BION Co.,Ltd Offer company :MOMOSE Address Address 1-16-20 Minami Ikebukuro Toashima-ku Tkyo Japan heavy industries CO;LTD (モモセ重工㈱)URL 1000Ban Soya Hadano-chi Kanagawa-ken Japan Tel 0463-81-6211 Fax 0463-82-8802 Business contents metal panel factory of decoration, the interior decoration(外装・内装の金属パネル工場) Mitsubishi performed decoration of the following building in a Rick who wrote reportage. Our factory processes the same processing, too. building name: building name: United Arab Emirates Dubai Taiwan Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai Decoration panel (6mm product) for buildings Taipei arena It is for titanium composition Construction area 65, 000m² 9000 construction area square meters A metal outer wall panel. Construction of the roof TOTO I am beautiful early, and the construction including the latest restroom kitchen lasts a long time a prefabricated bath.(ユニットバス・最新のトイレ・キッチンなど、施工が早く綺麗で長持ちします) Prefabricated bath I can make in combination one's bath at will.(自由自在に組み合わせて作る事が出来る) I choose a wall surface freely (壁面を自由にチョイス) shower Kind of the faucet(水栓) Waterproofing TV (TV 防水テレビ) Waterproofing sound(音響) blow buss(ジェットバス) Mist sauna(ミストサウナ) Kitchen Many variations Special processing to be able to easily wipe off a dirt It is several kinds or prepares the size of the sink. It is easy to clean and always keeps it clean. (汚れを簡単に拭き取れる特殊加工) (シンクの大きさも何種類か揃えております) (清掃しやすく、常に清潔に保つ) •TOTO is a pioneer of the restrooms of Washlet <A super saving water type> I automatically wash buttocks with warm hot water comfortably. (自動に気持ちよく温い湯でお尻を洗浄してくれます) It is installed in every world place.(世界のあらゆる場所に設置されております) The conventional restroom used 12 liters, but held it down to half 6 liters. (従来のトイレは12リットル使 っていましたが、半分の6リットルに抑えました) Newly-designed raise an eddy current and always wash restrooms neatly.(新設計で渦巻水流を起こし、常に トイレを綺麗に洗います) A cover automatically opens when I stand before, and it is automatic, and water drifts after use, and a lid closes it. (前に立つと自動で蓋が開き、使用後は自動で水が流れ蓋が閉じます)
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