Journalof Ecology1996, 84, 841-851 Nitrogenmineralization, plantgrowthand goose herbivory in an Arcticcoastal ecosystem DEBORAH J. WILSON* and ROBERT L. JEFFERIES Department ofBotany,University of Toronto,25 WillcocksStreet,Toronto,Ontario,Canada MSS 3B2 Summary 1 Lessersnowgeesefeedintensively on graminoidvegetationinintertidal saltmarshes at La Perouse Bay, Manitoba. Relativelylittlegrazingoccursin more inland sites, wherethesame vegetationpersistsbut tidalinundationsare infrequent. At somesites geesehave grubbedvegetationexposingsediments. 2 Feedingpreferences of geesemaybe linkedto theavailabilityof nitrogenforplant growthin the different areas. Total soil nitrogen,exchangeableinorganicnitrogen, netmineralization of nitrogen,togetherwithsoil properties, weremeasuredin interin intertidalgrubbedsites. tidal and inland sites (both grazed and ungrazed),and of nitrogenwerecomparedwithaboveWhereapplicable,ratesof netmineralization groundbiomassand withthenitrogencontentof shootsofgraminoidsin bothgrazed and ungrazed(exclosed)swards. 3 All soils wereregosolicstaticcryosolswitha thinAh humushorizon.Most graminoid roots were confinedto the top 2 cm of soil, few penetrateddeeper than 5 cm. Bulk densityof soil 1-2cm below thesurfacewas 0.87 g cm3 and 0.53g in theintertidal respectively, and inlandmarsh,and watercontentand salinityof soil werehigherin theinlandmarsh. 4 Total nitrogenin soils (0-2 cm below the surface) in the inland marsh was 118g ? 6g N m-2comparedwith80 + 2 g N m2 in the intertidalmarsh.Total soil nitrogen,exchangeableinorganicnitrogenand net mineralizationof soil nitrogen weresignificantly greaterbeneathintactswardscomparedwithgrubbedswardsin the intertidal marsh. 5 Seasonal netcumulativeamountofnitrogenmineralizedin theintertidal marsh(86 days) in 1991 was 0.53 g N m-2at a soil depthof 1-2cm. The comparablevalue for the inland marshwas 0.06 g N m2. In 1992 (54 days) the net amount of nitrogen mineralizedin vegetatedintertidalsiteswas 0.18g N m-2 (1-2cm) and in grubbed sitesit was 0.06 g N m2. 6 Cumulativeabove-groundbiomass of graminoidspecies in exclosed plots was greaterin theintertidalmarshcomparedwiththatin theinlandmarsh.The amount of nitrogen(as percentage)in above-groundbiomasswas also higherin plantsfrom theintertidal marsh. in thequantityand qualityof vegetationare associatedwithvariation 7 Differences in biogeochemicalcyclingin soils.Geese exploitpatchesofvegetationas theirprimary sourceofforagewherenetabove-groundprimaryproductionis highand planttissues are richin nitrogen. habitatdestruction, lessersnowgoose, Keywords: biogeochemicalcycling,graminoids, salt-marshsoils JournalofEcology(1996) 84, 841-851 c 1996British Ecological Society Correspondence:RobertL. Jefferies. * Presentaddress:DepartmentofZoology,University Blvd.,Vancouver,BritishColumbia, ofBritishColumbia,6270 University Canada V6T 1Z4. 842 Nitrogen mineralization, plantsand herbivory ? 1996British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 Introduction in herbivores often findnutrient-rich forage Northern (Jefferies et al. earlysuccessional plantassemblages colonyof lesser 1994).One exampleis a breeding L.) that snowgeese(Ansercaerulescens caerulescens phryfeedon thegraminoid vegetation (Puccinellia saltganodes andCarexsubspathacea) oftheintertidal marshflatsat La PerouseBay on theHudsonBay 1986; coast(Cargill& Jefferies 1984;Bazely& Jefferies Hik et al. 1992).Observations and countsof faecal intensive feeding densities indicate thatafter hatching occursin frequently inundatedintertidal areas. In little occursinmoreinland contrast, relatively grazing areas at higherelevationsalongthe topographical community gradient, where,although thegraminoid are infrequent. Overfive persists, tidalinundations m-2 successive seasonstheseasonaltotalofdroppings on theintertidal doublethat flatswasapproximately on the moreinlandmarsh(Jefferies, unpublished data). intheinterThegeesemayforage moreintensively ofgraminoid tidalmarshbecauseoftheavailability perhapsas a forageof greaterqualityor quantity, forplant resultof an enhancedsupplyof nitrogen interrestrial ecosystems, growth. Primary production in general, is oftenlimited (Vitouseket bynitrogen (Pomeroy al. 1989),as itmaybe inbothsaltmarshes etal. 1992), 1970)andarcticecosystems (Nadelhoffer in particular. of nitrogen forplant The availability determined growthis primarily by therateof net in soil(Vitousek etal. 1989). mineralization nitrogen The biogeochemical of nitrogen in soilsof turnover arcticand subarctic has beenshownto vary regions et al. along topographical gradients(Nadelhoffer 1991;Giblinet al. 1991).Changesin soil nitrogen forplantgrowth availability mayoccuras a resultof differences bothin soil conditions and in ratesof ofplantlitter(Coleyet al. microbial decomposition 1985;Pastor& Naiman1992). ofthemidDuringthelasttwodecadesnumbers continentpopulationof lessersnow geese have increased at a rateof - 7% perannum dramatically ofthese etal. 1996).Theforaging activities (Abraham ofsalt-marsh swards birdshaveledtothedestruction at La PerouseBay and elsewhere, and thedevelopofa positive, mentofmudflats as a result degenerative feedback & Jefferies 1995a,b,1996). (Srivastava In thisstudy wecompared and sitesintheintertidal of inlandmarshes withrespect to (1) theavailability soilnitrogen forplantgrowth (as ratesofnetnitrogen in thesediment), of mineralization (2) thequantity foragegraminoids (biomassof the above-ground qualityofforstanding crop),and(3) thenutritional age graminoids(as nitrogencontentof above-ground biomass). Net rates of nitrogenmineralizationwere also compared at both sites between sediments beneathgrazed and ungrazed(exclosed) swards,in order to determinewhethergrazing affectednet mineralizationof soil nitrogenwithin a growing season, and betweensoils beneathgrazed intertidal swardsand grubbedsiteswheregeesehad previously destroyedall vegetationby grubbing. Methods SITE DESCRIPTION Intertidaland estuarinemarshesoccur on the shores ofLa Prouse Bay (58?04'N,94?03'W) on theHudson Bay coast. Hudson Bay is undergoingisostaticuplift at an estimatedrate of between0.4 and 1.2m per century(Andrews1966, 1973). The shoregradientis 0.4 m km-l.The salinityof the inshoretidal water is low (< 12g dissolvedsolids L-'). Much of thesaltmarshvegetationhas been destroyedby theforaging activitiesof lessersnow geese and Canada geese and the resultingexposed sedimentsmay become hypersalinein summerin the absence of tidal inundations 1995b,1996). 1988a,b;Srivastava& Jefferies (Jefferies The soils of the intertidaland adjacent inland marshes,the lattercoveredby less than one tide per year, are regosolic static cryosols (Canadian Soil ClassificationSystem, AgricultureCanada 1987), characterized bya mineralhorizon(Cg) inwhichgleying occursin the activelayerthatis up to 25-30 cm deepin summer.The thinsurfaceAh horizoninwhich humusis present(0-3 cm below thesurface)becomes veryshallowcloserto thecoast and is classifiedas an organichorizon(> 17% carbonW/,)onlyintheinland marsh. Where the vegetationhas been grubbedby geese,soils lack a surfacemat of rootsand rhizomes. MEASUREMENT SALINITY NITROGEN OF BULK DENSITY, PH AND OF SOILS AND TOTAL CARBON IN SOIL AND PLANT SAMPLES AND On 23 August, 1991, we collectedfoursoil samples (10 cm x 10cm x 7 cmdeep) fromeach ofthreestudy marshand in theadjacentinland sitesin theintertidal marshboth of whichweredominatedby Puccinellia and Carex subspathacea.In addition,on phryganodes 5 August 1992,we took foursoil samplesfromboth vegetatedand grubbedareas in each of threestudy marsh.Samplesweretakenfrom sitesin theintertidal locations separatedby about 20 m and the distance betweensiteswas at least 200 m. We determinedthe bulk density(g drywt cm-3 of freshsoil) of all soils at a depthof 1-2 cm: thiswas the depth of soil used to determinenet rates of mineralizationand was where the majorityof the graminoidroots were located. Soils were dried at 50 ?C for7 daysbeforetheywereweighedon a Mettler balance (model 160). We measuredthe pH of soils taken froma depth of 0-2cm with a glass-calomel electrode(50% deionized water to 50% soil v/w, measurements takenafter15 min).In 1991we used an (model 3110, atomic absorptionspectrophotometer 843 D.J. Wilson&R.L. Jefferies PerkinElmer,Norwalk,CT, USA) to determinethe salinityofwaterextractedfromsoil at a similardepth by means of the procedureof Srivastava& Jefferies (1995a) (n = 3 per site,chosenat random).Detailed soil salinitydata for grubbedand vegetatedareas in the intertidalmarshin 1991 and 1992 have been 1995a,b, reportedelsewhere(Srivastava & Jefferies 1996).For measurements oftotalcarbonand nitrogen in soils, samplesweretakenfromeach soil block at intervalsof one centimetre between0 and 2 cm below the surfacein 1991, and between0 and 5 cm below the surfacein 1992, dried and ground in a Wiley mill(40 meshsize). We determined total amountsof carbon and nitrogen(% of soil drywt) witha CHN analyser(Series600, LECO, St. JosephMI, USA). MEASUREMENT NITROGEN ? 1996 British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 OF NET RATES OF SOIL MINERALIZATION In 1991 we measurednet ratesof nitrogenmineralizationin both intertidaland inlandmarshes,in the presenceand absence of goose grazing.Ten plots, each 1m x 1m, wereestablishedin each of thethree studysitesin both the intertidaland inlandmarshes in areas whereintactswardsof salt-marshgraminoid plants occurred. We placed chicken-wirefencing aroundfiveplotschosenat randomfromeach group of 10, in orderto exclude geese. In 1992,we establisheda further six pairs of plots,each 1m x 1m, in area. vegetatedand grubbedportionsoftheintertidal Grubbedplots had littleor no vegetation.The plots in each pair wereless than 5 m apart,whereaspairs of plotswerebetween20 m and 50 m apart. We used the buried bag method (Eno 1960) to determinenet rates of nitrogenmineralization.For a soil core 7.5 cm in diameterand each measurement 2.0 cm deep was removedfromjust underthesurface layer (0-1 cm) and placed in a polyethylenebag Onta('Glad', FirstBrandsCorporation,Orangeville, rio,Canada), 25 ,um thick,thatwas perviousto oxygen (Gordon et al. 1987; Gordon 1988). We buried thebaggedsoil back in thecavityfromwhichthecore had been removed,replaced the surfacelayer and sealed it along the contactzone withloose soil. In 1991 we buriedthreesequentialseriesof bags. The bags wereplaced in randomlocationsin each plot on 5 and 6 June(two bags per plot), 7 and 8 July(one bag) and 1 and 2 August(two bags). Whentwo bags were buried per plot, the two were harvestedon different dates. We harvestedbags buriedon 5 and 6 Juneafter17-18 days (23 June)and 33-36 days (9 and 11 July).We harvestedbags buriedon 7 and 8 Julyafter20 days(29 July).We harvestedbags buried on 1 and 2 Augustafter10 days (11 and 12 August) and 29-30 days (31 August).In 1992,foursequential seriesof bags wereburiedapproximatelyonce every 14 days (one bag per plot) (12 June,26 June,9 July, 22 July)and wereharvested14-15dayslater(27 June, 11 July,23 July,5 August,respectively). At thetimes soil cores wereburiedand collected,we took turves (8 cm x 8 cm x 5 cm deep) fromeach plot to determine ambientamountsof exchangeableammonium and nitrateions. The followingextractionsor measurementswere made on soil fromturvesor bagged soil within12h of harvest.Threesoil samplesfrompreviouslyunexposed soil weretakenfromeach turfor bag of soil. We extractedexchangeableammoniumand nitrate ions fromone sample by placingit in 50mL of 1M and filKCl, shakingthe resultingslurryfrequently concentrations teringit after4 h. We thendetermined ofammoniumand nitrateionsin extractsbymeansof the phenol-sodiumnitroprusside method(Solarzano 1969) forammoniumions and Marshall'sreagentfor nitrite ions(Morris& Riley1963)followingreduction of nitrateto nitriteby zinc powder.The second soil samplewas driedfor7 days at 50?C to determineits moisturecontent(g H20 g l drywtsoil),and theredox by potential(mV) ofthethirdsamplewas determined meansof a platinumelectrodecalibratedwithZoBell's solution(ZoBell 1946). We estimatedratesof net nitrogenmineralization betweeninitial(turfsamples) based on thedifference and final (bagged soil cores) concentrationsof exchangeableammoniumor nitrateionsexpressedon a daily basis (pg N g l dry wt soil day-'), or as a cumulativetotal for the season (g N m-2). We calculated the latteras the sum of the daily geometric mean rates,takingintoaccountsoil bulk densities(g cm 3). Because artefactsof the buried-bagmethod (Raison etal. 1987;Binkley& Hart 1989)have a large effecton the formof mineralnitrogenthataccumulates in the bagged soil, the resultsare presentedas ratesof totalnetmineralization of soil nitrogen,and are calculatedas thesum of netammonification plus netnitrification rates. INHIBITION OF SOIL NITRIFICATION In estimating netnitrogenmineralization as described above, we assumedthatthenitratethataccumulated inburiedbags was producedbymicrobialnitrification of ammoniumions. To confirmthatmicrobialnitrificationoccursin thesesoils,we used two watersoluble inhibitors,dicyandiamideand 3-amino-1,2,4 triazole(AldrichChemicals,Missouri,USA) to block thenitrification stepin samplesof pooled mixedsoil (depth 1-2 cm) fromturveswithintactswardstaken fromtheintertidal marshin July1992.We mixed1Og of soil and 10mL of deionized waterin a 250-mL Nalgene bottleand added 1mL of ammoniumsulphatesolution(2 mgN mL-1).To each bottleeithera 2 mL of deionizedwater(controls,n = 12) or further 2 mL ofa solutionofone oftheinhibitors (50 ,ugmL-1) were added (n = 6 for each treatment).The bottles werecoveredin aluminiumfoiland incubatedat 25 ?C for 14 days. Exchangeableammoniumand nitrate ionswereextractedas describedabove,and theresults 844 Nitrogen mineralization, plantsand herbivory ?) 1996British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 expressedeitheras N (NO3) g- drywtofsoilproduced duringincubationor as N (NH4) g-1drywt of soil remaining.We comparedtwo independentvariables, mean amountsof nitrateions and mean amountsof ammoniumions, betweenthe controlsand the two bymeansofDunnett'stest(Kirk inhibitor treatments, (o) levelofeach test 1982;SAS 1990).The significance was adjustedaccordingto the Bonferroniprocedure describedlater(Statisticalprocedures). The effectsof the different inhibitorson amounts of ammoniumand nitrateions in thesoil incubation bottles at the end of the experimentwere similar lower amounts of (Fig. 1). There were significantly inhibinitrateinincubatedsoilto whicha nitrification tor had been added than in the control bottles = 138, d.f.= 21, (Dunnett's T, critical difference higheramounts a = 0.025). There were significantly of ammoniumremainingin soils that had received inhibitors comparedto controls(Dunnett'sT, critical each marsh in 1992. We counted roots per shoot, measuredtheirlengths,and classifiedthemas either (brown,flacliving(white,turgid)or senescing/dead cid). STATISTICAL PROCEDURES the We used a repeatedmeasuresANOVA to determine of effectsof goose grubbing,exclosures, significance sitesand samplingdates on amountsof ammonium and nitrateions in bulk soil and on netdailyratesof thatoccurredin buriedbags. nitrogenmineralization Because amountsof ammoniumions and nitrateions werenot independentwe applied Bonferroniadjustlevels(a) of statisticaltests mentsto the significance Type 1 errorless than to keep the experiment-wise 0.05 (Day & Quinn 1989). We used a similarANOVA of the effectsof designto determinethe significance treatmentson moisturelevels and redox potentials difference= 27, d.f. = 21, a = 0.025). The results are of samples collectedin 1992, and applied a similar consistentwithour assumptionthatmicrobialnitrificationof ammoniumaccountedforthepresenceof Bonferroniadjustment.Data of 1991 fromthethree nitratein thesesoils. studysiteswithineach marshweregrouped,as there was insufficient power to compare the two marshes witha hierarchicaldesign.In analysingthedata from ABOVE-GROUND ROOT GROWTH BIOMASS, 1992,sitewas treatedas a randomratherthana fixed IN PLANT TISSUE AND TOTAL NITROGEN To increasestatisticalpowerin each analysisof effect. ofgrubbing,once we foundtheinteraction theeffects On each samplingdate in 1991we randomlyselected term(site x grubbing,1 d.f.) not to be significant two to fourturfsamples fromthose collectedfrom each of the threesites in the intertidaland inland (P > 0.20) it was pooled in the errorterm.We used marshes.We clipped above-groundtissuesfroman SAS software(SAS 1990) forall statisticalanalyses. area (7 cm x 7 cm), and washed, dried (50 ?C for 7 We logarithmicallytransformedthe data of amountsof ammoniumand nitrateions in bulk soils days) and weighed them to obtain above-ground biomass (g m-2). In 1994 and 1995 similarsamples and of net mineralizationrates,in orderto achieve and normality.Some distributions thedryabove-ground homoscedasticity (n = 5) weretakento determine but ANOVA were stillslightlyskewedor leptokurtic, standingcrop.Total amountsofcarbonand nitrogen in driedsamplesweremeasuredas describedearlier. tendsto be robustto suchdeparturesfromnormality (Kirk 1982). We used the Huynh-Feldtadjusted FFour timesin thesummerof 1991and seventimesin data did notmeetthecon1992,we collectedroots of Puccinelliaphryganodes. testwhenthetransformed ditionof sphericity. Resultsof multivariate repeatedOn each samplingoccasion 20-30 plants were colmeasures ANOVAS that depend on less stringent lectedfromeach marshin 1991,and 10 plantsfrom assumptionswere consistentwiththe resultsof the univariateanalysesgivenhere. 350 We used MANOVA to determinewhetherthenitrocontentsof soils at each depthsampleddiffered gen 0 300 betweengrubbedand vegetatedpatches significantly Z 250in theintertidalmarshin 1992. We calculatedF sta200tisticsbased on Wilk's Lambda statistic(Tabachnick & Fidell 1989). When multivariatetests were sig150 on each variunivariatetestswereperformed nificant, E 100 able at a reduced significancelevel (Tabachnick & E 50Fidell 1989). Where data were transformedlogarithmically 0 Control Initial levels Dicyandiamide 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (amountsof ammoniumand nitrate ions in bulksoils (hatchedbars) and Fig.1 Mean amountsof ammonium and net mineralization rates),geometricmeans were marsh nitrate (openbars)ionsin soilsfromtheintertidal means thearithmetic calculatedbyback-transforming and sulphate, before withammonium addedas ammonium arithmeans are data. All other of the transformed (dicyandiamide after incubation witha nitrification inhibitor one text as + and are expressed in the metic means or withdeionized water(control or 3-amino-i1,2,4-triazole) ? 1 SE. standarderror(SE). Errorbarsrepresent samples). 845 D.J. Wilson&R.L. Jefferies Results SOIL CHARACTERISTICS The bulk densities,pH and salinitiesof the soil samples are shown in Table 1. The bulk densityof soil 1-2 cm belowthesurfacewas muchgreaterin the intertidalmarshthanin themoreorganicsoil of the inland marsh.The bulk densitiesof soils fromvegetatedand grubbedsiteswerealmostidentical.There in soil pH betweeninterdifference was no significant tidaland inlandsites. Seasonal moisturecontentsand redox potentials are shownin Table 2. No seasonal trendsin soil moisturecontentwereapparent.In 1991 the mean water contentof the organic-richlayer in the soil of the inlandmarshwas consistently higherthatofthemore marsh,exceeding2 g H20 mineralsoil oftheintertidal g l dry wt of soil except in early Julyduringfine was obviousand so a statisweather.(This difference tical comparisonwas not used.) The watercontents of the soils of vegetatedsitesin the intertidalmarsh were similarin both years. In 1992, the mean soil moisturecontentwas consistently higherin soils of ofsoilsamplescolpH andsalinities Table 1 Bulkdensities, lectedinAugustof1991and1992.Means+ 1 SE areshown, exceptinthecaseofpH values,whererangesareshown Bulk density ofsoils (g cm-3) 1991 Inland Intertidal 1992 Vegetated Grubbed pH of soil water 4.2 + 0.5 1.8+ 0.3 0.96+ 0.01 0.96+ 0.14 - - TOTAL of Salinity soilwater (g Na+L-') 0.53+ 0.09 6.5-7.4 0.87+ 0.03 6.9-7.4 vegetated sites than in soils of grubbed sites = 51,P < 0.0001, ox= 0.025). In 1991,therewas (F1,32 betweentheredoxpotentials no consistentdifference of the soils of the inland marsh and those of the intertidalmarsh; a statisticalcomparisonwas not necessary.In 1992,thepatternofseasonalfluctuation betweensoils of vegof theredoxpotentialsdiffered etated and grubbed sites (F488= 3.29, P < 0.02, oc= 0.025). The redox potentialsof soils of grubbed sitestendedto be lowerthanthoseofsoilsofvegetated sites,except in early August when the relationship were not signifiwas reversed,but thesedifferences cant.The salinityofsoilwateron 23 August1991was greaterin the inland marshthan in the significantly intertidalmarsh(t16 = 4.4, P < 0.0004). The salinity of soilsfromvegetatedsiteswas lowerthanthatfrom bare soils in grubbedsitesin the intertidalmarshin 1995a, 1996). 1991 and 1992 (Srivastava& Jefferies The sodium concentrationin soil water fromvegetated sitesincreasedfromI2.5 g Na+ L-l in midJune to a peak of 10-15g Na+ L- in mid-July, whereasin bare,grubbedsitesthesoil salinityreached By late August 1991 20 g Na+ L` in mid-summer. soil salinitieshad declinedto theirinitialearlyseason values,but in 1992 no declinehad been observedby 30 July,thelast samplingdate (Srivastava& Jefferies 1995a, 1996). CARBON AND NITROGEN IN SOILS Amountsof totalsoil carbonand nitrogen,and C:N ratios,in intertidaland inlandsitessampledin 1991, and vegetatedand grubbedpatchesin the intertidal sitessampledin 1992,are summarizedin Table 3. We did not use statisticalteststo comparethe intertidal and inland marshes sampled in 1991, because the differences were obvious. There were substantially higheramountsof totalcarbon and nitrogenin soils bothsummersof Table 2 Mean + 1 SE seasonal moisturecontentsand redoxpotentialsof soil samplescollectedthroughout 1991and 1992 1992 1991 Date ? 1996British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 Soil moisture(g H20 g soil-') 5/6June 23 June 9/11July 29 July 11/12August 31 August Redox potentialof soils (mV) 5/6June 23 June 9/11July 29 July 11/12August 31 August Inland Intertidal Date Vegetated Grubbed 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 2.20 + 2.19 + 1.22 + 2.01 + 2.06 + 2.67 + 0.16 0.15 0.08 0.14 0.15 0.19 0.91 + 0.85 + 0.68 + 0.86 + 0.95 + 0.96 + 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.03 12 June 26 June 9 July 22 July 5 August 0.91 + 0.83 + 0.88 + 0.77 + 0.88 + 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.72 + 0.72 + 0.70 + 0.64 + 0.65 + 145 + 90 + 205 + 50 + 195 + 190 + 10 20 05 40 05 15 125 + 175 + 195 + 80 + 110 + 215 + 20 10 05 15 25 05 12June 26June 9 July 22 July 5 August 190+ 225 + 200 + 200 + 70 + 15 15 10 10 20 150 +25 200 + 20 140 + 15 160 + 25 120 + 15 846 Nitrogen mineralization, plantsand herbivory Table 3 Mean + 1 SE carbonand nitrogencontents,and C:N ratiosof soil samplescollectedin Augustof 1991and 1992 1991 depth0-1 cm depth1-2 cm Total N in soils (% of drywt) Total C in soils (% of drywt) C:N ratioin soils Inland Intertidal Inland Intertidal Inland Intertidal 1.49 + 0.17 1.51 + 0.21 0.51 + 0.03 0.41 + 0.02 21.0 + 1.9 22.3 + 2.3 10.9 + 0.4 10.8 + 0.2 14.6 + 0.6 15.8 + 0.9 22.4 + 0.8 26.8 + 0.7 Total N in soils (% of drywt) 1992 depth0-1 cm depth1-2 cm depth2-3 cm depth3-4 cm depth4-5 cm Total C in soils (% of drywt) Vegetated Grubbed Vegetated Grubbed Vegetated 0.43 + 0.36 + 0.38 + 0.33 + 0.31 + 0.35 + 0.29 + 0.28 + 0.26 + 0.28 + 10.8 + 10.2 + 10.2 + 9.7 + 9.6 + 9.9 + 9.3 + 9.3 + 9.1 + 9.2 + 25.8 + 28.7 + 28.2 + 30.4 + 30.8 + 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 of theinlandmarsh(0-2 cm below the surface)than in the soils of the intertidalmarsh (Table 3). Soil samples taken frombelow the Ah horizon in the inlandmarshhad carbonand nitrogencontentssimilar to those fromthe intertidalmarsh(unpublished data). The C:N ratio was lower in the soils of the marsh inlandmarshthanin thesoils of theintertidal (Table 3). If changesin amountsof soil nitrogenand in bulk densityto a depth of 2cm are taken into account, the mean total amounts of nitrogenare 80 + 2 g N m2 in intertidalsitesand 118 + 6 g N m2 in inland sites (n = 12). In 1992, therewas a significantly greateramountof totalnitrogenin soils of vegetatedpatches than in soils of grubbedpatches (MANOVA, F5,16= 3.5, P < 0.05). In univariatetests thisdifference was significant onlyin soils from1 to 2cm and 2-3 cm (Fl 20> 10,P < 0.005,a = 0.01) but in the top centimetre of soil approachedsignificance also (Fl 20= 7.1, P < 0.015,oc= 0.01). The meanC:N ratioat a depthof 1-2cm (thedepthof soil used for mineralizationassays) was 28.7 + 0.6 in soils from vegetated patchesand 33.3 + 1.8in soilsfromgrubbed patches. 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 a) 18 - 2 ? 1996British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 NITROGEN IN BULK SOILS The amountsofexchangeableammoniumand nitrate ions 1-2cmbelowthesurfaceofthesoilwereunaffected by the presenceof exclosures(Fl 56 < 1.4, P > 0.2, a = 0.025), hence data in 1991 from grazed and exclosedplots have been combined(Fig. 2). In 1991 meanamountsofexchangeableammonium geometric varied seasonally betweenabout 5.6 and 9.0 /igN (NH4) g- drywt of soil and 6.6 and 15.8ug N (NH4) and inlandmarshes, g-' drywt of soil in theintertidal respectively,(Fl56 = 15.2, P < 0.0005, a = 0.025). Mean amounts of exchangeable soil nitratewere muchlower,varyingbetweentracelevelsand about 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 Grubbed 1.0 0.6 1.4 1.0 0.8 29.7 + 33.3 + 34.4 + 38.1 + 33.6 + 1.9 1.8 1.9 3.4 1.4 1991 16- I,2 14 0)10 ii.. - Z _ 2 -I o 8June b) 18 16- -23June 9/11 July 29July 11/12August 31 August 1992 2 14 ' 12- z z ) 10 8 22 __SI 12 June MINERAL C:N ratioin soils 26 June 9 July 22 July 5 August Fig.2 Amounts of ammoniumand nitrateions in bulk (unbagged)soils duringthe summersof 1991 and 1992. (a) Mean amountsof ammoniumions in soils fromthe inland and intertidal(- -) marshes,and mean amounts ( .) of nitrateions in soils fromtheinland(---) and intertidal marshesin 1991. Data fromgrazed and exclosed () plotshave beencombined.The meanamountofnitrateions in the inlandmarshon 12 Augustdoes not includethe 10 mostinlandplots.(b) Mean amountsof ammoniumions in ) patches, soils fromvegetated(- -) and grubbed(. and mean amountsof nitrateions in soils fromvegetated marsh ( ) and grubbed(---) patchesin theintertidal in 1992.The plottedpointsand errorbars weredetermined meansand standarderrorscalculated by back-transforming data. transformed based on logarithmically 847 D.J. Wilson&R.L. Jefferies 2.2 MgN (NO3) g- drywtofsoil (Fig. 2a), and tending to increasein amountin late summer.In 1992,which was a verycold summer(see later),mean amountsof exchangeable ammonium ions in the soil were between4.2 and 5.4jugN (NH4) g-1drywt of soil in vegetatedplots,and in grubbedplotstheamountsfell steadilyfrom4.1 Mgto 2.0 Mgg-1drywt of soil during the season. Mean amounts of exchangeablenitrate ions were again low in both grubbedand vegetated sites,althoughamountsrosein grubbedsitesto 1.5Mg N (NO3) g-1drywt of soil in late summer(Fig. 2b). Amounts of both exchangeable ammonium and exchangeablenitrateions in thesoil weresignificantly affectedby the previous grubbingof surfacevegetation(Fl 32> 12.8,P < 0.0001,oc= 0.025). a) .E z 0) OF SOIL NITROGEN As therewas no significant of exclosureson net effect rates of mineralization(Fl 56 = 0.2, P > 0.65), data fromgrazed and exclosed plots in 1991 have been pooled (Table 4; Fig. 3). Net nitrogenmineralization ratesin 1991in theintertidal marshexceededthosein theinlandmarsh(F, 56= 16.0,P < 0.0001). The rates varied significantly throughout the season (F4,224= 18.4,P < 0.0001) and thepatternofseasonal variationdiffered betweenthe intertidaland inland marshes (F4,224= 5.7, P < 0.001) (Table 4). In the inland sites,mean net mineralizationrateswerelow and comparativelysimilarthroughoutthe season, whereasin the intertidalmarsh the rates rose substantiallyin mid-summer(7 July- 12 August). In 1991 0.6- 0 z 0.4- c 0.2 E 5/6June b) 08 23 June 29 July 11/12August31 August 7/8July 1992 c.E z NET MINERALIZATION 0.8 - 06 co N c- 0 04 - z c 0.2 - 12 June 2 June 9 July 23 July 5 August Fig.3 Cumulativeseasonal netnitrogenmineralization (net in soil 1-2 cm below ammonification plus netnitrification), thesurface.(a) The intertidal shadedarea) and inland (lightly (dark area) marshesin 1991. (b) Vegetated(lightlyshaded area) and grubbed(dark area) sitesin the intertidalmarsh in 1992,in g N m-2. Errorin thisFigureis an accumulation of the errorsshownin Table 4, in additionto errorin the estimatesof bulkdensityof thesoils. Table4 Net ratesof nitrogenmineralization(net ammonification plus net nitrification) (,Ig N g-' day-') in buriedbags, in soils of the inland and intertidalmarshesin 1991,and in soils of vegetatedand grubbedpatchesin the intertidalmarshin 1992. The values shownweredetermined by back-transforming means and means + 1 standarderror(SE), calculatedbased on logarithmically transformed data Net dailynitrogenmineralization rates(,Ig N g-' day-') Inland marsh 1991 5/6June- 23 June 23 June- 9/11July 7/8July- 29 July 1/2August- 11/12August 11/12August- 31 August Intertidalmarsh -1 SE Mean -0.07 -0.44 0.55 -0.16 -0.27 0.05 -0.23 0.72 0.01 -0.13 +1 SE -1 SE Mean +1 SE 0.18 0.00 0.90 0.18 0.02 0.38 -0.08 2.20 0.64 -1.68 0.51 0.14 2.76 0.92 -1.12 0.64 0.38 3.37 1.21 -0.42 Grubbedsites ? 1996 British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 1992 12 June- 27 June 26 June- 11 July 9 July- 23 July 22 July- 5 August Vegetatedsites -1 SE Mean +1 SE -1 SE -0.19 0.01 0.19 0.13 -0.12 0.05 0.30 0.22 -0.06 0.10 0.41 0.32 0.14 0.22 0.21 0.36 Mean 0.24 0.34 0.30 0.52 +1 SE 0.33 0.47 0.40 0.70 848 Nitrogen mineralization, plantsand herbivory 1992,netnitrogenmineralization rateswerehigherin vegetatedthaningrubbedplots(F1,32= 8.0,P < 0.01) (Table 4), particularly earlyand late in theseason. The cumulativeamountsof net nitrogenmineralizationthatoccurredeach summerunderthedifferent treatments,estimated by summingthe geometric mean net mineralizationrates measured in each period,and expressedon a unitarea basis (g N m2), are shown in Fig. 3. The seasonal net cumulative amount of nitrogenmineralizedin the intertidal marsh(86 days) in 1991 was 0.53 g N m-2 at a soil depthof 1-2cm. The comparablevalue fortheinland marshwas 0.06 g N m2. In 1992 (54 days) the net invegetatedintertidal amountofnitrogen mineralized siteswas 0.18 g N m-2 at a similarsoil depthand in thegrubbedsitesit was 0.06 g N m2. differ(t8, P < 0.05). In 1995therewas no significant ence in the values (t8, P = 0.617) betweenthe two marshesin late summer.The amountofnitrogenas a percentageof thedryweightof above-groundtissues in 1991was also higherin theintertidal plots(ANOVA, = P although values declined 17.28, < 0.0005), F1,35 as the summerprogressed.Root growthwas measured in 1992 in the inland and intertidalmarshes. On 7 Junewhenthemeltwaters had subsidedon the intertidalflatsonly20% of the shoot systemsexamined had newlyemergingroots 0.1 cm in length.By earlyJulyaverageroot lengthwas 3.3 + 0.6cm and there were 2.7 + 0.4 roots on average per shoot system.In theinlandmarsh,themean lengthof new rootson 1 Julywas 1.3 + 0.2 cmwithan averageroot numberof 1.6 + 0.2 new rootsper shootsystem. PLANT Discussion BIOMASS AND PLANT TISSUE NITROGEN Mean amountsof above-groundbiomass (g m-2) in and inlandmarshesin exclosedplotsin theintertidal 1991,1994and 1995are shownin Table 5. In all years theinitialabove-groundstandingcrop of Puccinellia phryganodesand Carex subspathaceaimmediately aftersnow-meltwas lower in exclosed plots in the intertidalmarshthan in similarplots in the inland marsh(t8 or tio,P < 0.05), but by mid-summer the standingcropwas alreadysignificantly higherin 1991 (t@o,P < 0.06) in theintertidalexclosedplots,and in 1994it was significantly higherat theend of summer Table5 Above-groundmixed standingcrop of Puccinellia and Carexsubspathacea(g drywtm-2) in 1991, phryganodes 1994,and 1995,and amountsof nitrogenas a percentageof the dryweightof shoot tissuein 1991,in exclosuresin the intertidalmarshand the inland marshat La PKrouseBay, Manitoba. Values shownare means ? 1 SE Above-groundstandingcrop (g m-2) Inland marsh 1991 8 June 9 July 31 August 1994 5 June 1 August 1995 7 June 31 July Intertidalmarsh 29.1 ? 4.1 66.1 ? 9.9 103.1 ? 13.6 18.1 ? 2.0 93.5 ? 8.5 39.3 ? 6.1 90.9 ? 14.2 7.6 ? 1.7 147.6 ? 23.6 36.5 ? 9.5 133.8 ? 26.2 18.9 ? 5.7 148.1 ? 28.8 - Nitrogencontent(% of drywt) Inland marsh ? 1996British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 1991 8 June 9July 31lAugust 3.6 ? 0.2 2.4?0.1 1.6?t0.2 Intertidalmarsh 4.6 ? 0.2 2.7?0.2 2.2?t0.2 mineralization and the The insituratesofnetnitrogen turnoverof soil nitrogen1-2cm beneaththe surface differed grazingsitesare among sites.The preferred those where soil mineralizationrates were highest. ofthepresenceofgeese, Theserateswereindependent at least withinthe season. In 1991 in the intertidal marshthenetamountof nitrogenmineralizedby 11 2.0% of the August(Fig. 3a, peak value) represented soil nitrogenpool (35.6 g N m-2) at thatdepth.The comparablevalue in the adjacent inland marshwas 0.1% ofthetotalsoil nitrogen(65.9 g N m2). In 1992, thenet amountof nitrogenmineralizedby 5 August in theintertidalmarsh(Fig. 3b) was 0.5% of thesoil nitrogenpool in vegetatedsites (34.1 g N m-2) and 0.2% ofthesoil nitrogenpool in grubbedsites(27.8 g N m-2). Soil nitrogenturnoverwas therefore fasterin theintertidal marshthanin theinlandmarshand was also fasterin vegetatedplotsthanin grubbedplotsin the intertidalmarsh.In the intertidalmarshthe soil nitrogenpool 1-2cm belowthesurfacewas only54% of thatin the adjacent inland marsh,in spiteof the tenfoldhighernet rate of nitrogenmineralizationat thesesitescomparedwiththosein theinlandmarsh. The fractionof soil organic matterresponsiblefor short-term nitrogenmineralizationis poorly characterizedin soils (Paul 1984; Binkley& Hart 1989). In the intertidalmarsh,it may containdead cyanobacterialbiomass,as the area wherethe plots were located sustainslarge populations of diatoms and 1989). cyanobacteriain spring(cf. Bazely & Jefferies Aziz & Nedwell (1986) also have reportedan abundance of cyanobacteriain a lower intertidalsalt marsh. In addition,thereis tidal depositionof silt and organicmatterwhichis about 1-2mm per year (Jefferies, unpublisheddata). The compositionof the however,is thesameat the vascularplantcommunity, marshes. studysitesin boththeinlandand intertidal The overall rates of mineralizationand the sizes of the soil nitrogenpools at La Perouse Bay were comparablewiththose reportedin otherstudiesof of soil nitrogenin arcticand subarctic mineralization 849 et al. 1991; 1989; Nadelhoffer & Gunther soils (Hart D.J. Wilson&JR.L. 1992). Therewas, et al. al. 1991; Nadelhoffer Giblin et Jefferies betweenyearsin thenet difference however,a striking amountsof nitrogenmineralizedat La P6rouseBay, even allowing for the shorterstudy period in the secondyear.This was probablyrelatedto differences in soil temperatureand soil moisture content. and moisture levels Microbialresponsesto temperature were likely responsiblealso for the within-season in observedmineralizationrates.We do differences not have enough recordsof daily temperaturesor dailysoil moisturelevelsat La P6rouseBay forboth studyperiodsto analysefullytheassociationbetween thesefactorsand netmineralizationrates.However, the summerof 1991 was one of the warmestyears since 1950,whereasthe summerof 1992 was one of thecoldest.In Churchillaveragedailymaximumtemperaturesduring each incubation period in 1991 exceededthoseduringcomparableincubationperiods in 1992,bymorethan5 ?C (ChurchillWeatherOffice Canada). The highest MonthlyReports,Environment net mineralizationrate occurred in the intertidal marshduringtheperiod7 Julyto 29 July1991. The bags forthisincubationperiodwereburiedduringa containedrelaperiodof fineweather,and therefore tivelydrysoil; themean soil moisturecontentin the intertidalmarshon 9 Julywas 0.68 + 0.02 g H20 g1 drysoil (Table 2). The redoxpotentialof the soils in the intertidalmarshwas also relativelyhighat that time,195 + 5 mV. The averagedailymaximumtemperatureduringthe period 7 Julyto 29 Julywas 18.9 + 1.4?C, which was not unusual for 1991, althoughitconsiderablyexceededthehighestaverage daily maximumtemperaturerecorded during any incubationperiod in 1992 (15.3 + 0.4?C duringthe et al. (1991) period22 July- 5 August).Nadelhoffer showed that rates of nitrogenmineralizationwere between3 ?C and 9 ?C, but insensitive to temperatures increasedby a factorof two or more between9?C and 15?C. was detected in all soils; the Nitrate-nitrogen amounts,although low, tended to increasein late summer.Other investigatorshave detectednitrate ions in mineralizationassays and as exchangeable nitratein arcticsoils (Hart & Gunther1989; Nadelet al. 1991;Aitkinet al. 1993).Wheretheredox hoffer potential is below + 150mV in the sediments, may microbialnitraterespirationand denitrification lead to a loss ofnitrogen(Fenchel& Blackburn1979). in the upper layers Measurementsof denitrification of intertidalsedimentsindicate that some loss of unpubnitrateis occurring(G. Blicher-Mathiesen, lisheddata) whichmay,in part,accountforthe low levelsof nitrateions in the bulk soil. In thegrubbed plotsthemean redoxpotentialwas usually25-60 mV ? 1996 British lower than that in vegetatedplots (although the Ecological Society, differenceswere not statisticallysignificant).The of Ecology, Journal meanvalue was wellabove 150mV on onlyone sam84, 841-851 pling occasion (26 June 1992). It is likelythat one effect ofthespringgrubbingand theremovalofplants is the absence of oxygendiffusionfromlive roots intothesediment(Armstrong1979).Hence,sediment beneathgrubbedswardsmay be expectedto become increasinglyanaerobic followingdestructionof the sward. oftidalinundationsand Grubbing,a low frequency highratesof soil evaporationin the partialor total in absenceofa vegetationalmat,lead to hypersalinity theupperlayersof thesediment(lacobelli & Jefferies 1995a,b, 1996). Even 1991; Srivastava & Jefferies conditionsmay wheretheswardis intact,hypersaline occurduringmuchof thesummerin theupperintertidal salt marsh,ifthereis highevaporativedemand studies et al. 1979). In recentexperimental (Jefferies led to reducednitriat La PerouseBay, hypersalinity ficationin soils to whichammoniumions had been unpublished added (van der Wal, Chang & Jefferies, data). Hence, low redoxpotentialsand hypersalinity maybe expectedto reducenetratesof nitrification. Above-groundbiomass of Puccinelliaphryganodes and Carex subspathaceawas greaterin exclosedplots in theintertidal marshwas greateror equal to thatin similarplotsin theinlandmarshin late Julyor early August of each year (Table 5). Because the reverse was truein Juneof each year,the net above-ground production(NAPP) was greaterin exclosures primary in theintertidal marshthanin exclosuresin theinland marsh.In addition,thenitrogencontent,measuredas a percentageof the dry weight of above-ground tissues,was higher.The majorityof graminoidroots were distributedin the upper 5cm of sediment.If are the observednetratesof nitrogenmineralization extrapolatedto includethe top 5 cm of soil, theestimatedseasonal supplyof mineralnitrogenfromthis sourceapproachesthedemandfornitrogenforplant growthin the intertidalmarsh( 150g drywt m2; -2.2% N; Table 5), at least in 1991. In contrast, estimatedrates of nitrogenmineralizationin the inland marsh fall far short of the requirementfor plant growth( 100 g drywt m-2; 1 1.6% N; Table 5), implyingthatotherprocessesare involvedin supplyingnitrogenfor plant growth.Reabsorptionof nitrogenfromsenescingleaves into the parentplant maybe one sourceofnitrogenfornewleavesofthese theseason. graminoidsthatare producedthroughout Each shoot systemof Puccinelliamay produce six leaves or more duringthe growingseason and each 1989). leaf has a limitedlifespan (Bazely & Jefferies Nitrogentranslocationfromleaves of tundra graminoidplantsvariesbetween21% and 78% (Berendse & Jonasson1992). The secondpossiblesourceis soluble nitrogenresuppliedto the soil via goose faeces 1985; Ruess etal. 1989). Addition (Bazely & Jefferies plotsat densities offreshgoose faecesto experimental marshled comparableto thosefoundin theintertidal to an increaseinthestandingcropofgraminoidplants 1985). The estimatedtotalcumu(Bazely & Jefferies 850 Nitrogen mineralization, plantsand herbivory lativeamountof nitrogenpresentin faecesdeposited duringtheseasonin theintertidal marshis about 1.0g m2 (Ruess et al. 1989). Corresponding values forthe inlandmarshare at the mostno morethathalfthis amount.Some of thenitrogenis eithervolatilizedor is immobilizedbymicrobes,hencethisfractionwould not be available forplantgrowth(Ruess et al. 1989). The thirdadditionalsource of nitrogenmay be the presenceof soluble organicnitrogenin the soil solution(Kielland 1994),butat presentwe have no informationon amountspresentat different sites.Further studiesare needed to establishamountsof available nitrogenforplantgrowthfromeach of thesesources. Similar patterns of herbivoryby Brent geese (BrantaberniclaL.) along gradientsof primaryproductivityhave been reportedrecentlyfor the saltmarsheson theDutchislandofSchiermonnkoog (van de Koppel et al. 1996; Olffet al., unpublisheddata). of the The birdsforagedon vegetationcharacteristic early successional stages where inputs of nitrogen depositedas sedimentwere high.There was a good correspondencebetween the distributionof goose droppingsand threeof the principalfood sources of the geese (Festuca rubra,Plantago maritimaand Puccinelliamaritima).The nitrogencontentof these plantsvariedbetween3.5% and 4.5%. Resultsof thesestudiesshowtheassociationof the quantityand quality of vegetationwithchanges in biogeochemical cycling along a topographical sequence.Geese exploitpatchesofvegetationas their primarysource of foragewhere net above-ground primaryproductionis highand planttissuesare rich in nitrogen. Acknowledgements We wish to thankJennifer Champion,Scott Finley, Dr ChrisNeill,and thestaff GitteBlicher-Mathiesen, and studentsat the La Perouse Bay fieldstationfor assistanceinthefieldand inthelaboratory.Dr Wesley Hochachka gave usefulstatisticaladvice and commentedon an earlydraftofthepaper.Mrs. Catherine Siu kindlypreparedthe finalversionof thismanuscript.This researchwas supportedfinancially by the Natural Sciencesand EngineeringResearchCouncil of Canada, the Canadian WildlifeService(EnvironmentCanada), and theDepartmentof IndianAffairs and NorthernDevelopment. References ? 1996British Ecological Society, JournalofEcology, 84, 841-851 R.L., Rockwell,R.F. & Maclnnes, Abraham,K.F., Jefferies, C.D. (1996) Whyare thereso manywhitegeesein North Waterfowl America?Proceedingsofthe7thInternational Memphis,Tennessee,U.S.A. (ed. J. Ratti). Symposium, Ducks Unlimited,Memphis,in press. AgricultureCanada (1987) The Canadian Systemof Soil Classification,2nd edn. 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