard USD 195.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥33,350 / ≉౯ ¥26,680ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9780470656778* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 25 宗教学 》宗教哲学 ISBN 978-1-4724-5813-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 0174* スカンディナビアの秘教 Bogdan, Henrik (ed.) Western Esotericism in Scandinavia (Brill Esotericism Reference Library, Vol. 1) 2016:3. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30241-9...............Hard EUR 193.00 通常価 ¥36,780 / 特価 ¥29,424 + 税 *9789004302419* 0175* Grigg, Richard When God Becomes Goddess: The Transformation of American Religion (Religious Studies: Bloomsbury Academic Collections) 2016:10. 160 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-8127-0.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781474281270* 0176* 友人とよそ者:宗教・倫理・文化の研究 Miller, Richard B. Friends and Other Strangers: Studies in Religion, Ethics, and Culture 2016:8. 416 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17488-6.................Hard USD 60.00 通常価 ¥10,261 / 特価 ¥8,209 + 税 *9780231174886* 宗教社会学 *9781472458131* 0179* Shaw, Richard D. Chaplains to the Imprisoned: Sharing Life with the Incarcerated 2016:2. 180 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97017-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138970175* 宗教人類学 0181* Evans-Wentz, W. Y. Tibetan Yoga and its Secret Doctrines 2016:2. 432 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98570-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138985704* 0182* 宗教史入門 Jevons, F. B. An Introduction to the History of Religion (Routledge Revivals) 2016:2. 454 p., Originally published in 1902 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81506-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138815063* 0177* Arweck, Elisabeth Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity (Ashgate AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society Series) 2016:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4430-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472444301* 0183* Labate, Beatriz/Cavnar, Clancy/Gearin, Alex K. (eds.) The World Ayahuasca Diaspora: Reinventions and Controversies (Vitality of Indigenous Religions) 2016:6. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6663-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472466631* 0178* 新しいビジョンと少数派宗教 0184* Gallagher, Eugene V. (ed.) Visioning New and Minority Religions: Projecting the Future (Ashgate Inform Series on Minority Religions and Spiritual Movements) 2016:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6588-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Oesterley, W. O. E. The Sacred Dance: A Study in Comparative Folklore 2016:2. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60163-1................Paper USD 28.99 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781316601631* *9781472465887* 26 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》比較宗教学 比較宗教学 0185* Clarke, Peter/Sutherland, Stewart (eds.) The World’s Religions: The Study of Religion, Traditional and New Religion 2016:2. 220 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13905-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139053* 0186* キリスト教と仏教における矛盾の精神 Nicholson, Hugh The Spirit of Contradiction in Christianity and Buddhism 2016:3. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-045534-7.................Hard USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9780190455347* 仏 教 0190* Munt, Sally R./Yip, Andrew Cosmopolitan Dharma: Race, Sexuality, and Gender in British Buddhism (Numen Book, Vol. 152) 2016:4. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-23279-2............... Hard EUR 115.00 通常価 ¥21,916 / 特価 ¥17,532 + 税 *9789004232792* 0191* Prebish, Charles S. A Survey of Vinaya Literature (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism) 2016:2. 172 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99663-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138996632* 0192* Wright, Dale S. What Is Buddhist Enlightenment? 2016:11. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062259-6.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190622596* 0187* Austin, James H. Zen-Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen 2016:2. 296 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-52883-2................Paper USD 20.95 通常価 ¥3,583 / 特価 ¥2,866 + 税 *9780262528832* 0188* Jackson, Roger/Makransky, John (eds.) Buddhist Theology&ULWLFDO5HÀHFWLRQVE\&RQtemporary Buddhist Scholars (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism) 2016:2. 422 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13913-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139138* 0189* 初期の南アジアにおける女性と僧院仏教: 目に見えない信者の再発見 Kaushik, Garima Women and Monastic Buddhism in Early South Asia: Rediscovering the Invisible Believers (Archaeology and Religion in South Asia) 2016:2. 272 p. (Routledge, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-10001-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138100015* ★印はお薦めタイトル イスラム教 0193* 若きイギリスのムスリムたち Hamid, Sadek (ed.) Young British Muslims: Between Rhetoric and Real Lives 2016:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7555-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472475558* キリスト教 0194* Burke, Kelsy Christians Under Covers: Evangelicals and Sexual Pleasure on the Internet 2016:3. 240 p. (University of California Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-520-28632-0.................Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9780520286320* ISBN 978-0-520-28633-7................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780520286337* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 27 宗教学 》キリスト教 0195* 0201* Cornelio, Jayeel Serrano Being Catholic in the Contemporary Philippines: Young People Reinterpreting Religion (Routledge Religion in Contemporary Asia Series) 2016:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80334-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Ringer, Jeffrey M. Vernacular Christian Rhetoric and Civil Discourse: The Religious Creativity of Evangelical Student Writers (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Communication) 2016:2. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95168-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 0196* 0202* 宗教としてのクリスマス:サンタ・世俗・神聖の再考 Altizer, T. Grimshaw, M. (ed.) This Silence Must Now Speak: Letters of Thomas J. J. Altizer, 1995-2015 (Radical Theologies) 2016:3. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-54949-5.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9781138803343* Deacy, Christopher Christmas as Religion: Rethinking Santa, the Secular, and the Sacred 2016:9. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875456-5.................. Hard STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198754565* *9781138951686* *9781137549495* 0197* Drescher, Elizabeth Choosing Our Religion: The Spiritual Lives of America’s Nones 2016:5. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-934122-1.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199341221* 0198* Macdonald, Paul A. Christian Theology and the Secular University 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8489-5.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781472484895* 0199* Maryks, Robert Aleksander (ed.) Exploring Jesuit Distinctiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ways of Proceeding within the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Studies, Vol. 6) 2016:6. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31334-7...............Hard EUR 126.00 通常価 ¥24,012 / 特価 ¥19,209 + 税 キリスト教神学・キリスト教史 0203* Atherstone, Andrew Archbishop Longley (The Archbishops of Canterbury Series) 2016:10. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-3013-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409430131* ISBN 978-1-4094-3014-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781409430148* 0204* Bishop, Andrew Eucharist Shaping and Hebert’s Liturgy and Society: Church, Mission and Personhood (Liturgy, Worship and Society Series) 2016:4. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6328-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472463289* *9789004313347* 0205* 0200* インドのチェンナイにおけるキリスト教寺院 Nagy, Thomas Charles Catholic Shrines in Chennai, India: The politics of renewal and apostolic legacy 2016:8. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8516-8.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781472485168* 28 中世教会史 590 年 - 1500 年 Deanesly, Margaret A History of the Medieval Church: 590-1500 2016:3. 292 p., Originally published in 1969 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14344-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143449* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 0206* バビロン捕囚の聖書的描写:哲学的読本 Doukhan, Abi Biblical Portraits of Exile: A philosophical reading (Ashgate New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies) 2016:6. 156 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7241-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472472410* ISBN 978-1-119-28350-8 ................Paper USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9781119283508* 0212* Siecienski, A. Edward Constantine: Religious Faith and Imperial Policy 2016:9. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5413-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472454133* 0207* 新約聖書入門 第 4 版 Ehrman, Bart D. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament, 4th ed. 2016:4. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-027639-3................Paper USD 57.95 通常価 ¥9,911 / 特価 ¥7,928 + 税 *9780190276393* 0208* Foster, Frank Hugh A Genetic History of New England Theology (Routledge Revivals) 2016:2. 588 p., Originally published in 1907 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81541-4................. Paper STP 34.95 通常価 ¥8,633 / 特価 ¥6,907 + 税 *9781138815414* 0209* Gioia, Luigi The Theological Epistemology of Augustine’s De Trinitate (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs) 2016:6. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877920-9................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198779209* 0210* Harper, Kyle From Shame to Sin: The Christian Transformation of Sexual Morality in Late Antiquity (Revealing Antiquity, Vol. 20) 2016:4. 316 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-66001-4................Paper USD 18.95 通常価 ¥3,241 / 特価 ¥2,592 + 税 *9780674660014* 0211* Wiley-Blackwell 版 キリスト教神秘主義必携 Lamm, Julia A. (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism (Blackwell Companions to Religion) 2016:7. 544 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 0213* 西暦 500 年の初期教会史 第 4 版 Wand, John William Charles A History of the Early Church to AD 500, 4th ed. 2016:2. 320 p., Originally published in 1975 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13629-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136298* 聖書・聖書研究 0214* Azar, Michael Exegeting the Jews: The Early Reception of the Johannine “Jews” (Bible in Ancient Christianity, Vol. 10) 2016:5. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30889-3...............Hard EUR 104.00 通常価 ¥19,819 / 特価 ¥15,855 + 税 *9789004308893* 0215* ナイルの聖櫃:出エジプト記のはじまり Bodner, Keith An Ark on the Nile: Beginning of the Book of Exodus 2016:7. 202 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878407-4.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198784074* 0216* Smith, Justin Marc Keith, Chris (ed.) Why BIOS? on the Relationship Between Gospel Genre and Implied Audience (The Library of New Testament Studies, Vol. 518) 2016:6. 280 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66955-1................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9780567669551* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 29 宗教学 》キリスト教 0217* Smith, Mark S. Where the Gods Are: Spatial Dimensions of Anthropomorphism in the Biblical World 2016:8. 224 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-20922-8.................Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥12,827 / 特価 ¥10,261 + 税 *9780300209228* 0218* 7LHPH\HU/HQD6R¿D Mein, Andrew/Camp, Claudia V. (eds.) Zechariah and His Visions: An Exegetical Study of Zechariah’s Vision Report (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, Vol. 605) 2016:5. 256 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ISBN 978-0-567-66917-9................. Paper STP 22.99 通常価 ¥5,679 / 特価 ¥4,543 + 税 *9780567669179* その他の宗教 0219* 古代日本における氏族と宗教:三輪山の神話 Suzuki, Masanobu Clans and Religion in Ancient Japan: The mythology of Mt. Miwa (Routledge-WIAS Interdisciplinary Studies) 2016:6. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92287-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138922877* 民族学・民俗学・人類学 民族学・民俗学・人類学一般 ISBN 978-1-138-96380-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138963801* 0220* Ghodsee, Kristen From Notes to Narrative: Writing Ethnographies That Everyone Can Read 2016:5. 160 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-25741-9....................................Hard 通常価 ¥6,000 + 税 *9780226257419* ISBN 978-0-226-25755-6...................................Paper 通常価 ¥2,000 + 税 *9780226257556* 0223* ★ 日本の人類学:国際舞台上の文化と社会、国家 Bestor, Theodore C./Bestor, Victoria Anthropologies of Japan: Culture, Society, and Nation on a Global Stage 2016:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-01772-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138017726* ISBN 978-1-138-01773-3................. Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥6,420 / 特価 ¥5,136 + 税 *9781138017733* 民俗学 0224* 0221* ヨーロッパのヴァンパイア Summers, Montague Vampire In Europe 2016:2. 360 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99403-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138994034* 民族学・人類学 0222* Awde, Nicholas (ed.) Armenian Perspectives (Caucasus World) 2016:2. 448 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) 30 Butler, Shelly R. Contested Representations: Revisiting ‘Into the Heart of Africa’ 2016:3. 148 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99173-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138991736* 0225* Caldwell, Ann E. Human Physical Fitness and Activity: An Evolutionary and Life History Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Anthropology) 2016:4. 65 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30407-6................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319304076* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 0226* 人類学と気候変動 第 2 版 Crate, Susan A./Nuttall, Mark Anthropology and Climate Change: From Actions to Transformations, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 450 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-62958-001-2................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9781629580012* 0227* February, Vernon Afrikaners of South Africa 2016:2. 308 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96629-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966291* 0228* King, Victor T./Zawawi Ibrahim/Noor Hasharina Hassan (eds.) Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture (Asia in Transition, Vol. 4) 2016:4. 450 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0671-5...............Hard EUR 124.99 通常価 ¥23,819 / 特価 ¥19,055 + 税 *9789811006715* 0229* ベールの変化:北イエメンの女性と近代化 Makhlouf, Carla Changing Veils: Women and Modernisation in North Yemen (Routledge Library Editions: Women in Islamic Societies) 2016:7. 105 p., Originally published in 1979 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69664-8.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9781138696648* 0230* Mcgovern, To Lhasa In Disguise 2016:2. 384 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98571-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138985711* 0231* Michaud, Jean (ed.) Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples: Mountain Minorities in the South-East Asian Massif 2016:2. 270 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-1-138-98622-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138986220* 0232* カンフィールドからの声: ハワイ日系移民労働者による民謡 Odo, Franklin 9RLFHVIURPWKH&DQH¿HOGV: Folksongs from Japanese Immigrant Workers in Hawai’i (American Musicspheres Series) 2016:2. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-027400-9................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190274009* 0233* Pieke, Frank N The Ordinary & The Extraordinary: An Anthropological Study of Chinese Reform and the 1989 People’s movement in Beijing 2016:2. 298 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97764-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138977648* 0234* Spry, Tami Autoethnography and the Other: Unsettling Power through Utopian Performatives 2016:4. 222 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-61132-859-2 .................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781611328592* ISBN 978-1-61132-860-8 ................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781611328608* 0235* コーヒー文化:現地の体験とグローバルコネクション 第2版 Tucker, Catherine M. Coffee Culture: Local Experiences, Global Connections, 2nd ed. (Routledge Series for Creative Teaching and Learning in Anthr) 2016:7. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93302-6................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138933026* ISBN 978-1-138-93303-3................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138933033* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 31 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 0236* Urry, James Before Social Anthropology: Essays on the History of British Anthropology (Studies in Anthropology and History) 2016:2. 188 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96448-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138964488* 歴史学 参考図書 ISBN 978-1-137-54574-9.................Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥16,196 / 特価 ¥12,957 + 税 *9781137545749* 0238* 近世初期イギリス人女性人名百科事典 Bertolet, Anna Riehl Levin, Carole (ed.) 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Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9781138808362* 0245* Draycott, Jane/Graham, Emma-Jayne Bodies of Evidence: Debating the Anatomical Votive (Medicine and the Body in Antiquity) 2016:10. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5080-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472450807* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 0246* 0251* カルナでのアクエンアテンのセド祭 Keppie, Lawrence Understanding Roman Inscriptions 2016:3. 160 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14292-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Gohary, Akhenatens Sed-Festival At Karna 2016:3. 256 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96643-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966437* 0247* Haber, Alejandro/Shepherd, Nick (eds.) 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Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781472578471* 0255* Mylonas, George Emmanuel Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries 2016:3. 416 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62204-0...................................Paper 通常価 ¥6,750 + 税 *9780691622040* 0256* Noble, Gordon Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe: The Forest as Ancestor 2016:10. 205 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15983-9............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 *9781107159839* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 33 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 0257* 0263* Popkin, Maggie L. The Architecture of the Roman Triumph: Monuments, Memory, and Identity 2016:3. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-10357-3.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 ローマ人と交易 0258* 0264* ローマ世界における戦争と社会 Thompson, Jason Archaeological Geophysics for Ephemeral Human Occupations: Focusing on the Small-Scale 2016:7. 140 p. (Elsevier Science, NLD) ISBN 978-0-12-804442-1................Paper USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9781107103573* Rich, Dr John/Rich, John/Shipley, Graham (eds.) War and Society in the Roman World (LeicesterNottingham Studies in Ancient Society) 2016:3. 328 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17357-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173576* Tchernia, André The Romans and Trade (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy) 2016:10. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872371-4.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9780198723714* *9780128044421* 0265* Righter, Elizabeth (ed.) The Tutu Archaeological Village Site: A Multidisciplinary Case Study in Human Adaptation 2016:5. 416 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98628-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Turney, Chris/Canti, Matthew/Branch, Nick/Clark, Peter Environmental Archaeology: Theoretical and Practical Approaches (Key Issues in Environmental Change) 2016:2. 256 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13907-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0260* 0266* 古代ギリシャ文明 第 3 版 ローマの子供:ローマ帝国の子供たちと日常生活 0259* *9781138139077* *9781138986282* Sansone, David Ancient Greek Civilization, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 348 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-09815-7 ................Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 Vuolanto, Ville/Laes, Christian Being a Roman Child: Children and Everyday Life in the Roman Empire 2016:10. 456 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6480-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 0261 0267* Savino, Melania Creating Images of a Turkish Past: Identity and the Representation of Archaeology in Modern Turkey 2016:3. 288 p. (I.B. 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(Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-6753-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409467533* 0270* Battle of Jutland: The Battle of Jutland 2016:5. 595 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15014-0.................Hard USD 49.99 通常価 ¥8,549 / 特価 ¥6,839 + 税 *9781107150140* 0275* 近代世界の日常生活 Lefebvre, Henri Everyday Life in the Modern World (Bloomsbury Revelations) 2016:2. 175 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-7245-2................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 *9781474272452* 第 5 回十字軍の意義 Mylod, E.J./Perry, Guy/Smith, Thomas W. Contextualizing the Fifth Crusade (Crusades Subsidia) 2016:11. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4857-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472448576* 0276* Tejada, Jaime Moreno/Tatar, Bradley Transnational Frontiers of Asia and Latin America since 1800 (Border Regions Series) 2016:8. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7056-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472470560* 初期近代史 0272* 0277* 近世史学というグローバル・ヒストリー 第 2 版 Wells, Mike Access to History: The Changing Nature of Warfare 1792-1991 2016:7. 160 p. (Hodder Education, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4718-3844-6................. Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 / 特価 ¥2,962 + 税 Iggers, Georg G/Wang, Q. Edward/Mukherjee, Supriya A Global History of Modern Historiography, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94227-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781471838446* *9781138942271* ISBN 978-1-138-94226-4................. Paper STP 33.99 通常価 ¥8,396 / 特価 ¥6,717 + 税 *9781138942264* 0273* Weber, Alison (ed.) Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World) 2016:3. 390 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2491-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472424914* 近代史 0274* ユトランド沖海戦 Brooks, John 36 ヨーロッパ史 0278* Barthe, Pascale French Encounters with the Ottomans, 15101560 (Transculturalisms, 1400-1700) 2016:4. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2042-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472420428* 0279* 冷戦時代の哲学と相違 Brinton, Aspen E. Philosophy and Dissidence in Cold War Europe 2016:3. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-57602-6.................Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥16,196 / 特価 ¥12,957 + 税 *9781137576026* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 ㏆ୡྐⓒ⛉㻌 ➨䠍ᕳ Encyclopedia of Early Modern History Abandoned Settlement - Beer Encyclopedia of Early Modern History, Vol. 1 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖1020290794䛇 Edited by Graeme Dunphy, University of Applied Sciences of Würzburg-Schweinfurt 2016 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard ISBN 978-90-04-26943-9...... EUR 255.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥48,596 / ≉౯ ¥38,877ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9789004269439* ᕳࡽ࡞ࡿࠗ㏆ୡྐⓒ⛉࠘ࡣࠊᮏ᭩ࡔࡅ࡛ ᖺ㛫࠾ࡼࡪ㏆ୡࡢṔ ྐࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡍࠋୡ⏺ྛᅜࡢṔྐᐙࡀࠊ ୡ⣖༙ࡤࡽ ୡ⣖༙ࡤ࠸࠺㔜せ࡞ ௦ࡢ◊✲ࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏⓒ⛉ࡣ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡢどⅬࡽ㏆ୡྐࢆ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࡀࠊࡑࢀࡣୡ⏺ࡢࡑࡢࡢᅜࠎ㛵ࡍࡿぢゎࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸࡞࠸࠸࠺ព࡛ࡣ ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋࡑࢀࡇࢁࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡸࡑࡢࡢᩥࡢከ㠃ⓗ࡞┦㛵ಀࢆᗈ⠊ ᅖ⢭ᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࠗ㏆ୡྐⓒ⛉࠘ࡣࠊୗグࡢࡼ࠺࡞Ṕྐࡢၥ㢟ࢆ ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 䞉㻌 䛹䛾䜘䛖䛺䜰䜲䝕䜱䜰䜔Ⓨ᫂䚸ฟ᮶䛜ே䚻䛾⏕ά䜢ኚ䛘䛯䛾䛛䠛㻌 䞉㻌 ⏕ά⎔ቃ䛿䛹䛾䜘䛖䛻ኚ䜟䛳䛶䛔䛳䛯䛾䛛䠛㻌 䞉㻌 ᨻ䚸♫䚸⤒῭䛾Ⓨᒎ䛿䛹䛾䜘䛖䛻⤡䜏ྜ䛳䛶䛔䛯䛾䛛䠛㻌 䞉㻌 䛹䛾せ䛺ᩥⓗ₻ὶ䛜䛿䛳䛝䜚䛸⌧䜜䜛䜘䛖䛻䛺䛳䛯䛾䛛䠛㻌 䞉㻌 ≉ᐃ䛾⌧㇟䛻䛴䛔䛶䚸Ṕྐⓗゎ㔘䛿䛹䛾䜘䛖䛻ኚ䜟䛳䛯䛛䠛㻌 ಶࠎࡢグࡣࠊ⤡ࡳྜ࠺⣒ࡢࡼ࠺࠸㛵㐃ࡋྜࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ⣒ࢆࡓࡿ ㄞ⪅ࡣࠊ᪂ࡋࡃࡶணእ࡞ࢥࣥࢸࢡࢫࢺࡸ㛵㐃ࢆ⤯࠼ࡎぢฟࡍࡇ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 37 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0280* 0283* Colson, Justin/van Steensel, Arie (eds.) Cities and Solidarities: Urban Communities in PreModern Europe 2016:10. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94361-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Hochedlinger, Michael Austria’s Wars of Emergence, 1683-1797 (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2016:3. 488 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17361-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138943612* *9781138173613* 0281* 0284* 世界と人々の繋がり: 地方社会としての近世ディアスポラ Freist, Dagmar/Lachenicht, Susanne Connecting Worlds and People: Early Modern Diasporas as Translocal Societies 2016:8. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4851-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472448514* 0282* Hamilton, Sarah Church and People in the Medieval West, 9001200 (The Medieval World) 2016:2. 432 p., Originally published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13949-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Hunt, Margaret Women in Eighteenth Century Europe (Longman History of European Women) 2016:3. 508 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14169-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141698* 0285* Jensen, Kurt Villads Crusading at the Edge of Europe: Denmark and Portugal c. 1000 - c. 1250 2016:5. 458 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6938-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138139497* *9781472469380* 㻾㼛㼡㼠㼘㼑㼐㼓㼑 ྡⴭ้ྀ᭩䠖㻝㻥 ୡ⣖䛾♫䞉ᨻᛮ㻌 䠔ᕳ㻌 Routledge Library Editions: Social and Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century 2016 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 8 Vols., 2,946 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-69658-7.... STP 665.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥164,278 / ≉౯ ¥131,422ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781138696587* ᮏ᭩ࡣ 19 ୡ⣖ࡢ♫࣭ᨻᛮࢆ◊✲ࡋࡓ 8 ࢱࢺࣝࢆ∧ࡋࡓࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢ ◊✲᭩ࡣඖࠎ1943 ᖺࡽ 2001 ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࢪ࢙࣑࣭ࣞ࣋ࣥࢧ࣒ࡸ ࢺ࣮࣐ࢫ࣭࣮࢝ࣛࣝࢆྵࡴᙜࡢ㔜せே≀ࡘ࠸࡚⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊᨻ㐠ື ࡸ⮬⏤⩏ᛮࡢྎ㢌Ⓨᒎࢆ◊✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ♫ྐࡸᨻྐࢆᏛࡪᏛ⏕ࡗ࡚ ࡾࢃࡅ⯆῝࠸ࢸ࣮࣐ࡋ࡚࠾⸀ࡵ࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 38 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0286* ヨーロッパの再構築コミュニティ 1918 年 - 1968 年 Kaal, Harm/Couperus, Stefan (eds.) Reconstructing Communities in Europe, 19181968 (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 2016:9. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69228-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138692282* 0287* Liang, Yuen-Gen/Rodriguez, Jarbel Authority and Spectacle in Medieval and Early Modern Europe(VVD\VLQ+RQRURI7HR¿OR5XL] 2016:9. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5457-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472454577* 0288* Macqueen, Norrie Colonialism (Short Histories of Big Ideas) 2016:2. 224 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13634-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136342* 0289* Mitchell, Linda E. (ed.) Women in Medieval Western European Culture 2016:2. 424 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98726-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138987265* ISBN 978-1-138-69697-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138696976* 0292 Snyder, Laura J. Eye of the Beholder: Johannes Vermeer, Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek, and the Reinvention of Seeing 2016:5. 448 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-35288-7................Paper USD 17.95 通常価 ¥3,069 / 特価 ¥2,455 + 税 *9780393352887* 0293* Spohr, Kristina/Reynolds, David (eds.) Transcending the Cold War: Summits, Statecraft, and the Dissolution of Bipolarity in Europe, 19701990 2016:9. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872750-7.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198727507* 0294* 治外法権の夢:ヨーロッパ市民権、セファルディム、 オスマン帝国の二十世紀 Stein, Sarah Abrevaya Extraterritorial Dreams: European Citizenship, Sephardi Jews, and the Ottoman Twentieth Century 2016:5. 240 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-36819-1....................................Hard 通常価 ¥11,520 + 税 *9780226368191* ISBN 978-0-226-36822-1...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,840 + 税 *9780226368221* 0290* 0295* 国外追放の記憶とオランダ独立戦争: ディアスポラの物語 1550 年 - 1750 年 Tallett, Frank War and Society in Early Modern Europe: 14951715 (War in Context) 2016:2. 336 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13650-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Mueller, Johannes Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt: The Narrated Diaspora, 1550-1750 (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, Vol. 199) 2016:5. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31166-4 ...............Hard EUR 139.00 通常価 ¥26,489 / 特価 ¥21,191 + 税 *9789004311664* 0291* Simonton, Deborah/Salmi, Hannu (eds.) Catastrophe, Gender and Urban Experience in Europe (Routledge Research in Gender and History, Vol. 12) 2016:9. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138136502* 0296* 中世のローマ教皇小史 第 2 版 Ullmann, Walter A Short History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 412 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13614-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136144* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 39 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0297* 0302* van Bavel, Bas Manors and Markets: Economy and Society in the Low Countries 500-1600 2016:7. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878375-6................. Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥7,161 / 特価 ¥5,729 + 税 ウィリアム・マーシャル 第 3 版 *9780198783756* イギリス・アイルランド史 Crouch, David William Marshal, 3rd ed. 2016:3. 282 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93932-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138939325* ISBN 978-1-138-93933-2................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138939332* 0298* イギリス社会史 1851 年 - 1990 年 第 2 版 Bedarida, Francois A Social History of England 1851-1990, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 404 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14219-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142190* 0299* Benson, John (ed.) The Working Class in England 1875-1914 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 3) 2016:6. 234 p., Originally published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63857-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138638570* 0303* 救貧院 1834 年 -1929 年:イギリス社会制度史 Crowther, M. A. The Workhouse System 1834-1929: The History of an English Social Institution (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 11) 2016:6. 318 p., Originally published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64743-5.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138647435* 0304* 近世の暗号マニュアルの文化史 Ellison, Katherine A Cultural History of Early Modern Cryptography Manuals 2016:7. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5764-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472457646* 0300* Brassley, Paul/Burchardt, Jeremy Transforming the Countryside7KH(OHFWUL¿FDWLRQ of Rural Britain (Rural Worlds: Economic, Social and Cultural Histories of Agricultures and Rural Societies) 2016:6. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4127-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472441270* 0305* Haig, Alan The Victorian Clergy (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 20) 2016:6. 394 p., Originally published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63877-8.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138638778* 0301* ヴィクトリア朝時代におけるエリート職人: ケンティッシュ・タウン 1840 年 -1880 年 Crossick, Geoffrey An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society: Kentish London 1840-1880 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 9) 2016:6. 306 p., Originally published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64708-4.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138647084* 40 0306* Hollis, Patricia (ed.) &ODVVDQG&RQÀLFWLQ1LQHWHHQWK&HQWXU\(QJland: 1815-1850 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 26) 2016:6. 400 p., Originally published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63896-9................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138638969* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0307* Ipgrave, Julia Adam in Political Writing in England and New England, 1600-1700 2016:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6384-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472463845* 0308* ISBN 978-1-138-14221-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142213* 0314* Lewis, Brian Wolfenden’s Witnesses: Homosexuality in Postwar Britain (Genders and Sexualities in History) 2016:2. 336 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-32148-0................Paper EUR 26.99 通常価 ¥5,143 / 特価 ¥4,114 + 税 Jackson, Ashley/Khan, Yasmin/Singh, Gajendra (eds.) An Imperial World at War: The British Empire, 1939-45 2016:7. 258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6210-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 0315* 0309 ヴィクトリア朝の教会の衰退: カンタベリー大司教タイットとイギリス国教会 1868 年 - 1882 年 *9781472462107* カスルリー子爵と反革命: 啓蒙された保守主義と政治秩序 Jarrett, Mark Castlereagh and Counter-Revolution: Enlightened Conservatism and the Political Order 2016:3. 336 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-324-3.................. Hard STP 62.00 通常価 ¥15,316 + 税 *9781137321480* Marsh, Peter T. The Victorian Church in Decline: Archbishop Tait and the Church of England 1868-1882 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 33) 2016:6. 362 p., Originally published in 1969 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65589-8.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138655898* *9781784533243* 0310* 初期ステュアート朝の劇場におけるコミュニティの 形成:舞台と観客 Johnson, Anthony W./Wilcox, Helen Sell, Roger D. (ed.) Community-Making in Early Stuart Theatres: Stage and Audience 2016:7. 500 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-2701-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409427018* 0316* McLeod, Hugh Class and Religion in the Late Victorian City (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 32) 2016:6. 374 p., Originally published in 1974 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64028-3.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138640283* 0311* 0317* Kennedy, Dane Britain and Empire, 1880-1945 (Seminar Studies) 2016:3. 156 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14345-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 奴隷制に抵抗する女性たち: イギリスによるキャンペーン 1780年 - 1870 年 *9781138143456* 0313* Midgley, Clare Women Against Slavery: The British Campaigns, 1780-1870 2016:3. 296 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14282-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142824* 失った世界:さらなる探究 第 4 版 Laslett, Peter The World We Have Lost: Further Explored, 4th ed. 2016:3. 392 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 0318* Neale, R. S. Class and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 41 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 Vol. 34) 2016:6. 210 p., Originally published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65746-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138657465* 0319* 0323* Sadler, John Border Fury: England and Scotland at War 12961568 2016:3. 634 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14343-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143432* テューダー朝とステュアート朝における スーパーナチュラル Oldridge, Darren The Supernatural in Tudor and Stuart England 2016:4. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-74758-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9780415747585* ISBN 978-0-415-74759-2................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9780415747592* 0324* 紛争と妥協:イギリス社会における階級の構造 1830 年 -1914 年 Smith, Dennis &RQÀLFWDQG&RPSURPLVH: Class Formation in English Society 1830-1914 (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 44) 2016:6. 354 p., Originally published in 1982 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65786-1.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138657861* 0320* ヴィクトリア朝の労働者階級: モーニング・クロニクル紙への投書から 0325* Razzell, P. E./Wainwright, R. W. (eds.) The Victorian Working Class: Selections from Letters to the Morning Chronicle (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 40) 2016:6. 382 p., Originally published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65749-6.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 Spurr, John The Post-Reformation: Religion, Politics and Society in Britain, 1603-1714 (Religion, Politics and Society in Britain) 2016:2. 408 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13601-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138657496* ポスト宗教改革:英国における宗教、政治と社会 *9781138136014* 0321* 0326* ドゥームズデイの現在: 審問とドゥームズデイ・ブックへの新しいアプローチ ヴィクトリア朝の理解 第 2 版 Roffe, David/Keats-Rohan, K. S. B. (eds.) Domesday Now: New Approaches to the Inquest and the Book 2016:3. 352 p. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78327-088-0.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9781783270880* 0322* Ronald, D. A. B Youth, Heroism and War Propaganda: Britain and the Young Maritime Hero, 1745-1820 (Bloomsbury Studies in Military History) 2016:8. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-350-00201-2................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781350002012* Steinbach, Susie L. Understanding the Victorians: Politics, Culture and Society in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90608-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138906082* ISBN 978-1-138-90610-5................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138906105* 0327* 消費とカントリー・ハウス Stobart, Jon/Rothery, Mark Consumption and the Country House 2016:7. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872626-5.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9780198726265* 42 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0328* 0333* Stuckert, Caroline M. (ed.) Winchester Studies : The People of Early Winchester (Winchester Studies, Vol. 9.I) 2016:10. 496 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-813170-0................ Hard STP 140.00 通常価 ¥34,584 / 特価 ¥27,667 + 税 Winston, Jessica Lawyers at Play: Literature, Law, and Politics at the Early Modern Inns of Court, 1558-1581 2016:5. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876942-2.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 0329* 0334* メランコリーの彼方: イギリス・ルネッサンスにおける悲しみと自我 ヴィクトリア朝の家族:その構造とストレス *9780198131700* *9780198769422* Sullivan, Erin Beyond Melancholy: Sadness and Selfhood in Renaissance England (Emotions In History) 2016:3. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873965-4.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 Wohl, Anthony S. (ed.) The Victorian Family: Structures and Stresses (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 52) 2016:6. 224 p., Originally published in 1978 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66557-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0330* 0335* 19 世紀における男らしさと男性性: ジェンダー・家族・帝国の叙述 Zunshine, Lisa Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830 2016:3. 1808 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66525-5................. Paper STP 34.00 通常価 ¥8,399 / 特価 ¥6,719 + 税 *9780198739654* Tosh, John Manliness and Masculinities in NineteenthCentury Britain: Essays on Gender, Family and Empire (Women And Men In History) 2016:3. 232 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17366-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138665576* *9781138665255* ドイツ・オーストリア・スイス史 *9781138173668* 0331* 0336* Ward, W R. Victorian Oxford (Routledge Library Editions: The Victorian World, Vol. 48) 2016:6. 450 p., Originally published in 1965 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65790-8................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 量子学的な出エジプト記: ユダヤ人亡命者、原爆、そしてホロコースト *9781138657908* Fraser, Gordon The Quantum Exodus: Jewish Fugitives, the Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust 2016:4. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876800-5................. Paper STP 18.99 通常価 ¥4,691 / 特価 ¥3,752 + 税 *9780198768005* 0332* 戦いの女王ブーディカ: ローマ帝国に対するイギリスの反乱 AD60 年 第2版 Webster, Graham Boudica: The British Revolt Against Rome AD 60, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 156 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17363-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173637* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0337* フレデリック・バルバロッサ:王子と伝説 Freed, John Frederick Barbarossa: The Prince and the Myth 2016:6. 704 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-12276-3.................Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,696 / 特価 ¥6,157 + 税 *9780300122763* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 43 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0338* ナチスドイツの外国人労働者 Homze, Edward L. Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany 2016:3. 370 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62349-8...................................Paper 通常価 ¥5,890 + 税 *9780691623498* 0339* Paret, Peter Yorck and the Era of Prussian Reform 2016:5. 322 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65021-0....................................Hard 通常価 ¥14,400 + 税 *9780691650210* ISBN 978-0-691-62357-3...................................Paper 通常価 ¥5,120 + 税 *9780691623573* 0340* Purvis, Zachary Theology and the University in NineteenthCentury Germany (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs) 2016:7. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878338-1.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9780198783381* 0341* Stachura, Peter D. (ed.) The Shaping of the Nazi State (Routledge Library Editions: Nazi Germany and the Holocaust) 2016:9. 306 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80377-0................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138803770* 0342* アインシュタインのドイツ世界 Stern, Fritz Einstein’s German World 2016:5. 352 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-17130-2...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,120 + 税 *9780691171302* 0343* ドイツの農場労働者 1810 年 - 1945 年 Wunderlich, Frieda Farm Labor in Germany, 1810-1945 2016:3. 408 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) 44 ISBN 978-0-691-62584-3...................................Paper 通常価 ¥6,520 + 税 *9780691625843* フランス史 0344* O'Dwyer, Graham M. Charles de Gaulle: Nationalism as Existentialism 2016:8. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-3755-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472437556* 0345* フランス革命の世界 Palmer, Robert R. The World of the French Revolution (Routledge Library Editions: The French Revolution, Vol. 6) 2016:5. 290 p., Originally published in 1971 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68108-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138681088* 0346* Panayi, Panikos An Immigration History of Britain: Multicultural Racism since 1800 2016:2. 408 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13600-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136007* 南欧史 0347* フェルディナンドとイザベラ Edwards, J. Ferdinand and Isabella3UR¿OHV,Q3RZHU 216 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13568-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135680* 0348* Herr, Alexis The Holocaust and Compensated Compliance in Italy: Fossoli di Carpi, 1942-1952 (Italian and Italian American Studies) 2016:3. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-59896-7.................Hard EUR 86.99 通常価 ¥16,578 / 特価 ¥13,262 + 税 *9781137598967* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 0349* 東欧史 Knapton, Michael/Zannini, Andrea A Republican Empire: The Venetian Mainland State, 1509-1797 2016:11. 223 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-0557-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409405573* 0350* Kornetis, Kostis/Kotsovili, Eirini/Papadogiannis, Nikolaos (eds.) Consumption and Gender in Southern Europe Since the Long 1960s 2016:4. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4725-9627-7.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781472596277* ISBN 978-1-4725-9626-0................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 0354* Antic, Ana Therapeutic Fascism: Experiencing the Violence of the Nazi New Order (Oxford Studies in Modern European History) 2016:11. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878458-6.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198784586* 0355* Haldon, John Warfare, State And Society In The Byzantine World 565-1204 (Warfare and History) 2016:3. 400 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14178-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141780* *9781472596260* ロシア史 0351* Lowe, Benedict Cádiz (Cities of the Ancient World) 2016:9. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78101-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138781016* 0356* Enticott, Peter The Russian Liberals and the Revolution of 1905 (Routledge Studies in the History of Russia and Eastern Europe) 2016:4. 222 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63899-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138638990* 0352* Reardon, Colleen A Sociable Moment: Opera and Festive Culture in Baroque Siena 2016:7. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049630-2.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 *9780190496302* 0357* Redlich, Shimon War, the Holocaust and Stalinism 2016:2. 548 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98692-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138986923* 0353* ルネサンスの日常: ヴェネツィアにおける文化的正統性の探究 Ross, Sarah Gwyneth Everyday Renaissances: The Quest for Cultural Legitimacy in Venice (I Tatti Studies in Italian Renaissance History, Vol. 18) 2016:4. 210 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-65983-4.................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9780674659834* ★印はお薦めタイトル See also... Bruno, Andy, The Nature of Soviet Power, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p124 , 1028 北米史 0358* 魔術の嵐:セイラム魔女裁判とアメリカの経験 Baker, Emerson W. A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience (Pivotal Moments in American History) 2016:11. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 45 歴史学 》北米史 ISBN 978-0-19-062780-5................Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,898 / 特価 ¥2,319 + 税 *9780190627805* 0360* 幕末の海におけるアメリカ北大西洋測量艦隊 Cole, Allan Burnett Yankee Surveyors in the Shogun’s Seas 2016:5. 170 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65356-3....................................Hard 通常価 ¥9,590 / 特価 ¥9,590 + 税 *9780691653563* ISBN 978-0-691-62760-1...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,830 / 特価 ¥3,830 + 税 *9780691627601* 0361* 0365* Gould, Lewis L. America in the Progressive Era, 1890-1914 (Seminar Studies) 2016:3. 154 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14234-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142343* 0366* ニューヨーク恐慌時代の黒人女性家事奉公人 Gray, Brenda C. Black Female Domestics During the Depression in New York City 2016:3., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88339-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138883390* アメリカがかけた魔法:セイラム魔女裁判以降の魔術 について 0367* Davies, Owen America Bewitched: The Story of Witchcraft After Salem 2016:7. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874538-9................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 Hankins, Barry Woodrow Wilson: Ruling Elder, Spiritual President (Spiritual Lives) 2016:6. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871837-6.................. Hard STP 20.00 通常価 ¥4,940 / 特価 ¥3,952 + 税 *9780198745389* *9780198718376* 0362 0368* Faragher, Johnny Mack Eternity Street: Violence and Justice in Frontier Los Angeles 2016:3. 624 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-05136-0.................Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 Hill, Karlos K. Beyond the Rope: The Impact of Lynching on Black Culture and Memory (Cambridge Studies on the American South, Vol. 8) 2016:7. 144 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-04413-5.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780393051360* *9781107044135* 0363* Gao, Chungchan African Americans in the Reconstruction Era (Studies in African American History and Culture) 2016:2. 344 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96626-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966260* 0364* Glover, Lorri Founders as Fathers: The Private Lives and Politics of the American Revolutionaries 2016:6. 344 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21974-6................Paper USD 22.00 通常価 ¥3,762 / 特価 ¥3,010 + 税 ISBN 978-1-107-62037-7................Paper USD 26.99 通常価 ¥4,616 / 特価 ¥3,692 + 税 *9781107620377* 0369* トマス・ヒューズの日誌 Hughes, Thomas A Journal by Thomas Hughes: For his Amusement, and Designed Only for his Perusal by the Time he Attains the Age of 50 if he Lives so Long (1778-1789) 2016:2. 204 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50952-4................Paper USD 28.99 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781316509524* *9780300219746* 46 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》北米史 0370 0375* Hurt, R. Douglas Food and Agriculture During the Civil War 2016:2. 216 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-0325-3.................Hard USD 48.00 通常価 ¥8,209 + 税 ウッドロウ・ウィルソン 第 3 巻:中立のための闘争 *9781440803253* Link, Arthur S. Wilson: Vol. 3, The Struggle for Neutrality, 19141915 (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 760 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65227-6....................................Hard 通常価 ¥33,600 + 税 *9780691652276* 0371* 合衆国と第一次世界大戦 Keene, Jennifer D. The United States and the First World War (Seminar Studies) 2016:3. 166 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14230-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142305* 0372* Lebovic, Sam Free Speech and Unfree News: The Paradox of Press Freedom in America 2016:4. 352 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-65977-3.................Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780674659773* 0373* ウッドロウ・ウィルソン 第 1 巻:ホワイトハウスへの道 Link, Arthur S. Wilson: Vol. 1, The Road to the White House (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 606 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-64948-1....................................Hard 通常価 ¥26,750 + 税 *9780691649481* ISBN 978-0-691-62273-6...................................Paper 通常価 ¥9,660 + 税 *9780691622736* 0374* ウッドロウ・ウィルソン 第 2 巻:新しい自由 Link, Arthur S. Wilson: Vol. 2, The New Freedom (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 528 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-64994-8....................................Hard 通常価 ¥23,360 + 税 *9780691649948* ISBN 978-0-691-62328-3...................................Paper 通常価 ¥8,380 + 税 *9780691623283* ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-0-691-62593-5...................................Paper 通常価 ¥12,150 + 税 *9780691625935* 0376 ゼブロン・パイク:帝国のためのトマス・ジェファーソ ンのスパイ Matthews, George R. Zebulon Pike: Thomas Jefferson’s Agent for Empire 2016:3. 184 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4431-7.................Hard USD 37.00 通常価 ¥6,328 + 税 *9781440844317* 0377 McDonough, James Lee William Tecumseh Sherman: In the Service of My Country: A Life 2016:6. 832 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-24157-0.................Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780393241570* 0378* Myers, William Starr Woodrow Wilson: Some Princeton Memories 2016:5. 102 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65357-0....................................Hard 通常価 ¥9,590 + 税 *9780691653570* ISBN 978-0-691-62761-8...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,830 + 税 *9780691627618* 0379* Opdycke, Sandra The WPA: Creating Jobs and Hope During the Great Depression (Critical Moments in American History) 2016:5. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82091-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138820913* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 47 歴史学 》北米史 ISBN 978-1-138-82092-0................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138820920* 0380* Peifer, Douglas C. Choosing War: Presidential Decisions in the Maine, Lusitania, and Panay Incidents 2016:7. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-026868-8.................Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 *9780190268688* 0381* 1862 年 9 月メリーランド方面作戦 Pierro, Joseph (ed.) The Maryland Campaign of September 1862: (]UD$&DUPDQ¶V'H¿QLWLYH6WXG\RIWKH8QLRQ and Confederate Armies at Antietam 2016:2. 528 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98053-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138980532* 0382* Ragosta, John A. Patrick Henry: Proclaiming a Revolution (Routledge Historical Americans) 2016:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-02301-7................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138023017* ISBN 978-1-138-02302-4................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781138023024* 0385* Sibley, Katherine A.S. (ed.) A Companion to First Ladies (Wiley Blackwell Companions to American History) 2016:5. 760 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-73222-9 ...............Hard USD 204.95 通常価 ¥35,052 / 特価 ¥28,042 + 税 *9781118732229* 0386* 北米ネイティブ史入門 第 5 版 Sutton, Mark Q. An Introduction to Native North America, 5th ed. 2016:8. 440 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-13-381409-5................. Paper STP 89.99 通常価 ¥22,230 / 特価 ¥17,784 + 税 *9780133814095* 0387* Weinstein, Edwin A. Woodrow Wilson: A Medical and Psychological Biography. Supplementary Volume to The Papers of Woodrow Wilson 2016:5. 434 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-64253-6....................................Hard 通常価 ¥19,200 + 税 *9780691642536* 0388* アフリカ系アメリカ人のリーダーシップの歴史 第 3 版 :KLWH-RKQ'LHUHQ¿HOG%UXFH- A History of African-American Leadership, 3rd ed. (Studies In Modern History) 2016:2. 408 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13933-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139336* 0383 Shi, David E./Mayer, Holly A. (eds.) For the Record: A Documentary History of America, Vol. 1, 6th ed. 2016:3. 480 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-28303-7................Paper USD 33.00 通常価 ¥5,643 / 特価 ¥4,515 + 税 *9780393283037* 0384 Shi, David E./Mayer, Holly A. (eds.) For the Record: A Documentary History of America, Vol. 2, 6th ed. 2016:3. 378 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-28304-4................Paper USD 33.00 通常価 ¥5,643 / 特価 ¥4,515 + 税 0389* Wilson, Woodrow Wilson: Campaigns for Progressivism and Peace, 1916-1917, Vol. 5 (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 488 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65096-8....................................Hard 通常価 ¥21,440 + 税 *9780691650968* ISBN 978-0-691-62436-5...................................Paper 通常価 ¥7,800 + 税 *9780691624365* *9780393283044* 48 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》北米史 0390* 日本史 Worster, Donald Shrinking the Earth: The Rise and Decline of American Abundance 2016:2. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-984495-1.................Hard USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 *9780199844951* See also... Dant, Sara, Losing Eden, Wiley............. p124 , 1029 ラテンアメリカ史 0391* Barcia, Manuel West African Warfare in Bahia and Cuba: Soldier Slaves in the Atlantic World, 1807-1844 (The Past and Present Book Series) 2016:4. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875426-8................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198754268* 0394* Bird, Unbeaten Tracks In Japan 2016:3. 256 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98636-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138986367* 0395* Bodart-Bailey, Beatrice/Massarella, Derek The Furthest Goal: Engelbert Kaempfers Encounter with Tokugawa Japan 2016:2. 232 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97485-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138974852* 0396* Brunton, Richard Henry Building Japan 1868-1876 2016:3. 292 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96518-8 ....................................... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Smith, Michael At Home with the Aztecs: An Archaeologist Uncovers Their Daily Life 2016:3. 158 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-10075-6.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138965188* *9781138100756* *9781138100749* アジア史 0397* Ota, Yuzo Basil Hall Chamberlain: Portrait of a Japanologist 2016:2. 248 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98772-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138987722* 0393 植民地アジアにおける国外追放 Ricci, Ronit (ed.) Exile in Colonial Asia: Kings, Convicts, Commemoration (Perspectives on the Global Past) 2016:5. 312 p. (University of Hawaii Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-8248-5374-7.................Hard USD 68.00 通常価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9780824853747* ★ 日本建国 1868 年 -1876 年 0392* ISBN 978-1-138-10074-9................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 ★ 遠いゴール:エンゲルベルト・ケンペル と徳川幕府の出会い 東アジア史 0398 周恩来:中国の良い共産党 Dillon, Michael Zhou Enlai: China’s Good Communist 2016:3. 336 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-615-2................. Paper STP 62.00 通常価 ¥15,316 + 税 *9781784536152* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 49 歴史学 》アジア史 ᖇᅜ⩏䛸୰ᅜ㻌 1830ᖺ – 1945ᖺ㻌 䠐ᕳ Imperialism and China 1800-1945 Critical Concepts in Asian Studies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖04009S0201䛇 Edited by Ralph Huenemann 2016 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,630 p., Hard ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-81434-9... STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥222,331 / ≉౯ ¥177,865ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *978113881434* ୰ᅜ࠾ࡅࡿᖇᅜ⩏ࡢṔྐࡣࠊ」㞧࡛㆟ㄽࢆࡧ㉳ࡇࡍࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋ㏆௦࡛୰ᅜ ࡀయ㦂ࡋࡓᖇᅜ⩏ࡣࠊ ୡ⣖ ୡ⣖ࡢ㛫࡛୪⾜ࡋࡓࡘࡢ≀ㄒࡀᏑᅾࡋࡲ ࡍࠋࡑࢀࡣࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀ␗࡞ࡿᆅ⌮ⓗ⨨㌷ⓗពḧࡢ≀ㄒ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡑࡢ⤖ᯝࢆక ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱ࡶὀ┠ࢆ㞟ࡵࡓᖇᅜ⩏ࡢഃ㠃ࡣࠊ㈨ᮏ⩏ࡼࡿ୰ᅜࡢᨷ࡛࠶ ࡾࠊࡑࢀࡣ ᖺ௦ࡢ᪥ᮏࡢ୰ᅜ␎࡛᭱㧗₻㐩ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋ ୡ⣖ࢆ㏄࠼ࡿ๓ ᥍࠼ࡵ࡞ᙧ࡛ᒎ㛤ࡋࡓࡇࡢ≀ㄒࡣࠊࡋࡋࡑࡢᚋ➨୍ḟ㜿∦ᡓத㸦 ᖺ- ᖺ㸧࠾ࡅࡿࢠࣜࢫࡢ㌷⾜ືࡼࡗ࡚ࠊࡼࡾዲᡓⓗ࡞ẁ㝵ධࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ⤒῭ ⓗ࡞ၥ㢟ᩥⓗ࡞ၥ㢟ࡢ୧᪉ࡀࡇࡢ≀ㄒ࡛ὀ┠ࢆࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࡢ➨୍ᕳ➨ ᕳ࡛ᚭᗏⓗ᥈✲ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ➨୕ᕳ࡛ྲྀࡾୖࡆࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠊ࣮ࣘࣛࢩ㝣㸦ࢳ࣋ࢵࢺࡽ୰ኸࢪࠊࣔࣥ ࢦࣝࠊ㡑ᅜ࿘㎶ࡲ࡛ཬࡪ㸧࡛ྠ㉳ࡇࡗࡓΎࡢᖇᅜ⩏ࡢ≀ㄒࡣࠊ୰ᅜࡸࢠ ࣜࢫࠊࣟࢩࡢᑐ❧ࢆక࠸ࠊ᪥ᮏࡣ᭷࡞❧ሙࢆᚓࡼ࠺த࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢሙྜ ࡶࡸࡣࡾࠊࡢⓎ➃ࡣ ୡ⣖ࡼࡾࡎࡗ௨๓ࡢࡇ࡛ࠊࡲࡓࡋ࡚ࡶᙉ࡞㌷ຊ ࡀせ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢࡣࠊ₎㸦୰ᅜ㸧ࡢᕥ᐀ᲸࡀΎ㸦‶ᕞ㸧࡞ࡾ௦ࢃࡾࠊΎ ࡢࡓࡵ㌷ࢆ⋡࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢࡘ┠ࡢ≀ㄒࡢ㔜せ࡞Ⅼࡣࠊ⣮த୰ࡢ㡿ᅵ㠀₎Ẹ ᪘ࡢேࠎࡀఫࢇ࡛࠸ࡓ࠸࠺ࡇ࡛ࡍࠋ୍⯡ⓗࠊ࣓ࣜ࢝ྐࡢᮏࡀࢸ࢟ࢧࢫࡽ ࢝ࣜࣇ࢛ࣝࢽࡲ࡛ࡢ࣓࢟ࢩࢥ㡿୍యࢆྜ⾗ᅜྲྀࡾධࢀࡓࡇࢆᖇᅜ⩏ⓗ⾜Ⅽ ࡋ࡚ᢅࢃ࡞࠸ࡼ࠺ࠊ㒊ศࡢ୰ᅜࡢᩥ⊩ࡣࠊࡇࡢ࢚ࣆࢯ࣮ࢻࢆᖇᅜ⩏ࡢ୍ ࡋ࡚ࡣᢅ࠺ࡇࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋᮏࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫࡣࠊᖇᅜ⩏୰ᅜࡢṔྐ㛵ࡍ ࡿከࡃࡢᏛ⾡ⓗ㈨ᩱࢆ୍ࡘࡲࡵࠊከゅⓗㄒࡽࢀࡿᮏࢸ࣮࣐ࡢ᰿ᮏࢆゎㄝࡋ ࡓࠊὀ┠ࡍࡁ୍࡛ࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 50 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 0399* 0404* ケエアウモクの向こう:韓国、ナショナリズム、 そしてハワイにおける現地の文化 Wells, Audrey The Rule of Reverse Results: The Effects of Unethical Policies 2016:5. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8546-5.................. Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 Kwon, Brenda L. Beyond Ke’eaumoku: Koreans, Nationalism, and Local Culture in Hawai’i (Studies in Asian Americans) 2016:3. 168 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96459-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138964594* 0400* Li, Y. Chinese in Colonial Burma: A Migrant Community in A Multiethnic State (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series) 2016:5. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-53701-0.................Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 *9781137537010* 0401* Major, John S/Cook, Constance A Ancient China: A History 2016:9. 400 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7656-1599-2................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781472485465* 0405* Widmer, Ellen Fiction’s Family: Zhan Xi, Zhan Kai, and the Business of Women in Late-Qing China (HarvardYenching Institute Monograph Series, Vol. 99) 2016:3. 340 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-08837-5.................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9780674088375* 0406* 19 世紀の世界貿易: 浩官(伍秉鑑)の一族と広東システム Wong, John Global Trade in the Nineteenth Century: The House of Houqua and the Canton System 2016:7. 254 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-15066-9.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107150669* *9780765615992* 東南アジア史 ISBN 978-0-7656-1600-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9780765616005* 0402* 中国歴代王朝年表 Moule, A. C. The Rulers of China 221 B.C.: Chronological Tables 2016:6. 160 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99366-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138993662* 0403* タタールの千年 Parker, Thousand Years of The Tartars 2016:3. 256 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99034-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 0407* Lewis, Su Lin Cities in Motion: Urban Life and Cosmopolitanism in Southeast Asia, 1920-1940 2016:6. 338 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10833-2.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107108332* 0408* Muzaini, Hamzah/Yeoh, Brenda S.A. Contested Memoryscapes: The Politics of Second World War Commemoration in Singapore (Heritage, Culture and Identity) 2016:4. 238 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-4820-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409448204* *9781138990340* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 51 歴史学 》ラテンアメリカ史 南アジア史 0409* ビジャーサーガル:優れたインド人の人生と余生 Hatcher, Brian A. Vidyasagar: The Life and After-life of an Eminent ,QGLDQ3DWK¿QGHUVS, Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-14324-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143241* 0415* Wickremesekera, Channa The Tamil Separatist War in Sri Lanka 2016:3. 284 p. (Routledge, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-18311-7 .................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138183117* 中央アジア史 0416* 0410 Karnad, Raghu Farthest Field: An Indian Story of the Second World War 2016:8. 320 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-35289-4................Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,898 / 特価 ¥2,319 + 税 *9780393352894* Biran, Michal Qaidu and the Rise of the Independent Mongol State In Central Asia (Central Asia Research Forum) 2016:2. 212 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98430-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138984301* 0411* Mukhopadhyay, Bhaskar Britain in India, 1765-1905 2016:3. 2400 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66516-3................. Paper STP 34.00 通常価 ¥8,399 / 特価 ¥6,719 + 税 *9781138665163* 0412* 0417* Morgan, Gerald Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Central Asia 1810-1895 2016:2. 288 p., Originally published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96356-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138963566* 中世インドにおけるムスリム女性の地位 Sharma, Sudha The Status of Muslim Women in Medieval India 2016:4. 284 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ISBN 978-93-5150-566-2.................. Hard STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9789351505662* 0413* Sobhan, Rehman Untranquil Recollections7KH<HDUVRI)XO¿OPHQW 2016:2. 486 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ISBN 978-93-5150-986-8................. Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 / 特価 ¥2,962 + 税 *9789351509868* 0414* ナガの英雄アンガミ・ザプ・ピゾ Steyn, Zapuphizo 2016:7. 256 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98744-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138987449* 52 ★ 中央アジアのハイドゥと独立モンゴル国の 勃興 中東史 0418 Levy-Aksu, Noemi Young Turks and the Ottoman Empire: The Aftermath of the 1908 Revolution 2016:8. 320 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-600-8.................. Hard STP 62.00 通常価 ¥15,316 + 税 *9781784536008* 0419* 暴力の拒否:オスマンの過去、トルコの現在、 アルメニアへの集団暴力 Muge Gocek, Fatma Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence against the Armenians, 17892009 2016:3. 680 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062458-3................Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780190624583* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アフリカ史 アフリカ史 0425* 0420* 物質文化:植民地時代以前の東アフリカ海岸におけ る消費と物質性 Afolabi, Niyi Ilê Aiyê in Brazil and the Reinvention of Africa (African Histories and Modernities) 2016:3. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-57817-4.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 Wynne-Jones, Stephanie A Material Culture: Consumption and Materiality on the Coast of Precolonial East Africa 2016:5. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875931-7.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9780198759317* *9781137578174* 0421* Cohen, David William Womunafu’s Bunafu: A Study of Authority in a Nineteenth-Century African Community (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 228 p., Originally published in 1978 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-64323-6....................................Hard 通常価 ¥10,230 + 税 *9780691643236* 0422* DeCorse, Christopher R. (ed.) West Africa During the Atlantic Slave Trade: Archaeological Perspectives (The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Bloomsbury Academic Collections) 2016:10. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-9104-0.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 各種テーマ史 0426* Diptee, Audra A./Trotman, David V. (eds.) Atlantic Childhoods in Global Contexts 2016:5. 138 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65835-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138658356* 0427* Dumitru, Diana The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: The Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union 2016:3. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13196-5.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107131965* *9781474291040* 0428* 0423* ザンジバル:革命の背景 Lofchie, Michael F. Zanzibar: Background to Revolution (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 330 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65087-6....................................Hard 通常価 ¥15,350 + 税 Liu, Ts'ui-jung/Beattie, James (eds.) Environment, Modernization and Development in East Asia: Perspectives from Environmental History (Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History) 2016:3. 268 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-57230-1.................Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥16,196 / 特価 ¥12,957 + 税 *9781137572301* *9780691650876* 0429* 0424* Noyes, J.K. Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915 (Studies in Anthropology and History) 2016:2. 328 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99151-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138991514* ★印はお薦めタイトル Michalczyk, John J. McVeigh, Stephen (ed.) Filming the End of the Holocaust: Allied Documentaries, Nuremberg and the Liberation of the Concentration Camps (War, Culture and Society) 2016:4. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-8278-9................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781474282789* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 53 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 0430* 0435* Weldemichael, Awet Tewelde Third World Colonialism and Strategies of Liberation: Eritrea and East Timor Compared 2016:3. 368 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-57652-0................Paper USD 32.99 通常価 ¥5,642 / 特価 ¥4,513 + 税 Bowers, Barbara S./Keyser, Linda Migl The Sacred and the Secular in Medieval Healing: Sites, Objects, and Texts (AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art) 2016:4. 294 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4962-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781107576520* 科学史 0431 Army, Thomas F. Engineering Victory: How Technology Won the Civil War 2016:6. 392 p. (The Johns Hopkins U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-4214-1937-4.................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9781421419374* 0432* ビザンティン帝国の病院における医療と薬:現存する 処方の研究 Bennett, D.C. Medicine and Pharmacy in Byzantine Hospitals: A study of the extant formularies (Medicine in the Medieval Mediterranean) 2016:8. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-4165-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409441656* 0433* ヘルムホルツからカッシーラーに至る空間・数・幾何学 Biagioli, Francesca Space, Number, and Geometry from Helmholtz to Cassirer (Archimedes, Vol. 18) 2016:5. 192 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31777-9.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319317779* 0434* *9781472449627* 0436* Cooter, Roger/Pickstone, John (eds.) Companion to Medicine in the Twentieth Century 2016:2. 776 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16967-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169678* 0437* Golinski, Jan Experimental Self: Humphry Davy and the Making of a Man of Science 2016:5. 256 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-35136-0....................................Hard 通常価 ¥3,840 + 税 *9780226351360* 0438* Gómez, Amparo/Canales, Antonio Fco. Science Policies and Twentieth-Century Dictatorships: Spain, Italy and Argentina (Science, Technology and Culture, 1700-1945) 2016:3. 244 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2232-3.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781472422323* 0439* Mitman, Gregg/Wilder, Kelley (eds.) Documenting the World: Film, Photography, and WKH6FLHQWL¿F5HFRUGS7KH8QLYHUVLW\ of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-12911-2 ....................................Hard *9780226129112* この浮世のわずらわしさ:歴史と文化の中の身体 Bound Alberti, Fay This Mortal Coil: The Human Body in History and Culture 2016:6. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-959903-5.................. Hard STP 20.00 通常価 ¥4,940 / 特価 ¥3,952 + 税 *9780199599035* 0440* Nieto-Galan, Agusti Science in the Public Sphere: A history of lay knowledge and expertise 2016:4. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90951-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138909519* 54 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 ISBN 978-1-138-90952-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138909526* 0441 Starita, Joe A Warrior of the People: The Indomitable Courage of Susan La Flesche - America’s First Indian Doctor 2016:11. 288 p. (St. Martin’s Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-250-08534-4.................Hard USD 25.99 通常価 ¥4,445 + 税 *9781250085344* 0442* ビザンティン帝国の医学:マニュスクリプトとテキスト Touwaide, Alain Byzantine Medicine: Manuscripts and Texts (Variorum Collected Studies Series) 2016:9. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-4661-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409446613* 0443* Trout, J.D. Wondrous Truths: The Improbable Triumph of Modern Science 2016:6. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-938507-2.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199385072* 軍事史 0444 Kennedy, John F./HarperCollins Publishers Why England Slept 2016:4. 152 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4990-9.................Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥12,827 + 税 *9781440849909* 0446* 女性と投票 Adams, Jad Women and the Vote: A World History 2016:4. 528 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870685-4................. Paper STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 *9780198706854* 0447* Bowler, Gerry Christmas in the Crosshairs: Two Thousand Years of Denouncing and Defending the World’s Most Celebrated Holiday 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049900-6.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190499006* 0448* Campbell, Gordon A Short History of Gardens 2016:11. 144 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878461-6.................. Hard STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 *9780198784616* 0449* 近世イングランドとフランスにおける女性と好奇心 Cottegnies, Line/Thompson, John/Parageau, Sandrine Women and Curiosity in Early Modern England and France (Intersections, Vol. 42) 2016:4. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31183-1 ............... Hard EUR 115.00 通常価 ¥21,916 / 特価 ¥17,532 + 税 *9789004311831* 0450* Egberts, Linde Raphaëla Chosen Legacies (Heritage, Culture and Identity) 2016:9. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8170-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472481702* 文化・社会史 0445* 0451* Aasgaard, Reidar/Horn, Cornelia Centuries of Childhood: Perceptions of Children in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds 2016:11. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6892-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 表現と黒人女性らしさ:サラ・バートマンの遺産 *9781472468925* ★印はお薦めタイトル Gordon-Chipembere, N. (ed.) Representation and Black Womanhood: The Legacy of Sarah Baartman 2016:2. 207 p., Originally published in 2011 (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-58160-0................Paper EUR 29.99 通常価 ¥5,715 / 特価 ¥4,572 + 税 *9781137581600* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 55 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 0452* 0456* Just, Roger Women in Athenian Law and Life 2016:2. 328 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16965-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Tilly, Louise A./Scott, Joan W. Women, Work and Family 2016:3. 282 p., Originally published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14228-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0453* 0457* 世界史における子供 第 3 版 Willis, John Ralph (ed.) Be Slaves and Slavery in Muslim Africa: Islam and the Ideology of Enslavement, Vol. 1, Islam and the Ideology of Enslavement 2016:2. 284 p., Originally published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98209-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138169654* Stearns, Peter N Childhood in World History, 3rd ed. (Themes in World History) 2016:7. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67430-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138674301* ISBN 978-1-138-67432-5................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138674325* 0454* Steer, Linda Appropriated Photographs in French Surrealist Periodicals, 1924-1939 (Studies in Surrealism) 2016:7. 196 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-3730-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138142282* *9781138982093* 0458* Wyles, Rosie/Hall, Edith (eds.) Women Classical Scholars: Unsealing the Fountain from the Renaissance to Jacqueline de Romilly (Classical Presences) 2016:10. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872520-6.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9780198725206* イスラーム史 *9781409437307* 0455* 0459 Storm, A. Post-Industrial Landscape Scars (Palgrave Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 2016:2. 227 p., Originally published in 2014 (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-58155-6................Paper EUR 29.99 通常価 ¥5,715 / 特価 ¥4,572 + 税 カジャール朝イランにおける大英帝国 Lyman Stebbins, H. British Imperialism in Qajar Iran: Consuls, $JHQWVDQG,QÀXHQFHLQWKH0LGGOH(DVWS (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-502-5.................. Hard STP 62.00 通常価 ¥15,316 + 税 *9781784535025* *9781137581556* 人文地理学 人文地理学一般 ISBN 978-3-319-30998-9................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319309989* 0460* Dantas, Eustogio Wanderley Correia Coastal Geography in Northeast Brazil: Analyzing Maritimity in the Tropics (SpringerBriefs in Latin American Studies) 2016:5. 120 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) 56 0461* 地域開発研究概論 第 4 版 Potter, Robert/Binns, Tony/Elliott, Jennifer A. Geographies of Development: An Introduction to Development Studies, 4th ed. 2016:11. 576 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 人文地理学 》人文地理学一般 ISBN 978-1-138-79429-0................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138794290* ISBN 978-1-138-79430-6................. Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥9,384 / 特価 ¥7,507 + 税 *9781138794306* 文化・社会地理学 0466* Fang, Chuanglin/Yu, Danlin China’s New Urbanization: Developmental Paths, Blueprints and Patterns (Springer Geography) 2016:3. 331 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-49446-2............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783662494462* 0467* 0462* 都市の不気味:学術的研究集 Andersen, Casper/Kozymka, Irena UNESCO and World Heritage: National Contexts, International Dynamics (Heritage, Culture and Identity) 2016:6. 246 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6591-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Huskinson, Lucy (ed.) The Urban Uncanny: A collection of interdisciplinary studies 2016:5. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92950-0................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781472465917* *9781138929500* ISBN 978-1-138-92951-7................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138929517* 経済地理学 0463* 0468* Hudson, Ray Approaches to Economic Geography: Towards a geographical political economy (Regions and Cities) 2016:6. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80408-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Tiwari, Alok Urban Infrastructure Research: A Review of Ethiopian Cities (SpringerBriefs in Geography) 2016:3. 75 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30401-4................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9781138804081* *9783319304014* 0464* Sheppard, Eric Limits to Globalization: The Disruptive Geographies of Capitalist Development 2016:6. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-968116-7 .................. Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780199681167* 都市地理学 政治地理学 0469* Moisio, Sami Geopolitics of the Knowledge-based Society (Regions and Cities) 2016:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82199-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138821996* 0465* ヨーロッパにおける都市の貸し農園 Bell, Simon/Fox-Kämper, Runrid/Benson, Mary/ Caputo, Silvio/Keshavarz, Nazila/Noori, Susan/ Voigt, Annette (eds.) Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe 2016:3. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92109-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138921092* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 57 芸 術 》美術館学・博物館学 芸 術 美術館学・博物館学 0470* Donnellan, Caroline Towards Tate Modern, 1988-2000: Public Policy, Private Vision - Art, Building & City 2016:7. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8094-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472480941* 0471* Hohenstein, Jill/Moussouri, Theano Museum Learning: Theory and Research as Tools for Enhancing Practice 2016:11. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90112-4 .................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138901124* ISBN 978-1-138-90113-1 ................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138901131* 0472* Newell, Jennifer/Robin, Libby/Wehner, Kirsten (eds.) Curating the Future: Museums, Communities and Climate Change (Routledge Environmental Humanities) 2016:8. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65851-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138658516* ISBN 978-1-138-65852-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138658523* 美術史・美術理論 0473* Feldman, Zeena Art and the Politics of Visibility: Contesting the Global, Local and the In-Between 2016:10. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78076-906-6.................. Hard STP 59.00 通常価 ¥14,575 + 税 *9781780769066* 0475* Mieves, Christian/Brown, Irene (eds.) Wonder in Contemporary Artistic Practice (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies) 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85581-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138855816* 0476* Routledge 版 芸術と建築におけるバイオロジー必携 Terranova, Charissa N./Tromble, Meredith (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Biology in Art and Architecture 2016:8. 544 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91934-1................ Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9781138919341* 西洋美術 0477* アートと南北戦争 Davis, James A. Art and the American Civil War 2016:11. 253 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5451-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472454515* 0478* プラトンからヴィンケルマンまでの美術理論 Barasch, Moshe Theories of Art: 1. From Plato to Winckelmann 2016:2. 436 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13909-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139091* 58 0474 Dolphin, Erika Iona Art, Politics and Patronage in Renaissance Castile: Archbishop Cisneros and the Reform of Toledo Cathedral 2016:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-0785-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409407850* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 0479* 0484* Eaton, Natasha Art, Travel and Collecting in Colonial India, c.1797-1905: Vertiginous Exchange (British Art: Global Contexts) 2016:10. 188 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-0946-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 フランス、ベルギー、イギリス、アメリカにおける デザイン改革研究ガイド *9781409409465* 0480* Weisberg, Gabriel P./Menon, Elizabeth K. Art Nouveau: A Research Guide for Design Reform in France, Belgium, England, and the United States 2016:2. 408 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96384-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138963849* 神聖ローマ帝国におけるイタリアのフレスコ画 Fulco, Daniel Exuberant Apotheoses - Italian Frescoes in the Holy Roman Empire: Visual Culture and Princely Power in the Age of Enlightenment (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History / Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, Vol. 255/15) 2016:3. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30804-6...............Hard EUR 181.00 通常価 ¥34,494 / 特価 ¥27,595 + 税 *9789004308046* 0481* 東洋美術 0485* アジアにおける女性、ジェンダー、芸術 1500年 - 1900 年 Bose, Melia Belli (ed.) Women, Gender and Art in Asia, c. 1500-1900 2016:5. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6426-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472464262* アメリカのアーケーディア:カリフォルニアと古典的伝統 Holliday, Peter J. American Arcadia: Cailifornia and the Classical Tradition 2016:6. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-025651-7.................Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,696 / 特価 ¥6,157 + 税 *9780190256517* 0482* オーストラリア国立美術館による イギリスのアートワークの獲得 Potter, Matthew C. British Art for Australia, 1860-1953: The Acquisition of Artworks from the United Kingdom by Australian National Galleries (British Art: Histories and Interpretations since 1700) 2016:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2636-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472426369* 0483* ウィリアム・メリット・チェイス Smithgall, Elsa/Hirshler, Erica E./Bourguignon, Katherine M./Ginex, Giovanna/Davis, John William Merritt Chase: A Modern Master 2016:6. 248 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-20626-5.................Hard USD 60.00 通常価 ¥10,261 / 特価 ¥8,209 + 税 世界の美術 0486* ウラジーミル・ナボコフのサイエンスアート Blackwell, Stephen H./Johnson, Kurt Fine Lines9ODGLPLU1DERNRY¶V6FLHQWL¿F$UW 2016:3. 336 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-19455-5.................Hard USD 50.00 通常価 ¥8,551 / 特価 ¥6,841 + 税 *9780300194555* 現代美術 0487* 21 世紀における共同芸術 Bacharach, Sondra/Fjærestad, Siv B./Booth, Jeremy Neil (eds.) Collaborative Art in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies) 2016:5. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93574-7.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138935747* *9780300206265* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 59 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 Series: Western Sources of Japanese Art and JaponismȸΐλεΣΑθ͈ࠏໄȹΏςȜΒȁల 9 ུٝ ΐͿȜθΒȆυȜΡȆδ;Β ུࢥࠝ۾Ⴒಠैਬ଼ ࣐ۏफ͙ Ⱥם໘࣫ๅȻ 5 ےȼ༆ॗུࢊٜ୰ Collected Works of James Lord Bowes on Japanese Art ٜ୰ɜߩȁგकȪུ੫ঊఱڠȫȁ۬ਘɜ෯ᙎྶঊȪ࣭ၛୌဢ܁܁ಿȫ 2015 ා 11 ࣐ۏȁུఘΓΛΠ ثŝ148,000-Ȫȼ୕ȫȁISBN: 978-4-86166-192-1 2,030 ༁Ȫ 5 ےȟρȜๅ 110 തȫȁ߿ȇల 1-4 ےɁ B5 ȁ/ ల 5 ےɁ A4 ɟͼΆςΑȆΐλεΣΑθ͈̠֚͜૽͈ၛ৪δ;Β͈ಠै̈́̓ ȁ˕ࡃͬ Ķ ͅےਓȂρȜๅఉତࠇशɟ ɦਓમळࡃ͉ʋȁ ȸΐλεΣΑθ͈ࠏໄȹΏςȜΒۏܡȪ۬ਘȆٜ୰ȇ෯ᙎྶঊȫ లˍٝɜࢊםܢࡃਬ଼ȁ 6 ےȪ୨ͦȫ Western sources of Japanese Art and Japonisme: Early English Writings ల 2 ٝɜσͼȆΌϋΑಠȸུȹ 2 ےȪ୨ͦȫ ȁL'Art japonais, par Louis Gonse ల 3 ٝɜၖྔ࣭ฎ။ٛႉশমྩޫ༎ȸུঃȹȁ 1 ے Histoire de l'art du Japon, par la Commission imperiale du Japon a l'Exposition universelle de Paris, 1900 ུఘث¥38,000-(+税)ȁISBN: 4-901481-99-1 ల 4 ٝɜ;ͻςͺθȆͺϋΘȜΕϋ ȸْٰུࠝȹ ̤͍͢۾Ⴒࡃਬ଼ȁ 3 ے Ȫ୨ͦȫ William Anderson - The Pictorial Arts of Japan and Other Writings ల 5 ٝɜ ΐλεΣΑθ͈ܢບაزȂ̤͍͢τ·ΗȜ͈ಠैਬȁ 2 ے Oeuvres choisies de critiques d'art, marchands d'art et collectionneurs sur le Japonisme ུఘΓΛΠث¥49,800-(+税) ȁISBN: 978-4-86166-057-3 ల 6 ٝɜέͿςΛ·ΑȆτ΄ιȜུ۾Ⴒಠैਬ଼ȁˏے Le Japon dans les Oeuvres de Felix Regamey ٜ୰ȇུ߽ঊȪΆιဢ܁܁ಿࡺ࿚ȫ ུఘΓΛΠث¥88,000-(+税) ISBN: 978-4-86166-058-0 ల 7 ٝɜέρϋΑ૽τ·ΗȜུ͈คၛ࿒ȁ 6 ے Catalogues des Ventes des Collections d’Art japonais ུఘΓΛΠث¥148,000-(+税) ISBN: 978-4-86166-059-7 ల 8 ٝɜȸȸུ͈ࠝȹȆםȆඊࢊๅ໘࣫ਬ଼ȁ 6 ے Le Japon artistique / Artistic Japan / Japanischer Formenschatz, 1888-1891 ུఘΓΛΠ ث¥188,000-(+税)ȁISBN : 978-4-86166-143-3 (Edition Synapse) 60 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 0488* 0493* 21 世紀におけるアニミズムとシャーマニズム Landa, Robin Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas across Media, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-97105-5 ................Paper USD 69.95 通常価 ¥11,963 / 特価 ¥9,570 + 税 Firestone, Evan R. Animism and Shamanism in Twentieth-Century Art: Kandinsky, Ernst, Pollock, Beuys 2016:9. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7734-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472477347* 0489* イギリス北部の芸術 1979 年 - 2008 年 Gee, Gabriel N. Art in the North of England, 1979-2008 (British Art: Histories and Interpretations since 1700) 2016:7. 242 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-3122-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781118971055* 0494 Wilson, Cintra Fear and Clothing: Unbuckling American Style 2016:3. 336 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-08189-3.................Hard USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 *9780393081893* 音 楽 *9781472431226* 0495* 0490* Laffoley, Paul Walla, Douglas (ed.) The Essential Paul Laffoley: Works from the Boston Visionary Cell 2016:5. 320 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-31541-6....................................Hard 通常価 ¥8,320 + 税 *9780226315416* 0491* 中央ヨーロッパの民族音楽 Bohlman, Philip V. (ed.) Central European Folk Music: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources in German (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2016:2. 340 p., First Published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97001-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138970014* 0496* 1990 年代のアート Welchman, John C. Art After Appropriation: Essays on Art in the 1990s 2016:2. 312 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13923-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139237* デザイン 大衆音楽の音におけるデジタル化のインパクト Brøvig-Hanssen, Ragnhild/Danielsen, Anne Digital Signatures: The Impact of Digitization on Popular Music Sound 2016:2. 200 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-262-03414-2.................Hard USD 27.00 通常価 ¥4,617 / 特価 ¥3,694 + 税 *9780262034142* 0497* Routledge 版 サウンドアート必携 0492* 20 世紀のヴィンテージスタイル Dirix, Emmanuelle Dressing the Decades: Twentieth-Century Vintage Style 2016:3. 224 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-300-21552-6.................Hard USD 30.00 通常価 ¥5,130 / 特価 ¥4,104 + 税 *9780300215526* ★印はお薦めタイトル Cobussen, Marcel/Meelberg, Vincent/Truax, Barry (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art 2016:8. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78061-3................ Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9781138780613* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 61 芸 術 》音 楽 0498* 0503* 中世イギリス音楽史 20 世紀の室内楽 第2版 Colton, Lisa Angel Song: Medieval English Music in History 2016:10. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2568-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 McCalla, James Twentieth-Century Chamber Music, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 316 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17199-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781472425683* *9781138171992* 0499* ロシアのバイオリン学校:ユーリ・ヤンケレビチの遺産 0504* Eiiankelevich, Eiiu I The Russian School of Violin: The Legacy of Yuri Yankelevich 2016:8. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-991760-0.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 現代の礼拝音楽と日常生活 *9780199917600* ISBN 978-0-19-991762-4................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199917624* 0500* アメリカにおける教会と礼拝音楽研究・情報ガイド 第2版 Floyd, James Michael/Sharp, Avery T. Church and Worship Music in the United States: A Research and Information Guide, 2nd ed. (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2016:8. 376 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19580-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138195806* 0501* アルメニアの神聖な民族音楽 Komitas, Komitas Vardapet/Nersessian, Vrej N. Armenian Sacred and Folk Music (Caucasus World) 2016:2. 192 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96381-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138963818* 0502* Porter, Mark Contemporary Worship Music and Everyday Lives (Congregational Music Studies Series) 2016:7. 194 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7207-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472472076* 0505* アンドレ・ジョリヴェ:音楽、美術、文学 Rae, Caroline André Jolivet: Music, Art and Literature (Music and Literature) 2016:11. 275 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4295-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472442956* 0506* ショパン:アンソロジー Rink, John Chopin (The Early Romantic Composers) 2016:9. 554 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4048-8................ Hard STP 200.00 通常価 ¥49,407 / 特価 ¥39,525 + 税 *9781472440488* 0507* Selth, Andrew Burma, Kipling, and Western Music: The Riff from Mandalay (Routledge Research in Music) 2016:10. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12508-7.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138125087* ブルース・スプリングスティーン Marsh, Dave Bruce Springsteen: Two Hearts 2016:2. 754 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13881-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138138810* 62 0508* オースティンの先進的なカントリーミュージックシーン における対抗文化的サウンド Stimeling, Travis D. Cosmic Cowboys and New Hicks: The Countercultural Sounds of Austin’s Progressive Country Music Scene 2016:5. 194 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》音 楽 ISBN 978-0-19-061035-7................Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 ISBN 978-1-137-47930-3.................Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥16,196 / 特価 ¥12,957 + 税 0509* 0514* 大衆音楽における少女のヴォイシング アグネス・デ=ミル Warwick, Jacqueline/Adrian, Allison (eds.) Voicing Girlhood in Popular Music: Performance, Authority, Authenticity (Routledge Studies in Popular Music) 2016:6. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91649-4.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 Gardner, Kara Anne Agnes de Mille: Telling Stories in Broadway Dance (Broadway Legacies) 2016:9. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-973368-2.................Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780190610357* *9781138916494* *9781137479303* *9780199733682* 0515* 舞台芸術 0510* ★ 忠臣蔵と浮世 Bell, David Chushingura and the Floating World: The Representation of Kanadehon Chushingura in Ukiyo-E Prints 2016:2. 180 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97072-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138970724* 0511* ウィリアム・フォーサイス Driver, Senta (ed.) William Forsythe (Choreography and Dance Studies) 2016:3. 140 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17362-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173620* 0512* ★ Routledge 版ジャック・ルコック必携 Evans, Mark/Kemp, Rick (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Jacques Lecoq 2016:8. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81842-2 ..................................... Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥32,114 / 特価 ¥25,691 + 税 Luckett, Sharrell/Shaffer, Tia M. (eds.) Black Acting Methods: Critical Approaches 2016:9. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90763-8.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138907638* ISBN 978-1-138-90762-1................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138907621* 0516* Petersen, Elizabeth Marie Cruz Women’s Somatic Training in Early Modern Spanish Theater (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World) 2016:9. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7984-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472479846* 0517* 近代ポピュラーシアター Price, Jason Modern Popular Theatre (Theatre and Performance Practices) 2016:7. 232 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-0-230-36894-1.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780230368941* ISBN 978-0-230-36895-8................. Paper STP 18.99 通常価 ¥4,691 / 特価 ¥3,752 + 税 *9780230368958* *9781138818422* 0513* Ferreboeuf, R./Noble, F./Plunkett, T. (eds.) Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon (Avant-Gardes in Performance) 2016:2. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル 0518* 古代ギリシア悲劇入門 第2版 Rehm, Rush Understanding Greek Tragic Theatre, 2nd ed. (Understanding the Ancient World) 2016:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 63 芸 術 》舞台芸術 ISBN 978-1-138-81261-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138812611* ISBN 978-1-138-81262-8................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138812628* 0519* 0523* Mayne, Judith Cinema and Spectatorship (Sightlines) 2016:2. 198 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13644-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136441* 0524* Zazzali, Peter Acting in the Academy: The History of Professional Actor Training in US Higher Education 2016:4. 220 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91438-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138914384* 映 像 0520* Wiley-Blackwell 版 ロシア映画必携 Beumers, Birgit (ed.) A Companion to Russian Cinema (The WileyBlackwell Companions to National Cinemas Series) 2016:7. 656 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-41276-3 ...............Hard USD 195.00 通常価 ¥33,350 / 特価 ¥26,680 + 税 トマス・グティエレス・アレア Schroeder, Paul A. Tomas Gutierrez Alea: The Dialectics of a Filmmaker (Latin American Studies) 2016:2. 192 p., First Published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98573-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138985735* 0525* Teo, Stephen Eastern Westerns: Film and Genre Outside and Inside Hollywood 2016:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81942-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138819429* 写 真 *9781118412763* 0526* 0521* 現代中国におけるテレビドラマ Cai, Shenshen Television Drama in Contemporary China: Political, Social and Cultural Phenomena (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2016:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64578-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Belknap, Geoffrey From a Photograph: Authenticity, Science and the Periodical Press, 1870-1890 2016:10. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-6672-7.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781474266727* *9781138645783* 0522* エリック・ロメール自伝 de Baecque, Antoine/Herpe, Noël Éric Rohmer: A Biography 2016:6. 608 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-17558-6.................Hard USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,841 / 特価 ¥5,472 + 税 *9780231175586* 64 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文学史 文 学 文学史 18 世紀 The Legacy of the German University 2016:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7238-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472472380* 0527* 18 世紀における女性 Jones, Vivien (ed.) Women in the Eighteenth Century: Constructions of Femininity (World and Word) 2016:2. 272 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13621-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136212* 0528* 文芸批評・理論 0532* Arthur, Paul Longley/Kurvet-Kaosaar, Leena (eds.) Border Crossings: Essays in Identity and Belonging 2016:6. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67109-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138671096* ロマン主義の誕生 Thacker, Christopher The Wildness Pleases: The Origins of Romanticism (Routledge Revivals) 2016:2. 306 p., Originally published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64795-4.................. Hard STP 99.00 通常価 ¥24,456 / 特価 ¥19,565 + 税 *9781138647954* 19 世紀 0533* Burge, Amy Representing Difference in the Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance (The New Middle Ages) 2016:4. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-60131-5.................Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 *9781137601315* 0534* 0529* イーツとアメリカの詩 女性作家と詩のアイデンティティ Diggory, Terence Yeats and American Poetry: The Tradition of the Self (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 284 p., Originally published in 1983 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-64137-9....................................Hard 通常価 ¥12,790 + 税 Homans, Margaret Women Writers and Poetic Identity: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 272 p., Originally published in 1981 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-63801-0....................................Hard 通常価 ¥12,150 + 税 *9780691638010* 0530* May, Charles The Short Story7KH5HDOLW\RI$UWL¿FH*HQUHV in Context) 2016:2. 182 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17462-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138174627* 0531* van Woudenberg, Maximiliaan Coleridge and Cosmopolitan Intellectualism: ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780691641379* 0535* Jehlen, Myra Five Fictions in Search of Truth 2016:7. 192 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-17123-4...................................Paper 通常価 ¥2,870 + 税 *9780691171234* 0536* Lane, Richard J. The Big Humanities: Digital Humanities / Digital Laboratories 2016:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-74881-0.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9780415748810* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 65 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 0537* Lerer, Seth Tradition: A Feeling for the Literary Past (The Literary Agenda) 2016:9. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873628-8................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 *9780198736288* 0538* 20 世紀文学批評 Lodge, David 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader 2016:3. 704 p., Originally published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17221-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172210* 0539* オリエンタリズムと世界文学 Mufti, Aamir R. Forget English!: Orientalisms and World Literatures 2016:2. 304 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-73477-7.................Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780674734777* 0540* ISBN 978-1-138-82033-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138820333* 0543* Kelen, Christopher/Sundmark, Bjorn (eds.) Child Governance and Autonomy in Children’s Literature: Where Children Rule (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2016:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93164-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138931640* 0544* .PPHUOLQJ0HLEDXHU%HWWLQD0OOHU$QMDHGV Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children’s Literature (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2016:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93054-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138930544* 古典文学 0545* 『ホメーロス風讃歌』の受容 Pepper, Andrew Unwilling Executioner: Crime Fiction and the State 2016:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871618-1.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198716181* Faulkner, Andrew/Vergados, Athanassios/Schwab, Andreas (eds.) The Reception of the Homeric Hymns 2016:11. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872878-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9780198728788* 0541* Spitzer, Leo Essays on English and American Literature (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 310 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62263-7...................................Paper 通常価 ¥4,930 + 税 *9780691622637* 文学のジャンル 児童文学 0542* Dean-Ruzicka, Rachel Tolerance Discourse and Young Adult Holocaust Literature: Engaging Difference and Identity (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2016:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) 66 0546* Mitsis, Phillip/Ziogas, Ioannis (eds.) Wordplay and Powerplay in Latin Poetry (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes, Vol. 36) 2016:8. 626 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ISBN 978-3-11-047252-3 ............... Hard EUR 119.95 通常価 ¥22,859 / 特価 ¥18,287 + 税 *9783110472523* 0547* Pelling, Christopher/Wyke, Maria Twelve Voices from Greece and Rome: Ancient Ideas for Modern Times 2016:10. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876803-6................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 *9780198768036* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 Beowulf Unlocked: New Evidence from Lexomic Analysis 2016:5. 96 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30627-8.................Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 イギリス・アイルランド文学 参考図書 0548* ★ Briggs, Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language: Part A, Folk Narratives 2016:2. 1168 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13608-3 ......................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136083* 0549* *9783319306278* 0553* シェイクスピアと復讐悲劇、近世法 Dunne, Derek Shakespeare, Revenge Tragedy and Early Modern Law: Vindictive Justice (Early Modern Literature in History) 2016:2. 238 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-57286-8.................Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 *9781137572868* ★ Briggs, Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language: Part B, Folk Legends 2016:4. 1468 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14024-0 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138140240* 0554* ルネサンス期イギリスのエピグラム Hudson, Hoyt Hopewell Epigram in the English Renaissance (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 190 p., Originally published in 1947 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62759-5...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,830 + 税 *9780691627595* 0555* 中世・ルネサンス期 0550* エリザベス朝の復讐悲劇 1587 年 - 1642 年 Bowers, Fredson Thayer Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy, 1587-1642 (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 302 p., Originally published in 1966 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62400-6...................................Paper 通常価 ¥4,740 + 税 *9780691624006* 0551* MacLean, Catharine M. Alexander Scott, Montgomerie, and Drummond of Hawthornden as Lyric Poets 2016:2. 72 p., Originally published in 1915 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50955-5................Paper USD 19.99 通常価 ¥3,418 / 特価 ¥2,735 + 税 *9781316509555* 0556* トマス・ワイアットからジョン・ダンまでのイギリスの 叙情詩 Peterson, Douglas L. The English Lyric from Wyatt to Donne: A History of the Plain and Eloquent Styles (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 400 p., Originally published in 1967 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62353-5...................................Paper 通常価 ¥6,400 + 税 Daybell, James/Gordon, Andrew Women and Epistolary Agency in Early Modern Culture, 1450-1690 (Women and Gender in the Early Modern World) 2016:7. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7826-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 0557* 0552* ハードウィック館のべスの手紙:言語と具体性および 近世の書簡文化 *9781472478269* Drout, Michael D. C./Kisor, Yvette/Smith, Leah/ Dennett, Allison/Piirainen, Natasha ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780691623535* Wiggins, Alison Bess of Hardwick’s Letters: Language, Materiality, and Early Modern Epistolary Culture (Material Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 67 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 Readings in Early Modern Culture) 2016:8. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-6129-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409461296* 18 世紀 0563* Thomson, Heidi Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper: The ‘Morning Post’ and the Road to ‘Dejection’ 2016:9. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31977-3.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319319773* 0558* Beaton, Roderick (ed.) Byron: The Poetry of Politics and the Politics of Poetry (Publications of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College London) 2016:7. 298 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5963-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472459633* 0559* 19 世紀 0564* 変貌:耽美主義以前の19 世紀文学における宗教美術 Cheeke, Stephen 7UDQV¿JXUDWLRQ: The Religion of Art in NineteenthCentury Literature Before Aestheticism 2016:9. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875720-7.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198757207* イギリスにおける新古典主義思想の形態 Johnson, James William Formation of English Neo-Classical Thought (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 384 p., Originally published in 1967 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62355-9...................................Paper 通常価 ¥6,140 + 税 *9780691623559* 0560* Langbauer, Laurie The Juvenile Tradition: Young Writers and Prolepsis, 1750-1835 2016:3. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873920-3.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198739203* 0561* Lord Hervey, John Hobby, Elaine/McLaverty, James (eds.) The Collected Verse of John, Lord Hervey: 16961743 2016:9. 800 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-01017-8...............Hard USD 140.00 通常価 ¥23,944 / 特価 ¥19,155 + 税 *9781107010178* 0562* Roscoe, E. S. Aspects of Doctor Johnson 2016:2. 158 p., Originally published in 1928 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50961-6................Paper USD 26.99 通常価 ¥4,616 / 特価 ¥3,692 + 税 0565* Colby, Vineta Yesterday’s Woman: Domestic Realism in the English Novel (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 280 p., Originally published in 1974 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-64545-2....................................Hard 通常価 ¥12,480 + 税 *9780691645452* 0566* 19 世紀イギリス文学における教育 Cordner, Sheila Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation 2016:5. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6747-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472467478* 0567* ウィリアム・ブレイクと崇高な詩 De Luca, Vincent Arthur Words of Eternity: Blake and the Poetics of the Sublime (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 256 p., Originally published in 1991 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-63557-6....................................Hard 通常価 ¥11,200 + 税 *9780691635576* *9781316509616* 68 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 0568* チャールズ・ディケンズ Hartley, Jenny Charles Dickens 2016:10. 176 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878816-4.................. Hard STP 10.99 通常価 ¥2,714 / 特価 ¥2,171 + 税 *9780198788164* 0569* シャーロット・ブロンテの時間、空間、場所 Hoeveler, Diane Long/Morse, Deborah Denenholz Time, Space, and Place in Charlotte Brontë 2016:6. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5386-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472453860* 0570* アンドリュー・ラング選集 第1巻 Hubbard, Tom (ed.) The Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: Vol. 1 (The Pickering Masters) 2016:8. 1200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-76303-6................ Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥25,938 / 特価 ¥20,750 + 税 *9781138763036* 0571* アンドリュー・ラング選集 第2巻 Hubbard, Tom (ed.) The Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: Vol. 2 (The Pickering Masters) 2016:8. 1200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-76304-3................ Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥25,938 / 特価 ¥20,750 + 税 *9781138763043* 0572* アンドリュー・ラング選集 第3巻 Hubbard, Tom (ed.) The Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: Vol. 3 (The Pickering Masters) 2016:8. 1200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-76305-0................ Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥25,938 / 特価 ¥20,750 + 税 *9781138763050* 0573* クリスティーナ・ロセッティのゴブリンマーケット: その出版の歴史 Ives, Maura ★印はお薦めタイトル Christina Rossetti’s ‘Goblin Market’: A Publishing History (Ashgate Studies in Publishing History: Manuscript, Print, Digital) 2016:11. 220 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-7546-6584-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780754665847* 0574 Jarvis, Claire Exquisite Masochism: Marriage, Sex, and the Novel Form 2016:6. 224 p. (The Johns Hopkins U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-4214-1993-0.................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9781421419930* 0575* Mullin, Katherine Working Girls: Fiction, Sexuality, and Modernity 2016:5. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872484-1.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198724841* 0576* ウィリアム・ワーズワースとドロシー・ワーズワース Newlyn, Lucy William and Dorothy Wordsworth: ‘All in Each Other’ 2016:9. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872814-6................. Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 / 特価 ¥2,962 + 税 *9780198728146* 0577* アルジャーノン・チャールズ・スウィンバーン O'Gorman, Francis (ed.) Algernon Charles Swinburne (21st Century Oxford Authors) 2016:11. 648 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967224-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199672240* 0578* イギリスにおけるロマン主義作家の現代批評 全9巻 Reiman, Donald H. (ed.) The Romantics Reviewed: Contemporary Reviews of British Romantic Writers (Routledge Revivals: The Romantics Reviewed) 2016:5. 9 Vols., 4202 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68877-3................ Hard STP 908.00 通常価 ¥224,307 / 特価 ¥179,446 + 税 *9781138688773* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 69 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 0579* 0584* Wagner, Tamara S. Victorian Narratives of Failed Emigration: Settlers, Returnees, and Nineteenth-Century Literature in English 2016:6. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6706-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 アンジェラ・カーターとシュルレアリスム *9781472467065* Watz, Anna Angela Carter and Surrealism: ‘A Feminist Libertarian Aesthetic’ (Studies in Surrealism) 2016:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-1575-2.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781472415752* 0580* ヴィクトリア朝のおとぎ話 Zipes, Jack (ed.) Victorian Fairy Tales: The Revolt of the Fairies and Elves 2016:4. 412 p., First published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17347-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173477* 20 世紀・現代 シェイクスピアの作品と研究 0585* シェイクスピアに関するエッセイ Chapman, Gerald Wester Essays on Shakespeare (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 188 p., Originally published in 1965 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62430-3...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,830 + 税 *9780691624303* 0581* 0586 『文化果つるところ』 Conrad, Joseph Simmons, Allan H. (ed.) An Outcast of the Islands (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Joseph Conrad) 2016:3. 520 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12644-2...............Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥20,523 / 特価 ¥16,418 + 税 *9781107126442* 0582* 第一次世界大戦期のイギリス詩 Johnston, John H. English Poetry of the First World War (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 372 p., Originally published in 1964 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62503-4...................................Paper 通常価 ¥5,890 + 税 *9780691625034* 0583* Greenblatt, Stephen Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare 2016:4. 464 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ISBN 978-0-393-35260-3................Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,898 / 特価 ¥2,319 + 税 *9780393352603* 0587* シェイクスピアのソネットと近代詩 Krieger, Murray Window to Critism: Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Modern Poetics (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 238 p., Originally published in 1964 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-65151-4....................................Hard 通常価 ¥10,560 + 税 *9780691651514* ISBN 978-0-691-62499-0...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,830 + 税 *9780691624990* ジェイムズ・ジョイスとカトリシズム van Mierlo, Chrissie James Joyce and Catholicism: The Apostate’s Wake (Historicizing Modernism) 2016:11. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4725-8594-3.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9781472585943* 70 0588* シェイクスピアの劇における宗教的相違 Walsh, Brian Unsettled Toleration: Religious Difference on the Shakespearean Stage 2016:3. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875443-5.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198754435* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》アメリカ文学 アメリカ文学 0594* 19 世紀のアメリカ詩 第2巻 アメリカ文学・文学史一般 0589* Alexandre, Sandy Thinghood, Ethics, and Black Material Culture: Up From Chattels (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2016:8. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93475-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138934757* 0590* アメリカ文学のコンテクスト 全4巻 American Literature in Context (Routledge Revivals: American Literature in Context) 2016:6. 4 Vols., 915 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69132-2................ Hard STP 324.00 通常価 ¥80,039 / 特価 ¥64,031 + 税 *9781138691322* 0591* Chansky, Ricia A. (ed.) Auto/Biography across the Americas: Transnational Themes in Life Writing (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2016:8. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95997-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Hollander, John American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century, Vol. 2 2016:7., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96657-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966574* 0595* Little, William G. The Waste Fix: Seizures of the Sacred from Upton Sinclair to the Sopranos (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory) 2016:7. 190 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98693-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138986930* 0596 Robinson, Miriam Michelle Dreams for Dead Bodies: Blackness, Labor, and the Corpus of American Detective Fiction (Class: Culture) 2016:2. 264 p. (University of Michigan Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-472-11981-3 .................Hard USD 75.00 通常価 ¥12,827 + 税 *9780472119813* *9781138959972* 20 世紀・現代 0592* 0597* Priest, Myisha African American Children in American Political Life: The Literature and Politics of the Impossible (Children’s Literature and Culture) 2016:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19176-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 Chinitz, David E. Which Sin to Bear?: Authenticity and Compromise in Langston Hughes 2016:8. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062396-8................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9781138191761* 19 世紀 0593* エミリー・ディキンソンの詩 Dickinson, Emily Miller, Cristanne (ed.) Emily Dickinson’s Poems: As She Preserved Them 2016:4. 864 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-73796-9.................Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780190623968* 0598* Epstein, Andrew Attention Equals Life: The Pursuit of the Everyday in Contemporary Poetry and Culture 2016:7. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-997212-8.................Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9780199972128* *9780674737969* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 71 文 学 》アメリカ文学 0599* ドイツ文学 アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ:包括的書誌 Hanneman, Audre Ernest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 588 p., Originally published in 1967 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62285-9...................................Paper 通常価 ¥9,340 + 税 *9780691622859* 0600* Houser, Heather Ecosickness in Contemporary U.S. Fiction: Environment and Affect (Literature Now) 2016:6. 328 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-231-16515-0................Paper USD 30.00 通常価 ¥5,130 / 特価 ¥4,104 + 税 ドイツ文学・文学史研究 0604* Kermani, Navid Between Quran and Kafka:HVW(DVWHUQ$I¿QLties 2016:9. 300 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-1-5095-0033-8.................Hard USD 69.95 通常価 ¥11,963 / 特価 ¥9,570 + 税 *9781509500338* ISBN 978-1-5095-0034-5................Paper USD 26.95 通常価 ¥4,609 / 特価 ¥3,687 + 税 *9781509500345* フランス文学 *9780231165150* フランス文学・文学史研究 0601* ネオリベラル時代における21世紀の小説 Huehls, Mitchum After Critique: Twenty-First-Century Fiction in a Neoliberal Age (Oxford Studies in American Literary History) 2016:3. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-045622-1.................Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 0605* D'Auvergne, Edward B. Romance of a Great Writer (Pierre Loti Library) 2016:10. 256 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98552-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138985520* *9780190456221* 0606* 0602* エズラ・パウンド『キャセイ』 Yip, Wai-Lim Ezra Pound’s Cathay (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 272 p., Originally published in 1969 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62173-9...................................Paper 通常価 ¥4,350 + 税 *9780691621739* 0603* Zapf, Hubert/Hartmann, Johanna/Marks, Christine (eds.) Zones of Focused Ambiguity in Siri Hustvedt’s Works: Interdisciplinary Essays (Buchreihe der Anglia / Anglia Book Series, Vol. 52) 2016:5. 300 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ISBN 978-3-11-040770-9 .................Hard EUR 99.95 通常価 ¥19,047 / 特価 ¥15,238 + 税 *9783110407709* 72 フォード・マドックス・フォード 1873年 - 1939 年: 作品と批評目録 Harvey, David Dow Ford Madox Ford, 1873-1939: Bibliography of Works and Criticism (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 658 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62558-4...................................Paper 通常価 ¥10,500 + 税 *9780691625584* 0607* Pearson, Roger Unacknowledged Legislators: The Poet as Lawgiver in Post-Revolutionary France 2016:5. 656 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875447-3.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9780198754473* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》その他の地域の文学・文学史 その他の地域の文学・文学史 その他の地域の文学・文学史研究 0608* Barraclough, Eleanor Rosamund Beyond the Northlands: Viking Voyages and the Old Norse Sagas 2016:10. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870124-8.................. Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198701248* 0609* Barraclough, Ruth Factory Girl Literature (Seoul-California Series in Korean Studies) 2016:4. 196 p. 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Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 Pulitano, Elvira Transnational Narratives from the Caribbean: Diasporic Literature and the Human Experience (Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature) 2016:3. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99877-3.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781137513397* ISBN 978-1-137-51336-6................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9781137513366* 0611* イワン・ツルゲーネフの小説 Costlow, Jane Tussey Worlds Within Worlds: The Novels of Ivan Turgenev (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:5. 180 p., Originally published in 1990 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-63300-8....................................Hard 通常価 ¥9,590 + 税 *9780691633008* 0612* Dall'Aglio, Stefano/Richardson, Brian/Rospocher, Massimo Voices and Texts in Early Modern Italian Society 2016:10. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8531-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138998773* 0616* Roy, Tania Adorno and the Architects of Late Style in India: Rabindranath Tagore, Mulk Raj Anand, Vikram Seth, and Dayanita Singh 2016:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-1876-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472418760* 0617* Sun, Saiyin Beyond the Iron House: Lu Xun and the Modern Chinese Literary Field (China Perspectives) 2016:8. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67082-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138670822* *9781472485311* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 73 言語学 》言語学一般 言語学 音声学・音韻論 言語学一般 0618* 0622* 英語史 Andrews, Richard A Prosody of Free Verse: Explorations in Rhythm (Routledge Studies in Rhetoric and Stylistics) 2016:8. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80689-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Johnson, Keith A History of Early English: An Activity-Based Introduction to Early, Middle and Early Modern English language (Learning about Language) 2016:6. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-79546-4.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138795464* ISBN 978-1-138-79545-7................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138795457* 0619* Noor Azam, Haji-Othman/McLellan, James/Deterding, David (eds.) The Use and Status of Language in Brunei Darussalam: A Kingdom of Unexpected Linguistic Diversity 2016:9. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-981-10-0851-1.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 *9789811008511* 理論言語学 単語研究・語彙論・辞書学 0620* Fouser, Robert J./Pyun, Danielle Ooyoung 500 Common Korean Idioms 2016:6. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69827-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138698277* ISBN 978-1-315-51949-4................. 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Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138993792* 記述言語学 Why English?: Confronting the Hydra (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights, Vol. 13) 2016:6. 272 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78309-584-1.................. Hard STP 99.95 通常価 ¥24,691 / 特価 ¥19,752 + 税 *9781783095841* 0632* ★ Seoane, Elena/Suarez-Gomez, Cristina (eds.) World Englishes: New Theoretical and Methodological Considerations (Varieties of English Around the World, G57) 2016:6. 290 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ISBN 978-90-272-4917-3.................Hard EUR 95.00 通常価 ¥18,104 / 特価 ¥14,483 + 税 *9789027249173* 歴史言語学・比較言語学 0633* 0628* マレーシアにおける英語 Adams, J. N. (ed.) An Anthology of Informal Latin, 200 BC-AD 900: Fifty Texts with Translations and Linguistic Commentary 2016:11. 750 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-03977-3...............Hard USD 200.00 通常価 ¥34,206 / 特価 ¥27,364 + 税 Yamaguchi, Toshiko/Deterding, David (eds.) 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Archi: Complexities of Agreement in Cross-Theoretical Perspective (Oxford Studies of Endangered Languages) 2016:8. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874729-1.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9780198747291* 0631* Bunce, Pauline/Phillipson, Robert/Rapatahana, Vaughan/Tupas, Ruanni (eds.) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138805750* 心理言語学 0635* Altmann, Gerry Cognitive Models of Speech Processing: A Special Issue of Language and Cognitive Processes 2016:6., Originally published in 1998 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88311-6 ................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138883116* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 75 言語学 》応用言語学 言語習得 ISBN 978-1-138-16934-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169340* 0636* ワーキングメモリと第二言語学習 Wen, Zhisheng (Edward) Working Memory and Second Language Learning: Towards an Integrated Approach (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 100) 2016:6. 208 p. 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135727* 0639* Blumczynski, Piotr Ubiquitous Translation (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies) 2016:8. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18241-7.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138182417* 0640* Chesterman, Andrew/Wagner, Emma Can Theory Help Translators?: A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface (Translation Theories Explored) 2016:2. 156 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) 76 0642* 翻訳と言語 Fawcett, Peter Translation and Language (Translation Theories Explored) 2016:3. 162 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17348-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173484* 0643* Hermans, Theo Translation in Systems: Descriptive and SystemOriented Approaches Explained (Translation Theories Explored) 2016:2. 196 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13589-5.................. 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(Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-959677-5.................. Hard STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780199596775* Gilhooly, Kenneth/Logie, Robert H. Working Memory and Thinking (Current Issues in Thinking And Reasoning) 2016:6. 180 p., Originally published in 1998 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87715-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138877153* 認知心理学 0660* 0656* 数学的認知入門 Baer, John Creativity and Divergent Thinking: A Task-SpeFL¿F$SSURDFKS3V\FKRORJ\3U*%5 ISBN 978-1-138-96693-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Gilmore, Camilla/Göbel, Silke/Inglis, Matthew An Introduction to Mathematical Cognition 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92394-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 0657* ISBN 978-1-138-92395-9................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138966932* ワーキングメモリのキャパシティ Cowan, Nelson Working Memory Capacity: Classic Edition (Routledge Classic Editions) 2016:5. 218 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91336-3................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138913363* ISBN 978-1-138-91337-0................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138913370* *9781138923942* *9781138923959* 0661* ★ 応用認知心理学入門 第2版 Groome, David/Eysenck, Michael An Introduction to Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 410 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84012-6 ..................................... Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138840126* ISBN 978-1-138-84013-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138840133* 78 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 認知科学 ᒣṇ᫂ ⦅ Ꮫ⾡ㄽᩥ㞟ᡂ ㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ㻌 䠑ᕳ Cognitive Linguistics SAGE Benchmarks in Language and Linguistics 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖1009981482䛇 Edited by Masa-aki Yamanashi (Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University, JPN) 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 5 Vols., 2,048 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4462-9873-2 ண⣙౯ (2016/08/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 775.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥191,452 / ≉౯ ¥153,161ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 875.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥216,155 / ≉౯ ¥172,924ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781446298732* ࠕㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࠖࡣ 1970 ᖺ௦ࡑࡢⴌⱆⓗ࡞◊✲ࡀ㛤ጞࡉࢀࠊ1980 ᖺ௦௨㝆ࠊࣟ ࢼࣝࢻ࣭ࣛࢿ࣮࢝ࠊࢪ࣮ࣙࢪ࣭ࣞࢥࣇࠊࢳ࣮ࣕࣝࢬ࣭ࣇࣝࣔࠊ➼ࢆ୰ᚰᛴ ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ࡁࡓ᪂ࡋ࠸ゝㄒᏛࡢࣃࣛࢲ࣒࡛ࡍࠋ⮬ᚊⓗ࡞グྕ⣔ࢆ๓ᥦࡍࡿࡇ ࢀࡲ࡛ࡢᙧᘧⓗ࡞ゝㄒ◊✲ࡣ␗࡞ࡾࠊࠕㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࠖࡣࠊゝⴥࢆ㌟యࡉࢀࡓே 㛫ࡢ୍⯡ⓗ࡞ㄆ▱⬟ຊ㐠⏝⬟ຊࡢࢲࢼ࣑ࢵࢡ࡞Ⓨ⌧⣔ࡋ࡚ᤊ࠼࡚࠸ࡃ᪂ࡋ࠸ ゝㄒᏛࡢࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡋ࡚ὀ┠ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ◊✲ࡣࠊゝⴥࡢ࣓࢝ࢽ ࢬ࣒ࡢ⫼ᚋᏑᅾࡍࡿᚰ⬻ࡢᶵ⬟ࡢゎ᫂ࢆヨࡳࡿㄆ▱⛉Ꮫࠊゝⴥࡢ㐀ᛶࡢ࣓࢝ ࢽࢬ࣒ࡢゎ᫂㛵ࢃࡿேᩥ⛉Ꮫࡢศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ࡶ㔜せ࡞ᙺࢆᢸࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊ᪥ᮏࡢㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ᣦᑟⓗᙺࢆᯝࡓࡋ࡚ࡇࡽࢀࡓᒣ ṇ᫂ᩍᤵ㸦᪥ᮏㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛ๓㛗ࠊி㒔Ꮫྡᩍᤵ㸧ࡢ⦅⧩ࡼࡿࠊㄆ▱ゝ ㄒᏛ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࡢ᭱ඛ➃ࡢᇶᮏᩥ⊩ࢆ㘓ࡋࡓ㈗㔜࡞ㄽᩥ㞟࡛ࡍࠋࡑࡢෆᐜࡣ㡿ᇦ ᶓ᩿ⓗከᒱࢃࡓࡾࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ⌮ㄽ᪉ἲㄽࠊ㡢㡩࣭ᙧែㄽࠊᩥἲㄽࠊព ㄽࠊㄒ⏝ㄽࠊࢥ࣮ࣃࢫゝㄒᏛࠊゝㄒ⩦ᚓࠊゝㄒᩍ⫱ࢆࡣࡌࡵࠊ⛉ᏛဴᏛࡸ⬻⛉Ꮫࠊ ᚰ⌮ᏛࠊリᏛࠊಟ㎡ᏛࠊᩥᏛ◊✲࡞ࡢ㛵㐃㡿ᇦ⮳ࡿࡲ࡛ࠊ⢭㑅ࡉࢀࡓ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ 㔜せᩥ⊩ࢆ 5 ᕳ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡓࠊᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊ⦅⪅ࡼࡿㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ◊✲ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢ㐍ᒎࠊㄆ▱⛉Ꮫ ࠾ࡼࡧேᩥ⛉Ꮫࡢ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࡢ㈉⊩ࠊᚋࡢ◊✲ࡢᒎᮃ㛵ࡍࡿヲࡋ࠸ゎㄝࡀ࡞ࡉ ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽ㘓ࡋ࡚ࠊㄆ▱ゝㄒᏛࡢ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࢆࡣࡌࡵࡍࡿࠊྂⓗ࡞ ㄽᩥࠊⴭ᭩ࠊㄽᩥ㞟ࠊ➼ࡢ⥙⨶ⓗ࡞ᩥ⊩ࣜࢫࢺࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᑗ᮶ⓗࡶ㛗 ࡃཧ↷ࡍࡁᩥ⊩ࡋ࡚ࠊᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࢆ࠾⸀ࡵ࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Sage Publications Ltd., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 79 認知科学 ᥎⸀䛾ゝⴥ㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䝻䝘䝹䝗䞉䝷䝛䜹䞊ᩍᤵ 䇾A notable feature of this 5-volume work is the scope of its coverage. The articles selected represent a wide range of authors and cover many areas of cognitive linguistic research spanning the several decades of its history. This collection performs the useful service of bringing together an array of classic papers that for many scholars may no longer be known or easily accessible. It is valuable for providing a good sense of the breadth of cognitive linguistics, the diversity of its approaches, and its development over the years.” Ronald W. Langacker, University of California, San Diego Contents Vol. 1 Theory and Method 1. Newman, J.㸸The Quiet Revolution - Ron Langacker’s Fall Quarter 1977 Lectures. 2. Evans, V., B. K. Bergen and J. Zinken㸸The Cognitive Linguistics Enterprise - An Overview. 3. Lakoff, G. : Cognitive versus Generative Linguistics - How Commitments Influence Results. 4. Fauconnier, G.㸸Cognitive Linguistics. 5. Langacker, R. W. : An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar. 6. Gibbs, R. W. : Why Cognitive Linguists Should Care More About Empirical Methods. 7. Johnson, M. and G. Lakoff : Why Cognitive Linguistics Requires Embodied Realism. 8. Rohrer, T. : Embodiment and Experientialism. 9. Fillmore, C. : Some Thoughts on the Boundaries and Components of Linguistics. 10. Talmy, L. : The Relation of Grammar to Cognition. Vol. 2 Cognitive Phonology and Morphology 11. Lakoff, G. : Cognitive Phonology. 12. Välimaa-Blum, R. : Phonotactic Constraints in Cognitive Phonology. 13. Kristiansen, G. : Towards a Usage-Based Cognitive Phonology. 14. Bybee, J. L. : Word Frequency and Context of Use in the Lexical Diffusion of Phonetically Conditioned Sound Change. 15. Sosa, A.V. and J. L. Bybee : A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Phonology. 16. Hopper, P. J. : Phonogenesis. 17. Wheeler, D., and D. S. Touretzky : A Connectionist Implementation of Cognitive Phonology. 18. Bertinetto, P. M. : Phonological Representation of Morphological Complexity - Alternative Models (Neuro- and Psycholinguistic Evidence). 19. Besedina, N. : Evaluation through Morphology - A Cognitive Perspective. 20. Rhodes, R. A. : What is a Morpheme? - A View from Construction Grammar. 21. Janda, L. A. : Metonymy in Word-Formation. Vol. 3 Cognitive Grammar and Syntax 22. Fillmore, C. J. : The Mechanisms of Construction Grammar. 23. Langacker, R. W. : Constructions in Cognitive Grammar. 24. Goldberg, A. E. : Constructionist Approaches to Language. 80 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 認知科学 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Croft, W. : Logical and Typological Arguments for Radical Construction Grammar. Lakoff, G. : Linguistic Gestalts. Lakoff, G. : Syntactic Amalgams. Hopper, P. J. : Emergent Grammar. Langacker, R. W. : Metonymic Grammar. Gries, S. Th. : Towards a Corpus-based Identification of Prototypical Instances of Constructions. 31. Stefanowitsch, A. and S. Th. Gries. : Collostructions: Investigating the Interaction between Words and Constructions. Vol. 4 Cognitive Semantics 32. Fillmore, C. J. : An Alternative to Checklist Theories of Meaning. 33. Langacker, R. W. : Context, Cognition, and Semantics: A Unified Dynamic Approach. 34. Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson : Conceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language. 35. Goossens, L. : Metaphtonymy - The Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Expressions for Linguistic Action. 36. Talmy, Leonard. : Force Dynamics in Language and Thought. 37. Fauconnier, G. and M. Turner : Conceptual Integration Networks. 38. Coulson, S. and T. Oakley : Blending and Coded Meaning - Literal and Figurative Meaning in Cognitive Semantics. 39. Clausner, T. C. and W. Croft, W. : Domains and Image Schemas. 40. Dodge, E. and G. Lakoff : Image schemas - From linguistic Analysis to Neural Grounding. 41. Gallese, V. and G. Lakoff : The Brain’s Concepts - The Role of the Sensory-Motor System in Conceptual Knowledge. Vol. 5 Cognitive Linguistics and Related Fields 42. Tomasello, M. : First Steps toward a Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. 43. Dabrowska, E.㸸The LAD Goes to School - A Cautionary Tale for Nativists. 44. De Rycker, A. and S. De Knop : Integrating Cognitive Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching - Historical Background and New Developments. 45. Croft, W.㸸Linguistic Selection - An Utterance-Based Evolutionary Theory of Language. 46. Freeman, M. H. : Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Literary Studies - State of the Art in Cognitive Poetics. 47. Lakoff, G. : The Neuroscience of Form in Art. 48. Sweetser, E. : What Does It Mean to Compare Language and Gesture? - Modalities and Constrasts. 49. Nñez, R. E. : Conceptual Metaphor and the Cognitive Foundations of Mathematics. 50. Deane, P.㸸Neurological Evidence for a Cognitive Theory of Syntax - Agrammatic Aphasia and the Spatialization of Form Hypothesis. 51. Feldman, J. and S. Narayanan : Embodied Meaning in a Neural Theory of Language. 52. Kravchenko, A. : Cognitive Linguistics, Biology of Cognition and Biosemiotics - Bridging the Gaps. 53. Zlatev, J. : Cognitive Semiotics - An Emerging Field for the Transdisciplinary Study of Meaning. ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 81 認知科学 》認知心理学 0662* Humphreys, Glyn W. Attention, Perception and Action: Selected Works of Glyn Humphreys (World Library of Psychologists) 2016:5. 366 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88953-8................ Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥29,644 / 特価 ¥23,715 + 税 *9781138889538* 0663* 3RKO5GLJHU)HG Cognitive Illusions: A Handbook on Fallacies and Biases in Thinking, Judgement and Memory, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 496 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90341-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-90342-5................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9781138903425* 0664* 眼球運動への認知的、文化的影響 Rayner, Keith/Shen, Deli/Bai, Xuejun/Yan, Guoli (eds.) &RJQLWLYHDQG&XOWXUDO,QÀXHQFHVRQ(\H0RYHments 2016:4. 443 p., Originally published in 2009 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96944-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138969445* *9781138903418* 心理学 参考図書 ISBN 978-1-138-65748-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138657489* 0665* 心理学必携百科事典 全2巻 Colman, Andrew M. (ed.) Companion Encyclopedia of Psychology (Routledge Companion Encyclopedias) 2016:6. 2 Vols., 1408 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-86770-2................. Paper STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780415867702* 0668* Hardy, Jean A Psychology with a Soul: Psychosynthesis in Evolutionary Context (Psychology Revivals) 2016:5. 246 p., Originally published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67215-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138672154* 0666* Ware, Mark E./Johnson, David E. (eds.) Handbook of Demonstrations and Activities in the Teaching of Psychology: Vol. 2, PhysiologicalComparative, Perception, Learning, Cognitive, and Developmental, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 346 p., Originally published in 2000 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14207-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0669* Harlow, Lisa L./Mulaik, Stanley A./Steiger, James H. (eds.) :KDW,I7KHUH:HUH1R6LJQL¿FDQFH7HVWV" (Psychology Press & Routledge Classic Editions) 2016:3. 396 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-89246-0................ Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥28,409 / 特価 ¥22,727 + 税 *9781138892460* *9781138142077* 心理学一般 ISBN 978-1-138-89247-7................. Paper STP 40.99 通常価 ¥10,125 / 特価 ¥8,100 + 税 *9781138892477* 0667* Evers-Fahey, Karen Towards a Jungian Theory of the Ego (Research in Analytical Psychology and Jungian Studies) 2016:8. 210 p. (Routledge, GBR) 82 0670* 分析心理学の理論と実践 第2版 Jung, Carl Gustav Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 166 p. (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》心理学一般 ISBN 978-1-138-13598-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135987* 0671* ★ 分析と行動主義:ユング心理学の社会的、政治的貢献 Kiehl, Emilija/Saban, Mark/Samuels, Andrew (eds.) Analysis and Activism: Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology 2016:5. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94809-9................ Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥29,644 / 特価 ¥23,715 + 税 *9781138948099* ISBN 978-1-138-94810-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138948105* 0672* Reavey, Paula (ed.) Visual Methods in Psychology: Using and Interpreting Images in Qualitative Research 2016:4. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67525-4................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138675254* 0673* Sedgwick, David The Wounded Healer: Countertransference from a Jungian Perspective, 2nd ed. (Routledge Mental Health Classic Editions) 2016:7. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93306-4................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138933064* 0675* Valentine, Elizabeth R. Conceptual Issues in Psychology, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 256 p., Originally published in 1991 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14336-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143364* 心理学研究法 0676* Roos, Vera (ed.) Understanding Relational and Group Experiences through the Mmogo-Method®. 2016:6. 286 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31222-4.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319312224* 0677* Uttal, William R. Time, Space, and Number in Physics and Psychology (Psychology Revivals) 2016:4. 188 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83972-4................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138839724* 0678* Wilson, Janie H./Joye, Shauna W. Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Approach 2016:11. 704 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-9214-1................. Paper STP 59.00 通常価 ¥14,575 / 特価 ¥11,660 + 税 *9781483392141* ISBN 978-1-138-93308-8................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138933088* 基礎心理学 0674* 0679* Skott-Myhre, Kathleen Feminist Spirituality under Capitalism: Witches, Fairies and Nomads (Concepts for Critical Psychology) 2016:10. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91773-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Michell, Joel An Introduction to the Logic of Psychological Measurement 2016:2. 200 p., Originally published in 1990 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99041-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138917736* *9781138990418* ISBN 978-1-138-91774-3................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138917743* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 83 心理学 》基礎心理学 実験心理学 0680* 行動分析の理論と実践 Blackman, Derek E./Lejeune, Helga (eds.) Behaviour Analysis in Theory and Practice: Contributions and Controversies 2016:6. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87694-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138876941* 0685* Dowker, Ann Attitudes and Emotions Towards Mathematics: Perspectives from Developmental Psychology (Essays in Developmental Psychology) 2016:10. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84401-8................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138844018* ISBN 978-1-138-84402-5................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138844025* 0681* Katz, David Krueger, Lester E. (ed.) The World of Touch 2016:2. 272 p., Originally published in 1989 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99819-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138998193* 0686* Faulkner, Dorothy/Littleton, Karen/Woodhead, Martin (eds.) Making Sense of Social Development 2016:4. 288 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17215-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172159* 0682* Schmalhofer, Franz Constructive Knowledge Acquisition: A Computational Model and Experimental Evaluation 2016:3. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87664-4................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138876644* 0687* Jahoda, Gustav/Lewis, Ioan (eds.) Acquiring Culture: Cross Cultural Studies in Child Development 2016:6. 356 p., Originally published in 1988 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84945-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138849457* 発達心理学 0688* 0683* 思春期の嵐とストレス:ミード・フリーマン論争の評価 Cote, James E. Adolescent Storm and Stress: An Evaluation of the Mead-Freeman Controversy 2016:6., Originally published in 1994 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87331-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138873315* 0684* Crago, Hugh The Stages of Life: Personalities and Patterns in Human Emotional Development 2016:8. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92386-7................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 O'Kane, Judith Coupe/Goldbart, Juliet Communication before Speech: Development and Assessment 2016:4. 154 p., Originally published in 1998 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17375-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173750* 0689* Palermo, Davis S. (ed.) Coping with Uncertainty: Behavioral and Developmental Perspectives (Penn State Series on Child and Adolescent Development) 2016:2. 224 p., Originally published in 1989 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96674-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966741* *9781138923867* ISBN 978-1-138-92389-8................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9781138923898* 84 0690* Piaget, Jean/Henriques, Gil/Ascher, Edgar Brown, Terrance (ed.) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》基礎心理学 Morphisms and Categories: Comparing and Transforming 2016:2. 252 p., Originally published in 1992 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97645-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138976450* 0691* Pitchford, Nicola/Ellis, Andrew W. (eds.) Acquired Language Disorders in Adulthood and Childhood: Selected Works of Elaine Funnell (World Library of Psychologists) 2016:11. 230 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19318-5................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138193185* 0692* Raeff, Catherine Always Separate, Always Connected: Independence and Interdependence in Cultural Contexts of Development 2016:6. 312 p., Originally published in 2005 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-01274-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138012745* 0693* Raeff, Catherine Exploring the Dynamics of Human Development: An Integrative Approach 2016:8. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-932841-3.................Hard USD 59.95 通常価 ¥10,253 / 特価 ¥8,202 + 税 *9780199328413* 0694* Tryphon, Anastasia/Voneche, Jacques (eds.) Working with Piaget: Essays in Honour of Barbel Inhelder 2016:3. 240 p., Originally published in 2000 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87719-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138877191* 0695* 高齢者との関係支援:理論から実践まで Williams, Adelle M. Helping Relationships with Older Adults: From Theory to Practice (Counseling and Professional Identity) 2016:9. 384 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-4458-4................. Paper STP 47.99 通常価 ¥11,855 / 特価 ¥9,484 + 税 *9781483344584* ★印はお薦めタイトル 社会心理学 0697* Graham, Sandra/Folkes, Valerie S. (eds.) Attribution Theory: Applications to Achievement, 0HQWDO+HDOWKDQG,QWHUSHUVRQDO&RQÀLFW 244 p., Originally published in 1990 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98766-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138987661* 0698* Haddock, Geoffrey/Maio, Gregory R. (eds.) Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes 2016:3. 488 p., Originally published in 2004 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87748-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138877481* 0699* Hewstone, Miles/Schut, Henk A. W./de Wit, John B. F./van den Bos, Kees/Stroebe, Margaret S. (eds.) The Scope of Social Psychology: Theory and Applications (A Festschrift for Wolfgang Stroebe) 2016:3. 352 p., Originally published in 2007 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87758-0................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138877580* 0700* Howarth, Caroline/Andreouli, Eleni (eds.) The Social Psychology of Everyday Politics 2016:8. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81444-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138814448* ISBN 978-1-138-81445-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138814455* 0701* McKeown Jones, Shelley/Haji, Reeshma/Ferguson, Neil (eds.) 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ3HDFHDQG&RQÀLFW7KURXJK Social Identity Theory: Contemporary Global Perspectives (Peace Psychology Book Series) 2016:6. 395 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29867-2...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319298672* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 85 心理学 》基礎心理学 0702* 0707* van Prooijen, Jan-Willem/van Lange, Paul A. M. (eds.) Cheating, Corruption, and Concealment: The Roots of Dishonesty 2016:5. 322 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10539-3............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 Riddoch, Jane M./Humphreys, Glyn W. BORB: Birmingham Object Recognition Battery 2016:6., Originally published in 1993 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87702-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 0703* 0708* Wood, Jane L./Gannon, Theresa A. (eds.) Crime and Crime Reduction: The Importance of Group Processes 2016:4. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68528-4................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 Wilson, Barbara A./Herbert, Camilla M. Behavioural Approaches in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Optimising Rehabilitation Procedures 2016:3. 160 p., Originally published in 2003 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88313-0................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781107105393* *9781138685284* *9781138877023* *9781138883130* 0704* Wood, Joanne V./Tesser, Abraham/Holmes, John G. (eds.) The Self and Social Relationships 2016:3. 336 p., Originally published in 2008 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-00629-4................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138006294* 比較心理学 0705* ★ 比較心理学ハンドブック Greenberg, Gary/Haraway, Maury M. (eds.) Comparative Psychology: A Handbook 2016:2. 930 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97133-2................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138971332* 神経心理学 0706* 脳と行動 Kolb, Bryan/Whishaw, Ian Brain and Behaviour: Revisiting the Classic Studies (Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies) 2016:11. 290 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4462-9651-6.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 応用心理学 0709* Sargeant, Adrian/Shang, Jen The Psychology of Philanthropy: The Science behind Giving 2016:10. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-73064-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780415730648* ISBN 978-0-415-73065-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780415730655* 0710* Stumpf, Carl Tone Psychology: The Sensation of Successive Single Tones, Vol. 1 (Classic European Studies in the Science of Music) 2016:7. 315 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-3523-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472435231* See also... Shipp, Abbie J., Time and Work, Volume 1, Psychology Pr. ......................................... p113 , 0930 *9781446296516* ISBN 978-1-4462-9652-3................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9781446296523* 86 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 臨床心理・精神療法 0711* Allen, Kimberly Theory, Research, and Practical Guidelines for Family Life Coaching 2016:5. 251 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29329-5...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319293295* 0712* Beder, Joan (ed.) Caring for the Military: A Guide for Helping Professionals 2016:8. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-11951-2 .................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138119512* ISBN 978-1-138-11952-9 ................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138119529* 0713* Bertolino, Bob/Kiener, Michael/Patterson, Ryan The Therapist’s Notebook on Strengths and Solution-Based Therapies: Homework, Handouts, and Activities 2016:3. 306 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14266-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142664* 0716* Dreifuss-Kattan, Esther Art and Mourning: The Role of Creativity in Healing Trauma and Loss 2016:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88693-3................ Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥29,644 / 特価 ¥23,715 + 税 *9781138886933* ISBN 978-1-138-88694-0................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138886940* 0717* Fehr, Scott Simon (ed.) 101 Interventions in Group Therapy, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 370 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-10037-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138100374* ISBN 978-1-138-10038-1................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9781138100381* 0718* Gale, John/Realpe, Alba/Pedriali, Enrico (eds.) Therapeutic Communities for Psychosis: Philosophy, History and Clinical Practice (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis Book Series) 2016:2. 296 p., Originally published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-44053-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9780415440530* 0714* Boss, Pauline/Bryant, Chalandra M./Mancini, Jay A. Family Stress Management: A Contextual Approach, 3rd ed. 2016:10. 248 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-4522-7000-5................. Paper STP 57.00 通常価 ¥14,080 / 特価 ¥11,264 + 税 *9781452270005* 0715* Burns, Robert C./Kaufman, S. Harvard Action, Styles, and Symbols in Kinetic Family Drawings (K-F-D) 2016:4. 320 p., Originally published in 1972 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17208-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172081* 0719 ポジティブ心理学探究 Gregory, Erik M./Rutledge, Pamela B. Exploring Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-Being 2016:10. 322 p. (Greenwood, USA) ISBN 978-1-61069-939-6.................Hard USD 89.00 通常価 ¥15,221 + 税 *9781610699396* 0720* 睡眠障害の治療と処理 Hirshkowitz, Max/Williams, Robert L./Moore, Constance A. Treating and Managing Sleep Disorders: A Primer 2016:4. 320 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-0-471-36175-6.................Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,696 / 特価 ¥6,157 + 税 *9780471361756* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 87 心理学 》応用心理学 0721* 0723* Holmes, Jeremy Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis: The Selected Works of Jeremy Holmes (World Library of Mental Health) 2016:2. 252 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78286-0................. Paper STP 34.00 通常価 ¥8,399 / 特価 ¥6,719 + 税 精神療法における作文の活用 *9781138782860* *9781138873124* 0724* 0722* Jongsma, Arthur E. Jr. Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 5th ed. (Practice Planners) 2016:4. 384 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-27807-8 ................Paper USD 59.95 通常価 ¥10,253 / 特価 ¥8,202 + 税 *9781119278078* Kelley, Patricia The Uses of Writing in Psychotherapy 2016:6., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87312-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Kelly, Francis D. The Assessment of Object Relations Phenomena in Adolescents: Tat and Rorschach Measures 2016:2. 224 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98879-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138988798* Gale∧㻌 ᚰ⌮Ꮫⓒ⛉㻌 ➨䠏∧㻌 䠎ᕳ Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology 3rd ed. 2016 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 2 Vols., 1,000 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4144-1204-7....... USD 350.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥59,860 / ≉౯ ¥47,888ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *978141441204* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊᚰ⌮ᏛࡢⓎᒎ㈉⊩ࡋࡓᏛ⪅ࠊ⌮ㄽࠊ⏝ㄒࡽࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫྐ ୖࡢ⏬ᮇࢆ࡞ࡋࡓ◊✲ᐇ㦂ࠊṔྐ㈨ᩱࠊࡉࡽࠊᗈ࿌ࠊ་⒪ࠊ ࢫ࣏࣮ࢶࠊ࢟ࣕࣜᙧᡂࡢᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢᛂ⏝ࡲ࡛ࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ ᡂᯝࢆ⌮ㄽࡽᛂ⏝ࡲ࡛ᖜᗈࡃ⥙⨶ࡍࡿᚰ⌮ᏛࡢỴᐃ∧࡛ࡍࠋ 㘓㡯┠⣙ ⠍ࡢ࠺ࡕࠊ ⠍ࡣᪧ∧࡞ࡃᅇ᪂ࡓຍ࠼ࡽࢀࠊṧ ࡾࡢ ⠍ࡶᪧ∧ห⾜௨᮶ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡢ㐍ᒎࢆྲྀࡾ㎸ࡳࠊ᭩ࡁ࠼ࢆ ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᗈ࿌ᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊࢫ࣏࣮ࢶᚰ⌮Ꮫࠊࣝࢶࣁ࣐࣮ࠊ⮬㛢ࠊ⬻῝㒊่ ⃭⒪ἲࠊ▂ࠊ367'ࠊ࣋ࣥࢪ࣑࣭ࣕࣥࢫ࣏ࢵࢡࠊࣇࣟࢺࠊࢫࢱࣥࣇ࢛࣮ࢻ┘⊹ᐇ㦂ࠊ ࢸࢫࢺᏳࠊ↓ព㆑ࡢືᶵࠊ⫋ሙࡢᭀຊ࡞ࠊึᚰ⪅ࡽ◊✲⪅ࡲ࡛ᖜᗈ࠸⏝⪅ࢆᑐ ㇟ࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢ㔜せ࡞ࢺࣆࢵࢡࡀᖹ᫆グ㏙ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ┿ࠊࢢࣛࣇࠊᅗ⾲ࡀከ⏝ ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠊࡉࡽ῝ࡃᏛࡪேࡢࡓࡵࡢཧ⪃ᩥ⊩ࣜࢫࢺࠊ㔜せࢱ࣮࣒ࢆゎㄝࡍࡿᅖ ࡳグࠊ⏝ㄒ㞟ࠊᶵ㛵࡞ࢆ⤂ࡍࡿ㘓ࡶࠊᪧ∧௨ୖᐇࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Gale, USA) 88 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 0725* 芸術療法とトラウマ、神経科学:理論的、実践的視点 King, Juliet L. (ed.) Art Therapy, Trauma, and Neuroscience: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 2016:3. 234 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83935-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138839359* ISBN 978-1-138-83938-0................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138839380* 0726* Kolberg, Judith/Nadeau, Kathleen ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life: Strategies that Work from a Professional Organizer and a Renowned ADD Clinician, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19073-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138190733* ISBN 978-1-138-19074-0................. Paper STP 15.99 通常価 ¥3,950 / 特価 ¥3,160 + 税 *9781138190740* 0727* Routledge 版 心理社会的レジリエンス国際ハンドブック Kumar, Updesh (ed.) The Routledge International Handbook of Psychosocial Resilience (Routledge International Handbooks) 2016:8. 520 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95487-8................ Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9781138954878* ISBN 978-0-19-935694-2...............Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥25,654 / 特価 ¥20,523 + 税 *9780199356942* 0730 Lewis, Jacquie/Krippner, Stanley C. (eds.) Working with Dreams and PTSD Nightmares: 14 Approaches for Psychotherapists and Counselors 2016:7. 285 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4408-4127-9.................Hard USD 48.00 通常価 ¥8,209 + 税 *9781440841279* 0731* Loue, Sana Therapeutic Farms: Recovery from Mental Illness (SpringerBriefs in Social Work) 2016:3. 124 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-13538-0................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319135380* 0732* Metz, Kim Careers in Mental Health: Opportunities in Psychology, Counseling, and Social Work 2016:3. 200 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-118-76792-4 ................Paper USD 38.95 通常価 ¥6,661 / 特価 ¥5,329 + 税 *9781118767924* 0733* Meyerowitz-Katz, Julia/Reddick, Dean (eds.) Art Therapy in the Early Years: Therapeutic Interventions with Infants, Toddlers and their Families 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81475-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138814752* 0728* Lebow, Jay Research for the Psychotherapist: From Science to Practice 2016:3. 296 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17352-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173521* 0729* ★ Leong, Frederick T. L./Bartram, Dave/Cheung, Fanny/Geisinger, Kurt F./Iliescu, Dragos (eds.) The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment 2016:8. 496 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-1-138-81477-6................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138814776* 0734* Miller, Wendy L./Cohen, Gene D. Sky Above Clouds: Finding Our Way through Creativity, Aging, and Illness 2016:5. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-937141-9................Paper USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 *9780199371419* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 89 心理学 》応用心理学 0735* 精神分析 Raffaele Mendez, Linda Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools: A MultiTiered Approach 2016:10. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90847-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0740* ISBN 978-1-138-90848-2................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 Buechler, Sandra Clinical Values: Emotions that Guide Psychoanalytic Treatment (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series) 2016:4. 206 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14251-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0736* 0741* Schmidt Neven, Ruth Time-limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents: An Interactive Approach 2016:8. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96093-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Hart, Anton Beyond Oaths and Codes: Toward a Relational Psychoanalytic Ethics (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series) 2016:11. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-74208-5................ Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥28,409 / 特価 ¥22,727 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-96094-7................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 ISBN 978-0-415-74209-2................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 0737* 0742* Scott, Mike A Cognitive-Behavioural Approach to Clients’ Problems 2016:7. 284 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85833-6................. Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥7,161 / 特価 ¥5,729 + 税 Heimann, Paula Tonnesmann, Margret (ed.) About Children and Children-No-Longer: Collected Papers 1942-80 (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) 2016:4. 384 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17214-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138908475* *9781138908482* *9781138960930* *9781138960947* *9781138858336* 0738* Uhernik, Julie A. Using Neuroscience in Trauma Therapy: Creative and Compassionate Counseling 2016:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88811-1 .................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138888111* ISBN 978-1-138-88812-8................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138888128* 0739* Wadkar, Alka Life Skills for Success 2016:6. 436 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ISBN 978-93-5150-731-4................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 *9789351507314* 90 *9781138142510* *9780415742085* *9780415742092* *9781138172142* 0743* Katz, S. Montana Contemporary Psychoanalytic Field Theory: Stories, Dreams, and Metaphor (Psychoanalytic Field Theory Book Series) 2016:8. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-79498-6................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138794986* ISBN 978-1-138-79499-3................. Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥6,914 / 特価 ¥5,531 + 税 *9781138794993* 0744* Lacan, Jacques Miller, Jacques-Alain (ed.) The Sinthome: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XXIII 2016:9. 224 p. (Polity Press, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 ISBN 978-1-5095-1000-9.................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9781509510009* ISBN 978-1-5095-1001-6................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9781509510016* 0745* Matte-Blanco, Ignacio Thinking, Feeling, and Being (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) 2016:4. 368 p., Originally published in 1988 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14322-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0746* Orange, Donna M./Atwood, George E./Stolorow, Robert D. Working Intersubjectively: Contextualism in Psychoanalytic Practice (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) 2016:2. 112 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13935-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139350* *9781138143227* ᚰᝈ䛸ᚰ⌮Ꮫⓗせᅉ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 Handbook of Psychocardiology Edited by Marlies Alvarenga and Don Byrne 2016 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 1,224 p., Hard ISBN 978-981-287-205-0............EUR 479.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥91,285 / ≉౯ ¥73,028ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9789812872050 * ᮏࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣࠊ⌧௦ࡢ࢚ࣅࢹࣥࢫࡅࡉࢀࡓࠕPsycho-cardiologyࠖࢆ㔜 Ⅼⓗᢅ࠸ࠊᚰ⾑⟶ᝈ㸦CVD㸧ࡢⓎ⮫ᗋ⟶⌮࠾ࡅࡿᚰ⌮Ꮫⓗ࣭♫ⓗせᅉ ࡢᙺ↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ᭱᪂ࡢ㦂ࡘ࠸࡚ᢈุⓗࣞ ࣅ࣮ࣗࡋࡓᴫㄽࠊPsycho-cardiology ศ㔝ࡢ㡿ᇦ࡛࢚ࣅࢹࣥࢫᇶ࡙ࡃ᭱㧗ࡢᐇ㊶ ࢞ࢻࢆ⤖ࡧࡘࡅࡓᵓᡂࡽ࡞ࡾࠊCVD ࡢ♫࠾ࡼࡧࢹࣔࢢࣛࣇࢵࢡⓗࣜࢫ ࢡࠊே᱁ CVD ࣜࢫࢡࠊࢫࢺࣞࢫ CVD ࣜࢫࢡࠊ⢭⚄⌮Ꮫ㸦≉ື㞀ᐖ㸧 CVD ࣜࢫࢡࠊ⮫ᗋ CVD ᝈ⪅ࡢᚰ⌮ⓗ⟶⌮ࠊCVD ண㜵࠾ࡅࡿᚰ⌮Ꮫ࠸ࡗࡓ࢝ࢸ ࢦ࣮ࣜࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ⮫ᗋ་ࡸ◊✲⪅ࠊබ⾗⾨⏕㛵ಀ⪅ࡀ⮬ᕫุ᩿࡛ CVD 㛵ࡍࡿᚰ⌮Ꮫⓗせ⣲ࡢᙺࢆ㍍どࡍࡿ࠸࠺ࠊᢠࡋࡀࡓ࠸㆟ㄽ࢚ࣅࢹ ࣥࢫࢆ⤌ࡳධࢀࡓ୍࡛ࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ CVD ᝈ⪅ࡢࢣࢆᢸᙜࡍࡿ⮫ᗋ་ᑐ ࡋࠊᚰ⌮ⓗせᅉ CVD ࡢ㛵ಀࡘ࠸࡚ㄆ㆑ࡀ㊊ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࡑࢀࡀᝈ ⪅ࢆ㔜࡞༴㝤ࡉࡽࡋࡡ࡞࠸ࡇ㆙㚝ࢆ㬆ࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Springer Singapore, SGP) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 91 心理学 》応用心理学 0747* Russ, Sandra Walker Affect and Creativity: The Role of Affect and Play in the Creative Process (Personality Assessment Series) 2016:2. 148 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96619-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966192* 裁判心理学・犯罪心理学 ISBN 978-1-4408-3906-1...............Hard USD 194.00 通常価 ¥33,179 + 税 *9781440839061* 0749* Singh, Jay P./Bjørkly, Stål/Fazel, Seena (eds.) International Perspectives on Violence Risk Assessment (American Psychology-Law Society Series) 2016:7. 408 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-938629-1................Paper USD 75.00 通常価 ¥12,827 / 特価 ¥10,261 + 税 *9780199386291* 0748 Dunbar, Edward/Blanco, Amalio/CrèvecoeurMacPhail, Desirée A. The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues 2016:11. 3 Vols., 990 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) 経済学 経済学説・経済思想 0753* アンデルス・キデニウス論文選集:1729-1803 0750* ネオリベラリズムの起源:経済と哲学の視点 Becchio, Giandomenica/Leghissa, Giovanni The Origins of Neoliberalism: Insights from Economics and Philosophy (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:8. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-73224-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780415732246* 0751* 不平等、成長とホットマネー Bortz, Pablo G. Inequality, Growth and ‘Hot’ Money (New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics Series) 2016:4. 224 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-500-7.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781784715007* 0752* ロシア・旧ソビエト連邦の経済学者:人名辞典 Campbell, Robert The Bibliographical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Economists 2016:6. 480 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68659-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 Chydenius, Anders Jonasson, Maren/Hyttinen, Pertti (eds.) Anticipating the Wealth of Nations: The Selected Works of Anders Chydenius, 1729-1803 2016:6. 408 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68642-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686427* 0754* Forman, Fonna (ed.) The Adam Smith Review: Volume 9 (The Adam Smith Review) 2016:9. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65256-9................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138652569* 0755* 経済学:論争の観点 Harvey, John T. Contending Perspectives in Economics: A Guide to Contemporary Schools of Thought 2016:6. 168 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-948-7................. Paper STP 22.50 通常価 ¥5,558 / 特価 ¥4,446 + 税 *9781784719487* *9781138686595* 92 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 0756* 0761* 分配と成長:ケインズ学派以降 経済理論の革命 Hein, Eckhard Distribution and Growth After Keynes: A PostKeynesian Guide 2016:4. 576 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-730-2................. Paper STP 37.50 通常価 ¥9,263 / 特価 ¥7,411 + 税 Sinha, Ajit A Revolution in Economic Theory: The Economics of Piero Sraffa 2016:7. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30615-5............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9781783477302* 0757* *9783319306155* ★ 日本における経済学の歴史 Ikeo, Aiko A History of Economic Science in Japan: The Internationalization of Economics in the Twentieth Century 2016:3., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68752-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138687523* 0762* 経済思想と制度変化:フランスとイタリア 1789 年 - 1914 年 Soliani, Riccardo (ed.) Economic Thought and Institutional Change in France and Italy, 1789-1914: A Comparative Study 2016:11. 250 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-25353-4.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 *9783319253534* 0758* Korkotsides, Anastasios S. Against Utility-Based Economics: On a Life-Based Approach 2016:6. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68613-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686137* 0759* 0763* 6WDQ¿HOG-DPHV5RQDOG Economics, Power and Culture: Essays in the Development of Radical Institutionalism 2016:1. 236 p., Originally published in 1995 (Palgrave Macmillan, DEU) ISBN 978-1-349-23714-2..............Paper EUR 184.99 通常価 ¥35,254 / 特価 ¥28,203 + 税 *9781349237142* 資本主義における歴史的政治経済 Micocci, Andrea A Historical Political Economy of Capitalism: After Metaphysics (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:6. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19373-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138193734* 0760* Scott, Sonya Architectures of Economic Subjectivity: The Philosophical Foundations of the Subject in the History of Economic Thought 2016:6. 320 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68650-2................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686502* ★ 経済学、力と文化 0764* ジェイコブ・ミンサー Teixeira, Pedro N. Jacob Mincer: The Founding Father of Modern Labor Economics 2016:6. 240 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877994-0................. Paper STP 22.50 通常価 ¥5,558 / 特価 ¥4,446 + 税 *9780198779940* 0765* ★ 八木紀一郎著 オーストリア・ドイツ経済思想 Yagi, Kiichiro Austrian and German Economic Thought: From Subjectivism to Social Evolution 2016:6. 208 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68655-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686557* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 93 経済学 》経済理論 0771* 経済理論 0766* ★ 会社法の経済学 全2巻 Hill, Claire A./McDonnell, Brett H. (eds.) Economics of Corporate Law (Economic Approaches to Law Series) 2016:6. 2 Vols., 1,600 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-148-7................ Hard STP 480.00 通常価 ¥118,576 / 特価 ¥94,861 + 税 *9781785361487* *9781498724623* 0772* 0767* Levy, Noemi/Ortiz, Etelberto (eds.) The Financialization Response to Economic Disequilibria: European and Latin American Experiences (New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics Series) 2016:6. 320 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-475-4.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781785364754* 0768* Bouwmans, Thierry/Aybat, Necdet Serhat/Zahzah, El-hadi (eds.) Handbook of Robust Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition: Applications in Image and Video Processing 2016:5. 552 p. (Chapman & Hall/ CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-2462-3................ Hard STP 127.00 通常価 ¥31,373 / 特価 ¥25,098 + 税 Casals, Jose/Garcia-Hiernaux, Alfredo/Jerez, Miguel/Sotoca, Sonia/Trindade, A. Alexandre State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis: Theory, Applications and Software (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability, Vol. 147) 2016:3. 298 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-1959-3.................. Hard STP 63.99 通常価 ¥15,807 / 特価 ¥12,646 + 税 *9781482219593* ★ 倫理と影響 Sunstein, Cass R. (WKLFVRI,QÀXHQFH: Government in the Age of Behavioral Science (Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice and Society) 2016:11. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14070-7.................Hard USD 29.99 通常価 ¥5,129 / 特価 ¥4,103 + 税 0773* Celant, Giorgio/Broniatowski, Michel Interpolation and Extrapolation Optimal Designs V1: Polynomial Regression and Approximation 7KHRU\S,QWHUQDWLRQDO6FLHQWL¿FDQG Technical Encyclopedia, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84821-995-3...............Hard USD 139.95 通常価 ¥23,935 / 特価 ¥19,148 + 税 *9781848219953* *9781107140707* 0774* 数理経済・計量経済・統計学 0769* センサーデータのマイニングと管理 Aggarwal, Charu C. (ed.) Managing and Mining Sensor Data 2015:6. 550 p., Originally published in 2013 (Springer-Verlag New York, USA) ISBN 978-1-4899-9238-3..............Paper EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9781489992383* 0770* 実験デザインの質 第4版 Barker, Thomas B./Milivojevich, Andrew Quality by Experimental Design, 4th ed. 2016:2. 756 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-4966-8.................. Hard STP 82.00 通常価 ¥20,256 / 特価 ¥16,205 + 税 *9781482249668* 94 del Puerto, Inés M./González, Miguel Velasco/ Gutiérrez, Cristina/Martínez, Rodrigo/Minuesa, Carmen/Molina, Manuel/Mota, Manuel/Ramos, Alfonso (eds.) Branching Processes and Their Applications (Lecture Notes in Statistics) 2016:6. 320 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31639-0..............Paper EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319316390* 0775* /H*DOO-HDQ)UDQoRLV Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 274) 2016:5. 241 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31088-6.................Hard EUR 56.99 通常価 ¥10,860 / 特価 ¥8,688 + 税 *9783319310886* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》数理経済・計量経済・統計学 0776* 0782* ベイジアン心理モデリング 時系列のための隠れマルコフモデル 第2版 Levy, Roy/Mislevy, Robert J. Bayesian Psychometric Modeling (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences) 2016:6. 416 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4398-8467-6.................. Hard STP 57.99 通常価 ¥14,325 / 特価 ¥11,460 + 税 Zucchini, Walter/MacDonald, Iain L./Langrock, Roland Hidden Markov Models for Time Series: An Introduction Using R, 2nd ed. (Chapman & Hall/ CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability, Vol. 150) 2016:6. 392 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-5383-2.................. Hard STP 57.99 通常価 ¥14,325 / 特価 ¥11,460 + 税 *9781439884676* *9781482253832* 0777* R を用いた空間的マイクロシミュレーション Lovelace, Robin/Dumont, Morgane Spatial Microsimulation with R (Chapman & Hall/ CRC The R Series) 2016:3. 282 p. (Chapman & Hall/ CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-1154-8 ................. Paper STP 57.99 通常価 ¥14,325 / 特価 ¥11,460 + 税 *9781498711548* 0778* McNicholas, Paul D. 0L[WXUH0RGHO%DVHG&ODVVL¿FDWLRQ 2016:7. 236 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-2566-2.................. Hard STP 57.99 通常価 ¥14,325 / 特価 ¥11,460 + 税 *9781482225662* 経済統計 0783* 工業統計:国際年鑑 2016 UNIDO International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2016 (International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics Series) 2016:2. 840 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-492-1................ Hard STP 210.00 通常価 ¥51,877 / 特価 ¥41,501 + 税 *9781785364921* 経済政策 0784* ★ 0779* 中央銀行の岐路 応用生存時間分析 Moore, Dirk Applied Survival Analysis Using R (Use R!) 2016:5. 221 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31243-9................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319312439* Bordo, Michael D. Central Banks at a Crossroads: What Can We Learn from History? (Studies in Macroeconomic History) 2016:6. 520 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14966-3...............Hard USD 155.00 通常価 ¥26,509 / 特価 ¥21,207 + 税 *9781107149663* 0780* 複雑な企業としての大学 Rouse, William B. Universities as Complex Enterprises: How Academia Works, Why It Works These Ways, and Where the University Enterprise Is Headed (Stevens Institute Series on Complex Systems and Enterprises) 2016:8. 208 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-24487-5 ...............Hard USD 124.95 通常価 ¥21,370 / 特価 ¥17,096 + 税 *9781119244875* ★印はお薦めタイトル 厚生経済・財政・公共経済 0785* ★ 地球公共財 Kaul, Inge (ed.) Global Public Goods (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series) 2016:8. 720 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-299-4................ Hard STP 245.00 通常価 ¥60,523 / 特価 ¥48,418 + 税 *9781783472994* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 95 経済学 》厚生経済・財政・公共経済 0786* ★ Nakamura, Daisuke Attractiveness of Regions as a Measure of Social Welfare Function (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 15) 2016:11. 220 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-287-854-0.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 0791* Winter, Sidney G. Innovation and the Evolution of Industries: History Friendly Models 2016:6. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-05170-6 .......................................Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥16,247 / 特価 ¥12,998 + 税 *9789812878540* *9781107051706* 0787* Smith, Andy The Politics of Economic Activity 2016:9. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878815-7.................. Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥12,351 / 特価 ¥9,881 + 税 *9780198788157* 0788* Belussi, Fiorenza/Hervás-Oliver, Jose-Luis (eds.) Unfolding Cluster Evolution (Regions and Cities) 2016:9. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12368-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138123687* 0789* 発展と現代産業政策:実践 Felipe, Jesus (ed.) Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice: Issues and Country Experiences 2016:4. 424 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-555-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781784715557* ★ クリエイティブ産業とイノベーション: 欧州 Lazzeretti, Luciana (ed.) Creative Industries and Innovation in Europe: Concepts, Measures and Comparative Case Studies (Regions and Cities) 2016:6. 328 p., Originally published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68697-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686977* ISBN 978-1-107-64100-6................Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,984 / 特価 ¥4,787 + 税 *9781107641006* 国際経済 0792* 産業経済 0790* ★ 産業のイノベーションと進化 Broughton, Chad Boom, Bust, Exodus: The Rust Belt, the Maquilas, and a Tale of Two Cities 2016:10. 408 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060886-6................Paper USD 21.95 通常価 ¥3,754 / 特価 ¥3,003 + 税 *9780190608866* 0793* Bruszt, Laszlo/McDermott, Gerald A. (eds.) Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development 2016:3. 384 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877877-6................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198778776* 0794* +R]Lü$LGD$7UXH-DFTXLHGV Scandalous Economics: Gender and the Politics of Financial Crises (Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations) 2016:5. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-020423-5.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780190204235* ISBN 978-0-19-020424-2................Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780190204242* 0795* ★ 国際統合の経済学 第2版 Jovanovic, Miroslav N. The Economics of International Integration, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 736 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) 96 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》国際経済 ISBN 978-1-78471-812-1................. Paper STP 45.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9781784718121* 開発経済 0796* Deolalikar, Anil B./Jha, Shikha/Quising, Pilipinas F. (eds.) Governance in Developing Asia 2016:4. 360 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-558-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781784715588* 0797* 金融市場規制におけるデモクラシーとダイバーシティ Dorn, Nicholas Democracy and Diversity in Financial Market Regulation 2016:4. 202 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68589-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138685895* 0798* Green, Duncan How Change Happens 2016:10. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878539-2.................. Hard STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 *9780198785392* 0799* Heshmati, Almas (ed.) Poverty and Well-Being in East Africa: A Multifaceted Economic Approach (Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being) 2016:5. 200 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30980-4............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319309804* 0800* Mitra, Ashok Terms of Trade and Class Relations: An Essay in Political Economy 2016:6. 204 p., Originally published in 1977 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98866-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 0801* 産業開発の比較研究:アフリカと台頭するアジア Newman, Carol/Page, John/Rand, John/Shimeles, Abebe/Söderbom, Måns/Tarp, Finn (eds.) Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia (WIDER Studies in Development Economics) 2016:7. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877698-7.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198776987* 0802* ★ グローバルガバナンスと開発 Ocampo, José Antonio (ed.) Global Governance and Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue) 2016:7. 226 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878594-1.................. Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥12,351 / 特価 ¥9,881 + 税 *9780198785941* 0803* マイクロファイナンスの力 Sherratt, Lesley &DQ0LFUR¿QDQFH:RUN": How to Improve Its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness 2016:2. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-938319-1.................Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780199383191* 0804* ★ 世界の貧困 Sumner, Andy Global Poverty: Deprivation, Distribution, and Development Since the Cold War 2016:7. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870352-5 ........................................ Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198703525* See also... Mazaheri, Nimah, Oil Booms and Business Busts, Oxford U.P., New York..............................p122 , 1015 Jiang, Yanqing, Green Development in China, Springer Singapore.................................. p125 , 1038 *9781138988668* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 97 経済学 》農業・食糧経済 農業・食糧経済 地域・都市経済 0805* 0810* 農業におけるコミュニケーション不足 スマートスペシャリゼーション Eise, Jessica/Hodde, Whitney The Communication Scarcity in Agriculture 2016:7. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65060-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Kyriakou, Dimitrios/Palazuelos-Martinez, Manuel/ Periáñez-Forte, Inmaculada/Rainoldi, Alessandro (eds.) Governing Smart Specialisation (Regions and Cities) 2016:5. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67087-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138650602* ISBN 978-1-138-65061-9................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138650619* 0806* アフリカの農業商業化と政府の方針 Hinderink, J. Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa 2016:3. 256 p., Originally published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96638-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138966383* 0807* 食糧の管理:ステークホルダー・アプローチ Lindgreen, Adam/Hingley, Martin K./Angell, Robert J./Memery, Juliet (eds.) A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food: Local, National, and Global Issues (Food and Agricultural Marketing) 2016:8. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5605-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472456052* 0808* Orwin, C. S./Peel, W. R. The Tenure of Agricultural Land 2016:2. 92 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-50958-6................Paper USD 22.99 通常価 ¥3,931 / 特価 ¥3,145 + 税 *9781316509586* *9781138670877* See also... Hudson, Ray, Approaches to Economic Geography, Routledge .............................. p57 , 0463 Sheppard, Eric, Limits to Globalization, Oxford U.P.............................................................. p57 , 0464 運輸・交通経済 0811 Bitzan, John/Wilson, Wesley/Peoples, James (eds.) $LUOLQH(I¿FLHQF\ (Advances in Airline Economics, Vol. 5) 2016:4. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78560-940-4...............Hard USD 144.95 通常価 ¥24,790 + 税 *9781785609404* 人口・労働経済 0812* Blau, Francine D. Gielen, Anne C./Zimmermann, Klaus F. (eds.) Gender, Inequality, and Wages 2016:6. 576 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877997-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198779971* 0809* アグロエコロジー:中国の事例 Shiming, Luo/Gliessman, Stephen R. (eds.) Agroecology in China: Science, Practice, and Sustainable Management (Advances in Agroecology, Vol. 22) 2016:3. 468 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-4934-7.................. Hard STP 57.99 通常価 ¥14,325 / 特価 ¥11,460 + 税 *9781482249347* 98 ★ ジェンダー、不平等と給料 0813* ★ 給料、不平等と雇用需要 Card, David/Krueger, Alan B. Akee, Randall K. Q./Zimmermann, Klaus F. (eds.) Wages, School Quality, and Employment Demand 2016:6. 328 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》人口・労働経済 ISBN 978-0-19-877995-7................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198779957* 0814* ★ 幸福、成長とライフサイクル Easterlin, Richard A. Hinte, Holge/Zimmermann, Klaus F. (eds.) Happiness, Growth, and the Life Cycle 2016:6. 304 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877998-8................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198779988* 0815* ネオリベラルな資本主義と不安定な仕事 Lambert, Rob/Herod, Andrew (eds.) Neoliberal Capitalism and Precarious Work: Ethnographies of Accommodation and Resistance 2016:2. 360 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78195-494-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0816* ★ 人事経済学への貢献 Lazear, Edward P. Altmann, Steffen/Zimmermann, Klaus F. (eds.) Inside the Firm: Contributions to Personnel Economics 2016:6. 560 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877996-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198779964* 0817* ★ Mortensen, Dale T./Pissarides, Christopher A. Job Matching, Wage Dispersion, and Unemployment 2016:6. 224 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877999-5 ........................................ Paper STP 22.50 通常価 ¥5,558 / 特価 ¥4,446 + 税 *9780198779995* *9781781954942* ✚ᴟⓗ㞠⏝ᨻ⟇㻌 䠎ᕳ Active Labour Market Policies The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖 04089S0033䛇 Edited by Robert J. LaLonde, University of Chicago, USA 2016 ᖺ 5 ᭶ห⾜, 2 Vols., 1,968 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-78347-988-7.... STP 675.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥166,748 / ≉౯ ¥133,398ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781783479887* ᐅࢆᚓࡓ ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡣ✚ᴟⓗ㞠⏝ᨻ⟇㛵ࡍࡿᙳ㡪ຊࡢࡁ࡞◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ ᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩࡛࢝ࣂ࣮ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㢟┠ࡣࠊィ㔞⤒῭Ꮫࢆ⏝࠸ࡓᨻ⟇ホ౯ ࡸ♫ᐇ㦂ࠊᅇᖐ㐃⥆ࢹࢨࣥࠊ✚ᴟⓗ㞠⏝ᨻ⟇ࡢホ౯᭱⤊ⓗࡣࡿホ౯ ᑐࡍࡿホ౯࡛⥾ࡵࡃࡃࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ /D/RQGH ᩍᤵࡼࡿ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࡶࠊࡇࡢヲ⣽࡞ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣ◊ ✲⪅ࡸᏛ⪅ࠊᐇົᐙࡗ࡚ィࡾ▱ࢀ࡞࠸㈗㔜࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 99 経済学 》文化・社会経済 0821* 文化・社会経済 グローバル資本主義:ルネサンスから現代まで 0818* ★ 消費者社会の未来 Cohen, Maurie J. The Future of Consumer Society: Prospects for Sustainability in the New Economy 2016:11. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876855-5.................. Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9780198768555* Marks, Steven The Information Nexus: Global Capitalism from the Renaissance to the Present 2016:8. 225 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10868-4.................Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 / 特価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9781107108684* ISBN 978-1-107-51963-3................Paper USD 27.99 通常価 ¥4,787 / 特価 ¥3,829 + 税 *9781107519633* See also... Brent, Robert, &RVW%HQH¿W$QDO\VLVDQG+HDOWK Care Evaluations, Edward Elgar............p166 , 1432 Hsu, Locknie, Trade, Investment, Innovation and their Impact on Access to Medicines, Cambridge U.P.............................................................p167 , 1443 Koinig, Isabell, Pharmaceutical Advertising as a Source of Consumer Self-Empowerment, Springer Verlag ........................................................p167 , 1444 科学技術の経済学 アジア太平洋 0822* 経済成長と所得格差: 中国・インド・シンガポールの事例 Mukhopadhaya, Pundarik/Shantakumar, G./Rao, Bhanoji Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China, India and Singapore: Trends and Policy Implications 2016:4. 208 p., Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14175-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141759* 0819* イノベーション政策と経済 Kerr, William/Lerner, Josh/Stern, Scott Innovation Policy and the Economy 2015: Volume 16 (National Bureau of Economic Research Innovation Policy and the Economy) 2016:4. 256 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-39185-4....................................Hard 通常価 ¥7,680 + 税 *9780226391854* See also... 0823* ★ アジアの貿易と成長の未来 Yueh, Linda (ed.) The Future of Asian Trade and Growth: Economic Development with the Emergence of China (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) 2016:2. 486 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97486-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138974869* Edquist, Charles, Public Procurement for Innovation, Edward Elgar.......................p148 , 1273 日 本 経済システム・比較経済 0820* Ayres, Robert Energy, Complexity and Wealth Maximization (The Frontiers Collection) 2016:8. 480 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30544-8.................Hard EUR 59.99 通常価 ¥11,432 / 特価 ¥9,146 + 税 *9783319305448* 100 0824* ★ 現代日本経済: 技術に関する習得、適応と開発 Kim, Kwan S./Maki, Fumio/Minami, Ryoshin/Seo, Joung-hae (eds.) Acquiring, Adapting and Developing Technologies: Lessons from the Japanese Experience (Studies on the Modern Japanese Economy) 2016:1. 346 p., Originally published in 1995 (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》アジア太平洋 ISBN 978-1-349-23777-7..............Paper EUR 184.99 通常価 ¥35,254 / 特価 ¥28,203 + 税 *9781349237777* 0825* ★ 日本の財政分権化と地方財政 Mochida, Nobuki Fiscal Decentralization and Local Public Finance in Japan (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:2. 262 p., Originally published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97433-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138974333* 0826* ★ 日本の銀行の歴史 Soyeda, Juichi A History of Banking in Japan 2016:2. 144 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97609-2 ....... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138976092* 0827* ★ 東アジア:金融のグローバル化と地域主義 Kinkyo, Takuji/Matsubayashi, Yoichi/ Hamori, Shigeyuki (eds.) Financial Globalization and Regionalism in East Asia 2016:4. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91807-8................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138918078* 0830* 中国経済 Kroeber, Arthur R. China’s Economy: What Everyone Needs to Know (What Everyone Needs to Know) 2016:5. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-023902-2.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 *9780190239022* ISBN 978-0-19-023903-9................Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,898 / 特価 ¥2,319 + 税 *9780190239039* 0831* 中国のイノベーション:中所得経済の罠からの脱却 ★ 戦後高度成長期におけるミクロ経済パ フォーマンス Takeda, Haruhito (ed.) Micro-Performance During Postwar Japan’s High-Growth Era (Monograph Series of the Socio-Economic History Society, Japan) 2016:5. 147 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0708-8............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9789811007088* 東アジア 0828* Bin, Su/Thomson, Elspeth (eds.) &KLQD¶V(QHUJ\(I¿FLHQF\DQG&RQVHUYDWLRQ: Sectoral Analysis (SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace, Vol. 30) 2016:4. 125 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0735-4................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9789811007354* 0829* Lewin, Arie Y./Murmann, Johann Peter/Kenney, Martin (eds.) China’s Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap 2016:6. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12712-8...............Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥25,654 / 特価 ¥20,523 + 税 *9781107127128* 0832* 中国の 30 年に渡る経済改革 Liu, Xiaohui/Zhang, Wei (eds.) China’s Three Decades of Economic Reforms (Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy) 2016:2. 338 p., First Published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99129-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138991293* 0833* Schneidewind, Dieter K. Economic Miracle Market South Korea: A Blueprint for Economic Growth in Developing Nations 2016:4. 278 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0613-5............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9789811006135* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 101 経済学 》アジア太平洋 0834* ★ 世界金融危機と韓国経済 Shin, Jang-Sup The Global Financial Crisis and the Korean Economy 2016:4. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91806-1 ....................................... Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138918061* ISBN 978-1-138-68639-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686397* 0839* ユーロ圏の危機:政治・経済のダイナミクス Caporaso, James A./Rhodes, Martin (eds.) Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis 2016:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875573-9.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198755739* 0835* Wang, Ya'nan/Hao, Puning/Liu, Ting/Zhao, Juan/ Fang, Yu/Gao, Jing Annual Evaluation Report of China’s Cultural Consumption Demand (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path) 2016:5. 300 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0729-3...............Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥26,678 / 特価 ¥21,342 + 税 *9789811007293* 東南アジア 0836* Perry, John Curtis Singapore: Unlikely Power 2016:9. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046950-4.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190469504* 中 東 0840* Henderson, Jeffrey/Balaton, Karoly/Lengyel, Gyorgy (eds.) Industrial Transformation in Eastern Europe in the Light of the East Asian Experience (International Political Economy Series) 2016:1. 255 p., Originally published in 1998 (Palgrave Macmillan, DEU) ISBN 978-1-349-26522-0................Paper EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9781349265220* 0841* ヨーロッパ経済危機:政治経済と報道 Mercille, Julien The Political Economy and Media Coverage of the European Economic Crisis: The Case of Ireland 2016:6. 234 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68651-9................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686519* 0837* イラン:文化・経済・社会の歴史的起源 Pirzadeh, Ali Iran Revisited: Exploring the Historical Roots of Culture, Economics, and Society (Arts, Research, Innovation and Society) 2016:5. 484 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30483-0...............Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥28,584 / 特価 ¥22,867 + 税 *9783319304830* ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 0838* アイルランド独立以降の経済史 Bielenberg, Andy/Ryan, Raymond An Economic History of Ireland Since Independence 2016:6. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) 102 0842* ★ イギリスの銀行 Michie, Ranald C. British Banking: Continuity and Change from 1694 to the Present 2016:10. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872736-1.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9780198727361* 0843* ユーロ圏のディストピア Mitchell, William Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale 2016:5. 520 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-667-7................. Paper STP 40.00 通常価 ¥9,881 / 特価 ¥7,905 + 税 *9781784716677* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 0844* FDI の流入:東南ヨーロッパメディア市場 9XNDQRYLü=YH]GDQ )RUHLJQ'LUHFW,QYHVWPHQW,QÀRZV,QWRWKH6RXWK East European Media Market: Towards a Hybrid Business Model (Media Business and Innovation) 2016:5. 227 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30510-3............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319305103* アフリカ 0845 (Perspectives in Economic and Social History) 2016:3. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91375-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138913752* 0849* 格差 Galbraith, James K. Inequality: What Everyone Needs to Know (What Everyone Needs to Know) 2016:4. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-025046-1.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 *9780190250461* 経済成長と開発:アフリカ Falola, Toyin/Odey, Mike O. (eds.) Economic Growth and Development in Africa 2016:3. 320 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-208-6.................. Hard STP 62.00 通常価 ¥15,316 + 税 *9781784532086* 0846* Heshmati, Almas (ed.) Economic Integration, Currency Union, and Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in East Africa (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development) 2016:5. 180 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30431-1............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-025047-8................Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,898 / 特価 ¥2,319 + 税 *9780190250478* 0850* 第二合衆国銀行 Knodell, Jane The Second Bank of the United States: “Central” Banker in an Era of Nation-Building, 1816-1836 (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2016:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78662-2.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781138786622* ラテンアメリカ *9783319304311* 0851* 0847* メイド・イン・アフリカ Oqubay, Arkebe Made in Africa: Industrial Policy in Ethiopia 2016:6. 384 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876780-0................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 イノベーションシステムの発展:メキシコ Cimoli, Mario (ed.) Developing Innovation Systems: Mexico in a Global Context 2016:2. 340 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96750-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138967502* *9780198767800* 0852* 南北アメリカ 北 米 0848* 専門的な経済学者と政策立案の歴史:アメリカ合衆国 Franklin, Jonathan S. A History of Professional Economists and Policymaking in the United States: Irrelevant genius ★印はお薦めタイトル アルゼンチンの経済成長と回復 Cohen, Michael Argentina’s Economic Growth and Recovery: The Economy in a Time of Default 2016:6. 312 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68653-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686533* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 103 経済学 》経済史・経営史 ISBN 978-1-138-99769-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 経済史・経営史 *9781138997691* 0853* グローバル経済の歴史 Baten, Joerg (ed.) A History of the Global Economy: 1500 to the Present 2016:3. 380 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10470-9............... Hard USD 119.99 通常価 ¥20,521 / 特価 ¥16,417 + 税 *9781107104709* 0858* McWatters, Cheryl Susan Mercantilism, Account Keeping and the Periphery-Core Relationship (Perspectives in Economic and Social History) 2016:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84893-605-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781848936058* ISBN 978-1-107-50718-0................Paper USD 39.99 通常価 ¥6,839 / 特価 ¥5,471 + 税 *9781107507180* 0859* 0854* Calaresu, Melissa/Heuvel, Danielle Van den (eds.) Food Hawkers: Selling in the Streets from Antiquity to the Present (The History of Retailing and Consumption) 2016:6. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-5042-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409450429* 近代スウェーデンの経済史 Carnegie, Garry Pastoral Accounting in Colonial Australia: A Case Study of Unregulated Accounting (Routledge New Works in Accounting History) 2016:2. 332 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99478-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138994782* Oxford 版 銀行と金融史ハンドブック Cassis, Youssef/Grossman, Richard S./Schenk, Catherine R. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Banking and Financial History (Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management) 2016:5. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-965862-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199658626* *9781138686403* 0861* Steinberg, Marc W. England’s Great Transformation: Law, Labor, and the Industrial Revolution 2016:4. 256 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-32981-9....................................Hard 通常価 ¥12,160 + 税 *9780226329819* ISBN 978-0-226-32995-6...................................Paper 通常価 ¥4,480 + 税 *9780226329956* ★ 会計学と会計思想の歴史 Mattessich, Richard The Beginnings of Accounting and Accounting Thought: Accounting Practice in the Middle East (8000 B.C to 2000 B.C.) and Accounting Thought in India (300 B.C. and the Middle Ages) (Routledge New Works in Accounting History) 2016:2. 192 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) 104 Schon, Lennart An Economic History of Modern Sweden 2016:6. 376 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68640-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 イギリスの大転換期 ★ 0857* *9789811001819* 0860* 0855* 0856* ★ Otsuka, Keijiro/Hashino, Tomoko (eds.) Industrial Districts in History and the Developing World (Studies in Economic History) 2016:9. 300 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0181-9.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 0862* Van Bavel, Bas The Invisible Hand?: How Market Economies have Emerged and Declined Since AD 500 2016:7. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-960813-3.................. Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9780199608133* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》金融市場 金 融 0867 金融市場 0863* ★ 不動産担保証券ハンドブック 第7版 Fabozzi, Frank J. (ed.) The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities, 7th ed. 2016:8. 864 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878577-4 ....................................... Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥12,351 / 特価 ¥9,881 + 税 *9780198785774* 0864* 世界金融危機のガバナンス Langley, Paul Liquidity Lost: The Governance of the Global Financial Crisis 2016:4. 240 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877888-2................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198778882* ファイナンス Lo, John Y. (ed.) $QJHO)LQDQFLQJLQ$VLD3DFL¿F: A Guidebook for Investors and Entrepreneurs 2016:8. 280 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-128-9................Paper USD 49.50 通常価 ¥8,465 + 税 *9781786351289* 0868* Quinlan, Joseph/VanderBrug, Jackie Gender Lens Investing: Gender and Media Freedom Worldwide 2016:10. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-18290-0 .................Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 *9781119182900* 0869* 直接投資ハンドブック Rosplock, Kirby/O'Brien, Ross The Complete Direct Investing Handbook: A *XLGHIRU)DPLO\2I¿FHV4XDOL¿HG3XUFKDVHUVDQG Accredited Investors (Bloomberg Financial) 2016:9. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-09471-5 .................Hard USD 74.95 通常価 ¥12,818 / 特価 ¥10,254 + 税 *9781119094715* 0865* 保険のアナリティクス Boobier, Tony Analytics for Insurance: The Real Business of Big Data (The Wiley Finance Series) 2016:10. 280 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-14107-5 ...............Hard USD 100.00 通常価 ¥17,103 / 特価 ¥13,682 + 税 *9781119141075* 0870* 金融イノベーション Sironi, Paolo Financial Innovation: From Robo-Advisors to Goals-Based Investing (The Wiley Finance Series) 2016:9. 192 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-22698-7 .................Hard USD 50.00 通常価 ¥8,551 / 特価 ¥6,841 + 税 *9781119226987* 0866* チャートのパターン Bulkowski, Thomas N. Chart Patterns: After the Buy (Wiley Trading) 2016:9. 650 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-27490-2 ................Paper USD 59.95 通常価 ¥10,253 / 特価 ¥8,202 + 税 *9781119274902* 0871* ファイナンスと職域年金 Sutcliffe, Charles Finance and Occupational Pensions: Theories and International Evidence 2016:6. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, DEU) ISBN 978-1-349-94862-8................Paper EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥13,338 / 特価 ¥10,670 + 税 *9781349948628* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 105 金 融 》国際金融 ISBN 978-3-319-30443-4............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 国際金融 0872* *9783319304434* ★ 金融化と金融・経済危機 Hein, Eckhard/Detzer, Daniel/Dodig, Nina (eds.) Financialisation and the Financial and Economic Crises: Country Studies (New Directions in Modern Economics Series) 2016:5. 360 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-237-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781785362378* See also... Shin, Jang-Sup, The Global Financial Crisis and the Korean Economy, Routledge ........... p102 , 0834 Ingimundarson, Valur, Iceland's Financial Crisis, Routledge...................................................p160 , 1381 金融工学 0873* 人民元の国際化 International Monetary Institute The Internationlization of the Renminbi 2016:4. 240 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91805-4................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138918054* 0876* Levy, George Computational Finance Using C and C#: Derivatives and Valuation, 2nd ed. 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Solutions Manual to Accompany Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Business: with ApplicaWLRQV8VLQJ0LFURVRIW2I¿FH([FHOS (Wiley-Blackwell, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-22102-9 ................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 Barrass, Robert Writing at Work: A Guide to Better Writing in Administration, Business and Management 2016:3. 224 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14196-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781119221029* *9781138141964* 0889* 知識経営 職場における英語の訓練 Xie, Qing English Language Training in the Workplace: Case Studies of Corporate Programs in China (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, Vol. 22) 2016:6. 200 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30155-6.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 0893* 知識の未来 Allee, Verna The Future of Knowledge 2016:2. 320 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13528-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135284* *9783319301556* 0894* ビジネス・プロセス・トランスフォーメーション 経営学一般 0890* 職場の戦略とファシリティ・マネジメント Best, Rick/de Valence, Gerard/Langston, Craig (eds.) Workplace Strategies and Facilities Management 2016:2. 432 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13514-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135147* 0891* ★ ドラッカー著 未来のためのマネジメント Drucker, Peter Managing for the Future 2016:3. 304 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14254-1 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142541* Grover, Varun/Markus, M. Lynne Business Process Transformation 2016:4. 320 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67971-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138679719* 0895* ビジネスプロセス管理 Kumar, Akhil Business Process Management 2016:7. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18181-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138181816* ISBN 978-1-138-18185-4................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138181854* 0896* 新たな知識経営 McElroy, Mark W. The New Knowledge Management 2016:3. 280 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14244-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142442* 108 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 䝡䝆䝛䝇䛸⤒ႠᏛ䛾䜰䜽䝅䝵䞁䝸䝃䞊䝏㻌 䠐ᕳ Action Research in Business and Management Fundamentals of Applied Research 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖04008S0008䛇 Edited by David Coghlan, Trinity College Dublin, IRL and Abraham B Shani, California Polytechnic State University, USA 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,550 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4462-7610-5 ண⣙౯ (2016/07/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 550.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥135,869 / ≉౯ ¥108,695ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 625.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥154,396 / ≉౯ ¥123,517ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781446276105* ᅜ㝿ⓗ▱ࡽࢀࡓ◊✲⪅࡛࠶ࡿࠊDavid Coghlan Abraham B. Shani ࡼࡾ 1950 ᖺ௦௨㝆ࡢࣅࢪࢿࢫ⤒ႠᏛ࠾ࡅࡿࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࣜࢧ࣮ࢳࡢ㔜せㄽᩥࡀึࡵ࡚ᩚ⌮ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋࢡࢩࣙࣥࣜࢧ࣮ ࢳࡣࠊṔྐᏛဴᏛࡢᏛ⾡ᇶ┙ࡑࡢⓎᒎࠊ୪ࡧ␗࡞ࡿࣅࢪࢿ ࢫ⎔ቃࡸつ๎ࡢୗ࡛ࡢᐇࠊࡉࡽࡇࡢ◊✲ᡭἲࡢ⌧௦ⓗ࡞ᙺ ཬࡧⓎᒎࡢᶵ࠸࠺ほⅬࡽ㆟ㄽࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊಶேࡢ◊✲⪅ࡸࣅࢪࢿࢫࢫࢡ࣮ࣝࢆᑐ㇟ࡋࡓᇶ♏ⓗ࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡛࠶ࡾࠊ ᙜヱศ㔝ࡢ▱㆑ࡸ⌮ゎࢆᚓࡽࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞◊✲ࡢᡭᮏ࡞ࡿ㈨ᩱࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊ࠶ࡿ㞟ᅋࡶᛂ⏝◊✲ࢆ⾜ࡗࡓᑗ᮶ὀ┠ࡉࢀࡿྍ⬟ᛶࡢ࠶ࡿ ᩥ⊩ࢆⴭྡ࡞⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡿ㔜せ࡞ฟ∧≀ࡽ㞟ࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛᕳ࡛ࡣ◊✲ᡭἲࡢⓎ ᒎࡸせ࡞㆟ㄽࢆ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣṔྐⓗᙳ㡪ຊࡢࡁ࡞◊✲ᡂᯝ ࡶࡇࡢศ㔝࡛᭱ඛ➃࡞ࡿࠊࡇࡇᩘᖺࡢ㛫ࡢ㠀ᖖ㉁ࡢ㧗࠸◊✲ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 䛆ྛᕳ⤂䛇㻌 ➨ 㻝 ᕳ䠖䝡䝆䝛䝇䛸⤒ႠᏛ䛻䛚䛡䜛䜰䜽䝅䝵䞁䝸䝃䞊䝏䛾ᇶ♏㻌 ➨ 㻞 ᕳ䠖䝡䝆䝛䝇つ๎㻌 ➨ 㻟 ᕳ䠖ᵝ䚻䛺⏘ᴗ䛻䛚䛡䜛䜰䜽䝅䝵䞁䝸䝃䞊䝏㻌 ➨ 㻠 ᕳ䠖⌧௦䛾ㄢ㢟䜔᪂䛯䛺ㄢ㢟㻌 (Sage Pub., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 109 経営学 》知識経営 0897* コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 仕事における創造性 Skerlavaj, Miha/Cerne, Matej/Dysvik, Anders/ Carlsen, Arne (eds.) Capitalizing on Creativity at Work: Fostering the Implementation of Creative Ideas in Organizations 2016:3. 400 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-649-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781783476497* 0902* Byrne, Richard World Class Health and Safety: The Professional’s Guide 2016:5. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18390-2................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138183902* 0903* 0898* Bergland, Eric Get it Done On Time!: A Critical Chain Project Management/Theory of Constraints Novel 2016:9. 320 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-1-4842-1859-4................Paper EUR 26.99 通常価 ¥5,143 / 特価 ¥4,114 + 税 ★ 会計士・経営者のための リスクマネジメントの原則 プロジェクト・マネジメント Collier, Paul M. Fundamentals of Risk Management for Accountants and Managers 2016:3. 300 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14382-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143821* *9781484218594* 0904* 0899* アジャイル・プロジェクトマネジメント Boutros, Tristan/Cardella, Jennifer Agile Project Management (Fundamentals of Project Management) 2016:8. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6280-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781472462800* 0900* Salmi, Asta Managing Project Ending (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies) 2016:6. 128 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98033-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138980334* ★ Jones, Bryn Corporate Power and Responsible Capitalism?: Towards Social Accountability 2016:5. 320 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-092-2................. Paper STP 29.95 通常価 ¥7,398 / 特価 ¥5,918 + 税 *9781786430922* 0905* Mallin, Christine A. (ed.) Handbook on Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions (Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series, Vol. 4) 2016:5. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-178-8................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781784711788* 0901* Whitaker, Sean PMP Examination Practice Questions: For The PMBOK Guide Updated 2016, 3rd ed. 2016:4. 385 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-1-4842-1882-2................Paper EUR 19.99 通常価 ¥3,809 / 特価 ¥3,047 + 税 *9781484218822* ★ 金融機関のコーポレートガバナンスハンドブック 0906* ★ Ringe, Wolf-Georg The Deconstruction of Equity: Activist Shareholders, Decoupled Risk, and Corporate Governance 2016:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872303-5 ........................................ Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198723035* 110 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 0907* 企業形態 Roseberry, Lynn/Roos, Johan Bridging the Gender Gap: Seven Principles for Achieving Gender Balance 2016:3. 272 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877890-5................. Paper STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 0911* Drucker, Peter 0DQDJLQJWKH1RQ3UR¿W2UJDQL]Dtion 2016:2. 192 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13548-2 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9780198778905* 0908* ★ コーポレートガバナンスの再考 Sjostrand, Sven-Erik Rethinking Corporate Governance: The Forming of Operative and Financial Strategies in Global Corporations 2016:5. 608 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78195-142-2................ Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥32,114 / 特価 ¥25,691 + 税 *9781781951422* 0909* *9781138135482* 0912* 家族資本主義 Jones, Geoffrey/Rose, Mary (eds.) Family Capitalism 2016:2. 224 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96955-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138969551* グローバルリスク・アジリティと意思決定 Vamanu, Bogdan I./Gheorghe, Adrian V./Katina, Polinpapilinho F. Critical Infrastructures: Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in Transportation of Dangerous Goods: Transportation by Road and Rail (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, Vol. 31) 2016:5. 250 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30929-3............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 ★ ドラッカー著 NPO の運営 0913* Salaman, Graeme/Storey, John A Better Way of Doing Business?: Lessons from the John Lewis Partnership 2016:8. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878282-7.................. Hard STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198782827* *9783319309293* 経営戦略・経営計画 0910* Wagner, Daniel/Disparte, Dante Global Risk Agility and Decision Making: Organizational Resilience in the Era of Manmade Risk 2016:7. 330 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, DEU) ISBN 978-1-349-94859-8................Paper EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 *9781349948598* See also... Betta, Michela, Ethicmentality, Springer Netherlands................................................ p15 , 0108 AtKisson, Alan, The Sustainability Transformation, Routledge.................... p125 , 1043 0914* Borris, Daniel The “Grow or Die” Ultimatum: Creating Value Through Acquisition and Blended, Long-Term Improvement Formulas 2016:8. 285 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5683-9.................. Hard STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781498756839* 0915 市場を超えた戦略 De Figueiredo, John M./Lenox, Michael/Oberholzer-Gee, Felix (eds.) Strategy Beyond Markets (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 34) 2016:4. 480 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-020-6...............Hard USD 164.95 通常価 ¥28,211 + 税 *9781786350206* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 111 経営学 》経営戦略・経営計画 0916* ★ ビジネスモデル・イノベーション Foss, Nicolai J./Saebi, Tina (eds.) Business Model Innovation: The Organizational Dimension 2016:8. 336 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878376-3 ....................................... Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198783763* 0921* Baber, Christopher/McMaster, Richard Grasping the Moment: Sensemaking in Response to Routine Incidents and Major Emergencies 2016:8. 196 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7080-5.................. Hard STP 63.99 通常価 ¥15,807 / 特価 ¥12,646 + 税 *9781472470805* 0922* ★ 組織内の実態 0917* ルーティーン、戦略とマネジメント Grand, Simon Routines, Strategies and Management: Engaging for Recurrent Creation ‘At the Edge’ 2016:4. 224 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-630-7.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781785366307* Coghlan, David Inside Organizations: Exploring Organizational Experiences 2016:9. 112 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-6898-1.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781473968981* ISBN 978-1-4739-6899-8................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781473968998* 0918* 戦略 第2版 0923* Paroutis, Sotirios/Heracleous, Loizos/Angwin, Duncan Practicing Strategy: Text and Cases, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 328 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1285-4................ Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥29,644 / 特価 ¥23,715 + 税 Ford, J. Kevin (ed.) Improving Training Effectiveness in Work Organizations (Applied Psychology Series) 2016:2. 412 p., Originally published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97240-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781473912854* *9781138972407* 0919* Patel, Suresh Business Excellence: Exceeding Your Customers’ Expectations Each Time, All the Time 2016:7. 246 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5124-7.................. Hard STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781498751247* 0924* Garud, Raghu/Simpson, Barbara/Langley, Ann/ Tsoukas, Haridimos (eds.) The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies) 2016:6. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877889-9................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198778899* 経営組織 0925* 0920 ★ 感情と組織ガバナンス Ashkanasy, Neal M./Hartel, Charmine E. J./Zerbe, Wilfred J. (eds.) Emotions and Organizational Governance (Research on Emotion in Organizations, Vol. 12) 2016:6. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78560-998-5...............Hard USD 144.95 通常価 ¥24,790 + 税 Jagd, Soren/Fuglsang, Lars (eds.) Trust, Organizations and Social Interaction: Studying Trust as Process within and between Organizations 2016:5. 384 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-619-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781783476190* *9781785609985* 112 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営組織 0926* 組織行動 第2版 King, Daniel/Lawley, Scott Organizational Behaviour, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 704 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872402-5................. Paper STP 46.99 通常価 ¥11,608 / 特価 ¥9,286 + 税 *9780198724025* 0927* Langenmayr, Felix Organisational Memory as a Function: The Construction of Past, Present and Future in Organisations 2016:4. 195 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-12867-8................Paper EUR 46.72 通常価 ¥8,903 / 特価 ¥7,122 + 税 *9783658128678* ISBN 978-93-5150-895-3................. Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 / 特価 ¥2,962 + 税 *9789351508953* 人事管理 0932* 従業員退職率研究ハンドブック Cooper, Cary L./Saridakis, George (eds.) Research Handbook on Employee Turnover (New Horizons in Management Series) 2016:4. 400 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-114-6 ................ Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥32,114 / 特価 ¥25,691 + 税 *9781784711146* 0933* 従業員の付加価値 第2版 0928* Oxford 版 組織のアイデンティティハンドブック Pratt, Michael G./Schultz, Majken/Ashforth, Blake E./Ravasi, Davide (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Identity 2016:9. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-968957-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199689576* 0929 Schuyler, Kathryn Goldman/Jironet, Karin/Goldman Schuyler, Kathryn (eds.) Creative Social Change: Leadership for a Healthy World (Building Leadership Bridges) 2016:4. 320 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-146-3................Paper USD 40.00 通常価 ¥6,841 + 税 *9781786351463* 0930* Shipp, Abbie J./Fried, Yitzhak (eds.) Time and Work, Volume 1: How Time Impacts Individuals (Current Issues in Work and Organizational Psychology) 2016:4. 248 p., New in Paperback (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68464-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138684645* 0931* 経営と組織行動:原則と実践 Singh, Chandrani/Khatri, Aditi (eds.) Principles and Practices of Management and Organizational Behaviour 2016:5. 431 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ★印はお薦めタイトル &ULSH(GZDUG-0DQV¿HOG5LFKDUG6 The Value-Added Employee, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 216 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13939-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139398* 0934* Dinero, Donald A. The TWI Facilitator’s Guide: How to Use the TWI Programs Successfully 2016:8. 384 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5484-2................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781498754842* 0935* デジタル時代におけるクリエイティブな判断 Harrell, Adam Creative Direction in a Digital World: A Guide to Being a Modern Creative Director 2016:7. 124 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-138-84751-4................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138847514* 0936* Langston, Ann/Smith, Adrian Managing Staff in Early Years Settings 2016:3. 208 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14297-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142978* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 113 経営学 》人事管理 䜺䝞䝘䞁䝇⌮ㄽ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 Handbook on Theories of Governance Edited by Jacob Torfing, Roskilde University, DNK and University of Nordland, NOR and Christopher Ansell, University of California, Berkeley, USA 2016 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 608 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-78254-849-2........ STP 205.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥50,642 / ≉౯ ¥40,513ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781782548492* 㐣ཤ 20 ᖺࡢ㛫࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫ⌮ㄽࡣ」ᩘࡢศ㔝ࡲࡓࡀࡾẚ㍑ⓗ⊂❧ᛶࡢ㧗࠸ศ 㔝ࡋ࡚⏕ࡌ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ◊✲⪅ࡓࡕࡣࠊἲᚊࡸつไࠊィ⏬ࠊẸ⩏ㄽࠊ⤒῭ Ꮫࠊබඹ⤒Ⴀࠊᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽࢆึࡵከࡃࡢศ㔝࡛࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸⌮ㄽࢆㄝ᫂ࡋࡼ ࠺ດຊࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ⤖ᯝࡋ࡚ࠕ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࠖ࠸࠺༢ㄒࡣୡ⏺࡛᭱ࡶ㢖⦾ ࢃࢀࡿ♫⛉Ꮫࡢᴫᛕ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢᗈ⠊࡞ศ㔝ࢆ⥙⨶ࡍࡿ༢୍ࡢ⌮ㄽࡣ Ꮡᅾࡏࡎࠊ␗࡞ࡿពᅗどⅬࢆᣢࡗࡓ」ᩘࡢ⌮ㄽࡼࡗ࡚ㄝ᫂ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࡇ ࢀࡽ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢ⌮ㄽࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚ࠊ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࠊᐇົᐙྥࡅࡢศᯒ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ᥦ ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢࣉࣟࢭࢫࡘ࠸࡚ࡼࡾ῝࠸⌮ㄽⓗ⌮ゎࢆಁ㐍ࡍ ࡿࡶࠊࡇࢀࡽᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞㆟ㄽࡢᇶ♏ⓗ㡯ࢆゎ᫂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋせ࡞⌮ㄽⓗᴫ ᛕࢆㄪᰝࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ⌧௦ࡢ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࢆศᯒࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢᇶᮏⓗ࡞ᴫ ᛕࡢᯟࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ◊✲ࡀࡢࡼ࠺♫⛉Ꮫࡢ⌮ㄽ Ⓨᒎ㈉⊩ࡍࡿࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ㔜せ࡞Ὕᐹࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ❶࡛ࡣࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫ ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ᙧែࢆᚭᗏⓗ㆟ㄽࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊ⌧ᅾᐇࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢከ ᵝᛶࢆ᫂ࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ࢚ࣆ࣮ࣟࢢ࡛ࡣྛ❶ඹ㏻ࡢࢸ࣮࣐ࢆ☜ㄆࡋࠊ ᑗ᮶ࡢ◊✲ᶵࢆᣦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡍࡲࡍ」㞧ࡋࠊ᩿∦ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࢲࢼ࣑ࢵࢡ࡞♫࡛ࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡘ࠸࡚ ࡢ⌮ㄽⓗ࡞⌮ゎࢆ῝ࡵࡓࡾᗈࡆࡓࡾࡋࡓ࠸⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿㄞ⪅ࡗ࡚ࠊࡇࡢࣁࣥࢻ ࣈࢵࢡࡣ㔜せ࡞㈨ᩱ࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫ◊✲ࡢ⌮ㄽⓗ῝ࡉࡸᖜᗈࡉࢆホ౯ࡋ ࡓ࠸⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࠊᐇົᐙࡢᙉຊ࡞ᡭຓࡅ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 114 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》人事管理 0937* ★ 0942* 従業員関係の探求 第2版 Leat, Mike Exploring Employee Relations, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 464 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14338-8 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143388* ★ 人的資源管理の重点 第5版 Tyson, Shaun Essentials of Human Resource Management, 5th ed. 2016:3. 476 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14181-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141810* 0938* 0943* メンタープログラムの管理ハンドブック 人的資源管理入門 第3版 Lunsford, Laura Gail A Handbook for Managing Mentoring Programs: Starting, Supporting and Sustaining 2016:6. 182 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6322-7.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 Wilton, Nick An Introduction to Human Resource Management, 3rd ed. 2016:4. 520 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1571-8................ Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥29,644 / 特価 ¥23,715 + 税 *9781473915718* *9781472463227* リーダーシップ 0939* 欧州における人的資源管理 Mayrhofer, Wolfgang/Brewster, Chris/Morley, Michael (eds.) HRM in Europe 2016:2. 498 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13538-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135383* 0944* ビジネス・プランニング Butler, David Business Planning: A Guide to Business Start-Up 2016:3. 288 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14380-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143807* 0940* 人材管理ガイド Panagiotakopoulos, Antonios A Short Guide to People Management: For HR and Line Managers (Routledge Focus on Business and Management) 2016:5. 80 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7852-8.................. Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9781472478528* 0945* アントレプレナーシップと組織化 Gartner, William B. Entrepreneurship as Organizing: Selected Papers of William B. Gartner 2016:2. 400 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-114-0 .................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781783471140* 0941* 人材育成・職業教育:ネイティブアメリカンの事例 Schmidtke, Carsten (ed.) American Indian Workforce Education: Trends and Issues (Routledge Research in Education, Vol. 163) 2016:4. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-95955-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138959552* ★印はお薦めタイトル 0946* コーチングとメンタリング:批判的入門 Garvey, Robert/Lane, David A./Gray, David E. A Critical Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring: Debates, Dialogues and Discourses 2016:4. 368 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4462-7227-5.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781446272275* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 115 経営学 》リーダーシップ 0947* 0952* 女性の起業家のためのコーチング アントレプレナーシップとシャドーエコノミー Hunt, Carianne M./Fielden, Sandra L. Coaching for Women Entrepreneurs (New Horizons in Management Series) 2016:4. 192 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-510-0.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 Sauka, Arnis/Schneider, Friedrich/Williams, Colin C. (eds.) Entrepreneurship and the Shadow Economy 2016:5. 256 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-987-6.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 0948* 0953* *9781783475100* *9781784719876* ★ リーダーシップの想像 組織文化とリーダーシップ 第5版 LaMagdeleine, Donald R. The Leadership Imagination: An Introduction to Taxonomic Leadership Analysis (New Horizons in Leadership Studies Series) 2016:3. 200 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-138-8.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 Schein, Edgar H. Organization Culture and Leadership, 5th ed. 2016:9. 464 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-21204-1 .....................................Paper USD 65.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9781785361388* *9781119212041* 0954* 0949* リーダーシップのディスコース Mitchell, J. Robert/Mitchell, Ronald K./RandolphSeng, Brandon (eds.) Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition (Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series) 2016:5. 528 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-021-7................. Paper STP 45.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 Spector, Bert A. Discourse on Leadership: A Critical Appraisal 2016:6. 278 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-04978-9............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 *9781784710217* 0955* 女性の起業家 0950 グローバル・リーダーシップ応用 Osland, Joyce S./Li, Ming/Mendenhall, Mark E. (eds.) Advances in Global Leadership: Vol. 9 2016:6. 385 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-138-8...............Hard USD 144.95 通常価 ¥24,790 + 税 *9781786351388* 0951* Wells, Sandra J. Bruchey, Stuart (ed.) Women Entrepreneurs: Developing Leadership for Success (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship) 2016:2. 192 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98725-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138987258* ★ Read, Stuart/Sarasvathy, Saras/Dew, Nick Effectual Entrepreneurship, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92377-5 ....................................... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138923775* ISBN 978-1-138-92378-2................. Paper STP 43.99 通常価 ¥10,867 / 特価 ¥8,693 + 税 *9781138923782* 116 *9781107049789* 0956* リーダーシップ研究 Wilson, Suze Thinking Differently about Leadership: A Critical History of Leadership Studies (New Horizons in Leadership Studies Series, Vol. 4) 2016:5. 288 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-678-3.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9781784716783* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》リーダーシップ 0957* 0962* Zankovsky, Anatoly/von der Heiden, Christiane Leadership with Synercube: A Dynamic Leadership Culture for Excellence 2016:9. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-49051-8.................Hard EUR 29.99 通常価 ¥5,715 / 特価 ¥4,572 + 税 Fuller, Douglas B. Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons: Firms and the Political Economy of China’s Technological Development 2016:5. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877720-5.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9783662490518* *9780198777205* 0963* 国際ビジネス・各国経営 世界市場における韓国企業 0958* 国際ビジネス 第3版 Ajami, Riad/Goddard, Jason G. International Business: Theory and Practice, 3rd ed. 2016:3. 368 p., Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17225-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172258* 0959* *9781138172203* 0964* チャイナ・ファクター ★ 米国企業情報の国際化 Alon, Ilan The Internationalization of US Franchising Systems (Transnational Business and Corporate Culture) 2016:2. 112 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97311-4 ................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138973114* 0960* 欧州における韓国の多国籍企業 Cherry, Judith Korean Multinationals in Europe (Routledge Advances in Korean Studies) 2016:2. 256 p., First Published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97410-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138974104* 0961* Hemmert, Martin Tiger Management: Korean Companies on World Markets 2016:3. 200 p., Originally published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17220-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 ★ 変容する国際経済と国際アントレプレナーシップの影響 Etemad, Hamid/Denicolai, Stefano/Hagen, Birgit/ Zucchella, Antonella (eds.) The Changing Global Economy and its Impact on International Entrepreneurship (The McGill International Entrepreneurship Series) 2016:3. 352 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-983-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Karam, Amy The China Factor: Leveraging Emerging Business Strategies to Compete, Grow, and Win in the New Global Economy 2016:5. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-27401-8 .................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9781119274018* 0965* 新興市場:現代研究ハンドブック Merchant, Hemant (ed.) Handbook of Contemporary Research on Emerging Markets (Research Handbooks in Business and Management Series) 2016:3. 448 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78254-635-1................ Hard STP 130.00 通常価 ¥32,114 / 特価 ¥25,691 + 税 *9781782546351* 0966 Torres, Miguel M./Cathro, Virginia/Gonzalez-Perez, Maria-Alejandra (eds.) Dead Firms: Causes and Effects of Cross-Border Corporate Insolvency (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 15) 2016:6. 252 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-314-6...............Hard USD 131.99 通常価 ¥22,574 + 税 *9781786353146* *9781783479832* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 117 経営学 》国際ビジネス・各国経営 0967* 組織とマネジメント:国際的アプローチ Van Dam, Nick/Marcus, Jos Organization and Management: An International Approach 2016:2. 502 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13931-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139312* Hagenberg Business Process Modelling Method 2016:5. 281 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30495-3.................Hard EUR 94.99 通常価 ¥18,102 / 特価 ¥14,482 + 税 *9783319304953* e コマース 0973* e コマースとデジタル経済 0968* Vermeulen, Patrick A. M./Hutte, Edgar Strategic Challenges for the Base of the Pyramid 2016:4. 176 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-094-1................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 Shaw, Michael J. E-Commerce and the Digital Economy 2016:4. 304 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68131-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138681316* *9781784710941* 0974* 経営情報 0969* サイバーセキュリティ投資 Beissel, Stefan Cybersecurity Investments: Decision Support Under Economic Aspects (Progress in IS) 2016:3. 289 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30458-8.................Hard EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥13,338 / 特価 ¥10,670 + 税 *9783319304588* 0970* Dinsmore, Thomas Disruptive Analytics: Charting Your Strategy for Next-Generation Business Analytics 2016:9. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-1-4842-1312-4................Paper EUR 29.95 通常価 ¥5,707 / 特価 ¥4,566 + 税 *9781484213124* 0971* Harwood, Stephen Allan ERP: The Implementation Cycle 2016:2. 200 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13937-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139374* 0972* Kossak, Felix/Illibauer, Christa/Geist, Verena/ Natschläger, Christine/Ziebermayr, Thomas/Freudenthaler, Bernhard/Kopetzky, Theodorich/Schewe, Klaus-Dieter 118 Sherif, Mostafa Hashem Protocols for Secure Electronic Commerce, 3rd ed. 2016:6. 494 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-0374-5................ Hard STP 114.00 通常価 ¥28,161 / 特価 ¥22,529 + 税 *9781482203745* 生産管理・物流管理 0975* Antony, Jiju/Kumar, Ashok/Banuelas, Ricardo (eds.) World Class Applications of Six Sigma 2016:3. 268 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14199-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141995* 0976* Cook, Thomas A. Growing and Managing Foreign Purchasing (The Global Warrior Series, Vol. 4) 2016:8. 248 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-2625-6.................. Hard STP 57.99 通常価 ¥14,325 / 特価 ¥11,460 + 税 *9781482226256* 0977* Fiore, Clifford Lean Execution: The Basic Implementation Guide for Maximizing Process Performance 2016:6. 153 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5274-9................. Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥6,420 / 特価 ¥5,136 + 税 *9781498752749* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》生産管理・物流管理 0978* Kurvinen, Matti/Töyrylä, Ilkka/Murthy, D. N. Prabhakar Warranty Fraud Management (Wiley and SAS Business Series) 2016:6. 224 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-22388-7 .................Hard USD 49.95 通常価 ¥8,542 / 特価 ¥6,834 + 税 *9781119223887* 0979* Martin, Timothy D./Bell, Jeffrey T./Martin, Scott A. The Standardized Work Field Guide 2016:8. 184 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5201-5................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781498752015* 0980* 品質管理と改善の原理 第4版 Mitra, Amitava Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, 4th ed. 2016:5. 792 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-70514-8 ...............Hard USD 149.95 通常価 ¥25,645 / 特価 ¥20,516 + 税 *9781118705148* Eastham, Jane, Food Supply Chain Management, Routledge...................................................p122 , 1012 Atasu, Atalay, Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains, Springer Basel AG........ p125 , 1042 研究開発・技術戦略 ★ Drucker, Peter F. Technology, Management and Society 2016:2. 194 p., Originally published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13510-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0982* Hyysalo, Sampsa/Jensen, Torben Elgaard/Oudshoorn, Nelly (eds.) The New Production of Users: Changing Innovation Collectives and Involvement Strategies (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology) 2016:5. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Lee, Kong-Rae (ed.) Convergence Innovation in Asian Industries 2016:8. 158 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68120-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138681200* 経営科学 0984* Anderson, Mark J./Whitcomb, Patrick J. 5606LPSOL¿HG: Optimizing Processes Using Response Surface Methods for Design of Experiments, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 298 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-4598-7................. Paper STP 38.99 通常価 ¥9,631 / 特価 ¥7,705 + 税 *9781498745987* 0985* Bhaduri, Saumitra N./Fogarty, David Advanced Business Analytics: Essentials for Developing a Competitive Advantage (SpringerBriefs in Business) 2016:6. 120 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0726-2................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9789811007262* 0986* ドラッカー著 テクノロジー、マネジメン トと社会 *9781138135109* *9781138124561* 0983* ビジネス・アナリティクス応用 See also... 0981* ISBN 978-1-138-12456-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 リニアプログラミング Chaouachi, Jouhaina Siala/Ghorbel, Molka Siala Linear Programming 2016:6. 250 p. (Elsevier Science, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78548-151-2...............Hard USD 130.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,787 + 税 *9781785481512* 0987* Delipetrev, Blagoj Nested Algorithms for Optimal Reservoir Operation and their Embedding in a Decision Support Platform (UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis Series, Vol. 111) 2016:5. 160 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-138-02982-8................. Paper STP 41.19 通常価 ¥10,175 / 特価 ¥8,140 + 税 *9781138029828* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 119 経営学 》経営科学 0988* Rassias, Themistocles M./Gupta, Vijay (eds.) Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory and Their Applications (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 111) 2016:5. 704 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31279-8...............Hard EUR 164.99 通常価 ¥31,442 / 特価 ¥25,154 + 税 *9783319312798* 0989* 凸解析とグローバル最適化 Tuy, Hoang Convex Analysis and Global Optimization, 2nd ed. (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 110) 2016:5. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-319-31482-2...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319314822* Foundations of Prediction Markets: Modeling, Simulation, and Empirical Evidence (Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science, Vol. 12) 2016:11. 500 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ISBN 978-4-431-55229-1.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 *9784431552291* 0994* デジタルマーケティング Dodson, Ian The Art of Digital Marketing7KH'H¿QLWLYH Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns 2016:5. 400 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-26570-2 .................Hard USD 99.95 通常価 ¥17,094 / 特価 ¥13,675 + 税 *9781119265702* 0995* ★ マーケティング戦略 第3版 )L¿HOG3DXO Marketing Strategy, 3rd ed. 2016:2. 328 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16932-6 ........................................ Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 0990* オペレーションズマネジメント Wisner, Joel D. Operations Management: A Supply Chain Process Approach 2016:10. 656 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-8306-4.................. Hard STP 97.00 通常価 ¥23,962 / 特価 ¥19,169 + 税 *9781138169326* *9781483383064* 0996* マーケティング 0991* Adkins, Sue Cause Related Marketing 2016:2. 328 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13642-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136427* 0992* スポーツとイベントにおける消費者行動 Funk, Daniel/Alexandris, Kostas/McDonald, Heath Consumer Behaviour in Sport and Events 2016:2. 272 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13549-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135499* 0997* Baines, Paul/Egan, John/Jefkins, Frank Public Relations 2016:3. 456 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14183-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Gillespie, Sean/Testani, Sr., Michael V./Ramakrishnan, Sreekanth Lean for Sales: Bringing the Science of Lean to the Art of Selling 2016:2. 200 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-5314-6.................. Hard STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 0993 0998* PR *9781482253146* *9781138141834* 予測市場の基盤 Chen, Shu-Heng/Tung, Chen-Yuan/Yeh, Jason/Chie, Bin-Tzong/Tai, Chung-Ching/Lin, Hung-Wen 120 Le Meunier-FitzHugh, Kenneth/Douglas, Tony Achieving a Strategic Sales Focus: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges 2016:6. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》マーケティング ISBN 978-0-19-870663-2.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-12305-2................. Paper STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-870664-9................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 1004* *9780198706632* *9780198706649* 0999* ブランド価値評価 Paugam, Luc/André, Paul/Philippe, Henri/Harfouche, Roula Brand Valuation (Routledge Studies in Accounting, Vol. 18) 2016:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93382-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138933828* 1000* Podnar, Klement/Balmer, John (eds.) Contemplating Corporate Marketing, Identity and Communication 2016:2. 188 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97168-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138123052* Marketing Performance: 10 Simple Rules to Navigate Today’s Complex Marketing Analytics Space 2016:7. 200 p. (Wiley, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-27833-7 .................Hard USD 36.00 通常価 ¥6,157 / 特価 ¥4,925 + 税 *9781119278337* 1005* ビデオゲーム・マーケティング:学生向けテキスト Zackariasson, Peter Video Game Marketing: A Student Textbook 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81226-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138812260* ISBN 978-1-138-81227-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138812277* *9781138971684* 特定産業 1001* 1006* Scott, David Meerman The New Rules of Sales and Service: How to Use Agile Selling, Real-Time Customer Engagement, Big Data, Content, and Storytelling to Grow Your Business 2016:7. 288 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-27242-7 ................Paper USD 21.95 通常価 ¥3,754 / 特価 ¥3,003 + 税 Anderton, Malcolm/Pick, John Arts Administration, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 190 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13967-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781119272427* 1002* Singh, Nitish/Pereira, Arun The Culturally Customized Web Site 2016:2. 176 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13615-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136151* 1003* *9781138139671* 1007* Badal, Sharon Swimming Upstream: A Lifesaving Guide to Short Film Distribution 2016:3. 320 p., Originally published in 2008 (Focal Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14240-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142404* 1008* ★ 海事経済学:マネジメントとマーケティング Smith, Ronald D. Becoming a Public Relations Writer: Strategic Writing for Emerging and Established Media, 5th ed. 2016:7. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12304-5................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9781138123045* ★印はお薦めタイトル Branch, Alan Maritime Economics: Management and Marketing 2016:3. 592 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14331-9 ........................................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143319* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 121 経営学 》特定産業 1009* 航空輸送のマネジメント:国際的視点 Budd, Lucy/Ison, Stephen Air Transport Management: An International Perspective 2016:10. 350 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5103-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-938047-3.................Hard USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 *9780199380473* 1015* ISBN 978-1-4724-5106-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Mazaheri, Nimah Oil Booms and Business Busts: Why Resource Wealth Hurts Entrepreneurs in the Developing World 2016:7. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049021-8.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 1010* 1016* Clark, Timothy/Wright, Mike/Ketchen Jr., David J. (eds.) How to Get Published in the Best Management Journals 2016:6. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-467-3.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 Mulligan, Catherine E. A. The Communications Industries in the Era of Convergence 2016:6. 368 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68696-0................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781472451033* *9780190490218* *9781472451064* *9781138686960* *9781784714673* 1017* 1011* ラテンアメリカの鉱業 Deonandan, Kalowatie/Dougherty, Michael L. (eds.) Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the New Extraction (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development) 2016:7. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92167-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138921672* 1012* フードサプライチェーン・マネジメント Eastham, Jane/Sharples, Liz/Ball, Stephen (eds.) Food Supply Chain Management 2016:3. 360 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17384-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173842* 1013* Iatrou, Kostas/Oretti, Mauro Airline Choices for the Future: From Alliances to Mergers, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 275 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-2616-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409426165* 1014* Jayaraman, Saru Forked: A New Standard for American Dining 2016:3. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) 122 Sammer, Gerd/Bell, Michael Visions, Concepts and Experiences of Travel Demand Management (Transport and Society) 2016:6. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-2219-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409422198* 1018* 航空業界 Taneja, Nawal K. Airline Industry: Poised for disruptive innovation? 2016:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-8401-7.................. Hard STP 45.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9781472484017* See also... Christy Jr., Francis T., Alternative Arrangements for Marine Fisheries, Routledge ............p124 , 1033 Austin, Jim, Leading Strategic Change in an Era of Healthcare Transformation, Springer Basel AG ...................................................................p166 , 1428 Berlanga, Gerard A., Lean Daily Management for Healthcare Field Book, Productivity Press Inc. ...................................................................p166 , 1429 Wellman, Joan, Leading the Lean Healthcare Journey, Productivity Press Inc..............p167 , 1449 White, Brad, Lean Daily Management for Healthcare, Productivity Press Inc........ p168 , 1450 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》特定産業 Zidel, Thomas G., Rethinking Lean in Healthcare, Productivity Press Inc. .............................p168 , 1452 Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14379-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143791* ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム 1019* 1024* Boniface, Priscilla/Fowler, Peter Heritage and Tourism in The Global Village (Heritage: Care-Preservation-Management) 2016:3. 200 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14241-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Melissen, Frans/Van der Rest, Jean-Pièrre/Josephi, Stan/Blomme, Rob (eds.) Hospitality Experience 2016:2. 286 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13961-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1020* 1025* *9781138139619* *9781138142411* ★ ホスピタリティ・マーケティング Bowie, David/Buttle, Francis/Brookes, Maureen/ Mariussen, Anastasia Hospitality Marketing, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 434 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92747-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138927476* *9781138927483* 1021* クルーズ・オペレーションズ・マネジメント Gibson, Philip Cruise Operations Management 2016:3. 192 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14320-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143203* 1022* レジャー・サービス事業における組織行動 Lee-Ross, Darren/Lashley, Conrad Organization Behaviour for Leisure Services 2016:3. 278 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14352-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143524* ★ 21 世紀における ツーリズムとホスピタリティ *9781409422488* 1026* ISBN 978-1-138-92748-3................. Paper STP 38.99 通常価 ¥9,631 / 特価 ¥7,705 + 税 1023* Palmer, Catherine Being and Dwelling through Tourism (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) 2016:3. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-2248-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 ビジネス・トラベルとツーリズム Swarbrooke, John/Horner, Susan Business Travel and Tourism 2016:3. 370 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14272-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142725* 1027* ★ ツーリズムとナショナル・アイデンディティ White, Leanne/Frew, Elspeth (eds.) Tourism and National Identities: An International Perspective (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility) 2016:4. 228 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65121-0................. Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥7,161 / 特価 ¥5,729 + 税 *9781138651210* See also... Chibili, Michael, Basic Management Accounting for the Hospitality Industry, Routledge .................................................................. p107 , 0882 Medlik, S. Lockwood, Andrew (ed.) Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century 2016:3. 344 p., ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 123 環境学 》環境思想・環境文明 環境学 環境思想・環境文明 環境経済 1028* 1033* Bruno, Andy The Nature of Soviet Power: An Arctic Environmental History (Studies in Environment and History) 2016:3. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14471-2.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 Christy Jr., Francis T. Alternative Arrangements for Marine Fisheries: An Overview 2016:2. 104 p., Originally published in 1973 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94216-5................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 1029* 1034* アメリカ西部の環境史 Corbeau, Anne-Sophie/Ledesma, David (eds.) LNG Markets in Transition7KH*UHDW5HFRQ¿JXration 2016:6. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878326-8.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9781107144712* Dant, Sara Losing Eden: An Environmental History of the American West (Western History Series) 2016:8. 220 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-93429-6 ................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9781118934296* 1030* *9780198783268* 1035* ★ Routledge 版 哲学と生物多様性ハンドブック Garson, Justin/Plutynski, Anya/Sarkar, Sahotra (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Biodiversity (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy) 2016:9. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-82773-8................ Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9781138827738* 1031* Heyward, Clare/Roser, Dominic (eds.) Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World 2016:6. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874404-7.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198744047* 1032* *9781138942165* Daly, Herman E. From Uneconomic Growth to a Steady-State Economy (Advances in Ecological Economics Series) 2016:5. 272 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-996-2................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9781783479962* 1036* 還元主義を越えて Farrell, Katharine/Luzzati, Tommaso/van den Hove, Sybille (eds.) Beyond Reductionism: A Passion for Interdisciplinarity 2016:6. 344 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68657-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686571* 1037* ★ Shrader-Frechette, Kristin Tainted (Environmental Ethics and Science Policy Series) 2016:5. 312 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060381-6 .....................................Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 Hermele, Kenneth The Appropriation of Ecological Space: Agrofuels, Unequal Exchange and Environmental Load Displacements 2016:6. 164 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68644-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686441* *9780190603816* 124 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境経済 1038* 環境経営 中国のグリーン開発 Jiang, Yanqing Green Development in China: Models and Discussions (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2016:4. 105 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0692-0................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9789811006920* 1039* 1042* Atasu, Atalay (ed.) Environmentally Responsible Supply Chains (Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, Vol. 3) 2016:5. 350 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30092-4...............Hard EUR 139.99 通常価 ¥26,678 / 特価 ¥21,342 + 税 *9783319300924* ★ Le Heron, Richard/Campbell, Hugh/ Lewis, Nick/Carolan, Michael/Marsden, Terry (eds.) Biological Economies: Experimentation and the Politics of Agri-food Frontiers (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment) 2016:2. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84301-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 1043* AtKisson, Alan The Sustainability Transformation: How to Accelerate Positive Change in Challenging Times 2016:3. 344 p., Originally published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14383-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143838* *9781138843011* 環境政治 1040* Porritt, Jonathon Capitalism as if the World Matters 2016:2. 384 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13929-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139299* 1041* Seo, Niggol Micro-behavioral Econometric Methods: Theories, Models, and Applications for the Study of Environmental and Natural Resources 2016:6. 322 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ISBN 978-0-12-804136-9................Paper USD 74.95 通常価 ¥12,818 / 特価 ¥10,254 + 税 *9780128041369* See also... Hinderink, J., Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa, Routledge ....................................................................p98 , 0806 Lindgreen, Adam, A Stakeholder Approach to Managing Food, Routledge......................p98 , 0807 Orwin, C. S., The Tenure of Agricultural Land, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p98 , 0808 1044* 発展途上国における環境正義 Ako, Rhuks Environmental Justice in Developing Countries: 3HUVSHFWLYHVIURP$IULFDDQG$VLD3DFL¿F 168 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68684-7................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138686847* 1045* Borghesi, Simone/Montini, Massimiliano/Barreca, Alessandra The European Emission Trading System and Its Followers: Comparative Analysis and Linking Perspectives (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science) 2016:5. 117 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31185-2 ................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319311852* 1046* %UDXFK+DQV*QWHU6SULQJÒUVXOD2VZDOG%HQnett, Juliet/Serrano Oswald, Serrena Eréndira (eds.) Addressing Global Environmental Challenges from a Peace Ecology Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace, Vol. 27) 2016:7. 130 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30989-7................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319309897* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 125 環境学 》環境政治 1047* 1052* テクノロジーの民主化 気候ガバナンスの政治経済 Chapman, Anne Democratizing Technology: Risk, Responsibility and the Regulation of Chemicals (The Earthscan Science in Society Series) 2016:10. 192 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96740-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Knox Hayes, Janelle The Cultures of Markets: The Political Economy of Climate Governance 2016:5. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871845-1.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9781138967403* 1048* *9780198718451* 1053* ★ 環境保護と施行 Farmer, Andrew Handbook of Environmental Protection and Enforcement: Principles and Practice 2016:10. 296 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97567-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138975675* ★ 環境規制の費用と利益 Moosa, Imad A./Ramiah, Vikash 7KH&RVWVDQG%HQH¿WVRI(QYLURQPHQWDO5HJXODtion 2016:5. 352 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-211-2 ................. Paper STP 40.00 通常価 ¥9,881 / 特価 ¥7,905 + 税 *9781784712112* 1054* Feranec, Jan/Soukup, Tomas/Hazeu, Gerard (eds.) European Landscape Dynamics: CORINE Land Cover Data 2016:7. 368 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4822-4466-3................ Hard STP 127.00 通常価 ¥31,373 / 特価 ¥25,098 + 税 Poupeau, Franck/Gupta, Hoshin V./Serrat-Capdevila, Aleix/Sans-Fuentes, Maria A./Harris, Susan/ Hayde, Laszlo (eds.) Water Bankruptcy in the Land of Plenty (UNESCO-IHE Lecture Note Series) 2016:4. 432 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-138-02969-9................. Paper STP 82.00 通常価 ¥20,256 / 特価 ¥16,205 + 税 1050* 1055* 環境に関する意思決定の公正性と正義 EU 気候・エネルギー政策 Gross, Catherine Fairness and Justice in Environmental Decision Making: Water Under the Bridge 2016:4. 180 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68675-5................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 Skjaerseth, Jon Birger/Gulbrandsen, Lars H./Eikeland, Per Ove Linking EU Climate and Energy Policies: Decision-making, Implementation and Reform (New Horizons in Environmental Politics Series) 2016:5. 304 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-127-2.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 1049* 欧州ランドスケープのダイナミクス *9781138029699* *9781482244663* *9781138686755* *9781785361272* 1051* 気候変動と民間部門 Hart, Craig A. Climate Change and the Private Sector: Scaling Up Private Sector Response to Climate Change 2016:6. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68695-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686953* 126 ★ 1056* 水政策:アジアの視点 Tortajada, Cecilia/Biswas, Asit K. (eds.) Asian Perspectives on Water Policy 2016:7. 192 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69265-7................. Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥7,161 / 特価 ¥5,729 + 税 *9781138692657* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境法 1062* 環境法 農生物多様性と法 1057* ★ 生物多様性と法:研究ハンドブック Bowman, Michael/Goodwin, Edward/ Davies, Peter (eds.) Research Handbook on Biodiversity and Law (Research Handbooks in Environmental Law Series) 2016:4. 512 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78100-478-4................ Hard STP 180.00 通常価 ¥44,466 / 特価 ¥35,573 + 税 *9781781004784* 1058* エネルギー、ガバナンスとサステナビリティ Chalifour, Nathalie/Kotze, Louis J. (eds.) Energy, Governance and Sustainability (The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Series) 2016:5. 336 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-811-0 .................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781785368110* Santilli, Juliana Agrobiodiversity and the Law: Regulating Genetic Resources, Food Security and Cultural Diversity 2016:3. 348 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68033-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138680333* 環境社会・環境教育 1063 Andersson, Kjell/Sjoblom, Stefan/Granberg, Leo/ Marsden, Terry/Ehrstrom, Peter (eds.) Metropolitan Ruralities (Research in Rural Sociology and Development, Vol. 23) 2016:4. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78560-797-4...............Hard USD 144.95 通常価 ¥24,790 + 税 *9781785607974* 1064* 1059* 環境の未来 Genovese, Ann (ed.) Australian Critical Decisions: Remembering Koowarta and Tasmanian Dams 2016:7. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69205-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Barnes, J. Environmental Futures 2016:5. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-27832-0 ................Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9781138692053* 1060* 生物燃料の法とポリシー Le Bouthillier, Yves/Cowie, Annette/Martin, Paul/ McLeod-Kilmurray, Heather (eds.) The Law and Policy of Biofuels (The IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Series) 2016:5. 488 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78254-454-8................ Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥25,938 / 特価 ¥20,750 + 税 *9781782544548* *9781119278320* 1065* Ellingson, Stephen To Care for Creation: The Emergence of the Religious Environmental Movement 2016:6. 216 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-36724-8....................................Hard 通常価 ¥9,600 + 税 *9780226367248* ISBN 978-0-226-36738-5...................................Paper 通常価 ¥3,840 + 税 *9780226367385* 1061* 1066* Nowag, Julian Environmental Integration in Competition and Free-Movement Laws (Oxford Studies in European Law) 2016:9. 250 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875380-3.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 子どもの参画 *9780198753803* ★印はお薦めタイトル Hart, Roger A. Children’s Participation: The Theory and Practice of Involving Young Citizens in Community Development and Environmental Care 2016:2. 220 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13640-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136403* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 127 環境学 》環境社会・環境教育 1067* ★ 1070* 気候変動と健康 気候変動の文化的政治 McMichael, Anthony Climate Change and the Health of Nations 2016:3. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-026295-2.................Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 Stripple, Johannes (ed.) Towards a Cultural Politics of Climate Change: Devices, Desires and Dissent 2016:8. 240 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-16627-1............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 *9780190262952* *9781107166271* 1068* 環境教育の教授法 第2版 1071* Shimray, Chong Teaching Environmental Education 2016:5. 300 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ISBN 978-93-5150-732-1................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 Utting, Peter Trees, People and Power (Natural Resource Management Set) 2016:10. 226 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98617-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9789351507321* *9781138986176* 環境問題 各国・各地域の環境問題 1069* Cowell, Richard/Owens, Susan Land and Limits: Interpreting Sustainability in the Planning Process, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 264 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17455-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138174559* ISBN 978-1-138-99299-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 1072* 北極における環境影響評価 Koivurova, Timo/Kankaanpaa, Paula/Lesser, Pamela/ Bickford, Sonja/Nenasheva, Marina Environmental Impact Assessment in the Arctic: A Guide to Best Practice 2016:5. 320 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-157-3.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781784711573* *9781138992993* 法 学 法学一般 1073* 2016:8. 248 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-6883-2.................. Hard STP 49.99 通常価 ¥12,349 / 特価 ¥9,879 + 税 *9781498768832* 法分析 Chang, Yun-chien (ed.) Empirical Legal Analysis: Assessing the Performance of Legal Institutions 2016:4. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91808-5................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138918085* 1074* 法施行官の訓練 Giovengo, Rick D. 7UDLQLQJ/DZ(QIRUFHPHQW2I¿FHUV 128 1075* ★ 犯罪学調査法 Jupp, Victor Methods of Criminological Research 2016:3. 208 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14275-6 ........................................ Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142756* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》法学一般 1076* 1081* 弁護士リンカーンとその功績 法における理 第9版 Mcginty, Brian Lincoln’s Greatest Case: The River, the Bridge, and the Making of America 2016:3. 288 p. (Liveright Pub. Corp., USA) ISBN 978-1-63149-147-4................Paper USD 15.95 通常価 ¥2,727 + 税 Carter, Lief H./Burke, Thomas Reason in Law, 9th ed. 2016:3. 288 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-32818-8...................................Paper 通常価 ¥4,380 / 特価 ¥4,380 + 税 *9781631491474* 1077* 刑事司法・保安におけるスキルとキャリアへのガイド Schmalleger, Frank/Marcum, Catherine D. A Guide to Study Skills and Careers in Criminal Justice and Public Security 2016:6. 112 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5063-2370-1................. Paper STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 *9781506323701* 法令・条約・判例集 1078 Jackson, Lord Justice (ed.) The White Book Service 2016: Volumes 1 & 2 2016:3. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05665-7................ Hard STP 665.00 通常価 ¥153,326 + 税 *9780414056657* 基礎法 *9780226328188* 1082* Ekins, Richard The Nature of Legislative Intent (Oxford Legal Philosophy) 2016:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876620-9................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9780198766209* 1083* 法と文学 Falcon Y. Tella, Maria Jose Law and Literature 2016:4. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-30434-5............... Hard EUR 115.00 通常価 ¥21,916 / 特価 ¥17,532 + 税 *9789004304345* 1084* Greenawalt, Kent From the Bottom Up: Selected Essays 2016:7. 536 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-975616-2.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 *9780199756162* 法哲学・法思想・法社会学 1085* 1079* 法のメタファー Blumenthal, Susanna L. Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture 2016:3. 360 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-674-04893-5.................Hard USD 45.00 通常価 ¥7,696 + 税 Gurnham, David (ed.) Law’s Metaphors: Interrogating Languages of Law, Justice and Legitimacy (Journal of Law and Society Special Issues) 2016:3. 176 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-26682-2 ................Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 1080* 1086* 法と社会への招待 第2版 Hodges, Christopher/Hensler, Deborah H./Tzankova, Ianika (eds.) Class Actions in Context: How Culture, Economics and Politics Shape Collective Litigation 2016:4. 448 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-043-3................ Hard STP 105.00 通常価 ¥25,938 / 特価 ¥20,750 + 税 *9780674048935* Calavita, Kitty Invitation to Law and Society: An Introduction to the Study of Real Law, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 240 p. (The University of Chicago Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-226-29658-6...................................Paper 通常価 ¥2,000 + 税 *9780226296586* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781119266822* *9781783470433* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 129 法 学 》基礎法 1087* ★ 法の無知 Husak, Douglas Ignorance of Law: A Philosophical Inquiry (Oxford Legal Philosopies, Vol. 1) 2016:9. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060468-4.................Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 / 特価 ¥11,630 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-68606-9................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686069* See also... Watson, Irene, Aboriginal Peoples, Colonialism and International Law, Routledge .........p141 , 1204 *9780190604684* 法制史 1088* Lovett, Frank Republic of Law 2016:5. 254 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-13064-7.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107130647* 1089 法、政治と社会 Sarat, Austin (ed.) Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, Vol. 70) 2016:4. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-076-3............... Hard USD 114.95 通常価 ¥19,659 + 税 *9781786350763* 1090* ローランド・ドゥウォーキンの遺産 Sciaraffa, Stefan/Waluchow, Wil (eds.) The Legacy of Ronald Dworkin 2016:5. 456 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046641-1.................Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 / 特価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9780190466411* Stefan, Susan Rational Suicide, Irrational Laws: Examining Current Approaches to Suicide in Policy and Law (American Psychology-Law Society Series) 2016:4. 584 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-998119-9 ................Paper USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 / 特価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9780199981199* ★ ジェレミー・ベンサムの法哲学と影響 Tusseau, Guillaume (ed.) 7KH/HJDO3KLORVRSK\DQG,QÀXHQFH of Jeremy Bentham: Essays on ‘Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence’ 2016:4. 434 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) 130 Blackstone, William Lemmings, David/Prest, Wilfrid (eds.) The Oxford Edition of Blackstone: Of the Rights of People, Book. 1, Commentaries on the Laws of England 2016:6. 450 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-960099-1................. Paper STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 *9780199600991* 比較法 1094* イスラム法学の形成 Bsoul, Labeeb Ahmed Formation of the Islamic Jurisprudence: From the Time of the Prophet Muhammad to the 4th Century 2016:3. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ISBN 978-1-137-58089-4.................Hard EUR 84.99 通常価 ¥16,196 / 特価 ¥12,957 + 税 *9781137580894* 1095* 台湾の司法改革 1091* 1092* 1093* Chisholm, Neil Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Institutionalising Democracy and the Diffusion of Law (Routledge Law in Asia) 2016:10. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-0-415-85529-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780415855297* 1096* Frankenberg, Gunter Comparative Law as Critique (Elgar Studies in Legal Theory) 2016:4. 288 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-393-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781785363931* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 1097* 1102* Harlow, Carol/Rawlings, Richard Pressure Through Law 2016:2. 388 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99525-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Hirschl, Ran Comparative Matters: The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law 2016:3. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871452-1 ....................................... Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 / 特価 ¥2,962 + 税 *9781138995253* 1098* *9780198714521* ファイナンス、法の原則と発展:アジア 第2版 Hu, Jiaxing/Harding, Andrew/Vanhullebusch, Matthias (eds.) Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China (Silk Road Studies in International Economic Law, Vol. 3) 2016:6. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31580-8...............Hard EUR 169.00 通常価 ¥32,207 / 特価 ¥25,765 + 税 *9789004315808* ★ 比較憲法のルネサンス 1103* 公法 第3版 Le Sueur, Andrew/Sunkin, Maurice/Murkens, Jo Eric Khushal Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 3rd ed. (Text, Cases, And Materials) 2016:5. 936 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873538-0................. Paper STP 38.99 通常価 ¥9,631 / 特価 ¥7,705 + 税 *9780198735380* 1099* 1104* イギリスの司法制度 ★ 憲法・行政法 第9版 Wilson, Steve/Rutherford, Helen/Storey, Tony/Wortley, Natalie English Legal System, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 648 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874794-9................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 Parpworth, Neil Constitutional & Administrative Law, 9th ed. (Core Texts Series) 2016:4. 608 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874752-9 ...................................... Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥6,914 / 特価 ¥5,531 + 税 *9780198747949* *9780198747529* 公 法 1105* 憲 法 1100* Arato, Andrew Post Sovereign Constitutional Making: Learning and Legitimacy (Oxford Constitutional Theory) 2016:3. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875598-2.................. Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 Yusuf, Hakeem O. Colonial and Post-colonial Constitutionalism in the Commonwealth: Peace, Order and Good Government 2016:4. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68507-9................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138685079* *9780198755982* 司法制度 1101* 1106* 立憲主義とテロリズムとの闘い Bell, John/Paris, Marie-Luce (eds.) Rights-Based Constitutional Review: Constitutional Courts in a Changing Landscape (Studies in Comparative Law and Legal Culture Series) 2016:4. 480 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-760-5................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 Fabbrini, Federico/Jackson, Vicki C. (eds.) Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle Against Terrorism 2016:4. 368 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-538-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781784715380* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781784717605* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 131 法 学 》公 法 1107* Hadjimatheou, Katerina/Guelke, John Security Ethics (The Library of Essays on Legal Ethics and the Enforcement of Law) 2016:8. 576 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-3943-7................ Hard STP 205.00 通常価 ¥50,642 / 特価 ¥40,513 + 税 *9781472439437* 1108* 裁判官:立憲主義と人権の守護者 Scheinin, Martin/Krunke, Helle/Aksenova, Marina (eds.) Judges as Guardians of Constitutionalism and Human Rights 2016:4. 416 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-585-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781785365850* See also... Genovese, Ann, Australian Critical Decisions, Routledge.................................................. p127 , 1059 Alemán, Eduardo, Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p163 , 1402 人 権 1109* ★ 人権 第2版 Blau, Judith/Edgar Esparza, Louis Human Rights: A Primer, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19502-8 ...................................... Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138195028* ISBN 978-1-138-19503-5................. Paper STP 27.99 通常価 ¥6,914 / 特価 ¥5,531 + 税 *9781138195035* 1110* 宗教の自由とゲイの権利 Friedman, Jack Shah, Timothy/Farr, Thomas (eds.) Religious Freedom and Gay Rights: Emerging &RQÀLFWVLQ1RUWK$PHULFDDQG(XURSHS (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060060-0.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-060061-7................Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 *9780190600617* 1111* 人権法と個人のアイデンティティ Marshall, Jill Human Rights Law and Personal Identity (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) 2016:4. 286 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68326-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138683266* 1112* 先住民族、慣習法と人権 Tobin, Brendan Indigenous Peoples, Customary Law and Human Rights: Why Living Law Matters 2016:3. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67171-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138671713* 1113* 児童文学における人権 Todres, Jonathan/Higinbotham, Sarah Human Rights in Children’s Literature: Imagination and the Narrative of Law 2016:8. 304 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049318-9................Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780190493189* 1114* ★ プライバシーと言論の自由のバランス Tunick, Mark Balancing Privacy and Free Speech: Unwanted Attention in the Age of Social Media 2016:3. 238 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68975-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138689756* See also... Hoover, Joe, Reconstructing Human Rights, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p151 , 1296 Kitaguchi, Suehiro, An Introduction to the Buraku Issue, Routledge........................................p171 , 1484 *9780190600600* 132 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》公 法 行政法 1119* ★ 責任能力 1115* Bailey, Julian Construction Law, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 3 Vols., 4222 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-80042-7................ Hard STP 465.00 通常価 ¥114,871 / 特価 ¥91,897 + 税 *9781138800427* 1116* Beggs, John/Davies, Hugh Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 705 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967290-5................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9780199672905* See also... Malloy, Robin Paul, Land Use Law and Disability, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p164 , 1417 Alpes, Maybritt Jill, Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa, Routledge...................................................p179 , 1543 財政法 Lacey, Nicola In Search of Criminal Responsibility: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions (Oxford Monographs on Criminal Law and Justice) 2016:3. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-924820-9.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9780199248209* ISBN 978-0-19-924821-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9780199248216* 1120* Mares, Henry/Williams, Ian/Handler, Phil (eds.) Landmark Cases in Criminal Law (Landmark Cases) 2016:10. 376 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-84946-689-9.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 + 税 *9781849466899* 1121* Monaghan, Nicola Criminal Law Directions, 4th ed. (Directions series) 2016:3. 520 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875327-8................. Paper STP 28.99 通常価 ¥7,161 / 特価 ¥5,729 + 税 *9780198753278* 1117 節税 第3版 Murray, Rebecca Tax Avoidance, 3rd ed. (S&M’s Practitioner Tax Library) 2016:7. 360 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05599-5................ Hard STP 190.00 通常価 ¥43,807 + 税 *9780414055995* 刑事法 刑法・刑事訴訟法 1122* ホワイトカラー犯罪 Gottschalk, Petter Understanding White-Collar Crime: A Convenience Perspective 2016:9. 300 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-6887-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781498768870* 1118* Horder, Jeremy Ashworth’s Principles of Criminal Law, 8th ed. 2016:5. 584 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875307-0................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780198753070* 1123* 刑事訴訟法 2016-2017 第 12 版 Hannibal, Martin/Mountford, Lisa Criminal Litigation 2016-2017, 12th ed. (Legal Practice Course Manuals) 2016:6. 592 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876590-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780198765905* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 133 法 学 》刑事法 1124* ★ 現代の証拠法 第4版 Keane, Adrian/McKeown, Paul The Modern Law of Evidence, 11th ed. 2016:2. 824 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874929-5 ...................................... Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780198749295* 1125* McGourlay, Claire Evidence Statutes 2012-2013, 4th ed. (Routledge Student Statutes) 2016:1. 456 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17452-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 ISBN 978-1-4987-6453-7.................. Hard STP 49.99 通常価 ¥12,349 / 特価 ¥9,879 + 税 *9781498764537* 1130* 死刑の理論と実践入門:アメリカ合衆国の事例 第5版 Bohm, Robert M. DeathQuest: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Capital Punishment in the United States, 5th ed. 2016:8. 446 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67163-8................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9781138671638* ISBN 978-1-138-94088-8................. Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥9,384 / 特価 ¥7,507 + 税 *9781138940888* *9781138174528* 1131* 1126* Nance, Dale A. The Burdens of Proof: Discriminatory Power, Weight of Evidence, and Tenacity of Belief 2016:3. 346 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12418-9............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 Cheit, Ross E. The Witch-Hunt Narrative: Politics, Psychology, and the Sexual Abuse of Children 2016:4. 532 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046557-5................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190465575* *9781107124189* 1132* 1127* Ormerod, David/Perry, David Blackstone’s Criminal Practice 2016: Rules and Guidelines, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 768 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876640-7................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9780198766407* 1128* Youngblood, James R. Business Theft and Fraud: Detection and Prevention 2016:8. 360 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-4243-6................. Paper STP 49.99 通常価 ¥12,349 / 特価 ¥9,879 + 税 *9781498742436* 少年法・刑事学・犯罪学 1129* Albrecht, James F. (ed.) Police Reserves and Volunteers: Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness and Public Trust 2016:10. 300 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) Grana, Glenn/Windell, James Crime and Intelligence Analysis: An Integrated Real-Time Appraoch 2016:8. 152 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5172-8................. Paper STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 *9781498751728* 1133* +DU¿HOG&OLYH+DU¿HOG.DUHQ Covert Investigation, 4th ed. (Blackstone’s Practical Policing) 2016:2. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874329-3................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9780198743293* 1134* ★ 組織犯罪:応用入門 Holmes, Leslie Advanced Introduction to Organised Crime (Elgar Advanced Introductions Series) 2016:4. 192 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-194-2.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781783471942* 134 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 ISBN 978-1-78347-195-9................. Paper STP 17.95 通常価 ¥4,434 / 特価 ¥3,547 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-13550-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1135* 1141* Jaishankar, K. (ed.) Interpersonal Criminology: Revisiting Interpersonal Crimes and Victimization 2016:8. 280 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-4859-9................ Hard STP 114.00 通常価 ¥28,161 / 特価 ¥22,529 + 税 ポリシングにおける議論 *9781783471959* *9781498748599* 1136* Klein, Chuck Instinct Combat Shooting: Defensive Handgunning for Police, 4th ed. 2016:7. 265 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-6691-3.................. Hard STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 *9781498766913* 1137* Pifferi, Michele Reinventing Punishment: A Comparative History of Criminology and Penology in the 19th and 20th Century (Clarendon Studies in Criminology) 2016:6. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874321-7.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9780198743217* 1138* Quina, Kathryn/Brown, Laura (eds.) Trauma and Dissociation in Convicted Offenders: Gender, Science, and Treatment Issues 2016:3. 164 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98608-4................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138986084* *9781138135505* Thurman, Quint/Giacomazzi, Andrew Controversies in Policing 2016:3. 205 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17380-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173804* See also... Dunbar, Edward, The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism, F.A. Praeger, Inc. .................................................................... p92 , 0748 Singh, Jay P., International Perspectives on Violence Risk Assessment, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................... p92 , 0749 Giovengo, Rick D., Training Law Enforcement 2I¿FHUVCRC Press .................................p128 , 1074 Jupp, Victor, Methods of Criminological Research, Routledge...................................................p128 , 1075 Schmalleger, Frank, A Guide to Study Skills and Careers in Criminal Justice and Public Security, Sage Pub................................................... p129 , 1077 Peterson Sparks, Elicka, Intimate Partner Violence, CRC Press ................................p165 , 1421 Iganski, Paul, Hate Crime, Routledge....p171 , 1483 民事法 民法 / 物権・債権 1142* 物権 2016 年 - 2017 年 第9版 1139* Savage, Joanne/Wozniak, Kevin H. Thugs and Thieves 2016:6. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-539358-3.................Hard USD 59.95 通常価 ¥10,253 / 特価 ¥8,202 + 税 *9780195393583* 1140* Stinchcomb, Jeanne B. Corrections: Foundations for the Future, 2nd ed. (Criminology and Justice Studies) 2016:2. 640 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Abbey, Robert/Richards, Mark Property Law 2016-2017, 9th ed. (Legal Practice Course Manuals) 2016:6. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876593-6................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780198765936* 1143* Davies, Paul S./Virgo, Graham Equity & Trusts: Text, Cases, and Materials, 2nd ed. (Text, Cases, And Materials) 2016:7. 1048 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 135 法 学 》民事法 ISBN 978-0-19-872765-1................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-874762-8................. Paper STP 33.99 通常価 ¥8,396 / 特価 ¥6,717 + 税 1144* 1150* 土地法 第5版 信託とエクイティ 第7版 Greer, Sarah/Clarke, Sandra Land Law Directions, 5th ed. (Directions series) 2016:4. 528 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874845-8................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 Watt, Gary Trusts & Equity, 7th ed. 2016:3. 624 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874763-5................. Paper STP 33.99 通常価 ¥8,396 / 特価 ¥6,717 + 税 *9780198727651* *9780198748458* *9780198747628* *9780198747635* 1145* 民法 / 不法行為 信託法 第 10 版 Penner, James The Law of Trusts, 10th ed. (Core Texts Series) 2016:6. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874759-8................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9780198747598* 1146* 1151* 不法行為法 第5版 Bermingham, Vera/Brennan, Carol Tort Law Directions, 5th ed. (Directions series) 2016:5. 440 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875324-7................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9780198753247* 契約法 Rahnavard, Daniel Course Notes: Contract Law (Course Notes) 2016:2. 216 p., Originally published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13590-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135901* 1147* エクイティと信託法の原理 第 10 版 Virgo, Graham The Principles of Equity & Trusts, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 856 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872618-0................. Paper STP 36.99 通常価 ¥9,137 / 特価 ¥7,310 + 税 1152* Cranor, Carl F. Toxic Torts: Science, Law, and the Possibility of Justice, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 416 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15196-3...............Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥21,378 + 税 *9781107151963* 1153 Grant, Thomas/Sheehan, James (eds.) Civil Fraud: Law, Practice & Procedure 2016:6. 600 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-03944-5................ Hard STP 210.00 通常価 ¥48,418 + 税 *9780414039445* *9780198726180* 1148* 民法 / 親族・相続 Watt, Gary Cases & Materials on Equity & Trusts, 10th ed. 2016:6. 584 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873765-0................. Paper STP 36.99 通常価 ¥9,137 / 特価 ¥7,310 + 税 *9780198737650* 1149* Watt, Gary Equity & Trusts Law Directions, 5th ed. (Directions series) 2016:4. 560 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) 136 1154* 養育計画の評価: 家庭裁判所のための応用アプローチ 第2版 Drozd, Leslie/Olesen, Nancy (eds.) Parenting Plan Evaluations: Applied Research for the Family Court, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 640 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-939658-0.................Hard USD 89.95 通常価 ¥15,384 / 特価 ¥12,307 + 税 *9780199396580* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》民事法 1155* ★ 1160 ヘイズとウィリアムズの家族法 第5版 バーズの現代保険法 第 10 版 Gilmore, Stephen/Glennon, Lisa Hayes & Williams’ Family Law, 5th ed. 2016:7. 800 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875308-7 ...................................... Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥9,384 / 特価 ¥7,507 + 税 Birds, John Birds’ Modern Insurance Law, 10th ed. 2016:3. 502 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05567-4................. Paper STP 31.00 通常価 ¥7,147 + 税 *9780198753087* *9780414055674* 1161* 1156 空輸貨物保険 McCall, Ruth Financial Provision on Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnerships, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 304 p. (W. Green & Son Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-03553-9.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥14,986 + 税 Clarke, Malcolm A./Leloudas, George Air Cargo Insurance (Maritime and Transport Law Library) 2016:6. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-79323-1................ Hard STP 260.00 通常価 ¥64,229 / 特価 ¥51,383 + 税 *9780414035539* 1157* Tracy, Karen Discourse, Identity, and Social Change in the Marriage Equality Debates (Oxford Studies in Language and Law) 2016:5. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-021796-9.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 *9780190217969* 1158 シリアの家族法 Van Eijk, Esther Family Law in Syria: Patriarchy, Pluralism and Personal Status Codes 2016:3. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-334-2.................. Hard STP 62.00 通常価 ¥15,316 + 税 *9781784533342* 商 法 *9781138793231* 1162* ★ Osborne, David/Bowtle, Graeme The Law of Ship Mortgages, 2nd ed. (Lloyd’s Shipping Law Library) 2016:9. 350 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78149-8................ Hard STP 380.00 通常価 ¥93,873 / 特価 ¥75,098 + 税 *9781138781498* 1163* Paolini, Adolfo (ed.) Research Handbook on Directors’ Duties (Research Handbooks in Corporate Law and Governance Series) 2016:5. 384 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-151-1................. Paper STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9781784711511* 1164 Roberts, Harry Riley on Business Interruption Insurance, 10th ed. 2016:5. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05552-0................ Hard STP 225.00 通常価 ¥51,877 + 税 *9780414055520* 1159* 商法 第2版 Baskind, Eric/Osborne, Greg/Roach, Lee Commercial Law, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 808 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872935-8................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780198729358* 1165* ビジネス法 2016 年 - 2017 年 第 24 版 Slorach, J. Scott/Ellis, Jason Business Law 2016-2017, 24th ed. (Legal Practice Course Manuals) 2016:6. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876595-0................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9780198765950* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 137 法 学 》民事法 会社法 ISBN 978-981-10-0683-8.................Hard EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥13,338 / 特価 ¥10,670 + 税 *9789811006838* 1166* Kershaw, David Principles of Takeover Regulation 2016:3. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-965955-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199659555* 1172* Schillig, Michael Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions 2016:3. 576 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870358-7................ Hard STP 150.00 通常価 ¥37,055 / 特価 ¥29,644 + 税 *9780198703587* 民事手続法 1173* 1167* Blake, Susan/Browne, Julie/Sime, Stuart The Jackson ADR Handbook, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 376 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878319-0................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 Sime, Stuart/French, Derek (eds.) Blackstone’s Civil Practice 2016 2016:2. 3328 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875759-7................ Hard STP 295.00 通常価 ¥72,875 / 特価 ¥58,300 + 税 *9780198757597* *9780198783190* 経済法 1168* Cunningham-Hill, Susan/Elder, Karen Civil Litigation 2016-2017, 8th ed. (Legal Practice Course Manuals) 2016:6. 488 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876591-2................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 1174* Arner, Douglas/Hsu, Berry/Goo, Say H./ Johnstone, Syren/Lejot, Paul Financial Markets in Hong Kong, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 704 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870647-2 ..................................... Hard STP 175.00 通常価 ¥43,231 / 特価 ¥34,584 + 税 *9780198765912* 1169* French, Derek/Sime, Stuart (eds.) Blackstone’s Civil Practice 2016: The Commentary 2016:2. 1984 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875760-3............... Paper STP 165.00 通常価 ¥40,760 / 特価 ¥32,608 + 税 *9780198757603* 1170* Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo/Kornberg, Alan/Paterson, Sarah/Douglas, John/Guynn, Randall/Singh, Dalvinder Debt Restructuring, 2nd ed. 2016:6. 696 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872524-4................ Hard STP 195.00 通常価 ¥48,171 / 特価 ¥38,537 + 税 *9780198725244* 1171* 中国における調停 Pisacane, Giovanni/Murphy, Lea/Zhang, Calvin Arbitration in China: Rules & Perspectives (China Law, Tax & Accounting) 2016:4. 200 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) 138 ★ 金融市場:香港 第2版 *9780198706472* 1175 Berman, David Individual Accountability Under the Senior Managers Regime: A Practical Guide 2016:2. 150 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05558-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥21,903 + 税 *9780414055582* 1176* ★ 競争法の施行:BRICS・発展途上国の事例 Katsoulacos, Yannis/Jenny, Frederic (eds.) Competition Law Enforcement in the BRICS and in Developing Countries: Legal and Economic Aspects (International Law and Economics) 2016:5. 300 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30947-7............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319309477* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》経済法 1177 投資信託 第3版 Kay, Samuel (ed.) Investment Funds: International Series, 3rd ed. (S&M International Series) 2016:3. 532 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05561-2................ Hard STP 180.00 通常価 ¥41,501 + 税 *9780414055612* See also... Schillig, Michael, Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p138 , 1172 知的財産法 1178* 知的財産法 第3版 Aplin, Tanya/Davis, Jennifer Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 3rd ed. (Text, Cases, And Materials) 2016:9. 944 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874354-5................. Paper STP 41.99 通常価 ¥10,372 / 特価 ¥8,298 + 税 *9780198743545* 1179* &KDNURXQ1H¿VVD Patents for Development: Improved Patent Information Disclosure and Access for Incremental Innovation 2016:5. 288 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78536-860-8.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9781785368608* 1180* 国際知的財産取引 De Werra, Jacques International Intellectual Property Transactions: A Transnational Analysis of Intellectual Property Contracts 2016:12. 592 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-968830-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199688302* 1181 Fox, Angela Intellectual Property Enterprise Court: Practice and Procedure, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 500 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-0-414-05622-0................ Hard STP 195.00 通常価 ¥44,960 + 税 *9780414056220* 1182* Liu, Kung-Chung/Racherla, Uday (eds.) Innovation and IPR in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities (China-EU Law Series, Vol. 4) 2016:5. 240 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0405-6............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9789811004056* 1183* ヨーロッパにおける知的財産法 Rosén, Jan (ed.) European Intellectual Property Law (Critical Concepts in Intellectual Property Law Series) 2016:7. 688 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-466-6................ Hard STP 210.00 通常価 ¥51,877 / 特価 ¥41,501 + 税 *9781784714666* 1184* ★ 知的財産と気候変動の研究ハンドブック Sarnoff, Joshua D. (ed.) Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Climate Change (Research Handbooks in Intellectual Property Series) 2016:4. 568 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84980-467-7................ Hard STP 195.00 通常価 ¥48,171 / 特価 ¥38,537 + 税 *9781849804677* 1185* Torremans, Paul Holyoak and Torremans Intellectual Property Law, 8th ed. 2016:6. 832 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873477-2................. Paper STP 35.99 通常価 ¥8,890 / 特価 ¥7,112 + 税 *9780198734772* 1186* ★ 現代の知的財産 第4版 Waelde, Charlotte/Brown, Abbe/Kheria, Smita/Cornwell, Jane Contemporary Intellectual Property: Law and Policy, 4th ed. 2016:7. 1136 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873369-0................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9780198733690* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 139 法 学 》労働法・社会法 労働法・社会法 医事法 1187* 1192* 雇用法 第2版 Cabrelli, David Employment Law in Context, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 968 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874833-5................. Paper STP 36.99 通常価 ¥9,137 / 特価 ¥7,310 + 税 Allan, Sonia Assisted Reproductive Technology, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage: A Comparative Legislative Review 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-4639-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 1188* 1193* *9781409446392* *9780198748335* ★ Davidov, Guy A Purposive Approach to Labour Law (Oxford Monographs on Labour Law) 2016:5. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875903-4Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥12,351 / 特価 ¥9,881 + 税 ★ 医事法と倫理 第6版 Herring, Jonathan Medical Law and Ethics, 6th ed. 2016:4. 720 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874765-9 ...................................... Paper STP 33.99 通常価 ¥8,396 / 特価 ¥6,717 + 税 *9780198759034* *9780198747659* 1189* 雇用の契約 1194* Freedland, Mark/Bogg, Alan/Cabrelli, David/Collins, Hugh/Countouris, Nicola/Davies, A. C. L./ Deakin, Simon/Prassl, Jeremias (eds.) The Contract of Employment 2016:5. 688 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878316-9................ Hard STP 145.00 通常価 ¥35,820 / 特価 ¥28,656 + 税 医事法 第4版 1190* 1195* Howe, Joanna/Owens, Rosemary (eds.) Temporary Labour Migration in the Global Era: The Regulatory Changes: The Regulatory Changes (Onati International Series in Law and Society) 2016:9. 352 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0628-4.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 Laurie, Graeme/Harmon, Shawn/Porter, Gerard Mason and McCall Smith’s Law and Medical Ethics, 10th ed. 2016:4. 800 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874751-2................. Paper STP 33.99 通常価 ¥8,396 / 特価 ¥6,717 + 税 *9780198783169* Jackson, Emily Medical Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 4th ed. (Text, Cases, And Materials) 2016:6. 1064 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874350-7................. Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥9,384 / 特価 ¥7,507 + 税 *9780198743507* *9780198747512* *9781509906284* 情報法・インターネット法 1191 1196* 雇用法 第 10 版 Pitt, Gwyneth Employment Law, 10th ed. 2016:4. 576 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05616-9................. Paper STP 29.95 通常価 ¥6,905 + 税 *9780414056169* 140 Hanna, Mark/Dodd, Mike McNae’s Essential Law for Journalists, 23rd ed. 2016:6. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874835-9................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198748359* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》情報法・インターネット法 1197* 1202 Hildebrandt, Mireille Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law: Novel Entanglements of Law and Technology 2016:3. 296 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-022-9................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 国際法 第 8 版 *9781786430229* Martin-Ortega, Olga International Law, 8th ed. 2016:6. 438 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05551-3................. Paper STP 27.00 通常価 ¥6,225 + 税 *9780414055513* 1198* 1203* 情報技術法 第3版 Moodrick-Even Khen, Hilly National Identities and the Right to Self-determination of Peoples: ‘Civic -Nationalism -Plus’ in Israel and Other Multinational States (Studies in International Minority and Group Rights, Vol. 12) 2016:7. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-29432-5............... Hard EUR 110.00 通常価 ¥20,963 / 特価 ¥16,770 + 税 Murray, Andrew Information Technology Law: The Law and Society, 3rd ed. 2016:7. 664 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873246-4................. Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥9,384 / 特価 ¥7,507 + 税 *9780198732464* *9789004294325* 国際法 1204* 1199* 先住民の人々、植民地主義と国際法 グローバル立憲主義と国際法の道 Bhandari, Surendra R. Global Constitutionalism and the Path of International Law: Transformation of Law and State in the Globalized World (Constitutional Law Library, Vol. 7) 2016:6. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-31345-3...............Hard EUR 159.00 通常価 ¥30,301 / 特価 ¥24,241 + 税 Watson, Irene Aboriginal Peoples, Colonialism and International Law: Raw Law 2016:4. 204 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68596-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138685963* *9789004313453* 1200* 国際公法 ★ 国際法理論 1205* Bianchi, Andrea International Law Theories: An Inquiry into Different Ways of Thinking 2016:10. 250 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872511-4 ........................................ Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 国際刑事法:論文 *9780198725114* ISBN 978-0-19-872512-1................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9780198725121* 1201* Lachenmann, Frauke/Roder, Tilmann/Wolfrum, Rudiger (eds.) Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law: Vol. 19 2016:7. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ISBN 978-90-04-32140-3...............Hard EUR 289.00 通常価 ¥55,076 / 特価 ¥44,060 + 税 *9789004321403* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Ambos, Kai Treatise on International Criminal Law: Vol. 3, International Criminal Procedure 2016:8. 714 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-966561-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199665617* 1206* ★ 武器と武力紛争法 第2版 Boothby, William H. Weapons and the Law of Armed ConÀLFW, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872850-4 ....................................... Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780198728504* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 141 法 学 》国際法 1207* Brammertz, Baron Serge/Jarvis, Michelle (eds.) 3URVHFXWLQJ&RQÀLFW5HODWHG6H[XDO9LROHQFHDW the ICTY 2016:4. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876856-2................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9780198768562* International Criminal Law 2016:3. 472 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872896-2................. Paper STP 36.99 通常価 ¥9,137 / 特価 ¥7,310 + 税 *9780198728962* 1213* ISBN 978-0-19-876857-9................. Paper STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 Husain, Raza (ed.) Immigration, Asylum, and Human Rights, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 520 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-923600-8 ...................................... Paper STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9780198768579* 1208* ★ 国際法立案研究ハンドブック Brolmann, Catherine/Radi, Yannick (eds.) Research Handbook on the Theory and Practice of International Lawmaking (Research Handbooks in International Law Series) 2016:4. 512 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78195-321-1................ Hard STP 180.00 通常価 ¥44,466 / 特価 ¥35,573 + 税 *9781781953211* 1209* Buchanan, Ruth/Zumbansen, Peer (eds.) Law in Transition: Human Rights, Development and Transitional Justice (Osgoode Readers) 2016:5. 372 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0738-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781509907380* 1210* *9780199236008* 1214* Jain, Neha Perpetrators and Accessories in International Criminal Law: Individual Modes of Responsibility for Collective Crimes 2016:4. 250 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0739-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781509907397* 1215* Jefferies, Cameron S. G. Marine Mammal Conservation and the Law of the Sea 2016:9. 408 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049314-1.................Hard USD 95.00 通常価 ¥16,247 / 特価 ¥12,998 + 税 *9780190493141* ★ 国際人権法パラダイム Fellmeth, Aaron X. Paradigms of International Human Rights Law 2016:8. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-061127-9 .................Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 / 特価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9780190611279* 1211* Gomula, Joanna (ed.) ICSID Reports: Volume 17 (International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes Reports) 2016:8. 850 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-06060-9...............Hard USD 375.00 通常価 ¥64,136 / 特価 ¥51,309 + 税 *9781107060609* 1212* 国際刑事法 Guilfoyle, Douglas 142 ★ 移民、保護と人権 第2版 1216* Oxford 版 国際組織ハンドブック Katz Cogan, Jacob/Hurd, Ian/Johnstone, Ian (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations (Oxford Handbooks in Law) 2016:9. 1104 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967220-2................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9780199672202* 1217* Kaufman, Zachary D. United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics 2016:6. 382 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-024349-4.................Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 / 特価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9780190243494* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 1218* ★ Elgar 版 国際司法裁判必携 Kolb, Robert The Elgar Companion to the International Court of Justice (Elgar Companions to International Courts and Tribunals Series) 2016:3. 496 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78643-021-2................. Paper STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9781786430212* 1219* 被害者・加害者としての女性と子ども 全2巻 .XU\+HOPXW5HGR6áDZRPLU6KHD(YHO\QHGV Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations 2016:6. 2 Vols. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-319-29110-9 ...............Hard EUR 199.99 通常価 ¥38,113 / 特価 ¥30,490 + 税 *9783319291109* 1220* 被害者・加害者としての女性と子ども 第1巻 .XU\+HOPXW5HGR6áDZRPLU6KHD(YHO\QHGV Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations, Vol. 1 2016:5. 1021 p., (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-08397-1...............Hard EUR 159.99 通常価 ¥30,490 / 特価 ¥24,392 + 税 *9783319083971* 1223* Mulgrew, Roisin/Abels, Denis (eds.) Research Handbook on the International Penal System (Research Handbooks in International Law Series) 2016:5. 544 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-215-4................ Hard STP 180.00 通常価 ¥44,466 / 特価 ¥35,573 + 税 *9781783472154* 1224* 欧州評議会 Schmahl, Stefanie/Breuer, Marten (eds.) The Council of Europe: Its Laws and Policies 2016:10. 1080 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-967252-3................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9780199672523* 1225* 移行期正義における暴力・法と不可能性 Turner, Catherine Violence, Law and the Impossibility of Transitional Justice (Transitional Justice) 2016:7. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90756-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138907560* See also... Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E., State Food Crimes, Cambridge U.P. ........................................ p153 , 1315 EU 法 1221* 被害者・加害者としての女性と子ども 第2巻 .XU\+HOPXW5HGR6áDZRPLU6KHD(YHO\QHGV Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration: Suggestions for Succeeding Generations, Vol. 2 2016:5. 920 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-28423-1...............Hard EUR 159.99 通常価 ¥30,490 / 特価 ¥24,392 + 税 *9783319284231* 1222* 国際法報告 Lee, Karen (ed.) International Law Reports (International Law Reports, No. 164) 2016:8. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-05909-2...............Hard USD 260.00 通常価 ¥44,467 / 特価 ¥35,574 + 税 *9781107059092* ★印はお薦めタイトル 1226 A Practitioner's Guide to Solvency II 2016:4. 448 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05485-1............... Paper STP 165.00 通常価 ¥38,043 + 税 *9780414054851* 1227* ★ EU の実体法 第5版 Barnard, Catherine The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, 5th ed. 2016:7. 800 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874995-0 ...................................... Paper STP 33.99 通常価 ¥8,396 / 特価 ¥6,717 + 税 *9780198749950* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 143 法 学 》国際法 1228* 1233* 欧州におけるナショナリズムと私法 EU 法 第5版 Comparato, Guido Nationalism and Private Law in Europe (Modern Studies in European Law) 2016:4. 332 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0741-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Foster, Nigel EU Law Directions, 5th ed. (Directions series) 2016:7. 552 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875451-0................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781509907410* *9780198754510* 1234* 1229* EU のカルテルと経済 ヨーロッパ特許法:実践ガイド Geradin, Damien/Zenger, Hans/Stephan, Andreas EU Cartel Law and Economics 2016:11. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870209-2................ Hard STP 155.00 通常価 ¥38,290 / 特価 ¥30,632 + 税 Cook, Trevor/Roberts, Gwilym/Kasper, Kay/Liesegang, Eva A Practical Guide to European Patent Law 2016:10. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872603-6................. Paper STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780198726036* 1230* ★ Cremona, Marise/Micklitz, Hans-W. (eds.) Private Law in the External Relations of the EU 2016:3. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874456-6 ........................................ Hard STP 60.00 通常価 ¥14,822 / 特価 ¥11,857 + 税 *9780198744566* 1231* EU の保健制度と分配の公正 Da Costa Leite Borges, Danielle EU Health Systems and Distributive Justice: Towards New Paradigms for the Provision of Health Care Services? (Routledge Research in EU Law) 2016:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64517-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138645172* 1232* Erdélyi, Olivia Johanna Twin Peaks for Europe: State-of-the-Art Financial Supervisory Consolidation: Rethinking the Group Support Regime Under Solvency II 2016:5. 572 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30706-0............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319307060* 144 *9780198702092* 1235* ★ 国家補助規制とEU Hofmann, Herwig C. H./Micheau, Claire (eds.) State Aid Law of the European Union 2016:4. 640 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872746-0 ........ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9780198727460* 1236* EU 法 第9版 Horspool, Margot/Humphreys, Matthew/WellsGreco, Michael European Union Law, 9th ed. (Core Texts Series) 2016:7. 608 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875852-5................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9780198758525* 1237* 国内裁判所とEU 法 Jaremba, Urszula/Wind, Marlene/Podstawa, Karolina (eds.) National Courts and EU Law: New Issues, Theories and Methods (Judicial Review and Cooperation Series) 2016:6. 288 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-989-4.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9781783479894* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 1238* ★ EU 競争法 第6版 Jones, Alison/Sufrin, Brenda EU Competition Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 6th ed. 2016:8. 1365 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872342-4 ...................................... Paper STP 42.99 通常価 ¥10,620 / 特価 ¥8,496 + 税 *9780198723424* 1239* Kochenov, Dimitry (ed.) Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union 2016:9. 382 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10888-2............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 *9781107108882* 1240* ★ 議会と欧州人権裁判所 Leach, Philip/Donald, Alice Parliaments and the European Court of Human Rights 2016:7. 340 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873424-6 ........................................ Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780198734246* 1241* Lundqvist, Björn/Minssen, Timo/Pierce, Justin EU Competition Law and IP Rights in the Pharma & Biotech Sectors 2017:3. 568 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872482-7................ Hard STP 145.00 通常価 ¥35,820 / 特価 ¥28,656 + 税 Law Series) 2016:3. 672 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-330-4................ Hard STP 220.00 通常価 ¥54,347 / 特価 ¥43,478 + 税 *9781783473304* 1244* EU の法秩序 Moorhead, Timothy The Legal Order of the European Union: The Institutional Role of the Court of Justice 2016:4. 170 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68511-6 ................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138685116* 1245* Reneman, Marcelle EU Asylum Procedures and the Right to an Effective Remedy (Modern Studies in European Law) 2016:4. 428 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0742-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781509907427* 1246* Ryan, Andrea Towards a System of European Criminal Justice: The Problem of Admissibility of Evidence 2016:4. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68646-5................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138686465* 1247* Sauter, Wolf Coherence in EU Competition Law (Oxford Studies in European Law) 2016:5. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874915-8 ........................................ Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9780198724827* 1242* Mataija, Mislav Private Regulation and the Internal Market: Sports, Legal Services, and Standard Setting in EU Economic Law (Oxford Studies in European Law) 2016:3. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874665-2.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9780198746652* 1243* ★ EU 刑法研究ハンドブック Mitsilegas, Valsamis/Bergstrom, Maria/ Konstadinides, Theodore (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law (Research Handbooks in European ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ EU 競争法の一貫性 *9780198749158* 1248* Sayde, Alexandre Abuse of EU Law and Regulation of the Internal Market 2016:4. 504 p., New in Paperback (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-5099-0740-3................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9781509907403* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 145 法 学 》国際法 1249 7KH8QLWDU\3DWHQWDQGWKH8QL¿HG3DWHQW&RXUW: Law and Procedure 2016:10. 1000 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. , GBR) ISBN 978-0-414-05620-6................ Hard STP 280.00 通常価 ¥64,558 + 税 *9780414056206* See also... 国際私法・国際取引法 1250* クラークソンとヒルの国際私法 第5版 Hill, Jonathan/Ní Shúilleabháin, Máire &ODUNVRQ+LOO¶V&RQÀLFWRI/DZV, 5th ed. 2016:8. 592 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873229-7................. Paper STP 37.99 通常価 ¥9,384 / 特価 ¥7,507 + 税 *9780198732297* Nowag, Julian, Environmental Integration in Competition and Free-Movement Laws, Oxford U.P............................................................ p127 , 1061 政治学 政治思想・政治理論 1254* ★ ハイエクの自由論 第3版 Gray, John Hayek on Liberty, 3rd ed. 2016:2. 200 p., Originally published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13519-2 ........................................ Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1251* ジョン・ベケットの悲劇 Beckett, Francis Fascist in the Family: The Tragedy of John Beckett M.P. (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right) 2016:9. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90766-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138907669* 1252* 政治経済学における自由と平等:ロック対ルソーから 現代まで Capaldi, Nicholas/Lloyd, Gordon Liberty and Equality in Political Economy: From Locke versus Rousseau to the Present (New Thinking in Political Economy Series) 2016:5. 256 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-252-5.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781784712525* 1253* Cartledge, Paul Democracy: A Life 2016:3. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-969767-0.................. Hard STP 20.00 通常価 ¥4,940 / 特価 ¥3,952 + 税 *9780199697670* *9781138135192* 1255* Hooghe, Liesbet/Marks, Gary Community, Scale, and Regional Governance: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol. 2 (Transformations In Governance) 2016:8. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876697-1.................. Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198766971* 1256* 政治における友人: 国家内および国家間の友好関係の理論化 King, Preston/Smith, Graham M. (eds.) Friendship in Politics: Theorizing Amity in and between States 2016:3. 200 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99315-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138993150* 1257* King, Preston The Ideology of Order: A Comparative Analysis of Jean Bodin and Thomas Hobbes 2016:2. 368 p., First published in 1974 (Routledge, GBR) 146 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 ISBN 978-1-138-99235-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138992351* 1258* ★ Maravall, José María Demands on Democracy 2016:5. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877852-3 ........................................ Hard STP 40.00 通常価 ¥9,881 / 特価 ¥7,905 + 税 *9780198778523* 1259* 圧政君主:権力の歴史、不正、脅威 Newell, Waller Tyrants: A History of Power, Injustice, and Terror 2016:5. 264 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-08305-9.................Hard USD 29.99 通常価 ¥5,129 / 特価 ¥4,103 + 税 *9781107083059* 1260* 21世紀の民主化:移行論の復活 Ould Mohamedou, Mohammad-Mahmoud/Sisk, Timothy D. (eds.) Democratization in the 21st Century: Reviving Transitology (Democratization Studies) 2016:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67382-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138673823* 1261* Rahman, Smita A. Time, Memory, and the Politics of Contingency 2016:3. 128 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68701-1................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138687011* 1262* 多国的な連邦主義と価値多元主義:スペインの事例 Requejo, Ferran Multinational Federalism and Value Pluralism: The Spanish Case (Routledge Studies in Federalism and Decentralization) 2016:2. 164 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99427-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 1263* Shields, Jon A./Dunn, Joshua M. Sr. Passing on the Right: Conservative Professors in the Progressive University 2016:3. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-986305-1.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199863051* 1264* 権力の境界 Simmons, A. John Boundaries of Authority 2016:8. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060348-9.................Hard USD 74.00 通常価 ¥12,656 / 特価 ¥10,124 + 税 *9780190603489* 1265* 空想的社会主義者の政治思想 Taylor, Keith Political Ideas of the Utopian Socialists 2016:2. 252 p., Originally published in 1982 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97878-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138978782* 1266* 東欧における近代政治思想の歴史 Trencsényi, Balázs/Janowski, Maciej/Baar, Monika/ Falina, Maria/Kopecek, Michal A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe: Vol. 1, Negotiating Modernity in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’ 2016:2. 704 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873714-8.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9780198737148* See also... Moisio, Sami, Geopolitics of the Knowledge-based Society, Routledge ..................................... p57 , 0469 Lovett, Frank, Republic of Law, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p130 , 1088 Heijden, Hein-Anton van der, Handbook of Political Citizenship and Social Movements, Edward Elgar............................................p171 , 1482 *9781138994270* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 147 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 現代政治・行政学 1267* 2016:4. 192 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84980-373-1.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781849803731* Wiley-Blackwell 版 政治社会学必携 Amenta, Edwin/Nash, Kate/Scott, Alan The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Sociology) 2016:8. 640 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-25065-4 ................Paper USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9781119250654* 1268* $WWLD6DKDU6KDEND6KDKGDQ6KD¿N=HLQDE,EUDhim, Asmaa (eds.) Dynamics and Resilience of Informal Areas: International Perspectives 2016:5. 277 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29946-4............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319299464* 1269* Barnes, Tiffany D. Gendering Legislative Behavior: Institutional Constraints and Collaboration 2016:6. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-316-50765-0................Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,984 / 特価 ¥4,787 + 税 *9781316507650* 1270* Buckley, Fiona/Reidy, Theresa (eds.) Electoral Management: Institutions and Practices in an Established Democracy: The Case of Ireland 2016:7. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68094-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138680944* 1271* Burton, Elizabeth/Jenks, Mike/Williams, Katie (eds.) Achieving Sustainable Urban Form 2016:2. 402 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13647-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136472* 1272* 運輸保安:経済と政治経済 Button, Kenneth The Economics and Political Economy of Transportation Security (Transport Economics, Management and Policy Series) 148 1273* イノヴェーションのための公共調達 Edquist, Charles/Vonortas, Nicholas S./ZabalaIturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel/Edler, Jakob (eds.) Public Procurement for Innovation (Eu-SPRI Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Series) 2016:4. 352 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-362-1................. Paper STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9781784713621* 1274* 9.11以後のフリースピーチ Gelber, Katharine Free Speech after 9/11 2016:4. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877779-3.................. Hard STP 50.00 通常価 ¥12,351 / 特価 ¥9,881 + 税 *9780198777793* 1275* Hall, Peter/Pfeiffer, Ulrich Urban Future 21: A Global Agenda for TwentyFirst Century Cities 2016:3. 380 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14295-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142954* 1276* 都市と地域間のガバナンス:ヨーロッパと北米の事例 Herrschel, Tassilo Cities, State and Globalisation: City-Regional Governance in Europe and North America (Regions and Cities) 2016:6. 216 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68694-6................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686946* 1277 公的機関と非営利機関のガバナンスとパフォーマンス Hinna, Alessandro/Gnan, Luca/Monteduro, Fabio (eds.) Governance and Performance in Public and Non3UR¿W2UJDQL]DWLRQV (Studies in Public and Non3UR¿W*RYHUQDQFH9ROS(PHUDOG Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 ISBN 978-1-78635-108-1...............Hard USD 134.95 通常価 ¥23,080 + 税 ISBN 978-1-78635-074-9............... Hard USD 114.95 通常価 ¥19,659 + 税 1278* 1283* ソ連崩壊後のロシアにおける政治理論とコミュティの 構築 CQ Press 版 アメリカの都市政治と政策ガイド *9781786351081* Kharkhordin, Oleg/Alapuro, Risto (eds.) Political Theory and Community Building in Post-Soviet Russia (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) 2016:2. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99501-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138995017* 1279 パブリック・アントレプレナーシップの 調査・政策・実践:新たな視点 Liddle, Joyce (ed.) New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice in Public Entrepreneurship (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 6) 2016:5. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78560-821-6...............Hard USD 134.95 通常価 ¥23,080 + 税 *9781785608216* 1280* Marr, Bernard Managing and Delivering Performance 2016:2. 312 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16950-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169500* 1281* Masket, Seth The Inevitable Party: Why Attempts to Kill the Party System Fail and How they Weaken Democracy 2016:4. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-022083-9.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780190220839* ISBN 978-0-19-022084-6................Paper USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 *9780190220846* 1282 Orloff, Ann/Ray, Raka/Savci, Evren (eds.) Perverse Politics?: Feminism, Anti-Imperialism, Multiplicity (Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 30) 2016:4. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781786350749* Palus, Christine Kelleher/Dilworth, Richardson (eds.) The CQ Press Guide to Urban Politics and Policy in the United States 2016:5. 488 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-5003-5................ Hard STP 120.00 通常価 ¥29,644 / 特価 ¥23,715 + 税 *9781483350035* 1284* Porfyriou, Heleni/Sepe, Marichela (eds.) Waterfronts Revisited: European Ports in a Historic and Global Perspective (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design) 2016:8. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63843-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138638433* 1285* 都市計画のアクターネットワーク: アクターネットワーク理論の影響研究 Rydin, Yvonne/Tate, Laura (eds.) Actor Networks of Planning([SORULQJWKH,QÀXence of Actor Network Theory (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design) 2016:3. 268 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88640-7.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138886407* 1286* Saporito, Emanuela Consensus Building versus Irreconcilable ConÀLFWV: Reframing Participatory Spatial Planning (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology) 2016:6. 125 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30827-2................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319308272* 1287* 都市計画の文化と歴史 Stead, Dominic/de Vries, Jochem/Tasan-Kok, Tuna (eds.) Planning Cultures and Histories: The Evolution of Planning Systems and Spatial Development Patterns 2016:7. 96 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68780-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138687806* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 149 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 䜺䝞䝘䞁䝇⌮ㄽ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 Handbook on Theories of Governance Edited by Jacob Torfing, Roskilde University, DNK and University of Nordland, NOR and Christopher Ansell, University of California, Berkeley, USA 2016 ᖺ 6 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 608 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-78254-849-2........ STP 205.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥50,642 / ≉౯ ¥40,513ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781782548492* 㐣ཤ 20 ᖺࡢ㛫࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫ⌮ㄽࡣ」ᩘࡢศ㔝ࡲࡓࡀࡾẚ㍑ⓗ⊂❧ᛶࡢ㧗࠸ศ 㔝ࡋ࡚⏕ࡌ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ◊✲⪅ࡓࡕࡣࠊἲᚊࡸつไࠊィ⏬ࠊẸ⩏ㄽࠊ⤒῭ Ꮫࠊබඹ⤒Ⴀࠊᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽࢆึࡵከࡃࡢศ㔝࡛࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸⌮ㄽࢆㄝ᫂ࡋࡼ ࠺ດຊࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ⤖ᯝࡋ࡚ࠕ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࠖ࠸࠺༢ㄒࡣୡ⏺࡛᭱ࡶ㢖⦾ ࢃࢀࡿ♫⛉Ꮫࡢᴫᛕ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢᗈ⠊࡞ศ㔝ࢆ⥙⨶ࡍࡿ༢୍ࡢ⌮ㄽࡣ Ꮡᅾࡏࡎࠊ␗࡞ࡿពᅗどⅬࢆᣢࡗࡓ」ᩘࡢ⌮ㄽࡼࡗ࡚ㄝ᫂ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࡇ ࢀࡽ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢ⌮ㄽࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚ࠊ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࠊᐇົᐙྥࡅࡢศᯒ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ᥦ ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢࣉࣟࢭࢫࡘ࠸࡚ࡼࡾ῝࠸⌮ㄽⓗ⌮ゎࢆಁ㐍ࡍ ࡿࡶࠊࡇࢀࡽᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞㆟ㄽࡢᇶ♏ⓗ㡯ࢆゎ᫂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋせ࡞⌮ㄽⓗᴫ ᛕࢆㄪᰝࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ⌧௦ࡢ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࢆศᯒࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢᇶᮏⓗ࡞ᴫ ᛕࡢᯟࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ◊✲ࡀࡢࡼ࠺♫⛉Ꮫࡢ⌮ㄽ Ⓨᒎ㈉⊩ࡍࡿࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ㔜せ࡞Ὕᐹࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ❶࡛ࡣࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫ ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ᙧែࢆᚭᗏⓗ㆟ㄽࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊ⌧ᅾᐇࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡢከ ᵝᛶࢆ᫂ࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ࢚ࣆ࣮ࣟࢢ࡛ࡣྛ❶ඹ㏻ࡢࢸ࣮࣐ࢆ☜ㄆࡋࠊ ᑗ᮶ࡢ◊✲ᶵࢆᣦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡲࡍࡲࡍ」㞧ࡋࠊ᩿∦ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࢲࢼ࣑ࢵࢡ࡞♫࡛ࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫࡘ࠸࡚ ࡢ⌮ㄽⓗ࡞⌮ゎࢆ῝ࡵࡓࡾᗈࡆࡓࡾࡋࡓ࠸⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿㄞ⪅ࡗ࡚ࠊࡇࡢࣁࣥࢻ ࣈࢵࢡࡣ㔜せ࡞㈨ᩱ࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࢞ࣂࢼࣥࢫ◊✲ࡢ⌮ㄽⓗ῝ࡉࡸᖜᗈࡉࢆホ౯ࡋ ࡓ࠸⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࠊᐇົᐙࡢᙉຊ࡞ᡭຓࡅ࡞ࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 150 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 1288* The Hertie School of Governance The Governance Report 2016 (Hertie Governance Report) 2016:3. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875743-6................... Paper STP 9.99 通常価 ¥2,467 / 特価 ¥1,974 + 税 *9780198757436* See also... Smith, Andy, The Politics of Economic Activity, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p96 , 0787 Taylor, Mark Zachary, The Politics of Innovation, Oxford U.P., New York. ............................p177 , 1525 災害研究 2016:2. 330 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13955-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139558* 1293* トルコとEU:キプロス問題の行方 Cengiz, Firat/Hoffmann, Lars (eds.) Turkey and the European Union: Facing New Challenges and Opportunities 2016:3. 262 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65915-5................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138659155* 1294* 国際関係における課程評価 1289* オーストラレーシアにおける自然災害 Freitas, Chris de/Goff, James (eds.) Natural Hazards in Australasia 2016:9. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-107-68259-7..............Paper USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 Freyberg-Inan, Annette/Harrison, Ewan/James, Patrick (eds.) Evaluating Progress in International Relations: How Do You Know? (New International Relations) 2016:7. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67416-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138674165* *9781107682597* 1295* 1290* Wang, Rui 6LQJOH3LOHVLQ/LTXH¿DEOH*URXQG: Seismic Response and Numerical Analysis Methods (Springer Theses) 2016:4. 119 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-49661-9.................Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 *9783662496619* 1291* Zhang, Lulu/Li, Jinhui/Li, Xu/Zhang, Jie/Zhu, Hong Rainfall Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment 2016:6. 376 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5279-4................ Hard STP 140.00 通常価 ¥34,584 / 特価 ¥27,667 + 税 *9781498752794* 国際関係論と宗教入門 第2版 Haynes, Jeffrey An Introduction to International Relations and Religion, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 448 p., Originally published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13567-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135673* 1296* 人権の再構築 Hoover, Joe Reconstructing Human Rights: A Pragmatist and Pluralist Inquiry into Global Ethics 2016:6. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878280-3.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198782803* 国際関係論 1297* 国際関係論一般 1292* 近代外交関係の始まり 1450 年 - 1919 年 Anderson, M. S. The Rise of Modern Diplomacy 1450 - 1919 ★印はお薦めタイトル Hopf, Ted/Allan, Bentley B. (eds.) Making Identity Count: Building a National Identity Database 2016:5. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-025547-3.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780190255473* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 151 政治学 》国際関係論 ISBN 978-0-19-025548-0................Paper USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780190255480* 1298* 外交政策の骨組みを作る: インド、ブラジル、南アフリカ Husar, Jörg H. Framing Foreign Policy in India, Brazil and South Africa: On the Like-Mindedness of the IBSA States (Contributions to Political Science) 2016:4. 250 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-28714-0............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 1303* デジタル時代における 世界政治とポピュラーカルチャーの理解 Shepherd, Laura J./Hamilton, Caitlin (eds.) Understanding Popular Culture and World Politics in the Digital Age (Popular Culture and World Politics) 2016:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94028-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138940284* 1304* 6PLWK6WHYH+DG¿HOG$PHOLD'XQQH Tim (eds.) Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 576 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870890-2 ...................................... Paper STP 30.99 通常価 ¥7,655 / 特価 ¥6,124 + 税 *9783319287140* 1299* ★ ライバル評価: 米朝関係における支配力と信頼性 Jackson, Van Rival Reputations: Coercion and Credibility in US-North Korea Relations 2016:2. 228 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13331-0.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107133310* 1300* Linklater, Andrew Violence and Civilization in the Western StatesSystems 2016:8. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-15473-5...............Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥21,378 / 特価 ¥17,103 + 税 *9781107154735* 1301* ウクライナ危機後の影響 Manoli, Panagiota (ed.) Aftermath of the Ukrainian Crisis 2016:6. 110 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68474-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138684744* 1302* 歴史的制度至上主義と国際関係論: 世界政治における制度の発展 5L[HQ7KRPDV9LROD/RUD$QQH=UQ0LFKDHOHGV Historical Institutionalism and International Relations: Explaining Institutional Development in World Politics 2016:6. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877962-9.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198779629* 152 ★ 外交政策:理論、アクター、事例 第3版 *9780198708902* 1305* ジェンダーと世界政治のハンドブック Steans, Jill/Tepe-Belfrage, Daniela (eds.) Handbook on Gender in World Politics (International Handbooks on Gender Series) 2016:7. 568 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-061-7................ Hard STP 160.00 通常価 ¥39,525 / 特価 ¥31,620 + 税 *9781783470617* 1306* アメリカの中国の印象:アイデンティティー、力、政策 Turner, Oliver American Images of China: Identity, Power, Policy 2016:3. 226 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68274-0................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138682740* 安全保障 1307* Avant, Deborah/Westerwinter, Oliver (eds.) The New Power Politics: Networks and Transnational Security Governance 2016:7. 328 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060449-3.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780190604493* ISBN 978-0-19-060450-9................Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 *9780190604509* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 1308* 1314* 食糧安全保障と社会政治的な安定性 Gray, Colin S. The Strategy Bridge: Theory for Practice 2016:6. 336 p., First published in 2010 (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877912-4................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 Barrett, Christopher B. (ed.) Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability 2016:6. 512 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875890-7................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9780198758907* 1309* Dallek, Matthew Defenseless under the Night: The Roosevelt Years, Civil Defense, and the Origins of Homeland Security 2016:6. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-974312-4.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199743124* 1310* *9780198779124* 1315* Howard-Hassmann, Rhoda E. State Food Crimes 2016:10. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13352-5.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107133525* ISBN 978-1-107-58996-4................Paper USD 28.99 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 *9781107589964* 安全保障関係:中国と欧州連合 Dorussen, Han/Kirchner, Emil J./Christiansen, Thomas (eds.) Security Relations between China and the European Union: From Convergence to Cooperation? 2016:8. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14903-8.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107149038* 1311* グローバルな諜報活動監視:21世紀における安全保障 Goldman, Zachary K./Rascoff, Samuel J. (eds.) Global Intelligence Oversight: Governing Security in the Twenty-First Century 2016:5. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-045807-2.................Hard USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9780190458072* 1312* Gray, Colin S. Perspectives on Strategy 2016:6. 256 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877871-4................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780198778714* 1313* Gray, Colin S. Strategy and Defence Planning: Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty 2016:6. 240 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877870-7................. Paper STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 1316* アメリカ軍の教義上の変化 Jensen, Benjamin M. Forging the Sword: Doctrinal Change in the U.S. Army 2016:2. 216 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-8047-9560-9.................Hard USD 85.00 通常価 ¥14,537 + 税 *9780804795609* ISBN 978-0-8047-9737-5................Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 + 税 *9780804797375* 1317* 重大な安全保障研究:コンセプトと戦略 Krause, Keith/Williams, Michael C. Critical Security Studies: Concepts And Strategies 2016:3. 404 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14359-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143593* 1318* 国土安全保障への理解 第2版 Martin, Clarence Augustus Understanding Homeland Security, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 464 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-4613-7................. Paper STP 52.00 通常価 ¥12,845 / 特価 ¥10,276 + 税 *9781506346137* *9780198778707* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 153 政治学 》国際関係論 1319* 1323* 諜報活動と安全保障監視 Ghanem, Shukri M. OPEC: The Rise and Fall of an Exclusive Club 2016:3. 256 p., Originally published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97758-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Richardson, Sophie/Gilmour, Nicholas Intelligence and Security Oversight: An Annotated Bibliography and Comparative Analysis 2016:5. 130 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30251-5.................Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319302515* *9781138977587* 1324* 地中海との協議:NATO の役割 Winrow, Gareth Mark Dialogue with the Mediterranean: The Role of NATO’s Mediterranean Initiative (Contemporary Issues in European Politics) 2016:2. 284 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96763-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138967632* 1321* 何故国民は戦争に行くのか:軍事紛争の社会学 Worrell, Mark P. Why Nations Go to War: A Sociology of Military &RQÀLFW)UDPLQJVW&HQWXU\6RFLDO,VVXHV 80 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17373-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173736* See also... Kennedy, John F., Why England Slept, F.A. Praeger, Inc. .............................................. p55 , 0444 Hadjimatheou, Katerina, Security Ethics, Routledge...................................................p132 , 1107 ★ ブレトン・ウッズの忘れられた基礎: 国際的発展と戦争後の世界秩序の構築 1320* Helleiner, Eric Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods: International Development and the Making of the Postwar Order 2016:2., New in Paperback (Cornell U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-5017-0437-6................Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 *9781501704376* 1325* Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu/Dhawan, Nikita/Fink, Elisabeth/Leinius, Johanna (eds.) Negotiating Normativity: Postcolonial Appropriations, Contestations, and Transformations 2016:6. 280 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30983-5............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319309835* 1326* Muller, Joachim/Sauvant, Karl P. (eds.) Annual Review of United Nations Affairs 2014/2015: Vol. 1-6 (Annual Review of United Nations Affairs) 2016:6. 3584 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-045878-2...............Hard USD 876.00 通常価 ¥149,822 / 特価 ¥119,857 + 税 *9780190458782* 国際政治経済 1327* 1322* アジア太平洋のダイナミクス Ban, Cornel Ruling Ideas: How Global Neoliberalism Goes Local 2016:7. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060038-9.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 Radtke, Kurt W./Stam, Joop A./Groenwegen, John/ van der Mey, Leo M./Akiyama, Takuo (eds.) '\QDPLFVLQ3DFL¿F$VLD 2016:2. 300 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96805-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780190600389* ISBN 978-0-19-060039-6................Paper USD 31.95 通常価 ¥5,464 / 特価 ¥4,371 + 税 *9780190600396* 154 *9781138968059* See also... +R]Lü$LGD$Scandalous Economics, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p96 , 0794 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 国際関係の諸問題 1333* ★ Oxford 版 難民と強制移住研究ハンドブック 1328* 地政学的な引火点:紛争の地図 Anderson, Ewan W. Global Geopolitical Flashpoints: An Atlas of &RQÀLFWS, Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97522-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138975224* Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Elena/Loescher, Gil/Long, Katy/Sigona, Nando (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Oxford Handbooks in Politics and International Relations) 2016:6. 784 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877850-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9780198778509* 1329* 1334* 組織化された犯罪に立ち向かう:南東ヨーロッパ 平和のパズル:国際システムにおける平和の進歩 Athanassaopolou, Ekavi (ed.) Fighting Organized Crime in Southeast Europe 2016:2. 154 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97774-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138977747* 1330 Barber, Martin Blinded by Humanity: Inside the UN’s Humanitarian Operations 2016:3. 264 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-623-7................. Paper STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 + 税 *9781784536237* 1331* Oxford 版 保護する責任ハンドブック Bellamy, Alex/Dunne, Tim (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect 2016:6. 1120 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875384-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780198753841* 1332* テロリズムは効果的なのか:歴史 English, Richard Does Terrorism Work?: A History 2016:7. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-960785-3.................. Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 *9780199607853* Goertz, Gary/Diehl, Paul F./Balas, Alexandru The Puzzle of Peace: The Evolution of Peace in the International System 2016:3. 260 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-930102-7.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780199301027* ISBN 978-0-19-930103-4................Paper USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 *9780199301034* 1335* Hutchison, Emma Affective Communities in World Politics: Collective Emotions after Trauma (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, No. 140) 2016:3. 378 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-09501-4...............Hard USD 120.00 通常価 ¥20,523 / 特価 ¥16,418 + 税 *9781107095014* 1336* Koschut, Simon Normative Change and Security Community Disintegration: Undoing Peace 2016:5. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30323-9............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319303239* 1337* 持続可能な平和の構築 Langer, Arnim/Brown, Graham K. (eds.) Building Sustainable Peace: Timing and Sequencing RI3RVW&RQÀLFW5HFRQVWUXFWLRQDQG3HDFHEXLOGLQJ 2016:8. 496 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875727-6.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9780198757276* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 155 政治学 》国際関係論 1338* 比較政治 戦争:世界の武力紛争への学際的視点 Lippard, Cameron War: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Armed &RQÀLFWVDURXQGWKH:RUOGS5RXWOHGJH GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93252-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138932524* 1343* Benz, Arthur Constitutional Policy in Multilevel Government: The Art of Keeping the Balance (Transformations In Governance) 2016:7. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878607-8.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198786078* ISBN 978-1-138-93253-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138932531* アジア太平洋 1339* 1344* McGarry, John/O'Leary, Brendan (eds.) 7KH3ROLWLFVRI(WKQLF&RQÀLFW5HJXODWLRQ: Case 6WXGLHVRI3URWUDFWHG(WKQLF&RQÀLFWVS, Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17383-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 発展途上のアジアにおける中国の影響の高まり *9781138173835* Goh, Evelyn (ed.) 5LVLQJ&KLQD¶V,QÀXHQFHLQ'HYHORSLQJ$VLD 2016:4. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-875851-8.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198758518* 1340* 1345* 人道的介入のうぬぼれ アジアにおける暴君達と彼らの秘められた政策: 威圧的制度と国家的暴力 Menon, Rajan The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention 2016:3. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-938487-7.................Hard USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 *9780199384877* Greitens, Sheena Chestnut Dictators and their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence 2016:7. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-13984-8.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107139848* 1341* Rhoads, Emily Paddon Taking Sides in Peacekeeping: Impartiality and the Future of the United Nations 2016:4. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874724-6.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198747246* 1342* ISBN 978-1-316-50531-1................Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,984 / 特価 ¥4,787 + 税 *9781316505311* See also... Deolalikar, Anil B., Governance in Developing Asia, Edward Elgar ................................... p97 , 0796 ジェンダーと戦争のハンドブック Sharoni, Simona/Welland, Julia/Steiner, Linda/Pedersen, Jennifer (eds.) Handbook on Gender and War (International Handbooks on Gender Series) 2016:7. 528 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84980-891-0................ Hard STP 180.00 通常価 ¥44,466 / 特価 ¥35,573 + 税 *9781849808910* 156 日 本 1346* ★ 華北と日本の拡大 1933 年 - 1937 年: 地域大国と国益 Dryburgh, Marjorie North China and Japanese Expansion 1933-1937: Regional Power and the National Interest 2016:2. 260 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ISBN 978-1-138-99451-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138994515* 1347* Living with Distant Masters 2016:4. 256 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78471-128-3.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781784711283* ★ 二国間の沖縄問題の起源: 戦後のアメリカと日本関係における沖縄 1945 年 - 1952 年 東南アジア Eldridge, Robert D. The Origins of the Bilateral Okinawa Problem: Okinawa in Postwar US-Japan Relations, 1945-1952 (East Asia) 2016:3. 432 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99468-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138994683* 1348* 1352* 東南アジア関係の理論化:表面化する論争 Acharya, Amitav/Stubbs, Richard (eds.) Theorizing Southeast Asian Relations: Emerging Debates 2016:2. 146 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99023-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138990234* ★ 船橋洋一 / 中野晃一共編 日本の民主党政権: 挑戦と失敗 1353* Funabashi, Yoichi/Nakano, Koichi (eds.) The Democratic Party of Japan in Power: Challenges and Failures (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2016:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-63870-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138638709* 1349* 帝国の政策と東南アジアのナショナリズム Antlov, Hans/Tonnesson, Stein Imperial Policy and Southeast Asian Nationalism 2016:2. 340 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99239-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138992399* ★ 武内宏樹 / M. ストローズ共著 日本の改革は死んだのか?:小泉首相の遺産 1354* Takeuchi, Hiroki/Strausz, Michael Are Reforms Dead in Japan?: The Legacy of Prime Minister Koizumi 2016:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5669-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Caballero-Anthony, Mely (ed.) Political Change, Democratic Transitions and Security in Southeast Asia (Routledge Security in $VLD3DFL¿F6HULHVS, First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99500-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781472456694* 東南アジア:政治的変化・民主主義への移行・社会 *9781138995000* 東アジア 1355* 1350* Donaldson, John (ed.) Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China (Routledge Contemporary China Series) 2016:7. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67207-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138672079* Goscha, Christopher E. Thailand and the Southeast Asian Networks of the Vietnamese Revolution, 1885-1954 2016:2. 436 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98873-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138988736* 1356* 1351* カンボジアにおける紛争と変化 中国と香港関係の政治 Kiernan, Ben/Hughes, Caroline (eds.) &RQÀLFWDQG&KDQJHLQ&DPERGLD 2016:2. 160 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) Preston, Peter W. The Politics of China-Hong Kong Relations: ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 157 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ISBN 978-1-138-97151-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138971516* 南アジア 1357* Vijayan, Prem Kumar Gender and Hindu Nationalism: Understanding Masculine Hegemony (Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics) 2016:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64797-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138647978* 中央アジア 1358* Patnaik, Ajay Central Asia: Geopolitics, Security and Stability 2016:4. 256 p. (Routledge, IND) ISBN 978-1-138-64002-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138640023* 中 東 1359 Esther, Meininghaus Creating Consent in Ba’thist Syria: Women and Welfare in a Totalitarian State 2016:4. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-115-7 .................. Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥17,045 + 税 *9781784531157* 1360* オマーン:イスラム的および民主的伝統 Ghubash, Hussein Oman - The Islamic Democratic Tradition (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series) 2016:2. 286 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99461-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138994614* 1361 中東における民主的平和:イスラムと政治的近代化 Halabi, Yakub Democratic Peace across the Middle East: Islam and Political Modernisation 2016:3. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) Routledge ྡⴭ้ྀ᭩䠖 ୰ᮾ䛾ᡓத䛸Ᏻಖ㞀㻌 䠍䠎ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: War and Security in the Middle East 2016 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 12 Vols., 4,888 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-19428-1.... STP 965.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥238,388 / ≉౯ ¥190,711ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781138194281* ࡇࡢ ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣࡇࢀࡲ࡛⤯∧࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡓᩥ⊩ࢆ㞟ࡵ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ୰ᮾࡢ ⣮தࡸᏳಖ㞀ࡢከࡃࡢഃ㠃ࡘ࠸᳨࡚ウࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨୍ḟ‴ᓊᡓத㸦ࡑࡢ⎔ቃ ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆྵࡵ㸧㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡀࠊ㉸ᅜࡸ᰾➇தࠊᖹᵓ⠏ࡢヨࡳ୪ࢇ࡛ྲྀ ࡾᢅࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 158 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》中 東 ISBN 978-1-78453-206-2.................. Hard STP 56.99 通常価 ¥14,078 + 税 *9781784532062* 1362* トルコとアゼルバイジャン関係 Ismayilov, Murad/Graham, Norman A. (eds.) Turkish-Azerbaijani Relations: One Nation-Two States? (Routledge Advances in Central Asian Studies) 2016:6. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65081-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138650817* 1363* 中東 第 14 版 Lust, Ellen (ed.) The Middle East, 14th ed. 2016:7. 1056 p. (CQ Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-2928-4................. Paper STP 56.00 通常価 ¥13,833 / 特価 ¥11,067 + 税 *9781506329284* 1367 イランにおける外交関係と改革:ハタミ政権 Wastnidge, Edward Diplomacy and Reform in Iran: Foreign Policy under Khatami 2016:7. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-328-1.................. Hard STP 64.00 通常価 ¥15,810 + 税 *9781784533281* ロシア・東欧 1368* Crump, Thomas Brezhnev and the Decline of the Soviet Union (Routledge Studies in the History of Russia and Eastern Europe) 2016:4. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68734-9................. Paper STP 30.99 通常価 ¥7,655 / 特価 ¥6,124 + 税 *9781138687349* 1369* ロシアにおける権威主義の近代化 1364* Ostovar, Afshon Vanguard of the Imam: Religion, Politics, and Iran’s Revolutionary Guards 2016:4. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-938789-2.................Hard USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 Gel'man, Vladimir Authoritarian Modernization in Russia: Ideas, Institutions, and Policies (Studies in Contemporary Russia) 2016:9. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-6541-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472465412* *9780199387892* 1370* 1365* 変化する中東における部族と国家 Rabi, Uzi Tribes and States in a Changing Middle East 2016:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-026492-5.................Hard USD 70.00 通常価 ¥11,972 / 特価 ¥9,577 + 税 *9780190264925* 1366* トルコの新たな外交政策 Stein, Aaron Turkey’s New Foreign Policy: Davutoglu, the AKP and the Pursuit of Regional Order (Whitehall Papers) 2016:3. 104 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14290-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142909* ★印はお薦めタイトル 現代ロシアの政治的発展 Jeffries, Ian Political Developments in Contemporary Russia (Guides to Economic and Political Developments in Asia) 2016:2. 816 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99506-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138995062* 1371* ウォッカ政治: アルコール・独裁・ロシア国家の秘められた歴史 Schrad, Mark Lawrence Vodka Politics: Alcohol, Autocracy, and the Secret History of the Russian State 2016:4. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046881-1................Paper USD 21.95 通常価 ¥3,754 / 特価 ¥3,003 + 税 *9780190468811* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 159 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 1372* 議会民主主義の欧州化 Auel, Katrin/Benz, Arthur (eds.) The Europeanisation of Parliamentary Democracy (Library of Legislative Studies) 2016:2. 240 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96912-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138969124* 1373* Ceretta, Manuela/Curli, Barbara (eds.) Discourses and Counter-discourses on Europe: From the Enlightenment to the EU (Critical European Studies) 2016:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64072-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1377* Dowding, Keith/Dumont, Patrick (eds.) The Selection of Ministers in Europe: Hiring and Firing (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2016:2. 274 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98996-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138989962* 1378* Oxford 版 フランス政治ハンドブック Elgie, Robert/Grossman, Emiliano/Mazur, Amy G. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of French Politics (Oxford Handbooks in Politics and International Relations) 2016:11. 736 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-966969-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199669691* *9781138640726* 1379* 1374* Chalmers, Damian/Jachtenfuchs, Markus/Joerges, Christian (eds.) The End of the Eurocrats’ Dream: Adjusting to European Diversity 2016:3. 269 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10718-2.................Hard USD 54.99 通常価 ¥9,404 / 特価 ¥7,523 + 税 *9781107107182* フランスと欧州連合 Grossman, Emiliano (ed.) France and the European Union: After the Referendum on the European Constitution (Journal of European Public Policy Special Issues as Books) 2016:6. 200 p., First published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97461-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138974616* 1375* 現代のヨーロッパの新たな国境はどこか?: 批判的洞察 Cooper, Anthony (ed.) Where are Europe’s New Borders?: Critical Insights into Contemporary European Bordering 2016:6. 110 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68575-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138685758* 1380* ヨーロッパにおける移民政策 Guiraudon, Virginie/Lahav, Gallya (eds.) Immigration Policy in Europe: The Politics of Control 2016:2. 204 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97235-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138972353* 1376* Delogu, Bernardo Risk Analysis and Governance in EU Policy Making and Regulation: An Introductory Guide 2016:5. 180 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30821-0............... Hard EUR 114.99 通常価 ¥21,914 / 特価 ¥17,531 + 税 *9783319308210* 1381* アイスランドの金融危機:不満・抗議活動・復興 Ingimundarson, Valur/Urfalino, Philippe/Erlingsdóttir, Irma (eds.) Iceland’s Financial Crisis: The Politics of Blame, Protest, and Reconstruction (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2016:7. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-66974-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138669741* 160 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 1382* 1387* 右翼過激主義:ドイツの視点 ヨーロッパの16ヵ国におけるアイデンティティー: 金融危機をうけて Kiess, Johannes/Decker, Oliver/Brahler, Elmar (eds.) German Perspectives on Right-Wing Extremism: Challenges for Comparative Analysis (Extremism and Democracy) 2016:6. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-19537-0.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138195370* Westle, Bettina/Segatti, Paolo (eds.) European Identity in the Context of National Identity: Questions of Identity in 16 European Countries in the Wake of the Financial Crisis (IntUne) 2016:4. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-873290-7.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198732907* 1383 イギリスとヨーロッパ統合のプロセス O'Hare, Denise Dunne Britain and the Process of European Integration: Continuity and Policy Change from Attlee to Heath 2016:2. 352 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84885-564-9.................. Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥17,045 + 税 *9781848855649* 1384* 国際的な安全保障提供者としてのEU Dodt, Annemarie Peen/Whitman, Richard/Wolff, Stefan (eds.) Theorising the European Union as an International Security Provider 2016:7. 140 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65966-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138659667* 1385* Reinhardt, Nicole Voices of Conscience: Royal Confessors and Political Counsel in Seventeenth-Century Spain and France 2016:10. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-870368-6.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9780198703686* 1386* Threlfall, Monica/Cousins, Christine/Valiente, Celia Gendering Spanish Democracy (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2016:2. 256 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97505-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138975057* アフリカ 1388* Adejumobi, Said Africa’s Checkered Democracy: Institutions, Participation and Accountability (Contemporary African Politics) 2016:9. 259 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7893-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472478931* 1389* アフリカの統治改革:国際的・国内的圧力と反圧力 Bachelard, Jerome Governance Reform in Africa: International and Domestic Pressures and Counter-Pressures 2016:4. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68682-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138686823* 1390 モロッコにおける民主主義と発展 Bergh, Sylvia I. Democracy and Development in Morocco (Library of Development Studies) 2016:6. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-84885-921-0.................. Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥17,045 + 税 *9781848859210* 1391* Berridge, W. J. Jackson, Paul (ed.) Civil Uprisings in Modern Sudan: The ‘Khartoum Springs’ of 1964 and 1985 (Modern History of Politics and Violence) 2016:7. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4742-9866-7................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781474298667* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 161 政治学 》アフリカ 1392* エジプトの暴動:労働と学生運動の政治経済学 Ghafar, Adel Abdel Egyptians in Revolt: The Political Economy of Labor and Student Mobilizations 1919-2011 (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Democratization and Government) 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-65610-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138656109* 1393* Henriksen, Dag/Larssen, Ann Karin (eds.) Political Rationale and International Consequences of the War in Libya 2016:4. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-876748-0.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198767480* 1394* ネオリベラリズム下のアフリカ: 1980 年からの変化の政治 Poku, Nana K. Africa under Neoliberalism: The Politics of Change since 1980 (Contemporary African Politics) 2016:8. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2570-6.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472425706* ISBN 978-1-4724-2573-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781472425737* 1395* ISBN 978-1-5063-1049-7................. Paper STP 54.00 通常価 ¥13,339 / 特価 ¥10,671 + 税 *9781506310497* 1397* アメリカの例外論者と人種問題の名残り Fong, Edmund American Exceptionalism and the Remains of Race: Multicultural Exorcisms 2016:3. 196 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68702-8................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138687028* 1398* Gillion, Daniel Q. Governing with Words: The Political Dialogue on Race, Public Policy, and Inequality in America 2016:4. 208 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-12754-8.................Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥15,390 / 特価 ¥12,312 + 税 *9781107127548* ISBN 978-1-107-56661-3................Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥5,129 / 特価 ¥4,103 + 税 *9781107566613* 1399* アメリカのゲリーマンダリング Keena, Alex Gerrymandering in America: The House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, and the Future of Popular Sovereignty 2016:6. 215 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14325-8.................Hard USD 89.99 通常価 ¥15,390 / 特価 ¥12,312 + 税 *9781107143258* 「民主的知識」と知識の生産:北アフリカの民主化 Sadiki, Larbi (ed.) ‘Democratic Knowledge’ and Knowledge Production3UHOLPLQDU\5HÀHFWLRQVRQ'HPRFUDWLVDWLRQLQ North Africa 2016:7. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68590-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138685901* 南北アメリカ 北 米 1396* 都市アメリカの管理 第8版 England, Robert E./Pelissero, John P./Morgan, David R. (eds.) Managing Urban America, 8th ed. 2016:9. 392 p. (CQ Press, USA) 162 1400* Oxford 版 アメリカの政治的発展ハンドブック Mettler, Suzanne/Valelly, Richard M./Lieberman, Robert C. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of American Political Development 2016:6. 784 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-969791-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9780199697915* 1401* オバマ政権後: アメリカのリーダーシップの再生・世界秩序の復元 Singh, Robert After Obama: Renewing American Leadership, Restoring Global Order 2016:7. 204 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》南北アメリカ ISBN 978-1-107-14248-0.................Hard USD 90.00 通常価 ¥15,392 / 特価 ¥12,314 + 税 *9781107142480* ISBN 978-1-316-50726-1................Paper USD 24.99 通常価 ¥4,274 / 特価 ¥3,419 + 税 *9781316507261* See also... Link, Arthur S., Wilson, Princeton U.P. .................................................................... p47 , 0373 McAdam, Doug, Deeply Divided, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................p171 , 1485 ラテンアメリカ 1402* ラテンアメリカにおける立法機関と立法 Alemán, Eduardo/Tsebelis, George (eds.) Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America (Oxford Studies in Democratization) 2016:5. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-877786-1.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198777861* 1403* Breuer, Anita/Welp, Yanina (eds.) Digital Technologies for Democratic Governance in Latin America: Opportunities and Risks 2016:4. 248 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68679-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138686793* 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会政策 1404* アメリカの社会政策における不平等 Warde, Bryan Inequality in US Social Policy: An Historical Analysis 2016:8. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84758-3................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138847583* ISBN 978-1-138-84759-0................. Paper STP 49.99 通常価 ¥12,349 / 特価 ¥9,879 + 税 *9781138847590* See also... Heshmati, Almas, Poverty and Well-Being in East Africa, Springer Basel AG........................ p97 , 0799 社会福祉 1405* 家族疎遠:視点の問題 Agllias, Kylie Family Estrangement: A Matter of Perspective 2016:8. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5858-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 1406* Beckett, Chris/Taylor, Hilary Human Growth and Development 2016:4. 280 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1625-8.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781473916258* 1407* Birkenmaier, Julie/Berg-Weger, Marla/Dewees, Martha P. Chapters 6-9: The Practice of Generalist Social Work, 3rd ed. 2016:3. 276 p., Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14356-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143562* 1408* 障害を持った子供へ虐待およびネグレクトを防ぐ Crowley, E. Paula Preventing Abuse and Neglect in the Lives of Children with Disabilities 2016:5. 270 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30440-3.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319304403* *9781472458582* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 163 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 1409* ★ 障害者研究読本 第5版 Davis, Lennard J. (ed.) The Disability Studies Reader, 5th ed. 2016:8. 784 p., Originally published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93022-3................ Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥28,409 / 特価 ¥22,727 + 税 *9781138930223* ISBN 978-1-138-93023-0................. Paper STP 49.99 通常価 ¥12,349 / 特価 ¥9,879 + 税 *9781138930230* ISBN 978-1-138-77902-0................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138779020* 1414* Greer, Jim Resilience and Personal Effectiveness for Social Workers 2016:7. 184 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1916-7.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781473919167* 1410* ISBN 978-1-4739-1917-4................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 生計のための介護: イタリアにおける移民女性と高齢の市民 1415* Degiuli, Francesca Caring for a Living: Migrant Women, Aging Citizens, and Italian Families (International Policy Exchange Series) 2016:6. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-998901-0.................Hard USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9780199989010* 1411* Douglas, Emily M. Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the United States: Four Decades of Policy, Program, and Professional Responses 2016:5. 176 p. (Springer Netherlands, NLD) ISBN 978-94-017-7581-6.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9789401775816* 1412* *9781473919174* Hill, Malcolm/Head, George/Lockyer, Andrew/ Reid, Barbara/Taylor, Raymond Children’s Services: Working Together 2016:3. 416 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17216-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172166* 1416* 子供時代:子供のためのサービスと提供 Jones, Phil/Moss, Dorothy/Tomlinson, Pat/Welch, Sue Childhood: Services and Provision for Children 2016:3. 320 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14226-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142268* 1417* ソーシャルワーク:実態への批判的アプローチ Fook, Jan Social Work: A Critical Approach to Practice 2016:4. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1303-5................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781473913035* Malloy, Robin Paul Land Use Law and Disability: Planning and Zoning for Accessible Communities (Cambridge Disability, Law and Policy Series) 2016:6. 266 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-61414-3................Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,984 / 特価 ¥4,787 + 税 *9781316614143* 1413* ソーシャルワークにおける反省的思考: 生徒の体験談からの教訓 1418* Graham, Mekada 5HÀHFWLYH7KLQNLQJLQ6RFLDO:RUN: Learning from Student Narratives 2016:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-77901-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 McBride, Becca The Globalization of Adoption: Individuals, States, and Agencies Across Borders 2016:7. 196 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-14963-2............... Hard USD 110.00 通常価 ¥18,813 / 特価 ¥15,050 + 税 *9781138779013* 164 養子縁組のグローバル化:個人・国家・仲介者 *9781107149632* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 1419* 1424* Northrup, Gordon (ed.) The Management of Sexuality in Residential Treatment 2016:2. 152 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98955-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 幸せとウェルビーイング:シンガポールの経験 *9781138989559* 1420* Tambyah, Siok Kuan/Tan, Soo Jiuan Happiness and Wellbeing: The Singaporean Experience 2016:4. 160 p., Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14283-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142831* ★ ソーシャルワークリサーチにおける 質的手法 第3版 Padgett, Deborah K. Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research, 3rd ed. (Sage Sourcebooks for the Human Services, Vol. 36) 2016:9. 368 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-4522-5670-2................. Paper STP 40.99 通常価 ¥10,125 / 特価 ¥8,100 + 税 *9781452256702* 1421* 親しいパートナーからの暴力: 効果的な手順・対応・政策 Peterson Sparks, Elicka/Gruelle, Kit Intimate Partner Violence: Effective Procedure, Response and Policy 2016:9. 360 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-7359-1................. Paper STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 *9781498773591* 1425* Ukockis, Gail Women’s Issues for a New Generation: A Social Work Perspective 2016:7. 496 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-023939-8................Paper USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9780190239398* 1426* ★ 人権と社会的正義: 援助と健康専門職のための社会的行動とサービス 第2版 Wronka, Joseph M. Human Rights and Social Justice: Social Action and Service for the Helping and Health Professions, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 456 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-8717-8................. Paper STP 43.99 通常価 ¥10,867 / 特価 ¥8,693 + 税 *9781483387178* 1427* 1422* 介護システム:公的・非公的ヘルパー達 ソーシャルワークと社会的正義: コンセプト、挑戦、戦略 Zarit, Steven H./Pearlin, Leonard I. (eds.) Caregiving Systems: Informal and Formal Helpers 2016:3., First published in 1993 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-87625-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 Reisch, Michael/Garvin, Charles D. Social Work and Social Justice: Concepts, Challenges, and Strategies 2016:4. 448 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-989301-0.................Hard USD 55.00 通常価 ¥9,406 / 特価 ¥7,525 + 税 *9780199893010* 1423* Ritchie, Elspeth Cameron/Naclerio, Anne L (eds.) Women at War 2016:4. 394 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062000-4................Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780190620004* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138876255* See also... Williams, Adelle M., Helping Relationships with Older Adults, Sage Pub............................p85 , 0695 Drozd, Leslie, Parenting Plan Evaluations, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p136 , 1154 Braithwaite, Dawn O., Handbook of Communication and People with Disabilities, Routledge................................................... p176 , 1519 Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 165 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 保健・医療 ISBN 978-3-319-29801-6................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319298016* 1428* Austin, Jim/Bentkover, Judith/Chait, Laurence (eds.) Leading Strategic Change in an Era of Healthcare Transformation (Management for Professionals) 2016:6. 200 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30775-6.................Hard EUR 69.99 通常価 ¥13,338 / 特価 ¥10,670 + 税 *9783319307756* 1429* Berlanga, Gerard A./Husby, Brock C. Lean Daily Management for Healthcare Field Book 2016:7. 208 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5650-1................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781498756501* 1430* ヘルスケアへの社会的権利の変容 Böhm, Katharina The Transformation of the Social Right to Healthcare (Social Welfare Around the World) 2016:7. 262 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-7914-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472479143* 1431* Braithwaite, Jeffrey/Wears, Robert L./Hollnagel, Erik (eds.) Resilient Health Care: Reconciling Work-AsImagined and Work-As-Done, Vol. 3 2016:8. 264 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-8056-8.................. Hard STP 76.99 通常価 ¥19,019 / 特価 ¥15,215 + 税 *9781498780568* 1432* 1434* 医療社会学必携 Cockerham, William The New Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Sociology) 2016:8. 616 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-25067-8 ................Paper USD 54.95 通常価 ¥9,398 / 特価 ¥7,518 + 税 *9781119250678* 1435* Dade Smith, Janie Australia’s Rural, Remote and Indigenous Health, 3rd ed. 2016:3. 300 p. (Elsevier Science, AUS) ISBN 978-0-7295-4241-8................Paper USD 69.99 通常価 ¥11,970 / 特価 ¥9,576 + 税 *9780729542418* 1436* 監獄における健康の問題 Elger, Bernice S./Ritter, Catherine/Stöver, Heino (eds.) Emerging Issues in Prison Health 2016:6. 272 p. (Springer Netherlands, NLD) ISBN 978-94-017-7556-4.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9789401775564* 1437* サハラ以南アフリカにおけるアメリカの HIV 対策 Esacove, Anne Modernizing Sexuality: U.S. HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa (Sexuality, Identity, and Society) 2016:8. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-993361-7................Paper USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 *9780199933617* 費用便益分析とヘルスケア評価 第2版 Brent, Robert &RVW%HQH¿W$QDO\VLVDQG+HDOWK&DUH(YDOXDtions, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 512 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-772-2................. Paper STP 40.00 通常価 ¥9,881 / 特価 ¥7,905 + 税 *9781783477722* 1433* Bruhn, John G. After Diagnosis: Family Caregiving with Hospice Patients (SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research) 2016:3. 54 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) 166 1438* Ferlie, Ewan Analysing Health Care Organizations: A Personal Anthology (Routledge Studies in Health Management) 2016:3. 258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-79457-3.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138794573* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 1439* Gorman, Sara E./Gorman, Jack M. Denying to the Grave: Why We Ignore the Facts that Will Save Us 2016:9. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-939660-3.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199396603* 1440* 欧州連合の公衆衛生の政策 Greer, Scott L./Kurzer, Paulette (eds.) European Union Public Health Policy: Regional and Global Trends 2016:4. 264 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68611-3 ................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138686113* 1441* Gurbutt, Dawne Collaborative Practice for Public Health (CAIPE Collaborative Practice Series) 2016:2. 145 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-84619-894-6................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781846198946* 1442* Haacker, Markus The Economics of the Global Response to HIV/ AIDS 2016:6. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-871804-8.................. Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9780198718048* 1443* Hsu, Locknie Trade, Investment, Innovation and their Impact on Access to Medicines: An Asian Perspective (Cambridge International Trade and Economic Law, Vol. 22) 2016:2. 486 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-07273-2...............Hard USD 125.00 通常価 ¥21,378 / 特価 ¥17,103 + 税 *9781107072732* 1444* Koinig, Isabell Pharmaceutical Advertising as a Source of Consumer Self-Empowerment: Evidence from Four Countries (Forschungsgruppe Konsum und Verhalten) 2016:4. 378 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル ISBN 978-3-658-13133-3................Paper EUR 74.76 通常価 ¥14,247 / 特価 ¥11,397 + 税 *9783658131333* 1445* HIV 感染者・エイズの子どもと若者:多文化的視点 Liamputtong, Pranee (ed.) Children and Young People Living with HIV/ AIDS: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Cross-Cultural Research in Health, Illness and Well-Being) 2016:6. 400 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29934-1...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319299341* 1446* Oldenburg, Jan (ed.) Participatory Healthcare: A Person-Centered Approach to Healthcare Transformation (HIMSS Book Series, Vol.2) 2016:7. 336 p. (CRC Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-6962-4................. Paper STP 44.99 通常価 ¥11,114 / 特価 ¥8,891 + 税 *9781498769624* 1447* エイズ:個人的、文化的、政策的側面 Peter Aggleton, (ed.) AIDS: Individual, Cultural and Policy Dimensions (Social Aspects of AIDS) 2016:2. 285 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98842-2................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138988422* 1448* 文化的背景における肥満危機 Shugart, Helene A. Heavy: The Obesity Crisis in Cultural Context 2016:7. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-021062-5.................Hard USD 35.00 通常価 ¥5,986 / 特価 ¥4,788 + 税 *9780190210625* 1449* Wellman, Joan/Hagan, Pat/Jeffries, Howard/Bailey, Cara Leading the Lean Healthcare Journey: Driving Culture Change to Increase Value, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 296 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-3956-6.................. Hard STP 25.99 通常価 ¥6,420 / 特価 ¥5,136 + 税 *9781498739566* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 167 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 1450* White, Brad Lean Daily Management for Healthcare: A Strategic Guide to Implementing Lean for Hospital Leaders 2016:6. 216 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5898-7................. Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥6,420 / 特価 ¥5,136 + 税 *9781498758987* 1451* ISBN 978-1-4987-7129-0................. Paper STP 15.99 通常価 ¥3,950 / 特価 ¥3,160 + 税 *9781498771290* See also... Allan, Sonia, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Surrogacy and Legal Parentage, Routledge ...................................................................p140 , 1192 Herring, Jonathan, Medical Law and Ethics, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p140 , 1193 食料・飲料産業の成長に関する批判的視点 Williams, Simon N./Nestle, Marion (eds.) Big Food: Critical Perspectives on the Global Growth of the Food and Beverage Industry 2016:2. 166 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-94594-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138945944* 1452* Jackson, Emily, Medical Law, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p140 , 1194 Laurie, Graeme, Mason and McCall Smith's Law and Medical Ethics, Oxford U.P. ...........p140 , 1195 Da Costa Leite Borges, Danielle, EU Health Systems and Distributive Justice, Routledge ...................................................................p144 , 1231 Zidel, Thomas G. Rethinking Lean in Healthcare: A Business Novel on How a Hospital Restored Quality Patient Care and Obtained Financial Stability Using Lean 2016:7. 202 p. (Productivity Press Inc., USA) 社会学 社会学一般 社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 1453* 1455* Carsten, Janet/Frith, Simon (eds.) British Academy Lectures 2014-15 (British Academy Lectures Series) 2016:2. 250 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-726598-7................. Paper STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 Atkinson, Will Beyond Bourdieu 2016:10. 176 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ISBN 978-1-5095-0748-1.................Hard USD 64.95 通常価 ¥11,108 / 特価 ¥8,886 + 税 *9780197265987* 1454* *9781509507481* ISBN 978-1-5095-0749-8................Paper USD 22.95 通常価 ¥3,925 / 特価 ¥3,140 + 税 *9781509507498* 楽天主義者のための社会学 Holmes, Mary Sociology for Optimists 2016:9. 192 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4462-6867-4.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781446268674* ISBN 978-1-4462-6868-1................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781446268681* 168 1456* Brosnan, Caragh/Adkins, Lisa/Threadgold, Steven (eds.) Bourdieusian Prospects (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84508-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138845084* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 1457* 逃げようとする試み: 日々のレジスタンスの理論と実行 第2版 Cohen, Stanley/Taylor, Laurie Escape Attempts: The Theory and Practice of Resistance in Everyday Life, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 272 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14184-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141841* 1458* 近代化と発展の社会学 Harrison, David The Sociology of Modernization and Development 2016:2. 216 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16977-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169777* New Blackwell Companion to Social Theory (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Sociology) 2016:8. 640 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-25074-6 ................Paper USD 54.95 通常価 ¥9,398 / 特価 ¥7,518 + 税 *9781119250746* 1463* Watts Miller, Willie Durkheim, Morals and Modernity 2016:4. 300 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96800-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138968004* See also... Farrelly, Colin, %LRORJLFDOO\0RGL¿HG-XVWLFH Cambridge U.P. ..........................................p17 , 0115 Thalos, Mariam, A Social Theory of Freedom, Routledge.....................................................p17 , 0116 1459* Arweck, Elisabeth, Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity, Routledge ................ p26 , 0177 Nichols, Tom The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters 2016:11. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046941-2.................Hard USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 Gallagher, Eugene V., Visioning New and Minority Religions, Routledge ................................. p26 , 0178 1460* Turner, Bryan S., Companion To The Sociology of Religion, Wiley .......................................... p26 , 0180 *9780190469412* Shields, Rob Places on the Margin: Alternative Geographies of Modernity (International Library of Sociology) 2016:3. 352 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14204-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Shaw, Richard D, Chaplains to the Imprisoned, Routledge.................................................... p26 , 0179 社会学研究法・社会調査法 1464* *9781138142046* 1461* ★ マックス・ヴェーバー:歴史から近代まで Turner, Bryan S. Max Weber: From History to Modernity 2016:3. 284 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14166-7 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138141667* 1462* 社会学理論必携 ★ Bernard, Harvey Russell/Wutich, Amber Y./Ryan, Gery W. Analyzing Qualitative Data: Systematic Approaches, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 656 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-4438-6 ...................................... Paper STP 45.99 通常価 ¥11,361 / 特価 ¥9,088 + 税 *9781483344386* 1465* Dawson, Catherine Elaine 100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods 2016:8. 448 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-4628-6................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781473946286* Turner, Bryan S. ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 169 社会学 》社会学研究法・社会調査法 ISBN 978-1-4739-4629-3................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781473946293* 1466* ★★ DeVellis, Robert F. Scale Development: Theory and Applications, 4th ed. (Applied Social Research Methods, Vol. 26) 2016:6. 288 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-4156-9 ....................................... Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 1471* Rose, Gillian Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials, 4th ed. 2016:3. 456 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-4889-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781473948891* 1472* Rossman, Gretchen B./Rallis, Sharon F. An Introduction to Qualitative Research: Learning in the Field, 4th ed. 2016:6. 352 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-5063-0793-0 ...................................... Paper STP 38.99 通常価 ¥9,631 / 特価 ¥7,705 + 税 *9781506341569* 1467* ビックデータと社会科学:方法とツールの実践的ガイド Foster, Ian/Ghani, Rayid/Jarmin, Ron S./Kreuter, Frauke/Lane, Julia (eds.) Big Data and Social Science: A Practical Guide to Methods and Tools (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 25) 2016:7. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ISBN 978-1-4987-5140-7.................. Hard STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781498751407* 1468* Gliner, Jeffrey A./Morgan, George A./Leech, Nancy L. Research Methods in Applied Settings: An Integrated Approach to Design and Analysis, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 576 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85297-6.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781506307930* 1473* 社会学研究における哲学のキーコンセプト Williams, Malcolm Key Concepts in the Philosophy of Social Research (Sage Key Concepts Series) 2016:9. 240 p., Originally published in 2013 (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-0-85702-741-2.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9780857027412* ISBN 978-0-85702-742-9................. Paper STP 20.99 通常価 ¥5,185 / 特価 ¥4,148 + 税 *9780857027429* *9781138852976* 1469* ★ 質的研究法入門 第4版 社会構造・社会変動 1474* Lampard, Richard/Pole, Christopher Practical Social Investigation: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Research 2016:3. 336 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14350-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143500* 人口の変化はどのようにして我々の世界を変容させるか Harper, Sarah How Population Change Will Transform Our World 2016:7. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-878409-8.................. Hard STP 14.99 通常価 ¥3,703 / 特価 ¥2,962 + 税 *9780198784098* 1470* テキストマイニング:社会科学のためのガイドブック Mihalcea, Rada F./Ignatow, Gabe Text Mining: A Guidebook for the Social Sciences 2016:7. 208 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-4833-6934-1................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781483369341* 170 階級・社会階層・社会移動 1475* Bernardi, Fabrizio/Ballarino, Gabriele (eds.) Education, Occupation and Social Origin: A Comparative Analysis of the Transmission of Socio-Economic Inequalities 2016:4. 320 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》階級・社会階層・社会移動 ISBN 978-1-78536-044-2.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 ISBN 978-1-78076-525-9.................. Hard STP 69.00 通常価 ¥17,045 + 税 1476* 1481* *9781785360442* ★ Raymo, James/Iwasawa, Miho Diverging Destinies: The Japanese Case (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies) 2016:9. 100 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-981-10-0184-0................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9789811001840* *9781780765259* 逸脱行動への理解:犯罪社会学へのガイド 第7版 Downes, David/Rock, Paul/McLaughlin, Eugene Understanding Deviance: A Guide to the Sociology of Crime and Rule-Breaking, 7th ed. 2016:3. 424 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874734-5................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9780198747345* 1477* Tumin, Melvin Marvin Caste in a Peasant Society (Princeton Legacy Library) 2016:2. 316 p., Originally published in 1952 (Princeton U.P., USA) ISBN 978-0-691-62727-4...................................Paper 通常価 ¥5,240 + 税 *9780691627274* 社会問題・社会運動 1478* モラル危機: 酒類・タバコ・ギャンブル産業から収入を得るリスク Adams, Peter J. Moral Jeopardy: Risks of Accepting Money from the Alcohol, Tobacco and Gambling Industries (International Research Monographs in the Addictions) 2016:6. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-09120-7...............Hard USD 130.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,787 + 税 *9781107091207* 1479* Bernburg, Jón Gunnar Economic Crisis and Mass Protest: The Pots and Pans Revolution in Iceland (The Mobilization Series on Social Movements, Protest, and Culture) 2016:5. 174 p. (Ashgate Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2547-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472425478* 1480 Birdal, Nur Banu Kavakli Confronting Honour Killings in Turkey: The Interaction of State and Civil Society (Library of Modern Turkey, Vol. 7) 2016:9. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 1482* 政治的市民権と社会運動のハンドブック Heijden, Hein-Anton van der Handbook of Political Citizenship and Social Movements 2016:4. 712 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78347-903-0................. Paper STP 40.00 通常価 ¥9,881 / 特価 ¥7,905 + 税 *9781783479030* 1483* Iganski, Paul/Levin, Jack Hate Crime: A Global Perspective (Framing 21st Century Social Issues) 2016:3. 90 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14200-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142008* 1484* ★ 北口末広 / A. マクラクラン共著 部落問題の入門:一門一答 Kitaguchi, Suehiro/McLauchlan, Alastair An Introduction to the Buraku Issue: Questions and Answers 2016:2. 224 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97325-1................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138973251* 1485* 深い溝: 戦後のアメリカにおける人種的政治と社会運動 McAdam, Doug/Kloos, Karina Deeply Divided: Racial Politics and Social Movements in Postwar America 2016:4. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046517-9................Paper USD 21.95 通常価 ¥3,754 / 特価 ¥3,003 + 税 *9780190465179* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 171 社会学 》社会問題・社会運動 1486* 逸脱行動と逸脱した人々:社会学的アプローチ Thompson, William E./Gibbs, Jennifer C. Deviance and Deviants: A Sociological Approach 2016:9. 344 p. (Wiley, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-60459-5 ................Paper USD 89.95 通常価 ¥15,384 / 特価 ¥12,307 + 税 *9781118604595* ISBN 978-1-138-14378-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143784* See also... Savage, Joanne, Thugs and Thieves, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................p135 , 1139 1487* 家族・世代 社会における感情の問題 Turner, Jonathan The Problem of Emotions in Societies (Framing 21st Century Social Issues) 2016:3. 86 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) 1488* Blumenkrantz, David Coming of Age the RITE Way: Youth and Community Development through Rites of Passage 2016:5. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ඣ❺Ꮫ㻌 䠐ᕳ Childhood Studies Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖04098S0914䛇 Edited by Heather Montgomery, The Open University, GBR 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,662 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-01499-2........STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥222,331 / ≉౯ ¥177,865ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781138014992* ᮏ᭩ࡣඣ❺Ꮫ㛵ࡍࡿ Routledge ♫Ⓨหࡢ⏬ᮇⓗ࡞᭩⡠࡛ࠊඣ❺Ꮫࡀ㔜せࡘ◊✲ࡶ ༑ศ࡞ࡉࢀࡓᏛ㝿ศ㔝࡛࠶ࡿ࠸࠺ᗈࡃᾐ㏱ࡋࡓ⪃࠼᪉ࢆᫎࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋዲホࢆ༤ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡿ Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢ᪂หࡋ࡚ࠊඣ❺Ꮫ ࿘㎶ⓗ࡞◊✲ࡀࡇࢀࡲ࡛௨ୖ┒ࢇ⾜ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ⌧ᅾ࠾࠸࡚ࠊᛴ㏿Ⓨᒎࡋࡼࡾ」 㞧࡞య⣔࡞ࡗࡓᮏศ㔝ࡢ⌮ゎࢆຓࡅࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣᖜᗈ࠸ศ㔝㸦♫Ꮫࡸ♫ᨻ⟇ࠊ♫⚟♴ࠊᩍ⫱Ꮫࠊே㢮Ꮫࠊ࢝ࣝࢳࣗࣛࣝࢫ ࢱࢹ࣮ࢬࠊṔྐᏛࠊᆅ⌮ᏛࠊἲᏛࢆྵࡴ㸧ࡢᏛ㆑ࢆྲྀࡾ㎸ࡳࠊせ࡞⌮ㄽⓗ࣭ᐇドⓗ ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ୍ࡘࡢ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊୡ௦㛫ࡢ㛵ಀࡸ᪥ᖖ⏕άࠊάື ཧຍࠊᏊࡶࡢேᶒࡑࡢேᶒࡢୡ⏺ྛᆅࡢ౯್ほ࠸ࡗࡓࢸ࣮࣐ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊඣ❺ᏛࡀⓎ㐩◊✲ࡽࠊඣ❺ࡢ♫࠾ࡅࡿ⾜Ⅽ⪅ࡋ࡚ࡢᙺࡸࠊඣ❺ ࢆᨻ⟇ධࡢᑐ㇟ࡍࡿࡇࡲ࡛࠸↔Ⅼࢆᣑࡆ࡚࠸ࡗࡓࢆ᫂ࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚⦅㞟ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊඣ❺ඣ❺ᮇࡘ࠸࡚◊✲ ࡍࡿ࡚ࡢேࡗ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟࡛ࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ)㻌 㻌 172 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》家族・世代 ISBN 978-0-19-029733-6................Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 *9780190297336* 1489* 国内の緊張・国家の不安: 結婚・危機・国家に関するグローバルな視点 Celello, Kristin/Kholoussy, Hanan (eds.) Domestic Tensions, National Anxieties: Global Perspectives on Marriage, Crisis, and Nation 2016:4. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-985674-9.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780199856749* ISBN 978-0-19-985673-2................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780199856732* 1493* YRQ+XPEROGW6R¿D Conceptual and Methodological Issues on the Adjustment to Aging: Perspectives on Aging Well (International Perspectives on Aging, Vol.15) 2016:5. 304 p. (Springer Netherlands, NLD) ISBN 978-94-017-7574-8...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9789401775748* 1494* Yashin, Anatoliy I./Stallard, Eric/Land, Kenneth C. Biodemography of Aging: Determinants of Healthy Life Span and Longevity (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Vol.40) 2016:5. 280 p. (Springer Netherlands, NLD) ISBN 978-94-017-7585-4.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9789401775854* 1490* Coffey, Julia Body Work: Youth, Gender and Health (Youth, Young Adulthood and Society) 2016:3. 170 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91151-2 .................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 See also... Hart, Roger A., Children’s Participation, Routledge.................................................. p127 , 1066 *9781138911512* 都市・地域・農村 1491* 1495* 老年学:基礎 ブランドと都市: 都市生活・アイデンティティー・文化の関係性 Moody, Harry R./Sasser, Jennifer Gerontology: (The Basics) 2016:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-77581-7.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781138775817* ISBN 978-1-138-77582-4................. Paper STP 15.99 通常価 ¥3,950 / 特価 ¥3,160 + 税 *9781138775824* 1492* 挟まれた世代: アダルトチルドレンの年老いた両親の介護 Roots, Charles R. The Sandwich Generation: Adult Children Caring for Aging Parents (Garland Studies on the Elderly in America) 2016:2. 156 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98565-0................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138985650* Bookman, Sonia Brands and the City: Entanglements and Implications for Urban Life, Identities and Culture (Cities and Society) 2016:6. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4094-6084-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781409460848* 1496* Evans, James/Karvonen, Andrew/Raven, Rob (eds.) The Experimental City (Routledge Research in Sustainable Urbanism) 2016:5. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85620-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138856202* 1497* Hristova, Svetlana/Czepczynski, Mariusz Public Space: Between Reimagination and Occupation (Design and the Built Environment) 2016:4. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5364-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472453648* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 173 社会学 》都市・地域・農村 1498* 中国の変化: 都市における移民・コミュニティーのガバナンス Li Si-Ming,/Shenjing He,/Chan, Kam Wing (eds.) Changing China: Migration, Communities and Governance in Cities 2016:7. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69084-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138690844* 1499* Martinez, Miguel The Right to Squat the City: Squatters, Housing Struggles and Urban Politics (Housing and Society Series) 2016:7. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85694-3................ Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥28,409 / 特価 ¥22,727 + 税 *9781138856943* ISBN 978-1-138-85695-0................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138856950* 1500* 3ÀLHJHU*pUDOGLQH3DWWDURQL/XFD-HPHOLQ&KULVWRSKH Kaufmann, Vincent (eds.) The Social Fabric of the Networked City 2016:2. 244 p., Originally published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98219-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138982192* Tiwari, Alok, Urban Infrastructure Research, Springer Basel AG ..................................... p57 , 0468 Andersson, Kjell, Metropolitan Ruralities, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. .............. p127 , 1063 産業・労働 1502* カリフォルニアの労働者運動の歴史 Glass, Fred From Mission to Microchip: A History of the California Labor Movement 2016:6. 432 p. (University of California Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-520-28840-9.................Hard USD 70.00 通常価 ¥11,972 / 特価 ¥9,577 + 税 *9780520288409* ISBN 978-0-520-28841-6................Paper USD 34.95 通常価 ¥5,977 / 特価 ¥4,781 + 税 *9780520288416* 1503* Madamba, Anna B. Underemployment among Asians in the United States: Asian Indian, Filipino, and Vietnamese Workers (Garland Studies in the History of American Labor) 2016:7. 168 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98640-4................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138986404* 1501* 1504* 子供中心のアーバニズム Zaman, Quazi Children-Centered Urbanism 2016:7. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83908-3................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138839083* Witz, Anne Professions and Patriarchy (International Library of Sociology) 2016:2. 244 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13579-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135796* ISBN 978-1-138-83909-0................. Paper STP 32.99 通常価 ¥8,149 / 特価 ¥6,519 + 税 *9781138839090* See also... Bell, Simon, Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe, Routledge.................................................... p57 , 0465 Fang, Chuanglin, China’s New Urbanization, Springer Verlag.......................................... p57 , 0466 Huskinson, Lucy, The Urban Uncanny, Routledge .................................................................... p57 , 0467 174 メディア・情報 1505* Dowd, Tom/Niederman, Michael/Fry, Michael/ Steiff, Josef Storytelling across Worlds: Transmedia for Creatives and Producers 2016:2. 352 p., Originally published in 2013 (Focal Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13564-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135642* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》メディア・情報 1511* メディア・ジャーナリズム ジャーナリズムの危機再考 1506* Ang, Ien Desperately Seeking the Audience 2016:2. 216 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13635-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136359* 1507* ★ ラジオ理解 第2版 Crisell, Andrew Understanding Radio, 2nd ed. (Studies in Culture and Communication) 2016:3. 260 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17212-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172128* Luengo, Maria Transito Lopez (ed.) The Crisis of Journalism Reconsidered: Democratic Culture, Professional Codes, Digital Future 2016:7. 328 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-08525-1.................Hard USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 / 特価 ¥13,681 + 税 *9781107085251* ISBN 978-1-107-44851-3................Paper USD 34.99 通常価 ¥5,984 / 特価 ¥4,787 + 税 *9781107448513* 1512* Moeller, Susan D. Compassion Fatigue: How the Media Sell Disease, Famine, War and Death 2016:4. 400 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17358-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173583* 1508* グローバルフリーランサー:海外ニュースを売る Dorsey, Steve The Global Freelancer: Telling and Selling Foreign News 2016:7. 136 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-10156-2................ Hard STP 125.00 通常価 ¥30,879 / 特価 ¥24,703 + 税 *9781138101562* ISBN 978-1-138-99978-7................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781138999787* 1509* マスコミュニケーションの歴史:6 つの情報革命 Fang, Irving A History of Mass Communication: Six Information Revolutions 2016:3. 288 p., Originally published in 1997 (Focal Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17374-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173743* 1510* Higgins, Michael/Smith, Angela Belligerent Broadcasting: Power, Civility and Confrontation on Television (The Cultural Politics of Media and Popular Culture) 2016:9. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-2592-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 1513* デジタル時代におけるジャーナリズム理論 Steensen, Steen/Ahva, Laura (eds.) Theories of Journalism in a Digital Age (Journalism Studies) 2016:7. 268 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68407-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138684072* 1514* Stewart, Peter/Alexander, Ray Broadcast Journalism: Techniques of Radio and Television News, 7th ed. 2016:2. 456 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88602-5................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 *9781138886025* ISBN 978-1-138-88603-2................. Paper STP 39.99 通常価 ¥9,878 / 特価 ¥7,903 + 税 *9781138886032* See also... Eise, Jessica, The Communication Scarcity in Agriculture, Routledge.............................p98 , 0805 *9781472425928* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 175 社会学 》メディア・情報 インターネット・情報社会学 1519* コミュニケーションと障害者のハンドブック Selke, Stefan (ed.) Lifelogging: Digital Self-Tracking between Disruptive Technology and Cultural Change 2016:9. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-13136-4................Paper EUR 39.99 通常価 ¥7,621 / 特価 ¥6,096 + 税 Braithwaite, Dawn O./Thompson, Teresa L. (eds.) Handbook of Communication and People with Disabilities: Research and Application (Routledge Communication Series) 2016:6. 576 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97573-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 1516* 1520* 1515* *9781138975736* *9783658131364* ★ 内容分析ガイドブック 第2版 フェイスブック時代のアイデンティティー問題 Neuendorf, Kimberly A. The Content Analysis Guidebook, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 360 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ISBN 978-1-4129-7947-4 ...................................... Paper STP 51.00 通常価 ¥12,598 / 特価 ¥10,079 + 税 Trottier, Daniel Identity Problems in the Facebook Era (Framing 21st Century Social Issues) 2016:3. 76 p., Originally published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14355-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781412979474* *9781138143555* 1521* 1517* 青年と彼らのフェイスブックのでの体験談 Walsh, Jill Adolescents and Their Facebook Narratives: A Digital Coming of Age (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society) 2016:9. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67981-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138679818* See also... Shepherd, Laura J., Understanding Popular Culture and World Politics in the Digital Age, Routledge...................................................p152 , 1303 3ÀXJIHOGHU(KUHQ+HOPXW Communicating Mobility and Technology: A Material Rhetoric for Persuasive Transportation (Routledge Studies in Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Culture) 2016:8. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-3472-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472434722* 1522* Zinken, Jorg Requesting Responsibility: The Morality of Grammar in Polish and English Family Interaction (Foundations of Human Interaction) 2016:7. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-021072-4.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780190210724* コミュニケーション論 1518* Berry, Keith Bullied: Tales of Torment, Identity, and Youth (Writing Lives: Ethnographic Narratives, Vol. 18) 2016:5. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-62958-250-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781629582504* ISBN 978-1-62958-251-1................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781629582511* 176 科学社会学 1523* 科学・国家・都市:バイオテクノロジー分野での 成功へのイギリスの苦しみ Hopkins, Michael M./Owen, Geoffrey Science, the State and the City: Britain’s Struggle to Succeed in Biotechnology 2016:4. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-872800-9.................. Hard STP 35.00 通常価 ¥8,646 / 特価 ¥6,916 + 税 *9780198728009* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》科学社会学 1524* 1528* 科学の沈黙: 科学のコミュニケーションにおけるギャップと中断 暴力と生存者:独裁政権後のアルゼンチン 1983 年 - 1995 年 Mellor, Felicity/Webster, Stephen (eds.) The Silences of Science: Gaps and Pauses in the Communication of Science 2016:9. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5997-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 Evangelista, Liria Voices of the Survivors: Testimony, Mourning, and Memory in Post-Dictatorship Argentina (1983-1995) (Latin American Studies) 2016:2. 168 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98684-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781472459978* *9781138986848* 1525* 科学や技術にいてなぜ幾つかの国は 他の国より秀でているのか 1529* Taylor, Mark Zachary The Politics of Innovation: Why Some Countries are Better than Others at Science and Technology 2016:6. 444 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046412-7.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 Froula, Anna/Takacs, Stacy (eds.) American Militarism on the Small Screen (Routledge Advances in Television Studies) 2016:3. 298 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-92769-8.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 ISBN 978-0-19-046413-4................Paper USD 27.95 通常価 ¥4,780 / 特価 ¥3,824 + 税 1530* *9780190464127* *9780190464134* カルチュラル・スタディーズ 1526* Brownie, Barbara Acts of Undressing: Politics, Eroticism and Discarded Clothing (Dress, Body, Culture) 2016:11. 192 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4725-9619-2.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 *9781472596192* 小さなスクリーン上のアメリカの軍国主義 *9781138927698* Goggin, Gerard/Pertierra, Anna Cristina/Andrejevic, Mark/Gregg, Melissa (eds.) What’s Become of Australian Cultural Studies?: The Legacies of Graeme Turner 2016:7. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68488-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138684881* 1531* Holmes, Su/Ralph, Sarah/Barker, Martin (eds.) Celebrity Audiences 2016:6. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69077-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138690776* ISBN 978-1-4725-9618-5................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9781472596185* 1527* ムスリム世界における反ベール運動: ジェンダー・近代思想 Cronin, Stephanie (ed.) Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World: Gender, Modernism and the Politics of Dress 2016:4. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68720-2................. Paper STP 30.99 通常価 ¥7,655 / 特価 ¥6,124 + 税 *9781138687202* ★印はお薦めタイトル 1532* Lindner, Christoph (ed.) Globalization, Violence and the Visual Culture of Cities (Questioning Cities) 2016:3. 226 p., First published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97529-3................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138975293* 1533 映画における女性の身体とパフォーマンス Lindner, Katharina Female Bodies and Performance in Film: Queer Encounters with Embodiment and Affect 2016:9. 272 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 177 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ ISBN 978-1-78453-624-4.................. Hard STP 58.00 通常価 ¥14,328 + 税 ISBN 978-1-78453-513-1................. Paper STP 17.99 通常価 ¥4,444 + 税 1534* 1539* ラグジュアリー:豊かさの歴史 戦争の記憶と記念 McNeil, Peter/Riello, Giorgio Luxury: A Rich History 2016:5. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-966324-8.................. Hard STP 25.00 通常価 ¥6,175 / 特価 ¥4,940 + 税 West, Brad War Memory and Commemoration (Memory Studies: Global Constellations) 2016:7. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5511-6 .................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781784536244* *9780199663248* *9781784535131* *9781472455116* 1535* Schutt, Stefan/White, Leanne/Roberts, Sam (eds.) Advertising and Public Memory: Social, Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Ghost Signs (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2016:7. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93468-9.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138934689* 1536* Seyfert, Robert/Roberge, Jonathan (eds.) Algorithmic Cultures: Essays on Meaning, Performance and New Technologies (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:9. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99842-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781138998421* 1537* 境界なき物語: ベルリンの壁と世界的に象徴的なイベント Sonnevend, Julia Stories Without Borders: The Berlin Wall and the Making of a Global Iconic Event 2016:9. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-060430-1.................Hard USD 99.00 通常価 ¥16,931 / 特価 ¥13,545 + 税 *9780190604301* ISBN 978-0-19-060431-8................Paper USD 24.95 通常価 ¥4,267 / 特価 ¥3,413 + 税 *9780190604318* 1538 イランにおける文化革命 Sreberny, Annabelle/Torfeh, Massoumeh (eds.) Cultural Revolution in Iran: Contemporary Popular Culture in the Islamic Republic 2016:3. 296 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) 178 See also... Easthope, Anthony, What a Man’s Gotta Do, Routledge...................................................p180 , 1555 消費・レジャー 1540* Miller, Daniel (ed.) Acknowledging Consumption (Material Cultures) 2016:3. 352 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14301-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143012* See also... Palmer, Catherine, Being and Dwelling through Tourism, Routledge..................................p123 , 1025 Bandyopadhyay, Kausik, A Social History of Indian Football, Routledge .................... p195 , 1690 Craig, Peter, Sport Sociology, Sage Pub. ...................................................................p195 , 1691 Guilianotti, Richard, Football, Violence and Social Identity, Routledge...................................p195 , 1692 Hofmann, Annette, Games and Sporting Events in History, Routledge .................................. p197 , 1693 Hofmann, Annette, Global Perspectives on Sport and Physical Cultures, Routledge ......... p197 , 1694 Houlihan, Barrie, Comparative Elite Sport Development, Routledge......................... p197 , 1695 Kilvington, Daniel, British Asians, Exclusion and the Football Industry, Routledge .......... p197 , 1696 Lake, Robert J., A Social History of Tennis in Britain, Routledge................................... p197 , 1697 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》消費・レジャー McNamee, M. J., Ethics and Sport, Routledge .................................................................. p197 , 1698 Williams, Jean, A Contemporary History of Women's Sport, Part One, Routledge... p197 , 1699 国際社会学 1541* Narayan, John/Bhambra, Gurminder K. (eds.) European Cosmopolitanism: Colonial Histories and Postcolonial Societies (International Library of Sociology) 2016:9. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96110-4 .................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138961104* 1542* グローバリゼーション必携 Ritzer, George (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Globalization 2016:8. 752 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-119-25072-2 ................Paper USD 54.95 通常価 ¥9,398 / 特価 ¥7,518 + 税 *9781119250722* 人種・エスニシティ 1543* Alpes, Maybritt Jill Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa: Abroad at Any Cost 2016:8. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-4111-9 .................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472441119* 1544* Andrews, Kehinde/Palmer, Lisa Amanda (eds.) Blackness in Britain (Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity) 2016:5. 234 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84063-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138840638* 1545* Barnes, Sandra L./Wimberly, Anne Streaty Empowering Black Youth of Promise: Education and Socialization in the Village-minded Black Church (Routledge Research in Education) 2016:6. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64096-2.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138640962* 1546* 名もなき勝利: ネイティブアメリカンの最初のアメリカ軍隊打破 Calloway, Colin G. The Victory with No Name: The Native American Defeat of the First American Army 2016:9. 224 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-061445-4................Paper USD 16.95 通常価 ¥2,898 / 特価 ¥2,319 + 税 *9780190614454* 1547* Charlton-Stevens, Uther Anglo-Indians and Minority Politics in South Asia: Race, Boundary Making and Communal Nationalism (Royal Asiatic Society Books) 2016:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-84722-4.................. Hard STP 70.00 通常価 ¥17,292 / 特価 ¥13,833 + 税 *9781138847224* 1548* ,VVD7|]Q Alevis in Europe: Voices of Migration, Culture and Identity (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:7. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-4724-5644-1.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781472456441* 1549* 人種と社会 Patel, Tina Race and Society 2016:11. 208 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4462-8739-2................. Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥6,420 / 特価 ¥5,136 + 税 *9781446287392* 1550* 現代のアフリカ系アメリカ人家族 Smith-Ruiz, Dorothy/Watson, Marcia/Clark, Sherri Lawson (eds.) Contemporary African American Families: Achievements, Challenges, and Empowerment Strategies in the Twenty-First Century (Routledge Research in Race and Ethnicity) 2016:11. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67468-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138674684* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 179 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ 1551* Stevens, Maurice Troubling Beginnings: Trans(per)forming African American History and Identity (Studies in African American History and Culture) 2016:7. 202 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98620-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-68772-1................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138687721* See also... Priest, Myisha, African American Children in American Political Life, Routledge ........ p71 , 0592 *9781138986206* 1552* Vecchio, Francesco Asylum Seeking and the Global City (Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship) 2016:4. 234 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ジェンダー 1556* ジェンダー一般 男性・男性性と災害 1553* ★ 帝国時代の日本における危険な女性: 管野スガ・金子文子 Bowen Raddeker, Helene Treacherous Women of Imperial Japan: Patriarchal Fictions, Patricidal Fantasies (Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies) 2016:2. 292 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98613-8................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138986138* 1554 Cann, Victoria Girls Like This, Boys Like That: The Reproduction of Gender in Contemporary Youth Cultures (Library of Gender and Popular Culture) 2016:4. 224 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78453-564-3.................. Hard STP 58.00 通常価 ¥14,328 + 税 *9781784535643* 1555* ポピュラーカルチャーにおける男性性の通説 Easthope, Anthony What a Man’s Gotta Do: The Masculine Myth in Popular Culture 2016:3. 194 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14323-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Enarson, Elaine/Pease, Bob (eds.) Men, Masculinities and Disaster (Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change) 2016:6. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93417-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138934177* 1557* Levitin, Jacqueline/Plessis, Judith/Raoul, Valerie (eds.) Women Filmmakers: Refocusing 2016:2. 510 p., Originally published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13930-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139305* 1558* Midgley, Clare/Twells, Alison/Carlier, Julie (eds.) Women in Transnational History: Connecting the Local and the Global (Women’s and Gender History) 2016:4. 220 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90576-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138905764* ISBN 978-1-138-90578-8................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138905788* *9781138143234* 180 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 1559* フェミニズム 文化における女性 第2版 Scott, Bonnie Kime/Cayleff, Susan E./Donadey, Anne/Lara, Irene (eds.) Women in Culture: An Intersectional Anthology IRU*HQGHUDQG:RPHQƍV6WXGLHVQGHG 584 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ISBN 978-1-118-54112-8 ................Paper USD 54.95 通常価 ¥9,398 / 特価 ¥7,518 + 税 *9781118541128* 1562* 新時代でのジェンダーと労働 Adkins, Lisa/Dever, Maryanne (eds.) Gender and Labour in New Times 2016:7. 114 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68335-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138683358* 1560* 近代のミャンマーにおける女性 1563* Than, Tharaphi Women in Modern Burma (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2016:4. 182 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68733-2................. Paper STP 30.99 通常価 ¥7,655 / 特価 ¥6,124 + 税 Boulding, J. Russell (ed.) Elise Boulding: Writings on Peace Research, Peacemaking and the Future (SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice, Vol. 47) 2016:7. 130 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30986-6................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9781138687332* *9783319309866* 1561 Zheng, Tiantian Cultural Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Asia 2016:3. 280 p. (University of Hawaii Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-8248-5296-2.................Hard USD 69.00 通常価 ¥11,801 + 税 *9780824852962* See also... Barthold, Lauren Swayne, A Hermeneutic Approach to Gender and Other Social Identities, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................p21 , 0151 Tilly, Louise A., Women, Work and Family, Routledge.................................................... p56 , 0456 Steans, Jill, Handbook on Gender in World Politics, Edward Elgar.............................p152 , 1305 Sharoni, Simona, Handbook on Gender and War, Edward Elgar............................................p156 , 1342 1564* Boulding, J. Russell (ed.) Elise Boulding: Writings on Feminism, the Family and Quakerism (SpringerBriefs on Pioneers in Science and Practice, Vol. 48) 2016:7. 130 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30977-4................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319309774* 1565 ★ 日本におけるフェミニズム論争 Kano, Ayako Japanese Feminist Debates: A Century of Contention on Sex, Love, and Labor 2016:6. 336 p. (University of Hawaii Press, USA) ISBN 978-0-8248-5580-2.................Hard USD 68.00 通常価 ¥11,630 + 税 *9780824855802* Vijayan, Prem Kumar, Gender and Hindu Nationalism, Routledge ...........................p158 , 1357 1566* Threlfall, Monica, Gendering Spanish Democracy, Routledge...................................................p161 , 1386 Ritchie, Elspeth Cameron, Women at War, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p165 , 1423 Birdal, Nur Banu Kavakli, Confronting Honour Killings in Turkey, I.B. Tauris................p171 , 1480 Witz, Anne, Professions and Patriarchy, Routledge ...................................................................p174 , 1504 ★印はお薦めタイトル 女性と映画 Kaplan, E. Ann Women & Film 2016:3. 272 p., Originally published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17354-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173545* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 181 ジェンダー 》フェミニズム 1567* Mattingly, Doreen A Feminist in the White House: Midge Costanza, the Carter Years, and America’s Culture Wars 2016:5. 328 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-046860-6.................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190468606* ISBN 978-1-138-16944-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169449* See also... Ukockis, Gail, Women's Issues for a New Generation, Oxford U.P., New York........p165 , 1425 Lindner, Katharina, Female Bodies and Performance in Film, I.B. Tauris ...........p177 , 1533 1568* フェミニスト理論読本: ローカルおよびグローバルの視点 第4版 Mccann, Carole/Kim, Seung-kyung (eds.) Feminist Theory Reader: Local and Global Perspectives, 4th ed. 2016:8. 594 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93020-9................ Hard STP 115.00 通常価 ¥28,409 / 特価 ¥22,727 + 税 セクシュアリティ 1571* Goldberg, Abbie E. (ed.) The Sage Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies 2016:7. 1472 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4833-7130-6 ................Hard (until 2016/09/15) STP 335.00 通常価 ¥82,756 / 特価 ¥66,205 + 税 (thereafter) STP 370.00 通常価 ¥91,402 / 特価 ¥73,122 + 税 *9781138930209* ISBN 978-1-138-93021-6................. Paper STP 49.99 通常価 ¥12,349 / 特価 ¥9,879 + 税 *9781138930216* 1569* *9781483371306* フェミニスト調査の実行 Roberts, H. (ed.) Doing Feminist Research 2016:2. 240 p., Originally published in 1981 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13558-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135581* 1570* ★ SAGE 版 LGBTQ 研究百科事典 1572* Westwood, Sue Ageing, Gender and Sexuality: Equality in Later Life (Routledge Research in Gender and Society) 2016:3. 258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91240-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138912403* Smith, Dorothy E. Texts, Facts and Femininity: Exploring the Relations of Ruling 2016:2. 256 p., Originally published in 1993 (Routledge, GBR) 教育学 教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 1574* コスモポリタリズム:教育的・哲学的・歴史的観点 1573* Croall, Jonathan (ed.) All the Best, Neill: Letters from Summerhill (Routledge Revivals) 2016:2. 286 p., First published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-81335-9................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138813359* 182 Papastephanou, Marianna (ed.) Cosmopolitanism: Educational, Philosophical and Historical Perspectives (Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education, Vol. 9) 2016:5. 210 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30428-1.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319304281* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 ISBN 978-1-138-84291-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1575* 教育の歴史 Rosof, Patricia History of Education 2016:2. 112 p., First published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99415-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138994157* 1576* *9781138842915* ISBN 978-1-138-84292-2................. Paper STP 31.99 通常価 ¥7,902 / 特価 ¥6,322 + 税 *9781138842922* 1580* ★ 教育研究 Smeyers, Paul/Depaepe, Marc (eds.) Educational Research: Discourses of Change and Changes of Discourse (Educational Research, Vol. 9) 2016:5. 190 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30455-7.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319304557* 1577* Steiner, Stanley F./Krank, H. Mark/McLaren, Peter/ Bahruth, Robert E. (eds.) Freireian Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities: Projects for the New Millennium (Critical Education Practice) 2016:2. 308 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97802-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138978027* 教育心理学 1578* Kleinfeld, Judith S./Yerian, Suzanne (eds.) Gender Tales: Tensions in the Schools 2016:2. 228 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97502-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138975026* 1581* 女性の子どもへの教育 LeVine, Robert A./Dexter, Emily/LeVine, Sarah Literacy and Mothering: How Women’s Schooling Changes the Lives of the World’s Children (Child Development in Cultural Context Series) 2016:6. 234 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-062331-9................Paper USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9780190623319* 1582* Ramasamy, Muthuveeran Demand-Driven Approaches in Vocational Education and Training: A Case Study of Rural Population in South India 2016:10. 268 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-658-12509-7................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783658125097* 教育の目的 Pitt, St George Lane Fox The Purpose of Education: An Examination of Educational Problems in the Light of Recent ScienWL¿F5HVHDUFKS&DPEULGJH83*%5 ISBN 978-1-316-60165-5................Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥5,129 / 特価 ¥4,103 + 税 *9781316601655* 教育社会学 1579* 都市部における教育のアイデンティティ Childers, Sara M. Urban Educational Identity: Seeing Students on Their Own Terms 2016:9. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) See also... Berry, Keith, Bullied, Routledge ............. p176 , 1518 国際教育・多文化教育 1583* 境界なき UNESCO: 国際理解のための教育キャンペーン Kulnazarova, Aigul/Ydesen, Christian (eds.) UNESCO Without Borders: Educational Campaigns for International Understanding (Routledge Research in Education) 2016:7. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18893-8.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138188938* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 183 教育学 》国際教育・多文化教育 1584* ★ 比較教育・各国教育事情 教育、文化と経済学 Little, Angela W./Leach, Fiona E. (eds.) Education, Cultures, and Economics: Dilemmas for Development (Reference Books in International Education) 2016:2. 424 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96845-5................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138968455* 1585* ★ 高等教育の質の改善:アメリカの事例 Arum, Richard/Roksa, Josipa/Cook, Amanda Improving Quality in American Higher Education: Learning Outcomes and Assessments for the 21st Century 2016:6. 256 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-26850-5 .................Hard USD 29.95 通常価 ¥5,122 / 特価 ¥4,097 + 税 *9781119268505* 多言語教育 1586* See... イギリスの教育政策:1975 年以降 Wen, Zhisheng (Edward), Working Memory and Second Language Learning, Multilingual Matters .................................................................... p76 , 0636 Phillips, David/Walford, Geoffrey (eds.) Tracing Education Policy: Selections from the Oxford Review of Education (Education Heritage) 2016:2. 472 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ᩍ⫱䛸䝉䜽䝅䝳䜰䝸䝔䜱㻌 䠐ᕳ Education and Sexualities Major Themes in Education 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖 04001S0309䛇 Edited by Peter Aggleton 2016 ᖺ 8 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,390 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-82743-1.... STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥222,331 / ≉౯ ¥177,865ࠝᮏయࠞ+ ⛯ *9781138827431* ᮏ᭩ࡣ 5RXWOHGJH ♫Ⓨห 0DMRU :RUNV ࡽࡢ᪂ห࡛ࡍࠋ ᕳᵓᡂ࡛ࠊᩍ⫱ࢭࢡ ࢩࣗࣜࢸࡢ㛵ಀࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ᭱᪂ࡘᶆ‽ⓗ࡞◊✲ㄽᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ ࣮ࣜࢬ 0DMRU7KHPHVLQ(GXFDWLRQ ࡣୡ⏺ࡢᩍ⫱ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢ࡞ࢸ࣮࣐㛵ࡍࡿ ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡛ᙳ㡪ຊࡢࡁ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛᕳࡣࡇࡢศ㔝࡛ㄆࡵࡽࢀࡓ◊ ✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚⦅㞟ࡉࢀࠊᖜᗈ࠸㈨ᩱࡽᚲ㡲ࡢㄽᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࢀࡒࢀ᭩ ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓᑟධᩥᚭᗏⓗ࡞⣴ᘬࡀ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ㛵㐃ࡍࡿࢸ࣮࣐ࡘ࠸࡚Ṕ ྐⓗ࡞どᗙࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡶࠊᏛ⏕ࡸᩍᖌࠊ◊✲⪅ࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ⌧ᅾࡢ㆟ㄽ 㛵ࡍࡿ㆑ぢࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 184 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》比較教育・各国教育事情 ISBN 978-1-138-98586-5................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 ISBN 978-1-138-78146-7................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 1587* 1592* Simmons, Nicola The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Canada: Institutional Impact (Jossey-Bass Higher Education Series, Vol. 146) 2016:7. 112 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-27241-0 ................Paper USD 28.95 通常価 ¥4,951 / 特価 ¥3,961 + 税 学校文化の形成 第3版 *9781138985865* *9781138781467* ★ Deal, Terrence E./Peterson, Kent D. Shaping School Culture: Pitfalls, Paradoxes, and Promises, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 320 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-21019-1 ................Paper USD 31.95 通常価 ¥5,464 / 特価 ¥4,371 + 税 *9781119210191* *9781119272410* 1593* 1588* Wang, Ge Pains and Gains of Ethnic Multilingual Learners in China: An Ethnographic Case Study (Multilingual Education, Vol. 17) 2016:4. 290 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0659-3.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 学校文化と改革 Fiore, Douglas Creating Connections for Better Schools: How Leaders Enhance School Culture 2016:4. 168 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17381-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173811* *9789811006593* 1594* 教育制度・教育行政 1589* Bernhardt, Victoria/Geise, Bradley From Questions to Actions: Using Questionnaire Data for Continuous School Improvement 2016:3. 208 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17207-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172074* 1590* Blink, Rebecca J. Data-Driven Instructional Leadership 2016:3. 142 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14291-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142916* 1591* Campbell-Whatley, Gloria D./Dunaway, David M./ Hancock, Dawson R. A School Leader’s Guide to Implementing the Common Core: Inclusive Practices for All Students 2016:2. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-78145-0.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 Glatthorn, Allan A./Jailall, Jerry M./Jailall, Julie K. (eds.) The Principal as Curriculum Leader: Shaping What Is Taught and Tested, 4th ed. 2016:9. 264 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4833-5311-1 ................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781483353111* 1595* 学校・教育制度の改善 Harris, Alma/Chrispeels, Janet Hageman (eds.) Improving Schools and Educational Systems: International Perspectives (Contexts of Learning) 2016:2. 336 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13934-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139343* 1596* Louis, Karen S./Hord, Shirley M./Von Frank, Valerie A. (eds.) Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning: Leadership 2016:7. 128 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ISBN 978-1-4522-9213-7................. Paper STP 16.99 通常価 ¥4,197 / 特価 ¥3,357 + 税 *9781452292137* *9781138781450* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 185 教育学 》教育制度・教育行政 1597* 1602* 学校における持続可能な未来の形成 Byo, James The Woodwinds: Perform, Understand, Teach 2016:6. 286 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12300-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Papa, Rosemary/Saitis, Anna (eds.) Building for a Sustainable Future in Our Schools: Brick by Brick 2016:10. 300 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-12402-5.................Hard EUR 99.99 通常価 ¥19,055 / 特価 ¥15,244 + 税 1598* ★ 学校成果研究:国際ハンドブック Reynolds, David/Teddlie, Charles The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research 2016:2. 428 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16979-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169791* 1599* アフリカ系アメリカ人の教育・政策 Rutherford, Amanda Politics of African-American Education: Representation, Partisanship, and Educational Equity 2016:6. 234 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ISBN 978-1-107-10526-3.................Hard USD 90.00 通常価 ¥15,392 / 特価 ¥12,314 + 税 *9781138123007* ISBN 978-1-138-12301-4................. Paper STP 29.95 通常価 ¥7,398 / 特価 ¥5,918 + 税 *9781138123014* 1603* 批判的芸術・美術教育 Cary, Richard Critical Art Pedagogy: Foundations for Postmodern Art Education (Critical Education Practice) 2016:2. 384 p., First published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-96700-7................. Paper STP 34.99 通常価 ¥8,643 / 特価 ¥6,915 + 税 *9781138967007* 1604* クリエイティブな教育方法:小学校英語 ISBN 978-1-107-51253-5................Paper USD 28.99 通常価 ¥4,958 / 特価 ¥3,966 + 税 Copping, Adrian Being Creative in Primary English 2016:9. 192 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1565-7.................. Hard STP 65.00 通常価 ¥16,057 / 特価 ¥12,845 + 税 教科教育学 ISBN 978-1-4739-1566-4................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781107105263* *9781107512535* *9781473915657* *9781473915664* 1600* エタノールと教育 1605* Barth, Roger/Benvenuto, Mark A. (eds.) Ethanol and Education: Alcohol as a Theme for Teaching Chemistry (ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 13) 2016:6. 226 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-8412-3059-0...............Hard USD 150.00 通常価 ¥25,654 / 特価 ¥20,523 + 税 小学校の演劇クラブのための授業 *9780841230590* Day, Alison Drama Sessions for Primary Schools and Drama Clubs 2016:2. 112 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17449-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138174498* 1601* 現代の外国語教育方法と教員の実習 1606* Breul, Karl The Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages and the Training of Teachers 2016:3. 192 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60178-5................Paper USD 29.99 通常価 ¥5,129 / 特価 ¥4,103 + 税 Gibson, Rex Teaching Shakespeare: A Handbook for Teachers, 2nd ed. (Cambridge School Shakespeare) 2016:4. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60987-3................Paper USD 29.00 通常価 ¥4,959 / 特価 ¥3,967 + 税 *9781316601785* 186 *9781316609873* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 1607* 芸術・美術を通した多文化理解 第5版 Goldberg, Merryl Arts Integration: Teaching Subject Matter through the Arts in Multicultural Settings, 5th ed. 2016:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64737-4.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138647374* ISBN 978-1-138-64738-1................. Paper STP 40.99 通常価 ¥10,125 / 特価 ¥8,100 + 税 *9781138647381* 1608* *ULI¿WK-DVRQ From Me to We8VLQJ1DUUDWLYH1RQ¿FWLRQWR Broaden Student Perspectives 2016:9. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18502-9.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781138185029* ISBN 978-1-138-18503-6................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9781138185036* 1609* 初等教育と人文科学 Grigg, Russell/Hughes, Sioned Teaching Primary Humanities 2016:2. 320 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13517-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135178* 1610* Hackenberg, Amy J./Norton, Anderson/Wright, Robert J. (eds.) Developing Fractions Knowledge (Math Recovery) 2016:7. 256 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4129-6219-3.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781412962193* ISBN 978-1-4129-6220-9................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781412962209* 1611* 演劇と指導のスキル:7 歳∼ 11 歳 ISBN 978-1-138-13632-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136328* 1612* Klein, Felix Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint: Volume II: Geometry 2016:6. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-662-49443-1................Paper EUR 66.99 通常価 ¥12,766 / 特価 ¥10,213 + 税 *9783662494431* 1613* Lopez-Gopar, Mario E. Decolonizing Primary English Language Teaching (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights) 2016:6. 232 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78309-576-6................ Hard STP 109.95 通常価 ¥27,161 / 特価 ¥21,729 + 税 *9781783095766* 1614* Martin, Tony/Lovat, Chira/Purnell, Glynis The Really Useful Literacy Book: Linking Theory and Practice in the Primary Classroom, 3rd ed. (The Really Useful) 2016:2. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13646-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136465* 1615* 子どもためのデザイン体験 McCauley, Preston Design Experiences for Children 2016:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-88698-8................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138886988* 1616* Morgan, Michaela How to Teach Poetry Writing: Workshops for Ages 8-13: Developing Creative Literacy, 2nd ed. (Writers’ Workshop) 2016:4. 104 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14242-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142428* Kitson, Neil/Spiby, Ian Drama 7-11: Developing Primary Teaching Skills 2016:2. 120 p., First published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 187 教育学 》教科教育学 1617* 1622* 児童文学:読解力の向上 音楽教育 Nuba, Hannah/Searson, Michael/Sheiman, Deborah Lovitky (eds.) Children’s Literature: Developing Good Readers (Source Books on Education) 2016:2. 208 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-97039-7................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 Spruce, Gary (ed.) Teaching Music 2016:3. 284 p., Originally published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14194-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1618* 1623* *9781138141940* *9781138970397* O'Sullivan, Olivia/Thomas, Anne Understanding Spelling 2016:3. 128 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14381-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143814* 1619* Tobin, Kenneth G. (ed.) The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education 2016:2. 360 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98969-6................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138989696* ★ 教室研究:理論と実践 3DZODN0LURVáDZHG Classroom-Oriented Research: Reconciling Theory and Practice (Second Language Learning and Teaching) 2016:4. 400 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30371-0...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319303710* 1624* クリエイティブ・ティーチング Turner-Bisset, Rosie Creative Teaching: History in the Primary Classroom 2016:2. 198 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16945-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169456* 1620* Sack, Jacqueline/Vazquez, Irma A 3D Visualization Teaching-Learning Trajectory for Elementary Grades Children (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2016:4. 35 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29798-9................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9783319297989* 1621* Skemp, Richard R. Mathematics in the Primary School (Subjects in the Primary School) 2016:2. 234 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13604-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136045* 1625* Warren, Elizabeth/Miller, Jodie Mathematics at the Margins (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2016:4. 100 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0701-9................Paper EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9789811007019* 1626* ★ 小学校の算数 188 ★ 理科教育における構成主義の実践 綴りの理解 5 歳∼ 11 歳の英語:教員ガイド 第3版 Waugh, David/Jolliffe, Wendy English 5-11: A Guide for Teachers, 3rd ed. (Primary 5-11 Series) 2016:8. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18839-6................ Hard STP 100.00 通常価 ¥24,703 / 特価 ¥19,762 + 税 *9781138188396* ISBN 978-1-138-18840-2................. Paper STP 25.99 通常価 ¥6,420 / 特価 ¥5,136 + 税 *9781138188402* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 1627* Webb, H. Ten-Minute Exercises 2016:3. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60182-2................Paper USD 37.99 通常価 ¥6,497 / 特価 ¥5,197 + 税 *9781316601822* 1628* 文法:教員向け 第2版 Williams, James D. The Teacher’s Grammar Book, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 288 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14203-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142039* 1629* Winkelmann, Kurt/Bhushan, Bharat (eds.) Global Perspectives of Nanoscience and Engineering Education (Science Policy Reports, Vol. 26) 2016:6. 390 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31832-5...............Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥28,584 / 特価 ¥22,867 + 税 *9783319318325* 1630* 演劇入門:4 歳∼ 11 歳 第3版 Winston, Joe/Tandy, Miles Beginning Drama 4-11, 3rd ed. 2016:2. 144 p., Originally published in 2009 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13540-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138135406* See also... Morris, Heather, 33 Ways to Help with Spelling, Routledge...................................................p194 , 1677 ISBN 978-1-138-93909-7................. Paper STP 19.99 通常価 ¥4,938 / 特価 ¥3,950 + 税 *9781138939097* 1632* Benjamin, Amy Differentiated Instruction: A Guide for Middle and High School Teachers 2016:3. 176 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14377-7.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143777* 1633* 教育学へのオルタナティブ・アプローチ: 親と教員のためのガイド Carnie, Fiona Alternative Approaches to Education: A Guide for Parents and Teachers 2016:3. 208 p., Originally published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14341-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143418* 1634* 子どもたちと個:教員のための実践ガイド Cheminais, Rita Every Child Matters: A Practical Guide for Teachers 2016:3. 128 p., Originally published in 2006 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17204-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172043* 1635* Ehren, Melanie (ed.) Methods and Modalities of Effective School Inspections (Accountability and Educational Improvement) 2016:5. 140 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-31001-5.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9783319310015* 教育方法・教育評価 1636* 1631* Ashman, Chris/Stoodley, Sue Managing People and Teams in the Early Years Sector: An Activity-based Book, 2nd ed. 2016:3. 126 p. (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-93908-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138939080* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ カリキュラム理論 Ellis, Arthur K. Exemplars of Curriculum Theory 2016:3. 184 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14227-5 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142275* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 189 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 1637* 1642* 学習支援アシスタントハンドブック Fox, Glenys A Handbook for Learning Support Assistants: Teachers and Assistants Working Together 2016:2. 96 p., Originally published in 2004 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13610-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138136106* 思考の変容 ティーチング・アシスタントのハンドブック 第3版 Fox, Glenys A Handbook for Teaching Assistants: Teachers and Assistants Working Together, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 216 p. (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-12619-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138126190* McCall, Catherine C. Transforming Thinking: Philosophical Inquiry in the Primary and Secondary Classroom 2016:3. 240 p., Originally published in 2009 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17359-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138173590* 1644* ISBN 978-1-138-12620-6................. Paper STP 22.99 通常価 ¥5,679 / 特価 ¥4,543 + 税 *9781138126206* ★ カリキュラム理論:Madeleine R. Grumet の論文選集 Grumet, Madeleine R. The Unbearable Lightness of Curriculum: Essays in Curriculum Theory: The Selected Works of Madeleine R. Grumet 2016:10. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-64409-0.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138644090* 1640* *9781119254140* 1643* 1638* 1639* ★ Lemov, Doug/Hernandez, Joaquin/Kim, Jennifer Teach Like a Champion Field Guide 2.0: A Practical Resource to Make the 62 Techniques Your Own 2016:9. 560 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-25414-0 ................Paper USD 42.95 通常価 ¥7,345 / 特価 ¥5,876 + 税 ★ Gulliksen, Harold Theory of Mental Tests 2016:2. 508 p., Originally published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99026-5 ....................................... Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138990265* 1641* アクションラーニングとアクションリサーチ Kember, David (ed.) Action Learning, Action Research: Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning 2016:3. 258 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14213-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 現代教育の理解 O'Donoghue, Tom Understanding Contemporary Education: Key Themes and Issues 2016:7. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67825-5.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138678255* ISBN 978-1-138-67826-2................. Paper STP 26.99 通常価 ¥6,667 / 特価 ¥5,333 + 税 *9781138678262* 1645* Reid, William A. Curriculum as Institution and Practice: Essays in the Deliberative Tradition (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series) 2016:2. 232 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-99057-9................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138990579* 1646* 幼児教育・初等教育ガイド Rogers, Sue/Wyse, Dominic (eds.) A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching 2016:4. 376 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-0693-8.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781473906938* *9781138142138* 190 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 1647* 1652* Stylianides, Gabriel Curricular Resources and Classroom Use: The Case of Mathematics 2016:5. 176 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-0-19-874989-9.................. Hard STP 55.00 通常価 ¥13,586 / 特価 ¥10,869 + 税 *9780198749899* ★ Duffy, Thomas M./Jonassen, David H. (eds.) Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction: A Conversation 2016:3. 232 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14261-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142619* 1648* Sullivan, Anna/Johnson, Bruce/Lucas, Bill (eds.) Challenging Dominant Views on Student Behaviour at School: Answering Back 2016:5. 170 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0626-5.................Hard EUR 89.99 通常価 ¥17,149 / 特価 ¥13,719 + 税 *9789811006265* 1653* オンライン教育のモチベーション Hartnett, Maggie Motivation in Online Education 2016:4. 88 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ISBN 978-981-10-0698-2.................Hard EUR 49.99 通常価 ¥9,526 / 特価 ¥7,621 + 税 *9789811006982* 1649* 集団のなかにおける青少年の自己発見 Thorkildsen, Theresa A. Adolescents’ Self-Discovery in Groups 2016:8. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-90455-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1654* ★ SAGE 版 e ラーニング研究ハンドブック 第2版 ISBN 978-1-138-90456-9................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 Haythornthwaite, Caroline SAGE Handbook of E-Learning Research, 2nd ed. 2016:5. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-0232-9................ Hard STP 110.00 通常価 ¥27,173 / 特価 ¥21,739 + 税 1650* 1655* *9781138904552* *9781138904569* Watson, Brenda/Thompson, Penny The Effective Teaching of Religious Education, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 256 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16974-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169746* 教育工学 *9781473902329* ★ Keegan, Desmond Foundations of Distance Education, 3rd ed. (Routledge Studies in Distance Education) 2016:3. 240 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14232-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142329* 1656* ICTと小学校の算数 第2版 1651* 教育のためのシミュレーションとシリアスゲーム Cai, Yiyu/Goei, Sui Lin/Trooster, Wim (eds.) Simulation and Serious Games for Education (Gaming Media and Social Effects, Vol. 152) 2016:10. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-981-10-0860-3.................Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 *9789811008603* ★印はお薦めタイトル Serow, Penelope/Callingham, Rosemary/Muir, Tracey Primary Mathematics: Capitalising on ICT for Today and Tomorrow, 2nd ed. 2016:7. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ISBN 978-1-316-60075-7................Paper USD 99.99 通常価 ¥17,101 + 税 *9781316600757* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 191 教育学 》教育工学 1657* 1662* デジタル時代のプロフェッショナル・ラーニング Gasman, Marybeth (ed.) Academics Going Public: How to Write and Speak Beyond Academe 2016:8. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67164-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Swanson, Kristen Professional Learning in the Digital Age: The Educator’s Guide to User-Generated Learning 2016:2. 128 p., Originally published in 2013 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13924-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138139244* 就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 *9781138671645* ISBN 978-1-138-67165-2................. Paper STP 21.99 通常価 ¥5,432 / 特価 ¥4,345 + 税 *9781138671652* 1663* 高等教育におけるダイバーシティ 1658* 宗教教育:4 歳 ∼ 11 歳 第2版 Bastide, Derek Teaching Religious Education 4-11, 2nd ed. 2016:2. 192 p., Originally published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16939-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138169395* Hughes, Katie Encouraging Diversity in Higher Education: Supporting Student Success 2016:8. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-89972-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138899728* ISBN 978-1-138-89973-5................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138899735* 1659* コミュニティ・カレッジにおける実践的リーダーシップ Boggs, George R./McPhail, Christine J. Practical Leadership in Community Colleges: Navigating Today’s Challenges 2016:7. 208 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-09515-6 .................Hard USD 39.95 通常価 ¥6,832 / 特価 ¥5,466 + 税 1664* 1660* 1665* Davis, John A./Farrell, Mark A. The Market Oriented University: Transforming Higher Education 2016:5. 288 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ISBN 978-1-78100-491-3.................. Hard STP 80.00 通常価 ¥19,762 / 特価 ¥15,810 + 税 Mayhew, Matthew J./Rockenbach, Alyssa N./Bowman, Nicholas A./Seifert, Tricia A./Wolniak, Gregory C./Pascarella, Ernest T./Terenzini, Patrick T. How College Affects Students: 21st Century Evidence that Higher Education Works 2016:9. 824 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-46268-3 ................Paper USD 89.95 通常価 ¥15,384 / 特価 ¥12,307 + 税 *9781119095156* *9781781004913* 1661* 大学:国際ハンドブック 2017 第 28 版 International Handbook of Universities 2017, 28th ed. 2016:9. 5204 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ISBN 978-1-137-50851-5...............Hard EUR 709.00 通常価 ¥135,117 / 特価 ¥108,094 + 税 *9781137508515* *9781118462683* EYFS における効果的なアセスメント 第2版 Dubiel, Jan Effective Assessment in the Early Years Foundation Stage, 2nd ed. 2016:5. 200 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-5384-0.................. Hard STP 75.00 通常価 ¥18,527 / 特価 ¥14,822 + 税 *9781473953840* ISBN 978-1-4739-5385-7................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 1666* Melrose, Andrew Write for Children 2016:3. 192 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14325-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143258* *9781473953857* 192 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 1667* 特別支援教育 インターネット時代における未来の大学教育 Poritz, Jonathan A./Rees, Jonathan Education Is Not an App: The Future of University Teaching in the Internet Age (Economics in the Real World) 2016:9. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-91040-9.................. Hard STP 95.00 通常価 ¥23,468 / 特価 ¥18,774 + 税 *9781138910409* ISBN 978-1-138-91041-6................. Paper STP 24.99 通常価 ¥6,173 / 特価 ¥4,938 + 税 *9781138910416* 1668* Tobolowsky, Barbara F./Allen, Taryn Ozuna On the Fast Track: Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Dual Credit, Aehe 42 (JosseyBass ASHE Higher Education Report ASHE Higher Education Report Series, Vol. 42) 2016:5. 112 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-27540-4 ................Paper USD 28.95 通常価 ¥4,951 / 特価 ¥3,961 + 税 *9781119275404* 1669* 幼少期の学習 Tyrrell, Jenny The Power of Fantasy in Early Learning 2016:3. 160 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17213-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172135* 1671* Addy, Lois/Dixon, Gill Making Inclusion Work for Children with Dyspraxia: Practical Strategies for Teachers 2016:3. 186 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-17210-4.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138172104* 1672* 行動に関する様々な視点: 教員のための効果的な介入ガイド 第2版 Ayers, Harry/Clarke, Don/Murray, Anne Perspectives on Behaviour: A Practical Guide to Effective Interventions for Teachers, 2nd ed. 2016:4. 128 p., Originally published in 2000 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13279-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138132795* 1673* Chinn, Steve The Trouble with Maths: A Practical Guide to +HOSLQJ/HDUQHUVZLWK1XPHUDF\'LI¿FXOWLHVUGHG 2016:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18744-3.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138187443* ISBN 978-1-138-18746-7................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138187467* 1670* Wimmers, Paul F./Mentkowski, Marcia (eds.) Assessing Competence in Professional Performance across Disciplines and Professions (Innovation and Change in Professional Education, Vol. 13) 2016:5. 498 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-30062-7...............Hard EUR 109.99 通常価 ¥20,961 / 特価 ¥16,769 + 税 *9783319300627* See also... Xie, Qing, English Language Training in the Workplace, Springer Basel AG ..............p108 , 0889 Schmidtke, Carsten, American Indian Workforce Education, Routledge...............................p115 , 0941 ★印はお薦めタイトル 1674 学習・行動面で困難をかかえる学習者: 効果的・非効果的実践 Cook, Bryan G. Effective and Ineffective Practices for Learners with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, Vol. 29) 2016:6. 350 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-78635-126-5...............Hard USD 134.95 通常価 ¥23,080 + 税 *9781786351265* 1675* Grove, Nicola Ways into Literature: Stories, Plays and Poems for Pupils with SEN 2016:4. 140 p., Originally published in 2006 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 193 教育学 》特別支援教育 ISBN 978-1-138-14371-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143715* 1676* ★ ろう教育の多様性 Marschark, Marc/Lampropoulou, Venetta/Skordilis, Emmanouil K. (eds.) Diversity in Deaf Education (Perspectives on Deafness) 2016:6. 560 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-049307-3.................Hard USD 89.95 通常価 ¥15,384 / 特価 ¥12,307 + 税 *9780190493073* 1677* Morris, Heather/Smith, Sue 33 Ways to Help with Spelling: Supporting Children who Struggle with Basic Skills (Thirty Three Ways to Help with....) 2016:2. 112 p., First published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16969-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 1680* Supporting Children with Cerebral Palsy, 2nd ed. (David Fulton / Nasen) 2016:8. 152 p. (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-18741-2.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138187412* ISBN 978-1-138-18742-9................. Paper STP 18.99 通常価 ¥4,691 / 特価 ¥3,752 + 税 *9781138187429* 1681* 学習障害とその他の発達障害の重点 Thambirajah, M. S./Ramanujan, Lalitha Lakshmi (eds.) Essentials of Learning Disabilities and Other Developmental Disorders 2016:5. 248 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ISBN 978-93-5150-868-7................. Paper STP 12.99 通常価 ¥3,208 / 特価 ¥2,567 + 税 *9789351508687* 1682* *9781138169692* 1678* ADD/ADHD の子どもたちの教育方法と研究 第3版 Rief, Sandra F. How to Reach and Teach Children and Teens with ADD/ADHD, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 512 p. (Jossey Bass, USA) ISBN 978-1-118-93778-5 ................Paper USD 32.95 通常価 ¥5,635 / 特価 ¥4,508 + 税 *9781118937785* 1679* 教室内の問題行動と子どもの支援 第2版 Supporting Children with Behaviour Issues in the Classroom, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 144 p. (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67383-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138673830* ISBN 978-1-138-67385-4................. Paper STP 18.99 通常価 ¥4,691 / 特価 ¥3,752 + 税 *9781138673854* 194 ★ 教育インクルージョンとソーシャル・イン クルージョンへのアプローチ Verma, Gajendra K./Kalekin Fishman, Devorah (eds.) Approaches to Educational and Social Inclusion: International Perspectives on Theory, Policy and Key Challenges 2016:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-67263-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138672635* ISBN 978-1-138-67264-2................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138672642* 1683* Wang, Mian/Singer, George H. S. Supporting Families of Children With Developmental Disabilities: Evidence-based and Emerging Practices (Evidence-Based Practices) 2016:4. 376 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ISBN 978-0-19-974307-0.................Hard USD 65.00 通常価 ¥11,116 / 特価 ¥8,893 + 税 *9780199743070* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 1688* スポーツ・健康科学 1684* スポーツのコンピュータ科学 Baca, Arnold (ed.) Computer Science in Sport: Research and Practice 2016:5. 236 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69514-6................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138695146* Patel, Kesh Wilkinson, Naomi (ed.) Corrective Exercise: A Practical Approach 2016:3. 288 p., Originally published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14366-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143661* 1689* スポーツリサーチ:SPSS を用いた分析的解法 1685* Haworth, Rob/Whitaker, Todd What Great Coaches Do Differently: 11 Elements of Effective Coaching 2016:2. 144 p., Originally published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-13609-0.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Verma, J. P. Sports Research with Analytical Solution using SPSS 2016:5. 392 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, USA) ISBN 978-1-119-20671-2 ............... Hard USD 119.95 通常価 ¥20,515 / 特価 ¥16,412 + 税 *9781119206712* *9781138136090* スポーツと社会 1686* Laker, Anthony Developing Personal, Social and Moral Education through Physical Education: A Practical Guide for Teachers 2016:3. 136 p., Originally published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14386-9.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138143869* 1687* ★ ユース・スポーツの再形成 McCarthy, John/Bergholz, Lou/Bartlett, Megan Re-Designing Youth Sport: Change the Game 2016:3. 192 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-85219-8.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138852198* ISBN 978-1-138-85220-4................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138852204* 1690* インドサッカーの社会史 Bandyopadhyay, Kausik/Majumdar, Boria A Social History of Indian Football: Striving to Score (Sport in the Global Society) 2016:4. 210 p., First published in 2006 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-98222-2................. Paper STP 30.00 通常価 ¥7,411 / 特価 ¥5,928 + 税 *9781138982222* 1691* スポーツ社会学 Craig, Peter (ed.) Sport Sociology (Active Learning in Sport Series) 2016:5. 384 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ISBN 978-1-4739-1947-1.................. Hard STP 85.00 通常価 ¥20,997 / 特価 ¥16,798 + 税 *9781473919471* 1692* サッカー、暴力と社会的アイデンティティ Guilianotti, Richard (ed.) Football, Violence and Social Identity 2016:3. 280 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14243-5.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138142435* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 195 スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 䝇䝫䞊䝒ྐ㻌 䠐ᕳ Sports History SAGE Library of Sports Studies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ䠖1020314981䛇 Edited by Wray Vamplew, University of Stirling and Manchester Metropolitan University, GBR and Mark Dyreson, Pennsylvania State University, USA 2016 ᖺ 7 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,449 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-1943-3 ண⣙౯(2016/07/16 ࡲ࡛) ... 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Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 McNamee, M. J./Parry, S. J. (eds.) Ethics and Sport (Ethics and Sport) 2016:3. 300 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-14197-1 ........................................ Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 *9781138682238* *9781138141971* 1699* 1694* ★ Hofmann, Annette/Gems, Gerald R./ Smith, Maureen (eds.) Global Perspectives on Sport and Physical Cultures (Sport in the Global Society - Historical Perspectives) 2016:7. 134 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-68243-6.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 女性のスポーツの現代史:パート 1 Williams, Jean A Contemporary History of Women’s Sport, Part One: Sporting Women, 1850-1960 2016:5. 418 p., Originally published in 2014 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69511-5 ................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138695115* *9781138682436* 1695* スポーツ医学・心理 ★ 比較エリートスポーツの発展 1700* Houlihan, Barrie/Green, Mick (eds.) Comparative Elite Sport Development 2016:2. 316 p., Originally published in 2008 (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-16984-5 ....................................... Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 Feletti, Francesco (ed.) Extreme Sports Medicine 2016:5. 400 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-28263-3...............Hard EUR 149.99 通常価 ¥28,584 / 特価 ¥22,867 + 税 *9781138169845* 1696* 再 *9783319282633* 1701* 再 若い女性アスリート Kilvington, Daniel British Asians, Exclusion and the Football Industry (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2016:2. 170 p. (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-83069-1.................. Hard STP 90.00 通常価 ¥22,233 / 特価 ¥17,786 + 税 J. Stein, Cynthia/Ackerman, Kathryn E./Stracciolini, Andrea (eds.) The Young Female Athlete (Contemporary Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine) 2016:4. 187 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ISBN 978-3-319-21631-7.................Hard EUR 79.99 通常価 ¥15,244 / 特価 ¥12,195 + 税 1697* 1702* 英国のテニス:社会史 Zinner, Christoph/Sperlich, Billy (eds.) Marathon Running: Physiology, Psychology, Nutrition and Training Aspects 2016:4. 229 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ISBN 978-3-319-29726-2...............Hard EUR 154.99 通常価 ¥29,537 / 特価 ¥23,629 + 税 *9781138830691* Lake, Robert J. A Social History of Tennis in Britain (Routledge Research in Sports History) 2016:5. 318 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ISBN 978-1-138-69531-3................. Paper STP 29.99 通常価 ¥7,408 / 特価 ¥5,926 + 税 *9781138695313* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9783319216317* 再 *9783319297262* Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 197 生活科学 》生活科学一般 生活科学 生活科学一般 1705* 現代の料理人 1703* Crosnoe, Robert/Leventhal, Tama Debating Early Child Care: The Relationship between Developmental Science and the Media 2016:3. 186 p. 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Tauris ....................................................................p49 , 0398 Dryburgh, Marjorie, North China and Japanese Expansion 1933-1937, Routledge............p156 , 1346 Parker,, Thousand Years of The Tartars, Routledge.................................................... p51 , 0403 Donaldson, John, Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China, Routledge ...................................................................p157 , 1350 Wells, Audrey, The Rule of Reverse Results, Routledge.................................................... p51 , 0404 Widmer, Ellen, Fiction's Family, Harvard U.P. .................................................................... p51 , 0405 Wong, John, Global Trade in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge U.P.......................... p51 , 0406 Shiming, Luo, Agroecology in China, CRC Press ....................................................................p98 , 0809 Mukhopadhaya, Pundarik, Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China, India and Singapore, Routledge.................................................. p100 , 0822 Bin, Su, &KLQD V(QHUJ\(I¿FLHQF\DQG Conservation, Springer Singapore ........ p101 , 0828 Kroeber, Arthur R., China's Economy, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................. p101 , 0830 Preston, Peter W., The Politics of China-Hong Kong Relations, Edward Elgar ...............p157 , 1351 Li Si-Ming,, Changing China, Routledge ...................................................................p174 , 1498 Wang, Ge, Pains and Gains of Ethnic Multilingual Learners in China, Springer Singapore .................................................................. p185 , 1588 台湾(台湾省 / 中華民国) Chisholm, Neil, Judicial Reform in Taiwan, Routledge.................................................. p130 , 1095 香 港 Lewin, Arie Y., China's Innovation Challenge, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p101 , 0831 Hu, Jiaxing, Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia, Brill Academic Publishers .................................................................. p131 , 1098 Liu, Xiaohui, China's Three Decades of Economic Reforms, Routledge................................. p101 , 0832 Arner, Douglas, Financial Markets in Hong Kong, Oxford U.P. ............................................... p138 , 1174 Wang, Ya'nan, Annual Evaluation Report of China's Cultural Consumption Demand, Springer Singapore ................................................. p102 , 0835 Preston, Peter W., The Politics of China-Hong Kong Relations, Edward Elgar ...............p157 , 1351 International Monetary Institute, The Internationlization of the Renminbi, Routledge .................................................................. p106 , 0873 Fuller, Douglas B., Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons, Oxford U.P. .............................................. p117 , 0962 Vecchio, Francesco, Asylum Seeking and the Global City, Routledge ............................p180 , 1552 大韓民国 Karam, Amy, The China Factor, Wiley .................................................................. p117 , 0964 Schneidewind, Dieter K., Economic Miracle Market South Korea, Springer Singapore .................................................................. p101 , 0833 Jiang, Yanqing, Green Development in China, Springer Singapore.................................. p125 , 1038 Shin, Jang-Sup, The Global Financial Crisis and the Korean Economy, Routledge ........... p102 , 0834 Hu, Jiaxing, Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia, Brill Academic Publishers .................................................................. p131 , 1098 Cherry, Judith, Korean Multinationals in Europe, Routledge.................................................. p117 , 0960 Pisacane, Giovanni, Arbitration in China, Springer Singapore...................................p138 , 1171 200 Hemmert, Martin, Tiger Management, Routledge .................................................................. p117 , 0963 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東アジア 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 シンガポール Jackson, Van, Rival Reputations, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p152 , 1299 Muzaini, Hamzah, Contested Memoryscapes, Routledge.................................................... p51 , 0408 モンゴル Mukhopadhaya, Pundarik, Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China, India and Singapore, Routledge.................................................. p100 , 0822 Biran, Michal, Qaidu and the Rise of the Independent Mongol State In Central Asia, Routledge.................................................... p52 , 0416 東南アジア King, Victor T., Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture, Springer Singapore ............ p31 , 0228 Lewis, Su Lin, Cities in Motion, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p51 , 0407 Perry, John Curtis, Singapore, Oxford 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Norton & Co., Inc............................................................... p52 , 0410 Mukhopadhyay, Bhaskar, Britain in India, 17651905, Routledge ..........................................p52 , 0411 Sharma, Sudha, The Status of Muslim Women in Medieval India, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. .................................................................... p52 , 0412 Starita, Joe, A Warrior of the People, St. Martin's Press........................................................... p55 , 0441 Kiernan, Ben, &RQÀLFWDQG&KDQJHLQ&DPERGLD Routledge...................................................p157 , 1356 Mukhopadhaya, Pundarik, Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China, India and Singapore, Routledge.................................................. p100 , 0822 ミャンマー Mazaheri, Nimah, Oil Booms and Business Busts, Oxford U.P., New York..............................p122 , 1015 Than, Tharaphi, Women in Modern Burma, Routledge...................................................p181 , 1560 Shimray, Chong, Teaching Environmental Education, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. .................................................................. p128 , 1068 Liu, Kung-Chung, Innovation and IPR in China and India, Springer Singapore................p139 , 1182 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 201 アジア 》南アジア Husar, Jörg H., Framing Foreign Policy in India, Brazil and South Africa, Springer Basel AG ...................................................................p152 , 1298 Bandyopadhyay, Kausik, A Social History of Indian Football, Routledge .................... p195 , 1690 Vijayan, Prem Kumar, Gender and Hindu Nationalism, Routledge ...........................p158 , 1357 バングラデシュ Charlton-Stevens, Uther, Anglo-Indians and Minority Politics in South Asia, Routledge ...................................................................p179 , 1547 Ramasamy, Muthuveeran, Demand-Driven Approaches in Vocational Education and Training, Springer Verlag .......................p183 , 1582 Sobhan, Rehman, Untranquil Recollections, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd......................... p52 , 0413 スリランカ Wickremesekera, Channa, The Tamil Separatist War in Sri Lanka, Routledge................... p52 , 0415 ロシア Enticott, Peter, The Russian Liberals and the Revolution of 1905, Routledge................. p45 , 0356 Redlich, Shimon, War, the Holocaust and Stalinism, Routledge................................. p45 , 0357 Dumitru, Diana, The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p53 , 0427 Campbell, Robert, The Bibliographical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Economists, Routledge .................................................................... p92 , 0752 Bruno, Andy, The Nature of Soviet Power, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p124 , 1028 Kharkhordin, Oleg, Political Theory and Community Building in Post-Soviet Russia, Routledge...................................................p149 , 1278 Manoli, Panagiota, Aftermath of the Ukrainian Crisis, Routledge ......................................p152 , 1301 Crump, Thomas, Brezhnev and the Decline of the Soviet Union, Routledge ..........................p159 , 1368 Gel'man, Vladimir, Authoritarian Modernization in Russia, Routledge ................................p159 , 1369 Jeffries, Ian, Political Developments in Contemporary Russia, Routledge ..........p159 , 1370 Schrad, Mark Lawrence, Vodka Politics, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p159 , 1371 中 東 Yambert, Karl, Security Issues in the Greater Middle East, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ............... p10 , 0076 Levy-Aksu, Noemi, Young Turks and the Ottoman Empire, I.B. Tauris ................................... p52 , 0418 Winrow, Gareth Mark, Dialogue with the Mediterranean, Routledge ......................p154 , 1320 Muge Gocek, Fatma, Denial of Violence, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p52 , 0419 Halabi, Yakub, Democratic Peace Across the Middle East, I.B. Tauris ..........................p158 , 1361 Arato, Andrew, Post Sovereign Constitutional Making, Oxford U.P. ...............................p131 , 1100 Lust, Ellen, The Middle East, CQ Press ...................................................................p159 , 1363 Rabi, Uzi, Tribes and States in a Changing Middle East, Oxford U.P., New York....................p159 , 1365 Cronin, Stephanie, Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World, Routledge.......................p177 , 1527 トルコ Savino, Melania, Creating Images of a Turkish Past, I.B. 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Tauris......................................... p56 , 0459 サウジアラビア Pirzadeh, Ali, Iran Revisited, Springer Basel AG .................................................................. p102 , 0837 Mazaheri, Nimah, Oil Booms and Business Busts, Oxford U.P., New York..............................p122 , 1015 Mazaheri, Nimah, Oil Booms and Business Busts, Oxford U.P., New York..............................p122 , 1015 オマーン Ostovar, Afshon, Vanguard of the Imam, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p159 , 1364 Ghubash, Hussein, Oman - The Islamic Democratic Tradition, Routledge ......... p158 , 1360 Wastnidge, Edward, Diplomacy and Reform in Iran, I.B. Tauris........................................p159 , 1367 イエメン Sreberny, Annabelle, Cultural Revolution in Iran, I.B. Tauris..................................................p178 , 1538 Makhlouf, Carla, Changing Veils, Routledge .................................................................... p31 , 0229 シリア アゼルバイジャン Van Eijk, Esther, Family Law in Syria, I.B. Tauris ...................................................................p137 , 1158 Ismayilov, Murad, Turkish-Azerbaijani Relations, Routledge...................................................p159 , 1362 ヨーロッパ Doumanis, Nicholas, The Oxford Handbook of European History, 1914-1945, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................... p3 , 0017 Mayrhofer, Wolfgang, HRM in Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p115 , 0939 Brooks, John, Battle of Jutland, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p36 , 0274 Borghesi, Simone, The European Emission Trading System and Its Followers, Springer Basel AG............................................................. p125 , 1045 Freist, Dagmar, Connecting Worlds and People, Routledge.................................................... p38 , 0281 Feranec, Jan, European Landscape Dynamics, CRC Press ................................................ p126 , 1049 Hunt, Margaret, Women in Eighteenth Century Europe, Routledge..................................... p38 , 0284 Schmahl, Stefanie, The Council of Europe, Oxford U.P.............................................................p143 , 1224 Kaal, Harm, Reconstructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968, Routledge................. p39 , 0286 Cook, Trevor, A Practical Guide to European Patent Law, Oxford U.P...........................p144 , 1229 Mitchell, Linda E., Women in Medieval Western European Culture, Routledge ................. p39 , 0289 Burton, Elizabeth, Achieving Sustainable Urban Form, Routledge.......................................p148 , 1271 Stein, Sarah Abrevaya, Extraterritorial Dreams, The University of Chicago Press............... p39 , 0294 Herrschel, Tassilo, Cities, State and Globalisation, Routledge...................................................p148 , 1276 Tallett, Frank, War and Society in Early Modern Europe, Routledge..................................... p39 , 0295 Winrow, Gareth Mark, Dialogue with the Mediterranean, Routledge ......................p154 , 1320 Ullmann, Walter, A Short History of the Papacy in the Middle Ages, Routledge ..................... p39 , 0296 Cooper, Anthony, Where are Europe's New Borders?, Routledge.................................p160 , 1375 Trout, J.D., Wondrous Truths, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................. p55 , 0443 Dowding, Keith, The Selection of Ministers in Europe, Routledge....................................p160 , 1377 Mitchell, William, Eurozone Dystopia, Edward Elgar......................................................... p102 , 0843 Guiraudon, Virginie, Immigration Policy in Europe, Routledge................................... p160 , 1380 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 203 ヨーロッパ Cronin, Stephanie, Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World, Routledge.......................p177 , 1527 Jones, Alison, EU Competition Law, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p145 , 1238 Narayan, John, European Cosmopolitanism, Routledge...................................................p179 , 1541 Kochenov, Dimitry, Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p145 , 1239 Issa, Tözün, Alevis in Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p179 , 1548 E U Felipe, Jesus, Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice, Edward Elgar ............p96 , 0789 Caporaso, James A., Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p102 , 0839 Skjaerseth, Jon Birger, Linking EU Climate and Energy Policies, Edward Elgar...............p126 , 1055 Leach, Philip, Parliaments and the European Court of Human Rights, Oxford U.P.....p145 , 1240 Lundqvist, Björn, EU Competition Law and IP Rights in the Pharma & Biotech Sectors, Oxford U.P.............................................................p145 , 1241 Mataija, Mislav, Private Regulation and the Internal Market, Oxford U.P..................p145 , 1242 Mitsilegas, Valsamis, Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law, Edward Elgar .................p145 , 1243 Moorhead, Timothy, The Legal Order of the European Union, Routledge....................p145 , 1244 Nowag, Julian, Environmental Integration in Competition and Free-Movement Laws, Oxford U.P............................................................ p127 , 1061 Reneman, Marcelle, EU Asylum Procedures and the Right to an Effective Remedy, Hart Publishing Ltd..............................................................p145 , 1245 Schillig, Michael, Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p138 , 1172 Ryan, Andrea, Towards a System of European Criminal Justice, Routledge ...................p145 , 1246 A Practitioner's Guide to Solvency II, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ............................................p143 , 1226 Sauter, Wolf, Coherence in EU Competition Law, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p145 , 1247 Barnard, Catherine, The Substantive Law of the EU, Oxford U.P.........................................p143 , 1227 Sayde, Alexandre, Abuse of EU Law and Regulation of the Internal Market, Hart Publishing Ltd...........................................p145 , 1248 Comparato, Guido, Nationalism and Private Law in Europe, Hart Publishing Ltd...............p144 , 1228 7KH8QLWDU\3DWHQWDQGWKH8QL¿HG3DWHQW&RXUW Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ..............................p146 , 1249 Cremona, Marise, Private Law in the External Relations of the EU, Oxford U.P.............p144 , 1230 Cengiz, Firat, Turkey and the European Union, Routledge...................................................p151 , 1293 Da Costa Leite Borges, Danielle, EU Health Systems and Distributive Justice, Routledge ...................................................................p144 , 1231 Auel, Katrin, The Europeanisation of Parliamentary Democracy, Routledge ...................................................................p160 , 1372 Erdélyi, Olivia Johanna, Twin Peaks for Europe: State-of-the-Art Financial Supervisory Consolidation, Springer Basel AG..........p144 , 1232 Ceretta, Manuela, Discourses and Counterdiscourses on Europe, Routledge ...........p160 , 1373 Foster, Nigel, EU Law Directions, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p144 , 1233 Chalmers, Damian, The End of the Eurocrats' Dream, Cambridge U.P. ..........................p160 , 1374 Geradin, Damien, EU Cartel Law and Economics, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p144 , 1234 Delogu, Bernardo, Risk Analysis and Governance in EU Policy Making and Regulation, Springer Basel AG....................................................p160 , 1376 Hofmann, Herwig C. H., State Aid Law of the European Union, Oxford U.P. ................p144 , 1235 Grossman, Emiliano, France and the European Union, Routledge......................................p160 , 1379 Horspool, Margot, European Union Law, Oxford U.P.............................................................p144 , 1236 O'Hare, Denise Dunne, Britain and the Process of European Integration, I.B. Tauris .........p161 , 1383 Jaremba, Urszula, National Courts and EU Law, Edward Elgar............................................p144 , 1237 Peen Dodt, Annemarie, Theorising the European Union as an International Security Provider, Routledge...................................................p161 , 1384 204 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ Westle, Bettina, European Identity in the Context of National Identity, Oxford U.P. ...........p161 , 1387 Marsh, Peter T., The Victorian Church in Decline, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0315 Greer, Scott L., European Union Public Health Policy, Routledge ..................................... p167 , 1440 McLeod, Hugh, Class and Religion in the Late Victorian City, Routledge ........................ p41 , 0316 西ヨーロッパ Midgley, Clare, Women Against Slavery, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0317 イギリス Neale, R. S., Class and Ideology in the Nineteenth Century, Routledge ................................... p41 , 0318 Storey, John, The Making of English Popular Culture, Routledge.................................... p11 , 0081 Urry, James, Before Social Anthropology, Routledge.................................................... p32 , 0236 Bedarida, Francois, A Social History of England 1851-1990, Routledge ................................p40 , 0298 Oldridge, Darren, The Supernatural in Tudor and Stuart England, Routledge ...................... p42 , 0319 Razzell, P. E., The Victorian Working Class, Routledge.................................................... p42 , 0320 Roffe, David, Domesday Now, Boydell & Brewer Ltd............................................................... p42 , 0321 Benson, John, The Working Class in England 1875-1914, Routledge ................................p40 , 0299 Ronald, D. A. B, Youth, Heroism and War Propaganda, Bloomsbury Academic........ p42 , 0322 Brassley, Paul, Transforming the Countryside, Routledge....................................................p40 , 0300 Sadler, John, Border Fury, Routledge..... p42 , 0323 Crossick, Geoffrey, An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society, Routledge .....................................p40 , 0301 Crouch, David, William Marshal, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0302 Crowther, M. A., The Workhouse System 18341929, Routledge..........................................p40 , 0303 Ellison, Katherine, A Cultural History of Early Modern Cryptography Manuals, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0304 Haig, Alan, The Victorian Clergy, Routledge ....................................................................p40 , 0305 Hollis, Patricia, &ODVVDQG&RQÀLFWLQ1LQHWHHQWK Century England, Routledge ...................p40 , 0306 Ipgrave, Julia, Adam in Political Writing in England and New England, 1600-1700, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0307 Spurr, John, The Post-Reformation, Routledge .................................................................... p42 , 0325 Steinbach, Susie L., Understanding the Victorians, Routledge.................................................... p42 , 0326 Stuckert, Caroline M., Winchester Studies , Oxford U.P.............................................................. p43 , 0328 Sullivan, Erin, Beyond Melancholy, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p43 , 0329 Tosh, John, Manliness and Masculinities in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0330 Ward, W R., Victorian Oxford, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0331 Webster, Graham, Boudica, Routledge .... p43 , 0332 Winston, Jessica, Lawyers at Play, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p43 , 0333 Jackson, Ashley, An Imperial World at War, Routledge....................................................p41 , 0308 Wohl, Anthony S., The Victorian Family, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0334 Jarrett, Mark, Castlereagh and CounterRevolution, I.B. Tauris..............................p41 , 0309 Zunshine, Lisa, Acting Theory and the English Stage, 1700-1830, Routledge .................... p43 , 0335 Kennedy, Dane, Britain and Empire, 1880-1945, Routledge.................................................... p41 , 0311 Panayi, Panikos, An Immigration History of Britain, Routledge.....................................p44 , 0346 Kingsley Kent, Susan, A New History of Britain Since 1688, Oxford U.P............................. p41 , 0312 Mukhopadhyay, Bhaskar, Britain in India, 17651905, Routledge ..........................................p52 , 0411 Laslett, Peter, The World We Have Lost, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0313 Golinski, Jan, Experimental Self, The University of Chicago Press ............................................ p54 , 0437 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 205 ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Cottegnies, Line, Women and Curiosity in Early Modern England and France, Brill Academic Publishers................................................... p55 , 0449 Tilly, Louise A., Women, Work and Family, Routledge.................................................... p56 , 0456 フランス Palmer, Robert R, The World of the French Revolution, Routledge .............................. p44 , 0345 Forman, Fonna, The Adam Smith Review, Routledge.................................................... p92 , 0754 Cottegnies, Line, Women and Curiosity in Early Modern England and France, Brill Academic Publishers................................................... p55 , 0449 Orwin, C. S., The Tenure of Agricultural Land, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p98 , 0808 Tilly, Louise A., Women, Work and Family, Routledge.................................................... p56 , 0456 Michie, Ranald C., British Banking, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p102 , 0842 Soliani, Riccardo, Economic Thought and Institutional Change in France and Italy, 17891914, Springer Basel AG ........................... p93 , 0762 Steinberg, Marc W., England's Great Transformation, The University of Chicago Press .................................................................. p104 , 0861 Elgie, Robert, The Oxford Handbook of French Politics, Oxford U.P. ................................p160 , 1378 Harlow, Carol, Pressure Through Law, Routledge ...................................................................p131 , 1097 Grossman, Emiliano, France and the European Union, Routledge......................................p160 , 1379 Wilson, Steve, English Legal System, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p131 , 1099 Reinhardt, Nicole, Voices of Conscience, Oxford U.P.............................................................p161 , 1385 McCall, Ruth, Financial Provision on Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnerships, W. Green & Son Ltd..............................................................p137 , 1156 オランダ Gelber, Katharine, Free Speech after 9/11, Oxford U.P.............................................................p148 , 1274 Guiraudon, Virginie, Immigration Policy in Europe, Routledge................................... p160 , 1380 Mueller, Johannes, Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt, Brill Academic Publishers............p39 , 0290 Snyder, Laura J., Eye of the Beholder, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. .................................................. p39 , 0292 O'Hare, Denise Dunne, Britain and the Process of European Integration, I.B. Tauris .........p161 , 1383 中央ヨーロッパ Andrews, Kehinde, Blackness in Britain, Routledge ...................................................................p179 , 1544 Trencsényi, Balázs, A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p147 , 1266 Phillips, David, Tracing Education Policy, Routledge.................................................. p184 , 1586 Hughes, Katie, Encouraging Diversity in Higher Education, Routledge.............................. p192 , 1663 Lake, Robert J., A Social History of Tennis in Britain, Routledge................................... p197 , 1697 アイルランド Bielenberg, Andy, An Economic History of Ireland Since Independence, Routledge............. p102 , 0838 Mercille, Julien, The Political Economy and Media Coverage of the European Economic Crisis, Routledge ..................................... p102 , 0841 Buckley, Fiona, Electoral Management: Institutions and Practices in an Established Democracy, Routledge .............................p148 , 1270 206 ドイツ Fraser, Gordon, The Quantum Exodus, Oxford U.P.............................................................. p43 , 0336 Freed, John, Frederick Barbarossa, Yale U.P. .................................................................... p43 , 0337 Homze, Edward L., Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany, Princeton U.P. ......................... p44 , 0338 Paret, Peter, Yorck and the Era of Prussian Reform, Princeton U.P. ............................ p44 , 0339 Purvis, Zachary, Theology and the University in Nineteenth-Century Germany, Oxford U.P. ....................................................................p44 , 0340 Stachura, Peter D., The Shaping of the Nazi State, Routledge.................................................... p44 , 0341 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》中央ヨーロッパ Stern, Fritz, Einstein's German World, Princeton U.P.............................................................. p44 , 0342 Vuolanto, Ville, Being a Roman Child, Routledge .................................................................... p34 , 0266 Wunderlich, Frieda, Farm Labor in Germany, 1810-1945, Princeton U.P. ........................ p44 , 0343 Knapton, Michael, A Republican Empire, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0349 Bodart-Bailey, Beatrice, The Furthest Goal, Routledge.................................................... p49 , 0395 Reardon, Colleen, A Sociable Moment, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p45 , 0352 Yagi, Kiichiro, Austrian and German Economic Thought, Routledge .................................. p93 , 0765 Ross, Sarah Gwyneth, Everyday Renaissances, Harvard U.P............................................... p45 , 0353 Kiess, Johannes, German Perspectives on RightWing Extremism, Routledge ..................p161 , 1382 Gómez, Amparo, Science Policies and TwentiethCentury Dictatorships, Routledge .......... p54 , 0438 Koinig, Isabell, Pharmaceutical Advertising as a Source of Consumer Self-Empowerment, Springer Verlag ........................................................p167 , 1444 Soliani, Riccardo, Economic Thought and Institutional Change in France and Italy, 17891914, Springer Basel AG ........................... p93 , 0762 オーストリア Hochedlinger, Michael, Austria’s Wars of Emergence, 1683-1797, Routledge........... p38 , 0283 Yagi, Kiichiro, Austrian and German Economic Thought, Routledge .................................. p93 , 0765 チェコ Vanek, Miroslav, Velvet Revolutions, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p32 , 0243 ハンガリー Arato, Andrew, Post Sovereign Constitutional Making, Oxford U.P. ...............................p131 , 1100 南ヨーロッパ Athanassaopolou, Ekavi, Fighting Organized Crime in Southeast Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p155 , 1329 イタリア Keppie, Lawrence, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, Routledge ............................ p33 , 0251 Lefkowitz, Mary R., Women's Life in Greece and Rome, Bloomsbury Academic................... p33 , 0254 Rich, John, War and Society in the Roman World, Routledge.................................................... p34 , 0258 Tchernia, André, The Romans and Trade, Oxford U.P.............................................................. p34 , 0263 ★印はお薦めタイトル Degiuli, Francesca, Caring for a Living, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p164 , 1410 ポルトガル Jensen, Kurt Villads, Crusading at the Edge of Europe, Routledge..................................... p38 , 0285 スペイン Edwards, J., Ferdinand and Isabella, Routledge .................................................................... p44 , 0347 Gómez, Amparo, Science Policies and TwentiethCentury Dictatorships, Routledge .......... p54 , 0438 Requejo, Ferran, Multinational Federalism and Value Pluralism, Routledge ....................p147 , 1262 Reinhardt, Nicole, Voices of Conscience, Oxford U.P.............................................................p161 , 1385 Threlfall, Monica, Gendering Spanish Democracy, Routledge...................................................p161 , 1386 ギリシャ Heckel, Waldemar, Alexander’s Marshals, Routledge.................................................... p33 , 0248 Lefkowitz, Mary R., Women's Life in Greece and Rome, Bloomsbury Academic................... p33 , 0254 Mylonas, George Emmanuel, Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries, Princeton U.P...... p33 , 0255 Sansone, David, Ancient Greek Civilization, Wiley .................................................................... p34 , 0260 Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 207 ヨーロッパ 》北ヨーロッパ 北ヨーロッパ Noble, Gordon, Woodland in the Neolithic of Northern Europe, Cambridge U.P. ......... p33 , 0256 スウェーデン Brammertz, Baron Serge, 3URVHFXWLQJ&RQÀLFW Related Sexual Violence at the ICTY, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p142 , 1207 Athanassaopolou, Ekavi, Fighting Organized Crime in Southeast Europe, Routledge ...................................................................p155 , 1329 Schon, Lennart, An Economic History of Modern Sweden, Routledge ..................................p104 , 0860 ウクライナ デンマーク Manoli, Panagiota, Aftermath of the Ukrainian Crisis, Routledge ......................................p152 , 1301 Jensen, Kurt Villads, Crusading at the Edge of Europe, Routledge..................................... p38 , 0285 ルーマニア アイスランド Dumitru, Diana, The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p53 , 0427 Ingimundarson, Valur, Iceland’s Financial Crisis, Routledge...................................................p160 , 1381 Bernburg, Jón Gunnar, Economic Crisis and Mass Protest, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. .............p171 , 1479 東ヨーロッパ 9XNDQRYLü=YH]GDQForeign Direct Investment ,QÀRZV,QWRWKH6RXWK(DVW(XURSHDQ0HGLD Market, Springer Basel AG .................... p103 , 0844 アルメニア Awde, Nicholas, Armenian Perspectives, Routledge .................................................................... p30 , 0222 Muge Gocek, Fatma, Denial of Violence, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p52 , 0419 アフリカ Butler, Shelly R., Contested Representations, Routledge.................................................... p30 , 0224 Bachelard, Jerome, Governance Reform in Africa, Routledge...................................................p161 , 1389 Cohen, David William, Womunafu`s Bunafu, Princeton U.P............................................. p53 , 0421 Poku, Nana K., Africa under Neoliberalism, Routledge...................................................p162 , 1394 DeCorse, Christopher R., West Africa During the Atlantic Slave Trade, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................................... p53 , 0422 北アフリカ Willis, John Ralph, Be Slaves and Slavery in Muslim Africa, Routledge........................ p56 , 0457 Newman, Carol, Manufacturing Transformation, Oxford U.P. ................................................p97 , 0801 Hinderink, J., Agricultural Commercialization and Government Policy in Africa, Routledge ....................................................................p98 , 0806 Falola, Toyin, Economic Growth and Development in Africa, I.B. Tauris............................... p103 , 0845 Sadiki, Larbi, ‘Democratic Knowledge’ and Knowledge Production, Routledge ........p162 , 1395 エジプト Gohary,, Akhenatens Sed-Festival At Karna, Routledge.................................................... p33 , 0246 Weigall,, Travels In The Upper Egyptian, Routledge.................................................... p34 , 0267 Ghafar, Adel Abdel, Egyptians in Revolt, Routledge ...................................................................p162 , 1392 Adejumobi, Said, Africa's Checkered Democracy, Routledge...................................................p161 , 1388 208 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アフリカ 》北アフリカ スーダン エチオピア Rolandsen, Oystein H., A History of South Sudan, Cambridge U.P. ........................................... p3 , 0019 Oqubay, Arkebe, Made in Africa, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p103 , 0847 Berridge, W. J., Civil Uprisings in Modern Sudan, Bloomsbury Academic ..............................p161 , 1391 エリトリア リビア Weldemichael, Awet Tewelde, Third World Colonialism and Strategies of Liberation, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p54 , 0430 Henriksen, Dag, Political Rationale and International Consequences of the War in Libya, Oxford U.P. ...............................................p162 , 1393 タンザニア モロッコ Lofchie, Michael F., Zanzibar, Princeton U.P. .................................................................... p53 , 0423 Bergh, Sylvia I., Democracy and Development in Morocco, I.B. Tauris ................................p161 , 1390 南アフリカ サハラ以南アフリカ February, Vernon, Afrikaners of South Africa, Routledge.................................................... p31 , 0227 Heshmati, Almas, Poverty and Well-Being in East Africa, Springer Basel AG........................ p97 , 0799 Arato, Andrew, Post Sovereign Constitutional Making, Oxford U.P. ...............................p131 , 1100 Heshmati, Almas, Economic Integration, Currency Union, and Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in East Africa, Springer Basel AG ............. p103 , 0846 Esacove, Anne, Modernizing Sexuality, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p166 , 1437 Husar, Jörg H., Framing Foreign Policy in India, Brazil and South Africa, Springer Basel AG ...................................................................p152 , 1298 Alpes, Maybritt Jill, Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa, Routledge...................................................p179 , 1543 南北アメリカ Kwon, Brenda L., Beyond Ke'eaumoku, Routledge .................................................................... p51 , 0399 Faragher, Johnny Mack, Eternity Street, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. ..................................... p46 , 0362 北 米 Gao, Chungchan, African Americans in the Reconstruction Era, Routledge ...............p46 , 0363 Herrschel, Tassilo, Cities, State and Globalisation, Routledge...................................................p148 , 1276 Gould, Lewis L., America in the Progressive Era, 1890-1914, Routledge ................................p46 , 0365 アメリカ合衆国 Gray, Brenda C., Black Female Domestics During the Depression in New York City, Routledge ....................................................................p46 , 0366 Miller, Robert J., American Indian Identity, F.A. Praeger, Inc. .............................................. p11 , 0080 Baker, Emerson W., A Storm of Witchcraft, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p45 , 0358 Hankins, Barry, Woodrow Wilson, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p46 , 0367 Hill, Karlos K., Beyond the Rope, Cambridge U.P. ....................................................................p46 , 0368 Buchanan, Andrew, American Grand Strategy in the Mediterranean during World War II, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p46 , 0359 Hughes, Thomas, A Journal by Thomas Hughes, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p46 , 0369 Cole, Allan Burnett, Yankee Surveyors in the Shogun's Seas, Princeton U.P. .................p46 , 0360 Hurt, R. Douglas, Food and Agriculture During the Civil War, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ............. p47 , 0370 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 209 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Keene, Jennifer D., The United States and the First World War, Routledge .................... p47 , 0371 Knodell, Jane, The Second Bank of the United States, Routledge..................................... p103 , 0850 Lebovic, Sam, Free Speech and Unfree News, Harvard U.P............................................... p47 , 0372 Alon, Ilan, The Internationalization of US Franchising Systems, Routledge ............p117 , 0959 Link, Arthur S., Wilson, Princeton U.P. .................................................................... p47 , 0373 Jayaraman, Saru, Forked, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................................p122 , 1014 Matthews, George R., Zebulon Pike, F.A. Praeger, Inc............................................................... p47 , 0376 McDonough, James Lee, William Tecumseh Sherman, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc............ p47 , 0377 Myers, William Starr, Woodrow Wilson, Princeton U.P.............................................................. p47 , 0378 Opdycke, Sandra, The WPA, Routledge .................................................................... p47 , 0379 Pierro, Joseph, The Maryland Campaign of September 1862, Routledge...................... p48 , 0381 Ragosta, John A., Patrick Henry, Routledge ....................................................................p48 , 0382 Shi, David E., For the Record, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc...............................................................p48 , 0384 Sibley, Katherine A.S., A Companion to First Ladies, Wiley .............................................p48 , 0385 Weinstein, Edwin A., Woodrow Wilson, Princeton U.P..............................................................p48 , 0387 White, John, A History of African-American Leadership, Routledge..............................p48 , 0388 Wilson, Woodrow, Wilson, Princeton U.P. ....................................................................p48 , 0389 Worster, Donald, Shrinking the Earth, Oxford U.P., New York ....................................................p49 , 0390 Army, Thomas F., Engineering Victory, The Johns Hopkins U.P. .............................................. p54 , 0431 Starita, Joe, A Warrior of the People, St. Martin's Press........................................................... p55 , 0441 Felipe, Jesus, Development and Modern Industrial Policy in Practice, Edward Elgar ............p96 , 0789 Broughton, Chad, Boom, Bust, Exodus, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p96 , 0792 Franklin, Jonathan S., A History of Professional Economists and Policymaking in the United States, Routledge..................................... p103 , 0848 Galbraith, James K., Inequality, Oxford U.P., New York........................................................... p103 , 0849 210 Dant, Sara, Losing Eden, Wiley............. p124 , 1029 Mcginty, Brian, Lincoln's Greatest Case, Liveright Pub. Corp. ................................................ p129 , 1076 Blumenthal, Susanna L., Law and the Modern Mind, Harvard U.P................................. p129 , 1079 Schillig, Michael, Resolution and Insolvency of Banks and Financial Institutions, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p138 , 1172 Kaufman, Zachary D., United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................p142 , 1217 Burton, Elizabeth, Achieving Sustainable Urban Form, Routledge.......................................p148 , 1271 Gelber, Katharine, Free Speech after 9/11, Oxford U.P.............................................................p148 , 1274 Masket, Seth, The Inevitable Party, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................p149 , 1281 Palus, Christine Kelleher, The CQ Press Guide to Urban Politics and Policy in the United States, Sage Pub....................................................p149 , 1283 Jackson, Van, Rival Reputations, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p152 , 1299 Turner, Oliver, American Images of China, Routledge...................................................p152 , 1306 Jensen, Benjamin M., Forging the Sword, Stanford U.P............................................................. p153 , 1316 Worrell, Mark P., Why Nations Go to War, Routledge...................................................p154 , 1321 Eldridge, Robert D., The Origins of the Bilateral Okinawa Problem, Routledge.................p157 , 1347 England, Robert E., Managing Urban America, CQ Press .................................................. p162 , 1396 Fong, Edmund, American Exceptionalism and the Remains of Race, Routledge ...................p162 , 1397 Gillion, Daniel Q., Governing with Words, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p162 , 1398 Keena, Alex, Gerrymandering in America, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p162 , 1399 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Mettler, Suzanne, The Oxford Handbook of American Political Development, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p162 , 1400 Singh, Robert, After Obama, Cambridge U.P. ...................................................................p162 , 1401 Smith, Michael, At Home with the Aztecs, Routledge.................................................... p49 , 0392 Arato, Andrew, Post Sovereign Constitutional Making, Oxford U.P. ...............................p131 , 1100 Warde, Bryan, Inequality in US Social Policy, Routledge.................................................. p163 , 1404 Alemán, Eduardo, Legislative Institutions and Lawmaking in Latin America, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p163 , 1402 Douglas, Emily M., Child Maltreatment Fatalities in the United 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0460 Husar, Jörg H., Framing Foreign Policy in India, Brazil and South Africa, Springer Basel AG ...................................................................p152 , 1298 Koinig, Isabell, Pharmaceutical Advertising as a Source of Consumer Self-Empowerment, Springer Verlag ........................................................p167 , 1444 Announcement of New Books ◇ May, 2016 211 南北アメリカ 》中南米 アルゼンチン Cohen, Michael, Argentina's Economic Growth and Recovery, Routledge ........................ p103 , 0852 Gómez, Amparo, Science Policies and TwentiethCentury Dictatorships, Routledge .......... p54 , 0438 Evangelista, Liria, Voices of the Survivors, Routledge...................................................p177 , 1528 オセアニア オーストラリア Carnegie, Garry, Pastoral Accounting in Colonial Australia, Routledge ............................... p104 , 0855 Genovese, Ann, Australian Critical Decisions, Routledge.................................................. p127 , 1059 Burton, Elizabeth, 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Riga: Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1781. ¥ 2,527,200(税込) 8vo. First edition. (24), 856 pp. Marbled boards with paper spine label. Occasional staining and wormholes. [PMM 226] (YSD-11877) カントの三大批判書のうち最初の書で「第一批判」とも呼ば れています。批判哲学体系の基礎となる代表作です。この書 によってカントは、人間の認識能力の本性と限界とを究明し、 理論上での人間の理性について論じています。本書は当時の 哲学者たちから批判も受けましたが、若い世代からは受け入 れられ、カントの名を有名にしました。 カント「実践理性批判」初版 KANT, Immanuel 2 Critik der practischen Vernunft. Riga: Bey Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1788. ¥ 561,400(税込) 8vo. 292 pp. Contemporary paper over boards. Top 1 1/2 inches cut from front free endpaper. Occasional neat pencil underlining throughout and a few very minor, mainly marginal stains. Otherwise a fine copy. (YSD-12866) 三大批判書の二番目の作品の初版で「第二批判」とも言われ ています。 「純粋理性批判」から論をすすめ、理性の諸理念(霊 魂の不滅・自由・神の存在)は道徳の対象であり、これらの 問題は理性の実践的使用によってのみ解決されるとしました。本文には鉛筆で線が引かれ た箇所があり、また、シミも見受けられますが、厚紙の原装丁で出版当時の姿がわかる貴 重な本です。 3 カント「判断力批判」初版 KANT, Immanuel Critik der Urtheilskraft. Berlin and Libau: Lagarde und Friederich, 1790. ¥ 1,182,800(税込) 8vo. First edition. lviii, 476 pp. + errata leaf, nicely rebound in modern dark green half calf, title-page somewhat dusty and with a small early ownership inscription 'Baur', small stains on Aa2 and Bb2 and some light spotting in the margins, still a very good copy. (YSD-12894) 三大批判書の最終作の初版で、 「第三批判」と言われています。 「第一批判」と「第二批判」では悟性と理性の先天的原理が考 察され、それぞれ自然概念と自由概念が基礎づけられました が、本書では「悟性と理性の両認識能力の中間にある判断力の先天的原理が究明され、カ ントはこの仕事をもって批判の仕事がすべて完了する」(ブリタニカ国際大百科事典より) と考えました。ゲーテは「判断力批判」が自身を動かした最初の本だったと言い、フィヒ テは批判哲学の頂点に立つ本だと表現したほど、大きな影響力を持った書です。 関連商品のご案内 カント「プロレゴーメナ」初版初刷 KANT, Immanuel Prolegomena zu einer Jeden Kunftigen Metaphysik die als Wissenschaft wird Auftreten Konnen. Riga: Johann Friedrich Hartknoch, 1783. ¥401,700(税込) Small 8vo. First edition, first printing. Blank leaf, title-page, (3)-222 pp., 1 blank leaf. Contemporary half-leather with marbled boards. Spine with five raised bands and gilt lettered on label and gilt floral design in each compartment. Spine edges a bit worn and corners slightly bumped. Contemporary ink name (W. Oswald / in Mulhausen) to verso of first blank with just the slightest of ink offsetting to the title-page. Very occasional pencil marginalia and underlining. A truly lovely copy. [Warda 75] (YSD-11446) 「純粋理性批判」への批判を受けて書かれたカントの反駁です。 「純粋…」は発表後、 ガルベ (Christian Garve) をはじめ様々な批判を受けました。カントはそうした批判を、 自著の内容が誤解されたために起きている不当なものだと感じており、誤解を取り除 こうと本書を著しました。基本的な内容は、 「純粋…」の第 2 版 (1787) にも引き継が れ て い ま す。p.3 と p.222 の 欄 外 の 装 飾、ま た p.78、8 行 目 の 単 語 'objektiv' が 'subjektiv' となっていることから、初刷りであるとわかります。 その他にも、 「純粋理性批判」第2版と第3版、 「プロレゴーメナ」 英語版初版などの在庫を 取り揃えております。詳細は丸善雄松堂株式会社 古書部にお問い合わせください。 TEL: 03-3357-1417 / Fax: 03-3359-7790(古書部直通)Email:[email protected] 㸺Ⴀᴗ㒊㸼 ࠙㤳㒔ᅪࠚ ࠛ105-0022 ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵖᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵏᵖᵓᴾ ࠙㛵ᮾ⏥ಙ㉺ࠚ ඵ⋤ᏊႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ192-0081 ᐑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ330-0843 ⚄ዉᕝ㟼ᒸႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ244-0805 ⟃ἼႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ305-0005 οྛޛ್ࠊ܇ထ ᵏᵋᵔᴾ οྛ܇ிʮෙɥἥἽ ᵕ ᨞ ẰẟẺộࠊܷٻғӴထ ᵏᵋᵒᵏᴾ ଢဃԡܷٻӴထἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ್ාࠊৎشғ߷ɥထ ᵖᵕᵋᵒᴾ ிৎ شᵬᵄᵤᾀἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ếẪịࠊټʁ̬ ᵒᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵔᵒᵐᵋᵑᵕᵏᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵖᵇᵔᵒᵏᵋᵕᵐᵐᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵔᵎᵎᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵔᵒᵐᵋᵏᵏᵕᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵖᵇᵔᵒᵏᵋᵕᵒᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵒᵑᵏᵎ ࠙ᾏ㐨࣭ᮾࠚ ᮐᖠႠᴗ㒊 ྎႠᴗ㒊 ┒ᒸႠᴗᡤ ࠛ004-8502 ࠤࠊฌဋғ҅ ᵔ வ ᵏᵋᵒᵋᵔᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵓᵎ ࠛ980-8566 ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғٻထ ᵐᵋᵐᵋᵏᵎᴾ ˅Ө᩷ᓶỸỵὅἂἥἽ ᵟ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵐᵐᵋᵏᵏᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵓᵋᵕᵓᵏᵔ ࠛ020-0015 Ⴎࠊޢஜထᡫ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵨᵲ ஜထἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵎᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵑᵓᵗ ࠙ᮾᾏ࣭㝣ࠚ ྡྂᒇႠᴗ㒊 㔠ἑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ460-0008 ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵏᵋᵐᵒᵋᵏᵓᴾᵨᵮᵰ ӸӞᙸ˜ދἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ࠛ920-0024 එࠊᙱࣞ ᵏᵋᵏᵋᵑᴾ ἅὅἧỵἙὅἋඑ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵎᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵏᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵏᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵐᵗᵗ ࠛ541-0056 ࠛ541-0056 ࠛ616-8533 ࠛ657-0856 ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵐ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵒ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵐᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵏ ࠙㛵すࠚ 㜰Ⴀᴗ㒊 㛵す་⒪Ⴀᴗ㒊 ி㒔Ⴀᴗ㒊 ⚄ᡞႠᴗ㒊 ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ʮᣃࠊӫʮғٽᆁɥДᢿထᵏᵎᴾ ٻଐஜҮТίఇὸᴾʮᣃئϋ ᅕৎࠊғދޥҤထ ᵒᵋᵑᵔᴾ ދޥἥἽᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵐᴾ ࠙୰ᅄᅜࠚ ᒸᒣႠᴗ㒊 ᯇᒣႠᴗᡤ ᗈᓥႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ700-0822 ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵑᵋᵓᵎ ࠛ790-0806 ࠊޛዯထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵤᵳᵰᵳᵫᵭᵲᵭ ἥἽ ᵏ ᨞ ࠛ730-0037 ࠼ࠊɶғɶထ ᵕᵋᵐᵑᴾ ˰ဃԧٻᡫụᇹ ᵐ ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵐᵐᵔᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵒᵑᵕᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵒᵏᵋᵓᵐᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵑᵑᵋᵕᵕᵓᵒ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵐᵐᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵏᵓᵕᵔ ࠛ815-0031 ࠛ852-8102 ࠛ862-0975 ࠛ900-0021 ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵑᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵓᵓ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵕᵓᵋᵑᵓᵓᵕ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵏᵋᵒᵖᵑᵕ ࠙ᕞࠚ ⚟ᒸႠᴗ㒊 㛗ᓮႠᴗᡤ ⇃ᮏႠᴗᡤ Ἀ⦖ฟᙇᡤ ᅦࠊޢҤғฌ൦ ᵐᵋᵏᵓᵋᵏᵏ ᧈ߃ࠊקஜ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵑᵑ ༇ஜࠊɶځғૼދ ᵐᵋᵏᵕᵋᵏᵕ ỴἳἝἘỵૼދ ᵏ ᨞ ᙵࠊඡ߃ ᵏᵋᵏᵐᵋᵕᴾ ɧѣင˟ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵓᵒᴾ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵕᵓᵋᵑᵓᵓᵖ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵎᵎᵗᵎ 㸺ᾏእົᡤ㸼 Maruzen International Co., Ltd.ᴾ ᵏᵏᵎᵠᴾᵫᶃᵿᶂᶍᶕᶊᵿᶌᶂᶑᴾᵮᵿᶐᶉᶕᵿᶗᵊᴾᵱᶓᶇᶒᶃᴾᵐᵎᵓᵊᴾᵱᶃᶁᵿᶓᶁᶓᶑᵊᴾᵬᵨᴾᵎᵕᵎᵗᵒᵊᴾᵳᵱᵟᴾ 㸺ᗑ⯒㸼 ࡢෆᮏᗑ ࠛ100-8203 ிʮᣃҘˊဋғɺỉϋ ᵏᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ɺỉϋỼỴἐ ᵏ῍ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵖᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵗᵐᴾ ᪥ ᮏ ᶫ ᗑ ࠛ103-8245 ிʮᣃɶځғଐஜ ᵐᵋᵑᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵐ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᮐᖠᗑ ࠛ060-0061 ࠤࠊɶځғҤɟவᙱ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵐᴾ ɺʟʻʟҤᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵎᵎᴾ ྎ࢚ࣝᗑ ࠛ980-6101 ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɶ ځᵏᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ᵟᵣᵰᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵏᵐ ྡྂᒇᮏᗑ ࠛ460-0008 ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵑᵋᵖᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵎᵑᵐᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵎᵕᵑᵎᴾ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᱵ⏣ᗑ ࠛ530-0013 ҅ࠊ᧵ٻғᒧދထ ᵕᵋᵐᵎᴾ ᶁᶆᵿᶑᶉᵿ ᒧދထ ᵠᵏ῍ᵕ ᨞ᴾ ி 㒔 ᮏ ᗑ ࠛ604-8032 ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵓᴾ ʮᣃࠊɶʮғඕҾထᡫɤவɦἽ ߃ޛᵐᵓᵏᴾ ʮᣃ ᵠᵟᵪ עɦᾀ᨞Ὁᾁ᨞ᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵐᵓᵑᵋᵏᵓᵗᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵐᵓᵑᵋᵏᵒᵗᵗᴾ ᒸᒣ㺚㺻㺪㺉㺤㺎㺩㺼㺷ᗑ ࠛ700-0822 ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵓᵋᵏᴾ ޛޢῩ ΌῘῳ῝Ὸ ᵏ ᨞Ὁעɦ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵗᴾ ༤ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵐ ከ ᗑ ࠛ812-0012 ᅦࠊޢҦٶғҦٶᬜɶځᘑ ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ᵨᵰ ҦٶῩᴾ ᵖ ᨞ ࠾یၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࠊࡈὀᩥࡣ᭱ᐤࡾࡢᘢ♫ྛႠᴗ㒊ࡲ࡛࠾㢪࠸ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ၿ㞝ᯇᇽᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫ⾡ሗࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥᴗ㒊 ὒ᭩ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ᴾ ࠛ160-0002 ᮾி㒔᪂ᐟ༊ᅄ㇂ᆏ⏫ 10-10 ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᴾᵒᵑᵑᵓᵋᵗᵑᵏᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇ ᵒᵑᵑᵓᵋᵗᵑᵔᵒᴾ ᶃᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶋᵿᶐᶉᶃᶒᶇᶌᶅᵞᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶉᶕᵌᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ Announcement of New Books 2016 年 5 月号 2016 年 5 月 1 日発行 年間購読料 2,000 円(税別)
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