PUBLIC DOCUMENT .... .... No. 43. NUMBER ASSESSED POLLS, REGISTERED VOTERS Persons who Voted State, City in Each Voting Peecinct and Town Elections, Together with the Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office in the Year 1905, with a Statement of Other Matters relating to elections. COMPILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH. BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Office Square. 1906. C0mm0ntotaltb of "^mBut^ixxuttB. Office of the Secretary, Boston, Jan. To the 31, 1906. Honorable Senate and the House of Bepresentatives. have the honor to submit herewith, in compliance with section 265, chapter 11 of the Revised Laws, a report of the number of I assessed polls, the number of registered male and female voters at the date of the last annual State election and city and tions, and the total number town of persons, both male and female, voted at each such election in elec- who each city and town, and in every voting precinct of the several cities and towns, together with the number of votes received by each candidate for a State office at the last annual State election, arranged by cities, towns and districts. Voting Machines. During the year the Board of Voting Machine Examiners has examined and approved the following machines One submitted by Gustaf Johnson of Rockport, ]Mass. The Triumph Voting Machine, submitted by the Triumph Voting Machine Company of Pittsfield, Mass. and a Voting Machine, submitted by the U. S. Standard Voting Machine Company of Rochester, N. Y. : — : ; Copies of the reports of the board of examiners, approving these machines, were sent by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to each city and town. Two used in of the Ward Triumph machines were purchased by 7, Pittsfield, at the city and the city election. Corrupt Practices. Under the provisions of chapter 11, Revised Laws, as amended by chapters 375 and 380, Acts of 1904, there were received from candidates for nomination a total of 497 returns, of which 26 were premature, 165 were late, 17 were irregular, and 21 were both late and irregular. The number of returns transmitted to the Attorney-General, as apparently in violation of law, was 229. 4 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. There were 358 returns of " No payments." There were received from candidates for election a total of 389 returns, of which 201 were late, 10 were irregular, and 34 both late and irregular. The number of returns transmitted to the Attorney-General, as apparently in violation of the law, was 245. There were 153 returns of " Xo payments." There were also received from treasurers of political committees 209 returns, and 74 certificates stating that the aggregate receipts and disbursements did not exceed twenty dollars. Eighty-eight of the returns and 19 of the certificates were transmitted to the Attorney-General, as required by law. Respectfully submitted, WM. M. OLIN, Secretary. 190(1.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Vote for Governor^ 1905.* NAME. Curtis Guild, Jr., of Boston, Charles VV. Bartlett of Boston, James F. Carey of Haverhill, Willard O. Wylie of Beverly, William H. Carroll of Boston, All others, .... Political Designation. Republican, Democratic, Socialist, Prohibition, Socialist Labor, Vote for Lieutenant Governor, 1905. NAME. 197,469 174,911 12,874 3,286 2,774 7 60.47 44.70 3.29 .84 .70 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Vote for Auditor, 1905. NAME. [Jan. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 1906.] 43. ^Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Yoted at Elections. Apparent inconsistencies part, as folio \vs : — The number of First, in the report may be accounted for, in assessed male polls includes aliens and who are not qualified to become registered voters. The number ot registered male voters includes persons exempt from taxation and therefore are not included in the other persons Second. who are number of assessed male polls. Many names of voters on the list at the State election by reason of change of residence, erased from the list of voters Third. are, at municipal elections. Dates of Elections. Toivn Elections, February, March or April. State Elections. Tuesday after the first Monday in November. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Tuesday next Newburyport, Newton, North Adams, Northampton, Quincy, Monday in December. 2d Tuesday in December. . Pittsfield, after 2d [Jan. 1906. 3d 1st . . 2d Salem, Soraerville, Tuesday next Springfield, Taunton, Waltham, Wobm-n, after 1st Monday in December. . 1st Tuesday in December. 2d . Worcester, Number of Polling Places, ToiDii elections: 303 towns, 1 1905. each; 18 towns divided into voting precincts, 54. State elections: 32 cities, 415; 57 264 towns, not divided 1,035, viz.: Boston, 198; towns, divided into voting precincts, 158 into voting precincts, City elections: 33 1 ; each. cities, 619. Town Ballot Act. The provisions of law by which ballots for town officers are pro- vided at the expense of the town have been accepted by 199 towns, wherein the method of nominating and electing town officers is similar to that for State officers. Precinct Voting in Towns at Annual The provisions Town Elections. of law relative to precinct voting in towns at annual town elections have been accepted by the following towns Abington, Gardner, Athol, Leicester, Saugus, Belmont, Methuen, Montague, Palmer, Peabody, Wakefield, Blackstone, Braintree, Framingham, Revere, Warren, West Springfield, Weymouth. : — NUMBER OF ASSESSED POLLS, REGISTERED VOTERS AND Persons who Voted in each Voting Precinct AT THE AND TOWN ELECTIONS THE YEAR 1905. STATE, CITY IN 10 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 11 Number of Assessed Polls, Rkgistered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections Continued. — 12 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. NuMBKR OF Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons Voted at Elections — Continued. rJan. who PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 13 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Continued. Voted at Elections — 14 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Pplls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 15 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 16 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 17 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 18 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 19 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at P^lections Continued. — 20 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan Number of Assessed PotLS, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections Contiuued. — 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 21 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 22 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Continued. Voted at Elections — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 23 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at PZlections — Continued. 24 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons Voted at Elections — Continued. [Jan. who 190().] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 25 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections Continued. — 26 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 27 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 28 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan, Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. 43. 29 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons avho Voted at Elections Coutinued. — 30 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 31 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections Continued. — 32 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Coutiuued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 48. 33 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 34 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. Number of Assessed 43. Polls, Registered Voters and Persons Voted at Elections — Continued. 35 who 36 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 37 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at P^lections — Continued. 38 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 39 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 40 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 41 Number of Assessed Polls, Registerf:i> Voters and Persons who Continued. Voted at Elections — 42 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number op Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 43 Number op Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at P^lections — Continued. 44 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 45 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Coutinued. 46 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 47 Number op Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 48 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Continued. 1900.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. 49 Number of Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections Coutiaued. — 50 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. 1906. Number ok Assessed Polls, Registered Voters and Persons who Voted at Elections — Concluded. RECAPITULATION. ISIUMBEE OF VOTES KECEIVED BY EACH Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State November ARRANGED BY CITIES, 7, Election, 1905. TOWNS, AND DISTRICTS. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. 11 [Jan. Ndmber of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905. County of Barnstable. Foe Goveenor. * S and towns. CITIES .. ^s 35 IS p o 11^ Barnstable, Bourne, Brewster, Chatham, . Dennis, Eastham, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, 14 123 68 7 39 102 74 23 40 58 . . . Orleans, Proviucetown, Sandwich, Truro, Wellfleet, Yarmoiitli, 434 191 93 175 261 36 392 213 43 95 248 141 80 82 192 235 87 22 38 42 . . 35 Totals, 2,676 County of Berkshire. Adams, 558 35 58 92 27 229 48 10 489 20 Alford, Becket, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, . Egremont, Florida, Great Barrlngton, Hancock, . Hinsdale, . Lenox, Monterey, New Ashford, New Marlborough, North adam.s, . . Peru, PiTTSKIELU, Richmond, Sandisfield, . Stockbridge, TvrinKham, Washington, West Stockbridge, Williamstown, W^lndsor, Totals, . 2 50 12 17 89 ,236 1,381 24 26 62 53 ,006 Savoy, Shellield, 105 79 293 84 35 509 46 97 92 333 150 52 1 10 2 7 47 Mount Washington, Otis, 13 91 1 5 121 50 357 210 . Lanesborough, Lee, 667 120 . . 6,386 18 2,191 46 23 44 31 101 131 25 22 89 242 16 51 51 1,58 169 43 24 84 449 58 378 174 7,549 3 2 21 1 13 9 4 1 21 2 1 190(3.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 48. Ill Ndmber of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Bristol. IV ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State P^lection, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Essex Concluded. — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate eor a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Hampden— Concluded. VI ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. County of Middlesex — Concluded. — 190(k] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. vu Number of Votes received m Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 —Continued. County of Norfolk — Concluded. Vlll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. County of Worcester. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. IX Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Aggregate of Votes. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [1906. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Barnstable. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XI Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of BristoL Fob Lieutenant Governor. i-k CITIES and towns. Xll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [1906. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. County of Essex — Concluded. — PUBLIC DOCUMENT — 190().] No. 43. xin Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Hampden — CoDcIuded. For Lieutenant Governor. CITIES si AND TOWNS. a4 a o £ HOLYOKE, Loiignieadow, . Ludlow, Monson, Montgomery, . . 109 4 3 9 . Palmer, 18 Rusaell, 1 Southwick, 1 Springfield, TolUiud, Wales, West . 1,960 282 75 163 374 26 449 53 82 3,997 1 2 4 12 5 10 9 1 3 102 65 42S 1,029 79 . Wilbraliam, Totals, 310 10,214 1 1,208 >>« a 2.832 11 . Spriiiiilield, Westfield, MAS 45 89 194 8 350 43 47 3,423 6 17 14 369 933 49 307 9,773 County of Hampshire. Amherst, . Belchertowii, . Cliesterfleld, Cummiugtoii, EastliamiHoii, Enfield, Goshen, Granby, . . . Greenwicli, Hadlev, Hatfield, . Huntington, Middlefleld, NORTHAMrrOX, Pelham, Plainfield, Prespott, . South Hadley, . Southaniptori, . Ware, Westliampton, Williamsburg, Wortliington, Totals, . . . 371 143 49 86 415 142 42 65 31 116 97 114 18 1,162 23 48 39 474 62 376 1 98 18 15 39 88 79 10 845 1 4 1 4 1 7 14 167 16 401 7 144 136 39 155 73 8 4,140 284 County of Middlesex. Acton, 165 50 12 18 285 15 13 188 2,403 XIV ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [1906. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State E^lection, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Middlesex — Concluded. County of Nantucket. 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. XV 43. NuMBEu OB' Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 ContiDued. — County of Norfolk — CoDcluded. For Lieutenant Governor. 3'3 CITIES and towns. K . - A . i-s-. <~ go's - a§ XVI ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [1906. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Worcester. 190(j.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 X\ a State Oefice — Continued. Aggregate of Votes. 1 -Will ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [190(5. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. County of Barnstable. HiOG.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XIX Number of Votes keceiv^ed by Each Candidate fou a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Coatinued. County of Bristol. XX ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [190(5. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Essex —Concluded. 11)0().] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XXI Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. County of Hampden — Concluded. — ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. xxu Number [1906. of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Middlesex — Concluded. County of Nantucket. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43, XXUl Number of Votes keceived uy PLach Candidate rou a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Norfolk — Concluded. XXIV ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [1906. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Worcester. 190(5.] PUBLIC DOCUMEMT — No. 43. XXV Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Conlinuod. Aggregate of Votes. XXVI ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 a State Office — Continued. County of Barnstable. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 48. XXVll Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Bristol. XXVlll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan NuMBEU OF Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State P^lection, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Essex — Concluded. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XXIX Number of Votes received by Each Candidate ior AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 County of Hampden — Concluded. a State Office 190(5.] — Continued. Foe TKEAsmiER and Receiver General. 5>« CITIES o a AND TOWNS. « t- JS - 1-1 o '3 O O'S o « ft (Ms *-" S a S o " << ITOLYOKE, Lonttineadow, 191 2 . Ludlow, 1 Men son, 11 Montgomery, . Palmer, 41 Russell, Soiitlnvick, 1 Spuingfiei.d, Tolland, 1,87.5 393 26 462 54 79 168 4,631 11 . . Wales, West Spring Held, Westflelil, / Wilbraliam, 66 473 S54 218 Totals, 3,104 87 178 36 79 310 46 .50 2,706 7 18 335 1,176 94 34 12,170 7,979 423 152 109 39 9 County of Hampshire. A mherst, Belcbertown, . . 51 Chesterfield, Cummington, EastlianijjtOD, EnQeld, Goshen, 88 466 142 39 60 34 119 107 114 . . . Granby, Greenwich, Hadley, . Hatfield, . Huntington, 21 1,175 Middletield, Northampton, Pelham, 10 229 10 1 18 12 33 85 75 9 6.57 South Hadley, Southampton, . 24 48 40 547 . 67 12 Ware, Westhampton, . 393 40 334 4 . 154 137 13 4,379 1,900 Plainfield, Prescott, . Williamsburg, Worthington, Totals, . J 87 3 2 5 94 XXX ASSESSED POLLS, ETC, [Jan. Number of Votes received by P^ach Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. County of Middlesex — Concluded. — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XXXI Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Norfolk — Concluded. XXXll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by P^ach Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. County of Worcester. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XXXlll Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State J:lection, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Aggregate of Votes. XXXIV ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Barnstable. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 1906.] XXXV 43. Number ok Votp:s received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of BristoL For Auditor. CITIES AND TOWNS. •as . t< 1-5 « o 9 H •CO® >^ A-cushnet, . Attlehoroiigli, Berkley, . . Dartmouth, Digliton, Fall River, Freetown, . Mansfield, . . New Bedford, North Attleborough, Norton, Raj'iiham, Seekonk, Somerset, Swansea, . . . . Taunton, Westport, Totals, 7 111 45 4 1 31 11 931 90 190 118 327 337 4,633 232 81 Fairliaven, Relioboth, 13 290 15 . Easton, . o o d ,666 13 4 28 5 263 5 14 173 2 4 363 250 3,783 2 7 2 5 1 506 149 112 93 62 145 143 102 3 18 ,922 140 •258 11 16 15 9 3 1 1 ,195 8 11 41 15 9 11 45 34 7,967 3 192 10 4 99 513 County of Dukes County. Chilmark, 117 2,346 112 14,668 XXXVl ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office ContiDuecl, AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 County of Essex — Concluded. — PUBLIC DOCUMENT 1906.] — No. XXXVll 43. Number of Votes receia^ed by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. County of Hampden — Concluded. — For Auditor. S3 2 S CITIES o AND TOWNS. a a. !- cs =3 Mo ^J § oil a Ph HOLYOKE, 2,612 Longmeaiiow, Ludlow, Monson, Montgomery, . 40 . 81 172 5 303 32 . Paliiier, Russell, Southwick, Tolland, Wales, 107 2,047 18 379 22 446 56 79 79 167 23 2 45 Sprixgfield, 015 2,764 . 1 4,393 10 68 26 45 1,115 6 . West Springfield, Westfield, . Wilbraliam, Totals, 16 317 809 37 8,426 g g^^ e4 4.59 89 302 1,101 10,930 County of Hampshire. Amherst, Belcbertown, Cummiugtou, Easthampton, Enfield, . . . . Goshen, Granby, Greenwich, Hadley, . Huntington, Middlefleld, Northampton, Pelham, . Plaiufield, Prescott, . South Hadley, Southampton, Ware, Westhampton, Williamsburg, W^orthington, Totals, 42 10 15 261 9 1 . Hatfield, 406 143 50 86 430 141 39 51 34 114 101 109 117 . Chesterfield, . . . . . 20 11 32 87 75 9 698 3 3 6 121 18 16 11 124 346 5 134 15 3 985 22 46 39 464 62 390 38 151 74 3,993 2,031 County of Middlesex. Acton, Arlington, Ashby, Ashland, Ayer, Bedford, Belmont, Billerica, . . . . Boxborough, Burlington, Cambridge, 65 342 13 79 123 23 138 122 14 20 5 19 3 3 3 4 5 4 1 240 828 68 160 213 1!4 361 303 35 62 5,612 121 5,462 XXXVlll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State P^lection, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Middlesex — Concluded. PUBLIC liJO().] DOCUMENT— No. XXXIX 43. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Offick AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 11)05 Contioued. County of Norfolk — Concluded. — For Auditor. =s cities 3 fe Qf^ and towns. Si 1^ C ^ >>2 III K Franklin, . Holbrook, . Milton, Needliani, . Noi'folk, . Norwood, . . 17 1,018 . . Millis, Plainville, QUINCY, Randolph, Sharon, Stoughton, Walpole, Wellesley, 4.59 1.5.5 91 489 47 138 33 223 94 28 3G4 Hyde Park, Med Held, Med way, 210 1,111 1.53 2 19 17 2 43 1 188 49 316 49 292 . 13.5 Westwood, Weymouth, Wrentham, 103 21 586 23 Totals, 6,296 6 71 22 12 8 123 4 258 . . Brockton, n Carver, Duxbury, . East Bridgewater, Halifax, Hanover, Hanson, Hingham, Hull, . . . . . Kingston, . Lakeville, . Marion, Marshlield, Mattapoisett, . . Rochester, Rockland, . Wareham, West Bridgewater Whitman, . Totals, 58 128 11 20 13 260 82 37 5 22 9 Middleborough, Norwell, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Scituate, 170 158 1,7,59 9 140 33 19 270 11 11 237 56 130 36 242 3,937 10 5 65 3 1 5 3 4 17 7 2 1 2 2 2 24 3 4 24 1 2 11 6 14 3 17 238 2,199 249 186 461 224 335 74 944 174 13,269 County of Plymoutli. Abington, Bridgewater, 238 125 584 322 69 462 165 7 xl ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number ok Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Worcester. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. xli Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Aggregate of Votes. xlii ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — County of Barnstable. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Bristol. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. xliv [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 County of Essex — Concluded. — Foe Attoeney-Gekeeal. , cities and towns. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. xlv NcMBER OF Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. County of Hampden — Concluded. — ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. xlvi Number [Jan. of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — AT THE County of Middlesex — Concluded. 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Number xlvii of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Norfolk — Concluded. xlviii ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — County of Worcester. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 190G.] 43. xlix Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Aggregate of Votes. For Attorney-General. <= o COUNTIES. d a" I'd.' .. 2 t-. — ai: O Barnstable, 122 20 615 2,602 74 Berkshire, 266 245 5,241 7,889 396 Bristol, S84 574 8,291 14,386 801 48 10 87 412 6 1,203 692 16,040 27,981 2,566 . Dukes, Essex, Franklin, 109 44 1,190 4,111 193 Hampden, 332 330 8,340 10,927 1,141 Hampshire, 188 94 1,937 4,181 270 Middlesex, 1,336 770 27,765 44,835 2,041 Nantucket, 96 6 95 296 Norfolk, 351 221 6,620 12,760 1,127 Plymouth, 345 219 4,185 8,654 2,362 Suffolk, 824 991 44,303 32,692 2,572 629 15,402 25,192 1,619 140,111 196,918 15,168 . Worcester, Totals, 6,879 1 ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. COUNCILLOR. — 1 t«H .• 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — COUNCILLOR. Hi ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. COUNCILLOR. — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. liii Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. COUNCILLOR. — liv ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received my Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. SENATORS. — — No. PUBLIC DOCUMENT 1906.] 43. Iv Number op Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — SENATORS. o V I* Second Bristol Dis- Second Bristol Dis- trict. trict—Con. i^ Dighton, . Fall River, Somerset, "^1 2 14 4,278 52 129 5,699 148 Swansea, . Totals, 43 i« a •^ =3 160 6,136 Ivi ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. SENATORS. — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Ivii Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. SENATORS. — Fifth Essex District. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Iviii [Jan. Number op Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. SENATORS. — Second Hampden District. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. lix Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — SENATORS. Ix ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 SENATORS. — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Ixl Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — SENATORS. « J, ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Ixii [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 SENATORS. — First Suffolk District. PUBLIC 1906.] DOCUMENT— No. 43. Ixiii Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — SENATORS. Sixth SuflFolk District. Ixiv ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. SENATORS. — 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Ixv Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — SENATORS. Ixvi ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Repj-esentatives in the General Court. Barnstable County. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 1906.] 48. Ixvii Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State P'.lection, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. Bepresentatives in the General Court — Continued. Berkshire County. >>-^ 6 ;«.2 Q g- |»^ First District. a < ^ 3 : a CO < 5.2 5;= -a 01 i?-5 = 6 o Clarksburg:, North Adams, Ward 1, . " " " " " 2 . .' 3', 4, . 5, . 6, . Totals, 10 108 6.5 48 46 72 31 37 51 1.^2 182 207 146 127 183 110 159 170 116 129 147 131 138 160 182 210 140 139 178 150 179 158 289 14G 1,1.33 925 1,138 1,280 133 Ixviii ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received bt Each Candidate for AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 a State Office — Continued. Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Berkshire County — Concluded. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 48. Ixix Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Bristol Court— Continued. County — Continued. Ixx ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the Oeneral Court Bristol — Continued. County — Continued. 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — Xo. 43. Ixxi Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. Representalivea in the Oerieral Court Bristol — Continued County — Concluded. Ixxii ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number op Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Essex County — Continued, 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. IXXlll Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Essex County — Continued. Seventh District. Ixxiv ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Sssex County — Continued. 190(5.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. Number of Votes received AT the Annual State ijv Each Candidate for a State Office Election, Nov. Bepresenlnlives in th>: Ixxv 4J 7, General Court 1905 — Conlioueil. — Contitmed. Essex County — CoQlinued. ASSESSED POLLS, Ixxvi P:TC. [ Jau Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives i?i Ihe Oeneral Court — Conliiiued. Essex County— Continued. Sixteenth District. lOOfi.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Ixxvii NuMBEK OF Votes ueceiveu by Each Candidate eok a State Oikice AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the Oeneral Court — Continued. Essex County — Concluded. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Ixxviii [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the Oaieral Court — Continued. Franklin County. Q s« First District — Con. First District. So Ashfleld, . Buckland, Charlemont, Colraii), Couway, Ilawley, . . . 2(i 71 110 .56 59 30 O S S - 116 ISO 76 107 89 26 03 cap. %. Heath, Monroe, o ». 22 . Rowe, Shelburue, Totals, .5 20 156 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — Xo. 43. Ixxix Number of Votks received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Represenlalives in the General Court — Continued. Franklin County — Concluded. Ixxx ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan NuMBKR OF Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Hampden County — Continued. 190(j.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Hampden County — Concluded. Seventh District. Ixxxii ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. Representatives in the General Court Hampshire County. — Continued. 190().] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. IXXXlll Ndmber of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court Middlesex County. First District. — Continued. Ixxxiv ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Middlesex County — Continued. 190(3.] PUBLIC I)0CUMP:NT — \o. 4:3. Ixxxv Number of Votes received Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. i-.y — Representatives iri the General Court — Continued. Middlesex County — Continued. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. Ixxxvi Jan Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the Qeiieral Court — Continued. Middlesex County — Continued. o £ Twelfth District. Medford,— AVard " 3, 6, . . 190().] PUBLIC D0CUMP:NT — No. 43. Ixxxvii Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Represent ativcsi in the General Coiirt — Continued. Middlesex County — Continued. Sixteenth District. Ixxxviii ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued, Middlesex County — Continued. 190().] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. Ixxxix Numbp:r of Votes received by P2ach Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Middlesex County — CoDUnued. Twenty-third District. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. xc [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 a State Office — Continued. Representatives m the Oetieral Court — Continued. Middlesex County — Continued. Twenty-sixth District. lOOC).] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. xci Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representative^^ in the General Court — Continued. Middlesex County — Concluded. XCll assessp:d polls, etc. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Canbidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Bepresefitatives in the General Court — Continued. Norfolk County —Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XCIU Number of Votes received ry Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Iiej)reseni(dives in the General Court. Norfolk County — Concluded. XCIV ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Plymouth County — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. xcv Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Continued. Bepresentatives in the Oeneral Court — Continued. Plymouth County — Concluded. Eighth District. XCVl ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court Suffolk County. — Continued. 1906.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XCVll Number op Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Cotirt — Continued. Suffolk County — Continued. Fourth District. XCVlll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Suffolk County — Continued. PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. XCIX Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 a State Office 1906.] — Continued. Representatives in the Oeneral Court — Continued. Suffolk County — Continued. Twelfth District. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received bt Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the General Court Suffolk Seventeenth District. — Continued. County — Continued. 190().] PUBLIC DOCUMENT— No. 43. ci Number of Votes received i$y Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Conlinued. — Representatives in the General Court Suffolk — Continued. County — Continued. Cll ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Bepresentatives in the General Court Suffolk County — — Continued. Continued. 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. cm Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Suffolk County — Concluded. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. CIV [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Worcester County — Continued. Second 190G.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. cv Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Worcester County — Continued. Sixth District. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. CVl [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Worcester County — Continued. _ ^ Tenth District. 190().] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. evil Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the General Court — Continued. Worcester County — Continued. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. CVIU [Jan. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office Continued. AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 — Representatives in the Oeneral Court — Concluded. Worcester County — Concluded, « Seventeenth District. Worcester, — Wai-d 3, " 3, " 3, " 3, Precinct 1, " 2, " 3, " 4, Totals, c 11106.] PUBLIC DOCUMENT — No. 43. cix Number of Votks received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT THE Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Continued. — Sherif. (To fill vacancy.) County of Berkshire. ASSESSED POLLS, ETC. ex [Jan. 1906. Number of Votes received by Each Candidate for a State Office AT the Annual State Election, Nov. 7, 1905 Concluded. — Register of Probate and Insolvency — Concluded. County of Middlesex — Concluded. Cities and Towns — Con.
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