L7 Froshiki – The Magic Cloth Part 1 Do you know/ Wangari Maathai?// She was a Kenyan environmentalist/ who received あなたは知っていますか/ワンガリ・マータイさんを// 彼 女は~のケニアの環 境 保 護 活 動 家だった/ 2004 年にノーベル平 和 the Novel Peace Prize in 2004.// When she came to Japan in 2005,/ She was impressed/ 2005 年に彼 女 が日 本に来た時 / 賞をもらった// 彼 女は衝撃を受けた/ by the word mottainai.// It expressed in one word/ her ideas about/ respecting the もったいないという言 葉に// それはある言 葉を表していた/ ~についての彼 女の考え/ 環 境に敬 意を払 うという environment.// Ever since,/ it has been spreading/ around the world.// //それ以 来/ それはずっと広 がっている/ 世界 中に// There are many eco-friendly customs/ in Japan.// Using furoshiki is one of them.// A たくさんの環 境にやさしい習 慣 がある/ 日 本には// フロシキを使 うことはそれらのうちの一つ// furoshiki is a square piece of cloth/ that you use/ to wrap things in.// If you use a フロシキは~の正 方 形の一 枚の布 / あなたが使う/ 中にものを包むために// もし紙のバッグを paper bag,/ you may throw it away/ after using it.// Maathai said,/ “Every time you use つかえば/ それを捨ててしまうかもしれない/ それを使 った後に// マータイさんは言った/ 「あなたが紙を使うたびに paper,/ remember/ that it is a cut tree.”// Unlike paper,/ furoshiki can be used/ over / ~を覚えておいて/それは切られた木だということを// 紙とは違って/ フロシキは使うことができる/ 何 回も and over again.// Part 1 Do you know/ Wangari Maathai?// She was a Kenyan environmentalist/ who received the Novel Peace Prize in 2004.// When she came to Japan in 2005,/ She was impressed/ by the word mottainai.// It expressed in one word/ her ideas about/ respecting the environment.// Ever since,/ it has been spreading/ around the world.// There are many eco-friendly customs/ in Japan.// Using furoshiki is one of them.// A furoshiki is a square piece of cloth/ that you use/ to wrap things in.// If you use a paper bag,/ you may throw it away/ after using it.// Maathai said,/ “Every time you use paper,/ remember that/ it is a cut tree.”// Unlike paper,/ furoshiki can be used/ over and over again.// Part 2 Why do we call,/ that kind of cloth a furoshiki?// Of course,/ furo means/ “bath”/ in どうして私たちは~と呼ぶのか?/ その種 類の布をフロシキと// もちろん/ ふろは~を意 味する/「風 呂」を/ Japanese.// Shiki means/ “to spread under something.”// In the old days,/ Japanese 日 本 語で// しきは~を意 味する/ 「何かの下に広げること」// 昔/ 日 本 人は people went to a public bath/ and spread these cloths/ under themselves/ when they 公 衆 浴場 へ行 った/ そしてそれらの布 を広げ/ 自 分たちの下に/ 彼らが took off their clothes.// Then/ they wrapped their clothes/ in them.// 服を脱いだ時 // それから/ 彼らは自分 たちの服を包んだ/ それらの中に// If you have several things to carry,/ you need something to hold them.// I can tell もしいくつかの運ぶものがあれば/ それらを持つ必 要がある// 教えましょう you/ what you should do.// First,/ spread out a furoshiki.// Second,/ place your items / 1 番 目に/ どうするか// フロシキを広げる// 二番 目に/ その中に持ち物 を置く in it.// Third,/ tie the ends together.// Now/ you are all set. // 3 番 目に/ 一緒にして結ぶ// そして/ 準 備 OK Even if your items are in different/ shapes and sizes,/ a furoshiki can hold them all.// たとえ持ち物が違っていても/ 形が大 きさが/ フロシキはそれらを全部 持つことができる// You can wrap/ almost anything with a furoshiki.// That is why/ furoshiki are so handy.// 包むことができる/ほとんどすべてのものをフロシキで// そういうわけで/ フロシキはとても便 利だ// Part 2 Why do we call,/ that kind of cloth a furoshiki?// Of course,/ furo means/ “bath”/ in Japanese.// Shiki means/ “to spread under something.”// In the old days,/ Japanese people went to a public bath/ and spread these cloths/ under themselves/ when they took off their clothes.// Then/ they wrapped their clothes/ in them.// If you have several things/ to carry,/ you need something/ to hold them.// I can tell you/ what you should do.// First,/ spread out a furoshiki.// Second,/ place your items in it.// Third,/ tie the ends together.// Now/ you are all set. Even if your items are in different/ shapes and sizes,/ a furoshiki can hold them all.// You can wrap/ almost anything with a furoshiki.// That is why/ furoshiki are so handy.// Part 3 We can say that/ furoshiki are works of art.// Some have a family crest/ in the ~と言える/ フロシキは芸 術 作 品だと// 家 紋がついたものがある/ 端っこに corner.// if you wrap/ a square thing/ in it,/ the design will end up in the top // もし包めば/ 真 四 角のものを/ その中に/そのデザインは最後には真ん中の上になる center.// Others have four different colors or design/ in the corners.// These //4 つの異なる色 やデザインのものもある/ 端っこに// furoshiki looks/ most beautiful/ after something is wr apped in them and their end これらのフロシキは~に見える/最も美しく/ 何かが包 まれ、それらの角が結ばれた後は are tied.// As you can see,/ furoshiki are eco-friendly, handy, and beautiful,/ so/why don’t you ご覧のように/ フロシキは環 境にやさしく、持ち運 びしやすく、そして美しい// だから/使ってみたらいかが? try using/ them?// You will soon realize/ their good points.// The time/ when furoshiki /それらを// すぐに気づくでしょう/ それらのよい点が// ~の時 代/ フロシキが are popular/ throughout the world/ may come/ in the near future.// 人 気になる/ 世界 中で/ 来るかもしれない/ 近い将 来// Part 3 We can say that/ furoshiki are works of art.// Some have a family crest/ in the corner.// if you wrap/ a square thing/ in it,/ the design will end up in the top center.// Others have four different colors or design/ in the corners.// These furoshiki looks/ most beautiful/ after something is wr apped in them and their end are tied.// As you can see,/ furoshiki are eco-friendly, handy, and beautiful,/ so/why don’t you try using/ them?// You will soon realize/ their good points.// The time/ when furoshiki are popular/ throughout the world/ may come/ in the near future./ /
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