2010 年国際稀覯本フェア 小川図書 目録 「2010 年国際稀覯本フェア」カタログ カラーページ掲載品 1 ラフカディオ・ハーン 自筆書簡 アーネスト・フォックスウェル東京帝国大学講師宛7通 内、新出書簡5通!! 他の2通は "The Life & Letters" (E.Bisland) に所収されているが、当該自筆書簡により日付が特定された。 ラフカディオ・ハーンから東京帝国大学講師アーネスト・フォックスウェル宛の自筆書簡。明治 31 年 5 月 13 日付から明治 34 年 12 月 25 日付までの7通。最後の 1 通のみフォックスウェルが英国 帰国後の書簡。内容は日本への西洋の影響や友情など様々。フォックスウェルの人間性を高く 評価し、自身の心情を吐露。ハーンの交友の状況が伺える。 附 小泉節 自筆書簡2通 (ハーン訃報等) 小泉節書簡も新出!? 全書簡の英文清書、及び翻訳家・木谷滋子氏(東京大学教養学科アメリカ分科卒)による日本語 訳文添付 封筒なし 20.1x13.8cm. 小泉八雲書簡: 1898 年(明治 31 年) 5 月 13 日 2葉4頁、1899 年 11 月 8 日 1葉2頁、 1899 年 11 月 20 日 2葉4頁、1899 年 11 月 26 日 1葉2頁、1901 年 12 月 25 日 (フォックスウ ェル帰国後) 2葉4頁 [以上、新出5通] 1899 年 10 月 11 日 1 葉 2 頁、1899 年 11 月 13 日 1 葉 2 頁 [以上、"The Life & Letters" に所収2通] 小泉節書簡: 1904 年 10 月 11 日 1葉2頁、1905 年 6 月 9 日 1葉 1 頁 [以上2通] (Hearn,Lafcadio) 7 Autograph Letters signed Lafcadio Hearn, to Prof. Ernest Foxwell. (Dated May 13, 1898 Dec.25, 1901). Discussing western appreciation of Japan and gave his opinions about foreigner society in Tokyo. Tokyo, 1898-1901. (1: May 13, 1898. / 2 leaves. 2: October 11, 1899. 1 leaf. / 3: November 8, 1899. 1 leaf. / 4: November 13, 1899. 1 leaf. / 5: November 20, 1899. 2 leaves. / 6: November 26, 1899. 1 leaf. / 7: December 25, 1901. 2 leaves). With 2 letters by Hearn's widow, Setsu Koizumi. (October 11, 1904, the first announcing Hearn's death, and June 9, 1905). [aj746-101957] ¥4,500,000 (画像 上・ラフカディオ・ハーン書簡 下・小泉節書簡) 2 日露戦争中にルーズベルト大統領が知日派の友人に送った手紙発見!! セオドア・ルーズベルト(第 26 代アメリカ大統領) 署名入書簡 ウィリアム・ビゲロー宛 ワシントン D.C. 1905 年 1 月 9 日 ホワイトハウス専用便箋にタイプ 自筆署名入 1 頁 附 ジョージ・ケナン(米国人記者、日本陸軍の旅順包囲戦に従軍)の戦況報告書 (大統領宛の「機密」情報) 1904 年 11 月 20 日 タイプ 6 頁 ホワイトハウスでコピ ーされたもの 旅順港包囲戦の日本側陣地で書かれた (Roosevelt,Theodore) An Typed Letter from President Theodore Roosevelt to William Bigelow Sturgis. Washington, D.C. January 9, 1905. 1 page typed. Written on White House stationary. Signed in full. Small cigarette burn to upper right hand side of paper. Small paper clip residue to top and bottom of page. Light soiling to outer edges and fold. 22.5x18cm. [enclosure] From George Kennan. Original copy. 6 pages typed on folio onion paper. Attached with straight pen. Unsigned. White House copy. Written from the Japanese side of the Siege of Port Arthur. Both in a folder (36.7x25.7cm) and in a preserved box. 米富豪で医者のウィリアム・ビゲロー・スタージスは知日家であり、ボストン美術館の浮世絵コレクション収集に貢献した。またセオドア・ルー スベルトの個人的友人でもあった。ケナンの報告書は旅順港包囲戦を展開中だった日本陸軍について分析したもので、日本陸軍が旅順 を攻略すると予想し、その戦いぶりを高く評価している。このルースベルトの書簡は、ケナンの報告書を「大変興味深い」とビゲローに紹介 するもの。 日露戦争に関する重要な歴史資料 保存状態良好 英文清書資料、及び翻訳家・木谷滋子氏(東京大学教養学科アメリカ分科卒)による 日本語訳文添付 夫婦函 [aj749-101960] (画像 右・ジョージ・ケナンの戦況報告書 左・セオドア・ルーズベルト署名入書簡) ¥3,600,000 3 ダーウィン 「種の起源」 1859 年 初版 クロース装 函 Darwin,Charles On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray, 1859. First edition. ix,502pp.+32pp.("Mr.Murray's general list of works", dated June 1859. ) Original green cloth, gilt titles to spine, blind motif to boards. Some minor ink splodges to the rear board. Edges of spine and joints of boards worn and repaired. Repaired e.ps. Flyleaves, half title page, and title page chipped and torn, folding diagram sl.slit at fold, but all repaired. Each inner hinges neatly restored. Half title page and title page light soiled. Red pencil underlined to 4 lines of page vi, and small ink mark to page ix. Internally fine condition. Housed in recent calf and marbled paper preserved box. 20.7x13.1cm. [01776-101851] ¥12,000,000 1 4 英國教師ベーリー先生編 「萬國新聞紙」(木版和綴本) 初集~六集揃(6 冊) (1)初集 6 丁+裏表紙 慶応三年正月中浣 裏表紙汚れ (2)二集 10 丁+裏表紙 慶応三年二月中旬 (3)三集 16 丁(表・裏表紙、本文共) 慶応三年三月下浣 ページ下端ムレ、シミ (4)四集 19 丁(表・裏表紙、本文共) 慶応三年五月下浣 表紙、裏表紙下端少々汚れ (5)五集 19 丁(表・裏表紙、本文共) 慶応三年六月中旬 表紙、ページに薄いシミ (6)六集 18 丁(表・裏表紙、本文共) 慶応三年八月中旬 ページ及び裏表紙に薄い シミ 「村林蔵書」印あり 各集裏表紙に「黒船館」蔵書印あり 日本国内のニュースを報じた最初の邦字新聞 大槻文彦編集助手 木版和綴本 拵帙入 (newspapers) Bailey,H.M. ed. Bankoku-Shinbunshi. Vol.I (January 1867) - vol.6 (August 1867). 6 vols. Yokohama, 1867. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. First Japanese newspaper informed Japanese news. Some vols.water stained. From the library of Kurofune-kan museum (ex-library stamped on rear cover of each vol.). With a preserved case. 26.1x19.2cm. [aj777-101954] ¥880,000 5 杉田玄白 「蘭學事始」 明治 2 年木版刷初版 2 巻揃 / 明治 23 年活字印刷再版 セット 「蘭學事始」 明治二年己巳新刻 天真樓蔵版 上:序 5 丁+29 丁 下:26 丁 和装本 各巻とも表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ、擦れ 背 にタイトル書込 「蘭學事始」 明治二三年四月 編輯兼發行者:林茂香 印刷者:吉村多吉 福澤諭吉による序文 4pp.+祭前野杉田桂川大槻両宇田川六先生文 5pp.+大 槻玄沢による杉田玄白略伝 5pp.+杉田鵠廉卿序文 3pp.+本文 70pp.+「近世醫 事沿革」長興専齋 16pp. 洋装(ペーパー装) 全体的にヤケ 表紙、裏表紙裂け、部分欠 背にタイトル書 込 表紙の裂けを裏からテープ等で補修 鉛筆線引少々あり 初版、再版ともに「長与蔵書」印あり 再版の際に「近世醫事沿革」を寄せた長興(与)専齋は福澤諭吉の友人。慶應義塾大学に医学部を創 設する際に福澤から相談を受けた長興は北里柴三郎を紹介した。この「蘭學事始」初版、再版にある蔵書印は専齋の孫、健夫のもの。 Genpaku,Sugita Rangaku Kotohajime. (Beginning of Dutch Studies).First edition (1869. 2 vols.) set with Second edition (1890). [First edition] Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers sl.darkened and rubbed. Ink notation (title) to spine. 22x15.1cm. [Second edition] Foreword by Yukichi Fukuzawa and essay on Japanese Medicine by Sensai Nagayo. Wholly sunned. Front and rear covers torn, partly missing and chipped. Ink notation (title) to spine. 22x15.3cm. Both copies from the library of Takeo Nagayo (Grandson of Sensai Nagayo) with stamps. [aj784-101955] ¥900,000 6 木戸孝允旧蔵(蔵書印有) 「アップルトン ヨーロッパ旅行図版入ガイドブック」 第5版 ワシントン 1872 年刊 岩倉使節団の全権副使として欧米を回覧した際に調達、携行 革装 桐函入 附・地図6点、旅行語彙集(ガイドブックの付録・全 11 ページ)、当ガイドブックの 広告パンフレット 黒船館旧蔵、印あり Appleton's European Guide Book. Illustrated, Including England, Scotland, and Ireland, France … Containing a Map of Europe, and Twenty Other Maps, with Plans of 21 of the Principal Cities, and 130 Engravings… Fifth Edition, Corrected to June 1… (erased). London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer / New York: D.Appleton and Company, 1872. xix,729pp.+172pp.(ad.) Bound in red morocco (somewhat rubbed and small stain to front cover), a.e.g. From the library of Kurofune-kan museum (ex-library stamped on title page), and formerly owned by Takayoshi Kido (a Japanese statesman during the Edo and the Meiji era). With 6 folded maps, "Vocabulary of travel-talk to accompany Appleton's European Guide Book" (11pp.), and advertising pamphlet of this guide book. Corner of front e.p.to page'v' missing. Some pencil notation and underlines. With wood box. 18x12cm. [aj776-101948] ¥680,000 7 ウィリアム J.バーチェル 「南アフリカ紀行」 ロンドン 1822 年・1824 年 初版 2巻揃 総革装 カラー、モノクロ図版多数 Burchell,William John Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. First edition. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees Orme, Brown ('and Green' in vol.2), 1822 & 1824. Vol.1: viii+Contens, list of illus.& errata+582pp.+1 folded map of Southern Africa. Vol.2: Contens, list of illus.& errata+648pp. Full calf, gilt crest on front boards, gilt title and gilt motif on spines, all edges marbled with marbled e.ps. With numerous b/w and hand colored engravings. [From the library of Marquis of Stafford with crest on front boards and ex-libris.on front e.ps.] Boards of each vol.somewhat damaged but repaired professionally. Joints of e.ps.repaired with cloth tapes. This copy without both half titles. 27.3x22.2cm. [aj785-102004] ¥900,000 2 「2010 年国際稀覯本フェア」カタログ 白黒ページ(図版あり)掲載品 8 [平紙本] 和装・仕掛け本 3 種セット 「西洋昔噺 第一號 八ッ山羊」 譯者 呉 文聰 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 弘文社 明治二十年九月出版(初版) タイトル及び本文日本語 右開き 拵帙入 各ページ左上 角少々破れ 「日本昔噺 第十二號 野干ノ手柄」 ジェイムス夫人編述 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 弘文社 明治二十年一月出版 欧文(英語)和装 表紙裏奥付の余白に鉛筆書込 「日本昔噺 第十八號 羅生門」 著者:ジェイムス夫人 / 畫工:小林永濯 / 印刷者:中尾默次 / 出版者:長谷川武次郎 弘文社 明治二十二年八月出版 欧文(英語)和装 表紙、裏表紙に薄いシミ 表紙糸綴じ部分少々ハゲ 3 Japanese pop-up books. Kure,Ayatoshi: ("Western Fairy Tale. No.1. The wolf and the seven kids"). Kobunsha, 1887. First edition. Written in Japanese. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Upper left corner of each page chipped. 18.2x12.4cm. With a new preserved case. "Japanese Fairy Tale Series. No.12. The Cub's Triumph". Kobunsha, 1887. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Pencil notation to verso of title page (Japanese colophon). 18.3x12.3cm. "Japanese Fairy Tale Series. No.18. The Ogre's arm". Kobunsha, 1889. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Front and rearcovers light stained. Front cover sl.colour chipped at binding. 18.2x12.6cm. [aj752-101994] ¥525,000 9 [縮緬本] 譯者 リットル (英国 立徳繙) 「老鼠告状」 発行人 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷人 廣瀬安七 明治二四年十二月出版御届 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的にヤケ 表紙、裏表紙に少々汚れ 背布少々欠 Little,Archibald trans. The Rat's Plaint; An Old Legend. Translated from the Original Chinese by Archbald Little. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, for sale by Kelly & Walsh, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Yokohama & Singapore, 1891. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Wholly sunned. Front and rear covers darkened and spotted. Cloth of spine chipped at bottom. 16x19.3cm. [aj760-101999] ¥126,000 10 [平紙本] Glimpses of Japan 著者發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 画者 鈴木宗太郎 / 印刷者 小宮ヤス 明治二九年五月七日發行 欧文(英語)和装本 1 ページ目にボールペン書込 Glimpses of Japan. Illustrated by Kwasson. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1896. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks with poems by Longfellow, Bryant et al. Edge of front cover sl.chipped. Ink notation to p.1. 20.5x28.1cm. [aj763-102001] ¥220,000 11 [平紙本] 栗塚龍 Japanese Wedding Ceremonies Old and New 著者兼發行印刷者 栗塚龍 / 印刷兼發賣所 小川写真製版所 明治三七年六月四日發行 欧文(英語)和装本 口絵として和宮親子御降嫁の行列図(少裂け) 表紙、裏表紙に少々汚れ、端 少々破れ 裏表紙にシミ 背布欠 Curizuka,Mrs.Rio Japanese Wedding Ceremonies Old and New. Sold by K.Ogawa, Tokyo, and Kelly & Walsh, Yokohama, Shanghai, Hong Kong & Singapore, 1904. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks and 1 folded panoramic illus.of "Prince Kazu-no-miya" (a daimyo's wedding) (torn and partly stained). Front cover darkened and chipped at edge. Rear cover darkened and stained. Cloth of spine missing. 18.2x25.5cm. [aj761-101974] ¥157,500 12 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 「東の国からの詩の挨拶-和歌集」 絵師 三島蕉窓、新井芳宗、鈴木華邨 他 發行者兼繪畫印刷者 長谷川武次郎 / 文字印刷者 齋籐章達 明治二十七年八月二十日發行(初版) 元函(擦れ、ヤケ、補修済)及び拵帙入 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 独文タイトルページに「和歌集」と記載あり 奥付隣に日本語タイトルページ あり(日本帝國大學教師、獨乙帝國文學博士 カール、フロレンツ纂譯 「和歌集」 日本東京日吉町 長谷川商店發行 獨乙ライプツイグ アメラング發賣) 3 Florenz,Karl Dichtergrüsse aus dem Osten. Japanische Dichtungen. Übertragen von Professor Dr.K.Florenz in Tokyo. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag (title page) / Druck, illustrationen & papier von T.Hasegawa, Tokyo (colophon), 1894. 97pp. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved box (rubbed,sunned, but repaired) and a new preserved case.With Japanese title page at the last of this copy. 19.6x15.6cm. [aj791-101985] ¥210,000 13 [平紙本] Japanese Calendar 著者兼發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 星野諤次郎 明治三十一年十月三十日出版 欧文(英語)和装 和紙の挿絵ページの間に薄紙に刷られたカレンダーが綴じ込まれている Edwards,Osman Japanese Calendar with Verses. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1898. (Calendar for 1899). Illustrated calender with verses on seasonal Japanese events. Illustrations are printed on Japanese plain paper and essays on tissue paper. Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. 18x12.6cm. [aj753-101995] ¥126,000 14 [縮緬本] 「四十七士」 編輯者 宮崎吉五郎 / 編輯兼發行者 田中梅三郎 / 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 印刷所 製紙分社 明治二十六年七月二十日發行 欧文(英語)和装本 巻末に討ち入りの図綴じ込み (24x34cm) 表紙、裏表紙、背、小口に細かなシミ Miyazaki,Kichigoro ed. Forty Seven Ronin. Edited by Kichigoro Miyazaki and Umesaburo Tanaka (ed.&publisher). Illus.by Sekkoku. For sale by Kelly & Walsh, 1893. This story is generally known as the "Chushingura" (Tale of the Loyal Retainers). This book contains "Preface", "A Short Account of the 'Forty-Seven Ronins', profiles of 53 characters (one page to each character with illus.), and folded panoramic illus.of the raid. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers wore, spotted and sl.chipped at edge. Spine and edges spotted. 16x11.6cm. [aj754-101971] ¥168,000 15 ユークリッド 「原 論」 クラヴィウス版 1591 年 ローマ刊 ラテン語 総革装・補修済 Euclid Euclidis Elementorum Libri XV. Accessit XVI. de solidorum regularium cuiuslibet intra quodlibet comparatione. Omnes perspicuis demonstrationibus accuratisque scholiis illustrati, ac multarum rerum accessione locupletati. Nunc tertio editi ... Auctore Christophoro Clavio Bambergensi, è Societate Iesv. [and] Euclidis Posteriores Libri IX. Accessit XVI. de solidorum regularium cuiuslibet intra quodlibet comparatione. Omnes perspicuis demonstrationibus accuratisque scholiis illustrati: Nunc tertio editi, ac multarum rerum ac. cessione locupletati. Auctore Christophoro Clavio Bambergensi, è Societate Iesv. 2 parts in one volume. Coloniae: Expensis Ioh.Baptistae Ciotti, 1591. [16], 359, [1], (part 2); 355, [41] pp. Contemporary full calf, blind embossed motif on each board, expertly rebacked, raised back with gilt title label. Illus.on title-page to each part, numerous diagrams, dec.head and tail pieces and initials. New e.p. Text in Latin. Darkened edges. Boards somewhat damaged, edges of a front flyleaf and title page of Part 1 chipped, and 227-242pp.of Part 1 sl.wormed, but repaired professionally. Damp stained to fore edges of p.275 of Part 1 - p.46 of part 2 and bottom corner of Part 2. 32.4x21.5cm. [aj814-102006] ¥900,000 16 「ユークリッド全集」 グレゴリー版 1703 年 オックスフォード刊 ギリシャ語・ラテン語 総革装 Euclid Ευκλειδου τα σωζομενα. Euclidis quae supersunt omnia. Ex Recensione Davidis Gregorii M.D. Astronomiae Professoris Saviliani, & R.S.S. Oxoniae : E Theatro Sheldoniano, An.Dom. 1703. title, imprimatur +'Reverendo viro Henrico Aldrich…'(2pp.)+'Praefatio'(11pp.)+'Elenchus Operum'(1pp.)+686pp.+(2pp.; errata, verso blank). (Elementorum Libri XV. / Data, cum Praefatione Marini. / Introductio Harmonica. / Sectio Canonis. / Phaenomena. / Optica. / Catoptrica. / De Divisionibus Liber. / De Levi et Ponderoso Fragmentum.) Prallel Greek and Latin text; title with engraved vignette by Michael Burghers, engraved frontispiece by Burghers. Full calf, marbled e.ps. Trimed edges. Edges of boards and spine rubbed. Gilt lettering of spine partly missing. Edges and pages sunned. Ink notation to title page. 31.5x21cm. [aj813-102005] ¥250,000 17 [月刊誌] The Chrysanthemum 英文の日本文化紹介雑誌 J.M.ディクソン、B.H.チェンバレン等、寄稿 C.S.イービーによる「徒然草」世界初訳(英訳)を掲載 京都帝國大學書記:笹岡民次郎 旧蔵(名刺附) 3/4 クロース装、擦れ 表紙、裏表紙少々擦れ 表紙に薄いシミ 小口、見返しヤケ ウェンクスタン「大日本書史」所収 (p.17) (monthly magazine) The Chrysanthemum and Phoenix, A Monthly Magazine for Japan and the Far East. Vol.III, Nos.1-6. 4 (all published) Bound in 1. Yokohama: Kelly & Co. / Hongkong and Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh / London: Trubner & Co.et al. January, 1883 - June 1883. 302pp.+ a folding table of "Statistics of the different missionary boards working in Japan." 3/4 cloth with marbled boards, gilt title to spine. First English translation of Tsuredzure Gusa by C.S.Eby appeared on nos.2-4. Boards sl.rubbed. Front board partly stained. Spine worn at edge. Edges and e.ps.sunned. (contributors: F.Brinkley, J.M.Dixon, Basil Hall Chamberlain et al.) 24.6x18.5cm. Only 3 volumes published. [aj769-101943] ¥126,000 18 M.C.ペリー 署名入自筆書簡 (私信) 娘 I.B. ("ベル") ペリー 宛 ベラクルス 1848 年 4 月 20 日付 (米墨戦争[1846-1848 年]中の書簡。 家族宛てのものは珍しい。) 1 枚 (表・裏) 保存状態良好 英文清書、及び日本語訳文添付 (Perry,Matthew Calbraith ) An Autograph Letter from Matthew Calbraith Perry to his daughter I.B. ("Bell") Perry. U.S.Frigate Cumberland. Vera Cruz, April 20, 1848. 1 sheet. This letter was written on both sides, caring about his daughter. With a preserved box. 16.7x21cm. ¥580,000 [aj748-101959] 19 ルイス・キャロル 「鏡の国のアリス」 テニエル画 初版後刷 著者識語署名入献呈本(前扉に献辞書込) クロース装 三方金 表紙に薄いシミ 裏表紙少々汚れ 背少々退色 前扉裏"Dramatis personae"ページ 2 ペ ージぶん余白に少々汚れ Carroll,Lewis Through the Looking-Glass. And What Alice Found There. With Fifty Illustrations by John Tenniel. Twenty-Fourth Thousand. London: Macmillan & Co., 1872. First edition, later issue. 224pp. Bound in original red cloth, gilt motif to front and rear boards, gilt title to spine, a.e.g. A presentation copy, inscribed by the author in his characteristic purple ink on half title page, "Alice Emily Wilson from the Author. Sep. 1872." Front board light stained, rear board somewhat darkened, and spine somewhat faded. E.ps sl.worn at edge. Slightly spot stained to margin of verso of half title page and its opposite page "Dramatis personae." With a new preserved box. 19x13.2cm. [aj805-101969] ¥500,000 20 エリス 編 ケルムスコット・プレス 「サー・イザンブラス」 チョーサー活字 背ホランド装 350 部限定 背、天少々汚れ Ellis,F.S. ed. Syr Isambrace. Edited by F.S.Ellis after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, with a few corrections. Printed at the Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith, in the county of Middlesex, and finished on the 14th day of July, 1897. Hammersmith: The Kelmscott Press, 1897. 41pp. Frontis.designed by E.Burne-Jones. Printed in red & black, Chaucer type. Original holland-backed blue paper boards. Limited to 350 copies. Ex-libris.(Allan F.Vigers) on front e.p. Spine and top edge somewhat darkened. 21.2x14.7cm. [aj804-101968] ¥220,000 (→エドワード・バーン=ジョーンズのデザインによる木版画挿絵本 No.186, 187) 「2010 年国際稀覯本フェア」カタログ 白黒ページ(図版なし)掲載品 21 [縮緬本] 「日本昔噺」 (英語版) 第一號~第二十號セット 第一號:ダビド・タムソン訳「桃太郎」 明治十九年八月二六日再版 (裏表紙裏に印) 第二號:ダビド・タムソン訳(本には訳者記載なし)「舌切雀」 発行日記載なし (裏表紙に印) 第三號:ダビツド・タムソン訳「猿蟹合戦」 明治十八年十一月二日再版 (裏表紙に印) 第四號:ダビツド・タムソン訳「花咲爺」 明治十八年十月一日發行 (初版) 第五號:ダビツド・タムソン訳「勝々山」 明治十九年九月二九日添題御届 (初版) 第六號:ダビツド・タムソン訳「ねずみのよめいり」 昭和十年五月一日第十六版發行 (表紙、裏表紙ヤケ) 第七號:ヘボン訳「瘤取」 大正十年二月二十日第十五版發行 (裏表紙に小さな「MADE IN JAPAN」スタンプ) 第八號:チャムブレン訳「浦嶋」 大正六年二月二十日第十五版發行 第九號:チャムバレイン先生譯述「八頭ノ大蛇」 明治十九年十一月出版 (初版) 第十號:ジェームス夫人訳「松山鏡」 明治十九年十二月一日發行 (初版、裏表紙に印 裏表紙ヤケ) 第十一號:ジェームス夫人訳「因幡の白兎」 明治十九年十二月十四日發行 (初版) 第十二號:ジェームス夫人訳「野干の手柄」 大正十一年三月十日第十五版發行 5 第十三號:チャンバレイン訳「海月」 大正十一年三月十日第十五版發行 第十四號:ジェイムス夫人訳「玉の井」 明治二十年七月十六日出版 (初版) 第十五號:チャムバレン訳「俵藤太」 昭和十二年十月十日第十七版發行 第十六號:ジェームス夫人訳「文福茶釜」 (日本語奥付なし、日付記載なし 表紙、裏表紙ヤケ 表紙裏に印) 第十七號:ジェイムス夫人訳「竹篦太郎」 昭和十五年四月十日第十八版發行 第十八號:ジェームス夫人訳「羅生門」 明治二二年八月十五日發行 (初版 裏表紙裏に印) 第十九號:ジェームス夫人「大江山」 明治二四年七月二十八日發行 (初版 表紙に細かなシミ 表紙裏に鉛筆で書込) 第二十號:ジェームス夫人訳「養老の瀧」 明治二五年十二月二十八日發行 (初版 裏表紙裏に印) 計 20 冊揃 欧文(英語)和装本 發行者 長谷川武次郎 (第一~五、七~十四、十六、十八~二十號)、西宮興作 (第六、十五、十七號) 拵帙入 Japanese Fairy Tale Series, Nos.1 - 20. No.1: Momotaro. Translated by David Thompson. (1886, 2nd edition). No.2: The Tongue Cut Sparrow. Translated by David Thompson. (n.d. Edge of front cover partly torn). No.3: Battle of the Monkey and the Crab. Translated by David Thompson. (1885, 2nd edition). No.4: The Old Man Who Made Dead Trees Blossom. Translated by David Thompson. (1885, first edition). No.5: Kachi-kachi Mountain. Translated by David Thompson. (1886, first edition). No.6: The Mouse's Wedding. Translated by David Thompson. (1935, 16th edition. Front and rear covers sunned.). No.7: The Old Man & the Devils. Translated by James C.Hepburn. (1921, 15th edition. A small stamp (MADE IN JAPAN) on rear cover.). No.8: Urashima, the Fisher-boy. Translated by B.H.Chamberlain. (1917, 15th edition). No.9: The Serpent with Eight Heads. Told in English by B.H.Chamberlain. (1886, first edition). No.10: The Matsuyama Mirror. Told in English by Mrs. T.H.James. (1886, first edition). No.11: The Hare of Inaba. Told in English by Mrs. T.H.James. (1886, first edition). No.12: The Cub's Triumph. Translated by Mrs. T.H.James. (1922, 15th edition). No.13: The Silly Jelly-Fish. Translated by B.H.Chamberlain. (1922, 15th edition). No.14: The Princes Fire-flash & Fire-fade. Told to Children by Mrs. T.H.James. (1887, first edition). No.15: My Lord Bag-o'-Rice. Told in English by B.H.Chamberlain. (1937, 17th edition). No.16: The Wonderful Tea Kettle. By Mrs. T.H.James. (n.d. Front and rear covers sunned.). No.17: Schippeitaro. Translated by Mrs. T.H.James. (1940, 18th edition). No.18: The Ogre's Arm. Told in English by Mrs. T.H.James. (1889, first edition. "Kobunsha, publishers" to front cover.). No.19: The Ogres of Oyeyama. Told in English by Mrs. T.H.James. (1891, first edition. "Kobunsha, Tokyo. Kelly & Walsh, Yokohama. " to front cover. Front cover spotted and pencil notation to its verso.). No.20: The Enchanted Waterfall. By Kate James. (1892, first edition. Edge of rear cover partly torn and rear cover sunned.). Tokyo: T.Hasegawa (Nos.1-5, 7-14, 16, 18-20) and Y.Nishinomiya (Nos.6, 15, 17). Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Ex-library stamp (Collection of Hilary Knight) on rear cover (Nos.2, 3, 10) or on recto of rear cover (nos.1, 18, 20) or on verso of front cover (no.16). With a new preserved case. 15.2x10.5cm. [aj798-101992] ¥525,000 22 [縮緬本] エスパダ 「日本昔噺」 Cuentos del Japon viejo: 10 冊 Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: 10 冊 計 20 冊揃 全冊初版 (明治~大正) 欧文(スペイン語)和装本 印刷者 柴田喜一 他 / 絵師 小林永濯 / 飜譯者 エスパダ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 元箱付 Espada,Gonzalo J.de la (trans.) Cuentos del Japon viejo: No.1 Momotaro (桃太郎), No.2 El gorrion con la lengua cortada (舌切り雀), No.3 La batalla entre monos y cangrejos (猿蟹合戦), No.4 El viejecito que hacia florecer los arboles secos (花咲爺), No.5 La Montana Kachi-kachi (勝々山), No.6 El viejo y los demonios (瘤取り), No.7 Urasima, el pescadorcillo (浦島), No.8 La venganza del raposillo (野干の手柄), No.9 Su Alteza Saco de Arroz (俵藤 太), No.10 La arana duende (蜘蛛). Leyendas y narraciones japonesas: No.1 La boda de los ratones (ねずみの嫁入り), No.2 La sierpe de ocho cabezas (八頭の大蛇), No.3 La liebre de Inaba (因幡の白兎), No.4 El espejo de Matsuyama (松山鏡), No.5 La Medusa Candida (海月), No.6 El Principe Brillante y el Principe Luciente (玉の井), No.7 La olla magica (文福茶釜), No.8 Sippeitaro (しっぺい太郎), No.9 El brazo de ogro (羅生門), No.10 La cascada maravillosa (養老の滝). All copies published in 1914, except for ‘Cuentos del Japon Viejo’ no.2 “El gorrion con la lengua cortada”, published in 1885. First edition, first issue. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Housed in a original box. Nos.6-10 of ‘Cuentos del Japon Viejo’ and nos.1-10 of ‘Leyendas y narraciones japonesas’ are wrapped in thin Japanese paper. Edge sl.sunned. Original box sl.color chipped. Otherwise fine. 15x10.5cm. [aj700-705255] ¥600,000 23 [平紙本] 第十三及十五 チャンバレーン先生譯述 第十四、十六、十七、十八 ジェイムス夫人譯述 「日本昔噺」 第十三號:海月 第十四號:彦火火出見尊 第十五號:俵藤太 第十六號:鉢かづき 第十七號:竹箆太郎 第十八號:鬼ノ腕 以上六冊合本 明治 22 年 11 月 27 日出版 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 出版所 弘文社 欧文(英語)和装本・仕掛け本(No.18 鬼ノ腕) 拵帙入 版権免許年月日:第十三號明治 20 年 2 月 17 日 第十四號:同年 7 月 16 日 第十五號:同年 9 月 28 日 第十六號:同年 11 月 22 日 第十七號:明治 21 年 12 月 11 日 第十八號:明治 22 年 8 月 16 日 Chamberlain,B.H. & Mrs.T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tales Vol.III. (No.13-18). No.13: The Silly jelly-fish. No.14: The Princes : fire-flash and fire-fade. No.15: My Lord Bag-o'-Rice. No.16: The Wooden bowl. No.17: Schippeitaro. No.18: The Ogre's arm. No.13,15 by B.H.Chamberlain. No.14, 16, 17, and 18 by Mrs.T.H.James. Bound in one. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1889. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. No.18 (The Ogre's 6 arm) is a pop-up book. Ex-libris (The Metcalf Library) on front e.p. Ex-library stamp (St.Paul Academy Library) on verso of title page. Wholly sunned. Front cover folded at center and partly torn. Japanese colophon (facing title page) rubbed, partly hard to read, and torn at edge. Covers, edges, spine, and some pages of no.15 & 18. Small red ink notation to margin of title page. With a new preserved case. 18x12.6cm. [aj751-101993] ¥157,500 24 [平紙本] ダビッド タムソン譯述 「日本昔噺 第四號 花咲爺」 鮮齋永濯 畫 弘文社 明治十八年十月出版 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙、裏表紙にごく薄いシミ 裏表紙端少々裂け 表紙裏及び最初のページ余白に指紋汚れ 最初のページ余白に全所有者のサイン Thompson,David Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.4. Hanasaki Jiji. Tokyo: Kobunsha, 1885. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Rear cover sl.torn. Small ownership signature (JB Larner 1890) to margin of the first page. Light finger print stain to margin of verso of front cover and the first page. 18x12.3cm. [aj755-101996] ¥42,000 25 [縮緬本] ダビド・タムソン譯 「日本昔噺 第四號 花咲爺」 絵師 小林永濯 / 發行兼印刷者 長谷川武次郎 大正十五年三月十日第十五版發行 欧文(英語)和装本 裏表紙に小さな「MADE IN JAPAN」スタンプ Thompson,David Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.4. The Old Man Who Made The Dead Trees Blossom. 15th edition. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, 1926. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. A small stamp (MADE IN JAPAN) on rear cover. 15.1x10.2cm. [aj792-101986] ¥31,500 26 [縮緬本] ドクトル ヘボン譯 「日本昔噺 第七號 瘤取」 絵師 小林永濯 / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 柴田喜一 明治十九年六月一日發行 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 裏表紙に「Collection of Hilary Knight」スタンプ Hepburn,James C. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.7. The Old Man & the Devils. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, 1886. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Ex-library stamp (Collection of Hilary Knight) on rear cover. 15x10.3cm. [aj793-101987] ¥42,000 27 [平紙本] ジェイムズ夫人 「日本昔噺 第十一號 因幡の白兎」 絵師 小林永濯 / ジェイムス夫人 譯述 / 出版人 長谷川武次郎 / 出版所 弘文社 明治十九年十二月七日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 拵帙入 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series No.11. The Hare of Inaba. Told to Children by Mrs.T.H.James. Kobunsha, 1886. First edition. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Light stained to front and rear covers and margin of pages. 17.8x12.2cm. [aj649-704934] ¥42,000 28 [縮緬本] B.H.チェンバレン訳(本に記載なし) 「日本昔噺 第十三號 海月」 絵師 川端玉章 欧文(英語)和装本 西宮与作発行 奥付なし 出版年不明 Chamberlain,B.H. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.13. The Silly Jelly-Fish. Tokyo: Y.Nishinomiya, n.d. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. 15.3x10.4cm. [aj794-101988] ¥31,500 29 [縮緬本] B.H.チェンバレン訳 「日本昔噺 第十五號 俵藤太」 絵師 鈴木華邨 欧文(英語)和装本 長谷川武次郎発行(裏表紙に T.Hasegawa) 奥付なし 出版年不明 全体的に少々ヤケ 裏表紙に「Collection of Hilary Knight」スタンプ 表紙端少々裂け Chamberlain,B.H. Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.15. My Lord Bag-o'-Rice. Told in English by B.H.Chamberlain. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, n.d. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Sl.sunned. Ex-library stamp (Collection of Hilary Knight) on rear cover. Edge of front cover partly torn. 15.3x10.4cm. [aj795-101989] ¥31,500 30 [縮緬本] ジェイムス夫人 訳 「日本昔噺 第十七號 竹篦太郎」 絵師 鈴木宗三郎 / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 金子徳次郎 明治二一年十二月七日發行 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙、裏表紙にシミ Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series, No.17. Schippeitaro. Translated by Mrs. T.H.James. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1888. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers stained. 15.2x10.2cm. [aj796-101990] ¥36,750 7 31 [縮緬本] ラフカヂヲ ヘルン 「日本昔噺再版 第一號 蜘蛛」 印刷者 柴田喜一 / 絵師 鈴木華邨 / 譯者 ラフカヂヲヘルン / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 明治三十二年四月一日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 元袋付 拵帙入 Hearn,Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.1. The Goblin Spider. T.Hasegawa, 1899. First edition. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and a new preserved case. 15.1x10.4cm. [aj647-704938] ¥52,500 32 [縮緬本] ジェイムス夫人 訳 「日本昔噺再版 第二號 不思議の小槌」 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 柴田喜一 明治三二年七月十日發行 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ 1 ページ目余白にインク書込 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tales. Second Series, No.2. The Wonderful Mallet. Told in English by Mrs. T.H.James. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1899. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers somewhat darkened and sl.spotted. Ink notation to margin of p.1. 15.3x10.5cm. [aj797-101991] ¥68,000 33 [縮緬本] ケイト・ジェイムズ 「鉢かづき」 絵師 鈴木華邨 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 発行所 長谷川商店 昭和九年五月一日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 拵帙入 James,Kate Japanese Fairy Tale. The Wooden Bowl. Told in English by Kate James. T.Hasegawa, 1934. First edition. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With a new preserved case. 18.7x13.5cm. [aj653-704933] ¥94,500 34 [縮緬本] ぼすとういき 米国海軍在勤 「小花三」 発行人 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷人 廣瀬安七 明治二五年四月十五日出版御届 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙、裏表紙に少々汚れ 裏表紙に薄いシミ 背布少々破れ Bostwick,F.M. Kohana San. Written by Lieutenant F.M.Bostwick, U.S.Navy, and sung to the air of "Ballyhooly." Tokio: T.Hasegawa, ("Kelly & Walsh, Yokohama" to front cover), 1892. Crepe paper book, with music score, lyrics and color woodblocks. Japanese style binding. Front cover darkened. Rear cover darkebed and sl.stained. Cloth of spine sl.chipped. 18.4x16.4cm. [aj764-102002] ¥94,500 35 [縮緬本] ぼすとういき 「於ゆちゃさん」 発行者 長谷川武次郎 / 絵師 鈴木華邨 明治二六年 再版 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙、裏表紙に少々汚れ、少々シワ p.1 に小さな薄いシミ Bostwick,F.M. Oyucha San. Composed by Lieutenant F.M.Bostwick, U.S.Navy, and sung to the air of "Rosalie." Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, ("Kelly & Walsh, Yokohama" to front cover), 1893. 2nd edition. Crepe paper book, with music score, lyrics and color woodblocks. Japanese style binding. Front and rear cover sl.darkebed and sl.wrinkled. A small stain to p.1. 18.8x16.7cm. [aj765-102003] ¥126,000 36 [縮緬本] C.&S.M.ボウルズ 「ナイルの冒険」 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 編輯者 アイ、ジー、プリンス / 活版印刷者 齋籐章達 / 木版印刷者 小宮屋壽 明治二十九年十二月十日再版發行 欧文(英語)和装本 カラー木版画多数、白黒コロタイプ写真 1 図 表紙少々汚れ 裏表紙から数ページに薄いシミ 背布部分欠 拵帙入 Bowles,Charles & Susan M. A Nile Voyage of Recovery. [The Red Cross Library Series] London: Sampson Low, Marston & Company, Limited (front cover) / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, Cairo: Shepheard's Hotel, London: Red Cross Library Building, New York: Fifth Ave.Hotel, (title page), 1896. Second edition. 2pp.(preface by A.H.Sayce)+73pp.+3pp.(appendix) Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Including an interesting b/w collotype photograph of the ruins at Karnak. Front cover somewhat stained. From rear cover to some pages light stained. Cloth of spine rubbed and partly missing. With a new preserved case. 19.9x15.8cm. [aj788-101982] ¥136,500 37 [縮緬本] ボール・ケラス 「因果の小車」 発行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 小宮ヤス 明治三十九年九月 第三版発行 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的にヤケ 表紙少々汚れ 裏表紙インクシミ p.1-2 ムレ、薄いシミ p.3 右下角に小さなシミ p.18~裏表紙少々シワ Carus,Paul Karma. A Story of Early Buddhism. Third edition. Illustrated & printed by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, Japan, for the Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, 1897. 20pp. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Wholly sunned. Front cover darkened and rear cover ink stained. Damp stain to p.1-2., and a small brown stain to bottom right corner of p.3. P.18 to rear cover somewhat wrinkled. 22x15.7cm. [aj758-101998] ¥84,000 8 38 [平紙本] B.H.チェンバレン 「アイヌ昔噺 No.1. 不思議の国の狩人」 出版人 長谷川武次郎 明治二十年四月十三日版権免許 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙にごく薄い汚れ 表紙裏に数字書込 Chamberlain,Basil Hall Aino Fairy Tales. No.1. The Hunter in Fairy-Land. Boston: Ticknor & Co. / Published by Kobunsha, Tokyo, 1887. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. "Preface" by Chamberlain printed on tissue paper. With numerous color woodblocks. Light stained to front cover. Small notation (5822) to verso of front cover. 18.8x13.1cm. [aj756-101997] ¥84,000 39 [縮緬本] オスマン エドワード 「日本の咄家」 著者 オスマン エドワード / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 村岡平吉 明治三十二年十月十六日 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 拵帙入 Edwards,Osman Japanese Story-tellers. T.Hasegawa, 1899. First edition. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Front and rear covers sl.darkened. With a new preserved case. 19.1x14cm. [aj651-704931] ¥94,500 40 [縮緬本] K.フローレンツ 「日本の芝居 寺子屋・朝顔」 絵師 新井芳宗 / 著者 フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 發行所 長谷川商店 明治三十三年九月十日 初版 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 元袋付 元帙 (この本には表紙は2種あるが、当該本は珍しい。) Florenz,Karl Japanische Dramen. Terakoya und Asagao. Übertragen von Prof.Dr.Karl Florenz. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1900. First edition. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original tissue paper wrapper and an original pictorial preserved case. 19.5x14.8cm. [aj654-704936] ¥157,500 41 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 「日本の芝居 寺子屋・朝顔」 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 金子徳次郎 大正三年四月二十日第七版發行 元帙(ヤケ、壊れ、補修済 印(小)あり)及び拵帙入 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 扉に印(小)あり Florenz,Karl Japanische Dramen. Terakoya und Asagao. Übertragen von Karl Florenz. Siebentes Tausend. 7th edition. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag (title page) / Tokyo: T.Hasegawa (colophon), 1914. 4pp.(einführung)+38pp.("Terakoya")+6pp.(vorfabel des dramas)+37pp.("Asagao") Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved case (damaged, but repaired with cloth tapes. A small stamp on upper board) and a new preserved case. A small stamp on title page. 19.2x14.8cm. [aj789-101983] ¥126,000 42 [平紙本] K.フローレンツ 「寺子屋」 印刷者 村岡平吉 / 飜譯者 カール、フロレンツ / 發行者 長谷川武次郎 明治参拾参年壹月壹日發行 欧文(フランス語)和装本 カバー裏表紙及び背表紙の一部欠(補修済み) ページ余白に極薄いシミ Florenz,Karl (trans.) Scènes du Théâtre Japonais. L'École de Village. (Terakoya) Drame historique en un acte. Tokyo: Publié par T.Hasegawa, 1900. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Rear cover and spine of dust wrapper missing. 27.7x20.8cm. [aj642-704937] ¥189,000 43 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 「孝女白菊の詩」 原著 井上巽軒(哲次郎) / 絵師 三島蕉窓、新井芳宗 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 繪畫印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 文字印刷者 齋籐章達 明治二十八年九月三十日發行(初版) 第三版の元帙(少々擦れ、補修済)及び拵帙入 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 Florenz,Karl Japanischen Dichtungen. Weissaster. Ein Romantisches Epos. Nebst Anderen Gedichten. Frei Nachgebildet von Karl Florenz. First edition. Leipzig: C.F.Amelamg's Verlag, Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1895. vorwort'+79pp.+4pp.(anmerkungen) Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved case of 3rd edition (sl.rubbed and repaired) and a new preserved case. 19.4x15.9cm. [aj790-101984] ¥126,000 44 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ アーサー・ロイド(英訳) 「孝女白菊の詩」 原著 井上巽軒(哲次郎) / 絵師 三島蕉窓、新井芳宗 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 繪畫印刷者 小宮屋壽 / 文字印刷者 廣瀬安七 明治三十年十二月十日發行 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 表紙から数ページに薄いシミ 拵帙入 Lloyd,A. White Aster. A Japanese Epic. Together with Other Poems from the German Adaptation of Prof.Dr.Karl Florenz. Published by T.Hasegawa, Tokyo, 1897. Preface+82pp. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved case. From front cover to some pages light stained. 19.6x15.3cm. [aj786-101980] ¥126,000 45 [縮緬本] カール・フローレンツ 「東の国からの詩の挨拶-和歌集」 絵師 三島蕉窓、新井芳宗、鈴木華邨 他 發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 金子徳次郎 明治四十二年十月二十日第十二版發行 9 欧文(ドイツ語)和装本 元帙入 Florenz,Karl Dichtergrüsse aus dem Osten. Japanische Dichtungen. Übertragen von Karl Florenz in Tokyo. Zwölfte auflage. Leipzig: C.F.Amelangs Verlag (title page) / Druck, illustrationen & papier von T.Hasegawa, Tokyo (colophon), 1909. 96pp.+'Anmerkungen' Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With an original pictorial preserved case (partly chipped and color chipped). 19.8x14.8cm. [aj787-101981] ¥126,000 46 [平紙本] Little Songs of Shade and Sunshine. 編纂兼發行者 長谷川武次郎 / 印刷者 金子徳次郎 明治四一年十一月一日第二版英文發行 (明治二九年十一月一日第一版 獨逸文) 欧文(英語)和装本 裏表紙にシミ G.J. Little Songs of Shade and Sunshine. Illustrated by Kwasson & Shoso. Tokyo: T.Hasegawa, 1896. Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. A small brown stain to rear cover. 20.2x16.6cm. [aj762-102000] ¥126,000 47 [縮緬本] ジェイムズ夫人 「思い出草と忘れ草」 絵師 新井芳宗 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 発行所 長谷川商店 昭和十四年六月一日 第十二版 欧文(英語)和装本 拵帙入 Mrs. T.H.James Japanese Fairy Tale Series (No.22) The Flowers of Remembrance and Forget Fulness. Told in English by Mrs.T.H.James. T.Hasegawa, 1939. 12th edition. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. With a new preserved case. 19x13.5cm. [aj652-704941] ¥94,500 48 [平紙本] マリー E.アンガー 「日本の愛すべき花々」 絵師 三島蕉窓 / 發行兼印刷者 西宮興作 / 發行所 長谷川商店 昭和十年十二月十日 英文増補 第四版 欧文(英語) 拵帙入 Unger,Mary E. The Favorite Flowers of Japan. Tokyo: Hasegawa Publishing Co., 1935. 4th edition. Printed on Japanese plain paper. With color woodblocks. With a new preserved case. 24.6x18.3cm. [aj656-704939] ¥157,500 49 [縮緬本] ダルシー・ハーモニー 秋山愛三郎 「日本の音楽」 著者兼発行人 秋山愛三郎 / 絵師 橋本周延 / 印刷人 石塚彦次郎 明治二八年十二月八日發行 欧文(英語)和装本 全体的にヤケ 表紙汚れ、端に小さな破れ 裏表紙及び数ページに薄いシミ 裏表紙に数ヶ所小さな穴 背布部分欠 奥付上端少々裂け Harmony,Miss Dulcie & Aisaburo Akiyama Musical Japan. Tokyo, 1895. Sold by Maruya & Co. Illus.by Chikanobu Hashimoto. Crepe paper book, with color woodblocks, Japanese style binding. Wholly sunned. Front cover stained and chipped at edge. Rear cover and some pages light stained. Some small hole on rear cover. Cloth of spine chipped. Edge of page facing colophon sl.torn. 18.4x24cm. [aj759-101973] ¥94,500 50 [平紙本] 「日本の子供たち」 著者兼出版者 岡田松生 / 發行者 吾妻健三郎 / 印刷者 吾妻健成 / 發行所 東陽堂支店 明治二八年十月十一日發行 欧文(英語) 本文袋綴じ 表紙、裏表紙に薄いシミ 表紙図版一部欠け 裏表紙図版欠 表紙、背、のど補修済 拵帙入 Okada,M. Japanese Children. Tokyo: The Toyodo, 1895. A double-leaved book, printed on Japanese plain paper. With 10 color double-page woodblocks. Front and rear covers light stained. Edges of front cover partly missing and Illus.of rear cover missing. Front cover, spine, and joints repaired. With a new preserved case. 24.5x17.6cm. [aj757-101972] ¥63,000 51 [縮緬本] 小川一眞 「吉原」 著作兼發行印刷者 小川一眞 / 印刷兼發賣元 小川写真製版所 明治四十三年九月二十八日發行 初版 欧文(英語)和装本 手彩色コロタイプ写真 16 図 表紙に薄い細かなシミ 小口少々ヤケ Ogawa,Kazuma Yoshiwara. A Nightless Quarter. Publishing by K.Ogawa, Tokyo, 1910. First edition. Crepe paper book with 16 hand painted color collotype photographs. Japanese style binding. Front cover light spotted. Edges light sunned. 19.2x25.5cm. [aj768-101977] ¥157,500 52 [縮緬本] 高島捨太 「日本風俗写真帖 五版」 發行兼印刷者 小川一眞 / 發賣元 小川写真製版所 明治四十三年十月一日 欧文(英語)和装本 手彩色コロタイプ写真 12 図 小口少々ヤケ (横長) Takashima,S. Illustrations of Japanese Life. Described by S.Takashima. 10 Reproduced and Publishing by K.Ogawa, Tokyo, 1910. 5th edition. Crepe paper book with 12 hand painted color collotype photographs. Japanese style binding. Edges light sunned. 19x25.5cm. [aj767-101976] ¥126,000 53 [縮緬本] 高島捨太 「日本風俗写真帖 六版」 發行兼印刷者 小川一眞 / 發賣元 小川写真製版所 明治四十四年十月一日 欧文(英語)和装本 手彩色コロタイプ写真 12 図 小口少々ヤケ (縦長) Takashima,S. Illustrations of Japanese Life. Described by S.Takashima. Reproduced and Publishing by K.Ogawa, Tokyo, 1911. 6th edition. Crepe paper book with 12 hand painted color collotype photographs. Japanese style binding. Edges light sunned. 25.2x19cm. [aj766-101975] ¥147,000 54 [平紙本] ジェー、エス、デー、ベンネヴィル (著作兼發行者) 「小栗判官一代記」 印刷者:村岡平吉 印刷所:福音印刷合資会社 大正四年三月六日印刷 大正四年三月十日發行 欧文(英語) クロース装 表紙に留め紐 本文袋綴じ カラー口絵 1 点 白黒図版 45 点 地図 3 点 小口、背、見返しヤケ Benneville,James S.de Tales of the Samurai. Oguri Hangwan Ichidaiki. Being the Story of the Lives, the Adventures, and the Misadventures of the Hangwan-dai Kojirō Sukeshige and Terute-hime, his wife. [A redaction from the kōdan and chronicles of the Japanese originals]. Yokohama, 1915. xx,485pp. Bound in light blue cloth, gilt title and white motif on front board, gilt title to spine. The book can bind with 2 strings at fore edge. With 1 coloured frontis., 45 b/w illus.in page, and 3 folding maps. A double-leaved book, printed on Japanese paper. Spine, edges and e.ps.sunned. 23.5x15.7cm. [aj750-101970] ¥30,000 55 [平紙本] 「西村總左衛門」 明治二六年三月六日緑綬褒章受章記念 欧文(英語)和装本 京友禅の工程3図(手彩色) 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ Nishimura Sozayemon, Kyoto, Nippon. Printed by Osaka Kokubunsha & Co., n.d.(c.1800s) [Sozayemon Nishimura, the appointed manufacturer in art fabrics to the Imperial Household of Nippon. (An established firm of Kyo-Yuzen, printed silk.)] Celebrated issue of receiving the Ryo-ku-Ju-Hosho (Green Ribbon Medal). With illus.of the medal, a photo copy of Diploma Awarded by the Exposition Universelle, 1889, Grand Prix, a photo of Sozayemon Nishimura firm, Historical sketch, and process of Yuzen (with 3 colored double-page plates). Printed on Japanese plain paper and Japanese style binding. Colored illus.on front board and blind embossed motif on rear board. Front and rear boards darkened. Small stain to margin of front board, its verso and several pages. 18.2x13cm. [aj770-101978] ¥94,500 56 [平紙本] バルブドー 「フローリアンの寓話集」 2 巻 元硬表紙付 (1) 明治 28 年 7 月 11 日発行 著作者 馬留武黨 / 發行者 金光正男 / 印刷者 山本鍈次郎 / 印刷所 株式会社 秀英舎 / 畫工 狩野友信、梶田半古 / 木版師 製文堂 (カラー挿絵 タイトルページ皺 仏語タイトルページ少々汚れ p.6 にインクで書き込み) (2) 明治 28 年 10 月 15 日発行 著作者 馬留武黨 / 發行者 金光正男 / 印刷者 山本鍈次郎 / 印刷所 株式会社 秀英舎 / 畫工 久保田桃水、狩野友信、梶田半 古 / 木版師 製文堂 (仏語タイトルページ裏及び裏表紙に色鉛筆で書込 奥付薄い汚れ) 欧文(英語)和装本、鳥の子紙 限定 190 部 外表紙少々擦れ、汚れ 小口少々ヤケ Fables Choisies de J.-P.Clais De Florian. Illustrees par des artistes Japonais sous la direction de O.Barboutau. Tokio. 2 vols.with original illustrated hard wrapper. Paris: Librairie Marpon & Flammarion, July & Oct., 1895. Limited to 190 copies printed on Japanese Tori-noko paper. 18pp.+14 colored plates [and] 18pp.+14 colored plates. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. With numerous color woodblocks. Outer wrapper somewhat rubbed and stained. Edges of each vol.sunned. Colored title page of vol.I wrinkled and French title page sl.stained, and ink notation to p.6. Blue pencil notations to French title page and rear cover of vol.II, and Light stained to colophon. 25.5x35cm. [aj775-101979] ¥189,000 57 [写本] 「土州漁人亜墨利加漂流紀聞」 中浜万次郎他漂流記 嘉永七年 11 丁(22 ページ) 和綴本 拵帙入 (Toshu Gyojin America Hyouryu-kibun) A manuscript: A record of drifters' (including John Manjiro) experience in America. 1854. 22pp. With a new preserved case. 24.8x17cm. [aj812-101950] ¥168,000 (→写本 他に No.141) 58 The Presentation of a Samurai Sword to the Town of Fairhaven, Massachusetts. July 4, 1918. 中浜東一郎医学博士(ジョン万次郎の子息)が万次郎ゆかりの地フェアヘブンへ日本刀を贈った際に作成された小冊子 第 2 版 厚紙装 ホチキス綴じ The Presentation of a Samurai Sword to the Town of Fairhaven, Massachusetts. July 4, 1918. The Gift of Doctor Toichiro Nakahama, of Tokio, Japan, to the Town of Fairhaven, Massachusetts, by Viscount Kikujiro Ishii, Japanese Ambassador to the United States, July the Fourth, Nineteen Hundred Eighteen. Published by the Millicent Library, Fairhaven, Mass, 1926. Second edition. (First edition 1918). 48pp. A pumphlet, bound in brown thick pa11 per. With portraits of Viscount Kikujiro Ishii, Capt. William H.Whitfield, Manjiro Nakahama, Dr.T.Nakahama, and photo of the samurai sword. 21.7x13.7cm. [aj811-101949] ¥15,750 59 (英文) 「明治 18 年 日本の教育」 No.4-1885. Education in Japan. ペーパー装 表紙に薄いシミ 裏表紙、背、小口ヤケ 森有礼(明治 18 年初代文部大臣)? Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. No.4 - 1885. Education in Japan. Washington: Govermant Printing Office, 1885. 56pp. Printed wrappers. Light stained to front cover. Rear cover, spine and edges sunned. 23.1x14.9cm. [aj772-101945] ¥31,500 60 (英文) 「審美書院」 目録 年代不明 ペーパー装 モノクロ・カラー口絵 図版(本の写真)8点 表紙、裏表紙少々汚れ、角少々擦れ 45-48 ページ余白角に小さな穴 A Catalogue of Valuable and Important Japanese Art Publications. Tokyo: The Shimbi Shoin, n.d. frontis.(double-page b/w photo of Simbi Shoin and 1 colored illus.) + 68pp.+8 plates (b/w photo of books) (An illustrated catalogue of Shosoin, at Nara, Masterpieces selected from the fine arts of the far east, Caricatures of birds and beasts, by Toba Sojo, Long roll of landscape painting, by Sesshu, etc.) Printed wrappers. Colored illus.on front board and red motif on rear board, sl.darkened. Corners of this copy somewhat rubbed. Small holes on margin of 45-48pp. 24.6x18.2cm. [aj771-101944] ¥42,000 61 (英文) 「明治 43 年 日本の逓信概要」 地図付 建物、人物写真多数 Outline of the Means of Communication and Correspondence in Japan. The Department of Communications of Japan, 1910. 1 colored communications map of Japan + 20pp. Bound with green boards with purple strings at the left side. Gilt title with illus.to front board and motif on rear board. With many b/w photos. 31.6x22.5cm. [aj774-101947] ¥63,000 62 鐡道院 (編纂) 「東亜英文旅行案内」 Vol.II: 南西部日本 1914 年 (大 3.) クロース装(折り込み地図) The Imperial Japanese Government Rialways An Official Guide To Eastern Asia. Vol.II South-Western Japan. Trans-Contiental Connections Between Europe and Asia. Prepared by The Imperial Japanese Government Railways. Tokyo: The Imperial Japanese Government Rialways, 1914. (大 3.) cciv,370pp. With colored frontis, 15 maps & plans, numerous illus. Blown flexible cloth sl.steind & partly rubbed with gilt title on front cover & spine. Its spine sl.wrinkled, upper & lower edges sl.rubbed. T.e.g., all edges partly stained. Foldout map of Nagasaki clipped, all foldout maps sl.torn. Upper parts of 305-328pp. partly bended. 16x11.3cm. [aj743-705308] ¥47,250 63 鐡道院 (編纂) 「東亜英文旅行案内」 Vol.III: 北東部日本 1914 年 (大 3.) クロース装(折り込み地図) The Imperial Japanese Government Rialways An Official Guide To Eastern Asia. Vol.III North-Eastern Japan. Trans-Contiental Connections Between Europe and Asia. Prepared by The Imperial Japanese Government Railways. Tokyo: The Imperial Japanese Government Rialways, 1914. (大 3.) x,488pp. With colored frontis , 25 maps & plans, numerous illus. Blown flexible cloth sl.rubbed with gilt title on front cover & spine. Upper & lower edges of spine sl.rubbed. T.e.g., all edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly foxed. Joint of rear fly leaf sl.cracked. Foldout map of North-Eastern Japan partly torn & sl.splited. i-ii & 480-487pp. sl.torn. 307-312pp. a small spotted. 16x11.3cm. [aj744-705309] ¥47,250 64 日本鐡道省 「日本公式案内」 1933 年 (昭 8.) クロース装 The Japanese Government Railways An Official Guide To Japan. With Preparatory Explanations on Japanese Customs, Language, History, Religion, Literature, Fine Art, Architecture, Music, Drama, etc., etc. A Handbook for Travellers With 36 Specially Drawn Maps, 10 Illustrations and 14 Plans. Tokyo: The Japanese Government Railways, 1933. (昭 8.) xxii,ccx,506pp. With 5 color plates. Red flexible cloth sl.stained, with gilt title on front board & spine. Its spine sl.sunned, upper & lower parts sl.rubbed. All edges marble partly stained. 16x11.5cm. [aj738-705303] ¥26,250 65 バジル・ホール・チェンバレン・W. B. メーソン 「日本旅行案内」 1903 年 クロース装 (折り込地図) Chamberlain,Basil Hall & Mason,W. B. A Handbook For Travellers In Japan. Including The Whole Empire From Yezo To Formosa. With Twenty-eight Maps and Plans and Numerous Illustrations. London: John Murray, 1903. (明 36.) Seventh Edition, Revised. (第 7 版) ix,586pp.+68pp.(Advertisements.) Red flexible cloth sl.stained & sl.rinkled, gilt title on front cover & spine. Its spine sunned & partly chipped, upper & lower edges sl.rubbed. All edges red spotts design, partly stained. A Map of plans including in pocket at end. All foldout maps sl.torn & sl.spotted. Rear ep. & fly leaf sl.stained. Advertisements of front page & rear page ( 68pp.) partly foxed.18.3x12.7cm. [aj741-705306] ¥36,750 66 バジル・ホール・チェンバレン・W. B. メーソン 「日本旅行案内」 1907 年 クロース装 (折り込地図) Chamberlain,Basil Hall & Mason,W. B. A Handbook For Travellers In Japan. Including The Whole Empire From Saghalien To Formosa. With Thirty Maps and Plans and Numerous Illustration. 12 London: John Murray, 1907. (明 40.) Eight Edition, Revised nad Partly Rewritten. (第 8 版) ix,570pp.+32pp.(Advertisements.) Red flexible cloth sl.stained & sl.spotted with gilt title on front cover & spine, all cover edges sl.rubbed. Map missing from rear pocket. Ink stained on fore edge to front & rear cover. Its spine sunned & sl.spotted. All edges red spotts design, partly stained. Sl.water stained on front ep. & rear fly leaf. Front fly leaf clipped. Pencil notation on half title page & sl.foxed. Rear fly leaf partly missing. Some foldout maps sl.torn & sl.spotted. 40-41pp. partly water spotted. Ink spotted on 97-112pp. Advertisements pages of 31-32pp. partly stained. 18.3x12.7cm. [aj742-705307] ¥36,750 67 A.B.ミットフォード 「日本昔話」 2 巻 1871 年 角背革装 Mitford, A.B. Tales of Old Japan. With Illustrations, Drawn and Cut on Wood by Japanese Artist. In 2 vols. London: Macmillan and Co., 1871. xii,277pp. (vol.1) / vi + 272pp. (vol.2) ERRATUM on page xii of vol.1. Bound in designed boards with half calf. Spine decorated like as europian old books with calf spine. Edges colored same design as boards. Each vol. has frontis., and some Japanese illustrations. Cover boards partly rubbed and faded. Inner joints of vol.1 somewhat cracked. Each vol. has small bookplate on rear pastedown. A few pages light stained. Partly chipped & torn in margin of page 47,48 of vol.2 (Text not influenced). Otherwise fine. 20.2x13.8cm. [aj506-704856] ¥84,000 68 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「日本の暮らし」 1907 年 クロース装 Moraes,Wenceslau De A Vida Japoneza. Terceira serie de Cartas do Japão (1905-1906). Com Um Prefacio Do Auctor. Porto: Livraria Chardron, de Lello & Irmão, 1907. xv,470pp. With foldout color title page. Gray cloth with original illustrated wrappers bound in. Its spine sunned & sl.stained. Edges paertly stained. Ink signature & sl.spotted on tp verso. Lower parts of v-vi pp. sl.torn. Ink notation on 241pp. 18.4x12.5cm. [aj706-705271] ¥31,500 69 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「大日本」 1897 年 背革装 Moraes,Wenceslau De Dai-Nippon. (O Grande Japão.) Quarto Centenario Do Descobrimento Da India. Contribuições Da Sociedade De Geographia De Lisboa. Á Memoria Dos Viajantes Portuguezes Do Seculo XVI. E Especialmente Á De Fernão Mendes Pinto. Que Tão Bem Descreveu O Japão Do Seu Tempo. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1897. First edition. xvi,302pp. With some illus. Quarter leather & red cloth sl.stained, gilt title & motifs on spine. Top edge red, all edges partly foxed. Portuguese text. Ink signature on title page. 57-60pp. & 129-130pp. sl.torn. 7-8pp. & 77-78pp. & 133-134pp. sl.chipped. Sl.spotted on several pages. 25.7x17cm. [aj726-705291] ¥31,500 70 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「日本夜話」 [1925 年] 総革装 Moraes,Wenceslau De Os Serões No Japão. Lisboa: Portugal-Brasil, Arthur Brãndão, [1925.] First edition. 225pp. With numerous illus. A limited edition of 200 copies. Many photographs. Two tone blue leather corners sl.rubbed with original wrapper. Leather of two colors at the spine with gilt title & motifs. Its spine sl.rubbed. Edges partly stained. Color title page sl.chipped. Half title page sl.spotted. Pencil notation on front fly leaf & title page. 19.8x12.8cm. [aj705-705270] ¥36,750 71 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「日本史瞥見」 1924 年 総革装 Moraes,Wenceslau De Relance Da Historia Do Japão. Porto: Edição De Maranus, 1924. First edition. 299pp. With a map. Mottled calf somewhat wormed & corners sl.rubbed, gilt title and gilt motifs to spine with original illustrated wrappers bound in. Upper parts of spine sl.chipped & sl.torn. Top edge red, edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.wormed. Library stamped on title page. Title page sl.rubbed & sl.missing. 19x12.3cm. [aj704-705269] ¥36,750 72 ヴェンセスラウ・デ・モラエス 「極東遊記」 1946 年 背モロッコ装 Moraes,Wenceslau De Traços Do Extremo Oriente. Siam-China-Japão. Com um prefácio de Ángelo Pereira e Oldemiro César. Lisboa: Livraria Barateira, 1946. Second edition. xi,265pp. With a color frontis & b/w portrait. Quarter red morocco calf with marbled boards, corners sl.rubbed & sl.torn. Edges partly stained. A small spotted on half title page & rear fly leaf. Several pages sl.wrinkled. Portuguese text.20.3x14.8cm. [aj702-705267] ¥26,250 73 フェリシアーノ・アントニオ・マルク・ペレイラ 「コルベット艦ドン・ヨアン一世号: 1860 年日本への旅」 1863 年 角背革装 地図付. Pereira,Feliciano Antonio Marques Viagem da Corveta Dom João I.: Á Capital do Japão. No Anno de 1860. Capitáo de fragata e commandante da mesma corveta. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1863. 221pp. 3/4 leather with marbled boards with original wrappers, spine gilt title, with foldout map sl.spotted & sl.torn. Its spine sunned. Edges partly foxed. Book-shop label on front fly leaf. Title page partly stained & sl.chipped. Ex-liblis on original front wrapper. Portu-guese text. Several pages sl.spotted. 24.5x15.5cm. [aj701-705266] ¥63,000 13 74 ジョアン・ロドリゲス・Tçuzzu 「日本における教会の歴史」 1954 年 角背革装 Tçuzzu,João Rodrigues História Da Igreja Do Japão. Colecção Noticias de Macau-XIII. Pelo Padre João Rodrigues Tçuzzu (1620-1633). Transcriçao do Códice 49-IV-53 (ff. 1 a 181) da Biblioteca Do Palácio Da Ajuda, Lisboa. Preparada por João Do Amaral Abramches Pinto. Tóquio, 1953. Noticias de Macau, 1954. 523pp. 3/4 leather sl.rubbed with marbled boards, spine of gilt title & motifs sl.rubbed with original wrappers. Top edge blue, edges partly stained. Title page sl.spotted & sl.foxed. Pagination missprinted (88-89pp.). Sl.pencil notation on front ep. 19.6x13.8cm. [aj707-705272] ¥42,000 75 トーマス・フィリップ・テリー 「テリーの日本帝国案内」 1920 年 クロース装(折り込み地図) Terry,T. Philip Terry's Guide To The Japanese Empire. Including Korea and Formosa. With Chapters on Manchuria, The Trans-Siberian Railway, and The Chief Ocean Routes to Japan. A Handbook for Travelers. With 8 Specially Drawn Maps and 21 Plans by T. Phili Terry, F.R.G.S. Author of Terry's Mexico, Terry's Short Cut to Spanish, Terry's Spanish-English Pocket Interpreter, etc. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1920. cclxxxiii,799pp.+77pp.(Advertising Section) Red flexible cloth partly stained, gilt title on front cover & spine. Its spine sunned & sl.stained, top corner sl.rubbed. All edges marble partly foxed. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly foxed. All foldout map sl.torn. Foldout map of Kyoto sl.stained & a small splited. 15.8x11.5cm. [aj739-705304] ¥26,250 76 トーマス・フィリップ・テリー 「テリーの日本帝国案内」 1933 年 クロース装(折り込み地図) Terry,T. Philip Terry's Guide To The Japanese Empire. Including Chōsen (Korea) and Taiwan (Formosa). With Chapters on Manchuria, The Trans- Siberian Railway, and The Chief Ocean Routes to Japan. A Handbook For Travelers. With 8 Specially Drawn Maps and 23 Plans by T. Philip Terry. Author of Terry's Guide to Mexico, Terry's Guide to Cuba. Terry's Short Cut to Spanish. Terry's Spanish-Eglish Pocket Interpreter, etc. Revised and Augmented Edition. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1933. cclxxxiv,799pp.+84pp.(Advertising Section.) Red flexible cloth sl.staeind, gilt title on front cover & spine. Its spine sl.sunned. All edges red spotts design, sl.sunned. Ink signature on front fly leaf. Sl. pencil notation on rear ep. All foldout maps sl.torn. 16.4x11.3cm. [aj740-705305] ¥26,250 77 アレッサンドロ・ヴァリニャーノ 「日本の風習と流儀に関する注意と助言」 1946 年 ペーパー装 Valignano,Alexandro IL Cermoniale Per I Missionari Del Giappone. Advertimentos E Avisos Acerca Dos Costumes E Catangues De Jappão. Importante documento circa i metodi di adattamento nella Missione giapponese del secolo XVI. Testo portoghese del manoscritto originale Versione letterale italiana. Con 10 tavole fuori testo (28 illustrazioni) e 2 illustrazione nel testo. Edizione Critica, Introduzione e note di Giuseppe FR. Schütte S. J. Membro dell'Istituto Storico della Compagnia di Gesù nell'Urbe. Roma: Storia e Letteratura, 1946. Edizione Originale. (Original edition.) xv,359pp.With a frontis & 16plates. Printed wrappers partly foxed & stained, edges a small splited. Lower parts of front cover sl.torn. Its spine sunned & partly wrinkled. All edges partly stained. Sl.spotted on several pages. 25.3x17.2cm. [aj735-705300] ¥42,000 78 (英文) 馬場武義 The War between Japan and China 著述者 馬場武義 / 發行人 吉田勘六郎 / 印刷人 辻岩雄 / 印刷所 明輝社 明治二七年一二月二十日發行 Baba,T. The War between Japan and China. This is Indeed the Happy World; the Righteous is Certain to Triumph Altimately. Kobe: Meiki-Sha, 1894. 30pp.+ 3 folded colored plates + Ad.for manufacturers and dealers in Kyoto. Printed wrappers. Bound with blue strings at the left side. Illus.of Japanese flag on front cover, darkened. Rear cover somewhat stained and chipped. 22.7x15.9cm. [aj773-101946] ¥63,000 79 E.O.ライシャワー 都留重人 他(監修) 「英文日本大百科事典」 9 巻 講談社 Reischauer,Edwin Oldfather Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan. In 9 vols. Kodansha, 1983. First edition. More than 10,000 entries, 3.9 million words. Entirely in English, with romanized Japanese. Editor in chief: Gen Itasaka (板坂元). Fine as new. [01483-706007] ¥105,000 80 S.R.ブラウン 「日本語会話」 上海長老教会印刷所 1863 年 3/4 革装 表紙、裏表紙、部分擦れ 背の端少々欠 小口ヤケ タイトルページにインク書込 Brown,S.R. Colloquial Japanese, or Conversational Sentences and Dialogues in English and Japanese, together with an English-Japanese Index to Serve as a Vocabulary, and an Introduction on the Grammatical Atructure of the Language. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press , 1863. First edition. lxii,243pp.+11pp.(errata). 3/4 calf with marbled boads (rubbed and partly chipped), gilt title to spine (rubbed). Colored edges (foxing). Ink notation to title page. Some pages light spotted. 22.2x14.0cm. Scarce. [aj626-704852] ¥315,000 81 美國 平文先生 編譯 「和英語林集成」 長崎通詞 頴川永泰 旧蔵(英文タイトルページに印あり) 一千八百六十七年 日本横濱梓行 初版 革装 拵函入 14 Hepburn,J.C. A Japanese and English Dictionary; with an English and Japanese Index. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1867. First edition. xii,558pp.(Japanese-English dic.)+132pp.(English-Japanese index). 3/4 morocco (rubbed) with brown cloth boards. Gilt title to spine. Marbled e.ps. Ownership stamp (YT YeGaWa. Interpreter At Nagasaki Under the chief Government of Japan) on English title page. Edges foxing. With a new preserved box. 3/4 27.2x18.5cm. [aj616-704832] ¥1,260,000 82 錦窠先生(伊藤圭介) 著 伊藤圭造、西村良三(柳河春三) 同校 「萬寳叢書洋字篇」 11 丁 尾張:花繞書屋藏版 天保十二年 (1841) 包背装 拵帙入 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 題簽に個人印(小) 裏表紙に墨で書込 「和蘭亜別設二十六字」に朱書及び鉛筆書込 (Bampo Sosho Yojihen) Bound with yellow paper wrappers, stained. Title label to the front board, faded and small stamped. Small sumi-ink notations to rear board. Pencil notation to recto of title page. 23.8x16.3cm. With a new preserved case. [aj611-704839] ¥450,000 83 渋川敬直(六蔵) 訳述 藤井質 訂補 「英文鑑」 上編(第 1-3 冊):巻之一-十六、附録・上下 下編(第 4 冊):巻之一-六 上下 2 編 4 冊 大槻如電 覆刻(謄写版) 六合館(発売) 昭和三年 限定 100 部 和装 拵帙入 各冊表紙及び裏表紙全体的に少々擦れ (eibun kagami) 1928. Japanese binding. Bound in light brown paper wrappers, sl.rubbed. Title label to the front board. 23.2x16cm. With a new preserved case. [aj612-704840] ¥525,000 84 グラント・アレン 「英国植物に観る花の色」 小泉八雲旧蔵(扉に印あり) 夫婦函 Allen,Grant The Colours of Flowers. As Illustrated in the British Flora. With Illustration. [Nature Series] London: Macmillan and Co., 1882. vi,119pp. From the library of Lafcadio Hearn, with ownership stamp "Lafcadio Hearn" on title page (0.7x3.3cm). Original brown cloth. With 45 b/w illus. in text. Boards, spine and edges somewhat darkened and sl.rubbed at corner. Front and rear boards sl.wrinkled caused by dampness, and spine partly chipped at rear board. Joints of front and rear e.ps.started. Eps., flyleaves and half title page sl.sunned. With a preserved box with the ex-libris.of H.Bradley Martin, sunned at spine. 18.4x12.7cm. [aj745-101956] ¥157,500 85 ラフカディオ・ハーン著書出版 生資料コレクション Dodd,Mead, & Co.と Mitchell McDonald、John Erskin、Albert Mordell、小泉一雄との間の印税契約に関する書簡等多数。 (Hearn,Lafcadio) Royalty agreement contract, etc. between John Erskin, Albert Mordell, Kazuo Koizumi and the publisher (Dodd, Mead, & Co.). "Talks to Writers", "Books and Habits", "Preraphaelite and Other Poets", "American Miscellany", "Essays on European and Oriental Literature", etc. [aj747-101958] ¥157,500 86 藤澤桓夫 自筆草稿 「ヘルン先生」 400 字詰原稿用紙(B4) 28 枚完揃 拵秩入(28x21cm.) 少々シミ. 1-3 枚目上部少々欠け. Fujisawa,Takeo (Hearn sensei) An autograph manuscript. 28pp. 25.5x36.5cm.(B4) / 28x21cm.(preserve box) This is the manuscripts of a novel about Lafcadio Hearn, written by Japanese novelist Takeo Fujisawa. With in an after-made preserve box. Light soiled, some small chipping. [aj630-101777] ¥157,500 87 P. ロチ自筆署名入手記 9 行 1 葉 小泉八雲宛封筒(1886 年)付 Autograph Note signed by Pierre Loti. This note card is written on both sides, in French, complimenting Hearn on the fine translation job. (Presumably this was for Loti's TimesDemocrat articles that Hearn had been commissioned to translate). Contained in an envelope addredded to Hearn in Loti's hand. [s04853-204043] ¥52,500 88 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 「クレオール料理」 1885 年 初版初刷 Hearn,Lafcadio La Cuisine Creole. A Collection of Culinary Recipes. From Leading Chefs and Noted Creole Housewives, who Have Made New Orleans Famous for its Cuisine. NY: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition (Brùlot to "Introduction"). iv,268pp. Brown cloth. Partly gilt title and illus.to front cover. Edges light foxing. Front e.p.partly peeled and joint of rear e.p.sl.started. Bright, near fine. [aj658-101750] ¥420,000 89 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 寄稿 「ニューオリンズの歴史的スケッチ及び案内」 1885 年 初版・初刷 オリジナル地図付 Hearn,Lafcadio (contribution) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans and Environs. Edited and Compiled by Several Leading Writers of the New Orleans 15 Press. With Map. Illustrated with many Original Engravings and Containing Exhaustive Accounts of the Traditions, Historical Legends, and Remarkable Localities of the Creole City. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. First edition, first issue. 324pp.+plates. With illus.and a large folded map of New Orleans inserted, map torn. Original reddish-brown wrappers. The spine expertly repaires in cloth. Front cover rubbed. [s01391-100772] ¥315,000 90 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 「知られぬ日本の面影」 英国版 3/4 革装 Hearn,Lafcadio Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. In 2 vols. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., n.d. x,342pp./ 344-699pp.+illus. 3/4 leather binding. Ex-libris to front e.p.of each vol. t.e.g. Edges foxing. [aj663-101754] ¥63,000 91 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) Gombo Zhèbes Hearn,Lafcadio Gombo Zhèbes. Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs. Selected from Six Creole Dialects. Translated into French and into English, with Notes, Complete Index to Subjects and Some Brief Remarks upon the Creole Idioms of Louisiana by Lafcadio Hearn. New York: Will H.Coleman, 1885. 42pp. With olive cloth. Gilt title to front cover. 22x17.3cm. Rubbed to front board. [s04578-211505] ¥105,000 92 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 「怪談」 1904 年 初版後刷(3 刷以降) Hearn,Lafcadio Kwaidan. Stories and Studies of Strange Things. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1904. First edition, latter issue. iii,240pp.+1plate. With the story 'Insect-Studies.' Original dark green cloth with motif on front board. Frontis. and 1 plate in b/w by Keichu Takenouche. Dust wrapper sunned and xhipped. Edges and e.ps.foxing. [aj661-101758] ¥84,000 93 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 「島根九州だより」 昭和 9 年 向日庵私版・初版 函付 壽岳文章 校訂兼發行者 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters from Shimane and Kyūshū. Kyoto: The Sunward Press, 1934. 71pp. This edition, now first reprinted from the Japan Weekly Mail in which they first appeared, was privately printed for Dr. Sanki Ichikawa. The get-up was done by Bunsho Jugaku of the Sunward Press in collaboration with Keisuke Serizawa who stencilled and dyed the cover and drew numerous tail-peices in the text. The edition is limited to 100 copies and this copy is No. 35. With a slip case. Very fine. 26.4x19.3cm. [s01413-100775] ¥367,500 94 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 「異教徒への手紙」 1933 年 初版 Hearn,Lafcadio Letters to a Pagan. Detroit: Robert Bruna Powers, 1933. This is the first of the Laughing Dragon Books. Limited to 550 copies. This is no.228. 119pp. Golden cloth spine with title. Bright green paper covered boards. No box, spine soiled, else very good. 21.8x16cm. [aj678-101761] ¥52,500 95 小泉一雄 解説及編輯 小泉八雲秘稿畫本 「妖魔詩話」 函付 限定 500 部(451 部) 小山書店 昭和 9 年 Hearn,Lafcadio / Kazuo,Koizumi ed. Japanese Goblin Poetry. 1934. Limited to 500 copies. This is no.451. ¥157,500 [s02551-100771] 96 アナトール・フランス (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 「シルヴェストル・ボナールの罪」 1890 年 初版 ペーパバック 拵秩入 France,Anatole The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard. (Member of the Institute). The Translation and Introduction by Lafcadio Hearn. [Harper's Franklin Square Library] New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. ix,281pp. Printed wrappers, sunned and chipped. Spine repaired with tapes. Edges foxing. 20.3x14.5cm. With a preserved case. [aj681-101744] ¥157,500 97 テオフィル・ゴーチェ (原著) ラフカディオ・ハーン (訳) 「クレオパトラの一夜」 1929 年 Gautier,Theophile One of Cleopatra's Nights. Translated by Lafcadio Hearn. Chicago: Privately printed, 1929. Of this edition of One of Cleopatra's Nights there have benn printed 150 numbered copies for subscribes only on Utopian Antique Laid paper. Privately printed for Targ & Dordick, booksellers of Chicago, by special arrangement with Brentano's,Inc. (This copy is no number) 80pp. Crimson cloth boards (sl.rubbed at edge), gilt title to front board (darkened), purple dust wrapper. Frontis. Edges light foxing. Some pages light stained at margin. 32x21cm. A limited "Edition de luxe." [aj691-101747] ¥105,000 98 「ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授の手紙」「ヘルンに宛てたチェンバレン教授、外山博士、坪内博士の手紙」 北星堂 16 Chamberlain,Basil Hall et al. Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn. [and] More Letters from Basil Hall Chamberlain to Lafcadio Hearn, and Letters from M.Toyama, Y.Tsubouchi and Others. Compiled by Kazuo Koizumi. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1936 & 1937. iv,158pp.+plates (1 frontis.& 10 b/w photos.) / viii,208pp.+plates (1 frontis.& 10 b/w photos.). Uniform designed navy cloth, gitl title to front board and spine, red circle with letters on front boards, t.e.g., other edges untrimed and light foxing. Light gray dustwrapper with a portrait of Chamberlain. With slip cases. Dust wrapper of "Letters from…" chipped at edge and torn at front flap and center of spine. Slip case of "More Letters from…" somewhat darkened and sl.rubbed. [s04928-212044] ¥52,500 99 パーキンス 「小泉八雲書誌」 Perkins,P.D.& Ione Perkins Lafcadio Hearn: A Bibliography of His Writings. With an introduction by Sanki Ichikawa. Tokyo: Published for the Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Committee by the Hokuseido Press, 1934. Limited edition: 200 copies of the book have been issued in Japan, and the present copy is no.93. xvii,444pp.+plates. Crimson cloth boards, gilt title to spine. T.e.g. With a frontis.and 5 plates. Front inner hinge (first page of 'introduction') somewhat broken, else very good. 25.5x17.5cm. [aj664-101772] ¥105,000 (→ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲)関連書籍 No.139, 140) 100 「チェインバーズ百科事典」 1726-1748 年 全 5 巻 革装 Chambers, E. Cyclopædia: or an Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Containing An Explanation of the Terms, and an Account of the Several Subjects, in the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, and the Sciences Human and Divine. In 4 volumes + 1 vol.(plates) London: Printed for J.F. and C. Rivington, etc, 1726-1748. Large folio.(43x28cm) Full-calf. 2colmns. With the Supplement and Modern Improvements, Incorporated in one Alphabet, by Abraham Rees. Vol.1 has frontispiece. Vol.5 (plates) containing the Addenda, Index, Arrangement of the Plates, and the Plates. Cover condition not fair: boards worn, some calfs chipped and missed, some spines short cracked, rubbed and partly faded. Top-edges darkened. Front e.p. of vol.2 parted off from binding. Title page of vol.3 and 4 just starting, vol.5's wrinkled. Inside, light soiled and chipped to both front and rear end-pages, though keeping clean. [aj559-300511] ¥315,000 101 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 4版 1773年 2巻 総革装 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language:In which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. To which are Prefixed a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 2 folio vols. London: Printed by W.Strahan, for W.Strahan, J.&F.Rivingston et al., 1773. Fourth edition, revised by the author. Full calf, ruled in gilt, gilt compartments between raised bands and gilt titles to spines. Colored edges. Portrait frontis. Boards and spine rubbed, somewhat chipped at edge, repaired. Margin of pages foxing. Ink handwritten copy from "Boswell's Life of Dr.Johnson" to flyleaf of vol.I. Pages "SIG", "SIL", "SIM", "SIN" of vol.II missing and supplemented with handwritten copies of the pages. Pages "UNC"(29L, 29M) of vol.II disorderly binding. [Vol.II:〈落丁〉4 葉・8 頁 手書き補完、〈乱丁〉4 葉・8 頁] Vol.I"COU"-"CRA"(10 pages) stained. Ink notation to margin of page "WAI" of vol.II. [The Last Edition published during Johnson's Lifetime.] 44x27.5cm. [d00328-300569] ¥420,000 102 「ジョンソン英語辞典」 5版 1784年 2巻 背革装 Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed, a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. In 2 vols. London: Printed by W. & A. Strahan; et al. , 1784. Fifth edition. Half calf. Leater title label on spine. Boards marbled, rubbed at edges & sl.scuffed. Top edge darkned. Fore & lower edges foxed. Title page spotted. Some pages somewhat spotted. Ex-Libris.(Duff Cooper) to front e.p. to each vol. Vol. I : Rear board partly rubbed. Last page wrinckled. Otherwise fine condition. The last to be issued in Johnson's lifetime. This is the only reprinting of the corrected fourth edition issued in Johnson's lifetime, and it is the last of the two- volume folio editions. One thousand copies were printed. 43.5x28cm. The sixth edition (issued in weekly numbers and in 2 vols. quarto) and the seventh edition (issued in 1 volume folio) were issued in 1785 immediately following Johnson's death to compete with rival editions from James Harrison and James Fielding. [d00335-300577] ¥525,000 103 「オックスフォード英語大辞典」 2版 20巻 背革装 天金 Maruzen 120th Anniversary Blue Morocco Edition. The Oxford English Ditionary. In 20 vols. 1989.Second edition. Half calf. Dark red board. T.e.g. A label of "Maruzen 120th Anniversary Blue Morocco Edition" pasted on rear ep. in each vol. Influence of the label make a small spot in several pages (about 6 pages). Fore edge sl.foxed. Vol.V; A corner of front board sl.torn. Vol.IV, XII & XVIII; Some pages sl.foxed. Otherwise fine set. 31.2x23.7cm. [d00311-300553] ¥210,000 104 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 1 巻 インディアペーパー 総革装 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. Springfield: G.& C.Merriam Co., 1947. India Paper. cxii,3210pp. A Merriam Webster. William Allan Nelson (ed.in chief), Thomas A.Knott (gen.ed.), Paul W.Carhart (managing ed.). Full dark brown leather. Covers & spine sl.rubbed at edges. Front hinge sl.chipped. Gilt title to front board and spine. With thumb index. Edges somewhat foxed. Marbled e.ps. Flyleaves & frontis. portrait page somewhat foxed. Last page wrinkled & partly torn. 31x23cm. [d00330-300572] ¥68,250 17 105 「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 2巻 クロース装 Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged. An Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. In 2 vols. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1951. cxxxii,1622pp. /1623-3214pp. Brown cloth. Gilt title on front cover & spine. All edges marbled. With thumb index. Covers sl.stained & rubbed mainly at corners. Edges foxed. Pages somewhat foxed. Vol.2; Last page wrinkled. 31x23cm. [d00332-300574] ¥68,250 106 N.ウェブスター 「政治・文学・道徳 論文集」 1843 年 総革装 Webster,Noah A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects. New York: Webster & Clark, 1843. 4pp.+373pp. Full calf, rubbed, gilt title and gilt compartments with leather label to spine. e.ps.and margin of pages somewhat spotted. 23.5x15cm. [aj202-300228] ¥126,000 107 「賢文書 (Hien Wun Shoo)」 1823 年 1 巻 3/4 革装 Davis, John Francis comp. Chinese Moral Maxims, With a Free and Verbal Translatioin; Affording Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London: John Murray. Macao: China, Printed at the Honourable Company’s Press, by P P Thoms, 1823. First and only edition. viii,199pp. 21.3x14.5cm. 3/4 morocco with marbled boards, rubbed. Coloured edges. Repaired with new e.p. Joints somewhat started. Ink notation to front e.p. [aj327-704881] ¥157,500 108 S.W.ウィリアムス (著) 「漢英韻府」 1874 年 3/4 革装 Williams,S.Wells A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language; Arranged According to the Wu-Fang Yuen Yin, with the Pronunciation of the Characters as Heard in Peking, Canton, Amoy, and Shanghai. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1874. lxxxiv,1252pp. 3/4 calf with brown cloth sl. rubbed at edges, raised bands, gilt title and gilt compartments to spine and somewhat rubbed. Top edge darkened. Joints somewhat started. 27.5x22.5cm. [aj213-300336] ¥262,500 109 羅布存徳 (原著) 井上哲次郎 (訂増) 「増訂 英華字典」 藤本氏蔵版 明治 16 年 1 巻 総革装 An English and Chinese Dictionary, By The Rev.W.Lobscheid… as Revised and Enlarged by Tetsujiro Inouye, Bungakushi. Tokio: Published by J.Fujimoto, 1883. 1357pp., 1p (Errata). 28.5x19.5cm. Full calf, somewhat rubbed and worn at edges. marbled e.ps. gilt spine. Joint of front board started. Pages foxing. Ownership stamped on English title page. [aj329-704882] ¥262,500 110 クヴルール (著) 「華羅辞典」 河北省 河間府 1892 年 2巻・1 冊 東京帝國大學印あり Couvreur,S.(Séraphin) Dictionarium Sinicum & Latinum ex Radicum Ordine dispositum. Dispositum, Selectis Variorum Scriptorum Sententiis Firmatum ac Illustratum. Ho Kien Fou: ex Missione Catholica, 1892. xix,1200pp. 24.5x16cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps., 2 vols.in one book. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University) with stamps. Pages light foxing. [aj343-704884] ¥126,000 111 ジャイルズ (著) 「華英辞典」 1912 年 2 巻・4冊 第 2 版 東京帝國大學印あり Giles,Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 2 parts, 4 books. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, & Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh / London: Bernard Quaritch, 1912. Part I (index, etc.): xviii,84pp. Part II (dictionary): vol.I; 592pp. vol.II; 593-1184pp. vol.III: 1185-1711pp., (Errata). 32.5x26.5cm. Rebound with new boards and e.ps. Ex-library (Tokyo Imperial University) with stamps. Pages light foxing, some margin light stained. A Corner of p.553 (554) of 'part II, vol.I' partly missing, but not affected to the text. [aj344-704885] ¥315,000 112 「厦英大辭典」 1899 年 1 巻 3/4 革装 Douglas, Carstairs Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. New Edition, with Corrections by the Author. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1899. xix,612pp. 27.5x19.3cm. 3/4 calf with green cloth boards, sl.rubbed and worn at edges. Repaired with new e.p. Edges foxing. Contents of dictionary arranged in alphabetical order by Chinese sound. Almost all words are accompanied by hand written Chinese symbol. [aj328-704883] ¥157,500 113 M.C.ペリー ジョン・ロジャース提督 宛 署名入り 自筆書簡 (私信) ニューヨーク 1824 年 7 月 26 日付 1 枚 (半分は通信文 半分は封筒用) 4 ヶ所裂け目あり 日本語翻訳添付 [ペリーはジョン・ロジャース提督の旗艦プレジデント号に乗船して英米戦争(1812 年戦争)に参加した] 18 An Autograph Letter from Matthew Calbraith Perry to Commodore John Rodgers. New York, July 26, 1824. 39x25cm. [aj632-101775] ¥380,000 114 ジョン・ラスキン自筆書簡 ジェラルド・マッシー宛 1850 年代頃 マッシーの詩についての意見、年金が首尾よく授与されるのを望む等、ラスキンのマッシーへの気遣いが読み取れる 額装済 (Ruskin,John) An Autograph Letter from John Ruskin to Gerald Massey. Concerning the letter's poems, Ruskin's opinion as to their merit and his hopes that Massey's application for a pension will be successful. no date (mid 1850s). Signed, 1 page, 8vo, light blue paper, sepia ink. Set in aluminum frame. 44.5x37cm (frame). [aj806-101961] ¥250,000 115 ジョージ・メレディス自筆書簡 E.H.ティーリング宛 1893 年 3 月 21 日 Committee of the Society of Authors の会食へ体調不良の為参加できないという断りの手紙 額装済 (Meredith,George) An Autograph Letter from George Meredith to E.H.Thring. Regretting that he cannot dine with the Committee of the Society of Authors: "Nothing but a low state of health would keep me away from a meeting". 21 March 1893. Signed, 1 page, 8vo, Boxhill, blueblack ink. Set in aluminum frame. 44.5x37cm (frame). [aj807-101962] ¥150,000 116 D.H.ロレンス 署名入書簡 1912 年 6 月 15 日付 4 頁・2 葉 封筒 マックレオド(代用教員時代の同僚)宛 フリーダとの不倫を非難された手紙に対するローレンスの 切々たる気持ちを詩的に記した貴重な書簡 ケムブリッジ版書簡集第 1 巻 No.462 に所収 (Lawrence,D.H.) A Letter of D.H.Lawrence. To Arthur McLeod, 15 June 1912. Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp on one folded 21.7x27.5cm sheet of Professor Edgar Jaffe's paper. With a small envelope (7.2x11.1cm). [The Cambridge Edition of the Letters of D.H.Lawrence. Vol.I, no.462.] Lawrence fell in love with Frieda Weekly the German wife of Lawrence's teacher, English philologist Ernest Weekly, and they eloped in May 1912. In this letter, he wrote frankly about his love for Frieda and how wonderful to love and to be loved. ("… There I read your letter. I was on my honeymoon. I an not legally married. Perhaps some day the great scandal will come out. But I don't care. I have been fearfully happy. I long to go back to Frieda on Monday. I am in love - and, my God, it's the greatest thing that can happen to a man...") [100943] ¥840,000 117 T.ハーディ 自筆署名入書簡 額装済 Hardy,Thomas An attractive single-page letter (3 lines): I have obtained from Dorchester the promised paper, and enclose it to you herewith.' Savile Club, 12 June 1889. [101779] ¥150,000 118 ラ・フォンテーヌ 「寓話」 A.Vimar によるカラー・モノクロ図版多数 大型本 クロース装 フランス語 表紙、背表紙にカラー図版 三方金 背少々ヤケ 裏表紙少々汚れ 前見返しに個人印(小) 遊び紙、前扉少々ヤケ Fables de Jean de la Fontaine. Illustrations par A.Vimar. Tours: Alfred Mame et Fils, 1897. xvi,486pp. Bound in original gray cloth, full colored illus. with gilt title on front board and spine, a.e.g. With numerous b/w and colored illus.by Vimar. Spine sl.sunned and rear board sl.darkened. A small ownership stamped on front e.p. Flyleaves and half title page somewhat sunned. 33.1x24.5cm. [aj802-101966] ¥52,500 119 「ビュイック寓話選」 イソップ物語ほか トマス・ビュイックによるモノクロ図版多数 3/4 革装(白い革、少々汚れ) 天金 表紙、裏表紙少々擦れ 表紙・背のジョイント部分少々裂け 小口ヤケ Bewick's Select Fables of Æsop and Other. In Three Parts. I. Fables Extracted from Dodsley's. II. Fables with Reflections in Prose and Verse. III. Fables in Verse. To which are prefixed The Life of Æsop, and An Essay Upon Fable by Oliver Goldsmith, Faithfully reprinted from the Rare Newcastle Edition published by T. Saint in 1784. With the Original Wood Engravings by Thomas Bewick, and an Illustrated Preface by Edwin Pearson. London: Bickers & Son, 1886. xl,312pp. 3/4 white calf with marbled boards, brown leather title label and gilt motif to spine, t.e.g., marbled e.ps. With numerous b/w engravings by Bewick. Wholly somewhat darkened. Front and rear boards sl.rubbed. Joint of front board and spine sl.torn. Edges sunned. 22.5x15cm. [aj803-101967] ¥31,500 120 ルイス・キャロル 「不思議の国のアリス」 1869 年 米国版初版 クロース装 Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. With Forty-Two Illustrations by John Tenniel. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1869. First American edition. 192pp. Original yellow-red cloth with gilt stamped. All-edge-gilt. Preserve-box. Cover sl.rubbed, board edges worn. Spine a little faded, and its ends chipped. Original brown endpapers somewhat torn. But a very nice copy keeping clean and tight. 19x14cm. [aj472-101686] ¥150,000 19 121 ルイス・キャロル 「スナーク狩り」 1876 年 クロース装 Carroll, Lewis The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony of Eight fits. With Nine Illustarations by Henry Holiday. London: Macmillan and Co., 1876. xi,83pp. Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, London and Bungay. Bounding in original tan cloth with illustration printed. A.e.g. Frontis. Cover somewhat worn and spine darkened. 2 book-shop plates. One is on front pastedown, and another embossed on f.f.e.p. Half title to Title page sl. soiled. Otherwise a fine copy. 18.8x13cm. [aj475-101687] ¥100,000 122 C.ディケンズ ゴードン・ロス画 (カラー・モノクロ) 「クリスマス・キャロル」 1500 部限定 (No.915) ロスのサイン入 総革装(再製本、新しい見返し) タイトルページに St.Nicolas の切手貼付 タイトルページ裏に別な本からの図版コピー貼付(ジョン・リーチによるイラスト) 全体的にクリスマ スのイメージで美しく装丁しなおされている Dickens,Charles A Christmas Carol in Prose Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. With Illustrations by Gordon Ross and an Introduction by Stephen Leacock. This edition is designed and printed by D.B.Updike, The Merrymount Press, Boston, 1500 copies being prepared for issue to the members of The Limited Editions Club … This copy no.915, signed by Ross. Boston: Printed for the members of The Limited Editions Club at The Merrymount Press, Christmas, 1934. xi,100pp. Rebound with burgundy morocco with gilt flower motif to a corner of front and rear boards, gitl title to spine. Colored top edge. With new e.ps.and new flyleaves. A postage stamp of St.Nicolas pasted on title page. A photo copy of illus.(by John Leech) pasted on verso of title page. 26.3x18.5cm. [aj800-101964] ¥47,250 123 T.S.エリオット 「カクテル・パーティー」 1950 年 米国初版 カバー有、クロース装 Eliot, T.S. The Cocktail Party. A Comedy. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1950. First American edition, first issue (One of only ten copies with page 35-36 printed on uncancelled leaf). 10,000 copies were printed with the corrected cancel leaf. 190pp. + 2pp. Dustwrapper, black cloth board with gilt title on spine. A paper on front f.e.p. noted 'ADVANCE COPY FROM HARCOURT, BRACE AND COMPANY', the release date and price stamped (MAR 10 1950 $3.00). D.w.spine sunned, and its fore edge has two small holes. Front e.p. a little foxed. A few light stains. Otherwise fine. 22x15cm. [aj469-101690] ¥100,000 124 「トリスタンとイゾルデ」 Jean Chièze の木版画 限定 8920 部 (No.8140) 総革装 フランス語 Espezel,Pierre d' Tristan et Iseut. Renouvelé d'après les manuscrits de Thomas, deux Béroul et de la "Folie Tristan" de Berne conférés avec la "Saga" du Frère Robert, avec Eilhart d'Oberg et Gottfried de Strasbourg par Pierre d'Espezel. A été préfacé par Jean Marx, et illustré de bois originaux de Jean Chièze. [Collection médiévale] Ce volume, le premier d'une collection médiévale éditée sous la direction de Muarice Robert, a été achevé d'imprimer le quinze aout mil neuf cent cinquante-six sur les presses de damien, maitre imprimeur a Paris. L'édition originale entièrement numérotée est de huit mille neuf cent vingt exemplaires sur vélin chiffon crème de la papeterie de renage, 1000 exemplaires sur pur fil dame clanche et 80 exemplaires sur Japon super nacré. (Limited 8920 copies, this is no.8140.) Paris: Union Latine d'Éditions, 1956. x,292pp. Full calf, medieval motif and illus.embossed on front and rear boards with metal buttons on each corners. Gilt title to spine with illus.of a sword, t.e.g., marbled e.ps. With b/w woodblocks by Jean Chièze. Small scar on front board. Edge of spine somewhat rubbed. 24.6x19.8cm. [aj801-101965] ¥84,000 125 エドワード・モーガン フォースター 「インドへの道」 1924 年 限定 200 冊、No.75 背クロース装 署名入り Forster, E.M. A Passage to India. London: Edward Arnold & Co., 1924. 325pp. [This edition is limited to 200 copies, of which this copy in No.75] Signed by the author. Bounding in light gray board, quarter cloth. Title label at spine. T.e.g., others untrimmed. Text of title page in black/red. Cover somewhat stained. Guard of rear e.p. slighty torn, otherwise a fine copy. 23.5x15cm. [aj453-101692] ¥300,000 126 ロバート・フロスト 「少年のこころ」 1913 年 ペーパー装 Frost, Robert A Boy's Will. London: David Nutt, 1913. ix,50pp. Cream linen-paper wrappers. In after-made preserve box. Cover sl. darkened and chipped, small chip at bottom of spine, but fine and clean copy. 18.5x12cm. [aj438-101693] ¥90,000 127 ロバート・フロスト 「ボストンの北」 1914 年 初版 クロース装 Frost, Robert North of Boston. London: David Nutt, 1914. First edition. ix,143pp. Original green cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Deckle edges. Last page unopened. previous owner's inscription on front e.p. Spine, e.ps., edges very slight darkened, otherwise a very fine copy. 20x15cm. [aj443-101694] ¥120,000 20 128 ロバート・フロスト Mountain Interval 1916 年 クロース装 Frost, Robert Mountain Interval. New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1916. First edition, first state with line repeated on page 88 and come on page 93. 99pp. Original navy cloth with gilt title on spine and front side. Deckle edges. Front cover sl.stained, spine a bit wear, otherwise a fine copy. 19.5x13.5cm. [aj444-101695] ¥100,000 129 D.H.ロレンス 「チャタレイ夫人の恋人」 1928 年 初版・限定 1000 冊、No.94 ハードカバー 署名入り Lawrence, D.H. Lady Chatterley's Lover. Privately Printed, 1928. 365pp. [This edition is limited to One Thousand copies. No.94] Signed by the author. Original brown paper board, illus. printed on front side. Title label on spine. Deckle edges. Many pages remain unopened. Ink notations on tp and rear pastedown. Title label sl. soiled, spine partly chipped. Front joint slightly loosend, otherwise fine. 23x17.5cm. [aj474-101706] ¥400,000 130 ハーマン・メルヴィル 「白鯨」 1851 年 米国版初版 改装 角背革装 函 Melville, Herman Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851. First American edition. xxiii,634pp. Rebound with marbled board, half calf. Top-edge gilt. Preserve-box. Contents page has a small hole, but chipping pieces not missed. Several pages, including title page, stained. Marble board partly rubbed. Otherwise clean. 19x13cm. [aj473-101715] ¥600,000 131 R.M.リルケ 「オルフォイスへのソネット」 Kurt Roesch の銅版画 9 点 限定 45 部 (No.27) Roesch サイン入 大型本 表紙、裏表紙、背、小口に細かなシミ Rilke,Rainer Maria The Sonnets to Orpheus. With Engravings by Kurt Roesch. Thirty-five numbered and signed copies, designed by S.A.Jacobs, were printed the 30th day of November 1944, at The Golden Eagle Press, Mount Vernon, New York. [Ten additional copies, unnumbered, are not for sale.] … All copies are printed on hand-made paper from Arches, [Vosges], France. Kurt Roesch designed and engraved the illustrations on copper, in combination with ground etching; and hand-pulled all engravings on "papier de Montval à la main," made by Gaspard Maillol in France. This copy is no.27. Signed by Kurt Roesch. New York: Wittenborn & Co., 1944. Original blue publisher's paper covered boards. Gilt title to spine. With 9 engravings by Roesch. Original German texts with English translation by M.D.Herter Norton. Boards, spine, and edges spotted. 40.8x27.3cm. [aj799-101963] ¥189,000 132 マーク・トウェイン 「ハックルベリー・フィンの冒険」 1885 年 初版・函 クロース装 Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer's Companion) With one Hundred and Seventy-four Illustrations. New York: Charles L. Webster and Company, 1885. First edition, early printing. 366pp. Copyright dated 1884. Bounding in green cloth with black/gold illustration and title stamped. Cover boards parted from binding. Spine and board edges worn. Top-edge darkened. 21.5x17cm. [aj484-101729] ¥600,000 133 「ヴェンツェル聖書」 (写本) オーストリア国立図書館蔵本ファクシミリ版 Wenzelsbibel. Band 1: Genesis und Exodus. Band 2: Leviticus und Numeri. Band 3: Deuteronomium und Josua. Band 4: Richter, Ruth und Samuel I. Band 5: Samuel II, Könige I. Band 6: Könige II, Chronik I. Band 7: Chronik II, Esra I, Esra II. Band 8: Esra III, Tobias, Prediger. Band 9: Dokumentenband. In 9 vols. Graz (Austria): Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1981. Facsimile reproduced from the Austrian National Library, Cod. Vindob. 2759-2764, ca. 1389-1400, Prag. Full leather bindings with slip cases. 54.5x39cm. Coloured illus. Fine as new. [with] Die Wenzelsbibel: Kommentar von Hedwig Heger, Ivan Halaváček, Gerhard Schmidt und Franz Unterkircher. Mit Kurzveiträgen von Katharina Hranitzky und Karel Stejskal. (Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1998.) 250pp.+239 b/w illus. [and] Die Wenzelsbibel: Erläuterungen zu den Illuminierten Seiten von Michaela Krieger und Gerhard Schmidt. Unter mitarbeit von Elfriede Gaál und Katharina Hranitzky. (Akademische Druck-u.Verlagsanstalt, 1996.) 230pp. [me0211-402153] ¥2,000,000 134 P.シェファー印行 グラティアヌス 「教例集」 1472 年 マインツ刊 羊皮紙刷零葉 1 枚 Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt と Charles McCurry によるエッセイが収められた大型本にセットされている 限定 193 部 (no.106) 本体は背革装(少々ヤケ) 羊皮紙は問題なし 函少々ヤケ、擦れ Two Essays on the Decretum of Gratian by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt and Charles McCurry Together with an Original Leaf Printed on Vellum by Peter Schoeffer at Mainz in 1472. 193 copies printed by Saul & Lillian Marks at The Plantin Press, Los Angeles, Binding by Max Adjarian, Malibu. This is copy number 106. Los Angeles: Zeitlin & Ver Brugge / San Francisco: Bernard M.Rosenthal, 1971. White morocco backed marbled boards, leather title label with gilt lettering to spine. Spine somewhat sunned. With slip case, sunned and sl.damaged. 50.1x34.5cm. (leaf: 48.5x33cm.) [aj808-101951] ¥380,000 21 135 シェーデル 「ニュルンベルク年代記」 1497 年 ラテン語版 アウグスブルク刊 1 枚 図版に手彩色 Schedel,Hartmann Liber chronicarum. An original leaf from Latin edition of 1497. Augsburg: Johann Schoensperger, 1497. Colored by hand. Set in aluminum frame. 52.5x41.1cm (frame). [aj809-101952] ¥63,000 136 ヴァンサン・ド・ボーヴェ 「歴史の鑑」 1473 年頃 ラテン語 ヨハン・メンテリン印行 1 枚 赤インクで装飾及びアンダーライン Bellovacensis,Vincentius (Vincent de Beauvais) Speculum historiale. An original leaf in Latin printed by Johann Mentelin at Strassburg. c.1473. Initial is illuminated in red ink. Underlined by hand in red ink. Set in aluminum frame. 56.8x41.6cm (frame). [aj810-101953] ¥105,000 137 竹友藻風旧蔵 洋書限定本コレクション 38点一括 D.G.ロセッティ、アーサー・シモンズ、W.B.イェイツなど英文学関係中心。美しい装丁の限定本 A Collection of Books from the Library of Sofu Taketomo. Containing beautifully bound limited edition. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Arthur Symons, William Butler Yeats, etc. ¥800,000 138 Max Beerbohm コレクション 28点一括 マックス・ビアボームの著作・画集、ビアボームについての評論など A Collection of Books by Max Beerbohm and Critical Essays on Beerbohm. ¥650,000 「2010 年国際稀覯本フェア」カタログ 未掲載品 139 L.S.グールド自筆署名入書簡 ラムベルト宛 15 行 1 頁 (Hearn,Lafcadio) Gould,Laura Stedman An Autograph Letter, signed by Laura Stedman Gould, George Gould's widow, who wrote the bibliography for Gould's book, CONCERNING LAFCADIO HEARN, to a psychiatric doctor who knew [treated?] Hearn: "Dear Doctor Lambert:These are among my choicest bits of Hearniana. It seems appropriate for you to have the Lowell book, which,you recall,so completely enthralled Lafcadio, that my husband saw the last new fields beckoning his unique. . . ? talent,and fairly forced Hearn to Japan. . . For although you may not have given me 'a soul,' you certainly are gallantly aiding me to guard[?]it! With true apprediation, L. S. G. , June 1937. " [s04854-203864] ¥21,000 140 ラフカディオ・ハーン (小泉八雲) 「神國」 1904 年 初版・初刷 クロース装 ジャケット付 Hearn,Lafcadio Japan. An Attempt at Interpretation. New York: The Macmillan Co. / London: Macmillan & Co.,Ltd., 1904. First edition, first issue. v,541pp.+ad.(2pp.) With d.w.sl.chipped at corners. Light brown cloth, sl.rubbed at corners. Gilt title and a motif to front board and spine. t.e.g. A colored frontis. Ink notation to front flyleaf (S.W.B - D.L.J Jan. 4, 1906). Bottom & fore edges light foxing. 20.2x14cm. [aj815-102015] ¥126,000 141 [写本] 嘉永七年(1854 年)秋 長崎奉行 水野筑後守 「英吉利人ト應接記」 (Igirisu-jin to osetsunoki) A manuscript: A record of the meeting with English men. 1862. 24.5x17.5cm. 文久二年六月 一色楽山 写 18 丁 [aj633-705109] ¥52,500 142 ピ子ヲ氏原板 永嶋貞次郎 譯 「英文典直譯慶應義塾讀本」 2 冊:1 巻 67 丁, 2 巻 62 丁 尚古堂發兌 慶應義塾 蔵版 明治三年(1870)5 月新刻表紙 和装 拵帙入 上巻扉に「慶應義塾蔵版図書」印あり. 上巻 44-48 丁および 50-53 丁に少々虫喰あり. 1,2 巻共擦れ. Pinneo,T.S. "Pinneo's Primary Grammar of the English Language for Beginners", translated into Japanese by Teijiro Nagashima. Japanese binding. Bound in blue gray paper wrappers, rubbed. Title label to the front boards of each vol. Publisher's stamp on the title page of vol.I. 44-48pp.and 50-53pp.of vol.I partly wormed. 18.5x13cm. With a new preserved case. [aj600-704841] ¥52,500 143 青木輔清 纂輯 「英學童子通 全」 青木先生編輯 東京 文昌堂發兌(奥付に「文昌堂 長嶋恭三郎」) 明治二二年七月二五日再版 和装本 2 丁(序言、目録)+39 丁 表紙汚れ、擦れ 裏表紙シミ、擦れ、墨で住所氏名等書込 小口ヤケ ページののどに薄いシミ 奥付に鉛筆で書込 Aoki,Sukekiyo (Eigakudoujitu) Tokyo: Bunseido, 1889. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. An English text book for children. Front cover stained and 22 rubbed. Rear cover stained, rubbed and notationed by sumi-ink. Edges sunned. Back margin of each page light stained. Pencil notation to colophon. 18.2x12.2cm. [aj778-102007] ¥31,500 144 青木輔清 「横文字獨學三編巻之上」 (題簽タイトル:『横文字獨學 英学部 三編上 』 扉タイトル:『横文字獨學 三編』) 1 ページ目に「東江学人 著」と記載あり 中外堂 發兌 和装 拵帙入 23 丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に擦れ 題簽に小さな書込 表紙端に白い汚れ 序文 1 ページ目に印 Aoki,Sukekiyo (Yokomoji Hitori Manabi) Japanese binding. Bound in purple paper wrappers, sl.rubbed. Title label to the front board, sl.faded and sumi-ink notationed. White stained to front board. Stamped on p.1. 18x12cm. With a new preserved case. [aj606-704844] ¥31,500 145 小幡篤次郎、小幡甚三郎 纂輯 「英文熟語集」 尚古堂發兌 慶應四年 (1868) 和装 拵帙入 附「『英文熟語集』 解題」竹中龍範 86 丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 地にタイトル書込 扉に印及び余白に鉛筆書 込 最後のページに印 後見返しに鉛筆書込 (Eibun Jukugoshu) Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, stained. Title label to the front board, faded. Ink notation to the bottom edge. Stamped on title page and the last page. Pencil notations to title page and rear e.p. Small sumi-ink notations to foreword. Some pages wormed. With a pamphlet by Tatsunori Takenaka and a new preserved case. 22x15cm. [aj610-704848] ¥84,000 146 子卿 (原著) 福澤諭吉 (訳) 「増訂 華英通語」 快堂藏板 萬延庚申 (1860) 和装 拵帙入 99 丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ、端少々破れ 地にタイトル書込 扉にインク汚れ 1 ページ目及び最後のページに 蔵書印 後見返しに墨で書込及び個人印(小) 「凡例」に墨で書込 一部ページに虫喰あり (Zoutei Kaei Tsugo) Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, stained and sl.chipped. Title label to the front board. Ink notation to thebottom edge. Light ink stained to the title page. Ownership stamps on p.1 and the last page. Sumi-ink notations to rear e.p.with a small stamp. Small sumi-ink notations to foreword. Some pages wormed. 22.2x15.2cm.With a new preserved case. [aj609-704847] ¥63,000 147 桂潭島一徳 校 「童蒙英學初歩 全」 明治辛未(4)年 柳雨女史序 東京 箖於軒蔵 和装本 元袋付(赤インクで書込) 扉頁(裏に口絵)+45 丁 島一徳の序文 2 ページぶん欠 (コピー補充) 表紙、裏表紙擦れ、インク(赤、黒)汚れ 前見返しに小さな書込 扉に印 3 か所、個人印(小) 一部ページに薄い赤インク汚 れ Shima,Kazunori (Doumo Eigaku Shoho) Tokyo, 1871. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. An English text book for children. Colophon (with red ink notation) out of joint. Foreword by the author partly missing (2 pages), and fill up the lacking pages with photocopies. Front and cover rubbed, red and blsck ink stained. Small notation to front e.p. 3 stamps and a small stamp on title page. Some pages somewhat red ink stainied. 18.2x12cm. [aj781-102010] ¥52,500 148 島一徳 「童蒙英学初歩」 桂迂生・序 明治四年(序より) 和装 拵帙入 45 丁 題簽部分欠、及び書込みあり 背に墨で書込み 一部ページに鉛筆及び墨で書込み Shima,Kazunori (Doumo Eigaku Shoho) 1871. Japanese binding. Bound in blue gray paper wrappers, sl.rubbed, wrinkled, sl.wormed at margin. Title label to the front boards, partly missing. Ink notation to the title label, spine. Ink and pencil notations to several pages. 18.2x12.5cm.With a new preserved case. [aj602-704842] ¥63,000 149 雪外逸人 校正 「童蒙英學手引草」 青山堂(扉に記載) 東京:雁金屋清吉(奥付に記載) 明治五年 和装 拵帙入 16 丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に薄いシミ 1 ページ目及び最後のページに個人印 (Doumo EigakuTebikigusa) 1872. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, light stained. Title label to the front board. Small ownership stamps on p.1 and last page. 18.1x12.1cm. With a new preserved case. [aj607-704845] ¥15,750 150 西村周次郎 譯 「英學文章獨學」 明治五申春新刻 東京書肆 文苑閣 (奥付に「明治四辛未年十一月蔵版」) 和装本 緒言・標目+49 丁 題簽なし 表紙、裏表紙に擦れ 小口ヤケ 全体的に少々虫食 拵帙入 Nishimura,Shujiro (Eigaku Bunsho Hitorimanabi) Tokyo: Bunenkaku, 1872. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. An English text book. Front and rear covers rubbed. Title label of front cover missing. Edges sunned. Somewhat wormed. With a new preserved case. 18.2x12cm. [aj783-102012] ¥84,000 151 松川半山 ・著画 「童蒙畫引單語篇巻之一」 書肆 梅原亀七 (大坂東大組第十七區) 明治七年 和装 一部ページ手彩色 拵帙入 27 丁 表紙及び裏表紙全体的に汚れ 題簽部分欠、及び墨汚れ 裏表紙に墨で書込み 見返しタイトルページ余白一部欠 2 ページ目に墨で書込み ページ余白少々汚れ 23 (Doumo Ebiki Tangohen) 1874. Japanese binding. Bound in yellow paper wrappers, darkened. Title label to the front board, partly missing and stained. Sumi-ink notation to rear board. Margin of title page partly missing. Sumi-ink notations to p.2. Pages sl.stained at the margin. 17.5x12cm. With a new preserved case. [aj605-704850] ¥8,400 152 三木光齋 撰著 「和洋字混部類 初編」 明治壬申(5)年 東京書肆 寳山堂 和装本 絵入 30 丁 表紙、裏表紙に擦れ、少々汚れ 表紙に小シール「傳信機」 小口ヤケ 序文及び奥付に墨汚れ Miki,Kosai (Wayojikonburui Shohen) Tokyo: Hozando, 1872. Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. An English text book with numerous b/w woodblocks. Front and rear covers rubbed and somewhat stained. A small sticker on frotn cover. Edges sunned. Sumi-ink stained to foreword and colophon. 18x11.8cm. [aj782-102011] ¥31,500 153 吉田先生 (吉田康徳) 「童蒙手引 横文字早學問」 (題簽タイトル:『横文字早學問 全編』 扉タイトル:『童蒙手引 横文字早學問 全』) 錦耕堂(扉に記載) 東京書林:丸屋庄五郎(奥付に記載) 明治五年 和装 拵帙入 20 丁 ページに薄いシミ (Yokomoji Hayagakumon) 1872. Japanese binding. Bound in light brown paper wrappers, sl.darkened. Title label to the front board. Pages light stained. 17.8x12.1cm. With a new preserved case. [aj608-704846] ¥42,000 154 渡 為常 「英和 五體以呂波 全」 明治初期頃 和装本 13 丁 表紙、裏表紙に汚れ 表紙に赤インク汚れ 小口ヤケ 本文虫食(読むのに支障なし) 前見返しに個人印(小) 本文 1 ページ目に印 Watari,Tametsune (Eiwa Gotaiiroha) n.d.(c.1800s) Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. An English text book for children. Front and rear covers stained. Front cover red ink stained. Edges sunned. Wormed. A small stamp on front e.p.and a stamp (2.2x4.3cm) on p.1. 17.7x11.8cm. [aj779-102008] ¥21,000 155 「英字訓蒙 全」 明治 和装本 13 丁 奥付なし 裏表紙に「器道衆人行 明治里薑芥」と書込 表紙汚れ、小さな穴、折れ、擦れ、少々破れ 裏表紙汚れ、インクのシミ 小口ヤケ ページ余白に薄いシミ (Eijikunmo) n.d.(c.1800s) Printed on Japanese paper and Japanese style binding. An English text book for children. Front cover damaged and stained. Rear cover stained and notationed by sumi-ink. Edges sunned. Margin of each page light stained. 17.1x11.7cm. [aj780-102009] ¥8,400 156 サミュエル・ビッカーステス 「エドワード・ビッカーステス伝」 1899 年 クロース装 Bickersteth,Samuel Life and Letters of Edward Bickersteth. Bishop of South Tokyo. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1899. xv,496pp. With a portrait & 13plates, fold out map of Japan. Lower parts of 19-20pp. partly torn. Dark blue cloth sl.stained, gilt motifs on front cover. Front & rear covers sl.wrinkled.Gilt title on spine sl.sunned & edges sl.rubbed. All edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly spotted. Waxed paper sl.torn & partly spotted. Pencil & ink signature on front fly leaf. Book-shop label on rear ep. A small press clipping at newspaper on rear fly leaf. 23.2x15.3cm. [aj734-705299] ¥12,600 157 フェリシアン・シャレーユ 「日本と極東」 1905 年 クロース装 Challaye,Félicien Au Japon et En Extrême-Orient. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1905. iv,270pp. Red cloth with gilt title & motifs at spine. Top edge red, edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf a small spotted. A small torn of lower parts on several pages. (Lafcadio Hearn に関する記述 P.65-104.) 19x12.8cm. [aj713-705278] ¥12,600 158 ウィリアム・デピング 「日本」 1884 年 クロース装 Depping,Guillaume Le Japon. Bibliothéque Instructive. Ouvrage. Illustré de 46 Gravyres Sur Bois et Accompagné d'une carte du Japon. Paris: Jouvet et Cie, 1884. viii,251pp. With 14plates & many illus. Dark blue cloth partly stained, gilt motifs & title on front cover. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. All edges partly stained. Seal traced on front ep. Sl.pencil notation on front fly leaf. Guard of half title page-title page verso sl.torn. Ink underline on 44, 90pp. Sl.spotted on several pages. 18.3x12.3cm. [aj715-705280] ¥15,750 159 レディー・ジョージ・フラトン 「ローレンシア」 1900 年 クロース装 Fullerton,Lady G. 24 Laurentia. Épisode De L'Histoire Du Japon Au XVIᴱ Siècle. Traduit De L'Anglais Par W. Fitz-Gerald. Tours: Maison Alfred Mame et Fils, 1900. 190pp. With a frontis. Red cloth partly rubbed & sl.stianed, motifs on front & rear cover. Black cloth of spine with gilt title. All edges partly satined. Water stained on 98pp.-rear fly leaf. Ink stained on 74-75pp. & 161pp.-rear fly leaf. Partly spotted on several pages. 22.4x14cm. [aj725-705290] ¥5,250 160 エドモンド・デ・ゴンクール 「北斎」 1916 年 背革装 Goncourt,Edmond De Hokousaï. Fac-similé Du Portrait d'Hokousai Octogénaire. Peint Par Sa Fille Oyéi. Troisiéme Mille. Paris: Bibliothéque-Charpentier, 1916. xix,386pp. Quarter leather sl.stained & sl.rubbed, dark red cloth with original wrappers bound in. Gilt title on spine. Top edge red, edges partly foxed.A small hole on title page-xviii. Large stamped on title page verso (3.5x3.5cm.). 107-108pp.sl.torn. Sl.pencil notation on front ep. & fly leaf. 19.5x12.8cm. [aj712-705277] ¥12,600 161 A. B. ドュ・ギュエルビル 「日本」 1904 年 クロース装 Guerville,A. B. De Au Japon. Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, 1904. v,284pp. Red cloth sl.stained, gilt title on spine with original rear wrapper bound in. All edges partly stained. Ink signature on front fly leaf & partly torn. Dadication-i pp. unopened. Edges of original rear wrapper splited. Sl.spotted on several pages. Not in Cordier. 19.7x13.2cm. [aj722-705287] ¥15,750 162 日本政府鉄道局・日本観光局・日本ホテル協会 「ポケットガイド日本 1925 年」 1925 年 ソフトペーパー装 Japanese Government Railways・Japan Tourist Bureau・Japan Hotel Association Pocket Guide To Japan 1925. Tokyo: Japanese Government Railways, 1925. iv,132pp. With many photos & maps, foldout map and table. Soft paper cover with color illustrations sl.stianed & sl.rubbed. Its spine sunned & lower parts sl.torn. All edges partly stained. Lower parts of front fly leaf sl.chipped. Sl.pencil notation on title page. 18.6x12.5cm. [aj732-705297] ¥4,200 163 リチャード・カッツ 「スパークリング極東!」 1961 年 クロース装 Katz,Richard Funkelnder Ferner Osten! Erlebtes in China-Korea-Japan. Mit 31 Tafeln und einer Karte. Zürich: Schweizer Druck=Und Verlagshaus AG, 1961. 270pp. With a frontis & a map & 30plates, gilt title & motif on spine. White cloth partly stained & a small spotted. Its spine sunned & sl.ink stained. Top edge blown, all edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf a small spotted. 22x14.6cm. [aj727-705292] ¥4,200 164 J. E. キダー 「日本仏教の前に」 1970 年 総革装 Kidder,J. E. O Japão. Antes Do Budismo. 19.ͦ volume da colecção 《Historia Mundi》. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo, 1970. 301pp. With 108 fotografias a preto, 65 figuras & 7 mapas. Red calf sl.stained, spine gilt title. Its spine sl.sunned. One ink line on rear cover. Lower corners of cover sl.wrinkled. Edges sl.stained. Portuguese text. 21x15.5cm. [aj703-705268] ¥12,600 165 ラドヤード・キップリング 「日本からの手紙」 1921 年 クロース装 Kipling,Rudyard Lettres du Japon. Traduites Par Louis Fabulet & Arthur Austin-Jackson. Paris: Mercvre De France, 1921. Quinzième Édition. (Fifteenth Edition.) 235pp. Red cloth sl.stained with gilt title & motifs on spine. All edges partly stained. Upper parts of front fly leaf sl.chipped. Justification Du Tirage 14,837. 19.8x13cm. [aj721-705286] ¥8,400 166 モーリス・ラシーヌ 「日本 1934 年」 1934 年 角背革装 Lachin,Maurice Japon 1934. Paris: Gallimard, 1934. 252pp. Inscribed by the author. Half leather sl.rubbed & marble bords sl.stained with original wrappers bound in. Gilt title & motifs on spine. Top edge red, all edges partly stained. Original front wrapper sl.rubbed, rear wrapper sl.torn. Guard of front fly leaf repaired. Sl.pencil notation on front ep. 19.2x12.2cm. [aj720-705285] ¥12,600 167 ジョセフ・ロータラー 「古今日本」 [1905 年] クロース装 Lauterer,Joseph Japan. Das Land der aufgehenden Sonne. Einst und jetzt. Nach seinen Reisen und Studien. Geschildert von Dr. Joseph Lauterer. Mit 108 Abbildungen nach japanischen Originalen sowie nach photographischen Naturaufnahmen nebst einer Karte des Kriegsschauplatzes in Ostasien. Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Spamer, [1905.] Zweite Auflage. (Second edition.) vi,407pp. With a foldout map partly stained & torn. Dark blue cloth sl.stained, clipping at cloth on front cover. Gilt title on spine re-made. All edges decorated, partly stained. A small spotted on front & rear fly leaf, title page. 286-298pp.sl.stained & sl.wrinkled. 293-296pp. sl.torn. Sl.spotted on several pages. 24.2x16.5cm. [aj731-705296] ¥15,750 25 168 F. W. ポール・レーマン 「日本の地理学」 1929 年 カバー有 クロース装 Lehmann,F. W. Paul Geografía Del Japón. Traducción y notas de Carlos De Salas. Colección Labor. Sección VII Geografía N.ͦ195. Barcelona: Editorial Labor, 1929. 198pp.+xxiv(b/w illus.) With 61 figures & 24 b/w illus & 4 maps in color. d.w. sl.stained & sl.torn. Its spine sunned & sl.spotted. Lower parts of front d.w. & upper parts of spine sl.missing. Edges sl.stianed. Sl.ink & pencil notation on front fly leaf. 24-30pp. sl.spotted. 19x13cm. [aj709-705274] ¥12,600 169 アントニオ・ガルシア・Llansó 「大日本」 [1906 年] クロース装 Llansó,Antonio Garcia Dai Nipon (El Japón). Manuales-Gallach (Antes Mnuales-Soler) LX. Miembro Del Jurado Calificador De La Exposición Universal De Barcelona De 1888 Designado Por El Imperio Del Japón. Con Un Prólogo De Miguel S. Oliver. Barcelona: José Gallach. (Editor.), [1906.] 376pp.+8pp.(Vocabulario.) With b/w 45plates. Green cloth sl.stained. Embossed motifs on front boards. Its spine sunned. Edges partly stained. Sl.pencil notation on front ep. & fly leaf. Guard of front ep. sl.cracked. 289-293, 347pp. sl.spotted. 16x11.2cm. [aj710-705275] ¥4,200 170 ピエール・ロチ 「秋の日本」 1923 年 角背革装 Loti,Pierre Japoneries D'Automne. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1923. Cinquante-Neuvième Édition. (Fifty-ninth edition.) 356pp. Half leather with morocco bords sl.rubbed with original wrappers bound in sl.stained. Gilt title on spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly stained. Book-shop label on front fly leaf. Sl.water & ink stained on original front wrapper. Pencil notation on front ep. & half title page & rear fly leaf. Ink signature on title page. 18.2x12.2cm. [aj719-705284] ¥12,600 171 フェリックス・マーティン 「ありのままの日本」 1898 年 クロース装 Martin,Félix Le Japon Vrai. Paris: Bibliothéque-Charpentier, 1898. xxviii,294pp. White cloth partly stained with original wrapper bound in. 1/5 of spine leather biding with gilt title, leater sl.rubbed. Edges partly stained. A small seal on front ep (1.3x1.3cm.). Sl.spotted on several pages.18.5x12.3cm. [aj714-705279] ¥12,600 172 A. & J. メイボン 「日本」 1940 年 厚紙装 Maybon,A. & J. Le Japon. Illustrations en couleurs de T. Kourimoto. Ouvrage Orné de 148 photographies. Paris: Fernand Nathan, 1940. 159pp. With many photos. White bords sl.stained & sl.rubbed with colour illustration on front cover. Its spine sl.foxed & sl.stained. Edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly foxed. Sl.pencil notation on front ep. Sl.spotted on front fly leaf. 21.5x15.8cm. [aj723-705288] ¥12,600 173 クルト・マイスナー 「日本語会話教授」 1941 年 厚紙・背クロース装 Meissner,Kurt Unterricht in der Japanischen Umgangssprache. Siebente (unveränderte) Auflage. (Seventh (unchanged) edition.) Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, 1941. xix,311pp. Blown boards & cloth of spine, sl.stained & rubbed. All edges partly foxed & sl.stained. Small stamped on front fly leaf. (3.6x2.6cm.) A small spotted on front & rear ep. & fly leaf. 20.3x15cm. [aj729-705294] ¥4,200 174 岡倉覚三 「東方の理想」 1923 年 クロース装 Okakura,Kakuzo Die Ideale Des Ostens. Aus Dem Englischen Original Übertragen Von Marguerite Steindorff. Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1923. 212pp. Red cloth partly stained, gilt title on front cover & spine. Front cover & spine partly sunned. Top edge red, all edges partly stained. Partly spotted on several pages. 22.2x14.5cm. [aj728-705293] ¥5,250 175 アニー・シェプレー・大森 土居光知(著) 「昔の日本官女の日記」 1925 年 マーブル柄厚紙表紙・背クロース Omori,Annie Shepley & Doi,Kochi (published.) Journaux Intimes Des Dames De La Cour Du Vieux Japon. Collection D'Auteurs Étrangers. Publiée Sous La Direction De Charles Du Bos. Publiés en anglais par Annie Shepley Omori et Kochi Doi. Traduction de Marc Logé. Avec Une Préface de Amy Lowell. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1925. xxx,244pp. Quarter cloth & marble bords, edges sl.rubbed with original wrappers. Leather label with gilt title on spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly foxed. Ink signatureon front fly leaf. Press clipping at rear ep. 18.4x12cm. [aj716-705281] ¥8,400 176 カール・プティ 「日本詩」 1959 年 カバー有 クロース装 Petit,Karl La Poésie Japonaise. Anthologie des origines à nos jours. 26 Paris: Éditions Seghers, 1959. 250pp. With 10plates. d.w. partly stained. Upper & lower edges of d.w. sl.splited. Edges partly stained. Sl.seal traced on front fly leaf. Sl.spotted on several pages. 21.8x14.2cm. [aj711-705276] ¥5,250 177 P.G.ロジャース 「日本へ来た最初のイギリス人」 1956 年 カバー有 クロース装 Rogers,P. G. The First Englishman in Japan. The Story of Will Adams. Foreword by Edmund Blunden. London: The Harvill Press, 1956. xvi,144pp. With 9 illus. d.w. sl.stained & lower parts of front d.w. sl.torn. Its spine sunned & a small spotted, upper & lower edges sl.rubbed. All edges sl.stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.foxed. 22x14.5cm. [aj733-705298] ¥6,300 178 マニュエル・S. F. 「日本の変換」 1909 年 背革装 Sales Y Fereé,Manuel La Transformación Del Japón. De La Real Academia De Ciencias Morales Y Politicas. Madrid, 1909. 223pp. Quarter leather partly stained with blue cloth, spine of gilt title sl.rubbed with original wrapper. Top edge blue, edges partly stained. Sl.pencil notation on front ep. & half title page. 20.3x15cm. [aj708-705273] ¥15,750 179 フリードリヒ・ジーブルグ 「銅の花」(日本の旅行) 1942 年 角背革装 Sieburg,Friedrich La Fleur D'Acier. (Voyage au Japon.) Traduit de l'allemand par André Cœuroy. Paris: Librairie Bernard Grasset, 1942. 230pp. With 8 photos. Red half calf sl.stained with marble bords. Gilt title & motifs on spine. With original illustrated wrappers bound in. Top edge red, all edges partly stained. Frontfly leaf-half title page a small chipped. Lower parts of title page sl.repaired. Black & blue ink under line on several pages. 19.3x12.8cm. [aj718-705283] ¥9,450 180 日本鉱山局 「日本の鉱業、過去と現在」 1909 年 (明 42.) クロース装 The Bureau of Mines (published.) Mining In Japan, Past and Present. Published by The Bureau of Mines, The Department of Agriculture and Commerce of Japan. Tokyo: The Bureau of Mines, 1909. (明 42.) iv,322pp. With 3 maps (two of them foldout maps) & 7 illus, 1 foldout map (145pp.) sl.torn. Green cloth partly rubbed & sl.stained, gilt title on front cover & spine. Its spine sunned & sl.spotted, upper & lower edges sl.rubbed. All edges partly stained. Sl.pencil notation on front ep. Front & rear fly leaf partly sunned. Sl. potted on several pages. 24.8x16.8cm. [aj736-705301] ¥15,750 181 日本政府観光局 「日本の小さなガイド」 1939 年 3/4 革装 Tourisme Chemins De Fer Du Governement Japonais Petit Guide Du Japon. Comprenant une Description Spéciale des Coutumes, de l'Historie, de l'Industrie, de l'Instruction, de l'Art et des Arts d'Agrément Japonais; des Attraction, etc. Tokyo: Direction Generale Du Tourisme Chemins De Fer Du Governement Japonais, 1939. vi,154pp.+10pp.(index.) With 37 photos & 5 maps. Red half calf sl.rubbed & sl.stained with marble bords, spine gilt title with original color illustrated wrappers bound in. Top edge red, all edges partly stained. Sl.spotted on several pages. Sl.pencil notation on front fly leaf. 19.5x13.5cm. [aj717-705282] ¥10,500 182 日本観光事業局 「日本; 公式ガイド」 1958 年 クロース装(折り込み地図) Tourist Industry Bureau Ministry of Transportation. (edited.) Japan; The Official Guide. Revised and Enlarged. Japan Travel Bureau, 1958. 6th postwar reveised edition. lvii,1015pp. With many color maps. Red flexible cloth partly stained & sl.spotted. Gilt title to front boards and spine. All edges partly stained. Sl.traced of whiteout on front fly leaf. Ink signature & small stamped (1.3x1.3cm.) on title page. i-ii, 998-999pp. sl.started. Warter stained on fore edge & front ep.-ii pp. xv-xvi pp. partly torn. Guard of ii-iii, xvi-xvii, 998-999,1012-1013pp. partly cracked. All maps sl.torn. Maps of Tokyo & Kyoto & Yokohama sl.stained, partly repaired & splited. Ink notation on map of Kyoto. Map of Kyūshū clipped. 269-271, 809-816pp. partly torn. 16.2x10.7cm. [aj737-705302] ¥21,000 183 鼓常良 「神々の国日本」 1936 年 クロース装 Tsudzumi,Tsuneyoshi Japan Das Götterland. Vom Verfasser in deutscher Sprache geschrieben Herausgegeben vom Japan-Institut in Berlin. Leipzig:Insel-Verlag, 1936. 248pp. Yellow cloth partly stained, gilt motifs on front cover & spine. stained. Upper parts of front cover partly ink spotted. Gilt title on spine, partly sunned. Top edge yellow, all edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf a small spotted. Sl.pencil notation & underline on front ep.& fly leaf & 9,51,55pp. 21.2x13.3cm. [aj730-705295] ¥4,200 184 E. ヴィルタール 「日本」 1879 年 クロース装 Villetard,E. Le Japon. Bibliothèque Des Écoles et Des Familles. Ouvrage illustréde 40 Gravures dans le texte. Paris: Librairie Hachette, 1879. 192pp. With a frontis. Blue cloth partly stained with gilt title on spine, gilt motifs on front cover & spine. Its spine sl.rubbed. All edges partly stained. Partly spotted on several pages. 22x14cm. [aj724-705289] ¥21,000 27 185 戦前 絵葉書 約 380 枚セット ファイル 2 冊セット 旅順、大連、奉天、満州、新京、ハルピン、他 一部外袋あり Postcards of China: Lushun, Dalian, Fengtian (Mukden), Manchuria, Hsinking, Harbin, etc. Before the World War II. About 380 postcards (b/w or colored illustration and photo) with 25 envelopes. Japanese caption printed at the margin. Unused, good condition, light wear to corners. Some are commemorative stamped. Set in two file. 9.2x14cm (postcard). [01794-101869] ¥300,000 186 ロバート・ブリッジス 「エロースとプシューケー」 1935 年 エドワード・バーン=ジョーンズのデザインによる木版画 限定 300 部 白ピッグスキン装 天金 Bridges,Robert (Illus.by Edward Burne-Jones) Eros and Psyche. A Poem in XII Measures by Robert Bridges: With Wood-cuts from Designs by Edward Burne-Jones. The Gregynog Press (Newtown, Mont. Wales), 1935. Limited to 300 copies, printed and bound at The Gregynog Press. 141pp. Bound in white pigskin. Gilt motif to front board and gilt bands and title to spine, t.e.g., others uncut. Covers sl.darkened and spine light sunned. Ex-libris.(Ralph Smith) to front e.p. 29x22.7cm. [aj816-102016] ¥126,000 187 ウィリアム・モリス「キューピッドとプシュケーの物語」 クローバー・ヒル・エディションズ 1974 年 エドワード・バーン=ジョーンズのデザインによる木版画 限定 270 部 2 巻 背クロース装 函 天金 第 1 巻:A.R. デュフティによる序文・モリスの下絵多数 第2巻:詩(挿絵 42 点)、ケルムスコット・トロイ活字 (ケルムスコット・プレスからの刊行が予定されていたものの未刊に終わった計画を実現した限定出版) Morris,William The Story of Cupid and Psyche. With Illustrations Designed by Edward Burne-Jones, Mostly Engraved on the Wood by William Morris; the Introduction by A.R.Dufty. Vol.I: Introduction. Vol.II: The Poem with the Engravings. 2 vols. London and Cambridge: Clover Hill Editions, 1974. Limited (numbered 1 to 270) to 270 copies, this is no.81. [Numbered I to CXXX with a portfolio (separate vol.), and 100 portfolios numbered i to c, also published.] Vol.I: xiv,37pp.+plates(26pp.). Vol.II: 92pp.(with the 42 wood-engravings in the text), printed with the Troy types. Dark blue cloth backed decorated boards, brown calf labels with gilt titles to each spine, t.e.g., others uncut. With an original dark blue slip case. Spines and slip case sl.rubbed. 34.8x25cm. [aj817-102017] ¥84,000 児童文学 ・ 絵本 ・ 挿絵本 188 Caumery,M. L. Bécassine Nourrice. Texte de M.=L Caumery. Illustrations de J. Pinchon. Paris: Éditions Gautier-Languereau, 1927. 63pp. With full illus. Bound in color bords with cloth spine partly sunned & rubbed. Bord edges partly rubbed. All edges partly foxed. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned. Tore down a label on front fly leaf. Ink signature on title page. Lower parts of 15-16pp. & upper parts of 53-58pp. & sl.torn. Partly spotted on several pages. 31.4x23.4cm. [ch0063-500069] ¥5,250 189 Chavannes,A. Nouvelles Chansons. Musique De L. Julien Rousseau. 16 Compositions De Gérard Cochet. Paris: Librairie Larousse, n.d. 32pp. With numerous color illus. Bound in color illustration bords with cloth spine partly stained & abrasioned. Bords edges partly rubbed & sl.chipped. Its spine sunned. All edges partly stained. Sl.pencil notation on front fly leaf. Guard of 8-9pp. & 24-25pp. sl.cracked. 28x20.2cm. [ch0071-500077] ¥5,250 190 Daudet,Alphonse Aventures Prodigieuses De Tartarin De Tarascon. Édition Pour la Jeunesse. Ernes Flammarion, 1936. 218pp. With a frontis & 30plates & many illus. Bound in color illustration bords with cloth spine partly stained. Its spine sunned. Bords edges partly rubbed. All edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & flyleaf partly spotted. Pencil notation & small seal on rear ep. Sl.torn & partly spotted on several pages. 25.6x19.5cm. [ch0056-500062] ¥5,250 191 Dáuli,Gian Frescolino. Racconto. Milano: Edizioni Aurora, 1936. 90pp. With many color & b/w illus. Bound in color illustration bords, partly sunned & sl.rubbed with repaired by cloth at spine. All edges partly stained. Guard of front & rear ep. repaired. Front ep. & fly leaf & half title page partly sunned & stained.Front fly leaf partly bended. Guard of 16-17pp. & 24-25pp. & 32-33pp. partly cracked. Small stained on several pages. 24.3x17cm. [ch0050-500056] ¥4,200 192 Disney,Walt Mickey Hop-là! Illustrations D'Après Walt Disney. Hachette, 1934. 63pp. Pop-up Book. With numerous b/w illus. Bound in color illustrations bords partly sunned & stained. Its spine sunnd & partly missing. All edges partly stained. Guard of front ep. & 40pp. partly cracked. Lower parts of rear fly leaf partly torn. Sl.spotted on several pages. 24x18.8cm. Scarce. [ch0068-500074] ¥31,500 193 Disney,Walt Mickey Chercheur D'Or. Illustrations De Walt Disney. Hachette, 1931. 32pp. With full color illus. Bound in color illustration bords with cloth spine partly stained & wrinkled. Its spine sunned & 28 rubbed & a small spotted. Front bord sl.color chipped & partly peeled. All edges partly stained. Sl.pencil notation on title page. Upper parts of 31-32pp. sl.started. Several pages sl.stained. 26.5x21.8cm. [ch0069-500075] ¥8,400 194 Disney,Walt Mickey Chercheur D'Or. Illustrations De Walt Disney. Hachette, (1931.) 32pp. With full color illus. Bound in color illustration bords with cloth spine partly stained & wrinkled. Front bord partly abrasioned & peeled. Its spine sunned & partly torn. All edges partly stained. Title page & 5-6pp. & 27-28pp. & 31-32pp. missing. 3-4pp. sl.torn. Upper parts of 23-30pp. partly started & sl.torn. Edge of 7-8pp. & 30-31pp. sl.splited. Several pages sl.stained. 26.5x21.8cm. [ch0070-500076] ¥5,250 195 Giraud,Mme Mad H. (adaptation.) Le Roman de Renart. Joyeuses Aventures Des Compères Renart Et Ysengrin. Illustrations de A. Pécoud. Paris: Librairie Delagrave, 1933. 192pp. With 15 color plates & numerous b/w illus. White, black & gold pictorial green cloth, partly stained & sl.sunned. Its spine sunned & partly white spotted. T.e.g. All edges partly foxed. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf sl.sunned.Lower parts of 55-56, 73-74, 77-78, 99-100, 141-142pp. sl.torn. Plates of 81, 89, 121, 171pp. sl.stained & splited. Sl.spotted on several pages. 33.3x26cm. [ch0064-500070] ¥12,600 196 Greenaway,Kate A Apple Pie. Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd., n.d. [ca1960s.] (22pp.) With full color illustrations. d.w. partly sunned & a small stained. Edges of d.w. sl.torn. All edges partly stained. Front flap sl.missing. Front fly leaf sl.stained. 21x26.3cm. [ch0058-500064] ¥4,200 197 Lathrop,Dorothy P. Follow The Brook. New York: Macmillan Co., 1960. 40pp. With many b/w illus. Bound in color illustration bords partly stained, bords edges partly rubbed. Upper parts of spine partly cracked. All edges sl.stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.foxed. Book-shop label on rear ep. Several pages sl.foxed. 25.4x22.3cm. [ch0059-500065] ¥4,200 198 Lang,Andrew ed. The Red Fairy Book. Edited by Andrew Lang. Author of The Blue Fairy Book, The Yelloe Fiary Book, The Green Fairy Book, Etc., Etc. With Numerou Illustrations by H. J. Ford and Lancelot Speed. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, n.d. vi,367pp. With a color frontis & numerous b/w illus. d.w. partly sunned & sl.torn, corners of spine sl.chipped. All edges partly stained. Front fly leaf sl.sunned. A small spotted on several pages. 19.6x13.5cm. [ch0065-500071] ¥3,150 199 Lemaitre,Jules ABC. Petit Contes Par Jules Lemaitre De L'Académie Française. Avec Des Images De JOB. Tours: Maison Mame, 1919. 54pp. With full color illus. Bound in color illustration bords with cloth spine partly stained & rubbed. Upper & lower parts of spine partly torn. Sl.water stained & sl.pencil notation on front bord. Small seal traced on rear bord. All edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly stained. Yellow pencil notation on front ep. Partly splited & started on front fly leaf. A seal traced on rear fly leaf. All pages partly stained & spotted. 22-26pp. sl.torn. 30x24.5cm. Scarce. [ch0067-500073] ¥31,500 200 Saint-Ogan,Alain Zig Et Puce Cherchent Dolly. Paris: Hachette, (1931.) 40pp. With full color illus. Bound in color illustration bords with cloth spine partly stained &sunned. Its spine sunned & sl.rubbed. Front bord partly wrinkled. All edges partly stained. Title page-2pp. missing. Upper parts of all pages sl.started. 3-6pp. & 35-36pp. sl.torn. Several pages sl.stained. 29.5x21.5cm. [ch0074-500080] ¥5,250 201 Vallerey,Gisèle Les Aventures De Mistouflet. Illustrations de A. E. Kennedy. B. Butler Paris: Fernand Nathan, Editeur, 1935. 28pp. With a color frontis & 7 color plates & many b/w illus. Bound in color illustration bords partly stained with cloth spine, bords edges sl.rubbed & sl.chipped. Its spin sl.sunned & sl.stained, upper parts s.rubbed. All edges sl.sunned. Book-shop label on front ep. Rear ep. & fly leaf sl.wormed. Plates of 10-11pp. sl.splited. Sl.stained on several pages. 26x20cm. [ch0052-500058] ¥5,250 202 Vredenburg,Edric ed. Happy Hours in Lessonland. Little Lessons for Little Readers. Raphael Tuck & Sons, n.d. (48pp.) Father Tuck's “Golden Gift”Series. With a color frontis & many color illus. Bound in color illustration bords partly sunned with cloth spine sunned, bords edges sl.rubbed & sl.chipped. Partly water stained & ink stained on rear bord. All edges partly stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.spotted. Library stamped on front fly leaf. Guard of front & rear ep. sl.cracked, 16-17pp. partly cracked. Sl.spotted on several pages. 26.5x20.3cm. [ch0051-500057] ¥4,200 203 Walton,Izaak The Compleat Angler or The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discoures of Rivers Fishponds Fish and Fishing not unworthy the Perusal of most Anglers. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. New York: Weathervane Books, n.d. 224pp. With 12 color frontis & numerous b/w illus. d.w. partly sunned. Its spine sunned. Lower parts of front d.w. sl.torn. Front flap sl.spotted. All edges sl.stained. Front & rear fly leaf sl.foxed. 26.7x19.2cm. [ch0057-500063] ¥6,300 29 204 Warne's Book Of Nursery Rhymes. With Eight Plates in Colour. Frederick Warne & Co., n.d. (61pp.) With a color frontis & 7plates & many b/w illus. Bound in color illustration bords sl.stained with cloth spine, bords edges sl.rubbed. All edges partly stained. Library stamped on title page. Sl.spotted on several pages. With partly torn front cover only. 24.2x20cm. [ch0055-500061] ¥4,200 205 Favourite Fairy Stories. The Three Bears. / Puss In Boots. / Snowwhite and The Seven Little Men. With Two Coloured Plates and Sixty Illustrations by Nina K. Brisley. Ward Lock & Co., n.d. (64pp.) With a color frontis & 2 solor plates & many b/w illus. Bound in color illustration bords partly stained with cloth spine partly stained. Bords edges sl.rubbed & sl.chipped. All edges partly stained. Paper traced on front & rear ep. Frontispiece sl.separated. Guard of front ep. & 32-33pp. sl.cracked. Ink underline on 8pp. & 12-16pp. 25.2x18.7cm. [ch0054-500060] ¥4,200 206 Grande Ménagerie Enfantine Illustrée. Animaux Domestiques. Paris: Chez L'editeur. n.d. (26pp.) With full color illus. Bound in color bords with cloth spine partly stained & sl.rubbed. Its spine partly torn. Sl.red ink stained on rear bord. All edges partly foxed. A small seal on front ep. Sl.pencil notation on rear ep. 20pp. sl.separated. Guard of 10-11pp. partly cracked. All pages sl.sunned & sl.stained. 35.3x20.7cm. [ch0066-500072] ¥31,500 207 Je Saurai Lire. Alphabet Méthodique Et Amusant Par Un Papa. Ouvrage Enrichi De Nombreuses Gravures Par Robert Sallès. Paris: Librairie Garnier Frères, n.d. 47pp. With full color illus. Bound in color illustration bords with repaired spine at cloth partly sunned & separated. Bords edges partly rubbed. Upper parts of front bord sl.water stained. Rear bord sl.spotted. All edges partly foxed. Guard of front & rear ep. repaired. Partly torn & stained on a majority pages. 32x24.5cm. [ch0060-500066] ¥12,600 208 Looking and Reading. Specially edited for scholastic use by Mary M. Turnor. London: Brimax Books, n.d. 8pp. With full color illus.Bound in color bords with cloth spine sl.stained. Upper parts of rear bord sl.torn. All edges green sl.stained. A small spotted on 6pp. 29x22cm. [ch0061-500067] ¥4,200 209 My Own First Book. London: Collins, n.d. (32pp.) Bound in color illustration bords partly stained & rear bords sl.chipped, with cloth spine. Bords edges & spine partly chipped & sl.rubbed. With full illustlated pages show the alphabet & numbers illustlated followed by two stories. All edges sl.stained. 27.4x20.3cm. [ch0053-500059] ¥2,100 210 Nos Plaisirs. n.d. (12pp.) With many color illus. Staple bound paper covers with color illustrations partly sunned. All pages sl.sunned & sl.spotted. 26.8x20.5cm. [ch0072-500078] ¥5,250 211 Om Huis En Hof. n.d. (14pp.) With many color illus. Staple bound paper covers with color illustrations partly sunned. Its spine partly separated & sl.chipped. Front & rear covers sl.chipped. Upper parts of front cover-6pp. sl.torn. Lower parts of front ep. sl.spotted.All pages sl.spotted. 30x22.5cm. [ch0073-500079] ¥4,200 212 The Oxford Annual for Children. London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, n.d. (173pp.) With a color frontis & 4 color plates & many illus. Bound in color illustration bords partly sunned & stained. Its spine sunned, partly chipped & separated. Rear bord partly spotted. Bords edges partly rubbed. All edges partly stained. Front & rear ep. & fly leaf partly stained. Ink signature on front fly leaf. Guard of 5-6pp. partly cracked. Lower parts of 50-53pp. partly torn. Small spotted on several pages. 28x22cm. [ch0062-500068] ¥6,300 30 213 大柗閑人 <写本・写図> 『沼津地震記・傅魯舶漂流話』 嘉永七甲寅霜月(1854年11月) 縦13.5cm 横19cm 17丁 15図 和装 拵秩入 『右此一冊八予眼ニフルゝトコロ耳ニキク処其マゝ詞ヲカザゝズ意ヲタクマズカキツクルモノナレバ見ル人コゝロシテサッシタマヘカシ 大柗閑 人』<後書き:原文より> 安政東海地震の発生状況及び域内・城下町の被害状況が生々しく克明に記されており、また宝永地震(宝永4年・1707年)についての記 録もみられる。 更には当地震により大破したプチャーチン提督率いるロシア軍艦「ディアナ号」の乗組員の様子が詞と繪図によって詳細に 記されている。 米国からの里帰り品。 虫喰により文字判読できない箇所数点あり. カバーヤケ・少々シミ. (Numazu Jisin-ki) A manuscript: A report on the disaster from the earthquake in Numazu. November, 1854 17pp. 13.5x19cm. This is the documentary book about Ansei-Tokai earthquake. With many illustrations. Japanese binding, after-made preserve box. This book is the holograph by the author, not printed, came back from America. Cover sun-browned and soiled. Some wormed pages, a very few letters cannot read. [aj629] ¥3,150,000 31 英文学・英語学・日本学・洋雑誌 国際古書籍商連盟 日本古書籍商協会 加盟店 小 川 図 書 〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町 2-7 電話 03-3262-0908 FAX 03-3264-0734 E-mail: [email protected] http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ 32
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