KOREAN 25 June 50★ ↓ 嵩 議 計 ま ふ 藷 ★ ★ 27Juv 53 WAR 1949 MEMBERSHIP ELIGIB:LITY 1954 PERMANENTLY mCHED 5th infantry Regiment 19th Combatini Bn。 lst B● .62nd (Ph‖ ippines) ROKA inf.Regt. 555th Field Arti:lery Bn. 955th RA.Bn. Three Btrys」 155mm Howittrs 53rd Counter Fire Piatoon The oricia:Newsietter of the .ぃ λ 紺 Ъ 蹴嘱柵踊講l‰ 冊 740th Ord.Co.40th:耐 LD市 . . :島. 貴 詰朧脇静 5th Tank Company lst Plat.Co.D6th Med.Tank Bn. 5th Medical Company Co.D3rd Piat.Ambulance Co. 25th Medical Bn. Apr/May/Jun 2012 Volllme XXⅡI,No。 2 lst Piat.568th Ambu:ance Co. 52nd Ambulance Bn. 72nd Combat Engineers Co.D3Fd COmbat Engrs. ders 丁わolQ“ eent ForFiflicaFion 3U′ ′ 724th Ordinance Section 2nd P:atoo■ 92nd Engineer Search‖ ght Co. 5th RCT Light Aviation Sec. ■A.C." Tactical Alr Control:o『 “ TEMPORARILY AT「 ACHED 105mm HoWiい rs ・ 謝 翼f奮 淵 甜 甜 繹 B Co.2nd Chemical MtL Bn. 聾 Co.D6th Tank Bn. 『‐ヽ ぼ・ ― 鸞 一一 ・ ・ , 955th RA.Bn. 8th Ranger CO.24th Di■ 一一一 52nd RA.Bn. 25 Ap面 :1951-Death Valiey ヽ 一 ¨ ﹁ 、 一 ・ 一 ・ ・ 一 一 ・ ・ 一 一 ・ ・ 一 ・ ・ 一 一 ・ 一 一 . . ・ 一 ●・一 一・●一●一一 一一 ●一・ One BtryJ 155mm Howiセ ers 12‐ 14 Aug B&C Btry 159th RA.Bn ■電繹 F譜 二 撃」 ll総 朧留月 1 14 0ctObO『 51 lst&2nd Bn.21st inf.Regt.24th Div. February 1952 3rd RCT Bn 27th inf.Regt.25th Div. 24 June‐ l July 1952 4th Plt.14th Tank Co. l July 1952 3rd Pit.DC● .89th Tank Bn. 23 Jan 51July40ctober 1952 42nd ScOut Dog Platoon 14 July 53 July 53 Co.A14 Bn.Combat Team 45th Div. 18 July 53 2nd Bn.180 inf.Regt.45th Div. " wi籠 りiLI I■ゆ9甲 Dstingu稽 31認 ‐ 亀認雪 n RO.Team 555 RA.Bn.5th RCT 11:llillD:ViCe ui red Korea 1950‐ 52,・ 1950,53,¨ 1952・ 54 Presidential unit citation tArmy) Streamer Embroldered Chin Ju 3だ 1° 争 壁 翌最輝 僚 1:ぽ懸 篭,盤艶 5 So:diers Medal . HVy.MtL CO.179th inf.45th Div. 25‐ 28 Juiv 53 3rd Bn.180th ini 45th Div. Wounded in ActiOn 3,188 Taken as Prisoners of War 151 1390BI:脚 D市 11・ 14 Juno Outpost Har:γ 1953 14‐ 15 June 53 3rd Recon.Co.3rd inf.Div. 17‐ 18 ― Ki:led in Altlo● 949 :r観 26th inf.Regt.lst Di■ Tank Co剛 器駕::45th Pretide"`Jac々 Sttns● ― 翼聞 i構 鷲∬“ u面 3rd PlatoOn Tank Co.5th inf. 3rd Platoon Medica:CO.5th inf. 2nd Platoon 72nd Engineer Co.C 555 RA.Liallon Pa中 25May81」 〕 dl,268 賢副 8tuξ Cast{e tsuifders's B.ef{ections 郷 att12 Starメ The ttcial Nettlettbr ofthe 5th Rogimental Combat Team Association The oost of subscrip■ on is included as part of annual dues paid by members. PUBLISHED Quarterly Ali R:ghts Reserved― wnen Pern:ssion Required for Repnnts Ed:tor Hugh vL Ruckdeschei (727)367‐6923 112 123rd Ave E Treasutt is:and,FL 33706‐ 5152 Association is a Charter Member Oftlle Treasure ls:and Chamber Of cOmmerce 144 107th Ave。 ,Tttasure:s:and,FL.33706 866‐ 3604121 727‐ 3604121 info@treasu reislandcham ber.org http :wvur.treasu reis !andcham ber.org/ A:McAdoo Assoc.Founder 5 Man 199o ASSOC:AT:ON PRESiDENTS Coor9o Swanson .......・ ・・ 。1991‐ 92 Guy E.S∞ .......・ ・・・・・・・・ 1992‐ 94 E:vi● RH● :n● y .........・ ・・・ 1994‐ 95 Louis G.Sardina .......・ ・・・ 1995‐ 96 Anthony PO:● meni ......・ ・・・ 1996‐ 97 Raymond Jo warner ......・ ・・ 1997‐ 98 John C.Howard ........・ ・・・ 1998o99 Goorge Waugh .....・ ・・・・・・・ 1999‐ 20 Wi:liam Kane .......・ ・・・・・・・2000o01 Albert Jo McAdoo.。 … … Ⅲ… … 。 2001‐ 02 Richard A.Gonzales .… .… … .2002o03 Wm.R.“ Bi:l''Cou:son.....… ・2003o05 Paul Yesensky ........・ ・・・・・2005‐06 Frank Jennings ........・ ・・・・ 2006‐ 07 Anthony Kreiner.........・ ・・・2007o08 John Crail......・ ・・・・・・・・・・・2008o09 Doug crom‖ ...… .… .・ …・・2009‐ 10 Frank Jennings ........・ ・・・・2010‐11 Pat‖ ckり L Burk● .......・ ・・・・・2011‐ 12 John(D.“ Jack"stinson......・ 2012‐ 13 inside this rnonthロ ロ . The color chosen for the Newsletter will rotate monthly to honor the various service branches. pictures, when available, will do the same. The front cover will include information about the Sth and attached units. The back cover will include information about who we were attached to in sequence as that information becomes available. lnfantry. Light blue. The Queen of Battle. The lnfantrymen are the Pawns, her sons in baby blue. Ground pounders. Artillery. Red. The Queen's Thunder when all turns red. The Artillerymen are Bishops, her umbilical cord to her sons. Red Legs. Thnkers. Yellow. The Queen's Terrible Swift Sword. Armored Cavalrymen, Knights, her wrath. lron Horsemen. The Medical. Maroon. The Queen's Guardian Angels of All. Corpsmen, King, her heart and sout. Doc. Engineers. Red and white checkerboard. The eueen,s Fortification Builders. Combat Engineers, Rooks, her wisdom. Castle Builders. Headquarters. The Queen's rein. Headquarters personnel, Chess Board, her mind and intelligence. Desk Jockeys. He will be inclusive in all branches of service. All material in this Newsletter is submitted by members, the Editor, or interested persons. No advertising. politicat, or frame 1949-1954.Wili not be put to pttnt,but retained in the Editorial F‖ es!The Editor should receive inforrnation for(Dct., NoⅥ and Dec.lssue by the second weekin Sept. PS: This issue completes 16 yrs as Editor of Batfle stars! lt took a lot of research to call it that, and inspired Dick Lewis with the phrase "Every Mission Assigned Every Mission Accoumplished" to create a Monument in Arlington! There is one at the Punchbowl in Hawaii, and Springfield, lL Sincerely, - Frogn The Ed:to『 .....● ●●●●●●●●●●● 24 FЮ m Sec.′ Treas........・ ・・・・・・・5‐ 7 Chaplaint COmer .… … … … … …・8‐ 15 About the cover: Assoc. Otficers 2012 ZO1g. Letters TO The Ed:tor.....・ ・・・・・16o23 PAST EDITORS 0f intettst .....・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・24‐ 29 Dick LeM‖ s ......・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1989 Aibert J.McAdoo 。… … … … ..1990口 91 New Quattrlnaster.… … … … … …・ 30 Assoc Crttc● rs 2011‐ 2012.....・ ・・・・31 Battie Sta腱 .… .… …・・ …・・ …・ …・ 32 Arlen Russe‖ .....・ ・・・・・・・・ 1992‐ 96 Hugh Ruckdeschei ....June 1996‐ 2012 01996‐ 2012 Battie stars 5th R.C. ││ 砕´ ″711` DEAR MEMBERS, LEttER FROtt THE ttEW SECRETARY「 REASURER OF THE 5TH RCT IT SADDENS ME TO REP10RT OUR ASSOCnTloN wILL HAVE TO REPLACE W0 0F OUR KEY OFFiCERS,OUR SECRETARYrRLASURER, JttRRY PtATHER AND OuR CHAPLAIN,CHARLES DiSALVO,DUE TO SER10US HEALTH ISSUES. ・ ALSO LET uS NOT FORCET ALL OF THE WORK THAT・ RUCreDOES tN EDITIN0 0UR F:NE NEWSLETTER ・ IT WOuLD BE ttUCH APPRECIATED FOR ALL TO SEND A CARD OF THANKS TO EACH ONE FOR THEIR FAITHFULttEN FOR THE DUTIES THEY HAVE PERFORttED FOR MANY YEARS.ALL OF THEIR ADDRESSES ARE AS FOLLOWS: JERRY JERRY PRATHER 2002‐ 2012 10 yrs 21504 APPAL00SA COURT Elected yearly CANYON LAKE,CA 92587o6728 CHARLES CHARLES DiSALVO,CHAPLAIN 555 FOREST AVE. HUGH RUCKDESCHEL,EDITOR:N CHIEF RUCK TREASUREISLAND FL 33706‐ 5152 :・ 1992‐ 2012 20 yrs Appointedbypresidentyeirlyofservice NEW R∝ HELLE NY 10304 l12 123 RE)AVE. Yrs of service 1996口 2012 Appointed by president y尋 16 yrs :ξ I)f service LL TRY SiR, FRANK JENN:NOS ● P,S.WHEN ASKED TO PERFOR翻 ,PLEASE REME‖ BER OUR‖ OTTOD… ● ApttayrJun e tth RC.■ Ass己 Page 3 REUN10N 2012 FTo M:丁CHELL,KY MANY,MANY THANKS TO J.W.CRAIL FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL ANNUAL REUN:ON.H:S COMMiTTEE,丁 ONY AND BET「 γ KREiNER, AND GEORGE AND GRACE ERB AND FRANK AND MAX:NE JENN!NeS AND OF COURSE H:S SPECIAL LADY,RETHA.丁 HEY DID AN OUttSttANDiNG JOB AT THE REUNiON。 A VERY SPECiAL THANKS TO REttHA FOR THE・ AUCT10N" WHiCH MADE ABOUT$2000.00 FOR THE LOCAL FiSHER HOUSE. WE WANT TO THANK EVERYONE FOR COMiNG AND HOPEttHAT THEY ENJOYED THEMSELVES. LEtt US ALL TRY TO KEEP THIS ASSOCiA丁 !ON AL:VE AND BE SURE TO MAKE PLANS ttO A7 「 END FUTURE REUN10NS. PLANS TODAY ARE TO HAVE THE NEXT ONEIN 2013:N SAN ANTON:0, TEXAS,AND 20141N TAMPA FL,AND 2015:N BRANSON MO. l・ LL TRY S:R. FRANK JENNINeS SECrTREAS hge 4 、 駄 h RC.■ Assn・ ApttayJJun ‐ カ■ 砕″ ″‐″ `│グ “ ││‐ ■‐ │││││‐ │‐ │││‐ ‐ ‐ ││││■ ‐ ‐ ‐ ││ 56 RCT and CF 24th IDA Invite you to Florida's 196 Annual Mini Reunion rtι tt SrA・ r 枷 ,November超 曲 鯖 B魏 鐵 Ⅱdmay Smday November t節 2 lnn … … 処 … 860 AlA Beach Bttbra峰 St.Augustine Bcach Florida 32080 Phone 904‐ 471‐ 255ノ 800‐ 626‐ 7263 Fax 904-461-8450 GHs画 1菫懸甦遇豊懇機i菫響陸驚― Room Rates S79.∞ per」蝉 t plus tax and ptuity Seturdry: Novenbcr 3' 2012 - Brnqua F'ri&y, Novcmber 2, 2Ol2 in Scores Lounge (Cash Bar) 6pnCochails AII Menrbers Me€ting 9 am - I I am 7pm Dinner 7 Pm Gct Together- Fmd & Beer- 7:30 Pm Banquet Choiccs A. Bo Prime Rib一 ChickenCordonBleu $30.00 Medium$30.00 BchDilms Incl&: so"i R"u A suuer, l'IY Checsc Csk€lw Cree" Tossed saladwith droice of rwo drcssings, Bakedpotdo, Cotree&f' Ice Tea' Wder, Dressings and Sour Cream' ptease detach the touw jtm and return vith *** yur paycnt or indicatio, Stral*€rries that 1nu will not be dtendrng. Thank stot, iegistmtion lleedline October 13,2012 Bill' *** Reunion Resistratlon BadgeName Member Name Te10pLoncNmber SPouseName Cucst Namc Address Zip Statc Citv Are you with the: 5* RCf CF 24b IDA Is面 s VOur働 麟 PFiCe Fees: Regisnaion (Member OnlY) Banquet Dinner A. Chicken Cordon Blue B. PrimeRib-Medium Please make check or money order pa:yable Mailpaymeotwith formto: to: S20.00 S30.00 S30,00 No Yes Number Total 1 S20.00 and Total Bill Kane 【 7ツ η ぎ ?i}rK;fu*"*u Orlando, Florida 32807 Ify′ time: ` nank叫 B111 7450 0ome Or 407‐ 421-4465(01ゆ ∝ LvC any quttons,pl― feel■eeto COmct me at 407-275‐ ApttayrJun O tth RC■ 無 SL Page 5 ‐ ‐ /7rS ″ 1フ 夕 ″ 砕″ │― │‐ 5th RCT Branson Mini-Reunion2Al} The reunion will be held in Branson, MO. from Sept.23 -26 at the Branson Towers, which is located at236 Shepard of the Hills Expressway. This is just offHwy 248, on the North side of Branson, by the big water tower. Their phone number is 800-683 -1122 or 417-336-4500. The room rate will be $56.95 plus ta:<. This includes a hot breakfast. When you make your reservations, please use the goup number 8012 and tell them you arg with the 5m Regimental Combat Team. The help at the desk does not recognize 5e RCT. Please make the reservations as early as possible. They can always be canceled. If you want a ceriain room, please tell them when you call in. All reservations must be made before 8-23-12. Any reservations after that will be space available. The motel will furnish ice, so bring snacks & drinks. There will be a drawing at the business meeting. If you have made something or have something you would like to give, please bring it to the meeting. The hospitality room will be ours from l0:00AM until 1 l:00PM. Al1 dress will be casual. The payment for the shows are cash only!! We must have a count for the shows & the Dinner Buffet by l:00PM Monday. The breakfast is scrambled eggs , biscuits and gravy, sausage, waflfles and cereal.,bagels,etc. Sunday,Sept.23rd 2PM to 5PM Registration Monday.Sept.24th 10AM to lPM 7:00 PM Registration Wade Benson Landry's Swingin' Cajun Style Show $20.00 ea Tuesday, Sept.25e 5:15 PM Golden Corral Buffet And Show $i4.00 Wednesday, Sept.26ft 10:00AM COME JOIN US IN BRANSON Marvin House, Tom Sunny, John Crail ea Business Meeting & Drawing ‐ / ″‐ ││‐ ミ 懇 「 ‐ ││││ ‐ ││口‐ 卜│ 麟! ゝ 、 孟 髯 ミ Assn. 羮 AprlMayrJun e 5th RoC.■ 講ミ m ボ麓 秘 茫 ― マoゆン慶轟睡ミ﹄雲η墨 憂ミ鶴ミ 哺塵 ミ ≧﹃じ 鉤塊 蒻 Pago 7 3乳響 This is the last l win be witing these ‐ r C● ■ 555 Forest Avenue New Rochelle,New York 10804 “ cdumns and l feelthe need ofteting what l have been up tO in behalfOfthe 914-834‐ 8536 orgawation. by Charles Di Salvo, Chaplain In addition tO witing the cOlumns and preparing the servi∝ おrthe Sund等 p l have been sending out s剛履 hy cards tO deceased mo―gm面 members Ofthe orgamzation. and wttever conles along in the mealltime. I know I have been preceded in death by both Father lValdie And Father Bull. But only yesterday I talked with Fred Hoffinan. He informed me that in a month ortwo he will be celebrating his 95tt'birthday. He indicted that he would not mind if he heard from those ofyou who knew him. Whoever that is, I hope he is as thouglrtful as I have tried to be. God bless you all Charles Page 8 Di Salvo, Ph.D. 5th R.C.■ ヽR . 鶏 さ驚ヽ ミes歌︻ぼむヽ ^ ヽ“尋露も ヽ e● ■ヽ the task. い oミヽミ ﹃ヽ﹁ ゝo哺ミ I can only trust that my successor will be as conscientious as I have tried to be at 。 ζ e 2 日お t > 目 お 鋼 繊 一o日 ■ 0 く the festi宙 ties 一確。話,静調羮 輩 盤 聞 the prayers at the be_3 and end of 一 継鷲 電轟礎 OfcotrsQ I have also read the names of deceased persomel and presided over 一 On occasion l have had a resporlse tom some ofthe families Ofthe d∝ eased and we have ooslondy built a relationship when and rthey rettond. ヽ│ :ま Assn.・ Apr/May/Jun ぶ ヽ30前 θ″″ □ I'n *,Ie'nt,try a"{ Silas Spear (Si) Jones Jr. August 28, 19't8 - August 7,zA11 ,'si" Jones, silas S. Captain U-S. Army, retired, was bom 28 August Jones, silas s. Ardmore, oK; preceded in death 30 December 2009 by his wife of 61 years, at 1918 Mary Jane (Janie) Jones, whom he met in 1947 while they $rere stationed in Germany and they married in Siuttgart, Germany in 1948. Si entered the service with the Army National Guard in august 1935 at the age of 16; called to active duty September 1940: graduated from the us Army officers lnfantry school at Ft. Benning, GA in July 1942. 52nd ServeO overseas during \MNll as an lnfantry Company Commander with the Armored lnfantry, 9th Armed Division; became a POW during the Battle of the Butge; served in Korea 1953-54 with ihe 5th Regimental Combat Team. Upon retirem€nl from the Army in Sept 1966 did duty with the Dallas ISD JROTC Program. Si was a member of Council 799 and Father Abram J. Ryan Assembly, Knights of Columbus where he was very active. si was also a member of the Veteran of Foreign wars and Dallas Metroplex Chapter American EX-Prisoners of War, Survivors are son Gary Jones & wife Jodi, daughterAva Sundslrom & husband Ken: grandchildren, spencerJones, Adrienne Kleckner & husband Kyle ; Mary Anne Themer & husband Waylon; Sarah, John & Ryan Sundstrom. Rosary, 7:00 p.m. wednesday, Aug 10th in the chapel of sparkman/crane Funeral Home. The Funeral Mass, 10:00 a.m. Thursday, Augusi 11' 2011, st. Pius X Catholic church, 3030 Gus Thomasson Road, Dallas, Texas.: lntermenl... ROBERT WAYNE, SI of Kissimmee, FL passed away IRVING -at*Auy, SR., apiit Z, 2012.Hewas the husband of Frances (Oliver) Irving fo^r of 57 years.-Rob"rt *u, born in chariton,Iowa on March 9, 1931, the son theiate Troy and lrma (Bingharn) Irving. He retired ftom Armstrong Tire and RubbeiCompany in Des Moines,Iowa. Robert served in the U.S. a member of the 5th Regimental A*y during the koiean War servingofasttre Bahia Shriners of Orlando, FL' GilUut Tein. noUert *a-o Shriner #10; v.F.W. Post#4225; Post A* *u, a member of the American Legion Oseeola Memory Oardens Funeral Home and CrematoO 407-847-2494 Robcrt W. Inring wife Fwres Phone 703 Robert Street Kissimmee, Florida 347 4l -47 12 4a7 8702574 ttr, Motor 5th 1949‐ 1950C6458‐ 1500 hope thtt helps Paul RUCK Request Y!! Flace in the next bulletin! Dick & I were together in Hawaii and Korea. We came home together in 1951. He was a member, I don't have a new regi-ster's list of S RCT. A member of Co. L Richard Lee Teuscher Bom tn lurrllng, VW on Nd. 28, lt30 O.pa.bd on D.c. 2., 2otl .nd BE d tn Wt@n, OH, Vltlt tlon: I.tuncsdsy, De. 28, mI i &rulo: Thuoday. Dec. 29, 2011 Cenrabry: Crwn Hill Budal park Rbhrtd Lo la&hi Sr. Ricnsd La TaustEr. 81. of Wbren, p*s€d tray Satud8y, Dr@m &t 24, 2O1l Et his t|m. 8om Nombo.28, r93o in vharing, wv, ni"m-^i *iJin"',i.r-"-itrrri"riti.ir an o eotoie lscnaurl "no qlsch:rg€ frcrl trteunited Srares Amy in ,e52 and sered aB mortemn durins the ".I-l"l"l:fF rcEan ffir, w e F,urDb H€ert rcioient end raught map @ding m tndiantfln cap, pa. nid,ard piir;l; 1993.f.ffi.rodr396 prumb€re & pidefinc.. ne dlr ilriJoeii"i ..6n'ifo, u,"'c"^rr r. cr".pp iJgr, mmbff of thc Ar KoEn shrins/s a.d th.- s@tish Rib. Richsrd-pray€a or oig"n, rouea *ooorc*rirg - an-J'c*u lix anythingl Most of s[, hc bved his lamity .nd wB dcdksted to heigng theniin any way he ould. p€ced€d in dcath in 2ool uv trir wite, $e tmei p*rici"-_, RFherd pai r-"eiy, *irom t m"rieo .trnu he ye;Bgr shared rmring. Hie uy *rir rwo chitsr6n, Richard L. 33i-199.1!8"!glhq.n (umrb) r.u$itr of Chamrrion End Rhtrda T. (Randalt) "rri*o Stow6[ irf Wbren, nw gmnCcfrlUnn, ntnart Rym.ALn ILba) storen, e* n Sr,ilinon eerca ana ucsnn Lryb, two fj:iH i , w i i il Es slilu 91119_"S:lIg:*. g@r gmffioawh.tr Kvrio end M8ry K.therirc Teushar end two sistec, Dorothy Marie eerry dioayrutein, Ft and V_m M.. (J8cr(1 am a nonna tup. n" B riis psenrs, ,iie aril;b.o; 6,;iJ;Jil;{ Ceil A. Tsu!€hsr Jr. Fmily..nd fbnds may vLit f bdnadsy .ming im 7 untit 9 p.M. at Roberb4tark FuneEt Chapel. R*. P.FH C6por witt @nduct a turcret sdilb. fh-uroaay .orning, O"ErO"i 1{ r r AM at the fune€l hore. Bur'€l wifl b. h6ld io ttE Cffi HiI Buriat pa* "t Mabrisl mt ibutims my take tha iom ol domtioffi to thr Carcll F. Chpp scholeBhip fund. IMt dtfrr, Foi&d by tukB.Cj&h qrrEr3lChaner http://obirlamfunenlhomes.com/obitdisplay.html?tas&=hinr&id=10060a9 11610 3/nn[l2 ,plll Kaelln Rsflrnd Avcnue Loulrllle, l(Y 402{5 March 16,2012 Hugh Ruckdeschel Bdlc Stars Ncwsletcr I 12 - t23rd Avcnuc E. Trcasure Islan{ FL 33706 3Jt5 3/s DeaHush: " ALFn6e6" t438' iotz sorrylwaslateonmyDuesbyabortrlnieelc Mywifeof5Eyearshadbeenillandpossedaway ontvtarchsth. I ojoy rcceiviag l.,wl\L BE 8O {rpe tb Batsle sfian osrrc' / F /{ wAsrvt{ Thanksagain, dU G tl ″ 心 な ― 2t, Newlcfrer. I bavent received /.ros l' the January/Februaryilvlarch ビルク組 々 力´ HUGH As you can see Paul passe{away on try) 26th. l.thought you could use the obit slip. You & I have never met but Paul & Joe cura ot.limJJviil6, Ny weieriLnoi for years. I was with the Sth jn :52". was given the radio when Al McAdoo left. Giiio; lt was co. ,,E,, I am a very good friend of-lyour dousin rrom ruewnrigh, oon- r g"i;;1o-instalr him for the position of his VFW unit commander. I hope this info can Ue uieO] ' ' I hope you well in your position as editor of Battlqsiars. I really like the news and am always waiting for further issues. Your items and columns have given me info in the Former Sth Member God Bless and hope you and y:our family Oest Edward D. Hedin 510TowerAve, Maybrook, Ny 1254g il past. wisnEs-J*ryr. - Ⅲ ⅢⅢ IC‐ HUGH I lost Paul three weeks ago. He fought hard to stay alive, but the cancer was just more than he could fight' . He was a wonderful husband, father & grandfather, and on Dec 26 we became great-grandparents to a beautiful, healthy little boy. Our first great grandchild' a ni" mothei live next door, which makes Paul's loss - a little easier. fn" baby's name is Brecker Paul Beckwith' His dad is serving in Kuwait with the army. Please puI tnis article (enclosed) in the Battle i" Stars. Paulwas so proud to have served with these wonderful, brave soldiers. Thank you, Joan YesenskY PS: There was a slight mistake in the article' there should have been a period and new paragraph after Ai*ot""t. He did not re-enlist in lowa' He was elected Sth RCT President in lowa. commander of the American Legion Post #1832, a former officer in the VFWPostf3146 both in MattYdale, and a life mernber of the Disabled American Veterans. He was President of the APW School District Sports Boostersand a LittleLeague coach in Pulaskifor 3 Years. Paul is survived bY his wife of 51 years, the former Joan (MacCall); iheir four children: Robert (Mari' anne) YesensRlr dfTN, StepJtel (Lisa) YesenskY of Pulaski, Paul Vesensky of Rome, and Debra (Roger) Williams of Camden; his the Army in 1949 at age 16 and five -granddaughters: Melinda Yeswentto JaPan with the OccuPation ensliy of Camden, Kristen (Jason) Forces in 1951 when the Korean geckwitn of AmboY, Amanda and War started. He was one of the Jessica YesenskY, both of Pulaski, first American TrooPs in Korea. He and AudreY YesenskY of TN; two was so proud to have served with orandsons: Stephen P. YesenskY of the 5th Regimental Combat Team Fulaski and TohY YesenskY of TN; with the 24ih lnfantry Division. He and one great-grandson, Brecken was severelYwounded on the 13th Paul Beckwith. of October 1951. After I weeks in At Paul's' request, there will be a Hospital in JaPan, Paul returned no calling hours and his burialwill to the States and re-enlisted in the be private and at the convenience Air Forcefr Des Moines, lowa. Heof his familY. A memorial service was elecied National President of held on SaturdaY, APril 28th was the Sth RCT Association of Korean at 11 a.m. in Williamstown Church War Veterans. Of Christ. ln lieu of flowers, Please make founded Joan, Pauland hiswife, in Paul's memory to the donations Williamin Effect The Greenhouse Syracuse VA HosPital, 800 lrving stown. They Produced flowers and Vesensky Pau:W・ ‐ sale Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210. Paul W. YesenskY, 80, of Wil- vegetables for disPlaY and For more information, Photos or Paul liamstown, died APril 25,2012 at at ifre Regional Market and please-visit served on the board of directors to sign the guest book, his home with his family by his side' www.faceor www.kruegerfh.com Paulwas bom in GlassPort' PA for the New York State Regional com/KruegerFuneralHome on February 2, 1933. He joined Market AuthoritY. He was the Past book. Paul W. Yesensky Thomas Burkhalter Thomas H. Burkhalter, 80, Suwivors Association, Co*ity Port ltrashington was devoted to his country and ite yc*erans, serviag in the U.S. errnj,. ana laEr as a veterans service officer in Ozaukee and Richland counties. 'He loved his country," his daughter Christy Wallock said. "He was dedicated to his country and very p,roud he sewed in the Eilitary." IIb was driven to help vctcrans, lvtminowoc Kiwatis Club, Amrican kychological Society, Masons and rhe SoottiBh Rite. He was a member of St. Jobn's Lutheran Church Irkefield ia tbe Town of Gnfton. Mr. Burlfialter sunrived by his is wife, Diane pf Port lYashington; cllaren nlizabeih (eir,anO Watson of Radford, Va., Ckisty (Joe) Wrllock qf West Bcnd, Kurrt (Lindscy) of Springfield, Va.,lValtcr (Linda) of Burnes, DJ of Bellevue, Wash., and Kim of Jaresville;.and I 3 grandchildren. He is frnther survived by his brothen Robertof Cazenovia and John (Haniette) of she said, becane he often saw himself in them. Mr. Burlfialter, who died fu.23, Thursday, at Columbia St. Mary's Ozaukee Ilospital in Mequon, was commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant in the Army on lune 22, t952. I'tre served in the military for more than 20 years, retiring as a colonel. During the E<!en Valley, Minn. In.addition to his parens, he was precedcd in death by hii sister-in-lao, Bcry Burthalter. y.cc*,hc servedin numerous dornestic posts wd in Korea, Vietnam and Germany. He earned numerous docsrations, including the Combat Infantry Badge, Legion of Merii witb throe oak leaf chietors, Bronze Slr, huple Hect, Mcritorious Servise Mrdal with two oak leaf slusters, Joitr Scrvices Comnrendation medal and Armv Commendation medal with three oak ldf clusbrs. Mr. Burkhalter was tte Ozaukee Counw veterans service offrce for seven yearj, from 1990 to 1997, when he rctirea. fir Aat mle, he haddaily contact with the count5/,s v-@rars, helping them navigate their way through sornetimes confusing paperwor[, counseling them and rcferring them to other agencies. To say Mr. Bukhalter wag dcvotcd to county's veterans would be an un&rSatcqtent, said Ozaukee Couuty Vctcrans tle Scrvice Officer Ke,r Brown. "If.you'te aot dedicated to helping veterans in the area, yen don't stay heie long,. Mr. Brown said, "He was a little gruff, orut be was hone,st to a fault. He wou!-d always give you the right answer, even if it wasn't what you wanted to hear." Mr. Burkhalter was bom in Iroa Mquatain, Mich., on Jan. 13, 1930, the son of Herbert and Mildred Thomas Bu*baIEr. IIe grew up in Madison and camed a bachelor of science degree in psychol- _ 4I"l retiring from rhe military, Mr. Burkhalter worked as operations manage. for Curley-Bates Co., a wholesale spordng goods company in Burlingame, Calif. He then went to work as director of sup ply operations for Hawthorne Aviation CL. of Charleston, S.C., at the firm,s Duewav Providing Grounds in Utah. Mr. Burkhalter then returned to Wisconsin, serving as veterans servicc of_ ficer in Richland C-ounty before taking tlw sarc post in Ozautee C.ounw. After retiring, he voluntircred his time - A ftneral service for Mr. Burthaltcr was at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29, at Lutheran Church in-Cnafton. Tte p ! lep 't. John's , rv. James O'Reilly-Christenson was to of_ n ate. tsitation was to be from 3 to 6 p.m. Wa 'es&y at Eemisse Funeral Homi ln Port tashington. A t mbined veterarr$ organization walkar 5:30 p.m. thrqugr vas to be conducted Buria with military honors will be at Souttfitr VisconEin Unmoria C-erctery in UnionCar, r. with the Milwautee County Vetqans -_--- scrrad.yoa; Service Office for l&. Bnrlrhalter marriedDiane Waedckin in Richland Center on June l l, l9gg.---'*' . Burkhalg enjoyed traveling and -tookMr. his wife to visit the many places-whre F ** stationed in Germany-and France. He also mrveled It" to Russia and CanaOa. ry1s an avid photographer and would make CDs-of the photographs he took on trips,9iseibuting them to fEnow members or tmrtotu groups, his daughter said. . . He also liked to reaa anOlpena timc with his grandchildrcn. - -Mr. Burlfialtcr worted with Eoublcd childreu ftryogl lie years, serving not just as a mentor but also as a positive aAut irte model, his family said. ory from tbe Universif of Wiir.insin- _ IIe was a qsmber of the yan EIleSchanen American Legion post 32, Vet€rrns completed his master's degree of F'oreign Wars post 5373, Disabbd .in Heindustrial psychology at Ohio S-tate Anerican Veterans Korcan War Veterans 鰤 ・蠍″ ″ プタダク %靱 ″ わ し 易 ′ :鰺 笏 Madison. University and worted toward his doctmate at thc univeraity's laboraory of aviation psychology. Vererans Scrvicc Offioers Associatiotr of Wiscmsin, of of America, Vietnam Veterans of Aoffi, Miliary Orrder of $G purpte l{""rt40; 8, 5th RcT Associitioa. b"D*a;idrr:, 争晰 巫″ b Page 12 5th R.C.■ Assn。・ Apr/MayrJun 一 ■一 \-r -\ l=-ffi II.l\ S on !\s5.f, t*.\ S \.'"" nt' H q, dr= \ *"\t\r :S \.n \o\ \L. tu\c.l1ln{', I\.,, {..L\1 s.t!-,I.^.\ u.u \ l;t\\. 6rsi n *"\l\\" \ \ \" \ " *\ \t *, -..tt )[-U..l,r \\rr'rn1- I' \' \ t.skri * \, 1oo \ r . "\ . \, i..'; \t{i^ ;f il" 4 "*0.$*- il w'0,, I * -) '',.,r\l t\t t s\" lti\ -.S q.\\ \\"* u)\: =".-l*il;4" -'\r'*n"\ \\") g L t'.'.\ \..". t', o\i 1.. \ V )lir'I*-\.ri . " f- =\, "'\ \ J\ ,.- t..\ (v \* rn -\. \.. \.. \:*\T vr \S-t\\ *'\\\\ , , \- L r :ii ;::Nt.N:ts;l=\:-\:-\'n\ u\ c -f u *..h.i X*\*', .-'\ \\*',, :\il *iil' h\.eJ."gs \i," ..\ \.:-T::s : vrs \ "q ::' :I, \t\.^\\\t ` もヽ い` ゝ 蛍ゝ い 食 〃 ヾま、 潮 e AllJ/ム c高 鵬 ' U \*" 馘 出 争― =多 J8 Jqglg-Q-tlovember 2011 Departed Members and Comrades BAKER,FredrickE.26thA,/AA.+g.st9195StateHwyE.%Rickl?1."'-Fairgrove'Mo650484493 -beceasea wesrtlorrison-e-mait re-'lun'rt ozzoszzott 6116aott(.loyce) 8414 Downs Road - Winston' GA 30187-1365 51'52 K5 ' GOULD, Wallace R. 1 24 / 2g1 . F tJennings O3-Aug-l I / 07 Deceased 8/3/201 1 (Mary) IMAI,MitsuoG5.50.51691KalaleaStreet-Honolulu,Hl9682$,2510 sth RcT Hawaii- Newsletter 18 Deceased 06/ 25/ 2011 71181201'l (clara) - 53-54 JONES, Silas S. Jr. W Morrison 20'Aug-1 I Deceased 08 / 11/ 201 I 8t2Ol2O11 MULViH:LL, James J 876/2011 TEDDER, 7ノ 01iVer T. 10r2011(Jean) AprJMayrJun e 5th R.C.■ Deceased 07/25/2011 F5 ‐ 52‐54 Deceased 07/03/2011 Assn. W Morrison 3456 indale Court ― FairFax,VA 22033‐ 1006 lo■ ul‐ 11 Page 13 ‐ │‐ Hugh Ruckdeschd Ap● 11,2012 l12 123 rd Ave. Treasure Island FL 33705.5LS2 Dear Mr. Ruckdeschel: My recent conversation with sanr Kier, Historian, 5th Infaotry Regiment Associalion, pacific Grove, cA ended with him suggesting &at I contast you in r€ference to your Newsletter Banle It .,r* suggested that you couldinclude in your newsletteri.request for*y E who courd remember my late husband a-L^t John'Jack" iessup. He'was with this unit "f for a strort period of time from August, I 950 to october, I 950, then due to bdtlc injuries went to various hospitals in Japan. I would also be interested in any roster ifavailable. .ir*. ;;;*y r""rr."**. I shall be happy to pmvide you with additional information you may require. Jean D. Jessup 37Ol 42,d Avenue South St Petersburg, FL 337I I (727)86$6083 e'mail: iiessuo2@tamoabav,rr,com 」 E[."drui,^d.,qe, fi7ry tqqb, &o r a- ` や し ふ 、 州 ‐ 貯 蹴 │:菫eut.:J Cel● ld 11 螺訊 )、洲っぃこ `` ユ 悪 ゐ ヽい 、 =● ´ 膨 Page 14 5th R.C.■ Assn.・ Apr′ MayrJun 25TE:醐 TRY AP0 25 t=RTERS In肛 脳こ DIVIS■ ON 20N"mber 0園 酬田ムLO閣 班田S 367 Nコ 露日目R ■950 ニエ_Tユ ムQ二 sectton I F tt T 子 ry**,t4#ffir,#ffiil#iffiti'ihl$Tf'' or ms ?:$d'ffiiL;;* he ffi# $?H:,S!";l; trabents' i-r.*#i**"rq'm .*r-aq fr'*o"tur platoon. grtoorrd-u. i"iirre qr?*-i";ioo" fbon the over heated Flrst lieutenant' rolilr -E' uoiia-st"t; a"ry. h 19 t"FlTfi-1:3,Y:L-;";:;#-ioGr, r.ieutenaat ;..* ressr4p aclranced t:Es'pon try:,c*'*iii-p"i"ftt1 to hold off " on the e,nemy *J-"lrtioo"AnaohtuE S*a Stfz:ne-a"rf*fre'-U" -"gitinued the ras ca,sed tr:in to abancton hrs^amunLtion been acco",priru"a, aad bad' ca$Elties the attacl€rs rrnttl 6ispla.ceneat lriapr"t*L' he. i;;;a all rrit'f'-u'J oirly armed T'hen ""tff ex*:austed.' outst€.ndtng LeadershS'p been r6Bded. l.ieuteaant i"sEryrJ""l-"ei""i-,*.r*i"r*i"ra &rterect the ntlltary a*y. tin,.ted ;tt"s ;;a-it hims"G r4ron credlt great reflect " serrrice flom lles York. 十 BY COifi,iAiD OF T,AJB Cffifi3AI. 1SAITI OFFIC工よL8 Jonl wo cIIDS o010no■, 錦 C chief oF Staff /S/8:署 : lli:l塁 1 盤 灘∬Llぷ:. J摯 Zι後ぢ″力 zん勧̀ *FREEDOfuT Gcn- R G. stitwen Korcnn A IS NOT FREEU rtar vaemas Memorrar Foaaduioq Inc. (KWMFnd) 501, c, 3, nonqro;ftt Foandadon chonered tn the 10301 Mc&iastry DMrtct of Cotu;nbfa Mill Road Nev Windsor, MD 2LZ7G790J Ph:1t0-27*77J3 Fa* tt&7ZS-7760 Toil Frec: I_E/,&KOR_A-WA| Enoil: eagle I E 7@haghexnel lfebsite: x,vw.KoreaaVary*Arr*Aotirg α ″ Hugh: 衡 -2″aL4‐ RF Cal I would be most appreciative if the attached could be published in an upcoming issue of your Association media. 5o' RCT 睦 α ″ 2餡 岬 Cal 9 APril20l2 We are at a critical point in trying.to get HR 2563 passed and need more co-sponsors. HR 2563 will authorize adding a Wjir or-nemernorance to the Korean war veterans Memorial which wi, rist Korean uv n"r", usn ,wrA, MrAr er'e IFow vJ by number and RoK, KArusA and UN KtA,1v-{ wlA, MtA and "nd aル ←′″ … rn Fa″ pow;i;ffi;;:" v" we urgently need KoRWARVETS to contact their locar representative and URGE them become a co-sponsor of HR 2563. ar a二 閣 麻 盤蹴識〃Иrc/, '′ ″割物晦 物 ユ 闘 鴫ド ""力 C¨ 畿な ′ ИИ ,ズ l've sent both black and white and color versions ヵ睦 “ “ E由疇 ″ 助 … ル 極 ac猿 …め 策鯛留蹴協警動権 Gに 重印 ″nな ら じM■ ■ ― rJ7 ″い 屁 ラ タ勧 ●■″ Cal.υ 罰いGR″ J― ¨ 銑 Jし Thank you. BiI ColWilliam E. Weber (USA - Ret.) Chairman [9I9"n WarVeterans Memoriat Foundation, lnc. 10301 McKinsry MiltRd New Windsor, MD 21126 410 775 7733 ryarg″ 2,zι ″ F″ 拗 にた χ ― Frarl COr●74 sarrprar e Forgotten Warl 鍬 ′ daα %ra″ Gレ %ば Rυ "だ “ ― … /.助 お Chaiman 蘭 …οた Jaa● a lMttθ "“ 晰 硫 ■ ―o妊 麟″椰 ― 鰐 ・ " C… ム 響Ⅵ9二 θttGER rmFORcθ ra″v″ ИR" Page 16 5th R.C.■ Assn.・ AprJMayrJ面 ― lι 後な″ル ″″ 工′ KORWAR“ KORDEF VETS YOU MUST HELP!ONLY YOU CAN DO WHAT NEEDSTO BE DONE! 硼 KOREAN WAR VETERANS MEMORIAL FOUNDAT10N NEEDS YOUR HELP By Col(Reo William Eo Weber9 ChalmanKWVMFnd We are working hard to get HR 2563 Passed in the House of Representatives. [t is a proposed Bill that we initiated that will allow a Wall of Remernbrance be added to the Korean War Veterans Mernorial which will list bY name our KIA comrades ffrd, bY number, US, KATUSA, ROK andUN K['A, WIA, MIA and POW- The Panels of the lilall (of glass) that disPlaY the foregoing wilt have aPProPriate homilies honoring that displayed' CunentlY HR 2563 has27 cosponsors-*-we need several hundred more to get it sent to the floor for a vote.!!!!! You are our on$ hoPe of 勁 g解壕 漁gp∞ 蝉・側r mttЫ Hい 風 ず'ぷ搬 庶 鶴 閣 脱 麟型 蹴 螺 園 鷲 撫 I躍 鵬 則 LDENCS撼 1驚 榊 醐 $9。 95 勇 鷲 鋭 獅 i麟 静 H per cciln and we pay the S』 ι obvre coins' Encloscd CHECK/I\{O for 'tail'l I'd like Windsor' MD 21776'7903 Ne* Rd" Mill Mail to: KltrVMFnd, rosor u"xtnstry OK! I'll get on my Representative's $-' PHONE NAME: (-).-.- ADDRESS: STATE_ AprlMavrJun・ 5th R.C.■ Assn. ZIP+4 Page 17 ” 一 C.A。 (Bud)COllette 507E.Tinber D五 ve Payson,厖 85541-4077 」an. 14′ 2012 gh W. Ruckdeschel Stars l12-123rd. Ave E and′ FL. H● Editor′ Batt■ e KbHχ 1 1951- 1952 雖 … … ::;::ヨ ::5:S・ Dear Editor Ruck: ξこ articl['習 n: :::セ :[ :fe li. tif 131ょ n::::『 : Ihie3:1・ Medal of valor sOciety. I was invited tO the Yavapai lndian 1::1 Cathering center in prescOtt′ Arizona. On Dec.17′ 2011. 工 。 f the was surprised and hOnored tO be awarded the warrlors Meda■ Of valor. the "BItti:9sI:Is'a, print sOme of the phOtOs and my My E― mall address is: ]btimber2009cgmall.com My Te■ . is:(928)474-9312. ″ I served in Korea frOm June 1951 to late April 1952. the 3rd. Battal■ On Hqo cO. cOmmo Plat00n. Yours ■etter irL I was in in patriotism; b,* Clarence A. (Bud) Collette Irm 82 years old. North Korea lst. S9t. usA 1951 1950 K O R E A 1953 1953 age 23 Age 21 The ForgOtten War The Korean war′ June 25′ 1950 to July 27′ 1953. 3att■ e dead 33′ 66ろ other death 3′ 249. TOtal dead 36′ 916. wOunded lo3′ 284. Aug。 │:li:3ia暴 ii::i;:l:11:i;° :feli:i:ik:ii草 ::・ 11::i::::1: │::::・ :::s. ‐ 二Ⅲ́Ⅲ lι l物 '″ onSaturday,Dec.lT,2oll,IwasinvitedtotheYavaPaiIndia.n for a warriors l"tedat of valor Tribe community'eaiherrig center starting at 10:00 AM with C!r"*""V, aay Ceremony. fnfs wis-i-afi of Allegirnvocition- and the Ptedge the posting of the Colors, prumi' After lunch p""""i" nost ance. There was song, GourdDrums' "na Host and with more song' dance ldedal they honorea we-vlt.il"" bv Valor of Followed by the piessentation oi-irt"-wiitl"r's Gourd countv Yavapai the bv the r,ledar or v"r|i=il;;;;^;na-[""i"a SocletY. by Hubert Bomaha, the Yavapai rt closed with the aenediction of the Colors at 4z 00 Pit{' Tribal Elder, "ia'tftt-t"titittg ThefaceoftheMeda}hastheheadoftheBaldEaglewithour the background' Above Eagle-i."trr"r" inValor". stars and strip=-"rra'-tr" Below the nW"riior-"-M;e;1-of of the Eagle,s heai i".a" States it'" united Eagle reads"Nati'"-a*tti"t" Ntiio""-"i America. with the words Thebacksldehasalightbluebackground Below that reads, name' a enorave to space a ,itrt "a*"illa-to" sirvi"I"["-" eratSdfut Nation'r ' "For valorous four colors, red, Yel1ow' The ribbon above the medal has four directions' the Ufaci.--ina white that rePresent :elitl tta岳 :lillt。 :llw 13:l:til:I:illliOli:ileil:111:::[];el:]:猛 ]iti::::ilil. 11lalli:I首 :::::。 i::li:i::i:10il]::I:]:iuiil:Ci::1せ 1952. lt/sgt' and I am C.A. Bud collette, r am a former ntrv, U.S. Army. InfantrY, 1st' sgt' This is the actual size. I was promoted to M/Sgt' and 1st. Sgt. after I return to the U.S.A. 予 威 C.A.Bud COllette sth R CI.Korean War 507 E Timber Dr Payson,AZ 85541-4077 subject: Newspaper article'09, local.paqgr, advance, we.ekly.- satuting local veterans. Normally I would have sent this in vears ago, but decided'ndt t6 senJ i[id guiilie ffii,grp for materiar. Note my 1st Reunion San Ant6nio zo6o,'0r, b8-, od missed'10 "rii.r", &;ii i"ue to death & wife,s iilness. Hope to make 2O1Z Regards John T. Jim 16 August 2ア ー september 2 2009 首 淵‖ 8J Advance of BucK County lo自 由 I IIM Korean War veteran was stationed along the 38th parallel small tent was erected for officers and the comrnunications gear. We kept an oDen line with the battalion^24 hours a day." John went on to relate how he was assigned communications _dufy that evening from 7-9 p.m. After a ouiei shift, his reDlacement arrived; John brieibd him on the- equipment operations, and returned to his foxhole 20 feet away. Ten minutes later all hell broke loose. "We started to get shelled with mortars a-nd larger artillery" said John. ,.ThEre was a direct hit on the teot; two soldier$ were killed instantly, my replacement, Parker, and one officer. The minute the tont was shelled 1!e cgmpany commander, Mlrphy, ran to my foxhole, which was dug out for two, and stayed there while the shelling took place for hours " After the slsrling storoed" 1漱潔 :籍 1霜霊 1織驚需 │ 1織 鶴 │ 卜゛ ■ヽ一ヽいさ一 . 劇 司 ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ 劃 到 劃 ヨ 劃 副 To RUCK From: John J. Jim ;Ohn■ bat Tcam. "m serVed h the Korcan War"th the Sth RegimentJ COm― 縛轟■耳菟予│■■│¬.髄 ffiffiffiffi#ffi:fi runications duty during the Korean wbr. = ilsr*,r*a#{#,i"r*: 'i;;Efiast 40 years' John has remained +"tr*Jj|H riage tlm tni ヽ ミ ヽL ヽ ヽ ト ミ ■ 一一 一 o■ >8 P 旨 コ 。聟 コ コ・ >■ ≧ 晨 、 │ ― ﹁ DO ● N “ 躍搬 Ч鼈 )鶉 l咆 慇 電∫棚 踊躙 問 躙 ド‖ 聰‖ 田出rhey・wOuld make yourfeetsnt when 菫 爵 勲 瀧 慧麟驚 驚 織 I 灘 饉 曽 量 曇 雌 事 淵辮鰊 辮 瀞棚 蹴 機よ 躙 録枇 鵬 e 電 器‖ 盤‖智出ξ 鮒ょ 1棚 憚簸懇 d面 md he“ 胴搬躍 bber懸 :鸞 [1露 │ 一 ヽ ヽ 一 ■ ふ ミ ■一 いヽ ミ 一一一 一 一一 ・ d堕 甜躍も 篇蹴抵 n,7‖ :蹴認 桑 輔 檄 鰤 瀦蒲鋼臓蠣∫ ∝ 過躍FunCrwttmuld画 25わ 蜘L皆器 犠響記 ξ 寵讐鏃 1躙 響胤鷺群 1駕 檀 :蹴 1為 ? HEAW MORTAR COMPANY 5th INFANTRY RECIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM SCHOFIELD BARRACKS HAWAII CAPT.JESS L,G∝ 滲 ″′ ´ ″yε 。″ 77Jα ″〃′″ “ MAN,C● lsr Lt. Jamcs B. Moorc, Jr. lst Lt. Robcrt P. CavcrlY woJG ihrirtophcr C. Nichols lst Lt Charlcs E. Lcwis MASTER SERGEANTS llall, James Fogg, Samucl H. SERCEANT FIRST CLASS peatherage,Htibert D. Burns, John J. Crancr, Georgc \ff. Brposito, AnthonY Ciaso■ , ′ I` 31inO K. SERGEANTS Jamicson, Robert N. Rathburn, Thomas K. O'Hagan, Thomas J. Smallcy, I)ick McCuc, Milford RoSiers, N. CC)RPORALS Acrcman, Clrrcnce J. Adcoc&, Cherles V. Altcnder. Francir E. Cerretl, LeRoY F. Ertep, Earl L. Corloso, Albert M. Allcn, Richrrd R. Blizzerd, Lerry A. Borror. Wllllam D' Ncrnoto, Latry N' Sharp, John A' Deason, Thomas B. Dcnoiron, JotePh Y. (iouvcia, Robcrt N. tlcnsor, John Ito, Takashi Joncs, Jack Simmons, RudolPh f. Tomasa, Kuro Waiowright, Thomas C. Yong, William A. PRIVA'TES FIRS-I' CLASS Pegan, llumbcrto Hahn, Robert T. Patchin, Robert S. Halc, Jemcr C. Racca, Juan R. Hand, Willirm R' Rosc, RaYmond A. Rorsignal, Lester I. Saathofi, Robert L- Hendcrson, DorseY R. Bcmiamin bampbcll, Clerence B', Jr' Hazen, Glcn R. Henry, Casc, Carl \lV. Brookr. Reymond Chrrcttc. Fraocis Chapmen, Homcr L' Chrilend, Robcrt R' Colbcrt, Lc*ter i. Hcwttt, Francir L. Hott, Oliver Hurt, Meuricc E. Irwin, Billy H. Davit, Edwin H. iones, David K' Dobrieh. Normrn Ecroyd,' HcnrY E.Edwardr, Erncst J' Kirke, William Korman, Bruce Cowaa, R.oY B. Dcnton, Ronald B. Stoddard. Charles I). Iamencz. Robert i(aaramo, Willianr t(ealeula, Jact U. L. (}. B. Fcnt. Orle E. Fierro, Fcrmin M. For, Charlcs I. Louden, L)onald E. Frv. Clifford J. Giirctt, Tbomas B. Gohncr. Martin J. May, Circo R' McFedden, William Nirhimura, Kcnichi Antlcy, Marion' II. Avant, Doncld R. Babl, John E. Brnky, StcPhen J. Barr. Charler OBrunc. Jo,ucPh E.. Jr. Burgers, Elmcr J. Ilascgawa, Yoshimi Gottschall, Doneld L. Little, Raymond A- Mamrril, Fidel J. Marseilles, Ronald J. Maron, Jamcs P. C. Ogrwa, 'I'sutonru OLada, Richard R. PRIVATES Hastcw, PercY f). I{tnncery, Lco M' Jr. Hron, Cherlcr R. Huitt, DcweY S. Jcffcries, J. D.' I r. Joyce, TornmY A. Burkc, John E. Coltins, FloYd A. Corder, Hcnry C. Dcen, Jamcr L. Dcen, Kcerncy W. Ketly, (icorgc A. Gallcntine, Lco R. Gitliard, Earl J. Griffith, Harold lil. Hertgravc, Rotrert L. Palmer, Rcgineld J. Pinglcton, Robcrt H. Dclandck. Frenl R. Degcnrhico, Irving J. Dolly, Don C., Jr. 高:覇 更こ 瓦3而 覇 面 =蕉 I ξ Stookey, Mclvin L. Spraguc, Carl B. Sivcezcr, Charlcs. Jr- 'I'ollcy, Vil C. Ugonc, Michacl VanAlrtync, Orkley D. Varsaur, LcRoy Wallcman, Orvillc (1. Vaughn, Bornard R. \dard, Ernert R' J. J. Leu, Freclove, Jack Smithson, Ccorgc E. Soares, ChristoPher Sta rks, Jcrry G. Ellcns, HarrY Erposito, John V. William M. Koontz, Rex E. Love, Elmo J. Mrsscy, Robcrt L. Matthir, Jamcr H. McCany, Patrich W. McKry, Richard E. McKey, Louir H., Jr. Ra*h, Jaclc T. Pag● Williams, Gcrald K. Wilson, \foodrow Wintcr, LcRoY P. Worlcy, HerrY F. Wyzard, JoscPh W. Yatcs, James C. Rivicra, Btniamin Ro*c, Morris Sawycr, Wadc Sheehy, Donald D' Shimizu' ifoworu Simms, Herbert (). Snodgrass, Evcrctt P. Starnor, John S. Stringcr, Richard W. Srroud, Authur H. Trettcr, Edward J. Yotaw, Jemes R. \l'ilson, Willirm V. Wolfc, Ronald E. l{oodt, Robcrt E- lil'oolcv. Cccil E. Wroblcwski, JohnnY L. Wyatt, Ies J. Yatntmotn Rnhrrr M 23 :MPORTAN丁 :NFORMAT:ON RECARDiNC OUR ASSOC:AT:ON FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WERE NO丁 :N AttENDANCE AT OUR LAST REUN:ON(MAY 16‐ 20),WE WEREINFORMED BY JERRY,OUR SECRETARYrTREASURER,丁 HAT HE HAS AN:NFECT10N:NH!S BRA:N AND iSIN THE HOSPITAL Att SAN BERNARDiNO,CALIF.・ AND:SiN THE CARE OF A NEUROSURGEON.:AM IN CONTACT VV:TH HiS DAUGHTER ALMOStt DAILYoSHE HAS KEPT MEINFORMED OF H:S COND:T:ONl JERRY MADE CONTACT VViTH ME WH:LE WE WERE AT THE REUN10N, ASKING THAT THE ASSOC:A丁 :ON TRY TO GET SOMEONE TO TAKE H:S PLACE AS SECrTREAS.AT THE MEET:NG OF THE GENERAL . MEMBERSHIP,lT wAS ASKED OF THE MEMBERSH:PIF SOMEONE COULD F:LLIN THAT VACANCYo SiNCE N0 0NE VOLUNTEERED。 ! STEPPED FORWARD TO F!LL A LARCE PA:R OF SHOES. AS YOU ARE ALL AWARE,JERRY HAS DONE AN OUTSTAND:NG J08 AS OUR SECRETARY/TREASURER FOR MANY YEARS. AS OF TODAY・ :AM AWAI丁 :NC A CALL FROM CALIFORN:A TO TELL ME WHEN JERRYiS WELL ENOUGH FOR ME TO GO TO MEET WiTH HIM.AT THAT T:ME,I WLL G0 0VER RECORDS AND TRY TO GAIN AS MUcH KNOWLEDGE AS POss!BLE. WHEN:ASSUME THE POSiT10N OF SECREttARYrTREASURER,:W!LL KEEP EVERYONEINFORMED. :・ LL TRY SIR. FRANK JENN:NCS iF THERE ANY QUEST10NS,PLLASE CONTACT ME AT 321‐ 751‐ 9103 AT 「 ENT10N MEMBERS WE HAVE A NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF TH:S ASSOCiAT10N WHO ARE NOT CURRENttVV:TH 丁HEIR DUES. PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAIL:NG LABEL ON YOUR COPY OF THE BAπ LE STARS. ABOVE YOUR NAMEiS A 4 D:GIT NUMBER,:F THAT NUMBER IS LESS ttHAN 2,YOU ARE DELINQUENTIN YOUR DUES.PLEASE REMIT TO TREASURER. DUES ARE$15.00 A YEAR,PAYABLE BY CHECK, ` MADE OUT T0 5TH RCT ASSOC iF YOU ARE MAKING A PURCHASE FROM QUARTERMASTER MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:FRANK JENNINeS 80TH OF THESE MAIL:NeS SHOuLD oo TO FRANK JENNINOS AT P.0.BOX 410337, MEL80URNE FL 32941-0337. As Of 3 November 20■ ■ 964 Active MemberS Members wth Dues pald iOr 20■ ■thru 20t5 84 DelinquentfOr 20■ ■ As Of■9 Apri1 20■ 2 557 ActiVe MemberS 20■ 5 Members with Dues pa:d fOr 20■ ■thr● 4■ O DelinquentfOr 20■ 2 AprJMavrJun o 5th R.C工 Assn. Page 25 ■%│ン 1懲響職鮮 │││IA1110FI ││ " III‐ HONORI‐ March 2012 R", Thank you for sending us information for enrollment on the Roll of Honor at the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor. We truly appreciate your interest and support in helping us further our mission to collect, preserve and share the records of all Purple Heart recipients. We are pleased and honored.to let you know that the enrollment process is compbtb. Visitors to the Hall may view the profile at one of our computer kiosks. An abbreviated version of the profile may also be viewed on our website at: www.thepurpleheart.com . So far, more than 173,000 recipients have been enrolled. While this is a significant number, it.is small compared to the estimated 1.8 million Purple Hearts that have been awarded since 1932. As a New York State facility, administered by the Palisades lnterstate park Commission, we 99 n?t automatically receive documentation about Purple Heart recipients, We rely on friends,.family and recipients to share their information with us so that we may honor them and include them on the Roll of Honor. We would be most appreciative or youi sufport and assistanee in helping us spread the word about the National iiurple Heart Hall of Fionor and encourage recipients and/or their relatives to share their stories with us. Thank you for hetping us to honor all purple Heart recipients. Sincerely, En「 oliment staff The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor EDITOR'S NOTE: As part of history for the Korean War, every Purple Heart Recipient should enroll! For the deceased, relatives or friends should call or fax info. On the front cover it says g4g KlA, 3, 188 WlA. I know my three are not included in that number, and many men I knew were wounded, sent to the Aid Station only to have the doctor say it will eventually work it's way out, were not counted as WIA! Please see next page R0 3ox 207,Vails Cate′ New York 12584‐ 0207 ・ PagQ26 Phone:845.561.1765 。 Fax 8.45.569.01{12 r lVeh Sitr:: rvw.wthqrurpleheart.com 5th RoC.■ Assn.・ AprJMayrJun │%│ DEP― Err OF TltE ARIY uふ 70TALAnWPER● ●HHELCOE鵬 綺 VA … 22332-047■ omvT● AITarno腱 OF 7 0ctober PER― ERT ORDER 280-■ ■998 RUCKDESCHEL. HUGH W.′ RA ■4 330 ■46′ SERC― ′COmpany G′ 2d Batt● ■■o■ (5th Rogimenta■ Conbat Teaェ )′ 5th lnfantry Reginent′ 7■ St lnfantry DiviSiOn (KorOal ■. Announc● ment i3 mad● Of the 壼ollowing oward. ak2ア F1952 3週 1[聾 L』 Authorttty: AR 600-8-22′ parag[atle I:su.t of hOSti■ e action Reason3 For WOundB received Formati 320 2. ぶ壼驚 量 性l妥 :)群 電濃itta議 RUCKDESCHEL′ HUGH W.・ RAi■ 4 330 :露 1織ゝ 呈 爵L:1苦 all:111登 遷等 AnnOuncement is made of the ro■ _職臨駕彗'競 i盤 tul讐 :五 :tyiorl番 Fo二 Щat8 320 。 こ 1:こ BIこ ■46. i313量 ■。wing SERGEANT FIRST CLASS′ 5th l。 1° 喉議』,am)′ awarde sih itぉ 壼F青 二 鸞畿馨 色 ιll lじ n 2. Thls Pemanent Order eupersedes any prevlous General Ordare uhlch uay hava been pultlEtred ararglng !rh? Purple tteart (Ftrst Oai f,eaf clust;r) to SGT Ruckdeschel_ or the Purple Heart (Sacond Oak Ieaf Cluster) to SFC Ructrdsechel for-wounds sustatned ln actlon on the dates lndLcdted above' BY ORDEB OF TH8 SECRETARY OP THE AR!!Y: DISTRIBVT■ ON8 Mro R糧 okde8che■ (3) IPRC(1) ABCMR (■ ) Fi■ eS (2) Ma30rP Uo ON chieF′ Ml■ ■tary Award● Branch EDITOR'SNOTE continued2 removed in Waunjue ! At the 382nd That happened with my first one five hours before the second was from Ty right cheek & neck! lt also happened Gen. Hosp. Japan, I insisted they remove lienaoe tragrents sgt. was wounded! with the third wounoiine AtteiAction Reiort said Aslistant Plat. AprrMayrJun・ 5th R.C.■ Assn. Page27 1熱 』 :憫 ず 一 犠 一 4一 Fulmer first from Korean War to lead Memoral Day parade Bv Steve Van Dien svindicn@conleynet com To say that Ken Fulmer was surprised to be named Parade Marshall of Memori' al Day ceremony would be putting it rather mlldly "I'd never have exPected that in a million years," said Fulmer, 82, the first marshall who's a veteran of the Korean War. 'But I'm very Oconomowoc's ping out from Caliiornia, landing in Japan and then Korea in tbbruary r9$. He quickly became acquainted with what soldi,ers have had to deal with in every war dirt and mud. "The first thing I thought when we landed was these "*' lfl'"u:n'nu"o,.'i-:: - iiwe :lfr'"1tJX".1"#tltr,l; -rirrmer *er""'t too popular did nol iili'.iir"t-;r61ir;;;'";*i'il ;;t;i when we came.home"' hc :rrv'|r'!vrr' MemoriarDayceremony H';;;" [rrom PageAl 'u[,[,tir-o.g,"rdsrroml r'i*"d-i"i-i' piison""' or samethins"' ;;;-':n"'tul6simrfv' He is looking forwarl to merofvFWpost226& t"r,oiiioiilttiia"ieab"ro*' y,:"H?,-_i* _,Iffiq$.l:ii".{il:,:#: I1'trffrI$,ityJ1":fl H$..#;rI& I was hot ;;"s;;"-#:;'-* |and"'iffi;H;,***er Hxi" ?t;tit ;11'tr4 i"'.n'i";IIHT'l'."$tl,iJ: wr,.t"rL."rn"n, I humid'" ;::T"",1T"?i,ffi11i: l;1"arilr"d-'ir-ti,e *inter, ffi;#t*;" begins at <ity Beein Aanal Shell. Parade proceeds I east on I eri'lr'riistice ended the H;i;i;bi- tti"se called upon anvmot'e'" Wisconsin 澳ミ ミS ﹃ ヽミミヽ ゃ ヽ ιヽヽ ヽゞ s ヽ ヽ年ヽヽ 卜、、ヽ 、. 、 ゛ ヽ ヽゝ ■ ヽ N ヽ ヽ\ ヽ ヽヽ ゝ 、 き ,ミ A ヾ、 ﹂ヽい氏いoゝヽ 一 一挙 耐 朧腱鰤﹄ Avenue to Oakwood Avenue.There will be a brief ceremony at the Oakwood Avenue bridge. Parede then condnues to ta Belle Cemeteryfollored by open houses at VFW Post 2260 and rl,rnerican Legion Fost 9l (the laaer at $innaker's). When: l0 a"m. Monday ﹂ 、 oヽA 2 、 ざい ヽ、0﹂も ﹄ ● o ヽ 、 ヽ ^ や ヽ n ・ 9Fヽ ゛ヽ3ヽまこ゛‘ ●ハ こいo ︵″Loヽ︵V●ヽ ヽ ︵ , , うoヽL昼員選δ ●゛ こ ●ヽ8、0●乱さ﹃ヽヾヽきヽまoヽ , LS●ヽ ヽ ヽもヽヽ一 ヽ 0●〓ヽ00ヽ奎晨“ Ken fulmer, who fought in Korea' will thg rest of us wet?, too," serYe as grand marchall MondaY durSee FULIIER, Page A8 ing the annual parade. #lfr"ifi fi $:ttr{kh,$"r#ln:it"-";iq,ie{';;;;;;;;$*x61i;:r,Il;,r-Yi'ilI い︶ い [ いヽ× がい一い、 ﹁ ざヽミミ ヽま いヽ い guys are fllthy," he said. "But it wasn't long before #ffi fr.i,,'ffi l*m:mffi fr{:#**i"''1trffi'.ffi*H,#rf:xt*?t:*}*fftlj 滋いヽ ご や卜﹃ l'loronlEmrPrir Stdf xxi"##'ir"s::Tx l1'[:3;f,"]:r'e'fl#il'; 201 1 honored to have been selected." A lifetime Oconomowoc resident and member of Vet' erans of Foreign Wars Post 2260, Fulmer recalleil ship- John ffm*, poh.t r ':t^':.^ 日H I HONORING OURVIIERANS ON MEMOR:AL DAY WEEKEND ″ │`″″ ‐ ´ │`´│ 期 ∬ 購 ChTF● 鮮 ダ .1倉 │く21″ “ YOUR NEW QUARTERMASTER… FRANK JENNiNeS lTEM PR:CE IHAVE ALL:TEMSIN STOCK READY TO SHIP 1.5TH RCT CAP BLACK EMBROID 5TH RCT KOREA.… NET ・ ・… ・ ・S13.00 ..… 2.5TH RCT CAP BLACK W.5TH RCT PATCH&DES:GNATED W′ KOREAN WAR VETERAN 1950‐ 53.....・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・“ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・"・・ ・ ・S15"∞ "・・ 3.5TH RCT SH:RT W.COLLAR BLA EMROID 5TH RCT(SZ‐ L‐XL).。 $25.00 4." 0.{SZ‐ XXL)。 ...$26.50 10.5TH RCT PATCH OVERS:ZED RED Wr WHITE TRIM........・・…・S4.00 11.5TH RcT PATCH(ONLY)SAME AS ON CAP#2..… .… …・ ・…… 35.00 “ 12.KOREA WAR VET PAttCH..。 (LiKE HAT)60TH ANNiV NEW..$5.00 13.5TH RCT PATCH`REPL:CA HAT P:N.....・ ・ コ 。・$4。 00 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ 14.KOREAN WAR 60TH ANN:VERSARY PiN..NEW....… …“…・ ・ ・ ・ ・$4.00 15.5TH:NFANTRY REGT.CREST,SiLVER.… ….…・ ・,… …………………37.00 16.PURPLE HEART HAT P:N,....・・ 凛 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ・“ ・ ・ ・"・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・“ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・$4.00 17.PURPLE HEART LAPEL PiN`"...・ ・ ‥ 口 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・“ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・$4。 00 ・ ・ ・ 18.KOREAN WAR PiN(1 lr4'')… …..… ..… ………・ 。 ・…・ ・ ・……………………・ ・$4。 00 19.C!B REGULAT:ON SIZE 3",BR:GHT SiLVER.… …………………35。 00 20.CiB 2“ S:LVER.....“・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・"・・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・"。・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・"・・ ・ ・ ・"・・ ・ ・$4.00 ・ 21.COMBAT ART:LLERY BADGE,3",REGULAT10N S:ZE.… … ..$5.00 22。 COMBAT ART:LLERY BADGE,11′ 2"'..… ....… ・ ・ ・ ・… ・…… ・ ・ ・… ・ ・ ・…$5。 00 "・ ...・ ,・ 23.F:ELD ART:LLERY.1 lr4"CROSS CANNON‐ GOLD COLOR.34.00 ",・ 30.KOREAN WAR VETERAN(BLACK)LiCENSE PLATE FRAME.S4.00 35.P:N KEEPERS..10P:NS WrALLEN WRENCH PER BAC.........・ ・$6.00 50.KOREA{THE FORCOTTEN WAR DVD..3 DiSC SET.........・・・ 口 ・ ・ ・310.00 PLEASE ORDER VViTH ITEM NUMBER AND:TEM NAME PLEASE NOTE;PACKAGING AND POSTAGE COSTS ONLY PATCHES,P:NS,BADGES.=… …$1.50 TOTAL FOR ALL. l SH:RT$3.00....l CAPS3.00,EACH ADDL SH:RT OR CAP ADD,$1.00 ANY QUEST:ONS,CALL PH.321‐ 751‐9103 FRANK JENN:NOS P.0.BOX 410337 MEL80URNE FL 32941 ASSOCiA丁 10N OFF:CERS 2012‐2013 PRESiDEN丁 JOHN O.ST:NSON (603)643‐ 1977,1 3USKEY C:RCLE,APT lB,HANOVER NH 03755・ 48“ V:CE‐ PRES:DENT ANTHONY KREINER (513)891-2870, 5070 BELL AVE.。 CiNCiNNATi OH 45242-3804 . SECRETARYrTREASURER FRANK JENNINeS (321)751-9103,P.0。 BOX 410337,MELBOURNE FL 32941‐ 0337 CHAPLA:N JoW.CRAIL (859)635-9127,14203 MORNING V:EW RD。 ,ALEXANDRIA,KY 41001‐ 8080 EDiTOR‐ lN‐ CH:EF HUGH W.RUCKDESCHEL (727)367‐ 6923,112 123RD AVENUE,丁 REASURE iSLAND FL 33706‐ 5152 EXECUT!VE COMMiTTEE RAYMONDJ WARNER 77 W:SER RD。 ,PORT CRANE,NV 13833‐ 1905(607F93‐ 2557 ALBERT Jo MCAD00 7506 S MASCOWE ST。 ,TAMPA FL.33616-2206(813)837‐ 2728 L(OUiS SARDINA 7 GREttNLAWN AVE。 ,WELLESLEY H:LLS MA 02481‐ 6040(781)235‐ 0012 WiLLIAM COULSONl1815 RADCLIFF CT SAN ANTON10 TX 78253‐ 5951(2101679‐ 6123 CHARLES OoFOSTER 720N.lRV:NGTON,TULSA OK 74115‐ 7720(918)335‐ 2263 PAStt PRES:DENT&EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER PATRiCK W.BURKE 4205 ROSEBUD CT.,PENSACOLA FL 32504‐ 84・47,(850x76‐ 9039 MEMBERSH:P CHAIRMAN RAYMOND Jo WARNER,77W:SER RD.IPORT CRANE,NY 13833-1905 PR:NCiPAL FOUNDER ALBERT Jo MCAD00,7506 S MASCOπ E AprJMayrJun 0 5th R.C.■ Assn. ST.,TAMPA FL 3361●2206 Pago 31 S2 贅責☆糞tauro彙 彙ALL ●1 1111llillillI`11卜 11こ こ。11ll111ll・ FOR nOC 320 111111ll(l111l111111こ 〔 111ll・ l卜 │ Non‐ Pront │● 03● 2 3 THIEL UoSI Pos● ge PAID OR CuRRENT RESIDE‖ T 19147 PnRκ PLnCE 8LV0 Permit No.1478 St.Pete,FL EuSTIS, FL 32736-7262 5TH RECIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM ASSOC:ATION Editor Hughヽ、Ruckdoschel,112 123rd Avenuo E,Treasure isiand,FL 337065152 5th RCT HAWA‖ ―USAR PAC KOREAⅡ UNITS AmCHED TO A:R OBSERVAT:ON SECT10N ●th iNF 535th FA. 8th Army 25th inf.Div 24th lnfantry Division‐ 25th lnfantry Division lst Marine Brigade(P) lst Cavalry Division 3th Army Fob.・ Man 51 0peration Killer 24th infantry D市 ision(17 mo.) IXth Corps 40th infantry Division iXth Corps ′ ■とTRy srRr Lce rar..ga rrcr● ● La"Feb‐ Late Aprl1 1952 Ⅲ555 FA i Corps 2nd Logistical Command Late FebttAug 1952 Ⅲ72nd Engineers MP Croup 8137(ASU)Koie‐ Do La"Feb(60 days)・ Late Aptt1 1952 5th lni,lst a 2nd Bn.,HQ&HQ Co., Hw Morね L Med.Co。 ,Servlce Co.,Tank Co. Mid Feb.■ ay 52Ⅲ 3rd BN,Tungstine Mine Xth Corps MayJune 52・ 5th Reassembled inie 25th,40th and 45th infantry Division Apr53 DeLnce Nodlem Rim June 52 Ⅲ punchboM iX Corps 3rd infantrγ Division June 53 0utpOst Harry 8th Army KComz X Corps… lX Corps 45th infantry Division X Corps SPEARHEADS 1譲 _‐ │こ ,I:冬 Aug 1950 Puson Perimeter Breakout lst Marine Bttgade‐ 5th RCT 3r5th Distinguished unlt cltation 「 Sept 1950 Capture of Waegwan and Naktong River Crossing 2011 -2012 Ex-Board Members Early Birds for "E" Board Meeting IIBATTLE STARS" lst Cavalry DⅣ islon・ 5th RCT 1950 Capture of Taeion l鋭h Reginlent 240 D市 tion・ K Co.5ul RCT No■ 505R.C.■ 30m:les so.of Yaiu RIver Jan.51 27th British Commonweaith Brigade 2nd Bata‖ ion Sth RoC.■ Feb‐ March 51… 8th Army… operation Killer Sth R.C.■ OCt.中 Nov.51 Allled EE.BA. 7th inf.Div.(Regt unknOwn). Tank Co.2nd Plat.5th R.C.■ 30 Jan.… 19 Ap■ 45th infantrγ 555 Field Artill● ry 12Ⅲ 13 Division June 53 0utpost Harry 3rd inf.Di■ Ⅲ5th R.C.■ Command Reports, Letters of Commendation from all Commanders of units attached to and far more historical materialthan can be stated in this space, proves beyond any doubt, the 5th Regimental Combat Team and it's attached units, were the most superb fighting unit of the Korean War! ln the length of time in battle (35 months) to guarding POWs (two months), a battle itself! Yes, you are truly the stars of the Korean War! Receiving great respect from the United States Marines! And even the enemy from the beginning, when you broke out of the Puson Perimeter and destroyed the crack 3rd Division of the NKPA, to Outpost Harry and the war's end! Need more be said? Disembarkation 31 July thru 1 Aug. 1950 to 27 July 53 lr5th A Co.Distinguished Unit Citation July 52 SAM DONG BOYS Town May 53 94.44 Percent of Actual Time Served in Combat Are We proud?You're Damned Right we Are! Every Mission Assigned― Accomplished THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING KILLED:N COMBAT― AcciDENTAL OR ENEMY FiRE― WW::l in 12 Korea l in 9 Vietnam l in 22 MaiOr:ty― Enemy F:re 91 percent Enemy Majority - Enemy Fire - Fire
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