Gyeonggi Science & Technology Center, Policy Research Part Gyeonggi Research Institute, Suwon, Korea "Value of Intellectual Property from Corporate Management View" Intellectual Property-related Activities Contributing to Management August 5th, 2009 179 Pajang-dong, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do. Korea Yoshitoshi Tanaka Department of Management of Technology, Graduate School of Innovation Management Tokyo Institute of Technology All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Introduction of myself 1980: 1980-1991: 1992-2002: 2002: 2002-present: Graduate School of Tokyo Institute of Technology JPO; Patent Examiner Planning Division International Affairs Division Science & Technology Agency Research Fellow at UCLA Tetra Pak Japan; IP, HR, Legal, Environment, Communication, Corporate Planning International Patent Office ”i-Bis” , Registered IP attorney Graduate School of Innovation Management Tokyo Institute of Technology All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Prime Minister Koizumi's the 154th policy statement pilgrimage association (February 4, 2002) Our country has already had the intellectual properties such as patents famous in the world. It is assumed to be a target of the nation to protect, to use the result of research activities and creative endeavors from a strategic standpoint as intellectual properties, and to strengthen the global competitiveness of our domestic industry. Therefore, Strategic Council on Intellectual Properties is started up, and the necessary policy is promoted strongly. All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Prime Minister Abe's the 165th pilgrimage association of policy speech (September 29, 2006) It is needless to say to continue steady economic growth indispensable so that our country keeps prospering as "Beautiful country" in the 21st century. Economic growth is possible even by the phase of the population decrease. New energies are taken to Japanese economy by power of the innovation and attitude open. Long-term strategy indicator "Innovation 25" that contemplates 2025 years of each fields of the medicine, engineering, and the information technology, etc. for the creation of the innovation contributing to growth, is arranged, and executed. The high-speed Internet base of the world highest level is taken full advantage in the strategy, and aim at doubling the teleworking population in which work with home is enabled productivity is improved greatly. All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Prime Minister Fukuda's the 168th pilgrimage association of policy speech (October 1, 2007) (continuous reform and steady growth) Our country has been working on the structural reform over economy and the public at large. Business recovers, and a result constant expand has gone up in employment. However, our country has still faced difficult problems, such as a real coming of the depopulating society with declining birthrate and an increase of cost of Social Security according to a growing proportion of elderly people, a structural change of inside and outside economy and global environmental concerns. It is necessary to advance the reform that stares at the future of Japan as the system and the organization not suited in the age are improved to get this over, and to make a matured society. A reform and steady economic growth are both circles of the car, and it both advances it. Interdependence with overseas economy will rise corresponding to the environmental transformation of the domestic economy in the future. The plan of Asia gateway that aims at the promotion of an inside and outside investment, and makes the best use of a certain strength in Asia, and it works on the competitive edge strengthening of promotion and the finance and the sightseeing nation. Concentrated investment in the strategic field for the development of the science and technology is promoted, the personnel training is enhanced, and the strategy for intellectual property that aims world-class is promoted. All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management National approach for nation built on intellectual property Intellectual property strategy outline 2002.7.3 1.Promotion of creation of intellectual property - Intellectual property creation at university etc. - Creation, acquisition, and management of strategic literary property in enterprise - Enhancement of education and research personnel who bring up creativity 2.Strengthening of protection of intellectual property - Promptness, precise examination, and umpire - Creation of substantial "Patent court" function - Strengthening of counterfeit goods and pirate edition measures - Promotion of international systemic harmonization and strength - Protection strengthening of trade secret - Protection of literary property in new field etc. 3.Promotion of exploitation of intellectual property - Promotion of technology transfer such as universities - Evaluation and use of literary property 4.Enhancement of human base - The special talent's training - Improvement of intellectual property consideration of the people Bill related to intellectual property of another reflecting Patent law revision 2003.5.16 ・Review of patent fee system ・Objection and invalid umpire unification ・Single requirement review and PCT considering all specification Unfair competition prevention law revision 2003.5.16 ・Protection strengthening of trade secret All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka Customs Tariff Law revision 2003.3.28 (Ministry of Finance) ・Strengthening of violation measures like patent etc. Code of civil procedure revision 2003.7.9 (the Ministry of Justice) ・Exclusive competency to Tokyo and Osaka district court Seedlings law revision 2003.6.10 (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) ・Strengthening of penal regulations to violation of promotion [kensha] Copyright Law revision 2003.6.12 (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) ・Protection strengthening of image contents Fundamental law of intellectual property 2002.11.27 Cycle of intellectual creation (creation, protection, and use) Establishment of activation nation policy (basic philosophy) Intellectual property strategy headquarters 2002.3.1 (Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi) Promotion plan for Creation , protection, and use of intellectual property2003.7.8 Promptness and the precise examination at the highest level in the world shall be achieved. - The patent examination speed-up law is enacted (secure by a necessary examiners). - Research agency for prior arts is promoted and utilized. - Reform of structure of application and request for examination Patent strategy plan 2003.7.8 - The patent examiner's staff increase (examiners with limited working term) - Expansion of outsourcing of prior-arts search - Strategic acquisition and management of intellectual property in enterprises - Review of utility model system Patent system subcommittee WG related to patent strategy plan WG for Utility model system Employee invention Patent strategy plan Promotion plan Utility model system For further details, Prim Minister’s web-site MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Trend of Application/Patent/Utility Model/Design/Trademark 450000 Online Patent Application (1990) 400000 350000 Joined PCT (1978) 300000 Joined Paris Convention (1899) 250000 Request for Examination (1970) 200000 Patent Law (1885) 150000 Established JIII (1904) 100000 Utility Model Law (1905) 50000 0 1884 1894 1904 Trademark Law (1884) All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka 1914 1924 Patent 1934 UM 1944 1954 Design 1964 1974 1984 1994 Trademark MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Situations of Patent Applications among 5 countries (2007) Overseas applications have value All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Why so many patents filed by companies? First-file system (but it’s not only for Japanese. In most of countries.) Competition is high in the Japanese market? Customers are the first! “Customer first principle” Very strong and detailed Needs from market/consumers High score on Avoid uncertainty (Geert Hofstede) Norm principle (ex. 3 patent applications every year) Long history of IP awareness activities (JIII over 100 years history) Existence of Utility Model Registration System (200,000 in 1985) History to have licensing in from foreign companies (especially 1950’s) Small improvement ideas filed with different applications Different Protection approach (patent net, etc) Patents as a tool for business alliance (ex. Cross licensing) All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Background IP based Nation stated by Koizumi, Feb., 2002 IP Strategy Policy July, 2002 No. of Filing, Request for Examination, Granting Institutional Aspects on Japan’s IP Management Improvement Patents against Overseas Basic Patents 500,000 450,000 400,000 Patent Shift from Utility Model 350,000 Nation Culture based on Uncertainty Avoidance 250,000 300,000 Filing Request for Exam Granting 200,000 150,000 IP Strategic Counsel March, 2003 Promotion Plan for IP Creation, Protection and Utilization July, 2003 - All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 0 Trend of IP people (person) “IPR has contributed to strengthen Japan’s competence by protecting our technology, but still expected to make further contribution for corporate management.” No. of people 60,000 51745 50,000 40,000 (2003-2007) IP Creation IP Dept. at university, TLO Industry-Univ. Collaboration Service Invention IP Protection IP High Court Efficient Patent Examination IP Infringement Highway Plan for Patent Examination Global Rule for IP Protection Copy Goods, Counterfeit IP Utilization Copyright and Brand Protection IP awareness and IP Education 50,000 1999 Competitive Business environment and Customer First thinking 100,000 1998 Business Behavior responding market needs 1997 IP Basic Law November, 2002 45505 39024 30,000 Strategic IP Utilization 20,000 Strengthen Enterprise MM Strategic IP MM CIPO for IP MM IA MM Manual IP Report and Guideline Unutilized Patent Improvement of Business environment for IP utilization IP evaluation IP Trust System Licensing Promotion Licensing Advisor Raising the Capital by IP 10,000 0 2003 2004 2005 Trend of IP Expense (mio \) 1,000,000 900,000 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Other Expense Staff Compensation Filing related 2003 2004 2005 MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Overviews of Research Subjects on IP Activities for Corporate Management Social Contribution Products & Services Investment Effect Purchasing, Production Sales, Marketing, R&D HR, Financing Investors Market Sales International Contribution Profit Return Investment Objectives Sharing Corporate & IP Corporate Objectives Distance between Corporate and IP activities IP based Nation Clarification of Contribution Mechanism IP Creation IP Protection IP Utilization IP Rights IP related Activities Fact Findings on Integration Level All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka Utilization of IPR Use Licensing Trusting Selling Management Issues Budget, HR, MBO IP Creation Support Filing through IP Rights Collaboration between R&D IP Enforcement and IP IP Education Corporate Core Value with IP thinking Motivation, Compensation for Inventors Collaboration between Copy Goods and Counterfeit Marketing and IP Standardization Strategy PR, Communication Strategy M&A Support Overseas Business Support Decision Making on Patent Specification Existence of Unutilized Patents “Sleeping Patents Findings on reasons for sleeping patents Technology Revolution Accelerated Market Change Scope of protection to avoid prior arts Specialty of IP practices Long-term practices Lack of Integration with IP MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Flooding Patent Applications by Japanese Enterprises is a Right Way? No. of withdraw/Abandon after Request for Examination Ratio of Utilized/Unutilized Patents <Hypothesis> “Company’s Competence will not shrink even if reducing sleeping patents.” 1,200,000 1,000,000 16000 14000 12000 10000 All Refund Half Refund Non Refund 8000 800,000 6000 4000 Unutilized Utilized 600,000 2000 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998 1999 0 400,000 200,000 Overseas Patent Filing by Country base Applicants 0 Foreign Patent Filing by Japanese (2005) 2003 2004 2005 EPO 4% <Hypothesis> Patent applications by Japanese Companies shall be immediately globalized.” Korea 3% Foreign Patent Filing by US (2005) Germany 1% Others 1% Korea 3% Australia 3% China 6% Others 9% China 5% Japan 71% US 14% Japan 7% US 64% EPO 10% No. of Patent Filing in Major Countries (x10000) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Foreign Patent Filing by UK (2005) US Japan China Korea EPO 2002 2003 2004 All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka 2005 2006 Others 7% Australia 3% China 4% Japan 5% Foreign Patent Filing by German (2005) Others Korea 7% 2% China 5% Japan 7% Germany 12% UK 48% EPO 12% US 17% US 21% EPO 20% MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Number of Patent Applications required for marketing unit No. of Domestic/Foreign Patent Filing by Country Japan US UK Germany No. of Patent Filing to protect Technology Domestic/Overseas 600,000 500,000 Domestic 367,960 207,867 17,833 48,367 400,000 Other Foreign EPO Domestic 300,000 EPO 21,470 32,741 4,649 23,789 Other Foreign 129,181 93,342 15,253 46,681 200,000 100,000 0 Japan Shift from Improvement Patents toward Basic Patents Combination with Basic Patents and Improvement Patents US UK German <Hypothesis> “European Companies dominates market with selected patents.” Selection and Focusing by business unit <Hypothesis> “Sleeping patents will be decreased by functional integration.” All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka <Hypothesis> Japanese companies should change focusing basic patents, depending on industry field, competitive situation, market, etc.” MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Interview to Industry on Sleeping Patents Co mp any Field (Pro duct ) No. Patents Ratio for use 1 Stati onar y 4000 50% 2 Stee l 2500 50% Inventions as a result of R&D Patent filing Competition Commercial evaluation is not strict 3 Expe rime ntal devi ces 200 40% Technical evaluation 4 che mica l 4000 50% Technical evaluation 5 Elect ronic s 4700 50% (100% including licensing ) Technical evaluation and commercial evaluation, 50:50. Filing expense is a prior investment All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka Timing of Application Timing of Commercialization Business strategy is shared when R&D theme is decided Business unit decides R&D theme Patent Stock review (March, 2007) Action to avoid sleeping patents Others Nothing special Unified management by trusting system NCIPI Patent licensing DB Stock Review in every 3 years Evaluate d by commerc ial potentiali ty Use licensing advisors, but no progress Evaluated at the timing of compensation, but direction to increase No. of patents Nothing special Mass of sleeping patents happened with product model change Stock Review in every 3years, but difficult to abandon Nothing special Resister to Get to Com, but no progress Evaluated at the timing of patenting Business unit decide stock review 10% maintained until expiration date Mass of sleeping patents happened along with the direction of standardization MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Interview to Industry on Sleeping Patents Co m pa ny Field (Pro duct ) No. Patent s Ratio for use Timing of Application 6 Copy Mac hine 7000 30% (100% including licensing) Technical evaluation 7 Auto mobi le Part s 400 100% Technical & Commercial evaluation Business unit responsibility 8 Mec hani cal 2700 50% 9 Elect ronic s 4000 10 Opti cal 7000 Patent Stock review Action to avoid sleeping patents Others Stock Review in every 3 years, more strict after 10 years Nothing special Long-term plan for R&D, commercial opportunity is very low。 Business unit initiative Stock review every year Utilization ratio will be increased by compensation system for inventors Commer cial evaluatio n when proposed。 Mass of sleeping patents happened with product model change Use licensing advisors, but no progress Unified management by trusting system Evaluated at the timing of application, request for examination, patent registration, payment of maintenance fee CIPO in every business unit resp Stock review every year useless patents are useless for other parties IP evaluatio n mtg Commer cial oriented CIPO’s crossfunctiona l mtg Assigned application system creates sleeping patents IP evaluation mtg is important 30% IP in business unit evaluates Business unit resp. Stock review every year Licensing opportunity Nothing special Business unit having many sleeping patents shall be closed No business , no patents required 50% Business unit evaluates Business unit resp Stock review every year Nothing special Technical commodity creates sleeping patents All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka Timing of Commercializa tion (March, 2007) MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Intellectual Creation Cycle Not too much emphasizes on the number of patents. Quality is important! Creation of intellectual property Also, IP related activities shall be integrated with corporate management. Protection of intellectual property Intellectual property right Use of intellectual property right Exploitation of intellectual property Intellectual property activities Execution Defense License Utilization of IP rights The intellectual property activity should contributes to Enterprise Management. All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Questionnaire regarding Collaboration between IP dept and other dept (Jan. 2006) Purpose of Questionnaire Fact Findings on Integration Level between IP dept and other dept Benchmarking Method on Integration Level Subjects for collaboration and Viewpoint of IP strategy Contribution to Management Objectives based on collaboration between IP dept and other dept Contribute to strengthening IP strategy and the growth of international competency of our industry Person for questionnaire:IP managers Number of enterprises for questionnaire:59 Number of responding enterprises:26 (collection ratio:44%) No. of enterprises No. by Capital No. by employees 9 ~\1 bio 1 ~100 1 6 \1-10 bio 6 100~1000 5 Mechanical 6 \10-100 bio 13 1000人~10000人 14 Others 5 \1000 bio ~ 6 10000人~ 6 Electronics Chemical All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Method for Questionnaire Survey < Definition > “Collaboration” is “the required Communication, Consulting, Discussion, etc. with other department in addition to the decision within IP department” < Three step questionnaires> (1)Existence of Specific IP related task (2)Collaboration Level with other dept. to proceed the said task (3)Concrete subject for the said collaboration <Level for integration Level> 4:Extremely necessary on collaboration 3:Necessary on collaboration to some extent 2:Not necessary so much 1:Not necessary at all <Functional Department> Management 4 3 2 1 Manufacturing 4 3 2 1 Management Planning 4 3 2 1 R&D 4 3 2 1 Purchasing 4 3 2 1 1 Communication 4 3 2 1 Technical Service 4 3 2 1 Marketing 4 3 2 Quality Assurance 4 3 2 1 Sales 4 3 1 Finance/Accounting 4 3 2 1 Human Resource 4 3 2 1 Information Technology 4 3 2 1 Legal 4 3 1 General Affairs 4 3 2 1 Overseas Business 4 3 2 1 All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka 2 2 MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management IP related Activities MBO for IP Department IP Enforcement Re-organization of IP Department Warning, Negotiation before Law Suit Budgeting for IP Department Law Suit for Patent Infringement Digging up Technical Seeds Actions for being sued for Patent Infringement Patent Mapping Decision for Amicable Settlement Making & Analysis Patent Portfolio Licensing In IPR Inventory Licensing Out Watching Competitors' Patents Cross Licensing Watching Customers' Patents Joint R&D IP activities for Customer Satisfaction IP activities for New Business Launching Watching Suppliers' Patents IP activities for M&A Proposal to other department IP activities for Overseas Business Operation Strategy for Patent Applications Licensing with overseas Enterprises Utilization of Prior Arts Actions against Counterfeit Products Decision for Patent Application IP activities for Technology Standardization Draft/Check Patent Specification IP Training/Education for Employees Actions during Examination Process Employee's Motivation Appeal for Refusal Invalidation Trial IP activities for Organization/Employees Development Decision for Appeal to High Court on Administrative Litigation cases IP/IA Report Security Management IP activities for improving Business Process All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Evaluation Method to find integration Level with other department Results of questionnaires Situation on collaboration for each IP activity 41 IP related activities, 16 functional depts Audit & Evaluation on collaboration level in each enterprise Business environment and Management Resources Benchmarking with 26 enterprises Enterprise size, field, vision Benchmarking with Best 10 enterprises Benchmarking with industry Lack of integration between IP dept. and other functional depts Department collaborated with Subject for collaboration Viewpoint of IP Strategy Benchmarking and IP Auditing Integration of Dept Objectives with other dept Best practice of IP Dept All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Principal Component Analysis on best 10 enterprises IP related Activities 1st Comp 2nd Comp IP related Activities 1st Comp 2nd Comp MBO for IP Department 6.13 0.04 Utilization of Prior Arts 0.33 2.84 IP Activities for M&A 4.36 -2.04 Patent Portfolio Analysis 0.07 1.25 Security for Technical Information 3.46 1.25 Decision for Patent Application 0.05 2.01 Re-organization of IP Department 3.38 -0.49 IP Proposal to other Dept -0.00 0.42 Licensing with Overseas Enterprises 3.01 -1.64 Appeal against Refusal -0.30 2.70 Employee’s Motivation 2.97 0.97 Watching Competitors Patents -0.42 1.50 Licensing Out 2.74 -1.30 Digging Up Technical Seeds -0.46 1.18 Joint R&D 2.69 -0.12 Actions during examination Process -1.00 2.12 Budgeting for IP Department 2.33 -0.49 Legal Actions as a defendant -1.21 -2.13 IP Training/Education for Employees 2.33 1.53 Drafting and Check on Patent Specification -1.22 2.07 Licensing In 2.30 -1.39 Patent Mapping -1.28 1.51 IP Activities for Overseas Operation 2.30 -1.88 IP Activities for Customer Satisfaction -2.28 -0.02 Decision for Amicable Settlement 1.90 -2.20 Administrative Litigation Cases -2.65 -0.04 IPR Inventory 1.62 1.68 Law Suit for Patent Infringement -3.45 -1.81 IP Activities for New Business 1.37 -1.08 Watching Suppliers Patents -3.79 1.34 Actions against Copy Products 1.17 -1.30 IP Activities for Standardization -3.80 -0.88 Warning, Negotiation before Law suits 1.10 -1.62 Watching Customer’s Patents -5.79 0.05 Invalidation Trial 0.85 1.08 IP Activities for Organization Development -6.25 -0.35 IP Enforcement 0.80 -0.84 IP Activities for Business Process -7.29 -0.43 Cross Licensing 0.80 -1.63 IP/IA Report -7.45 -2.55 Strategy for Patent Applications 0.63 0.72 All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Subjects for Collaboration, Viewpoint of IP Strategy based on Results of Questionnaires 連携ベストテン企業の連携度レベルと連携事項から見た知的財産戦略 知的財産部門の「目標設定」 研究開発部門 取締役会又は担当役員 マーケティング部門 法務部門 経営企画部門 海外事業部門 技術サービス部門 製造部門 広報部門 IT部門 調達部門 営業部門 品質保証部門 財務・経理部門 総務部門 人事部門 第1主成分 3.906489224 3.065740761 2.350924894 2.204611692 1.622436179 1.580596142 0.821379007 0.116642215 -0.404292565 -1.338616118 -1.902598313 -1.955334041 -2.178982742 -2.360794167 -2.6410356 -2.887166567 第2主成分 -0.04861365 0.562028801 0.384757765 0.875311256 -1.191951565 0.194433662 -0.598475497 -2.215009872 0.22022734 3.574713884 -0.421139626 -1.225168159 -0.464036747 -0.77834132 0.422326438 0.708937288 Specific IP related activity 研究開発戦略の方向性を共有・連携 企業買収・合併時に必要な知的財産活動 研究開発部門からの発明提案数の予測、出願依頼予測 研究開発部門の発明提案目標の合意 研究開発戦略と知的財産戦略の摺り合わせ 研究開発戦略を踏まえた戦略的特許取得 知的財産権の保護・活用を経営に活かす 知的財産戦略の重点分野の特定 マーケティング部門と連携した競合他社のウォッチング 製品の市場地位、ライフサイクルを踏まえた知的財産戦 略の見直し 知的財産戦略の視点 販売目標と達成のための模倣品対策 ① 研究開発部門と一体になるよう日頃からの 連携が必要。 模倣対策キャンペーン展開のための広報部門との連携 ② 知的財産部門の果たすべき役割を会社トッ プの方針に連動させること。 発明キャンペーン等の開催の企画・調整 ③ 同時に、市場に対して敏感であるようマー ケティングとの連携を図ること。 連携ベストテン企業の連携度レベルと連携事項から見 た知的財産戦略 取締役会又は担当役員 経営企画部門 法務部門 研究開発部門 製造部門 広報部門 財務・経理部門 マーケティング部門 営業部門 海外事業部門 技術サービス部門 調達部門 総務部門 人事部門 品質保証部門 IT部門 第1主成分 3.5951839762 3.5951839762 2.7933691411 1.7095870339 1.0773328903 0.0850990120 0.0474466753 -0.0216267455 -0.3681775981 -0.6287472284 -0.8200006194 -1.9207333761 -2.0928851479 -2.1088262919 -2.4128521080 -2.5293535897 第2主成分 -0.5017988774 -0.5017988774 0.3305441102 2.0078223630 0.3776261303 1.4512724620 -1.8089024471 -1.8534509174 0.0858209271 2.3065348906 -2.1360426497 -0.2933185135 -0.7797884904 -1.1752203612 1.0648040236 1.4258962275 Collaboration level with other department 知的財産管理システムの改善・導入の企画立案 ライセンス管理のための法務部門との調整 知的財産戦略の視点 技術流出防止対策 双方の知財ポジションの検討 相手の保有する知的財産権の調査・評価 相手先の特許の評価(事業的、技術的) 相手が第三者とすでに締結している契約書の チェック 知財資産の整理 買収・合併企業の保有特許の価値評価および技 術的検討 保有する知的財産権の棚卸し、価値評価 M&Aの条件と特許との関係 研究開発部門 法務部門 製造部門 マーケティング部門 営業部門 IT部門 技術サービス部門 調達部門 取締役会又は担当役員 品質保証部門 経営企画部門 人事部門 海外事業部門 総務部門 広報部門 財務・経理部門 第1成分 2.0509069632 1.4012123825 1.0885952983 1.0794610030 0.8310718641 0.7698869370 0.6372950008 0.5077460828 0.2580104435 0.1752860062 0.1478231436 0.1212283476 0.0149860018 -0.4561572880 -0.9906216700 -1.4352201779 第2成分 -1.3639464332 0.0310389653 1.0514255465 2.1245499667 1.5809542823 -0.2296694032 1.8680402769 0.5911440060 -0.9968412165 0.6744581498 -0.0151255256 -1.9656645573 -1.4453424867 -1.5658001936 0.6008166892 -1.4566994506 ① 研究開発部門の秘密情報を管理する仕組み を整備する。 ② 企業買収価格に無視できない知的財産評価 を戦略的に利用する。 関連情報の入手 ノウハウのブラック・ボックス化の仕組みや内容、 手続きについての検討 法務部門による社内規程の交付と連携 退職者と秘密保持契約を締結 社内規則の策定と運用 社内規則改定の協力依頼 情報管理体制への整備、ISMSの取得 e-learning等による社員教育 知的財産戦略の視点 ① 経営判断の重要な要因である。 全社での情報の大切さの意識の向上 IT技術を活用した流失防止対策の検討 ② 秘密保持制度の整備 ③ 買収・合併後の知財ポジションを市場で発揮 させる。 東京工業大学大学院イノベーションマネジメント研究科技術経営専攻 Feb.27th , 2007 連携ベストテン企業の連携度レベルと連携事項から見た知的財産戦略 ③ 生産技術の流出を如何に防止するか、出願 かノウハウかの徹底管理、生産ライン従事者 への教育 東京工業大学大学院イノベーションマネジメント研究科技術経営専攻 Feb.27th , 2007 東京工業大学大学院イノベーションマネジメント研究科技術経営専攻 Feb.27th , 2007 Subjects for collaboration 連携ベストテン企業の連携度レベルと連携事項から見 た知的財産戦略 組織の変更・見直し 取締役会又は担当役員 人事部門 研究開発部門 経営企画部門 法務部門 海外事業部門 総務部門 技術サービス部門 財務・経理部門 IT部門 マーケティング部門 製造部門 広報部門 品質保証部門 営業部門 調達部門 第1主成分 4.011374255 3.860985009 3.16166147 1.621186916 1.573313458 0.115696848 -0.376540685 -0.418866058 -0.696270544 -0.808951726 -1.121694393 -1.208708886 -1.453748969 -2.550371441 -2.647656151 -3.061409102 第2主成分 -0.303407578 3.112536506 -1.477891347 -0.293509547 -2.624505217 -1.053765583 1.185388696 1.202412199 1.1825214 -0.750732633 -0.186590218 0.097382597 -0.455854733 0.118594936 0.171142167 0.076278353 知的財産戦略の視点 ① 経営目標・経営戦略の実現に貢献できる具 体的な知的財産活動を模索する。 ② 全社組織を串刺しにした知的財産活動の体 制整備 ③ 研究開発部門に密着した知的財産活動の 体制整備 連携ベストテン企業の連携度レベルと連携事項から見 た知的財産戦略 Strategic Aspect for IP Management 経営目標・経営戦略を共有し、その実現に向けた知 的財産部門の体制整備を提案 会社の方向性との整合性を図るため経営層との連 携、人材配置のための人事部門との連携 組織変更の必要性の合理的理由の把握や説明 知的財産戦略の立案とその実現に向けた体制整備 業務範囲の見直しを行なった上での人材確保 人員予算確保 人員増加についての承認とそれに伴う付帯設備費 用等の整備 研究開発戦略を支援する知的財産部門の人材確保、 配置 新規事業プロジェクト、主力製品チームへの知的財 産スタッフの配置により知的財産戦略と事業戦略を 融合 東京工業大学大学院イノベーションマネジメント研究科技術経営専攻 Feb.27th , 2007 All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka 海外企業とのライセンス契約 研究開発部門 取締役会又は担当役員 海外事業部門 法務部門 経営企画部門 製造部門 営業部門 財務・経理部門 マーケティング部門 技術サービス部門 広報部門 調達部門 IT部門 総務部門 品質保証部門 人事部門 第1主成分 3.0506421956 2.9250490298 2.8977452987 2.6465176054 1.5988604665 1.1434554894 0.1986022311 0.0642537685 -0.0641736767 -0.6079946856 -0.7838599497 -1.9009437819 -2.4925827578 -2.7031481561 -2.7404415137 -3.2319815635 第2主成分 0.2901565522 -0.4983830649 1.0899815543 -0.6720908156 0.4736344531 2.8871079369 -1.5281661931 -0.8163079599 -1.0828570136 -2.2621960071 0.1598100503 -0.4249761039 0.7458643673 -0.0203538955 1.0741698563 0.5846062833 相手方の権利保有状況、権利の価値判断 ライセンスの必要性と技術内容の検討 事業戦略、特許戦略上の意味の確認 ライセンス条件と事業との関係の把握 知的財産の取扱いに関する諸条件の吟味 ライセンス条件の検討と同意 知財面での評価と契約書のチェック 契約条件の検討、交渉の役割分担 連携ベストテン企業の連携度レベルと連携事項から見 た知的財産戦略 社員のモチベーションを高める活動 研究開発部門 取締役会又は担当役員 人事部門 製造部門 技術サービス部門 経営企画部門 法務部門 海外事業部門 マーケティング部門 営業部門 財務・経理部門 総務部門 品質保証部門 IT部門 調達部門 広報部門 第1主成分 第2主成分 3.8299462 -0.77776119 2.965639772 0.524650648 2.644723792 -2.47603075 1.544932263 1.667644148 1.277561324 3.103519331 0.774222129 -0.19566894 -0.25071807 0.291354458 -0.36934706 -1.70363938 -0.5280137 -0.0458197 -0.53303048 -1.06726778 -0.79794343 1.303384476 -1.73832665 0.43279793 -2.09732407 -0.50677802 -2.09732407 -0.50677802 -2.30849719 -0.278946 -2.31650075 0.23533881 モチベーション向上策の内容についての検討、 活動指針の策定 表彰規程、補償規程などについての法務的検討 職務発明規定の制定・実施、人事と広報との連 携が必要 特許表彰の対象選定 表彰予算の確保 社風がモチベーションに大きく影響 事業戦略を如何に共有させるかの検討 知的財産戦略の視点 許諾対象商品の販売数量の確認等を事業企画 に依頼 知的財産戦略の視点 業務とのリンク ① 研究開発部門が国際競争力を向上するため の知的財産活動 租税条約に基づく手続き等の支援 ② ライセンス契約の事業戦略上の意義 海外事業部門との綿密な連携 ① 知財の創造者のモチベーションを如何に高 めるか、研究開発部門の人材とのコンタク トが重要 新人社員教育においては、総務部門と技術部門 の社員に対する教育においては、その担当者と 日程、内容を整理 ③ 海外での社会文化的背景を踏まえた知的財 産管理が必要 ② 開発創造型の社風を経営トップと共に作り 上げる。 ③ 人事部門と協働する知的財産活動、成長し ている実感 東京工業大学大学院イノベーションマネジメント研究科技術経営専攻 Feb.27th , 2007 研修修了者に記念品贈呈 e-learningを実施しているので、IT部門と相談す る必要 東京工業大学大学院イノベーションマネジメント研究科技術経営専攻 Feb.27th , 2007 MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Quantitative Analysis of Patent Claims In case the infringing product has all technical elements described in a patent claim, the said patent is efficient for enforcement. Otherwise, the patent is not efficient for enforcement. Efficiency for enforcement depends on Patent Claims. Own Product The patent cannot protect own product or Competitor’s Product The patent cannot be used for enforcement Sleeping Patent Patent Claims described in granted patent Prior Arts Patent claims at filing <Hypothesis> “Usefulness of Patent for enforcement can be evaluated by quantitative analysis of patent claims.” Quantitative Analysis using “case unit” generating technical meaning All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Evaluation by “case unit” on the efficiency for Patent Enforcement Patent Claims: A+B+C+D+E+F+G+H Known case unit Characterized case unit No. of characterized case unit If the total no. of case units is small and the no. of characterized case units is big, the efficiency for enforcement becomes high, which avoid to generate sleeping patents. No. of total case unit All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Sharing Corporate Objectives by IP Department 16 Corporate Objectives by BSC Position Mec h Che m Elec Chairman 1 1 1 President/ Director 3 1 1 2 4 2 2 2 Customer Contribute to Customer Valuate Customer’s product Share Up of Customer’s product Social Contribution by Customer MM IP Manager Dept M Oth er Manager Financing Sales/Profit Up Expense Cut OCT Up Taxation Qualify Business Process Minimize Lead Time Reliable product Non Deficit of Product Sec M Business Process Matured Core Value Competence Up HR Development Motivation Up of employees Organizational Improvement (1)Interviewee ・Management ・IP Department Manager (2)Issues for interview Evaluation on IP activities from 16 corporate objectives ・Evaluation on current achievement, and future expectation “Do IP activities contribute to each corporate objective?” “Do IP activities is expected to contribute to each corporate objective?” ・No. of Questionnaires: 16x2=32 ・Response: 5・・・strongly agree 4・・・Agree 3・・・No agree and no disagree 2・・・Disagree All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management 1・・・Strongly disagree Consciousness Survey on IP activities to contribute to Corporate Objectives Consciousness by IP Manager Consciousness by Management 顧客貢献 税務管理 資産回転率 5 4 顧客貢献 顧客製品価値 税務管理 顧客製品シェアー 資産回転率 3 2 コスト・経費削減 企業風土醸成 人材育成 リードタイム 社員インセンティブ ビジネスプロセス “Management evaluates IP activities contribute to Corporate Objectives, further expectation in the future.” All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka 顧客製品シェアー 顧客社会貢献 1 競争力向上 商品信頼性 4 2 コスト・経費削減 顧客社会貢献 0 欠陥商品ゼロ 顧客製品価値 3 1 増収増益 5 現状 本来的 0 増収増益 企業風土醸成 欠陥商品ゼロ 現状 本来的 競争力向上 商品信頼性 人材育成 リードタイム 社員インセンティブ ビジネスプロセス “IP manager feels lack of contribution to Corporate Objectives, being consciousness on the importance of further contribution.” MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Integration of objectives between Corporate and IP(Example) Customers Contribute to Customer Valuate Customer’s product Share Up of Customer’s product Social Contribution by Customer Corporate Objectives Organizational Development Matured Core Value Competence Up HR Development Motivation Up of employees Business Process Qualify Business Process Minimize Lead Time Reliable product Non Deficit of Product Financing Sales/Profit Up Expense Cut OCT Up Taxation All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka Protect Customers from Legal Dispute Sales promotion of Customers product Value with product/Services Sales/ Purchasing Strategy Sales Promotion to final consumers Reliable Product/Services Branding Strategy Core Value toward creativity Competency Up by creativity Logical/Creative thinking Up Consciousness Up on Technology/Competitors Bridging Sales, R&D, Production IP education and information utilization Employee’s Motivation by Compensation for invention Business Process Development Job process development by Business Model Patent Business process improvement with Invention related Supply Chain Quality & Efficiency Up with Technical solution on Production Line Idea Generation and Communication Up with IP activities Organizational Change by IP activities Contribution to Finance with IA report Income by Licensing Market Share Up by Exclusive Rights Expense Cut by IP activities減 知的財産による資産回転率の向上 無形資産としての成果計上 Functional Department IP Planning Sales Marketing Purchasing Production Logistic HR Finance R&D MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management MBO for IP Department integrated with Corporate Objectives IP MBO contributing Company Objectives Company Objectives IP Objectives Milestone Measurement Realize! Initiative Focus Down! Brake Down! Traditional IP MBO (1) Obtaining IP rights (2) Dispute Settlement (3) Licensing (4) IP Information All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka (1) Improvement of Customer Satisfaction Protect customer with product protected by IP rights Support specific customer to expand their market share based on our IP rights Give profit to customers with high value added products secured by our IP activities Increase reliability to final consumers on our products protected by IP rights (2) Development of Corporate Culture & Core Value Produce Company Culture & Core Value toward Research & Development, by introducing more efficient IP activities (3) Improvement of Business Competence Improve business competency with IP, such as new technical revolution and breakthrough Make bridge over different functional organization by cross-functional IP activities Distribute IP information to educate employees Motivate & activate employees with inventor’s rewards & compensation (4) Improvement of Business Process on Quality and Lead Time Modernize and improve business operation from order to payment with IP Improve quality & efficiency with technical development of production line Improve communication beyond functional organization with new business process (5) Sales & Profit Up Promote business licensing or joint R&D to receive royalty income Sales up by excluding competitors from the market, with IP protection/enforcement (6) Cost/Expense Reduction Reduce cost/expense with new idea of business operation & technical breakthrough Improve operating capital turnover with new idea of asset management including intangible assets MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Today’s Summery Patent Application shall be carefully examined from aspects both technically and commercially. Holding Patent is not well evaluated including commercialization. Patent activities shall be integrated involving other functional department, such as R&D, Sales/Marketing Integration Level shall be audited and improve collaboration cross-functionally. Patent Claims shall be checked from both prior arts and product diversifications. IP department has to share the company objectives and create IP objectives. “Value of Intellectual Property from Corporate Management View” depends on how much IP activities are linked with corporate management. All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management Gyeonggi Science & Technology Center, Policy Research Part Gyeonggi Research Institute, Suwon, Korea Thank you very much for your attention! Yoshitoshi Tanaka Department of Management of Technology, Graduate School of Innovation Management Tokyo Institute of Technology E-mail: [email protected] All Copyrights Researved©2009 Yoshitoshi Tanaka MOT, Graduate School of Technology Management
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