TESTIMONIALS MarƟna (India 2010) - Student Going to India as part of summer school allowed me to experience independent living in a country that is linguis cally and culturally so different from Italy. Though the 2 weeks went by so quickly, but the memories will remain with me. I met some wonderful people and had a chance to visit some companies and non-profit organiza ons. Some day I would like to get back and start from where I le …. Andrea (China 2012) - Student It has been a truely an enriching learning experience. The course was well organized. The best part was to see and understand the Chinese culture so closely and learn to appreciate Diversity. This Summer School experience makes me want to come back to this place full of wonders again. Livia (Brasile 2010) - Student The most significant change I experienced was shunning away with my own biases and prejudices and becoming open-minded. Paolo e Mària (Cina 2011) - Tutor It was wonderful taking our students to China and being part of this extraordinary experience of their life.... Our group of students were very enthusias c, open-minded in understanding about the Chinese culture and apprecia ng the differences. We both had been to China before. Yet, looking at China through the eyes of our students has helped us broaden our perspec ves. They have given us new emo ons, making this experience truly wonderful. CONTACTS University of Milano-Bicocca Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126, Milano Phone +39 02 64481 www.unimib.it [email protected] www.unimib.it/go/45747 2014 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM Summer School programs are designed to enrich students’ academic lives by providing an exciting and educational international experience. Since 2005 University of Milano-Bicocca has been offering a variety of Summer School Programs, both in-coming & out-going for Italian and International students. These short-term intensive courses provide high level competencies on specific topics. PARTNER COUNTRIES INDIA CHINA BOSNIA ICELAND DENMARK 2014 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOLS In 2014, University of Milano-Bicocca offers 14 summer schools across different disciplines. The menu includes two types of programs: ConnecƟng Lives, Sharing Cultures Par cipants can gain a hands-on experience of interes ng foreign countries: BRIC for Europeans, Italy for foreigners, also with a specific focus on Expo 2015. Learning is not limited to the classroom: loca ons themselves become a ‘living textbook’, allowing knowledge building and informa on exchange, in direct contact with local students, and fostering an apprecia on and awareness of socio-economic reality, diverse cultures, people and ideas. Reaching the Edge of Knowledge Students are given the opportunity to gain new technical knowledge and competences, to enrich one’s own toolkit, to grow from both a human and a professional perspec ve, thanks to an intense study experience which brings together researchers, experts, and students from all over the world. Every course has a specific theme and defined selec on criteria, based on which students can apply. The loca on, dura on and cost are specific to every program. University of Milano-Bicocca is located in Milan, the capital of Lombardy, amongst the most dynamic and interna onal regions in Europe. It offers students an elegant new campus with state-of-the-art facili es for students, researchers and faculty. The university welcomes interna onal students from all over the world and its interna onal department is dedicated to suppor ng and guiding foreign students on all aspects in order to help them feel at home and experience the academic and social life to the fullest. COURSES & CALENDAR CONTACT: [email protected] ConnecƟng Lives, Sharing Cultures Experience the rising economy of China 13th – 26th SEP CHONGQUING, CINA Experience the rising economy of India 14th – 25th JUL BANGALORE, INDIA Experience Italy DATE: all year round ITALY EXPO Milan 2015 MAY - OCT 2015 MILANO Rethinking the Culture of Tolerance 15th -21st SEP SARAJEVO, SARAJEVO EST, BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA Reaching the Edge of Knowledge Methods for health. Quan ta ve and qualita ve analysis 26th -27st JUL MILANO-BICOCCA Applied Health Econometrics and Health Policy 14th - 17th JUL BERGAMO, ITALY How to Understand Complex Biology Func ons 21st JUL - 1st AUG COMO LAKE, ITALY Cancer, Systems and Complexity 29th SEP - 2nd OCT COMO LAKE, ITALY What the face can reveal about social and cogni ve processes 16th - 20th JUN MILAN, Italy GEM Green Energy Managment 30th JUN - 11th JUL or 21st JUL - 1st AUG MILANO-BICOCCA Integra ng field classical and new methodologies for geological hazard assessment and communica on 7th - 20th JUL ICELAND Complex geometry - asympto c aspects in complex and algebraic geometry 23rd - 28th JUN MILANO-BICOCCA Stability, Reliability and Promises of Organic Systems 18th - 22nd AUG DENMARK School@BRIC School@BRIC School@ITALY School@EXPO Culture of Difference Health Health Systems Biology Systems Science Psychology Green Economy Geology Mathema cs Science Since every Summer School has a specific admission criteria and applica on procedure, we request all applicants to write to us seeking informa on regarding the specific course and we shall get back with all necessary informa on concerning applica on form and admission guidelines for you to apply.
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