クロスプラットフォーム ケーススタディ クロスプラットフォーム 目次 1 2 Lexus 3 SLATE 7 8 4 BRITISH AIRWAYS 9 5 GLOBUS CONSULTING 10 6 GYMBOREE 11 2013/2014 Season Guide 国際通貨基金(IMF) 12 NEW NATIONAL THEATRE,TOKYO 経済産業省 (METI) PREFECTURES & DOMESTIC TRAVEL SCOTCH GRAIN Scotch Grain Spider No.634 Tokyo Skytree Town Solamachi(1F) Each shoe is made by sewing together 38 pieces of leather taken from the neck and belly parts, which are not usually used. The superb technique of our craftsmen has been maintained since 1964 when Hirokawa was established. We are proud that we have used only the Goodyear welt process, and have engaged in economic activities that are friendly to the environment. REAL ESTATE JAPAN パンフレット その他の印刷物 September 2013 - July 2014 Opera Ballet Dance Play 農林水産省 顧客 : weekender tokyo Lexus Japan’s premier English language magazine 概要: 広告キャンペーン オンラインコンテンツ制作 2 Since 1970 HERE COMES THE SUMMER 印刷物コンテンツ制作 JULY 2012 WHERE ARE YOU HEADING? 詳細: PLUS KARUIZAWA MOUNTAIN ESCAPE OF THE STARS LONDON CALLING CELEBRATING THE UK, OLYMPIC STYLE BRIGHT YOUNG THINGS SHARP MINDS AND MBAS レクサスは、 日本及び米国で成功を収めている高級 車ブランドです。 INTERVIEWS 高級車分野において真のトップブランドとなるため 1 には、 レクサスが他の主要競合ブランドよりも魅力 AGENDA MOVIES All the biggest shows Previews of the best movies & events in July coming up this month Top UK Designers Sir Paul Smith and Cath Kidston talk to Weekender ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: The Latest APAC news from the Asia Daily Wire, People Parties & Places with Bill Hersey and much more... 3 があることを、 消費者に対して証明する必要があり ます。 BCメディアはレクサスとチームを組んで、 レクサスの 物語や、 その優れた顧客サービスポリシー、 そしてレ クサス・顧客の互いへの愛や情熱をお伝えするため、 一連のレクサス記事や広告キャンペーンを、 デジタ ル・印刷の両分野にて制作しました。 4 5 実施例 1 Tokyo Weekender 6ヶ月広告キャンペーン 4 Tokyo Weekender オンライン版記事 2 Tokyo Weekender 7月号表紙 5 Tokyo Weekender 2012年11月号 レクサス特集記事 3 Tokyo Weekender 2012年11月号レクサス記事 顧客 : SLATE CONSULTING 概要: トータル・ソリューション: 広告・ロゴ・カタログ製作 1 PR及びブランディング ウェブサイトの開発及び運営 顧客データベース (CRM) 2 ソフトウェア開発 インフラ管理 SNSマーケティング 詳細: スレイトはBCメディアを主要なパートナーとして活 用しており、 マーケティング・ブランディング・IT・グラ フィックデザインに必要な全ての業務を同社に委託 しています。 4 IT関連ビジネスのプロであるスレイトが、 5年以上契 約を更新し続けているという事実が、 スレイトのBC メディアへの信頼を物語っています。 5 6 実施例 1 動的で、 二か国語表記のウェブサイト 4 Facebookマーケティング・キャンペーン 2 2013年スレイト年賀状デザイン 5 LinkedInマーケティング・キャンペーン 3 ブランディング・ソリューション 6 雑誌の印刷広告 3 顧客 : BRITISH AIRWAYS 概要: 広告デザイン ウェブバナー広告デザイン 1 印刷物コンテンツ制作 イベントプランニング デジタルニュースレター 2 3 詳細: ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズは、 日本国内の外国人 コミュニティーに対するPRコミュニケーションの大 半を、 BCメディアに委託しています。 印刷、 デジタルに関わらず、 BCメディアは各プロジェ クトの初期コンセプト段階から、 ご希望に沿った制 作物の最終納入まで、 全工程を管理しています 。 4 5 6 実施例 1 ウェブバナー広告による宣伝キャンペーン 4 メールマガジンによる宣伝 2 BA 写真コンテスト・イベントより 5 ウェブバナー広告 3 BA 写真コンテスト・イベントより 6 広告デザイン 顧客 : GLOBUS CONSULTING 概要: ウェブサイト開発 ・ソリューション 1 デジタルアーカイブ アプリケーション開発 SNSマーケティング 2 3 詳細: グローバスは、 企業内研修を専門とするコンサルティ ング会社です。 BCメディアのテクノロジー分野での経験や技術者の 実績が評価され、 プロジェクトがスタートしました。 BCメディアは、 グローバスのテクニカル・ソリューシ 4 ョンに必要なテクノロジーと技術者をご提供し、 また 積極的にアドバイスをしています。 BCメディアのサー ビスは、 インタラクティブな企業ホームページ、 モバイ ル・アプリケーション、 デジタルアーカイブ、 ソーシャル メディア・マーケティング、 その他多岐に渡ります。 5 6 実施例 1 IPad用電子メール・アプリケーション 4 デジタルアーカイブ・ソリューション 2 Facebookマーケティング・キャンペーン 5 ポスターのデザイン 3 Twitterマーケティング・キャンペーン 6 グローバス社企業ホームページ 顧客 : GYMBOREE 概要: 広告制作 ビデオ制作 1 Creativity. Confidence. Friendship. It all starts at Gymboree. Our IGN PA CAM FALL ends 1! 10/3 No membership fee or building maintenance fee (A 20,000 yen savings) Classes for babies + Join with a friend and save 5,000 yen more Classes for 1 year olds デジタルニュースレター OHANA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Weekender talks to Darren Winney and Shelley Sacks from Ohana International School to find out why their school is different Explore the senses, learn about cause & effect and build strength. 詳細: 3 Explore two-way communication and become a competent problem solver. What was the vision for Ohana International School when you started out? Darren and I (Shelley) wanted to create a school of excellence where the priority is on education and not profit. We employ experienced staff who commit long-term to grow the school and build relationships with our students. The name Ohana means “family and friendship” in Hawaiian and reflects the community-oriented philosophy of our school. There is a high ratio of teachers to students at Ohana, what motivates you as owners to continue in the classroom? We felt we needed to be personally involved in teaching full time to keep the standard high. Our backgrounds and passion are teaching, and our skills lie in the classroom. So, while we have the passion to run the school, it is most rewarding being with the children, watching them develop and learning from them. What sets Ohana apart from the other international schools in Tokyo? We are perhaps the only international preschool where the owners are the teachers and live the philosophy of the school each day. We believe in building the character of our students through academic and life skills – how to be team players, respect others and take care of one another, our community and our environment. Through our lessons and projects, graduates of our school will have not only academic skills but depth of character to succeed in interactions with others. What other projects is Ohana cooking? The staff and children are raising funds to purchase a new fue and taiko drums for a town in Tohoku who lost theirs in the tsunami. In the spring, the children will visit the preschool in this town and host a matsuri with taiko for them. They are also gardening in Minato-ku, potato digging in Chiba and collecting clothing for people in Tibet. Address: 2/3F, Park I, 2-17-8 Azabu-juban Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0045 Tel: 03-3451-0087 Website: www.school-in-tokyo.com Classes for 3-4 year olds Classes for 2 year olds ジンボリーは、 日本をベースとする多国籍なお子様向 け幼児教室運営を専門とする国際的フランチャイズ 企業です。 Stretch the imagination and support language development through creative play. 同社は、 日本国内の外国人コミュニティーとの主なコ Play & Learn Music Art School Skills Sports Skills Multi-age 0-6mos 6-60mos 16-60mos 30-60mos 30-60mos 6-60mos 2 ミュニケーション手段として、 BCメディアのプラット Build self-confidence and gain independence in a drop-off environment. www.gymboree.jp + Preschool 2-4 yrs old 4 www.tokyoweekender.com OCTOBER 2012 フォームを活用してきました。 ターゲットとする顧客層に接触するには、 メディア活 用が有効です。 BCメディアは印刷・デジタル広告に 加え、 ビデオやデジタルニュースレターを補完するこ とで、 同社のマーケティングをより一層強化している のです。 5 実施例 1 メールマガジン 4 宣伝用ビデオからのスクリーンショット 2 広告デザイン 5 宣伝用ビデオからのスクリーンショット 3 宣伝用ビデオからのスクリーンショット 顧客 : 国際通貨基金 IMF weekender tokyo Japan’s premier English language magazine 概要: OCTOBER 2012 1 IMF & WORLD BANK SPECIAL Since 1970 TOKYO WELCOMES THE WORLD: イベントプロモーション 2012 IMF & WORLD BANK MEETINGS 印刷物コンテンツ制作 IMF & WORLD BANK GROUP COMES TO TOWN Every three years, the annual meetings of the IMF and World Bank are held away from the two organizations’ Washington D.C. Headquarters and this year, it is the turn of Tokyo to host. The meetings are a forum for international cooperation which are held ‘to discuss international economic and financial developments and policies’. As the aim is to strengthen inclusive economic growth and help オンラインコンテンツ制作 countries overcome poverty, the venue is usually a developing nation. The 2012 meetings had initially been planned to take place in Egypt but, after developments in the region in early 2011, the organisers felt that a move was necessary and Japan stepped in. Offering its services at a time when itself in such INTERVIEW WITH TOKYO’S GOVERNOR ISHIHARA ENTERTAINMENT FINE DINING & SHOPPING IN GINZA AUTUMN TRAVEL IWATE, TOTTORI & VIETNAM 詳細: early stages of recovery from catastrophic earthquake and tsunami was a brave move and one the city of Tokyo, and Japan as a whole, wants to capitalise on. H iroshi Naka, secretary general of the Japan Secretariat for the 2012 annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group, speaks eagerly of what the meetings can do for Japan and why he is glad Tokyo is playing host. Selling the merits of Tokyo and showcasing what it has to offer might sound easy – here we are in one of the most exciting cities in one of the most advanced countries in the world which has a history and culture well known to almost everyone. 2012年に東京で開催された国際通貨基金 (IMF) 及 Naka, who with his staff seems to have taken the challenge in his stride, explains that there are four pillars to the project of doing justice to the choice of Tokyo as host city. The first time the meetings were held here was in 1964, the same year that Tokyo last hosted the Olympic Games. Those meetings – brought to Japan by then finance minister and future prime minister, Kakuei Tanaka – were, Naka has said, “an opportunity to promote Japan to the world and one of the driving forces behind Japan’s postwar new start.” び世界銀行の年次会合は、 財界・実業界の一大イベン トであり、 数千人の政治家及び実業界のリーダーが As well as passing on lessons learned, Naka says, “we would like to make an intellectual contribution to the world.” There will be a program of seminars, hosted in collaboration with the World Bank and IMF and through these – as well as cultural exhibitions throughout the venues – visitors will find something to take away. Linking the past and present is a big part of the message about Japanese culture, Naka says, “for example people will learn about how some of the technology the Tokyo Sky Tree uses to mitigate earthquakes comes from the idea of a central pillar inherited from five-tier pagodas.” In 2012, there are new challenges but also new opportunities. Selling Japan to the world is still a priority, of course: “Kakuei Tanaka told young staff of the Ministry of Finance in 1964 that the annual meetings were superior to more than 100 international trade fairs,” Naka says, “We hope to get a similar benefit this year.” Although he is keen to stress that the benefits are not only financial. The take up of offers to arrange factory visits to showcase Japan’s industry to the world has been high. “That’s good news for Japanese people because sometimes they lose confidence in their technological advancement but now, with so many countries interested, it’s a good opportunity to regain that confidence.” The benefits of the meetings go both ways, Naka feels: “I hope visitors and people living here will tell other people coming from abroad what they feel about Japan - both the good and the bad aspects. Everything should be fed back to Japan through media and so on, and that kind of conversation with the public will only help us develop ourselves in the future.” “Another merit of hosting the meetings in Tokyo, in Japan, is that we can show recovery from the earthquake last year,” Naka says. “As part of that we are going to host a big seminar in Sendai (Miyagi prefecture) with the World Bank, at which we’d like to spread the message to developing countries that they have to mainstream disaster risk management into their development policy.” 世界中から参加しました。 Above: Hiroshi Naka Background Image: Inside Tokyo International Forum, venue for the 2012 meeting BCメディアでは、 日本の財務省及び内閣府とチーム GINZA GUIDE | IMF & WORLD BANK SPECIAL | 17 16 | IMF & WORLD BANK SPECIAL | GINZA GUIDE Ginza Guide を組んで、 地元でのイベントプロモーションや、 海外か ら参加した多数の出席者に対する、 東京の高級レスト L ike Fifth Avenue in New York or ラン及びショッピングエリアを紹介するパンフレット を制作しました。 7. MIKIMOTO You will find the finest pearls in the world at Mikimoto, the first company to ever achieve cultured pearl production. Proudly on the streets of Ginza since 1899. Ginza remains one of the best places in the world to Avenue Montaigne in Paris, Ginza is shop for luxury items and indeed dine in the finest the iconic shopping district in Tokyo. style possible anywhere on earth. A district that Its wide, avenue-like streets are flanked by 4-5-5 Ginza, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 104-8145 Tel: 03-3535-4611 Web: www.mikimoto.com is connected to major attractions and important some of the most innovative and exciting locations in the area such as the Imperial Palace architecture in the city, buildings which and the Tokyo International Forum and just around host flagship stores and upscale fashion the corner from the Marunouchi area and newly boutiques, Michelin-starred restaurants renovated Tokyo Station, every visitor to Tokyo will and top class entertainment venues. Ginza end up here at some point. 6. DAIMARU Unsurprisingly, Ginza is at its most vibrant on weekends. It is one of only three places left in After a huge fire ravaged the eight-block area 3 central Tokyo where the main road is closed to in 1872, the city commissioned Irish architect, traffic on Saturdays (14.00-17.00) and Sundays Thomas Waters, to rebuild the area with the (12.00-17.00), so that people can experience Georgian-style brick buildings which remain the rather grand sounding Hokousha Tengoku - to this day. The area soon became known as ‘pedestrians paradise’. The department store of choice for those seeking gifts, clothing, even lunch. Recently renovated to open at the start of October, Daimaru is a new Ginza landmark. the main hangout for Tokyo’s rich and famous, a place for them to shop and dine; a reputation that continued throughout the 20th century. 3 6 is the ideal destination for those looking to experience the finer things in life. 2 www.tokyoweekender.com OCTOBER 2012 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: The Latest APAC news from the Asia Daily Wire, an Education Special, Movies, Events and much more... Other highlights, for tourists particularly, include the Wako Store and its landmark clock tower on 1-9-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6701 Web: www.daimaru.co.jp the main intersection and the Sony Building with In recent years however, a large number of its free demonstrations of the latest technological fast fashion retail stores have opened, leading gadgets. Ginza also boasts a great selection of to a sharp rise in younger, more cost-conscious galleries, bars and theaters and almost all of the shoppers, re-invigorating the area. The likes best spots can easily be explored on foot. If all that of H&M and Forever 21 occupy prominent isn’t enough for you, the famous Tsukiji Market is positions on Chuo Avenue, the central street located nearby, a fantastic window into Japanese that runs through Ginza, and the place cuisine and surely the best spot in Tokyo to continues to bustle with shoppers of all ages. find some sushi. 1 4 5. YUGAO 7 2 Teppanyaki with a European influence in one of the most stylish dining rooms in Tokyo. Yuago’s inviting decor and beautiful food make it a destination for any occasion. Ginza 888 Building 5F, 8-8-8 Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo Tel: 03-5568-8883 5 1. HITSUMABUSHI 2. SABATINI DI FIRENzE 3. ANTICA OSTERIA 4. RANGETSU If you have never tried Japanese style grilled eel, Hitsumabushi is a great place to start. Cooked in a way traditional to Nagoya - over smoky oak charcoal - the unagi and rice makes a perfect lunch. Few can replicate the true Florentine dining experience like Sabatini di Firenze. Should you visit the Sony building, head upstairs and and stick around for dinner. On the 36th floor of the Marunouchi building, you won’t find a better view from which to dine Italian style. Three-Michelinstar chef from the Milan branch cooks in October only. Snow crabs and top class Japanese beef cooked at the table may just be the ultimate in Japanese dining experiences. Rangetsu also offers a specialist sake bar in its basement. 2-2-14 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Tel: 03 5159 0231 Web: www.hitsumabushi.co.jp 5-3-1 Ginza, Sony Building 7F Tel: 03-3573-0013 Web: www.miyoshi-grp.com/ cardinal/sabatini/ Marunouchi Building 36F, 2-4-1 Tel: 03-5220-4686 Web: www.anticaosteriadelponte.jp Toyko-to, Chuo-ku, Ginza 3-5-8 Tel: 03-3567-1021 Web: www.ginza-rangetsu.com 4 www.tokyoweekender.com OCTOBER 2012 実施例 1 「IMF特集」 表紙 4 IMF特集号のエリアガイド 2 Tokyo WeekenderのIMF記事 5 オンラインのイベントプロモーション 3 オンライン版Tokyo Weekender.comのIMF記事 5 顧客 : 経済産業省(METI) 概要: イベントプロモーション オンラインコンテンツ制作 1 2 印刷物コンテンツ制作 ビデオ 詳細: 「農業フロンティア (会議・見本市) 」 とは、 日本が誇 る最先端の農業技術を、 海外から出席される数千名 の実業界・産業界リーダー達に提示する一大イベン トです。 BCメディアは経済産業省とチームを組み、 同イベン トのプロモーションや新興技術にまつわる情報を、 印刷・デジタル媒体やビデオといった形でご紹介して います。 3 4 実施例 1 オンライン版Tokyo Weekender.comの 「農業フロンティア」 記事 3 オンライン版ビデオ・キャンペーン 2 「農業フロンティア」 記事 4 経済産業省PR記事 都道府県庁 顧客 : 都道府県庁 weekender tokyo Japan’s premier English language magazine 1 印刷物コンテンツ制作 広告デザイン T DAY TRIPS, MUSEUMS, SAMURAI COSPLAY... ウェブバナー広告デザイン The Museum of The Little Prince in Hakone For more info: www.tbs.co.jp/l-prince Address: 909 Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa-ken How to get there: Approximately 30 minutes by Hakone Tozan Bus from the Hakone Yumoto station on the Odakyu line. Approximately 20 minutes from the Tomei Expressway Gotenba Interchange Opening Times: 9:00am to 6:00pm (last entry 5:00pm) CHIBA 詳細: IS THE GREAT OUTDOORS RIGHT NEXT DOOR? FRESH FACES SUMMER BEAUTY TIPS J-POP 日本には東京以外にも見所がたくさんあります。 MUSIC INTERVIEW THE CURSE OF IDOL CULTURE 本国中に存在します。 しかしながらその多くは、 日本 の都道府県庁における国際マーケティングの知識・ ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Top news from Asia Daily Wire, “Rami-chan” looks forward to the new baseball season, movies, events and more... T he first surfers to take to the waves in Japan did so at Kamogawa in the 1950s and it is the ocean that keeps many people coming back again and again to an area rich with outdoor opportunities. The town, which sits on the south east coast of the Boso Peninsula, acts as a base for many fans of outdoor activities and the local waters – warmed by the Kuroshio Current, which brushes past the southern Boso peninsula – play a key part in that. Sea kayaking schools, surf rental shops, paragliding and scuba diving centers come to life between spring and autumn but, as the local climate is also warm and the local area has a somewhat tropical feel, it’s no wonder 組み、 お勧めの旅行先や最高のホテル・レストランを so 2 Over pieces are 100 including work from masters such as Auguste Rodin, EmileAntoine Bourdelle, Joan Miro and Henry Moore. A collection of more than 300 Picasso pieces T in a is housed specially built his stunning sculpture park that Picasso Pavillion on site, indoor galleries Opening times: Open 365 days a year, 9am – sets world-class art alongside some host seasonal shows and there are paths 5pm (Last entrance 4.30pm) of the most spectacular scenery winding through the exhibits that can keep in Japan truly fits into the must- you occupied for hours. Anyone of any age visit category however long you are in the should enjoy an afternoon, or even a full country. While many go to Hakone for the day, at the museum – lunch in one of the hot springs and relaxation, there are also on-site restaurants or cafe included – and museums and attractions such as this that this being Hakone, the experience can will make you want to return again and be completed with a soothing soak in an again to soak up the atmosphere and enjoy outdoor hot spring foot bath. The museum itself is the centerpiece of a lush area set around a small pond which visitors can take their time strolling around and discovering terraces, gardens and glass sculptures, and with so much to see and do you should leave a few hours of your Hakone schedule spare to enjoy it all. Elaborate classical pieces from Venice sit in a colourful, skillfully made and curated collection that is admired world over, but modern day artists are also exhibited rally for the duration of 2013 (until alongside seasonal specials and March next year) whereby success other regular features at the means original postcards. museum. Step you’ll back find outside, plenty Admission: Adults: ¥1,600 University/HS Students: ¥1,100 Elementary/JHS Students: ¥800 crafting their own work of art – you can try your hand at making your own glass accessory or sandblast a take-home trinket, though while you might have some fun you’ll have some work to do to match up to the regular exhibits. THE BEAuTIFuL WORLd OF MOSAIC (uNTIL NOvEMBER 24, 2013) The current exhibition at the museum celebrates all kinds of mosaic from both Venetian glass and Hakone Yosegi Zaiku marquentry, which has been produced in the area itself since the 18th century. More than 120 different works of mosaic are displayed, in all manner of styles and materials. and more to Opening times: Open 365 days a year, 9am – 5.30pm (Last entrance fountain made of 160,000 pieces 5pm) of cut crystal, set so that sunlight Access: From Hakone Yumoto crash and bend through it giving a unique appearance at different times of day – that he spacious grounds of the Hakone is exactly what you’ll find in the Glass no Mori – the glass forest that ‘Flash Corridor’, part of the forest incorporates the Hakone Venetian gardens. Glass Museum – are a joy to visit Station and it’s a 2 mins walk. enjoy. Imagine an 9-metre high can T Odakyu Hakone Yumoto Station take the Hakone Tozan Line to Chokoku-no-Mori invites adults and children alike to enjoy HAKONE GLASS-NO-MORI MUSEUM the Access: From either JR Odawara Station or More info: www.hakone-oam.or.jp/english A FEAST FOR THE EYES AT THE book, the museum is hosting a stamp JULY 2013 www.tokyoweekender.com with scattered around the grounds, To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the THE FUTURE OF THE SAMURAI BLUE ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Top news from Asia Daily Wire, sushi sommeliers, the myth of mono-ethnicity, Tokyo events and more... comfortably nature. If you are inspired by the and one of the cultural highlights of the world-class pieces on show, volcanic mountainside area. a studio within the grounds Station take the Hakone Tozan bus bound for Togendai and get off at Hyoseki/Hakone Glass no Mori Mae Admission: Adults: 1,300yen University/HS Students: 1,100yen Elementary/JHS Students: 800yen More info: www.ciao3.com 3 CHIBA | TRAVEL | 23 MAKING WAVES IN KAMOGAWA BCメディアは、 日本の多くの都道府県庁とチームを A European style garden, designed by Keiko Yoshiya, who has spent much time in Europe, particularly the UK, is well-liked for its hydrangea and there is also a rose garden that draws botanical enthusiasts. The indoor exhibition hall offers an exhaustive recollection of the author’s life, including the period that will perhaps interest readers most; Saint-Exupéry wrote and illustrated the manuscript (a replica document is displayed), as well as many other works, while exiled in the US after his stint as a reserve military pilot at the start of the Second World War and shortly before he died after returning to the front line to fly recon missions. The museum’s own restaurant, Le Petit Prince, serves French cuisine at reasonable prices, complete with organic vegetables and fresh fish from the local area. A stop by the souvenir shop is unavoidable for fans who wish to stock up on merchandise or gifts, including the book if you either still haven’t read it, or want to enjoy it all over again. Even though Saint-Exupéry disappeared shortly after writing his magnum opus, his legacy remains, and so do his quotes, many of which have been turned into simple yet meaningful life lessons. KAGAWA COMES HOME 22 | TRAVEL | CHIBA 行われていません。 hat famous quote is only one of numerous that has become entrenched in popular culture since The Little Prince, by Antoine de SaintExupéry, was first published in 1943. The Little Prince (of course originally Le Petit Prince) is now the most read and most translated French novella in the world, with millions of copies flying off the shelves and through the post each year even decades after its release. As if the multitude of sold copies and related paraphernalia wasn’t enough, a handful of exhibitions have been created around the world to honour the celebrated story of a stranded aviator’s discovery – and adventures – in the desert. Japan’s Museum of The Little Prince is in Hakone – perhaps the most ideal place in the country to host the exhibition; its outdoor space provides the perfect setting. Dedicated to this literary oeuvre d’art, complete with pictures and sketches depicting the author’s life path, the place is a joy to visit. Although the indoor part of the museum is where most artifacts relating to SaintExupéry are displayed, an outdoor area boasts eye-catching sculptures including the B-612 Asteroid known to all readers, and a sculpture of the Little Prince himself. The open-air space is a reproduction of a French street, complete with cobblestones, quaint shops and cafes, as well as Provencal castle that gives life to SaintExupéry’s past. FOOTBALL FEVER NAOSHIMA AND THE INLAND ISLANDS + SETOUCHI TRIENNALE RETURNS 経験不足もあり、 日本人のみを対象とした宣伝しか the artwork that sits FUJI ROCKERS TAME IMPALA TRAVEL & ART 数えきれないほどの素晴らしい自然や文化遺産が日 HAKONE OPEN AIR MUSEUM “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” DISCOVER KANAGAWA オンラインコンテンツ制作 A BREATH OF FRESH AIR AT THE THE LITTLE PRINCE MARCH 2013 Japan’s number one English language magazine 概要: KANAGAWA | FEATURE | 25 SPEND A DAY WITH JULY 2013 1 3 to often rave about the gentler side of the creatures. If timed carefully it is also possible to take in the killer whale show while eating lunch at the park’s Ocean restaurant. the town feels like a genuinely year-round destination. Cyclists head to the palm tree lined coastline and hikers head to nearby Mt. Takazuru; people pick strawberries, blueberries and mikan oranges at local farms and fish for local species from the beach or a boat and many of them, we’re told, can’t believe how close the resort-style city is to Tokyo. The white sand of local beaches is far removed from many other locations in Kanto and really is worth traveling for; it is clean, the water is blue – great for swimming as well as surfing in the summer – and the seemingly endless Pacific offers a fresh ocean breeze. Seaworld’s “Tropical Island” area has deep, emerald green water brimming will colourful fish and coral reef – definitely one for wannabe scuba divers to get inspired by. At the “Ecoaquarium” fish local to the waters off the Boso peninsula live in a natural recreation of their home. Polar Adventure takes us to each end of the world with sea otters and flightless penguins. 2 There are lots of points to explore on your travels around the sweeping coastline that makes up the area. If you head to the Futomi area – famous for the Futomi Flower Center – you’ll find one of the prefecture’s Designated Places of Scenic Beauty, Niemonjima Island. The Niemon family privately owns it but visitors can easily arrange a rowing boat to take them across to the island, which is home to wildlife and vegetation not found anywhere else, as well as 300-yearold architecture that has stood the test of time. Speak to the local shop owners and you’ll hear of hidden alcoves and caves to kayak towards and learn of coral-like underwater formations perfect for anything up to some fairly advanced scuba diving. Anyone wishing to get out of Tokyo, be that by road or rail, will find just a couple of hours away a great location for active pursuits that will refresh the mind and body. 世界にご紹介するお手伝いをしています。 S E A WO R L D 4 MARCH 2013 www.tokyoweekender.com For more information on Kamogawa Sea World visit: www.kamogawa-seaworld.jp/ english/ 1 Rowing over to Niemonjima 2 Impressive diving just a few minutes off the shore 3 The adventurous take to the skies. You can watch beluga whales, stroke dolphins, have your picture taken with sea lions or even kiss a killer whale at Kamogawa Seaworld. Located along Tojoh beach, with a terrific view of the Pacific Ocean, this offers one of Chiba Prefecture and indeed the Kanto region’s most KAMOGAWA’S ONSENS family-friendly days out and is just a short distance from central Kamogawa. Its 58 tanks are home to 11,000 sea creatures from 800 different species including sea turtles, Japanese spider crabs, pelicans, jellyfish, sharks and performing whales and dolphins. Kamogawa Seaworld is famous for being the first place in Japan to breed and teach tricks to killer whales and show visitor why the magnificent creatures are known as the “kings of the sea.” The whales seem to have great rapport with their trainers and visitors, especially kids, are said Many of Kamogawa’s local hotels and traditional ryokan offer outdoor baths. This is in part due to the warm local temperatures on the peninsula but even in winter they offer a fantastic way to unwind after a day of action by the coast. 1 2 3 1 Having a killer time in the pool 2 Gorgeous coastline 3 You don’t need to go scuba diving to meet this little fella’. www.tokyoweekender.com MARCH 2013 実施例 1 「千葉県特集」 表紙 4 「千葉県特集」 特集記事 2 「神奈川県特集」 表紙 5 オンライン版Tokyo Weekender.comの旅行セクション 3 「神奈川県特集」 特集記事 5 顧客 : ヒロカワ製靴 概要: 広告キャンペーン ローカライゼーション 1 ホームページの 印刷物コンテンツ制作 詳細: スコッチグレインは、 日本を代表する皮革装飾ブラン ドであり、 主に紳士靴を制作しています。 2 更なるビジネスの成長を遂げるためには、 インターナ ショナルな顧客層へのコミュニケーションが必要だ と感じたスコッチグレインは、 BCメディアとチームを 組みました。 BCメディアのコンテンツ制作専門家がスコッチグレ インのメッセージを作成し、 その伝統的なハンドメイ ドの制作工程を、 画像とともにご紹介しました。 更に 英語版ホームページやショップ情報を制作し、 検索エ ンジン最適化 (SEO) を行うことで、 インターナショナ ルな顧客に対するスコッチグレインの露出度を大幅 に引き上げました。 Scotch Grain Spider No.634 Tokyo Skytree Town Solamachi(1F) Each shoe is made by sewing together 38 pieces of leather taken from the neck and belly parts, which are not usually used. The superb technique of our craftsmen has been maintained since 1964 when Hirokawa was established. We are proud that we have used only the Goodyear welt process, and have engaged in economic activities that are friendly to the environment. 実施例 1 Tokyo Weekender広告キャンペーン 2 ホームページのローカライゼーション 3 Tokyo Weekender広告キャンペーン 3 顧客 : Real estate Japan 概要: 広告キャンペーン ポータルサイト制作 1 ホームページのデザイン 詳細: リアルエステイト・ジャパンは日本の代表的な不動産 ポータルサイトです。 同社はBCメディアのプラットフ ォームを利用して、 高級不動産物件を印刷・デジタル の両媒体にて宣伝すると共に、 BCメディアの社内ホ 2 ームページ・デザインサービスを活用して、 日本語版 ホームページを制作しています。 3 Japan’s first and largest international real estate portal Historical Samurai Residence in Kyoto Price: ¥165,000,000 For Sale Built in 1901 and immaculately maintained, the house sits atop 996 sqm of land and is attached to the famous Zuishin-In in Kyoto. Boasting a Japanese garden straight from the Meiji era, the building was originally built to house the samurai who guarded the adjoining temple. Located within a five minute walk from the World Heritage Designated Daigoji Temple, history abounds in the neighborhood as well. Contact: [email protected] or Tel: 07-5592-9000 or Azabu Kasumicho Park Mansion Hiroo Station (8 mins walk) Japanese Property for International Buyers and Renters For Sale Multiple Room Sizes, Shinagawa Easy access to Haneda Airport Serviced Apartment For Rent Meguro, Tokyo Meguro Station, Tokyo; 1 min walk Co-Working Space Price: ¥310,000,000 and Shinkansen Lines Free 1 Day Trial Luxurious, 132.68m2unit inside this classic-style condominium building, situ- BUREAU Shinagawa. A luxurious, hotel-like serviced apartment by Space Design. Designed by renowned architect Jun Aoki and featuring bilingual concierge, complimentary buffet - style breakfast, a fitness gym, and penthouse Japanese spa. These fully furnished apartments are perfect for one month stays or over. Long term, unfurnished rental contracts now available for Weekender readers! Inquire today for more details on this special offer. Contact: [email protected] or Tel: 0120-710-677 Compass Habitat is situated in the Meguro area directly opposite JR Meguro Station. At Habitat you will find a number of facilities ranging from comfortable lounge seating, large desk spaces, meeting areas and relaxation zones with massage chairs that make you feel great about your work environment. WiFi Broadband Internet is provided throughout and you will get a free 1 day pass to experience it for yourself. Contact: [email protected] Tel: 0120-948-818 ated in the prime area of Azabu, surrounded by many embassies, shops and famous restaurants. This 2-bedroom unit also boasts a spacious roof balcony with a magnificent view of the city. Contact: [email protected] or Tel: 03-3449-3355 Pacific Asset Management PACIFIC ASSET MANAGEMENT http://www.pacific-am.com Luxury 3 bed room Condominium, 201 sqm Yoyogi Koen Station (6 minutes) For Sale 8LDK Mansion, Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi Private Sale Price: ¥55,000,000 Royal Yoyogi Garden is a low rise apartment building located in the quiet residential neighborhood of Moto Yoyogi in Shibuya-ku. The apartment is on the third floor and is a short walk to Yoyogi Park and the trendy fashion meccas of Harajuku and Omotesando. This sun drenched apartment was fully renovated only 5 years ago and features a large 66 sqm, south-facing living, dining and open kitchen which is perfect for entertaining guests. Contact: [email protected] or Tel: 03-3588-8861 Dreamloft is a comfortable escape from civilization. Surrounded by lush mountains, this is a home away from home to settle back and reflect in. The house was designed specifically for demanding tastes that match the world–class features of the area. With easy access to the Woodstock Country Club and the Misaka ski slopes, this 8-bedroom house ensures everyone has enough space to spread their wings. Peach orchards and forested areas encircle the property and you’ll find it hard to believe you’re only an hour from the Tokyo Metro area. Tel: 090-8050-7775. www.realestate.co.jp 実施例 1 リアルエステイト・ジャパンのホームページ:新デザイン 2 オンライン版Tokyo Weekender.com上の不動産ポータルサイト For Sale Price: ¥158,000,000 3 Tokyo Weekender広告キャンペーン Loans for Real Estate Investment No Money Down Loans Financing Looking for high yield investment real estate in Japan with no money down? Look no further, as Pacific Asset Management has your answer! If you have been paying tax in Japan for two years and are earning over 7 million yen then permanent residency is NOT necessary. 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Contact: [email protected] or Tel: 01-3655-8880 Browse over 50,000 listings at www.realestate.co.jp パンフレット その他の印刷物 顧客: 観光庁 新国立劇場 50 ShadeS of red i N a K i ta 2013/2014 Season Guide 秋田県 NEW NATIONAL THEATRE,TOKYO Looking just like a petrified version of its namesake—Godzilla—Gojira Rock has to be one of Japan’s most unique natural rock formations. While the giant monster looks, well, a bit fossilized during the day, at dusk it comes to life, a black silhouette against the red-orange sunset. The rest of Shiosezaki Cape’s rocky shore is beautiful too, making this a good stop along the Oga Peninsula’s coastline. colder months. It comes out in festival lanterns and bright masks, sunsets and winter fires. Even the new Akita Super Komachi Shinkansen’s red and white color scheme reflects the importance of this color to the region. While there are many ways to experience the reds of Akita, here are a few of the best ones. gettiNg there Super Komachi 概要: 印刷物 “With the cool air of October, the mountainside is set ablaze with the fiery reds, yellows, and oranges of the changing leaves” 詳細: BCメディアは近年、 多言語対応のパンフレットも作 A s the air turns chill and the days slowly get shorter, the green tones of Akita summer give way the blaze of red-orange-yellow autumn leaves, the warm fires of home, and torches carried down from the mountains by crimson-faced namahage. It is the time to dig into local foods cooked over the orange flames of an irori hearth, a time to appreciate the bright color and smooth flavors of prize-winning local beef. A time when early sunsets make a dramatic backdrop to the mountains, casting the sight in warm waves of color. Red is a primal color of Akita, one that comes out most in the Debuting in March 2013, the Super Komachi is not only Japan’s newest and fastest Shinkansen, but also its most stylish and comfortable. Traveling at 300 km/h, the Super Komachi winds its way through Tohoku’s scenic fields, towns, and valleys. Thanks to a state-of-the-art active suspension system, a spacious interior and ergonomic seats, the 3 hour and 45 minute ride from Tokyo to Akita City passes in a flash. And what a stylish flash it is. While most train designs appeal only to a small group of hobbyists, the Super Komachi’s exterior is nothing if not cool. With its sleek profile, crimson front and a roof that calls to mind images of Akita’s red-faced namahage and fiery festival lanterns, the train looks more like a luxury sports car than public transit. And with design overseen by former Ferrari designer Ken Okuyama, it’s easy to see why. Combining style, comfort, and speed, the Super Komachi brings Akita closer to Tokyo than ever before. 製しております。弊社紙媒体チームはコンセプトの構 築からデザイン、 タグラインやコピー、 文章 作成、 写 Namahage Every New Year’s Eve, the namahage sweep down from the mountains into the villages of Akita’s Oga Peninsula. Faces bright red, carrying drums and heavy knives they pound on doors demanding entry. But despite their frightful appearance the namahage are not demons, but guardians against sloth and disharmony. Watching from their mountaintop perches throughout the year, they see all in the villages below. Their noisy entrance expels evil spirits, they scare unruly children into behaving, and they promise good luck to families who are getting along and working hard. Today, young men in the towns put on the red mask and long straw cape of the namahage and go door-to-door terrorizing children into good behavior and amusing the adults. Although the namahage typically come out on New Year’s Eve, there are festivals throughout the winter, the biggest being the Nagahame Sedo Matsuri, on the second full weekend of February. Here, visitors can watch the torchlit procession of namahage as they tramp through the snow, growling menacingly before bestowing them with good luck for the year to come. The experience is at once eerie and raucously festive. Despite the flash of cameras it feels like being carried back to a much older time when, for one night at least, the namahage ceased to be villagers in bright red masks and became true crimson-faced deities of the mountains. the mountainside is set ablaze with the fiery reds, yellows, and oranges of the changing leaves. Various evergreens act as stunning pinpoints of contrast, accentuating the bright colors cast by the oak, maple, alpine cherry, and Japanese ash trees. While the view of the mountainside from the bottom of the wellmaintained trail is impressive, hiking 90 minutes to the summit and looking down on the array of colors is intoxicating. After taking in the views, it’s worth stopping to soak in an onsen at the Sukawa spa resort, overlooking the mountainside, as well as a quick rest at the Kurikama Sansou Ashi no Yu footbath. YoShihara Beef The best way to get to Akita is the Akita Shinkansen from Tokyo or Ueno station. Check with the JR counter to be sure to get a seat on one of the new E6 Super Komachi trains. For Gojira Rock and the Namahage Sedo Matsuri, take the JR Oga line from Akita Station to Oga Station. From there take the Akita Chuoukoutsu bus: OGA-south line to Hokakejima bus stop (30 minutes, ¥590) and walk to the coast. Buses from Oga Station to the Sedo Matsuri run regularly throughout the festival. The best way to reach Kurikoma Sansou is by airport bus: Kurikoma line (2 hours 30 minutes, ¥10,000). Alternatively, from Ichinoseki Station take the Iwate Kotsu bus: Sukawa onsen line (1 hour, 30 minutes, ¥1,450). Little known outside of the region, Akita’s Yoshihara Beef seemingly came out of nowhere to take second prize at Japan’s premiere beef competition, the Wagyu Olympics. The beef is beautifully marbled, with wisps of white threading through the bright red meat, and incredibly tender. To sample this local delicacy, try Ichiyoshi in the town of Yurihonjo, 40 minutes south of Akita City. Housed in an historic Edo-period building, this ryotei-style restaurant serves Yoshihira beef and excellent local fare. It is well worth the trip and the price. gojira rocK Jutting out into the Sea of Japan, Akita’s axeshaped Oga Peninsula is well known for its stunning, craggy coastline and impressive rock formations. None though, are as famous or impressive as Gojira Rock. KuriKoma SaNSou 真撮影から西欧諸言語だけではなくアジア各国語へ Nestled in the serene environs of the Kurikama Quasi-National Park at Akita’s southern tip, Kurikama Sansou is a beautiful getaway year-round. With the cool air of October, though, 2 の翻訳、 校 正、 印刷から配送までお客様にご満足頂 ける時間枠内で仕上げます。 BREWERY BREWERY 日本 THE SAKE EXPERIENCE 外国人レポーターによる酒蔵観光レポート By 3rd generation Japanese American reporter Sami Kawahara 文 サミ カワハラ(日系三世アメリカ人レポーター) into the tasting room filled with countless sake products. Bottles of sake, of course, but also sake-inspired beauty products and omiyage (souvenirs). Mr. Maegaki, head brewer at Kamoizumi brewery, eagerly lines up four sake glasses with the bottles displayed behind, ready for guests to taste. I was continuously charmed by the brewer’s enthusiasm and excitement when proudly serving his own sake. As we moved to the next brewery a few buildings down, I felt drawn in and inspired by the countryside atmosphere and the sake rice fields only a stone’s throw away from the brewery. And as we continued the brewery tour, it was clear that whether I wanted to learn more about sake in a classroom environment, view traditional sake making tools, relax in a zen garden, or eat cake with sake sauce drizzled over the top, each brewery brought something new to the table. September 2013 - July 2014 he dedication and devotion to all things made here in Japan is a beautiful thing,” the tour guide enthusiastically states as we walk down Sakagura Dori. And as it turns out, sake making is no different. Opera Ballet Dance Play Sakagura Dori – literally translated, Sake Brewery Street – is lined with eight different breweries. Instead of competing with each other, the breweries have united under specific guidelines. Similar to a winetasting tour, Sakagura Dori allows guests to taste many different kinds of sake from the same region, but recognize the unique qualities of each brewery. The passion each head brewer expresses when greeting guests and the diligence of each sake worker brewing truly brings a deeper appreciation to every sip of sake thereafter. able to view parts of this production from start (the rice polishing) to finish (the bottling). Many breweries proudly display the particular rice they use: unpolished grains and grains that are polished, or stripped of unwanted oils and lipids, to varying degrees depending on the variety of sake. Short videos in both English and Japanese were displayed in the brewery, featuring processes not always open to the public. The traditional sake-making machines also on display makes the brewery feel like an open-air museum. After touring the factory and observing the efficiency and precision of the sake craftsmen, we headed Saijo, located in Hiroshima Prefecture, is a quaint town comprised of hotels, breweries, and a convenient train station, all in a 1,000 square meter radius. Fushimi, located in Kyoto, and Nada, located in Hyogo, produce more than 50% of the sake in Japan and host many breweries with tasting opportunities as well. Whether it is sake producing season or not, breweries welcome guests with open arms year-round. So with this newfound knowledge and appreciation of sake, how do I drink it and what do I drink it with? As I return to my home country, I will now explore the endless ways to pair this premium alcohol with any food or occasion. And hopefully one day I will feel that “touch of yogurt on the nose” or the “tight structure with a chalky mineral edge” that many of the sake masters described. With sake’s rich tradition dating back to the third century, the image of sake seems very traditional, almost too traditional and intimidating for a novice sake drinker like myself. However, after exploring the breweries and being at the very core of the industry, I felt a new admiration towards this alcohol. I realized it was so pure and straightforward in production, yet it offered so many unique layers when tasting. Visiting during the sake production season, from October to March, allows guests to view the tremendous amount of effort put into every detail of production. Although sake is made up of only four ingredients – rice, water, koji (a kind of mold), and yeast – there are many specific factors that go into production. 1 Sake is similar to beer, as it is brewed and converts its starch into sugar; that sugar is then converted into alcohol. During the tour, I was 実施例 1 新国立劇場のこれからの上演作品 2 秋田県の雑誌上とパンフレット上での展開 3 四つの外国語対応で作られた8頁の酒蔵ツーリズム促進パンフレット において全ての“もの づくり”に捧げられる 献身と情熱は、それは それは美しいものなのですよ。」酒蔵通 りを歩く私達に、ツアーガイドは熱心に 語りかけてきた。そして酒造りに関して も、彼女の言うとおりであることが明ら かになるのである。 酒蔵通り―文字通り、酒の蔵元が並ぶ通 り―には8つの異なる蔵元が立ち並んで いる。蔵元同士で競い合う代わりに、彼 らは特定のガイドラインに従って団結し ている。ワインの試飲ツアーと同様、酒 蔵通りを訪れるゲストは各地域で醸造さ れる多種多様な酒を試飲し、それぞれの 蔵元が造り出す個性的な品質を確かめる ことが出来る。蔵元の責任者がゲストに 挨拶する際に見せる情熱と、酒を造る職 人達の実直な働きぶりを目にすると、口 に含んだひとすすりの酒に、より深い感 謝の念が心の底から湧き上がる。 酒の豊かな伝統は紀元3世紀まで遡る。 酒の持つ印象はとても伝統的で、私のよ うな初心者の酒飲みには、時に、あまり にも伝統的で威圧感すら覚えてしまう。 けれど、様々な蔵元を探索し酒産業の中 核を経験してからというもの、私はこの アルコール飲料に対し、新たな賞賛の念 を持ち始めた。酒造りとは、とても純粋 で簡潔な生産行為であるのに、その成果 物を味わう時、幾重にも重なる独創性を 感じさせるのである。 酒造りの季節である10月から3月に訪れ たゲストは、酒の製造に関する全ての過 程において、多大な努力が払われている のを目にすることとなる。酒は、米・ 水・麹(菌の一種)・酵母という、たっ た4種類の原料から造られるが、製造工 程においては、様々な特殊要素が絡み合 っている。 酒造りはビールの製造と似ている。どち らも原料を醸造することで、デンプンを 糖化し、更にその糖分をアルコール化す るからである。ツアー参加中、私はこの 酒造りの最初(洗米)から最後(瓶詰 め)までの過程を見ることが出来た。 多くの蔵元では、自らの取り扱う特定の 米を誇らしげに展示している。精米する 前の玄米から、不要な脂質(糠)を取り 除いた精米後の米粒まで、展示される米 の状態は、その後醸造される酒の種類に よって様々である。 通常は非公開の醸造工程を描いた、英日 文併記の短いビデオが上映されていた。 伝統的な酒製造機も展示されており、蔵 元はさながら屋外博物館の様相を呈して いる。工場見学で酒造り職人達の効率的 かつ緻密な働きぶりを鑑賞した後、私達 は数え切れないほどの酒製品で埋め尽く された試飲室へと向かった。たくさんの 酒瓶は勿論、酒から生み出された化粧品 やお土産品も揃っている。賀茂泉酒造の 代表者である前垣氏が、4つの酒用グラ スと後ろに展示してあった酒瓶の数々を 並べて、熱心にゲスト達の試飲の準備を してくれた。蔵元が誇りを持って、自身 の醸造した酒を供する際に垣間見せる情 熱と興奮に、私はただただ魅了され続け た。 数軒隣の蔵元に移動した際には、その田 舎町のような雰囲気に魅了され感激し た。そして酒造好適米の水田は、蔵元の ほんの目と鼻の先にあった。蔵元ツアー を続けるうちに、私は自分が、教室で酒 について深く学びたいのか、それとも伝 統的な酒造りの道具を鑑賞したいのか、 禅庭園でリラックスしたいのか、はたま た、酒ソースを振り掛けたケーキを食べ たいのか、それぞれの蔵元がオリジナル で目新しいものを提供しているので、ツ アーを通じて自分の学びたい事が次第に クリアになっていったのである。 広島県西条は、数々のホテルと蔵元、そ して最寄り駅がわずか半径1km圏内に全 て収まっている、古風で趣のある街だ。 一方、京都府伏見市と兵庫県灘市では日 本酒の50%以上を醸造している。また 試飲の機会を設けている蔵元の多くも、 この2都市が有している。酒造りの季節 であろうとなかろうと、蔵元では一年を 通じて訪れるゲストを心から歓迎してい る。 さて、この新しい知識と酒への感謝を手 に入れた今、私はどの酒をどのような作 法で飲むのだろうか? 故国に帰ったら、この高級なアルコール 飲料にどのような食べ物や機会が相応し いか、飽くなき追求を続けることにしよ う。そしていつの日か、酒の達人が描写 する「鼻先のヨーグルトのような触感」 や「石灰岩のようなミネラルの味がす る、引き締まった造り」等の感覚を、是 非味わってみたいものだ。 3 農林水産省 顧客: SAKE TOURISM | FEATURE | 23 22 | FEATURE | SAKE TOURISM 農林水産省 On the sake trail I check the year it was bottled, the 概要: region it’s from, and confirm which climate and soil type yields the best 概要 harvest for the terroir—all before taking my first sip. As a California native, this all seems like a typical Napa Valley Sake, better known of course as nihonshu in Japan, is made of only four ingredients: rice, water, koji mold, and yeast. With such lead me to discover and understand the basic elements, each resource must be complexities of sake. carefully selected. But what exactly is sake? The answer Yoshiki Watanabe, sixth generation head is not so simple, and understanding brewer at the Nechi Brewery in Niigata, the drink and all of its elements may has a unique philosophy that earned him a seem an impossibly difficult task. But number of IWC medals and a 2010 Sake of the on my exploration of the sake industry, I felt warmly embraced, realizing this alcohol was produced in a pure and between Japanese and Western palates. When given a flight of sake to judge, on a develop your own palate for, without the 100-point scale, a Japanese judge would yet been skied on. Fresh tracks where you 詳細: to see firsthand the strong differences so many unique layers for tasting. It’s something you can explore freely and “Sake is like a ski slope that has not rate one sake a 55 while a Western judge would rate the same sake an 85. “The Western palate is very direct, very big. can lay down your own path,” says Beau We don’t do well on nuance and we are big Timkens, a leading American sake expert. on impact. More subtle sake is what the “There’s not a lot of people out there Japanese palate prefers,” Timken observes. telling you what to drink or telling you “Although now we are starting to see the this is good and that is not.” younger generation of both Japanese and As a judge at the world renowned IWC sake competition, Timkens was able There are two distinct ways sake is made in Japan—industrially and agriculturally. Wanting to see both first-hand, I hopped south to Nada, in Hyogo, to see industrial to embark on a journey that will, I hope, intimidation factor. Tokyo and visited two breweries in the quiet countryside of Japan. production at Sakura Masamune. visiting the rice fields of Nechi Valley and the mountains of Nada. I am here straightforward way, while offering just sake production. So, I made my way out of produced sake at Nechi Otokoyama, then Bordeaux Château. I am in rural Japan, Web動画 and this gave me the courage to go deeper into the industry and to find out about more than prefecture first, to see an agriculturally But I am not in the vineyards of Northern California, nor am I at a テレビ Even the top judges and experts seem to have different ideas of what makes a great bottle, on the Shinkansen and went to Niigata tasting room process. 印刷物 On the rOad Western palates get bigger and prefer more direct flavors.” “Sake is like a ski slope that has not yet been skied on. Fresh tracks where you can lay down your own path” Year trophy. Watanabe’s brewery, founded plants fight off insects and diseases without the most popular specialized rice for sake in 1868, uses a self-sustaining production the need for pesticides. brewing. This “King of Rice” thrives in the model, growing its own rice near the brewery. Fresh water snakes down Mt. Watanabe strongly believes that the “essential Amakazari, and streams feed the budding value of sake is producing local sake with sake fields; since sake is made up of 80% water, resources, the integration of growing and brewing was very different from Nechi. At the wintry climate: this rice matures and is ready of fermentation. Therefore, the yeast’s industrial brewery almost an hour away from the for harvest early. After enjoying an afternoon tea in performance is affected by the nutrients it rice fields, there is a multi-story factory building feeds on. In Nechi Valley, the water is soft yet across the street from a gift shop, café, museum, his traditional tasting room, we headed rich in calcium and minerals, resulting in a and restaurant complex. After a kaiseki lunch, outside to explore the location of his fields. smooth, subtle and clear sake. it was time for my white lab coat and hair net to Nechi Valley, home to acres and acres of The Nada district, producing 30% of Watanabe’s rice, is perfectly placed between all of Japan’s sake, uses harder water, the Sea of Japan and rocky Mt. Amakazari on containing much phosphorous, potassium the border of Nagano, allowing winds to blow and calcium. This allows fermentation to from the sea over the fields by day, and in the occur quickly and builds a solid structure opposite direction by night. This, Watanabe to the sake. Sakura Masamune in Nada, says, is a perfect combination to help rice the second stop on my brewery tour, uses resources developed year history. Mr. Yamamura, 11th IWCで酒部門が設置されてから農水省は酒業界を世 generation head brewer, explains that this hard water, called “Miyamizu,” was the discovery of 界に発信しようとしてきました。 ィアはクルーを送り込み、 酒の作られて行く過程とそ the 6th generation head brewer, in 1840. It is a wellknown water in sake production circles, and used exclusively for brewing in Nada. Sakura Masamune 1 3 2 の背景を徹底取材。 Although Sakura Masamune uses local it is even more important. Nutrients in the water feed the yeast cells that take care over a rich, 400- IWCとディスカバリー•チャネルとのコラボにBCメデ warmer climate of Nada, ripening slowly and developing complex flavors. rice made in its local land.” In 2003, Watanabe began growing rice specific to fitting Niigata’s 結果、 世界の注目を集めている國酒を追求する物語 のシリーズとして結熟しました。 4 実施例 1 ディスカバリー•サケの一シーンから 3 4頁にわたる特集から見開き頁 2 Web動画の一シーンから 3 ディスカバリー•チャンネル放映の 『ディスカバリー•サケ』 のエピソードから一場面 also produces Yamada Nishiki rice, investigate how the bottles of sake surrounding me were made. GOLD MEDAL SAKE The annual International Wine Challenge, founded in 1983 and based in London, is one of the most influential wine challenges, playing a significant role in the pricing of wines around the world. In 2007, the IWC introduced a sake division that has developed into the biggest sake competition outside of Japan. The challenge plays an integral role in the reputation and brand power of a sake by awarding gold, silver and bronze medals to the top 15 sakes before crowning the Sake Champion winners. Medals are awarded in five categories: 1) Honjozo: 70% polished 2) Ginjo and Daiginjo: 60% polished 3) Junmai: No specification 4) JunmaiGinjo and Junmai-Daiginjo: 50-60% polished 5) Koshu; aged sake. During this two-day challenge, 40 judges are split into panels that blind taste more than 500 varieties. Judges give individual scores, and then discuss until a consensus is reached. Both Watanabe’s Nechi Brewery and Sakura Masamune have won medals each year since 2008. In 2010, Nechi Brewery was crowned Champion Junmai Daigingo for its Nechi 2008 variety. www.tokyoweekender.com OCTOBER 2013
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