SUNY Interview Seminar 29 Jan 2007 Tania Moulik (University of Kansas) DØ collaboration 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 1 Outline Introduction to B Mixing. Flavor Tagging and Bd Mixing Soft Electron Identification Electron tagging and combination with other taggers. Bd mixing – Tagger calibration Bs Mixing Analysis Outline Results from D0 and CDF and interpretation. Sensitivity studies at D0 Conclusion 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 2 Bs mixing saga B mesons oscillate (mix) first seen in Bd system– ARGUS(1987)@DESY, CLEO(1989)@CESR (Y(4S)) Bs mesons oscillate was established by comparing the timeintegrated oscillation probability measurements above with measurement at LEP (which contained both Bd and Bs). But what is the oscillation frequency? Search started at LEP and continued between 1984-1999. Formation of B oscillations working group in 1996 at LEP. Last LEP average : 1999 (D. Abbaneo and G. Boix, JHEP 9908 (1999) or hep-ex/9909033) Dms > 12.3 ps-1 Search continued at Tevatron….observed in 2006…20 years later.. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 3 B mixing Neutral B’s oscillate. Mass eigenstates are a mixture of flavor eigenstates: q B p B BH q B p B BL BH and BL have a different mass and may have different decay width. Dm = MH – ML = 2|M12| , DG = GH - GL = 2|G12| 01/29/2006 Time evolution follows the Schrodinger equation d B(t) M 11 iΓ11 M 12 iΓ12 B(t) i dt B (t) M 21 iΓ 21 M 22 iΓ 22 B (t) Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 4 B Mixing In general, probability for unmixed and mixed decays : Pu,m(B) Pu,m(B). In limit, G12 << M12 (DG << DM) (Standard model estimate and confirmed by data), e t / p( B B) (1 cos Dmt ) 2 e t / p( B B ) (1 cos Dmt ) 2 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 5 CKM matrix and B mixing d Vud s Vcd b V td Vus V d ub Vcs V s cb Vts V b tb 1 l2 l l 1 l2 3 2 A l ( i ) A l ud ub cb Al3 ( i ) Al2 1 td tb V V VcdV V V 0 complex Vub | Vub | e i Vtd | Vtd | e i 01/29/2006 Wolfenstein parametrisation - expansion in l. l sin c 0.2265 0.002 029 A 0.801 00..018 (1 l2 2) (1 l2 2) VudVub VtdVtb 1 VcdVcb VcdVcb Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 6 Constraints on Vtd (,) VudVub Ru VcdVcb a VtdVtb Rt VcdVcb l2 1 Vub Ru 1 2 l Vcb 2 2 1 Vtd Rt (1 ) l Vcb 2 2 2 (0,0) (1,0) On solving the mixing box diagrams : 2 m 2 t Dmd m m F 2 b W 2 m 6 W GF2 B B f B2 Vtb*Vtd Bd d 2 Dmd mBd 2 x Dm 2 Dms mBs Vts Vtd 01/29/2006 Vts Vcb 2 Theoretical Inputs : x 1.21 0.040.05 fBd BBd-1/2 = 22333 12 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 7 Flavor Tagging Soft Electron Id, Other Taggers, Bd Mixing. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 8 Soft Electron Identification D0 Liquid argon calorimeter Central (|| < 1) (32 EM Mod.), Forward upto (|| = 4) x f = 0.1 x 0.1 (finer in third layer – 0.05x0.05) Preshower added in runII – three layers of scintillators with WLS readout. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 9 Soft electron Id. Electrons non-isolated in b-jets and of low momenta. Reach shower maximum much earlier than higher momentum electrons. Need preshower for electrons bremming early on. Use a narrower cone to reject fake activity. e EM HAD e EM HAD Soft electron reconstruction separate from standard calorimeter reconstruction. Start with track, extrapolate to calorimeter and cluster towers around track in a narrower D x Df region. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 10 The Road Method Steps in the Road Algorithm Extrapolate track in a Helix inside the magnetic field ( 58.7 cm - inner radius of coil) and then in a straight line. In every layer of calorimeter, use list of cells belonging to a predefined road -- rings and f slices spanned by entry and exit points of track in each floor. road ~ 90% contained in first three floors ~ 90 % of energy contained in road Overall ~ 80% of energy 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron f road Shower profile suggests : 2 rings and at most 1 f slice. Neighbouring f slice added if track close to edge. 11 Performance study Detector material Profile Study performance using signal : e+e-, J/Ye+ebackground : Ks Use 3 Variables EMF EEM EHAD E EM E/p PT (track) Min Single layer cluster energy in the 3-D CPS cluster 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 12 Flavor Taggers Opposite side Flavor Tagging Identify flavor of reconstructed BS candidate using information from B decay in opposite hemisphere. Lepton Tag (e,m) Jet-Charge Tag Additionally – Look for a secondary vertex 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 13 Tagger development Develop likelihood for the tag to be from a b or a b Use B+ D0 m+ n X decay data sample (No mixing, B flavor known on both sides). Small contribution from B0 decays which can oscillate (2%). Require decay length of B candidate < 500 mm. B D m nm X 0 K 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 14 Lepton Tag Likelihood Use tracks in a cone (DR < 0.7) around e/m m Q jet p qi pTi i T Q ejet p qi pTi i T Look for Secondary Vertex Q SV jet q p p i L i i L Combined likelihood: ri f i b ( xi ) f i b ( xi ) 01/29/2006 n r ri i 1 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 15 Combined Tagger In absence of lepton, use secondary vertex tagger in combination with event charge. EV qi pTi Q jet Muon Charge i p T Use taggers in order of preference Muon > Electron > SVT ri f i b ( xi ) f i b ( xi ) 1 r d 1 r d > 0 Intial flavor b d < 0 Initial flavor b 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 16 Bd mixing &Tagger calibration B+ and Bd decays. 01/29/2006 Decay Ns (CDF) Ns (DØ) B mD0 ~ 410 K ~ 230 K B0 mD+ ~ 219 K B0 mD* ~ 54 K B+ eD0 ~ 142 K B0 eD+ ~ 79 K B0 eD* ~ 21 K Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron ~ 73 K 17 Bd mixing and Tagger Calibration Binned asymmetry fit : Bin D0 mass distribution in 7 Visible Proper decay length VPDL bins (Dm, D ) 2 i Ai 01/29/2006 ( Ai Aie (Dm, D )) 2 2 ( Ai ) N OS N SS N OS N SS Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 18 Tagger Calibration at DØ Asymmetry fits in dilution bins Increasing dilution For final fit, bin the tag variable |d| in 5 bins and do a simultaneuos fit 2 (Dm, f cc , Dd , Du ) D2 * (Dm, f cc , Dd , Du ) D2 0 (Dm, f cc , Dd , Du ) Dm 0.506 0.020 stat.) 0.016 (syst.)ps-1 eD2 = (2.48 0.210.07) (%) e 19.9 0.2 % fcc= 2.20.9(%) Event-by-event dilution Measurement of Bd mixing using opposite Side flavor tagging PRD 74, 112002 (2006) Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 19 01/29/2006 Individual Taggers performance D (%) eD2 (%) 6.61 0.12 0.473 0.027 1.48 0.17(stat) Electron 1.83 0.07 0.341 0.058 0.21 0.07 (stat) SV 2.77 0.08 0.424 0.048 0.50 0.11 (stat) Tagger e % Muon 2.19 0.22 (stat) Total OST 11.14 0.15 Note : To evaluate the individual tagger performance |dpr| > 0.3 This cut was not imposed for final combined tagger. Hence, final eD2 is higher. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 20 Flavor Tag at Tevatron For comparison of break up, older CDF tagger results quoted. Very recent numbers eD2 (OST) = 1.8% (With Neural network combination of taggers) For individual tagggers at D0, |d| > 0.3 (Overall is higher). CDF Tagger e % DØ D eD2 (%) e% D eD2 (%) SMT 4.8 0.36 0.54 6.6 0.47 1.48 SET 3.1 0.30 0.29 1.8 0.34 0.21 JVX 7.7 0.20 0.2 2.8 0.42 0.5 JJP 11.4 0.11 0.3 JPT 57.9 0.05 0.14 OST 85 SST 54 01/29/2006 1.500.06 28.3 19 2.480.22 4.000.10 T. Moulik, (hep-ex/0701022) , Proc. Beauty 2006 21 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron Bs Mixing 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 22 Selection – Semileptonic Mode B μ(e) X D-S n Decay Ns (CDF) Ns (D0) Ds (f) m n ~19K ~27 K Ds (f) e n ~11K ~ 10 K Ds (KK) m n ~14 ~ 13 K Ds (KK) e n ~ 8.2 K Ds (3) (m,e) n ~ 9.9 K Total ~ 62 K 01/29/2006 μ+/e+ B Bs0 0 s - φ K+ K- ~ 50 K Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 23 Bs Ds e ne X selection Using road electrons with pT > 2.0 GeV in central || < 1.1. Cuts on calorimeter quantities only: EMF > 0.7, 0.55 < E/P < 1.1 Using the inclusive muon triggered sample : Events already tagged. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 24 Selection – Hadronic Modes Decay Ns (CDF) DS(f) ~ 2.0 K Partially rec. ~ 3.1 K DS(K*K,3) ~ 2.1 K DS(K*K,f,3) 3 ~ 1.5 K Hadronic ~ 8.7 K 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 25 Detector Effects flavor tagging power, background mis-tag rate 40% 1 01/29/2006 Decay length resolution momentum resolution L) ~ 50 mm p)/p = 5% 2 2 ( Dms t ) SeD 2 e 2 S SB Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron SM prediction : Dms ~ 20 ps-1 Tosc~0.3 10-12 s 26 Expected p.d.f. Prob. for oscillated and non-oscillated events as a function of the decay time or distance (x) for signal : p snos (t ) p sosc (t ) Gt 0.5 1 D cos Δms t Gt 0.5 1 D cos Δms t Ge Ge p snos / osc ( x) 01/29/2006 K c Bs e Kx c Bs Taking into Missing energy Visible proper decay length (VPDL) Dilution from flavor tagging 0.5 1 D cos Δms Kx / c Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 27 Expected p.d.f Transition to measured VPDL (xM). For j’th mode : / osc M p nos ( x ) dK f j ( K ) j e j (xM ) Nj Integrate over K-factor distribution p snos / osc ( x) g ( x) Convolution with VPDL resolution There are contributions from other channels to same final state as well. Overall PDF is sum over all j’s taking into account relative contributions. . 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 28 Likelihood minimization for Dms 2 ln L Minimize L Pi p xM 1 fsig Pi,bg fsig Pi , sig candidates xM , x M , d pr p xM p d pr p M f p log10 y Proper Decay Length (pxM) , Decay Length Error (pxM), Dilution (pdpr), Mf Ds mass distribution (pMf), Signal Selection Variable (py) Signal PDF: / osc M nos / osc p nos ( x , , d ) dK f ( K ) e ( x ) p ( x, d pr , K ) g ( x) M j pr j j M s x Background PDF: Fractions estimated from lifetime fit. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 29 Reco. Efficiency vs Lifetime Efficiency after lifetime cuts Depends on the decay length of the Ds+m candidate. Other efficiencies included in sample composition estimation. Efficiency is ~ 90% for VPDL > 0.05 cm And > 25% for VPDL < 0.05 cm Below 0 cm, fake events increase the efficiency. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 30 Decay length Resolution Decay Length Error Tosc @ 19ps-1 ~ 0.01 cm 01/29/2006 Are errors estimated correctly? Use J/ψ→mm/ee sample. Get Pull distribution For correct errors ~ 1. Scale Factor : 1.0 for 67 %, 1.8 for 33% Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 31 Amplitude Scan Modify the equation and introduce an amplitude term p snos / osc ( x) K c Bs e Kx c Bs 0.5 1 D A cosΔms Kx / c Vary Dms and fit for A: A consistent with 0 no oscillation. A consistent with 1 and inconsistent with 0 oscillation. Range of dms for which amplitude is compatible with 0 and incompatible with 1 can be excluded. All values for which A+1.645 < 1 are excluded at 95% C.L. Sensitivity : 1.645 = 1 (Will see oscillations if Dms is below this value) 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 32 check Using BdXμD±(f), and sideband 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 33 Dms Scan (Signal region) A/A (19.0 ps-1) = 2.5 (from 0) A/A (19.0 ps-1) = 1.6 (from 0) 01/29/2006 Dlog L log Lmin – log L 17 < Dms < 21 ps-1 @ 90% CL assuming Gaussian errors Most probable value of Dms = 19 ps-1 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 34 Significance of the minimum Simulate Δms=∞ by randomizing the sign of flavor tagging Prob. to observe Δlog(L)>1.9 (as deep as ours) in the range 16 < Δms < 22 ps-1 is 3.8% 5% using lower edge of syst. error band Region below 16 ps-1 is experimentally excluded No sensitivity above 22 ps-1 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 35 CDF Scan A/A (17.75 ps-1) = 6.05 A (Dms = 17.75 ps-1) = 1.24 0.20 Dlog L log L(A=0) - log Lmin (A=1) log Lmin (A=1) = -17.26 What is the significance of the minimum ? 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 36 Likelihood Significance Perform 350 million experiments with randomized flavor tag. Only 28 trials with min(Dlog L) < -17.26, p-value = 8 x 10-8 > 5 Very small prob. For background fluctuation) (p-value = 5 x 10-7 ~ 5.0 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 37 Combination with other modes at D0 Bs Ds (f) e n X Sensitivity increase 14.1 16.5 ps-1 Amplitude peak however no longer significantly separated from 0 but is consistent with 1 @ 19 ps-1 01/29/2006 Bs Ds (KK) m n X Preferred value ~ 19 ps-1 But 8% expectation for background fluctuation (5% for published result) Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 38 T. Moulik, A. Nomerotski, FERMILAB-CONF-06-496-E (ICHEP 2006) Implications of current status Dms is standard model–like (upto present state-of-the art theory predictions) Dms (Not in CKM Fit) = 18.952..78 Testing New Physics in the Bs decays ? New Physics enters the function S0(xt) (Inami-Lim function) but theoretical uncertainties make testing difficut using the Dms measurement alone. Will need added experimental information from DGs and CP asymmetry in flavor specific decays afs (New measurements from DØ probing this) 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 39 Constraining the CKM Matrix Only Angles Combined Fit 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 40 Dms Future prospects at DØ Detector upgrades Addition of Layer 0 Better decay length resolution ~ 10-15% Improvement in rec. efficiency ~ 40% Analysis improvements Addition of Same side tagging ~ 20% improvment in eD2. Event-by-event scale factors ~ 8% improvement in sensitivity Finer binning in k-factors ~ 10% improvement in sensitivity 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 41 Sensitivity studies Using Analytical Expression 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 42 Conclusion 1 fb-1 data sample was used for the Bs oscillation studies at Tevatron. D0 : 90% C.L. interval for Δms: 17 – 21 ps-1 assuming Gaussian errors. Probabilty for fluctuation for higher Dms ~ 5%. CDF 5.4 result consistent with D0 result. Dms measured to be: 17.77 ± 0.10(stat) ± 0.07(sys) |Vtd|/|Vts| = 0.2060 ± 0.0007(exp) +0.0081 -0.0060 (theor) Improvements in the pipeline for D0 analysis. Layer 0 is installed and performing well. Dms provides strong constraint on the CKM triangle. Vtd Currently limited by theoretical errors. An independent measurement from DØ would be interesting in its own right. CP violation in B-sector will be measured precisely in the next few years. CKM matrix uptil now consistent with standard model predictions. Improvements in theoretical calculations will help to test the model further. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 43 BACK-UP SLIDES 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 44 B Mixing In general, probability for unmixed and mixed decays : Pu,m(B) Pu,m(B). In limit, G12 << M12 (DG << DM) (Standard model estimate and confirmed by data), e t / p( B B) (1 cos Dmt ) 2 e t / p( B B ) (1 cos Dmt ) 2 ~ 10 3 ~ 10-4 for Bs system ~ 10-3 for Bd system 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 45 DØ Detector Muon chambers m/e (identify muon) Bs K K Ds Silicon Microstrip Tracker (SMT) decay length resolution Fiber Tracker + SMT Track momentum resolution Calorimeter + preshower (indentify electron) 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 46 Bd mixing and Tagger Calibration Binned asymmetry fit : Bin D0 mass distribution in 7 Visible Proper decay length VPDL bins 2 (Dm, D ) i ( Ai Aie (Dm, D )) 2 Ai 2 ( Ai ) N OS N SS N OS N SS PDF for oscillated and non-oscillated events: ndosc,nonosc ( x) K 0.5 (1 Dd cos( Dmd Kx c)) e c d c Bd x M K K-factor : K Kx c d PTDm B PT Rec. efficiency ,nonosc M M osc, nonosc N (osc ( x ) dx ( x x ) e ( x ) dK D ( K ) ( x ) n ( x, K ) j j d ,u , s ), j (u , d , s ) VPDL resolution 01/29/2006 of jth channel Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron K-factor 47 Layer 0 Performance At p~ 1 GeV, 50 mm 25 mm ~ 10% improvement 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 48 Results ofKxthe Lifetime Fit p snos / osc ( x) K c Bs e c Bs 0.5 1 D cos Δms Kx / c Most important region Different background models are used for cross-check and systematic errors Trigger biases have been studied Central values for cτBs= 404 − 416 μm Statistical error ~10 μm HFAG value cτBs = 438 ± 12 μm 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 49 Sample Composition Estimate using MC simulation, PDG Br’s, Evtgen exclusive Br’s Signal: 85.6% 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 50 K-factors Use different K-factor distributions depending on the mass of μDs system for Ds and Ds* samples I 01/29/2006 II III IV Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 51 Mass PDF Contributions of background, D+, Ds+ and D+ reflections are taken into account. B+D+(X) f + BsDs+(X) f + Fit in the entire mass region from 1.72 to 2.22 GeV 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 52 Signal Selection Function Use variables that discriminate signal and background using Mf distribution sidebands and signal region. Form yi = fs/fbkg for ith variable. y is product over all yi’s. Use the signal selection function in the likelihood Use the full information to weight the events 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 53 Proper Decay Length & K-factor Proper Decay Length is determined from the Visible Proper Decay Length (x M) c B LBXY βγ B T LBXY MB PTB c Bs x M K K PTDsm PTBs K Factor takes into account the escaping neutrino and other missing particles Decay time resolution. t t 01/29/2006 L2 2 L K2 K2 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 54 Event reconstruction Look for muon pT > 2 GeV, p > 3 GeV. All charged particles clustered into jets. Events with more than one muon in same jet are rejected. J/Y mm events are rejected. Look for two tracks in same jet as muon. PT > 0.7 GeV, || < 2 Tracks are required to form a vertex with a fit 2 < 9. Displaced tracks Combined impact parameter significance [e T ( e T )]2 [e L ( e L )]2 2 Requirements on the D0 vertex Distance dTD, between primary and D vertex in axial plane > 4 (dTD) (dTD) < 500 mm. D0 pointing to primary vertex. cos(aTD) > 0.9 D0 and m vertexed to form a B candidate 2 < 9 2.3 < M (mD0) < 5.2 GeV Cuts on distance between primary and B vertex and pointing angle for B. 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 55 Sampling calorimters Sampling calorimeters ATLAS (Pb, LAr), D0 (U, LAr), CDF(Pb, Scintillator, Gas) Homogenous calorimeters Semiconductor calorimeters e.g. silicon or germanium Cherenkov calorimeters e.g. lead glass or water Scintillator calorimeters e.g. BGO, CsI, PbW04 Noble Liquid, e.g. Ar, Kr, Xe only (no absorber) 01/29/2006 Tania Moulik, Bs Mixing at Tevatron 56
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