00_3770653712810.doc 運用報告書(全体版) ■当ファンドの仕組みは次の通りです。 商 品 分 類 追加型投信/内外/資産複合 信 託 期 間 無期限 運 用 方 針 この投資信託は、主として、世界各国の 取引所に上場されている投資信託証券へ の投資を通じて、世界(日本を含みま す。)の株式、債券、不動産投資信託 (REIT)、商品(コモディティ)へ実質的に 分散投資を行ない、長期的な投資信託財 産の成長を目指して運用を行ないます。 主要投資対象 世界各国の取引所に上場されている投資 信託証券を主要投資対象とします。 投 資 制 限 ①株式への直接投資は行ないません。 ②投資信託証券への投資割合には制限を 設けません。 ③外貨建資産への投資割合には制限を設 けません。 分 配 方 針 分配対象額の範囲は、繰越分を含めた経 費控除後の利子・配当等収益と売買益 (評価益を含みます。)等の全額とします。 収益分配金額は、委託者が基準価額水 準、市況動向等を勘案して決定します。 ただし、必ず分配を行なうものではあり ません。 留保益の運用については特に制限を設け ず、委託者の判断に基づき、元本部分と 同一の運用を行ないます。 楽天グローバル・バランス (安定型/成長型/積極型) 第7期 決算日:2016年8月22日 (2015年8月21日~2016年8月22日) 受益者の皆様へ 平素は「楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型/成長型/ 積極型)」にご投資いただき、厚く御礼申し上げます。 さて、当ファンドは、第7期の決算を行ないましたの で、当期間の運用状況につきまして、ご報告申し上げま す。 今後とも一層のご愛顧を賜りますよう、お願い申し上 げます。 楽天投信投資顧問株式会社 http://www.rakuten-toushin.co.jp/ 東京都世田谷区玉川一丁目14番1号 本資料(運用報告書(全体版))の記載内容のお問い合 わせ先 TEL:03-6432-7746 受付時間:営業日の午前9時から午後5時まで ※お客様のお取引内容等につきましては販売会社に お問い合わせください。 01_3770653712810.doc ■本資料の表記に関する注記 ・金額等の数値は単位未満切捨または四捨五入により表示しております。このため、各項目の合計の値が合計 欄と一致しないことがあります。 ・-印は、組入・売買が無いことを示します。 - 0 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 最近5期の運用実績 基 決 算 3期(2012年 4期(2013年 5期(2014年 6期(2015年 7期(2016年 期 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月22日) (分配落) 円 8,788 10,845 12,165 13,492 11,816 準 価 額 税 込 分 配 金 円 0 0 0 0 0 期 中 騰 落 率 投資信託証券 組 入 比 率 % 4.2 23.4 12.2 10.9 △ 12.4 % 94.5 97.5 96.0 98.1 97.7 純資産総額 百万円 41 51 61 85 83 (注1) 基準価額の騰落率は分配金込み。 (注2) 当ファンドの運用方針に適する参考指標が存在しないため、上表には参考指標を併記しておりません。 当期中の基準価額の推移 年 月 日 (期 首) 2015年 8月20日 8月末 9月末 10月末 11月末 12月末 2016年 1月末 2月末 3月末 4月末 5月末 6月末 7月末 (期 末) 2016年 8月22日 基 準 価 額 投 資 信 託 証 券 組 入 比 率 騰 落 率 円 13,492 13,120 12,819 13,200 13,256 13,043 12,821 12,290 12,633 12,361 12,488 11,815 12,074 △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ % - 2.8 5.0 2.2 1.7 3.3 5.0 8.9 6.4 8.4 7.4 12.4 10.5 % 98.1 97.8 97.7 97.7 98.0 98.2 98.2 97.8 98.2 97.9 97.5 97.9 98.2 11,816 △ 12.4 97.7 (注) 期末基準価額は分配金込み、騰落率は期首比。 - 1 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 最近5期の運用実績 基 決 算 3期(2012年 4期(2013年 5期(2014年 6期(2015年 7期(2016年 期 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月22日) (分配落) 円 9,549 12,229 14,029 15,557 13,354 準 価 額 税 込 分 配 金 円 0 0 0 0 0 期 中 騰 落 率 投資信託証券 組 入 比 率 % 9.6 28.1 14.7 10.9 △ 14.2 % 96.3 97.4 97.8 97.8 95.5 純資産総額 百万円 384 427 292 261 232 (注1) 基準価額の騰落率は分配金込み。 (注2) 当ファンドの運用方針に適する参考指標が存在しないため、上表には参考指標を併記しておりません。 当期中の基準価額の推移 年 月 日 (期 首) 2015年 8月20日 8月末 9月末 10月末 11月末 12月末 2016年 1月末 2月末 3月末 4月末 5月末 6月末 7月末 (期 末) 2016年 8月22日 基 準 価 額 投 資 信 託 証 券 組 入 比 率 騰 落 率 円 15,557 15,006 14,433 15,192 15,243 14,889 14,284 13,625 14,183 14,000 14,125 13,251 13,615 △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ % - 3.5 7.2 2.3 2.0 4.3 8.2 12.4 8.8 10.0 9.2 14.8 12.5 % 97.8 98.4 98.2 97.7 99.1 98.7 98.5 98.0 98.1 98.3 97.8 97.9 94.6 13,354 △ 14.2 95.5 (注) 期末基準価額は分配金込み、騰落率は期首比。 - 2 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 最近5期の運用実績 基 決 算 3期(2012年 4期(2013年 5期(2014年 6期(2015年 7期(2016年 期 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月20日) 8月22日) (分配落) 円 9,993 12,903 15,101 16,504 13,931 準 価 額 税 込 分 配 金 円 0 0 0 0 0 期 中 騰 落 率 投資信託証券 組 入 比 率 % 13.9 29.1 17.0 9.3 △ 15.6 % 97.1 97.1 96.3 98.0 99.0 純資産総額 百万円 842 1,167 1,134 1,491 1,395 (注1) 基準価額の騰落率は分配金込み。 (注2) 当ファンドの運用方針に適する参考指標が存在しないため、上表には参考指標を併記しておりません。 当期中の基準価額の推移 年 月 日 (期 首) 2015年 8月20日 8月末 9月末 10月末 11月末 12月末 2016年 1月末 2月末 3月末 4月末 5月末 6月末 7月末 (期 末) 2016年 8月22日 基 準 価 額 投 資 信 託 証 券 組 入 比 率 騰 落 率 円 16,504 15,813 15,074 16,097 16,119 15,639 14,716 13,970 14,713 14,628 14,743 13,729 14,160 △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ △ % - 4.2 8.7 2.5 2.3 5.2 10.8 15.4 10.9 11.4 10.7 16.8 14.2 % 98.0 98.0 97.8 97.9 95.7 97.7 98.5 98.0 97.4 97.9 98.3 97.5 97.9 13,931 △ 15.6 99.0 (注) 期末基準価額は分配金込み、騰落率は期首比。 - 3 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 当期中の運用経過と今後の運用方針 ■当期中の基準価額等の推移 (2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) (注1) 分配金再投資基準価額は、分配金(税込)を分配時に再投資したものとみなして計算したもので、ファンド運用の実質的なパフォーマンス を示すものです。 (注2) 分配金を再投資するかどうかについてはお客様がご利用のコースにより異なり、また、ファンドの購入価額により課税条件も異なります ので、お客様の損益の状況を示すものではありません。 (注3) 分配金再投資基準価額は、期首の基準価額を起点として指数化しています。 ■基準価額の主な変動要因 「安定型」は、先進国債券に投資するETFや米国株式に投資するETFの上昇などを中心にファンドが投資している ETFからのリターンはプラス寄与となりましたが、米ドルが対円で大幅に下落したことが基準価額を大きく押し 下げました。 - 4 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 当期中の運用経過と今後の運用方針 ■当期中の基準価額等の推移 (2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) (注1) 分配金再投資基準価額は、分配金(税込)を分配時に再投資したものとみなして計算したもので、ファンド運用の実質的なパフォーマンス を示すものです。 (注2) 分配金を再投資するかどうかについてはお客様がご利用のコースにより異なり、また、ファンドの購入価額により課税条件も異なります ので、お客様の損益の状況を示すものではありません。 (注3) 分配金再投資基準価額は、期首の基準価額を起点として指数化しています。 ■基準価額の主な変動要因 「成長型」は、先進国債券に投資するETFや米国株式に投資するETF、新興国株式に投資するETFなどの上昇によ り、ファンドが投資しているETFからのリターンはプラス寄与となりましたが、米ドルが対円で大幅に下落した ことが基準価額を大きく押し下げました。 - 5 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 当期中の運用経過と今後の運用方針 ■当期中の基準価額等の推移 (2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) (注1) 分配金再投資基準価額は、分配金(税込)を分配時に再投資したものとみなして計算したもので、ファンド運用の実質的なパフォーマンス を示すものです。 (注2) 分配金を再投資するかどうかについてはお客様がご利用のコースにより異なり、また、ファンドの購入価額により課税条件も異なります ので、お客様の損益の状況を示すものではありません。 (注3) 分配金再投資基準価額は、期首の基準価額を起点として指数化しています。 ■基準価額の主な変動要因 「積極型」は、先進国債券に投資するETFや米国株式に投資するETF、新興国株式に投資するETFなどの上昇によ り、ファンドが投資しているETFからのリターンはプラス寄与となりましたが、米ドルが対円で大幅に下落した ことが基準価額を大きく押し下げました。 - 6 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型/成長型/積極型) ■投資環境 ●先進国株式・新興国株式 当期の先進国株式市場は、2015年8月の人民元の実質的な切り下げに伴う中国経済への懸念の高まりや2016年 年初の中国株急落と原油安の加速を背景とした二度にわたる大幅な調整局面に加え、2016年6月には英国の国民 投票においてEU(欧州連合)離脱派が勝利したことを受けて市場が一時的に混乱に陥るなど、振れの大きい不安定 な展開となりました。 米国株式市場は、中国経済の減速懸念などの外的要因や原油安などを受けて大きく調整する局面がありました が、米国経済が良好な状態を維持したことや2014年後半以降に進んだ米ドル高トレンドが一服したこと、利上げ ペースが緩やかなものにとどまるとの見方を背景に長期金利が低下を続けたことなどが支援材料となり、主要国 の中では相対的に良好なパフォーマンスとなりました。ユーロ圏では、金融機関の業績不振への懸念から金融セ クターが足を引っ張るかたちで、主要指数が前期比でマイナスのリターンとなった一方で、国民投票でEU離脱を 選択した英国では、同国の先行き不安からポンド安が進行したことがむしろ株価を支える材料となり、主要指数 は上昇しました。日本では、2016年の年初から急速に進んだ円高が足かせとなり、主要指数は大幅な下落となり ました。 新興国株式は、先進国株式同様、米国の利上げ開始時期を巡って市場の思惑が錯綜した2015年後半には方向感 に乏しい揉み合いとなり、2016年年初には投資家のリスク回避姿勢の高まりとともに大きく下落しました。しか し、期後半は下落を続けてきた原油価格が上昇に転じ、米国の追加利上げ先送り観測が広がるなか、投資家心理 の改善とともに新興国資産からの資金流出懸念が後退し、期前半の下落を取り戻す回復を見せ、特に期末にかけ ては上昇が加速しました。 ●先進国債券・新興国債券 当期の先進国債券市場は概ね堅調な展開となり、主要国の長期金利は低下しました。 米国では、人民元の実質的な切り下げをきっかけに中国経済の成長鈍化懸念が拡大した局面で、リスク回避姿 勢の高まりを背景に長期金利が2%を下回る水準まで低下する局面もありましたが、2015年末まではFRB(米連邦 準備制度理事会)による年内の利上げ開始が意識され、長期金利は概ね2%を上回る水準で推移する展開となりま した。2015年12月のFOMC(米連邦公開市場委員会)では、約9年半ぶりとなる利上げが決定されましたが、将来の 利上げペースは緩やかなものにとどまるとの見方や中国をはじめグローバル経済に対する見通しの悪化を背景に、 年明け以降、長期金利はむしろ下げ足を早めていく展開となりました。その後は、中国経済に対する過度な懸念 が後退し、米国経済にも改善が見られる中で、長期金利に上昇圧力がかかる場面も見られましたが、FRBがハト 派的(利上げに消極的)な政策スタンスを維持したことに加え、米国債に対する旺盛な投資需要が支援材料となり、 米国の長期金利は段階的に水準を切り下げていく展開となりました。欧州では、ECB(欧州中央銀行)が追加緩和 姿勢を継続したことや英国の国民投票でEU離脱派が勝利したことに伴う不透明感などから債券が買われる展開と なり、ドイツやイギリスなど主要国の長期金利は期を通して低下基調となり、ドイツの長期金利については2016 年6月以降概ねマイナス圏での推移となりました。日本でも日銀が緩和的な金融政策スタンスを継続し、2016年1 月にはマイナス金利の導入を決定したことなどを背景に、長期金利はマイナス圏まで低下しました。ただし、7 月の金融政策決定会合でマイナス金利幅の拡大や国債の買入枠増額などが見送られたことから、期末にかけては 長期金利が上昇する動きが見られました。 米ドル建ての新興国債券は、期前半こそ伸び悩む展開となったものの、期後半はほぼ一本調子で大きく上昇し ました。前半は、中国経済の減速懸念や原油価格の下落、米国金融政策見通しの不透明感などが嫌気される格好 で、スプレッド(米国債利回りに対する上乗せ金利)は拡大を続けましたが、米長期金利が総じて低位に推移し、 特に年明け以降は低下基調が鮮明となったため、スプレッド拡大による価格下落を和らげる形となりました。そ して、米国の追加利上げ期待が後退し、日欧ではマイナス金利も常態化した期後半は、相対的に利回りの高い米 - 7 - 01_3770653712810.doc ドル建て新興国ソブリン債への投資需要が急速に高まり、長期金利の低下とスプレッドの縮小が同時進行するな か、良好な推移となりました。 ●米国リート 当期の米国リート市場は、期後半を中心に堅調な展開となりました。 期前半の米国リート市場は、上値が重いなか、大きい値幅で揉み合う展開となりました。2015年8月の中国元 の実質的な切り下げをきっかけに中国経済の成長減速に対する警戒感が強まった局面や、2016年年初の中国株の 急落や原油安の加速、欧州銀行セクターに対する信用懸念などを受けて投資家のリスク回避姿勢が急速に高まっ た局面で、米国リート市場も米国株式市場と同様、大きく調整する展開となりました。しかし、2016年2月中旬 以降は、それまでの市場の大きな懸念材料であった原油価格が底打ちしたことや中国経済に対する過度な警戒感 が後退したことなどを背景に米国リート市場は反発に転じ、良好な米国リートの業績や米国の不動産ファンダ メンタルズに加え、米国長期金利の低下も強いサポート材料となり、期末まで底堅い展開が続きました(※)。なお、 2016年6月下旬に実施された英国の国民投票においては、市場予想に反してEU離脱派が勝利し、株式市場は大き く混乱しましたが、米国リート市場の調整は短期かつ小幅なものにとどまりました。 ※米国リート市場の参加者には利回り重視の投資家が多く、米長期金利の水準はリートの配当利回りと比較され、リートの相対的な投 資妙味を判断する重要な材料となっています。長期金利の上昇は通常、リートの利回り面での相対的な魅力を低下させる要因として、 逆に長期金利の低下はリートの利回り面での相対的な魅力を向上させる要因として、それぞれ認識される傾向があります。 ●コモディティ 当期の原油市場は期前半に大きく下落したものの、2016年2月以降は反発する展開となりました。 期前半は、それまでの軟調な原油価格動向を受けても主要産油国間の生産調整が進展しなかったことや経済制 裁解除に伴うイラン増産の可能性が意識されたこと、最大消費国である中国経済の減速懸念が広がったことなど を背景に、供給面と需給面双方における売り材料が強く意識されました。 しかし、2016年2月半ばに、主要産油国が生産水準の凍結で合意したことをきっかけに、原油価格は上昇に転 じ、その後も回復基調が続きました。中国経済の減速懸念が一服したことや、米ドル安地合いとなったことが買 い安心感につながったことに加え、5月から6月にかけては、内戦状態にあるナイジェリアやリビアでの供給障害 なども相場の押し上げ要因となりました。7月はEU離脱派が勝利した英国国民投票結果がもたらす影響への警戒 や、原油在庫の増加等が懸念されたことから下落したものの、期末にかけては、主要産油国による供給過剰解消 に向けた協議への進展期待が高まったこともあり再び上昇する展開となりました。 当期の金市場は、期初から2015年末にかけては軟調に推移したものの、2016年に入ると大きく反発し堅調な推 移となりました。 期初から2015年10月中旬頃までは、中国経済の減速懸念やシリア情勢などの地政学的リスクが意識される局面 では安全資産としての需要の高まりから金価格は上昇しましたが、年末にかけては米国の年内利上げ観測とそれ に伴う米ドル高が嫌気され、下落基調となりました(市場では米ドル高は金価格の下落要因と捉える傾向があり ます)。しかし、2016年に入ると、世界的なリスク回避姿勢の強まりを受け再び安全資産としての需要が高まっ たことから上昇に転じ、その後も、米国の早期追加利上げ観測の後退や英国のEU離脱リスクの高まりなどを受け て大幅に上昇しました。 ●米ドル/円 当期の米ドル/円相場は大幅に円高が進みました。期初から2015年末の期間は米国の利上げ時期を巡る思惑に 揺れ動く格好で、概ね1米ドル=118円から123円の範囲でもみ合う動きとなりました。しかし、2016年に入ると 断続的ながらも大幅に円高が進む展開となり、2015年末に1米ドル=120円台だった米ドル/円レートは、当期末 には同100円台まで円高に振れる推移となりました。特に、グローバル規模で投資家のリスク回避姿勢が強まっ た2016年初と2月前半、FRBの早期利上げ観測が大きく後退した4月と6月は急速に米ドル安/円高が進みました。 - 8 - 01_3770653712810.doc また、4月末は事前に広く期待されていた日銀の追加緩和が見送られたこと、6月は英国のEU離脱の是非を問う国 民投票の前後でリスク回避目的の円買い圧力が強まったことなどが、それぞれの時期で円高を加速させる材料と なりました。 ●ユーロ/円 当期のユーロ/円相場は期を通して円高が進む展開となりました。期初に1ユーロ=138円前後で推移していた ユーロ/円相場は、期末には同113円台での推移となりました。 2015年12月のECBによる追加緩和が市場予想を下回る内容となった場面や、2016年1月末に日銀が追加金融緩和 策としてマイナス金利を導入した場面では、一時的に大きくユーロ高/円安が進行しましたが、これら以外の時 期は円高圧力がかかり続ける展開となりました。ECBによる追加金融緩和策への期待が継続的に意識されたこと に加え、パリ同時テロの発生等を受けた地政学的リスクの高まりや欧州大手金融機関の経営状態に対する懸念、 英国のEU離脱リスクへの不安などユーロが売られる材料が多く見られたことが背景と考えられます。 ■当ファンドのポートフォリオ 安定型、成長型、積極型の各ファンドとも、当期を通じて基本資産配分を維持するよう運用を行ないました。 ■当ファンドのベンチマークとの差異 当ファンドは運用の目標となるベンチマークを設けておりません。以下のグラフは、当ファンドの基準価額と 参考指数の騰落率の対比です。 《参考指数に関して》 ・先進国株指数(含む日本、円換算)はS&P先進国総合指数(トータルリターン、米ドルベース)をもとに委託会社 が独自に円換算した指数です。 ・先進国国債指数(含む日本、円換算)はシティ世界国債インデックス(米ドルベース)をもとに委託会社が独自に 円換算した指数です。 ・海外の指数は、基準価額の反映を考慮して、現地前営業日の公表値を採用しています。 - 9 - 01_3770653712810.doc ■組入ファンドの価格推移 (2015年8月20日から2016年8月22日まで) (出所) ブルームバーグのデータ等を基に楽天投信投資顧問にて作成 - 10 - 01_3770653712810.doc ■分配金 (1) 運用の基本方針等を勘案し、収益分配は見送らせていただきました。 (2) 留保益の運用については、特に制限を設けず、元本部分と同一の運用を行ないます。 ●分配原資の内訳 (1万口当たり・税込) 項 目 安定型 当期分配金 (対基準価額比率) 当期の収益 当期の収益以外 翌期繰越分配対象額 (円) (%) (円) (円) (円) 第7期 2015年8月21日~2016年8月22日 成長型 - - (-) (-) - - - - 3,397 5,127 積極型 - (-) - - 5,887 (注1) 「対基準価額比率」は「当期分配金」の期末基準価額(分配金込み)に対する比率であり、ファンドの収益率とは異なります。 (注2) 「当期の収益」は経費控除後の配当等収益および経費控除後の有価証券売買等損益、「当期の収益以外」は収益調整金および分配準備積立金 です。 (注3) 「当期の収益」および「当期の収益以外」は、円未満を切捨てて表示しているため、合計した額が「当期分配金」と一致しない場合があります。 ■今後の運用方針 引き続き、各ファンドにおける基本資産配分比率に基づいた運用を行なうと共に、バリュエーションや対象指 数との連動性、市場における流動性やETF運営コストなど、総合的に勘案しながら銘柄を選択していく所存です。 今後とも、当ファンドをご愛顧いただきますようお願い申し上げます。 - 11 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 1万口当たりの費用明細 第7期 項 目 2015年8月21日~2016年8月22日 金額 (a) 信託報酬 128円 項 目 の 概 要 比率 (投信会社) (55) 1.011% (a) 信託報酬=期中の平均基準価額×信託報酬率 ※期中の平均基準価額は12,660円です。 (0.434) ・委託した資金の運用の対価 (販売会社) (69) (0.545) (受託会社) (b) 売買委託手数料 (4) 1 (0.032) 0.008 (1) (0.008) (投資信託受益証券) (c) 有価証券取引税 (投資信託受益証券) (d) その他費用 - - (-) (-) 101 0.797 (保管費用) (69) (0.545) (監査費用) (16) (0.126) (印刷費用) (16) (0.126) (その他) 合 (0) 計 230 (0) ・購入後の情報提供、交付運用報告書等各種書類の送付、 口座内でのファンドの管理等の対価 ・運用財産の管理、委託会社からの指図の実行の対価 期中の売買委託手数料 (b) 売買委託手数料= 期中の平均受益権口数 売買委託手数料は、有価証券等の売買の際、売買仲介人に 支払う手数料 期中の有価証券取引税 (c) 有価証券取引税= 期中の平均受益権口数 有価証券取引税は、有価証券の取引の都度発生する取引に 関する税金 期中のその他費用 (d) その他費用= 期中の平均受益権口数 ・保管費用は、海外における保管銀行等に支払う有価証券 等の保管及び資金の送金・資産の移転等に要する費用 ・監査費用は、監査法人等に支払うファンドの監査にかか る費用 ・印刷費用は、有価証券届出書、目論見書、運用報告書等 の作成、印刷および提出等にかかる費用 ・その他は、金銭信託への預入金額に対する手数料等 1.816 (注1) 期中の費用(消費税等のかかるものは消費税等を含む)は、追加・解約により受益権口数に変動があるため、簡便法により算出した結果で す。 (注2) 各金額は各項目ごとに円未満は四捨五入してあります。 (注3) 各比率は1万口当たりのそれぞれの費用金額を期中の平均基準価額で除して100を乗じたものです。 (注4) 各項目の費用は、このファンドが組み入れている投資信託証券が支払った費用を含みません。 当該投資信託証券の直近の計算期末時点における「1万口当たりの費用明細」が取得できるものについては「組入ファンドの概要」に表示する こととしております。 - 12 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 売買および取引の状況 ■投資信託証券 (2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) 銘 柄 口 外 国 iシェアーズ 世界国債 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ・コア S&P 500 ETF iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF 買 数 千口 0.255 0.037 0.054 0.503 0.227 付 金 額 千米ドル 27 3 10 28 7 口 売 数 千口 - - - - - 付 金 額 千米ドル - - - - - (注1) 金額は受渡し代金。 (注2) 単位未満は切捨て。 利害関係人との取引状況等 当期における当ファンドに係る利害関係人との取引はありません。(2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) (*) 利害関係人とは、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律第11条第1項に規定されている利害関係人です。 自社による当ファンドの設定・解約状況 期中における該当事項はありません。(2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) - 13 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 組入資産の明細 ■外国投資信託証券 (2016年8月22日現在) 期首(前期末) 銘 ア イ ル ラ ン ド 米 国 柄 口 iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ世界国債 UCITS ETF 口数・金額 小 計 銘柄数<比率> iシェアーズ・コア S&P500 ETF iシェアーズMSCIエマージング・マーケットETF iシェアーズMSCI EAFE ETF 口数・金額 小 計 銘柄数<比率> 口数・金額 合 計 銘柄数<比率> 数 当 口 数 千口 0.302 4.332 4.634 2銘柄 千口 0.339 4.587 4.926 2銘柄 0.366 0.938 1.449 2.753 3銘柄 7.387 5銘柄 0.420 1.165 1.952 3.537 3銘柄 8.463 5銘柄 期 末 評 価 額 外 貨 建 金 額 邦貨換算金額 千米ドル 千円 39 3,966 522 52,588 562 56,554 - <67.6%> 千米ドル 92 9,290 43 4,407 114 11,548 250 25,246 - <30.2%> - 81,801 - <97.7%> (注1) 邦貨換算金額は期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により、邦貨換算したものです。 (注2) < >は純資産総額に対する各国別投資信託証券評価額の比率です。 (注3) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。 投資信託財産の構成 (2016年8月22日現在) 項 投 コ 投 資 ー ル ・ 資 信 信 ロ ー 託 当 目 託 ン 等 財 評 価 額 証 、 そ の 産 総 券 他 額 期 末 比 千円 81,801 2,439 84,240 率 % 97.1 2.9 100.0 (注1) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。 (注2) 外貨建資産は、期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により邦貨換算したものです。なお、8月22日における邦貨換算レートは、 1米ドル=100.63円です。 (注3) 当期末における外貨建資産(82,113千円)の投資信託財産総額(84,240千円)に対する比率は、97.5%です。 - 14 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 資産、負債、元本及び基準価額の状況ならびに損益の状況 ■損益の状況 ■資産、負債、元本及び基準価額の状況 (2016年8月22日現在) 項 目 当 期 末 (A) 資 産 コ ー ル ・ ロ ー ン 等 未 収 配 当 84,240,210円 2,423,541 金 14,992 投 資 信 託 受 益 証 券 81,801,677 (B) 負 債 551,603 酬 428,087 そ の 他 未 払 費 用 123,516 (C) 純 資 産 総 額(A-B) 83,688,607 未 払 信 託 報 元 本 70,824,771 次 期 繰 越 損 益 金 12,863,836 (D) 受 益 権 総 口 数 1万口当たり基準価額(C/D) (注) 期首元本額 期中追加設定元本額 期中一部解約元本額 (自2015年8月21日 項 70,824,771口 11,816円 63,343,018円 9,039,177円 1,557,424円 目 (A) 配 当 等 収 益 受 取 配 当 金 受 取 利 息 支 払 利 息 (B) 有 価 証 券 売 買 損 益 売 買 益 売 買 損 (C) 信 託 報 酬 等 (D) 当 期 損 益 金(A+B+C) (E) 前 期 繰 越 損 益 金 (F) 追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 (配 当 等 相 当 額) (売 買 損 益 相 当 額) (G) 合 計 (D+E+F) (H) 収 益 分 配 金 次 期 繰 越 損 益 金(G+H) 追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 (配 当 等 相 当 額) (売 買 損 益 相 当 額) 分 配 準 備 積 立 金 繰 越 損 益 金 至2016年8月22日) 当 △ △ △ △ △ ( (△ ( (△ △ 期 1,211,828円 1,212,235 7 414 10,850,371 6,321,774 17,172,145 1,546,455 11,184,998 15,707,892 8,340,942 8,357,572) 16,630) 12,863,836 - 12,863,836 8,340,942 8,357,572) 16,630) 15,707,892 11,184,998 (注1) 損益の状況の中で(B)有価証券売買損益は期末の評価替えによ るものを含みます。 (注2) 損益の状況の中で(C)信託報酬等には信託報酬に対する消費税 等相当額を含めて表示しています。 (注3) 損益の状況の中で(F)追加信託差損益金とあるのは、信託の追 加設定の際、追加設定をした価額から元本を差し引いた差額 分をいいます。 - 15 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型) 分配金のお知らせ 1万口当たり分配金 0円 収益分配金の支払いについて ・収益分配金は、取扱い販売会社において決算日から起算して5営業日までに支払いを開始いたします。 ・分配金再投資コースを選択されている場合は、各決算日の基準価額に基づき、お客様の口座に繰り入れて再投資い たします。 収益分配金の課税上の取扱いについて ・分配金は、課税扱いとなる「普通分配金」と非課税扱いとなる「元本払戻金(特別分配金)」の区分があり、分配後の基 準価額が個々の受益者の個別元本と同額または上回る場合は、全額普通分配金となります。分配後の基準価額が 個々の受益者の個別元本を下回る場合は、その下回る部分の額が元本払戻金(特別分配金)となり、残りの額が普通 分配金となります。 ・元本払戻金(特別分配金)が発生した場合は、分配金発生時に個々の受益者の個別元本から当該元本払戻金(特別分 配金)を控除した額が、その後の個々の受益者の個別元本となります。 受益者別の普通分配金に対する課税について 個人の受益者 20.315%(所得税15%、復興特別所得税0.315%、および地方税5%)の税率となります。 法人の受益者 個人の受益者とは異なります。 ※税法が改正された場合等は、上記の内容が変更される場合があります。 ※税金の取扱いの詳細については、税務専門家等にご確認されることをお勧めします。 - 16 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 1万口当たりの費用明細 第7期 項 目 2015年8月21日~2016年8月22日 金額 (a) 信託報酬 項 目 の 概 要 比率 145円 (投信会社) (62) 1.013% (a) 信託報酬=期中の平均基準価額×信託報酬率 ※期中の平均基準価額は14,321円です。 (0.433) ・委託した資金の運用の対価 (販売会社) (78) (0.545) (受託会社) (b) 売買委託手数料 (5) 3 (0.035) 0.021 (3) (0.021) (投資信託受益証券) (c) 有価証券取引税 (投資信託受益証券) (d) その他費用 0 0 (0) (0) 59 0.412 (保管費用) (29) (0.202) (監査費用) (12) (0.084) (印刷費用) (18) (0.126) (その他) 合 (0) 計 207 (0) ・購入後の情報提供、交付運用報告書等各種書類の送付、 口座内でのファンドの管理等の対価 ・運用財産の管理、委託会社からの指図の実行の対価 期中の売買委託手数料 (b) 売買委託手数料= 期中の平均受益権口数 売買委託手数料は、有価証券等の売買の際、売買仲介人に 支払う手数料 期中の有価証券取引税 (c) 有価証券取引税= 期中の平均受益権口数 有価証券取引税は、有価証券の取引の都度発生する取引に 関する税金 期中のその他費用 (d) その他費用= 期中の平均受益権口数 ・保管費用は、海外における保管銀行等に支払う有価証券 等の保管及び資金の送金・資産の移転等に要する費用 ・監査費用は、監査法人等に支払うファンドの監査にかか る費用 ・印刷費用は、有価証券届出書、目論見書、運用報告書等 の作成、印刷および提出等にかかる費用 ・その他は、金銭信託への預入金額に対する手数料等 1.446 (注1) 期中の費用(消費税等のかかるものは消費税等を含む)は、追加・解約により受益権口数に変動があるため、簡便法により算出した結果で す。 (注2) 各金額は各項目ごとに円未満は四捨五入してあります。 (注3) 各比率は1万口当たりのそれぞれの費用金額を期中の平均基準価額で除して100を乗じたものです。 (注4) 各項目の費用は、このファンドが組み入れている投資信託証券が支払った費用を含みません。 当該投資信託証券の直近の計算期末時点における「1万口当たりの費用明細」が取得できるものについては「組入ファンドの概要」に表示する こととしております。 - 17 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 売買および取引の状況 ■投資信託証券 (2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) 銘 柄 口 外 国 iシェアーズ 世界国債 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ・コア S&P 500 ETF iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF iシェアーズ S&P GSCI™ コモディティ・インデックス・トラスト iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ETF 買 数 千口 0.276 0.124 0.307 1.668 1.189 1.722 0.145 付 金 額 千米ドル 28 13 61 94 39 24 10 口 売 数 千口 0.596 0.117 0.292 0.866 0.98 0.306 0.223 付 金 額 千米ドル 63 13 61 51 34 4 17 (注1) 金額は受渡し代金。 (注2) 単位未満は切捨て。 利害関係人との取引状況等 当期における当ファンドに係る利害関係人との取引はありません。(2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) (*) 利害関係人とは、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律第11条第1項に規定されている利害関係人です。 自社による当ファンドの設定・解約状況 期中における該当事項はありません。(2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) - 18 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 組入資産の明細 ■外国投資信託証券 (2016年8月22日現在) 期首(前期末) 銘 ア イ ル ラ ン ド 柄 口 iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ世界国債 UCITS ETF 口数・金額 小 計 銘柄数<比率> iシェアーズ・コア S&P500 ETF iシェアーズMSCIエマージング・マーケットETF 米 iシェアーズMSCI EAFE ETF 国 iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ETF iシェアーズS&P GSCITM コモディティ・インデックス・トラスト 口数・金額 小 計 銘柄数<比率> 口数・金額 合 計 銘柄数<比率> 数 当 口 数 千口 1.419 7.587 9.006 2銘柄 千口 1.426 7.267 8.693 2銘柄 1.683 4.187 6.915 1.394 5.893 20.072 5銘柄 29.078 7銘柄 1.698 4.396 7.717 1.316 7.309 22.436 5銘柄 31.129 7銘柄 期 末 評 価 額 外 貨 建 金 額 邦貨換算金額 千米ドル 千円 165 16,683 827 83,314 993 99,997 - <43.1%> 千米ドル 373 37,560 165 16,633 453 45,654 107 10,861 110 11,142 1,210 121,852 - <52.5%> - 221,850 - <95.5%> (注1) 邦貨換算金額は期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により、邦貨換算したものです。 (注2) < >は純資産総額に対する各国別投資信託証券評価額の比率です。 (注3) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。 投資信託財産の構成 (2016年8月22日現在) 項 投 コ 投 資 ー ル ・ 資 信 信 ロ ー 託 当 目 託 ン 等 財 評 価 額 証 、 そ の 産 総 券 他 額 期 末 比 千円 221,850 11,918 233,768 率 % 94.9 5.1 100.0 (注1) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。 (注2) 外貨建資産は、期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により邦貨換算したものです。なお、8月22日における邦貨換算レートは、 1米ドル=100.63円です。 (注3) 当期末における外貨建資産(231,177千円)の投資信託財産総額(233,768千円)に対する比率は、98.9%です。 - 19 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 資産、負債、元本及び基準価額の状況ならびに損益の状況 ■損益の状況 ■資産、負債、元本及び基準価額の状況 (2016年8月22日現在) 項 目 当 期 末 (A) 資 産 コ ー ル ・ ロ ー ン 等 未 収 240,006,670円 7,137,179 金 10,955,333 金 64,039 投 資 信 託 受 益 証 券 221,850,119 未 収 入 配 当 (B) 負 未 払 未 未 払 払 解 信 約 託 報 債 7,798,007 金 6,238,440 金 42,045 酬 1,213,472 そ の 他 未 払 費 用 304,050 (C) 純 資 産 総 額(A-B) 232,208,663 本 173,881,124 次 期 繰 越 損 益 金 元 58,327,539 (D) 受 益 権 総 口 数 1万口当たり基準価額(C/D) (注) 期首元本額 期中追加設定元本額 期中一部解約元本額 (自2015年8月21日 項 173,881,124口 13,354円 168,407,887円 32,973,511円 27,500,274円 目 (A) 配 当 等 収 益 受 取 配 当 金 受 取 利 息 支 払 利 息 (B) 有 価 証 券 売 買 損 益 売 買 益 売 買 損 (C) 信 託 報 酬 等 (D) 当 期 損 益 金(A+B+C) (E) 前 期 繰 越 損 益 金 (F) 追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 (配 当 等 相 当 額) (売 買 損 益 相 当 額) (G) 合 計 (D+E+F) (H) 収 益 分 配 金 次 期 繰 越 損 益 金(G+H) 追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 (配 当 等 相 当 額) (売 買 損 益 相 当 額) 分 配 準 備 積 立 金 繰 越 損 益 金 至2016年8月22日) 当 △ △ △ △ △ ( ( ( ( △ 期 4,314,813円 4,314,400 114 527 35,444,504 14,991,925 50,436,429 3,545,651 34,675,342 52,582,976 40,419,905 35,804,943) 4,614,962) 58,327,539 - 58,327,539 40,419,905 35,804,943) 4,614,962) 53,352,138 35,444,504 (注1) 損益の状況の中で(B)有価証券売買損益は期末の評価替えによ るものを含みます。 (注2) 損益の状況の中で(C)信託報酬等には信託報酬に対する消費税 等相当額を含めて表示しています。 (注3) 損益の状況の中で(F)追加信託差損益金とあるのは、信託の追 加設定の際、追加設定をした価額から元本を差し引いた差額 分をいいます。 - 20 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(成長型) 分配金のお知らせ 1万口当たり分配金 0円 収益分配金の支払いについて ・収益分配金は、取扱い販売会社において決算日から起算して5営業日までに支払いを開始いたします。 ・分配金再投資コースを選択されている場合は、各決算日の基準価額に基づき、お客様の口座に繰り入れて再投資い たします。 収益分配金の課税上の取扱いについて ・分配金は、課税扱いとなる「普通分配金」と非課税扱いとなる「元本払戻金(特別分配金)」の区分があり、分配後の基 準価額が個々の受益者の個別元本と同額または上回る場合は、全額普通分配金となります。分配後の基準価額が 個々の受益者の個別元本を下回る場合は、その下回る部分の額が元本払戻金(特別分配金)となり、残りの額が普通 分配金となります。 ・元本払戻金(特別分配金)が発生した場合は、分配金発生時に個々の受益者の個別元本から当該元本払戻金(特別分 配金)を控除した額が、その後の個々の受益者の個別元本となります。 受益者別の普通分配金に対する課税について 個人の受益者 20.315%(所得税15%、復興特別所得税0.315%、および地方税5%)の税率となります。 法人の受益者 個人の受益者とは異なります。 ※税法が改正された場合等は、上記の内容が変更される場合があります。 ※税金の取扱いの詳細については、税務専門家等にご確認されることをお勧めします。 - 21 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 1万口当たりの費用明細 第7期 項 目 2015年8月21日~2016年8月22日 金額 (a) 信託報酬 項 目 の 概 要 比率 151円 (投信会社) (65) 1.01% (a) 信託報酬=期中の平均基準価額×信託報酬率 ※期中の平均基準価額は14,950円です。 (0.435) ・委託した資金の運用の対価 (販売会社) (81) (0.542) (受託会社) (b) 売買委託手数料 (5) 3 (0.033) 0.02 (3) (0.02) (投資信託受益証券) (c) 有価証券取引税 (投資信託受益証券) (d) その他費用 0 0 (0) (0) 27 0.18 (保管費用) (5) (0.033) (監査費用) (3) (0.02) (印刷費用) (19) (0.127) (その他) 合 (0) 計 181 (0) ・購入後の情報提供、交付運用報告書等各種書類の送付、 口座内でのファンドの管理等の対価 ・運用財産の管理、委託会社からの指図の実行の対価 期中の売買委託手数料 (b) 売買委託手数料= 期中の平均受益権口数 売買委託手数料は、有価証券等の売買の際、売買仲介人に 支払う手数料 期中の有価証券取引税 (c) 有価証券取引税= 期中の平均受益権口数 有価証券取引税は、有価証券の取引の都度発生する取引に 関する税金 期中のその他費用 (d) その他費用= 期中の平均受益権口数 ・保管費用は、海外における保管銀行等に支払う有価証券 等の保管及び資金の送金・資産の移転等に要する費用 ・監査費用は、監査法人等に支払うファンドの監査にかか る費用 ・印刷費用は、有価証券届出書、目論見書、運用報告書等 の作成、印刷および提出等にかかる費用 ・その他は、金銭信託への預入金額に対する手数料等 1.21 (注1) 期中の費用(消費税等のかかるものは消費税等を含む)は、追加・解約により受益権口数に変動があるため、簡便法により算出した結果で す。 (注2) 各金額は各項目ごとに円未満は四捨五入してあります。 (注3) 各比率は1万口当たりのそれぞれの費用金額を期中の平均基準価額で除して100を乗じたものです。 (注4) 各項目の費用は、このファンドが組み入れている投資信託証券が支払った費用を含みません。 当該投資信託証券の直近の計算期末時点における「1万口当たりの費用明細」が取得できるものについては「組入ファンドの概要」に表示する こととしております。 - 22 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 売買および取引の状況 ■投資信託証券 (2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) 銘 柄 口 外 国 iシェアーズ 世界国債 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ・コア S&P 500 ETF iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF iシェアーズ S&P GSCI™ コモディティ・インデックス・トラスト iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ETF 買 数 千口 0.404 0.719 1.688 11.961 6.839 25.242 1.25 付 金 額 千米ドル 41 78 336 679 216 375 95 口 売 数 千口 0.405 - 0.576 1.296 0.728 1.222 0.404 付 金 額 千米ドル 41 - 121 78 24 19 30 (注1) 金額は受渡し代金。 (注2) 単位未満は切捨て。 利害関係人との取引状況等 当期における当ファンドに係る利害関係人との取引はありません。(2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) (*) 利害関係人とは、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律第11条第1項に規定されている利害関係人です。 自社による当ファンドの設定・解約状況 期中における該当事項はありません。(2015年8月21日から2016年8月22日まで) - 23 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 組入資産の明細 ■外国投資信託証券 (2016年8月22日現在) 期首(前期末) 銘 ア イ ル ラ ン ド 柄 口 数 口 数 千口 10.909 17.754 28.663 2銘柄 千口 11.628 17.753 29.381 2銘柄 11.496 33.483 45.967 15.972 67.611 174.529 5銘柄 203.192 7銘柄 12.608 39.594 56.632 16.818 91.631 217.283 5銘柄 246.664 7銘柄 iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券 UCITS ETF iシェアーズ世界国債 UCITS ETF 口数・金額 小 計 銘柄数<比率> iシェアーズ・コア S&P500 ETF iシェアーズMSCIエマージング・マーケットETF 米 iシェアーズMSCI EAFE ETF 国 iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ETF iシェアーズS&P GSCITM コモディティ・インデックス・トラスト 口数・金額 小 計 銘柄数<比率> 口数・金額 合 計 銘柄数<比率> 当 期 末 評 価 額 外 貨 建 金 額 邦貨換算金額 千米ドル 千円 1,351 136,038 2,022 203,534 3,374 339,572 - <24.3%> 千米ドル 2,771 278,895 1,488 149,811 3,329 335,037 1,379 138,810 1,388 139,695 10,357 1,042,249 - <74.7%> - 1,381,822 - <99.0%> (注1) 邦貨換算金額は期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により、邦貨換算したものです。 (注2) < >は純資産総額に対する各国別投資信託証券評価額の比率です。 (注3) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。 投資信託財産の構成 (2016年8月22日現在) 項 投 コ 投 資 ー ル ・ 資 信 信 ロ ー 託 当 目 託 ン 等 財 評 価 額 証 、 そ の 産 総 券 他 額 千円 1,381,822 22,556 1,404,378 期 末 比 率 % 98.4 1.6 100.0 (注1) 評価額の単位未満は切捨て。 (注2) 外貨建資産は、期末の時価をわが国の対顧客電信売買相場の仲値により邦貨換算したものです。なお、8月22日における邦貨換算レートは、 1米ドル=100.63円です。 (注3) 当期末における外貨建資産(1,390,157千円)の投資信託財産総額(1,404,378千円)に対する比率は、99.0%です。 - 24 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 資産、負債、元本及び基準価額の状況ならびに損益の状況 ■損益の状況 ■資産、負債、元本及び基準価額の状況 (2016年8月22日現在) 項 目 当 期 末 (A) 資 産 コ ー ル ・ ロ ー ン 等 未 収 配 当 1,404,378,948円 22,042,418 金 514,269 投 資 信 託 受 益 証 券 1,381,822,261 (B) 負 債 8,496,552 金 89,196 酬 7,120,758 そ の 他 未 払 費 用 1,286,598 (C) 純 資 産 総 額(A-B) 1,395,882,396 未 未 払 払 解 信 約 託 報 元 本 1,002,012,252 次 期 繰 越 損 益 金 393,870,144 (D) 受 益 権 総 口 数 1万口当たり基準価額(C/D) (注) 期首元本額 期中追加設定元本額 期中一部解約元本額 (自2015年8月21日 1,002,012,252口 13,931円 903,945,259円 216,046,884円 117,979,891円 目 (A) 配 当 等 収 益 受 取 配 当 金 受 取 利 息 支 払 利 息 (B) 有 価 証 券 売 買 損 益 売 買 益 売 買 損 (C) 信 託 報 酬 等 (D) 当 期 損 益 金(A+B+C) (E) 前 期 繰 越 損 益 金 (F) 追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 (配 当 等 相 当 額) (売 買 損 益 相 当 額) (G) 合 計 (D+E+F) (H) 収 益 分 配 金 次 期 繰 越 損 益 金(G+H) 追 加 信 託 差 損 益 金 (配 当 等 相 当 額) (売 買 損 益 相 当 額) 分 配 準 備 積 立 金 繰 越 損 益 金 至2016年8月22日) 項 当 △ △ △ △ △ ( ( ( ( △ 期 28,697,526円 28,695,785 10,386 8,645 234,036,977 72,488,166 306,525,143 17,046,812 222,386,263 296,813,293 319,443,114 281,421,697) 38,021,417) 393,870,144 - 393,870,144 319,443,114 281,421,697) 38,021,417) 308,464,007 234,036,977 (注1) 損益の状況の中で(B)有価証券売買損益は期末の評価替えによ るものを含みます。 (注2) 損益の状況の中で(C)信託報酬等には信託報酬に対する消費税 等相当額を含めて表示しています。 (注3) 損益の状況の中で(F)追加信託差損益金とあるのは、信託の追 加設定の際、追加設定をした価額から元本を差し引いた差額 分をいいます。 - 25 - 01_3770653712810.doc 楽天グローバル・バランス(積極型) 分配金のお知らせ 1万口当たり分配金 0円 収益分配金の支払いについて ・収益分配金は、取扱い販売会社において決算日から起算して5営業日までに支払いを開始いたします。 ・分配金再投資コースを選択されている場合は、各決算日の基準価額に基づき、お客様の口座に繰り入れて再投資い たします。 収益分配金の課税上の取扱いについて ・分配金は、課税扱いとなる「普通分配金」と非課税扱いとなる「元本払戻金(特別分配金)」の区分があり、分配後の基 準価額が個々の受益者の個別元本と同額または上回る場合は、全額普通分配金となります。分配後の基準価額が 個々の受益者の個別元本を下回る場合は、その下回る部分の額が元本払戻金(特別分配金)となり、残りの額が普通 分配金となります。 ・元本払戻金(特別分配金)が発生した場合は、分配金発生時に個々の受益者の個別元本から当該元本払戻金(特別分 配金)を控除した額が、その後の個々の受益者の個別元本となります。 受益者別の普通分配金に対する課税について 個人の受益者 20.315%(所得税15%、復興特別所得税0.315%、および地方税5%)の税率となります。 法人の受益者 個人の受益者とは異なります。 ※税法が改正された場合等は、上記の内容が変更される場合があります。 ※税金の取扱いの詳細については、税務専門家等にご確認されることをお勧めします。 - 26 - 01_3770653712810.doc 組入ファンドの概要 『楽天グローバル・バランス(安定型/成長型/積極型)』が組み入れている投資信託証券(ファンド)の状況に ついて、現時点で入手できる直近の情報を以降にご報告申し上げます。 ■組入ファンドの内容 2016年8月22日現在 ファンド名 運用会社 実質的な主要投資対象 運用の基本方針 先進国株式 1 iシェアーズ・コア S&P ブラックロック・ファンド・ 米国の大型株式 500 ETF アドバイザーズ S&P500指数に連動する投資成果を目指 す 2 米国およびカナダを除く先進国の大型 iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ブラックロック・ファンド・ 米国およびカナダを除く先進 および中型株式で構成される指数に連 ETF アドバイザーズ 国の大型および中型株式 動する投資成果を目指す 新興国株式 3 i シ ェ ア ー ズ MSCI エ ブラックロック・ファンド・ 新興国の大型および中型株式で構成さ マージング・マーケット 新興国の大型および中型株式 アドバイザーズ れる指数に連動する投資成果を目指す ETF 先進国債券 4 iシェアーズ 世界国債 ブラックロック・アドバイ 先進国の国債 UCITS ETF ザーズ(UK)リミテッド シティグループG7指数に連動する投資 成果を目指す 新興国債券 5 i シ ェ ア ー ズ J.P. モ ル ガン・米ドル建てエマー ブ ラ ッ ク ロ ッ ク ・ ア ド バ イ 新興国の債券 ジング・マーケット債券 ザーズ(UK)リミテッド UCITS ETF J.P.モルガンEMBIグローバル・コア指 数に連動する投資成果を目指す 不動産投資信託(REIT) 6 iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ブラックロック・ファンド・ 米国市場に上場するリートお ダウ・ジョーンズ米国不動産指数に連 ETF アドバイザーズ よび不動産株 動する投資成果を目指す 商品(コモディティ) 7 iシェアーズ S&P GSCI™ iシェアーズ・デラウェア・ コモディティ・インデッ トラスト・スポンサー・エル 商品(コモディティ) クス・トラスト エルシー - 27 - S&P GSCI™ トータル・リターン指数 に連動する投資成果を目指す 1.iシェアーズ・コア S&P 500 ETF ■損益計算書 Year ended March 31, 2016 iShares Core S&P 500 ETF NET INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends — unaffiliateda $1,464,613,840 Dividends — affiliated 8,265,059 Interest — unaffiliated 2,849 Interest — affiliated 107,230 Securities lending income — affiliated — net 4,278,297 Payment from affiliate 1,728,368 Total investment income 1,478,995,643 EXPENSES 47,872,522 Investment advisory fees Total expenses 47,872,522 Net investment income 1,431,123,121 NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) Net realized gain (loss) from: Investments — unaffiliated (393,109,267) Investments — affiliated (1,031,592) In-kind redemptions — unaffiliated 3,103,998,156 In-kind redemptions — affiliated 17,993,370 4,381,288 Futures contracts Net realized gain 2,732,231,955 Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on: Investments (3,023,691,331) 1,835,496 Futures contracts Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation (3,021,855,835) Net realized and unrealized loss (289,623,880) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS $1,141,499,241 a Net of foreign withholding tax of $58,513. - 28 - 010_3770624762810.indd 28 2016/10/18 11:56:22 1.iシェアーズ・コア S&P 500 ETF ■組入上位10銘柄 TEN LARGEST FUND HOLDINGS As of 3/31/16 Percentage of Total Investments* 3.36% Security Apple Inc. Microsoft Corp. 2.43 Exxon Mobil Corp. 1.93 Johnson & Johnson 1.66 General Electric Co. 1.65 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B 1.48 Facebook Inc. Class A 1.46 AT&T Inc. 1.34 Amazon.com Inc. 1.27 Wells Fargo & Co. TOTAL 1.24 17.82% * Excludes money market funds. - 29 - 010_3770624762810.indd 29 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF ■損益計算書 Year ended July 31, 2015 iShares MSCI EAFE ETF NET INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends — unaffiliateda $1,728,042,492 Interest — affiliated 1,151 Securities lending income — affiliated — net 6,495,103 50,415,581 Foreign withholding tax claims Total investment income 1,784,954,327 EXPENSES Investment advisory fees 184,568,302 5,041,559 Professional fees Total expenses 189,609,861 Net investment income 1,595,344,466 NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) Net realized gain (loss) from: Investments — unaffiliated (440,274,222) In-kind redemptions — unaffiliated 1,033,085,774 Futures contracts 10,781,630 (51,183,234) Foreign currency transactions Net realized gain 552,409,948 Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on: Investments (2,336,845,151) Futures contracts 4,762,003 (798,827) Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation (2,332,881,975) Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) (1,780,472,027) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS $ (185,127,561) a Net of foreign withholding tax of $136,325,612. - 30 - 010_3770624762810.indd 30 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF ■組入銘柄 Schedule of Investments iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Value COMMON STOCKS — 98.91% AUSTRALIA — 6.67% AGL Energy Ltd. Alumina Ltd. Amcor Ltd./Australia AMP Ltd. APA Group Aristocrat Leisure Ltd. Asciano Ltd. ASX Ltd. Aurizon Holdings Ltd. AusNet Services Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. Bank of Queensland Ltd. Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd. BHP Billiton Ltd. Boral Ltd. Brambles Ltd. Caltex Australia Ltd. CIMIC Group Ltd. Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. Cochlear Ltd. Commonwealth Bank of Australia Computershare Ltd. Crown Resorts Ltd. CSL Ltd. Dexus Property Group Federation Centres Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd.a Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.a Goodman Group GPT Group (The) Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. Healthscope Ltd. Iluka Resources Ltd. Incitec Pivot Ltd. Insurance Australia Group Ltd. James Hardie Industries PLC Lend Lease Group Macquarie Group Ltd. Medibank Pvt Ltd.b Mirvac Group National Australia Bank Ltd. 64 3,122,374 $ 11,563,012 5,539,118 13,638,100 5,208,269 2,483,772 4,394,467 891,602 9,613,457 8,145,142 38,245,842 12,609,582 58,614,876 66,200,091 34,689,972 15,631,325 26,236,144 29,103,556 37,416,117 8,314,128 12,681,252 1,647,291 1,980,511 14,740,950 3,515,159 7,140,581 1,231,795 465,108 2,637,534 263,467 304,331,870 16,633,218 19,110,668 286,321,792 17,140,217 57,051,320 31,252,858 8,128,942 17,974,189 17,658,651 7,441,923 2,201,089 1,665,156 2,177,746 4,249,868 14,615,438 253,199 7,275,732 7,985,593 7,760,368 2,527,251 5,116,622 1,970,396 7,785,216 10,730,304 2,044,168 2,499,297 1,359,155 12,462,239 16,664,424 11,976,050 478,513,483 19,978,337 16,666,870 158,259,637 24,280,537 32,198,552 6,623,067 9,911,146 38,352,014 26,271,598 8,277,258 10,295,256 11,402,051 20,695,813 46,412,031 28,506,559 28,613,253 81,993,572 19,126,945 23,128,921 305,788,779 Security Newcrest Mining Ltd.b Orica Ltd. Origin Energy Ltd. Platinum Asset Management Ltd. Qantas Airways Ltd.b QBE Insurance Group Ltd. Ramsay Health Care Ltd. REA Group Ltd. Rio Tinto Ltd. Santos Ltd. Scentre Group Seek Ltd. Sonic Healthcare Ltd. South32 Ltd.b Stockland Suncorp Group Ltd. Sydney Airport Tabcorp Holdings Ltd. Tatts Group Ltd. Telstra Corp. Ltd. TPG Telecom Ltd. Transurban Group Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. Wesfarmers Ltd. Westfield Corp. Westpac Banking Corp. Woodside Petroleum Ltd. Woolworths Ltd. WorleyParsons Ltd. Shares 3,535,348 $ 1,728,863 5,074,691 1,081,108 2,775,771 6,272,294 635,317 240,779 2,013,108 4,515,491 24,489,538 1,472,544 1,756,149 24,246,289 10,699,224 5,899,303 4,854,105 3,703,112 6,499,072 19,761,266 1,272,167 8,622,443 2,961,251 5,173,406 9,105,526 14,313,795 3,397,111 5,792,317 944,996 Value 29,258,991 24,388,843 42,259,651 6,017,852 7,643,956 67,248,487 31,202,543 7,675,588 78,144,333 24,538,045 71,216,239 16,328,582 26,656,621 31,782,405 33,392,156 61,819,848 19,997,480 13,188,999 18,994,929 94,180,874 8,884,396 63,128,976 12,547,416 161,271,457 67,067,053 366,425,281 88,934,962 121,652,660 6,384,414 4,100,194,074 AUSTRIA — 0.17% Andritz AG Erste Group Bank AGb IMMOEAST AG Escrowb IMMOFINANZ AG Escrowa,b OMV AG Raiffeisen Bank International AGa,b Voestalpine AG 346,399 1,284,544 1,571,072 1,157,632 674,142 19,472,745 38,730,754 17 13 18,043,409 540,564 526,587 7,943,323 22,736,736 106,926,997 BELGIUM — 1.30% Ageas Anheuser-Busch InBev NV Colruyt SA 2015 1,012,776 3,692,241 326,210 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO 41,955,625 442,000,124 15,926,660 SHAREHOLDERS - 31 - 010_3770624762810.indd 31 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Delhaize Group Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA KBC Groep NV Proximus Solvay SA Telenet Group Holding NVb UCB SA Umicore SA 466,670 $ 375,906 1,152,566 702,116 276,494 245,434 579,389 433,387 Value 42,325,644 31,219,593 80,810,782 26,599,887 37,192,735 13,927,180 45,104,131 19,086,074 796,148,435 DENMARK — 1.72% AP Moeller – Maersk A/S Class A AP Moeller – Maersk A/S Class B Carlsberg A/S Class B Coloplast A/S Class B Danske Bank A/S DSV A/S ISS A/S Novo Nordisk A/S Class B Novozymes A/S Class B Pandora A/S TDC A/S Tryg A/S Vestas Wind Systems A/S William Demant Holding A/Sa,b 17,103 28,414,043 35,739 493,954 515,716 3,192,075 788,579 633,764 8,749,829 1,102,870 531,246 3,755,914 503,292 1,029,859 108,750 61,227,093 43,298,823 37,417,483 100,296,631 27,112,858 21,958,937 516,162,888 57,923,313 60,097,570 28,502,135 10,202,142 56,559,099 8,333,117 1,057,506,132 FINLAND — 0.83% Elisa OYJ Fortum OYJ Kone OYJ Class Ba Metso OYJ Neste OYJ Nokia OYJ Nokian Renkaat OYJa Orion OYJ Class B Sampo OYJ Class A Stora Enso OYJ Class R UPM-Kymmene OYJ Wartsila OYJ Abp 660,165 2,058,145 1,433,719 515,716 578,791 17,022,767 531,246 462,894 2,055,039 2,524,145 2,440,263 672,589 22,370,192 36,383,074 60,447,152 14,250,422 16,185,173 120,932,926 16,058,878 19,449,628 102,172,970 23,858,204 45,294,905 31,076,867 508,480,391 FRANCE — 9.79% Accor SA Aeroports de Paris Air Liquide SA SCHEDULES OF 956,848 135,155 1,584,648 47,229,239 16,306,404 207,557,199 Security Airbus Group SE Alcatel-Lucenta,b Alstom SAb ArcelorMittal Arkema SA Atos AXA SA BNP Paribas SA Bollore SA Bouygues SA Bureau Veritas SA Cap Gemini SA Carrefour SA Casino Guichard Perrachon SA Christian Dior SE Cie. de Saint-Gobain Cie. Generale des Etablissements Michelin Class B CNP Assurances Credit Agricole SA Danone SA Dassault Systemes Edenred Electricite de France SA Engie Essilor International SA Eurazeo SA Eutelsat Communications SA Fonciere des Regions Gecina SA Groupe Eurotunnel SE Registered Hermes International ICADE Iliad SA Imerys SA JCDecaux SA Kering Klepierre L’Oreal SA Lagardere SCA Legrand SA LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE Shares 2,705,886 $ 12,901,806 986,355 4,653,728 304,554 388,330 8,891,172 4,849,446 3,948,526 900,940 1,166,543 705,222 2,536,569 264,070 253,199 2,169,981 Value 193,128,092 48,992,937 29,162,369 42,470,217 23,883,817 29,741,504 235,761,936 317,777,751 21,987,152 33,261,419 27,420,398 67,826,290 87,593,044 19,725,746 52,802,244 103,488,266 866,754 799,983 4,706,550 2,648,405 584,048 942,871 1,112,931 6,691,684 938,212 184,123 726,964 136,525 144,469 85,420,900 13,536,338 74,594,476 180,510,556 44,376,291 23,662,927 26,670,504 129,272,008 120,865,671 12,036,856 22,288,422 11,862,033 18,619,278 2,157,583 120,301 167,766 119,621 156,893 330,330 349,505 825,162 1,147,907 547,336 1,200,739 31,192,104 47,111,578 12,515,258 28,553,880 11,894,816 12,720,862 67,808,063 37,784,597 216,049,008 16,457,573 74,357,995 1,286,144 242,564,115 65 INVESTMENTS - 32 - 010_3770624762810.indd 32 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Natixis SA Numericable-SFR SASb Orange SA Pernod Ricard SA Peugeot SAb Publicis Groupe SA Remy Cointreau SA Renault SA Rexel SA Safran SA Sanofi Schneider Electric SE SCOR SE SES SA Societe BIC SA Societe Generale SA Sodexo SA STMicroelectronics NV Suez Environnement Co. Technip SA Thales SA Total SA Unibail-Rodamco SE Valeo SA Vallourec SA Veolia Environnement SA Vinci SA Vivendi SA Wendel SA Zodiac Aerospace 4,303,219 $ 447,364 8,490,418 972,378 1,985,134 854,330 114,962 886,943 1,273,720 1,329,648 5,463,021 2,524,145 731,623 1,458,567 135,151 3,313,229 430,281 2,976,148 1,388,662 470,659 448,917 9,785,880 447,364 366,588 504,849 2,065,910 2,157,557 5,463,021 150,681 902,493 Value 31,811,776 24,538,046 140,099,871 117,155,918 40,016,318 65,072,931 8,229,354 82,099,309 20,201,360 101,159,608 591,329,320 177,339,941 28,227,019 45,387,846 23,286,707 163,995,867 40,342,112 23,388,952 26,780,571 26,946,801 30,567,622 487,347,852 119,761,681 49,210,520 8,347,216 46,392,245 139,212,605 144,467,360 20,185,694 27,071,799 6,018,816,354 GERMANY — 8.36% adidas AG Allianz SE Registered Axel Springer SE BASF SE Bayer AG Registered Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Beiersdorf AG Brenntag AG Commerzbank AGb Continental AG Daimler AG Registered Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE 66 959,954 2,093,884 183,294 4,218,808 3,790,100 1,525,366 453,576 689,672 4,863,741 518,822 4,423,844 78,983,288 344,932,167 10,320,033 366,133,431 562,380,323 153,867,988 38,998,215 38,579,266 63,329,121 116,679,061 397,808,710 2,059,905 64,635,181 Security Deutsche Bank AG Registered Deutsche Boerse AG Deutsche Lufthansa AG Registeredb Deutsche Post AG Registered Deutsche Telekom AG Registered Deutsche Wohnen AG Bearer E.ON SE Evonik Industries AG Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwidea Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA GEA Group AG Hannover Rueck SE HeidelbergCement AG Henkel AG & Co. KGaA HUGO BOSS AG Infineon Technologies AG K+S AG Registered Kabel Deutschland Holding AGb Lanxess AG Linde AG MAN SE Merck KGaA METRO AG Muenchener RueckversicherungsGesellschaft AG in Muenchen Registered Osram Licht AG ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE Registered QIAGEN NVb RTL Group SAb RWE AG SAP SE Siemens AG Registered Symrise AG Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG ThyssenKrupp AG United Internet AG Registeredc 2015 Shares Value 6,323,543 $ 885,390 223,709,918 80,830,600 1,054,707 4,408,314 14,391,373 134,036,903 14,565,421 1,337,413 9,197,173 641,025 264,723,429 33,254,314 122,039,606 25,804,603 163,105 10,774,553 997,246 1,739,720 821,721 276,494 639,976 528,140 306,021 5,208,269 868,653 105,644 422,516 852,777 158,446 590,260 734,729 81,897,354 120,767,437 34,998,723 29,503,691 49,106,544 53,642,592 37,124,192 58,723,219 35,855,570 14,415,019 24,521,893 162,151,057 16,620,112 60,402,034 23,338,260 793,743 403,880 146,716,610 23,132,404 1,008,117 1,078,002 181,741 2,252,310 4,499,961 3,628,548 566,965 51,848,245 30,401,062 16,633,990 47,156,419 324,458,573 390,637,186 37,916,685 2,704,333 1,825,155 568,518 16,896,479 46,551,434 28,287,712 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 33 - 010_3770624762810.indd 33 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Volkswagen AG 139,810 $ Value 28,430,041 5,138,346,620 HONG KONG — 3.15% AIA Group Ltd. ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.a Bank of East Asia Ltd. (The) BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd. Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd.b CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. CLP Holdings Ltd. First Pacific Co. Ltd./Hong Kong Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. Hang Lung Properties Ltd. Hang Seng Bank Ltd. Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd. HKT Trust & HKT Ltd. Hong Kong & China Gas Co. Ltd. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. Hysan Development Co. Ltd.a Kerry Properties Ltd. Li & Fung Ltd.a Link REIT (The) MGM China Holdings Ltd. MTR Corp. Ltd. New World Development Co. Ltd. NWS Holdings Ltd. PCCW Ltd. Power Assets Holdings Ltd. Sands China Ltd. Shangri-La Asia Ltd.a Sino Land Co. Ltd. SJM Holdings Ltd.a Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. Swire Pacific Ltd. Class A Swire Properties Ltd. Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. SCHEDULES OF 55,298,800 1,089,100 5,284,240 17,869,500 5,359,000 360,227,210 9,862,211 21,403,343 72,033,058 12,678,052 3,126,792 27,205,103 12,369,184 12,405,184 8,551,500 10,058,250 103,072,545 184,182,330 72,638,607 8,057,187 10,891,000 10,343,000 3,418,600 50,153,980 29,552,191 70,071,532 5,779,724 12,444,440 38,172,138 15,153,634 32,459,942 66,240,507 5,126,900 3,126,797 2,873,500 27,118,400 10,881,258 4,356,400 6,998,500 139,013,503 13,390,821 10,730,728 20,988,661 64,004,923 9,249,686 31,190,508 24,076,132 6,684,000 18,656,000 6,573,500 11,189,600 6,432,666 12,464,000 8,811,000 7,785,000 2,863,000 5,284,255 6,222,033 29,100,184 10,053,202 11,166,214 61,942,156 49,508,311 8,297,752 19,357,682 10,229,093 119,602,376 36,690,924 17,006,845 21,951,241 Security WH Group Ltd.a,b,d Wharf Holdings Ltd. (The) Wheelock & Co. Ltd. Wynn Macau Ltd. Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Ltd. Shares 27,187,500 $ 7,044,912 4,680,000 8,083,600 3,116,000 Value 17,429,908 44,710,560 24,238,226 16,704,626 10,129,020 1,937,390,778 IRELAND — 0.37% Bank of Irelandb CRH PLC Irish Bank Resolution Corp. Ltd.b Kerry Group PLC Class A Ryanair Holdings PLC Ryanair Holdings PLC ADR 124,841,323 3,588,170 52,827,562 106,701,575 3,570,811 736,282 177,504 96,905 39 56,252,238 2,443,597 7,181,630 225,406,641 ISRAEL — 0.66% Azrieli Group Bank Hapoalim BM Bank Leumi le-Israel BMb Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp. Ltd. Delek Group Ltd. Israel Chemicals Ltd. Israel Corp. Ltd. (The) Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd. NICE-Systems Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 169,317 4,673,937 6,373,019 7,034,728 26,012,188 27,815,879 8,799,525 21,737 2,343,957 13,997 585,601 275,481 16,262,647 6,438,497 16,239,297 4,945,345 7,515,344 17,190,348 3,939,208 276,890,947 406,345,220 ITALY — 2.37% Assicurazioni Generali SpA Atlantia SpA Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpAb Banco Popolare SCb CNH Industrial NV Enel Green Power SpA Enel SpA Eni SpA EXOR SpA Finmeccanica SpAb Intesa Sanpaolo SpA Intesa Sanpaolo SpA RSP 5,463,021 1,955,627 108,222,259 52,547,618 10,657,419 1,524,036 4,428,503 8,726,514 32,300,712 11,789,650 484,636 1,810,343 56,955,631 5,481,657 21,265,384 26,587,701 39,876,588 18,232,060 152,956,415 207,891,740 24,555,747 26,242,073 220,371,914 18,423,600 67 INVESTMENTS - 34 - 010_3770624762810.indd 34 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Luxottica Group SpA Mediobanca SpA Pirelli & C. SpA Prysmian SpA Saipem SpAa,b Snam SpA Telecom Italia SpAb Telecom Italia SpA RSP Tenaris SA Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA UniCredit SpA Unione di Banche Italiane SpA UnipolSai SpA 793,743 $ 2,808,404 1,281,485 953,129 1,231,737 10,391,670 47,082,483 27,987,594 2,193,296 7,530,464 21,942,290 3,896,165 4,178,430 Value 57,923,683 30,764,916 21,379,321 21,998,525 10,805,427 51,435,954 62,683,010 29,221,386 27,843,300 35,326,870 146,306,176 31,811,578 10,931,966 1,455,605,211 JAPAN — 22.44% ABC-Mart Inc. Acom Co. Ltd.b Advantest Corp. Aeon Co. Ltd. AEON Financial Service Co. Ltd. Aeon Mall Co. Ltd. Air Water Inc. Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd. Ajinomoto Co. Inc. Alfresa Holdings Corp. Amada Holdings Co. Ltd. ANA Holdings Inc. Aozora Bank Ltd. Asahi Glass Co. Ltd. Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. Asahi Kasei Corp. ASICS Corp. Astellas Pharma Inc. Bandai Namco Holdings Inc. Bank of Kyoto Ltd. (The) Bank of Yokohama Ltd. (The) Benesse Holdings Inc. Bridgestone Corp. Brother Industries Ltd. Calbee Inc. Canon Inc. Casio Computer Co. Ltd.a Central Japan Railway Co. 68 36,500 1,865,670 629,200 3,108,000 2,194,802 8,869,443 5,510,166 47,575,140 467,990 494,610 330,000 881,100 3,156,000 623,200 1,555,000 4,681,000 4,679,000 4,679,000 1,710,500 5,747,000 778,500 9,943,450 778,500 1,954,000 5,461,000 312,600 2,952,900 1,089,100 312,600 5,126,900 933,800 655,300 12,200,716 9,297,766 5,731,950 35,771,686 72,649,518 10,457,507 15,249,405 14,923,887 17,976,545 27,455,773 57,391,731 43,704,939 22,400,843 149,839,954 17,273,469 23,073,586 34,742,001 8,439,784 111,494,945 15,066,931 13,952,766 164,365,364 18,639,069 114,880,471 Security Chiba Bank Ltd. (The) Chiyoda Corp. Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Chugoku Bank Ltd. (The) Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. (The) Citizen Holdings Co. Ltd. COLOPL Inc.a Credit Saison Co. Ltd. Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd. Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. Ltd. (The) Daicel Corp. Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd. Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. Daikin Industries Ltd. Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd. Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. Daiwa Securities Group Inc. Denso Corp. Dentsu Inc. Don Quijote Holdings Co. Ltd. East Japan Railway Co. Eisai Co. Ltd. Electric Power Development Co. Ltd. FamilyMart Co. Ltd. FANUC Corp. Fast Retailing Co. Ltd. Fuji Electric Co. Ltd. Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. FUJIFILM Holdings Corp. Fujitsu Ltd. Fukuoka Financial Group Inc. GungHo Online Entertainment Inc.a Gunma Bank Ltd. (The) Hachijuni Bank Ltd. (The) Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc. Hamamatsu Photonics KK Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Inc. Hikari Tsushin Inc. Hino Motors Ltd. Hirose Electric Co. Ltd. 2015 Shares Value 3,126,000 $ 483,000 3,024,000 1,089,100 778,500 24,953,501 3,898,462 51,378,345 39,645,191 12,177,513 1,340,700 1,244,600 312,600 623,200 3,126,000 20,073,437 8,317,759 6,080,681 13,812,561 34,743,145 5,126,952 1,151,000 783,100 2,952,795 1,089,100 312,600 2,952,700 7,785,000 2,209,200 947,300 510,800 1,555,000 1,187,500 104,363,961 15,625,990 11,137,029 60,512,099 70,499,875 33,040,050 73,582,156 60,554,538 109,662,053 53,751,314 21,809,855 153,749,142 77,588,381 623,200 268,300 933,800 230,300 2,683,000 2,650,000 2,176,200 8,811,000 4,015,000 21,553,832 12,993,260 155,865,725 114,076,524 11,109,238 98,068,929 86,410,395 46,268,506 20,675,330 1,865,600 1,943,000 1,578,000 1,089,120 623,200 5,629,000 157,800 1,244,400 162,770 6,203,860 14,459,389 12,265,338 12,192,659 16,247,112 35,619,968 11,029,888 16,140,690 19,483,265 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 35 - 010_3770624762810.indd 35 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Hiroshima Bank Ltd. (The) Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co. Inc. Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd. Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. Hitachi High-Technologies Corp. Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi Metals Ltd. Hokuhoku Financial Group Inc. Hokuriku Electric Power Co. Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Hoya Corp. Hulic Co. Ltd. IBIDEN Co. Ltd. Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd. IHI Corp. Iida Group Holdings Co. Ltd. INPEX Corp. Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. Isuzu Motors Ltd. ITOCHU Corp. ITOCHU Techno-Solutions Corp. Iyo Bank Ltd. (The) J Front Retailing Co. Ltd. Japan Airlines Co. Ltd. Japan Airport Terminal Co. Ltd. Japan Display Inc.a,b Japan Exchange Group Inc. Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp. Japan Real Estate Investment Corp. Japan Retail Fund Investment Corp. Japan Tobacco Inc. JFE Holdings Inc. JGC Corp. Joyo Bank Ltd. (The) JSR Corp. JTEKT Corp. JX Holdings Inc. Kajima Corp. SCHEDULES OF Value 1,578,000 $ 9,259,502 181,400 467,900 6,603,285 8,289,604 467,900 7,798,648 268,300 22,092,000 660,000 5,747,000 778,500 7,301,100 2,020,900 1,399,700 467,900 467,900 6,232,000 778,580 4,350,443 1,555,000 2,766,500 7,301,100 6,269,248 143,434,398 9,828,484 13,591,113 11,982,723 234,510,896 85,602,189 13,861,995 7,753,329 8,614,390 24,798,224 13,674,402 47,421,391 28,352,597 38,361,895 89,632,133 236,100 933,800 1,220,300 708,000 157,800 1,865,600 1,234,700 5,520,656 11,893,429 22,978,812 26,743,936 8,406,150 5,797,296 43,051,810 3,126 10,130,264 4,895 21,967,150 10,891 4,982,900 2,259,975 1,578,000 3,126,000 797,300 933,800 10,098,500 4,215,000 21,360,935 193,592,874 42,419,564 26,988,837 18,519,585 13,282,434 16,151,850 43,126,166 20,956,778 Security Shares Kakaku.com Inc. 623,200 $ Kamigumi Co. Ltd. 1,151,000 Kaneka Corp. 1,151,000 Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. (The)b 3,263,300 Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. 727,000 Kao Corp. 2,331,500 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. 6,232,000 KDDI Corp. 7,952,600 Keihan Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 1,578,000 Keikyu Corp. 2,568,000 Keio Corp. 2,683,000 Keisei Electric Railway Co. Ltd. 1,578,000 Keyence Corp. 198,423 Kikkoman Corp. 599,000 Kintetsu Group Holdings Co. Ltd. 7,785,000 Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. 3,729,200 Kobe Steel Ltd. 13,997,000 Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 328,000 Komatsu Ltd. 4,350,400 Konami Corp. 467,900 Konica Minolta Inc. 2,176,200 Kubota Corp. 5,011,000 Kuraray Co. Ltd. 1,555,200 Kurita Water Industries Ltd. 467,900 Kyocera Corp. 1,420,200 Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co. Ltd. 1,578,000 Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc.b 1,953,500 Lawson Inc. 268,300 LIXIL Group Corp. 1,244,480 M3 Inc. 940,900 Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd. 312,600 Makita Corp. 623,200 Marubeni Corp. 7,456,400 Marui Group Co. Ltd. 1,089,100 Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd. 157,800 Mazda Motor Corp. 2,486,800 McDonald’s Holdings Co. Japan Ltd.a 312,600 Medipal Holdings Corp. 623,200 MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd. 268,352 Minebea Co. Ltd. 1,578,000 Miraca Holdings Inc. 268,300 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corp. 6,214,000 Value 9,924,320 10,841,576 8,314,662 44,302,600 11,847,234 118,386,267 27,363,558 202,224,999 10,329,376 21,162,500 22,370,063 19,283,199 100,096,352 20,982,768 27,773,276 57,460,291 21,691,142 12,906,090 80,585,722 9,773,802 27,172,859 85,886,101 18,351,850 10,238,322 73,305,452 25,702,442 27,719,060 19,987,966 25,001,095 22,198,238 18,746,664 34,455,951 41,526,422 15,269,113 4,069,341 48,884,954 6,660,995 11,106,385 38,185,930 24,747,197 12,365,253 40,625,853 69 INVESTMENTS - 36 - 010_3770624762810.indd 36 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Mitsubishi Corp. 6,214,000 $ Mitsubishi Electric Corp. 9,338,000 Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd. 5,691,000 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. Inc. 1,578,000 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. 13,997,000 Mitsubishi Logistics Corp. 477,000 Mitsubishi Materials Corp. 5,747,000 Mitsubishi Motors Corp. 2,952,700 Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp. 1,034,300 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. 58,404,880 Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd. 2,176,200 Mitsui & Co. Ltd. 7,767,000 Mitsui Chemicals Inc. 3,687,000 Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd. 4,210,000 Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd. 4,689,000 Mixi Inc.a 157,800 Mizuho Financial Group Inc. 105,315,460 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Inc. 2,209,288 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 946,800 Nabtesco Corp. 467,900 Nagoya Railroad Co. Ltd. 4,679,000 NEC Corp. 11,186,000 Nexon Co. Ltd. 623,200 NGK Insulators Ltd. 1,578,000 NGK Spark Plug Co. Ltd. 778,500 NH Foods Ltd. 727,000 NHK Spring Co. Ltd. 623,200 Nidec Corp. 946,800 Nikon Corp. 1,710,300 Nintendo Co. Ltd. 478,800 Nippon Building Fund Inc. 6,232 Nippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd. 1,667,500 Nippon Express Co. Ltd. 4,215,000 Nippon Paint Holdings Co. Ltd. 692,000 Nippon Prologis REIT Inc. 6,232 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. 34,235,350 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. 3,418,600 70 Value 134,391,323 100,506,259 126,548,327 8,762,775 74,133,996 6,945,462 20,827,338 25,143,053 17,247,377 424,265,644 11,680,641 101,025,227 13,837,968 119,899,794 14,078,922 6,839,550 227,725,184 69,669,383 140,611,970 10,298,747 17,598,886 35,753,307 8,556,142 40,502,361 20,641,450 17,691,634 6,614,536 84,863,909 20,347,732 84,286,113 27,866,564 8,102,304 22,317,608 19,856,007 12,298,511 80,991,009 131,437,920 Security Nippon Yusen KK Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Nisshin Seifun Group Inc. Nissin Foods Holdings Co. Ltd. Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd. Nitto Denko Corp. NOK Corp. Nomura Holdings Inc. Nomura Real Estate Holdings Inc. Nomura Research Institute Ltd. NSK Ltd. NTT Data Corp. NTT DOCOMO Inc. NTT Urban Development Corp. Obayashi Corp. Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Ltd. Oji Holdings Corp. Olympus Corp. Omron Corp. Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Oracle Corp. Japan Oriental Land Co. Ltd./Japan ORIX Corp. Osaka Gas Co. Ltd. Otsuka Corp. Otsuka Holdings Co. Ltd. Panasonic Corp. Park24 Co. Ltd. Rakuten Inc. Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. Resona Holdings Inc. Ricoh Co. Ltd. Rinnai Corp. Rohm Co. Ltd. Sankyo Co. Ltd. Sanrio Co. Ltd.a Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. SBI Holdings Inc./Japan Secom Co. Ltd. Sega Sammy Holdings Inc. Seibu Holdings Inc. Seiko Epson Corp. Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd. 2015 Shares 7,279,000 $ 11,496,200 1,015,397 268,300 312,600 778,500 467,900 16,647,000 Value 19,916,712 111,208,650 14,571,822 12,105,388 28,082,150 59,002,502 13,727,887 118,428,232 574,700 467,900 2,257,600 574,791 6,990,517 467,900 2,683,000 11,475,909 19,222,818 29,191,454 27,511,285 147,517,710 4,603,657 20,680,939 3,126,000 4,215,000 1,104,600 933,800 356,000 157,800 897,900 6,058,700 8,811,000 160,500 1,710,300 10,253,868 467,900 4,102,800 623,200 10,098,500 3,263,300 157,800 421,500 268,300 178,100 1,710,300 1,089,180 976,300 786,138 778,500 1,244,400 1,669,000 31,311,724 18,439,243 42,349,167 36,667,638 42,957,343 6,648,501 57,028,735 90,615,207 35,266,757 8,433,391 61,471,132 120,585,057 8,516,199 66,081,257 19,667,557 55,605,123 32,226,059 11,169,991 24,426,894 10,199,709 4,959,401 25,193,087 15,147,158 65,861,539 9,828,708 17,851,556 22,026,468 18,549,683 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 37 - 010_3770624762810.indd 37 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Sekisui House Ltd. 2,642,100 $ Seven & I Holdings Co. Ltd. 3,418,680 Seven Bank Ltd. 2,642,100 Sharp Corp./Japana,b 6,657,000 Shikoku Electric Power Co. Inc. 778,500 Shimadzu Corp. 654,000 Shimamura Co. Ltd. 157,800 Shimano Inc. 367,500 Shimizu Corp. 2,683,000 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. 1,865,600 Shinsei Bank Ltd. 7,785,000 Shionogi & Co. Ltd. 1,399,700 Shiseido Co. Ltd. 1,710,300 Shizuoka Bank Ltd. (The) 3,126,000 Showa Shell Sekiyu KK 778,700 SMC Corp./Japan 239,000 SoftBank Group Corp. 4,402,600 Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings Inc. 1,555,050 Sony Corp.b 5,680,800 Sony Financial Holdings Inc. 881,100 Stanley Electric Co. Ltd. 727,900 Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. 6,312,000 Sumitomo Corp. 5,127,100 Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Ltd. 778,500 Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd. 3,418,600 Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. 2,683,000 Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd. 2,080,000 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. 5,903,400 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc. 15,550,600 Sumitomo Realty & Development Co. Ltd. 1,650,000 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd. 778,500 Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. 623,200 Suruga Bank Ltd. 1,399,700 Suzuken Co. Ltd./Aichi Japan 340,524 Suzuki Motor Corp. 1,587,300 Sysmex Corp. 631,200 T&D Holdings Inc. 2,642,100 Taiheiyo Cement Corp. 6,232,000 SCHEDULES OF Value 39,313,220 157,944,423 12,603,262 8,811,881 13,113,762 9,754,970 16,302,837 51,048,670 23,561,112 111,684,533 17,028,411 55,865,987 41,420,196 35,373,921 7,322,212 60,688,002 244,515,845 54,874,520 161,994,160 16,861,763 15,569,111 36,070,027 58,370,189 9,318,500 51,032,735 13,556,302 28,028,250 264,162,796 72,271,161 57,918,802 11,750,232 26,357,545 30,085,162 12,065,865 55,352,756 40,909,932 40,294,184 20,572,969 Security Shares Taisei Corp. 4,679,000 $ Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co. Ltd. 115,100 Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp. 659,600 Takashimaya Co. Ltd. 1,578,000 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3,578,400 TDK Corp. 574,700 Teijin Ltd. 4,215,000 Terumo Corp. 1,399,700 THK Co. Ltd. 467,900 Tobu Railway Co. Ltd. 4,679,000 Toho Co. Ltd./Tokyo 467,900 Toho Gas Co. Ltd. 1,578,000 Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc. 2,106,700 Tokio Marine Holdings Inc. 3,156,000 Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc.b 6,679,900 Tokyo Electron Ltd. 778,500 Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. 10,891,000 Tokyo Tatemono Co. Ltd. 870,500 Tokyu Corp. 5,547,000 Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp. 2,331,500 TonenGeneral Sekiyu KK 1,578,000 Toppan Printing Co. Ltd. 2,683,000 Toray Industries Inc. 6,626,000 Toshiba Corp. 18,656,000 TOTO Ltd. 1,578,000 Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd. 727,900 Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd. 315,600 Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd. 268,300 Toyota Industries Corp. 778,500 Toyota Motor Corp. 12,466,200 Toyota Tsusho Corp. 1,034,300 Trend Micro Inc./Japan 467,900 Unicharm Corp. 1,865,600 United Urban Investment Corp. 10,891 USS Co. Ltd. 1,034,380 West Japan Railway Co. 778,500 Yahoo Japan Corp. 6,679,922 Yakult Honsha Co. Ltd. 341,300 Yamada Denki Co. Ltd. 3,698,650 Yamaguchi Financial Group Inc. 1,578,000 Yamaha Corp. 727,900 Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd. 1,244,400 Yamato Holdings Co. Ltd. 1,555,000 Value 27,531,305 7,738,674 7,762,192 15,118,334 180,226,934 40,309,480 15,411,397 36,151,903 9,078,910 22,546,213 11,088,054 9,437,814 30,930,121 131,568,990 47,985,076 42,985,742 58,861,242 12,190,302 40,831,866 17,613,980 15,806,110 23,366,213 52,806,912 57,220,065 25,727,915 11,356,638 11,946,923 5,937,920 43,167,965 830,409,206 26,255,083 17,145,696 44,880,107 15,822,915 18,192,131 55,980,116 29,276,384 22,671,609 14,150,370 21,104,532 17,161,273 28,303,961 34,502,563 71 INVESTMENTS - 38 - 010_3770624762810.indd 38 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Yamazaki Baking Co. Ltd. Yaskawa Electric Corp. Yokogawa Electric Corp. Yokohama Rubber Co. Ltd. (The) 289,000 $ 1,089,100 1,089,100 786,500 Value 4,613,923 12,930,837 12,253,968 15,578,280 13,793,311,996 NETHERLANDS — 2.93% Aegon NV Akzo Nobel NV Altice SAa,b ASML Holding NV Boskalis Westminster NV Delta Lloyd NV Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NVb Gemalto NVa Heineken Holding NV Heineken NV ING Groep NV CVA Koninklijke Ahold NV Koninklijke DSM NV Koninklijke KPN NV Koninklijke Philips NV Koninklijke Vopak NV NN Group NV OCI NVb Randstad Holding NV RELX NV TNT Express NV Unilever NV CVA Wolters Kluwer NV 64,620,261 81,584,691 50,921,456 161,622,506 19,018,352 17,643,943 66,360,026 31,534,733 32,559,761 84,090,519 303,000,111 81,777,313 47,575,502 58,495,661 119,648,183 16,924,164 25,844,172 13,271,140 39,478,350 82,644,755 18,264,000 337,369,926 46,148,725 4,289,140 1,494,306 3,135,320 5,535,654 3,173,419 1,725,817 8,378,798 15,414,581 4,913,704 16,495,721 8,274,003 5,818,362 9,630,266 16,475,465 77,022,102 NORWAY — 0.61% DNB ASA Gjensidige Forsikring ASA Norsk Hydro ASA 72 Shares 3,707,771 $ 1,741,273 5,116,622 1,295,482 3,443,701 826,376 Value 29,739,344 15,819,336 86,988,585 11,402,811 75,916,178 41,334,811 372,560,652 8,350,628 1,132,377 400,774 1,613,907 386,777 987,908 4,200,172 365,035 466,000 1,060,919 17,704,674 4,083,677 827,929 14,706,784 4,277,842 321,808 832,588 392,989 573,177 4,930,901 2,166,546 7,482,321 1,384,003 1,800,398,250 NEW ZEALAND — 0.13% Auckland International Airport Ltd. Contact Energy Ltd. Fletcher Building Ltd. Meridian Energy Ltd. Mighty River Power Ltd. Ryman Healthcare Ltd. Spark New Zealand Ltd. Security Orkla ASA Seadrill Ltd.a Statoil ASA Subsea 7 SAb Telenor ASA Yara International ASA 4,481,325 919,576 6,162,011 73,431,357 14,830,685 23,097,545 PORTUGAL — 0.15% Banco Comercial Portugues SA Registereda,b EDP – Energias de Portugal SA Galp Energia SGPS SA Jeronimo Martins SGPS SA 173,567,200 13,423,604 10,293,206 1,801,860 1,177,414 38,302,417 21,002,788 17,600,720 90,329,529 SINGAPORE — 1.32% Ascendas REIT CapitaLand Commercial Trust CapitaLand Ltd.a CapitaLand Mall Trust City Developments Ltd. ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd. DBS Group Holdings Ltd. Genting Singapore PLC Global Logistic Properties Ltd.a Golden Agri-Resources Ltd. Hutchison Port Holdings Trusta Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd.a Keppel Corp. Ltd.a Noble Group Ltd.a Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. SembCorp Industries Ltd.a Sembcorp Marine Ltda Singapore Airlines Ltd. Singapore Exchange Ltd. Singapore Press Holdings Ltd.a Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. StarHub Ltd. Suntec REIT United Overseas Bank Ltd. 2015 9,785,900 9,785,900 12,428,000 10,875,000 2,486,800 9,785,900 7,925,900 27,649,400 14,602,200 31,844,594 24,698,700 403,554 6,835,200 20,971,527 17,307,519 10,191,411 29,246,627 15,895,637 16,956,694 21,527,121 116,892,978 17,782,264 24,545,100 7,331,029 14,819,220 8,715,209 37,465,468 6,973,650 13,604,798 4,350,400 3,418,600 2,642,100 3,729,200 102,311,899 11,350,528 6,520,899 20,738,255 21,721,643 6,519,750 19,917,091 7,301,100 17,501,723 36,658,885 2,486,800 11,340,900 5,903,400 109,577,461 6,960,786 14,131,575 95,779,785 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 39 - 010_3770624762810.indd 39 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares UOL Group Ltd.a Wilmar International Ltd. Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Holdings Ltd.a 2,331,500 $ 8,854,100 8,543,500 Value 11,416,393 20,706,804 8,054,604 812,339,373 SPAIN — 3.53% Abertis Infraestructuras SA ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA Aena SAb,d Amadeus IT Holding SA Class A Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA Banco de Sabadell SAa Banco Popular Espanol SA Banco Santander SA Bankia SA Bankinter SA CaixaBank SA Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentacion SA Enagas SA Endesa SA Ferrovial SA Gas Natural SDG SA Grifols SA Iberdrola SA Industria de Diseno Textil SA International Consolidated Airlines Group SAb Mapfre SA Red Electrica Corp. SA Repsol SA Telefonica SA Zardoya Otis SA Zardoya Otis SA Newb 2,145,970 35,339,391 890,833 310,680 30,068,443 34,462,791 2,082,993 91,388,412 29,135,501 22,801,057 8,223,301 66,183,564 21,432,614 3,136,147 10,633,998 296,602,040 52,247,699 37,968,374 459,504,493 28,486,835 24,369,155 47,689,093 2,918,687 661,825 1,454,864 2,050,380 1,690,024 683,954 25,311,183 5,031,187 18,377,635 18,704,545 30,765,768 50,155,136 36,943,017 30,370,248 179,647,596 173,292,735 3,808,736 4,813,727 383,283 4,952,121 20,737,298 816,083 32,930 31,863,605 15,561,778 30,815,936 83,711,691 319,387,840 9,007,479 363,463 2,167,095,198 SWEDEN — 2.89% Alfa Laval AB Assa Abloy AB Atlas Copco AB Class A Atlas Copco AB Class B Boliden AB Electrolux AB Class B SCHEDULES OF 1,421,295 4,582,290 3,042,947 1,806,519 1,258,190 1,107,529 26,303,090 93,565,196 83,672,704 44,639,478 23,372,632 32,042,580 Security Shares 1,696,246 $ Elekta AB Class Ba Getinge AB Class B 923,559 Hennes & Mauritz AB Class B 4,346,174 Hexagon AB Class B 1,188,285 Husqvarna AB Class B 1,926,120 ICA Gruppen AB 351,058 Industrivarden AB Class C 691,225 Investment AB Kinnevik Class B 1,074,896 Investor AB Class B 2,100,096 Lundin Petroleum ABa,b 1,009,670 Millicom International Cellular SA SDR 304,468 Nordea Bank AB 13,919,253 Sandvik AB 4,874,314 Securitas AB Class B 1,424,960 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Class A 6,949,522 Skanska AB Class B 1,700,989 SKF AB Class B 1,808,072 Svenska Cellulosa AB SCA Class B 2,699,674 Svenska Handelsbanken AB Class A 6,854,789 Swedbank AB Class A 4,170,667 Swedish Match AB 925,788 Tele2 AB Class B 1,475,746 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson Class B 13,984,479 TeliaSonera AB 11,980,709 Volvo AB Class B 7,025,639 Value 11,334,153 22,799,804 173,940,215 38,646,907 14,139,195 12,887,219 13,146,768 34,608,157 81,526,455 14,729,309 22,403,539 174,489,784 49,565,056 20,555,024 84,281,816 36,041,433 35,590,474 77,318,835 105,514,862 98,340,470 28,533,452 15,445,134 150,519,790 73,278,003 83,648,313 1,776,879,847 SWITZERLAND — 9.50% ABB Ltd. Registered Actelion Ltd. Registered Adecco SA Registered Aryzta AG Baloise Holding AG Registered Barry Callebaut AG Registered Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli AG Participation Certificates Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprungli AG Registered Cie. Financiere Richemont SA Class A Registered 10,046,844 472,212 776,660 399,223 220,586 10,891 205,201,902 70,210,274 65,172,853 20,382,762 28,276,137 12,249,684 4,215 23,857,663 370 24,830,923 2,389,014 207,308,051 73 INVESTMENTS - 40 - 010_3770624762810.indd 40 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Value Credit Suisse Group AG Registered 6,997,685 $ 207,360,388 Dufry AG Registereda,b 184,807 25,785,682 EMS-Chemie Holding AG Registered 37,292 18,294,848 Geberit AG Registered 172,423 60,009,878 Givaudan SA Registered 43,504 81,476,641 Julius Baer Group Ltd. 1,015,254 56,461,686 Kuehne + Nagel International AG Registered 240,781 33,420,232 LafargeHolcim Ltd.b 777,973 54,202,825 LafargeHolcim Ltd. Registered 1,046,942 73,310,994 Lonza Group AG Registered 243,881 35,550,648 Nestle SA Registered 14,778,222 1,125,549,735 Novartis AG Registered 10,533,033 1,100,318,919 Pargesa Holding SA Bearer 136,704 9,252,518 Partners Group Holding AG 80,780 27,190,022 Roche Holding AG 3,218,476 934,633,911 Schindler Holding AG Participation Certificates 228,351 36,993,290 Schindler Holding AG Registered 65,246 10,658,227 SGS SA Registered 27,974 53,700,999 Sika AG Bearer 9,338 34,034,974 Sonova Holding AG Registered 245,434 35,138,610 Sulzer AG Registered 107,967 11,143,821 Swatch Group AG (The) Bearer 141,363 61,201,898 Swatch Group AG (The) Registered 234,571 19,329,959 Swiss Life Holding AG Registered 147,577 35,040,133 Swiss Prime Site AG Registered 301,554 24,159,461 Swiss Re AG 1,627,884 147,358,140 Swisscom AG Registered 116,515 68,131,755 Syngenta AG Registered 428,728 177,540,052 Transocean Ltd.a 1,682,239 23,244,339 UBS Group AG 16,744,720 387,649,589 Zurich Insurance Group AG 689,672 211,185,589 5,836,820,012 UNITED KINGDOM — 20.03% 3i Group PLC Aberdeen Asset Management PLC Admiral Group PLC Aggreko PLC 74 4,465,775 38,572,555 4,246,762 918,023 1,165,778 24,122,552 21,216,442 21,830,367 Security Amec Foster Wheeler PLC Anglo American PLC Antofagasta PLC ARM Holdings PLC Ashtead Group PLC Associated British Foods PLC AstraZeneca PLC Aviva PLC Babcock International Group PLC BAE Systems PLC Barclays PLC Barratt Developments PLC BG Group PLC BHP Billiton PLC BP PLC British American Tobacco PLC British Land Co. PLC (The) BT Group PLC Bunzl PLC Burberry Group PLC Capita PLC Carnival PLC Centrica PLC Cobham PLC Coca-Cola HBC AG Compass Group PLC Croda International PLC Diageo PLC Direct Line Insurance Group PLC Dixons Carphone PLC easyJet PLC Experian PLC Fresnillo PLC G4S PLC GKN PLC GlaxoSmithKline PLC Glencore PLC Hammerson PLC Hargreaves Lansdown PLC HSBC Holdings PLC ICAP PLC IMI PLC Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 2015 Shares Value 1,679,133 $ 6,395,001 1,842,238 6,486,648 2,297,367 1,626,331 5,782,999 18,294,934 21,486,362 80,952,917 16,300,193 101,932,751 35,187,193 81,821,590 389,852,933 148,456,129 1,136,600 14,398,404 75,515,868 4,538,786 15,548,670 9,672,491 83,395,817 8,547,899 4,381,913 38,199,076 1,498,156 2,042,615 2,999,475 836,095 23,037,203 5,147,682 904,046 7,637,641 627,552 11,516,262 17,585,888 107,894,785 340,506,071 44,975,642 265,081,021 178,485,700 514,635,558 507,015,451 57,507,394 276,857,165 42,876,597 51,286,906 61,036,101 46,343,894 95,805,602 20,990,127 18,876,027 122,165,070 29,770,576 321,593,440 6,235,133 4,485,984 730,412 4,521,703 1,028,306 7,109,521 7,688,910 22,266,755 50,902,070 3,526,030 1,183,626 87,942,368 2,553,004 1,232,130 4,392,784 35,601,810 31,907,736 18,738,450 84,744,005 10,382,229 30,476,349 38,215,378 485,072,095 165,220,039 36,205,608 22,127,648 795,546,187 20,577,176 20,400,267 230,668,802 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 41 - 010_3770624762810.indd 41 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Inmarsat PLC InterContinental Hotels Group PLC Intertek Group PLC Intu Properties PLC Investec PLC ITV PLC J Sainsbury PLCa Johnson Matthey PLC Kingfisher PLC Land Securities Group PLC Legal & General Group PLC Lloyds Banking Group PLC London Stock Exchange Group PLC Marks & Spencer Group PLC Meggitt PLC Melrose Industries PLC Merlin Entertainments PLCd Mondi PLC National Grid PLC Next PLC Old Mutual PLC Pearson PLC Persimmon PLC Petrofac Ltd. Prudential PLC Randgold Resources Ltd. Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC RELX PLC Rexam PLC Rio Tinto PLC Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLCb Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class A Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class B Royal Mail PLC RSA Insurance Group PLC SABMiller PLC Sage Group PLC (The) Schroders PLC SEGRO PLC SCHEDULES OF 1,989,813 $ Value 27,573,327 1,079,555 730,181 4,089,889 2,545,887 17,528,462 5,896,388 944,424 10,857,670 3,594,382 27,135,167 261,247,051 45,451,755 27,882,290 21,035,976 23,261,085 76,780,364 24,374,289 42,960,519 61,114,846 72,805,278 110,391,967 339,186,584 1,435,272 7,496,298 3,641,028 4,539,921 3,150,124 1,680,686 17,282,178 705,222 22,540,143 3,757,467 1,421,305 1,196,977 11,741,507 413,198 2,965,277 5,240,882 3,153,308 5,829,589 8,620,890 58,479,685 63,636,998 26,392,084 19,610,033 20,425,026 40,389,758 230,071,253 87,929,899 74,603,856 70,538,260 45,401,382 16,437,373 276,213,629 24,902,011 284,533,695 91,434,507 27,383,913 226,198,824 106,816,058 11,562,872 61,746,119 17,836,025 512,129,553 11,058,501 2,960,618 4,627,851 4,439,374 5,034,293 568,518 3,331,865 321,062,718 23,331,233 37,119,869 233,080,644 40,929,850 28,061,272 23,334,806 Security Severn Trent PLC Shire PLC Sky PLC Smith & Nephew PLC Smiths Group PLC Sports Direct International PLCb SSE PLC Standard Chartered PLC Standard Life PLC Tate & Lyle PLC Taylor Wimpey PLC Tesco PLC Travis Perkins PLC TUI AG Tullow Oil PLC Unilever PLC United Utilities Group PLC Vodafone Group PLC Weir Group PLC (The) Whitbread PLC William Hill PLC Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Wolseley PLC WPP PLC Shares 1,107,529 $ 2,704,333 4,739,163 4,088,336 1,794,764 Value 38,091,725 239,702,435 84,308,321 75,856,426 31,620,245 1,236,448 4,543,445 11,312,779 8,959,790 2,153,088 14,885,399 37,198,744 1,120,570 2,053,486 4,200,172 5,880,858 3,159,442 121,349,479 965,006 827,929 3,991,189 15,281,465 107,414,238 173,040,573 63,533,107 18,311,428 45,156,543 125,210,965 39,292,169 35,313,217 16,117,198 266,777,788 43,978,376 457,981,516 23,145,567 67,053,954 25,218,196 9,910,140 1,199,478 6,034,625 28,223,223 79,663,219 138,430,429 12,312,639,689 TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost: $56,159,332,330) 60,790,563,501 PREFERRED STOCKS — 0.55% GERMANY — 0.55% Bayerische Motoren Werke AG Fuchs Petrolub SE Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Porsche Automobil Holding SE Volkswagen AG 250,093 327,767 801,528 705,222 768,895 19,690,230 14,331,432 95,641,392 53,364,993 154,951,329 337,979,376 TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS (Cost: $271,122,797) 337,979,376 75 INVESTMENTS - 42 - 010_3770624762810.indd 42 2016/10/18 11:56:22 2.iシェアーズ MSCI EAFE ETF Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EAFE ETF July 31, 2015 Security Shares Value SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS — 0.51% MONEY MARKET FUNDS — 0.52% BlackRock Cash Funds: Institutional, SL Agency Shares 0.18%e,f,g 277,471,406 $ BlackRock Cash Funds: Prime, SL Agency Shares 0.17%e,f,g 15,329,499 BlackRock Cash Funds: Treasury, SL Agency Shares 0.02%e,f 22,601,465 277,471,406 15,329,499 22,601,465 315,402,370 TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost: $315,402,370) TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES — 99.98% (Cost: $56,745,857,497) Other Assets, Less Liabilities — 0.02% NET ASSETS — 100.00% 315,402,370 61,443,945,247 15,228,337 $61,459,173,584 ADR — American Depositary Receipts SDR — Swedish Depositary Receipts a All or a portion of this security represents a security on loan. See Note 1. b Non-income earning security. c This security may be resold to qualified foreign investors and foreign institutional buyers under Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933. This security may be resold to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. e Affiliated issuer. See Note 2. f The rate quoted is the annualized seven-day yield of the fund at period end. g All or a portion of this security represents an investment of securities lending collateral. See Note 1. d Open futures contracts as of July 31, 2015 were as follows: Number of Contracts Purchased (Sold) Issue ASX SPI 200 Index Euro STOXX 50 FTSE 100 Index TOPIX Index 356 2,357 834 537 Expiration Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 2015 2015 2015 2015 Exchange Notional Value Sydney Futures NYSE LIFFE – London ICE Futures Europe Tokyo Stock $36,933,339 93,696,674 86,598,983 71,949,635 Net unrealized appreciation Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) $1,153,574 3,719,006 (461,638) (278,076) $4,132,866 See notes to financial statements. 76 2015 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 43 - 010_3770624762810.indd 43 2016/10/18 11:56:22 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF ■損益計算書 Year ended August 31, 2015 iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (Consolidated) NET INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends — unaffiliatedb Dividends — affiliated Interest — unaffiliated Interest — affiliated Securities lending income — affiliated — netc $778,832,138 — 10,366 10,494 26,410,748 805,263,746 (2,522,613) 802,741,133 Less: Other foreign taxes Total investment income EXPENSES Investment advisory fees Mauritius income taxes Commitment fees Interest expense Total expenses Less investment advisory fees waived Net expenses Net investment income 221,482,303 1,157,704 109,177 15,782 222,764,966 — 222,764,966 579,976,167 NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) Net realized gain (loss) from: Investments — unaffiliated Investments — affiliated In-kind redemptions — unaffiliated In-kind redemptions — affiliated Futures contracts Foreign currency transactions Net realized gain (loss) Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on: Investments Forward currency contracts Futures contracts Translation of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation Net realized and unrealized loss NET DECREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS (2,091,782,449) — 595,875,704 — (29,867,869) (24,262,792) (1,550,037,406) (7,689,887,253) — (15,877,447) (1,944,959) (7,707,709,659) (9,257,747,065) $(8,677,770,898) b Net of foreign withholding tax of $90,362,825. c Net of securities lending income tax paid of $777,105. - 44 - 010_3770624762810.indd 44 2016/10/18 11:56:22 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF ■組入銘柄 Consolidated Schedule of Investments iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Value COMMON STOCKS — 96.04% BRAZIL — 4.35% Ambev SA B2W Cia. Digitala Banco Bradesco SA Banco do Brasil SA Banco Santander Brasil SA Units BB Seguridade Participacoes SA BM&FBovespa SA-Bolsa de Valores Mercadorias e Futuros BR Malls Participacoes SA BRF SA CCR SA CETIP SA – Mercados Organizados Cia. de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo Cia. Siderurgica Nacional SA Cielo SA Cosan SA Industria e Comercio CPFL Energia SA Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes Duratex SA EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logistica SA EDP – Energias do Brasil SA Embraer SA Equatorial Energia SA Estacio Participacoes SA Fibria Celulose SA Hypermarcas SAa JBS SA Klabin SA Units Kroton Educacional SA Localiza Rent A Car SA Lojas Americanas SA Lojas Renner SA M. Dias Branco SA Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA SCHEDULES OF 28,944,615 $ 680,500 4,792,008 5,273,074 151,706,418 2,914,627 33,115,476 25,813,415 2,408,800 9,543,272 4,342,400 34,217,003 10,677,000 2,735,300 4,021,685 5,378,500 31,600,813 8,411,108 76,762,315 21,973,253 1,379,429 12,392,042 2,183,624 3,958,828 5,247,248 724,700 1,375,568 9,430,546 3,804,214 55,249,354 3,611,313 5,929,417 1,590,300 2,012,255 3,667,656 3,033,092 1,156,300 1,649,500 4,136,600 680,800 1,776,400 1,592,261 2,197,800 4,573,565 3,314,400 8,465,880 863,289 828,775 824,900 161,700 2,219,105 5,076,778 26,098,996 6,607,531 6,081,875 22,391,546 9,938,298 17,768,123 18,436,336 20,175,397 5,311,636 2,832,933 22,312,897 2,810,244 524,000 5,924,448 Security Natura Cosmeticos SA Odontoprev SA Petroleo Brasileiro SAa Porto Seguro SA Qualicorp SA Raia Drogasil SA Souza Cruz SA Sul America SA TIM Participacoes SA TOTVS SA Tractebel Energia SA Transmissora Alianca de Energia Eletrica SA Units Ultrapar Participacoes SA Vale SA Via Varejo SA WEG SA Shares 1,080,600 $ 1,907,600 18,743,274 775,700 1,327,000 1,324,900 2,395,100 993,265 5,135,076 822,600 1,066,400 416,400 2,246,300 8,248,948 509,100 3,625,720 Value 7,028,461 5,122,199 54,651,265 7,087,733 6,219,202 14,441,219 17,452,386 4,772,363 12,406,800 7,159,426 9,820,044 2,115,011 39,144,117 40,585,119 951,876 16,673,982 912,792,680 CHILE — 1.24% AES Gener SA Aguas Andinas SA Series A Banco de Chile Banco de Credito e Inversiones Banco Santander Chile Cencosud SA Cia. Cervecerias Unidas SA Colbun SA CorpBanca SA Empresa Nacional de Electricidad SA/Chile Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones SA Empresas CMPC SA Empresas COPEC SA Enersis SA LATAM Airlines Group SAa SACI Falabella SONDA SA Vina Concha y Toro SA 16,610,669 15,839,721 149,550,750 8,356,413 8,210,733 15,458,558 228,928 427,064,600 7,720,197 853,476 46,092,271 961,283,519 10,001,802 20,647,909 15,699,413 9,459,355 12,523,859 8,970,573 20,620,080 25,572,078 765,074 8,102,793 2,795,177 123,279,291 1,821,287 3,111,540 1,589,961 2,159,896 7,162,214 22,175,412 27,333,964 34,219,133 10,195,242 19,213,315 2,598,136 3,624,876 261,422,985 CHINA — 23.18% AAC Technologies Holdings Inc.b 4,607,500 25,950,462 13 INVESTMENTS - 45 - 010_3770624762810.indd 45 2016/10/18 11:56:22 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Agricultural Bank of China Ltd. Class H Air China Ltd. Class H Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd.a,b Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd.a,b Aluminum Corp. of China Ltd. Class Ha,b Anhui Conch Cement Co. Ltd. Class H Anta Sports Products Ltd. AviChina Industry & Technology Co. Ltd. Class H Bank of China Ltd. Class H Bank of Communications Co. Ltd. Class H BBMG Corp. Class H Beijing Capital International Airport Co. Ltd. Class H Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd. Beijing Enterprises Water Group Ltd.b Belle International Holdings Ltd. Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Ltd. Byd Co. Ltd. Class Hb CGN Power Co. Ltd. Class Hc China Agri-Industries Holdings Ltd.a,b China Cinda Asset Management Co. Ltd. Class H China CITIC Bank Corp. Ltd. Class Ha China Coal Energy Co. Ltd. Class Hb China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. Class H China Communications Services Corp. Ltd. Class H China Conch Venture Holdings Ltd.b 14 137,662,000 $ 13,170,000 Value 55,597,326 9,516,326 15,030,000 62,520,000 10,394,875 14,601,351 24,750,000 8,271,237 7,631,500 6,529,402 23,091,293 16,445,562 13,660,000 485,708,000 9,500,248 221,857,449 53,965,600 7,251,500 40,665,428 4,678,357 10,560,000 11,363,849 3,360,000 19,617,938 26,618,000 19,061,800 28,567,000 26,134,029 18,760,000 4,033,500 44,760,000 22,657,093 16,472,187 17,730,621 15,300,600 5,804,319 52,631,000 19,558,233 50,361,800 30,866,711 17,572,000 8,207,772 27,486,000 32,699,263 13,118,000 4,824,008 6,548,000 14,430,854 Security China Construction Bank Corp. Class H China COSCO Holdings Co. Ltd. Class Ha,b China Everbright Bank Co. Ltd. Class H China Everbright International Ltd.b China Everbright Ltd. China Galaxy Securities Co. Ltd. Class H China Gas Holdings Ltd.b China Huishan Dairy Holdings Co. Ltd.b China International Marine Containers Group Co. Ltd. Class H China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Class H China Longyuan Power Group Corp. Ltd. China Medical System Holdings Ltd.b China Mengniu Dairy Co. Ltd. China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd. Class H China Merchants Holdings International Co. Ltd.b China Minsheng Banking Corp. Ltd. Class H China Mobile Ltd. China National Building Material Co. Ltd. Class H China Oilfield Services Ltd. Class H China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. China Pacific Insurance Group Co. Ltd. Class H China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. Class H China Power International Development Ltd. China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd. Class H 2015 Shares 514,766,760 $ Value 361,994,934 17,337,500 9,877,099 18,956,000 8,658,556 15,914,000 5,930,000 20,821,538 12,395,533 20,657,500 11,168,000 14,153,628 16,312,380 35,945,000 13,172,018 2,766,600 4,926,301 45,804,000 158,392,165 18,597,000 19,748,687 6,596,000 8,540,000 7,166,189 29,862,259 28,157,467 67,068,837 7,466,000 24,950,729 35,116,040 37,752,000 34,028,356 457,405,152 17,908,000 10,444,340 11,044,000 11,884,692 24,432,960 71,564,466 16,255,000 59,146,844 156,006,800 103,869,664 17,972,000 11,965,796 12,352,500 16,193,625 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 46 - 010_3770624762810.indd 46 2016/10/18 11:56:22 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares China Railway Group Ltd. Class H 24,792,000 $ China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd. 12,948,000 China Resources Enterprise Ltd. 7,742,000 China Resources Gas b Group Ltd. 5,698,000 China Resources Land Ltd. 16,741,333 China Resources Power Holdings Co. Ltd. 12,172,999 China Shenhua Energy Co. Ltd. Class H 20,695,000 China Shipping Container Lines Co. Ltd. Class Ha,b 24,822,000 China Southern Airlines Co. Ltd. Class H 11,058,000 China State Construction International Holdings Ltd. 11,290,000 China Taiping Insurance Holdings Co. Ltd.a 9,988,860 China Telecom Corp. Ltd. Class H 85,014,000 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd. 36,544,000 China Vanke Co. Ltd. Class Hb 8,022,931 Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd. Class B 5,140,175 Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co. Ltd. Class H 16,495,000 CITIC Ltd. 24,616,000 CITIC Securities Co. Ltd. Class H 13,351,500 CNOOC Ltd. 109,858,000 COSCO Pacific Ltd. 11,732,000 Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd.b 34,339,939 CRRC Corp. Ltd. Class Ha 26,628,300 CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd. 25,490,000 Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co. Ltd. Class Hc 3,618,100 Datang International Power Generation Co. Ltd. Class H 17,718,000 Dongfeng Motor Group Co. Ltd. Class H 16,726,000 SCHEDULES OF Value 22,232,682 6,365,363 24,324,708 15,035,271 41,777,457 29,811,875 35,888,904 8,902,521 7,205,489 14,917,272 28,226,403 44,536,079 48,002,003 18,240,404 8,224,227 9,641,531 45,102,574 26,771,738 136,223,041 13,800,285 12,052,133 31,129,141 23,351,978 22,221,993 7,155,740 16,833,801 Security ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. Evergrande Real Estate Group Ltd.b Far East Horizon Ltd. Fosun International Ltd. Franshion Properties China Ltd. GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Ltd.a,b Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd.b GF Securities Co. Ltd.a,b Goldin Properties Holdings Ltd.a,b GOME Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd.b Great Wall Motor Co. Ltd. Class H Guangdong Investment Ltd. Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. Ltd. Class H Guangzhou R&F Properties Co. Ltd. Class Ha Haier Electronics Group Co. Ltd. Haitian International Holdings Ltd.b Haitong Securities Co. Ltd. Class H Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd.a,b Hengan International Group Co. Ltd. Huadian Power International Corp. Ltd. Class H Huaneng Power International Inc. Class H Huaneng Renewables Corp. Ltd. Class H Huatai Securities Co. Ltd.a,c Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. Class H Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co. Ltd. Class B Jiangsu Expressway Co. Ltd. Class H Shares 5,084,000 $ Value 25,944,633 33,989,388 10,010,000 11,685,500 22,367,066 7,969,200 19,601,357 21,628,000 5,413,942 65,670,000 10,507,132 33,455,000 5,591,000 12,950,239 9,580,387 7,370,105 7,037,216 76,860,200 12,198,379 6,809,500 16,986,110 18,187,837 22,969,456 13,770,742 9,683,879 6,156,000 5,623,768 7,069,000 12,678,512 3,497,000 6,344,194 19,906,400 28,716,402 98,422,000 127 4,460,000 43,765,266 10,046,000 8,179,336 22,010,000 25,361,036 21,980,000 4,495,600 8,026,193 8,179,039 451,015,085 266,533,647 6,576,254 5,563,511 7,698,000 9,098,481 15 INVESTMENTS - 47 - 010_3770624762810.indd 47 2016/10/18 11:56:22 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Jiangxi Copper Co. Ltd. Class H Kingsoft Corp. Ltd.b Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd.b Lenovo Group Ltd.b Longfor Properties Co. Ltd. Luye Pharma Group Ltd.a New China Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Class H New World China Land Ltd. Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Ltd. People’s Insurance Co. Group of China Ltd. (The) Class H PetroChina Co. Ltd. Class H PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd. Class H Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. Class H Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp.a Shandong Weigao Group Medical Polymer Co. Ltd. Class H Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. Class Hb Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Group Co. Ltd. Class H Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd. Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding Co. Ltd. Class H Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd. Shimao Property Holdings Ltd. Shui On Land Ltd. Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Group Ltd. Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Ltd. Sinopec Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Class H Value 8,243,000 $ 5,320,000 20,054,000 41,064,000 9,610,500 7,469,500 10,412,703 11,216,547 14,180,027 33,698,755 11,619,330 6,361,082 4,842,200 11,838,000 18,931,318 7,179,128 10,612,000 5,956,374 40,146,000 129,112,000 19,010,951 107,287,215 21,632,128 41,086,822 32,046,500 156,923,462 155,705,000 13,661,770 11,116,000 7,773,978 17,238,000 9,519,763 2,356,000 6,885,556 3,877,000 9,454,816 4,406,000 9,187,161 3,428,000 8,701,500 30,237,100 17,316,817 12,215,704 6,632,611 33,336,000 19,956,000 6,452,087 23,689,550 Security Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co. Ltd. Class Ha Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. Class H Sinotrans Ltd. Class H SOHO China Ltd.b Sun Art Retail Group Ltd.b Sunac China Holdings Ltd. Tencent Holdings Ltd. Tingyi Cayman Islands Holding Corp.b Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Class H Want Want China Holdings Ltd.b Weichai Power Co. Ltd. Class H Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Ltd. Class Hb Yuexiu Property Co. Ltd.b Zhejiang Expressway Co. Ltd. Class H Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric Co. Ltd. Class H Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. Class H ZTE Corp. Class H Shares 22,217,000 $ Value 8,112,736 7,276,800 11,048,000 14,992,500 14,816,500 9,522,000 31,691,300 27,557,768 5,074,920 6,403,207 12,350,190 5,147,990 538,953,083 11,960,000 18,395,133 2,728,000 13,411,113 36,591,000 5,795,400 29,508,681 6,236,558 11,652,800 46,957,420 5,503,093 7,391,959 9,998,000 10,733,268 3,339,000 22,123,425 36,464,000 5,081,400 9,410,004 10,241,414 4,867,579,916 23,590,500 12,327,859 6,472,000 5,586,761 COLOMBIA — 0.36% Almacenes Exito SA Cementos Argos SA Corp. Financiera Colombiana SA Ecopetrol SA Grupo Argos SA/Colombia Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA Interconexion Electrica SA ESP Isagen SA ESP 1,285,885 2,667,788 6,974,996 8,416,878 589,009 29,080,933 1,754,725 6,987,758 14,994,048 9,529,458 1,565,855 2,184,762 5,352,786 17,868,008 4,689,452 5,087,180 74,547,778 CZECH REPUBLIC — 0.22% CEZ AS Komercni Banka AS Pegas Nonwovens SA 979,188 102,171 20,000 22,348,980 23,243,294 762,374 46,354,648 16 2015 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 48 - 010_3770624762810.indd 48 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares EGYPT — 0.21% Commercial International Bank Egypt SAE Global Telecom Holding SAEa Global Telecom Holding SAE GDRa Talaat Moustafa Group 3,574,839 $ 16,169,071 8,557,240 5,139,562 Value 22,882,476 4,336,504 11,124,412 4,850,718 43,194,110 GREECE — 0.25% Alpha Bank AEa Eurobank Ergasias SAa FF Group Hellenic Telecommunications Organization SA JUMBO SA National Bank of Greece SAa OPAP SA Piraeus Bank SAa Titan Cement Co. SA 28,536,863 56,902,970 214,590 2,685,946 2,295,351 4,568,513 1,505,596 647,211 9,771,217 1,380,226 13,504,141 298,682 13,749,211 5,438,998 5,693,296 10,825,799 1,301,299 6,265,080 52,823,493 HUNGARY — 0.24% MOL Hungarian Oil & Gas PLC OTP Bank PLC Richter Gedeon Nyrt 235,396 1,366,096 781,404 11,659,347 26,299,054 11,929,406 49,887,807 INDIA — 8.51% ACC Ltd. Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd. Ambuja Cements Ltd. Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. Asian Paints Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Bajaj Auto Ltd. Bharat Forge Ltd. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Bharti Infratel Ltd. Bosch Ltd. Cairn India Ltd. Cipla Ltd. Coal India Ltd. SCHEDULES OF 243,144 4,882,449 4,330,991 222,347 4,438,849 477,088 1,886,269 1,717,939 529,873 640,580 3,747,721 1,154,699 7,285,885 2,826,926 47,259 2,744,136 2,262,872 4,216,331 23,158,342 6,841,832 13,835,720 9,618,553 24,079,547 19,460,069 17,796,878 11,254,357 12,766,776 15,341,559 38,832,479 16,999,830 16,500,980 6,148,764 23,221,033 23,236,598 Security Container Corp. of India Ltd. Dabur India Ltd. Divi’s Laboratories Ltd. DLF Ltd. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. Eicher Motors Ltd. GAIL (India) Ltd. GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Ltd. Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. HCL Technologies Ltd. Hero Motocorp Ltd. Hindalco Industries Ltd. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Housing Development Finance Corp. Ltd. ICICI Bank Ltd. Idea Cellular Ltd. Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Infosys Ltd. ITC Ltd. JSW Steel Ltd. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. LIC Housing Finance Ltd. Lupin Ltd. Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Marico Ltd. Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. Nestle India Ltd. NTPC Ltd. Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. Oil India Ltd. Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Power Finance Corp. Ltd. Reliance Communications Ltd.a Reliance Industries Ltd. Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd. Shree Cement Ltd. Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. Siemens Ltd. State Bank of India Shares Value 308,936 $ 3,044,513 283,121 1,558,697 734,063 66,589 2,224,105 6,622,779 12,505,518 10,068,843 2,600,369 47,512,842 19,047,409 9,906,845 48,577 623,225 760,717 3,465,994 295,025 6,899,828 4,710,342 4,467,257 10,826,630 15,246,954 50,630,364 10,639,096 8,308,856 61,002,383 9,287,459 6,932,970 6,536,145 961,931 11,379,051 13,903,084 561,128 1,976,351 1,926,498 1,373,535 165,721,241 28,983,413 15,323,929 10,926,002 187,337,095 68,004,329 7,766,315 47,655,405 12,838,490 39,993,165 1,681,684 2,256,761 1,042,241 1,979,703 127,694 7,926,051 5,155,401 660,293 345,149 1,648,167 4,631,618 8,015,654 1,909,781 34,815 6,391,538 41,448,357 6,358,493 9,038,584 11,459,132 14,480,916 18,558,668 4,464,365 5,056,387 5,557,527 4,208,345 103,205,690 7,275,698 5,645,660 904,415 439,436 9,356,606 11,061,822 8,361,348 34,815,442 17 INVESTMENTS - 49 - 010_3770624762810.indd 49 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Motors Ltd.a Tata Power Co. Ltd. Tata Steel Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Ultratech Cement Ltd. United Breweries Ltd. United Spirits Ltd.a UPL Ltd. Vedanta Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. 5,915,234 $ 2,921,914 5,057,042 6,885,903 1,913,064 1,555,041 241,583 439,158 347,487 1,705,516 5,576,509 3,916,032 3,466,808 Value 79,992,472 112,703,025 25,876,688 6,272,154 6,486,719 12,047,328 10,502,092 5,647,450 17,289,144 12,893,675 8,275,632 33,684,650 20,068,112 Security Media Nusantara Citra Tbk PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero Tbk PT Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk PT Summarecon Agung Tbk PT Surya Citra Media Tbk PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam Persero Tbk PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk PT Tower Bersama Infrastructure Tbk PTa Unilever Indonesia Tbk PT United Tractors Tbk PT XL Axiata Tbk PTa Shares 26,929,700 $ 67,245,800 13,305,575 18,186,100 39,937,200 27,052,300 11,973,055 4,604,859 5,256,426 4,271,700 1,778,608 310,846,900 63,496,840 9,498,100 9,484,800 10,818,153 15,054,000 4,850,453 26,817,344 14,725,778 3,214,377 1,787,038,408 INDONESIA — 2.38% Adaro Energy Tbk PT 83,826,400 Astra Agro Lestari Tbk PT 2,503,300 Astra International Tbk PT 125,125,900 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 78,620,700 Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk PT 24,757,316 Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk PT 59,036,900 Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 48,820,976 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk PT 69,376,622 Bumi Serpong Damai Tbk PT 44,745,000 Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk PT 48,966,045 Global Mediacom Tbk PT 38,115,700 Gudang Garam Tbk PT 3,215,300 Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk PT 8,700,900 Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 5,743,400 Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk PT 29,848,500 Jasa Marga Persero Tbk PT 11,741,700 Kalbe Farma Tbk PT 142,511,615 Lippo Karawaci Tbk PT 124,391,100 Matahari Department Store Tbk PT 13,395,800 18 3,549,944 3,051,175 52,766,616 72,185,554 6,228,976 38,237,423 17,200,273 52,464,527 5,111,439 6,517,189 3,201,176 10,183,690 12,153,392 5,211,982 11,259,577 4,303,897 16,989,819 9,473,201 16,708,996 Value 3,632,155 500,454,316 MALAYSIA — 3.13% AirAsia Bhdb Alliance Financial Group Bhdb AMMB Holdings Bhdb Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhdb Axiata Group Bhdb Berjaya Sports Toto Bhdb British American Tobacco Malaysia Bhdb Bumi Armada Bhda,b CIMB Group Holdings Bhdb Dialog Group Bhdb DiGi.Com Bhdb Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhdb Gamuda Bhdb Genting Bhdb Genting Malaysia Bhdb Genting Plantations Bhdb Hong Leong Bank Bhdb Hong Leong Financial Group Bhdb IHH Healthcare Bhd IJM Corp. Bhdb IOI Corp. Bhdb IOI Properties Group Bhdb Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhdb Lafarge Malaysia Bhdb 2015 7,804,500 6,305,000 13,207,175 7,098,600 15,311,600 6,762,463 1,616,646 5,644,476 14,779,458 4,901,414 22,384,101 4,749,825 903,500 11,417,900 30,949,900 19,378,712 20,163,000 13,376,102 2,324,358 36,845,119 7,243,947 25,107,736 7,189,900 11,035,900 13,794,500 20,412,800 2,516,000 3,039,800 2,088,495 11,403,763 22,498,173 19,246,354 5,912,600 9,466,806 719,400 14,797,700 9,268,220 18,698,420 13,626,685 2,886,200 2,485,900 2,391,149 20,611,082 13,902,330 17,808,019 5,937,341 14,307,306 5,504,493 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 50 - 010_3770624762810.indd 50 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Malayan Banking Bhdb Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhdb Maxis Bhdb MISC Bhdb Petronas Chemicals Group Bhdb Petronas Dagangan Bhdb Petronas Gas Bhdb PPB Group Bhdb Public Bank Bhdb RHB Capital Bhdb Sapurakencana Petroleum Bhdb Sime Darby Bhdb Telekom Malaysia Bhd Tenaga Nasional Bhdb UMW Holdings Bhdb Westports Holdings Bhd YTL Corp. Bhdb YTL Power International Bhd Value 28,177,300 $ 58,769,797 4,143,100 11,353,400 6,895,000 4,261,474 17,759,961 13,297,500 16,541,100 1,466,500 4,113,100 3,354,100 15,695,230 2,897,100 23,905,828 7,388,367 20,878,879 12,250,451 67,265,272 4,469,811 20,158,100 18,442,873 6,955,800 20,906,450 3,951,800 3,813,000 28,181,462 17,172,743 8,255,222 32,714,144 10,748,367 55,650,979 7,997,691 3,813,000 10,467,400 6,337,560 656,282,796 MEXICO — 4.79% Alfa SAB de CV 17,435,200 America Movil SAB de CV 200,134,600 Arca Continental SAB de CV 2,682,836 Cemex SAB de CV CPOa 78,617,182 Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV Series L 2,834,293 Controladora Comercial Mexicana SAB de CV BC Units 2,478,800 El Puerto de Liverpool SAB de CV Series C1 1,302,100 Fibra Uno Administracion SA de CV 14,211,200 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV 11,396,000 Gentera SAB de CVb 7,118,600 Gruma SAB de CV Series B 1,156,100 Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico SAB de CV Series B 1,779,400 Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste SAB de CV Series B 1,387,600 SCHEDULES OF 34,693,762 182,124,871 15,276,816 61,516,305 20,353,534 Security Grupo Bimbo SAB de CVa Grupo Carso SAB de CV Series A1 Grupo Comercial Chedraui SA de CVb Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV Grupo Financiero Inbursa SAB de CV Series O Grupo Financiero Santander Mexico SAB de CV Series B Grupo Lala SAB de CV Grupo Mexico SAB de CV Series B Grupo Televisa SAB Industrias Penoles SAB de CV Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV Series A Mexichem SAB de CVb OHL Mexico SAB de CVa Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CVa Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV Shares Value 9,789,900 $ 25,134,022 3,141,441 14,246,940 1,303,800 3,243,183 15,421,856 73,901,755 14,564,500 30,682,662 11,394,700 2,912,600 17,737,161 6,569,840 23,605,388 15,240,500 868,248 59,716,849 93,050,609 12,336,573 9,980,400 6,388,492 4,493,400 22,333,970 16,340,529 5,966,207 1,594,900 32,362,600 16,743,599 77,396,373 1,005,676,726 PERU — 0.37% Cia. de Minas Buenaventura SA ADR Credicorp Ltd. Southern Copper Corp. 1,184,842 411,207 970,708 7,488,202 45,224,546 25,879,075 78,591,823 7,065,614 15,510,355 30,395,707 101,429,833 11,352,428 15,510,205 14,886,304 20,160,720 PHILIPPINES — 1.46% Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc. Aboitiz Power Corp. Alliance Global Group Inc. Ayala Corp. Ayala Land Inc. Bank of the Philippine Islands BDO Unibank Inc. DMCI Holdings Inc. Energy Development Corp. Globe Telecom Inc. GT Capital Holdings Inc. International Container Terminal Services Inc. JG Summit Holdings Inc. 13,092,280 5,470,364 13,191,480 1,529,826 44,291,200 6,385,992 8,966,006 15,743,700 49,692,200 256,000 404,640 15,433,989 5,061,901 5,588,175 24,155,147 34,066,509 11,558,727 18,894,985 3,833,190 6,378,973 14,109,029 10,994,711 4,651,620 14,119,714 9,250,494 21,448,432 19 INVESTMENTS - 51 - 010_3770624762810.indd 51 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Jollibee Foods Corp. 3,239,579 $ Megaworld Corp. 59,102,000 Metro Pacific Investments Corp. 51,973,800 Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co. 2,174,846 Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. 594,108 SM Investments Corp. 1,137,795 SM Prime Holdings Inc. 48,265,425 Universal Robina Corp. 5,669,210 Value 13,272,986 5,475,217 5,559,884 3,896,948 32,006,075 21,373,214 20,136,410 23,530,739 306,025,735 POLAND — 1.58% Alior Bank SAa 294,830 Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA 231,745 Bank Millennium SAa 3,409,104 Bank Pekao SA 821,438 Bank Zachodni WBK SAa 209,162 CCC SA 97,707 Cyfrowy Polsat SAa 1,393,147 ENEA SA 1,120,493 Energa SA 1,187,759 Eurocash SA 507,832 Grupa Azoty SAa 214,328 Grupa Lotos SAa 519,280 KGHM Polska Miedz SA 862,945 LPP SA 6,686 mBank SAa,b 102,495 Orange Polska SA 4,148,832 PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA 5,201,062 Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen SA 2,014,850 Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA 11,422,945 Powszechna Kasa Oszczednosci Bank Polski SA 5,470,027 Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen SA 343,735 Synthos SA 4,014,979 Tauron Polska Energia SA 7,324,360 6,863,072 20 796,189 710,346 542,952 Shares Value 4,116,337 $ 21,468,578 296,916 967,570 2,455,380 447,428 4,892,741 35,342,839 29,401,710 8,540,344 195,547 443,969 338,348 1,122,042 2,503,359 11,761,499 11,949,400 10,500,487 55,160,671 9,728,524 227,454,694 5,370,619 5,376,637 35,044,450 16,798,825 4,426,100 8,353,010 4,217,460 6,155,007 5,599,727 5,112,989 4,115,535 17,962,724 13,823,387 9,916,286 7,807,962 21,520,305 39,430,208 20,558,970 43,120,513 39,251,200 4,203,721 6,795,027 331,823,734 QATAR — 1.08% Barwa Real Estate Co. Commercial Bank QSC (The) Doha Bank QSC Security Ezdan Holding Group QSC Gulf International Services QSC Industries Qatar QSC Masraf Al Rayan QSC Ooredoo QSC Qatar Electricity & Water Co. QSC Qatar Insurance Co. SAQ Qatar Islamic Bank SAQ Qatar National Bank SAQ Vodafone Qatar QSC 9,621,355 11,198,226 7,888,320 RUSSIA — 3.65% Alrosa PAO Gazprom PAO Gazprom PAO ADR Lukoil PJSC Lukoil PJSC ADR (London) Magnit PJSC GDRd MegaFon PJSC GDRd MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC Mobile TeleSystems PJSC ADR Moscow Exchange MICEXRTS PJSC NOVATEK OAO GDRd Rosneft OAO Rostelecom PJSC RusHydro PJSC Sberbank of Russia Severstal PAO Sistema JSFC GDRd Surgutneftegas OAO Surgutneftegas OAO ADR Tatneft PAO Class S Uralkali PJSCa Uralkali PJSC GDRa,d VTB Bank JSC 10,759,700 37,438,989 18,051,843 1,571,588 1,585,816 1,601,058 597,512 343,329 10,575,856 82,890,999 79,608,628 59,523,424 59,816,979 80,044,895 7,678,029 53,773,802 3,155,490 24,076,389 7,143,720 555,784 7,309,767 5,212,610 752,517,100 67,187,111 1,344,973 1,059,799 22,838,660 2,206,480 8,825,810 2,481,815 324,536 32,452,582,000 7,901,777 53,244,107 26,639,236 6,237,632 5,966,450 74,779,899 14,655,206 7,821,317 11,681,194 11,517,826 42,171,286 7,588,283 5,017,327 33,323,237 766,533,778 SOUTH AFRICA — 8.12% African Bank Investments Ltd.a,b African Rainbow Minerals Ltd. 2015 14,665,413 11,056 532,587 2,852,403 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 52 - 010_3770624762810.indd 52 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Anglo American Platinum Ltd.a AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.a Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd. Barclays Africa Group Ltd. Barloworld Ltd. Bidvest Group Ltd. (The) Brait SEa Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd. Coronation Fund Managers Ltd. Discovery Ltd. Exxaro Resources Ltd.b FirstRand Ltd. Foschini Group Ltd. (The) Gold Fields Ltd. Growthpoint Properties Ltd. Hyprop Investments Ltd. Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd.a Imperial Holdings Ltd. Investec Ltd. Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.b Liberty Holdings Ltd. Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd. Massmart Holdings Ltd. Mediclinic International Ltd. MMI Holdings Ltd./South Africa Mondi Ltd. Mr. Price Group Ltd. MTN Group Ltd. Nampak Ltd. Naspers Ltd. Class N Nedbank Group Ltd. Netcare Ltd. Pick n Pay Stores Ltd. Pioneer Foods Ltd. PSG Group Ltd. Rand Merchant Insurance Holdings Ltd. Redefine Properties Ltd. Remgro Ltd. Resilient Property Income Fund Ltd. RMB Holdings Ltd. Sanlam Ltd. SCHEDULES OF 330,934 $ 2,522,151 Value 7,988,522 20,305,747 2,109,185 2,124,558 1,439,619 2,035,009 2,074,781 207,846 1,237,384 2,170,884 905,266 21,058,710 1,294,059 4,907,340 13,875,424 1,370,861 3,252,401 1,171,845 1,855,688 380,890 841,730 54,463,460 27,831,441 9,247,077 48,925,825 22,708,913 7,566,085 6,890,188 21,932,651 4,628,618 84,001,458 14,624,230 15,756,911 27,365,369 12,815,407 12,142,330 16,299,859 15,098,166 2,594,161 8,173,461 5,768,370 561,970 2,836,082 6,300,261 663,116 1,490,934 10,254,132 3,189,541 2,457,070 1,349,233 6,572,200 1,854,324 517,603 388,322 16,551,570 4,855,289 22,779,741 13,351,704 15,373,263 26,823,717 136,809,374 7,420,641 318,427,603 24,003,770 19,749,921 8,751,394 7,765,460 5,796,615 3,675,391 24,804,797 3,028,952 11,632,238 21,468,162 57,769,137 1,531,533 4,064,673 10,879,714 12,931,881 20,577,326 52,322,367 Security Sappi Ltd.a Sasol Ltd. Shoprite Holdings Ltd. SPAR Group Ltd. (The) Standard Bank Group Ltd. Steinhoff International Holdings Ltd. Telkom SA SOC Ltd. Tiger Brands Ltd. Truworths International Ltd. Tsogo Sun Holdings Ltd. Vodacom Group Ltd. Woolworths Holdings Ltd./ South Africa Shares 3,091,623 $ 3,412,425 2,867,242 1,158,522 7,571,337 14,182,373 1,422,455 1,029,251 2,503,551 1,232,675 2,245,923 5,967,827 Value 9,908,204 109,314,398 35,098,410 16,594,921 83,406,432 84,960,051 6,809,725 23,263,241 16,586,845 2,183,905 23,957,302 44,766,857 1,706,234,802 SOUTH KOREA — 13.96% AmorePacific Corp. AmorePacific Group BGF retail Co. Ltd. BNK Financial Group Inc. Celltrion Inc.a,b Cheil Industries Inc.a,b Cheil Worldwide Inc.a,b CJ CheilJedang Corp. CJ Corp. CJ Korea Express Co. Ltd.a Coway Co. Ltd. Daelim Industrial Co. Ltd. Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd.a,b Daewoo International Corp.b Daewoo Securities Co. Ltd. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. Ltd.b Daum Kakao Corp.b DGB Financial Group Inc. Dongbu Insurance Co. Ltd.b Dongsuh Cos. Inc. Doosan Corp. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co. Ltd.b Doosan Infracore Co. Ltd.a,b E-Mart Co. Ltd. GS Engineering & Construction Corp.a,b 200,943 177,803 27,781 1,289,087 386,444 183,090 519,740 51,101 93,910 40,172 353,268 174,703 64,305,158 25,856,788 4,732,929 15,149,701 23,198,076 27,554,445 7,646,143 16,979,660 22,827,415 6,045,754 25,208,894 9,940,826 553,859 265,070 1,091,831 2,982,948 4,885,670 11,446,801 609,920 158,560 1,060,700 261,070 102,830 53,362 3,470,523 18,084,755 9,326,806 11,742,908 3,894,977 4,647,040 296,170 790,482 131,187 4,607,506 4,464,527 25,344,519 297,410 6,122,962 21 INVESTMENTS - 53 - 010_3770624762810.indd 53 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares GS Holdings Corp. Hana Financial Group Inc. Hankook Tire Co. Ltd. Hanmi Pharm Co. Ltd.a,b Hanmi Science Co. Ltd.a Hanon Systemsb Hanssem Co. Ltd. Hanwha Chemical Corp. Hanwha Corp. Hanwha Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Hotel Shilla Co. Ltd.b Hyosung Corp. Hyundai Department Store Co. Ltd. Hyundai Development Co. Engineering & Construction Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. Hyundai Glovis Co. Ltd. Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.a,b Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. Ltd.a,b Hyundai Mobis Co. Ltd. Hyundai Motor Co. Hyundai Steel Co. Hyundai Wia Corp. Industrial Bank of Korea Kangwon Land Inc. KB Financial Group Inc. KCC Corp. KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co. Ltd. Kia Motors Corp. Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. Korea Electric Power Corp. Korea Gas Corp. Korea Investment Holdings Co. Ltd. Korea Zinc Co. Ltd. Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd.a KT Corp.a KT&G Corp. 22 Value 320,586 $ 1,802,478 453,355 31,574 37,774 216,181 61,918 623,176 271,261 1,455,574 206,413 140,284 12,590,336 41,452,041 14,163,151 11,612,505 5,109,989 6,643,990 16,673,754 9,563,005 9,667,006 9,783,820 21,029,606 15,181,866 92,935 11,825,591 347,468 17,597,407 462,050 113,593 12,969,825 16,519,126 256,595 19,850,723 423,993 10,037,459 473,969 418,774 952,308 437,482 100,000 1,647,916 701,932 2,507,440 36,266 3,406,245 73,115,055 119,969,471 19,566,940 8,835,341 18,391,453 25,252,341 75,896,303 12,035,007 124,245 1,622,327 292,559 1,598,951 179,184 13,235,992 66,799,683 22,830,857 64,890,846 6,097,786 229,246 53,960 201,836 161,682 686,097 13,528,954 23,404,337 5,682,637 3,943,797 64,099,530 Security Kumho Petrochemical Co. Ltd.b LG Chem Ltd. LG Corp. LG Display Co. Ltd. LG Electronics Inc.b LG Household & Health Care Ltd.b LG Innotek Co. Ltd.b LG Uplus Corp. Lotte Chemical Corp. Lotte Confectionery Co. Ltd. Lotte Shopping Co. Ltd. LS Industrial Systems Co. Ltd. Mirae Asset Securities Co. Ltd. NAVER Corp. NCsoft Corp. NH Investment & Securities Co. Ltd.b OCI Co. Ltd.b Orion Corp./Republic of Korea Paradise Co. Ltd.a,b POSCO S-1 Corp. S-Oil Corp. Samsung C&T Corp. Samsung Card Co. Ltd. Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. Ltd.b Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd. Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd.b Samsung Life Insurance Co. Ltd. Samsung SDI Co. Ltd. Samsung SDS Co. Ltd. Samsung Securities Co. Ltd. Shinhan Financial Group Co. Ltd. Shinsegae Co. Ltd. SK Holdings Co. Ltd. SK Hynix Inc. SK Innovation Co. Ltd.a SK Networks Co. Ltd. SK Telecom Co. Ltd. Woori Bank 2015 Shares Value 89,755 $ 286,920 602,945 1,429,377 648,446 4,158,591 56,765,403 29,669,329 27,856,385 24,397,250 58,881 81,487 1,331,350 97,863 3,629 65,970 104,851 145,006 172,192 96,154 39,926,072 6,331,562 12,382,033 20,437,253 5,976,996 14,920,292 3,829,688 4,787,558 72,137,929 17,763,390 833,603 100,404 22,034 266,610 419,253 125,416 279,651 786,444 228,588 6,843,615 6,935,537 17,381,291 5,139,470 67,349,880 9,956,933 14,186,481 31,983,053 7,005,973 368,525 681,020 18,913,099 627,039,341 217,640 49,591,190 898,159 494,782 338,421 188,223 352,170 2,738,942 42,933 229,510 3,595,554 391,147 653,081 53,888 1,961,422 8,543,047 41,122,021 24,178,038 40,819,446 13,458,537 91,587,534 9,092,975 52,392,898 108,831,818 33,037,908 3,627,768 11,117,034 15,124,218 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 54 - 010_3770624762810.indd 54 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Yuhan Corp. 58,628 $ Value 12,317,952 2,932,638,294 TAIWAN — 12.44% Acer Inc.a,b Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc.b Advantech Co. Ltd.b Asia Cement Corp.b Asia Pacific Telecom Co. Ltd.a Asustek Computer Inc.b AU Optronics Corp.b Casetek Holdings Ltd.b Catcher Technology Co. Ltd. Cathay Financial Holding Co. Ltd. Chailease Holding Co. Ltd.b Chang Hwa Commercial Bank Ltd.b Cheng Shin Rubber Industry Co. Ltd.b Chicony Electronics Co. Ltd.b China Airlines Ltd.a China Development Financial Holding Corp.b China Life Insurance Co. Ltd./Taiwan b China Motor Corp. China Steel Corp.b Chunghwa Telecom Co. Ltd. Compal Electronics Inc.b CTBC Financial Holding Co. Ltd.b CTCI Corp.b Delta Electronics Inc.b E.Sun Financial Holding Co. Ltd.b Eclat Textile Co. Ltd.b Epistar Corp.b EVA Airways Corp.a Evergreen Marine Corp. Taiwan Ltd. Far Eastern New Century Corp. Far EasTone Telecommunications Co. Ltd. Feng TAY Enterprise Co. Ltd.b SCHEDULES OF 17,825,121 6,574,301 38,608,701 2,188,370 14,809,077 9,533,000 4,367,968 53,287,000 764,000 4,098,210 39,871,292 13,922,811 15,907,833 2,604,757 39,738,091 17,196,751 2,853,024 41,818,469 50,440,644 6,340,932 72,709,190 10,192,732 31,075,845 15,090,925 9,772,128 3,644,143 15,114,347 15,678,174 9,049,876 5,435,144 87,579,848 25,275,841 19,119,983 3,232,000 72,811,313 22,977,410 26,237,908 14,603,257 2,195,328 43,638,450 69,774,038 15,322,113 92,342,715 2,730,000 11,183,000 55,628,142 3,524,096 56,024,988 42,494,144 1,257,360 5,985,345 11,054,360 25,533,579 18,916,822 4,838,166 6,676,241 10,812,808 20,438,038 4,735,755 18,530,923 9,841,000 1,798,830 21,595,998 10,670,463 Security First Financial Holding Co. Ltd. Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp. Formosa Petrochemical Corp.b Formosa Plastics Corp. Formosa Taffeta Co. Ltd. Foxconn Technology Co. Ltd.b Fubon Financial Holding Co. Ltd.b Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd.b Hermes Microvision Inc.b Highwealth Construction Corp. Hiwin Technologies Corp.b Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. Ltd.b Hotai Motor Co. Ltd.b HTC Corp.b Hua Nan Financial Holdings Co. Ltd.b Innolux Corp.b Inotera Memories Inc.a,b Inventec Corp.b Kinsus Interconnect Technology Corp.b Largan Precision Co. Ltd.b Lite-On Technology Corp.b MediaTek Inc.b Mega Financial Holding Co. Ltd. Merida Industry Co. Ltd.b Nan Ya Plastics Corp. Novatek Microelectronics Corp.b Pegatron Corp. Phison Electronics Corp. Pou Chen Corp. Powertech Technology Inc.b President Chain Store Corp.b Quanta Computer Inc.b Radiant Opto-Electronics Corp.b Realtek Semiconductor Corp.b Ruentex Development Co. Ltd.b Ruentex Industries Ltd.b Shin Kong Financial Holding Co. Ltd.b Siliconware Precision Industries Co. Ltd.b Shares Value 48,381,211 $ 23,420,337 20,269,090 6,393,000 25,746,280 5,806,000 5,651,205 43,359,007 14,324,124 56,737,407 5,050,092 15,892,711 41,029,969 1,857,203 277,000 4,050,900 1,386,542 70,493,462 13,442,688 11,748,832 6,262,610 7,116,810 81,201,812 1,606,000 4,125,708 230,857,131 17,671,134 5,839,343 36,388,155 51,228,002 13,849,000 14,632,281 17,223,309 18,106,775 8,342,771 6,700,916 1,636,000 630,000 12,877,387 9,160,338 60,623,162 1,376,500 29,666,160 3,700,000 10,385,414 1,119,535 13,784,220 4,126,300 3,658,000 16,526,000 2,755,240 2,776,637 4,897,025 3,311,598 2,916,400 58,476,764 11,794,509 70,667,717 45,463,645 7,488,336 54,069,440 12,395,500 26,876,440 7,793,665 22,284,546 7,102,065 24,453,375 30,374,195 8,027,931 4,983,883 5,237,782 5,282,516 46,506,866 11,034,946 18,197,190 22,371,761 23 INVESTMENTS - 55 - 010_3770624762810.indd 55 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares Simplo Technology Co. Ltd.b SinoPac Financial Holdings Co. Ltd.b Standard Foods Corp. Synnex Technology International Corp.b Taishin Financial Holding Co. Ltd.b Taiwan Business Banka,b Taiwan Cement Corp. Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holding Co. Ltd. Taiwan Fertilizer Co. Ltd.b Taiwan Glass Industry Corp.a,b Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Teco Electric and Machinery Co. Ltd. TPK Holding Co. Ltd.b Transcend Information Inc.b U-Ming Marine Transport Corp. Uni-President Enterprises Corp. United Microelectronics Corp.b Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp.b Wan Hai Lines Ltd. Wistron Corp.b WPG Holdings Ltd.b Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp.a Yuanta Financial Holding Co. Ltd.b Yulon Motor Co. Ltd.b Zhen Ding Technology Holding Ltd.b 2,027,202 $ Value 6,729,094 53,879,925 2,721,972 18,547,306 6,182,497 8,231,985 8,754,201 47,163,025 22,101,149 20,549,296 16,525,033 5,570,120 22,010,787 39,343,943 4,344,000 3,838,176 10,343,600 16,687,559 5,494,087 1,545,368 31,091,839 151,276,000 599,784,977 11,796,000 1,757,827 1,093,000 8,882,530 4,403,212 2,946,155 2,775,000 2,750,607 30,033,839 73,176,000 53,539,546 24,177,588 5,207,000 2,737,000 14,179,272 8,257,532 5,921,410 1,884,337 7,016,421 7,804,251 8,954,075 2,875,894 54,329,635 5,947,000 21,791,300 5,382,934 1,881,075 5,336,342 2,611,447,840 THAILAND — 2.28% Advanced Info Service PCL NVDR Airports of Thailand PCL NVDR Bangkok Bank PCL Foreign 24 Security Bangkok Bank PCL NVDR Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL NVDR Banpu PCL NVDRb BEC World PCL NVDR BTS Group Holdings PCL NVDR Bumrungrad Hospital PCL NVDR Central Pattana PCL NVDR Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL NVDRb CP ALL PCL NVDR Delta Electronics Thailand PCL NVDR Energy Absolute PCL NVDR Glow Energy PCL NVDR Home Product Center PCL NVDRb Indorama Ventures PCL NVDR IRPC PCL NVDR Kasikornbank PCL Foreign Kasikornbank PCL NVDRb Krung Thai Bank PCL NVDRb Minor International PCL NVDRb PTT Exploration & Production PCL NVDR PTT Global Chemical PCL NVDR PTT PCL NVDR Siam Cement PCL (The) Foreign Siam Cement PCL (The) NVDR Siam Commercial Bank PCL (The) NVDRb Thai Oil PCL NVDR Thai Union Frozen Products PCL NVDR TMB Bank PCL NVDR True Corp. PCL NVDRa,b Shares 1,889,000 $ Value 8,669,005 22,510,800 6,985,800 6,590,900 12,246,076 4,014,716 6,803,272 31,187,100 8,483,030 1,739,400 8,872,400 11,209,413 11,138,457 17,962,400 27,482,800 9,521,149 39,102,324 2,181,400 5,802,400 3,695,500 5,294,513 3,302,245 10,180,796 17,910,914 8,797,480 64,631,300 7,199,100 3,917,300 22,623,300 10,168,520 3,647,640 5,350,399 6,851,693 36,351,991 19,725,838 11,486,792 7,517,528 8,763,039 19,435,391 10,283,330 6,187,400 17,212,995 46,260,935 1,900,200 662,100 25,233,511 8,866,174 9,706,100 5,468,700 38,450,724 7,857,108 10,086,100 77,760,100 54,277,221 4,896,028 5,119,650 14,687,935 479,819,652 6,401,600 42,504,695 2,726,600 1,613,200 20,994,326 7,403,303 TURKEY — 1.43% Akbank TAS Anadolu Efes Biracilik ve Malt Sanayii AS Arcelik AS 2015 13,497,802 31,623,157 1,148,995 1,217,263 8,565,164 5,707,880 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 56 - 010_3770624762810.indd 56 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS Coca-Cola Icecek ASb Emlak Konut Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi AS Enka Insaat ve Sanayi AS Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrikalari TAS Ford Otomotiv Sanayi AS Haci Omer Sabanci Holding AS KOC Holding ASb Petkim Petrokimya Holding ASa,b TAV Havalimanlari Holding AS Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS Tupras Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri ASa Turk Hava Yollari AOa,b Turk Telekomunikasyon AS Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS Turkiye Is Bankasi Class C Turkiye Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari AS Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi Tao Class Db Ulker Biskuvi Sanayi ASb Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi ASb 1,345,184 $ 376,924 Value 23,313,134 4,661,375 12,347,488 2,772,971 10,561,747 4,734,340 8,968,496 486,352 5,836,365 4,017,780 1,675,145 1,105,985 12,200,358 4,928,679 17,442,932 15,665,339 2,267,287 8,928,426 711,221 4,410,010 800,622 3,489,667 2,684,340 5,329,038 14,042,028 3,861,653 9,742,976 20,655,002 9,650,230 5,643,477 20,869,472 35,599,508 14,791,285 16,299,654 3,980,708 3,883,617 4,681,783 858,066 5,594,200 6,191,984 5,276,325 6,899,065 300,769,447 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES — 0.81% Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC 10,543,784 Aldar Properties PJSC 21,683,858 14,259,649 Arabtec Holding PJSCa DP World Ltd. 1,048,206 Dubai Financial Market PJSC 13,015,925 Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC 6,942,305 8,252,219 Emaar Malls Group PJSCa Emaar Properties PJSC 23,065,666 First Gulf Bank PJSC 5,860,928 National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC 4,156,933 SCHEDULES OF Shares Value PREFERRED STOCKS — 3.49% BRAZIL — 2.33% AES Tiete SA Banco Bradesco SA Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul SA Class B Braskem SA Class A Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA Class B Cia. Brasileira de Distribuicao Cia. Energetica de Minas Gerais Cia. Energetica de Sao Paulo Class B Cia. Paranaense de Energia Class B Gerdau SA Itau Unibanco Holding SA Itausa – Investimentos Itau SA Lojas Americanas SA Oi SA Petroleo Brasileiro SA Suzano Papel e Celulose SA Class A Telefonica Brasil SA Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA Class A Vale SA 691,000 $ 15,393,909 2,847,665 97,420,441 1,204,100 1,016,700 2,555,479 3,927,509 1,492,037 922,986 3,076,449 16,091,595 4,745,302 9,797,425 1,191,100 5,274,883 686,075 5,248,485 18,640,167 21,830,964 3,189,670 1,816,176 23,883,427 5,839,337 7,565,254 135,876,569 43,634,956 14,274,589 1,346,331 60,261,842 2,250,400 2,045,367 10,861,976 22,681,687 2,340,800 11,511,851 1,915,185 44,723,095 489,972,267 22,964,640 13,755,160 7,648,006 23,374,994 6,095,041 13,230,458 6,403,078 42,388,001 22,897,678 11,770,083 170,527,139 TOTAL COMMON STOCKS (Cost: $23,421,543,491) Security CHILE — 0.07% Embotelladora Andina SA Class B Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA Series B 1,455,146 595,230 4,994,318 9,345,905 14,340,223 COLOMBIA — 0.20% Banco Davivienda SA Bancolombia SA Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores SA Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA 638,342 2,797,034 4,919,371 23,851,869 18,258,093 6,964,458 509,286 5,775,255 41,510,953 20,169,922,601 25 INVESTMENTS - 57 - 010_3770624762810.indd 57 2016/10/18 11:56:23 3.iシェアーズ MSCI エマージング・マーケット ETF Consolidated Schedule of Investments (Continued) iSHARES® MSCI EMERGING MARKETS ETF August 31, 2015 Security Shares RUSSIA — 0.23% AK Transneft OAO Surgutneftegas OAO 9,749 $ 42,953,100 Value 22,502,188 25,880,016 48,382,204 SOUTH KOREA — 0.66% AmorePacific Corp. Hyundai Motor Co. Hyundai Motor Co. Series 2 LG Chem Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 36,822 133,759 233,141 49,725 127,921 5,681,687 10,969,878 19,711,773 7,273,240 94,095,346 137,731,924 TOTAL PREFERRED STOCKS (Cost: $1,256,457,709) $21,761,458,683 (760,593,685) NET ASSETS — 100.00% $21,000,864,998 ADR — American Depositary Receipts CPO — Certificates of Participation (Ordinary) GDR — Global Depositary Receipts NVDR — Non-Voting Depositary Receipts a Non-income earning security. b All or a portion of this security represents a security on loan. See Note 1. c This security may be resold to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. This security may be resold to qualified foreign investors and foreign institutional buyers under Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933. e Affiliated issuer. See Note 2. f The rate quoted is the annualized seven-day yield of the fund at period end. g All or a portion of this security represents an investment of securities lending collateral. See Note 1. d 731,937,571 SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS — 4.09% MONEY MARKET FUNDS — 4.09% BlackRock Cash Funds: Institutional, SL Agency Shares 0.18%e,f,g 812,916,830 BlackRock Cash Funds: Prime, SL Agency Shares 0.18%e,f,g 46,681,681 Value TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES — 103.62% (Cost: $25,537,599,711) Other Assets, Less Liabilities — (3.62)% 812,916,830 46,681,681 859,598,511 TOTAL SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS (Cost: $859,598,511) 859,598,511 Open futures contracts as of August 31, 2015 were as follows: Issue MSCI Emerging Markets Mini Index Number of Contracts Purchased (Sold) Expiration 2,060 Sep. 2015 Exchange Notional Value Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) NYSE LIFFE $84,202,500 $(9,577,921) See notes to financial statements. 26 2015 iSHARES ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS - 58 - 010_3770624762810.indd 58 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF iSHARES III PLC ■損益計算書 iShares Global Government Bond UCITS ETF INCOME STATEMENT For the year ended 30 June 2015 Note Year ended 30 June 2015 $’000 Year ended 30 June 2014 $’000 4,061 Operating income 2 7,272 Net (losses)/gains on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 3 (52,903) 9,916 (45,631) 13,977 Total (losses)/gains Operating expenses 4 Net operating (loss)/profit (1,089) (505) (46,720) 13,472 (5,026) Finance costs: Distributions to redeemable participating shareholders 6 (6,194) Interest expense 7 (1) - (6,195) (5,026) Net (loss)/profit for the financial year (52,915) 8,446 (Decrease)/increase in net assets attributable to redeemable participating shareholders from operations (52,915) 8,446 Total finance costs There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the year other than those dealt with in the income statement. In arriving at the results of the financial year, all amounts relate to continuing operations. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO REDEEMABLE PARTICIPATING SHAREHOLDERS For the year ended 30 June 2015 Year ended 30 June 2015 $’000 Year ended 30 June 2014 $’000 Net assets attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the beginning of the year 329,007 158,216 (Decrease)/increase in net assets attributable to redeemable participating shareholders from operations (52,915) 8,446 Share transactions: Proceeds from issue of redeemable participating shares 673,228 219,115 (306,103) (56,770) Increase in net assets resulting from share transactions 367,125 162,345 Net assets attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the year 643,217 329,007 Payments on redemption of redeemable participating shares The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. - 59 - 010_3770624762810.indd 59 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF ■組入銘柄 As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment Fair value $’000 % of net asset value Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Regulated Market (30 June 2014: 99.05%) 160,000 455,000 540,000 900,000 520,000 1,000,000 590,000 500,000 120,000 470,000 185,000 450,000 360,000 330,000 500,000 335,000 495,000 560,000 1,320,000 150,000 230,000 700,000 604,000 Bonds Canada Government bonds: AAA rating Canada Government International Bond 2.75% 01/12/2064 Canadian Government Bond 0.75% 01/09/2020 Canadian Government Bond 1% 01/08/2016 Canadian Government Bond 1% 01/11/2016 Canadian Government Bond 1.25% 01/02/2018 Canadian Government Bond 1.25% 01/03/2018 Canadian Government Bond 1.25% 01/09/2018 Canadian Government Bond 1.5% 01/02/2017 Canadian Government Bond 1.5% 01/03/2017 Canadian Government Bond 1.5% 01/09/2017 Canadian Government Bond 1.5% 01/03/2020 Canadian Government Bond 1.5% 01/06/2023 Canadian Government Bond 1.75% 01/03/2019 Canadian Government Bond 1.75% 01/09/2019 Canadian Government Bond 2% 01/06/2016 Canadian Government Bond 2.25% 01/06/2025 Canadian Government Bond 2.5% 01/06/2024 Canadian Government Bond 2.75% 01/09/2016 Canadian Government Bond 2.75% 01/06/2022 Canadian Government Bond 2.75% 01/12/2048 Canadian Government Bond 3.25% 01/06/2021 Canadian Government Bond 3.5% 01/06/2020 Canadian Government Bond 3.5% 01/12/2045 Holding Investment Canada (cont) Government bonds: AAA rating (cont) 650,000 Canadian Government Bond 3.75% 01/06/2019 90,000 Canadian Government Bond 4% 01/06/2016 260,000 Canadian Government Bond 4% 01/06/2017 608,000 Canadian Government Bond 4% 01/06/2041 581,000 Canadian Government Bond 5% 01/06/2037 380,000 Canadian Government Bond 5.75% 01/06/2029 560,000 Canadian Government Bond 5.75% 01/06/2033 280,000 Canadian Government Bond 8% 01/06/2027 Total Canada 146 0.02 361 0.06 435 0.07 726 0.11 425 0.07 818 0.13 484 0.07 407 0.06 98 0.02 700,000 385 0.06 580,000 153 0.02 1,530,000 361 0.06 1,130,000 301 0.05 900,000 276 0.04 940,000 406 0.06 1,460,000 282 0.04 1,355,000 426 0.07 1,245,000 460 0.07 1,150,000 1,159 0.18 970,000 132 0.02 1,350,000 207 0.03 1,208,000 631 0.10 935,000 610 0.09 1,260,000 France Government bonds: AA rating France Government Bond OAT 0.01% 25/02/2018 France Government Bond OAT 0.01% 25/05/2020 France Government Bond OAT 0.25% 25/11/2016 France Government Bond OAT 0.5% 25/11/2019 France Government Bond OAT 0.5% 25/05/2025 France Government Bond OAT 1% 25/05/2018 France Government Bond OAT 1% 25/11/2018 France Government Bond OAT 1% 25/05/2019 France Government Bond OAT 1.75% 25/05/2023 France Government Bond OAT 1.75% 25/11/2024 France Government Bond OAT 2.25% 25/10/2022 France Government Bond OAT 2.25% 25/05/2024 France Government Bond OAT 2.5% 25/10/2020 France Government Bond OAT 2.5% 25/05/2030 France Government Bond OAT 2.75% 25/10/2027 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 583 0.09 74 0.01 222 0.03 645 0.10 683 0.11 443 0.07 687 0.11 371 13,397 0.06 2.08 781 0.12 636 0.10 1,715 0.27 1,275 0.20 939 0.15 1,079 0.17 1,681 0.26 1,561 0.24 1,483 0.23 1,356 0.21 1,197 0.19 1,663 0.26 1,496 0.23 1,153 0.18 1,602 0.25 - 60 - 010_3770624762810.indd 60 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 1,347,000 1,618,000 610,000 929,000 1,134,000 915,000 1,000,000 2,210,000 855,000 929,000 595,000 380,000 1,402,000 855,000 1,085,000 1,351,000 965,000 1,005,000 1,275,000 975,000 992,000 925,000 495,000 935,000 Bonds (cont) France (cont) Government bonds: AA rating (cont) France Government Bond OAT 3% 25/04/2022 France Government Bond OAT 3.25% 25/10/2021 France Government Bond OAT 3.25% 25/05/2045 France Government Bond OAT 3.5% 25/04/2020 France Government Bond OAT 3.5% 25/04/2026 France Government Bond OAT 3.75% 25/04/2017 France Government Bond OAT 3.75% 25/10/2019 France Government Bond OAT 3.75% 25/04/2021 France Government Bond OAT 4% 25/04/2018 France Government Bond OAT 4% 25/10/2038 France Government Bond OAT 4% 25/04/2055 France Government Bond OAT 4% 25/04/2060 France Government Bond OAT 4.25% 25/10/2017 France Government Bond OAT 4.25% 25/10/2018 France Government Bond OAT 4.25% 25/04/2019 France Government Bond OAT 4.25% 25/10/2023 France Government Bond OAT 4.5% 25/04/2041 France Government Bond OAT 4.75% 25/04/2035 France Government Bond OAT 5% 25/10/2016 France Government Bond OAT 5.5% 25/04/2029 France Government Bond OAT 5.75% 25/10/2032 France Government Bond OAT 6% 25/10/2025 France Government Bond OAT 8.5% 25/04/2023 French Treasury Note BTAN 1% 25/07/2017 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,738 0.27 2,105 0.33 837 0.13 1,194 0.18 1,543 0.24 1,092 0.17 1,285 0.20 2,928 0.45 1,061 0.16 1,416 0.22 960 0.15 620 0.10 1,721 0.27 1,087 0.17 1,400 0.22 1,910 0.30 1,596 0.25 1,647 0.26 1,517 0.23 1,615 0.25 1,763 0.27 1,514 0.23 876 0.14 1,067 0.16 Holding Investment France (cont) Government bonds: AA rating (cont) 485,000 French Treasury Note BTAN 1.75% 25/02/2017 1,185,000 French Treasury Note BTAN 2.5% 25/07/2016 Total France Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 557 0.09 1,358 56,024 0.21 8.71 167 401 1,871 0.03 0.06 0.29 770,000 Bundesobligation 0.5% 07/04/2017 740,000 Bundesobligation 0.5% 13/10/2017 869 838 0.13 0.13 435,000 Bundesobligation 0.5% 23/02/2018 815,000 Bundesobligation 0.5% 12/04/2019 650,000 Bundesobligation 0.75% 24/02/2017 494 928 736 0.08 0.14 0.11 770,000 Bundesobligation 1% 12/10/2018 890 0.14 590,000 Bundesobligation 1% 22/02/2019 610,000 Bundesobligation 1.25% 14/10/2016 900,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 0.5% 15/02/2025 700,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1% 15/08/2024 605,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.5% 04/09/2022 620,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.5% 15/02/2023 580,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.5% 15/05/2023 824,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.5% 15/05/2024 791,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.75% 04/07/2022 555,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1.75% 15/02/2024 1,158,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2% 04/01/2022 825,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2% 15/08/2023 785,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.25% 04/09/2020 625,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.25% 04/09/2021 1,090,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.5% 04/01/2021 563,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.5% 04/07/2044 383,000 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2.5% 15/08/2046 683 693 0.11 0.11 978 0.15 799 0.12 726 0.11 743 0.12 Germany Government bonds: AAA rating 150,000 Bundesobligation 0% 17/04/2020 355,000 Bundesobligation 0.25% 13/04/2018 1,660,000 Bundesobligation 0.25% 11/10/2019 695 0.11 984 0.15 964 0.15 677 0.11 1,430 0.22 1,025 0.16 970 0.15 781 0.12 1,369 0.21 765 523 0.12 0.08 - 61 - 010_3770624762810.indd 61 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 687,000 502,000 764,000 730,000 515,000 695,000 525,000 495,000 780,000 920,000 350,000 1,035,000 399,000 429,500 879,000 658,000 710,000 525,000 255,000 325,000 413,000 1,020,000 1,210,000 1,200,000 450,000 Bonds (cont) Germany (cont) Government bonds: AAA rating (cont) Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3% 04/07/2020 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3.25% 04/01/2020 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3.25% 04/07/2021 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3.25% 04/07/2042 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3.5% 04/07/2019 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3.75% 04/01/2017 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3.75% 04/01/2019 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4% 04/07/2016 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4% 04/01/2018 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4% 04/01/2037 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4.25% 04/07/2017 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4.25% 04/07/2018 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4.25% 04/07/2039 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4.75% 04/07/2028 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4.75% 04/07/2034 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4.75% 04/07/2040 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 5.5% 04/01/2031 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 5.625% 04/01/2028 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 6.25% 04/01/2024 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 6.25% 04/01/2030 Bundesrepublik Deutschland 6.5% 04/07/2027 Bundesschatzanweisungen 0% 16/09/2016 Bundesschatzanweisungen 0% 16/12/2016 Bundesschatzanweisungen 0% 10/03/2017 Bundesschatzanweisungen 0.25% 10/06/2016 Total Germany Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 876 0.14 640 0.10 1,004 0.16 1,119 0.17 655 0.10 821 0.13 664 0.10 575 0.09 961 0.15 1,499 0.23 425 0.07 1,307 0.20 689 0.11 692 0.11 1,524 0.24 1,224 0.19 1,263 0.20 900 0.14 418 0.06 608 0.09 748 0.12 1,140 0.18 1,353 0.21 1,342 0.21 504 44,950 0.08 6.99 Holding Investment Italy Government bonds: BBB- rating 10,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 0.75% 15/01/2018 810,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.05% 01/12/2019 438,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.15% 15/05/2017 210,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.35% 15/04/2022 524,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.5% 15/12/2016 1,330,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.5% 01/08/2019 645,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.5% 01/06/2025 180,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 1.65% 01/03/2032 848,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 2.15% 15/12/2021 1,035,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 2.5% 01/05/2019 890,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 2.5% 01/12/2024 320,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 2.75% 15/11/2016 375,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.25% 01/09/2046 600,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.5% 01/11/2017 1,200,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.5% 01/06/2018 840,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.5% 01/12/2018 639,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.5% 01/03/2030 1,020,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.75% 01/08/2016 982,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.75% 01/03/2021 780,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.75% 01/05/2021 1,165,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.75% 01/08/2021 725,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 3.75% 01/09/2024 1,060,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4% 01/02/2017 933,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4% 01/09/2020 1,031,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4% 01/02/2037 1,040,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.25% 01/02/2019 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 11 0.00 902 0.14 495 0.08 228 0.04 594 0.09 1,514 0.24 669 0.10 174 0.03 973 0.15 1,222 0.19 1,012 0.16 368 0.06 418 0.06 715 0.11 1,447 0.23 1,022 0.16 777 0.12 1,180 0.18 1,233 0.19 978 0.15 1,462 0.23 906 0.14 1,248 0.19 1,181 0.18 1,290 0.20 1,298 0.20 - 62 - 010_3770624762810.indd 62 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 830,000 704,000 720,000 860,000 810,000 625,000 1,000,000 788,000 870,000 750,000 900,000 795,000 720,000 730,000 755,000 680,000 1,490,000 745,000 870,000 742,000 775,000 1,250,000 1,275,000 642,000 741,000 Bonds (cont) Italy (cont) Government bonds: BBB- rating (cont) Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.25% 01/09/2019 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.25% 01/03/2020 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/02/2018 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/08/2018 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/03/2019 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/02/2020 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/05/2023 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/03/2024 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.5% 01/03/2026 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 15/09/2016 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 01/05/2017 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 01/06/2017 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 01/09/2021 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 01/08/2023 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 01/09/2028 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 4.75% 01/09/2044 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5% 01/03/2022 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5% 01/03/2025 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5% 01/08/2034 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5% 01/08/2039 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5% 01/09/2040 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5.25% 01/08/2017 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5.25% 01/11/2029 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5.5% 01/09/2022 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5.5% 01/11/2022 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,048 0.16 895 0.14 882 0.14 1,070 0.17 1,021 0.16 802 0.12 1,317 0.20 1,036 0.16 1,154 0.18 880 0.14 1,082 0.17 959 0.15 950 0.15 976 0.15 1,029 0.16 956 0.15 2,003 0.31 1,018 0.16 1,239 0.19 1,064 0.17 1,110 0.17 1,532 0.24 1,825 0.28 887 0.14 1,025 0.16 Holding Investment Italy (cont) Government bonds: BBB- rating (cont) 435,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 5.75% 01/02/2033 1,545,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 6% 01/05/2031 905,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 6.5% 01/11/2027 485,000 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro 9% 01/11/2023 Total Italy Japan Government bonds: AA- rating 132,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/12/2017 90,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2018 82,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/06/2019 153,400,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/09/2019 173,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/12/2019 131,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2020 95,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/03/2017 286,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/06/2017 348,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/09/2017 80,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/12/2017 49,800,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/09/2018 157,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/12/2018 326,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/03/2019 138,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/06/2019 120,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.2% 20/09/2019 100,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/06/2016 50,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/09/2016 120,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/12/2016 96,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/03/2017 106,000,000 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/03/2018 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 666 0.10 2,394 0.37 1,405 0.22 820 56,362 0.13 8.76 1,081 0.17 737 0.11 671 0.10 1,255 0.20 1,415 0.22 1,071 0.17 779 0.12 2,347 0.37 2,856 0.44 657 0.10 409 0.06 1,291 0.20 2,679 0.42 1,134 0.18 986 0.15 820 0.13 410 0.06 985 0.15 789 0.12 873 0.14 - 63 - 010_3770624762810.indd 63 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 135,000,000 30,000,000 148,000,000 70,000,000 79,000,000 151,000,000 40,000,000 42,000,000 20,000,000 76,600,000 50,500,000 65,000,000 42,800,000 26,500,000 50,000,000 155,000,000 147,000,000 100,000,000 174,350,000 60,000,000 138,000,000 107,000,000 112,000,000 40,000,000 143,000,000 Bonds (cont) Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/06/2018 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.3% 20/09/2018 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.4% 20/06/2016 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.4% 20/09/2016 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.4% 20/12/2016 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.4% 20/03/2018 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.4% 20/06/2018 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2054 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 1.9% 20/03/2053 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 2% 20/03/2052 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2049 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2050 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2051 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 2.4% 20/03/2048 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.3% 20/12/2024 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.4% 20/03/2025 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.5% 20/09/2024 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.5% 20/12/2024 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.6% 20/03/2023 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.6% 20/09/2023 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.6% 20/12/2023 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.6% 20/03/2024 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.6% 20/06/2024 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.7% 20/12/2022 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/09/2020 Fair value $’000 1,113 % of net asset value 0.17 247 0.04 1,214 0.19 575 0.09 649 0.10 1,247 0.19 331 0.05 357 0.06 180 0.03 708 0.11 489 0.08 629 0.10 415 0.06 268 0.04 404 0.06 1,263 0.20 1,213 0.19 824 0.13 1,459 0.23 501 0.08 1,152 0.18 893 0.14 933 0.15 337 0.05 1,210 0.19 Holding Investment Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) 162,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/06/2022 175,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/09/2022 189,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/12/2022 168,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/06/2023 105,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/09/2023 205,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.9% 20/03/2022 114,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.9% 20/06/2022 170,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1% 20/09/2020 167,750,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1% 20/09/2021 181,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1% 20/12/2021 180,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1% 20/03/2022 94,600,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.1% 20/06/2020 126,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.1% 20/03/2021 90,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.1% 20/06/2021 89,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.1% 20/09/2021 96,400,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.1% 20/12/2021 240,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.2% 20/12/2020 105,300,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.2% 20/06/2021 187,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/03/2018 69,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/12/2018 175,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/03/2019 32,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/09/2019 145,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/12/2019 57,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/03/2020 115,000,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/06/2020 162,900,000 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.3% 20/03/2021 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,378 0.21 1,487 0.23 1,606 0.25 1,426 0.22 891 0.14 1,755 0.27 976 0.15 1,453 0.23 1,442 0.22 1,558 0.24 1,551 0.24 811 0.13 1,086 0.17 777 0.12 770 0.12 835 0.13 2,075 0.32 914 0.14 1,581 0.25 589 0.09 1,497 0.23 275 0.04 1,249 0.19 492 0.08 995 0.15 1,419 0.22 - 64 - 010_3770624762810.indd 64 2016/10/18 11:56:23 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 45,000,000 35,000,000 80,000,000 75,000,000 135,000,000 115,000,000 180,000,000 107,000,000 35,000,000 65,000,000 156,500,000 243,000,000 200,000,000 218,000,000 48,000,000 45,000,000 36,000,000 84,000,000 157,500,000 100,000,000 12,000,000 36,000,000 57,200,000 78,000,000 10,000,000 62,000,000 Bonds (cont) Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.4% 20/03/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.4% 20/12/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.4% 20/06/2019 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.4% 20/09/2019 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.4% 20/03/2020 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.5% 20/12/2017 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.5% 20/06/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.5% 20/09/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.5% 20/03/2019 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.5% 20/06/2019 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.7% 20/09/2016 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.7% 20/12/2016 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2017 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.7% 20/09/2017 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.7% 20/06/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.8% 20/09/2016 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.8% 20/06/2017 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.8% 20/06/2018 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.9% 20/06/2016 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.9% 20/06/2017 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.1% 20/03/2033 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.5% 20/12/2044 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.5% 20/03/2045 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/06/2033 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/12/2043 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 382 0.06 300 0.05 689 0.11 647 0.10 1,171 0.18 974 0.15 1,536 0.24 916 0.14 302 0.05 562 0.09 1,306 0.20 2,036 0.32 1,682 0.26 1,849 0.29 410 0.06 386 0.06 301 0.05 711 0.11 1,355 0.21 832 0.13 102 0.02 298 0.05 474 0.07 645 0.10 90 0.01 539 0.08 Holding Investment Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) 71,600,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2044 49,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/06/2044 67,500,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/09/2044 20,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.8% 22/11/2032 73,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.8% 20/03/2043 49,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.8% 20/09/2043 141,500,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.9% 20/09/2042 66,300,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.9% 20/06/2043 16,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2% 20/12/2033 123,500,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2% 20/09/2040 122,600,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2% 20/09/2041 117,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2% 20/03/2042 10,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.1% 20/09/2033 82,800,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.2% 20/09/2039 108,600,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2041 36,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.3% 20/03/2035 45,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.3% 20/06/2035 22,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.3% 20/12/2035 38,500,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.3% 20/12/2036 84,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.3% 20/03/2039 105,100,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.3% 20/03/2040 10,000,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.4% 20/11/2031 28,500,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.4% 20/03/2034 30,600,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.4% 20/12/2034 74,200,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.4% 20/03/2037 70,500,000 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.4% 20/09/2038 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 622 0.10 426 0.07 586 0.09 184 0.03 650 0.10 436 0.07 1,288 0.20 603 0.09 151 0.02 1,147 0.18 1,139 0.18 1,087 0.17 96 0.02 796 0.12 1,046 0.16 352 0.05 439 0.07 215 0.03 375 0.06 821 0.13 1,029 0.16 100 0.02 284 0.04 304 0.05 734 0.11 700 0.11 - 65 - 010_3770624762810.indd 65 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 45,000,000 25,000,000 57,000,000 30,000,000 58,000,000 46,000,000 70,500,000 57,500,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 106,200,000 111,500,000 155,000,000 20,000,000 41,000,000 133,000,000 135,000,000 71,000,000 22,000,000 20,000,000 83,000,000 79,000,000 10,000,000 76,000,000 30,000,000 44,000,000 Bonds (cont) Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/06/2034 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/09/2034 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/09/2035 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/03/2036 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/06/2036 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/09/2036 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/09/2037 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2.5% 20/03/2038 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 0.8% 20/06/2023 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1% 20/03/2023 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.2% 20/12/2034 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.2% 20/03/2035 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.4% 20/09/2034 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.5% 20/06/2032 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.5% 20/03/2033 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.5% 20/03/2034 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.5% 20/06/2034 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.6% 20/06/2030 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.6% 20/03/2032 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.6% 20/06/2032 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.6% 20/03/2033 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.6% 20/12/2033 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/12/2022 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/09/2031 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/12/2031 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2032 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 454 0.07 252 0.04 573 0.09 301 0.05 583 0.09 462 0.07 709 0.11 579 0.09 127 0.02 86 0.01 873 0.14 913 0.14 1,322 0.21 177 0.03 361 0.06 1,159 0.18 1,173 0.18 644 0.10 198 0.03 180 0.03 741 0.12 701 0.11 90 0.01 694 0.11 274 0.04 401 0.06 Holding Investment Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) 60,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/06/2032 146,900,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/09/2032 100,900,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/12/2032 112,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/06/2033 139,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/09/2033 70,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/06/2030 35,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/09/2030 26,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/06/2031 79,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/09/2031 69,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/12/2031 22,650,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/03/2032 28,500,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.8% 20/12/2032 76,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 22/03/2021 25,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/09/2022 15,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/12/2023 22,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/03/2024 18,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/03/2025 64,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/06/2025 58,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/12/2028 48,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/03/2029 80,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/09/2030 45,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/03/2031 45,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.9% 20/06/2031 15,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 21/06/2021 68,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 21/03/2022 15,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/06/20 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 546 0.09 1,336 0.21 915 0.14 1,013 0.16 1,255 0.20 651 0.10 325 0.05 241 0.04 731 0.11 639 0.10 209 0.03 262 0.04 683 0.11 229 0.04 139 0.02 204 0.03 168 0.03 597 0.09 547 0.09 453 0.07 753 0.12 423 0.07 423 0.07 136 0.02 623 0.10 138 0.02 - 66 - 010_3770624762810.indd 66 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 70,000,000 24,100,000 74,000,000 32,000,000 70,000,000 20,000,000 43,000,000 108,000,000 43,500,000 14,000,000 105,000,000 29,000,000 21,000,000 15,000,000 47,000,000 20,000,000 35,000,000 25,000,000 106,000,000 35,000,000 15,000,000 14,000,000 90,000,000 48,000,000 82,500,000 87,000,000 Bonds (cont) Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/12/2024 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/03/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/06/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/09/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/12/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/03/2027 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/06/2030 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/12/2030 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2% 20/03/2031 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 22/03/2021 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 21/09/2021 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/03/2024 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/09/2024 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/03/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/06/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/09/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/12/2025 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/03/2026 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/12/2026 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/03/2027 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/06/2027 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/09/2027 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/12/2027 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/06/2028 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/09/2028 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/12/2028 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 656 0.10 226 0.04 696 0.11 302 0.05 661 0.10 190 0.03 410 0.06 1,029 0.16 414 0.06 127 0.02 961 0.15 272 0.04 198 0.03 142 0.02 446 0.07 190 0.03 333 0.05 238 0.04 1,015 0.16 336 0.05 144 0.02 135 0.02 865 0.13 462 0.07 795 0.12 839 0.13 Holding Investment Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) 62,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/03/2029 92,650,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/06/2029 87,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/09/2029 76,050,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/12/2029 91,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/03/2030 96,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.1% 20/12/2030 25,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 22/06/2020 10,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 21/09/2020 26,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/06/2024 24,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2026 15,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/06/2026 45,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/09/2026 38,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/09/2027 125,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2028 35,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/09/2028 73,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/06/2029 43,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/12/2029 51,500,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2030 55,500,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2031 25,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.3% 20/09/2018 25,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.3% 20/03/2026 47,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.3% 20/06/2026 74,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.3% 20/06/2027 9,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.3% 20/06/2028 37,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.4% 20/06/2024 20,000,000 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.4% 20/03/2028 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 598 0.09 894 0.14 839 0.13 733 0.11 877 0.14 926 0.14 225 0.04 91 0.01 247 0.04 231 0.04 145 0.02 435 0.07 369 0.06 1,215 0.19 341 0.05 712 0.11 420 0.07 502 0.08 542 0.08 219 0.03 243 0.04 457 0.07 724 0.11 88 0.01 356 0.06 198 0.03 - 67 - 010_3770624762810.indd 67 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 62,500,000 25,000,000 12,000,000 35,000,000 159,500,000 156,000,000 180,000,000 180,000,000 90,000,000 80,000,000 Bonds (cont) Japan (cont) Government bonds: AA- rating (cont) Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.4% 20/06/2028 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.6% 20/03/2019 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.9% 20/09/2019 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/07/2016 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/09/2016 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/10/2016 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/11/2016 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/12/2016 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/01/2017 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 15/02/2017 Total Japan Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 621 0.10 224 0.03 110 0.02 286 0.04 1,305 0.20 1,277 0.20 1,473 0.23 1,473 0.23 737 0.11 655 169,385 0.10 26.34 1,882 2,639 1,009 1,480 0.29 0.41 0.16 0.23 830,000 United Kingdom Gilt 1.75% 07/09/2022 1,220,000 United Kingdom Gilt 2% 22/07/2020 250,000 United Kingdom Gilt 2% 07/09/2025 1,300 1,964 388 0.20 0.31 0.06 975,000 United Kingdom Gilt 2.25% 07/09/2023 1,050,000 United Kingdom Gilt 2.75% 07/09/2024 1,570 1,749 0.24 0.27 1,030,000 United Kingdom Gilt 3.25% 22/01/2044 600,000 United Kingdom Gilt 3.5% 22/01/2045 1,789 1,092 0.28 0.17 578,000 United Kingdom Gilt 3.5% 22/07/2068 410,000 United Kingdom Gilt 3.75% 07/09/2019 1,141 710 0.18 0.11 880,000 United Kingdom Gilt 3.75% 07/09/2020 907,000 United Kingdom Gilt 3.75% 07/09/2021 1,541 1,604 0.24 0.25 593,000 731,000 320,000 494,000 445,000 870,000 735,000 520,000 1,173 1,197 577 1,062 851 1,695 1,454 1,046 0.18 0.19 0.09 0.17 0.13 0.26 0.23 0.16 United Kingdom Gilt 3.75% 22/07/2052 United Kingdom Gilt 4% 07/09/2016 United Kingdom Gilt 4% 07/03/2022 United Kingdom Gilt 4% 22/01/2060 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/12/2027 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/06/2032 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/03/2036 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/09/2039 % of net asset value United Kingdom (cont) Government bonds: AAA rating (cont) 790,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/12/2040 585,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/12/2046 1,599 1,225 0.25 0.19 595,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/12/2049 730,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.25% 07/12/2055 1,273 1,619 0.20 0.25 585,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.5% 07/03/2019 801,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.5% 07/09/2034 717,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.5% 07/12/2042 1,032 1,623 1,525 0.16 0.25 0.24 745,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.75% 07/03/2020 815,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.75% 07/12/2030 1,351 1,663 0.21 0.26 550,000 United Kingdom Gilt 4.75% 07/12/2038 635,000 United Kingdom Gilt 5% 07/03/2018 1,181 1,110 0.18 0.17 614,000 United Kingdom Gilt 5% 07/03/2025 370,000 United Kingdom Gilt 6% 07/12/2028 780,000 United Kingdom Gilt 8% 07/06/2021 1,216 834 1,671 0.19 0.13 0.26 637 50,472 0.10 7.85 1,581 0.25 345,000 United Kingdom Gilt 8.75% 25/08/2017 Total United Kingdom 1,580,000 United Kingdom Government bonds: AAA rating United Kingdom Gilt 1% 07/09/2017 United Kingdom Gilt 1.25% 22/07/2018 United Kingdom Gilt 1.75% 22/01/2017 United Kingdom Gilt 1.75% 22/07/2019 1,190,000 1,666,000 630,000 925,000 Fair value $’000 Holding Investment 200,000 1,930,000 5,150,000 1,650,000 1,620,000 1,360,000 560,000 1,760,000 690,000 750,000 1,390,000 680,000 990,000 650,000 United States Government bonds: AA+ rating United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 31/05/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.375% 31/10/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 15/06/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 30/06/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 31/07/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 31/08/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 30/09/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 30/11/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 31/01/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 28/02/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 31/03/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.5% 31/07/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 15/07/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 15/08/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 15/10/2016 200 0.03 1,934 0.30 5,159 0.80 1,653 0.26 1,622 0.25 1,362 0.21 560 0.09 1,760 0.27 690 0.11 749 0.12 1,385 0.22 682 0.11 993 0.15 652 0.10 - 68 - 010_3770624762810.indd 68 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 700,000 800,000 365,000 960,000 3,410,000 1,680,000 810,000 1,850,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 1,050,000 970,000 535,000 1,020,000 2,070,000 1,419,000 1,700,000 4,150,000 1,650,000 1,600,000 750,000 1,340,000 600,000 1,450,000 1,400,000 Bonds (cont) United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 15/11/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 15/12/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 31/12/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 15/02/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 31/05/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 31/08/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 30/09/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 30/11/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.625% 30/04/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 15/01/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 15/03/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 30/06/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 31/10/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 31/12/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 28/02/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 31/03/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.75% 15/04/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/09/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 30/11/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 31/12/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 31/01/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 28/02/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/04/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 30/04/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/05/2017 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 702 0.11 802 0.12 366 0.06 961 0.15 3,410 0.53 1,677 0.26 808 0.13 1,842 0.29 1,387 0.22 1,305 0.20 1,054 0.16 972 0.15 535 0.08 1,018 0.16 2,062 0.32 1,412 0.22 1,691 0.26 4,174 0.65 1,660 0.26 1,609 0.25 754 0.12 1,348 0.21 603 0.09 1,458 0.23 1,407 0.22 Holding Investment United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) 700,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/06/2017 2,250,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/07/2017 850,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/08/2017 1,000,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/10/2017 1,545,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/11/2017 2,200,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 15/01/2018 975,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 31/01/2018 1,120,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 0.875% 31/07/2019 1,210,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 31/08/2016 1,870,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 30/09/2016 714,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 31/10/2016 1,100,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 31/03/2017 1,400,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 15/09/2017 1,500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 15/12/2017 1,500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 15/02/2018 900,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 15/03/2018 1,300,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 31/05/2018 330,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 30/06/2019 350,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 31/08/2019 520,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 30/09/2019 330,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1% 30/11/2019 250,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 31/05/2019 450,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 31/12/2019 720,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 31/03/2020 625,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.125% 30/04/2020 1,500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 31/10/2018 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 703 0.11 2,259 0.35 853 0.13 1,002 0.16 1,548 0.24 2,201 0.34 975 0.15 1,097 0.17 1,219 0.19 1,884 0.29 719 0.11 1,108 0.17 1,408 0.22 1,506 0.23 1,504 0.23 902 0.14 1,301 0.20 325 0.05 344 0.05 510 0.08 323 0.05 248 0.04 442 0.07 704 0.11 611 0.09 1,505 0.23 - 69 - 010_3770624762810.indd 69 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 1,060,000 975,000 360,000 480,000 2,100,000 300,000 770,000 1,050,000 1,590,000 375,000 390,000 750,000 900,000 1,570,000 2,220,000 500,000 1,300,000 500,000 750,000 2,050,000 1,900,000 30,000 720,000 750,000 800,000 Bonds (cont) United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 30/11/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 31/01/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 30/04/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 31/10/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 31/01/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.25% 29/02/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 30/06/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 31/07/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 30/09/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 30/11/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 31/12/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 28/02/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 31/01/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 29/02/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 31/03/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 30/04/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.375% 31/05/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 30/06/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/07/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/08/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/12/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/01/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 28/02/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/03/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/05/2019 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,063 0.17 976 0.15 359 0.06 476 0.07 2,072 0.32 296 0.05 779 0.12 1,061 0.17 1,603 0.25 378 0.06 392 0.06 753 0.12 893 0.14 1,557 0.24 2,199 0.34 495 0.08 1,285 0.20 506 0.08 759 0.12 2,077 0.32 1,919 0.30 30 0.00 726 0.11 756 0.12 804 0.13 Holding Investment United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) 1,630,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/10/2019 1,980,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 30/11/2019 1,050,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.5% 31/01/2022 2,500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 31/03/2019 1,200,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 30/04/2019 1,150,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 30/06/2019 1,450,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 31/07/2019 1,925,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 31/08/2019 1,400,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 31/12/2019 785,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 15/08/2022 1,575,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.625% 15/11/2022 205,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 31/10/2018 1,000,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 30/09/2019 1,330,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 31/10/2020 1,200,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 28/02/2022 1,370,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 31/03/2022 750,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 30/04/2022 1,260,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 15/05/2022 2,680,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.75% 15/05/2023 500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 31/08/2017 300,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 30/09/2017 1,350,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 31/10/2017 560,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 30/06/2020 850,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 1.875% 30/11/2021 430,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 31/07/2020 900,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 30/09/2020 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,631 0.25 1,980 0.31 1,017 0.16 2,530 0.39 1,213 0.19 1,161 0.18 1,463 0.23 1,941 0.30 1,406 0.22 761 0.12 1,522 0.24 209 0.03 1,012 0.16 1,331 0.21 1,180 0.18 1,345 0.21 736 0.11 1,236 0.19 2,593 0.40 513 0.08 308 0.05 1,384 0.22 567 0.09 845 0.13 437 0.07 913 0.14 - 70 - 010_3770624762810.indd 70 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 1,650,000 970,000 850,000 1,550,000 1,370,000 1,356,000 1,330,000 2,076,000 2,660,000 660,000 1,400,000 1,080,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 950,000 1,670,000 280,000 910,000 800,000 900,000 2,875,000 500,000 500,000 290,000 Bonds (cont) United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 30/11/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 28/02/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 31/05/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 31/08/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 31/10/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 15/11/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 15/02/2022 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 15/02/2023 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2% 15/02/2025 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 31/08/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 31/01/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 30/06/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 15/08/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 30/09/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 31/12/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.125% 15/05/2025 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 30/11/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 31/07/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 31/03/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 30/04/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 31/07/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.25% 15/11/2024 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 31/07/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 31/05/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 30/06/2018 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,671 0.26 979 0.15 856 0.13 1,555 0.24 1,372 0.21 1,358 0.21 1,330 0.21 2,053 0.32 2,584 0.40 674 0.10 1,423 0.22 1,094 0.17 1,315 0.20 1,010 0.16 1,008 0.16 933 0.15 1,728 0.27 290 0.05 930 0.14 817 0.13 917 0.14 2,858 0.44 517 0.08 520 0.08 302 0.05 Holding Investment United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) 350,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 31/12/2020 2,635,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.375% 15/08/2024 460,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 30/06/2017 1,920,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/08/2023 2,733,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/05/2024 1,625,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.5% 15/02/2045 1,000,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 31/01/2018 2,500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 30/04/2018 1,292,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 15/08/2020 3,145,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.625% 15/11/2020 730,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 30/11/2016 1,355,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 31/05/2017 150,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 31/12/2017 50,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 28/02/2018 760,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/02/2019 2,185,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/11/2023 1,660,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/02/2024 845,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/08/2042 1,035,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.75% 15/11/2042 250,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 31/03/2018 1,830,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 2.875% 15/05/2043 600,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 31/08/2016 450,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 30/09/2016 560,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 28/02/2017 570,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2042 1,650,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/11/2044 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 361 0.06 2,650 0.41 477 0.07 1,961 0.31 2,780 0.43 1,430 0.22 1,045 0.16 2,617 0.41 1,351 0.21 3,285 0.51 753 0.12 1,410 0.22 157 0.02 52 0.01 800 0.12 2,272 0.35 1,724 0.27 787 0.12 963 0.15 263 0.04 1,744 0.27 618 0.10 465 0.07 583 0.09 558 0.09 1,613 0.25 - 71 - 010_3770624762810.indd 71 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 450,000 830,000 520,000 1,020,000 778,000 640,000 424,000 725,000 1,100,000 1,940,000 270,000 500,000 650,000 420,000 1,030,000 1,570,000 930,000 2,710,000 390,000 1,525,000 1,200,000 2,010,000 1,373,000 1,810,000 300,000 Bonds (cont) United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) United States Treasury Note/Bond 3% 15/05/2045 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 31/10/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 31/01/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 30/04/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/05/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/05/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/11/2041 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2042 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/02/2043 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.125% 15/08/2044 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.25% 30/06/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.25% 31/07/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.25% 31/12/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.25% 31/03/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/11/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.375% 15/05/2044 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.5% 15/02/2018 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.5% 15/05/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.5% 15/02/2039 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/08/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/02/2020 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/02/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/08/2043 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.625% 15/02/2044 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/11/2018 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 441 0.07 859 0.13 541 0.08 1,067 0.17 830 0.13 684 0.11 427 0.07 729 0.11 1,101 0.17 1,943 0.30 278 0.04 515 0.08 677 0.11 440 0.07 1,112 0.17 1,648 0.26 993 0.15 2,947 0.46 420 0.07 1,660 0.26 1,310 0.20 2,205 0.34 1,510 0.23 1,990 0.31 326 0.05 Holding Investment United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) 575,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/08/2041 1,525,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.75% 15/11/2043 130,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.875% 15/05/2018 683,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 3.875% 15/08/2040 50,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4% 15/08/2018 300,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.25% 15/11/2017 660,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.25% 15/05/2039 590,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.25% 15/11/2040 290,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/02/2038 430,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/11/2039 765,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2040 495,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.375% 15/05/2041 90,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.5% 15/05/2017 459,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.5% 15/02/2036 480,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.5% 15/05/2038 570,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.5% 15/08/2039 400,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 15/11/2016 350,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 15/02/2017 815,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.625% 15/02/2040 1,570,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.75% 15/08/2017 775,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.75% 15/02/2041 390,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 4.875% 15/08/2016 245,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 5% 15/05/2037 320,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.25% 15/11/2028 386,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.25% 15/02/2029 500,000 United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.375% 15/02/2031 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 645 0.10 1,715 0.27 141 0.02 780 0.12 55 0.01 324 0.05 796 0.12 714 0.11 357 0.06 529 0.08 942 0.15 612 0.10 97 0.02 577 0.09 600 0.09 713 0.11 423 0.07 373 0.06 1,039 0.16 1,704 0.27 1,009 0.16 410 0.06 328 0.05 417 0.06 504 0.08 673 0.10 - 72 - 010_3770624762810.indd 72 2016/10/18 11:56:24 4.iシェアーズ 世界国債UCITS ETF As at 30 June 2015 Holding Investment 350,000 300,000 275,000 300,000 240,000 180,000 250,000 200,000 250,000 Bonds (cont) United States (cont) Government bonds: AA+ rating (cont) United States Treasury Note/Bond 5.5% 15/08/2028 United States Treasury Note/Bond 6.125% 15/11/2027 United States Treasury Note/Bond 6.25% 15/08/2023 United States Treasury Note/Bond 6.25% 15/05/2030 United States Treasury Note/Bond 7.5% 15/11/2016 United States Treasury Note/Bond 8% 15/11/2021 United States Treasury Note/Bond 8.125% 15/08/2019 United States Treasury Note/Bond 8.75% 15/05/2017 United States Treasury Note/Bond 8.875% 15/02/2019 Total United States % of net asset value 466 0.07 416 0.06 359 0.06 433 0.07 263 0.04 246 0.04 318 0.05 230 0.04 318 247,640 0.05 38.50 Total bonds 638,230 99.23 Total value of investments 638,230 99.23 8,188 1.27 (3,201) (0.50) Cash† Other net liabilities Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the year † Fair value $’000 643,217 100.00 Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. - 73 - 010_3770624762810.indd 73 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF ■損益計算書 For the year ended 31 October 2015 Year ended 31 October 2015 $’000 Operating income 209,629 Net (losses)/gains on financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (232,860) Total (losses)/gains (23,231) Operating expenses (17,944) Net operating (loss)/profit (41,175) Finance costs: Distributions to redeemable participating shareholders (175,904) Interest expense (2) Total finance costs (175,906) Net (loss)/profit for the financial year (217,081) (Decrease)/increase in net assets attributable to redeemable participating shareholders from operations (217,081) There are no recognised gains or losses arising in the year other than those dealt with in the income statement. In arriving at the results of the financial year, all amounts relate to continuing operations. - 74 - 010_3770624762810.indd 74 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF ■組入銘柄 As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment Fair value $’000 % of net asset value Transferable Securities Admitted to an Official Stock Exchange Listing or traded on a Regulated Market (31 October 2014: 98.60%) 57,039,947 48,507 12,547,100 34,136,810 Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) Argentina (31 October 2014: 2.22%) Government bonds: CCC+ rating Argentine Republic Government International Bond 2.5% 31/12/2038 Argentine Republic Government International Bond 2.5% 31/12/2038 Argentine Republic Government International Bond 8.28% 31/12/2033 Argentine Republic Government International Bond 8.28% 31/12/2033 Total Argentina Australia (31 October 2014: 0.28%) Corporate bonds: AA- rating 8,621,000 CNOOC Curtis Funding No 1 Pty Ltd 4.5% 03/10/2023 Total Australia Azerbaijan (31 October 2014: 0.73%) Corporate bonds: BB+/*- rating 12,643,000 State Oil Co of the Azerbaijan Republic 4.75% 13/03/2023 Government bonds: BBB- rating 15,349,000 Republic of Azerbaijan International Bond 4.75% 18/03/2024 Total Azerbaijan 5,470,000 6,215,000 6,640,000 2,753,000 5,788,000 8,335,000 7,443,000 5,996,000 11,092,000 18,997,000 16,093,000 Brazil (31 October 2014: 5.19%) Corporate bonds: BBB- rating Caixa Economica Federal 2.375% 06/11/2017 Corporate bonds: BB+ rating Caixa Economica Federal 4.25% 13/05/2019 Caixa Economica Federal 4.5% 03/10/2018 Government bonds: BB+ rating Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social 4% 14/04/2019 Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social 5.5% 12/07/2020 Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social 5.75% 26/09/2023 Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social 6.369% 16/06/2018 Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social 6.5% 10/06/2019 Brazilian Government International Bond 2.625% 05/01/2023 Brazilian Government International Bond 4.25% 07/01/2025 Brazilian Government International Bond 4.875% 22/01/2021 35,935 0.94 30 0.00 19,087 0.50 53,126 108,178 1.39 2.83 9,010 9,010 0.24 0.24 Holding Investment Brazil (31 October 2014: 5.19%) (cont) Government bonds: BB+ rating (cont) 18,889,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 5% 27/01/2045 14,944,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 5.625% 07/01/2041 10,532,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 5.875% 15/01/2019 11,698,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 7.125% 20/01/2037 9,358,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 8.25% 20/01/2034 6,097,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 8.875% 15/04/2024 7,326,000 Brazilian Government International Bond 10.125% 15/05/2027 Total Brazil 11,300,000 5,761,000 11,094 0.29 13,000,000 13,994,000 14,678 25,772 0.38 0.67 19,515,000 8,459,000 7,406,000 5,121 8,618,000 0.13 11,850,000 5,671 0.15 6,275 0.16 2,560 0.07 5,412 0.14 7,335 0.19 7,582 0.20 5,996 0.16 9,165 0.24 10,375,000 8,025,000 16,879 0.44 15,831 0.41 Fair value $’000 14,332 0.38 12,198 0.32 11,230 0.29 11,362 0.30 10,013 0.26 7,294 0.19 9,624 163,880 0.25 4.28 British Virgin Islands (31 October 2014: 3.18%) Corporate bonds: AA- rating Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2012 Ltd 3.9% 17/05/2022 11,584 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2012 Ltd 4.875% 17/05/2042 5,908 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2013 Ltd 4.375% 17/10/2023 13,600 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2014 Ltd 4.375% 10/04/2024 14,622 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2015 Ltd 2.5% 28/04/2020 19,241 Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2015 Ltd 3.25% 28/04/2025 8,116 State Grid Overseas Investment 2013 Ltd 3.125% 22/05/2023 7,320 State Grid Overseas Investment 2014 Ltd 2.75% 07/05/2019 8,750 State Grid Overseas Investment 2014 Ltd 4.125% 07/05/2024 12,571 Corporate bonds: A- rating Sinochem Overseas Capital Co Ltd 4.5% 12/11/2020 10,920 Corporate bonds: BBB+ rating Charming Light Investments Ltd 3.75% 03/09/2019 8,147 Total British Virgin Islands 120,779 Cayman Islands (31 October 2014: 0.37%) Corporate bonds: AA- rating 6,891,000 Amber Circle Funding Ltd 3.25% 04/12/2022 Corporate bonds: BB+ rating 7,100,000 Brazil Minas SPE via State of Minas Gerais 5.333% 15/02/2028 Total Cayman Islands % of net asset value 0.30 0.16 0.36 0.38 0.50 0.21 0.19 0.23 0.33 0.29 0.21 3.16 6,848 0.18 5,778 12,626 0.15 0.33 - 75 - 010_3770624762810.indd 75 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment 16,584,000 12,638,000 14,048,000 10,000,000 9,080,000 8,337,000 19,110,000 15,387,000 20,118,000 21,013,000 20,711,000 16,470,000 15,212,000 9,208,000 Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Chile (31 October 2014: 1.73%) Corporate bonds: AA- rating Corp Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3% 17/07/2022 Corp Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.75% 04/11/2020 Corp Nacional del Cobre de Chile 3.875% 03/11/2021 Corp Nacional del Cobre de Chile 4.5% 16/09/2025 Government bonds: AA- rating Chile Government International Bond 3.125% 27/03/2025 Total Chile Colombia (31 October 2014: 4.32%) Government bonds: BBB rating Colombia Government International Bond 2.625% 15/03/2023 Colombia Government International Bond 4% 26/02/2024 Colombia Government International Bond 4.375% 12/07/2021 Colombia Government International Bond 5% 15/06/2045 Colombia Government International Bond 5.625% 26/02/2044 Colombia Government International Bond 6.125% 18/01/2041 Colombia Government International Bond 7.375% 18/03/2019 Colombia Government International Bond 7.375% 18/09/2037 Colombia Government International Bond 8.125% 21/05/2024 Total Colombia Costa Rica (31 October 2014: 0.63%) Government bonds: BB rating 11,804,000 Costa Rica Government International Bond 4.25% 26/01/2023 11,530,000 Costa Rica Government International Bond 7% 04/04/2044 12,551,000 Costa Rica Government International Bond 7.158% 12/03/2045 Total Costa Rica Croatia (31 October 2014: 2.81%) Government bonds: BB rating 19,707,000 Croatia Government International Bond 5.5% 04/04/2023 19,581,000 Croatia Government International Bond 6% 26/01/2024 Fair value $’000 15,620 % of net asset value 0.41 12,877 0.33 14,139 0.37 9,914 0.26 9,137 61,687 0.24 1.61 Holding Investment Croatia (31 October 2014: 2.81%) (cont) Government bonds: BB rating (cont) 17,660,000 Croatia Government International Bond 6.375% 24/03/2021 13,745,000 Croatia Government International Bond 6.625% 14/07/2020 17,312,000 Croatia Government International Bond 6.75% 05/11/2019 Total Croatia 17,255,000 11,717,000 22,366,000 17,494,000 7,528 0.20 18,747 0.49 15,833 0.41 17,855 0.47 20,330 0.53 21,281 0.55 18,817 0.49 17,646 0.46 11,395 149,432 0.30 3.90 10,624 0.28 10,363 0.27 11,374 32,361 0.30 0.85 20,298 0.53 20,756 0.54 17,024,000 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 19,020 0.50 14,927 0.39 18,805 93,806 0.49 2.45 Dominican Republic (31 October 2014: 1.45%) Government bonds: BB- rating Dominican Republic International Bond 5.5% 27/01/2025 17,039 Dominican Republic International Bond 5.875% 18/04/2024 11,893 Dominican Republic International Bond 6.85% 27/01/2045 22,142 Dominican Republic International Bond 7.45% 30/04/2044 18,456 Dominican Republic International Bond 7.5% 06/05/2021 18,578 Total Dominican Republic 88,108 0.44 0.31 0.58 0.48 0.49 2.30 Ecuador (31 October 2014: 0.69%) Government bonds: B rating 24,229,000 Ecuador Government International Bond 7.95% 20/06/2024 17,705,000 Ecuador Government International Bond 10.5% 24/03/2020 Total Ecuador 18,293 0.48 14,629 32,922 0.38 0.86 Egypt (31 October 2014: 0.35%) Government bonds: B- rating 11,776,000 Egypt Government International Bond 5.75% 29/04/2020 18,290,000 Egypt Government International Bond 5.875% 11/06/2025 Total Egypt 12,085 0.32 17,046 29,131 0.44 0.76 El Salvador (31 October 2014: 0.36%) Government bonds: B+ rating 12,075,000 El Salvador Government International Bond 7.65% 15/06/2035 Total El Salvador 10,928 10,928 0.29 0.29 Ethiopia (31 October 2014: Nil) Government bonds: B rating 11,207,000 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 6.625% 11/12/2024 Total Ethiopia 10,409 10,409 0.27 0.27 - 76 - 010_3770624762810.indd 76 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Gabon (31 October 2014: 0.50%) Government bonds: B+ rating 17,849,664 Gabon Government International Bond 6.375% 12/12/2024 Total Gabon Ghana (31 October 2014: 0.60%) Government bonds: B- rating 12,765,000 Republic of Ghana 7.875% 07/08/2023 12,295,000 Republic of Ghana 8.125% 18/01/2026 Total Ghana 10,438,000 9,918,000 19,044,000 18,744,000 19,534,000 18,813,000 28,430,000 320,000 11,580,000 Hungary (31 October 2014: 3.95%) Government bonds: BB+ rating Hungary Government International Bond 4% 25/03/2019 Hungary Government International Bond 4.125% 19/02/2018 Hungary Government International Bond 5.375% 21/02/2023 Hungary Government International Bond 5.375% 25/03/2024 Hungary Government International Bond 5.75% 22/11/2023 Hungary Government International Bond 6.25% 29/01/2020 Hungary Government International Bond 6.375% 29/03/2021 Hungary Government International Bond 6.375% 29/03/2021 Hungary Government International Bond 7.625% 29/03/2041 Total Hungary Indonesia (31 October 2014: 5.00%) Corporate bonds: BB+ rating 4,800,000 Pelabuhan Indonesia II PT 4.25% 05/05/2025 7,050,000 Pertamina Persero PT 4.3% 20/05/2023 5,969,000 Pertamina Persero PT 4.875% 03/05/2022 4,260,000 Pertamina Persero PT 5.25% 23/05/2021 6,912,000 Pertamina Persero PT 5.625% 20/05/2043 5,810,000 Pertamina Persero PT 6% 03/05/2042 6,600,000 Pertamina Persero PT 6.45% 30/05/2044 Corporate bonds: BB rating 5,265,000 Perusahaan Listrik Negara PT 5.25% 24/10/2042 1,005,000 Perusahaan Listrik Negara PT 5.5% 22/11/2021 Government bonds: BB+ rating 7,308,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 3.375% 15/04/2023 8,648,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 3.75% 25/04/2022 Fair value $’000 15,373 15,373 10,978 10,466 21,444 % of net asset value 0.40 0.40 0.29 0.27 0.56 10,926 0.29 10,363 0.27 20,947 0.55 20,705 0.54 22,017 0.58 21,239 0.55 32,694 0.85 368 0.01 15,793 155,052 0.41 4.05 4,416 6,653 5,865 4,345 5,711 5,034 6,072 0.12 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.15 0.13 0.16 4,318 0.11 1,035 0.03 6,943 0.18 8,540 0.22 Holding Investment Indonesia (31 October 2014: 5.00%) (cont) Government bonds: BB+ rating (cont) 10,870,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 4.125% 15/01/2025 7,274,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 4.625% 15/04/2043 8,838,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 4.875% 05/05/2021 7,450,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 5.125% 15/01/2045 8,211,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 5.25% 17/01/2042 5,847,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 5.375% 17/10/2023 9,285,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 5.875% 13/03/2020 9,232,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 5.875% 15/01/2024 500,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 5.875% 15/01/2024 7,578,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 6.625% 17/02/2037 10,633,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 6.75% 15/01/2044 7,816,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 6.875% 17/01/2018 7,966,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 7.75% 17/01/2038 6,674,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 8.5% 12/10/2035 9,187,000 Indonesia Government International Bond 11.625% 04/03/2019 Total Indonesia Iraq (31 October 2014: 0.78%) Government bonds: B- rating 32,756,000 Republic of Iraq 5.8% 15/01/2028 Total Iraq Ireland (31 October 2014: 0.76%) Corporate bonds: BB+ rating 6,252,000 Russian Railways via RZD Capital Plc 5.7% 05/04/2022 5,600,000 Vnesheconombank Via VEB Finance Plc 5.942% 21/11/2023 4,232,000 Vnesheconombank Via VEB Finance Plc 6.025% 05/07/2022 4,550,000 Vnesheconombank Via VEB Finance Plc 6.8% 22/11/2025 6,180,000 Vnesheconombank Via VEB Finance Plc 6.902% 09/07/2020 Total Ireland Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 10,598 0.28 6,554 0.17 9,302 0.24 6,966 0.18 7,790 0.20 6,271 0.16 10,283 0.27 10,144 0.27 549 0.01 8,317 0.22 11,962 0.31 8,607 0.23 9,838 0.26 8,776 0.23 11,771 186,660 0.31 4.88 24,076 24,076 0.63 0.63 6,205 0.16 5,362 0.14 4,110 0.11 4,480 0.12 6,328 26,485 0.16 0.69 - 77 - 010_3770624762810.indd 77 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Ivory Coast (31 October 2014: 0.77%) Government bonds: B+ rating 1,164,000 Ivory Coast Government International Bond 5.375% 23/07/2024 28,319,000 Ivory Coast Government International Bond 5.75% 31/12/2032 14,033,000 Ivory Coast Government International Bond 6.375% 03/03/2028 Total Ivory Coast Jamaica (31 October 2014: Nil) Government bonds: B rating 16,359,000 Jamaica Government International Bond 6.75% 28/04/2028 Total Jamaica 11,514,000 8,510,000 14,060,000 8,760,000 10,732,000 10,323,000 15,770,000 8,020,000 14,315,000 10,310,000 17,600,000 11,220,000 Kazakhstan (31 October 2014: 3.21%) Corporate bonds: BBB rating Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC 4.125% 10/12/2022 Corporate bonds: BB+ rating KazMunayGas National Co JSC 4.4% 30/04/2023 KazMunayGas National Co JSC 5.75% 30/04/2043 KazMunayGas National Co JSC 6% 07/11/2044 KazMunayGas National Co JSC 6.375% 09/04/2021 KazMunayGas National Co JSC 7% 05/05/2020 KazMunayGas National Co JSC 9.125% 02/07/2018 Government bonds: BBB- rating KazAgro National Management Holding JSC 4.625% 24/05/2023 Government bonds: BBB rating Kazakhstan Government International Bond 3.875% 14/10/2024 Kazakhstan Government International Bond 4.875% 14/10/2044 Kazakhstan Government International Bond 5.125% 21/07/2025 Kazakhstan Government International Bond 6.5% 21/07/2045 Total Kazakhstan Kenya (31 October 2014: 0.51%) Government bonds: B+ rating 23,062,000 Kenya Government International Bond 6.875% 24/06/2024 Total Kenya Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 1,043 0.03 25,275 0.66 12,910 39,228 0.33 1.02 Holding Investment Latvia (31 October 2014: 0.76%) Government bonds: A- rating 13,981,000 Republic of Latvia 2.75% 12/01/2020 Total Latvia 11,831,000 11,704,000 15,900,000 16,564 16,564 0.43 0.43 14,093,000 18,700,000 15,067,000 10,075 0.26 7,467 0.20 11,002 0.29 6,857 0.18 10,826 0.28 10,788 0.28 17,367 0.45 6,486 0.17 13,402 0.35 8,467 0.22 17,512 0.46 10,940 131,189 0.29 3.43 21,419 21,419 0.56 0.56 12,053,000 16,306,000 Lebanon (31 October 2014: 3.14%) Government bonds: B- rating Lebanon Government International Bond 5.15% 12/11/2018 Lebanon Government International Bond 6% 27/01/2023 Lebanon Government International Bond 6.1% 04/10/2022 Lebanon Government International Bond 6.375% 09/03/2020 Lebanon Government International Bond 6.6% 27/11/2026 Lebanon Government International Bond 6.65% 26/02/2030 Lebanon Government International Bond 6.75% 29/11/2027 Lebanon Government International Bond 8.25% 12/04/2021 Total Lebanon Lithuania (31 October 2014: 1.94%) Government bonds: A- rating 15,969,000 Lithuania Government International Bond 6.125% 09/03/2021 18,108,000 Lithuania Government International Bond 6.625% 01/02/2022 26,895,000 Lithuania Government International Bond 7.375% 11/02/2020 Total Lithuania Luxembourg (31 October 2014: 0.36%) Corporate bonds: BB rating 6,500,000 Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB Capital SA 5.1% 25/07/2018 4,874,000 Russian Agricultural Bank OJSC Via RSHB Capital SA 5.298% 27/12/2017 Total Luxembourg Malaysia (31 October 2014: 2.31%) Corporate bonds: A- rating 33,500,000 1MDB Global Investments Ltd 4.4% 09/03/2023 18,249,000 Petronas Capital Ltd 3.5% 18/03/2025 17,992,000 Petronas Capital Ltd 4.5% 18/03/2045 300,000 Petronas Capital Ltd 5.25% 12/08/2019 32,270,000 Petronas Capital Ltd 5.25% 12/08/2019 9,616,000 Petronas Capital Ltd 7.875% 22/05/2022 85,000 Petronas Capital Ltd 7.875% 22/05/2022 Total Malaysia Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 14,225 14,225 0.37 0.37 11,727 0.31 11,558 0.30 15,821 0.41 14,357 0.37 18,700 0.49 14,860 0.39 12,204 0.32 17,916 117,143 0.47 3.06 18,624 0.49 21,990 0.57 32,286 72,900 0.84 1.90 6,484 0.17 4,916 11,400 0.13 0.30 25,544 17,639 16,947 327 35,135 11,977 106 107,675 0.67 0.46 0.44 0.01 0.92 0.31 0.00 2.81 - 78 - 010_3770624762810.indd 78 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment 2,678,000 3,600,000 2,990,000 4,400,000 6,211,000 2,900,000 4,122,000 6,128,000 6,127,000 9,513,000 8,292,000 7,723,000 4,766,000 3,170,000 7,235,000 10,616,000 8,339,000 6,568,000 2,600,000 9,023,000 7,124,000 12,774,000 8,893,000 12,120,000 9,430,000 8,172,000 8,104,000 7,146,000 9,546,000 5,255,000 3,185,000 Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Mexico (31 October 2014: 5.41%) Corporate bonds: BBB+ rating Comision Federal de Electricidad 4.875% 26/05/2021 Comision Federal de Electricidad 4.875% 15/01/2024 Petroleos Mexicanos 3.5% 18/07/2018 Petroleos Mexicanos 3.5% 23/07/2020 Petroleos Mexicanos 3.5% 30/01/2023 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.25% 15/01/2025 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.5% 23/01/2026 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 24/01/2022 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 18/01/2024 Petroleos Mexicanos 5.5% 21/01/2021 Petroleos Mexicanos 5.5% 27/06/2044 Petroleos Mexicanos 5.625% 23/01/2046 Petroleos Mexicanos 5.75% 01/03/2018 Petroleos Mexicanos 6% 05/03/2020 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.375% 23/01/2045 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.5% 02/06/2041 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.625% 15/06/2035 Petroleos Mexicanos 8% 03/05/2019 Government bonds: BBB- rating Mexico Government International Bond 3.5% 21/01/2021 Mexico Government International Bond 3.6% 30/01/2025 Mexico Government International Bond 3.625% 15/03/2022 Mexico Government International Bond 4% 02/10/2023 Mexico Government International Bond 4.6% 23/01/2046 Mexico Government International Bond 4.75% 08/03/2044 Mexico Government International Bond 5.125% 15/01/2020 Mexico Government International Bond 5.55% 21/01/2045 Mexico Government International Bond 5.75% 12/10/2110 Mexico Government International Bond 5.95% 19/03/2019 Mexico Government International Bond 6.05% 11/01/2040 Mexico Government International Bond 6.75% 27/09/2034 Mexico Government International Bond 8.3% 15/08/2031 Total Mexico Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 2,805 0.07 3,690 3,041 4,350 5,751 2,759 3,927 6,234 6,122 10,131 7,067 6,642 5,064 3,443 6,797 10,101 8,183 7,504 0.10 0.08 0.11 0.15 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.16 0.27 0.19 0.17 0.13 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.21 0.20 2,675 0.07 8,967 0.23 7,275 0.19 13,189 0.34 8,248 0.22 11,514 0.30 10,408 0.27 8,662 0.23 7,922 0.21 8,036 0.21 10,787 0.28 6,444 0.17 4,682 212,420 0.12 5.55 Fair value $’000 % of net asset value Mongolia (31 October 2014: 0.27%) Government bonds: B+ rating 12,098,000 Mongolia Government International Bond 5.125% 05/12/2022 Total Mongolia 10,102 10,102 0.26 0.26 Morocco (31 October 2014: 0.50%) Government bonds: BBB- rating 16,918,000 Morocco Government International Bond 4.25% 11/12/2022 Total Morocco 17,079 17,079 0.45 0.45 7,615 0.20 8,407 0.22 11,315 27,337 0.29 0.71 12,890 0.34 13,120 26,010 0.34 0.68 17,174 0.45 Holding Investment Netherlands (31 October 2014: 1.00%) Corporate bonds: BB+ rating 9,202,000 Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Finance BV 6.95% 10/07/2042 Corporate bonds: BB rating 7,473,000 Majapahit Holding BV 7.75% 20/01/2020 Government bonds: B+ rating 11,605,000 Republic of Angola Via Northern Lights III BV 7% 16/08/2019 Total Netherlands Pakistan (31 October 2014: 0.67%) Government bonds: B- rating 12,426,000 Pakistan Government International Bond 7.25% 15/04/2019 12,314,000 Pakistan Government International Bond 8.25% 15/04/2024 Total Pakistan 17,260,000 14,931,000 Panama (31 October 2014: 1.72%) Government bonds: BBB rating Panama Government International Bond 3.75% 16/03/2025 Panama Government International Bond 4% 22/09/2024 Panama Government International Bond 5.2% 30/01/2020 Panama Government International Bond 6.7% 26/01/2036 15,117 0.40 18,307 0.48 27,317 77,915 0.71 2.04 12,204 12,204 0.32 0.32 People’s Republic of China (31 October 2014: 0.54%) Government bonds: AA- rating 10,063,000 Export-Import Bank of China 2.5% 31/07/2019 10,169 11,776,000 Export-Import Bank of China 3.625% 31/07/2024 12,062 Total People’s Republic of China 22,231 0.27 16,757,000 22,209,000 Total Panama Paraguay (31 October 2014: 0.34%) Government bonds: BB rating 12,024,000 Republic of Paraguay 6.1% 11/08/2044 Total Paraguay 0.31 0.58 - 79 - 010_3770624762810.indd 79 2016/10/18 11:56:24 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment 10,253,000 28,722,000 12,013,000 21,242,000 23,351,000 6,829,000 9,441,000 16,536,000 12,370,000 13,119,000 12,971,000 7,426,000 10,593,000 18,348,000 15,092,000 8,620,000 1,000,000 14,320,000 11,115,000 Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Peru (31 October 2014: 3.17%) Government bonds: BBB+ rating Peruvian Government International Bond 4.125% 25/08/2027 Peruvian Government International Bond 5.625% 18/11/2050 Peruvian Government International Bond 6.55% 14/03/2037 Peruvian Government International Bond 7.35% 21/07/2025 Peruvian Government International Bond 8.75% 21/11/2033 Total Peru Philippines (31 October 2014: 5.33%) Corporate bonds: BBB rating Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corp 7.25% 27/05/2019 Power Sector Assets & Liabilities Management Corp 7.39% 02/12/2024 Government bonds: BBB rating Philippine Government International Bond 3.95% 20/01/2040 Philippine Government International Bond 4% 15/01/2021 Philippine Government International Bond 4.2% 21/01/2024 Philippine Government International Bond 5% 13/01/2037 Philippine Government International Bond 5.5% 30/03/2026 Philippine Government International Bond 6.375% 15/01/2032 Philippine Government International Bond 6.375% 23/10/2034 Philippine Government International Bond 7.75% 14/01/2031 Philippine Government International Bond 8.375% 17/06/2019 Philippine Government International Bond 8.375% 17/06/2019 Philippine Government International Bond 9.5% 02/02/2030 Philippine Government International Bond 10.625% 16/03/2025 Total Philippines Poland (31 October 2014: 3.59%) Government bonds: A- rating 21,221,000 Poland Government International Bond 3% 17/03/2023 20,477,000 Poland Government International Bond 4% 22/01/2024 Fair value $’000 10,304 % of net asset value 0.27 30,876 0.80 14,446 0.38 27,296 0.71 33,976 116,898 0.89 3.05 Holding Investment Poland (31 October 2014: 3.59%) (cont) Government bonds: A- rating (cont) 33,173,000 Poland Government International Bond 5% 23/03/2022 21,642,000 Poland Government International Bond 5.125% 21/04/2021 31,037,000 Poland Government International Bond 6.375% 15/07/2019 Total Poland 18,276,000 12,096,000 12,376,000 7,973 0.21 12,368 0.32 17,115 0.45 13,483 0.35 14,513 0.38 15,436 0.41 8,911 0.23 13,877 0.36 24,586 0.64 21,770 0.57 10,592 0.28 1,229 0.03 23,055 0.60 17,728 202,636 0.46 5.29 21,388 0.56 21,756 0.57 25,576,000 5,800,000 10,800,000 13,400,000 17,600,000 14,400,000 6,000,000 91,440,754 16,151,000 10,819,000 Romania (31 October 2014: 2.03%) Government bonds: BBB- rating Romanian Government International Bond 4.375% 22/08/2023 Romanian Government International Bond 4.875% 22/01/2024 Romanian Government International Bond 6.125% 22/01/2044 Romanian Government International Bond 6.75% 07/02/2022 Total Romania Fair value $’000 37,322 0.97 24,487 0.64 35,993 140,946 0.94 3.68 19,213 0.50 13,154 0.34 14,641 0.38 30,467 77,475 0.80 2.02 Russian Federation (31 October 2014: 4.13%) Government bonds: BB+ rating Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 3.5% 16/01/2019 5,848 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 4.5% 04/04/2022 11,021 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 4.875% 16/09/2023 13,829 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 5% 29/04/2020 18,497 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 5.625% 04/04/2042 14,274 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 5.875% 16/09/2043 6,135 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 7.5% 31/03/2030 64,772 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 11% 24/07/2018 19,351 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond 12.75% 24/06/2028 17,608 Total Russian Federation 171,335 Serbia (31 October 2014: 1.56%) Government bonds: BB- rating 18,064,000 Republic of Serbia 4.875% 25/02/2020 13,285,000 Republic of Serbia 5.875% 03/12/2018 22,820,000 Republic of Serbia 7.25% 28/09/2021 Total Serbia % of net asset value 18,629 14,082 26,100 58,811 0.15 0.29 0.36 0.49 0.37 0.16 1.69 0.51 0.46 4.48 0.49 0.37 0.68 1.54 - 80 - 010_3770624762810.indd 80 2016/10/18 11:56:25 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Slovakia (31 October 2014: 0.53%) Government bonds: A+ rating 18,478,000 Slovakia Government International Bond 4.375% 21/05/2022 Total Slovakia 9,160,000 17,147,000 8,257,000 12,784,000 14,010,000 7,681,000 19,258,000 9,328,000 20,968,000 18,383,000 11,451,000 13,025,000 11,944,000 13,136,000 South Africa (31 October 2014: 3.70%) Corporate bonds: BBB- rating Transnet SOC Ltd 4% 26/07/2022 Corporate bonds: BB+ rating Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 5.75% 26/01/2021 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 6.75% 06/08/2023 Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 7.125% 11/02/2025 Government bonds: BBB- rating South Africa Government International Bond 4.665% 17/01/2024 South Africa Government International Bond 5.375% 24/07/2044 South Africa Government International Bond 5.5% 09/03/2020 South Africa Government International Bond 5.875% 30/05/2022 South Africa Government International Bond 5.875% 16/09/2025 South Africa Government International Bond 6.875% 27/05/2019 Total South Africa Sri Lanka (31 October 2014: 1.40%) Government bonds: B+ rating Sri Lanka Government International Bond 5.875% 25/07/2022 Sri Lanka Government International Bond 6% 14/01/2019 Sri Lanka Government International Bond 6.25% 04/10/2020 Sri Lanka Government International Bond 6.25% 27/07/2021 Total Sri Lanka Tunisia (31 October 2014: Nil) Corporate bonds: BB- rating 11,780,000 Banque Centrale de Tunisie SA 5.75% 30/01/2025 Total Tunisia Turkey (31 October 2014: 5.71%) Government bonds: BB+ rating 8,485,000 Turkey Government International Bond 3.25% 23/03/2023 4,350,000 Turkey Government International Bond 4.25% 14/04/2026 Fair value $’000 20,692 20,692 8,633 % of net asset value 0.54 0.54 0.23 15,960 0.42 7,677 0.20 11,905 0.31 14,129 0.37 7,527 0.20 20,702 0.54 10,238 0.27 22,750 0.59 20,479 140,000 0.53 3.66 10,978 0.29 13,086 0.34 11,989 0.31 13,021 49,074 0.34 1.28 11,061 11,061 0.29 0.29 Holding Investment Turkey (31 October 2014: 5.71%) (cont) Government bonds: BB+ rating (cont) 19,180,000 Turkey Government International Bond 4.875% 16/04/2043 4,883,000 Turkey Government International Bond 5.125% 25/03/2022 7,285,000 Turkey Government International Bond 5.625% 30/03/2021 11,410,000 Turkey Government International Bond 5.75%22/03/2024 12,787,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6% 14/01/2041 16,371,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6.25% 26/09/2022 6,429,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6.625% 17/02/2045 13,085,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6.75% 03/04/2018 8,769,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6.75% 30/05/2040 10,799,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6.875% 17/03/2036 3,600,000 Turkey Government International Bond 6.875% 17/03/2036 7,722,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7% 11/03/2019 44,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7% 11/03/2019 12,775,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7% 05/06/2020 6,204,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7.25% 05/03/2038 5,641,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7.375% 05/02/2025 7,755,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7.5% 07/11/2019 92,000 Turkey Government International Bond 7.5% 07/11/2019 8,888,000 Turkey Government International Bond 8% 14/02/2034 9,075,000 Turkey Government International Bond 11.875% 15/01/2030 Total Turkey 14,950,000 18,058,000 26,307,000 18,057,000 7,870 4,167 0.21 Ukraine (31 October 2014: 2.50%) Government bonds: B- rating Ukraine Government International Bond 7.5% 17/04/2023 Ukraine Government International Bond 7.75% 23/09/2020 Ukraine Government International Bond 7.8% 28/11/2022 Ukraine Government International Bond 7.95% 23/02/2021 Total Ukraine Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 17,252 0.45 5,103 0.13 7,828 0.20 12,306 0.32 13,401 0.35 18,147 0.47 7,371 0.19 14,230 0.37 9,992 0.26 12,408 0.32 4,136 0.11 8,610 0.23 49 0.00 14,468 0.38 7,448 0.20 6,738 0.18 8,880 0.23 105 0.00 11,363 0.30 15,133 207,005 0.40 5.41 11,792 0.31 14,085 0.37 20,519 0.53 14,175 60,571 0.37 1.58 0.11 - 81 - 010_3770624762810.indd 81 2016/10/18 11:56:25 5.iシェアーズ J.P.モルガン・米ドル建てエマージング・マーケット債券UCITS ETF As at 31 October 2015 Holding Investment Bonds (31 October 2014: 98.60%) (cont) Uruguay (31 October 2014: 1.78%) Government bonds: BBB rating 24,772,000 Uruguay Government International Bond 4.5% 14/08/2024 38,306,202 Uruguay Government International Bond 5.1% 18/06/2050 11,786,270 Uruguay Government International Bond 7.625% 21/03/2036 Total Uruguay 7,941,200 6,908,400 14,743,000 16,954,621 20,781,300 8,158,204 10,738,000 10,355,513 5,780,000 3,126,000 4,216,000 5,399,000 8,900,000 7,753,000 100,000 7,611,600 14,665,000 6,699,300 4,112,000 12,047,000 13,919,600 9,778,700 Venezuela (31 October 2014: 3.11%) Corporate bonds: CCC rating Petroleos de Venezuela SA 5.375% 12/04/2027 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 5.5% 12/04/2037 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 6% 16/05/2024 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 6% 15/11/2026 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 8.5% 02/11/2017 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 9% 17/11/2021 Petroleos de Venezuela SA 12.75% 17/02/2022 Corporate bonds: CCC- rating Petroleos de Venezuela SA 9.75% 17/05/2035 Government bonds: CCC rating Venezuela Government International Bond 6% 09/12/2020 Venezuela Government International Bond 7% 01/12/2018 Venezuela Government International Bond 7% 31/03/2038 Venezuela Government International Bond 7.65% 21/04/2025 Venezuela Government International Bond 7.75% 13/10/2019 Venezuela Government International Bond 8.25% 13/10/2024 Venezuela Government International Bond 8.25% 13/10/2024 Venezuela Government International Bond 9% 07/05/2023 Venezuela Government International Bond 9.25% 15/09/2027 Venezuela Government International Bond 9.25% 07/05/2028 Venezuela Government International Bond 9.375% 13/01/2034 Venezuela Government International Bond 11.75% 21/10/2026 Venezuela Government International Bond 11.95% 05/08/2031 Venezuela Government International Bond 12.75% 23/08/2022 Total Venezuela Fair value $’000 % of net asset value 25,763 0.67 34,427 0.90 14,895 75,085 0.39 1.96 2,740 2,357 5,219 5,931 8,363 3,341 0.07 0.06 0.14 0.15 0.22 0.09 5,359 0.14 4,297 0.11 0.06 1,360 0.04 1,570 0.04 2,038 0.05 3,516 0.09 2,946 0.08 38 0.00 2,988 0.08 6,416 0.17 2,629 0.07 1,655 0.04 5,331 0.14 6,333 0.16 4,645 81,254 0.12 2.12 % of net asset value Vietnam (31 October 2014: 0.34%) Government bonds: BB- rating 11,446,000 Vietnam Government International Bond 4.8% 19/11/2024 Total Vietnam 11,246 11,246 0.29 0.29 Zambia (31 October 2014: 0.37%) Government bonds: B rating 12,847,000 Zambia Government International Bond 8.5% 14/04/2024 15,594,000 Zambia Government International Bond 8.97% 30/07/2027 Total Zambia 10,807 0.28 13,099 23,906 0.34 0.62 Total bonds 3,763,155 98.29 Total value of investments 3,763,155 98.29 6,149 0.16 59,372 1.55 3,828,676 100.00 Cash† Other net assets Net asset value attributable to redeemable participating shareholders at the end of the year † 2,182 Fair value $’000 Holding Investment Substantially all cash positions are held with State Street Bank and Trust Company. - 82 - 010_3770624762810.indd 82 2016/10/18 11:56:25 6.iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ETF ■損益計算書 iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF Period from May 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016a NET INVESTMENT INCOME Dividends — unaffiliated $125,887,045 Interest — affiliated 4,955 850,108 Securities lending income — affiliated — net Total investment income 126,742,108 EXPENSES 17,728,029 Investment advisory fees Total expenses 17,728,029 Net investment income 109,014,079 NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) Net realized gain (loss) from: Investments — unaffiliated (53,373,297) 53,800,721 In-kind redemptions — unaffiliated Net realized gain 427,424 Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation 186,505,072 Net realized and unrealized gain 186,932,496 NET INCREASE IN NET ASSETS RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS $295,946,575 a The Fund’s fiscal year-end was changed from April 30 to March 31. - 83 - 010_3770624762810.indd 83 2016/10/18 11:56:25 6.iシェアーズ 米国不動産 ETF ■組入上位10銘柄 TEN LARGEST FUND HOLDINGS As of 3/31/16 Security Simon Property Group Inc. Percentage of Total Investments* 7.28% American Tower Corp. 4.92 Public Storage 4.61 Crown Castle International Corp. 3.27 Equity Residential 3.11 AvalonBay Communities Inc. 2.95 Welltower Inc. 2.79 Weyerhaeuser Co. 2.77 Prologis Inc. 2.63 2.58 Equinix Inc. TOTAL 36.91% * Excludes money market funds. - 84 - 010_3770624762810.indd 84 2016/10/18 11:56:25 7.iシェアーズ S&PGSCI コモディティ・インデックス・トラスト ■損益計算書 For the years ended December 31, 2015 Years Ended December 31, 2015 Investment Income Interest Total investment income $ Expenses Sponsor’s fees Brokerage commissions and fees Total expenses Net investment loss 235,603 235,603 5,849,908 691,502 6,541,410 (6,305,807) Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) Net realized gain (loss) from: Short-term investments Futures contracts Net realized loss Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on: Short-term investments Futures contracts Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation Net realized and unrealized loss Net decrease in net assets resulting from operations Net decrease in net assets per Share Weighted-average Shares outstanding 35,054 (350,981,959) (350,946,905) 5,217 54,212,955 54,218,172 (296,728,733) $(303,034,540) $ (7.24) 41,837,123 - 85 - 010_3770624762810.indd 85 2016/10/18 11:56:25 7.iシェアーズ S&PGSCI コモディティ・インデックス・トラスト ■組入銘柄 At December 31, 2015 Security Description Face Amount Fair Value 0.00%(c) - 0.08% due 01/07/16 $188,000,000 $187,999,248 0.00% - 0.13% due 01/14/16 U.S. Treasury bills (a)(b) : 144,000,000 143,995,536 0.20% due 01/21/16 53,000,000 52,997,456 0.02% due 01/28/16 (c) 100,000,000 99,991,300 0.11% - 0.12% due 02/04/16 30,000,000 29,997,390 0.22% due 03/03/16 18,000,000 17,996,832 0.23% due 03/24/16 30,000,000 29,988,180 0.26% due 03/31/16 89,000,000 88,962,442 Total United States Treasury bills (Cost: $651,905,935) 651,928,384 Total Investments – 97.90% Other Assets, Less Liabilities – 2.10% 651,928,384 14,010,863 Net Assets – 100.00% $665,939,247 (a) (b) (c) A portion of the above United States Treasury bills are posted as margin for the Trust’s Index Futures position as described in Note 2D. Rates shown are discount rates paid at the time of purchase. Rounds to less than 0.01%. As of December 31, 2015, the open S&P GSCI-ER futures contracts were as follows: Number of Contracts Expiration Date Current Notional Amount 31,462 March 2016 $662,945,241 Net Unrealized Depreciation $15,155,741 - 86 - 010_3770624762810.indd 86 2016/10/18 11:56:25
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