Tacoma Buddhist Temple タコマ仏教会 1717 S. Fawcett Ave., Tacoma, WA 98402-1706 TEL:(253)627-1417 FAX:(253)627-9374 HOMEPAGE: http://www.tacomabt.org/ MAIL: [email protected] MYOKYO 明鏡 (MYOKYO, the Bright Mirror of Buddha Dharma always illuminates our LIFE) November, 2012 ________________________________________________________ Entrusting Rev. Kojo Kakihara At the last Board Meeting, it was decided that the first year’s birthday party for Satone will be held in February, 2013. Although the baby shower for her was planned in the last Spring, due to the spread of whooping cough, we decided to cancel it just in case, and instead have the first year’s birthday party. I really appreciate that temple members have been good to Satone as if she was its daughter or granddaughter. It has been eight months since she was born. She came to be able to crawl and sit up, and has more varieties of plays and moves more widely. She shows her interest especially in something that makes sound such as a plastic bag, or such as a cord and a rope. She always tries to put these into her mouth once she grasps it. Although we cherish her growth, we have to keep an eye on her more than before. I sometimes do my work with watching Satone playing by herself. In her playing, she sometimes looks up her face looking for me. As I smile to her, she also smiles and begins playing again. It seems that there is a relief in her that I am by her and watch her all the time. Because she is relieved, she can concentrate on her play. I with Masayo and Satone went to White River’s Bazaar the other day. While I and my wife were having their Curry Rice, Rev. Ogui was holding Satone in his arms. Although she looked like saying, “Who is this?” at first, in a while, she looked relieved, and began playing and giving a voice with smiling. Looking at her, Rev. Ogui said, “I suppose this is an entrusting.” Looking at Satone, though I am not sure if she thought “This man is reliable,” she did not look anxious at all and was playing quietly on Rev. Ogui’s lap. Entrusting means to let it go as it goes or to entrust without going against. Satone held on Rev. Ogui’s lap was just what this entrusting is like. For Satone who is limited about what she can do, she has to entrust herself to others about what she cannot do, but instead, she does what she can do with all her might such as playing and smiling. 1 We often hear “Entrusting oneself to Amida Buddha” in Jodo Shinshu. This “Entrusting” is Shinjin, faith, or entrusting mind. And the opposite of Shinjin is mind of doubt. Where does this mind of doubt come from? This is because we, humans, trust and rely on ourselves more than anyone else. As we have experienced various things and accumulated much knowledge in our lives, we tend to believe that we can understand most things, and not to believe what we cannot understand. However, looking from Buddhist viewpoint, we, humans, have nothing certain or reliable. There is nothing but entrusting ourselves to something certain and reliable for us who have nothing sure to get awakened to the enlightenment. What is certain is the boundless working called Amida which guides us to the enlightenment. Entrusting does not mean something negative, but also means to accept just as it is. Our founder, Shinran Shonin said, “The Nembutsu alone is true and real.” Nembutsu is the working of Amida, saying more, Amida itself. To entrust oneself to Amida is to accept and receive one’s life and this now just as it is. There appreciation and peace of mind will rise naturally. Gassho, Buddhism 101 Rev. Kojo answers your questions on Buddhism or Jodo Shinshu at the last Sunday of every month. Please submit your questions in the box at the foyer. おまかせ かきはらこうじょう 柿原興乗 せんじつおこな た こ ま ぶっきょうかい り じ か い ぎ らいねんにがつ ちょうじょ さとね いっさい たんじょうびかい てら もよお 先 日 行 われた、タコマ 仏 教 会 の理事会議で、来年二月に、 長 女 ・慧音の一歳の誕生日会をお寺で 催 ことし はる べ び ー し ゃ わ ー きかく してくださることとなりました。今年の春にベビーシャワーを企画していただいていましたが、ちょう ひゃくにちぜき まんえん じ き だいじ と ちゅうし か いっさい たんじょうびかい ど百 日 咳 が蔓延した時期で、大事を取って中止し、その代わりに一歳の誕生日会をしていただくこと てら みな わ こ わ まご ほんとう うれ おも になりました。お寺の皆さんには、我が子、我が孫のようにかわいがっていただき、本当に嬉しく思っ ています。 さとね う はち か げつ は い は い すわ あそ かた かつどうはんい ひろ 慧音が産まれて八ヶ月。ハイハイやお座りもできるようになり、遊び方や活動範囲が広がってきました。 とく び に ー る ぶくろ おと でんき こ ー ど じょう き て つか 特にビニール 袋 などの音のするものや、電気コードなどのひも 状 のものが気になるらしく、手で掴ん くち い せいちょう よろこ いま いじょう め はな で、すぐ口に入れてしまうので、その 成 長 を 喜 びながらも、今まで以上に目が離せません。 ときどき さとね ひとり あそ め とど しごと さとね あそ 時々、慧音を一人で遊ばせながら、目の届くところで仕事をすることがあります。慧音は遊びながらも、 ときどき わたし さが め む わたし さとね む わら さとね わら あそ 時々、 私 を探して、こっちに目を向けます。 私 が慧音のほうを向いて笑うと、慧音も笑って、また遊 だ み あんしん あんしん び出します。そこには、そばにいて、ちゃんと見てくれている、という安心があるのでしょう。安心が あそ しゅうちゅう あるから、遊びに 集 中 できるのです。 2 先日、White River 仏 教 会 のバザーに、優代と慧音と一緒にお邪魔しました。 私 と妻がカレーをいただ せんじつ ほ わ い と り ば ー ぶっきょうかい あいだ おぐいせんせい ば ざ ー さとね まさよ さとね いっしょ じゃま だ わたし さいしょ つま ひと か れ ー だれ いている 間 、小杭先生が慧音を抱いていてくださいました。最初は、「この人、誰だろう」という ひょうじょう あんしん つくえ あそ こえ だ わら 表 情 をしていましたが、しばらくすると安心したのか、 机 をたたいて遊びだしたり、声を出して笑 ようす み おぐいせんせい い ったりしています。その様子を見ていると、小杭先生が、「これがおまかせって言うんだろうね」と おっしゃ さとね み ひと だいじょうぶ おも 仰 いました。慧音を見ていると、「この人は、まかせても大丈夫だな」と思ったかはわかりませんが、 ふあん ようす いっさい おぐいせんせい ひざ うえ あそ 不安な様子は一切なく、小杭先生の膝の上で、おとなしく遊んでいます。 さか い み おぐいせんせい ひざ だ 「まかせる」とは、なるがままにしておく、逆らわずゆだねることを意味します。小杭先生の膝に抱か さとね すがた かぎ さとね で き すべ れた慧音は、まさにその 姿 でした。できることが限られてる慧音にとって、出来ないことは全ておま こえ だ わら で き いっしょうけんめい かせ、そして、声を出したり笑ったり、出来ることは一 生 懸 命 です。 じょうどしんしゅう あ み だ き しんじん 浄 土 真 宗 では、「阿弥陀さまにおまかせする」ということをよく聞きます。「まかせる」とは信心の しんじん はんたい ぎしん うたが こころ うたが こころ く ことです。そして、「信心」の反対は「疑心」、つまり 疑 う 心 です。この 疑 う 心 はどこから来るの わたしたち じぶん しんらい たよ わたし おとな ながねんい ちしき か。それは、 私 達 は自分を信頼し、頼りにしているからです。 私 たち大人は、長年生きてきた知識と けいけん おお りかい しん ぎゃく りかい うたが 経験から、多くのことを理解できると信じ、 逆 に、理解できないことは 疑 ってしまいます。しかし、 ぶっきょう してん わたし にんげん み わたし にんげん なか たし しん あたい 仏 教 の視点から、 私 たち人間を見てみると、 私 たち人間の中に、確かになる、信じるに 値 するもの たし なにひと わたし め ざ たし など、ありません。確かなものなど何一つない 私 が、さとりに目覚めていくには、確かなものにおま たし わたし む あ み だ かせするしかありません。確かなものとは、 私 をさとりへと向かわせるはたらき、阿弥陀さまです。 けっ しょうきょくてき い み う い おまかせするとは、決して 消 極 的 な意味ではなく、ありのままに受け入れていくことでもあります。 しんらんしょうにん ねんぶつ い ねんぶつ あ み だ 親 鸞 聖 人 は、「ただ念仏のみぞまこと」と言われました。念仏とは、阿弥陀さまのはたらき、もっと い あ み だ あ み だ じぶん じんせい いまい せかい 言えば、阿弥陀さまそのものです。阿弥陀さまにおまかせすることは、自分の人生、今生きるこの世界 う い おの かんしゃ あんしん う を、ありのままに受け入れていくことでもあります。そこには自ずと、感謝と安心が生まれてきます。 がっしょう 合掌 し まいつきさいご にちようび へんこう つうじょう にちようらいはい あと お知らせ:毎月最後 らせ:毎月最後の日曜日( 変更 することもあります)は、 することもあります)は、 通 常 の 日曜礼拝 の 後 に 日本語の法話をいたします。 をいたします。11月は 25日です。どうぞお す。どうぞお 聴 聞 ください。 にほんご ほうわ がつ にち ちょうもん Upcoming Events Sunday, November 4 at 11am to 4pm Fall Crafts & Food Bazaar (No Service) Saturday, November 10 at 2pm Rev. Pratt Lecture Series “Living in the Dharma” (Rev. Tatsuya Aoki) Sunday, November 11 at 10am Eitaikyo Service Wednesday, November 14 at 7pm Study Class “the History of Japanese Buddhism” Sunday, December 2 at 1pm General Meeting 3pm Bodhi Day Service (YBA) Wednesday, December 5 at 7pm Study Class 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE On September 30th, we honored our 12 of our 25 members that are going to be 88 or older with a Keiro luncheon sponsored by the Temple Board. I am glad that we are able to recognize these members and express our gratitude. Dr and Mrs Ama were here for our Fall Retreat. Dr Ama was also the guest speaker at our BWA sponsored Eshinni and Kakushinni service. We all appreciate Dr Ama for travelling from Alaska to share the Dharma with us. Our Temple Bazaar is on November 4th. Thank you to Rose Kishi and Karen Yoshitomi for chairing this year Bazaar and for everyone’s help to make this fund raising event a success. Congratulations to Fred Pelger for receiving his Tokudo in Japan. With Fred’s diligent study and help from Temple Ministers and Minister Assistants, Fred was able to complete his Tokudo requirements. Rev Aoki, from Vancouver Buddhist Temple will be our guest speaker for the Rev Pratt Lecture on November 10. I hope you will be able to attend. Gassho, David Yotsuuye Buddhist Women’s Association News During October the BWA ladies have been busily working throughout the temple in various activities. Thank you to all who generously gave your time to accomplish each task. The food and clothing drive is under way and your donation will be appreciated. The bins will be in the temple foyer until December 9, 2012. On October 12-14, four members attended the FBWA conference held at the Double Tree Hotel in San Jose, CA hosted by the Coast District BWA. It was a weekend full of listening and learning, renewing old friendships and making new ones. If you missed June’s report and would like to know “what really happened” please let me know and I’ll will get you a copy. BWA ladies, you may relax and breathe as this is a non-election year. I will continue to do my best to represent all of you and humbly ask for your support.☺ Gassho, Patti Wong, President 4 Buddhist Education Committee News Tom and I attended our first lecture series at the temple a few months after we became members in 2001. The speaker was Rev. Tetsuo Unno and we thoroughly enjoyed his talk. We have since attended almost all the lecture series here at the temple and feel it’s important to hear a different perspective and focus on the Buddhist teachings. Since joining the BEC this year, I have come to better appreciate the time and effort the BEC puts forth in finding interesting and relevant speakers for our lecture series. We begin our search for speakers a year in advance in order to coordinate with our speaker’s schedule. This said, we hope you will appreciate and attend our upcoming Rev. Pratt Lecture Series on Saturday, November 10 from 2 – 4 pm in the Rev. Pratt Room. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Tatsuya Aoki from the Vancouver Buddhist Temple in B.C. His topic will be, “Living in the Dharma – How Buddha Dharma Exists in our daily life”. We hope you can attend this lecture and welcome Rev. Aoki to our temple. In Gassho, Lynrae Dharma School News A Dharma School parent/teacher meeting was held on Oct. 7th, with discussion mostly centered on ideas for remodeling the upstairs classrooms for the Lumbini and Prajna classes. As a possible Centennial project, these classrooms definitely need a “makeover” to repair and update the rooms for a more inviting environment for our younger members of the temple. Many ideas and possibilities were offered by both teachers and parents. Discussion followed on ideas for Dharma School outings, even an overnight stay at a local camp site. My Offering envelopes were distributed and will be collected on the last Sunday of October. These donations will be sent to the Federation of Dharma School Teachers League, where monies will be used to pay for pamphlets and booklets relevant to Jodo Shinshu teachings. Also, this is a reminder to please remember to bring your onenju each Sunday, and shikisho if you have one. Upcoming events include the Dharma School sponsored Rev. Pratt Lecture Series, “Living in the Dharma” to be held on Saturday, Nov. 10th, 2:00-4:00 pm with guest speaker, Rev. Aoki. 5 Gassho, Donna Sasaki From Your Facilities Committee Members of the Facilities Committee continue to do the necessary work to maintain our temple and parsonage. This past month arrangements were made to replace the garage door and complete the repainting of the parsonage. Also, the annual fire department inspection of our premises was completed. We tend to take for granted that fire extinguishers and emergency exit lights will work if we ever need them, but in fact they will not unless someone conscientiously checks and maintains them. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Frank Kawasaki, David Campbell, Jim Endo, Tad Kajimura and the other members and volunteers who give their time and efforts to these tasks so that we can all continue to enjoy our beautiful temple. Sincerely, Henry Stoll Toban News Thank you, again, toban groups for keeping our Temple so clean. Please check the Toban Responsibilities for Temple Events to double check the temple cleaning duties. Fall Bazaar: ALL MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO HELP October Members: Bob & Anita Nakayama – Chair, Herb & Michiko Saito, Henry Stoll & Wendy Hamai, Joshua Lindsay, Masae Douglas, Leo Kawasaki, Sachi Yoshida, Leroy & Penny Kawaguchi, Sam Uchiyama November Members: Debby Abe – Chair, David & Kathy Yotsuuye, Bobby & Junko Yotsuuye, Mike Shiogi, Ted Matsumoto, Kayomi Wada, Aki & Chizuko Yotsuuye, Tada & Yoshie Yotsuuye, Irene Nagai December Members: Alvin & Donna Sasaki – Chair, Shinobu & Kazuko Inoue, Karen Yoshitomi, Rick Tanabe, Miyoko Sato, Don Arima, Asako Arima October Group Responsibilities: Bazaar: Provide snacks Thursday (Bazaar Set Up) and Saturday prior to Bazaar November Group Responsibilities: Monthly Clean Up with December Bazaar: Provide snacks Thursday (Bazaar set up) and Saturday prior to Bazaar December Group Responsibilities: Monthly Clean Up with November Bazaar: Provide snacks Saturday and Tuesday for Bazaar clean up December General Clean Up on December 30: ALL MEMBERS ARE ASKEDTO HELP All Toban Heads: Initiate phone tree for New Year Party (January 13) Bento Count and give count to Board Member Initiate phone tree for General Temple Clean up on December 30 6 Tacoma Buddhist Temple Annual Fall Bazaar Sunday, November 4, 2012 Seating for Dine-In Guests from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Online Take Out Orders – Pick –Up between 11:00 and Noon To order online, go to: www.tacomabt.org Only a few days left before the Tacoma Temple Fall Bazaar. Thank you to the many Temple members and friends who have volunteered to help out at our annual fund raising event. Important Dates and Times: • Pre-event Construction will occur on Thursday, November 1st, starting at 7:00 PM • Food Prep, Vegetable & Rice washing on Saturday, the 3rd will start from 8:00 AM • Event day Work Crews start as early as 7:00 AM, check with the Committee Chair for exact start time. (Remember, daylight savings time starts on this weekend so you’ll get an extra hour of sleep.) • Post-event Tear-Down & clean up will be on Tuesday, November 6th, 7:00 PM The following work schedule and helper list reflects the information submitted by the newsletter deadline. If your name was inadvertently omitted, or you would like to volunteer, please contact the committee chair. Bake Sale: Chair, Debby Abe Please drop-off donated items on Sunday between 8:00 am and 10:30 am for packaging and pricing. Beef & Vegetable Kabob: Chair, Del Sasaki Prep: 10:00 am – 11:00 am – Jeff Hiroo and Mike Shiogi 1st Shift: 11 am to 1:30 pm – Jeff Hiroo, Vivian Hiroo, Mike Shiogi and Priscilla Shiogi 2nd Shift 1:30 to Close (cleanup) – Jeff Hiroo, Vivian Hiroo, Dave Hirano and Jenette Hirano Crafts and Rummage Sale: Co-Chairs, Linda Teal and Yasuko Morita Set-Up will occur on Saturday, November 3rd, from 8:00 am Helpers: Shoko Yamasaki, Darlene Matsumoto, Michiko Yukawa, Ellen Shigeno, Joanne Lau, Gail Asai, Nancy Butterfield, Hanako Yoshida, and Kiku Morita. Dishwashers: Co-Chairs, David Ling & Bobby Yotsuuye 8:00 am – 11:00 am – Bobby Yotsuuye, David Ling 10:30 am to 1:30 pm – Glenn Morita, Declan Morita, Bobby Yotsuuye and David Ling 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Conner Marsten, Tyrnan Marsten, Bobby Yotsuuye and David Ling Hosts: Co-Chairs, Ted Tamaki & Peter Lee 1st Shift: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm – Greeter – Rev. Yukawa, Hosts: Hiro Fujita, Shinobu Inouye, Magan Mamiya, Ted Tamaki* 7 2nd Shift: 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm – Greeter – Rev. Kakihara, Hosts: Jim Akagi, David Yotsuuye, Tom Hubble, Lynrae Hubble, Peter Lee* (* Indicates lead person for the shift) Kitchen Helpers: Co-Chairs, Cherly Kanda & Tracy Ling Saturday and Sunday, November 3rd and 4th, food prep will start at 8:00 am (The work on Saturday will not be done in shifts, only on Sunday.) 1st Shift: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm – Thelma Abe, Joan Kajimura, Miyo Kanda, Martha Tamaki, Pauline Yamashita, Denise Cline, Judy Hara, Dusanee West, Joyce Suzuki, and Cora Murakami. nd 2 Shift: 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm – Miyo Kanda, Martha Tamaki, Joyce Suzuki, Thelma Abe, Denise Cline, Judy Hara, Joan Kajimura, Dusanee West, Pauline Yamashita and Cora Murakami. Lunch for Saturday: Chair, Linda Teal Helpers – Darlene Matsumoto and Shoko Yamasaki Makizushi: Co-Chairs, Donna Sasaki & Wendy Hamai Sunday – 7:00 am to 11:00 am Helpers: Joan Kajimura, Kazuko Inoue, Midori Komoto, Vicki Yoshioka, Marcia Nakamura, Wendy Hamai and Patti Wong. Pie & Coffee: Co-Chairs, Vicki Yoshioka & Marsha Nakamura Helpers: Francine Yoshioka and Christine Yoshioka Table Servers: Co-Chairs, Donna Sasaki & June Akita 1st Shift: 10:45 am to 1:30 pm – Devi Dawady, Edgar Dumlao, Ally Freer Brittany Freer, Kristen Hata, Gail Ichinaga, Charolette Kanda, Trey Konishi, Mercy Laurino, Zuleika Lewis, Roger McClennan Mark Okinaka, Gail Osaka, Kim Ozanich (tea), Mao Sakurada-Reich, Ken Tanino, Sean Tanino, Jason Wissbrod, and David Yotsuuye. nd 2 Shift: 1:15 pm to 4:00 PM – Jerry Akita, Ally Freer, Brittany Freer, Wendy Hamai, Frank Mizukami, Kimi Nakano, Kim Ozanich Al Sasaki, Kenji Stoll, Judy Veliz, JoAnna Yoshitomi, Kaila Yoshitomi, Michael Yoshitomi and Junko Yostuuye. Vegetable Sales: Chair, Bob Yoshioka Helpers: Brad Nakamura, Todd Nakamura, Kim Nakamura and Frank Kono Vegetable Washers: Chair, Al Sasaki Saturday, November 3rd, from 8:00 am to Noon Helpers: Shane Meatte, Frank Mizukami, Hiroshi Nakagawara, Bob Nakayama, Danny Otsuka, Herb Saito, Ted Tamaki, Craig Tamaki and Ken Tanino. 8 2012, TACOMA FUJI TAIKO T-SHIRT SALE! The Taiko group will be selling TACOMA FUJI TAIKO T-Shirts at the Sunday Services and the Bazaar. JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Please email us if you would like to reserve yours at: [email protected] HURRY, we ONLY have 10- Extra Larges (at $12.00) left !! Centennial News - Second Century in the making (October 2012) Now that our date is set (May 4, 2014) and the place is set (LaQuinta Inn), we can concentrate on what we can make for favors!! Just kidding. For a Temple project, David Yotsuuye and Tom Hubbell have done some research and have inspected the DS classroom situation. If you have any other suggestions, please contact David, Tom or Rev. Kakihara. Our next meeting will be on November 18th, so come join us and share some of your ideas to make this a fun and informative weekend. Please save the weekend of May 3,4, 2014 Centennial Photo Shoot – Take three! Thank you to everyone who had their individual picture taken during the Keiro Luncheon. Again, if a member is unable to come to the temple, perhaps a member of their family could send me a recent color picture, waist up. [email protected] Another photo shoot will happen at a later date if you missed the first two. Centennial Timeline For our timeline and book, I am still in search of the first photo taken of our Boy Scout troop #115 under the leadership of Yosh Dogen in 1959. If you have the photo, can Sensei or I make a copy of it and it will be returned to you, or you can scan the picture and send it to us as well. Thank you. If you have photos from your grandparents' or great grandparents' albums of events that took place at the temple from 1915 forward, would you let us scan them for our booklet? The pictures will be returned. Please put your name, the names of the people in the photo, and the date of the photo on the back. We are also seeking home videos as well. TBT Cookbook Cynthia’s sister, Jennifer Teramura, has agreed to help set up our cookbook curriculum. We are still seeking your recipes, or your kids’ favorite recipes, or favorite family recipes. Again, we are also asking for special recipes that would be for gluten free, egg free or peanut free recipes-any allergy free recipes. There is NO limit as to the number of recipes you can add. Thank you to those of you who have already submitted your recipes. Please submit your 9 recipes to Cynthia Sasaki or June Akita either through email or hard copy. We are anxiously awaiting some new dishes from each member. Thank you! Fundraiser Our next Centennial fundraiser will be to sell jars of takuwan and Italian plum jelly at our annual Bazaar in the bake sale area. We are attempting to do as much selling to the public and not depend totally on our ‘in house’ customers. Thank you to everyone for all of your support, especially Debby Abe who will help facilitate the sales during the Bazaar! Centennial 100 Favorite Recipes June is only 15% closer to reaching a goal of ‘100’ Favorite Recipes from our members. Please submit your recipe(s) to be part of our Centennial gift/Centennial Cookbook as soon as you can. Here is this month’s special recipe by Patti Wong. Poké Combine: 1# tuna (Use Uwajimaya frozen) 2 t. green onion 1 t. ginger root Sprinkle: 2 t. toasted sesame seed ½ lg. chili pepper (or 1-2 packets of red pepper flakes) Mix in: ¼ c. shoyu 1 T. sesame oil Mix all ingredients. Let set for a few hours before serving. Bazaar Pies: Vicki Yoshioka and I thank all of you for your fruits for our Bazaar slice pies and for individual pies for the Bake Sale. Thank you to Michiko Yukawa, Kazuko Inoue, Kiyomi Ozanich and Kristine for helping us make and bake all of the pies. Computer & Office Equipment Recycle Fundraiser Thank you to everyone who participated in our recycle fundraiser. Here is what we recycled: 9 Ink Cartridges 6 Cameras 6 Cellphones 15 Telephones 3 Keyboards 4 Servers, Routers & Modems 3 Laptops 4 Computers 5 Monitors 1 Fax Machine 11 Printers & Scanners 10 3 Televisions 5 VCR & DVD Players 1 Stereo 50 Batteries A huge box of cables, cords and mice And several miscellaneous items such as irons, lamps, air purifiers. Donations for the recycling totaled $268, which will go towards our Centennial Fund. Thanks again! Lynrae This Month’s Bookmark The Life of Eshinni: Wife of Shinran Shonin By Yoshiko Ohtani This book is a biography of Eshinni, a Japanese Buddhist nun and wife of one of the most important religious figures in Japanese history, Shinran Shonin. This book includes the story of Eshinni’s life, the ten letters Eshinni wrote to her youngest daugther, Kakushinni, color photographs, Jodo Shinshu lineage and fold-out map. The Life of Eshinni was translated by Taitetsu Unno, and written in 1990 by Yoshiko Ohtani, the mother of the present Monshu of Honpa Hongwanji. This book may be found in the Jodo Shinshu section of our temple library. GREETERS SCHEDULE November December 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 No Service due to Annual Bazaar Karen Yoshitomi / June Akita Les Hitsman / Bob Nakayama Jeff Hiroo / Fred Pelger Ken Tanino / Wendy Hamai Kiku Morita / Yasuko Morita Debbie Abe / Traci Ling Dr. Peter Lee / Junko Yotsuuye Devi Dawady / Tom Hubbell Welcome! 11 ~ Getting to Knowing Our Sangha~ ~! We have so many special members at our Temple. If you have not submitted your list of ‘Ten Things We Don’t Know About You’, it is not too late. Please jot down your ten items on a piece of paper and submit them to Sensei or June. See if you recognize this month’s members. Inividual #1: (Hint: A Keiro Honoree) 1. I was born in Sumner, WA, graduated from Sumner High School and lived in the area for most of his life. 2. I am a veteran of WW II. 3. I am a retired as a farmer. 4. I continued to raise vegetables in retirement which I enjoyed sharing with relatives and friends. 5. I attended the University of Washington football games for over 20 years. 6. I enjoyed bowling in my younger years. 7. I played baseball on an all Japanese team in the Sumner area for many years. 8. I had a dog as a companion for many years. 9. I enjoy watching all sports on TV. 10. I enjoy shopping for clothes at Nordstrom! Individual #2: (Hint: A Dharma School Student) 1. I collect pins. 2. I am starting to race in triathlons. 3. I can read on an 11th-12th grade reading level. 4. I love to swim. 5. I am good with technology. 6. I played the saxophone in 5th grade. 7. Playing in front of crowds gets me nervous. 8. I would rather hang out with friends than play video games. 9. My favorite class is history. 10. I do my best in my science classes. Individual #3: (Hint: An Important Sangha Member) 1. I was born in Beppu, my dad delivered me 2. I was an archer in college 3. I studied English at Sophia University in Tokyo 4. I was a High School exchange student at Newport High in Bellevue 5. I lived in Salzburg, Austria for 9 months studying ENGLISH!!! 6. I used to work for the Embassy of Japan in Washington DC 7. I play the electric organ 8. I love 80's music 9. I love Tom Cruise 10. I like Hollywood gossip 11. I don't know how I became a Dharma School Teacher?!? … Answer is … 12 Knowing Our Sangha answers… Getting to know each other will strengthen our sangha, and in a 'fun' way. Thank you for participating and be sure to check out next month's mystery members. #1 is Frank Shigio #2 is David Ling #3 is Junko Yotsuuye 2012 Yearly Memorial Services General Memorial Service Years for 2012 (2013) 1st Year - 2011 (2012) 17th Year - 1996 (1997) 3rd Year - 2010 (2011) 25th Year - 1988 (1989) 7th Year - 2006 (2007) 33rd Year - 1980 (1981) 13th Year - 2000 (2001) 50th Year - 1963 (1964) December 2012: 3rd Year 17th Year 25th Year January 2013 1st Year 3rd Year 7th Year 13th Year 17th Year February 2013 7th Year 13th Year Dogen, Gene Yoshio Coyne, Kiyoko Lewis, Shimae Hashimoto, Kameno Taniguchi, Yonezo Seaton, Chieko Shaku Ken-Yo Shakuni Myo-Sho Shakuni Ei-An Shakuni Ki-Ju Shaku Ho-Zo Shakuni Chi-Ho December 25, 2010 December 7, 1996 December 18, 1996 December 25, 1996 December 1, 1988 December 31, 1988 Dogen, Toshiko Shigio, Chizuko Kawasaki, Chiyeko Tadaye Sugimoto, Sarah Tanabe, George Kimoto Takagi, Marianne Sueko Couch, Yoshiko Shakuni Bi-Ken Shakuni Jyo-Ho Shakuni Kyo-Jun Shakuni Tei-Ryo Shaku Sho-Do Shakuni Ji-Kyo Shakuni An-Ren January 10, 2012 January 22, 2012 January 7, 2010 January 18, 2007 January 19, 2001 January 31, 2001 January 25, 1997 Masumoto, Mary Yoneko Yoshida, Ben Pickett, Robert Walter Asahara, Yoshio Shakuni Myo-Ko Shaku Ben-Nen Shaku Dai-Zen Shaku Gi-Tai February 9, 2007 February 26, 2007 February 6, 2001 February 18, 2001 13 17th Year 25th Year 33rd Year Sugioka, Raiji Taka, Kimiko Shishido, Tsuruyo Kato, Takeshi Hachiya, Riichi Shaku Rai-Ji Shakuni Ki-Ai Shakuni Myo-Shi Shaku Ho-Ken Shaku Jo-Shin February 1, 1997 February 17, 1997 February 18, 1997 February 1, 1989 February 23, 1981 Fall Retreat Lecture Eshinni & Kakushinni Svc. Oct. 12, 13, &14 With Dr. & Mrs. Ama Reader Board Project in progress 14 15
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