誓 約 書 Oath - 慶應義塾大学SFC研究所

To the Executive Director of the Keio Research Institute at SFC,
Senior researcher and Researcher candidate
私は、上席所員または所員として SFC 研究所(以下、「研究所」という。)における研究活動に参加
I pledge to fully abide by the following conditions as a Senior Researcher or a Researcher
participating in research activities at the Keio Research Institute at SFC (hereinafter referred to as
“the Institute”).
1. 私は、
「慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパスの SFC 研究所における主席所員・上席所員・所員の取り扱
いに関する基準」【下記 URL 参照】(以下、「取り扱いに関する基準」という。)
【下記 URL 参照】をはじめとする利益相反にかかわる諸規則、および本
扱いに関する基準」第 17 条により受入を解除されることを理解します。
I have read and understood this oath and the rules and regulations policy documents concerning
conflict of interest, including the “Policy for Distinguished Researchers, Senior Researchers and
Researchers at Keio Research Institute at SFC” (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute Policy”
see the following URL), and the “Keio University Policy on the Management of Conflict of Interest”
(see the following URL).
I pledge to observe these criteria and act in accordance with them, and understand that in the
case of any rule violations my period of acceptance will be terminated as stated in section 17 of
the Institute Policy.
2. 受入期間中は、SFC 研究所所長(以下、
During the period of acceptance, I agree to follow all instructions from the Executive Director of
the Keio Research Institute at SFC (hereinafter referred to as the Executive Director) and my
Faculty Sponsor and, as a Senior Researcher or a Researcher, to carry out my research activities
with honesty.
3. 提出書類(履歴書等)の記載事項は真実に相違なく、虚偽の申請ではないことを誓います。また、当
I pledge that all details entered on forms I have submitted were not been falsified in any way and
contain no discrepancy from the truth. In the event that said details change in any way, I will
inform the Institute without delay.
4. 上席所員および所員は、研究所の実施する研究に参加する目的で研究所が受け入れる研究者を示すも
いに関する基準」第 9 条に定めるところを遵守し、第三者に慶應義塾との雇用・その他契約関係があ
I understand that the titles ‘Senior Researcher’ and ‘Researcher’ are used to describe researchers
who have been accepted into the Institute for the purpose of participating in research carried out
by the Institute, and that there is no employment relationship between such researchers and the
Institute or Keio University. Titles used on business cards etc. must follow the policy set out in
section 9 of the Institute Policy, and I will not undertake the usage of any title or expression which
could mislead any third party regarding the existence of an employment or other contractual
relationship between myself and Keio University. Furthermore, at the completion of my period of
acceptance I will not continue to use the title of Senior Researcher or Researcher other than on
records of past performance and job history and will also dispose of any business cards that use
the title.
Whilst participating in research, I will be conscious of my position as a Senior
Researcher/Researcher of the Institute, and will not engage in any act that will damage the trust
and honor of the Institute, nor will I violate public order and morality.
6. 研究所長および受入責任者から、上席所員または所員として行った活動について報告を求められた場
I will provide my full cooperation in case of being requested by the Executive Director or Faculty
Sponsor to provide a report on my activities as a Senior Researcher or a Researcher.
7. 既に公知である情報もしくは正当な理由により責任を免除される場合を除き、研究所における研究活
持の義務を負います。ただし、発表の 30 日以前(投稿、応募等の締め切りが設定されている場合に
は、その 30 日以前)に、受入責任者に事前の書面による承認を受けることで、上席所員または所員
I will treat any information that has been gained through research activities at the Institute as
confidential, unless it is already in the public domain, or permission has been granted for a valid
reason. I accept the obligation not to make disclosure to others and to maintain confidentiality
even after the period of acceptance has been completed.
However, a Senior Researcher or a Researcher can present research achievements at the Institute
by obtaining written permission in advance from the Faculty Sponsor at least 30 days prior to the
presentation (or 30 days prior to the due date of posting or submission).
8. 故意または過失により研究所に損害を与えた場合には、その損害について賠償の責任を負います。受
If I incur damage to the Institute through willful or reckless negligence, I assume responsibility
for compensation. Cause discovered after the period of acceptance has finished will be treated in
the same manner.
Candidate’s Name:
Faculty Sponsor
SFC 研究所における主席所員・上席所員・所員の取り扱いに関する基準」【下記 URL 参照】、
塾大学利益相反マネジメントポリシー」【下記 URL 参照】をはじめとする利益相反にかかわる諸規則お
On the occasion of the acceptance of a Senior Researcher or a Researcher as Faculty Sponsor, I
have explained this oath and the rules and regulations regarding conflict of interest including the
“Policy for Distinguished Researchers, Senior Researchers and Researchers at Keio Research
Institute at SFC” (see the following URL), “Keio University Policy on the Management of Conflict of
Interest” (see the following URL) to them, and I promise to take responsibility for the actions in
their activities as a Senior Researcher or Researcher. I also pledge to take responsibility for dealing
with any trouble that occurs between the Senior Researcher or Researcher and a third party in
relation to their research activities.
Faculty Sponsor’s Name:
「慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパスの SFC 研究所における主席所員・上席所員・所員の取り扱いに
“Policy for Distinguished Researchers, Senior Researchers and Researchers at Keio Research
Institute at SFC”
https://www.kri.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ja/researchers/file/homon_kijun.pdf (Japanese)
https://www.kri.sfc.keio.ac.jp/en/researchers/file/homon_kijun.pdf (English)
“Keio University Policy on the Management of Conflict of Interest”
http://www.kri.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ja/researchers/file/rieki_sohan_policy.pdf (Japanese)
http://www.rcp.keio.ac.jp/sip/activities_e/center/doc/rules10.pdf (English)