公開見本問題 問題冊子は試験終了後、全て回収します Writing 問題構成 1 ライティングテストのタスクは 2 種類あります。(Task A と Task B) 2 問題に関する冊子内の指示は全て英語で行われます。 試験時間 ライティングテスト(70 分) タスクごとの時間指定はありません。 注意事項 1 試験開始の合図があるまではこの問題冊子を開いてはいけません。 2 必ず Task A と Task B 両方について解答してください。 3 解答および必要事項は、全て解答用紙の所定欄・マーク欄に、必ず HB の黒鉛筆か シャープペンシルで記入してください。 4 問題冊子の表紙に受験番号・氏名を記入してください。 5 問題冊子・解答用紙は試験終了後、全て回収します。 試験会場からの持ち出しおよび問題内容の別紙転記・メモ等は厳禁です。 また、この試験問題の内容を他に伝えたり、漏えい(インターネットや携帯サイト 等に掲載することを含む)することを禁じます。 6 解答は、解答用紙に直接記入してください(問題冊子にはメモをしてもかまいませ んが、後で解答用紙に解答を書き写す時間はありません)。 7 解答は、解答欄の枠内におさまるよう、記入してください。枠外への解答は採点の 対象になりませんのでご注意ください。 8 解答は、全て英語で記入してください。英語以外の言語で解答した場合、解答は無 効となります。 9 問題内容に関する質問は一切受けつけません。 10 不正行為・迷惑行為およびそのように見受けられる行為があった場合は、警告を行い、 答案を無効とすることがあります。 11 机の上には問題冊子・解答用紙のほかに、HB の黒鉛筆またはシャープペンシル、 消しゴム、電源を切った携帯電話とラベルをはがした無色透明なペットボトルの 水以外は出してはいけません。また机上に貼ってあるデスクシールをはがしたり、 シールに文字を書いたりしてはいけません。 12 携帯電話・モバイル端末等の電源は必ず切って机上に置き、絶対に使用しないで ください。着信音・バイブ音等を発生させた場合は、失格とすることがあります。 13 次のものは時計として使用できません。 *携帯電話・モバイル端末、置き時計、目覚まし時計など机の場所を取るもの、 電子音等の出る時計等(ただし、多機能付時計は時計としてのみ使用できます) 14 ライティングテスト中、止むを得ずトイレに行きたい場合は、静かに挙手をして ください。 15 採点結果等については、一切異議申し立てはできません。 受験番号 氏 名 ※この試験問題の内容を許可なく複製・転載することを禁じます。 SAMPLE 禁複製 Task A Your teacher has asked you to read the following passage and summarize what the writer says about pets at work. Your summary should be one paragraph of about 70 words. Many people love to spend time with their pets at home. They enjoy taking them for a walk in the park and playing with them in their free time. Of course they also have to wash them, feed them, and take care of them. In the past, these people did not think of taking their pets to work. However, over the past few years, the situation has changed. Now, in more offices, factories, and even some shops, employees can bring their pets with them to work. Of course, not everyone thinks it is a good idea. For example, people might trip over dogs and cats if they are running around and hurt themselves. Some animals might bite people. Bigger animals might knock over computers. There is another problem. Dogs often bark loudly when they are hungry or are left alone. Birds might sing or call out loudly. This could make it hard for people in offices to do their work. Supporters of pet-friendly policies would disagree. John Brown, who owns a shop, says that people feel less stressed and work better with pets around. Jamie White, a lawyer, often brings his pet to work because it helps him to relax. In addition, pet owners often have to leave work earlier to feed their pets or take them for a walk. If they could bring their pets to work, they would not have to worry about that. This would please their managers. There are good reasons for and against this trend. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future. 2 You may use the space below for notes or planning. 3 4 Task B is on the next page. 5 Task B Your teacher has asked you to write an essay for class using the information below. Describe the situation concerning schools in Greenhill and summarize the main points about the solutions that have been suggested. In your conclusion, say which of the solutions you think would work the best based on the reasons given. You should write about 200 words. Students’ Problematic Behavior at Schools in Greenhill Number of incidents 300 Incidents at Greenhill schools in 2009 Drug use 13% 250 200 150 100 Bullying 31% 50 0 2009 2010 2011 Fights 34% 2012 Education News There are several ways to deal with the problems in Greenhill schools. Mike Parker, the principal at North Greenhill High School, thinks that giving teachers more knowledge about background issues is the first step. Parker talked about his ideas at a recent meeting with parents. “We have to educate teachers better about problems like drug use and bullying,” Parker said. He also pointed out that trouble at home can lead to behavior problems at school. “Our teachers need more information about this,” he said. Parker wants to hold special classes for teachers this summer. The classes would help them understand the problems young people face. However, Parker suggested that other steps are also necessary. For example, according to recent studies, students are more comfortable talking to counselors than to teachers. One reason is that students can talk to counselors in private. This allows students to discuss their feelings, thoughts, and personal experiences more easily. “Perhaps most importantly,” said Parker, “counselors are trained to be good listeners.” Many schools offer job counseling to students, but not advice about personal problems. Parker wants his school to hire more counselors as soon as possible. 6 Smoking 22% LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, The situation at Greenhill schools is serious and requires immediate action. I would like to offer some advice, based on my many years of experience as a junior high school teacher. First, the classes in our local schools are simply too large. Teachers cannot handle so many students at once. Research has shown that when schools reduce class sizes, student performance improves. Teachers can spend more time with each student, and students get to know their teachers better. This may not solve all of the current problems, but it is a good place to start. I also believe that many teachers do not understand the challenges faced by today’s students. The only way to solve this problem is to give teachers better training. For example, they could attend classes to learn about how student behavior is affected by stress at home. The classes could also provide information about new kinds of illegal drugs and what their dangers are. If teachers do not have this type of special training, they will not be able to help students. The problems in our schools will only get worse. Finally, I want to thank all of our teachers for their hard work. Sincerely, Sarah Case You may use the space below for notes or planning. 7 Ⓒ2014 公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会
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