平 入 学 成 25 年 試 学校法人 度 験 問 題 明星学園 浦和学院専門学校 看護学科 英 語 (一般入試 Ⅰ期) [注意事項] (試験が始まる前に読んでおくこと。 ) 1 受験票は机上に表示された受験番号の横におくこと。 2 問題用紙は試験開始の合図があるまで開かないこと。 3 解答用紙に受験番号、氏名を正確に記入すること。 4 下敷の使用は禁止する。 5 試験終了時に解答用紙と問題用紙は別々に回収する。 6 試験終了後は試験監督の指示に従って行動すること。 ※ なお、試験中に気分が悪くなった場合は試験監督に申し出ること。 Ⅰ 次の英文を読み、あとの設問に答えなさい。 One day Julian was riding home on her *scooter. She was driving quickly because she knew that Martin, her boyfriend, was behind her in his car and she wanted to arrive first. Suddenly she saw a policeman in front of her. He was holding up his hand and she stopped. “(1-A)I’ve stopped you,” he said slowly, “because you were driving too quickly. You have broken the ( 2-A ). Please give me your name and address.” “*Oh, dear,” Julian said. “Yes, I was going quickly, I know, but I didn’t know that I was going too fast. How do you know that I’ve broken the ( 2-B )?” “Ah,” said the policeman. “We have a special machine. My friend down the road has the machine and when a car goes by him he can easily see its ( 3 ). When a car goes too quickly by him, he pushes a button. That tells me to stop the car. So when you went by him while he was watching the machine, he knew that you were driving too quickly. He pushed the button and that told me to stop you. So I did.” “Oh, dear,” Julian thought sadly, “(4)①have / ②driving / ③quickly / ④I / ⑤much / ⑥too / ⑦to / ⑧pay / ⑨how / ⑩for / ⑪do? Five dollars?” Then suddenly the policeman said, “Here’s somebody in a car. He’s driving in a dangerous way. Look at him. Yes, my friend has pushed the button, so this driver has broken the ( 2-C ) too. I must stop him.” Julian looked up. It was Martin! He was driving quickly toward them. “What can I do?” she thought. Then (5)an idea came to her. As the policeman was going to put up his hand to stop Martin, Julian said quietly, “Oh,” shut her eyes and dropped to the ground. “(1-B)She has fallen down,” the policeman said. “Oh, what can I do?” Carefully he took Julian’s hand and looked at her face. “Come on, Miss, stand up,” he said. “Oh, dear, (1-C)now that car has gone and I didn’t stop it. And I didn’t see the car’s number. Now why did this *silly girl fall down? Come on, Miss. open your eyes.” He started to take off her scooter *helmet. “ 6 ” said Julian–––she was opening her eyes and looking quickly down the road. Martin’s car was not there. “You fell down,” the policeman said while he was holding her hand. “Don’t worry. 7 ? Don’t worry too much. Go home and have a cup of tea. I’m not going to take your name and address now. That’s better,” he said. He was looking at her face. “Can you stand up?” Julian stood up. “Thank you,” she said. “You are very kind. May I go now?” So Julian drove home slowly. Martin was waiting outside her house in his car. “Do you know (8)what happened to me?” she said. She was laughing and got into Martin’s car. She was starting to tell him about the machine…and then, a police car stopped behind them. Julian’s kind policeman got out with her bag in his hand. “You ( 9 ) this, Miss Green,” he said, “and your name and address were inside it. 10 ” he said when he looked at Martin’s car and Julian’s red face. “I think (1-D)I’ve seen this car before. Here is your bag. Now I want to know why you two are here together.” (注) scooter スクーター oh, dear おや、まあ silly 愚かな 1 helmet ヘルメット 平成 25 年度 一般Ⅰ期 1 本文中の下線部(1-A)~(1-D)の現在完了の中で用法が大きく異なるものを 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 ( 1-A ) 2 ( 1-B ) 3 ( 1-C ) 4 ( 1-D ) 2 本文中の(2-A)~(2-C)に共通して当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 car 2 law 3 machine 4 license 3 本文中の( 3 )に当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 color 2 speed 3 number 4 size 4 本文中の下線部( 4 )を以下の意味になるように並べかえた時、最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、 番号で答えなさい。 「速すぎる運転をしたことでいくら支払わなければいけないのですか。 」 1 ⑨-⑤-⑪-④-①-⑦-⑧-⑩-②-⑥-③ 2 ⑨-⑤-⑪-④-⑧-⑦-①-⑥-③-⑩-② 3 ⑪-④-①-⑩-②-⑥-③-⑦-⑧-⑨-⑤ 4 ⑪-④-①-⑦-⑧-⑨-⑤-⑩-②-⑥-③ 5 本文中の下線部( 5 ) an idea の内容として最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 警察官を甘い言葉で誘惑して気を惹きつけている間にマーティンの車を逃がすこと。 2 警察官に文句を言って違反を見逃してもらうこと。 3 警察官の前で気を失ったふりをして気を惹きつけマーティンの車を逃がすこと。 4 警察官の前で暴れてわざと逮捕されること。 6 本文中の 6 に当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 Where am I? 2 I had a good sleep. 3 Do you know why I fell down? 4 Did my boyfriend’s car go away? 7 本文中の 7 に当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 Were you worrying because I talked to you? 2 Were you worrying because I stopped you? 3 Were you worrying because your scooter broke down? 4 Were you worrying because your boyfriend didn’t stop his car? 8 本文中の下線部( 8 )の内容として当てはまらないものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 警察官にスピード違反でスクーターを止められたこと。 2 気絶したふりをしてマーティンの車を逃がすことに成功したこと。 3 警察官にスピード違反の切符を切られたこと。 4 警察官にスピード違反の切符を切られなかったこと。 9 本文中の( 9 )に当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 remembered 2 dropped 3 bought 4 stole 10 本文中の 10 に当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 Wait a minute, 2 Good job, 3 You did it very well, 4 Thank you for your help, 2 平成 25 年度 一般Ⅰ期 Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、あとの設問に答えなさい。 It was cool fall afternoon in New York. The woman was putting on a long black dress, a hat, and *a pair of shades. “I’m going to go to the movies this evening,” she thought, and smiled. Ten minutes ( 1-A ) she took the elevator to the first floor, walked out of the apartment building, stopped for a minute, and looked at all the noisy cars in the street. Next she looked at the people on the *sidewalk. There were so many of them. “Is this a good idea?” she asked herself. Then she put her handbag under one arm and called a taxi. “(2)Of course it is.” The trip to the movie theater took five minutes. In those five minutes the woman found that she still loved New York. OK––her apartment was cold in the winter. Yes, there were a lot of dangerous people in the streets. Everything in the stores was expensive. The streets were not clean. (3)It was all true, but…. well, New York was her home. At the movie theater there were only thirty or forty people. The woman sat in the back of the theater. Two minutes ( 1-B ) the movie began. (4)Then, and only then, she took off her shades. It was a good story. She remembered it well. She even remembered some of the *dialog. And then, of course, there was the *actor with the black hair. “(5)He was my favorite actor,” she thought. “I really loved him in the 1930s.” She left quietly a few minutes before the end. Another taxi? “No,” she thought. “I’ll take the subway.” At ten fifty she was near her apartment. She was happy. “That was fun,” she said to herself. The front door of her building was just three feet away. She took of her shades and looked up at the stars for a minute. (6)It was only for a minute, but that was long enough. A man on the sidewalk stopped. He came up to her. “Excuse me,” he said, “but aren’t you…?” “( 7-A )” said the woman. Her voice was cold and hard. “( 7-B )” Then she put on her shades again and walked quickly into the apartment building. (注) a pair of shades サングラス 1 つ sidewalk 歩道 3 dialog せりふ actor 男優 平成 25 年度 一般Ⅰ期 11 本文中の(1-A)~(1-B)に共通して当てはまる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 ago 2 before 3 later 4 after 12 本文中の下線部( 2 )の省略された部分を補って書いた英文として最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、 番号で答えなさい。 1 Of course it is my handbag. 2 Of course it is a good idea. 3 Of course it is my arm. 4 Of course it is a taxi. 13 本文中の下線部( 3 )の内容として当てはまらないものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 She no longer loved New York. 2 Everything in the store was expensive in New York. 3 The streets were dirty. 4 Her apartment was very cold in the winter. 14 本文中の下線部( 4 )の理由として最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 彼女は目が不自由だったから。 2 映画館が空いていたから。 3 人目につきたくなかったから。 4 映画館の後列に座ったから。 15 本文中の下線部( 5 )とほぼ同じ内容を表す文を次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 He was the actor whom I liked very much. 2 He was the actor who liked me very much. 3 He was the actor who was loved by everybody. 4 He was the actor who was in love with me at that time. 16 本文中の下線部( 6 )が表す内容として最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 ほんの一瞬であったが、星を見上げるには十分な長さの時間だった。 2 ほんの一瞬であったが、サングラスをとるには十分な長さの時間だった。 3 ほんの一瞬であったが、映画の内容を思い出すには十分な長さの時間だった。 4 ほんの一瞬であったが、見知らぬ人が彼女に気が付くには十分な長さの時間だった。 17 本文中の(7-A) (7-B)にあてはまる語の組み合わせとして最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で 答えなさい。 1 (7-A) Yes! (7-B) Yes, I am! 2 (7-A) No! (7-B) No, I am! 3 (7-A) Yes! (7-B) Yes, I’m not! 4 (7-A) No! (7-B) No, I’m not! 18 本文中に登場するこの女性の職業として推測できる最も適切なものを次の中から 1 つ選び、番号で 答えなさい。 1 モデル 2 女優 3 映画監督 4 探偵 19 20 本文の内容と合うものを次の中から 2 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 She didn’t love New York any longer because it was dirty. 2 The movie theater was crowded with many people. 3 A man appeared in the movie and she knew him very well. 4 She came out of the theater a few minutes before the movie ended. 5 A man on the sidewalk noticed who she was even though she was putting on her shades. 4 平成 25 年度 一般Ⅰ期 Ⅲ 次の各文の空欄に入る語(句)として最も適切なものを 1 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 21 ( ) I ask a favor of you? 1 Shall 2 Must 22 The higher we go up, ( ) the air becomes. 1 the colder 2 the cold 3 colder 4 coldest 23 He told me ( 1 not to do 3 don’t to do 4 to don’t do 24 Do you mind ( 1 me open 3 my opening 4 my open 25 ( ) have you been studying English? 1 How soon 2 How far 3 How many 4 How long 26 She was listening to music with her eyes ( 1 close 2 to close ). 3 closing 4 closed 27 This is ( 1 that 28 I have two brothers. One lives in Nagoya, and ( ) lives in Osaka. 1 other 2 another 3 the other 4 it 29 If I ( 1 am 30 I( 1 had ) it again. 2 to not do ) the window? 2 me to open 3 May ) I’ve wanted to buy for a long time. 2 what 3 which ) you, I wouldn’t do such a thing. 2 will be 3 won’t be 4 Would 4 whom 4 were ) my bag stolen on the train last night. 2 was 3 had been 5 4 have 平成 25 年度 一般Ⅰ期 Ⅳ 日本文に合うように英語を並べかえた時、( A )・( B )に入る語の組み合わせとして正しいもの 1 つ選び、 番号で答えなさい。(文頭に来る語も小文字で書いてあります。) 31 どちらのバスに乗ったらよいか私に教えてください。 Please ( )( A )( ① me ② to take 1 ①-② 32 )( A )( ④ bus 3 ①-⑤ )( B )( ② are 1 ①-② ⑤ which 4 ⑤-① ) tomorrow. ③ shopping 2 ④-⑤ ④ free 3 ⑤-③ ⑤ you 4 ⑤-④ その飛行機は、ちょうど空港に着いたところです。 The plane ( )( A )( ① landed ② the airport 1 ①-④ )( B )( ). ③ has 2 ①-⑤ ④ at 3 ⑤-② ⑤ just 4 ⑤-④ あなたは夏と冬では、どちらが好きですか。 ( )( A )( ① you 1 ①-④ 35 ③ tell 2 ①-④ ① if 34 ). もしあなたが明日ひまなら、買い物に行きましょう。 Let’s go ( 33 )( B )( )( B )( ② like ), summer or winter? ③ do 2 ①-⑤ ④ better 3 ③-② ⑤ which 4 ③-④ 遥香は忙しすぎて、昼食を食べることが出来ませんでした。 Haruka ( ① too 1 ①-② )( A )( )( B )( ② eat 2 ①-⑤ ) lunch. ③ was ④ busy 3 ④-② 6 ⑤ to 4 ⑤-① 平成 25 年度 一般Ⅰ期
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