T h e B e s t o f C o nte m p o r a r y J a pa ne s e C i ne m a and present JUNE 12-27, 2014 PROGRAMME プログラム Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre • 6 GARAMOND COURT • Toronto • 416.441.2345 T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L ABOUT THE TORONTO JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL 2014 “I am very thankful to the JCCC. This [festival] is definitely one of the reasons I am a filmmaker: to be able to actually connect to the feelings of all these people in a place so distant from Japan. I will certainly do my best to be invited to the Toronto Japanese Film Festival again!” Daihachi Yoshida, Winner Japanese Academy Award Best Film, Best Director 2013, guest at TorontoJFF 2013 Now in its third year, the Toronto Japanese Film Festival showcases the finest Japanese films that have been recognized for excellence by Japanese audiences and critics, international film festival audiences and the Japanese Film Academy. Programming addresses popular genres such as historical (samurai) jidaigeki, contemporary dramas, comedies and action, literary adaptations, children’s, and anime films. All films shown are North American, Canadian, or Toronto premieres. The Toronto Japanese Film Festival’s mandate has been carefully aligned with that of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. In the 51 years since the opening of the JCCC, film has been an important tool in creating friendship, understanding, and exchange between the Japanese and broader Canadian communities. Ticket sales from the festival also help to drive our heritage programming which shares the important lessons of cultural acceptance and human rights, implicit in the Japanese Canadian experience with all Canadians. Our 2012 and 2013 festivals attracted large crowds - exit surveys indicated that audiences genuinely enjoyed the films, and represented a broad demographic. With lectures, receptions, gallery exhibitions, and performances that were part of the two-week festival, our visitors numbered in the tens of thousands. For our 2014 festival, we have worked hard to find a wide range of films that represent the broad spectrum of great cinema created in Japan. We have an exciting line-up this year; we invite you to be a part of this stunning festival, and enjoy some of the best that Japanese film has to offer. トロント日本映画祭について “上映後のQ&Aはなんと2時間以上にも及んだ。 この熱さ·長さは自己最高記録だ。 自分が監督 した映画が、 日本から遠く離れた場所でも誰かの気持ちを動かしたということを実感できるの は、 やはり映画作りの醍醐味のひとつには違いない。僕もまた呼んでいただけるように頑張りま す。” - 第36回日本アカデミーにて作品賞・監督賞部門で最優秀賞受賞 。2013年トロント日 本映画祭にて- 吉田大八。 トロント日本映画祭(トロントJFF)は今年で3回目を迎えます。 トロントJFFでは日本で観客 や映画評論家から高い評価を得た作品、 また海外の映画祭や日本アカデミー賞などで受賞す るなど、話題の作品を上映します。殆どの作品は北米、 カナダあるいはトロントプレミアとなりま す。 トロントJFFでは、 日本映画を皆様に紹介するだけではなく、作品を通して日本文化に触れ、 それが友好を広げるきっかけになればと思っています。 それはトロントJFFを主催する日系文化 会館の使命とも重なります。会館創立51周年の今年、 トロントJFFの売り上げの一部は会館の ヘリテージプログラムの為に利用される予定です。 第1回、第2回のトロントJFFでは、上映作品の吟味に最善を尽くしました。 その結果、予想以上 の観客動員数を記録し、 どの作品も非常に好評でした。今年の第3回トロントJFFでも、子供か らお年寄りまで楽しめるように、時代劇から現代ドラマ、 コメディ、 アニメーション、 ドキュメンタ リーなど様々な分野から選出しました。今年も皆様の御来場を心よりお待ちしております。 1 2 T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L ABOUT THE JAPANESE CANADIAN CULTURAL CENTRE 2014 Now in its 51st year, the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC) serves as the gathering point for the Japanese Canadian community and for those of non-Japanese ancestry who have an interest in things Japanese. The JCCC offers a wide variety of Japanese cultural programs for its 4,400 members and 200,000 annual visitors: film screenings, traditional and contemporary Japanese performance, festivals, art and history exhibitions, Japanese language classes and a wide range of courses and workshops in traditional Japanese cultural arts and music. The JCCC also boasts a state-of-theart Dojo where over 600 members pursue 8 different martial arts disciplines. The JCCC houses the Ikebata Daycare Centre, Japanese Social Services, Nikkei Voice, the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Judo Ontario and one of Toronto’s finest Japanese restaurants, Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto. While the majority of Japanese Canadians are born in Canada, the past 10 years has seen a large influx of ethnic Japanese immigrants. The JCCC helps these new Canadians connect to a larger community network and facilitates friendship with Canadians from all segments of society. The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre is truly a multicultural centre which, in the spirit of its motto ‘Friendship through Culture’, also hosts numerous events in collaboration with cultural groups that do not have cultural facilities of their own. The JCCC model is based on inclusion - in fact, almost half of the Centre’s members are of non-Japanese ancestry. The JCCC is also home to the Discover Japan Educational Program which hosts 15,000 school children annually. Among the many guests we have welcomed in these 50-plus years were Their Majesties, the Emperor and Empress of Japan, who graced us with a visit in the summer of 2009. As we enter our second half-century, the Centre has evolved into one of the largest and most vibrant Japanese cultural centres in the world. This year sees the opening of the Moriyama Nikkei Heritage Centre, an important new initiative that takes the Japanese Canadian heritage story to a global audience and links it to the greater Japanese diaspora for broader awareness. Through our expanding facility and programming, of which the Toronto Japanese Film Festival plays an important role, we look forward to continuing to share the story of the Japanese Canadians, and connect all Canadians to the exciting richness of Japanese culture, both traditional and contemporary. 3 MESSAGE FROM THE CONSUL GENERAL 4 MESSAGE FROM THE JCCC T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L 2014 It is with great excitement that we welcome everyone to the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre’s third annual Toronto Japanese Film Festival. Our 2014 line-up again reflects the films that resonate with Japanese audiences, critics and Japanese Academy Award judges. There are also many titles recommended by members of the Japanese community as those they would like to share with Canadian audiences. I think you will find our festival provides a good cross section of the very diverse Japanese film industry. Through our affiliations with many of Canada’s top film distribution companies, we hope this festival is but the first step toward boarder exposure to North American audiences. In our first two years we attracted large and diverse crowds and much positive reaction to the films. We are confident you will find much to enjoy in this year’s line-up too. This festival could not take place without an enormous amount of generosity and cooperation from organizations such as Shiseido Canada, the RBC Foundation, the Japan Foundation, SONY Canada, Hitachi Canada and Subaru Canada to name a few; and of course from the JCCC’s tireless volunteers, supporters and staff. Special thanks too, to our co-director, Japanese Canadian filmmaker Chris Hope, and co-programmer/acquisition coordinator Aki Takabatake. Since its inception in 1963, the motto of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre has been, “Friendship through Culture.” The JCCC’s Toronto Japanese Film Festival acts as an engine for creating - among all Canadians - an enhanced sense of understanding, friendship and goodwill towards Japan, its people, and the many Japanese organizations whose investment so positively contributes to the quality of Canadian life. 日系文化会館では今年もトロント日本映画際を開催する運びとなりました。第3回目となる今年も、皆様に日本から 旬の映画をお届けできることを大変嬉しく思います。今年度のラインアップも、話題作や各賞の受賞作に加えて、地元 映画ファンの要望に応えての作品も含まれており、幅広いジャンルからの選出は子供からシニア、 日系、非日系と大勢 の方に楽しんでいただけると、確信しております。 そして日系文化会館のモットーの通り、 これら映画を通じて更に多く の皆様と交流できることを願っております。最後に、 スポンサーの企業団体、 また運営実行の大きな力であるボランテ ィアの皆様に心より感謝を申し上げます。 Sincerely, Gary Kawaguchi President, Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre James Heron Executive Director, JCCC Co-Director/Programmer, TorontoJFF 5 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS DATE 6月12日 (木) THURSDAY JUNE 12 Opening Night Reception Featuring the Kaga Cuisine from A Tale of Samurai Cooking created by Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto A Tale of Samurai Cooking – A True Love Story FRIDAY JUNE 13 The Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji Love’s Whirlpool SATURDAY JUNE 14 Pecoross’ Mother and Her Days Black Butler The Little House 武士の献立 START TIME RUN TIME 6:30pm 7:30pm 121 min 7:00pm 9:30pm 130 min 123 min 1:00pm 3:30pm 6:00pm 113 min 122 min 136 min 6月13日 (金) 土 竜の唄 潜入捜査官 REIJI 愛の渦 6月14日 (土) ペコロスの母に会いに行く 黒執事 小さいおうち NOTE: Saturday screenings have been scheduled so as not to conflict 土曜日の上映スケジュールは2014年FIFAワールドカップ・日本vsコートジボアール戦と with Japan’s World Cup match against Ivory Coast at 9pm. Go Japan! 重複しないよう予定されております。 がんばれ!日本! ! 6月15日 (日) SUNDAY JUNE 15 Girl in a Sunny Place Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene The Eternal Zero MONDAY JUNE 16 The Apology King TUESDAY JUNE 17 Mourning Recipe 永遠の0ゼロ 謝罪の王様 四十九日のレシピ 7:00pm 128 min 7:00pm 129 min 7:00pm 128 min 7:00pm 117 min 7:00pm 107 min 7:00pm 138 min 7:00pm 122 min 7:00pm 105 min 7:00pm 126 min 6月18日 (水) 地獄でなぜ悪い 6月19日 (木) さよなら渓谷 FRIDAY JUNE 20 Oshin 6月20日 (金) MONDAY JUNE 23 The Kiyosu Conference 6月23日 (月) TUESDAY JUNE 24 A Boy Called H 6月24日 (火) WEDNESDAY JUNE 25 Judge! 6月25日 (水) FRIDAY JUNE 27 The Snow White Murder Case 6月27日 (金) おしん 清須会議 少年H ジャッジ! Director Yoshihiro Nakamura will introduce his film and take questions following the screening. Closing Night Reception 128 min 100 min 144 min 6月17日 (火) WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 Why Don’t You Play Hell? 6 魔女っこ姉妹のヨヨとネネ 2:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 6月16日 (月) THURSDAY JUNE 19 The Ravine of Goodbye 陽だまりの彼女 白ゆき姫殺人事件 T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L 2014 OPENING NIGHT GALA SCREENING AND RECEPTION A Tale of Samurai Cooking - A True Love Story 武士の献立 Thursday June 12 • Reception 6:30 / Screening 7:30 121 min / 2013 Director: Yuzo Asahara • Canadian Premiere Yasunobu is next-in-line as chef of the Kaga clan. There is one problem: he is hopeless in the kitchen. When his father, the clan’s famous “Kitchen Samurai” meets Haru, a strong-willed young women blessed with extraordinary cooking skills, he sees a solution to his woes and begs her to marry his son. UNESCO designated Japanese cuisine with cultural heritage status last year. A major hit with Japanese critic and audiences, Yuzo Asaharas light-hearted film celebrates Japanese cuisine with a generous helping of comedy and romance. Starring Aya Ueto, Kengo Kora,Toshiyuki Nishida and Kimiko Yo NOTE: Reception will be catered by Kaiseki Yu-zen Hashimoto, one of North America’s finest and most acclaimed Japanese restaurants. In Japanese with English subtitles. 江戸時代の加賀藩を舞台に、料理の腕で君主とその家族の食事をまかなう役割を担 うことから 「包丁侍」 と呼ばれた武士の料理人の家に嫁いだ春はその人並み外れた 料理の才能と味覚で夫・安信の料理指南を始めるが。。。伝統ある“加賀料理 “の基礎 を築いた加賀藩に実在した料理担当武士・舟木家をモデルに、料理を通して幾多の 難局を乗り越えていく妻・お春と夫・そして家族との絆を描いた人情劇。 監督:朝原雄三 出演: 上戸彩、高良健吾、西田敏行、余貴美子、夏川結衣 © 2013 “A Tale of Samurai Cooking” Film Partners The Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji 土竜の唄 潜入捜査官 REIJI Friday June 13 • 7:00pm • 130 min / 2014 Director: Takashi Miike • Canadian Premiere Rookie Reiji Kikukawa, an impossibly incompetent young police constable, is fired for being the most inept cop on the force, then immediately rehired as an undercover agent or “mole”. His mission: to infiltrate the Sukiya-kai, Japan’s most nefarious yakuza clan. Reiji uncovers a drug smuggling scheme and becomes entangled in all-out war with a rival mob. At the same time he pleads with beautiful policewoman Junna to help him lose his virginity. Director Takashi Miike (13 Assassins, Hara-kiri, Audition) brings Noburo Takashashi’s hit manga to life with non-stop action, bawdy comedy, bizarre characters, and some of the most garish fashion choices ever committed to film. Insane, wildly over-the-top and lots of fun for fans of Miike or manga at its most cartoonish! Starring Toma Ikuta, Riisa Naka, Takayuki Yamada, Yusuke Kamiji, Takashi Okamura, Shinichi Tsutsumi. 監督三池崇史X脚本宮藤官九郎が放つ極道潜入伝説! !正義感は強いものの警察署きっ ての問題児の巡査・菊川玲二は、上司からクビと言われてしまう。 しかし、内実は関東一 の広域暴力団・数寄矢会の会長を逮捕するため、モグラこと潜入捜査官になれという命 令だった。偶然にも傘下の阿湖義組若頭・日浦匡也と親交を深めた玲二は、数々の試練 に見舞われながら組長に近づいていく。 Screening Partners: 監督:三池崇史 出演:生田斗真、仲里依紗、山田孝之、 上地雄輔、岡村隆史、堤真一 7 Love’s Whirlpool 愛の渦 Friday June 13 • 9:30pm • 123 min / 2014 Director: Daisuke Miura • North American Premiere Based on his novel, and later internationally-acclaimed stage production, Daisuke Miura’s controversial film looks at a diverse group of 4 men and 4 women - all strangers - who meet at a high-end Roppongi apartment to engage in an evening of promiscuous sexual activity. The film studies the group dynamics, conflicts, rivalries and even romance as the night proceeds. At times funny, frightening, touching and sad, the film is a study of loneliness, alienation and the inability to create meaningful human connection. Despite the characters’ obsession with the sexual, this film aims for the viewer’s emotions and intellect. Featuring fearless and affecting performances by Sosuke Ikematsu, Mugi Kadowaki, Hirofumi Arai, Kenichi Takito, Ryusuke Komakine and Tokio Emoto. 18+ - This film is unrated but may only be viewed by persons 18 years of age or older. In Japanese with English subtitles. 都会のマンションの一室に乱交パーティのために集まった8人の男女。彼らの目的は セックス。ハダカの男女が繰り広げる赤裸々な一夜を描いた超問題作!第50回岸田國士 戯曲賞を受賞した伝説の舞台を、演劇ユニット 「ポツドール」主宰の三浦大輔が原作、脚 本、監督の3役で映画化。 フリーター、女子大生、サラリーマン、OL、保育士など、 ごく普通 の人々が、六本木の一室に集まる。欲望渦巻く一晩はいったいどこへ向かうのか? 監督:三浦大輔 出演:池松壮亮、門脇麦、新井浩文、滝藤賢一、窪塚洋介 ほか Pecoross’ Mother and Her Days ペコロスの母に会いに行く Saturday June 14 • 1:00pm • 113 min / 2013 Director: Azuma Morisaki • Canadian Premiere 85-year old director Azuma Morisaki’s heart-warming film was selected as the best Japanese film of 2013 by both Kinema Jumpo and Eiga Geijustu, Japan’s two major film magazines. Yuuichi, nicknamed Pecoross for his bald head which resembles the onion of the same name, is a divorcee, a failed salesman, and a struggling manga artist living in Nagasaki. His mother, Mitsue, developed dementia after her husband, Satoru, passed away 10 years earlier... The film depicts their daily life with warmth, humour and sweet sorrow as it examines the serious social issue of elder care in Japan. Starring Ryo Iwamatsu, Harue Akagi, Kiwako Harada, Ryo Kase, Naoto Takenaka In Japanese with English subtitles. この作品は映画雑誌“キネマ旬報”そして“映画芸術”により2013年度の最も優れた日本 映画作品として選ばれました。 漫画家・岡野雄一が認知症の母の介護を描いた、エッセイコミックを実写化したヒュー マンドラマ。離婚後、息子を連れて出身地長崎に戻ってきた団塊世代のサラリーマン、ゆ ういち。 ちいさな玉ねぎ「ペコロス」のようなハゲ頭を光らせながら、漫画を描いたり、音 楽活動をしながら、彼は父さとるの死を契機に認知症を発症した母みつえの面倒を見て いた。迷子になったり、汚れたままの下着をタンスにしまったりするようになった彼女を、 ゆういちは断腸の思いで介護施設に預けることに。苦労した少女時代や夫との生活とい った過去へと意識がさかのぼっている母の様子を見て、彼の胸にある思いが去来する。 監督:森崎東 出演:岩松了、赤木春恵、原田貴和子、加瀬亮、竹中直人 他 8 © ”Pecross’ Mother and Her Days” production committee Screening Partner: T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L 2014 黒執事 Kuroshitsuji – Black Butler Saturday June 14 • 3:30pm • 122 min / 2014 Directors: Kentaro Ohtani, Kei-ichi Sato North American Premiere Based on Yana Toboso’s internationally popular manga and anime Kuroshitsuji. The year is 2020. Only male heirs can lead the Phantomhive dynasty so orphaned aristocrat Shiori must don male attire to run its massive Phantom Corporation. Her butler and aide is the mysterious and indestructible Sebastian: a devilishly handsome and demonic being with a contract to consume Shiori’s soul. Their investigation into a case of serial murder by mummification uncovers a “black invitation” into an unspeakable world of violence and madness. A gloriously gothic mix of mystery and action starring Hiro Mizushima, Ayane Goriki, Masato Ibu , Ken Yasuda and Yuka. In Japanese with English subtitles. 漫画、アニメなどで絶大な人気を誇る枢やな原作のコミックを、水嶋ヒロ主演で実写 映画化。女性だということを秘密にしている幻蜂家当主の幻蜂清玄伯爵と執事のセバ スチャンは、絶対的な主従関係にあった。一方、二人は世界統一を目標にする女王の 諜報員「女王の番犬」 という役割も担っていた。ある日、女王から連続殺人事件を解決 せよという命が下る。 また、並行して少女たちが街から消えるという出来事も起こる。セ バスチャンは、二つの事件に結び付く手掛かりを発見するが……。 監督:大谷健太郎、さとうけいいち Screening Sponsor: 出演:水嶋ヒロ、剛力彩芽、優香、山本美月 © 2014 YANA TOBOSO/SQUARE ENIX ©2014 “KUROSHITSUJI” FILM PARTNERS The Little House 小さいおうち Saturday June 14 • 6:00pm • 136 min / 2014 Director: Yoji Yamada • Canadian Premiere Haru Kuroki won the Best Actress Award at the Berlin Film Festival 2014 for her role in veteran director Yoji Yamada’s ambitious adaptation of Kyoko Nakajima’s Naoki award-winning novel. In the years preceding the Second World War, Taki comes to Tokyo from Northern Japan to work as a maid for a comfortable middle-class family: the young and beautiful Tokiko, her husband Masaki and their son, Kyoichi. Theirs is a happy and peaceful life until the day they are visited by Masaki’s colleague Itakura. Tokiko is overcome by an overwhelming attraction as Taki looks on helplessly, tormented by her own conflicting feelings. Meanwhile the war intensifies, throwing all their lives into a precarious balance… Starring Takako Matsu, Haru Kuroki, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Chieko Baisho and Satoshi Tsumabuki In Japanese with English subtitles. 『小さいおうち』でベルリン国際映画祭のコンペティション部門の最優秀女優賞受賞の 黒木華主演。 山田洋次監督が、直木賞を受賞した原作者の中島京子に自ら交渉して映画化。昭和初 期、東京郊外の三角屋根の小さいおうちに暮らす美しい時子奥様の秘められた恋愛 模様が、女中のタキの視点から語られる。やがて一冊のノートに記された秘密が現代 の若者、 タキの甥によって明かされていく。 Screening Partner: 監督:山田洋次 出演:松たか子、倍賞千恵子、吉岡秀隆、黒木華 9 Girl in a Sunny Place 陽だまりの彼女 Sunday June 15 • 2:00pm • 128 min / 2013 Director: Miki Takahiro • North American Premiere Based on Osami Koshigaya’s popular romance novel, this live-action adaptation tells the story of Kosuke and Mao, two young business people who were once high school friends. A victim of bullying as a student, Mao has transformed into a professional and attractive woman in the 10 years since graduation. By coincidence the two meet again in a client meeting and rekindle their friendship and romance soon blossoms. However, Mao is keeping a vital secret from Kosuke; one that may doom their relationship. This commercial and critical hit stars some of Japan’s most popular young actors including Jun Matsumoto (Arashi), Juri Ueno, Mitsuki Tanimura and Tetsuji Tamayama. In Japanese with English subtitles. 越谷オサムの大ベストセラー小説を三木孝浩が映画化したファンタジック・ラブスト ーリー。中学時代に出会い、初恋に落ちた浩介と真緒。その後はなればなれになり、 ある日10年ぶりに仕事で再会する。いじめられっこだった過去が嘘のように今は仕 事のできる美しく、素敵な女性になっていた真緒に再び恋をする浩介。 しかし彼女に は誰にも知られてはいけない“不思議な秘密”があった・・・。 監督:三木孝浩 出演:松本潤、上野樹里、谷村美月、玉山鉄二 他 © 2013 Asmik Ace Inc. / Toho Co., Ltd. / J Storm Inc. / Amuse Inc. All Rights Reserved. Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene 魔女っこ姉妹のヨヨとネネ Sunday June 15 • 4:30pm • 100 min / 2013 Director: Takayuki Hirao • North American Premiere Yoyo and Nene are the magical Cursery Sisters, witches with a freelance curse-breaking business in the magical realm of Sorceria. When odd buildings begin falling from the sky, Yoyo takes it upon herself to investigate, bringing her to modern day Yokohama. When buildings continue to disappear and drop into Sorceria’s forest, Yoyo must uncover the cause of the chaos if she ever wants to be able to go home. Funny, touching and packed with action! Based on Hirarin’s Noroiya Shimai fantasy manga series. “A perfect 10. Magical Sisters is a colourful, vibrant and joyous delight from start to finish, and it’s impossible to be left cold by its infectious energy.” Starburst Magazine In Japanese with English subtitles. 「魔の国」に暮らし、魔法や呪いをかけたり解いたりする「のろい屋」を営む姉妹ヨヨ とネネ。ある日、森に突然出現した高層ビルを調べていたヨヨは、不思議な魔方陣を 見つけ、謎の光に包まれ魔法の存在しない異世界に迷い込んでしまう。そこで出会っ た孝洋という少年の両親が、呪いで化け物になってしまう事件が発生。 ヨヨとネネは 2つの世界で起こっている事件の関連性を疑い、調査を始める。 監督:平尾隆之 Screening Partner: 声:諸星すみれ、加隈亜衣、沢城みゆき 他 10 © 物語環境開発/徳間書店・魔女っこ姉妹のヨヨとネネ製作委員会 Screening Partner: T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L The Eternal Zero 2014 永遠の0ゼロ Sunday June 15 • 7:00pm • 144 min / 2013 Director: Takashi Yamazaki • North American Premiere Director Takashi Yamazaki’s (Always: Sunset on Third Street series) adaptation of Naoki Hyakuta’s bestselling novel sets a story of the human heart among the spectacular and terrifying battles of the final days of the Pacific War. In modern Tokyo, Kentaro and his older sister Keiko pursue the riddle surrounding the death of their grandfather – a man dedicated to family and resistant to the futility of war – who none-the-less joined a kamikaze attack unit. Their investigation leads to a shocking truth. One of Japan’s biggest hits of 2013. Starring Junichi Okada , Mao Inoue, Haruma Miura and Kazue Fukiishi In Japanese with English subtitles. 百田尚樹の同名ベストセラー小説を、V6の岡田准一主演、 『ALWAYS 三丁目の夕日』 シ リーズを手がけてきた山崎貴監督のメガホンで映画化。司法試験に落ち続け、人生の目 標を失いかけた青年・佐伯健太郎と、 フリーライターの姉・慶子は、実の祖父だと思って いた賢一郎とは血のつながりがなく、本当の祖父は太平洋戦争で特攻により戦死した宮 部久蔵という人物であることを知る。久蔵について調べ始めた2人は、祖父が凄腕のパイ ロットであり、生きることに強く執着した人物であったことを知る。そんな祖父がなぜ特 攻に志願したのか。元戦友たちの証言から祖父の実像が明らかになっていき、やがて戦 後60年にわたり封印されてきた驚きの事実にたどり着く。健太郎を三浦春馬、久蔵の妻・ 松乃を井上真央が演じる。 Screening Partner: 監督:山崎貴 出演:岡田准一、三浦春馬、井上真央、濱田岳 他 © 2013 TOHO CO., LTD. / AMUSE INC. / AMUSE SOFT ENTERTAINMENT INC. / DENTSU INC. / ROBOT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. / SHIROGUMI INC. / Abe Shuji, Inc. / J Storm Inc. / OHTA PUBLISHING COMPANY / KODANSHA LTD. / FUTABASHA PUBLISHERS LTD. / The Asahi Shimbun Company / Nikkei Inc. / KDDI / TOKYO FM Broadcasting Co., Ltd. / NIPPON SHUPPAN HANBAI INC. / GyaO Corporation All Rights Reserved. The Apology King 謝罪の王様 Monday June 16 • 7:00pm • 128 min / 2013 Director: Nobuo Mizuta • Toronto Premiere “Somehow walking the line between deadpan goofiness and heartstringtugging earnestness, “The Apology King” is a wonderfully funny ode to sincerity.” Charles Webb, TWITCHFILM.COM Nobuo Mizuta‘s manic and hilarious comedy looks at the Japanese obsession with good manners, particularly the perfect apology. Kurojima, director of the Tokyo Apology Centre, applies his apology techniques to save clients from simple arbitration, through human resources disasters, to averting an international crisis. Starring Sadao Abe, Mao Inoue, Masaki Okada and Machiko Ono In Japanese with English subtitles. 架空の職業である 「謝罪師」を生業とする黒島譲が、ケンカの仲裁のような小さなトラブ ルから、政府を巻き込んだ国家存亡の危機まで、ひと癖もふた癖もある依頼人から舞い 込む大小さまざまな事件に遭遇。降りかかる難問を次から次へと謝罪のテクニックを駆 使して解決し、ついには土下座を超える「究極の謝罪」で謝ります。土下座を超える究極 の謝罪、 「土下座の向こう側」 とは? Screening Partner: 監督:水田伸生 出演:阿部サダヲ、井上真央、岡田将生、尾野真千子 11 Mourning Recipe 四十九日のレシピ Tuesday June 17 • 7:00pm • 129 min / 2013 Director: Yuki Tanada • Toronto Premiere Based on Yuki Ibuki’s novel, Mourning Recipe depicts the life of the Atsuta family following the sudden death of its beloved matriarch, Otomi. In the aftermath, her elderly husband Ryohei falls into depression and daughter Yuri returns home to mourn while dealing with her own disintegrating marriage. Otomi, however, has left behind a special gift: a lovingly handwritten recipe book which acts as a guide to her family’s recovery and which strengthens that sense of family both within and beyond the ties of blood. Starring Hiromi Nagasaku, Renji Ishibashi, Masaki Okada, Fumi Nikaido, Taizo Harada, Keiko Awaji In Japanese with English subtitles. 東京で夫と義母と暮らしていた百合子は、母・乙美の死を機に実家に帰ることにす る。実は百合子の夫・浩之は浮気をしており、相手のお腹の中には子どもがいるとい うのだ。実家に着くと、父と派手な化粧をした若い娘の姿が。イモと名乗るその娘は、 乙美がボランティアをしていた更生施設で彼女に世話になっていたと言う。イモは 乙美が作っていた暮らしのレシピカードを差し出して、乙美の望む「四十九日の大宴 会」をやろうと言い出す。 監督:タナダユキ 出演:永作博美、石橋蓮司、 岡田将生、二階堂ふみ、 © 2013 “Mourning Recipe” Film Partners 原田泰造、淡路恵子 Why Don’t You Play in Hell? 地獄でなぜ悪い Wednesday June 18 • 7:00pm • 128 min / 2013 Director, Writer: Sion Sono • TIFF Encore Screening Director Sion Sono (Love Exposure, Cold Fish, Land of Hope) is back with the kind of film that made him a cult phenomenon. As two rival yakuza gangs go to war, one of the bosses orders a rag-tag film crew – the F**k Bombers - to make a movie of the bloody conflict with his lethal daughter in the starring role! All this in order to appease his murderous but beloved wife who is only days away from release from prison. A surreal, deliriously hyper-violent comedy, a heart-felt tribute to Sono’s own on-the-fly renegade filmmaking past and the deserving recipient of TIFF’s People’s Choice Award th the Midnight Madness section. Starring Jun Kunimura, Shinichi Tsutsumi, Hiroki Hasegawa, Gen Hoshino and Fumi Nikaido This film is rated 18A for graphic violence. In Japanese with English subtitles. 対立するヤクザの武藤と池上。刑務所にいる妻を喜ばすため、娘のミツコが主演女優で映 画が撮影されている、 と嘘をついてしまった武藤は、 ミツコを主演に、池上とのヤクザ抗争を 舞台に映画を撮るよう、監督になることを夢見る平田に依頼する。武藤の手下たちも撮影を 手伝うことになり、キャストもスタッフもヤクザという前代未聞の映画撮影が始まる。 監督:園子温 出演:二階堂ふみ、堤真一、 國村隼、星野源、友近 12 Screening Partner: Screening Partner: Screening Sponsor: T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L The Ravine of Goodbye 2014 さよなら渓谷 Thursday June 19 • 7:00pm • 117 min / 2013 Director: Tatsushi Omori • Toronto Premiere Winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 35th Moscow International Film Festival, Tatsushi Omori’s adaptation of Shuichi Yoshida’s novel is a superbly acted drama (Yoko Maki received the Japanese Academy Award for her performance) dealing with the themes of male violence and guilt, female victimization and power. A baby is killed. The baby’s mother Satomi is arrested as the prime suspect but suspicion also swirls around her seemingly happy neighbors Shunsuke and Kanako. Watanabe, a reporter also investigating the case, discovers a shocking sex crime in Shunsuke’s past. But what relevance could this history have to present circumstances? An unforgettable, brutal and harrowing exploration of “the extremities of love.”Starring Yoko Maki, Shima Onishi, Nao Omori, Anne Suzuki, Arata Iura, Mayu Tsuruta and Hirofumi Arai 18+ - This film is unrated but may only be viewed by persons 18 years of age or older. In Japanese with English subtitles. 第35回モスクワ国際映画祭にて審査員特別賞そして第37回日本アカデミー賞にて最優 秀主演女優賞を受賞の真木ようこ主演。 緑が生い茂る渓谷で幼児の殺害事件が発生し、容疑者として母親が逮捕される。その 後、隣の家に住んでいる尾崎俊介がその母親と不倫していた上、殺害の共犯の容疑で逮 捕されるが、なんと警察に通報したのは俊介の妻かなこであった。事件を取材する週刊 誌の記者、渡辺がさらに調査を進めていくうちに、尾崎夫妻をめぐる15年前の衝撃的な 秘密にたどり着き……。 監督:大森立嗣 Screening Sponsor: 出演: 真木よう子、大西信満、鈴木杏、井浦新、 新井浩文、鶴田真由 、大森南朋、他 おしん Oshin Friday June 20 • 7:00pm • 107 min / 2013 Director: Shin Togashi • Canadian Premiere In 1907 in a small village in a mountains of Yamagata, seven-year-old peasant girl Oshin is sold by her parents to become a live-in maid and babysitter for a wealthy family. Her new life of servitude presents a series of hardships that test her fortitude and set her on the road to becoming strong and selfless like her mother. Based on an internationally beloved NHK drama which started in 1983 and achieved the highest audience rating, Oshin’s strength against adverse circumstances is impressive and evokes sympathy across all generations. Starring: Kokone Hamada, Aya Ueto, Goro Inagaki, Pinko Izumi, Kayoko Kishimoto In Japanese with English subtitles. 明治40年(1907)早春、不作のため困窮を極めた谷村家は、7歳のおしんを奉公に出 す。奉公先の材木問屋で働きづめの毎日を送るおしんは、雪が溶けたら家に帰れる と信じて、つらい日々を乗り切っていく。 しかしある時、店の財布から50銭銀貨がなく なる事件が発生。濡れ衣を着せられたおしんは、店を飛び出してしまう。 監督:冨樫森 Screening Partner: 出演:濱田ここね、上戸彩、稲垣吾郎、泉ピン子 他 13 The Kiyosu Conference 清須会議 Monday June 23 • 7:00pm • 138 min / 2013 Director/Writer: Koki Mitani • Toronto Premiere A who’s-who of Japan’s biggest actors star in Koki Mitani’s satirical, loosely based historic epic that takes place at Kiyosu Castle in 1582. The major warlord Nobunaga Oda, and his eldest son and heir apparent, are dead. As a successor must be found, powerful clan members gather for a mental - as opposed to physical - struggle involving wildly varied, hilarious strategies, shifting alliances, bargaining, cunning and deceit. Starring Koji Yakusho, Yo Oizumi, Fumiyo Kohinata, Koichi Sato, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Tadanobu Asano, Kyoka Suzuki, Miki Nakatani, Ayane Goriki. In Japanese with English subtitles. 数々のヒット作を作り出してきた三谷幸喜が、およそ17年ぶりに書き下ろした小説を自 ら映画化した群像喜劇。 本能寺の変によって織田信長が亡くなり、筆頭家老の柴田勝家と羽柴秀吉が後見に名 乗りを上げた。勝家は信長の三男でしっかり者の信孝、秀吉はうつけものと評判の次男 の信雄を、信長亡き後の後継者として指名し、勝家は信長の妹・お市、秀吉は信長の弟・ 三十郎信包を味方にする。そして跡継ぎを決めるための清須会議が開催されることにな り、両派の複雑な思惑が交錯していく。 Screening Partner: Screening Sponsor: 監督:三谷幸喜 出演:役所広司、大泉洋、小日向文世、 佐藤浩市、妻夫木聡、浅野忠信、 松山ケンイチ、伊勢谷友介、鈴木京香 、 でんでん、中谷美紀 少年H A Boy Called H Tuesday June 24 • 7:00pm • 122 min / 2013 Director: Yasuo Furuhata • North American Premiere Yasuo Furuhata’s lavish adaptation of the beloved autobiographical novel by Kappa Senoh was nominated for the Japanese Academy Award for Best Film of the Year. In the years around WWII young Hajime witnesses fascist and nationalist forces rise in his country, endures a military education, and is forced to witness the firebombing of his beloved city. Although Hajime suffers through many hardships, he still manages to experience growth during his journey into adulthood thanks to his loving family. A moving and beautifully acted adaptation of an important piece of contemporary Japanese literature. Starring Tatsuki Yoshioka, Yutaka Mizutani, Ran Ito, Yurine Hanada, Shun Oguri, Taichi Saotome, Jun Kunimura, Kuranosuke Sasaki, Taizo Harada, Ittoku Kishibe In Japanese with English subtitles. 妹尾河童の自伝的ベストセラーを、 「鉄道員(ぽっぽや)」の降旗康男監督が映画化。 太平洋戦争下という時代に翻弄されながらも、勇気や信念を貫いて生きた、 「H」 と 呼ばれる少年とその家族を描き、実生活でも夫婦の水谷豊と伊藤蘭が夫婦役で映画 初共演を果たした。2013年度、 日本アカデミー賞優秀作品賞受賞。 監督:降旗康男 Screening Partner: 出演: 水谷豊、伊藤蘭、吉岡竜輝、花田優里音、小栗旬 14 ©2013 TV ASAHI CORPORATION / TOHO CO., LTD. / TRYSOME INC. / Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Incorporated / Asahi Broadcasting Corporation / CREEK&RIVER Co., Ltd. / NAGOYA BROADCASTING NETWORK CO., LTD. / Hokkaido Television Broadcasting Co., Ltd. / KYUSHU ASAHI BROADCASTING CO., LTD. / The Asahi Shimbun Company / THE KOBE SHIMBUN / KODANSHA LTD. / GyaO Corporation All Rights Reserved. T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L Judge! 2014 ジャッジ! Wednesday June 25 • 7:00pm • 105 min / 2014 Director: Satoshi Nagai • North American Premiere In this hit screwball comedy, Kiichiro Ota, a hapless employee of a top advertising agency, is ordered by his slimy boss to participate at the Santa Monica International Advertising Festival. There he must act as both a member of the jury and win the Grand Prix award for his own (terrible) TV ad. He is paired with highly effective co-worker Hikari, and together they attend endless parties lobbying for their firm’s commercial. Hilarity and romance ensue as they are immediately mistaken for a married couple. Kiichiro finds out that he will be fired if he doesn’t win the Grand Prix, and Hikari uses multiple tactics to win the votes needed save Kiichiro’s job. This high energy, and ultimately heart-warming farce delivers non-stop laughter and winning, manic performances from some of Japan’s top actors including Satoshi Tsumabuki, Keiko Kitagawa, Lily Franky, Kyoka Suzuki, Etsushi Toyokawa and Yoshiyoshi Arakawa. In Japanese with English subtitles. 世界的な広告際に審査委員として参加することになった新人広告マンが、自社CMの グランプリ獲得を課せられ奔走する様を描くコメディー。日本のソフトバンクモバイル の「ホワイト家族」シリーズなど数々のCMをヒットさせてきた広告プランナーの澤本 嘉光が脚本を手掛け、監督はCMディレクター出身の永井聡が担当。華やかな広告業 界の裏側を知り尽くした二人が、自虐的ともみえるドタバタ喜劇に仕上げている。主役 は妻夫木聡と北川景子の若手実力派、そして随所に顔を見せる個性派俳優陣が笑い 満載のこの作品を更に盛り上げている。 Screening Partner: 監督:永井聡 出演:妻夫木聡、北川景子、リリー・フランキー、鈴木京香、豊川悦司、荒川良々 The Snow White Murder Case 白ゆき姫殺人事件 Friday June 27 • 7:00pm • 126 min / 2014 Director: Yoshihiro Nakamura • North American Premiere A fast-paced thriller based on the best-selling novel by Kanae Minato (Confessions) When Noriko, a beautiful cosmetic company employee is murdered, suspicion immediately falls on misfit co-worker, Miki Shirono. TV director Yuji Akahoshi launches an investigative journalism piece on the murder. Is Miki truly evil? How will the constant chatter of social media and rumour warp perspectives? What are Yuji’s motives for chasing the story? His efforts result in a devastating conclusion. Starring Mao Inoue, Go Ayano, Nanao, Nobuaki Kaneko, Erena Ono, Mitsuki Tanimura and Shota Sometani. Director Yoshihiro Nakamura will be in attendance to introduce and take questions on his film. In Japanese with English subtitles. 人里離れた山中で10か所以上を刺され、焼かれた死体が発見される。殺害されたの は典子で、容疑者は化粧品会社のOL城野美姫。テレビディレクターの赤星雄治は、美 姫の同僚、家族、幼なじみなどに取材。典子が美姫の同期入社で、美人で評判だった一 方、美姫は地味で目立たない存在だったことが報道され……。 監督:中村義洋 Screening Sponsor: 出演:井上真央、綾野剛、奈々緒、 金子ノブアキ、小野恵令奈、谷村美月、 染谷将太、蓮佛美沙子 ® 15 16 SPECIAL GUESTS AND EVENTS Special Guest T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L 2014 YOSHIHIRO NAKAMURA Director - The Snow White Murder Case Yoshihiro Nakamura is one of Japan’s most prolific and successful contemporary directors and screenwriters. He was born in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1970 and studied at Seijo University. In 1993 he won the PIA Film Festival’s Grand Prix runner-up award with Summer Rain Kitchen and has since he worked as assistant director on films with Yoichi Sai, Hideyuki Hirayama and Juzo Itami. In 2007 he won the Kaneto Shindõ Prize given to the most promising new director by the Japan Film Makers’ Association. His films include Fish Story (2009), Golden Slumbers (2010), A Boy and his Samurai (2010), See You Tomorrow, Everyone (2013), Fruits of Faith (2013). His new film The Snow White Murder Case is one of the most highly anticipated Japanese films of 2014. KAISEKI YU-ZEN HASHIMOTO: Opening Reception and Washoku Workshops Conde Naste Traveller magazine asked, “Is this the most extraordinary restaurant in the world?” Many would agree that it is, including the critics who have called Hashimoto one of the finest restaurants in North America. In 2013 UNESCO added Washoku (Japanese Cuisine) to its Intangible Cultural Heritage list. It is appropriate then, that Hashimoto presents our opening reception with tastings of the Kaga Ryori style of cooking featured in the opening film “A Tale of Samurai Cooking.” In the weeks, prior to, during and following the festival, Hashimoto will offer a series of workshops on Washoku touching on topics such as Kyooh Ryori 饗応料理 and Honzen Ryori 本膳料理. For more information go to: www.kaiseki.ca or email at [email protected]. PHOTO: GOH IROMOTO MORIYAMA NIKKEI HERITAGE CENTRE While enjoying the festival make sure to visit the newly opened Moriyama Nikkei Heritage Centre: a dynamic, inclusive and interactive space designed to share the history and heritage of the Japanese Canadian community and act as a hub for the Nikkei experience internationally. Ours is a story of courage, determination, pride and resilience, as well as striking incidents of persecution and ultimate redress; a legacy that contains valuable lessons for Canadians of all heritages, and for visitors wishing to benefit from the lessons learned in the world’s most culturally diverse nation. The MNHC is a fully accessible, engaging environment presenting the JCCC Archives collection of artefacts, photos and documents and, via new digital technology, access to our SEDAI Project’s oral histories as well as links to the Nikkei diaspora experience through a network of international Nikkei partner organizations. 50 years of Japanese Film Poster Art This exhibition of film posters, from the golden age of Japanese cinema (‘50s and ‘60s) through to current releases, offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into an intriguing art form. Film posters are, in essence, simple advertisements for the cinematic product. But any film lover knows they are much more than that: film art evokes a powerful sense of the time, the culture and the audience for whom it was created – not to mention the film itself. Ranging from the beautifully understated to the spectacularly garish, from the classic to the esoteric, this diverse collection represents a broad spectrum of genres, graphic design trends and iconic imagery. Selected from the collection of the Japan Foundation, Toronto. 17 18 T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS AND PARTNERS 2014 Presenting Sponsor Major Sponsor Technology Sponsor Sustaining Sponsor Industry Partner Marketing Sponsor Cultural and Community Sponsors and Partners ® Media Sponsors Raffle Supporters Printing Sponsor Accommodation Sponsor Website Sponsor Transportation Sponsor 19 Grand Jury Prize and Kobayashi Audience Choice Award The Grand Jury Prize is awarded to the feature selected as the best film among this year’s festival offerings. Films are reviewed by an Official Jury comprised of film makers, film professionals, writers and educators. The winning film-maker is awarded with a certificate and a cash prize of 100,000 Japanese yen. GRAND JURY PRIZE BEST FILM TORONTO JAPANESE FILM FESTIVAL This year’s jury is comprised of: • Mark Schilling, Japanese film critic for The Japan Times, Japan correspondent for Variety • Daihachi Yoshida, Japan Academy Prize-winning director, The Kirishima Thing, Permanent Nobara, Funuke - Show Some Love You Losers • Sonia Sakamoto-Jog, Executive Director, Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival • Joanna Miles, Vice President Marketing, Entertainment One Films • Kate Scullin, Film Program Officer, The Japan Foundation, Toronto The Kobayashi Audience Choice Award is presented to the film chosen as the festival favourite by audiences based on ballots completed at the end of each screening. The award is named in honour of Coby and Yone Kobayashi, a second-generation Nikkei couple whose vision, generosity, and tireless efforts over 50 years were essential to the creation and success of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. FESTIVAL STAFF THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS Festival Directors: James Heron, Chris Hope The Toronto Japanese Film Festival would like to thank the following volunteers, staff and organizations without whose help the Festival would not be possible: Programmers: Aki Takabatake, James Heron Administration Coordinator: Maki Klotz Technical Coordinator: Constantin Dutescu Volunteer Coordinators: Yuki Hipsh, Christine Takasaki Hospitality Coordinators: Haruko Ishihara, Christine Seki Marketing Coordinator: Yaeko Tong Laura Ashley, Toshi Aoyagi, Eri Asai, Hiroko Barall, Aura Barrios, Ken Bole, Brent Borgundvaag, Mike Boyuk, Sarah Burd, Sandy and Byron Chan, Barry Chaim, Michelle Chiba, Inika Chung, Etsuko Doyama, Chris Draenos, Yoshiko Dutczak, Elizabeth Fujita, Yohei Fujii, Kenta Fudesaka, Yoshiko Fukuda, Derek Gorman, Anzu Hara, Jeff Harju, Masayo Heron, Erin Higgins, Jerry Hipsh, Takeo Hisamitsu, Hanna Ikeda, Nobuo Iromoto, Tzeling Huang, Emi Kawabuchi, Jim & Kyoko Kobayashi, Kristin Kobayashi, Marty Kobayashi, Kana Koido, Helen Koyama, David Klotz, Sally Kumagawa, Marjorie Lacho, Junko Lui, Kazu Maruyama, Kazumi Matsui, Rika Murota, Rizwan Masood, Yuki Oguriyama, David Ohashi, Goyo Ohmi, Chiaki Omori, Sho Ozawa, Mark Payne, Kiyoshi Nagata, Yuki Nakamura, Atsuko Nakayama, Mark Payne, Bill Petruck, Yoko Reynolds, Yoichi Satake, Shinji Sakoda, Kate Scullin, Elaine Shigeishi, Osamu Shiohara, Donald Simmons, Julie Strifler, Tony Smith, Patrick Suen, Tod Sullivan, Connie Sugiyama, Terry Takashima, Kuri Tamura, Kathy Tazumi, Wendy Tran, Katsumi Terada, Pierre Toth, Demetre Vasilounis, Ian Walker, Ai Watanabe, Haruko Watanabe, Yoshie Watanabe, Kent Wilson, Austin Wong, Carrie Wong, Sayuri Yaginuma, May Yamashita, Toshiko Yamashita, Naoe Yamazaki, Sachiko Yanagisawa, Josephine Yee, Aisling Yeoman, Anime North, Kayo Yoshida, Asmik Ace, CJS, FUNimation Entertainment, GAGA Corporation, GKIDS, JAVA Toronto, Kaizeki Yu-zen Hashimoto, Klockworx, Nippon Television, Phantom Film, Pony Canyon, Toho Co. Ltd, Shochiku Co. Ltd, ufotable Inc., Warner Brothers Japan, Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival, hotdocs, Toronto Comic Arts Festival, Toronto International Film Festival. A special thank you to Noriko Maeda for creating the “J” calligraphy for the Toronto Japanese Film Festival logo. FESTIVAL SOUNDTRACK: MARIHIKO HARA The Toronto Japanese Film Festival thanks Kyoto-based electronic/acoustic musician Marihiko Hara for contributing all pre-screening music. To date Hara-san has released albums with audiobulb (UK), Tench (USA), leerraum (Switzerland), Drone Sweet Drone (France), Home Normal, Shrine and nightcruising (Japan). To learn more about or purchase his music go to: www.marihikohara.com/news_en. Thanks to Jerry Hipsh for musical programming at the festival since our inception in 2012. 20 FESTIVAL FOOD AND DRINK T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L 2014 During the festival there will be two special receptions featuring fine Japanese food and drink from some of Toronto’s best loved Japanese eateries. June 12 at 6:30 Opening Reception Prior to our opening film, A TALE OF SAMURAI COOKING, we will offer Japanese food and light refreshments as well as a Japanese sake and beer bar for opening night ticket holders. This reception is provided through the generosity of KAISEKI YU-ZEN HASHIMOTO and Ozawa Canada. June 27 Closing Reception Following our closing night film, THE SNOW WHITE MURDER CASE, we will offer sushi and light refreshments as well as a Japanese sake and beer bar for ticket holders. This reception is provided through the generosity of EDO and Ozawa Canada. A Japanese beer and sake bar will be open during selected screenings. Sushi bento boxes will be available for purchase prior to all screenings courtesy of SUSHI MARCHE. 21 TICKETS チケット TICKETS チケット Non-member Member - JCCC 一般 会員 Magical Sisters Yoyo and Nene $12 $10 $5 tickets for children age 16 and under. 『魔女っこ姉妹のヨヨとネネ』のみ、16歳以下のお子様は1名様につき$5 でご鑑賞頂けます。 150 passes are available. Purchasers receive a $38 SHISEIDO evening bag and beauty package. 限定150枚。$38相当の資生堂ビューティーキット付き! 一般 会員 $45 $40 DELUXE 10 FILM PASS 10枚パス 50 passes are available. Purchasers receive a $94 SHISEIDO cosmetic pouch and beauty package. 限定50枚。$94相当の資生堂ビューティーキット付き! Non-member Member - JCCC 22 一般 会員 お一人様に付き1つの映画にご利用して頂けます。1枚のパスで同じ 映画のチケットを複数お渡しすることはできませんので、予めご了承 下さい。 All films are presented in Japanese with English subtitles. 全ての映画は日本語音声で英語字幕が付いています。 5 FILM PASS 5枚パス Non-member Member - JCCC Pass holders can watch any 5 or 10 films at the Toronto Japanese Film Festival. One pass cannot be exchanged for more than one ticket for the same film. $90 $80 From May 1st 2014, all tickets and passes can be purchased at JCCC reception or call (416) 441-2345 to purchase by Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Also available online through Ticketweb at www.ticketweb.ca. 2014年5月1日より全てのチケットとパスは日系文化会館のレセプショ ン、 もしくはビザ、マスターカード、 アメリカン·エキスプレスの場合はお 電話(416) 441-2345 ext 222にてもご購入できます。 また、Ticketweb のオンラインwww.ticketweb.caでもご購入いただけます。 All ticket prices include HST. Subject to availability, tickets can also be purchased during the festival at the JCCC. 全てのチケットとパスの価格にはHSTが含まれています。映画祭の期間 中も、売り切れでない場合は日系文化会館にてご購入いただけます。 LOCATION 会場 T O R O N T O J A PA N E S E F I L M F E S T I V A L 2014 The Toronto Japanese Film Festival takes place at the JCCC, located at 6 Garamond Court in Toronto, Ontario. Address 会場 Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre 日系文化会館 6 Garamond Court, Toronto, Ontario Tel: 416-441-2345 By TTC 地下鉄とバスでのアクセス Take the #100 (Flemingdon) bus from Eglinton or Broadview subway station and get off at “Garamond Court”. 地下鉄Eglinton駅かBroadview駅から100番のバスに乗り、 Garamond Courtのバス停で下車 By Car From Downtown Take Don Valley Parkway North to Eglinton – Go west to Gervais Drive – Turn right on Wynford Drive then left at Garamond Court. From the West Take Eastbound Gardiner Expressway to Don Valley Parkway North to Eglinton – Go west to Gervais Drive – Turn right on Wynford Drive then left at Garamond Court. From the East Take Highway 401 West to Don Valley Parkway South – Go south to Wynford Drive – Turn right on Wynford Drive then right at Garamond Court. From the North Take Highway 404/ Don Valley Parkway South to Wynford Drive – Turn right on Wynford Drive then right at Garamond Court. Parking Information Free on site parking is available for those attending the festival. EISA エイサー The Rhythms of OKINAWA 沖縄演舞と銀河鉄道の世界 Following the success of a spectacular Eisa show performed at the JCCC last summer, Okinawan dance and music performance group Karakoro is back with another energetic and joyous concert in August. In addition to traditional Okinawan ceremonial dances and dynamic originals, Karakoro will perform an Eisa version of Kenji Miyazaki’s delightful fable “A Night on the Galactic Railroad”. Date: Sunday August 10, 2014 @ 6:00pm Tickets: $20 JCCC members $25 non-members All reserved seating Ticket sales will start June 2 at the JCCC reception desk 416. 441. 2345 23 24
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