Precision experiments of stored exotic nuclei mass & lifetime measurements at the storage rings Taka Yamaguchi (Saitama, Japan) For FRS-ESR/ILIMA collaboration, For Rare-RI Ring collaboration 1. Highlights of the ESR experiments Time-resolved Schottky mass spectrometry (SMS) Isochronous mass spectrometry (IMS) 2. Future facilities • ILIMA collaboration (FAIR) • • Upgrade of present activities at ESR Rare-RI Ring collaboration (RIBF) 2010年9月26日日曜日 Concept, principle, R&D 1 FRS-ESR Facility at GSI All elements: H-U Energy: up to 1GeV/u Monoisotopic fragment beams stored in the ESR 2010年9月26日日曜日 2 Schottky Mass Spectrometry, Isochronous Mass Spectrometry SMS Stochastic + Electron cooling 2010年9月26日日曜日 IMS Isochronous optics 3 Frequency Spectrum, an example Yu.A. Litvinov Y. Litvinov 2010年9月26日日曜日 4 Sensitivity to single ions 2010年9月26日日曜日 5 High-accuracy Mass Measurements Mass Evaluation of Close-lying Frequency Peaks δm/m=4.3x10-8 2010年9月26日日曜日 6 Mass Surface measured with the SMS Masses of more than 1000 Nuclides were measured Mass accuracy: 1.5 ·10-7 Mass resolving power: 2 ·106 Results: 320 new masses In addition more than 300 improved mass values Yu.A. Litvinov et al., Nucl. Phys. A756 (2005) 3. 2010年9月26日日曜日 7 Recent Highlights with the SMS •Proton-neutron interaction strength around N=126 •L. Chen et al., PRL102(2009)122503. •New isomers •Excitation energies, lifetimes •B. Sun et al., PLB688(2010)294. •M.W. Reed et al., PRL accepted. •New isotopes discovered at ESR •Mass simultaneously measured •L. Chen et al. PLB691(2010)234. 2010年9月26日日曜日 8 Time-resolved Schottky Mass Spectrometry Electron cooling SMS Schottky Pick-ups amplification summation FFT f0 ~ 2 MHz 0 Continuous digitizing and storage of raw data Time after injection / s Stored ion beam 0 β + -decay nuclear e - -capture 150 300 450 β + -decay 600 8.0 2010年9月26日日曜日 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 153.9 154.0 154.1 154.2 Frequency / kHz 9 Nuclear Decays observed in the Ring Yu.A. Litvinov 2010年9月26日日曜日 10 Lifetime Measurements via SMS Exotic decay modes of highly-charged ions Bound-state beta decay of 207Tl81+ T. Ohtsubo at al., PRL95(2005)052501. 2010年9月26日日曜日 11 Recent Highlights with the SMS 38 N. Winckler et al. / Physics Letters B 679 (2009) 36–40 Fully ionized •Electron capture decays of HCI Enhancement of EC rates of hydrogen-like ions •Y. Litvinov et al., PRL99(2007)262501. •N. Winckler et al., PLB679(2009)36. •Non-exponential EC decays 166 •Y. Litvinov et al., PLB664(2008)162. Yu.A. Litvinov et al. / Physics Letters B 664 (2008) 162–168 H-like He-like Fig. 5. A zoom to the first 33 s after injection of the 142 Pm data presented in Fig. 4. The solid line represents the exponential decay fit according to Eq. (1). The dashed line 142 60+ Fig. 1. (Color online.) evolution hydrogen-like shows the fit according to Eq. (2). Both fits were done until 33 s after injection and areTime marked with of anintensities asterisk inofTable 2. The insetPm showsparent the FFT spectrum obtained 142 ions and the fully-ionized Nd60+ daughter ions to stored in the ESR. TheFFT intensity from these data. A clear FFT peak is observed at about 0.14 Hz (laboratory frame). Its reduced resolution as compared the corresponding in Fig. 3 is explained by the is plotted on a logarithmic scale. The upper, middle and lower panels correspond Fig. 2. (Color online.) An example of a measured decay curve of fully-ionized smaller number of points used. 142 to three Schottky frequency spectra averaged over about 2.6 seconds and which Pm61+ ions is shown in the upper panel. Decay curves of H-like and He-like 142 are taken at the beginning, at the middle and at the end of a measurement cycle, Pm together with the corresponding growth curves of fully-ionized and H-like 2 142 respectively. Nd ions(oneare illustrated in the middle and in the lower panel, respectively. Each Table 2 χ /DoF-values from Table 2 on the 99% confidence level 2010年9月26日日曜日 12 Isochronous Mass Spectrometry -> 40GS (TDS6154C) TOF detector MCP C foil Secondary electrons 2010年9月26日日曜日 MCP 13 Pulses of Stored Ions raw data Look for repeating peaks J. Stadlmann 2010年9月26日日曜日 14 Time-of-Flight Spectrum Fragments from fission of 238U Δ(m/q)/(m/q) ~ 13% Identification by m/q ratio B. Sun, R. Knoebel, S. Nakajima 2010年9月26日日曜日 15 Isochronicity - improvement - ΔT/T [10-5] Revolution Time Bρ-tagging method ΔBρ/Bρ [10-3] H. Geissel 2010年9月26日日曜日 16 Experiment 2006 Goal: to measure the masses of n-rich fission products at the r-process path Bρ-tagging was applied Primary beam: 238U Intensity: ~ 3·109/spill ESIS : 411MeV/u Target : 1g/cm2 9Be B. Sun et al. Nucl. Phys. A 812 (2008) 1 2010年9月26日日曜日 17 FAIR - Future Facility - SIS 100/300 Future facility SIS 18 ESR GSI today Super -FRS RESR from FAIR web site CR NESR 2010年9月26日日曜日 18 Mass & Lifetime Measurements at CR/NESR ILIMA collaboration Bρ-tagging R&D IMS SMS •Ion optics •Resonant Schottky probe •TOF Detectors •Multiple pickup •DAQ, analysis softwares •Decay particle detectors 2010年9月26日日曜日 19 ILIMA collaboration at FAIR K. Takahashi (Bruxelles) E. Badura, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, A. Dolinski, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, F. Herfurth, J. Hoffmann, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, S.A. Litvinov, G. Muenzenberg, I. Nesmiyan, F. Nickel, F. Nolden, W. Otto, W. Quint, C. Scheidenberger M. Steck, Th. Stoehlker, S. Typel, H. Weick, M. Winkler (GSI) M. Hausmann, M. Matos, H. Schatz (MSU) T. Faestermann, P. Kienle, L. Maier, P. Ring, D. Vretenar (Muenchen) D.M. Seliverstov, G.K. Vorobjev (St. Petersburg) L. Chen, Z. Di, T. Dickel, A. Fettouhi, R.K. Knoebel, M. Petrick, W.R. Plass (Giessen) Z. Podolyak, P.M. Walker (Surrey) stable nuclei Th. Buervenich (Frankfurt) R. Mao, Z. Sun, G. Xiao (Lanzhou) nuclides with known masses G.Audi et al., Nucl. Phys. A729 (2003) 3 D. Madland, P. Moeller, D. Vieira (Los Alamos) to be measured with SUPER-FRS-CR-RESR-NESR K.-L. Kratz, B. Pfeiffer (Mainz) Conceptual Design Report, GSI 2001 K. Blaum (Max-Planck) observed nuclei 82 D. Cullen (Manchester) T. Ohtsubo (Niigata) G. Audi, D. Lunney (Orsay) r-process path T. Yamaguchi (Saitama) 126 G.A. Lalazissis (Thessaloniki) Z. Patyk (Warsaw) 50 82 28 50 20 8 28 Isomeric Beams, Lifetimes and Masses Spokesperson: P.M. Walker 20 8 2010年9月26日日曜日 20 Measure the masses in the r-process Rare-RI Ring project at RIBF T. Fujinawa, N. Fukunishi, A. Goto, H. Sakurai, M. Wakasugi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Yano RIKEN Nishina Center I. Arai, T. Moriguchi, D. Nagae, A. Ozawa, H. Suzuki Univ. of Tsukuba 82 T. Suzuki, T. Yamaguchi, Saitama Univ. proton drip-line T. Kikuchi Nagaoka Univ.of Tech A/Z=3 line 50 126 neutron drip-line 28 82 20 50 8 2 16 2 2010年9月26日日曜日 20 28 Z 8 N r-process path stable nuclei unstable nuclei (with known masses) AME2003 21 Conceptual Design Individual injection method Trigger signal B SRC PID 100MeV/u A F3 Kicker Isochronous Storage Ring TOF ~ 1ms BigRIPS PID C Long injection beam line Accuracy of requirement β measurement TOF measurement δT /T < 10-6 β measurement δβ / β < 10-4 -6 Isochronous magnetic field δB0 / B0 < 10 € € €2010年9月26日日曜日 Δm/m ~ 10-6 22 Layout of Rare RI Ring Mass measurement = BigRIPS + SHARAQ line + Storage Ring RI Beam Factory Rare RI Ring BigRIPS 2010年9月26日日曜日 23 R&D ongoing •Optics calculations •Injection beam line •Injection/ejection scheme •Storage Ring oHigher-order/realistic calculations TARNII-D 24 TARNII-Q 20 KEK-PS-Q 23 •Kicker, Septum •Improved controller: response time ~450ns •Specifications oTest of model kicker •TOF counters •Test of µm-thick plastic scintillator •Test of hybrid photo detector •Test of MCP detector •High-precision NMR probe •Precision ~ 10-7 2010年9月26日日曜日 24 CSR - Cooler Storage Ring at Lanzhou - Major parameters of CSRe Max. Energy: 400MeV/u (U90+) Intensity: 109 Bρ(max): 8.40 Tm First IMS at CSRe : 2009 Sep.-Oct. 59Zn, 61Ga, 63Ge, 65As, 67Se, 71Kr 2010年9月26日日曜日 25 Concluding Remarks - Storage Ring Mass Spectrometry at ESR is ongoing. - Large areas of unknown mass surface - Exotic decay modes of highly-charged ions - The future international collaboration ILIMA at FAIR is promising for the continuation and upgrade of the current ESR activities. - Rare-RI Ring project will work in a complementary style. - The storage ring in China is a candidate to extend our activities. 2010年9月26日日曜日 26
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