CONTENTS CHAPTER 3 1 Joseph|ヨセフ 059 2 Joseph in Egypt|エジプトのヨセフ 目次 CHAPTER 4 062 3 Joseph and His Brothers|ヨセフと兄弟 065 ◎ 訳 071 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 076 1 Moses|モーセ 077 2 The Ten Plagues|10 の災い 082 3 The Red Sea|紅海 086 4 The Israelites in the Wilderness| 荒れ野のイスラエル人 5 The Ten Commandments|十戒 091 はじめ に 003 旧約聖書の主要 登場人物の系図 007 6 The Stone Tablets and the Golden Calf|石の板と黄金の子牛 094 旧約聖書の舞台 008 ◎ 訳 097 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 105 1 Samson|サムソン 109 CHAPTER 1 1 The Creation|天地創造 2 Adam and Eve|アダムとエバ 3 Cain and Abel|カインとアベル 4 Noah|ノア CHAPTER 2 2 Samson and Delilah|サムソンとデリラ 011 114 3 David and Goliath|ダビデとゴリアト 017 019 117 4 David and Saul|ダビデとサウル 120 5 The Witch at Endor|エン・ドルの口寄せの女 125 ◎ 訳 023 ◎ 訳 127 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 028 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 135 1 Abraham|アブラハム 037 1 The Judgment of King Solomon|ソロモンの裁き 139 4 Jacob and Esau|ヤコブとエサウ 5 Jacob and the Angel|ヤコブと御使い CONTENTS CHAPTER 5 022 3 Abraham and Isaac|アブラハムとイサク 004 009 5 The Tower of Babel|バベルの塔 2 Sodom and Gomorrah|ソドムとゴモラ 4-5 089 040 CHAPTER 6 2 The Vineyard of Naboth|ナボトのぶどう畑 143 043 3 Job| 147 046 ◎ 訳 151 049 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 156 ◎ 訳 051 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 057 ヨブ記 CONTENTS 005 10.9.8 10:55:27 AM CHAPTER 7 1 Jonah and the Fish|ヨナと魚 2 Nebuchadnezzar s Dream|ネブカドネツァルの夢 3 Susanna|スザンナ 4 Belshazzar s Feast|ベルシャツァルの宴会 159 162 165 169 5 Daniel and the Lions Den|ダニエルと獅子の洞窟 172 ◎ 訳 174 ◎ もっと知りたい 聖書の世界 180 参考文献 183 編集協力:足立恵子 カバー・本文デザイン:寺井恵司 本文イラスト:オザワミカ 地図制作:有限会社ジェイ・マップ DTP 組版:朝日メディアインターナショナル株式会社 CD 収録時間:約○分 CD ナレーション:Peter von Gomm 録音・編集:ELEC 録音スタジオ ◎ CD にはトラック番号の付いた英文が収録されています。 006 6 CONTENTS 10.9.8 10:55:28 AM CHAPTER 1 1 CD 01 The Creation 天地創造 Genesis(創世記)1-2 章 In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. There was only darkness and water, and the spirit of God moved on the surface of the water. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. The light was day, and the darkness was night. This was the first day. On the second day, God created the sky. On the third day, God created dry land, gathering the water into seas and oceans. On the land, He created grass, trees, plants and seeds. ■ the Creation:天地創造 ■ create:創造する ■ earth:大地 ■ spirit:霊 ■ surface of the water:水面 ■ gather:集める ■ seas and oceans:海[sea も ocean も「海」 だが、ocean の方が sea より大きな海を表す。 「大洋」 と訳すこともある] ■ grass:草 ■ seed:種 CHAPTER 1 9 009 10.9.8 10:55:38 AM CD 02 CHAPTER 1 2 CD On the fourth day, God created lights in the sky to light the earth, and mark the time and the seasons. He created the sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night, and He placed stars in the night sky. On the fifth day, He created animals to fly in the air and to swim in the sea, and He blessed them. On the sixth day, God created animals that live on land. He created man to rule over the animals, and He created man in His own image. “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth,” He said, and He blessed His creation. On the seventh day, God rested, and He blessed this day because He saw that His creation was good. Adam and Eve アダムとエバ Genesis(創世記)2-3 章 God created man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into him, giving him a living soul. The name of the man was Adam. God created a garden in Eden, filled with beautiful trees. From the garden flowed four great rivers, and in the garden grew the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God brought Adam to this garden, and said to him, “You may eat the fruit of any tree in this garden, but you must not eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If you eat this fruit, you will die.” ■ light:照らす[ここでは動詞] ■ mark:しるしをつける ■ rule:治める ■ dust:塵 ■ breathe A into B:A に B を吹き込む ■ breath:息 ■ soul: (生 own image:∼の姿に似せて ■ fruitful:よく子を産む、多産の ■ multiply: 殖で) 子孫を増やす ■ replenish: (人や動物で) 満たす ■ creation:創造物 ■ rest:休む は過去形。活用は grow-grew-grown] ■ Tree ■ place:置く ■ bless:祝福する ■ rule over ...:…を支配する ■ in one s 010 10-11 03 CHAPTER 1 魂 ■ filled with ...:…でいっぱいの ■ flow:流れる ■ grow:生える[grew of Life:命の木[エデンの園の中央にあり、 その実は無限の生命を与える] ■ Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil:善悪 の知識の木[knowledge は「知識」、evil は「悪」] CHAPTER 1 011 10.9.8 10:55:39 AM CD 04 God saw that Adam was alone, so He brought animals to Eden, and Adam named them. But there was no companion for Adam among the animals, so God made Adam fall asleep, and while he was asleep, God took one of Adam’s ribs. From this rib, He created a woman. Adam named her Eve. She became his wife, and they were one flesh. They were naked but they felt no shame. The snake was a wicked creature, and he said to Eve, “Do you eat the fruit of every tree?” Eve said, “Yes, but not the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God has forbidden it. He says that if we eat this fruit, we will die.” ■ bring A to B:A を B に連れてくる[brought は bring の過去・過去分詞形] ■ name:名前をつける ■ companion:仲間、伴侶 ■ fall asleep:眠りに落 ちる[ここは made Adam fall asleep なので「アダムを眠らせた」。asleep は「眠って」] ■ rib:あばら骨 ■ one flesh:一心同体、夫婦[flesh は「肉体」] ■ naked:裸の ■ shame:恥ずかしさ[felt no shame で「恥ずかしさを感じなかった」] ■ wicked:邪 悪な ■ creature:生き物 ■ forbid:禁じる[has forbidden で現在完了形。活用は forbid-forbade-forbidden] 012 12-13 CHAPTER 1 10.9.8 10:55:40 AM
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