Everyday English Teaching Material Intermediate Conversation Material Intermediate Conversation I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY… Material #6 Celebrities Exercise 1: Picture Conversation A. Read the dialogue below. 次の会話を読んでみましょう Have you heard the Yes, I can’t believe they news? Ryan, the rock got married. They kept star, got married to saying they were only that actress Kimberly! friends! Page 1 `Ìi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÊÛiÀÃÊvÊ vÝÊ*ÀÊ*Ê`ÌÀÊ /ÊÀiÛiÊÌ ÃÊÌVi]ÊÛÃÌ\Ê ÜÜÜ°Vi°VÉÕV° Ì Everyday English Teaching Material Intermediate Conversation Material B. Quick Q&A (2-3 minutes) 1. Who is your favorite Japanese celebrity? 2. Who is your favorite international celebrity? 3. What makes a celebrity popular? 4. What are the advantages of being popular? 5. If given the chance, would you want to be a famous celebrity? Why or why not? Exercise 2: Say It! (3 minutes) Read the following words and sample sentences below. 次の単語と例文を読んでみましょう。 A. Vocabulary ボキャブラリー columnist The columnist wrote some revealing things about the superstar. コラムニスト コラムニストはその大スターの暴露記事を書いた。 gossip My friends are gossiping about the pregnant actress. They’re 噂話をする arguing about who the baby’s father could be. 友達が、妊娠した女優の噂話をしている。彼らの話の焦点はおなかの子の父親が誰かと いうことだ。 controversial Many people are talking about the controversial film. 議論を引き起こす 世間はその賛否両論の映画の話題で持ちきりだ。 scandal The scandal made the young celebrity unpopular. スキャンダル スキャンダルでその若手スターの人気は失墜した。 paparazzi The paparazzi chased the actress to get a photo of her. パパラッチ パパラッチは写真を撮ろうとその女優を追い回した。 Page 2 `Ìi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÊÛiÀÃÊvÊ vÝÊ*ÀÊ*Ê`ÌÀÊ /ÊÀiÛiÊÌ ÃÊÌVi]ÊÛÃÌ\Ê ÜÜÜ°Vi°VÉÕV° Ì Everyday English Teaching Material Intermediate Conversation Material B. Expressions 表現 I can’t believe he/she/they… I can’t believe she gave up acting! She was really 彼/彼女/彼らが…なんて信じられませ good at it. ん。 彼女が役者を止めただなんて信じられない! 本当にいい演技をする 人だったのに。 S/he loves being in the She loves being in the spotlight. She enjoys spotlight. performing in front of many people. 彼/彼女は注目を浴びるのが好きです。 彼女は注目を浴びるのが好きです。大勢の人の前でパフォーマンス するのが楽しいと感じています。 S/he’s the talk of the town. He’s been the talk of the town after his hit movie 彼/彼女の噂で持ちきりです。 debut. デビュー映画がヒットして、彼は時の人になりました。 Page 3 `Ìi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÊÛiÀÃÊvÊ vÝÊ*ÀÊ*Ê`ÌÀÊ /ÊÀiÛiÊÌ ÃÊÌVi]ÊÛÃÌ\Ê ÜÜÜ°Vi°VÉÕV° Ì Everyday English Teaching Material Intermediate Conversation Material Exercise 3: Role-Play (4 minutes) Read the dialogues below. The vocabulary words and expressions from the previous exercise are highlighted for your reference. 次の会話を読んでみましょう。太字で示されているのはエクササイズ 2 で学習した単語と表現です。 A. Student Have you read the columnist’s article about this celebrity? Tutor Yes! I can’t believe he has drinking problems and needs to go to rehab. Student Me, too! Such a shame, he’s a really good actor. Tutor Yeah. He’s been the talk of the town ever since the article got published. B. Student I heard that pop singer got into another scandal. Tutor Yeah. The paparazzi took a picture of her totally drunk at a bar. Student She‘s so controversial! She’s always all over the news! Tutor And she’s becoming more famous because of the gossip about her. Student I think she doesn’t mind all this because she loves being in the spotlight. rehab: リハビリテーション施設 Page 4 `Ìi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÊÛiÀÃÊvÊ vÝÊ*ÀÊ*Ê`ÌÀÊ /ÊÀiÛiÊÌ ÃÊÌVi]ÊÛÃÌ\Ê ÜÜÜ°Vi°VÉÕV° Ì Everyday English Teaching Material Intermediate Conversation Material Exercise 4: Answer It! (5 minutes) A. Complete the dialogue using the new vocabulary words and expressions we learned. 今日学習した単語と表現を使って会話を完成させましょう。 Student My favorite singer finally proved that the involving her was false. Tutor I also heard that she’s taking legal action against the who wrote the article. Student That’s a good move. lately, and many people have judged her because of the scandal. Tutor Yeah. I hope people will stop about her. legal action: 法的措置、訴訟 B. Complete the dialogue using your own answers. You can use any of new vocabulary words and expressions, if possible. 好きな言葉を入れて会話を完成させましょう。今日学習した単語や表現を使っても構いません Tutor Who do you think is the most controversial celebrity in your country? Student I’d say Tutor Oh, I see. What made him/her controversial? Student I think it’s because Tutor Really? I haven’t really heard of him/her before. Maybe I’ll look him/her up. is the most controversial. . look (something) up: …について検索する Page 5 `Ìi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÊÛiÀÃÊvÊ vÝÊ*ÀÊ*Ê`ÌÀÊ /ÊÀiÛiÊÌ ÃÊÌVi]ÊÛÃÌ\Ê ÜÜÜ°Vi°VÉÕV° Ì Everyday English Teaching Material Intermediate Conversation Material Exercise 5: Conversation Starter (10 minutes) Pick one of the four scenarios below, and start a conversation with your tutor. 次の 4 つのシナリオの中から好きなものを選んで、講師と会話をしてみましょう。 Name the most popular actor/actress in Mention two bits of celebrity gossip your country. Explain why many people that you read or heard of recently. like him/her. Briefly discuss both. あなたの国で最も人気のある俳優を挙げ、多くの人に 支持される理由を説明してください。 最近知った有名人のゴシップをふたつ挙げ、簡単 に説明してください。 Pretend that you’re a celebrity. Let’s say your tutor is a new celebrity. Give Discuss some ways to avoid getting him/her some ideas on how you think s/he involved in big issues or scandals. can become more popular. 講師が新人スターだと仮定して、もっと人気が出るよ うにアドバイスしてあげてください。 あなたが有名人だったら、どうやってトラブル やスキャンダルから身を守りますか。講師と考 えてみてください。 Page 6 `Ìi`ÊÜÌ ÊÌ iÊ`iÊÛiÀÃÊvÊ vÝÊ*ÀÊ*Ê`ÌÀÊ /ÊÀiÛiÊÌ ÃÊÌVi]ÊÛÃÌ\Ê ÜÜÜ°Vi°VÉÕV° Ì
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