英 語 平成 27 年度 東京純心女子高等学校入学試験問題 1.解答は解答用紙に記入しなさい。 2.リスニングテストが 1~3 にあります。 試験開始 5 分後に行います。 1 会話を聞き、その最後の文に対する応答として最も適切なものを、放送される 1, 2, 3 の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。会話は 1 度だけ読まれます。 2 会話を聞き、そのあとの質問に対する答えとして最も適切なものを下の選択肢 から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。会話は 2 度読まれます。 1) 1. For thirty minutes. 2. For one hour. 3. For two hours. 4. For five hours. 2) 1. Because he wants to send a postcard to Canada. 2. Because he wants to eat the popular ramen. 3. Because he wants to show them to his friend. 4. Because the ramen is very delicious. 3) 1. He’ll take his camera to another service. 2. He’ll get a new camera. 3. He hasn’t decided yet. 4. He’ll fix his camera by himself. 1 3 英文を聞き、そのあとの質問に対する答えとして最も適切なものを下の選択肢から 1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。英文は 2 度読まれます。 1) 1. At 8:00. 2. At 9:00. 3. At 10:00. 4. At 11:00. 2) 1. Stay in the street. 2. Walk more slowly. 3. March in the parade together. 4. Move onto the sidewalk. 3) 1. She works at the office. 2. She makes apple pies. 3. She takes care of her grandchildren. 4. She goes for a walk. 2 4 次の会話文を読み、 1 ~ 5 に入る最も適切な答えを下の選択肢から1つずつ選 び、記号で答えなさい。ただし、同じものを 2 度使うことはできません。 Rena is an exchange student from Japan. She has been staying at Wendy’s house for three months. It is Rena’s final day in Australia. Wendy : Have you finished packing, Rena? Rena : Almost. But I haven’t put in these presents from my friends yet. Wendy : Then, can I add two more things to them? This is a T-shirt with your name and mine on it. See? it to Rena.) 1 (Wendy shows Rena : Thank you very much. Wendy : And this is an album with photos of my family. I visited my mother yesterday and she asked me to give it to you. Rena : Oh, how nice of her. Please say ‘thank you’ to her. But one problem is that my baggage is almost at the weight limit. So I’m afraid the album may be too heavy to put in the suitcase. Wendy : Rena : 2 I will send it to you. It will catch up with you in a week or so. You are very kind. I can’t say thank you enough. Wendy : 3 I have had a wonderful time with you. And my mom, too. I’m sure she will send you an e-mail soon. She has a lot of time to do so. Rena : I’m glad to hear that. Please tell her to send the photos of her beautiful garden with her e-mails. My mother also loves gardening and she is interested in the flowers and plants of Australia. Wendy : Rena : 4 I will. Please *give our best regards to your parents. I’m sure they can’t wait to see you. I know. But I don’t want to leave. I will miss you. Wendy : Rena : I will miss you, too. I promise to keep in touch as often as possible. Well, why don’t you take a break? I have a cake my mother baked yesterday. 5 (注) give our best regards to ~ ~によろしく伝える ア Don’t worry. イ No kidding! ウ Sure. エ What a surprise! オ Sounds great! カ Don’t mention it. 3 5 次の文の( )の中から最も適切な語(句)を1つずつ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1. I know Junko’s sisters, but my sister doesn’t know ( ①me ②us ③her ④them ). 2. The boy has a ( ①few ②some ③little ④much ) balls in his bag. 3. Junta is ( ①a good ②best ③the better ④the best ) tennis player of all the boys in his club. 4. My parents ( ①is ②was ③are ④were ) out when I came home. 5. Mom, must I clean the living room? --- No, you ( ①have to ②don’t have to ③must ④mustn’t ). 6. ( ①How ②How an ③What ④What an ) exciting days they had! 7. My mother often says to me, “( ①Am ②Be ③Is ④Does ) a good girl.” 8. I met a tall girl ( ①with ②on ③by ④at ) long hair in the plane. 9. That building is ( ①call ②calls ③calling ④called ) Tokyo Skytree. 10. Jake is an American boy ( ①what ②whose ③whom ④which ) I have known for two years. 6 日本文とほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 1. これらは私の祖父によって書かれた手紙です。 These are the letters ( )( ) my grandfather. 2. 彼女には中学生の娘が二人います。 She has two ( )( )( ) junior high school students. 3. 早起きすることは健康によいです。 ( ) up ( ) is good for your health. 4. 今日はお伝えするような特別なことは何もありません。 I have ( ) special ( )( ) you today. 5. この料理はエレンが作ったのですか。 ( ) this dish ( ) by Ellen? 6. アンは今までに一度も学校に遅刻したことがありません。 Ann has ( )( )( ) for school before. 4 7 )に適切な語を入れなさい。 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように、( 1. Do you know her name? = Do you know ( )( ) is? 2. Swimming in the sea is a lot of fun. =( )( ) a lot of fun ( ) swim in the sea. 3. How many chairs are there in this room? = How many chairs ( ) this room ( )? 4. You can go out after finishing your work. = You have ( )( ) your work ( ) you go out. 5. We had a lot of snow last winter. =( )( ) a lot last winter. 6. Please turn off the TV. = I would ( 8 [ )( )( ) turn off the TV. ]内の語(句)を並べかえて英文を完成させ、2番目と5番目にくる語(句)を記号 で答えなさい。ただし文頭に来る語も小文字になっています。 1. 私はあなたの母であることを誇りに思っています。 I [ ア being イ your ウ of エ proud オ am カ mother ]. 2. 私は夕食後にお菓子を食べないことに決めました。 I [ ア not イ decided ウ dinner エ to オ snacks カ after キ eat ]. 3. 彼は私に郵便局までの道を教えてくれました。 [ ア showed イ the way ウ me エ the post office オ to カ he ]. 4. ここからの夜景ほど美しいものはありません。 [ ア than イ the view ウ is エ beautiful オ nothing カ more ] from here. 5 9 次の英文を読み、以下の問いに答えなさい。なお、各段落の先頭の数字は、段落番号を 表しています。 〈1〉 ①People spend about one-third of their lives sleeping. This is about 25 years for a person who lives an average *lifespan. But ②what really happens to the body when a person is sleeping, and does a person really need such a long sleep? As sleep is necessary for a body to *recharge and repair itself, people need an average of seven to eight hours of sleep a night. 〈2〉 Most people know when someone is asleep. Usually, the person lies down on a bed, a futon, or even the floor. The person’s eyes are closed, and it seems the person doesn’t hear anything except loud noises. His breathing slows down, and his *muscles relax. If he falls asleep while he is sitting up, he may *hunch over or *lean his head back, or he may even fall out of the chair. 〈3〉 Another thing that happens when a person sleeps is that he changes position at least once an hour. According to researchers, in this way, a person won’t lose *circulation in one part of the body for a long period of time. 〈4〉 But it seems like such a ③waste of time to be nearly *unconscious for six or more hours in a day. You may think you can do so many things without sleeping, right? Wrong! 〈5〉 In order to understand why people need sleep, researchers studied what happens when ④ . If a person stays up all night for one night to study, work a late shift, or play video games, ⑤it isn’t very harmful to his health. He’ll just be *irritable and either become tired easily or be too excited from an *adrenaline rush. If a person stays up two nights, he won’t be able to *concentrate and will make more mistakes when he tries to finish his work. After three days of no sleep, a person will begin to *hallucinate, and it will be impossible for him to think clearly. When he stays *awake longer than that, it may become difficult for him to understand what is real. ( ⑥ ) fact, by studying sleep with other animals, such as rats, researchers think that a person may die from a lack of sleep. 英文は次のページに続きます。 6 〈6〉 So why do people need sleep? After studying how a lack of sleep influences a person, researchers have the following answers to this question. Sleep gives a person’s ( ⑦ ) a chance to repair itself. Muscles and other *tissues get the chance to change dead or old *cells. The brain gets the chance to *organize memories. Dreaming is thought to be part of ⑧this process. The brain needs to recharge. When people sleep, they use less energy. 〈7〉 Also, how much sleep is really needed? Some people seem to need only five hours. Other people, like teenagers, sleep at least twelve. Researchers agree that a person should sleep at least seven to eight hours in order to feel refreshed. However, the amount of sleep a person needs ( ⑨ ) with age. A newborn baby may sleep twenty hours, though a four-year-old child sleeps twelve hours, and a teenager nine hours. *In contrast, a seventy-five-year-old man may only need six hours of sleep to feel refreshed. 〈8〉 Even though you may sometimes feel sleeping is wasting time, sleep is necessary to recharge both the body and brain. “Sleep? Who Needs It?” Fairfield Book Publishers (注) lifespan 寿命 recharge 再充電する muscle 筋肉 hunch 猫背になる lean 傾ける circulation 血液循環 unconscious 無意識の irritable イライラしやすい adrenaline rush 興奮状態 concentrate 集中する hallucinate 幻覚を起こす awake 目覚めている tissue 細胞組織 cell 細胞 organize 整理する in contrast 対照的に 問1 下線部①を日本語にしなさい。 問2 下線部②の問いに関して説明している段落はどれですか。適切なものを1つ選び、記 号で答えなさい。 ア)第1段落と第2段落 イ)第2段落と第3段落 ウ)第3段落と第4段落 エ)第4段落と第5段落 7 問3 横になって眠っている人はどのような状態にありますか。あてはまらないものを1つ 選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア)呼吸が遅くなる イ)筋肉がリラックスしている ウ)じっとして動かない エ)大きな音以外は何も聞こえない 問4 下線部③の単語の意味は何ですか。日本語で答えなさい。 問5 ④ に入る最も適切なものを1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア)people die from lack of sleep イ)people don’t get enough sleep ウ)people get older エ)people recharge their body and brain 問6 下線部⑤の指す具体的な内容は何ですか。適切なものを1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 問7 ア)to stay up all night イ)to study at night ウ)to work a late shift エ)to play video games ( ⑥ ) に入る最も適切な語を1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア)At 問8 イ)By ウ)For エ)In めいりょう 明 瞭 に物事を考えられなくなるのは、何日間眠らなかったあとですか。数字で答えな さい。 問9 ( ⑦ ) に入る語は何ですか。本文中から1語で探し、抜き出して答えなさい。 問10 下線部⑧を日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 問11 ( ⑨ ) に入る最も適切な語を1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア)comes イ)decreases ウ)depends エ)increases 問12 次の質問に英語で答えなさい。なお、I からはじめて答えること。 According to the researchers, how much sleep do you need? 8 10 次の英文を読み、以下の問いに答えなさい。 The class was finally over. As soon as the bell rang, all textbooks and notebooks were cleared from the students’ desks and went straight into their backpacks. Everyone was ①eager to rush home as soon as possible. As I passed through the school gate that afternoon, the sun was shining brightly. The clouds were moving across the blue sky. I walked home happily. I was enjoying the wonders of nature as I took a *shortcut through the neighborhood park. “Kevin, Kevin!” Someone called my name. I turned around to see who the caller was. A man who looked younger than my father was walking up to me. He was not very tall, but was dressed *neatly. “Kevin, I work with your mother. She has had a small accident at work an hour ago. She has been taken to a hospital. I have come to take you to see her. Your father is with her in the hospital now.” The words ‘accident’ and ‘hospital’ made me very worried. “How is my mother? What kind of accident did she have? Is she badly injured?” I asked the man a lot of questions. “She has broken her arm, but she is all right. She really wants to see you. Come, I’ll take you to the hospital now,” said the stranger in a hurry. “But how did she break her arm?” I asked him. “That’s not important. The important thing is that I get you to the hospital. You can see her there, come,” answered the stranger as he tried to take my hand. I felt something was ②fishy about the whole situation. The stranger didn’t answer clearly when I asked him about her injury. ( あ ) My mother works as an *accountant and spends her working hours at her desk in front of her computer. She would not break her arm while at work. “Please take me to see my mother. However, I really, really need to use the bathroom first. There’s one inside that fast-food restaurant across the street.” As I talked, I hurried out of the park and across the small road. The stranger followed me. 9 “Be quick, I’ll wait for you outside here,” said the stranger as we approached the fast-food restaurant. I went inside and silently went up to the counter to look for the manager. I tried not to be seen by the stranger. I said to the manager, “Can I use a phone? It’s an emergency.” He led me into his office. There, I called my mother at her workplace. She answered the call and was shocked when I told her about the stranger and his story. She told me to stay in the manager’s office while she called the police. *Meanwhile, the manager heard what was happening from my phone conversation. ③He told me his plan to hold the stranger until the police arrived. I went outside and told the stranger I was ready to leave with him. Before we even took a step, the manager approached us to do a ④survey, promising a free meal and toy if we finished it. I pretended to be very excited and insisted that we should complete it before leaving. The stranger had to do it. During the survey, the police arrived and arrested the stranger. You can imagine the shock on his face when he was arrested by the police officer. Another police officer took me home. My grandparents were waiting anxiously at home. When I was back home, I *calmed myself and remembered how things happened. ( い ) He wanted to *kidnap me. Anyway, my family and I were happy because I was safe and the stranger was arrested. We also thanked the manager of the fast-food restaurant for his help. Through this experience, I learned ⑤a valuable lesson: Be careful of strangers! “Write Your Way to an A” (注) shortcut 近道 neatly きちんと、こぎれいに meanwhile その間に calm 気を落ち着ける 10 accountant 会計士 kidnap ~を誘拐する SAP education 問1 次の中から、下線部①②④の単語の意味をそれぞれ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ①eager : ア)熱心な イ)大胆な ②fishy : ア)安心した イ)ばかげた ウ)疑わしい ア)登録 イ)支払い ④survey : ウ)幸せな ウ)アンケート 問2 下線部③を日本語にしなさい。 問3 下線部⑤が表す具体的な内容を選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア)けがで入院しないように注意すること。 イ)常に感謝の気持ちを忘れないこと。 ウ)見知らぬ人に用心すること。 エ)日頃から近所の人と連絡を取り合うこと。 問4 ( あ )( い )に入れるのに、最も適切なものを選び、番号で 答えなさい。 ( あ ) ① I thought he didn’t know the answer. ② I believed that he knew the answer. ( い ) ① I was so sad that I couldn’t believe the stranger’s words. ② I was glad I was smart enough not to believe the stranger’s words. 問5 次の a)~e)を出来事が起こった順番に並べ替え、記号で答えなさい。 a) The manager asked the stranger to do a survey. b) The stranger spoke to Kevin. c) The police came and arrested the stranger. d) Kevin was walking in the park. e) Kevin made a phone call to his mother. 問6 本文の内容と合っている場合は T を、異なる場合は F を書きなさい。 1) Kevin was spoken to by a stranger while he was on his way to school. 2) The stranger told a lie to Kevin and tried to take him somewhere. 11
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