(注:1) 入間市児童センター無線 クラブの子ども達と国際宇 宙

(NASDA 提供)
ARISS(Amateur Radio on the International Space Station)通称アリスと呼
(注:2)アメリカ・カナダ・日本・ロシア・EU の共同開発による宇宙ステーション
無線クラブ ・天文クラブ ・ありんこクラブ ・母親クラブ ・とん
・アート教室 ・ソーイング
・児童センターまつり ・夏まつり
・入間万燈まつり共催イベント ・豆ま
き会 等
ー 開 館 と 同 時 に 、 児 童 セ ン タ ー 無 線 ク ラ ブ ( 社 団 局 JK1ZAM) に よ る 運 用 が 始 ま
導 ) の 講 師 や 免 許 取 得 後 の オ ペ レ ー シ ョ ン 講 習 、 お 互 い の 交 信 を 証 明 す る QSL
グ ( 小 さ な 無 線 機 を 隠 し 、 こ の 無 線 機 の 場 所 を 探 し 当 て る 競 技 )、コンテスト(決
累 計 免 許 取 得 者 数 は 、約 4 0 数名 に な っ て い ま す 。
線 振 興 協 会 が 実 施 す る 養 成 課 程 講 習 会 を 受 講 す る 2 つ の 方 法 が あ り ま す 。)
児 童 セ ン タ ー と 国 際 宇 宙 ス テ ー シ ョ ン(ISS: International Space Station) を
本 年 6 月 6 日 、 宇 宙 開 発 事 業 団 (NASDA ) の 教 育 イ ベ ン ト と し て 行 わ れ た 宇
宙 授 業「 宇 宙 ス テ ー シ ョ ン と 話 そ う ∼ 毛 利 宇 宙 飛 行 士 の イ ン タ ー ネ ッ ト ラ イ ブ ∼ 」
は、NASA の 業 務 用 回 線 を 使 用 し て 三 鷹 市 立 第 四 小 学 校 、 川 口 市 立 十 二 月 田 中 学
に よ る ス ペ ー ス シ ャ ト ル と の 交 信 の 例 が あ り ます。
内 か ら 直 接 ア マ チ ュ ア 無 線 に よ る 交 信 と し て は 、初 め て と な り ま す 。
日 本 か ら の 申 請 は 、 当 児 童 セ ン タ ー か ら し か な い と 聞 い て お り ま す 。)
ー ビ ス と し て ア マ チ ュ ア 無 線 で の 交 信 を 行 っ て き ま し た 。 特 に 米 国 は 、NASA の
ク ト ・ プ ロ グ ラ ム ) を 行 っ て き ま し た 。 ス ペ ー ス シ ャ ト ル を使 用 し た 、 SAREX
(The Space Amateur Radio Experiment)が 、1 9 9 0 年 1 2 月 の Schnecksville
Elementary(Allentown,PA)か ら 始 ま り 、国 際 宇 宙 ス テ ー シ ョ ン の 建 設 が 本 格 化 す
が 作 ら れ ま し た 。 こ れ が ARISS(Amateur Radio on the International Space
Station) で す 。ARISS は 、 国 際 宇 宙 ス テ ー シ ョ ン の 建 設 に 参 加 し て い る 各 国 の
ス テ ー シ ョ ン の 建 設 参 加 国 の IARU(International Amateur Radio Union)加盟
団 体 と ア マ チ ュ ア 衛 星 通 信 団 体 ( AMSAT: The Radio Amateur Satellite
Corporation )で 、構 成 し て い ま す 。日 本 か ら は 、日 本 ア マ チ ュ ア 無 線 連 盟(J A R L :
The Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc. ) と 日 本 ア マ チ ュ ア 衛 星 通 信 協 会
(JAMSAT: The Japan AMSAT Association ) が 参 加 し て い ま す 。
ARISS は 、 国 際 宇 宙 ス テ ー シ ョ ン か ら 交 信 を す る た め の 機 材 や 運 用 に つ い て に
マ チ ュ ア 無 線 局 ( NA1SS、RS0ISS、RZ3DZR) を 設 置 し 、 同 年 1 2 月 8 日 の the
Luther Burbank School (Burbank, Illinois) の 交 信 を 皮 切 り に 、ARISS の ス ク
児 童 セ ン タ ー 無 線 ク ラ ブ は 2 0 0 1 年 2 月 ARRL ( American Radio Relay
League: 米 国 の ア マ チ ュ ア 無 線 連 盟 ) 宛 に 、 ス ク ー ル ・ コ ン タ ク ト ・ プ ロ グ ラ ム
この時点で日 本に受付窓口がないため(8月末に、日本国内にも受付窓口が開
設 さ れ ま し た 。)ARRL に 受 理 可 能 で あ る こ と を 確 認 の 上 ARRL へ 提 出 し ま し た 。
(The Sheldon Elementary School) を サ ポ ー ト し た ゲ ル ハ ー ト 氏 に チ ェ ッ ク し
て い た だ き 、 彼 経 由 で ARRL に 提 出 し ま し た 。ARRL か ら は 、 2 月 1 6 日 に 受 け
ら は 、 各 地 区 ( 米 国 、 カ ナ ダ 、 ロ シ ア 、EU 、 日 本 ) で 受 付 を 行 い 、 交 信 ス ケ ジ ュ
と な っ た 小 室 圭 五 ( 日 本 ア マ チ ュ ア 無 線 連 盟 事 務 局 長 付 ) 氏 (School selection
committee) の 所 に 転 送 さ れ 、 1 0 月 1 4 か ら 1 6 日 に か け て 内 容 に つ い て の 照
ARISS で は 、国 際 宇 宙 ス テ ー シ ョ ン に 開 局 し た 無 線 局 を 使 用 す る 色 々 な プ ロ ジ
ARISS Partners Conference, 4-5 November, 1996
Surrey Meeting, 29-30 July, 1998
Joint NASA-Energia meeting held at JSC, 22-27 January, 1999
ARISS meeting at ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands 27 -28 March, 2000
ARISS meeting at ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands,
May 2001
ま た 、 本 年 8 月 末 に は 、 米 国 、 カ ナ ダ 、 ロ シ ア 、EU 、 日 本 で 組 織 が 整 備 さ れ 、
各 種 委 員 会 が 設 置 さ れ ま し た 。今 後 、こ の 委 員 会 が 交 信 ス ケ ジ ュ ー ル の 調 整 な ど 、
ARISS に 関 す る 仕 事 を 行 い ま す 。
の 応 募 が 多 い こ と に な り ま す 。 ま た 、SAREX 時 代 の 未 消 化 の 申 請 を 、 現 在 ま で
の が 最 適 と 考 え て お り 、 こ の コ ー ス で の 交 信 を 希望 し て い ま す 。
現 在 の と こ ろ 児 童 セ ン タ ー の 具 体 的 な 交 信 日 時 は 発 表 さ れ て お り ま せ ん 。後 日 、
決 定 次 第 FAX な ど で お 知 ら せ 致 し ま す 。
・ 入 間 市 児 童 セ ン タ ー (TEL: 0 4 2 − 9 6 3 − 9 6 1 1 )
Amateur Radio International Space Station (ARISS)
School Application Form
for an organized radio contact with the
International Space Station
Congratulations on taking the first step toward a rewarding experience for your
school. The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program
requires that each school submit an application so that your school can be
scheduled. Please fill in the below requested data as best as possible. Be
assured that the ARISS partners and ARISS School Committee will hold the data
you supply in confidence. While data such as the home phone number of the school
principal may seem private, past experience has shown that when the ARISS
planners need to contact anyone from the school, the more names and phone
numbers, the better. In the fast-paced world of ARISS, radio contact
opportunities or NASA or ISS scheduling changes may occur with only a few days
notice and the need to make contact with someone from the school becomes very
important. It is anticipated that most of the radio contacts will be with the
International Space Station; however, if a shuttle mission with ham radio on
board is planned, then your contact may occur with the shuttle.
The procedure is explained in the following rules.
1. Check if your amateur radio school station is sufficiently equipped to enable
a successful contact (i.e., general technical level, transceiver + power,
steerable antenna, tracking programs, etc.). Please take into account the
expected level of deployment of the amateur radio equipment operated onboard
ISS (e.g., in the beginning only weak signals can be expected).
2. Carefully fill out the attached application form. Please make sure to
include the school's educational proposal.
For information about educational materials available from ISS partner space
Agencies, please refer to links on the ARISS Frequently Asked Questions page.
Websites that may be of interest include:
3. Your completely filled out application should be returned to the nearest
coordinating ARISS region if your specific region is not listed. Here are
the email addresses:
ARISS-Canada: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA)
ARISS-Europe: [email protected] (J. Hahn, DL3LUM / PA1MUC)
ARISS-Japan: iaru [email protected] (Keigo Komuro, JA1KAB)
ARISS-Russia: [email protected] (Valery Agabekov, UA6HZ/N2WW)?
ARISS-USA: [email protected]
ARISS-Australia: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA)
ARISS-New Zealand: [email protected] (Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA)
4. A receipt will be sent to the applicant, confirming that the application form
had been received. This receipt will point out if the application form was
accepted for further submission or not.
5. Communication with ARISS is to be done by e-mail to facilitate exchange of
6. The application will be registered and put in a queue.
7. Each ARISS region will coordinate contacts within that region. If the
application was sent to the wrong ARISS region, it will be forwarded to the
appropriate one.
8. When a slot has been assigned to a school, the responsible person of this
school will be informed by ARISS immediately.
9. The school station shall then be prepared for the contact (i.e. check the
whole station, download the most recent Kepler elements, arrange for licensed
operators, inform regional press, keep contact with the ARISS school
coordinator). Please make sure that the station can be contacted by phone
during the QSO!
Two weeks before the contact the school shall submit to the school's mentor a
short story describing the school (2 or 3 paragraphs) and how the preparations
are proceeding. The story shall also include the student names and their
Twenty four hours before the contact the school shall submit to the school's
mentor a fax or email indicating that the school is ready to proceed with the
10. When the contact has been made, ARISS expects to receive a report about this
event within 2 weeks. The report will possibly be used for publication in a
broader forum.
Within 1 week after the contact, the school shall submit the teacher's guide
feedback form to NASA. NASA will act as a clearing house and pass the
information on to the responsible departments in the Space Agencies of the other
ISS partners. The form is available at the NASA website:
Disclaimer: ARISS can not be held liable in case a scheduled radio contact is
not performed. All ARISS work is done by volunteers working in conjunction with
the various space agencies and space operation constraints may force last minute
Please enter your country code and city code as part of the telephone number for
any voice, fax, or cellular phone.
1. Date of application:
State, Province, Territory, mail district:
Zip or Postal Code:
Phone #:
Fax #:
Email Address:
School Website Address:
Normal school hours:
Brief description of the school and the amateur radio school club (if there
is one):
3. Principal
School phone #:
School Fax #:
School email address:
Pager #:
Home phone #
Home Fax #:
Cellular phone #:
Home email address:
Home address:
Home City:
Home State, Province, Territory, mail district:
Home Zip or Postal Code:
Home Country:
4. Coordinating Teacher:
Grade Level/Subject Taught:
School phone #:
School Fax #:
School email address:
Pager #:
Home phone #:
Home Fax #:
Cellular phone #:
Home email address:
Home address:
Home City:
Home State, Province, Territory, mail district:
Home Zip or Postal Code:
Home Country:
5. Has the school previously been selected for a shuttle, Mir, or ISS contact?:
(YES or NO): If YES, which mission? STS: or Astronaut on Mir or ISS:
Date of contact:
Did the school have a complete contact: If No, please explain why not:
(To be filled out by an Amateur Radio operator)
Call Sign:
Home address:
Home City:
Home State, Province, Territory, mail district:
Home Zip or Postal Code:
Home Country:
Work Phone #:
Home Phone #:
Pager #:
Cellular phone #:
Home Fax #:
Home email Address:
Work Phone #:
Work Fax #:
Work email address:
Experienced With Satellite Operations? (YES or NO):
7. Site of Radio Contact location information:
Latitude [Use decimal format] (South is negative):
Longitude [Use decimal format] (West is negative):
Elevation [Use meters above mean sea-level]:
State, Province, Territory, mail district:
8. Radio Coordinator During Contact:
Call Sign:
Home address:
Home City:
Home State, Province, Territory, mail district:
Home Zip or Postal Code:
Home Country:
Work Phone #:
Home Phone #:
Pager #:
Cellular phone #:
Home Fax #:
Home email Address:
Work Phone #:
Work Fax #:
Work email address:
Experienced With Satellite Operations? (YES or NO):
9. Call Sign at contact site:
10. Contact site Phone #:
11. Contact site cellular phone #:
12. Contact site Fax #:
13. Hours before or after UTC:
Contact site Time Zone:
Does your area go to Daylight Savings Time? (YES or NO):
14. Language requested: English is the language that is normally used on ISS.
It is possible that other languages may be used. If another language is
requested, please indicate the desired language:
15. Are Weekends, Holidays or Nights A Problem For Your Contact?: (YES/NO)
To aid the contact planners, please provide dates for major holidays, school
year, or other known problem dates. As it might be some time before your
school is selected and the actual dates may change please be as descriptive
as possible, i.e. school starts the third week of August, holiday is the
fourth Thursday of the month, etc.
(To be filled out by the Amateur Radio club)
Name Of Amateur Radio Club:
Club Contact Person:
Contact Person's Call Sign:
Contact Person's home phone #:
Contact Person's work phone #:
Contact Person's pager #:
Contact Person's email address:
Is the club experienced With Satellite Operations? (YES or NO):
National amateur radio organization (if club is a affiliated with a
national organization such as the ARRL):
(To be used during the ARISS Amateur Radio contact)
It is suggested that 2 complete radio stations be set up. It is also suggested
that redundant power sources be provided, i.e. separate ac circuits, battery
back-up, or Uninterruptible power supply.
Radio Station #1
Transceiver To Be Used (Manufacturer/Model):
Does it have Memories? (YES or NO): If yes, number of memories:
If yes, is the memory considered tunable like a VFO?
Output Power (Watts):
Frequency Range (MHz):
Frequency steps:
Station Equipped With an RX Preamplifier? (YES or NO):
If YES, Manufacturer and Model of Preamplifier:
Station Equipped with a TX Amplifier? (YES or NO):
If YES, Manufacturer and Model of Amplifier:
If YES, Maximum Output Power of TX Amplifier (Watts):
Is the Radio capable of a Non-Standard Split? (YES or NO):
Antenna Type (VERTICAL, SATELLITE (AZ/EL?), OTHER) [specify]:
If commercially built, manufacturer and model:
Antenna Gain (dbd or dbi):
Number of Elements:
A n tenna Equipped With a Rotator? (NONE, AZIMUTH ONLY, or AZ/EL):
Satellite Tracking Program Available? (YES or NO):
If YES, Name of Tracking Program:
Do you have Automatic Antenna Control? (YES or NO):
VHF Packet Capability? (YES or NO):
VHF SSTV Capability? (YES or NO):
Do you have phone patch capabilities?:
SWR/Power Output meter to be used (Manufacturer/Model):
Coax cable to be used:
Radio Station #2
Transceiver To Be Used (Make/Model):
Does it have Memories? (YES or NO): If yes, number of memories:
If yes, is the memory considered tunable like a VFO
Output Power (Watts):
Frequency Range (MHz):
Frequency steps:
Station Equipped With an RX Preamplifier? (YES or NO):
If YES, Manufacturer and Model Of Preamplifier:
Station Equipped with a TX Amplifier? (YES or NO):
If YES, Maximum Output Power of TX Amplifier (Watts):
Is The Radio Capable of a Non-Standard Split? (YES or NO):
Antenna Type (VERTICAL, SATELLITE (AZ/EL?), OTHER) [specify]:
If commercially built, manufacturer and model:
Antenna Gain (dbd or dbi):
Number of Elements:
Antenna Equipped With a Rotator? (NONE, AZIMUTH ONLY, or AZ/EL):
Satellite Tracking Program Available? (YES or NO):
If YES, Name of Tracking Program:
Do you have Automatic Antenna Control? (YES or NO):
VHF Packet Capability? (YES or NO):
VHF SSTV Capability? (YES or NO):
Do you have phone patch capabilities?:
SWR/Power Output meter to be used (Manufacturer/Model):
Coax cable to be used:
18. Please note any antenna obscuration data (modify to meet location's specific
Azimuth degrees
Elevation degrees
0 (North)
90 (East)
180 (South)
270 (West)
360 (North)
For example:
Azimuth degrees
0 to 50
50 to 90
90 to 100
100 to 140
140 to 280
280 to 360
Elevation degrees
19. Do you plan to do a live re-transmission or webcast? If a live retransmission, how and on what frequency and mode? If a webcast, what is the
website address?
20. Have you checked with your national amateur radio regulatory authority to
determine if the non-licensed participating persons (i.e. students) are allowed
to exchange messages (third party) with the astronauts on board ISS by means of
your amateur radio station? To aid the planners, please indicate which
countries have agreements with your country. If you are unsure on how to answer
this question, please check with the amateur radio team that will be assisting
the school.
21. Attach the school's educational proposal to this application before
The educational proposal should include answers to these questions:
1) How will you:
a) integrate this activity into the school curriculum and
b) involve as many grade levels as you can, participating through essay
contests, poster drawing, letter writing, and so on?
2) How will you get as much media coverage as possible?
Prepared by AJ9N, DL3LUM, 28 August 2001
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, [email protected]
Rosalie White, K1STO, [email protected]
Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, [email protected]
Valery Agabekov, UA6HZ/N2WW [email protected]
Keigo Komuro, [email protected]
Masanobu Tsuji, JH2PRZ, [email protected]
Gaston Bertels ON4WF [email protected]
Thomas Kieselbach (DL2MDE) [email protected]
Jorg Hahn, DL3LUM, [email protected]
Alberto E. Zagni, I2KBD [email protected]
Robin Haighton, VE3FRH [email protected]
Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, [email protected]
◎ワーキング委員会(ARISS Working Committees)
①Hardware and Technical
Lou McFadin W5DID, [email protected]
Thomas Kieselbach, DL2MDE, [email protected]
Jean-Louis RAULT, F6AGR [email protected]
Ghislain RUY, F1HDD [email protected]
Paolo Pitacco, IW3QBN, [email protected]
Robin Haighton, VE3FRH [email protected]
Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, [email protected]
Masanobu Tsuji, JH2PRZ, [email protected]
Fumio Asai JA3TDW, [email protected] (proposal selection)
②School Selection
Rosalie White, K1STO [email protected]
Debbie Brown [email protected]
Daniel Lamoureux VE2KA [email protected]
Jorg Hahn (DL3LUM) [email protected]
Valery Agabekov, UA6HZ/N2WW [email protected]
Keigo Komuro, JA1KAB, [email protected]
Will Marchant KC6ROL [email protected]
Carolynn Conley KD5JSO [email protected]
Alberto E. Zagni, I2KBD [email protected]
Satoshi Yasuda 7M3TJZ, [email protected]
F r a n k Bauer, [email protected]
Rosalie White, [email protected]
Carolynn Conley KD5JSO [email protected]
Roy Neal, [email protected]
Ken Pulfer, [email protected]
Robin Haighton, VE3FRH [email protected]
Keigo Komuro, [email protected]
Gaston Bertels ON4WF [email protected]
Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, [email protected]
Alberto E. Zagni, I2KBD [email protected]
Jay S. Oka, JA1TRC, [email protected] (public relations)
【ARISSの Web ページ】