-0- [1]次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。(43 点) Have you ever been to Hawaii? It is the newest of the 50 states of the United States. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, is from Hawaii. It is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to the southeast of ( A ) and northeast of ( B ). It is made up of over 100 islands. There are eight main islands ①(ア who イ which ウ whose エ whom) make up *the Hawaiian Islands: Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Lanai, Molokai, Kauai, Niihau, and Kahoolawe. No one lives on Kahoolawe. The largest island is the island of Hawaii, known as the Big Island. Oahu has the most people. The climate of Hawaii is mild. There are only two seasons in Hawaii: summer, from ( ② ) to October, and winter, from ( ③ ) to April. The average summer temperature is 29.4˚C, and the average winter temperature is 25.6 ˚C. English and Hawaiian are the official languages of Hawaii. English is the main language spoken on the islands. Most people ④(live) in Hawaii speak English. It is used by the state, business, and schools, but in Hawaii you can also see and ⑤(hear) the words Aloha and Mahalo everywhere. In the Hawaiian language, Aloha means “Hello” or “Goodbye”, and Mahalo means “Thank you.” ⑥They are useful for both local people and visitors. Have you ever seen the Hawaiian State flag? Its design is interesting. Hawaii was once an *independent kingdom. *King Kamehameha I ⑦(build) the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1810. He told an officer of *the Royal Navy to design the flag. It has eight lines of white, red, and blue for the eight main islands. The flag of Great Britain is in the top left corner. It shows Hawaii’s friendship between them. Hawaii is also famous for volcanoes. The island of Hawaii has five volcanoes, and three of them are active. ⑧*Kilauea (most / volcanoes / world / one / active / is / in / the / the / of ). (a)It is located on the southern part of the island of Hawaii. (b)It started *erupting in 1983 and (c)it is now the longest eruption on earth. Every year some visitors at Kilauea are injured or even die at the active *lava flow. (d)It is a very dangerous place and ⑨it is (to / to / for / watching / know / important / visitors / how / enjoy) the lava flow safely. Kilauea has a large central *crater called Halemaumau. *According to old Hawaiian stories, it is the home of *the Goddess Pele. She is the goddess of fire, wind, and volcanoes. Hawaiians respect Pele. When an eruption happens, the local people think it is Pele’s gift. -1- The lava from the volcano makes new land, about 40 *acres every year. So, the island is still ⑩(grow) because the lava continues to flow. People leave fruit, flowers, and fish to thank Pele for her gift. There is an interesting story about Pele. Some people believe that when you visit Hawaii, it is bad luck to take a lava rock home. ⑪This will make Pele angry and she will give you bad luck. So, lava rocks are sent back to the volcano park office by tourists who had bad luck after ⑫(take) them home. So, when you want a *souvenir from Hawaii, ( ⑬ ). (注) the Hawaiian Islands: ハワイ諸島 (ハワイ島、マウイ島、オアフ島、ラナイ島、モロカイ島、カウアイ島、ニイハウ島、カホオラウェ島からなる) independent kingdom: 独立王国 King Kamehameha I: カメハメハ 1 世 the Royal Navy: イギリス海軍 Kilauea: キラウエア火山 lava flow: 溶岩流 crater: 噴火口 erupt: 噴火する according to ~: ~による と the Goddess Pele: 女神ペレ acre: エーカー(面積の単位) souvenir: おみやげ 1. A B の( )内に入る組み合わせとして最も適するものを下から1つ選び、記号で答え なさい。 A B ア United States Brazil イ Brazil United States ウ Japan Australia エ Australia Japan 2. ①の( 3. ②③の( )内から最も適するものを1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 )内には月名が入ります。それぞれ英語で答えなさい。 4. ④⑤⑦⑩⑫の( )内の動詞を必要に応じて適する形になおしなさい。なおす必要がな い場合はそのまま書きなさい。 5. 下線部⑥が指すものとして最も適するものを下から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア English と Hawaiian -2- イ Hello と Goodbye ウ Mahalo と Thank you エ Aloha と Mahalo 6. 下線部⑧⑨の( )内の語を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。 7. 下線部(a)~(d)の中で1つだけ指しているものが異なっています。それを記号で答えなさい。 8. 下線部⑪の内容として最も適するものを下から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア 火山岩を家に持ちかえること イ 観光客に火山岩を送ること ウ 女神ペレの話を信じること エ 人々がハワイを訪問すること 9. ⑬の( ア )内に入るものとして最も適するものを下から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 a lava rock is a good memory イ please don’t take a lava rock from Kilauea ウ fruit, flowers, and fish are popular エ don’t give Pele a lava rock -3- 10. 本文の記述を参考にして、ハワイ州の旗を下から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア イ ウ エ オ カ 11. 本文の内容に合うものを下から3つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア オバマ大統領はハワイを 44 番目の州にした。 イ ハワイ諸島の主要な 8 つの島のうち、人々が暮らしている島は 7 つである。 ウ ハワイ諸島の中で、面積が最も大きいのはオアフ島である。 エ ハワイの平均気温は 1 年を通し、25 ˚C 以上ある。 オ ハワイの学校では主にハワイ語が使われている。 カ ハワイ州の旗はカメハメハ 1 世がデザインしたものである。 キ ハワイ島には現在も噴火活動が続いている火山が5つある。 ク ハワイでは火山の噴火はペレからの贈り物だと考えられている。 -4- [2]次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。(33 点) When Rick Hoyt was born, his *umbilical cord was around his neck and he couldn’t breathe. His brain was damaged, and so he could not control his arms or legs. He couldn’t even talk. Then, 43 years later, ①he saved his father. When Rick was born, the doctors told his mother, Judy, and his father, Dick, that he would never be able to communicate. They said they should leave the baby in the hospital. However, Dick looked ( ② ) his son’s eyes and saw ③life. They decided to go home together. When Rick was 11 years old, he was sent to Tufts University. There, a computer was put on his head which helped him write messages on a screen. Finally, he could communicate ( ④ ) his family. In high school, Rick’s classmate had an accident and was *paralyzed. The students at the school planned a charity run, and Rick told his father that he wanted to join. Dick was not a good runner, but he wanted his son to experience everything in life. So, he practiced, and ( ⑤ ) the day of the race he pushed Rick’s wheelchair the eight kilometers. When they finished, Rick said to his father, “⑥I felt like I wasn’t disabled anymore!” From that day forward, Dick went running with Rick every chance he ⑦could. They began running marathons. They entered the Boston marathon, the most famous marathon in the world. Then someone suggested that they try ⑧a triathlon, which is swimming, running, and cycling. ( ⑨ ) the swim, Dick would pull a small boat with Rick inside. On the bicycle, Rick sat on a special seat on the front. Together they finished a triathlon. And ⑩another. And another. Today “Team Hoyt” has *completed more than ⑪1,000 races. skiing, climbed mountains, and ridden across America ( ⑫ They have also gone ) bicycle. So how did Rick save his father? One day Dick felt sick and went to the hospital. The doctors found a problem with his heart, but because of all his exercise, he is still alive. So in a way, Rick’s love of races helped his father stay healthy. Now they can continue to run together. (注) umbilical cord: へその緒 paralyzed: マヒした -5- complete: ~を完走する 1. 下線部①について、リックが父を救うことになった経緯として最も適するものを下から1 つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア リックが医者になって父の心臓疾患を治した。 イ リックが大学に行ってコンピュータを学び、父の家計を助けた。 ウ 父が水泳中、心臓の具合が悪くなったのをリックが救助した。 エ リックと一緒に運動していたことによって、父は健康を保つことができた。 2. ②④⑤⑨⑫の( )内に入るものとして最も適するものを下からそれぞれ1つずつ選び、 記号で答えなさい。ただし、文頭の語も小文字になっています。同じ記号は1度しか使え ません。 ア with イ on ウ under エ during オ into カ by 3. 下線部③と同じ意味の life を含む文を下から1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア She worked in Wakayama all her life. イ Life is only a dream. ウ Nothing is more important than life. エ He had a happy life. 4. 下線部⑥から読み取れるリックの気持ちとして最も適するものを下から1つ選び、記号で 答えなさい。 ア もう、これ以上何もできないな イ できないことでも好きになれそうだな ウ 好きなこともこれからはできないな エ できないとあきらめていたこともやってみたいな 5. 下線部⑦⑩の後に省略されている英語をそれぞれ1語ずつ文中より抜き出しなさい。 6. 下線部⑧の競技に含まれているものを日本語で3つ答えなさい。 7. 下線部⑪の数字を英語で書きなさい。 -6- 8. 本文の内容に合うものを下から3つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア リックは首にへその緒が巻きついた状態で生まれてきた。 イ リックは生まれてすぐ、医者のすすめもあり、無事退院した。 ウ リックは 11 歳の時、手術を受けるために大学病院へ連れて行かれた。 エ リックは高校時代に事故にあい、体がマヒした。 オ リックの父はあまり走るのが得意ではなかった。 カ リックは父のすすめでトライアスロンに参加することになった。 キ リック親子は 1,000 以上の競技を完走した。 -7- [3]次の対話文の〔①〕~〔⑤〕に入る最も適する英文を下から1つずつ選び、記号で答え な さい。(2 点×5) Ken : What did you do for winter vacation? Tom : I had to work almost every day, so I was very tired. Ken : 〔 Tom : So-so. Oh, I heard that you went to France. How was the trip? Did you enjoy ① 〕 Are you OK now? it? Ken : 〔 ② 〕 People were friendly and nice to me, and the food was delicious… Have you ever been there? Tom : No, never. How many times have you been there? Ken : 〔 ③ 〕 Luckily my uncle lives there, so I stayed with him. Tom : 〔 ④ 〕 Ken : He has studied art there for ten years. Tom : So, he must know about everything there. 〔 Ken : He took me to the Louvre Museum and showed me around. Tom : Oh, I have long wanted to go there. You are lucky. ⑤ 〕 ア What is he doing? イ Who is he? ウ What does he do? エ This is too bad. オ That’s too bad. カ Yes, I am. キ It was wonderful. ク I was wonderful. ケ Did he take you? コ No, I haven’t. サ Where did you go with him? シ That was my first visit. ス What did he take? セ Yes, I was. -8- [4]次の各組の単語の中で、最も強いアクセントのある音節が他と異なるものをそれぞれ 1 つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。(1 点×4) 1. ア ho-tel イ air-port ウ text-book エ or-ange 2. ア in-vite イ ar-rive ウ en-joy エ vis-it 3. ア to-mor-row イ re-mem-ber ウ beau-ti-ful エ im-por-tant 4. ア in-tro-duce イ pho-to-graph ウ Jap-a-nese エ un-der-stand [5]次の英文のうち、下線を引いた 2 語の発音が同じものを 5 つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 (2 点×5) 1. I ran fast at first. 2. Everyone knew the new song. 3. Do you walk home after work? 4. He ate it at eight. 5. I saw so many apples there. 6. He read a book with a red cover. 7. You can see dolphins in the sea. 8. Hideki bought a fishing boat the other day. 9. She called on me on a cold morning. 10. Can you hear his voice from here? -9- [6]次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )内に適する語を入れなさい。 (2 点×10) 1. I have no brothers. I( ) have ( ) brothers. 2. Toshiko is a very hard worker. Toshiko ( ) very ( ). 3. Allen came to Japan ten years ago and he still lives in Japan. Allen ( )( ) in Japan for ten years. 4. Tom lent her his dictionary. Tom lent his dictionary ( )( ). 5. Do you know the writer of this book? Do you know ( )( ) this book? 6. She will visit her friend. She is ( )( ) visit her friend. 7. My sister was so tired that she couldn’t help her grandmother. My sister was ( ) tired ( ) help her grandmother. 8. Don’t touch the wall. You ( )( ) touch the wall. 9. The Eagles are the strongest baseball team in Japan. The Eagles are stronger than ( )( ) team in Japan. 10. Emi took this picture on the mountain last week. This is the picture ( )( ) Emi on the mountain last week. -10- [7]次の日本文の意味を表す英文になるように、 ( )内に適する語を入れなさい。 (2 点×5) 1. どうぞお大事に。 Please take care ( )( ). 2. 私たちはパーティーで楽しく過ごしました。 We ( )a( ) time at the party. 3. 私はユウコと同じくらいたくさんのネコを飼っている。 I keep as many ( )( ) Yuko. 4. 彼女は車の運転ができる年齢だ。 She is ( )( ) to drive a car. 5. 新しい先生はどんな人ですか。 ( ) is your new teacher ( )? -11- [8]リスニングテスト:放送中にメモをとってもかまいません。(2 点×10) PART 1 英文が2度読まれます。その英文について1~5の質問があります。その質問に対す る答えとして最も適するものを1つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. What does the class study with Mr. Sasaki? ア English イ Math ウ Science エ PE 2. On Saturday, students study . ア music イ science ウ Japanese エ PE 3. What day are there no sports clubs? ア Monday イ Wednesday ウ Saturday エ Sunday 4. Where is the health room? ア Near the teachers room. イ In the school, by the classroom. ウ Above the teachers room. エ Talking to the school nurse. 5. Today’s first class is . ア science room, on the fourth floor イ science room, on the fifth floor -12- ウ science, on the f ourth floor エ science, on the fifth floor PART 2 会話文が2度読まれます。その会話文について1~5の質問があります。その質問に 対する答えとして最も適するものを1つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. Gordon’s favorite season is . ア winter イ spring ウ summer エ fall 2. Why does Gordon know Maki went to the beach? ア Maki played with her family there. イ Maki likes summer the best. ウ Maki’s skin became dark. エ Maki doesn’t like hiking. 3. What did Maki have at the beach? ア A BBQ set イ Her cousins ウ Friends エ A watermelon 4. Where did Maki go for Obon holidays? ア To her grandparents’ house. イ To the mountains. ウ To her cousins’ house. エ To the beach. 5. In two weeks, what will Gordon do? ア Go fishing in the river. イ Go hiking around Arashiyama. -13- ウ See the beaches in Kyoto. エ Go back to school. -14- PART 1 Script Hello everyone, welcome to class. My name is Mr. Sasaki, and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. Today we will talk about your class schedule. There are seven classes on Monday and Thursday, six classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and four classes on Saturday. Everyday you will study math with me, and English with Ms. Yoshida. Japanese class is four times a week. PE and science are held three times a week. Music and art are both held once a week, on Saturdays. If you are in a sports club, there is practice each weekday after school. You will have games on Sunday. Culture clubs, such as drama, English conversation, and history, will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays. If you need help with your homework, please go to the teachers room after school. If you are feeling sick, please talk to the school nurse in the health room. It is across from the teachers room. Do you have any questions? OK, your first class today is science. The science room is on the fifth floor. Do you understand? Questions 1. What does the class study with Mr. Sasaki? ア English イ Math ウ Science エ PE 2. On Saturday, students study ア Music イ Science ウ Japanese エ PE . 3. On what day are there no sports clubs? ア Monday イ Wednesday ウ Saturday エ Sunday 4. Where is the health room? ア Near the teachers room. イ In the school, by the classroom. ウ Above the teachers room. エ Talking to the school nurse. 5. Today’s first class is ア science room, on the fourth floor イ science room, on the fifth floor ウ science, on the fourth floor エ science, on the fifth floor . PART 2 Script A: Hi Maki! Long time no see! How have you been? B: Hi Gordon, I’ve been well. Nice to see you again. A: What a beautiful day it is today! I am so happy that summer is over. I like fall the best. B: Really? I’m going to miss summer. I had fun with my friends. We went to the beach almost every day. A: I can see that, your skin is so dark. That is too hot for me. I like hiking in the fall. The mountains are beautiful and cool, and all the trees become red and yellow. Did you BBQ at the beach? B: We wanted to, but I didn’t have a BBQ set. We broke a watermelon though. I love eating cold watermelon in summer the best. A: Did you do anything else? B: My family went back to my grandparents house for Obon. We go every year to see my grandmother and grandfather. I could also play with my cousins. How about you? What will you do this fall? A: Next week I will go to the river to fish. The week after I will go hiking in Kyoto. I want to see the trees around Arashiyama. B: Have fun. A: Thanks, see you later! Questions 1. Gordon’s favorite season is ア winter イ spring ウ summer エ fall 2. Why does Gordon know Maki went to the beach? ア Maki played with her family there. イ Maki likes summer the best. ウ Maki’s skin became dark. エ Maki doesn’t like hiking. 3. What did Maki have at the beach? ア A BBQ set イ Her cousins ウ Friends エ A watermelon 4. Where did Maki go for Obon holidays? ア To her grandparents’ house. イ To the mountains. ウ To her cousins’ house. エ To the beach. 5. In two weeks, what will Gordon do? ア Go fishing in the river. イ Go hiking around Arashiyama. ウ See the beaches in Kyoto. エ Go back to school. . 平成26年度 和歌山信愛高等学校 受験番号 入学試験 英語 解答用紙 1 2 4 [1] 6 3 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑦ ⑩ ⑫ 5 (8点) ⑥ (12点) ⑧ Kilauea ⑨ it is (6点) 7 8 9 ⑪ 11 [2] 10 ⑬ 1 ① 2 ② ④ 3 ③ 4 6 ⑧ 7 ⑪ ⑤ ⑨ 5 ⑥ (8点) (2点) (2点) (9点) 8は順不同 6は完答2点 8は各3点 その他は各2点 ③ ④ [4] 1 2 3 4 ⑤ 2点×5 1点×4 [5] 順不同 2点×5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 小 計 (12点) ⑩ ② [8] ⑫ ⑦ [3] ① [7] (9点) 11は順不同 6と11は各3点 その他は各2点 8 [6] (8点) 2点×10 1 2 4 5 3 2点×5 PART 1 1 2 3 4 5 PART 2 1 2 3 4 5 2点×10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (43点) (33点) (10点) (4点) (10点) (20点) (10点) (20点) 平成26年度 和歌山信愛高等学校 受験番号 入学試験 英語 解答用紙 1 4 [1] 6 3 イ ① ② May ③ built ④ living ⑤ hear ⑦ ⑩ growing ⑫ taking 5 Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world ⑨ it is important for visitors to know how to enjoy watching 8 (c) 11 イ エ ク ① エ 2 ② オ ④ 3 ③ ウ 4 6 ⑧ 水泳 7 ⑪ one thousand ア オ 10 イ ⑬ ア 5 エ ⑥ イ ⑤ キ (12点) triathlon ⑩ (8点) (2点) (9点) 8は順不同 6は完答2点 8は各3点 その他は各2点 シ ④ ウ [4] 1 ア 2 エ 3 ウ 4 イ 小 計 カ ⑫ (2点) ③ [8] (9点) 自転車 キ [7] (8点) 走ること ② [6] オ go ⑦ オ 2 (12点) (6点) エ ⑨ [3] ① [5] (8点) 11は順不同 6と11は各3点 その他は各2点 1 8 9 ア ⑪ November エ ⑥ ⑧ 7 [2] 2 ウ 4 6 7 10 サ ⑤ 2点×5 1点×4 順不同 2点×5 1 don't any 2 works hard 3 has lived 4 to her 5 who wrote 6 going to 7 too to 8 must not 9 any other 10 taken by 1 of yourself 2 had good 3 cats as 4 old enough 5 What like 2点×10 2点×5 PART 1 1 イ 2 ア 3 ウ 4 ア 5 エ PART 2 1 エ 2 ウ 3 エ 4 ア 5 イ 2点×10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (43点) (33点) (10点) (4点) (10点) (20点) (10点) (20点)
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