‐― ヽ ― ___¨ rr― ―――――――――、口"― ― ― ― ―― ―――― ― ― _ S Nι _笙 prゃ ) 蘇 rtr< llllillJ)1ち )│ 誦轟極 `儒縮雪 TJffi- gar+ (3ftqrr?r+qffiqrd) rrors Fa-qrrr,53A/1ft-dnarE, ore-<$*<, ueqr - galo c+t srqldq : 24 foqq aw, QEII AJrt Er{rEr5 d 9839?-18842, 93351 32977, Fdr 9235843026, 9936169s10, 941 52.166.15 ヽ め Erqtfiq , 9D *.i. rrrad spr* ハ da:0s32-2466716 rs'1 も1'く lli2zluTmt& +&-fla +6F +s I 0'“ ′ t? i {otl ´ で η %村 %翁▼ヽ Rcn ら、 句̀8 8ふ 色2ぃアぃ句Ъく 、な 3′ 4∫ hさ焉bぅ ,,ノ `sぅ fTヽ ´ ¬ 、 。資 ゝく 卜[ 、 7・ 餞ミ f%網 aγ 4m.∫ ●。 ´静く ′ %猫 。 γ動ム 豹 R品 qネ ャピチ ルあ ィ パ ム J釧 ヽ̀ Qヽ 。 う ゛ げっ4/ マ く 2ω ∝ 7,ス → θ 又 ′ 胸 ょ√>qギ ぇ o電 ./ち く )° 7′ 巧千¬(32ン / ( β l ― ― ― ― ― Sandccp Pr.uLash & Co. Charicr● (I Accoulll.Ints ― ︲︲ ︲, ヽ Υ Mobilc NO:9935141952 ___■l些 JLり J坐 ]り 。 ■ltd Jllmilヾ 望■ _ of Rxshtriy:r L,,,. Wudi party,9_D Motit{l Nchr.r l{old, ODp.t)., I I osrnt, Allah:rhnd rs i,r I I', Miir,-tr f (}I f ;,,,t ljr.. tru-,,rr," urxt trrpcndituru nccout)l ti'I, thc ycJr cnJcd on that datc,,,tri.l L" ;rr ,*."",",,r, *i,f, Doohs ot accounl mairltained by lhe said instruclion. \\1r- huvc cxamincd thc Balancc Shcct \\'t' hrve obtained all the information and explalatic, which to thc best of our lnouledge and belief wcre necessary lor the purpose ofrudit. In our proper books of account havc hnye 6.. I kept by the _opinion above instikltion for so for as appears from our exanrination of i ooks. uantc:d Ir our opinio!1 and to the best ol inlbmtatioii. and accor. rng to the ififorntatjon gl,,,cn to Lrs, thc sajd Accounts give the true aDd fair view- ix) x r In the case ofthe tsaiance Shect ol.the state o..affairs ofthe above naned institution as at 3ls'March 20l l In thc clsc ofthc lrcornc und l:rr.rn6li1n1q A. Junt oflhc SurDilrs or DcIcir rrf jts accoLrnring yuar cnJing 3l'r Mar rl0ll PIacc i Allahabad D"cコ !_8.ュ 。′ , 1 晰lT¶ 肝 誌 北"Pankttξ ト (も ,° (Parlncr) ぃ 。.ru。 66.6 ηO イ ヽ ・ 1ヽ ■ 9-D MoTILALミ tHRURO☆ ヽ l〕 よ 1ぎ 嵩腎:∫ ittill,ALLAHABAD ALANcE sHEEET AS oN 31st MARCH 20“ Liabilities A■ Ount Generalfund OpeninS Balarrce Ii\ccss ol tncorrlc ovcr |\pcn(tirurc Cunenr Liabilities Audit fees pa],able 47550 oo 335o oo 5o9oo(,o _AsseS____」 _■ 、 聖y, …全 Current Assets Cash in hand IlaDk 17950 oo 344SO oo 5240o oo i 5000o 52400 oo 52400 oo For Rasht ya Lokwadi panj, PIaCe:Aliahabad Daに :2卜 。8 2oll 0,*.t-' Ashok Kulnar Singh ( Parrner ) い 瞬嘔 For Sandeep prakash & Co Chartered Accountant \(1 外D ‐ ― INCOME Moπ L組 ′総 I調 ざ会ょ 聯 w:P‖ 鑑 & EXPENDITURF A/' F'II' TIr. .,., \ I,ALLAHABAD .. _lrrtSllrr:_-,"^"f;:,X?,.rHEy€ArLEI!,pEp--t!!t!!48q{20rr ItlCOme I To Meeting exp. lo 96.10.00 By Membership fees / Contributjon 53450.00 41750.00 By Donarion 35500.00 l\,lisc.c\p 5450.00 To TravelJing Exp. 14450 oo To Telephone exp. 2160 oo To Bank Chargcs 6500o l'o Audit Fees 1500 oo To Excess oflncomc Over Expenditurc 1350.00 88950 oo _ FOr Rashtriya LOkwadi Pany lror Sandeep prakash &C Chaftered Accountan PiaCC:Allahabad Dntci 2 1-0`ヽ bリ レ a.-._.L, Ashok Kumar Singh ( partner ) 88950 oo \\ --' lRASHTRIYA LOKWADI PARTY q-D MoTI|_AL NEIIRI I IIOAD, OPP.DJ HOS'TEL '{-\. ,ALLAHABAD RtrCItrI'I'& PAYMENT A/C I,'OR l'HE YEAR ' "' ENDED rvrAl "r'ulu-Jr3T MARCH 2O1I Rcciept Amor,-r Amount Fivm-""t = Amount --. . Opcning Balancc Cash in hand Bank Mcmbcrship Fccs Donation poster & Balner 196400o 12950.00 36100.00 Meeting exp. 53450.00 Audit 417500o fees 1500 oo 35500.00 Misc.exp 545000 Travclling Exp 14450 oo lclcphOnc cxp 21600o Bank Chargcs lanCC 嚇 13800o oo 650 oo Cash in hand 17950 oo Bank 3445000 ____ 13理 For Rashtuiya Lokwadi pafty For Sandeep prakashb Chartered Accoilntant PlaCC:Allahabad Datc:21-o`― ジoll よ ∼ .L. Ashok Kumar Singh ( Parrncr ) oo oo Y ・ 'D MOTlLAL得 讐醤IIIJlょ ,Ec蠍 PAFNT嶋 ∴ Mcrnbcrship■ es/contribution 1」 FWiF漁 III,ALLAHABAD 器 31850 o0 4250.00 Mccting cxp . 17260.00 lravclling Exp 4660.oo Tclcphollc cxP I Misc c、 i-50.00 1] t.t-s0 00 儡 2880o0 3185o00 FOrRaitξ I」 :1:i:だ 塁竺FdiP“ ll:1:ld..9 -― ―― _11850o0 y 亀潔蠍雌mltCO は Asht臨、に , llgll. つ =・ Sandeep Prakash & Co. Chartcrcd Accountants 11/6,Tashkand Margh,01)p Patrika Prcs Civil Lincs,AHahabad Mobilc Noi 9935141952 E:naH:c笙 ドhOk201… ШLttLco] ー We have examined the Balance Sheet of l{nshtriya Lok Wadi party,9_D Motilal Nchru Road, Opp.DJ Hostat, Allahabad as ar I i., March 20lO una t't t*o." unA Expenditure Account fbr thc year endcd on that date which are in " *itf, "g*"."rt books ofaccount maintained by the said inslruction. We have obtained all the information and explanation, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose ofaudit. ln our opinion proper books of account have have been kept by the above named institution for so for as appears from our examination ofbooks. ln our opinion and to the best of informatior, and according to the inforurtiorr grvcr to us, the said Accounts give the true and fair view_ vii) \ iiit ln the case ofthe Balance Sheel ol.the state of affairs ofthe abow named institurion as at 31.'March 2010 In the case ofthe lncome and txpenditure Accounl ofthe SurDIus or Deficir of its accounring year ending 3 I.r March 2010 For Sandeep Prakash & Co Charlcκ d AccOuntants 供二… し . PlaCC I Allahabad Datc i ,か o? ム 1. AshOk Kumar Singh (Partlleゥ ´い もら。も い "。 lヽ ξ 、 、 ︶ ヽ ′ `11 RASHTRIYA LOKWADIPARTヽ 9-D MoTILAL NEHRu ROAD,OPP DJ HosTEl,ALLAHABAD Liabilities B4L4!qE q!qEEIAs_oN 3rst MAR.rr 20t0 Amount -.f .*,t" General fund Opening Batance Excess oflncome over Expenditure Current Liabilities Audit fees payable Cu rent Asscts 439700o Cosh iΠ _ 3580=00 4755000 hand 1295000 Bank 36100 oo 1,500 oo o 一 F 4905000 4905000 Rashtriya Lokwadi party For S. leep prakash & Co Cha, Lrred Accountant PIacc: Allahabad Date: ,r, o?. rirr 49050 00 に .は Asi ,,k Kumar Singh ( Partner ) , \(1{ 外DMonLALttII監 ■ INttHiギ よ‰ P'ッ TURE鴻 器 l'o Poster & Bander To Mccting cxp. 罵 I,ALLARABAD RT■ ,y:liく 16750 oo 38740 oo w:鵠 :主112iビ :11lRCI:° By Mcmbciship Fecs/cOntributiOn 1ゝ mount 48550 oo By Donatit i 351oo o0 To N4isc.exp 5860 oo To Travelling Exp. To Tclcphonc cxp. To Banft Charges To Audit Fees To Exccss OflnCOmc ovcr Expcnditurc 14420 oo 2250 oo 550 oo 150o o0 3580 oo 8:l(,5(1.{)0 For Rashtriya Lokwadi parfy 8-1a,-s0.00 FO[l]電 lif慶 :常 liF0 PlaCC:Allahabad Datc:2,・ o7・ ,い :。 A*: ;*. Ashok Krimar Singh ( Partner ) r ¶ も 、 . RASHTRIYA LOKWADIPARTY 9‐ D MOTILAL NEHRU ROAD,OPP DJ HosrEL,ALLAHABAD 7‐ RECIEPT&PAYMENT A/C FOR THE YEARI]NDED 31 MARCH 2010 Recicpl Opcnino Balancc Cash in hand Bank Am5Lnt [r 輌 Poster Amount & Banrer 1675000 8820.00 36650.00 Meeting exp. ヽ4cmbcrship lccs/cOntribution 48550.00 -,\udit Donation 35100.00 Misc.exp 3874000 150000 fees 586000 1'ravelling Ir rp. 1442000 Telephone c,rp. 225000 llank Chargcs 55000 Closins Balouce Cash in hrlrd Bank 1291200o 1295000 361000o __ : _ _ 1291200o For Rashtriya Lokwadi party bど ざ Placc:AIIahabad i)atC 22_1 ュ。10 に し ヽ′‐ . Ashok Kumar Singh ( Partner ) い 口に 棚棚 よ F彬 ■て へ︲ ぎ 語 臨 驚 押 L ↓ヽ Email: 6ω 蜘 Party, 9-D Motilat and the Income and ln agreement with ittlcr機 濫喘 珈 醜 趣昭lr鴛 ∫ :比譜th to the best of our 彙ltti肝 1::」鴇::l騒 出l翼鮮 =譜 the ‖ ょ ll躍 :‖ ,:」 :∬ :蠍 l鵠 1:iltttby )││‖ [iTIギ 11[‖ IFlltl:‖ CCOtting b“ ∫ lc l oFthc s● tc ofaFfalrs of■ above named inlornration givcn c abovc nalllcd C Suり 躍場V謝器ら t:;rぬ us or ■ぶ竃膿1li蹴 ∫ l :親:lillI]?::1。 3 対 渉 器騎 Kι 11,0● ‐崎 ngll 63.6 、(]ι ヽ ` 9‐ D MoTILAL£ ∬ IIIき 1ょ wtll詭 ][I,ALL4HABAD BALANCESHEEETASIfN31stll里 Lia bilities 992- m Ou嗣 General filnd Opening Balance Excess oflncome over Expendihrre Currenr Liabilitics Audit fees payablc 3499o oo 8980 oo 〕]I颯 _. 43970 oo Cash in hand 8620.00 Ilank 36650.00 454700o & Co (,hartcrcd AccoUrrtanl 12. to. r".; 454.tO.oo 1500 oo For Sandeep pmkash Place: Allahabad t eurrqld$Q6 FOf Rぉ htriya Lokwadi PaⅢ Dur", ..lnroun Iu*-. t-. Ashok I(umar Singh ( partner ) \ (16 ヽ フ︶ 9‐ RASHl` RuYA LOKWADIPARTY D MoTILAL NEHRU ROAD,oPP DJ HosTEL,ALLAHABAD IiCW柵 ・翌 'lb Postcr Ъ MttngCk:… I叩 笠 Ftt T唖 霙 RCHJ型 愕 聖 呻 ▲ ――――_Incom9__「「 Ittint & Banricr 品 萌 :君 pts/cの 10O By ByMい DOnation lb Misc c、 p h“ n侶 “ ち 0∞ 32400 oo 5860 oo TO Travclling Exp 1280o o0 TO「 clcpi〕 Onc cxp 2260 oo TO Ballk chargcs 550 oo TO Audit Fccs r500.00 Ib Excess oflncome Over Expehditure g9g0.00 ____ _ 81150 oo ql150 oo ―― For Rashrriya Lokwadi parly FЪ 旗 _.° に Piace: Dut", 潔冒i出織itCi tt.,6.1oo, A並 ぷ器 † . fillgll 郎 ゛ ヽ r.,r,.o. RA,SHT ^irIi,T)1^t'xwo,,, RtcIrEtT&tAYMINTA_/r Dlr FoR rHE YITAB --t' 0DminO BJ¨ cc 蝋 t-:{c "' nrr"* rnnrv ROAD, OPP.DJ HOSTEL ,ALLAHABAD 崚 o%“ "Юoo 3520o c、 /(1)‖ _ Paynlent_二 1。 int _ ___ ri・ ■ "。 11 ∝ &助 m∝ 147_● ―――― ‐ hh蘭 Mci〕 ,lぅ ぜ ]sllil)1さ {l!LED!L!tAIqI1200e 1:lbt]tion 48750 、 ・ Q∞ Mccting cxp 1に lvclli 34450 oo 18 1]xl) 1280o()0 DOnatiOn 3240o TclcphOnc cxp 2260 oo Misc cxp 5860 oo Audit Fccs i50o oo Bank chargcs 550 oo CiO● nα Balancc Cash in hand 8820 oo Bank 36650 oo _ _J17'4000 For ―――― ―__ユ ζ製 00 Rashtriya Lokwadi party FЪ c。 拙 Piace: Allahabad Dat", tr. 1o. 96 臨 4し o 5 ゛ ぃ 、 ´ 、 ´ _ 1、 ._ Ashil」 ingh :IIITゞ 0 ︰ I I I 、 ´ ,-', 夕げ t-- 曲 ∫JLШ │#糧 ]職 "hH面 薫 腕胤 淵棚♂盤 鶉 λ C踊 ぼ∞ 緊詰ご 継臨∬ぬЮぬ 黒ltti評智:肥P:::出ξ l鮮 :rtl器鳳 ::靴 紹 指 chぉ mtton」 vcn 選W瞭畿。 鮒:瓶粗1鳳ξ 器辮t譜詣 rdhgゎ ■ r t by ttC abO“ llalncd CC° Э Ftllc state oFaffalrs Ofthc abovc nalllcd PC[11評 識 ::り :::fthC Surplus Or 「 ISandCttaliSh&CO よ― に . Place ; Aiiahabad Date:rS.tt.).6g Ashi卜 t・ 粘 Singh 1月 ●‐Чoも 6o` R ヽ、 9DMOTILALNEfII留 ぶ貪ょ BAぃ Lia bilitics 、 :1晋 :PittlII,ALLAHABAD E slttET AS::∬ Arnount lM→ General Fund Opening Balailce │'、 cで 、、 て ,1 1 )で 、,。 く ビi l:、 1、 h じi tli l‖ 岬 ― 鞣 i380 oo ()、 選 響 Cash in hand c 129o o0 '361o()() 319,(,(,() 352()()Oo 36イ 9o()() 1,500.00 36490o0 FOf Rも l1lriya Lok Wadi Pa"y や ‐ - 3649o00 FO:l:nde::i:I∬ lilF0 Place. Altahabad Darei rS .l t.r!og L ― Ashil爛 ∬ fin帥 し `て 9‐ DMoTILALNEHIITVAl.oKWADIPARTY OAD,oPP DJ HosTEL,ALLAHABAD IN181fE&IEXPENDITuRElYcFORTHEYEARE、 1lD31stMARCH2008 To Postcr & Llaolrer lo Mcclinlr c\p To Traveling Exp. li) lclcDhonc c\p lb Misc.exp 1'o Bank Chargcs To Audir Fees 'fo Fixcess A■ Ount 5140 oo By Mcmbcrship Fccs/contrib"iOn 45750 oo 22360 oo l,yl)。 1lati011 28550 oo 7250 oo 1640o() 2250 oo 550 oo t500.00 oflncome C)ver Expenditure i3610.00 7430o oo 7430o oo t'or Rashriya Lokwadi party ≒潔署i驚詰 』 fO Place: Allahabad Dute, [s', tt- )o"g A.*. u, Ashok Kumar Singh ( panner ) o6 \r \o\ ) ' e-D MorrLAL 蝸 _D^,^_ ¶ Casll in hand 「 )ρ n,ぃ ffi;firYll*'o**oo' u RoAD. oPP.DJ 'o*t" HOr""i ∵T,科ザザ ――― … ,o.aaor*o, ……三===二 __¨ PostCr&Ballllcr 品 品 A里 91嘔 5140 oo 2880 oo Nfcillbcrship Fccs/cOntributiOn 45750 oo MCclng cxp 22360 oo DOnatiOn 28550 oo Travcl]ing Exp 7250 o0 Tclcphonc cxp 1640 oo Misc cxp 2250 oo Audi Fccs 150o o0 Bank chミ tcs 蝙 Ba駄 _ 、_ For Rashtriya Lokwadi party \\_,_ N9a 550 o0 129o00 --===----------- ;ft:#:T::.""s -=- ZZI ag 9o ,,Hfl::TItffH,.o.A ,fff."** o*^,*: " ・ ` 」 ゞ くな 「 Ashl「 ingll :II[「 (ヽ )「 `(;'′ Sandeep Prakash & Co. Chartered Accountants 11/6, Iashkandヽ 4argh,OppI'atrika l)に 、 、 Civil Lincs,Allallabad ︶、 Mobilc No1 9935141952 Enlail:ca゛ 、 lnk2`Q■●電ti]bュ ]Lゞ (冽 n We have examined the Balarce Sheet of llashtriya Lok wadi party,9-D Motital Nehru Road, Opp.DJ Hostal, Allahabad as at 3 tsr March 2007 and the Income and llxpenditure Account for the year ended on that date which are in agreement with books ofaccount maintained by the said instruction. We have obtaired all the information and explamtion, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose ofaudit. In our opinion proper books of account have have been kept by th( institution for so for as appears from our examination ofbook;. ah,ove named In our opilion and to the best of info.mation, and according to the information given to us, the said Accounts give the true and fair viewi) In thc crlsc orthC Balallcc shccl ofthc state ofaffairs ofthc abovc namcd institution as at 3 1St March 2007 ii) 1nthccascOfulclncomcandExpilt卜 Dcllcit ofits accOunting ycar c[lding F影 thC Surplus or lf::獅;ゾ For Sandccp Prakash&cO Chartcrcd Accounlants に Placc : Allahabad Date : lo- Og.r..$ ヽ ,.、 ´ . Ashok KurE..t Singh (Pannc.) t1.^Jo - r.io 680 { ξ ヽ 、 ♂ ヽ う ヽ 、 、 t^ lmil‰ 'D MOnLAL総 -1整塑 H:littIIム LAHA3む °N3、 L響 ‐` 誡 響 型 97 _____Assets 「 fミ _BALANcEsT2鷺 Ccneral Fund Exccss ofinCornc Ovcr Expcnditure ‐ ・ l180 o0 1380 oo AuditFcespattble 鑽 Ainount 2880 oo 150o o0 ____ 2880 oO FOr Riiti〕 iJ:][Wadi Pa"y :l:::£ I嘗 :T:。 。 3 __2興 o00 、6ゞ 6 一、 ヽ 9-D MoT:LALfffII留 ざ1ょ 鶴 WttPlttlII,ALLAHABAD A/C fq-E YaaBMpU&UwiRcH ヽ _1聖 ndiuL__fifI端 ∴ #│ギ 三 量YW踏評ン痙 INCOME & XXPENDITURE I o rosler & Banner ン To Mccting cxp 「 o Travclling Exp TO TclcphOnc c、 P TO Misc cxp FOR 4250 oo By Mcmbcrship Fccs/cOntributiOl1 2oo7 31850 oo 17260 oo 4660 oo 1350 oo 1450 oo TO Audit Fccs 150o oo To Exccss OflllcOmc ovcr Expcnditurc 1380 oo 3185o oo 「 31850 oo Or Rall:!!::illlllliParly FOき Place: Allahabad Date: 1.. oD.2..g ilEI:i慶鑑ょ F0 d^*. 1-. Ashok Kurnar Singh ( Partner ) 代 ゛ 0 0
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