)■ 1● 1 1 mn‐ Prom U.S.Postage DIvi8■ On PAID A380Clatim COLmADO SPRINeS′ CO.80934-6066 Colondo S,呻・CO `` Pel■直t ADDRESS CORRECT=ON REQuESTED VOL. XLX NO.3 1995-1996 INI'BI: vrPrGasAGBS..... ......? FBrr1nas. ︲ 肛盤耐障蛾静牌胎置 ︱=ヽ ︱﹂ llEt'IBERB L@XIilG Fm... NEfl .......3 ......? .. . .... . ! . . .....e.J RErrNrq{s. ....rq TAPS.. ournrBur8rEn.... ......qs 24th Drv.BrsToRY .,*.l***,"-*.,!uc,; !*,'rrt SURVEY.. . . . .49 (● (「 )││ 卜 )i]i]o]1 ' t)(´ 〔 イ 21》 J К iplll,9 Lll ,1 ,'ハ 18:′ 脚ar「 inら して /4 リツ1:│ No.528 ││`J I黎 r TN LEAF ― Taro Leaf is an official Publication of the 24th lnfantry Division AssQciatiOn EDITOR Box 711 Proctorville, Ohio 45669 Phone-614-886-6935 (voice) Rt.2′ Watch this space for Special Announcements Effective lmmediately: 24th manhers can Fax their material to the Editor. The editor haS at his own expense purchased and installed a Fax/Phone Answer and copy machine. It is cheaper to fax one or two pages than it is to mail them. for your conviencel The number is― 614-886-9679 24 Hours a day′ 7 da,s a Week: :毒 . iヽ・ ヽ. 1糞 ギ 二 2 ‐i ≦ 要 薫 ■ 書 ― オ 「 ≒ Above And 400 GЮ tta Avenue ´ ´ 一 ︶ ﹂ 一 にo Ca11。 chama∞ gヽ 昨nnessee NAIIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR MUSETJM OFMIIJTAXYHISiTOBIY By CoL tloyd D. By€rs, US. Army retird tlere is a "iewel' in military hisuy, a mueum dedicaed to p,rcserving the hiatoly of evmb .nd the hsoe of every unifomred service of the United State! ft'om the Revolutionary War until the present time exhibiting mrfirentc that teu the sory of our hdlowed pasr As you mter the museum, courteous hosts gre€t visiton and guide therr tfuurgh an array of military ;€storabitia unmatched in the errhie natioru To better inforur visitors, a video upains and kralds the Medal of tlqror, qu nation's high€st militaly award Inte!€st' ing 6lur footage hitNiShts the brave deeds of rrany of the medal's rccipient* One segnent tells the'story of Sergeanl Conrad Sctrnidt oF.the Uni,on Araty and his &ring nscue of his CaPtain, TteoPhilus Bod€ltbauSh ● ● ︱1 1 1 11 〓︰ ヽ α ′、 ︱ カ I I I t ■● L 口 7 ■■ at lt hrdreatetr, Viryinia- fonicaUy, Ns liledal of tlonor waE r€cfrEended by the aury (the Con ederag). An inprcsive, irruGrce ptrctognPh of th€'GEat Locoootive Chasc" involving the Aadrews Raiders during the Civil War establfuhes th€ first Medal of tftEor rrcipiene fc the bravery aeurpli:Eed in that heroic acio and an audio of this can be heard heremE bcmotive, 'The Gencral' carsed a hurry in rcert and burght added atfention to tEarr I b iu iupctrnce. Ttre gift shop ir also locd in this aE6. ldovfuS about the museruu you will dicover tributes aad asoaUlia reJating to &ifli,cts ad lift fuurgh'aut the hietory of our country. Displays portray the Contrederacy, Indian Whrs, World War I (uunnequins in rmilomo fionr all nations). a aand+agged fotttss, the hol@ust, FOWs, tlre Airtome, Korean cqrflict, Viet- ●l i l lト ー ⋮ ⋮ 釜 naur era and Pecsian Gulf, the #1 hetgret anal headdrcss collection, rare 8un6, kniv€!, c{rthssa aad sabers of variorg services. Alt d€Pb a vivia pictle of uriUtaty liftrtylc in the various conflicte orre iile+ding dbpay rcpresenb the canterpiece of tte kntire mus€rDr, '"" uea"i of rmor Otaexu irr a U& rotunaa Tfrie display give the viewer a ep !.nre d tllcP€cr 6c deedr of galantty on the part of thie natioda lrroee L"i"f 37403 Phone 615‐ 267‐ 1737 。 。 As● 麟 山 山 is available for the i"q upon asccnding the stairs to the museusr's Z"i visitor will see a wall of memorial headstoEs for tt6 ,.' . flic{s from Ore Revolutionary War to the meqrorial sOn€s list ttre number of dea4 missing along wift the number of Medal of ients. It k an impressive re*inder of rtminds one of the gear p,ri- paid for teedmu Other imFrtant piecea of hbtory ale the ttst cannonbaI`hd at Chattmatta al C市 il Wa■ a PleCe Ofthe Berh Wan′ 。っ Adolph Hide's lmw, the garuhe 酬 鶴T織認 盟 朧 両 This museum is also mriched by a rather l,arge ' Ibrary which b u6ed by local nsklents and irniversity SSdff for researdr on udlitary ubie.cla. It ie truly .!i '. ■奪 橘 諸 鵠 盤 鮮 叢 躍 γ 撃乱 器尋 淋 堪 高 朧 麒 撚 m ii球 J出 雌 United 時 Stab a"t free countsy. \herans are this mh andthe dortゎ aderrt srpportem and volunteer much Erirrd its operation h tracL Aus hr, it tl .hd rnd operated antirely by an all-voluneer stafl'-B: I Jrom an humble beginning in fuly, 1990, tfie fipusr has gpown hr above orpectations at a rapid pace, Hundrcds have rallied to iS support and as a rcarlt it hc orgrvrn its prEsert hcatifir ad is boltg for a hrgEr, morc penwmant facility in oder to drsplry additiqBl iEls held in storage. The uniquenecs of thie nu8€rEr indudes the hct that it doesn't belong to any iitdividual or group but ie a p*e of the life of all of us. 11:¨ 直 Lh山 い鶏 and dher h置ぃted dい to participate in the development by fimds and artihcts. It is an undertaking of in whsr ownership rEsts, A conhibutiot of E.-or morc to fte building futld wil result in the name ■ . NarroNar Mpoel or' HoNon Musruira or' Mu-rreny Hrsrony TO FIND: Take l-24 to Hwy. 27 N Downtown Chattanooga ... exit 1C (4th Street) ... go straight 0.5 miles ... at the fifth traffic light, on the right is the museum, on Georgia Avenue. FREE PARKING. EASY 400 Georgia Avenue ChattanoOga,Tennessce 37403 Phone 615‐ 267‐ 1737 吝` ヽ: 夕燿 一 私 ・ 羅 一 `Ъ I 頴鰤覆 HOURS: Monday thm Saturday 9:00 AM-4:30 PM │ .__― ご all he got for paul B. XcArdle of Summit Hil'l, PA vrites that wants page sith his address on it' a "Taro Leaf" ras tne-'iiont days? these wf'ui Is it sith soldiers us to send hin anotnJr' gripe' gripe' ( secretary) iir-iir.v a. is qripe, 5 Qne of Ameiea's most famous musicians was also a buddy of every Gl in WW\L ‖ ORllI B00ST[R[ITR10R〕 1111RI UPmullorod (E熙糧職il繕 America's most unforgettable bandleader. But Miller and his band have legitimatz claim to an even great€r digtinction. Gen. Jimmy Doolittle summed it up magnificently when he said, "Next to a lettcr from home, Miller's band is the greatest morale-builder ofthe war effort." Eager to Join tered to them with United Service Organizations (USO) appearances and more radio broadcasts. But he still felt he could be doing more. So even though he was too old, he registered for the dralt in February 1942, but was never called up. In July, he applied to the Navy. It turned him dovm. He refused to give up. InAugust, he sent a letter to Brig. Gen. Charles D. Young requesting induction into the Army. The letter o{ Gleon ililcr in rnilbnn, Eral &tr mlnorvn, but hc ir wccing hir cogt*r'. b.r!. Cou.tery of lhc Gbrm Millcr 8i.*rphc. Sociery -Ihe many requests are very pleasing to me, but they leave me wishing that I might do something concrete in the way of setting up a plan that would enable our music to reach our servicemen here and abroad with some degree of regularity. With these thoughts in mind I should like to go into the Army if I codld be placed in charge of a modernized Army But the top brass would have none ofthat "Look, CapL Miller," the commandant said, "we played tiose Sousa marches straight in tlle last war and we did all right, didn't we?" You certainly did, Sir. But tell me, arc you stiU flying the sarne planes you flew in the last war, too? From then on the 'Xert to a leltet band." Aft.er the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Glenn Miller's concern for the morale of servic€men intensriied as he ca- Aho,.: Po.tdt tion byjazzing it up. read, in part: The letter must Itont lror,tr,, have convinced the top ii needcri l rn. He was ordered to re-. port on Oct. 7, 1942. brass ln the Anny ttlow On Dec. 4, 1942. niildsbandis band played as Miller directed. their rendi- tion of 'St. louis Blues,' set to march time, is his mct famous arrangement. The bar:d aired radio broadcasts, staged tllc gnealtest bond rallies and rF, mo,?,le&lrildetol lhe wan elfolrt.' sent corded Vdiscs to be t the troops overseas. But Glennt great*t objective was ficer training, Miller to take the band to was commissioned a -tu.J&r/t,'Ooafil,r. Eumpe !o play for the captain in the Army trmps there. So on June 18, 1944, he llew to London. The Specialist Corps. With training linally behind him, band arrived several days later it was time to organize the band. He aboard the Qu*n Elizabth, which rec:ruited several ofhis former band had been converted to a trmpahip. Band members wert immediately members who had been dralted, and subjected to the hormrs ofreal war by some from other well-known bands. I{e had grand visions ofchanging the the Nazi buzz bombs, which were devmarching music of the last genera- astating l.ondon and had killed thou- upon completion ofof- ι of December. The band worked almost around the clock preremrding broadcasts to be aired while it was gone. In 18 sand8 of people. As a re'' sult, they were Iie- quently in bomb shelters. Yet they performed a days, members recorded or more radio dozen broadcaste 85 half-hour shows in a week, in addition to flyng to bases all over England to ent€rtain the troops in person; performing in large, dralty hangars, on flat bed trucks and in hospitals. The troops, st:rving for music from addition to their live performances, Miller's orders, issu,ed by C,en. EisenlroPer, were for him to fly to Paris ul Dec 14. The band wqrld foUow later. But tlre weather was so bad no planes could tale home, greeted the band ever it off As an alternative, he accept€d an invitation to fly in a private plane. Dec. 15, 1944, dawned with loud cheere wherperformed. The strenuous schedule and c.onstant peril oi the buzz bombs began to ber・ take its toll on Miller. Socieγ He became tense and fa- cold and dizzly at Ikinwood Farm. Ihe plane, a single engine Norseman C-64, came in through the overcast sky and taxi€d "Don;'he said to his clme friend, Don On to Flance Haynes, With the liberation of Paris, up the runway. Miller and British -never"I ha"e a strong feeling that fll s€e Helen and-stevie-again Miller, now a major, was eager to get Col. Norman Baesell put their lug(hie wife and son). Ive had a feeling for over there to entertain the troops on gage aboard and climbed in' a long time now that one ofthose buzz the front lines. Plans were cnmpieted, The small plane had no deicing bombs has my name on it." authorizing him to go in the nriddle equipment. Even at the low altitrrde talistic. ktuonl lolGoodDr to ftlond iloggir On m. 19, 1994, Arnerican vet€rans lost a lnlo cornrad€-in-anns wt|gr Marfia Ra},6, affectionately knovrn as Cols|el Mag9i6, died ol complicatims torn a sd(6 h Lo6 fuEd63. She wag 78 and had appearcd in 26 flmg during hg car€€r. Frorn WWI to wqs Wnam, stlo had al- been ttlere for the troops. wh€tlEr stag€ in lront ot thousands or one on-on€ with a wounded soldl€r in a hospifal wad, stte mado th6rn hugh to h€r m Oo**eous anu6. cd. Maggl€ spfft corntless ha-rs, lar lrcrn ths limeligftt *rd trd Fsss phologaph€rs,lust lettttg 'h€r boys' know they weren't forgptten. Sha Holaht neu|s fiom back home, or phyed cads wlth thsh, iust belng a pal. As a IagHd€d rxrsd, Fayb would of- tal ftkft a p€rrormance, ttel gp sbalgftt to the aid statbn to help out where\rer ne€ded. Somallmss batile casualties w€r€ ac-tually arMng. Raiher than simply stand by ag a conc€rned observer, Ste woddlunp ridlt h and c ebr the munded. 'l'd do it all over again witholl 酬 鴇淵 認 凝器 tude ol o.r woundod cannot be er(pr6sed in words.(Bays h€{sdt was vrounded in bolh WWI and \rtelrlam) For her efforls ln Vietnam, Raye rec€ived tho Joan Hetsholt Humaniladan Awad (an Osca4 Acad€.Yty ot iroton Picture Arts and Sclsncos ln'1969. An irond she cfi€rlsM €ven morB was gtuar by lhe 5h S@d Forces (Airlha Gr€ed B€('gts born€) Group llgn tr6 - - whon stle received an hooorary cffimlsslon as a lieutenant colonel in 1 964. And ln caso anyono lslt shedkjn't quality to wear Ule Gi€bn Bdbt, Gol. Maggis c.limbed aboad e toop t"anspori and successfully complei€d droF ln 1967. 7 fiw parac-tune 濯縞 鑢 騎 vrlcruu. Corrtly USO As her last raquest, sho ask€d to be buried at Fort Bragg, N.c., horne of lh€ Spechl Forc€s. On Oct. 22 of last her flagdraped casket wirs ijanH by a Special Forces honor guard lo th€ post ys, cemetery where she was laid to r€st Colonel Maggie had corne fioflp to stay. . ■ ≒ _lJヽ β logryFb Islltlt JD r{d!D.r ta n -lrEfi Dsr qrFb gf predr Ed}.tr 9!8 tqlp -'tp *ru.!.s 'n!n4u moplpold t 3rq rt{ Dft rEn8!rg aq oIA gg D o@-Foda14Ir llg .llqr tsoolro mTJ qtlrrra o c$ $lr rD tnq 3.rc,t 'Dlro lll Lpl[r el ol l3.[r flfur u g|A lBra.l Iqqaqc r fcc& plmr tO'fpoq.l| o [oprq![r|p oI q lrp..p p.racf uog rrylp pcr& peEr-qppgn '!.o {qt uo aruSg Flrqt .rred r pceagqr eerq qdod rdmof qftqlp Ip!& p*.qmu ilqclod ol st r'lo rl or c^q D1 r[B O aoqs or arq &[ DI Fe'rat Dtr IIII .r'|tr||Fg troluO ng 3r"ranf fr 1r ft tru ol .lir rrxl I f.!. !t &r ?rr t {.c peqpg 'tarlt rea ea6 t,a,,Pa.qq 1■ ― '6uo1o 6uo1 o6 olarcqluq nolso u pnl'sao6 ilat+^iln +^r Jtio,( +uoP no,( u€,q,[ Plo 6uH126.lno,( 4rI no^ ^ ■り `甲り 申UЧ an‐ "H漁 “u -0■ 'mql Frd fq ,4fl qral p申 = 'illll:llllllllllliil:醐 o,,N tt,i,. r{t^f .CraNfl prrD uotnE J, 摯 m● IF HPIn● 印 ‐ 鴨呻醸 .Er6C fq afsrtFro slg puo rrllrl “ .ramfl urr?c :P8at ugoE) so EoF {uuqu!aDuJod ryt1ofui .tgtff .Fs $4 lryrfl 3r ?rrown'NI bgA 'cuql,,tPotd amn ufi|e :elFrr'r.{rlplo.ql Iq rEIrIEd& Jo.lnFF.rnmqtqqul.qa 鞘 器粛酬路亀 踏 48919, ntol-'oplopTgqpg@ I.^Fle$l!dl.Brqq.qr. ¬ 四q円 … F出 「 ・ BIdP● ●面 -0 帥 lgfftlnttpmttpu. 彎 “ -1… … Welco口 e back tO the 冨 EtttEttStt 〓 ヽ ● 一 ¨ f 一. FROM THE 339th ENGN. NEW MEMBERS 24th lDA. VI電 1:翼 _ ::三 讐 壺 饉 :::磁 :野 ::_ 584-7007. 口 ILEY = CORRINE llVe at WAYNE S。 RRl′ B08 320 Lynn′ In。 47355 (Wayne Wa8 at Pa10 ・ 44 & San NarciSCOづ ・ 45 HeiS Ma Bell lS 317-874-2219 i ロエLLIAM J. & AUGUSTA OZANICH Of 104 Fire"Ood Dr.Bridgeville′ P● . Mrs.3mlJAMEN N.UYCHE(― EDlTH) 15017 Ph。 412-221-7390。 Bill Was at■ Tanhemera Bay,Pa■ o′ & San Narc180.■ P.0.B08 68,HlllsbOro′ NC. 28442 ph。 910-464-4220。 PERCY 」.[ SARA WELLER LIVES AT 107 Boot 」aCk RdoChurch― DO― IC t tAT工 LDA NUCC1 0f 136 ElizabethAve.EaSt PittSburgh′ Pa. _ 15112.Ph.412-324-7541. Domenic wa3 at Tanahe口 era Bay and Pa10. :理 CLARENCE H。 口BILBO" AND LEE MORRISON of 2401 MCDowell RdoJaCkson′ Ms. 聾チ Fi:吾 :響“ 野〔 445-6368。 Mrs FRANCES VoSTUBENTHAL― P.0。 ]蟹盤 』 ti:° ユ 3:Li:::・ :二 鷺 』 :is:: Luzon. B08 9 Skid口Ore,T8ざ 78389.PH. 512-287-3252. THEODORE A. &THELMA MILLER of 38 oakway RdoTimoniu口 ′ Md.21093.Ph。 410 i」 -561-0510.Ted was at Tanhmera Bay′ :::1響 and Palo. era Chalies was at Tanahe口 Bay,Palo′ &San NarciSSO′ Lu2on。 ― ELYN CALLAHAN of 9476 MCKimy Rd. Loveland,Oh。 45140-9028。 Ph.513-. W. SHELL of 1403 EllZa― 683-3609. ― beth AveoPerry,Ca.31069.Ph. CHARLES & PATRIC工 A BURNS o■ 1254■ 912-987-1139。 South Windrc"RdoRockvale,Tn.37151.. Ph。 615-274-6923. MRS.ALTA RUSSELL of 1945 N. Ky. o′ 」ackson Hwy.HarryVil■ CmRLES F。 こ PHYLLIS MILLER of 4 42746.Ph.502-528-5173. Alcott LeoCinCinnati′ Oh。 45218。 Ph. 513-825-2566. = KEmTH E.[ ALTA ROGERS SR.of Me Auburn′ 。 94 Western Pro口 JAHES OTT & ED工 TH LOVlTT Of 335 . 04210。 Ph。 207-782-8834.Kenny Elns Court Circle― 」ack30n′ MS.39204 Pa10,こ was at Tanhenera Bay′ Ph。 601-372-6398.」 in was at Tanhem― San Narc■ 80′ LuZOn. era Bay′ Palo′ & San NarcisO Luzon. REICH }TAIE ROSE CHARLES J & of 107 i3g pi"trr." Dr.Pleasant Hirls,15g61E L. & IIARGARET.LoNG Fl .32909 Bav, PalD Rd. S.E. Godfrev ii.rszae-1s36.Ph.412-6s3-1818 Bay, {07 Tanh@ra PH. at -722-4189. charles ras Palo,& San Narclao Luzon. 菫■ :蔦 謝 7 姜 ELEII|OR rRvlt & yARy @.rsr of 11 E.rreland n*f*t"l-f..'FRlTz"_& l,lflZ of 9O8 Roserrood^p.I1lr oi.io"trGnchester, 46962.ph. zt9 iarltour, Fl .34684.ph.813-286- -gei_iiiZ'.' rrvin rraarn. at Tanahemera a63l.Fritr was at TanaheDera aii,pii",i San Narciso Luzon. Berf; Palo. & San [arciso Luzon ` ■. ■ FRBDA LAMBERT of 6210ingR:5811::3馴 :::6[11::1:こ TanahOnera Bay E Pal。 . l::38:ヽ こ 15灘 FeFi■ 。 :Eぅ 賢 rn ― 輩E ttcI翼 ■ 謬 ′ Pal。 & DONALD W. G HELEN FRANKS of 138 amrAnD e *n,o=:Bay′ xRAq! er 11? .9+ RigSe Rd.IrtcDonatd,pa.1505? PIJ.. 1L2-221-5798. DmrEL ts.& .LARTBEL KoBs or f,tRaL & DonoREs KNUTSoH of Iiffi.Ti::oBIiSiii'"tS"I'i::.II. pato. Tanheneia RTCHARD itr9 Diftslon st.Lacros!9rli. g{6or-.s4..ph.6os-782-36s3. DaE ras at Tanaheoera Bay,& P!lo: JOE F. & REBEECCA CARRIGAN of 4952 Bay & E. & HIRJORIE FrNKE of }Illr?:J;:riff:'Siff?1";l'i31"_ h;;;; -i"r, ,"ro,c San Narciso i;r;;: of 813 Drift_ or.siter city,xc.itliiin. -;;_ JOHN RTCHAnD EDmRDS !15t: ltt|:puoosky, Hn . s6667 . Ph.' 218-213-23A3. wooa afa-383-6786. herera Bay & pato. J.「 . OLIVER sts-z 42-2520 . J"r,i' *ii-;i henera Bay. palo,& San Xarciso @INAilD tt. & RUTH KISRO of Luzon. 1885 Forest Vieu Ct.Cincinnati, oh.a5233. p}o- 5L3-922-2526. JACK & LA EDWARDS of 3080 lRg.RrrA KrczoREK of 2509 s. e -R-idi"t lir VERNE eve.ar iance, oh. 44601 ^ ph. pt.iio:gie-2300.r Jack st. r{ilraukee,wi.53207. was at rana& MARILYN HOFRICHTER of 780 La■ e Forest DroS.Eo Pine― . hurst′ NC.28374.Ph.919-295-3436 一 一 一 . 一 ・ 一 一一 一 一 ヽ ぶヽ 一 r ヽ . ● ・ , : PATRICIA EBERT of 337 01iver was at Tanahemera Bay, ‐ Palo′ s san Narciso Luzon. 0EmGE S. 3 」ANE HOFm of 41 East North Stowaynesboro′ Pa。 17268-1352.Ph.717-762-4441 PAUL l. G LORETTO DILLON of 505 S. Main′ Flanagan′ 11.61740。 Ph.805-796G● orge was at Tanahenera Bay′ Palo, こ san Narciso Luzon. ::I:: :a:ょ n▼民:r:Islal:〕 :1:ra REV.mNK EoHELSEL こ NANCY of 8102 0verlook ct.Fredrick′ Md. 21702-2933. The Revowas at ranah_ra Bay。 KENNETH J. & 」ULAINE Bay′ DILLON of 5340 orchard LnoGlendale′ Wi.53129. TttlWera Bay′ 苦 ■璽 遭Ec:き。 Palo′ L A. & LISBETH GUPTON of Ph。 414-421-2131. 940 ArboF Lno Sanford′ Sc.27330 … Ph。 919-776-5524。 san was at CLARENCE C。 & REBECCA CUNNINGHAM ■anahenera Bay′ Palo′ & San of 2465 Dolly Ridge Tr.Bir口 inghan′ Narciso Luzo■ Al.35243.Ph。 205-822-5839。 Clarence was at Tanahemera Bay′ Palo′ E San mARD C, & ARLENE CUENTHER Narc■ so Luzon. o■ 7200 w.01d Loomis Rd.Creen― dale′ wi.53129。 Ph。 414-529-0871. Ed was at Tanahemera Bay′ Palo′ 6 San Narc■ so Luzon. . ノ0 1鷺 」。 8 Sunrose Ln.Cib。 10′ Tx.78108-9793 CLIFFORD E。 san NarciSo LuzOn. 日 語暇 :l誘重 需 h€[€ra BaY. CIRL NNA BOARD- Of 45.ri IIitt」 硝 :° :3・ lha_ォ .]-i-,. BARNISB of 411 Phi laderphia' ob Ner xu. B. & rnOUA ililplit-si. i .; Ie6t MnS. JBINETTE I'IIEBLIC of 3525 Ph' Phoenit, A'' 8sos1' ;;i;i.. 602-84L-7672, ︸ 一 ・ 二 一 ・ a san Narc■ SO LuzOn。 san NarciSO LuzOn. 麗 : lis11闇 le・ ::::::::::: i:こ & JEr}l CAPUTO Of 616 ingCooetitrrt- iot Blvd'Ns Kena L26 NEAL iso68. Ph. {12-335-7 Ii"]-ii.*as at Taaaeoera BaY' ieai Of 1OI Pa' Chester, O,rioto La.fest STTUBL N.& ` WELCOE KENNY: PBGGY BRENO 19382.Ph.610-696-6165' San BaY, Sa[ was at Tanaheoera Luzon' PaIo, & Saa Narciso 1:IIi:書 :111じL6:[lI::::i:i:h ::lll電 317-754-3287. E. & REGINIA BRAGG Of P-o-Bot 186 (319 U. Sherr@ RICEAru, si. -I s*eetserr, rn. 46987-0186' irr. srz-gsa-7135.Dick raE at Tanalrorera BaY,PaIo,& Sa[ Narciso Luzon. :iFヽ =■ for the scho01 Dist. ROBERT A. SmKEY,S′ Sgt(HqoCO。 3rd 〃 C。・ '=明 漱鳴辞。 計 li▼e at 1471 whit000d ヽ ︵ 一 一一 . .・ ¨一 ヽヽ 5こ '1 inciudln 9■ ご :ニ IEじ :1111′ 117:l::37:1.117nf f,・ 1,天 3o81,011丁 し ご 二:亨37:二 よ :n idFi:こ・ こIII[::_tWins at P.0。 _に 0 _L虐 E1011こ ′ =雪 ttrqa =二 . 識 slぎ ‐ WeWl:=ヨ 。 こ ■ っぅ ^_7nllに : :,179]:1_,221.Ph504-391-989oT‐ lab assist. /Uorqu€ DteDor. Doys. ・ 書 壽 響 (3rd量■ 塾響 職 ■ 墨 ::fF:語 i藍:喜 ras ) j. iidraes_ palo,& rs qt lfaDah€ilera ]Fil X.S"" Ee Hu1;'ll:; la. is Retlred. l"RE,PFE`P,19th'44-:45)He and JU.-UoJ-5EZZ . (3rd Bag. Ba:r, . zosro. irr- S gr lhrci8o LutopD. .: rotrr A.scErFTRll-lgth,-sJ-lilI_ 93!:t3frIl"i"X;3ffi[rii*;i]ij, . Rt l, Bor ltl.Ftaah€r,Np.ssiis.rrrs wrc6 rrilli-ii-i]do Bordera Dr. D.o.corrrELL (L3tth paratrne,ii.edoEi.pilroe-gsg_sasr. ''-:' . rlrnrcr t?,ll1-6/ai)plt "ecapt.r.d raised Brla. 30,Lauret 2?. , . of Bata'",pibb,&-leadei Crregtdorl rould'lihe to bear tron ss[. EggB_:r1g]tr.pErRAoH(H&H . '.. 2{th ,6g_ ': :. xci.t Doraer, he saved .y tife;egfs-rs-jlie';-fi;ffi;.Fin.for HrH, ..i,. zltri xe6.ii.Ii;ffi uorta. nrnnru sEULL-p.o.mr 3?1, PoraIth,ilo.65653. pn.trZlSl6- ieat tivee it ;.6.t s?B Eeory_ rtth hts rife Liada "it",Ot.zg31 is rn .a,rcrri"g-i-i.iiiog. .t-t' old.-Et 3,i1;li""rlli ;i:i":'1.*::: rreon of h. Eade Jr. o. SpETrcg(lgth .4s_,461612 lnr,@e repber htD. rre raa DAyIp iiooS xioilii]iliio'zs a retired rith'c .- t . ' . ,., 19th '51-'s2. iirrer,rarrea-i-&iiir€n. to sot€s a€e ua ID ]fa8hvil lo : ' rLlrf R)LADEn ( A Btry.5/52 ADa ' .' '8a-'85) A no life mrber.H€ CLATD N)ELL pETBRS (B 19th,a5_,46) and hta rife-Jarane iire-ii--- Io-z grlntrr-siloiJi1)L.rzglg,rt. .24. Britt Rd.rucher,ca-.3008. ior_oei:ji-08:i;;;,;is .. Ph.9-38-0627. A trad€. paioter by .ii."a 6 chitdren. wife have ALBERT Bo RUMPKE of 4221 Miani P IIil,lξ 185::13tiこ 9111223:inPh・ : are as● Oc。 口enbers Of 339th. g Ltc ROmLD Do RA工 NVILLE〔 21ST ::こ 1:1)stiI::1こ と r::::88'I:T 古 Ph。 303-935-0417.The son of ‐ 1鷺憔 鮮 ユ弔こ fo ard will be his firattot NaEhvtlle,it arh l. raEl . Looking (339th Eng) AlabaDaDarlen, IL 60561 wife "!{arlys " 6809 ノ 'v S. o一 ︵ ﹂ 針瑯“ つo 〓︶い嶺一 ll耀 │ :♂ ︵. ﹂ ︶ , ”。ぃ。 ︺“ , 03〓0∽ 一 ︻ ﹃m 繊0 一卜●Q ・ ― 獄0 で ﹃ ゛ 鑢 .S゛ ‐ 事闇■麗F‐ R‐ ■‐ │■ 慮・ '‐ _、 ││ ││ 憔 ォ゛ , ヽず ヽ^ C′ ど﹁ A . ¨一 一 釉 一 一 一 一 一 ¨ 一 一 ﹁ ¨ 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ¨ 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ¨ ¨ 一 ¨ 一 釉 輪 呻 一 一 一 ¨ ¨ 一 一 一 申 一一 一 一 一 瘍 腑 鱚 瘍 一 蝙 一 ・ 20 Mar.195 r=螢 :靴 TIF獣 :二 thi路 11彗 露 ,{e io電 L曽 摯 ■ 摯1=el麟 ″ ・ see[;;o ‐ .rgr:pryr,f!n-July , Dtotbos arnd I arrr.rred at erni uata t,-tZl+ -^=-';::「壷 詳高 "lY:i 普 ふ TI:Ved at `轟 r at,… ● 許 露 ■ king frm the uSNS -9 '・ ―― … … ‐ ‐ il fr;il=fi:il"]i, LI=蔦 二 p・ ・ pり 11::ll:ボ 乳 )守 ″ ¶ 島 eil !!, Dthdr 聴 響 __ _ 任10d‐ i“ 乱おF.こ F“ rin ,■4●轟_』bothら ヽiverli誕吾 血rr冨』『 題写 ___ 「 面FI Tl 語:鷺retiring 蔦蕊in職Dec.=341 :種 盤黎事 :=:霧 aFly 25 be died on 3 ヒ■ ハ 二 ^=‐ ― ´…‐ _● ― ― ‐ fOri n● … ff reior7,.. ard tboae gallanG r€n of r.+or to'Join to-ioio-tt'zru, th. 2ath t三 LI澤 進 lI五 1轟 五 I福 [:・ ‐L み 三 電摯・■■■ 恥 =π 轟 ■。 L =‐ =1.C.in late Julr― _faiter'e Ila,groulG ld… corisldcr lder it tt 」an a き ,「 響 日 千驚営F翌 ,臓L修 〕 軍lL:6営 tt. Denver′ cO.80219 =盟 H● ● ― ber88 Rarmnod 」 Bou■ dS (Div Arty, wWII) Box 68 P。 0■ ar′ MT 59255-0068 111::〕 :tliCら ::五 : K9rea) Life Member 5450 Paranont B■ vd ,141 Long Beach′ CA 90005 11 、 ==Htt I"● 1■ 脚 ″ ― 誦 物産′ ・ ■ド ヽ﹁ ヽ 一 ・く x ゛ ︵ミ S ヽ ゛ ξヽ ヽS 、 ド鰺 ミ 漱 ︶ヽ昼崚hヽ 嗅蜀篠 鵞ぃ、 い マtuハ ヽ ξミ︺、3 もミ ' l8 I'yl'nt av^,i121'/ :ltoNo? , A lv7zvv tac * 晟 A )1t -1 HV ● ffi-r r\-t2!s 1sv1rvv-"21E? t'.Ja: ?t'ftujv -_r/ ' ,r 5,7NAZ|) N-ag V"/.vtv -Ne+U- AA oaJtPy い、ミ ^Fよ 0 こ ミ ︵?ヽQ4︶ 、マ ざレ , 、 ヽ 卜、こ ヽヽ . 、ミY ヽo︲、。 勺 ? ヽt、 ヽ﹁﹄oこ>2ヽ へ 、 T 4 1 ■ ミ 倉 そ 電し て 理 B マ︸・ 、ヽ、 =ふ kl l‐ _ I=燎 ` ‐‐,t . :‐ ポー 荼 ,/ ︱ . ● sSR ︶ NFミ υ ︱ミ︲ ヽ も やい ゝら ヽRH ヽ α へき い 、ヽ ゛ δ ヽ 〓υ b“ゼン2、 ヽ マやミ ト■υ くヽ ら Z′ 、 〓 ∽ ︱ ﹁ 〓 0 ぃ 。日 。 ” ﹁ 、︼ 0 [ 。 〓 。 ゃ 。, m 。り ︼〓 ヽ〓 0 ● 0 ● 0 魚 日 。 0 ● ‘ ︼ 0 口 。 .″ 目 ● On E O日 0 “口 0︼ ︱ 日〓 。 っ ぃ 0日 o ” 。﹄ 日 〓 ● ∞ い .● m .〓 い , o ■ o ヽ● ● ∽ 000 Z鰍 亀 ."“ … uors! !q auJoqJru mql araa ({nst8v r-rv) "n円 |'IoI a$ PrrB uorsr !q euJoq{v P68 aqI 'rroF! !p |FEE Jr8 US PUB rloqrlB ur tulpnPul luoFf4P l€.q rnoJ sB IIae 8e 'aroJ fln u! aq pftoa sqrEr -a oA| tulpnfel ttrml^rp .tF,rBt ro .tour !P .(/rEq xrs .ltFnoJ rPFla uI r6.rBdErc lf8a .roJ oel Pu? &! -,rduol JoJ lurod euo uo pGBq 58i$ fpesoddru au^rrr3 ol 8BA lFm rPlqa roJ uol.e4r, eq,I m I 'i(tnP a^qoB uo utBurar 'I'OI ur peuuoJ 'luaultau ,ftluBJul qu8 8.uor8 -ra!g ulau rliJ qrol ar{l Jo suolqrBq la 'urBq.r^ 14 u FrB u r[a ptrortr ur e^g 'uoq -ceJ.rn8u! auddfl-rqd aql u! auo .ulrds rora rBA ar$ lII erx, IIBA uB.rPq a$ ut $p.L 'JB,is tlAlf dn u! €z 'rB/f, r8c-o!at[ aio u! r.ts 'zI8I Jo rBA aqr uI srdt3dllg} moJ rrpnoJ '808I q-r lx,usoJ 'lrr r6ar ar0 lFnoql ue^e 8!qJ 'ArrIV eln Jo EIor aarDB ar0 uo suo.rlBltsq ou aql ol I)^o &o|8!I{ r(Jq![I^l roJ .r4uao 8.,(lErV Fllrq 88.[ uo.tsp? ,ql roJ s:.Eq ar{J a^I.rns plnoa suorrButlsaP llun lBqa (x lnq 'luBuodur! 8BA sBf, uonsanb aql Jo urBlar ol suotsr !P Jo sed,(l taqlt Jo rur aqI €uotsr !p {4tsJrn 1€.rl odrl pua euol8r !p pz.nrBat€ur /irBaq moJ 'suoE -IAp pe$urrB orBl luorsr P {n€s8 4Bpuroq -48 o4 Jo l8Fu6 aou ILIA r(Ius rEnteJ aqL 'Buorsralp o^rlaB OI of fuuv at0 Jo lcaqln s.uopa{s$4urPv uoluqc aro Jo urDt! 'P(ylB^ -rDlnp eq IIA rrorsrAlq ,(quBJx{ t{l aqf f8ql r{luour 8.nfl JarlrBa PqrunouuB fuJv eqJ -tD Frsnc ur 'ssxxud qnd.lI lh{ a{l rn suolar^ moJ Pu8 tuolt! !q da€p 8allur oi6 auos r06t puB qu,t '3PdFg Qttslsutoo qlgz r,fEaua aqt SugBullnlle ,fisallBural €fB puB 'f,arlB^ ra !u sl8r{dng aW tpnoql uoltE lrmuru@ Jo Eml lbBrl ,sua^as 'rBar ,CquBJuI PuB {uEO ,fEaua a$ olur q 'sBqar IrI pe^-E I srFrBr aqa ul luaqr po{rytlE uorsr IP .Aorr! , oql anlgq Jo enoq -pqg f:quBJul pZ ar{l 'Baulapmt rraqt tu! OOI lsnf q ',trof8.rq fr8l.qlur uI auoJ Pggu -B!{Dur .(uB uBrO .E|ql PrlB Ja$.rrJ tul,ron fi 'J,!06!q Jo erH Fqrfry rrB a^q XaqI 'hrl oru! trnB polIIB en peFqrE& '(Psrnt 'qg.f eql JoJ olorp Jood B araa Ialll [ury eql uJt{lla cuotlB -rqcet{) uorsr^l6 &luBJuI rF s.Iqr:V eql '166I ' '(PJ uo Foa 8It$ otE sE( rnod -IIIIJB lslual[.dar eql dn Po/naDs tut BH uolsloop ss● losues E 日EI二 S`Ч ル Z OЧ 暮目ulsE3 sreuturns fuql 18 nond Diviaion and lst Cavalry Divirionr. Ard ths fan nccbmiued divirirne rdoced tb lc. 2L 8d sod 4& Infantry Diviotu' rl d wti6 bad forgbt in W6ld War tr, two in I(dc aDd tro in VigbsE - rat al& obryioI! cboire lddi.ra d tlre 26th lrfantry Divitict 'r Ths c d tie trc ligbt dividdl! mada ae. Fro:d in llraii ir Augttd 1941 m tlto e'v! dPcl IIEtr, tle 'Ttqic fiebtdtui' dividrn arwirnd tld uact atd tcat dr to pe ipd. itr forr cempaigne in the Pacilic in Wr tr, tuiuht in r0 canpaignr ia tbe Kcran Wer and later in 1l canpefne in E Wcld \rLtDm. 山 れ Bn rtrt Ed. me no at all wae 鋤 ご L麟 叫 脇 D h― 。r tte loth Mountain 面 tlp ds 爾 “ BЛ 敵 ″ 蘭 七亀 鷺帯喩温躍謂臨 口 "″ 山面… 瓢認出嘲h臨肥獣需雲 わ鷹 ― 亀駕 tbe dlbd d8a ul3 Gulf. h.add I13 10th liomtsin Dividor, by comparirm, hae only tso World War II campaign 6tdit! to it Drm. It! DcliciFliqt in rsrt pditiralb cr.ct p@ op.ia66l in Sooalb od Hdd eriiafy Epad th. baLnca. Ib Arry nry haw tcpt tle 10th Divieion 詢 け れ 嗚 JttS● 購 c― 施 .r― 耐 o dirr fqold t}$r to arcl up to Seru Dob, but hie '?aca Po*re Act" mrld EvEely lioit thc r*y rm for xti:h tlr divirioll “ '!rtaiind. tffinr$a,brlll..Ircqlle "P° … ‖ 冊州晋 間セ 響濡搬騒:Tt ノら 砂 .lt (電 DEPAHIUENT OF T}IE ARTY OTFICE OF THE 3CCRETAtrf OF THE ANIY uas tqroN,oc 2sllEtc@ 5,i Ff I :′ 1′ ′ :20 ′ ′ 11111‐ ′ 」ど otllct, ct{E ot rEorglTtvEuAr&L Honorable Sam Nunn United States Senator 75 Spring Street, S.W. suite 1700 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Senator Nunn: 'Ibis replies to your October 6, 1994, letter to the Deparment of Defense conccrnhg redesipation of Arrny units' ThedownsizingoftheArmy'makesitdifEculttopredictitsultiE€tcfinal force Army's ,tor"nrr.. Once a delcision is reached on the cooposition of theflqgs to retain' divisi6qal il;;: a determinatio will be made as to whichdivisions the best history. with ii-"i"g g*a-"e at thi;il; inctudes reaining similar guidonce in-1970, w.hen it inactivated the 24th Infantry *phced itwiti the lst Infantry Division, the oldest Regular Army division, which was returning from Vietnam' tGv-iouowed pi[i*'."a . 3d Infartry costs alluded to in Mr. Rubin's article for moving thc lst or 24th are thc pirisio" to iors Stewart aad Benniag; Gcorgia, and inactivating Painting signs and rrchiclc idcntiEcetiOn markers is considered routine post maintcnance ror ermy rmits, and naming strccts aod buildings is the pr.rog"tir". Realignment of division elements could require at least thus, Grc neu, battaiioo .olorr. Rattalion colors cost approximately $3,000 each; the costs for new ones could be $15,000' .il;. *ro.-a.t't A -ajor expqrse, ho.wever, would be moving items frorn ',he 24th Iifantry Divisioa's'museum at Fort Stewart to a storage dqrct in Alabama The cost is cstimated to be $rol,o@. Moving the 3d Infantr-y Division's artifacts from Gcrmany to the Unitcd ststcs is estimated at $278,0Q0, while moving the lst tnfanry'Otvislon's artifacts from Fort Rilqy to Fort Stewart would be considcrably less. iterefore, the totsl cost of replaping fu 2ath Infantry Division with another division mai nrn as much as 9400,000. I l? ■ ヽ 亀彗 軍釘 ‐ 2‐ '. ´ il|o ryocirEryorrsooccnriu-ttir nafrGr. Thc/trnyi! coomittcdto uqtririry ourFoud ulitr Ed rhcir Elditio'+ rvhic.h inirct on ttrc csprit of oru rdficn-.pca rs wcll upescot 一 ・ Sinccrcly, 4*:fu- qfOw*t GeiliDS J Li@Eo&teoloac[ U. S.-ufrmy Chis4 Spccid Actios Brrach Coogresrional Iaquiry Divisioa , Soldiers return from Kuwait, ' while others deploy to Haiti lrfFc.IlE rtr ttp. ]td g[ntonrJohmn tdd b dic trorUgUc lrt of cddlcr! rgcn{rry thc Cfulrtsnar s.aron and , hbr tt l, dlc ltan of thc llcu Yccr ar,!y ftom dt"hFom161crs ,,torc thao 260 roldlcrr .r.lr.d or thc 24th tnf. ftom Southra A a Wedncrday. Ofr. ;rra FJ Sa"*JlHun6' Army L.vlng ftry uho rrnraln thc{r. Thc Ai.ndd frrr" h.;; r h'y ytar hd &ft of roldst honr thc arca b .,n d.rr"rd-,L !d!dd!d b rriE hErt{. r,GGk a:;d;;'A.,.-Jdr- C.rUt "r,n uodft,dc Elr E! tt tlEE !o'6crt Gtrun locauonr thc GrDcrlcnce la a ncvcrthclc'3 a Uth.h.h hmf,q dElt ttt;;; lilltT :l:tP:t d.elqrcd o run-to lpcnd orc bsc$Gr aria-lreporurr op.iauon opiJl (r'ith '----my tun0y) vas nlcc' hrt thc O;cr;iv. golng fu thlt I er'nt bG wlth !o Soldlcre (rom Huntcr Ar.y ouac oftmr A&6ddg a ccinpury, ara !y T S.ta Itolh AvLtlon ;hti,y"a rrra"y ry !.-T1h^tl htusll.c' ltu ctDt' . l{lcholar_futtho_try., opcratbnr of Fr C ll"a Z D Ch tn oo X.- hc lco pic r-t t d Xry-T- ,-F* amli T$fqfis - I ヽ一 , 一 ヽ cc{,2nd BrL, l59th Am. Tark furcc. oroubto HaXL' Thc* roldcn vltt rcphcc o6*t 'Hovevcrt lclng a, loldlcr. I do roldlcru from thclr unlt yho rmdcr!+nd ihrt sc hryc b & our d.plolrtd thcrr ln ccrty Scpcmtcr. lob a'roldlco rftcmnr and rilprThdr mircbn b b colsrxr luP GulrE atr nqcdc4' po for unlt3 from thc 10th 'Eucryoneb Grdd about golng Itountdn DM.bn, Fort Drurl, tl.Y. dovn thcrc and Hng rblc !o hdP out ' stld CaPlL Shiln Racrrll$crt a part of a mfi{atlonal brca iipcgtca to ltmrln ln Hlld lnto off,ccr In chcrgc, 2nd Bn., l59th' lhc ncr ycar, thorc acpbrca ril Am. Tadc furcc. 一” 争 決 , -fut I = ,・ず■購 マ ヽマ Under憮 型m Defen∞ 鐵庸1潔鵠鳳出嘲 l澗 1鑑 翻 f船 研:詣 辮 "dmonstraton缶 m_圏 搬 疏ね L. -ar ltt Scic'ce: Why lnc bdd ocn'r hcldt to tLhY? oseph ttF“ nd鰤 艦蹂酬濡fttMa ng8pnera:ofthe Cen.」 24th DMsion :') 」AMES W。 (for ':Bl■ ■ DUPAW (34th Korea)Writes′ Prttl Pcrrto!' Eugcnc' OR :lget:星 When testostcro[c lcvcls in thc ulture malc risc to a ccrtaitr lcvel, hair folliclcs on the scalp ete ι lttleI::薔 1:'H:二 :T 馬 i: lel:it:i:tt:I ::2:lも "81een Mountain Messengeril′ the stimulatcd to rclcasc thc toublcsome hair shrft, 8trd start producing carnuba we:q a vduable ingf,cdient itr car aod furniturc polishcs. By the way, thc Latin tcrm for midlifc crisir is 'carauba vita', or '8pot wherc thc road alrrows and thc paYcment bccomcs ulcvcu"' Thc moct cncouraging thiag you c!tr do to a bald Dan is to rub his hcad asd murmur, 'Nicc'a shiay.'If morc pcople did this, ttc tolrDcc irdustry would cvaporstc overoight. i::utleBIII・ ialnan item about the VFW Steak Hou80 ::こ i3di::t inded 11::::::雹 :::首 :::iril:1:::習 food Served in the Steak HOuse 8i u::nd:1lalin こ ::ntt:こ d l普 21 イぎ fLcNttγ LeFナ _ oリ ム ソ デ '・ P.P。 t Check5」 ド カ命 り `。 ^bL f・ : ′ ″Fつ lvハ ss● c ■タ ″ ィ イ/olヽ ‐ ― L 11 「 │'Ittl111tィ Jearo oroeas to z ^:“ NASHVILLE! Come September 7,1995 we wi‖ be off and runnlng ● araraa I! we hope to see all of you there. 13 R劇四 口 W― "πRESRVATIONFORM HOTEL 囲 卿 脇 iC― h 瀾 “ 241H INFANTRYDIVIS10N JttЮ α An 95“ CFrY 興 2 露 7m-1■ OSA 19" … iiiiirrs.rnm Frxr(mrrc Aootrrrl.xDAr(xxs: L 譴■d… ■ル … se― oJ : f : ■ 専 ∞ "ユ (1‐ 21饉 , S75.∞ S75m "■ 鮨り 醸 “ き … “ "― ∞ T― D 罐 日 … wE"」 ― arOrDATE― mnHOm m REC― α l●由 b¨ ●mい ___ln血 ● AE― ` … n● ご ― __ lG- Ed od, rb 罰 鴎 ご A― frma __ … ― 腱 色 ― …E… EERVA70N … ― ― ty oda cndit od c Hm_. … り “ D由 ご D― ご dvm― d!9d fu & f[t. d!il. E ― … mL単 ___J剛 ‐ ニ コ L‐ コ Ш q 職 r r{." crtfl .r{ rE 3h ft mtLg nrrfu r Itr-d “ … キ 〕 trltcEl-DEGovrn r CARD m ― -Artx-vBA-fc-ctxrl FORM To m HoTu … =丼 ' 血 山 鰤 SIOUIITRTATWIIIIEO[!L f:andr llrr!:r Sff Gr:r:stu fr-rl+ItletrF.tt2s N0771: スタ ヽ` │ 血 ` 24TH INFANTRY DIV■ S■ ON ASSOCIAT■ ON 、 Annua■ neun■ on Thursdav.′ Sept. 7 - HOndav′ Sept. 11 :995. ● ■●nn. stO口 ffer ttaShV■ ■■e Hote■ ′Ha3● V■ 1■ ・ HAIL TO= ¬ 面 13:iy Ilate chech Payabl€ to: lsan' 2atr rDfaltrl/ DlvlsioE rtrst ?lE8? (res - rol h Hu■ ■■ns u11, 1::′ 。 “ 65072 NAME_P.eaSe PRIN=Le9■ b■ fOr Badge ■lckn― y STREET STAE CITY ヨome Checks Payable phOIle Area COde 2lr.h Drv. ourFITS: r Z工 2ath I. D. s AaBn. nates sGrv€d: ,1 Datea served: ′2 nare of ilfe/Guesta Atte8d'tng ■ttending perBon REOTTIRED REGISftrA"ToN PEE (gruests erclutled I 3_15.00 ' EL. Ielcooe-to-naahv''1le D''noer Saturday Aloha Nlght Dinner 313.50 ea. ● 522.00 ・ ● lte[orlal BaDguet llondaY Breakfast - gt 161s'Ona r N(/rE 3 Do|oR PRICES 10t EIGUER 327.00 ・ ■ Sunday Do Dot Date ffi; PLEASE NOTE8-― ― S_=________ ALコ 甲 田 口8 3_ frlte Belos thI's Llae @ntror ――――――――GIT 3_._ sat'Table I Or DATE A00ST 7, 1995.― 墨 ︱ ′工 t Sun. Tab■ e r ――― ― ――― 、 一 ATIINIION: AII lgTE II{FANIRY rb Amral tett RDIGIMDNT (CETCXS) PERIXTNNDL l6ry Raim (cticb) 'Joh Morgm Irtmrht Brcaldrr. wil be hdd on scptdc 9, 1995 fiom t:(X) AIt . to 9:30 aM. in thc Drvidron c, room of thc Narhville l$uftr llotd, dtc d,the 246 rnfrntry Division Associdion Rqmion- Ilc co* brthc b,real6s is $15.00 with no regisration fec for this cven. sime thc 24th rffi,try Divi*n Arrotirion Amd Ivicdng bltows at 10:00 AM it is requcstcd tha dcndces at thc rrooorhl &trrfist bc prncaral so thrt we mry t'Eet or busincrq c{ our brerrfi* aod rdom to the Assodaion Mccting d 10:00 AM. 'Make Nery Fricodsr Hffi# Thcse are Gold.: Itfrfc f idl ffi !h.* peyable to: lgth InBnfiy Reginert FuDds d@S with form bdow to:Rodolph lr[ullinr HCR 3 Box 191 ItlyPhmc# 3l+365-Imz RoctMOut M0 65072 コ¨ l9TE rNfANtny (cErcrc) MEMORIAL BREATGAST N― ―` … CrY N― STATE OfWtt r 19th匝 陥 DATES SERVED 1. 2. ■0暉AL z■ r AMOUNrENCLOSED S ギ f二一 ′ ` ・ 1{:::,営 彗 Abort orr Ralrior In Nashvillc! A word about the Nashville Stouffs Hotel and the hotd room rale. Bob Ender trqptiatGd sith scveral large hotels in Nashville to obtain the most hraorable rate fur the membership. The Nashville Stouftr gave us the best rafe and frcilities available. There 8re Dany btds with ch€ap€r rat€s but they do not have the banquet, m€etiry fooms' or other frcilititics hge u' adcquale €nough to accommodate large groups zuch as ours. rctc for comparison pgrposeq the standrrd publish€d ntcs for the Stolftr NsshvIIlG Hotd for Jan I to l)ec 31, 199{ are $1,{4.0o for standard rooms. or group discouot rde ir a $69.00 savings offthe mioimum rate. This represents an outstading \ralue for the frcilitics and high levd of s€rvice we will receive. Ptcase Also, we have been given certain amenities that beoefit you and I, the 24th In&nfy Divisioa Associrtiotr, as a whole. For o<arytg the hotel will allow us to Provide or owtr coftc fof thc hocpiUlity room, after a minimum purchase from tlcnr. Tom Cochao hrs agrcd to loan association thc coff€e maker, which is the proP€rty ofthe 34th In[ Regt. and hc and I will wort of money, hrt it ivill afrord us olt tte logistics. Not only docs this save y<xr ssllocidion a thc opportunity to appoitr the first complainerg the coffee makq ofthc day. th @ As a membcr ofthc First to Figbt Division, you are atso emitled to a 15% discount in the Commcrce StreEt Bsr & Grill ud the Bridge Ddi. 疏 12oz Dnt Bα r PriCes for the Hospidity Room: 1 0ztt Btt Sl.50 S2.25 GLss Hom WIne S2∞ Can SodarSon Drints Sl∞ complimentary se,rvices: shoe shine and use of the hotd h€alth club ad pool tcltities. etso the hotel is in the process ofup dating dl rooms and should, by our aniva[ provide the USA Today newspaper from Mon-Fri and the Nashvile T€mDessiltr on Sat. & Sun. They will have irons and ironing boardsr n€w T\fs and hair dryers in each room. , or Group rdes ufll be avaihble on a space arnilrbitty basic 3 days bdore and 3 days after reunion dates. Rooms will also be available on a space availability basis over and above the cofirscted block. So mme early and stay as long as you wish, relor and eajoy yqrsdf :11r 27 1ヽ 華 │■ 譴 LADIES COFFEE TURDAY,SE「 ― BER% 9:30a m …12N00N ATTIENHON ALL LADIEqF ■三一 , FROM:Yvome Mulins Bo sre to sigp up for the Ladies cotree, it is something you wotrt want to miss. we have plmcd 'The cominemal" to take place at a leis.udy hour of 9:30 AM., giving a[ ofyou that G"tra dme in the morning rh* qr6 ladies like to have. This program is planned U the same time of Division Association Anmrat Meeiling -6c24th tfuy our speaker will be Grace oliv6, - tting on "sreet smarts'. Grace olivcr has been studying rrrrtial arts for over a decade and has a First Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. She is the Director oftbe Sunmer County Afternative Program and is also thc Atteodaoce Supervisor for the srrmcr contrty school Di$d6. Ms. oliver teaches 'street smarts' at the y\ilcA as well as to mary civic orgaoizarions. Her goat is to make every person nore aware of their nuroundingq how to a'oid potcmidly dmgero,s sitrcions and most iryortaatly, to twain safe. Lrdieg wtat more can you d timely srbject like 'sreet smarts', a ligh b,real&sr ar a an all around very cnjoyable rnorning for only t10.00. one more thiag your bttrrtrast ticket will be put into a pot for a drawing and one person will wia an afthan and a rack to disphy it on- If you are wondering how you will get it home and you dont have room in your car or if you cane by air, dont worry, it crn be shipped UpS to your horne. t Ps offce is locared in the adjoining shopping mall. Another point I would like to makg if we all come out and srpport this bre8mst, we will hwe the funds to pay for it and it wont hsre to come out of the 24th Inf Div. Associations funds .Send in your reserrations carly, this is rersonrble hor, good a fieo&, good *rnoundiagq ooe 'Ladies Coffee,! you will nwer forgetl! nke chck payable m 24th賦 恥 Assoc and miltα Rodolph Mumins HCR 3 Box 191 Roco MOut M0 65072 NAME STREET COST $IO.OO , =Fガ 「 = LADES COFFEE CrrY EACII. # ATTENDING STATE 7rp TOTAL AMOllNr ENCLOSEDS ′6 、 I■ そ ヽ Crupgroud Infornetion ca4grumdr thd ae cJoccst to doumo*l ncar ttc Nalhvillc Stoftf HotdTnru are ncar Op,ryhnd wi6 crsy acccss rurtat to ttc hotd' KOA Nasfrvillc op,rylaod loctcd oa Brilcy Putwrv, E:rit l2B 1.5 mi on l\trusic vdl€y Dr. Th€y oftr e lelc seoior discoud, .d th€y thoul4 rdnce basic price fu 94.55. Phonc 615-8t9{Dt5 KOA Na$villcrDicksoo I4O JCT I-40 Hwy 46 orit 172 across from lVcstbound orit. 23'10 Hurl6. Phone There are two 6t%99'25 There re othcr cqgrumdr around NaSville hrt thecp two rrc recomcodod bccaure ofthcir dosc proximity to thc Nashville Stofitr Hotd. ATRIEND u ficod wto has sharcd our moming dap No greeting litc his crdcom' There is no frieod like old No homage likc his Praisc. Frre isthc sccmtccs flowcr, with gnrdY crowns of gold; Brn fiieadshfu is thcbrcatting rose *ith swcas in everY trd. RalPh Waldo Emson are arranging a visit to Fort Canpbdt, home of thc l0l$ Airborne Divisioq for Friday. The tour wi[ include, tolr of the Post, the l{usorm, view a specid 'Slit" of th€ Ah Aslslilt School, hloch d tePost Srrchogectfucdq diining fidfity, Oficcfs Chb orthc Sportroansladge. lile Udortrnrtdy, we are rc*icted to gct your requcst in br rhir tqr as tour, so it will be on a fr$ rs& 6r$ serve bssis- So wdooming soon as poc6lc. Yqr will bc notified with 172 for thc pr iclll"r_ YES,I WISH TO TAKE THE FORT CAMPBELL TOUR ON FRIDAY 8 9田 町EMBERり 5 NAME: NAME OF CtJEST: TOTAL DATERECEMD STREET llJNI「 Joph■ M400n 19th lnf BII&Pat Hoslcr 21st lnf Hm 52nd FA N.Roads HQ SJA … Hanr&Jane schoch T」iam T.Ш 7ralL‐ 助 Arn CA 91331 801 1七 山田澪 Dr “ 47 Yohood Dr 陥 価 饉 dtt PAlЮ 55 Columm GA 31Ⅸ る Brick NJ 08723 772Dow am Dr 力面劇 h TN 37013 34thRegt 2640 Ddw Rd物 01 WntLOm IL 60087 BII VIckm Ray&鰤 12733 ncatine 19th lnf 409 Sharon Av K― itB Bbm9 J“魔 CrFV STAl卜 7rprnIDF SR 側 面 D市 _Hq. 140 Von Ron Dr 3rd Eng BN PO.BOx H368 mon CA 31210 Hunine AL 35814 JR 34th lnf a2 W.Pin P.O Box lo16 &EhorKubng 24th Recon_ 1637F… _ Gdm Oけ KS 67846 chddOn sc 29407‐ 3926 m&NЮ tta Payne nthFA BN 4545Son genn spring6dd M0 65810‐ Vd&Jean Schaaf 21st lnf Grge R&Pean cmvels 19th lnf Drtch&IrfargoNersen 1244 SE 35th Av 1262 MbOro OR 97123 180 East6890 SOuth Mdde lJr 84047 . l3thF.a Sl2orionDr coloradospringscoEggo6 I,]NIT NAME J.SpikeODonnell 2lstlnf Dick & B€tty Bob & Ruth IaEk !1r. Zane & Robc[t Wells Ivlanson Kirt( Iv{ary A STREET l02sPlcasatrtPl' OakPutIL6O3@ St 52nd FA lO2 W' Pike 24th Sig'Co' 1344 S' Grove 34th Itrf 600 E' Olive 24th Recon' RR Wallace Retuiry lgth Edwud& StellaCanigur 52 Inf FA CITY' STATEZIPC{)IE Av Av 256 #l Box Attics IN 4791t Ba:erytfr' 6laU2'n:n Burbsnk CA 9l50l Heame TX 77t59 P.o'Box222 Elfef3 FL 346t0 RR#2 Jactsonvillcll6z690 AlbqtP.Liwanrg3rdE4rBNg5llThorntonMStodrtonCA9520}1256 Joh L. Toohey I3 FA BN 9O4 C€il€r St A$lard PA I 79 I Frrocis&DeeWebrr2rstldlo2ThroclmortonoldBtidSpMctsT Frrnccs Ann Evalto Atronso&BarbaraChavez 2lstKCO P'O' Box l05l ParadiseCA95967 Basil&IrilargpretDooovu2lstKCOlgs2N€ptrcDrEnglGm'oodfL3423 Vurgfo& WilmaHoop 2l$ K CO E|m€r&WelmKrueSer 3426 Napanec 2lstKCO 1929 155 Dr St Daytoa OH 45430 LowdGoIA52255 Im&Pdl-€mon2lstKcoP.o.Box35TFrieo&hiPIN4702l Ioc & lvlary Morreale 2lst K CO 820 Gsry Page 2 ′│ Dr Keoner LA 70062 L ︲ ri: j-' :' ^ '. IIT'Ift lJNrr STREET rrrV STAll・ 21pranF Icrry Oliro 21st W 2 Maxine Dr Mo市 stOwn NJ 07960 David& Ruby Spcnocr 19th CO A 642 W CO.Rd ndison IN 47250 Iocph&Xay 13th FA BN P O Box382 PionmOwn cA 92268 21st K CO 107 HOmer Av Bu任日o NY 14216 Ernc* & Dorothy Vieoneau 21st lnf 26 Potter Rd Walmm MA 02154 RudoSt& Violatrrcber 21st K CO 41l E 14th Lcrom KS 67548‐ 9653 DorU & Oprl Wiltiams 21st K CO Box 326 VVy口■ Sth RCT 179 Nueva Av San Franci“ Ю Xhhcr& I :llim Risccck 21st■ f 807‐ I ,oh&BeiyBuy 19th Ы 9945 Foster \lirca \i"rncGil Trcbonyak & Frerccs'Vdla &Rosc Gaglianto Ild&ibmtuc Sreheass 21■ ■ぼ M063882 CA 94134 Ed― ds F呵 レ 渕 出 嘔 VA 22075 1789V」 0dand RJkKS G陀 12 Dr Dd_oH 43512 … Cal &Ir,Iry SuGGud 19th賦 26431 VlliOmshg Bα由ほSpriO FL 33923 Bil& KatrriaeFranke 24th Sig CO 1309 BJdge Rd CharldOn Wv 25314 Vm 63rd FA 550 E Mill Rwublic M0 65738 21"■ 置 401 VIIson St Claude TX 79019 Rodolpt& YvomeMrllim 19th LC HcR 3 Box 191 kdEcAhtia 13thF A BN 13 Goorge Ode &BcryTodd Ioh & Cr6ctine Porter , EvdJ/nBritittr 3a Rocly MOm M0 65072 Mcha」licsbur8 PA 17055 膨 qfuur e,urpll qunq ,iqq! tut4gtrl Iiqpu aro(.nam trp rrc oqra nor(Jo -o$ ,otr ''.ry Fg@!{ eql 'uoprg qd qr q q$uqyooo{.sma( aIlE Fl IIEII & .ur .1t .te,rr or 1lpa moq rira upcoo ,rttf, p@ sttloP Erpilst e,ooq rno rE q trudoddr cq I;ryt'o P1lorf, tssalP pol targs uqp,nrytopiltg'46.r'frprqrS4!'fgrlrq.I'Elb.gl4oolfporeItgtuoddosgt illmf ) ,. -" ' a+ru! ten ts rq-Fr.ry tq-c,l rn old I m e41a.n no,(g E p uDFaAvIETE rnof'rom or @rp -E'f, Ptr aoqc moI eq pplu reerp eiqldort[3 eeqtopf,utr4arrpeqqqrodqptFrurrur@uotn$anpperyqlors@Pltrr lT rqpan{r'morotr u6.u,{rypfaqlrof .:rrrom,rra!EoFEooaa4g$aPeoltdorlft 'ro;,rryq poot mf uo ql c toqt ppsrc thFl m tom foppto4c unqF Eorrl.r 3q gn Iaql frrdg oFsloc q Fl sPit FUIC ill.lA ol,rEEF 3! 3HI rlaqdoo pd prnrnroold aryl olcu^Fltq cqolg!AES EFffilnwtrPetcar@ ' e^rq tlf, frq[deqopu {qtrcn$q otroqfr nolrepn laduq PE FoFt 6 tmr[.'qlrtaIsfoP'oFn "ug.cdrofr,re,rrq sp t tq poq.ql t tc^V tE[ lo t99 rmg ed tqrd q'm rrru no'( mq ptq eql 3! pldl nOJo u9{ go ruog q fna4p q.Orrd fra#rd ql Fl llrrB arooC rro{ Fm e11'6 roa s6'6q tlo p. qqqFAt q qta rnrt r''(tP Dd m']t ltgo pn bugn6 pro11 1X;1ITAffi, lrp roo16or.{r r.pr * @ n FP.Uu'$ a tq 6F [rn aill .l(qlesst.qrurgpmofqlodepEAeanspp's4!'&omJoutouiarudoddlqt qtF fi""F rq,u rrpp qr om, I@ tgnr eql rP q rory rof,.n tl,I5F eqlp dFoer uodn 'roq qc E tl.:pp .EltJo .looq Z -ote U.i' cll 'sr,pp e[gu 'B eFpu! F,f, rry rm ry no,( o pegrur eq p,r req pl[ Doltpqnoqr uy'aqg uot[Efrr Ftr JtItIIlp prll oqrq uo.f"A.offoraa. ap qr;n ioop uuqy uop'u.6rr nror(;o d.mr uodtt hof e .q}.s3 Iq, sl,,plt 9 Ppc eq uA lu|d JooP e0.$ 4U cql {Bnoro aoPF .q| e8lnsp [.!f, elh loPPwV qPJo E@r., Fr@ S8, eqt por IsG I Jo l{rr.n nm qpg ilR eplourtnuoo or ooclltcy roF! lG IryquI $l'Z f,1t lo! f1pm&t eprt[ o;jl F"I;J, ,36 .S tq q a fr.udg rgp popq or q!! lt1@t sg m 'uct)t { eof 'qcrl frp6 Eo [rrrP.q [P$ &n 'tanbrng FP@ryr1 rto ttnrttD tf.E pur searrF rnqs 'lclmcp c;o tunrruoo 'ltd'cJo t" 8 8l lp[l'lf, uogl![Il podJo oo11 frpmrs pc Irygf o9 rr u,alnP'q ll.ra fllI'eqr,r qE eU rrqp rpp o @oq ilp.n) qcop a1xlu uop*rnlryr q197 ppcdg 1ru *mbqqlrm@r rr'qfltf, e.taqf, rpre A'friwpporrv --.] onl ar rzlrd d!!ta SOI$Jo rr.on q an f41 qoln n.u t s.!Pq ilo Pur teqtnt run s,rm ltp .... i Pl! rercgp.ra g.tt qooq.q 11ra cEq1. '('ea$ro xp earq &rcd ba,itlty for this occadon. ffir&h'th trnr frrAffia Us pronilsal to rcspond wiltin 6e nera 3 u,Ed$. rod cntertaiment will fullow CartoonLst larrpoons the u a later drc. silty rule that male Eoldiers are not alloxed to use umbrellas. Ttrere is supposed to b€ the idea of manliness here, but on the other hand, there's nothing very attractive about a sopping-wet soldier. ′ 縁//`チ ` t:/ ///i, 3t, EARLY BIRD INCENTIVE:!:!!!!! ADVANCE REGISTRAT10N DRAWING REllMON CIIAIRMAN,RllDYヽ ■LLttJS,WILL ARRANGE FOR A DRAWING SHORTLY AFttR AUGUST 7TЦ CUT-OFF DATE,FROMコ田E NANIIES OF´正L ■正 卜伍 MBERS WHO HAVE SENTIN WIR ADVANCE RECISTRAT10N TO… CIIAIRMAN BY THAT DA質 PRIZE WILL BE: … Thr∝ Complimentaw Room Nights At The Nashvi」 e Stourer Ⅱotel To Be eli」 ble fOr this dra_g,your check and reglstration follll must be in the hands of CMrrnan Rudy Mulins by Mo■ dav.August 7th. GREAT ODDS!!! DON'T DELAY!!: YOUPLY BE■ ■■L LUCKY ONE! G00D LUCK!!: 一 m 一 一一 一 一・ ・ ・ 一 一 ・一 一 一 ・ 祗 躍 丁HE GRAND PR!ZE! Clarenbridge crystal Decante, and Glass SET ″ ぎ詢 │ 鷺 睡 壺 多 文 ` 議は Top L.n: Rrrlllinch.itnD.rd wifa ( tudy MuliB.nd YvqE) RitE A@." ,tld Quih R.& fa s.r. R:flc Top C.da: T$o rrlE 0d Ttb hdi!. w.n Wd.i.r ft. fi& Si-lrfl. B(,t6 tri: On of s6&a wdl Cloct f6F i-&sa R O. Bd6 fa 」 ` RiSh Fri & h of4 W.ll Rrgr &. Sr. R た 、 一一 一 ” 37 1990 Nashville Points of Interest .l99 rvarule Ard Clrn6.r,, Gmmr.e F ′ 、 「E ●一● O Z ● > く ●2 C ” ヨ3mmOD r ” 一■●” 口0≧↓ ,, らヽ ヽ L NO■ CE TO´LL KOREAN WARヽだ:‐ RANS KOREAN WAR‐ TERANS iTS YOUR REUN10N CALENDAR OF EWENTS 16‐ 17‐ 18 0CTOBER 1995 THSE DAYS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ЧNDrVIDUAL ORGttZED躙 品 REUMOS.FOR INFORMA■ ON ABOUT tt AREA AED¬ 田E ASSI BEACH Ⅲ Ⅲ メRY CONVENHOヽ PLEASE CALL CAr■ ONLY FOR」 鵬 艦 鴨 Я 硼 y田 1: 肌 咄 語 肥 留 汁 P F:RST NAT10NAL KOREAN WAR Vttπ RANS REUN10N 19‐ 20二 劉 OCTOBER 1995 鮒 T _MUSEUMS‐ OR YOUR OWN DES暉 憚 辮閻朧鍮∬ . N THEA「 :LRN00N― ―DISPLAYS OF KOREAN VJAR MILrrARY EQIIIPMENF WILL BE On 朧 欄 鵬 縄 柵 網 辮 則 鳳 腱 瀾 冊 ぽ器 叫 SATIIRDAY 21 0CTOBER 199LINTIIE MORNM WE ARE HOLDING OURNAΠ ON札 KOREAN VE「 ERAN PARADE ON ttLA卜 田Cハ に INVIRGINIA BEACIL VA TIIE∝ EANFRONr IS PARALLEL T0 011R PARADE「 YOU DESIRE BEM INTHE PARADR mTIFY REUN照 )ヽ . 揚WT品 開器 ぽ 器 ぶ 馴 濯 硼 品 譜 罵 躍 鳥 識 闘 腱 P躙ヽ RE DR「 TED VOLUNTEERED urヨ FOuGH「 FOR YOU nE GOT― NDED 距 GOTユ 川 WE OAに 3 VE′ RS WE WO日 THE COLD辮 旺 躍 旺 WE COT COL● ,H帆 旺 00T DISBLED 曇 嘲 ? AT 2100 EOURSC9PHDWE ARE EAVINC A-OR REENACrMENr OF THE LAST EOIJROFTEE LST D▲ Y OF TIIE WAL :TSTIME TODttCE WIH OUR L01m ONES T0 THAT mHDERFUL 50Sttuslc.wE′ LL HLL BE ttLE TORE日 嘔 TH■ 日FnES tt nE KNEWI■ 3, l KO― wAR… PA劇 ● %"… 「 V■ … …,L― ― AY ONt工 :=L107 s REIJRI10N ¨ NALP赳 ヽ ■ lL ・ Vヽ 23“ │ APri■ … 鶴 Ⅲ dt ‐ 0-M V● 襲 軋 G31L"伯 .: riE EF a -:EfrBEdCoirIt .:.v. , -, " -rL Ba.h' 3af: t: . -Stcrtriu:. { I I o- eir- ' rokgaz V.. Ed. 9.234iI , ' .h+cAnrocdc EriaEi..*t- 3,.1lLaD. F.BChd. v.- ZO4f , Cddccmct WiEES.h ld6&,i* = ' lld E-.4;s 轟 f Roberc J.. Lawhon Taro Leaf 24th fnfantry Divislon Assoclatlon P. 0. Box 5065 Colorado SprLnts, CO 80934-5066 Dear Robert, I Eust apollgize for the lateuess of Ey letter to really busy traveling and treJ JL"1t.r, ,y busiuess. I hav_been P― ― ■ tttM硼 I saB the Korean War Reunion aDnouncetrent our last lssue of Ehe Taro Leaf. We have tra q"li. l-fi in ro.""o veterans rrho have responded to the aniouii.i.r,t' rei, nave Eade soue comltneEts to the reunion in.oa " VlrglnLa Beach. !g oow have a pernanent office and a nes E00 uuober for - office. the Korean War Reunion parkway II, Suite 207 t_800_523_47r5 .804_468_0846 Best regards。 鮨 … ■ 坤 ;降 ` T― = .喘 ・ ≧:` 呻呻 、 c “ … D. Eugene Brittan W … you. thaak you and I reaLly appieclate your -hopeAgaln, I to get to one of 24th ,",rrriorr r soo". -f'j""a supiort. started Ey about 2 years ago and I"' a g.ttirri ro pornt r rrllt ::"_Py:i:.": De aDIe to take some tile off. Jb■ ■●● , l,lr. fnternational parkway Virglnia Beach, Va. 23452 qr56Cdo. ■ 14, 1995 … 陥 ●c R Va … り0 ● . ` ′・ 〔 , SIn R… 劉″ 印距由 争 F― ,CA 02000 “ 山 T-714)9諄 1“ 1 A「 i1121995 Edilor 2l hfaEyDivEm Arlodatfrn TloLaf POBor6066 CobrrdoSpiql C;OfiIl,{-{066 Yc Ed: Edacd yor will frd l[E TIGER SURVI.RS Nccdcllcr- Wo werc r[ t{)W'r h Notm Ifu.E , Dody em lho 24ft lnfmEy Diviim, crpluttd h July l95o- Mry ftoat TI{SK FORCE SIL|ITII Wold rgufuc ir wt wilh ur &o. if yoo mrld plrcc our rurirn rdrrtrliscaremt in lhe ncxt Bulcfin. TI(ER St RVfVORII: nE 3lr !o Argust 6th d Hoffity lm Cqitol Phz4 3m J. Strccq Ss]tr.rso CA 95t14. Cdlrt Shnty ErbDroof fa mac infomalim I Uyn tutdlaOf Sp& {4 IrtG }-6!!t CA 92610I'dcphonc 7l+5t3-lt4l. You arc r TKiF'R SLJRVIVOR if mr wGrc c{llEed h ,uly 1950 ud wrc wilh on gup lxl l,y C'oloo.{ totn Dott t Wc re m@ frqn lhc 21lh lnfa!ilry l)ividm. IrIrry du Thm& pu mcmban ao abo mnbcrr of AI{EXPOW. I mr e lifc for yor odidcrdfont hPercondFrccdm' 大 sし Sllm… ケ′ rmbcr' 範rJ.町m ■ 酬 “ Lester J. Wynn 243 Highland Terrace Drive League City′ TX 77573 寸:ず 、 ti l Apri1 4, 1995 TARO LEAF 2,lth lafantry Division Association Kensood Ross, Edi t or 120 llap I e Street Springfield, l{A 01103-2278 Dear Mr. Ross I am a nephew of Kinley V. Hynn. He has had a desire to attend one of the reunions for a number of years, however, he never told me about it until this past week. I told him that I would try to find out shen the next reunion was scheduled and if possible, I rrould take him to it. Kinley rill be 81 ycars old in July 1995. He loves to talk about his experiences during the war and would truly enjoy seeing others that served during the war in the Pacific. Kinley V. I{ynn began his service on February 6, 1942 and servcd 3 ycars, 3 months, and 26 days with Company K, 3rd Battalion. Be holds medals for the f,sian Pacific Canpaign t ith 2 bronze stars, the Philippines Liberation rith 2 bronze stars. He was anarded the Bronze Star on March 6, 1991 , 46 years after hc nas discharged, Kinley ras not given a middle name rhen he ras born, hogever, the army insisted that he had to have a middle name or initial , so he gave himself the 'V' and said it stood for 'Victory'. Victory is exactly rhet He had in the Pacific, however, it did cost a lot of American lives. Some of those were related to Kinley and me. Plcase corrcct Kinl ey's address: Kinley v. Ilynn P.o. Bor 193 tX 7 926I Please send the information concerning the reunion to the address on the head of this letter. Yours truly, Turkelz, *- '--2 4,ed.q Lcater / //,tr^- wynn リス me at 漁 せ ^ 一.. 一 一 ・・´ . SAUstuIlhlz of the 21th InfanUY lrffidon t@btlon Computerlazatlon of the lndtvrdual records ls rrow compbte' ard albws ea,sy gatfrernrg of statlsucal lnforrratton, some of whlch ls preaented here. !hl9 tnforuratton ts as tmPerfect as are tlrc records from whlch lt ls gattrcr€d. thny. marql records are u,ocfutty lncoEplete. For orampb' urder 'unlt" one flrds the -I entry. "nrst platoon" chadle @mpany." (what reglmenfD Or' wasvtth thc boys ln the Phfllpptnes." (Obvfusry WWII but what unlB) hrcn" "l sas a Glnlet all tlre way." (2f st all dght. but *'hat war?l Als, thls lnforrratlon charges dafiy wlth the addltlon and loes of E€mbers. So, for what tfs torth I pr€sent the followlr4l to you. Dutch Nelsen 蹴 ′■■CS Bv War 1.7OS annual rrembers f ,065 $f 0O Lfe members -1 1.048 Korea f fS 0f5O Llfe membcrs 14 CoEp. members l,255 D.Stom 7 Pcarl Har 64 LmSt antes: CA 217 PA 201 FL 190 NY 163 1X 138 0H120 CA 99 MA 98 M1 94 N」 94 NC 70 1N67 VA 65 M0 64 V肛 57 WA 56 1A 52 MN 50 FL劇 け … FL… 6 3 TF Smth 16 POW 12 2,809 total ttmbers lL 129 電蹄器 738 1∞ ね 出 Hq: 78,WWn 27,Kon露 124 DⅣ ndy 21,VJ7Jn 14.rorea 7 帥 5ぬ ICT 22 an Eorca 19u■ 591,VJVI1 243.Korea 278 21st: 620,WJn 301,KoFea 247 211.KOrea 104 m865,WWⅡ 1∞ .WWI1 41,KOrea 44 3rd Eコ じ 鰍 脚 淵 蹄 織 餞b 24th Med:“ ,WWI1 19.Kora ll llth FLH:75,WWI1 31.Korea 33 1鋤 nen:軋 v「I132.Xora 36 52nd ttu:60,WVI1 30,Xota 25 63rd bld:41.VrJH 20,Kora 19 24m m 33,WWI1 11,prca 11 339th Eng:51,an W77n 24th OM:18,V● I13,KoFCa 5 彎3 ト “ ?qf suwJBeJo p.ry@ rnllrrs8B rr uarlf, fpal 11;r uoF.r/rlp {sl u illl '$6I pqcadD suryep ttrgBII aqt tulmi {.r ptmod flR rro q IIIA Dplap ..@r1 a.dory,, arq1, (rqrr,rrr r€.rD r!ryqc rmrunorf ffiJff-eTXLH fmaaawfqdap cpar oa peppeps arr '1gn aqf Jo }sd erucxl a.roJ eaprifi pg -rBf urqryl e[I| eoqs P|EB IZ qln!ru eII| uo,g 8Dlpps aqp rp eB.DJ tqfo@p q Unoa T tBrR 9 EO pnrr roE (r€1'11 uoFlA(I fquqr{ qfg6 FiBq-irBAEH eql iln tq entl&: lEq }rnrel Poleu+tu etln aunl pw . rawn, Tr?g ttofr o,,[ 'woqah" .yhnyptny mo tuno|n lo wryt lo .:!M_?n,,t Waverg'11 pooq44n artt as'cr'rnat aer rrttu r ra$, ia"2-Wltt-wtlv 'tt pto 'ty.rw y:l W26 p,n.\n .'oh,io-n-,;ri nzwa-.r.ay?nyllp "U .ffiW w-tttlor4 ntwt D t zpm ?,u ,{ prm .opd lo mtd?? I ffiHwn#,iffiW - -"d-i,1iia7ii,,r&i-i,q Trdi rueou, rramatoaao-?y u, vzqla.oa4 non pr7W1" ry pw ,$unofi-tdq.fltb ftnq"vt 1 lt z*Iawzln'*ifuq ?,rynos-.W n pq.rytd ia rt Puo Tlott n tr.tw Y-.1-T,rt ."o '?^'Drl 7.?q.,0a fi u1 .ftWlaoJit lrxrtfraq t@lpqt ftu o7 uonitdoozi ewu;ohi| ptlrl1 tuoT,ittod rfrarf" zi_t t nW" Wr*rFlr;-r! *#-tiffig';YYY6ry1Hi;n'I;w.Ft:w, '}tr?4,.l ,od r.o/| ,, .rl nl aowT .7 20199 s x .rwFryuqt lt?tpl, TmoX ftr1 'a'il nlfinoH .t *tna glgg 澤 _r」 _,董 1 ■亀レ ー■ 、 ■ ■・ 一 、 Americot veter@rs ,eturned, t80 of us is one estimote' All of us paid our am woy. We one not as yaorg or'as wealthy as we wottld like"' Every place ve'wqtt; n"o overuhelmed bl erprcssions ol gTatitude lor what our armed forces ca acconplished, oA theii dniration of us persowlly..'The Americot people hu&ed years be pruud of this trstion we helPed develop hegirning almost o oyo. W" iot be proud we stood up to our moral obligation vhen they werc ,i ivaded by an memy. ' . Dy:h,i1tue,NJl ,dItu b Odtu20,lga4cctEalDo8E ltc vilhgB IIe pomisd rE AsL ti'''h'EIlqe h frrnis[.l lrr"Arh"-;-Corumffuir 6 go;trrcat rurld Irl-.rirlleDqwd.Db Ilhdsash..'llbrqldtrEF.t! ;;tuM-il"-+-l* rdmirirtrllrs d iE ffi rrh'ha"d;o iri.fy il t" "ttl"F t'-ld Ud r sdd 'r'rrc d''d'r+FIIF tod$' 6e inrdiryF I* E@d hrd';E;f_;9Ftl" c i6Ld'"' tddit frtyt t-ilrUt tu-tb-tu xith tb E6 B. h4 d rn -r..P;.iqtd#,;dr.dq'-i eurar.i.r lsdftsolqelsHhb6a- gti$ w lrltL oa fl i r. btDi'lotbcm!'qA?1* mlxtiligis,oas.ryorns G;h6rtt*gceEo o br'-rEE 'cdlcdlcdBcadbascrorbtorsd osrs r.6Jeps i":bplfliEig roffi @ Tt lntrffidtdi*ri'to *HbTtTeacardT&tdP.to. with th? t**-wFf,y Fals ffiffiffi, f$arh go,cfltltil d Gact d['r we werc sortiag GERALD HOWE′ ■601 S.Ranch Rd.′ NeW Ber■ in w1 53■ 5■ ―■652′ is ■ooking for anyone who may have any information on his brother BERNARD L. HOWE K 2■ st nlai■ c■ erk KIA 7′ ■■/50. Pfc. Howe entered the Army ■/■ 7/49′ ■eft for 」apan on 4/■ 5/49. He was with the 24th when the fighting first brOke Out in Korea and the 24th Div■ s■ on waS the rirst div■ s■ on to bear the brunt of the fighting. ■f anyone can give any informa― tion on Bernard′ kind■ y notify Cera■ d Howe at the above address. ク The falni■ y wi■ ■ be very gratefu■ 轟 ′ 言子 . 嚢轟曇撃暴誇懇 ‐十 ■‐ ち ・ i・ す■手轟薩羮 ==lilt罐 "暴 寄■ = '. , J: . ″ 切υ 晨 ИⅣ Fκ WELCOME… T00UR WORLD “ “ “ Mノ MAy“ Ю OF UNMATCHED 盟 VINCS AND IJNEQUALLED 勁ヽ ′ ● VALUE IN■ ■ LIPINO ORIEM晟 AND GRCDCERY SEOPPING! m atЪ nWn3-● p9」Ir… … Hヽ “ 蹴 出 ¨ ■ 口n“ … ご`― ― ■は "¨ 033-W o― _晟 ― … 饉 … ・LIVE CRABS ・FRESⅡ FISE a SWOoDS ・FRESⅡ VECETABLES. 拙 鶴機 器 温 驚 :二 ^:│ず ‐ ) Tma Lap“ epen_ce our n4Ltt‐ 可電 問 1,: ・ 1 ‐ 鵠出 Yfarren and Lucille Coats( 24th MP) are proud grandparents of H€ather Llm Cooper graduates fron high school in June and Yrill enter West Point June 29, as a Cadet.Good Luck Heathert 叩 芦 ror理 b Π lpin llurDl hy I s Laus l. 2. ″ 勧勧 ″ 讐 3. A flve-second grenade " ais*," which meont "Litt'le Box.' The enemy 4, If 5. lrlll alrays go off ln three, ever share a foxhole v.lth anyone braver than you are. attack. From the trench word of L!? the dlverslon that you are lgnoring ls the nain enemy ls ln range, so are you. Anythlng you do can get you shot 1c -- includtno nothtno. vICTORY FORlfVARD American soldiers adopting Haitian schools′ repairing school bu‖ dings By Ss卜 nd● A.Long 出 Port-.u.Prlncc, HAITI - Thc crowd soldlcrs lauohcd'and chccrcd as American rnd- H.Itiln chlErcn trlPP.d rycr thc soccct U"n f, t fult of 3ct qal g.m€ to bG day€d Uy fJ fot Srrke under ttrc adopt'aectrol " comc in and do somc Prcllminary Palntlng and Dut . nea roof on the buildlng,'' Scoff tr3k forcc also dcllvcrcd several ""ri.-ftt" bo:rcs of food and dlcr ttcrrrs to thc $hool to bc dstdbutad to tocd n GdY famlli€' --iut *t a sc.ticd to be thc mod PoFrltt itcms dctt Grcd wsr tro rocccr balls, ridch thc soldcr3 uscd b drallrrEfc thc stLtdcl 3 to 」 認ea:ぶ婦濯蹴需品認 ary 35 lnrdcnr&, ggP.q,4 rnaqr o|rJir-",* ttE tdp ard ffi#;'trffi;;;",r ::f og;;-ttc parc;t3.cre vor*hg i'I tldt P't{ sE[(:'.Trc( -li+": tt-d,a1t:lll1i"15:i5}; m" Iit?t-tttt+ trclr Forca. arca and lost Job!- 蠣 諏 鸞 赫[I覇 覇高l:職 磁 Ⅲ幸1脇壁 高出路誅 満苗ぶ 」 T型 ―」 Omd― g饒ぽr"amnged・ ごL話 こ雌 n..l enm― 価 品 朧 41■ En山 "r COrnPary 榔 i-3 i― dOnaung ′ をvnh “ ● □ ● ● ・ ・ 路翠円5:'oIC器 ::=よ証:霜 義事 C01umbus GA 31907 is loOking for8 Dr.′ 」aIIleS │::: rぃ 洲 岬 撫 ‖ ギ 鐵 ・ You told 311e tt b― t.・ =・ ・ __コ・"Ontln“ ■ ぃn_●hat the h h“ =^__l“ 略 h`● n-ln andilod l嗣 i響 N』 ― ・ I・ theLdyⅢ タア .│=f'│ C. WatSOn 34th 044-145 and Fred Wo Waetinger DiV.Hq. 144-=45 ヽ ∨ 30 November 1994 ,llpreclate the Thanksglving measage sent via tian radlo. A l.tttle lilt garbled but f think f got your call letters aa KBSptB. [essed rlth Ead radlo *heh I spent a tour at the South pole xlth ny.i hellcopter unlt everyone ire tal.ked to back ln the USA wes rn zed wlere we-were located ahd really wanted our Co'cardg that ldentlfied u8 and our location. Eere ls an lteE for the next TARO LEAF- hocelved a phone caII from Assoclatlon rneober EILLUAN RABAIS a ihort tlne ago. EfLLftAIt ras a nenber of Conpany K, 19th Infartry ln Beppu and xorea fron February 1950 unalt Aprll tgsl . Ee waa capturdd by the ChLnese in Aplrll 5l after his conpany v.s attached rhtle the raglnent paa on llnc lir the mountilns of South Xorea. After evading the Chlnese for two daye ha.and a- buddy rere clptured and aent to Canp , (later renunLered Camp 3). Ee stayed a prlaoner until Auguat of 53 at rlrlch tlne hc r,la repatrlated;. EILLIIN has kept up slth the menbers of C@pany f that were In the piolf canp elth hin but rould llke to hear from nembers .ot.C@pany x that sere rith hld in Beppu and Korea. Ee tellb me he lar often .rcndered about the nen thal were not captured but hc,dtd not knos hov to contact any of. then uitil he sas on the lEsoclation atatlonery that f had been a menber .of the 19th during the lrhe tlDa frane that he was a nenber. c furthci told mer that although he llvea close to New Orleana he uas unable to attdnd our lait reunion because of naJor surgery In arune and septeEber that reatricted hin to hts home.. anyonE -, uirhlng to contact hlr. can srite or call h.in at the following: . 一﹂ 一 一^ ロエLmN RABAIS 315 Pa7■ 8h Street 」:Arabi′ LA 70032 、 (504)279-0053 A180 reCeived a ■etter f=om char■ es E. G■ 7rett Who was a ma.nher of S● rvice c6mpany′ 19th Regiment in ■950-51. Char■ es has recent■ y retired from the United Nations and llves at the fo■ lowing address, Promenadenstr 13 CH-9400 Rorschach′ switzerland ■ renemb● r Chuck as a warrant Officer in our Re91mental Motor Poo■ . Best of the holidaya to you ヽ l ノ 24TH INFANTRY DIVISION EISBORY this project and -;; getting under- waytoonbe The association is just formed to sorl' ii;;-#^bers has a comittee of three p"tt'ipt those.members who have already sith the publisher. indlviduals for such a ;;;'h";; Loors wouta be coirpetent contact Those of iou wtro have-such tarent preasegrouP' ;;ili;a;":o,r. S"cretary-Treasurlr, Dutch Nelsen, to Join this in the TARO LEAF so to aldrt This article is being circulated expressed lntense interest aII members who have'previously ltuch place' is iaking i"-tiiit publication a's to whatancl necessarv' be prannrng, and detalling.sltI. irsi';ililgl meobership glve our Eo this briefing is onti iii"trt" brieiing, some facts and basl-c informatlon' 500 members have paid noney to the Ereasurer Previously over -ai-$,rs been uoor. rhe nanes and amounts have ;;;-;-;;;i, such therefore' treasurer; ;;;";"I;ii' recorded bv the i"ai"fa""it wilI receive Proper credit' The tt o major publishers of nilttary histories will coBPete for the contract to produce our history Taylor Publishing. Dallas, Tx' Tuiner Publishlng, Paducah, KY' companies and the ProJect can from both We have proposals -i" "il and -Turnef -aaml.rtianti3":,- Tavlor ?3: ^.,- as;oc i I ;ili-'i ;i;f, ;;":il; ""-1 ^*::*L -r1 " executlve be intervlesed,Pl-tl: ;iii;-;"";iiln pi"liuiritv,edltor I However, Nashvllle. conmittee ta lot e in thls isque you are a vote the ballot 1l out to ng ntereSt pro[Ptrv' rhe.prlce ql1 !: i;,-;;;t'"it"a, :il=;;i;;; -lr- I o--t"- i i o, itepen-ai ngT'p"1 . 1:l 1"T::: :I i iI' d:';;si ;i;-"r".""t 1?-\? 1-!"1T:":X^f:::^th" i'.alo"t ;;;:;;d;; tn" proJect r's conpleted' fi;:-: ;;;;.";;*I=-;i;;;d ',',trr aE a later date' colrLcted be wrrr ir'is iiTe; ;;;-;;;";; on the hlstory publicat...,.on, At the Reno reunl'on we had a dry run some of the findings which- nay serve as-a basis of the historles frorn oth:r ""a-ii"."-iie ;;-dia; ;a; (on hand ,ere copies?th Arnored' ' ai"i=i""", 25th, 9ilth, 99th, and in purchasing this Of 40 nembers Present, 34 were interested foot in the S{b-$50 price range. 12 have already pald sone money ln advance. ( Eorward ) ″, ´︱ 一■・ ´ ・ ¨ ■ 一 , 抒=r. '.. ' , *: --. . ‐ 2 - That fairness and- egua]ity be shown throughout the issue, rrith partt,cular unir(s) bBing gtamorized at -tha -";i;";;-;f orher unita. no {uggested breakdoen of_ space-being apportioned at approximately 33t Norean war, 2Ot p"6"rl-srorm, t"i;";;-;;"_pearl :3t-.rrl rr, Earboi, cermany, Lebanon, peace tiner- deacti";;i;;;-"[;. -.. ;.' Unanimously aqreed (one- exception! ) that the book be conplete htstory, (as ln the_ 99th u"oit bid;;;;l";] with the ,-i' exception of the CltH r,rinners,'tt" "o-i"rsona, Lrr="nsus being that (a) no one . lbok sould be large enough t" t"ia-"ff fIf personal ' r biographies -Uf"g.iptriE"-"r,i TARo arreadv on flle u" puuristr6a-iii-i"t"i! LEAF'. biographies of all ""r, CftH winners must be included. '' ff.possible, print crests of aII unLts, includlng 'unLt6, on the insldeunit back cover, as rn zth Araored book.a-ttached i In back of b。 。k list Served. anes of al■ subscribers wi■ h unitS and dates llake hlstbry aVailable to aII attached units, and reach out. to all Desert storm soldiers, as ;"ITF""tf ve'auti t"o"i"]-ii" stewartneHsletter,Museum,yrw,An;;.Le91on;eic._ lluch sork to be done. please be patlent and cooperate to the fullest extent. [atch future TARO LEIT.S, and, Iater, be alert ior final. subscription forna tn publishers dlrict .iff p".ir"tf"". 2ITII TNENTRY DrvrsroN ASSN- EIggBI Q{',EsrroNArRE (P]'ease RepIY ProrPtly I ヽ■ IundergtandthatahistoryofourDivisionwitlprobablybe sePt', 1995, reunion and. conpletion s"--d"-pti"i shortly "ii"t tr," tz to- 14,months later. It Is further ,iiri-r;ir", "ppp.oii..ii7v in the 940 to 950 prlce range, be ;ill ttrit- ttre cost ""a"rrt"oa plus shlpPing charges. 1. I an interested in subscribing to this hlstory complete details are avai lable. rihen 2. I prefer the make-up of this text to be: (a) AII Historyi E personat blographles' (b) Part history; Part personal blographles' 3. (al r have previously paid some money Ln advance f or-TEfs historY book. (b) I have not previously Paid money ln advance for-Etrts historY book. is for eStlmation It la ny underetanding that thisi"dquestionalre and nethod of detalrs ttt"t purposes only, is sith is.finalized ""t'ui"ai"g, tor*rc".i"g iit"t this.proiect ;;fr;;;-rili'ue accordrngly' irrl'-iiiuf i.rrers, a.ra that r sill be advlsed Te■ NA3E :( ADDRESS gItT/STATE/ZIP cut thls page out. (SeIf addressed on other shut' ioltt threi iays and staple/tape postage mail. and Add $.32 fLrst class to: enveloPe in Or, photo coPY & raail side). ‖R. WALLACE Kl■ :NER 1637 Falmouth Street ′ 29407 charleston′ S.C。 =′ ´ _ ___二 ●´ _ ヽニ ` PLACE lST POSTAGE HERE WALLACE KUNNER 1637 FALMOUTH ST. CEARLESTON′ SC。 29407-3926 ヽ ﹂一 _lFlL from his Ww II), thoughtfully sends us this colunn hometown Houston Post. t. 〓一 (34th CIIBRLEY CARD Proposd change of Y-J Day an hsult to those wtro senred BY EDrynl Ir. HulrTln SPECU|- TO TH€ HOUSi'ON PGT C@ m tL propcal to .hrng! tlE D6, io "H d th Tet h Prcific" Diy. Althft rc [rv! cd- Dhrsse V-J tt lhy fc {9 ycars, Edr latst to r€ytla hliory alis€! DcceE lbrated V-J press! ol plaE bh i! lr I gdr cclebratiE i! E@ Eor dicdoc rrd Scpt ob€r. loliticizrd cr! rG grt? It s€a@s tDat tie Dk se V.., re ir edffiy l€ar Ihy EitE Fotc .!rD8r- priDc Eililttr Dolitical b.c brct tmr if he FrtHprla iD ttE 5lnh rmi. v€rlary c€reEolie!. Tie proporcd rasi[g to tha JrD.E .d &h-tc hi! ctilgc i! Dot ooty ortr.8toc, it b tDldury lo tt. ttoBd of Amctic.! lcrviceEc! trd tomer r[o folgtt llrild JID.E.fgcdo h rh P} cift. Atc n Ei!.d q rbd rb rm tt! rar? Tte pIo[ad cgct ath i! c i[ r. lld m Alurr, SEiEYitiE of JIDIE tb leac. of m r6ri€!. Ytrt !h6E coa.em E .rc lb fcdiDgr of tb lrnlli6 o, th tb€. !a!dr of A.EarlcrE rto dld h tia trr r8.iEt tb JID.E fbir r.rh,rd! c|Id fr JaDs! it! rqdatir! l' tb rrFlt .d hurto, o thimeialld d Aia lr && HG! P€lrl E or. Errly h tb roti cttu , rrter a llllEita sttrd d th RdlE Cmilar to th 6c Y€ur lstar rltid tb UDitld Strt6, th-sadord! st rt€d ald ron th REllo-JaPrE Yrt. lr lh lgt(b ad '{0E thy brrf.lird crttE! A!ia. !f,aochrrir, N8!ti!8 i! Chilr (rhere 10,000 dYili.E tEr tsll€d] Idcti!8, fdryr, SllSr[dr ad ldc oclia- ThGy Gyc[ tht8ttEd Aofrlir. poli6deE ltoold Dc ,rbdrlt r|?tr E erilt! ttrt th J.par€!c, th vl.tc!, t ie EitE Erdly Dr rea€roE ltEG vrurut (rDd loctt) AEicrr tb Etiv.d tb B.trrtr Dsro fld !d Corrtgirt l!tb ioe E iD, to rltrifc ● キモ■ 〓 to lt L f,h c irtlt tb bloody t& erd jEslca i! m iCrdDomtry cte priS!.sc ine PxtEc - grfe B. rry. coaddc'r.L tb Uar$rlE, tb llarbDa!? fu ADCrlcaD bloo&H rt OLirara, Iro JlEr aad coutlcr oltrr iJrd or tt brut t ldleriDg lh JrD& rcsc routircly idlictrd oo lh F EE? lkc wm thr tbErd! d /tci. ,crE-Iru@-rbEilUU btrtr 6!Eir8 r r.r d Dord@ c lb ittrrdr, m ir l' hg.! thta cir ,c.r! Vlctct t! hopc d @ ffrlt, r! dr.F ra!! bn Orly as tb trr i! Eu!0e tr t lr8 dora l! tt lprhg of fglt dd th.- PtiliDiE cai.hly cr! ettt{ ttoE !& rn gddlt H@8b !o 8o h.Hts hdctthE [o$.tttut Jrpu, Sc[t! d ttan h.d Da h LoE dE b.lor.drrtt d h tb frll of lr{1 fG OrlttDE .|rlicil EV6rtting-- Dtrmcl, Drtrrid, plrE ean€d to he lhiftlDS r.Jrad fmlr EEop. acrE ttc Uoit€d Sfaks. AU dgE loirttd to tta tbrl u!.ult d thc t?.cEdJ.p.L YcM!! r h tb f,|ria!8s iD tb siE rd rDD.i o( lxt hotd ltrttrd, d rr c E brdly ldt!|ve G Gttr. Pt E - Etlf.lly hutrd! of rlEr iMilt r 8roti!8 mn r of tha rar &r9& So Elct o( oor Eilitary DISE Drlehod, Urd do'r ir Euopc rrl E Fidry rt JrFrIhil, i! th !.rlt mdog d.rfE G S$D.r rct bar lb ro.I d th hS! err rrtrtrtg T. I! d.t tE r rc rtd to ht H.t lo&8 EtL t!'d nd.liEdlblh Ah bmt rsdllr E tb erc crm !.. bdilt fG f&o .d tu cid6 oC nefuIrd J 8!- By matdol! th! tdd t! txo llE of bmDrrr ta tb rlr. OD [n t r dll Dctdltr! Ertt, hot ib otb lh nt mbsrodlorudhD.B SdiDr' r tr|' d tD ralilg CrE raU tc otci.4 liAirv d G c tr! mrld b Ayilg tili tlgiE ol @ rtlrre h lbt th, ad tt! tffi 'tr! crE.irhE ttll!c ab dr/t Eiio tf,ld b.lsdbt th lrrt CrE r.rc tdu ftli!8 ofl. For tb rb td Dt.a h tb P.cifrc riE f9.l tl. Dhrdr. d tutim iD rMel foffim hC acldcvcd dritr b..t i! tb Udal $rta tete hatrl to bdhva BEt it t t .! oddty rwiry tl![. So, rfrtf r!, It tl. th ErsiY! ltc!tsdioq 'l n".d tt tb iltlppiD! of lb rr@ Dt rtmic bomk B lho|e tlEG *a}a over Jap.r thlt hlo8E r! ricta, i! th Prcinc- It Drd. @ctlrlry tb &rtb d tbG llldt @ tb t .cb of JlD.r tlrt oltrarrlr rE[ hrva Daao tlsittd b rcffGvc Yictrt rpprqiatt Ad it E dr tt t tt r.rlbrld hv..d.d th' Ib dd.r@ b lht th d caDG rlttr Jrp.! Led Daa! trtd tHt tt!:TiDlc Et lcrlo rrr rtoot to ldl ftm {h ffr4 tD.tr tLeir lcdcrthiD drerdy IrGt thir rtleE d rlctGy Ltd bcto dt t!!td. V-J D.t dr& lb rictorY ov€r JrDlr ltrt tdb tr dL ltl tir for us to eorr. E@ a! t Ari lWDt iD ra ,trfrrif(,tr,ft trdlrat Mlrlrtu in tb Prdtb ttwiDg tb ,t. ζJ r. ■■ξ ‐ ¬暇 irfiL i (E (l gjl.Zllnc8n JG|EFI LELYVEID CE\E 助 CN枷 習 融 子0取 F● 5 `aJ′ ■ 「 Aprlta S O‐ れ 麟 ″ far′ まr ra srEcal ^tl-rr HOUELL iAnYEL Ed eiol Por. Ednq &tlEl'- I).Pl,r Editon l Pct Ealirt tua, tud c.n dt l,onz'' Ectta2 UP- D.pLt. Crn y} tEll^la L Foll.rl( EszlE.l:P, szL, lCtlAlD tl- CUI^-\. S.n@ VP. Oeat@ PBirglrPE IIjsE AlEttafL\-- UP- Pli@ i^YIOr'D E uo!'cr^a v'2 s.qr.,r ord.r{dtu;o." EEnら Ⅲ !“ .7′ 虫 口 96′ “ … ulLEtDEFOm aめ ■■″ ′ 9o′ :まV Jrllも ■ ocusュ ェa口 ca′ ″ ● =992 “… EalnR Edirq ioEErtE y@ar^a Edr,E RUrsEu,?. [ans, .roror I. dllrEt'i, Ⅲ ‐・ t― '「 t JR . Pril,,tr Aa,rnt tLn R, Editn SOT.^COLDE'E'II DAVID i. JONES GEIALD II, E)YD CAIIOLh- LEE v^ttE{ llGE JA.li no6EY'ilt^l Ptltu? V. ded“ =丁 `“ rliSllr A. laEssrNEo. lrofala^C. MELE IP- Ch4 FiM UP- c@l OlIi@ H.@n Ra.@ J(ltEtfi rf yu|-rs.--.-, l:P- Mu.ta^ lL\El LnOERGOT-. VP- Ad...tutdg CtlAiLES E SSELnON. riP- CG!6x@ Are U.S. Forces Ready to Fight? Republicans in Congress ar! taking dead aim ar lhe Ointon Administratior's defense budgel One target sure !o draw therr tire is milirar-v "readiness." The ReFrblicans believa thal thc Peulagor has provided ro llttl€ mooey to ger rhe rroops in combat trrm. Jusr how r€ady are the armed lorces and how lt happells rhe much more necdr lo be done? As Snswers ane not as simple Republicans world ha've rL or as bleak as the a Repr6enBtive Floyd SFncc of South Camli- 1 na. who will chalr the Hous€ Armld Services Commiat€c, last month accused the Adminisradon of cxhibiting "th! clsssic slrmptoms of denial" wlr€[ it contetrded thar U.S forc€s a[e Eadier thar thcy have ever be€o" ahe view fmm rh. lLld is "disolrD' ingly ditfcrstt " hr sai4 citing Or bw rcadircss rarings of ihrce Army divisims Cavdry, - the lst Infanrry. lhe 2d Armorcd 8nd the 2ath Mechrnized Defens€ S€crc]ary WiIEam Perry quicldy atr"€d that thc Arrny, ar least, was not as ready as It should bc. A tcs days lrter PEsidenr Oi qr sa6 he sqrld add t25 billion over slr yelrs to his defens. budget" mlEh of it carmart€d tor Eadincss. No sqaer had he &ne so, horevar, dran The Times' Eric Schmirt dtsclvcred tlrar commarder: of the divisions citld by Mr. SeGnc€ hsd pahted an ovrrly Sloomy vilr fmm the ,icld to h.lp ihe Army claim a lar8er share of the &funs. budtel By r[ct measrres, the PanBgon is alr€ady spending far nor! on readnc3s lnd tlle armcd forces or" rladilr than thsy havE bcar in a btt uma fhc oDcratldts and trraimcranca part ot ihr Pmlagqr hxtgeq rhidr pay3 tor rc.dhcss, is crlrr!+ly tg3 billion - rsic! Ehat it rls in f980 aEd onsrhird nor! than in l$li, ar th! hlitllt of drc RetSan bulldrD. At th€ saEle Utrre lha armcd forclr roughly 5 Frctna smallcr. Vlth fcwer iroops to train 8nd Lwcr rcapons to rllintain, therr ls much Erore ttsdics money ro to around That moncy in yielding rcsrlts The Pcoragdr sorts unils into fne cat€Bories tron C-1, fully lre combat ready, ro C.5, Lr overhaul. According to a Congressional Budger Oflice srudy, the readiness of acrive .{ir Force and Navy air uniB equaled rhe laae lgm's highs Orh€r indicators are ar record highs. To describe this as ver8inB qr "a hollow force," $e stud!' concludes, is "misleading." That does not mean that errery unir is in fighring tdm. By the same tokm, a low raring dGs not mean a unit is untit, says Iss,reice Korb, who was a Penlagon otticial during dle Reagan years. The lst Cavalry, for [lstancc' can be classificd margitrally ready ev€tr il it is fulty Banned and amqrg th. eorld's besr €quipped but llas mt bcen able to train lor a month because funds for that purpose have becn used for trEps in Haiti Readiness, in shorL is o y one aspcct of wlut llct tr€ople mean utlen drry talk abor behB F@ared ro sage war. Categoridng uniE is a $brective judgmatq rlri(:h can bc inllucnctd by rhc dlsire for I bigcr hdael. A similsrly srbiectivc judtmmt Ls ulleth€r every urit drotld b. in rq ftghting form atd whcther it is wrth peying to assure ahat. Take Mr. Sp.!ce's ihree 'trresdy" Army divisions. The 2d Anrorld atd tb€ zath lnlantry en Evy diviskns rhc sort that were designed to - rltb thc tage tanL rerrrr! R€d Army. Sinc€ IEhter and mort mot il€ units make better sclrsa Eday, rhe AnDy curld shortch8[Be bolh division3 lhls year and brlng thrm rp to par nexr !Ear. lt ulrns our, horcwr, l|lrt OrG Army plans to detlobillz! the 2d Armorcd ard ahe lsr Cavalry as part ol a forc! reductim to l0 divlsions from lh. currsrr lZ lG@ing thetr ar tull rradincss lDay bc a sasrc of aroeyIl the objcct ls to h.v. th arm€d lorcEs in lltDdnt Eirn, doeDsidog tien mal(rs scnse. U.S slflngfh is ,ar lrlatlr rhan is ltqutrld to m€Gt tnr€trrial tirtat& lvlly rastr Eoney $pportinB av.ry Army diviltoq Navy carricr baatlc Bru.tp ard Air Force sint sl|.n rtlluc'tirrs sudd imprc\," thc Erdiness o( lhc rrneiEing torces? ln anJ (z* itadiness ttquitt! psinstaling attdrtion, not politi. cal and blrd8Drsry Brand$atdin8, by Ercmbers d Contress or by military comnanders" 5.1 〓●ヽヽ、、, 、 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMV OFFICE OF THE SCCnETARV OF THE ARHV i01 AR“ Y'ENTACON WASII:NGす ON DC 20310・ 0101 23 Febmary 1995 ﹁ , ′ ′ ヽ 。TH― 0… V― ‐ ― U― ・ W“ ロ -77CC Veteren Service Organizations Unit Division Associations Travel Cmponies On 6 April lg[i, this Committee will hmt our quarterly briefmg on upcming World Wer II commenorative events to veterans, unii organizations, end travel companies at tle Base Theater on BoUing AtrB, I{ashingion, D.C. The presentatigl'iU bcgin at f0:(X) AM and will last approrittrdslJ two horrs' VYe *io*"g. each orysnization to send a rqxesentetive'-s tFT meetiog will be O" test opportrmity to reley to your grouP tnf9rygtlo1 m V-E Day, &9 Mitf995, and End of VYar in the Pacific (V..' Day) coomemoratious, l-3 SePtember lgli (Labor Dey weelrcnd)' Ttc plenneA 10m 10:1311815 briefiry scHoh is: Wchome end Introdrction Rcmerts Overview of Prcific, EurnPeen' and Evs qryendAnsq?r$g$tr. $areildc Conmturetivc ′ 11800‐ 12800 ...,r+ To assist thcc groups who are uf,rble to send a representrtive' we hlve ettrhcd informetimel stidcs on tk events planned fer Eonolulu. End of ltar in thc Pacific cmmqnorerions promise to Ndionel .lrJrs year's pDey cercmonies rd thcse will bc our will dth Prffic wer. Sincc thcre be sslute to 6" "a"na* Plennhg trdes snd ticket informatim discussed Ground -p..t-t t itp".td"", hotel evaileHlfty, end vcleren perticipotion)' atten0ence is hiSbly rccomncnded. For us to properly plu evmts, we nced f€cdbocl' from you m the nrmDcr olvCerans rna feniry mbcrs plrnningto Ucnd ft n-ofof". We abo need you to ircIude the vctcrants Navy' Cod ""*t" ;.ri.. Uadrsround (Army, Army Alr Forcc, Merine, CurrQ, sir"" thc Ydctuts Psndc and at the 25th Infentry "t Yctenrrc tl[ be hvitcd to mrrch h gtup Oirision Revicr, repi'csenting their scrvice. √ Please pass orn thid infometlon to your organizations and relay to us your beS estimatc on the numbcr of vcteram planning to dend End of thc llYar in the Prcific eyents. Unlike Normandy, m.n!, vcterans will travel on tteir own to Hawaii and we need an aocurrte cstimate on the numbcr of pcople to expcct. Request you provftle ttb lnfqortion to us as s(xrn ut possibl,e, but no later than mld-lfiey l9!D!i; then updatc it if necessary as we approach Labor Dey weekerd. Yaerarc and unit o1guizrtiom should contact Li,eutenant Colonel fiE fbDer or Mqior Tom Rigsbee at (703) W27lW2t if yotr dstr to rttcnd the 6 April brieftry or if you have questions on upcmq Europeen and Y-E Dey commemorations. Travel compaDies shodd Cammender Luanne Smith at (703) 60G(825 to rrspod. Rdcr qpcsdons m End of ttre War h the Pecific mcomdons fo Ucutenent Coloorl Alhn Grrcm or Llqileoent Cmendcr Iletc Kemison rt O00) O+{tr20. FAX nrmbcrs for the Cmittee rre O00) 6lt+t832/m3. mkt 一 ・ 、 ン ・ 「 ‐ 2‐ As elrrys, trevel compcnles arc wdcooe to distriDute trip hadirt to rtaodcrs. Thd yu, rnd ve lot fqrrld to scdrg you in Apil end in cmncuormgrilt you ild your oryrnizdon the upcooing eud of ttre rrr cvcffi. Yery rtspcttfully, Y}Q, Joh K. Sulliven Colod, Utrilcril $etes IXrcc,tor of Aroy @retims Attrtucfr d#!'l l"*a"l?' P!t* “ '' ・ キ′ Z′ ■ 3一■ヽ■ Nミ一 gF 日 目0 ●﹁一FO dく”﹃ “ 議o 目 一FO ﹁ ”o” ↓〓2 ヨn 一 コ イ ds ﹃ ロヨa´ 3 ●o”一r日 F ”●日壺ヨ r■ 一 〓o一 〓● 8 ュ o協 ●∽”ヨ﹂ “ 亀 鴫 ぎ 巳 oヨ 8 ヽ 1 〓 ¨ ヨ8 , 一F 縄 電 ﹂ 8 P¨ ●一 6 讐 二 ]〓 03 一 ヨ ヽ いく●ヨ一 二●﹃ヨr“ n リロい 〓菫曽嘔 ” 籠菱夢こ 絆 鐵野難難轟葬翼露¨ “ 8臓 3 , 中 のョ ︵ モ ・ こ・ 誕 勇 誇 勇 誇 ¨ 藁 れ 請 駆 覇 鞘 ︻ 弱 r . . . ・︻4 2oお >a 3 8 F〓 慶 w F巳 野難彙鋼 珈 熙 到 罰 〓o”〓0〓0 〓●百うヨ ” 0一 0一う¨ 0一コ3 0一ヽ一一ヽ ιf . コo 日 目0 ●﹁一F● Jく ”﹃ “ 目 一F● ﹁ ”o口 ↓ 〓●ヨお ¨ ↓ 〓o こく”﹃ 曰ヨL´ ﹁●”●o ”一FD2〓 ”く︵ ∽”一〓﹃●”ヽ ﹂ ′ヨの﹃ヨ〇〇ヨ 当二り¨ く ●一 o己 o日 ヨリ ﹁”﹃”●0 つ ”ヨ ● ﹃●二 ● ”り﹁●”ユ ロ 的3 ● ﹃ 一8 〓 O oヨ ヨ ●ヨ o﹃二 ” 〓口 一 ” ・﹁”﹃”0●●﹃一 の〓路 ﹃く¨ ●2ヨ ロ胃 〓 ヨ“”∽”電3〓凛 >﹃ョト ヽ ユ 燿こ 嘔¨ ョ8 〓”﹃ ¨ 一 ヨ∽2”垂 >ギ﹁98 088o日弩aく● 1”ヨ一”ヨ島〓q3”ユ 〓”﹃ , , リ■ ¨ 〓, げ一” 力 雲n一o 〓 F ﹃●〓 ” ¨ 0● ●﹃ ∽〓 ¨ oく2 ● J ヨ ヨ¨ ∽“ ”ヨa ヨ “〓● ” ●二 ●電 ” ・ 曰く●ヨ” ∽”“ a”ヽ一 口く●コ¨ ∽¨ “﹃ ヨ” 識装壼竜勇“ 曇憂ゴご 翼鷺轟勢塾¨ 彙賓霧4 o〓 ¨ ヨr こくr 8 F ﹃ > ﹁口 ”ヨ一 フ一0 > ∽ パ ”ヨ8テ ● 一F”ヨ” > ﹁”゛Z > ∽ ””ユ 澪 コ︺■o¨ ・﹃σ﹃一 ●﹂ ”一〓∽¨ の ・ 〓﹃0﹃くの一 ●﹃”ヨ∽”ヨa ﹃”ヨ ¨ ぞ マF ヨ F 調 ≦ 〓¨ 雷﹁︺ ” ”目●o¨ 3一 ヨ コミ C﹃︻︻o﹃” a﹃虫8 ‐ t‐ ‐千 十‐ │■ =■ ^‐ 事罐疑時警■・ ・ キ =緊 ,f` =LI・ ■ i■ :二 o, ■■■│■ ヽ 「 り ヽヽ一ヽヽ一 一 ら¨ 0 ヽ コE , セル ‘ ′ 、 / ‘ i f END OF THE WARIN SEPrEMBER l‐ 3,1995 THE PACIFIC COMMEMORAT10NS COLE LAND TRANSPORTATION MUSEUM BANGQR′ ME CONTACT: MR. GALEN COLE 405 PERRY ROAD BANGOR, ME 0440■ (707) 990-3600 BATTLESHIP MISSOURI CONTACT: DAVID M00RE U S.S_ MISSOURI COMMEMORATIVE COMMITTEE 3930 BURWELL ST BREMERTON′ WA 983■ (206) 524-6■ 48 BREMERTON, WA 2 こ TIMES SQUARE VETERANS PARADE EXTRAVAGANZA NEW YORK CITY,,NY SEATTLE, WA . CONTACT: MR. HANDY MAYOR'S OFFICE OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 346 BROADWAY′ R00M 8■ 9 NEW YORK′ NY ■00■ 3 (2■ 2)442-4■ 7■ ______ ′95 VICTORY 」ACK GORDON CONTACT: MR. 93 PIKE STREET, SUITE 308 SEATTLE, WA 98■ 01 (206)628-2977 VETERANS PARADE OPEN HOUSE AT OFFUTT AFB OMAHA, NE CONTACT: MR. ED BURCHFIELD GREATER OMAIIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ■30■ HARNEY STREET OMAHA, NE 68■ 02 (402)346-5000 ADMIRAL NIMITZ MUSEUM 340 E. MAIN ST P.0. BOX 777 FREDERICKSBURG′ TX 78624 (2■ 0) 997-4379 FREDERICKSBURG, TX `′ 1■ Si重 ( END OF THE WARIN 0 THEPκ Hc SEPrEMBER l‐3,1995 T10NS 臨 _LOCAT■ ON … SEP ■ 25th ID REVIEW PARADE OF SHIPS SEP 2 HI SEP 3 ECUMENICAL SERVICE MUSICAL HONORS CONTACT: COL BILL FRANTA 」-03W) 30X 640■ 5 CAMP SMITH′ H■ 9686■ -40■ 5 HQ USCINCPAC (ATTN: (308)477-7820 ARL工 NGTON CEMBTERY WOLF TRAP CONCERT W― CONTACT: MA」 DAN RYAN W II CK】 嘔ほITTEE ■2■ ■ 」EFFERSON DAVIS IWY SUITE 702 ARLINGTON, VA 22202 (703)604-0820 ■-ON′ (2 Sep 95, BATLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA WIIH■ ― N′ NC CONTACTe CAPT SCHEU′ USN (Ret) USS NC MB40RIAL P.0. BOX 480 WILMINGTON′ NC 28402 {9■ 9)25■ -5807 `ユ l1lШコーローー■■■︱■■■■■■■︱ ﹁︱ ︰ ︰ ︰ l l i ■■■ ´HONOLULU, PUNCHBoWL CEMETERY SEA SERVICE VETERANS PARADE DINNER & HANGAR DANCES 鵞﹁ ギグ WORLD WARI] ThG 50th Aooiwrtary of vo.ld V'r ll ¨ fhg f'rturBlhc Ttc Uoitcd St!a6 of Anaric. coDEcDontil? lolo for ttc 50O Aadnnrry of world Yrr II f.rtun t fir.- Honoribh Servict Lrpcl Buttoo Thc rLrigncd by Aothotry d' Frrocirci for UrOii -w.,origimlry woild wer it. tl oip.ttr.ot, 'bctrccl rlirchergcd 31. 1946. ficld trabolic of th. fitr-rtrr Diliff, to&obip, lir! tt.tcn of opcrrtiorr, pr.ticiDrtioo of tlc frr nnicor, 6v: co[lcoontit! dacldB ald r hErcl rrati ru! *15 issued to rll vrtcrao! hooorsbly 1939. ald Dtccobcr Srptcobcr t. trrtoliri!! conrtrGnorative pcriod, thr Uoitcd Snt6 will fotu-s oo honoriog th. VWII vatcrros rod tte scrific'! providin! mrdc on thc honc fro-nt b, thc Ancricao Pcopk, iuriog thc clcrrcr uo&rstending ud oirtc cnduring h$!o$ of wml. lcquri!ri!! "iircciation rith thr rcsoos ehy w. foulht-thc Ydlcr iicriqu rhich wc strovc to dcfcod and proEct, ad highlightirt thc rdvrncls itr tGchoolog), sticocc rod ncdicioc frou tt. lr.tion militrry public rith r rest-rrch duriog Sorld wrr Il thr Arrricu pltli. rith r clarcr uldant !di!! ald tb:duriag Ltao8 of fYIl, rrqni i!! Araianr ritt $c ranor rhy rr fouglt--ttc nlurr tti6 rt ttrfit to &f.od .!d prot.ca, md hididdlf rpprrcirtioo of ab. .&uc.t i! t chlololt, r.imc. rld ncdicioc ftoa lilillr, r...rct drriq f,orld 9rr II. For ron idorirtioo, rritr: EQDA, SACC; Rooo !E524, For oort ioforr.,ior, writc, HQDA. SACCI Roon rictor, rld p.acr. Durilg rtc oooocoontiv? pcriod, ttc oatioo till fotu oa hoooria3 tic WYll trarrlu lod ttc rlcri6c6 6rd! oo tf,. hoor ftosa t, tbt Alcricr! E oplc, providirg 3E52'l' Plrtagor; w.shingtoo, DC. 203 l0-0101' P.otrloo; nrutillroo, D.C. 201 I &0 l0 I. cheater Pett, (3rd Eng) and hlE nev sife "virginia" live on their 32-footer "Geninl. " We're all Eorry for You, Cheater. That hae to be sone tough living ! ι3 NEw yoRK TTMES IilTERNATIONAL naorupar MARCH 1995 ]Many in ]apan Oppose Apology to Asians for War By NICHOLAS D KRISTOF 胸 肌 脚 f麟 TOKYO,March 5-Half a centu― rv artcr wOrld war II,the」 apanese Palliarnent is cOnsidering whether to apolo8iZe fOr invading other Astan dcring, as opponents gain ground 蕊 nized and oppreesd by whites, our purpos€ was io free │ so ahose na- tions and stabilize them,,' said Sei. suke Okuno,8l, a former Cabinel minister rrho leads a group of 16l lawmakers who oppose the resolution. Mr. Okurp hints that if anybody in its role o*es somefle an apology for World War ll States. conducr, it is the Unitd 」 壺 1叫 whch ttere was‖ uた ●a_ "lncendiary bombs fell on Japan like rain, and atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Naga- started to think that saki," Mr. Okunosaid. "And rhe Rus- sian Army committed mind-bog- glirg atrocities against Japatlese. So FunD,o A-hr ,o Th. Ne Ydt Tioa. we think that there $ere war crimes more serious than any committed by Seisuke Okuno, who leads opponenta of a rcsolution in Japan to apologizc for invading othet Asian The proposed apology has caused a furor because it goes to the heart of deeply sensitive questions of Japanese history and identiry. And the backlash against the proposal is grist for the miU of!!ose who argue countrics during World War II. Japan." 脱 ttruttI L:帯 then that the tinal languagJwould n° ca‖ 締 婦曜 tir)n havc held a demonstration and gathered ,1.5 million signatures on a petition against a resolution of apoloBy. Ts,elve prefectural assemblies have approved resolutions since late last year expressing gratitude to Japan's war dead for their etforts, and nrore local assemblies are expected to follow suit this year. Americans sometimes accuse the Japanese of looking at the war as if it the party nation's pOlitical also - the Liberal Democrats, a member of the coalition decided - began by accident in lg4l, and of thus seeing themselves as its vic. tims insiead of its perpetrators. some Japanese do examine ιサ 」 盟 潔塩 ょ 鳳肥叩 =嚇 To be sure, others see the t_d 19,8 in thQ Opposite JtttiOn■ 巴 さ C 卜 ● 番一 ″ i i l = │1言 :tr,1 こ ■ , , whbh Japan was corfteled ard lorc€d to ngha fc lt3 .elf{eftosc," said Mase fldle, dlalrman o the Japqh VeteraDs Assocfeual $lddl is vigorursly r@lutlql. apcilg fE spolog!/ The United Sraa6 troze Jap8ncte financial asscls and impccd an o[ embargo on Japan in ttE slmnrer ol t941. in r€sponse to Jtpon's occupa' tnxr of vieulaltt" atld Mr. tlorts sald the sarrctions meana tltaa "Japan had rE choice bul ro srand uP and fidt; oahersiEe, Jlpan eqrH lrYt Per' ished" The resoluiql's fltp9orteE ac- that Ey lace a uruggle, whue opporrcnts exprlss c0tfirence kpwledAe that tlrcy can klll ote ttsobthn ol defla:ct i1 by dandng its sordilrSl Yet both sides agree (rl one thing: that the debate wer the tlsolutln 16 mil€stooe l JaDon's e-lloris to ,orm a consensus r lts Past "We arc trldng ro dtattEc rrbws a tovard ltE war," saH Hitltate Yabe, the executlve director ol the Japan Veaerans Assoclalin. 'But tt€re's sill a strul8 camD tlut scas Japa[ as I villtln atd halllvtt thsl JaDan cliducled a !f,ar of 488rc9 *ir r*V do lhts with ahe HP of otlrer countrFs $rll as Odna. So this d€bate over OE rcrd lon k a critical po&* ro determiE vier will preYail" tl*rr 出 FA5嘘L 釧 Й LIF■ E that Japan must ttoa ,ofltlrc its tar dead bor adde4 "We arc $vht . chance to ahe JaDan€e Daqle to think aDort rhy tlrts ttsofuthr PHme M回 口じr tr ′ neceury'' Tomllchl n ` ` 町 ′ ! cclirbn lhar toihd lhe xursy.m. covemmerrt bsf JirE, tE -lSt!4 . ヽヽt ― … ・ 0 夏 E》 ″ .鳳 il,1 FELLOWS I cuT THIS r_し THIS PICTURЁ ouT oF OLD TARO LEAF′ WAS MADE I ttOTE TO MRS PAUL LADEN′ 啜IT THE TIME IT WAS TAKEN′ ,p■ CTURE IS soLDIERSP ■辟 SOMB TIHES A30′ MAYl _v′ 1926 SCHoF■ ILD MACNOLIA′ ARE..HE.lH¨ 猟 HE STAYED IN AND RETIEED,T IF AN「 ARE LlVING ‐ BARiAC ′Hl′ ND WIS IN ‐ J′ THIS THEY 7ouLD BE ABou■ く ヽ ・ ′ El球 ●:PLD 「 ・ ■ ■■ oR‐ PA● 1 LADEN wO● LD BE 94 cARL′ coNNER 1 404 948 0813 MARCH 19,1995 : _= i J・ I Dc,暉 「晏 :Isュ r′ sよ i anotiき 武 :ぶ ぎ sr9111・ ご Thc M10。 for the Taro LeaF, I111 late tfficT charles clark & I :l",:i:lil. :"i$mrr:;,:i,*r;lill.:t;:i;"1$ ;::t tar*E arrd ili*i tarir. roads-o"-irrat-rli"ii. iit" island eaa invaded in i;;il;1.,r.* r..r." tater, ariiv' charl.ie tent to rtawaii { niles ";; i"--iiid-.ia waE in co.d 3rd EnE.,as cieltian, niddre so rc s.ia-*it:fiir-Irartea he went back into sla Eng. r pcnt to s.a E"s.c;l-6 ii 99:9 grr. r zstr,-E;": June 194{. Tinnian rstand ;i;b. caarr ielr;i; ;.tj;lloi"iltt:;:."H;T4., r have a ,r]_!l: ."t:IfSf-i"iirie uyr1., try to ,,rtte. ber.hittins nscd a the z{th Di 80 nert year, well.Zi iii"-ior.7th r,tt 1995.yes! our s,th sarrc w<roan, fitst sii.] i."_o"ly one. rf r have _Et, faro Leaf olease, send ne orre. v"!E' ir r. I can be any help in Div. here,-cari-oIii.-'s Arur r v€rsarr, in .otne ,@,n,*o 94 ryt tiiiLHlr:fe.T,iriili;;1fr tWo Mne 4 tla eAtuapa oe -ao,o qulto oti iti"* o,t vtt*'l loraett vt,'t wp,t tzw"'L than 14,fr.^,. ffi ffi f*T*W trHh%n#'l#".v" .i -: ,.. m: : U.S Dllttary bcgAn ustrrg servtce numbers fn fglg. T" Nuuber "ol" was otvtorsf lxil,rtdual Arsa ,sh. G fi -' (An6*cr on rge g) ιι 94 rHIs ls′ 21ST INF′ RMGT′ 1926.MARCH 19 l WAS SCHOFIELD′ ON 12-7-41′ REMEMBER′ ノ7 CARL′ ′ノ こtLこ 3と はマg ェuctI ′ど31iN00 ■とマЭ 'こ ― マ │ ヽ 。2つ0〓 ﹄凛03 ●ぃ0 ﹄ェ ¨ ぃ “2H 〓摯卜¨ 、 ` :露 _ b7 ot6l'iuaPrrrY tPDrsn2N t uqAL rp stzPD' 'yt or puuox ulatll) ,t'uao sry Jo cDuluoruotls stry trya uDu n sAU\PUt A DnCn 'auDs ap oP ol u,rya'zrtoAlo ssaqilry )o ,szudtnF aalss?,xa PIoaY szrrratP$qnt rnoll utt cr PUD'P?rzUUDu Aat PUrt raDr''t )q cADalY il 冒 ¨ 〓 ” ゴ ∽δユ”︺Z口員〓る ﹃ 〇 三 ■o● 〓雪 員 ・ ” o LO口O L・ 83 , 盤‖需 踏 . ・‐ ― 8:‖ [:::yMξ ξ l:t:iSt 璧艦 Ln rth:Ч :』 Waimanill。 , carl? ,CARL′ REVELLE‐ FUN′ wAKE UPPER′ 7 i CARL CONNER 1941 :Sa ::ii:s:│::il:i:::::::ii:ic[:1:lil;嗜 『:::1,Riofis iご I:s :Lii::th′ ― [::::』 i・ l:li;: :igii:::;iCξ ::::::::Y:II:re. y:撃 b昇 I・ st:ie, :ltlol:Fe at: ,I:]::::12:32)16052 ″ ′ ι ヽ日 C― JOH03 =じ ,H N Sd00uェ NvD=富 国内ヽ uvハ :: L Sヽ D● 瓜 [□ ゝSuべ 】 OMSSヽ d く す メ7 /γ 1.=/ :百_Iご ` イ ニ ヽ " ´ . ︵ r ・・ ・ 1 1 ° 穏 2・ 工■よp堡 1lJttHll= =弩 ´.:′ ″ ′ ′′ど : 1 λ :穐 ` ヽ ヽ , 1, ■ =1: ヽ鶴 笠 ′ I=1_1 ら ′ ヽ _ '′ ′^ よ “ ● 。 ′ :′ :,■ 1 ■′ ■ ` 二 │こ │ 理 F 一 ″″″ ,″ ,′ `グ 7=“ 」 "′ 年警‐ 薦1・ 一 CHRISTMAS MENU Sば fed Sweet Mixed Pickles 01市 es Cream of Tomato Soup Oysterettes Roast Turkey Chestnut Dressing Cranberry Sauce Giblet Gravy Sweet Peas SnowflakePotatoes ButteredAsparagus Lettuce and Tomato Salad Mince Meat Pie Fruit Cake Cocoanut Cake Cherry Pie Ice Cream M破ed Fdts M破 ed Nuts Mixed Candies Fruit Punch Cigars Cigarettes フ多 (OMPANY tel"′ N:NETEENTH INFANTRY SchO“ eld Barracks′ To H.′ CAPTAN Dm● IsI M・ M・ on Decmber 25′ 1940 LEEWENANT cmpeny commander Charles H LErを い o Mess Ofrtcer nEST SEECEANT STAFF SEEGEANT l・ Le● 【 RC● ― ― Roge‐ Wmleェ Dodd JGTb Cha[ttt tOn Wi11ち "・ J3m‐ ュ EA― “ cnlls n● ●las McCun」 Oseph J RIc由 耐 btt J● et^sHle ― 01d E Whtte EVerett E_Taylor COBPIOBAIS lf,ateta lrrttbrE E Pctro3ty Wsrre! D. Sarldets E&4. L lrathlls Ecoty E ltrllcsE H c. MBI Ectrrerh !tr- Stsoqsc ,ots[ E lrrry Issr![cc J. Eoh.B Ottrl fsylo! Gcol8! Netlo! Aldrcr Ball BGonEt f.arfEc! !. eoclrl, Daald C|rr"rllo Edasr L crttc Yra B. Cntlc{, Yaaaa! Elort P- Uorrts A- ^.t.-. Adltt lH Alfaao JaEar F. Ayerctt Ecoaeth T. Br,bcocl Robclt E Baco! EltJtcridSe BEr!!. EeEtT B, BecMth Grorae C. BrielDg mUla8 !L Brldgec JaEls F. Bulkbrrt Rlcbald lil Calsc Joseph M, CasuIo Natha.D W. Clllcr Gcorgc Ecoly E CtrpD noy W, Dodd Fraacis E Tblbodeau JaEcs lC De Sh.ro PEIVAAES FIBSE CI{sTI ltaodorc L Kutd toly P. Platur Elcold Ea.b Ewh u. Lsac lochsel Drablc Wdtrr A LBoaul Poltc! E|I!!!t Aobcrt C. Eofftlstr MalloD. L Lsrt|! Ilalry B. Bcblloct W8ltlr J. Eoly Edrsrd E tacsd?r Edvsrd t Blslc L€on d C. EuSgiDr Jshrs a- Prrt, E tcoEb D. RoEscr gtllLE! llfv:razs tosrpb J. _lueュ J.cOle Wa"e Cowfer DonBld E. Eoyt Jttph」 Davls ‐ 田 csん Engdabl Fα 口 n 」oe L Ford「 "Ю 【 n■ k 範 Earl'■ LIchael F Cabbett “ Eugene Cannaw3ァ James tt HadtsOn Arthur Ha― Mar71n H3Ce● 嗜 e F HaucL Vemon B Henderso● 7常 Chafla. J. D. Shcare! Edtsr R" Slaytou Carol B. SEadls, Ch.rlar E. Thorlc Bruce B. Va! O,or{o[ DoD L Wcafd ThoEaa D. Bcarsec! F. Edlsh Jacob E tedln EdPard ltr. Klela Robcrt W. Mcclcll8ld ElDer S. Petersou JaE6 rL Potta Carl M. RoseEond EIE!. Edward Schmidt WUU8E Dariel l\tr Schraltz .{dolph V. Semo! Uoyd G. Strettlcd Ken.treib lt. Sp3rte WUUam E. Stoker Trrr"l W'. VaIlBtbG Hcricl lr.udcr Vottcr R. Wrlli E3!!e!t J. Wrllar Charler P. Wstson Robrrt A. WclSd Gegrge WetElorttz J, Wbrder Arcbt D. WlcI! goyard I'. Wl&on Joh.u B. WUsoB Rob.E F. ItrUso! EdEard W. Ifold THE FLORIDA CUARDSヽ lAN Summer 1989 HISTORY Wounds Didn't Stop Top Medql Winner 蹴嘉rim 貿器L:=誡∫ 電ギ﹄ comtrat arca!. hc tEcamc platoor comrnander arld so .amlincd for mo of hii activc cohbat scr,ricc linrc. Sgl. Braswcll and hrs plaloon pankiPatcd in dE invasions of Mirdoro. R mbl.,l. Tablas ard sevcral o$ar small islands t@ smrll to bc notd on most m.ps. In thc lale sprinB of 1945. his division rvas commined to tE rc.conqucst of Mindr.o Islaid. waody hcard lhar his old outfir. rhc llst "Dixic" Diviiion was also fighlinS on lhc islard but h. had no cltancc lo visil $cm: his n s division was heavily cngagcd in a bittar carDpaign to claat thc JapancSc out of Datao rnd ihc 5u.roijnu ir'8 junglc-shrouded moonEin!. ヽ ● ・ 闘騨欄︼ H■■■■ On May 16. 1945. sF. Bias\v.|I, altcady rhe holdcr of a Broozc slar alid a Putpla Hcatr aarned in prcvious combar opcrations. lcd his plal@n into an arca kno*'n ro be hcavily dafend' cd by trc Japaocsa. Hc atd two of hli m€n scourcd a t.!il ahcad oflhc platoon: bur lct lhc official citation tcll thc slory. "Scrge.nl Braswcll was l.ading his patrol along r dcnr. junSlc trail n.ar Panacan. Mindanao. whcn thc cnamy sud&nly openrd firc from clcvcrly conccalcd pillborcs, and lh. badcr of thc advancc squad fcll fo.wird. r.riously wourd.d. Thc patrol was compl.tc- ly pinncd down and, .s $c squld lcadet l.y hclpl6s and complctcly crpos.d lo ho3rilc fir.. onc of 0E .ndry hu.lcd . trtnadc which l..ndcd on thc wordcd soldicr's bsck. withoot hcsilr' don. rd io ttE f.cc of withcring ,aparcsr conccntr.tion, Scrgcant Bras*cll dlsh.d forward to thc aid of his fcllo* sldicr. Hc scizri lhc Braw.ll ot his hom.; t in lywll (ins.d) oodrow Wilson¨ W●●ly・・ Braswc!1 ::、 cs quictly in Jacksonville witt his wiFe in a hrlusc hc buili by himsel「 -rtlt in rlE yc.6 rbilowing thc cm ol wo.ld ll, For many. buildin8 a home "singl€' handcdly." may sccm no Sraat achiavatocn' bot woody Bras*cu. whilc catning hi! n rio$'i sqcold hithcst award for bravcry, Dirintsishcd S.rvicc Cross. 1.fi orlc of thc hi3 h.ndi on Mird.nao. thc PhiliPPin Isl.nds. woody was bom io Jacksonvillc, is. tr.du.l. of r.ckson Hith School. rrd lv.s vorkin8 .s r dnftsman ,xhcn hc joincd Com' Fny G. l2{th Infaflry, Flondr Natixd Gu.!d in 193t. wi$ th.m hc was mobili4d fot fcds.l rcryic. d!riry lhc oadonal .flrrScmy ' Novcmbcr lqlo. Thcy h.d . rEl unPlcaranl yr.r or !o at C.rnp Bl.,ldint: trarning. n|. chca. ..ilbo.ting.rd s*irnminB in Kintrl.y blc un' ril onc Surd.y, thc ?th of Dcccmbcr 1941. woody rvasn't iurc l,hcrc Pca,l Harbor wai. boi tlE r.p.icsc .o.ck th.rc m.dc his lif., .ttd thc livcr of millions of olhcr AiEric.nt. itl' finitcly morc d.rianding .t|d difficuk. Th. I 2{rh bccart Officr Cardid.tc Sctrool trcops at Fon Bconing. whilc rarioncd thcrc, many Florida Guardsmcn lcfr dlc t"tittrcnr fot orhar o{tfir imluding n.wly fodDcd .itbomc ragrmcnas am lha Army Air CorPs. Tlc firsl Florida Guardsmcn lo sc€ combl did so in lale 192. Woody *ould havc clrtrplald ,ootr than fout ycart of activc scrvic:c bcfot! hc would cntcr combal in latc 194a. FollowinS dury with dE 12,llh. h. w.s cadrcd ro fic 3mrh Infantry Rcgitttcor. .lso s.rviDg as Fon Bcnnint sch@l lroogs. Evc dly, woody wa! icnt to thc wcst Coasr, whcE hr wri .ssiSn d . wilc van ry of duti.s itEludirs guar' din8 prisoncrr of wa.- Aficr r sai .l rhc bat' tllion hc.dqu.ncrs of. Cdifomi. rsplrcqrEnl crntcr. hc wls shipped to tlE Soufi Pacific. Ngw a Suff Sergcrnt. hc rpe somc tioothi in Ncw Guinc. .wairint .ssituncm. It finally c&trc: hc lx!5 safl as a rcpl.csmc lo Com_ prny B l9th tnf. ry Rc8imnr.24ti lnf.ntry Division on Lytc, $c Philipgioc l3l.ndt. Althorrgh wifiort pGvioss cotnb.t ctFricrrr, wo.dy eas m.dc pld@n scrtcant of rhii vcrc.ln clmb.t comp.lry of$. l9th. Duc to !c cxtrcmc shonaSc of juoior officcls in τ lnadc bul it crplodcd beforc h€ corld dispos. of it, tcaring oll his right hard. "By hii unfalcring couragc in.llcmfling lo a comradc't lifa in thc facc of inssinoun_ trble odds, Sgr. Br.s\.cll sa .n inspirint cxampl. of cout-rtc in kccping with thc hiShest mdirons of tlE icrvicc. " It v.s yhil. in O!. hoipitrl lhat woody lcarncd of tlr. da.lh in corDbd on Olioas. of his brothcr, r fonicr Marinc Raog.r wilh a Silytt Sur woo otr Ncw Gcorgia Island. On dis sad norc. woody bc8.n lic long proccss of s.yc hospit lizlion .rd plastic surgcry in prcpara- tion for lifc in . posFvrr \rorld. Hc r.rurn d to Jrckrcovillc end cvcnrually rctircd from a civil s.rvicriob *ith tlE N.vy in his honE cilr. Ar f.r 1t it hown, woodtow willon Braswcll rlcciv.d thc high.sa combat dccoration of .rry Florida Guardsrn.n durirg wo,ld war n. Ad woody is back vith ftc Guatd. es Homnry Rcgimcntal Adjut nt ofthc |24& Inf.niry Rc8i[Ent. und.r lhc nctv Army R.SimcMl Systcm. Hc continucs his i.rvicc "Flori& drd Coontry." You vill n .l him .l lhc rc rl8itr|cm.ldinn r or rqrnion ofthc ro l2&h lnfantry. Bc surc to introducc yoorsclf to Floridr's ntor highly dccor.tcd soldicr. 3''Pa3S the bttco:ip:ease" ・■″ha■ ,No klsS'・ 4・ 5`・ No thanks.lrs to● OXpens:ve.・ 0.1`;rc a haに choice.EveⅢ ing ' oOund6 9reat'' lBOrod?How couid:● ● bOred7` d.'' 0.`° 've a:mady made my● ● 7」 :・ 9`・ :t was myfauに '・ 10 Thars● kay.None cf myfnendB ere a::● wed tD do lt● I● ler.1' tary Rout:n Chi:● 羮 駆 重 費 I訴壺 蠅焉露胸翠 '' リロ ●■● F●●いぅ■ 、ョ七日ヨ● o5●つ 目Pr2●﹄ , 2."Who carett ifthe tv ls br● ken。 . り 0 屁WSヽ攣自 , . ●1 三 ■ ■ ロ コ ■ E 一 ■ヽ お こ 〓 1 ヽ 1 1 ■ol 薔 目 F お 彗 l ゴ重 電 日 現 劇 薔 z 曽 ヨ■ ● r ヨ ロ ■ ●〓 お 日層 F L F ヽ お P 項 日1 ど rd 量 ξ ξ ■ ¨ ヨ ︰ 3 ●2 1 ■ ■ S 綱冒 日 書 ︰ ︰ 一 嵯 l E E l ヨ ヨ3 8 ま 1 1 ● THINOS YOUD■ りVE TO HEAR I Them'o aimys som(■hing you ttsh γour kldo wou:d do,311Ch a3 nCtt■ ■‖ng cl― inede out:nm the hamper Here's my wlsh::● t ofphnsooi・ d::o to hear my kldo ooソ na a‖ me■ mttu“ 。nce wou:d be nice, 1 ''youire so c● ol,Dad'' │ 3 J O■ 0● 二甘q≧0 ︰要 望 憂 誠 こ 3 J 3 ・. 卜k ■ J . 目 ・ , ●1 0 ︻● . 聾 月 翼 議 覇 ・ 崎 晏 1 量設螺詣甫翠請鰯■ F b Ь員だ 口 ■ oメ■ ゞ ⋮ 韮 語 話 拙 ︰ 0︻● . ●£百 “ ヨ虫” 0 ︻● F冒0︻ ご5■日F 0 ︻● ゴ F 〓 ・ ︰ ︻ 3 暫ど L 〓 日1 ■ 3 g 3 ■5 i 3 評 畜 N . ・ n画● 一 葛百“ ″H〓ロセ日嘔暉 3 ■凰 デ 0 ︻● パヨ守 0 ■I 量 ヨ 甲 〓ヨ ー ー 委 § g場類露翼調鵬碑 麗 “ 螢 督 z 項撻 石 菫 F〓 ロ ニ ■ 出 1 こ ■ 8 。 , ・ 一﹃ 一 ¨ ︶ ¨ . . Ll h t t O ・ ■ L 3 m l S S 2 n p 5 ■ 8 e ・ 9 1 4 a 9 o l ・ ■ e n 6 l K o l 一 K C Z M i l ・ r 4 D oA 6 E Hu ヽ′ , ・ ■ 4 a ^‘ v 3 s O a l e 6 0 3 M て 108 Carl B. Gamel ― Assoc. Editor 26431 Williansburg Dr. 00nita springs, Fl. ラ3923 (813)495-1586 Mr . Gamel, you ask for. iere is the informatlon about my Grandfather (1940-1945) Deceased K 21st His name is Larence 0. Rafferty Co. Japanese the DurIng Barracks 0ec.51961. He served at Schofield the and Ner Guinea: oahu Dec.71941; Attack on the Island of the his recelved For service Philippine Llberation Campaign. Campalgn Theater Asiatic-PaciFlc The anO i'teOil nmer-i'can Defence Service Stars. Rlbbon uith thrqe Bronze t{ith an article about the Tug Boat HoGA in the Taro Leaf asking members of the Association and or readers to nrite there CongrEssman and Senators. Together u,e can save a piece of Hlstory' You David Ilngensmith 〓一 一 77 ・l 野 ヽ一 一ヽ 卜 一 . ‘ David D. Kllngensnith 3134 E. HcKellips House ● 108 ‖esao Arizona 85213 (602)641‐ 1694 ´ Senator John l.lccaln 1839 S. Alna School Rd. llesa, Ar lzona Senator John 85210 l,lcca i n , I atr writlng thls letter to ask for your help and the help of the Governuent. After reading an artlcle in the Arizona Republlc Neerspapet on 72/06/94 by the Assoclated Press about the last Navy vessel renalnlng from the Attack on Pearl Harbor Hawall. (The Tug Boat IIOGA ) lty fear, and I aBl sure Eany other Hlstorians feel the sane way,. Ie that with the Natlon scallng back lts ArEed Forces the IPGA rllght be forgotten and sold for scrap or who knows what. I have seen thls klnd of thlng happen before. ! I would like you to look lnto the Eatter and see lf you or the Governnent cah have the Tug HOGA Boved to Pearl Harbor. She should be saved as a National Historlc Treasure and kept on the Navy's llst of inactlve ships. It ts very hard for ne to thtnk that three years after the 50th annlversary of .the attack on Pearl.Harbor Hawali that are Government urould not try to nove and save Her. \ she served our Natlon on a Ilate That wlll Llve In InfaqT. l{ow lt ls tlBe for HOGA to go hone to Pearl Harbor Hawai 1. So She can PLY OLD GLOBY on her deck forever as a Natlonal Hlstorlc Treasure. Wlth your help I Know 1t can be done. David l‐ ・ ο ス ´75 7` ´ ﹁一ヽ 一 一一 ヽ Rusttugs 江 floating survivor of 1941 attack Adtad PrE Thc lasil SAN FRANCIIiCO - thc attoct Navy vtsscl noaining tom oe Pcad Iluhor is doody rusting ar a Oo*. ncgl€stcd by a nation scaling Th. bact iB crocd forcls, Th. $tb@t Hoga night havc gottlo Eorr a$.ntln if it hrd bcco lffgcr atrd Eorc urcmcin& such as I desrroycr or aircrat crrricr. Imcad" thc lfiLfot-long boot sctos hirly cmmn a it ssilgs oo is oorings Tt6ur,c Islaod, thc Navy bce in thc oiddlc of lha Francisco Bay. ht thc lloir h.d the right $ttr vhca Japancsc planrs zoomcd dovu on thc rmsrspccting U.S. Ileet @ Dcs. 7, l9/tl. sord for frsh Thc Hoga - a Sioux firca and rtsctc hdpd banlc -roudcd sribrs &om thc oil.covcrcd rarcr dBarthhip Rw. Is grcatat ooucat camc sho it bdpcd bclch th. hrrtrirg bnttbhip USS l{Gr.d4 tit by bo@bE o it ricd vainly to Itach thc opcn sca Thc Itogr's rtln thsartcd (!€0y cfotu o silt thc b*tk*agon in the channel. ad block thc baftor. Phmgraphs shov thc Hoga oE thc Ncrada3 port bov, pouring warcr uuo tlc burning fmdcring sbip. It cho fought fires on $c huit oi ' Ah n6!tS[h. Alsehfc j Pr's lile much today, but the d6y Peatl thrbor was ras t uur of acti\rity, fighting fir€s end rGsdiing mmd sailo6. ThG tugboat Hoga doesn't look bornbea, it sftffi ren! and 1s both a monuncat !o tt€ attact and a gpvc for the bundrcds of sailors and Marinc eatoobed in its hull thc USS Arizona Thc Hoga built in 19,10 and *ill lrDt on the Navy's lis of inactive shipo. is listcd m thc Natioal Rcgistcr of Historic Placs. Therc have been all sor6 it thcrc o anothcr ship, undcr tov, or to nakc it scaworthy caougb . to raura m is orn " hc said \ie me rust, thc Hoga b i! pmty good sbapc Sulivas said - IIc said it woulds't talc too Euch o rcfirtish ttc Hogl to bok [&c it did at Pead Haftor. Thc tash vouH involve odlY set ' of plars to ret it back !o Pcad Haftor. said mmoving puaps and cha gcar addod &o6.n SoUi"-, Treasure hland har\ after the war vhcn thc tug wos trscd bor slastcr. The problaa vith the by the Oakland Fuc Oeportmcnt. Hoga. Sullivan said. comcs dovn'@ monc-y. -lt would :ale a lot of noney to Dan Maninez, historian at ahe Arizona Mtmorial Ysitors Ccater in Honolulq sould welcome thc Hoga- 71 二・ 慮 FOR OUR COMRADES― =N ARMS WHO ARE NO LONGER WITH USo 11=, lle regret the paaslng of CoI Thonaa P. Trixler, rho died of cancer In -Babruary. He caDe to trorea vith the 29th Reginent and uas reaeslgDed to th€ 19tb. He. Yaa captured bI the chlneae on l{er Yeara DaI/ 1951 and rllt€Dt 32 ronthe aa a POtf. He uae la ' the laat truckload of ten to cone out 'of Pof caup. You Day aend coDdolencea .t6 hig rldou, "Prancea" at: ' 937 t{. Sallabury G.0. AVe Saliaburv, lfc 2A146 LOng tlme member LOU DUHAMEL (2■ 3t WW エエ) pa● ●●● ●Way ■n ゃr華 6′ hi8 Lowell MA hOme On 1995。 PIfiPEICB BBICE, rife of over .60 rcers to Go.Dright B, 3.acb,usr R.t.11350 Jacka@ Rd. Oeitcr, Hi . r18130 died April 17, 1995 Reporqed by Kathrlm Eortenbery W. =45)2121 SW 67 0klaho口 a City, 0■ .73155。 Life Hember #985. TL=s cane baCК mR― ceased・ AS 'De― . VOY Po McNAUGHTEN.TLIS came back 口ar■ ed as deceaSedowas 3rd Eng.:42-'45。 Wfio Ha2.el at Rt 2′ Bo8 143′ Bro■ 80n′ T=. 75930-9539。 BILL -0- ROSCOE CI,N(ON 4686 CECIL W. YOUNGER Sr.(19th :44 S ^ C ・ ■ 一一 . 一 ・・ 一 llrRIB CrnDO atrGd D.c.2l,199a. --.r* rtfc oi peter A.Carbo '' Pcta rae 19th ta fUIf. Bacalv€d rord fror Ral gh llth€rton of the paserni of Itllla. llonsha (f-19th). RrtDh 8tl's that Bill ,a8 one hell ofa BIR [an, the oaly lan h€ Ene3 th.t could sboot a BIR llt. a Dt8tol . tiucci, 盤翌W響呼 画 物 . (1lth FA Korea ) Died Feb。 15,1995. Blll and his wife Ceraldine lived at 99 L€estowrr Rd., Dartmouth DroLarkspu′ CA.94939 lriduay Iff 40347 2'th SIGtI'b€ ffiII ras froo Che6ter, Pa ' A' Arbrose il-""p"it"a bl, JoDn Jr. via Kensood Roaa ' rILLIAttl IELDIX G● ●ldine says that he was proud of his service to his country and delighted to ma■ e contact "ith people fron his unit。 BERNARD COHEN (e-21st 144-145) 2131 Wallace AveoApt 606′ Bron8′ NY。 10462 Life Membe 410。 TLiS dane back "deceased田 3θ . →奪 Korcoe C C[ovotL ord. '42-r{5) went to his reward on April the 17th. when the oPerator told ue that Starying Ground, KY was coming in on the line, we senged trouble aa Roscoe had been in failing health for several years, agonized by involvement in a serious autoEobile accident about a year ago. Our last telephone converaation with him gave cauge for v,orry aa Roacoe wae far from his haPPY self. The electric current of Association affairs, modest though they were, turna even coEmon nold to dianond. Traditions of military honor impart something of their tlignity to those who inherit them. As one-ti-me president of our Aasociation, Roscoe's loftineas of soul enabled him to rise to his full height as he presided over our affairs for one eolid and meaningful year' Those of ue privileged to be a gueqt in hiE staDPing Grounds property witl remenber the experience forever. . Roscoe rePresented the ulti.mate in collegiality. Ee was never too buay to lend a friendly ear. Ee always remembered with a grateful note o! gift the snallest kindDess tendered hi!tr. He rrag a gracioua Kentucky gentleDan, and above all else, he was RoscOE CLN(oN l724l-t. a caring and cornpassianate hunan being. Our relationship with Roscoe extended over 5■ richer for having known hi.n and worked wi th thanks for that privilege. 。 we are we give 欽 ヾ│ ‐ :重 II■ 下T[': ・ `r :Robett Luhttenヮ 79ヮ h:ま ly decOmted wwll heroフ wounded vetヮ dies By ERIC― W雌 一 lt's S 鏑 Rotert Luhsea mme battles. neverdie, they justEde away,"' riu figtt m Golden αtt Post oF儀 ― 拍 閥 B― Veterans of Forcign Was commander me higi y decorated .{rEy hdro of World Wartr died l6mday at his in Riviera GolI Esrats. f€rliEg beEayed by hir cmtsy fu r€peat€dly d€ayiry thrn l8t €rct hlE any tDmth i! vet€raE boefit+ said he Ee J@c! FlathGs, comder ru t[e the of the Cotdeu Gete of VetrraB of F(reig! War!" Doctcs say sarviclrGLtad iEiEi€ left hi'n blid rDd h laed of cotilEsl tseaEnat !.r hErs aDd a ftot @dum'It is a sad dcy," Flathrrs seid 1t€d8y. "frc AEcri@ pc{lc ore tt€le kin& d p.ople r bt mre thal they rcrllzc." LrhE€a's body res !€d b Irasbhgto, D.C- Tuesday . EtriDS fu bEitl at ArUDSlm N.dmal C.met€ry, FLth.r! si.L Ee ritr b€ bEied in his e iirE, as ras his Eisb. he s.idltrrc sill he r locel ssvic.s, and ome b bG bqi€4 is rspcctad at his grave rh€o be ir `` lke Mbα uhtrr said,`old sold輸 疇 ercepi tot' a military hm' {fslfteffisfifu'r.il,'OH DGtE dic' ttcry jd hde $ldi€lr aray,"' Eir€ rith lte t! !ai( '"ltads rGtcd rigtt up to the trr'hftr tbe way it Mr. Lohs€a." d t[e logrd ss. Esch of the war h thc PnilppiDcr b f9{5, hhsea r-ined leadEr eaa€d 23 hcroi!@ Eearts Eedals iddllS laEt h rah loE tuple Lrhs.! a es a (EFOaD a8DY, p€rt b hb lcadhg aEd ttDutatbd thtnk b ttc i{.}Eile U{.t roaci.c6 tte bLd brErilg hildhg br d[6 vie. fintr,a$8fulavartyud b irEp t0 fcct clltc rrllray. he hrd to a cG, TDile rcoovering Aoo e h,e tca leg; botca arHe iaiEed bacl ald hcial bNEc thrt !rcG, odtty lcft hin blhd (h. Dous-' lec *rf rar b€hg rGGhthcCmgrc*:ioel U.cAItMs i!6d:E€d hl'n he ondcd chief of U6d.ldEm, hblca!ridEc sp.at . lffcdro€ wetths. 'The oen! &ed rr," Flathen seid- 'Ee fdt llle his coc. Ey let bin dovL" nreGs s.id t€ is Uag b ErF d LEhlaa! rcac,[ttr Mhdam iu tle milfpinrs to heto'!,B.bi(fb, bccaphcr Jrp.EG Gogbld gadr. a fiEd<eidI8 c.'nP.ltri of thcre. Afta t[e Japo:re lxErtod€r i! l9{5. Ixh's.a ta3 s€at io Japs.n rhere he rcscned dgit Eea froo e bcairy brracts, While naHrg a fiml chect of the 7グ ルが 多た tobuild a mncat ffiga hlfs€o. hhseu is swvived b,y hb silc IlaieIe kir!a!, aEd serr€ial niecB ard DepieEs. Ee res 79. Robert Henry Lunrsen 15, 1945, orriving in tiyrc, hit lcE, iniuring his boct Pfiilippine lslond Morcfi 19, ond sufuriaa rcriou fiodoi 1945. His ossignmant wos bums. tor Fis rdroordn11, Compony M, l9th lnfontry afforrs. h€ rcs ota,dcd lli Reginrent, 24rh Division, "soldicr's Mcdol". Whib Viciory Division. Regulor r€covrring in ,h. holprtd. h. Army, Heovy Wcopons, wos visitcd by Gcorrul lnfontry. . C. Crorncr (Gcnaci MocArrhw'c chicl oI srsf,, Kcnneth tirst Sorgeont luirr:cn led the longest sustoin.d rnordr ond wos informcd tftor ha during WW ll when he lcd his wos bctng .€conrm€fldad frr troops on o I tl.,{ miic, 17 doy th€ "Congassiond fJbdd o{ mordr to copture tho JoPo- ll,onor", cn o*ord hc hol nese stronghold of Dovoo on rrver rocsivrd. the islond of Mindcnco in lhe Thc norne of Rob.ri H. Philippinas., ln rloi ,ro,r"! UUJ,'#*'..fi in" Luh6en - ond . h.3 , men T@ ,- rl- Boo& of Porbrs locotld h qcnsc hock hrougnlunglas the Roct lslond Arccnol "-' -tf ond crosj 34 rivqrs ond ilil:i;d('rriJllU. streoms while und6r conslsnl '-"R;il'il;;T; BOBERTE6IhY LUENSEFI fb kr gI"A bv Joconese lmceriot 19ii.-"i-r'irl^-'ii-fJ,i"-i Morrnes' Lunrsen 9ulcxlY monoacrent oosilkvrs in wt' eomed .o rcputgrion -d y pie.; E;;;.-,riioi'-i-a "'*.-"i"irri"" referred to cs "one ,",1 ;;#"*;;J i-" ormy. Luhrsen" . by Generol ;:r#'-."J;"; il;'p.dft. Douglos MocAdnur s stsn€rs. Robert Henry Iuhrsen he ros fiorud lo dir I995.. Born Novembcr 12, Ey rvors' end. .Luhrs.n T"l Wcr-ot 6Z ysos of oga, Otrg I9I5 in Beloit, Wis., he gr'oduorcd from Hononegon H::",ff' #1"!f #'fl"iti; - ioJ-i, i6L'Iir"I-' l{gh Sdtool, Ro _dton, fl. in eomino 23 medcls ond dccr Mrsan wos o hb<rrn5r 1933. lle groduolcd from rsrioni for heroism ond volor of th€ dd.n Goto Yctr'os BCoit Collega h 1937. H€ indudino frour F.rsle Hcorrs. of ForciEn Wors Post lrlo. wos o nenbor of Phi Koppo oi Afiar- tfic Joionese Slrntor TX)I, tha lilfilwy q.t Pii frotcrnity. He morried der, luhrsen wos s.nt to thc hrple l{€od, dt thdad lsobclle ffirirs in 1937. lle Jopon. On Dccenbcr 7, Americons Associoiion ond en$stcd in .th€ U.S. Army on 1945, durinq o cievostoling thc Ancritot lcgbn. October 8, 1943, Comp borrodc fire] tr.trrsen carrici Erst Sergrot tuhrsar rl Groil. fl. Aficr bosk trdning ciqhr men to 3ofory who hod bc interrcd in Arlington h6 tronshrred to Conrp Elorr.. b&n overcome 6y smoke. l.lotionol Ccrnctcry u,ilfi firll ding, Flo. Dutics included Whilc molho o fnoi dred of nfitory honors. troining infolrtry ond heoly the bumturg -slructure for ory Thore will bc no locol weopons componies through other victims, lhe sloircose lafli(ts. Itneo bcsic. troining q!es. lfis burnid owiv snd he wos luhrsen is srrYhr.d by hil enrercd eomd lifg Mordl 6, - - ン ア´フJ 一. ﹂ rcnk wos ffrst sergeonr. He . brced to iumo 30 b.i to fio wife, lsobcllc tuhrscn; ord dGport€d ilre U.S. on lvbth coocrote i"li'*Cr, froduring scvtnqa ti..rs ond ,Epltaw3 参 __ユ : +b ,r':lore.) Ir.t(4aru;yr^.,q1Y '9n1t rr; i.r.1n.71*zrg 1':33 + 1t"1 3lroou 9l att .1-1i:r.:J zrzm .9rrl e.+91 at -!f "I ?r17rlshT€ evlrr >xrltT.q hltlozlts "1"1"P Prplr"y [n'+!tl rro^ 2H'@ir'.q 'nrp.nqnv ?o9q&fircp8 [B6irqffr!.i, ?.,,cs q qtr tF|ql T4.l tloJ|rD'r ipcalre rpraTiEPoD iswrlsruH, sll[.strlo;1 qNvno sssrg sitrsg il,tcrl qNv er1 rry lronr[ NI srafrvw `Mざ AOc ■)'171フ T,EC 'dYel ouY& Uog aU ・^ ヽ ifrT,5q a:rr .! ga1rod.2l{ .14.u{ o?a+ n'I fitn L..rg <-ra, ,y '*:t ;f-th, .t Jn 2rfia5o hLbl r1.tdrS f:e '1ur11? h1r.ag rg lur f!* rroh \Ft et ),uo9 't or a lllqiamErlPrwalq[v '.fi ,rn arecE Etlar IFUIof frq pr t$aofua a;dqry . qraPflpe.Elw .&ra!qsDcariaEt Srrqsqrw4rurapirEboq''. .apr e;q ..,. Irriro, 1attoCoi t rrfiai qutugF{)'9pry€,yg lc,rofP11ep/sr la ^&utQ pu{ll tlplt;r.d.ptre,re^sg eqt r.t lllo 9661 'er lrdv cynBs{) qprsra pzomt fi eplelolttg cir..s.9FrD0 q,U/ogr,o'€ouet/ol ffit'ot/Jdry 1r U otltD.[4| aire,leC'ouleua *at'ntqtnq 3I1 otll t 0.r.tr4! 1o Er[ eq qreu. el4treu. slep rno rc1 esrerd pua s1ua4 'q6p q pog 'lseJ {qes 'l13,t sl llv .{t1s uro4 '[!q eql ulorl'alq eql .J.ail eq1 uns erg euo6 'euop q leg sdvr ueqlv uBlllut lrouJeyl Ar!^sl ul 〓 ェ一 ず 、 , ・ .一 二 uosuEH 'oO erul sV g,u "rloull 'fis 's,rsls er{ tfiEau. 'uns ・Ш■ 9303 lWnsl 'q6p s1pog r ヽ ﹁ ﹁ ・ ﹁ - 33et 2r+,/"--r *' ・ ι:エリタ″ %L_r/a″ 12"“ ゞ zノ アタこ `勇 ノ ん 「 ″ み 移 “ ″″′“ L″ 〃 ″ 独 ノ tん ル И笏 /tイ 焼 メ ″ 〃 ノ “ ノeノι′″ ♂レiん ′ ル 力 “″ Z. ,レ 多 L宅 ./ ′ ″′ ″ " 解 ′″ Ч ノε′ ″ メχ″曜ノι ノ ″ ″ ″ 4自 │レ 夕 働 `26・ ・ 多 タ 易 メ ●〃レ″リ ″ CONSTANTINE COVOTSOS died August 3′ ■994 was Div.Hq. 34th Reported by hiS SiSter′ Catherine Gorevan′ "Any tlrcyou wtgh to demrr"strate sometlrtng. the mrmbcr of hults wlll be dlr€ct$ proportlonal to the numbcr of rltsmers." 2706 Syde■ ■e St.′ SaraSota FL 34237 (MurPbD') `ダ ● イ ヽ 奎 」 '■ =■ ・` tiオ [it言 │ A'{ OPEN LETIER TO 34trl INFANTRY Vvw II VETERANS To iho best of qlr knowledgo, lh€r€ has n6vor boon a reunion of the entire 34th lnfanfy. would llko to romedy that situation at Cocoa B6ach, Florida on Ociober 19h, 20th, ano 22nd, 19s5- Lre St* anniversary d our hnding at Leyte. lmw that some of the soparate companles have been me€ting at various locations. IlSe ' Ho\f; abqlt puting it all togother this year ? W€ have mde arrangem€nts wilh the Hilerd Johnson Plaza Hotel at Cocoa Beach and thef haw ofiored some \rery atfactve rat6s: rlh bf+ Tower€csan M* CDurtyard Rooms Rooms-$ 59.fi1/day+ tax -349.00rday+tax The Cocoa ooach area has much to re∞ mmend l.¬ lo most ob宙 ous are he Kennedy Space Center and the Auattc bea由 .There are lne 9olr mursesin he area.There are charter boats and p● Jv bOats avalaЫ e,brdoop sea ning and here:s pler lshing at Coma Bea● Pien None orthe above require a license.Surrishing is a:so avaLb:o,but a lcense is required. For shoppers there is Merritt Square Ma::=quant Cocoaヽ 劇:age,and Ron Jon:s‐ almrs paradise. he The restaurants are many and divorse and forthe most pan very good.Alhough antypes Or f00d are avalablel● ■,30mOd:s excelonti Plms ae not∞ mplete,M you∝ n be aSsured a t“ b Kenneo Spa_center wi:ibe ・. 叩 hbleけ all whlo口 sh to go.lt ul:bo 20 ml● 3・ up tte road a山 田 Rn canavera:‐ abotlt5 mb3‐ 19 0no orble hmesta面 oШ 耐り。 You may "pot httЮ ush b pOlbh Or your― Ond wlh a C節め 田 n mise. ´ 一. 十一 ヽ. 一一 ¨ ´ 一、 ・ ヽヽ ・ , H― rd Johnson orerstlle spedairates b 34h inhntt pooplei not on:yわ rthe 3 n● ghts but貯 3 days priorto and 3 days aner me m00ong. Ifyou wlsh to make rosenOns,0日 ::1‐ 800‐ 55‐ BEACH,o『 1‐800‐552‐ 3224. please idenl,yourSer as being win the 34th. Or Our『 Ounioni Fo「 more infonnationi… 10b SCOtt P.0.Box 3000 い =Tx. 76707 (017)772=7106 W‖ bⅧ :30n od '''O Sandl― Venに3,F:.34293 (813)403‐ 1230 see yoll in Cocoa Bo8cfi, come October Ъら Dた k ttsher 4240 Caneia st Coma:F:. 32927 (407)631‐ 9778 pЧ p'rJ l\5<0c q.lg.q5 ILttf 3o3、 B€qY' Jourl '4 lq6o ( wDrA rvD€Gt q. v oV 5-ro. r'\ ll.=tl Y l.fo N€R 19 3y)A\nw,r 33 DN Trr\ S -,8€LE-,\-teD Aqtr 10.53 ^^ Frヽ aoJ€rl av?o /,>R \,otnFoく ユ Rs , AN\,4 l4€.)lB€R 鶴 鵠]樹勇2106 6o.rTVu./ ` T→ AN` ヽ Dト 、 ぉん サ識 た `ん a ,rr Nc r.\- │ Pa3.-. wdd War‖ a劇 KoHり 山 hdd 缶 鉤町 -I fm U.S. ArnY MilitarY lligtnrY IDstihde in Carliels' Pa- is codtrsh ine two major surveys to collect SIar II aod -ice -ateiat" oIteWcld whkh indiufre tb Kqun Ws. is tbe Aro/s offisisl t€PositnT Y frr Eatxtrirls, cdhfi' Preuvee' and wucides nilitary history soune echolars and other -"t ti"la tofre streYo m World reserrchers. War tr ard tle Kcean War ast vti' cEaDE to shsre tlsit rolbclims' In additim, tne ingede is ELiDg YEfier' rn to ,lrmrte any hidaical rccu&iouroale. diaries, caEP and uait ;r.*"p"p."", and so frEtb=$st t&ry nay havo to the odhcEn Fo a copY d the auwen mtact the U.S. ArmY Military HistorY In' dihme, Attn AnSds L€Dr, Ifdrical tierrdces Coordinator, Carlietre Bar' racls, PA 17018-6008; (717')216' m w). The Las Vegas Hilton, site of the 1991 Tailhook convenlion, ruust PaY $6'7 nitlion in Punitive and actual damage s to former Navv Leiutenant Paula Cou-ohlin, who was "groPed" bv 6runken aviators. The iirrv ilecidecl securitY at the frotLI was insufficient. It looks as thouqh the NavY iook littte oi the hit, it was the IIiIton that takes the real raP. And the ironY is that it was the meeting itself that was the Problem' You f igure. o 一 マ . : KOREAN WAR VETERANS OF N.工 Inc. RO.Box“ 鰐 2016ロ ト1419 Woodd“ L● 3喝 “ NJ 07675 Fax#2016661923 劇 Ⅳ‐ NJ tt OrOr. , nO_wE Jdrery● J■ ,Sm Co_der V7-Bmy9SL VL錮 n‐ ]に XttЛ ttVL Orlcer 側 L-0° Nd aL)― r・ Jr.vlce Cndr. Chaphh … "VmB― mm島 Cer V“ S8● 41Joq J. L.G, YbG Crdr. Xorter Alldn & McrDqrhtD, Td# 2Ol 97-9019 L… ce omcer 」 dr… ・ P電 … triOf,D,AN WAN. MNluOruAL EIGEWAY DENCATION JOIINNAL Ifurtin Wu Vaerans of New lcrsey, have long aruritcd the recogpition that passing of Rccohtbn AJR 39 in thc Narr Jersey Stare Asedly provide tb Kore WarlDlvlZ Veteru.. Itfu bill now natrrcs Rqrtc 2t7 as the Korcan War Memorial tfghczy with additional nrmes to bc cacM. AJR 39 titl was possed unanimously by thc Stue Asranbty on Dcccrrber 5, 1994. Thir is thc frst Menrrid Hidrvay in thc country thet Living Tcsement Penons erre a&ed to ttc htfrqEympc. h.iltllc nolE 2t7 prrcr thnragh 5 codice in Ncr Jcrt y rd M口 耐 口 B■ 日 直 コ ヨ L"Ko-77‐ rn bc ucd o fr[otr: v7mrBw9L_POVJ・ 躙 u口 US… "′ , Konu Ite efrirnl lc w, ricrorid Drvt ytt to bc fHRr.2tTprraSmo3L tffi"ffiX!ffi,',h uouctd for lb othcr tlo rr,iu. cornticr - ffidilcrcr ud SoocrrA l{glu.ay will bc on Suday lum 25, 19815. At thc Parrippray/Troy Boro llrll pa*ing lot. Wc.wqdd lpprocilte you donitio4 to our Mmrirl drnal, this sill hdp pay the expeoscs of thc dcdication ad lid in the prograrns for tb dcrq and mrsirry homc rclcans. The Korean I\Iar Vctcrans of New lersey Inc. is a non p,rofit organizrion and is srftd by volunteers. Your help in this dedication donation wodd be grtcfully Dcdfo;atioa of ttis Mcmorial Ifll lltilc: nrtc yorr chcct donrtiolr oot to: 'Kotran WarVetorans Xcmodal Hlghway Dedcedon Fund.' P.O. Bor 85&l Woodcllfr kkc, NJ. 07675 ort bchalf of the 54,246 American Vaerans who did not oome homc fiom the Korean War and thc 8,177 wto are still 'Mssing In Action' we 'Thank You' for yor colrcern ad kindncss. Lest We Forget, . Thoinas Wm. Jefferys, Ir. Korean War Vaerans of New Jcrsey, Inc. 』 r 理 Korcen \ilrr/Dlf,Z Vctcnrr of Ncr Jenry' hc KOREAN WAR MEMORHL IIIGI{WAY . Rt. 287 / Hcctor A Ceffcrete, CMH / Welter Brey / Chnence Rcd Moslqy / MEMORIAL DEDICATION JOIJRNAL Jrme Yor prrticiprtirn in ttit 21 1995 rouvcoir dcdicdirn iourod will hdp u in ltc dcdicdion rnd ongoirS progri." t"-tap vacrroi, GoDDotiityr PrSriotic ccrtoooh| ud hc$ crry thc msrge_of P&'iod.o oy. ft .u up t tt" c&crtim of AE'ic.'r Fol3ott i w.r od Fo4otlrn Yryil to rtc i" "i..yt gcocr.t- @itc Plar ldg ur ce,rry otr our rortt hilc prognD3 bv ndiry your dvcrtiscod to rt urt < < ..f:・ く く ()FuI Page S l∞ .∞ ()1″ Page s 55.∞ < )BaCk COVer.… … Frar Cer..¨ ) J"口 )1/4 Page S 35.∞ )1お Page s 25.∞ )m m"しcOva PLMEATFACH YOUR MATERH EERE PLEASE MAIL ALL ADVERIISING MATERE AND CHECKS TO: KOREAN WAR MEMORL DEDICA10N FIIND‐ KWV=NJ IN(a P.O BOX 8584 WoodclirL山 島NwJ嘲 We m Yo■ 07675 for your hdp and dd口 崎 n to this wo■ hy ero■ tO the d― sed and the 側 Mvors. │ ´ 一 ノ `彗 CHUCKLE口 R TEE DAY mEDBER:THE OLD FOLKS ARE WORTH A FORTUNE′ ttith silver in their hair′ gold in their teeth′ lead in their feet′ and gas in their sto● ●chs. , 工 have become a little older since l saw you last and a few changes ha,o cone int。 口y life since then. Frankly, I have beco口 e quite a frivolous old gal. I an seeing five gentlemen every day. As soon as l wa■ e up will P。 helps mealong get out bedoheI then go to see 」ohn. Then Charlie "er Horse comes andofwhen is here he takes up alot Of my tine and attentiono When he leaves Arthur Ritis shows up and stays for the rest of the day. He doesnlt llke to stay in one place very long′ so he takes me froロ 」Oint tO joint. After such a busy day I:m really tired and glad to gO tO bed t● ith Ban cayo What a lifel P.S.The preacher called the other day. He said that at tty age l should be thinking of the hereafter. I t。 ld him.Oh′ ェ d。 all the timeo No matter where l am, in the parlor′ upstairs, in the ■itchen or dOwn in the basementフ ェask myself:what am ェ here after?#, Thanks to Paul Garland HGHq 2nd Bn. 1952 Foster Rd。 ,Hanburg,Ny. 14075 for the above chuckle. (gleened fron the 5th RCT Newsletter 1995。 ) Korea, yrltes: rl{as going to pay ay dues rhen I realized I aE a LIfe Menber. Oh, yell, aa age takea over yhat can re do? Here's the fifteen dollars anyyay for postager etc. alohn BacLAltA, 24lt}f, Recon, luck. Good Bag. " ¨ 一 Mmber Robert B. Hurd is loolk― ing for info on his father― 」udson Po HurdoH● Joined the Ar口 y 2/3/41 at Fort Slocu口 ′ NYoSenぜ to Ha"aii 3/1/41′ assigned to Hq.Batry,13th FA He was at schofield Barrachs "hen b● c■ Japanese to Statesattacked′ 2/43. David Ro Murphy of the 58th MP Co needs to know if hi8 ′ outfit was ever attached or assigned to the 24th. They provided security on train8 carrying supp■ ies to the front in the Pusan area in 1951. trans― DONALD L. MENCER′ Dover OH for current addresses of any Of his fel■ ow army buddies that served in L 34th in 」apan at Camp Fu]■ ′ midd■ e camp =52. ■722 Trelllont St.′ 44622′ is ■Ooking F 一一 一 一 一 十 一 一 一一 十 一 ﹂ 二 9θ LateF they were agsigned to the Yongdung Po area. Can anyone he■ p him??? Addre888 Po Box 319 Duxbury′ MA 02331-0319 一 ﹂ 彗 ﹁ Remini,scence He cl ilbed the bill in silenc€ ju8t l ist€ning to the eounds of rar. t[d €acb in hls ora say aad aanaer tri€d to get ready for what's DoB ln store. tll heartbeata started to qulck€n, aa re thougbt of rhat goes Prong, rhen shells aad bulleta start to alng, tbelr aluays deadly soag. And so re heard thls aong of death, for tany a atght and daY, Aad fortunate indeed rere those of uE, rbo r€re able to ralk awaY. But th€ aights aEd BceneE eDcountered, aa tbe daYs and nlgbta reot bY, Llve forever in Your rlnd, and at odd tiEa can rale You cr]'. "Tire rill erase all rounds','tls aaid, but solet ines that's not true. For rhen the lounds are doeD lnside, They becone gart of You. a. Ch● ●1● o● od f=0● th0 5th RCT "er 1995 一 瑳〓 ―Dollald ●o― 一 一 一 ・ ¨ 一 一 ヽ﹂ ■、 一F ・ ´ Tte uord "dufref ln "DufiGl Begl comef ftom tlre Belglan toum of Drdt t h"* the course, tldcli-napped wookn fabric was mamrfactured' "Adjutanf ts from the tuench word "adJutare.' meantng' "to trclP'" ■ ■墨 ・ :1・ ・ ・ ′ 二 ::1堰 =:.ilit讐 ' ′ .. . "'.:-''fllflaD P. Buckley, Jr. !.rites an interesting bf,alara debacle: Vtu {flo @, uhrb EdWnoW? 、 一 ヽ 一・ ヽ ´ rEr rol r. atltL ra colurnn on th6 SEitEll rDd.matufutic- Ald rhy lf you e! tad it, h..ruD of S6ort6 Jc Mccarrt . X.NrDdr cit B [ rylilx of X.C.rtbrh &ho C.rt r Viet and did *e mirrcad thc siSn b? &bn $6?trt Sanie, rho if tL.l/ hld 一. 一一 ■ ・ , t a lrnrd dgbf hrv! r.rb.d th $.te D?-&iaCr ti.b G rh. indt!rro hi. b.ol o lrifie. Evritrh.E lcna qudity d AlirD CoEulie, not qld tb rlE b !rr, Ei,l.ts rdd.A to rh. dugh fa lh€ @ rtiat- @t b'eirr bc ttc ral rram rGld, But d.outt the tiD. iD lh.Irt bcrr th. to* Dr@ IhlfIL ia..tda- F6dci, .dq,t d bt atdr a! lrrE rat sDd -E Dedrt . X.D{.o..! dcild b Ora r-EitrDo,q rr thd, tb r.mautfu,. rritc bE h. td trorD i* .t Lorded up by fao fte-turg ra. Dotling H rihdry tb (,ri.iE.d Giro tnrly Ddr ilan a .LoG!ti. 0.ter4l Ld @!qt riah rti.h D Det p.od. ht an lgrdln rtfuD.tr ri.r o0r Fli6.d h&thr,' kn if lld{oan gu o fir s to itrftsE ur too. pDc L to rglr iiat i! Lt lblt it ra! lthfy pcoDdle' thar od cdrr p (ht rda. . bot .h Pcdrirat r-..ry r@ld hsvs brd u. ttc frrd..E d cin+ Prndecb fiet ort ofvi.,farD ifh. hrd lircd.ltcc o Lr. LrN.DEr b d & f a3anfrr a* o u&*ruli4 of K.rD.dYr vi.r iitL iD qr Flitirl irtiffiiD. d Mdao can Ldtr ioo hia intdYr6. lf lD- i.dtd... rrEt rf,olEDc d.ro itr llr. M.Na.D!ra'! Oeprrfncnt of od-dhir, fh- rdd hre! Soa Et d Dc&oe. JFK thw @t tb Shd"'rit Virtoen fy tb cdcly ratba. d iL ra td-d&.1-i8n d fo' lbG tb h.lld hG. Bd lbet rEt rL.t hrIF H @.. rEr c.susltie! h Viebao D...n It. La EE tb. AEi.e FDL Ed bio-lf rt6 to tL. .id6 dr.ranc8t Eit to f.E tdd o tb S.4i.n dty 'Amio el! in IrialD.D ba.rsG r.. ir 1968, ed .l th.c ED tt rt hsv€ dstatrDin d tbet thi! oEDky IbEdi. ri{dU-S. rlitb orrrdr Do.t trd 6[ Ed.. CoE@id d6itrrth Fdfu rb8 rh d tb. trrfe ti.D- Il i. .I- .p.rEl that tic Coou. C6tEtil..trfi.L fll& H@gtlrt litt b t L. ov.r \ri.4r.D nr oly E d lh laldan .a.r-r..| riti Frt 'trmtt d r brSE de tu hi4tug ric ag.aqE O.dS. L.Co'ir!' lo bd d.r. dE rE dSfu /lda u!d6 6eit d tb ra. /lrd iD Norcob.f Rid.td d@instlE- . . . Yqrl Hb.r rer in VieIf|!o r.r .L.td o . Vi:tafiD-Yi.t orD h..ru- tL thr! l to the YiaiaeDe pL&.d" *}d t qht 6 ti. .ad e paoplc i& iD tL lmS rur, a thtr.t to dth. r.r itrdd.d l) tL fiilEE to D.L lb F .. W6U rriDnraity, .!d utricitid nilirry pq!.. b Vi.*D.D (cr- Eatdy a thEst to rE . . .' rlctl, ccdd.d ht r[ttE XGNIE rr), 2) thet loundi DEt eritly aLroirt, sir th. .Enliahi.d r.d.t@ d colhErl cofctable yesr! sft€tr th€ B€rtiD Wrll AGi.+ .nd 3) lt. Ed di.ts-ti(n d c.@ dora- Bc hctrcra the tic JFI( Sorlrn &* ht E Lrtlt . Ndling itr rrote dte qd!,Dd tbc litaratioD of Lr. &Nr! r.l hd .D hint .hout . E j.rD Eur,ryG, @e-thid of thc Foplo rqinrdtio d ttpEtlic.D iEtr'htlElr i! C.mbodi. -..c blc4 rDtoH nillinli Fir 8!@ ik if i!&lnttlE lrc hlmoiDg of clrioe did oa m of th. miDi-dta! arrdy iD ovlrdrira, !,qr dot ccd e ard- dfadr Coorairol .d the llE rqld dco rutry, o r crFa rbd 25 y!rr!. .a6d ard..r rst h d.y .!d DiSht unEL UaLEa'r talL ua that rc should f,nrlly, tlE Soeici Unioo iDplodcd. hrYc hartn 6. Srcat rr.li6ar d tba It is . t nrihlc titll th.t l&. U.N.Vi.flu th..L.. fbt rtr€ thrt Ho Chi rrlrta, in hia quidic .tfepa to rstor. MDLI arE d rwolt rlr trt a C@Eu- hi6 iB deeErtic iErtihrtiEsr sboufd ab ..li.ot, h|l r- ucU rn rqr- iDrf.ad r.lt io r.rl- @'is.. jo of Eti-.Iltr, p.rh+ to b. c.E- XuA mrrubrdcme, ia r.D. lS5, rould frcd riih Nelm froddah urcirdE b. th. Ev€lelio d a hol by llo Chi rith C,i6Eo.ir!, riii te!.d drt to h. lfnh' ,riddcd to tL. rorld I e oo tr Srudm, r.llorLdSiry that Sbuth ViaaEeee F .n, br.L.d by th. U,S. ailitcr, Ya,' D.nt to?dd tu C6It iEt dvi([. dt n hia E{re E dofi.!; ah.t if tle Cbimer toD[iDg in l9lll bad Dreo f lored by a E d.ttly p.nn-d iaveeia of ldami by tb SouO Vicfaane, b..hd by th. Duoi.t roH bevc brd th cq ead ad tb.ir uE i! PEbDg. Am8 .tb.r thi!8s, rs'd bay! hceu gpeEd UcN.Esre'. bo&. tr U.S. ailitery, BoL bcin to fly 車 _ 9■ ― ,■ Ii■ ヽ■ =: 島 ● = wt tDT pg ao*cEl ?qJ lqwuop o uo uow?ooggv or# o4 rr?e oo? TtaD ?W 7Atu77? A# r?1r"n77?1t 9! lutta0td ?Vl +O '9@ anSl uoos w ?7tt?u @d 0Z' s? ?tynns afi 1o wao # ?uoqd 'dE ?o cnnfltlnt ',oil"gfivia?b- f{ta pmot V?ltt?tt W ?o $4n o nofr ?lrag n?a I 'l/Dqn:rvu79 uoOp ?? fiOt/W,t At Qaq m{n ? 'VaVn7ttry q ?fnrc nqn 'uaou2l ?w? aq1 w ?ws ?IITON : w rvrvil uolwuttotul '?\Iflt ut utw? ?taog Qo 1tra9 ?,uooml noft lots? "1/7?q etvuanafl'w."wn? @&o? 4ryJo? c/taTto ?tm q %rayu,rau taq at frq of vJ?olov ota -rdol g auoqd D ?ffvFwoo vry ?olqf aql 鋤日勁曰″ どθゴ ヨЭIAど ヨS aJ/v /ヨ ,Ti l Jギ :`・ j ■):. WEST COAST REC■ ONAL REUNION′ RENO′ NV. Tlris gathering opened Sunday, April 23, and ruas "dismissed" on t{ednesdayl the 25th. A wonderful group of veterans, much canaraderie and chit-chattln plris good food and many activities. some big hits on the jackpotst Offset B, sile unlucky losses, which, we hope, pere not too great. At Ieast no @bera were seen hltch hiking their hray out of town! :t ' Ihcludlng.wlvesv. total attendlnce was 58. A rap se8sion wias held on ltonday .rerning, an infdrmal business meeting on Tuesday nornLng, and a very, . $Grylnformal dinner on Tuesday evenj.ng, at shlch tlDe sooe very nice prizes raffled off. tlany thanks to the donors t The prine rib dLnnef was ' Er€ e$allent, and the nenbers applauded Rod and Carol Stock and comittee for thelr gallant efforts and hard work in putting this event together. lll were aaddened by the announcement that our long tlme neuber from Reno, f,en Boyd, has been strLcken with cancer and unable to attend. please reneober hlm in your prayers, and/or, with a card. (Xenda1l R. Boyd, ,121-14th st., Sparks, Nv., 89431 ) During our Tuesday dinner Bronko Atkinson proposed a toast to Ken Ross and Beverly Corris in appreciation of their uany years of rork and dedicatlon to our assn. Loud applause followed. Thank you Xen and Bev! llhis affair attracted sqne of our top brass, and lt eas great to be together to disseminate detailed inforrnation about natlonal reunlon p}ans, future TARO LEAF details, and progress of the assn. Included in this category were Editor Bob and Jean Laphon, Proctorvllle, OhLo, Wally and Eleanor Kuhner, CharLeston, S.C., and Nashville chaJ.nuan, Rudy and yvonne llulllns, Rocky llount, !lo. to return to the Reno-Sparks-llinden area for another regional reunion next l,!ay nith the dates and hotel to be selected.by Rod Stock and his committee. 'Adva.nce announce[ent to be publlshed in the TARO The nenbers voted I.EAF. Thls project dispel-led one Dyth-----that a good lor hotel roon rate and v6ry reasonable food prices would increase attendance. lfot sott We had expected to double the attendance fion the prGvlou! teo yeara because of because of the $39 Reno room rate conirared wlth the l?9 Shell Beach rate. Guess what? Attendance practically ldentical. co figure itt lfe had a very interesting and detailed dl.scusslon on the 24th fnf. Div. hletoryi' ?he editor ls glvlng a separate page ln this lssue to the publishlng of this all important book and nenbers rlll be glven a chance !o express their opinion and vote t,heLr convlctLons. Be sure to look for thls and read it through. AII Taro Leafers are cordially lnvited to the Reno reunlon ln !fay, 1996. See you there, God willing! ″ ¬午 The group that atterded the Fest Coast E+uni+a Nash▼ ille Reunlo■ Ch_ Rlldァ Ml1111■ s TL Editor Bob LawhofL ¨ F︶ Photo's C+urt+sy of Hiroko -Jean - Lawhon 93 ■eft 1_? to Right_ 2_Rod Stock T_Coast ReuE1lo■ Ch_ 3_? 4_Ha■ k? Left― ? Right_ ● ・ Fin■ Hフ アtlaen ノ Photo's-by Hiroko -Jeaa- Larvlroa し ヽ ■eft― Tal17 E■ ■■er Rigtt― 3fJb=nder ‐ Left― ●● B Erder Right― ViILCe Cagliardo Photo's by Hiroko 'Jean' Lashon ヽη ― ‐ ― l ― ● ● 24th Infantry Division Association Jack P.Bamn 354「 llll Ave 綺 ,SC 29804 lA戸 :1"5 Dear Jaによ : Thffk yorr for your $5 cor1tibutin ard tl€ nico leilBr tret invohrcd it seenrs that you and t{rere in Japa rne trllh it Frorn the dabs and Korea at the satne time- ln your lelter you raiso e good and valid quoslion, namoly why do we need $15 dues wh€n tro 76ft Efvisrbn A$oddion'6 dres ale onty $3.00 per y€w? l'll see how well I can answBr lhat FiEt our newsletbr ususlly gp€s out six time per year, and it coata ou9hly $'1.15 per mqnber per issue (that indudes printturg and postage). Bear in mind fie last issu€ was 90 p4los. I dont know $,H kird of nerytletbr the 76th nlts out, hn I can. absolutely a3suo you they amot F.il out six issues of a 9Gpagm br eny $3 per m€mb€l por year. Second; excapt for ihe munion itself neilher our Board Of Dfteciors nor the Reunion Sib Selediion CommitE have any sort of rn€€ling or gathering during the year. That rn€ns lhd lhe running of th€ Assocaation, $o making of decisions, and all the lest must be accomdi!€d by mril, FA)( and phono. lt is enough to €Dgoct th6se men to . devoto th€ir time md talont wi0rcln al3o e,9eding tttffi b psy thc po€iagE and phonc costs bo. ln my csse rs lh€ Sqretary ,TrBsuror if I hd to pry for all the mailings ard cdls I make in a rpd< Rl haw to llat-out tt{!ign. Third; therB are d Ole rumd'o{lh. €ry€mes'assocbbd with n rming an o0aniz.lbn of rEsty 3,000 ntembclB - stdone.ry, big €nvelop€s, fittle envelopes, computer sdn6-, enFller rlata sbraoo drlG, E iu copies! add,€ss laDels, printed fiorms, membsstrb cads, 6tB, eE Fourth; the Assodalirn,r,l a, oporab Th O€ black." lf rye ttont have enough money to pay the phone bil what tb re do - (b 6€nd out 3.m0 b&r3 and ask each member b send in another courpb d hd<s? E Fifh: and then, gf eulre, trelt reJ3t be money.for all the had lqrcr and wild women torfro Secr€Eyrf[€elrI. I want to thank you agrdn for tle htbr and ihe E5 ■´ 一 ■一 〓一 ,電 contihrlirn. That was tprrghthrl. Ten days after his 73rd Birthday, ALFRED A. JORGENSON left us on Feb.15,1995.An e*ceptional soldier of the 3,lth Reg.3rd Bn.Hq.Co.froo Hawai i to Japan. We rri I I mi ss you A1 , your buddies of the 34th,Your loving daughter Barbara and her fanily, your townfolks in Fairmont, Ne. but, united with your spouse Vera, for together you shall be in Heaven. Repwn U Bill Vic*z,ta word just received from JESSE FOSTER (E 19th WW II) 937 Mastline Dr., Annapolis MD 214 01-68 61 . Jesse was operated on 12/75/94 and spent 20 days in the hospital . Had a 4-way by-pass. Had a stroke during operation but is slowly recovering. Says he canrt write a very long letter because his $rriting and thinking has been affected. He is still taking cardiac rehab - 3 days a week in his 7th week now and cloing real we1l. This is Jesse I s second operation in 12 years. SaYS he has to be careful now. Jesse is one of our most loya1 members. IIe misses the group and doesnrt travel as much as he used to. Jessers phone is 4LO-224-4431 .. He would appreciate cards and/or notes from his friends, Maet, o. JoWqMt Robert B. Hurd, son ofJudson P. Hurd, would like to find anyone who served wittl or kne% his father. Judson was with the l3th FA in the old Hawaiian Division and served with the 24th until February of 43. He was KIA in Korea in 195 I while with the lst Csv. Cortact; Robert B. Hurd, 5340 S. Louisville Ave, Tuls4 OK 74135 (918-7 47 6825). Robert has joined our Association in remembrance ofhis father. LTc (Ret) Alexander J. capers, 3/7obh Armor, Germany, is looking for anyone vho kneY his uncle 18t Lt C1Yde PPadgett, *F" 1gth, KIA, Korea, 3 ,lan 51. Contact LTc A. .r. Capers, 825 Flening ct, , Penscola, FL, 325L4. Alexander is a neY nenber of our Association. q\ L00KING FOR: ll:[ii:│lillll:iilillliall: 4350 1° °kl::T:trTucKER (B 19th WW II (f° ll:Ilも n:fl♀ [lil'° r ° Retlred Gen John R Galvln sened as MTO eommarder ln Europe hom l9E7 t0 1992. General next Fletcher School dean Ex4en. Galvin named deall ofnetcher school Rethed Army Gen. John R. Gelvin, a one-time NAT0 commander, has been appointed dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomara at Tufts University, the university said yesterday. Galvin, a four-star general, is currently a visiting policy analyst at the Mershon Center at Ohio State University. Prior to tlst he had been a professor of national security at West Poinl Galvin will take over as head of the Fletcher School on July 1. He said the rcle of schools of international relations has never b€en mor€ important. -fhe world has become mor€ interconnect€d. But at the same timq the world iB also more comploq more unpredictable, and so many places are potentially unstable," he said. "\ e need people who can understard a sibration; think it thmugh, come up with an acceptable solutjon and work it out. These are the qualities that F'letcher teaches." The Fletcher Schml is the nation's oldest school of international relations In succeeding Jeswald 1 . Salacuse, Galvin wil become the schmlt sixth dean. Galvin qns born in Wskefield and atiended the Fletcher School on a yeallong fellowship in 1911. Schmled at West Point, he shrtcd his tour of duty in Eumpe in 1!173. He completed two tours in Vietram, │ Tuns… 釧 . ' :!:│││││:!││:i:i:│:│!llil!lil:「 illliillkli:;│││:i:│:│:i::::::│. Piiiiililill:ESTON :重 was a top commander in Panema, advised on military 'lVar opemtions in t}te Gulf and sened as an ambas- I::1ltti:El::│・ sador in :「::言 i:::姜 tlp Bosnian conllict He ser"red es supreme allied c:ommander in Eumpe and as the commander-in+hief of the US European Command from 1987 to 1992. Ile is married and has four daughters. /ノ θθ HOLLINGSWO■ lrH KENWOOD ROSS (your former Secy. -Treas. -Editor) (oiv.Uq. LH HOlungsworth,77,of 37 Edlth (44-471, I20 Maple St., Springfield MA 01103, suffered a heart attack and underrdent angioplasty in March, 1995. PAUL F. WISECUP′ WINTER3 ■265 Kasa Masa Ln.′ FtoMyers FL 339■ 9, SUMMER3 7■ 48 Eldoranda Cir。 +28′ Hi■ ■sboro OH 45■ 33′ had a heart va■ ve rep■ aced in March′ ■995。 Fore6t Universiry from l95lr:I97u. Esrtier minifri€s induded the First Baptist Chu'ch of Boone and tlrc fhst Bspfist Church ofMebane. During World War tr, he was an Army ChaDlain with the 24tI lnfantry DMsion 6rou8h the campsiSns in the South Raciic. Dr. HoUingsroith scn€d Norti Carolina Bapdst in nBr\y capacitiB including service as a mernber of tie General Board of the Convention and tnsr\y of its commit €es. In 1959, he was pr€sident of tlre General Board. Folloping his re- tirenent, he cutinued his ministry by servrng as interim pastor ijr a number of churches across t}le slat€. He was a member of the Wafre Fored Baptis Chuch. Dr. "HoUy" will be rcmmlbercd by nary as a loyal and devotrd supporter of Wake Forest Universiry. For 30 years, he prayed before everywake Fore$ home foot ball grne, 8nd he was equally enthu. sir*ic about tie b8ketball of Greer, S.C.; and blotlrcr, Ct/de Holingsworth of W8.lesLa, Ga- A memorial seryice yill be held on Mondsy, Februsry 27, at 1l 8-[L in $rait Chspel 8t Wa&e Fore$ UniveBiry. Aftcr tlle memorid servicr, the farnivwill rcceive friends at the Chapel ln lieu of flowers, m€modal donatiors may be made to the WsLe For€st Unhrersity Scholarship 70th Armor)Called recently from 825 Fleming Ct., Pensacola FL 32514. Wasnit aware of our club ― but he is now. 」im joined wlthout hesltationo Seems he had an uncle, Lt.CLYDE PADGETT, F19th who was KIA on 」an. 3, 1951. Jim ls anxlous to hear from anyone who might remember Clyde Padgett. Lt. Col. ALEXAT{DER JAl,lES (3/70 Armor, Augsburg Germany'70) of 825 Flemlng Ct., Pensacola FL 32514 is looking for anyone who can give him any i nformati on regarding is uncle's service with the 24th. CAPERS I Lt. CLYDE P. PADGETT (F lgth) arrived in Korea on July 27, 1950 and was KIA on Jan. 3, I951. He was ' Ftnd. Rept 」AMES ::Jlm‖ ‐ 3rd Bn. and otJr- er sporfs proSrarB. He fas an avid gotrer and s memb€r of tlrc Pine blook CounEy Club. He is survived by his wife, B€ss, and thrce dawhterE and their f8tllilies, Nancy and Jim Anundson of Rdeigh and grmd. children, 'Ifictor Brown and Deatma Brcwn; Pat snd Jim Holshouser of Soutlrem Pines and their daughter, GttW, rnd husband John MiDs, and great-grsnddsuShters Holly and Maggte; Linda and Tom Sinms of Windon.salem and grandchildren Jefi Simms 8rd Arny Simn$ a sis€r, Uinnie Psrb Lt.Col. ALEXANDER CAPERS (Germany ]69-〕 70 l ls Bill 9roto ″/ ′ 事 A Mesmt rmm■ 鶯 s“ ′― . / ygru me5r call thts an admlssbn of fatlure. ' but I arn catllng tl. 'tcltlng lt llke lt ls." r11fh8t lB "ilf 11" ls my lryln€ to kecp uP :':irtih firrguys who have summer and 'utlntet'addr€gsos. I know that Ttme, Llfc. l{cssurcek. Sctenttflc Amerlcen. DAv. and alt thc oth€rs can do lL but I rnn'l. The rcason ts. I thlnk. that they have a smcs,h&t blEger opcratbn than I havc. I don't know for snrre Just wtut thqr do have. bul I lmow whal I havc .- and thal ls thc gu.est bcdroom <nnrrertcd lnto an olfbe wtrcre t. alonc. try to keep up wtth lhe AscoclaUbn s affalrc. I dcel wlth 2.877 memb€rrs and therc ta no way I can keep stralgltt. that from May to Oclobcr you ltw ln Happy Hnb. noflda and from November to APrll yur llra ln SnouDanlG Ohb. So how are rc golng lo ke€p lt straght? Slmple: when'you morre from onc phtr lo anolher you arc golng lo scnd mc a changc of addrtss. I can post a e.herge of addrcss tn about ten mlnutea (bolh the computer and l'our 2Ol fih). Anil oncc ft ls posted lt iB bckcd ln corrcrcte untll lou scrd Ec arPtlEr' (X canrge,thlB tEqutrEs a lttu,e eltort on your psrl but that'8 n6thhg comparEd lo the s6rt I am dolng - I am so busy thal. I have had to gtvc up wlH somen ard slmrg drlnk. and thal's onc hcll of a cacrlflcel E.Nclscn 識 /― 勁oOt Me Your arraP codel o19 Num快 → │ 獅 r"た nbffi " ChrP,CO ′02 ffi 。 ヽ ・ ・ r f , F Ouartermaster 24th l.DoA. P.0。 BOX 878 ACTON′ MA.01720 PHONE-508■ 263-1938 PAnCEL FOGT (lrd C1...) RATES hrv. gon up cdrct (brabl y ln l9t5 forclne rr to..lr that a 2.OO (!l )Do.tag. b. r.rd.d to.ll orlara Urat l.Eluda hata or caDa. L rtll contirxra to arrd lrar it/- thrt n Urlnl ,ou aFa looa(tne for. L ara lirtt d. but l.t, u. knfr. ra'll try to e.t tt toryou. A-l 6th txFxlTtr l{AT. S{ITE EGf,OIOCO CREaT D..i grr a 12.00 E● ● 0.00E● .pp A-2 Et,r lnt.ntry Pockct Prtch ESroid.d Cr..t O..i tr ●.00E● .pp A-3 tth lrf.ntry Poch.t Prtch E-roi.Ld cl..3t xEI (b.tgn R}-.tock d h.lf. crst .lz. 3.∞ E● .pP A-a 6t,r tnflltry LaDal Pin lhlt d D..tin rof.. 10.00 E● ● l-! ltr RcI lgT t{ T, RED r/ p.int HAT, *trTE r/ p.int d R.d D.sr- xoREA 10.00E● .‐ l-! A-? 9ur 6Ur iCT Shoul d.r pat€h ?€eul.tion .lz. R.d r lht ta 6.00 E● .P' A-a 6tr iCT H T PIl| patch r.Ol ica R.d r/rtrtt trtr 3.00E● .P' F.4., HAr, neO r/ patnaO cr..t b..isn rF. Dlocmtln口 |-!l9q A-lO 656 F.A. Pock t Pltch ErbroirLd Cr..t D..ign 3.00 E● .pp A-lr llt6 F.A. HAI. RED r/ print d Fand. r Cromd Cannonr 10.00 E● ● A-tz.656 F.A. Af. *ltTE r/ paint.d.Frnd. I Cro...d c.mEn 10.00 E● ● A-rg mEss-rlEs8 XtXt- C. t.B. 5.00 E● .P, A-ta fiEBHCtE XtXt-C.l.B. 8.cond Ar.rd (r/Str) 6.00 E● .pp A-lt ,Ur Intrrtr, Ect.t prtctt O.00 ・● ,P a-lc lgth lnfsrtTy cr..t a 6.00 E ch I ro.oo pri" pp A-17 19ul lnflntry Fockat Prtch 3.00 Ca.P, A-ta lgur lntantry C.D Drrk BlrJ. Lrrgs print d D..i gn 10,00 ●● 白 -el.t A-lt Intrttry LaD.l Pin 3.00 E● .P' .● .● : .● .● .● A-20 21ot =nfent■ croote 3 5.00 E● ch 3 10.00 p● lr pp pock● t Patch 3.00 E● .pp c● 0, Derk Blu● ●■o「odod 12.00 E● .● ● cap, "hit● [囀●ro●o● 12.00 E● .● ● ool, Shl rt, c011● r a p.cket, Whito E● brol ded Av● 1lobl● ln H● ●● L● r9o, x[ ` XXL 25.00 E● .● 8 A‐ 25 24th =nfantry Divlol● n Lap● 1 ●lo 3.00 E● .P' A-20 24th lnfOntrソ Dlvlolon Col● rod ch● ol● ●● ●●tch 3.00 E● .pp ハー27 24th 工rantrソ oivlol● fl .C.3.Ч . CrOCt Curr● nt l● ●oo 5.00 E● .P, A-23 24th =nfentry 01vlol● o Patch on Hoch B● ●R Cap・ Bl● ●k 10.00 E● .● ● “ A‐ 20 24th infantry ●lvi310n Patch ●o H● ●h B● ●k O● ●. odlu● 31● o 10.00 E● .● ● ハ‐20^ 24th =nfantry Dlvlolm pttch on H● ●h B● ●k Cap. "hito 10.00 E● .PP “ A-30 24th infantrッ Dlv18100 Het ,lo, Patch Ropll● ● 5.00 E● .PP A‐ 31.24th =.0.A. ●●● "′ ●●tch, p● ●1lo mit● lo.00 E● .拿 A-32 24th =.DoA. ●●p "′ ●●tch, po,1111 D● ri 31uo 10.00 E● .● ● A-33 24th =.● .A. ●●● ●′口atch. -1ln C― n loooo E● .● ● 10.00 Eo.3● A‐ 34 24th =.D.^。 cop "′ petch. ●o● lin Rod ■A‐ 30 29th =nfentry CrO● t● 3 5.00 o● Ch llolted ●u● ●1ソ A‐ 30 2,th lofmtry Pock● t ,● tch 3.00 E● .P, 3.00 E● .P' A-37 34th =nf● ntrソ Lap● 1 ●lo A‐ 30 34th l●fentry Cro● to 3 5.pO E● ●h 310.00 p● lr ,P A-30 34th =nfmtry p● ●■ot p● tch 3.00 E● .P' lo.00 E● .‐ A‐ 40 34th lof● ntry c● ●, Der● 31oo o● 1-d ●●●19n ハー21 21ot A‐ 22 21ot A-23 21ot A-24 21et ν lofantry =nfentry =nfentry =nfantry Conti ,.r, naxt Drg[ J r● 一一 .. ヽ . ― 一 二 ど ‐ ヽ‐ ヨ . 0.“ . Ad Cont,ntl● ● A‐ 41 A‐ 5th R.C T. 00LO‐ TEE Stainl● ●● Sto● : with ,● tch Ropl,c● o 15.● O 42 5th R,C.T. 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