PAPER SUBMISSION To submit a paper fill in this template and send it to [email protected] with the word “submission” in the subject of the email. The deadline for the submissions is the 15th of October 1. Title of Paper Group Decision Making with Uncertain Outcomes: Unpacking Child-Parent Choice of the High School Track 2. Author's Position Author’s Institutional Affiliation (include city/country) Author's email address Faculty Research Fellow University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, Survey Research Center [email protected] 3. Second Author’s Name (if any) Second Author's Position Second Author’s Institutional Affiliation (include city/country) Second Author’s email address 4. Additional Author(s)’ Name(s) in order of authorship (if any) Additional Author(s)’ Position(s) in order of authorship Additional Author(s)’ Institutional Affiliation (include city/country) Additional Author(s)’ email(s) in order of authorship 5. Presenter (Presenting Author) Pamela Giustinelli 6. a. b. Three (3) Keyword Descriptors MSC JEL Curriculum Choice, Child-Parent Decision Making, Uncertainty 7. a. THE ABSTRACT Introduction, Background, and Objectives b. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (if applicable) C25, C35, C50, C71, C81, C83, D19, D81, D84, I29, J24 This paper presents and estimates a simple behavioral model of child-parent choice of the high school track with subjective risk and heterogeneous family decision rules which addresses the following questions: (Q1) What are the most valued outcomes of curriculum choice among children's enjoyment, effort, and achievement in school, as well as their opportunities and choices after graduation? (Q2) To what extent do parental beliefs and utility values affect children's choice, conditional on a multilateral decision? (Q3) How does curriculum enrollment respond to hypothetical policy-induced changes of families' beliefs? Does accounting for heterogeneous family rules matter for prediction and counterfactual analysis? The paper uses a simple Bayesian framework of group decision making with uncertain outcomes featuring two c. Research Methods, Samples or Data Sources d. Method of Analysis e. Findings innovations. First, individual preferences of family members are represented by linear subjective expected utilities such that children and parents directly assess the likelihood of different outcomes conditional on each possible choice, and use their utilities of outcomes to make trade-offs among the latter in a compensatory fashion. Second, families are allowed to employ one of a small set of decision rules. Either family members make the choice interactively by aggregating their utilities and/or beliefs, or one of them makes a unilateral decision. Within this framework, the paper addresses the identification problem facing a researcher who observes a distribution of curriculum choices and tries to make inference on the underlying distributions of children’s and parents’ probabilities, utilities, and decision rules. It does so directly, by collecting new data on usually unobserved components of families' schooling decisions, and by using such data to separately identify and estimate parameters capturing how children and parents individually make trade-offs among outcomes (“utility weights") and parameters describing different types of childparent decision making (“decision weights"). Specifically, I designed a survey and collected the following data from a sample of approx. 1,000 families in Northern Italy: (D1) Children's and parents' probabilistic expectations before the final choice over several in-high school and post-graduation outcomes, elicited on a 0-100 scale; (D2) Children's and parents' self-reported rankings over curricula before the final choice, or stated preferences (SP); (D3) Families' actual choices, or revealed preferences (RP); (D4) Self-reported family decision rules among (R1) Unilateral decision by child, (R2) Choice by child after listening to the parent (child), and (R3) Child-parent joint decision; (D5) Orientation suggestions provided by junior high school teachers; (D6) Children's and families' background characteristics. Within an otherwise standard econometric model of static discrete choice, the paper bridges an emerging literature in economics employing right-hand-side probabilistic expectations in discrete choice models under uncertainty to identify utility parameters with a literature, originated in transportation engineering, that combines SP and RP data to identify utility parameters that RP data alone could not identify and/or to improve estimation efficiency. Both literatures, however, have focused on analysis of individual (as opposed to group or family) decision making, and, to the best of my knowledge, the SP-RP approach has been never employed for analysis of decision making under uncertainty. Child's taste for subjects is the most valued factor by both children and parents, and across family rules. Whereas importance of other in-high-school and post-diploma outcomes is heterogeneous across families (Q1). Parental beliefs affect curriculum choice differentially through different outcomes (Q2, R2). Estimates suggest a predominant influence of parental preferences in families making a joint decision, with decision weights of (1/3, 2/3) on child and parent expected utility (Q2, R3). Counterfactual analysis indicates that identity of recipients (children, parents, or both) matters for enrollment f. 8. Conclusions, Scholarly or Scientific Significance, and Implications References response, and underscores the importance of incorporating beliefs and decision rules in choice modeling and policy evaluation (Q3). While existence of the identification problem previously described has been long recognized in the literature, this paper makes the point that telling decision makers' beliefs, utilities, and rules apart is fundamental for policy analysis. 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