∪ ヽ し し し し し Indira Gandhi Stadium し 輸 舗 Major Dyan Chand SPORrS AurHORΠ …Y OFl‖ D:A し し SPORTS AUTHORIIY OFINDIA し し 4・ し し 2Ψ 寃押 し ふ し し し し し し J.H.Stadhm し し Date し Time し Venue し し ョ ” し Jョ暉I し :2.30PM : Conference Hall (trirstFloor) 肇 し し f SAI (Head Office), J.N. Stadium Compler (fast Cate) Lodhi Roa4 NewDelhi - f f0 003 し し ソ Swimming Pool ComPlex Dr. K.S. Shooting Range り ‐ , ‐ lNDEX し ‐ ‐ ‐ CONFIRMAT10N OF MiNUTES OF THE 41St MEETiNG OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF SAIHELD ON SEPTEMBER 24,2013 ‐ ‐ ‐ Page No. Description Item No. ACT:ON TAKEN REPORT ON THE DECiS10NS TAKEN IN 2. THE 41St MEET:NG OF THE GOVERNING 80DY OF SAIHELD 1… 11 12-26 ON 24.09.2013 ‐ ‐ 3. ‐ RECONSTITUT10N OF THE GOVERN:NG BODY OF SA:AND AUTHOR:ZAT:ON TO CHAIRMAN GOVERN:NG BODY TO EXERC:SEITS POWERS WHEN!TIS NOT MEET:NG 27 APPROVAL 28 ‐ ‐ 4. OF ANNUAL REPORT AND AUD:TED ACCOUNTS OF SAIFOR THE YEAR 2011‐ 12,TO BE LA:D iN BOTH THE HOuSES OF PARLiAMENT ‐ ν し ‐ 5. 6. ‐ し 7. V CONSTITUT10N OF AN EXECUTiVE COMMilTEE:N SA: PROPOSAL FOR GOLDEN HAND SHAKE SCHEMEIN SA: ` PROV:SION FOR SENDING GROuP D: EMPLOYEES ON DEPUTAT10Nヽ ″lTHiN SAl,FOR EXAMPLE,GROUNDSMEN FROM SAI HQs TO REG10NAL CENTRES AS WELL AS ACADEMiC:NSTITUT10NS 29 30… 32 33… 34 ‐ ヽ 8. ESTABLiSHMENT OF SPORTS MUSEUM AT MAJOR DHYAN CHAND NAT10NAL STADIUM(MDCNS),NEW DELHI 35‐ ESTABLiSHMENT OF SA:NAT:ONAL SPORTS ACADEM:ES 40-41 APPOINTMENT OF GOVERNMENT OBSERVERS(GOs) 42-48 39 ‐ ″ 9. ‐ 10. ‐ 41 FIXING OF NORMS AND TAR:FF FOR NON ¨ SPORTS EVENTS AT SAiSTAD:A,DELHi ‐ 49-92 ‐ ‐ ‐ ▼ 12. NEW TARIFF STRUCTURE FOR DR. SYAMA PRASAD M00KERJEE SWIMMING P00L COMPLEX(SPMSPC) 93-96 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ▼ ‐ ▼ ‐ 13. AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING SCHEME OF EXTENSiON CENTRE OF STC′ SAG FOR VVIDER COVERAGE 97 14. TAK:NG OVER OF GOLF COuRSE FROM GOVERNMENT OF KERALA AND REVENUE GENERATiON 98-99 TRANSFER OF PARVATHY H:LLS FROM GOVERNMENT OF OF A HIGH ALT:TUDE KERALA FOR DEVELOPMENT TRA:N:NG CENTRE 100-101 PROPOSAL FORiNDOJAPANESE C00PERAT:ON FOR THE PROMOT:ON OF BUDOiNIND:A 102-103 MAK:NG THE VAR:OUS STAD:UMS MULT卜 DiSC:PL:NARY THEREBY MAK:NG THEM OPEN TO CIT:ZENS FOR RECREAT:ON AND BEπ ER OVERALL HEALTH OF PEOPLE 104-106 REV:SiON OF CHARGES FOR SPORTS B00K:NG FOR VAR10uS SA: STAD:A BY NAT:ONAL SPORTS 107-109 ‐ ‐ ‐ し V 15. ‐ ‐ 16. ‐ ‐ 17. ‐ ‐ ‐ 18. FEDERAT10NS AT THE RATES APPLiCABLE TO CATEGORY -3 AGENCiES ν V HAND:NG 19. ESTABL:SHMENT OF F00TBALL ACADEMY 20. RECONSTITUT:ON OF THE GENERAL BODY OF SAi 111 21. FINAL CR:TERIA TO BE SENT TO NSFs FOR ACCOUNTABILiTY OF SAl 112 22. CEO :N NSFs AND SA: POL:CY {AMOUNT TO BE RESTRiCTED:N ACTC WHiCH:S EARMARKED FOR CEO 113 ‐ し ‐ ― OVER OF LAND BY CAL:CUT UN:VERSilγ 110 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ AND DEFAULTSiF NOT uSED) ANNEXURES ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ANNEXURE‐ A,B,C ANNEXURE‐ AGENDAITEM NO.2,PO:NT NO.7 : ‖ AGENDAITEM NO.2,POiNT NO.7 114‐ 116 117‐ 119 ANNEXURE‐ ‖ l AGENDA:TEM NO.2,POiNT NO.10 120‐ 121 ANNEXURE‐ :V AGENDA:TEM NO.2,PO:NT NO.10 122 ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ 123 ANNEXURE‐ V AGENDA:TEM NO.2,PO:NT NO.11 ANNEXURE‐ SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDAiTEM NO.2,POiNT NO.2 124‐ 125 ANNEXURE‐ V‖ AGENDAiTEM NO.3 126‐ 128 ANNEXURE‐ Vi‖ AGENDAITEM NO.6 129‐ 144 :X AGENDA:TEM NO.6 145‐ 154 ANNEXURE‐ X AGENDA:TEM NO.6 155‐ 157 ‐ ANNEXURE‐ X: AGENDAITEM NO.7 158‐ 162 ‐ ANNEXURE‐ X‖ AGENDAiTEM NO.17 163‐ 165 ANNEXURE‐ X:‖ AGENDAiTEM NO.17 166‐ 168 ANNEXURE‐ XiV AGENDAITEM NO.20 169‐ 171 ‐ ヽ Vi ‐ ‐ し ‐ ‐ ‐ ANNEXURE‐ V ‐ ν し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ し ヽ ‐ V ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ν ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Agendaltem No.1 ヽ ヽ CONFIRMAT10N OF MiNUTES OF THE 41° t MEET:NG OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF SAIHELD ON SEPTEMBER 24,2013 The Minutes of the 4l"tMeeting of the Governing Body held on 24.09.2013 were circulated by Member-Secretary, Goveming Body of SAl, on 04.10.2013 and a copy of the same is placed below. No comments were received from any of the Members of the Governing Body on the same. The Minutes as circulated may, therefore, be confirmed. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ﹂ ︺ ︶ HOURS The 41"1 meeting of the Governing Body (GB) of the Sports Authority of lndia (SAl) was held on September 24, 2013 under the Chairmanship of Shri Jitendra Singh, Hon'ble Minister of State (l/C) for Youth Affairs & Sports. 2. The list of other Members of the Goveming Body, who participated is enclosed at Annexu re-A. 3. At the outset, Director General, SAI welcomed the Members. Thereafter, the Agenda items were taken up for discussion and the decisions taken are indicated below against each item. 4. Leave of absence was granted by the Chairman to the following Members of the Goveming Body : (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) 5. Smt. Sujatha Singh, Foreign Secretary, MEA Shri Keshav Desi Raju, Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Shri Ashok Kumar, Secretary, Higher Education Smt. Anjuly Chib Duggal, Addl. Secretary (Expdt.), Ministry of Finance Shri Mukul Chatterjee, l/c., LNIPE, Gwalior Raja Randhir Singh, Member, IOC Secretary General, IOA Smt. Ashwini Nachappa Shri Mdushpat Singhania Rep. of President, Cll IICM NO. 1: CONFIRMAT]ON OF MINUTES OF THE 4OTH MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF SAI HELD ON JULY 24,2013 The minutes of the 40th meeting of the GB held on July 24,2013 were read and confirmed. ln this context, it was informed by DG, SAI that a Note has been received from Addl. Secretary (Expdt.), thereby enclosing ︶ the comments of Deptt. of Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of Finance on the various issues discussed during the last GB and FC meetings. The same was taken note of to be duly incorporated against each of the agenda items being taken up for discussion. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ Item No.2: ACTION TAKEN REPORT (ATR) ON THE IMPORTANT DEGISIONS TAKEN IN THE 4OTH MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY HELD ON JULY 24,2013 61 While discussing the ATR, the Chairman emphasized the need ヽ 6. ︶ ︶ to ︶ set timelines in respect of the items approved by the GB in its various meetings. Some of the items where DoE made specific observations, are as follows :- (i) Aporoval of Revised Estimates of Rs. 721 .00 Lakh (Oriqinal Cost - Rs. 330.00 Lakh) for lavinq of svnthetic athletic track at SAI NERC, lmohal (Manipur) As pointed out by DoE ibid, the approval of RE for Synthetic Track at SAI NERC, lmphal would be with the advice of lFD, MYAS. (ii) Revised approval for the works alreadv sanctioned related to National Games to be held in Kerala durino Februarv. 2014 at SAI LNCPE. Thiruvananthaouram (Kerala) As pointed out by DoE, the revised approval for works already sanctioned w.r.t. National Games, 2014, Kerala would be submitted to FC for postfacto information after decision is taken by DG, SAI in consultation with IFD, MYAS. ︶ Golden Hand Shake / Voluntarv Retirement Scheme (VRS) in SAI DoE has pointed out that the Draft VRS Scheme should be brought back to GB. lt was informed by Secretary, SAI that the VRS Scheme for SAI employees is under preparation and will be submitted to the Goveming Body. (iv) Amendment in the Recruitment Rules (RRs) of SAI for the post of Asstt. Director As pointed out by DoE, the draft amendments in Recruitment Rules will be taken up with DoPT. ︶ (iii) ︶ ︶ ︶ Shri Zafar lqbal pointed out that priority should be given to the persons having sports background. Ms. Karnam Malleswari suggested that the outstanding sportspersons working with other Organizations who are willing to be associated with SAl, should also be provided an opportunity and taken on deputation. After detailed discussions, it was decided that whenever direct recruitments are made, persons with adequate sports experience may be given priority. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ し 6.2 Regarding the observations of A.S. (Expdt.) on above referred was decided to adhere to these observations. 4 points, it ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ‐ ν ‐ PART― A ‐ [:temS COncurred by the Finance Committeel ヽ (i) ‐ Pertainino to infrastructure Works ‐ V 7. nem No 3: CONSTRUC丁 iON OF:ND00R HALL FOR BASKETBALL AT SAI NS NiS, PAT:ALA AT AN EST:MAttED COST OF RS.502.49 LAKHS シ ‐ 8. ‐ ‐ nem No 4: CONSTRUCT10N OF iND00R HALL FOR VOLLEYBALL AT SAI NS N:S, PAT:ALA AT AN ESTIMAttED COST OF RS.537.32 LAKHS 9. ‐ nem No 5: CONSTRUCT:ON OF STRENGTH TRAINING HALL NEAR NEW SYNTHETiC ATHLETiC TRACK(WEST SiDE)AT SA: NS N:S,PAT:ALA AT AN EST:MATED COST OF RS.224.90 LAKHS ヽ ‐ 10. nem No 6: PROVID:NG AND LAYING OF SYNTHETIC ATHLETiC TRAK AT SA:REG10NAL CENTRE,LUCKNOW AT AN ESTIMATED ‐ ν COST OF RS.762.13 LAKHS ll. nem No 7: REPLACEMENT OF SYNTHETIC HOCKEY SURFACE AT SA: SOuttHERN CENTRE, BANGALORE AT AN EST:MATED ‐ COST OF RS.571.00 LAKHS ‐ V ‐ ‐ ‐ ll l DG, SAl informed that it has been pointed out by DoE that a‖ the above items have been approved in the 65th FC Meeting with a non‐ cost esca!ation ciause in addition to other clauses regarding availab‖ ity of funds and price discovery by addressing vanous cOnstruction agencies in the pub!ic sector l12 Subjed to above,the itemsfrom 3 to 7 above were approved by GB ν ‐ Discussions: ‐ ν し ‐ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ツ ‐ JS (Development), MYAS mentioned that the possibility of creating pre-fab multi-purpose indoor halls (instead of civil construction) may be explored. ln addition to being cost-effective, it will save time as well. On a suggestion from FA(Sports) about conducting a special audit of all the infrastructure works presently underway, the Chairman desired that a brief update on all the ongoing works may be prepared and submitted in the next GB meeting. V ‐ ‐ Shri Moraad Ali Khan pointed out that the estimates for above works were prepared in the year 2007 and as such, the position needs to be reviewed with regard to the level of infrastructure facilities being created, as considerable time has elapsed since then. He desired that the prioritization of all the infrastructure works to be taken up should first be decided by the GB and thereafter, be submitted to the FC for thorough scrutiny. ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ Shri Baichung Bhutia raised the issue regarding the quality of various synthetic turfs being created. After detailed discussion, it was decided that a Technical Committee should be constituted to decide about the turfs etc. to be laid and submit its recommendations before taking a final decision. The Committee may consist of eminent sports persons of the respective sports discipline and one or two persons from outside. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Regarding status of ongoing projects, the Chairman desired that the matter be taken with the concemed construction agencies where the projects have been delayed or are lying incomplete and the status of all ongoing projects be reported to the GB in its next meeting. し し ‐ ‐ 12. ν ν ‐ ‐ ltem No. 8: CREATION OF INDOOR LEARNERS'POOL AT DR. SHYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE SWIMMING POOL COMPLEX AT THE ESTIMATED COST OF RS.422.50 LAKHS 12.1 Approved, with the direction that the construction of proposed facilities on PPP basis should be explored first. lt was observed that the revenue stream generated would pay for capital expenditure and exceed maintenance expenditure. ‐ 12.2 Swimminq Pool (Kiddies' Pool) at Maior Dhvan Chand National ν Stadium. New Delhi ‐ The Chairman desired that the Swimming Pool (Kiddies' Pool) at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, New Delhi should also be revived. ν ν (iり Per● ining to otheritems ‐ ‐ V し ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ し ‐ 13. Lem No 9:ESTABL:SHMENT OF SPECiAL AREA CAMES(SAC) CENTRE AT CHURACHANDPUR(MAN:PUR)AT AN EST:MATED COST OF RS.133.60 LAKHS ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ 13.'t The proposal was approved by the Governing Body, subject to adhering ヽ the observations made by DoE regarding approval of the Lease Deed by IFD of MYAS. ヽ ︶ 1 3.2 The Chairman desired that the Centre may concentrate on indigenous games specific to the area. ν し ‐ ‐ 13.3 At the same time, restructuring of STC and SAG Schemes be also done by a duly constituted Committee and the recommendations thereof be placed before the next Governing Body Meeting. The Committee will inter alia conduct the audit of all these Centres in the first instance and thereafter, come up with a new concept. While doing so, it will also suggest about the Centres which need to be closed in view of their dismal performance or so. A presentation on the above may be made in the next GB. ‐ ‐ ‐ 14. ltem No. 10: ‐ し ‐ ‐ CONSENT OF SAI lN THE APPROVAL OF SPACE TO OUTSIDE BODIES IN THE STADIA PREMISES IN DELHl 14.1 The proposal was approved taking into account the comments received from DoE. After discussion, it was decided that a Committee comprising the following be formed to examine all the proposals received for renting out of vacant space and generation of revenue, and submit the same to Chairman for ratification, in the subsequent GB meeting:- ‐ ‐ () DG,SA: 00 」S(Sports),MYAS ‐ ‐ ) Shrl Ma!av Sharoff (iV) Shri N/iren Rasquinha (1‖ ‐ (V) Sh‖ Mustafa Ghouse (vi) ED(Finance),SA! ν Chairman Member Member Member Member Member ‐ ヽ 142 ● _ ‐ 15. The Committee is empowered to take all decisions pertaining to renting out vacant space in the stadia and in the Regional Centres, if any, and generation of revenue. nem No ll: ν V し ヽ ν ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ REⅥ S10N OF TARiFF FOR SPORTS HOSTELIN J.N. STADiUM(JNS)ANDi.G.STADlUM(IGS) Approved PART― B ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ fltems with remarks/observations of the Finance Committee] 16. ltem No. 12: ESTABLTSHMENT OF SAI TRAINING CENTRE AT MAHE (PUDUCHERRY) Approved, subject to the Lease Deed appropriately protecting SAI's interests having been approved by IFD of MYAS. PART- C [New ltems - Not placed before Finance Committee] ︶ ︶ ︶ 17. 17.1 ltem No. 13: SETTING UP OF 27 ADDITIONAL CENTRES OF ARMY BOYS SPORTS COMPANIES (ABSCS) lN COLLABORATION WITH INDIAN ARMY On the basis of the suggestions received from DoE, the point-wise clarification is submitted below :- (D Extension of the scheme to include Class Xl & Xll would have further financial implications. The same is not provided seoaratelv. ︶ ︶ The trainees studying in Class Xl & Xll are provided boarding, lodging, sports equipment, education expenses, medical, insurance cover, etc. As on the date, the expenses in respect of hiring of tutor upto Class X are borne by the Army authorities. Hiring of additional teachers for Class Xl and Xll ︶ ︶ (45 ABSC Centres), a minimum of 2 teachers per ABSC per year @ Rs. 8,000/- per month, will cost Rs. 16,000/- per month per ABSC. An amount of Rs. 7,20,000/- per month for 45 ABSCs (which was inadvertently mentioned as Rs. 7,20,000/- per annum in the agenda) is required, totalling to Rs. 79,20,000/- (Rs. 7,20,0001 x 1'1 months). ︶ ︶ (ii) As Armv is suooosed to provide for infrastructure & sports facilities. one time orant for same @ Rs. 81 lakh is not iustified. ︶ ︶ As per decision of the 15th meeting of the Governing Body of SAI held on January 18, 1991, one time grant for creation and development of infrastructure and purchase of essential sports equipments upto a maximum of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs per Centre are to be provided by SAl. For setting up of 27 additional Centres of ABSCs, an amount of Rs. 81 Lakhs is therefore justified as this is as per the existing policy of the scheme. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ The same should be within the total envelooe of funds available for SAl. lt is to be kept in mind that no additional funds would be forthcominq. May require additional funds. 17.2 The proposal was approved. However, the suggestions made by DoE will be kept in mind. 18. !tem No 14:SETTiNG UP OF 7 CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE(COEs):N 18.1 On the basis of the suggestions received from DoE, the point-wise clarification is submitted below :- COLLABORAT:ON WiTHIND:AN ARMED FORCES SAI should provide the list of olaces other than ASl, Pune. where it proposes to establish COEs. ︶ ︶ . . o . o . 58, Gorkha Training Centre, Shillong (Archery & Boxing) 11, Gorkha Rifles Regt. Centre, Lucknow (Shooting) Raj Rif Regtl Centre, Delhi Cantt. (Athletics & Boxing) Jat Regt Centre, Bareilly (Wrestling) Bihar Regt Cenke, Danapur (Hockey) Arty. Centre, Hyderabad (Boxing & Athletics) ︶ ︶ \/Vhether anv non-recunino exDenditure on infrastructure etc. is involved. ︶ ︶ The Army authorities will project the requirement of additional funds, if any, for development of infrastructure and sports facilities, to SAl. The SAI will provide funds for upgradation of infrastructure on case to case basis in consultation with the Army. The Army and SAI through mutual consultations, will ensure availability of adequate funds (The MoU with Army has not been finalized till date). ︶ ︶ Para 2 qives the recurrinq cost Der annum Der trainee for the existinq COES, whereas oara 6 oives a fioure of Rs.89.250/- as recurrinq exoenditure oer oerson/ per vear. contains the details of admissible facilities provided to COE Residential and Non-residential trainees, whereas in para 6, an amount of Rs. 89,250/- is the total amount provided to residential trainees which includes boardin!flodginS @ Rs. 225/- per head per day for 330 days in a year and Rs. 15,000/- per head per annum towards sports kit, competition Para 2 ︶ ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ V ‐ ヽ exposure, rnedical expenses, insurance cover and other expenses,tota‖ ing to Rs 89,250/‐ per trainee per annum ν ヽ (iV) し PrOposed sharinq of costvvlth Armv,if anv ‐ ‐ The draft MOU is yetto be approved 18 2 ln m:nd し ‐ The propOsal was approved However,the suggestions made by DoE wi::be kept 19. lem No 15: ‐ ‐ ‐ S:GN:NG OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDiNG (Mou)BETWEEN SPORttS AUTHORITY OFIND:A (SAl)AND ARMED FORCES MED:CAL COLLEGE (AFMC),PUNE AppЮ ved ‐ ‐ 20. nem No 16: ▼ V ‐ 20 1 As perthe comments received from DoE,“ ltis to be ascertained whether SArs employees are entitled to Govt accommodation lf not,then it may not be desirable to spend funds meantto promote sports on non‐ spolts items' ‐ ‐ ヽ PROPOSAL FOR PURCHASE OF RESiDENT:AL FLATS AT CWG ViLLAGE AND EAST K:DWAiNAGAR 202 SAlemp!oyees are not entitled for Govt accommodation !n view of huge costinvolved and above observations of DoE,the proposa!was not agreed to ‐ PART― D し 『 temS appЮ ved on l:e bythe Cha:rmani Coveming Body,suttect tO clearance from Finance Committeeノ ratttcation by Governing Body] し し 21. ‖em No 17: ‐ ‐ AT AN EST:MATED COST OF RS.455.86 LAKHS し ‐ ‐ CONSTRUCT:ON OF TRANSiT ACCOMMODAT:ON FOR ttHE ALLOπ EES OF NAT:ONAL STAD:UM BARRACKS AND K:DD:ES P00L AT MAJ. DHYAN CHAND NAT10NAL STAD:UM(MDCNS),NEW DELH: Deferred lt was decided that as perthe directions of Finance Committee in its 65th meeting, the proposal would be moved on lle to Department of Expenditure with inputs on the opportunity cost Ofthe land and other relevant ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ facts !n this regard,the Chairrnan desired that the proposal needs to be expedited ︶ ヽ ︶ ︶ 22. hem No 18: し ︶ ENGAGEMENT OF HR EXPERT FOR COMPETENCY MODEL:NG,PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND CAPAC:Tγ BU:LDiNG, JOB FITMENT AND EMPLOYEE RECORD D:GITAL:ZAT10N ETC. 咄 hdrawn ︶ ︺ ISupp:ementary Agendal ︶ 23. nem No l:APPO:NTMENT OF GOVERNMENT OBSERVERS(GOs)AND THE REPORT OF WORK:NG GROuP ︶ ︶ ︶ Some importantissues have been lagged in the agenda item forrnaking the system of GOs more otteCtiVe and resul― onented ‖ was de‖ berated in ︶ detail and decided that the matter may be referred to a Conlmittee for further ︶ de!iberations ︶ from SA! The report ofthe Committee may be put up to GB Committee may include Secretary,SAl, Director(SpOrts),MYAS,Director(丁 EAMS)and Director(PerS &COaching) ︶ 24. and the ︶ ︶ ︶ lem No 2:DELECAT10N OF POWERS TO DG,SA:TO APPROVE THE HOLDiNG OF NON―SPORTS EVENTSiN SA: ESTABLiSHMENTS(EXCLUD:NG DELHiSTAD:A)UNDER ITS ACADEM:C:NSTITUTiONS,REG:ONAL CENTRES AND SUBCENTRES ETC.,ALL OVER INDiA ︶ 24 1 Approved A high‐ power committee of fo‖ owing ofrcials was consttuted to take ︶ appropriate steps for increasing revenue from various other sources, besides し Stadia ︶ ︶ . . . o . ︶ ︶ Director General, SAI Shri Malav Shroff Shd Viren Rasquinha Shri Mustafa Ghouse ED (Finance), SAI : : : : Chairman Member Member Member Member ︶ ︶ Thereafter, a presentation was made by DG, SAI on the way foruard for SAI highlighting the initiatives taken and the next steps to be taken. 26. This was followed by a presentation on Recruitment of Coaches, by Shri Malav Shroff. The GB decided to refer these recommendations of the ︶ 25, ︶ し ヽ 10 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︺ ︶ ヽ \, ._ v \p Committee to a departmental committee to be nominated by DG, SAI for further examination. 27. Another presentation was made by Shri Boria Mazumdar wherein the role of positive media publicity was emphasized. He further suggested that social media like Twitter, Facebook, U-tube channels be used for positive publicity by all Members of GB. The Chairman directed that Media Cell be strengthened and a Media Plan be implemented. 28. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to and from the Chair. ︶ ︶ ANNEXURE‐ \, \, v v \' . \\\.Y v v E ! \\r \\\- ` A' MINUTES OF THE 41ST MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA (SAl) HELD ON SEPTEMBER24,2013 AT 1330 HOURS List of Participants 1. 2. 3. (Sports) General Shri P.K. Deb, Secretary Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Shri Jiji Thomson, Director Sports Authority of lndia (SAl) Smt. Sujata Prasad Financial Advisor Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Shri O. Kedia, Joint Secretary Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Dr. G.S.G. Ayyangar, Joint Secretary (Development) Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports Shri Rajpal Joint Director, Dr. Gurdeep Singh, Deputy Association of lndian Universities Shri Zafar lqbal Ms. K. Malleswari (Sports) (Sports) 4. 5. 6. Singh FICCI Secretary 7. (AlU) (Hockey) 8. (Weightlifting) 9. 10. Shri Baichung Bhutia (Football) 11. Shri Malav Shroff (Yachting) 12. Shri Boria Majumdar, Sports Journalist 13. Shri Moraad AIi Khan (Shooting) 14. Shri Mren Rasquinha, Olympic Gold Quest '15. Shri Mustafa Ghouse, JSW '16. Shri Hira Ballabh, Secretary, SAI - Ex-officio Member - Ex-officio Member Ex-officio Member Ex-officio Member Ex-officio Member Rep. of President, FICCI Rep. of Secretary General, AIU Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member-Secretary - 11 ︶ ︶ ︶ ‐ し ‐ Agendaltem NQ2 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ し ‐ lTEM NO. 1 ‐ し ‐ ‐ AGENDA:TEMS ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2 TAKEN 6.1 While discussing the ATR, the ACT10N REPORT (ATR) ON Chairman emphasized the need to set THE IMPORTANT timelines in respect of the items approved DECISIONS TAKEN by the GB in its various meetings. Some IN THE 4OTH of the items where DoE made specific MEETING OF THE observations, are as follows :GOVERNING BODY (v) Aooroval of Revised Estimates of A detailed estimate is HELD ON JULY 24, Rs. 721.00 Lakh (Oriqinal Cost - Rs. awaited from SAI 2013 330 00 Lakh〕 fo「 lavino of svnthetic athletic track at SAI NERC. lmohal (Maniour) ヽ ‐ MYAS. し (vi) ‐ Februarv. 2014 at SA: LNCPE ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ し ‐ be put up to lFD, Revised aooroval for the works Amount to the tune of alreadv sanctioned related to National Rs. 99.00 lacs have Games to be held in Kerala m been released for the Thiruvananthaouram (Kerala) ‐ NERC lmphal and on receipt, the same will As pointed out by DoE ibid, the approval of MYAS for approval. RE for Synthetic Track at SAI NERC, lmphal would be with the advice of lFD, ‐ し Confirmed. Expenditure (DoE), Ministry of Finance on the various issues discussed during the last GB and FC meetings. The same was taken note of to be duly incorporated against each of the agenda items being taken up for discussion. ‐ ‐ GOVERN:NG BODY CONFIRMAT10N OF The minutes of the 40h meeting of the GB M:NUTES OF THE held on July 24, 2013 were read and 40TH MEETING OF confirmed. ln this context, it was informed THE GOVERN:NG by DG, SAI that a Note has been received BODY OF SAI HELD from Addl. Secretary (Expdt.), thereby enclosing the comments of Deptt. of ON」 ULY 24,2013 ‐ ‐ STATuS G:ST OF MINUTES OF 41S: As pointed out by DoE, the revised approval for works already sanctioned w.r.t. National Games, 2014, Kerala would sanctioned related Games. to works National ‐ し ■ し ︶ ヽ ‐ し be submitted to FC for post-facto information after decision is taken by DG, SAI in consultation with lFD, MYAS. (vii) Golden Hand Shake / Voluntarv Retirement Scheme (VRS) in SAI Revised proposal of the Scheme is being put up as a separate DoE has pointed out that the Draft VRS agenda point. Scheme should be brought back to GB. し し し し し ‐ し ︶ ︶ ︶ ‐ ‐ (viiり Amendment in the Recrulment RulesttRRJ of SA!for the post of Asstt Director pointed out by DoE, the draft amendments in Recruitment Rules will be taken up with DoPT. Shri Zafar lqbal pointed out that priority should be given to the persons having sports background. Ms. Karnam Malleswari suggested that the outstanding sportspersons working with other Organizations who are willing to be As associated with SAl, should also be provided an opportunity and taken on deputation. After detailed discussions, it was decided that recruitments し ‐ Recommendations of Governing Body were noted and matter has already been sent the to MYAS seeking amendment the Recruitment Rules (RRs) of SAI for the post of Asstt. Director where Masters Degree in Sports Development and Management as also experience in Sports has been put up as a criteria.. in whenever direct are made, persons with adequate sports experience may be given priority. ‐ ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ し し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 13 ︶ ︶ ︶ ‐ し ‐ し PART― A ヽ 『 temS COncurred by the Finance Committeel (i) Pedainino lo infrastructure Works ‐ ヽ 3 ‐ し ヽ し 4 ‐ し 5 ‐ ‐ NS NIS, PATIALA AT ‐ し ヽ ‐ ‐ AN ESTIMATED COST OF RS 53732 LAKHS CONSTRUCT10N OF STRENGTH TRAINING HALL NEAR NEW SYNTHETIC ATHLETIC TRACK oVEST S:DE)AT SAI ‐ し CONSTRUCT10N OF IND00R HALL FOR NS NIS, PAT:ALA AT ‐ `ヽ ″ DG, SAI informed that it has been pointed out by DoE that all the above items have BASKETBALL AT SAI been approved in the 65th FC Meeting with NS NIS, PAT:ALA AT a non-cost escalation clause in addition to AN ESTIMATED other clauses regarding availability of COST OF RS 50249 funds and price discovery by addressing various construction agencies in the public LAKHS VOLLEYBALL AT SAl ‐ ‐ CONSTRUCT10N OF IND00R HALL FOR 6 AN EST!MATED COST OF RS 22490 LAKHS PROVIDING AND LAYING OF SYNTHET!C ATHLETIC TRAK AT SAI REG10NAL CENTRE, LUCKNOW AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF RS76213 LAKHS sector. Administrative approval as well as Expenditure sanction has been issued to ED (A) and 10% of the estimated cost approval as well as Expenditure sanction has been issued to ED (A) and 10% of the estimated cost approval as well as Expenditure sanction has been issued to ED (A) and 10% of the estimated cost Administrative approval as well as Expenditure sanction has been issued to ED the (A) and 10% of estimated cost been released. じ ヽ ‐ し ‐ ‐ し has been released. し ‐ has been released. Administrative ‐ ヽ has been released. Administrative 14 has ‐ し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ し し ‐ 7 REPLACEMENT OF SYNTHET!C HOCKEY SURFACE AT SA: SOUTHERN CENTRE, BANGALORE AT AN ESTIMATED COST Administrative OF RS 571 00 LAKHS been released. approval as well as Expenditure sanction has been issued to ED (A) and 10% of the estimated cost has Discussions: JS (Development), MYAS mentioned that the possibility of creating pre-fab multi- Guidelines for setting purpose indoor halls (instead of civil up of a Technical construction) may be explored. ln Committee under the addition to being cost-effective, it will save Chairmanship of time as well. Regional Heads per Annexure - l- comprising of eminent sportsperson(s), coach of concerned discipline and an engineer to be nominated by the concerned agency have been issued as し ‐ ‐ ‐ NBIC, ν ‐ ‐ ν On a suggestion from FA (Sports) about conductlng a special audit of all the infrastructure works presently underuay, the Chairman desired that a brief update The brief update on all the ongoing works at SAI Centres is placed below. on all the on-going works may be prepared and submitted in the next GB meeting. ν レ し ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ Shri Moraad Ali Khan pointed out that the Noted for estimates for above works were prepared compliance. in the year 2007 and as such, the position needs to be reviewed with regard to the level of infrastructure facilities being created, as considerable time has elapsed since then. He desired that future the prioritization of all the infrastructure works to be taken up should first be decided by the GB and thereafter, be submitted to the FC for thorough scrutiny. し し ‐ し ‐ ‐ ‐ ν ‐ ‐ Guidelines Shri Baichung Bhutia raised the issue reqardinq the qualifu of various svnthetic for setting Technical Committee under the up of a Chairmanship 15 of ‐ し ‐ Regional Heads comprising of eminent sportsperson(s), coach of concerned discipline and an engineer to be decision. The Committee may consist of nominated by the eminent sports persons of the respective concerned agency sports discipline and one or two persons have been issued as per Annexure - Ifrom outside. A/B/C. turfs being created. After detailed a Technical discussion, it was decided that Committee should be constituted to decide about the turfs etc. to be laid and submit its recommendations before taking a final ‐ ヽ ヽ ヽ ν し ヽ The brief update on all Regarding status of on-going projects, the the ongoing works at Centres is Chairman desired that the matter be taken provided at Annexure with the concerned construction agencies -il. where the projects have been delayed or are lying incomplete and the status of all on-going projects be reported to the GB in its next meeting. し SAI ヽ ヽ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ し 8 CREATION OF Approved, with the direction that the A document is being INDOOR LEARNERS' construction of proposed facilities on PPP prepared for exploring P00L AT DR basis should be explored first. lt was development of SHYAMA PRASAD observed that the revenue stream learners' pool on MUKHER」 EE SWIMMING POOL COMPLEX AT THE EST!MATED COST OF RS 422 50 LAKHS generated would pay expenditure and exceed for capital maintenance ヽ Private Partnership' Model. expenditure. Swimminq Pooi giddies' Poon at Malor The estimate is being Dhvan Chand National Stadium. New prepared by CPWD De!hi and the matter shall be じ し 'Public taken u thereafter. The Chairrnan desired that the Swinnming Pool(Kiddies'Pooll at Ma10r Dhyan Chand Natlonal Stadium, New Delhi shou:d also be rev:ved し ‐ ‐ し し ‐ ‐ ‐ ヽ し ‐ ‐ ´ 6 し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 中i) Perね ining to Otheritems ヽ ヽ ヽ ESTABLISHMENT OF The proposal was aPproved bY the The Dy. Director l/C SPECIAL AREA Governing Body, subject to adhering the SAI NERC lmphal has observations made by DoE regarding been asked to send ν ‐ ‐ CHURACHANDPUR (MANIPUR) AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF RS 133 60 LAKHS approval of the Lease Deed bY IFD of the Draft MOU. MYAS. The Chairman desired that the Centre may concentrate on indigenous games specific to the area. ‐ ‐ Further, a note is being Director (finance) for allocation of required funds for Churachandpur. On receipt of the fund and execution of MOU necessary action will for taken immediate starts of the proposed Centre. ln principle, SAI NERC has intimated to the management commiftee of National sent to be ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ uP Churachandpur for upgradation of the ‐ ground and other minor renovation works etc. which are under progress. ‐ ‐ し し ‐ し ‐ ‐ し し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ At the same time, restructuring of STC and SAG Schemes also be done bY a duly the constituted Committee placed recommendations thereof before the next Governing Body Meeting. The Committee will inter alia conduct the audit of all these Centres in the first instance and thereafter, come up with a new concept. Vvhile doing so, it will also suggest about the Centres which need to their dismal be closed view presentation on the performance or so. A above may be made in the next GB. and be in of All the Regional Directors were asked to review all the STCs, SAG Centres and the Extension Centres at their level and thereafter, send an lnspection Note on the same. The Note has been received from all the RDs and the same being examined, after which, based on their recommendations, necessary steps continue/close Centres would is 17 ‐ ‐ ‐ taken after し ヽ from SAI HQs. After a comprehensive review, the matter shall be brought up before the ‐ ‐ 43'd Governing BodY ▼ ‐ ヽ ‐ し THE APPROVAL OF SPACE T0 0UTSIDE BODIES :N THE STADIA PREMISES IN DELH: し 含 l朧 m認 器 鵠鵬en Ⅷ Rasquinha l Member ‐ (iV) Shn V「 (V) Shn Mustafa Ghouse l Member ‐ 軋 c諦 祀 :n「 [淵 w:rerr胤 訓 decisions pertaining to renting out vacant ‐ ‐ space in the stadia and in the Regional Centres,if any,and generation ofrevenue ‐ REVIS10N OF TAR:FF ‐ provided at Annexure - lll. Furthermore, letter FOR SPORTS HOSTEL IN 」N STADIUM (JNS)AND IG STADIUM OGS) 14/225 21/11/2013 し No. dated Copy of the letter is provided at :V. The revised tarlff has been nOtined vide nOtincatiOn No 13/SAVSAIClrcular/ dated 2013‐ 14/1389 18 10 2013 the ‐ the 05/SA1/SA/Misc/2013- Annexure‐ し ‐ to dated ‐ し To augment the into generation bY revenue account the comments received ftom DoE After discussion, it was decided that a way of allowing NonCommittee comprising the following be Sporting events at examine all the proposals various SAI Stadias, formed received for renting out of vacant space instructions have been and generation of revenue, and submit the issued vide circular No. same to Chairman for ratification, in the 1(101ysAUB&F/2ol 3l0th 14111' subsequent GB meeting:October 2013, details CONSENT OF SAI :N The proposal was approved taking し ‐ Physical verification, wherever required, by a team Copy Of NotincatiOn is provided at Annexure ‐V. し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Items with remarks/observations of the Finance Committee ESTABL:SHMENT OF Approved, subject to the Lease Deed The Principal LNCPE SA! TRAIN:NG appropriately protecting SAI's interests Trivandrum has been asked to draft the MoU having been approved by IFD of MYAS. CENTRE AT MAHE in a manner so as to PUDUCHERR ‐ ‐ し as to protect the SAI's interests and reduce the recurring costs to the minimum. He has し ヽ also been asked ‐ to the ensure that infrastructure ヽ is all respects by the State Govt. before taking over by SAl. completed ▼ ‐ in ヽ On Of receipt from information LNCPE, Trivandrum, the MOU after due diligence, be foruarded to MYAS for approval. し し will ‐ ψ PART― C ヽ ‐ 13 SEl「 !NG ADDIT10NAL ‐ ‐ ‐ し し ‐ し し ‐ ‐ ‐ し ‐ ‐ ‐ INew nems_Not placed before Finance Commmee UP OF 27 On the basis of the suggestions The proposal for received from DoE, the point-wise establishment of 5 centres CENTRES OF ARMY clarification is submitted below :BOYS SPORTS COMPANIES(ABSCs) (i) Extension of the scheme to IN COLLABORAT10N in lude Class Xl & Xl! would have WITH:NDIAN ARMY further financial implications. The during current financial year 2013-14 has been received from the DGMT. Before establishment of the centres, the Joint inspection will be carried same is not orovided seoaratelv. out, for which office of The trainees studying in Class Xl & Xll DGMT have been are provided boarding, lodging, sports requested to intimate equipment, education expenses, dates. medical, insurance cover, etc. As on date, the expenses in respect of hiring The suggestion made by of tutor upto Class X are bome by the DoE will be adhered as and when any ABSCs and Army authorities. Centre of excellence are Hiring of additional teachers for Class established. Xl and Xll (45 ABSC Cenhes), a minimum of 2 teachers per ABSC per year @ Rs. 8,000/- per month, will cost Rs. 16,000/- per month per ABSC. An ︶ ︶ amount of Rs. 7,20,0001 per month for inadvertently mentioned Rs. 7,2O,OO0|- per annum in the agenda) is required, totaling Rs. 79,20,0001- (Rs 7,20.O0O[ x months). 45 ABSCs (which was as to ll 19 V ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ suppOsed to pro宙 de for infrastructure&spons faci‖ ‖es,one (‖ ヽ )As Armvも ti ヽ not iustified. ︶ ︶ As per decision of the 15h meeting of the Goveming Body of SAI held on January '18, 1991 , one time grant for creation and development of infrastructure and purchase of essential sports equipments upto a ︶ ︶ ︶ maximum of Rs. 3.00 Lakhs per Centre are to be provided by SAl. For setting up ol 27 additional Centres of ABSCS, an amount of Rs. 81 Lakhs is therefore justified as this is as per the existing policy of the scheme. ν ‐ ‐ (iii) ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ SA! 14 し し ‐ し ‐ ‐ SETTING UP OF 7 CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE(COEs) !N COLLABORAT!ON WITH IND:AN ARMED FORCES "yaXable_foI lt is to be kept in mind that n。 additional funds would be forthcsmolL May require additional funds. The proposal was approved. However, the suggestions made by DoE will be kept in mind. the suggestions On the basis received from DoE, the point-wise clarification is submitted below .- of The proposal (i) . in . 賛 n a ︶ ︶ ︶ for establishment of 06 COEs in collaboration with the Army will be initiated after SAI should provide the list of signing of MOU between Dlaces other than ASl, Pune, where it Army & SAl. proposes to establish COES. Although, MOU for COE 58, Gorkha Training Centre, has been approved by Hon'ble MOS (l/C) on Shillong (Archery & Boxing) principle, 7 .11.13 11 , Gorkha Rifies Regt. Centre, minute details are being Lucknow (Shooting) Ral Rif RegJ centre, Delhi worked out before signing. 0 ︵︶ ‐ The same should be within the total envelope slfunds (Ath!etcs&Boxing) Regt Centre, (Wrestling) 」at Bareilly ︶ ︶ . Bihar Regt Centre, Danapur (Hockey) . Arty. Centre, Hyderabad (B。 力ng&Athに lcs) ︺ (li) VVhether anv no口 =recurlng ︶ 20 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ し ヽ exDenditure involved. on infrastructure etc. is ︶ The Army authorities will project the requirement of additional funds, if any, for development of infrastructure and sports facilities, to SAl. The SAI will provide funds for upgradation of ︶ ︶ ︶ infrastructure on case to case basis in consultation with the Army. The Army and SAI through mutual consultations, will ensure availability of adequate funds (The MoU with ArmY has not been finalized till date). ︶ ︶ ︶ Para 2 oives the recurrinq cost Der annum per trainee for the existino C()Es. whereas para 6 q!ves a fqure ︶ as recurrino of __Rs 89 250/‐ exDenditure oer Derson/ oer vear. ︶ Para 2 contains the details ︶ ︶ (iii) of COE Non-residential Residential trainees, whereas in para 6, an amount of Rs. 89,250L is the total amount provided to residential trainees which includes boarding/lodging @ Rs. 2251per head per day for 330 days in a year and Rs. 15,000/- per head per annum competition towards sports exposure, medical expenses, insurance cover and other expenses, totalling to Rs. 89,2501 per trainee per annum. Prooosed sharino of cost with Armv. if anv. ︶ admissible facilities provided and to ︶ ︶ ︶ し ヽ kit, ︶ ︶ (iv) ︶ ︶ し ︶ 15 ︶ ︶ ︶ S:GNING OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MoU) BETVVEEN SPORTS AUTHORITY ︶ OF IND:A(SAり AND ARMED FORCES MED!CAL COLLEGE The draft MoU is yet to be approved. The proposal was approved. However, the suggestions made by DoE will be kept in mind. MOU is under discussion Approved. with the Ministry of Defence and AFMC, Pune, particulady with regard to the deputation of trained AFMC personnel abroad with SAI for specific number of vears, ︶ し ヽ ︶ ︶ し ‐ ヽ after (AFMC),PUNE し 16 し PROPOSAL PURCHASE FOR OF RES:DENTIAL FLATS ︶ AT CWG V:LLAGE AND EAST KIDWAI NACAR ︶ ︶ successful completion of training. for Since the proposal was not entitled are SAI employees action Govt. accommodation. ln view of huge dropped. cost involved and above observations required. of DoE, the proposal was not agreed to. No ︶ し PART - D fltems approved on file by the Chairman, Governing Body, subject to clearance from Finance Co ︶ 17 CONSTRUCT10N OF ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ し Deferred. lt was decided that as The proposal was sent to TRANSIT oer the directions of Finance the Ministry of Finance, ACCOMMODAT!ON bommittee in its 65th meeting, the Depft. Of Expenditure, but FOR THE proposal would be moved on file the same has been turned ALLOTTEES OF to Department of Expenditure with down. NAT10NAL STAD!UM inputs on the opportunity cost of BARRACKS AND relevant facts. KIDDIES POOL AT the land and otherthe Chairman regard, ln this MAJ DHYAN CHAND NAT10NAL STADIUM desired that the proposal needs to (MDCNS), NEW be expedited. t DELH: AT AN EST!MATED COST OF RS 455 86 LAKHS ︶ し 18 OF Wthdrawn FOR ︶ MODELiNG, ピ ︶ ENGAGEMENT HR EXPERT COMPETENCY CAPACITγ BUILDING, No Actron Required. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND ︶ ︶ 」OB FITMENT AND EMPLOYEE RECORD DIGITALIZAT10N ETC ︶ ︶ [Supplementary Agenda] ︶ ︶ ︶ こ ・ APPOINTMENT OF Some important issues have been A committee was set up flagged in the agenda item for making under the Chairmanship of GOVERNMENT OBSERVERS (GOs) the system of GOs more objective Secretary, SAl, who have AND THE REPORT and result-oriented. lt was submitted their report. The OF WORKING deliberated in detail and decided that same is being put up as a the matter may be referred to a separate agenda item. GROUP Committee for further deliberations ︶ し ︶ ︶ ‐ ‐ ‐ and the Committee may include Secretary ,SAl, Director (Sports), MYAS, Directo(TEAMS) and ‐ し Directo(Pers. & Coaching) from SAl. The report of the Committee may be ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2 DELEGAT10N OF POWERS TO DG,SAI TO APPROVE THE HOLD:NG OF NON‐ SPORTS EVENTS IN DUt up to GB. Approved. A high-power Approved. committee of following officials was Accordingly, a circular has constituted to take appropriate steps been issued to all for increasing revenue from various concerned. A copy of the other sources, besides Stadia. SAI ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ し ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ し ‐ ‐ ‐ ︶ ︶ し ‐ し ESTABLISHMENTS (EXCLUDING DELHI STADIA)UNDER ITS ACADEMiC :NSTITUT10NS, REG10NAL CENTRES AND SUB‐ CENTRES ETC, ALL O∨ ER IND:A SAI . Chairman Shroff : Member : Member Ghous : Member SAI : Member Director General, Shri Malav Shri Viren Rasquinha Shri Mustafa ED (Finance), same is provided Annexure - Vl. at し ANNEXURE‐ ■ Ⅱ ‐ し ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ S No ‐ Name ol work Total RdL of Appd approwa:of Finance Cost Released prog of including Lakhs) prsYlou3 work Committee (:n year LNCPE Thiruvananthapuram ‐ 57th FCM dt ‐ Present Status 1 Providing of wooden flooring in MP, Hall ‐ ll l16 2010 & 13500 3450 5% National Games Sec{ requested for certain change, estimate is revised and to be submitted for approval in the nen FC. 9900 9900 0% 24072013&work awarded 31511 630D Requesl of hostel is reviewed and new proposal put up to nexl FCM. The proposal is to construct new hostels by using prefab technology. 26381 5100 Revised estimate of Rs. 263.8'l approved by 4oth GB (24.07.2013) & work awarded by CPWO, 43000 43000 22062010 57th FCM dt ‐ Renovalion of Cycling Velodrome ‐ l1062010 & 22062010 8 64th FCM RE of Rs 99 00 approved by 40th GB Dt dt 09072013 ▼ SAC A:leppev ‐ 50 FCM d 27022∞ 7 ヽ ‐ 3 C/o50 Bedded Hostei ∞ mplex at A‖ eppey and 55th FCM 22012009 & 12062010 ‐ 57th FCM dt し C/o. New Boat House ν 4 ヽ mainlenance yard & floating jeeting at pummanaad at Alleppey l1062010 & 22062010 8 62 FCM dt 2● 12‐ 12& 64th FCM dt 09072013 ‐ NSSC Bangalore ‐ し 57th FCM dt 5 Re‐ Laying of Syn Alhletc track at Bangalore l1062010 & 22062010 CPWD has c€lled for Global Tender for the 0% 3rd time as the previous two calls did not give adequate response ν ‐ し 6 Construciion of compound wall all around SAI campus at Bangalore 57th FCM a l1062010 & 25000 8400 Work awarded 22062010 ‐ NiS Patala ‐ ‐ し 24 ︶ ︶ ︶ ‐ ‐ ‐ 51st&52nd ‐ 7 C′o21XI Bedded Hostel FCM&GBM dt 94471 94471 98% Work in progress. Minor works yet to be 60817 60817 95% Work in progress l1012008 ‐ completed. 55th FCM dt し 8 C/o100 bedded Hostel at STC Badal Muktsar ‐ 22012009 & 12022009 Regional Centre Lucknow ‐ ln 2003 originally work approved with diving & main pool mmbined 80% work completed し ‐ 9 ‐ Construc{ion of Swimming Pool at Sub centre Lucknow. Dt wo stopped as diving &main poolwerc not separate as per FINA rules. As per the direction of FC dt. 9.7.20'13. A in 2005 & 42nd FCM 21679 21679 80% 21062013 technical commitlee may review the usefulness & allemative uses of lhe projecl. The report of Technical Committee is ‐ awaited. し UDM(Bhalli)Centre Bhopa: ‐ ‐ 10 Providing and Laying of Synthetic Track al CRC Bhopal 57th FCM dt l10610& 220610 45214 45214 55% Base woR compieted and for Laying of Syntheuc T「ackis being opened work w‖ ∞ mpleted by 2014,Ap門 l be │ ‐ ‐ Jagatpur alth FCM ‐ 27 02 2αЭ7, 54th FCM ν 11 ‐ C′o100 Bedded hostel(60 boys and 40 Cirls) 28082008 and 61th FCM 95%Work∞ mpleted&balance work面 ‖be 68143 68143 95% dire菌 on Of FC (24082012) & 04062013 ‐ 5KIth FCM ‐ 27022007. 54th FCM ν ヽ cornpleted by March 2014 reViSed esttmate be subm tted in next FC as perthe w‖ l C/o boundary Wall for SAG 28082008 and 61th FCM 14849 14851 95% do 50% tender for synthetic athletic track has already been awarded Work stopped due to rainy season (24082012) & ‐ ν ‐ 04062013 North East Region NER SAi SuB CENTRE CuWAHAT:{SAC NEHu SH:LLONG) ‐ ‐ Footba‖ grOund and synthetic Athleuc Track V 54th FCM dt 28082008 199 441 99 “ ‐ ‐ EJ う‘ ‐ ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ‐ ‐ 49th FCM dt ‐ 02092006 laying of Syn. Hockey surhce at takyel, imphal ‐ ‐ and 62 FCM dt 20/12112 4α h GBM 9′ 7′ 53554 20000 60% work in progress. Revised estimate approved in 40th GB (24.07.2013] 72100 33000 50% ReViSed estimate yetto be approved by 10647 7600 65% Revised estimate is to be put up to FC′ for revised approval 188458 139300 80% Delay in completion due to bad law & order situation T 192 69% Delay in completion due to bad law & order situation of the State 105400 47000 68% Delay in completion due to bad law & order situation of the State 65931 43200 89% Yetto be completed 13 NERC:mphal ヽ 491h FCM dt ‐ laying of Syn. Athletic Track al Takyal, lmphal し 02092006 and 62 FCM FC′ GB dt 20′ 12712 ‐ C′ o 3Nos of Tennis cOuns、 Ⅵth syn Takyal ‐ surface 7 FIood light at 50th FCM dt 27022007 GB Takyallmphal ‐ 57th FCM di lmphal l1062010 8 αo of MP Ha‖ at SAG 5∝ h FCM dt C/o MPHa‖ し at Takyal 22062010 ‐ ‐ Centre ultou し 59048 “ 57th FCM dt C/o100 bedded Hostel at SAC Centre,Utlou ‐ SAG ‐ し C′ 20 し 27022007 l1062010 & 22062010 Aい けal(MiZOram) o 100 Bedded Hostel for 60 boys+40 gids for SAI SAG at AizwaI 5∝ h FCM dt 27022007 Mizoram ‐ ‐ ▼ ヽ ν ‐ ν ‐ V V ‐ ‐ ν ‐ ‐ 26 、 ︶ ︶ Agenda!tem No.3 し ヽ RECONST:TUT!ON OF THE GOVERN:NG BODY OF SAI AND AUTHOR:ZAT10N TO CHAIRMAN GOVERNING BODY TO EXERCISE ITS POWERS WHEN :T iS NOT MEETING ︶ ︶ The Governing Body of SAI has been reconstituted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs ︶ ︶ Annexure- Vll. ︶ ︶ 2. & Sports vide No. 1-7 t2}13tlD dated 11th November, 20'13, as per the Order placed at The Goveming Body in its first meeting held on 28.O4.19U authorized the ︶ ︶ Chairman, Goveming Body to take the decision on its behalf with the stipulation that the decision taken by the Chairman would be placed before the Governing Body at its next meeting. This authorization was reiterated by the Governing Body from time to time subsequent to its reconstitution by the MYAS. ︶ ヽ 3. ln view of the above, the approval of the Governing Body is solicited to the following resolution :- ︶ ︶ "The Goveming Body hereby r*olves to authorize the Chairman, Governing Body to exercise the powers of the Goveming Body when it is not meeting, subject to the aclion taken by the Chairman under this authorization being placed before it for ratificalion in its immedialely following meeting." ヽ ︶ ︶ ヽ ︶ ヽ ︶ Aqenda ltem No. 4 APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT AND AUDITED ACCOUNTS OF SAI FOR THE YEAR 20,I1-12. TO BE LAID IN BOTH THE HOUSES OF PARL]AMENT The Annual Report & Audited Accounts of SAI for the year 2011'12 have been finalized with the approval of Chairman, Governing Body, SAI & Minister of State (l/C) for YA & Sports and the same are to be placed before Parliament. Approval of the Goveming Body is sought on the same. 28 ヽ ︶ Aqenda ltem No. 5 ︶ ヽ CONSTITUTION OF AN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IN SAI ﹂ The Goveming Body of sAl exercises all the administrative and financial powers in pursuit of aims and objectives of the Society set forth in its Memorandum of Association (MoA) and its rules there under ヽ 2. ︶ Vide rule 34 (b) (v), the Goveming Body is empowered to 'appoint and dissolve commiftees and sub-committees consisting of persons who may or may not be members of the Governing Body or employees of the Society, for the purposes of Societ/. ︶ 3. ヽ lnvoking the aforesaid rules, Finance Committee was duly constituted by the Governing Body to scrutinize the budget estimates and proposals involving financial implications prior to being brought before the Governing Body of the Society. ︶ ︶ 4. lt is proposed that an Executive Committee may also be constituted, which would deliberate in detail on various policy matters and Finance Committee recommendations, which are considered necessary, conducive or incidental to the attainment or enlargement of the aims and objectives of the society. All the proposals emanating from the deliberations of the said proposed committee shall then be brought before the chairman of the Governing Body for decision on behalf of the Governing Body. The decision so taken shall be brought to the notice of the Governing Body in the next meeting. ヽ ヽ 5. This is being proposed to effectuate decisions expeditiously, which get held up on account of difficulty in convening the Goveming Body frequently. ︶ ︶ 6. The Proposed composition of the Executive Commiftee is as follows:- ヽ ︶ ︶ i. ii. iii. iv. v. 7. Secretary (Sports), MYA&S Director General, SAI Executive Director (Academics), SAI Two non-official members ( to be nominated by the Chairman) Secretary(SAl) Approval - Chairman Member Member - Member -Secretary of the Governing Body is solicited for constitution of the proposed Executive Committee in SAl. ︶ ヽ ︶ ︶ ヽ ︶ ﹂ 29 ! \\, \' Aqenda ltem No. 6 pRoposAL FoR GoLDEN HAND SHAKE scHEME tN sAt Wth reference to decision in 4lstMeeting of Governing Body, a Commiftee was constituted to come up with a viable and attractive scheme. The Committee after having observed various Golden hand shake Schemes / Voluntary Retirement Schemes of Psus/Autonomous Bodies / Banks and guidelines issued by Govt. of lndia in this regard, has submitted a proposal for VRS in SAI which is detailed as under :- \\- a) The Scheme should be valid for 3 months from the date of notification / \, b) As per internal assessment, the following numbers in each Group are expected to take VRS. l) ll) lll) \' v v v \\' \r \, .v implementation, so that all willing employees may do so at an early date and well before 7th Pay Commission, so that financial implication & effectiveness of the scheme is regulated as per anticipated number and estimated expenditure. GrouP MTS employees 30o/o 15To A 15o/o for c) more Proposal for giving notional increment to employees who have worked than 6 months on a particular stage (Basic Pay) opting VRS to be given one notional increment (equal to 3% of basic + GP) to determine salary on the date of Voluntary Retirement. This is based on general principle followed ln Govt. of lndia. d) Ex-gratia has been proposed to 250 days (as normally provided in other schemes). e) Encashment of HPL to at the credit of employee's leave account on the date of VRS has been proposed (as adopted by NAFED). 2. Tentative Financial implications, i.e. expected payments and expected savings has been calculated as under:Total No. of staff expected to opt VRS (including coaches) & COST estimated. ●0 S N ︶ ︶ 3. 1 2 3 ︶ ︶ \- GrouP C&D and Group B of 4 4. A Current Strenqth 872 B 424 Estimated VRS Optees 130 64 C D 534 160 Group Group Group Grouo Group Estimated Cost for VRS payments 26 11 16 27 81 70 06 22 38 36 Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr 288 961 642 Total 2791 The above calculation is based on following exemption & suggested draft VRS Scheme: 30 ︶ ︶ a) ヽ ︶ b) c) d) ︶ e) ︶ f) g ︶ ︶ h り ︶ D ︶ k り ︶ Estimated VRS Optees have been taken 15% of Group A & B and 30% for Group c&D. Salary has been taken 50% of maximum of pay Band plus GP. DA 90% has been calculated. HRA/TPA/Hi|| area allowances etc. has been estimated al2Oo/o PaY + grade PaY. Ex-Gratia is calculated @ 210 days in each case keeping in view average exgratia due.. of Eamed Leave encashment has been calculated 240 days keeping in average leaved due to employees on the date of VRS. HPL encashment have been calculated 240 days keeping in view of average leaved due to employees on the date of VRS. Gratuity has been calculated lot 24 yea.s as qualifying service. Assumed average age 50 years -26 years age i.e entry into Govt. service. 40% commutation of pension (basic pay + GPl2 = Pension. Transfer Grant calculated for 80% of each Group who will opt VRS. Average age has been taken 50 years. It is presumed for salary savings that 3% employees could be retired every year. view No. of pensioners reduced 4o/o eve\ leat. ︶ ︶ Summary of Savings during next 10 years ヽ ︶ S No Heads Net Value Discounted value A Benefit inflow:- Estimated Salary savings during next 10 years Rs 30913 Cr Rs 215 37 Cr B Expenditure on pension during next 10 years Rs 97 01 Cr Rs 68 83 Cr Estimated expenditure on Rs 81 36 Cr Rs 81 36 Cr Rs 130 76 Cr Rs 65 18 Cr C ︶ ︶ VRSin SAldunng 13‐ 14 D Net savings (A-B-C) SQ:-Pension Commutation, Gratuity, Leave encashment etc. not included keeping in mind that these are committed expenditure due to statutory/terminal benefits which are paid earlier and there would be higher expense on these items even in the case of normal retirement. These benefits would be fixed at higher levels in normal course because of pay revisions, promotions, increments etc. ︶ ︶ 5. 6. The detailed Proposal forVRS in SAI is placed at Annexure Vlll. The copies of guidelines issued by Govt. of lndia in this regard are placed at AnnexurelX; Voluntary Retirement Scheme adopted by NAFED is place at Annexure-X 7. Keeping in view, the expected increase in financial burden with implementation of 7th Pay Commission during 2O1G17 & thus reduction in anticipated number of optees, it is ︶ ︶ submitted that for Voluntary Retirement Scheme to be successful in SAI the same has to be approved and implemented immediately i.e. within 2014. 8. ln principle approval of the VRS Scheme is sought from the Goveming Body, following which, the same shall be taken up with the MYAS for approval of their IFD as well as seeking necessary funds from Ministry of Finance. ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ︺ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ Aoenda ltem No. 7 FOR H(AMPLE. GROUNDSMEN FROM SAI HQS TO REGIONAL CENTRES AS WELL AS ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS SAI came into existence in 984 and employees were engaged from different streams. As per Recruitment Rules (RRs) of SAI framed in 1991-92 for Group C & D employees, Regional Director / ln-charges of Regional Cenfes, LNCPE Thiruvananthapuram & NIS Patiala are the Appointing Authority / Disciplinary Authority and as such seniority & other establishment matters of these cadres are maintained at respective lnstitutes / Regional Centres, while Group A & B cadres are All lndia cadres, with a common seniority. Under present circumstances, if a group C & O staff goes to a '1 Region different to his parent Region, he loses his seniority & becomes junior most at the new place of posting. 2. Of late, it has been realized that due to retirements and increase in the number of Centres in various areas as also increasing requirements at NSNIS, Patiala and LNCPE, Thiruvananthapuram and nearly zero recruitment in these cadres, a lot of vacancies are available in the field formations. Therefore, there is an immediate need to rationalize utilization of services of staff in Group C & D to carry out works which are not manageable from existing strength of Group C & D employees at the Regional Centre / Field Units. Consequently, these Centres had been deploying staff on contracUDaily Wages/Adhoc basis 3. There had been a number of vacancies at the level of Groundsmen in the various Regional Centres as well as the two Academic institutions, namely, NSNIS, Patiala and LNCPE, Thiruvananthapuram. ln contrast, we have 1 17 Groundsnen in Delhi who are working at the SAI HQs or at the various stadia in Delhi, but most of them are without any substantial work as maintenance of grounds in these stadia at Delhi is not done by them. 4. An ideal situation would be to transfer these Groundsmen to various Regional Centres and the Academic lnstitutions, but the Sports Authority of lndia (Service) ByeJaws and Conditions of Service Regulations, 1992, under Para 19 Liability for transfer is as under :- - Every Officer of the Socieg holding the post in the a scale of pay equivalent to the scale of pay of any group 'A' or Group 'B' (Gazetted) post under the Central Government shall be liable to serve anywhere in lndia in any office of the Organization. b) Every Officer of the Society holding post carrying a scale of pay equivalent to the scale of Group 'B' (non-gazetted) post under the Central Govt. and Group ︶ a) ︶ ︶ し し 'C' and Group 'D' employees shall be liable to service anywhere in the respective regions in which they are appointed. c) ︶ ln the case of Hindi Translator transfer outside their own regions may be made on administrative exigencies and according to staffing pattern. し 33 ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ ﹂ ヽ ﹂ し d) Provided that any employee carrying a scale of pay equivalent to the scale of ヽ pay of group'C'& group 'D' employees seeking transfer to any other Region/or Central Office or vice-versa shall be taken as junior most in ヽ that Region in the category in which such transfer is made. し ヽ ´ e) ヽ Notwithstanding anything contained in the para (a) to (d) above any employee may be transferred from one Region to another Region or to Central Office or vice-versa on administrative grounds or in the public interest with the approval of Director General. し 5. ヽ し ︶ ︶ ヽ し し い ln view of the above, although nothing prevents us from transferring the excess Groundsmen available at New Delhi to various formations in the country on administrative grounds, but before taking any such step, it shall be in the fitness of things if we seek options from the various Groundsmen recruited and posted in Delhi. Since, it is expected that most of them would not be willing to be transferred out of Delhi, we may give them an option wherein on being transferred out of Delhi for a limited period of three years, they would be considered on deputation, thereby enabling them to retain their seniority in their region of recruitment as also they may be given the applicable Deputation Allowance. Needless to say that the HM and allowances shall be as applicable to the place of deputation. lntra Regional postings on normal deputation terms & conditions would encourage lower level staff to work at centre away from their Home town / states without loss of seniority and financial benefits. This would also reduce demand for engagement of casual / contractual staff & enhance better utilization of available manpower in SAI at the required venues. し 6. ヽ ln the absence of transferringisending on deputation these Groundsmen from Delhi, who are under-utilized, we shall have to do ftesh recruitments in the various regions and at the academic institutions or take as many people on contract, thereby increasing our fi nancial liabilities. ︶ L 7. lt may be mentioned that taking officers from within the organization on deputation ヽ ヽ し wherever separate cadres are maintained, is an accepted practice, e.g., as per the Border Security Force (Engineering/Electrical) Group-B and C posts Recruitment Rules, 1g99, the post of Jr. Engineer (Elect.), serving officers from BSF with requisite qualifications can be taken on deputation. Similarly, for the post of Head Constables, serving BSF personnel can be taken on deputation (A copy of the RRs is at Annexure-Xl). 8. ln case of SAl, separate seniority is being maintained for Groundsmen in different regions and therefore, a shift of Groundsmen from Hes to Regional Centres can be termed as 'Deputation' once specific amendments are made in the Recruitment Rules. ヽ ヽ 9. ︶ ︶ ln view of the above, Governing Body of SAI is requested to consider approval for amending the RRs providing for intra-reqional centre transfer on deoutation basis in the cadre of Groundsmen and any other Group C or D employee of SAl, on need basis. ︶ ︶ ︶ し 34 ︶ し ヽ ヽ Aqenda ltem No. 8 ヽ ︶ STADIUM (MDCNS). NEW DELHI ︶ ﹂ INTRODUCTION ヽ ︶ The proposal is to establish a world class Sports Museum in Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium (MDCNS), New Delhi. lt is envisaged to have an inspiring and innovative educational and cultural institution, along the lines of the great museums of the world, such as the ones found in the National Mall in Washington, DC (USA). The Prime objective of the proposed Museum is to showcase ideas and values and also the artifacts. The need for such a museum is profound in today's environment as in today's increasingly globalised and ftactured world, people from various countries, members of different communities and ethnicities find themselves sharing a common space. The proposed Museum is intended to provide information and resources as Sports can indeed be a positive force for global healing, social transformation and personal growth, community health and social cohesiveness in the diverse milieu of lndia. lt can add new dimension to the cultural life of people as part of sports tourism and also represent the rising aspirations of people. The project would also have an educational value for the public at large. WHY AT MDCNS Spread in 37 acres Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium (MDCNS) was the venue of first Asian Games held in 1951 and the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) was also born here. The Stadium was built in 1933 as a gift to Delhi by Maharaja of Bhavnagar. The Chief Architect of MDCNS was Mr. Anthony S. Demillo. lt was originally used as multi-purpose Stadium and named as lnrvin Amphitheatre. ln '1951, it was named as National Stadium and Hockey Legend Dhyan Chand's name was added in 2OO2. fhe Stadium is centrally located and this area is gradually developing as a hub of various museums. National Museum, National Gallery of Art, National Science Centre Museum, Crafts Museum, National Gallery of Modern Art, Gandhi Smiriti, National Philantilic Museum, lndira Gandhi National Centre of Art are all in the vicinity. ︶ It is proposed to establish the Museum in the front left half in the ground and first ffoor of MDCNS which remaihed unutilized even during events. ﹂ MISSION AND GOALS し ︶ 1. 2. ︶ ヽ ﹂ 3. Encourage respect for sports by introducing visitors to the core values and practices of all the major sports disciplines. To bring social cohesiveness through sporting culture. To provide sports as an opportunity for people of different backgrounds to get to know, understand, respect and learn from each other, including a respect for diversity. The value enshrined in our constitution like justice, liberty, equality and fraternity will be the objective of Museum. To encourage healthy life among masses. ︶ 35 ︶ ︶ ︶ し ヽ ︶ ヽ し 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Make sports an important part of entertainment. Develop sports tourism as an important dimension of travel. Bring competitiveness, develop respect for achievements and develop passion for sports. Highlight the challenges sports faces in the modern world, such as the Doping etc. Emphasis on the importance of sportspersons and sports as driving vehicles contributing to cultural exchange, social stability and world peace. Museum will serve as a treasure of educational resources for children and bring positive mindset and discipline among them. APPROACHING TO GOALS The Museum intends to approach these goals by '1. : Showing what sports has to offer in terms of love, compassion, humility, generosity, hospitality, wisdom, caring, peace of mind and other qualities like inspiration, passion, discipline and dedication. BASIC PRINCIPLES AND THEME The Museum would embody inter-alia the following qualities i) : lnclusiveness and Simplicity The Museum will have a spirit of inclusiveness. The Museum will be accessible to all visitors including children. i) celebration of Beauty and power of human body ︶ ﹂ し The Museum and its surroundings should be in continuum so that people are drawn to it from far and wide for its uniqueness and visual delight. lnteractivity and accessibility through technology し The Museum will use cufting-edge interactive technology and be accessible to a broad spectrum of audience, it will represent a living space rather than isolated exhibits of artifacts that are no longer useful. ヽ L Unity in diversity ︶ The Museum would be based on the theme of unity in diversity. ヽ Sharing and outreach し ヽ The Museum will strive to cater to individuals of both elementary and advanced levels of knowledge about Sports. The Museum would intend to attract all the people of lndia to become actively involved in its work and to become patrons of its message of 'Sports for Healthy Life". This museum would become a torch bearer in realizing the dreams of establishment of ︶ ︶ similar Museums in every part of lndia. ヽ vi) Bring Sporting Culture ︶ 36 ﹂ ︶ Museum woutd help in making lndia one of the top sporting countries in the world. PROGRAMMES 1. PERMANENTEXHIBITION Through its permanent exhibitions, the Museum will express the nobility of sports to all audiences. The core is to show the values and practices that sports can offer to society. The exhibitions will consist of following main elements: (a) geographical and historical origins of the lndian Sports and influence it has on particular cultures. Showcase the role of sports in ancient and medieval lndia including the role sports played in Vedic period and how sports developed over the time. Venerate biographies while simultaneously embracing Mapping of the change. (b) し し ヽ ︶ ・ A thematic approach to a series of topics. Each theme will include three to four discipline on a rotating basis, and will address what a particular sport has to say about a specific issues like achievements and milestones. The objective would be to enable particular sports to express itself. Rotating the themes and contributions of different sportspersons to the nation will maintain freshness and encourage visitors to retum again. There will be photos, artifacts, biopics, and memorabilia within the galleries. (c) (d) (e) History of Sports in lndia and world and the key contributors. The main emphasis will be on the Olympic and other lnternational Competitions but exposure would be given to all disciplines. There will be partnership with Sports Federations and Academies- The Museum will collaborate with other museums to exhibit material on a loan/exchange basis. There will be different sections for different disciplines. One section to be developed for the record holders and other section would be on Asian and Olympic Games and so on. 2. TEMPOMRYEXHIB]TIONS The Museum expects to maintain appropriate links with other lnstitutions, and to sponsor joint exhibitions and similar projects, visual and other tangible aspects of sports. The Museum may host special events proposed by any Federations, including the celebration of Medal winners and provide venue for meetings, filming and other activities. 3. SEMINARS AND EDUCATIONAL WORKS There will be a Library of Audio Visuals including Sports Books and magazines. The Museum will have collaboration with the Lakshmibai National lnstitute of Physical Education, Gwalior and NIS Patiala in many areas, such as holding conference, lectures 37 \-\! \' ! \\. L and seminars; and also with a programme of research studies. lt will accommodate the needs of researchers and be sensitive to the concerns of coaches, students of (NlS) Patiala. The Coaches and students may serve the museum as volunteers and interns. 4, WEBSITE AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS The Museum will have an interactive and informative website; and from time to time sponsor the publications such as catalogues and so on. 5. COLLECT]ONS Collection of Artifacts, Medals, Trophies, newspaper cuftings, from collectors, mints, federations, sportspersons, regional centres of SAl, State Governments, foreign countries and public at large. The Museum would represent state of art audio visual library with newest techniques. MONITORING COMMITTEE . t, \, . \, \v ! \\\. \. \- v \\- There will be a Monitoring Committee at apex level to review the progress. This Commiftee will consist the following members :- (i) (ii) (iii) Secretary (Sports) Director General, SAI Joint Secretary (Sports) The High Power Committee on Revenue Generation would be mandated to take various decisions regarding infrastructure development, evolution of theme for the Museum from a Specialist and engagement of Transaction Advisor, if needed. TEcHNTGAL suPPoRT Specialist would be engaged for preparation of theme based on the best of Sports Museums in the world. IOC and OCA would also be approached for technical support. FUNDING AND BUDGETING The various modes of financing would be explored and availed. Major being the following (1) (2) (3) (4) MYAS Corpus Fund of SAI CSR fund from Corporates Charity, contributions and gifts from institutions and individuals The funding should also be explored from following sources :- (a) IOC - for establishment of lntemational sections 38 ヽ し ヽ し (b) OCA - for the section of museum on Asian Games ヽ ヽ ︶ However, it is proposed to exhaust the Corporate funding first. lt is also proposed to get the existing civil structure designed with thematic approach by Institute of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi or similar lnstitute and request the Corporate Sector to finance a particular theme. し ヽ APPROVAL OF THE GOVERNING BODY IS SOLICITED FOR : L ヽ To set up National Sports Museum at Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, New Delhi. し To have separate space for lntemational Olympic Committee, Olympic Council of Asia and exclusively on Sports in lndia in the proposed Museum. Ownership, preservation and maintenance etc. will be with SAl. 3 To seek financial assistance ftom IOC and OCA, MYAS, corporates & others and use the corpus fund. 4 To seek technical support and knowhow for establishment of this Museum and seek advice of lnstitute of Planning and Architecture, lOC, OCI and other such ヽ 2. ︶ ︶ ︶ し organizations. ︶ To approach Corporate sector for establishment of each theme under CSR. t 6 To form a Monitoring Committee of Secretary (Sports), DG and JS (Sports) and assign the dayto-day decision making to High Power Committee for Revenue ︶ ヽ し Generation. ヽ L ヽ ︶ し ヽ ヽ ︶ ﹂ ︶ 39 L ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ し . Aoenda ltem No. 9 ESTABLISHMENT OF SAI NATIONAL SPORTS ACADEMIES \' ! \ \. In consonance with the objectives of SAI as enshrined in Para (iv) of the proposed to set up Sports Academies in various Memorandum of Association of SAl, it is places, wherever infrastructure is available. MAIN OBJECTIVES 1. To train the junior and sutsjunior level players so as to supplement efforts of National Sports Federations. \, rv \E \\, \, v \, .\' .v ! ! \.L \, 2. To implement the Long Term Development Plan (LTDP) through selection at right age. To engage reputed coaches for quality training at one place. lt is also proposed to develop certain other sporting facilities which will be provided at a cost mainly for leisure players and visitors so as to provide playing facilities to the visitors. 3. 4. 5. Better utilization of the existing infrastructure at SAI Stadia. To identify students with outstanding abilities and place them in an environment designed to produce sporting excellence. To make Sports Academies affordable to budding sportspersons. LocATToNFoRPRoPosEDAcADEMTEs The proposal is to set up following Sports Academies to begin with i.e. Cycling Academy at lndira Gandhi Sports Complex, Shooting Academy at Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range, and Swimming Academy at Dr. Syama Prasad Mukherjee Swimming Pool Complex, Table Tennis at Sonepat, Golf Academy at Trivandrum & Chandigarh and an Athletics Academy in Trivandrum. All the Academies will be set up in conjunction with the respective National Sports Federation (NSF), wherever neceisary, private/public sector participation would also be solicited. BASIC REQUIREMENTS lnfrastructure Equipment Manpower Resource Curriculum Organizational Structure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. WHATWE HAVE L\, 1. ln all the locations proposed, we already have sufficient sports infrastructure such as Stadium (lndoor/Outdoor), Conference Hall, Lecture Hall, Fitness Hall, Medical Centre, etc. ︶ ヽ し ﹂ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ . WHAT WE NEED TO DO L ! \! \\\- . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ! \w \- TIME FRAME FORSTARTINGTHE ACADEMY 1 Framing of cuniculum for various age groups, Admission criteria for various age groups, Fee structure, special concession on BPL, female and disabled trainees, lndividual focus and group focus approach in coaching and training, \A/hom to focus, Consolidation of all available resources, Framing of organizational structure, Definition and division of work, Delegation of administrative and financial powers, To open separate heads of accounts for receipts and expenditure, Modal agreement based on revenue sharing and SAI brand building to tie-up with NSFs, PSUs, Corporate/Private Sector, if required. With existing facilities and available resources, we will start Cycling Academy in January 2014 and the Swimming Academy in Feb- 2014. There is a discussion taking place with HUDCO for financial support. We need to carry out some improvisation for which we propose to use the corpus fund. We plan to start other Academies well before March 2014. APPROVAL OF GOVERNING BODY IS SOLICITED FOR .! v .u \_ ! 1 . : Sefting up various Sports Academies, in conjunction/collaboration with respective NSFs, or otheruvise, wherever infrastructure is available with SAl, namely :- (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Cycling Academy at l.G. Sports Complex Shooting Academy at Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Ranges Swimming Academy at Dr. Syama Prasad Mukherjee Swimming Pool Complex Table Tennis Academy at Sonepat Golf Academy at Trivandrum and Chandigarh Athletics at LNCPE, Trivandrum 2. Approve to approach corporate and PSUS for setting up/expansion of academies in future. To begin with, we propose to utilize the Corpus Fund of SAl. ヽ ヽ し ヽ し し ヽ し 41 ヽ し ︶ し ヽ ︶ ︶ \! v v. v ! ! v \. \\- Aqenda ltem No. 10 . ApporNTtrtENT oF GovERNMENT oBSERVERS (Gos) The Governing Body in its 41"t meeting held on 24h September, 201 3 (vide ltem No.1 of the Supplementary Agenda) decided that the matter of appointment of Government Observers and the report of Working Group may be referred to a Committee for further deliberations and a Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, SAI was constituted with the following officers as its members: - i) ii) iii) Director (Sports), MYAS Director (TEAMS), SAI Director (Pers. & Coaching), SAI 2. Accordingly, the above Committee met on 28th/29th November, 2013 to work out the modalities on the objective for selection/appointment of Government Observers as to make them more result-oriented. The recommendations of the said meeting are placed below. 3. Approval of the Governing Body is solicited to the said report. L ︶ し ヽ ﹂ し し ヽ ﹂ し ヽ し ﹂ ヽ し ヽ し ヽ 42 ﹂ し ヽ し ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ し taken in ll・ GoveFninq Bodv Meeunq oF SAI し し The Fo‖ o、ving were present a, Shri Vivek Narayan Director(Spons, ヽ ヽ ハヽAS bi Sh“ Ralnder Singh DI「 ector(Teams, SAI .,)SI,San av 3dlaswat Crector`PerS&C04、 ,́1191 'AI ヽ し ヽ ヽ し し :亀:‖ よ ど 1[『 ∬ 乱 ‖ T電 椰 ls ml点 :躍 :eliiC星 議 γ :器 ・vleen∩ 9 of the Governlng Bocly of SAl vvh[Chヤ )ad recom llenOed that a commltee be ヽet しp for inaking :he systei〕 ■of 6overnment Obselve「 s(GOs)-0「 e ob,eclve and vernment Obserッ ers are or elited The nouse was lnio「 rred ihat the 10 3 oi the Cuideines io「 appo,nted as per :he p「 ov:slo13S COntalnod :n A[1lcle “ Assistance to the National Spo■ s Federat ors(NSFsi :`● se stildehocsヽ ヽ■iCll C3[■ = ve' 105 July 1997 1ald i● a:(〕 ovo「 口l‐ ent and SAl ncr.nt‐ os he into exlstencc ヽ resull‐ 、 vithdrawn and a provlslon 'or appOlntnlent oi lndependeη ″as i Covorilinent t,bse「 /ers made し i: ルas atso found that the frst re、 lew oithe svste:“ oi Gove「 nment(う Ose″ e rs 、 vos Oone in December 2001 and then another ievle.・ / in Docember 2004 aier which, o「 ders were lssued for COs in 27 disciphnes l∩ 2007 he then Secretar/ isPcns)MYA3S had O「 epafed a lst of 120 0「 obables cut of WhlCh 27 r"sc:phnes ハYAS V〔 de its Order dateo 31 05 201l had 3p● clntod ″ere 91ven a Gov1 0bser′ er ヽ ´av 2012 25 Gove「 nment Observers for 16 disclplces apd ao(1→ ● 2 `]1● re "1 卜 しくヽe「 nl。「e a reVlew was dolle on 20 08 20,3 bv thc lV(ァ klnc・ 13「 oupっ c,,slSt ng , じ し し し し 「 DC SAI Dr LS Ranawat ED(Acadein:cs, Mr Aメ l Pal SInOh and Ms lndu Pun っnd し the minutes ofthat meeung were sentio MYAS The then So3reta‐ /(SporSI o1 lhe VVorklng GrOup じ tnヽ ヽ essentlals oF an Obsepver sys:eT し adrnlnlstrat ve issues ′ olved etc 4 as commitee Ane「 studying lhe present system the repon ofthoい ′ofking Group as .ve‖ the obseⅣ alions of the then Secretaヮ し ′ aLons on the repon MYAS had vide lts note dated 22 09 2013 g,ven extensivo obS'い (Spons, MYAS ihe ■ lstant ‐ dlscussed that there is a lee‖ pg among spOrts enthtislaSiS that ihe G‐ 3p● Oinl・ ● o 、 ervo vtrualy no ,urpOse are taken for reasons othe「 than ther competencc aぃ Mofe oten than not they are nom:nees oi tilc NSFs and′ Dplnlons panicula「 ly because oiine factthatiney carγ し ture o「 Furthermore the present syste「 ]c l the Furlct o■ ‖19 `じ s.lrers frOrr the fo‖ ,re olasel :,ヽ thCイ ea∩is ofio‖ ling t」「 the NSF 「 0F COv1 0bseⅣ ers owlng lacurae ヽ ai し GOs are apDorated oased cn th9 r pasl iuia,s anC not based on thErr understandrng of the spc!1 ?. :t3r' i:cii,c.l capabiiiiles Llosl し し ヽ し し し し し 43 ヽ ヽ し ヽ Obser/ers have very litlle technrcai l''no,vredqe Even f tn3y have beer cuislanCing spodspersons:n the pasi. lhey ''lave rarely (ept uo'zilh lhe ,-:iJnging i.r:i! ...,i ;1ove !erV irille kirr/'iEJve !-f -tou' ':'!e'''"rrig irethods ar. usually suggesied by the NSFs Ihemselves a:i are therefore bound by a sense of gralitude to '-he NSF concctned rurlher' !5err iuture career depends on the NSFS ailcj tllev ale |n|kely lo gr'/e any repcrt overtiy clrtrcal ci the NSF s eflaris GOs Gcut,rr t 'l .l itF.e c' ihere aie levi rewards lor bctnE 3 good aGJ effectllE (lO 'ln th' conlra.y i[ they speak ()ol c{ l.:oiril cul lhe ancnalies in:he s-vslen']' rs lrttle oi i.o ioyaltv !o SA, a" in,: they are coosrdered irouble I'lake's GOs are normally engaged lor a shorl periocj ci irme and therefore therr advlce. 1Or whatever il iS -Jor1h S ,,alid for ihe CLrirenl crop oi Italnees only ./hich overlooks iire cverall iulure growrh o{ soodsoersons as lvell as the spods iD lhe the aountay The Ccnrmrnee dtscusseo lhe de3 cl loiall.,, drspensir,:l -"ith :rlg f.sirtuliarn i: ,.;Os uul Llas unaninrolrsly suorcved ihal ine ol.:sE'ce cf ?11 no'rperidenr []C' cunng lhe Natronai Coachrng Carips. selectroll ol N.?tianai Teams ior iorelgn !ralllrnq rcompelilrons selecllon and frnaltsallon oi coaches etc acls as a delerrent io mant' cf the malpractrces llke biased selectlons. elc Therefore rt \Yas declded lhat Ihe rnshtution ol GOs inspite of the crrllcism nleied cut on lhenl have se^'ed a tiseful 5 purpose and are therefore. vel/ lrrlportant aid should rernalll as an rrriegral part 'ri lFe spodrng i,vorld |'lowever rt shctlld be ensLlreci lhal the GOs sc i.lecisd ar? ;relriral rrldrvrduals ?,/rth excelleni lechn,cal rncrl-'dgrl oi lhe -aarlme :'ll-rj o+'scns'.vllFl 'rncgccable rrrteglty The aoo'mrliee relt thal li addrtron lo lhe GL)s Ihere shoLtld o'a a sy5te oi ,ndependenl supervrsron of these GOs bes des tiYAS or SAl. and such injtlFendenl suLrervisors v.,ho inay be termed as HrEn Perlcrmance Observers iHPC)S) shculd iock arter lhe funlironrng ot GOs and they shall report tc MYAS/SAI regarornE lhe overall functioning of lhe GOs Th,s shall make lhe oiocess layered and rllcrease iis e,'ftcrency and €tfectivei]ess as LIYAS/SAI shall only remaln rn louch rvrlh the HFOs on day to day basr9. Whereas. GOs can be appornted soorls drscrp|ne wrse the l-lPcx shall iook afler 5 lo 6 GOs across spodl.g drs;rphr'es lhrs r:iearrs !'J. sha 2 sels of GOs i\e orre oerno cailed GOs 3r'C th. 'ii'er liPOs ^ave i ヽ 1 ヽ Th.. comrnrftee also felt that ih.- s'Jsie.. ci GOs and HPCS sFculd oe oniy loi :'i. olrcrllv Ciscipilnes e .JJhere erthe{ the .cuilta/ rs expectrng nredals n ihe し ,.'arirahonai Ioulnamanls iraftaJi2rh,/. alyn"r,as 2n:i Cornmonwearlh Gartes cr し ヽ ヽ ヽ し 44 ヽ ヽ ヽ し ヽ ヽ ヽ し ヽ ヽ ,.,ji.ere ine paTtrcular spofling discrpline rs requlred lo De given push so a-. to build a:l cverail spodlng clrltuie tn the ccunlF/ There rs no need ct ha\'rng CbsenJers io jpuris'ile Chess. Bllliards & Srrocicr Goif, ',;c "n'i'L;l arc rr'(ir'/rdLI3l baseJ ir)d dre genlng necessary rl'r3e:ul ctherwlse Eaah Spotl'fg dlscloilne cdr i:\: a maxllntln' of 2 GOs and as far as possrble 1 male and 1 iemale Holveve!' whele I sporlrng discFline (e g Athletrcs) has mulhpl€ events more than 2 GOs can be consrdered For lhe present. Ihe GOS/HPOS a,e reccmmended ,n the foliollrng sportlng disciphnes a Aruilcrv b AthletLcs c Bctin-o rl Cyir'rnasrtcs e Hcckev i Fooibail ,q Badmtnlon h Shcolrrlg l Table Tennrs I iJerghliftrrg k UJresllrng I Paralymprc Sporis ヽ し し ヽ し し し 3 し i? triog In cble!-trvrt,t a! ヽ し ヽ し し a,) ヽ !n seleclron of ihe GOs. the Cciirnrtlee sLrq!].-si"d iiat Th€ selectron fo. appornting a GC should be made by a alcmrnrttee consrshng cf r Secretary (Sports). MYAS ir DG. SAI (or Secretary SAI) rrr An emrnenl sporis pelsonahly (novrn ior hls r,ll-eglrf, and one who carries personal weighl tn the sporltng lvoIic i I oe!!c ,5 like Saclrn Tendulkal subl.ct to frnal aporcval bY lhe i,'1ints:ei NTYAS; MYAS should ad',/eTlrse the posl of GOs aid iilvrte appi,caitons ln iase reqursr:e nun ber of appltcolrons irorF eltgrbie appitcanls a.e no! recerved MYA-e mav ,denlrty possrble apporntees and cons,Cer them for appornlment as GOs by nomrnatron し .) ihe qua|ficatron fcr elqrbilit!, , as GOs should be as uncei Sen'or Olyanprarll Inlernaroaal me.ial y/rnners/Dronacharya A\,vard w!nners/Chref or Nahonal Coacn, lnternatrcnai Referee し し rr Should not b€ an oifice t-]earer .i any NSF ior ilvo /ears rreceding the date of rnlervrew for selecion as GO 3nd sca l also give an undertakrng th3l he shall not be an o(rce bea.er n し し し ヽ し し し 45 ヽ し し ヽ ヽ that 3ny of lhe NSF during hrs ienure as Gr-1 'nd \!c years aher as weil si,u_.-.: ce rrllrsrcally ixar'liiiY ;rlu ine(li( ai;t ;'l ,'r v shouid not have .l:r'J plll;'llv cr chargc-:l'e'l pcsL'ing or lviose currency rs valld Should be wrlhrn the age bracket of '10 io 1! i'ea's anC shoul'l lrve Veafs oack have linlshed lherr actlve sportlng c3'eer t[r:3st rarles lileripo sc tl\ai none of the preserlt players \!crc lher' 'lr v ii''ii allhuulh Regardrrig i-'e tenu,d cf GC. ihe cofi'mriiee lvas oi in!: Yl'jv'i sFould be 3s ia'i lht sarne ,deally. ihi ienL,ie oi r GO shculrl be lcul years, ' e :o tenLrre maY 'oni icril sir'h per cycle ol olyrnp cs or Cc'rl_monvrealth Garnes bLil slnce fcl a oe ?e'rod of t\"'c ,ead Io cornplac.:nav rl ls 'ecommended that !i_'e sanle shci'iC :h' Jlter'l!lerisl,:)rls cv"ril l_iov'e'Jei I.- tr1e"d lhe sarne -\eJrs on ! /irth a !'Jil5lorl lenute slio'rld r:ot rn irnv aars= i'e aoove B'/'iars tl ('jil rhal :he oresent ln order lo attlact goccl rndividuals as GOs lhe JonrIIrillee rt rs ploFoseil that and InadL'quaie glossly is compensatron ol Rs 1C 00O/. per month monlir 0001oei lh! senre should De rrrsed lc Rs 5i l0 ih{r seleclion of HPOs Ihe corr:rnitlee vJas ci lhe '/r';'! thal Ilre persr_'rrs 'xrih same should be 5! waY cf tlomllratron cllly as FP()s shall be \!ho '1s tie 1 rr lhe 5liorlrn'a recod irack ''Yoric out\landlng r{rbi.m,sheo ar,d ''nP 11 /\s.eqards roiernallonal rtalne and lame and who comrnand r€-'specl ilcrlr lrr! and itli I:e sliorls DelsonalillesllkeSachlnTendulkarl\lichaelFeIr€raTheteir[]reofHP()Sshallbc4 years ana bestdes looklng after !'/hat GOs havt as therr 'llri:es & resco,.srb'lttes し HPOc shail tle responsible fo' apreparingalong-termdeveloplnentifanle'ry.]rkio.theSpo(Sdisclplines し b ヽ . d he has been assrgneC vJllh in !ncra lhe Se1l:ng soeoflc lonq_term and 'nler'nlediale tarqels oi rrrc'easirlg bench strength o{ the sporllng Crscipl'nes lnteraclicn wrth ihe fcleign and lndidn cca'lhes leplcyeC 'ir inlra ''lrth varlous sportlrlg dlscrplines and laktnc Lrseful rrFLris iionr illerrl {llv n('] sD€clirc advlce io l"'lYASlSAl tn ie"'elif meni and ira'nrng o{ lllcrors and sub junrois . t rot lhe HPOS, the cornpensation shoulo be Rs 1 5C.C00i- per rronih as lhe sacie sl'all befil lhe slall,re ll lhe lndlvldual(s) ol lna! callb'e し ヽ requl'ed The comn-Illee {eil lllal ior oblectlYe selgct,on soecri c gurdellnes aie fs seectlon foI Lc be O,ver to the SeleciloF ie3nr whrle.lssessrrlf ihe:ppi'canis 13 GC,sTheCornr;lrlleesuEgesiecihaltheselecticntear:'ishcuC-cf/eOC';!erghtage r() 'h. .lacuriienls and 'ic''- lo lhe gersonal rlleraclrcn"iote'/le\'/ icr ri'e ヽ no.-umentalron pcnron rr-5rghtage may be diviCeC bef,'/ecn ν し ヽ し ヽ 46 Certrilcateslaccreditat!ons ti the spo'ts dlsclpllne ccncerned (.,led a ls,'a!v a rd s won Specrar irerning cour5es alte.ded Exp?rrence of worklng w(h lhe lndran teaiii a b . I Fcr the interview oortron. weEhlage may be grven !o a Tra(s rke neutral(y and rnlegrrlY D fechn;cal knowledge ol lhe garne \lrtti iegard ic Latest coachrnq lechniques lr Changes ln the !nleinatlctal icr''nai oi !l.'e qarlc over ihe yearS ,rr lnternational best practices icr the groMh of the game rv Best available toreign coaches of ihe garee ln ihe 'vorld ! Best sportrng rnslitLltrons of that drscrP|ne rrl lhe world for sool-lspersons as well as ccaches ヽ i4 The Cofirrntttee also notrced that l!'re svslen) d GOs llave roi qrven Cesire'j .esuils due !o absence of a Ctear dutres and respcnsibrllres o, the GOs b Clear repodrng syslem oi the GOs vrs'a'vrs tvlYASlSAl r Sholi lerm lniermedlate and long term targer.s Comrnrltee fel! ihat the roles ,luires and ri:-soons!brlltres ()f lhL' GOs shculd be as under a Overall development o{ Ihe spofl concerne.l i \\, 5 ihe b lo luncllo^ as cyes and ears ot tiYAS/S"\l for eirsrinog free aid transparenl selecfiorl of ihe leams by vra',' of ,lltendlnE silcir selectiolr tv PIOCeSS Natronal Coachrng canlL,s srles arrd repcn lhe sialus o' avallable sporls rnf rastl\l clureleq L) lpme n l qualllv ol s'rL-ntrflc back Lrp c Tc vrsrt lhe r \\, \. \. \- and medrcal facilltres available to the carnpers To have 36 qvgr5rght of the selecirorr prccess fcr Natroial squads C e To mondol the ci tearrs aid I oerforrnance lournamenls to monrtor lhe gedormance oi ii-e N3tlollal iearns 'n g h iournamenls YJhether held In Indra or abroad To examlne complarnls cf piayers and give reporls on lhe sarne To assess t-he needs for tralnrng inrtratives provide techoical advtce indlvldttals )n nallonal internalronal etc r 'o ciov,de technical advrce I -1c marnlarn data base on the oeriarn)ance proflle oi radrvldual alh:eles as \.,eil as coaches prc.Jide advice 10 MYASTSAI wrih rega:d io vattous oroposals ,egardr,r!l assrsla.ce to NSFS,!ndr,dual glayers/iorrnuiatrng Long-Term Develcprnent Plans iLTDPsl and A''iual Prcqramme of Aclrvi,'res (APA) i To ヽ ■ 47 ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ I ヽ in ヽ ヽ し Acccmpany the national teams [or seiecled nationai al'd rnlernalionei expcstlres as apploved b'r' MYAS/SAl Altend Selectron Commrttee meetrngs " NSr i on oenali of SAI as ano when asked ?6 do .o lhe As regards the reponlng system of the GC)s ihe comnrrilee suggested lhal t\iYAslsAI l"lYAS/SAl reporl to !n lurn who. GOs rvrll rejort to the HPOS '"rll 'an drreclly communicale to GOs on vanoL,s Inatters ior necessan/ advrce GOs shal! sLibmr! a report alleast once ,n e'ren/ 2 nlonlhs 'r :''heiiever Ii'y ieel "lL:esrar! !o r'ecr:ss3rily ihe HPOS !!r'in 3 copy 10 SAI The fepcd srlhmii:Fio l'y t'(^)i sna i lij qcortor.lle and cover lhe foilcwIn0 pclllls し a qa ps tr Stalus o[ bcard,ng and lodgrng artanger]enis c Stalus cf screntrfrc back-up/medrcal tacrlr!res c Apprarsal of the coaches {both indran 3nd Forelgnl a Observatron on organizatron and lalrness of the selecilcn ttiels { Periofirrance ol the teams/lndrvlJ Lia I spofis0e,sons di.lrrng !qurlraqrerrls ,:: Specr{rc rnstances "/lth regard to :alntrcv.rsres ilke 4'prI-g 'rri'rr seleclrons non fcllowlng o{ agc .t le!rcr's ap-i,roptlGte r]rcvrs c'c r-i し し し し ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ し ‐ ヽ Sialus cf sool'ls nl!'astrJciure ilnrj eqil'gntenis maCe 3iallable lunng rire し sPonirlg kits '--'lc HPOS shall submrt a Note cIr the varrcus GOs uoder hrs charge lnd ihe sDcrl,ng drscrplnes concerned lo I,YAS as and when and rn lhe fornat they degnr l; frt The Commritee telt tnai a regulal appra sai of lhe GOs shoLr o be don" io:nli-J by a.ommrltee consrsllng ot HPO JS (Spo(s) |UYAS Sccretary SAI ani Drrecior rrst,e .ecessarY advrce ii' lhp CLls toi , Sr,crtsi i,'IYAS The sa,.l :omrnrtle. shali celter ettrcrericy and ellecllveness and Shall ad!lse tne i'4YAS on conltnuallorl cr r)tnen Se ol lhe Ga)-e The Perforrnance Appra'sal Con]nrrilee for lhE GOs shollld Fra!a'-e the i own matilr Cepend,n,l trpct lhe rl3ture of lhe sportrog dlsclpllne 18 \- \ {Rajinder Singh) Drrector (T), SAI t‐ ´‐ , ゅ え Drector(PerS &Cg)SAI "″ r` (Vivek Nara",′ ハ∼ DrectOr(spo■ s)MYAS : し ヽ ヽ (Nee14kansal) Secrelar.J SAI ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 48 Aqenda ltem No. 'l 1 DELHl The Governing Body in its 40h Meeting decided to allow Non- Sporting events in the sAl stadia whenever it is not being utilized for sports. Accordingly, a committee was constituted to finalize the Tariff structure and Norms for holding Non- Sports events. The recommendations of the commiftee duly approved by DG, SAI were subsequently put up to High power Committee on Revenue Generation in its meeting on 29s & 30th November, 20 1 3, at LNCPE, Thiruvananthapurum. 2. The Non-sporting events are being allowed provisionally since November, 2013, with the approval of DG, SAl. The detailed report on Tariff structure is placed below. ヽ し ヽ し し ヽ し ヽ ヽ し ︶ ︶ ﹂ し ヽ 49 ヽ し ヽ ︶ ヽ ︵6 ● 0 0cOエ Oc〓 ﹂00 0E一J卜0 2 0c● 0一oO 工 のt 00∽ 一 〓くの . ﹂9 ﹂f ﹂Oα ︲δ oo. o ︸ oに b E E 一 E ︵さ 2 oE E oo ooE E O ヽF “ E こ お 一 Oc0 2 o . ヽ00 ﹂00 官c2o ヽ し C●こ一〇〇0一おかOoXピo0 O。﹂ o‘0 EOF﹄OCO■o こ´ oO﹂︵ coEOcoQ´ 〓 一 “二 OC一 0ヽ 〓一 ご一 3f〇一 , ﹂O C〇一●oL9 C〓> ′ 、 〇〇 OL●>O O > 卜 ●>一 ヨ ︵〓 > ■0 00 ON りに 一 , し ゝ“0 ﹂Oa りOnr●〓● Y0 〇 一 ∞ L ご′ C 一 〇〇 0コ 0 0 0 ﹂ 0 こ´ 合 ビ ON一 C O hrO O 〓一 員 ピ O C● ^ さ う 0 0 ■ ﹂0 ´co O C O ヽ ■´CO﹂ ●こ´一0 ¨ ヽ 00 す ゝ00 く 0000 oα ●0﹂0 ﹂0二︶0 ﹂0一 、00 ﹂00 一C〓一OCOゝ00 . ︵む ‘ Ш 凛 ︶︶oど0 一 ヽ ヽ ﹂OQ ︲ヽ000 00 0 0∝ 一 ●´CO﹂ 0‘¨ヽ0 000﹂Of〇 一 ● αご oQ ︶ ⊆一 OQ OCt〇一 ●0 OCC ●0﹂ ′﹂ 0﹂ゝ●0﹂ し ︲ OC一 〓C●こEO一 0 ﹂0一 0さ0卜 , 29ヒ﹂ Oto0 . Oct 02 0 合> し ヽ 寸 CO〓o﹂000こQ 〓・ ﹂ OQ ・ C一 0● OC〓●一●0 ︵ “ ヽ︶ 0●ゆ ∽“ 一 一 , 0¨C O >0 00● 今〓 σ∽︶ ①α ﹂ ●0一 O C← 型 o●E﹂ 一 焉 e ´ ゝ● ,● ﹂Oat0 00 . c8く cお〓 0ゆ マ ● ヽ 卜●0 C C O 〓● C﹂0 一C 一 一 いO oo Eo 02 Q 一 ゝ > 〓omO●oocコ嘔0∽ 一︵ , し ﹂ p ゝ00‘り 一 ぶ 001 0c一 一 だ OE●0﹂ 0 0 0 0﹂0>● 0 . 〇 0 ﹂0 > L 0 0 ゝ“ 一 し COヨo﹂000こ0 0 . υ E 09 ﹂ 00 ゝ●0﹂ OQ く000 o oビ ︵ ¨0〇一﹄●〓0 一 ﹂00“ ¨ ●COコ一 0つく ︵ 〓> Oc一 ゼ 0し 3 cコ2 o O一0●一0●■0︶ 0´ ヒ0●に 002 い0︵ 〓 ヽ ・ Q一 0> 一 J . E 2 0 o c oO り ゝ ●0 0 0 E ヨ0 く〓● 二 ﹂o Q ● ● ε ヨ 0 コ ● 電ご ′ 奮 > ﹂O a ,ヽ 0 一0. 0 中 o∝ ∩ ︶ ¨ ヽ●0 ﹂ Oα ︲ 00C 0¨ > おう0. 00∝∩︶ ¨ ﹂一 > ︵ , Lコ0こ一 O CO〓一 〇0● ﹂0﹂ 一コ0‘ ﹂00 ■6 ●● . 0● o∝ Oc● 2 う0こ ヽ マ ﹂0﹂ ︲ヽ000 0∞.゛ぁ α 一 ﹁﹄暉O m O﹂Oo∽ ︵>一 し ゝ00 6 ●てo09 ooo●E ●O oc し ﹂0﹂ 、●0 ヽ 一 こ・ 0﹂ 〓CCE O一 0﹂ 0 さON ︲OE一 0>ちco支Ш︶ む002●0 C一 〇OQ∽ ﹂0﹂ 一 OQO こQ りヽ00 N ヽ C〇一0﹂ ﹂ p ●、cO 一 F ヽ00 ヽ C00〇一〇0 一 一 0﹂OE00 ﹂00 ,ヽ︶00 ズ望︺. 0 のα oERこ OOEO■0 00Z ヽo︵ 〓 ゝ00 ﹂●α 000﹂0一6︶5一 “ ︵︶t0 00 . 00 + ^ ﹂コ0‘ ﹂00 ,ヽ 6 0Ю 卜 のビ ¨ ︺〓0一 コ 00ヽC ●∽ ︵〓一 ゝ●0 ﹂Oα 000﹂C〓0︶ヽ““ ︵︶く000 . 00 + ﹂ぅ0工 ﹂00 く000. 0 一 Oα ¨“〓 一一 コ ^ BIOこ の ︵〓 し O C一 X0 0 0 ﹂0﹂ ﹂0 ︶ o 一 ゝ0﹂0 1 00〇一 o一 つ00Ce o∝ ︶ ●´COこ 一 06rO〓0 ヽ >OC〇一 ● 00つσO﹂0二´二〓> ´ ﹂0﹂ ”CO﹂O C一 OE ﹂0 00hrC〓0 0こ´ 000 す ﹂00ゝ 0一︶ C一 ct 〓 ︵ 一 ヽ口o ﹂●Q りoD﹂厠〓0 ヽピ “ ^ υ ,ヽ000 . ON . 00 あ 9 ¨ヽ o∝ ¨ E E ●、の くL ︵ + b Oこ ﹂ 一 し 0∝ し ゝC0 0CO し £ ︵ o●a ヨ“ c〓 ︵ 0000コ EC尋 0 の ヽC O ● ● ●● コ ‐ ヒ〓●卜 ●●o00●﹄﹂ ヽ ﹄●■ E一 〓一 し ﹁●● コ一OL 一〇0● 〓一〇OL し ●●● 〓一 0●﹂ 一 ●C 〇一 一一一一“ ●一コ●●OL“〓 0 し あ ヽ ︵ ●一 コロOCa ●“ ︶ ヽ 0●■000●000 〓〓 官 一 コo﹁Eコg と 0こ ヽ 〓●oLO● し 0一 0●0〓OQ● 00 XCト し ヽF〓ヨo●● ヽ 0理 Oc一 ●o¨ 8 9, ﹂奮 し ●05LO∽ + ■ 0000 ヽ On し CO● C●〓 〓●ョ ﹁ ヽ 、一 OL “ C O﹁ 一﹁C 00 ヽ く︻∩く卜の Hくの いく の卜Z日> 口 ∽卜ぼ O 餞∽ ︲ZO Z “〇 ﹄ ﹄﹄H ︼ロ ロロ∩ ぃ ぼ く卜 ∩Zく ∽ゝワ︻ O Z LO O ZHXH﹄ ヽ ●〓L“E oα ヽ し ヽ ヽ O一 〇〇OCコ一0ビ ︶ ︱︱︱︱︱︱︱︱l oOCう0一﹄Ψ一 00C●こ0 のOZ NO 今一 E ●3 公 〇2く 03, 0´CO>0 〇一 ののFし﹂00 〓0 ﹂0﹂ 0一 ヽCO ﹂00 く 000 ヽ 00.︸ し 0● 8ヨ0 ヨ ﹂ 〓ご′ 奮 〓 、CO ﹂00 ,ヽ000. 0 0∝ 一 ヽ ゝ●0 ﹂OQ 000 “ ︵︶く 000 O ︶ ,﹂0三〇 5一 N φビ 一︶〓ゅ 〓 00ヽ‘ ●∽ ︵〓 + ﹂コ0■ ﹂0。 ︲ヽ︶OO . ヽ00 ﹄00 000﹂●‘〇 一 0一 2“ 0︶tO一0 . 3■0 0の ︵一 コ 一 6 o″一 一”〓 0一 + ﹂コ0こ ﹂Oα く000. し >0﹂α l 00●一 し 9L 卜●ON ﹂ 2お 一0 一C n,こ 0 9 0 fo ヽ 0●〓 ot ●一 o● 0 二■ COC 0¨ CO>0 ●〓。。0, 当 〓3 ﹄ ρ Oo p● ^ , こ0 〇一´ 。Cと一 0CDO し 。 ooo。。﹂0 ﹁一ョo〓 。聖 c一 0こ︶ 一C● 0。〓00C●o OC一 ¥00● oo ヽ〓0〇一●CE9︶コo 0︵ ビく ヽ 0つ,FL Oゝ5 し 〓 , ヽ ゝ0>C00 ﹂0〓ビ、 ︵〓一 > OC一 し 0ン0こ。0● 0〓一 ﹄0 一 ヽ ィビ〓 000N O´ し > OC〇一C讐Ψ﹂。 0‘卜 ︵一 一 ヽ ‘二 買8 0 oつ 〓 2っ。ニ , し 0一 p●0〓Ca● し 〇 ∞X・ 0 。 >0 0 ● O N一 ︶O p σ o 0 0 o ︶。 コ O C C ・ ヽ OE 9 ● oOお ‘oい う 〓〓 一 ﹁ 一ct一 o﹂ ● c●。﹂ こ● 2 0N一 ● oo﹂ ● 0。 0〓● 0 〓00〇一 ¨¨ , 分∞ x い o●こ 2 0cc●n ■●E N ゝモ0 ゝ●つ o。 ‘ Ψ “ OoO∞ o>oコく 00 〓 σO﹂ お N Oα ^ ﹂ し ● N一 0 ﹂0一 ゝ oO ﹂0 0 ﹂o C C 0 0 ﹂0。 ,ヽ0 ● 0 中 りに し 0 ■p一ゝo O ﹄●。 ﹂o C C ● 0 ﹂00 ,ヽ0 0 0 N O″一 FO X ・ ヽ o ﹂o一 ゝ● 0 ﹂o 。 ﹂O C C ●つ 〓寸X n N o N一 ・ ヽ X〓>﹂0の ︵> ゛イヽ︲XO卜 ︵ し ぶ︶0ゆ ●゛00﹂コQ ●〓OαO ﹂0﹂0●6FOこ0 ︵ ヽ ●¨Coこ 0こ¨﹄0 ゛0 一 ヽ ﹂OQ く000 り“ ‘OCC●m O一 〓2 0●c●0∽ ︵x ‐ ゝ口0 ﹂00 006r●〓0 ヽ oヽ●0卜c●〓¨000コ on 一 c●E 。cO gOこ︶ . ゞON〓︶ o0 000コ . ゛00︶一oLp一 ヽ ● ● 0 ぅ 0 ●こ 0● 二 “ 0こ● ヽ こだOE ocO ●。2 ●‘0 ●〓じCoO ︵ 2 C〇一 ″ ヽ 2 し Hn ヽ ] ¨ 一 舞 一 一 ¨ 中 n , し ︶ ヽ し ︶ ヽ し ヽ し O oot ‘ooO〓3 一 OE9 ﹁ Oct一 分∞ x わ oN e r Occcn ■ 回E N ゝt O ヽc0 〓 O o ● ﹂o o o ■ ¨0 ﹁添v´ 0 〓C O ﹂● 0﹂O N 一 C C O ﹂0 ヽ0 ﹂00 こ σO ﹂Oα , OT ご σo O∞ o>00く 卜¨ N の“ ^ Qっ OCO ∞X 0 0>00● ON¨ 0 一op σの 0∞ 0一 ・ ・ 0N一 0 ﹂0 一 ゝ ● 0 ﹂0 0 ﹂O C C C O ﹂0 0 ,ヽ0 0 0 ゛ 0 ∝ ﹂0こ 、 C O ﹂o O ﹂O C C C O ﹄O a ,一o0 0 N o ″一 〓∞ X 0 ・ 〓ヽ X O N o N 一0 ﹂0 一 ス ● 0 ﹂O Q ﹂O C C C 0 ・ 景X﹂く 00ゆ o∝ ﹂OC Cc● ﹄0 ●CO 一∽ ︵〓 > 0の0〇一コQ O〓 000 ﹂0﹂ 00P C〓o ^ N︶00 〇〇 00E O﹂0 ゝ﹂﹂“一Cと﹂ 一 0一 0﹂oEEF一 0C0 〇一0 . , ﹂0 ﹂二 ﹂00 ■ ooo o ︶ o∝ 6 E E 一 こ ︵一 ゝ●0 ﹂00 ‐ > 一 ● ● ●LO> 0 0 > 卜 ● 一 ヨ ︵一 , ‐ tO ● 0 . 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For the 2010 Commonwealth Games, it was re-developed. Post the games, the stadium was handed back to Sports Authority of lndia in May 20'11 by the organizing Committees, CWG 2010 Delhi. 2. ︶ ︶ A scheme "Come & Play'was launched by SAI in May,2011 and the five stadia in Delhi were thrown open for both imparting professional training to established sports persons and to beginners with the objective to encourage participation. This initiative was also to optimize the utilization of the Stadia which is of international standards. 3. Dr. SPM Swimming Pool Complex is an 'All weather Pool' which hosts the following facilities: ︶ Facility ﹂ し ヽ lnfrastructure Competition Pool specification Length 50 mtrs / Width 26 mtrs / Depth 02 mtrs Pool Divinq Pool Warm-up Pool All weather Length 25 mtrs / Width 25 mtrs / Depth 05 mtrs pools Length 50 mtrs / Width 15.4 mtrs / Depth 02 ︶ ︶ ﹂ mtrs 4. ︶ The fee structure for 'Come and Play' was determined in the year 2011. However, the increase in fee for the winter session (November to March) was not defined. A brief on the expenditure being incurred on the operation of Dr. SPM Swimming Pool is detailed below: 1 ヽ Electricity/water consumption : Rs. 20.00 lakh (Per month) 2 ヽ Rs. 06.61 lakh ( per month ) Annual maintenance Civil Rs. 04.41 lakh ( per month ) Annual maintenance Elect Rs. 10.25 lakh ( per month 5. Security Cover Rs. 05.26 lakh ( per month ) 6. Housekeeping services Rs. 07.17lakh ( per month ) 7. Horticulture maintenance Rs. 02.96 lakh ( per month ) 8 Additional Expenditure on Rs. 20.00 lakh ( ︶ Operational of heating system & consumable, Solar heating 3 ︶ 4 ︶ ) per month ) し 93 ヽ ︶ ︶ heating of all pools. ! \' increased expenditure incuned and in order to minimize the difference between revenue and expenditure, the fee structure at Dr. SPMSPC may be reviewed. The proposed fee structure ls as under: 6. ln view of the S.No. Category 1 Age 25 yrs and 3 4 Rs. 500/- Proposed fee Winter Summer per Rs. 2500/- per Rs. 40001 per month month per Rs. 1500/- per Rs. 2500/- per month Up to 25 yrs of Rs. 300/month month aqe per Rs. 5000/- per Rs. 7500^ per month 4000/Rs. Foreigners Rs. 7501 per session of month month per one hour Rs. 5001 per Rs. 500/session of one session of one hour hour To continue. BPL persons Complimentary Membership the above Complimentary membershiP to 1B'd from women on 1/3'd of the fee for 25 Yrs mentioned Women and children and above may be withdrawn. TheY Govt should pay full membership as they studying are mostly professionals. Schools. above 2 Existins fee month of At fee in present, concession for no senior citizens. At present, no concession for Complimentary membership at 1/3'd of the above fee to women/girls below 25 years and Boys studying in Govt. Schools. Concession of 25o/o on monthly fee government officials & their family members At present, no concession for differently-abled persons 50 % Concession in the prescribed monthly fee 1l3d of the monthly fee for all cateoory 94 ︶ ヽ ヽ し ヽ 5 し Complimentary membershiP (without fee) Arjuna Awardees and Unchanged. Dronacharya Awardees. lnternational Sports ︶ ﹂ persons. Sportspersons ParticiPating in Games, Commonwealth Games and World Olympics. Asian Championships being conducted bY lnternational Swimming Federation. National Medal winners during last three years. Medal winners for the last consecutive (Senior/Junior/Sub- juniors) in the ︶ ︶ National Championships conducted bY the Swimming Federation of lndia and School Games Federation of lndia membership. ︶ ︶ ︶ 6. ︶ し ヽ The fee structure being implemented is for swimming session of 45-50 minutes. However, there are members who are preparing for competitions for which they have been seeking permission for a two hour session. some of the swimmers even seek two swimming sessions (02 hours in morning and 02 hours in evening). ln such cases, basis their performance, the administrator uses his/ her discretion to allow the child to train for longer durations. ︶ ︶ 7. As per clause 3.4 of come & Play scheme, the venues may be offered to other organizations for sporting activities on higher charges which should be worked out separately. ln view of this clause, the infrastructure available at Dr. SPMSPC can be extended to the other institutions/organizations for optimum utilization. ヽ ︶ ︶ ヽ し ︶ ︶ 8. The proposed tariff for organizations will be @ Rs. 50,0001 per lane per month 9. 10. '15% concession for Annual membership ( all categories ) basis for a session of 45 minutes per day. The pool should be reserved for whole calendar month. The extension/cancellation of the booking will be the prerogative of SAl. Only ten persons per lane may be allowed. Should they want more than one session in a day, the payment will be multiplied accordingly. 1/3d of the monthly fee for difierently-abled persons. ︶ ︺ 95 ︶ ︶ Summary : Approval for the following may kindly be granted . 1 Revised fee structure for the entire year @ Age 25 Yrs and above Up to 25 yrs of age Foreigners 2 3 Rs. 2500/- per month Rs. 4000r Per month Rs 2500ノ ーper mOnth Rs. 15001 per month Rs. 75001 per month Rs. 5000/- Per month Rs. 500/- per session of one Rs.750i- per session of one hour hour below 25 Complimentary membership at 1/3'd of the above fee to women/girls years and Boys studying in Govt Schools' Tarifffororganization/[email protected],ooo^perlanepermonthforasession of 45 minutes per day. Should they want more than one session in a day' the per payment will be multiplied accordingly. Only ten persons can swim in a lane session. The pool should be reserved for whole calendar month 4 '15olo concession for Annual membership (all categories) 5 50 % concession in the prescribed monthly fee for Govemment officials & their family members 6 Concession of 25o/o on monthly fee for senior citizens' 7 1/3d of the monthly fee for differently abled persons. 96 ︶ ヽ ヽ ︶ Aqenda ltem No. 13 ヽ ヽ AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING SCHEME OF EXTENSION CENTRE OF STC/ SAG FOR wlDER COVERAGE ︶ ︶ ﹂ ヽ The Extension Centres Scheme of STC/SAG Centres to cover school and colleges for wider coverage was approved in 47th Finance committee held on December,27,2005. Cunently 66 Extension Centres are functioning under the scheme The scheme envisages adoption of school and colleges which organize specific sports with commendable result, as its extension centres. 2. The Extension Centres result in cost saving on creation of infrastructure by SAI and other expenses associated with running of regular STC/ SAG Centres. Under the scheme, the following facilities are provided to the extension centres and the trainees ︶ ヽ adopted by SAI S.No. ︶ ︶ ︶ 2 3 4 5 : Particulars SDorts Kit (per trainee. per annum) Comoetition exDosure (Der trainee. Der annum) Stioend (per trainee. per annum) lnsurance (per trainee, per annum) lnfrastructure and equipment support in the identified institutions. oer trainee, subiect to ceilinq of Rs 1 lac Amount Rs 4.00000 Rs 2.00000 Rs 6.00000 Rs 150 00 Rs 5000 00 3. The current scheme envisage induction of 15-20 trainees by SAI per extension Centres and a separate financial support to the adopted institutions @ Rs 50001 per trainee per year not exceeding Rs 1 lac in total for infrastructure and equipment support. It has been observed that certain schools/ colleges adopted under the extension centres schemes are having inadequate number of trainees on their rolls. The financial support being provided for infrastructure and equipment need not be based on number of trainees but on the specific requirements of that particular centres. ヽ ︶ 4. 5. ln view of the above, approval of Governing Body is sought for the following : ︶ し ヽ ︶ The financial support being given for school/ college for infrastructure /equipment for a maximum of Rs. 1 lac per annum should not be based on number of trainees, or be a blanket offer for all Extension Centres. The financial support should be based on specific requirement of the extension centres under consideration. There are several Schools/ Colleges/ Universities which have a robust sports infrastructure, and do not need financial assistance on this account from SAl. Schools/ colleges should be adopted as extension centres only if they have the infrastructure and equipment and do not require the financial support for the inftastructure and equipment. ︶ し ヽ 97 ︶ ヽ し ヽ Aoenda ltem No. '14 ヽ ヽ REVENUE GENERATION ︶ L ヽ ︶ ︶ Golf is identified as an Olympic discipline in the forthcoming Rio- Olympics 2016 Considering the potential of sports persons and it being a new sports discipline for Olympics there is scope for lndia winning a medal in Olympics, if proper planning is done in advance. Kerala with sufficient potential contributed many lnternational sports persons in the past, whenever proper facilities and training were given. Contributions made by Kerala in sports disciplines like Athletics, Volleyball, Women's Boxing, water sports' fencing, football etc. are examples. PRESENT STATUS ︶ ︶ ・ ︶ spread over 25 acres of prime land in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram city is owned by the Government of Kerala. There was a Golf Course which is considered as the oldest Golf Course in lndia existing in the same location which was run by a private club and as a policy decision, the Government of A Golf Course ︶ し ヽ し Kerala has taken over the club by terminating the lease contract in 2008. Considering the availability of expertise and tradition of excellent maintenance and utilization of play fields, Government of Kerala had proposed to hand over the said land for setting up a Golf Academy. The High Power Committee on Revenue Generation headed by the Director General, Sports Authority of lndia, visited the site on 29.11.2013 and held meetings with various functionaries including the State Government. ヽ PROPOSAL し (a) lt is proposed to set up a Golf Academy with provision to accommodate boys and ヽ gids by following the norms of Sports Authority of lndia and train them scientifically with a long term target of getting medal in 2020 Olympics. ヽ し ヽ (b) Generate revenue from Golf Tourism. JUSTIFICATION ﹂ し ヽ ヽ し ︶ し STC scheme of SAI comprises 3-5 sports disciplines and it is found that world-class facilities in all the disciplines for training, accommodation etc. have not been provided. Training centre is not taking care of the job opportunity of its trainees. The need of the hour is targeting a specific discipline, considering its potential and giving all facilities of lnternational standards to attain the goal. An academy for a particular discipline flourish by providing facilities of lnternational standards in a particular discipline from the age group of 12-18 and the same academy can be used as a venue of National Camps, so that its optimum utilization is ensured. Sports persons of different age group, training in the same campus will give better opportunity for competition exposure and much needed motivation to the sports persons. lt would also help the organization have a single academy for a single discipline which can extract the maximum expected results. ヽ し ヽ し . ヽ ヽ し ヽ At present, the Govemment of Kerala is willing to transfer 25 acres of land including the facilities and infrastructure available to SAl. The present Golf Course of Trivandrum has following facilities. Two heritage buildings identified by the Archeological Department which need only minor renovation. 2. A double storied building with 4 a/c double rooms 3. A locker room for storing valuables. 4. A fitness centre with minimum equipment 5. Snooker room 6. Meeting/ Party hall 7. Restaurant 8. An average maintained t hole Golf Course. 9. Two open shuttle badminton courts 10. Two open tennis courts 1. ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ し ヽ BINDING CLAUSES WITH THE TRANSFER ︶ ︶ ︶ As per the Government orders issued by Government of Kerala, the following two conditions are to be met. 1 . Right of existing Golf Club members should be protected. 2. The rights ofthe existing 27 contacl labourers need to be protectedREVENUE GENERATION At present there are 600 members of the Golf course though the active members are only around 50. As per our assessment about 450 new membership can be added with the following premium :- ヽ し ヽ (i) (ii) Rs. 2 lakhs per head for 400 new members 50 Corporate members with Rs. 10 lakhs each Thus Rs. I crores for individual members and Rs. 5 crores for the corporate members. The Corpus Fund of Rs.13 crores can be generated from the above offer. Similarly we plan to generate the maintenance cost through Golf tourism. GENERATION ︶ ︶ ︶ し (1) (2) (3) Accept the proposal of Government of Kerala to take over Trivandrum Golf Course. Set up a Golf Academy. Offer membership with a premium and to have tie up with Kerala Tourism Development Corporation for generation of revenue from Golf tourism. Approval of the Governing Body is sought for accepting the proposal of Govt. of ︶ ︶ し ヽ Kerala to take over the Golf Course and setting up of a Golf Academy therein. ︶ ヽ ︶ Agenda ltem No.15 ヽ ヽ NEED HighAltitudeTrainingisaprovenmethodforendurancetraining.MunnarisaHill Station on the Westem Ghatts in Kerala High Altitude Training. - breathtakingly beautiful and an idyllic place for The Government of Kerala owns 50 acres of land namely Parvathy Hills at Munnar land to having an approximate altitude 6500-7000 ft. The proposal of handing over this in the lime sports Authority of lndia to establish a High Altitucle Training centre has been light for a long time. A High Power Committee headed by the Director General, sports Autnority of lndia, visited Kerala and held a meeting with State Government functionaries' the setting up of a High Altitude Training centre at Munnar was also discussed during of meeting. The members of the committee inspected the proposed site. The approach state Government is very positive in this regard and approval in principle from sAl Governing Body is necessary for further negotiation with the State Government' ヽ PROPOSAL ︶ し ︶ ヽ ︶ PRESENT STATUS ︶ It is proposed to set up a High Altitude Training centre at Parvathy hills with be suitable infrastructure for training and accommodation of Elite Athletes. Training can given in athletics and all other indoor games. JUSTIFICATION ︶ ﹂ ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ︶ Though Sports Authority of lndia owns a High Altitude Training Centre at Shillaroo, round the year training is not feaslble there due to extreme weather conditions. Training suffers in Shillaroo from September to March owing to winter and snow fall. The Region in The and around Munnar varies in height ftom 4760 ft to 8842 ft above the mean sea level temperature ranges between 5' C (41 F) and 25'C (77'F) in winter and 15"C (59'F) and 25"C (77"F) in summer. The temperatures as low as -4"C(25"F) have been recorded in the Sevenmally region of Munnar. The mean maximum daily temperature is at its lowest '19'C. Hence, practically during the monsoon months with the highest temperature being this place is ideal for all weather training HATC in South lndia is also a necessity Kerala with sufficient potential of sports persons, contributed many lnternational athletes in the past and the regions around Munnar hav a tradition of producing elite athletes like K M' Beenamol, Preeja sreedharan, K.M.Binu etc. The Parvathy Hills of Munnar is one among the Highest Altitude Regions of South lndia. ︶ ︶ 100 ︶ ヽ ︶ ヽ し ヽ FINANCIAL IMPLICATION ヽ ヽ At present, 50 acres of revenue land at the hill top is available with Kerala Government. Once Government transfers the land to Sports Authority of lndia all し ヽ infrastructure has to be developed. This includes earth work, construction of athletic track, playing fields, multipurpose indoor hall, administrative building, two hostels to accommodate 50 trainees each. lt is proposed to build the above structure on DBOT concept without any expendifure from SAl. lt is also proposed to open the training centre to all the neighbouring countries at a cost. ヽ FUTURE EXPANSIONS し ヽ L ヽ ln future this centre can be upgraded to an lnternational hub for High Altitude Training which would attract sports persons from abroad and it would be a revenue generating venture. Being a High Altitude point in South lndia, this centre can act as a base point for lndian and lnternational Research and study purposes, in the area of environmental and other scientific disciplines. Hence, Sports Authority of lndia can ︶ collaborate with other Government and non Government agencies as well as lnternational agencies for the development of the centre. ︶ REVENUE GENERATION ︶ し ヽ Munnar (Kannan Devan hills, Devikulam Thaluk , ldukki District, Kerala) is a hot tourist spot in South lndia. The concept of sports tourism is actively emerging as the new dimension of tourism sector. A full fledged Sports Training Centre in a high altitude hill can play a crucial role as a money earner in sports tourism sector. ︶ ︶ ︶ The centre can be used as an lntemational hub for high altitude training. Thus players and National teams from abroad will use the facilities and it will be a huge revenue source for Sports Authority of lndia as a whole. DECISIONS TAKEN ヽ ヽ BY THE HIGH POWER COMMITTEE ON REVENUE GENERATION (1) Taking over the Parvathy Hills from Government of Kerala as and when the process for land transfer is complete. (2) Use DBOT concept for construction and revenue generation from training to neighbouring counfies in addition to our own training requirements. (3) To explore possibilities of Sports Tourism from this pictururesque place. Approval of the Governing Body is sought for the same. 101 ヽ ヽ し ヽ ︶ Aqenda ltem No. 16 BUDO IN INDIA ︶ ︶ lntroduction ln modem times, the word "budo' means modern Japanese martial arts like Jujutsu, swordsmanship, Kendo, Karate etc. More specifically, the word Gendai budo literally means.modern martial way", and usually applies to arts was founded after the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in 1868 like Aikido and Judo. However, historically the term ,budo' meint a way of life encompassing physical, spiritual, and moral dimensions with a focus of self-improvement, fulfillment, or personal growth. Status of budo in Japan As per the historical meaning of the word, budo denotes a way of the encompassing physical, spiritual, and moral dimensions. As such, budo is very popular in Japan and is ingrained in the ethos of the country and vice versa. ︶ ︶ Suitability of budo to lndia 1 2 ︶ ︶ Budo has a great potential and is also a desirable sports discipline for promotion in the country because of the following reasons:lndia has a long tradition of indigenous martial arts ︶ ︶ Martial arts including the modern ones are popular including the urban areas and the North-East. in many regions of lndia Budo promotes discipline, tolerance, dedication and solidarity Present constraints to the development of budo in lndia 1 . 2. 3. Lack of properly trained and certified budo trainers/coaches, and academies lack of proper infrastructure for the discipline Discipline has not yet reached a critical, self-sustaining mass in the country. ︺ ︶ ヽ Strategic interventions required for promotion of budo in lndia '1. An initial pool of budo trainers to be created in the country to seed the development of the discipline in lndia ︶ ︶ a) ︶ c) ︶ d) b) lnitial training and certification may be provided by expert Japanese budo trainers Training to be in the Training of Trainers format lnitial trainers to be selected through a rigorous process with the involvement of the Japanese experts. Training may be free/subsidized ︶ ︶ 2. lnfrastructural support to be provided by SAI in the initial phase a) First academy/camp to be set up for the TOT course Stadium at New Delhi in lG lndoor ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ し ︶ \-\. \\' ! '! \\\- b) c) d) e) 3. ln subsequent phases, budo facilities (both infrastructure and coaches) to be provided at SAI facilities in the 4 large urban centres and the NE region Facilities to be also open to the local public through the Come and Play scheme. Budo coaches may be employed by SAI in these centres on contract basis out of the initial TOT batch SAI to also promote private academies across the country Discipline to be popularized by SAI through a) b) c) Creation and implementation of a certification mechanism by SAI to cover accreditation of private academies and skill level of the individual Cond'uct of bud'o competitions under PYKKA/RGKA across levels and age groups. Support to Budo national federation on |ines of the NSFs Japanese assistance Japanese assistance, both technical and financial may be sought for \, 1. 2. 3. Conduct of the initial TOT course Development of the Certification process Development of the infrastructure As a reciprocal measure, lndia may offer to make available to Japan \- ! ! 1. 2. 3. Yoga teachers through ICCR Ayurvedic doctors and altemative medicine methodology through AYUSH Trainers of indigenous martial arts like kalaripayattu. Approval of the Governing Body is sought for taking up such initiatives wherein a foreign Government like Japan in the instant case, is proposing to develop a particular sport in lndia ヽ ヽ し ︶ ︶ し ヽ し ヽ 103 Aqenda ltem No. 17 PEOPLE ln order to better utilize the stadia facilities, it is being felt that there is a need to start various new sporting activities at the various stadias depending upon the facilities and space available. Th6 aim is to promote various sporting disciplines and make efforts for better health of the citizens and bring in recreation and at the same time generate revenue for better maintenance of Stadia. ヽ ヽ It is proposed to start the new initiatives in collaboration with individual and agencies for wnich it was decided to float Expression of lnterest (EOl) for participation of eminent sportspersons, sports academies, peoples and institutions associated with sports. SAI will put in Small expenditure wherever required towards establishment of track, courts, grounds, nets and so on. The list of main activities to begin with are as follows :- Table Tennis, Billiards & snooker, Volleyball, Squash, Tennis, Martial Alts, Judo, ︶ ︶ Aerobics, Bridge, Yoga and outdoor activities like Football and Cricket' Drafi EOI for institutional set-up should inter-alia include the following :- ︶ ︶ It is proposed to adopt the model adopted by siri Fort Sports Complex of DDA-which is based on revenue sharing where 60% goes to the agency/academy in case of Tennis, Basketball, Aerobics, Yoga, Badminton, Squash, Dance, Outdoor Fitness and Tennis Coaching and in case of Cricket Madanlal Academy - 65% goes to Academy, Roller Sketing School of lndia - 50o/o goes to agency, Youth Global Taekwondo Association 50% goes to the agency. We will give time slot on regular basis and also on the basis of availability on pay and play basis. し ヽ ︶ Here the fee strucfure for various activities will be fixed based on duration of utilization. The tariff structure of Siri Fort Sports Complex is enclosed as @!lqX!|-U!!' It is further proposed to develop other activities like children's park, weightlifting ヽ ヽ programme, skating ring, fitness centres, cycling track with special provision for persons with disability. Membership fee for the clubs will be decided by the respective agency. Membership will also be attached for the morning walkers and cyclists to be decided by sAl on the pattern of siri Fort sports complex. coaching charges will be fixed for members and non-members differently. The academies will be listed for the disciplines like Football, Hockey, Badminton, Cricket, Martial Arts, Swimming, Tennis, and so on. 104 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ‐ ‐ ヽ ヽ ヽ EXiSTING AND PROPOSED FAC:L:T:ES FOR STADIA ヽ YOGA ‐ ‐ Space wili be identiled in a‖ the stadiums fOr the Yoga and Aerobics other than D「 Syama Prasad Mukhettee SWimming Pool COmplex We have fac‖ iies available which can be provided as hea:th c:ub and itness centre on the rates applicable in SiH Fort ヽ ヽ ヽ Sports Complex ln the Swimming Pool we can offer to estab‖ sh a ntness centre and have revenue shanng on the ‖nes of R K Khanna Tennis Stadiunl where E― Zone is running this We will advertise itin the newspaper TABLE TENNiS ヽ 06 tables each are ava‖ ablein Dr KSSR I G Stadium and」 N Stadium ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ν ヽ B:LL:ARDS&SN00KER Space W‖ l be provided in a‖ the Stadiums fbr10 tables and we w‖ i advertise it VOLLEYBALL 03 courts in:G Stadium,03 courts in」 N Stadium and 02 courts in Dr SPMSPC are avallable ヽ SQUASH ヽ Space would be provided on revenue sharlng basis for 04 courts in each Stadium ‐ TENNiS ‐ ‐ 06 courts in J N Stadium and 04 courts in a‖ other Stadiums would be bu‖ t on DOBT bas!s ‐ BADMINTON ‐ 04 courts in l G Stadiunl are ava‖ able ‐ CRICKET し ヽ し ヽ 06 nets each面 ‖be provided in MDCNS,JNS and Dr KSSR on the pattern oF Sirl Fort spOrts Complex MART:AL ARTS ヽ 02 mats w‖ l be provided for each Stadium for Martial Arts Mats would be purchased from Corpus Fund of SAl ‐ F00TBALL ‐ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ヽ ︶ Football Academy in J.N. Stadium will be started. ︶ WALKING AND CYCLE TRACK ヽ walking and cycle track will be created in l.G. stadium and J.N. Stadium. ln Dr. KSSR it is already there wherein members will be issued membership at a cost of Rs.500l per month. ヽ ︶ ︶ TERMS OF REFERENCE The High Power Committee for Revenue Generation under the Chairmanship of DG would finalize the agencies. There will be a sub-committee which includes all the Stadia Administrators, Director (Finance) and Director (lnfra) to recommend to High Power Committee for engagement of various agencies. ヽ ︶ ︶ Approval of the Governing Board is sought for approval of the said concept and the course of action proposed. ︶ し ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ い ヽ ︶ ヽ ν ヽ ヽ ヽ し ヽ ︶ 106 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ Aoenda ltem No. 18 ヽ ︶ 3 AGENCIES ﹂ ヽ ︶ ︶ As per the approval as given in the 39s Governing Body Meeting, National_S^ports Federations of various games are to be charged Rs.5,000/- per day (including FoP, 1 room, 2 change rooms, electricity, water etc). other charges like live TV coverage, parking etc. w6uld be applicable as per Appendix below. The approved charges are for all the mandatory competitions organized by the NSFS 2. Herein, it has been observed that NSFs are being given the playfields/field of play including room, two change rooms which are part of the existing stadium infrastructure. ︶ ︶ Howevei, chaiges like electricity and water which had beeri approved by the 39th Governing Body to be given ftee of cost - are not part of the existing stadium infrastruct-ure, Out is insteid being provided by SAI for which SAI is paying for electrici$ and water as per the monthly consumption bills. 3. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ The NSFs are getting their competitions sponsored and generate ample revenue from outsourcing the SAI Stadium venues but are not paying for the actual consumption of electricity and water which expenditure is accrued due to e)dra consumption due to the competitions organized by the NSFs. Air conditioning @Rs.5500^ per hour, air ventilation @R;. 28oO/- per hour, spot lighting @Rs.4500^ per hour and general lighting expenditures which are being @Rs.ZO,OOOI- per day (i.e. 6.00 AM to 10.00 PM) are the iicuned by SAi for making available these additional facilities which are otherwise not part of the existing stadium infrastructure. The above rates as mentioned are as per calculations made by CPWD (Electrical Division) on the basis of average value' 4. ln view of the above mentioned, the proposal is being submitted for consideration in the Governing Body so that the expenditures thus being incurred by SAI pertaining to electricity and water consumption are chargeable as per the existing rates as being charged to SAI by BSES & DJB from the NSFs. ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ︶ 107 ︶ ︶ ヽ APPENDIX ヽ ‐ 一 一 一′ ヽ ‐ ヽ I ヽ t-.ri ft ,/ I-x r/it!- I \'/ARITJU9 IiAI Si AT']!A CATEGOIiY.W'SE PftOPOSAL FOR SPORTS BOOKIIIGS FCF tN ヽ DELI{ ヽ ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ [1 、c!erこ n ctontS ・ P,百 F ■ 子 「き 翼‰ 「 Cat"01、 ■■二 , [・ ILラ ■c。 に ■ 菖j¨ η F Iで あ ・ '`お い]`Of thC Dcvelopal● ni c Plで Sヽ 3■ ● IS・「 。mw徹 ne。 vea`n ld SPγ l pas! “ “ ` 熙ムF` マ ia′ 。 F 「 ‐ l,1■ `F . ● lⅢ ・ 13η つ‐ 1 '・ `' 黒 謡ギ l=軍 : Jギ Etantt chattζ :‐ , ‐ ‐ ‐ F'こ ■ ri, 1 ‐ づ 1 ず'り ` r,.,)r.:':l 31;ppendD [(: [0し 〔 ::= x ´ ‐ ‐ 百蔽百ξ39anた oご 喩 iF I tia fanaatぼ じ3■ ら ド●いo「 コIS,0● s「 Cde「 2:lo′ ls cfl`a「 1● ti5 9anics ‐ a a-'- I:' ri! iIiii1,a.,! FCj:) i,:a: rt,._ 1... t.i rnri le clii:'":'i 1 r:).'l: -- :r "':ric' ' :'i i' i.r:::. ":-' r: .1- r','-.l a i:.: . ':':' i' i. ': !: .il ! rli. ni i) ' I ヽ ' 一 = … ● 2 ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ :u".;.1,.';n:, ttti. J'i..nri. t:.( ;: i,:: ; ^:u\'. ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 108 ︶ し ヽ し ヽ ヽ り ■ f` 7た '● :' =′ . 1'11■ lな 1 ′ι ‐ til ,! ︶ ヽ r:c,,rr!'ri . : lq.5li!!T '1r!'rr i5i q)it!{i :-& l r''-'L'';'j' puii'ose Qs :; tvr T'J Lover.rle lor cornmerc:!' 1" _1\ 'r \ i l':''" ri ''1::1:l Catc:illg Foints: Fc 'f,:" : Its.-.0cC/ Sponsor Banner (r'': b'rrn': "-_ it!) if-'i:' qr:"r. |{:1t t:i r::i i:r "!"'! Fis 250/ ︶ ︶ i Conlaranccl_{al,/lPLoLrnoe '-! "ii/_ L-lts iax: 1' 3': Ilrl'' 's f{:i er:1''il r"'':':- " ii n'or:_ L''':'rc r''' Po.lr,onemer:t Cl'al-gcs: l(,sr lt-i- ,' i.t\'9 . ''', Scrvicc \t:1' ':''r' ft , 1,,)- 1/, :l ︶ ﹂ ':r'-.';:,'..r',, ..', ' :' '*:u'rt io.iS'"-}.;f l,-.,:il:;t# Lrr rl lG Sladtu Fad,ns ctlarscs: ]llitiiu'r parkins chaiecs:,r': .::::.-,f.'.,"."..i _c " Nalr:.d Slaart:1 :llr:r'r')Yt ヽ :-'lj,I ':l ]i" :.r,.., - ' 'i; ' ,,- ︶ ヽ し \ IlFi l' :: \:r carl:,r 'al''_ rr :,3t::+ ': l' r. .r._ : laTr: ,i ::- i, : , ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ 109 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ︺ ︶ Aqenda ltem No. 19 ヽ ヽ CALICUT UNIVERSITY し ヽ ヽ The sports Authority of lndia has an STC in Kozhikode (calicut) which is housed in adilapidatedbuildinginthecityofKozhikode'Wehavebeenapproachingthe play ground for Government of Kerali to allot sufficient land so that we can have a ﹂ ︶ ︶ ︶ of catering to the needs of athletes in Kozhikode and nearby areas. Recently, the Ministry in track athletic youth Affairs & Sports has allotted Rs. 5 % crores for laying a synthetic the calicut university campus. The Government of Kerala, now vide its order-dated has agreed in-principle to hand over 200 acres of land in the calicut t s. t t .zor for University campus t-o SAI subjeit to the approval of the University Syndicate facilities' establishing a Football Academy of international standards, along with other s, 2. 3. The Syndicate of Calicut University is yet to take a decision on this' This is for favour of information of the Governing Body' ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ﹂ ︶ ︶ ヽ し ︶ し ヽ ヽ ︶ ︶ し ︶ 110 ︶ ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ﹂ ︶ Aqenda ltem No. 20 ヽ ヽ ﹂ ヽ & The General Body of sAl has been reconstituted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs sports vide order No. 1-'18/2013-lD dated 22.11.2013, as per the copy at Annexure'Xlv. し 4.AsperRulel6oftheRulesofSAl.TheSocietyshallreviewinitsmeeting(s)held policy ヽこ directions, as it may deem fit to the Governing Body.: at least once a year the progress and performance of the Society, and give such Further, Rule 24 provides that 'The Annual General Meeting of the society shall be the held on such date, time and placed as may be determined by the President to transact following business :- 5. ︶ ︶ ︶ i) Consideration of the Annual Report of the Society ii) Consideration of the Annual Accounts of the Society together with the Audited RePort thereon, and iii) Other business in the Agenda." ︶ ︶ 6. ︶ ︺ 7 The last meeting of the General Body was held on 27.'t1.1997. The next meeting and of the General Body iJtikety to be held in Jinuary, 2014, wherein the Annual Report placed be will 2012-13 Audited Accounts of SAI for the period from 1997-98 to accordingly. . Submitted for information of the Governing Body. ︶ ・ ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ﹂ ヽ ・︶ ﹄ 111 ︶ ︶ ︶ し ヽ ︶ ︶ ヽ ヽ︶ Agenda nem No.21 ヽ し ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ヽ ヽ ‐ Presentation to be made by Shri Malav Shroff ︶ ︶ ︶ ヽ ︶ ヽ し ヽ こ こ ヽ し ヽ ︶ ︶ ︶ V ν し ヽ Agenda:tem No.22 ヽ ‐ ヽ ‐ Presentation to be made by Shri Malav Shroff ヽ ヽ ‐ ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ヽ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ‐ ‐ ヽ ぃ ‐ ‐ ‐ V ‐ イ ‐ ‐ 113
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