リビア政治経済社会ディリー リビア政治経済社会ディリー情報 政治経済社会ディリー情報 2010 年 10 月 ●経済(観光) リビアはロンドンで開催される London Tourism Show に 2 年連続で参加を表明。 Sunday, 31 October, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - Libya will for the second consecutive year participate in the London Tourism Show in the United Kingdom, the Libyan General Tourism and Handicrafts Board announced on Friday. The 2010 edition of the Show would take place from 8 to 11 November, the Board said in Tripoli. Libya's stand will comprise several tour operators, tourist cooperatives, as well as hotels to promote the country's tourist products. The development plans and programmes adopted to promote the Libyan tourist sector will be presented during this global economic and cultural event, as well as the main sites of attraction in Libya. These include archaeological sites, historical cities and products of seaside resorts and desert tourism. [Afriquejet] ●エネルギー(精製) リビアのマームーディ首相はチュニジアの首都チュニスでベン・アリ大統領と会談し、 リビアがチュニジアの Skhira 石油ターミナルに石油精製施設を建設する支援をするこ とに言及。 Saturday, 30 October, 2010: Libya's prime minister said on Friday his country will help its neighbour Tunisia build an oil refinery at Tunisia's Skhira oil terminal. Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi discussed joint business projects when he had talks in the Tunisian capital with President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. In footage broadcast on Tunisian state television, al-Mahmoudi said they had agreed that Libya would join the project to build a refinery at Skhira, a Mediterranean port about 350 km (220 miles) south-east of Tunis. There were no details on what role Libya would play in the project, or on the size of its investment. Tunisia's government announced plans to build a refinery at Skhira three years ago. [Reuters] ●エネルギー(石油) トルコの石油企業 TPAO の 100%子会社 Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company (TPOC)が 147 鉱区で原油を発見。一つの層からは 1050 バレル/日、もう一つの層からは 1300 バレ ル/日を産出している。同社は 9.7%の権益を保有するオペレーターで、残りは NOC が 保有している。 Thursday, 28 October, 2010: ALGIERS Oct 27 (Reuters) - A subsidiary of Turkey's TPAO has discovered oil at two wells on a Libyan concession it operates, Libya's NOC state oil company said in a statement on Wednesday. It said that Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company (TPOC), a wholly-owned TPAO subsidiary, made the discoveries on the Area 147 concession, which it was awarded in 2005. One well had an oil flow rate of 1,050 barrels per day (bpd) and the other had a rate of 1,300 bpd, said the statement posted on the NOC Internet site 1 www.noclibya.com.ly. TPOC holds a 9.7 percent interest in the concession, and the operatorship, with the rest owned by NOC, said the statement. [Reuters] ●政治(欧州) マルタの Tonio Borg 外相はリビアの Mousa Kousa 外相と会談するため、リビアに出発。 リビアとスイスの関係が悪化した際に、シェンゲン協定が話題になった際にマルタが 種々の問題解決に奔走した経緯がある。 Thursday, 28 October, 2010: Foreign Minister Tonio Borg is on his way to Tripoli where he will have talks with his Libyan counterpart Mousa Kousa. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the talks would focus on a friendship and cooperation agreement between the two countries. He said that bilateral relations had improved considerably since the Shengen dispute between Libya and Switzerland, in which Malta was involved. Mr Kousa was in Malta last year, when he announced that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi would visit Malta. No date has been fixed yet, although the new Libyan ambassador said recently that the visit is still on the cards. However, Malta is due to host a summit meeting of the 5+5 Western Mediterranean Forum early next year. Among those expected to attend are Col Gaddafi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Italia Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. [Times of Malta] (関連記事) ・Thursday, 28 October, 2010: Malta was exerting diplomatic pressure on Italy and Libya to discuss its proposal to negotiate a tri-partite joint oil exploration agreement in an area in the east of the Mediterranean seas being contested by the three countries. Foreign Minister Tonio Borg told Parliament yesterday that last year he had announced that he had taken the initiative and made a concrete joint exploration proposal to both the Italian and the Libyan governments. Negotiations were still ongoing but Malta was using its pressure to get the other governments to come to the negotiating table to discuss this proposal. Malta was in favour of joint exploration because this avoided reference to the International Court of Justice and, without prejudice to any presumed rights, the countries could arrive at an amicable way to exploit resources and leave the theoretical issue of sovereignty unprejudiced. [Times of Malta] ・Saturday, 30 October, 2010: Foreign Minister Tonio Borg is in Libya on an official visit, during which he will be meeting his Libyan counterpart, Mousa Kousa. The Department of Information said talks will focus on friendship agreements. Earlier this year, the DOI added, similar talks were held which led to a solution of the Schengen visas problem. Dr Borg is expected back today. [Independent] ・Sunday, 31 October, 2010: Malta and Libya have made progress in negotiations on a 'Treaty of Partnership and Friendship' proposed by Malta earlier this year, the Foreign Ministry said today. The proposed agreement was discussed this morning in Tripoli during a meeting between 2 Foreign Minister Tonio Borg and Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa. Dr Borg returns to Malta today. [Times of Malta] ●政治(核開発問題) Sa'd Mostafa Mojber 駐イラン・リビア大使は核エネルギー開発に関して、大国が二重基 準を設けてイランに対する制裁措置を強めていることを非難。 Wednesday, 27 October, 2010: TEHRAN (FNA)- Libyan Ambassador to Tehran Sa'd Mostafa Mojber lambasted the double-standard policies adopted by the world powers on Iran and other countries' right of access to the peaceful nuclear technology. "Why should Iran leave its peaceful nuclear program while they say nobody has the right to scrutinize the Zionist regime's military nuclear program," Mojber asked in an interview with FNA on Tuesday. "This is a double-standard decision and action," he underlined. Referring to the UN Security Council's resolutions against Iran's peaceful nuclear activities, Mojber reiterated, "Security Council is not a good name for the council and its name should be changed into the War Council." [Fars News] ●経済(投資) ベネズエラのチャベス大統領はリビアとの間で、両国が共同で追及するプロジェクトに 当てる費用捻出のための共同基金を設立(合計額 10 億ドル)することを表明。 Wednesday, 27 October, 2010: Caracas, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said his government is creating a $1 billion joint fund with Libya to pay for projects that the two countries will pursue together. Chavez announced the investment fund along with a similar $100 million joint fund with Syria as he reviewed the results of his latest seven-nation tour in a marathon speech Monday night. He did not give details of how the funds would be spent but noted that pending projects with Syria range from helping build an oil refinery to setting up a plant for processing olive oil, both in the Middle Eastern country. Chavez rebuffed criticism by political opponents who argue he is pursuing wasteful giveaways... [Jerusalem Post] ●政治(アフリカ) カダフィ基金がダルフール問題による難民を故郷に帰還させるプロジェクトを発表。経 費は 800 万ドルと試算。 Tuesday, 26 October, 2010: TRIPOLI - Libya's Kadhafi Foundation announced on Monday projects costing eight million dollars to help Darfur refugees displaced by the conflict in western Sudan to return to their homes. "The projects aim at helping the return of 200,000 displaced persons to their villages" in Darfur, said Mashallah Zwei of the Brothers of the South Society, an affiliate charity of the Kadhafi Foundation. As part of the drive, the association has set up schools, health clinics, water distribution centres and provided generators for electricity in 17 villages across El-Fasher, the capital of north Darfur, Zwei said. "These projects are aimed 3 at encouraging the voluntary return of refugees to their villages and help them resume their agricultural activities," he said. [AFP] (関連記事) Wednesday, 27 October, 2010: TRIPOLI: Libya’s Qadhafi Foundation announced on Monday projects costing $8 million to help Darfur refugees displaced by the conflict in western Sudan to return to their homes. “The projects aim at helping the return of 200,000 displaced persons to their villages” in Darfur, said Mashallah Zwei of the Brothers of the South Society, an affiliate charity of the Qadhafi Foundation. As part of the drive, the association has set up schools, health clinics, water distribution centres and provided generators for electricity in 17 villages across Al Fasher, the capital of north Darfur, Zwei said. “These projects are aimed at encouraging the voluntary return of refugees to their villages and help them resume their agricultural activities,” he said. [Gulf Today] ●経済(貿易) African Development Bank (AfDB) と Libyan Export Promotion Council (LEPC)が 18 日、同 機関初のプロジェクトを立ち上げ。 Tuesday, 26 October, 2010: The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Libyan Export Promotion Council (LEPC) on Monday, 18 October 2010 in Tripoli, launched the institution's first project in Libya. The project, a technical assistance support to the Libyan Export Promotion Center - financed with a USD 746,971 grant from the Bank's Middle Income Country (MIC) Trust Fund, is set up to address critical needs for capacity building, institutional strengthening and private sector development. "Even in Libya, one of the richest countries in Africa, the Bank is in a position to provide support and has been called upon to contribute to the diversification of the production and export base, growth sustainability and job creation," the AfDB regional Director for north Africa, Jacob Kolster, said at launch hosted by the Libyan Chamber of Commerce. [Allafrica] ●政治(欧州) セルビアの Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic 国会議長がリビア革命委員会幹部の Abdel Kadar 調整役と会談。両国の更なる関係構築について話し合った。 Tuesday, 26 October, 2010: Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic met in Tripoli on Oct. 24 with Abdel Kadar, general coordinator of the Revolutionary Committee's Liaison Office, who voiced satisfaction with the Serbian speaker's visit to Libya, as an important step in building relations between the two countries. "Both sides said that Serbia and Libya have excellent relations, but that these relations should be improved through specific projects, mainly in areas where headway has already been made -- education, healthcare, defense, but also construction, the pharmaceutical industry and culture," a press release from the Serbian speaker's office said. Describing Serbia as an important friend, Kadar stressed that 4 effective cooperation needed to start as soon as possible, by implementing projects in all areas of life. [Emg] ●経済(投資) エジプトのケーブル製造会社 El Sewedy Cables (SWDY.CA: Quote)は 25 日、リビアに 2011 年末までにケーブル製造工場を 5000 面ドルで設立する計画であることを発表。 Tuesday, 26 October, 2010: CAIRO Oct 25 (Reuters) - Egyptian group El Sewedy Cables (SWDY.CA: Quote) said on Monday it would set up a cable manufacturing plant in Libya by the end of 2011 with total investments of $50 million. "The plant will generate revenues of 20 percent (of the investment)" after it begins operation, Ahmed Homossani, Sewedy's investor relations director, told Reuters. The Arab world's biggest listed producer of cables used in power transmission and telecoms has plants in countries from Egypt to Ethiopia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Algeria and Zambia. It exports to the Middle East and north Africa, Spain, Portugal, eastern Europe and Brazil, with African countries taking 30 percent of its exports. [Reuters] ●政治(アフリカ) 貿易・経済のより深い関係構築のため、リビアとチャドの関係者がトリポリで会談。 Monday, 25 October, 2010: With the aim of boosting the prospects for trade and economic cooperation, Libya and the Republic of Chad held meeting on Monday, 18th September 2010 in Libyan capital Tripoli to harmonize agreeable policies between the two neighborly and brotherly countries. The Libyan-Chadian economic meeting was hosted by the Libyan General People's Committee for Industry, Economy and Trade in the presence of the Secretary of the General People's Committee for Industry, Economy and Trade Mr. Mohamed Hawaij along with the Chadian Minister of Economy and Planning Mohamed Ali Hassan. [Tripoli Post] ●政治(南米) リビア訪問中のベネズエラのチャベス大統領がリビアの高等教育アカデミーから名誉 学位を授与された。 Monday, 25 October, 2010: Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has received an honorary degree from Tripoli’s Academy of Higher Education. Chavez met Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi and other officials while in Tripoli to sign economic co-operation agreements. Details of the accords were not immediately available. In a speech on Saturday, Chavez criticised US President Barack Obama for saying that Caracas must abide by international rules governing nuclear energy as it looks to build a reactor. His comments come in response to remarks Obama made on Tuesday. The US leader said Venezuela has the right to a peaceful nuclear programme but also an obligation not to pursue atomic weapons. [Gulf Today] 5 ●政治(人権) インドの Tamil Nadu からの出稼ぎ労働者 80 名以上がリビアで適切な食料も正当な給料 もない状態で取り残された状況であることを、救出の手配をした M K Alaigiri 労働大臣 が明らかにした。 Sunday, 24 October, 2010: More than 80 construction workers from Tamil Nadu stranded in Libya without proper food and wages for several months have found their saviour in Union Minister M K Alaigiri, who has arranged for their rescue. Officials here said the workers were sent to the North African country by man-power agencies but had been living under trying circumstances with their employers not paying their wages. Muniaswamy, one of the workers from Chennai stranded in Libya, had narrated their plight to his relatives and appealed for their rescue. Similarly, relatives of the workers from Cuddalore District had approached Tamil Nadu Health Minister M R K Panneerselvam to set the workers free and bring them back to India. [Hindustan Times] ●政治(南米) ベネズエラのチャベス大統領がシリアでの滞在期間を延長。リビア入りは遅れる見込み。 Saturday, 23 October, 2010: Tripoli/Caracas - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez decided to stay an extra day in Syria and postponed his trip to Libya, the Venezuelan government said Friday. Chavez had been due in Tripoli late Friday, but would instead arrive there late Saturday to meet with Libyan leader Moamer al- Gaddafi. On Friday, Chavez visited the St Thecla Monastery in Maloula, Syria, some 50 kilometres from Damascus, with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According to the Venezuelan government, Chavez stressed the need to make the peaceful site better known to the general public. [M&C] (関連記事) Sunday, 24 October, 2010: TRIPOLI: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was on Saturday holding talks with Libyan leaders after having arrived in Libya late on Friday on a regional tour that has also taken him to Iran and Syria The firebrand president’s programme has not been made public, but he arrived from Damascus and was to begin his visit by meeting Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi, with whom he has had close ties for several years. Last year Chavez was in Libya for ceremonies marking 40 years since Qadhafi came to power on Sept 1, 1969, and the Libyan leader awarded him the “Qadhafi Human Rights Prize” in 2005. [Gulf Today] ●政治(衛生) チュニジアの公共保健省とリビアの衛生・環境省が公衆衛生協力に関する覚書に調印。 Saturday, 23 October, 2010: Following the joint technical group meeting held from October 20 to 21 and in materialization of the memorandum of understanding in the health sector, in September 2009, an executive program in health sector was signed on Thursday in Tunis between the Tunisian Public Health Ministry and the Libyan General People’s Committee 6 Secretariat of Health and Environment. On this occasion, both sides expressed their willingness to bolster joint action to promote the health sector in both countries, as well as to streamline implementation of the bilateral co-operation to reach the targets set in due time. [Tunisia Online] (関連記事) Monday, 25 October, 2010: Tunisia and Libya on Thursday signed an executive cooperation programme in Tunis in the domain of health, Tunisian official sources said. The signing ceremony was held at the close of two days of joint technical group proceedings in the two countries. The programme is part of a memorandum of understanding in the domain of health signed in September last year between the Tunisian ministry of Public Health and the secretariat of the Libyan general people's committee for Health and Environment. [Tripoli Post] ●その他(教育) マレーシアで就学するリビアの学生数が 2010 年末までに 1000 名増の 3500 名になるこ とが予測される。ドバイのマレーシア教育センターが明らかにした。 Saturday, 23 October, 2010: DUBAI, Oct 22 (Bernama) -- The number of Libyan students in Malaysia is set to increase by 1,000 to 3,500 by the end of 2010, according to the Education Malaysia Centre in Dubai. Its director, Shushilil Azam Shuib, said Libya was considered a big market for masters and PhD students for Malaysian institutions of higher learning. "We're planning to set up an education kiosk in Libya's capital, Tripoli, with a view to recruiting more students from this North African country," he told Bernama here. The education official had been in Libya where Education Malaysia spearheaded the participation of a group of Malaysian education institutions at an international education exhibition in Tripoli from Oct 11 to 13. On the sidelines of the event, Shushilil Azam and his delegation held talks with representatives from the Gaddafi Foundation on the possibility of sending students sponsored by the foundation to Malaysia. [Bernama] ●経済(原子力エネルギー) フランスはリビアと原子力エネルギー分野でのビジネス推進に意欲。 Friday, 22 October, 2010: France wants to do business with Libya in areas including nuclear energy, a French minister said on Thursday on a visit aimed at narrowing Italy's lead in building lucrative trade ties with the oil exporter. Foreign investors have rushed to Libya since it emerged from international isolation six years ago, with companies from former colonial power Italy, as well as Turkey, South Korea and Britain, taking a leading role. French Industry Minister Christian Estrosi arrived in the Libyan capital on board a new Airbus passenger jet, one of a consignment of aircraft which the company is contracted to supply to state-owned carrier Libyan Airlines. The French minister signed an agreement with his Libyan opposite 7 number on trade cooperation, and also had talks with Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi. [Reuters] ●経済(運輸) 11 月 1 日からエミュレーツ航空がドバイ‐トリポリ間を週 3 便増便し週 10 便に増える。 Friday, 22 October, 2010: Starting from the 1st November, Emirates will introduce three additional weekly flights to Tripoli, bringing the total number of weekly flights to 10. The new EK 743 flight will depart Dubai at 1740hrs and arrive in Tripoli at 2210hrs every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. The return flight, EK 744, will depart Tripoli at 0010hrs and arrive in Dubai at 0720hrs on every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. "The number of passengers travelling with Emirates has been growing steadily since the launch of the Tripoli service a decade ago," said Haitham Al Battawy, Emirates Manager Libya. "We have received numerous requests from both business and leisure travellers within Libya to increase services and we are delighted to be able to respond with these additional flights." [AME Info] ●経済(金融) UniCredit SpA の株主はリビアが保有している 7.6%の株式保有(リビア投資局とリビア 中央銀行の合計)について、投票権を行使しないよう求めていく方針。 Thursday, 21 October, 2010: UniCredit SpA’s foundation shareholders may seek a “freeze” on stakes above 5 percent held by Libyan institutions, Il Sole 24 Ore reported, without providing further details. The Libyan Investment Authority and the country’s central bank own a combined 7.6 percent stake in the lender, according to Sole. UniCredit restricts voting rights above 5 percent. Italy’s stock-market regulator and the Bank of Italy are investigating whether the Libyan holdings should be considered a single stake. [Bloomberg] ●経済(金融) リビア開発銀行は 1 億 3420 万ディナールを政府に貸し付けることを承認。リビア政府 は 1 月 1 日から 9 月 30 日までの間に立ち上がった 341 件のプロジェクトに融資する計 画である。 Thursday, 21 October, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - The Libyan Development Bank has granted loans totalling 134.2 million Libyan dinars to the government to finance 341 projects that benefitted 2,078 citizens between 1 Jan. and 30 Sept. 2010, the bank said (1.250 Libyan dinar=US$1). In a statement posted on its website, the bank said the loans granted were about five times higher than what it gave out (23 million dinar) during the same period last year. The statement said the bank's revenues recorded a growth rate of 128% so far th is year, compared to the same period in 2009. [Afriquejet] ●政治(協力) リビアは 20 日、国連統計セクションが今年の 2 月に設立した国際統計日を祝福した。 Thursday, 21 October, 2010: Libya Wednesday celebrates International Statistics Day 8 established by the UN Statistics Division (UNSD) during its 41st session held in February this year. UNSD established the Day to highlight the various contributions of official statistics based on basic principles such as transparency and professionalism. The Day, which focuses on the theme, "Service, Professionalism, Transparency" will be celebrated in Libya under the leadership of the Libyan General Statistics Office. The celebration will be marked by the holding in Tripoli of a conference on the theme, "The importance of statistical data and their role in national development". [African Manager] ●エネルギー(その他) 第 5 回石油・ガス技術フォーラムが 10 月 13 日~14 日の 2 日間、トリポリ国際見本市 会場で開催された。 Wednesday, 20 October, 2010: The 5th Technology of Oil & Gas Forum was held at the Tripoli International Fairground on the 13th-14th October 2010. The forum was organized by the Libyan Petroleum Institute (LPI) and supported by the National Oil Corporation (NOC). This year's forum was coupled with an exhibition which was organized by Waha Company's director Anwar El-Mezoughi, and supported by their international sales representative AME Trade Ltd. The event was officially hosted by Total and mainly sponsored by Statoil bp and MEDCOENERGI oil and gas. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the forum Mr. Mohammad Al-Tayari conducted the official opening ceremony, along with the Vice President of Statoil, Gro Haatvedt. The General Manager of Total EP Libya, Mr. Stephane Michel, also attended the ceremony. [Tripoli Post] ●エネルギー(石油) NOC のガーネム総裁は Zweitina Oil Company のパートナーである Occidental がリビア から撤退するという噂を否定。 Wednesday, 20 October, 2010: Libya's top oil official denied that Oxy would be leaving Libya soon, saying it is a major partner with the Libyan Zweitina Oil Company. The Chairman of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), Shoukri Ghanem, was responding to news reports that said some major oil companies were exiting Libya as they did not extend their five-year oil and gas licenses in the country. Chevron, Oxy as well as Australia's Woodside Petroleum and Abu Dhabi-based Liwa Energy were mentioned by these news reports as being leaving Libya. Ghanem said Zweitina Oil Company was an important element in the Libyan oil industry. "Chevron was not lucky to make oil discoveries in commercial quantities during the five-year period of its oil and gas license," Ghanem said. [Tripoli Post] ●経済(協力) リビアとチャドの経済協力会議が 18 日トリポリで開始された。 Wednesday, 20 October, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - The Libyan-Chadian economic meeting hosted by the Libyan General People's Committee for Industry, Economy and Trade began on Monday 9 in Tripoli to discuss how to boost economic activities between the two countries. The meeting would discuss increasing trade, facilitation of the movement of prod ucts and goods, holding of joint trade shows and exhibitions and the optimum exploitation of Libyan ports. The secretary of the Libyan General People's Committee for Industry, Economy and Trade, Mohamed Haweij, and the Chadian Minister of Economy and Planning, Mohamed Ali Hassan, attended the opening ceremony of the meeting scheduled to end on 24 October. Businessmen and chief executive officers of companies from both countries are expected to take part. [Afriquejet] ●政治(中東) かつてオスマントルコがリビアを支配したことからリビア市内にはその名残を残した 建築物などが多く残っている。グリーンスクエアにはやしの木が茂り、壁にはカダフィ 大佐の肖像画が掲げられている。その横には Assaraya al-Hamra があるが、ここはかつ てオスマントルコが数世紀にわたってリビアを支配した名残である。リビア人はいまだ にトルコ人が好きでありトルコ人もそうである。 Wednesday, 20 October, 2010: Tripoli -- Libya is a familiar place for Turks, as our ancestors ruled these lands for around 400 years. Its capital city, Tripoli, hosts a number of Ottoman works and relics and is full of mosques, minarets, hans and public baths. We are in the Green Square, or Saha al-Khadhra, which is the biggest and most famous square in the city. Palm trees give it a unique landscape. As is the case with the rest of the country, images of Libya’s leader, Muammar Qaddafi, hang from walls and buildings, literally surrounding the Green Square. Next to it is Assaraya al-Hamra, a palace from where Ottoman governors ruled Libya for several centuries. Libyans still love Turkey and the Turkish people even after so many years. We visit the palace, which is named al-Hamra, like the one in Granada, Spain. The interior of the palace is rather simple, but the place is still magnificent. The walls facing the courtyard are decorated with ceramic tiles. [Today's Zaman] ●政治(人権) リビアはかつてのテロ支援国家から国際協調路線に転じた。その結果欧米諸国との関係 は改善され、2010 年 5 月には国連人権委員会メンバーとなった。英国との関係も強化 され昨年は貿易額が 15 億ポンドにまで増加した。しかし一方で、いまだに深刻な人権 侵害が行なわれていることも事実である。 Wednesday, 20 October, 2010: In recent years Libya has transformed itself from a pariah state into a full member of the international community - yet campaign groups continue to describe the country's human rights record as "dire". Only a few years ago Libya was under UN, European Union and US sanctions but it is now an active player in international affairs and in May this year was elected to the UN Human Rights Council. The British government has strengthened ties in matters of security, migration and trade. And last year trade between the two countries was worth a total of STG1.5 billion ($A2.42 billion). Advertisement: Story 10 continues below Human rights groups say despite all this, serious human rights violations continue, with state security agents responsible for torture and unlawful killings enjoying total impunity. [WA Today] ●政治(人権) 英国人の Henry Djaba(46 歳)は、彼がリビアの路上で拘束されて、窓のない牢屋に収 監されて非人道的な扱いを 6 ヶ月間の間受けたことを明らかにした。 Tuesday, 19 October, 2010: A businessman from west London has described how he was snatched off the street in Libya and held captive for almost six months. Henry Djaba, 46, from Bayswater, was imprisoned in a windowless 6ft by 4ft cell where his captors threatened to hang him upside down and beat him to death. During the ordeal he was assaulted, deprived of sleep, forced to take drugs, and made to think he was set to "permanently disappear". When human rights charities discovered Mr Djaba was being held without charge, or access to either lawyers or British embassy staff, they too feared for his life. The security services in Libya have a reputation for extra-judicial kidnappings, with hundreds of victims disappearing each year. [UK Press] ●政治(教育) ニュージーランド政府はリビアに教育機会を与えることで合意。ウェリントンでニュー ジーランドの Anne Tolley 教育大臣とリビアの Abdulkabir Fakhry 教育・科学大臣が協定 書に調印した。 Monday, 18 October, 2010: An agreement has been signed in Wellington that will see Libyan students studying in New Zealand. Education minister Anne Tolley has signed an agreement with Libya's Secretary for Education and Science Research, Dr Abdulkabir Fakhry, to "strengthen and increase New Zealand's educational and science engagement" with Libya. The deal will see New Zealand added to the list of five countries eligible to receive Libynan government scholarshiop students. "Conservative estimates are that New Zealand stands to receive more than 300 fully funded Libyan students every year, worth up to $30 million annually," Tolley said. [TVNZ] ●政治(協力) シンガポールの Zainul Abidin Rasheed 上級大臣(外交担当)が 10 月 18 日から 21 日ま でリビアを訪問し、両国の更なる関係強化について話し合う。 Monday, 18 October, 2010: SINGAPORE : Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Zainul Abidin Rasheed will visit Libya from October 18-21, and the United Arab Emirates from October 22-25. In Tripoli, Mr Zainul will meet with senior Libyan leaders to discuss opportunities to further strengthen cooperation between Libya and Singapore. In the UAE, he will meet with senior leaders including the Ruler of Sharjah, Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassimi. A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Mr Zainul will also meet 11 Singaporean residents in Dubai. [CNA] (関連記事) Friday, 22 October, 2010: Singapore and Libya have agreed that they could act as gateways to their respective regions. Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zainul Abidin Rasheed, on an official visit to Libya, has met Mr Moussa Mohamed Koussa, Libya's Secretary for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation. They reaffirmed bilateral relations and also exchanged views on regional developments, including the role of China and India in Asia's economic growth. Mr Zainul also met with Mr Mohammed-Ataher Hummoda Siala, Secretary of Cooperation Affairs, who is also the newly appointed co-chair of the Libya-Singapore Joint Committee, the primary vehicle overseeing bilateral economic co-operation. The Senior Minister of State will next visit the United Arab Emirates. [Channel News Asia] ●政治(軍事協力) 米国国務省の Andrew J. Shapiro 次官補(政治・軍事問題担当)がリビアを訪問し、リビ ア側関係者との間で地域の安全保障問題などを論じた。 Monday, 18 October, 2010: (KUNA) - U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew J. Shapiro traveled to Libya on Tuesday and Wednesday for consultations with officials from the Libyan government, the State Department announced on Friday. "Discussions covered a range of political-military issues, including regional security developments, humanitarian de-mining and related areas," the announcement said. "These meetings represent another step forward in our bilateral relations with Libya, and reflect the administration's commitment to building new partnerships to address shared strategic challenges." [KUNA] ●政治(FSU) コーカサス・ムスリム事務所の議長が駐アゼルバイジャン・リビア大使と会談。両国の 関係はきわめて良好である。 Sunday, 17 October, 2010: The chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office met with Ambassador of Libya to Azerbaijan. Relations between the two countries are well developed, Sheikhulislam Haji Allahshukur Pashazade said at a meeting with Ambassador Saad Mustafa Mujbir, the office said. Describing the historical and cultural ties between the two peoples, Pashazade noted that the expansion of these relations is very important. [Trend] ●エネルギー(需給・価格) リビア国営石油のガーネム総裁の話では、 12 月の OPEC 総会の次は 2011 年 6 月の予定。 Sunday, 17 October, 2010: VIENNA (Reuters) - OPEC's next meeting after their December conference will be in June 2011, the head of Libya's OPEC delegation Shokri Ghanem said on Thursday. OPEC has traditionally held its first full meeting of the year in March. Ghanem also said that Thursday's OPEC meeting had called for more output compliance from members. [Reuters] 12 ●政治(米国) 米国国務省の Andrew J. Shapiro 次官補(政治・軍事問題担当)が 2 日間の日程でリビア を訪問。 Saturday, 16 October, 2010: (RTTNews) - A top U.S. official has held discussions with the Libyan government on a range of political and military issues, the State Department said in a statement on Friday. Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Andrew J. Shapiro visited Libyan capital Tripoli on Tuesday and Wednesday. The talks included regional security developments, humanitarian de-mining and related issues. These meetings represent another step forward in the bilateral relations between the two countries, the statement said. It reflects the Obama administration's commitment to building new partnerships to address shared strategic challenges, it added. [RTT] ●政治(不法移民) リビア政府はアイルランドの Transas Marine 社から、不法移民を監視するレーダーシス テムの購入を決定(購入金額は 2800 万ドル)。同システムはリビアの沿岸地域全体 (2000km)をカバーする。 Friday, 15 October, 2010: Libya agreed on Thursday to pay Irish-based company Transas Marine about 28 million dollars for a radar system to monitor its vast coastline for illegal migrants and outbreaks of pollution. "The system will cover the entire Libyan coast," which stretches almost 2,000 kilometres (1,240 miles), Transas Marine said after a contract-signing ceremony in Tripoli. "Libya will have a system that is one of the most modern and efficient in the world" and "even detect small boats used by illegal immigrants," Christopher Loiz, head of the company's French unit, told AFP. Transas Marine hoped to complete within 16 months the installation of the system of 15 monitoring stations, which Loiz said cost more than 20 million euros (28 million dollars). [AFP] ●エネルギー(石油) Total E&P Libya,は 2011 年に掘削を再開することを明らかにした。 Friday, 15 October, 2010: The executive director of the French oil company, Total E&P Libya, Stephane Michel, on Wednesday announced the resumption drilling of oi l by the company in 2011. He told PANA in an interview in Tripoli on the sidelines of the Libyan 5th Oil a nd Gas Technology Fair that this would begin in Al-Jorf in the south-east of the country. Mr Michel said Total E&P Libya, as shareholder in the National Oil Company (NOC) , had investments in Akakos field in the south, which produced more than 300,000 barrels per day. [African Manager] ●政治(中東) トルコの貿易大臣が 1 日の日程でリビアを訪問。リビアの経済・貿易・投資大臣と会談 予定。 13 Friday, 15 October, 2010: Turkey's state minister for foreign trade left Turkey for Libya on Thursday on a one-day formal visit. Minister Zafer Caglayan will meet Libyan Secretary of the General People's Committee for Economy, Trade, & Investment Muhammad Ali al-Huwayz. Caglayan will also hold talks with the executives of the Libyan Housing and Infrastructure Board (HIB), Libyan Investment and Development Company (LIDCO), Libyan Organization for Development of Administrative Centers (ODAC), and Libyan Court of Accounts. During his meetings, Caglayan will take up commercial and economic relations, problems of Turkish companies in Libya, Turkish-Libyan joint ventures, and ways to increase Turkish exports to Libya. [World Bulletin] ●政治(南米) ベネズエラのチャベス大統領がロシア、イラン、ポルトガル、リビアなどの歴訪の旅に 出発。 Thursday, 14 October, 2010: Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez is starting in Moscow on Thursday an international tour that will take him to Iran, Belarus, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, Algeria and Portugal, in order to strengthen his political and economic relations with these countries. "It is an extremely important trip that will allow us to deepen our relations in a multipolar world," said the Venezuelan president. Chávez, who is an advocate of a new world order and has worked to counteract the traditional influence of the United States over Latin America, has established for years a web of relations with countries such as Iran, Russia, Syria or Libya, based on political affinity. Later, he has signed important cooperation agreements. [Eluniversal] ●経済(観光) 旅行社 Travcoa は 5 年ぶりに米国人観光客向けのリビア観光ツアー再開を発表。 Thursday, 14 October, 2010: Luxury travel company Travcoa announced the official resumption of leisure travel to Libya this week with the arrival of its first group of US travelers into Tripoli in more than five years. Libya's recently reinstated visa issuance to American travelers has again opened the door to a country whose cultures and renowned archeological sites have been largely inaccessible to US citizens over the past 40 years. Overcoming the complex new visa requirements and concerns surrounding arrival procedures, the Travcoa group was expedited through Libyan immigration without delay. Travcoa led annual expeditions to Libya until 1969 when the North African country stopped issuing visas to US citizens. [Elite Traveler] ●経済(食糧) リビアは今年 27 万トンの大麦を輸入する計画。すでに 4 万トンを輸入している。さら に新たに 4 万トンが 10 月末までに輸入される予定。 Thursday, 14 October, 2010: TRIPOLI Oct 13 (Reuters) - Libya plans to import 270,000 tonnes of barley this year and has so far imported 40,000 tonnes of that total, a local news agency quoted the state bank instructed to make the purchase as saying. "The General Popular 14 Committee (government) has tasked Azzirae Bank with importing 270,000 tonnes of barley during 2010," the Libyapress news agency quoted Abdesalam Ouweidate, head of the lending department at Azzirae Bank, as saying. He said 40,000 tonnes had already been imported and another consignment of the same size is scheduled to arrive before the end of October, the agency reported. [Reuters] ●政治(不法移民) リビアは欧州連合に対して、リビアから欧州への不法移民流出を防止するために 50 億 ドルの拠出金を要求。 Thursday, 14 October, 2010: Libya renewed a demand for five billion euros (6.9 billion U.S. dollars) a year from the European Union (EU) to stop illegal migration to Europe through Libyan territories. The new appeal was made during a meeting between the Secretary of GPC for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation Mr. Moussa Koussa and an EU delegation that included the EU's commissioner for home affairs Cecilia Malmstrom and commissioner for enlargement and neighborhood policy Stefan Fuele. The talks in Tripoli dealt with illegal migration and the difficulties Libya is facing in the fight against this problem and damages it is causing the country. [Tripoli Post] ●エネルギー(石油) BP PLC (BP)は 11 月までに大水深における掘削作業を開始する予定。ロンドンで開催さ れた Oil & Money Conference の会場で NOC のガーネム総裁がダウ・ジョーンズに述べ たコメント。 Wednesday, 13 October, 2010: (Dow Jones) - BP PLC (BP) expects its deepwater drilling activities in Libya to begin by November, after initially planning to begin operation in October, Libya's top oil official told Dow Jones Newswires on the sidelines of the Oil & Money Conference in London. Shokri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Corp., said the drilling activities were delayed as BP is now taking extra care in planning operations following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Ghanem told Dow Jones Newswires in August he expected BP to start drilling in Libya's Gulf of Sirte by October at the latest. A BP spokesman told Dow Jones Newswires the company had always planned to start drilling operations in Libya by the end of the year and its plans remain unchanged. He declined to comment on whether precaution over safety issues had affected the schedule for drilling. [Wall Street Journal] ●エネルギー(需給・価格) NOC ガーネムの総裁はロンドンで開催された Oil & Money Conference の会場で、「今週 開催される OPEC 総会において、石油生産量は据え置かれることになるだろう」、との 見解を述べた。 Wednesday, 13 October, 2010: OPEC will likely hold its official production quota steady at an official meeting in Vienna this week, amid the uncertain oil market outlook, the head of Libya's 15 National Oil Company said here on Tuesday. "I think we are not going to see a change (for the OPEC meeting)," Shukri Ghanem said on the sidelines of the Oil & Money annual conference in central London. "I think we'll wait for what is going on, and we'll sit again in March and see." He added: "There is a lot of uncertainty in the market, and the prices are quite volatile. We don't know if they will be ten dollars up or down in one month." OPEC, which pumps about 40 percent of the world's crude oil, has had an official daily production level of 24.84 million barrels since January 2009. [AFP] (関連記事) Friday, 15 October, 2010: OPEC will likely hold its official production quota steady at an official meeting in Vienna this week, amid the uncertain oil market outlook, the head of Libya's National Oil Company said here on Tuesday. "I think we are not going to see a change (for the OPEC meeting)," Shukri Ghanem said on the sidelines of the Oil & Money annual conference in central London. "I think we'll wait for what is going on, and we'll sit again in March and see." He added: "There is a lot of uncertainty in the market, and the prices are quite volatile. We don't know if they will be ten dollars up or down in one month." OPEC, which pumps about 40 percent of the world's crude oil, has had an official daily production level of 24.84 million barrels since January 2009. [AFP] ●経済(投資) クロアチアの建設業界他がリビアでのインフラ建設投資事業(500 億ドル規模)参加の 可能性を求めてリビアに集結。 Wednesday, 13 October, 2010: Croatian construction and other companies have been invited to participate in tenders for jobs in Libya, where 50 billion-dollar investment projects are currently underway. Some 50 representatives of Croatian companies were present at yesterday’s (Mon) seminar "How to do business in Libya" organized by Croatian Chamber of Economy and the country’s embassy in Libya during a visit of Libyan business delegation. Representatives of the American consulting firm AECOM and Lybian Housing and Infrastructure Board (HIB) made presentations about various infrastructural projects that involve construction of residential and commercial buildings, roads, schools, bridges, hospitals and airports, amongst others. [Croatian Times] ●経済(インフラ投資) リビアの LAP Green Networks は今後 2 年間でジンバブエの光ファイバー・ケーブル設 置のために 6000 億クワチェの投資を行なうことを明らかにした。同社は南アフリカ諸 国で唯一の回線オペレーターZamtel の 75%の株式を 6 月に 2 億 5700 ドルで取得してい る。 Tuesday, 12 October, 2010: LUSAKA (Reuters) - Libya's LAP Green Networks will lay a fibre optic cable across Zambia in the next two years as part of its 600 billion kwacha investment to 16 upgrade the network of its Zambian unit, an executive said on Monday. LAP Green in June bought a 75 percent stake in Zamtel, the southern African nation's only fixed-line operator, for $257 million. Zamtel's chief commercial officer, Amon Jere, told Reuters in an interview the company's current satellite technology had limited its capacity for connectivity and speed. "In the next two years we should have the whole country on fibre optic," Jere said. [Reuters] ●経済(運輸) リビアの 2 大航空会社が来月合併予定。 Tuesday, 12 October, 2010: Libya's two state carriers, Afriqiyah Airways and Libyan Airlines are expected to be merged next month, following government approval. Analysts are questioning whether the Afriqiyah brand is retained for long haul routes after the merger. Last year the two airlines were grouped together under the Libyan African Aviation Holding Company (LAAHC), an organisation set up to develop the country’s air transport. At the present time both carriers have Airbus aircraft on order. [Arabian Aerospace] ●政治(アフリカ・中東) 60 カ国以上の首脳を集めてリビアのシルテで開催されていた第 2 回アフリカ中東サミ ットが 10 日閉会。双方で今後様々な経済協力、テロ対策などで協力していくことを確 認した。 Monday, 11 October, 2010: SIRTE, Libya, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- The second Arab-African summit closed on Sunday in the Libyan city of Sirte with the participating countries reaffirming commitment to promoting relations, boosting cooperation and establishing the strategic partnership between African and Arab nations. Hosted by the Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi, the summit which attracted more than 60 Arab and African leaders focused on regional cooperation on energy water resources, infrastructure investment, food security and agriculture, and regional issues on security, fighting terrorism and coordination in international affairs. The participating leaders inked a series of agreements on cooperation including Africa-Arab Partnership Strategy, Joint Action Plan 2011-2016 and the Resolution for the Establishment of the Joint Africa-Arab Fund for Disaster Response. [Xinhuanet] (関連記事) ・Friday, 8 October, 2010: TRIPOLI, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- Leaders of the Arab League (AL) member states will gather in an extraordinary summit on Saturday to discuss the AL reform and Arab neighborhood policies in the Libyan city Sirte. Held upon the proposal by the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in the 22nd AL summit held in Sirte in March, the meeting will mainly focus on Yemen and Libya's initiative on the restructure of the 22- nation pan-Arab body, namely "joint Arab action mechanism," and other regional issues including Iraq situation, Sudanese peace process and Palestinian-Israeli talks, which differed the Arab countries divided between pro-Western and more radical regimes on the last AL summit. [Xinhuanet] 17 ・Saturday, 9 October, 2010: The Libyan city of Sirte is preparing to host an extraordinary Arab League (AL) summit on Saturday, as well as the second Arab-African summit slated for Sunday. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reportedly intensified contacts with Egypt and other Arab states in advance of the event in an effort to arrive at a solution to the issue of Israeli settlement building on occupied Palestinian land. US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley on Wednesday said that Clinton had relayed to Arab governments that direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) were at "a critical juncture," stressing that more efforts were needed to avoid the latter's withdrawal from the negotiation process. [Almasry Alyoum] ●経済(投資) リビアが間もなくウガンダへの投資国ナンバーワンになることを、駐ウガンダ・リビア 大使が示唆。首都カンパラでの発言。 Monday, 11 October, 2010: LIBYA will soon top the foreign investors list in Uganda, its ambassador pointed out last week. “Libya now ranks second among countries with the most investment in Uganda. We are soon jumping into the first position and will invest heavily in Uganda towards this end,” Abdalla Bujeldain said at the celebrations to mark the 41st anniversary of the Libyan Revolution in Kampala. Listed as second by Uganda Investment Authority, after the UK and ahead of Kenya, in the list of Top Ten Sources of Foreign Direct Investment by value of Investment since 1991, Libya has to date invested over $375m in eight companies, including uganda telecom, National Housing Corporation, Soluble Coffee Plant, Tropical Bank, Lake Victoria Hotel and Tamoil East Africa. Tamoil has already won a $100m deal to construct an oil pipeline from Eldoret in Kenya to Kampala. Bujeldain said Libya was eyeing all the lucrative sectors from agriculture and oil. [New Vision] ●経済(インフラ) Hyundai Engineering and Construction 社は 13 億ドルで発電所建設の契約を調印。韓国人 拘束事件解決によって改善されて以来の大型案件。 Monday, 11 October, 2010: Hyundai Engineering and Construction has finalized a US$1.3 billion contract to build power plants in Libya. According to Seoul's Foreign Ministry, it is the first large-scale contract between the two countries since the strained Korea-Libya relations were normalized this month. The company is set to receive a 15-percent advance this week and break ground for construction next month. The relations between the two countries had soured in June when a Korean intelligence agent was deported from Libya for allegedly collecting information on Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi. [Chosun] (関連記事) ・Friday, 8 October, 2010: Hyundai Engineering and Construction has won a 1.3 billion US dollar contract with an electricity company in Libya. According to Seoul's foreign ministry this 18 is the first large-scale contract between the two countries since the strained Korea-Libya relations were normalized this month. Hyundai is set to receive a 15-percent advance this week and break ground for construction next month. The two countries' relations had gone sour back in June, when a Korean intelligence agent was deported from Libya for collecting off-limit information. The de facto Libyan embassy in Korea will resume its suspended operation on Friday, at the earliest. [Arirang] ・8 日付でソウルのリビア代表部が再開したことで両国関係は改善された。 Saturday, 9 October, 2010: (RTTNews) - Relations between Libya and South Korea that had strained over an espionage row three months ago were restored on Friday, as the Libyan diplomatic mission in Seoul was reopened. A South Korean intelligence agent was asked to leave the country in June, accusing him of spying on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and the country's weapons systems. It also shut down the Economic Cooperation Bureau in Seoul that serves as the North African nation's de-facto embassy, and brought home its officials from the South Korean capital. Both sides agreed to resolve the issue last week at a meeting between Gaddafi and Lee Sang-deuk, a member of the South Korean Parliament. The bureau resumed operations on Friday. [RTT] ●政治(中東) イエメンの Ali Abdullah Saleh 大統領がアラブ首脳臨時会議とアラブ・アフリカサミッ ト出席のため関係者を引き連れてリビアへ出発。 Saturday, 9 October, 2010: SANA’A, Oct. 08 (Saba)- President Ali Abdullah Saleh headed Friday for Libya to head the Yemeni delegation to an extraordinary Arab summit and an Arab-African summit to be held in the Libyan city of Sirte. The Arab summit, to be held on Saturday, is to discuss the findings of the Arab five-country committee, which was formed in the 22nd Arab summit, on the development of the joint Arab work in the light of the Arab perceptions and proposals made in this regard, particularly Yemen's initiative for the establishment of an Arab Union. [SABA News] (関連記事) スーダンの Omar al-Bashir 大統領が 3 日間の日程でリビアに向けて出発。 Saturday, 9 October, 2010: KHARTOUM, Oct 07, 2010 (AFP) - Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir will begin a three-day visit to Libya on Friday to attend two summits, the official Suna news agency reported on Thursday. Bashir will travel to Sirte at the head of the Sudanese delegation to the Arab League and Arab-African meetings on Saturday and Sunday, the agency reported. A delegation of visiting United Nations Security Council envoys who will travel to Khartoum on Friday had already said they did not plan to meet Bashir, who is wanted by an international court for alleged genocide. The first sitting head of state to face a warrant by the 19 International Criminal Court (ICC), Bashir has denied charges that he masterminded war crimes and genocide in Darfur. [Zawya] ●経済(運輸) カナダの Bombardier Inc (BBDb.TO) は 7 日、Libyan African Aviation Holding Company か ら同社製航空機 3 機を 1 億 3150 万ドルで受注したことを明らかにした。 Friday, 8 October, 2010: OTTAWA, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Bombardier Inc (BBDb.TO) said on Thursday that it received a $131.5 million order from Tripoli-based Libyan African Aviation Holding Company for three regional jets. The company also took options for three more of the CRJ900 NextGen aircraft, which if converted to firm orders would increase the value of the deal to $267.8 million. The jets will be operated by Libyan Airlines, which currently operates three CRJ900 and two CRJ900 NextGen aircraft in a two-class configuration with seven business class and 68 economy seats. Shares of Bombardier, which is the world's No. 3 civil aircraft maker and No. 1 train manufacturer, were up 2 Canadian cents at C$5.20 on the Toronto Stock Exchange at market open. [Reuters] ●経済(物価) 過去 30 年の間初めてのパン価格の大幅値上げを当局が決定したことで、国民の間には 怒りの感情が生じている。 Friday, 8 October, 2010: A decision by Libyan authorities to dramatically increase bread prices for the first time in more than 30 years is stirring anger and debate among regular citizens and intellectuals alike. While bread prices in the socialist country presided over by Moammar Kadafi have always been and -- are still technically -- subsidized by the government, some regard the near 100% raise as yet another sign of Libya's leaning toward capitalism and the free market. "The state is trying to gradually evade its role in subsidizing bread, and the Libyan citizen might end up paying the bill for the increase in wheat and bread prices," financial analyst Ahmed Khamissi says. He added that the price hike is the government's way of covering up corruption, especially the involvement of black market tradors in determining bread prices. [Latimesblogs] ●政治(中東) 駐リビア・クウェート大使がクウェートとリビアの関係が前進していることを評価。 Friday, 8 October, 2010: SIRTE, Libya, Oct 7 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's ambassador to Libya praised on Thursday ties with Afro-Arab state and described them as "developed". Ambassador Mubarak Al-Adwani expressed thanks and gratitude for the hospitality accorded to the Kuwaiti delegates by the Tripoli government. He told KUNA and Kuwait Television that the Arab foreign ministers meeting here tackled two main topics, namely ways of bolstering joint Arab action and strengthening ties with regional neighbors. Al-Adwani said that Kuwait always supports the best interest and prosperity of countries of the region. [KUNA] 20 ●エネルギー(石油) Chevron と Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) はリビアとの間で締結した EPSA の 5 年間延長を 行なわないことを発表。過去 5 年間めぼしい発見がなかったこととリビア政府のビジネ ス上の障害が撤退の理由との広報関係者の話。 Thursday, 7 October, 2010: American Chevron and Occidental Petroleum (Oxy) have not renewed oil and gas exploration licenses in Libya. A statement to that effect was circulated by the national oil corporation. Chevron and Oxy did not extend five-year exploration licenses in Libya. The two companies were among the first foreign companies to arrive on the Libyan market in 2005. Official reports say Chevron and Oxy are leaving because neither company has reported any major finds in the past five years. In addition, foreign businesses had to deal with numerous hurdles from Libya’s leadership. And on top of all that, a license extension requires millions of dollars in funds. According to the unofficial version, Chevron and Oxy left Libya over the so-called “Lockerbie case”. [Ruvr] ●政治(不法移民) 欧州委員会はリビアに対して不法移民流入阻止のための基金を 5000 万ユーロに設定す ることを申し入れ。 Wednesday, 6 October, 2010: BRUSSELS - The European Commission offered Libya up to 50 million euros (70 million dollars) in aid to stop the flow of illegal migrants to Europe and protect refugees, the European Union executive said Tuesday. The funding is far below Libya's appeal for five billion euros to combat illegal migration, an amount Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa reiterated to European officials visiting Libya. "It is my objective to put the protection of fundamental rights of all people involved in migratory and asylum flows at the centre of our efforts in the EU relationship with Libya," EU home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem said in a statement. Malmstroem and European neighbourhood policy commission Stefan Fuele signed a migration cooperation agenda with Libya on Monday. "The cooperation agenda will enable us also to promote initiatives aimed at better protecting and assisting the rights of migrants and refugees," she said. [AFP] (関連記事) Thursday, 7 October, 2010: The EU and Libya have reached a deal on stemming illegal migration but Brussels offered only a fraction of the aid requested by Tripoli. EU commissioners agreed with the Libyan government to supply up to 60m euros (£52m, $83m) in aid over three years in return for protection for migrants. Libya's leader, Muammar Gaddafi, was asking for 5bn euros a year to boost border controls. His country is a key route for Africans seeking to enter the EU illegally. Continue reading the main story Related stories In 2009 alone, about 106,000 illegal migrants were intercepted on the borders of the EU. [BBC] 21 ●エネルギー(石油) Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) の 100%子 会 社 で あ る The Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company (TPOC)はリビアでの探鉱活動の活発化を進めている。 Wednesday, 6 October, 2010: The Turkish Petroleum Overseas Company (TPOC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO), says it has started to see the fruits of the aggressive exploration work it has conducted in Libya since 2000. TPAO is one of several operators taking part in the annual North Africa Oil & Gas Summit in Vienna from 2-4 November this year. OPEC Secretary General H.E. Abdalla S. El-Badri will deliver a keynote address to the top decision makers from Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania who will be present at the fifth annual summit which is regarded as the industry's leading initiative to facilitate easy access to the North African oil and gas industry. The general manager of TPOC Libya, Dr. Ahmet Tandircioglu, says "the exploration wells drilled in Area 147/3-4 resulted as new oil discoveries which we plan to put on stream in the earliest time. Production testing operations currently continue and the initial results are promising." [KBC] ●政治(不法移民) 欧州連合関係者 2 名がトリポリを訪問し、リビアに対してアフリカ大陸からの移民流入 防止を協力要請。 Tuesday, 5 October, 2010: BRUSSELS - Two EU officials are in Tripoli to urge Libya to help stem the flow of illegal migrants from Africa. Stefan Fuele and Cecilia Malmstrom — the EU neighbourhood policy and home affairs commissioners, respectively — also will discuss trade, energy, environment and visa issues during their two-day meeting that began Monday. EU spokesman Michele Cercone said the EU wants Libya to do more to stop the flow of illegal aliens into Europe. Last month, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi asked the EU for €5 billion ($6.9 billion) to boost Libyan border controls. The EU rejected that request, but indicated it is ready to provide some funds for better border monitoring. [Winnipeg Free Press] ●政治(アジア) 韓国政府は、リビアで拘束されていた 2 名の韓国人の釈放を受けて、現在のリビア外交 部を在韓国リビア大使館に格上げする話合いを開催。 Tuesday, 5 October, 2010: SEOUL - South Korea is holding talks with Libya about upgrading its diplomatic office in Seoul to a formal embassy after resolving a diplomatic row, the South's acting foreign minister said Monday. Vice Foreign Minister Shin Kak-Soo told parliament that "various measures" are under consideration to strengthen relations. "We are in talks with Libya to upgrade its economic cooperation office to an embassy," he said. Shin has served as acting minister since Yu Myung-Hwan quit as foreign minister last month after being accused of nepotism over the ministry's hiring of his daughter. Ties between the two nations soured after Libya expelled a South Korean intelligence agent in June for allegedly trying to collect 22 information on leader Moamer Kadhafi, his family and leading bureaucrats. [Middle East Online] ●経済(協力) リビアとシリアは 1 日にトリポリで開催した大臣級会談で、シリアにセメント工場を設 立することで合意。リビアの Abdelhafidh Zlitni 計画・財務大臣とシリアの Mohamed El Hussein 財務大臣が調印。 Monday, 4 October, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - Libya and Syria agreed on Friday in Tripoli to set up a joint enterprise intended to fund the setting up of a cement plant in Syria and revitalize the role of joint ventures. The two countries also decided to propose designs for the launch of joint investment projects with high profitability between themselves and the African continent. The project was agreed in minutes of the coordinating and monitoring commission of the work of the Libyan-Syrian strategic cooperation council signed by the Libyan Secretary General for Planning and Finance, Abdelhafidh Zlitni and Syrian Minister of Finance, Mohamed El Hussein. The two parties also agreed in the minutes to hold the first session of the Libyan-Syrian strategic cooperation council on 8-9 December in Syria, which will be preceded by a preparatory meeting in Libya. [Afriquejet] (関連記事) Saturday, 2 October, 2010: Tripoli, Libya - The coordinating and monitoring committee for the Libyan-Syrian strategic cooperation Committee on Thursday held its 2nd meeting in Tripoli. It was presided over jointly by the secretary of the Libyan general people's committee for Planning and Finance, Abdelhafid Zlitini and the Syrian minister of Finance, El Hassein. The meeting focused on the means to complete the judicial framework for investment and trade inside and outside both countries, and to increase their telecommunication capacities. The participants also raised the issues and proposals likely to be in the agenda for the strategic cooperation committee meeting of the two countries planned for late this year. [Afriquejet] ●政治(アフリカ) カダフィ大佐はリビアを訪問中のサントメ・プリンシプ Patrice Emery Trovoada 首相と 会談。10 日に予定されるアフリカ・アラブ首脳会議準備のための話合い他、今後の協 力体制などを話し合った。 Monday, 4 October, 2010: Sirte, Libya - Libyan leader Mouammar Kadhafi Sunday received the Prime Minister of Sao Tome and Principe, Patrice Emery Trovoada, who is currently visiting Libya. According to an official Libyan source, Kadhafi and Trovoada - during their meeting in Sirte, Central Libya - reviewed preparations for the Afro-Arab summit scheduled for 10 October in Libya and discussed ways and means to boost Afro-Arab cooperation in various fields. The Libyan leader and his host also discussed preparations for the 3rd Africa-European Union (EU) summit to be held in Libya in late November. The meeting was attended by the 23 Secretary of the Libyan General People's Committee, Dr Bagdadi Mahmoudi, Libyan Secretary for Cooperation, Mohamed Siala, and the delegation accompanying the Sao Tomean Premier. [Afriquejet] ●政治(人権) 国連人権委員会は、同機関の人権に対する更なる強化を模索している。世界でも名だた る人権侵害国リビアが同機関のメンバーになっている事態を憂慮する声は高い。 Monday, 4 October, 2010: THE UN Human Rights Council is the mandated UN body responsible for the promotion and protection of international human rights. It was intended to improve on its discredited predecessor, the UN Human Rights Commission, which former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan critiqued for its "politicised" and "biased" decision-making, but it appears to have inherited and compounded the flaws of its predecessor. The election of Libya -one of the world's worst human rights violators -- to the UN Human Rights Council as it commences its new session is an affront to the case and cause of human rights. Libya's Gaddafi regime is notorious for its systematic and widespread violations of human rights, including its patterns of arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and persecution of minorities, let alone the 1998 bombing of Pan-Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. [The Australian] ●エネルギー(石油) Chevron , Woodside, Occidental, Liwa Energy は新たに 5 年間の石油・ガスライセンス契約 を締結しない。一方で契約更新を決めたのは Hess, Petrobras, Medco Energi, Oil India Ltd および Sonatrach である。NOC の Exploration Director の Hadj Fitouri 氏がインタビュー で明らかにした。 Monday, 4 October, 2010: TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Chevron Corp and Occidental have not extended their five-year oil and gas licenses in Libya, a senior executive with Libya's NOC state energy firm told Reuters. Other companies whose licenses were not extended included Australia's Woodside Petroleum and Abu Dhabi-based Liwa Energy, NOC Exploration Director Hadj Fitouri said in an interview. He said the companies which had agreed license extensions were Hess, Petrobras, Indonesia's Medco Energi, Oil India Ltd and Algerian state energy firm Sonatrach. Chevron and Occidental were part of a first wave of foreign firms which rushed to invest in Libya's energy sector after sanctions were lifted but many of them have since failed to make any major oil or gas discoveries. "Some companies have seen their deals extended but other firms did not want to extend their deals and are on the way to leaving Libya," Fitouri said in the interview. [Reuters] (関連記事) Saturday, 2 October, 2010: US giants Chevron and Occidental have not extended their five-year oil and gas licenses in Libya, a senior executive with Libya's NOC state energy company said. Other companies whose licenses were not extended included Australia's Woodside Petroleum 24 and Abu Dhabi-based Liwa Energy, NOC Exploration Director Hadj Fitouri said in an interview. He told Reuters the companies, which had agreed license extensions were Hess, Petrobras, Indonesia's Medco Energi, Oil India Limited and Algerian state energy player Sonatrach. Chevron and Occidental were part of a first wave of foreign companies that rushed to invest in Libya's energy sector after sanctions were lifted but many of them have since failed to make any major oil or gas discoveries. "Some companies have seen their deals extended but other firms did not want to extend their deals and are on the way to leaving Libya," Fitouri said in the interview. [UP Stream Online] ●政治(アジア) リ・ミョン・バク韓国大統領の長兄である Lee Sang-deuk 議員がカダフィ大佐と面談し て 2 日後に拘束されていた 2 名の韓国人が釈放された。 Sunday, 3 October, 2010: Two South Koreans have been released in Libya after being arrested for violating the North African country's religious law earlier in the year, the foreign ministry said Sunday. The release of the Koreans took place on Saturday, two days after Rep. Lee Sang-deuk met with Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi on Thursday. Lee is the elder brother of President Lee Myung-bak. The two men were handed over to their respective families in the presence of the Korean ambassador to Libya, the ministry said. It said no conditions were attached to their release. The two men, identified only by their family names of Koo and Jeon, were arrested in June and July after having been accused of conducting missionary activities in the North African country. The two had been moved to a detention facility in August after being questioned by the authorities. [Korea Times] (関連記事) Saturday, 2 October, 2010: Libya and South Korea have ended a months-long diplomatic dispute that was sparked by accusations of South Korean spying on Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. The agreement came after Lee Sang-deuk, a brother of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, met with the Libyan leader in Tripoli on Thursday. A South Korean official told news agencies in Seoul that Mr. Gadhafi had agreed to end the "unsavory" dispute. The South Korean news agency Yonhap said Mr. Gadhafi has promised to work toward reopening Libya's de facto embassy in Seoul and releasing two South Koreans detained in Libya. [Voice of America] ●政治(中東) 中東和平プロセスを話し合う臨時会議が 8 日リビアの都市シルテで開催される。 Sunday, 3 October, 2010: CAIRO (Xinhua) - The Arab peace initiative follow-up committee will hold an emergency meeting in the Libyan city of Sirte on Friday to discuss the developments of the direct peace talks following Israel's decision not to extend a settlement building freeze, an official with the Arab League said Saturday. The meeting, to be held at a 25 ministerial level, will come a few days ahead of the extraordinary Arab summit, due to take place on Oct. 9 in the Libyan city, Egypt's official MENA news agency quoted the Arab League deputy chief Ahmed Ben Helli as saying. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will brief the committee on the developments of the U.S. efforts to save the direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations which were re-launched in Washington on Sept. 2. "We will first listen to Abbas, then the Arab League and its members will take an appropriate stance..." [Philstar] ●経済(建築) トルコの Today's Zaman 紙はトルコ第二の建設業者 Renaissance Construction の Erman Ilacak 社長がリビアの首都トリポリに Zümrüt ショッピングセンターを建設中であると 報じた。トルコは最近対外政策を転換し、トルコ企業に対してリビアのみならずシリア、 エジプト、ロシアなどへの進出を促進させている。 Saturday, 2 October, 2010: The Turkish newspaper Today's Zaman reported last week that Turkish businessmen were practically having "zero problems, maximum trade" with Libya. One of those businessmen is Erman Ilacak, the president of Renaissance Construction -- Turkey's second largest building contractor. Ilacak launched a project to build Africa's largest shopping mall -- Zümrüt -- in Tripoli recently. The construction, which is still underway, is taking place on an area of 280,000 square meters and is expected to be finished in 2011. Il?cak says Turkey's new foreign policy has turned not only Libya, but also Syria, Egypt and Russia into huge markets for Turkish entrepreneurs. [Tripoli Post] ●経済(金融) UniCredit SpA へのリビアの支配が日増しに強まっているなかで、同行の経営陣はイタ リア銀行の要請に応じて、2 つのリビア関係先の株式が自立したものであるかどうか十 分な情報がないとコメント。 Friday, 1 October, 2010: ROME (Dow Jones)--UniCredit SpA's (UCG.MI) board of directors Thursday responded to the Bank of Italy's request regarding the two stakes in UniCredit belonging to Libyan shareholders, saying there aren't enough information to consider the two stakes as autonomous. In a statement, the bank said further investigation is necessary to provide a complete assessment of the matter. Alessandro Profumo, former chief executive of UniCredit, resigned last week amid clashes with the board over Libya's growing influence over the lender. Tensions between Profumo and the board worsened in August when the Libyan Investment Authority, Libya's sovereign-wealth fund, disclosed that it had purchased a 2% stake in the bank on Milan's stock exchange. [Wall Street Journal] (関連記事) Friday, 1 October, 2010: (Reuters) - UniCredit (CRDI.MI) CEO Alessandro Profumo is expected to be forced out on Tuesday in a row over Libya's stake-building in Italy's biggest bank. [ID:nLDE68K0MS] Economic ties between Rome and Tripoli have grown recently, 26 helped by good relations between Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Libyan leader Muammar Ghaddafi, but Libya's investment in UniCredit has not been universally welcomed. Here are some questions and answers about the controversy surrounding the Libyan stake, the North African state's intentions and why it has upset other shareholders. Q: How much does Libya own in UniCredit? [Reuters] ●政治(ロッカビー事件) 米国の著名な癌専門家によれば、末期がんを宣告されたロッカビー事件元受刑者が釈放 されて 1 年経過した後も生き続けていることは、さほど驚くことではない、とのことで ある。 Friday, 1 October, 2010: Two of America’s most prominent prostate cancer experts have told senators they are “not at all surprised” the Lockerbie bomber is still alive more than a year after his release. Dr James Mohler said the prognosis that led to Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, being allowed to return to Libya on compassionate grounds was “difficult to believe and possibly even ridiculous”. And Dr. Oliver Sartor told the US Senate’s foreign relations committee the chemotherapy the bomber only started receiving after being released from a Scottish prison could extend his life by at least 19 months. Both men said al-Megrahi would have struggled to walk to and from the aeroplane that transported him to the Libyan capital, Tripoli, in August last year if he had less than three months to live. [The Telegraph] ●政治(内政) カダフィ大佐後の後継者問題は不透明。専門家の意見によれば、リベラル派のサイフ氏 は西洋社会への露出度は高いが、軍部からの支援はなく、後継者争いが激化することが 予想される。 Friday, 1 October, 2010: RABAT, Sept 30 (Reuters) - An unpredictable succession, suspicion of foreign influence, diplomatic rows, policy uncertainty and the lingering threat of social unrest all pose potential risks for investors in oil-producer Libya. Here are some risk factors to watch. UNCERTAIN SUCCESSION : Muammar Gaddafi has led Libya for more than 40 years, longer than any living African leader. He is in his late 60s, but there is no framework for his succession and he has carefully avoided designating a successor. Analysts say he appears to be in good health but that, when he dies, years of instability could follow as competing groups and relatives struggle for supremacy. The liberal-leaning Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, who took a central role in ending Libya's stand-off with the West, has the highest profile among Gaddafi's sons but lacks any official role and Libya experts say he has little support from the army, whose endorsement is seen as vital if he is to hold power. [Reuters] ●政治(就職) リビア労働・職業訓練委員会の Mansour 博士によれば、現在 10 万人の就職希望者がお り、2010 年までに 50000 件の就職口を設定する予定とのこと。 27 Friday, 1 October, 2010: The secretary of the management committee for the Libyan labour and vocational training office, Dr Amin Mansour Amine, says Libya has some 100,000 official job seekers. Libyan newspaper Al-Jamahiriya quoted him in its Wednesday edition as saying the department intends to create 50,000 jobs by late 2010. On the commitment by foreign companies to recruit local labour, Dr Amine said the vision of the Libyan authorities focused on a partnership which included employment and training for the youth. The Libyan official said the future plan for his institution was to employ the youth in projects being implemented in the country, adding that they were working to sign agreements with various institutions including oil companies, the railway project and the major cement works to supply them with human resources. [African Manager] 28
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