The Waseda-Bridgestone Initiative for Bridging Human Activities and Development of the Global Environment W-BRIDGE: A Collaborative Project by Waseda University and Bridgestone Corporation Request for Proposals A Research and Action Support Program July 2009 to June 2010 1. Greetings Bridgestone Corporation and Waseda University are collaborating in a project intended to contribute to the conservation of the global environment. “WBRIDGE,” standing for the Waseda-Bridgestone Initiative for Development of the Global Environment, will commission research work in the area of the global environment to university and NPO-NGO teams. The motivating principle of this project is desire to protect, use, and live in better harmony with the environment, by identifying and supporting initiatives that “bridge” industrial society and the natural world, academia, industry, and the general public. It is hoped that this project will also encourage greater cross-border, useful exchange between interested organizations in and outside of Japan. Waseda University, realizing the importance of meshing work in the natural sciences, engineering, life sciences and social sciences, has established an environmental research center to work on issues of the global environment in a multidisciplinary manner, and has created in the graduate school an environment and energy curriculum, as an important part of efforts to ensure graduate school education is responsive to the present and emerging needs of our times. Bridgestone Corporation includes in the Pledge to the Community portion of its Mission Statement “Be proactive in working to protect and improve the global 1 environment,” and from an early time the company has made environmental issue a matter of high importance in corporate management. This can be said to begin with efforts at minimizing the burden on the environment caused by production of the company’s tires and other goods, as well as the development of environment-friendly products and engagement in the business of retreading tires. Bridgestone’s concern for the environment is not limited to these activities, but is considerably more diverse and in certain areas has regional implications. The university and the company have started this new project based on their common convictions and past record, with the objective of contributing to marking out the path toward solution of problems of the global environment, by going beyond the customary mode of environmental protection and conservation, fragmented activities by academia, industry and the private citizen organizations, and by bridging nature and human activities, by bridging academic research and education, industrial activities and the activities of daily life. 2. Objectives and Preconditions for Research Support 2.1 Research subjects and activities Support for research and activities will be available for the following four areas. A degree of priority will be assigned to projects concerned with environmental management. Applications will be accepted from Japanese applicants and, in the case of the first two areas other countries as well. 1. Study and Action Bridging Global Warming Countermeasures and Biodiversity Conservation 2. Study and Action Bridging Environmental Conservation and Socio-Economic Conditions in Regional Areas 3. Study and Action Bridging Generations for a Sustainable Future through a Backcasting Method 4. Study and Action Bridging People in the World to Share New Ideas and Findings for a Sustainable Future Subjects of research and activity projects that are purely concerned with technology, that are concerned solely with preservation and protection of a specific species, or that are essentially a continuation of previous work will not qualify for support. Proposals for the following types of research and activities will not be considered. 2 1. Research and activities having the purpose of earning a profit (e.g., through acquiring a patent, or developing a commercial product) 2. Research and activities of political or religious nature 3. Research and activities that have received or plan to receive support from other sources greater than the amount sought from W-BRIDGE 4. Research and activities mainly conducted by institutions other than the proposing team 5. Research and activities the majority of which is to be commissioned to a third party 6. Research and activities that primarily comprise the acquisition of research equipment 7. Research and activities that primarily involve production of research apparatus 8. Research and activities that can be expected to benefit specific entrepreneurs or individuals 9. Activities continuing from the past and having no research element 3. Applicant Qualifications Applications should be submitted by universities. 1. Joint undertakings by Waseda University researchers (fulltime researchers) and an NPO or NGO (provided that the latter have been active for longer than one year). 2. Joint undertakings by research persons associated full-time with institutions pre-approved by W-BRIDGE (see list) and an NPO or NGO (provided that the latter have been active for longer than one year). Institutions overseas are welcome to apply, but must receive approval of a draft proposal by W-BRIDGE. Inquiries from overseas must be in the name of the head of the institution. 4. Project Duration and Reporting Requirements At this time applications will be received for the period of one year from July 2009 to the end of June 2010. The proposed research or activity, however, must be detailed in two stages, stage one being from July 2009 to the end of December and the second being from January 2010 to the end of June 2010. Submission of one written report or more during each stage is required; W3 BRIDGE may request revisions of submitted reports; there may also be requests for meetings to discuss projects or other procedural requirements to be announced. It is necessary for each project to produce results within each stage. The proposal must specify the target results. 5. Amount of Funding and Number of Projects The maximum annual amount of the W-BRIDGE grant is 20,000,000 yen, to be apportioned equally for the two stages. It is anticipated that from five to 20 projects will be given support. 6. Use of Grant Funds Funds can be used solely for the following purposes. o Salaries and wages o Travel (transportation and lodgings) o Equipment costs (including software and computer time but excluding fabrication or acquisition of mechanical devices, and their maintenance and repair; architectural or civil works) o Processing costs (outsourcing) o Other expenses as specified (supplies, discussion meeting expenses, rent, communication costs, printing and copying costs, etc.) All contractual arrangements are to be made with the recipient university to which the principal researcher or activity leader belongs. 7. Reporting, Site Visits and Intellectual Property Recipients of awards are to present a complete and accurate accounting report fully supported by receipts and records for the first stage by December 15, 2009 and for the second stage by the end of May 2010. Recipients of awards are to present detailed reports on work done or activities performed, and results thereof, for the first stage by the end of December 2009 and for the second stage by the end of May 2010. A representative of the recipient is expected to present results orally two times (once for each stage) in Tokyo; the proposed budget should include an item for this. W-BRIDGE reserves the right to require modification of reports that are deemed unsatisfactory, or to terminate support in extreme cases (unsatisfactory results, unacceptable reports that are not amended, breach of agreement, etc.) 4 W-BRIDGE reserves the right to visit the site of research or activity to verify that the relevant project is conducted as was approved. In the event that research or activity results in a discovery in the broadest sense (an invention, a design, or know-how as defined in Waseda University regulations for discoveries and inventions by Waseda staff), patent rights and rights associated with the invention (including design models, trademarks and know-how as defined in Waseda University regulations for discoveries and inventions by Waseda staff) shall accrue to Bridgestone Corporation. Copyright rights for all reports submitted to W-BRIDGE shall accrue to Bridgestone Corporation. Grant recipients are encouraged to apply and make further use of the results of the supported research and activities, with the approval of W-BRIDGE, for the sake of the evolution of environmental activities. Such follow-up efforts can include applications through the actions of one or more third parties, provided that they do not conflict with the activities or business of Waseda University and Bridgestone Corporation. 8. Other Conditions Results of research and activities are to be published on a website of Waseda University. Representatives of recipients may be invited to present their results at events arranged by W-BRIDGE. In the event that a recipient wishes to make use of or announce the results of research or activities, prior approval must be obtained from W-BRIDGE. 9. Selection Process and Subsequent Procedures 9.1 Selection of Recipients Selection of grant recipient will be done by the W-BRIDGE Screening Committee. The Committee will be made up of specialists in environmental subjects. 9.2 Announcement of Grant Awards It is planned to inform all applicants of the selection results in writing by the middle of June 2009. Grant awards will be announced at the website to be created by W-BRIDGE. 9.3 Application Evaluation Standards The evaluation of proposals and selection shall be made using standards and criteria as determined by W-BRIDGE. 5 10. Method of Applying Interested parties at the invited institutions outside of Japan must contact the W-BRIDGE office for confirmation of their status and acceptability of the proposed project. Inquiries should be sent to [email protected] by May 20, 2009 and must include the full name of the institution, its street and mailing addresses, contact person(s) name(s) and telephone number(s), and email address(es). 10.1 Deadline No application received after June 1, 2009 (Monday 6 p.m. Japan standard time) will be accepted. 10.2 Application Form A standard application form is to be used and should be requested from WBRIDGE at the e-mail address given above. Requests for applications should be accompanied by the full name of the institution, its street and mailing addresses, contact person(s) name(s) and telephone number(s), and e-mail address(es). Evidence of prior approval of the draft proposal must be included in the case of applications from overseas. 11. Contact for Inquiries W-BRIDGE Office c/o Waseda University Environment Research Institute TEL: 81-3-5292-3526 (from overseas) FAX: 81-3-5292-3527 (from overseas) Email: [email protected] URL: 12. Personal Information and Its Protection 12-1. Privacy Policy W-BRIDGE pledges to keep all personal information obtained from applicants and grant recipients confidential and will not use such information for any purpose not related to the project and utilization of its results. With the exception of instances when the party concerned gives W-BRIDGE permission, or when so required by law, personal information will not be divulged to a third party. In the event that W-BRIDGE is requested by an applicant or grant recipient to refrain from disclosure of personal information, change information 6 in hand or disclosed, cease to use, the request will be honored provided that the identify of the party making the request is confirmed. For further information, contact the W-BRIDGE office. 12-2. Use of Personal Information All or part of the personal information received from applicants or grant recipients may be used for the following purposes. o Screening, selection, and making of grants o Announcement of public lectures, symposia, seminars or other events sponsored by W-BRDIGE o Other administrative activities related to the project 7 APPENDIX List of Invited Universities outside Japan As of April 20, 2009 Country University ( English-Japanese) Afghanistan Kabul University カブール大学 Argentina Universidad del Salvador サルバドール大学 Australia Macquarie University マクォーリー大学 Australia Monash University モナシュ大学 Australia The Australian National University オーストラリア国立大学 Australia The University of Adelaide アデレード大学 Australia The University of Melbourne メルボルン大学 Australia The University of New South Wales ニュー・サウス・ウェールズ大学 Australia The University of Queensland クイーンズランド大学 Australia The University of Sydney シドニー大学 Australia The University of Western Australia 西オーストラリア大学 Australia University of South Australia 南オーストラリア大学 Austria The University of Salzburg ザルツブルグ大学 Austria University of Vienna ウィーン大学 Bahrain University of Bahrain バハレーン大学 Bangladesh University of Dhaka ダッカ大学 Belarus Belarussian State University ベラルーシ大学 Belgium Catholic University of Leuven ルーヴァン・カトリック大学 Belgium Free University of Brussels ブリュッセル自由大学 Botswana University of Botswana ボツワナ大学 Brazil Rio de Janeiro State University リオ・デ・ジャネイロ州立大学 Brazil The University of Brasilia ブラジリア大学 Brazil The University of Campinas カンピーナス大学 Brazil The University of Sao Paulo サンパウロ大学 Brunei University of Brunei Darussalam ブルネイ・ダルサラーム大学 Bulgaria Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski' ソフィア大学 Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture 王立農業大学 Cambodia Royal University of Phnom Penh プノンペン王立大学 Canada McGill University マギール大学 Canada Queen's University クイーンズ大学 Canada The University of British Columbia ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学 Canada The University of Calgary カルガリー大学 Canada York University ヨーク大学 Chile Catholic University of Chile チリ・カトリック大学 Chile The University of Chile チリ大学 China Beijing Film Academy 北京電影学院 China Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外国語大学 1 Country University ( English-Japanese) China Beijing International Studies University 北京第二外国語学院 China Beijing Language and Culture University 北京語言大学 China Beijing Normal University 北京師範大学 China Changchun Taxation College 長春税務学院 China Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 China Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院 China Chonnam National University, Institute for Law and Public Administration 全南大学校法律行政研究所 China Dalian University of Foreign Languages 大連外国語学院 China Dalian University of Technology 大連理工大学 China East China Normal University 華東師範大学 China Fudan University 復旦大学 China Harbin Institute of Technology 哈爾濱(ハルピン)工業大学 China Hong Kong University of Science and Technolgy 香港科技大学 China Inner Mongolia University 内蒙古大学 China Jilin University 吉林大学 China Liaoning University 遼寧大学 China Nanjing Sport Institute 南京体育学院 China Nanjing University 南京大学 China Nankai University 南開大学 China National School of Administration 国家行政学院 China Peking University 北京大学 China Renmin University of China 中国人民大学 China Shandong University 山東大学 China Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 上海社会科学院 China Shanghai Jiao tong University 上海交通大学 China Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大学 China Shanghai Sanda Institute 上海杉達学院 China Shanghai University 上海大学 China Shantou University 汕頭大学 China Sichuan University 四川大学 China Southwest University of Political Science and Law 西南政法大学 China Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学 China The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学 China China The Office of Chinese Language Council International 国家漢語国際推広領導小組弁公室 The Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, The Chinese Academy of Forestry 中国林業科学研究院熱帯林業研究所 China Tongji University 同済大学 China Tsinghua University 清華大学 2 Country University ( English-Japanese) China University of Hong Kong 香港大学 China University of Science and Technology of China 中国科学技術大学 China Wuhan University 武漢大学 China Xi'an Jiaotong University 西安交通大学 China Zhejiang University 浙江大学 Costa Rica The University for Peace 国連平和大学 Costa Rica The University of Costa Rica コスタリカ大学 Cuba University of Havana ハバナ大学 Czech Republic Charles University in Prague カレル大学 Denmark Copenhagen Business School コペンハーゲン・ビジネススクール Denmark The University of Copenhagen コペンハーゲン大学 Egypt Cairo University カイロ大学 El Salvador Central American University "Jose Simeon Canas" ホセ・シメオン・カニャス中央アメリカ大学 El Salvador Dr. Jose Matias Delgado University ホセ・マティアス・デルガード大学 Estonia Tallinn University タリン大学 Estonia University of Tartu タルトゥ大学 Fiji The University of the South Pacific 南太平洋大学 Finland Helsinki University of Technology ヘルシンキ工科大学 Finland University of Helsinki ヘルシンキ大学 France Ecole de Management de Lyon (E.M. Lyon) リヨン経営大学 France Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan カシャン高等師範学校 France Ecole Normale Superieure フランス高等師範学校 France France France INALCO, National Institute of Eastern Languages and Civilizations フランス国立東洋言語文化研究院 (INALCO) Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lille リール政治学院 La Foundation Nationale des Science Politiques (FNSP) and l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (IEP) 国立政治学財団パリ政治学院 France The Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Grenoble グルノーブル政治学院 France The Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes レンヌ政治学院 France Universite de Rennes I レンヌ第1大学 France Universite de Rennes II - Haute-Bretagne レンヌ第2大学 France Universite Lumiere‐Lyon 2 リヨン第2大学 France Universite Marc Bloch (Strasbourg II) ストラスブール・マルクブロック(第2)大学 France Universite Paris-Sorbonne (ParisⅣ) パリ第4(パリ-ソルボンヌ)大学 France University of Paris I (Pantheon Sorbonne) パリ第1(パンテオン-ソルボンヌ)大学 France University of Paris IX (Paris Dauphine) パリ第9(ドーフィーヌ)大学 France University of Paris パリ大学 Germany DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD) 3 Country University ( English-Japanese) Germany Free University of Berlin ベルリン自由大学 Germany Humboldt University of Berlin ベルリン・フンボルト大学 Germany Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich ミュンヘン大学 Germany Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg マルティン・ルター大学ハレ・ヴィッテンベルク Germany The University of Tubingen チュービンゲン大学 Germany Trier University トリア大学 Germany University of Augsburg アウグスブルク大学 Germany University of Bonn ボン大学 Germany University of Erfurt エルフルト大学 Germany University of Freiburg フライブルク大学 Germany University of Gottingen ゲッチンゲン大学 Germany University of Heidelberg ハイデルベルグ大学 Germany University of Karlsruhe カールスルーエ大学 Germany University of Leipzig ライプツィヒ大学 Greece The University of Athens アテネ大学 Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics ブダペスト工科経済大学 Hungary Central European University 中央ヨーロッパ大学 Hungary Corvinus University of Budapest ブダペスト・コルビヌス大学 Hungary Eotvos Lorand University エトボシ・ローランド大学 Iceland The University of Iceland アイスランド大学 India Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani ビルラ理工大学 India Indian Institute of Technology Delhi インド工科大学デリー India Jawaharlal Nehru University ジャワハラル・ネルー大学 Indonesia Center for International Forestry Research 国際林業研究センター Indonesia Institute Pertanian Bogor ボゴール農科大学 Indonesia Universitas Indonesia インドネシア大学 Indonesia Universitas Udayana ウダヤナ大学 Ireland University College Dublin ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ダブリン Israel Hebrew University of Jerusalem ヘブライ大学 Israel Tel-Aviv University テルアビブ大学 Israel University of Haifa ハイファ大学 Italy The Polytechnic Institute of Milan ミラノ工科大学 Italy The Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna 聖アンナ高等研究院 Italy The University of Ferrara フェラーラ大学 Italy The University of Florence フィレンツェ大学 Italy The University of Pisa ピサ大学 Italy Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ミラノ・カトリック大学 Italy Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi ボッコーニ大学 4 Country University ( English-Japanese) Italy Universita' per Stranieri di Siena シエナ外国人大学 Italy University of Bari バーリ大学 Italy University of Bologna ボローニャ大学 Italy University of Cagliari カリアリ大学 Italy University of Cassino カッシーノ大学 Italy University of Milan ミラノ大学 Italy University of Naples "L'Orientale" ナポリ国立大学「オリエンターレ」 Italy University of Naples 'Federico II ナポリ大学 Italy University of Padua パドヴァ大学 Italy University of Palermo パレルモ大学 Italy University of Rome "La Sapienza" ローマ大学 Italy University of Venice ヴェネチア大学 Italy Venice International University ヴェニス国際大学 Jordan University of Jordan ヨルダン大学 Korea Chonbuk National University 全北国立大学校 Korea Chonnam National University 全南大学校 Korea Chosun University 朝鮮大学校 Korea Daegu University 大邱大学校 Korea Dong-A University 東亜大学校 Korea Dong-eui University 東義大学校 Korea Ewha Womans University 梨花女子大学校 Korea Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 韓国外国語大学校 Korea Hanyang University 漢陽大学校 Korea Inha University 仁荷大学校 Korea Kangwon National University 江原大学校 Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) 韓国科学技術院(KAIST) Korea Korea University 高麗大学校 Korea Korean Academy of Film Arts 韓国映画アカデミー Korea Kyung Hee University 慶熙大学校 Korea Pusan National University 釜山大学校 Korea Seoul National University ソウル大学校 Korea Sookmyung Women's University 淑明女子大学校 Korea Sungkyunkwan University 成均館大学校 Korea Yonsei University 延世大学校 Latvia University of Latvia ラトビア大学 Lithuania Vilnius University ヴィルニュス大学 Lithuania Vytautas Magnus University ヴィタウタス・マグヌス大学 Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) マレーシア・サラワク大学 Malaysia University of Malaya マラヤ大学 5 Country University ( English-Japanese) Mexico El Colegio de Mexico エル・コレヒオ・デ・メヒコ大学 Mexico Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education モンテレイ工科大学 Mexico The Universidad Iberoamericana イベロアメリカーナ大学 Mexico Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara グアダラハラ自治大学 Micronesia College of Micronesia - FSM ミクロネシア・カレッジ Mongolia The National University of Mongolia モンゴル国立大学 Netherlands Leiden University ライデン大学 Netherlands The University of Amsterdam アムステルダム大学 New Zealand AUT University AUT 大学(旧オークランド工科大学) New Zealand The University of Auckland オークランド大学 New Zealand University of Canterbury カンタベリー大学 Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology ノルウェー工科自然科学大学 Norway The University of Bergen ベルゲン大学 Norway The University of Oslo オスロ大学 Norway University of Tromso トロムソ大学 Oman Sultan Qaboos University スルタン・カブース大学 Palau Palau Community College パラオ・コミュニティカレッジ Papua New Guinea The University of Papua New Guinea パプア・ニューギニア大学 Peru Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru ペルー・カトリック大学 Peru Universidad ESAN ペルー経営大学院(ESAN) Peru Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos サンマルコス国立大学 Philippines Ateneo de Manila University アテネオ・デ・マニラ大学 Philippines De La Salle University デ・ラ・サール大学 Philippines Mapua Institute of Technology マプア工科大学 Philippines University of the Philippines フィリピン大学 Portugal The University of Coimbra コインブラ大学 Portugal University of Lisbon リスボン大学 Qatar University of Qatar カタール大学 Romania University of Bucharest ブカレスト大学 Russia Far Eastern National University ロシア極東国立総合大学 Russia Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (Technical University) モスクワ国立工科物理大学 Russia Moscow State University モスクワ大学 Russia St. Petersburg State University サンクト・ペテルブルグ大学 Samoa The National University of Samoa サモア国立大学 Saudi Arabia King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals キング・ファハド石油鉱物資源大学 Serbia The University of Belgrade ベオグラード大学 Singapore Nanyang Technological University 南洋工科大学 Singapore National University of Singapore シンガポール国立大学 Singapore Singapore Management University シンガポール経営大学 6 Country University ( English-Japanese) Slovakia Comenius University in Bratislava コメンスキー大学 Slovakia Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica マチェイ・ベル大学 South Africa University of Cape Town ケープ・タウン大学 Spain The University of Barcelona バルセロナ大学 Spain The University of Santiago de Compostela サンチアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ大学 Spain University Complutense of Madrid マドリッド・コンプルテンセ大学 Spain University of Granada グラナダ大学 Spain University of Salamanca サラマンカ大学 Spain University of Valencia バレンシア大学 Sweden Goteborg University ヨーテボリ大学 Sweden Lund University ルンド大学 Sweden Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) スウェーデン王立工科大学 Sweden Uppsala University ウプサラ大学 Sweden Vaxjo University ベクショー大学 Switzerland The University of Basel バーゼル大学 Switzerland The University of Geneva ジュネーヴ大学 Switzerland The University of Lausanne ローザンヌ大学 Switzerland University of Zurich チューリッヒ大学 Syria University of Damascus ダマスカス大学 Taiwan Chinese Culture University 中国文化大学 Taiwan Chung Yuan Christian University 中原大学 Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute 工業技術研究院 Taiwan National Chengchi University 国立政治大学 Taiwan National Chiao Tung University 国立交通大学 Taiwan National Sun Yat-Sen University 国立中山大学 Taiwan National Taiwan Normal University 国立台湾師範大学 Taiwan National Taiwan University 国立台湾大学 Taiwan Tamkang University 淡江大学 Taiwan Tunghai University 東海大学 Tanzania University of Dar es Salaam ダル・エス・サラーム大学 Thailand Chiang Mai University チェンマイ大学 Thailand Chulalongkorn University チュラロンコーン大学 Thailand Kasetsart University, Faculty of Forestry カセサート大学森林学部 Thailand Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Environmental Management プリンス・オブ・ソンクラー 大学環境管理学部・大学院 Thailand Thammasat University タマサート大学 Turkey Bogazici University ボアジチ大学 UAE United Arab Emirates University アラブ首長国連邦大学 UAE Zayed University ザイド大学 Uganda Makerere University マケレレ大学 7 Country United Kingdom University ( English-Japanese) Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge ケンブリッジ大学ゴンヴィル・アンド・キーズ・カレッジ United Kingdom Hertford College, Oxford オックスフォード大学ハートフォード・カレッジ United Kingdom Newcastle University ニューカッスル大学 United Kingdom Pembroke College, Cambridge ケンブリッジ大学ペンブルック・カレッジ United Kingdom The University of Birmingham バーミンガム大学 United Kingdom The University of Edinburgh エジンバラ大学 United Kingdom The University of Kent ケント大学 United Kingdom The University of Manchester, the Faculty of Humanities マンチェスター大学人文学部 United Kingdom The University of Nottingham ノッティンガム大学 United Kingdom The University of Sheffield シェフィールド大学 United Kingdom The University of Warwick ウォーリック大学 United Kingdom The University of York ヨーク大学 United Kingdom University College London ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン United Kingdom University of East Anglia イースト・アングリア大学 United Kingdom University of London, Royal Holloway ロンドン大学ロイヤル・ホロウェイ校 United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院(SOAS) University of Stirling スターリング大学 Wolfson College Oxford オックスフォード大学ウォルフソン・カレッジ United States Albion College (Michigan) United States American University アメリカン大学 United States Antioch College (Ohio) United States Arizona State University アリゾナ州立大学 United States Beloit College (Wisconsin) United States Boston College ボストン・カレッジ United States Carleton College (Minnesota) United States Carnegie Mellon University カーネギーメロン大学 United States Coe College (Iwoa) United States Colorado College (Colorad) United States Columbia University コロンビア大学 United States Cornell College (Iwoa) United States Denison University (Ohio) United States DePauw University (Indiana) United States Duke University デューク大学 United States Earlham College (Indiana) United States Furman University ファーマン大学 United States Georgetown University ジョージタウン大学 8 Country United States United States University ( English-Japanese) Grinnell College (Iowa) Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry ハーバード・メディカル・スクール精神医学科 United States Hope College (Michigan) United States Illinois Institute of Technology イリノイ工科大学 United States Kalamazoo College (Michigan) United States Kenyon College (Ohio) United States Knox College (Illinois) United States Lafayette College ラファイエット・カレッジ United States Lake Forest College (Illinois) United States Lawrence University (Wisconsin) United States Lewis and Clark College ルイス&クラーク大学 United States Macalester College (Minnesota) United States Michigan State University ミシガン州立大学 United States Monmouth College (Illinois) United States Oberlin College (Ohio) United States Ohio State University オハイオ州立大学 United States Ohio Wesleyan University (Ohio) United States Pitzer University ピッツァー大学 United States Ripon College (Wisconsin) United States St. Olaf College (Minnesota) United States Stony Brook University, State University of New York ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニー・ブルック校 United States Syracuse University シラキュース大学 United States The College of Wooster (Ohio) United States The George Washington University ジョージ・ワシントン大学 United States The Monterey Institute of International Studies モントレー国際大学 United States The University of Arizona アリゾナ大学 United States The University of California, Berkeley カリフォルニア大学バークレー校 United States The University of Colorado at Boulder コロラド大学ボウルダー校 United States The University of Maryland at College Park メリーランド大学 United States The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校 United States The University of Pittsburgh ピッツバーグ大学 United States The University of Southern California 南カリフォルニア大学 United States The University of Washington ワシントン大学 United States University at Albany, State University of New York ニューヨーク州立大学アルバニー校 United States University of Chicago United States University of Georgia ジョージア大学 9 Country University ( English-Japanese) United States University of Hawai‘i System ハワイ大学 United States University of Nevada, Las Vegas ネバダ州立大学ラスベガス校 United States University of Utah ユタ大学 United States Wabash College (Indiana) United States Yale University イェール大学 Uruguay Universidad Catolica del Uruguay ウルグアイ・カトリック大学 Uzbekistan National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek ウズベキスタン国立大学 Uzbekistan Samarkand State University サマルカンド国立大学 Uzbekistan Tashkent State University of Economics タシケント経済大学 Uzbekistan The University of World Economy and Diplomacy 世界経済外交大学 Viet Nam Vietnam National University, Hanoi ベトナム国立大学(ハノイ) Viet Nam Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City ベトナム国立大学(ホーチミン) 349 universities in 76 countries and regions 10
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