CSR Consortium 2016 ステークホルダー・エンゲージメント・プログラム iBeacon技術を利用した 認知症徘徊捜索ネットワークの構築 井上 憲 George& Shaun LLC. are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you 認知症徘徊 are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you ・ 年間 1万件(2014年) ・ 社会費用 500億 ・ 2020年には65歳以上 の1割が認知症 are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 認知症徘徊 iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have “人々の見守り”で、安心して暮らせる社会にしたい 4 to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 創業の思い iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you iBeacon モバイル・ アプリケーション 30m “およそXXメートル” 1. アプリケーションが30mの範囲に入ると検知します (アプリケーションが起動している必要はありません) 2. iBeaconまでの距離を測ることができます 5 are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 見守りを作るためのキーテクノロジ:iBeacon iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you 普段と変わらぬ暮らしで・・・”見守りの輪を作る” 6 are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 見守りネットワークの実装概念 iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you 見守り 地域サポーター 高齢者 貢献ポイント おかえし are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 見守りと地域活性化 ポイントを利用した地域の循環 世田谷区のケース ・ 地域特産品と交換 地域サポーター ・ 食材提供だけでなく、 高齢者 地域イベントとして実施 貢献ポイント ・ おばあちゃん、お手製の “おかえし料理” are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have ■参加 40名 ■捜索対象 2名 ■平均捜索時間 22.5分 両名無事発見 多くの一般市民の方から 是非現実のものとしてほしいと声を頂きました to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 2016.4.28 三鷹市 捜索模擬訓練 9 iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you 価値をともに創る = Creating Shared Value を目指して 一般住民 地方自治体 『地域での認知症支援』 『地域に根付いた実施体制』 見守り ネットワーク 支援企業 『biblleネットワークを介した サービスの提供』 10 are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. 見守りネットワークという新しい価値を作る are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have 最後に 11 to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you ■ CSRコミュニティへのご参加: 企業CSR活動の中で、ご支援を頂き始めました – 事業地域での見守りネットワークへの社員様の参加 – 企業寄付や事業支援としてのご協力 ■ 事業パートナーとしてのご協業: 皆様のサービス、技術と提携することで新しい価値を – 見守りに付帯する、捜索支援、お迎えなどのサービス提供 – 技術提携により、より高齢者が使いやすい端末の提供 12 are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. ご参加の皆様へのお願い are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have ご清聴誠にありがとうございました 13 to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you to access to information “proactively”. It is an efficient to let the customer know any appropriate and effective information, even if it is quite I important information. We’ll change the world with using knowledge. Please believe World will change. are living in current world. We always be in front of mobile, smart device. On the other hand, we have iBeacon, that must be develop a next generation of our communication, promotion, advertisement, and of course your life. Please imagine when you
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