氏名・役職 企業名 ビジネス概要 ビジネス詳細 面談希望業種 1.食品加工業 BCCI バーレーン商工会議所 Dr. Esam Abdullah Fakhro 1 Chairman (会頭) 多業種にわたる12,000の会員を抱 2.電機機器 える。民間企業からグローバル企 オフィスオートメーション 業まで結びつける役割を果たす 4.自動車 5.通信 With over twelve thousand 6.保険サービス registered businesses that 7.海運&請負 1939年にGCCで最初に設立さ represent the diversified business れた商工会議所 sectors of the Kingdom of Bahrain 1. General and Food Processing and twenty tow committees to http://www.bahrainchamber.or address sector-wise needs, BCCI g.bh/en/Content.aspx?pid=19 plays a vital role in linking the 2. Electronics 3. Office automation 4. Automotive private sector to the global 5. Telecommunication business community. 6. Insurance services 7. Contracting and Shipping. 1.製造業 製造業、金融、自動車販売、不動 Mr. Khalid Al Zayani 2 Honorary Chairman (名誉会長) AL ZAYANI INVESTMENTS WLL http://www.alzayani.com/ 産、ホテル、サービスと多岐にわ たる投資ならびにジョイントベン チャーを行う Industry, Banking, Automobile distribution, Property, Hotels & Services 1.自動車、自動車のパーツ 2.プラスチック&化学製品 2.アルミニウム、アルミホイール、アルミケーブル 3.アルミニウム 3. ヘルスケア 4.自動車 4.金融サービス 5.ヘルスケア 5.ホテル&ホスピタリティ 6.イスラム金融 1.Automobiles, Automobiles Parts 1. General manufacturing 2.Aluminium & Aluminium-Alloy Cables Aluminium, Alloy Wheels 2. Plastics & Chemicals 3.Health Care Services 3. Aluminum 4.Financial Services 4. Automotive 5.Hospitality & Hotel Services 5. Healthcare 6. Islamic banking 1.消費財(家庭用電化製品) 2.業務用エアコン 3.船舶用部品 4.タイヤ&関連製品 1.貿易:家電、タイヤ、建材など 5.家具製造&販売 2.製造: 家具、船舶など 6.ピリング&電機機械 3.請負 7.生活用品 貿易、製造業、請負、教育を手が 4.教育 AJM KOOHEJI GROUP Mr. Abdulhameed Kooheji ける B.S.C © 3 Chairman (会長) Trading, Manufacturing, http://www.koohejigroup.com/ Contracting,Education 8.建材 9.業務用倉庫&冷凍設備 1. Trading: Home Appliances & Electronics, Marine Products, Tyres & Allied Products, Building Materials, furniture and Lifestyle Products 1. Consumer Goods (Home Appliances) 2. Manufacturing: Furniture and Boat Manufacturing 2. Commercial Air-Conditioning 3. Contracting: Commercial Air Conditional, Electrical & Plumbing Services (MEP), and Building 3. Marine Products Accessories Materials (Piling) 4. Tires and Allied Products 4. Education: Majority share holder of one of the leading educational institutes in Bahrain 5. Furniture Manufacturing & Retail 6. Pilling & Electro-mechanical 7. Lifestyle Products 8. Building Material 9. Commercial Shelving & Refrigeration 1.自動車 2.代替エネルギー:ジョイントベンチャーにてバーレーンな らびにGCCで事業拡大できる企業(風力、ソーラー、潮 力) 3.小売 4.産業廃棄物リサイクル技術:タイヤ、ケーブル、白物家 電、アルミ、オイル 自動車、リース、不動産、サービ 5.教育 ス、小売、発電、健康産業、IT、 セキュリティー&コンサルティン Mr. Fuad Kanoo※ 4 Vice Chairman (副会長) EBRAHIM K. KANOO COMPANY http://www.ekkanoo.com/ 1. Automotive: Suppliers of all automotive technologies, processes and products for service, quick service, ecological car wash workshops and business development グを手がける automotive sector, operational 2. Alternative Energy: Understanding the opportunity to develop Joint Ventures for the development of alternative energy platforms in Bahrain and the GCC: wind, solar and tide energy generators. 3. Retail: several brands and franchise networks 4. Industrial Recycling Technology:Tire recycling, Cables recycling, White appliances recycling, Aluminum recycling, Oil recycling leasing services, real estate, hospitality, retail, power solutions, healthcare, IT technologies, security and consulting. 5. Education: Providers of technical disciplines training packages and instructors willing to develop partnership in setting-up a Bahrain based Competency Center and Training Institute aimed at delivering technical training to industries and public authorities. 1.貿易:自動車、家電、空調、建機、服飾品、香水など Mr. Farouq AlMoayyed※ Y.K. Almoayyed & Sons 貿易、不動産を手がける BSC 5 Chairman (会長) http://www.almoayyed.com/en Trading, Real Estate /index.php 2.不動産 1. General Trading: in Automobiles, Electrical products, Home Appliances, Air-conditioners, Home & Office furniture, Construction equipment, Building materials, Tools & Hardware, Industrial machinery, HVAC equipment, furnishing to luxury goods, perfumes, cosmetics, fashion and business equipment. 2. Real estate 現行のビジネスに準じた業種 1.自動車(小型、大型) 2.建機、産業機械 現行のビジネスに準じた業種 3.アフターセールス&サービス Mr. Ahmed Bin Hindi 6 Chairman (会長) A.A. BIN HINDI BSC © (1965年設立) http://www.binhindi.com/ 4.タイヤ、バッテリー、アクセサリー、潤滑油 1. Tyres 5.IT&通信 2. DI Pipes 6.不動産 3. Automotive Accessories 7.レンタカー&リース 4. Automotive Spare Parts (OEM) 8.セキュリティー&廃棄物 5. Business Process Consultancy 9.マーケティング&アウトドアメディア 6. Customized Application Services 貿易、IT、サービス、メディア& 10.ジャーナリズム、出版&流通 7. Data Processing/Data Conversions 出版を手がける 11.地域冷房 8. E-Commerce 12.産業投資 9. ERP/MRP/MRP-II/CRM/SCM/ERP-II Trading 10. Facility Management/ASP/ASIC IT 1. Light Vehicles & Heavy Vehicles. 11. GIS/Imaging Service 2. Construction & Industrial Equipments. 12. Security Software/Anti Virus Media & Publishing 3. After Sales & Services. 13. Smart Card 4. Tires, Batteries, Accessories & Lubricants. 14. Systems Integration/Networking 5. IT and Telecommunications. 15. Telecom Solutions/Communication/Software 6. Real Estate. 16. Web Content Development & Portal Design 7. Car Rental and Leasing. 17. Web Technologies/Internet/Intranet 8. Security and Waste 18. Asset Management 9. Marketing and Outdoor Media. 19. Email and Web – Chat Response Services 10. Journalism, Publishing & Distribution. 20. Displays & Digital Signage Solutions 11. District Cooling. 21. Security Systems & Solution 12. Industrial Investments. 1.時計 2.文房具 3.皮革製品 4.シルバー&ファッションジュエリー 5.クリスタル 7 Mr. Waleed M. Sharif Al Sharif Group Rayes (1956年設立) Managing Director (最高経営責任者) http://www.sharifgroup.com/ 6.トロフィー&盾 小売業を手がける 7.ビジネス用ギフト Retail 1. Watches 2. Writing Instruments 3. Leather products 4. Silver & fashion jewelr 5. Crystal 6. Trophies & Awards 現行のビジネスに準じた業種 1. Watches: Distributors of International Brands, fashions & classic 2. Writing Instruments: Pens and Accessories 3. Leather products: Luxury Desk top items & Business, and Travel products 4. Silver & fashion jewelry: Distributor & Retailing of Silver Brands jewelry 5. Crystal: Corporate Gifts 6. Trophies & Awards 7. Corporate & Business Gifts: promotional products 7. Corporate & Business Gifts Bahrain Horizon Ms. Ahlam Yousif Othman (2001年設立) 貿易、イベント&PR、コミュニ 1.貿易 ケーション、パン・製菓を手がけ 2.エベント&広報 る 3.パン&製菓:ホテル、スーパー、レストラン向け General Trading, 1. General Trading, Events and PR Communications 2. Events and PR Communications Bakery 3. Arabic Bread and Oriental Pastries 8 Janahi CEO My Bakery (2009年設立) 1.現行のビジネスに準じた業種 2.食品関連 1. General Trading – medicine factory owners and agencies for medicine. Investors to have partnership or reprehensive offices in Bahrain. 2. Holding and Organizing Events – events and PR companies 地理的、業種ともにポートフォーオの多様化に努める。投 機筋ではなく、社会的にニーズの高いセクターにフォーカ Seera Investment Bank イスラム法に則った投資を行う Mrs. Sawsan Abdeen 9 Deputy Head of Treasury & Placment 工業生産、交通、学生向けなど手頃な価格の住宅に投資を行う (2006年設立) (中央銀行認可) Seera provides investment banking products and services in http://www.seera.com/en/inde strict adherence to Shari’a rules and principles. x.php Seera has investments in the industrial manufacturing, transportation, and student housing sectors in addition to smaller investments in the utilities and affordable housing sectors. スしたい。 The Bank’s investment strategy is to maintain a diversified investment portfolio geographically and industry wise, focusing mainly on defensive sectors underpinned by strong fundamental demand, and to avoid speculation driven sectors. 1.トラベルツアー会社 2.貿易&請負会社:建設、建材、化学製品 3.不動産会社 4.投資会社 グループ企業として成功しうる新しいビジネスならびに Mr. Nasser AlArrayedh 10 Chairman (会長) Al Arayedh Group Holding www.alarayedhgroup.com 旅行業、投資、不動産、貿易&請 負を手がける Tourism, Investment, Properties, Trading & Contracting 1. Nasser Travel & Tours Co.: one of Bahrain’s leading travel agencies and has won over 100 パートナーを探している。 awards for Recognition and Excellence from national and international airlines 2. Nasser M.J. Al Arayedh Trading & Contracting Co.: This company deals with construction, AAGH continues to seek partners and looks at representing maintenance and property development. It handles import of building material and chemicals for companies in its core and new businesses to sustain the the Property & Industrial sectors. Furthermore, it acts as an agent for a number of leading development, progress and success of the group. international companies. 3. Al Arayedh Properties Co.: Property Development, Property Management, Property Sales and Acquisition 4. QEBA Global Investment Co.: This is a global Investment Company which handles direct investment in shares and joint ventures. 1.繊維、服飾品:軍、保健省、内務省、教育省など政府機関ならびに大手のホテルに商品を提供 2.輸入:繊維 3.輸出:家具 11 Mr. Nabeel Ajoor Director A. Rahman & E.M. Ajoor & Co. (1932年設立) US, ヨーロッパ、アジア、日本、インドネシア、韓国、タイ、インド、パキスタンなど世界各 貿易業を手がける 国と取引あり。 Trading 1. Dealing in Textiles, Furnishing items: specially for Uniform Fabrics for Factories, Hospitals, and Government sectors . 2. Import: Textiles 3. Export: Furniture and property 1.病院向けリネン、手術着など 2.ホテル向けタオル、バスマット、毛布、カーテンなど 1. Readymade and Hospital lien goods . Like Patient Gown, Scrub suit. Warmup jacket Blanket, Bed sheet , Pilloe Cover Etc. 2. For Hotels – Towel Bath, Bath Mat, Blankets,Curtain Fabrics etc. 1. 電気製品(サウジアラビア、湾岸諸国向け) 繊維、電機、宝飾、教育機関、不 動産開発を手がける (輸入、卸売り、小売に関する大 Mr. Anoop Kewalram 12 Director (取締役) Kewalram & Sons Co. W.L.L. 手企業) (1880年設立) Electronics & Jewellery, Textiles, Education Institute, http://kewalramandsons.com/ Rreal Estate Development. One of the leading importers, wholesalers and retailers in Bahrain. 2.繊維製品(湾岸諸国向け):日本製品多数取扱い中 3.宝飾品、時計:日本製品取扱い中 1. Electronics & Electricals • Importing all kinds of Electronics & Electrical products and distributing in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and all over Gulf Markets. 1.現行のビジネスに準じた業種 • Dealing in Electrical & Electronics Home Appliances, Televisions, Watches, Timepieces, 2.太陽光パネル Industrial-Sewing Machines, Luggage, Typewriters, Health Care Products etc. 2. Textiles 1.Current Business Line • Indenting all types of Textile Materials for Gulf Markets 2.Solar Energy Panels • Importing & Marketing all types of Textile items for Gulf Markets. • Retailing Textile Dress Materials, Abaya Materials, Suiting & Shirting, Thob Fabrics etc. 3. Jewellery • Retailing Gold Ornaments, Jewellery, Precious Watches and Gold Bars. 1.建設&エンジニアリング会社 2.サービス会社:ケータリング、家事代行、維持管理、保険、旅行 3.不動産 4.貿易:自動車、建材、重機、空調、衛星用品、ミネラルウォーター、オフィス家具など 5.商品取引:石油、金、砂糖など 現行のビジネスに準じた業種 1.産業機器 Jalal Mohammed Jalal 13 Managing Director (最高経営責任者) Mohammed Jalal & Sons W.L.L. (Group company) (1947年設立) http://www.jalal.com/ 貿易、建設、エンジニアリング、 1. Construction and engineering companies: design, the sourcing of materials and equipment, 2.商品取引 サービス&ITを傘下に持つグルー construction, project management and planned maintenance programmes プ会社 2. The Group then ventured into the services sector focussing mainly on maintenance, catering, 1. Lifts & Escalators, Airconditioning equipment, housekeeping, insurance, consultancy and travel services. Automobiles, Construction Equipment, EPC Contractors for Trading, Construction, 3. The Group is now venturing into Real Estate Development and Commodities Trading which major infrastructure, petrochemical plants, refinery, power Engineering, Services and will add significantly to the overall growth and profitability of the group. plants, rapid transport system Information Technology 4. Automobiles, heavy vehicles, construction equipment, lifts and escalators, catering 2. Commodity transactions for petroleum products, crude equipment, airconditioning equipment, building construction materials, sanitaryware and fittings, palm oil, gold, cement, urea, sugar etc. kitchen and bathroom furniture, tiles, cladding materials, ironmongery, processor and distributor of bottled and bulk mineral water and cooler dispensing systems, computers and peripherals, stationary materials and office furniture. 5. Commodity trading of Crude Palm Oil, Gold, Cement, Sugar, Urea, Crude Oil and other petroleum products 1.鉄道、鉄道システム 2.風力、潮力発電 3.トンネル、駅、メトロのデザインコンサルタント 4.都市の下水処理 製品デザイン、産業化、製品導入 5.自動車、バス向け複合材のデザイン・供給 &アフターセールを手がける(中 6.小型の下水処理 国、フランス、インド、スペイ ン、フィリピン、ブラジル、US BFG International Dr. Samir Al Jishi (1975年設立) 14 Managing Director (最高経営責任者) http://www.bfginternational.co m/ に製造拠点を持つ) product design, ndustrialization, production installation & after sales Having several international 1.交通 2.代替エネルギー&インフラ 3.組立部品 1. Transport 2. Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Sector 3. Composite Material Based Components and Assemblies manufacturing facilities in China, France, India, Spain, the Philippines, Brazil & the USA. 7.アニメーション 1. Train Builders, Transportation Systems, 2. Manufacturers of Wind Turbines, Tidal Wave Turbines, 3. Developers and consultants working on the design and procurement of wall and roof claddings for Tunnels, Train Stations and Metro Stations, 4. Consultants and Contractors working on large municipal waste water treatment plants, 5. Automotive and bus builders interested in the design and supply of composite external and internal parts as well as toilets and compact waste water treatment packages for buses and coaches, 6. Research firms developing technically innovative and modern solutions for waste water treatment in small scale packages 7. Animation 1.海運 2.旅行業 3.機械 4.石油&ガス 5.発電&産業 海運業、旅行業、重機、保険、外 6.貨物輸送 貨両替、不動産、化学製品、石油 7.不動産 &ガスを手がける 8.保険 (アラビアンガルフ、サウジアラ 9.消費財 Mr. Fawzi Ahmed Kanoo 15 Deputy Chairman※ (副会長) YUSUF BIN AHMED KANOO WLL (1890年設立) ビア、エジプト、ヨーロッパのオ フィスを持つ) Shipping, Travel, Heavy Machinery, Insurance, Foreign http://kanoo.com/kanoo_differ Exchange, Property, Chemicals, Oil and Gas ence/award.aspx Multi-national organization, 10訓練 11.IT 12.ジョイントベンチャー 1. Shipping:Covering all ports in the Middle East, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. 2. Travel & Holidays: A network of over 160 offices in the region. Worldwide customer support. Americal Express Franchiser in the MENA Region. Inbound and Outbound Tourism. Hotel Groups and Car Rental GSAs. 3. Machinery:Sales, Service, Parts and Rental. 4. Oil & Gas having offices throughout Arabian 5. Power & Industrial Projects Gulf and Saudi Arabia, in addition 6. Freight Forwarding to Egypt and Europe. 7. Property 8. Insurance. 9. Consumer Products 10. Training 11. Inforfmation Technology 12. Joint Ventures 現行のビジネスに準じた業種 MIDDLE EAST TRADING & Mr. Ahmed Mirza Jawahery ENGINEERING EST. 16 Chairman and CEO (会長兼CEO) (1974年設立) http://www.meetco-eg.com/ 火力発電、石油&ガス、石油化 学、ヘルスケア、教育&訓練を手 がける Power Generation, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical Industries, Healthcare, Education & Training 1.発電所 2.ヘルスケア 3.教育、訓練 1. Power Generation- Power Plants & Substations-, Power Transmission and Distribution, Oil & Gas, Petrochemical Industries and General Industrial Maintenance, High Voltage Cables 2. Healthcare 3. Education and Training 1.発電所、発電関連 2.石油&ガス 3.石油化学 4.メディケア 1. Power Generation, Power Plants & Substations 2. Oil and Gas 3. Petrochemical 4. Medicare オフィス用品 事務装置 事務機器 筆記具 ノベルティ AV機器 日用品 オフィス関連用品の供給を中心 に、IT分野・ノベルティ、消耗品 17 Mr. Bob.C. Thaker (Managing Director) THE NATIONAL TRADIONG HOUSE WLL など手がける。 http://nattrad.com/ accessories and consumer Office products and wide diverse products as, commercial copying center, corporate gifts, IT goods. コンサルタントサービス 1.オフィス消耗品 2.オフィス機器 3.電子機器 1. Office materials 2. Office equipments 3. Audio visual equipments 企業研修 職業訓練 技術訓練 1. Office products 2. Office equipments 3. Office machines 4. Business machines 5. Writing instruments 6. Filling products 7. Git items 8. Audio visual equipments 9. FMCG products 10. Consultancy 11. Training Institutes 12. Vocational training 13. Skills training
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