平成 17 年度 Ⅵ 前期選抜 英語に関する問題 区分Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・海外 共通問題 浜松にホームステイしているアメリカの高校生 Bill がホームステイ先の中学 3 年生の 朝子と会話をしている。2人の会話について問いに答えなさい。 Asako: I went to *South Korea with my family. (16点) Do you want to see the pictures I took there, Bill? Bill : Yes. Oh, this is the picture of the 2002 World Cup Soccer Stadium. When did you go there? Asako: Two years ago. Bill No, never. : Have you ever ①be there? How long did you stay there, Asako? Asako: For a week. First we went to *Seoul by plane, and then took the train to the *south of South Korea. We came back to Japan by *ship. During the trip, I saw a lot of *Korean things and met many people. One of them was a high school girl who was ②learn Japanese. Bill : Did you talk with her in Japanese or in *Korean? Asako: Well, when I first met her, I tried to speak Korean and asked her how to go to an old *temple. But my Korean was not good and she found I was Japanese. So, she told me how to go there in good Japanese. Bill : Asako: Oh, did she? What’s her name? It’s Chewhamyong. It’s a long name, so she asked me to call her ‘Che.’ She is learning a lot of things about Japan by studying the Japanese language. want to learn more about South Korea. (A) I also It is important for me to study the Korean language, I think. South Korea is *the nearest foreign country to Japan. We have to learn more about *each other. Bill : Asako: That’s right, Asako. ③ ( ) you tell me how to learn the Korean language? Sure. First, I watch a Korean language *program on TV every week. *videotape it and often watch it. I Second, I use Korean *as many times as possible. I write a letter to Che in Korean every week. Che usually writes her letters in Korean but sometimes in Japanese. I can teach some Japanese to Che. Bill : Thank you for your advice. I will try. *In fact, I am going to South Korea next summer vacation! A Korean *drama I watched on TV was very *moving, and I started thinking of a trip to South Korea. Asako: Oh, really? I also want to go there again! (注)South Korea:韓国 ship: 船 Seoul:ソウル(韓国の首都) Korean:韓国語、韓国の the nearest foreign country:一番近い外国 program:番組 temple:寺 each other:お互い videotape:∼をビデオテープに録画する as many times as possible:できるだけ何度も drama:ドラマ south:南部 moving:感動的な in fact:実は (1) 次の①∼⑪の文が会話の内容に合うように、下の(ア)∼(ソ)の中から適切な語を 選び( )に入れなさい。 記号で答えること。 ① Asako showed some ( ) of South Korea to Bill. ② Bill has ( ③ Asako was in South Korea for seven ( ④ Asako went from Seoul to the south of South Korea by ( ⑤ The high school student Asako met was a Korean ( ⑥ Che told Asako the ( ) to an old temple. ⑦ Che said to Asako, “Please call me Che ( ) my name is long.” ⑧ Asako ( ) visited South Korea. ). ). ). ) uses Korean when she writes letters to Che. ⑨ Che sometimes writes a letter in ( ) to Asako. ⑩ Bill is going to ( ) the Korean language program on TV. ⑪ Bill wanted to go to South Korea when he watched a Korean ( ). ア drama イ way ウ once エ watch カ often キ plane ク so ケ pictures コ girl サ weeks シ Japanese ス never セ because ソ days (2) 本文中の 5 行目の下線部① オ train be と 10 行目の下線部② learn を 正しい形に しなさい。 (3) 本文中の 21 行目の空所③ に入れる最も適切な語を次の中から選び、記号で答え なさい。 ア Shall (4) イ Will ウ Must エ May オ Do 本文中の 18 行目の下線部(A) It is important for me to study the Korean language, I think. のように朝子が考える理由を本文の中からさがし、日本語で答え なさい。 Ⅶ 次の物語を読んで、下の各問いに答えなさい。(14点) Dick was seven years old, and his brother, Bob, was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt’s house to play *while she went to the big city to buy some new *clothes. The children played for an hour, and then at *half past three their aunt took Dick and Bob into the kitchen. She gave Dick a nice cake and a *knife and said to him, “Now here’s a knife, Dick. Cut this cake *in half and give one of the *pieces to your brother. But do it like a *gentleman.” “Like a gentleman?” Dick asked. “How do gentlemen do it?” “They always give the bigger piece to the other *person,” answered his aunt *at once. “Oh,” said Dick. He thought about this *for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his brother and said to him, “Cut this cake in half, Bob.” ( Elementary Stories for Reproduction 2 (注) while: clothes:衣類、服 ∼している間 knife:ナイフ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 参照) in half: 半分に gentleman:紳士 at once: すぐに half past three:3時半 piece(s) : (ケーキから切り取った)一切れ gentlemen: gentleman の複数形 person: 人 for a few seconds:少しの間 (1) 上の物語の内容に合うように、各文の( )内より最も適する語(句)を一つ選び、番号 で答えなさい。 (ア) Bob was ( ①older ②younger ③taller ④shorter ) than Dick. (イ) Dick’s ( ①brother ②aunt ③father ④mother ) went shopping. (ウ) Dick and Bob played ( ①soccer ②tennis ③in the big city ④at their aunt’s house). (エ) Their aunt took Dick and Bob into the kitchen ( ①and ②but ③after ④before) they played. (2)下線部 He thought about this for a few seconds.のところで Dick が心の中で考えた 内容は何か。次のように英語で言い表すとき、A B C の( )に入る語を本文中より 1語ずつ抜き出して書きなさい。ただし、必要があれば形を変化させること。 If Bob ( → A ) the cake in half, he will give me the ( B because he has to do it like a ( C ). ) piece, 区分Ⅰ及び海外のみの Ⅷ 問題 あなたのクラスにイギリスから交換留学生 Nancy が来ることになり、歓迎会のときに、 浜松の紹介をするスピーチをすることになった。メモの内容に合うように、下の英文の ( は( )内の語を並べ替えて、英語のスピーチの原稿を完成しなさい。ただし解答用紙に )内のみを答えること。 (10点) メモ 「浜松と徳川家康について」 ● 家康は1543年生誕し1616年没。 ● 驚いたことに( To my surprise )シェークスピア( Shakespeare )と徳川家康とは 没年が同じ。 ● シェークスピアはイギリスの詩人( poet )で劇作家( dramatist )。家康は江戸幕府 初代将軍で日本を統治( rule )した。 ● 家康は若い頃、浜松城( Hamamatsu Castle )を築き、ここ浜松で過ごす。 ● 家康にとって、浜松在城は300年に及ぶ徳川時代( era )が始まる前の試練の時 ( training period )。 ● そこで、浜松城は別名「出世城」( “The Castle of Success” )とも言われる。 ● 城は19世紀末( the end of the 19th century )の火事で消失し、石垣だけが 残る( remain )。 ● 20世紀半ば( the middle of the 20th century ) に再建 ( rebuild )され、 今では浜松城公園の中心。 ● 春には美しい桜( cherry blossoms )の花見 ( view )で、多くの人がこの公園を 訪れるのを楽しんでいる。 英語のスピーチ Welcome to Hamamatsu, Nancy! Today, ①( about / talk / I / want / you / to / to ) Hamamatsu and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Do you know Tokugawa Ieyasu? He ②( and / was / died / born / in 1543 ) in 1616. To my surprise, Shakespeare in your country died in the same year. Shakespeare was a poet and dramatist, while Ieyasu was the first "Shogun(General)" of the Tokugawa family and he ruled Japan. ③( Hamamatsu Castle / He / he / when / built / was ) young and lived here for a while. Ieyasu's years in Hamamatsu was the training period before the start of the 300-year-long Tokugawa era. Because of his success, Hamamatsu Castle was nicknamed "The Castle of Success." The ④( fire / castle / destroyed / was / by ) at the end of the 19th century. Only the stone walls remained. The castle tower was rebuilt in the middle of the 20th century and now it is the center of the Hamamatsu Castle Park. ⑤( people / Many / visiting / park / enjoy / this ) to view the beautiful cherry blossoms in spring. So, next spring, let's go there together. 区分Ⅲのみの問題 Ⅷ 次の(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)は、文通の相手を求める人たちが英字新聞に出した広告である。 以下の問いに答えなさい。 (A) (B) (10点) I am a fifteen-year-old girl. I live near *Washington D.C. I am *looking for a *person who is interested in Japanese *movies. I don’t know many names of *movie stars. So I want to learn more names of stars. Why don’t you talk about Japanese movies with me? I also want you to become a teacher of Japanese for me. I live in *Brazil. I am one of the three sons in my family. I want to *correspond with a Japanese boy. My house is near a big river. I am *good at catching fish in the river. But ( ), so tell me what the sea is like. I can also show you how to cook fish. (C) I am a high school student in Canada. There are no boys in my school. Now I am learning Japanese. So〔 〕. Please write to me in English or in Japanese. I like running in the morning. How about you? (D) I am a 37-year-old man. I come from *Singapore and am working in Japan. I have lived in Japan for two years, but I don’t have many Japanese friends. So I want to make more Japanese friends. I am *waiting for letters from old or young Japanese people. (E) I live in *South Africa. I am 14 years old and an only daughter in my family. Usually I don’t speak English. My father has an *Australian friend. She teaches me English. She is very kind, and next year I will visit her country. My hobby is singing and *drawing pictures. Write to me soon. (注)Washington, D.C.:ワシントン(アメリカ合衆国の首都)look for∼: ∼をさがす person: 人 movie(s):映画 movie star(s): 映画スター correspond with∼:∼と文通する Singapore:シンガポール good at∼:∼が得意で wait for∼:∼を待つ Australian:オーストラリア人の Brazil: ブラジル South Africa:南アフリカ draw:∼を描く(drawing は動名詞形) (1) 本文の内容と合うように、次の(ア) (イ)に正しい数字を入れなさい。 「広告を出した5人のうち、女性は(ア)人、男性は(イ)人である」 本文中の広告 (B) の中の( (2) )に入る文は、次のどれが最も適切か。番号で答 えなさい。 ① I like the river better than the sea. ② I have never seen the sea. ③ I can’t swim well. ④ I often went to the sea. 本文中の広告 (C) の〔 (3) 〕に、次の語群を並べ替えて意味の通る英文にして 入れなさい。 語群(who / want / I / Japanese / speaks / a friend) (4) 次の①②は、それぞれ広告を出した (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) のうちの一人と文通すること に決めた人の発言である。( )には(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)のどれが入るか。記号で答えな さい。 ① I am 32 years old and studying English. When I went to Australia and worked three years ago, I was helped by many people there. help foreign people working in Japan. Now I want to So I want to write a letter to ( ). (注)foreign:外国の ② I am interested in his country. It is a very big country in South America. would like to walk in the rain forest if I can go to his country. write a letter to ( ). (注)South America:南アメリカ rain forest:熱帯雨林 I So I want to
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