Rotation theory of torus homeomorphisms II

Rotation theory of torus homeomorphisms II
Alejandro Kocsard
Andrés Koropecki
Universidade Federal Fluminense
Global dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
T2 “ R2 {Z2 ; π : R2 Ñ T2 projection;
f P Homeo0 pT2 q, fr: R2 Ñ R2 a lift of f ;
frpz ` vq “ frpzq ` v, @v P Z2 ;
r r “ fr ´ Id : R2 Ñ R2 (Z2 -periodic);
Displacement function ∆
r rpr
z q, for zr P π ´1 pzq;
Induces ∆fr : T2 Ñ R2 , ∆frpzq “ ∆
Notation: ∆nr “ k“0
∆fr ˝ f k (displacement cocycle).
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotation sets of toral homeomorphisms
z P T2 , zr P π ´1 pzq. Rotation vector of z (if the limit exists):
z q ´ zr
1 ÿ
frn pr
“ lim
∆f pf n pzqq “ lim ∆nfrpzq
nÑ8 n
nÑ8 n
ρpfr, zq “ lim
Birkhoff: if µ P Mpf q, then ρpfr, zq exists for µ-a.e. z and
ρpf , zq dµpzq “ ∆fr dµ :“ ρpfr, µq (mean rotation vector for µ)
If µ ergodic, ρpfr, zq “ ρpfr, µq for µ-a.e. z.
Measure rotation set: ρm pfrq “ tρpfr, µq : µ P Mpf qu.
Compact and convex. Extpρm pfrqq Ă ρerg pfrq :“ tρpfr, µq : µ ergodicu.
Pointwise rotation set: ρp pfrq “ trotation vectors of pointsu.
ρm pfrq Ą ρp pfrq Ą ρerg pfrq :“ tρpfr, µq : µ ergodicu..
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotation sets of toral homeomorphisms
Pointwise: difficult to work with. Invariant measures: too weak.
Misiurewicz-Ziemian rotation set [MZ89]
ρpfrq “
lim pfrnk pzk q ´ zk q{nk : zk P R2 , nk Ñ 8
1 nk
∆ r pzk q : zk P T2 , nk Ñ 8
kÑ8 nk f
č ď 1
č ď 1
2q “
r m pr0, 1s2 q
ně0 měn
ně0 měn
ρerg pfrq Ă ρp pfrq Ă ρpfrq “ ρm pfrq
pdimension 2!q
Proof: ρm pfrq “ Convpρerg pfrqq and ρpfrq is convex ùñ ρpfrq Ą ρm pfrq.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Convexity of the Misiurewicz-Ziemian rotation set
Q “ p0, 1q2 unit square,
ρpfrq “
č ď 1
r m pQq
ně0 měn
Follows from:
frm pQq is 2-quasi-convex: Convpfrm pQqq Ă B?2 pfrm pQqq
1 rm
( ùñ m
∆ r pQq “ tpfrm pzq ´ zq{m : z P Qu is 2 2{m-quasi-convex.)
Lemma (Quasi-convexity)
If W Ă
? R is open connected and W X pW ` vq “ H for all v P Z˚ , then
W is 2-quasi-convex, i.e. ConvpW q Ă B?2 pW q.
Key lemma (Douady): If γ is a simple arc in R2 joining x to y and disjoint
from the line segment Lxy and v P R2 is such that x ` v P D “ disk
bounded by γ Y Lxy , then γ X pγ ` vq ‰ H. (Blackboard.)
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotation sets with nonempty interior: periodic points
A rational point pp1 , p2 q{q P Q2 is realized by a periodic point if there is
z P R2 such that frq pzq “ z ` pp1 , p2 q.
Theorems [Fra89, Fra88]
Every rational extremal point of ρpfrq is realized by a periodic point;
Every rational point in the interior of ρpfrq is also realized.
In particular, intpρpfrqq ‰ H ùñ infinitely many periodic points.
Theorem [MZ91]
Every element of intpρpfrqq is realized by an ergodic measure.
In particular, intpρpfrqq Ă ρp pfrq.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotation sets with nonempty interior: entropy
Theorem [LM91]
If ρpfrq has nonempty interior, then f has positive topological entropy.
Main tool: Thurston classification, Handel’s global shadowing.
Theorem (Nielsen-Thurston) [FLP12]
Let g : S Ñ S be a homeomorphism of a compact surface. Then g is
isotopic to a homeomorphism Φ of one of these types:
Periodic: Φk “ Id for some k;
There exist transverse measured foliations F s , F u with (finitely many)
singularities and λ ą 1 such that ΦpF s q “ λ´1 F s , ΦpF u q “ λF u .
There is an invariant finite union of non-periphereal essential simple
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotation sets with nonempty interior: entropy
Pseudo-Anosov maps
They are transitive, have dense periodic points.
Markov partitions, positive entropy.
Stability properties: g isotopic to Φ (pA-map) ùñ
DY ĂĂ S and h : Y Ñ S continuous surjection, hf |Y “ Φh.
htop pΦq ď htop pf q [Han85].
Periodic points of Φ “persist” by isotopy.
Similar results for surfaces with finitely many punctures (marked points).
Proof of ρpfrq with interior ùñ entropy
Enough to prove it for f n . We may assume ρpfrq contains a large ball.
fixed points x1 , x2 , x3 with non-collinear rotation vectors v1 , v2 , v3 .
f is isotopic to a (relative) pseudo-Anosov map rel tx1 , x2 , x3 u.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotational homoclinic intersections
Theorem [Add15]
If f is C 1`α and p0, 0q P int ρpfrq, then there exists a hyperbolic periodic
point p for fr such that for all v P Z2 , the stable manifold of p has a
topologically transverse intersection with the unstable manifold of p ` v
(and vice-versa).
Idea of proof in the case that f is transitive (blackboard).
Theorem [GKT15]
If f is transitive and p0, 0q P int ρpfrq, then fr is transitive.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Restricted rotation sets
The different types of rotation sets can be defined on any subset K Ă T2
by considering only points on K in the definition. For example
ρp pfr, Kq “ trotation vectors of points of Ku
ρpfr, Kq “ tlimkÑ8
nk ∆fr pzk q
: zk P K, nk Ñ 8u.
And if K is compact and invariant,
ρm pfr, Kq “ tρpfr, µq : µ P Mpf q, Supppµq Ă Ku
ρerg pfr, Kq “ tρpfr, µq : µ P Merg pf q, Supppµq Ă Ku
The latter is always nonempty, and again ρm pfr, Kq “ Convpρerg pfr, Kqq.
If ρpfr, Kq “ tvu, we say that K is v-rotational ( ðñ ρp pfr, Kq “ tvu).
Bounded rotational deviations
A v-rotational K has (uniformly) bounded rotational deviations if
supzPK,nPZ }∆nrpzq ´ nv} ă 8.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
v-rotational sets
For which values of v can we find v-rotational sets? How ‘good’ ?
Remark [MZ91]
For any compact connected set C Ă intpρpfrqq Dz: ρpfr, Opzqq “ C.
For each v P intpρpfrqq there exists a v-rotational set K [MZ91];
Moreover, it has bounded rotational deviations.
If v is rational, then one may find K “ periodic orbit [Fra89];
If v is totally irrational, f |K is semi-conjugate to a rotation [Jäg09].
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotational deviations
For v in the boundary of ρpfrq, there may not exist a v-rotational set. But
Theorem [LCT15]
If ρpfrq has nonempty interior and v is a vertex of ρpfrq, then for any
µ P Mpf q with ρpfr, µq “ v the support of µ is v-rotational with bounded
Theorem [BdCH15]
This is not necessarily true if v is only assumed to be an extremal point.
In their article, they define a one-parameter family of homeomorphisms
with a rotation set with nonempty interior which undergo a series of
bifurcations and they study how the rotation set changes with the
parameter. They give very precise descriptions for every parameter and
they describe which elements of the rotation set have v-rotational sets.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotational deviations
If ρpfrq has nonempty interior, then there exists M ą 0 such that
@n P Z,
tfrn pzq ´ z : z P r0, 1s2 u “ ∆nfrpT2 q Ă BM pnρpfrqq.
Dávalos: rational polygons [Dáv13] (Brouwer-Le Calvez foliations,
Addas-Zanata: C 1`α [AZ15] (Pesin theory, homoclinic intersections)
Tal-Le Calvez: general [LCT15] (Brouwer-Le Calvez foliations, forcing
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Rotational deviations: rotation sets with empty interior
Assume ρpfrq has empty interior. Two main cases: interval or point.
If ρpfrq “ tvu (i.e. T2 is v-rotational) we call f a pseudo-rotation.
v P R2 zQ2 (irrational pseudo-rotation).
Dynamics is aperiodc.
May be topologically weak-mixing, or even mixing;
May have unbounded rotational deviations [KK09];
May have positive entropy (but not if f is smooth) [Ree81];
All of this may happen for area-preserving maps.
v “ pp1 {q, p2 {qq P Q2 (rational pseudo-rotation)
Must have periodic points;
Interesting case: v “ p0, 0q (take gr “ frq ´ pp1 , p2 q).
If ρpfrq “ p0, 0q we say f is irrotational.
May have unbounded rotational deviations.
Katok’s example.
Interesting case: f area-preserving.
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
Irrotational area-preserving homeomorphisms
Theorem (Lifted Poincaré recurrence) [KT14]
If f is area-preserving and irrotational, then a.e. z P R2 is fr-recurrent.
An open set U Ă T2 is essential it contains a loop homotopically
nontrivial in T2 . An arbitrary set is essential if every neighborhood is
Theorem [KT14, Tal15, LCT15]
If f is area-preserving and irrotational, then either Fixpf q is essential or
the displacement is uniformly bounded: supzPT2 ,nPZ ∆nrpzq ă 8.
For an area-preserving rational pseudo-rotation, either Fixpf n q is essential
or f has uniformly bounded rotational deviations.
Question: Does the lifted Poincaré recurrence hold for arbitrary surfaces?
Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
References I
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Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015
References II
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Kocsard, Koropecki (UFF)
Rotation theory II
Olmué, 2015