SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life LESSON 13 OBJECTIVES もくひょう At the end of this lesson you will be able to: ; Talk about school schedules ; Talk about daily school life ; Read the kanji 学and 校 たんご VOCABULARY Words #-jikan-me hajimaru (hajimarimasu/hajimatte) owaru (owarimasu/owatte) kyooshitsu taiikukan shokudoo Phrases and expressions Kamoku-wa nani-ga ichiban suki desu-ka? Ichi-jikan-me-wa nan-no jugyoo desu-ka? San-jikan-me-wa suugaku desu. Rekishi-wa nan-jikan-me desu-ka? Gakkoo-wa 8-ji-han-ni hajimarimasu. 1-jikan-me-wa 9-ji-ni owarimasu. suffix for class periods (something) begins, starts (something) ends, finishes classroom gymnasium cafeteria What is your favorite subject? What class is first period? Third period is math. What period is history? School starts at 8:30. First period ends at 9:00. Other words and expressions you will hear in this lesson sooji cleaning sooji-o suru (shimasu/shite) clean (verb) © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 111 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life ぶんぽう KEY GRAMMAR POINTS ポイント #-jikan-me When combined with numbers, jikan-me can be used to designate class periods as in the following examples. The question form is nan-jikan-me. Taiiku-wa nan-jikan-me desu-ka? What period is P.E.? Yo-jikan-me-wa nan-no jugyoo desu-ka? What class is fourth period? San-jikan-me-wa suugaku desu. Third period is math. 1-jikan-me-wa 9-ji-ni owarimasu. First period ends at 9:00. NAN-JIKAN-ME DESU-KA? ichi-jikan-me ni-jikan-me san-jikan-me yo-jikan-me period first period second period third period fourth period go-jikan-me roku-jikan-me nana-jikan-me hachi-jikan-me fifth period sixth period seventh period eighth よみましょう YOMIMASHOO! じかんめ suffix for class periods はじまる(はじまります・はじまって) begin, start おわる(おわります・おわって) end, finish きょうしつ classroom たいいくかん gymnasium しょくどう cafeteria かもくは なにが いちばん すき ですか。 What is your favorite subject? じかんめは なんの じゅぎょう ですか。 What class is first period? さんじかんめは すうがく です。 Third period is math. れきしは なんじかんめ ですか。 What period is history? がっこうは 8じはんに はじまります。 School starts at 8:30. じかんめは 9じに おわります。 First period ends at 9:00. そうじ cleaning そうじを する(します・して) clean (verb) © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 112 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life カルチャー CULTURE NOTES ノート School cleaning学校のそうじ In Japan, it is the students’ responsibility to keep their school spotless. The task of cleaning individual classrooms, halls, and bathrooms begins in elementary school and continues right through high school. As a result of their efforts, the students tend to be respectful of school property. In addition to sweeping the floors and washing the chalkboards, students also get down on their hands and knees with damp cloths to clean the floors. かんじ KANJI NOTES ノート In this lesson you will learn to read two kanji: 学and 校. Be sure that you know the readings of each kanji and can tell what the kanji means. Readings which are marked by an asterisk are for your reference only; you do not need to learn these at this time. You also do not have to learn any new words which are given in the examples. In a future lesson you will learn how to write these kanji using the correct stroke order. 学 GAKU (learning, science); mana(bu)* (learn) 大学 学校 数学 学生 学ぶ daigaku gakkoo suugaku gakusei manabu 大学はどこですか。 Daigaku-wa doko desu-ka? この大学の学生は数学が 大好きです。 Kono daigaku-no gakusei-wa suugaku-gadaisuki desu. university school math student learn Where’s the university? The students at this university really like math. © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 113 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life 校 KOO (school) 学校 小学校 中学校 高校 学校が三つあります。 中学校はあそこに あります。 高校はどこですか。 gakkoo shoogakkoo chuugakkoo kookoo Gakkoo-ga mittsu arimasu. Chuugakkoo-wa asoko-ni arimasu. Kookoo-wa doko desu-ka? school elementary school middle school high school There are three schools. The middle school is over there. Where’s the high school? KANJI REVIEW 月 日 木 人 山 川 大 小 学 校 How do you read them? What do they mean? © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 114 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES PART 1 n Vocabulary check Silently review the vocabulary for Lesson 13. Then have a クラスメート orally test your knowledge of the Japanese words and phrases. Your partner says the えいご, and you give the 日本語. Switch and test your partner. o Rekishi-wa nan-jikan-me desu-ka? In this pair activity take turns with your partner asking and answering various questions about your actual school schedules. Refer to the following patterns to help you get started. Then try to ask and answer questions without looking at the examples. SAMPLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. Shichi-jikan-me-wa nan-no jugyoo desu-ka? Shichi -jikan-me-wa suugaku desu. 2. Rekishi-wa nan-jikan-me desu-ka? Rekishi-wa ichi-jikan-me desu. 3. Yo-jikan-me-wa nan-ji-ni owarimasu-ka? Yo-jikan-me-wa 10-ji-ni owarimasu. 4. Taiiku-wa nan-ji-ni hajimarimasu-ka? Taiiku-wa 1-ji-han-ni hajimarimasu. 5. Kamoku-wa nani-ga ichiban suki desu-ka? Nihongo-ga ichiban suki desu. What class is seventh period? Seventh period is math. What period is history? History is first period. What time does fourth period end? Fourth period ends at 10:00. What time does P.E. start? P.E. starts at 1:30. What is your favorite subject? I like Japanese the best. KAMOKU suugaku daisuu bibun-sekibun kika seibutsu kagaku butsuri rekishi chiri taipu rinri bijutsu math algebra calculus geometry biology chemistry physics history geography typing ethics art ongaku music physical education kateika home economics bando band konpyuutaa computer seijigaku political science gijutsu industrial arts furansugo French supeingo Spanish doitsugo German ratengo Latin taiiku PART 2 © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 115 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life n San-jikan-me-wa nan-no jugyoo desu-ka? In this pair activity take turns asking and answering questions to complete Judy’s demanding class schedule below. Look only at your own chart. To make this activity more challenging the class periods are not given in order. You will need to ask three types of questions to obtain the needed information. Refer to the sample questions and answers on the previous page only as long as you need the support. Another question you will need to ask is Nan-no jugyoo-ga ___-ji ___-fun/pun-ni hajimarimasu/owarimasu-ka? What class begins/ends at _____ [time]? Try to remain in Japanese during this entire activity. Compare your completed charts when you finish. They should be the same. PARTNER A NAN-JIKANME? 5 2 NAN-NO JUGYOO? 7 nihongo taiiku suugaku 3 kagaku 8 doitsugo NAN-JI-NI HAJIMARIMASU-KA? 8:25 NAN-JI-NI OWARIMASU-KA? 12:35 9:10 1:40 2:25 8:15 10:05 9:20 12:45 2:35 (chemistry) 3:20 PARTNER B NAN-JIKANME? 5 o NAN-NO JUGYOO? 4 rekishi nihongo taiiku 1 eigo 6 8 bijutsu Yomimashoo! NAN-JI-NI HAJIMARIMASU-KA? 11:50 NAN-JI-NI OWARIMASU-KA? 12:35 10:15 11:15 2:25 8:15 7:30 9:20 12:45 1:30 3:20 This pair activity provides you with an opportunity to review the nine kanji which you have learned to read in Lessons 7-13. Partner A masks the roomaji side and reads the words in the left column in order. Partner B responds after each with either Hai, soo desu or Iie, chigaimasu. © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 116 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life Moo ichido yonde kudasai. Partner A marks those which needed to be studied. Switch roles and repeat. かなと かんじ ローマじ 1. 小さい chiisai 2. 日本ごの本 nihongo-nohon 3. 5日 itsuka 4.なん月 nan-gatsu 5.日本 Nihon, Nippon 6. 小学校 shoogakkoo 7. 大好き daisuki 8.月よう日 getsu-yoobi 9. 4人 yo-nin 10. カナダ人 kanada-jin 11.たんじょう日 tanjoobi 12.おとこの人 otoko-no hito 13. 大学せい daigakusei 14. 木よう日 moku-yoobi 15.日本人 nihon-jin 16.日よう日 nichi-yoobi 17. 6月 roku-gatsu 18.28日 ni-juu-hachi-nichi 19. 大きくない ookikunai 20. 本や honya 21. なん人 nan-nin ASSIGNMENTS © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 117 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life PART 1 1. Read all of the notes for Lesson 13. 2. Study the vocabulary. 3. Yomimashoo! Practice reading the following. Cover the roomaji side with a piece of paper and move it down one line at a time to check your accuracy. After you have finished, write the English equivalents in the right-hand column. かなと かんじ ローマじ 1. 小さい chiisai 2. 日本ごの本 nihongo-nohon 3. 5日 itsuka 4.なん月 nan-gatsu 5.日本 えいご Nihon, Nippon 6. 小学校 shoogakkoo 7. 大好き daisuki 8.月よう日 getsu-yoobi 9. 4人 yo-nin 10. カナダ人 kanada-jin 11.たんじょう日 tanjoobi 12.おとこの人 otoko-no hito 13. 大学せい daigakusei 14. 木よう日 moku-yoobi 15.日本人 nihon-jin 16.日よう日 nichi-yoobi 17. 6月 roku-gatsu © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 118 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life PART 2 1. Watashi-no sukejuuru Write six true sentences about your daily school schedule. Write each sentence in kana (hiragana/katakana). Use a number of different patterns, including those in the sample answers in Activity #2 in Part 1 of this lesson. Write carefully since your クラスメートwill be checking your work in the next class. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To the best of my knowledge there are no mistakes in the above work other than the ones I (Signed by two クラスメートwho have checked the sentences) have marked. ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2. Preview the vocabulary and notes for Lesson 14. NOTES © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 119 SEMESTER 3 TOPIC: Daily school life © Georgia Public Broadcasting 2003 LESSON 13 120
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