陸上電力供給システム On-shore Power Supply System Catalog. P5113-Kb Terasaki provides the ultimate environmental protection! Terasakiは究極の環境対策を提案します! If Shorepower is Applied NOx SOx CO2 On-shore Power Power Supply System Noise Eco-friendly considerations have been an important issue for in recent years and global awareness of this issue has rapidly grown. One of the main polluting sources stems from ships that use heavy oil to go between harbors and terminals. On-shore Power Supply System is intended decrease pollutants discharged from ships on the berth and protect the environment of the harbor by stopping the onboard power generator engines, boiler, and other heat sources and alternatively supplying the necessary electric power from the shore side. 環境への配慮は近年重要な課題となっており、世界中で急速に意識が高まっています。主な汚染源のひとつは、港と ターミナルを通行する重油を燃料とする船舶によるものです。 陸上電力供給システムとは、停泊時に船内発電機エンジンやボイラ等の熱源を停止し、陸上側より必要な量の電力を 供給することにより、船側から排出される環境負担物質を減少させ、港の環境を守るシステムです。 The LA port alone produces 31.4 tons of nitrogen oxides [NOx] daily. In contrast, 500,000 passenger cars daily emit about 0.5 ton of nitrous oxides.(※1) CO2 emissions can be reduced some 60% by stopping a ship's engine, and using land-based electrical power instead. LA港のみで、1日あたり31.4トンの窒素酸化物を発生してい ます。参考までに、50万台の車が1日あたりに発生する亜酸 化窒素は0.5トンです。 船舶のエンジンを停止し、陸上電力に代えることにより、 CO2の排出が約60%削減可能です。 100% NOx 31.4ton/day 0.5ton/day NOx On-shore Power Supply Power System 500, 000 Cars (※1):The environmental survey data has been quoted from the POLA's survey report. 1 40% 環境調査データはPOLAの調査結果を引用しています。 Terasaki On-shore Power Supply Project On-shore Power Supply System is now under way in various harbors in the world. 陸上電力供給システムは世界の港に広がっています。 Environmental protection is a global issue: every port, especially in the west coast of US, is requested to satisfy stringent environmental requirements. As the ultimate environmental protection solution, On-shore Power Supply System is increasingly adopted by many seaports and ships. 環境問題への対応は世論の高まりから,世界の港湾(特にアメリカ西海岸)で避けて通ることができなくなっています。 陸上電力供給システムは究極の環境対策として急速に他の港/多くの船種に広まっています。 Port of Oakland Port of Los Angeles(POLA) Port of Long Beach(POLB) Terasaki held discussions with the POLA and finally developed an On-shore Power Supply System, which completely conforms to the POLA's specification. Tens of ships having our On-shore Power Supply System installed are now in service. Moreover, a concrete law regulation by CARB starts in California. テラサキはPOLAと協議を重ね、POLA仕様に完全に合致した陸上電力 供給システムを開発しました。 そしてテラサキ陸上電力供給システムを搭載した多数の船舶が就航し ています。 また、カリフォルニアではCARBによる具体的な法規制が始まっています。 CARB* Regulation Since January 2, 2009 is effective section 2299.3, title 13, chapter 5.1 of California Code of Regulations(CCR) Title:Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Auxiliary Diesel Engines Operated on Ocean-Going Vessels At-Berth in a California Port. Content in section 93118.3: ・Applicable to container, passenger and refrigerated container visiting California Ports ・Shore connection will became mandatory with two possible alternative Alternative A Alternative B Car carrier From January 1st 2014 50% of fleet SC From Jan 1st 2010 10% of PM and NOx reduction From 1st January 2017 70% of fleet SC From Jan 1st 2012 25% of PM and NOx reduction From 1st January 2020 80% of fleet SC From Jan 1st 2014 50% of PM and NOx reduction From Jan 1st 2017 70% of PM and NOx reduction From Jan 1st 2018 80% of PM and NOx reduction Credits applicable *:California Air Resources Board Container ship Ferry Ore carrier Cruise ship Tanker 2 System Lineup Fixed Type 固定方式 Patent acquired/特許取得済 A ship is equipped with a cable reel and a high-voltage shore connection panel such that the cable is lowered to land using the reel to be connected to an underground power box to provide electricity to the ship. ケーブルリールと高圧陸電受電盤を船上に搭載、船が港に接岸後、 リールを使いケーブルを陸上に降ろし、埋設されている電源箱に 接続することにより、給電をおこないます。 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SC PANEL Fixed Type Operation on ship and shore can be performed by a single person! The effective length of the cable from ship to shore is 55 m, which is the longest in the industry for the Fixed Type ! CABLE REEL Power Line 2CABLES (AC 6.6kV 60Hz) FO Line POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM OUTLET Shore SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM Shore side Ship side Cable Reel Shore side transformer CB INSTALLATION CB Main Switchboard Shore Connection Panel CB Ship side transformer Incoming Panel CB CB CB *Low Voltage system only CHARACTERISTIC ¡Highly reliable standard system with an excellent track record ¡Cable operation on ship and shore can be performed by a single person! ¡Easy on-shore connection with only two cables used ¡Easy blackout-free power switching between ship and shore with one push of a button ¡Equipped with various safety devices ¡High-voltage marine distribution board HS21 employed for the high-voltage shore connection panel, which is highly reliable and with an excellent track record ¡高信頼性・高実績のスタンダードシステム ¡船側・陸側のケーブル操作は1名にて可能 ¡陸側は2本のケーブルを接続するだけの簡単接続 ¡ワンプッシュで船内電源と陸上電源を無停電で簡単切替 ¡数々の安全装備を搭載 ¡陸電受電盤には高信頼性・高実績の舶用高圧配電盤HS21を採用 3 Easy connection & Easy operation Mobile Container Type 簡単接続! 簡 単接続! 簡単切替! 簡単接続! 簡単切替! モバイルコンテナ方式 Patent acquired/特許取得済 A 40-ft container containing a cable reel and a high-voltage shore connection panel is loaded onto the mooring deck at the stern such that the cable reeled out from the container is lowered to land and connected to an on-shore power supply box. The container can also be stored on shore. This system enables sharing of a container with multiple ships, and to easily handle route changes with the container loaded and unloaded. In addition, system addition and remodeling into an in-service ship can be easily performed using the container. Moreover, compatibility with either side of the ship is achieved by moving the container and provides many advantages. ケーブルリールと高圧陸電受電盤を収納した40ftコンテナを船尾MOORING DECKに搭載、 コンテナから繰り出されるケーブルを陸 側へ降ろし、陸側電源箱と接続する方式です。コンテナを陸側に保管しておくことも可能です。この方式はコンテナを搭載または撤 去することにより、複数隻への共有、航路変更時の対応が容易になるほか、就航船へのシステム追加改造にも対応しやすくなります。 さらに、 コンテナを移動させることで両舷対応も可能となり、多くのメリットを提供できます。 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Mobile Container Type MOBILE CONTAINER 2CABLES Power Line (AC 6.6kV 60Hz) Operation on ship and shore can be performed by a single person! The effective length of the cable from ship to shore is 32 m, which is the longest in the industry for the Mobile Container Type! No interference with deck equipment due to the connection cable reeled out from a side of the container! FO Line POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM OUTLET Shore SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM Shore side INSTALLATION Ship side Main Switchboard Mobile Container Cable Reel Shore side transformer CB CB Shore Connection Panel CB Ship side transformer Incoming Panel CB CB CB *Low Voltage system only CHARACTERISTIC ¡Global standard as recognized by many major shipping companies! ¡Cable operation on ship and shore can be performed by a single person! ¡Easy connection with only two cables used both on ship and shore ¡Easy blackout-free power switching between ship and shore with one push of a button ¡Equipped with various safety devices ¡High-voltage marine distribution board HS21 employed for the high-voltage shore connection panel, which is highly reliable and with an excellent track record ¡Cost reduction enabled by sharing a container with multiple ships ¡Easy loading and unloading of equipment for a route change, suitable for remodeling into an in-service ship ¡Compatible with either side of ship by moving a container ¡Utilizes a 40-ft. stainless steel reefer container with long life and high rustproof performance ¡CSC approval has been acquired ¡数多くの大手船社が認めた世界標準 ¡船側・陸側のケーブル操作は1名にて可能 ¡船側・陸側とも2本のケーブルを接続するだけの簡単接続 ¡ワンプッシュで船内電源と陸上電源を無停電で簡単切替 ¡数々の安全装備を搭載 ¡陸電受電盤には高信頼性・高実績の舶用高圧配電盤HS21を採用 ¡複数隻でコンテナを共有でき、コスト削減が可能 ¡航路変更時の設備搭載/撤去に柔軟に対応でき、就航船への改造に最適 ¡コンテナを移動させることで、両舷対応が可能 ¡長寿命・防錆効果の高い40ftステンレス製リーファーコンテナを採用 ¡CSC APPROVALを取得 POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM 4 Product Description ¡Ship-to-Shore communication using optical fiber ¡光ファイバーを使用した船陸間通信 SHIP 製品紹介 ¡CSC approval has been acquired (Container strength test has been passed) ¡CSC APPROVALを取得(コンテナ強度試験をクリア) SHORE Optical fiber 光ファイバー Container strenght test コンテナ強度試験 CSC APPROVAL BY BV ¡Blackout-free power switching between ship and shore is possible with one push of a button. ¡ワンプッシュで船内電源と陸上電源を無停電で切替可能 ¡Cable operation on ship and shore can be performed by a single person (including cable handling). ¡船側・陸側の操作は1名にて可能(ケーブルハンドリング含む) Blackout-free power switching with one push of a button ワンプッシュで無停電切替 ¡The effective length of the cable is 32 m, which is the longest in the industry. (Fixed Type:55m, Mobile Container Type:32m) ¡ケーブル有効長は業界最長の32m (Fixed Type:55m, Mobile Container Type:32m) ¡High-voltage marine distribution board HS21 employed for the high-voltage shore connection panel, which is highly reliable and with an excellent track record (also applied to the high-voltage panel in the container) ¡陸電受電盤には高信頼性・高実績の 舶用高圧配電盤HS21を採用 (コンテナ内高圧盤にも適用) Arcing due to internal fault test HS21 内部アーク短絡試験 5 ¡Interference with deck equipment can be prevented as the connection cable is reeled out from a side of the container. ¡ケーブルはコンテナ側面から繰り出 されるため、甲板機械類との干渉が 避けられます。 Specification Specification 仕様・特徴 Fixed Type Classification Shore side Supply voltage Ship side Supply frequency Shore side / Ship side Power changing method Ship needed power Mobile Container Type ABS/DNV/LRS/NK/GL/BV and others 6.6kV AC 6.6kV AC,450V AC 60Hz * Blackout-free 6MW Optional 11kV AC,450V AC,others Others ― ― On request NOTE:*…Consult with Terasaki when applying 50 Hz. Application Fixed Type Mobile Container Type Cable connection Cable operation Shore side / Ship side Cable plug / socket Power changing 2 cables 1 person One-touch One-push 2 cables 1 person One-touch One-push △ ○ Equipment loading onto in-service ship Compatibility with either side of ship High-voltage shore connection panel ○ △ HS21 HS21 Serial communications Serial communications Ship-to-Shore communication (Optical fiber) (Optical fiber) ○ ○ Detection circuit for removed high-voltage connector ○ ○ Automatic tension control ○ ○ Automatic motor activation system ○ ○ Countermeasures against high-voltage arcing accident ○ ○ Global service network 32m(MAX) 55m(MAX) Effective length of cable from ship to shore ○ ― Sharing with other ships Mobile Container Specification Installation site Certification Container test Container size Container dimension(mm) Weight(kg) Type(Material) Container stacking Connection between ships Connection work Connection between shore Power receiving warning lamp Ventilation Container door Fire prevention / Emergency evacuation equipment Variety Remarks Only connect two cables on shore. Mobile Container Type minimizes additional equipment on ship and shortens the construction period. Compatible with either side of ship by moving the container. Approved for up to 12 kV AC. Cable length adjustment in accordance with change in draft Used when a power outage occurs on-shore HS21 Standard Remarks Both sides in the lowest stage at the stern CSC Approval Watertight test, Strength test 40 Feet Width:2438 Height:2896 Length:12192 About 13,000 Reefer container(Stainless steel) Up to 9 containers can be stacked. One-touch connection of cables reeled out from lower part of container One-touch connection of cables reeled out from a side of container Equipped on a side of container Unnecessary Both sides Fire extinguisher,smoke detector / Emergency exit Call attention when receiving power Natural ventilation 様々な船種への対応 Our On-shore Power Supply System is being used at numerous ports throughout the world and is increasingly being equipped to ships other than container ships. Terasaki Electric can create a system to match any requirements. Ex.) System for ferries / 一例)フェリー向けシステム 陸上電力供給システムは世界の港へ広がっており、 コンテナ船以外の 船種にも拡大しつつあります。 当社ではご要求に応じたシステムの構築が可能です。 CABLE REEL UNIT 6 TERASAKI Global Service Network service & supply TERASAKI ELECTRIC (EUROPE) LTD. COFELY WEST INDUSTRIE BV KOREA ENGINEERING SYSTEM CO., LTD. TERATEC LTD. CO., LTD. TERASAKI ELECTRIC (SHANGHAI) CO TERASAKI (MIDDLE EAST) L TERASAKI ELECTRIC (CHINA) LTD. TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO., (F.E.) PTE. LTD. NOVAMARINE INSTRUMENTS PTY. LTD. TERASAKI DO BRASIL LTDA. TERATEC LTD. 7-9-10 Hannancho, Abeno-ku, Osaka, 545-0021, JAPAN Te l : +81 6 6693 6974 : +81 6 6693 6971 Fax: +81 6 6693 7116 : +81 6 6693 1716 E-Mail parts: [email protected] E-Mail maintenance: [email protected] Web site: http://www.teratec.co.jp I.S.E.S. members worldwide can also provide service required. Main Service & Spares Center TERASAKI (MIDDLE EAST) Area Q3, Shed 168, P.O. Box 120860, SAIF Zone, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Te l : +971 6 5578140 Fax: +971 6 5578141 E-Mail: [email protected] Covering Middle East TERASAKI ELECTRIC CO., (F.E.) PTE. LTD. TERASAKI ELECTRIC (EUROPE) LTD. TERASAKI ELECTRIC (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. 80 Beardmore Way, Clydebank, Scotland, G81 4HT, UK Te l : +44 141 941 1940 Fax: +44 141 952 9246 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.terasaki.co.uk Building 5 & 7, No.399 Xuanzhong Rd, Nanhui Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China 201314 Te l : +86-21-5818 6340 Fax: +86-21-5818 6350 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.terasaki.sh.cn Covering Europe, Africa Covering China COFELY WEST INDUSTRIE BV TERASAKI ELECTRIC (CHINA) LTD. 17 Tuas Street Singapore 638454 Willingestraat 4 3087 AN Rotterdam, The Netherlands Te l : +65 6561 1165 Fax: +65 6561 2166 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.terasaki.com.sg Te l : +31 88 48 43 843 Fax: +31 88 48 43 844 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.cofely-gdfsuez.nl 72 Pacific Industrial Park, Xing Tang Zengcheng, Guangzhou 511340, China Te l : +86 20 8270 8556 Fax: +86 20 8270 8586 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.terasaki.cn Covering South East Asia NOVAMARINE INSTRUMENTS PTY. LTD. 30 Downie Street, Newcastle 2293, Australia Te l : +61 2 4969 4477 Fax: +61 2 4962 1210 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.novamarine.com.au Covering Oceania 本 社 〒545–0021 大阪営業所 〒545–0021 東京営業所 〒103–0025 九州営業所 〒849–4256 上海事務所 〒200122 ハンブルグ事務所 Covering The Netherlands TERASAKI DO BRASIL LTDA. Rua Coldovil 259-Parada De Lucas, Rio De Janeiro-RJ, Brasil Te l : +55 21 3301 9898 Fax: +55 21 3301 9861 E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.terasaki.com.br Covering South America Covering China KOREA ENGlNEERlNG SYSTEM CO., LTD. 92-3 Songhyeon-gil, Beom Seo-Eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan, Korea Te l : +82 52 222 7773 Fax: +82 52 222 7774 E-mail: [email protected] Covering Korea 大阪市阿倍野区阪南町7–2–10 TEL 06(6692)1131 FAX 06(6692)2122 http://www.terasaki.co.jp/ 大阪市阿倍野区阪南町7–2–10 TEL 06(6692)1241 FAX 06(6694)5490 E-mail: [email protected] 東京都中央区日本橋茅場町1–6–10 日幸茅場町ビル 5階 TEL 03(5644)0150 FAX 03(5644)0155 佐賀県伊万里市山代町久原字小波瀬3798-4 TEL 0955(20)2175 FAX0955(20)2177 上海市浦東新区東方路710号湯臣金融大厦1405-6室 TEL +021(5820)1611 FAX +021(5820)1621 E-mail: [email protected] Anderheitsallee 4c, 22175 Hamburg, Germany TEL +49-40-55-611-911 FAX +49-40-55-611-912 E-mail: [email protected] ▲ISO9001取得 ▲ISO14001取得 Head Office 7-2-10 Hannancho, Abenoku, Osaka 545-0021, Japan Tel. International +81-6-6692-1131 Fax. +81-6-6692-2122 http://www.terasaki.co.jp/ Osaka Sales Office 7-2-10 Hannancho, Abenoku, Osaka 545-0021, Japan Tel. International +81-6-6692-1241 Fax. +81-6-6694-5490 E-mail: [email protected] Tokyo Sales Office Nikko Kayabacho Building 5F, 1-6-10, Kayabacho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, Japan Tel. International +81-3-5644-0150 Fax. +81-3-5644-0155 Kyusyu Sales Office 3798-4 Kubara, Yamashiro-Cho, Imari-City, Saga Pref 849-4256, Japan Tel. International +81-955-20-2175 Fax. +81-955-20-2177 Shanghai Office Room No.1405-6, Tomson Commercial Building, 710 Dong Fang Road, Pudong Shanghai 200122, China Tel. International +86-21-58201611 Fax. +86-21-58201621 E-mail: [email protected] Hamburg Office Anderheitsallee 4c, 22175 Hamburg, Germany Tel. International +49-40-55-611-911 Fax. +49-40-55-611-912 E-mail: [email protected] JAN. 2013-1.0K このカタログでご紹介した定格・仕様をお断りなしに変更することがありますのでご了承下さい。 Ratings and specifications covered in this brochure may be subject to change without notice. Printed in JAPAN
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