D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system Module working program and syllabus F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 1 from 17 The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan D. Serikbayev EKSTU APPROVE Dean of Engineering Department _________ M.V. Dudkin «___» _________ 2015 САЯСАТТАНУ Модульдік жұмыс оқу бағдарламасы және силлабус ПОЛИТОЛОГИЯ Рабочая модульная учебная программа и силлабус POLITICAL SCIENCE Module working leaning program and syllabus Specialty: 5В050600«Economy» Credits 2 Ust-Kamenogorsk 2015 D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II Module working program and syllabus P. 2 from 17 The Module working program and syllabus has been developed at “Social Humanitarian sciences and Kazakhstan people Assambley” sub-department on the basis of State Compulsory Standard of Education for full time students. Approved by the educational-methodical council of “Engineering” Department Chairman: A. Vavilov Protocol №_3__dated________17/11_______2015. Head of the sub-department “SHS and KPA” N. Krasnobaeva Protocol №__1_ dated ______28/08_________2015. Developed: Senior lecture, candidate of historical sciences Norms and standards checker: S. Ualiyeva I. Fazylova D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II Module working program and syllabus P. 3 from 17 Elective courses and basic discipline sub-department agreement The Module working program and syllabus has been developed at “Social Humanitarian sciences and Kazakhstan people Assambley” sub-department on the basis of State Compulsory Standard of Education for full time students. Approved by the educational-methodical council of “Engineering” Department Chairman: A. Vavilov Protocol №____dated__________________2015. Head of the sub-department “SHS and KPA” N. Krasnobaeva Protocol №____ dated __________________2015. “Social Humanitarian sciences and Kazakhstan people Assambley” subdepartment for bachelors and Masters level students, PhD students approved. Developed: Senior lecture, candidate of historical sciences S. Ualiyeva Norms and standards checker: I. Fazylova D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system Module working program and syllabus F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 4 from 17 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION 1.1 Summary of the studied subject Political science - the science of integrated policy in all its manifestations . It integrates and synthesizes the findings of other sciences about politics. Politics has a direct practical significance for the development of public policy. On the basis of political studies are developed criteria for identifying policy-relevant social issues , provided the necessary information , forms of social, national and defense policy of the government to prevent and resolve social conflicts. 1.2 The aim of the study subjects The purpose of discipline " Political Science " is the formation of ideas about the nature of political reality and its phenomena , such as the power of the state , the party elites , civil society and the development of the ability of independent analysis of contemporary political processes . 1.3 The results of the study subjects It is expected that at the end of the course students will be able to adopt a political approach to the analysis of socio-political reality, to sketch the picture of complex interrelations determining political decisions on the one hand, and mass political behavior on the other, and to understand that the study of politics is a multi-paradigm endeavor. 1.4 Prerequisites Students should be know philosophy, culture, sociology, history and psychology. 1.5 Postrekvizity Students will be able to understand the political perspective and apply that perspective to their own reality. 2 COURSE CONTENT 2.1 Thematic plan № the topic of the module 1 The name of the theme, the content 2 1 Module “Micro sociology” Lecture Topic 1. Introduction to Political Science Literature and other reference data Credits a lot of demand for labor absorption 3 4 Paul deLespinasse «Basic Political Concepts» Global Text Project , 2008 - D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 Module working program and syllabus 2 Topic 2. Political Power Topic 3. Political system Topic 4. The State as the main political institute Topic 5. Political modes Topic 6. Political Ideologies: Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Gandhism and Feminism. Topic 7. Political parts Topic 8. Political system 3 Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Stephen Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2 004 Sandra Braman «Change of State. Information, Policy, and Power», 2009 Sandra Braman «Change of State. Information, Policy, and Power», 2009 Alexander T. J. Lennon and Amanda Kozlowski «Global Powers in the 21st Century Strategies and Relations», 2008 Total Seminars ( practical ) classes Topic 1. History of political ideas and Rod Hague and studies Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 2. Principle of division authorities Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 5 from 17 4 - - - - - - - 0,5 - - D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 Module working program and syllabus 2 Topic 3. Legal state and civil society Topic 4. Political elite Topic 5. Political lesdership Topic 6. Political parties and public motion Kazakhstan Topic 7. Electoral process and electoral systems Topic 8. Kazakhstan in system of the international relations. Foreign Policy 3 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Stephen Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2 004 Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 6 from 17 4 - - - - - - 0,5 Total Independent work performed by students under the guidance of a teacher ( SIS ) Topic 1. Introduction to Political Science Topic 2. History of political ideas and studies Topic 3. Political power Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 - - - D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 Module working program and syllabus 2 Topic 4. Principle of division authorities Topic 5. Political system Topic 6. The State as the main political institute Topic 7. Legal state and civil society Topic 8. Political modes 3 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Stephen Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2 004 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Alexander T. J. Lennon and Amanda Kozlowski «Global Powers in the 21st Century Strategies and Relations», 2008 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 7 from 17 4 - - - - - 0,5 Total Independent work of students ( IWS ) Topic 1 Political science today Topic 2 History of Political science – Ancient Age Topic 3 Modern history of political thought Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 - Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 - - D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 2 Topic 4 Political regimes Module working program and syllabus 3 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 Topic 5 Political parties George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Topic 6 The system of political parties in Stephen Kazakhstan Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2004 Topic 7 Democracy theory George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Topic 8 Democracy theory: classic and elits Alexander T. J. Lennon and Amanda Kozlowski «Global Powers in the 21st Century Strategies and Relations», 2008 Total Total for 1 Module 2 Module «Macro sociology» 3 Lecture Topic 1. Political culture Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 2. Political conflict as type of Thomas Patterson political relations «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 Topic 3. Geopolitics: the tendency and Rod Hague and perspectives Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 8 from 17 4 - - - - - 0,5 2 - - - D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 2 Topic 4. Political ideology Topic 5. Political conflicts Topic 6. The world politics Topic 7. International relations Module working program and syllabus 3 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Stephen Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2004 Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Total Seminars ( practical ) classes Topic 1 National policy Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 2 Political leadership Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 3 Political elites George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Topic 4 Political conflicts Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 5 Political ideology Ekaterina A. Stepanova «Terroris m in Asymmetric Conflict: Ideological and Structural Aspects» - Oxford University Press, USA , 2008 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 9 from 17 4 - - - - 0,5 - - - - - D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 Module working program and syllabus 2 Topic 6 Ecology problems and policy Topic 8 Political problems in Kazakhstan 3 Alexander T. J. Lennon and Amanda Kozlowski «Global Powers in the 21st Century Strategies and Relations», 2008 Sandra Braman «Change of State. Information, Policy, and Power», 2009 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 10 from 17 4 - - 0,5 Total Independent work performed by students under the guidance of a teacher ( SIS ) Topic 1 Political system Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 2 Political elites Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 Topic 3 Political ideology George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Topic 4 Political conflicts Stephen Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2004 Topic 5 The world politics Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 6 International relations Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Topic 7 Global issues Sandra Braman «Change of State. Information, Policy, and Power», 2009 Total 0,5 D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 Module working program and syllabus 2 3 Independent work of students ( IWS ) Topic 1. Political ideologies Topic 2. Political elite Topic 3. Political lesdership Topic 4. Political parts and political system Topic 5. Electoral process and electoral systems Topic 6. Political culture Topic 7. The Geopolitics: trends and prospects. Kazakhstan in system of the international relations Total Total for 2 Module Total credit discipline Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 Stephen Ansolabehere «Quan titative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» - MIT OpenCourseWare, 2 004 Ekaterina A. Stepanova «Terroris m in Asymmetric Conflict: Ideological and Structural Aspects» - Oxford University Press, USA , 2008 Alexander T. J. Lennon and Amanda Kozlowski «Global Powers in the 21st Century Strategies and Relations», 2008 Sandra Braman «Change of State. Information, Policy, and Power», 2009 F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 11 from 17 4 - - - - - - - 0.5 2 2 D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system Module working program and syllabus F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 12 from 17 2.2 Self - employment ( SIS SIS ) tasks Topic The purpose of the job and the content of Time required to perform Form of control Deadline for submission 1 2 1 Political science Political science or art. today Political and social life of its features. 3 1 week 4 writing 5 1 week 2 History of Political science – Ancient Age 1 week writing 2 week 1 week writing 3 week 1 week writing 4 week 1 week writing 5 week 1 week writing 6 week 1 week writing 7 week 1 week writing 8 week 1 week writing 9 week 3 Modern history of political thought 4 Political regimes 5 Political parties 6 The system of political parties in Kazakhstan 7 Democracy theory 8 Democracy theory: classic and elits 9 Political system In ancient Greece and Rome ( Plato , Aristotle , Cicero ) The main directions of political thought Lomonosov , Tatishchev, Radishchev, Belïnskïy, Herzen , Bakunin, Ualihanov, Kunanbaev, Altynsarin works of political thought and ideology Totalitarian and authoritarian regime , the democratic regime The types of political parties Parties, socio - political organizations and movements Kazakhstani democratic ideals and realities of social difficulties in the formation of the collection of information on the printed pages Kazakhstani democratic ideals and realities of social difficulties in the formation of the collection of information on the printed pages An essay on the relations between the institutions in the structure of the political system D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system 1 10 Political elites 11 ideology Political 12 conflicts Political 13 The politics world 14 International relations 15 Global issues F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 13 from 17 Module working program and syllabus 2 Features on the current political leadership and the formation of the elite The main ideology in the world: socialism, liberal, conservative, fascism Political conflicts in Kazakhstan, ethno politic conflicts Kazakhstan in the international relations, foreign policy International organizations UNFPA, UN, NATO Global issues today and the way to deicide 3 1 week 4 writing 5 10 week 1 week writing 11 week 1 week writing 12 week 1 week writing 13 week 1 week writing 14 week 1 week writing 15 week 2.3 Schedule tasks on the subject Academic week Control / topic 1 Participation * 2 3 4 5 6 * * * * * 7 * 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 * * * * * * * * Conspectus * * Control * * Essay * * Oral request * * * * Colloquium Test * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * The abstract Questions Total * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** * ** ** D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system Module working program and syllabus F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 14 from 17 The types and frequency of the current tasks being developed due to the nature of their subject, and can take into account the following: attendance, lecture notes, oral colloquium, test queries, reports, essays, interim tests, etc. According to the results of the current intermediate results (ranking) is formed. Teacher education and conduct all types of current and interim control in accordance with the progress of the current price (the price of the arithmetic average of the current and midterm). Then each student's academic achievement is measured on a scale of 100 points for the task. 3 LITERATURE IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 1. Rod Hague and Martin Harrop «Political Science» Palgrave, 2010 2. Thomas Patterson «We the People» McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2011 Paul deLespinasse «Basic Political Concepts» Global Text Project , 2008 3. George Clack «Democracy in Brief» U.S. Department of State , 2007 4. Stephen Ansolabehere «Quantitative Research in Political Science and Public Policy» MIT OpenCourseWare, 2004 5. Ekaterina A. Stepanova «Terrorism in Asymmetric Conflict: Ideological and Structural Aspects» - Oxford University Press, USA , 2008 6. Alexander T. J. Lennon and Amanda Kozlowski «Global Powers in the 21st Century Strategies and Relations», 2008 7. Sandra Braman «Change of State. Information, Policy, and Power», 2009 8. Davis Diane E, «Political Power and Social Theory». JAI Press (NY), 07.09.2008 9. Paul F. Steinberg and Stacy D. VanDeveer «Comparative Environmental Politics Theory, Practice, and Prospects», 2012 10. Gary Bryner «Integrating Climate, Energy, and Air Pollution Policies», 2012 11. Powell, G. Bingham, Jr., Dalton, «Comparative Politics Today : A World View», 2011 4. CONTROLFOR KNOWLEDGE 4.1 The teacher requirements This is necessary to work on time. All the instructions given by the time of the last examinations of the day before the start of the timeout 3. Control work on 7 and 14 weeks. Control work № A student class and work Number of points Orders of the classroom lecture classes Lessons in the classroom with practical tasks SIS to improve the quality of results and taking into account the advice of the teacher Control module 1-7 weeks Control module 8-14 weeks Control work 0,1 % х 20 = 2 % 2 % х 5 = 10 % 2%х4=8% 20 % 20 % 60 % D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system Module working program and syllabus F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 15 from 17 And the interim results of the control components of the control system will be on the statement is the basis of one admission and examinations. Price control with the progress of the course work (60%), and intermediate examination (examinations) - 40% and 100%. Border control (examinations), oral and written test will be carried out and designed. Form and schedule of work № CW.1 CW.2 Form Test Test Term 7 week 15 week Number of points 20 % 20 % Topics 1-7 8-14 Topics Topics 4.2 The assessment criteria Final Grade ( 100 % ) of the interim assessment ( 40 % ) and mid-term controls ( 60 %) through the calculation of the indicators . Evaluation of the different scales and indicators : N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The content of the undergraduate class Lecture Seminars The abstract Conspectus Independence work Control work Practice Total % points 5 10 10 5 10 10 10 60 Pricing information All of the tasks on the study of the subject ends with a test. Control of border control in the form of a test of the semester or in the form of work can be done. In the course of the final price is calculated by the number of points collected by the interim results of the controls. Interim assessment with the Office of the Registrar of the session in accordance with the principle of knowledge. - Types of control: rating – 40 %; exam – 60 % Total U = [(P1+P2)]· 0,4 +E· 0,6 2 P1 – 1 rating P2 – 2 rating E – exam. D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II Module working program and syllabus P. 16 from 17 Table А А– Letter Ball 4,0 3,67 % 95–100 90–94 В+ В В– С+ С С– D+ D F 3,33 3,0 2,67 2,33 2,0 1,67 1,33 1,0 0 85–89 80–84 75–79 70–74 65–69 60–64 55–59 50–54 0–49 Mark excellent good satisfactorily unsatisfactorily 4.3 The questions for exam 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction to Political Science History of political ideas and studies Political Power Political system The State as the main political institute Legal state and civil society Political modes Political Ideologies: Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Gandhism and Feminism 9. Political parts and political system 10.Political elite 11.Political culture 12.Political ideologies 13.Political conflict as type of political relations 14.Geopolitics: the tendency and perspectives 15.Principle of division authorities 16.Legal state and civil society 17.Political elite 18.Political lesdership 19.Political parties and public motion Kazakhstan 20.Electoral process and electoral systems 21.Kazakhstan in system of the international relations. 22.Foreign Policy 23.The Geopolitics: trends and prospects. 24.Kazakhstan in system of the international relations D. Serikbayev EAST KAZAKHSTAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Quality management system Module working program and syllabus F 1 N EKSTU 701.01-II P. 17 from 17 5 BASIC EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AND METHODS In the course of teaching , teaching methods ( technology ). - Problem and project - based learning technologies ; Educational and research activities of technology ; - Communication technologies ( debate and press conference , the decisive action of the brain , in the debates and other objects and methods ) ; Case method ( analysis ) ; Games, business students in a circle, with respect to role - playing games like ; - Information and communication (including distance education ) technology. 6 TIME FOR KONSULTATIONS - by senior lecture time-table.
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