小 川 図 書 英語・英文学 洋書目録 第 67 号 全集・初版本・限定本 艶笑滑稽話 他 事典/辞典・言語学セット・日本学 No.995 Don Quixote de la Mancha. 2vols. (London: Henry G. Bohn,) 1842 年 Illustrated by Tony Johannot, and Others. ¥84,000 OGAWA TOSHO LTD 2009 年 12 月 【 英語・英文学 洋書目録 第67号 目次 】 ページ 重要セット (古代中世・文化背景・アンソロジー他) 1 個人全集 13 和書・邦人全集・その他セット物 35 英米文学 作家別 著作・作品集 38 初版本・限定本 42 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 53 英米文学 コンコーダンス 62 ユーモア書籍 (カリカチュア、挿絵本 他) 66 聖書 ・ 聖書関連書籍 90 EETS (古代 ・ 中世) 94 中世に関するコンコーダンス 110 艶笑滑稽話 さまざまな版の「千夜一夜語」、「デカメロン」 「イソップ物語」、「ドン・キホーテ」 ほか 111 ページ ことわざ 118 辞典・事典 辞典 和書 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 121 149 157 言語学セット 洋書 160 日本学 Japanology (洋書も含む・写本、ちりめん本、日本語研究) 170 コレクション販売 176 竹友藻風旧蔵 洋書限定本コレクション Max Beerbohm コレクション 西村孝次先生旧蔵 D.H.ロレンス書籍コレクション *巻末* ・ご注文用 FAX用紙 ・掲載品及びご注文について ・お支払方法 ・小川図書出版案内 雑誌部在庫より サタデー・イブニング・ポスト 1940 年 12 月 28 日号 「電車の中でサンタクロースの素顔 を見てしまった少年」 ¥13,230 ノーマン・ロックウェル表紙イラスト 1942 年 2 月 7 日号 「2 人の女性に接待される ウィリー・ギリス」 ¥13,230 1953 年 11 月 18 日号 「グランマ・モーゼス柄のソファでトランペ ットの練習をする少年」 ¥13,230 重 要 セ ッ ト 古代・中世 1 イギリス 5 文学史 2 ケルト・アイルランド・スコットランド 6 作品集 2 ギリシャ 7 英詩 3 ロシア 8 演劇 3 時代・背景・その他 8 フォークロア・バラッド 5 文芸誌・雑誌 10 古 代 ・ 中 世 1 F.J.E.レイビー 中世ラテン語詩史 2巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Raby,F.J.E. A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages. In 2 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1934. xi,408pp./ vi,388pp. Front board of vol.II partly stained. 25.5x17cm. [100003‐01459] 2 F.J.E.レイビー 中世ラテン語詩史 2巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Raby,F.J.E. A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages. In 2 vols. Second Edition. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. xi,408pp./ vi,409pp. Spine, edges and e.ps.of each vol.foxing. Front board and spine of vol.II partly stained. 23.9x16cm. [100004‐00060] 3 ウォルフラム・フォン・エッシェンバハ研究 14冊 クロース装 ¥63,000 Wolfram-Studien. Veröffentlichungen der Wolfram von Echenbach-Gesellschaft. Herausgegeben von Werner Schröder et al. In 14 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1970-1996. 298pp.+ 258pp.+ 276pp.+ 271pp.+ 198pp.+ 231pp.+ 287pp.+ 219pp.+ 295pp.+ 233pp.+ 275pp.+ 281pp.(+ 40 illus.)+ 323pp.(+ 6 illus.)+ 483pp.(+ 18 illus.). Bound in white linen. Spine of each vol.sunned and fore edges of several vols.sl.spotted. Coloured top edge. 23x16.3cm. [100005‐01514] 4 ヘイルズ・ファーニヴァル共編 古英語バラッド及びロマンス パーシー・フォリオ 4巻 キングズ・ライブラリ版 ¥126,000 The Percy Folio of Old English Ballads and Romances. From the Text of Dr. F. J. Furnivall and Professor J. W. Hales. In 4 vols. The King's Library edition. Edited by Professor Gollancz. London: The De La More Press, 1905. Limited to 320 copies have been printed on hand-made paper. This book in number 80. [100007‐01144] 5 G.エリス:13世紀~17世紀の英国詩選 3巻 1/2革装 ¥47,250 Specimens of the Early English Poets. To Which is Prefixed an Historical Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the English Poetry and Language. In 3 vols. Fourth edition, corrected. Longman, 1811. Contemporary half morocco, spines gilt lettered, gilt tops, other edges untrimmed. 20.3x13cm. [100019‐00116] 3 巻 クロース装 (改装) ¥21,000 Gairdner,James ed. The Paston Letters 1422-1509 A.D. A New Edition. First Published in 1874. Containing Upwards of Four Hundred Letters, etc., Hitherto Unpublished. Vol.1: Henry VI, 1422-1461 A.D. Vol.2: Edward IV, 1461-1471 A.D. Vol.3: Edward IV-Henry VII, 1471-1509 A.D. In 3 vols. Westminster: A.Constable and Co., 1896. cl.554pp.+29pp.(a list of works)./ lviii,424 pp.+29pp.(a list of works)./ lxxl,625 pp.+29pp.(a list of works). Rebound with burgundy cloth, new e.ps. Fore edge untrimed. Edges darkened. Ink ownership signature to front e.ps.of each vol. 18x12cm. [101892‐01818] 6 パストン家書簡集 1 重 要 セ ッ ト 文学史 4巻 クロース装 (改装) ¥31,500 Lowndes,William Thomas The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; With Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which They have been Sold in the Present Century. In 4 vols. London: William Pickering, 1834. Rebound with blue gray cloth and new e.ps. Edges and flyleaves foxing. Ex-libris.(Robert B.Preston). 4 clipped articles (about this book) pasted on front flyleaf of vol.I. 23x15cm. [101828‐01753] 7 英文学書誌・手引 2 巻 クロース装 (改装) ¥10,500 English Literature & Printing from the 15th to the 18th Century. [Maggs Bros., bookseller's catalogues Nos.503 & 505] In 2 vols. London: Maggs Bros., 1928. Part I (A-L): 456pp. (1280 items). Part II (M-Z): 458-876pp. (1304 items). Rebound with original paper wrappers (sl.stained). Coners of p.455 and original rear cover of 'part I' repaired. Ink ownership shignature to margin of title page of each vol. 24.1x18.8cm. [101829‐01754] 8 (Maggs Bros.書店在庫目録) 15-18 世紀英文学 特集 9 T.ブリンク 英文学史 3巻 クロース装 ¥15,750 History of English Literature. By Bernard Ten Brink. Translated from the German by Horace M.Kennedy (vol.i), Clarke Robinson (vol.ii) & L.Dora Schmitz (vol.iii). (Translation Revised by the Author) In 3 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1974. Reprinted from the edition of London: George Bell Sons, 1893-1904. First AMS edition. xv,408pp./ xii,346pp./ ix,289pp. Small ink notation to front flyleaves of each vols.and small stamped on vol.i. 18x13cm. [100152‐01357] 10 オックスフォード書誌 3巻 クロース装 ¥26,250 Oxford Books. A Bibliography of Printed Works Relating to The University and City of Oxford or Printed or Published There with Appendixes and Illustrations. By Falconer Madan. In 3 vols. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1895-1931. Vol. 1; The Early Oxford Press 1468-1640. Vol. 2; Oxford Literature 1450-1640. and 1641-1650. Vol. 3; Oxford Literature 1651-1680. With illus. From the Francis Bacon Library (with small stamp at front & rear flyleaves of each vols.) [100154‐00058] 11 英文学稀覯本書誌・批評 4巻 クロース装 ¥15,750 A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Alphabetically Arranged, which, during the last Fifty Years, have come under the observation of J.Payne Collier. In 4 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1966. Reprinted (from the edition published in c.1865). xiii,327pp./ 355pp./ 371pp./ 341pp. This bibliography is based on an 1837 catalogue by Collier of the Earl of Ellesmere's collection (the "Bridgewater catalogue"), and lists about numerous works of the 16th and 17th centuries. With index. Fore edge of each vol.sl.spotted. 21x13.4cm. [100155‐01481] 作品集 12 ハリソン英国古典集 8巻 背革装 ¥63,000 Harrison's British Classicks. 16 periodicals in 8 vols. Comprising: Dr.Johnson's Rambler; Lord Lyttelton's Persian Letters; The Adventurer; The Guardian; The Tatler; The Spectator; The Connoisseur: The Citizen of the World; The Babler; The World (bound without first 2 issues); Dialogues of the Dead; The Idler; Fitz Osborne's Letters; Shenstone's Essays; Lancelot Temple's Sketches; The Lover. London, Printed for Harrison & Co. 1785-87. Contemporary calf backed boards. [100079‐00030] 13 英文学翻刻集 合本8巻 1/2革装 ¥84,000 English Reprints. Complete, 30 parts in 8 volumes. Large paper edition. London: Bowes, 1868-1871. John Milton, AREOPAGITICA. / Master Hugh Latimer, SERMON ON THE PLOUGHERS. / Stephen Gosson THE SCHOOLE OF ABUSE. / Sir Philip Sidney, AN APOLOGIE FOR POETRIE. / Edward Webb, HIS TRAUAILS. / John Selden, TABLE-TALK. / Roger Ascham, TOXOPHIUS. /ETC. The British Museum has two listings, one omplete and one incomplete, thus this complete set is scarce. t.e.g. Spines sunned to tan. Pencil markings through out some of the volumes. Overall, a sound, good set. [100156‐00104] 2 重 要 セ ッ ト 14 J.レーマン編:ペンギン現代文学双書 40巻 ペーパー装 ¥31,500 The Penguine New Writing. Nos. 1-40. Complete run in 40 vols. Edited by John Lehmann. Penguin Books, 1940-50. Original paperbacks. Scarce complete set. The spine of vol. 12 almost missing. [100247‐00109] 英 詩 15 H.E.ロリンズ (編): トテル雑集 (エリザベス朝詩歌集) 2巻 クロース装 ¥47,250 Tottel's Miscellany (1557-1587). In 2 vols. Revised Edition.Edited by Hyder Edward Rollins. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966. Vol.I: Songes and Sonnettes, June 5, 1557; Poems by Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. Poems by Sir Thomas Wyatt. Poems by Nicholas Grimald. Poems by Uncertain Authors , etc. (xx,344pp.) Vol.II: Tottel's Miscellany, Introduction. Notes, Appendix, Glossarial index. (With photo facsimiles. ix,395pp.) With a preserved box (partly torn and repaired). 26.3x17cm. [101623‐01652] 16 キャロライン朝無名詩人 3巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Minor Poets of the Caroline Period. In 3 vols. Edited by George Saintsbury. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1905, 1906, 1921. With frontis. [100033‐01199] 17 1660-1714 年 英国 風刺詩集 7巻 クロース装 ¥68,250 Poems on Affairs of State. Augustan Satirical Verse, 1660-1714. In 7 vols. Edited by George de Forest Lord, Elias F.Mengel,Jr., Howard H.Schless, Galbraith M.Crump, William J.Cameron, Frank H.Ellis. Yale UP., 1963-1975. With illus. Dust wrappers spotted at the edges, spine sunned and partly torn. Pencil ownership signature to rear flyleaf of each vol. 24x16cm. [100034‐01480] 18 パルグレイヴ 「ゴールデン・トレジャリー」 5巻 小型本 クロース装 ¥8,400 (Palgrave,Francis Turner) Palgrave's Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. In 5 vols. [Macmillan's English Classics] Edited with Notes by J.H.Fowler (Books 1-4), and Selected and Arranged by Laurence Binyon, with Notes by J.H.Fowler (Book 5). London: Macmillan & Co., 1957-1960, reprinted. Book 1st: Elizabethan period. (xvi,142pp.) Book 2nd: 17th century. (xvi,211pp.) Book 3rd: 18th century. (xv,176pp.) Book 4th. (xvii,292pp.) Book 5th: 19th century. (xii,210pp.) Bound in red cloth, spine and edges light foxing. E.ps.of each books sl.stained and ownership signature to rear e.p. Pencil notations to several pages. 17.7x12cm. [101644‐01673] 既刊4巻 (全 5 巻のうち) クロース装 ¥15,750 (Palgrave,Francis Turner) The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language. Selected and Arranged by Francis Turner Palgrave. In 4 vols.(of 5) Taishukan (大修館 書店), 1961-1962, first edition. Book 1st: Elizabethan period. With Introduction and Notes by Yoshiaki Fuhara (注釈者:富原芳彰). (xl,142pp.) Book 2nd: 17th century. With Introduction and Notes by Shonosuke Ishii (注釈者:石井正之助). (xxv,250pp.) Book 3rd: 18th century. With Introduction and Notes by Chuji Miyashita (注釈者:宮下忠二). (xxv,206pp.) Book 4th-1: Romantic Age. With Introduction and Notes by Katsuji Takamura (注釈者:高村勝治). (xxvi,214pp.) Bound in blue cloth, spine and edges light foxing. Book 4th-2 missing. Small ownership stamp to rear e.p.or advertising page of vols.1-3. Pencil and red ink notations to several pages. Book 3rd のみ月報あり 18.5x13.3cm. 19 パルグレイヴ 「ゴールデン・トレジャリー」 [101645‐01674] 演 劇 20 古代英国劇集 7巻・4冊 小型本 クロース装 ¥21,000 A Collection of Old English Plays. 7 vols. in 4. Edited by A.H.Bullen. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1964. Reissued. (First published 1882-1889). Book 1, Vol.I: The Tragedy of Nero; The Mayde's Metamorphosis; The Martyr'd Souldier; The Noble Souldier, Vol.II: Dick of Devonshire; The Lady Mother; The Tragedy of Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt; Captain Underwit. 〈Small ink notation to rear e.p.〉 3 重 要 セ ッ ト Book 2, Vol.III: Sir Gyles Goosecappe; The Wisdom of Dr.Dodypoll; The Distracted Emperor; The Tryall of Chevalry, Vol.IV: Two Tradegies in One (by Robert Vrington); The Captives, or the Lost Recoverd (by Thomas Heywood); The Costlie Whore; Everie Woman in her Humor. Book 3, New Series, Vols.I & II: The Works of Thomas Nabbes. Book 4, New Series, Vol.III: The Works of Robert Davenport. Bound in gray cloth, light stained, sunned at spine. Edges light foxing. 17x13cm. [101663‐01692] 21 E.K.チェンバーズ:中世演劇 2巻 クロース装 ¥36,750 The Mediaeval Stage. By E.K.Chambers. In 2 vols. Oxford UP, 1948. Repritnted from corrected sheets of the first edtion. With frontis. Ink signatures on front fly-leaf. d.w. slightly sunned. [100110‐01135] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 The Elizabethan Critical Essays. In 2 vols. Edited with an Introduction by G.Gregory Smith. Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted (1st ed.1904). (Criticism: Roger Ascham, Richard Willes, George Gascoine, George Whetstone, Thomas Lodge, Richard Stanyhurst, Sir Philip Sidney, William Webbe, Abraham Fraunce, Thomas Nash, King James VI, Gabriel Harvey, Richard Carew, George Chapman, Francis Meres, William Vaughan, Thomas Campion, Samuel Daniel. Edmund Spencer - Gabriel Harvey Correspondence. E.K's epistle to The Shepheards Calender. ) Edges sl.darkened. d.w. 19x13cm. 22 エリザベス朝批評集 [100115‐01575] 4 巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 Restoration Comedy. In 4 vols. Edited by A.Norman Jeffares. London: The Folio Press / Totowa: Rowan and Littlefield, 1974. Original green cloth. Top edge green. With illus. Selections from the works of T.Killigrew, C.Sedley, Etherege, Dryden, Wycherley, T.Durfey, A.Behn, E.Ravenscroft, J.Crowne, Shadwell, Congreve, Cibber, Vanbrugh, Farquher, R.Steele. 25.2x15.5cm. [100118‐01326] 23 A.N.ジェファーズ 編 王政復古時代の喜劇集 24 G.E.ベントリィ:ジャコビアン朝&キャロライン朝演劇 7巻 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. By Gerald Eades Bentley. In 7 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press. 1949-1968. (Vol.I: Reprinted photographically in 1949 from the sheets of the first edition.) Vol.I & II: Dramatic Companies and Players. Vol.III-V: Plays and Playwrights. Vol.VI: Theatres. Vol.VII: Appendixes to Vol.VI and General Index. All edges somewhat spotted. d.w. Spines of d.w.of vol.I & II sunned and sl.chipped, and cover of vol.I partly peeled. 22.2x14.5cm [100126‐01325] 15 巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 Themes in Drama. In 15 Vols. Edited by James Redmond. Cambridge UP, 1979-1993. First published. Vol.1: Drama and Society. Vol.2: Drama and Mimesis. Vol.3: Drama, Dance and Music. Vol.4: Drama and Symbolism. Vol.5: Drama and Religion. Vol.6: Drama and the Actor. Vol.7: Drama, Sex and Politics. Vol.8: Historical Drama. Vol.9: The Theatrical Space. Vol.10: Farce. Vol.11: Women in Theatre. Vol.12: Drama and Philosophy. Vol.13: Violence in Drama. Vol.14: Melodrama. Vol.15: Madness in Drama. With illus. d.w. Dust wrapper of vols.2 & 13 sunned. [100130‐01521] 25 演劇論集 26 マローン・ソサエティ・リプリント 64巻 背クロース装、またはクロース装 ¥315,000 Malone Society Reprints. In 64 vols. Printed for the Malone Society by Charles Batey (1952-1957), by Vivian Ridler (1958-1976), by Eric Buckley (1977-1983), David Stanford (1984-1989) at the Oxford UP, and OUP. (1990-), 1952-2001. Comprising most of the Society's publications for those years. Including 11 vols.of'Collections', the rest being reprints and facsimiles of single works. All very good copies. The Vols.of 1995-98 with d.w. 22x17.9cm.& 24.3x19.6cm. 各巻の詳細につきましてはお問い合わせ下さい。[100131‐01290] 15 巻 クロース装 ¥105,000 Annals of the New York Stage. In 15 vols. By George C.D.Odell. NY: Columbia UP, 1927. With many illus.of actors, playbills, etc. Ex-library (Smith College Lib.) with number on each spine, ex-libris on front paste down, stamped on title page, and paper pocket pasted on rear paste down. Some hinge somewhat damaged and spine sunned. Some pencil notations. 4to. [100266‐00174] 27 ニューヨーク演劇年鑑 1767-1894 年 4 重 要 セ ッ ト フォークロア・バラッド 28 フォークロア・ジャーナル ¥630,000 The Journal of American Folklore. Volume 1-105 (1888-1992). The American Folklore Society, 1904-1992./ Kraus Reprint in 1963 (vol.1-16 <originally published 1888-1903>, vol.19-22 <1906-1909>, vol.31 <1918>), in 1964 (vol.73 <originally published 1960>) and in 1969 (vol.75 <originally published 1962>). Various bindings. Vol.73 and vol.75 are printed wrappers, and vol.96-105 (1983-1992) are unbound. This journal offers articles on aspects of world folklore, reviews of books, records and films related to folklore. It is a scholarly, research journal. アメリカ人研究者による世界フォークロアの研究.[100237‐00162] 7 巻 クロース装 ¥47,250 The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. The Folklore of North Carolina Collected by Dr. Frank C.Brown During the Years 1912 to 1943 in Collaboration with The North Carolina Folklore Society of which He was Secretary-Treasure 1913-1943. In 7 vols. General editor: Newman Ivey White. Wood engravings by Clare Leighton. Duke UP., 1952-1962. Vol.1: Games and Rhymes, Beliefs and Customs, Riddles, Proverbs, Speech, Tales and legends. (xiv,712pp.) Vol.2 Folk Ballads from North Carolina. (xxiii,747pp.) Vol.3: Folk Songs from North Carolina. (xxx,709pp.) Vol.4: The Music of the Ballads. (xliv,420pp.) Vol.5: The Music of the Folk Songs. (xli,639pp.) Vol6: Popular Beliefs and Superstions from North Carolina I. (lxxi,664pp.) Vol.7: Popular Beliefs and Superstions from North Carolina II. (xxxiii,677pp.) Vols.1, 3, 4, 7 are with d.w. d.w.of vol.4 partly torn. Edges light spotted. 23.5x16.2cm. [101879‐01805] 29 ノースカロライナ フォークロア集成 30 G.エアー・トッド (編) E.バーガー (ピアノ編曲) スコットランドの古いバラッド クロース装 ¥31,500 Ancient Scots Ballads, With the Traditional Airs to which Tey were Wont to be Sung. Edited by George Eyre-Todd, … With Harmonies for the Pianoforte Arranged by Emile Berger. London: Bayley & Ferguson, n.d. Limited to 150 copies, printed on Van Gelder`s Dutch hand-made paper, separately numbered and specially bound. This copy is no.7. Red cloth backed mustard coloured cloth boards, gilt title and Scottish motif on front board and spine, t.e.g. Untrimmed pages.With a frontis.("The Jolly Begger"). Decorative motifs throughout prelims. 217pp. Boards sl.rubbed at edge and sl.darkened, spine sl.faded. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. バラッドの譜面を掲載 32.8x26.5cm. [101890‐01816] 31 復刻 世界の絵本館 オズボーン・コレクション 全34点・付録 1組・解説書付 ¥52,500 ほるぷ出版 1980.18-19 世紀の絵本を当時のままの姿で復刻. 付録、解説書及び絵本ガイド付. 少汚れ. 外箱なし. [101845‐01770] 32 復刻 世界の絵本館 ベルリン・コレクション 全20点・付録5葉・解説書1 ¥95,000 ほるぷ出版 1982. 協力・ドイツ国立図書館 全巻函付. 外箱. 本文ドイツ語. [内容および状態] 最新世界図絵/時計/小さな赤ずきん/白雪姫;前小口少シミ./乳母の時計; 表紙少シミ./幼児と少年のための ABC 絵本/一年と一日;表紙部分的に少シミ./もじゃもじゃペー ター/復活祭のうさぎ;裏表紙少シミ./新シルエット絵本/皇帝の狩猟;前見返し少シミ./マックスと モーリッツ/子どもの歌の泉;裏表紙少シミ./子どもたち;表紙少シミ./ガチョウ将軍とその兵隊たち /花のメルヘン;裏表紙ややシミ./フィッツェブッツェ/昔話‐美わしのワシリーナ/すばらしき歌の 響き/小さな王様/〈付録〉ミュンヘン一枚絵(5葉)(長靴をはいた猫、みつけ鳥、ラプンツェル、つぐ みひげの王さま、兄と妹)/解説 [101896‐01822] イギリス 33 ニューゲイト・カレンダー 5巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 The Complete Newgate Calendar. Collated and edited with some appendices by J.L.Rayner & G.T.Crook. In 5 vols. London: Privately Printed for the Navarre Society, 1926. One of 2000 sets. With b/w illus. Bound in green cloth, sl.rubbed. Top edge gilt, and the other edges untrimed and foxing. E.ps.foxing. 23.5x15.5cm. [101660‐01689] 5 重 要 セ ッ ト 34 ニューゲイト・カレンダー大全 5巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥38,000 The Complete Newgate Calendar. Collated and edited with some appendices by J.L.Rayner & G.T.Crook. In 5 vols. 臨川書店, 1983. This edition has been reprinted from the Private Edition of 1926, The Navarre Society Limited,London. The New publication is limited to 200 set. With a preserved box. b/w illustrated. Fine as new. 附:「解説」小池滋(著) (28pp.), 内容見本(パンフレット). 23x15cm. [101614‐01643] 35 Wilson, Daniel Memorials of Edinburgh In The Olden Time. ¥84,000 全 2 巻 1891 年 再版クロース装 In 2 volumes. Edinburgh & London: Adam & Charles Black, 1891. Second Edition. xxii,282pp.(vol.1) / xiv,316pp.(vol.2) 4to.(26x20cm) Brown cloth with gilt stamped. Frontispiece and 20 plates in vol.1., frontis.and 21plates in vol.2., all with tissue guards, drawn in black and white. Each vol.has numerous b/w illustrations in the text. T.e.g., fore-edge untrimmed. Bookplates on front pastedown in each volume, some tissue guards chipping, light soiled at boards, else very good. [101784‐aj551] 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Annals of Hampstead. By Thomas J. Barratt. In Three Volumes with Over Five Hundred Illustrations. In 3 vols. Lionel Leventhal Ltd. in association with The Camden Hidtory Society. 1972. Limited to 500 sets. First published in 1912. With frontis. With box. Top edge green. 28x23cm. 36 ハムステッド年代記 [100207‐01197] 37 W.ビザント(編) ロンドン概観 10巻 復刻版 ¥84,000 The Survey of London. By Sir Walter Besant. In 10 vols. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyukai, 1986. (1)Early London. (2)Mediæval London-1. (3)Mediæval London-2. (4)London in the Time of the Tudors. (5)London in the Time of the Stuarts. (6)London in the 18th Century. (7)London in the 19th Century. (8)London the City. (9)London North of the Thames. (10)London South of the Thames. Fine as new. 27x20.5cm. [100195‐01544] ケルト・アイルランド・スコットランド 53 巻 クロース・ペーパー装 ¥420,000 Revue Celtique. Fondée par H.Gaidoz (1870-1885). Continuée par H.D'arbois De Jubainvillre et J.Loth. Dirigée par J.Vendryes. Vol.1 through vol.51 all published in complete run. 1870-1934. 51 vols.in 53. Kraus Reprint, 1964 (Reprinted with the permission of the Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, Paris). Clothbound: Vol.1-12, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30, 38, 45-50. Papaerbound: Vol.13-19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 31-37, 39-44, 51. Original print: Vol.7. Xeroxed print: Vol.8 (8-1,8-2) & vol.10 (10-1,10-2). [101575] 38 ケルト評論 39 Studia Celtica Japonica ケルト研究 ¥15,750 1971 年 5 月(創刊号)-1975 年 4 月・10 月(第9・10 合併号) <合本 1 冊・クロース装>、 1988 年9月(改巻第1号)-1997 年 4 月(改巻第 9 号) <9 冊・ペーパー装> Studia Celtica Japonica. 19 issues (Issue 1-10 rebound in 1 & "New series" issue 1-9 are original paper binding). 1971-1975 & 1988-1997. 創刊号-第7号:編集・発行人;水谷宏 / 第8号-第9・10 合 併号:編集・発行人;吉岡治郎 / 改巻第1号-改巻第 9 号:編集者;大久間慶四郎(第1-5 号)、蛭沼寿 雄、土居敏雄(第2号より)、伊藤光彦(第 6 号より) 合本総目次にインク書込(印刷ミスを訂正したもの)、 合本した一部テキストの余白に汚れあり。[101646‐01675] 9 巻 (27 分冊) 製本済 クロース装 ¥84,000 Ollodagos. Actes de la Societe Belge d'Etudes Celtiques (Ollodagos. Proceedings of the Celtic Studies). Vol.1 through Vol.9, bound in complete run. In 9 vols. Bruxelles (Brussels), 1988-1996. Vol.1: 7 issues. Vol.2: 3 issues. Vol.3: 4 issues. Vol.4: 3 issues. Vol.5: 2 issues. Vol.6: 2 issues. Vol.7: 2 issues. Vol.8: 2 issues. Vol.9: 2 issues. 27 issues in all. ベルギー:ケルト学会会報 [101577] 40 オロダゴス 41 (ヨロ写本) 中世ウェールズ写本選 クロース装 ¥31,500 Iolo Manuscripts. A Selection of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts, In Prose and Verse, from the Collec6 重 要 セ ッ ト tion Made by the Late Edward Williams, Iolo Morganwg, for the Purpose of Forming a Continuation of the Myfyrian Archaiology; and Subsequently Proposed as Materials for a New History of Wales: With English Translations and Notes, by His Son, the Late Taliesin Williams, (AB Iolo,). Published for The Welsh Mss.Society. Llandovery: Printed and published by William Rees…, 1848. xi,712pp. Dark green cloth, blind embossed motief on boards, gitl title to spine. Text in English and Welsh. Boards rubbed and spine sunned. Edges foxing. Front e.p. peeled at joint. Pencil notations to front e.p.and title page. A plate of p.368 missing. Page numbers of p.514-p.515 misprinted. 26.5x18cm. [101891‐01817] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Silva Gadelica (I.-XXXI.). A Collection of Tales in Irish. With Extracts Illustrating Persons and Places. In 2 vols. Edited from Mss.and translated by Standish H.O'Grady. New York: Lemma Publishing Co., 1970. Unabridged republication of the first edition published in London, Williams and Norgate in 1892. Vol.I: Irish text. (viii,416pp.) Vol.II: Translation and notes. (xxxii,604pp.) Ownership stamped to half title page of vol.I (「土居蔵書」). 23.5x16cm. [101667‐01696] 42 シルバ・ガデリカ 6 巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Ad Fidem Codicum Manuscriptorum. Recognovit. By D.A.Binchy. In 6 vols. Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath, 1978. Vol.1: xxviii.p.1-p.337. Vol.2: p.339-p.744. Vol.3: p.745-1138. Vol.4: p.1139-p.1531. Vol.5: p.1532-p.1925. Vol.6: p.1926-p.2343. Condition of the books; [Each vol.] Top edge sl.stained. [Vol.I] Pencil notation to page xxiii, xxv. [Vol.II] Pencil notation to page 526, 568. [Vol.III] Joint between page 804 and 805, 834 and 835 partly cracked. [Vol.IV] There is a mistake in printing to page 1377. [Vol.V] Red pencil underlines & red ink notation to page 1545. Red pencil underlines to page 1608. Otherwise the condition of the set is fine. 25.5x19cm. [101573] 43 古代中世アイルランド語法令資料集 44 古代アイルランドの法律 4巻(全6巻のうち) クロース装 ¥47,250 Hiberniæ Leges et Institutiones Antiquæ; or, Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland. In 4 vols.(of 6 vols.) 1865-1879. Published Under Direction of the Commissioners for Publishing the Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland. Dublin: Printed fro Her Majesty's Stationary Office: Published by Alexander Thom, London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1865-1879. Vol.1: Senchus Mor: Introduction to Senchus Mor and Athgabhail, or Law of Distress, as Contained in the Harleian Manuscripts. (li,335pp). Vol.2: Senchus Mor, Pt.2: Law of Distress (Completed); Laws of Hostage- Sureties, Fosterage, Saer-Stock Tenure, Daer-Stock Tenure, and of Social Connexions. (lx,448pp.+facsimiles). Vol.3: Senchus Mor (Conclusion): Being the Corus Bescna, or Customary Law, and the Book of Aicill. (4,clxxi,600pp.+facsimiles) Vol.4: Din Techtugad and Certain Other Selected Brehon Law Tracts. (ccxxxiv,424pp.) Preface by W.Nelson Hancock & Thaddeus O'Mahony. Rebound in green cloth. Edges sunned. Stamped on half title page of vol.1 & title page of vol.2. 26x16.3cm. [101574‐d00132] 1946 年 再版 クロース装、カバー有 ¥31,500 Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Their Origin, Meaning, and History. The New York Public Library, 1946. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the N.Y. Public Library, August 1943 - September 1946. lxxi,838pp. 4to.(26x18.5cm) Dustwrapper, red cloth with gilt title on spine. Frontis. of the author's portrait. D.w.spine sunned, otherwise fine. [101781‐aj550] 45 スコットランド人名辞典 全 4 巻 1845-1852 年 クロース装 ¥189,000 Billings, Robert William (illustrated.) The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. In 4 volumes. Published for the Author, by Edmonston and Douglas, 1845-1852. 4to.(29x23cm) Interior and exterior views of the architectural landmarks of Scotland. Rebound royal blue cloth with motifs on front, gilt letterings. A.e.g. Pictorial title page. 240 b/w engraved plates. All plates with tissue guards. Ex-libris. Light spotted, else very good. [101782‐aj554] 46 スコットランドの古遺物 ギリシア 10 巻 クロース装 ¥73,500 A History of Greece; From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the Great. By George Grote. In 10 vols. A New Edition. Second impression. With Portrait, 7 47 G.グロウト: ギリシア史 重 要 セ ッ ト Map, and Plates. London: John Murray, 1888-1906. Bound in red cloth, somewhat water stained. Spine sl.faded. Edges light foxing. 19.5x13.5cm. [100002‐01528] ロシア 1912 年 ドイツ語版 7 版 赤クロース装 (折り込み地図、詳細地図、建築間取り図) ¥52,500 Baedeker,Karl Russland nebst Teheran, Port Arthur, Peking. Handbuch für Reisende mit 40 Karten, 67 Plänen und 11 Grundrissen. Leipzig: Karl Baedeker, 1912. Siebente Auflage (7th edition). lxii, 570pp.(including: 40 maps, 67 plans & 11 floor plans) 11x16cm. Original red cloth, somewhat spotted. Gilt title to front boards and spine. All edges marbled, foxing. [101787‐aj699] 48 ベデカー旅行ガイド ロシア 時代・背景・その他 49 私生活の歴史 5巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 A History of Private Life. I: From Pagen Rome to Byzantium. (Paul Veyne ed.) II: Revelations of the Medieval World. (Georges Duby ed.) III: Passions of the Renaissance. (Roger Chartier ed.) IV: From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War. (Michelle Perrot ed.) V: Riddles of Identity in Modern Times. (Antoine Prost & Gérard Vincent eds.) In 5 vols. General editors: Philippe Ariès & George Duby. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1987-1991. Illustrated d.w. With numerous illus.(b/w & colored). Small ink ownership shignature to front e.p.of each vol. Fore edge sl.stained and top edge spotted. 23.6x18.7cm. [101607‐01636] 4 巻 1/2 革装 ¥126,000 The Antiquarian Repertory; A Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Customs and Manners. Intended to Illustrate and Preserve Several Valuable Remains of Old Times. Chiefly Compiled by, Or Under the Direction of Francis Grose, Thomas Astle, and Other Eminent Antiquaries. Adorned with Numerous Views, Portraits, and Monuments. In 4 vols. A New Edition, with a Great Many Valuable Additions. London: Printed and Published for Edwards Jeffrey, 1807-1809. 230 plates including 2 folding and 2 double page, 5 aquatints including 1 hand colored and double page (The Great Fire of London), 1 table (shaved to fore-edge), 1 folding predigree. Ex-libris Lord Cowper, some browing and offsetting, last leaf of vol.3. rebacked to lower portion with minor wrinkling, gilt edged half calf with marbled boards, corners and joints rubbed, joints starting to crack, dec. gilt edged raised bands to rubbed spines. 4to. [100212‐01249] 50 F.グロース他編 図説アンティーク百科 1 巻 背革装 ¥31,500 Dibdin,Thomas Frognall The Bibliomania; or Book = Madness. A Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with Cuts by Thomas Frognall Dibdin. New and Improved Edition, to which are Added Preliminary Observations, and a Supplement Including Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. Dark green morocco backed burgundy boards, gilt title to spine, t.e.g. Marble e.ps. Xviii pp.+63pp.+618p.+xxxiv pp. Engraved frontis.portrait, text printed in red & black, title page vignette, numerous illus.in text. Boards rubbed, spine worn and partly torn at joint, edges and pages foxing. Margin of title page, page xi, p.39-50, p.61 chipped. Some pages torn at margin and a few pages repaired with thin paper. 29x20.5cm. [101889‐01815] 51 ビブリオマニア 4巻 ¥84,000 Dibdin,Thomas Frognall The Bibliomania or Book = Madness. History, Symptoms, and Cure of This Fatal Disease. In 4 vols. Boston: The Bibliophile Society, 1903. This edition is limited to 483 copies printed for members only. Marble boards, gilt title to spine. Fore and bottom edges untrimed. Gilt and colored title page. Frontispieces in each vol. etchings by W.H.W.Bicknell after original paintings by Howard Pyle. With slip cases, sunned, chipped and partly peeled. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 23.9x17.6cm. [101830‐01755] 52 ビブリオマニア 8 重 要 セ ッ ト 53 W.ブラックウッド 出版年代記 3巻 背革装(改装) ¥63,000 Oliphant,Mrs / Porter, Mrs Gerald Annals of a Publishing House William Blackwood and His Sons. Their Magazine and Friends. In 3 vols. Third edition. Edinburgh & London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1897-98. Vol.3 is about John Blackwood, written by his daughter Mrs Gerald Porter. Rebound. Decorative board with quarter leather. Each vol.has frontis.of port.with tissue guards. Slight sunned. Fine copy. [101685‐01714] 54 エードゥアルト・フックス著 画入り 風俗の歴史 ドイツ版原著 ドイツ語版原著全6巻+別冊 (日本版書誌) 完全復刻版 クロース装 ¥42,000 Fuchs, Eduard Illustrierte Sittengeschichte. vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. In 6 vols.(+別冊) Kashiwashobo, 1990. 第 1 巻: Renaissance. 第 2 巻: Renaissance Ergänzungsband. 第 3 巻: Die galante Zeit. 第 4 巻: Die galante Zeit Ergänzungsband. 第 5 巻: Das bürgerliche Zeitalter. 第 6 巻: Das bürgerliche Zeitalter Ergänzungsband. 別冊: 画入り・風俗の歴史 日本版書誌. Near fine condition. With slip-case sl.rubbed. 27.7x20.7cm. [100213‐00183] 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Thrice-Greatest Hermes. Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis. Being a Translation of the Extant Sermons and Fragments of the Trismegistic Literature with Prolegomena Commentaries and Notes by G.R.S.Mead. In 3 vols. London: John M.Watkins, 1964. Third impression re-set. Vol.I: Prolegomena. (xv,336pp.) Vol.II: Sermons. (viii,252pp.) Vol.III: Excerpts and Fragments. (xi,231pp.) Dust wrappers light foxing. Edges sl.spotted. Ink signature by former owner to e.ps.of each vol. 55 ミード: ヘルメス研究 [100275‐01532] 56 進化と自然発生論争 6巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 Evolution and the Spontaneous Generation Debate. Edited and Introduced by James Strick. In 6 vols. Bristol; Thoemmes Press, 2001. Vol.1: Early Atticles, Reviews and Short Works. Vol.2 & 3: H.C.Bastian; The Beginnings of Life: Being Some Account of the Nature, Modes of Origin and Transformations of Lower Organisms(1872). Vol.4: H.C.Bastian; The Beginnings of Life'Appendices' and Later Articles. Vol.5: H.C.Bastian; The Nature and Origin of Living Matter(1905). Vol.6: H.C.Bastian; The Evolution of Life(1907). Fine as new. [101568‐01600] 57 Morris, Rev. F. O. A History of British Birds. In 6 volumes. 全 6 巻 1851- 1857 年 クロース装 ¥315,000 London: Groombridge and Sons, 1851- 1857. Vol.1: iv,363pp. / Vol.2: iv,360pp. / Vol.3: iv,391pp. / Vol.4: iv,330pp. / Vol.5: iv,315pp. / Vol.6: iv,290pp. 4to.(26x16.5cm) Original publisher's green decorative embossed cloth, illustrations and titles stamed in gold. 358 coloured engravings plates of birds, all with tissue guards. Previous owner's ink inscriptions on front fly leaves in each volume. Spines of vol.1 and vol.3 faded. Light soiling and rubbing at boards, some mild stains to some pages, else clean and tight. [101780‐aj553] 58 Arnold, E.C. British Waders. 1924 年 クロース装 ¥52,500 Cambridge: At the University Press, 1924. vii,102pp. + 51plates. Small folio(30x23cm) Illustrated in Water-Colour with Descriptive Notes by E.C. Arnold. Dustwrapper, red cloth with illus.and title stamped in gold. T.e.g., others untrimmed. 51 colourd plates all with tissue guards. D.w.spine darkened and partly chipped. Edges sl.soiled, else very good. [101785‐aj557] 59 Perrin,Henry & Boulger, F.L.S. British Flowering Plants. 全 4 巻 1914 年 クロース装 ¥126,000 Illustrated by Three Hundred Full-page Coloured Plates Reproduced from Drawings by Mrs. Henry Perrin. With Detailed Descriptive Notes and an Introduction by Professor Boulger, F.L.S. 4 vols. London; Bernard Quaritch, 1914. xlv. / viii. / ix. / viii. Excluding preface, lists, Each vol. unpaginated. This edition is limited to One Thousand Copies, of which this is No.956. Cloth. T.e.g. Covers partly sunned. Fore & lower edges foxed & spotted. Some pages sl.spotted (Plates hardly influenced). Vol.1; End papers somewhat foxed. Spotted from front fly leaf to page vi, last page to rear fly leaf. Vol.3; Front end paper spotted. Vol.4; End papers spotted. With Glossary & Index (58pp.). 32.4x25.7cm. [402318‐b00101] 9 重 要 セ ッ ト 文芸誌・雑誌 合本 1 冊 1/2 革装 ¥31,500 The Bee. Fire-Side Companion & Evening Tales; containing a great variety of Interesting Articles, calculated to blend Instruction with Delight. 24 issued [Apparently all published] in 1. 1527pp. Liverpool: Printed at the Caxton Press, n.d. c.[1819-1820]. Frontis. Some browning and soiling throughout heavier at the beginning, top and lower edge of frontis. sl. waterstained, fore-edge of a few leaves repaired without loss of text, half crushed morocco with marbled boards, sl. rubbed with sl. wear to corners, gilt title gilt bands and motifs to spine. 21.5x13cm. [100056‐01164] 60 文芸誌 「ザ・ビー」 61 A.シモンズ編 「サヴォイ」 創刊-終刊(8号) 8 分冊 ¥210,000 The Savoy. Edited by Arthur Symons. London: Leonard Smithers, Complete set in 8 original parts. No. 1(January 1896) to No. 8 and Last(December 1896). No. 1 to 2 illustrated quarterly. No. 3 to 8 illustrated Monthly. Christmas Card in vol. 1. The cover & spine of vol. 1 somewhat sunned. With case. [100059‐00014] 62 世紀末文芸雑誌 「ザ・ドーム」 オリジナル完全揃 8冊 ¥126,000 The Dome. An Illustrated Magazine and Review of Literature, Music, Architecture, and the Graphic Arts. Original Series in 5 parts in one, New Series in 7 parts, complete set. London: The Unicorn Press, 1897-1900. 263 plates, including 50 in colour. 2 illus pages(of Original Series) water stained. [100063‐01141] 63 世紀末文芸誌 「ザ・ぺージェント」 (C.H.シャノン & J.W.G.ホワイト編) 2巻 クロース装 ¥105,000 The Pageant. Edited by C. Hazelwood Shannon & J. W. Gleason White. London: Henry and Co., 1896-1897. Complete in 2 vols. 4to,in pink cloth with gilt decoration by Charles Ricketts, slightly rubbed, but a good copy,; vol. 1:243pp,+ ads,with an original lithograph by J. M. Whistler, and literary contents by Yeats,Swinburne,Lionel Johnson ,et. al. ; vol. 2:266pp. ,with 24 plates including a 5-block color woodcut by Lucien Pissarro,literary contributors include Beerbohm,Maeterlinck and Gosse. [100065‐00019] 64 レイヴン・ヒル&ゴールズワージー編 世紀末文芸誌 「バタフライ」 正編揃 合本 2 冊 ヴェラム装 ¥84,000 The Butterfly. A Humorous & Artistic Periodical. First series. In 2 vols. Edited by L.Raven-Hill and A.Golsworthy. London: Walter Haddon, 1893-94. No.1 (May 1893)-No.10 (Feb.1894) complete. 384,249pp. Full vellum (stained), red labels on spines of each vols.letterd in gilt. Illus. <The Butterfly was issued in 1893-94 (Original Series) and in 1899-1900 (New Series). It Contained contributions from many of the leading literary and artistic figures of the day including, Alfred Slade, S.H.Sime, Laurence Housman, Max Beerbohm, Baron Corvo, etc. NCBEL III 1853.> 23.6x12.5cm. [100067‐01256] 合本 1 冊 ¥31,500 The Butterfly. A Humorous & Artistic Periodical. New Series. Edited by L.Raven-Hill. Grant Richards. No.1(1899/3)-No.6(1899/8). Bound in one. Pictorial cloth. 278pp. [100068‐00021] 65 レイヴン・ヒル編 世紀末文芸誌 「バタフライ」 続編 No.1-No.6. 66 図版入文芸誌 「ザ・クォート」 1896 年 1冊 クロース装 ¥21,000 The Quarto. An Artistic Literary & Musical Quarterly for 1896. Edited by J.B.H. London: Printed by J.S.Virtue and Co., 1896. Illustrated with numerous full page drawings, etchings, engravings, etc., contains artwork by Lord Leighton, Alphonse Legross, Joseph Pennell, Alice B.Woodward, Dora Curtis, Robert Spence et al. Prose by G.K Chesterton, Gleeson White, Philip Treherne, Arthur Platt (from the speech about Edward Fitzgerald), J.Bernard Holborn et al. Paper board, sunned and damaged. Yellow decorative e.ps. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. 29x23cm. [100072‐00024] 20 巻 119 冊 ¥105,000 Horizon. A Review of Literature and Art. Vol. I, No.1-Vol.XX, No.120-121.Edited by Cyril Connolly. London, Jan.1940-Dec.1949/Jan.1950. Complete run in 119 vols. Printed wrappers. Issue vol.1,no.1 is xeroxed copy, bound in printed wrappers. [100074‐01377] 67 C.コノリー編:文芸誌 「ホライズン」 68 文芸雑誌 「コータリ」 7巻 ・6冊 ¥126,000 Coterie. Nos. 1-6/7(7 volumes in 6 as issue,all published. ) London, May 1919-Winter 1920/21. 10 重 要 セ ッ ト Contributors: Huxley, Conrad Aiken, Aldington, Herbert Read, J. G. Flether, Edith Sitwell, Blunden, Harold Monro, T. S. Eliot, Wilfred Owen, Amy Lowell, Frank Harris, Wilde et al. Drawings; Walter Sickert, William Rothenstein, Nina Hamnett, Modigliani et al. [100075‐00026] 69 文芸雑誌 「コータリ」・「ニューコータリ」 完全揃 12分冊 挿絵多 ¥189,000 Coterie. Nos. 1-6/7(7 volumes in 6 as issue,all published). The New Coterie. Nos. 1-6(all published). London, 1919-21. London: E.Archer, 1925-27. COTERE (Contributors: Huxley, Conrad Aiken, Aldington, Herbert Read, J. G, Flether, Edith Sitwell, Blunden, Harold Monro, T. S. Eliot, Wilfred Owen, Amy Lowell, Frank Harris, Wilde et al. Drawings; Walter Sickert, William Rothenstein, Nina Hamnett, Modigliani et al. ). THE NEW COTERI (Contributors: Capek, Robert MacAlmon, T. F. Powys, Paul Srlver, Nancy Cunard, J. G. Fletcher, Liam O'Flaherty, D. H. Lawrecne, H. E. Bates et al. Drawings: Augustus,John, William Rothenstein, Jean de Bosschere, Capek et al. ). [100076‐00027] 70 ザ・ ビーブロウ 21巻 ¥68,250 The Bibelot. A Reprint of Poetry and Prose for Book Lovers,chosen in part from scarce editions and sources not generally known. In 21 vols, including Index Volume. Testimonial edition.Edited and originally published by Thomas B. Mosher. 1895-1914. Forty-five hundred copies of this edition have been bound in boards Bibelot style. d.w. Front board of vol.16 & 17 stained. Spine of vol.14 partly water stained. Each spine somewhat sunned. 15.6 x12 cm. ブレイク、ロゼッティ、シェリー、ペーター、 ダン、キップリング、モリス、ワイルド、G.エリオット他 [100078‐01192] 71 キーツ・シェリー ジャーナル Vols.1-40 (1952-1991) ¥189,000 25 冊 1-29 巻:クロース装 30-40 巻:ペーパー装 Keats-Shelley Journal. A Periodical Devoted to Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, anf Their Circles. 40 vols. in 25. Vols.1-16 are reprinted by Kraus Reprint Co, 1967-1970 (originally published in 1952-1967). The other vols.are published by the Keats-Shelley Association of America, 1968-1991. Vols.1-29: bound in red cloth. Vols.30-40: printed wrappers. [100081‐01554] 4 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥36,750 Selections from the Edinburgh Review. In 4 vols. Hon-No-Tomosha, 1990. (Published price ¥68,000.) [100082‐01240] 72 エディンバラ・レビュー選集 73 新聞: ザ・プアー・マンズ・ガーディアン 4巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Poor Man's Guardian 1831-1835. Published by H. Hetherington. Complete in 4 vols. London: The Merlin Press, 1969. d.w. A reprint of the original journal with Introduction by Patricia Hollis. (チャーティスト運動の代表的な定期刊行物) [100102‐00054] 74 雑誌: 共産主義と人民 2巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 The Red Republican & The Friend of the People. Introduction by John Saville. Complete in 2 vols. London: Merlin Press, 1966. d.w. Vol. 1; The Red Republican. (June-November 1850). Vol. 2; The Friend of the People. (December 1850-July 1851). A reprint of the Chartist journal. (チャーティスト運 動の代表的な刊行物) [100103‐00055] 75 18世紀研究 Vols.1-8 (1967-1975) 合本8冊 クロース装 ¥52,500 Eighteenth-Century Studies: A Jounal of Literature and the Arts. Vol.1, No.1, Sept.1967- Vol.8, No.4, Summer 1975. In 8 vols. Editors: Robert H.Hopkins, Arthur E.McGuinness et al. New York: AMS Press, 1976, Reprinted. Originally published by the University of California Press. Bound in blue cloth, front & rear boards somewhat stained. Edges sl.foxing. [101661‐01690] 76 サアティン:ユニオン マガジン 11巻 ・8冊 ¥52,500 Sartain's Union Magazine. (July 1847-Auguast 1852) 11 vols. complete set. Philadelphia, Vols 1-11, a complete file of all published. Primarily known for its literary character,Sartaind also contained in each issue several plates and woodcuts. With criticism, portry, and fiction by Poe, Longfellow, Lowell, Baker,Stoddard, Read, Griswold, Taylor, Saxe, English, White, and many others. It is a valuable collection for an understanding of the thought and manner of the times. Bound in eight, six in various contemporaneous bindings, two re-bound in marron cloth. Two of the eight are ex-library. Quite scarce 11 重 要 セ ッ ト complete. Poe が "To Helen" "The Bells" "The Poetic Principle"を Thoreau が"The Maine Woods"の最初の部 分をそれぞれ発表したことでも記憶される. (研究社:英米文学辞典) [100238‐00163] 77 アメリカ月刊現代詩誌 「ポエトリィ」 134巻 製本済 ¥126,000 Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. In 134 vols. Edited by Harriet Monroe. Vol.1 through vol.133 in complete run. With Index volume to "50 years of poetry: A Magazine of Verse" (index of vol.1-100, 1912-1962) compiled by Elizabeth Wright, published by AMS, 1963. 1912/10-1979/3. All volumes bound. Original print: Vol.48, 94, 95, 98, 100-133. (Published by Modern Poetry Association) AMS reprint: Vol.1-35, 37-47, 49-53, 55-63, 65, 66, 68-93, 96, 97, 99. (Reprinted with the permission of the Modern Poetry Association) Xeroxed print: Vol.36, 54, 64, 67. (1912 年10月、Harriet Monroe がシカゴで創刊。創刊以来1936年まで Monroe 女史が、以後 Morton Dauwen Zabel、George Dillon、Peter De Vries、Karl Shapiro らが編集を担当、初期には Ezra Pound も関係した。'H.D.'などの Imagists をはじめ、Hart Crane、T.S.Eliot、Robert Frost、Vachel Lindsay、 Carl Sandburg らを紹介し、アメリカ現代詩の発達に著しい貢献をして今日にいたっている。 研究社 「英米文学辞典」) [100239‐01248] 78 月刊ニューヨーク文芸誌「ザ・セブン・アーツ」 2巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,000 The Seven Arts. Complete in 2 vols. Edited in chief by James Oppenheim. AMS Reprint. Vol. 1: November,1916-April,1917. Vol. 2: May,1917-October,1917. Pages containing advertising matter only have been deleted. Frost, Sandburg らの 詩.S. Anderson,D. H. Lawrence などの小説が掲載された [100250‐00053] 79 文芸美術誌「ジ・アップル」 第1巻-第2巻2号 復刻版 合本1冊 ¥31,500 The Apple ( of Beauty and Discord ). 1920-1922. Vol. 1-2 No. 2. Kraus-Reprint, 1973. (Originaly published by Colour Ltd., London 1920-1922.) With numerous reprints of etchings, engravings, drawings and lithographs by Augustus John, Laurence Housman, E.McKnight Kauffer, George Clausen, C.Lovat Fraser, Robert Gibbings, Wyndham Lewis et al. Prose and poetry contributed by Ezra Pound, Robert Graves et al. 25x17.7cm. [100252‐00028] 80 美術誌「カレッジ・アート・ジャーナル」 第1巻1号-第 32 巻 4 号 復刻版 ¥63,000 32 冊 クロース装 College Art Journal. A Publication of the College Art Association of America. Vol. 1, No. 1 (November 1941) - Vol. 32, No. 4 (Summer 1973). Bound in 32 vols. Kraus-Reprint, n.d. College Art Journal (Art Journal), founded in 1941, is a quarterly magazine devoted to 20th-and 21st-century art. One of the most vital, intellectually compelling, and visually engaging periodicals in the field, it features scholarly articles, conversations, portfolios, and other contributions by leading art historians, artists, curators, and critics. Published spring, summer, fall, and winter. (CAA hp より) Bound in uniform dark blue cloth, sl.spotted. Fore edge of vol.31 sl.stained. Vol.1-19: 23.2x15.2cm. Vol.20-32 : 28.3x21.8cm. [100253‐01397] 第 1 号(1958 年)~終刊号(1967 年) 全冊揃 ¥210,000 McLean,Ruari ed. (magazine) Motif. Nos.1-13. All published. London: The Shenval Press, 1958-1967. No.1 (Nov.1958) Binding designed and drawn direct for silk screen by Charles Mozley. 87pp. No.2 (Feb.1959) Binding and e.ps.designed and drawn for silk screen by Robert Stewart. 91pp. No.3 (Sept.1959) Cover and e.ps.designed by John Griffiths. 107pp. With a printed letter from editor and publisher with autographs (partly torn). No.4 (Mar.1960) Cover and e.ps.drawn by Laurence Scarfe. 103pp. Light spotted to title page and its verso. No.5 (Autumn 1960) Cover, e.ps.and heading of title page by Richard Guyatt. 103pp. No.6 (Spring 1961) Cover and e.ps.by Hans Unger. 103pp. No.7 (Summer 1961) Cover design by Alan Davis. 103pp. Light stained to cover. No.8 (Winter 1961) Cover design by William Scott. E.ps.montage by Maria Brockstadt. 103pp. Light stained to cover. No.9 (Summer 1962) Cover design and e.ps.by Edward Bawden. 101pp. Light spotted to front board. Spine sunned and partly damaged. No.10 (Winter 1962/3) Cover design by Peter Blake. 99pp. Soft cover. Front cover and spine sunned. Plastic coating of front cover partly peeled. 81 美術・文芸誌 「モチーフ」 12 重 要 セ ッ ト No.11 (Winter 1963/4) Cover design by Eduardo Paolozzi. 99pp. Soft cover. Cover and spine sunned. Plastic coating of cover partly peeled. No.12 (Winter 1964) Cover design by Ceri Richards. 103pp. Soft cover. Front cover spotted. No.13 (1967) Cover design by Margaret Calvert. 99pp. Soft cover. Spine light sunned. [Motif is a journal of the arts (fine printing, type, photography, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.) and literature. Edited and designed by British typographic designer, Ruari McLean.] 31x24.8cm. [101789‐aj695] 作家別 個人全集 82 C.F.アダムズ日記 6巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Diary of Charles Francis Adams. In 6 Vols (1820-1836) Edited by Aida Dipace Donald and David Donald. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [100277‐00184] 83 J.ボーモント詩集(グロサート編) 2巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 The Complete Poems of Dr. Joseph Beaumont (1616-1699). (Chertsey Worthies Library). For the first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations, glossarial indes, and portrait, by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for Private Circulation, 1880. With frontis. Large 8vo. [100324‐00224] 84 S.ベケット全集 17 巻 クロース装 ¥105,000 The Collected Works of Samuel Beckett + The Lost One. In 17 vols. Grove Press Inc.1967-77. Cascando and Other Short Dramatic Pieces, Endgame, Film, Happy Days, How it is, Krapp's Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces, Malone Dies, Molloy, More Pricks Than Kicks, Murphy, Poems in English, Proust, Stories & Texts for Nothing, The Unnamable, Waiting for Godot, Watt, + The Lost One. d.w. [100327‐01160] 12巻 クロース装・函(少々ヤケ) 白水社 1967-1972 年 ¥84,000 「マーフィー」川口喬一(訳) 〈帯あり・少々裂け〉 「ワット」高橋康也(訳) 「初恋/メルシエとカミエ」安 堂信也(訳) 「蹴り損の棘もうけ」川口喬一(訳) 〈帯あり・少々裂け〉 「短編集」片山昇 他(訳) 「事の 次第」片山昇 (訳) 〈帯あり〉 「詩 評論 小品」楜沢雅子 他(訳) 〈帯あり〉 「モロイ」安堂信也(訳) 〈帯あり〉 「マロウンは死ぬ」高橋康也(訳) 「名づけえぬもの」安藤元雄(訳) 「ベケット戯曲全集 1」 安堂信也・高橋康也(共訳) 〈小口に少々シミ 後見返し折れ 「解説」に書込み〉 「ベケット戯曲全 集 2」安堂信也・高橋康也(共訳) 〈「解説」に書込み〉 [101597‐01626] 85 サミュエル・ベケット作品集 86 A.ベネット書簡集 4巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 Letters of Arnold Bennett. In 4 vols. Edited by James Hepburn. Oxford UP, 1966-86. Frontiss. , numerous illustrations. d.w. Very slightly chipped to spines of vols. 1 and 2. [100335‐00233] 87 A.ビレル評論・演説集 3巻 クロース装 ¥18,900 The Collected Essays & Addresses of the Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell 1880-1920. In 3 vols. London: J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, 1922. Ex-library copies(from an Oxford College). With frontis. With bookplates and cancel stamps on pastdowns and small gilt stamps on the spines. [100339‐00236] 88 W.ブレイク予言作品 2巻 クロース装 ¥16,800 Sloss,D.J. & J.P.R.Wallis The Prophetic Writings of William Blake. Edited with a general introduction, glossarial index of symbols, commentary and appendices by D.J.Sloss and J.P.R.Wallis. 13 作家別 個人全集 In 2 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1969, reprinted lithographically from the sheets of the 1st edition (1926). Vol.I: xvi,648pp. Vol.II: xxii,361pp. With illus. [101642‐01671] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 William Blake's Designs for Edward Young's Night Thoughts. A Complete Edition. Edited With Commentary by John E.Grant, Edward J.Rose, Michael J.Tolley. Co-ordinating Editor David V. Erdman. In 2 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1980. With slipcase. Its edges sl.rubbed. d.w.sl.spotted. Edges sl.spotted. End papers sl.foxed. Vol.1: A spot in page NT233. Vol.2: Front end paper somewhat spotted. Pp.xvi, 101, and monochrome plates of watercolour designs nos. 1-263; viii, monochrome plates of watercolour designs nos.264-537, 80 colour plates of selected watercolour designs, 64 plates of proofs of engraved designs, 106 page facsimile of the 1797 edition of Night Thoughts in which the engraved designs first appeared. 39.0x31.4cm. [101849‐01774] 89 W.ブレイク E.ヤング「夜の瞑想」 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Life, Writings, and Correspondence of George Borrow. Derived from Official and Other Authentic Sources by William I.Knapp. With Portrait and Illustrations. In 2 vols. London: John Murray, 1899. xviii,402pp.+6pp.(list of publication) / viii,406pp.+(list of publication) Bound in original green cloth. With illus. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Joints somewhat started. Ink notations to front flyleaf of vol.I, 2 front flyleaves, rear flyleaf and margin of p.125 of vol.II. Some underlines to each vol. 23x15.5cm. 90 G.ボロー書簡集 [101842‐01767] 91 T.ブラウン全集 1686 年 1巻 総革装 ¥126,000 The Works of the Learned Sir Thomas Brown. Doctor of Physick, late of Norwich. Containing I.Enquiries into Vulgar and Common Errors. II.Religio Medici: With Annotations and Observations upon it. III.Hydriotaphia; or, Urn-Burial: Together with The Garden of Cyrus. IV.Certain Miscellany Tracts. With Alphabetical Tables. One volume. The first collected edition. London: Printed for Tho.Basset, Ric.Chiswell, Tho.Sawbridge, Charles Mearn, and Charles Brome, 1686. Portrait by White, folio, contemporary calf. Fine copy, clean and tall. Small signature to front flyleaf. Lord Walpole of Woolterton's ex-libris on verso of title page. Margin of pages with small holes and repaired with paper. [100370‐01278] 92 T.ブラウン全集 4巻 クロース装 ¥105,000 The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. In 4 vols. New edition. Edited by Geoffrey Keynes. London: Faber & Faber, 1964. Vol.I: Religio Medici. A Letter to a Friend. Hydrotaphia. The Garden of Cyrus. Brampton Urns. Christian Morals. Vol.2: Pseudodoxia Epidemica Books I-VII. Vol.3: Miscellany Tracts. Repertorium. Latin Writings with Translations. Miscellaneous Writings. Vol.4: Letters. With d.w. (sunned at spine). D.w.of vol.I partly torn and of vol.III small damaged at spine. Frontis. Several b/w illus. Edges somewhat spotted and foxing. Scarce in this edition. [101621‐01650] 93 R.ブラウニング全集 10巻 センティナリ版 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Works of Robert Browning. With introductions by F.G.Kenyon. In 10 vols. The Centenary Edition. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1912. Limited to 270 sets. This set is No.233. Gilt title and gilt motifs to front cover and spine. With frontis, t.e.g.(partly stained) Rear cover of vol.3 partly rubbed and front cover of vol.8 stained. 22.5x15.5cm. [100378‐00251] 25 巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 Bulwer Lytton's Novels. In 25 Vols. George Routledge & Sons, n.d. (c.1872) Contents as follows: Alice or the Mysteries; The Caxtons; The Coming Race, Falkland, Zicci, Pausanias the Spartan; Devereux; Ernest Maltravers; Eugene Aram; Godolphin; Harold; Kenelm Chillingly; The Last of the Barons; The Last Days of Pompeii; Leila or the Siege of Granada, Calderon the Courtier, The Pilgrims of the Rhine; Lucretia or the Children of Night; Night and Morning; My Novel (2 vols.); The Parisians (2 vols.); Paul Clifford; Pelham or Adventures of a Gentleman; Rienzi; A Strange Story, The Haunted & the Haunters; What will He Do with It (2 vols.); Zanoni. Frontis. t.e.g. 21x15cm. 94 E.ブルワー・リットン全集 [100385‐01354] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥15,750 Scholes,Percy A. The Great Dr.Burney. His Life, His Travels, His Work, His Family, and His 95 C.バーニー 伝記・作品 他 14 作家別 個人全集 Friends. In 2 vols. Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford UP, 1948. With illus. Dust wrappers sl.chipped. Top edge sl.darkened. 25.1x16.6cm. [101831‐01756] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥39,900 The Letters of Robert Burns. J.De Lancey Ferguson. Second Edition edited by G.Ross Roy. In 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. Vol.1: 1780-1789. Vol.2: 1790-1796. [100395‐01201] 96 R.バーンズ書簡集 97 L.バイロン書簡集・日誌 (マーシャン 編) 12巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 Byron's Letters and Journals 1798-1824. In 12 vols. Edited by Leslie A.Marchand. London: John Murray, 1974-82. 1: In My Hot Youth. 2: Famous in My Time. 3: Alas! The Love of Women. 4: Wedlock's the Devil. 5: So Late into the Night. 6: The Flesh is Frail. 7: Between Two World's. 8: Born for Opposition. 9: In the Wind's Eye. 10: A Heart for Every Fate. 11: For Freedom's Battle. 12: The Trouble of an Index. Frontis. Top edge red. Front flyleaf of vol.3 sl.stained. d.w. 22.2x14.2cm. [100416‐01474] 98 T.チャタトン詩集 2巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton. With an Essay on the Rowley Poems by the Rev.Walter W.Skeat... and a Memoir by Edward Bell. In 2 vols. London: Bell and Daldy, 1872. Ex-libris 'Knobel' to front e.ps.of each vol. Vol.I: (cvii,379pp.) Ink presentation inscription to front e.p. Joint started. Ink notation '1752-70' to the margin of title page. Pencil notation to 8-9pp. Vol.II: (xlvi,346pp.) Joint started. Ink signature 'Knobel' to half title page and ink notation '1752-70' to the margin of title page. p.57 sl.torn at edge. Pencil notations (number) to the margin. [101636‐01665] G.チョーサー全集 1 巻 第2版 1602 年総革装 ¥840,000 The Workes of our Ancient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly Printed. To that which was done in the former Impression, thus much is now added. 1 In the life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2 The whole Worke by old Copiesreformed. 3 Sentences and Prouerbes noted. 4 The Signification of the old and obscure words proued : also Caracters Shewing from what Tongue or Dialect they be deriued. 5 The Latine and French, not Englished by Chaucer, translated. 6 The Treatise called lacke Upland, against Friers : and Chaucers A.B.C. called La priere de noʃtre Dame, at this Impression added. Second Edition. Edited by Thomas Speght. Londini: Imrensis Geor, Bishop, 1602. This is the first book to insert "the Life of Chaucer" written in English. Rebound with full brown leather. Gilt title on spine. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves marbled. Ink notation to front flyleaf. Frontis. page partly chipped, but lined with paper carefully. Some pages sl.spotted. Some pages partly & sl.wormed in margin near joint (Text not influenced). Otherwise fine condition, considering how old this book is. 32x22cm.[100439‐00301] 99 スペート編 100 ケルムスコット・プレス G.チョーサー全集 ファクシミリ版 1巻 クロース装 ¥36,750 The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer With the Original 87 Illustrations by Edward Burne-Jones Together with an Introduction by John T. Wínterích and a Glossary for the Modern Reader. Cleveland and New York; The World Publishing Company, 1958. The Stamping on the front cover of this book is a replica of the original famous pigskin binding of the Kelmscott edition, which was designed by William Morris, executed at the Doves Bindery, and limited to 48 copies. d.w. sl.stained, rubbed & chipped. Its spine sunned. Top edge foxed. Front & lower edges somewhat foxed. xix,554pp. 33.0x23.0cm. [101898‐01824] 2 巻 厚紙表紙 背・白クロース ¥63,000 The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer rendered into modern English verse by Frank Ernest Hill. 2 vols. London: Printed for the Limited Edition Club, 1934. xxii,330pp. /331pp.-670pp. The frontispiece to this edition of The Canterbury Tales, a reproduction of the Frampton marble bust of Chaucer in the Guildhall Library, is from a pencil drawing by Dorothy Woollard. The Chaucer Signature is re-cut from the only one known, which is in The Public Record Office, London. Of this book fifteen hundred copies have been printed for the Members of The Limited Edition Club. This is copy number 915. Signed for its owner by the printer. Gray boards backed in white cloth. Fore & lower edges untrimmed. With slip case somewhat stained & rubbed at corners. Spine foxed. Edges foxed & 101 G.チョーサー: カンタベリー物語 15 作家別 個人全集 somewhat spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.II ; Book shop label on front e.p. 32.5x20.5cm. [101921‐01848] 102 G.チョーサー詩集 6巻 小型本 クロース装 ¥18,900 The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. With Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. In 6 vols. Aldine Edition of the British Poets. Edited by Richard Morris. London: Geroge Bell & Sons, 1891-1893. With a frontis.(vol.I). Small hole to front fly leaf of vol.1. Spine of each volume faded and somewhat worn. Edges foxing. Ownership signature to front e.p.of vols.III-VI. 17.7x11.5cm. [101626‐01655] 103 スキート 編 G.チョーサー全集 7巻 クロース装 ¥68,250 The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. In 7 vols. Second edition. Edited, from numerous manuscripts by Walter W. Skeat. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. Reprinted. d.w. Vol.VI (Introduction, Glossary & Indexes) some red underlined. All edges somewhat sunned. [100451‐01315] 104 C.F.E.スパージョン: チョーサー批評 500 年史 3巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion 1357-1900. By Caroline F.E.Spurgeon. With twenty-four collotype illustrations, introduction, notes, appendices and general index. In 3 vols. New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. vol.1: cxliv,504pp.+12 plates. / vol.2: 288pp.,152pp.+8 plates. / vol.3: 109pp.,153pp.,87pp.+4 plates. A corner of front flyleaf of each volume lacking. Spine of first volume spotted. [100452‐01139] 105 C.F.E.スパージョン: チョーサー批評 500 年史 3巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion 1357-1900. By Caroline F.E.Spurgeon. With twenty-four collotype illustrations, introduction, notes, appendices and general index. In 3 vols. New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. vol.1: cxliv,504pp.+12 plates. / vol.2: 288pp.,152pp.+8 plates. / vol.3: 109pp.,153pp.,87pp.+4 plates. Flyleaves of each volume partly browned. [100453‐01493] 106 A.H.クラフ書簡集 2巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 The Correspondence of Arthur Hugh Clough. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Mulhauser. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. Vol. 1: xxiii,320pp. Vol. 2: v,321-655pp. d.w. Top edge spotted. [100462‐e075] 107 A.H.クラフ書簡集 2巻 クロース装 ¥18,900 The Correspondence of Arthur Hugh Clough. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Mulhauser. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. Vol. 1: xxiii,320pp. Vol. 2: v,321-655pp. d.w. Dust wrapper of vol.I partly torn and spine of each vol.sunned. [100463‐01504 ] 12 巻 総革装 ¥262,500 Porcupine's Works; Containing Various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a Faithful Picture of the United States of America; of their Government, Laws, Politics and Resources; of the Character of their Presidents, Governors, Legislators, Magistrates, and Military Men; and of the Customs, Manners, Morals, Religion, Virtues and Vices of the People. Comprising also a complete Series of Historical Documents and Remarks, from the end of the War, in 1783, to the Election of the President, in March, 1801. Complete in 12 octavo volumes. London, Cobbett and Morgan, 1801. First edition. Early calf bindings quite dried out and worn at extremities, but holding well. A few hinges superficially cracked, and one hinge starting on volume 2. A few toned or foxed leaves, but on the whole clean internally. 唯一のコベット全集. [100464‐01409] 108 W.コベット全集 Cobbett, an English journalist and the son of farmer, served in the British Army in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. He fled in 1792 to escape libel changes, and opened a bookstore and publishing house in Philadelphia. There he published "Porcupine's Gazette," numerous Tory and Federalist pamphlets, and the "Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine." A prolific and vituperative writer, he attacked Thomas Paine and accused Benjamin Rush of killing Washington with incompetent medical care. Finding the climate inhospitable he moved back to England, where he reversed his opinions to the radical Republican point of view. He moved back to the US for two years to avoid debt and censorship, then returned to England. Among his many publications were the popular "Rural Rides" and an English grammar for the working class. "Cobbett has left a picture of the politics and leading 16 作家別 個人全集 politicians of America, which (with caution) must be studied by all who would understand the party questions which agitated America, and the violence with which they were discussed." (Sabin 14009). 109 S.T.コールリッジ全集 (シェッド版) 7巻 クロース装(オリジナル) ¥157,500 The Complete Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. With an introductory essay upon his philosophical and theological opinions. In 7 vols. Edited by W. G. T. Shedd. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1853. According to the Publisher's advertisement: "This collection of Coleridge's Works contains all the productions of this author that have appeared in England, with the exception of his newspaper articles, which have recently been republished under the title of Essays on his own Times." (Although there was a single-volume edition of Coleridge's prose and works published in 1840, this seven volume set appears to be the First comprehensive collection published in America.) Portrait of Coleridge in vol.7. Seven octavo volumes. Original publisher's binding: purple cloth, title gilt-stamped to spine, publisher's monogram within frames blind-stamped to sides, terra-cotta coated endpapers, all edges stained red. Pencil ownership on first blank of each volume, and a brief note in vol.1. Ex-library: bookplate at front pastedown of each volume, but no other marks. Cloth has faded to brown on spines and the gilt has dulled, with some rubbing and light wear at heel, crown and corners. In particular, volumes 1-3 have some nicks or shallow loss at crowns. Clean and crisp within, and solid, handsome and very good overall. [100471‐01408] 110 S.T.コールリッジ書簡集 (E.H.コールリッジ編) 2巻 1/2革装 ¥47,250 Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In 2 vols. Edited by Ernest Hartley Coleridge. London: William Heinemann, 1895. t.e.g. [100468‐00318] 111 J.コットル 「S.T.コールリッジをめぐる回想録」 2巻 クロース装 ¥15,750 Early Recollections; Chiefly Relating to The Late Samuel Taylor Coleridge, During His Long Residence in Bristol. By Joseph Cottle. In 2 vols. London: Longman, Rees & Co.and Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1837. First edition. xxxviii,325pp./ 346pp. With port.illus. Rebound with cloth. Coloured edges. Margin of pages of each vol.light spotted. 18.4x12.7cm. [100474‐01524] 19巻 限定 500 部 クロース装 ¥168,000 The Novels of I.Compton-Burnett. In 19 vols. London: Victor Gollancz, 1972. Limited and numberd edition of 500 copies has been produced posthumously in accordance with Dame Ivy Compton- Burnett's wished. It was her express desire that her first novel, "Dolores," should be excluded from the edition. This copy is no.482. d.w. Bound in red cloth, top edge red. Preserved in 4 slipcases (1 slipcase worn at edge). Dust wrapper of vol.6 sl.torn. [101631‐01660] 112 I.コンプトン・バーネット全集 2巻 ¥21,000 The Comedies of William Congreve. With an Introduction by G.S.Street. [English Classics] edited by W.E.Henley. In 2 vols. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. xxxiii,192pp. / 217pp. 3/4 yellow ocher calf, purple cloth, spine in gilt with brown labels. Rebound. Portrait of W.Congreve in vol.1. Rubric t.p. 19.7x13cm. [100478‐s01067] 113 W.コングリーブ喜劇集 114 T.ディ・クウィンシー全集 マッソン編 14巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey. In 14 vols. New and Enlarged Edition. Edited by David Masson. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1968. Johnson Reprint. Portrait frontispiece in vol. [100506‐01415] 115 T.デッカー演劇全集 4巻 クロース装 附・サイラス・ホーイ 著「T.デッカー演劇全集解説」 4巻 ¥94,500 The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. In 4 vols. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge at the UP., 1964-1970. (1) Sir Thomas More: Dekker's addition. The shoemakers' holiday. Old Fortunatus. Patient Grissil. Satiromastix. Sir Thomas Wyatt. (reprinted, 1970. xvii,468pp.) (2) The honest whore, pt.1 (with Thomas Middleton). The honest whore, pt.2. The magnificent entertainment given to King James. Westward ho (with John Webster). Northward ho (with John Webster). The whore of Babylon. (reprinted with correction, 1964. vii,591pp.) (3) The roaring girl. If this be not a good play, the devil is in it. Troia-Nova triumphans. Match me in London. The virgin martyr. The witch of Edmonton. The wonder of a kingdom. (reprinted, 1966. 648pp.) (4) The sun's darling. Britannia's honor. London's 17 作家別 個人全集 tempe. Lust's dominion. The noble Spanish soldier. The Welsh embassador. (reprinted, 1968. vii,417pp.) Top edge gray. Spine of d.w.sunned. d.w.of vol.I sl.chipped. Fore-edge light spotted. 22.6x15.2cm. [with] Hoy,Cyrus Introductions, Notes, and Commentaries to Texts in 'The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker'. In 4 vols. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge UP., 1980. First published. (1) xx,350pp. (2) xx,383pp. (3) xx,313pp. (4) xx,205pp. Top edge green. d.w. Fore-edge sl.spotted. 22.5x14.8cm. [101887‐01813] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥36,750 The Critical Works of John Dennis 1692-1729. In 2 vols. Edited by Edward Niles Hooker. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1964. Second printing. xi,537pp./ cxliii,587pp. Red cloth. Spine of vol.I partly torn. Pencil notation to 'introduction' of vol.II. 26.2x17.7cm. [100524‐01368] 116 J.デニス批評作品集 117 ヴィルヘルム・ディルタイ全集 12 巻+2 冊 (「Die Grosse Phantasiedichtung」「Der Junge Dilthey」) クロース装 ¥52,500 Wilhelm Dilthey Gesammelte Schriften. 12 vols. (This edition is complete in itself, although in succeeding years 14 additional volumes have been published.) Stuttgart: B.G.Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft / Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1959-1968. (1) Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften. Versuch einer Grundlegung für das Studium der Gesellschaft und der Geschichte. Erster Band. 6.aufl. (Bernhard Groethuysen hrsg. xx,429pp.) (2) Weltanschauung und Analyse des Menschen seit Renaissance und Reformation. 7.aufl. (Georg Misch hrsg. xi,528pp.) (3) Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Geistes: Leibniz und sein Zeitalter. Friedrich der Grosse und die deutsche Aufklärung. Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert und die geschichtliche Welt. 3.aufl. (Paul Ritter hrsg. xii,279pp.) (4) Die Jugendgeschichte Hegels: Und andere Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des deutschen Idealismus.4.aufl. (Herman Nohl hrsg. x,583pp.) (5) Die Geistige Welt: Einleitung in die Philosophie des Lebens. Erste Hälfte; Abhandlungen zur Grundlegung der Geisteswissenschaften. 4.aufl. (Georg Misch hrsg. cxvii,442pp.) (6) Die Geistige Welt: Einleitung in die Philosophie des Lebens. Zweite Hälfte; Abhandlungen zur Poetik, Ethik und Pädagogik. 5.aufl. (Georg Misch hrsg. vi,324pp.) (7) Der Aufbau der Geschichtlichen Welt in den Geisteswissenschaften. 4.aufl. (Bernhard Groethuysen hrsg. xii,380pp.) (8) Weltanschauungslehre: Abhandlungen zur Philosophie der Philosophie. 44.aufl. ( Bernhard Groethuysen hrsg. xiv,276pp.) (9) Pädagogik: Geschichte und Grundlinien des Systems. 3.aufl. (Otto Friedrich Bollnow hrsg. vii,240pp.) (10) System der Ethik. 2.aufl. (Herman Nohl hrsg. 124ppp.) (11) Vom Aufgang des geschichtlichen Bewusstseins: Jugendaufsätze und Erinnerungen. 3.aufl. (Erich Weniger hrsg. xix,278pp.) (12) Zur preußischen Geschichte: Schleiermachers politische Gesinnung und Wirksamkeit. Die Reorganisatoren des preußischen Staates. Das allgemeine Landrecht. 3.aufl. (Erich Weniger hrsg. x,213pp.) 24.3x16.8cm. [and] Die Grosse Phantasiedichtung: Und Andere Studien zur Vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1954. 324pp.) [and] Der Junge Dilthey: Ein Lebensbild in Briefen und Tagebüchern 1852-1870. (B.G.Teubner / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1960. vii,317pp.) 23.6x16.2cm. All in d.w. d.w.of some vols.sl.foxing. Edges and e.ps.sl.spotted. [101882‐01808] 118 B.ディズレイリー全集 12巻 ブレイデンナム版 クロース装 ¥105,000 The Brandenham Edition of the Novels and R Tales of Benjamin Disraeli. In 12 Vols. Edited by Philip Guedalla. London:Peter Davies.1926. Cloth with Gilt Stamping. Top Edges Gilt. [100560‐00392] 119 J.ドライデン戯曲集 2巻 大型本・肖像画付 3/4革装 、初版 ¥94,500 The Comedies, Tragedies. and Operas. Now first Collected together, and Corrected from the Originals. In 2 vols. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, Thomas Bennet, Richard Wellington, 1701. Extremities somewhat scuffed, but sound set. 35x23cm. [100579‐00403] 120 J.ドライデン全集 6巻 クロース装 ¥126,000 DRYDEN: Dramatic Works. In 6 vols. Edited by Montague Summers. London: Nonesuch Press, 1931-32. (I: Prefatory Notes. Introduction. Chronology Of Dramatic Poesie. The Wild Gallant. The Rival Ladies. The Indian Queen. The Indian Emperour. Notes. II: Secret Love. Sr Martin Mar-All. The Tempest. An Evening's Love. Tyrannick Love. The Notes. III: The Conquest of Granada I&II. Mar18 作家別 個人全集 riage A-la-Mode. The Assignation. Amboyna. The State of Innocence. Notes. IV: The Mistaken Husband. Aureng-Zebe. All for Love. The Kind Keeper. Oedipus: a Tragedy. Notes. V: Troilus and Cressida. The Spanish Fryar. The Duke of Guise. The Vindication. Albion & Albanius. Notes. VI: Don Sebastian. Amphitryon. King Arthur. Cleomenes. Love Triumphant. The Secular Masque. Notes.) Limited to 750 numbered sets (standard sets of six vols.). This is number 558. Green cloth-marbled backed boards, gilt title to spine, sunned and rubbed at edges. t.e.g. 26x17cm. [100584‐01489] 20 巻 クロース装 ¥294,000 The Works of John Dryden. In 20 vols. University of California Press, 1956-2000. (Vols.1-7: Poems, vols.8-16: Plays, vols.17-20: Prose). 8vo, generally a very good to fine set in d.w. Ownership signature of Gwin J. Kolb in a number of the volumes. Small stamp to the bottom edge of vol.I. Spine of vol.II & III(dust jackets) sunned. [100588‐01552] 121 J.ドライデン全集 122 T.S.エリオット編 「クライテリオン」 18巻 クロース装 ¥420,000 The Criterion (1922-1939). Edited by T.S.Eliot. In 18 vols. Collected edition. London: Faber and Faber, 1967. First published in this Collected Edition. Reproduced from original numbers, Vol. I-III published by Cobden Sanderson Limited, 1922-25. Vol. IV-VIII (up to number 32) by Faber and Gwyer Limited, 1926-29. Vol. VIII (number 33)-XVIII by Faber and Faber Limited, 1929-39. Gray cloth. Top edge yellow and sl.spotted. [100611‐01450] 123 R.W.エマーソン日記・覚書 10巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 10 vols. Edited by W.H. Gilman, A.R.Ferguson, G.P.Clark, M.R.Davis, Merton M.Sealts,Jr., A.W.Plumstead, Harrison Hayford, & J.E.Persons. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1960-1973. (vol.1: 1819-1822. vol.2: 1822-1826. vol.3: 1826-1832. vol.4: 1832-1834. vol.5: 1835-1838. vol.6: 1824-1838. vol.7: 1838-1842. vol.8: 1841-1843. vol.9: 1843-1847. vol.10: 1847-1848.) Dust wrappers sl.rubbed at edge. vol.10 dust wrapper missing. Edges somewhat foxing. 24x16cm. [100633‐01583] 3 巻 クロース装 ¥47,250 The Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 3 vols. Edited by Stephen E.Whicher, Robert E. Spiller & Wallace E.Williams. Harvard UP, 1959-1972. Vol.1: 1833-1836. (xxvii,545pp.) Vol.2: 1836-1838. (xx,494pp.) Vol.3: 1838-1842. (xxiv,590pp.) Dust wrapper of vols.1-2 sunned and sl.chipped. Edges of each vol.sl.foxing. A presentation copy to Yukio Irie (入江勇起男). 24x16.3cm. 124 R.W.エマーソン初期講義 [100635‐01569] 125 G.ファークァー演劇全集 2巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Dramatic Works of George Farquhar. In 2 vols. Edited, with Life and Notes by Alex. Charles Ewald. London: John C. Nimmo, 1892. Limited to 520 copies. t.e.g. [100639‐00453] 126 G.ファークァー全集 2巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Complete Works of George Farquhar. In 2 vols. Reprinted.Edited by Charles Stonehill. New York: Gordian Press, by arrangement with the Nonesuch Press.1967. Originally published in 1930. [100640‐00454] 127 E.フィールド全集 12巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 The Writings In Prose and Verse of Eugene Field. In 12 vols. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1900. The only edition of his Works. t.e.g. [100644‐00457] 128 H.フィールディング全集 2巻 背革装 ¥21,000 The Complete Works of Henry Fielding. Comprising His Novels Plays and Miscellaneous Writings with Memoir of the Author by Thomas Roscoe. Illustrated with Twenty-Etchings on Steel by George Cruikshank. In 2 vols. London: Bell and Daldy, n.d. 1/2 calf. 背ラベル 1部擦れ。[100645‐00458] 129 H.フィールディング全集 2巻 クロース装 ¥15,750 Fielding's Dramatic Works. In 2 vols. ( of 8. ) London, 1762. (In "The Works of Henry Fielding, with the Life of the Author in 8 vols. ") Second edition. Spine faded & title page stained. [100646‐00459] 19 作家別 個人全集 130 H.フィールディング小説全集 10巻 ラージ・ペーパー版 シェイクスピア・ヘッド版 背クロース装 ¥126,000 The Novels of Henry Fielding. In 10 vols. Large Paper Edition.Printed for the Shakespeare Head Press. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926. [100648‐00461] 131 H.フィールディング小説全集 10巻 ラージ・ペーパー版 シェイクスピア・ヘッド版 背クロース装 ¥105,000 The Novels of Henry Fielding. In 10 vols. Large Paper Edition. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co. / Printed by the Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-upon-Avon, & published for the Press by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1926. (vols.I-II: Joseph Andrews. Vol.III: Jonathan Wild. Vols.IV-VII: Tom Jones. Vols.VIII-X: Amelia.) Limited to 520 copies, this is no.342. With frontis.and illus. Light brown cloth backed light brown boards, sl.foxing. Red morocco labels to spine. Untrimed edges, foxing. Front and rear boards of vol.I-IV partly stained. 24x16cm. [101612‐01641] 132 H.フィールディング全集 12巻 小型本 クロース装 ¥52,500 The Works of Henry Fielding. In 12 vols. Edited by George Saintsbury. London: Navarre Society Ltd, n.d. (c.1871). (Of this edition, 2,000 copies are printed for England & America.) (Vols.I-VI: The History of Tom Jones. Vols.VII-VIII: The Adventurous Joseph Andrews. Vols.IX-XI: Amelia Vol.XII: The Life of Jonathan Wild.) Illustrated by George Cruikshank (frontis.& title page of each vol.). Bound in light brown silk cloth. t.e.g. front & rear boards of vols.VII & XII sl.spotted. E.ps. of each vol. somewhat foxing and half title page of some vol.light spotted. 18x12cm. [101652‐01681] 133 E.フィッツジェラルド書簡・文芸論集 7巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald. (The Works of Edward Fitzgerald.) In 7 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1902-1903. Limited to 775 copies. <Vols.I-IV: Letters. Vol.V: Six Dramas from Calderon. Vol.VI: The Mighty Magician; Such Stuff as Dreams are Made of; Euphranor; Agamemnon; The Downfall and Death of King Œdipus. Vol.VII: Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám; Salámán and Absál; Bird-Parliament, etc.> Red silk boards, decorative gilt titles on spines, decorative embossed gilt emblems on front covers. Frontis. Spines somewhat sunned and sl.rubbed at edge. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Rear board of vol.I partly cracked. Front e.p.of vols.III,VI & VII somewhat started. Pages of vol.V light spotted. 23.7x15.7cm. [101833‐01758] 12 巻 (補遺欠け) クロース装 ¥84,000 Frazer, James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. In 12 vols.(of 13. Supplementary volume missing.) Third edition. London: Macmillan and Co., 1922-1927. Reprinted. (Vol.1&2: Part I; The Magic Art and the Evolution of Kings. Vol.3: Part II; Taboo and the Perils of the Soul. Vol.4: Part III; The Dying God. Vols.5&6: Part IV; Adonis Attis Osiris. Vols.7&8: Part V; Spirits of the Corn and of the Wild. Vol.9: Part VI; The Scapegoat. Vols.10&11: Part VII; Balder the Beautiful. Vol.12: Bibliography and General Index.) Green cloth, gilt illus.of mistletoe on front board, gilt title to spine. With dust wrapper (vol.9 without d.w.). Boards of each vol.somewhat darkened and sl.rubbed at edge. Cloth of vol.12 peeled and damaged at front board and upper edge of spine. Joint of vol.5 sl.torn st spine. Edges of each vol.spotted and foxing. Dust wrapper of vol.1 partly missing, vols.5&6 partly chipped at spine, vol.11 with a hole at the center of spine, and vol.12 sl.torn at the center of spine. 22.8x15.5cm. [101893‐01819] 134 J.G.フレイザー金枝篇 17 巻 (16 冊)+1 冊 附「Briefe 1873-1939」クロース装 ¥126,000 Sigm. Freud Gesammelte Werke. Chronologisch Geordnet. 17 vols.in 16. Unter Mitwirking von Marie Bonaparte, Prinzessin Georg von Griechenland, herausgegeben von Anna Freud, E.Bibring, W.Hoffer, E.Kris, O.Isakower. London: Imago Publishing Co., 1946-1955. (1) 1.Bd.Werke aus den Jahren, 1892-1899. (1952. vii,594pp.) (2) 2-3.Bd. Die Traumdeutung. Über den Traum. (reprinted, 1948. xv,724pp.) (3) 4.Bd. Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens. (reprinted, 1955. 322pp.) (4) 5.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1904-1905. (reprinted, 1949. 332pp.) (5) 6.Bd. Der Witz und Seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten. (reprinted, 1948. 285pp.) (6) 7.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1906-1909. (reprinted, 1947. 494pp.) (7) 8.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1909-1913. (reprinted, 1948. 500pp.) (8) 9.Bd. Totem und Tabu. (reprinted, 1948. 206pp.) (9) 10.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1913-1917. (reprinted, 1949. 481pp.) (10) 11.Bd. Vorlesungen zur Einfürhung in die Psychoanalyse. 135 ジークムント・フロイト全集 20 作家別 個人全集 (with a portrait. reprinted, 1948. 497pp.) (11) 12.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1917-1920 . (reprinted, 1955. 355pp.) (12) 13.Bd. Jenseits des Lustprinzips. Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse. Das Ich und das Es. (reprinted, 1955. 477pp.) (13) 14.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1925-1931. (reprinted, 1955. 605pp.) (14) 15.Bd. Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse. (reprinted, 1949. 206pp.) (15) 16.Bd. Werke aus den Jahren 1932-1939. (1950. 297pp.) (16) 17.Bd. Schriften aus dem Nachlass. (reprinted, 1946. ix,159pp.) [Bd.18 "Index der Bände I-XVII" missing.] Dust wrapper of vol.2 (Bd.2-3.) missing and vol.12 (Bd.13.) torn. Dust wrappers of some vols.sl.foxing and wrinkled. Edges, e.ps.and some pages lighit spotted. 22x14.5cm. [and] Briefe 1873-1939 by Sigmund Freud. (Frankfurt am Main: S.Fischer Verlag, 1960. 511pp.d.w.) All text in German. [101883‐01809] 3 巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Letters of Edward Gibbon. In 3 vols. Edited by J.E.Norton. London: Cassell and Co., 1956. First published. Vol.1: 1750-1773, Letters 1-236. (xxix,407pp.) Vol.2: 1774-1784, Letters 237-618. (xiv,423pp.) Vol.3: 1784-1794, Letters 619-878. (xiii,464pp.)Top edge red. Frontis. d.w. Spine of d.w.of vol.3 stained. 23.8x16cm. [100684‐01565] 136 E.ギボン書簡集 137 E.グラスゴウ全集 12巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥105,000 The Works of Ellen Glasgow. In 12 vols. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 1974. Reprint of the Magnificent Virginia Edition, 1938. The new publication is limited to two hundred copies, numbered. The number of this set is 59. (Contents as follows: Vol.1: Barren Ground, Vol.2: The Miller of Old Church, Vol.3: Vein of Iron, Vol.4: The Sheltered Life, Vol.5: The Romantic Comedians, Vol.6: They Stooped to Folly, Vol.7: The Battle Ground, Vol.8: The Deliverance, Vol.9: Virginia, Vol.10: The Voice of the People, Vol.11: Romance of a Plain Man, Vol.12: Life and Gabriella.) With slip case. Fine as new. [100687‐01339] 138 O.ゴールドスミス全集 5巻 クロース装 ¥126,000 Collected Works of Oliver Goldsmith. In 5 vols. Edited by Arthur Friedman. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966. With frontispieces. d.w. with very light wear and small hole of vol.2. Owner's signature on front flyleaf of each volume. [100695‐01436] 139 R.グリーン全集 2巻 クロース装 ¥36,750 The Plays & Poems of Robert Greene. In 2 vols. Edited with introductions and notes by J. Churton Collins. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1905. Frontispiece folding facsimile. green cloth, d.w. somewhat stained to spine of vol.2. [100711‐01796] 4 巻 ペーパーバック ¥21,000 The Collected Plays. In 4 vols. Edited by Ann Saddlemyer. Gerrards Cross; Colin Smythe, 1979. paperbacks. (1: The Comedies. 2: The Tragedies and Tragic-Comedies. 3: Wonder and The Supernatural. 4: Translations, Adaptations and Collaborations.) [100714‐01435] 140 L.グレゴリー戯曲集 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Hardy. In 3 vols. (of 5.) Edited by Samuel Hynes. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1982-87. d.w. Vol.1: Wessex Poems, Poems of the Past and the Present, Time's Laughingstocks. Vol.2: Satires of Circumstance, Moments of Vision, Late Lyrics and Earlier. Vol.3: Human Shows, Winter Words, Uncollected Poems. (Vol.4: The Dynasts, Parts First & Second. Vol.5: The Dynasts, Part Third, The Queen of Cornwall, and Other Dramatic Pieces. Vol.4 & 5 in print.) [100726‐01431] 141 T.ハーディ詩集 142 T.ハーディ書簡集(1840-1927) 7 巻 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy. In 7 vols. Edited by Richard Little Purdy and Michael Millgate. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1978-1988. d.w. Some scattered spots to top edges. [100728‐01433] 23 巻 センティナリー版 クロース装 ¥168,000 The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In 23 vols. General editors: William Charvat & Roy Harvey Pearce. Ohio State UP., 1970-1997. (1) The Scarlet Letter. (lxv,292pp. 3 illus.) (2) The House of Seven Gables. (lxiii,420pp. 2 illus.) (3) Blithdale Romance and Fanshawe. (lv,507pp. 2 illus.) (4) The Marble Faun. (cxxxiii,614pp. 2 illus.) (5) Our Old Home. (cxv,496pp. 1 illus.) (6) True 21 143 N.ホーソン全集 作家別 個人全集 Stories from History and Biography. (ix,369pp.) (8) The American Notebooks. (xiii,835pp. 2 illus.) (9) Twice-Told Tales. (xi,637pp.) (10) Mosses from an Old Manse. (x,664pp.) (11) Snow-Image and Uncollected Tales. (xi,488pp.) (12) The American Claimant Manuscripts: The Ancestral Footstep Etherege Grimshawe. (xi,657pp.) (7) A Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales. (xi,463pp. 2 illus.) (13) The Elixir of Life Manuscripts: Septimius Felton, Septimius Norton, The Dolliver Romance. (ix803pp.) (14) The French and Italian Notebooks: Edited by Thomas Woodson. (xi,1045pp.) (15) Letters, 1813-1843. (xvii,785pp.) (16) Letters, 1843-1853. (xiii,775pp.) (17) Letters, 1853-1856. (xvii,667pp.) (18) Letters, 1857-1864. (xiii,732pp.) (19) The Counsular Letters, 1853-1855. (xv,464pp.) (20) The Counsular Letters, 1856-1857. (xi,340pp.) (21) The English Notebooks, 1853-1856 (ix,878pp.) (21) The English Notebooks, 1856-1860 (vii,866pp.) (23) Miscellaneous Prose and Verse. (xi,787pp.) Bound in uniform gray cloth. Spine sl.foxing and edges light spotted. p.637-p.692 of.vol.14 disorderly binding. 乱丁有り(ページ欠なし) 24.2x16.2cm. [101888‐01814] 144 W.ハズリット全集 13巻 クロース装 ¥105,000 The Collected Works of William Hazlitt. In 13 vols. (Including index volume). Edited by A. R. Waller and Arnold Glover with an Introduction by W. E. Henley. London: J.M.Dent, 1902. With frontispieces. t.e.g. [100747‐00536] 145 小泉八雲全集 16巻 復刻版 謹呈本 3/4クロース装 ¥168,000 The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. In 16 vols. Reprinted. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co.1973. (Reproduced from 1922 edition of Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co.) Dedication copy. The large-paper edition is limited to 250 copies. Brown cloth dustwrapper. Bound in green cloth with white back board. Coloured frontispieces in each volume. Numerous plates. All illus. with titles printed tissue guards. Spine sl.darkened, top-edge soiled, light stains to bottom-edge. Inside clean. 23x17cm. [101682‐01711] 4巻 1/2 革装 ¥84,000 The Works of Thomas Hearne. In 4 vols. London: Samuel Bagster, 1810. This edition contains only the two titles ( as called for in this edition) Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle and Peter Langcroft's Chronicle. Bookplates. Slight foxing. Early and valuable English chronicles. [100777‐00550] 146 T.ハーン全集 147 R.ヘリック詩集 3巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 The Complete Poems of Robert Herrick. Edited, with Memorial-Introduction and Notes, by the Rev.Alexander B.Grosart. In 3 vols. [Early English Poets] London: Chatto and Windus, 1876. Vol.I: Memorial-Introduction. Hesperides (1648). (cclxxxv,182pp.) Vol.II: Hesperides. (xxvii,304pp.) Vol.III: Hesperides. Noble Numbers (1647). (xxiv,316pp.+32pp.〈Publisher's ad.〉) With a portrait of Robert Herrick to vol.I. Bound in dark green cloth, front boards of each vol.partly rubbed, paper title plates (sunned and chipped) to spine, edges foxing and spotted, e.ps.foxing. Joint of front e.p.of vol.I cracked. 19.6x13.5cm. [101654‐01683] 148 T.フッド全集 11 巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Works of Thomos Hood. Comic and Serious, In Prose & Verse, with all the original illustations. In 11 vols. Edited, with Notes by His Son and Daughter. London: Ward, Lock & Warwick House, n.d.(1882-1884). Green cloth with lettering gilt spine. Some spotting on pages. [101571‐01603] 149 A.E.ハウスマン 古典論文集 3巻 ¥42,000 The Classical Papers of A.E.Housman. Collected and Edited by J.Diggle and F.R.D.Goodyear. 3 vols.(Vol.I: 1882-97. Vol.II: 1897-1914. Vol.III: 1915-36.) Cambridge UP., 1972. xv,421pp./ vi,423-902pp./ vii,903-1318pp. Bound in gray cloth. Top edge red. Spine of d.w.sunned. Portrait frontis.(vol.I). Fore edge of each vol.spotted. 23.5x16cm. [101824‐01749] 150 E.ハバード:世界偉人探訪記 14巻 メモリアル版 クロース装 ¥47,250 Elbert Hubbard's Little Journeys. In 14 Vols. The Memorial Edition. . W.H. Wise & Co. 1928. [100802‐00565] 8巻 ¥94,500 The Works of Richard Hurd, D.D. Lord Bishop of Worcester. In 8 vols. London: Printed for T.Cadell and W.Davies, 1811. <Vols.I & II: Critical works, Vols.III & IV: Moral and Political Dialogues, Vols.V-VIII: Theological Works> Blue cloth backed paper boards, light stained, sl.rubbed at 22 151 R.ハード全集 作家別 個人全集 edge and spine faded. Engraved illus to title page of each vol., portrait to vol.I.and illus.to p.9 of vol.III. Repaired with new e.ps. Edges darkened. 23x15cm. [101825‐01750] 152 ヘンリー・ジェイムズ小説全集 12巻 英国版 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Complete Tales of Henry James. In 12 vols. Edited with an Introduction by Leon Edel. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1962-64. Dust wrappers sunned and sl.torn(vol.1). Coloured top edges and the other edges spotted (except for vols.11 & 12) and foxing. E.ps.light foxing. [101634‐01663] 153 ヘンリー・ジェイムズ小説全集 26巻 ニューヨーク版(リニューアル版)クロース装・カバー ¥262,500 The Novels and Tales of Henry James. In 26 vols. Scribner first renewal edition. (New York Edition). New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1935. Scarce with d.w. Definite edition. Spines of d.w.sl.sunned. Edges somewhat spotted. [101588‐01617] 154 H.ジェイムズ書簡集 2巻 クロース装 ¥10,500 Lubbock,Percy ed. The Letters of Henry James. Selected and Edited by Percy Lubbock. In 2 Vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1920. Vol. 1; xxxi,441pp, Vol. 2; xi,529pp. Bound in nevy cloth, spine sunned and sl.worn at edge. With frontis.(to each vol.) and a illus. Edges, e.ps., half title page, frontis., and title page foxing. v-xii pages of vol.I started. 23x15cm. [101637‐01666] 155 H.ジェイムズ書簡集 2巻 クロース装 ¥10,500 Lubbock,Percy, ed. The Letters of Henry James. Selected and Edited by Percy Lubbock. In 2 Vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1920. Vol. 1; xxxi,441pp, Vol. 2; xi,529pp. Frontis. Signed on front and rear flyleaves by Chiyoko Ohara. Ex-libris on front paste-down of Vol.2. [204602‐s00327] 156 H.ジェイムズ書簡集 1843-1895 (L.イーデル編) 3巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Edel,Leon ed. Henry James: Letters (1843-1895). In 3 vols. (of 4) Edited by Leon Edel. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP. Vol.I: 1843-1875. (xxxvi,493pp. 1975, 2nd printing.) Vol.II: 1875-1883. (xv,438pp. 1975.) Vol.III: 1883-1895. (xxii,579pp. 1980.) <Vol.IV missing.> With illus. Illustrated dust wrappers, spine sunned. Edges spotted. [101632‐01661] 157 S.ジョンソン書簡集 5巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 The Letters of Samuel Johnson. In 5 vols. The Hyde Edition. Edited by Bruce Redford. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992-1994. (vol.1: 1731-1772. vol.2: 1773-1776. vol.3: 1777-1781. vol.4: 1782-1784. vol.5: appendices & comprehensive index.) Frontis. d.w. 25x16.5cm. [100850‐01579] 158 ボズウェル:ジョンソン伝 6巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Boswell's Life of Johnson. In 6 vols. Edited by Augustine Birrell. London: The Times Book Club, 1912. with Malone's Notes and Illustrations. 19x12. 5cm. [100861‐00613] 159 ボズウェル:ジョンソン伝 決定版 6巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 Boswell's Life of Johnson. Together with Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a Journey into North Wales. In 6 vols. Edited Geroge Birkbeck Hill. Revised and Enlarged Edition by L.F.Powell. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1979, reprinted (vols.1-4. 22.1x14.5cm) & 1975, second edition in slightly larger format (vols.5-6. 22.8x15cm). (Vols.1-4: The Life 1709-1784. Vol.5: The Tour to the Hebrides… Vol.6: Index, Table of Anonymous Persons, Bibliography, Errata.) Best edition. Frontis. Small ownership signature to front e.p.of each vol. [100865‐01581] 160 H.A.ジョーンズ代表作集 4巻 クロース装 ¥47,250 Representative Plays by Henry Arthur Jones. In 4 vols. Reprinted.Edited, with Historical, Biographical, and Critical Introductions, by Clayton Hamilton. Michigan: Scholarly Press, 1971. A facsimile reprint of Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. , in 1925. [100867‐00617] 161 B.ジョンソン及びボーモント&フレッチャー演劇集 4巻 1/2革装 ¥105,000 The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Flecher:The First Printed from the Text, and With the Notes of Peter Whalley. In 4 vols. London: John Stockdale, 1811. Embellished with Portraits. 24x28cm. [100870‐00620] 23 作家別 個人全集 162 B.ジョンソン全集(ギフォード編) 9巻 背革装 ¥94,500 The Works of Ben Jonson. With notes critical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir, by W. Gifford. In 9 vols. London, 1816. t.e.g. [100872‐00622] 163 B.ジョンソン全集(C.H.ハーフォード・P.シンプソン共編) 11巻 クロース装 ¥157,500 Ben Jonson. In 11 vols. Edited by C.H.Herford and Percy Simpson. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1963-65. (Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition 1925-52.) The definitive works of Jonson. d.w. A few spots of paint on dust jacket of vols.6, 9, 10. Fine indeed. [100874‐01405] 2 巻 ペーパー装 ¥31,500 Letters of James Joyce. Vol.Ⅱ,Ⅲ. Uncorrected Proof Copy. Edited by Richard Ellman. Faber and Faber, publicatin date not yet settles. Printed wrappers. [100876‐01137] 164 J.ジョイス書簡集 校正刷り版 3 巻 クロース装 ¥42,000 Joyce,James Ulysses. In 3 vols. A Critical and Synoptic Edition. Prepared by Hans Walter Gabler with Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchior. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1984. [100880‐01138] 165 ユリシーズ 3 巻 クロース装 ¥78,750 James Joyce Ulysses. A Facsimile of the Manuscript with a critical introduction by Harry Levin and a bibliographical preface by Clive Driver. In 3 vols. including "The Manuscript and First Printings Compared" volume. New York: Octagon Books, 1975.28.5x22cm. [100881‐01143] 166 ユリシーズ 167 J.A.ジャイルズ(編) アルフレッド大王全集 2巻 クロース装 ¥26,250 The Whole Works of King Alfred the Great: With Preliminary Essays, Illustrative of the History, Arts, and Manners, of the Ninth Century. New York: AMS Press, 1969. Reprinted from the edition of 1858, London. First AMS edition. Bound in brown cloth. With fontis.and illus. Vol.I: xvi,543pp. Vol.II: 537pp.+142pp.(vol.II, part ii) 137-162pp.of vol.I folded at the center. Pencil notations to margin of vol.II. 23.5x16cm. [101874‐01800] 168 S.ラニア全集 10巻 センティナリー版 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Works of Sidney Lanier. In 10 vols. Centennial Edition.General editor: Charles R.Anderson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1963-1969. I.Poems. II.The Science of English Verse and Essays on Music. III.Shakspere and His Forerunners. IV.The English Novel and Essays on Literature. V.TigerLilies and Southern Prose. VI.Florida and Miscellaneous Prose. VII-X.Letters. Complete in 10 volumes. 8vo., blue cloth, spines in gilt. Frontis. Near fine. An uncommon set. Vol.V & VI are ex-library with a stamep on bottom edge, a small numbering sticker on spine, and small notation to rear paste-down. [100906‐00647] 169 D.H.ロレンス全集・書簡集 (1901-1930) 32 冊 ケンブリッジ版 クロース装・ペーパー装 ¥126,000 The Cambridge edition of the Works of D. H. Lawrence, in 25 vols. [and] The Letters of D.H. Lawrence, in 7 vols. (of 8 vols). (Vol.8: "Previously Uncollected Letters and General Index" is missing.) Together in 32 vols. The Cambridge Edition.General editors: James T.Boulton & Warren Roberts. Cambridge UP, 1981-1998 ("The Works…"), 1979-1993 ("The Letters…"). "The Works"are...Sketches of Etruscan Places and Other Italian Essays. Movements in European History. Love Among the Haystacks and Other Stories. The First 'Women in Love'. Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and Other Essays. England, My England and Other Stories. The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories. The Boy in the Bush. Apocalypse and the Writings on Revelation. Twilight in Italy and Other Essays. Sea and Sardinia. The Trespasser. The Lost Girl. (the following 12 vols.are underlined and folded at the edges.) Lady Chatterley's Lover and A Propos of 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'. Sons and Lovers. Aaron's Rod. Mr.Noon. St Mawr and Other Stories. The Plumed Serpent. The Fox, The Captain's Doll, The Ladybird. The White Peacock. Kangaroo. Study of Thomas Hardy and Other Essays. Women in Love. The Prussian Officer and Other Stories. With d.w.excepting The Trespasser & The Lost Girl are Printed wrappers. d.w.of "The Letters"Vol.1 chipped and that of "Kangaroo" partly rubbed. Some d.w.somewhat sunned. Top edge of vols.2-7 of "The Letters"are red and some pages of vols.2 & 3 are underlined and folded at the edges. 22.3x14.2cm. [100934‐01475] 24 作家別 個人全集 170 D.H.ロレンス書簡集 (1901-1930) 8巻 ケンブリッジ版 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Letters of D.H.Lawrence. In 8 vols. The Cambridge Edition.General editors: James T.Boulton. Cambridge UP, 1979-2000. Frontis.(vol.1-7) d.w. Top edge red. Vol.8 is Previously Uncollected Letters and General Index. [100939‐01295] 171 ロレンス研究 7巻 D.H.ロレンス研究会編 (代表者・吉村宏一) カバー・帯 朝日出版社 ¥31,500 「息子と恋人」1980 年 「虹」1977 年 「堕ちた女」1982 年 「羽鱗の蛇」1994 年 「アロンの杖」1988 年 「恋する女たち」1979 年 「カンガルー」1990 年 (「堕ちた女」「恋する女たち」「虹」の小口ヤケ) [101593‐01622] 172 D.H.ロレンス画集 初版・150 部限定 ¥126,000 The Paintings of D. H. Lawrence. The Mandrake Press, c1929. First edition. Limited to 510 copies. 26 full page colour reproductions. t.e.g. 36x26cm. Green cloth boards with brown morocco backstrip and corners, gilt title on spine. [100942‐s01470] 24 巻 クロース装 ¥189,000 The Complete Works of Sinclair Lewis. In 24 Vols. Edited by Hiroshige Yoshida. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 1984. Two tone cloth, frontis. 21.5x15.5cm. [100948‐01172] 173 シンクレア・ルイス全集 174 J.リリー全集 3巻 クロース装 ¥42,000 The Complete Works of John Lyly. Now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography,essays, notes,and index by R. Warwick Bond. In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902. Frontis. [100963‐00685] 175 J.リリー全集 3巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Complete Works of John Lyly. Now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes, and index by R.Warwick Bond. In 3 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1973. Reprinted (First published 1902). Vol.I: Life. Euphues: The Anatomy of Wyt. Entertainments. (xvi,543pp.) Vol.II: Euphues and His England. The Plays. (iv,574pp.) Vol.III: The Plays (continued). Anti-Martinist Work. Poems, Glossary and General Index. (iv,620pp.) Spine of d.w.light sunned. Edges spotted. 22.2x14.5cm. [101885‐01811] 176 C.マーロウ作品・伝記 6巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. In 6 vols. General editor: R.H.Case. London: Methuen & Co. ("Lincoln Macveagh, The Dial Press" to the title page of "Edward II"), 1930-1933. I: The Life of Marlowe. Dido, Queen of Carthage. (C.F.Tucker Brooke ed.) II: Tamburlaine the Great, I and II. (U.M.Billis-Fermor ed. with 2 maps.) III: The Jew of Malta. The Massacre at Paris. (H.S. Bennett ed.) IV: Edward II. (H.B.Charlton & R.D.Waller eds.) V: Doctor Faustus. (Frederick S.Boas ed. with 3 illus.) VI: Poems. (L.C.Martin ed.) Bound in red cloth. Edges and e.ps.foxing. E.ps.and several pages of each vol.spotted. [101617‐01646] 177 C.マーロウ作品・伝記 6巻 クロース装 ¥57,750 The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. In 6 vols. General editor: R.H.Case. New York: Gordian Press, 1966. (reprinted). Originally published 1930-1932. I: The Life of Marlowe. Dido, Queen of Carthage. (C.F.Tucker Brooke ed.) II: Tamburlaine the Great, I and II. (U.M.Billis-Fermor ed. with 2 maps.) III: The Jew of Malta. The Massacre at Paris. (H.S.Bennett ed.) IV: Edward II. (H.B.Charlton & R.D.Waller eds.) V: Doctor Faustus. (Frederick S.Boas ed. with 3 illus.) VI: Poems. (L.C.Martin ed.) Bound in dark red cloth. Edges light spotted. [101618‐01647] 178 F. マリオット全集 12巻 クロース装 ¥68,250 The Works. By Captain Frederick Marryat. In 12 vols. Illustrated Sterlin Edition. Boston: Dana Estes & Co., 1896. t.e.g. Beige Buckram with brown leather labels. Some soil, some hinges weak, oveall a good serviceable set. With illustrations. [The King's Own. The Pirate. The Three Cutters. Masterman Ready. Rattlen, The Reefer. Mr. Midshipman Easy. The Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet. Peter Simple. The Little Savage. Newton Forster or The Merchant Service. The Children of The New Forest. Poor Jack.. The Settlers in Canada. The Phantom Ship. Olla Podrida. Frank Mildway or The Naval Officer. The Pacha of Many Tales. The Privateersman. The Dog Fiend. Jacob Faithful. The 25 作家別 個人全集 Mission or Scenes in Africa. Japhet in Searvh of a Father. Valerie. Percival Keene. The Poacher.] [100980‐01418] 179 G.メレディス全集 29巻 メモリアル版 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Works of George Meredith. In 29 vols. Memorial Edition. New York: Russell & Russell, 1968. Reprinted ftom the Memorial Edition of 1909-1912. <Vol.1: The Shaving of Shagpat. Vol.2: The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Vols.3-4: Sandra Belloni. Vol.5: Rhoda Fleming.Vol.6: Evan Harrington. Vols.7-8: Vittoria. Vols.9-10: The adventures of Harry Richmond. Vols.11-12. Beauchamp's Career. Vols.13-14: The egoist Vol.15: The Tragic Comedians. Vol.16: Diana of the Crossways. Vol.17: One of Our Conquerors. Vol.18: Lord Ormont and His Aminta. Vol.19: The Amazing Marriage. Vol.20: Celt and Saxon. Vol.21: Farina; General Opie; Tale of Chloe. Vol.22: The House on the Beach; The Gentleman of Fifty; The Sentimentalists. Vol.23: Miscellaneous Prose. Vols.24-26: Poems. Vol.27: Various Readings and Bibliography. Vols.28-29: Letters, 1844-1881 & 1882-1909.> Bound in dark blue cloth. With illus. Edges and e.ps.light spotted. Ownership stamped on rear flyleaves of each vol. 22x15cm. [101837‐01762] 180 G.メレディス書簡集 (クライン 編) 3巻 クロース装 ¥42,000 The Letters of George Meredith. In 3 Vols. Edited by C.L.Cline. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1970. xlii,555pp./ xxvii,557-1150pp./ xxxii,1151-1786pp. Spine of d.w.sl.darkened. 22.2x15cm. [100995‐01456-2] 181 J.ミルトン詩集 7巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 The Poetical Works of John Milton, With Notes of Various Authors. To which are added illustrations, and some account of the life and writings of Milton, by the Rev.Henry J.Todd. The second edition, with considerable additions, and with a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry. In 7 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1970, first AMS edition (reprinted from the edition of 1809, London). Bound in navy cloth. Edges light foxing, and fore-edge of vol.5 darkened. Front flyleaf and title page of vol.7 partly stained. [101664‐01693] 22巻 カラ版 (復刻版) クロース装 ¥189,000 The Collected Works of George Moore. In 22 vols. The Carra Edition. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 1983. Reprint of the 1922 Carra edition, limited and signed by the author, of Boni & Liveright, inc., N.Y. [101022‐01562] 182 G.ムーア全集 全 5 巻 花野富蔵(訳) 集英社 昭 44 初版 クロース装・函・帯 ¥63,000 1:「極東遊記」「大日本」「シナ・日本風物詩」 2:「日本通信 1」 3:「日本通信 2」 4:「茶の湯」「徳島 の盆踊」「日本におけるメンデス・ピント」「おヨネとコハル」「日本史瞥見」「日本夜話」 5:「日本精神」 「おそろし」「モラエスの内輪への手紙」「初期作品(詩 小説)」「モラエス小伝」年譜・他 (編集委員:志賀直哉、井上靖、遠藤周作、A.マルチンス、佃實夫) 各巻「月報」附(少々薄いシミ) 口絵 帯少々ヤケ、少々裂け(第 3 巻のみ) 小口に薄いシミ. [101599‐01628] 183 定本モラエス全集 184 J.V.モーリィ全集 15巻 クロース装 ¥99,750 The Works of Lord Morley. In 15 vols. Edition de Luxe. London: Macmillan and Co., 1921. One of 500 copies. Complete in fifteen wolumes. 8vo., blue and black cloth, spines letterd in gilt. Near fine. [101027‐01416] 185 F.ノリス全集 12巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Works of Frank Norris. In 12 vols. Edited by Kenji Inoue. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1983. Reprint of 1898 edition. 背ヤケ. [101041‐00748] 186 ジェイムス・ノースコット (著・挿絵素案) ウィリアム・ハーヴェイ (挿絵) 「創作寓話百選」 ロンドン刊 1828 年 背革装 ¥57,750 Northcote,James One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected. Embellished with Two Hundred and Eighty Engravings on Wood. London: Geo.Lawford, printed by J.Johnson, 1828. iii,271pp. Large paper copy. Rebound in modern half morocco with cloth board, new e.ps., gilt filleted raised bands and gilt title to spine. With numerous wood engravings, original design of head pieces by the author and 26 作家別 個人全集 prepared for engravers by William Harvey. The ornamental letter and tail pieces by Harvey. There is an index of engravings at the end of the book. Some margine lightly thumbed. 27x17.5cm. [101042‐aj316] 187 ジョイス・キャロル・オーツ 作品コレクション 42 冊 クロース装 ¥126,000 <The following 18 books are published by The Vanguard Press, New York. Withd.w.(sl.sunned)> Marriages and Infidelities. (1972. Short Stories.) The Poisined Kiss and other stories from the Portuguese. (1975) Expensive People. (1968) By the North Gate. (1963) Wonderland. (1971) Childwold. (1976) Son of the Morning. (1978) A Garden of Earthly Delights. (1967) Do With Me What You Will. (1973) With Shuddering Fall. (1964) The Wheel of Love and Other Stories. (1970) Night-Side. (1977) The Edge of Impossibility. (1972) New Heaven, New Earth: The Visionary Experience in Literature. (1974) Unholy Love. (1979) Crossing the Border: Fifteen Tales. (1976) The Goddess and Other Women. (1974) them. (1969) <The following 6 books are published by E.P.Dutton, New York. With d.w.> A Sentimental Education: Stories. (1980) Raven's Wing. (1986) Solstice. (1985) The Profane Art: Essays & Reviews. (1983) American Appetites. (1989) A Bloodsmoor Romance. (1982) <The following 5 books are published by Black Sparrow Press, Los Angels/Santa Barbara.> The Hostile Sun: The Poetry of D.H.Lawrence. (1973) Miracle Play. (With photographs by James Tilton. 1974) The Hungry Ghosts: Seven Allusive Comedies. (1974) All the Good People I've Left Behind. (1979) The Seduction & Other Stories. (1975) <The following 7 books are published by various publisher> Marya: A Life. (London: Jpnathan Cape, 1987. d.w.) On Boxing. (With photographs by John Ranard. NY: Dolphin/Doubleday, 1987. d.w.) Upon the Sweepin Flood and Other Stories. (London: Victor Gollancz, 1973. d.w.) Contraries: Essays. (Oxford UP, 1981. d.w.) Love and Its Derangements. (Poems. Louisiana State UP, 1970. d.w.) Angel Fire. (Poems. Louisiana State UP, 1973. d.w.) The Fabulous Beasts. (Poems. Illus.by A.G.Smith,Jr. Louisiana State UP, 1977. Printed wrappers.) <The following 6 books are written about J.C.Oates.> Understanding J.C.Oates by Greg Johnson. (Univ.of South Carolina, 1987. d.w.18.5x13.3cm) J.C.Oates by Ellen G.Friedman. (NY: Frederick Unger, 1980. d.w.) J.C.Oates by Joanne V.Creighton. (Boston: Twayne, 1979) The Tragic Vision of J.C.Oates by Mary Kathryn Grant. (Duke UP, 1978. d.w.) The Image of the Intellectual in the Short Stories of J.C.Oates by Hermann Severin. (Frankfurt/M.et al.: Peter Lang, 1986. Printed wrappers) Conversations with J.C.Oates. Edited by Lee Milazzo.(UP of Mississippi, 1989. d.w.) [101048‐01586] 188 S.オケイシイ戯曲集 4巻 クロース装 ¥29,400 Collected Plays. In 4 vols. London: Macmillan & Co. Vol.I & II: 1952, Reprinted. Top edge red. Vol. III& IV: 1951. Dust wrapper sunned. Top edges of vol.III & IV spotted. [101050‐01283] 5 巻 クロース装 ¥26,250 The Complete Plays of Sean O'Casey. In 5 vols. Macmillan London, 1984. d.w. 19.8x12.8cm. 189 S.オケイシイ戯曲集 [101051‐01371] 190 E.オニール戯曲全集 12巻 ウィルダーネス版 著者サイン入り クロース装 ¥210,000 The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. In 12 vols. The Wilderness Edition. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934. Original red cloth, gilt stamped on front cover & spine. Limited to 770 sets. Numbered and signed by O'Neill in 1st vol. t.e.g. Glassine jackets & slipcases. [101055‐00756] 20 巻 クロース装 ¥210,000 The Complete Works of George Orwell. In 20 vols. Edited by Peter Davison. London: Secker & Warburg. (Vols.I-IX: The Books) I: Down and Out in Paris and London (with a 33pp.General Introduction). II: Burmese Days (with Orwell's sketch map of Kyauktada). III: A Clergyman's Daughter. IV: Keep the Aspidistra Flying. V: The Road to Wigan Pier (with 32pp. of plates from the 1st ed.and Victor Gollancz's Foreword). VI: Homage to Catalonia. VII: Coming Up for Air. VIII: Animal Farm (with Orwell's proposed Preface to the 1st ed., his Preface to the Ukrainian edition, and his radio adaptation). IX: Nineteen Eighty-Four. (Vols.X-XX: Essays, poems, dramatisations, letters, journalism, broadcasts, reviews, diaries and notebooks) X: A Kind of Compulsion, 1903-1936. XI: Facing Unpleasant Facts, 1937-1939. XII: A 191 G.オーウェル全集 27 作家別 個人全集 Patriot After All, 1940-1941. XIII: All Propaganda is Lies, 1941-1942. XIV: Keeping Our Little Corner Clean, 1942-1943. XV: Two Wasted Years, 1943. XVI: I Have Tried to Tell the Truth, 1943-1944. XVII: I Belong to the Left, 1945. XVIII: Smothered under Journalism, 1946. XIX: It Is What I Think, 1947-1948. XX: Our Job Is to Make Life Worth Living, 1949-1950. Vols.I-IX (published in 1986-1987) are in uniform designed cover and spine, and vols.X-XX (published in 1998) are in another uniform designed. All in d.w. 24x16cm. [101057‐01592] 192 オーウェル著作集 4巻 クロース装 ¥68,250 The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell. In 4 vols. Edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus. London: Secker & Warburg, 1968. Vol.1: An Age Like This, 1920-1940. (xxiii,574pp.) vol.2: My Country Right of Left, 1940-1943. (xv,477pp.) vol.3: As I Please 1943-1945. (xv,435pp.) vol.4: In Front of Your Nose, 1945-1950. (xvii,555pp.) Frontis. d.w. Top edge spotted. First several pages of each vol.stained at margin. [101613‐01642] 193 T.オトウェイ全集 3巻 背革装 ¥73,500 The Complete Works of thomas Otway. In 3 vols. Edited by Montague Summers. The Nonesuch Press, 1926. This is out of series set from an edition of 1250. [101066‐00766] 194 S.ピープス日記(ラッサム・マシューズ共編) 10 巻 (全11巻) クロース装 ¥63,000 The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. 10 vols. [of 11 vols.] Vol.1. through Vol.9. (1660-1669), Vol.10 (“Companion”) Contributing editors: William A.Armstrong, MacDonald Emslie, Oliver Millar, T.F.Reddaway. University of California Press, Vol.11. (Index) lacking. d.w. [101092‐01178] 195 プラトン 著作集 2巻 総革装 ¥36,750 The Works of Plato Abridg'd: With an Account of His Life, Philosophy, Morals, and Politicks. Together with A Translation of his Choicest Dialogues, viz. Illustrated with Notes, by M.Dacier. Translated from the French, by Several Hands. In 2 vols. London: Printed for R.Ware, J.and P.Knapton, S.Birt et al., 1749. Fourth edition, corrected. 3pp.+336pp./ 344pp. Full calf, raised bands and red and black labels with gilt title and motif to spines of each vol. Coloured edges. Boards of each vol.partly rubbed and light stained. Edges foxing. Ink notations to front e.ps.of each vol.and joint sl.started. A small ink stain to p.98 of vol.II. 16.8x10.7cm. [101884‐01810] 4 巻 背革装 ¥21,000 The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. With Biographical Essay by John H.Ingram. And Fourteen Original Etchings, Three Photogravures, and a New Etched Portrait. In 4 vols. London; John C.Nimmo, 1844. xxxix,362pp./vi,430pp.394pp./vii,355pp. Vol.I; Tales of Imagination. Vol.II; Tales of Humour. Vol.III; Arthur Gordon Pym and Other Tales. Vol.IV; Miscellaneous Tales and Poems. Half calf. Green marbled boards backed in green leather. With frontis. to each vol. Spine sunned. Boards faded & sl.warped. Covers rubbed at corners. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Flyleaves foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Page block sl.warped. Vol.III; Joint of half title page sl.loosened. Vol.IV; Joint sl.loosened between page 192 and 193. Joint of rear e.p. sl.loosened. 18.9x12.5cm. [101932‐01859] 196 エドガー・アラン・ポー 物語集・詩集 197 A.ポウプ書簡集 5巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Correspondence of Alexander Pope (1704-1744) In 5 vols. Edited by George Sherburn. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956. With frontispieces. The rear side of portrait page of vol. 1 tape repaired. d.w. [101125‐00812] 198 F.クォールズ全集 (グロサート編) 3巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 The Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Francis Quarles. (Chertsey Worthies' Library). In 3 vols. Now for the first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations, portrait, emblems, facsimiles, etc. by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for Private Circulation.1880. Large 8 vo. [101130‐00822] 2巻 3/4 革装 ¥52,500 Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds: With Notices of Some of His Contemporaries. Commenced by Charles Robert Leslie, Continued and Concluded by Tom Taylor. In 2 vols. With Portraits and Illustrations. London: John Murray, 1865. xvii,532pp./ vii,646pp. 3/4 red morroco ruled in gilt, sl.rubbed 28 199 J.レイノルズ 伝記および時代 作家別 個人全集 at edges. Red marbled paper boards. All edges and e.ps.marbled. Dark green leather title labels to spine. With portraits and illus. Flyleaves of each vol.light spotted. Small ink notations to title page of each vol. [Reynolds,Sir Joshua (1723-92) イギリスの肖像画家] [101792‐01717] 200 S.リチャードソン全集 20巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Novels of Samuel Richardson. With an Introduction by Ethel M. M. McKenna. In 20 vols. J.B, Lippincott and Chapman & Hall, 1902. t.e.g. 12x18cm. [101139‐00831] 6 巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson, …Selected from the Original Manuscripts, Bequeathed by Him to His Family. To which are Prefixed, a Biographical Account of that Author, and Observations on His Writings. By Anna Lætitia Barbauld. In 6 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1966. Reprinted from the edition of London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1804. With illus. Fore edges and rear board of vol.6 sl.spotted. 21x13.3cm. [101143‐01473] 201 S.リチャードソン書簡集 (バアボウルド 編) 16巻 ホームステッド版 3/4 革装 ¥52,500 The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whitcomb Riley. In 16 vols. The Homestead Edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897. Vol.I: Neghborly Poems and Dialect Sketches. (1897) Vol.II: Sketches in Prose. Jamesy-AChristmas Story-and Others. (1897) Vol.III: Afterwhiles. (1898) Vol.IV: Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury. (1898) Vol.V: Rhymes of Childhood. (1898) Vol.VI: The Flying Islands of the Night. (1898) Vol.VII: Green Fields and Running Brooks. (1898) Vol.VIII: Poems Here at Home. (1898) Vol.IX: Armazindy. (1898) Vol.X: A Child-World. (1898) Vol.XI: Rubáiyát of Doc Sifers and Home-Folks. (1902) Vol.XII: The Book of Joyous Children. (1902) Vol.XIII: His Pa's Romance. (1908) Vol.XIV: Morning. (1908) Vol.XV: Early Poems. (1914) Vol.XVI: Fugitive Pieces. (1914) Frontis. 3/4 morocco with decorated boards and e.ps.(same motif). Gilt title to spine. Top edge gilt, the other edges untrimed and foxing. Spine of vols.XIV-XVI rubbed. Water stained to vols.II & XV (from front board to some pages). 19.5x13.2cm. [101649‐01678] 202 J.W.ライリ全集 203 D.G.ロセッティ書簡集 (1835-1882) 4巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. In 4 vols. (Vol.5 is not published.) Edited by Oswald Doughty and John Robert Wahl. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1965-67. Frontis. Dust wrapper of vol.1& 2 sl.sunned. [101151‐01294] 204 A.シィーワド書簡集 6巻 革装 ¥84,000 Letters of Anna Seward: Written Between the Years 1784 and 1807. In 6 vols. Edinburgh: Printed by George Ramsay &Co., 1811. Rebound decorative leather boards, all edges red. Ex-library, label and stamped on front pastedown in each volume. Vol.4-6 also stamped on f.f.eps. B/w frontispiece to vol.1-3., all with tissue guards. A fine set.18.5x12cm. [101684‐01713] 205 W.シェイクスピア全集 (ファースト~フォース・フォリオ復刻版) 4 巻 背クロース装 ¥525,000 Mr.William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile from the Edition of 1623 [and] 1632 [and] 1664 [and] 1685. In 4 folio vols. London: Methuen & Co., 1904-1910. Reprinted from the edition originally printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed.Blount, 1623 (vol.1), London, Tho.Cotes, for Robert Allot…, 1632 (vol.2), London, Printed for P.C., 1664 (vol.3), London, H.Herringman, E.Brewster, and R.Bentley…, 1685 (vol.4). White linen cloth backed light blue boards. Paper title labels to spines. Fore edges untrimed. Boards, spines and edges of each vol.foxing, and flyleaves darkened. Front board of vol.4 sl.stained. Ownership stamped on margin of title pages of each vol.with small library sticker pasted on spines (各巻の Methuen 版タイトル頁に「渡邊千春遺愛書」印、 各巻背表紙に番号シールあり). 39x25.3cm. [101894‐01820] 2 巻 インペリアル版 大型本 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Works of Shakespeare. With Illustrations on Steel from Pictures by C.W.Cope, W.P.Frith, C.R.Leslie, D.Maclise, E.M.Ward, C.Clint, H.S.Marks, W.Q.Orchardson and Others. In 2 vols. Imperial edition. Edited by Charles Knight. London: J.S.Virtue & Co., n.d. (c.1870's) 809pp.+ plates./ 777pp.+ plates + 187pp.(biography & appendix). With frontis., title vignettes, and 42 plates. Red cloth, 206 W.シェイクスピア全集 (C.ナイト編) 29 作家別 個人全集 gilt lettering and decorations on front boards and spines. a.e.g. Spines sunned and joints of e.ps.of each vol.torn and started, but sound set. 37.3x27.5cm. [101201‐01479] 207 W.シェイクスピア戯曲集 6巻 ・3冊 大型本 クロース装 ¥47,250 The Plays of Shakespeare. With Notes by Charles Knight, and Illstrations in Photogravure. In 6 vols. bound in 3. London: Virtue & Co., n.d. With illus.and photo.of actors. Edge of spine of each vol.damaged. Rear cover of 'Vol. V & VI' stained. 38x28.5cm. [101216‐00880] 8 巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Works of William Shakespeare. The genuine text (Collated with all the former editons, and then corrected and emended) is here settled: Being restored from the Blunders of the first editors, and the interpolations of the two last: with a comment and notes, critical and explanatory. By Mr.Pope and Mr.Warbrton. In 8 Vols. New York: AMS Press, 1968, first AMS edition (reprinted from the edition of 1747, London). bound in nevy cloth, t.e.g. Fore-edge light stained. [101665‐01694] 208 W.シェイクスピア全集 209 シェイクスピア全集 10巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版 クロース装 ¥262,500 The Works of William Shakespeare. In 10 vols. Edited by A. H. Bullen with essays by leading scholars of the day including Robert Bridges, E. K. Chambers and J. J. Jusserand. Stratford-on-Avon, Shakespeare Head Press, 1904-7. Orig Maroon buckram,gilt arms on each front board, gilt lettering;untrimmed. Printed on handmade paper. Port fspce in each vol. The very handsomely produced Shakespeare Head Press edition. No. 834 of 1000 sets. Very good set. [101229‐00891] 210 W.シェイクスピア全集 12巻 クロース装 ¥105,000 The 'Garrick' Shakespeare. The Works of William Shakespeare. In 12 vols. London: William Heinemann, 1905. With Preface to Shakespeare by Dr.Samuel Johnson, and Introductions by George Brandes and Glossary. With photogravure plates. t.e.g. [101233‐00895] 211 C.ナイト 編 W.シェイクスピア全集 12巻 クロース装 ¥60,900 The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. In 12 vols. The Second Edition. Edited by Charles Knight. New York: AMS, 1968. First AMS edition, reprinted from the edition of 1842, London: Charles Knight & Co. With illus. t.e.g. Ex-library and small label on front flyleaf of each vols. 23x15cm. [101235‐01343] 212 W.シェイクスピア全集 50パーツ・40冊 (製本済)ペーパー装 ¥105,000 Routledge's Illustrated Shakespeare. In 50 parts. Edited by H. Staunton. Illustrated by John Gilbert. London: Geroge Routledge & Co., c. 1860. Printed wrappers. Rebound in 5 vols. [101251‐00909] 213 W.シェイクスピア全集 フランス語版 (ギゾー訳) 8巻 背革装 ¥52,500 Oeuvres Completes de Shakspeare. Traduction de M. Guizot. In 8 vols . Nouvelle Edition Entierement Revue. Paris: A La Librairie Academique, 1860. [101222‐00886] 214 W.シェイクスピア全集 9巻 ドイツ語版 小型本 背クロース装 ¥31,500 Shakespeare's dramatische Werke. Überseɮt von August Wilhelm von Schlegel und Ludwig Tieck. In 9 vols. Neue Ausgabe in neun Bänden. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1853-1855. Cloth backed illustrated boards, foxing and partly chipped. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Light spotted to pages of each vol. Small stamped to front e.p.of vols.I, III-IX. 14.7x11.5cm. [101656‐01685] 215 W.シェイクスピアの物語・演劇の源泉 8巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. In 8 vols . Edited by Geoffrey Bullough. Routledge & Kegan Paul / Columbia UP, 1968-1978. Vol.I: Early Comedies, Poems, Romeo and Juliet. Vol.II: The Comedies (1597-1603). Vol.III: Earlier English History Plays; Henry VI, Richard III, Richard II. Vol.IV: Later English History Plays; King John, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VIII. Vol.V: The Roman Plays; Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus. Vol.VI: Other Classical Plays; Titus Andronicus, Troilus and Cressida, Timon of Athens, Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Vol.VII: Major Tragedies; Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. Vol.VIII: Romances; Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest. Bound in red cloth with d.w. Top edge red (faded). Edges of each vol.sl.spotted. Spine of vol.I spotted. E.ps.somewhat foxing. [101647‐01676] 30 作家別 個人全集 2 巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 The Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Jones. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1964. Cloth, d.w. Scarce. [101278‐01179] 216 F.L.ジョーンズ編 P.B.シェリー書簡集 217 R.C.ローズ編 R.B.シェリダン戯曲・詩集 3巻 クロース装 ¥57,750 The Plays & Poems of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Edited with Introductions, Appendices and Bibliographies by R.Crompton Rhodes. In 3 vols. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1928. xvi,358pp./ vii,363pp./ vii,365pp. Prontispiece in each volume. Nice set of a good edition. [101280‐01270] 218 P.シドニー散文全集 (A.ファージュラ編) 4巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney. In 4 vols. Edited by Albert Feuillerat. Cambridge at the University Press, 1962, reprint of the 1912 edition. Vol.I: Arcadia (1590). (ix,571pp.) Vol.II: Arcadia (1593) and The Lady of Man. (viii,238pp.) Vol.III: The Defence of Poesie; Political Discourses; Correspondence and Translation. (362pp. With 'erratum' pasted to margin of 'contents'. ) Vol.IV: Arcadia (original version). (viii,401pp.) Bound in green cloth. With d.w., sunned at spine. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 19.5x14cm. [101671‐01700] 2 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 A Publisher and his Friends, Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, With an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843. By Samuel Smiles. In 2 vols. Second edition.With Portraits. London: John Murray, 1891. xv,496pp.,+ xi,549pp. Rebound cloth with gilt titles to spine. 22x13.7cm. With 16pp. pamphlet "A Poet and his Publisher", John Murray. Presidential Address, 1976. Printed by the English Association, loosely inserted. [101286‐01321] 219 S.スマイルズ 「J.マレーの伝記と書簡」 220 T.スモレット全集 12巻 クロース装 小型本 ¥63,000 The Works of Tobias Smollett. In 12 Vols. Edited by Geroge Saintsbury. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. London: Navarre Society, n.d. (c.1925) Engraved plates. Original green cloth. Spines decoratively stamped in gilt. A very fine set. George W.Kilgus's ex-libris. 18x12cm. [101292‐01301] 221 サマヴィル & ロス スポーツ作品集 7巻 著者署名入 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Sporting Works. In 7 vols. The Hichcock Edition. New York: Privately Printed at the Derrydale Press, 1927. 1/500 numbered sets signed by Edith Somerville. Illustrated with sketches by Miss Somerville, and with photographs. t.e.g. [101294‐00942] 222 E.スペンサー: 仙女王 J.C.スミス編 2巻 クロース装 ¥26,250 The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser: Vols.I & II; Spenser's Faerie Queene. Vol.I: Books I-III.(xxii,518pp.) Vol.II: Books IV-VII.(vi,519pp.) In 2 vols. Edited by J.C.Smith. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1909. 2 volumes, being the 7 books of the Faerie Queene complete, a letter of the author to Sir Walter Raleigh, commendatory verses, and a critical appendix. Dust wrapper sunned. e.ps of each vol.partly browned. 22.8x15cm. [101298‐01499] 223 E.スペンサー全集 8巻 総革装 ¥157,500 The Works of Edmund Spenser. With the principal illustrations of variorum commentators. To which are added, notes, some account of the life of Spenser, and a glossarial and other indexes by Rev.Henry John Todd. In 8 vols. London: Printed for F.C.and J.Rivington, T.Payne et al., 1805. Full calf, raised bands, gilt title and gilt motif to spine. Marbled edges and top edge black. Abraham Wildey Roberts's ex-libris. Frontis. Front joint of vol.1 & 5 and rear joint of vol.4 somewhat loosened. 26.5x16.7cm. [101300‐01467] 224 E.スペンサー全集 限定375部 8巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版 背革装 ¥189,000 The Works of Edmund Spenser. In 8 vols. The Shakespeare Head Edition. The Shakespeare Head Press, 1930. Limited 375 copies (this is no.38). Original calf backed, decorated boards, spines gilt. The text prepared by Prof. W. L. Renwick, the decoration designed and engraved on wood by Hilda Quick. The spine of vol. 2 lightly rubbed. [101303‐00948] 225 E.スペンサー全集 11巻 注釈版 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Works of Edmund Spenser. In 11 vols. A Variorum Edition. Including "The life of Edmund 31 作家別 個人全集 Spencer"by Alexander C.Judson, and index. Edited by Edwin Greenlaw, Charles Grosvenor Osgood, Frederick Morgan Padelford, and Ray Heffner. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. Vols.1-6 (The Faerie Queene) were published in 1966, 4th printing, vols.7-8 (The minor poems) were published in 1966, 4th printing, vol.9 (Index to the Poetry) was published in 1966, 3rd printing, vol.10 (The prose works) was published in 1966, 3rd printing, and vol.11 (The life of Spencer) was published in 1966, 3rd printing. Bound with nevy cloth. Spine of each vol.sunned, edge foxing and somewhat spotted. 26x18.5cm. [101604‐01633] 6 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual. In 6 vols. Edited by Patrick Cullen and Thomas P.Roche,Jr. Univ.of Pittsburgh Press (vols.1-3) & AMS Press (vols.4-6), 1980-86. Contributors: vol.1: Carl Rasmussen, Ruth Samson Luborsky, Bruce R.Smith, Judith M.Kennedy, Alexander Dunlop, Margreta de Grazia, Hugh MacLachlan, Antoinette B.Dauber, Maren-Sofie Røstvig, vol.2: R.S.Luborsky, Ronald B.Bond, Louis Adrian Montrose, L.Staley Johnson, David W.Burchmore, Walter R.Davis, William A.Oram, Carl J.Rasmussen, Andrew Fichter, Roy T.Eriksen, Sibyl Lutz Severance, Elaine V.Beilin, vol.3: Seth Weiner, Andrew V.Ettin, Harold L.Weatherby, Donald V.Stump, Eamon Grennan, Donald Cheney, Dennis Moore, Thomas P.Roche,Jr., John Hollander, vol.4: D.Cheney, William A.Oram, James P.Bednarz, T.P.Roche,Jr., H.MacLachlan, Russell J.Meyer, Elizabeth Bieman, Mary I.Oates, vol.5: Kathryn Walls, Jacqueline T.Miller, D.W.Burchmore, R.J.Manning, S.Weiner, H.L.Weatherby, Carol A.Stillman, Douglas Anderson, Seth Lerer, Mason Tung, T.P.Roche,Jr., E.Malcolm Parkinson, Jeffrey L.Spear, vol.6: John N.King, Anne Lake Prescott, Deborah Cartmell, Pamela J.Benson, H.L.Weatherby, David O.Frantz, Louise Schleiner, David J.Baker, Margaret P.Hannay. Spine of each vol.sunned. [101307‐01407] 226 「スペンサー研究」 I-VI. 1980-1985 年 2巻 3/4 革装 ¥26,250 Observations on The Fairy Queen of Spenser. By Thomas Warton. In 2 vols. A New Edition. London: Printed by C.Stower for R.Dutton and Thomas Ostell, 1807. 368pp./ 335pp. 3/4 calf with marbled boards, rubbed and chipped at edges. Raised bands, gilt title and gilt motif with two leather labels to spine. Joint of spine of vol.II repaired and stained. Marbled e.ps.and edges. 22x13.7cm. 227 スペンサー 「仙女王」批評 [101308‐01461] 228 R.L.スティーヴンソン全集 26巻 ヴァイリマ版 クロース装 ¥241,500 The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 26 vols. Vailima edition. London: William Heineman... / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922-1923. The American issue of the Vailima Edition, 1-1030 numbered sets. This is no.494. Each with frontis. Bound in blue cloth, gilt motif to front board, gilt title to spine, t.e.g and other edges untrimed and foxing. Spine sunned and e.ps.foxing. Boards of each vol.sl.rubbed and front board of vols.6, 13, 21 damp stained. P.231 of vol.9 torn and stained. The definitive edition of Stevenson's works. [101635‐01664] 229 R.L.スティーヴンソン全集 35巻 タシタラ版 総革装 ¥157,500 The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 35 vols. Tusitala Edition. London: William Heinemann, 1924. Introduction by Lloyd Osbourne. Prefatory note by Mrs.R.L..Stevenson. Bound with dark red calf, gilt titles on spine and gilt decorative palm trees on front cover, a.e.g. Spines sl.sunned, otherwise fine. 17x11cm. [101329‐01557] 8 巻 イェール版 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 8 vols. (1854-1894.) New Haven and London: Yale UP., 1994. Edited by Bradford A.Booth and Ernest Mehew. d.w. [101332‐01230] 230 R.L.スティーヴンソン書簡集 231 E.J.バイネック:R.L.スティーヴンソン・ライブラリー 6巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 A Stevenson Library of Edwin J. Beinecke. In 6 vols. Catalogue of a collection of writings by and about Robert Louis Stevenson formed by E. J. Beinecke. Compiled by George L. McKay. Yale UP, 1951-66. t.e.g. [101319‐00960] 30 巻 クロース装 ¥294,000 Arcana Cœlestia. The Heavenly Arcana. Contained in the Holy Scripture, or Word of the Lord, Unfolded. Beginning with the book of Genesis. Together with Wonderful Things Seen in the World of 232 スウェーデンボルグ全集 32 作家別 個人全集 Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels. Translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg. Throughoughly Revised and Edited by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. In 12 vols. Vols.1-8: The Book of Genesis. (New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1946.) Vols.9-12: The Book of Exodus. (New York: The American Swedenboug Printing and Publishing Society, and Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1915-1938.) The Apocalypse Explained. The Apocalypse Explained According to the Spiritual Sense in which the Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed are Revealed. A Posthumous Work of Emanuel Swedenborg. In 6 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1946. The Apocalypse Revealed. Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold which have Hitherto Remained Concealed. Translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg. A New Translation by the Rev.John Whithead. In 2 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1931. Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg. Autobiographical Letters, The Coronis, The Consummation of the Age…etc. Rev.John Whithead, Editor and Translator. In 2 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928. The True Christian Religion. Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church. Foretold by The Lord in Daniel VII.13, 14; and in Revelation XXI.1, 2 by Emanuel Swedenborg. Translated from the Original Latin Edition, Printed at Amsterdam, in the Year 1771. In 2 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1941-1946. Translated to English by John C.Ager. Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen. First published in Latin, London, 1758. Translated to English by John C.Ager. The Four Doctrines with the Nine Questions. Translated from the Original Latin Works and Edited by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. Miscellaneous Theological Works. A New Translation by the Rev.John Whithead. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love After which Follow the Pleasures of Insanity Pertainings to Scortatory Love. First published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1768. Translated by Samuel M.Warren. Translation revised by Louis H.Tafel. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. Originally published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1763. Translated by John C.Ager. Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Providence. Originally published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1764. Translated by John C.Ager. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1941-1946. Standard Edition. Dark green cloth. Gilt letters to spine sl.faded. Edges and e.ps.somewhat foxing. Joint of some vols.started. [101339‐01537] 233 スウェーデンボルグ用語索引 6巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 The Swedenborg Concordance. A Complete Work of Reference to the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Based ont eh Original Latin Writings of the Author. Compiled, Edited, and Translated by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. In 6 vols. London: The Swedenborg Society, 1976-1978, reprinted. Bound in blue cloth. Edges and pages light foxing. 24x17.2cm. [101640‐01669] 234 J.スウィフト書簡集 (ウィリアムズ編) 5巻 クロース装 ¥94,500 The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. (1690-1745). In 5 vols. Edited by Harold Williams. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1963-1965. lxx,427pp./ xx,475pp./ xviii,511pp./ xviii,560pp./ xii,404pp. With illus. E.Gordon Lawrence's ex-libris. Spine sunned. 22x14.5cm. [101354‐01457] 235 J.M.シング書簡集 2巻 クロース装 The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge. In 2 vols. Edited by Ann Saddlemyer. Clarendon Press, 1983. Vol. 1; 1871-1907. Vol. 2; 1907-1909. d.w. [101369‐00994] ¥36,750 Oxford: 236 J.M.シング全集 4巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 J. M. Synge Collected Works. In 4 vols. Edited by Robin Skelton and others. OUP, 1962-68. 1: Poems 2: Prose 3: Plays 4: Plays. d.w. of each vols. somewhat faded. [101374‐01424] 12巻 1/2 革装 ¥94,500 The Works of William Makepeace Thackeray. In 12 vols. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1873-1875. (Vol.I: Vanity Fair. Vol.II: The History of Pendennis. Vol.III: The Newcomes. Vol.IV: The History of Henry Esmond, also The Memorires of Barry Lyndon. Vol.V: The Virginians. Vol.VI: The Adventures of Philip. To which is now prefixed A Shabby Genteel Story. Vol.VII: The Paris Sketch Book; The Irish Sketch Book; and Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Vol.VIII: The Great Hoggar- 237 W.M.サッカレー全集 33 作家別 個人全集 ty Diamond; Memories of Mr.C.J.Yellowplush; and Burlesques. Vol.IX: The Book of Snobs; Sketches of Life and Character; etc.etc. Vol.X: Roundabout Papers; The Four Georges; and The English Humourists. Vol.XI: Catherine; Lovel the Widower; Denis Duval; Ballads; etc. Vol.XII: The Christmas Books of Mr.M.A.Titmarsh. With illustrations by the Author.) Port. frontis. Marbled e.ps., half calf with marbled rubbed boards, some scuffing to extremities, spines with motifs and leather labels. All edge marble. The spine of vol.I torn, leather label of vol.II & VI chipped, back board of vol.IV,VI,VII & X sl.peeled, front board of vol.V sl.peeled, spine of vol.V & X,XI rubbed, spine of vol.VI stained, and small hole at the margin of spine of vol.XII, but otherwise good. [101393‐01267] 238 H.G.ウェルズ書簡集 4巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 The Correspondence of H.G.Wells. In 4 vols. Edited by David C.Smith. Consulting editor: Patrick Parrinder. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1998. Vol.I: 1880-1903. Vol.II: 1904-1918. Vol.III: 1919-1934. Vol.IV: 1935-1946 & Index. Bound in red cloth. Frontis. 24x16cm. [101628‐01657] 239 O.ウィスタ全集 11巻 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Writings of Owen Wister. In 11 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1928. With new prefaces by Wister; first book appearance for some material. frontispieces. Scarce. 9 of the volumes in the dust jackets( some splitting at folds). 19x13cm. [101475‐01080] 240 V.ウルフ書簡集 6巻 クロース装 ¥57,750 The Letters of Virginia Woolf. (1888-1941). In 6 vols. Edited by Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann. The Hogarth Press, 1975-1980. With illustrations. d.w. Top edge of each volume partly stained. [101486‐01443] 241 ドロシィ・ワーズワス日誌 2巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth. In 2 vols. Edited by E.De Selincourt. London: Macmillan & Co., 1952, reprinted. Vol.I: 1. The Alfoxden journal (1798); 2. Journal of visit to Hamburgh and of journey from Hamburgh to Goslar (1798); 3. The Grasmere journal (1800-1803); 4. Recollections of a tour made in Scotland (1803); 5. Excursion on the banks of Ullswater (Nov.1805); 6. Excurtion up Scawfell Pike (Oct.1818); Appendix. (xxv,443pp.) Vol.II: 7. Journal of a tour on the continent; 8. Journal of my second tour in Scotland (1822); 9. Journal of a tour in the Isle of Man (1828); Index. (vii,433pp.) With illus. Bound in blue cloth, sunned at spine. Front boards of each vol.sl.stained. Edges foxing. Ownership stamped to half title pages of each vol. [101668‐01697] 242 W.ワーズワス散文集 3巻 クロース装 ¥47,250 The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. For the first time collected with additions from unpublished manuscripts. In 3 vols. Edited, with preface, notes and illustrations by Slexander B. Grosart. New York: AMS Press, 1967. Reprinted from the edition published by Edward Moxon, Son & Co., London, 1876. Nevy cloth, spine somewhat faded. Edges light spotted and e.ps.partly stained at the joint. Pencil notations and underlines to vol.II. [101615‐01644] 8 巻 クロース装 ¥126,000 The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth (1787-1853). Arranged and edited by Ernest De Selincourt. In 8 vols. Second edition. Revised by Chester L.Shaver. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967-2000. With a frontis.(vol.1-7). Vol.8 is A Supplement of New Letters, edited by Alan G.Hill (with d.w.). Top edges of several vols.sl.spotted. [101495‐01293] 243 W.&D.ワーズワス書簡集 (1787-1853 年) セリンコート編 12 冊 クロース装 ¥52,500 Yeats Annual. No.1-No.13. In 12 vols. Edited by Richard J.Finneran (No.1-2) & Warwick Gould (No.3-13). Macmillan, 1982-98. No. 9 missing. With frontis, d.w. from No.4 to No.13. 244 イエイツ年鑑 [101502‐01444] 34 作家別 個人全集 和書 重要セット・邦人全集 245 英文学叢書 全102巻 研究社 復刻版 研究社 昭 57. 天金. カバー. 美本. [101503‐01307] ¥257,250 全 26 巻 研究社,昭 9‐昭 11. ¥52,500 (1)Poems by Walter de la Mare 〈新里文八郎〉 (2)Poema by Edith Sitwell 〈酒井善孝〉 (3)Undertones of War by Edmund Blunden 〈齋藤勇・植田虎雄〉 (4)Essays by E.T.Eliot 〈矢野峰人〉 (5)Essays by Robert Lynd 〈大和資雄〉 (6)Essays by A.A.Milne 〈岩崎民平〉 (7)Essays by Herbert Read 〈深瀬基寛〉 (8)Bitter Sweet・The Vortex by Noel Coward 〈中野好夫〉 (9)Our Betters・The Circle by W.S.Maugham 〈山本修二〉 (10)The Adding Machine・Street Scene・The Subway by Elmer Rice 〈高垣松雄〉 (11)Lady into Fox・A Man in the Zoo by David Garnett 〈堀英四郎〉 (12)Two or Three Graces by Aldous Huxley 〈大橋榮三〉 (13)Green Mansions by W.H.Hudson 〈平田禿木〉 (14)A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce 〈阿部知二〉 (15-16)Sons and Lovers by D.H.Lawrence 〈土居光友・佐治秀壽〉 (17)Tarr by Wyndham Lewis 〈福原麟太郎〉 (18)Dangerous Ages by Rose Mamaulay 〈鹽谷榮〉 (19)Short Stories by Katherine Mansfield 〈岡田美津〉 (20)Mr.Weston's Good Wine by T.F.Powys 〈舟橋雄〉 (21-22)The Good Companions by J.B.Priestley 〈中島文雄〉 (23)Pointed Roofs by Dorothy Richardson 〈西脇順三郎〉 (24)Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man by Siegfried Sassoon 〈佐藤清〉 (25)Jeremy and Hamlet by Hugh Walpole 〈寺西 武夫〉 (26)To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf 〈澤村寅二郎〉 (〈 〉は解説註釋者). 各巻:函天・背ヤケ. カバーしみ. 小口少ヤケ、シミ. 扉、タイトル頁及び最終頁に印. 頁 i 、頁 1 に 印. 扉からタイトル頁にかけてシミ. 第 4 巻:地に小印. 第 5 巻:十数ページほど朱線有. 第 6 巻: 十数ページほど青線有. 数ページほど朱線有. 第 7 巻:地に小印. 第 8 巻:数ページほど少シミ. 第 15 巻:数ページほど少シミ. 注釈頁 21、24 朱線有. 第 17 巻:見返しシミ. 第 22 巻:数ページほ ど少シミ. 第 24 巻:数ページほど少シミ. 第 26 巻:頁 iii 朱線有. [101850‐01775] 246 現代英文学叢書 全 13 巻 早川書房 昭 36-38 年 函付 月報全揃い. ¥31,500 (第 1-2 巻:ライト「アメリカの息子Ⅰ・II」 第 3 巻:ボールドウィン「山にのぼりて告げよ」 第 4 巻:トゥー マー「砂糖きび」 第 5 巻:ヒューズ「笑いなきにあらず」 第 6 巻:ドドスン「窓辺の少年」 第 7 巻:デン ビイ「ビートルクリーク」 第 8 巻:黒人作家短篇集 第 9-10 巻:エリスン「見えない人間Ⅰ・II」 第 11 巻:ニグロ・エッセイ集 第 12 巻:詩・民謡・民話 別巻:黒人文学研究) 函全体的に少擦れ、少ヤケ(別巻:角少裂け). 小口少ヤケ、少シミ. 第 12 巻:カバー少汚れ. 奥付 裏書込み有. 別巻:最終項書込み有. 18.1x11.8cm. [101870‐01795] 247 黒人文学全集 248 英米文学評伝叢書 全100巻+別冊「III:総索引」 計101巻 研究社, 昭 55. カバー付 [101603‐01632] 復刻版 ¥126,000 14 冊(第 1 冊-第 12 冊. 第 14 冊 第 17 冊) ¥31,500 文進堂(昭29-) 篠崎書林(昭33-)英潮社(1992) 表紙ヤケ. 第四冊;見返しに「恵存 柏倉俊 三様 宮崎芳三」「日付」のインクサイン. 数冊函入り(函少ヤケ). [101519‐01112] 249 英国小説研究 250 小林英夫著作集 全 10 巻 函 みすず書房 1976. [101532‐01385] 全 15 巻 函・帯 講談社, 昭 49-50. 月報第 2 巻のみ欠 251 佐々木邦全集 ¥52,500 ¥42,000 [101534‐01384] 全 10 巻+総索引・総目次 函 ¥68,250 1: 日本語の歴史(537pp.) 2: 近代日本語の成立と発展(526pp.+xxii) 3: 日本語研究の歴史(600pp.) 4: 増訂日本翻訳語史の研究(554pp.+ix) 5: 日本文字史の研究(556pp.) 6:辞書・事典の研究 I 252 杉本つとむ著作選集 35 和書 重要セット 邦人全集 (602pp.) 7: 辞書・事典の研究 II (614pp.) 8: 日本英語文化史の研究(628pp.+viii) 9: 西欧文化受 容の諸相(616pp.) 10: 西洋人の日本語研究(640pp.) 総索引(53pp.)+総目次(119pp.) 八坂書房, 1998-99. 初版第 1 刷. 函・全体的に薄い汚れ. 白クロース装. 6 巻: 函角少々潰れ. 10 巻: 背少々汚れ. [101895‐01821] 5 巻 クロース装・カバー 各巻モノクロ口絵 ¥52,500 The Works of Inazo Nitobe. Vol.1: "Bushido: The Soul of Japan". "Thoghts and Essays". Intro.by Yasaka Takagi. (xxxi,463pp.) Vol.2: "The Japanese Nation". "The Intercourse Between the United States and Japan". (550pp.) Vol.3: "Japan: Some Phases of Her Problems and Development". "Japanese Traits and Foreign Influences". (633pp.)Vol.4: "Lectures on Japan". "What the League of Nations has Done and is Doing". "The Use and Study of Foreign Language in Japan". "Reminiscences of Childhood". "Two Exotic Currents in Japanese Civilization". An Unfinished Translation of "Lao-Tzu" and English Abstract of the "Kojiki". (698pp.) Vol.5: Editional Jotttings, 1930-1933. (543pp.) 東京大 学出版会, 1972. 各巻小口少々汚れ. 19.5x14cm. [101872‐01798] 253 (英文) 新渡戸稲造全集 5 巻+2 冊 南雲堂, 昭 56-61, 第 1 刷. ¥52,500 第 1 巻:英文学史講話 第 2 巻:英文学エッセイ 第 3 巻:翻訳エリア随筆集 第 4 巻:英文学エッセ イ II 第 5 巻: 明治文学評論・随筆 函(第 1 巻、第 2 巻、第 3 巻は欠)、薄い汚れ. 天金. 小口薄 い汚れ. 附「父、平田禿木の思い出」竹沢萩子(著) 「平田禿木から福原麟太郎への手紙」小川和夫(著) タイトル頁上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). [101897‐01823] 254 平田禿木選集 255 森亮訳詩集 晩国仙果 全3巻 函・帯 I: イスラム世界 II: 中国古典期 III: 近代イギリス 小沢書店, 平 2-3. 初版 函背上部少々よれ、帯少々傷み、他新品同様. [101681‐01710] ¥12,600 760 冊 ¥105,000 ハーレクィンジャパン 1970 年代から 翻訳:「哀愁のプロヴァンス」「運命の赤い糸」「恋は料理から」 など合計 760 冊. その他の作品名は直接当店にお尋ね下さい. 状態は古書として普通. 256 ハーレクィン ロマンス コレクション [101587‐01616] 257 日本の英学百年 全4巻 函・帯 I: 明治編 II: 大正編 III: 昭和編 IV: 別巻 ¥47,250 研究社, 1968-69. 函少々ヤケ. [101539‐01593] 258 日本の英学百年 全4巻 函 ¥36,750 I: 明治編 II: 大正編 III: 昭和編 IV: 別巻 研究社, 1968-69. 函背ヤケ、少々シミ・汚 れ 22.2x16.2cm. 第二巻函背に書き込み、シール貼り付け. 本文美. [101679‐01708] Vol.1 (1927 年初版/1966 年再版) - Vol.21 (1985 年) 揃い クロース装. 一部カバー有. 各巻モノクロ口絵. ¥210,000 Study of Sound. Phonetic Society of Japan. Vols.1-21. Reprinted. [出版] Vols.1-5: 音声学協会 Vol.6: 東京:文学社 Vol.7: 篠崎書林 Vol.8: 千代田出版印刷 Vols.9-21: 日本音声学会 Vol.1「日本語に現れたる父音について」佐伯巧助、他 (60pp. 1927 年初版/1966 年再版) Vol.2「母 音の構造とその理論」佐久間鼎、他 (146pp. 1928 年初版/1966 年再版) Vol.3「語音変化に関する 研究」柳田國男、他 (254pp. 1930 年初版/1966 年再版) Vol.4「音声の認識について」有坂秀世、他 (184pp. 1931 年初版/1968 年再版) Vol.5「北奥方言の発音とそのアクセント」金田一京助、他 (250pp.+特別付録「古言衣延辨」+付録 3pp. 1932 年) Vol.6 創立 10 周年記念出版 (294pp. 1937 年初版/1966 年再版) Vol.7 「所謂音声学に関する二三の基本概念について」神保格、他 (262pp. 1951 年初版/1966 年再版) Vol.8 日本音声学会創立満 30 年記念論文集 (508pp. 1957 年) Vol.9 第一回世界音声学会議記念論文集 (355pp. 1961 年) Vol.10「母音の音量ならびに音色に関する 品質的研究」落合宣之、他 (418pp. 1962 年) Vol.11「スピーチにおける記号性と徴候性」阿倍勇、 他 (311pp. 1965 年) Vol.12 第二回音声学世界会議発表論文集 (568pp. 1966 年) Vol.13「音韻学 36 259 日本音声学(協)会 (編) 音声の研究 和書 重要セット 邦人全集 説の認識論」M.ダービン (368pp. 1967 年) Vol.14 大西雅雄 編集 (4pp., 447pp. 1969 年) Vol.15 D.ジョウンズ、H.E.パーマに関する論文集 (411pp. 1971 年) Vol.16「近代語学教育におけるスピー チョロジーの役割」秋山和儀・城生伯太郎、他 (490pp. 1973 年) Vol.17 創立 50 周年記念特集 (536pp. 1976 年) Vol.18 創立 50 周年記念・第三回世界会議録 (530pp. 1978 年) Vol.19「心的態 度表現の聴取について」ブルーメ・小島タカ、他 (371pp. 1981 年) Vol.20 第四回音声学世界会議 録 (viii,526pp. 1984 年) Vol.21 日本音声学会創立 60 周年記念論文集 (ix,425pp. 1985 年) Vol.4, 7-17 カバーあり. 一部の巻小口、見返し、口絵少々薄いシミ. 再版の巻の印字に少々不明瞭 な部分有(文字の判読に問題なし). Vol.1 口絵にごく薄いシミ. Vol.4 後あそび紙折れ. Vol.15 表紙 少々反れ. [101871‐01797] 260 英語教育史資料 全5巻 大村喜吉・高梨健吉・出来成訓(編) 東京法令出版 昭 55. 初版 ¥47,250 1.英語教育課程の変遷、2.英語教育理論・実践・論争史、3.英語教科書の変遷、4.英語辞書・雑誌史 ほか、5.英語教育事典・年表 各巻「しおり」附 函少々ヤケ. 本体新品同様. [101680‐01709] 261 講座・英語教育工学 全6巻 小川芳男・波多野完治 監修 ¥15,750 The Technology of Teaching English. 1.言語の教授と学習(鈴木博 編) 2.教授・学習の課程(永野 重史 編) 3.教授メディアと授業(金田正也 編) 4.教授メディアの整備(金田正也 編) 5.研究と評 価(大内茂男 編) 6.主要文献抄訳・対談・総索引(鈴木博ほか 編) 研究社 昭 47-50. 函、 帯、背少々やけ. 第 3 巻帯少々裂け.第 5 巻扉に「研究社出版部」印有.第 6 巻函、帯汚れ. 26.3x18.8cm. [101549‐01395] 37 和書 重要セット 邦人全集 作家別 著作 ・ 作品集 262 The Poems of William Barnes. Edited by Bernard Jones. 2 vols. London: Centaur Press, 1962. xix,579pp.,xxxvii pp./ xv,583960pp.,xli-xcvi pp. <Poetical pieces, 1820 / Orra, 1882 / Other early pieces / Poems in the Dorset Dialect, 1st-3rd collection / Other poems in the Dorset Dialect / Religious poems: Sabbath Lays! 1844; Songs of church service; Ruth / Poems in national English; Poems of rural life in national English, 1846; Plorata Veris Lachrymis, 1852; Other poems in national English / Fables, occasions & trifles / Late poems / Doubtful poems> Bound in navy cloth. Top edge navy. Dust wrapper of vol.I partly stained and of vol.II sl.sunned. Edges of each vol.light spotted. 22.5x14.7cm. [101822‐01747] ¥21,000 263 Poems by Nicholas Breton. (not hitherto reprinted) Edited with Biography, Canon and Notes by Jean Robertson. [Liverpool English Texts and Studies] Liverpool at the UP., 1952. clix,229pp. <The Workes of a Young Wyt / Pasquils Mistress / Olde Mad-cappes new Gally-mawfrey / Honest Counsaile / The Vuncasing Of Machiuils Instrautions> Bound in green cloth. Dustwrapper sl.sunned and sl.stained. 22x14.5cm. [101798‐01723] ¥10,500 264 The Poems of Charlotte Brontë. A New Annotated and Enlarged Edition of the Shakespeare Head Bronte. Edited by Tom Winnifrith. Published for the Shakespeare Head Press by Basil Blackwell, 1984. First published. xxxiv,429pp. Bound in brown cloth. Dust wrapper partly torn. 13.5x15.5cm. [101800‐01725] ¥12,600 265 The Poems of Thomas Carew with His Masque, Coelum Britannicum. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Rhodes Dunlap. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1957. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1949). lxxx,297pp. Bound in navy cloth. With a frontis. Dust wrapper sl.sunned and chipped. Edges foxing. Ex-libris.on the front e.p. 23x15.3cm. [101809‐01734] ¥12,600 266 The Poems of Thomas Carew with His Masque, Coelum Britannicum. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Rhodes Dunlap. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1970. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1949). lxxx,297pp. Bound in navy cloth. d.w. With a frontis. A stamp pasted on verso of title page. 22.1x14.2cm. [101810‐01735] ¥12,600 267 The Plays of George Chapman. The Tragedies, Vols.I & II. The Comedies, Vols.I & II. Edited with Introductions and Notes by Thomas Marc Parrott. 4 vols. New York: Russell & Russell, 1961. xiii,337pp./ 341-730pp./ xi,434pp./ 437-911pp. <Tragedies: Bussy d'Ambois; The Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois; The Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron; The Tragedy of Chabot Admiral of France; The Tragedy of Caesar and Pompey; The Tragedy of Alphonsus Emperor of Germany; Revenge for Honour; Notes / Comedies: The Blind Begger of Alexandra; An Humourous Day's Mirth; All Fools; May-Day; The Gentleman Usher; Monsier d'Olive; The Widow's Tears; The Masque of the Middle Temple and Lincoln's Inn; Eastward Ho; The Ball; Sir Giles Goosecap; Introductions and notes> Bound in blue (Comedies) and navy (Tragedies) cloth. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. 21.5x14.8cm. [101817‐01742] ¥36,750 268 The Poems of George Chapman. Edited by Phyllis Brooks Bartlett. New York: Russell & Russell, 1962. xii,488pp. <The Shadow of Night / Ovids Banquet of Sence, &c. / Hero and Leander / Euthymiae Raptus / Petrarchs Seven Penitentiall Psalms, &c. / An Epicede on Henry Prince of Wales / Eugenia / Andromeda Liberata / A Free and Offenceles Justification of Andromeda Liberata / Pro Vere / A Justification of a Strange Action of Nero / Commendatory and occasional verses / Verses from England's Parnassus and from manuscript / Poems prefatory and dedicatory to the Iliads, Odysseys, and Hymns of Homer> 38 作家別 著作・作品集 Frontis. Bound in brown cloth, sl.rubbed at corner., sl.stained and sl.torn at spine. e.ps.light foxing. 24.8x16.8cm. [101818‐01743] ¥15,750 Edges and 269 The Poetical Works of Charles Churchill. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Douglas Grant. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1956. xxii,587pp. <The Rosciad / The Apology / Night / The Ghost / The Prophecy of Famine / An Epistle to William Hogarth / The Conference / The Author / The Duellist / Gotham / The Candidate / The Farewell / The Times / Independence / The Dedication to the Sermons / The Journey / Minor Poems> Bound in green cloth. Edges light foxing. 22x14.2cm. [101805‐01730] ¥12,600 270 The Poems of John Cleveland. Edited by Brian Morris and Eleanor Withington. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967. lxxvii,175pp. Bound in navy cloth. With a portrait. Dust wrapper sl.sunned at spine. 22.3x14.5cm. [101808‐01733] ¥12,600 271 The Poems: English, Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw. Edited by L.C.Martin. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Second edition. xciv,476pp.+ 3 plates. <Epigrammatum Sacrorum Liber / Steps to the Temple / The Delights of the Muses / Carmen Deo Nostro / A Verse-Letter / Poems from Manuscripts, etc. > Bound in navy cloth. Dust wrapper sunned at spine. Frontis.and plates. 22.3x14.8cm. [101811‐01736] ¥18,900 272 Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym. Golygwyd gan Thomas Parry. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1952. cciii,196pp. 197-607pp. 3/4 morocco with brown cloth, raised bands with gilt lettering to spine. Text in Welsh. Pencil notations. 22x14.3cm. 附「Dafydd ap Gwilym の詩注解 I [and] II」吉岡治郎 (神戸海星女子学院大学・短期 大学 研究紀要第 38(1999.12. 22pp.)・39 号(2000.12. 19pp.) 抜刷) [101875‐01801] ¥31,500 273 Sir William Davenant: The Shorter Poems and Songs from the Plays and Masques. Edited with Biographical, Critical and Textual Introduction and Notes by A.M.Gibbs. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. xciii,477pp. <Madagascar; with other poems / Restoration Panegyrical Poems / Poems on several occasions, … / Songs from the plays and masques / Poems from manuscript, etc.> Bound in navy cloth. With a portrait. Dust wrapper sl.sunned at spine. Ink ownership notation to front flyleaf. 22.3x14.5cm. [101806‐01731] ¥18,900 274 The Works of John Day. Reprinted from the Collected Edition by A.H.Bullen (1881) with an Introduction by Robin Jeffs. London: Holland Press, 1963. xxxii,667pp. <The Blind Beggar of Bednal Green / Law Trickes or Who Would Have Thought It / The Ile of Guls / The Travailes of Three English Brothers / Humour Out of Breath / Peregrination Scholastica / The Paliament of Bees> d.w. Bound in yellow cloth. Top edge sl.spotted. 19x13.3cm. [101795‐01720] ¥15,750 275 The Poems of John Donne. Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts with Introductions & Commentary by Herbert J.C.Grierson. Vol.I: The text of the poems with appendixes. Vol.II: Introduction and Commentary. 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1912. xxiv,474pp.+ 3 plates./ cliii,275pp. Bound in red cloth. Paper title plate to spine of each vol. With illu.(Vol.I). Small white staine to front board of vol.I. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 22.7x15cm. [101820‐01745] ¥21,000 276 The Poems and Translations of Sir Richard Fanshawe. Edited by Peter Davidson. With an Essay on Fanshawe and Camões by Roger Walker (Vol.II). [Oxford English Texts] 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997 & 1999. xlii,383pp./ xxi,676pp. <Early poems from manuscript / Poems from "Il Pastor Fido" / Selected parts of Horace / La Fida Pastora / Prose works / 8 unpublished letters / The Lusiad, or Portugals Historicall Poem / Specimen Rerum a Lusitanis / Latin epitaphs / Querer por Solo Querer / Fiestas de Aranjuez (1670)> Bound in navy cloth. Vol.II with b/w illus.22.3x14.5cm. [101816‐01741] ¥26,250 277 The Works of George Farquhar. Edited in Two Volumes by Shirley Strum Kenny. 2 vols. 39 Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. 作家別 著作・作品集 xxv,664pp.+ 6 plates./xvii,636pp.+2 plates. <The plays: Love and Battle; The Constant Couple; Sir Harry Wildair; The Stage-Coach; The Inconstant; The Twin-Rivals; The Recruiting Offer; The Beaux Stratagem / The non-dramatic works: The Adventures of Covent-Garden; Love and Business; Prologues and epilogues; Miscellanious prose and poetry; Barcellona, etc. > Bound in navy cloth. With frontis.and plates. 22.3x14.5cm. [101815‐01740] ¥31,500 278 The Poems of Sir Arthur Gorges. Edited by Helen Estabrook Sandison. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1953. lviii,254pp. <The Poems of Ms.Egerton 3165: Vannetyes and toyes of yowth, Later poems/ The Olympian Catastrophe> Bound in navy cloth. With a frontis and 3 plates. Dust wrapper sl.sunned at spine. Top edge sl.foxing. 22.8x14.6cm. [101807‐01732] ¥12,600 279 The Works of George Herbert. Edited with a Commentary by F.E.Hutchinson. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1953. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition. lxxvii,619pp. <The Temple / (English poems in the Williams Ms.not included in "The Temple") / (poems from Walton's "lives") / A Priest to the Temple, or, the Country Parson / Letters, Alia Poemata Latina, Epistolae …etc. > Bound in navy cloth. With a frontis.and 5 plates. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Many pencil notations. 23x15cm. [101804 ‐01729] ¥12,600 280 The Poems of A.E.Housman. Edited by Archie Burnett. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. lx,580pp. <A Shropshire Lad / Last poems / More poems / Additional poems / Translations / Notebook fragments / Light verse and juvenilia / Latin verse> Bound in navy cloth. 22.2x14.7cm. [101823‐01748-2] ¥15,750 281 The Poems of Richard Lovelace. Edited by C.H.Wilkinson. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1953. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1930). lxxxvii,367pp. <Lucasta, 1649 / Lucasta. Posthume Poems, 1659-1660> Bound in navy cloth. With a portrait. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Fore-edge untrimed. Ink ownership notation to front flyleaf. 22.9x15.2cm. [101803‐01728] ¥12,600 282 The Poems of John Marston. Edited by Arnold Davenport. [Liverpool English Texts and Studies] Liverpool UP., 1961. First published. xv,393pp. <The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Image / Certaine Satyres / The Scourge of Villanie / ...etc.> d.w. Bound in green cloth. Top edge green. Some pencil notiaons. 22.2x14.6cm. [101797‐01722] ¥12,600 283 The Works of Thomas Otway. Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters. Edited by F.C.Ghosh. 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Reprinted (first published 1932). xii,519pp./ 542pp. <Alcibiades / Don Carlos / Titus and Berenice / The Cheats of Scapin / Friendship in Fashion / The History and Fall of Caius Marius / The Orphan / The Souldiers Fortune / Venice Preserv'd / The Atheist / The Poet's Complaint of His Muse / Phaedra to Hippolytus / Epilogue to Venice Preserv'd on the Duke's Coming to the theatre / Epilogue to the City Heiress / Epilogue to Her Royal Highness / To Mr.Creech / Prologue to Constantine the Great / Epistle to R.D. / The 16th Ode of Horace / Windsor Castle / The Complaint / A Pastoral on the Death of His Late Majesty / Love-Letters> Bound in navy cloth. d.w. Frontis.(Vol.I). Boards sl.stained. Edges and e.ps.light spotted. 22.3x14.7cm. [101886‐01812] ¥36,750 284 The Works of Thomas Otway. Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters. Edited by F.C.Ghosh. 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1932). xii,519pp./ 542pp. <Alcibiades / Don Carlos / Titus and Berenice / The Cheats of Scapin / Friendship in Fashion / The History and Fall of Caius Marius / The Orphan / The Souldiers Fortune / Venice Preserv'd / The Atheist / The Poet's Complaint of His Muse / Phaedra to Hippolytus / Epilogue to Venice Preserv'd on the Duke's Coming to the theatre / Epilogue to the City Heiress / Epilogue to Her Royal Highness / To Mr.Creech / Prologue to Constantine the Great / Epistle to R.D. / The 16th Ode of Horace / Windsor 40 作家別 著作・作品集 Castle / The Complaint / A Pastoral on the Death of His Late Majesty / Love-Letters> Bound in navy cloth. Frontis.(Vol.I). Ex-libris (Charles Seymour) to each vol. 22.3x14.7cm. [101819‐01744] ¥31,500 285 The Poems of Ambrose Philips. Edited by M.G.Segar. [The Percy Reprints, no.XIV] Oxford: Bail Blackwell, 1937. lvi,192pp. With "The Proposals, Humbly offered for the Encouragement of so expensive and laborious a Work…", "Proposals for Printing An English Dictionary…" & "Pedigree of Ambrose Philips: The Poet". Linen cloth backed paper boards. Dustwrapper sunned at spine. 20x13.7cm. [101796‐01721] ¥12,600 286 The Collected Poems of Isaac Rosenberg. Edited by Gordon Bottomley & Denys Harding with a Foreword by Siegfried Sassoon. London: Chatto and Windus, 1949. First published in 1937 as part of "The collected works of Isaac Rosenberg", this revised edition of the "Poems" alone, 1949. viii,240pp. <Night and Day / Youth / Moses: A Play / Trench Poems / The Unicorn / (earlier poems & fragments) > Bound in light brown cloth. Top edge red. Dustwrapper sl.sunned, sl.torn, partly repaired with tape and sl.rubbed at edge. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. 22.5x14.5cm. [101799‐01724] ¥10,500 287 The Works of Henry Vaughan. Edited by L.C.Martin. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Second edition. xxviii,771pp. <Poems, with the tenth satyre of iuvenal Englished / Olor Iscanus / The Mount of Olives / Flores Solitudinis / Silex Scintillans / Hermetical Physick / The Chymists Key / Thalia Rediviva / Additional poems, etc.> Bound in navy cloth. Dust wrapper sunned at spine and sl.torn. Pencil notations to several pages, erased. 22.3x14.7cm. [101814‐01739] ¥21,000 288 The Plays of William Wycherley. Edited by Arthur Friedman. [Oxford English Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1979. xix,543pp. <Love in a Wood / The Gentleman Dancing-Master / The Country-Wife / The Plain-Dealer> Bound in navy cloth. Dust wrapper sl.sunned at spine. 22.3x14.5cm. [101812‐01737] ¥18,900 41 作家別 著作・作品集 初版本 ・ 限定本 1859 年 初版 クロース装 函 ¥12,000,000 Darwin,Charles On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray, 1859. First edition. x,502pp.+32pp. ("Mr.Murray's general list of works", dated June 1859. ) Original green cloth, gilt titles to spine, blind motif to boards. Some minor ink splodges to the rear board. Edges of spine and joints of boards worn and repaired. Repaired e.ps. Flyleaves, half title page, and title page chipped and torn, folding diagram sl.slit at fold, but all repaired. Each inner hinges neatly restored. Half title page and title page light soiled. Red pencil underlined to 4 lines of page vi, and small ink mark to page ix. Internally fine condition. Housed in recent calf and marbled paper preserved box. 20.7x13.1cm. [01776‐101851] 289 ダーウィン 「種の起源」 1930 年 クロース装 ¥31,500 Austen, John (illus.) As You Like It by Shakespeare. Decorations by John Austen. Introduction by G.B.Harrison. London: William Jackson (Books) Ltd., 1930. First published. xii,113pp. Limited to 125 copies, this is no.107. With 6 colored plates and 15 b/w illus. Bound in blue cloth, gilt title on front board and spine, t.e.g. Untrimmed pages. Spine sunned and edges and e.ps.foxing. Pencil ownership notation to front e.p. 29.7x24.2cm. [f0009‐170008] 290 W.シェイクスピア ジョン・オースティン (画) 「お気に召すまま」 1925 年 クロース装 ¥31,500 Austen, John (illus.) Daphnis & Chloe. Translated Out of the Greek of Longus by George Thornley in 1657. With Decorations by John Austen. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1925. Limited to 100 copies, this is no.48, signed by John Austen (illustrator). With 12 colored plates and 4 b/w illus. vellum like paper backed blue cloth, gilt title to spine, t.e.g. Untrimmed pages. Boards and spine darkened and e.ps.foxing. Ink ownership notation to front flyleaf. 32.5x26.7cm. [f0010‐170009] 291 ジョン・オースティン (画) 「ダフニスとクロエ」 「セルの書」 1965 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥52,500 Blake,William The Book of Thel. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1965. 8 plates in color collotype and stencil + 'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. A facsimile of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Quarter brown morocco, sl.stained, with marbled boards, t.e.g., original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. One of 380 copies (this is no.351). Printed on Arches, each page watermarked with Blake's monogram. 28.7x22.5cm. [aj285‐100349] 292 W.ブレイク 「ミルトン」 1967 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥94,500 Blake,William Milton. A Poem. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1967. 51 plates +'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. Quarter brown morocco, partly sunned, with marbled boards, t.e.g., original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. 50 plates in color collotype facsimile, with another reproducing the rare "Preface". None of the four extant copies has all plates, so this is the first complete edition. One of 380 copies (this is no.88). Printed on Arches, each page watermarked with Blake's monogram. A small ownership stamps on rear flyleaf. 28.5x22.8cm. [aj284‐100350] 293 W.ブレイク 「すべての宗教はひとつ」 1970 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥31,500 Blake,William All Religions are One. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1970. 10 plates in color collotype + 'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. A facsimile of the unique copy at the Huntington Library. Quarter green morocco, with marbled boards, original morocco-lipped (rubbed) slipcase. Gilt title to spine, sunned. One of 600 copies (this is no.236). Printed on Arches. 30.6x23.8cm. [aj287‐100351] 294 W.ブレイク 295 W.ブレイク 「すべての宗教はひとつ」 Blake,William All Religions are One. 1970 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥42,000 Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, 42 初版本 ・ 限定本 London, 1970. 10 plates in color collotype + 'Description and biblographical statement' by Geoffrey Keynes. A facsimile of the unique copy at the Huntington Library. Quarter green morocco, with marbled boards, original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. One of 600 copies (this is no.480). Printed on Arches. Flyleaves and margine of pages sl.spotted. 30.6x23.8cm. [aj288‐100352] 「自然宗教は存在しない」 1971 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥42,000 Blake,William There is No Natural Religion. In 2 vols. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1971. Quarter brown morocco, with marbled boards, t.e.g., original slipcase. Gilt title to spine. Numerous illus.in collotype and hand-stencil. Printed on Arches. One of 540 copies (this is no.166). 30.5x24cm & 18.5x13cm. [aj290‐100353] 296 W.ブレイク 「アハニアの書」 1973 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥42,000 Blake,William The Book of Ahania. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1973. 7 plates (3 in color) in collotype and hand-stencil + 'Commentary and biblographical history' by Geoffrey Keynes. A facsimile of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Quarter dark blue morocco, with marbled boards, original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. One of 750 copies (this is no.113). Printed on Arches, each page watermarked with Blake's monogram. 28.8x23.8cm. [aj286‐100354] 297 W.ブレイク 「エルサレム」 1974 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥84,000 Blake,William Jerusalem. The Emanation of The Giant Albion. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1974. 25 plates in color collotype and hand-stencil with facsimiles of proofs (8pp.) + 'Commentary and biblographical history' by Geoffrey Keynes. Quarter brown morocco, partly stained, with marbled boards, original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. Printed on Arches, each page watermarked with Blake's monogram. One of 500 copies (this is no.52). Top edge sl.spotted. 27.5x27cm. [aj292‐100355] 298 W.ブレイク 「ロスの歌」 1975 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥84,000 Blake,William The Song of Los. Published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London, 1975. 9 plates (8 in color) in collotype and hand-stencil + 'Commentary and biblographical history' by Geoffrey Keynes. Quarter brown morocco, partly stained, with marbled boards, original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. Printed on Arches, each page watermarked with Blake's monogram. One of 400 copies (this is no.30). Front e.p.and margin of plate 7 & 8 sl.spotted. With a prospectus of this book, sl.spotted. 32.8x24.6cm. [aj291‐100356] 299 W.ブレイク 1964 年 トリアノン・プレス刊 限定本 函 ¥63,000 Keynes,Geoffrey A Study of the Illuminated Books of William Blake. Poet, Printer, Prophet. London and Paris: The Trianon Press, 1964. First edition. (103pp.) Quarter red morocco, with marbled boards, t.e.g., original morocco-lipped slipcase. Gilt title to spine. Numerous illus.in color offset. One of 525 copies (this is no.259) signed by Keynes. 31x23.8cm. [aj289‐100357] 300 ジェフリー・ケインズ (著) 「W.ブレイクの彩飾本研究」 301 (エドワード・バーン=ジョーンズ ラファエル前派とその世紀) ¥10,500 Burne-Jones, The Pre-Raphaelites and Their Century. Catalogue by Hilary Morgan. Designed and Edited by Peter Nahum. Vol.I: The Text. Vol.II: The Plates. In 2 vols. London: Peter Nahum, 1989. Vol.I: 190pp. Vol.II: 129 plates. Vol.I including editor's note by Peter Nahum, and introductory notes by Hilary Morgan and Christopher Newall. Printed wrappers. With a slip case. Price list for the 175 items laid-in with vol.I. Spine of each vol.sl.sunned. 29.5x21cm. [f0008‐170007] 1926 年 クロース装 ¥21,000 Byron,George Gordon Lord Don Juan. With 93 Illustrations & Decorations by John Austen. London: John Lane the Bodley Head / New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1926. xi,408pp. White buckram, gilt decorated cover and spine, t.e.g. Boards and spines somewhat darkened, and e.ps.and flyleaves sl.spotted. 26.2x17.5cm. [f0004‐170003] 302 ジョージ・ゴードン・バイロン ジョン・オースティン (画) 「ドン・ジュアン」 43 初版本 ・ 限定本 1869 年 米国版初版 クロース装 ¥262,500 Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. With Forty-Two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869. First American edition. 192pp. Original yellow-red cloth with gilt stamped. All-edge-gilt. Preserve-box. Cover sl.rubbed, board edges worn. Spine a little faded, and its ends chipped. Original brown endpapers somewhat torn. But a very nice copy keeping clean and tight. 19x14cm. [aj472‐101686] 303 ルイス・キャロル 「不思議の国のアリス」 1876 年 クロース装 ¥105,000 Carroll, Lewis The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony of Eight fits. With Nine Illustarations by Henry Holiday. London: Macmillan and Co., 1876. xi,83pp. Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, London and Bungay. Bounding in original tan cloth with illustration printed. A.e.g. Frontis. Cover somewhat worn and spine darkened. 2 book-shop plates. One is on front pastedown, and another embossed on f.f.e.p. Half title to Title page sl. soiled. Otherwise a fine copy. 18.8x13cm. [aj475‐ 304 ルイス・キャロル 「スナーク狩り」 101687] 1932 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥15,750 Carroll, Lewis The Rectory Umbrella and Mischmasch. With a Foreword by Florence Milner. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1932. First published. xiii,193pp. Dustwrapper, blue cloth illustrated boards. With many b/w illust. Top-edge darkened. D.w.spine browned, and its ends chipped. Edges and some pages (including tp and half tp) sl.soiled. 21.7x18cm. [aj471‐101688] 305 ルイス・キャロル 「牧師館の雨傘」・「ごったまぜ」 1923 年 初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥31,500 Conrad, Joseph The Rover. London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1923. First published. 317pp. Dustwrapper, dark green cloth with gilt title on front cover. Front cloth board has a few scuffings. Light spotting to edges, very slight foxing to e.ps., otherwise clean and tight. 20.5x13.5cm. [aj466 306 ジョセフ・コンラッド 「放浪者」 ‐101689] 307 ハート・クレイン 「橋」 ¥31,500 Crane,Hart The Bridge. A Poem. New York: Horace Liveright, 1930. First American edition. 82pp. Nevy cloth, gilt title on front board and spine. Photograph on d.w.and frontis.by Walker Evans. Boards sl.stained. A fragile d.w.separated at flaps and spine, chipped and partly missing. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 22.7x16.5cm. [s03886‐201676] 308 ハート・クレイン 「七つの抒情詩」 ¥12,600 Crane,Hart Seven Lyrics. Cambridge: The Ibex Press (Jeffrey Kindley, Lawrence Rhu, Laurence Scott), 1966. First edition. (16pp.) Limited to 250 copied, of which 50 are hors commerce. This is no.19. A fine copy in terracotta printed wrappers. Frontis.engraving by Laurence Scott. Spine sunned. 21.2x18cm. [s03887‐201675] 309 デフォー 「英国旅行記」 2巻 背クロース装 ¥63,000 DEFOE,Daniel A Tour Thro' the Whole Island of Great Britain, Divided into Circuits or Journies. Giving a Particular and Diverting Account of Whatever is Curious and worth Observation. Particularly fitted for the reading of such as desire to Travel over the Island. By Daniel Defoe. With which is Included, a Set of Maps of England and Wales, divided into Counties; and a Map of Scotland. Composed by Herman Moll, Geographer. With an Introduction by G.D.H.Cole. In 2 vols. London: Printed for Peter Davies, 1927. This edition is limited to 1,000 copies for sale. With d.w., sl.stained. White cloth backed marble boards, t.e.g., other edges spotted and untrimed. 25.x15.5cm. [01649‐101620] 1934 年 クロース装 図版 ¥15,750 Dickens,Charles The Life of Our Lord. Written Expressly for His Children by Charles Dickens. London: Associated Newspapers Ltd., 1934. First published. 127pp. Bound in blue cloth, gilt title on front board and spine, t.e.g. d.w. With a portrait of Dickens and 11 plates. Boards chipped at edge, and spine wormed and partly torn. Dust wrapper sl.sunned at spine. Edges light foxing. 24.2x18.2cm. 310 チャールズ・ディケンズ 「キリスト伝」 [f0013‐170012] 44 初版本 ・ 限定本 「Orient Express」 ¥42,000 Dos Passos,John Orient Express. With Illustrations in Color from Paintings by the Author. New York: Harper & Brothers,1927First edition. 181pp. Inscribed by the author on the front flyleaf. Blue cloth backed pink boards, paper title label to spine. Top board is very slightly bowed, else this is a fine copy in d.w. Top edge red. Dust wrapper sl.darkened, sl.chipped with internal tape repair at spine. Boards sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 22.6x15.2cm. [s03879‐202287] 311 ジョン・ドス・パソス 「Airways, Inc.」 ¥31,500 Dos Passos,John Airways, Inc. (to the flap) A Play. [A New Playwrights' Theatre Production] New York: The Macaulay Company, 1928. First edition. 148pp. Inscribed by Dos Passos on the front flyleaf. Black cloth backed light blue boards. This is a fine copy in d.w. Dust wrapper sl.darkened, sunned and sl.chipped at the spine. Edges light foxing. 19.5x13.6cm. [s03880‐202283] 312 ジョン・ドス・パソス ロンドン刊 1909 年 著者署名入 ¥94,500 Douglas,Lord Alfred Sonnets by Lord Alfred Douglas. London: The Academy Company, 1909. 30pp. Bound in gray board. Gilt title on front board. With preserve box, backed with calf spine with gilt motif, gilt title and gilt compartments. This copy was presented from the author to C.W.Fiennes Clinton. Signed by the author. Paul Hyde Bonner's ex-libris. 20.8x14.7cm. [aj300‐100565] 313 アルフレッド・ダグラス卿 「ソネット」 1950 年 米国初版 カバー有、クロース装 ¥157,500 Eliot, T.S. The Cocktail Party. A Comedy. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950. First American edition, first issue (One of only ten copies with page 35-36 printed on uncancelled leaf). 10,000 copies were printed with the corrected cancel leaf. 190pp. + 2pp. Dustwrapper, black cloth board with gilt title on spine. A paper on front f.e.p. noted 'ADVANCE COPY FROM HARCOURT, BRACE AND COMPANY', the release date and price stamped (MAR 10 1950 $3.00). D.w.spine sunned, and its fore edge has two small holes. Front e.p. a little foxed. A few light stains. Otherwise fine. 22x15cm. [aj469‐101690] 314 T.S.エリオット 「カクテル・パーティー」 1906 年 ヴェラム装 ¥84,000 Emerson, Ralph Waldo Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. With Preface by Thomas Carlyle. Hammersmith: The Doves Press, 1906. 312pp. Vellum with gilt title on spine. Deckle edges. Slightly soiled, otherwise a fine copy. 23x16.2cm. [aj491‐101691] 315 ラルフ・ウォルドー・エマソン 「エッセイ」 316 ウィリアム・フォークナー 「征服されざる人々」 ¥84,000 Faulkner,William The Unvanquished. (to the flap) Sartoris Stories. Drawings by Edward Shenton. New York: Random House, 1938. First edition, first printing. 293pp. With a Faulkner look-alike signature on the flyleaf. Grey cloth, navy and red illus.on front board. Top edge red. A fresh, very good copy, in d.w. Dust wrapper sunned, sl.chipped with internal tape repair. Spine sunned Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ownership signature to front flyleaf. 20.8x14.5cm. [s03883‐202950] 1924 年 限定 200 冊、No.75 背クロース装 署名入り ¥420,000 Forster, E.M. A Passage to India. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1924. 325pp. [This edition is limited to 200 copies, of which this copy in No.75] Signed by the author. Bounding in light gray board, quarter cloth. Title label at spine. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Text of title page in black/red. Cover somewhat stained. Guard of rear e.p. slighty torn, otherwise a fine copy. 23.5x15cm. [aj453‐ 317 エドワード・モーガン フォースター 「インドへの道」 101692] 1913 年 ペーパー装 ¥126,000 Frost, Robert A Boy's Will. London: David Nutt, 1913. ix,50pp. Cream linen-paper wrappers. In after-made preserve box. Cover sl. darkened and chipped, small chip at bottom of spine, but fine and clean copy. 18.5x12cm. [aj438‐101693] 318 ロバート・フロスト 「少年のこころ」 1914 年 初版 クロース装 ¥210,000 Frost, Robert North of Boston. London: David Nutt, 1914. First edition. ix,143pp. Original green cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Deckle edges. Last page unopened. previous owner's 319 ロバート・フロスト 「ボストンの北」 45 初版本 ・ 限定本 inscription on front e.p. Spine, e.ps., edges very slight darkened, otherwise a very fine copy. 20x15cm. [aj443‐101694] 1916 年 クロース装 ¥157,500 Frost, Robert Mountain Interval. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1916. First edition, first state with line repeated on page 88 and come on page 93. 99pp. Original navy cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Deckle edges. Front cover sl.stained, spine a bit wear, otherwise a fine copy. 19.5x13.5cm. [aj444‐101695] 320 ロバート・フロスト 「Mountain Interval」 1923 年 限定 350 冊、No.113 クロース装 署名入り ¥63,000 Frost, Robert New Hampshire. A Poem with Notes and Grace Notes by Robert Frost with Woodcuts by J.J. Lankes. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1923. x,113pp. [Of this edition, Three Hundred and Fifty copies only have been printed. This copy is Number 113. ] Signed by the author. Black cloth, gilt title and illus. on spine and front cover. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Author's signed page, and dedication page coming off from the binding, otherwise clean and tight. 23.3x16cm. [aj439‐ 321 ロバート・フロスト 「ニューハンプシャー」 101696] 1923 年 背クロース装 ¥31,500 Frost, Robert Selected Poems. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1923. x,143pp. Green decorative boards, spine in dark green cloth with gilt title. Top-edge green, others untrimmed. A letter pasted on f.f.e.p., bookplate on front pastedown. Top edge somewhat color faded, otherwise fine. 20x13.5cm. [aj445‐101697] 322 ロバート・フロスト 詩選集 1928 年 限定 1000 冊、No.703 函、背クロース装 署名入り ¥84,000 Frost, Robert West-Running Brook. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1928. viii,58pp. [One thousand copies of West-running Brook have been specially printed and bound, and have been signed by the Author. Of these, nine hundred and eighty copies are for sale. This copy is Number 703.] Decorated paper-covered boards, quarter cloth. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Frontispiece and 3 plates of illustrations signed by J.J. Lankes in pencil. Slip-case. Book-shop plate on front e.p., slip-case sl. wore, otherwise near mint. 23.3x15.3cm. [aj442‐101698] 323 ロバート・フロスト 「西へ流れる小川」 1942 年 限定 735 冊、No.220 函、背クロース装 署名入り ¥63,000 Frost, Robert A Witness Tree. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1942. 91pp. [This edition has been limited to seven hundred and thirty-five copies and signed by the author. This copy is number 220.] Decorated paper-covered boards with green cloth spine. Edges uncut. With slip-case. P.8-9 sl.foxed, cover partly slight faded, slip-case partly chipped, otherwise fine. 24.2x16.5cm. [aj441‐ 324 ロバート・フロスト 「証しの樹」 101699] 1936 年 カバー有、クロース装 ¥21,000 Frost, Robert A Further Range. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1936. First Printing. 102pp. Bound in red cloth, gilt title on spine and front side. Dustwrapper. Top-edge red. D.w. a bit sunned, otherwise fine. 22.5x14.5cm. [aj446‐101700] 325 ロバート・フロスト 「遥かな山並」 1945 年 初版 ¥21,000 Frost, Robert A Masque of Reason. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1945. First Printing. 23pp. Bound in Navy cloth with gilt title on spine, dustwrapper. Slightly sunned, d.w. partly chipped, but a fine copy. 21.8x14.3cm. [aj440‐101701] 326 ロバート・フロスト 「A Masque of Reason」 327 リチャード・グレイヴス 「The Spiritual Quixote」 ¥12,600 Graves,Richard The Spiritual Quixote. or, the Summer's Ramble of Mr.Geoffry Wildgoose. A Comic Romance, by Richard Graves. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. 2 vols.(Vol.I: Book I-VI. Vol.II: Book VII-XII.) London: Peter Davies, 1926. Limited 715 copies, of which 700 are for sale. xxiv,266pp./x,285pp. Bound in dark brown cloth with gilt title on spine. Edges untrimed, 46 初版本 ・ 限定本 foxing. Portrait frontis.(vol.I). Ex-libris (Oliver Nowell, Chadwyck-Healey) to each vol. E.ps.foxing. Joints of front e.ps. Of each vol.started. 23.2x15.5cm. [01746‐101821] 1967 年 作品と文章のアンソロジー カラー図版多数 ¥8,400 (Greenaway,Kate) Viguers,Ruth Hill intro. / Ernest,Edward ed. The Kate Greenaway Treasury. Introduction by Ruth Hill Viguers. An Anthology of the Illustrations and Writings of Kate Greenaway, Edited and Selected by Edward Ernest, Assisted by Patricia Tracy Lowe. Cleveland & New York: The World Publishing Co., 1967. 319pp. Cloth backed yellow boards, gilt motif from Greenaway's drawings on front board, gilt title to spine. D.w. Illus.on e.ps. Dust wrapper sl.darkened and sl.chipped at spine and flap. Boards sl.damp stained and edge ssl.foxing and darkened. 26.5x21cm. [f0006‐ 328 エドワード・アーネスト (編) (ケイト・グリーナウェイ・トレジャリー) 170005] 1986 年 クロース装 ¥21,000 (Greenaway,Kate) Schuster, Thomas E. & Rodney Engen Printed Kate Greenaway. A Catalogue Raisonné. London: T.E.Schuster, 1986. 304pp. Over 200 b/w & colour illus.throughout. Bound in green cloth, gitl title on front board and spine. D.w. With erratum. 25.7x19.5cm. [f0005‐170004] 329 (ケイト・グリーナウェイ作品目録) 1955 年 初版 クロース装 ¥31,500 Grigson,Geoffrey The Englishman's Flora. Illustrated with Woodcuts from Sixteenth-Century Herbals. London: Phoenix House, 1955. First published. 478pp. With a frontis.and 44 illus. Bound in light blue cloth, d.w. Top edge blue. Dust wrapper somewhat sunned. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. 29x20cm. [f0002‐170001] 330 ジェフリー・グリグソン (英国の花) 1870 年 初版 クロース装 ¥63,000 Harte, Francis Bret The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co., 1870. First edition, first issue without story "Brown of Calveras". iv,239pp. Bounding in light brown cloth with gilt title on spine. Bookplate on front pastedown. Edges and spine sl. darkened. Some very slight rubbing and chipping at spine and boards edge. Otherwise a very clean copy. 18.5x12.5cm. 331 ハート・ブレット 「ローアリング・キャムプの福の神」 他 [aj477‐101702] 1885 年 初版 クロース装 ¥5,250 Harte, Francis Bret By Shore and Sedge. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1885. First edition, first printing. 260pp. Brown embossed cloth board, gilt lettering. All-edges colored, orange. Bookplate on front pastedown. Previous owner's inscription on f.f.e.p. Spine rubbed and sl.faded. Some light stains to fore edge, otherwise fine. 15x11cm. [aj478‐101703] 332 ハート・ブレット 「By Shore and Sedge」 333 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「七破風の屋敷」 ¥42,000 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The House of the Seven Gables, A Romance. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1851. First edition, 1st printing. vi,344pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on board. Cover and edges sunned. Pencil notation on front e.p. Spine partly cracked and missing. Cover somewhat wore. Light stains to some pages. [s04824‐212051] 334 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「ブライズデイル・ロマンス」 ¥52,500 Hawthorne,Nathaniel Blithedale Romance. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1852.First edition, 1st printing. viii,288pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on board. Spine sl.cracked. Stains to some pages, spottings to p.288 and rear fly leaves. Title page foxed. [s04825‐212054] 335 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「雪人形」 ¥31,500 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Snow-Image, and other Twice-Told Tales. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1851. First edition, 1st printing. 273pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on board. [s04826‐212058] 336 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「トワイス・トールド・テールズ」 ¥42,000 Hawthorne,Nathaniel Twice-Told Tales. In 2 volumes. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1851. A New Edition. Vol.1: 287pp. Vol.2: 288pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on 47 初版本 ・ 限定本 board. Ink inscription on front e.p. and title page in each vol. Cover sl.wore. Light stains to some pages, but overall good. [s04827‐212053] 337 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「大理石の牧神」 ¥42,000 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Marble Faun: or the Romance of Monte Beni. In 2 volumes. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1860. First edition, first issue. Vol.1: xi,283pp. Vol.2: 284pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on board. Ink inscription on front f.e.p. in each vol. Top and bottom part of spine sl.cracked. Cover partly faded in vol.1. Light stains to some pages. [s04828‐212056] 338 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「大理石の牧神」 ¥21,000 Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Marble Faun: or the Romance of Monte Beni. In 2 volumes. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1860. First edition, later printing. Vol.1: xi,283pp. Vol.2: 288pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on board. Sunned. Cover somewhat stained. Spine ends sl.chipped. Some pages corner chipped in vol.2. A stain on rear fly leaf in each volume. [s04829‐212059] 339 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「われらが故国」 ¥31,500 Hawthorne,Nathaniel Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, And Fields. 1863. First edition, 2nd printing. xi,398pp. 12mo. Original brown cloth with blind motifs on board. Cover somewhat wore, and has three small holes. Ink inscription on front fly leaf. Light stains to some pages. [s04830‐212060] 340 アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ 「河を渡って木立の中へ」 ¥52,500 Hemingway,Ernest Across the River and into the Trees. London: Jonathan Cape, 1950. First UK edition. 254pp. Bound in green cloth, red motif on front board, silver title to spine. Dust wrapper designed by Hans Tisdall. Dust wrapper sunned, sl.chipped at spine, and pencil notationed on the back. Spine and edge of boards foxing. Edges and pages light foxing. E.ps.and flyleaves spotted. 19.7x13.4cm. [u202‐204233] 341 アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ 「移動祝祭日」 ¥15,750 Hemingway,Ernest A Moveable Feast. London: Jonathan Cape, 1964. First UK edition. 191pp. Brown boards, gilt title to spine. Top edge orange. Dust wrapper designed by Hans Tisdall. Dust wrapper sl.darkened and sl.chipped at spine. Spine and edge of boards foxing. Edges light foxing. Rear e.p.partly peeled. 20.4x13.3cm. [f0014‐170013] 342 チャールズ・ラム 「ロザムンド・グレイ物語」 1835 年 リバウンド. H.ウォルポウル旧蔵 角背革装 ¥63,000 Lamb, Charles Rosamund Gray: Recollections of Christ's Hospital, Etc. Etc. London: Edward Moxon, 1835. 356pp. Bounding in decorative board with half leather, seems to be rebound. Edges colored same design as board. 3 bookplates on front pastedown, one is from Hugh Walpole's famous Library. Spine rubbed and sl.faded. Light soiled, otherwise fine. 19.5x13cm. [aj489‐101705] 1928 年 初版・限定 1000 冊、No.94 ハードカバー 署名入り ¥630,000 Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chatterley's Lover. Privately Printed, 1928. 365pp. [This edition is limited to One Thousand copies. No.94] Signed by the author. Original brown paper board, illus. printed on front side. Title label on spine. Deckle edges. Many pages remain unopened. Ink notations on tp and rear pastedown. Title label sl. soiled, spine partly chipped. Front joint slightly loosend, otherwise fine. 23x17.5cm. [aj474‐101706] 343 D.H.ロレンス 「チャタレイ夫人の恋人」 1921 年 初版 ハードカバー ¥36,750 Lawrence, D.H. Tortoises. New York: Thomas Seltzer. 1921. First edition. 50pp. Bounding in printed paper board with a colored illustration (somewhat like japanese UKIYOE), original title label on spine. Edges untrimmed, except for top. Paper board cover partly a little peeled and faded. Title label partly missing. E.ps. sl.soiled. 23.8x16.3cm. [aj470‐101707] 344 D.H.ロレンス 「亀」 1927 年 カバー有、クロース装 ¥31,500 Mornings in Mexico. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1927. First American edition. 345 D.H.ロレンス 「メキシコの朝」 Lawrence, D.H. 48 初版本 ・ 限定本 189pp. Dustwrapper, orange cloth with decorative motifs and titles on front cover and spine. D.w. wore and partly chipped, front flap parted. Top-edge sl. darkened. Ex-libris label on front fly e.p. Inside clean and fine. 21x14.5cm. [aj460‐101708] 1927 年 クロース装 ¥21,000 Lawrence, D.H. Mornings in Mexico. London: Martin Secker, 1927. First edition. 177pp. Original mustard yellow cloth, gilt title on spine. Top-edge colored, others untrimmed. Top-edge sl. faded, otherwise a fine copy. 21x15.5cm. [aj459‐101710] 346 D.H.ロレンス 「メキシコの朝」 1929 年 カバー有、クロース装 ¥21,000 Lawrence, D.H. Pansies. Poems. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1929. xiv,202pp. This collection, containing one hundred and fifty poems never before published in book form, is the first book of new poems to be issued by Mr. Lawrence in six years. Dustwrapper, decorative orange cloth board. Top-edge colored. Portrait on half-title page. Pictorial title page. D.w.spine sunned, guard of front endpaper sl. torn, otherwise a fine copy. 21x14.5cm. [aj461‐101711] 347 D.H.ロレンス 「三色菫」 348 D.H.ロレンス 戯曲集 ¥15,750 Lawrence,D.H. The Plays of D. H. Lawrence. London: Martin Secker, 1933. 312pp. [The Widowing of Mrs.Holroyd. Touch and Go. David.] Bound in green cloth, paper title label to spine, top edge green,d.w. Dust wrapper sunned, torn and partly missing at spine. Edges, e.ps., and flyleaves foxing. Bottom corner of p.87-p.90 wrinkled. 19.3x13.5cm. [u216‐206213] 349 D.H.ロレンス 「死んだ男」 ジョン・ファーレイ 挿絵 ¥50,400 Lawrence,D.H. The Man Who Died. With illustrations drawn and engraved on the wood by John Farleigh. Type format arranged by J. H. Mason. Printed by W.Lewis at Cambridge. London: William Heinemann, 1935. 64pp. Cloth backed marble boards. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed and sl.darkened. Edges sl.foxing. 28.2x20.8cm. [yy103‐206207] 1926 年 初版 カバー付 署名入り Lawrence,D.H. David. A Play. Martin Secker, 1926. First edition. ies. Signed by the Author. d.w. [191222‐206116] 350 D.H.ロレンス 「David」 ¥94,500 128pp. Limited to 500 cop- 1928 年 初版 カバー付 署名入り Lawrence,D.H. Rawdon's Roof. Elkin Mathews & Marrot, 1928. First edition. to 530 copies. Sighed by D. H. Lawrence. d.w. [abaj5 ‐206157] 351 D.H.ロレンス 「Rawdon's Roof」 ¥84,000 32pp. Limited 限定 1600 部、No.254. ¥12,600 Lawrence,D.H. Love Among The Haystacks & Other Pieces. With a reminiscence by David Garnett. London: The Nonsuch Press, 1930. xiii,96pp. [This edition printed in Caslon Monotype on Auvergne hand-made paper at The Curwen Press, is limited to sixteen hundred copies, of which five hundred and fifty are for sale in the United States by Random House. This is number 254.] Yellow cloth, lether title label to linen spine. Uncut and mostly unopened. Edges and e.ps. Somewhat foxing. 352 D.H.ロレンス 「乾し草小屋の恋」 [yy106‐206146] 1929 年 限定 1200 部、No126. ¥12,600 (Grazzini,Anton Francesco) Lawrence,D.H.(trans. & intro.) The Story of Doctor Manente Being the Tenth and Last Story from the Suppers of A.F.Grazzini Called in Lasca. Translated and Introduction by D.H.Lawrence. [The Lungarno Series] Florence: G.Orioli, 1929. xxiv,119pp. Limited to 1200 copies, in which 200 special copies signed on Binda hamdmade paper, and 100 numbered on Lombardy paper. This copy is no.126. Bound in light brown paper boards, d.w. Untrimed edges. With a ortrait of Grazzi, 1 plate and 1 map. Rear board spotted and spine foxing. Dust wrapper sl.foxing and chipped. Edges foxing and some pages light spotted. Rear flyleaf partly foldedd. 20.1x14.2cm. [f0012‐170011] 353 A.F.グラッツィーニ(著) D.H.ロレンス(訳) (マネンテ博士物語) 49 初版本 ・ 限定本 1935 年 ¥21,000 Lawrence,T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. A Triumph. London: Jonathan Cape, 1935. 672pp. Ink inscription on front flyleaf. Frontis. With many illustrations and photographs. [s03869‐206482] 354 T.E.ロレンス 「知恵の七柱」 1939 年 ¥8,400 Lawrence,T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. A Triumph. 2 volumes. London: The Reprint Society, 1939. New edition. 352pp./354-700pp. b/w frontis.portraits of the author to each vol. With a map (vol.2). Bound in light brown cloth, black title label to spine. Colored top edge (dark brown). Fore edge and e.ps.light foxing. Spine of vol.1 light sunned. Ownership stamped on front flyleaves of each vol. [01716‐101791] 355 T.E.ロレンス 「知恵の七柱」 1903 年 限定 330 部、No.45. 函 ブルース・ロジャース装丁 ¥42,000 Leighton,William & Eliza Barrett (trans.) The History of Oliver and Arthur. Written in French in 1511, Translated into German by Wilhelm Liely in 1521, and Now done into English by William Leighton and Eliza Barrett, 1903. Cambridge: Riverside Press for Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, 1903. 108pp. This edition limited to 330 copies, this copy is no.45. With facsimile woodcuts on title page, and throughout text. Bound in original quarter linen and dark green boards, paper spine label. D.w. In slipcase. Colophon in red, with device of Bruce Rogers. Slip case sunned. Dust wrapper sunned and chipped. E.ps.and margin of pages light spotted. 27.2x19.7cm. [f0001‐170000] 356 ウィリアム・レイトン エリザ・バレット (訳) (オリヴァーとアーサーの物語) 1923 年 限定 400 冊、No.120 背クロース装 署名入り ¥15,750 Lindsay, Vachel Collected Poems. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1923. xv, 390pp. [Of this autographed edition of VACHEL LINDSAY'S COLLECTED POEMS 400 copies have been printed, of which this is Number 120 ] One of 400 limited copies signed by the author. Light blue paper board, quarter cloth. Original title labels on front side and spine. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Some pages still unopened. Cover partly sun-browned. Boards' edges worn and sl.chipped. Spine ends rubbed and a bit faded. Spine label darkened and partly chipped. Page 92-93 light foxing, a couple of tiny stains on front pastedown. 24.5x16.7cm. [aj479‐101713] 357 ヴェーチェル・リンジー 詩選集 1912 年 クロース装 ¥31,500 London, Jack Smoke Bellew. Illustrated by P.J. Monahan. New York: The Century Co, 1912. 385pp. Bounding in blue cloth board with illustaration on front cover. Frontispiece and 7 plates of illus. by P.J. Monahan. Ink inscription (presentation letter) at the verso of frontis. Cover very slight faded, edges sunned, otherwise clean and tight. 19.5x13.3cm. [aj467‐101714] 358 ジャック・ロンドン 「Smoke Bellew」 1851 年 米国版初版 改装 角背革装 函 ¥800,000 Melville, Herman Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851. First American edition. xxiii,634pp. Rebound with marbled board, half calf. Top-edge gilt. Preserve-box. Contents page has a small hole, but chipping pieces not missed. Several pages, including title page, stained. Marble board partly rubbed. Otherwise clean. 19x13cm. [aj473‐101715] 359 ハーマン・メルヴィル 「白鯨」 360 A.A.ミルン 「ぼくたちはいま六つ」 1927 年 初版 クロース装 ¥84,000 Milne, A.A. Now We Are Six. Decorations by Ernest H. Shepard. London: Methuen & Co Ltd, 1927. First published. x,103pp. Bounding in dark red cloth with title and illustrations in gold. T.e.g. Pictorial endpapers, many illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard. Spine ends sl.worn, ink inscription by former owner at front pastedown, light soiling, otherwise fine. 20x12.3cm. [aj490‐101716] 361 ユージン・オニール 「地平線の彼方」「ゴールド」 ¥15,750 O'Neill,Eugene Beyond the Horizon and Gold. Two plays. London: Jonathan Cape, 1924. First published. 175pp.+128pp. Bound in light blue cloth, paper title label to spine,d.w. Dust wrapper sunned and sl.torn at edge. Spine sl.sunned. Edges and pages light foxing. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 19.3x13cm. [u185‐207680] 362 トマス・オトウェイ Otway,Thomas 「Venice Preserv'd, or, A Plot Discover'd」 ¥21,000 Venice Preserv'd, or, A Plot Discover'd. A Tragedy as It is Acted at the Duke's 50 初版本 ・ 限定本 Theatre. London: Printed for Benj.Tooke… and George Straben…, 1704. 62pp. Rebound with calf backed marbled boards, paper title label to spine. Pages trimmed at margin and foxing. Margin of p.61 missing. 22.2x16.8cm. [f0015‐170014] 1948 年 初版 クロース装 ¥8,400 Rome,R.C. Union Club. An Illustrated Descriptive Record of the Oldest Members' Club in London, Founded circa 1799. Published on behalf of the Club by B. T. Batsford Ltd., London, 1948. viii,144pp. Edition limited to 750 copies (of which 500 are for the members only, the rest being for general sale). With 32 plates. Bound in light green cloth, gilt motif on front board, gilt title to spine. Top edge green. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Joint of front e.p.somewhat started. 25x18.6cm. [f0003‐170002] 363 R.C.ローマ 「ユニオン・クラブ」 全 4 巻 春秋社 昭 7,8 [世界大思想全集 67 68 69 81] 函 第 3 巻背擦れ [w2088‐101163] 364 J.ラスキン / 御木本隆三(訳) 「近世畫家論」 ¥47,250 365 J.ラスキン 「書簡体論説」 9巻 総革装 ¥105,000 Ruskin,John Fors Clavigera. Letters to the Workman and Laboures of Great Britain. In 9 vols. With index. George Allen, 1871~1884. First edition. With 6 vignettes by Kate Greenaway in vol. 8. a.e.g. [00843‐101164] 1928 年 クロース装 ¥15,750 Sinclair,Upton Boston. A Novel. In 2 vols. Long Beach, California: Station B, 1928. x,374pp./ 375-755pp. Bound in burgundy cloth, gitl title to spine. Gilt title and illus.to title page. d.w. Dust wrapper somewhat darkened and sl.chipped at spine. Edges and pages sl.foxing. Ink ownership notations to front e.ps.of each vol. 19x13.3cm. [f0011‐170010] 366 アプトン・シンクレア 「ボストン」 367 ガートルード・スタイン 「ピカソ」 ¥21,000 Stein,Gertrude Picasso. 63 Reproductions dont 8 en Couleurs. [Anciens et Moderne] Paris: Librarie Floury, 1938. First edition, text in French. 168pp. Printed wrappers, illus.on front cover. With b/w and colored illus. This copy is near fine. (Wilson A30)Somewhat sunned. Spine partly torn. Ex-libris.(Philip Hall) on front pastedown and ink ownership signature on half-title page. Rear flyleaf partly torn. 20x14.2cm. [s03881‐209828] 368 ジョン・スタインベック 「ピピン四世三日天下」 ¥31,500 Steinbeck,John The Short Reigh of Pippin IV. A Fabrication. New York: Viking Press, 1957. First edition. 188pp. Yellow and pink cloth. Top edge red. Fine. Jacket design and illus.to text by William Pène du Bois. Dust wrapper sl.darkened and spine faded. Edges light foxing. 20.8x14.2cm. [s03889‐209856] 369 ジョン・スタインベック 「忘れられた村」 ¥52,500 Steinbeck,John The Forgotten Village. (to the flap) Life in a Mexican Village. Photographs from the Motion Picture Directed by Herbert Kline. (to title page) With 136 Photographs from the Film of the Same Name by Rosa Harven Kline and Alexander Hackensmid. New York: The Viking Press, 1941. First edition. 143pp White linen cloth, illus.in green on front cover. Pictorial d.w. Top edge green. Dust wrapper sunned, chipped and partly missing. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 26x18cm. [s03891‐209853] 1852 年 英国初版 角背革装 ¥52,500 Stowe, Harriet Beecher Uncle Tom's Cabin. With Twenty-seven illustrations on wood by George Cruikshank. London: John Cassell, Ludgate Hill, 1852. first UK edition. xxiii,391pp. Bounding in decorative paper board with half leather, gilt title on spine. Author's portrait frontis. Front fly leaves, frontis., title page repaired. Some light stains. Front guard of pastedown torn. Spine rubbed. 19.5x13cm. 370 ハリエット・ビーチャー・ストウ 「アンクル・トムの小屋」 [aj476‐101718] 1849 年 クロース装 ¥367,500 Thoreau, Henry D. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Boston and Cambridge: James Munroe and Company, 1849. 413pp. Bound in light brown embossed cloth, gilt title on spine. Spine partly chipped a bit, a few pencil notations, otherwise a fine copy. 20.5x12.2cm. [aj450‐101720] 371 H.D.ソロー 「コンコード川とメリマック川での一週間」 51 初版本 ・ 限定本 1863 年 クロース装 ¥105,000 Thoreau, Henry D. Excursions. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1863. 319pp. Bounding in green embossed cloth, gilt decorative title on spine. Frontis. Spine sl.wore and title a bit faded. Pencil notations to front fly leaves. Frontispiece light spotted. Otherwise clean and tight. 18.7x12cm. [aj448‐ 372 H.D.ソロー 「Excursions」 101721] 1864 年 初版 クロース装 ¥52,500 Thoreau, Henry D. The Maine Woods. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864. First edition, First issue. 328pp.+ 22+1pp. of ads.Bounding in green embossed cloth, gilt decorative title on spine. Ads dated April 1864. Ink notation on title page. Edges sunned, a few pages light spotted. 18.7x12cm. 373 H.D.ソロー 「メインの森」 [aj447‐101722] 1865 年 クロース装 ¥94,500 Thoreau, Henry D. Cape Cod. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1865. 252pp.+ 23+1pp. of ads. Bounding in purple (or brown) embossed cloth, gilt decorative title on spine. Ads dated December, 1864. Spine faded, and chipped at the top. Pencil inscription of previous owner on front fly endpaper. 18.5x13cm. [aj449‐101723] 374 H.D.ソロー 「コッド岬」 1869 年 クロース装 ¥105,000 Twain, Mark The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. and Other Sketches. Edited by John Paul. New York: C. H. Webb, Publisher,1869. 198pp. Original terra-cotta cloth with a frog stamped in gilt on front side, embossed on rear side. Gilt lettering title. Book-shop plate embossed on f.f.e.p., ink inscription on same page, also. Spine ends worn, otherwise clean and tight. 17x11.5cm. 375 マーク・トウェイン 「世にも名高いキャラヴェラス郡の跳び蛙」 [aj483‐101726] 1885 年 初版・函 クロース装 ¥600,000 Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer's Companion) With one Hundred and Seventy-four Illustrations. New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885. First edition, early printing. 366pp. Copyright dated 1884. Bounding in green cloth with black/gold illustration and title stamped. Cover boards parted from binding. Spine and board edges worn. Top-edge darkened. 21.5x17cm. [aj484‐101729] 376 マーク・トウェイン 「ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険」 377 マーク・トウェイン 「アーサー王宮廷のヤンキー」 1949 年 限定 1500 冊、No.622. 背クロース装 函 オノレ・グウィルボー(イラストレーター)署名入 ¥21,000 Clemens,Samuel L. (Twain,Mark) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. With an Introduction by Carl Van Doren and Illustrations by Honoré Guilbeau. New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1949. viii,275pp. 1500 copies have been made for the members of The Limited Editions Club, signed by Guilbeau, this copy is no.622. Blue cloth backed gold boards, blue illus.on front board. Gold slip case. 31x22.2cm. [f0007‐170006] 378 アイザック・ウォルトン (伝記集) ¥10,500 Walton,Izaak The Lives of Doctor John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton Knight, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, and Doctor Robert Sanderson. London: Printed at th Chiswick Press for George Bell and Sons, 1904. 269pp. Limited to 200 copies have been printed for sale in Great Britain and 20 for presentation. This is no.102. Tan cloth backed green cloth, paper title label on front board. With 6 engraved plates (portraits). Boards rubbed and somewhat stained. Spine missing. Edges foxing. E.ps.and some pages light spotted. With a clipped paper from other book (engraved illus.of Walton's house). 35.3x22cm. [f0019‐170018] 1949 年 初版 カバー有、背クロース装 ¥42,000 Welty, Eudora The Golden Apples. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1949. First edition. 244pp. Dustwrapper, light green (or blue) paper board with gilt illus. stamped, purple cloth spine. D.w. partly chipped, spine sun-yellowed. Front paper board's top slight dented. Light foxing to front e.ps. 21x14.5cm. [aj468‐101731] 379 ユードラ・ウェルティ 「黄金の林檎」 52 初版本 ・ 限定本 1930 年 限定 250 冊、No.136 クロース装 署名入り ¥21,000 West, Rebecca Elegy. New York: Phoenix Book Shop Inc., 1930. 30pp. [This edition is consists of two hundred and fifty copies numbered 1-250 for sale. - All copies are signed by the author. This is number 136 ] Original tan cloth board with gilt title on front side. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Book-shop plate on rear pastedown. Cover darkened, especially to spine. Otherwise a fine copy. 21.5x14cm. 380 レベッカ・ウェスト 「エレジー」 [aj480‐101733] 381 ソーントン・ワイルダー 戯曲集 「わが町」「危機一髪」「結婚仲介人」 ¥6,720 Wilder,Thornton Three Plays: Our Town, The Skin of Our Teeth, The Matchmaker. With a Preface. London et al.: Longmans, Green and Co., 1958. First UK edition. xiv,401pp. Blue cloth, gitl title to spine, d.w. Top edge blue. Edges light foxing. 20.3x14.6cm. [s03894‐210901] 382 トマス・ウルフ 「マナーハウス」 ¥12,600 Wolfe,Thomas Mannerhouse. A Play in a Prologue and Three Acts. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948. First edition. 183pp. Navy cloth, gitl title to spine, d.w. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed, darkened, and sl.torn. Edges and pages light foxing. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 20.9x14.4cm. [s03890‐210972] ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 初版本・限定本 1924 年 初版 ¥47,250 Hearn,Lafcadio An American Miscellany. Articles & Stories now first collected by A. Mordell. In 2 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1924. First edition. lxxxii,227pp./ vii,265pp. Red cloth boards, paper title labels on spines (sunned). Colored top edge. Edges light foxing. Ownership signature to front e.ps.of each vol. 22.5x15.5cm. [aj667‐101751] 383 「アメリカ雑録」 1885 年 初版初刷 ¥420,000 Hearn,Lafcadio La Cuisine Creole. A Collection of Culinary Recipes. From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine.NY: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition (Brùlot to "Introduction"). iv,268pp. Brown cloth. Partly gilt title and illus.to front cover. Edges light foxing. Front e.p.partly peeled and joint of rear e.p.sl.started. Bright, near fine. [aj658‐101750] 384 「クレオール料理」 1933 年 ¥52,500 Hearn,Lafcadio Gibbeted:Execution of a Youthful Murderer...Shocking Tragedy at Dayton...A Broken Rope and a Double Hanging...Sickening Scenes Behind the Scaffold-Screen. With a Foreword by P.D.Perkins. Los Angeles: John Murray, 1933. 31pp. 200 copies of Gibbeted were printed in Los Angeles by James I.Haynes, binding by Eunice Murray. 20.5x13.5cm. [s01395 ‐203919] 385 「Gibbeted」 英国版 3/4 革装 ¥63,000 Hearn,Lafcadio Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In 2 vols. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., n.d. x,342pp./ 344-699pp.+illus. 3/4 leather binding. Ex-libris to front e.p.of each vol. t.e.g. Edges foxing. [aj663‐101754] 386 「知られぬ日本の面影」 387 「Gombo Zhèbes」 ¥105,000 Hearn,Lafcadio Gombo Zhèbes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs. Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and into English, with Notes, Complete Index to Subjects and Some Brief Remarks upon the Creole Idioms of Louisiana by Lafcadio Hearn. New York: Will H.Coleman, 53 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 1885. 42pp. With olive cloth. Gilt title to front cover. 22x17.3cm. Rubbed to front board. [s04578‐211505] 1885 年 初版・初刷 オリジナル地図付 ¥315,000 Hearn,Lafcadio (contribution) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans and Environs. Edited and Compiled by Several Leading Writers of the New Orleans Press. With Map. Illustrated with many Original Engravings and Containing Exhaustive Accounts of the Traditions, Historical Legends, and Remarkable Localities of the Creole City. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition, first issue. 324pp.+plates. With illus.and a large folded map of New Orleans inserted, map torn. Original reddish-brown wrappers. The spine expertly repaires in cloth. Front cover rubbed. [s01391 ‐100772] 388 「ニューオリンズの歴史的スケッチ及び案内」 1885 年 初版・3 刷 オリジナル地図付 ¥262,500 Hearn,Lafcadio (contribution) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans and Environs. Exposition Edition. Edited and Compiled by Several Leading Writers of the New Orleans Press. With Map. Illustrated with many Original Engravings and Containing Exhaustive Accounts of the Traditions, Historical Legends, and Remarkable Localities of the Creole City. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. 324pp.+plates. With illus.and a large folded map of New Orleans inserted, map torn. Original blue cloth. The spine darkened and rubbed. 17.8x13.8cm. [s01870 ‐100773] 389 「ニューオリンズの歴史的スケッチ及び案内」 1926 年 ¥31,500 Hearn,Lafcadio Insects and Greek Poetry. New York: William Edwin Rudge, 1926. (550 copies printed by William Edwin Rudge in Oct.1926) (24)pp. Blue paper covered boards, gilt title to front board. 18.1x11.1cm. [aj685‐101755] 390 「昆虫とギリシャ詩」 1915 年 初版 ¥31,500 Hearn,Lafcadio Interpretations of Literature. Selected and edited with an introduction by J.Erskine. In 2 vols. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1915. First edition. xiv,406pp./ 379pp. Red cloth boards, paper title labels on spines (sunned). T.e.g. With a portrait. Ex-libris. Edges foxing. 23.8x16.5cm. 391 「文学の解釈」 [aj665‐101756] 1904 年 初版後刷(3 刷以降) ¥84,000 Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1904. First edition, latter issue. iii,240pp.+1plate. With the story 'Insect-Studies.' Original dark green cloth with motif on front board. Frontis. and 1 plate in b/w by Keichu Takenouche. Dust wrapper sunned and xhipped. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [aj661‐101758] 392 「怪談」 393 「島根九州だより」 向日庵私版・初版 函付 壽岳文章 校訂兼發行者 ¥367,500 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters from Shimane and Kyūshū. Kyoto: The Sunward Press, 昭 9 71pp. This edition, now first reprinted from the Japan Weekly Mail in which they first appeared, was privately printed for Dr. Sanki Ichikawa. The get-up was done by Bunsho Jugaku of the Sunward Press in collaboration with Keisuke Serizawa who stencilled and dyed the cover and drew numerous tail-peices in the text. The edition is limited to 100 copies and this copy is No. 35. With a slip case. Very fine. 26.4x19.3cm. [s01413 ‐100775] 1933 年 初版 ¥52,500 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters to a Pagan. Detroit: Robert Bruna Powers, 1933. This is the first of the Laughing Dragon Books. Limited to 550 copies. This is no.228. 119pp. Golden cloth spine with title. Bright green paper covered boards. No box, spine soiled, else very good. 21.8x16cm. [aj678‐101761] 394 「異教徒への手紙」 1895 年 ¥21,000 Hearn,Lafcadio Out of The East. Reveries and Studies in New Japan. London and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1895. 341pp. Yellow cloth (sl.darkened), silver lettering and motif on front board and spine. Top edge yellow. Edges foxing. Small ownership signature to front flyleaf. Cut off at the rear flyleaf. 18.5x12.7cm. [aj688‐101764] 395 「東の国から」 54 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 1905 年 初版 ¥52,500 Hearn,Lafcadio The Romance of the Milky Way and Other Studies and Stories. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1905. (published Oct.1905) First edition. xiii,209pp. Dark green cloth with yellow dust wrapper (sunned and chipped). Edges foxing. Stamped on title page. [aj682‐101762] 396 「天の川綺譚その他」 397 アナトール・フランス (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 「シルヴェストル・ボナールの罪」 1890 年 初版 ¥52,500 France,Anatole The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard. (Member of the Institute). The Translation and Introduction by Lafcadio Hearn. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. First edition. ix,281pp. Brown cloth, paper title label to spine (sunned). T.e.g. Edges foxing. A clipped article (about this book) pasted on rear e.p. 21.5x15.5cm. [aj680‐101743] 398 アナトール・フランス (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 「シルヴェストル・ボナールの罪」 1890 年 初版 ペーパバック 拵秩入 ¥157,500 France,Anatole The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard. (Member of the Institute). The Translation and Introduction by Lafcadio Hearn. [Harper's Franklin Square Library] New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. ix,281pp. Printed wrappers, sunned and chipped. Spine repaired with tapes. Edges foxing. 20.3x14.5cm. With a preserved case. [aj681‐101744] 399 テオフィル・ゴーチェ (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 「クレオパトラの一夜」 1929 年 ¥105,000 Gautier,Theophile One of Cleopatra's Nights. Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Chicago: Privately printed, 1929. Of this edition of One of Cleopatra's Nights there have benn printed 150 numbered copies for subscribes only on Utopian Antique Laid paper. Privately printed for Targ & Dordick, booksellers of Chicago, by special arrangement with Brentano's,Inc. (This copy is no number) 80pp. Crimson cloth boards (sl.rubbed at edge), gilt title to front board (darkened), purple dust wrapper. Frontis. Edges light foxing. Some pages light stained at margin. 32x21cm. A limited "Edition de luxe." [aj691‐101747] 作 品 (初版本・限定本以外) 400 Erskine,John ed. Pre-Raphaelite and Other Poets. Lectures by Lafcadio Hearn. Selected and edited with an introduction by John Erskine. London: William Heinemann, 1923. Later edition. ix,432pp. The spine of dust wrapper sunned, partly chipped and torn. [s01388 ‐203845] ¥31,500 401 France,Anatole The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard. Translated by Lafcadio Hearn with Illustrations and Decorations by Zhenya Gay. London: John Lane The Bodley Head / New York: Dodd,Mead and Co., 1931. First illustrated edition. viii,310pp. With a frontis.and many illus. Gilt title to spine, gilt illus.and title to front cover. Top edge red. The edge of slip case slightly damaged. Scarce in box. 24.5x16.5cm. [s01410 ‐203850] ¥84,000 402 Hearn,Lafcadio A History of English Literature in a Series of Lectures. 小泉八雲英文學史 I II. 2 vols. 北星堂 昭 2-3 第 1 巻:増補訂正版 函 天金 [w2055‐702223] ¥36,750 403 Hearn,Lafcadio Buddha. Neue Geschichten und Studien aus Japan. Frankfurt Am Maind, Rutten & Loening, 1921. 268pp. Crème-colored paper covered board sl. foxed. Gilt-decorative cover. Text in German. Some scattered foxing to front & rear flyleaves. [s04254‐203892] ¥6,300 404 Hearn,Lafcadio Buddha. Neue Geschichten und Studien aus Japan. Frankfurt Am Maind, Rutten & Loening, 1922. 268pp. Crème-colored paper covered board sl. foxed. Gilt-decorative cover. Text in German. Some scattered foxing on back cover. [s04255‐203893] ¥5,250 55 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 405 Hearn,Lafcadio Buddha. Neue Geschichten und Studien aus Japan. Frankfurt Am Maind, Rutten & Loening, 1923. 268pp. Crème-colored paper covered board, spine sl. sunned. [s04256‐203894] ¥5,250 406 Hearn,Lafcadio Chita: A Memory of Last Island. Harper & Brothers, 1889. 初版・初刷 cloth. 19x12.8cm. [s01465‐203896] ¥31,500 204pp. Decorated brown 407 Hearn,Lafcadio Chita: A Memory of Last Island. New York & London: Harper & Brothers, 1889. 初版・後刷 204pp. Brown cloth. Top edge darkened. 19.2x13cm. [s02513 ‐203898] ¥15,750 408 Hearn,Lafcadio Chita: A Memory of Last Island. Harper & Brothers, 1917 再版 204pp. Dust wrapper sl.missing at the edges. Greene cloth. カバー付き(少々欠) [s02542 ‐203899] ¥21,000 409 Hearn,Lafcadio Das Japanbuch von Lafcadio Hearn. Eine Auswahl aus den Werken von Lafcadio Hearn. Frankfurt a M. Rütten & Loening, 1919. 310pp. Spine & cover watersteined. Some hinge weak. [s04251‐203902] ¥4,200 410 Hearn,Lafcadio Das Japanbuch von Lafcadio Hearn. Eine Auswahl aus den Werken von Lafcadio Hearn. Frankfurt a M. Rütten & Loening, 1922. 310pp. Board sl.stained. Pages have sl. darkened. Spine repaired to cloth. [s04252‐203903] ¥4,200 411 山宮允 (編注) Editorials from the Kobe Chronicle. Edited with notes by Makoto Sangu. 神戸クロニクル社説 北星堂:昭 35 初版 ix,202pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges and e.ps.sunned. 18.5x13.5cm. [s04844‐212052] ¥42,000 412 Hearn,Lafcadio Essays on American Literature. (小泉八雲 アメリカ文学論) With an Introduction by Albert Mordell. Edited by Sanki Ichikawa. 北星堂, 昭 4. xxxviii,250pp. Dust wrapper sunned & somewhat chipped. t.e.g. Both front & rear flyleaves foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page. 25.2x17.5cm. [s04852‐212055] ¥29,400 413 Hearn,Lafcadio Fantastics and Other Fancies. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. 初版・後刷 カバー付 ix,241pp. The spine of dust wrapper somewhat chipped. Two clipped articles about Hearn pasted to front paste down, and another two clippings inserted. Presented to Ethel Hamilton Hinkle by Edna Horsford as a Christmas gift with a card pasted on front flyleaf. d.w. 19x12.5cm. [s01401 ‐203913] ¥36,750 414 Hearn,Lafcadio Frisson. 製本試作 文字なし イラストのみ 西宮印刷製本 1940 年頃 T.R.Macaulay の試作。 アメリカン・ミューチュアルライフ・インシュアランス Co. (カリフォルニアの保険代理店)が顧客へ契約 記念に進呈したもの。ジュート(黄麻)装・背クロース(焦茶)、角少々擦れ 前見返しのみ和紙 後見 返しジョイント部分裂け 23.4x18cm. [s04931‐212047] ¥18,900 415 Hearn,Lafcadio Frisson. 製本試作 文字なし イラストのみ 西宮印刷製本 1940 年頃 T.R.Macaulay の試作。 アメリカン・ミューチュアルライフ・インシュアランス Co. (カリフォルニアの保険代理店)が顧客へ契約 56 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 記念に進呈したもの。リネン(麻)装・背合皮(オレンジ色) 表紙、裏表紙、背少々汚れ 前見返しのみ 和紙 後見返しジョイント部分裂け 23.4x18cm. [s04932‐212048] ¥18,900 416 Hearn,Lafcadio Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In 2 vols. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1894. 初版・初刷 Original decorative black cloth stamped in silver. t.e.g. [s04267‐203924] ¥47,250 417 Hearn,Lafcadio Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In 2 vols. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1894. 初版・初刷 Original decorative green cloth stamped in silver. t.e.g. [s04266‐203925] ¥47,250 418 Hearn,Lafcadio / Kazuo,Koizumi ed. (小泉一雄 解説及編輯) Japanese Goblin Poetry. 小山書店 昭 9 小泉八雲秘稿畫本 『妖魔詩話』 函付 限定 500 部 (451 部) [s02551‐100771] ¥210,000 419 Hearn,Lafcadio Kyushu. Träume und Studien Aus Dem Neuen Japan. Frankfurt Am Main, Rütten & Loening, 1908. 298pp. Crème-colored paper coverd board. Gilt-decorative cover. Stamp on front flyleaf. Text in German. [s04259‐203970] ¥8,400 420 Hearn,Lafcadio Lectures on Prosody. 作詩論に就いて [s01469 ‐203974] ¥8,400 北星堂昭 10 再版 90pp. Dust wrapper sunned. t.e.g. 421 西崎一郎(編) Literary Essays. 北星堂 昭 14 ix,209pp. Green cloth. Top edge black. Spine sl.sunned. Edges and e.ps.sunned. Light stained to some pages. 19.5x13.5cm. [s04837‐211972] ¥5,250 422 Hearn,Lafcadio Lotos. Blicke in das Unbekannte Japan. Frankfurt Am Main, Rütten & Loening, 1922. Crème-colored paper coverd board. Gilt-decorative cover. Spine sl.chipped & foxed. [s04257‐203982] ¥5,250 423 424 Hearn,Lafcadio Lotos. Blicke in das Unbekannte Japan. Frankfurt Am Main, Rütten & Loening, 1923. Crème-colored paper coverd board. Spine sl.sunned. [s04258‐203983] ¥5,250 Hearn,Lafcadio Out of the East. [t561‐203986] 304pp. 304pp. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1895. 初版・後刷(緑表紙) ¥18,900 425 Hearn,Lafcadio Some Chinese Ghosts. Yiddish Versiion by Bernard Witt. 「大鐘の霊」 イディッシュ語訳 New York: Bernard Witt, 1930. 190pp. Top edge green. [s01397 ‐203998] ¥36,750 426 Hearn,Lafcadio The Romance of the Milky Way & Other Studies and Stories. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1905. 初 版・初刷 xiii,209pp. Top edge yellow. [s02536 ‐204010] ¥21,000 427 Hearn,Lafcadio The Romance of the Milky Way & Other Studies and Stories. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1905. 初版 xiii,209pp. Top edge yellow. [s01384 ‐204011] ¥31,500 428 Hearn,Lafcadio The Voice of the Great Bell by Lafcadio Hearn. Retold by Margaret Hodges. Illustrated by Ed Young. Boston,Toronto,London: Little,Brown and Company, 1989. 絵本 "The Voice of Great 57 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) Bell" is retold from the story "The Soul of the Great Bell" by L.Hearn in his collection of stories entitled Some Chinese Ghosts. d.w. A picture book. 28.5x23.5cm. [s01417 ‐204014] ¥12,600 429 Hearn,Lafcadio Youma. The Story of A West-Indian Slave. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. 初版・後刷 193pp. Red cloth, with a frontispiece from an engraving. Spine lettered in gilt. Small label on front fly leaf. [s04269‐204018] ¥15,750 430 Hearn,Lafcadio Youma. The Story of A West-Indian Slave. tion of 1890, New York. First AMS edition. New York: AMS Press, 1969. Reprinted from the edi193pp. [s01889 ‐204019] ¥9,450 431 Kishi,Shigeru (岸重次) comp. Lafcadio Hearn's Lectures on Tennyson. Compiled by Shigetsugu Kishi (岸 重次). Tokyo:The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 昭 16 (1941). 181pp. Dust wrapper sunned and sl.chipped. Edges sunned and pages sl.spotted. 18.7x13.4cm. [s02568‐204036] ¥9,450 432 Loti,Pierre Stories from Pierre Loti. ピエル ロチ短篇集 Translated by Lafcadio Hearn with Introduction by Albert Mordell. 北星堂 1933. ii,17-241pp. Cloth. Top edge black. Deckle edges. Sunned. Both fly e.ps. foxed. Stained to rear board. [s04569‐211497] ¥8,400 433 Maupassant, Guy De The Adventures of Walter Schnaffs and Other Stories. モウパッサン短篇集 Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. With an Introduction by Albert Mordell. The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 昭 7.再版 277pp. Dustwrapper,cloth, deckle fore and bottom edges. D.w. sunned and sl. foxed. Top edge stained. Seal to rear e.p. [s04573‐211500] ¥10,500 434 Maupassant, Guy De The Adventures of Walter Schnaffs and Other Stories. モウパッサン短篇集 Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. With an Introduction by Albert Mordell. The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 昭 10.3 版 277pp. Cloth, top edge black and other edges deckle. Sunned. Small ink stamps on title page and rear endpaper by former owner. Foxed to fly e.ps. [s04572‐211499] ¥8,400 435 田部隆次(編註) Stories and Sketches by Lafcadio Hearn. 小泉八雲「論文と随筆」 (ストウリズ、エンド、スケッチェ ズ) Thirty Representative Masterpieces Selected Out of All His Writings. 北星堂昭 14. 17 版 訳 注日本語. Colored frontis. Dust wrapper sl.chipped and sunned at spine. Ownership stamped on title page (2.5x3cm). E.ps.and flyleaves sl.foxing. 19x13cm. [s04836‐211973] ¥3,150 436 田部隆次、落合貞三郎 (校訂) 田部隆次旧蔵 A History of English Literature. 英文學史 Edited by Ryuji Tanabé and Teizaburo Ochiai. Third Edition, Revised by Ichiro Nishizaki and A Stanton Whitfield. One=Volume Edition. Tokyo: The Hokuseido press(北星堂), 昭 9 (1934). 修正再版 xvii,974pp.+index(xlviii). 講述者:小泉八 雲 校訂者:田部隆次、落合貞三郎 発行兼印刷者:中土義敬 Dark green cloth, gilt title to spine. Top edge black. With a portrait of L.Hearn. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Autographed by R.Tanabe on title page. Circle ownership stamped on margin of title page (島田蔵書 3.7x2.7cm.). 22.7x15.7cm. 田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎 (校訂) 田部隆次旧蔵 On Art Literature and Philosophy. 文学論 Edited by Ryuji Tanabé and Teizaburo Ochiai, and Ichiro Nishizaki. Tokyo: The Hokuseido press(北星堂), 昭 7 (1932). ii,533pp.+index(xv). 著者: 小泉八雲 校訂者:田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎 発行兼印刷者:中土義敬 Dark green cloth, gilt title to spine. Top edge black. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Autographed by R.Tanabe on title page. Circle ownership stamped on margin of title page (島田蔵書 3.7x2.7cm.). Red pencil notations to 58 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 'Contents'. Dust wrapper partly missing (Rear cover & spine), folded at center, and put between front e.p. 22.7x15.7cm. 田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎 (校訂) 田部隆次旧蔵 On Poetry. 詩論 Edited by Ryuji Tanabé and Teizaburo Ochiai, and Ichiro Nishizaki. Tokyo: The Hokuseido press(北星堂), 昭 9 (1934). viii,ii,750pp.+index(ix). 講述者:小泉八雲 校訂者: 田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎 発行兼印刷者:中土義敬 Dark green cloth, gilt title to spine. Top edge black. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Autographed by R.Tanabe on title page. Circle ownership stamped on margin of title page (島田蔵書 3.7x2.7cm.). From title page to p.7 light spotted. Dust wrapper sl.darkened, and sl.rubbed at edge. 22.7x15.7cm. 田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎 (校訂) 田部隆次旧蔵 On Poets. 詩人論 Edited by Ryuji Tanabé and Teizaburo Ochiai, and Ichiro Nishizaki. Tokyo: The Hokuseido press(北星堂), 昭 9 (1934). viii,ii,841pp.+index(x). 講述者:小泉八雲 校訂者: 田部隆次、落合貞三郎、西崎一郎 発行兼印刷者:中土義敬 Dark green cloth, gilt title to spine. Top edge black. Right edge of front board, left edge and bottom corner of rear board partly damaged. Edges and e.ps.sl.foxing. Autographed by R.Tanabe on title page. Circle ownership stamped on margin of title page (島田蔵書 3.7x2.7cm.). From title page to p.2 light spotted. Dust wrapper sl.darkened, sunned at spine, wrinkled at front cover, and partly torn. 22.7x15.7cm. [s04933‐204080] 全 4 巻セット ¥63,000 書簡集 437 Bisland,Elizabeth The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. With illustrations. In 2 vols. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co./ Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1906. (published Dec.1906) viii,475pp.+plates / 554pp.+plates. 『小泉八雲の伝記と書簡』初版 With illus. Dark green cloth, gilt title to cover and spine. Red「小泉」motif to cover. Portrait of L.Hearn in each volume. t.e.g. Edges light foxing. Ownership signature to front e.ps.of each vol. 22.4x15.5cm. [aj668‐101740] ¥36,750 438 Bisland,Elizabeth ed. The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited with an introduction by Elizabeth Bisland. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1910. (published Nov.1910) lx,468pp.+plates. 『小泉八雲日本書簡集』 Edges light foxing. Spine sl.darkened and sl.rubbed at edge. 22.4x15.5cm. [aj669‐101741] ¥21,000 439 Chamberlain,Basil Hall et al. Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授の手紙 [and] More Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn, and Letters from M. Toyama, Y.Tsubouchi and Others. ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授、外山博士、坪内博士の手紙 Compiled by Kazuo Koizumi. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1936 & 1937. iv,158pp.+plates (1 frontis.& 10 b/w photos.) / viii,208pp.+plates (1 frontis.& 10 b/w photos.). Uniform designed navy cloth, gitl title to front board and spine, red circle with letters on front boards, t.e.g., other edges untrimed and light foxing. Light gray dustwrapper with a portrait of Chamberlain. With slip cases. Dust wrapper of "Letters from…" chipped at edge and torn at front flap and center of spine. Slip case of "More Letters from…" somewhat darkened and sl.rubbed. [s04928‐212044] ¥52,500 440 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授の手紙 Compiled by Kazuo Koizumi. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1936. iv,158pp.+plates (1 frontis.& 10 b/w photos.). Covers somewhat curved. Ink notation to front flyleaf. [s01406 ‐203835] ¥29,400 59 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 441 Chamberlain,Basil Hall et al. Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授の手紙 [and] More Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn, and Letters from M. Toyama, Y.Tsubouchi and Others. ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授、外山博士、坪内博士の手紙 Compiled by Kazuo Koizumi. 北星堂, 雄松堂, 1992. 第3刷 iv,158pp.+plates./ viii,208pp.+plates. Frontis. and 10 and 9 b/w photo. With slip case. 2vols. Fine as new. [s01893‐203836] ¥21,000 書 誌 442 Perkins,P.D. / Perkins,Ione Lafcadio Hearn: A Bibliography of His Writings. With an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934. xvii,444pp.+plates. 『小泉八雲書誌』 Cloth, slip case. forntis. and 5illus. 25.5x18.4cm. Spine sunned. Slip-case partly sunned and chipped. [s04579‐211506] ¥84,000 443 Perkins,P.D.& Ione Perkins Lafcadio Hearn: A Bibliography of His Writings. With an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa. Tokyo: Published for the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Committee by the Hokuseido Press, 1934. Limited edition: 200 copies of the book have been issued in Japan, and the present copy is no.93. xvii,444pp.+plates. 『小泉八雲書誌』 Crimson cloth boards, gilt title to spine. T.e.g. With a frontis.and 5 plates. Front inner hinge (first page of 'introduction') somewhat broken, else very good. 25.5x17.5cm. [aj664‐101772] ¥105,000 翻訳書 444 岡戸武平 小泉八雲 [日本小説新書] 大日本雄辯會講談社, 昭 18. 初版 242pp. 装幀:鈴木朱雀 Printed wrappers, spine sunned and rear cover sl.ink stained. 2-14pp.欠 18.7x13cm. [s03111‐204103] ¥2,100 445 川崎備寛(訳) シルヴエストル・ボナール博士の罪 アナトール・フランス作 冬夏社, 大 11 371pp. (「此の訳本はラフカデイオ・ハーンの英訳に據った・・・」"はしがき"より) Slip case. Spine sunned. [s01925 ‐204106] ¥29,400 446 小泉一雄(解説及編輯) 小泉八雲秘稿畫本 妖魔詩話 Japanese Goblin Poetry. 小山書店 昭 9 限定 500 部(451 部) 函付 [s02551‐204110] ¥210,000 447 高田 力 小泉八雲の横顔 北星堂 昭 9 初版 函 前あそび紙欠、後あそび紙小印 448 田部隆次(編) 小泉八雲新輯 I: 日本の怪談, II: 日本の面影, III: 日本の心 全 3 巻揃 大日本雄辯會講談社, 昭 21-22. 211pp./ 286pp./ 223pp. 装釘・花森安治 ソフトカバー. 第 1-2 巻に口絵. 全体的にヤケ(仙花紙). 背表紙タイトル擦れ. 第 2 巻 p.197 に汚れ、p.214, 280, 281 に赤鉛筆で書き込み. 第 1 巻裏表紙に個人印(小). 第 3 巻に個人印 (印のサイズ 前遊び紙: 1.2x5.5cm、後ろ遊び紙および p.223 裏: 2.5x7cm) 18.5x13cm. [s04843‐704929] ¥9,450 449 田部隆次(編) 小泉八雲新輯 I: 日本の怪談 大日本雄辯會講談社, 昭 21. 211pp. ペーパー装. ヤケ. 奥付裏に書込 装釘・花森安治 [s03118‐204149] ¥4,200 450 田部隆次(訳編) 小泉八雲選集 落穂 八雲書店, 昭 23 223pp. ペーパー装. 全体的にヤケ(仙花紙). 18.1x12.7cm. ¥4,200 60 [w2053‐702230] ¥12,600 [s04839‐704925] ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 451 田部隆次(編) 小泉八雲讀本 第一書房, 昭 17 1 刷 361pp. ペーパー装. 口絵. 全体的にヤケ(仙花紙). 奥付少々裂け. 18.2x12.7cm. [s04842‐704928] ¥4,200 452 田部隆次(訳) 續文學論 興風館, 昭 21. 229pp. ペーパー装. ヤケ. 18.7x12.9cm. [s03117‐204114] ¥3,150 453 田部隆次(訳) 旅の宿の夜話 [養徳叢書 外國篇] 養徳社, 昭 22 140pp. ペーパー装. 全体的にヤケ(仙花紙). カバー少々汚れ、少々裂け. 「あとが き」に朱線 .18.3x13cm. [s04841‐704927] ¥4,200 454 田部隆次 小泉八雲 ラフカディオ、ヘルン 早稲田大学出版部 大 3 491pp. クロース装(クリーム色、表紙に竹の絵). 小口、背表紙ヤケ. 見返 し少々汚れ. 数ページに点々と薄い汚れ. 22.5x15.7cm. [s04850‐704923] ¥15,750 455 田部隆次 小泉八雲 ラフカディオ・ヘルン 北星堂 昭 26 改訂再版 470pp.+plates. 図版. カバー部分裂け. 函ヤケ、ダメージ有り. ‐204143] ¥5,250 456 田部隆次 小泉八雲全集(上製版) 別冊 小泉八雲 第一書房 昭 4 非売品 508pp. 函. 背ヤケ. 口絵及び本文図版あり. 天金. 附・月報. ‐204144] ¥8,400 [s01918 [s01928 457 西崎一郎(編) Ichiro Nisizaki ed. Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. The New Radiance and Other Scientific Sketches.・Buying Christmas Toys and Other Essays.・Oriental Articles.・Literary Essays.・Barbarous Barbers and Other Stories. 5 vols 北星堂 1992.第 3 刷函少々汚れ、擦れ. クロース装, 天黒. [s04581‐211508] ¥15,750 458 西崎一郎(編) Ichiro Nisizaki ed. Lafcadio Hearn's American Articles. The New Radiance and Other Scientific Sketches.・Buying Christmas Toys and Other Essays.・Oriental Articles.・Literary Essays.・Barbarous Barbers and Other Stories. 5 vols 北星堂 1992.第 3 刷函少々汚れ、擦れ. クロース装, 天黒. University stamped to title page and rear fly end paper. 扉、後ろ見返しに大学印あり. [s04580‐211508] ¥10,500 459 平井呈一(譯編) 小泉八雲作品集 筑摩書房, 昭 29 428pp. 口絵. 函の背表紙にダメージあり. 前後遊び紙に印. 「怪談・奇談」「日本の こころ」「日本の女性」「日本の風土」「日本の習俗」他所収 [s01927 ‐204175] ¥12,600 460 丸山 學 小泉八雲新考 北星堂 昭 11 初版 函 [w0420 ‐204183] ¥29,400 461 (雑誌) 現代のエスプリ No.91. 小泉八雲 編集・解説 森 亮 至文堂 昭和 50 年 2 月号 216pp. (寄稿者:森亮、西崎一郎、丸山学、池野誠、勝部真長、大西忠雄、 矢野峰人、岡田幸一、寿岳文章、渡部昇一、岡村昭彦、高田力、野田宇太郎、速川和男) G.S.フレ ーザー「ラフカジオ・ハーン」西崎一郎(訳)掲載 ペーパー装. 全体的に少々汚れ. 22.5x15.2cm. [s04849‐704922] ¥4,200 462 文豪小泉八雲 [帝國文学第十巻第十一 小泉八雲記念號] 大日本図書 明 37 カバー(カバー付は稀少). 後見返し部分に「小泉画伯(ハーンの三男)の筆塚 できる」の新聞記事添付. [w2501‐704604] ¥31,500 61 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 英米文学コンコーダンス、作品辞典、ビブリオグラフィー 463 (BECKETT,Samuel) Barale,Michèle Aina / Rabinovitz,Rubin A Kwic Concordance to Samuel Beckett's Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, and The Unnamable. [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities] Vol.753. 2 vols. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1988. xxi,535pp. / 539-1125pp. [cd0015‐300384] ¥25,200 464 (BRONTES ) Sabol,C.Ruth & Todd K.Bender A Concordance to Bronte's Wuthering Heights. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1984. First published. ix,290pp. Green cloth, one spot on board. [cd0060‐300388] ¥12,600 465 (BROWNING,Elizabeth Barrett) Hudson,Gladys,W., comp. An Elizabeth Barrett Browning Concordance. Vol.I: Juvenilia. The Seraphim and Other Poems. Chaucer Modernised. / Vol.II: Poems,1844. Poems,1850. Sonnets from the Portuguese. Casa Guidi Windows. / Vol.III: Aurora Leigh. / Vol.IV: Poems Before Congress. Last Poems. Translations. Posthumous Poems. Headnotes. General Appendices. 4 vols. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1973. xx,439pp. / vii,441-1085pp. / vii,1087-1601pp. / vii,1603-2074pp. [cd0018‐300389] ¥46,200 466 (BROWNING,Robert) Broughton,Leslie N. / Stelter,Benjamin F. A Concordance to the Poems of Robert Browning. In 2 vols. Senjo Publishing(千城書房), 1964. Reprinted. 1270pp. / 1388pp. Originally published by New York: G. E. Stechert and Co. , 1924, 1925. 1/2 leather. 第2巻 194-207pp.乱丁 (落丁なし) 第2巻 背の上部少々裂け有 30 x 23cm. [cd0021 ‐300390] ¥37,800 467 (CARROLL,Lewis) Preston,Michael J. A Concordance to the Verse of Lewis Carroll. xx,344pp. [cd0061‐300394] ¥15,750 New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1985. 468 (CARROLL,Lewis) Preston,Michael J. A Kwic Concordance to Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. With a Critical Introduction by James R.Kincaid. [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities] Vol.676. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1986. xxix,628pp. [cd0062‐300395] ¥31,500 469 (COLLINS,William) Booth,Bradford A. & Claude E.Jones comp. A Concordance of the Poetical Works of William Collins. University of California Press, 1939. vi,126pp. d.w. 市河三喜当該本関連自筆葉書2枚付き [s080 ‐201500] ¥12,600 470 (DICKENS,Charles) Williams,Mary The Dickens Concordance.Being a Compendium of Names and Characters and principal places mentioned in all the Works of Charles Dickens. London: Francis Griffiths.1970. Folcroft Library Editions. 162pp. [Containing first a List of the Works, secondly a Summary of Chapters in each book or pamphlet, and thirdly a complete Alphabetical Index of names, with the title of book and number of chapter quoted.] 8vo. Cloth. Limited to 150 Copies. Edges sl.stained. E.ps. sunned. [cd0083‐301015] ¥10,500 471 (ETHEREGE,Sir George) Aotani,Noriko ed. A Concordance to Sir George Etherege's She Would If She Could. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Restoration Plays] Osaka Univ.: Graduate School of Language and Culture, 1990. ii,468pp. Rebound. 28x18.5cm. [cd0042 ‐300408] ¥25,200 472 (EMERSON,Ralph Waldo) Cameron,Kenneth Walter Index-Concordance to Emerson's Sermons. With Homiletical Papers. In 2 vols. Hartford: Tran- 62 英米文学コンコーダンス、作品辞典、ビブリオグラフィー scendental Books, 1963. 353pp. 354-709pp. With portraits. Good inscription by K.W.Cameron in his hand, on the front flyleaf to his friend Professor Irie Yukio. 28x21.5cm. [cd0066‐300409] ¥52,500 473 (EMERSON,Ralph Waldo) Hubbell,George Shelton A Concordance to the Poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: The H.W.Wilson Co, 1932. x,478pp. Ink signature on title page. 26x17cm. [cd0065‐300410] ¥15,750 474 (GLAY,Thomas) Cook, Albert S. ed. A Concordance to the English Poems of Thomas Gray. Houghton Mifflin Com. 1908. x,160pp.4to. Cloth. 2colmns. Sunned. Edges stained. Cover partly rubbed. [cd0076‐301008] ¥10,500 475 (HERRICK,Robert) MacLeod,Malcolm, comp.& ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Robert Herrick. New York: Haskell House Publishers, 1971. (First published 1936.) xviii,299pp. 28×22cm. Cloth. 2colmns. A scuffing on spine, and its upper part somewhat rubbed and faded. Edges sunned. [cd0077‐301009] ¥15,750 476 (JAMES,Henry) Bender,Todd K. & D.Leon Higdon A Concordance to Henry James's The Spoils of Poynton. [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol.648] New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1988. ix,400pp. Ex-library stamps on the margin of title page and bottom edge. 28.6x21.8cm. [cd0051 ‐300418] ¥12,600 477 (JOHNSON,Samuel) Naugle,Helen Harrold ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Samuel Johnson. Edited by Helen Harrold Naugle. In Collaboration with Peter B. Sherry. Cornell UP., 1973. xxx,578pp. 24x16cm. [cd0056‐300419] ¥8,400 478 (JONSON,Ben) Di Cesare,Mario A. / Fogel,Ephim, eds. A Concordance to the Poems of Ben Jonson. Cornell UP., 1978. First published. xxv,879pp. 24×16cm. Cloth. Stamped on title page. Edges somewhat stained and spotted. [cd0075‐301006] ¥18,900 479 (KEATS,John) Baldwin,D.L., Broughton,L.N.,Evans,L.C.,Hebel,J.W.,Stelter,B.F.,Thayer,M.R., eds. A Concordance to the Poems of John Keats. Washington: The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1917. xxi,437pp. 4to.(30×24cm) Printed wrappers. 2colmns. Frontispiece missing. 扉絵(肖像画)欠 Cover and edges sunned and stained. Spine damaged and partly peeled off. Red underlined and notations to some pages in 'Preface'. [cd0081‐301013] ¥10,500 480 (KILLIGREW,Thomas) Umesaki,Atsuko ed. A Concordance to Thomas Killigrew's The Parson's Wedding. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Restoration Plays] Osaka Univ.: Graduate School of Language and Culture, 1990. ii,730pp. Rebound. 28x18.5cm. [cd0043 ‐300426] ¥29,400 481 (LAWRENCE,D.H.) Garcia,Reloy and Karabatsos,James eds. A Concordance to the Poetry of D.H.Lawrence. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska P. 1970. xvi,523pp.29×22.5cm. Cloth. 2colmns. Stamped on title page by former owner. Cover somewhat stained, and light stains to some pages. [cd0084‐301016] ¥18,900 482 (MARLOWE,Christopher) Ule,Louis A Concordance to the Works of Christopher Marlowe. [The Elizabethan Concordance Series] New York: George Olms Verlag. 1979. xv,596pp.29×20cm. Cloth. With plenty of tables. Almost pages in 2colmns. Cover partly rubbed and stained. Pages fine. [cd0080‐301012] ¥21,000 483 (MELVILLE,Herman) 前野繁 稲積包昭 A Melville Lexicon. 東京:開文社, 1984. First edition. xi,516pp.+3 plates. Dark green cloth, with d.w.and slip case (somewhat stained). Spine and rear cover of d.w.sl.stained. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [cd0101‐301033] ¥12,600 484 (MILTON,John) Ingram,William / Swaim,Kathleen ed. A Concordance to Milton's English Poetry. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1972. xvii,683pp. 4to. 63 英米文学コンコーダンス、作品辞典、ビブリオグラフィー Cloth, dustwrapper. 2colmns. Spine of d.w. sunned. Edges stained and spotted. Light spottings to some pages. [cd0074‐301005] ¥21,000 485 (O'Neill,Eugene) Reaver, J.Russell compile An O'Neill Concordance. In Three Volumes. Detroit,Michigan; Gale Research Company, 1969. 616pp./617pp.-1230pp./1231pp.-1846pp. Black cloth. Covers sl.stained, sl.bumped & sl.rubbed at corners. Top edge somewhat foxed. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed. Top & fore edegs sl.spotted. Vol.1; Red ink underlines to page 316 & 317. Blue ink underlines & notations in page 550 & 551. Vol.2; Blue ink underlines & notations in page 833 & 834. 28.7x22.3cm. [cd0102‐301034] ¥21,000 486 (PAINE,Thomas) Pütz,Manfred / Adams,Jon-K A Concordance to Thomas Paine's Common Sense and The American Crisis. [Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol.809] New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1989. viii,596pp. [cd0016‐300430] ¥25,200 487 (SCOTT,Walter) 佐藤 猛郎 A Concordance to the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. Tokyo: Liber Press (リーベル出版), 1997. First edition. xi,937pp. Red cloth. Dust wrapper sl.stained and sl.chipped. 30.3x22cm. [cd0095‐301027] ¥25,200 488 (SEDLEY,Sir Charles) Uemura,Kazumi ed. A Concordance to Sir Charles Sedley's The Mulberry Garden. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Restoration Plays] Osaka Univ.: Graduate School of Language and Culture, 1990. ii,426pp. Rebound. 28x18.5cm. [cd0044 ‐300432] ¥16,800 489 (SHAKESPEARE,William) Spevack,Marvin The Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard UP., 1973. ix,1600pp. Brown cloth. 3 colmns. India paper. Spine sunned. Edges sl.spotted. Light foxing to e.ps.and ink ownership signature to front e.p. 34.2x26.3cm. [cd0100‐301032] ¥12,600 490 (SHAKESPEARE,William) Ule,Louis A Concordance to the Shakespeare Apocrypha. [The Elizabethan Concordance Series]3vols. George Olms Verlag. 1987. Vol.1: xi,-546pp. Vol.2: 547-1138pp. Vol.3: 1139-1491pp. (consecutive pages)4to.(28×20cm) Cloth. Top edge grayCovers sl.stained and have some scuffings. Pages fine. [cd0078‐301010] ¥36,750 491 (SHAKESPEARE,William) Ule,Louis A Concordance to the Shakespeare Apocrypha. [The Elizabethan Concordance Series]3vols. George Olms Verlag. 1987. Vol.1: xi,-546pp. Vol.2: 547-1138pp. Vol.3: 1139-1491pp. (consecutive pages)4to.(28×20cm) Cloth. Top edge grayCovers somewhat stained and have some scuffings. Edges sl.stained. [cd0079‐301011] ¥36,750 492 (SHAKESPEARE,William) Wells,Stanley et al. William Shakespeare: A Textual Companion. By Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor with John Jowett and William Montgomery. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. x,671pp. Navy cloth, d.w.(sl.sunned). With 23 illus. Top edge light spotted. 28.5x22.7cm. [cd0098‐301030] ¥12,600 493 (SHELLEY,Percy Bysshe) Ellis,F.S., comp & arranged. A Lexical Concordance to the Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. An attempt to classify every word found therein according to its signification. New York: Burt Franklin. 1968. Reprinted. xi,818pp. 4to. Cloth. 2colmns. Reprinted from 1892 of London editionCover and top edge stained. Light spottings can be seen on edges. [cd0086‐301018] ¥21,000 494 (SIDNEY,Philip) Donow,Herbert S., ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Sir Philip Sidney. With Programming by Trevor J.Swanson. nell UP., 1975. First published. xiii,624pp. [cd0008‐300440] ¥16,800 Cor- 64 英米文学コンコーダンス、作品辞典、ビブリオグラフィー 495 (SPENSER,Edmund) Osgood,Charles Grosvenor comp. & ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Edmund Spenser. Peter Smith,1963. Reprinted. xiii,997pp. 4to.(28×22cm) Cloth. With frontispiece of port. and some tables. 2colmns. Red underlined to some pages. Cover and edges somewhat stained. [cd0082‐301014] ¥21,000 496 (SPENSER,Edmund) Osgood,Charles Grosvenor comp. & ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Edmund Spenser. Peter Smith,1963. Reprinted. xiii,997pp. 4to.(28×22cm) Cloth. With frontispiece of port. and some tables. 2colmns. Spine sunned. Cover and edges somewhat stained. [cd0088‐301020] ¥31,500 497 (SWIFT,Jonathan) Shinagel,Michael, ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Jonathan Swift. [cd0007‐300441] ¥16,800 Cornell UP., 1972. First published. xxiii,977pp. 498 (SWIFT,Jonathan) Shinagel,Michael, ed. A Concordance to the Poems of Jonathan Swift. [The Cornell Concordance] Cornell UP., 1972. First published. xxiii,977pp. All edges somewhat spotted. 24x16cm. [cd0054‐300442] ¥8,400 499 (THOMAS,Dylan) Lane,Gary A Concordance to the Poems of Dylan Thomas. [Scarecrow Concordances, No.5] Metuchen: The Scarecrow Press, 1976. ix,697pp. Blue cloth. Spine sl.faded and rear cover partly sunned. Edges light spotted. 28.7x22.2cm. [cd0094‐301026] ¥15,750 500 (TWAIN,Mark ) Ramsay,Robert L. & Frances G. Emberson A Mark Twain Lexicon. [The University of Missouri Studies: A Quarterly of Research; Contents. Vol.XIII, No.1.] Univ.of Missouri, Jan.1, 1938. cxix,278pp. Rebound with original wrappers (sl.stained. Small ink notations.). Ink ownership signature to new e.p.and title page. Memo papers pasted on verso of title page and put between 'publication list' and rear e.p. Small ink notations to some pages. Original rear cover partly repaired. 26.8x19.5cm. [and] Mark Twain's Vocabulary: A General Survey by Frances Guthrie Emberson. [The University of Missouri Studies: A Quarterly of Research; Contents. Vol.X, No.3.] July 1, 1935. 53pp. Printed wrappers, sunned, sl.chipped at edge. Rear cover partly repaired with a piece of paper. 26.7x19cm. [cd0092‐301024] ¥21,000 501 (WEBSTER,John) Corballis,Richard / Harding,J.M. (prepared) A Concordance to the Works of John Webster. Vol.1: Part 1. Introduction & -Banquetting./ Part 2. Baptist-Counting-House./ Part 3. Countrey-Fortifies./ Part 4. Fortitude-Hoping./ Vol.2: Part 1. Hoppes-Ligitimate./ Part 2. Ligonibus-Nonero./ Part 3. Nono-Roote./ Part 4. Rootes-Th'Prince./ Vol.3: Part1. Th'Protection-Uniter./ Part 2. Unity-Yonger. 10 vols. (of 12 vols.) [Salzburg Studies in English Literature under the Direction of Professor Erwin A.Stürzl] Jacobean Drama Studies. Editor: Dr.James Hogg. 70. Austria: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik・Universität Salzburg, 1979. xii,176pp. / 177-336pp. / 337-514pp. / 515-698pp. / 699-900pp. / 901-1076pp. / 1077-1300pp. / 1301-1474pp. / 1475-1724pp. / 1725-1890pp. Vol.3: Part 3 (Yongest-Zealous, Appendix I:North ward Ho V.I.263-359. & II:Stage Directions.) and Vol.4 (Appendix: Sir Thomas Wyatt) lacking. The edges of several vols. somewhat sunned. Printed wrappers. [cd0009‐300447] ¥25,200 65 英米文学コンコーダンス、作品辞典、ビブリオグラフィー ユーモア書籍 "Chapbook" 502 The Chapbook, a Miscellany. Edited by Harold Monro. (ハロルド・モンロー編 チャップブック) 40 vols. , 38 in the orig. pictorial wrappers and 2 in the orig. boards(one with a chipped dust jacket). London: The Poetry Bookshop, 1919-1925. A Complete run of an important and now scarce periodical with contributions by D.H. Lawrence, Claude Lovat Fraser, T.S.Eliot, E. McKnight Kauffer, Richard Aldington, Sacheverell and Osbert Sitwell, Leonard Woolf, Padraic Colum, Wynaham Lewis and Jean Cocteau, to name only a few. With the prospectus for No.40 laid into that volume and a handwritten notice on the Poetry Bookshop’s letterhead reading, “14th May 1922.The Chapbook was issued on 15th February (Issue No.25), on May 15th (Issue No.26 herewith) and will commence again on 15th July onwards as a monthly publication. P.B.” Bookplate and previous owner’s signature in one volume. Vols.1-38 (i.e.those in wrappers) in 2 cloth boxes. A very good set. [00032-211344] ¥210,000 503 Chapbook. Edited by Harold Monro. (ハロルド・モンロー編 チャップブック 復刻版・クロース装) In 3 vols. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967. The Monthly Chapbook (No.1. Vol.1. July,1919-No.6.Vol.1. December,1919.), and The Chapbook (No.7 Vol.II. January,1920-No.40. 1925.) complete reprinted. [01254-211345] ¥63,000 "Punch" 504 The New Punch Library. (ニュー・パンチ・ライブラリー) In 20 vols. London: The Educational Book Co., n.d. Frontis. , numerous ills. (Mr. Punch's Cavalade, In Mayfair, In the Family Circle, After Dinner,Childrens Hour, And the Arts,And the Services,With Horse and Hound,Theatricals,In Scotland,Goes Motoring, Country Motoring,And Toby's Friends,Sports and Pastimes,Round the World,In War Time. ) Original two-tone cloth. [00002-211347] ¥84,000 505 Altick,Richard D. Punch. The Lively Youth of a British Institution 1841-1851. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1997. xxiv,776pp. With numerous illus. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. 23.5x16cm. [hu0221-211908] ¥9,450 506 Graves,Charles L. Mr. Punch's History of Modern England. 1841-1914. (R.グレイヴス 「パンチに見る近代英国史」) In 4 vols. Cassell and Co., 1921-1922. Blue cloth, gilt title to spine and gilt illus.to spine and front cover. With illus. Ex-libris to front paste-down of each vols. 23.7x17cm. [01352-211349] ¥57,750 507 Mayhew,Athol A Jorum of "Punch" With Those Who Helped to Brew It. Being The Early History of "The London Charivari". London: Downey & Co. 1895. xvi,150pp. With frontis and with illustrations. Green decolated cover in gilt. t.e.g. title page and rear fryleaf somewhat soptted. Coners sl.rubbed. [hu0040-211728] ¥12,600 508 Spielmann,M.H. The History of "Punch". With Numerous Illustration. London, etc.: Cassell & Co., 1895. xvi,592pp.+ list of publications. Bound in red cloth, corners sl.rubbed, gilt title and illus.to front cover, gilt title to spine, t.e.g. Spine sunned and rubbed at edge, and edges foxing. Joint of front e.p.somewhat started. 24x17cm. [hu0016-211352] ¥10,500 66 ユーモア書籍 "Esquire" 509 Esquire's World of Humor. By the editors of Esquire Magazine. Commentary by David Newman. Foreword by Malcolm Muggeridge. New York & Evanston: Esquire, Inc., 1964. First printing. 255pp. With numerous illus & pictures. d.w. partly stained & cracked. Its spine sunned, partly wrinkled & stained. Edges partly foxed & sl.spotted. Front flap sl.missing. Cover sl.stained. 27.7x22.3cm. [hu0264-211951] ¥5,250 ユーモア書籍 510 Addison,Joseph & Sir Richard Steele Days with Sir Roger de Coverley. Reprint from the Spectator. Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. (アディソン&スティール(著) ヒュー・トムソン(画) 「ロージャー・ド・カヴァーリ卿との日々」 「スペク テーター」誌より) London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1886. x,82pp. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards, raised bands with gilt motif and gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. t.e.g. 22x18cm. [aj299-211354] ¥21,000 511 Adler,Larry Jokes and How to Tell Them. Illustrated by Isadore Seltzer. New York: Doubleday & Co, Inc. 1963. 138pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned & sl.chipped. Top edge red, edges sl.foxed. Front flap sl.missing. Book-shop label on rear ep. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0107-211794] ¥5,250 512 Briggs,Sam. The Essays, Humor, and Poems of Nathaniel Ames, Father and Son, of Dedham, Massachusetts, from their Almanacks 1726-1775, With Notes and Comments by Sam.Briggs. Ohio, 1891. 490pp. With illus. Bound in green cloth, paper title label to spine (chipped). Edges foxing. Pencil notations to front e.p. 25.5x17cm. [hu0025-211355] ¥4,200 513 Arquette,Clife Charley Weaver's Letters from Mamma. Introduction by Jack Paar. Illustrated by Sidney A. Quinn. (With a Little Help from Charly.) Philadelphia, Tronto: The John C. Winston Co., 1959. 1st to 10th printings, 1959. Eleventh printings, 135th thousand,August 1959. 64pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.stained & sl.missing. Its spine sunned & worned. Edges sl.stained. Front flap sl.missing. 22x14.8cm. [hu0090-211777] ¥4,200 514 Ashton,John Humour, Wit & Satire of the Seventeenth Century. Collected & illustrated by John Ashton. New York: Burt Franklin, 1970. Reprinted. viii,454pp. With numerous illus. Red cloth. Edges sl.stained. 22x14.5cm. [hu0114-211801] ¥8,400 515 Aswell,James R. Native American Humor. Illustrated by Leo Hershfield. New York & London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1947. First edition. xiii,396pp. With numerous illus. d.w. partly chipped & cracked. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Front flap sl.missing. Pencil notation to front fly leaf. 22x14.5cm. [hu0103-211790] ¥8,400 516 Castellanos,Gabriela Laughter, War and Feminism. Elements of Carnival in Three of Jane Austen's Novels. Peter lang, 1994. 241pp. Red cloth. 23.6x15.7cm. [hu0233-211920] ¥5,250 517 Bangs,Francis Hyde John Kendrick Bangs. Humorist of the Nineties. The Story of an American Editor-Author-Lecture and His Associations. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1941. First edition. vii,300pp,xv Some pictures. d.w. sl.stained & partly rubbed. Its spine sl.chipped. Top edge black, edges sl.foxed. Front flap sl.missing. 21.8x15cm. [hu0106-211793] ¥8,400 67 ユーモア書籍 518 Barreca,Regina Untamed and Unabashed. Essays on Women and Humor in British Literature. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1999. 191pp. d.w. sl.stained. Ink notation to a title page. 23.7x16cm. [hu0206-211893] ¥4,200 519 Battestin,Martin C. The Providence of Wit. Aspects of Form in Augustan Literature & the Arts. The University Press of Virginia, 1989. First published. x,331pp. Some pictures. Printed wrappers. Bottom edge sl.stained. 21.6x13.8cm. [hu0150-211837] ¥4,200 520 Baxter,Glen Glen Baxter His Life. The Years of Struggle. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. First American edition. 170pp. With numerous illus. Edges sl.stained. The binding of front ep. sl.cracked. 24.2x17cm. [hu0082-211769] ¥5,250 521 Bayless,Martha Parody in the Middle Ages. The Latin Tradition. The University of Michigan Press, 1999. xii,425pp. d.w. Its spine sl.sunned. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0200-211887] ¥6,300 522 Beerbohm,Max The Incomparable Max. A Selection introduced by S. C. Roberts. London・Melbourne・Toronto: Heinemann, 1962. First published. xviii,363pp. d.w. sl.stained & partly missing. Pencil notation to back side of d.w. Edges partly stained. Pencil notation & sticker on front ep. A press-cutting on front fly leaf. 22x14.3cm. [hu0113-211800] ¥8,400 523 Behrman,S.N. Conversation with Max. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1960. First published. xi,260pp. Some illus. d.w. partly stained & edge rubbed. Its spine sunned & coners sl.cracked. Front flap sl.missing. Edges partly stained. 22x14.5cm. [hu0116-211803] ¥8,400 524 Benchley,Nathaniel select The Benchley Roundup. A Selection by Nathaniel Benchley of his favorites. Drawing by Gluyas Williams. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1954. First edition. x,333pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned & sl.chipped. Edges sl.foxed. 22x15cm. [hu0073-211760] ¥4,200 525 Benchley,Robert The Best of Robert Benchley. With illustrations by Peter Arno, Herbert F. Roese, Adam John Barth & others. New York: Avenel Books, 1983. 353pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.sunned & sl.chipped. Its spine corners sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0122-211809] ¥6,300 526 Benchley,Robert The Best of Robert Benchley. 72 Timeless Stories of Wit, Wisdom & Whimsy. With illustrations by Peter Arno, Herbert F. Roese, Adam John Barth & others. New York: Avenel Books, 1983. 353pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.foxed. Its spine sunned & corner sl.cracked. Edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. 301pp. a small cracked. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0265-211952] ¥5,250 527 Benchley,Robert The Early Worm. With Illustrarions by Gluyas Williams. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1946. Reprint edition. viii,263pp. Some illus. Red cloth, partly stained. Its spine sunned. Corners sl.wrinkled. Top edge red, edges foxed. Brown label on front fly leaf. 20.1x14.5cm. [hu0072-211759] ¥4,200 528 Bennett,Barbara Comic Visions, Female Voices. Contemporary Women Novelists and Southern Humor. Louisiana State University Press, 1998. First printing. xiii,135pp. d.w. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0178-211865] ¥4,200 529 Bennett,Howard J. ed. The Best of Medical Humor. A collection of articles, essays, poetry, and letters published in the med68 ユーモア書籍 ical literature. Complied and edited by Howard J. Bennett. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus, Inc., 1991. xvi,228pp. Some illus. Red cloth. Its spine sl.sunned. 26.1x20.7cm. [hu0272-211959] ¥6,300 530 Berger,Arthur Asa An Anatomy of Humor. With a Foreword by William Fry, Jr. New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers, 1993. xviii,192pp. d.w. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0186-211873] ¥5,250 531 Berger,Phil The Last Laugh. The World of the Stand-Up Comics. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1975. 377pp. Some pictures. d.w. partly stained. Its spine sunned & sl.chipped. Edges partly spotted. Front flap sl.missing. Half title & title page sl.stained. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0093-211780] ¥4,200 532 Bermant,Chaim What's The Joke? A Study of Jewish Humour Through the Ages. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1986. vii,259pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. 24x16cm. [hu0138-211825] ¥6,300 533 Barkin,George ed. The Sardonic Humor of Ambrose Bierce. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1963. First published. xii,232pp. Printed wrappers, edge sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 21.6x13.7cm. [hu0246-211933] ¥2,100 534 Blair,Walter Essays on American Humor. Blair Through the Ages. Selected and edited by Hamlin Hill. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1993. vii,298pp. Some illus. Printed wrappers. Bottom edge sl.stained. 22.9x15.3cm. [hu0248-211935] ¥3,150 535 Block,Herbert Herblock: A Cartoonist's Life. A Lisa Drew Book, 1993. x,372pp. With numerous illus & pictures. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. 24.2x16cm. [hu0140-211827] ¥6,300 536 Bloom,Edward A. & Bloom,Lillian D. Satire's Persuasive Voice. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1979. First published. 305pp. d.w. sl.sunned & edge sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Edges partly spotted. 22.2x14.5cm. [hu0054-211741] ¥4,200 537 Bonham,Tal D. Humor God's Gift. Tennessee: Broadman Press, 1988. 328pp. d.w. sl.rubbed. Its spine corner sl.cracked. 21x14.5cm. [hu0144-211831] ¥4,200 538 Booth,Wayne C. A Rhetoric of Irony. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1974. xiv,292pp. d.w. partly sunned & sl.cracked. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. 23.6x16cm. [hu0094-211781] ¥5,250 539 Bradbury,Malcolm ed. Present Laughter. An Anthology of Modern Comic Fiction. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1994. First published. 378pp. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges a small spotted. Book-shop label on front ep. 24x16cm. [hu0169-211856] ¥5,250 540 Bremmer,Jan & Roodenburg,Herman. ed. A Cultural History of Humour. From Antiquity to the Present Day. Polity Press, 1997. First published. xii,264pp. With numerous pictures. d.w. Top edge sl.stained. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0168-211855] ¥5,250 541 Bronson,B.H.・Caldwell,J.R.・Durham,W.H.・Lehman,B.H.・Mсkenzie,Gordon and Ross,J.F. Studies in the Comic. University of California Publications in English Vol.8, No.2, pp.155-298. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1941. 155-298pp. Printed wrappers. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. 23.8x15.7cm. [hu0077-211764] ¥4,200 542 Buchanan-Brown,John Phiz! The Book Illustrations of Hablot Knight Browne. Selected, with an Introduction, by John Buchanan-Brown. David & Charles, 1978. 207pp. d.w. [g152-211357] ¥12,600 69 ユーモア書籍 543 Brown,Gillian Speakers, listeners and communication. Explorations in Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: At The University Press, 1995. First published. xiii,251pp. d.w. Its spine sl.wrinkled. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0069-211756] ¥5,250 544 Buckman,Elcha Shain ed. The Handbook of Humor. Clinical Applications in Psychotherapy. Florida: Krieger Publishing Co., 1994. Original edition. xx,186pp. Red cloth. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0240-211927] ¥4,200 545 Budd,Louis J. & Cady,Edwin H. ed. On Humor. The Best from American Literature. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 1992. x,276pp. d.w. Edges sl.spotted. 24.2x16cm. [hu0236-211923] ¥5,250 546 Burns,George Wisdom of the 90s. Written with Hal Goldman. New York: G.P.Putnam & Son, 1991. 190pp. Some pictures. d.w. & top edge sl.stained. 21x13.3cm. [hu0087-211774] ¥3,150 547 Canfield,J.Douglas Tricksters & Estates. On the Ideology of Restoration Comedy. The University Press of Kentucky, 2001. xi,315pp. d.w. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0227-211914] ¥6,300 548 Canfield,J.Douglas Word as Bond in English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Restoration. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989. xviii,338pp. d.w. 23.5x16cm. [hu0237-211924] ¥5,250 549 (Carroll,Lewis) The Humorous Verse of Lewis Carroll. With illustrations by Sir JohnTenniel,Arthur B. Frost, Henry Holiday, Harry Furniss, and The Author. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1960. First published. xiv,445pp. With numerous illus. Printed wrappers, sl.rubbed. Edges sl.stained. Front ep. sl.stained. 20.5x13.8cm. [hu0245-211932] ¥2,100 550 Cassell's Red Library Selections of American Humour in Prose and Verse. Cassell and Co., n.d. 318pp. Red cloth. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. All edges red. Rear ep. & 192-193pp. & 208-209pp. binding cracked. Pencil notation to a title page. 18.8x12.5cm. [hu0043-211730] ¥4,200 551 Cazamian,Louis The Development of English Humor Parts I and II. By Louis Cazamian. Formerly Professor at the Sorbonne. New York: AMS Press, 1965. Reprinted. viii,421pp. Blown cloth, edge sl.bended. Edges sl.stained. 23.4x15.3cm. [hu0257-211944] ¥8,400 552 Cazamian,Louis The Development of English Humor Parts I and II. By Louis Cazamian. Formerly Professor at the Sorbonne. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1952. viii,421pp. d.w. Its spine sunned & edge sl.chipped. Edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. Smoll pencil notation to text. 23.3x16cm. [hu0059-211746] ¥9,450 553 Cerf,Bennett Laughing Stock. Over Six-hundred Jokes and Anecdotes of Uncertain Vintage; Edited by Bennett Cerf. Illustrated by Carl Rose. London: Dennis Dobson Ltd, 1945. 198pp. Some illus. d.w. partly missing & sl.stained. Edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf partly spotted. .22x14.3cm. [hu0065-211752] ¥4,200 554 Cerf,Bennett An Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor. Drawings by Doug Anderson. New York: Doubleday & Co, Inc. 1954. xvi,688pp. d.w. partly stained & sl.cracked. Its spine sunned. Top edge red, edges partly spotted. Front ep. sl.cracked. Front & rear fly leaf partly foxed. 22x15cm. [hu0112-211799] ¥8,400 70 ユーモア書籍 555 Clausius,Claudia The Gentleman is a Tramp. Charlie Chaplin's Comedy. Peter Lang, 1989. 194pp. White cloth, sl.stained & edge sl.dented. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Top edge a small stained. 22.5x15.2cm. [hu0174-211861] ¥4,200 556 Clark,John R. The Modern Satiric Grotesque. And its Traditions. The University Press of Kentucky, 1991. viii,212pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. Rear flap sl.cracked. 24.2x16cm. [hu0218-211905] ¥5,250 557 Cohen,Sarah Blacher ed. Comic Relief. Humor in Contemporary American Literature. Edited by Sarah Blacher Cohen. University of Illinis Press/Urbana・Chicago・London 1979. Second printing. 339pp. d.w. Its spine sunned & edge sl.chipped. Edges sl.spotted. Rear fly leaf sl.spotted. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0046-211733] ¥5,250 558 Cohen,Sarah Blacher ed. Jewish Wry. Essays on Jewish Humor. Edited with an Introdction by Sarah Blacher Cohen. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1995. ix,244pp. Printed wrappers, edge sl.wrinkled. Its spine sunned. Fore edge sl.stained. 22.8x15.2cm. [hu0247-211934] ¥3,150 559 Connery,Brian A. & Combe,Kirk. ed. Theorizing Satire. Essays in Literary Criticism. Macmillan Press Ltd, 1995. First published. xi,212pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned. Back cover sl.worned. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 21.5x14.3cm. [hu0147-211834] ¥4,200 560 Copeland,Lewis & Faye. ed. 10,000 Jokes, Toasts & Stories. Arranged by Subjects & Completely Indexed for Ready Reference. Doubleday, 1965. xi,1020pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 21.7x14.3cm. [hu0142-211829] ¥5,250 561 Cordner,Michael & Holland,Peter & Kerrigan,John ed. English Comedy. Cambridge University Press, 1994. First published. xiv,323pp. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Book-shop label on front ep. Bookplate on spine & front fly leaf. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0183-211870] ¥5,250 562 Coulmas,Florian ed. Conversational Routine. Explorations in Standardized Communication Situations and Prepatterned Speech. The Hague & Paris & New York: Mouton Publishers, 1981. xii,331pp. d.w. sl.stained & sl.chipped. Its spine sl.sunned. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0229-211916] ¥5,250 563 Covici,Pascal, Jr. Humor & Revelation in American Literature. The Puritan Connection. Columbia & London: University of Missouri Press, 1997. ix,226pp. d.w. 24.2x16cm. [hu0181-211868] ¥6,300 564 Crosby,Nina E. & Marten,Elizabeth H. Don't Teach! Let Me Learn! About Tear Jerkers Humor Cartoons & Comics the Newspaper. Illustrated by Richard Rossi. D.O.K. Publishers, 1984. 72pp. Printed wrappers. A page is bounded at a ring. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0088-211775] ¥3,150 565 Cruikshank,George The Humourist. A Collection of Entertaining Tales, Anecdotes, Epigrams, &c. With Forty Illustrations by George Cruikshank, Coloured by Hand. In 4 vols. London: John C.Nimmo, 1892. 220pp.+ 228pp.+ 224pp.+ 226pp. Limited to 260 copies, this copy is no.178. Bound in dark red cloth, paper title labels to spines, sunned. Edges and e.ps.of each vol.foxing. t.e.g. 20.7x15.3cm. [hu0021-211362] ¥63,000 566 Cruikshank,George The Green Bag: "A Dainty Dish to Set Before the King;" A Ballad of the Nineteenth Century, by 71 ユーモア書籍 the Author of "The Political A, Apple Pie." With Thirteen Cuts. London. J.Robins and Co., 1820. Ninth edition. 23pp. A Pamphlet. Bound with a thread. Pages chipped and sl.torn at edge. Somewhat sunned. 22.3x14.3cm. [hu0023-211363] ¥31,500 567 Cruikshank,George Scraps and Sketches. n.d. (c.late1800's) 24pp.(illus.)+advertisements Bound in light gray cloth, darkened, partly stained, and rubbed at edges. a.e.g. Gilt illus to the front cover. Some joints are started. Ink notation to the margin of title page. 27.5x37cm. [hu0039-211364] ¥21,000 568 Cruikshank,George illus. Three Courses and a Dessert: Comprising Three Sets of Tales, West Country, Irish, and Legal; and a Melange. With Fifty Illustrations by George Cruikshank. [Bohn's Illustrated Librasry] London: George Bell & Sons, 1881. 432pp.+ publisher's catalogue ("Standard Works published by George Bell & Sons" & "Complete catalogue of Bohn's Libraries") Bound in green cloth, embossed motifs to covers and spine. Gilt title to spine (sunned). A small stain to front cover. Edges somewhat foxing. 18.8x12.5cm. [hu0006-211365] ¥6,300 569 Cruikshank,Robert & George Cruikshank, Robert Seymour and others Gallery of Comicalities, Embracing Humorous Sketches. London: Reeves and Turner, n.d. 147pp. Frontis.and 143 plates with prose and verse. Hard cover. Illustrated spine, sunned. Top edge red, and other edges and e.ps.foxing. Corners sl.rubbed. Small ink notations to spine, verso of title page and plate no.143. 22.3x18cm. [hu0008-211367] ¥31,500 570 Wight,J. / Cruikshank,George illus. Morning at Bow Street. A Selectioin of the Most Humourous and Entertaining Reports which have Appeared in the Morning Herald. With Twenty-One Illustrative Drawings by George Cruikshank. London: Printed for Charles Baldwin, 1824. x,279pp. 3/4 leather with marbled boards, rubbed at edges, gilt motif and gilt compartments to spine and gilt title to red leather label, somewhat darkened. All edges marbled and sunned. Joints of e.ps.sl.torn. Some pages somewhat spotted. 19.1x12.1cm. [aj295-211369] ¥21,000 571 Wardroper,John The Caricatures of George Cruikshank. London: Gordon Fraser, 1977. First published. 144pp. With numerous b/w & coloured illus. d.w.partly torn at edge. 23.2x25cm. [hu0030-211368] ¥12,600 572 Dane,Joseph A. Parody. Critical Concepts Versus Literary Practices, Aristophanes to Sterne. Norman & London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1988. First edition. vii,261pp. d.w. 21.8x14.5cm. [hu0157-211844] ¥4,200 573 (Daumier,Honore & Gavarni) Daumier & Gavarni (The Studio: Special Number)With Critical and Biographical Notes by Henri Frantz and Octave Uzanne. Edited by Charles Holme. London, Paris, New York: Office of 'The Studio', 1904. A Magazine. With Illus. Spine sunned and edges foxing. 30x21.4cm. [hu0032-211370] ¥21,000 574 Dean,Abner What Am I Doing Here? New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947. 160pp. With numerous illus. d.w. partly missing & stained. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Edges sl.stianed. 24x17.5cm. [hu0084-211771] ¥6,300 575 Dickson,Paul Toasts. Over 1,500 of the Best Toasts, Sentiments, Blessings, & Graces. Illustrated by Rollin MсGrail. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc, 1991. ix,256pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained. Edges sl.stained. 21.7x14.7cm. [hu0151-211838] ¥4,200 576 Donahue,Harold W. (edited) The Toastmaster's Manual. Edited by Harold W. Donahue. President, The Advertising Affiliation. Indianapolis: Maxwell Droke,Publisher, 1937. 239pp. Green cloth. Its spine sunned & corners rubbed. Edges sl.foxed. Bookplate on front ep, "Library rules" stamped on rear ep, ink & stampted ownership 72 ユーモア書籍 signature on front fly leaf, "Date card" label on rear fly leaf, small stamped on tp verso. Sl.ink underlined in the text. 22.5x15cm. [hu0074-211761] ¥4,200 577 Dorson,Richard M. Man and Beast in American Comic Legend. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982. xix,184pp. Some picures & illus. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.cracked. Bottom edge sl.stained. 24.2x16cm. [hu0219-211906] ¥5,250 578 du Maurier,George Peter Ibbetson. With an Introduction by His Causin Lady ***** ("Madge Plunket") Edited and Illustrated by George du Maurier. In 2 vols. London: James R.Osgood, McIlvaine & Co., 1892. 213pp.+ 235pp. With numerous illus. Bound in light brown cloth, illus.on front cover. Spine, edges and half title page of vol.1 foxing. Covers, spine and e.ps.of vol.2 light spotted, small stained to fore edge., and edges foxing. 23x16cm. [hu0011-211371] ¥47,250 579 Dundes,Alan Parsing Through Customs. Essays by a Freudian Folklorist. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. First printing. xvi,216pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned & corner sl.cracked. Top edge sl.stained. 22.2x14.3cm. [hu0161-211848] ¥4,200 580 Dziemidok,Bohdan The Comical. A Philosophical Analysis. Translated by Marek Janiak, Illustrated by Szymon Kobyliński. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. x,207pp. Some illus. d.w. 24.4x16.2cm. [hu0189-211876] ¥5,250 581 Eastman,Max Enjoyment of Laughter. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1936. Third Printing. xviii,367pp. With numerous illus. Ocher cloth, partly stained & edge sl.rubbed. Its spine sl.stained. Edges sl.stianed. 23.7x15.5cm. [hu0201-211888] ¥8,400 582 Ebersole,Mark C. Hail to Thee, Okoboji U! A Humor Anthology on Higher Education. Selected & Edited by Mark C.Ebersole. New York: Fordham University Press, 1992. xiii,322pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained & sl.chipped. Its soine corner sl.cracked. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0134-211821] ¥6,300 583 Eckardt,A. Roy On the Way to Death. Essays Toward a Comic Vision. New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers, 1996. xi,180pp. d.w. sl.stained. 49pp. sl.stained. 23.8x15.7cm. [hu0230-211917] ¥5,250 584 Eckardt,A. Roy Sitting in the Earth and Laughing. A Handbook of Humor. New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers, 1992. xviii,222pp. d.w. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0223-211910] ¥5,250 585 Eilbirt,Henry What is a Jewish Joke ? An Excursion into Jewish Humor. London: Jason Aronson Inc., 1991. xii,293pp. d.w. sl.stained, edge sl.rubbed & wrinkled. Top edge black, edges sl.stained. 23.5x16.8cm. [hu0167-211854] ¥5,250 586 English,James F. Comic Transactions. Literature, Humor, and the Politics of Community in Twentieth-Century Britain. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1994. First published. xii,269pp. Printed wrappers. Edges sl.stained. 23x15.3cm. [hu0249-211936] ¥3,150 587 Ephron,Nora Scribble Scribble. Notes on the Media. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978. First edition. 157pp. d.w. edge sl.chipped & wrinkled. Its spine sunned. Top edge blue, edges sl.stained. Small stamped on bottom edge. 21.7x14.8cm. [hu0173-211860] ¥3,150 73 ユーモア書籍 588 Esar,Evan Esar's Comic Dictionary. A witty, amusing treasury for speakers, writers, readers, word buffs, and fun buffs. 6,000 entries A to Z with over 15,000 definitions. New York: Doubleday & Co, Inc. 1983. Fourth edition revised and enlarged. 668pp. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Edges sl.stained. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0044-211731] ¥4,200 589 Gehring,Wes D. W. C. Fields A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1984. First published. xv,233pp. Some pictures &illus. Blue cloth, sl.stained & edge sl.wrinkled. Its spine sl.stained. Edges sl.spotted. Front & rear ep., fly leaf a small stained. 24.2x15.8cm. [hu0212-211899] ¥5,250 590 Finney,Gail ed. Look Who's Laughing. Gender and Comedy. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0222-211909] ¥5,250 Gordon and Breach, 1994. xii,363pp. White cloth. 591 Fisher,Seymour & Fisher,Rhoda L. Pretend the World is Funny and Forever. A Psychological Analysis of Comedians, Clowns, and Actors. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1981. xiv,252pp. Red cloth. Edges partly stained. 23.6x15.9cm. [hu0242-211929] ¥4,200 592 Ford,Corey The Time of Laughter. With a Foreword by Frank Sullivan. Toronto: Little, Brown & Co., 1967. First edition. xxii,232pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. Front flap sl.missing. 21x14cm. [hu0111-211798] ¥4,200 593 Foxx,Redd & Miller,Norma The Redd Foxx Encyclopedia of Black Humor. California: Ward Ritchie Press, 1977. First printing. 264pp. With numerous pictures. d.w. partly stained & edge sl.cracked. Its spine sunned & corner sl.wrinkled. Edges partly stained. Library label on spine & cover spine. Front flap sl.missing. Tore down a label on front fly leaf. 24.2x19.5cm. [hu0270-211957] ¥5,250 594 Fry,William F., Jr. & Salameh,Waleed A. ed. Advances in Humor and Psychotherapy. Florida: Professional Resource Press, 1993. xxxiii,295pp. Red, yellow, blue stripe cloth. 23.5x15.2cm. [hu0204-211891] ¥5,250 595 Fry,William F., Jr. & Salameh,Waleed A. ed. Handbook of Humor and Psychotherapy. Advances in the Clinical Use of Humor. Florida: Professional Resource Exchange, Inc., 1987. xx,355pp. Red cloth. Top & fore edges sl.stained. Front & rear ep., fly leaf sl.spotted. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0243-211930] ¥5,250 596 Gale,Steven H. ed. Encyclopedia of American Humorists. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1988. xviii,557pp. Glay cloth. 26.1x18.2cm. [hu0262-211949] ¥9,450 597 Gale,Steven H. ed. Encyclopedia of British Humorists. Vol. I and II. Geoffrey Chaucer to John Cleese. Volume 1: A-K/Volume 2: L-W. In 2 vols. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996. Vol. I: xxxii,633pp./ Vol.II: x,635-1307pp. Vol.I: Green cloth, sl.stained. Its spine sunned. Vol.II: Pink cloth, sl.stained. Its spine sunned. 26x18.5cm. [hu0263-211950] ¥16,800 598 Gannon,Frank All About Man. Georgia: Longstreet Press, 1993. First printing. 131pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0162-211849] ¥4,200 599 Ganz,Margaret Humor, Irony, and the Realm of Madness. Psychological Studies in Dickens, Butler, and Others. New York: AMS Press, 1990. xv,307pp. d.w. partly rubbed & sl.stained.Its spine corner sl.repaired. 74 ユーモア書籍 Front cover sl.rubbed. Edges sl.spotted. Front & rear ep., rear fly leaf a small spotted. 23.6x15.7cm. [hu0192-211879] ¥5,250 600 Gates,Robert A. American Literary Humor During the Great Depression. London: Greenwood Press, 1999. First published. xvi,192pp. Dark green cloth. 24.3x16cm. [hu0139-211826] ¥6,300 601 Gehring,Wes D. Screwball Comedy. A Genre of Madcap Romance. Greenwood Press, 1986. First published. xv,213pp. With numerous pictures. Green cloth. Edges sl.stained. 24.1x15.8cm. [hu0170-211857] ¥5,250 602 George,David J. & Gossip,Christopher J. ed. Studies in the Commedia dell' Arte. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1993. viii,278pp. Some illus. d.w. 22.2x14.2cm. [hu0160-211847] ¥4,200 603 Gilbreath,Robert D. Escape from Management Hell. 12 Tales of Horro, Humor, & Heroism. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1993. First edition./ First printing. xiv,161pp. Some illus. d.w. 23.5x15.8cm. [hu0135-211822] ¥4,200 604 Gill,James E. ed. Cutting Edges. Postmodern Critical Essays on Eighteenth-Century Satire. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1995. First edition. xiv,438pp. d.w. edge sl.rubbed. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled & sl.dented. 24.2x16.3cm. [hu0208-211895] ¥5,250 605 Wright,Thomas & R.H.Evans Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray. Comprising a Political and Humorous History of the Latter Part of the Reign of George the Third. London: Henry G.Bohn, 1851. xv,496pp. Bound in 3/4 morocco with marbled boards (sl. rubbed at edges), marbled e.ps., raised bands on spines decorated in gilt, a.e.g. Water stained to covers, spine and bottom edge. 22x14.5cm. [hu0017-211373] ¥21,000 606 Gillooly,Eileen Smile of Discontent. Humor, Gender, & Nineteenth-Century British Fiction. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xxv,289pp. Some pictures. Dark red cloth. Edges sl.stained. 23.5x15.6cm. [hu0128-211815] ¥6,300 607 Glasgow,R.D.V. Madness, Masks, and Laughter. An Essay on Comedy. Associated University Press, 1995. 387pp. d.w. edge sl.rubbed. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled & sl.cracked. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 24x16.2cm. [hu0202-211889] ¥7,350 608 Gold,Joel J. The Wayward Professor. Illustrations by Vivian S. Hixson. University Press of Kansas, 1989. vi,191pp. Some illus. d.w. Its spine sunned. Front flap sl.bended. 23.5x14.5cm. [hu0166-211853] ¥4,200 609 Goldstein,Jeffrey H. & MсGhee,Paul E. ed. The Psychology of Humor. Theoretical Perspectives & Empirical Issues. New York・San Francisco・London: Academic Press, 1972. xxi,294pp. Dark red cloth. Edges partly spotted. 23.5x15.8cm. [hu0131-211818] ¥5,250 610 Graves,Charles L. intro. Humours of Irish Life. With Portrait Illustrations. [The Irish Library] London, Dublin & Belfast: The Gresham Publishing Co., n.d. xlviii,349pp. (Jane Barlow, George A.Birmingham, William Carleton, Sir Samuel Ferguson, Douglas Hyde, Patrick Kennedy, Charles Kickham, J.S. Le Fanu, Charles Lever, Dr.Maginn, Somerville and Ross et al.) Green cloth backed brown boards, gilt title to spine, foxiing and sl.stained. Edges somewhat darkened. 19.7x13.8cm. [hu0005-211374] ¥5,250 75 ユーモア書籍 611 Griffith,Nancy Snell comp. Humor of the Old Southwest. An Annotated Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources. Greenwood Press, 1989. First published. xii,220pp. Dark red cloth. Edges sl.stained. Front ep. & fly leaf sl.spotted. 24.2x16cm. [hu0244-211931] ¥5,250 612 Grimm,Reinhold & Hermand,Jost ed. Laughter Unlimited. Essays on Humor, Satire, and the Comic. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. vii,135pp. Dark red cloth. 23.6x15.7cm. [hu0238-211925] ¥4,200 613 Gross,John ed. The Oxford Book of Comis Verse. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. First published. xxxiv,512pp. d.w. Book-shop label on front ep. 22.4x14.4cm. [hu0210-211897] ¥6,300 614 Gruber,William E. Comic Theaters. Studies in Performance and Audience Response. Athens & London: The University of Georgia Press, 1986. 198pp. d.w. sl.stained & sl.cracked. Its spine sunned. Top edge sl.stained. 22.8x14.5cm. [hu0177-211864] ¥4,200 615 Gurewitch,Morton The Ironic Temper & the Comic Imagination. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 249pp. d.w. Back cover sl.dented. 23.6x16cm. [hu0136-211823] ¥5,250 1994. 616 Gutwirth,Marcel Laughing Matter. An Essay on the Comic. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1993. First published. x,209pp. d.w. Top edge sl.stained. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0198-211885] ¥4,200 617 Hamilton,William (cartoons) Voodoo Economics. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1992. 131pp. With numerous illus. d.w. The corner of the spine sl.rubbed. Bottom edge sl.worned. 17.3x17.3cm. [hu0086-211773] ¥4,200 618 Harap,Louis Dramatic Encounters. The Jewish Presence in Twentieth-Century American Drama, Poetry, & Humor & the Black-Jewish Literary Relationship. Published in cooperation with the American Jewish Archives. Foreword by Jacob Rader Marcus. Greenwood Press, 1987. First published. xiv,177pp. Black cloth. Top edge sl.stained. 24.2x15.8cm. [hu0211-211898] ¥5,250 619 Hartford,Diane・Phillips,Lynn・Steale,Milo・Unger,Rusty How to be a Mogul. For Those Who Know the Best Things in Life are Things. By Diane Hartford, Lynn Phillips, Milo Steale, and Rusty Unger. Illustrations by Anthony Haden-Guest. Clarkson N. Potters, Inc./Publishers, 1986. First edition. 128pp. d.w. sl.stained & chipped. With numeous illus. 21.5x14.3cm. [hu0064-211751] ¥4,200 620 Herzinger,Kim ed. The Teachings of Don B. Satires, Parodies, Fables, Illustrated Stories, and Plays of Donald Barthelme. With an introduction by Thomas Pynchon. New York: Turtle Bay Books, 1992. First edition. xxii,352pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Tore down a label on front fly leaf. 24.2x16.5cm. [hu0228-211915] ¥4,200 621 Hill,Carl The Soul of Wit . Joke Theory from Grimm to Freud. Lincoln and london: University of Nebraska Press, 1993. 244pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine coners wrinkled. 23.6x14.5cm. [hu0124-211811] ¥6,300 622 Hill,Deborah J. Humor In The Classroom. A Handbook for Teachers (and Other Entertainers!). U.S.A.: Charles C Thomas Publisher, 1988. xiv,133pp. Dark blue cloth. 25.3x17.8cm. [hu0261-211948] ¥5,250 623 Hogarth,William (W.ホガース画集 大型本) The Works. From the Original Plates Restored by James Heath. With the Addition of Many Subjects Not Before Collected: To Which are Prefixed a Biographical Essay on the Genius and Productions of 76 ユーモア書籍 Hogarth, and Explanations of the Subjects of the Plates by John Nichols. London: Printed for Baldwin and Cradock by G.Woodfall, n.d. c.[1828] Folio. ix+42pp. Complete with 116 copperplates as listed including port.frontis + 3 add.plates. T.p.creased towards hinge, several closed marginal tears, mainly marginal light foxing and browning, frontis.offset to foxed t.p., marbled e.ps., contemporary gilt rule edged half morocco with marbled boards, extremities scuffed, gilt dec.compartments and gilt letterd title label (scuffed) to spine rubbed particularly to raised bands, joints rubbed and splitting to heads and tails (repaired). Water stained to the margin of each page. *Ian Mackenzie, in his British Prints(1987) gives a precis of the publishing history of Hogarth's prints following his death in 1764:'after his death his wife, Jane, who had inherited all the plates, continued to sell prints at the original prices as well as whole collections. When she died in 1789, the plates passed to her cousin, Mary Lewis, who sold them to J.Boydell, for a liftime annuity of £250. Boydell published three editions; 1790, containing 103 plates, another with 107, and the third edition of 1795 with 110'. D.N.B.'…Boydell, to whom as already stated, the plates were transferred, by Mary Lewis, reissued them in 1790 (110 plates); Baldwin and Cradock in 1822 (120 plates). In the latter issue the original coppers had been repaired and retouched by James Heath, associate engraver, R.A.' All of Hogarth's most famous series of engravings are included here: A Harlot's Progress, A Rake's Progress, The Four Times of Day, Marriage-a-la-Mode, Industry and Idleness, The Election Series, and of course Beer Street and Gin Lane. [01361-211375] ¥380,000 624 Holder,R.W. A Dictionary of Euphemisms. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. First published. xix,470pp. d.w. edge sl.wrinkled. Edges partly foxed. 24.2x16.2cm. [hu0195-211882] ¥5,250 625 Holland,Norman N. Laughing. A Psychology of Humor. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1982. First published. 231pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.spotted. 22.3x14.7cm. [hu0152-211839] ¥4,200 626 Hood,Thomas Humorous Poems. With a Preface by Alfred Ainger and One Hundred and Thirty Illustrations by Charles E.Brock. London: Macmillan & Co., 1893. xxxi,236pp. Bound in dark green cloth, paper title label to spine. Edges somewhat darkened and e.ps.foxing. 20x13.5cm. [hu0004-211379] ¥8,400 627 Hood,Thomas Hood's Whimsicalities in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (464pp.) Hood's Gems in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (xi,448pp.) Hood's Wit and Humour in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (v,468pp.) Hood's Comicalities in Prose and Verse. With Original Illustrations. (395pp.) In 4 vols. London, etc.: Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co., n.d. Half calf with cloth boards, gilt uniform title to title. Edges, e.ps.and flyleaves somewhat spotted. 23.4x17cm. [hu0013-211380] ¥63,000 628 Hood,Thomas Poems of Thomas Hood. Illustrated Edition. With New Designs by Darley and Eytinge, and Reproductions of Designs by Dore, Birket Foster, Seccombe, and the Etching Club, with a Critical Memoir by W.M.Rossetti. New York: G.P.Putnam & Son, 1872. xxxi,507pp. Bound in dark red cloth, gilt decorated front cover, spine gilt, a.e.g. Spine partly torn and chipped. Ex-library stamp to front flyleaf ("Presented to St.John's Guild Hall, by G.A.Shurtleff"). 24x17.8xm. [hu0014-211381] ¥15,750 629 Hornblow,Leonora & Cerf,Bennett ed. Bennett Cerf's Take Along Treasury. Editted by Leonora Hornblow & Bennett Cerf. A Superb Anthology of Good Reading Selected with Taste and Discrimination by Two Outstanding Editors. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, INC., 1963. xi,678pp. d.w. sl.stained & edge sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0052-211739] ¥4,200 77 ユーモア書籍 630 Hutcheon,Linda Irony's Edge. The theory and politics of irony. London & New York: Routledge, 1994. First published. viii,248pp. Front & back cover sl.stained. 24x15.8cm. [hu0067-211754] ¥6,300 631 Inge,M. Thomas ed. Dark Laughter. The Satiric Art of Olier W. Harrington. From the Walter O. Evans. Collection of African-American Art. Edited, with an Introduction, by M. Thomas Inge. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1996. xliii,116pp. With numerous illus. Its spine sunned. 26.2x18cm. [hu0260-211947] ¥6,300 632 Ingoldsby,Thomas (Barham,Richard Harris) The Ingoldsby Legends. Edited by His Daughter Mrs.Edward A.Bond. In 3 vols. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1894. xliv,283pp.+ x,336pp.+ viii,280pp. With many illus.by Cruikshank, Gilks, Buss, Tenniel, Du Maurier, Leech, & Doyle. Bound in dark blue cloth, embossed motifs to covers, gilt title to spine. Covers and spines of vols.1 & 3 damp stained. Edges somewhat foxing. Ex-libris.(Ada Lansdowne Miller) 23x15.5cm. [hu0012-211356] ¥21,000 633 James,Philip English Book Illustration 1800-1900. London & New York: The King Penguin Books, 1947. 72pp.,16pp.(illus.) With numerous b/w & coloured illus. Bound in paper board, illus.to front cover, paper title label to spine. Joint of 8-9pp.sl.started. 18.2x12.4cm. [hu0022-211400] ¥5,250 634 Jarvis,Major C.S. Heresies and Humours. by Major C. S. Jarvis, C.M.G., O.B.E. Illustrated by R. A. Young. London: Country Life LTD., 1943. First published. 176pp. Some illus. Green cloth much rubbed. Corners worned. Front & rear ep., 48-49pp. sl.cracked. Book-shop label on front side & rear ep. ("Boots Booklovers Library"). 15-16pp. separated. 17-34pp. partly chipped & cracked. 88-89pp. binding needle sl.rasted. 22.1x14.4cm. [hu0099-211786] ¥3,150 635 Jerome,Jerome K. Told After Supper. With 96 or 97 Illustrations by Kenneth M.Skeaping. London: The Leadenhall Press, 1891. First edition. 169pp.+ list of publications (14pp.). Bound in red cloth, t.e.g. Spine and edges foxing. Ink ownership signature to front e.p. 19.5x14.8cm. [hu0018-211382] ¥10,500 636 Jerome,Jerome K. A Miscellany of Sense and Nonsense. Selected by the Author with many apologies. With forty-three illustrarions by Will Owen. London: J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd, 1923. First published. 374pp. With numerous illus. White cloth, partly stained. Bookplate label on spine. Edges partly stained. Front fly leaf partly foxed. Book-shop label on rear ep. 19x13cm. [hu0110-211797] ¥4,200 637 Johnson,Eric W. A Treasury of Humor. An Indexed Collection of Anecdotes. Illustrations by Howard S. L. Coale. New York: Prometheus Books, 1989. 269pp. Some illus. d.w.23.1x15.5cm. [hu0203-211890] ¥6,300 638 Johnson,Maurice The Sin of Wit. Jonathan Swift as a Poet. Syracuse University Press, 1950. xvii,145pp. Yellow cloth, partly stained & sl.damp stained. Its spine sunned & corner sl.rubbed. Edges partly stained. Front ep. sl.separated. Book-shop label on front ep. Small stamped on rear fly leaf. Ink notation to a rear fly leaf & P.59, 61-63pp., 136-138pp. 22.2x13.7cm. [hu0175-211862] ¥3,150 639 Oakhill,Jane & Garnham,Alan ed. Mental Models in Cognitive Science. Essays in Honour of Phil Johnson-Laird. Erbaum (UK) Taylor & Francis: Psychology Press, 1996. xvi,336pp. Gray, yellow cloth. 23.5x15.3cm. [hu0232-211919] ¥4,200 640 Kaufman,Will The Comedian as Confidence Man. Studies in Irony Fatigue. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1997. 270pp. d.w. Edges sl.stained. 23.6x15.5cm. [hu0125-211812] ¥6,300 78 ユーモア書籍 641 Hudson,Derek Charles Keene. London: Pleiades Books, 1947. 52pp. With 62 monochrome plates and 4 colour plates. Covers sl.sunned. 28.5x22.6cm. [hu0041-401157] ¥4,200 642 Kenefick,Colleen & Young,Amy Y. ed. The Best of Nursing Humor. A collection of articles, essays, and poetry published in the nursing literature. Compiled and edited by Colleen Kenefick & Amy Y. Young. Philadelfhia: Hanley & Belfus, Inc., 1993. xiii,167pp. Some illus. Blue cloth. 26.1x21.2cm. [hu0271-211958] ¥5,250 643 Kern,Edith The Absolute Comic. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. 219pp. d.w. partly stained & sl. cracked. Its spine sunned & rubbed. Edges partly stained. Removed the label on front ep. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0146-211833] ¥4,200 644 Keyes,Ralph The Wit & Wisdom of Harry Truman. A Treasury of Quotations, Anecdotes, and Observations. Harper Collins publishers, 1995. First edition. 200pp. d.w. Edges sl.foxed. 16.5x14.2cm. [hu0085-211772] ¥4,200 645 Kitchin,George A Survey of Burlesque and Parody in English. Lecture in English at the University of Edinburgh. Author of "Sir Roger L'estrange: A Contribution to the History of the Press in the Seventeenth Century". Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd, 1931. xxiii,387pp. d.w. much sunned & stained, partly missing. Corners sl.rubbed. Edges partly foxed. Front & rear fly leaf sl.foxed. 23.4x15.5cm. [hu0075-211762] ¥15,750 646 Knoepflmacher,U.C. Laughter & Despair. Readings in Ten Novels of the Victorian Era. Berkeley・Los Angeles・London: University of California Press, 1972. Second printing. xvi,281pp. Some illus. d.w. partly stained & repaired. Edge sl.cracked. Its spine sunned. Top edge sl.stained. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0153-211840] ¥4,200 647 Knott,Blanche The Very Worst of Truly Tasteless Jokes. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990. First edition. 132pp. d.w. sl.stianed. Front flap sl.bended. Edges sl.stained. F.f.ep. sl.stained. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0089-211776] ¥3,150 648 Knox,Norman The Word Irony & Its Context, 1500-1755. North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1961. xi,258pp. Gray cloth. Its spine sl.spotted & corner rubbed. Edges sl.stained. Ink signature to a f.f.ep. 24x16cm. [hu0095-211782] ¥5,250 649 Knutson,Harold C. The Triumph of Wit. Molière and Restoration Comedy. Ohio State University Press, 1988. xi,192pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 22.5x14.5cm. [hu0176-211863] ¥4,200 650 Kuenzli,Rudolf & Naumann, Francis M. Marcel Duchamp. Artist of the Century. The Mit Press, 1989. First MIT Press edition. 267pp. With some pictures. Yellow cloth. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0081-211768] ¥5,250 651 Kushner,Malcolm L. The Light Touch. How to Use Humor for Business Success. Simon & Schuster, 1990. 270pp. d.w. Its spine sl.stained. Edges sl.stained. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0199-211886] ¥3,150 652 Lang,Candance D. Irony Humor. Critical Paradigms. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. xiii,235pp. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Edges sl.stained. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0047-211734] ¥5,250 79 ユーモア書籍 653 Laver,James The Age of Illusion. Manners and Morals 1750-1848. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972. x,197pp. With numerous illus. Red cloth, sl.spotted. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled & edge sl.stained. Edges partly stained. Ex-libris on front fly leaf. Cutting of the printed matter on half title. Pencil notation to 100pp. 153-156pp. sl.spotted. 24.1x15.9cm. [hu0268-211955] ¥4,200 654 Leacock,Stephen Humor. Its Theory and Technique with Examples and Samples. A Book of Dicovery by Stephen Leacock. New York: Dodd,Mead & Co., 1935. v,268pp. d.w. partly chipped & repaired. Its spine sunned & spotted. Edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. foxed. 20.3x14.4cm. [hu0080-211767] ¥5,250 655 Leacock,Stephen Funny Pieces. A Book of Random Sketches. New York: Dodd,Mead & Co., 1936. viii,292pp. d.w. partly sunned & sl.chipped. Edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf artly foxed. Book-shop label on front ep. 19.3x14cm. [hu0102-211789] ¥4,200 656 Lear,Edward Lear in the Original. Drawings and Limericks by Edward Lear for his Book of Nonsense. Now First Printed in Facsimile, Together with Other Unpublished Nonsense Drawings. With an Introductioin and Notes by Herman W.Liebert. New York: H.P.Kraus, 1975. First printing. 234pp. With numerous illus. Dust wrapper sunned. 22.2x26.2cm. [hu0033-211384] ¥8,400 657 Davidson,Angus Edward Lear. Landscape Painter & Nonsense Poet. (1812-1888) New York: Kennikat Press, INC.,1938. xv,280pp. Some illus. Orange cloth, sl.stained. Spine edge sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 22.2x14cm. [hu0118-211805] ¥6,300 658 Lederer,Richard The Play of Words. Fun & Games for Language Lovers. Illustrations by Bernie Cootner. Pocket Books, 1990. xii,274pp. With numerous illus. d.w. Top edge sl.stained. 22.2x14.7cm. [hu0159-211846] ¥4,200 659 (Leech,John) A'Beckett,Gilbert A. The Comic History of Rome. Illustrated by John Leech. London: Bradbury, Agnew,& Co., n.d. xviii,418pp. Original two tone cloth, gilt illus.to front cover, and gilt title and illus.to spine. With many illus. and hand coloured plates. 25.2x17.5cm. [hu0027-211385] ¥21,000 660 A'Beckett,Gilbert A. /Leech,John illus. The Comic History of England. Illustrated by John Leech. In 2 vols. London: Bradbury, Agnew,& Co., 1897-1898. Reprinted. First AMS edition in 1975. vol.I:xviii,432pp., vol.II:xiv,416pp. Dark blue cloth, gilt illus. to front cover & gilt title to spine. With many illus. vol.I/ Top edge sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 22.2x14.2cm. [hu0061-211748] ¥12,600 661 Frith,William Powell John Leech: His Life and Work. With Portrait and Numerous Illustrations. In 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley & Son, 1891. 2nd edition. Vol.1:xiv,268pp. Vol.2: viii,307pp, 48pp adverts. Margins lightly browned, dec.e.ps., original cloth with gilt to upper board & sl. faded spine. [01412-211387] ¥31,500 662 Lewis,Paul Comic Effects. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Humor in Literature. State University of New York Press, 1989. xiii,179pp. Printed wrappers, partly stained. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. 23x14.9cm. [hu0251-211938] ¥2,100 663 Lipman,Steve Laughter in Hell. The Use of Humor during the Holocaust. London: Jason Aronson Inc., 1991. xiii,279pp. d.w. Top edge black. Front flap sl.missing. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0180-211867] ¥5,250 664 Little,Judy Comedy & the Woman Writer. Woolf, Spark, & Feminism. Lincoln and london: University of Ne80 ユーモア書籍 braska Press, 1983. 224pp. d.w. sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. [hu0092-211779] ¥4,200 22.3x14.5cm. 665 Lupton,Martha The Treasury of Modern Humor. Indianapolis: Maxwell Droke,Publisher, 1938. Fifth large printing. 1079pp. d.w. partly stained & sl.cracked. Edges sl.foxed & spotted. Front fly leaf sl.sunned. 26-27pp. sl.spotted. 21x14.5cm. [hu0105-211792] ¥8,400 666 Macrae,David National Humour. Scottish-English-Irish-Welsh-Cockney-American. by REV. David Macrae. With illustrations by John Duncan. Paisley: Alexander Gardner, 1915. 357pp. Some illus. Brown cloth partly stain & rubbed. Its spine sunned & rubbed. Top edge gilt, edges partly stained. Ink notation to f.f.ep. Sl. removed label on rear ep. 175pp. & r.f..ep. partly separated. 357pp. unopened. 253pp. sl.ink notation & several pages blue ink notation. 20.7x15cm. [hu0097-211784] ¥6,300 667 Mamchak,P. Susan & Mamchak,Steven R. Encyclopedia of School Humor. Icebreakers, Classics, Stories, Puns & Roasts for all Occasions. New York: Parker Publishing Co., Inc., 1987. xiii,236pp. d.w. 24.2x18.5cm. [hu0269-211956] ¥5,250 668 Martin,Robert Bernard The Triumph of Wit. A Study of Victorian Comic Theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. xi,105pp. d.w. sl.stained & edge sl.chipped. Top edges sl.spotted. 22.3x14.2cm. [hu0104-211791] ¥4,200 669 Gehring,Wes D. The Marx Brothers. A Bio-Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 1987. First published. xv,262pp. Some pictures. Glay cloth. Edges sl.stained. 24x15.7cm. [hu0188-211875] ¥5,250 670 Martz,Louis L. The Wit of Love. Donne,Crashaw, Carew,Marvell. London: The University of Notre Dame Press, 1969. 216pp. With numerous pictures. Green cloth, sl.stained. Its spine corner sl.rubbed & wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label & bookplate on front ep. ("Library of the Department of English. The Ohio State University.") 23.9x16.8cm. [hu0171-211858] ¥6,300 671 Metcalf,Fred ed. The Penguin Dictionary of Jokes, Wisecracks, Quips & Quotes. Compiled by Fred Metcalf. ing, 1993. First published. 230pp. d.w. edge sl.rubbed. 24x16cm. [hu0141-211828] ¥5,250 Vik- 672 Mieder,Wolfgang & Kingsbury,Stewart A. ed. A Dictionary of Wellerisms. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. xix,187pp. d.w. partly stained. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 21.7x14.5cm. [hu0155-211842] ¥4,200 673 Mikes,George Laughing Matter. Towards a Personal Philosophy of Wit & Humor. New York: The Library Press, 1971. 133pp. Some illus. d.w. partly stained, edge sl.cracked. Its spine sl.rubbed. Edges sl.foxed. 22.5x14.5cm. [hu0148-211835] ¥4,200 674 Milburn,D.Judson The Age of Wit 1650-1750. A chronicle of English life and letters in the era when "men and women were rude in a more elegant way, said lewd things with a finer accent, and kicked citizens with a touch of polish." New York: The Macmillan Company/London:Collier-Macmillan LTD, 1966. First printing. 348pp. d.w. sl.stained & edge sl.rubbed. Top edge brown & edges sl.sunned. Front & rear ep. partly spotted. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0058-211745] ¥4,200 675 Morreall,John ed. The Philosophy of Laughter and Humor. State University of New York Press, 1987. xi,270pp. Printed wrappers, edge sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & partly rubbed. Edges partly stained. 22.9x15cm. [hu0250-211937] ¥2,100 81 ユーモア書籍 676 Mosak,Harold H. Ha Ha and Aha. The Role of Humor in Psychotherapy. Indiana: Accelerated Development Inc., 1987. viii,152pp. Gray cloth. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0225-211912] ¥5,250 677 Muir,Frank The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose. From William Caxton to P. G. Wodehouse. A Conducted Tour by Frank Muir. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. First published 1990./ Reprinted 1990.(twice) xxxiv,1162pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned & corner sl.wrinkled. 24.2x16.2cm. [hu0258-211945] ¥9,450 678 Mulkay,Michael On Humour. Its Nature and Its Place in Modern Society. Polity Press, 1988. 232pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained & sl.cracked. Its spine sunnd & corner sl.cracked. Edges sl.stained. 1-2pp. a small spotted. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0239-211926] ¥5,250 679 Murdock,Clyde A Treatury of Humor. Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1967. First printing 1967./ Second printing 1967. 160pp. Blown cloth sl.stained & dented. Spine coners sl.rubbed. Edges sl.foxed. 63pp. & 108pp. sl.red ink notation.22.1x14.5cm. [hu0098-211785] ¥4,200 680 MсGhee,Paul E. & Goldstein,Jeffrey H. ed. Handbook of Humor Research. Vol.I: Basic Issues. Vol.II: Applied Studies. In 2 vols. New York・ Berlin・Heideberg・Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1983. Vol.I: viii,251pp./ Vol.II: xii,215pp. Vol.I: Some illus. d.w. partly stained & edge sl,rubbed. Its spine corner sl.cracked. Edges partly stained. Vol.II: d.w. sl.foxed. Its spine sl.rubbed. 24.2x16cm. [hu0137-211824] ¥9,450 681 Nash,Walter Rhetoric. The Wit of Persuasion. Bsil Blackwell, 1989. First published. x,241pp. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.foxed & partly spotted. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0224-211911] ¥5,250 682 Nickels,Cameron C. New England Humor. From The Revolutionary War to the Civil War. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 1993. First edition. xvii,277pp. d.w. Front flap sl.bended. Top edge sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. Tore down a label front fly leaf. 23.5x16cm. [hu0205-211892] ¥5,250 683 Nicolson,Harold The English Sense of Humour and Other Essays. London: Constable And Company Ltd, 1956. First published 1956/ Reprinted before publication 1956. 208pp. d.w. Its spine sunnd & sl.chipped. Edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf, text partly spotted. 22x14.2cm. [hu0066-211753] ¥5,250 684 Nilsen,Alleen Pace & Nilsen, Don L. F. Encyclopedia of 20th-Century American Humor. Oryx Press, 2000. ix,360pp. Some pictures & illus. Blue & White cloth. 26.1x18.2cm. [hu0259-211946] ¥7,350 685 Nilsen,Don L. F. Humor in American Literature. A Selected Annotated Bibliography. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992. 580pp. Green cloth. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0179-211866] ¥8,400 686 Nilsen,Don L. F. Humor in Twentieth-Century British Literature. A Reference Guide. London: Greenwood Press, 2000. First published. xii,561pp. Dark red cloth. Its spine corners sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 24x16cm. [hu0130-211817] ¥12,600 687 Nilsen,Don L. F. Humor Scholarship. A Research Bibliography. London: Greenwood Press, 1993. First published. ix,382pp. Blue cloth. 24x16cm. [hu0083-211770] ¥6,300 688 Nilsen,Don L. F. ed. The Language of Humor and the Humor of Language. 1983 Whimsy. Western Humor and Irony 82 ユーモア書籍 Membership Serial Yearbook. Proceedings of the 1982 Whim Conference. Editor: Don L. F. Nilsen. Co-editor: Alleen Pace Nilsen. Arizona: Arizona State University, 1983. 412pp. printed wrappers, sl.stained & sl.bended. Its spine sl.spotted & corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 27.4x21.5cm. [hu0275-211962] ¥6,300 689 Nilsen,Don L. F. ed. Whimsy II. Western Humor and Irony Membership Serial Yearbook. Proceedings of the 1983 Whim Conference. Editor: Don L. F. Nilsen. Co-editor: Alleen Pace Nilsen. Arizona: English Department Arizona State University, 1984. 320pp. Some illus. Printed wrappers. Edges partly stained. 27.9x21.4cm. [hu0274-211961] ¥5,250 690 Norrick,Neal R. Conversational Joking. Humor in Everyday Talk. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993. x,175pp. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Top edge sl.stained. 21.7x14.3cm. [hu0158-211845] ¥4,200 691 Norrick,Neal R. Conversational Joking. Humor in Everyday Talk. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993. x,175pp. d.w. 21.7x14.3cm. [hu0256-211943] ¥4,200 692 Novak,William & Waldoks,Moshe ed. The Big Book of Jewish Humor. Edited and annotated by William Novak & Moshe Waldoks. Harper Perennial, 1994. xxv,308pp. With numerous illus. Printed wrappers, edge sl.rabbed. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. 27.8x21.6cm. [hu0273-211960] ¥4,200 693 Oehlschlaeger,Fritz ed. Old Southwest Humor from the St. Louis Reveille, 1844-1850. Edited with an Introduction by Fritz Oehlschlaeger. Columbia & London: University of Missouri Press, 1990. xiii,282pp. d.w. 23.5x16cm. [hu0235-211922] ¥5,250 694 Olsen,Lance Circus of the Mind in Motion. Postmodernism and the Comic Vision. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1994. 171pp. d.w. Its spine sl.sunned. Edegs sl.stained. 23.6x16cm. [hu0226-211913] ¥5,250 695 Opie,Iona & Tatem,Moira ed. A Dictionary of Superstitions. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. xiii,494pp. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. sl.spotted. 24.3x16.2cm. [hu0215-211902] ¥8,400 696 Oring,Elliott The Jokes of Sigmund Freud. A Study in Humor and Jewish Identity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1984. xiii,151pp. d.w. edge sl.cracked. Its spine corner sl.cracked. Top & bottom edges partly stained. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0197-211884] ¥3,150 697 Oring,Elliott Jokes and Their Relations. The University Press of Kentucky, 1992. xii,171pp. d.w. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0164-211851] ¥4,200 698 Parkin,John Humour Theorists of the Twentieth Century. Lewiston・Queenston・Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1997. xiii,307pp. Yellow cloth, sl.stained. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0129-211816] ¥6,300 699 Pearson,Hesketh Lives of the Wits. London & Melbourne & Toronto: Heinemann, 1962. First published. xviii,334pp. Some pictures. d.w. partly sunned & stained. Edge sl.repaired.its spine corner sl.rubbed. Edges partly stained. Front sp. & half title sl.spotted. 22.2x14.5cm. [hu0190-211877] ¥5,250 700 Perrin,Noel A Noel Perrin Sampler. Hanover & London: University Press of New England, 1991. x,141pp. d.w. sl.wrinkled. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edge sl.stained. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0185-211872] ¥5,250 83 ユーモア書籍 701 Potter,Stephen Sense of Humour. NewYork: Henry Holt & Company, 1954. First published 1954./Reprinted 1954. xii,271pp. d.w. partly chipped & sl.stained. Edges sl.stained. 20.3x13.7cm. [hu0071-211758] ¥5,250 702 Potter,Stephen Some Notes on Lifemanship. With A Summary of Recent Researches in Gamesmanship. Illustrated by LT.-COL. Frank Wilson. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1955. Tenth impression. 126pp. With some illus. d.w. Its spine sunned & partly chipped. Side is worned. Edges sl.stained. 19x12.3cm. [hu0079-211766] ¥3,150 703 Pratt,Alan R. Brack Humor. Critical Essays. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993. xxv,375pp. Beige cloth. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 22.2x14.3cm. [hu0062-211749] ¥5,250 704 Priestley,J.B. English Humour. "Hear was a Merry World, My Masters!" Folcroft Library Editions, 1973. ix,180pp. Black cloth. Edges sl.stained. Front & rear ep. sl.spotted. Limited 100 Copies. 22x14cm. [hu0055-211742] ¥4,200 705 Priestley,J.B. English Humour. London: Heineman, 1976. First published. 208pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.sunned & sl.repaired. Its spine sunned & coners sl.split. Edges sl.stained. 25.5x19.2cm. [hu0101-211788] ¥5,250 706 Pughe,Thomas Comic Sense. Reading Robert Coover, Stanley Elkin, Philip Roth. Basel & Boston & Berlin: Birkhäuser Verlag, 1994. xiii,195pp. Printed wrappers. 24x17cm. [hu0254-211941] ¥3,150 707 Pullen,John J. Comic Relief. The Life and Laughter of Artemus Ward, 1834-1867. published. 202pp. d.w. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0165-211852] ¥4,200 Archon Books, 1983. First 708 Raskin,Victor Semantic Mechanisms of Humor. Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: D.Reidel Publishing Company, 1985. xix,284pp. d.w. sl.sunned. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. 23x16cm. [hu0133-211820] ¥6,300 709 Redfern,Walter Puns. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1984. First published. 234pp. d.w. sl.stained & rubbed. Price label on d.w.Edges sl.stained. 23.5x15.5cm. [hu0121-211808] ¥6,300 710 Reisner,Robert & Wechsler,Lorraine Encyclopedia of Graffiti. New York: Galahad Books, 1980. xi,401pp. d.w. sl.stained & partly missing. Edges sl.foxed. Title page sl.cracked. 23.7x16cm. [hu0076-211763] ¥5,250 711 Richler,Mordecai ed. The Best of Modern Humor. Edited by Mordecai Richler. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988. Third printing. xix,542pp. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Front d.w. sl.worned. Edges sl.spotted. Rear ep. sl.spotted. 24x16.5cm. [hu0045-211732] ¥6,300 712 Robertson,Jeanne Humor. The Magic of Genie. Texas: Rich Publishing Co., 1990. First edition 1990./ First printing 1990./ Second printing 1990. ix,216pp. d.w. edge sl.rubbed & sl.cracked. Its spine sl.sunned & corner sl.cracked. 23.5x16cm. [hu0267-211954] ¥5,250 713 Robinson,Fred Miller Comic Moments. Athens & London: The University of Georgia Press, 1992. xi,155pp. d.w. partly stained. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 21x15.5cm. [hu0143-211830] ¥4,200 84 ユーモア書籍 714 Robinson,Vera M. Humor and the Health Professions. The Therapeutic Use of Humor in Health Care. Second Edition. Slack. 1991. xx,236pp. With numerous illus. Printed wrappers, partly wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. Rear ep. sl.stained. Pencil notation to vii-16pp. 22.9x15.2cm. [hu0184-211871] ¥3,150 715 Ross,Alison The Language of Humour. London & New York: Routledge, 1998. First published. x,118pp. Printed wrappers. Edges sl.stained. 24.5x17.3cm. [hu0255-211942] ¥2,100 716 Rosten,Leo Leo Rosten's Giant Book of Laughter. New York: Bonanza Books, 1989. Reprinted. xi,573pp. d.w. partly foxed. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Top edge sl.foxed, edges sl.stained. Front flap sl.missing. 24x15.8cm. [hu0253-211940] ¥5,250 717 Greco,Joseph Rowlandson the Caricaturist. A Selectioin from His Works. With Anecdotal Descriptions of His Famous Caricatures and a Sketch of His Life, Times, and Contemporaries by Joseph Greco. With about Four Hundred Illustrations. (ジョセフ・グレコ 「風刺漫画家 ローランドソン」)In 2 vols. London: Chatto and Windus, 1880. xv,378pp./ xi,454pp. With numerous b/w illus. Half red morocco with red cloth, gilt lettering and decorations on the spine and sl.rubbed. Covers somewhat spotted and sl.darkened. t.e.g. black e.ps.and joint of vol.I partly torn. 29x23.2cm. [aj306-211388] ¥84,000 718 Rubin,Louis D., Jr. ed. The Comic Imagination in American Literature. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1973. Second Printing. xii,430pp. d.w. sl.stained & edge sl.wrinkled. Its spine sunned & corner sl.wrinkled. Top edge red, edges partly stained. Book-shop label on front ep. The edge of 305pp.-rear fly leaf sl.wrinkled. 23.6x15.7cm. [hu0191-211878] ¥5,250 719 Schafer,Kermit Bloopers, Bloopers, Bloopers. Foreword by Mike Douglas. Introduction by Burt Prelutsky. Drawings by Doug Anderson. Guest Cartoonist Bob Dunn. Featuring the TV Blooper Girls, Illustrated by Pete Anderson. New York: Bell Publishing Co., 1973. 390pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.stained & sl.rubbed. Its spine corners sl.cracked. Edges partly stained. 23.4x16cm. [hu0120-211807] ¥6,300 720 Schutz,Charles E. Political Humor. From Aristophanes to Sam Ervin. London: Associated University Presses, 1977. 349pp. d.w. partly stained & abrasioned. It s spine corner sl.cracked. Edges sl.stained. Front flap sl.missing. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0145-211832] ¥5,250 721 Scott,Randall W. comp. The Comic Art Collection Catalog. An Author, Artist, Title, and Subject Catalog of the Comic Art Collection, Special Collestions Division, Michigan State University Libraries. London: Greenwood Press, 1993. First published. xi,1435pp. Dark blue cloth, sl.stained. Edges sl.stained. ix partly bended. 28.7x22.2cm. [hu0277-211964] ¥21,000 722 Crowquill,Alfred Seymour's Humorous Sketches, Comprising Eighty-Six Caricature Etchings. Illustrated in Prose and Verse. London: Henry G.Bohn, 1843. Bound in marbled boards, rubbed, with calf corners, rubbed. Rebacked with cloth and new e.ps. Edges foxing. Ex-library stamp to title page (Hoyt Public Library). 24x15.5cm. [hu0007-211390] ¥18,900 723 Hazlitt,W.Carew ed. with intro. Shakespeare Jest-Books; Vol.I: Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed to Have Been Used by Shakespeare. I. A Hundred Mery Tales, from the Only Known Copy. II. Mery Tales and Quicke Answers, from the Rare Edition of 1567. (x,(xii),129,(xiv),162pp.). Vol.II: Comprising Merie Tales of Skelton. Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of Newes. Tarlton's Jests. Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peel. Jacke of Dober. (xi,367pp.) Vol.III: Comprising Merie Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham. XII Mery Jests of the Wydow Edyth. Pasquils Jests, with Mother Bunches Merriments. The Pleasant 85 ユーモア書籍 Conceits of Old Hobson. Certayne Conceyts and Jeasts. Taylors Wit and Mirth. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies. (ix,108,84,52,18,86,75,15pp.) London: Willis & Sotheran, 1864. In 3 vols. Original brown morocco backed red boards, gilt title to spine. Corners sl.rubbed and edges somewhat darkened. 18.3x12.6cm. [hu0002-211391] ¥47,250 724 Hazlitt,W.Carew ed. with intro. Shakespeare Jest-Books; Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed to Have Been Used by Shakespeare. I. A Hundred Mery Tales, from the Only Known Copy. II. Mery Tales and Quicke Answers, from the Rare Edition of 1567. London: Henry Sotheran & Co., 1881. xii,(x),129,(xiv),162pp. Bound in dark blue cloth, t.e.g. 18.5x13.5cm. [hu0001-211392] ¥8,400 725 Shershow,Scott Cutler Laughing Matters. The Paradox of Comedy. The University of Massachusetts Press, 1986. xi,151pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned & top corner sl.cracked. 23.5x14.5cm. [hu0123-211810] ¥5,250 726 Shershow,Scott Cutler Puppets & "Popular" Culture. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press, 1995. First published. x,252pp. Some illus. d.w.sl.stained. Edges sl.stained. 23.6x15.5cm. [hu0126-211813] ¥6,300 727 Shoemaker,Charles C. Choice Humor. For Reading and Recitation. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishig Co., 1904. 183pp. Printed wrappers partly stained & sl.cracked. Its spine sunned & partly rubbed. Edges partly stained. Front & rear yapped. Pencil notation to a title page. 18.5x12cm. [hu0109-211796] ¥4,200 728 Siegel,Lee Laughing Matters. Comic Tradition in India. Chicago & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. xviii,497pp. d.w. 23.6x16cm. [hu0234-211921] ¥5,250 729 Sloane,David E.E. ed. American Humor Magazines and Comic Periodicals. Advisory Editor, Stanley Trachtenberg. Greenwood Press, 1987. First published. xxxv,648pp. Ocher cloth. Its spine corner sl.stained & wrinkled. Edges partly stained. 24.2x16cm. [hu0214-211901] ¥9,450 730 Smith,A.J. Metaphysical Wit. Cambridge University Press, 1991. First published. xii,270pp. d.w. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. 22.3x14.4cm. [hu0154-211841] ¥5,250 731 Sonnichsen,C. L. ed. The Laughing West. Humorous Western Fiction Past and Present An Anthology. Complied and Edited by C. L. Sonnichsen. Athens: Swallow Press/ Ohio University Press, 1988. Second printing. xi,299pp. d.w. 23.6x15.8cm. [hu0266-211953] ¥6,300 732 Sousa,Ronald de The Rationality of Emotion. London: The MIT Press, 1987. xix,373pp. d.w. sl.stained, edge sl.cracked & rubbed. Its spine sl.sunned & sl.stained. Edges sl.stained. Front ep. & fly leaf a small spotted. 23.6x16cm. [hu0207-211894] ¥6,300 733 Spalding,Henry D. (Complied & Edited) Brewer,J. Mason (Introduction) Encyclopedia of Black Folklore and Humor. Complied and Edited by Henry D. Spalding, Introduction by J. Mason Brewer. Jonathan David Publishers, 1978. Revised edition. xvi,523pp. d.w. sl.sunned & stained. Its spine sl.chipped. Edges a small stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 24.3x16.2cm. [hu0070-211757] ¥8,400 734 Spalding,Henry D. ed. A Treasure-Trove of American Jewish Humor. New York: Jonathan David Publishers, 1976. xvii,429pp. d.w. partly stained. Its spine sunned & corners sl.rubbed. Edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf small stained. Half title guard sl.cracked. 24x17.2cm. [hu0096-211783] ¥6,300 86 ユーモア書籍 735 Staake,Bob & Shaughnessy,Roseann ed. 1993 Humor and Cartoon Markets. Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1992. 332pp. With numerous illus. Yellow cloth. 24x16cm. [hu0231-211918] ¥5,250 736 Steadman,John M. Disembodied Laughter. Troilus and the Apotheosis Tradition. A Reexamination of Narrative and Thematic Contexts. University of California Press/Berkeley・Los Angeles・London, 1972. xii,178pp. d.w. Its spine sunned. Edges "File" stamped & front ep. Library stamped. ("U.C. Press Sales Department Library.") 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0048-211735] ¥3,150 737 Stewart,Susan Nonsense. Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore & Literature. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1979. xi,228pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.stained. Tp verso sl.spotted. 23.4x15.6cm. [hu0127-211814] ¥6,300 738 Storey,Mark Poetry And Humour From Cowper To Clough. The Macmillan Press LTD, 1979. First published. xii,192pp. d.w. sl.sunned, edge sl.wrinkle & stained. Top edge sl.stained. 22.3x14.3cm. [hu0056-211743] ¥4,200 739 Stringfellow,Frank Jr. The Meaning of Irony. A Psychoanalytic Investigation. State University of New York Press, 1994. xi,177pp. Blue & silver cloth. 23.5x15.7cm. [hu0241-211928] ¥4,200 740 Summers,Claude J. & Pebworth,Ted-Larry ed. The Wit of Seventeenth-Century Poetry. Columbia & London: University of Missouri Press, 1995. viii,222pp. d.w. Edges sl.stained. Rear fly leaf sl.bended. 23.6x16cm. [hu0187-211874] ¥5,250 741 Sutherland,James English Satire. The Clark Lectures. Cambridge: At The University Press, 1962. First paperback edition. 174pp. d.w. partly stained. Its spine chipped. Edges partly spotted. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. 20.5x13cm. [hu0053-211740] ¥4,200 742 Tannen,Deborah Conversation Style. Analyzing Talk Among Friends. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1984. xix,188pp. Gray cloth, edge sl.dented. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Edges partly stained. Half title sl.foxed. Rear ep. & fly leaf partly spotted. 22.3x13.5cm. [hu0172-211859] ¥3,150 743 Tave,Stuart M. The Amiable Humorist. A Study in the Comic Theory and Criticism of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries. The University of Chicago Press, 1960. xi,304pp. Some illus. d.w. Its spine sunned & sl.worned. Top edge black & edges sl. stained. 22x14.3cm. [hu0050-211737] ¥5,250 744 Tave,Stuart M. The Amiable Humorist. A Study in the Comic Theory and Criticism of the 18th and Early 20th Centuries. The University of Chicago Press, 1960. xi,304pp. Some illus. d.w. Its spine sunned. Top edge black, edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on front ep. 22x14.3cm. [hu0115-211802] ¥8,400 745 Teague,Frances ed. Acting Funny. Comic Theory and Practice in Shakespeare's Plays. Associated University Press, 1994. 190pp. d.w. sl.cracked & rubbed. Its spine corner sl.rubbed. 24x16.2cm. [hu0216-211903] ¥5,250 746 Test,George A. Satire. Spirit and Art. University of South Florida Press Tampa, 1991. x,300pp. d.w. sl.stained & chipped. Edges sl.spotted. 23.2x15.7cm. [hu0068-211755] ¥5,250 747 Thackeray,William Makepeace Thackerayana. Notes and Anecdotes. Illustrated by Hundreds of Sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray. Depicting Humorous Incidents in his School Life, and Favorite Scenes and Characters in the Book of jis Every-Day Reading. London: Chatto & Windus, 1901. A New Edition. xx,494pp. 87 ユーモア書籍 With numerous illus. Bound in red cloth, illus.on front cover, partly gilt, spines decorated in gilt. Edges foxing and e.ps.light stained. 20x14cm. [hu0019-211394] ¥8,400 748 Thackeray,William Makepeace The English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century. London:The Grey Walls Press, 1949. First published. 208pp. d.w. sl.sunned & stained, edge sl.chipped. Edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. sunned.22.4x14.5cm. [hu0057-211744] ¥6,300 749 Spielmann,M.H. & Walter Jerrold Hugh Thomson: His Art, His Letters, His Humour and His Charm. London: A.& C.Black, 1931. xx,269pp.+ plates. Numeous illus and plates (including coloured plates). Bound with red cloth, somewhat sunned. Illustrated e.ps. Edges sl.foxing. 22.5x17cm. [hu0009-211395] ¥12,600 750 Spielmann,M.H. & Walter Jerrold Hugh Thomson: His Art, His Letters, His Humour and His Charm. London: A.& C.Black, 1931. xx,269pp.+ plates. Numeous illus and plates (including coloured plates). Bound with red cloth. Illustrated e.ps. Edges and spine sl.foxing. 22.5x17cm. [hu0010-211396] ¥12,600 751 Bernstein,Burton Thurber. A Biography by Burton Bernstein. Illustrated with drawings by James Thurber & photographs. New York: Dodd,Mead & Co., 1975. ix,532pp. Some pictures. d.w. sl.sunned & cracked. Its spine stained & partly cracked. Front flap sl.missing. Top edge yellow, edges sl.stained. Ink notation to a front fly leaf. 23.4x16cm. [hu0119-211806] ¥5,250 752 Townsend,Mary Lee Forbidden Laughter. Popular Humor and the Limits of Repression in Nineteenth-Century Prussia. The University of Michigan Press, 1992. xix,258pp. With numerous illus. d.w. Edges a small spotted. 23.5x15.8cm. [hu0163-211850] ¥5,250 753 Twain,Mark A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. An analysis of the satire by Rita Davison. Term paper in English 40.6 May 14, Professor Adkins, 1941. 16pp. Original typescript. In binder. Cover sl.sunned. & cracked. 29x22.8cm. [hu0108-211795] ¥3,150 754 Twain,Mark & others. Library of Wit and Humor. With the Philosophy of Wit and Humor by Melville D. Landon, A. M. (Eli Perkins.) Chicago: Thompson & Thomas, 1898. 438pp. Some illus. Red cloth, much stained & rubbed. Its spine sunned & worned. Front & rear cover yapped. Edges much stained. Front ep. small stamped, f.ep. sl.stained & chipped, fly leaf partly stained. Rear f.ep. separated, fly leaf partly stained. 30-31, 199-200pp. biding cracked. 23x15.5cm. [hu0100-211787] ¥8,400 755 Wallace,Ronald God Be With The Clown. Humor in American Poetry. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1984. 235pp. Some illus. d.w. partly spotted. Edges partly stained. Front ep. & fly leaf a small spotted. 23.3x15.5cm. [hu0182-211869] ¥5,250 756 Wallace,Ronald The Last Laugh. Form & Affirmation in the Contemporary American Comic Novel. Columbia & London: University of Missouri Press, 1979. 159pp. d.w. sl.stained, edge sl. chipped & cracked. 23.5x15.4cm. [hu0193-211880] ¥5,250 757 Wardroper,John King's, Lords and Wicked Libellers. Satire and Protest 1760-1837. History Book Club, 1973. ix,263pp. With numerous illus. d.w. sl.sunned. Edges sl.stained. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0117-211804] ¥8,400 758 Weisenburger,Steven Fables of Subversion. Satire and the American Novel, 1930-1980. Athens & London: The University of Georgia Press, 1999. x,320pp. d.w. sl.stained. Its spin corner sl.wrinkled. 23.6x15.8cm. [hu0213-211900] ¥5,250 88 ユーモア書籍 759 White,E.B. & White, Katharine S. A Subtreasury of American Humor. New York: Coward Mсcann, Inc, 1941. xxxii,814pp. Some illus. d.w. sl.stained & partly rubbed. Some repaired in d.w. Top edge red & edges sl.foxed. Front & rear fly leaf sl.stained. 22x15cm. [hu0078-211765] ¥6,300 760 Wierzbicka,Anna Understanding Cultures through Their Key Words. English, Russian, Polish, German, & Japanese. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. viii,317pp. Dark blue cloth. 24.1x15.9cm. [hu0194-211881] ¥5,250 761 Williamson,George The Proper Wit of Poetry. The University of Chicago Press, 1961. 136pp. d.w. partly stianed. Its spine sunned & corner rubbed. Edges partly staiend. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. Book-shop label on front flap. 22.3x14.5cm. [hu0156-211843] ¥4,200 762 Winokur,Mark American Laughter. Immigrants, Ethnicity, & 1930s Hollywood Film Comedy. Macmillan Press Ltd, 2004. First published. 310pp. With numerous pictures & illus. d.w. sl.abrasioned & sl.cracked. Rear fly leaf sl.bended. 21.5x14.5cm. [hu0149-211836] ¥4,200 763 (Wodehouse,P.G.) Heineman,James H.& Donald R.Bensen eds. P.G.Wodehouse, A Centenary Celebration 1881-1981. The Pierpont Morgan Library & Oxford UP, 1981. xxi,197pp. With illue. Front cover of d.w.sl.spotted. 30.5x23.2cm. [hu0034-211397] ¥31,500 764 Wood,Marcus Radical Satire and Print Culture 1790-1822. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. xviii,318pp. Some pictures & illus. d.w. Book-shop label on font ep. 22.3x14.3cm. [hu0209-211896] ¥6,300 765 Wood,Ralph C. The Comedy of Redemption. Christian Faith and Comic Vision in Four American Novelists. [(Karl Barth), Flannery O'Conner, Walker Percy, John Updike, Peter De Vries. ] Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1988. xiii,310pp. Dark blue cloth. Its spine corner sl.wrinkled. Top edge sl.stained. 24x16cm. [hu0220-211907] ¥6,300 766 Worcester,David The Art of Satire. New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. Second printing. vii,191pp. Yellow cloth, partly spotted & sunned. Edges stained. 21x14.3cm. [hu0049-211736] ¥3,150 767 Wright,Thomas Caricature History of the Georges. Or, Annals of the House of Hanover, Compiled from Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, Lampoons, and Pictorial Carictures of the Time. With Nearly Four Hundred Illustrations on Steel and Wood. London: John Camden Hotten, n.d. (Preface dated 1867) xiii,639pp. Bound in green cloth, gilt illus.on front cover and spine, and gilt title to spine. Corners sl.rubbed and edges somewhat darkened. Joints somewhat started. With a hand coloured frontis. 19.5x13.3cm. [hu0003-211398] ¥15,750 768 Wyse,Lois Funny, You Don't Look Like A Grandmother. Illustrated by Lilla Rogers. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc, 1989. 111pp. Some illus. d.w. Its spine sunned. 20.9x16cm. [hu0091-211778] ¥3,150 769 Ziv,Avner Personality and Sense of Humor. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1984. xiii,189pp. Cream cloth, partly stained. Edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. 23.8x15.8cm. [hu0132-211819] ¥5,250 770 Ziv,Avner & Zajdman,Anat ed. Semites and Stereotypes. Characteristics of Jewish Humor. London: Greenwood Press, 1993. First published. xix,197pp. Red cloth. 24.2x16cm. [hu0196-211883] ¥5,250 89 ユーモア書籍 771 Ziv,Avner ed. National Styles of Humor. Greenwood Press, 1988. First published. xiii,243pp. Blue cloth, sl.stained. Edges partly stained. 24.2x16cm. [hu0217-211904] ¥5,250 772 Foulsham's New Fun Book. A Great Gide to Home Amusement. New Party Games New Jokes New Ideas. 256 pages 2560 laughs. London:W. Foulsham & Co., n.d. 256pp. Printed wrappers, partly sunned & sl.worned. Its spine partly rubbed. P.256 sl.chipped. Small pencil notation & sl.spotted to text. 20.3x13cm. [hu0063-211750] ¥4,200 773 French Caricature and the French Revolution, 1789-1799. Published in Conjunction with an Exhi- bition Co-Organized by the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris, as part of 1789-1989, The French Revolution: A UCLA Bicentennial Program. Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, Wright Art Gallery,& University of California, 1988. 280pp. An exhibition catalogue. With numerous b/w & coloured illus.and essays by Michel Melot, Lynn Hunt, Claude Langlois, Ronald Paulson, Albert Boime, & Klaus Herding. Dust wrapper sl.torn at edge. 31x23.5cm. [hu0035-211401] ¥21,000 774 Wit and Humor of the World. Famous Authors' and Artists' Edition. New York: Leslie-Judge Co., n.d. 316pp. With numerous illus. Green cloth, partly sunned & partly rubbed. Its spine sunned & corner sl.rubbed. t.e.g., edges partly foxed. Stamped on front & rear ep. ("Dr. John W. Johson Box 67 Half Moon Bay, Cal"). 201-202pp., 217-230pp., 301-304pp. sl.cracked. 220-221pp. sl.foxed. 27.5x21.5cm. [hu0276-211963] ¥10,500 聖書・聖書関連書籍 775 Wenzelsbibel. ヴェンツェル聖書(写本) オーストリア国立図書館蔵本ファクシミリ版 Band 1: Genesis und Exodus. Band 2: Leviticus und Numeri. Band 3: Deuteronomium und Josua. Band 4: Richter, Ruth und Samuel I. Band 5: Samuel II, Könige I. Band 6: Könige II, Chronik I. Band 7: Chronik II, Esra I, Esra II. Band 8: Esra III, Tobias, Prediger. Band 9: Dokumentenband. In 9 vols. Graz (Austria): Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1981. Facsimile reproduced from the Austrian National Library, Cod. Vindob. 2759-2764, ca. 1389-1400, Prag. Full leather bindings with slip cases. 54.5x39cm. Coloured illus. Fine as new. [with] Die Wenzelsbibel: Kommentar von Hedwig Heger, Ivan Halaváček, Gerhard Schmidt und Franz Unterkircher. Mit Kurzveiträgen von Katharina Hranitzky und Karel Stejskal. (Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1998.) 250pp.+239 b/w illus. [and] Die Wenzelsbibel: Erläuterungen zu den Illuminierten Seiten von Michaela Krieger und Gerhard Schmidt. Unter mitarbeit von Elfriede Gaál und Katharina Hranitzky. (Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1996.) 230pp. [me0211-402153] ¥2,000,000 776 Die Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments:Nach der deutschen Ueberseßung D. Martin Luthers. Zweite Ausgabe mit stehenden Schriften. Neunzehnte Auflage. Stuttgart: bei der privilegirten Bibel-Auftalt. 1859.19th Edition. 1100pp.(旧約)/320pp.(新約)12mo. Leather. Language, German by Fraktur.P.401,402 torn and missing. (ページ破れ、欠) Cover rubbed and stained. Spine somewhat cracked. Edges stained. Ink and pencil notations on e.ps. and p.1. 8stamped on front e.ps. [me0258-402211] ¥12,600 777 Tamisier,Robert & François Amiot trans. La Bible. Tome I: L'Ancien Testament. Tome II: L'Ancien Testament. Le Nouveau Testament. Por l'Ancien Testament traduction revue et annotée par Robert Tamisier. Pour le Nouveau Testament traduction et notes de François Amiot. 2 vols. Marseille: Club du Livre, 1953. 619pp.+27 plates./ 90 ユーモア書籍 651pp.+38 plates. Full maroon leather, embossed motif on covers and spine, gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. With b/w & colored illus. Spine sl.rubbed. Edges foxing. 28.2x23.4cm. [me0292-402292] ¥63,000 778 Bhedel,Uilliam Leabhuir an Tsean Tiomna, Dublin: Printed by G.& J.Grierson & M.Keene, His Majesty Printers, For the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1827. 1305pp. Full calf, gilt title to spine. Text in Irish. Boards and spine damaged with many holes, torn at spine. Edges foxing. Margin of title page and a few pages light stained. P.131 sl.torn. 24.5x16cm. (アイルランド語訳旧約聖書) [me0298-402387] ¥31,500 聖書研究 779 Bacuez,MM., Vigouroux,F Manuel Biblique ou Cours D'écriture Sainte.A L'usage des Séminaires. Pr F.Vigouroux. Cinquiéme Édition, Revue et Augmentée.4vols. Paris: Maison Jouby et Roger.1886.5th edition. 638pp./693pp./696pp./726pp. Vol.1&vol.2: [Ancien Testament]. Vol.3&vol.4: [Nouveau Testament]. Vol.1: Introduction générale-Pentateuque. Vol.2: Livres historiques-Sapientiaux-Prophétiques. Vol.3: Jésus Christ-Les saints Évangiles. Vol.4: Les Apôtres.-Histoire; Doctrine; Prophéties. 12mo. Half leather. With some illus. and tables. Language in French. Spine rubbed and stained. Back side of vol.3 partly cracked. Edges sunned and stained. Light foxings and stains to some pages. [me0257-402210] ¥21,000 780 Beyer,Klaus Semitische Syntax im Neuen Testament, Band I: Satzlehre Teil 1. [Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments] Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1968. 2.,verbesserte Auflage. 323pp. Spine of d.w.sunned and sl.torn. Top edge yellow. [L01280-400393] ¥6,720 781 Black,Matthew An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts. Third Edition with Appendix on The Son of Man by Geza Vermes. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971. Reprinted. 359pp. All edges sl.spotted. d.w. [L01273-400394] ¥7,560 782 Blass,Friedrich Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch. Bearbeitet von Albert Debrunner. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1954. Neunte Auflage. xviii,368pp. Green cloth board somewhat faded. Top edge green. [L02030-600352] ¥5,250 783 Bultmann,Rudolf Die Geschichte der synoptischen Tradition. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1967. 7.Aufl. 408pp. With "Ergänzungsheft". (Printed wrappers. 56pp.) Sunned. Small ink noation to rear flyleaf. [L01284-400403] ¥5,040 784 Dentan,Robert C. Preface to Old Testament Theology. New York: The Seabury Press, 1963. Revised edition. 146pp. Dust wrapper somewhat stained. [L01287-400408] ¥2,520 785 Fowler,David C. The Bible in Early English Literature. London: Sheldon Press, 1977. First published. x,293pp. Ex-library (Cambridge) stamped on title-page, and withdrawn stamped on half title page and its verso. d.w. [me0296-402385] ¥5,250 786 Fuller,Reginald H. The Foundations of New Testament Christology. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1965. 268pp. Small ink singnature to rear flyleaf by former owner. Red underlines to several pages. [L01289-400414] ¥2,520 91 聖書・聖書関連書籍 787 Funk,Robert W. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. F Blass and A Debrunner. A Translation and Revision of the ninth-tenth German edition incorporating supplementary notes of A. Debrunner by Robert W. Funk. The Univ. of Chicago P.1970.Fourth Impression. xxxvii,325pp. 4to. Cloth, dustwrapper. 2columns. D.w. sunned (especially spine) , and partly chipped and missing. Edges sl.spotted and stained. Light stains to e.ps., fly leaves, half title and title page. [me0263-402216] ¥10,500 788 Harris,Mattie Anstice, Harvey W. Chapman & Loring Holmes Dodd Word-Indices to Old English Non-Poetic Texts. Part I; A Glossary of the West Saxon Gospels Latin-West Saxon and West Saxson-Latin, Part II; An Index to the Old English Glosses of the Durham Hymnarium, Part III; A Glossary of Wulfstan's Homilies. Published in one volume. Archon Books, 1974. Reprinted. vi,458pp. Cover sl.stained. Spine sunned. Top edge foxed. Edges spotted. Spotted from front fly leaf to page v. [L03009-604668] ¥12,600 789 Hawkins,John C. Horae Synopticae. Contributions to the Study of the Synoptic Problem. Foreword by F.F.Bruce. [Limited Editions Library] Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1968. Second edition, revised and supplemented, reprinted. xvi,223pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. All edges sl.spotted. [L01276-400417] ¥6,720 790 Jellicoe,Sidney The Septuagint and Modern Study. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. xix,423pp. Spine od d.w.sunned. All edges sl.spotted. [L01271-400418] ¥10,080 791 Kenny,Anthony ed. Wyclif in His Times. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1986. vi,174pp. (Contributors; Maurice Keen, Anthony Kenny, Norman Kretzmann, Anne Hudson, Gordon Leff) d.w. Its spine sunned. [L03321-605165] ¥6,300 792 Kiefer,René Au delá des recensions? L'Évolution de la Tradition Textuelle dans Jean VI, 52-71. [Coniectanea Biblica・New Testament Series. 3] Sweden: CWK Gleerup Lund, 1968. viii,269pp.+supplements. Printed wrappers. [L00730-400420] ¥15,120 793 Köhler,Ludwig Theologie des Alten Testaments. [Neue Theologische Grundrisse] Tübingen: J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1966. Vierte überarbeitete Auflage. xi,260pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [L01285-400421] ¥3,360 794 Lindberg,Conrad ed. Ms. Bodley 959. Genesis-Baruch 3.20 in the Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible. Vol.1 Genesis & Exodus, Vol.2 Leviticus-Judges 7.13, Vol.3 Judges 7.13-II Paralipomenon. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English VI,VIII,X] 3 Vols. Stockholm;Almqvist & Wiksell, Vol.1; 1959, Vol.2; 1961, Vol.3; 1963. Vol. 1; 213pp. Vol. 2; 281pp. Vol. 3; 395pp. Vol.1-3;Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. All edge foxed. Top edge sl.stained & spotted. Vol.2; Some pages sl.spotted. [L03051-604710] ¥36,750 795 McFadyen,John Edgar Key to the Exercises in the Late Professor A.B.Davidson's Revised Introductory Hebrew Grammar with Explanatory Notes. Edinburgh: T.& T.Clark. 1956. Second edition, reprinted. xi,145pp. Edges and e.ps.light foxing. A small ownership stamp to the margin of title page. [me0203-400423] ¥8,400 796 Moule,C.F.D. An Idiom Book of New Testament Greek. Cambridge at the University Press, 1953. x,241pp. Some scattered foxing to front & rear flyleaves. [L01945-602385] ¥4,200 797 Mozley,J.F. Coverdale and His Bibles. London: Lutterworth Press, 1953. First published. x,359pp. Frontis. Edges and e.ps.foxing and top edge spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [me0295-402384] ¥8,400 92 聖書・聖書関連書籍 798 Oakeshott,Walter The Two Winchester Bibles. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1981. [This edition is limited to one thousand copies of which this is number 478.] xii,149pp. 50x35cm. Red cloth with gilt motif on board. With original oatmeal cloth slip-case. Top edge gilt. Corrigenda on last page. With plenty of illustrations. Ex-library stamped on the corner of title page, and bottom edge. Slip-case sl.stained. Otherwise fine. [me0291-402288] ¥31,500 799 Pernot,Hubert Les Deux Premiers Chapitres de Matthieu et de Luc. [Commentaire Critique des Évangiles: Fascicule 1] Paris: Librairie Orientale et Américaine, 1947. 241pp. Printed Wrappers. Sunned. Front cover somewhat spotted and spine damaged. [L00729-400427] ¥6,720 800 Pernot,Hubert Recherches sur le Texte Original des Évangiles. [Collection de l'Institut Néo-Hellénique de l'Université Paris. Tome IV] Paris: Société d'Édition《Les Belles Lettres》, 1938. 330pp. Printed Wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00728-400428] ¥16,800 801 Susone,Beato Henrico Colloquia Dominiciana:Cum Divino Animae Sponso perdurante Sacro Convivio a Beato Henrico Susone dictata. <Horologium Sapientiae> Bibliotheca Mystica sanctorum Ordinis Praedicatorum Patrum. Im Selbstverlag des Verfassers.1923. 511pp. 15.8×11cm. Board. With frontis. Top edge red. Language in Latin.Ex-libris. Stamped on half tp and front fly e.p. A seal to the spine. Cover partly chipped and missing. Foxing and spottings to e.ps., half tp. & tp, and edges. Joints sl.cracked. [me0244-402197] ¥3,150 802 Tulloch,Graham A History of the Scots Bible. With Selected Texts. Aberdeen UP., 1989. First published. 184pp. Dust wrapper sl.faded and sl.torn at front cover. Edges light spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [me0302-402396] ¥5,250 803 Visotzky,Burton L. The Midrash on Proverbs. Translated from the Hebrew with an Introduction and Annotations by Burton L.Visotzky. Yale UP., 1992. 170pp. Dust wrapper partly chipped and sl.torn. Ownership signature to front e.p. [L02909-604545] ¥5,250 804 von Rad,Gerhard Theologie des Alten Testaments. Band I: Die Theologie der geschichtlichen Überlieferungen Israels. [Einführung in die evangelische Theologie, 1] München: Chr.Kaiser Verlag, 1966. Fünfte, durchgesehene Auflage. 511pp. Top edge gray. Sl.sunned. [L01286-400443] ¥5,040 805 米倉 綽 The Language of the Wycliffite Bible. The Syntactic Differences between the Two Versions. 荒竹出 版, 1985. First edition. xviii,525pp. With a slip case. d.w. Edges light spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [me0297-402386] ¥12,600 806 Studies and Documents edited by Jacob Geerlings. XXIX: Studies in the History and Text of the New Testament in Honor of Kenneth Willis Clark, by Boyd L.Daniels and M.Jack Suggs. Salt Lake City: Univ.of Utah Press, 1967. xi,187pp. (E.C.Colwell, D.Moody Smith,Jr., Eldon Jay Epp, Milton P.Brown,Jr., Jacob Geerlings, Kenneth L.Carroll, Calvin L.Porter, William L.Farmer, Bruce M.Metzger, Thomas L.Price, J.Merle Rife, Jean Duplacy, Savas Agourides, Ernst W.Saunders, Allen Wikgren, G.D.Kilpatrick, Kurt Aland) Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. [L00662-400458] ¥7,560 807 Studies and Documents edited by Jacob Geerlings. XXXIX: Nine Uncial Palimpsests of the Greek New Testament by J.Harold Greenlee. Salt Lake City: Univ.of Utah Press, 1968. 131pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. Stamped on title page by T.Hirunuma. [L00663-400459] ¥5,040 808 The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments:and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland: together with 93 聖書・聖書関連書籍 the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches. Oxford: Printed at the Univ. P.1849. unpaginated.12mo. Leather, with 2hinges. All edges red spotted. 2titles in 1volume. 2columns. With some tables.Cover somewhat stained, and sl.yapped. Light cracks on spine. Ink inscriptions on front e.ps. [me0259-402212] ¥21,000 Early English Text Society 刊行物 809 Hall,Fitzedward ed. William Lauder: The Office and Dewtie of Kyngis. Ane Compendiovs and Breve Tractate Concernyng the Office and Dewtie of Kyngis, Spiritvall Pastoris, and Temporall Ivgis. L'Aitle Compylit be William Launder for the Faithfvll Instrvctiovn of Kyngis and Prencis. Original Series, No.3. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1864, 2nd ed. 1869). xi,43pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ee0067-400787] ¥2,940 810 Wheatley,Henry B. ed. Alexander Hume: Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue. A Treates, noe Shorter then Necessarie for the Schools be Alexander Hume. Original Series, No.5. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1865, 2nd ed. 1870). xi,40pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ee0068-400788] ¥2,940 811 Skeat,W.W.ed. Romans of Lancelot of the Laik: A Scottish Metrical Romance, (About 1490-1500 A.D.). Re-Issued from a Manuscript in the Cambridge University Library, with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossarial Index, by W.W.Skeat. Original Series, No.6. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1865). lvii,132pp. [ee0159-400789] ¥3,675 812 Kingsley,G.H. ed. Francis Thynne's Animadversions upon Speght's first (A.D.1598) Edition of Chaucer's Works. Now Newly Edited from the MS.in the Bridgewater Library by G.H.Kingsley. Revised Edition by F.J.Furnivall, 1875, with a Reprint of the only known fragment of "The Pilgrim's Tale." Original Series, No.9. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1865, revised edition 1875). cxlvi,171pp. [ee0137-400792] ¥4,410 813 Small,J. & F.Hall eds. Sir David Lyndesay's Works. Parts I-IV. Monarche, The Historie and Testament of Squyer Meldrum, and Ane Satyre of the Thrie Esraits. [with] Part V: The Minor Poems [and] Henry Charteris's preface of the Warkis, 1568. In 2 vols. Original Series, Nos.11, 19, 35, 37, 47. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. First Greenwood reprinting (Originally published in 1865-71). 548pp./ liv,551-590,13pp. Joint of flyleaves and several pages sl.stained. [ee0161-400793] ¥6,615 814 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. The Wright's Chaste Wife, or "A Fable of a wrygħt that was maryde to a pore wydows dowtre…." A Merry Tale, by Adam of Cobsam, From a MS.in the Library of the Archbishop of Canterbury, at Lambeth, about 1462 A.D. Copied and Edited by Frederick J.Furnivall. Original Series, No.12. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1865). viii,24pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ee0069-400794] ¥2,940 815 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. The Book of Quinte Essence or the Fifth Being; That is to Say, Man's Heaven. Edited from British 94 Early English Text Society 刊行物 Museum MS.Sloane 73 about 1460-70 A.D. Original Series, No.16. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1866, revised edition 1889). viii,31pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ee0070-400795] ¥2,940 816 Skeat,Walter W.ed. Parallel Extracts from Forty-Five Manuscripts of Piers Plowman, With Notes upon Their Relation to the Society's Three-Text Edition of This Poem. Original Series, No.17. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. Reprinted. (Originally published in 1866 for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., London). 34pp. [ee0138-400796] ¥2,940 817 Morris,Richard transcrip. Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt or Remorse of Conscience. Vol.I: Text. Richard Morris's Transcription Now Newly Collated with the Unique Manuscript British Museum MS.Arundel 57 by Pamela Gradon. [and] Vol.II: Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Pamera Gradon. In 2 vols. Original Series, Nos.23 & 278. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965 & 1979. Vol.I: Reprinted. (First published 1866). 271pp./ xii,325pp. Vol.I with a frontis. [ee0139-400798] ¥11,760 818 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. The Stacions of Rome (In verse from the Vernon MS.,ab.1370 A.D., and in Prose from the Porkington MS.No.10,ab.1460-70 A.D.) and the Pilgrims Sea Voyage: (From the Trin.Coll., Cambridge, MS.R,3,19,t.Hen.VI.).with Clene Maydenhod. (From the Vernon MS.,ab.1370 A.D., in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.) A Supplement to "Political, Religious, and Love Poems", and "Hali Meidenhad", (EETS, 1866.) Original Series, No.25. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. First Greenwood reprinting (Originally published in 1867 for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., London). xv,40,7pp. [ee0162-400800] ¥2,940 819 Perry,George G. ed. Religious Pieces in Prose and Verse. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS.(Cir.1440) in the Lincoln Cathedral Library. [Re-collected with the MS., enlarged and revised 1913.] Original Series, No.26. Kraus Reprint, 1981. 2nd reprint. Reprinted from the edition 1867, 1914, London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.& Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP. xii,132pp. [ee0143-400801] ¥3,675 820 Peacock,Edward ed. Instructions for Parish Priests by John Myrc. Edited from Cotton MS.Claudius A.II. Original Series, No.31. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Second reprint. Reprinted from second revised edition, 1902 (first edition 1868, London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.). xiv,105pp. Printed wrappers. Spine and margin of cover sunned. [ee0071-400807] ¥3,675 821 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. The Babees Book. Aristotle s ABC, Vrbanitatis, Stans Puer ad Mensam, The Lytille Childrenes Lytil Boke, The Bokes Of Nurture Of Hugh Rhodes And John Russell, Wynkyn De Worde s Boke of Keruynge, The Booke Of Demeanor, The Boke Of Curtasye, Seager s School Of Virtue, &c. &c. With Some French & Latin Poems On Like Subjects, And Some Forewords On Education In Early England. Original Series, No.32. Kraus Reprint, 1990. Reprinted. (Originally published in 1868 for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., London). cxxxvi,132pp. Spine sunned. A few spotted to the top edge. [ee0102-400808] ¥8,820 822 Panton,Geo.A. & David Donaldson eds. The "Gest Hystoriale" of the Destruction of Troy: An Alliterative Romance Translated from Guido de Colonna's "Hystoria Troiana". Now First Edited from the Unique MS.in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by The Late Rev.Geo.A.Panton, and David Donaldson, Esq. Parts I & II. Original Series, Nos.39 & 56. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. Reprinted. (Originally published in 1869 & 1874 for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., London). lxx,586pp. Flyleaves partly stained at the joints. [ee0014-400811] ¥8,820 823 Smith,Toulmin ed. English Gilds. The Original Ordinances of more than One Hundred Early English Gilds together with 95 Early English Text Society 刊行物 Þe olde Vsages of þe Cite of Wynchestre, The Ordinances of Worcester, The Office of the Mayor of Bristol and The Costomary of the Manor of Tettenhall=Regis from Manuscripts of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Edited, with Notes by Toulmin Smith, with an Introduction and Glossary,etc.by Lucy Toulmin Smith, and a Preliminary Essay on the History and Development of Gilds by Lujo Brentano. Original Series, No.40. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1963. Reprinted. (First published 1870). cxcix,483pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) All edges sl.spotted. [ee0219-400812] ¥8,820 824 Lumby,J.Rawson ed. Bernardus de cura rei famuliaris with some Early Scottish Prophecies, &c. Original Series, No.42. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. Reprinted. (First published 1870). xi,46pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ee0072-400813] ¥2,940 825 Lumby,J.Rawson ed. Batis Baving, and Other Moral and Religions Pieces, in Prose and Verse. Edited from the Cambridge University MS.KK.1.5. Original Series, No.43. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. First Greenwood reprinting (Originally published in 1870 for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., London). xii,139pp. [ee0166-400814] ¥3,675 826 Skeat,Walter W. ed. Joseph of Arimathie: Otherwise Called The Romance of the Seint Graal, or Holy Grail: An Alliterative Poem Written about A.D.1350, and Now First Printed from the Unique Copy in the Vernon MS.at Oxford… Edited, with Notes and Glossarial Indices. Original Series, No.44. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted. (Originally published in 1866 for EETS by N.Trübner, 1871.) xlvii,100pp. With an Appendix, Containing "The Lyfe of Joseph of Armathy," Reprinted from the Black-Letter Copy of Wynkyn de Worde; "De Sancto Joseph ab Arimathia," First Printed by Pynson A.D.1516; and "The Lyfe of Joseph of Armathia," First Printed by Pynson A.D.1520. [ee0211-400815] ¥3,675 827 Cowper,J.M. ed. The Times' Whistle: or a Newe Daunce of Seven Satires and other Poems. Compiled by R.C.Gent. Now first edited from MS.8.3. in the Library of Canterbury Cathedral; with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Original Series, No.48. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969. First Greenwood reprinting (Originally published in 1871 for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., London). xxxviii,178pp. [ee0168-400819] ¥3,675 828 Lodge,Barton ed. Palladius on Husbondrie. Edited from the Unique MS.of about 1420 A.D.in Colchester Castle. With a Ryme Index edited by Sidney J.H.Herrtage. Original Series, Nos.52 & 72. Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted as one volume from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., 1873-1879. 220pp./ xxxvi,222-387pp. [ee0133-400820] ¥6,615 829 Morris,Richard ed. Cursor Mundi. A Northumbrian Poem of the XIVth Century. Edited from British Museum MS.Cotton Vespasian A.III, Bodleian MS.Fairfax 14, Göttingen University Library MS.Theol.107, Trinity College Cambridge MS.R.3.8. Part I: Text, lines 1-4954 (288pp.), Part II: Text, lines 4955-12558 (289-720pp.), Part III: Text, lines 12559-19300 (721-1104pp.), Part IV: Text, lines 19301-23826 (1105-1360pp.), Part V: Text, lines 23827-End ('contents'+1361-1674pp.). In 5 vols. Original Series, Nos.57, 59, 62, 66, & 68. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1961-1966. Reprinted. (First published 1874-1878). Printed wrappers. Frontis. Spine sunned. A small stain on front cover of Part II. [ee0076-400823] ¥30,870 830 Cowper,J.Meadows ed. Meditations on the Supper of Our Lord, and the Hours of Passion by Cardinal John Bonabentura. Drawn into English Verse by Robert Manning of Brunne. (About 1315-1330.) Edited from the MSS.in the British Museum and the Bodleian Library, Oxford, with Introduction and Glossary. Original Series, No.60. Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., 1875. xviii,45pp. [ee0183-400826] ¥2,940 831 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. Emblemes and Epigrames by Francis Thynne. Psal: Quum defecerit virtus mea, ne derelinquas me, 96 Early English Text Society 刊行物 Domine. [A.D.1600] Original Series, No.64. Kraus Reprint, 1978. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., 1876. xvi,112pp. [ee0182-400828] ¥3,675 832 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. Adam Davy's Dreams about Edward II. The Life of St.Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St.Jeremie's 15 Tokens before Doomsday. The Lamentacion of Souls. Edited from the Laud MS.622 in the Bodleian Library. Original Series, No.69. Kraus Reprint, 1978. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., 1878. 122pp. [ee0172-400830] ¥2,940 833 Simmons,Thomas Frederick The Lay Folks Mass Book, Or the Manner of Hearing Mass with Rubricks and Devotions for the People in Four Texts and Offices in English According to the Use of York from Manuscripts of the Xth to the XVth Century with Appendix, Notes, and Glossary. Original Series, No.71. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1968. Reprinted. (First published 1879). lxxi,472pp. [ee0106-400831] ¥8,820 834 Herrtage,Sidney J.H. ed. Catholican Anglicum, an Engliush-Latin Wordbook, Dated 1483. Original Series, No.75. Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co., 1881. lii,432pp. Frontis. [ee0080-400834] ¥6,615 835 Fleischhacker,Robert von ed. Lanfranc's Science of Cirurgie. Part I. (All Published.) Original Series, No.102. Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted from the edition of London: publisht for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1894. 360pp. [ee0175-400846] ¥5,880 836 Furnivall,Frederick J. re-ed. Robert of Brunne's "Handlyng Synne", A.D.1303, with Those Parts of the Anglo-French Treatise on which it was Founded, William of Wadington's "Manuel des Pechiez". Re-Edited from MSS. In the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries, by Frederick J.Furnivall. Part I & II. Original Series, Nos.119 & 123. Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted as one volume from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1901-1903. 396pp. [ee0144-400850] ¥6,615 837 Hamelius,P. ed. Mandeville's Travels. Translated from the French of Jean d'Outremeuse. Edited from MS.Cotton Titus C.xvi in the British Museum. Volume II: Introduction and Notes. Original Series, No.154. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1961. Reprinted. (First published 1923 <for 1916>). vi,189pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. [ee0073-400855] ¥4,410 838 Hitchcock,Elsie Vaughan ed. The Folewer to Donet by Reginald Peacock. Now First Edited from Brit.Mus.Roy.MS.17 D.IX with an Introduction on Pecock's Language and Style by Elsie Vaughan Hitchcock, B.A. Original Series, No.164. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1924. lxxx,263pp. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0027-400858] ¥7,350 839 White,Beatrice ed. The Eclogues of Alexander Barclay. From the Original Edition by John Cawood. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Beatrice White, M.A. Original Series, No.175. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1960. Reprinted. (First published 1928). lxv,272pp. Frontis. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0028-400859] ¥7,350 840 Crotch,W.J.B. The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton. By W.J.B.Crotch, M.A. Original Series, No.176. Kraus Reprint, 1973. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford UP, 1928. clxiii,115pp. With illus. Spine sunned. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0029-400860] ¥5,880 97 Early English Text Society 刊行物 841 Kock,Ernst A. ed. Merlin, a Middle-English Metrical Version of a French Romance, by Herry Lovelich, Skinner and Citizen of London (AB.1450 A.D.). Part I . Edited from the Unique MS.80 in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossaries. Extra Series, No.93. Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford Oxford UP., 1904. 208pp. Part II. Edited from the Unique MS.80 in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Extra Series, No.112. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1961. Reprinted. (First published 1913). 209-416pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Part III. Edited from the Unique MS.80 in Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with an Introduction, Notes, and Glossaries. Original Series, No.185.Kraus Reprint, 1990. New reprint. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1932 (for 1930). 417-739pp. 3 parts set. [ee0203-400862] ¥13,230 842 MacCracken,Henry Noble ed. The Minor Poems of John Lydgate. Part I: 1.The Lydgate Canon. 2.Religious Poems. Edited from All Available MSS., with an Attempt to Establish The Lydgate Canon. Extra Series, No.107. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1962. Reprinted. (First published 1911 <for 1910>). lviii,377pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Part II: Secular Poems. Edited from All Available MSS., with an Attempt to Establish The Lydgate Canon. Text Re-Read with the MSS.by Merriam Sherwood. Original Series, No.192.Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1961. Reprinted. (First published 1934 <for 1933>). vii,380-847pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) Fore edge somewhat spotted. 2 parts set. [ee0201-400868] ¥11,760 843 Mack,Frances M. Seinte Marherete þe Meiden ant Martyr. Re-Edited from MS.Bodley 34, Oxford and MS.Royal 17A XXVII, British Museum. Original Series, No.193. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1958. Reprinted with corrections. (First published 1934 <for 1933>). lxxxiii,144pp. With a frontis. [ee0033-400869] ¥5,880 844 Mack,Frances M. Seinte Marherete þe Meiden ant Martyr. Re-Edited from MS.Bodley 34, Oxford and MS.Royal 17A XXVII, British Museum. Original Series, No.193. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1958. Reprinted with corrections. (First published 1934 <for 1933>). lxxxiii,144pp. With a frontis. Somewhat sunned. [ee0153-400870] ¥4,410 845 Zettl,Ewald ed. An Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle. Edited from the MSS.with Introduction and Glossary by Ewald Zettl. Original Series, No.196. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1935 (for 1934). cxxxvi,163pp. With a frontis. Spine sunned. [ee0094-2-400871] ¥5,880 846 Zettl,Ewald ed. An Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle. Edited from the MSS.with Introduction and Glossary by Ewald Zettl. Original Series, No.196. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1935 (for 1934). cxxxvi,163pp. With a frontis. Spine sunned. Covers partly stained. [ee0095-400872] ¥5,145 847 Day,Mabel & Robert Steele eds. Mum and the Sothsegger. Edited from the Manuscripts Camb.Univ.LL.iv.14 and Brit.Mus.Add.41666. Original Series, No.199. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1936 (for 1934). xlvi,164pp. With a frontis. [ee0104-400876] ¥4,410 848 Weatherly,Edward H.ed. Speculum Sacerdotale. Edited from British Museum MS.Additional 36791. Original Series, No.200. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humph98 Early English Text Society 刊行物 rey Milford, Oxford UP, 1936. [ee0035-400877] ¥5,880 xliv,292pp. With a frontis. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. 849 Weatherly,Edward H.ed. Speculum Sacerdotale. Edited from British Museum MS.Additional 36791. Original Series, No.200. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1936 (for 1935). xliv,292pp. With a frontis. [ee0103-400878] ¥5,880 850 Dyboski,R. & Z.M.Arend eds. Knyghthode and Bataile. A XVth Century Verse Paraphrase of Flavius Vegetius Renatus' Treatise "De Re Militari". Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by R.Dyboski and Z.M.Arend. Original Series, No.201. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1936 (for 1935). lxxvi,205pp. With a frontis. [ee0181-400879] ¥5,880 851 Dyboski,R. & Z.M.Arend eds. Knyghthode and Bataile. A XVth Century Verse Paraphrase of Flavius Vegetius Renatus' Treatise "De Re Militari". Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary, by R.Dyboski and Z.M.Arend. Original Series, No.201. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1990. New Reprint. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1936 (for 1935). lxxvi,205pp. With a frontis. Spine sunned. [ee0105/ee0142-400880] ¥5,880 852 Carver,P.L. ed. The Comedy of Acolastus. Translated from the Latin of Fullonius by John Palsgrave. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes by P.L.Carver. Original Series, No.202. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1937 (for 1935). civ,312pp. [ee0097-400881] ¥6,615 853 Dickson,Arthur ed. Valentine and Orson: Translated from the French by Henry Watson. Original Series, No.204. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1937 (for 1936). lxiii,375pp. With a frontis. [ee0150-400882] ¥6,615 854 Wright,Herbert G.ed. Early English Versions of the Tales of Guiscardo and Ghismonda and Titus and Gisippus from the Decameron. Original Series, No.205. EETS & Kraus Reprint, 1971. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford, Oxford UP, 1937 (for 1936). cxv,256pp. With a frontis. Rear cover sl.scratched and fore edge somewhat spotted. [ee0171-400883] ¥5,145 855 Ogden,Margaret S.ed. The 'Liber de Diversis Medicinis' in the Thornton Manuscript (MS.Lincoln Cathedral A.5.2). Original Series, No.207. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1969. Revised reprint (First published 1938). xxxi,163pp. With a frontis. [ee0148-400885] ¥4,410 856 Bühler,Curt F. ed. The Dicts and Sayings of the Philosophers. The Translation Made by Stephen Scrope, William Worcester and an Anonymous Translator. Original Series, No.211. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1961. Reprinted. (First published 1941 <for 1939>). lxviii,408pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. All edge sl.spotted. [ee0217-400888] ¥5,880 857 Wright,Herbert G. ed. Forty-Six Lives. Translated from Boccaccio's De Claris Mulieribus by Henry Parker, Lord Morley. Original Series, No.214. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. Reprinted. (First published 1943 <for 1940>). cv,200pp. With a frontis. [ee0215-400891] ¥5,880 858 Wright,Herbert G. ed. Forty-Six Lives. Translated from Boccaccio's De Claris Mulieribus by Henry Parker, Lord Morley. Original Series, No.214. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. Reprinted. (First pub99 Early English Text Society 刊行物 lished 1943 <for 1940>). [ee0037-400892] ¥5,880 cv,200pp. With a frontis. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. 859 Steele,Robert & Mabel Day eds. The English Poems of Charles of Orleans. Original Series, Nos.215 & 220. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. Reprinted with bibliographical supplement. (First published 1941, 1946 <for 1944>). xliii,308pp. With a frontis. [ee0214-400893] ¥5,880 860 D'Evelyn,Charlotte ed. The Latin Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Merton College MS.44 and British Museum MS.Cotton Vitellius E vii. Original Series, No.216. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1957. Reprinted. (First published 1944 <for 1941>). xx,176pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Spine somewhat rubbed. Flyleaves sl.sunned. [ee0212-400894] ¥3,675 861 Herbert,J.A. ed. The French Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from British Museum MS.Cotton Vitellius F vii. Original Series, No.219. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted. (First published 1944 <for 1943>). xiv,318pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With illus. Fore edge spotted. [ee0213-400897] ¥5,880 862 Hitchcock,Elsie Vaughan & the Right Reverend Mgr.P.E.Hallett eds. The Life of Syr Thomas More. Sometymes Lord Chancellour of England. By Ro: Ba:. Edited by Elsie Vaughan Hitchcock and the Right Reverend Mgr.P.E.Hallett with Additional Notes and Appendices by A.W.Reed. Original Series, No.222. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1957. Reprinted. (First published 1950 <for 1945>). xxv,340pp. With a frontis. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0041-400899] ¥6,615 863 Hitchcock,Elsie Vaughan & the Right Reverend Mgr.P.E.Hallett eds. The Life of Syr Thomas More. Sometymes Lord Chancellour of England. By Ro: Ba:. Edited by Elsie Vaughan Hitchcock and the Right Reverend Mgr.P.E.Hallett with Additional Notes and Appendices by A.W.Reed. Original Series, No.222. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974. Reprinted. (First published 1950 <for 1945>). xxv,340pp. With a frontis. [ee0040-400900] ¥6,615 864 Hitchcock,Elsie Vaughan & the Right Reverend Mgr.P.E.Hallett eds. The Life of Syr Thomas More. Sometymes Lord Chancellour of England. By Ro: Ba:. Edited by Elsie Vaughan Hitchcock and the Right Reverend Mgr.P.E.Hallett with Additional Notes and Appendices by A.W.Reed. Original Series, No.222. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974. Reprinted. (First published 1950 <for 1945>). xxv,340pp. With a frontis. Spine and rear cover partly rubbed. [ee0152-400901] ¥5,145 865 Fisher,John H. ed. The Tretyse of Loue. Original Series, No.223. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. Reprinted. (First published 1951 <for 1945>). xxxiii,165pp. With a frontis. A small stain on bottom edge. [ee0079-400902] ¥4,410 866 Trounce,A.McI. ed. Athelston. A Middle English Romance. Original Series, No.224. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1957. Reprinted. (First published 1951 <for 1946>). 156pp. With a plate. [ee0151-400904] ¥3,675 867 Day,Mabel ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Cotton MS.Nero A. XIV. By Mabel Day on the Basis of a Transcript by J.A.Herbert. Original Series, No.225. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1957. Reprinted. (First published 1952 <for 1946>). xxiv,196pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. [ee0043/ee0187-400905] ¥4,410 868 Greg,W.W. re-ed. Respublica: An Interlude for Christmas 1553, Attributed for Nicholas Udall. Re-Edited by W.W.Greg. Original Series, No.226. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1969. Reprinted. (First 100 Early English Text Society 刊行物 published 1952 <for 1946>). xxi,83pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) Small date stamp on p.7 of the list of publications. [ee0044-400907] ¥3,675 869 Bazire,Joyce ed. The Metrical Life of St.Robert of Knaresborough. Together with the Other Middle English Pieces in British Museum MS.Egerton 3143. Original Series, No.228. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1968. Reprinted. (First published 1953 <for 1947>). x,148pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis. [ee0178-400908] ¥3,675 870 Wilson,R.M. ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Gonville and Caius College MS.234/120 by R.M.Wilson. With an Introduction by N.R.Ker. Original Series, No.229. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1957. Reprinted. (First published 1954 <for 1948>). xiii,87pp. With a frontis. [ee0127-400909] ¥3,675 871 Wilson,R.M. ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Gonville and Caius College MS.234/120 by R.M.Wilson. With an Introduction by N.R.Ker. Original Series, No.229. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1957. Reprinted. (First published 1954 <for 1948>). xiii,87pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Spine somewhat rubbed. Flyleaves sl.sunned. Ink notation to front flyleaf by former owner. Red underlined to list of publications. [ee0129-400910] ¥2,940 872 Hodgson,Phyllis ed. Deonise Hid Diuinite. And Other Treatises on Contemplative Prayer Related to The Cloud of Unknowing. A Tretyse of þe Stodye of Wydome þat Men Clepen Beniamyn. A Pistle Preier. A Pistle of Discrecioun of Stirings. A Treitis of Discrescyon of Spirites. Original Series, No.231. Published for EETS by Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford UP, 1955 (for 1949). lvii,158pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Spine sl.rubbed. Flyleaves sl.sunned. [ee0189-400912] ¥3,675 873 Dobson,E.J. ed. The Phonetic Writings of Robert Robinson. Original Series, No.238. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1968. Reprinted. (First published 1957 <for 1953>). xxi,95pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) Frontis. [ee0117-400916] ¥3,675 874 Salter,F.M. & H.L.R.Edwards eds. The Bibliotheca Historica of Diodorus Siculus. Translated by John Skelton. Vol.I: Text, [and] Vol.II: Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. In 2 vols. Original Series, Nos.233 & 239. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1968 & 1971. Reprinted. (First published 1956 <for 1950> & 1957 <for 1954>). xvii,395pp.+(list of publications.) / liii,398-472pp.+(list of publications.) Frontis. [ee0118-400917] ¥11,025 875 Trethewey,W.H. ed. The French Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Trinity College Cambridge MS.R.14.7 with Variants from Bibliothèque Nationale MS.F.FR.6276 and MS.Bodley 90. Original Series, No.240. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1971. Reprinted. (First published 1958 <for 1954>). xxxiii,271pp. With a frontis. [ee0119-400918] ¥5,880 876 Thompson,W.Meredith ed. Þe Wohunge of Ure Lauerd. Original Series, No.241. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. Reprinted. (First published 1958 <for 1955>). lxi,78pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Small date stamp on verso of p.7 of the list of publications. [ee0045-400919] ¥3,675 877 Sylvester,Richard S. ed. The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish. Original Series, No.243. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1961. Reprinted. (First published 1959 <for 1957>). xli,304pp. With a frontis. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0046-400922] ¥6,615 101 Early English Text Society 刊行物 878 Offord,M.Y. ed. The Parlement of the Thre Ages. Original Series, No.246. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted. (First published 1959). xlviii,100pp. Frontis. [ee0116-400924] ¥3,675 879 Tolkien,J.R.R. ed. Ancrene Wisse: The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from MS.Corpus Christi College Cambridge 402 by J.R.R.Tolkien. With an Introduction by N.R.Ker. Original Series, No.249. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1962 (for 1960). xviii,222pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Small date stamp on verso of p.7 of the list of publications. [ee0048-400929] ¥5,880 880 Tolkien,J.R.R. ed. Ancrene Wisse: The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from MS.Corpus Christi College Cambridge 402 by J.R.R.Tolkien. With an Introduction by N.R.Ker. Original Series, No.249. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1962 (for 1960). xviii,222pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Front cover and spine damp stained and fore edge partly spotted. [ee0185-400930] ¥3,675 881 Seymour,M.C. ed. The Bodley Version of Mandeville's Travels. From Bodleian MS.E Musaeo 116 with Parallel Extracts from the Latin Text of British Museum MS.Royal 13 E.ix. Original Series, No.253. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1963. xx,188pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With frontis. Small date stamp on verso of p.7 of the list of publications. [ee0049-400932] ¥4,410 882 Friedman,Albert B. & Norman T.Harringtoon eds. Ywain and Gawain. Original Series, No.254. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1982. Reprinted. (First published 1964 <for 1963>). lxii,145pp. With a frontis. [ee0050-400933] ¥4,410 883 Richardson,Frances E. ed. Sir Eglamour of Artois. Original Series, No.256. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. lii,155pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. [ee0221-400935] ¥3,675 884 Miller,Clarence H. ed. The Praise of Folie by Sir Thomas Chaloner. Original Series, No.257. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. li,225pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. All edges sl.spotted. [ee0220-400936] ¥5,145 885 Miller,Clarence H. ed. The Praise of Folie by Sir Thomas Chaloner. Original Series, No.257. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1965. li,225pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0051-400937] ¥5,880 886 Hodgson,Phyllis & Gabriel M.Liegey eds. The Orcherd of Syon. Edited from the Early Manuscript. Volume I: Text. Original Series, No.258. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1966. xi,421pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) Frontis. Edges sl.spotted. [ee0196-400938] ¥6,615 887 Mills,M. ed. Lybeaus Desconus. Original Series, No.261. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1969. 302pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. [ee0186-400942] ¥5,880 888 Eccles,Mark ed. The Macro Plays. The Castle of Perseverance. Wisdom. Mankind. Original Series, No.262. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1969. li,280pp.+7pp.(list of publications.) With a frontis. Pencil notations to several pages. Small date stamp on verso of p.7 of the list of publications. [ee0053-400943] ¥6,615 889 Blake,N.F. ed. The History of Reynard the Fox. Translated from the Dutch Original by William Caxton. Original Series, No.263. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. lxxi,170pp.+7pp.(list of publica102 Early English Text Society 刊行物 tions.) With a frontis. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small stamp on front flyleaf and small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0054-400945] ¥5,880 890 Bühler,Curt F. ed. The Epistle of Othea. Translated from the French Text of Christine de Pisan by Stephen Scrope. Original Series, No.264. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1970. xxxvii,236pp.+(list of publications.) Frontis. Spine of d.w.sunned. [ee0087-400946] ¥5,880 891 Ogden,Margaret S.ed. The Cyrurgie of Guy de Chauliac. Part I: Text. Original Series, No.265. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1971. xi,639pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis. Spine of d.w.sunned. [ee0081-400947] ¥8,820 892 Ogden,Margaret S.ed. The Cyrurgie of Guy de Chauliac. Part I: Text. Original Series, No.265. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1971. xi,639pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0055-400948] ¥8,820 893 Fowler,Roger ed. Wulfstan's Canons of Edgar. Original Series, No.266. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1972. lxi,55pp. With a frontis.and a plate. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small stamp on front flyleaf and verso of p.55. [ee0056-400950] ¥3,675 894 Dobson,E.J. ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from B.M.Cotton MS.Cleopatra C.vi. Original Series, No.267. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1972. clxxiii,318pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis.and 3 plates. Spine of d.w.sunned. Top & fore edge somewhat spotted. [ee0088-400951] ¥7,350 895 Dobson,E.J. ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from B.M.Cotton MS.Cleopatra C.vi. Original Series, No.267. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1972. clxxiii,318pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis.and 3 plates. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small stamp on the last page of 'list of publications'. [ee0057-400952] ¥7,350 896 Macrae-Gibson,O.D. ed. Of Arthour and of Merlin. Vol.I: Text, [and] Vol.II: Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. In 2 vols. Original Series, Nos.268 & 279. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1973 & 1979. xiv,367pp./ vi,276pp. Vol.I with frontis and spine of d.w.sunned. Spine of vol.II sl.spotted. [ee0085-400953] ¥11,025 897 Macrae-Gibson,O.D. ed. Of Arthour and of Merlin. Vol.I: Text. Original Series, No.268. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1973. xiv,367pp. With frontis. Spine of d.w.sunned. [ee0058-400954] ¥6,615 898 Blayney,Margaret S. ed. Fifteenth-Century English Translations of Alain Chartier's Le Traité de l'Esperance and Le Quadrilogue Invectif. Vol.I: Text, [and] Vol.II: Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. In 2 vols. Original Series, No.270. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974 & 1980. xvi,247pp.+(list of publications.) / 260pp.+(list of publications.) Vol.I with frontis.and spine of d.w.sunned. Spine of vol.II sunned. [ee0089-400956] ¥11,025 899 Blayney,Margaret S. ed. Fifteenth-Century English Translations of Alain Chartier's Le Traité de l'Esperance and Le Quadrilogue Invectif. Volume I: Text. Original Series, No.270. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974. xvi,247pp.+(list of publications.) With frontis. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0060-400957] ¥6,615 900 Gluck,Florence W. & Alice B.Morgan eds. Stephen Hawes: The Minor Poems. Original Series, No.271. Published for EETS by the Oxford 103 Early English Text Society 刊行物 UP, 1974. xlvii,178pp.+(list of publications.) With illus. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small stamp on the last page of 'list of publications'. [ee0090-400958] ¥5,880 901 Gluck,Florence W. & Alice B.Morgan eds. Stephen Hawes: The Minor Poems. Original Series, No.271. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974. xlvii,178pp.+(list of publications.) With illus. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small stamp on the last page of 'list of publications'. [ee0061-400959] ¥5,880 902 Reidy,John ed. Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy. Original Series, No.272. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1975. lxxv,125pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis.and a plate. Spine of d.w.sunned. [ee0091-400960] ¥4,410 903 Reidy,John ed. Thomas Norton's Ordinal of Alchemy. Original Series, No.272. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1975. lxxv,125pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis.and a plate. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0062-400961] ¥4,410 904 Zettersten,A. ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Magdalene College, Cambridge MS.Pepys 2498. Original Series, No.274. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1976. xxiii,184pp. With a frontis.and a plate. Spine of d.w.sunned. Fore edge somewhat spotted and front cover partly stained. Presentation copy inscribed & signed by author to prof.Oka. [ee0092-400963] ¥4,410 905 Zettersten,A. ed. The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Edited from Magdalene College, Cambridge MS.Pepys 2498. Original Series, No.274. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1976. xxiii,184pp. With a frontis.and a plate. Spine of d.w.sunned and small stain on its rear cover. [ee0063-400964] ¥4,410 906 Barnum,Priscilla Hrath ed. Dives and Pauper. Volume I, Part I [and] Part II. In 2 vols. Original Series, No.275 & 280. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1976 & 1980. xvii,359pp./ 331pp. With illus. Vol.1-1: with d.w.and its spine sunned. [ee0084-400965] ¥11,025 907 Barnum,Priscilla Hrath ed. Dives and Pauper. Volume I, Part I. Original Series, No.275. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1976. xvii,359pp. With a frontis.and 3 plates. Spine of d.w.sunned. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. [ee0064-400966] ¥5,145 908 Manzalaoui,M.A. ed. Secretum Secretorum. Nine English Versions. Volume I: Text. Original Series, No.276. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1977. l,581pp. With a frontis.and 8 plates. [ee0065-400967] ¥8,820 909 Manzalaoui,M.A. ed. Secretum Secretorum. Nine English Versions. Volume I: Text. Original Series, No.276. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1977. l,581pp. With a frontis.and 8 plates. Fore edge sl.spotted and a small hole in front cover. [ee0200-400968] ¥7,350 910 Brook,G.L. & R.F.Leslie eds. Laʒamon: Brut. Edited from British Museum MS.Cotton Caligula A.ix and British Museum MS.Cotton Otho C.xiii. Volume II: Text (Lines 8021-End). Original Series, No.277. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1978. xv,418-839pp. With a frontis. [ee0066-400969] ¥8,820 911 O'Donnell,Anne M. ed. Erasmus: Enchiridion Militis Christiani. An English Version. Original Series, No.282. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1981. liii,322pp.+(list of publications.) With a frontis. Spine sunned and bottom edge sl.stained. [ee0216-400971] ¥5,880 104 Early English Text Society 刊行物 912 Baker,Donald C., John L.Murphy & Louis B.Hall,Jr. eds. The Late Medieval Religious Plays of Bodleian MSS Digby 133 and E Museo 160. Original Series, No.283. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1982. cviii,284pp. With a frontis. Spine sunned. [ee0141-400972] ¥6,615 913 Millett,Bella ed. Hali Meiđhad. Original Series, No.284. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1982. With a frontis. Spine sunned. [ee0124-400973] ¥3,675 914 Lucas,Peter J. ed. John Capgrave's Abbreuiacion of Cronicles. Original Series, No.285. Oxford UP, 1983. cvii,410pp. With a frontis.and a plate. Spine sunned. lviii,84pp. Published for EETS by the [ee0126-400974] ¥6,615 915 Vriend,Hubert Jan de ed. The Old English Herbarium and Medicina de Quadrupedibus. Original Series, No.286. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1984. xc,403pp. With a frontis. Spine sunned. [ee0125-400975] ¥6,615 916 Ayto,John & Alexandra Barratt eds. Aelred of Rievaulx's de Institutione Inclusarum. Two English Versions. Original Series, No.287. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1984. lx,193pp. With a frontis.and a plate. [ee0123-400976] ¥5,145 917 McSparran,Frances ed. Octovian. Edited from Lincoln, Dean and Chapter Library MS 91 and Cambridge, University Library MS Ff.2.38. Original Series, No.289. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1986. 244pp. [ee0121-400978] ¥5,145 918 Hirsh,John C. ed. Barlam and Iosaphat. A Middle English Life of Budda. Edited from MS.Peterhouse 257. Original Series, No.290. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1986. xl,224pp. With a frontis. [ee0120-400979] ¥5,145 919 Ellis,Roger ed. The Liber Celestis of St.Bridget of Sweden. The Middle English Version in British Library MS.Claudius B i, together with a Life of the Saint from the Same Manuscript. Volume I. Original Series, No.291. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1987. xvi,491pp. Frontis. Covers and flyleaves somewhat damp stained. [ee0209-400980] ¥5,880 920 Blayney,Margaret S. ed. A Familiar Dialogue of the Friend and the Fellow. A Translation of Alain Chartier's Dialogus Familiaris Amici et Sodalis. Original Series, No.295. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1989. viii,60pp. Covers and spine somewhat water stained. [ee0130-400983] ¥2,205 921 Kipling,Gordon ed. The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne. Original Series, No.296. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1990. lxxv,200pp. With a frontis. [ee0145-400984] ¥5,145 922 Trigg,Stephanie ed. Wynnere and Wastoure. Original Series, No.297. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1990. lvii,66pp. With a frontis. Covers and spine somewhat water stained. [ee0146-400985] ¥2,940 923 Connolly,Margaret ed. Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God. Original Series, No.303. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1993. xlvi,132pp. With a frontis. Covers and spine somewhat damp stained. [ee0192-400991] ¥2,940 924 Morrall,E.J. ed. Æneas Silvius Piccolomini (Pius II). The Goodli History of the Ladye Lucres of Scene and of her Lover Eurialus. Original Series, No.308. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1996. xlii,71pp. With a frontis.and 2 plates. d.w. [ee0176-400993] ¥4,410 105 Early English Text Society 刊行物 925 Furnivall,Frederick J.ed. Queene Elizabethes Achademy (By Sir Humphrey Gilbert). A Book of Precedence, The Ordering of a Funerall, &c. Varying Versions of The Good Wife, The Wise Man, &c. Maxims, Lydgate's Order of fools, A Poem on Heraldry, Occleve on Lord's Men, &c. Edited by F.J.Furnivall. With Essays on Early Italian and German Books of Courtesy by W.M.Rossetti. Extra Series, No.8. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co.,1869. xxiv,154pp. Fore edge sl.spotted. [ee0270-400997] ¥5,145 926 Furnivall,Frederick J.& J.Meadows Cowper eds. A Supplicacyon for the Beggers. Written about the Year 1529 by Simon Fish. Now Re-Edited by Frederick J.Furnicall. With A Supplycation to our moste Soueraigne Lorde Kynge Henry the Eyght (1544 A.D.), A Supplycation of the Poore Commons (1546 A.D.), The Decaye of England by the great multitude of Shepe (1550-3 A.D.), Edited by J.Meadows Cowper. Extra Series, No.13. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,1871. xviii,115pp. [ee0266-401000] ¥2,940 927 Cowper,J.M. ed. The Select Works of Robert Crowley, Printer, Arrhdeacon of Herreford (1559-1567), Vicar of St Lawrence, Jewry, &c. &c. Namely, His Epigrams, A.D.1550; Voyce of the Last Trumpet, A.D.1550; Pleasure and Payne, A.D.1551; Way to Wealth, A.D.1550; An Information and Peticion. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. Extra Series, No.15. Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,1872. xxxi,185pp. [ee0251-401001] ¥4,410 928 Murray,James A.H. re-ed. The Complaynt of Scotlande byth ane Exortatione to the Thre Estaits to be bigilante in the Deffens of their Public beil. 1549. With an Appendix of Contemporary English Tracts, viz. The Just Declaration of Henry VIII (1542), The Exhortacion of James Harryson, Scottisheman (1547), The Epistle of the Lord Protector Somerset (1548), The Epitome of Nicholas Bodrugan Alias Adams (1548). Re-Edited from the Originals with Intoruduction and Glossary by James A.H.Murray. Extra Series, Nos.17 & 18. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Second reprint. Reprinted as one vol.from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co.,1872 & 1873. cxxiii,306pp. Covers sl.rubbed at the edge. [ee0252-401002] ¥6,615 929 Blunt,John Henry ed. The Myroure of the Oure Ladye. Containing A Devotional Treatise on Divine Service, with a Translation of The Offices Used by the Sisters of the Brigittine Monastery of Sion, at Isleworth, During the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Edited from the Original Black-Letter Text of 1530 A.D., with Introduction and Notes. Extra Series, No.19. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Second reprint. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co.,1873. lx,378pp. [ee0269-401003] ¥6,615 930 Furnivall,Frederick J.& Dorothy Kempe eds. The History of The Holy Grail by Henry Lovelich. Re-Edited by Frederick J.Furnivall. Parts I-V. (Part V: The Legend of the Holy Grail, Edited by Dorothy Kempe.) Extra Series, Nos.20, 24 & 28, 30, 95. In 2 vols. Kraus Reprint, 1981(2nd reprint) & 1978. Reprinted as 2vols. (First published in 1874-1905.) 471pp./ 361,xxxvii pp. Parts I-II: 23.5x16cm. Parts III-V: 22.3x14.7cm. [ee0254-401004]¥11,760 931 Zupitza,J. ed. The Romance of Guy of Warwick. The Second or 15th=Century Version. Edited from Cambridge University Library MS.Ff.2.38. Extra Series, Nos.25 & 26. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1966. Reprinted as one vol. (First published 1875 & 1876.) xv,467pp. [ee0247-401005] ¥11,025 932 Herrtage,Sidney J. ed. The English Charlemagne Romances, Part I: Sir Ferumbras. Edited from the Unique Manuscript Bodleian MS.Ashmole 33. Extra Series, No.34. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1966. Reprinted. (First published 1879). xxxii,255pp. [ee0237-401006] ¥5,145 106 Early English Text Society 刊行物 933 Herrtage,Sidney J. ed. The English Charlemagne Romances, Part II: "The Sege off Melayne" and "The Romance of Duke Rowland and Sir Otuell of Spayne," Now for the First Time Printed from the Unique MS.of R.Thornton, in the British Museum, MS.Addit.31,042, together with a Fragment of "The Song of Roland," from the Unique Ms.Lansd.388. Extra Series, No.35. Kraus Reprint, 1975. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co.,1880. xxxvii,178pp. Covers and fore edge sl.stained. [ee0267-401007] ¥4,410 934 Herrtage,Sidney J.H. ed. The English Charlemagne Romances, Part III & IV: The Lyf of the Noble and Crysten Prynce, Charles the Grete. Translated from the French by William Caxton and Printed by Him 1485. Redited from the Unique Copy in the British Museum. Extra Series, Nos.36 & 37. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted as one vol. (First published 1880 & 1881.) xii,268pp. [ee0238-401008] ¥5,145 935 Hausknecht,Emil ed. The English Charlemagne Romances, Part V: The Romance of The Sowdone of Babylone and of Ferumbras his Sone who Conquerede Rome. Extra Series, No.38. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1969. Reprinted. (First published 1881). lxvii,144pp. [ee0250-401009] ¥4,410 936 Herrtage,Sidney J. ed. The English Charlemagne Romances, Part VI: The Taill of Rauf Coilyear. With the Fragments of Roland and Vernagu and Otuel. Extra Series, No.39. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1969. Reprinted. (First published 1882). xxiii,140pp. [ee0248-401010] ¥3,675 937 Lee,S.L. ed. The English Charlemagne Romances: The Boke of Duke Huon of Burdeux, Done into English by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners, and Printed by Wynkyn de Worde about 1534 A.D. Edited from the Unique Copy of the First Edition, Now in the Possession of the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, with an Introduction. Part I-IV. In 2 vols. Extra Series, Nos.40, 41 & 43, 50. Kraus Reprint, 1975 & 1981 (Second reprint). Reprinted as 2 vols.from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co.,1882-1887. lix,606pp./ 607-818pp. [ee0275-401011] ¥11,760 938 Kölbing,Eugen ed. The Romance of Sir Beues of Hamtoun. Edited from Six Manuscripts and the Old Printed Copy, with Preface and Notes. Extra Series, Nos.46, 48 & 65. Kraus Reprint, 1978. Reprinted as one vol.from the edition of London: published for EETS by N.Trübner & Co.,18885-1894. viii,218,lxvi,219-417pp. [ee0257-401014] ¥6,615 939 Kellner,Leoned. Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine. From Lord Spencer's Unique Imperfect Copy,Completed by the Original French and the Second English Version of 1595. Extra Series, No.58. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1962. Reprinted. (First published 1890). cxxvi,242pp. Spine sunned. [i003-401016] ¥6,615 940 Deimling,Hermann & Dr.Matthews re-eds. Chester Plays. Part I. Re-Edited from the MSS.by the Late Dr.Hermann Deimling. [and] Part II. Re-Edited from the MSS.by Dr.Matthews. Extra Series, Nos.62 & 115. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1968. Reprinted. (First published 1892 & 1916). xxxv,240pp./ lx pp.+241-458pp. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf of each vol. Flyleaves of part II sl.sunned. [ee0002-401019] ¥11,025 941 Furnivall,F.J.ed. Digby Plays. With an Incomplete 'Morality' of Wisdom, Who is Christ (Part One of the Macro Moralities). Re-Issued from the Plates of the Text Edited by F.J.Furnivall for the New Shalespeare Society in 1882. Extra Series, No.70. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted. (First published 1896). xxxii,239pp. Small stamp on front flyleaf and small date stamp on verso of p.239. Pencil notations to several pages. Spine and edges sl.sunned. [ee0004-401024] ¥4,410 107 Early English Text Society 刊行物 942 Donald,Alexander Karley ed. The Poems of Alexander Scott. Edited from the Bannatyne Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh, and the Maitland Manuscript in the Library of Magdalen College, Cambridge. Extra Series, No.85. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Second reprint. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,1902. xii,113pp. Wit illus. Fornt cover sl.stained. [ee0261-401026] ¥2,940 943 Craig,Hardin Two Coventry Corpus Plays. 1.The Shearmen and Taylors' Pageant, Re-Edited from the Edition of Thomas Sharp, 1825; and 2.The Weavers' Pageant, Re-Edited from the Manuscript of Robert Croo, 1534; With a Plan of Coventry, and Appendixes Containing the Chief Records of the Coventry Plays. Second Edition. Extra Series, No.87. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted. (First ed. 1902 & Second ed. 1957). xlii,133pp. With a map. Small date stamp on verso of p.133. [ee0005-401027] ¥3,675 944 Erdmann,Axel & Eilert Ekwall eds. Lydgate's Siege of Thebes. Edited from All the Known Manuscripts and the Two Oldest Editions, with Introduction, Notes, and a Glossary. Part I: The Text, [and] Part II: Introduction, Notes, Rhyme-Lists, and a Glossary, with an Appendix. In 2 vols. Extra Series, Nos.108 & 125. Kraus Reprint, n.d.& 1981. Part I: Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Oxford UP., 1911. (Reprinted 1960.) Part II: Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford Oxford UP., 1930. x,193pp./ xv,220pp. [ee0246-401031] ¥8,820 945 Bödtker,A.Trampe ed. The Middle-English Version of Partonope of Blois. Edited from the Manuscripts. Extra Series, No.109. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Second reprint. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.& Henry Frowde, Oxfor UP., 1912 (for 1911). viii,488pp. [ee0272-401032] ¥6,615 946 Prior,Oliver H. ed. Caxton's Mirrour of the World. Extra Series, No.110. Kraus Reprint, 1987. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Oxford UP., 1913 (reprinted 1966). xxv,192pp. [ee0244-401033] ¥4,410 947 Brown,Carleton ed. Poems by Sir John Salusbury and Robert Chester. With an Introduction. Extra Series, No.113. Kraus Reprint, 1975. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.and Humphrey Milford Oxford UP., 1914. lxxiv,86pp. With a frontis. [ee0264-401034] ¥3,675 948 Furnivall,F.J.ed. The Gild of St.Mary, Lichfield. Being Ordinances of the Gild of St.Mary, and Other Documents. Extra Series, No.114. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.and Humphrey Milford Oxford UP., 1920. 82pp. Printed wrappers. Sunned. [ee0234-401035] ¥2,940 949 Dr.Matthews re-ed. The Chester Plays. Re-Edited from the MSS. Part II. Extra Series, No.115. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1968. Reprinted. (First published 1916). lx,241-458pp. [ee0239-401036] ¥5,145 950 Powell,Margaret Joyce ed. The Pauline Epistles. Contained in MS.Parker 32, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Extra Series, No.116. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Second reprint. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.& Humphrey Milford, Oxfor UP., 1916 (for 1915). xcvi,287pp. [ee0273-401037] ¥5,880 951 Bayne,Ronald The Life of Fisher. Transcribed from MS.Harleian 6382 by the Rev.Ronald Bayne. Supplementary to 108 Early English Text Society 刊行物 the English Works of John Fisher, First Collected by John E.B.Mayor, Extra Series XXVII. Extra Series, No.117. Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford Oxford UP., 1921 (for 1915). 146pp. [ee0242-401038] ¥3,675 952 Steele,Robert ed. The Earliest Arithmetics in English. Edited with Introduction by Robert Steele. Extra Series, No.118. Kraus Reprint, 1988. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Humphrey Milford Oxford UP., 1922. xviii,84pp. [ee0241-401039] ¥2,940 953 Grattan,J.H.G. & G.F.H.Sykes eds. The Owl and The Nightingale. Extra Series, No.119. Kraus Reprint, 1981. Reprinted from the edition of London: published for EETS by Oxford UP., 1935 (for 1915). xxiv,94pp. [ee0263-401041] ¥2,940 954 Block,K.S. ed. Ludus Coventriæ or The Plaie Called Corpus Christi. Cotton MS.Vespasian D.VIII. Extra Series, No.120. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974. Reprinted. (First published 1922 <for 1917>). lx,402pp. With illus. [ee0245-401042] ¥11,025 955 Bergen,Henry ed. Lydgate's Fall of Princes. Part I (Introductory Note, the Metre, Boccaccio's and Laurence's Prefaces, etc.), Books I.&II. Lxv,328pp. Part II, Books III.-V. 330-673pp. Part III, Books VI.-IX. (Geneacres A Lenvoye ypon John Bochas. The Daunce of Machabree.) 676-1044pp. Part IV. (The Relations of the Manuscripts and Prints, Description of the Manuscripts and Prints, Notes on Laurence and Bochas, Notes on Lydgate's Text, Glossary, Index.) viii,529pp. In 4 vols. Extra Series, Nos.121-124. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted. (First published 1924-1927 <for 1918-1919>). With illus. [ee0256-401043] ¥25,725 956 Lumiansky,R.M. & David Mills eds. The Chester Mystery Cycle. Vol.I: Text, [and] Vol.II: Commentary and Glossary. In 2 vols. Supplementary Series, Nos.3 & 9. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1974 & 1986. xliv,624pp./ xx,465pp. Vol.I with frontis, small date stamp on the margin of 'list of publication', and spine of d.w.sl.sunned. [ee0010-401046] ¥7,350 957 Hieatt,Constance B. & Sharon Butler eds. Curye on Inglysch. English Culinary Manuscripts of the Fourteenth Century (Including the Forme of Cury). Supplementary Series, No.8. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1985. vi,224pp. With a frontis. [ee0227-401050] ¥2,940 958 Duggan,Hoyt N. & Thorlac Turville-Petre eds. The Wars of Alexander. Supplementary Series, No.10. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1989. lviii,397pp. With a frontis.and a plate. [ee0225-401051] ¥5,880 959 Spector,Stephen ed. The N-Town Play. Cotton MS Vespasian D.8. Vol.I: Introduction and Text, [and] Vol.II: Commentary, Appendices and Glossary. In 2 vols. Supplementary Series, Nos.11 & 12. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1991. lvii,413pp./ 416-661pp. Frontis. Fore edge of vol.II partly damaged. [ee0228-401052] ¥8,820 960 Stevens,Martin & A.C.Cawley eds. The Towneley Plays. Vol.I: Introduction and Text, [and] Vol.II: Notes and Glossary. In 2 vols. Supplementary Series, Nos.13 & 14. Published for EETS by the Oxford UP, 1994. xlviii,435pp./ 438-733pp. Frontis. [ee0224-401053] ¥11,025 109 Early English Text Society 刊行物 中世に関するコンコーダンス 961 Reichl,Karl & Walter Sauer A Concordance to Six Middle English Tail-Rhyme Romances. 2vols. Frankfrut am Main・Berlin・ Bern・New York・Paris・Wien; Peter Lang, 1993. Part 1: x,414pp. Part 2: 415-932pp. With portfolio. Part 1: Edges sl.stained. Otherwise near fine condition. Part 2:Near fine condition. [L03104-604768]¥12,600 962 Bessinger,Jr.,J.B. ed. A Concordance to Beowulf. Programmed by Philip H.Smith,Jr. [The Cornell Concordance] Cornell UP., 1971. Second printing. xxxiv,373pp. 24×16cm. Cloth. 2colmns for most of pages. Ink somewhat faded to some pages, in the chapter, 'Editor's Preface'. Cover and edges sl.stained. [cd0071-301002] ¥12,600 963 Cook, Albert S. comp. A Concordance to Beowulf. New York: Haskell House Publishers, 1968. iv,436pp. 8vo. Cloth. Cover and edges somewhat stained. Light stains to some pages. [cd0070-301001] ¥12,600 964 Saito,Toshio & Imai,Mitsunori eds. A Concordance to Middle English Metrical Romances. Vol.II: The Breton Lays. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. Verlag Peter Lang, 1988. iii,780pp. (Sir Degaré, Sir Orfeo, Sir Launfal, The Earl of Toulouse, Emaré, Lay Le Freine, Sir Gowther) Printed wrappers. Front cover-4pp.sl.chipped at edge. 29.7x21cm. [cd0055-300454] ¥15,750 965 Saito,Toshio & Imai,Mitsunori eds. A Concordance to Ywain and Gawain, [and] Lybeaus Desconus. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Middle English Metrical Romances, 15, 16] 2 vols.in One. Osaka Univ.: Faculty of Language and Culture, 1988. ii,490pp., ii,236pp. 28x18.5cm. [cd0035-300459] ¥29,400 966 Saito,Toshio & Imai,Mitsunori eds. A Concordance to The Stanzaic Morte Arthur, [and] Sir Perceval of Galles. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Middle English Metrical Romances, 17, 18] 2 vols.in One. Osaka Univ.: Faculty of Language and Culture, 1988. ii,474pp., ii,260pp. 28x18.5cm. [cd0036-300460] ¥29,400 967 Saito,Toshio & Imai,Mitsunori eds. A Concordance to Flois and Blancheflour, [and] Amis and Amiloun, [and] Robert of Sicily. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Middle English Metrical Romances, 20, 21, 22] 3 vols.in One. Osaka Univ.: Faculty of Language and Culture, 1990. ii,156pp., ii,298pp., ii,78pp. 28x18.5cm. [cd0037-300462] ¥21,000 968 Saito,Toshio & Imai,Mitsunori eds. A Concordance to Eger and Grime, [and] The Squire of Low Degree, [and] King Edward and the Shepherd. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Middle English Metrical Romances, 23, 24, 25] 3 vols.in One. Osaka Univ.: Faculty of Language and Culture, 1990. ii,222pp., ii,174pp., ii,156pp. 28x18.5cm. [cd0038-300463] ¥21,000 969 Saito,Toshio & Imai,Mitsunori eds. A Concordance to Sir Cleges, [and] Chevelere Assigne, [and] Sir Isumbras, [and] Octovian. Computer Programmed by Kunihiro Miki. [Osaka University Concordance to Middle English Metrical Romances, 26, 27, 28, 29] 4 vols.in One. Osaka Univ.: Faculty of Language and Culture, 1990. ii,94pp., ii,98pp., ii,122pp., ii,214pp. 28x18.5cm. [cd0039-300464] ¥21,000 110 中世に関するコンコーダンス 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の 「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 千夜一夜物語 970 J.ペイン英訳 アラジン /魔法のランプ 他 1 巻 厚紙表紙 ¥15,750 Payne,John trans. Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done into English from the Recently Discovered Arabic Text by John Payne. London; Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only., 1889. xxxi,250pp. This book is numbered 2 to verso of half title page. White boards. Gilt decoration to covers. Gilt lettered title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & foxed. With bibliography of publisher. Covers & spine somewhat stained & spotted. Spine foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & sl.spotted. Half title page & last page sl.foxed. 23.4x15.2cm. [01861-101934] 971 J.ペイン英訳 アラビア物語集 3 巻 厚紙表紙 ¥31,500 Payne,John trans. Tales from The Arabic. of the Breslau and Calcutta(1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night Not Occurring in the Other Printed Texts of the Work, Now First Done into English by John Payne. In Three Volumes. London; Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only., 1884. viii,303pp./vii,301pp./viii,301pp. This set is numbered 474 to verso of half title page. White boards. Gilt decoration to covers. Gilt lettered title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & foxed. Covers & spine sl.stained & spotted. Spine foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & sl.spotted. Half title page & last page sl.foxed. Pages sl.spotted. Some pages somewhat spotted. Small label on rear e.p. to each vol. 23.5x15cm. [01862-101935] 972 J.ペイン英訳 千夜一夜物語 9 巻 厚紙表紙 ¥94,500 Payne,John trans. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night: Now First Completely Done into English Prose and Verse, from the Original Arabic, by John Payne (Author of "the Masque of Shadows," "Intaglios: Sonnets," "Songs of Life and Death," "Lautrec," "The Poems of Master Francis Villon of Paris," "New Poems," etc. etc.). In Nine Volumes. London; Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only., 1882. xii,395pp./372pp./viii,371pp./viii,378pp./vii,346pp./viii,364pp./335pp./viii,355pp./392pp. The issue of this Work is limited to five hundred Copies. This copy is unnumbered. White boards. Gilt decoration to covers. Gilt lettered title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & foxed. Covers & spine somewhat stained. Spine foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed & sl.spotted. Half title page & last page sl.foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Some pages somewhat spotted. Vol.3; Small ink signature to front flyleaf. 23.4x15.1cm. [01863-101936] 973 E.W.レイン訳:千一夜物語 6 巻 クロース装 ¥47,250 Lane,Edward William trans. The Thousand and One Nights. Or Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Translated from the Arabic by Edward William Lane, To which are added Further Tales from the French Translation of Antoine Galland. With 6 photogravures and 30 other illustrations by Frank Brangwyn. In Six Volumes. London; Cecil Palmer, 1921. xii,303pp. /viii,307pp. /viii,256pp. /ix,344pp. /viii,432pp. /ix,480pp. This Edition of "The Thousand and One Nights," in Six Volumes, is strictly limited to 250 sets. This set is number 178. White cloth. Margin of pages decorated. Covers somewhat stained. Spine sunned. Top edges somewhat darkened. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & somewhat foxed. Flyleaves foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.II ; Margin of pages sl.wormed from front flyleaf to page 18 (Text not influenced). Margin of page vii sl.chipped. 23.6x15cm. [01852-101925] 974 千夜一夜物語 16 巻 厚紙表紙 ¥94,500 Mathers,E.Powys render The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. Rendered from the literal and complete version of Dr. J.C.Mardrus; and collated with other sources; by E. Powys Mathers. 16 vols. London; Privately Printed for Subscribers The Casanova Society, 1923. 111 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 228pp./244pp./204pp./232pp./218pp./218pp./220pp./254pp./238pp./224pp./224pp./210pp./194pp./214p p./228pp./204pp. This Edition of "The Thousand Nights and One Night," is Limited to 750 Sets of 16 Volumes on Antique Paper, Each Set Numbered 1 to 750, and 1500 Sets on Bond Paper in 4 Volumes, Each Set Numbered 751 to 2250. This Set is No. 269. Gray boards backed in white boards. Gilt lettered title on spine. Top edge gilt. With frontis. to each vol. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & foxed. Spine foxed. Covers sl.stained, sl.rubbed & partly torn at corners. Surface of covers partly & sl.peeled to some vol. E.ps. spotted to some vols. Flyleaves foxed to some vols. Title page somewhat spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.1 ; Small book shop label on front e.p. 23.5x16cm. [01857-101930] 975 千夜一夜物語 / 東洋物語集 2 巻(全 4 巻のうち) クロース装 ¥3,150 Tausend und Ein Tag / Orientalische Erzählungen. Die Ausgabe Umfasst Vier Bände. Ausgewählt und Eingeleitetwurde Sie von Paul Ernst. Die Übertragungen Sind von Felix Paul Greve・Erschienen im Insel-Verlag zu Leipzig. 2vols. (of 4) 1909. Erster band; xiv,358pp. Zweiter band; 370pp. Green cloth. Gilt decorated title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges spotted. Edges sl.foxed. Some page sl.spotted. Erster Band; Covers sl.faded. Zweiter Band; Spotted from front flyleaf to title page, page 28 to page 33, page 168 to page 177, last page to rear flyleaf. 17.8x11.1cm. [01828-101901] 976 千夜一夜物語 3 巻 クロース装 ¥9,450 Tausend und Eine Nacht. Eine Sammlung phantasievoller orientalischer Liebes-, Abenteuer-, Gauner- und Schelmengeschichten mit Illustrationen von Horst Lemke. Der Neufassung von Inge Dreecken liegt die Originalübersetzung der Breslauer Handschrift von Dr. Gustav Weil zu Grunde. Illustrationen: Horst Lemke. 3 vols. Wiesbaden; R.Löwit, n.d. 896pp. /904pp. /848pp. D.w. Full gilt (maybe coloured by former owner). Fine condition. 20.6x12cm. [01833-101906] 977 千夜一夜物語 4 巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. Rendered into English from the Literal and Complete French Translation of Dr. J.C. Mardrus by Powys Mathers. Vol.1 & 3; Illustrations by Eric Fraser. Vol.2 & 4; Engravings by Frank Martin. 4 vols. The Folio Society, 1958. This edition is published by kind permission of Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. vii,644pp. /vii,592pp. /vii,569pp. /vii,537pp. Decorated boards. Gilt title on spine. Spine foxed. Top edge red partly faded. Fore & lower edges silver (maybe coloured by former owner). Fine condition. 25.6x15.6cm. [01834-101907] デカメロン 978 デカメロン 2 巻 背クロース装 ¥31,500 Boccaccio Giovanni / Richard Aldington trans. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Translated by Richard Aldington. Illustrations by Jean de Bosschère. 2 vols. New York; Covici, Friede Publishers, 1930. xxv,324pp. /342pp. This Edition of the Decameron Has Been Designed by Robert S. Josephy, Printed under his Supervision by the Quinn & Boden Company, Rahway, New Jersey, in April, MCMXXX, and the Illustrations Reproduced by the Knudsen Process. Twenty-Five Hundred Copies Have Been Printed on Worthy No.2 Special Laid Rag Paper, of which Five Hundred are for England. This copy is Number 811. Pink boards. Spine brown cloth. Top edge brown. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & foxed. Pages sl.rippled. Some pages sl.spotted. Margin of some pages spotted. Vol.1; Rear cover partly torn. Vol.2; Book shop label on rear e.p. 25.0x17.5cm. [01844-101917] 979 デカメロン 3 巻・1 冊 ¥4,200 Boccaccio,Giovanni Das Dekameron des Boccaccio. von D.W. Saltan. 3 vols. in one. Hamburg; Verlag-anstalt und Druckerei A.=G. (vorm. I.J.Richter), n.d. Achte Stereotyp=Auflage. vol.1; xiv,251pp. Vol.2; xiv,230pp. Vol.3; vi,218pp. Brown cloth. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Spine stained. Edges foxed. Book shop label on front e.p. Spotted from title page to page iv. Some pages sl.spotted. 17.0x12cm. [01827-101900] 112 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 980 デカメロン 1 巻 ¥4,200 Boccaccio,Giovanni IL Decamerone. Edizione Integra. Con Prefazione e Glossario di Angelo Ottolini. Milano; Ulrico Hoepli, 1932. xxvi,700pp. Printed wrapper. Covers foxed, somewhat stained & sl.rubbed at corners. Spine foxed & sl.chipped at upper & lower parts. Edges foxed. Book shop label on front e.p. 18.8x12.6cm. [01829-101902] 981 デカメロン 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Boccaccio,Giovanni / J.M.Rigg trans. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Faithfully Translated by J.M.Rigg. With an Illustrated Introduction and Sixteen Hand-Coloured Illustrations from Original Drawings by Louis Chalon. 2 vols. London; Privately Printed for the Navarre Society Limited. n.d. Volume the First; xix,332pp. /Volume the Second; xiii,404pp. Green cloth. Top edge green. Covers rubbed at corners. Edges foxed & spotted. Book shop labels on front e.p. to each vol. flyleaves foxed. Some pages somewhat spotted. 22.1x14.3cm. [01839-101912] 982 デカメロン 2 巻 クロース装 ¥8,400 Boccaccio,Giovanni / J.M.Rigg trans. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Faithfully Translated by J.M.Rigg. With an Illustrated Introduction and Fifteen Photogravures from Original Drawings by Louis Chalon. In 2 vols. London; Privately Printed for the Navarre Society Limited. n.d. Volume the First; xxi,332pp. /Volume the Second; xiii,404pp. This Edition of "The Decameron" is printed upon laid paperof fine quality specially made for the Navarre Society and strictly limited. White cloth. Gilt decorated title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed. Covers considerably stained. Spine foxed. Covers partly & sl.torn at corners. Fore & lower edges foxed. Flyleaves foxed. Pages fine condition. Vol.II ; Book shop label peeled off to front e.p. 23.4x15.9cm. [01853-101926] 983 デカメロン クロース装 ¥15,750 Boccaccio,John / Fritz Kredel trans. The Decameron. The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Coversation. Framed in Ten Dayes, of an Hundred Curious Pieces, by Seven Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen; Preserved to Posterity by the Renowned John Boccaccio, the First Refinder of Italian Prose. Translated into English anno 1620, with an Introduction by Edward Hutton and Wood-cuts in the Rennaissance manner by Fritz Kredel. New York; The Heritage Club, 1940. xxii,536pp. With slip case stained & rubbed at corners. Decorated gray cloth. Top edge purple faded. Edges somewhat spotted. Fore & lower edges foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves spotted. Book shop label on front e.p. Half title page & title page sl.spotted. 26.5x19.5cm. [01843-101916] カサノヴァ回想録 984 カサノヴァ/ エデュアルドとエリザベス 2 巻 クロース装 ¥4,200 Casanova,Giacomo Eduard und Elisabeth. bei den Megamikren. Ein phantasrischer Roman. Erste deutsche Bearbeitung von Heinrich Conrad. 2vols. Berlin / Wien; Benjamin Harz Verlag, 1922. 347pp. /255pp. Yellow green cloth. Top edge blue. Covers sl.rubbed at edges. Spine sl.stained. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Eps., flylaeves & last page foxed. Band 1; Half title & title page foxed. Band 2; Half title page foxed. 19.0x13.0cm. [01830-101903] 985 カサノヴァ回想録 2 巻 背革装 ¥15,750 Casanova,Giacomo Memoiren. Deutsche Bearbeitung von Walter Heichen. Illustriert von H.Goerke und Paul Telemann. 2vols. Berlin; Paul Franke, n.d. xii,480pp. /481pp.-964pp. Marbled boards. Half calf. Top edge gilt. With slip case somewhat foxed & sl.rubbed. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Fore & lower edges spotted & sl.foxed. E.ps., flyleaves, half title page & last page somewhat spotted. Some pages somewhat spotted. 20.0x13cm. [01832-101905] 986 カサノヴァ回想録 6 巻 クロース装 ¥15,750 Casanova,Giacomo Die Erinnerungen des Giacomo Casanova. Vollständig übertragen von Heinrich Conrad. Mit einer Einleitung von Friedrich Freksa. 6 vols. Berlin-Wien; Verlag Benjamin Harg, n.d. 113 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 xvi,581pp. /619pp. /581pp. /597pp. /589pp. /739pp. Description (Except for 4.band); Brown cloth. Edges gray. With frontis. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Spine sl.stained. Edges spotted. E.ps., flyleaves & last pages spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. / 4. band ; Rebound. Half calf. Marbled boards. Decorated gilt title on spine. Top edge gilt. With frontis. Covers sl.rubbed at corners & sl.chipped. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed & spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. 19.5x12.5cm. [01831-101904] 987 カサノヴァ回想録 A.マッケン英訳 12 巻 厚紙表紙 ¥157,500 Casanova,Giacomo The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt. Translated into English by Arthur Machen. 12 vols. London; Privately Printed for Subscribers Only. The Casanova Socy., 1922. xxix,271pp./263pp./310pp./279pp./278pp./263pp./278pp./268pp./268pp./260pp./245pp./343pp. This Edition is limited to 1,000 numbered sets, of which this set is number 914. Light blue boards backed in white board. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed & foxed. With frontis to each vol. Spine & covers somewhat stained. Black printed title on spine scuffed. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Flyleaves foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.1; Small book shop label on front e.p. Vol.6; Several spots near the hinges. Vol.7; Covers sl.foxed. spine spotted. Vol.11; Upper part of spine chipped. 26.0x19.5cm. [01858-101931] 988 カサノヴァ回想録 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Casanova,Jacques The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt. Prince of Adventurers and the most indomitable of Lovers. A New Edition with Introduction Notes and Appendices. With Two Portraits and Ten Photogravures from Original Drawings by Antoine Gaymard. In Two Volumes. Privately printed for The Navarre Society Limited., 1922. xxxi,484pp. /vi,505pp. This Edition of 'The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt' is printed upon laid paperof fine quality specially made for the Navarre Society and strictly limited. White cloth. Gilt decorated title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed. Covers considerably stained. Spine foxed. Fore & lower edges foxed. Flyleaves foxed. Pages sl.spotted. 23.6x16.7cm. [01854-101927] 989 カサノヴァ回想録 2 巻 背革装 ¥15,750 Casanova,Jacques / Carlo de Fornaro trans. Memoirs of Jacques Casanova. Translated by Carlo de Fornaro. Edited by Keene Wallis. In Two Volumes. Privately printed for subscribers only by Lieber & Lewis・New York, 1923. xxiii,285pp. /285pp. This Edition is strictly limited to Fifteen Hundred and Fifty Sets, of which Fifteen Hundred numbered sets are for sale. This set is unnumbered. Red boards. Half calf. Top edge gilt. E.ps. marbled. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Fore & lower edges foxed. Pages sl.spotted. 22.1x16.4cm. [01840-101913] イソップ物語 990 イソップ物語 クロース装 ¥5,250 Aesops Fabelbuch. In neuer Bearbeitung von Stra Mar. Mit 13 farbigen Vollbildern und 39 Schwarz=Weiβ=Zeichnungen von Arthur Rackham. Illustriert von Arthur Rackham. [Kleinodien der Weltliteratur 1] München; Georg W. Dietrich, n.d. xvi,152pp. Orange cloth. With many illustrations. Covers sl.faded & stained. Top edge blue. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed & somewhat spotted. Small stamp by former owner on front flyleaf. E.ps., flyleaves & last page foxed. 21.3x15cm. [01837-101910] 991 イソップ物語 クロース装 ¥10,500 Æsop's Fables. With over One Hundred Drawings in Line and Color by Louis Rhead. New York & London; Harper & Brothers, 1927. First Edition with Louis Rhead's Pictures. xxxii,194pp. Black cloth. Top edge yellow. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed & spotted. Fore edge untrimmed. Flyleaves foxed. 23x15.5cm. [01838-101911] 992 イソップ物語 クロース装 ¥15,750 Buch und Leben des hochberühmten Fabeldichters Aesopi. Mit einer Einführung von M.Morringer 114 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 und in sprachlicher Erneuerung von K.Benz. Mit sechsunddreizig Abbildungen. Múnchen; K.Piper & Co., 1925. 67pp. Gray cloth. Cover somewhat foxed. Top & fore edges foxed. Lower edge somewhat foxed. Flyleaves somewhat foxed. Half title page & last page foxed. Small stamp by former owner on front flyleaf. 28.8x21.0cm. [01846-101919] 993 イソップ物語 厚紙表紙 ¥15,750 Die erneuerten Aesopischen Fabeln. nebst den hiezu geeigneten Lehren. zusammengetragen zum wahren Nutzen und unterhaltenden Vergnügen. Mit zwanzig handkolorierten Holzschnitten aus der Ausgabe des Joh.Zainer, Augsburg 1475. [Mittelalterliche Volksbücher / Band 1] München; Im Holbein-Verlag, 1923. 64pp. Gray boards. Top edge orange. Many coloured woodcuts. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Rear cover sl.atained. Upper & lower parts of spine torn. 24.9x19.0cm. [01847-101920] ドン・キホーテ 994 ドン・キホーテ クロース装 ¥5,250 Cervantes,Saavedra Miguel de / Charles Jarvis trans. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra by Charles Jarvis. Illustrated by Arthur Boyd Houghton. London & New York; Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., n.d. xxii,710pp. Red cloth. Top edge red. Covers sl.stained. Rear cover & spine partly somewhat rubbed. Spine sunned. Top edge darkend & spotted. Fore edge foxed & somewhat spotted. Lower edge foxed. Book shop blind stamp on front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. A small hole on margin of page 680. 23.7x15.7cm. [01842-101915] 995 ドン・キホーテ 2 巻 背革装 ¥84,000 Cervantes,Saavedra Miguel de / Charles Jarvis trans. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra by Charles Jarvis. Carefully Revised and Corrected. Illustrated by Tony Johannot, and Others. 2 vols. London; Henry G. Bohn, 1842. liv,706pp. /772pp. Half calf. Light brown boards backed in brown leater. Top edge gilt. E.ps. Marbled. Covers sl.stained. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed & spotted. E.ps. sl.stained. Flyleaves spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.I ; Margin of page 368 partly torn. 25.6x16.0cm. [01845-101918] その他作品集 996 アピュリーヤス 黄金のロバ クロース装 ¥12,600 Apuleius,Lucius / William Adlington trans. The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius. In the Translation by William Adlington. Edited, with an Introduction, by F.J.Harvey Darton. With Illustrations and Decorations by Philip Hagreen. London; Privately Printed for the Navarre Society Limited, 1924. 359pp. Blue cloth. Top edge gilt. Gilt title on spine. Covers sl.rubbed & partly sunned. Spine sunned. Edges foxed. Flyleaves foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. 23.5x15.5cm. [01841-101914] 997 ジョヴァンニ・バージル/ おとぎ話集 黒クロース装 ¥6,300 Basile,Giovanni Batiste / Richard Burton trans. IL Pentamerone: or the Tale of Tales. Being a Translation by Sir Richard Burton, K.C. M.G. from Giovanni Batiste Basile. New York; Boni & Liveright, 1927. xxiii,455pp. Black cloth. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Boards sl.scuffed. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Fore edge untrimmed. Somewhat spotted from half title page to page xiv, last page to rear flyleaf. Some pages sl.spotted. 22.3x15cm. [01835-101908] 998 結婚の十の喜び /新婚夫婦の告白 ¥5,250 Behn,Aphra (attributed to her) The Ten Pleasures of Marriage. and The Confession of the New Married Couple. (1682) Attributed to Aphra Behn. Reprinted with an Introduction by John Harvey. And the Original Twenty Plates and Two Engraved Titles Re- Enlarged. Privately printed for The Navarre Society Limited., 1922. xviii,280pp. This Edition of "The Ten Pleasures of Marriage"and "The Confession of the New Married Couple" is printed upon laid paperof fine quality specially made for the Navarre Society and strictly limited. The Twenty -Two Plates are faithfully re-engraved after the orig115 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 inals, and are struck upon antique deckle edge handmade paper. White cloth. Gilt decorated title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed. Covers considerably stained. Spine foxed. Fore & lower edges foxed. Flyleaves foxed. Joint of front flyleaf & half title page repaired with paper. Pages sl.spotted. 23.4x15cm. [01856-101929] 999 J.S.ファーマー編: 楽しい歌謡とバラッド 5 巻 厚紙表紙 ¥21,000 FARMER,John S.National Ballad and Song: Merry Songs and Ballads. prior to the year A. D. 1800. Edited by John S.Farmer. 5 vols. Privately Printed for Subscribers Only. 1897. xviii,280pp./xviii,267pp./xviii,286pp./xx,287pp./xx,269pp. Gray boards backed in white boards. Fore & lower edges untrimmed. Covers sl.stained, foxed & rubbed at corners. Spine foxed. Edges foxed. The small stamps of former owner & number to front e.p. & flyleaf. to each vol. Vol.1 & 2; Hinges partly cracked & repaired. Vol.1,2 & 5; Upper & lower parts of spine chipped. Vol.4; Spine partly stained. 22.7x17.5cm. [01865-101938] 1000 オヴィド 恋の技術 /哀歌 黒クロース装 ¥6,300 Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) The Art of Love. Translated by Charles D. Young. Together with the Elegies translated by Christopher Marlowe. New York; Horace Liveright Inc., 1931. x,318pp. Black cloth. Decorated gilt title on spine. Covers sl.stained. Covers & spine sl.rubbed at corners & partly torn. Edges foxed & somewhat spotted. Small book shop label on front e.p. Some pages sl.spotted. 22.3x14.8pp. [01836-101909] 1001 フランソア・ラブレー作品集 クロース装 ¥15,750 Rabelais,Francis The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais. Doctor in Physick. Containing Five Books of the Lives, Heroick Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Sonne Pantagruel. Together with the Pantagrueline Prognostication, the Oracle of the Divine Bacbuc, and response of the bottle. Hereunto are annexed the Navigations unto the Souding Isle and the Isle of the Apedefts: as likewise the Philosophical cream with a Limosin Epistle all done by Mr. Francis Rabelais. In the French tongue and now faithfully translated into English. 1653. Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. In Two Volumes. Privately printed for The Navarre Society Limited., n.d. xvi,474pp. /xvi,462pp. This Edition of Rabelais'Works is printed upon laid paperof fine quality specially made for the Navarre Society and strictly limited. White cloth. Gilt decorated title on spine. Top edge gilt. Fore & lower edges untrimmed. Covers considerably stained. Black ink spot to lower part of covers to each vol. Spine foxed. Fore & lower edges foxed. Flyleaves foxed. Small stamps by former owner on half title page to each vol. Pages sl.spotted. 23.4x15cm. [01855-101928] 1002 ストラパローラ 楽しい夜 クロース装 ¥31,500 Straparola, Giovanni Francesco / W.G.Waters trans. The Nights of Straparola. Now First Translated into English by W.G.Waters. Illustrated by E.R.Hughes. 2 vols. London; Lawrence and Bullen, 1894. xxviii,276pp. /ix,323pp. One thousand copies for England and America. This copy is unnumbered. Gray cloth. Edges untrimmed. Covers rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol. I ; Spotted front e.p. to title page, page 276 to rear e.p. Vol. II ; Spotted from front e.p. to frontis. page, verso of 323 to rear e.p. Covers partly & sl.torn at corners. 29.0x19.7cm. [01850-101923] 1003 宮川幸久、外山滋比古編 ナーサリーライム・ハンドブック I テクスト/II コンコーダンス 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Yoshihisa Miyakawa & Shigehiko Toyama eds. A Handbook of Nursery Rhymes. Volume I Text. Volume II Concordance. 2 vols. Tokyo; Kenkyusha, 1985. First edition. v,187pp./vii,461pp. D.w. Its spine sl.foxed. Deep red cloth. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf to each vol. Vol.1; Small blue ink signatures (containing the editors) dedicated to professor KENZO KIHARA to front flyleaf. Fine condition. 24.7x16.5cm. [01866-101939] 116 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 思想書ほか 1004 マックス・バウアー 「女性とモラル」 ¥10,500 Bauer,Max Weib und Sittlichkeit. Die Sittengeschichte der Deutschen Frau. Mit 80 Grossen Bildtafeln und Vielen Illustrationen im Text. Berlin; Eigenbrödler Verlag, 1927. 296pp. Pink cloth. Top edge deep brown. Covers sl.rubbed & partly torn at corners. Gilt decorated title on spine (but gilt decoration wholly peeled off). Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Joint of rear cover loosened. Pages somewhat foxed. 26.7x20.7cm. [01849-101922] 1005 エラスムス作品集 第 31 巻~第 34 巻 アダージェ 4 巻 クロース装 ¥36,750 Erasmus,Desiderius Collected Works of Erasmus. Volume 31-34. Adages. Vol.1; I i 1 to I v 100. translated by Margaret Mann Phillips. Annotated by R.A.B.Mynors. Vol.2/3/4; I vi to I x 100. /II i 1 to II vi 100. /II vii 1 to III iii 100. translated and annotated by R.A.B.Mynors. 4 vols. Toronto/Buffalo/London; Univ. of Toront Press, 1982. /1989. / 1991. / 1992. xiv,493pp./412pp./479pp./458pp. Orange cloth. d.w.(Volume 33 without it) sl.stained. Edges sl.foxed or stained. 25.5x17.6cm. [01867-101940] 1006 マハトマ・ガンジー作品選集 6 巻+1 巻(マハトマ・ガンジーの心) クロース装 ¥21,000 Gandhi,Mahatma The Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi. General Editor Shriman Narayan. [and] The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi compiled and edited by R.K.Prabhu & U.R.Rao with forewords by Acharya Vinova Bhave & Dr. S.Radhakrishnan. 6 vols. + 1 vol. Ahmedabad, India; Navajivan Publishing House, n.d. /The Mind of …; 1967. xxiii,375pp./viii,379pp.-794pp./xvi,471pp./xiv,464pp./xv,514pp./xv,555pp./xxiv,589pp. Contents of the Selected Works. Vol.1 & 2: Book One & Two; An Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth. Translated from the Original in Gujarati by Mahadev Desai. Vol.3: Satyagraha in South Africa. Translated from the Gujarati by Valji Govindji Desai. Vol.4: The Basic Works. Vol.5: Selected Letters. Vol.6: The Voice of Truth. White cloth. With frontis. & many pictures to each vol. D.w. sl.chipped. Covers somewhat spotted, particularly to spine. Edges sl.foxed. Flyleaves spotted & partly foxed. Title page sl.spotted. Vol.2; Red ink notation to rear flap. Blue & red ink underlins & pencil notations in some pages. Vol.3; Red ink underlines to front flap & rear part of d.w. Vol.4; Red ink underlines & notations, pencil notations in some pages. Vol.5; Red ink underlines in page 259 to 264 & 505. Vol.6; page 425 to 432 partly unopend. The Mind of ... ; Yellow boards backed in gray cloth. d.w. sl.chipped. Spine sl.spotted. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Red ink underlines & notations in several pages. (4 巻、5 巻;朱線多数) 21.0x14cm. [01860-101933] 1007 タゴール著作集 23 巻 クロース装 /厚紙表紙 /ペーパー・バック ¥36,750 Tagore,Rabindranath The Collected Works of Rabindranath Tagore. 23 vols. set. Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, London; Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1961-1970. Reprinted (Except for Lectures & Adderesses). Personality. /Gitanjali (Songs Offerings). /Chitra. /Gora. /The Wreck. /Fruit-Gathering. /The Gardener. /Lover's Gift and Crossing. /Glimpses of Bengal. Selected from the Letters. 1885 to 1895. /The Post Office. /Hungry Stones. And Other Stories. /Creative Unity. /The Home and the World. /Sacrifice. And Other Plays. /The Crescent Moon. /Stray Birds. /One Hundred Poems of Kabir. /Mashi. And Other Stories. /Sādhanaā. The Realisation of Life. /The King of the Dark Chamber. /Reminiscences. /Red Oleanders. A Drama in One Act. /Lectures & Adderesses . Selected from the Speeches of the Poet. Condition: Light blue cloth or boards (with d.w. sl.chipped & foxed to some vol. Front flap partly cut off to sevral vol.): Covers sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. /Red & white coloured paperback (without d.w.): Covers sl.foxed. /Each vol.: Edges sl.foxed. Pages sl.foxed. /Lover's …; Joint loosened between page 30 and 31. /Stray …; Small price stamp on front flap of d.w. /The King of …; Small price stamp on front flap of d.w. /Red …; Small price stamp on front flap of d.w. 18.5x12.5cm. [01864-101937] 1008 新世界アメリカ 5 巻 クロース装 ¥63,000 Quinn,David ed. New American World. A Documentary History of North American to 1612. Vol. I ; 117 艶笑滑稽話、さまざまな版の「千夜一夜物語」「デカメロン」等と「イソップ物語」「ドン・キホーテ」、および思想書 America from Concept to Discovery. Early Exploration of North America. Vol. II ; Major Spanish Searches in Eastern North America. The Franco-Spanish Clash in Florida. The Beginnings of Spanish Florida. Vol.III ; English Plans for North America. Roanoke Voyages. New England Ventures. Vol.IV ; Newfoundland from Fishery to Colony. Northwest Passage Searches. Vol.V ; The Extension of Settlement in Florida, Virginia, and the Spanish Southwest. Edited, with a Commentary by David B.Quinn. With the Assistance of Alison M.Quinn and Susan Hillier. In Five Volumes. London & Basingstoke; The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1979. First published. xxxviii,486pp. /xxiv,594pp. /xxvi,494pp. /xxvi,454pp. /xxvi,572pp. Brown cloth. D.w. Slip case partly & sl.faded. With many notes on maps to each vol. Edges sl.spotted & foxed. Vol.V ; Half titile & title page sl.spotted. With bibliography. Otherwise fine. 28.8x22.5cm. [01851-101924] ことわざ 1009 Beyer,Horst & Annelies Beyer Sprichwörterlexikon. Sprichwörter und Sprichwörtliche Ausdrücke aus deutschen Sammlungen vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1988. 4., unveränderte Auflage. 712pp. Dust wrapper sl.chipped. 23.5x17.3cm. [L02908-604544] ¥12,600 1010 Büchmann,Georg Geflügelte Worte. Der Zitatenschatz des deutschen Volkes. Gesammelt und erläutert von Georg Büchmann. Fortgesetzt von Walter Robert-tornow, Konrad Weidling, Eduard Ippel, Bogdan Krieger, Gunther Haupt und Werner Rust. Berlin: Haude & Spenersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1964. 31. Auflage, durchgesehen von Alfred Grunow. xii,990pp. With a portrait of Georg Büchmann. Dust wrapper partly chipped. [ds0065-600511] ¥12,600 1011 Esar,Evan Humorous English. A Guide to Comic Usage, Jocular Speech and Writing, and Witty Grammar. New York: Horizon Press, 1961. 318pp. d.w. [L02372-604279] ¥3,150 1012 Franz Joseph Lipperheide, Freiherr von Spruchwörterbuch. Sammlung deutsche und fremder Sinnsprüche, Wahlsprüche, Inschriften an Haus und Gerät Grabsprüche, Sprichwörter, Aphorismen, Epigramme, von Bibel stellen, Liederauflagen, von Zitaten aus älteren und neueren Klassikern, sowie aus den Werken oderner Schriftsteller, von Schnaderhüpfln, Wette- und Bauernregeln, Redensarten usw. nach den Leitworten, sowie geschichtlich geordnet und unter Mitwirkung deutscher Gelehrter und Schriftsteller. Berlin: Aude & Sapere Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1972. 7., unveränderter nachbruck. vii,1069pp. With a portrait of the author. Top edge red. Spine of d.w.sunned. Ex-libris. [ds1356-602067] ¥10,080 1013 Hose, Susanne ed. Sorbian proverbs. Serbske přisłowa. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 14] The University of Vermont, 2004. 149pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02996-604655] ¥4,200 1014 Hose, Susanne ed. Sorbian proverbs. Serbske přisłowa. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 14] The University of Vermont, 2004. 149pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02997-604656] ¥4,200 1015 Hulm, F.Edward Proverb Lore. Many Sayings, Wise or Otherwise, On Many Subjects, Gleaned from Many Sources. 118 ことわざ London; Elliot Stock, 62 Paternoster Row, E.C., 1902. vii,269pp. Spine sunned & sl.chipped. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Top edge sl.stained. Fore & lower edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Library stamped from half title page to page v. Spotted from front end paper to half title page, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. Sl.spotted in some pages. Pencil notation & underline in some pages. [L03068-604726-2] ¥5,250 1016 Jente,Richard ed. Proverbia Communia. A Fifteenth Century Collection of Dutch Proverbs. Together with the Low German Version. [Indiana University Publications. Folklore Series No.4] Bloomington; Indiana University, 1947. 334pp. Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Spine sl.sunned. All edges sl,foxed. Top edge spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03086-604750] ¥21,000 1017 Johnson,A. Common English Proverbs. Longmans, 1963. Second Hong Kong impression. v,122pp. Printed wrapper. Spine sunned. Small ink ownership signature to title page. 18.4x12.4cm. [L02925-604584] ¥2,100 1018 Kelly,Walter K. A Collection of the Proverbs of All Nations. Compared, Explained, and Illustrated. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 11] The University of Vermont, 2002. viii,232pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02994-604653] ¥5,250 1019 Kelly,Walter K. Proverbs of All Nations. Compared, Explained and Illustrated. [Diprose's Railway Library] London: Diprose & Bateman, n.d.[1877] viii,225pp. Printed wrappers. Spine missing. A small stain to front cover. Joint of front cover nearly detached. Small blind stamp on rear cover. Edges foxing. Small ink ownership signature to front advertising page. 16.5x10.7cm. [L02924-604583] ¥5,250 1020 Mieder, Wolfgang & Janet Sobieski Proverbs and Social Sciences. An Annotated International Bibliography. [Phraseologie und Parömiologie Band 12] Schneider Verlag Hohengehren GmbH. 2003. x,234pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02988-604647] ¥6,300 1021 Mieder, Wolfgang ed. "In der Kürze liegt die Würze". Sprichwörtliches und Spruchhaftes als Basis für Aphoristisches. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 10] The University of Vermont, 2002. 159pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02992-604651] ¥4,200 1022 Mieder, Wolfgang ed. "In der Kürze liegt die Würze". Sprichwörtliches und Spruchhaftes als Basis für Aphoristisches. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 10] The University of Vermont, 2002. 159pp. Printed wrappers. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02993-604652] ¥4,200 1023 Mieder, Wolfgang ed. "Liebe macht blind". Sprichwörtliche Lylic und Kurzprosa zum Thema der Liebe. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volum 15] The University of Vermont, 2004. viii,247pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L02998-604657] ¥5,250 1024 Mieder, Wolfgang ed. "Liebe macht blind". Sprichwörtliche Lylic und Kurzprosa zum Thema der Liebe. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volum 15] The University of Vermont, 2004. viii,247pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02999-604658] ¥5,250 1025 Mieder, Wolfgang ed. Sprichwörter Bringen Es an den Tag. Parömiologische Studien zu Lessing, Brecht, Zuckmayer, Kaschnitz, Kaléko und Eschker. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volum 6] the University of Vermont, 2000. 269pp. (Contributors; Thomas Frie119 ことわざ drich-Hermann, Martha Mckenna, Wolfgang Mieder, Andreas Nolte, Ilka Pritchard, Stephan Vdoviak) Printed wrappers. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03002-604661] ¥6,300 1026 Mieder, Wolfgang ed. "Best of All Possible Friends "Three Decades of Correspondence Between the Folklorists Alan Dundes and Wolfgang Mieder. [Supplement Series of Proverbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volum 19] Burlington, Vermont; The University of Vermont, 2006. 313pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L02989-604648] ¥6,300 1027 Mieder,Wolfgang Investigations of Proverbs, Proverbial Expressions, Quotations and Cliches. A Bibliography of Explanatory Essays which Appeared in Notes and Queries(1849-1983). [Sprichwörterforschung Band 4] Bern・Frankfurt am Main・New York Peter Lang. 1984. iv,420pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. [L02930-604589] ¥5,250 1028 Mieder,Wolfgang Proverbs are the Best policy. Folk Wisdom and American Politics. Logan Utah: Utah State University Press. 2005. xvi,323pp. Printed wrappers. [L02931-604590] ¥4,200 1029 Reinirkens,Hubert Sprichwörter und Redensarted. Deutsch-Japanisch. Kotowaza to Seigo 諺と成語. Gesammelt von Huber Reinirkens. Tokyo & Neudruck, 1955. 1966. 111pp. Spine of d.w. partly missing. [L02586-604424] ¥8,400 1030 Schoeps,Hans-Joachim Ungeflügelte Worte. Was nicht im Büchmann stehen kann. Verlag Fourier und Fertig Wiesbaden, n.d. 277pp. upper part of d.w. sl.chipped. [L02628-604486] ¥4,200 1031 Seiler,Friedrich Deutsche Sprichwörterkunde. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts an Höheren Schulen. Vierter Band, Dritter Teil] München; C.H.Beck'sche Verlagbuchhandlung, 1922. x,457pp. With publisher's bibliography. Edges of covers rubbed. Spine sl.torn. Edges foxed & spotted. Joint of front cover considerably loosened. Joint of rear cover sl.loosened. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Spotted from front end paper to verso of title page, rear fly leaf to rear end paper. [L03087-604751] ¥10,500 1032 Sobieski,Janet & Wolfgang Mieder eds. "So Many Heads, So Many Wits" An Anthology of English Proverb Poetry. Supplement Series of Proberbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 18. The University of Vermont. 2005. xiv,274pp. Printed wrappers. 21.7x14cm. [L02926-604585] ¥4,200 1033 Sobieski,Janet & Wolfgang Mieder eds. "So Many Heads, So Many Wits" An Anthology of English Proverb Poetry. Supplement Series of Proberbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 18. The University of Vermont. 2005. xiv,274pp. Printed wrappers. 21.7x14cm. [L02990-604649] ¥6,300 1034 Tilley,Morris Palmer A Dictionary of the Proverbs in England. (16-17 世紀 イギリス諺辞典・復刻版) In the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. A Collection of the Proverbs Found in English Literature and the Dictionaries of the Period. Meicho-Fukyu-Kai Publishing Co.,Ltd. 1985. Originally published by the University of Michigan Press, 1950. Facsimile reprinted edition. Second printing. xiii,854pp. Purple cloth. Front cover partly & sl.sunned. Spine sunned & sl.stained. Top edge sl.spotted & stained. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Book shop label on rear flyleaf. 30.3x21.5cm. [d00360-300602] ¥15,750 1035 Trokhimenko Olga V. "Wie ein Elefant im Porzellanladen" zur Weltgeschichte einer Redensart. [Supplement Series of Proberbium Yearbook of International Proverb Scholarship Volume 5] The University of Vermont, 1999. 186pp. Printed wrappers. [L03003-604662] ¥4,200 120 ことわざ 1036 Whiting,Bartlett Jere Early American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1977. lxiv,555pp. d.w.sl.chipped & stained. Top edge spotted. Small ink ownership signature to the front flyleaf. [L02935-604594] ¥21,000 1037 Whiting,Bartlett Jere with the Collaboration of Helen Wescott Whiting Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases. From English Writings Mainly Before 1500. Cambridge, Massachusetts:The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,1968. li,733pp. d.w.spotted and sl.chipped. Spine sunnd. Top and fore edges spotted and stained. Front and rear end papers & fly leaf foxing. Small ink ownership signature to the front flyleaf. A few pages foxing. [L02934-604593] ¥15,750 1038 Whitting,C.E.J. Hausa and Fulani Proverbs. Gregg Press Limited. 1967. Republished. 192pp. edges of covers sl.rubbed. Top edge sl.spotted & foxed. Fore edge sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03085-604749] ¥8,400 辞典・事典 百科事典 1039 チェインバーズ百科事典 1726-1748 年 全 5 巻 革装 ¥315,000 Cyclopædia: or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Containing An Explanation of the Terms, and an Account of the Several Subjects, in the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, and the Sciences Human and Divine. In 4 volumes + 1 vol.(plates) London: Printed for J.F. and C. Rivington, etc, 1726-1748. Large folio.(43x28cm) Full-calf. 2colmns. With the Supplement and Modern Improvements, Incorporated in one Alphabet, by Abraham Rees. Vol.1 has frontispiece. Vol.5 (plates) containing the Addenda, Index, Arrangement of the Plates, and the Plates. Cover condition not fair: boards worn, some calfs chipped and missed, some spines short cracked, rubbed and partly faded. Top-edges darkened. Front e.p. of vol.2 parted off from binding. Title page of vol.3 and 4 just starting, vol.5's wrinkled. Inside, light soiled and chipped to both front and rear end-pages, though keeping clean. [aj559-300511] 1040 アーサー・ミー(編) アイ・シー・オール 元版 6 巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 I See All. The World's First Picture Encyclopedia with 100,000 Pictures of People, Places, and Things and an Atlas of Every Country in the World. In 6 vols.Issued by the Amalgamated Press, London. [1922] Edited by Arthur Mee. 372pp./374pp.-912pp./914pp.-1508pp./1510pp.-1848pp./1850pp.-2462pp./2464pp.-3008pp. With numerous illus & 38 colour maps of all countries. Bound in red cloth. Spine sl.stained. Edges somewhat foxed. Each vol. numbered by former owner to spine. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf in each vol. E.ps. & Flyleaves sl.foxed. Sl.spotted in some pages. Vol. 1 & 2 ; Top edge sl.spotted & darkend. Vol.3 & 5 ; Ink notation indicating index to spine "E-H" & "M-R". Vol.6 ; Partly & sl.torn near front hinge. 27.8x21.7cm. [d00362-300604] ジョンソン英語辞典 1041 ジョンソン英語辞典 4版 1773年 2巻 総革装 ¥420,000 A Dictionary of the English Language:In which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. To which are Prefixed 121 辞典・事典 a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 2 folio vols. London: Printed by W.Strahan, for W.Strahan, J.&F.Rivingston et al., 1773. Fourth edition, revised by the author. Full calf, ruled in gilt, gilt compartments between raised bands and gilt titles to spines. Colored edges. Portrait frontis. Boards and spine rubbed, somewhat chipped at edge, repaired. Margin of pages foxing. Ink handwritten copy from "Boswell's Life of Dr.Johnson" to flyleaf of vol.I. Pages "SIG", "SIL", "SIM", "SIN" of vol.II missing and supplemented with handwritten copies of the pages. Pages "UNC"(29L, 29M) of vol.II disorderly binding. [Vol.II:〈落丁〉4 葉・8 頁 手書き補完、〈乱丁〉4 葉・8 頁] Vol.I"COU"-"CRA"(10 pages) stained. Ink notation to margin of page "WAI" of vol.II. [The Last Edition published during Johnson's Lifetime.] 44x27.5cm. [d00328-300569] 1042 ジョンソン英語辞典 5版 1784年 2巻 背革装 ¥525,000 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed, a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. In 2 vols. London: Printed by W. & A. Strahan; et al. , 1784. Fifth edition. Half calf. Leater title label on spine. Boards marbled, rubbed at edges & sl.scuffed. Top edge darkned. Fore & lower edges foxed. Title page spotted. Some pages somewhat spotted. Ex-Libris.(Duff Cooper) to front e.p. to each vol. Vol. I : Rear board partly rubbed. Last page wrinckled. Otherwise fine condition. The last to be issued in Johnson's lifetime. This is the only reprinting of the corrected fourth edition issued in Johnson's lifetime, and it is the last of the two- volume folio editions. One thousand copies were printed. 43.5x28cm. The sixth edition (issued in weekly numbers and in 2 vols. quarto) and the seventh edition (issued in 1 volume folio) were issued in 1785 immediately following Johnson's death to compete with rival editions from James Harrison and James Fielding. [d00335-300577] 1043 ジョンソン英語辞典 9版 1806 年 2巻 改装・背革装 ¥105,000 A Dictionay of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed a history of the language, and an English grammar. By Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. In 2 vols. London: Printed for J.Johnson et al., 1806. The ninth edition; corrected and revised. 4to. The quarto ninth edition (a four volume octavo 'ninth' edition was also published the previous year). Calf backed cloth, rebound with new e.ps. Margin of the portrait of Johnson (vol.1) partly stained. Ink notation to half title page of vol.2, sealed with a paper. Edges and pages of each vol.sl.spotted. 28.6x22.3cm. [d00152-300066] 1044 ジョンソン英語辞典 トッド編 1818 年 4 巻 3/4 革装 ¥210,000 A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals; and Illustrated in Their Different Significations, by Examples from the Best Writers: Together with a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 4 vols. With Numerous Corrections, and with the Addition of Several Thousand Words as also with Additions to the History of the Language, and to the Grammar, by H.J.Todd. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown,... 1818. 3/4 calf with marbled boards, gilt title to spine, marbled edges. Repaired with new e.ps.and flyleaves. Text in 2 column. Boards somewhat worn and sl.rubbed at corners, and edges foxing. Extra 8pp.inserted (clipped articles about Dr.Johnson's letter to the Earl of Chesterfield, proposals for publishing Croft's Johnson Dictionary, etc.) to vol.I. Rear flyleaves to several pages of vol.II stained. 29x23.2cm. [d00315-300556] レイサム編 1866-70 年 2 巻・4 冊 3/4 革装 ¥157,500 A Dictionay of the English Language by Robert Gordon Latham. Founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson as edited by the Rev.H.J.Todd. With numerous emendations and additions. 2 vols.in 4. Longmans, Green, & Co. et al., 1866-70. Bound in red cloth (faded) with 3/4 morocco (sunned at spine, and partly stained to vol.1, no.1 & vol.2, no.1. Edges sl.rubbed.). All edges and e.ps.marbled. Flyleaves and half title page somewhat spotted and some pages light spotted. With 2 cards of "Presented to the Reu.Dr.Haslewood". 28.5x23cm. [d00227-300466] 1045 ジョンソン英語辞典 122 辞典・事典 1046 ジョンソン英語辞典(簡約版) 初版・覆刻版 2巻 背革装 ¥47,250 A Dictionary of the English Language:In Which the Words are Deduced from their Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in Whose Works they are Found. Abstracted from the folio edition by the author, Samuel Johnson. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1985. The reproduction in the original format, two volumes, 8vo, 1756, with a commentary by Yoshio Terasawa (in a separate volume). With a pamphlet by Yoshio Terasawa. Original preserved box (light stained). 解説書(「Johnson[簡約英語辞典』解説 寺澤芳雄)付. 函ヤケ、少々汚れ. 20.2x13cm. [d00268-300506] オックスフォード英語大辞典 初版 13 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Oxford English Dictionary. Being a Corrected Re-Issue with an Introduction, Supplement, and Bibliography of a New English Dictionary on Historical Principles Founded Mainly on the Materials Collected by the Philological Society and Edited by James A.H. Murray, Henry Bradley, W.A. Craigie, C.T. Onions. In 13 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1970. First edition, reprinted. d.w. somewhat sunned & stained, sl.chipped. Covers partly & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges somewhat foxed & stained. Fly leaves somewhat foxed. Small stamp by former owner on front fly leaf to each vol. Vol.IX: Rear cover sl.scuffed. Otherwise fine. 31.2x23.6cm. [d00339-300581] 1047 オックスフォード英語大辞典 1048 オックスフォード英語大辞典 2版 20巻 背革装 天金 ¥210,000 Maruzen 120th Anniversary Blue Morocco Edition. The Oxford English Ditionary. In 20 vols. 1989.Second edition. Half calf. Dark red board. T.e.g. A label of "Maruzen 120th Anniversary Blue Morocco Edition" pasted on rear ep. in each vol. Influence of the label make a small spot in several pages (about 6 pages). Fore edge sl.foxed. Vol.V; A corner of front board sl.torn. Vol.IV, XII & XVIII; Some pages sl.foxed. Otherwise fine set. 31.2x23.7cm. [d00311-300553] 1049 オックスフォード英語大辞典 2版・コンパクト版 1巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 The Compact Oxford English Dictionary. Second Edition. Complete Text Reproduced Micrographically. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1991. Second edition. xvi,2386pp. With slip case putting a booklet "A User's Guide to the Oxford English Dictionary"(Berg, Donna Lee. Oxford・New York; Oxford University Press, 1991. 71pp. ) & a magnifying glass in a box. Spine somewhat stained. Top edge partly & sl.spotted. Labels pasted by former owner on front & rear flyleaves. E.ps. sl.foxed. Otherwise fine. 41.5x27.0cm. [d00340-300582] ウェブスター英語辞典 1828 年 初版 2巻 復刻版 ¥36,750 Webter,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language. With an Introduction by Mario Pei. In 2 vols. New York; Johnson Reprint Co. 1970. Dust wrapper of each vol.sl.torn and partly sunned and sl.chipped. 28.8x22.5cm. [d00137/d00169-300187] 1050 ウェブスター英語辞典 1828 年 初版 2巻 復刻版 ¥52,500 Webter,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language: Intended to exhibit, I.the origin…II.the genuine orthography…III.accurate and discriminating definitions…to which are prefixed, an introductory dissertation on the origin, history and connection of the languages of Western Asia and of Europe, and a concise grammar of the English Language. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Kodansha Ltd., 1976. Reprinted from the edition of S.Converse, New York, 1828. Half calf, marbled e.ps. Edges sl.foxing. 29x23.5cm. [d00226-300189] 1051 ウェブスター英語辞典 1052 ウェブスター英語辞典 ロンドン版 [1857 年] 2 巻 背革装 ¥84,000 Webster,Noah Webster's Improved Dictionary of the English Language, Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, & Definition of Words; Embracing All the Principal Terms Used 123 辞典・事典 in Literature, Science & Art, According to the Best Authorities; Revised & Enlarged by Professor C.A.Goodrich, A Dictionary of the English Language. Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, and Definitions of Words. To Which are Added a Synopsis of Words Differently Pronounced by Different Orthoepists, and Walker's Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names (Vol.2; 541pp.-620pp.). Revised and Enlarged by Professor C.A.Goodrich. With the Addition of An Orthoëpic Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names (Vol.2; 621pp.-648pp.). Introductory Essay on the Philosophy of Language and General Grammar (Vol.2; 166pp.), by Sir John Stoddart. And A Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing (Vol.1; 111pp.), by Henry Noel Humphreys, In 2 vols. Glasgow,Edinburgh,London; William Mackenzie, [1857.] A New Edition, Corrected, Improved, and Enlarged, by Thomas Heber, xxiii,613pp. (Plates; xix.) / 540pp. With a Portrait of Noah Webster. Half calf. Cloth partly torn. Margin of covers rubbed. Covers stained. Edges marbled, faded & foxed. Small pencil ownership signature & notations in front end paper, fly leaf. Joint of fly leaves started. Pages somewhat foxed. Some pages spotted. Vol.1; Upper part of spine cracked. Vol2; Small ink notation on front cover. 26.7x18.7cm. [d00307-300548] 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Webter,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language; Containing the whole vocabulary of the first edition in two volumes quarto; the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in two volumes royal octavo; Revised and enlarged, by Chauncey A.Goodrich…Prepared under the direction of Noah Porter…A dictionary of 12,000 synonyms and antonyms, and a compendium of mercantile and legal terms. The flags of all nations in thir actual colors. Chicago: George M.Hill Co., n.d. (c.1890) and connection, of the languages of western Asia and Europe, with an explanation of the principles on which languages are formed. lxxxiv + pictorial illus.for Webster's dic.+1367pp.+ 15,000 synonyms + mercantile legal terms.Brown cloth, rubbed. Spine sunned, chipped and torn. Ex-library (南山大学図書館) stamp on title page. Joint of verso of title page and 'author's preface' cracked. All edges marbled (faded). 27.3x21cm. [d00160-300198] 1053 ウェブスター英語辞典 1909 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥21,000 Webster's International Dictionary of the English Language. Being the authentic edition of Webster's unabridged dictionary, comprising the issues of 1864, 1879, and 1884 throughly revised and much enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter. W.T.Harris, editor in chief. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co./ Tokyo: Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha., 1909. With a voluminous appendix to which is now added a supplement of twenty-five thousand words and phrases. 8 plates, 1 frontis.+cvi,2011pp.+'supplement' 238pp. With thumb index. Full leather, rubbed and partly peeled. Marbled edges and e.ps. Spine rubbed and edges chipped. Plate ii- recto of frontis.and margin of page xxviii- xxxv ink stained. 31x23.7cm. [d00164-300199] 1054 ウェブスター英語辞典 1926 年 ロンドン版 1 巻 3/4革装 ¥21,000 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Based on the International Dictionary of 1890 & 1900. Now Completely Revised in All Departments. Including also a Dictionary of Geography and of Biography. Editor in chief: W.T.Harris. General editor: F.Sturges Allen. London: George Bell & Sons, 1926. cxi,2620pp. 3/4 calf, rubbed and partly peeled, with light brown cloth, rubbed at edge. Gilt lettered leather label and raised bands on spine (rubbed). With thumb index, edges sunned. Marbled e.ps. Ink notation to front flyleaf. 30.2x27cm. [d00165-300203] 1055 ウェブスター英語辞典 1056 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー クロース装(改装) ¥52,500 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. An Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1938. India Paper. xcvi,3210pp. Gray cloth. Rebound. Gilt title label on spine. Spine foxed. T.e.g. Thumb index. Edges somewhat foxed. E.ps., Flyleaves & frontis. portrait page somewhat foxed. Page 3210 & last page wrinkled. Wrinkled & patly torn from page 3113 to 3120. Margin of several pages near the thumb index sl.torn. Page 2564 partly torn & repaired with cellophane tape. 31x23.5cm. [d00331-300573] 124 辞典・事典 1057 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 3巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. With Reffrence History. 3 vols. G. & C. Merriam Co., 1947. The spines somewhat faded & rubbed. Flyleaf of each volume sl. yellowed. [d00241-300208] 1058 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー総革装 ¥68,250 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co., 1947. India Paper. cxii,3210pp. A Merriam Webster. William Allan Nelson (ed.in chief), Thomas A.Knott (gen.ed.), Paul W.Carhart (managing ed.). Full dark brown leather. Covers & spine sl.rubbed at edges. Front hinge sl.chipped. Gilt title to front board and spine. With thumb index. Edges somewhat foxed. Marbled e.ps. Flyleaves & frontis. portrait page somewhat foxed. Last page wrinkled & partly torn. 31x23cm. [d00330-300572] 1059 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー総革装 ¥68,250 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co., 1949. India Paper. cxii,3210pp. A Merriam Webster. William Allan Nelson (ed.in chief), Thomas A.Knott (gen.ed.), Paul W.Carhart (managing ed.). Full dark brown leather, scars to boards and spine, and somewhat chipped at edges. Gilt title to front board and spine. Marbled e.ps. With thumb index. A presentation copy to Robert Burney Beete (of the class of 1949 of the Longmeadow Junior High School) for excellence in essay contest by the Longmeadow Men's Club Inc. Title page-xxiv pp.partly wrinkled. 31x23cm. [d00145-300209] 1060 ウェブスター英語辞典 第2版 2巻 クロース装 ¥68,250 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. An Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. In 2 vols. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1951. cxxxii,1622pp. /1623-3214pp. Brown cloth. Gilt title on front cover & spine. All edges marbled. With thumb index. Covers sl.stained & rubbed mainly at corners. Edges foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. Vol.2; Last page wrinkled. 31x23cm. [d00332-300574] 1061 ウェブスター活用英語百科辞典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥5,250 The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, with a Historical Sketch of the English Language by Mario Pei. The English-Language Instutute of America, 1971. xxx,1158pp.+192pp.(supplement) Ownership stamped on front flyleaf. a.e.g. Fore edge partly damaged. 24.5x19.5cm. [d00147-300224] 1062 N.ウェブスター 政治・文学・道徳 論文集 1843 年 総革装 ¥126,000 Webster,Noah A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects. New York: Webster & Clark, 1843. 4pp.+373pp. Full calf, rubbed, gilt title and gilt compartments with leather label to spine. e.ps.and margin of pages somewhat spotted. 23.5x15cm. [aj202-300228] 1063 ウェブスター辞書の系譜 早川 勇 (著) ペーパー装・非売品 ¥12,600 製作:辞游社 2004 年 (私学研修福祉会助成刊行物) x,164pp. [(序章) 本書の編集方針と構成. (第 1 章) ウェブスター辞書習作. (第 2 章) 大辞典の系譜. (第 3 章) 簡約辞典の系譜. (第 4 章) 傍 系辞書の系譜. (第 5 章) その他の中辞典と小辞典. (第 6 章) イギリスで出版されたウェブスター辞書. (第 7 章) ウェブスター辞書の海賊版. 附・ウェブスター辞書アルファベット順一覧 編纂者、著者、出 版者一覧 参考文献] 各辞書ごとに 書名、編纂者、背文字、巻数、サイズ、頁数、組体裁、 装丁、口絵、挿絵、内題、構成、語彙数、及び解説、版歴を記載 図版多数 29.7x21.5cm. [d00144-300229] 125 辞典・事典 センチュリ-英語辞典 1064 センチュリ-英語辞典 7巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥84,000 The Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. In 7 vols. Prepared under superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. Revised and enlarged under the Superintendence of Benjamin E. Smith. 名著普及会 1980. Revised and Enlarged Edition. Reprinted from 1911 edition. Top edge red. Fore edges of each vol.sl.darkened. 30.6x23cm. [d00217-300243] 1065 センチュリー固有名詞事典 1 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥31,500 Smith, Benjamin E., A.M.,L.H.D. ed. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography, Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art, Archæology, Fiction, Etc., Etc., Etc. Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1984Revised and Enlarged. v,1085pp. With Supplement, A Chronogical Table of the Chief Events of History, Lists of Rulers, Genealogical Charts, A Chlonological Outline of European and American Literature. With slip case partly sunned. d.w. Its spine sunned. Top edge brown. Fore edge sl.foxed. 31.0x23.8cm. [d00305-300546] 古英語・中英語 1066 ボズワース & トラー 古期英語辞典 (補遺共) 2 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary based on the Manuscript Collections of the Late Joseph Bosworth. In 2 vols. Edited and Enlarged by T.Northcote Toller. Oxford UP, [1921] First edition. Second impression. xii,1302pp./ 768pp. Supplement. Red cloth. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Small blind stamp by former owner on title page to each vol. Vol. I ; Edges partly & deeply foxed. 26.8x20.5cm. [d00359-300601] 1067 コンサイス中英語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Mayhew,A.L. & W.W.Skeat A Concise Dictionary of Middle English. From A.D.1150 to 1580. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1888. xv,272pp. Bound in red cloth, sunned at spine, sl.rubbed at edge. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ownership stamped on front flyleaf. Some pages spotted. Ex-libris. 19.7x13.6cm. [d00283-300524] 1068 Diamond,Robert E. ¥5,250 The Diction of the Anglo-Saxon Metrical Psalms. Janua Linguarum. Series Practica, X] The Hague; Mouton & Co., 1963. 59pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. All edges sl.foxed. Top edge sl.stained & spotted. Recto of front end paper foxed. Spotted from verso of front end papers to verso of half title page. Foxed from page 56 to rear end paper. [L03057-604716] 1069 Gallée,J.H. Vorstudien zu Einem Altniederdeutschen Wörterbuche. Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1903. Small stamp and ink description on title page. [L02638-604505] ¥15,750 xxiv,645pp. 1070 Schade,Oskar ¥31,500 Altdeutsches Wörterbuch. Easter Teil: A-O. Zweiter Teil: P-z. Zwiete Umgearbeitete und Vermehrte Auflage. 2vols. Heldesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969. cxv,671pp. 672-1446pp. 2 small stamps on title page of each vol. [L02643-604525] 1071 Schützeichel, Rudolf ¥5,250 Althochdeutsche Wörterbuch. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1974. Zweite,durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. xxxvi,249pp. Spine sunned. Print of titles sl.scuffed. Edges somewhat foxed. Top edge spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. 22.4x14.8cm. [L03271-605115] 1072 Köbler,Gerhard ¥21,000 Gotisches Wörterbuch. E.J.Brill, 1989. xlvi,716pp. [L02658-604542] 126 辞典・事典 1073 Schulze,Ernst ¥12,600 Gothisches Glossar. Mit einer Vorrede von Jakob Grimm. Hildesheim/ New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1971. Reprint of 1848 edition. xxii,454pp. Small black spot on cover. [L02657-604541] 1074 Abel,Carl ¥10,500 Einleitung in Ein Aegyptisch-Semitisch-Indoeuropaeisches Wurzelwörterbuch. Sändig Reprint Verlag, 1969. Reprinted. x,393pp. + 120pp. [L02647-604528] 1075 Skeat,Walter W., A.L.Mayhew ed. ¥15,750 A Glossary of Tudor and Stuart Words (1914). Especially from the Dramatists. Collected by Walter W. Skeat. Edited with additions by A.L.Mayhew. [Anglistica & Americana. A Series of Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Marvin Spevack 4] Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. xviii,461pp. Near fine condition. [L03089-604753] 英語 語源辞典 サミュエル・モーランド旧蔵・書込み有 1671 年 総革装 ¥367,500 Skinner,Stephan Etymologicon linguae anglicanae, seu explicatio vocum anglicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica… Runica… Franco-Theotisca… Danica… Belgica… Teutonica recentiori… Cambro-Britanica… Franco-Gallica… Italica… Hispanica… Latina… Graeca… Authore Stephano Skinner. Londini: typis T.Roycroft & prostant venales apud H.Brome [et al.], 1671. First edition, folio, unpaged, and collating. Contemporary vellum panelled in blind, remains of crimson leather label, sprinkled edges. Front joint splitting at head, very good. Includes sections on botanical etymology, ancient names of English rivers and towns, and obsolete Anglican words. While the Etymologicon of Skinner "appears at first to represent a radical departure from the beaten paths of English lexicoraphy…there was a definite foreshadowing of the sort of work that Skinner published...It represents not something new under the sun of lexicography, but rather a convergence of significant influences…(Starnes & Noyes, pp.64-65). Holoyoke, Blount, Phillips and Minsheu had made earlier attempts at compiling English etymologies, but this work was issued at a time when Anglo-Saxon scholarship was being revived, and it had considerable influence over contemporary and later etymologists; and its comprehensiveness exceeded that of the earlier lexicographers. Indeed, the work was a major source for Johnson who acknowledges in his Preface his endebtedness to Skinner. 32x21cm. 1076 スキナー英語語源辞典 SAMUEL MORLAND'S COPY, with scattered scholary notes, one of which that to "Beard", is initialled, and the name completed in another early hand, presumably that of his son, also Samuel. Morland prepared an English-Latin dictionary which never appeared, although his son published, in 1723, in a pamphlet of 14 pages, "A Specimen of a dictionary English and Latin, compil'd by the late Mr.S.Morland F.R.S." As propos'd to be published'd by his son S.Morland F.R.S. His father's interest in the affairs of the Royal Society is reflected in a marginal note in the Prœfatio to Skinner's dictionary, observing that Thomas Henshaw "was offered to be made presidt.of ye Royal Society but refused bec.of some scruple abt.ye oath. Ye(?) Dr.Hally who told me this knew." The existence of this copy, together with the Specimen, serve to supply a small correction to Starnes' Renaissance Dictionaries English-Latin and Latin-English. In discussing Dr.Patrick's additions to the English-Latin part of the 1746 edition of Ainsworth's Thesaurus Starnes remarks that "many new phrases for this part he claims to have found in a manuscript compilation by Samuel Morland", to which he adds a footnote: "Dr.Patrick's reference seems to be to Sir Samuel Morland, first baronet (1625-1695)...If he compiled such a manuscript as Dr.Patrick describrs it has, regrettably, disappeared." (p.388-9). The elder Morland was elected to the Royal Society in 1704, and presumably died shortly before the publication of the Specimen. [d00037-300037] 1826 年 背革装 ¥157,500 Thomson,John Etymons of English words. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd and Longman, Rees, [et al.], 1826. First edition. pp. [4], 27, [1] plus unpaginated lexicon in double column. 4to, recent quarter 1077 トムソン 英語の語源 127 辞典・事典 brown calf antique over linen sides; discard stamp on verso of title-p., small hole in last leaf affcting several letters; all else fine. Thomson's Etymons sets out "to trace the descent of English words; their affinity with the different dialects of Gothic spoken in Europe; and the connexion between our own and some other tongues both of Europe and Asia" (from the Preface). 29*23cm [300040] 1078 クライン語源辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Klein,Ernest A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Dealing with the origin of words and their sense development thus illustrating the history of civilization and culture by Dr. Ernest Klein. Unabridged, One-Volume Edition. Elsevier Scientific Pulblishing, 1971. xxv,844pp. Every word of the original two-volume library edition. Dust wrapper sl.torn at the edge. Small date stamp on rear flyleaf. 29x20.5cm. [d00110-300176] 1079 W.M.モリス 語源辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥8,400 Morris,William & Mary Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins. In 2 vols. Harper & Row, 1962 & 1967. vii,376pp./ xii,297pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. 24x16.3cm. [d00113-300181] 1080 Folk-Etymology. 1 巻 ¥8,400 Palmer,A.Smythe Folk-Etymology. A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words Perverted in Form or Meaning by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy. New York; Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1969. Originally published in 1883 by Henry Holt and Company. First Greenwood Reprinting. xxviii,664pp. Covers spotted. Spine spotted. Edges somewhat foxed. Top edge somewhat spotted. The others sl.spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed & spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 23.4x15.5cm. [L03347-605190] その他 英語辞典 1081 英語類義語・語源・発音辞典 1 巻 総革装 ¥84,000 Perry,William The Synonymous, Etymological, and Pronouncing English Dictionary; In Which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, Their Part of Speech Distinguished, Their Pronunciation, Pointed Out, and Their Synonyma Collected, which are Occasionally Illustrated in their Different Significations, by Examples from the Best Writers; Extracted from the Labours of the Late Dr. Samuel Johnson; Being an Attempt to Synonymise His Folio Dictionary of the English Language. To Which is prefixed an English Grammar. London: Printed for John Walker, Cuthell and Martin, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Ogilvy and Son et al., 1805. Full calf, a few scuffs and minor stained. Spine rubbed. Edges foxing. Joints of front and rear e.ps.amateur repaired. 24.5x15.6cm. [d00273-300515] 1082 A.バレール & C.リーランド スラング他英語辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Barrere,Albert & Charles G. Leland. A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant. Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian Slang, Pidgin English, Gypsies' Jargon and Other Irregular Phraseology. 2 vols. Compiled and edited by Albert Barrère and Charles G.Leland. London: George Bell & Sons, 1897. Revised edition (first issued privately 1889). xix,500pp./ 415pp. Bound in green cloth and tan buckram. Title page printed in red and black. Spines darkened, boards sl.rubbed at edge, edges darkened. E.ps.of each vol. somewhat stained and joints started. E.p.of vol.1peeled at joint. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. 21.5x15.5cm. [d00318-300559] 1836-1837 年 2巻 総革装 ¥94,500 Richardson,Charles A New Dictionary of the English Language. In 2 vols. London: William Pickering, 1836 & 1837. First edition in book form. 71pp.+1183(1184)pp.+59pp./ 1185-2222(2223)99.+124pp. Full calf, raised bands and gilt titles to spines. Marbled edges and e.ps. Text in 3 column. Boards and spines of each vol.rubbed and chipped at corner, spines partly torn. Joint of each vol.cracked (vol.I at front flyleaf, vol.II at title page. 各巻表紙外れ). Pages partly stained (top and bottom edges of vol.I, and from front flyleaves to p.11 of vol.II). Front flyleaf and half title page of vol.I tron. 28x23cm. [d00329-300570] 1083 C.リチャ-ドソン英語辞典 128 辞典・事典 1084 英語連語辞典 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Kjellmer,Göran A Dictionary of English Collocations. Based on the Brown Corpus. In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Vol.1: xliii,724pp. Vol.2: 725 - 1486pp. Vol.3: 1487 - 2241. d.w. Near fine condition. 25.3x19.5cm. [d00296-300537] 1085 オックスフォード イディオム辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Cowie,A.P., R.Mackin & I.R.McCaig Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Vol.1: Verbs with Prepositions & Particles. Vol.2: Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms. Oxford UP., 1975, 1983. First published. lxxxi,396pp./ lxiii,685pp. A clipped paper pasted on rear paste-down to vol.2. [L01126-600740] 1086 Room's Dictionary of Distinguishables. (類義語辞典) 1 巻 Room,Adrian Room's Dictionary of Distinguishables. published. 132pp. [L01182-602885] ¥3,360 Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. First 1087 バーンスタイン 英語逆引き辞典 1 巻 ¥3,360 Bernstein,Theodore M. Bernstein's Reverse Dictionary. 2nd Edition. Revised and Expanded by David Grambs. Times Book, 1988. xi,351pp. d.w. [L01193-600311] 1088 外来語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Erlich,Eugene ed. The Harper Dictionary of Foreign Terms. Third Edition. Revised and edited by Eugene Ehrlich. Based on the Original Edition Compiled by C.O.Sylvester Mawson. Harper & Row, 1987. xviii,423pp. d.w. [L00631-600929] 1089 英語廃語辞典 1 巻 ¥3,360 Grambs,David The Endangered English Dictionary. Bodacious Words Your Dictionary Forgot. New York, London: W.W.Norton & Co., 1994. First edition. xiv,264pp. d.w. [L00968-601221] 1090 Hudson,Kenneth ¥5,250 The Dictionary of Diseased English. The Mcmillan Press Ltd., 1977. First published. xxviii,267pp. d.w. Its spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Eps sl.foxed. Flyleaves partly & sl.foxed. Pages sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 22.2x14.5cm. [L03191-605034] 1091 Lazarus,Arnold/ Andrew MacLeish/ H.Wendell Smith Modern English. A Glossary of Literature and Language. 462pp. d.w. sl.stained. [L02617-604477] ¥5,250 New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1971. 1092 英語文体辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Reum,Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style. Published with the Cooperation of A.H.J.Knight, Trinity College, Cambridge. 名著普及会 1984. 復刻版 Originally published by Verlagsbuchhandlung J.J.Weber, Leipzig, 1931. viii,771pp. Slip case sunned. 附「活用の手引き」 (11pp.) [L02920/L01683-602831] 1093 英語文体辞典 1 巻 復刻版 ¥10,500 Reum,Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style. Published with the Cooperation of A.H.J.Knight, Trinity College, Cambridge. 名著普及会 1985. 復刻版 Originally published by Verlagsbuchhandlung J.J.Weber, Leipzig, 1931. viii,771pp. With slip case partly sunned. Its margin sl.chipped. Spine of covers sunned. 附「活用の手引き」欠 26.3x19.0cm. [d00303-300544] 1094 Saussy III,George Stone ¥3,360 The Oxter English Dictionary. Uncommon Words Used by Uncommonly Good Writers. New York & Bicester: Facts on File, 1984. xii,277pp. Small stamped on title page. Ink noation to several pages. [L01219-602984] 1095 イラストレイティッド・ロンドン・ニュース刊 スペリング・ブック ¥15,750 1850 年 手彩色図版多数 クロース装 The Illustrated London Spelling Book. London: Published at the Office of the Illustrated London News, 1850. 140pp. Red cloth, gilt emblem with blind motif on front board and blind motif on rear 129 辞典・事典 board, partly darkened. With numerous hand colored illus. Joints of e.ps.cracked and repaired with tapes, and joint of p.4 started. Ink notation to front e.ps. 21x13.7cm. [aj201-300155] 1096 オーストラリア口語英語辞典 1 巻 ¥3,360 Wilkes,G.A. A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms. London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978. First published in Great Britain. xii,370pp. d.w. [L01029-603687] 1097 Annandale, Charles ¥15,750 The New Gresham Dictionary of the English Language. With Supplement by William Keith Leask, J.R.Ainsworth-Davis & John Dougall: also Sundry Useful Addenda. The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd. 1925 xi,947pp. Cloth. Half calf. Margin of covers rubbed. All edges marbled & foxed. End papers foxed. Almost all pages somewhat scatter spotted. 23.6x17cm. [d00297-300538] イギリス英語 1098 J.ライト(編) 英国方言辞典 6巻 クロース装 ¥52,500 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the Publications of the English Dialect Society and on a Large Amount of Material Never Before Printed. In 6 vols. Oxford UP, 1981. Reprinted photographically in Japan. Vol.1:A-C Vol.2: D-G Vol.3: H-L Vol.4:M-Q Vol.5: R-S Vol.6: T-Z. Bounud in blue gray cloth. Light stained to spine of vols.1, 2, & 6. Top edge sl.darkened. 2columns. (Vol.1 has some 3columns pages, Vol.6 has some 4columns pages.)26.5x19.7cm. [d00291-300532] 1099 J.ライト(編) 英国方言辞典 6巻 クロース装 ¥99,750 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. In 6 vols. Oxford UP, 1986. Vol.1:A-C Vol.2: D-G Vol.3: H-L Vol.4:M-Q Vol.5: R-S Vol.6: T-Z. Dark purple boards with gilt titles on spines, dustwrappers. 2columns. (Vol.1 has some 3columns pages, Vol.6 has some 4columns pages.) d.w. 26.7x19.5cm. [d00198-300159] 1100 J.ライト(編) 英国方言辞典 千城版 1898-1905年 6巻 背革装 ¥105,000 Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary,being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. In 6 vols. (London: Published by Henry Frowde, Amen Corner, E.C. 1898-1905.) Reproduced by Senjo Publishing. Vol.1:A-C Vol.2: D-G Vol.3: H-L Vol.4:M-Q Vol.5: R-S Vol.6: T-Z. Dark purple boards with gilt titles on spines, dustwrappers. 2columns. (Vol.1 has some 3columns pages, Vol.6 has some 4columns pages.)With preserved box. [300162] 1101 イースト・アングリア語彙集 2 巻 クロース装 ¥12,600 Forby,Robert The Vocabulary of East Anglia. Originally Published in 1830 (F.B.Nichols and Son, London). In 2 vols. Devon: David & Charles Reprints, 1970. xlvii,125pp./ 126-435pp. Dust wrappers of each vol.partly stained and sl.rubbed st edge. Edges sl.spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. 20.3x14cm. [d00317-300558] 1102 新コーンウォール語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Nance,R.Morton A New Cornish=English Dictionary (Gerlyver Noweth Kernewek Ha Sawsnek). Cornwall; James Lanham Ltd., 1938. xii,209pp. Printed for the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 21.1x16.5cm. [d00345-300587] 130 辞典・事典 アメリカ英語 1103 M.マシューズ米語辞典 1 巻 復刻版 クロース装 ¥21,000 Mathews,Mitford M. ed. A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles. Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1985. 復刻版. First Published by The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1951. xvi,1946pp. With slip case partly sunned. d.w. Its spine somewhat stained. Top edge partly spotted. Fore & lower edges sl.stained. 28.0x22.0cm. [d00304-300545] 1104 アメリカ方言辞典 1巻 復刻版 クロース装 Wentworth,Harold American Dialect Dictionary 名著普及会 1981. Reprinted. Originally published in U.S.A., 1944. With slip case. [d00195-300258] ¥15,750 xv,747pp. 1105 The Two-Word Verb. 1巻 ¥8,400 Meyer,George A. The Two-Word Verb. A Dictionary of the Verb-Preposition Phrases in American English. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolaivan Wijk Dedicata. Series Didactica,19] Mouton, 1975. 269pp. Some scattered foxing on tp verso. [L01573-602299] 1106 The Two-Word Verb. 1巻 ¥8,400 Meyer,George A. The Two-Word Verb. A Dictionary of the Verb-Preposition Phrases in American English. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolaivan Wijk Dedicata. Series Didactica,19] Mouton, 1975. 269pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L02551-604376] 英語スラング辞典 1107 ファーマー&ヘンリイ俗語辞典 7 巻 復刻版 ¥68,250 Farmer, John. S. & W. E. Henley compile and ed. Slang and Its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of all Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. In 7 vols. n.d. Senjo edition, reprinted from the edition of 1890-1903. Each vol.: With slip case partly & sl.spotted, stained. Small red pnecil notation & mark to it. Covers sl.spotted. Edges sl.foxed. E.ps., flyleaves & half title page partly & sl.spotted. Vol.V : Rear cover partly rubbed. Vol.VII : Edges sl.spotted. 23.3x18.5cm. [d00338-300580] 1108 Whistlin' Dixie. By Robert Hendrickson. 1 巻 ¥4,200 A Dictionary of Southern Expressions. [Facts On File Dictionary of American Regional Expressions, vol.1] New York: Facts On File, 1993. xxxi,251pp. d.w. [L01185-601425] 1109 Passing English of the Victorian Era. By J.Redding Ware. 1 巻 ¥5,250 A Dictionary of Heterodox English, Slang, and Phrase. Wakefield: EP Publishing, 1972. Republished (first published in London by George Routledge & Sons, 1909). viii,271pp. Dust wrapper sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Ink ownership signature to front e.p. [L02255-603584] 1110 Dictionary of American Slang. Comp.by Harold Wentworth & Stuart Berg Flexner. 1 巻 With a Supplement. New York: Thomas Y.Crowell Co., 1967. xviii,718pp. d.w. ¥5,250 [L02578-603653] ラテン語辞典 1111 ファアショラーティ & フォアシェリーニ ラテン語辞典 最良版 ¥399,000 1828 年 2 巻・3 冊 総革装 Facciolati,Jacobi & Ægidii Forcellini Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Consilio et cura Jacobi Facciolati opera et studio Ægidii Forcellini…The universal Latin lexicon…a new edition….by James Bailey.2 vols. In 3. London Baldwin and Cradock: William Pickering,1828. Best edition (first published in 1771); large 4to, portrait frontispiece, text in triple column; full contemporary calf neatly rebacked; a very good, sound and handsome copy. Facciolati (1682-1769) and Forcellini (1688-1768) were both philologists and lexicographers at Padua, the latter being the student and later the collaborator of the 131 辞典・事典 former. Their editorial work on the 1719 Calepino convinced them of the need for a totally new work. Forcellini spent 40 years reading all of the classical Latin writers. He also studied inscriptions, coins, and medals. The resulting vocabulary is enormous, and proved to be the basis for all subsequent works of the king. "Best edition of this classical and unrivalled performance. In it the Latin has been rendered into English; the Paduan supplement incorporated, and upwards of 20,000 words introduced by the learned editor. In the appendices will be found Tursellinus on the Particles of the Latin language, Gerrard's Siglarium Romanun, and Gesner's etymological index" (Lowndes). Ebert 7788: "A greatly prized work." [300030] 1112 ギリシャ-ラテン ラテン-ギリシャ語辞典 1 巻 総革装 ¥47,250 Lexicon Manuale Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Graecum: Studio Atque Opera Josephi Hill, Joannis Entick, Gulielmi Bowyer, Nec Non Thomae Browne, Vocabulorum Undecim Quasi Millibus Auctum; et Insuper Quoque ad Calcem Adjectae Sunt Sententiae Graeco-Latinae, quibus Omnia Gr.Ling.Primitiva Comprehenduntur. Item Tractatus Duo: Alter de Resolutione Verborum, de Articulus Alter: Uterque Perutilis, et Aeque Desideratus. Londini: Sumptibus J.Johnson; W.J.& J.Richardson; R.Baldwin et al., 1805. viii,680pp.(Graeco-Latinum)+ 176pp.(Latino-Graecum) Full calf, sl.stained and partly torn at spine. Edges foxing. E.ps.damp stained. Small worm hole to margin of pages. 21.7x13.7cm. [d00272-300514] 1113 ラテン語-フランス語辞典 1 巻 ¥25,200 Quicherat,L./ Daveluy,A. Dictionnaire Latin - Français. Rédigé sur un nouveau plan. Avec un Vocabulaire des noms géographiques, mythologiques et historiques par L.Quicherat. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1872. Vingt-sixième tirage. xii,1292pp.,viii,176pp. Covers and spine sunned and stained. [ds1119-602761] フランス語辞典 1114 スピア&クヮッケンボス スピア&スレネ 仏英発音辞典 ¥84,000 1872 年 2巻・合本1冊 背革装 Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias, Etc. and from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary.…Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872. xxii,666pp. [with] Spiers and Surenne's English and French Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc and from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias,etc. Containing a Great Number of Words not Found in Other Dictionary. …Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872. iv,650pp. 2 vols.in One. Half morocco with brown cloth sl. rubbed at edges, gilt title to spine rubbed. All edges red. Sunned. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaf by R.Yatabe (開成学校教授:矢田部良 吉博士). 29x23cm. [aj208-300087] 1115 N.ワノストロヒト 仏・英辞典 1783 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥29,400 A Classical Vocabulary, French and English; To which is Added, a Collection of Letters, Familiar and Commercial, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. in Both Languages. By N.Wanostrocht. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J.Boosey, 1783. 217pp. Full calf, joints starting to crack. 背文字なし 18x11cm. [d00076-300088] 1116 A.ポーニィ 仏・英書簡模範集 1782 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥29,400 Models of Letters in French and English, Containing a Collection of Familiar Letters and Notes, with Their Answers, on a Variety of Subjects-2dly. Several Letters, both Elegant and Entertaining, Ex132 辞典・事典 tracted from the most Celebrated Epistolary Writers-3dly. Introductory Remarks on the Commercial Style, with Various Specimens of Letters, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. Relative to the Mercantile Business. The Whole Designed for the Instruction and Improvement of such Young Gentlemen and Ladies as are Particularly Desirous of Acquiring the True Style and Exact Manner of French Epistolary Correspondence. By Mr.Porny. London: Printed for C.Nourse and G.Robinson, 1782. The second edition, improved. To which are Annexed Accurate Directions with Regard to the Proper form of Writing to Superiors, Equals, and Inferiors. xii,321pp. Full calf, with clear prastic wrapper. Stamped on front flyleaf. Small hole in several pages. 背文字なし・背部分欠 17.4x11cm. [d00077-300089] 1117 仏伊・伊仏辞典 2 巻 背革装 ¥15,750 Grand Dictionnaire Français-Italien et Italien-Français. Étymologique, Historique et Géographique Rédigé D'aprés les Ouvrages et les Travaux les Plus Récents Avec la Pronounciation dans les Deux Langues Ouvrage Entiérement Refondu et Mis A Jour par Arturo Angeli. In 2 vols. Paris: Librairie Garnier Freres, 1921. xii,979pp. x,1138pp. Decorative gilt leather spine with sl.edge rubbing, dark green cloth goards. Sl.foxing to edges. 小林英夫旧蔵 27.8x18cm. [d00236-300474] 1118 アルバート・バーテル 「現代 英・仏・独 会話」 ¥31,500 1 巻 六合館 1888 年 1巻 クロース装 The Modern Linguist, or Conversations in English, French, and German; Preceded by Rules for the Pronunciation of German, a Copious Vocabulary, and a Selection of Familiar Phrases; and Followed by Models of Receipts, Bills of Exchange, Letters, Notes, Tables of the English, French and German Coins, and of English and French Weights and Measures. Tokio & Osaka: Rikugokwan(六 合館), 1888. xii,170pp. Bound in brown cloth, stained. All edge red. Many pages somewhat stained but text good. Two small ownership stamps on p.1. Joint of title page somewhat damaged. 16x12.7cm. [aj231-300485] 1119 フランス語-プロヴァンス語辞典 2 巻 ¥31,500 Achard,Claude-François Vocabulaire Français-Provençal. I. II. 2vols. Geneve-Paris: Slatkine Reprints. 1983. xviii,732pp. vii,654pp. Reprint of 1785 edition. (Dictionanaire de la Provence et du Comté-Venaissin, Dédié A Monseigneur le Maréchal Prince de Beauvau. Par une Société de Gens de Lettres. ). 2 Small stamps on half title page and title page of each vol. [L02672-604560] 1120 カナダ語-フランス語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Clapin,Sylva Dictionnaire Canadien Français. ou Lexique-Glossaire des Mots, Expressions et Locutions ne se Trouvant pas dans les Dictionnaires Courants et dont l'Usage Appartient Surtout aux Canadiens-français. Avec de Nombreuses Citations Ayant pour but d'Établir les Rapports Existant avec le Vieux Français, l'Ancien et le Nouveau Patois Normand et Saintongeais, l'Anglais et les Dialectes des Premiers Aborigènes. Montréal: C.O.Beauchemin & Fils / Boston: Sylva Clapin, n.d. (c.1894) xlvi,388pp. Burgundy cloth, gitl title to front board and spine. Ex-library (東京帝国大学附属図書館) with labels to spine and stamps on verso of title page. Boards rubbed at edge and page foxing. Ink notation to title page. Some pages light stained. 22.2x15.7cm. [d00325-300566] 1121 Jaubert, M.le Comte ¥31,500 Glossaire Centre de la France. Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales de Napoléon Chaiz et Cie, 1864. Deuxième édition. xiv,732pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned and sl.spotted. Spine damaged. Edges and pages foxing. Several pages damp stained. [and] Supplément au Glossaire Centre de la France. Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales des Chemins de Fer, A.Chaix et Cie, 1869. 159pp. Printed wrappers, somewhat sunned and sl.spotted. Edges and pages foxing. Several pages sl.damp stained and joints started. 28.2x23cm. [L02308-601626] Rey, Alain (sous la direction de) ¥12,600 Dictionnaire Historique de la Langue Française. 2 vols. Paris: Dictionnaires le Robert, 1992. xxi,1156pp./ 1158-2383pp. d.w. With a slip case. [L02307-602835] 1122 133 辞典・事典 イタリア語辞典 1123 G.バレッティ 伊英・英伊辞典 1828 年 2 巻 総革装 ¥84,000 Dizionario Italiano, Ed Inglese (Vol.1) An English and Italian Dictionary (Vol.2). By Joseph Baretti. Prima edizione livornese, diligentemente ordinata, e corretta, ed accresciuta, d'una gran quantità di vocaboli, e d'un'appendice contenente i nomi propri degli uomini e delle donne, ed I principali nomi geografici; e d'una grammatica che faciliterà molto l'intelligenza, e la pronunzia, il parlare, e lo scrivere correttamente. Tomo I.& II. 2 vols. Livorno: G.P.Pozzolini, 1828 & 1829. Two quarto volumes: 36,532pp.; 32,564pp. The grammar sections are printed in double columns and the dictionaries in triple columns. Title-page for Volume 2 is in English (English and Italian Dictionary…The First Edition). Contemporary mottled calf, gilt-stamped spine title, all edges speckled blue. Bindings are slightly edgeworn, sunned at spines, with shallow loss at crowns. Joints of Vol.1 are just starting. Mostly light foxing through text, through occasionally it is a bit heavier, but a solid and very good set overall. 29x22.5cm. [d00061-300029] 1124 G.バレッティ イタリア語辞典 1798 年 革装 ¥105,000 Baretti's Italian Dictionary. [Dizionario Delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese: Al Quale E' Preposta Una Grammatica Delle Due Lingue. Nuova Edizione, Corretta e Migliorata, Da F. Damiani. ] [A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages: To Which is Prefixed, An Italian and Engilsh Grammar. A New Edition, Corrected and Improved by F. Damiani. ] 2 volumes in 1. Londra(London): Preffo i sigg. B. Law: etc, 1898. 4to.(27x21cm) Full-leather, decorative old-style spine. Most pages in 3 colmns. Cover worn, light soiled, otherwise very good. [aj552-300510] ギリシャ語辞典 1125 ギリシャ語語源辞典 (Band II のみ) ¥10,080 Frisk,Hjalmar Griechisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Band II: Kρ-Ω. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. II.Reihe: Wörterbucher] Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1973. Zweite, unveränderte Auflage. 1154pp. The spine stained. [ds0928-601109] 1126 ギリシャ語辞典 2 巻・4 冊 ¥42,000 Passow,Franz Handwörterbuch der Griechischen Sprache. Neu Bearbeitet und Zeitgemäß umgestaltet von Val.Chr.Fr.Rost und Friedrich Palm (vols.I-II), Otto Kreussler und Fred.Peter (vol.II). 2 vols.in 4 books. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1970. (Reprint of the 5th ed., Leipzig, 1841-1857.) xii,754pp./ 756-1884pp./ 1313pp./ 1316-2649pp. Bound in white linen cloth. Spine sunned, faded and small plastic tape pasted. Top edge spotted and bottom edge sl.darkened. E.ps.light spotted. 22.5x16cm. [ds1408-604779] 1127 ドイツ語-ギリシャ語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Schenkl,Karl Deutsch-Griechisches Schul-Wörterbuch. Fübfte,teilweise gekürzte Auflage. [Griechisch-Deutsches und Deutsch-Griechisches Schul-Wörterbuch. II] Leipzig: Druck und Verlag von B.G.Teubner, 1897. viii,1076pp. 1/2 calf sl.faded. [L02676-604564] ドイツ語辞典 1128 (独)グリム・ドイツ語大辞典 全33巻 ペーパー装・函 ¥68,250 Grimm,Jacob & Wilhelm Deutsche Worterbuch In 33 vols. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984. Reprinted from 1854 edition published by Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel. Edges of each vol.somewhat spotted. With 2 cardboard cases. [d00149-300296] 1129 (独)ザンダース・ドイツ語辞典 4巻 復刻版 背革装 ¥47,250 Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. Von Dr.Daniel Sanders. [with] Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch der der Deutschen Sprache. Dervollftändigung und Erweiterung aller bisher erschienenen deutsch=sprachlichen Wörterbücher (einsch134 辞典・事典 liesslich des Grimm'schen). Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. In 4 vols. Tokyo: Sansyusya Verlag (三修社), 1968. Reprinted from the edition 1876, Lipzig: Berlag von Otto Wigand, zweiter unveränderter Abdruck and 1885, Berlin: Ubenheim'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch…). viii,1065pp.+ 825pp.+ 826-1828pp.+ 691pp. Half calf with green cloth. With slip cases (sl.torn at edges). A corner of p.1063 of vol.1 sl.folded. Top edge of each vol.sl.spotted. 28x23cm. [d00153-300300] 1130 (独)ドイツ学事典 2巻 クロース装 ¥16,800 Hofstetter,Walter & Ulrich Peters eds. Sachwörterbuch der Deutschkunde. Unter Förderung durch die Deutsche Akademie. Band I: A-J. / Band II: K-Z. Anhang: Namen- und Sachverzeichnis.Herausgegeben von Walter Hofstetter & Ulrich Peters. Tokyo: Sansyusya Publishing Co., 1976. 2 vols. Reprinted. (The original version was published in Leipzig and Berlin: Verlag und Druck von B.G.Teubner, 1930) viii,604pp. / viii,606-1287pp. / (Anhang) 44pp. With slip cases. [ds0606-300306] 1131 (独)ドイツ語辞典 2 巻 復刻版 背革装 ¥31,500 Weigand,Fr.L.K. Deutsche Worterbuch von Fr. L.K.Weigand. Fünfte Auflage in der neusten für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz gültigen amtlichen Rechtschreibung. Nach des Verfassers Tode vollständig neu bearbeitet von Karl von Bahder, Herman Hirt, Karl Kant. Herausgegeben von Herman Hirt. Easter Band: A bis K. Zweiter Band: L bis Z. In 2 vols. 三修社 1968. xxiii, 1184pp. 1362pp. (Spalten). (Reprinted from the edition of Alfred Töpelmann, 1909. 1910.). Text in German. Some spotting to edges. Spine somewhat rubbed. With slip case(sl. Sunned & torn). 26.2x18.2cm. [d00234-300472] 1132 (独)ドイツことわざ風慣用句辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Röhrich,Lutz Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten. Mit ca.300 Abbildungen. In 2 vols. Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 1974. Dritte auflage. 623pp./ 629-1255pp. Bound in white linen, d.w. With b/w illus. Text in 2 column. Dust wrapper sl.rubbed and sl.chipped. Spine sunned. Edges spotted. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. 24.6x16.2cm. [d00326-300567] 1133 英語-ドイツ語辞典 3 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Schröer,M.M.Arnold & P.L.Jaeger Englisches Handwörterbuch. in genetischer Darstellung auf Grund der Etymologien und Bedeutungsentwicklungen, mit phonetischer Aussprachebezeichnung und Berücksichtigung des Amerikanischen und der Eigennamen. In 3 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1937, 1960 &. 1970. xvi,720pp./ 721-1360pp./1361-2066pp. Blue cloth, gilt title to spine. Text in 2 column. Edges and pages foxing. Ink ownership signature to front flyleaves of each vol. Pencil notations to text of I Band. 24.4x17.8cm. [d00327-300568] 1134 W.ジェームズ 英-独辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥8,400 James,William Dictionary of the English and German Languages. German-English and English-German in One Volume. New York: The Macmillan Co., n.d. Forty-First Edition, Entirely Rewritten and Greatly Enlarged. xii,532pp.+592pp. Covered with a plastic wrapper. Somewhat sunned. Stamped on front flyleaf (and former owner's ink signature) and bottom edge. All edges marbled (faded). 19.7x14cm. [d00093-300308] 1135 獨和他國字書大全 ¥21,000 森林太郎・序 恩田重信・編 1902 年 金原書店 1 巻 第参版 背革装 Vollständigstes Deutsch - Japanisches Fremdwörterbuch. Nebst dem Anhang der Lateinischen Grammatik. Bearbeitet von Sh.Onda. Tokio: Verlag von T.Kanehara, 1902. Dritte auflage. (序 文)+1034pp. Marbled boards (rubbed) backed in calf (rubbed and chipped), gilt title, gilt illus.of tigar with blind embossed motifs to spine. Edges marbled and sunned. Stamped on title page and ownership stamped on p.1034. 岩崎克己旧蔵 23x16.2cm. [d00270-300512] 1136 E.アグリコラ ドイツ語辞典 2 巻 ¥8,400 Agricola,Erhard, Wolfgang Fleischer & Helmut Protze hrsg. Die Deutsche Sprache. Herausgegeben von Erhard Agricola, Wolfgang Fleischer und Helmut Protze unter Mitwirkung von Wolfgang Ebert. 135 辞典・事典 [Kleine Enzyklopädie] 2 vols. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1969-1970. 1. Auflage. 613pp. / 640-1174pp.+20.Tafel+3.Falttafel. Spines and all edges of each vol.sunned. 図版 [ds1352-603812] 1137 高地ドイツ語-低地ドイツ語辞典 12 巻 ¥75,600 Buurman,Otto Hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch. Auf der Grundlage ostfriesischer Mundart. 12 vols. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1962-1975. xviii,959pp./ 974pp./ 952pp./ 960pp./ 908pp./ 956pp./ 954pp./ 962pp./ 948pp./ 976pp./ 854pp./ 368pp. 971-974pp.of 'band 10' are blank, and the margin of its cover sl.stained. [ds0955-600002] 1138 M.ヘイン ドイツ語辞典 1 巻 ¥31,500 Heyne,M. Deutsches Wörterbuch. I: A-G. Mit einer Einführung und Bibliographie von Gerhard Wahrig. II: H-Q. III: R-Z. Dodaumenta Linguistica. Quellen zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von Ludwig Erich Schmitt. Reihe III. Wörterbücher der 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von Hans Peter Althaus. Hildeshein,New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970. x,1282pp. 1238pp. Xxvi,1463pp. [L02662-604551] 1139 外来語辞典 1 巻 Kienle,Richard von Fremdwörter Lexikon. 511pp. d.w. [L02633-604489] ¥5,250 München: Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, n.d. 1140 中低ドイツ語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Lübben,August Mittelniederdeutsches Handwörterbuch. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers Vollendet von Christoph Walther. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1980. Diesem reprografischen Nachdruck wurde die Ausgabe Norden und Leipzig 1888 zugrunde gelegt. x,599pp. Spine sl.faded & spotted. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Edges sl.foxed. Fore edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. 22.5x15.4cm. [d00346-300588] ケルト語派に関する辞典 1141 古ケルト語辞典 3 巻 クロース装 ¥78,750 Holder,Alfred Alt-Celtischer Sprachschatz. In 3 vols. Graz: Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1961. Red underlined to several pages of vol.I. 24.7x17.8cm. [d00131-300480] 1142 古代ゴール語の方言 4 巻 製本済 クロース装 ¥25,200 Whatmough,Joshua The Dialects of Ancient Gaul. Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects. In 4 vols. Harvard UP., 1970 All Texts in 4 vols. bound are xeroxed print. [300481] 1143 ゲール語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥21,000 Dónaill,Niall Ó; a chuir in eagar Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla. Eagarthóir Comhairleach: Tomás de Bhaldraithe. tSoláthair; Baile Átha Cliath, 1977. xii,1309pp. d.w. Edges sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. 24.2x16.0cm. [L03425-605269] 1144 ドウェリー 挿絵入り ゲール語‐英語辞典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥6,300 Dwelly, Edward compile The Illustrated Gaelic-English Dictionary (Faclair Gaidhlig Gubeurla Le Dealbhan). Containing every Gaelic word and meaning given in all previously published Doctionaries, and a great number never in print before. To which is prefixed A Concise Gaelic Grammar. 675 Illustratons. Glasgow; Gairm Publications, 1977. Ninth Edition. xiv,1034pp. d.w. Covers sl.foxed. Edges sl.foxed. Top edge spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. 21.0x14.0cm. [d00354-300596] 1145 N.マカルピン ゲール語-英語発音辞典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥10,500 MacAlpine,Neil comp. Pronouncing Gaelic-English Dictionary. Glasgow: Gairm Publications, 1975. vi,281pp. Formerly published as Part 1 of MacAlpine's Pronouncing Gaelic Dictionary. d.w. 22.5x14.5cm. [d00096-300140] 1146 ゲール語辞典 (ゲール語-英語・英語-ゲール語) 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 MacLeod,Norman & Daniel Dewar A Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, in Two Parts, I. Gaelic and English. II. English and Gaelic. First Part Comprising A Comprehensive Vocabulary of Gaelic 136 辞典・事典 Words, With Their Different Significations in English and the Second Part Comprising a Vocabulary of English Words, With Their Various Meanings in Gaelic. London: Henry G.Bohn, 1845. vii,1005pp. Bound in dark green cloth, blind embossed to boards. Gilt title to spine. Fore edge untrimed. Boards sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxing. Ex-libris.to front e.p. (Sigillum Coulthart). Some pages sl.sspotted. 23.5x15cm. [d00320-300561] 1147 ケルト語-ドイツ語辞典 2 巻 クロース装 ¥31,500 Obermüller,Wilhelm Deutsch - Keltisches, Geschichtlich - Geographisches Wörterbuch. Zur Erklärung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Völker- und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und Nord-Afrikas im allgemeinen wie insbesondere Deutschlands nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen für die Urgeschichte der Menschheit. In 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Dr.Martin Sändig, 1979. 2.unveräbderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1868. xviii,572pp./ 1049pp. Light blue cloth, gilt title to front board and spine. Front board, spine and fore edge of band 2 sl.spotted. 21.6x16cm. [d00321-300562] 1148 ケルト語辞書学資料 ¥189,000 3 巻+1 冊「Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C.」 背革装(改装) Stokes,Whitley & Kuno Meyer eds. Archiv für Celtische Lexikographie. In 3 vols. Herausgegeben von Whitley Stokes und Kuno Meyer. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1900. I.Band: 1900. (627pp.) II.Band: 1904. (504pp.) III.Band: 1907. (345pp.) p.49 through p56 ofBand.III duplicated, with no missing page. [and] Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1906. (xxxi,574pp.+ a part of section"D" (p.575-)670pp.) Rebound with calf backed brown cloth, green title labes with gilt lettering to spine. Edges untrimed and light foxing. 25.3x17.5cm. [d00309-300550] 1149 ウェールズ-英語辞典 2 巻 背革装(改装) ¥94,500 Pughe,W.Owen A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, Explained in English; with Numerous Illustrations, from the Literary Remains and from the Living Speech of the Cymmry. To which is prefixed a Welsh grammar. The Second edition. 2 vols. Denbigh: Printed and published by Thomas Gee, 1832. Second edition. Vol.I: 515pp. Vol.II: 687pp.+ 55pp. (An Outline of the Characteristics of the Welsh, and Its Utility in Connection with Other Ancient Languages, for Developing the Primitive Speech of Mankind. By W.Owen Pughe. Denbigh: Printed and published by Thomas Gee, 1832.) Rebound with morocco backed brown cloth, gilt lettering to spine. Edges foxing. Margin of some pages light spotted. 26.5x17cm. [d00310-300551] 1150 T.リチャーズ ウェールズ-英語辞典 1753 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥84,000 Richards,Thomas Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ Thesaurus: Being A British, or Welsh-English Dictionary… To which if Prefixed, A Compendious Welsh Grammar, with all the Rules in English…A Large Collection of British Proverbs. Bristol: Printed and sold by Felix Farley et al.: 1753. Full calf, paper title rabel on spine, sunned and some scuffing, and hinges sl.cracked and starting at the boards and spine. Ex-libris.of "Alan Lubbock" on front paste down. Ink signature by former owner to the margin of title page. 20.5x13cm. [d00099-300148] 1151 T.リチャーズ ウェールズ-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥67,200 Richards,Thomas Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Thesaurus: Being a British, or Welsh-English Dictionary: Containing some thousands of British words more than any Welsh dictionary hitherto published. All the authorities or examples which the learned Dr. Davies gives, in his British-Latin Dictionary, from ancient Poets, Historians & c. are inserted in this, as they are accurate proofs of the significations assign'd to those words: and the words which are added, are often exemplified in the same manner. And to make this work more complete, besides the explications and etymologies of words, many valuable British Antiquities are interspersed through all the parts of it. To which is prefix'd a compendious Welsh Grammar, with all the rules in English. . . . A large collection of British proverbs. Bristol, 1753. Light staining affecting last 10 leaves, early full morocco. Raised bands and handwritten paper label to spine. 13*20cm. xxiii, 68pp, 462pp. [602845] 137 辞典・事典 1152 H.M.エバンズ & W.O.トーマス ウェールズ-英語・英語-ウェールズ辞典 ¥10,500 1975 年 1 巻 クロース装 Evans,H.Meurig & W.O.Thomas Y Geiriadur Mawr: The Complete Welsh-English, English-Welsh Dictionary. Consulting editor: Yr Athro Stephen J.Williams. Llandybie: Christopher Davies / Llandysul: Gomer Press, 1975. Sixth edition. 367pp. Dust wrapper sl.sunned. Ink and pencil notations to paste downs and flyleaves. 21.7x14.5cm. [d00097-300150] 1153 アイルランド語辞典 1巻クロース装 ¥21,000 Dictionary of the Irish Language. Based Mainly on Old and Middle Irish Materials. Compact Edition The Royal Irish Academy, 1990Reprint. viii,632pp.Green cloth with gilt titles on spine. This book originally 22volumes. This compact edition is composed of 4pages of original texts printed in 1page. (各ページ、元のテキストの4ページ分が上下2段で貼り付けられている) Cover sl.stained. Pages fine. 31.5x22.5cm. [d00258-300498] 1154 アイルランド地誌辞典 2 巻+1巻(地図) ¥105,000 Topographical Dictionary of Ireland,Comprising the Several Counties; Cities; Boroughs; Corporate, Market, and Post Towns; Parishes; and Principal Villages; with Historical and Statistical Descriptions: and Embellished with Engravings of the Arms of the Cities, Bishoprics, Corporate Towns, and Boroughs; and of the Seals of the Several Municipal Corporations.2vols & 1vol of Maps of the Kingdom.[Semis's Atlas Comprising the Counties of Ireland.] London: S.Lewis and Co.,1849 &1846.Second Edition. Vol.1: vi,696pp. Vol.2: 684pp. Map: unpagenated.Dark gray cloth with blind motifs, and gilt titles on spine. 2columns. Vol.1: A-J. Vol.2: K-Z.Each volume: Sunned and stained. Spottings on some pages. End papers repaired. Paste down has a large stain. (シールを剥がした跡) Cover partly rubbed and has some scuffings. Vol.3(Maps): Two stamped (one of blind) on title page. Also, ink notation on tp, too. 29.5x23cm. [d00259-300499] 1155 英語-アイルランド語辞典 1 巻 ¥10,500 De Bhaldraithe,Thomás ed. English-Irish Dictionary. [Oifig Díolta Foilseacháin Rialtais] Oifig an tSoláthair, 1959. xii,864pp. Navy cloth, gilt titel to front boar and spine. Edges foxing. Ink notations and bookseller's stamp on front e.p. Pencil notation to verso of half title page. Rear e.p.partly stained. 22.2x15cm. [d00323-300564] 1156 アイルランド語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Dinneen,Patrick S. ed. Focloir Gaedhilge Agus Bearla. An Irish-English Dictionary. London: Irish Text Society (President: Douglas Hyde, Chairman: Robin Flower), 1953. Reprinted (This edition first published in 1927). xxx,1342pp.+ list of publications. Green cloth with gilt Celtic motif and gilt title on front board and spine. Boards worn at edge. Edges and pages foxing. Joint of front e.p.started. Some red underlines to text. 20.3x15cm. [d00322-300563] 1157 アイルランド語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥52,500 O'Reilly,Edward & John O'Donovan An Irish-English Dictionary. With Copious Quotations from the Most Esteemed Ancient and Modern Writers, to Elucidate the Meaning of Obscure Words, and Numerous Comparisons of Irish Words with Those of Similar Orthography, Sense, or Sound in the Welsh and Hebrew Languages by Edward O'reilly. With a Supplement, Containing Many Thousand Irish Words, With Their Interpretations in English, Collected Throughout Ireland, and Among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts by John O'Donovan. Doublin: James Duffy, 1864. 725pp. Green cloth with gilt and blind motif on front board and gilt title to spine. Text in 2 column. Repaired with new e.ps. Boards rubbed at edge. Edges and pages foxing. Ink notation to half title page. p.1-p.9 partly torn at joint. 26.1x19.7cm. [d00324-300565] 1158 初等 ブルトン語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Delaporte,R. Elementary Breton-English Dictionary. Geriadurig Brezhoneg-Saozneg. Cork University Press, 1979. xviii,110pp. Printed wrappers. Near fine condition. [L03139-604806] 1159 フランス語-ブルトン語辞典 1 巻 背革装(改装) Vallée,François ¥18,900 Grand Dictionnaire Français-Breton. Suivi du "Supplément". Avec le Concours 138 辞典・事典 de E.Ernault & R.Le Roux. Glomel: Association Bretonne de Culture, 1980. 2e édition. xli,814pp.+"supplement"(xiii,176pp.) Rebound with calf backed marbled boards, gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Boards sl.rubbed at corners and edges light foxing. 22.5x14.8cm. [d00319-300560] スコットランド語辞典 1160 スコットランド語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Brown,Captain Thomas A Dictionary of the Scottish Language; Comprehending All the Words in Common Use in the Writing of Scott, Burns, Wilson, Ramsay, and Other Popular Scottish Authors. London; Simpkin & Marshal, and James Gilbert, / Manchester; James Ainsworth, 1845. 154pp. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Spine sunned. Edges foxed & sl.stained. Top edge sl.darkened. Small ink ownerhsip signature to front flyleaf. Pages somewhat foxed. 17.8x11.1cm. [L03363-605206] アジア・中東の言語に関する辞典 1161 ウィリアム・ジョーンズ (著) ペルシャ語文法 第3版 1783 年 ¥78,750 Jones,William A Grammar of the Persian Language. The Third Edition, with an Index. London: Printed by W.Richardson for J.Murray, 1783. xix,148pp.+advertisement+index. Marginal browning, without half title, inscription, contemporary marbled boards with worn calf corners, nicely rebacked in gilt rule eddged raised bands with gilt lettered title label to spine. 25x19.3cm. [aj242-300284] 1162 ベートリンク(編) サンスクリット語大辞典7巻覆刻版 ¥94,500 Böhtlingk,Otto and Roth,Rudolph Sanskrit-Wörterbuch. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie Wissenschaften, Bearbeitet von Otto Böhtlingk und Rudolph Roth. Erster Theil.(1852-1855) Neudruck der St.Petersburg Ausgabe von 1855-1875. In 7 vols. 名著普及会 1976. unpaginated. (Vol.1: xii,571pp. Vol.2: 550pp. Vol.3: 508pp. Vol.4: 607pp. Vol.5: 839pp. Vol.6: 753pp. Vol.7: 911pp.)Erster Theil: 1852-1855. Zweiter Theil: 1856-1858. Dritter Theil: 1859-1861. Vierter Theil: 1862-1865. Fünfter Theil: 1865-1868. Sechster Theil: 1868-1871. Siebenter Theil: 1872-1875. Leather, dustwrapper. 2columns. Sanskrit-German. Fine as new. 新品同様 26.8x20cm. [d00263-300502] 1163 ベートリンク(編) 簡約サンスクリット語辞典 3 巻 ¥31,500 Böhtlingk,Otto von Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in Kürzerer Fassung. 3 vols. Tokyo: Meicho-Dukyu-kai (名著普及会), 1976. (Neudruck der St.Petersburg Ausgabe von 1879-1889.) (I) Erster theil: vi,299pp. Zweiter theil: iv,301pp. Dritter theil: iv,265pp. (II) Vierter theil: iv,302pp. Fünfter theil: ii,264pp. (III) Sechster theil: 306pp. Siebenter theil: ii,390pp. Bound in dark blue cloth. Edges sl.spotted. Spines of vols.I & II rubbed and partly torn at edge. (簡約・増補 サンスクリット語辞典・復刻 版・合本 3 冊 <オリジナルは全 7 冊>) 27x19.5cm. [L02808-604406] 1164 F.エジャートン 仏教混淆梵語文法および辞典 2 巻クロース装 ¥31,500 Edgerton,Franklin Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary. Vol.I: Grammar. Vol.II: Dictionary. 2 vols. Delhi et al.: Motilal Banarsidass, 1985. Reprint (first edition: New Haven, 1953. [William Dwight Whitney Linguistic Series (Yale Univ.)]). xxx,239pp./ 627pp. Bound in dark red (vol.I) and dark brown cloth (vol.II). Gilt title to spine. Edges light foxing and top edge sl.spotted. 28.3x22.5cm. [d00282-300523] 1165 サンスクリット-中国語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Eitel,Ernest J. Being A Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary. With Vocabularies of Buddhist Terms in Pali, Singhalese, Siamese, Burmese, Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese. [Handbook of Chinese Buddhism] New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1981. 228pp. Dust wrapper sl.stained and sl.rubbed at edge. Half title page stained. Numbering stamped on rear e.p. [L02820-604420] 1166 ヘルマン・グラスマン 「リグ・ヴェーダ」辞典 1 巻 ¥21,000 Grassmann,Hermann Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1976. 5.,unveränderte Auflage. viii,1776pp. [L02665-604554] 139 辞典・事典 1167 モニエル 梵英辭典 1 巻 クロース装 ¥21,000 Monier-Williams,Sir Monier A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages by Sir Monier Monier-Williams. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, / 大雅堂, 昭 18. New Edition, Greatly Enlarged and Improved with the Collaboration of Professor E. Leumann, Professor C. Cappeller and Other Scholars. 1899. xxxiv,1333pp. India paper. With preserved box, sl.sunned & sl.stained. Box edges sl.rubbed. Dark blue cloth. Its spine sl.sunned. Edges sl.stained. Book-shop label on rear ep. 26.7x19.8cm. [d00341-300584] 1168 英印辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥15,750 Whitworth,George Clifford An Anglo-Indian Dictionary. A Glossary of Indian Terms Used in English, and of Such English or Other Non-Indian Terms as Have Obtained Special Meanings in India. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1885. xv,350pp. Bound in deep red cloth, gilt title to spine, rubbed. Edges, flyleaves, and half title page foxing. Joint of front e.p.sl.started. 22.5x14.5cm. [d00284-300525] 1169 ビルマ語-英語辞典 4 巻 ペーパー装 ¥21,000 A Burmese-English Dictionary. Part I. Compiled by J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. With the Assistance of Kin Maung Lat. (London: Luzac & Co., 1940. xvi,40pp.) Part II. Compiled under the Direction of J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn and Hla Pe. (Published under the auspices of the Univ.of Rangoon by Luzac & Co., London, 1950. vii,41-120pp.) Part III. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn, Hla Pe and H.F.Searle. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1955. vi,121-200pp.) Part IV. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. Revised and Edited by Hla Pe, H.F.Searle and A.J.Allott. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1963. 201-280pp.)4 vols. Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Rear cover of 'Part IV' sl.torn. 31x25cm. [d00247-300487] 1170 ビルマ語-英語辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥12,600 Judson's Burmese-English Dictionary. Unabridged, Centenary Edition. As Revised and Enlarged by Robert C.Stevenson and Rev.F.H.Eveleth. Rangoon: Baptist Board of Publications, 1953. 1123pp. Bound in ivory cloth, sl.stained. Gilt title to front board. Edges sl.foxing. India paper. 23.8x16cm. [d00287-300528] 1171 シャン語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Cushing,J.N. A Shan and English Dictionary. Westmead (England): Gregg International Publishers, 1971. Republished from 1914 edition, published by American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon. 708pp. Bound in blue cloth, gilt title to spine, sunned. Edges sl.foxing and sl.spotted. 22.5x15.5cm. [d00285-300526] 1172 ベトナム語-英語 英語-ベトナム語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Vietnamese - English and English - Vietnamese Dictionary. Lê-Bá-Khanh and Lê-Bá-Kông. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1975. Sixth printing. 388pp.+482pp. Dust wrpper sl.sunned and sl.rubbed at edge. Edges somewhat spotted. 19x14.5cm. [d00176-300329] 1173 英語-ベトナム語辞典 1 巻 ¥15,750 Anh-Việt Từ-Diển. English Vietnamese Dictionary. Nguyěn-Vǎn-Khôn. Tổng Phát Hành: Hổ-Ván-Hoài. Việt-Dăng, n.d. 1741pp. Sunned. E.ps.sl.spotted. 24.5x16.5cm. [d00186-300331] 1174 ドイツ語-ベトナム語辞典 1 巻 ¥7,560 Ferkinghoff,Klaus ed. Deutsch-Vietnamesisches Wörterbuch. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1962. 110pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on half title page, title page and p.1. Notation to half title page. [ds1211-600995] 1175 マノボ語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Elkins,Richard E. Manobo-English Dictionary. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.3] Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1968. xix,356pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on front cover and title page with notations. Red underlined to 'preface'. [ds1193-600923] 140 辞典・事典 1176 英語-マオリ語辞典 1 巻 ¥10,080 Ngata,H.M. English-Maori Dictionary. Whanganui ā Tara: Te Pou Taki Kōrero / Wellington: Learning Media, 1994. Second impression. xvi,559pp. d.w. [ds1289-602436] 1177 デフ語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,720 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.6. Dehu-English Dictionary by D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. v,137pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on Front cover and title page. Notations to front cover and introduction. [ds1272-603997] 1178 英語-デフ語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,720 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.7. English-Dehu Dictionary by D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. iii,162pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page with notation. [ds1273-603998] 1179 ネンゴネ語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.9. Nengone Dictionary, Part 1: Nengone-English by D.T.Tryon and M.-J.Dubois. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1969. vii,445,5pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page with notation. Red underlined to introduction. [ds1274-603999] 1180 トアリピ語-英語辞典 (A to Mer) 1 巻 ¥6,720 Oceania Linguistic Monographs. No.11 A Dictionary of Toaripi with English-Toaripi Index, Part 1: Toaripi-English, A to Mer, (pp.1-188) by H.A.Brown. Australia: Univ.of Sydney, 1968. viii,188pp. Printed wrappers. Stamped on title page. Notation to front cover and several pages. Red underlined. Several pages marked with pasted papers or cellophane tapes. [ds1236-604011] 1181 イバン語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Richards, Anthony compile An Iban-English Dictionary. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1981. xxx,417pp. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Pencil notations in some pages. Blue pencil notation & small stamp by former owner on title page. 22.2x14cm. [d00347-300589] 1182 H.A.イェシュケ チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻改装本 ¥21,000 Jäschke,H.A. The Tibetan-English Dictionary. With Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects. To which is Added an English-Tibetan Vocabulary. London, 1881. Prepared and published at the charge of the secretary of state for India in council. xxii,671pp. Rebound in cloth. From title page to page-xvi repaired. Title page stained, with ink notations and a stamp. Damp stained to margin of pages. 26.4x19.5cm. [d00279-300520] 1183 バック チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Buck,Stuart H. Tibetan-English Dictionary with Supplement. Bureau of Special Reserch in Modern Languages. [The Catholic Univ.of America Press Publications in the Languages of Asia 1] Washington,D.C.: The Catholic Univ.of America Press, 1969. xviii,833pp. Bound in red cloth, sl.darkened. Edges and e.ps.foxing. 23.4x15.8cm. [d00276-300517] 1184 チョマ・ド・ケレシュ チベット語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥10,500 De Körös,Alexander Csoma Essay Towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English. Prepared by Alexander Csoma de Körös. With the Assistance of Sangs-Rgyas Phun-Tshogs. [Bibliotheca Himalayica. Series II, vol.4] New Delhi: Manjuśrī Publishing House, 1973. Reprinted (first published in 1834). xxii,351pp. Bound in red cloth, partly stained. Gilt title to spine. Colored top edge (red). Edges sl.stained. 28.5x22.2cm. [d00280-300521] 1185 チョマ・ド・ケレシュ サンスクリット語-チベット語-英語辞典 3冊セット ¥21,000 De Körös,Alexander Csoma Sanscrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary. (1) Part I: New Edition, Enlarged & Corrected by Anil K.Gupta. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1980. (ix,127pp.+appendix: xxviii-pp.) Bound in cloth with Tibetan motif, sl.stained. 28.5x22.2cm. (2) Parts I & II (bound in 1 book). Reboun. Original front covers, title pages, 'Introduction' and 'apendix' missing. (127pp.+129-251pp.) Front & rear boards sl.stained and rubbed. Pages of 'Part I' wormed and repaired. 141 辞典・事典 30.5x25cm. (3) Part III: Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahāvyutpatti by Alexander Csoma de Körös, Edited by Durga Charan Chatterjee. [Memoirs of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol.IV, No.3] Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press. Published by the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1944. (iii,253-390pp.) Printed wrappers, sl.chipped and partly torn at rear cover. Paper title label to spine. 33.5x25.5cm. In 3 books. [d00281-300522] 1186 ダワ・サンドゥプ 英語-チベット語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Dawasamdup,Kazi An English-Tibetan Dictionary. Containing a Vocabulary of Aproximately Twenty Thousand Words with Their Tibetan Equivalents. Compiled by Lama Dawasamdup Kazi. Calcutta: Printed at the Baptist Mission Press and published by the university, 1919. xiv,989pp. Bound in deep red cloth with blind motif and gilt title (English & Tibetan) to front borad. Wholly wormed. Edges of boards rubbed and chipped. Edges and pages light foxing. Front e.p.partly chipped. "New Anglo-Tibetan Dictionary" to p.1.虫喰多数 24.7x16.5cm. [d00277-300518] 1187 ベル 英語-チベット語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Bell,C.A. English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary. Second Edition. Calcutta: The Bengal Secretariat Book Depot, 1920. xxxvi,562pp. Bound in light green cloth, sl.stained at front board. Spine darkened. Edges and pages sl.foxing. Stamped (...Governor of Bengal in Council...) and blind stamped (Institution of Great Britain) on title page . 18.7x13.3cm. [ds1411-605298] 1188 バコ(編) チェ・リン・オウァン・ギャル チベット語-サンスクリット語辞典 ¥15,750 1 巻影印本 ペーパー装 Dictionnaire Tibétan-Sanscrit. Par Tse-Ring-Ouang-Gyal (Che Riṅ Dbaṅ Rgyal). Reproduction Phototypique Publiée par J.Bacot. [Buddhica: Documents et Travaux pour l'Étude du Bouddhisme. Deuxième Série: Documents-Tome II] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930. 101pp. Printed wrappers, sl.rubbed at edge. Reprinted by lithography from original dicionary. 28.5x20cm (Each page(28x38.3cm) folded at the center). [d00278-300519] 中国語辞典 1189 賢文書 (Hien Wun Shoo) 1823 年 1 巻 3/4 革装 ¥157,500 Davis, John Francis comp. Chinese Moral Maxims, With a Free and Verbal Translatioin; Affording Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London: John Murray. Macao: China, Printed at the Honourable Company’s Press, by P P Thoms, 1823. First and only edition. viii,199pp. 21.3x14.5cm. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards, rubbed. Coloured edges. Repaired with new e.p. Joints somewhat started. Ink notation to front e.p. [aj327-704881] 1190 S.W.ウィリアムス (著) 漢英韻府 1874 年 3/4 革装 ¥262,500 Williams,S.Wells A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language; Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation of the Characters as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874. lxxxiv,1252pp. 3/4 calf with brown cloth sl. rubbed at edges, raised bands, gilt title and gilt compartments to spine and somewhat rubbed. Top edge darkened. Joints somewhat started. 27.5x22.5cm. [aj213-300336] 1191 羅布存徳 (原著) 井上哲次郎 (訂増) 増訂 英華字典 明治 16 年 1 巻 総革装 ¥262,500 An English and Chinese Dictionary, By The Rev.W.Lobscheid… as Revised and Enlarged by Tetsujiro Inouye, Bungakushi. Tokio: Published by J.Fujimoto (藤本氏蔵版), 明 16 (1883). 1357pp., 1p (Errata). 28.5x19.5cm. Full calf, somewhat rubbed and worn at edges. marbled e.ps. gilt spine. Joint of front board started. Pages foxing. Ownership stamped on English title page. [aj329-704882] 1192 クヴルール (著) 華羅辞典 1892 年 2巻・1 冊 ¥126,000 Couvreur,S.(Séraphin) Dictionarium Sinicum & Latinum ex Radicum Ordine dispositum. Dispositum, Selectis Variorum Scriptorum Sententiis Firmatum ac Illustratum. Ho Kien Fou (河北省 河間府): ex Missione Catholica, 1892. xix,1200pp. 24.5x16cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps., 2 vols.in one book. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大學) with stamps. Pages light foxing. [aj343-704884] 142 辞典・事典 1193 ジャイルズ (著) 華英辞典 1912 年 2 巻・4冊 第 2 版 ¥315,000 Giles,Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 2 parts, 4 books. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, & Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh / London: Bernard Quaritch, 1912. Part I (index, etc.): xviii,84pp. Part II (dictionary): vol.I; 592pp. vol.II; 593-1184pp. vol.III: 1185-1711pp., (Errata). 32.5x26.5cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University 東京帝國大學) with stamps. Pages light foxing, some margin light stained. A Corner of p.553 (554) of 'part II, vol.I' partly missing, but not affected to the text. [aj344-704885] 1194 翁良・楊士熙 (編纂) 英華合解 英文習語大全 1935 年 第3版 ¥12,600 A Complete Dictionary of English Phrases. With Bilingual Explanations. By Y.F.Ong and Y.L.Yang. 上海:商務印書館 (Shanghai: The Commercial Press), 中華民国 24 年(1935 年). Third edition. Dark red cloth (rubbed and partly peeled), gilt title to front cover and spine. Some stains to covers. Edges and pages sunned. Joint of front e.ps.repaired with paper tapes, and joint of rear e.ps.and the colophon started. Stamped to title page (3 stamps with ink notation), "Preface", vii, xxv, 1pp., and the colophon. Small ink notations to several pages. 22.8x16cm. [d00245-300484] 1195 ヴァッカリィ (著) エービーシー式漢和英大辞典 2巻 ¥31,500 Vaccari,Oreste & Mrs. Enko Elisa A. B. C. Japanese-English Dictionary. An Entirely New Method of Classification of the Chinese-Japanese Characters.In 2 vols. Vaccari's Language Institute, 1959. With Extra Copy of A. B. C. Kanji Alphabet and Radicals Tables. Second edition, Revised and Enlarged. d.w. [300335] 1196 厦英大辭典 1899 年 1 巻 3/4 革装 ¥157,500 Douglas, Carstairs Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. New Edition, with Corrections by the Author. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1899. xix,612pp. 27.5x19.3cm. 3/4 calf with green cloth boards, sl.rubbed and worn at edges. Repaired with new e.p. Edges foxing. Contents of dictionary arranged in alphabetical order by Chinese sound. Almost all words are accompanied by hand written Chinese symbol. [aj328-704883] そのほかの言語に関する辞典 1197 英語‐リトアニア語 リトアニア語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Pewtress, H.H. and T. Gerikas eds. Marlborough's English-Lithuanian and Lithuanian-English Dictionary. Part I. - English-Lithuanian. Part II. - Lithuanian-English. London; E. Marlborough & Co. Ltd., n.d. 333pp. Spine & rear cover sl.stained. A few ink spots in spine & rear cover. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Top & fore edges somewhat spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Fly leaves & title page foxed. 22x14cm. [d00350-300592] 1198 英語-ラトビア語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Belzēja,Z. J.Curiks, A.Feldhūns, A.Grīnblats, L.Jurka, A.Millere, M.Sosāre, L.Timenčika comp. English-Latvian Dictionary. Latvju Grāmata, Waverly, Iowa, National Latvian Publishers, 1977. Third revised edition. 1009pp. Small date stamp on front flyleaf. [L01915-600283] 1199 英語-ラトビア語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Raškevičs, J. & M.Sosāre English-Latvian Dictionary. Sia Apgāds 《Kuvibuha-5》、Riga, 1993. 558pp. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. [L01957-602803] 1200 ドイツ語-ラトビア語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Celmrauga,I / A.Plēsuma/ A.Straube Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch. (独語-ラトヴィア語辞典) 4. Auflage, neubearbeitet und ergänzt Ungefähr 22000 Wörter. Riga《Avots》, 1984. 814pp. 17.2x12.8cm. [L01954-600590] 143 辞典・事典 1201 ラトビア語-ドイツ語辞典 1 巻 ¥9,450 Latviešu-Vācu Vārdnīca. Sastādijis Autoru Kolektīvs. V.Bisenieka un I.Niseloviča. redakcijā. Pārstrādāts otrais izdevums. Ap 33000 Vārdu. (ラトヴィア語-ドイツ語辞典) Riga 《Avots》 1980. 890pp. Small ink notations to front flyleaf. [L01959-603821] 1202 チェコ語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Poldauf, Ivan compile Czech English Dictionary (Česko anglický slovník). In Cooperation with: Robert Pynsent, Prague; State Publishing House for Educational Literature, 1986. First Edition. 1133pp. d.w. sl.rubbed & faded. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature & exlibris stamp on front fly leaf. Weakly printed in page 1034. Pages somewhat foxed. 22x15.5cm. [d00351-300593] 1203 セルボ=クロアチア語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥5,250 Benson,Morton Serbocroatian-English Dictionary (Srpskohrvatsko-Engleski Rećnik). With the Collaboration of Biljana Šljivić-Šimšić. Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney; Cambridge University Press, [1990] Third Edition. lxv,769pp. Edges somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Red ink underline to last page. 24.2x17.3cm. [d00357-300599] 1204 オックスフォード 露-英辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥6,300 Wheeler,Marcus The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. General Editor: B.O.Unbegaun, with the Assistance of D.P.Costello and W.F.Ryan. xii,918pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. Edges spotted. E.ps.light foxing. 23.7x16.3cm. [d00167-300313] 1205 蘭語語源辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Vries,Jan de Nederlands Etymologisch Woordenboek. Met Aanvullingen, Verbeteringen en Woordregisters door F. de Tollenaere. De Woordregisters op Grond van Excerpten van Maaike Hogenhout-Mulder. Leiden; E.J.Brill. 1971. xxiii,977pp. Covers & spine stained. Spine sl.chipped. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Stamped by former owner on title page. Red & black pencil notations, underlines from title page to page xxiii. 24.5x16.0cm. [L03276-605120] 1206 Jansonius,H. ¥4,200 Groot Nederlands-Engels Woordenboek voor Studie en Practijk. Supplement. (補遺のみ) 1 巻 Leiden: Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1959. 428pp. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [L02840-604448] 1207 Jansonius,H. ¥4,200 Technisch Engels Woordenboek. Nederlands-Engels en Engels-Nederlands. (補遺のみ) 1 巻 Leiden: Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1965. 555pp. Edges, spine and e.ps.foxing.[L02841-604449] 1208 デンマーク語辞典 2 巻 ¥21,000 Dahl,B.T. / H.Hammer Dansk Ordbog for Folket. Første Bind: A-L.. Andet Bind: M-Ø. Udarbejdet af B.T. Dahl, H.Hammer Under Medvirkning af Hans Dahl.2vols. København of Kristiania, Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, 1907. 1914. 628pp. 638pp. double-column pages. Ink signature on titile page by former owner. Stamp on title page. Green cloth and marbled boards. [L01913-600774] 1209 デンマーク語ーフランス語辞典 2 巻 ¥16,800 Blinkenberg,Andreas / Poul Høybye Dansk-Fransk Ordbog. Grundlagt af Margrethe Thiele.BD.1: A-L.. BD.2: M-Ǻ. (デンマークーフランス語辞書) 2 vols. København: NYT Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck,1975. 1976. 1043pp. 1039pp. [L01887.88-600356] 1210 現代 デンマーク語-英語 英語-デンマーク語 辞典 1 巻クロース装 ¥4,200 Vinterberg,Hermann & Jens Axelsen McKay's Modern Danish-English, English-Danish Dictionary. New York: David McKay, 1959. 447pp.+496pp. Coloured edges. Dust wrapper sunned. Rear e.p.partly stained. 21.3x14.7cm. [d00179-300312] 1211 デンマーク語-ルーマニア語辞典 1 巻 Høybye,Poul Dansk-rumænsk Ordbog. Dicţonar Danez-Român. Stamped on title page. d.w. [L01991-601544] Gyldendal, 1985. ¥6,300 805pp. 144 辞典・事典 1212 デンマーク語辞典 1 巻 ¥4,200 Lund,G.F.V. Det Æloste Danske Skriftsprogs Ordforråd. Ordbog Til De Gamie Danske Landskabslove, de Sønderjyske Stadsretter Sant Øvrige Samtidige Sprogmindesmærker. Københavns Universitets fond til Tilvejebrincelse af Læremidler, 1967. vi,176pp. Stamped on title page. [L01985-602096] 1213 デンマーク語‐英語辞典 2 巻 ¥15,750 Vinterberg,Hermann & C.A.Bodelsen Dansk-Engelsk Ordbog. Anden Reviderede og Udvidede Udgave ved C.A.Bodelsen. Medredaktører ; Jens Axelsen, B.Kjærulff Nielsen og Edith Frey. Ottende Oplag med Tillæg. I ; A-Måttevæver. II ; N-Åsyn. 2vols. Gyldendal, 1986. xv,918pp. /viii,928pp. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Top edge green. Fore & lower edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf to each vol. E.ps. somewhat spotted. 24.7x17.5cm. [d00355-300597] 1214 フェロー語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Young, G.V.C. and Cynthia R. Clewer compile Føroysk-Ensk Orđabók (Faroese-English Dictionary). With Faroese folk-lore and proverbs and a section by Professor W.B. Lockwood on Faroese pronunciation. Isle of Man, Mansk-Svenska Publishing Co. Ltd., 1985. First published. 684pp. Covers sl.stained. Edges sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Some spots in p.2, 14, 15. 22.6x16cm. [d00349-300591] 1215 スウェーデン語‐英語辞典 1 巻 ¥8,400 Harlock, Walter E. Svensk-Engelsk Ordbok. Skolupplaga. Under Medverkan av Arvid Gabrielson, John Holmberg, Margareta Ångström M. FL. Stockholm: Svenska Bokförlaget, 1949. Andra, Översedda Upplagen. Andra Tryckningen. viii,1048pp. Covers rubbed at corners. Edges pink, faded & somewhat foxed. Top edge spotted. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Small ink ownership signature & blue ink notation to front flyleaf. Red & blue ink notations, underlines in some pages. 21.5x14cm. [d00353-300595] 1216 ポルトガル語-英語辞典 1 巻 ¥12,600 Taylor,James L. A Portuguese-English Dictionary. Revised. With Corrections and Additions by the Author and Priscilla Clark Martin. Stanford, California; Stanford University Press, 1975. Fourth printing. xx,655pp. d.w. sl.rubbed & chipped. Its spine faded. Covers sl.rubbed at corners. Edges sl.foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves somewhat foxed. Small ink ownership signaturte to front flyleaf. Small stamp on title page by former owner. 25.0x17.5cm. [d00358-300600] 1217 ハンガリー語-フィンランド語辞典 1 巻 István,Papp/ Jakab László Magyar-Finn Szótár. Upper part of spine sl.rubbed. [L02682-604569] Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1985. ¥15,750 855pp. 1218 ハワイ語辞典 1 巻 ¥6,300 Andrews, Lorrin A Dictionary of the Hawaiian Language. To which is appended an English-Hawaiian Vocabularly and a Chronological Table of Remarkable Events. Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan ; Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1985. First Tuttle edition, 1974. Fourth printing. x,559pp. Covers partly stained. Edges somewhat foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. Red & blue pencil notation on title page, in p.vii, p.521, p.530, p.536, p.537, p.544. 21.6x15.2cm. [d00348-300590] 1219 イディッシュ語辞典 4 巻 ¥47,250 Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. 4 vols. Editors in chief: Judah A.Joffe and Yudel Mark. N.Y.: Yiddish Dictionary Committee, 1961-1980. 508pp.+ 509-1096pp.+ 1097-1708pp.+ 1709-2333pp., vi pp. Bound in red cloth. Edges of vol.2 sunned. 本文全てイディッシュ語 27.2x22.3cm. [d00248-300488] 1220 (アフリカ) サンバー語語彙集 1 巻 ¥4,200 Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Dictionary of the Sambaa Language. [アジア・アフリ カ基礎語彙集 15] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東 京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, 1984. ii,195pp. Somewhat rubbed at the edge of the boards. 26.3x18.8cm. [L01428-603778] 145 辞典・事典 地名・人名辞典 1221 Forster,Klaus ¥4,200 A Pronouncing Dictionary of English Place-Names. (英語地名辞典)Including Standard Local and Archaic Variants. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. First published. xxxvi,268pp. Edges sl.darkened & spotted. Eps. & flyleaves sl.spotted. 21.8x15.2cm. [L03184-605027] 1222 Briggs,Asa et.al.eds. ¥4,200 Longman Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. (ロングマン 20 世紀人名辞典)Consultant Editor: Asa Briggs. Editors: Alan Issacs & Elizabeth Martin. Longman, 1985. First published. 548pp. [L01153-600447] 1223 Gottschald,Max ¥10,080 Deutsche Namenkunde. Unsere Familiennamen nach ihrer Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1971. Vierte Auflage mit einem Nachwort und einem bibliographischen Nachtrag von Rudolf Schützeichel. 646pp. With a slip case (sunned). d.w. Ex-libris. 25x17.8cm. [ds1358-601206] 1224 Latham,Edward ¥5,250 A Dictionary of Names Nicknames and Surnames. Of Persons Places and Things. London; George Routledge & Sons Ltd, New York; E.P.Dutton & Co., 1904. vii,334pp. Covers & spine stained, sl.rubbed & partly torn. Front cover & spine partly spotted. Edges spotted. Top edges darkened. The others foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Spotted from front flyleaf to page 9, page 319 to last page. Some pages somewhat spotted. [L03394-605237] 1225 Stewart,George R. ¥4,200 American Given Names. Their Origin and History in the Context of the English Language. Oxford UP., 1979. viii,264pp. Ink signature to front paste-down by former owner. A clipped paper (a part of d.w.) pasted on rear paste-down. [L01261-603273] 1226 Thomas,Joseph ¥21,000 Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. (人名発音辞典)(to spine: Lippincott's Pronouncing Biographical Dictionary) New Fourth Edition, Throughly Revised. Philadelphia and London: J.B.Lippincott, 1915. xi,2550pp. Full leather, rubbed and somewhat stained. Marbled edges, foxing. E.ps., flyleaves, and pages foxing. Joint of front flyleaf started. Small ink notation to front flyleaf. Ex-library (東京帝国大學附属図書館) with small paper label on spine and front e.p., and stamped on verso of title page. 27x18.2cm. [d00290-300531] 固有名詞発音辞典 1227 Bollard,John K. ed. / Frank R.Abate & Katherine M.Isaacs (Associate editors) ¥12,600 Pronouncing Dictionary of Proper Names. Pronunciations for more than 23,000 Proper Names, Selected for Currency, Frequency, of Difficulty of Pronunciation. Including Place Names; Given Names; Names of Famous Individuals; Cultural,Literary, and Historical Names; Mythological Names; Names of Peoples and Tribes; Company Names and Product Names; with Pronunciations Transcribed into the International Phonetic Alphabet and a Simplified Phonetic Respelling; and Including an Explanatory Introduction. Michigan: Omnigraphics,Inc. 1993. xxxv,894pp. Hard cover in yellow and bright illustration on front cover. In plastic wrap. 26x18.5cm. [L02621-604480] 用語辞典 1228 Brander,Michael ¥8,400 A Dictionary of Sporting Terms. (スポーツ用語辞典)Angling; Coarse, Game and Sea. Falconry. Game Shooting; Deer-stalking, Gun-dog work and Wildfowling. Horsemastership. Hounds and Hunting; Fox, Hare, Otter, Stag and Hare coursing. London; Adam & Charles Black, 1968. First published. 146 辞典・事典 224pp. d.w. foxed & sl.chipped. Its rear part sl.stained. Spine sunned. Edges somewhat spotted & foxed. Ink marks at fore edge (Index). Flyleaves sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Half title page sl.spotted. 22.9x14.5cm. [L03349-605192] 1229 Burke,John (general ed.) & Peter Allsop (Assistant general ed.) ¥21,000 Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases. (ストラウド司法用語辞典)Volume 1 ; A-D. Volume 2 ; E-L. Volume 3 ; M-R. Volume 4 ; S-Z. 4 vols. London; Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 1952. 1953. Third edition. xxvi,909pp. /xviii,911pp.-1696pp. /xviii,1697pp.-2638pp. /xviii,2639pp.-3362pp. Spine foxed. Leather title label on spine rubbed. Letters on spine faded. Covers sl.spotted. Edges somewhat foxed & sl.spotted. Top edge stained. E.ps.,flyleaves & half title page somewhat spotted. Vol.4; Joint between verso of half title page & title page partly cracked & loosened. 25.2x15.5cm. [d00356-300598] 1230 De Chesnel,Le Comte ¥52,500 Dictionnaire des Armées de Terre et de Mer, Encyclopédie Militaire et Maritime. (海軍百科事 典)…Illustré dans le Texte de Plus de 1200 Gravures au Trait… par M.Jules Duvaux, et Contenant Diverses Cartes Géographiques et Planches. 2 vols. Paris: Armand le Chevalier, 1862-1864. 576pp./ 582-1320pp. With numerous illus.and folded maps. Leather backed dark green cloth, rubbed and chipped. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Edges and flyleaves foxing. Small ownership stamp on front e.p.of each vol. 25.5x16.5cm. [d00289-300530] 1231 Paxton,John Everyman's Dictionary of Abbreviations. [Everyman's Reference Library] Sons, 1975. Reprinted. xiii,384pp. Spine sunned. [L01214-602603] ¥3,360 London: J.M.Dent & 1232 Quine,Willard Van Orman ¥5,040 Quiddities. An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary. The Belknap Press of Harvard UP., 1987. 249pp. Spine of d.w.sunned. [L01188-602766] 1233 Riely,Elizabeth ¥3,360 The Chef's Companion. (調理用語事典)A Concise Dictionary of Culinary Terms. Illustrated by David Miller. New York: Van Nastrand Reinhold Co., 1986. [A CBI Book] viii,215pp. Edges sl.spotted. [L00592-602857] 1234 Tempest,Paul compile ¥15,750 Lag's Lexicon. A Comprehensive Dictionary and Encyclopædia of the English Prison of To-Day. London; Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1950. First published. viii,233pp. Covers sl.stained & rubbed at corners. Edges somewhat foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. 19.1x13.3cm. [L03371-605214] 1235 Thomas,Joseph ¥10,500 A Comprehensive Medical Dictionary: (医学辞典)Containing the Pronunciation, Etymology, and Signification of the Terms Made Use of in Medicine and the Kindred Sciences. With an Appendix, Comprising a Complete List of All the More Important Articles of the Materia Medica, Arranged According to Their Medicinal Properties. Philadelphia, J.B.Lippincott & Co., 1870. xii,9-704pp. Full calf, rubbed, chipped and sl.stained. Edges foxing. Joint of front e.p.amateur repaired. Small worm hole from rear e.p.to p.703. Rear flyleaf partly torn. Ownership stamp on front flyleaf, title page, anf p.704. 岩崎克己旧蔵 20.7x13.8cm. [d00271-300513] 言語学辞典 1236 Sebeok,Thomas A. (General ed.) ¥25,200 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics. Tome 1: A-M, [and] Tome 2: N-Z, [and] Tome 3: Bibliography. [Approaches to Semiotics. 73] 3 vols. Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. xi,592pp./ 594-1179pp./ 147 辞典・事典 2-452pp. Editorial board: Paul Boissac, Umberto Eco, Jerzy Palc, Roland Posner, Alain Rey, and Ann Shukman. With a slip case. [L00714-603101] 1237 Wales,Katie ¥6,720 A Dictionary of Stylistics. [Studies in Language and Linguistics] Longman, 1989. First published. xii,504pp. d.w. [L01134-603561] 1238 Althaus,Hans Peter & Helmut Henne, Herbert Ernst Wiegand eds. ¥15,750 Lexikon der Germanistischen Linguistik. (ドイツ言語学辞典) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1980. 2.,vollst.neu berb.u.erw.Aufl. xviii,870pp. d.w. [lk0074-604050] 1239 Bright,William (ed.in chief ) ¥31,500 International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. (オックスフォード:世界言語百科事典)4 vols. New York; Oxford UP. 1992. xvi,429pp. / viii,440pp. / viii,456pp. / viii,482pp. Green cloth. Small ink ownership signature to half title page in each vol. Each vol. numbered by former owner to top edge. edges sl.stained. Vol.4 ; Ink notation indicating index to fore edge. 28.7x22.3cm. [d00361-300603] 1240 Collinge,N.E. ed. ¥15,750 An Encyclopaedia of Language. Routledge, 1990. First published. xvii,1011pp. (contributors: M.K.C.MacMahon, Geoffrey Leech, J.R.Payne, Bernard Comrie et al.) d.w. 24.2x16.5cm. [L02269-600691] 1241 Greimas,A.J. & J.Courtés ¥6,300 Semiotics and Language. An Analytical Dictionary. Translated by Larry Christ and Daniel Patte and James Lee, Edward McMahon II, Gary Phillips, Michael Rengstorf. Bloomington; Indiana University Press, 1982. xvi,409pp. Spine sl.stained. 24.2x16.3cm. [L03182-605025] 1242 Hartmann,R.R.K. & F.C.Stork Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. London: Applied Science Publishers, 1972. Ink signature to front flyleaf by former owner. [L01127-601366] ¥4,200 xviii,302pp. 1243 Hartmann,R.R.K. & F.C.Stork ¥5,250 Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. London: Applied Science Publishers, 1972. xviii,302pp. Small stamp & small ink signature on front flyleaf. d.w. [L01796-601367] 1244 Marouzeau,Jules ¥4,200 Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Geroges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner,1951. 3 Édition augmentée et mise a jour. xii,265pp. Rebound with original paperback covers, sunned. Ink ownership signature by Takashi Kamei to original front cover. [lk0141-604150] 1245 Marouzeau,Jules ¥4,200 Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français-Allemand-Anglais-Italien. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1969. 3℮ Édition augmentée et mise, 3℮ tirage. xii,265pp. Printed wrappers. The spine sunned. Stamped on title page by T.Hirunuma. [L00721-602170] 1246 Marouzeau,Jules ¥4,200 Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Geroges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1951. 3 Éditon Augmentée et mise a jour. xii,265pp. Printed wrappers with small ink ownership signature. Spine sunned. Top edge stained. Edges foxed. Joint of cover started. Sl.spotted in some pages. [L03028-604687] 1247 Buck,Carl Darling ¥31,500 A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages. A Contribution to the History of Ideas by Carl Darling Buck with the Co-operation of Colleagues and Assistants. The Univ.of Chicago Press, 1971. Third Impression. xix,1515pp. Covers somewhat stained. Upper & lower parts of spine sl.chipped. Top edge spotted & sl.darkened. Fore edge sl.spotted & foxed. Front ep. to page v, verso of page 1515 to rear ep. spotted. 25.0x18.0cm. [L03173-605015] 148 辞典・事典 ビブリオグラフィー 1248 Hansel,Johannes ¥3,150 Bücherkunde Für Germanisten. Wie sammelt man das Schrifttum nack dem neuesten Forschungsstand? Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1959. 233pp. Ink underlined to p20 .p41-p43. p64-66. p168-p176. and some pencil notations to the magin. Spine & cover sl. sunned. [L02645-604526] 1249 Gipper,Helmut & Hans Schwarz ¥1,680 Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. TeilⅡ: Systematischer Teil (Register). D. Wörterbücher und Wortschatzsammlungen, nach Sprachen geordnet, mit Fehlerverzeichnis (H.Schwarz) und Nachwort (H.Gipper). Erarbeitet von Hartwig Franke. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1989. 48pp. Printed wrappers. [ds0616-601167] 1250 植木迪子 / 脇坂豊 (編) BZL・Ⅳ. Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenaufsätze zur Linguistik 1973. Eenergeia-Kreis, 1976. Printed wrappers. 別紙「BZL について」の説明 1 枚附 [ds0079-603460] ¥2,520 50pp. 辞典・和書 1251 改正増補 英和對譯袖珍辭書 慶應三年江戸再版・明治二年官許 ¥189,000 (Kaisei zouho eiwataiyaku shuchin jisho) A English - Japanese dictionary. 1869. 498 丁 扉及 び奥付頁に印 扉頁の裏に旧蔵者の墨書及び印 装丁なしの糸綴じ本で珍しい 30 丁-74 丁、82 丁 -88 丁虫喰い少々 [aj638-704908] 1252 日本 薩摩学生 (前田正名、前田献吉、高橋新吉ほか): ¥157,500 改正増補 和譯英辭書(薩摩辞書) 明治二歳巳巳正月 An English - Japanese Dictionary, Together with a Table of Irregular Verbs, and a List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1869. Third Edition Revised. 677pp. (上海米国長老教会印刷所印行) 3/4 革装(擦れ、クロース一部欠) ページ、小口全体的にヤケ 英 文タイトルページ及び p.265-p.266 一部欠 (コピー補充) 前見返し少々破れ 前あそび紙、p.1 及び p.1 の前の白紙ページに蔵書印 序文に個人印(小) p.677 裏にシール貼りつき 24x17cm. [aj622-704838] 1253 亀井孝(解題): 日葡辞書 ¥15,750 Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam. 勉誠社, 1973. (元版 1603.) 402pp.+20pp.(解題)+52pp.(参考 写真) 赤茶布装 . 小口汚れ. 後見返し及び遊び紙に少々点シミ. 26.5x18.9cm. [w2809-705254] 1254W.G.アストン: 日本文語文典 1887 年 第2版 ¥94,500 Aston,W.G. A Grammar of the Japanese Written Language. London: Trübner & Co., Yokohama: Lane, Crawford & Co., 1877. Second Edition. xii,212pp.+ appendix (iv,lxx pp.)+ index (viii pp.) Rebound in green cloth, sl.sunned, gilt title to spine. 24.7x15.8cm. [aj271-300347] 1256 Brinkley,F. (エフ、ブリンクリー), 南條文雄, 岩崎行親 (編纂): 和英大辭典 第六版 ¥26,250 An Unabridged Japanese-English Dictionary. With Copious Illustrations. メール新聞主筆エフ、ブ リンクリー, 文學博士マスター、オフ、アーツ南條文雄, 鹿児島中學校長農學士 岩崎行親 (編纂) 大學教授理學博士 箕作佳吉 動物學語担任, 大學教授理學博士 松村任三 植物學語担任. 三 省堂, 明 33. 6 版 iv,xxiii,1687pp. 緑クロース装、擦れ及び角少欠け. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 背ヤケ 及び皺、角擦れ. 小口汚れ、天に朱印. 前見返しに前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 前見返しの遊び 149 辞典・和書 頁綴割れ. iii、1、1687pp.に「今村蔵書」の印(3x2cm.). iii-iv 上部綴裂け. 364、365pp.本文端に汚れ. 726、731pp.に少々朱線. 22.6x15.5cm. [w2727-705143] 1257 Calvo,Fr.Juan (ホアン・カルボ): 日西大辞典 ¥5,250 Diccionario Japonés-Español. 三省堂, 昭 15. xxvi,ii,1427pp. 赤クロース装. 小口汚れ. 前見 返しに書店シール. 前後遊び紙薄いヤケ. 19.8x13.7cm. [w2791-705226] 1258 Davidson,Thomas ed. ¥12,600 Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language. London: W.&R.Chambers, 1906. viii,1206pp. クロース装. 背、小口ヤケ. 背、表紙、裏表紙擦れ. 裏表紙に薄い白い染み. 前後見返しから数ページに穴(小)数箇所. 扉に蔵書印(小). P.816 余白に書込. 一部ページに薄い 染み. 21.3x15.2cm. [w1499-701680] 1259 Hepburn,J.C. / 美國 平文先生 編譯: ¥1,260,000 和英語林集成 長崎通詞 頴川永泰 旧蔵(英文タイトルページに印あり) 一千八百六十七年 A Japanese and English Dictionary; with an English and Japanese Index. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867. First edition. (日本横濱梓行 初版) xii,558pp.(Japanese-English dic.)+132pp.(English-Japanese index). 3/4 morocco (rubbed) with brown cloth boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Ownership stamp (YT YeGaWa. Interpreter At Nagasaki Under the chief Government of Japan) on English title page. Edges foxing. With a new preserved box. 3/4 革装 拵函入 27.2x18.5cm. [aj616-704832] 1260 ヘボン,J.C.(著) 松村明(解説): 和英語林集成[第 3 版] =復刻版= ¥36,750 A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary. By J.C.Hepburn. Third Edition. 講談社, 昭 49. 第1刷. xxxiii,989pp. 函背ヤケ、角少皺. 帯薄いヤケ. カバー背ヤケ. 前そで及び前遊び 紙上部にシール剥がし跡. 22.5x16.5cm. [w2733-705151] 1261 W.インブリ: 英和語源手引 1887 年 クロース装 ¥21,000 Imbrie,William Handbook of English-Japanese Etymology. Tokyo, Osaka, & Kyoto: S.Tsujimoto & Co.(辻本秀五郎), 1887. vii, 207, xiv(index) pp. Bound in brown cloth, sunned, gilt title on front board. Colth of spine partly peeled. Small holes on front boad-6pp. All edge red. Ex-library stamps on i, iii, 1, 126pp., & p.xiv of 'index' (4.5x4.5cm). Red lines and ink notation to 'contents' and red underlines and pencil notations to several pages. p.vii (contents) 1/3 missing, but text good. 19.5x13.4cm. [aj234-300357] 1262 Lange,Rudolf : A Text-Book of Colloquial Japanese. ¥31,500 English Edition by Christopher Noss. 教文館 明 36. 初版 xxxii,573pp. 改装本(マーブル表紙). 3p-6p.まで朱線有. 18p.まで鉛筆書き込み少有. [w2603-704900] 1263 佛國公教宣教師ルマレシヤル編譯 和佛大辭典 全 横浜 天主堂發行 1904 年 改装 ¥31,500 Lemaréchal, J.M. Dictionnaire Japonais-Français. Tokyo; Sansaisha(三才社), / Yokohama; Max Nössler & Co.(マキス、ノスレール), 1904 (明治 37). viii, 1008pp. 改装本(赤クロース装. 見返し マーブル). 小口著しくヤケ. 遊び紙にメモ紙貼付. 前扉頁に小さな寄贈印. ページ全体的にヤケ. 25.5x17.5cm. [w2814-705264] 1264 Lyell,Thomas R.: 最新英語日常語辞典 ¥4,200 Slang, Phrase and Idiom in Colloquial English and Their Use. 北星堂, 昭 6. xxi,764pp.+5pp(Addenda)+54pp.(Index) 黒クロース装. カバー背少ヤケ. 小型本 17x9.8cm. [w2172-701688] 1265 MaᴄGillivray,D. ¥15,750 A Mandarin-Romanized Dictionary of Chinese. By Rev. D. MaᴄGillivray, M.A., B.D., (On the same principle as G. C. Stent's Vocabulary.). Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1905. x,975pp. 3/4 革装、欠け及び擦れ. 背に接着の補修. 小口マーブル、汚れ及び天と地に水濡れシミ. 前見返し遊び上部少裂け. タイトル頁綴じ裂け. 後見返しに青印(0.5x0.5cm.). 前後見返し遊び及 150 辞典・和書 びタイトル頁に蔵書印「日本語教育振興会蔵書之印」(3x3cm.)、「上海東亜公司」(3x4.4cm.). 後見返 し遊びに書店印(1.5x0.4cm.). 22x14.3cm. [w2726-705142] 1266 Pagés,Léon (原著) 福島邦道(解題): 日仏辞書 ¥12,600 Dictionnaire Japonais-Français. 勉誠社, 1974. (元版 1862-1868 4 分冊.) 933pp.+13pp.(解題) 黒クロース装. ジョイント部少々擦れ. 小口汚れ. “解題”頁 6pp. に少朱線. 26.4x19cm. [w2808-705253] 1267 Playfair,G.M.H. The Cities and Towns of China. A Geographical Dictionary. ¥15,750 共益商社書店 明 37. 再版. xii,417pp.+31pp.+lviii. グリーン表紙少汚れ. 背革少擦れ. 本文全 体的にヤケ. 19.5x13cm. [w2602-704899] 1268 Satow,Ernest Mason(アーネスト・サトウ) 石橋政方(原著): ¥31,500 E.M.Hobart-Hampden、Harold G.Parlett(増補改訂) 英和口語辞典(第 3 版) An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language. Third Edition. 名著普及会 1985. 復刻版初版 viii,1031pp. 森岡健二 出来成訓 武内博(解説). 1904 年(原本)版の復刻版. 函 背少ヤケ. 本文:美本. [w2303-704224] 1269 Ynigo.T, C. スパニシエ會話 Vocabulario Japones por C.Ynigo.T, de N. 丸善, 明 37 再版. に小印. 全体的に少ヤケ. 12.8x9.2cm. [w2506-704754] ¥3,150 70pp.+4pp. 小型本. 前見返し 1270 李登煇、郭秉文、李培恩 (編) 雙解 實用英漢字典 ¥15,750 A Practical English-Chinese Dictionary. 附例句、成語、同義字、商業名詞 香港:商業印書館, 1964. 25 版. xiv,1674pp. 緑クロース装. 小口、見返し少々ヤケ. 17.1x10cm. [w1534-701679] 1271 阿日耳維(Ogilvie,John 英國)・柴田昌吉(長崎)・子安峻(大垣): ¥52,500 附音挿圖 英和字彙 明治六年一月印行 官許 日就社 English and Japanese Dictionary. Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Etymological. 附録 Appendix, Containing Explanatory Tables of Irregular Verbs, Abbreviations and Contractions, and Arbitrary Signs Used in Writing and Printing, and Pronouncing Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names. To which is added Pictorial Illustrations. 日就社, 明 6. 初版. 1548pp. 改装本(紺クロース装)、全 体的に擦れ及び角破れ. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 背ヤケ. 小口汚れ. 英文扉頁及び奥付頁欠. 前見返 し遊び、1pp.に朱印(2x2.2cm.)、(2x1.4cm.)及び蔵書印(2.8x2.8cm.). 前後遊び紙に水濡れシミ、後 遊び紙少裂け及び汚れ. 扉頁~緒言頁にかけて少々虫食い及び少裂け. 1-4pp.少皺. 前見返し及 び 1、56-57、110-111、1079pp.に朱印汚れ. 518pp.少々インク汚れ. 905-906、1349-1350pp.端少裂 け. 3-4、431-432pp.少々穴. 23.9x18.5cm. [w2728-705145] 1272 故・淺田榮次 (著) 淺田恒彦 (相続): 英和和英 諺語辭典 ¥18,900 東京:文會堂、大3. (序文ほか)+483pp. 神田乃武、村上直次郎・序 クロース装(灰色)、少々汚 れ、背表紙ヤケ及び少々擦れ. 小口ヤケ. 「東京帝国大学附属図書館」ラベル(背、前見返し)及び 印(扉裏). P.483 余白少々欠け. 19.3x13.5cm. [we0550-704903] 1273 井上十吉: 井上和英大辭典 ¥18,900 Inouye's Comprehensive Japanese-English Dictionary. 至誠堂, 大 10. 3 版 viii,2913pp.+ 22pp.(付録) 青ビニールクロース装全体的汚れ及び擦れ. 背少ヤケ、角擦れ. 小口汚れ. 全体的下 部少濡れシミ. 前後見返し少破れ及び細かい汚れ. 前見返し遊び裏に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 283-284pp.下部少破れ. 1104-1105pp.綴じ割れ. 1377-1378、2137-2138pp.頁端少裂け. 19x11cm. [w2731-705148] 1274 井上十吉: 井上英和大辞典 ¥15,750 Inouye's English-Japanese Dictionary. 井上辭典刊行會, 昭 2. 148 版 ii,4pp.+2326pp.+24pp. 赤ビニールクロース装全体的汚れ. 背ヤケ及び角擦れ及び少破れ. 小口汚れ、腹と地にペン及び 鉛筆書込み前見返しに書店シール. 前後見返し少破れ、見返し遊びに前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 151 辞典・和書 624-625pp.上部少綴じ割れ. 1111、1916pp.に少朱線. 奥付頁上部に少々鉛筆書込み. 17x10cm. [w2730-705147] 1275 井上十吉(編): 新譯 和英辭典 再版 ¥8,400 Inouye's Japanese-English Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 42. 再版. ii,1872pp.+12pp.(Appendix.)+16pp.(三省堂出版圖書) 青クロース装、汚れ及び擦れ. 背ヤケ及び擦 れ、下部少欠け. 小口ヤケ、腹に少々インク汚れ. 前のど割れ. 前遊び紙にインク書込み. 後遊び 紙に朱印(1.2x1.2cm.). 736-751pp.綴じ割れ. 数頁インクアンダーライン有. 1522pp.にインク書込. 16.8x9.5cm. [w2782-705217] 1276 入江祝衛(編)・永嶋大典(解説): 詳解英和辞典 付・回顧録「辞書編纂苦心談」 ¥12,600 A New English-Japanese Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1985. 第1刷. vi,1427pp.+(附録)255pp.+(回 顧録「辞書編纂苦心談」)42pp. 函薄い汚れ. 黒クロース装. 小口腹にペン書込み. 前遊び紙に前 所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 22.5x16.7cm. [w2732-705149] 1277 岡倉由三郎(編集主幹): 新英和大辭典[普及版] ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary on Bilingual Principles. 研究社, 昭 19. 第 96 版 iv,x,2514pp. 函ヤケ.灰クロース装.小口汚れ.前後見返しシミ.本文少々シミ. 19.5x13cm. [w2644/w2645-704992] 1278 岡倉由三郎 (編): 新英和大辭典 増補別冊 ¥3,150 Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary on Bilingual Principles. 研究社, 昭 8 p2032-p2163. 小冊子本 表紙ヤケ. 小口少ヤケ.18.8x13cm. [w2629-704976] 1279 岡本正文(編): 支那聲音字彙 改訂増補第二十四版 ¥5,250 A Chinese Pronunciation Dictionary in Peking Dialect. Twentyfourth Edition Revised and Enlarged. 文求堂 昭 2 244pp. 小型本. 背上部少擦れ. 16x9cm. [we0569-704950] 1280 顏惠慶 (編): 英漢大辭典 (小字本) ¥42,000 English-Chinese Standard Dictionary. Small Type Edition. Comprising 120,000 Words and Phrases with Translations, Pronunciations, Definitions, Illustrations, etc., etc. with a Copius Appendix. One Volume. Fourth Edition. Commercial Press. Limited. Shanghai. 1921. 上海:商務印書館, 中華民國 10 年. 4 版. iii,1186pp.+10pp.(英文引用外邦字語解)+67pp.(略字解) 緑クロース装. 表紙、背、裏 表紙少々擦れ. 小口ヤケ、天にインクで書込(英華大辞典)、腹にインク染み 4 箇所. 見返し、扉、ペ ージヤケ. [w1538-701639] 1281 韓穆精阿・鴛淵一・棈松源一(共著): 増補改訂 蒙和辭典 ¥15,750 甲文堂, 昭 19. 改訂 4 版. 21pp.(序)+4pp.(目録)+495pp.+48pp.(附録) ガリ版刷. 朱ペーパー装、 全体的細かいシミ汚れ. 前表紙角少欠け. 背汚れ、上下部角擦れ. 小口汚れ、天に少々インク汚れ. 前後見返し及び遊び紙薄いシミ汚れ. 数頁薄いヤケシミ. 21.5x15.2cm. [w2806-705251] 1282 神田乃武ほか (共編): 模範 英和辭典 ¥15,750 Sanseido's English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 明 44. 初版. 2016pp. [(編者)神田乃武、樫 田亀一郎、横井時敬、高松豊吉、中村達太郎、藤岡市助、江木衷、寺野精一、有賀長雄、肝付兼行、 神保小虎、平山信] 深緑クロース装、汚れ及び擦れ、少々欠け. 背角擦れ. 小口ヤケ及び腹に細か なインク汚れ.626-655pp.綴じ割れ、627-654pp.綴じ外れ及び細かい裂け. P.261 に補修跡有. P.263 下部少裂け. 数頁インクアンダーライン. 16.5x9.2cm. [w2783-705218] 1283 神田乃武 南日恒太郎(共編): 英和雙解熟語大辭典 ¥8,400 A Dicitionary of English Phrases with English and Japanese Explanations. 有朋堂 大 3 25 版 x+1658pp+93pp. 紺クロース装. 背と表紙の繋ぎ部分一部剥れ. 背上下部擦れ.小口腹インク汚れ 有. 小口ヤケ. 本文全体的に少々ヤケ及び小さいシミ有. 前見返しに小印.16.7x11cm. [w2507-704755] 152 辞典・和書 1284 神田乃武 南日恒太郎(共編): 英和雙解熟語大辭典 ¥8,400 A Dicitionary of English Phrases with English and Japanese Explanations. 有朋堂 大 3. 第 25 版. x+1658pp.+93pp. 紺クロース装. 背少々ヤケ及び角少々擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し及 び遊び紙少汚れ. 数頁薄いヤケシミ. 16.7x11.3cm. [w2785-705220] 1285 葛傳規 (編著): 英語慣用法詞典 (新修訂本) ¥15,750 A Dictionary of English Usage. (New Revised Edition). Compiled by Kê Chuan-Kwei. 香港:文化 出版社, 1961. 720pp. 緑クロース装. 小口、見返し、扉少々ヤケ. 19x13.8cm. [w1536-701644] 1286 研究社辞書部 (編): 新初級英語辞典 Kenkyusha's New A B C English Dictionary. 研究社, 昭 29. 初版 線有. 後見返にインクサイン. 15.2x9cm. [we0570-704951] ¥4,200 xi,532pp. 表紙少汚れ. 朱 1287 研究社辞書部 (編): 新版 研究社スクール英和新辭典 附和英新辭典 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's New School Dicitinary.(English-Japanese) 研究社, 昭 19. 第 113 版 xiv+1638pp.函ヤケ、中少々カビ.紙カバーヤケ、背角少々裂け.モスグリーンクロース装.背角少々破 れ.小口汚れ.本文全体的にヤケ及びシミ. 19.5x13.5cm. [w2642-704988] 1288 呉俊芳、陶宗惕 (編) [奥付には”新陸編輯部 (編)”]: ¥15,750 双重音標 英華合解 標準英英・英漢双解大辭典 The Standard Eng-Eng-Chinese Dictionary. 台北市:新陸書局, 中華民國 56 年. 1510pp. 緑クロ ース装. カバー (少々薄い染み). 小口少々ヤケ. 見返し、扉に少々薄い染み. 17.5x11cm. [w1535-701647] 1289 高良二 寺田勇吉 共譯: ¥189,000 獨英和三對字彙大全 明治十九年一月印行 (扉) 明治二十年六月出版 (奥付) Kō,R. & Y.Terada Neues vollständinges Wörterbuch der Deutschen, Englischen und Japanischen Sprache, einschlieɮlich der wichtigen im Deutschen gebräuchlichen Fremdwörter, mit einem Berzeichniɮ der unregelmäɮigen (starken) Zeitwörter und der gebräuchlichen Abkürzungen. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1886. Erste Auflage. iv,1650pp. 共同館 改装本(3/4 革装) ウェブスター、ウースター、ヘボン辞書他多数引用 扉裏から紙で補修 独文タイトルページに蔵書印及び右下角の欠けを紙で補修 一部ページ余白に薄いシミ. 27.5x19.7cm. [aj621-704837] 1290 齊藤恒太郎 (纂述): 龢譯英文熟語叢 訂正第五版 攻王社蔵版 1902 年 ¥47,250 Saito,Tsunetaro An English-Japanese Dictionary of Words and Phrases. Compiled and Translated by Tsunetaro Saito. With an Appendix of English Proverbs. Tokyo: Printed at the Kyoyekishosa(共 益商社), 1902. Fifth edition revised and enlarged. 737pp. Bound in brown cloth, rubbed, and gilt title on spine. Flyleaves somewhat stained. Ownership stamps on title page and recto of publisher's imformation page (3x3cm). All edges sunned. 22.5x15.8cm. [aj240-300361] 1291 斎藤秀三郎: 熟語本位 英和中辭典 初版 [分冊前編] ¥31,500 Saito's Idiomological English=Japanese Dictionary. 正則英語學校出版部 1915. [大正 4] 初 版. 9pp.+750pp. 赤クロース装、全体的汚れ及び角擦れ. 背ヤケ、みぞ割れ. 小口汚れ. 前後見 返しのど割れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙少裂け. 1pp.に朱印(3.3x3.3cm.). 2、114、528、714pp.に少々朱線. 12、37、86、131、328、333、355、374、489、531、574、695、714 に 少々訂正誤植朱書込. 225-226pp.、397-398pp.、13-514pp.、609-610pp.下部に少裂け. 711-714pp. に細かな裂け. 705-708pp.に朱汚れ. 715-奥付頁にシミ. 19.5x13cm. [w2722-705130] 1292 斎藤秀三郎: 齊藤和英大辞典 縮刷版 ¥15,750 Saito's Japanese-English Dictionary. 日英社, 昭 11. 70 版. 5pp.+1160pp. 朱クロース装. 前表 紙部分的に薄いヤケ. 背薄いヤケ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し及び遊び紙に細かいヤケシミ. 数頁ヤケ シミ. 26.5x19.7cm. [w2807-705252] 153 辞典・和書 1293 沢村寅二郎(編): 基礎訓練 活用英英辭典 ¥12,600 A Middle-School English-English Dictionary. 開隆堂書店, 昭 17. 746pp. 灰色クロース装、全 体的汚れ. 前表紙下部に濡れシミ及び端少々折. 背薄いヤケ. 小口汚れ. P.18 に少インク点. P.32 下部に薄いインク汚れ. 数頁薄いヤケシミ有. 18.6x13.2cm. [w2789-705224] 1294 三省堂編輯所 (編): 三省堂英和大辭典 ¥12,600 Sanseido's Encyclopædic English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 3. iv pp.(巻頭の辞)+v pp.(凡例)+(発音符号表ほか)+2680pp. 赤クロース装. 巻頭に「術語分擔執筆家芳名」4pp.あり. 小 口ヤケ. 天からページにかけて薄い染み. 前見返し裏に鉛筆で書き込み. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 20x12.2cm. [w2341-704403] 1295 三省堂編輯所(編): 日英獨佛 図解辭典 ¥5,250 Picture Dictionary Bildworterbuch Dictionnaire Illustre. 三省堂, 昭 15. 第 10 版 6pp.+4p p.+25pp.+472pp.+110pp.+85pp.+88pp.50pp.函ヤケ、少々汚れ.ベージュクロース装.背ヤケ.小口汚 れ.前後見返しヤケ.本文ヤケ、少々シミ.タイトル頁、本文Ⅰタイトル頁及び 1pp、Vocabulaire50pp に 朱スタンプ有.21.7x14.5cm. [w2646-704993] 1296 三省堂編輯所(編): 日英獨佛 図解辭典 ¥5,250 Picture Dictionary Bildwörterbuch Dictionaire Illustré. 三省堂, 昭 15. 6pp.+4pp.+25pp.+470pp.+110pp.+85pp.+88pp.+50pp. 函ヤケ、汚れ及び端少裂け. ベージュクロー ス装背ヤケ及び角少擦れ. 天黄. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し薄い汚れ. 後見返しにシミ及びペン書込. 本文数頁薄いシミ有. 22.2x15.2cm. [w2676-705067] 1297 島正三(監修): 薩摩辞書 初版本 明治二年改正増補和訳英辞書 解題 ¥21,000 An English-Japanese Dictionary. Together with A Table of Irregular Verbs, and A List of English Signs and Abbreviations. Third Edition Revised. 6pp.+700pp. 函背ヤケ及び全体的汚れ. ペーパ ー装. 背角少擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 3-5、548-549pp.青線. ま えがき頁 3pp.、本文 3、6-13、15-47、587、699-670pp.に鉛筆書込み. 134pp.下部少々シミ. 25.7x17.3cm. [w2734-705152] 1298 島田豊 (増補纂譯) 杉浦重剛、松下尤吉(校閲) 曲直瀬愛(訂正):再訂増補 和譯英字彙 ¥15,750 An English-Japanese Lexicon. By Y.Shimada. Ninth Edition with New Supplement. 大倉書店, 明 23. 第 5 版. xxiii,1673pp.+405-494pp.(和譯英字彙挿圖ノ分類解説) 総革装、全体的擦れ及 び汚れ. 背上部少補修. 小口マーブル汚れ、及び腹と地にインク書込み. 前後見返しマーブル. 前 見返し遊び紙上部欠け. 後見返し遊び紙少々裂け及び裏にペン書込みと蔵書印(1.7x1.7cm.). 後 遊び紙に墨筆書込み. 前所有者手書きのタイトル頁及びサイン(“K.Kihara”). 文中挿絵多数. 挿圖 解説頁 484-485pp.綴割れ. 元タイトル頁欠落. 19.8x13.5cm. [w2725-705141] 1299 島田豊(纂譯) 珍田捨巳(校閲) C.S.イビー(序) J.M.ディクソン(序): 雙解 英和大辭典 ¥52,500 A Dictionary of The English Language; The Words and Definitions Being Followed by Their Japanese Equivalents. To which is Added A Copious Appendix. Illustrated by Above 1500 Engravings. 共益商社, 明 36. 16 刷. vii,1310pp. 背革装、擦れ及び上部剥がれ. 濃赤クロース装全体的に 擦れ. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 小口汚れ. 前後見返し細かい剥がれ. 後見返し遊びに蔵書印 (1.8x1.8cm.)、裏にペン書込み. 奥付頁上部少々虫食い. 扉頁裏に前所有者サイン(“K,Kihara”). 各國旗章之圖頁~英和大辞典序頁下部に少綴じ剥がれ. 229-240pp.上部角皺及び汚れ. 637-638pp.頁下部少裂け. 89、327、505、595、865、915、959pp.に少朱線、1076pp.に少青線、 321pp.に朱点. 637-638pp.下部少裂け. 1、61、113、279、319、393、429、479、487、495、529、579、 497、619、713、765、897、953、969、987、1019、1021pp.頁端に少紙テープ貼付. 頁切り取り有. 27x19.3cm. [w2729-705146] 1300 島田豊(纂譯) 珍田捨巳(校閲) J.M.ディクソン(序) C.S.イビー(序): ¥5,250 雙解 英和大辭典 増訂第二十七版 154 辞典・和書 A Dictionary of The English Language; The Words and Definitions Being Followed by Their Japanese Equivalents. To which is Added A Copious Appendix. By Y.Shimada, Revised by S.Chinda. Illustrated by Above 1500 Engravings. Revised and Enlarged. 共益商社, 明 41. 増訂第 27 版. vii,1266pp. 青クロース装、全体的汚れ. 前表紙に薄い朱インク跡、少シール剥がし跡有. 背ヤケ及 び白い点シミ、背角及びジョイント部分擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前見返しにシール剥がし跡、後見返しに鉛 筆書込み. タイトル頁に数字印. ii-iii、1262-1263pp.綴じ割れ. 多数頁朱アンダーライン. 18.9x13.5cm. [w2790-705225] 1301 世界書局編輯部 (編): 英漢 求解 文法 作文 辨義 四用辭典 ¥15,750 A Daily Use English=Chinese Dictionary. 香港:世界書局, 1959. 新 17 版. ii,1950pp.+20pp.(略 字表)+4pp.(不規則動詞表) 青ビニールクロース装、ソフトカバー. 小口、見返し少々ヤケ. 16.5x10cm. [w1533-701667] 1302 傍木哲二郎 (纂譯) 小栗栖香平 (校訂) 岩貞謙吉 (校字): ¥94,500 新撰明治 和譯英辭林 明治十七年十二月版権免許 明治十八年一月發兌 細川氏藏 An English and Japanese Dictionary, With Appendix. By T.Sobaki; Thoroughly Revised, by K.Ogurus. Tokio: Published by Y.Hosokawa, 18th year of Meiji. New Edition. 689pp. 3/4 red calf (rubbed and chipped) with dark blue cloth (sl.rubbed). Gilt title and gilt compartments to spine, rubbed and chipped at edges, and leather label partly missing. Marbled e.ps.(faded) and marbled edges (faded). Ink notations to front flyleaf and recto of rear e.p. 22.8x16.5cm. [d00211-300359] 1303 高椙東一(高杉晋作の子) 纂譯 寺内章明 訂正 末岡精一 校閲: ¥168,000 英和新國民大辭書 明治 21 年(1888 年) Takasugi,T. New National Pronouncing Dictionary of the English & Japanese Language. Comprising many thousands of new words which modern literature, science, and art have called into existence and common usage; with pronounciations, etymologies, definitions, appendices of proper names, illustrations etc.etc. Tokio, Ōsaka, Kioto: Tsujimoto Shō-sho-dō & Co., 1888. 1179pp.+338pp.(appendix) 尚書堂 改装本(3/4 革装) 27.3x21cm. [aj620-704836] 1304 高野辰之・芝染太郎(總纂): 國漢外語辭典 ¥8,400 Reflex Dictionary. 寶文館, 昭 5. 4pp.(序)+4pp.(凡例)+1330pp. 高野辰之(文学博士)、芝染太郎 (ジャパンタイムス主幹). 朱クロース装. 後表紙薄いシミ汚れ. 背ヤケ及び細かいシミ汚れ. 小口汚 れ. 前見返し少綴じ割れ及び下部割れ. 1033-1042pp.上部に薄いヤケシミ. 18.7x12.5cm. [w2793-705228] 1305 武田昌吉・子安峻 (同譯) 西山義行・長谷川辰二郎 (増補): ¥84,000 附音挿図 英和字壽彙 明治六年一月 日就社原版 同二十一年二月 新古堂再版 背革装 An English and Japanese Dictionary, Explanatory, Pronouncing, Etymological, Containing All English Words in Present Use, with an Appendix. Illustrated by Above 500 Engravings on Wood. Tokyo: Shinkodo, 2548, (1888). vii, 605, 188pp. Rebound with half calf with dark blue cloth, gilt title to spine. Marbled edges. Pages and edges somewhat sunned. 28x21.5cm. [aj228-300358] 1306 竹原常太: スタンダード和英大辭典 普及版 ¥8,400 A Standard Japanese-English Dictionary. 寶文館, 昭 5. 第 40 版 viii,1710pp. 函ヤケ、 少傷み.赤クロース装.背ヤケ.小口三方マーブル、少汚れ.前後見返しヤケ.前見返しペン書込み.本 文少シミ.23x15.5cm. [w2647-704994] 1307 呉大五郎 及 鄭永邦 編著 從六位 島田胤則 校閲: 日漢英語言合璧 明治三十四年 ¥52,500 An English Chinese and Japanese Conversation. Tokyo, 1901. 4th edition. vii,195pp. 4版 三 鬼堂(印刷所) 中島藤兵衛 (印刷者) 丸善株式會社 (大賣捌) 改装本 一部ページに鉛筆及びイ ンク書込あり 15x19.8cm. [aj618-704835] 1308 土居光知: 基礎日本語 ¥5,250 Basic Japanese. 六星館, 昭 11. v,2pp.+102pp.(Basic Japanese Grammar)+124pp.(Basic Japanese Reader)+248pp.(Basic Japanese Dictionary) 「基礎日本語第二表」、「Basic Japanese List.」附. 小型 155 辞典・和書 本. 緑革装、全体的に少擦れ. 背角擦れ. 小口赤、少汚れ. 前見返しに少々シミ. 本文全体的に薄 いシミ. 15.5x10.1cm. [w2779-705214] 1309 土井忠生・森田武・長南実(編訳): 邦訳 日葡辞書 ¥10,500 Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam com a Declaração em Potugues. 岩波書店, 1980. 第1刷. 34pp.+862pp. 函全体的ヤケ、少汚れ及び端少裂け. 帯少破れ. 臙脂クロース装. 後見返しに少々 シール剥がし跡及び少鉛筆書込み. 27.5x20cm. [w2735-705153] 1310 南條文雄(増補), Eastlake,F.Warrington・棚橋一郎(共譯): ¥15,750 ウェブスター氏新刊大辭書 和譯字彙 大増補 第四十五版 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, Translated into Japanese. 文部大臣伯爵大木喬任公題辭、内 務大臣子爵品川彌二郎公題辭. 文學博士:南條文雄増補、博言博士:イーストレーキ・文學士:棚橋 一郎共譯. 三省堂, 明 35. 第 44 版. vi,2pp.+1838pp. 濃緑クロース装、全体的汚れ及び角擦れ. 背角擦れ. 小口マーブル、ヤケ及び腹に少朱汚れ. 前後見返しマーブル.前見返し遊び紙上部 少々裂け. タイトル頁裏に前所有者サイン(“K.Kihara”). 後見返し及び遊び紙にインク汚れ及び少 綴じ割れ. 後見返し遊び裏にインク書込み. タイトル頁-1280pp.間に計 67 ヶ所朱印有(1x1cm.). 561-598pp.,1168-1264pp.,1297-1312p.,1343-1361pp.,1411-1456pp.,1503-1555pp.,1569-1648pp., 1697-1713pp.に濡れシミ及び濡れ皺. 656-657pp.に少綴じ割れ. 18.3x12.7cm. [w2724-705140] 1311 復江鐵 (編): 増訂 綜合英漢大辭典 ¥26,250 A Comprehensive English-Chinese Dictionary. 附新字補編 香港:商務印書館, 1948. 増訂本 第 1 版. xvi,1502pp.+63pp.(補編)+172pp.(古今地名人名音釋ほか) 濃赤クロース装. 裏表紙に薄 い白い汚れ. 小口、見返し少々ヤケ. 23x15.8cm. [w1537-701676] 1312 福永恭助・岩倉具實: 口語辭典 ¥12,600 Hanasikotoba o hiku Zibiki. Maegaki-私たちの考えTuketari-ローマ字文の書き方- 口語辭典出 版會, 昭 14. 23pp.(Maegaki.)+928pp.+17pp.(Tuketari.) 紺クロース装、少々汚れ. 前表紙上部に 少々擦れ. 後表紙に少皺. 背薄いヤケ. 小口細かいシミ汚れ. 前見返しに書店シール. 奥付裏に 少々朱印(0.5x0.3cm.). 数頁少ヤケシミ. 19.2x13.5cm. [w2794-705229] 1313 福原麟太郎(編): 英語教育事典 The Kenkyusha Cyclopedia of English. ¥4,200 研究社 1961. 初版 カバーやけ [W0941-701402] 1314 藤岡勝二: 大英和辭典 ¥15,750 A Complete English=Japanese Dictionary. 2巻 大倉書店, 昭 10. 15 版. Vol.1: 10pp.(序、発 音とその記号、凡例)+1633pp. vol.2: 2119pp.+2pp.青クロース装. 函 (ヤケ、薄い染み、部分破れ). 小口ヤケ、少々染み. あそび紙に細かな染み. 本文中挿絵(小)有. 19x13.5cm. [w1523-701677] 1315 藤田仁太郎 (編): 英和商工辭典 ¥4,200 Kenkyusha's English-Japanese Dictionary of Commercial and Technical Terms. 研究社, 昭 16. ii,3,1220pp. 茶クロース装. カバー背表紙少々裂け及び書込み(「昭 16 年」). 函の背表紙に書込み (「昭 16 年」). 小口に細かなシミ. 18.7x13.8cm. [w2339-704401] 1316 松村 寛: 英語對照 現代米語小辭典 ¥4,200 Contemporary American Usage with British Equivalents. タイムス出版社, 昭 5. 初版. 323pp. 紺クロース装. 背少々ヤケ及び角擦れ. 小口汚れ. 前後遊び紙薄いヤケ. 17.5x11.2cm. [w2784-705219] 1317 宮崎静二: 日本語辞典 ¥12,600 The Japanese Dictionary. Explained in English. 研究社, 昭 19. 初版. 4pp.(Preface)+2pp.(Contents)+114pp.(Japanese Grammar.)+768pp.+4pp.(Errata.) 赤クロース装、全体 的薄い汚れ. 背角擦れ及び皺. 小口細かいシミ汚れ. 数頁薄いヤケシミ. 18.8x14cm. [w2795-705230] 156 辞典・和書 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 1318 井上義昌(編): 英語類語辞典 [増訂新版] ¥5,250 A Dictionary Of English Synonyms. New Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 開拓社, 昭 32. 増訂第 4 版. xxxi,1075pp. カバー、全体的汚れ及び少擦れ、背ヤケ及び角擦れ、上部少欠け、下部角少々 裂け. 小口汚れ、腹(索引頁部)にかけて青インク線、地にわずかなインク点. 前後遊び紙少々汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 後見返しに書店シール. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19x13.8cm. [w2819-705314] 1319 井上義昌(編) : 英米語用法辞典 ¥6,300 A Dictionary Of English And American Usage. 開拓社, 昭 36. 第 3 版. xliv,1308pp. カバー、 全体的薄い汚れ及び角少々擦れ、前カバー下部に少裂け、背薄いヤケ、上下部に細かい裂け. 小 口汚れ、腹に少々インク線. 前後遊び紙少々汚れ. 前見返しに書店シール、遊び紙上部にインクサ イン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 18.8x13.5cm. [w2821-705316] 1320 入江祝衛: 英文法辭典 ¥8,400 A Grammatical Dictionary Of The English Language. 博育堂, 大 4. 再版. 2pp.+1304pp. 紺 クロース装、全体的少汚れ. 背ヤケ、上下部及びジョイント部擦れ、少々白いシミ. 前後見返し及び 遊び紙少々汚れ. 前見返し少綴じ割れ、前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 1-32pp.に朱線 及び朱丸. 909-910pp.に少々皺及び下部少々細かい裂け. 915pp.に少々インクアンダーライン. 本 文数頁薄いヤケシミ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19x13.2cm. [w2817-705312] 1321 岩崎民平(編): 新ポケット英和辞典 改訂新版 ¥5,250 Kenkusha's New Pocket English-Japanese Dictionary. Revised Edition. 研究社辞書部, 1964. 改 訂新版第 2 刷. 26pp.+1555pp. カバー、端細かい裂け及び全体的薄い汚れ. 背ヤケ. 紺ビニール装. 小口薄い汚れ、天に少々青い汚れ. 前後遊び紙に細かいシミ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙の裏に少々鉛筆及びペン書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 16.2x9.5cm. [w2762-705180] 1322 岩崎民平(編): 簡約英和辭典 増補版 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. With Addenda. 研究社辞書部, 昭 29. 第 24 版. viii,1892pp. 紺クロース装、薄い汚れ. 背少ヤケ. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、腹に少々インク書込. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). タイトル頁に少鉛筆書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.3x13.7cm. [w2768-705192] 1323 岩崎民平(主幹): 新簡約英和辞典 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. An Entirely New Edition. 研究社辞書部, 昭 31. 初版. xxxii,2142pp. 紺クロース装、全体的薄い汚れ. 背に少々シミ汚れ. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ. 前後見返し薄い汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 1658-1668pp.上部に少ヤケシミ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.5x13.7cm. [w2769-705193] 1324 大塚高信・寿岳文章・菊野六夫(共編): 固有名詞英語発音辞典 ¥3,150 English Pronouncing Dictionary Of Proper Names. 三省堂, 昭 44. xiii,954pp. カバー少々 汚れ及び背ヤケ. 天に細かいシミ、地角に少汚れ. 前見返し上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 後見 返しに少々鉛筆書込み、遊び紙に少々朱インク書込. 554-555pp.及び 558pp.少汚れ. 930-931pp.少 綴じ割れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.5x13.5cm. [w2818-705313] 1325 大塚高信・吉川美夫・河村重治郎(共編): カレッジクラウン英和辞典 第 2 版 ¥12,600 Sanseido's College Crown English-Japanese Dictionary. Second Edition. 三省堂, 昭 52. 第 2 版(第 1 刷). xv,2301pp. 朱ビニール装. 小口汚れ、天に細かなシミ汚れ. 前後見返し及び後遊び 157 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 紙に鉛筆またはペン書込み. 前遊び紙にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 2275-2301pp.にかけて皺. 木原 研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19x13cm. [w2787-705222] 1326 岡倉由三郎(編): 研究社 スクール和英新辭典 1952 年増補版 ¥4,200 Kenkyusha's New School Dictionary. (Japanese-English). 研究社辞書部, 昭 27. 75 版. viii,1119pp. 黒クロース装、全体的に細かく白い点汚れ. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、腹にアルファベットの 書込. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”)、後遊び紙下部及び奥付裏に個人印を消した跡有. P.1119 裏に朱印及び青インクの個人印. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.2x13.5cm. [w2767-705191] 1327 岡倉由三郎(主幹): 新英和大辞典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary on Bilingual Principles. With New Words Section. 研究社辞書部, 昭 27. 改訂増補 第 7 版. iii,ix,2632pp. 朱クロース装、全体的にシミ汚れ. 背ヤケ、 上下部に皺. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.8x13.5cm. [w2772-705197] 1328 岡倉由三郎(主幹): 新英和大辞典 ¥5,250 Kenkyusha's A New English- Japanese Dictionary. 研究社, 昭 8. 増補訂正第 101 版. xii,2180pp. 赤クロース装(改装)、少々シミ汚れ. 背に手書きでタイトル貼付. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、腹 にアルファベットのインク書込. 扉頁欠. 前遊び紙及び「訂正増補版に際して」頁上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). P.1 上部に個人印及び朱印. P.2180 に朱印及び蔵書印(1x1cm.). 出版広告頁下部少 欠け及び蔵書印(1x1cm.). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.3x13cm. [w2773-705198] 1329 小澤愛圀・山本文之助・增井一彦(共編): 英語諺語辞典 ¥8,400 A Dictionary of English Proverbs. 篠崎書林, 昭 30. 初版. ix,611pp. カバー、全体的汚れ、端 欠け及び細かい裂け. 前そで裂け. 背ヤケ、下部少々欠け. 紺クロース装. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、地 に細かく薄いシミ. 前後見返し及び遊び紙に少ヤケシミ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.2x11cm. [w2764-705182] 1330 神田乃武・南日恒太郎(共編): 英和雙解 熟語大辭典 ¥5,250 A Dictionary Of English Phrases with English and Japanese Explanations. 有朋堂, 大元年. 第 18 版. x,1658pp.+93pp.(Glossary of Foreign Phrases in English Literature.) [マスターオブ、アーツ 男爵 神田乃武、学習院教授 南日恒太郎 共編.] 紺クロース装、全体的汚れ及び細かな擦れ、背 ヤケ及び上下部端擦れ. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、腹に少々シミ. 前後見返しに薄い汚れ、遊び紙薄い ヤケ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara.”). タイトル頁に少々点シミ. i pp. にわずかな鉛筆書 込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.5x13.5cm. [w2822-705317] 1331 国松孝二(編): コンサイス独和辞典 〈新装版〉 ¥3,150 Sanseido's Concise Japanisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. 三省堂, 昭 45. 初版 新装第 1 刷. ix,1460pp. 深緑合皮装、少々折れ線. 小口薄い緑、汚れ、腹に少々アルファベットのペン書込. 前 見返し及び遊び紙に少ヤケシミ. 500-662pp. 頁上下部にインク及び鉛筆書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵 辞典. 17x10cm. [w2749-705167] 1332 研究社辭書部(編): 研究社 スクール英和辭典 新版 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's New School Dictionary. (English-Japanese). 研究社, 昭 16. 第 50 版. xiii,1638pp. 赤クロース装、全体的汚れ. 背少剥がれ、角擦れ. 小口汚れ、天に少朱汚れ. 前見返し上部にイン クサイン(“K.Kihara”). 後遊び紙下部に少シール剥がし跡、裏にインク書込. タイトル頁裏少綴じ割. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.7x14cm. [w2770-705194] 1333 神戸商船大学海事用語辞典編纂委員会(編): 英和 海事用語辞典 ¥4,200 English-Japanese Dictionary of Marine Terms. 海文堂, 昭 38. 初版. 577pp. 黒合皮装、薄い 汚れ. 背下部少々剥がれ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 後見返しに少々 汚れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 18x11cm. [w2750-705168] 158 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 1334 斎藤秀三郎: 熟語本位 英和中辭典 [再訂版] ¥12,600 Saito's Idiomological English-Japanese Dictionary. (Revised Edition) 正則英語学校出版部 日 英社, 大 10. 再訂版再版. 10pp.+1594pp. 茶クロース装、汚れ及び擦れ、端に少々細かい裂け. 背ヤケ、角及びジョイント部に補正テープ. 小口ヤケ及び汚れ、腹にアルファベットの書込. 前後見 返し汚れ、前見返し及び後遊び紙に裂け. 前遊び紙に朱印「昭和拾一年八月拾貮日」及び蔵書印 「木原蔵書(1.7x1.7cm.)」及びインク、鉛筆書込. 奥付頁に朱個人印「木原」及び少々青インク書込. 本文数頁に薄いヤケシミ、インクアンダーライン及び書込. 1492-1493pp.綴じ割れ. 1467-1470pp.少 綴じ外れ及び裂け. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19x13.5cm. [w2815-705310] 1335 斎藤秀三郎: 斎藤英和辞典 〈普及版〉 ¥15,750 Saito's Vade Mecum English-Japanese Dictionary. 名著普及会, 1982. 復刻版第 1 刷, 632pp.+15pp.(附録)+6pp.(解題) 朱クロース装、上下部端少々擦れ及び細かいへこみ. 背少々汚 れ. 小口汚れ. 前遊び紙に少濡れシミによる皺、上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara.”). 後遊び紙に書店 シール. 奥付頁に少々鉛筆書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 26.2x19.8cm. [w2823-705318] 1336 斎藤秀三郎(著) 豊田實(増補): 熟語本位 英和中辭典 [新増補版] ¥5,250 Saito's Idiomological English-Japanese Dictionary. New Edition (Revised & Enlarged) 岩波書店, 1955. 第 13 刷. xiii,1786pp. 朱クロース装、少々汚れ. 背ヤケ及び少々インク線、下部少々擦れ. 小口ヤケシミ及び少汚れ、腹に朱個人印. 前遊び紙に青インクサイン(“K.Kihara”)及び書込み. 後 見返しに朱インク及び鉛筆書込. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 18.5x13.5cm. [w2816-705311] 1337 三省堂編修所(編): コンサイス英英辞典 ¥5,250 Sanseido's Concise English Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 32. 1 版. vi,1040pp.+10pp.(不規則動詞表 及び英語通信文例) 紺合皮装、全体的薄い汚れ. 背少々擦れ、上部角少割れ. 小口青、薄い汚 れ. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.6x8.5cm. [w2755-705173] 1338 三省堂編修所(編): コンサイス英英辞典 第 3 版 ¥4,200 Sanseido's Concise English Dictionary. Third Edition. 三省堂, 昭 47. 第 3 版 第 2 刷. vi,1175pp. 茶合皮装. 小口黄、天と地にペン書込(“英々コン”)、腹にアルファベットのペン書込 (A-Z). 前遊び紙にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). タイトル頁裏に薄い朱汚れ. 本文少々挿絵(中). 木原 研三先生旧蔵辞典. 17.2x10.3cm. [w2748-705166] 1339 三省堂編修所(編) 佐々木達(編集主幹) Prof. N.C.Scott(発音指導): ¥5,250 最新コンサイス英和辞典 改訂版 Sanseido's New Concise English-Japanese Dictionary. Revised Edition. 三省堂, 昭 36. 改訂 29 版. 2pp.(緒言)+7pp.(使用上の方針)+4pp.(発音略解)+1296pp.+10pp.(I.米国の祝祭日 II.英国の 祝祭日 III.米国大統領表 IV.英国元首表 V.米国の州名と首都名 VI.数の読み方)+3pp.(不規則動 詞表) 茶ビニール装、下部少々剥がれ. 小口汚れ. 前後見返しにカラー地図付き. 前遊び紙上 部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”). 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15.2x8.8cm. [w2742-705160] 1340 三省堂編輯所(編) 佐々木達(編集主幹): ¥5,250 最新コンサイス英和辞典 ジョーンズ式発音表記 Sanseido's New Concise English=Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 31. 9 版. 2pp.(緒 言)+4pp.(凡例)+3pp.(発音略解)+1247pp.+7pp.(不規則動詞表) 茶合皮装、角少折れ及び端少擦 れ. 小口汚れ、腹にペン書込. 前後見返し及び遊び紙に汚れ、後見返しに少インク汚れ. 後遊び紙 に個人印及びペン書込. 出版物目録頁にペン書込及び青線. P.92,616,1235 に少朱線、 P.83,89,279,316,415,560,735,872 に少青線、P.232,440 に青丸、371-372pp.少々欠け、633-636pp. 少々裂け、P.626,766,783,825,858,906-907,1216,1228 にインク書込み. 303-318,1071-1084,1109-1122pp.に汚れ. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 15x8.8cm. [w2741-705159] 159 木原研三先生旧蔵 和書辞典 1341 三省堂編輯所(編纂): 三省堂英和大辞典 ¥12,600 Sanseido's Encyclopædic English-Japanese Dictionary. 三省堂, 昭 3. 第 3 版. iv,v,2680pp. 赤クロース装、全体的薄い汚れ、後表紙下部少捲れ及び少々裂け. 背ヤケ. 上下部端擦れ. 小口 汚れ. 巻頭に「術語分擔執筆家芳名」4pp.有. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン(“K.Kihara”)、中央に蔵 書印(2.5x2cm.). 後遊び紙にインクサイン. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 20x11.8cm. [w2774-705199] 1342 福原麟太郎(編集主幹): 研究社 新スクール英和辞典 ¥8,400 Kenkyusha's New School Dictionary. (English-Japanese). 研究社辞書部, 昭 32. 第 2 版発行. 昭 41. 印刷. xvi,1880pp. 青ビニール装. 背ヤケ. 小口青、汚れ、腹にアルファベットの書込. 前 遊び紙及びタイトル頁に個人印を消した跡有. 後遊び紙に個人印. 前遊び紙上部にインクサイン (“K.Kihara”). カラー挿絵 4 頁、世界の名所旧跡・建築・絵画・彫刻・人物などを収めた写真集 24 頁 有. 木原研三先生旧蔵辞典. 19.2x13.5cm. [w2766-705190] 言語学セット・重要書籍 英語に関する書籍 21 巻 南雲堂 (大塚高信 編) A reprint series of books relating to the English Language edited by Takanobu Otsuka. In 21 vols. Nan'un-Do(南雲堂), 1967-1971. (全て 1 刷) Vol.1: W.Bullokar: Booke at large, Bref Grammar and Pamphlet for Grammar. (解説・大塚高 信) P.Gr.: Grammatica Anglicana. (解説・渡部昇一) E.Coote: The English Schoole-maister. (解説・豊 田昌倫) Vol.2: A.Gill: Logonomia Anglica. G.Mason: Grammaire Angloise. (共に解説・柴田省三) Vol.3: B.Jonson: The English Grammar. (解説・石橋幸太郎) A.Hume: Of the Orthographie and Congruitie of the Britan Tongue. (解説・日下部徳次) J.Wallis: Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae. (解 説・渡部昇一) Vol.4: C.Butler: The English Grammar. (解説・渡部昇一) C.Cooper: Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae. (解説・柴田省三) Vol.5: T.Smith: De Recta et Emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione Dialogus. (解説・渡部昇一) J.B.Gen.Ca.: Le Maistre d'escole Anglois. (解説・中島邦男) Anon.: The Writing Scholar's Companion. (解説・林哲郎) Vol.6: J.Hart: An Orthographie. A Methode. (共に解説・荒木一雄) R.Hodges: The English Primrose. (解説・平岡照明) Vol.7: S.Daines: Orthoepia Anglicana. (解説・桑原輝男) J.Jones: Practical Phonography. (解説・菊 野六夫) Vol.8: J.Brightland: A Grammar of the English Tongue. (解説・寺沢芳雄) A.Lane: A Key to the Art of Letters. T.Dyche: A Guide to the English Tongue. (共に解説・益田出) Vol.9: M.Maittairer: The English Grammar. (解説・福村虎治郎) T.Dilworth: A New Guide to the English Tongue. (解説・小野茂) Vol.10: J.Greenwood: An Essay Towards a Practical English Grammar. (解説・垣田章) S.Johnson: A Grammar of the English Tongue. (解説・松浪有) Vol.11: Philological Essays from Dryden to Johnson. (解説・永嶋大典) Vol.12: J.Harris: Hermes: or, A Philosophical Inquiry concerning Language and Universal 160 1343 英語文献翻刻シリーズ 言語学セット・重要書籍 Grammar. (解説・中島文雄) Vol.13: R.Lowth: A Short Introduction to English Grammar. (解説・郡司利男) J.Buchanan: The British Grammar. (解説・広瀬泰三) Vol.14: J.Priestley: The Rudiments of English Grammar. A Course of Lectures on the Theory of Language, and Universal Grammar. (共に解説・山川喜久男) Vol.15: W.Ward: A Grammar of the English Language, in Two Treatises. (解説・前島儀一郎) T.Sheridan: A Rhetorical Grammar of the English Language. (解説・山口秀夫) Vol.16: N.Webster: A Grammatical Institute of the English Language (pt.II). (解説・河井迪男) C.Coote: Elements of the Grammar of the English Language. (解説・若田部博哉) Vol.17: J.H.Tooke: Ёπεα πτρόεντα, or The Diversion of Purley, Vol.I. (解説・大塚高信) Vol.18: J.H.Tooke: Ёπεα πτρόεντα, or The Diversion of Purley, Vol.II. (解説・大塚高信) Vol.19: L.Murray: English Grammar, adapted to the Different Classes of Learners. モルレイ氏 著: 英吉利小文典 (共に解説・宇賀冶正朋) Vol.20: W.Hazlitt: New and Improved Grammar of the English Tongue: For the Use of Schools. (解説・枡矢好弘) W.Cobbett: A Grammar on the English Language, in a Series of Letters. (解説・桝井 迪夫) Vol.21: H.Alford: The Queen's English. (解説・田桐大澄) G.W.Moon: The Dean's English. (解説・ 江川泰一郎) Spine of d.w.somewhat sunned and edges somewhat foxing. [L02369-600050] ¥189,000 1344 Dobson,E.J. English Pronunciation 1500-1700. Second Edition. Vol. 1: Survay of the Sources. xxiv,444pp. Vol. 2: Phonology. vi,446-1082. In 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. d.w. sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Edges spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. End papers partly spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. Vol.1: Verso of half title page & title page spotted. [L03161-604883] ¥36,750 1345 Kruisinga,E. A Handbook of Present-Day English. 2vols.in 4. Senjo n.d. Part I: English Sounds. Reprinted from Kemink en Zoon over den dom te Utrcht, 4th edition in 1925. xi,311pp. Part II: English Accidence and Syntax-1. Reprinted from P.Noordhoff, Groningen, 5th edition in 1931. xxix,506pp. Part II-2. Reprinted from P.Noordhoff, Groningen, 5th edition in 1932. xiii,479pp. Part II-3. Reprinted from P.Noordhoff, Groningen, 5th edition in 1932. xiii,550pp. Top edge foxed & spotted. Fore & lower edges sl.foxed & spotted. E.ps. sl.spotted. Pt. II-1: Front cover sl.scuffed. [L03454-605324] ¥21,000 1346 Lean,Vincent Stuckey Lean's Collectanea. Collections by Vincent Stuckey Lean of Proverbs (English & Foreign), Folk Lore, and Superstitions, also Compilations Towards Dictionaries of Proverbial Phrases and Words, Old and Disused. 4 vols in 5 books. Bristol: J.W.Arrowsmith, 1902-1904. Vol.I: frontis.+xvi,509pp.+2 plates./ Vol.II.1: frontis.+476pp./ Vol.II.2: 481-939pp./ Vol.III: frontis.+496pp./ Vol.IV: frontis.+480pp. White cloth backed red boards. Spine sunned. Edges and e.ps.foxing. Flyleaves and half title page spotted. Ex-libris.(James Rolt.) to front e.p. (リーンのことわざ百科) 26x17cm. [ds1405-604741] ¥84,000 1347 Mätzner,Eduard (Adolf Ferdinand) Englisch Grammatik. Erster Theil: Die Lehre vom Worte./ Zweiter Theil: Die Lehre von der Wortund Satzfügung 1 & 2. In 3 vols. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1873-1875. Zweite Auflage. viii,560pp./ iv,529pp./ xv,619pp. Rebound. Small stamped on front flyleaf of each vols. [L01037-600024] ¥68,250 1348 Mencken,H.L. The American Language. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. [Borzoi Books] In 3 vols. Tokyo: Senjo Publishing Co, 1968. Reprinted. Originally published from New York: Alfred A.Knopf, Vol.1: Fourth edition corrected, enlarged, and rewritten. 14th printing, 1957. (xi,769,xxix pp.) Vol.2 (Supplement One): 6th printing, 1956. (xv,739,xxxv pp.) Vol.3 (Sup161 言語学セット・重要書籍 plement Two): 3rd printing, 1956. (xiii,890,xliii pp.) sl.spotted. 24.3x17cm. [L01699-a-600030] ¥31,500 Dust wrapper sl.sunned and partly torn. Edges 1349 Mitchell,Bruce Old English Syntax. Vol.1: Concord, the Parts of Speech,and the Sentence. Vol.2: Subordination Independent Elements,and Element Order. 2vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987. Reprinted with further corrections. lxiv,820pp./ xlv,1080pp. Edges sl.stained. E.ps. & flyleaves sl.foxed. 24.2x16.2cm. [L03345-605189] ¥84,000 1350 Mossé,Fernand Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. I. Vieil-Anglais. Avec 5 figures et 2 planches hors texte. Tome Premier: Grammaire et Textes.(345pp.+1 tableau) Tome Second: Notes et Glossaire.(347-552pp.+errata) II. Moyen-Anglais. Avec 11 figures et 5 planches hors texte. Tome Premier: Grammaire et Textes.(383pp.) Tome Second: Notes et Glossaire.(191pp.) [Bibliothèque de Philologie Germanique VIII & XII] In 4 vols. Paris: Aubier, 1950 & 1962. Printed wrappers. Wholly sunned. Covers of "I- Tome premier" partly stained. Pencil notations to some pages of II-Tome premier & second. 19.3x14.5cm. [L03157-604825] ¥12,600 1351 Poutsma,H. A Grammar of Late Modern English. 2 vols. in 5. Senjo, n.d. Reprinted. Part I: The sentence, First half; The elements of the sentence. Reprinted from Groningen, P.Noodhoff, 2nd edition in 1928. (xi,540pp.) Part I, Second half: The composite sentence. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff, 2nd edition in 1929. (545-1057pp.) Part II: The parts of speech, I-A: Nouns, ajections and articles. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff edition in 1914. (xii,703pp.) Part II, I-B: Pronouns and numerals. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff edition in 1916. (xv,706-1437pp.) Part II, II: The verb and the particles. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff edition in 1926. (vii,891pp.) With d.w. Spines of d.w.sl.faded and edges foxing. [L02365-600032] ¥31,500 1352 Scheurweghs,G. Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, I. With an Appendix on Japanese Publications by Prof.Hideo Yamaguchi (Fukui, Japan). [Publications of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts, 1963. xviii,293pp. Printed wrappers partly sunned. Spine sunned. Edegs foxed. Top edge spotted. Small ink ownerhsip signature to half title page. Scheurweghs,G. Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, II. With an Appendixes on Japanese Publications by Prof.Hideo Yamaguchi (Fukui, Japan) and on Czechoslovak Publications by Dr.Ján Šimko (Bratislava). [Publications of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts, 1965. xviii,232pp. Printed wrappers partly sunned. Spine sunned. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Scheurweghs,G. ed. Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, III. I ; Docent G.G.Pocheptsov /Soviet Reserch on English Morphology and Syntax. II ; M.Mincofe, A.Reszkiewicz, I.Leviţchi, R.Filipović /English Studies in Bulgaria Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia. [Publications of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts Publishing House, 1968. xvii,267pp. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Scheurweghs,G. /Continued by E.Vorlat Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, IV. Addenda and General Indexes. With A Few Addenda by Dr. Ján Šimko (Bratislava). [Publications of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts Publishing House, 1968. x,123pp. Printed wrappers. Spine & rear cover sunned. Edges somewhat foxed. Top edges sl.spotted. A ink mark indicating index at fore edge. Vorlat,E ed. Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1961-1970, V.Articles in Periodicals 1961-1970. Leuven University Press, Uitgeverij Nauwelaerts Leuven, 1979. viii,416pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Spine sunned. Edges sl.foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. A ink mark 162 言語学セット・重要書籍 indicating index at fore edge. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. 5 vols. set. [L03265-L03269-605109-605113] ¥31,500 1353 Tooke,John Horne Eпea Πteroenta, or The Diversions of Purley. In 2 vols. London: Printed for the Author, 1798 & 1805. Second edition (to title page of vol.I). 534pp./ 516pp.+index. Vol.I; Edges of covers sl.rubbed. Joint of covers sl.loosened. Fore edge foxed & sl.spotted. Lower edge sl.spotted. Some pages spotted. Publisher'bibliography in the latter part of this book. Boards and spine rubbed and sl.peeled the surface. Front board of vol.I sl.started and rear board of vol.II cracked (第 2 巻裏表紙外れ). From frontis.to p.7 of vol.I light spotted. Ex-libris (Thomas Hodgkin) on left side of front e.ps.and another ink ownership notations to right side. 26.6x22cm. [ds1433-605256] ¥52,500 ドイツ語に関する書籍 1354 Grimm,Jacob Deutsche Grammatik. I, II, : Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Scherer. III, IV : Herausgegeben von Gustav Roethe und Edward Schröder. V : Register. [Documenta Linguistica. Quellen zur Geschichte der Deutschen Sprache des 16.-19. Jahrhunderts Herausgegeben von Ludwig Erich Schmitt. Grammatiken des 19.Jahrhunderts Herausgegeben von Ludwig Erich Schmitt.] 5 vols. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, Vol.I - IV ; 1967. /Vol.V ; 1971. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1870. /Berlin 1878. /Gütersloh 1890. /Gütersloh 1898. /Göttigen 1865. xxx,992pp./xiv,991pp./li,746pp./lxii,1312pp./viii,219pp. Top edge gray. Edges somewhat foxed. Front edge sl.spotted. Personal exlibrary stamps(F.K.Suzuki) on front flyleaf, title page to each vol. Ink spots on counter parts of exlibrary stamps. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Vol.III ; A light ink spot on top edge. Vol.V ; Spine sunned. [L03452-605319] ¥63,000 1355 Jørgensen,Peter Tysk Grammarik. I. II(Numerus Og Kasus). III(1: Samarbejde Med Ove K.Clausen) 6.oplag. 3 vols. København: G.E.C.Gads Forlag, 1976.77.78. xiii,254pp. vii,197pp. x,229pp. Stamped on title page of vol.1. [L01977-601712] ¥21,000 1356 Maurer,Friedrich & Friedrich Stroh eds. Deutsche Wortgeschichte. [Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie 17/I,II,III] 3vols. Berlin; Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1959. Zweite, Neubearbeitete Auflage. Band I; 492pp. Band 2; 613pp. Band 3; 186pp. With publisher's bibliography. Spine sunned. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03094-604758] ¥31,500 1357 Müller,Wilhelm / Zarncke,Friedrich Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch mit Benutzung des Nachlasses von George Friedrich Benecke. Ausgearbeitet von Wilhelm Müller und Friedrich Zarncke. Erster Band: A-L./ Zweiter Band, Erste Abtheilung: M-R./ Zweiter Band, Zweite Abtheilung: S./ Dritter Band: T-Z. 3 vols. in 4. Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel, 1854-1866. xxii,1061pp./ vi,825pp./ iv,815pp./ viii,963pp. Rebound. 24.3x17cm. [ds1121-602403] ¥67,200 1358 Paul,Hermann Deutsche Grammatik. Band I, Teil I: Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II: Lautlehre. 1916. xix,378pp. / Band II, Teil III: Flexionslehre. 1917. vi,345pp. / Band III, Teil IV: Syntax (Erste hälfte) 1919. viii,456pp. / Band IV, Syntax (Zweite hälfte) 1920. 423pp. / Band V, Wortbildungslehre. 1920. vi,142pp. 5 vols. Halle a.S.: Verlag von Max Niemeyer. Sunned. Spine of Band I sl.damaged. Joint of Band III partly torn. [ds1159-602571] ¥25,200 1359 Paul,Hermann Deutsche Grammatik. Band I, Teil I: Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II: Lautlehre. / Band II, Teil III: Flexionslehre. / Band III, Teil IV: Syntax (Erste hälfte) / Band IV, Syntax (Zweite hälfte) / Band V, Wortbildungslehre. 5 vols. Halle (Saale): VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1955.(3.Auflage) / 163 言語学セット・重要書籍 1956.(3.Unveränderter nachdruck) / 1954.(Unveränderter nachdruck) / 1955.(2.Auflage) / 1955.(2.Auflage) xix,378pp. / 345pp. / viii,456pp. / 425pp. / vi,142pp. All edges slightly sunned. The spine of Band II.stained. Only Band II cloth binding. [ds0811-602572] ¥21,000 1360 Stammler,Wolfgang ed. Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. Bearbeitet von Maria-Lioba Lechner, Lydia Tschakert, Theresia Zimmer. 4 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1957. / 1960. / 1962. / 1969. 2., überarbeitete Auflage. xvi,1999pp. / xii,2623pp. / xvi,3050pp. / viii,228pp. Vol.4 is "Register zu Band I bis III". d.w. I.Band: L.Weisgerber, H.Oppel, J.Dünninger, F.Martini, E.Frenzel, F.Panzer, B.Bischoff, E.Mehl, E.Heintel, H.Moser, A.Schirokauer, A.Langen, F.Thierfelder, W.Wittsack, E.Schwarz, W.Mitzka, W.Foerste, W.Krogmann, R.C.Wood, F.J.Beranek / II Band: R.Kienast, A.Closs, E.Seemann, K.H.Halbach, H.Maiworm, W.Stammler, G.Eis, G.Weydt, R.Majut, J.Kunz, K.Günther, E.Hartl, K.Ziegler, B.Martin, G.Cordes, W.Krogmann, R.Newald, K.Hauck / III.Band: F.H.Oppenheim, H.Petriconi, E.Schramm, H.Oppel, H.Jantz, C.Roos, E.Kunze, J.v.Dam, A.Rammelmeyer, A.Schmaus, M.Fishbach-Pospelova, K.K.Klein, F.Babinger, H.Losch, H.Hammitzsch, W.Stammler, K.Günther, K.Hoppe, H.Heinrich Borcherdt, K.d'Ester, K.Seeberger, F.Stepun, H.E.Holthusen, W.Bergengruen, B.v.Heiseler, H.Meier, V.Kellermann, W.Betz, J.Oswald, M.Schmidt, H.Arntz, W.Betz, K.Bader, D.W.H.Schwarz, H.Grundmann, H.Gollwitzer, U.Pretzel, H.Thomas, M.Hain, J.Dünninger, W.-E.Peuckert, M.Hain, L.Schmidt, W.Stammler, J.Göhler 27x20cm. [ds0738-600033] ¥46,200 そのほかの言語および言語学に関する書籍 1361 Bethe,Ericvs ed. Pollvcis Onomasticon. E codicibvs ab ipso collatis denvo edidit et adnotavit Ericvs Bethe. Fascicvlvs prior: Lib.I-V continens. Fascicvlvs posterior: Lib.VI-X continens. Fascicvlvs tertivs: Index. [Sammlung Wissenschaftlicher Commentare: Lexicographi Graeci. Vol.IX] In 3 vols. Stvtgardiae in Aedibvs B.G.Tevbneri, 1967. Editio Stereotypa editionis. xix,305pp./ vi,258pp./ 128pp. The spines of vol.1&2 sl.faded. Covers and spine of vol.3 stained. [L00747-600316] ¥16,800 1362 Conway,R.S. ・ J.Whatmough ・ S.E.Johnson The Prae-Italic Dialects of Italy. Volume I : Parts I ; The Venetic Inscriptions. Collected and edited by Robert Seymour Conway. Part II ; The Ancient Names Local, Divine, and Personal of Norh Italy. Collected, arranged, and edited by Sarah Elisabeth Johnson. With Those of the Raeti. Collected, arranged, and edited by Joshua Whatmough. Volume II : Part III; The Raetic, Lepontic, Gallic, East-Italic Messapic and Sicel Inscriptions. With the Glosses in Ancient Writers and the Local and Divine Names of Ancient Sicily. Edited with Notes and an Appendix together with Commentary, Grammar, Glossary and an account of the Alphabets by Joshua Whatmough. Volume III : Indexes. In Three Volumes. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. xvi,459pp. /xxx,632pp. /viii,163pp. With plates. Covers sl.stained. Top edge gray & sl.stained. Fore & lower edges sl.spotted & foxed. Stamped by former owner on title page in each vol. E.ps., flyleaves, half title page & last page sl.spotted. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03445-605289] ¥31,500 1363 (Coseriu,Eugenio) Logos Semantikos: Studia Linguistica in Honorem Eugenio Coseriu 1921-1981. Horst Geckeler, Brigitte Schlieben, Lange Jürgen Trabant, Harald Weydt (eds.) In 5 vols. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter / Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1981. Vol.1: History of Language Philosophy and of Linguistics. (xxx,458pp.) Vol.2: Language Theory and Language Philosophy. (x,492pp.) Vol.3: Semantics. (x,513pp.) Vol.4: Grammar. (x,441pp.) Vol.5: History and Variation in Languages. (x,469pp.) Top edge gray. Front and rear boards sl.stained. Edges light foxing. Ownership stamp of Takashi Kamei on front e.p.of vol.2. 24.8x16.8cm. [lk0001-604076] ¥57,750 164 言語学セット・重要書籍 1364 (Coseriu,Eugenio) Albrecht,Jörn, Jens Lüdtke & Harald Thun hrsg. Energeia und Ergon: Sprachliche Variation - Sprachgeschichte - Sprachthpologie. Studia in Honorem Eugenio Coseriu. [Tübinger Beiträzur Linguistik, Band 300] In 3 vols. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 1988. Band I: Schriften von Eugenio Coseriu (1965-1987). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Jön Albrecht. (xlv,417pp.) Band II: Das sprachtheoretische Denken Eugenio Coserius in der Diskussiion (1). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Harald Thun. (Contributors: E.N.Díaz, W.Dietrich, P.Koch, M.lrich, E.Burr et al. xiv,578pp.) Band III: Das sprachtheoretische Denken Eugenio Coserius in der Diskussiion (2). Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Jens Lüdtke. (Contributors: C.Lehmann, H.Weydt, H.Weber, R.Piotrowski et al. viii,535pp.) Spines of each vol.partly stained and edges light foxing. Pencil notations. 24.5x17.8cm. [lk0111-604077] ¥52,500 1365 Düringsfeld,Ida von & Otto von Reinsberg-Düringsfeld Sprichwörter der germanischen und romanischen Sprachen. [Volkskundliche Quellen Neudrucke europäischer Texte und Untersuchungen VII Sprichwort] 2vols. Hildesheim・New York; Georg Olms Verlag, 1973. Vol. 1; xvi,522pp. Viii,638pp. Spine sl.sunned & rubbed. Small ink ownership signature to front fly leaf. [L03095-604759] ¥36,750 1366 Hope,T.E. Lexical Borrowing in the Romance Languages. A Critical Study of Italianisms in French and Gallicisms in Italian from 1100 to 1900. 2vols. New York; New York University Press, 1971. Vol.I; xiv,354pp. Vol.II; iv,355-782pp. d.w. Its spine sl.stained, Otherwise near fine condition. [L03093.-604757] ¥31,500 1367 Kuryłowicz,Jerzy Esquisses LinguistiquesⅠ/ II. [Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik./ International library of general linguistics. (herausgegeben von Eugenio Coseriu) Band 16,Ⅰ/ 37] 2 Vols. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1973. /1975. I ; Deuxième édition. 298pp. /483pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Spine sunned. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. II ; With bibliography of Publisher. [L03272-605116] ¥9,450 1368 Schmidt,Wilhelm Der Atticismus in Seinen Hauptvertretern. Von Dionysius von Halikarnass bis auf den Zweiten Philostratus. 5 vols. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1964. Reprografischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe Stuttgart 1887-1897 Mit Genehmigung des Verlages W.Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart Herstellung: fotokop, Reprografischer Betrieb GmbH., Darmstadt. xix,432pp./ 316pp./ 349pp./ 734pp./ 234pp. Top edge gray. The spine of each vols.sl.spotted. [ds0920-603039] ¥25,200 1369 Sommerfelt,Alf ed. Lochlann. (3 vols.) A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgstrøm, Reidar Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume I. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind V] Oslo University Press, 1958. 317pp. (Contributors; Heinrich Wagner, P.L.Henry, Eric P. Hamp, Alf Sommerfelt, Kenneth Jackson etal.) Covers sl.stained. Top edge orange. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed. Papers pasted on e.ps. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. Red pencil underlines in several pages. 25x17.5cm. A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgström, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume II. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind VI] Universitetsforlaget, 1962. 263pp. (Contributors; R.A.Breatnach, Archibald A.Hill, T.Arwyn Watkins, Seán de Búrca, Breandán Ó Buachalla et al.) d.w. sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. Top edge orange. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed. 25x17.5cm. A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgström, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume III. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind VIII] Oslo University Press, 1965. 466pp. (Contributors; Sverre Marstrander, Gerard Stockman and Heinrich Wagner, Sean de Burca, Calvert Watkins, JeffreyEllis et al.) d.w. sl.stained. Its spine sunned. Top edge 165 言語学セット・重要書籍 orange. Fore & lower edges somewhat foxed. E.ps. & flyleaves foxed. 25x17.5cm. [L03437/L03438/L03439-605281/605282/605283] ¥52,500 叢書・雑誌 1370 International Journal of Lexicography. Vol.1, No.1.(1988 Spring) - Vol.18, No.4.(December 2005). 72 冊 完全揃 Oxford UP., 1988-2005. Editors: Robert Ilson (vol.1, no.1-), A.P.Cowie (Vol.11, no.1-), Paul Bogaards(vol.16, no.1-) et al. Printed wrappers. Vols.1-10 bound in uniform gray and white paper boards, vols.11-18 in navy and white paper boards. Ink ownership signature to front board or 'contents' of almost all copies. Some copies light foxing. Pencil notations to vol.9, no.4. Ink notation to spine of vol.11, no.1. Pencil notations to vol.11, nos.2 & 4. Ink notation to spine of vol.15, no.1, upper corner of front board folded. Ink notation to spine of vol.15, no.4, page of 'contents' torn, repaired and underlined, clipped papers pasted on 'contents' and p.337. [with] "Five year index vols.1-5, 1988-1992". [ds1432-605081] ¥105,000 1371 The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vols.1 - 6. Vol.I: The Beginnings to 1066. (Ri- chard M.Hogg ed.) Vol.II: 1066-1476. (Norman Blake ed.) Vol.III: 1476-1776. (Roger Lass ed.) Vol.IV: 1776-Present Day. (Suzanne Romaine ed.) Vol.V: English in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development. (Robert Burchfield ed.) Vol.VI: English in North America. (John Algeo ed.) In 6 vols. Cambridge UP., 1992-2001. Vols.I, II & V are in uniform d.w.and vols.III,IV & VI are in another uniform d.w. Vols.III & IV are wrapped in plastic cover. Some pencil and red ink noations (biblography: p.542) to vol.VI. 23.5x15.8cm. [ds1402-604738] ¥63,000 1372 Brittoon,G.C. et al. English and Germanic Studies, University of Birmingham, I-Ⅶ. 7 vols. Univ.of Birmingham and W.Heffer & Sons, Cambridge. 1947-1961. Vol.1 (1947-8): Allardyce Nicoll (foreword), Emile Benveniste, L.Blakeley, Alice Brunner, Bruce Dickins, E.J.Dobson, Fraser Mackenzie, Angus McIntosh, E.S.Olszewska, Alan S.C.Ross, G.V.Smithers. (113pp.) Vol.2 (1948-9): G.V.Smithers, Pamela Gradon, E.Koutaissoff, Jerzy Koutaissoff, Susie I.Tucker, A.J.Bliss, J.I'a.Bromwich, C.T.Carr, K.R.Brooks, A.C.Cawley, Alan S.C.Ross, G.Shepherd (review). (103pp.) Vol.3 (1949-50): D.S.Brewer, Gwemeth Whitteridge, M.L.Samuels, R.W.Zandvoort, H.Kökeritz, K.R.Brooks, G.V.Smithers, A.J.Bliss, Alan S.C.Ross. (96pp.+plates) Vol.4 (1951-52): Alan S.C.Ross, W.Bonser, A.J.Bliss, Norman Davis, G.V.Smithers, W.B.Lockwood. (104pp.+plates) Vol.5 (1952-53): A.J.Bliss, K.R.Brooks, Cecily Clark, W.B.Lockwood, Alan S.C.Ross, Mary Salu, E.G.Stanley. (119pp.) Vol.6 (1957): Harol W.Bailey, Alan S.C.Ross, E.G.Stanley, Joyce Bazire, R.L.Thomson, R.B.Le Page, J.E.Cross et al. (121pp.) Printed wrappers. Somewhat sunned. Covers and spine of vol.1 chipped and partly missing. Ex-library stamp on title pages, its verso and last pages of each vol. Vol.7(1961):(G.C.Brittoon, R.L.Thomson, Barbara Raw, A.L.Binns, E.G.Stanley, A.S.C.Ross, R.B.Le Page, H.W.Bailey) 83pp. Printed wrappers. 消去跡有り [L0136(L01316)-603947~603953] ¥16,800 1373 Journal of English Linguistics. Vol.1 (March,1967) - Vol.27 (September,1999). Edited by Robert A.Peters (1967-83), William A.Kretzschmar,Jr. (1984-99). 27 vols.in 43 books. Western Washington State College, 1967-83 (vols.1-16), Univ.of Wisconsin, 1984-Apr.1986 (vols.17-19.1), Univ.of Georgia, Oct.1986- Oct.1989 [1993] (vols.19.2-22.2), Sage Publications, 1995-99 (vols.23-27). Printed wrappers. Vols.9, 10,11,13 are bound with stapler. Fornt cover to some pages of vol.7 folded at the corner. 274-275pp.and 286-287pp.of vol.19.2 are miss printed and supplemented with photo copy of these pages. 22.7x15.2cm. [ds1404-604740] ¥84,000 166 言語学セット・重要書籍 1374 S.P.E. Tracts (The Society for Pure English) No.I (1919)-LXVI (1948).In 4 vols. Oxford UP./ Senjo Publishing Co. Reprinted. 663pp./ 667-1317pp./ 1321-1677pp./ 1681-2245pp. (Contributors: Robert Bridges, L.P.Smith, John Sargeaunt, Henry Bradley, H.W.Fowler, O.Jespersen, H.C.Wyld, W.A.Craigie, E.Partridge, C.T.Onions et al.) Dust wrapper and edges of each vol.light foxing. [d00039-605321] ¥36,750 O.イェスペルセン 1375 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard / London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. Printed wrappers. Edges uncut. Red notations, and underlined to some pages. Cover somewhat sunned and stained. Light spottings to several pages. 26.7x20cm. [L02688-604580] ¥15,750 1376 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard, 1933. 461pp. Front board and spine sunned. Top edge blue. Ownership signature (by Hans F.Hendriksen) and ownership stamp (by Sudo) on title page. 26x20cm. [L01532-601656] ¥36,750 1377 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard / London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. Rebound. Stamped on title page. 26.5x19.5cm. [L00472-601659] ¥25,200 1378 Jespersen,Otto Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard / London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. Rebound (originally printed wrappers). Half calf. Light red marbled boards. Edges sl.foxed. Title page foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. Black pencil notations in some pages. Invoice pasted on rear flyleaf. 26.0x19.5cm. [L03237-605080] ¥21,000 1379 Jespersen,Otto Tanker og Studier. København; Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1932. 278pp. Printed wrappers partly sunned & slchipped (partly repaired with cellophane tape). Rear cover sl.spotted. Spine sunned. Top edge sl.darkened. The others sl.foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03232-605075]¥29,400 1380 Jespersen,Otto Novial Lexike. International Dictionary. Dictionnaire International. Internationales Wörterbuch. London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., Paris; Paul Geuthner, Heidelberg; Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1930. First published. 251pp. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Edges foxed & sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Some pages sl.spotted. 20.3x13.2cm. [L03228-605071] ¥8,400 1381 Jespersen,Otto La Philosophie de la Grammaire. Traduit de l'anglais par Anne-marie Léonard. Préface d'Antoine Culioli. [Arguments 49] Les Éditions de Minuit, 1971. 513pp. Bibliography of publisher inside the covers. Printed wrappers sl.stained. Spine sl.spotted & sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Top edge sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. [L03230-605073] ¥8,400 1382 Jespersen,Otto La Syntaxe Analytique. Traduit de l'anglais par Anne-marie Léonard. Préface d'Antoine Culioli. [Arguments 52] Les Éditions de Minuit, 1971. 263pp. Bibliography of publisher inside the covers. Printed wrappers. Spine sunned sl.rubbed. Edges foxed. Top & fore edges sl.spotted. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Margin of pages somewhat foxed. [L03229-605072] ¥6,300 167 言語学セット・重要書籍 1383 Jespersen,Otto Negation in Englsih and Other Langusges. [Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Hist.Filol.Medd.Dan.Vid.Selsk, 1,no.5] København;Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, 1917. 151pp. Printed wrappers lacked (but joint of pages not started). Edges foxed. Some pages sl.spotted. [L03231-605074] ¥5,250 1384 Jespersen,Otto The Philosophy of Grammar. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1977. Reprinted. Stamped on title page & front & rear flyleaf. [L02460-601668] ¥4,200 359pp. d.w. 1385 Bøgholm,N.・Aage Brusendorff・C.A.Bodelsen eds. A Grammatical Miscellany Offered to Otto Jespersen. On His Seventieth Birthday. Copenhagen; Levin & Munksgaard, London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1930. 464pp. (Contributors; Allen Mawer, Eilert Ekwall, Alois Brandl, R.E. Zachrisson, Kemp Malone et al.) Rebound. Half calf. Boards & spine sl.rubbed at corners. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. 26.0x19.5cm. [L03236-605079] ¥42,000 1386 Jespersen,Otto (木原研三先生旧蔵 手沢・書込み本.) A Modern English Grammar. On Historical Principles. In Seven Parts. Mixed set.: Heidelberg; Carl Winter Universitätsbuchhandlung, (Pt.I-III)/London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (Pt.IV)/Tokyo; Kenkyusha, (Pt.VI)/Copenhagen; Ejnar Munksgaard, (Pt.VI & VII) 1927. (Pt.2 & 3)/1928. (Pt.1)/1932. (Pt.4)/1940. (Pt.5)/1942. (Pt.6)/1949. (Pt.7) Pt.1; Fourth edition. Pt.2; Third edition. Pt.5; Reprinted in Nippon. (研究社 Maybe pirate edition. ). xi,485pp. / xxviii,512pp. / ix,415pp. / xxxi,400pp. / xv,528pp. / x,570pp. / x,683pp. (Pt.Ⅰ・Sounds and Spellings, Pt.Ⅱ・Syntax(First Volume), Pt.Ⅲ・ Syntax(Second Volume), Pt. Ⅳ・Syntax(Third Volume), Pt. Ⅴ・Syntax(Fourth Volume), Pt. Ⅵ・ Morphology, Pt. Ⅶ・Syntax) Condition: Each vol.; Numbered label pasted on spine. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. A small stamp by former owner to last page. Numerous pencil notations & red pencil underlines by former owner throughout the set (particulary from pt.I - pt.V). Covers rubbed at corners & partly torn. Spine sunned. Edges foxed. Some pages spotted. Purchasing date to front flyleaf (pt.I - pt.V). Pt.I ; Covers rubbed at corners & partly torn (Particularly near hinges). Top edge sl.spotted. Spotted from recto of half titile page to Verso of title page. Red ink underlines in page vi. Pt.II ; Spotted from recto of half titile page to verso of title page. Pt.III; Hinges repaired with cloth. E.ps. torn opposite to hinges. Pt.IV; Hinges repaired with cloth. Pt.V; Size & Colour (green) of covers different from the other parts (blue). Edges sl.spotted. Blue ink notation to title page. Pt.VII; Covers sunned. A paper pasted on rear flyleaf. Library of prof. "K.Kihara". 19x12.8cm. (Pt.V; 21.7x15cm.) [L03455-605325] ¥84,000 1387 Jespersen,Otto Fonetik. En Systematisk Fremstilling af Læren om Sproglyd af Otto Jespersen. København: Det Schubotheske Forlag, 1897-1899. 633pp. Stamp on titile page. Some scattered foxing on pages. Ink signatures to title page and rear front flyleaf. Spine somewhat torn. [L01907-601644] ¥31,500 1388 Jespersen,Otto Lehrbuch der Phonetik. Autrisierte Übersetzung von Hermann Davidsen. Mit 2 Tafeln. Leipzig und Berlin; B.G.Teubner, 1904. iv,254pp. Edges sl.spotted. Top edge darkened. The others foxed. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Pages somewhat foxed. [L03233-605076] ¥12,600 1389 Jespersen,Otto Modersålets Fonetik. Tredie udgave. København: Gydendalske Boghandel,1934. wrappers. Stamped on title page. Spine sl. sunned. [L01879-601661] ¥21,000 196pp. Printed 1390 Jespersen,Otto Mankind, Nation, and Individual from a Linguistic point of View. [Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskining. Serie A: Forelesninger IV] Oslo; H.Aschehoug & Co.(W.Nygaard), Leipzig; Otto Hrrassowitz, Paris; Nonoré Champion, London; Williams & Norgate,Ltd., Cambridge,Mass.; Harvard 168 言語学セット・重要書籍 University Press, 1925. 221pp. Printed wrappers sl.spotted. Spine darkened. Top & fore edge spotted. Top edge stained. Hinges partly cracked. Joint of rear cover loosened. Small ink ownership signature to front flyleaf. Stamps by former owner on title page, page 1, verso of page 221. Some pages sl.spotted. (邦題『人類と言語』 須貝・真鍋訳 岡書院, 昭 7; 萩原星文館, 昭 19) [L03174-605016] ¥5,250 1391 Jespersen,Otto En Sprogmands Levned. København: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1938. 245pp. With a portrait of Jespersen. Printed wrappers, somewhat darkened. (邦題「イェスペルゼン自叙伝」) [lk0229-604246] ¥21,000 1392 Jespersen,Otto En Sprogmands Levned. Gyldendal, 1938. 245pp. Printed wrappers sl.sunned. Stamp on title page. Hige somewhat weak. (邦題「イェスペルゼン自叙伝」) [L01908-601641] ¥21,000 1393 Jespersen,Otto En Sprogmands Levned. København: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1938. 245pp. Printed wrappers sl.chipped. Spine sunned. Edges foxed. Small ink ownership signature to half title page. A price label pasted on rear e.p. (邦題「イェスペルゼン自叙伝」) [L03234-605077] ¥21,000 1394 Jespersen,Otto Rasmus Rask. I Hundredåret Efter Hans Hovedværk. Skildret av Otto Jespersen. [Folkets Førere] Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania; Gyldendalske Boghandel - Nordisk Forlag, 1918. 80pp. Rebound. Edges somewhat foxed. Small ink ownership signatures to half title page. Pages somewhat foxed. Blue ink underlines from page 45 to page 48. [L03227-605070] ¥6,300 169 言語学セット・重要書籍 日本学・Japanology (洋書も含む) 1395 F.ブリンクリー 「日本」「中国」 歴史・芸術・文学 12巻 限定版 クロース装 ¥157,500 Japan [and] China. By Captain F.Brinkley. Illustrated. Oriental Series. In 12 vols. Author's edition. Limited to 1000 numbered and registered copies, this is number 149. Boston & Tokyo: J.B. Millet, 1901-1902. (Vols.1-6: Japan, Its History Arts and Literature. Vol.7: Pictorial and Applied Art of Japan. Vol.8: Keramic Art of Japan. Vol.9: Keramic Art of China. Vols.10-12: China, Its History Arts and Literature.) Crimson cloth, gilt title to spine, t.e.g. Colored and b/w illustrated. Spine sl.sunned and edges foxing. Spine of vol.12 partly rubbed. 23.8x17cm. [jp0172-705144] 1396 デ・ベッカー 「不夜城」 1899 年 初版 クロース装 著者署名入り ¥84,000 De Becker,Joseph Ernst The Nightless City. Or the "History of the Yoshiwara Yūkwaku" by an English Student of Sociology. Yokohama: Z.P. Maruya, 1899. First edition. iv,441pp. + xix (Appendix) + 2pp.of score 'Kappore Dance'. Gray cloth with japanese illustration stamped in black on front side, gilt lettering. Top-edge trimmed, others untrimmed. 4 woodcut hand colored plates and numerous b/w illustrations. Title page in red & black. Japanese copyright page. Spine darkened, 3 bookplates on front e.p., light soiled and browned to some pages, Both front and rear inner hinge partly cracked. Small pencil signature by the author on title page. 21x14.5cm. [aj505-704855] 1397 デ・ベンヴィル 「四谷怪談」 フィラデルフィア刊 1917 年 ¥36,750 De Benneville,James S. The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari. Takes of the Tokugawa. Retoled from the Japanese Originals by James S.De Benneville. Philadelphia: Press of J.B.Lippincott Co., 1917. 286pp. With a colored frontis.and a map of Edo. Gray cloth, gilt title on front board and spine. A small stain on spine. Edges and rear e.p.sl.spotted. 20.8x16cm. [aj253-706010] 1398 W.デニング 「豊臣秀吉の生涯」 1930 年 第3版 図版 ¥12,600 Dening,Walter The Life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Kobe: J.L.Thompson & Co., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1930. Third edition with Preface, Notes and an Appendix by M.E.Dening. vi,323pp. With 8 plates including colored illus. Dust wrapper sunned and partly missing. Blue cloth. All edge somewhat spotted and colored plates sl.spotted. 23.3x16.5cm. [aj251-706018] 1399 F.V.ディキンズ (訳) 「忠臣蔵」 明治 25 年 改訂第3版 カラー図版 ¥21,000 Dickins,Frederick V.trans. Chiushingura; or, The Loyal League. A Japanese Romance. With Notes and an Appendix Containing a Metrical Version of the Ballad of Takasago. Illustrated by Numerous Engravings on Wood, Drawn and Executed by Japanese Artists, and Printed on Japanese Paper. [The Japanese Library, 1] Yokohama et al.: Z.P.Maruya & Co.(丸善書店), Yokohama et al.: Kelly and Walsh, 明 25. (1892) Third Edition, Revised. xi,227pp. With colored plates. Dark red cloth, somewhat rubbed, gilt title and illus.on front board and gilt title on spine. All edge gray. 19.2x13.5cm. [aj255-706011] 1400 F.V.ディキンズ (訳) 「忠臣蔵」 1910 年 ペーパー装 図版 ¥10,500 Dickins,Frederick Victor trans. Chiushingura; or, The Loyal League. A Japanese Romance. With Notes and an Appendix Containing The Ballad of Takasago. Illustrated After Japanese Originals. [Gowans's New Sixpenny Series, 1] London and Glasgow: Gowans and Gray, 1910. 115pp. Printed wrappers. With illus. Colored illus.on front board, somewhat stained and sl.torn at edge. Spine missing and partly repaired with paper tapes. Rear board, edges, flyleaves, and title page somewhat darkened. 21x13.8cm. [aj256-706012] 1401 エドワード・グリー 「恋の虜」 (馬琴「雲妙間雨夜月」より) ¥31,500 1886 年 図版多数 著者識語入献呈本. Greey,Edward A Captive of Love. Founded upon Bakin's Japanese Romance Kumono Tayema Ama Yo No Tsuki (The Moon Shining Through a Cloud-rift on a Rainy Night). Twenty-Six Illustrations from the Original Work. Boston: Lee and Shepard, New York: Charles T.Dellingham, 1886. 280pp. 170 日本学・Japanology (洋書も含む) Green cloth, rubbed and sl.torn at spine, title and gilt illus.on front board and spine. Flower printed e.ps. Edges sunned. This copy was presented from the author. 19.2x13.5cm. [aj252-704864] 1402 W.E.グリフィス 「日本の諺」 (1924 年頃) ジャパン・ソサエティ刊 ペーパー装 ¥18,900 Griffis,William Elliot Proverbs of Japan. A Little Picture of the Japanese Philosophy of Life as Mirrored in Their Proverbs. New York City: Japan Society, n.d. (c.1924) 39pp. Paper cover booklet. Paper title label on front cover. Covers stained and spine partly torn. Small ink stained to rear flyleaf with small ink notation and a stamp of bookshop. 24x16.2cm. [aj625-704859] 1403 ケンペル 「日本誌」 復刻版 2 巻 1977 年 3/4 革装 2巻揃 ¥126,000 Kæmpfero,Engelberto The History of Japan (Historia Imperii Japonici), Giving an Account of the Ancient and Present State and Government of that Empire; of Its Temples, Palaces, Castles and other Buildings…Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam…Written in High-Dutch by Engelberto Kæmpfero…and Translated from his Original Manuscript, never before Printed, by F.G.Scheuchzer. With the Life of the Author, and Introduction. Illustrated with many Copper Plates. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Yushodo Booksellers (雄松堂), 1977. Reprinted from the edition of London, printed for the Translator, 1727. lii,391pp.+ explanation of the plates. 3/4 leather with marbled boards, rubbed at edges, gilt title to spine. Top edge black. With numerous b/w illus. This facsimile edition was issued in memory of the 250th year of the first English edition of Kæmpfer's The History of Japan. 300 copies have been printed of which 290 copies are for sale. This copy is no.155. 35.5x24cm. [aj313-706006] 1404 エイミー・ローエル 「詩集」 1919 年 クロース装 ¥10,500 Lowell, Amy Pictures of the Floating World. New York: Macmillan, 1919. xx,257pp. + 6 leaves contains pulisher's ads. Orange cloth backed board, original title labels on spine and front side. Top-edge trimmed, others untrimmed. Spine sl.soiled and darkened. Bookplate on front pastedown, otherwise a fine copy. 18x11.5cm. [aj511-704862] 1405 A.B.ミットフォード 「日本昔話」 2 巻 1871 年 角背革装 ¥84,000 Mitford, A.B. Tales of Old Japan. With Illustrations, Drawn and Cut on Wood by Japanese Artist. In 2 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1871. xii,277pp. (vol.1) / vi + 272pp. (vol.2) ERRATUM on page xii of vol.1. Bound in designed boards with half calf. Spine decorated like as europian old books with calf spine. Edges colored same design as boards. Each vol. has frontis., and some Japanese illustrations. Cover boards partly rubbed and faded. Inner joints of vol.1 somewhat cracked. Each vol. has small bookplate on rear pastedown. A few pages light stained. Partly chipped & torn in margin of page 47,48 of vol.2 (Text not influenced). Otherwise fine. 20.2x13.8cm. [aj506-704856] 1406 (A.B.ミットフォード) ヒュー・コータッツィ編(Mitford's Japan.) 1985 年 カバー有 ¥8,400 Cortazzi, Hugh (ed.) Mitford's Japan. The Memoirs and Recollections, 1866-1906, of Algernon Bertram Mitford, the first Lord Redesdale. London and Dover NH: The Athlone Press, 1985. xxix,270pp. Dustwrapper, blue boards with gilt title on spine. 8 plates and 1 map of Japan. Fine as new. 22.2x14.5cm. [aj507-704861] 1407 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム (日本史 ~1334 年まで) Sansom,George A History of Japan to 1334. Stanford University Press/Stanford,California, Original edition. xiii,500pp. [jp0168-704658] ¥5,250 1987. 1408 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム (日本史 1334 年から 1615 年まで) ¥5,250 Sansom,George A History of Japan 1334-1615. Stanford University Press/Stanford,California, 1987. Original edition. xiv,442pp. [jp0169-704659] 1409 ジョージ・ベイリー・サンソム (日本史 1615 年から 1867 年まで) ¥4,200 Sansom,George A History of Japan 1615-1867. Stanford University Press/Stanford,California, 1987. Original edition. xii,258pp. [jp0170-704660] 1410 中村勝麻呂 (訳) 「井伊大老と開港」 明治 42 年 ¥10,500 Nakamura,Katsumaro trans. Lord Ii Naosuké and New Japan. Translated and Adapted by Shunkichi Akimoto from Ii Tairo to Kaikō by Katsumaro Nakamura. 著作兼発行者:中村勝麻呂, ジャパ 171 日本学・Japanology (洋書も含む) ン、タイムス社印刷, 明 42 (1909). iv,187pp. Dark blue cloth, gilt title on front board and spine. Frontis. Edges and flyleaves somewhat darkened. 18.8x12cm. [aj262-706019] 1411 野口米次郎 「聖武天皇と正倉院」 1941 年 2巻揃 図版多数 和綴・元函、元帙付 ¥52,500 Noguchi,Yone Emperor Shomu and the Shosoin. In 2 vols. Tokyo: Published by the Kyobunkan(教文館), 1941. vol.I: xiv,151pp. Vol.II: 52 plates. With numerous b/w and colored illus.and hand colored folded frontis. Japanese binding, colored illus.on each cover of each vol. With original red cloth over boards (gilt title to front board and spine), and original case (sunned, sl.stained and torn at corners). 30.5x22.7cm. [aj310-706017] 1412 E.O.ライシャワー 都留重人 他(監修) 「英文日本大百科事典」 9 巻 講談社 ¥105,000 Reischauer,Edwin Oldfather Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. In 9 vols. Kodansha, 1983. First edition. More than 10,000 entries, 3.9 million words. Entirely in English, with romanized Japanese. Editor in chief: Gen Itasaka (板坂元). Fine as new. [01483-706007] 1413 E.O.ライシャワー 都留重人 他(監修) 「英文日本大百科事典」 9 巻 講談社 ¥84,000 Reischauer,Edwin Oldfather Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. In 9 vols. Kodansha, 1983. First edition. More than 10,000 entries, 3.9 million words. Entirely in English, with romanized Japanese. Editor in chief: Gen Itasaka (板坂元).Edges somewhat foxed. Small stamp by former owner on half title page to each vol. Vol.1: Spine partly scuffed. Some pages sl.torn at upper part (from front fly leaf to advisory committee page. 8 pages). [01825-705212] 1414 佐藤顯理 (訳) 「井伊大老伝」(英訳 島田三郎「開国始末」より) 1896 年 印(小)有 ¥31,500 Satoh,H trans. Agitated Japan. The Life of Baron II Kamon-No-Kami Maosuké. (Based on the Kaikoku Shimatsu of Shimada Saburō) Revised by Wm.Elliot Griffis. Tokio: Dai Nippon Kabushiki Kaisha(大日本圖書株式会社); Z.P.Maruya & Co., London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1896. xxvi,144pp. Brown cloth, darkened. With plates. Edges darkened. Ink ownership signature with a small stamp on front flyleaf. 16x12.3cm. [aj261-706020] 1415 鹽谷榮 「忠臣蔵」 北星堂 1940 年 ¥15,750 Shioya,Sakae Chûshingura. An Exposition. Illustrated with Hiroshige's Coloured Plates. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1940. xii,236pp. Dust wrapper darkened, chipped, and partly stained at the front. All edges spotted. 22.8x15.5cm. [aj257-706015] 1416 和田垣謙三 「英譯 落穂」 南北社 1919 年 総革装 ¥15,750 Wadagaki,K. Gleanings from Japanese Literature. Tokyo: Nampokusha (南北社), 1919. 387pp.+30pp.(addendum) Bound in leather with title and emblem on front board and spine. Front flyleaf sl.sunned and partly torn at the joint. Top edge gilt and partly stained. With original case, sl.darkened and torn and partly repaired. 17x13cm. [aj264-706021] 写本 1417 大柗閑人 『沼津地震記・傅魯舶漂流話』 ¥3,150,000 嘉永七甲寅霜月(1854 年 11 月) 縦 13.5cm 横 19cm 17 丁 15 図 和装 拵帙入 『右此一冊八 予眼ニフルゝトコロ耳ニキク処其マゝ詞ヲカザゝズ意ヲタクマズカキツクルモノナレバ見ル人コゝロシ テサッシタマヘカシ 大柗閑人』<後書き:原文より> 安政東海地震の発生状況及び域内・城下町 の被害状況が生々しく克明に記されており、また宝永地震(宝永 4 年・1707 年)についての記録もみ られる。 更には当地震により大破したプチャーチン提督率いるロシア軍艦「ディアナ号」の乗組員の 様子が詞と繪図によって詳細に記されている。 米国からの里帰り品。虫喰により文字判読できない 箇所数点あり. カバーヤケ・少々シミ. [aj629-705108] 1418 嘉永七年(1854 年)秋 長崎奉行 水野筑後守 『英吉利人ト應接記』 文久二年六月 一色楽山 写 18 丁 24.5x17.5cm. ¥84,000 [aj633-705109] 172 日本学・Japanology (洋書も含む) 縮緬本・平紙本 1419 (平紙本) マリー E.アンガー (日本の愛すべき花々) ¥189,000 昭和十年十二月十日 英文増補 第四版 欧文(英語) 絵師 三島蕉窓 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興 作 / 發行所 長谷川商店 拵帙入 Unger,Mary E. The Favorite Flowers of Japan. Tokyo: Hasegawa Publishing Co., 1935. 4th edition. 24.6x18.3cm. Printed on Japanese paper. With color woodblocks. With a new preserved case. [aj656-704939] 1420 (平紙本) エヴァリン ステイン 『Little Poems from Japanese Anthologies』 ¥94,500 大正十一年四月三十日初版 欧文(英語)洋装本・ちりめん紙で装丁 著作者 エヴァリン ステイン/ 發行者 長谷川武次郎/印刷者 西宮興作 拵帙入 文字は武次郎筆書き文字を木版刷りにしたもの Stein,Evaleen Little Poems from Japanese Anthologies. Rendered into English Verse by Evaleen Stein. Illustrated by Japanese Artists. T.Hasegawa, 1922. First edition. 18x12.5cm. Bound with crepe paper (sl.foxing) and printed on Japanese paper. With numerous color woodblocks. Letters that used in this book were designed from Takejiro's autograph. With a new preserved case. (「万葉集」と「古今集」の和歌の意訳) [aj650-704940] 1421 (縮緬本) エスパダ『日本昔噺』 ¥600,000 Cuentos del Japon viejo: 10 冊 Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: 10 冊 計 20 冊揃 全冊初版 (明 治~大正) 欧文(スペイン語)和装本 印刷者 柴田喜一 他 / 絵師 小林永濯 / 飜譯者 エスパ ダ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 元箱付 Espada,Gonzalo J.de la (trans.) Cuentos del Japon viejo: No.1 Momotaro (桃太郎), No.2 El gorrion con la lengua cortada (舌切り雀), No.3 La batalla entre monos y cangrejos (猿蟹合戦), No.4 El viejecito que hacia florecer los arboles secos (花咲爺), No.5 La Montana Kachi-kachi (勝々山), No.6 El viejo y los demonios (瘤取り), No.7 Urasima, el pescadorcillo (浦島), No.8 La venganza del raposillo (野干の手柄), No.9 Su Alteza Saco de Arroz (俵藤太), No.10 La arana duende (蜘 蛛). Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: No.1 La boda de los ratones (ねずみの嫁入り), No.2 La sierpe de ocho cabezas (八頭の大蛇), No.3 La liebre de Inaba (因幡の白兎), No.4 El espejo de Matsuyama (松山鏡), No.5 La Medusa Candida (海月), No.6 El Principe Brillante y el Principe Luciente (玉の井), No.7 La olla magica (文福茶釜), No.8 Sippeitaro (しっぺい太郎), No.9 El brazo de ogro (羅生門), No.10 La cascada maravillosa (養老の滝). All copies published in 1914, except for ‘Cuentos del Japon Viejo’ no.2 “El gorrion con la lengua cortada”, published in 1885. First edition, first issue. 15x10.5cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Housed in a original box. Nos.6-10 of ‘Cuentos del Japon Viejo’ and nos.1-10 of ‘Leyendas y narraciones japonesas’ are wrapped in thin Japanese paper. Edge sl.sunned. Original box sl.color chipped. Otherwise fine. [aj700 -705255] 1422 (縮緬本) オスマン エドワード (日本の咄家) 明治三十二年十月十六日 初版 ¥126,000 欧文(英語)和装本 著者 オスマン エドワード/發行者 長谷川武次郎/印刷者 村岡平吉 拵帙入 Edwards,Osman Japanese Story-tellers. T.Hasegawa, 1899. First edition. 19.1x14cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers sl.darkened. With a new preserved case. [aj651-704931] 1423 (縮緬本) ケイト・ジェイムズ (鉢かづき) 昭和九年五月一日 初版 ¥126,000 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 鈴木華邨 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 発行所 長谷川商店 拵帙入 James,Kate Japanese Fairy Tale. The Wooden Bowl. Told in English by Kate James. T.Hasegawa, 1934. First edition. 18.7x13.5cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With a new preserved case. [aj653-704933] 1424 (平紙本) ジェイムズ夫人 『日本昔噺 第十一號 因幡の白兎』 ¥52,500 明治十九年十二月七日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 小林永濯 / ジェイムス夫人 譯述 / 出 版人 長谷川武次郎 / 出版所 弘文社 拵帙入 173 日本学・Japanology (洋書も含む) Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.11. The Hare of Inaba. Told to Children by Mrs.T.H.James. Kobunsha, 1886. First edition. 17.8x12.2cm. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Light stained to front and rear covers and margin of pages. [aj649-704934] 1425 (縮緬本) ジェイムズ夫人 (思い出草と忘れ草) 昭和十四年六月一日 第十二版 ¥105,000 欧文(英語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 発行所 長谷川商店 拵帙入 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series (No.22) The Flowers of Remembrance and Forget Fulness. Told in English by Mrs.T.H.James. T.Hasegawa, 1939. 12th edition. 19x13.5cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With a new preserved case. [aj652-704941] 1426 (縮緬本) K.フローレンツ (日本の芝居: 寺子屋・朝顔) ¥189,000 明治三十三年九月十日 初版 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 絵師 新井芳宗 / 著者 フロレンツ / 發行 者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 發行所 長谷川商店 元袋付 元帙 (この本には表紙 は2種あるが、当該本は珍しい。) Florenz,Karl Japanische Dramen. Terakoya und Asagao. Übertragen von Prof.Dr.Karl Florenz. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1900. First edition. 19.5x14.8cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and an original pictorial preserved case. [aj654-704936] 1427 (平紙本) K.フローレンツ 『寺子屋』 明治参拾参年壹月壹日發行 ¥210,000 欧文(フランス語)和装本 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 飜譯者 カール、フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次 郎 カバー裏表紙及び背表紙の一部欠(補修済み) ページ余白に極薄いシミ Florenz,Karl (trans.) Scènes du Théâtre Japonais. L'École de Village. (Terakoya) Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1900. 27.7x20.8cm. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Rear cover and spine of dust wrapper missing. [aj642-704937] 1428 (縮緬本) ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 『日本昔噺再版 第一號 蜘蛛』 ¥63,000 明治三十二年四月一日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 印刷者 柴田喜一 / 絵師 鈴木華邨 / 譯者 ラフカヂヲヘルン / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 元袋付 拵帙入 Hearn,Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.1. The Goblin Spider. T.Hasegawa, 1899. First edition. 15.1x10.4cm. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and a new preserved case. [aj647-704938] 日本語研究 1429 Brown,S.R. (S.R.ブラウン) ¥315,000 Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese, together with an English-Japanese Index to Serve as a Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Atructure of the Language. 日本語会話 Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press (上海 長老教会印刷所), 1863 年 First edition. lxii,243pp.+11pp.(errata) 3/4 革装 表紙、裏表紙、部分擦 れ 背の端少々欠 小口ヤケ タイトルページにインク書込 22.2x14.0cm. 3/4 calf with marbled boads (rubbed and partly chipped), gilt title to spine (rubbed). Colored edges (foxing). Ink notation to title page. Some pages light spotted. Scarce. [aj626-704852] 1430 Brown,S.R. (S.R.ブラウン) ¥157,500 Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese, together with an English-Japanese Index to Serve as a Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Atructure of the Language. 日本語会話 Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press (上海 長老教会印刷所), 1863 年 First edition. lxii,243pp.+11pp.(errata) 3/4 革装 表紙、裏表紙、背擦れ 小口ヤケ、少々汚れ 見返し綴じ緩み 改装本 (背表紙タイトル: Japanese Spoken Language) 改 174 日本学・Japanology (洋書も含む) 装時に余白を少々カット タイトルページ、序文、"System of Notation"各頁下部裂け、欠落あり 20.7x13cm. 3/4 calf with dark brown boads (rubbed), gilt title "Japanese Spoken Language" to spine (rubbed). Colored edges (foxing and partly stained). Title page & "preface" partly torn. Page of "System of notation" partly missing at the margin. Joints of front & rear e.ps.started. Scarce. [aj694-704849] 1431 Brown,S.R. 松村 明 (解説) \15,750 Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese, thgether with an English-Japanese Index. To Serve as A Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Structure of the Language. By S.R.Brown. 日本語会話 北辰 昭 45. 復刻版(元版 は 1863 年) [w1215-701409] 1432 Chamberlain,Basil Hall (B.H.チェンバレン) ¥52,500 A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. 口語体日本語手引 1889 年 第2版 書込み有 London: Trübner & Co., Tokyo: The Hakubunsha(博聞社), & Yokohama et al.: Kelly & Walsh, 1889. Second Edition. xii,543pp. Rebacked. Boards sunned and rubbed. All pages sunned. Pencil and red ink notations to several pages. 4 papers pasted on rear flyleaf. 19.5x13.7cm. [aj236-300349] 1433 Chamberlain,Basil Hall (B.H.チェンバレン) ¥31,500 A Handbook of Colloquial Japanese. 口語体日本語手引 1898 年 第3版 改装本 全体的にヤケ タイトルページから p.59 に少々虫喰あり. London: Sampson, Low, Marston & Co./ Tokyo: The Shuyeisha(秀英舎)/ Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, 明治三十一年 (1898) Third edition.ix,570pp. Rebound. All pages foxing. Title page-p.59 partly wormed. 19x13cm. [aj628-704853] 1434 Cho,Seung-bog 趙承福 (チョ・スンボク) \15,750 A Phonological Study of Early Modern Japanese. On the Basis of the Korean Source-Materials. Vol.I: Material, Historical Background, Methodology and Sound Correspondences. Vol.II: Analysis and Reconstruction of Early Modern Japanese Phonology. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Oriental Studies 8 & 9] 2 vols. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. xvi,183pp./ xv,450pp. Printed wrappers. With maps and tables. Spine sl.sunned. Ink ownership signature with ownership stamp to half title page of each vol. Ink Underline to page'xv' of vol.I. [jp0129-704902] (原書・訳書セット) ¥126,000 日本語の音声学的研究 恒星社厚生閣 1969. 初版 前見返しにインクサイン. 【「・・・ただ残念なのは、同氏(エドワーヅ氏)がパリのソルボンヌ大學の學位論文として出版した原著 の一本を署名寄贈されたのを・・・未知未見の一外人教師に貸してつひ其儘になってしまったことで ある・・・」新村氏が紛失を悔やんだ当の書籍が、廻りめぐって当店の在庫となりました。この本への 思いを綴った、氏による本書序文を合わせて読んで頂くと、本の辿った歴史に思い至り感慨深い。】 Edwards,Ernest Richard Étude Phonétique de la Langue Japonaise. Thèse pour le doctorat d'université de Paris, présentée à la faculté des lettres à la Sorbonne. (著者より協力者・新村出への識語署名入り献呈本) Leipzig: Imprimerie B.G.Teubner, 1903. 208pp. 3/4 革装 背及び角の革装擦れ 小口ヤケ 24.2x16.7cm. [w2588/aj624-704851] 1435 E.R.エドワーズ(原著) 高松義雄(訳) 1436 Fujiwara,Yoichi ¥10,080 The Sentence Structure of Japanese. View in the Light of Dialectology. Translated and edited by Noah S.Brannen and Scott J.Baird. The UP. of Hawaii, 東京大学出版会, 1973. xviii,157pp. Dust wrapper slightly torn and sunned. [ds0419-601121] 1437 Suzuki,Takao (鈴木孝夫) ¥6,300 A Semantic Analysis of Present-Day Japanese. 現代日本語の意味論的分析 [Keio Univ. Studies in the Humanities and Social Relations. Vol.III] 慶應義塾大学言語文化研究所, 1963. First published. 59pp. A presentation copy from the author. Printed wrappers. Spine and edges foxing. 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