Annals of Mathematics The Complex-Analyticity of Harmonic Maps and the Strong Rigidity of Compact Kahler Manifolds Author(s): Yum-Tong Siu Reviewed work(s): Source: The Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 112, No. 1 (Jul., 1980), pp. 73-111 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 01/02/2012 09:41 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Annals of Mathematics. The complex-analyticity of harmonic maps and the strongrigidity of compactKahlermanifolds' By YUM-TONGSIU In 1960 Calabi and Vesentini [3] proved that compact quotients of boundedsymmetricdomains are rigid in the sense that they do not admit any nontrivial infinitesimalholomorphicdeformation. In 1970 Mostow discovered the phenomenonofstrongrigidity[7]. He provedthat the fundamentalgroup of a compact locally symmetricRiemannian manifold of nonpositivecurvature determinesthe manifoldup to an isometryand a choiceof normalizingconstantsif the manifoldadmitsno closed one or two dimensionalgeodesic submanifoldswhich are locally direct factors. In two compactquotientsof the ball of complexdimension?2 with particular, isomorphicfundamental groups are either biholomorphicor conjugate Yau conjecturedthat this phenomenonof strong rigidity biholomorphic. shouldhold also for compact Kihler manifoldsof complexdimension>2 withnegativesectionalcurvature. That is, two compactKihler manifolds ofcomplexdimension?2 with negative sectionalcurvatureare biholomorphicor conjugatebiholomorphic if they are of the same homotopytype. In thispaperwe provethat Yau's conjectureis true when the curvaturetensor ofoneofthe two compactKihler manifoldsis stronglynegativein the sense in Section 2 with no curvature assumptionon the othermanifold. defined Thestrongnegativityof the curvaturetensoris a conditionstrongerthan thenegativityof the sectionalcurvature. This strongnegative curvature is satisfiedby quotientsof the ball and also by the compactKghler condition surfacerecentlyconstructedby Mostow and Siu [8] which has negative curvatureand whose universal covering is not biholomorphicto sectional theball. Until now there is no knownexample of a compactKaihlermanifoldofnegativesectionalcurvaturewhichdoes not admit a Kghler metric withstronglynegative curvaturetensor. Ourresultis provedby showingthat a harmonicmap of compactKiihler is eitherholomorphicor conjugate holomorphicif the rank over manifolds $ 01.95/1 0003-486X/80/0112-1/0073/039 C 1980by PrincetonUniversity(MathematicsDepartment) Forcopyinginformation, see inside back cover. 1 Researchpartiallysupportedby an NSF grant. 74 YUM-TONG SIU R of the differentialof the map is > 4 at some pointand if the curvature tensorofthe image manifoldis stronglynegative. This resulton thecomplexanalyticityof harmonicmaps is obtained by a Bochnertype argument. The usual techniqueof proving propertiesof a harmonicmap f is to obtain a Bochnertype formulaby consideringthe Laplacian of the pointwisesquare norm of df. For the complex manifoldcase the pointwisesquare normof df is replaced by the pointwisesquare normof Afin this technique(see [91). The metric tensor of the image manifoldand the inverse matrix of the metrictensorof the domain manifoldappear in the pointwise square norm of af. Hence in this Bochner type formula an expression involvingthe differenceof the curvaturetensors of the domain manifoldand the image manifoldappears. This prevents one fromdrawing any conclusionwhen both manifoldshave negative curvature. In our proof we overcomethis difficulty by replacingthe pointwisesquare normof af by the contractionof af A af with the metrictensorof the image manifoldand by replacing the Laplacian by ha. This methodenables us to get rid of the curvaturetensor of the domain manifoldin the Bochner type formula. Our result on the complex-analyticityof harmonicmaps can be applied to the problem of representinghomologyclasses by complex-analyticsubvarieties. Unfortunately it is still far frombeing able to prove the Hodge conjectureeven forthe case of the compactquotientsof the ball. Our methodof provingthe complex-analyticityof harmonicmaps and strong rigidity can be applied to a much wider class of compact Kihler manifoldsthan the class of those with stronglynegative curvature tensor. As examples, we apply our methodto compactquotientsof the fourtypes of classical bounded symmetricdomains and obtain the following result. Any harmonicmap froma compactKihler manifoldto a compactquotient of an irreducibleclassical bounded symmetricdomain of dimension>2 is either holomorphicor conjugate holomorphicif the map is a submersion at some point. In particular,any compactKihler manifoldwhich is of the same homotopytypeas a compactquotientof an irreducibleclassical bounded symmetricdomain of dimension ?2 is either biholomorphicor conjugate to it. This rigidityresult is strongerthan the corresponding biholomorphic strongrigiditytheoremof Mostow [71, because here only one manifoldis assumed to be locally symmetricwhereas in Mostow's theoremboth manifoldshave to be assumed locally symmetric. These results were announcedin [101. I would like to thank S.-T. Yau for introducingme to harmonicmaps and his conjecture and for many conversationsin connectionwith his con- 75 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS jecture. E. Bedforddrew my attentionto the inequality that the second elementary symmetricfunction of a finite number of real numbers is dominatedby the square of their sum. He showed me how to use such an inequalityand the complexBernsteinformula[2, p. 378] to obtain, in the pseudoconvexcase, a new proofof Bochner'stheoremon extendingholomorphicfunctionsfromboundaries. This simpleinequalityis used in our proof of the complex-analyticityof harmonicmaps and its use is inspired by Bedford's proof of the special case of Bochner's theorem. I would like to express my indebtednessto him. Table of Contents Section 1. Harmonicmaps....................................... 2. Curvatureconditionsand statementof results ........ 3. A Bochnertype identity .............................. of harmonicmaps................ 4. Complex-analyticity ............... 5. Boundedsymmetricdomains........... 6. Adequate negativityof the curvatureof DI.. ......... . 7. Adequate negativity of the curvature of D'. .......... 75 76 79 81 90 93 98 8. Adequate negativityof the curvatureof Dii" ......... 102 9. Adequate negativityof the curvatureof D.V ......... . 107 110 ................. 10. Strongrigidityand other applications 1. Harmonic maps Let f: N -R M be a map of Riemannian manifoldswhose metrics are respectively EpgapdxadxP ds82 - hjdid ds~y=L The energyE(f) of f is definedto be 2 2 N (f *d traced%2 N ) that is, E(f) = - 2 agaph'i afi afP Li~j,"IP ayi 6yj in terms of local coordinatecharts. The Euler-Lagrange equation for the energyfunctionalE is c f fo l ,where f f af h j = O ayi ay t is the Laplace-Beltramioperator of N and ANf?a + AfMip AX is the AN Mra MJ3a, is the 76 YUM-TONG SIU Christoffel symbolof M. The map f is said to be harmonicif f satisfiesthe Euler-Lagrangeequation for the energyfunctional. Eells-Sampson[4] proved that when M and N are both compact and M has nonpositivesectional curvature,every continuousmap fromN to M is homotopicto a harmonicmap. Hartman [6] proved that the harmonicmap is uniquein each homotopyclass if M has strictlynegative curvature. Since the Euler-Lagrange equation for the energy functionalis a second-order quasilinear elliptic system of partial differentialequations,it followsthat any harmonicmap between smoothRiemannianmanifoldsis smooth. The reader is referredto [4] for a surveyof the theoryof harmonicmaps. 2. Curvature conditionsand statementof results Suppose M is a complexmanifoldwith Kihler metric ds' = 2Rea pg, dzadzP. The curvaturetensoris given by g = gARa-ir- Art- agr- awid The sectionalcurvatureat the 2-planespannedby the two tangent vectors p = 2Re E da a aza q = 2ReEa "az a is given by - II~~~ A j12E,,p ~ A qj -j[P where II A q1 r~d5Rasr-~d_7a)er - ay g )ggr4(bank = + (Wyr - 3- a _ imr) _ - r2TWS))JT- . Nonpositivityof the sectionalcurvatureis equivalent to Ea vi se Rapr-s(t-a7)7-7aVf)(V8)7r -_vr )7F ? Roarar- 0 forall complexnumbers a, p The sectional curvature is negative if, in additionin the above inequality,equality holds if and onlyif Bag - t-ar = 0 for all a, fl, - rasp is equivalent to the vanishing of because the vanishing of all fatsP Ip A q as one can easily verify by diagonalizing the matrix (ga) and makinguse of the identity 2 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS a-P 2 = I bans _ rags 12 _ ( -aya _ -ae)(ePp 77 _ LiP) We now introducesomenotionsof negativecurvaturestrongerthan the negativityof sectionalcurvature. Definition. The curvatureRpa is said to be stronglynegative(respectively stronglyseminegative)if Lul jsRak7 (AaB7 - C"D%)(A6Br - CaDr) is positive (respectively nonnegative) for arbitrary complex numbers Aa, Ba, C5, Da when AaBP - CDP #0 for at least one pair of indices (a, fi). Definition. The curvature tensor Rri, is said to be very strongly negative(respectivelyverystronglyseminegative)if is positive (respectivelynonnegative) for arbitrary complex numbers a when A # 0 for at least one pair of indices (a, /3). Clearly very strongnegativityof the curvature tensor implies strong negativity of the curvature tensor. Strong negativity of the curvature tensorimpliesnegativityof the sectionalcurvature. THEOREM1. Suppose M and N are compactKdhler manifolds and the curvaturetensorof Mis stronglynegative. Supposef: N-AMis a harmonic map and therank over R of the differentialdf of f is at least 4 at some point of N. Thenf is eitherholomorphicor conjugate holomorphic. In Theorem 1 the curvature conditionon M can be weakened to the following. The curvaturetensorof M is stronglyseminegativeeverywhere and is stronglynegative at f(P) for some P C N with rankRdf> 4 at P. The followingstrongrigiditytheoremis a consequenceof Theorem1. THEOREM2. Let M bea compactKdhler manifoldofcomplexdimension at least two whosecurvature tensor is stronglynegative. Then a compact Kdhler manifoldof thesame homotopytypeas M must be eitherbiholomorphic or conjugate biholomorphicto M. Though most of the boundedsymmetricdomains do not have strongly negative curvaturetensor,our methodcan also yield the strongrigidityof compactquotientsof classical boundedsymmetricdomainsand the complexanalyticityof harmonicmaps into them. The precise statementsare contained in the followingtwo theorems. THEOREM3. Suppose N is a compact Kdhler manifold and M is a compactquotientof a boundedsymmetricdomain of typeImn(mn > 2), IIn, 78 YUM-TONG SIU (n > 2), or IV, (n > 3) (whoseprecise descriptionsare given in (n.> 3), JJJn ? 5). Suppose f: N -> M is a harmonicmap whichis a submersionat some point of N. Then f is eitherholomorphicor conjugate holomorphic. THEOREM 4. Let Mbe a compactquotientof a boundedsymmetricdomain of type 'mn (mn > 2), IIJ (n > 3), IIIJ (n > 2), or IV, (n > 3). Then any compactKdhler manifold of the same homotopytype as M must be either biholomorphicor conjugate biholomorphicto M. The mainpart of this paper will devotedto the proofsof these theorems. As examples of compactKihler manifoldswith very stronglynegative curvaturetensor,we show that any compactquotientof the ball has very stronglynegative curvaturetensor. 1. The curvature tensor of the invariant metric of the PROPOSITION ball is verystronglynegative. Proof. The invariantmetric2 Re of the ball B of C' is gffdzadzp given by gaf= aa _(-log (1 - I z 12)) Since IZ 12) = -log(1_ + + 112 3 6? it followsthat at the originall the componentsof the curvaturetensor RaAr-= aaa-ara-(-log (1 - I Z 12)) are zero except the following Raaaa- = 2, Hence at the origin ~Ap,rR -a$aPr Ra-pp= Rapa-= 1 = = E ~a(ErRaa-r~RaaraT) La~e = 4iardar ?E =2~~ E for a #zf. a~p(~r^ciRar + ~erer2? Ia2 +?EL I aa 12+ I a daaI12+ Ea which is >0 and is zero if and only if all dap- 0. R ? LaI eerr E ) ap 12 I ap 12 aa 12 Q.E.D Compact quotients of the ball are not the only examples in complex dimension >2 of compact Kihler manifoldswith very stronglynegative curvaturetensor. Recently Mostow-Siu [8] constructeda compact Kihler OF HARMONIC MAPS COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY 79 surface with very strongly negative curvature tensor whose universal coveringis not biholomorphicto the ball of complexdimensiontwo. 3. A Bochner type identity Suppose M is a Kahler manifoldwith metrictensor gap dzydzf g - 2ReL,, and suppose N is a complexmanifoldandf: N-- M is a smooth(i.e., C-) map. Let TMdenote the real tangent bundle of M when M is regarded as a real manifold. The complexstructureof M gives a decompositionof TM0 C into tangent vectorsof type (1, 0) and type (0, 1), TM?&C= TM&TMVI. The differentialdf: TA-XTM of f given rise to a map df?(C: TN TM&C. C-> Composingthis with the projectionmap TM(S C 141,O: >TM we obtain [II oo(df (gC): TN? C- TTM. This is equivalent to a bundle map TN?(C f*TlM of C-vectorbundlesover N. Composingthis bundle map with the inclusion map TN > TN?C, l we obtain a bundle map fromTO f *T1Owhichwe denote by af. Hence af is a smoothsectionof the C-vectorbundle f * TM O) = (TNPO)* ?& f * T1O Homc (TNl', over N. In otherwords 5f is an f* T9V-valued(0, 1)-formon N. Let (wi) be a local holomorphiccoordinatechart of N. Then in terms of the local coordinatecharts (za) and (wi) of M and N, af is simply represented by (a-fa),where a- = 3/3wi.In Sections 1-5 we will use the notation and a-= a/law = In also the notations ai a/awla, = alaza, and Aa =iaza. these notationswe may substitute another lower case italic (respectively Greek) for i (respectivelya). Likewise we defineaf, af, and 5f. af is an f* T"0-valued(1, 0)-formon N representedby (aifa). if is an f *T? l-valued(1, 0)-formon N represented by (aifa). af-is an f *T, '-valued (0, 1)-formon N representedby (3tfa). It YUM-TONG SIU 80 is clear that af is the complex conjugate of af and aV is the complex conjugate of af. Let V be the Riemannianconnectionof M definedby its Kahler metric. It inducesa connectionf*V on the vector bundle f* T1'0. This connection togetherwiththe a operatorof N enable us to define,for any f* T"0?-valued (0, 1)-formwvon N, the a exteriorderivative of ,),which we denoteby D). It is an f* T10-valued(1, 1)-formon N. In terms of local coordinates,if @ = (a)o), then D) = (E;,,,da.dw' A dwi) with ji G2il As)+ Eparm ) where M'F is the Christoffelsymbol of M (evaluated at f(Q) when the equation is consideredat the point Q of N). Likewise we define,for any f* T?l-valued (1, 0)-formco on N, the a exteriorderivative D(o' of A! which is an f* T0l"-valued(1, 1)-formon N. Let As be the bundle over M of (complex-valued)tensors of contravariant orderr and covariantorder s. Let a be a section of A on M and let r be an f*As-valued p-formon N. We denote by <a, r> the p-formon N obtainedby the contractionwhichcontractselementsof A withelements of As to formscalars. Let R = (Raotr)denote the curvature tensor of M. We are now ready to state our Bochnertype identity. PROPOSITION 2. fA af> = KR,afA A3f A afA (f> - <g, Df A Daf>. a35<g,p In local coordinates 9a A3L ga-fa A afffi=EpraRa.rjfa -a where D~a~f= (afa + Daffi = (afP+ P gasDafa A affiA afTA Afa A D aff, MI"fiaf A &fT, P, LarM m afa AA f Proof. Fix a point Q of N where we want to verifythe equation. Let P = f(Q). We choose a holomorphiclocal coordinatesystem (za) of M at P symbolsMFi vanish. such that dga = 0 at P. Then at P all the Christoffel It followsthat at P, = ar(aga, Rafir- and at Q Daf 81 OF HARMONIC MAPS COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY a af D af a=awfa Using arg, = we have at Q a 0 at P and recalling that in the equation gaA stands for ga a pgajaf/Af - LaB, + Ma -,aiarg - Since a^ag, 2 Re A-af/ afaA af A afr A af A af af A afT A afa A +4-- ar8M-g"A + rA / Af ,5aaargas af A Ealpl,5aaargap of, f f f + ,gai/aafa Aaaf.f is symmetricin a, -r (due to the fact that the metric gcArdzadzflis Kahler) and since af 'A 5fr A 5f" A af P is skew-symmetric it followsthat the firsttermon the right-handside of the preceding in a, equation in zero. Likewise, it followsfromthe symmetryof adarga"in a, -' and the skew-symmetryof af' A afr A afa A af P in a, -' that the second term on the right-handside is zero. And it followsfromthe symmetryof of af A af A 5fa A af Pthat the last a-a-gaBin ,3,3 and the skew-symmetry termon the right-handside is zero. Hence a a~p g.Aafa A afp Ea'P'r'a-EA3aaf5A - aPga9Dafa afr A afa A afj' aA DafP. Q.E.D. 4. Complex-analyticity of harmonic maps PROPOSITION3. Let M, N be compact Kdhler manifolds and f: N-+ M be a harmonic map. Let m = dimM, n -dimN, and f" (1 < a < m) be the componentsof f with respect to a local coordinate systemof M. Let w&(1 < i < n) be a local coordinatesystemof N and let dafi= (aif)(aif) - (aff)(aifP) If thecurvaturetensorRafiraof M is stronglyseminegative,thenfor 1 < i, j < n, =0 and h - 2 Re zgap ,hij-dwidwi be respectively the Kahler metrics of M and N. Denote the Kihler form V/-1Ei hij-dw'dwiof N by w. We use the notationsof Section 3. First we show that Proof. Let g - 2Re 82 YUM-TONG SIU KglDaf A DVf> A af)-2 = Xwfn for some nonnegativefunctionX on N. (4.1) Fix a point Q of N and let P = f(Q). To prove (4.1) at Q, we choose local holomorphiccoordinate systems (za) at P and (wi) at Q such that with respectto these coordinatesystems g, = &, dga,= O hij-- aj dhij-= O (the Kroneckerdelta) at P, at P, at Q, at Q. Let ua and va be respectivelythe real and imaginary parts of f. Xc** ) (respectively ce', Let 1cec) be the eigenvalues of the complex *.*, Hessian of ua (respectivelyva) at Q with respect to the coordinates(wi). We have <g,Daf A Daf> A ()n2 = EAafa A af a A = )0n-2 (aua~ A 8au" + A9vaA aav") A -1 ~~~j n(n - 1) a )n-2 +n where the last identityis obtained by diagonalizingthe complexHessians of ua and va (nonsimultaneously).Now (4.1) followsfromthe identity =Xj=(Li(X)2 - Li 2 and the fact that the harmonicityof f implies E4) -= iM-a = 0. This proofof (4.1) yields also the statementthat X - 0 at Q if and only if Dafa = 0 at Q for all a. We now express <R, af A af A af A af> A a)f-2 in termsof local coordinates. Fix Q e N. Choosean arbitrarylocal holomorphic coordinatesystem(wi) at Q such that hi--= ij at Q. Then at Q <R,af A af A af A af> A a)n-2 - EapraRa-r afa A afP A afr A afVA (n XE i< jn A ISkn, k*i,j(dW A dwk) (n -2)! + (V'i-<1)j2 c firS I - 2)! (1-)n-2 nRafra(3- ( ifa)(a fP)(aifr)(@f5)+ (aj-fa)(aiff)(jfr)Q-fa) (8f j)Q fP)(afr)Q@f5)) A (Al ksn(dwk A dwk)) - 83 OF HARMONIC MAPS COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY U ) la)ptI i.6l~<j~nRabiiv((&ifa)(ajf?) _ (a-fe)(f - i)dIt3 n(nn-1 X ((f-fP)(aif r)- (o3fP)(a3fT))wn is symmetricin ,8, 3, it followsthat Since Rarpr (4.2) KR, j A aj' A ajfA af> A -Efl2 n(n A w Re',- I ,6?1<i?n ) at any point Q of N when hi, = 3ij at Q. The strongseminegativityof the curvaturetensorRat,-impliesthat <R (4.3) fAafA af Aaf > Aa)n-2- Uan for some nonpositivefunctiona on N. By Proposition2, n-2 aa<gjaf A af> A Ko = - <R, A afAafAaf>A <g,Df A D af> A (n n-2 -2 Since the left-handside is an exact form,it followsthat N <RI f A af A af A af> A n-2 - <g, Df A Daf> Aa n-2 0. From(4.1) and (4.3) we concludethat X and a are identicallyzero. By (4.2), =O o (4.4) r a. a~aprd-ffd ~ ~ /ap rRa To finishthe proof, we take an arbitrary local holomorphiccoordinate system(Ci) at Q. Let af affi p 7y~ af a af, evaluated at Q. We have to show that Rar~r (4.5) Fix 1 < i, j < n. Since Q let -O = o 0 0 when i = j, we can assume that i av- a - j. At aa _ Ekak aWkI Ek akaWk a bkk There exist uniquelytwo unit orthogonaln-vectors(A() ..., A(")), = 1, 2, such that ak = cA'l) and bk= c'A ') + c"A , 1 < k < n, for some complex numbersc, c', c". Constructa unitarymatrix(A(")), 1 < v, k < n whosefirst two rows are these two unitorthogonaln-vectors.Definea local holomorphic system(Zk ) at Q so that coordinate 84 YUM-TONG SIU arp at Q. Let okk 4( aWk af f9 afa Of aF1 aT2 &z d 2 evaluated at Q. By replacingthe coordinatesystem(wk) by the coordinate system(zk), correspondingto (4.4) we obtain the following: afa Rara0R 0rTafl =O. (4.6) Now =) Ek, lakblkI - - c Ek~l Ak AL ~Ipt ~ ~ $k ~~I + CC k Ak AIl2 I Lk where the vanishing of Ekl A~ l All) is due to the skew-symmetry of e in k, 1. Hence (4.5) followsfrom(4.6). Q.E.D. In orderto avoid repeatingpart of the argumentin the case of classical bounded symmetricdomains, instead of proving directlyTheorem 1, we prove a moregeneral result. To state this moregeneral result,we have to introducethe followingdefinition. Definition. The curvaturetensorRoiA,of a Kiihlermanifoldof complex dimension m is called negative of order k if it is strongly seminegative and it enjoys the followingproperty. If A = (Ail),B = (B.) are any two m x k matrices(1 < a m, 1 < i < k) with rank (A B\ BA =2k and if Eta,,ivr aRea ijfi sj forall 1 < i, j < k,where di.=A'- Bfi- As Bfi then either A = 0 or B- 0. The curvaturetensorRadari is called adequatelynegativeif it is negative of orderm. The above definition is motivatedby the followingequivalent definition whichis clumsierto state but whichrendersmoretransparentthe motivation behindthe definition. Definition. The curvature tensorR,,,A,of a Kihler manifoldM is said to be negative of order k at a point P of M if it is strongly seminegative at 85 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS P and if it enjoysthe followingproperty. If f: U M is a smoothmap from an openneighborhoodU of 0 in Ck to M with f (O) = P and rankRdf 2k at 0 and if at P - 0 for 1 < i, j < k, where -A = (atfa)(O)(djfP)(O) (the coordinates of Ck being wi, 1 < i < - (0 fa)(O)(aifP)(0) k), then either af = 0 at 0 or af 0 at 0. is said to be adequatelynegativeat P if the The curvaturetensorRafir, above holds with the conditionrankRdf= 2k at 0 replacedby the condition at 0. that f is locallydiffeomorphic We will use only the latter definition,because there the indiceshave transparentmeaningsand are easier to keep track of. THEOREM5. Let k > 2. Suppose M and N are compact Kdhler mani- folds and the curvature tensor of M is negative of order k. Suppose f: N -o M is a harmonicmap and theran/kover R of the differentialdf of f is at least 2k at some point of N. Then f is eitherholomorphicor conjugate holomorphic. Beforewe prove Theorem5, we have to prove firstthe followingvery simplelemmain linear algebra. LEMMA1. Suppose V is a vectorspace of dimensionn overC and W is an R-vectorsubspaceof V and thedimensionof W overR is ?2n - 2k. Let E be the set of all bases of V overC and let F be thesubsetof E consisting n W = 0 for all of all bases (e, ..., en) of V over C such that (k=1Ced) ... 1 ? i1 < <ik < n. Then F is a dense open subsetof E. < n let Fi... ik be the subset of E con< ... Proof. For 1? <ik n W o. It sufficesto show that sistingof all (e1,..., en)with (ok=Ce%) each Fi, ik is a dense open subset of E. Let H be the set of all C-vector subspaces L of complex dimensionk in V with L n w = o. It sufficesto show that H is a dense open subset of the GrassmannianGk(V) of all C-vectorsubspaces of complexdimensionk in V. ClearlyH is openin Gk(V). Let K = W n V-1 W be the maximumC-vectorsubspace of V contained in W. We can choose a basis e1, * , basis of K over C and el,r R, ep, hV/el + of V over C such that e*, - eW,ep+l, d1im - ep is a 2,eF is a basis of W over R. We have I + p = diMRWf< 2n -2k. First we show YUM-TONG SIU 86 that H is nonempty. Let q be the largest integer < ( - p/2). Let Q be the C-vectorsubspace of V spanned by eP+1+ /-1epd2, ep+3 + V-1 /ep+4, ep+2q-? *.., + V-lep+2q, el+,, ..., e. = o. We claim that dimcQ > k. Since 2q >1 - p -1 and 2n - 2k > 1 + p, it follows that 2n - 2k + 2q > 21 - 1, whichimplies n-k + q > 1, because n, k, q, t are integers. Hence dim,Q = q + (n-I) > k. Choose a C-vectorsubspace L' of complexdimensionk in Q. Then L' e H. Take L e Gk( V) and let gi, * * *, gk be a basis of L over C. Let over C. Clearly Q f w (I < i < k) . gi = Ej=Jajiej Let A = (aji)p<j?I,?<<k and B = (aji)1<js? ,l?,k. Then L n W # 0 if and only if for some nonzerocolumnc of k complexnumbersIm Ac = 0 and Bc 0, - i.e., Ac--AcBc = O Be= O O which is equivalent to A -A rank ( B O B < 2k because, if =O Ac-Ad Bc O Bd O for some c, d not both zero, then by suitably adding the equations to and subtractingthe equations fromtheir complexconjugates one obtains Bi-At=O ford c + d, V1l (c - d), one of whichis nonzero. By replacingL by L' we obtain g', a'i, A', and B'. For 0 < t < 1, let - gi(t) = (1 - t)gi + tgi, aji(t) = (I1-t)aji A(t) B(t) (1 (1 - + ta'i , t)A + tA' t)B + tB' COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS 87 The followingtwo inequalities rank (aji(t))t?fl j<,l?Ik k > A(t) -A(t) rank B(t) 0 > 2k 0 B(t) hold at t = 1 and hence hold for all t ej[O,11 - J, where J is somefiniteset. For t e [0, 11 - J let L(t) be the C-vector subspace of V spanned by g#(t),***, over C. Then L(t) E H and L(t) approachesL in Gk( V) as t approaches 0. Hence H is dense in Gk( V). Q.E.D. gk(t) Proof of Theorem5. Now rankRdf> 2k at some pointof N and hence at every pointof some nonemptyconnectedopen subset U of N. We first prove that either af _ 0 on U or Af 0 on U. (4.7) It sufficesto show that for every point Q of U either af=O (4.8) at Q or af= 0 at Q, of df on U impliesthat the two closed subbecause the nowhere-vanishing sets U fa{f =O} and Un {Of=O} are disjoint and since by (4.8) their unionis the connectedset U, one of themis equal to U. Since the curvature tensor Rall is stronglyseminegative,it follows fromProposition3 that for 1 < i, j < n and 1 < a, 73 < m (4.9) Ras 8 0 at P where J(dfa)(Q)(afP)(Q)- (d3-fa)(Q)(if )(Q) (wi, 1 < i < m, being local coordinatesof N and fa, 1 ? a < n, being componentsof f with respectto a local coordinatesystemof M). Let P = f(Q) and let TMP (respectively TNQ) be the tangent space of M at P (respectivelyN at Q) when M (respectivelyN) is regardedas a real manifold. Let K be the kernel of df: TNQ -> TMP. The complex structure of M makes TMP a vectorspace over C. Since rankRdf > 2k, it followsthat dimR K < 2n - 2k. By Lemma 1, there exists a basis g,, ** , go of TNQ over C such that for 1 < ij < ... < ik< n the intersectionof K withthe C-vector subspace of TNQspanned by gi, - * , gik is the zero vector subspace. Choose a holomorphiccoordinatesystem(wt) of an open neighborhoodW of Q in U such that gi = 2Re(a/awt). For 1 < ij < ... < ik< n let (i... ik be the restriction of f to w n {w- =w(Q) for 1 < < n,+il. *W* ik}- YUM-TONGSIU 88 2k at Q. Since Ras,, is negative of order k at every pointof M, it followsfrom(4.9) that for 1 ? i, < ... < ik< n eitherDff 0 Then rankRd$i...ik m and j= i, *..,ik or ajfa=O at Q for 1?a a <mand j = Now (4.8) follows fromk > 2, because, if sa # O at Q for ., ik. some 1 < a ? m and some 1 < j < n, and aifi # 0 at Q for some 1 < 73< m and some I < L<n , then we can select I < ii < *** < ik< n such that both j and 1 belong to the set {il, ***, ij. The theoremnow follows from(4.8) Q.E.D. and the followingproposition. PROPOSITION4. Suppose M, N are compact Kdhler manifolds and f: N -o M is a harmonicmap. Let U be a nonemptyopen subsetof N. If f is holomorphic(respectivelyconjugate holomorphic)on U, then f is holomorphic(respectivelyconjugate holomorphic)on N. Proof. Since the proofs of the holomorphiccase and the conjugate holomorphiccase are similar,we prove onlythe holomorphiccase. Let Q be the largest connectedopen subset of N containing U such that df vanishes identicallyon Q. It sufficesto show that Q is closed in N. Suppose the contrary. Q has a boundarypoint Q. Let W be a connected open neighborhoodof Q in N such that i) there exists a holomorphiccoordinate system (wi) on some open neighborhoodof the closure of W and ii) there exists a holomorphiccoordinate system (za) on some open neighborhoodof the closure of f (W). The harmonicityof f is given by the equation atQforl ANf + Ei ~jo,7M> fi'7Vaif ')(a-f 0 -)h where (hi) is the inverse matrix of the matrix (hi--)of the Kdhler metricof is the Christoffel N, AN is the Laplace-Beltramioperator of N, and MJF7r symbolof M. Applyingakto this equation and recallingAN= 2Ei i h e3f3 3 obtain we N(dkf ) ? (2&kh )dfaif ? - ( ?Ej (h,, Hence for some positive numberC 0r-(ift)h lakad I - 0 + , ) ? C(. ai fa I + Ejfr I .f f |IANQ8kf be respectively the real and imaginary parts of a3-fa. on W. Let uWand vka Since AN is a real operator(i.e., it maps real functionsto real functions),it followsthat for some positive numberC' IANuJ 2 <C Cp Nk12 < CEP (Igradufi12 JIgrad u + 2 +? Igradv-I2 + Iu-I2 + Ivfl2) + Iu-12+ gradvfi12 Iv-12) COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS 89 on W, where grad is the gradient with respect to the coordinatesystem whose coordinate functionsare the real and imaginary parts of wi. By applyingAronszajn's unique continuationtheorem[1, p. 248] to the system of functionsuW,v' (1 < a < m, 1 < k < n) and to the elliptic operator AN, we concludefromthe identicalvanishingof uW,vkon wnQ thatua,va vanish identicallyonW. This contradictsthe fact that Q is a boundarypointof Q. Q.E.D. Hence Q = N and 3f 0 on N. Theorem1 followsfromTheorem5 and the followinglemma. of a Kdhler manifold M is LEMMA 2. If the curvature tensor R,-rstronglynegative,thenit is negativeof order 2. Proof. Let U be an open neighborhoodof 0 in C2 with coordinatesw1, w2. Suppose f: U -> M is a smoothmap whichis a local immersionat 0 such that for 1 i, j < 2 at P = f(O), where d Leas7wafiEfr6E (& fa)(0)G8jfP)(?) -(a 0 O(8f)) We have to show that eitheraf = 0 at 0 or 0f= 0 at 0. Let m = dimM. Let TM,,pbe the tangentspace of M at P when M is regarded as a real manifold. The complex structureof M makes TMP a vectorspace over C. Since f is a local immersionat 0, the image L of df is an R-vectorsubspace of real dimension4 in TMP. By Lemma 1, we can finda basis el, ... , enlof TMover C such that for I l a < 13a m the intersection of L with the C-vectorsubspace of TMp spanned by ey,1 : y ? n, y # a, 18,is the zero vector subspace. Choose a local coordinatesystem (z") ?! m the map of M at P such that ea = 2 Re (a3/za)at P. For 1 < a < (fo(Wlt W%) f (W1Y W2)) (%p (w', w') i at 0. is locallydiffeomorphic 0 for 1 < a,,? < m Since Rankis stronglynegative,it followsthat and 1 < i, j < 2. Assume af#0 at 0. We want to prove that af = O at 0. Since afo # 0 at 0 for some 1 < a ? m, without loss of generalitywe can assume that Af' # 0 at 0. Let p be the numberof C-linearlyindependent (1, 0)-formsamong af'1, - - *, afm at 0. We distinguishbetween two cases. - Case 1. p = 2. Withoutloss of generalitywe can assume that af' and 3f2 are C-linearlyindependentat 0. For 1 ? a < m and A = 1, 2, it follows 0 at 0 -0 0 that af carafA at 0 for some cakE C. Hence, if afa for some 1 < a < n, then af' = (Ca2/Cal) af2 at 0, contradictingthe C-linear from independenceof af' and df2at 0. 90 YUM-TONG SIU Case 2. p 1. For 1 < a < m there exist complex numbers ra such that aft rdaf1at 0. For 1 < a m it follows from = 0 that cfacadf1 at O for some c, E C. For I < a <j3? < m, df- A df xA df A dfP is a linear combinationof exterior products of Of' and af1 at 0 and hence vanishes at 0, contradictingthe fact that D,, is locally diffeomorphic Q.E.D. at 0. 5. Bounded symmetricdomains We recall the fourtypes of classical boundedsymmetricdomainswhich we denote by Di ,, Dl', DI", D'V and computetheircurvaturetensors. Type Imn The domain D nnis an open subset of Cm"and is the set of all m x n matrices Z= (zap) with complex entries such that I - ZZ is positive definite,where I., is the identitymatrix of order n and tZ is the transposeof the complexconjugate of Z. An invariant Kihler metric has the potentialfunction (D log det(Jn - tZZ)1 a 2+ - zp + zge higherorderterms. At Z 0 the coordinates(Zap) are normalcoordinatesin the sense that the firstorderderivativesof the coefficients of the metric tensor with respect to these coordinatesvanish at Z = 0. Hence the curvaturetensorat Z 0 is given by It follows that at Z = az"a-izjP~az2woaz 0 (5.1) cra -a - p tusno rr~ap<Prp + ?rPs ILaittr PI 12 + v E" tra, a? < P I Er datrj 12 TypeII.. The domainDn' is an opensubsetof Cn(%-1)'2 and is the set of all skew-symmetricn x n matrices Z= (zap) with complex entries such that In - tZZ is positive definite. It is a complexsubmanifoldof D' a. The invariantKahier metricof Dnn induces an invariant Khhler metric of DnI, At Z = 0, the coordinates(zap) fora < 3 are normalcoordinates. Hence the second fundamentalformof DI, in DI , vanishes at Z- 0 and the curvature tensorof DI, at Z- 0 is the restrictionof the curvatureof DI n. It follows that at Z = 0 (5.2) L a<r FPA, r A<p<0 tf<rRar ar'ap I = r 1=2E ?n r COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY where is a 91 OF HARMONIC MAPS skew-symmetric in a, Y and skew-symmetric in /3,p. Type IIIn. The domain Dn" is an open subset of C'n+"''2and is the set of all symmetricn x n matrices Z= (zap) with complex entries such that is positive definite. It is a complex submanifoldof D'n. The In -ZZ invariantKahler metricof D'n induces an invariantKahler metricof Dn". At Z = 0, the coordinates(Zap) for a < ,6 are normalcoordinates. Hence the second fundamentalformof D'11in Dn vanishesat Z- 0 and the curvature tensorof Dn" at Z = 0 is the restrictionof the curvaturetensorof Dnn. It followsthat at Z 0 (5.3) '<r Tr 2or, RaTIFI - EnI 12 + E En aXpTr 2 where ar pis symmetricin a, y and symmetricin ,8,p. Type JVn. The domain D'V is an open subset of Cn and is the set of all Z = (Za, ** Zn)in Cnsatisfying 341+ 2EAz z2a 12_ 12> 0 2<1 An invariantKahler metricis given by the potentialfunction =2 2 - q) =-log(1 2aI Za 1ZaI| + | aZ |12) + 2(Ea IZa 12)2 + higher order terms. IaZ2 _ - At z = 0 the coordinatesZa (1? a < n) are normal coordinates. Hence the curvaturetensoris given by Rass - - a4D It followsthat at z 0 iap RY ap (5.4) E _ aZaadZpaZpaZ, 4~aap~a~aP~+ 41E =4 4 1 -4(&ap3p, 41 ag p~a~P- a e f aap~ 44Lapp a12& 1+ + dalta a Bae aa 2 + 2 La,'ts + 6aaap p 4 - 6mpo) 41:6,~paP~ 4E ,oi(appepa _ Xpa 2 The curvature tensors of these four types of classical bounded symmetricdomainsare stronglyseminegative,but are not stronglynegative. In the followingfourSections6-9, we will show that these curvaturetensors are adequately negative so that Theorem 3 follows from Theorem 5. For the proofof the adequate negativityof the curvaturetensors,we will need the followingvery simplelemmain linear algebra. SIU YUM-TONG 92 LEMMA3. Suppose 'p is a smooth map from an open neighborhood of 0 , wm in C"mto an open neighborhood of 0 in Cn with 9(0) = 0. Let wl, (respectively z1, ..*, zn) be the coordinates of Cm(respectively Cu). a) If the rank of the n x m matrix (aza/6wi) at 0 is n, then there exists a nonsingular linear transformation (1 < i < m) wi = E,=l bijwi (5.5) such that at 0, for 1 Or=i awi a < n, 1 < < m. b) If the rank of the n x m matrix (aza/awi) at 0 is p < n, then there exist a nonsingular linear transformation (5.5) and a unitary transformation a < n) (1< z =>azp such that at 0, wi, 6=- , for 1 < a < p, 1 < i < m =0 p < a < n, 1 and aZa wi, for i < m. c) If the rank of the n x m matrix (dzl/wi) at 0 is p < n and azl/awi ? 0 at 0 for some 1 < i < m, then there exist a nonsingular linear transformation (5.5) and a unitary transformation of the form ZI = Z, zIt = Zp =2aap (2 < a < n) such that at 0 a - for 1 < a < p1 -0 for p < a < n, 2 < =a < m and aZa < m. Proof. Let $D:Cm-> C" be theC-linearmap definedby the n x m matrix (aza/awi) at 0. Let el, *..., en(respectivelyu,, * , ur) be the standard unit basis vectorsof C" (respectivelyCt). a) Take a basis v"+1, **, v. of Ker (. ID(v,) = ej (1 < ii< n). Let _i = in bju Let vi be a vector in Cmwith 1 :!< i < -) COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY 93 OF HARMONIC MAPS Then (biq)satisfiesthe requirement. b) Take a unitary basis d, ** *, dn of Cn such that da e Im (D for 1 < a < p. Take a basis vp+?, **, V. of Ker (D. Let vi be a vector in Cmwith (D(vi) = e (1 < < p). Let 7i= and (1 < inubj ?< m) da = En>a,,pep (1<a<n). Then (bij) and (actp)satisfythe requirement. c) LetIT: Cn -? Ce, denote the orthogonalprojection. Since az1/awi? 0 o(D). Let at 0 for some 1 < i _ m, 7To(D is surjective. Let K = Ker (wT ': K -Ker wT= e)<f=,Ce<be induced by (D. Then rank If = p - 1. Take a unitary basis d2, ***, d? in eL=2Ce, such that da,e Im P for 2 < a < p. Let di = el. Let w' denote the orthogonalprojection fromC" onto the linear o (D: Cm-- V is surjective. Choose subspace V spanned by d, ** *, dp. Then wT' V of Ker (wT' o (P). Let vi be a vector in Cmwith (wT'o (D)(vi) =di vm a basis vp+l, * for 1 < i < p. Let and Vi = EIn1 bsiuj (1 ? vi< m) da (2<a<p). = En>aa, ep Then (brj)and (acp) satisfythe requirements,because (D(vi)= di for2 < i < p whichfollowsfromthe fact that (P(vi) - di belongs both to Im (P and to the Q.E.D. linear subspace spanned by dp+l, .*., dn. 6. Adequate negativity of the curvature of PROPOSITION 5. For mn > 2 the curvature tensor Rr, me <m, 1 <_y,p, a, r < n) of D'. is adequately negative. mnn - (1 < a, ,3,?, Proof. Let U be an open neighborhood of 0 in Cmn. Let (Wij),ism,?ni,<n be the coordinatesof Cmff.Denote d/6wij,6/6wijby Fiji, 6- respectively. Let f: U -> Dnn be a smoothmap which maps the originto the zero matrixand at 0. Let f (1 whichis locally diffeomorphic J< a < m, 1 < ,i < n) be the componentsand let Assume that (6.1) Aid = (a- faP)(0)(klf"r)(O) ERar'pploypr-I (a fa')(0)(i3ifT)(0) kLitLLk = 0 at Z = 0 for all (i, j), (k, 1). We have to prove that = 0 at 0 for all (i, j) and (a, mu) 1'eitheraf (6.2) 0 at 0 for all (i, j) and (a, p3). tor af f - 94 YUM-TONG SIU The following three conventions will be used in this proof and also in the proofs of Propositions 6 and 7. Moreover, in the proofs of Propositions 6 will carry analogous meanings. and 7 the notations aij, a-, fa, and t i) For notational simplicity we will denote (ajjfOP)(O), (azfaP)(O), (a@if)(O), (01jf )(O) simplyby ajjfcP, &ffi i &-f respectively. ii) After we apply linear transformations to the coordinates (wij) and (ztap),we will use the same symbols for the new coordinates. iii) We use the lexicographical ordering for the double indices (i, j). By (i, j) > (k,1) we mean either i = k and j > I or i > k. By (i, j) > (k,1) we mean (i, j) > (k, 1) or (i, j) = (k, 1). From (6.1) and (5.1) it follows that (6.3) ~~aitjrka = 0 for all (,y,p), 0 for all (a, A). We will prove (6.2) from the equations (6.3). The equations (6.3) are invariant under the following transformations of Dm'n Zv-> (6.4) Z. zl )tz ZF > AZB, where A and B are fixed unitary matrices respectively of orders m and n. To prove the proposition from (6.3) we can assume without loss of tZ if necessary) that m > 2. generality (after the transformation Z Assume that aijffi ? 0 for some (i, j) and some (a, p3). We want to prove that ai-f" - 0 for all (i, j) and (a, j). By applying a unitary transformation to the rows of Z (i.e., a transformation of the form (6.4) with B = In), we can assume withoutloss of generality that aijf1P# 0 for some 3 and some (i, j). Let the rank of the n x (mn) matrix be p. By applying Lemma 3b) to the smooth map (f f 1 ): U 11 . ) Cn we conclude that, after we apply a linear transformation to the coordinates (wij) and apply a unitary transformation to the columns of Z (i.e., a transformation of the form (6.4) with A = In), we can assume without loss of < generality that for 1 < A ?n, (6.5) {8ajflP = 0 for (i, i)> (1, p) 95 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS For 1 < i < p and (k, 1) > (1, p), consider EAi= that is, EV, kl=?; 1li (&3f1J dklf'A - 0 and 6 af1P (i3, it followsthat Since okif - (6.6) for 1 < i < p and (k, 1) > (1,p) ak-cfli =O We claim that the rank of the (n P: is n - 0 a6f1Aaiif1A) - p) x (mn p) matrix - (6i01f'T)pp<T<n,(k,l)>(1,p) p. Suppose the contrary. Then at 0, af 1P+l A ... A af1n = 0 < By (6.5), af'A = o for p <, 3n. df"1P+' A ... (6.7) A mod (dw-N, * * *, di-10) Hence at 0, - dfln *. mod(dwh11, 0 , d iv) P By (6.5) and (6.6), df'A, 1 < /3< p, is a linear combinationof dwII, d , ..., dwIlp at 0. *.., dwjP, It follows that at 0, AfP=,(df1'A df') - c AsP=,(dw1, A dwiA) forsome constantc. This togetherwith (6.7) impliesthat at 0, A/ =1(df1A A dfl) = 0 at 0. Hence the contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic fin) rank of P is n - p. By applying Lemma 3 a) to the map (fl Pl, whose domain variables are (Wkl), (k, 1) > (1, p) (the other variables being fixed),we conclude that after a linear coordinatechange in the variables ?< n, (wkl), (k, 1) > (1, p), we have for p < ..., (6.8) k-flr <j < for p (&f1T =jr n for 2<k<m, 0 1<1<n. Since this last coordinatechange involves only Wkl with (k, 1) > (1, p), the validityof (6.5) is not affected. Consider Take any 1 < a<m. Let 1< k<m, 1<I <n, and p<i<n. that is, =(@~liflA aklf A- a I fJ) = 0 Since ak-jf'A= 0 and a&f'A= 6jAby (6.6) and (6.8), it followsthat aklfoi = 0 for 1 < a < m,1 < k < m, 1 < l < n, and p < i < n . (6.9) Considernow YUM-TONG SIU 96 54 D Ap (8-f kllj < m, and 1 < j < p. That is, where 1 < a < m, 1 < k < m, 1 <? f'l - aklf p) aj = 0 Since 6klf'fi = 0 and a6jflfi= 6j, by (6.5), it followsthat (6.10) aT-fedj= O for 1 < a l ?<nI< n, and 1 < j <. p . m, 1 < m, 1 < k We claim that, after a linear coordinate change in (Wkl) for k > 1 the followinghold for 1 < i ? m: { , (6.11) (aif fis= alp for 1 <I<p aklfip= 0 for (k,I)>(i,p) a-fifi = 0 for k>i, ifi= alp and 1<,l<n. for p < 1, 8 < n . 1<1, and 1?<,<n. 3<n. We prove this by inductionon i. When i = 1, (6.11)i followsfrom(6.5) and (6.8). Suppose (6.11)i holds for 1 < i < j and j $ m and we want to show that (6.11)j holds. From (6.11)i, 1 < i < j, it followsthat (dwkl, dfaP,1 < a < j, 1 <o < n, is a linear combinationof < k j, 1 < 1 < n, at 0. diikl, 1 From (6.10) it followsthat 1(63 of dWkl, 1 < k < m, {dfi'P 1 _ /3? p, is a linearcombination 1 _ n, and diw,_1< r < n at 0. The p x (m - j + 1)n matrix ('3k fi)1 p ~p,3?lfm,1lfln must have rank p, otherwisefrom(6.12) and (6.13) it followsthat (A a< j,i pn (dfau A dfep)) A (A :? p (dfjfiA dfrp)) vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. By applying Lemma 3 a) to the map (fj31..., fiP) whose domain k < m, 1 < 1 < n (the other variables being fixed), variables are (Wkl), j we conclude that, after a linear coordinate change in (Wkl), j ?k < m 1 1 < n, we have the firsttwo equations of (6.11)j. This impliesthat < (dffip (6.14) 1 ? / ? p, is a linear combinationof dwkl, dikl, p) ~~L (Ic,1),at 0. ~~(j6, From (6.9) it followsthat (df (1 of diIkl, 1 < k < m, K < n, is a linearcombination j, p <, _ I <n, and dw1, 1 < r < n, at 0. OF HARMONIC MAPS COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY The rank of the (n p) x ((m - - j + 1)n - p) - matrix f)jp-<fi<n, (k,l) >(j,p) 00kf must be n 97 p, otherwise it follows from (6.12), (6.14), and (6.15) that n (dfafi Aia -j,!fi< A dafg) vanishes at 0, contradicting the assumption that f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. By applying Lemma 3 a) to the map (fjiP+l, *. ., fin)whose domain variables are (Wkl) with (k, 1) > (j, p) (the other variables being fixed), we conclude that, after a linear coordinate change in (Wkl) with (k, 1) > (j, p), we have the last two equations of (6.11)j. We distinguish between two cases. Case 1. p = n. By the first two equations of (6.11)i we have for all (a, 3) =1 fa & fa-O for (k,1) > (a, 3). Hence the (mn) x (mn) matrix (a ijfP) iaiam ,i?jin is nonsingular. By Lemma 3 a) we can apply a linear change of coordinates to (wij), 1 < i <m , 1 ? j < n so that after this linear coordinate change we have (6.16) - ai jf 3iajfi; but statements derived above concerning _f&afi may no longer remain valid, i.e., (6.6), (6.8), (6.10), and the last two equations of (6.11)i may no longer hold. We are now ready to show that f afi = 0 for all a, h3,i, j. Fix arbitrarily (a, h3)and (i, j). Consider firstthe case i # a. We have n i.e., n>(13ii (a~f -afr iif arafar) r_ a-~f fipaaFr 1:1.=1 By (6.16), - 0 and aafi remaining case i - a. We have = 0 ir. Hence = =0 afi = 0. n arkr= 0 that is, ET= Consider now the Since m > 2 there exists 1 < k < m with k + a. (aajf akf By (6.16), aajfkr = 0 and akfifkr=-ir. fr - araf kr)= Hence Aa-fafi 0. 98 YUM-TONG SIU Case 2. p < n. From the last two equations of (6.11)i, we have (a.-fin=1 ? taint 0 for i > j. It followsthat the rank of the m x (mn) matrix is m. Since p < n, we must have n > 2. Afterwe apply the transformations Z IAtZ where A is the matrix obtained fromLm by interchangingthe firstand last rows, we reduce this case to Case 1 and we thereforeconclude, by the argumentsof Case 1, thataijfa = O for all 1 < i, a < m and 1 < j, d< n, which is a contradiction. Hence Case 2 cannot occur and a af = 0 forall 1 < i, a < m and 1 < j, i ? n. Q.E.D. 7. Adequate negativity of the curvature of D~n PROPOSITION6. For n ? 3 thecurvature tensorRumorqS (1?a<y<n, 1?<3 < p < n, 1 < X a ?< n, 1 _ , < ?_ n) of D"' is adequately negative. Proof. Let U be an openneighborhoodof 0 in C'1/2)'nn-1'. Let (wjj)1?i<1j? be the coordinatesof C'1/2)nfn-1). Let f: U-> D"' be a smoothmap whichmaps the originto the zero matrix and which is locally diffeomorphic at 0. The componentsfaPof the map f satisfyf " = - f Pafor 1 < a, i < n. Assume (7.1) A T<Tp < at< R = 0 at Z = 0. We have to prove that (7.2) Ieither afaP = o at 0 for all 1 < a < f < n orafaP=O0 at 0 forall 1<a<3 ?n. It followsfrom(7.1) and (5.2) that (7.3) =0 for 1 < a, i < n . ET= We will prove (7.2) from the equations (7.3). The equations (7.3) are invariantunder the followingtransformationsof D': Z )-. tAZA (7.4) where A is a fixedunitarymatrixof ordern. Sincef is locallydiffeomorphic at 0, we have either aijfli 0 for some i < j and some (3 OF HARMONIC MAPS COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY or 99 t 0 for some i < j and some if jflP (otherwisedf iP- 0 at 0 for all i3,contradictingA,< (dfhPA dfEP)f 0 at 0). Since the equations (7.3) are invariantunder the transformationZ -* Z, we can assume without loss of generality that deifP 0 for some i < j and some hi. Let the rank of the (n - 1) x (1/2)n(n - 1) matrix (aiifP)1<P n.l-<i<j1. be p - 1. By applyingLemma 3 b) to the smoothmap (f2 fin): Ui > Cn we concludethat, after we apply a linear transformationto the coordinates (wij) and apply a transformationto Z of the form(7.4) with /1 0 NOB where B is a unitarymatrix of order n - 1, we can assume withoutloss of ?< n generalitythat for 1 < =ip al3flP (7.5) p for 1<j for (i, j) > (1, p) . =0 a~Aijf1 For 1 < i < p and (k, 1) > (1, p), consider n rai~l Since aklf1 = ii, kl 0 and aif 1P= 6ip,it followsthat aklf 1" = (7.6) 2,2~, = 0 The rank of the (n - 0 for 1 < i _ p and (k, 1) > (1, p) . p) x ((1/2)n(n - 1) - p + 1) matrix 7 n,(k,1)> (1,p) (a 0 f ") p<r must be n - p, otherwiseit followsfrom(7.5) and (7.6) that A dfi') A>&=1(df1P vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. By applying Lemma 3 a) to the map (flP+l, fls) whose domain ., variables are (wkl) with (k, 1) > (1, p) (the other variables being fixed),we concludethat, after a linear change in the coordinates (Wk,), (k, 1) > (1, p), we have for p <K < n, (7.7) Tso ftaft = {a-flr a1fro h2e vi = jr for p<j<n o ?k ln 5for This does not affectthe validityof (7.5). k< < n. YUM-TONGSIU 100 For 1 < a < n, 1 < k < 1 < n, and p < i < n, consider ~n pL Since aciflp (7.8) = i iki 0 by (7.7) and aj-f1P =-i = aklfai = 0 by (7.6) and (7.7), it followsthat and p<i<n. for 1<a<n,1<k<I<n, 0 For 1 < a < n, 1 < k < 1 < n, and 1 < j < p, consider Since aklf1 (7.9) [P 0 and aif3 akcfai = 0 by (7.5), it followsthat -p for 1 < a < n, 1 < k < l < n, and 1 < j < p . We claimthat, aftera linearcoordinatechange in (Wkt) for 1 < k < I < n the followingholds for 1 < i < n: (7.10) (aTf'P p and i<13 Tilfif dip for i<l aklfifi= 0 for (k, 1) > (i, p) a1iAip= 0 for i<k<l<n < n = dip for max(i, p) < I < n and i < S < n and i<,?<n. We prove it by inductionon i. When i = 1, (7.10)i follows from (7.5) and (7.7). Suppose (7.10)i holds for 1 < i < j and j ? n and we want to show that (7.10)j holds. From (7.10)i, 1 < i < j, it followsthat dfa, 1 < a < j, a < 3 < n, is a linear combinationof 1 < k < j, k < I < n, at 0. dwkldikl (7.1) From (7.9) it followsthat (7.12) {df iP,j <,i _ p, is a linear combinationof dWkl, 1 _ k < 1 < n, and dwv,,1 < r < n. When p > j, the (p - j) x (1/2)(n- j + 1)(n - j) matrix j5k< <-n (aklfj) j<Pi5pp must have rank p - j, otherwisefrom(7.11) and (7.12) it followsthat (A/<a<ja<pn(dfaP A df a)) A (A j<Ais(dfjP A df P)) vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. By applying Lemma 3 a) to the map (fi?1, **., fil) whose domain variables are (Wkl), j < k < 1 < n (the other variables being fixed),we conclude that, after a linear coordinatechange in (Wkl), j ? k < 1 < n, we have the firsttwo equations of (7.10)j. This impliesthat (7.13) df'j, j < , ? p, is a linear combinationof dwkl,dwkl, (j, p) > (k, 1) at 0. 101 OF HARMONIC MAPS COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY From (7.8) it followsthat df'i, max (j, p) <,8 < n, is a linear combination of dikl, 1 < k < I < n, and dw, 1 < r < n, at 0. (7.14) The rank of the (n - max(j, p)) x (1/2(n - j + 1)(n - j) - max(0, p - j)) matrix (k,l) 00-kf >(j,p) <P<-n, j)mas(j,v) must be n that - max(j, p), otherwise it follows from (7.11), (7.13), and (7.14) Ala<ja<,<n(dfaPd fA dfa) vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumption that f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. By applyingLemma 3 a) to the map (f jmax(j)+l, I * fjn) whose domain variables are (Wkl) with (k, 1) > (j, p) (the other variables being fixed),we conclude that, after a linear coordinatechange in (Wkl) with (k, 1) > (j, p), we have the last two equations of (7.10)j. We distinguishbetween the followingtwo cases. , Case 1. p = n. By the firsttwo equations of (7.10)i the ((1/2)n(n - 1)) x ((1/2)n(n - 1)) matrix (ai f )~i<j <-n, Ia< P n is nonsingular. By Lemma 3 a) we can apply a linear coordinatechange to < j < n, so that after this coordinatechange we have (wij), 1 = 6iajp for 1 < i < j < n and 1 < a < 3 <?n, (7.15) ajjfc1P at the expense of possibly sacrificingthe validity of (7.6), (7.7), (7.9), and the last two equations of (7.10)i. We want to show that a-fi = 0 for 1 < i < j ? n and 1 ? a <( 3? n. and n, a.= For notational convenience, we define, for ?i <j -ai =- =-&. First we show that (7.16) a-yfaP=0 for 1 < a, 8, j < n with j a and + a . Since n > 3, we can choose 1 ? k < n with k + a and k + (3. Consider n Lar: Er kr _0 a-- -k that is, (7.17) =>l(a faTakPfkT - aifara jfkr) = 0 0 if y + a. On the other Since a # k, it follows from (7.15) that ajfkT 0. Hence in any case a-far ajfkr = 0. Since then fa hand, if y=a, by (7.15), it followsfrom(7.17) that Aa-j = 0. akPf r = 6py We want to prove Now fix 1 < a < S _ n and 19 i,pj < n with i +j. - SIU YUM-TONG 102 0. Because of (7.16), we can assume withoutlossofgenerality a-f" = that a, ,, i, j are distinct. Consider that that is, (7.18) _ (f f 0 aifar - 0) that P-fa' It follows from (7.16) (and the fact that fa Aasfar = 6r by (7.15), we have &afaP= 0 from(7.18). - 0. Since Case 2. p < n. From the last two equations of (7.10)i, we have jafi Since fni matrix for 1 < i < j < n . 1 - -fi-, it follows that the rank of the (n (fe~jf'")<i is n - ?<j?,1?a< - 1) x (1/2)n(n - 1) n 1. Afterwe apply the transformation Z tAZA -' where A is the matrixobtained fromI,, by interchangingthe firstand last columns,we reduce this case to Case 1 and we thereforeconclude,by the argumentsof Case 1, that aijf"P= 0 forall 1 < i < j < n and 1 < a < i3< n, which is a contradiction. Hence Case 2 cannotoccur and a3f0 = 0 for all Q.E.D. 1< i< j ? n and 1< a <B_ ? n. 8. Adequate negativity of the curvature of DE"' 7. For n > 2 thecurvaturetensorRay,V, AS - (1 < a _ ? n, < a < n, 1 ?< < z < n) of DnI" is adequately negative. lf3?p <n n< 1 PROPOSITION Proof. Let U be an open neighborhoodof 0 in C'1/2'ff'n+1'.Let (Wij),,<<-, be the coordinatesof C 12'"'+. Let f: U-->Dl" be a smooth map which at 0. maps the origin to the zero matrix and whichis locally diffeomorphic f P off satisfyfap = f Pofor1 < a, 3< n. Assume The components (8.1) /a-yi?p, R,. A at Z = 0. We have to prove that (8.2) Lp7 L.j~el = 0 iP either 0f'i=0 at 0 for 1 ? a < A < n or afaP= Oat 0 for 1 < a <A? < n . From (8.1) and (5.3) it followsthat (8.3) InskL =0 for 1 <a, 3< n. We will prove(8.2) fromthe equations(8.3). The equations(8.3) are invariant COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY 103 OF HARMONIC MAPS under the following transformations of D,"': ZF - (8.4) tAZA, where A is a fixed unitary matrix of order n. Since f is locally diffeomorphicat 0, we have either atJf' #0 for some i _ j j f1L W0 for some i or < j (otherwise df1 = 0 at 0, contradicting A a<?(dfaP A dfr) # 0 at 0). Since the equations (8.3) are invariant under the transformation Z ---i Z, we can 0 for some i < j. Let the assume without loss of generality that aijf rank of the n x (1/2)n(n + 1) matrix (a~ijf 1, nlijn be p. By applying Lemma 3 c) to the smooth map (f f17): *... U- Cla we conclude that, after we apply a linear transformation to the coordinates (wij) and apply a transformation to Z of the form (8.4) with /1 0 0 B where B is a unitary matrix of order n - 1, we can assume without loss of generality that p jflp= ajar for 1 _ j < p, 1 (8.5) for 1 < j a l1jf1 =0 aij for = p, p< (i, j) > (1, p), 1 n < 3? n. For 1 < i < p and (k, 1) > (1, p), consider n that is, f EPliflp>klflp - alflifp) = 0 = 6ip and aklf'p - 0 by (8.5), it follows that Since a1if1P (8.6) and (kl)>(1,p). alfli = O. 1 < i < p Let q be the rank of the (n - p) x ((1/2)n(n + 1) - p) matrix P Select p < il < ... = (a@lf1)p<i<<.,(k,l)>(l,p) - < iq < n such that the rank of the q x ((1/2)n(n + 1) - p) 104 YUM-TONG SIU matrix 1i&')J<_v<q, (ksl) > (1, p) (akjf whose domain is q. By applying Lemma 3 a) to the map (f l, fliq) variables are (Wkl), (k, 1) > (1, p) (the other variables being fixed),we conclude that,aftera linear change in the variables (Wkl), (k, 1) > (1, p), we can assume withoutloss of generalitythat (8.7) 1 for 1 : v, j < q for (k,l)>(1, p+q),1< , 3lj~pF- -= akf1i=0 q. We must have (8.8) fl for (k, 1)> (1,p + q), p < i< n, _0 For (k, 1) > (1, p + q), consider otherwisethe rank of the matrix P is >q. n0 this is, Er Since aklflr that (aflraifir - ) a11f'talf o ? 0 and allft'1- ( for 1 < Y < p by (8.5), it follows from (8.8) for (k, 1)> (1, p + q) . When p + q < n, this impliestogetherwith (8.5), (8.6), (8.7), and (8.8) that at 0, (8.9) 0f1Wz=0 df' A ... A df in A dfF' A ... A dfIn is a linear combinationof exteriorproductsof dwl,,dwv,for 1 < I ? p + q and hence must be zero, which contradictsthe fact that f is locally diffeomorphicto 0. Thereforewe must have q = n - p. Thus i, = p + v and (8.7), (8.8), (8.9) read for p<1,f3<n lf = alp for 1 < kk<?I < n, p < 3 < n (8.10) -f'i= 0 I, f11= 0 for 1 < k < I n . Takeany l <caxn. that is, nand p<i<n. Letl<k<I< En (0-f1Paklfi - a fif 0 Since akf' = 0 by (8.6) and (8.10) and since a-f'j and (8.10), it followsthat afif llaklfal + aklf i Consider 0 ? - 6ipfor 1 <,3 < n by (8.6) 105 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS Because f 1 = flo,by (8.5) we have (8.11) =O aklfai for 1 < aklfal = a where 1<a<n, Since =i 0 Thatis, 1<k<1<n,and1<jp. 0 and aljf 'P = bjpby (8.5), it follows that aklf1f (8.12) c 0B t ak,t n. n, p < i < n, 1 < kk<I? < Consider now n Epn= 0. Hence -=O for 1<a<n,1<k a(3f l<n, and 1<j<p. We are going to prove by induction on i for 1 < i < n that after a linear coordinate change in (Wkl) for 1 < k I < n, the following hold: { ft aklfi (8.13)i = -o p for i for i AiP= 31g for a ak-ifi- = 0 <,i < n and i < I < p < n and (k, l) > < max(i, p + 1) <,SI <fl for i < k? I < n (i, p) n and i < 8 < n. To avoid a repetitious initial step of the induction process, we agree to mean by (8.13), the vacuous statement and prove (8.13)i by induction on i for 1 ? i < n. Now we prove (8.13)j-1 (8.13)i for 1 < i < n. From (8.5), (8.6), (8.10), it follows that (8.14) df", df'" is a linear combination of dw11,.., ., * dw, di1, ... , div. at 0. From (8.13), (1 < v< (8.15)* df i) it follows that for 1 < v <i dfPn is a linear combination of dwkl, 1<k<, k<I diwkl, <n. From (8.11) and (8.12) it follows that (8.16) df dftP is a linear combination of dWkl, 1 < k ? I ? n, , and di&j, 1 < j < n, at 0, and (8.17) df 'P,max(i, p + 1) < ,8 < n, can be expressed in terms of diwkl, 1 < k < I < n, and dwlj, 1 < j < n at 0. When p > i, the (p - i + 1) x (1/2)(n - i + 1)(n - i + 2) matrix Q: must have rank p it follows that - -=8l f<< g~g i + 1; otherwise from (8.14), (8.15)v, 1 < v < i, and (8.16) YUM-TONG SIU 106 A df _))A (AP=X(dfipA dfi)) vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic .., * fiP) whose domain at 0. By applying Lemma 3a) to the map (f i variables are Wkl, i < k < I ? n (the othervariables being fixed),we conclude that, after a linear coordinatechange in Wkl, i < k < 1 < n, the firsttwo equations of (8.13)i are satisfied. This impliesthat (Ai<a<i (8.18) df ar!4<n(df-\ **, dftP is a linear combination of dWkl, diikl, (li,p) > (k, 1). The (n - max(i, p + 1) + 1) x ((1/2)(n - i + 1)(n matrix L: ( - i + 2)- max(O, p - i + 1)) f )max(ifp?l, (k.l,(i.max(i.p?1)) musthave rankn - max (i, p + 1) + 1; otherwisefrom(8.14), (8.15)",1 < v <i, (8.18), and (8.17) it followsthat Ai<a<i "pP<n(dfaP A dfo) vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. By applying Lemma 3a) to the map (fi maax(i 'P1) *I fin) whose domain variables are Wkl, (k, I) > (i, max(i, p + 1)) (the othervariables being fixed), , we conclude that, after a linear coordinatechange in p + 1)), the last two equations of (8.13)i are satisfied. We distinguishbetween two cases. Wkl, (k, 1) > (max(i, Case 1. p = n. By (8.5) and (8.13)i, 1 < i < n, the (1/2)n(n+ 1) x (1/2)n(n+ 1) matrix is nonsingular. By Lemma 3a) we can apply a linear change of coordinates to (wij), 1 < i < j < n so that after this linear coordinatechange we have (8.19) aijf-fi= 3j for 1< i<j<n and 1<a<,< n, at the expense of possiblysacrificingthe validity of (8.6), (8.10), (8.12), and the last two equations of (8.13)i. We want to show that da-jf" = 0 for 1 < i < j < n and 1 < a < ,3 < n. . For notationalconvenience,we define,for1 ? i < j < n, aji aij and 82-i < Take 1 < a, s, j, k, I n with +k, 1. Consider brlkl,,pj= i.e., fl_ (6Rkfaf aafi- far It followsfromH3 UB k, I and (8.19) that aklf Pr 0f) =. 0. From (8.19) we also have 107 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS daijf':2= b. Hence for 1 < a, j, ky1 <n , if there exists 1 <?!3?<n with 83/ k, 1. When n > 3, for any given 1 < k, I < n, we can always find1 < 38< n with 38# k, l. It remainsto prove the (8.20) =0 akfa case n = 2. Consider for (a, 3, i, j, k, t) = (1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, (1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2), (2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2). That is, (8.21) ii a-f 11 1 isj l (12f 12f21 (2f2- 0 +f"h2f"? a&-f 12allf12 -aiif'a2f12- - a312f32f2' ? (f2(2f _ ff21' 12f2' + &f22 al2f'2 0 - a22f22 a-f22 a12f22 - 0 By (8.20), afi for 1 < a, ? < 2 . =0 =-fi By (8.19) f alfla 228- ajf12 = = a J22= 121- 0 . It followsfrom(8.21) that aij1 12 = al2f = a2f 22 = 0 Case 2. p < n. It followsfrom(8.10) and (8.13)i, 1 < i <n , that for 1 < i < j < n .fin =a Since fi" ft", it followsthat the rank of the n x (1/2)n(n+ 1) matrix (a-i-f) Z3 1e;a <n' 19i:9j:!-~n is n. Afterwe apply the transformation Z , tAZA, where A is the matrix obtained fromI, by interchangingthe firstand last columns,we reduce this case to Case 1 and we thereforeconclude,by the argumentsof Case 1, that ajfaiiS = 0 forall 1 < i ? j ? n and 1 < a < ,8 < n, which is a contradiction. Hence Case 2 cannot occur and a(-3Pfai - 0 for all 1 ? i ? j ? n and 1 < Q.E.D. <? 8 < n. 9. Adequate negativity of the curvature of D"V PROPOSITION8. For n > 3 thecurvaturetensorR,,r,-(1< a, p, by,a < n) of DnVis adequately negative. Proof. Let U be an open neighborhoodof 0 in Cn. Let wi(1 ? i < n) be Let f: U -> DV be a the coordinates of Cn. Denote l/awi, l/aw'by ai, (. YUM-TONG SIU 108 smooth map which sends the origin to the origin and which is locally diffeomorphic at 0. Let f(1 < a ? n) be the components of f and let =d(8f-f)(0)(a8f)(0)-(adf)(0)(8sf) Assume 0 L (9.1) at 0 for all 1 < i, j _ n. We have to show that n. n or faf 0 at 0 for 1<a< 0 at 0 for 1<a< eitheraf (9.2) For notational simplicity we will denote (3ifa)(0), (aff)(0), (aifa)(0), (j f)(0) simply by aif, a3-fa, afa,a-f respectively. From (9.1) and (5.4) it follows that { =0 t:=la$ (9.3)..-i~-J=0 for all ij for all i, j, a, h. of (9.3) is invariant equation under the automorphism The second of (9.3). We will prove (9.2) only from the second equation z a -z of DAV. For 1?< a, < a2< a,< n let Vala2a3 be the vector subspace of the tangent space TL-Oof U at 0 consisting all tangent vectors whose images under df are annihilated by dz,,p,d,,,, 1 < i- < 3. Since f is locally diffeomorphicat is of real codimension 6 in Tu,0. By Lemma 1, we can choose a basis ... , en of Tf,,0over C such that el, 0, VaIa2cf3 nf(el-31Cei) = 0 Vana2a3 n. We denote again n and all I < il < ... < in3?< by wi, 1 < i < n, the linear coordinate system of U such that ej = 2 Re (a/awj) for all map variables a3< 2a< 1<i<n. atO, the <1 a, < and any 1<i1 Thenforanyl<a1<a2<a3<?n fa2, (fal, whose fa3) domain variables are wil wi2, <i2<i3<n, wi3 (the other being fixed at 0) is locally diffeomorphic at 0. For the conclusion < a3 < n clearly it suffices to show that for any 1 < a1 <2 of the proposition, and anyl < il < i2 < i3 < n either a, Ct2 = 0 for 1 se, \ ? 3 or aa --fa 0 ,, X < 3. Hence in order to derive the conclusion of the proposition from the second equation of (9.3), it suffices to consider the case n = 3. We for 1 < assume now n = 3. below in full from the second equation of (3.9): We write out nine equations $8^ = _ f 1lf2 = a~f2_2f'_ a-f2al f2f a- (9.4) al (9.5) ) a fls (9.6) (9.6) aEjRf~~lpf2 (9.7) the af2 a:+- __f,~af f2f = a~~~~~~~~~~~~f283fl f2 _ -~ 2 -3 a -fla~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f2 a f?3fa~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 2 a -_j laf2 _-aEif31 = a-Rf2Ejalf _ _ a-Rf23 1f2 f if3 2f2 _ af3 a1f2 = a-f2 f3 _- -f2 1f3, i j 109 COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS (9.8) a-f3 (9.9) a8f3a1f2 - 3f2 8f3 _ = 2f2 a-f3a3f2 J2a 3f3 f3 =af2a -fa2 - _ f3 , f3 a-f2 I 3J3a1f &-f'af3= a-f3_2f' 3 f3 -3fa2f3 = aJ3a3f'-_3a-2f a-fla _aifa3fa f3 a-f3a=fl falf3 f3 hfla (9.10) (9. 1) (9.12) Let p be the rank of the 3 x 3 matrix (8fa) ita,3 and q be the rank of We claim that one of p and q is at least 2. the 3 x 3 matrix (afj)1<i?3. Suppose the contrary. Then we can choose 1 <? x, ft 3 such that for 1 _ a <!~ 3, af = jaf at 0 for some X, g, e C (which may be zero). It follows that at 0 the 6-form Aa==(df' A dfa) Any af', and hence is a linear combination of exterior products of af'1, must be 0, contradicting the assumption that f is locally diffeomorphicat 0. By applying the transformation z -*,z if necessary, we can assume without loss of generality af,, that p > 2. Case 1. p = 3. By Lemma aThf= From (9.4)-(9.12) change in wi, 3 a), after a linear coordinate 1 < i < 3, we can assume without loss of generality that for 1 < i, a < 3 . bi it follows that a-fl -=-f2 (9.13) 0 =-f2 =-f3= 0 - a3f3 = (9.14) 0 0 0= 2 f f2 3 =a- ~31 0, _a f (9.15) = af3 From (9.13), (9.14), and (9.15) it follows that 1= Hence jfa = 0 for 1 <i Case 2. p - 8_f2 = a-f3 = _a-3fI , a < 3. 2. At 0, two After renumbering fl, f2, f3 of af1, 3f2, 3f3 are if necessary, linearly we can assume independent. without loss of YUM-TONGSIU 110 at 0. Afterapplyinga are linearlyindependent linear coordinatechange to w_,1 < i < 3, we have 3f'= dw, af = dw. generalitythat afl, af2 for 1 < j ? 3, 1 ? a < 2. Since afI is a linear combinaat 0; i.e., ajfa =j tion of 3f' and af2 at 0, we have a33f3 0. From (9.5), (9.6), and (9.12) it followsthat 3f = 0 for 1 < a ? 3. Combiningthis with a3fa 0O for 1 < a < 3, we concludethat dfO,df", 1 < a < 3, are linear combinationsof div-2at 0. Hence dw1,dw2, div-1, A a=l (dfa A dfa) vanishes at 0, contradictingthe assumptionthat f is locally diffeomorphic at 0. Thus Case 2 cannot occur and we have &fT = 0 for 1 < i, a < 3. 10. Strong rigidity and other applications THEOREM 6. k > 2. Suppose g: N If the curvature Kdhler manifolds. if the map H1(N, R) -> --> map of compact tensor of M is negative of order k and H1(M, R) induced then g is homotopic to a holomorphic M is a continuous by f is nonzero for some I ? 2k, or conjugate holomorphic map from N to M. Proof. There exists a harmonic map f: N -> M which is homotopicto g. Since the map H1(N, R) -->HI(M, R) induced by f is nonzero, it follows that rankRdf> 2k at some point of N. By Theorem5, f is either holomorphic Q.E.D. or conjugate holomorphic. The followingtheoremfollowsfromTheorem6 and Lemma 2. THEOREM 7. Suppose M is a compact Kdhler manifold tensor is strongly negative. Then for k > 2 an element of H2k(M, Z) can be represented by a complex-analytic by the continuous subvariety of M if it can be represented image of a compact Kdhler manifold. THEOREM 8. Let g: N-> M be a continuous manifolds, both of complex dimension of M is adequately H2,-2(N, R) -> H2-2(M, a biholomorphic whose curvature negative. n Suppose map g is of degree R) induced by g is injective. or conjugate of compact Kdhler > 2. Suppose the curvature tensor biholomorphic 1 and the map Then g is homotopic to map from N to M. Proof. By Theorem 6, g is homotopicto a holomorphicor conjugate holomorphicmap f: N -> M. Let V be the set of points of N where f is not locally homeomorphic. Since f is of degree 1, V # N. Suppose V is nonempty. COMPLEX-ANALYTICITY OF HARMONIC MAPS 111 We want to derive a contradiction. V is a complex-analyticsubvariety of purecomplexcodimension1 in N, because locally V is definedby det(aza/awz) whenf is conjugate holomorphic, whenf is holomorphicand by det(dzc/dwi) where (z") (respectively(wZ)) is a holomorphiclocal coordinatesystemof M (respectivelyN). f( V) is a complex-analyticsubvarietyin M. Since f is of degree 1, f maps N - f'- (f( V)) bijectively onto M - f( V). The complex codimensionof f( V) in M is at least two. For otherwisethereexists v C V such that v is an isolated pointof f-(f(v)) and, by using a local coordinate chart (wz) of N at v and by applying the Riemannremovablesingularity theoremto wLof l or w&o f ' on U - f( V) for some open neighborhoodof at v, contradicting f(v) in M, we conclude that f is locally diffeomorphic v E V. Hence the elementin H2ff_2(N, R) definedby V is mappedby f to the zero element in H22, (M, R), contradicting the injectivity of the map Q.E.D. H2-2 (N, R) -> H2n-2(M,R) inducedby f. Now Theorems2 and 4 followfromTheorem8, Lemma 2, and Propositions 5-8. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA REFERENCES [ 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] A unique continuation theorem for solutions of elliptic partial differential N. ARONSZAJN, equations or inequalities of second order, J. Math. Pures Appl. 36 (1957), 235-249. E. BEDFORD and B. A. TAYLOR, Variational properties of the complex Monge-Ampere equation I. Dirichlet principle, Duke Math. J. 45 (1978), 375-403. E. CALABI and E. VESENTINI, On compact locally symmetric Kahler manifolds, Ann. of Math. 71 (1960), 472-507. J. EELLS and L. LEMAIRE, A report on harmonic maps, Bull. London Math. Soc. 10 (1978), 1-68. J. EELLS and J. H. SAMPSON,Harmonic mappings of Riemannian manifolds, Amer. J. Math. 86 (1964), 109-160. [61 P. 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