Lesson 10 評価問題 問題 A 1 各組の下線部の発音が同じなら○,異なっていたら×を書きなさい。(5 点) 1. cycle:bicycling 2. couple:hundred 3. compete:trek 4. wheelchair:machine 5. athlete:marathon 2 ( )内の語を適当な形にしなさい。 (8 点) 1. In 2005 she ( graduation ) with a degree in International Political Relations. 2. 50 teams from 20 different countries participated in the ( compete ). 3. He is ( tolerate ) of different lifestyles and cultures. 4. His words ( inspiration ) all of us to think about the environment yesterday. 3 日本文を参考に( )に適語を入れなさい。(20 点) 1. 彼女は生まれたときからずっとここに住んでいる。 She has lived here ( )( ) she was born. 2. 我が社についてもっと知るために読み続けてください。 ( )( ) to find out more about our company. 3. 司書としての仕事のほかに,彼は地元のサッカーチームのコーチをしている。 ( )( ) his job as a librarian, he coaches a local soccer team. 4. 私は彼女が誠実なのでなおさら好きです。 I like her ( )( )( ) for her honesty. 5. 数日のうちにビルがふらっとやって来るだろう。 I’m sure Bill will ( )( ) in the next few days. 6. 私たちは毎回授業の最初に小テストを行います。 We have a small test ( )( )( ) of each lesson. 7. 私たちは早く着いたので最前列の席に座った。 We arrived early and took the seats ( )( ). 8. フレッドは日本語を読むことも書くこともできない。 Fred can ( ) read ( ) write Japanese. 9. スーは最近,新しい仕事に就いた。 Sue has recently ( )( ) to a new job. 10. 6 月 27 日現在,私はまだ荷物を受け取っていません。 ( )( ) June 27, I have not received the package yet. 4 意味が通るように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 (10 点) 1. ( baking / remember / a cake / I / her ) for my birthday. 2. There ( for / team / hope / is / our / no ) to win. 3. George ( to / was / overcome / his difficulties / determined ). 4. ( do / helped / her mother / she / the dishes ) after dinner. 5. Please ( as / the book / possible / return / soon / as ). 5 日本文を参考に空所をうめなさい。(15 点) 1. その人は最終列車に遅れてしまったようだ。 The man seems ( ) the last train. 2. トムは卒業後すぐに結婚をしたという話だ。 Tom is said ( ) soon after graduation. 3. 窓を閉めてもいいでしょうか。 Would you mind ( ) the window? 4. 彼女は父親が重役であるのが自慢だ。 She is proud of ( ) a director. 5. 他の人の前で笑われるのは嫌だ。 I don’t like ( ) in front of others. 6 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (15 点) In 1975, Rick was finally admitted into a public school. Two years later, he told his father ①he wanted to take part in a five-mile race. Although he was not a runner, Dick agreed to push Rick in his wheelchair. ②They finished next to last, but they felt they had achieved a triumph. “That night,” Dick remembers, “Rick told us he just didn’t feel handicapped when we were competing.” ③ Team Hoyt began to compete in more and more events. “I don’t feel like I am handicapped when competing. I am just like the other athletes, and I think ( ④ ) the athletes feel the same way. At first nobody would come up to me. However, after a few races some athletes came around and they began to talk to me. Now many athletes come up to me before the race to wish me luck.” Team Hoyt encountered lots of resistance at the beginning, but ⑤public attitudes seemed to have changed after they entered the Boston Marathon in 1981 and finished in the top quarter of the ⑥field. 1. 下線部①,⑤がそれぞれ次とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, ( )に適語を入れなさい。 (2 点×2=4 点) ① he wanted to ( ⑤ It ( )( ) a five-mile race ) that public attitudes ( )( ) 2. 下線部②,③を和訳しなさい。 (4 点×2=8 点) 3. (④) に適する語句を選びなさい。(1 点) 〔 mostly most of almost of most 〕 4. 下線部⑥と同じ意味で使われているものを選びなさい。 (2 点) 1 We picked some flowers in the field. 2 The race started with a field of twenty. 3 My proposed field of study is biology. 7 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (11 点) In 1985, Team Hoyt ( ア ) their first triathlon ― and for this Dick had to learn to swim at the age of 45. “①(being / and / a stone / scared / remember / sinking / I / like ) at first,” Dick ( イ ) with a laugh, “and I hadn’t been on a bike since I was six years old.” With a newly-built bike, ( ウ ) to carry Rick in front, and a boat tied to Dick’s waist as he swam, the Hoyts came in second to last in the competition. They have been competing for almost thirty years now. ②As of June 2005, they have finished 206 triathlons and 64 full marathons. Their personal bests are unbelievable: 2:40:47 in a marathon and 35:48 in a 10 K. “Rick is the one who ( エ ) and motivates me, the way he just loves sports and competing,” Dick said. 1. (ア) ~(エ) に適する語を下から選び,適当な形にして入れなさい。(1 点×4=4 点) 〔 adapt inspire attempt recall 〕 2. ①の( )の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。 (3 点) 3. 下線部②を和訳しなさい。 (4 点) 8 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (16 点) Now the Hoyts can see an impact from their efforts on public attitudes toward the physically and mentally handicapped. ”That’s ① the ( ) ( ),” said Dick. ”People just need to (ア)( educate ).” Rick is helping many other families ② ( )( ) disabilities in their struggle to be included. ③Rick’s own accomplishments, quite apart from athletic success, have included his moving on from high school to Boston University, where he graduated in 1993 with a degree in special education. Rick now works at Boston College’s computer laboratory. He (イ)( help ) to develop machines, like a powered wheelchair, which (ウ)( can control ) by a (エ)( paralyze ) person’s eye movements. 1. 下線部①,②がそれぞれ次の日本語とほぼ同じ内容を表すように,( )に適語を入 れなさい。 (2 点×2=4 点) ①「大事なこと」 ②「障害に対処する」 2. (ア)~(エ)を正しい形にしなさい。ただし 1 語とは限らない。 (2 点×4=8 点) 3. 下線部③を和訳しなさい。 (4 点) Lesson 10 評価問題 問題 A 解答 1 1. × 2. ○ 3. × 4. × 5. ○ 2 1. graduated 2. competition 3. tolerant 4. inspired 3 1. ever since 2. Read on 3. Apart from 4. all the more 5. come around 6. at the beginning 7. in front 8. neither, nor 9. moved on 10. As of [解説] 3. apart from ~「~のほかに」 4. all the more「なおさら」 7. in front ⇔ at the back 10. as of ~「~現在で」 4 1. I remember her baking a cake 2. is no hope for our team 3. was determined to overcome his difficulties 4. She helped her mother do the dishes 5. return the book as soon as possible 5 1. to have missed 2. to have got married 3. my closing [shutting] 4. her father(‘s) being 5. being [to be] laughed at [解説] 1. 不定詞の完了形。 4. her father は being の意味上の主語。 6 1. ① participate in ⑤ seemed, had changed 2. ② 彼らはビリから 2 番目でレースを終えたが,彼らは優勝したかのように感じた。 ③ チームホイトはますます多くのイベントに参加し始めた 3. most of 4. 2 [解説] 1. ① participate in ~「~に参加する」 ⑤ seem to have+過去分詞「~だったよう に思える」 2. ② next to last「ビリから 2 番目」 achieve a triumph「勝利を収める」 ③ more and more「ますます」 4. 「全競技者」 7 1. (ア) attempted (イ) recalled (ウ) adapted (エ) inspires 2. I remember being scared and sinking like a stone 3. 2005 年 6 月現在で, 彼らは 206 のトライアスロンと 64 のフルマラソンを完走した。 [解説] 2. being+過去分詞「~されること」 3. as of ~「~現在で」 8 1. ① big thing ② cope with 2. (ア) be educated (イ) helps (ウ) can be controlled (エ) paralyzed 3. リック自身の成し遂げたことには,彼の運動競技における成功はさておき,高校か らボストン大学への進学が含まれる。 [解説] 3. (quite)apart from ~「~はさておき」 Lesson 10 評価問題 問題 B 1 第 1 アクセントの母音の発音が同じものを 5 組選びなさい。(5 点) ア triumph イ birth ウ resistance エ apart オ overcome カ adapt キ convince ク push ケ motivate コ paralyzed サ struggle シ inspire ス achieve セ exclusion ソ cope 2 もっとも強く発音する部分を答えなさい。 (5 点) 1. con-vince ア イ 3. at-ti-tude ア イ 2. tri-ath-lon ア イ ウ 4. un-be-liev-a-ble ウ ア イ ウ エ オ 5. ed-u-ca-tion ア イウ エ 3 次の語を指示された形にしなさい。(9 点) 1. sink(反意語) 2. intelligent(名詞形) 3. continuously(動詞形) 4. consider(名詞形) 5. reject(反意語) 6. exclusion(動詞形) 7. convince(名詞形) 8. tolerant(動詞形) 9. development(動詞形) 4 指定された文字で始めて,次の定義にあてはまる英語 1 語を書きなさい。 (14 点) 1. an organized event in which people try to win something or do better than others (c) 2. a physical or mental condition that makes it difficult for someone to use a part of their body completely or easily (d) 3. a special chair with wheels, used by people who cannot walk because of illness, an accident, etc. (w) 4. the most important idea that someone is trying to tell people about in a speech, book, etc. (m) 5. refusal to accept or agree to something (r) 6. the middle section of a person’s body, usually narrower than the areas above and below (w) 7. one of four equal parts into which something can be divided (q) 5 日本文を参考に( )に適語を入れなさい。ただし1語とは限らない。 (10 点) 1. 男の人が近づいてきて,私に郵便局の場所を尋ねた。 A man ( ) to me and asked if I knew where the post office is. 2. クラスメートの全員がスピーチコンテストに参加した。 All of my classmates ( ) the speech contest. 3. 最初,私はフルートをうまく吹くことができなかった。 I couldn’t play the flute well ( ). 4. トムはそのレースで最後から 2 番目だった。 Tom came in ( ) in the race. 5. この本はあなたが難局に対処する助けとなるだろう。 This book will help you to ( ) difficult situations. 6 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (30 点) Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-and-son team from Massachusetts who together ( ア ) almost continuously in marathon races. And if they’re not in a marathon, they are in a triathlon. They even completed ironman races six times. Together they once ( イ ) 3,735 miles across America in 47 days. ①It’s a remarkable record ― all the more so when you consider that Rick can’t walk or talk. ②For the past 25 years ( )( ) Dick has pushed and pulled his son across the country and over hundreds of finish lines. When Dick ( ウ ), Rick is in a wheelchair that Dick is pushing. When Dick ( エ ), Rick is in the seat-pod from his wheelchair, attached to the front of the bike. When Dick ( オ ), Rick is in a small boat pulled by Dick. ③At ( )( ) in 1962, Dick and his wife, Judy, were told that there was no hope for their child’s development. “It ④( be )a story of exclusion ever since he was born,” Dick said. “When he was eight months old, ⑤( away / told / we / just / him / should / the doctors / put / us ) in an institution ― he’d be in a vegetative state all his life.” The couple brought their son home, ⑥determined to raise him ( ( )( ) normally ). Rick had two younger brothers, and the Hoyts were convinced Rick was just as intelligent as they. ⑦Dick remembers the local school rejecting his son: “Because he couldn’t talk, they thought he ⑧wouldn’t be able to understand, but that wasn’t true.” 1. (ア)~(オ) に適する語を選び,正しい形にして入れなさい。 (2 点×5=10 点) 〔 swim run trek cycle compete 〕 2. 下線部①を和訳しなさい。 (4 点) 3. 下線部②,③,⑥が次とほぼ同じ内容を表すように,それぞれの( )に適語を入れ なさい。 (2 点×3=6 点) ② For more than 25 years ③ When Rick was born in 1962 ⑥ determined to raise him as normally as one could 4. ④を正しい形にしなさい。 (1 点) 5. ⑤の( )の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。 (3 点) 6. 下線部⑦ rejecting の意味上の主語を答え,全文を訳しなさい。 (和訳 3 点+1 点=4 点) 7. 下線部⑧と同じ用法のものを選びなさい。(2 点) 1 When I was young, I would go skiing in winter. 2 Would you like another cup of tea? 3 If I were you, I would go to the party. 4 She said she would be fifteen next week. 7 以下の文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 (27 点) In 1975, Rick was ①finally admitted into a public school. Two years later, he told his father he wanted to participate in a five-mile race. ( ア )he was not a runner, Dick agreed to push Rick in his wheelchair. ②彼らはビリから 2 番目でレースを終えた, but they felt they had achieved a triumph. ”That night,” Dick remembers, “Rick told us he just didn’t feel handicapped ( イ )we were competing.” ③Team Hoyt ( and / to / more / began / in / events / compete ). ”I don’t feel like I am handicapped ④when competing. I am just like the other athletes, and I think most of the athletes ⑤feel the same way. At first nobody would come up to me. ( ウ ), after a few races some athletes came around and they began to talk to me. Now many athletes ⑥(the race / wish / come / me / to / up / me / luck / before / to).” Team Hoyt encountered lots of resistance at the beginning, but ⑦世間の態度は変化 したように思えた after they entered the Boston Marathon in 1981 and finished in the top quarter of the field. 1. 下線部①を 2 語で書きかえなさい。 (2 点) 2. 本文を読んで次の文の( )に適する数字を書きなさい。(2 点) In ( ), Rick told his father that he wanted to participate in the five-mile race. 3. (ア)~(ウ)に適する語を選びなさい。 (2 点×3=6 点) 1 however 2 although 3 when 4. 下線部②,⑦を英訳しなさい。 (3 点×2=6 点) 5. 下線部③が次の内容を表すように, ( )内の語句に 1 語加えて並べかえなさい。 (3 点) 「チームホイトはますます多くのイベントに参加し始めた」 6. 下線部④ when のあとに省略されている語句を書きなさい。 (2 点) 7. 下線部⑤はどういうことか,具体的に日本語で説明しなさい。(3 点) 8. ⑥の( )の語句を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。 (3 点) Lesson 10 評価問題 問題 B 解答 1 アとシ ウとキ オとサ カとコ ケとソ 2 1. イ 2. イ 3. ア 4. ウ 5. ウ 3 1. float 2. intelligence exclude 3. continue 4. consideration 5. accept [admit] 6. 7. conviction 8. tolerate 9. develop 4 1. competition [contest] 6. waist 7. quarter 2. disability 3. wheelchair 4. message 5. resistance 5 1. came up 2. participated [took part] in 4. next [second] to last 5. cope with 3. at the beginning [at first] 6 1. (ア) compete (イ) trekked (ウ) runs (エ) cycles (オ) swims 2. それはすばらしい記録だ。リックが歩いたり話したりできないことを考えるとなお さらだ。 3. ② or more ③ Rick's birth ⑥ as, as possible 4. has been 5. the doctors told us we should just put him away 6. the local school,ディックは地元の学校が彼の息子を拒否したことを思い出す。 7. 4 [解説] 2. all the more ~「なおさら~,いっそう~」 3. ⑥ as ~ as possible「できるだけ~」 5. put away ~「 (人)を(施設など)に入れる」目的語が代名詞の場合は put ~ away の語順になる。 6. 動名詞の前に目的格 [所有格] を置いて意味上の主語を表す。 7. 時制の一致。 7 1. at last 2. 1977 3. (ア) 2 (イ) 3 (ウ) 1 4. ② They finished next [second] to last ⑦ public attitudes seemed to have changed 5. began to compete in more and more events 6. we are 7. リックが障害者であると感じないこと。 8. come up to me before the race to wish me luck [解説] 2. 第 1 文の 1975 年に対して,Two years later とある。 4. ② next [second] to last「ビリから 2 番目」 ⑦ seem to have+過去分詞「~した ように思われる」 5. more and more「ますます」 8. come up to ~「~に近づいて来る」 wish ~ luck「~に幸運を祈る」
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