アルゴリズム (1) 問題用紙 次の状態遷移図は,与えられた文字列が人名か否かを認識する動作を示している.This state transition diagram is used to recognize a person’s name. 空白 space a-z 空白 -1 A-Z -2 . -3 space -4 A-Z -5 * ‘空白’は空白1文字を表す. * ‘space’ means a single character representing a space. プログラム algo.c は,C 言語を用いて上記状態遷移図を実装したものである.なお,このプログラムが受け 入れることのできる文字は ASCII 文字とし,そのアルファベット文字は,次のように順序付けされているも のとする:..., A, B, ..., Z, ..., a, b,..., z, ... .問いに答えよ.解答は解答用紙に記述せよ. The program code ‘algo.c’ is represented in C programming language, and is equivalent to the above state transition diagram. We assume that the program only accepts a string of the ASCII characters. Upper and lower case letters are sorted in alphabetical order in ASCII, i.e., ..., A, B, ..., Z, ..., a, b, ..., z, ... . Answer the questions. Describe your answers on the answer sheet. /* *** algo.c *** */ #include <stdio.h> int transit(int state, char c){ int next_state = -state; switch(state){ case -1: if(’A’ <= c && c <= ’Z’) next_state = -2; break; case -2: *** (a) *** break; case -3: if (c == ’Ã’) next_state = -4; break; case -4: *** (b) *** break; case -5: *** (c) *** break; } return next_state; } int tokenize(char buff[]){ /* buff: a buffer storing a person’s name * and is terminated by the ’\0’ character. */ int state, i; for(state = -1, i = 0; *** (d) *** && buff[i] != ’\0’; i++){ state = transit(state, buff[i]); } if(state == -5) state = 0; return state; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int state; state = tokenize(argv[1]); if(*** (e) ***){ fprintf(stderr, "NotÃaÃperson’sÃname."); fprintf(stderr, "[error-codeÃ=Ã%d]\n", state); }else{ printf("AÃperson’sÃname.\n"); } } Q1. *** (a) *** ∼ *** (e) *** の空欄を埋めよ. Put correct program codes into the five blanks *** (a) *** ∼ *** (e) ***. Q2. 文字列 T.tSuzuki-01 を与えた場合,プログラムがどの状態で終了するかを答えよ.ここで,t は空白1 文字を表す. Answer the final state number of the program in the case of putting the ‘T.tSuzuki-01’ string into the program. Here, ’t’ shows a signle space character. Q3. 文字列 T.tSuzuki-01 を与えた場合,transit 関数は何回呼び出されたか答えよ. Answer the number of the function calls of the ‘transit’ in the case of putting the ‘T.tSuzuki-01’ string into the program. Q4. 文字列 T.tSuzuki-01 を与えた場合,tokenize 関数はどんな値を返すか答えよ. Answer the return value of the ‘tokenize’ function in the case of putting the ‘T.tSuzuki-01’ string into the program. アルゴリズム (1) 解答用紙 本問を選択 (Select this problem) { する (Yes),しない (No) } No.
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